WOOD INDUSTRIES MARKETPLACE Cost of Classified Ads- $70 per column inch if paid in advance, $75 per column inch if billed thereafter. Repeating ads are $65 per column inch if paid in advance, $70 per column inch if billed thereafter. Firm deadline for ads is the 15th of the month preceding publication. To place an ad call (315) 369-3078; FAX (315) 369-3736. Please note: The Northern Logger neither endorses nor makes any representation or guarantee as to the quality of goods or the accuracy of claims made by the advertisers appearing in this magazine. Prospective buyers are urged to take normal precautions when conducting business with firms advertising goods and services herein. FOR SALE BELL, A STRONG VERSATILE MACHINE Authorized Dealer: Bell, Hultdins & GB. Training available. Forest Equipment Sales. Peter Rayton, Owner/Operator 413-586-9350 For Sale: Stakes, Cut-toOrder Softwood & Hardwood Lumber, Pallets, Bark Mulch, Specialty Lumber including Curly Maple & Walnut. Buying: Hardwood and Softwood Logs and Scragg. Cannonsville Lumber, Inc. (607) 467-3380 www.montanatrackclaws.com mail@montanatrackclaws. FOR SALE 2010 CAT 545C............................. $119,500 2012 CAT 525C, 5500 Hrs............ $124,500 1987 CAT 508................................. $16,500 1985 Clark Ranger.......................... $19,500 1998 Hood 28000............................ $44,500 2013 JD 753J, 4400 Hrs................ $239,500 2012 JD 753J................................ $189,500 2011 JD 753J................................. $169,500 2001 JD 753G................................. $44,500 2006 JD 748GIII.............................. $59,500 2012 JD 650J.................................. $79,500 1998 JD 648GII............................... $39,500 2001 JD 548GIII.............................. $69,500 1998 JD 548.................................... $55,500 1985 JD 340D, One Owner............. $32,500 2004 Morbark 2400XL..................... $49,500 1999 Prentice 310E......................... $44,500 2001 ProPac Slasher...................... $12,500 1998 ProPac Slasher...................... $12,500 2005 Tigercat 620C, 10900 Hrs...... $59,500 Michael Sharp Enterprises, LLC 1 Meadow Brook Rd., Bridgewater, NH 03222 603-252-6689 or Call Jason Monley 603-359-5670 www.michaelsharpenterprises.com OCTOBER 2016 35 USED PORTABLE SAWMILLS Buy/Sell. Also edgers, resaws, scragg mills, planers/moulders, dry kilns and more! Call Sawmill Exchange (800) 459-2148 USA & Canada. www.sawmillexchange.com 1" x 4' A307 Threaded Rod with 2 Nuts and 2 Washers for Building Skidder Bridges $16 per set Windy Ridge Corporation Tamworth, NH (800) 639-2021 Small Southern New Hampshire Sawmill For Sale Land, Building, Trucks, Fork Trucks, Small House. Runs Daily, Good Retail Business. $325,000. Call (603) 529-1966 For Sale: CAT 910 Shear, comes with 16" Morbark shear head plus snow bucket & forks $18,000 413-233-7320 2005 CAT Loader, circle saw hydraulics $58,000 OBO. 6x6 Truck $10,000 extra. Both extremely good condition. 1987 518, CAT winch, dual function, 24.5x32. Last of the simple, dependable ones! $29,000 OBO. CENTRAL NYS (315) 429-3496 36 2000 International Tri-Axle, 500 CAT, 8LL Transmission $40,000. SOLD Morbark 12" Whole Tree Chipper, 555 Cummins $5,000. John Deere 644 Loader with 3-yard Bucket $10,000. Champion 54" Roller $20,000. Call Ed (607) 498-4380 THE NORTHERN LOGGER & TIMBER PROCESSOR KLEIS EQUIPMENT LLC Deere 748GIII Dual Arch Grapple with Winch, New Motor............................................. $55,000 2013 Deere 648H, Dual Arch, Winch, 4800 Hours................................................... $139,000 Deere 648GII Dual Arch with Winch...... $38,900 Deere 648D Dual Arch Grapple w/Winch.....