PF Outrounds Bracket and Overall Results
PF Outrounds Bracket and Overall Results
Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Elimination round results Triple-Octafinal round 1 UFla HC Ben Churba and Brian Herskowitz (Neg) def. 64 Falmou LS Sam Larson and Serene Singh (AFF) 3-0 33 Stuyve WW Andrew Wallace and Eamon Woods (Neg) def. 32 LakHig DS Phyllis Doremus and Anoosheh Shaikh (AFF) 2-1 49 Millbu BV Zachary Vinik and Dylan Boyd (AFF) def. 16 Summit WB Caroline Wohl and Jeff Berkowitz (Neg) 2-1 48 NewtnS KE Feli Kuperwasser and Bella Ehrlich (Neg) def. 17 Harker BR Sorjo Banerjee and Emaad Raghib (AFF) 2-1 8 Stuyve KU Ben Kessler and Jakob Urda (AFF) def. 57 HenHud MA Robert McIlrath and Jake Avellino (Neg) 3-0 40 HunCol PM Kaley Pillinger and Joshua Moriarty (AFF) def. 25 ChrCol AL Joseph Arocha and Noah Lopez (Neg) 3-0 9 RanEve ZM Ariela Zebede and Dave Mendelson (AFF) def. 56 RanEve GL Blake Goldman and Cali Lindsay (Neg) 1-0 41 BocRat GS Jacob Greene and Joshua Schulster (AFF) def. 24 Regis HS Jonathan Hall and Sean Singleton (Neg) 2-1 4 NorAll NA Siddarth Narayan and Apoorv Anand (AFF) def. 61 BrxSci CD Gabriel Delsol and Kyle Chong (Neg) 2-1 29 Whitmn KG Naba Khan and Julia Gilmore (AFF) def. 36 Whitmn AL Trevor Lystad and Rian Adamian (Neg) 1-0 13 ShaSid FT Shaan Fye and Anand Tayal (Neg) def. 52 Marist AT Sydney Apple and Liam Torpy (AFF) 2-1 45 NewtnS KS Ethan Kestenberg and Sachin Srivastava (Neg) def. 20 PinVie AS CHAD ANDERSON and Carlos Sanchez (AFF) 3-0 5 Hawken NW Aman Nair and Jack Weisman (Neg) def. 60 Chamin SC Peter Charalambous and Anthony Sikorski (AFF) 3-0 28 PinVie BS Aravind Byju and Sho Szczepaniuk (Neg) def. 37 ActBox LB Joonha Lee and Daniel Bamfo (AFF) 3-0 53 Randol LB Joshua Leopold and Gabrielle Borruso (AFF) def. 12 MiaBea LS Alexandra Lampner and Max Shevlin (Neg) 2-1 44 UOhio BA Aidan Brandt and Armin Ameri (AFF) def. 21 UFla GB Sarah Branse and Jonathan Goldberg (Neg) 2-1 2 Whitmn WW Nathan Witkin and Sam Wenger (AFF) def. 63 Marist MP Ryan McKenna and Jake Pigott (Neg) 3-0 34 Delbar BT Mark Bufanio and Harry Townsend (AFF) def. 31 PolPre AA David Almonte and Caspar Arbeeny (Neg) 2-1 50 Ridge SG Saloni Singhvi and Davis George (Neg) def. 15 Durham YD Eilene Yang and Loften Deprez (AFF) 2-1 18 Stuyve BZ Emma Bernstein and Saif Zihiri (AFF) def. 47 Millbu AB Alex Brod and Aidan Ahamparam (Neg) 3-0 7 NewtnS LC Jae Seung Lee and Zephy Chang (AFF) def. 58 Regis DP Colin Donnelly and Brendan Powell (Neg) 2-1 39 UOhio WT Ben Wesorick and Will Taber (AFF) def. 26 Regis CC Joseph Caparelli and Ryan Carragher (Neg) 2-1 10 UFla GR Rohan Rajan and Marc Geller (Neg) def. 55 Stuyve GV Zachary Ginsberg and Lorenz Vargas (AFF) 3-0 23 Prince PY Keshav Pothireddy and Tiffany Yuan (AFF) def. 42 Prince AM Gavin Alcott and Mitchell Mullen (Neg) 1-0 62 BrxSci CM Minnie Mangafas and Amanda Cort (Neg) def. 3 Whitmn AA William Arnesen and Samuel Arnesen (AFF) 2-1 30 Regis FT James Flatow and Daniel Tenreiro-Braschi (Neg) def. 35 MiaBea MS Belen Mella and Charles Starr (AFF) 3-0 14 WesOra CA Bianca Aldir and Morgan Chesnicka (Neg) def. 51 Shrews PM Nithya Pathalam and Nathaniel Mahowald (AFF) 3-0 19 Ridge OT Tim O'Shea and Oliver Tang (Neg) def. 46 Chamin DG Nicholas DiBartolo and Peter Gavaris (AFF) 3-0 6 Durham BS Lily Burdick and Reena Sudan (AFF) def. 59 OxbAca ST Jagger Stapp and William Turk (Neg) 3-0 27 Delbar YL Derrick Yao and Charlton Lu (Neg) def. 38 Penins KL Matthew Klinck and Hannah Lee (AFF) 3-0 11 Prince MO Pragya Malik and Sinan Ozbay (AFF) def. 54 NorAll CD Nikhil Cherukapalli and Marisa DelSignore (Neg) 2-1 22 UFla EL Emily Linares and Thomas Ebenger (Neg) def. 43 Penins GO Laura Griffin and Minji Oh (AFF) 2-1 Double-Octafinal round Stuyve WW Andrew Wallace and Eamon Woods (AFF) def. UFla HC Ben Churba and Brian Herskowitz (Neg) 2-1 Millbu BV Zachary Vinik and Dylan Boyd (AFF) def. NewtnS KE Feli Kuperwasser and Bella Ehrlich (Neg) 2-1 HunCol PM Kaley Pillinger and Joshua Moriarty (AFF) def. Stuyve KU Ben Kessler and Jakob Urda (Neg) 2-1 BocRat GS Jacob Greene and Joshua Schulster (AFF) def. RanEve ZM Ariela Zebede and Dave Mendelson (Neg) 3-0 NorAll NA Siddarth Narayan and Apoorv Anand (Neg) def. Whitmn KG Naba Khan and Julia Gilmore (AFF) 2-1 NewtnS KS Ethan Kestenberg and Sachin Srivastava (Neg) def. ShaSid FT Shaan Fye and Anand Tayal (AFF) 2-1 Hawken NW Aman Nair and Jack Weisman (AFF) def. PinVie BS Aravind Byju and Sho Szczepaniuk (Neg) 2-1 UOhio BA Aidan Brandt and Armin Ameri (AFF) def. Randol LB Joshua Leopold and Gabrielle Borruso (Neg) 3-0 Whitmn WW Nathan Witkin and Sam Wenger (AFF) def. Delbar BT Mark Bufanio and Harry Townsend (Neg) 2-1 Ridge SG Saloni Singhvi and Davis George (Neg) def. Stuyve BZ Emma Bernstein and Saif Zihiri (AFF) 3-0 NewtnS LC Jae Seung Lee and Zephy Chang (Neg) def. UOhio WT Ben Wesorick and Will Taber (AFF) 3-0 UFla GR Rohan Rajan and Marc Geller (AFF) def. Prince PY Keshav Pothireddy and Tiffany Yuan (Neg) 3-0 Regis FT James Flatow and Daniel Tenreiro-Braschi (Neg) def. BrxSci CM Minnie Mangafas and Amanda Cort (AFF) 3-0 Ridge OT Tim O'Shea and Oliver Tang (AFF) def. WesOra CA Bianca Aldir and Morgan Chesnicka (Neg) 3-0 Durham BS Lily Burdick and Reena Sudan (AFF) def. Delbar YL Derrick Yao and Charlton Lu (Neg) 3-0 Prince MO Pragya Malik and Sinan Ozbay (AFF) def. UFla EL Emily Linares and Thomas Ebenger (Neg) 3-0 Octafinal round Stuyve WW Andrew Wallace and Eamon Woods (Neg) def. Millbu BV Zachary Vinik and Dylan Boyd (AFF) 2-1 HunCol PM Kaley Pillinger and Joshua Moriarty (AFF) def. BocRat GS Jacob Greene and Joshua Schulster (Neg) 3-0 NewtnS KS Ethan Kestenberg and Sachin Srivastava (Neg) def. NorAll NA Siddarth Narayan and Apoorv Anand (AFF) 3-0 Hawken NW Aman Nair and Jack Weisman (Neg) def. UOhio BA Aidan Brandt and Armin Ameri (AFF) 2-1 Whitmn WW Nathan Witkin and Sam Wenger (AFF) def. Ridge SG Saloni Singhvi and Davis George (Neg) 2-1 NewtnS LC Jae Seung Lee and Zephy Chang (AFF) def. UFla GR Rohan Rajan and Marc Geller (Neg) 2-1 Regis FT James Flatow and Daniel Tenreiro-Braschi (Neg) def. Ridge OT Tim O'Shea and Oliver Tang (AFF) 2-1 Prince MO Pragya Malik and Sinan Ozbay (Neg) def. Durham BS Lily Burdick and Reena Sudan (AFF) 2-1 Quarterfinal round HunCol PM Kaley Pillinger and Joshua Moriarty (Neg) def. Stuyve WW Andrew Wallace and Eamon Woods (AFF) 3-0 Hawken NW Aman Nair and Jack Weisman (AFF) def. NewtnS KS Ethan Kestenberg and Sachin Srivastava (Neg) 2-1 NewtnS LC Jae Seung Lee and Zephy Chang (AFF) def. Whitmn WW Nathan Witkin and Sam Wenger (Neg) 2-1 Prince MO Pragya Malik and Sinan Ozbay (AFF) def. Regis FT James Flatow and Daniel Tenreiro-Braschi (Neg) 2-1 Semifinal round Hawken NW Aman Nair and Jack Weisman (Neg) def. HunCol PM Kaley Pillinger and Joshua Moriarty (AFF) 2-1 Prince MO Pragya Malik and Sinan Ozbay (Neg) def. NewtnS LC Jae Seung Lee and Zephy Chang (AFF) 2-1 Final round Hawken NW Aman Nair and Jack Weisman (AFF) def. Prince MO Pragya Malik and Sinan Ozbay (Neg) 3-2 Champion: Hawken NW Aman Nair and Jack Weisman This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitors in order Competitor UFla HC (University School (FL)) Ben Churba and Brian Herskowitz Whitmn WW (Walt Whitman) Nathan Witkin and Sam Wenger Whitmn AA (Walt Whitman) William Arnesen and Samuel Arnesen NorAll NA (North Allegheny Senior High School) Siddarth Narayan and Apoorv Anand Hawken NW (Hawken) Aman Nair and Jack Weisman Durham BS (Durham Academy) Lily Burdick and Reena Sudan NewtnS LC (Newton South) Jae Seung Lee and Zephy Chang Stuyve KU (Stuyvesant) Ben Kessler and Jakob Urda RanEve ZM (Ransom Everglades) Ariela Zebede and Dave Mendelson UFla GR (University School (FL)) Rohan Rajan and Marc Geller Prince MO (Princeton) Pragya Malik and Sinan Ozbay MiaBea LS (Miami Beach Senior High School) Alexandra Lampner and Max Shevlin ShaSid FT (Shady Side Academy) Shaan Fye and Anand Tayal WesOra CA (West Orange High School) Bianca Aldir and Morgan Chesnicka Durham YD (Durham Academy) Eilene Yang and Loften Deprez Summit WB (Summit) Caroline Wohl and Jeff Berkowitz Harker BR (The Harker School) Sorjo Banerjee and Emaad Raghib Stuyve BZ (Stuyvesant) Emma Bernstein and Saif Zihiri Ridge OT (Ridge) Tim O'Shea and Oliver Tang PinVie AS (Pine View School) CHAD ANDERSON and Carlos Sanchez Record Drop H/L Drop Opp. Points J Var Random Results 2 H/L Wins 6-0 234.00 116.50 19.00 349.50 0.85 68107 1st 6-0 233.50 117.00 24.00 351.00 1.22 17597 2nd 6-0 233.00 117.00 21.00 349.50 0.86 5671 3rd 6-0 230.50 115.00 22.00 342.50 0.94 79431 4th 6-0 228.00 114.00 22.00 340.00 0.76 47859 5th 5-1 234.00 116.00 25.00 350.00 1.10 49458 6th 5-1 233.00 117.00 23.00 346.00 0.68 13013 7th 5-1 231.80 116.30 25.20 346.80 0.91 28400 8th 5-1 229.50 114.50 17.00 345.50 0.84 85920 9th 5-1 229.00 114.50 22.00 344.00 0.95 30601 10th 5-1 229.00 114.00 23.00 341.00 0.77 78177 11th 5-1 229.00 114.00 20.00 343.00 0.52 32088 12th 5-1 229.00 113.00 16.00 344.00 0.83 1877 13th 5-1 228.40 114.40 16.80 344.40 0.54 14427 14th 5-1 228.30 114.30 19.20 340.80 1.04 40943 15th 5-1 228.20 114.20 21.60 343.20 0.77 43401 16th 5-1 227.50 114.00 25.00 342.50 0.63 84848 17th 5-1 227.50 113.00 25.00 339.50 0.68 72530 18th 5-1 227.30 112.80 24.00 342.30 0.74 97392 19th 5-1 225.50 112.50 26.00 339.50 0.51 53536 20th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. 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Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitors in order Competitor UFla GB (University School (FL)) Sarah Branse and Jonathan Goldberg UFla EL (University School (FL)) Emily Linares and Thomas Ebenger Prince PY (Princeton) Keshav Pothireddy and Tiffany Yuan Regis HS (Regis) Jonathan Hall and Sean Singleton ChrCol AL (Christopher Columbus) Joseph Arocha and Noah Lopez Regis CC (Regis) Joseph Caparelli and Ryan Carragher Delbar YL (Delbarton School) Derrick Yao and Charlton Lu PinVie BS (Pine View School) Aravind Byju and Sho Szczepaniuk Whitmn KG (Walt Whitman) Naba Khan and Julia Gilmore Regis FT (Regis) James Flatow and Daniel Tenreiro-Braschi PolPre AA (Poly Prep Country Day School) David Almonte and Caspar Arbeeny LakHig DS (Lake Highland) Phyllis Doremus and Anoosheh Shaikh Stuyve WW (Stuyvesant) Andrew Wallace and Eamon Woods Delbar BT (Delbarton School) Mark Bufanio and Harry Townsend MiaBea MS (Miami Beach Senior High School) Belen Mella and Charles Starr Whitmn AL (Walt Whitman) Trevor Lystad and Rian Adamian ActBox LB (Acton Boxborough Regional High School) Joonha Lee and Daniel Bamfo Penins KL (Peninsula High School) Matthew Klinck and Hannah Lee UOhio WT (University School (OH)) Ben Wesorick and Will Taber HunCol PM (Hunter College) Kaley Pillinger and Joshua Moriarty Record Drop H/L Drop Opp. Points J Var Random Results 2 H/L Wins 5-1 225.50 112.50 18.00 338.50 0.38 58746 21st 5-1 225.50 112.00 20.00 338.50 0.39 76490 22nd 5-1 225.00 112.50 21.00 333.00 0.07 32210 23rd 5-1 222.00 111.00 18.00 332.50 0.17 58152 24th 5-1 221.50 111.00 21.00 333.00 0.38 51125 25th 5-1 220.20 110.20 20.40 331.20 0.30 58239 26th 4-2 232.00 116.00 17.00 347.00 0.53 98303 27th 4-2 231.00 116.50 19.00 346.00 0.93 7435 28th 4-2 231.00 116.00 20.00 345.00 0.51 83028 29th 4-2 230.00 115.00 19.00 343.50 0.79 57388 30th 4-2 229.50 115.00 19.00 341.50 0.92 32458 31st 4-2 229.50 114.50 21.00 341.50 0.62 78145 32nd 4-2 229.00 114.00 18.00 344.50 0.82 8144 33rd 4-2 228.50 114.00 18.00 340.50 0.72 68875 34th 4-2 228.00 114.00 22.00 342.00 0.72 30882 35th 4-2 227.60 113.60 18.00 339.60 0.40 48768 36th 4-2 227.00 114.00 23.00 335.00 0.36 47611 37th 4-2 227.00 114.00 15.00 341.00 0.58 49028 38th 4-2 227.00 113.50 22.00 341.50 0.46 74936 39th 4-2 227.00 113.50 17.00 339.50 0.72 22801 40th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitors in order Competitor BocRat GS (Boca Raton Community High School) Jacob Greene and Joshua Schulster Prince AM (Princeton) Gavin Alcott and Mitchell Mullen Penins GO (Peninsula High School) Laura Griffin and Minji Oh UOhio BA (University School (OH)) Aidan Brandt and Armin Ameri NewtnS KS (Newton South) Ethan Kestenberg and Sachin Srivastava Chamin DG (Chaminade) Nicholas DiBartolo and Peter Gavaris Millbu AB (Millburn) Alex Brod and Aidan Ahamparam NewtnS KE (Newton South) Feli Kuperwasser and Bella Ehrlich Millbu BV (Millburn) Zachary Vinik and Dylan Boyd Ridge SG (Ridge) Saloni Singhvi and Davis George Shrews PM (Shrewsbury) Nithya Pathalam and Nathaniel Mahowald Marist AT (Marist School) Sydney Apple and Liam Torpy Randol LB (Randolph) Joshua Leopold and Gabrielle Borruso NorAll CD (North Allegheny Senior High School) Nikhil Cherukapalli and Marisa DelSignore Stuyve GV (Stuyvesant) Zachary Ginsberg and Lorenz Vargas RanEve GL (Ransom Everglades) Blake Goldman and Cali Lindsay HenHud MA (Hendrick Hudson) Robert McIlrath and Jake Avellino Regis DP (Regis) Colin Donnelly and Brendan Powell OxbAca ST (Oxbridge Academy of the Palm Beaches) Jagger Stapp and William Turk Chamin SC (Chaminade) Peter Charalambous and Anthony Sikorski Record Drop H/L Drop Opp. Points J Var Random Results 2 H/L Wins 4-2 226.60 113.10 25.20 339.60 0.70 68871 41st 4-2 226.50 114.00 22.00 337.50 0.66 11942 42nd 4-2 226.50 113.50 19.00 339.00 -0.12 49484 43rd 4-2 226.50 113.50 19.00 338.50 0.65 26001 44th 4-2 226.00 114.00 22.00 335.00 0.49 24429 45th 4-2 226.00 112.00 20.00 341.00 0.57 30807 46th 4-2 225.80 112.80 21.60 337.80 0.23 35350 47th 4-2 225.50 112.50 21.00 338.50 0.54 29714 48th 4-2 225.50 112.50 20.00 334.00 0.19 79155 49th 4-2 225.50 112.50 19.00 340.00 0.54 52707 50th 4-2 225.00 114.00 18.00 333.50 0.14 75127 51st 4-2 225.00 113.00 23.00 337.00 0.20 64871 52nd 4-2 225.00 112.50 18.00 333.50 0.53 50076 53rd 4-2 225.00 112.00 23.00 338.50 0.08 83281 54th 4-2 224.50 112.50 23.00 335.50 0.88 15151 55th 4-2 224.50 112.50 18.00 334.50 0.20 31861 56th 4-2 224.50 112.50 17.00 338.50 0.64 73338 57th 4-2 224.50 112.00 23.00 334.50 0.04 75481 58th 4-2 224.00 112.00 21.00 335.50 0.41 4798 59th 4-2 224.00 112.00 16.00 334.50 0.76 98267 60th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitors in order Competitor BrxSci CD (Bronx Science) Gabriel Delsol and Kyle Chong BrxSci CM (Bronx Science) Minnie Mangafas and Amanda Cort Marist MP (Marist School) Ryan McKenna and Jake Pigott Falmou LS (Falmouth) Sam Larson and Serene Singh LincSu SK (Lincoln-Sudbury) Natasha Kadlec and Rohan Shankar NewtnS SU (Newton South) Ben Shteinfeld and Ayush Upneja LincSu EP (Lincoln-Sudbury) Katie Pinto and Aaron Epstein Marist MT (Marist School) Ananya Malhotra and Lauren Tolbert PolPre BG (Poly Prep Country Day School) Michael Bogdanos and John Goulandris Syosse BP (Syosset) Sanoja Bhaumik and Jacklyn Pi Regis BR (Regis) Robert Borek and Joseph Ryan Ridge GZ (Ridge) Rajan Gupta and Feliz Zheng Stuyve EK (Stuyvesant) Jonathan Evans and George Kitsios HorMan DP (Horace Mann) Philip Deutsch and Stephen Phillips Montvi TP (Montville) John Taltavall and Vatsal Patel PolPre HE (Poly Prep Country Day School) Harrison Hurt and Eitan Ezra FaiPre IF (Fairmont Prep) Meeran Ismail and Nicholas Flores Hackle FB (Hackley School) Karina Franke and Matthew Bonanno PinVie FF (Pine View School) Andrew Fetigan and Justin Frow Millbu WY (Millburn) David Yaffe and James Whitty Record Drop H/L Drop 2 H/L Opp. Points J Var Wins Random Results 4-2 224.00 111.00 19.00 337.00 0.77 849 61st 4-2 223.90 112.00 22.80 335.40 0.04 79829 62nd 4-2 223.50 112.50 22.00 335.50 0.55 22356 63rd 4-2 223.50 111.50 17.00 334.00 0.54 87985 64th 4-2 223.00 112.50 21.00 334.00 0.49 50972 65th 4-2 223.00 111.00 17.00 337.00 0.21 23342 66th 4-2 222.50 112.00 18.00 332.50 0.44 10808 67th 4-2 222.50 111.00 22.00 333.00 -0.01 63686 68th 4-2 222.50 110.50 23.00 332.50 0.17 30777 69th 4-2 222.00 111.00 16.80 330.00 -0.18 40900 70th 4-2 222.00 110.00 21.00 335.00 0.60 99109 71st 4-2 221.50 111.00 21.00 330.50 -0.02 52266 72nd 4-2 221.50 110.50 22.00 331.50 -0.13 21787 73rd 4-2 221.00 110.00 22.00 331.00 0.38 59580 74th 4-2 220.50 110.00 22.00 332.50 -0.07 77929 75th 4-2 220.50 110.00 16.00 329.50 0.57 67311 76th 4-2 220.00 110.00 18.00 329.00 0.16 47369 77th 4-2 219.50 108.50 24.00 327.00 -0.42 60605 78th 3-3 228.00 114.00 22.00 341.00 0.62 33925 79th 3-3 227.40 113.40 25.20 341.40 0.62 32494 80th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. 