245 North Main Street, Spring Valley New York 10977
245 North Main Street, Spring Valley New York 10977
CHURCH OF SAINT JOSEPH 245 North Main Street, Spring Valley New York 10977 FEBRUARY 8, 2015 PARISH WEBSITE www.stjosephspringvalley.org Pastor Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar: Chaplain Malankara Indian Community: Deacon Parish Secretary Parish Receptionist Weekend Receptionist PREP Director PREP Ast. Director RCIA Director Music Director SERVED BY Rev. Levelt Germain Rev. Patrick Adekola Rev. Cyprien Emile Rev. Robert L. Rodriguez Bishop T. Naickamparambil Jose Pena Adanayri Caamano (Denise) Djena B. Abraham Francine Vincent Maureen Foley Alicia Lima Sr. Celia Cid Mark La Rosa PARISH OFFICE(RECTORY) ADDRESS: 333 Sneden Place West Spring Valley, NY 10977 OFFICE HOURS: 9:00am-8:00pm(Monday-Friday) 9:00am-5:00pm(Saturday) 9:00am-2:00pm(Sunday) (Closed from 12:00pm-1:00pm for lunch) CONTACT US: Rectory: Telephone: 845-356-0311 Fax: 845-352-8126 Main Church Email: [email protected] Music Director: [email protected] Parish Secretary: [email protected] Religious Education: [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Weekday: Monday –Friday 9:00am and 5:30 pm in the Main Church Saturday : 9:00am in the Main Church Saturday Vigil Masses in the Church: 5:00pm(English) & 7:30pm(Spanish) Sunday in the Church: 7:30am,9:00am, 10:15am, 11:30 am, 1:00pm (Haitian) and 5:30 pm Sunday in the Chapel: 9:45 am (Polish) & 1:15 pm (English) Sunday in the gym:: 11:00 am (Spanish) Indian Masses: Malankara Mass Sunday at 4:30pn (Chapel) DEVOTIONS M ONDAY M IRACULOUS M EDAL NOVENA : 9:00am Mass followed by the Novena W EDNESDAY SAINT JOSEPH NOVENA: 9:00am Mass followed by the Novena W EDNESDAY O UR L ADY OF P ERPETUAL H ELP N OVENA & B ENEDICTION : 8:00pm in the main Church T HURSDAY E XPOSITION OF THE B LESSED S ACRAMENT : 8:00pm-10:00pm (Stone Chapel in Spanish) F RIDAY D IVINE M ERCY C HAPLET After 9:00am Mass & 5:00pm Mass F RIDAY E XPOSITION OF THE B LESSED S ACRAMENT : Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 10:00am-5:00pm ending with Benediction F OR FURTHER INFORMATION ON THE DIFFERENT PARISH MINISTRIES PLEASE VISIT OUR PARISH WEBSITE . T HANK YOU . S TANDING COUNCILS & COMMITTEES F INANCE COUNCIL : Every 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00pm in the rectory Conference room. P ARISH PASTORAL C OUNCIL : Every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm Classroom 13. C OMITE PASTORAL DE G UIA : Every 1st Monday of the month at 7:30pm Classroom 13. C OMITE PASTORAL DE LIASON : Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm Classroom 13. R OCKLNAD DEANERY COUNCIL : Every 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm . SACRAMENTS BAPTISM: Baptism Instruction Class for Parents and Godparents 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month in English at 7pm in the Rectory 3rd Friday of the month in French/Creole at 7:00pm in the Rectory Chapel 4th Friday of the month at 7:30pm in the School Building Baptisms Celebrated on: The 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month in English at 12:30pm The 3rd Saturday of the month in French/Creole at 12:30pm The 4th Saturday of the Month in Spanish at 2:00pm To schedule a Baptism please contact the Rectory office for more information at 845-3560311. You must provide your child’s Birth Certificate. RECONCILIATION: Saturday from 12:00pm-12:30pm & 4:30pm-5:00pm(English) and 6:30pm-7:30pm (Spanish) in the Church. You may come to the Rectory Monday through Friday and request to speak to the Priest on duty. ANNOINTING OF THE SICK: Please contact the parish office at any time and make arrangements with one of our Priests. In cases of illness, please notify us if you or a family member would like to receive Holy Communion at home, hospital or nursing home to make arrangements. MARRIAGE: Please contact our parish office at least 6 months prior to your scheduled wedding date, to schedule a meeting with one of our Priests . In your initial meeting with the Priest couples must bring the following documents: Baptismal Certificate, First Communion Certificate and Confirmation certificate. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sacramental preparation for First communion and Confirmation is offered for Public School students in grades 1 through 10. All children should be registered before attending class. For further information please call 845-356-0054. