Holy Trinity Catholic Church April 13, 2014
Holy Trinity Catholic Church April 13, 2014
Holy Trinity Catholic Church April 13, 2014 20523 Huebner Road San Antonio, Texas 78258 Website: www.holytrinitysat.org HOLY WEEK ̾Ǣ ǢǤ̾ ǡ ̾ǫ̾ ǡ ̾ǡ Ǥ̾ Ǧ͞͝ǣͥǦ͝͝ People who believe and belong — The Kingdom of God is where you are Parish Office - 210-497-4200 WELCOME FAX: 210-497 - 4285 Monday-Thursday: 8:30 AM – 8:00PM Friday 8:30 AM—5:00 PM Saturday 9:00AM - 12:00PM We extend a warm welcome to anyone new to our parish family & all visitors who celebrate with us throughout the year. If you would like to join this parish, please pick up a registration form which can be found near both bulletin boards in the foyer. Complete & return the registration form at your convenience. Pastoral Staff Pastor - Msgr. Michael H. Yarbrough Parochial Vicar - Fr. Martin Garcia Deacon Chris Laskowski, 497-4486 Deacon Guy LoTurco, 497-2363 Deacon Jerry Micek, 497-4410 Deacon David Seguin, 365-4902 Parish Staff Parish Pastoral Administrator: Oscar Perez Business Manager: Cecilia Greene Facilities Manager: John Dulske (210-497-0700) Asst. Facilities Manager: George Weynand Maintenance Manager: Joaquin Martinez Director of Music & Liturgy: Lucy Tavira Sacristan: Doug Stolo Pastoral Coordinator: Veronica Santillan Parish Secretary: Gloria Barretto Receptionist: Ana Rosa Lane Admin Asst.: Lizzette Kranz Faith Formation Office - 497-4145 Monday—Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Faith Formation Staff Coordinator of Religious Ed: Kristin Casas Asst. Coord. of Religious Ed: Eric Mejia Admin. Asst. Rosa Becnel Admin. Asst. Martha Sandoval LIFETEEN - High School Ministry Coordinator of Youth Ministry: Debra Gray The EDGE - Middle School Ministry Assistant Youth Minister: Renee Kuntz Inquiry into the Catholic Faith: Through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) . Contact Veronica Santillan at 497-4200. Eucharistic Celebrations Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:15AM, 1:00 PM (Spanish) & 5:30 PM Weekday - refer to page 2 for changes: Mon., Wed., Fri., Mass is at 8:30 AM & 12:05PM Tue. & Thu., Mass is at 6:30 AM Adoration Hours: 9:00AM - Noon ~ Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00AM - Midnight ~ Fridays 9:00AM First Fridays to 9:00AM First Saturdays (24 hour adoration) SACRAMENTS Penance: Saturday, 3:00-4:30 PM in church building or call the office for an appointment. Baptism: Pre-baptism instruction is required. Classes for 2014: Last Monday of the month Jan. Nov., unless it’s a Holiday. Call the parish office to sign up. Marriage: There is a 6 month preparation period (for parishioners) and a 9 month preparation period (for nonparishioners) for Sacramental marriages. Please call the parish office for details. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REQUESTS DEADLINE: Friday by 10 AM, 10 days in advance clearly printed please: [email protected] PULPIT ANNOUNCEMENTS by 10:00 AM on Thursday to: [email protected] PARISH REPORTER: Sylvia Theall - [email protected] Help us keep our records current. Please notify the Parish Office if you are moving or if your personal status has changed. EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS Monday April 14 Celebrant – Fr. Chris 8:30AM - Chito Longoria, Jr., †, James Williams, †, & Enrique & Teresita Chavez, Sp. Int Celebrant – Msgr. Fater 12:05PM - Giovanna Pollicella, †, Fr. James Tucker, Sp. Int., & Rosario Salazar, Sp. Int. Tuesday April 15 Celebrant – Msgr. Mike 6:30AM - Carlos Arriola Grosjean, †, Wednesday April 16 Celebrant – Msgr. Mike 8:30AM - Sandra Brown, †, Brenda Brown, †, & Monica Ramon Castillo, Sp .int Celebrant - Fr. Martin 12:05PM Rosario Salazar, Sp. Int., Alberto Castillo Pliego, † & Nicholas Benevides, † Thursday April 17 - HOLY THURSDAY Celebrants – Msgr. Mike & Fr. Martin 7:00PM - Our Parish Families, Sp. Int. & the Parish Staff, Sp. Int. Friday April 18 - GOOD FRIDAY (OFFICES CLOSED) 3:00PM - Celebrant – Msgr. Mike Celebrant – Fr. Martin 5:00PM - Spanish / Espanol 7:00PM - English Saturday April 19 - EASTER VIGIL Celebrant – Msgr. Mike & Fr. Martin 8:30PM – LucillE Schott, †, & The Elect who have prepared to enter the Church, Sp. Int Sunday April 20 - EASTER SUNDAY - ALLELUIA! Celebrant - Msgr. Mike 8:00AM Maxine & Stanley Boyd, † & Chito Longoria, Jr., † Celebrant – Fr. Martin 9:30AM - Dan Grundhoeffer, Sp. Int. & Erno Wille, † Celebrant - Fr. Martin 11:15AM Margarita S. Uribe, † & Alissa Warzecha, † Celebrant - Fr. Martin 1:00PM Salvador Garcia, † & Malu Funetes, Sp. Int. Celebrant - Msgr. Mike 5:30PM Dominga Aguilar, † & Jim, Irene, & Matt Pollard, Sp. Int. **Celebrant subject to change APRIL 19TH & 20TH Saturday 8:30 PM Lectors: Tony Salsedo, Jolene Waun, Bret Wahl, Ron Sandoval, Jamie Briseno, Ron Sandoval, Martha Rodriguez & Jim Rodriguez Altar Servers: TBA Sunday 8:00 AM Lectors: Janie Munoz & Mike Keller Altar Servers: TBA Sunday 9:30 AM Lectors: Jim O’Farrell & Mike Kurz Altar Servers: TBA Sunday 11:15 AM Lectors: Joe Franklin & Don Kane Altar Servers: TBA Domingo 1:00 PM - Misa en Espanol Lectores: Elia Rivera y Luly Treviso Monaguillo: Natalia Martinez, Valeria Rivera y Emilio Gama Sunday 5:30 PM - Lifeteen Mass Lectors: TBA Altar Servers: TBA Sympathy We offer condolences and sympathy to our parishioners who have experienced a death in their family. PRAYER TO ST. MICHAEL Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. Parish Prayer List: For Inclusion on the Ill and Homebound prayer list in the Bulletin contact: Gloria Barretto - 497-4200 ext. 307 [email protected] For the Parish Email Prayer Chain contact: ZZ Mylar at [email protected] Lou Ann Adcox Renee Amezcua Family Addison Arabia Lanie Arriaga Emily Baril Connie Beck Patricia Baghetti Douglas Boubel Alma Brauchle Nick Brennan Monica Caban Benito Cabigas Sandra Castilleja Alyssa Castillo David Chavarria Enrique Chavez Hector Chavez Tom Copeland Jim Copeland Yolanda Crittenden Roland Cruz John Cunningham Walerian Cybulski Lillie Davis Benny DeLeon Honorato Dessa Myrtle Donaldson Laura Duran Anne Dykowski John E. Clifford Ann Epps Ken Fater Elroy Friesenhahn Shirley Friesenhahn Teresa Fuentes Roxana Gaffaney Alfredo Galindo Patricia C. Galindo Vilma Galindo Isabel Gallardo Vince Gallardo Raymond L. Gamboa Kelsye Garces Armando Garcia, Jr. Jutta Garcia Irene Garcia-Slocum Irma Gonzales Kenny Gordon Eric Green Howard Groslen Dan Grundhoefer Nicholas Guerrero Benjamin Hami Michelle Hartman Dolores Hartmann Frank Harwi Greg Heck Mary Helmers Dennis Hill Rachel Hirzam Chris Hisel Ted Jablonski Diana Jimenez Betty Johnston Lindsay Jones Kayce Jordan Ruth Kahl Kelly Klar Marge Kiolbassa Janie Lamm Taylor Lattimore Anthony Lecocke Donald Van Leeuwen Eleanore Lessner Mary Lewis Joseph Lima Marty Lindley Cole Lowry Brittany Lutka Natalia Macias Robert Macias Shardee Macias Jean Macina Guadalupe Maria Israel Juan Marquez Patricia Matteson Mary McCain Maddie McClain