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Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitors in order Competitor Maspet NP (Maspeth High School) Horia Negru and Jordy Portugal Maspet GR (Maspeth High School) Andy Gonzalez and Javier Ruiz LakHig BS (Lake Highland) Arvind Bharathidasan and Ishan Sharma UOhio DW (University School (OH)) Dunadel Daryoush and Carter Weinberg FaiPre PK (Fairmont Prep) Nicholas Palmer and Austin Kim HorMan HM (Horace Mann) John Hunt and Tom Moriarty HunCol MM (Hunter College) Lizzie McCord and David Maluf BrxSci FY (Bronx Science) Claudia Franke and Victor Yeung NewtnS PS (Newton South) Veronica Podolny and Rebecca Shaar Penins AP (Peninsula High School) Saahil Anand and Valeria Park Randol GS (Randolph) Kane Gui and Max Sidebotham ManEss MH (Manchester Essex) Parker Malarkey and John Haynie HorMan GO (Horace Mann) Ethan Gelfer and Adam Oppenheimer NorAll WH (North Allegheny Senior High School) Christina Wang and Emily He Ridge JZ (Ridge) Jonathan Jen and Ben Zhao Summit MK (Summit) Ethan Mandelbaum and Dan Kaper Shrews MM (Shrewsbury) Lindsay Mahowald and Seth Mahowald LakHig LN (Lake Highland) Ian Levine and Sammy Nagabhairu Durham WB (Durham Academy) Caroline Wechsler and Collin Brown LakHig OR (Lake Highland) Jonathon Ou and Warner Ransone Record Drop H/L Drop Opp. Points J Var Random Results 2 H/L Wins 3-3 227.00 113.50 18.00 342.00 0.33 90046 81st 3-3 226.20 113.20 20.40 334.20 -0.02 76765 82nd 3-3 226.00 113.50 19.00 338.00 0.47 35812 83rd 3-3 226.00 113.00 19.00 335.50 0.53 90323 84th 3-3 226.00 112.50 18.00 340.00 0.45 33730 85th 3-3 226.00 112.50 13.00 339.00 0.17 76976 86th 3-3 225.50 113.50 16.00 335.00 0.31 71173 87th 3-3 225.50 113.00 18.00 337.00 -0.07 30519 88th 3-3 225.50 112.50 15.00 337.00 0.19 35099 89th 3-3 225.50 112.50 14.00 336.50 0.38 63276 90th 3-3 225.50 112.00 20.00 339.00 -0.11 61305 91st 3-3 225.00 113.00 17.00 337.00 -0.26 12905 92nd 3-3 225.00 112.50 23.00 338.00 0.28 78329 93rd 3-3 225.00 112.00 15.00 337.00 0.10 42099 94th 3-3 224.90 112.50 24.00 335.40 0.29 70273 95th 3-3 224.40 112.00 20.40 338.40 0.11 5755 96th 3-3 224.00 112.00 23.00 335.50 0.08 57062 97th 3-3 224.00 112.00 20.00 335.50 0.45 54239 98th 3-3 224.00 112.00 19.00 335.00 0.26 12295 99th 3-3 223.50 112.00 18.00 330.00 0.02 78840 100th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitors in order Competitor Regis BB (Regis) Brandon Baldovin and Liam Brozen Durham LP (Durham Academy) Michael Li and Rohan Patel NewtnN DZ (Newton North) Edward Ding and Lucy Zheng Summit PH (Summit) Jai Padalkar and Doug Huneke Syosse BS (Syosset) Jason Beck and Niv Skidan Montvi TG (Montville) Sean Taltavall and Carly Goldsmith Hawken LE (Hawken) Ammar Lone and Ozan Ergungor Prince KH (Princeton) Taran Krishnan and Justin Ho Centen MG (Centennial) Polly Moser and Katie Gao TriPre PJ (Trinity Prep) Melissa Pregasen and Lia Jueng Millbu EL (Millburn) Andrew Lama and Sam Eglow TimCre RZ (Timber Creek) Leyla Rehm and Selena Zhoa TimCre LV (Timber Creek) Colin Larsen and Nathan Vidal BrxSci HA (Bronx Science) Jordan Howard-Jennings and Arsalaan Ansari Byram JA (Byram Hills) Brandon Jones and Will Amorosana Millbu KG (Millburn) Anne Kramer and Daniel Gold Lex KB (Lexington High School) Arjun Khandelwal and Tolga Bozkaya Summit MS (Summit) Jake McGrath and Megan Shaw Chamin OW (Chaminade) Robert Wines and Brendan Owens HorMan SS (Horace Mann) Ellis Soodak and Brett Silverstein Record Drop H/L Drop 2 H/L Opp. Wins Points J Var Random Results 3-3 223.00 112.00 21.00 333.00 -0.15 13371 101st 3-3 223.00 112.00 19.00 332.00 0.07 66824 102nd 3-3 223.00 111.50 13.00 337.00 0.19 93114 103rd 3-3 222.50 112.00 19.00 333.50 0.15 46849 104th 3-3 222.50 111.00 17.00 331.50 0.07 55296 105th 3-3 222.00 111.50 21.00 330.50 -0.50 39263 106th 3-3 222.00 111.00 17.00 335.50 0.20 23158 107th 3-3 222.00 111.00 16.00 331.50 -0.08 47085 108th 3-3 221.76 110.76 18.00 332.26 0.05 55610 109th 3-3 221.60 110.60 16.80 330.60 -0.67 98752 110th 3-3 221.50 110.50 19.00 327.50 -0.18 85981 111th 3-3 221.50 110.50 17.00 331.50 -0.24 2175 112th 3-3 221.00 111.00 20.00 331.00 0.20 90855 113th 3-3 221.00 111.00 17.00 333.00 -0.12 50970 114th 3-3 221.00 110.00 14.00 332.50 0.16 94535 115th 3-3 220.50 111.50 22.00 327.00 -0.16 68481 116th 3-3 220.50 110.00 21.00 331.50 0.35 99050 117th 3-3 220.50 110.00 14.00 334.50 -0.01 12638 118th 3-3 220.50 109.50 19.00 333.00 -0.03 14997 119th 3-3 220.30 110.30 18.00 328.80 0.20 59599 120th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitors in order Competitor JamMad KS (James Madison Memorial) Alekh Kale and Sullivan Sweet FreTow EO (Freehold Township) Tierney Egan and Sage O'Toole TriPre RS (Trinity Prep) Arjun Rao and Jasmine Sinanan-Singh BrxSci BG (Bronx Science) Eli Guenzburger and Alec Bardey NorAll XC (North Allegheny Senior High School) Elaine Xu and Julie Chen Syosse MW (Syosset) Ridoy Majumdar and Daniel Weinberg PinVie SB (Pine View School) Katherine Salvatori and Natalia Brokate Chamin KS (Chaminade) Nicholas Schleith and Christian Krug BrxSci BZ (Bronx Science) Joshua Zakharov and Isaac Bardin TimCre VM (Timber Creek) Ankit Vishnubhotla and Matthew Morrow WesOra CC (West Orange High School) Andrea Carrasquero and Hannah Costin Summit GP (Summit) Christina Guo and Alina Patrick Medina AD (Medina High School) Tony Albery and Jess Dutko Ridge MJ (Ridge) Brian McCormick and Alicia Jen ScsDle KS (Scarsdale) Sabeen Khan and Anil Sindhwani HorMan RG (Horace Mann) Aditya Ram and Julian Goldberg LincSu GS (Lincoln-Sudbury) Alex Ghorishi and Sandeep Shankar Byram FW (Byram Hills) Zach Frieden and Nathan Weinhoff NewtnS SG (Newton South) Ben Silvian and Daniel Goldstein FaiPre CB (Fairmont Prep) Jessica Chung and Kayla Bach Record Drop H/L Drop Opp. Points J Var Random Results 2 H/L Wins 3-3 220.00 111.00 23.00 328.00 0.31 59523 121st 3-3 220.00 111.00 20.00 329.00 -0.21 97809 122nd 3-3 220.00 109.50 23.00 332.50 0.43 85449 123rd 3-3 220.00 109.00 20.00 331.00 0.30 63707 124th 3-3 219.50 110.00 15.00 329.50 -0.29 23126 125th 3-3 219.40 109.40 21.60 326.40 -0.34 64066 126th 3-3 219.00 110.00 21.00 330.00 -0.04 48545 127th 3-3 219.00 110.00 16.00 328.00 -0.62 48635 128th 3-3 219.00 109.00 19.00 327.00 0.23 10969 129th 3-3 219.00 109.00 14.00 325.00 -0.41 10764 130th 3-3 218.70 109.20 19.20 328.20 -0.62 41805 131st 3-3 218.00 110.00 19.00 323.00 -0.28 1269 132nd 3-3 218.00 109.00 20.00 328.00 -0.20 3174 133rd 3-3 217.50 108.00 18.00 329.50 0.14 5150 134th 3-3 217.00 111.00 10.00 274.00 -0.66 19690 135th 3-3 217.00 109.00 18.00 326.00 -0.05 87899 136th 3-3 217.00 109.00 14.00 326.00 -0.23 71039 137th 3-3 217.00 107.50 17.00 324.00 -0.62 96729 138th 3-3 216.00 108.00 16.00 324.00 -0.08 93013 139th 3-3 215.50 107.50 23.00 327.50 77394 140th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. 0.10 Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitors in order Competitor LakMar LW (Lake Mary Prep) Moson Lin and Andrew Welton Harker LM (The Harker School) Alexander Lam and Aumesh Misra Millbu LJ (Millburn) Bryant Le and Austin Jia MarRid KR (Marriotts Ridge High School) Divya Kapoor and Manaahil Rao Medina MM (Medina High School) T.J. Milam and Jimmy Marco LincSu LB (Lincoln-Sudbury) Brian Bakerman and Eugene Lee TriPre FD (Trinity Prep) Yair Fraifeld and David Dunleavy HorMan CM (Horace Mann) Andrew Cogut and Natashi Moolji Syosse MN (Syosset) Zubair Merchant and Abrar Nadroo LincSu YL (Lincoln-Sudbury) Justin Liu and William Ye Hawken SM (Hawken) James Swingos and Devesh Modi Medina HP (Medina High School) Alyssa Hulthen and Katherine Phillips Montvi TV (Montville) Daniel Toren and Ares Vlahos Falmou RC (Falmouth) Max Reed and Grace Connolly Maspet TZ (Maspeth High School) Valerie Tanzil and Aleksandra Zuraw Lex FL (Lexington High School) Matthew Foutter and Peter Lawrence ManEss DH (Manchester Essex) Charles Davis and Oscar Heanue Byram MR (Byram Hills) Philip Maniscalco and Evan Rosenbaum ChrCol AG (Christopher Columbus) Joseph Alvarez and Kevin Garcia-Cartaya Penins LL (Peninsula High School) Sonali Loomba and Janice Lee Record Drop H/L Drop 2 H/L Opp. Wins Points J Var Random Results 3-3 214.20 107.70 18.00 322.20 -0.35 35709 141st 2-4 227.00 113.00 18.00 339.50 0.51 25229 142nd 2-4 226.50 114.00 13.00 339.50 0.79 71419 143rd 2-4 225.50 113.00 20.00 331.50 0.05 226 144th 2-4 224.50 112.00 19.00 335.50 0.05 45657 145th 2-4 224.00 112.50 18.00 337.00 -0.13 24514 146th 2-4 222.50 111.00 16.00 334.50 0.13 83554 147th 2-4 222.50 110.50 14.00 336.50 0.09 95789 148th 2-4 221.00 110.00 23.00 330.50 -0.05 96013 149th 2-4 221.00 110.00 16.00 331.00 -0.33 2713 150th 2-4 220.50 111.50 14.00 328.50 0.12 50047 151st 2-4 220.00 109.50 17.00 331.00 -0.29 22476 152nd 2-4 219.50 109.50 19.00 329.50 -0.12 51530 153rd 2-4 219.50 109.50 14.00 328.50 -0.88 25769 154th 2-4 219.50 109.00 13.00 328.50 -0.12 76863 155th 2-4 219.00 110.00 19.00 323.50 -0.28 81154 156th 2-4 219.00 110.00 18.00 331.00 -0.02 58171 157th 2-4 219.00 110.00 15.00 327.00 -0.61 80245 158th 2-4 218.50 109.50 17.00 327.50 -0.78 51660 159th 2-4 218.50 109.00 18.00 327.00 -0.35 29335 160th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitors in order Competitor Penins FQ (Peninsula High School) Evan Falstrup and Leonard Qian LincSu WP (Lincoln-Sudbury) Jacob Weinstein and Caitlyn Phung ActBox CS (Acton Boxborough Regional High School) David Chen and Srinivas Setty St.Tho MH (St. Thomas Aquinas) Guillermo Martinez and Catherine Huntley Delbar AE (Delbarton School) Jai Amin and Alexander Eichler Delbar EG (Delbarton School) Arul Elango and Christopher Gustafsson Whitmn MM (Walt Whitman) Josh Millin and Anna McGuire Philli MR (Phillipsburg) Megan McCormick and Aditya Rao Hawken HD (Hawken) Josef Horvvath and Kareem Danan Whitmn DK (Walt Whitman) Tessa Klein and Carmyn Dahl Needha AO (Needham) Tolu Ajayi and Amirah Orozco ActBox GC (Acton Boxborough Regional High School) Jesse Gan and Varan Culanathan E.L. WR (E. L. Meyers) Emily Welles and Cody Robinholt ShaSid KJ (Shady Side Academy) Chirag Kulkarni and Armaan Jethmalani ManEss MS (Manchester Essex) Julia Mitrano and Avery Shaw Lex CM (Lexington High School) Erica Cagliero and Andrea Michaelson Chamin EM (Chaminade) Andrew Emerson and Anthony Miraglia ManEss SS (Manchester Essex) Emmett Strack and Connor Senay Harker SK (The Harker School) Samali Sahoo and Sarisha Kurup Millbu WW (Millburn) Arik Wolk and Kyla Wolf Record Drop H/L Drop Opp. Points J Var Random Results 2 H/L Wins 2-4 218.30 109.30 16.80 325.80 -0.44 77322 161st 2-4 218.20 109.20 18.00 325.20 -0.38 16167 162nd 2-4 218.00 108.50 20.00 326.50 -0.22 61140 163rd 2-4 217.00 108.00 19.00 326.00 -0.25 38977 164th 2-4 217.00 108.00 18.00 326.00 -0.03 35491 165th 2-4 217.00 108.00 13.00 323.00 -0.13 44272 166th 2-4 216.00 109.00 19.00 323.50 -0.32 80030 167th 2-4 216.00 108.50 19.20 324.00 -0.71 24286 168th 2-4 216.00 107.50 15.00 323.50 -0.43 34535 169th 2-4 215.50 108.00 17.00 321.00 -0.66 80337 170th 2-4 215.01 108.01 16.25 270.01 -1.13 74779 171st 2-4 214.80 107.80 15.60 319.80 -0.83 71337 172nd 2-4 214.50 107.50 12.00 317.50 -1.03 81913 173rd 2-4 214.50 107.00 12.00 321.50 -0.59 25403 174th 2-4 214.20 107.20 20.40 319.20 -0.96 61539 175th 2-4 214.00 108.00 15.00 320.00 -0.83 22706 176th 2-4 214.00 107.00 15.00 319.00 -0.81 66363 177th 2-4 213.50 107.00 19.00 318.50 -1.00 71171 178th 2-4 213.00 107.00 20.00 323.00 -0.54 88743 179th 2-4 213.00 107.00 15.00 318.00 -0.64 43378 180th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitors in order Competitor Hackle FS (Hackley School) Owen Friesen and Neil Suri HunCol DP (Hunter College) Ashmita Das and Avery Pong NorAll PA (North Allegheny Senior High School) Anrey Peng and Anmol Anand Hackle WT (Hackley School) Connor Wilke and Seth Tilliss ShaSid PP (Shady Side Academy) Arya Prasad and Anya Prasad Schrei SG (Schreiber) Akari Shimura and Jake Grossman HenHud BA (Hendrick Hudson) Kara Burke and Eli Avellino Pennsb BS (Pennsbury) Cliff Bakalian and Ahaj Shroff TriPre AM (Trinity Prep) Ryeesa Amin and Jyoti Moorjani ScsDle LG (Scarsdale) Haven Learner and Rishab Gupta Delbar GR (Delbarton School) Christopher De Grandpre and Shan Rizwan Medina FM (Medina High School) Ben Ferling and Veronica Marco TriPre RM (Trinity Prep) Nikhil Rajupatti and Jack Meeks Bangor NS (Bangor) Kathyrn Nagle and Andy Sandweiss Montvi NB (Montville) David Natanov and Alex Benno ShaSid WJ (Shady Side Academy) Emily Winterhalter and Alexa Jochims Harker CH (The Harker School) Eesha Chona and Joyce Huang Randol FR (Randolph) Gerard Ferrante and Raghava Ravi Roslyn SF (Roslyn) Ryan Simon and Benjamin Faber Shrews RP (Shrewsbury) Jack Rischitelli and Jenna Parks Record Drop H/L Drop Opp. Points J Var Random Results 2 H/L Wins 2-4 213.00 107.00 12.00 316.00 -0.85 31635 181st 2-4 213.00 106.00 20.00 321.50 -0.12 24202 182nd 2-4 213.00 106.00 16.00 319.00 -0.28 36039 183rd 2-4 212.00 105.00 10.00 319.00 -1.12 99682 184th 2-4 211.00 109.00 15.00 313.00 -1.21 81310 185th 2-4 210.80 104.80 13.20 316.80 -0.81 82506 186th 2-4 209.00 105.50 17.00 314.00 -0.60 72586 187th 2-4 209.00 105.00 14.00 313.00 -0.96 52809 188th 2-4 208.00 104.00 21.00 312.00 -1.07 66899 189th 2-3 156.00 13.00 212.00 -1.08 54639 190th 1-5 220.50 110.50 18.00 326.50 -0.39 55739 191st 1-5 216.50 108.50 12.00 324.50 -0.97 14321 192nd 1-5 216.50 108.00 17.00 324.00 -0.66 94127 193rd 1-5 216.00 108.00 15.00 320.50 -0.93 42862 194th 1-5 215.30 107.50 13.20 325.80 -0.48 96468 195th 1-5 214.00 108.00 17.00 320.00 -0.67 91104 196th 1-5 214.00 106.00 15.00 320.00 -0.17 26019 197th 1-5 213.10 107.10 12.00 320.10 -0.61 33776 198th 1-5 212.00 107.00 