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (RCIA) FOR ADULTS: A process of Liturgical and Spiritual formation for those seeking to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. For more information contact our Parish Office. MISSION STATEMENT: “The permanent quality of this church dedicated to St. Joseph reminds us that Christ will remain with his People until mortal time ceases. It will be to this church that parishioners will bring their lives filled with both joy and sorrows and join them to Christ, who offers the perfect sacrifice to the Father. It will be from this church that Grace of the Sacrament will radiate for the building-up of the kingdom and for the sanctification of souls. It will be at this church where people will find nourishment and strength, communion and peace, unity and friendship.” John Cardinal O’Connor. Saturday, February 7,2015 5:00pm +Kevin Freeman 7:00pm Elias Santiago (Healing) Sunday, February 8 ,2015 7:30am for all homebound parishioners (Healing) 9:00am +Prosper & Sr. Marie Joseph Dure 10:15am for all homebound parishioners (Healing) 11:00am for all homebound parishioners (Healing) 11:30am for the intention of Jose Gabriel Galan 1:00pm for all homebound parishioners (Healing) 1:15pm for all homebound parishioners (Healing) 5:30pm for all homebound parishioners (Healing) Monday, February 9, 2015 9:00am +Claire Policaint & +Altagrace Prophete 5:30pm +Alphonse Nelson Fr. Tuesday, February 10,2015 Saint Scholastica, Virgin 9:00am +Elise & Mereus Fleuranvil 5:30pm for the intention of Philip Ortega Wednesday, February 11,2015 Our Lady of Lourdes 9:00am +George Riedl & +Julia Hass 5:30pm for all homebound parishioners (Healing) Thursday, February 12,2015 9:00am +Pere Dorelien & +Pere Delva 5:30pm Paraison Family (Thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart of Jesus) Friday, February 13,2015 9:00am +Genaro Casem 5:30pm +Germaine Fortune & +Bertha Dufresne Saturday, February 14,2015 Saints Cyril, Monk & Methodius, Bishop 9:00am Danie Ambroise (Thanksgiving/Birthday) 5:00pm +Sharon Ann Pollice Sat. Vigil, Saturday , Feb.7,2015 5:00pm: Olga Freeman Sunday, Feb.8,2015 7:30am:Juana Billy 9:00am: Terry Teodoro 10:15am: Melchor Molina 11:30am: Barbara Palmentiero 1:00pm: Jacqueline Sanon, Medjine Delinois & Jaccim JeanFrancois 1:15pm: Judeline Rouzard 5:30pm: Vicky Gatchalian Sat. Vigil, Saturday , Feb.7,2015 5:00pm: Philomene Balin & Rose Milien Sunday, Feb.8,2015 7:30am: Cristina Jacobs & Marie Morency 9:00am: Gerri Leote, Helen Esposito & Ketty Ciceron 10:15am: Carlina Molina & Jean Milien 11:30am: Thomas Ridore, Collete Theodore & Luis Guignard 1:00pm: Jacqueline Sanon, Anne-Marie Dumel & Annette Frederique 1:15pm: Lydia Makgopela 5:30pm: George Delfiero, Poch Gatchalian & AnneMarie Dumel We kindly request your prayers for the repose of Gloria Reboton. We express our deepest sympathy to her family. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. May the souls of all the faithfully departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen Marie Ankner, Carline Antoine, Eden Azor, Samson Bernard, Lea Bellefleur, Ines Berjon, Frantz Bernadin, Marie Claire Blain, Angelica Calfa, Bonnie Calkins, Linn Carrera, Lina Carrera, Anne Casimir, Lillian Ciufo, Diane Cole, Edgar Collins, Bernadette Claude, Juliette Cruz, Gladys Desmanghes, Marie Destin, Marie Rosanna Edmond, Felino Escudero, Olivena Fabre, Randy Gauthier, Carol Gigillo, Javier Gonzalez, Demitria Greenidge, Lydia Jean, Lina Joseph, Eduardo Francis Kelly, Marie Th. Lafontant, Marie Pierre Louis, Margareth Azulfa Larosiliere, Marie Louis, Gilma Madera, Shana Mallette, Jean Marci, Elizabeth Marescot, Steven Masterson, Marie Mompoint, Emmanuela Valescot Mathieu, Jasmine Narcisse, Theresa Novak, John Richard Oster, Harold Jean-Pierre, Pita Piongson, Lamercie M., Andrea Remy, Joel Remy, Elizabeth Riedl, Bernarda Rodriguez, Sebastian Romero, Elias Santiago, Myriam Senat, Mariquit Tabudlo, Leonard Terius, Edith Vilsaint, Vickie Wallace and all our homebound parishioners and the residents of our local Nursing Homes. To add or remove a name to this list please call the rectory and speak with Denise Caamaño. If you are new in the parish, please introduce yourself after Mass and register at the Parish Office. Kindly notify us if you change your address or phone number. Thank You. EUCHARISTIC MINISTER TO THE HOMEBOUND Gerry Leote, Marie Douyon, Jim McGuire, Anne Marie Dumel, Jacqueline Sanon , Annette Fredericque, Edwige Joseph, Thomas Ridore , Jean-Claude Dubuisson, Wilhelmena Wolk and Chantal Thevenot 1 Corinthians 13:3 “If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be turned, but have not love, I gain nothing.” Saturday/Sunday Regular Collection January 31st & February 1st: $13,126.00 Thank you for your generosity. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Miguel Valderrama & Yolanda Carrillo Who will be united in Holy Matrimony on: February 7,2015 “Christian marriage, like the other sacraments, “whose purpose is to sanctify people, to build up the body of Christ, and finally, to give worship to God,” is in itself a liturgical action glorifying God in Jesus Christ and in the Church” Saint John Paull II FIFTH SUNDAY IN The Cardinal’s Appeal ORDINARY TIME “Today marks a very important time here at our parish and across the Archdiocese of New York. This is the official kickoff of the Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal. There are so many reasons why the Appeal is important, not only to those in need in the Archdiocese, but also to us, in our parish community. Your support of the Appeal helps countless men and women, and it sustains the fabric of our ministries throughout our parishes. First Reading: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 In this passage, Job laments the drudgery and pain all people sometimes experience in life. He talks of troubled days and restless nights. But he does mention that the days move along swiftly, which can remind us that our time here on earth is quite limited and should be well spent. Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Paul explains to the Corinthians that he has no choice, but must preach the gospel. He tells of making himself all things to all people, in order to save some of them. He reminds them If you have not already, you will be receiving a letter from Cardinal Dolan, along with some material that illustrates the deep importance of the Cardinal’s Appeal to our community. Part of being a steward means living with trust in God’s generosity and a responsible tending of that which God has entrusted to us. Cardinal Dolan is asking you to participate by making a gift to this important annual initiative. that he does this willingly, in the hope of sharing in the Your Gift to the Appeal: blessings of the gospel. Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 Jesus cured Simon and Andrew’s mother of a fever, then others with illnesses or demons came to see him. He cured those who were ill, and cast out the demons of the others. Then he went off and prayed alone until his followers sought him out. Jesus and his disciples then moved on to other villages to proclaim the good news. We join Jesus in Capernaum and Paul with the Corinthians and discover the importance of the oral teaching, preaching the word of God. We are accustomed to read, whether the sacred scriptures or inspirational books, but we are provided with the spoken word in Sunday homilies, television teaching and radio lectures. All are meant to inform, form and transform us. Unfortunately, we can fall into the trap of not listening with attention. We might find it hard to overcome an accent, or distracted by those around us. A simple lesson can help us. Like the young Samuel ask the Lord to speak because I am trying to listen. Surely there is one word, one phrase or sentence which can provide a great treasure for meditation, rather than turn the dial to off, or the remote to mute. Simon said ‘everyone is looking for you’ and we are among those who need to find, listen and reflect upon the gift the Lord offers us through His many instruments. I provide what every preacher needs: a good listener. Supports offices, ministries, and programs throughout the archdiocese that nurture and encourage our journey in faith; Helps educate our children in our Catholic schools and religious education programs; Provides for retired priests and religious by giving them the retirement care they deserve after decades of service; Helps to educate our future clergy and prepare them for a life of service; and Helps fund Catholic Charities, which provides loving care to millions of people in our Archdiocese; Finally, it is through the Appeal that we receive a myriad of services and guidance from the archdiocese. Whether it involves building, finance, questions of law or questions of faith, the Archdiocese of New York has at our service professionals of the highest quality. It is with their help that we are able to go about our role of caring for the faithful of Saint Joseph’s Parish. The archdiocesan goal for the 2015 Appeal is $20,000,000. I ask that you prayerfully consider your gift, fill out the pledge card and mail it in. If you need time to think about your gift, you will be given an opportunity to make your pledge