$26,500 2014 Deere 548GIII, 6700 Hours........ $139,000 2005 Deere 540GIII, 8900 Hours.......... $79,500 2000 Timberjack 460 Grapple & Cable Skidder................................................. $31,900 1994 Timberjack 380 Cable, Cummins, 3- Speed................................................ $29,000 1993 TreeFarmer C7F Grapple & Cable Skidder, Chains All Around................... $27,900 1984 CAT 518 Cable Skidder, 24.5 Rubber.. $24,500 2014 Deere 650K Forestry Dozer, 1200 Hrs, Extended Warranty.............................. $109,000 2012 Deere 650K Forestry Dozer, Enclosed Cab, 1100 Hours, Winch, Arch............ $129,000 2006 Deere 437C Log Loader, on Trailer w/ Delimber, Bar Slasher, New Turn Table.$75,000 Hood 28000 Log Loader on Self-Propelled Carrier, Circle Saw Slasher, Live Heel.. $28,000 2011 Timberwolf Pro HDXL Firewood Processor, 1100 Hours........................ $40,000 NEW 20147 Western Star 4900 Log Truck, New Barko 80XLE Loader................... $229,000 2000 Mack CL713 Log Truck with 2006 Hood 7000 Loader.......................................... $79,000 1998 Western Star Log Truck with Prentice 120 Loader............................................ $49,900 1989 Mack RD6 Log Truck with Prentice 120 Loader................................................... $29,900 1837 State Route 49 Constantia, NY 13044 www.kleisequipment.com (315) 623-2111 PORTVILLE TRUCK & AUTO REPAIR 29 S. Main St, Portville, NY EQUIPMENT AND TRUCK FINANCING! WANTED (518) 469-5555 WANTED CALL MIKE MERRIMAN 2003 John Deere 540GIII, 3600 Hours, Tires + Chains 80% $82,000. 207-929-0021 FULL AUTO CMC SAWMILL In MA. Log turner stop & load with 100kw generator, decks, edger, plus many extras! Complete, running $30K OBO. Clark 55B Loader, forks, 2.5 yard bucket, quick disc $10K. Murco Log Splitter 4' dia. 12K. Woods 134 Molder 3K. Corley Edger 3K. Call (978) 697-8342 Outdoor Wood Furnace From Central Boiler E-Classic, Cleaner, Greener, EPA Qualified, Maximum efficiency, Lower emissions. Instant rebates. Call (508) 882-0178 www.crystalrockfarm.com 1992 International 2674 TriAxle Log Truck 550K miles, 370 hp, N14 Cummins, Eaton Fuller 8-spd, 20000 F/A, 44000 Rears, Hendrickson rubber block suspension, Prentice 120C Loader w/Rotobec Grapple, second owner, in New Jersey. $29,000. Tim 908-625-2183 716-933-8752 EXT 216 NEW Serco Sub-Dealer in Syracuse, NY Frank Tartaglia, Inc. 5867 East Malloy Road 315-455-0100 Ask for Rich CALL NOW ABOUT THE NEW SERCO 1050XR + 75XR WE HAVE ALL YOUR SERCO LOADER & LOG TRUCK NEEDS! OCTOBER 2016 LOGS/PULP WANTED RWS of Queensbury, NY is buying Aspen pulp. Also Pine logs and Pine pulp. Call buyer at 518-745-4222 WANTED FIREWOOD LOGS Delivered to Canandaigua, NY Payment on Delivery 585-698-9245 WANTED Tree Length Firewood Delivered to Westmoreland, NH PAYMENT ON DELIVERY (603) 399-8454 WANTED Large Diameter White Oak and Black Locust. Also large limbs and stems with pronounced sweep. New England Naval Timbers (860) 480-3402 LOGS Poles & Posts Needed Red Pine (Norway Pine) [email protected] SERCO LOADER DISTRIBUTOR Looking to set up Serco Sub-Dealers in Northeastern & Southeastern, NY Please call if interested Large White Pine Logs for Log Home Construction Contact (412) 216-5621 or Email: [email protected] 1988 Mack RD 690-S Tri-Axle Log Truck with 60,000 mi. on engine. 