16.80 318.00 -1.12 26861 199th 1-5 211.50 105.50 15.00 317.50 -0.92 52232 200th 54.00 This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitors in order Competitor StJos MV (St Josephs Prep (PA)) Kyllian Vong and Nathan Master BerCar SW (Berkeley Carroll) Jake Simpson and William Wells Newtwn CS (Newtown) Elizabeth Cain and Bridget Spies Schrei GS (Schreiber) Jordan Greenblatt and Matthew Schwartz Medina DL (Medina High School) Mike Donnelly and Brian Loban Fenwic MS (Fenwick High School) Robert Metaxatos and Zach Sarvis ScsDle QG (Scarsdale) Uzair Qadir and Samuel Goldman BerCar CC (Berkeley Carroll) Davis Conger and Steven Colon AmHePL AZ (American Heritage Plantation FL) Jianhao An and Yifei Fay Zhuang Maspet GP (Maspeth High School) Arielle Gallegos and Uros Petrovic ScsDle PS (Scarsdale) Gordon Phoon and Arushi Sahay Prince TN (Princeton) Liam Timmons and Vivek Narayan ManEss RC (Manchester Essex) Hannah Riordan and Jenny Cochand McLean PD (McLean) Heather Pincus and Andrea Delgado KAPInt HM (KAPPA International High School) Sabrina Howard and Anselmo Morales McLean MM (McLean) Michelle Ma and Allison Meakem AsiDeb LA (Asis Debate Association) Kiwan Lee and Daesun Ahn AsiDeb SK (Asis Debate Association) Eunseon Song and Sol Kim AsiDeb SS (Asis Debate Association) Hojoon Seo and MinJae Seo McLean PO (McLean) Melanie Pincus and Anna Osguthorpe Record Drop H/L Drop Opp. Points J Var Random Results 2 H/L Wins 1-5 211.20 106.00 15.60 313.20 -1.26 96655 201st 1-5 211.00 105.00 11.00 318.00 -1.02 77126 202nd 1-5 210.50 105.50 15.00 316.50 -1.29 84747 203rd 1-5 210.50 105.00 14.00 316.50 -1.17 45483 204th 1-5 207.20 103.70 16.80 310.20 -0.92 79497 205th 1-5 204.00 102.00 19.20 306.00 -1.91 64870 206th 1-2 50.00 100.00 -0.84 23975 207th 0-6 206.50 102.50 12.00 261.50 -1.84 15078 208th 0-6 206.00 100.00 10.00 311.00 -1.36 2505 209th 0-6 201.00 101.00 11.00 256.00 -1.35 51379 210th 0-4 106.00 0.00 14.00 162.00 -0.85 75306 211th 0-4 100.50 0.00 11.00 153.50 -1.23 13838 212th 0-3 54.00 0.00 6.00 68756 213th 0-2 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 87383 214th 0-2 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 70224 215th 0-2 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 60673 216th 0-2 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 59535 217th 0-2 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 55679 218th 0-2 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 54177 219th 0-2 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 51505 220th 0.00 This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. 6.00 110.00 -0.61 Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitors in order Competitor McLean WC (McLean) Soobin Wang and Mia Chand KAPInt BS (KAPPA International High School) Rousseau Beauvais and Kia Marie Scott McLean KS (McLean) Esther Kim and Shivani Saboo Record Drop Drop Opp. Points J Var Random H/L 2 H/L Wins Results 0-2 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 45374 221st 0-2 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 35067 222nd 0-2 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 8673 223rd This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Totals Results ActBox CS L - Marist AT - AFF W - NewtnN DZ - AFF L - RanEve GL - Neg W - ShaSid PP - AFF L - Whitmn AL - AFF L - Lex KB - AFF 2-4 Maspet1 Brandon Defilippis Whitmn3 Courtney Roberts Medina3 Ken Marco U2 Zachary Prax Hackle1 Jackson Blossom Lincol2 Ivan O'Sullian 326.5 163rd David Chen 28.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 26.00 163.00 Srinivas Setty 27.50 27.50 27.00 27.00 28.50 26.00 163.50 ActBox GC L - Bangor NS - Neg L - Randol GS - AFF W - Maspet TZ - Neg L - Chamin SC - Neg L - BrxSci HA - Neg 2-4 Maspet2 Doris Su BYE HunCol1 Judy Pillinger ShaSid3 Amit Prasad U3 Humzah Quereshy LakMar2 Bob Dolan 319.8 Jesse Gan 27.00 26.40 27.50 27.00 24.50 26.00 158.40 371st Varan Culanathan 27.50 26.90 28.00 28.00 25.00 26.00 161.40 326th ActBox LB W - Centen MG - AFF W - Randol LB - AFF L - Whitmn AA - AFF W - Penins LL - AFF L - Regis CC - AFF W - Chamin OW - AFF 4-2 FaiPre2 Tracy Palmer BrxSci2 Xavier Amarille HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck Byram1 Omair Shahid PolPre3 Alison Price Becker HorMan2 Katharine Rudbeck 335 37th Joonha Lee 28.00 28.50 28.50 28.00 25.00 29.00 167.00 Daniel Bamfo 27.50 28.50 29.00 29.00 25.00 29.00 168.00 AmHePL AZ L - Hawken SM - AFF L - E.L. WR - AFF L - TriPre FD - AFF L - Medina FM - Neg L - Randol FR - AFF L - Millbu LJ - AFF 0-6 Ridge2 Alisha Sharaballi 15 Felix Rozenberg HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck TriPre2 Angela Pregasen PolPre3 Alison Price Becker 18 Daniel Shafir 311 Jianhao An 24.00 28.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 28.00 155.00 411th Yifei Fay Zhuang 26.00 28.00 25.00 24.00 25.00 28.00 156.00 405th AsiDeb LA FORFEIT FORFEIT 0-2 216th 0 Kiwan Lee 0.00 Daesun Ahn 0.00 AsiDeb SK FORFEIT 0-2 FORFEIT 0 Eunseon Song 0.00 Sol Kim 0.00 AsiDeb SS FORFEIT 0-2 FORFEIT 0 306th 301st 172nd 100th 47th 209th 427th 427th 214th 427th 427th 218th Hojoon Seo 0.00 MinJae Seo 0.00 427th 427th 1-5 194th Bangor NS W - ActBox GC - AFF L - LakMar LW - Neg L - ChrCol AG - AFF L - BrxSci HA - Neg L - NewtnS SG - AFF L - Millbu WW - Neg Maspet2 Doris Su Marist1 Jeffrey Miller Harker1 Aneesh Chona PinVie3 Arjun Byju Chamin2 Andrea Burger Montvi1 Nathaniel Barbour 320.5 Kathyrn Nagle 27.00 27.50 27.00 28.00 27.00 24.00 160.50 Andy Sandweiss 27.50 26.50 26.50 27.50 27.00 25.00 160.00 BerCar CC L - NorAll WH - Neg L - Penins AP - AFF L - ShaSid PP - Neg L - Hackle FS - AFF L - Hackle WT - Neg 15 Felix Rozenberg HorMan2 Katharine Rudbeck Whitmn2 Rachel Baron Lex1 William Smith Schrei1 Alex Sepulvida FORFEIT Davis Conger 27.00 27.00 26.00 25.00 25.00 130.00 410th Steven Colon 28.00 27.00 26.00 25.50 25.00 131.50 408th BerCar SW L - Chamin DG - AFF L - Harker SK - AFF L - Chamin EM - Neg L - HorMan CM - Neg L - Schrei GS - AFF W - Maspet GP - Neg 1-5 202nd 0-6 261.5 325th 351st 208th HorMan2 Katharine Rudbeck Syosse1 Josh Feng 22 Devon Weis Ridge3 Danny Van Nest Delbar1 Connor Feeley BocRat2 Dr. Phyllis Pacilli 318 Jake Simpson 26.00 27.00 26.00 28.00 27.00 27.00 161.00 William Wells 26.00 25.00 25.00 28.00 27.00 26.00 157.00 BocRat GS BYE W - Ridge SG - Neg W - Whitmn KG - Neg L - Ridge OT - AFF L - Prince PY - AFF W - BrxSci BZ - Neg 4-2 Maspet1 Brandon Defilippis ManEss1 Yvonne Robbins PolPre3 Alison Price Becker Regis2 Lawrence Tenn Summit1 Myung Huneke 339.6 Jacob Greene 28.50 28.50 29.00 28.50 28.50 28.00 171.00 49th Joshua Schulster 28.10 28.00 29.00 28.00 28.50 27.00 168.60 121st BrxSci BG W - Delbar EG - AFF W - Medina AD - AFF L - LincSu SK - AFF W - TimCre RZ - AFF L - PinVie BS - Neg L - Millbu BV - Neg 3-3 Medina2 Max Deka E.L.1 Scott Prince LakHig2 Christian Chessman Stuyve2 Pasha Temkin Chamin2 Andrea Burger Montvi1 Nathaniel Barbour 331 Eli Guenzburger 27.00 28.00 27.00 29.00 29.00 27.00 167.00 Alec Bardey 26.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 27.00 164.00 305th BrxSci BZ W - Summit PH - AFF L - Shrews PM - AFF L - NorAll CD - AFF W - Delbar GR - AFF W - Durham WB - AFF L - BocRat GS - AFF 3-3 U2 Zachary Prax 14 Michael Ramdatt Regis3 James Woodall ShaSid2 Mary Krauland LakMar2 Bob Dolan Summit1 Myung Huneke 327 129th Joshua Zakharov 29.00 25.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 27.00 163.00 309th Isaac Bardin 29.00 25.00 27.00 28.00 28.00 27.00 164.00 255th L - UOhio WT - Neg W - LakHig OR - Neg W - Hawken HD - Neg W - NorAll PA - Neg L - ChrCol AL - AFF W - FreTow EO - Neg 4-2 357th 404th 41st 124th 222nd BrxSci CD PolPre2 Claudia Bogdanos Newtwn1 Joseph Wilson NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen Millbu2 Henry Chapman ShaSid2 Mary Krauland Marist1 Jeffrey Miller 337 Gabriel Delsol 29.00 28.00 29.50 28.00 28.00 27.50 170.00 Kyle Chong 29.00 27.00 28.50 27.00 28.00 27.50 167.00 BrxSci CM L - Whitmn WW - Neg W - LakHig OR - Neg L - OxbAca ST - Neg W - Prince KH - Neg W - Summit MK - Neg 4-2 22 Devon Weis BYE Regis3 James Woodall 20 Akhil Upneja TriPre2 Angela Pregasen Delbar1 Connor Feeley 335.4 Minnie Mangafas 28.00 27.90 28.00 27.00 28.50 28.00 167.40 173rd Amanda Cort 28.00 28.00 28.00 27.00 29.00 28.00 168.00 157th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. 61st 115th 214th 62nd Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 BrxSci FY L - Stuyve KU - Neg L - Millbu EL - AFF W - ShaSid KJ - Neg W - E.L. WR - AFF L - Syosse BP - AFF W - TriPre AM - AFF Totals Results 21 Samuel Wang Maspet1 Brandon Defilippis OxbAca2 Michael Wu 8 Reza Lofti 20 Akhil Upneja Summit2 Margaret Kovera 337 Claudia Franke 29.00 27.00 28.00 28.50 29.00 27.00 168.50 127th Victor Yeung 29.00 26.50 28.00 28.50 29.00 27.50 168.50 103rd BrxSci HA L - Hawken LE - Neg L - NewtnS LC - AFF W - NewtnN DZ - AFF W - Bangor NS - AFF L - Syosse MW - AFF W - ActBox GC - AFF 3-3 Hired1 Catherine Holland Regis2 Lawrence Tenn Summit2 Margaret Kovera PinVie3 Arjun Byju 6 Nathan Hiransomboon LakMar2 Bob Dolan 333 114th Jordan Howard-Jennings 27.00 28.00 28.00 29.50 28.00 27.00 167.50 208th Arsalaan Ansari 27.00 28.00 27.50 28.50 27.50 27.00 165.50 260th Byram FW L - Durham BS - Neg L - JamMad KS - Neg L - Ridge MJ - AFF W - Millbu LJ - Neg W - Falmou RC - Neg W - LincSu LB - AFF 3-3 Montvi2 Katherine Lin TriPre2 Angela Pregasen 10 Adam Lowet StJos2 Heidi Ford 7 Jenny Li Stuyve3 Dan Woods 324 Zach Frieden 24.00 27.00 27.00 30.00 27.00 28.50 163.50 289th Nathan Weinhoff 23.00 26.00 26.50 30.00 27.00 28.00 160.50 350th Byram JA W - ScsDle QG - Neg W - Newtwn CS - Neg L - Marist MT - Neg L - Millbu KG - AFF L - Summit PH - AFF W - Montvi TV - AFF 3-3 14 Michael Ramdatt Regis3 James Woodall Whitmn2 Rachel Baron TriPre4 Ramaward Sinanan-Singh StJos2 Heidi Ford Lex1 William Smith 332.5 Brandon Jones 28.00 28.00 27.50 28.00 27.00 29.00 167.50 188th Will Amorosana 27.00 28.00 27.50 27.00 26.00 29.50 165.00 283rd L - FaiPre PK - Neg W - Schrei SG - AFF L - Prince KH - AFF W - Maspet TZ - AFF L - Durham WB - AFF 2-4 158th 3-3 88th 138th 115th Byram MR L - Penins LL - AFF U1 Bryan Hindin 13 Roma Patel TimCre1 Beth Eskin 17 Ademali Sengal OxbAca2 Michael Wu Maspet2 Doris Su 327 Philip Maniscalco 26.00 27.00 28.00 27.00 28.00 27.50 163.50 281st Evan Rosenbaum 26.00 28.00 28.00 26.00 28.00 27.50 163.50 267th Centen MG L - ActBox LB - Neg L - HenHud BA - AFF 3-3 LakHig3 Alex Pollock BYE L - RanEve GL - Neg Regis1 Alex Petrillo BYE W - LincSu YL - Neg FaiPre2 Tracy Palmer Falmou2 Sean Lent 332.26 Polly Moser 26.00 29.00 27.75 29.00 27.75 27.00 166.50 193rd Katie Gao 26.00 28.00 27.63 29.50 27.63 27.00 165.76 246th 4-2 46th 109th W - BerCar SW - Neg W - Regis FT - AFF W - Harker SK - Neg L - NorAll NA - Neg L - Marist AT - Neg W - UOhio DW - Neg HorMan2 Katharine Rudbeck Pennsb2 Stephen Medoff StJos2 Heidi Ford Marist1 Jeffrey Miller 8 Reza Lofti PinVie2 KR Byju 341 Nicholas DiBartolo 28.00 29.00 28.00 27.50 29.00 30.00 171.50 57th Peter Gavaris 28.00 27.00 28.00 28.00 29.00 29.50 169.50 113th Chamin EM L - Randol GS - AFF L - LincSu SK - AFF W - BerCar SW - AFF L - Randol LB - AFF L - ShaSid PP - AFF W - Medina FM - Neg NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen Hawken2 Bob Shurtz 22 Devon Weis FaiPre2 Tracy Palmer Ridge2 Alisha Sharaballi Byram1 Omair Shahid 319 Andrew Emerson 27.00 26.50 26.00 27.50 25.00 27.50 159.50 359th Anthony Miraglia 27.00 26.50 26.00 27.50 25.00 27.50 159.50 360th Chamin KS W - RanEve GL - Neg L - TriPre RS - AFF L - Medina AD - AFF L - Summit GP - Neg W - Delbar GR - Neg W - Medina MM - Neg 3-3 HorMan2 Katharine Rudbeck 7 Jenny Li LakMar2 Bob Dolan Lex1 William Smith HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck 13 Roma Patel 328 Nicholas Schleith 28.00 26.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 28.00 163.00 296th Christian Krug 28.00 26.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 165.00 262nd Chamin OW W - Hawken HD - AFF L - Prince PY - AFF L - FaiPre CB - AFF W - Summit MS - AFF W - TriPre FD - AFF L - ActBox LB - Neg 3-3 FaiPre2 Tracy Palmer Harker1 Aneesh Chona Hired2 Cayman Giordano Lincol3 Ralph Pinto Falmou2 Sean Lent HorMan2 Katharine Rudbeck 333 119th Robert Wines 27.00 27.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 26.50 164.50 Brendan Owens 28.00 27.00 27.50 29.00 29.00 28.00 168.50 Chamin SC L - Stuyve GV - AFF W - HorMan CM - AFF W - ManEss SS - AFF L - Millbu EL - AFF W - ActBox GC - AFF W - JamMad KS - AFF 4-2 Regis3 James Woodall HunCol1 Judy Pillinger Newtwn1 Joseph Wilson Harker1 Aneesh Chona U3 Humzah Quereshy Regis4 Jack O'Malley 334.5 Peter Charalambous 28.00 28.00 29.00 29.00 26.50 28.00 168.50 117th Anthony Sikorski 28.00 28.00 27.00 29.00 26.00 28.00 166.00 210th 2-4 159th Chamin DG 2-4 177th 128th 322nd 138th 60th L - FreTow EO - Neg W - HunCol MM - AFF W - Bangor NS - Neg L - NorAll CD - Neg L - Maspet GR - Neg L - Hawken LE - Neg LakHig2 Christian Chessman Millbu3 Justin Horton Harker1 Aneesh Chona AmeHer2 Yani Palmer 15 Felix Rozenberg Stuyve2 Pasha Temkin 327.5 Joseph Alvarez 28.00 27.00 28.00 27.00 28.50 27.50 166.00 Kevin Garcia-Cartaya 27.00 25.00 27.00 27.00 28.50 27.00 161.50 ChrCol AL L - MiaBea LS - Neg W - MarRid KR - Neg W - Syosse BS - Neg W - LakHig LN - Neg W - BrxSci CD - Neg W - NewtnS KS - Neg 5-1 TriPre4 Ramaward Sinanan-Singh Harker2 Arjun Kumar BrxSci6 Liam Moore TriPre2 Angela Pregasen ShaSid2 Mary Krauland Newtwn1 Joseph Wilson 333 Joseph Arocha 27.00 25.50 29.50 28.00 28.00 27.00 165.00 253rd Noah Lopez 28.00 28.00 30.00 29.00 28.00 25.00 168.00 112th Delbar AE L - Medina AD - AFF W - NorAll XC - Neg L - Falmou LS - Neg W - Hawken HD - Neg L - UOhio DW - Neg L - ManEss MH - Neg Schrei1 Alex Sepulvida Marist1 Jeffrey Miller Lincol2 Ivan O'Sullian StJos2 Heidi Ford Regis4 Jack O'Malley WesOra1 Jennifer Moore 326 Jai Amin 27.00 28.00 26.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 163.00 311th Alexander Eichler 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 163.00 336th Delbar BT L - NewtnS LC - Neg W - Syosse MW - Neg L - Whitmn MM - Neg W - Needha AO - Neg W - LakMar LW - Neg W - HorMan SS - Neg 4-2 Stuyve3 Dan Woods 16 Joe Salmaggi Shrews1 Trina Parks Byram1 Omair Shahid Ridge2 Alisha Sharaballi 8 Reza Lofti 340.5 34th Mark Bufanio 28.00 28.50 27.00 29.00 29.00 28.50 170.00 62nd Harry Townsend 29.00 29.00 27.00 29.00 28.00 28.50 170.50 42nd ChrCol AG This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. 2-4 232nd 339th 25th 165th Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Totals Results Delbar EG L - BrxSci BG - Neg W - Maspet GP - AFF L - Syosse MN - AFF L - Hawken SM - Neg W - LincSu YL - Neg L - Whitmn KG - Neg 2-4 Medina2 Max Deka PinVie4 Ian Fetigan Lincol2 Ivan O'Sullian 11 Victor Mezacapa ScsDle2 Alison Singer Lex1 William Smith 323 166th Arul Elango 24.00 27.00 27.00 26.00 28.00 28.00 160.00 340th Christopher Gustafsson 26.