Marcotting - FIDAfrique
Marcotting - FIDAfrique
Information Slip Marcotting Definition Marcotting is a form of vegetative reproduction that consists in inducing rooting of part of a tree branch. After rooting is induced, the branch is cut and put in a nursery to develop buds and become an independent plant. Marcotting allows for the reproduction of exact copies of the mother tree and for early fructification. Steps involved in marcotting Selection, laying and management of marcotts • choose the best trees (good taste, off-season fructification, big fruits…) • climb up the trees during the rainy season to choose good branches (orthotropic branches with a diameter of about 5 cm). Take a reasonable number of branches so that after severage of the marcotts, the tree would not be over-trimmed Picture 1 • peel bark with a knife 5cm away from the crotch and over a length of 5 to 10 cm • scratch the peeled surface to eliminate the slippery part (cambium) (Picture 1) • cover the peeled part with well decomposed wet sawdust or male flower of the oil palm and sheath with a plastic paper. Fasten with elastic strings below and above the wounded section. (Picture 2) • if there are squirrels and ants in the area, inspect your marcotts once every two weeks and rehabilitate those that have been destroyed. Picture 2 Harvesting When roots emerge (generally 2 to 4 months after laying), the marcott should be severed with a saw to separate it from the tree. Cut the upper part first with a length allowance of 40 -50 cm. Then cut the branch just below the marcott. (Picture 3). Picture 3 • Reduce the number of leaves on the severed marcott leaving just a few • Label and soak the marcott well, put it in a moistened bag and transport it from the point of harvest to the nursery. Potting of the marcott • Fill the nursery bags with a substrate composed of 1/3 sand and 2/3 black soil or 1/3 sand, 1/3 black soil and 1/3 compost. • Immerse the unwrapped marcott into a basin of water. (Picture 4) • Free the roots by carefully removing the substrate between them. Picture 1 Picture 4 • Pot the marcott with a lot of care to avoid damaging the roots. (Picture 5) Picture 5 Care of marcotts • with beeswax, ash or mastic, cover the wounded parts of the marcott to limit infections. • water the marcott and place it inside the humidity chamber. • water regularly without flooding • when the buds appear, take out the marcott immediately and place it at a location that is fresh and where temperature and humidity are close to those outside. This will enable the marcotts to develop shoots and to harden-off. • one to two weeks later, place the marcott still at a location that is fresh but where there is light sunshine to achieve greater acclimatization of the marcott. • when the leaves develop well, the marcott can be transplanted. • once the marcott is planted on the farm, it should be given the same attention and care as other plants (phytosanitary protection, fertilisation, etc.) Marcotting material • rooting substrate (porous and capable of holding water), which may be decomposed sawdust or decomposed male flower of the oil palm • ladder • transparent plastic paper (20cm x 30cm) • Polybags of 40 x30cm • powder insecticide • elastic string (rubber) • bucket • long rope • Saw • Black soil + sand + compost • very sharp knife • Beeswax / ash /mastic Marcotting material Powdered insecticide Transparent paper Insecticide Printed by Colorix 22 21 95 47 Bucket rope plastic string sharp knife saw For more information contact : World Agroforestry Centre-West and Central Africa Regional Office P.O. Box 16317 Yaounde-Cameroun Tel: (237) / Fax: (237) / E-mail: [email protected] Web site : ladder