Grace McNaney Linda Jean Miller Charles Minhinnett Edward Moczgemba Estelita MonLeon Susan Monsalvo Edda Montull Tom Moore Angelica Morales Eduardo Morantes Lonnie Morris Sergio Navarez, Jr. Dean O’Brien Betty O’Hearn Patrick O’Rourke Emilio Rafael Olmos Kathleen Olvera Nehemia Misael Olvera Jacqueline Owen Paul Paniszczyn Joan Paul Tom Pearson Dolores Peru Ruth Ann Petree Joseph Polhemus Sophie Crittenden Polhemus CJ Quichocho Eleanor Quintanilla Olivia Ramirez Ramie Ramirez Mary Rangel Anna M. Reyes Felipe Reyes Lisa L. Reyes Sean Reyna Jane Riley Sylvia Rodriguez Donaciana Rowland Ivanna Salas Jose Antonio Salas Elizabeth Samuels Denise Spina Peter Suess Bella Rodriguez Torres Roberto Trevino Gloria Villareal Theresa Villareal Tomas Villegas Bill Woodward John Ziller Alejandro“AG” Zuniga Tynzli Ann Zunker Our parishioners serving overseas: Pray for their safe return. Frank Czerniakowski, Kevin Semrlrath, & Eric Hohman (Afghanistan), Vincent Trejo (Africa) & Kristen Murdock (Middle East) MSGR. MIKE’S SCHEDULE: April 12-27 Apr 12 – RCIA, 1st Penance, 9:30AM Penance, 3-4:30PM, Church Liturgy, 5PM Apr 13 – Liturgy, 9:30AM & 11:15AM Apr 13-14 – Annual Jesus Caritas Overnight, Priests’ House, Canyon Lake. Apr 14 – Deanery Meeting, St. Joseph, Honey Creek, 10AM Apr 15 – Liturgy, 6:30AM Dentist Appointment, 8AM Day of Recollection / Chrism Mass, 1PM-9PM Apr 16 – Liturgy 8:30AM Apr 17 – Holy Thursday, 7PM, Church Apr 18 – Good Friday, 3PM, Church Apr 19 – Easter Vigil, 8:30PM, Church Apr 20 – Liturgy, 8AM, 1PM, 5:30PM Apr 21 – May 4 – Vacation – NYC QUESTION OF THE WEEK Here is our Question of the Week. The encouragement is for everyone to ponder that question or to dialogue in your family prayer time, over this particular question. Begin with prayer and then have someone pose the question. Listen with respect to those who respond and close with another short prayer, perhaps the Lord’s Prayer. This week’s reflection questions are: Name an occasion of your life in which the death and resurrection of Christ have had a special meaning for you. Nombre usted una ocasión de su vida en la cual la muerte y resurrección de Cristo hayan tenido un significado especial para usted. ARCHBISHOP’S APPEAL UPDATE The 2014 Archbishop’s Appeal has begun anew. This report is as of March 31, 2014. The goal for 2014 for the entire Archdiocese is $4,000,034. Thus far, total pledged for the Archdiocese is $3,385,091 of which $3,2874,181 has been paid. As you may recall, the 2014 AA Goal for Holy Trinity Catholic Church is $200,878. Thus far, Holy Trinity parishioners have pledged $110,579 of which $74,014 has been paid. The number of pledges is 378 for an average pledge of $293. The percentage of the goal pledged is 55.05% and the percentage of the goal paid is 36.85%. We thank all of our parishioners who contributed to the 2014 Archbishop’s Appeal campaign for your generosity and support. Please remember to mark your checks with “75” for Holy Trinity to receive credit. Thank You to all who have contributed to the 2014 Archbishop’s Appeal. A second letter from the Archbishop will be sent out on April 14 to those of you who have not yet responded to the Appeal to provide another opportunity to share your gifts with those in need during the 2014 Archbishop’s Appeal. To learn more about the ministries funded by the appeal visit: www.archsaappeal.org PASTOR’S MESSAGE This week begins what we describe as Holy Week. It is the primary time when we recall those moments and events in the life of Jesus that accents our salvation. His life, death and resurrection are the foundation of our faith life as Catholic Christians. We come together as a community of faith to recall, to remember and to relive these significant memories and realities of our faith life. We recall them as a means to help us understand anew the foundations of why we believe what we do. We remember to help us know who is responsible for the salvation we enjoy. We relive them as a community of faith to make them present again in our personal and collective lives as brothers and sisters in the Lord. It is also a time when we welcome new adult members into our community of faith – newly-baptized or those who make a profession of faith in our Catholic beliefs. We also welcome some of our younger folk to begin their initiation into the life of faith in Jesus that we hold dear. The encouragement is for the parishioners of Holy Trinity to come to as many of the services of the Easter Triduum that is possible – Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil and the Easter Sunday services. Each is unique unto themselves. And each commemorates another portion of our faith life in the Christ. Holy Thursday commemorates the call to service that Jesus gives to us. His washing the feet of the apostles is a sign for us to serve our brothers and sisters. It is also the traditional time for the institution of two of our sacraments: the institution of the Eucharist and Ordination to the Priesthood. Good Friday is the time we walk anew with Jesus when He gave Himself for our salvation. His life and death speaks of His love for us and the call to do the same with one another – loving one another as our God loves us. It is a tall order but we know it is indeed possible to accomplish with the grace of God. The saints of old and the saints of today prove that for us. Finally, the Easter services – especially the Easter Vigil – renews us as the Service of Light begins the celebration 30 minutes after sunset. It is a time to go from darkness to light. And to encounter the brilliance of a lit church only with candles is a sight that warms and renews one’s faith. Easter then is the time of resurrection and the doors of eternal life opening up to us again. It is a reminder that the journey of our life does not end with death but with the new life of heaven with our God. Come! You will find the gift of faith stronger and deeper if you so choose to be with us. Msgr. Mike Maintenance Position We are in need of an experienced Maintenance Person. The job will include but not limited to keeping the church buildings and grounds clean, doing minor repairs, painting and making sure that all safety procedures are enforced. In addition, maintenance work and ground maintenance at the rectory will be required. Position is Full time Sunday thru Thursday 1:00 PM-10:00 PM (hours may vary as required). If interested, please forward resume to Deacon Oscar Perez at [email protected]. THIS WEEK’S EVENTS at HOLY TRINITY HOLY WEEK Sunday 9:15AM Confirmation Class/FFC April 13 After Lifeteen Mass LIFETEEN Monday 9:00AM-12:00PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/Chapel April 14 9:30AM-11:30AM ENDOW/BH 9:15AM Divine Mercy Cenacle/Church Angel Room 4:30PM and 6:00PM Faith Formation Classes /FFC 6:30PM Bible Study-First Corinthians/FFC 6:30PM Men’s ACTS Team Mtg./BH 7:00PM EDGE - Banquet Hall 7:00PM Choir Practice/Church 