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 28.00 163.00 315th 191st L - UFla GB - AFF L - ManEss SS - Neg W - TriPre PJ - Neg L - BrxSci BZ - Neg L - Chamin KS - AFF L - Hackle WT - Neg 1-5 Hackle1 Jackson Blossom 19 Fandi Tang Millbu2 Henry Chapman ShaSid2 Mary Krauland HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck Harker2 Arjun Kumar 326.5 Christopher De Grandpre 27.00 28.00 27.00 25.00 27.50 28.50 163.00 278th Shan Rizwan 27.50 27.50 29.00 25.00 27.50 27.00 163.50 270th Delbar YL L - Whitmn AA - AFF L - Durham BS - Neg W - Maspet GP - Neg W - Fenwic MS - AFF W - Hackle FS - AFF W - ScsDle KS - Neg 4-2 BrxSci3 Elena Anderson 22 Devon Weis Chamin2 Andrea Burger Montvi1 Nathaniel Barbour AmeHer2 Yani Palmer 5 Rebecca Heilweil 347 Derrick Yao 27.50 29.00 29.00 30.00 30.00 29.00 174.50 9th Charlton Lu 27.50 29.00 29.00 30.00 29.00 28.00 172.50 33rd Durham BS W - Byram FW - AFF W - Delbar YL - AFF W - NewtnS LC - AFF W - Marist MT - AFF L - Stuyve BZ - AFF W - Stuyve GV - AFF 5-1 Montvi2 Katherine Lin 22 Devon Weis ChrCol1 Dario Camara PinVie3 Arjun Byju U1 Bryan Hindin Summit2 Margaret Kovera 350 Lily Burdick 27.00 30.00 28.00 28.50 30.00 29.00 172.50 24th Reena Sudan 29.00 30.00 30.00 29.50 30.00 29.00 177.50 2nd Durham LP W - Medina HP - AFF L - Stuyve BZ - AFF W - Penins AP - AFF L - TriPre RS - AFF W - St.Tho MH - AFF L - Falmou LS - Neg 3-3 ChrCol1 Dario Camara AmeHer2 Yani Palmer ScsDle2 Alison Singer Shrews1 Trina Parks 12 Raunak Padore Summit1 Myung Huneke 332 102nd Michael Li 29.00 28.00 28.50 26.00 28.00 27.00 166.50 180th Rohan Patel 27.00 28.00 28.50 26.00 29.00 27.00 165.50 238th Durham WB L - Millbu KG - AFF W - LakHig DS - Neg W - Falmou RC - AFF L - Prince PY - AFF L - BrxSci BZ - Neg W - Byram MR - Neg 3-3 10 Adam Lowet Montvi2 Katherine Lin Ridge3 Danny Van Nest 12 Raunak Padore LakMar2 Bob Dolan Maspet2 Doris Su 335 Caroline Wechsler 28.00 27.00 29.50 29.00 27.00 29.50 170.00 74th Collin Brown 28.00 25.00 29.50 27.00 27.00 28.50 165.00 239th Durham YD W - ScsDle PS - AFF BYE W - Prince AM - AFF L - Stuyve BZ - Neg W - Regis BB - AFF W - HorMan DP - Neg 5-1 Medina2 Max Deka Harker2 Arjun Kumar U2 Zachary Prax Whitmn3 Courtney Roberts 340.8 15th Eilene Yang 29.00 28.30 28.00 28.50 29.00 27.00 169.80 Loften Deprez 29.00 28.50 28.00 29.00 29.00 27.50 171.00 E.L. WR L - Marist MT - Neg W - AmHePL AZ - Neg L - HunCol DP - Neg L - BrxSci FY - Neg L - Montvi TV - Neg W - Shrews RP - AFF 2-4 Delbar GR BrxSci3 Elena Anderson 27th 6th 99th 67th 41st 173rd Whitmn3 Courtney Roberts 15 Felix Rozenberg ActBox2 Ray Gan 8 Reza Lofti Chamin3 Mr. Wines ChrCol1 Dario Camara 317.5 Emily Welles 24.00 28.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 160.00 Cody Robinholt 23.00 28.00 26.50 27.00 27.00 26.00 157.50 FaiPre CB L - LakHig BS - Neg W - Syosse BP - Neg W - Chamin OW - Neg W - Whitmn AL - Neg L - RanEve ZM - Neg L - PolPre AA - AFF 3-3 20 Akhil Upneja NewtnS2 Daisy Grandt Hired2 Cayman Giordano BocRat2 Dr. Phyllis Pacilli StJos2 Heidi Ford E.L.1 Scott Prince 327.5 Jessica Chung 30.00 26.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 26.00 163.00 Kayla Bach 30.00 27.00 26.50 28.00 27.00 26.00 164.50 321st FaiPre IF W - Millbu LJ - Neg W - HunCol DP - Neg L - Stuyve GV - Neg L - Prince AM - Neg W - LakHig LN - Neg W - PinVie FF - Neg 4-2 77th 342nd 367th 140th 356th Summit1 Myung Huneke Medina3 Ken Marco Lincol3 Ralph Pinto ShaSid2 Mary Krauland Schrei1 Alex Sepulvida Stuyve2 Pasha Temkin 329 Meeran Ismail 27.00 27.00 28.00 26.00 28.00 28.00 164.00 258th Nicholas Flores 27.00 26.00 29.00 26.00 29.00 28.00 165.00 257th FaiPre PK L - Whitmn AL - AFF W - Byram MR - AFF L - HorMan DP - Neg W - ManEss DH - AFF L - PolPre HE - AFF W - NorAll PA - Neg 3-3 BrxSci2 Xavier Amarille 13 Roma Patel 22 Devon Weis Hired2 Cayman Giordano ChrCol1 Dario Camara TriPre4 Ramaward Sinanan-Singh 340 Nicholas Palmer 28.50 29.50 28.00 28.50 29.00 28.00 171.50 59th Austin Kim 28.00 29.50 28.00 29.00 27.00 27.00 168.50 165th Falmou LS W - NewtnN DZ - AFF L - Millbu WY - Neg W - Delbar AE - AFF L - LakHig DS - Neg W - HunCol DP - AFF W - Durham LP - AFF 4-2 19 Fandi Tang U1 Bryan Hindin Lincol2 Ivan O'Sullian BrxSci3 Elena Anderson U3 Humzah Quereshy Summit1 Myung Huneke 334 64th Sam Larson 29.00 27.50 28.00 28.00 26.50 27.00 166.00 Serene Singh 29.00 28.00 27.00 29.00 26.00 29.00 168.00 Falmou RC W - Fenwic MS - AFF L - OxbAca ST - Neg L - Durham WB - Neg L - ScsDle LG - AFF L - Byram FW - AFF W - Roslyn SF - AFF 2-4 17 Ademali Sengal ActBox2 Ray Gan Ridge3 Danny Van Nest PinVie2 KR Byju 7 Jenny Li ManEss1 Yvonne Robbins 328.5 Max Reed 28.00 25.00 28.50 27.00 27.00 27.50 163.00 Grace Connolly 28.00 27.00 28.50 27.50 27.00 27.50 165.50 Fenwic MS L - Falmou RC - Neg L - HenHud MA - AFF L - Penins KL - Neg L - Delbar YL - Neg L - HorMan CM - Neg 1-5 17 Ademali Sengal BrxSci5 Joelle Burgess 16 Joe Salmaggi Montvi1 Nathaniel Barbour BYE Pennsb2 Stephen Medoff 306 Robert Metaxatos 26.00 25.00 27.00 25.00 25.40 24.00 152.40 Zach Sarvis 26.00 26.00 27.00 25.00 25.60 24.00 153.60 412th FreTow EO W - ChrCol AG - AFF W - StJos MV - AFF W - Regis HS - AFF L - Regis BR - Neg L - NewtnS KE - AFF L - BrxSci CD - AFF 3-3 122nd 85th 231st 99th 154th 284th 264th 206th 414th LakHig2 Christian Chessman TriPre3 Praveen Rao ManEss1 Yvonne Robbins NewtnS2 Daisy Grandt U2 Zachary Prax Marist1 Jeffrey Miller 329 Tierney Egan 29.00 27.00 28.00 26.00 29.00 27.00 166.00 224th Sage O'Toole 27.00 28.00 30.00 25.00 27.00 26.00 163.00 331st This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Totals Results Hackle FB W - Medina DL - AFF W - UFla EL - Neg L - Stuyve KU - AFF W - PolPre AA - Neg L - ShaSid FT - Neg 4-2 Hired1 Catherine Holland BYE LakHig2 Christian Chessman Millbu3 Justin Horton ScsDle2 Alison Singer Medina2 Max Deka 327 78th Karina Franke 30.00 27.90 27.00 28.00 29.50 25.00 167.40 146th Matthew Bonanno 27.00 26.60 27.00 26.00 28.00 25.00 159.60 362nd Hackle FS L - Shrews MM - Neg L - Penins FQ - Neg L - Lex CM - Neg W - BerCar CC - Neg L - Delbar YL - Neg W - StJos MV - Neg 2-4 LakMar2 Bob Dolan ShaSid2 Mary Krauland Falmou2 Sean Lent Lex1 William Smith AmeHer2 Yani Palmer Harker1 Aneesh Chona 316 181st Owen Friesen 26.00 26.00 26.00 27.50 27.00 24.00 156.50 395th Neil Suri 27.00 25.00 28.00 27.50 28.00 24.00 159.50 345th Hackle WT L - Montvi TG - AFF L - Hawken LE - Neg L - Shrews RP - AFF L - Montvi TV - Neg W - BerCar CC - AFF W - Delbar GR - AFF 2-4 Stuyve3 Dan Woods Chamin3 Mr. Wines ShaSid3 Amit Prasad HunCol1 Judy Pillinger Schrei1 Alex Sepulvida Harker2 Arjun Kumar 319 Connor Wilke 26.00 26.00 24.00 27.50 26.00 28.50 158.00 386th Seth Tilliss 27.00 26.00 25.00 27.50 26.00 29.50 161.00 370th Harker BR W - NewtnS KE - AFF W - LakHig LN - Neg W - Lex KB - AFF W - UFla GR - Neg W - Marist MP - Neg L - Whitmn AA - Neg 5-1 TimCre1 Beth Eskin ScsDle1 Dan Chase Medina3 Ken Marco Maspet2 Doris Su 7 Jenny Li 13 Roma Patel 342.5 Sorjo Banerjee 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.50 29.00 30.00 171.50 76th Emaad Raghib 29.00 28.50 28.00 28.50 28.00 29.00 171.00 51st Harker CH W - ScsDle KS - Neg L - Penins LL - Neg L - MarRid KR - AFF L - PolPre HE - AFF L - ShaSid KJ - AFF L - ManEss SS - Neg 1-5 NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen Pennsb2 Stephen Medoff TriPre4 Ramaward Sinanan-Singh Regis4 Jack O'Malley Newtwn1 Joseph Wilson PolPre2 Claudia Bogdanos 320 197th Eesha Chona 29.00 27.00 28.00 25.00 26.00 28.00 163.00 297th Joyce Huang 28.00 25.00 28.00 24.00 26.00 26.00 157.00 392nd Harker LM W - HorMan CM - AFF L - Maspet NP - Neg L - LakHig DS - Neg L - Syosse BP - AFF W - Schrei SG - Neg L - LakMar LW - Neg 2-4 NorAll1 Steve Delsignore Philli1 Laurie Schmid 10 Adam Lowet Millbu3 Justin Horton Delbar1 Connor Feeley TriPre3 Praveen Rao 339.5 Alexander Lam 29.00 29.00 29.00 27.50 30.00 28.00 172.50 32nd Aumesh Misra 27.00 28.00 29.00 26.00 29.00 28.00 167.00 168th 2-4 179th 184th 17th 142nd W - Summit MS - AFF W - BerCar SW - Neg L - Chamin DG - AFF L - RanEve ZM - AFF L - Randol LB - Neg L - HorMan HM - Neg JamMad1 Timothy Scheffler Syosse1 Josh Feng StJos2 Heidi Ford Montvi1 Nathaniel Barbour ShaSid2 Mary Krauland Millbu3 Justin Horton 323 Samali Sahoo 27.00 26.00 26.00 30.00 25.00 27.50 161.50 368th Sarisha Kurup 27.00 26.00 27.00 30.00 25.00 26.50 161.50 366th Hawken HD L - Chamin OW - Neg W - ShaSid KJ - AFF L - BrxSci CD - AFF L - Delbar AE - AFF W - Medina FM - Neg L - Syosse BS - AFF FaiPre2 Tracy Palmer ActBox2 Ray Gan NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen StJos2 Heidi Ford Hackle1 Jackson Blossom NewtnS2 Daisy Grandt 323.5 Josef Horvvath 26.00 28.50 27.50 26.00 27.00 26.00 161.00 369th Kareem Danan 27.00 28.00 28.00 27.00 27.50 25.00 162.50 282nd Hawken LE W - BrxSci HA - AFF W - Hackle WT - AFF L - UOhio WT - AFF L - HorMan GO - AFF L - TimCre LV - AFF W - ChrCol AG - AFF 3-3 Hired1 Catherine Holland Chamin3 Mr. Wines HunCol1 Judy Pillinger Ridge2 Alisha Sharaballi Hired2 Cayman Giordano Stuyve2 Pasha Temkin 335.5 Ammar Lone 30.00 28.00 28.50 27.00 26.00 28.00 167.50 183rd Ozan Ergungor 30.00 27.00 27.50 28.00 27.50 28.00 168.00 216th Hawken NW W - Regis DP - AFF W - TimCre LV - AFF W - ManEss MS - AFF W - LincSu SK - AFF W - UOhio WT - AFF W - Stuyve KU - AFF 6-0 U1 Bryan Hindin 17 Ademali Sengal Summit1 Myung Huneke 11 Victor Mezacapa Regis2 Lawrence Tenn HorMan2 Katharine Rudbeck 340 5th Aman Nair 28.00 30.00 29.00 25.00 29.00 29.00 170.00 30th Jack Weisman 28.00 30.00 28.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 170.00 111th Hawken SM W - AmHePL AZ - Neg L - Medina HP - AFF L - NewtnS KE - AFF W - Delbar EG - AFF L - Ridge MJ - AFF L - TriPre PJ - Neg 2-4 Ridge2 Alisha Sharaballi TriPre2 Angela Pregasen Hired2 Cayman Giordano 11 Victor Mezacapa Newtwn1 Joseph Wilson NorAll2 A Wang 328.5 James Swingos 28.00 28.00 27.50 27.00 25.00 28.00 163.50 235th Devesh Modi 28.00 28.00 28.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 165.00 212th 2-4 187th Harker SK 2-4 169th 107th 151st L - LakHig LN - Neg W - Centen MG - Neg L - HorMan SS - Neg L - Penins KL - AFF W - TriPre RM - Neg L - Penins AP - AFF Whitmn3 Courtney Roberts Regis1 Alex Petrillo U3 Humzah Quereshy 8 Reza Lofti FaiPre2 Tracy Palmer NewtnS2 Daisy Grandt 314 Kara Burke 24.00 29.00 26.50 27.00 26.00 24.00 156.50 Eli Avellino 24.00 28.00 25.50 27.50 27.50 25.00 157.50 HenHud MA L - PinVie AS - Neg W - Fenwic MS - Neg W - ManEss DH - Neg L - Penins GO - Neg W - Whitmn DK - AFF W - Summit PH - AFF 4-2 NorAll2 A Wang BrxSci5 Joelle Burgess Medina2 Max Deka Lincol3 Ralph Pinto LakMar2 Bob Dolan Hawken2 Bob Shurtz 338.5 Robert McIlrath 28.00 29.50 27.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 168.50 Jake Avellino 29.00 29.50 28.00 28.00 27.00 28.50 170.00 HorMan CM L - Harker LM - Neg L - Chamin SC - Neg L - Ridge SG - AFF W - BerCar SW - AFF L - ManEss DH - Neg W - Fenwic MS - AFF 2-4 NorAll1 Steve Delsignore HunCol1 Judy Pillinger LakMar2 Bob Dolan Ridge3 Danny Van Nest ShaSid3 Amit Prasad Pennsb2 Stephen Medoff 336.5 Andrew Cogut 27.00 28.00 27.00 30.00 30.00 28.00 170.00 Natashi Moolji 27.00 26.50 27.00 30.00 28.00 28.00 166.50 263rd HorMan DP L - UFla GR - Neg W - Philli MR - Neg W - FaiPre PK - AFF W - Millbu BV - AFF W - JamMad KS - AFF L - Durham YD - AFF 4-2 PinVie4 Ian Fetigan U1 Bryan Hindin 22 Devon Weis TriPre3 Praveen Rao Millbu2 Henry Chapman Whitmn3 Courtney Roberts 331 74th Philip Deutsch 26.00 27.50 29.00 28.00 28.00 27.00 165.50 228th Stephen Phillips 27.00 27.50 28.00 29.00 27.00 27.00 165.50 272nd HenHud BA This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. 407th 383rd 57th 170th 89th 148th 118th Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Totals Results HorMan GO W - Penins KL - Neg W - LincSu GS - AFF L - MiaBea MS - AFF W - Hawken LE - Neg L - UFla GB - Neg L - Ridge SG - AFF 3-3 BrxSci5 Joelle Burgess TriPre3 Praveen Rao Philli1 Laurie Schmid Ridge2 Alisha Sharaballi PinVie3 Arjun Byju Millbu3 Justin Horton 338 93rd Ethan Gelfer 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.50 28.00 28.50 169.00 131st Adam Oppenheimer 27.50 27.50 28.00 28.00 29.00 29.00 169.00 130th HorMan HM L - PolPre BG - Neg W - ManEss RC - Neg L - Regis DP - AFF L - TriPre AM - AFF W - Medina DL - Neg W - Harker SK - AFF 3-3 LakHig3 Alex Pollock Byram1 Omair Shahid Hackle1 Jackson Blossom 18 Daniel Shafir BrxSci3 Elena Anderson Millbu3 Justin Horton 339 86th John Hunt 29.00 28.50 28.50 28.00 28.00 27.00 169.00 109th Tom Moriarty 29.00 28.00 29.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 170.00 64th HorMan RG L - NewtnS KS - Neg L - Regis HS - AFF W - Newtwn CS - Neg W - LincSu LB - AFF L - Penins KL - Neg W - TriPre FD - Neg 3-3 PinVie5 Dave Szczepaniuk Lincol2 Ivan O'Sullian 11 Victor Mezacapa 20 Akhil Upneja Chamin3 Mr. Wines RanEve1 Leandra Lopez 326 Aditya Ram 27.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 28.00 27.50 164.50 275th Julian Goldberg 27.00 26.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 27.50 161.50 346th HorMan SS BYE L - Millbu KG - AFF W - HenHud BA - AFF L - UOhio BA - AFF W - MarRid KR - AFF L - Delbar BT - AFF 3-3 WesOra1 Jennifer Moore U3 Humzah Quereshy Marist1 Jeffrey Miller Maspet1 Brandon Defilippis 8 Reza Lofti 328.8 Ellis Soodak 28.10 28.00 28.50 26.50 29.00 28.50 168.60 95th Brett Silverstein 26.70 24.00 27.00 27.00 27.50 28.00 160.20 327th HunCol DP W - NorAll PA - Neg L - FaiPre IF - AFF W - E.L. WR - AFF L - MiaBea LS - Neg L - Falmou LS - Neg L - LakHig LN - Neg 2-4 PinVie4 Ian Fetigan Medina3 Ken Marco ActBox2 Ray Gan 10 Adam Lowet U3 Humzah Quereshy E.L.1 Scott Prince 321.5 182nd Ashmita Das 28.00 27.00 28.00 27.00 26.00 26.00 162.00 332nd Avery Pong 29.00 25.00 27.00 27.00 25.50 26.00 159.50 382nd HunCol MM L - Prince AM - AFF L - ChrCol AG - Neg W - Millbu LJ - Neg L - Ridge SG - AFF W - Philli MR - AFF W - ManEss MS - AFF 3-3 LakHig3 Alex Pollock Millbu3 Justin Horton 11 Victor Mezacapa 10 Adam Lowet ChrCol1 Dario Camara HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck 335 Lizzie McCord 29.00 26.00 26.00 29.00 28.00 28.00 166.00 211th David Maluf 28.50 25.00 28.00 29.50 30.00 28.00 169.00 65th HunCol PM L - Ridge OT - AFF W - Lex FL - AFF L - UOhio DW - AFF W - Philli MR - Neg W - LincSu WP - AFF W - Syosse MW - AFF 4-2 40th 136th 120th 87th LakHig2 Christian Chessman PolPre2 Claudia Bogdanos ShaSid3 Amit Prasad JamMad1 Timothy Scheffler TriPre3 Praveen Rao LakMar2 Bob Dolan 339.5 Kaley Pillinger 28.50 28.00 29.00 28.00 29.00 28.00 170.50 88th Joshua Moriarty 27.00 28.50 28.00 28.50 28.00 29.00 169.00 105th JamMad KS W - Shrews PM - Neg W - Byram FW - AFF W - PinVie BS - AFF L - Marist MP - Neg L - HorMan DP - Neg L - Chamin SC - Neg Hackle1 Jackson Blossom TriPre2 Angela Pregasen Stuyve2 Pasha Temkin BocRat2 Dr. Phyllis Pacilli Millbu2 Henry Chapman Regis4 Jack O'Malley 328 Alekh Kale 29.00 28.00 29.00 27.00 25.00 25.00 163.00 291st Sullivan Sweet 29.