2016中国国际药物信息大会 暨第八届DIA中国年会 The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting 5月15–18日 | 北京国家会议中心 | 中国 May 15–18 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 迎接法规变革 聚力专业质量 Quality & Transformation New Era of Drug Development 会议手册 Final Program 2016 年 5 月 15 日 2016 年 5 月 16–18 日 15 May, 2016 16–18 May, 2016 —— 会前专题研讨会 —— 会议和展览 – Preconference Workshop – Conference and Exhibition 主办单位 / Host Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 3 目 录 Table of Contents DIA欢迎致辞 ...................................................................4 Welcome Messages from DIA...................................................... 4 大会主席欢迎致辞 ...........................................................6 Welcome Message from Program Chair................................... 6 大会指导委员会 ..............................................................9 Steering Committee........................................................................ 9 DIA中国区顾问委员会...................................................13 Advisory Council of China (ACC)...............................................13 主旨讲演嘉宾 ................................................................14 Keynote Speakers...........................................................................14 DIA中国卓越服务奖 ......................................................16 DIA China Excellence In Service Award...................................16 互动交流 .......................................................................20 Networking....................................................................................20 会场与酒店 ................................................................... 21 Venue and Hotel..............................................................................21 北京介绍 ...................................................................... 22 About Beijing..................................................................................22 媒体合作伙伴 ................................................................25 Media Partners................................................................................25 会议一览(中文) ........................................................ 26 Quick Guide to the Program (Chinese)...................................26 会议日程(中文) ........................................................ 28 Program Agenda (Chinese)........................................................28 会议一览(英文) ........................................................ 56 Quick Guide to the Program (English)....................................56 会议日程(英文) ........................................................ 58 Program Agenda (English).........................................................58 壁报 ............................................................................. 91 Poster Program...............................................................................91 讲者索引 ...................................................................... 92 Speaker Index...............................................................................92 参展商介绍....................................................................96 Exhibitor Introduction..................................................................96 会议支持方..................................................................123 Partner Acknowledgements..................................................... 123 日程概览 .....................................................................135 Program at a Glance................................................................... 135 会场地图 .....................................................................141 Floor Plan........................................................................................ 141 P14 P15 P20 P58 Keynote Speaker Keynote Speaker Networking Meeting Schedule 4 DIA 欢迎致辞 WELCOME MESSAGES FROM DIA Message from DIA’s Global Chief Executive On behalf of DIA’s global network, welcome to the DIA China 2016 8th Annual Meeting: Quality & Transformation – New Era of Drug Development. In 2016, China marks the first year of its 13th five-year planning cycle, and we are proud to be part of the remarkable progress and the promise of this new era. The State Council of China and the China Food & Drug Administration (CFDA) have collaborated on a series of multifaceted regulatory reforms with significant goals, including improving the quality of drug review and approval, safeguarding the quality of generic drugs, enhancing regulatory transparency, and encouraging new drug research and development. Globally, these initiatives support the conduct of multiregional clinical trials, both in and outside of China, and using that data for product registration in China – creating a clinical, industry, and regulatory framework for quality and innovation for patients in China and around the world. This meeting is our opportunity to collectively discuss and advance these and other topics critical to the future well-being of the health care ecosystem in China and the patients it serves. Many topics are on the very forefront of science evolving right here in China – genetic testing for rare diseases, next generation sequencing to support precision medicine, data visualization tools, novel biologic drugs and anti-viral agents – yet they are very real and here today. Please