7:30PM AA Meeting/BH Tuesday 9:00AM Estudio de Biblia en Espanol/FFC April 15 9:15AM El Apostolado de la Cruz/BH 10:00AM Bridges Beyond Grief 1:00PM-1:30PM Rosary/Chapel 6:30PM Boy Scout #501/FFC 7:00PM Women’s ACTS Team Mtg./BH 7:00PM Divine Mercy Cenacle/BH 7:00PM Knights of Columbus/BH Wednesday April 16 7:00PM RCIA - Angel Room 9:00AM-12:00PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/Chapel 9:00AM Bilingual Rosary/Chapel 9:15AM Bible Study-First Corinthians/FFC 9:00AM CSSI-Acts of the Apostles bible study /BH 10:00AM Regnum Christi-Women/Angel Room 4:30PM and 6:00PM Faith Formation Classes/FFC Confirmation Class/FFC 6:00PM 6:30PM ENDOW/BH room A 6:30PM RCIA - Adults/Angel Room - Children/BH HOLY THURSDAY Thursday 10:00AM Dr. Antonio Ramirez-New Evangelization Spanish April 17 7:00PM Spanish Teen Liturgy Group/Church 7:00PM Regnum Christi Men/FFC April 18 ALL DAY 7:00PM OFFICES CLOSED Saturday 9:00AM RCIA - Holy Saturday practice April 13 8:30PM Easter Vigil Mass GOOD FRIDAY Friday Comunidad de Matrimonios /FFC Readings for the Week of April 13, 2014 Mt 21:1-11/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/ Mt 26:14--27:66 or 27:11-54 Monday: Is 42:1-7/Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday: Is 49:1-6/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a/Mt 26:14-25 Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3ab, 6a, 8b-9/Rv 1:5-8/ Lk 4:16-21 Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15 Friday: Is 52:13--53:12/Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/ Jn 18:1--19:42 Saturday: Easter Vigil: Gn 1:1--2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a/ Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/ Ex 14:15--15:1/Is 54:5-14/Is 55:1-11/ Bar 3:9-15, 32--4:4/Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/ Rom 6:3-11/Mt 28:1-10 Next Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/ Jn 20:1-9 or Mt 28:1-10 or Lk 24:13-35 Sunday: Eucharistic Adoration Invitation Is the Holy Spirit calling you to a deeper relationship with the Lord through Eucharistic Adoration? Currently, we were in need of adorers to cover a few particular hours. Our hours of greatest need are: Fridays from 10-11 a.m., 6-7 p.m., 8-9 p.m., 10-11 p.m. and 11p.m.-midnight. If you are interested in either becoming a committed weekly adorer for any of the above times or in becoming a block leader, or would like more information please call: Mary Kay Wakely: 210-592-6700 or 210-683-3949. 2014 MASS INTENTIONS Consider having a Mass said for a birthday, graduation, anniversary, special event, or a memorial for someone special. Please come by the church office or fill out a Mass intention envelope found in the back of the church and return it in the Sunday collection basket. BAPTISM CLASS AT HOLY TRINITY Parents and Parents-to-be: If you are not registered, please do so prior to the class. The Baptism Class is offered to registered members of Holy Trinity. The next Baptism class Monday, April 28, 2014 from 7:00PM to 9:00PM in the church. Please call the parish office at 497-4200 to sign up. Safe Environment Training - O.V.A.S.E. at Holy Trinity for everyone who works/volunteers with youth or vulnerable individuals. The 2002 Charter of the U.S. Bishops for the Protection of Children and Youth and the policy of the Archdiocese of San Antonio mandate that everyone whose ministry involves youth or vulnerable individuals must undergo a criminal background check and attend, without exception, Safe Environment training. Completed training is good for a three-year period. The criminal background check and training must be renewed every three years. If you work/volunteer with youth and have not yet had a criminal background check or completed Safe Environment training, or if it has been more than three years since your last Safe Environment training, please be conscientious in fulfilling your ministry's training obligation. Saturday, May 17th from 9:45 am to 12 Noon in Banquet Hall _ Room B (Knights of Columbus Room) Please call IN ADVANCE to reserve a space! >^dKE&KZd,zZ To ensure enough seating and handout materials, please call: John (836-8966) or Jane Kiernan (787-7118) ! Professional Counseling Services For individuals, couples and families Available here at Holy Trinity Servicios Profesionales de Terapia Individuales, de Pareja y familias Please contact: Berenice Diaz or Antonio Ramirez, PhD at 210-497-4200 ext. 313 HOLY TRINITY MINISTRIES & GROUPS HOLY TRINITY MINISTRIES & GROUPS LITURGICAL MINISTRY Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Greeters & Altar Servers - Lucy Tavira, 244-3743 Nursing Home & Homebound Ministry David Porter, 494-5410 or 452-2350 Carol Rickhoff, 497-4400 or 884-2400 PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS God of Love, You show your favor for us and grace us through baptism. Bless us with the courage to carry out the mission of Jesus. Grant us open and generous hearts to see the needs of others and to respond with compassion. May the Church be blest with women and men who are dedicated to You through marriage, the single life, the diaconate, priesthood, and the consecrated life. It is in Christ and through Christ that we offer ourselves to You now and forever. Amen. Alcohol & Drug Dependence John Welsh, 687-9019 Our Lady’s Rosary Ministry Beth Roberts (210) 281-5235 Ana Flores (210) 307-6083 ! Parish Prayer Chain E-mail: [email protected] Pastoral Council Cary Collins, 314-7598 Altar Guild Susan Kent, 748-0200 Prayer Shawls Carol Short, 497-4639 Alzheimers Ministry Pat Waisley, 497-7254 Carol Short, 497-4639 Safe Environment John Kiernan, 836-8966 Bridges Beyond Grief Emily Baril, 497-8166 Scouts Kevin Pfahning, 287-0699 Bunco Ruth Jones, 724-3457 Social Concerns Committee Rolland Cole, 316-8039 CAM Rita Farmer, 378-5426 Spiritual Direction Mary Wilder, 213-9920 Cancer Support Group James Ermis, 616-1129 St. Timothy - Sister Parish Bob Lorenz, 316-5090 or work: 494-1375 Catholic Daughters of The Americas Grace Lambert, 268-2236 Stephen Ministry Linda Hopper, 415-3749 ORACION POR LAS VOCACIONES Dios de Amor, muestras tu favor hacia nosotros y nos das tu gracia en el Bautismo. Bendicenos con valor para llevar a cabo la mision de Jesus. Concedenos corazones abiertos y generosos para que viendo las necesidades de los demas respondamos con compassion. Que la Iglesia sea bendecida con mujeres y hombres que se dedican a Ti en el matrimonio, la vida celibe, el diaconado, el sacerdocio y la vida consagrada. Covenant of Love Al & Barbara Talamantez, 787-9708 Teams of Our Lady Ronnie & Mary Montemayor, 497-5789 Es en Cristo y por Cristo que nos ofrecemos a Ti ahora y siempre. Amen Divine Mercy Cenacle English - Kerry Johnston, 287-8939 Ed Kowalsky, 497-1866 Spanish-listed under Spanish Ministries That Man Is You Brad Wakely, 717-3005 Holy Trinity Mission Statement ACTS - Jacob Collazo, 415-9424 Adult Faith Formation Veronica Santillan, 497-4200 