during Mass on Commitment Weekend in a few weeks. Thank you so much for your support of the Appeal and please pray for its success at our parish.” Sincerely In Christ Father Levelt, Germain QUINTO DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO Primera Lectura: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 En este pasaje, Job lamenta los retos y pensas que todas las personas experimentan en la vida. Habla de los días trabajosos y las noches en vela. Pero menciona que los días pasan rápido, lo que debe recordarnos que nuestro tiempo en la tierra es limitado y debería ser bien utilizado. Segunda Lectura: 1 Corintios 9:16-19, 22-23 San Pablo explica a los Corintios que no tiene otra opción, que debe evangelizar. Habla de que ha hecho todo a todos para salvar a algunos. Les recuerda que ha hecho todo esto libremente, esperando compartir las bendiciones del evangelio. Evangelio: San Marcos 1:29-39 Jesús curó a Simón y a la madre de Andrés de una fiebre, y luego otros enfermos o endemoniados vinieron a verlo. Curó a los enfermos y libró de los demonios a los otros. Luego se fué y oró a solas hasta que sus acompañantes lo buscaron. Jesús y sus discípulos luego fueron a otras villas a proclamar las buenas nuevas. Nos unimos a Jesús en Capernaúm y a SanPablo con los Corintios y descubrimos la importancia de la enseñanza oral, predicando la palabra de Dios. Estamos acostumbrados a leer, ya sea las sagradas escrituras o libros que inspiran, pero se nos provee con la palabra hablada en las homilias los domingos, enseñanzas por televisión y sermones por la radio. Todos intentan informar y transformarnos. Desafortunadamente, podemos caer en la trampa de no escuchar con atención. Puede que encontremos difícil comprender un acento, o tal vez la gente alrededor nos distrae. Una lección sencilla puede ayudarnos. Al igual que el joven Samuel le pide al Señor que hable, yo también, porque estoy tratando de escuchar. Seguramente hay una palabra, una frase u oración que puede proveer un gran tesoro para meditación, en vez de bajar o apagar el volumen. Simón dijo ‘Todos te andan buscando’ y nosotros estamos entre los que necesitan encontrar, escuchar y reflexionar acerca del don que el Señor nos ofrece a través de sus muchos instrumentos. Yo proveo lo que todo predicador necesita: alguien que sabe escuchar. El amor de Dios reina en el corazón de todos los santos, pero hay uno que tiene la dicha de ser el patrón de los enamorados: San Valentín. Según dice una tradición, San Valentín arriesgaba su vida para casar cristianamente a las parejas durante el tiempo de persecución. Por fin entregó su vida en el martirio, que es la máxima manifestación del amor. El amor de este santo sacerdote por Jesucristo y por defender el Sacramento del Matrimonio nos inspira a elevar el amor humano a las alturas del amor divino para el cual fuimos creados. Los cristianos debemos aprovechar esta fiesta para recuperar el sentido cristiano del amor y del matrimonio a la luz de Cristo. RETIRO DE JOVENES ADULTOS (20-40 años de edad) Presentado por la Oficina de Jóvenes Adultos De la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York Con el Padre Joseph Espaillat 20,21, 22 de Febrero del 2015 Para más inscribirse o para más información contactar ha: Christy Torres 347-288-4465 CARTA DE IMPUESTOS Por favor llame al 845-3560311 ext.10 para solicitar su carta de impuestos. La carta no puede ser procesada el mismo día, usted debe llamar 2 días antes para solicitar su carta. Muchas Gracias por su cooperación. 1ère lecture : « Je ne compte que des nuits de souffrance » (Jb 7, 1-4.6-7) Job prit la parole et dit : « Vraiment, la vie de l’homme sur la terre est une corvée, il fait des journées de manœuvre. Comme l’esclave qui désire un peu ... Psaume : 146 (147a), 1.3, 4-5, 6-7 R/ Bénissons le Seigneur qui guérit nos blessures ! Ou : Alléluia ! Il est bon de fêter notre Dieu, il est beau de chanter sa louange : il guérit les cœurs brisés et soigne leurs blessures. Il compte le nombre des étoiles, il donne à chacun un nom... La mission de Jésus : ici et ailleurs ! La Bible s’ouvre sur un chant de jubilation, un hymne à la création qui naît des doigts de Dieu et de sa Parole : « Dieu vit que cela était bon… » Cette affirmation lumineuse ponctue les sept jours primordiaux du récit de la Genèse et nous interroge : si c’est ainsi, pourquoi la souffrance dans l’humanité ? Si Dieu aime l’homme, pourquoi permet-il la maladie, la souffrance du juste et de l’innocent ? Pourquoi la souffrance de la belle-mère de Simon, celle des autres miraculés de l’Évangile, celle