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 27.00 25.00 165.00 198th KAPInt BS FORFEIT FORFEIT 3-3 0-2 0 121st 222nd Rousseau Beauvais 0.00 Kia Marie Scott 0.00 427th 0-2 223rd KAPInt HM FORFEIT FORFEIT 0 Sabrina Howard 0.00 Anselmo Morales 0.00 3-3 427th 427th 427th LakHig BS W - FaiPre CB - AFF L - Marist MP - AFF L - UFla GB - AFF W - TriPre RM - AFF W - Medina MM - AFF L - Shrews PM - AFF 20 Akhil Upneja 14 Michael Ramdatt ActBox2 Ray Gan ScsDle2 Alison Singer PinVie5 Dave Szczepaniuk HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck 338 Arvind Bharathidasan 30.00 26.00 27.50 28.50 28.00 28.50 168.50 Ishan Sharma 30.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 30.00 28.50 169.50 85th LakHig DS W - TimCre RZ - AFF L - Durham WB - AFF W - Harker LM - AFF W - Falmou LS - AFF W - Montvi TP - AFF L - MiaBea LS - Neg 4-2 32nd 83rd 126th Summit2 Margaret Kovera Montvi2 Katherine Lin 10 Adam Lowet BrxSci3 Elena Anderson Hired2 Cayman Giordano 5 Rebecca Heilweil 341.5 Phyllis Doremus 28.00 27.00 30.00 29.50 28.00 29.50 172.00 Anoosheh Shaikh 28.00 26.00 29.00 29.00 28.00 29.50 169.50 LakHig LN W - HenHud BA - AFF L - Harker BR - AFF W - Whitmn DK - Neg L - ChrCol AL - AFF L - FaiPre IF - AFF W - HunCol DP - AFF 3-3 Whitmn3 Courtney Roberts ScsDle1 Dan Chase NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen TriPre2 Angela Pregasen Schrei1 Alex Sepulvida E.L.1 Scott Prince 335.5 Ian Levine 28.00 28.00 29.00 28.00 28.00 27.00 168.00 164th Sammy Nagabhairu 27.00 28.00 28.50 29.00 28.00 27.00 167.50 177th LakHig OR W - Maspet TZ - AFF L - BrxSci CD - AFF L - BrxSci CM - AFF W - Penins FQ - Neg L - Regis DP - AFF W - LincSu WP - Neg 22 Devon Weis Newtwn1 Joseph Wilson Regis3 James Woodall 7 Jenny Li BrxSci6 Liam Moore 18 Daniel Shafir 330 Jonathon Ou 28.00 22.00 27.00 29.00 28.50 28.00 162.50 Warner Ransone 28.00 27.00 28.00 28.50 28.00 28.00 167.50 167th LakMar LW BYE W - Bangor NS - AFF L - LincSu EP - Neg L - Shrews PM - Neg L - Delbar BT - AFF W - Harker LM - AFF 3-3 Marist1 Jeffrey Miller Newtwn1 Joseph Wilson Ridge3 Danny Van Nest Ridge2 Alisha Sharaballi TriPre3 Praveen Rao 322.2 141st Moson Lin 26.30 26.50 25.00 26.00 26.00 28.00 157.80 397th Andrew Welton 27.40 28.00 26.00 26.00 28.00 29.00 164.40 290th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. 3-3 34th 56th 98th 100th 182nd Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Totals Results Lex CM L - St.Tho MH - Neg L - Stuyve GV - Neg W - Hackle FS - AFF L - NorAll XC - Neg L - TimCre VM - Neg W - Medina DL - AFF 2-4 Regis3 James Woodall RanEve1 Leandra Lopez Falmou2 Sean Lent U2 Zachary Prax ManEss1 Yvonne Robbins PolPre3 Alison Price Becker 320 176th Erica Cagliero 27.00 25.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 25.50 158.50 365th Andrea Michaelson 28.00 25.00 29.00 27.00 27.00 25.50 161.50 348th Lex FL W - Pennsb BS - AFF L - HunCol PM - Neg W - Summit MS - Neg L - Stuyve WW - AFF L - Summit MK - Neg L - NewtnS SG - Neg 2-4 Regis1 Alex Petrillo PolPre2 Claudia Bogdanos WesOra1 Jennifer Moore 7 Jenny Li TriPre2 Angela Pregasen Whitmn3 Courtney Roberts 323.5 156th Matthew Foutter 28.00 26.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 24.00 160.00 335th Peter Lawrence 28.00 27.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 24.50 163.50 207th W - Montvi TV - Neg L - Harker BR - Neg L - NewtnS KE - Neg L - Ridge SG - Neg W - ActBox CS - Neg 3-3 Lex KB W - PolPre HE - Neg RanEve1 Leandra Lopez E.L.1 Scott Prince Medina3 Ken Marco PinVie2 KR Byju NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen Lincol2 Ivan O'Sullian 331.5 Arjun Khandelwal 27.00 28.00 28.00 29.00 28.00 26.00 166.00 Tolga Bozkaya 27.00 27.00 27.00 29.00 28.50 27.00 165.50 LincSu EP W - Medina FM - AFF W - ShaSid WJ - AFF W - LakMar LW - AFF L - Whitmn WW - AFF L - NewtnS KS - AFF W - Randol GS - AFF 4-2 ChrCol1 Dario Camara U3 Humzah Quereshy Newtwn1 Joseph Wilson 6 Nathan Hiransomboon Whitmn2 Rachel Baron Maspet2 Doris Su 332.5 Katie Pinto 29.00 27.50 27.00 28.00 28.00 29.00 168.50 140th Aaron Epstein 28.00 27.00 26.00 28.00 28.00 27.00 164.00 259th LincSu GS W - Millbu WW - Neg L - HorMan GO - Neg L - Medina MM - Neg L - Penins AP - AFF W - Penins FQ - AFF W - MarRid KR - AFF 3-3 Syosse1 Josh Feng TriPre3 Praveen Rao PinVie4 Ian Fetigan Chamin2 Andrea Burger 20 Akhil Upneja TriPre3 Praveen Rao 326 137th Alex Ghorishi 26.00 27.00 26.00 27.00 26.00 28.00 160.00 380th Sandeep Shankar 27.00 28.00 26.00 27.00 29.00 29.00 166.00 226th LincSu LB L - Regis FT - AFF W - Montvi NB - Neg L - MiaBea LS - Neg L - HorMan RG - Neg W - Millbu WW - AFF L - Byram FW - Neg 2-4 ScsDle1 Dan Chase 13 Roma Patel Byram1 Omair Shahid 20 Akhil Upneja Medina3 Ken Marco Stuyve3 Dan Woods 337 Brian Bakerman 28.50 30.00 28.00 28.00 27.00 27.00 168.50 181st Eugene Lee 28.00 29.00 28.50 28.00 28.00 27.00 168.50 141st W - Chamin EM - Neg W - BrxSci BG - Neg L - Hawken NW - Neg W - NorAll CD - Neg L - Regis HS - AFF 4-2 65th 117th 203rd 286th 67th 146th LincSu SK W - TriPre RM - Neg Regis1 Alex Petrillo Hawken2 Bob Shurtz LakHig2 Christian Chessman 11 Victor Mezacapa PinVie3 Arjun Byju Medina2 Max Deka 334 Natasha Kadlec 29.00 28.50 29.50 26.00 30.00 26.00 169.00 96th Rohan Shankar 27.00 28.00 29.50 26.00 28.50 26.00 165.00 268th LincSu WP W - Maspet GP - AFF L - Whitmn DK - Neg L - HunCol PM - Neg L - LakHig OR - AFF U3 Humzah Quereshy BYE L - Whitmn AA - AFF NorAll1 Steve Delsignore Philli1 Laurie Schmid TriPre3 Praveen Rao 18 Daniel Shafir 325.2 Jacob Weinstein 29.00 25.50 27.50 27.00 28.00 28.00 165.00 Caitlyn Phung 26.00 25.50 26.70 27.00 27.00 28.00 160.20 LincSu YL W - Shrews RP - AFF L - PinVie AS - Neg L - Shrews PM - AFF L - Centen MG - AFF L - Delbar EG - AFF W - Newtwn CS - AFF 2-4 Hawken2 Bob Shurtz Falmou2 Sean Lent Summit2 Margaret Kovera LakHig3 Alex Pollock ScsDle2 Alison Singer OxbAca2 Michael Wu 331 Justin Liu 28.00 27.00 28.50 28.00 28.00 29.00 168.50 William Ye 27.00 26.00 27.50 27.00 27.00 28.00 162.50 324th ManEss DH L - NewtnS SU - AFF W - Whitmn MM - Neg L - HenHud MA - AFF L - FaiPre PK - Neg W - HorMan CM - AFF L - TimCre RZ - AFF 2-4 5 Rebecca Heilweil Medina3 Ken Marco Medina2 Max Deka Hired2 Cayman Giordano ShaSid3 Amit Prasad NorAll1 Steve Delsignore 331 157th Charles Davis 27.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 27.50 164.50 276th Oscar Heanue 28.00 27.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 27.50 166.50 229th ManEss MH W - TriPre FD - Neg W - Schrei GS - Neg L - Ridge OT - Neg L - Millbu WY - Neg L - NewtnS SU - Neg W - Delbar AE - AFF 3-3 17 Ademali Sengal PinVie4 Ian Fetigan Stuyve2 Pasha Temkin BrxSci6 Liam Moore 21 Samuel Wang WesOra1 Jennifer Moore 337 Parker Malarkey 28.00 28.00 27.50 28.50 29.00 29.00 170.00 90th John Haynie 28.00 27.00 26.50 28.50 29.00 28.00 167.00 184th ManEss MS BYE W - Medina FM - Neg L - Hawken NW - Neg L - PinVie FF - Neg L - Whitmn KG - Neg L - HunCol MM - Neg 2-4 Chamin3 Mr. Wines Summit1 Myung Huneke PolPre3 Alison Price Becker 5 Rebecca Heilweil HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck 319.2 175th Julia Mitrano 26.60 27.00 26.00 26.00 27.00 27.00 159.60 363rd Avery Shaw 26.60 27.00 27.00 25.00 27.00 27.00 159.60 343rd ManEss RC L - Millbu EL - AFF L - HorMan HM - AFF Lincol3 Ralph Pinto Byram1 Omair Shahid FORFEIT Hannah Riordan 27.00 28.00 55.00 Jenny Cochand 27.00 28.00 55.00 ManEss SS L - UFla HC - Neg W - Delbar GR - AFF L - Chamin SC - Neg L - NewtnS SU - Neg L - TriPre PJ - Neg W - Harker CH - AFF Whitmn2 Rachel Baron 19 Fandi Tang Newtwn1 Joseph Wilson PinVie5 Dave Szczepaniuk AmeHer2 Yani Palmer PolPre2 Claudia Bogdanos 318.5 Emmett Strack 27.00 28.50 25.00 26.00 27.00 25.00 158.50 Connor Senay 27.00 28.50 23.00 27.00 27.00 27.50 160.00 323rd Marist AT W - ActBox CS - Neg W - Prince KH - AFF W - PolPre AA - AFF L - PinVie AS - AFF W - Chamin DG - AFF L - Prince PY - AFF 4-2 Maspet1 Brandon Defilippis Harker2 Arjun Kumar Millbu3 Justin Horton TriPre3 Praveen Rao 8 Reza Lofti 6 Nathan Hiransomboon 337 52nd Sydney Apple 29.50 28.50 29.00 27.00 29.00 26.50 169.50 69th Liam Torpy 28.50 27.50 28.00 27.00 29.00 27.50 167.50 189th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. 2-4 0-3 110 2-4 162nd 230th 361st 150th 142nd 92nd 213th 424th 423rd 178th 388th Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Totals Results Marist MP W - Syosse BS - AFF W - LakHig BS - Neg W - Shrews MM - AFF W - JamMad KS - AFF L - Harker BR - AFF L - UFla GR - AFF 4-2 PolPre3 Alison Price Becker 14 Michael Ramdatt Stuyve3 Dan Woods BocRat2 Dr. Phyllis Pacilli 7 Jenny Li Harker1 Aneesh Chona 335.5 63rd Ryan McKenna 29.00 28.00 29.00 28.00 27.00 28.50 169.50 80th Jake Pigott 28.00 26.00 29.00 28.00 27.00 28.00 166.00 199th 4-2 68th W - E.L. WR - AFF W - Pennsb BS - AFF W - Byram JA - AFF L - Durham BS - Neg W - Stuyve WW - AFF L - UFla HC - AFF Whitmn3 Courtney Roberts Philli1 Laurie Schmid Whitmn2 Rachel Baron PinVie3 Arjun Byju 15 Felix Rozenberg Lincol3 Ralph Pinto 333 Ananya Malhotra 26.00 28.00 28.00 29.00 29.50 27.50 168.00 133rd Lauren Tolbert 26.00 27.00 28.00 28.00 29.00 27.00 165.00 251st MarRid KR W - RanEve ZM - Neg L - ChrCol AL - AFF W - Harker CH - Neg L - ScsDle KS - AFF L - HorMan SS - Neg L - LincSu GS - Neg 2-4 Chamin3 Mr. Wines Harker2 Arjun Kumar TriPre4 Ramaward Sinanan-Singh 13 Roma Patel Maspet1 Brandon Defilippis TriPre3 Praveen Rao 331.5 Divya Kapoor 28.00 25.00 28.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 162.00 Manaahil Rao 29.00 24.00 29.00 29.00 28.50 30.00 169.50 Maspet GP L - LincSu WP - Neg L - Delbar EG - Neg L - Delbar YL - AFF L - Millbu LJ - AFF L - BerCar SW - AFF 0-6 NorAll1 Steve Delsignore PinVie4 Ian Fetigan Chamin2 Andrea Burger FORFEIT FaiPre2 Tracy Palmer BocRat2 Dr. Phyllis Pacilli 256 Arielle Gallegos 27.00 24.00 26.00 25.00 26.00 128.00 415th Uros Petrovic 28.00 24.00 25.00 25.00 26.00 128.00 416th W - Penins FQ - AFF L - PinVie BS - Neg W - ChrCol AG - AFF L - Syosse BP - AFF 3-3 82nd Marist MT 144th 308th 21st 210th Maspet GR BYE L - Ridge OT - AFF Lincol2 Ivan O'Sullian NorAll1 Steve Delsignore ScsDle2 Alison Singer 15 Felix Rozenberg 16 Joe Salmaggi 334.2 Andy Gonzalez 28.00 25.00 29.00 29.50 29.00 27.50 168.00 72nd Javier Ruiz 27.70 24.00 28.50 29.50 28.50 28.00 166.20 120th Maspet NP W - Prince KH - Neg W - Harker LM - AFF L - NewtnS KS - Neg L - Regis BB - AFF W - NorAll PA - Neg L - Ridge GZ - AFF 3-3 PinVie5 Dave Szczepaniuk Philli1 Laurie Schmid Regis2 Lawrence Tenn 16 Joe Salmaggi 12 Raunak Padore NorAll2 A Wang 342 Horia Negru 29.00 30.00 28.00 29.50 29.00 28.50 174.00 15th Jordy Portugal 28.00 29.00 28.00 28.00 27.00 28.00 168.00 166th Maspet TZ L - LakHig OR - Neg L - Stuyve WW - Neg W - Montvi NB - AFF L - ActBox GC - AFF L - Byram MR - Neg W - Schrei GS - AFF 2-4 22 Devon Weis Regis3 James Woodall Summit1 Myung Huneke ShaSid3 Amit Prasad OxbAca2 Michael Wu Byram1 Omair Shahid 328.5 155th Valerie Tanzil 26.00 28.00 28.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 163.00 298th Aleksandra Zuraw 26.00 29.00 27.00 28.00 27.00 28.50 165.50 243rd McLean KS FORFEIT FORFEIT 0-2 0 Esther Kim 0.00 Shivani Saboo 0.00 McLean MM FORFEIT 0-2 FORFEIT 0 81st 215th 427th 427th 221st Michelle Ma 0.00 Allison Meakem 0.00 427th 0-2 219th McLean PD FORFEIT FORFEIT 0 Heather Pincus 0.00 Andrea Delgado 0.00 McLean PO FORFEIT 0-2 FORFEIT 0 427th 427th 427th 217th Melanie Pincus 0.00 Anna Osguthorpe 0.00 427th 0-2 220th McLean WC FORFEIT FORFEIT 0 Soobin Wang 0.00 Mia Chand 0.00 3-3 427th 427th 427th Medina AD W - Delbar AE - Neg L - BrxSci BG - Neg W - Chamin KS - Neg L - ShaSid FT - Neg W - Penins AP - AFF L - Whitmn AL - AFF Schrei1 Alex Sepulvida E.L.1 Scott Prince LakMar2 Bob Dolan 13 Roma Patel TimCre1 Beth Eskin PolPre2 Claudia Bogdanos 328 Tony Albery 27.00 25.00 27.00 29.00 29.00 26.00 163.00 307th Jess Dutko 28.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 30.00 26.00 165.00 292nd 1-5 133rd Medina DL L - Hackle FB - Neg L - Millbu WW - AFF L - Prince KH - Neg L - Lex CM - Neg WesOra1 Jennifer Moore Pennsb2 Stephen Medoff BYE L - HorMan HM - AFF Hired1 Catherine Holland BrxSci3 Elena Anderson PolPre3 Alison Price Becker 310.2 Mike Donnelly 26.00 24.00 27.00 26.10 28.00 25.50 156.60 398th Brian Loban 26.00 23.00 27.00 25.60 28.00 24.00 153.60 413th Medina FM L - LincSu EP - Neg L - ManEss MS - AFF L - ScsDle LG - AFF W - AmHePL AZ - AFF L - Hawken HD - AFF L - Chamin EM - AFF 1-5 ChrCol1 Dario Camara Chamin3 Mr. Wines PinVie3 Arjun Byju TriPre2 Angela Pregasen Hackle1 Jackson Blossom Byram1 Omair Shahid 324.5 192nd Ben Ferling 28.00 26.00 28.00 26.00 27.00 27.00 162.00 341st Veronica Marco 28.00 26.00 28.00 26.00 27.50 27.00 162.50 320th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. 205th Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Totals Results Medina HP L - Durham LP - Neg W - Hawken SM - Neg L - ShaSid FT - AFF L - Syosse MW - AFF W - StJos MV - Neg L - WesOra CC - Neg 2-4 ChrCol1 Dario Camara TriPre2 Angela Pregasen PinVie2 KR Byju 18 Daniel Shafir Millbu2 Henry Chapman 8 Reza Lofti 331 152nd Alyssa Hulthen 26.00 28.50 29.00 27.00 28.00 27.00 165.50 241st Katherine Phillips 27.00 28.00 29.00 27.00 27.00 27.50 165.50 279th Medina MM W - Whitmn DK - AFF L - TimCre RZ - AFF W - LincSu GS - AFF L - WesOra CA - AFF L - LakHig BS - Neg L - Chamin KS - AFF 2-4 BrxSci2 Xavier Amarille 16 Joe Salmaggi PinVie4 Ian Fetigan Maspet2 Doris Su PinVie5 Dave Szczepaniuk 13 Roma Patel 335.5 145th T.J. Milam 26.00 27.50 28.00 27.50 28.50 29.00 166.50 191st Jimmy Marco 26.00 28.50 27.00 28.50 29.00 30.00 169.00 97th MiaBea LS W - ChrCol AL - AFF L - Montvi TP - AFF W - LincSu LB - AFF W - HunCol DP - AFF W - PinVie FF - AFF W - LakHig DS - AFF 5-1 12th TriPre4 Ramaward Sinanan-Singh 18 Daniel Shafir Byram1 Omair Shahid 10 Adam Lowet TimCre1 Beth Eskin 5 Rebecca Heilweil 343 Alexandra Lampner 28.00 27.00 28.50 28.00 29.00 29.00 169.50 Max Shevlin 28.00 28.00 29.50 28.00 30.00 30.00 173.50 MiaBea MS W - Schrei GS - AFF W - NewtnS SU - AFF W - HorMan GO - Neg W - Ridge JZ - AFF L - NorAll NA - Neg L - Summit WB - AFF 4-2 U2 Zachary Prax 18 Daniel Shafir Philli1 Laurie Schmid TriPre4 Ramaward Sinanan-Singh Whitmn2 Rachel Baron ManEss1 Yvonne Robbins 342 Belen Mella 28.00 28.00 30.00 29.00 28.50 29.00 172.50 39th Charles Starr 28.00 27.00 29.00 28.00 28.50 29.00 169.50 81st Millbu AB W - Schrei SG - Neg L - UOhio WT - Neg W - Ridge JZ - AFF L - Prince MO - Neg 4-2 47th 84th 25th 35th BYE W - Whitmn AL - Neg Regis2 Lawrence Tenn LakHig3 Alex Pollock Maspet1 Brandon Defilippis NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen 337.8 Alex Brod 28.00 28.60 28.50 28.00 29.00 29.50 171.60 46th Aidan Ahamparam 26.00 27.70 28.50 28.00 27.50 28.50 166.20 174th Millbu BV W - Summit MK - AFF W - TimCre VM - AFF L - Stuyve KU - AFF L - HorMan DP - Neg W - Penins LL - AFF W - BrxSci BG - AFF 4-2 5 Rebecca Heilweil Schrei1 Alex Sepulvida Shrews1 Trina Parks TriPre3 Praveen Rao 6 Nathan Hiransomboon Montvi1 Nathaniel Barbour 334 Zachary Vinik 29.00 28.00 26.00 