ext.305 Divorced and Separated Dan, 497-1704 Mary, 473-9608 ENDOW Irene Pollard, 317-8075 ! Theology of the Body Brad/Mary Kay Wakely at 210-592-6700 Cary/Cheryl Collins at 210-314-7598 Young Adult Community Eric Mejia, 497-4145 Eucharistic Adoration Mary Kay Wakely, 592-6700 Spanish Ministries Ministerios en Espanol Forever Young Seniors Lina Ramirez, 481-3294 Coordinador Luis F. Jimenez, 296-6815 Habitat for Humanity Jack Wilder, 275-2587 Hospital Ministry Goldie LoTurco, 497-2363 Knights of Columbus Bill Hodde, 473-7079 Ministros de Eucarastia Martha Rodriguez, 912-7344 Lectores Sergio Pantoja, 863-4766 Musica Rafael Moras, 431-2017 The mission statement is: We at Holy Trinity Catholic Church seek to live out the message and mission of Jesus Christ as a community of worship, shared faith, and service, where we believe and belong and share the gifts and talents received from God through the Holy Spirit. In Spanish: Nosotros, en la Iglesia Católica Holy Trinity buscamos vivir el mensaje y la misión de Jesucristo como una comunidad de adoración, fe compartida y servicio, donde creemos y pertenecemos y compartimos los dones y talentos recibidos de Dios a través del Espíritu Santo. Ujieres Juan D. Enriquez, 275-1573 Please provide any feedback you may have to the PPC chair, Cary Collins at [email protected]. Library Ann Terrinoni, 497-4566 Cenaculo Divina Misericordia Nora Ramirez, 404-5226 Rosalba Huerta, 636-8524 Monday’s at 7:00PM in the Angel Room Meals on Wheels - Christian Senior Service Mike Clary, 497-7929 Estudio de Biblia En Espanol Estelita Stevens, 286-1481 Mothering with Grace Brooke Hausman & Emily Schuelke [email protected] Comunidad de Matrimonios Roberto & Elizabeth Chinea, 274-5290 K of C 4th Degree J.D. Ramirez, 241-0522 Apostolado de La Cruz Estela Andonie, 838-8768 Attention Adult Choir Members! Anyone willing to share their God given musical gifts and talents is invited to come and join the choir. We need more singers and instrument players. Lucy Tavira, Director of Liturgy at 244-3743 THE 2014 LENTEN SEASON Communion Services Monday and Wednesday at 6:30 AM We will be adding three Communion Services during Lent. We will have the Liturgy of the Word with distribution of Communion and a short homily as we know people must be out and on their way to school and work by 7 AM . Please join us every weekday morning at 6:30AM for Communion Service on M-W-F and Mass on T-TH. FAST AND ABSTINENCE REGULATION It is the divine will that we do penance. The holy season of Lent is a time of penance. We are asked to respond voluntarily to the call of penance by undertaking some good works and observing certain penitential practices. According to the law of the Church, the requirement of fasting affects all those who have celebrated their 19th birthday but have not yet celebrated their 60th birthday. The rule of fasting is that only one full meal a day may be taken. Two small meals taken “to maintain sufficient strength” are allowed, but together should not equal a full meal. Abstinence refers to refraining from eating meat. The common estimation of the community is used to determine what falls under the category of meat. That would normally include beef, poultry, lamb and pork. The rule of abstinence binds all Catholics 14 years or older. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are to be observed as both a day of fast and abstinence and all Lenten Fridays should likewise be observed as days of abstinence. There is no particular legal sanction attached to failure in observance. As a Catholic Christian you will not lightly hold yourself excused, however, from the Lenten fast. HOLY THURSDAY, April 17 7:00PM - Msgr. Mike & Fr. Martin GOOD FRIDAY, April 18 - Offices Closed 12:00PM Youth Drama - Stations of the Cross 2:00PM - Divine Mercy Novena/Chaplet 3:00PM - Msgr. Mike 5:00PM - Spanish - Fr. Martin 7:00PM - Fr. Martin EASTER VIGIL, April 19 8:30PM - Msgr. Mike & Fr. Martin EASTER SUNDAY, April 20 Regular Sunday Mass Schedule “Joshua Cup” Project The Youth Office and Our LIFE TEEN Core have been praying for vocations for many years. Now we have a project to actively involve all our Holy Trinity Families. Joshua comes from the ֻ ְ ( יYehoshu'a) meaning Hebrew name הֹוׁש ַע "YAHWEH is salvation". Joshua Cup Project is a prayer activity to pray for vocations. We will purchase a chalice that we as a parish will pray with for vocations. Each week a different family will bring the chalice into their home. As a family, you will pray for vocations then pass the chalice to another family. When we have a young man ordained as Priest, he will be presented with this chalice. Please consider joining us, sign up to be one of the families as our chalice starts to travel around the Holy Trinity Community. For instructions to join us go to holytrinitysatyouth.org/Ministry/Joshua Cup 40 CANS FOR LENT - FOOD DRIVE DONATIONS The items listed above can be brought to the Church and placed in the container marked Catholic Charities Food Drive Donations THE DIVINE MERCY Our Lord’s words to St. Faustina, “I desire that priests proclaim this great mercy of Mine towards souls of sinners. Let the sinner not be afraid to approach Me. I want to grant a complete pardon to the souls that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion on the Feast of My mercy.” WEEKLY MESSAGE Palabras del Señor a Sta. Faustina… “Deseo que los sacerdotes proclamen esta gran misericordia que tengo a las almas pecadoras. Que el pecador no tenga miedo de acercase a Mi. Deseo conceder el perdón total a las almas que se acerquen a la confesion y reciban la Santa Comunión el dia de la Fiesta de Mi Misericordia. “ Source: The Diary of St. Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul, paragraph 50 and 1109. For further information call Frank Salinas (210-415-9061) or Ed Kowalsky (210-452-3837). Divine Mercy Cenacles available in English on Monday - 9:15AM and Tuesday - 7:00PM and Friday - 9:30AM in Spanish LADIES-Does taking a couple of days to get away from the stresses and demands of everyday life sound appealing? Holy Trinity Women's ACTS Retreat weekend (English) May 1-4, 2014. Cost is $175, with a $25 non-refundable deposit due at the time of registration. You may also register by mail. Please print a registration form from the parish website www.holytrinitysat.org (under the Faith Formation tab and ACTS sub-tab) and mail the completed form along with your deposit check payable to Holy Trinity Catholic Church to: Mary Kay Wakely 52 Rogers Wood San Antonio, TX 78258-1642 If you have questions or would like more information, please contact one of the retreat directors: Mary Kay Wakely ([email protected] (210) 683-3949) or Sulema Mejia ([email protected] (830)913-5400). MEN of Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Men’s ACTS Retreat (in English) May 22-25, 2014 (Memorial Day Weekend) Registration for the retreat is underway. Register