de Job, cet homme juste qui ne connaît que 2ème lecture : « Malheur à moi si je n’annonçais pas l’Évangile ! » (1 Co 9, 16-19.22-23) Frères, annoncer l’Evangile, ce n’est pas là pour moi un motif de fierté, c’est une nécessité qui s’impose à moi. Malheur à moi si je n’annonçais pas l’évangile … des « nuits de souffrance » ? Quoi qu’il faille dire de l’origine Evangile : « Il guérit beaucoup de gens atteints de toutes sortes de maladies » (Mc 1, 29-39) En ce temps-là, aussitôt sortis de la synagogue de Capharnaüm, Jésus et ses disciples allèrent, avec Jacques et Jean, dans la maison de Simon et d’André. Or... gardons-le agir : il prend le temps avec tout le monde. Il relève et de la nature de la souffrance, si sérieuse que soit la signification qu’elle revêt pour nous, une chose est certaine : Dieu a brisé le mal et son empire dans la figure de Jésus Christ. Rela belle-mère de Simon. Puis la ville entière se presse vers lui. Il guérit, exorcise, fait taire les démons. Et quand « tout le monde » le cherche, en raison des bonnes actions qu’il pose, il fait comprendre que la mission de son Père l’appelle « ailleurs ». Il manifeste ainsi sa compassion pour les hommes mais refuse d’être embrigadé. Il puise son énergie dans la prière « bien avant l’aube » et poursuit sa mission, dans la proclamation de la Bonne Nouvelle. Aux chrétiens de continuer le combat de l’Évangile, à la suite de Jésus qui guérissait les malades. Sa vie nous engage, nourrit notre espérance et donne sens à notre propre vie. Et si, dans son combat contre la souffrance, le chrétien est tenté de baisser les bras, il devra se souvenir qu’au matin de Pâques, une tombe a été trouvée vide. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Every Thursday at 8:00pm-10:00pm ( Stone Chapel in Spanish) & Every Friday from 9:00am-5:00pm Charismatic Prayer Group English, Monday at 7:30 pm (Chapel), Spanish, Friday: 7:30 pm (Chapel), Creole, Sunday at 6:15 (Church) Spanish Choir Rehearsals Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Choir Room 12 from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. English Choir Rehearsals on Thursday’s Chancel Choir 6:00pm-7:00pm in Room 12 Parish Choir 7:30pm-9:15pm in the main Church Zumba Class Tuesday’s and Friday's 8:00pm-9:00pm in the Gym Healing Mass Every 3rd Monday of the Month 8:00pm in the main Church Bible & Catechism Class Every Thursday at 7:30pm in the School. Knights of Columbus of Saint Joseph Church Meeting 1st Monday of every month at 8:00pm Social 3rd Monday of every month at 8:00pm New York Catholic Youth Day St. Joseph’s Seminary Saturday, April 11th, 2015!!! Early Bird Registration Opens on January 19th! $15 until March 16th $20 Regular Registration until April 6th $25 Walk-ins STEUBENVILLE NYC 2015 The Love of Christ Has No Limits August 7-9, 2015 For more information visit: lifeteen.com/nyc Or Contact Ms. Cynthia Martinez 914-367-8329 SAINT JOSEPH’S YOUTH MINISTRY Invites all the youth from our Parish to attend our next Youth Mass on February 22,2015 Please take one hour a week for six weeks during Lent. Peaceful, Prayerful Witness for LIFE 9 am until 6 PM on public property (Perlman Drive, Spring Valley) 6 PM until 9 AM at St. Gregory Barbarigo Church at the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Garnerville, NY 10923 We begin Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015 (Wed) at 3 PM We end Palm, March 29, 2015-( Sunday) at 3 PM Please e-mail [email protected] or call 845-492-6709 FEBRUARY 2015 Universal: That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. Evangelization: That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. Monday: Gn 1:1-19; Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday: Gn 1:20—2:4a; Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Mk 7:14-23 Thursday: Gn 2:18-25; Mk 7:24-30 Friday: Gn 3:1-8; Mk 7:31-37 Saturday: Gn 3:9-24; Mk 8:1-10 What are the principal fruits of prayer? Prayer: Unites us to God, Makes us heavenly minded, Strengthens us against evil, Gives us zeal and energy for good, Comforts us in adversity and obtains for us help in time of need, and the grace of perseverance unto death. How must we pray that we may obtain these fruits? We must pray: with devotion, with humility, with confidence, with resignation to the will of God and with perseverance. INCOME TAX REPORTS Please call 845-3256-0311 ext.11 or email [email protected] to request your Income Tax Contribution Report. Reports can not be processed on the same day, therefore please call or email at least 2 days in advance to request your report. Thank you.