1998 Prentice 120-C, with 442 Continuous Rotation By-pass Grapple. $46,500. Call Leroy (267) 374-0880 1994 John Deere 540E, 6-Cyl Turbo Engine, 1700 hrs, 1 owner, tires @ 95%, 2 ring chains, 2 ice chains, $40,000. Call 570-965-0935 We can mark and truck posts and poles OR you can deliver. Now Buying in Northern New England. Good Specs, Good Prices, Prompt Pay! Great Northern Pole Company Walker Rd, Mechanic Falls, ME Contact John H. Bumby @ (207) 3458411 x321. See our Website for More Details: www.GreatNorthernPole.com Paying $100 a cord for log length Locust delivered to Broadalbin NY 518-883-8284 37 FINGER LAKES FIREWOOD Buying log length firewood. Up to $40 per ton. Delivered to our Candor, New York, yard. Scales. Knuckleboom Loader. Weekly payments. (607) 659-7718 Plessisville, Quebec Canada Buying Hardwood Sawlogs and Veneer Year Round Hard Maple - Cherry Walnut - Red Oak - Birch White Oak - White Ash Soft Maple and Hickory Back Buying Ash & Hickory Fast pickups and payments Hard Maple ● Oaks ● Birch Call us for current price sheet Dia. 8"-30" with 0-1 clear face Office toll free: 877-362-8307 We take care of trucking from landings Weekly Payment We use International Scale JF CARON, Log Buyer David Vigneault - Procurement Mgr Cell: 819-362-5202 Email: [email protected] BUYING WHITE PINE & SPRUCE LOGS COMPETITIVE PRICES WE SUPPLY TRUCKS CT, RI, MA, NY, PA, NJ, VT, NH DIRECT DEPOSIT AVAILABLE BUYER - ANDREW LATOUR Claude St-Pierre - Log Buyer Cell: 819-479-5942 Email: [email protected] Luc Lambert - Log Buyer Cell: 819-998-0520 Email: [email protected] deerparklumberinc.com (570) 836-1133 Office www.renebernard.com (570) 836-6938 Fax Consistent - Reliable Grading & Scaling Payment On Site **WE BUY HARDWOOD SAWLOGS & VENEER LOGS....YEAR ROUND!!** ROADSIDE BUYERS Jim Brown (570) 881-0900 Paul Reining (570) 468-7626 PROCUREMENT MANAGER Jeffrey Nichols CF (570) 836-1133 3042 SR 6, Tunkhannock, PA 18657 SOFTWOOD LOGS WANTED Hemlock Spruce White Pine WEEKLY PAY TRUCKING AVAILABLE NE Timberland Investments LLC Deposit, NY Bruce Goodrich (607) 316-7610 Main Office (413) 862-4500 [email protected] 38 Cell: 819-472-0441 Home office: 418-774-6530 [email protected] "We like low grade logs ALL YEAR ROUND since 2001" DEER PARK LUMBER TEL (450) 247-3513 EMAIL: [email protected] LOW GRADE LOGS WANTED Foremost Buyers of Eastern Hemlock Logs Purchasing Year Round Consistent Scaling and Prompt Payment For more information, please contact our Log Buyers: Annie-May Guthrie or Denis Gonthier Toll Free: 888-283-8878 Cell: 450-542-1752 (call or text) Email: [email protected] Check us out at: www.adf-sawmill.com WANTED LOW GRADE HARDWOOD LOGS - 16' 6" PURCHASING HARDWOOD SAWLOGS YEAR ROUND All Oaks, Maples, Tulip Poplar, White Ash, & Others. Delivered to E.R. Hinman & Sons in Burlington, CT. Contact Vicki Hinman in our Burlington office at (860) 673-9170 to receive a spec. sheet/pricelist THE NORTHERN LOGGER & TIMBER PROCESSOR Buster Land Management. LLC Greenville, NH BUYING ALL SPECIES & GRADES of HARD & SOFTWOOD Excellent Prices-International Scale Also Buying Wood Lots & Standing Timber *Free Trucking in New England* Guy Pelletier (413) 530-7968 Blaine Culler (413) 575-7007 Email: [email protected] www.busterlandmanagement.com Portbec Forest Products Ltd D.G. Forest Products Ltd Eagle Lumber Terminal Inc Sykma Expressway Ltd Member of the C. A. Spencer group FEED THE BEAST! 525 Boul. De L'Aéroparc, Lachute, OC, J8H 3R8 450-562-8578 RED OAK SAWLOGS WANTED Intl 1/4 consistent scale and grade, fast pickup, weekly payment Buyer: Alex Héroux [email protected] Cell: 514-258-6024 Fax: 450-562-8570 Year round buyers of hardwood sawlogs LAKEWOOD PRODUCTS, INC. Williamstown, NY Buyer of veneer, sawlogs and standing timber Scaled on the landing We buy all hardwood species Bus: (315) 964-2449 Fax: (315) 964-2843 Buyer: Steve Rayder Phone: (315) 247-3903 Buyer: Charlie Tuff Eve: (315) 247-3812 Ebb and Flow Decline and Regrowth Adapting to conditions And staying afloat Winter is coming Skidders and log trucks Will be humming Let’s move into the upswing By sending your logs in to make the saw sing Keep