now to ensure you have a spot; a wait list will be maintained when the retreat is full. There is a $25 non-refundable deposit due at the time of registration. The retreat cost is $175 and covers all meals, lodging and transportation to/from the retreat center. Please do not let the cost of the retreat keep you from registering. You may also register by mail by printing a registration form from the parish website (www.holytrinitysat.org [Faith Formation/ A.C.T.S. menu or Forms menu]) and mailing the completed form along with your deposit check payable to Holy Trinity Catholic Church to: Bob Morse 3318 Navasota Circle San Antonio, TX 78259 If you have questions or would like more information, please contact one of the retreat directors: Bob Morse ([email protected]; (210) 602-2633) or Al Talamantez ([email protected]; (210)787-9708) YOUNG AT HEART FOREVER YOUNG SENIORS HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH JOIN US FOR FUN, FELLOWSHIP AND LUNCH WITH A TOUR OF THE INDEPENDENCE HILL COMMUNITIES ON THURSDAY, APRIL 24TH, 2014 AT 10:45AM RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND TO RESERVE, PLEASE CALL MARY PEARSON: 210-545-3176 BEFORE FRIDAY, APRIL 18TH. DIVORCED & SEPARATED GROUP MEETING THE CATHOLICS DIVORCE SURVIVAL GUIDE We know there is no such thing as a Catholic divorce, but sadly Catholics do civilly divorce. If you or someone you know is hurting from divorce or separation, please join us for our support group program – The Catholics Divorce Survival Guide. This 12-week landmark DVD program features top Catholic experts to help the divorced & separated find hope and healing. All content of this program is 100% faithful to the Catholic Church Magisterium. Further information regarding this program can be found at the web site www.CatholicsDivorce.com This program is presented by the Divorced & Separated Ministry at Holy Trinity. The next session begins on: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Faith Formation Center Building Second Floor - St. Teresa Conference Room The cost for the program is $20.00 Sorry, no child care will be available TO REGISTER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact : Dan - 497-1704 - [email protected] Mary - 473-9608 - [email protected] Reflection ~ Fear Factor Divorce can bring a tremendous amount of fear, uncertainty and doubt. In a moment, a lifetime of dreams and plans can be destroyed. It is during these times that it can feel like you were dropped in a foreign land-with no map-in the dark. It can be a very scary feeling! Scripture repeatedly reassures us that God will never abandon us and that He has a tremendous plan for us. Try to trust in this, for it is through that trust that a sense of hopefulness will return. While you may not have a clue as to what God has planned for you in the future, you can rest assured that it is going to be better then you can imagine. Trust wholeheartedly in Yahweh put no faith in your own perception; acknowledge him in every course you take, and he will see that your paths are smooth. -- Proverbs 3: 5- 4th Degree Knights of Columbus Garage Sale Friday, May 2nd and Saturday May 3rd Holy Trinity 4th Degree Knights of Columbus will hold their fourth annual garage sale, in conjunction with the Encino Park Neighborhood Garage Sale, on Friday, May 2nd and Saturday May 3rd. This is the only fund raiser that the Assembly conducts. We are soliciting donations of items that we can sell at the garage sale. We cannot accept large items or large appliances like refrigerators, stoves, etc, we can accommodate some furniture. Our members will be in the church parking lot accepting items on the weekends of April 5th & 6th, April 12th & 13th, and April 26th & 27th. We will NOT collect on April 19th or 20th, Easter Weekend. If you have any questions please contact Tony Salsedo at (210) 497-3245. OUR LADY’S ROSARY MINISTRY Holy Trinity has a Rosary Ministry devoted to Our Lady, and all are welcome to join: We speak and pray a universal language of love for Our Blessed Mother! Rosary making supplies and training are provided for you to make rosaries at your own home on your own time. Other help and prayers are needed as well! Our Quarterly Meeting is Thursday, May 1st. We will begin praying the Rosary at 6:30 pm in the Tyler Peltier Gathering Room in the Faith Formation Bldg. All members are asked to attend. Our next workshop is Monday May 5th in the Angel Room in the Church, 6:30 – 8:30 pm. For more information please contact either Beth Roberts @ 210.281.5235 ([email protected]) or Ana Flores @ 210.307.6083 ([email protected]). Grace Place Alzheimer’s Activity Center Alzheimer’s disease affects more than 10% of adults over 65 and takes a terrible toll on spouses and family members. Grace Place Alzheimer’s Activity Center is San Antonio’s only licensed non-profit adult day activity center exclusively for seniors suffering from Alzheimer’s. Grace Place, a program of Christian Senior Services, offers daily activities with full or half day schedules available to provide respite to caregivers. A caregiver can get the type of help they need to have a more normal life and still provide excellent care for their loved ones during the day. We have three locations around San Antonio. Please call for more information: Northwest: 735-2589 Northeast: 559-7405 (ext. 2) Downtown: 271-9396 New Evangelization 2014 Proclaiming the Joy of the Gospel is the call of Pope Francis for the whole church of today. The message was first given to us by Jesus and since then the Church has been "preaching the Good News to all nations". Now we are called to be re-evangelized and invited to re-encounter Christ in a new and personal way. Come and participate in fulfilling the first priority of the Pastoral Vision for the Archdiocese of San Antonio - The New Evangelization April 25-27, 2014 "New Evangelization Retreat " ( ENGLISH) Fri- 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Gathering Room Sat - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Gathering Room Sun - 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM - FF Building May 23-25, 2014 "Retiro de Evangelizacion" (ESPANOL) Viernes 7-9 PM Sabado 9-5 PM Domingo 9-5:00 PM Save the date and join us for our next monthly series : “Abide in Me as I abide in You” May 15th at 7:00PM-8:30PM Young Adult Community is here for you ! Connecting Young Catholic adults, married or single in your 20s and 30s. We are a spiritual, service, and social ministry made up of young adults from Holy Trinity, St. Mark & Padre Pio. UPCOMING EVENTS April 16th – Movie Event: Passion of the Christ At 6:30pm (Location: TBA) April 19th – Carnations & Cards 10:00am-2:00pm April 24th – Theology on Tap (Carpool 6:00pm) April 27th – YAC Meeting @ Holy Trinity 3:30pm April 29th – Jesus & Dinner @ St. Mark 6:30pm For more information please contact: Dr. Antonio Ramirez (210) 416-8004, Berenice Diaz at (210) 550-1114, or call office 497-4200 ext. 313 If anyone has any questions about any of the events, you can reach me at (210) 497-4145 or contact at [email protected] Or for more information visit our website: www.holytrinitysat.org/yac RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Also, remember to check out our Facebook page for frequent updates: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sanantonioyac/. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is an evangelization ministry that welcomes and prepares adults to receive the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) at the Easter Vigil. Weekly meetings will begin on April 1from 7 - 8 PM in the Angel Room of the Church building. Participants starting now will begin a year-long faith enrichment process and will receive the sacraments of initiation next year at the Easter Vigil, April 4, 2015. Catholics who have receive all their sacraments but are interested in learning more about their faith are also invited to attend. It is not necessary to pre-register for the informational meetings. Please note: Teenagers who need to receive the Sacraments of Initiation may join the adult group if they wish. RCIA for children and teens will begin in the fall with the new school year. There will be no new fall session for adults. National Statutes for the Catechumenate. Para. 6 The period of the catechumenate, beginning at acceptance into the order of catechumens and including both the catechumenate proper and the period of purification and enlightenment after election or enrollment of names, should extend for at least one year of formation, instruction and probation. Ordinarily this period should go from at least the Easter season of one year until the next; preferably it should begin before Lent in one year and extend until Easter of the following year. Have a great week! Eric Mejia, Young Adult Community PROJECT RACHEL Couples with miscarriage loss are invited to a special day retreat that will bring relief, healing, and happiness. the retreat will take place on Saturday, May 3 from 9:00AM-5:00AM 135 Barilla Place, 78209.. There is a modest donation requested. Space is limited, so call Mary at 210-342-4673 to reserve your spot! UPCOMING COLLECTIONS Good Friday Collection for Shrines of the Holy Land Pontifical Collection. Collect funds for support of the Holy Places, but above all for those pastoral, charitable, educational and social works which the Church supports in the Holy Land for the welfare of their Christian brethren and of the local communities. Easter Sunday Second Collection You're invited to participate in CRS Rice Bowl! Our parish will be participating in CRS Rice Bowl, Catholic Relief Services' Lenten program, as a way to encounter Jesus through others, especially through the most vulnerable in our world. Rice Bowls have been available in the Church Please be sure to take home a Rice Bowl and use this fun and easy resource to deepen your family's Lenten experience and make a difference in the lives of the poor. TEENS and Parents, check out our YOUTH Website: www.holytrinitysatyouth.org High School Life Teen Youth Ministry Meets Sunday’s following Life teen mass And ends at 8:30pm (includes dinner) Register NOW! forms on website We invite all TEENS to participate. Middle School Youth Ministry Edge Youth Ministry Meets Mondays 7:00-8:30pm All 6th, 7th and 8th grade youth are invited to attend. Registration forms are online or in the Faith Formation Office. Summer Activities For Middle School Youth Will be announced soon Please join us on Good Friday For the Youth Drama of Stations of the Cross At 12:00PM Edge Summer Camp July 13-19th in Georgia For: Middle School Youth (including incoming 5th grade and outgoing 8th grade) Youth do not have to be part of Edge to attend. Cost: $860 includes travel to and from camp. Registration: Faith Formation Office (2 spots open) This is an awesome week that takes Middle School youth to the next level in their faith life. It includes daily mass directed at and for the youth. It has amazing praise and worship the entire week. It has many activities that engage the youth including tubing on a beautiful river, followed by waterpark and a day on the high ropes course. Team consists of amazing young adults who commit themselves to serving and role modeling to our youth for the week. Knights of Columbus Council 9967 Annual Scholarship Competition Scholarships will be awarded to: 1. The child or grandchild of any member of our Knight’s Council. 2. A college student whose family is registered as a parishioner of Holy Trinity. 3. A deserving high school student attending a Catholic high school and whose family is registered as parishioners of Holy Trinity. All applicants must fill out an application and submit a 500 word essay. The competition will run from March 16, 2014 through April 15, 2014. Applications can be found at www.holytrinitysat.org in the Knights of Columbus section of the website. ALL applications must be submitted NO LATER THAN 5:00 pm, April 20, 2014. Applications may be emailed to Vincent Lewis, Scholarship Coordinating Knight, at [email protected] or turned in to the Church office. Any questions: Email or call Mr. Lewis at 210-995-5127. Clothed in the Sun—An Edge Retreat on Mary For: Middle School Youth When: May 10, 9:00PM-5:00PM Where: Holy Trinity Faith Formation Building Cost: $20 (will include lunch) register by April 21. Activities: Ice breakers, games, make rosary ropes, talks, reflection time. Forms: In Faith Formation Office Contact: Renee at: [email protected] if you would like to help or have questions. This retreat will help the youth grow closer to Blessed Mother, learn more about her through the gospel and become familiar with three approved apparitions and the messages given. The date of retreat is a few days before the anniversary of Fatima. Youth will have quality time with other Catholic youth to build bonds of friendship. Elementary Faith Formation April & May 2014 April & May Dates-At-A-Glance Apr. 14 & 16 Apr. 21 & 23 May 1 May 8 May 10/11 – – – – – Regular Class Last Class VBS Registration Opens First Communion Rehearsal First Communion Weekend May 8 – First Communion Rehearsal Children celebrating their First Communion this spring will meet in the church Thursday, May 8th from 4:00pm-6:00pm for a rehearsal for First Communion Weekend. Children preparing for the sacrament of First Communion need to complete their take home book, Called to Celebrate: Eucharist before celebrating. May 10 & 11 – First Communion Weekend Children prepared to receive the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist will celebrate at one the following Masses: Saturday, May 10th at 11:00 am or 5:00 pm Sunday, May 11th at 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 1:00pm (Spanish) or 5:30pm SUPPORT CATHOLIC SCHOOLS St. Mark's Preschool, located at St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church, has