28.00 28.50 28.00 167.50 136th Dylan Boyd 27.50 28.00 25.00 29.00 29.00 28.00 166.50 137th Millbu EL W - ManEss RC - Neg W - BrxSci FY - Neg L - Ridge JZ - AFF W - Chamin SC - Neg L - Regis HS - AFF L - Regis DP - AFF 3-3 Lincol3 Ralph Pinto Maspet1 Brandon Defilippis 17 Ademali Sengal Harker1 Aneesh Chona Penins1 Chris Fielder Hawken2 Bob Shurtz 327.5 111th Andrew Lama 27.00 27.00 28.00 30.00 26.00 26.00 164.00 Sam Eglow 29.00 27.50 30.00 30.00 20.00 27.00 163.50 Millbu KG W - Durham WB - Neg W - HorMan SS - Neg L - Prince MO - Neg W - Byram JA - Neg L - Stuyve GV - Neg L - UOhio BA - Neg 3-3 10 Adam Lowet WesOra1 Jennifer Moore NorAll2 A Wang TriPre4 Ramaward Sinanan-Singh Regis4 Jack O'Malley 7 Jenny Li 327 Anne Kramer 27.00 26.00 28.00 28.00 25.00 27.50 161.50 Daniel Gold 29.50 27.00 28.00 28.00 25.00 28.00 165.50 2-4 Summit1 Myung Huneke 49th 333rd 86th 116th 319th 200th L - FaiPre IF - AFF L - Syosse BS - AFF L - HunCol MM - AFF L - Byram FW - AFF W - Maspet GP - Neg W - AmHePL AZ - Neg Summit1 Myung Huneke Montvi1 Nathaniel Barbour 11 Victor Mezacapa StJos2 Heidi Ford FaiPre2 Tracy Palmer 18 Daniel Shafir 339.5 Bryant Le 26.00 30.00 26.00 29.50 28.00 29.00 168.50 Austin Jia 27.00 30.00 27.00 30.00 28.00 29.00 171.00 63rd Millbu WW L - LincSu GS - AFF W - Medina DL - Neg L - Summit MK - AFF L - UFla EL - AFF L - LincSu LB - Neg W - Bangor NS - AFF 2-4 Syosse1 Josh Feng WesOra1 Jennifer Moore TimCre1 Beth Eskin Philli1 Laurie Schmid Medina3 Ken Marco Montvi1 Nathaniel Barbour 318 180th Arik Wolk 26.00 26.00 27.00 27.00 26.00 27.00 159.00 377th Kyla Wolf 26.00 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 27.00 159.00 376th Millbu WY BYE W - Falmou LS - AFF L - UFla GR - AFF W - ManEss MH - AFF L - ShaSid FT - AFF L - PolPre HE - AFF 3-3 U1 Bryan Hindin 17 Ademali Sengal BrxSci6 Liam Moore JamMad1 Timothy Scheffler 14 Michael Ramdatt 341.4 David Yaffe 28.50 28.50 29.00 29.00 28.00 28.00 171.00 50th James Whitty 28.40 28.00 29.00 29.00 28.00 28.00 170.40 92nd BYE 1-5 195th Millbu LJ 143rd 124th 80th Montvi NB L - Stuyve WW - Neg L - LincSu LB - AFF L - Maspet TZ - Neg L - Schrei SG - AFF L - Newtwn CS - AFF Hawken2 Bob Shurtz 13 Roma Patel Summit1 Myung Huneke ActBox2 Ray Gan Lex1 William Smith David Natanov 27.00 28.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.20 163.20 Alex Benno 26.50 29.00 27.00 26.50 26.50 27.10 162.60 Montvi TG W - Hackle WT - Neg W - Ridge MJ - Neg L - Whitmn WW - Neg L - Randol GS - AFF W - Syosse BS - AFF L - Prince AM - AFF 3-3 Stuyve3 Dan Woods PolPre2 Claudia Bogdanos PinVie2 KR Byju Chamin2 Andrea Burger HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck 6 Nathan Hiransomboon 330.5 Sean Taltavall 28.00 26.00 28.00 27.00 28.00 28.50 165.50 204th Carly Goldsmith 28.00 26.00 28.50 27.00 28.50 27.00 165.00 237th 325.8 4-2 328th 355th 106th Montvi TP W - ShaSid PP - Neg W - MiaBea LS - Neg W - Penins LL - Neg L - UFla HC - Neg L - LakHig DS - Neg W - Ridge JZ - Neg NorAll2 A Wang 18 Daniel Shafir Harker1 Aneesh Chona 17 Ademali Sengal Hired2 Cayman Giordano PolPre3 Alison Price Becker 332.5 John Taltavall 29.00 27.00 27.50 27.00 27.00 27.50 165.00 299th Vatsal Patel 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 27.50 167.50 158th Montvi TV L - NorAll NA - Neg L - Lex KB - AFF L - Summit PH - AFF W - Hackle WT - AFF W - E.L. WR - AFF L - Byram JA - Neg 2-4 15 Felix Rozenberg E.L.1 Scott Prince Chamin2 Andrea Burger HunCol1 Judy Pillinger Chamin3 Mr. Wines Lex1 William Smith 329.5 153rd Daniel Toren 28.50 27.00 27.00 27.50 28.00 27.00 165.00 274th Ares Vlahos 28.50 26.00 27.00 27.50 28.00 27.50 164.50 254th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. 75th Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Totals Results Needha AO BYE FORFEIT L - Summit WB - AFF L - Delbar BT - AFF L - NorAll WH - AFF W - Randol FR - AFF 2-4 TriPre4 Ramaward Sinanan-Singh Byram1 Omair Shahid Falmou2 Sean Lent NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen 270.01 171st Tolu Ajayi 26.38 25.00 27.00 27.00 26.50 131.88 Amirah Orozco 27.63 27.00 28.00 28.00 27.50 138.13 247th NewtnN DZ L - Falmou LS - Neg L - ActBox CS - Neg L - BrxSci HA - Neg W - Newtwn CS - Neg W - ShaSid WJ - AFF W - Whitmn DK - AFF 3-3 19 Fandi Tang Whitmn3 Courtney Roberts Summit2 Margaret Kovera 21 Samuel Wang ManEss1 Yvonne Robbins OxbAca2 Michael Wu 337 103rd Edward Ding 29.00 28.50 29.00 30.00 29.00 28.00 173.50 23rd Lucy Zheng 27.50 26.00 26.00 30.00 28.00 26.00 163.50 352nd NewtnS KE L - Harker BR - Neg W - PinVie SB - Neg W - Hawken SM - Neg W - Lex KB - AFF W - FreTow EO - Neg L - UFla GB - AFF 4-2 TimCre1 Beth Eskin Regis1 Alex Petrillo Hired2 Cayman Giordano PinVie2 KR Byju U2 Zachary Prax RanEve1 Leandra Lopez 338.5 Feli Kuperwasser 28.00 28.00 28.00 29.00 28.00 27.50 168.50 Bella Ehrlich 28.00 29.00 28.50 29.50 28.00 27.00 170.00 NewtnS KS W - HorMan RG - AFF W - TriPre PJ - Neg W - Maspet NP - AFF L - Stuyve EK - Neg W - LincSu EP - Neg L - ChrCol AL - AFF 4-2 PinVie5 Dave Szczepaniuk HunCol1 Judy Pillinger Regis2 Lawrence Tenn Hired2 Cayman Giordano Whitmn2 Rachel Baron Newtwn1 Joseph Wilson 335 Ethan Kestenberg 28.00 28.50 28.50 27.00 28.50 24.00 164.50 150th Sachin Srivastava 30.00 28.50 29.00 27.50 28.50 27.00 170.50 71st NewtnS LC W - Delbar BT - AFF W - BrxSci HA - Neg L - Durham BS - Neg W - Ridge GZ - AFF W - TriPre RS - AFF W - Stuyve EK - AFF 5-1 Stuyve3 Dan Woods Regis2 Lawrence Tenn ChrCol1 Dario Camara Harker1 Aneesh Chona BrxSci3 Elena Anderson Falmou2 Sean Lent 346 7th Jae Seung Lee 29.00 28.00 27.00 29.50 29.50 29.00 172.00 Zephy Chang 29.00 29.00 27.00 29.50 29.50 30.00 174.00 NewtnS PS W - ShaSid WJ - AFF L - Prince AM - AFF L - WesOra CA - AFF L - Whitmn DK - AFF W - Roslyn SF - AFF W - Whitmn MM - Neg 3-3 396th 48th 160th 82nd 45th 19th 5th 89th Montvi1 Nathaniel Barbour BrxSci2 Xavier Amarille NorAll2 A Wang Stuyve2 Pasha Temkin TriPre3 Praveen Rao Lincol3 Ralph Pinto 337 Veronica Podolny 29.00 27.00 29.00 28.50 28.00 28.00 169.50 91st Rebecca Shaar 28.00 27.00 28.50 28.00 28.00 28.00 167.50 172nd 3-3 139th L - Randol LB - Neg L - UFla GR - AFF W - Prince TN - AFF L - Regis FT - Neg W - Bangor NS - Neg W - Lex FL - AFF JamMad1 Timothy Scheffler Syosse1 Josh Feng U3 Humzah Quereshy BrxSci6 Liam Moore Chamin2 Andrea Burger Whitmn3 Courtney Roberts 324 Ben Silvian 28.00 26.00 27.00 29.00 28.00 25.00 163.00 295th Daniel Goldstein 27.50 26.00 25.50 28.50 28.00 25.50 161.00 358th NewtnS SU W - ManEss DH - Neg L - MiaBea MS - Neg L - PinVie SB - AFF W - ManEss SS - AFF W - ManEss MH - AFF W - TimCre LV - Neg 5 Rebecca Heilweil 18 Daniel Shafir WesOra1 Jennifer Moore PinVie5 Dave Szczepaniuk 21 Samuel Wang BocRat2 Dr. Phyllis Pacilli 337 Ben Shteinfeld 29.00 27.00 29.00 28.50 30.00 27.50 171.00 48th Ayush Upneja 29.00 28.00 25.00 27.50 30.00 26.50 166.00 217th Newtwn CS L - NorAll XC - AFF L - Byram JA - AFF L - HorMan RG - AFF L - NewtnN DZ - AFF W - Montvi NB - Neg L - LincSu YL - Neg 1-5 TimCre1 Beth Eskin Regis3 James Woodall 11 Victor Mezacapa 21 Samuel Wang Lex1 William Smith OxbAca2 Michael Wu 316.5 Elizabeth Cain 25.00 26.00 24.00 29.00 26.50 27.00 157.50 401st Bridget Spies 26.00 26.00 24.00 29.00 27.00 27.00 159.00 379th 4-2 54th NewtnS SG 4-2 66th 203rd NorAll CD W - Prince PY - AFF L - Whitmn WW - AFF W - BrxSci BZ - Neg W - ChrCol AG - AFF L - LincSu SK - AFF W - Regis BB - AFF HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck LakHig2 Christian Chessman Regis3 James Woodall AmeHer2 Yani Palmer PinVie3 Arjun Byju Ridge3 Danny Van Nest 338.5 Nikhil Cherukapalli 28.00 29.00 28.00 28.00 28.50 28.00 169.50 129th Marisa DelSignore 28.00 29.50 27.00 28.00 28.50 28.00 169.00 132nd NorAll NA W - Montvi TV - AFF W - WesOra CC - Neg W - PolPre BG - AFF W - Chamin DG - AFF W - MiaBea MS - AFF W - Stuyve BZ - Neg 6-0 15 Felix Rozenberg LakHig2 Christian Chessman PinVie4 Ian Fetigan Marist1 Jeffrey Miller Whitmn2 Rachel Baron WesOra1 Jennifer Moore 342.5 Siddarth Narayan 30.00 29.50 27.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 173.50 Apoorv Anand 29.00 28.00 26.00 28.50 28.50 29.00 169.00 55th NorAll PA L - HunCol DP - AFF W - Randol FR - AFF W - TimCre LV - Neg L - BrxSci CD - AFF L - Maspet NP - AFF L - FaiPre PK - AFF 2-4 PinVie4 Ian Fetigan RanEve1 Leandra Lopez NewtnS2 Daisy Grandt Millbu2 Henry Chapman 12 Raunak Padore TriPre4 Ramaward Sinanan-Singh 319 183rd Anrey Peng 26.00 27.00 25.00 24.00 26.00 27.00 155.00 Anmol Anand 26.00 28.00 27.00 27.00 29.00 27.00 164.00 NorAll WH W - BerCar CC - AFF L - UFla EL - Neg L - TimCre RZ - AFF L - Ridge MJ - AFF W - Needha AO - Neg W - ShaSid KJ - Neg 3-3 15 Felix Rozenberg AmeHer2 Yani Palmer StJos2 Heidi Ford HunCol1 Judy Pillinger Falmou2 Sean Lent Harker2 Arjun Kumar 337 Christina Wang 28.50 28.00 28.00 28.50 30.00 28.00 171.00 108th Emily He 28.50 28.00 28.00 27.50 28.00 26.00 166.00 187th NorAll XC W - Newtwn CS - Neg L - Delbar AE - AFF L - PinVie FF - Neg W - Lex CM - AFF W - TimCre RZ - AFF L - Stuyve WW - AFF TimCre1 Beth Eskin Marist1 Jeffrey Miller Millbu3 Justin Horton U2 Zachary Prax BrxSci2 Xavier Amarille Ridge3 Danny Van Nest 329.5 Elaine Xu 27.00 28.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 28.50 164.50 Julie Chen 26.00 27.50 28.00 28.00 27.00 28.50 165.00 234th OxbAca ST W - Philli MR - AFF W - Falmou RC - AFF L - Stuyve EK - AFF W - BrxSci CM - AFF W - Prince AM - AFF L - WesOra CA - AFF 4-2 59th 3-3 4th 11th 402nd 312th 94th 125th 313th Maspet1 Brandon Defilippis ActBox2 Ray Gan Pennsb2 Stephen Medoff 20 Akhil Upneja Medina3 Ken Marco 16 Joe Salmaggi 335.5 Jagger Stapp 28.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 28.00 167.00 202nd William Turk 28.00 28.00 27.00 29.00 27.00 29.50 168.50 159th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Totals Results Penins AP L - TimCre LV - Neg W - BerCar CC - Neg L - Durham LP - Neg W - LincSu GS - Neg L - Medina AD - Neg W - HenHud BA - Neg 3-3 Whitmn2 Rachel Baron HorMan2 Katharine Rudbeck ScsDle2 Alison Singer Chamin2 Andrea Burger TimCre1 Beth Eskin NewtnS2 Daisy Grandt 336.5 90th Saahil Anand 28.00 29.00 28.50 28.00 28.00 26.00 167.50 144th Valeria Park 28.00 29.00 28.00 28.00 29.00 27.00 169.00 119th Penins FQ L - Regis BB - Neg W - Hackle FS - AFF L - Maspet GR - Neg L - LakHig OR - AFF L - LincSu GS - Neg ShaSid2 Mary Krauland NorAll1 Steve Delsignore 7 Jenny Li 20 Akhil Upneja BYE 2-4 10 Adam Lowet 161st Evan Falstrup 28.00 25.00 27.50 27.50 27.00 27.00 162.00 303rd Leonard Qian 27.00 27.00 27.50 28.00 27.00 27.30 163.80 316th Penins GO L - UFla EL - AFF L - PinVie BS - Neg W - Randol FR - AFF W - HenHud MA - AFF W - Whitmn MM - Neg W - Shrews MM - Neg 4-2 21 Samuel Wang Falmou2 Sean Lent Ridge3 Danny Van Nest Lincol3 Ralph Pinto Harker2 Arjun Kumar PinVie2 KR Byju 339 Laura Griffin 29.00 28.00 30.00 29.00 29.50 29.50 175.00 7th Minji Oh 29.00 27.00 28.50 27.00 24.50 28.00 164.00 240th Penins KL L - HorMan GO - AFF L - Shrews MM - Neg W - Fenwic MS - AFF W - HenHud BA - Neg W - HorMan RG - AFF W - Ridge MJ - AFF 4-2 BrxSci5 Joelle Burgess PinVie5 Dave Szczepaniuk 16 Joe Salmaggi 8 Reza Lofti Chamin3 Mr. Wines Pennsb2 Stephen Medoff 341 Matthew Klinck 29.50 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 28.00 173.50 16th Hannah Lee 28.50 27.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 167.50 171st Penins LL W - Byram MR - Neg W - Harker CH - AFF L - Montvi TP - AFF L - ActBox LB - Neg L - Millbu BV - Neg L - Summit MS - Neg 2-4 U1 Bryan Hindin Pennsb2 Stephen Medoff Harker1 Aneesh Chona Byram1 Omair Shahid 6 Nathan Hiransomboon TriPre4 Ramaward Sinanan-Singh 327 160th Sonali Loomba 26.00 27.00 27.50 28.00 28.00 27.00 163.50 277th Janice Lee 26.00 27.00 27.50 28.50 27.50 27.00 163.50 302nd Pennsb BS L - Lex FL - Neg L - Marist MT - Neg W - Schrei GS - Neg L - TimCre LV - Neg L - Summit MS - Neg W - TriPre RM - Neg 2-4 Regis1 Alex Petrillo Philli1 Laurie Schmid Millbu2 Henry Chapman ShaSid3 Amit Prasad U1 Bryan Hindin 14 Michael Ramdatt 313 Cliff Bakalian 27.00 26.00 27.00 26.00 24.00 25.00 155.00 403rd Ahaj Shroff 28.00 27.00 26.00 26.00 25.00 26.00 158.00 394th Philli MR L - OxbAca ST - Neg L - HorMan DP - AFF BYE L - HunCol PM - AFF L - HunCol MM - Neg W - ShaSid WJ - AFF 2-4 168th 325.8 43rd 38th 188th Maspet1 Brandon Defilippis U1 Bryan Hindin JamMad1 Timothy Scheffler ChrCol1 Dario Camara Delbar1 Connor Feeley 324 Megan McCormick 26.00 26.50 26.90 27.00 28.00 27.00 161.40 Aditya Rao 26.00 26.00 27.10 27.50 28.00 28.00 162.60 PinVie AS W - HenHud MA - AFF W - LincSu YL - AFF W - Regis CC - AFF W - Marist AT - Neg W - Prince MO - Neg L - Whitmn WW - Neg 5-1 NorAll2 A Wang Falmou2 Sean Lent Philli1 Laurie Schmid TriPre3 Praveen Rao ShaSid3 Amit Prasad Marist1 Jeffrey Miller 339.5 CHAD ANDERSON 29.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 169.00 Carlos Sanchez 29.00 29.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.50 170.50 PinVie BS W - Roslyn SF - AFF W - Penins GO - AFF L - JamMad KS - Neg W - Maspet GR - AFF W - BrxSci BG - AFF L - Regis CC - AFF 4-2 Montvi2 Katherine Lin Falmou2 Sean Lent Stuyve2 Pasha Temkin ScsDle2 Alison Singer Chamin2 Andrea Burger Lincol2 Ivan O'Sullian 346 Aravind Byju 29.50 30.00 28.00 30.00 30.00 28.00 175.50 4th Sho Szczepaniuk 28.00 29.00 27.00 29.50 30.00 27.00 170.50 73rd 3-3 79th 353rd 317th 20th 153rd 75th 28th PinVie FF W - Ridge GZ - AFF L - Regis BR - Neg W - NorAll XC - AFF W - ManEss MS - AFF L - MiaBea LS - Neg L - FaiPre IF - AFF Summit2 Margaret Kovera 17 Ademali Sengal Millbu3 Justin Horton PolPre3 Alison Price Becker TimCre1 Beth Eskin Stuyve2 Pasha Temkin 341 Andrew Fetigan 28.00 29.00 28.00 27.50 29.00 28.50 170.00 Justin Frow 28.00 29.00 29.00 27.50 29.00 28.50 171.00 PinVie SB W - Randol FR - AFF L - NewtnS KE - AFF W - NewtnS SU - Neg W - UOhio DW - Neg L - UFla EL - Neg L - Regis FT - Neg 3-3 20 Akhil Upneja Regis1 Alex Petrillo WesOra1 Jennifer Moore Shrews1 Trina Parks Harker2 Arjun Kumar Stuyve3 Dan Woods 330 Katherine Salvatori 28.00 28.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 29.50 167.50 201st Natalia Brokate 28.00 27.00 28.00 25.00 25.00 29.50 162.50 329th 4-2 31st 79th 40th 127th PolPre AA W - Ridge SG - Neg W - ShaSid PP - AFF L - Marist AT - Neg W - Whitmn MM - Neg L - Hackle FB - AFF W - FaiPre CB - Neg Schrei1 Alex Sepulvida Regis2 Lawrence Tenn Millbu3 Justin Horton FaiPre2 Tracy Palmer ScsDle2 Alison Singer E.L.1 Scott Prince 341.5 David Almonte 30.