up the good work! Buying Spruce & Fir, White Pine Logs Alan W. Pearson Procurement & Sales Manager Office 207-942-9326 Fax 207-942-8771/Cell 207-745-3002 Buying all species all the time! The Wagner Companies Log Buying Crew Sylvain Duguay Wood Procurement New York State & Quebec Office 450-247-2987 Home 819-425-7310 Cell 514-592-9978 Fax: 819-425-3788/Fax: 450-247-3631 Trucking Dispatcher 866-657-6531 THE A. JOHNSON CO. Bristol, VT 802-453-4884 WANTED: LOGS - Hard Maple, Red Oak, Ash, Yellow Birch & Other Hardwoods Evenings & weekends call: 802-373-1013 Tom 802-238-1168 Joe 802-349-7684 Rob 207-214-5500 Mark 802-282-3160 Tyler Buying Hardwood & Softwood Sawlogs Any Species. Also Buying Wood Lots Trucking FREE for all New England DMP Logs (413) 535-7460 [email protected] OCTOBER 2016 B&B Forest Products, Ltd. Main Office 251 Route 145 PO Box 907 Cairo, NY 12413 Bill Fabian - Owner Phone (518) 622-8019 Road Buyer Mike Fabian (518) 605-5993 Mass & Connecticut Buyer John Wearstler (413) 446-1398 Veneer, rotary, sawlog grades of: Red Oak, Hard Maple, Cherry, White Oak, Basswood, Soft Maple, Ash, Tulip, Hickory & Walnut Also Buying: White Pine, Spruce, Red Pine, Hemlock, Larch & Scotch Pine Please call for Price Sheet Ty Bowgren Jaret Learn 607-687-5362 Dispatch 607-229-8198 cell 607-760-7447 cell Log Buyer Log Yard Manager Potter Lumber Co. Owego, NY Allegany, NY Rusty Vanzile Dave McNeil 607-594-3321 office 518-762-3898 home 607-351-4753 cell 607-760-5489 cell Log Yard Manager/ Log Yard Manager Dispatch, Cayuta, NY Davenport, NY Bob Johnson Rob Humphrey 607-594-3321 office 607-343-2198 607-227-8608 cell Log Buyer Log Buyer Afton, NY Cayuta, NY Bryan Walters Chris Campfield 607-693-2690 Dispatch Log Buyer 607-972-4296 cell Le Raysville, PA Log Yard Manager 607-760-9519 Nineveh, NY Jason Schoonover 570-268-4016 home 607-760-7492 cell Log Buyer Towanda, PA Chris Segina 607-743-5303 Log Buyer Mt. Vision, NY Travis Twoey 607-220-4523 Log Buyer Wellsboro, PA Bill Townsend 607-422-2924 Log Buyer Cobleskill, NY Wagner Lumber Co. 4060 Gaskill Rd., Owego, NY • (607) 687-5362 Wagner Hardwoods P.O. Box 68, Cayuta, NY • (607) 594-3321 Wagner-Nineveh 224 CR 26, Nineveh, NY • (607) 693-2690 Greene Lumber Co. 16691 St. Hwy 23, Davenport, NY • (607) 278-6101 39 White Ash DOYLE SCALE Contact: Robert Johnson III or Ricky Jaquay (315) 429-3412 Unloading: 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM Trucking payment available for A & B logs A: $1300/MBF B: $1100/MBF C: $450/MBF D: $350/MBF A: 11” & up Diameter; 8’ to 16’ Lengths (4” trim); 4 clear faces; no heart restriction; 10 growth rings per inch or less B: 11” & up Diameter; 8’ to 16’ Lengths (4” trim); 4 clear faces; no heart restriction; 11 growth rings per inch or more C: 11” & up; 8’ to 16’ lengths (4” trim); 3 clear faces D: 10” & up; 8’ to 16’ lengths (4” trim); 2 clear faces We know our way around a log. Buyers of High Quality Veneer Logs cfpwood.com Presque Isle, Maine 395 Missile St. Presque Isle, ME 04769 207-764-4428 Newport Vermont 115 Columbia Way Newport, VT 05855 802-334-6711 Rutherglen, Ontario Mellen, Wisconsin 50 Columbia Forest Products Rd. 605 Wilderness Dr. Rutherglen, ON P0H 2E0 Mellen, WI 54546 705-776-5400 715-274-4800 BUYING SAWLOGS YEAR ROUND Top Prices Paid Red, Black, White, Chestnut Oaks. Ash, Hickory, Cherry Walnut All Grades Yard Locations: Pomfret, CT: Michael Bartlett (860) 377-0117 Russell, MA: Mark Mueller (860) 377-3427 Deposit, NY: Ben Hull (860) 974-0127 Lewisburg, PA: Dave Platt (570) 713-4498 Blakeslee, PA: Dave Platt (570) 713-4498 If you can export prep and stuff containers, Call Ben for prices FOB your location. Prompt trucking and prepayment available. •Buying hardwood logs in 1 foot increments; 