been preparing children for kindergarten since 1980. We are currently accepting applications for children ages 2 thru 5 years for the 2014-15 school year. Please call (210)494-9282 for more information. Let your child grow with us! Mount Sacred Heart School One of San Antonio’s Premier Catholic Schools is hosting an OPEN HOUSE for Prospective Parents Thursday, May 1st, 4:30 - 6:00 pm Tour our Campus • Visit with Faculty † Enriched Pre-K4 - 8th Grades † Early Childhood Montessori Program (ages 2½ - 5 years) Call 210-342-6711 ext. 124 to RSVP 619 Mt. Sacred Heart Rd. 78216 mountsacredheart.com May 17– Safe Environment Training (OVASE) There will be a Safe Environment training on Saturday, May 17th in the Banquet Hall (Meeting Room B) from 9:45am-12:00 pm. This training is mandatory for all adults ministering to children in the Archdiocese of San Antonio, and must be renewed every 3 years. Vacation Bible School We Need Adult Volunteers! We still need several ADULT volunteers (over the age of 18) who can commit for the week of June 16-20 (9:00am-12:00pm) in order to offer our Vacation Bible School program. Adult volunteers are needed to run the following stations: Imagination Station, Games, Snacks, Bible Adventures, Movies, etc. Please register now online using the link on the Holy Trinity homepage. May 1 – VBS Registration Opens Vacation Bible School will open registration on May 1, 2014. VBS is offered to children who have completed Kindergarten to completed 5th Grade (entering 6th). VBS Fee (per child) May 1st - May 15th: $35.00 May 16th - May 31st: $40.00 After June 1st: $45.00 *Registration will not be final unless payment is received at the Faith Formation Office within 3 days of registering. Vacation Bible School Dates: June 16th-20th Register online at www.holytrinitysat.org/vbs The Archdiocese of San Antonio is now offering Level 1 Catechist Formation courses online. If you are interested in registering for these classes please contact Kristin or Eric in the Faith Formation Office: (210) 497-4145. Come Join Our School Family! Now Enrolling for the 2014-2015 School Year. For information, please call Admissions Director, Lisa Rosenfeld, at 210-349-1169 ext.8316. THE BEST GIFT YOU CAN GIVE YOUR CHILDREN IS A CATHOLIC EDUCATION! Anxiety or Panic Attacks? SONTERRA ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY DR. BRYAN ROACH D.D.S. ' 56.17)*' "",!8'9*%-$2,1'$27'+)1*",./':$/.$-'3#)/"7;#"1< 210-494-2005 New Patients Welcome! Parishioner =>?>'@A'B)2,"##$'C-47A8'B,"A'D?='E'B$2'F2,)2.) 'SFF1JDLVQ%FMJWFSZ :ST&YQFSJFODF "%3*"/(6&33&301BSJTIJPOFS /-PPQ8FTUt4BO"OUPOJP59)&# 1IPOF -PVJT1BTUFVS4UFt4BO"OUPOJP59 1IPOF Resolve quickly in a warm and friendly environment Phillip Johnson, MA, LPC-S, LCDC (210) 716-5040 Aljonfamily.com REAL ESTATE is my PASSION, SERVICE is my OBSESSION. VICTOR YONG, Realtor®, GRI (210) 273-5075 [email protected] How may I help you...? To Buy or Sell YOUR HOUSE? Permiteme Ayudarte a Comprar o Vender TU CASA Free Market Analysis - Asesoria gratuita 16719 HUEBNER RD., B4, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78248 PARISHIONER Residential $PNNFSDJBM Rentals -PUT Betsy Dippo "HFOU 19190 Stone Oak Parkway #112 San Antonio, TX 78258 Off: (210) 496-FARM Fax: (210) 491-0371 Toll Free: (888) 316-3276 4UBUF'BSN*OTVSBODF$PNQBOJFT )PNF0GGJDFT#MPPNJOHUPO*MMJOPJT YOLANDA MARCOS, MD, PA #PBSE$FSUJGJFEt*OUFSOBM.FEJDJOF Accepting New Patients .FE$PVSU4UF tXXXZNBSDPTNEDPN 4BUVSEBZ)PVST"WBJMBCMFt1BSJTIJPOFS We service ALL brands Schedule your AC Check Today! $54.95 !"#$%&'(")*' +,' Holy Trinity Parishioner !""#$# %&#'()%)*(%+#,-./(*-"# 01010#2-3)(!)#4+%*-5#,6-7#811# ,%)#;)6!)(!#<=#>?@0A# @0178?D78D08# *C%&E'()%)*(%+F3(G-7*!C# (210) 495-3555 Max Gardiner Owner Parishioner 23 years 11725 Warfield, San Antonio, TX www.AirCare-SA.com Lic# TACLB017367E Guy Kukla President # 9'()%)*(%+#4+%))(): 9B)/-"6C-)6" 9B)"3.%)*9H!++-:-#,%/():"#4+%)" HI%.+-"# %&#("#%#.-:("6-.-G#.-J.-"-)6%K/-#!L#%)G#!M-."#"-*3.(K-"5#()/-"6C-)6# %G/("!.N#%)G#O)%)*(%+#J+%))():#"-./(*-"#6I.!3:I# P#B)/-"6!."#,-./(*-"5#PPH7## -CQ-.#,B4H#01010#2-3)(!)#4+%*-5#,6-7#811#,%)#;)6!)(!#<=#>?@0A#R@01S8D@TD0D0 Parishioner 15 years Music Minister DONALD W. BUCKNER, D.D.S., P.A. ERIC D. KUHL, D.D.S., P.A. Siloam Counseling !"#$%&'(#)*'$'+$,!)-./0 +!#.1,.$2'3"#1%"/,.4" FAMILY DENTISTRY Office Hours By Appointment Charles W Schraub, LCSW, LMFT, LPC Executive Director www.siloamcounseling.com 15321 San Pedro, #104 496-1711 210-499-1020 French Lessons Private or Group StoneOak 716-566-8578 DR. V.A. CALDAROLA, M.D., F.A.C.S. GENERAL SURGERY COLON AND RECTAL SURGERY MCCI Medical Group Legacy Place Senior Focused Primary Care On Site Lab EKG’s Minor Procedures Bi-Lingual Staff &4POUFSSB4UFt4BO"OUPOJP59 Free Activity Center Seniors 55+ Yoga, Zumba Lunch & Learns Educational Series Birthday Parties New Medicare Patients Welcome! Legacy Place 18414 U.S. Hwy. 281 N, Ste. 104 San Antonio, TX 8259 (210) 495-0222 FOR AD INFO CALL THERESA HALEY AT 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM Holy Trinity, San Antonio, TX D 2C 05-0443 04-07-2014 14:21:23 CENTER FOR MINIMALLY INVASIVE CARDIAC SURGERY Better Services, Careful Movers 'SFF&TUJNBUFTr%JTDPVOU"WBJMBCMF 1SPGFTTJPOBM.PWFST!(SFBU1SJDF We are nice guys, let us show you! Give us a call, or visit us at: XXX/JDF(VZT.PWFSTDPNt CARMELO OTERO, M.D. PERFECTION ROOFING CO. "MM5ZQFTPG3PPmOH3FQBJS Cardiac - Peripheral Vascular and Thoracic Surgery ZAVALA LANDSCAPE & GARDEN DESIGN [email protected] 3FTJEFOUJBMt$PNNFSDJBM 210.568.0459 210.844.0459 Ad Good for $25 Disc. 210-615-6626 Free Estimates 225 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 201 Parishioner Colon & Rectal Surgery and Colonoscopy For information on advertising call Realtor For All Your Real Estate Needs t.BDIJOF3FOUBMT t/PO"MDPIPMJD4MVTIFT t"TTPSUFE'MBWPST (210) 355-7509 Tree and Lawn Maintenance Landscape Designs Retainer Walls and Walkways Flower Beds , Sprinkler Repair & Installation , Mulch & Soil ~ SE HABLA ESPAÑOL ~ Please Support these advertisers &SJDB"OBCFM$BOUV1BSJTIJPOFS Roger Pastrano, Parishioner Don Winters Theresa Haley at 1-800-950-9952, ext. 2606 Email: [email protected] www.SeekAndFind.com www.ericacantu.kwrealty.com Sunset North Funeral Home “Honoring Memories, Celebrating Lives” 910 North Loop 1604 East between Stone Oak Parkway and US Hwy 281 t Open daily with continuous service t Private Dining for all special occasions! t Room equipped with screen/projector t Daily lunch specials t Happy Hour / Patio t Gluten Free Menu 210-495-7770 JOIN A 6TH GRADE BOYS BASKETBALL SELECT TEAM Proven Coach/Trainer w/ 14 years of excellent credentials/resume t*OEJWJEVBM4LJMM%FWFMPQNFOU5FBN5SBJOJOH t/PQSFTTVSFUSZPVUTKVTUTJNQMFFWBMVBUJPOTCZUIFDPBDI t(SFBUPQQPSUVOJUZUPCFQBSUPGBOFYDFMMFOUPSHBOJ[BUJPO 20079 Stone Oak Pkwy at Hardy Oak 210-494-0561 www.aldacos-stoneoak.com DAVID R. SEGUIN, D.D.S. - MAGD Parishioner New s Thousand Oaks Dental Office ent Pati e Family and Cosmetic Dentistry lcom We 496-2533 “Dentistry For The Individual” 2235 Thousand Oaks, Ste 120 San Antonio 210-825-7653 for more information Serrano OB/Gyn Christopher Serrano, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. !"