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 28.50 27.00 172.50 22nd Caspar Arbeeny 28.00 29.00 27.50 29.00 28.50 27.00 169.00 102nd PolPre BG W - HorMan HM - AFF W - Roslyn SF - Neg L - NorAll NA - Neg W - Whitmn KG - Neg W - Shrews PM - AFF L - UFla EL - Neg 4-2 LakHig3 Alex Pollock Lex1 William Smith PinVie4 Ian Fetigan 21 Samuel Wang 8 Reza Lofti Newtwn1 Joseph Wilson 332.5 Michael Bogdanos 29.00 27.00 26.00 30.00 28.00 27.00 167.00 220th John Goulandris 30.00 28.00 27.00 29.00 27.50 24.00 165.50 190th 4-2 69th PolPre HE L - Lex KB - AFF L - Prince MO - Neg W - ShaSid WJ - Neg W - Harker CH - Neg W - FaiPre PK - Neg W - Millbu WY - Neg RanEve1 Leandra Lopez NewtnS2 Daisy Grandt ScsDle2 Alison Singer Regis4 Jack O'Malley ChrCol1 Dario Camara 14 Michael Ramdatt 329.5 Harrison Hurt 27.00 26.00 29.00 26.00 29.00 29.00 166.00 Eitan Ezra 26.00 27.00 28.50 25.00 28.00 29.00 163.50 271st Prince AM W - HunCol MM - Neg W - NewtnS PS - Neg L - Durham YD - Neg W - FaiPre IF - AFF L - OxbAca ST - Neg W - Montvi TG - Neg 4-2 LakHig3 Alex Pollock BrxSci2 Xavier Amarille Medina2 Max Deka ShaSid2 Mary Krauland Medina3 Ken Marco 6 Nathan Hiransomboon 337.5 42nd Gavin Alcott 29.00 29.00 27.00 29.00 28.00 29.00 171.00 29th Mitchell Mullen 28.00 29.00 26.00 28.00 27.00 28.50 166.50 176th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. 76th 209th Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Totals Results Prince KH L - Maspet NP - AFF L - Marist AT - Neg W - Medina DL - AFF W - Byram MR - Neg L - BrxSci CM - AFF W - St.Tho MH - AFF 3-3 PinVie5 Dave Szczepaniuk Harker2 Arjun Kumar Pennsb2 Stephen Medoff 17 Ademali Sengal TriPre2 Angela Pregasen 7 Jenny Li 331.5 108th Taran Krishnan 28.00 27.00 28.00 28.00 28.50 27.50 167.00 185th Justin Ho 27.00 26.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 27.50 164.50 233rd Prince MO W - TriPre PJ - AFF W - PolPre HE - AFF W - Millbu KG - AFF W - Stuyve GV - AFF L - PinVie AS - AFF W - Millbu AB - AFF 5-1 PinVie2 KR Byju NewtnS2 Daisy Grandt NorAll2 A Wang Whitmn3 Courtney Roberts ShaSid3 Amit Prasad NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen 341 11th Pragya Malik 29.00 26.00 28.00 28.00 27.00 29.00 167.00 155th Sinan Ozbay 29.00 27.00 29.00 29.00 30.00 30.00 174.00 8th L - NorAll CD - Neg W - Chamin OW - Neg W - Syosse MW - Neg W - Durham WB - Neg W - BocRat GS - Neg W - Marist AT - Neg 5-1 Prince PY HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck Harker1 Aneesh Chona E.L.1 Scott Prince 12 Raunak Padore Regis2 Lawrence Tenn 6 Nathan Hiransomboon 333 Keshav Pothireddy 27.50 28.00 26.00 28.00 29.00 28.50 167.00 Tiffany Yuan 28.00 28.00 25.00 29.00 28.00 28.00 166.00 Prince TN L - Stuyve EK - Neg L - UOhio WT - Neg L - NewtnS SG - Neg RanEve1 Leandra Lopez 12 Raunak Padore U3 Humzah Quereshy FORFEIT Liam Timmons 25.00 27.00 26.00 78.00 421st Vivek Narayan 25.00 26.00 24.50 75.50 422nd Randol FR L - PinVie SB - Neg L - NorAll PA - Neg L - Penins GO - Neg L - ShaSid WJ - AFF W - AmHePL AZ - Neg L - Needha AO - Neg 1-5 20 Akhil Upneja RanEve1 Leandra Lopez Ridge3 Danny Van Nest NewtnS2 Daisy Grandt PolPre3 Alison Price Becker NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen 320.1 198th Gerard Ferrante 27.00 27.00 28.00 25.00 25.50 26.60 159.10 Raghava Ravi 27.00 27.00 28.00 27.00 25.50 26.50 161.00 Randol GS W - Chamin EM - Neg L - Whitmn KG - Neg W - ActBox GC - Neg W - Montvi TG - Neg L - WesOra CA - AFF L - LincSu EP - Neg 3-3 NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen 15 Felix Rozenberg HunCol1 Judy Pillinger Chamin2 Andrea Burger 21 Samuel Wang Maspet2 Doris Su 339 Kane Gui 28.00 28.50 28.00 28.00 29.00 27.00 168.50 135th Max Sidebotham 28.00 29.00 28.00 28.00 29.00 28.50 170.50 83rd Randol LB W - NewtnS SG - AFF L - ActBox LB - Neg L - Ridge GZ - AFF W - Chamin EM - Neg W - Harker SK - AFF W - TriPre RS - AFF 4-2 53rd 0-4 153.5 23rd 162nd 163rd 212th 373rd 349th 91st JamMad1 Timothy Scheffler BrxSci2 Xavier Amarille E.L.1 Scott Prince FaiPre2 Tracy Palmer ShaSid2 Mary Krauland Montvi2 Katherine Lin 333.5 Joshua Leopold 28.00 28.50 25.00 29.00 28.00 28.50 167.00 104th Gabrielle Borruso 28.50 28.50 25.00 29.50 28.00 27.00 166.50 152nd RanEve GL L - Chamin KS - AFF W - UFla GB - AFF W - ActBox CS - AFF L - Shrews MM - Neg W - Syosse MN - AFF W - Centen MG - AFF HorMan2 Katharine Rudbeck LakHig3 Alex Pollock Medina3 Ken Marco Whitmn3 Courtney Roberts NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen Falmou2 Sean Lent 334.5 Blake Goldman 28.00 27.50 27.00 25.00 28.50 29.00 165.00 215th Cali Lindsay 28.00 29.00 28.00 28.00 28.50 28.00 169.50 139th RanEve ZM L - MarRid KR - AFF W - ScsDle LG - Neg W - Regis FT - AFF W - Harker SK - Neg W - FaiPre CB - AFF W - Regis BR - Neg 5-1 Chamin3 Mr. Wines Montvi2 Katherine Lin Byram1 Omair Shahid Montvi1 Nathaniel Barbour StJos2 Heidi Ford ChrCol1 Dario Camara 345.5 Ariela Zebede 28.00 29.00 29.50 30.00 28.00 28.00 172.50 Dave Mendelson 28.00 28.50 29.50 30.00 28.00 29.00 173.00 37th Regis BB W - Penins FQ - AFF L - Ridge GZ - Neg W - Summit GP - AFF W - Maspet NP - Neg L - Durham YD - Neg L - NorAll CD - Neg 3-3 10 Adam Lowet Schrei1 Alex Sepulvida ChrCol1 Dario Camara 16 Joe Salmaggi U2 Zachary Prax Ridge3 Danny Van Nest 333 101st Brandon Baldovin 28.00 27.00 26.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 165.00 Liam Brozen 29.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 28.00 168.00 Regis BR W - TriPre RS - Neg W - PinVie FF - AFF W - St.Tho MH - AFF W - FreTow EO - AFF L - Stuyve KU - AFF L - RanEve ZM - AFF 4-2 PolPre3 Alison Price Becker 17 Ademali Sengal NorAll1 Steve Delsignore NewtnS2 Daisy Grandt Penins1 Chris Fielder ChrCol1 Dario Camara 335 Robert Borek 28.00 30.00 28.50 28.00 28.00 28.00 170.50 Joseph Ryan 27.00 29.00 28.50 27.00 27.00 26.00 164.50 287th Regis CC W - ScsDle LG - Neg BYE L - PinVie AS - Neg W - Syosse MN - Neg W - ActBox LB - Neg W - PinVie BS - Neg 5-1 Philli1 Laurie Schmid 12 Raunak Padore PolPre3 Alison Price Becker Lincol2 Ivan O'Sullian 331.2 26th Joseph Caparelli 27.00 27.60 27.50 29.00 26.50 28.00 165.60 Ryan Carragher 27.00 27.60 27.50 29.00 26.50 28.00 165.60 Regis DP L - Hawken NW - Neg W - Summit PH - AFF W - HorMan HM - Neg L - Summit WB - AFF W - LakHig OR - Neg W - Millbu EL - Neg 4-2 U1 Bryan Hindin Hired2 Cayman Giordano Hackle1 Jackson Blossom 6 Nathan Hiransomboon BrxSci6 Liam Moore Hawken2 Bob Shurtz 334.5 Colin Donnelly 26.00 27.50 28.50 28.00 29.00 28.00 167.00 156th Brendan Powell 27.00 28.00 28.50 27.50 28.00 28.50 167.50 154th Ridge2 Alisha Sharaballi 4-2 4-2 56th 9th 45th 205th 161st 71st 134th 248th 249th 58th Regis FT W - LincSu LB - Neg L - Chamin DG - Neg L - RanEve ZM - Neg W - NewtnS SG - AFF W - TriPre AM - AFF W - PinVie SB - AFF ScsDle1 Dan Chase Pennsb2 Stephen Medoff Byram1 Omair Shahid BrxSci6 Liam Moore JamMad1 Timothy Scheffler Stuyve3 Dan Woods 343.5 James Flatow 29.50 26.00 28.00 29.50 28.00 29.50 170.50 36th Daniel Tenreiro-Braschi 29.00 28.00 28.50 28.50 29.00 30.00 173.00 35th Regis HS W - WesOra CC - Neg W - HorMan RG - Neg L - FreTow EO - Neg W - St.Tho MH - Neg W - Millbu EL - Neg W - LincSu SK - Neg 5-1 Maspet2 Doris Su Lincol2 Ivan O'Sullian ManEss1 Yvonne Robbins Millbu2 Henry Chapman Penins1 Chris Fielder Medina2 Max Deka 332.5 24th Jonathan Hall 27.00 28.00 29.00 27.00 29.50 26.00 166.50 225th Sean Singleton 28.00 28.00 29.00 24.00 30.00 27.00 166.00 169th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. 30th Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Totals Results Ridge GZ L - PinVie FF - Neg W - Regis BB - AFF W - Randol LB - Neg L - NewtnS LC - Neg W - Summit GP - AFF W - Maspet NP - Neg 4-2 Summit2 Margaret Kovera Schrei1 Alex Sepulvida E.L.1 Scott Prince Harker1 Aneesh Chona Hired1 Catherine Holland NorAll2 A Wang 330.5 72nd Rajan Gupta 27.00 27.00 26.00 28.50 30.00 28.50 167.00 213th Feliz Zheng 27.00 28.00 26.00 27.50 27.00 28.00 163.50 273rd Ridge JZ W - ShaSid FT - Neg BYE W - Millbu EL - Neg L - MiaBea MS - Neg L - Millbu AB - Neg L - Montvi TP - AFF 3-3 17 Ademali Sengal TriPre4 Ramaward Sinanan-Singh Maspet1 Brandon Defilippis PolPre3 Alison Price Becker 335.4 95th Jonathan Jen 28.50 28.00 29.00 28.00 28.00 26.50 168.00 128th Ben Zhao 28.00 27.90 29.00 28.00 28.50 26.00 167.40 145th Ridge MJ L - Summit GP - AFF L - Montvi TG - AFF W - Byram FW - Neg W - NorAll WH - Neg W - Hawken SM - Neg L - Penins KL - Neg 3-3 Chamin3 Mr. Wines PolPre2 Claudia Bogdanos 10 Adam Lowet HunCol1 Judy Pillinger Newtwn1 Joseph Wilson Pennsb2 Stephen Medoff 329.5 Brian McCormick 27.00 27.00 29.00 28.00 26.00 27.00 164.00 Alicia Jen 27.00 27.00 30.00 28.50 27.00 26.00 165.50 Ridge OT W - HunCol PM - Neg W - Maspet GR - Neg W - ManEss MH - AFF W - BocRat GS - Neg L - UFla HC - Neg W - UOhio WT - Neg 5-1 LakHig2 Christian Chessman Lincol2 Ivan O'Sullian Stuyve2 Pasha Temkin PolPre3 Alison Price Becker BrxSci6 Liam Moore Montvi2 Katherine Lin 342.3 Tim O'Shea 28.50 28.00 28.00 28.50 30.00 29.50 172.50 43rd Oliver Tang 28.30 28.00 28.00 27.00 29.50 29.00 169.80 93rd L - BocRat GS - AFF W - HorMan CM - Neg W - HunCol MM - Neg W - Lex KB - AFF W - HorMan GO - Neg 4-2 50th HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck 134th 310th 288th 19th Ridge SG L - PolPre AA - AFF Schrei1 Alex Sepulvida Maspet1 Brandon Defilippis LakMar2 Bob Dolan 10 Adam Lowet NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen Millbu3 Justin Horton 340 Saloni Singhvi 28.00 28.00 28.00 27.50 29.00 30.00 170.50 Davis George 28.00 27.50 27.00 29.00 28.50 29.50 169.50 Roslyn SF L - PinVie BS - Neg L - PolPre BG - AFF L - TriPre RM - Neg L - NewtnS PS - Neg L - Falmou RC - Neg 1-5 Montvi2 Katherine Lin Lex1 William Smith PinVie3 Arjun Byju BYE TriPre3 Praveen Rao ManEss1 Yvonne Robbins 318 Ryan Simon 26.00 25.00 28.00 26.60 27.00 27.00 159.60 364th Benjamin Faber 25.00 25.00 28.00 26.40 27.00 27.00 158.40 387th Schrei GS L - MiaBea MS - Neg L - ManEss MH - AFF L - Pennsb BS - AFF L - ShaSid KJ - AFF W - BerCar SW - Neg L - Maspet TZ - Neg 1-5 U2 Zachary Prax PinVie4 Ian Fetigan Millbu2 Henry Chapman BrxSci3 Elena Anderson Delbar1 Connor Feeley Byram1 Omair Shahid 316.5 204th Jordan Greenblatt 26.00 26.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 26.00 159.00 Matthew Schwartz 26.00 24.00 27.00 26.50 28.00 26.00 157.50 Schrei SG L - Millbu AB - AFF L - St.Tho MH - AFF L - Byram MR - Neg W - Montvi NB - Neg L - Harker LM - AFF Summit1 Myung Huneke Hired1 Catherine Holland TimCre1 Beth Eskin ActBox2 Ray Gan Delbar1 Connor Feeley BYE Akari Shimura 26.00 27.00 25.00 27.50 28.00 26.70 160.20 354th Jake Grossman 26.00 25.00 25.00 26.50 28.00 26.10 156.60 406th ScsDle KS L - Harker CH - AFF W - TriPre AM - Neg W - StJos MV - AFF W - MarRid KR - Neg 3-3 ShaSid2 Mary Krauland BrxSci6 Liam Moore 13 Roma Patel FORFEIT L - Delbar YL - AFF NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen Sabeen Khan 27.50 25.00 27.50 Anil Sindhwani 27.50 25.00 ScsDle LG L - Regis CC - AFF Haven Learner 2-4 316.8 114th 101st 199th 393rd 385th 186th 135th 5 Rebecca Heilweil 274 29.00 28.00 137.00 28.50 28.00 28.00 137.00 318th L - RanEve ZM - AFF W - Medina FM - Neg W - Falmou RC - Neg 2-3 Ridge2 Alisha Sharaballi Montvi2 Katherine Lin PinVie3 Arjun Byju PinVie2 KR Byju 190th 24.00 28.00 27.00 28.00 107.00 Rishab Gupta 23.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 105.00 ScsDle PS L - Durham YD - Neg L - UFla HC - AFF L - TimCre VM - Neg BrxSci3 Elena Anderson Hired1 Catherine Holland Stuyve3 Dan Woods FORFEIT Gordon Phoon 27.00 25.00 28.00 80.00 Arushi Sahay 27.00 27.00 28.00 82.00 419th ScsDle QG L - Byram JA - AFF BYE FORFEIT 1-2 207th Uzair Qadir 25.00 25.00 50.00 Samuel Goldman 25.00 25.00 50.00 ShaSid FT L - Ridge JZ - AFF W - TriPre RM - Neg W - Medina HP - Neg W - Medina AD - AFF W - Millbu WY - Neg W - Hackle FB - AFF HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck 12 Raunak Padore PinVie2 KR Byju 13 Roma Patel JamMad1 Timothy Scheffler Medina2 Max Deka 344 Shaan Fye 28.00 29.00 30.00 30.00 28.00 28.00 173.00 Anand Tayal 28.00 28.00 30.00 30.00 28.00 27.00 171.00 ShaSid KJ L - Whitmn MM - Neg L - Hawken HD - Neg L - BrxSci FY - AFF W - Schrei GS - Neg W - Harker CH - Neg L - NorAll WH - AFF 2-4 ManEss1 Yvonne Robbins ActBox2 Ray Gan OxbAca2 Michael Wu BrxSci3 Elena Anderson Newtwn1 Joseph Wilson Harker2 Arjun Kumar 321.5 Chirag Kulkarni 27.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 165.00 Armaan Jethmalani 27.00 27.50 26.00 27.00 24.00 25.00 156.50 389th ShaSid PP L - Montvi TP - AFF L - PolPre AA - Neg W - BerCar CC - AFF L - ActBox CS - Neg W - Chamin EM - Neg L - Summit GP - AFF 2-4 NorAll2 A Wang Regis2 Lawrence Tenn Whitmn2 Rachel Baron U2 Zachary Prax Ridge2 Alisha Sharaballi Regis4 Jack O'Malley 313 185th Arya Prasad 28.00 28.00 27.50 27.00 25.00 23.00 158.50 344th Anya Prasad 28.00 27.00 27.50 27.00 22.00 23.00 154.50 399th 14 Michael Ramdatt This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. FORFEIT 212 0-4 162 100 5-1 330th 417th 418th 211th 420th 426th 425th 13th 38th 66th 174th 265th Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Totals Results ShaSid WJ L - NewtnS PS - Neg L - LincSu EP - Neg L - PolPre HE - AFF W - Randol FR - Neg L - NewtnN DZ - Neg L - Philli MR - Neg 1-5 Montvi1 Nathaniel Barbour U3 Humzah Quereshy ScsDle2 Alison Singer NewtnS2 Daisy Grandt ManEss1 Yvonne Robbins Delbar1 Connor Feeley 320 196th Emily Winterhalter 27.00 26.00 27.50 27.00 27.00 27.00 161.50 Alexa Jochims 25.00 25.00 27.50 27.00 27.00 27.00 158.50 374th Shrews MM W - Hackle FS - AFF W - Penins KL - AFF L - Marist MP - Neg W - RanEve GL - AFF L - UFla GR - AFF L - Penins GO - AFF 3-3 LakMar2 Bob Dolan PinVie5 Dave Szczepaniuk Stuyve3 Dan Woods Whitmn3 Courtney Roberts 5 Rebecca Heilweil PinVie2 KR Byju 335.5 97th Lindsay Mahowald 27.00 27.00 29.00 26.50 28.00 29.00 166.50 221st Seth Mahowald 28.00 29.00 29.00 27.00 28.00 28.00 169.00 110th Shrews PM L - JamMad KS - AFF W - BrxSci BZ - Neg W - LincSu YL - Neg W - LakMar LW - AFF L - PolPre BG - Neg W - LakHig BS - Neg 4-2 Hackle1 Jackson Blossom 14 Michael Ramdatt Summit2 Margaret Kovera Ridge3 Danny Van Nest 8 Reza Lofti HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck 333.5 Nithya Pathalam 29.00 25.00 29.50 26.50 28.00 29.00 167.00 338th 51st 122nd Nathaniel Mahowald 29.00 24.00 30.00 26.50 28.00 29.00 166.50 Shrews RP L - LincSu YL - Neg L - UOhio BA - Neg W - Hackle WT - Neg L - TriPre FD - Neg L - WesOra CC - Neg L - E.L. WR - Neg 1-5 123rd Hawken2 Bob Shurtz Lex1 William Smith ShaSid3 Amit Prasad JamMad1 Timothy Scheffler Hired1 Catherine Holland ChrCol1 Dario Camara 317.5 Jack Rischitelli 26.00 26.50 28.00 27.00 25.00 26.00 158.50 384th Jenna Parks 26.