5' to 16' •Receiving Logs at 6 locations: St-Malo, QC; Hardwick,VT; West Topsham,VT; Passumpsic,VT; Chichester, NH; Colebrook, NH. •Trucking service available for Roadside pickup Log Buyers: Bill Day Brian Luce 603-490-6844 802-673-8402 Chichester Yard All States Procurement Manager: Joey Goudreau-Cell 802-673-2450 Email: [email protected] 1-800-353-3331 40 THE NORTHERN LOGGER & TIMBER PROCESSOR SERVICES Mobile Firewood Processing Serving New England & Eastern New York 860-663-3736 LOGGING & TRUCKING INSURANCE NY, PA, & VT Life & Disability Insurance, Workers' Comp, Commercial Auto, General Liability and Inland Marine Johnson Agency, Inc. Auburn, NY Call Brendt (315) 282-7416 Komatsu 445 Feller Buncher for Hire Serving New England and Eastern New York. Contact Arthur Stout (508) 942-0604 [email protected] FULL TIME FORESTER / LOG BUYER NEEDED Scotland Hardwoods, a lumber manufacturer/sawmill facility located in Connecticut, is seeking a Log Buyer/Forester to procure roadside saw logs, veneer grade logs, and standing timber in the Southern New England/ Hudson River Valley area. We prefer a minimum of 2 years experience procuring logs and/ or standing timber within the region, however we will consider training the right individual. The successful candidate should be a highly motivated self-starter with good people skills and ideally an A.S. Degree in Forestry (B.S. preferred).We offer excellent pay, a comprehensive benefits package, along with a company vehicle. Please send resume & salary requirements in confidence to: Scotland Hardwoods, LLC PO Box 328 Scotland, CT 06264 Attn: General Manager Fax: 860-423-1969 or Email to: [email protected] (860) 423-1233 LOGGING & TRUCKING INSURANCE • • • • Workers' Comp Commercial Auto General Liability Inland Marine Ask for Dave! Tregaskis Agency Moravia, NY (315) 497-2040 POSITIONS Log Loader/Slasher Operator for established Logging company. Experienced & Reliable! May be willing to train the right candidate. Work area includes Southern NH and N Central MA. Health, Dental, Life & Simple IRA. [email protected] 603-878-2803 OCTOBER 2016 LOG SCALER Hull Forest Products seeks a self-starter who would enjoy working outdoors in a fast-paced environment to join our team as a log scaler, taking primary responsibility for the care, accurate measurement, and data input of all logs in our Pomfret, CT yard. This is a full-time position. Medical/401K. Email resume to: [email protected] Hull Forest Products 101 Hampton Road Pomfret Center, CT 06259 www.hullforest.com (800) 353-3331 Conserving Forests / Crafting Wood / Since 1965 Sweet's Logging & Land Clearing a So. NH company looking for: Slasher Operator CDL-A Driver Mechanic Applicants should have a min 2-3 years experience. For info, call Scott Sweet (603) 765-4157 Meltz Lumber Co. of Mellenville is seeking a full-time, year-round Sawyer with Circular and/or Band Saw Mill experience. Located near Hudson, NY. Benefits are available including 401K. Apply to Jeffrey Meltz: 518-821-4930 or Email: [email protected] SEE YOU IN BLOOMSBURG, PA APRIL 21-22, 2017 NEW, IMPROVED EXPANDED! LOG RULES AND OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION The new, expanded edition of this classic loggers’ and landowners’ reference booklet is finally available. Now featuring the addition of both the Maine and Vermont Rules, this popular pocket-reference source also includes new tables for estimating the volume of missing trees from stumps. This in addition to all the popular conversion charts, log rules and bucking guides—and more—that have made this NELA publication so popular. Only $5.00 per copy. Order yours today at: www.northernlogger.com 41
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