#$%&'#()*'$ 210-545-7700 Se Habla Español www.serrano-obgyn.com 20726 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 101 FOR AD INFO CALL THERESA HALEY AT 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM Holy Trinity, San Antonio, TX C 2C 05-0443 04-07-2014 14:21:23 Great Service since 1934 Jeremy Tirres /,)(,1685$1&($118,7,(6 www.gpacsa.com [email protected] We Provide 24/7 Emergency Service Office: 210-829-00290RELOH210-577-2521 r$PNNFSDJBM&3FTJEFOUJBM r1MVNCJOH3FQBJST r4FXFS$BNFSB7JEFP Cowboy Cleaners New Sistema Azteca Table PC $99 Affordable Technology For Everyone! Do You Need A Laptop, Tablet PC, Or Smart Phone? Get Online, Get Mobil, And Let Us Help You Do It For Less. Nadia Moreno-Frazier, Parishioner Cell: 210-246-3538 Website: www.sistemaazteca.com -JD. 210-699-0818 19211 Huebner Rd 497-8691 For Fine Dry Cleaning & Laundry Pick-Up & Delivery Service Parishioner Hank Bussey, PT, DPT, MS, OCS Gabriel Molina, PT, MPT, MBA, CMT Stephanie Bussey, PT, MPT CARABELLA BEAUTIFUL SKIN CARE ELISA’S PET SITTING 210-237-9934 ~ Parishioner ~ 10919 Culebra Rd, Suite 112, Room 12 San Antonio, TX 78253 (210) 481-2207 Chemical peel 3 package $180.00 Mink Slik Eyelash Extensions $95.00 Long D ai ly Walk s When you’re away your pets will play www.Carabellaskincare.net GOURMET HOME STYLE COOKING FOR ANY OCCASION 5*/";*..&3."/ Chef & Parishioner 210-789-0298 G Dilma Ruiz Friel, MD Diplomate American Board General Surgery )BSEZ0BL#MWE4VJUFt4BO"OUPOJP59 tEJMNBSVJ[GSJFM!ZBIPPDPN GILLETTE Air Conditioning & Heating Family Owned & Serving South Texas for Over 50 Years !""#$%&'()*)+#,&-#./&'()*)0.-1,/$&'()*)2!&(#$, 34!.5/) 6!$7#/)/!) 8'.7#) 9!1$)6&(/#$,: !"#!$%&'!"())"*!+,$-)"#./,!0/ 735-9235 TACLA #762C Please Support these advertisers Pray for Vocations For information on advertising call HJ Horticulture COMMERCIAL, HOA’S & RESIDENTIAL INSTALLATIONS Planting a Seed for a Greener Tomorrow Theresa Haley at 1-800-950-9952, ext. 2606 LANDSCAPING & IRRIGATION Lane Bishop, Parishioner 210-264-4130 [email protected] Email: [email protected] GUNN www.SeekAndFind.com Honda One Simple Price Bruce Barfell, Sales Consultant [email protected] !""#$%&'()*+(,*)+-Parishioner &,)&'$./$&'$0!12-345$65275879$:!;41$<*%,= Liliana Meeker, DDS Root Canal Specialist 210-494-8022 Parishioner - Se Habla Español 335 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 www.meekerendo.com FOR AD INFO CALL THERESA HALEY AT 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM Lubin Garcia Mortgage Loan Officer NMLS # 331584 Cardinal Mortgage, P.L.L.C. $FMMr'BY MVCJO!DBSEJOBMNPSUHBHFUYDPN Purchases - Refinances - Construction Loans “Call, we can help you” Holy Trinity, San Antonio, TX Yo hablo español B 2C 05-0443 04-07-2014 14:21:23 MONIQUE BORDELON PROUSE San Antonio Catholic Professionals Ron Salazar - Parishioner Parishioner*Realtor “AV” RATED, HIGHEST POSSIBLE PEER RATING PROBATE, BUSINESS, CONTRACT, PERSONAL INJURY FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION www.TeamBordelon.com [email protected] (210) 483-5000 1846 N. Loop 1604 W. Suite 205 San Antonio, TX 78248 Holy Trinity Business Professionals Network based on faith, values, and charity Your patronage of our members help support our community’s businesses of like faith and values Learn more at: www.sacatholicprofessionals.com HWY 281 & ISOM (210) 627-9000 VISIT: www.ronsalazarlaw.com Preferred, REALTORS 19230 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 315 San Antonio, TX 78258 Are you considering to Buy, Sell or Invest in San Antonio? Would you like Free Consultation?? Please call me !! 210-807-7599 phone 866-378-4470 toll free [email protected] www.ccwmgmt.com Rosario Crutchfield: 210-535-1151 Parishioner www.UniqueHomesExpert.com [email protected] Eric Zeitler CRPS®, CMFC® Se Habla Español FREDERICK R. ZLOTUCHA Private Wealth Manager - Parishioner Attorney at Law t$PNQMFUF3FUJSFNFOU'JOBODJBM1MBOOJOH t1FSTPOBMJ[FE3JTL#BTFE*OWFTUNFOU.BOBHFNFOU t,BOE3FUJSFNFOU1MBO1SPGFTTJPOBM .BJO1MB[B&BTUt4BO"OUPOJP59 5SJBM1SPCBUF'BNJMZ-BX1FSTPOBM*OKVSZ3FBM&TUBUF Bus Lit., Med. Mal., Contract, Oil & Gas - General Practice Admitted To Texas State Bar 1978 Free Initial Consultation Securities offered through Sigma Financial, member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Sigma Planning Corporation. Client Centric Wealth Management is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation and SPC. MISSION Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. !"#$!%&#'()*)+,--!./#'()*)0%$1"&.#'()*)0%"&#&1&#,%'( Mech Lic #M-17583: TACL#A19546C 5SBEFTNBOt Serving San Antonio Since 1956 HAROLD G FELTER, MD FACC Cardiology Consultation 210-225-4566 Cardiovascular Associates of San Antonio 1200 Brooklyn Ave., Suite 200 Bob James, D.D.S. Casey Elkins, D.D.S. Dry In One Hour! (210) 659-8986 210-861-3124 Orthodontist Parishioner owned & operated &OWJSPONFOUBMMZ4BGFr'SFF&TUJNBUFT Mention this ad and save 10%! Dee Garcia Pediatric Dentists Darrell W. Childers, D.D.S. Welcome to Fun! %FF!%SFBNIPNFTJOUYDPNt"DUJWF1BSJTIJPOFSTJODF 15303 Huebner Rd, Bldg 17 San Antonio, Texas 78248 Let’s work together to Buy, Sell or Invest for your 210.696.2563 &4POUFSSB#MWEt4BO"OUPOJP59 Fax 210.764.7226 www.thedentistsforkids.com www.heavensbest.com “Dream Home In Texas” I work your way, in person, over the phone, text, email, virtual showings, or by appointment. You decide your comfort and your need. Call me and let’s get started! Sally Romo-Parishioner REALTOR® www.sallyromo.com Custom Granite Countertops Also Marble, Quartz Solid Surface, Laminate Cultured Marble (210) 861-6838 13310 Western Oak Off Hausman Rd. & 1604 [email protected] Your Stone Oak Specialist Tony & Brenda Franckowiak 210-695-3505 Parishioners & Music Ministers The dentist you choose does make a difference. t/POTVSHJDBMHVNDBSFt$PTNFUJDSFTUPSBUJWFEFOUJTUSZt%FOUBMJNQMBOUTVSHFSZSFTUPSBUJPOQMBDFNFOU t*OWJTBMJHO¥t0SUIPEPOUJDTGPSDIJMESFOUFFOTBEVMUTt4JOHMFWJTJUSPPUDBOBMTt$VTUPNTOPSJOHBQQMJBODFT t5.%EJBHOPTJTUSFBUNFOU Clarence R. Feller Jr., DDS, MAGD &YDFQUJPOBMDSFEFOUJBMT$PNQSFIFOTJWFEFOUJTUSZ#FBVUJGVMTNJMFT .BTUFS"DBEFNZPG(FOFSBM%FOUJTUSZ'FMMPX"NFSJDBO "DBEFNZPG*NQMBOU%FOUJTUSZt(SBEVBF65)4$4" Parishioner since 1989 Blanco Skilled Nursing and Rehab 17201 SAN PEDRO, SUITE 130, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78232 ʰt888'&--&34.*-&4$0. .045*/463"/$&"$$&15&%'*-&%t&"3-:.03/*/(-6/$))0634t'*/"/$*/(8*5)$"3&$3&%*5¥ FOR AD INFO CALL THERESA HALEY AT 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM 210-408-1212 16400 Blanco Road Holy Trinity, San Antonio, TX A 2C 05-0443 04-07-2014 14:21:23
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