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 26.00 26.00 159.00 378th W - Lex CM - AFF W - Schrei SG - Neg L - Regis BR - Neg L - Regis HS - AFF L - Durham LP - Neg L - Prince KH - Neg 2-4 164th 200th St.Tho MH Regis3 James Woodall Hired1 Catherine Holland NorAll1 Steve Delsignore Millbu2 Henry Chapman 12 Raunak Padore 7 Jenny Li 326 Guillermo Martinez 28.00 27.00 28.00 26.00 28.00 27.00 164.00 256th Catherine Huntley 28.00 26.00 28.00 27.00 26.00 27.00 162.00 334th StJos MV BYE L - FreTow EO - Neg L - ScsDle KS - Neg L - Syosse BS - AFF L - Medina HP - AFF L - Hackle FS - AFF 1-5 TriPre3 Praveen Rao BrxSci6 Liam Moore ActBox2 Ray Gan Millbu2 Henry Chapman Harker1 Aneesh Chona 313.2 Kyllian Vong 26.20 27.00 27.00 27.00 26.00 24.00 157.20 372nd Nathan Master 26.00 26.00 26.00 27.00 27.00 24.00 156.00 391st W - Durham LP - Neg W - UOhio BA - AFF W - Durham YD - AFF W - Durham BS - Neg L - NorAll NA - AFF 5-1 18th 201st Stuyve BZ W - TriPre AM - AFF 14 Michael Ramdatt AmeHer2 Yani Palmer 16 Joe Salmaggi Harker2 Arjun Kumar U1 Bryan Hindin WesOra1 Jennifer Moore 339.5 Emma Bernstein 26.00 29.00 28.50 28.50 30.00 28.00 170.00 Saif Zihiri 26.00 30.00 28.50 27.00 30.00 28.00 169.50 Stuyve EK W - Prince TN - AFF W - Summit GP - Neg W - OxbAca ST - Neg W - NewtnS KS - AFF L - Whitmn AA - Neg L - NewtnS LC - Neg 4-2 RanEve1 Leandra Lopez LakHig3 Alex Pollock Pennsb2 Stephen Medoff Hired2 Cayman Giordano PinVie5 Dave Szczepaniuk Falmou2 Sean Lent 331.5 Jonathan Evans 26.00 28.00 30.00 28.00 27.50 28.00 167.50 175th George Kitsios 26.00 28.00 28.00 27.00 28.00 27.00 164.00 252nd Stuyve GV W - Chamin SC - Neg W - Lex CM - AFF W - FaiPre IF - AFF L - Prince MO - Neg W - Millbu KG - AFF L - Durham BS - Neg 4-2 Regis3 James Woodall RanEve1 Leandra Lopez Lincol3 Ralph Pinto Whitmn3 Courtney Roberts Regis4 Jack O'Malley Summit2 Margaret Kovera 335.5 Zachary Ginsberg 28.00 26.00 30.00 27.50 26.00 29.00 166.50 227th Lorenz Vargas 29.00 28.00 29.00 28.00 26.00 29.00 169.00 53rd Stuyve KU W - BrxSci FY - AFF W - Millbu BV - Neg W - Hackle FB - Neg W - Regis BR - Neg L - Hawken NW - Neg 5-1 21 Samuel Wang BYE Shrews1 Trina Parks Millbu3 Justin Horton Penins1 Chris Fielder HorMan2 Katharine Rudbeck 346.8 8th Ben Kessler 30.00 28.70 27.00 29.00 29.00 28.50 172.20 Jakob Urda 30.00 29.10 28.00 29.50 29.50 28.50 174.60 Stuyve WW W - Montvi NB - AFF W - Maspet TZ - AFF L - UFla HC - AFF W - Lex FL - Neg L - Marist MT - Neg W - NorAll XC - Neg 4-2 Hawken2 Bob Shurtz Regis3 James Woodall Hackle1 Jackson Blossom 7 Jenny Li 15 Felix Rozenberg Ridge3 Danny Van Nest 344.5 Andrew Wallace 28.00 29.00 28.00 28.00 28.50 29.00 170.50 Eamon Woods 29.00 28.00 29.00 28.50 29.50 30.00 174.00 14th Summit GP W - Ridge MJ - Neg L - Stuyve EK - AFF L - Regis BB - Neg W - Chamin KS - AFF L - Ridge GZ - Neg W - ShaSid PP - Neg 3-3 Chamin3 Mr. Wines LakHig3 Alex Pollock ChrCol1 Dario Camara Lex1 William Smith Hired1 Catherine Holland Regis4 Jack O'Malley 323 132nd Christina Guo 28.00 28.00 26.00 28.00 27.00 24.00 161.00 294th Alina Patrick 28.00 28.00 26.00 28.00 27.00 25.00 162.00 293rd Summit MK L - Millbu BV - Neg BYE W - Millbu WW - Neg L - UFla GB - AFF W - Lex FL - AFF L - BrxSci CM - AFF 3-3 5 Rebecca Heilweil TimCre1 Beth Eskin AmeHer2 Yani Palmer TriPre2 Angela Pregasen Delbar1 Connor Feeley 338.4 Ethan Mandelbaum 28.00 28.20 28.00 28.00 29.00 28.00 169.20 Dan Kaper 28.00 28.20 28.00 28.00 29.00 28.00 169.20 Summit MS L - Harker SK - Neg W - UOhio DW - AFF L - Lex FL - AFF L - Chamin OW - Neg W - Pennsb BS - AFF W - Penins LL - AFF 3-3 JamMad1 Timothy Scheffler Montvi1 Nathaniel Barbour WesOra1 Jennifer Moore Lincol3 Ralph Pinto U1 Bryan Hindin TriPre4 Ramaward Sinanan-Singh 334.5 Jake McGrath 27.00 30.00 26.00 28.00 27.00 27.00 165.00 Megan Shaw 27.00 30.00 29.00 28.00 27.50 28.00 169.50 143rd Summit PH L - BrxSci BZ - Neg L - Regis DP - Neg W - Montvi TV - Neg W - TimCre VM - Neg W - Byram JA - Neg L - HenHud MA - Neg 3-3 U2 Zachary Prax Hired2 Cayman Giordano Chamin2 Andrea Burger Ridge2 Alisha Sharaballi StJos2 Heidi Ford Hawken2 Bob Shurtz 333.5 104th Jai Padalkar 28.00 27.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 27.00 166.00 206th Doug Huneke 28.00 27.50 28.00 28.50 28.00 27.50 167.50 179th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. 52nd 77th 73rd 55th 27th 10th 33rd 87th 96th 148th 149th 118th 314th Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Totals Results Summit WB L - Whitmn KG - AFF W - Needha AO - Neg W - Regis DP - Neg W - UOhio BA - Neg W - MiaBea MS - Neg 5-1 PolPre2 Claudia Bogdanos BYE TriPre4 Ramaward Sinanan-Singh 6 Nathan Hiransomboon BrxSci2 Xavier Amarille ManEss1 Yvonne Robbins 343.2 16th Caroline Wohl 26.50 28.20 28.00 28.00 29.00 29.50 169.20 94th Jeff Berkowitz 29.50 29.00 28.00 29.00 29.00 29.50 174.00 12th Syosse BP BYE L - FaiPre CB - AFF L - TriPre RS - AFF W - Harker LM - Neg W - BrxSci FY - Neg W - Maspet GR - Neg 4-2 NewtnS2 Daisy Grandt Lincol3 Ralph Pinto Millbu3 Justin Horton 20 Akhil Upneja 16 Joe Salmaggi 330 70th Sanoja Bhaumik 27.50 25.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 28.50 165.00 219th Jacklyn Pi 27.50 25.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 28.50 165.00 218th Syosse BS L - Marist MP - Neg W - Millbu LJ - Neg L - ChrCol AL - AFF W - StJos MV - Neg L - Montvi TG - Neg W - Hawken HD - Neg 3-3 PolPre3 Alison Price Becker Montvi1 Nathaniel Barbour BrxSci6 Liam Moore ActBox2 Ray Gan HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck NewtnS2 Daisy Grandt 331.5 Jason Beck 27.00 29.00 28.00 27.00 27.50 25.00 163.50 Niv Skidan 29.00 30.00 27.50 28.50 28.00 25.00 168.00 Syosse MN L - UOhio BA - Neg W - WesOra CA - Neg W - Delbar EG - Neg L - Regis CC - AFF L - RanEve GL - Neg L - TimCre VM - Neg 2-4 Medina2 Max Deka HorMan2 Katharine Rudbeck Lincol2 Ivan O'Sullian 12 Raunak Padore NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen NorAll1 Steve Delsignore 330.5 Zubair Merchant 26.00 28.00 29.00 27.00 28.00 27.00 165.00 250th Abrar Nadroo 26.00 29.00 28.50 27.00 28.00 27.00 165.50 236th L - Prince PY - AFF W - Medina HP - Neg W - BrxSci HA - Neg L - HunCol PM - Neg 3-3 126th 105th 280th 106th 149th Syosse MW BYE L - Delbar BT - AFF 16 Joe Salmaggi E.L.1 Scott Prince 18 Daniel Shafir 6 Nathan Hiransomboon LakMar2 Bob Dolan 326.4 Ridoy Majumdar 27.40 28.50 25.00 29.00 27.50 27.00 164.40 245th Daniel Weinberg 27.00 27.50 25.00 28.00 27.50 27.00 162.00 300th TimCre LV W - Penins AP - AFF L - Hawken NW - Neg L - NorAll PA - AFF W - Pennsb BS - AFF W - Hawken LE - Neg L - NewtnS SU - AFF 3-3 Whitmn2 Rachel Baron 17 Ademali Sengal NewtnS2 Daisy Grandt ShaSid3 Amit Prasad Hired2 Cayman Giordano BocRat2 Dr. Phyllis Pacilli 331 Colin Larsen 28.00 29.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 26.50 164.50 269th Nathan Vidal 28.00 30.00 25.00 28.00 28.50 27.00 166.50 178th 112th 113th L - LakHig DS - Neg W - Medina MM - Neg W - NorAll WH - Neg L - BrxSci BG - Neg L - NorAll XC - Neg W - ManEss DH - Neg 3-3 Summit2 Margaret Kovera 16 Joe Salmaggi StJos2 Heidi Ford Stuyve2 Pasha Temkin BrxSci2 Xavier Amarille NorAll1 Steve Delsignore 331.5 Leyla Rehm 27.00 29.00 29.00 27.50 27.00 28.00 167.50 Selena Zhoa 26.00 28.00 28.00 27.50 27.00 27.50 164.00 TimCre VM L - UOhio DW - Neg L - Millbu BV - Neg W - ScsDle PS - AFF L - Summit PH - AFF W - Lex CM - AFF W - Syosse MN - AFF 3-3 BocRat2 Dr. Phyllis Pacilli Schrei1 Alex Sepulvida Stuyve3 Dan Woods Ridge2 Alisha Sharaballi ManEss1 Yvonne Robbins NorAll1 Steve Delsignore 325 Ankit Vishnubhotla 24.00 27.00 28.00 27.00 27.50 28.50 162.00 Matthew Morrow 25.00 27.00 29.00 27.00 27.50 27.50 163.00 TriPre AM L - Stuyve BZ - Neg L - ScsDle KS - AFF W - WesOra CC - Neg W - HorMan HM - Neg L - Regis FT - Neg L - BrxSci FY - Neg 2-4 14 Michael Ramdatt ShaSid2 Mary Krauland Falmou2 Sean Lent 18 Daniel Shafir JamMad1 Timothy Scheffler Summit2 Margaret Kovera 312 Ryeesa Amin 25.00 24.00 29.00 28.00 27.00 25.00 158.00 Jyoti Moorjani 24.00 24.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 25.00 154.00 409th TriPre FD L - ManEss MH - AFF L - Whitmn AA - AFF W - AmHePL AZ - Neg W - Shrews RP - AFF L - Chamin OW - Neg L - HorMan RG - AFF 2-4 17 Ademali Sengal 22 Devon Weis HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck JamMad1 Timothy Scheffler Falmou2 Sean Lent RanEve1 Leandra Lopez 334.5 147th Yair Fraifeld 28.00 29.00 27.50 28.50 27.00 27.50 167.50 David Dunleavy 28.00 28.00 27.50 28.00 28.00 27.50 167.00 TriPre PJ L - Prince MO - Neg L - NewtnS KS - AFF L - Delbar GR - AFF W - Hawken SM - AFF 3-3 HunCol1 Judy Pillinger Millbu2 Henry Chapman BYE W - ManEss SS - AFF PinVie2 KR Byju AmeHer2 Yani Palmer NorAll2 A Wang 330.6 Melissa Pregasen 28.00 27.00 26.00 27.40 28.00 28.00 164.40 Lia Jueng 27.50 28.00 27.00 27.70 28.00 28.00 166.20 196th TriPre RM L - LincSu SK - AFF L - ShaSid FT - AFF W - Roslyn SF - AFF L - LakHig BS - Neg L - HenHud BA - AFF L - Pennsb BS - AFF 1-5 Regis1 Alex Petrillo 12 Raunak Padore PinVie3 Arjun Byju ScsDle2 Alison Singer FaiPre2 Tracy Palmer 14 Michael Ramdatt 324 193rd Nikhil Rajupatti 27.00 26.00 28.00 27.00 25.50 26.00 159.50 375th Jack Meeks 28.00 27.00 28.50 28.50 25.50 27.00 164.50 242nd TriPre RS L - Regis BR - AFF W - Chamin KS - Neg W - Syosse BP - Neg W - Durham LP - Neg L - NewtnS LC - Neg L - Randol LB - Neg 3-3 PolPre3 Alison Price Becker 7 Jenny Li Lincol3 Ralph Pinto Shrews1 Trina Parks BrxSci3 Elena Anderson Montvi2 Katherine Lin 332.5 Arjun Rao 27.50 28.50 27.00 26.00 29.50 27.00 165.50 266th Jasmine Sinanan-Singh 27.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 29.50 26.50 167.00 197th TimCre RZ 5-1 194th 261st 130th 285th 304th 189th 390th 195th 186th 110th 244th 123rd UFla EL W - Penins GO - Neg W - NorAll WH - AFF L - Hackle FB - AFF W - Millbu WW - Neg W - PinVie SB - AFF W - PolPre BG - AFF 21 Samuel Wang AmeHer2 Yani Palmer LakHig2 Christian Chessman Philli1 Laurie Schmid Harker2 Arjun Kumar Newtwn1 Joseph Wilson 338.5 Emily Linares 30.00 29.00 27.00 28.00 27.00 26.00 167.00 Thomas Ebenger 30.00 30.00 27.50 28.00 29.00 27.00 171.50 44th UFla GB W - Delbar GR - Neg L - RanEve GL - Neg W - LakHig BS - Neg W - Summit MK - Neg W - HorMan GO - AFF W - NewtnS KE - Neg 5-1 Hackle1 Jackson Blossom LakHig3 Alex Pollock ActBox2 Ray Gan AmeHer2 Yani Palmer PinVie3 Arjun Byju RanEve1 Leandra Lopez 338.5 21st Sarah Branse 29.50 27.50 27.00 29.00 28.00 27.00 168.00 192nd Jonathan Goldberg 29.00 28.00 28.00 29.00 29.00 27.50 170.50 61st This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. 22nd 223rd Yale Invitational 2014 (PF + Congress) Public Forum Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Totals Results UFla GR W - HorMan DP - AFF W - NewtnS SG - Neg W - Millbu WY - Neg L - Harker BR - AFF W - Shrews MM - Neg W - Marist MP - Neg 5-1 PinVie4 Ian Fetigan Syosse1 Josh Feng 17 Ademali Sengal Maspet2 Doris Su 5 Rebecca Heilweil Harker1 Aneesh Chona 344 10th Rohan Rajan 27.00 28.00 30.00 28.50 29.00 28.50 171.00 54th Marc Geller 28.00 29.00 30.00 28.00 29.00 29.00 173.00 28th UFla HC W - ManEss SS - AFF W - ScsDle PS - Neg W - Stuyve WW - Neg W - Montvi TP - AFF W - Ridge OT - AFF W - Marist MT - Neg 6-0 Whitmn2 Rachel Baron Hired1 Catherine Holland Hackle1 Jackson Blossom 17 Ademali Sengal BrxSci6 Liam Moore Lincol3 Ralph Pinto 349.5 Ben Churba 28.50 30.00 28.50 29.00 30.00 27.50 173.50 17th 3rd Brian Herskowitz 29.00 30.00 29.00 30.00 30.00 28.00 176.00 W - Shrews RP - AFF L - Stuyve BZ - Neg W - HorMan SS - Neg L - Summit WB - AFF W - Millbu KG - AFF 4-2 1st UOhio BA W - Syosse MN - AFF Medina2 Max Deka Lex1 William Smith 16 Joe Salmaggi Marist1 Jeffrey Miller BrxSci2 Xavier Amarille 7 Jenny Li 338.5 Aidan Brandt 26.00 29.00 29.00 28.00 29.50 28.00 169.50 58th Armin Ameri 27.00 28.50 28.00 27.50 29.50 28.50 169.00 125th UOhio DW W - TimCre VM - AFF L - Summit MS - Neg W - HunCol PM - Neg L - PinVie SB - AFF W - Delbar AE - AFF L - Chamin DG - AFF 3-3 BocRat2 Dr. Phyllis Pacilli Montvi1 Nathaniel Barbour ShaSid3 Amit Prasad Shrews1 Trina Parks Regis4 Jack O'Malley PinVie2 KR Byju 335.5 Dunadel Daryoush 28.00 29.00 28.00 26.00 28.00 29.50 168.50 116th Carter Weinberg 28.00 29.00 29.00 25.00 27.00 29.00 167.00 98th W - BrxSci CD - AFF W - Prince TN - AFF W - Hawken LE - Neg W - Millbu AB - AFF L - Hawken NW - Neg L - Ridge OT - AFF 4-2 39th 44th 84th UOhio WT PolPre2 Claudia Bogdanos 12 Raunak Padore HunCol1 Judy Pillinger LakHig3 Alex Pollock Regis2 Lawrence Tenn Montvi2 Katherine Lin 341.5 Ben Wesorick 30.00 28.50 28.50 28.50 28.00 27.50 171.00 Will Taber 29.00 29.00 28.50 28.00 28.00 28.00 170.50 WesOra CA BYE L - Syosse MN - AFF W - NewtnS PS - Neg W - Medina MM - Neg W - Randol GS - Neg W - OxbAca ST - Neg 5-1 HorMan2 Katharine Rudbeck NorAll2 A Wang Maspet2 Doris Su 21 Samuel Wang 16 Joe Salmaggi 344.4 Bianca Aldir 28.50 28.00 28.50 28.00 30.00 28.00 171.00 107th Morgan Chesnicka 28.90 28.00 29.00 28.50 30.00 29.00 173.40 26th L - NorAll NA - AFF L - TriPre AM - AFF W - Medina HP - AFF 3-3 131st 70th 78th 14th WesOra CC L - Regis HS - AFF Maspet2 Doris Su LakHig2 Christian Chessman Falmou2 Sean Lent BYE W - Shrews RP - AFF Hired1 Catherine Holland 8 Reza Lofti 328.2 Andrea Carrasquero 27.50 28.00 28.00 28.30 30.00 28.00 169.80 147th Hannah Costin 27.00 27.50 26.00 26.40 25.00 26.50 158.40 381st Whitmn AA W - Delbar YL - Neg W - TriPre FD - Neg W - ActBox LB - Neg W - LincSu WP - Neg W - Stuyve EK - AFF W - Harker BR - AFF 6-0 BrxSci3 Elena Anderson 22 Devon Weis HorMan1 Jens Rudbeck Philli1 Laurie Schmid PinVie5 Dave Szczepaniuk 13 Roma Patel 349.5 William Arnesen 29.00 30.00 29.50 28.50 28.00 29.00 174.00 Samuel Arnesen 29.00 30.00 29.50 28.50 28.50 30.00 175.50 Whitmn AL W - FaiPre PK - Neg BYE L - Millbu AB - AFF L - FaiPre CB - AFF W - ActBox CS - Neg W - Medina AD - Neg 4-2 BrxSci2 Xavier Amarille Regis2 Lawrence Tenn BocRat2 Dr. Phyllis Pacilli Hackle1 Jackson Blossom PolPre2 Claudia Bogdanos 339.6 Trevor Lystad 29.00 28.10 28.50 26.00 28.00 29.00 168.60 Rian Adamian 28.50 28.50 28.50 27.00 28.50 30.00 171.00 60th Whitmn DK L - Medina MM - Neg W - LincSu WP - AFF L - LakHig LN - AFF W - NewtnS PS - Neg L - HenHud MA - Neg L - NewtnN DZ - Neg 2-4 BrxSci2 Xavier Amarille U3 Humzah Quereshy NewtnS1 Joshua Cohen Stuyve2 Pasha Temkin LakMar2 Bob Dolan OxbAca2 Michael Wu 321 170th Tessa Klein 26.00 25.50 28.00 28.00 27.00 27.00 161.50 Carmyn Dahl 26.00 24.50 27.50 27.50 27.00 27.00 159.50 Whitmn KG W - Summit WB - Neg W - Randol GS - AFF L - BocRat GS - AFF L - PolPre BG - AFF W - ManEss MS - AFF W - Delbar EG - AFF 4-2 PolPre2 Claudia Bogdanos 15 Felix Rozenberg ManEss1 Yvonne Robbins 21 Samuel Wang 5 Rebecca Heilweil Lex1 William Smith 345 Naba Khan 28.50 29.00 28.00 30.00 29.00 29.00 173.50 Julia Gilmore 26.50 29.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 29.00 171.50 31st Whitmn MM W - ShaSid KJ - AFF L - ManEss DH - AFF W - Delbar BT - AFF L - PolPre AA - AFF L - Penins GO - AFF L - NewtnS PS - AFF 2-4 167th 3rd 13th 6th 36th 68th 337th 347th 29th 20th ManEss1 Yvonne Robbins Medina3 Ken Marco Shrews1 Trina Parks FaiPre2 Tracy Palmer Harker2 Arjun Kumar Lincol3 Ralph Pinto 323.5 Josh Millin 28.00 24.00 25.00 26.50 26.00 27.00 156.50 400th Anna McGuire 28.50 27.00 26.00 28.00 28.50 29.00 167.00 151st Whitmn WW W - BrxSci CM - AFF W - NorAll CD - Neg W - Montvi TG - AFF W - LincSu EP - Neg W - PinVie AS - AFF 6-0 22 Devon Weis LakHig2 Christian Chessman PinVie2 KR Byju 6 Nathan Hiransomboon BYE Marist1 Jeffrey Miller 351 Nathan Witkin 30.00 30.00 29.50 29.50 29.60 29.00 177.60 1st Sam Wenger 28.00 29.50 29.00 29.00 28.90 29.00 173.40 18th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2014 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.20.001. 2nd
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