don’t miss your opportunity to listen to and learn directly from CFDA leadership at the CFDA Town Hall on Tuesday. We are grateful for their participation and willingness to exchange information in this open forum; our thanks as well for the participation the China Center for Food & Drug International Exchange on our Program Committee. Our regulatory authorities join us to join with so many DIA supporters from industry, academia, and the patient community to generate innovative approaches to advancing health care worldwide. Please join me in thanking our dedicated team of volunteer leaders and DIA staff who developed this exceptionally timely and visionary program. Thank you for choosing to attend our DIA China 2016 8th Annual Meeting. I hope it is an unforgettable experience! Barbara Lopez KUNZ Global Chief Executive DIA DIA 欢迎致辞 WELCOME MESSAGES FROM DIA 北京欢迎您, 2016中国国际药物信息大会 暨第八届DIA中国年会 欢迎您! 2016年是中国医药产业新拐点,迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量,提升医药创新的内在驱 动力,加强医药产品的科学监管,成为业界中的关注重点。自2015年开始,中国的医药监管 体系发生了历史性的变革,药品审评审批的改革、鼓励创新药开发、临床试验数据可靠性、 仿制药质量和疗效一致性评价,优先审评审批等方面推出了一系列改革措施,都获得全社会 和业界的赞赏和支持。在全球范围内,国际多中心临床试验的开展, 加快新药在国际上的同步 研发,提高药品监管的能力和国际合作,保障中国和世界人民的健康和用药安全。 本次年会系将关注法规变革对国内研发环境和质量提升带来的巨大影响、挑战和机遇, 并围绕监管科学、临床研究、心血管/肿瘤等具体治疗领域、定量科学、药物警戒,CMC、生 物药品研发、医学事务、医学写作、罕见病、CRO/SMO、早期研发、临床信息技术、伴行诊 断, 集18个学术专题和70余场的学术研讨会于一体。 特别是5月17日周二下午CFDA的专题会场,您一定不能错过! 我们感谢中国食品药品国际 交流中心的协力支持,邀请总局领导和相关人员的参与,利用这个开放论坛,使产业界、学 术界及研究机构共同探讨药监新政对加快创新,提高质量,驱动突破的国家大计。 感谢年会的指导委员会、组织委员会、DIA团队以及所有的志愿者的辛勤工作,让我们期 待一个内涵专业、人才汇聚、富有成效、协作共赢的医药领域的盛会。 2016年5月北京见! 朱立红 工商管理硕士 DIA中国区董事总经理 5 6 大会主席欢迎致辞 WELCOME MESSAGE FROM PROGRAM CHAIR Dear Colleagues, As the Co-Chair of the program committee, it is my distinguished pleasure to welcome you to Beijing, China and the 8th Annual Conference of DIA China. DIA China provides an open forum for the exchange of information across the whole value chain of healthcare solution development ecosystem. The Annual Conference brings together colleagues from pharmaceutical and device development companies, CROs, academia, investment and law firms, media outlets, regulatory agencies and others to promote the innovative endeavor in bringing life-saving medical products and health care technologies to the people in China and beyond. This is a historical period of time for China, as the nation is seeking a new growth model predicated on innovation. Today, more than ever, innovation becomes the center of focus for regulatory agency and industry alike. Through a series of unprecedented landmark legislative measures from China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA), a clear shift of attention towards incorporating innovation and international standard quality system in R&D activities. Therefore it is quite fitting that theme for the conference is “Quality & Transformation – New Era of Drug Development” This year’s program is an exciting one with the following themes are of especially importance and relevance: • Keynote speeches by prominent executives and industry leaders– Dr. Xiaodong Wang, CSO of Beigene and Mr. Mark Alles, CEO of Celgene. This will be followed by keynote panel session on “Innovation Ecosystem in China” with panelists consists of thought leaders from various sectors of the industry to address current hot topics. • Sessions on therapeutic area focused drug development. Highly unmet medical needs areas such as oncology, diabetes and viral diseases made the list this year. In addition, rare diseases and orphan drug development will also be covered. • The CFDA town hall continues to be DIA Annual Conference’s signature program. This year’s discussions is expected to be unusually exciting since CFDA issued unprecedented series new regulations intend to transform the pharmaceutical industry in China to focus on quality and innovation. Over a 3-day period, more than 2000 conference participants will have the opportunity to openly exchange views over variety of exciting and challenging topics in over 70 different sessions ranging from research and clinical development, regulatory science, drug safety, to private and public partnerships. This event is only a reality because of the extraordinary efforts and unwavering dedication of the volunteers including program committees, the session chairs, speakers, and colleagues at DIA global and China office, and the most important of all, you, the participants. I look forward to welcoming you to Beijing to partake in this invigorating and illuminating experience. Warm regards, 王劲松 医学博士 / Jingsong WANG, MD, PhD 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会联席主席 Co-Chair of the 8th DIA China Annual Meeting Program 大会主席欢迎致辞 WELCOME MESSAGE FROM PROGRAM CHAIR 尊敬的各位同仁和朋友: 2016年5月我们再次相聚北京,迎来了“中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届药物信息协会(DIA)中国年会” 的开幕。在此,我谨代中国食品药品国际交流中心向来自国内外药品监管机构、科研机构、企业界和学术界的 代表们表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的谢意!感谢大家与我们共同搭建了DIA中国年会这个交流平台,共同关注中外药 品监管,分享经验,传递信息,交流看法,讨论热点问题;感谢长期以来给予DIA中国年会支持和帮助的各位领 导、专家和朋友们。 本届年会的主题为“迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量”。当前,在食品药品监管制度仍处于创新改革过渡期 的背景下,中国的食品药品监管工作受到社会各界的高度关注,尤其是相关法规的修订与变革。在过去的一年, 食品药品监管部门不断加大信息公开和宣传工作力度,积极推进药品审评审批制度改革、提高药品审评审批标 准,开展仿制药一致性评价、解决药品审评积压、开展药品临床试验数据核查、采用监督抽检的创新科学,严格 按照习总书记“四个最严”的要求和党中央、国务院的改革部署,加快完善统一权威的食品药品安全监管机构体 制机制建设,积极推进药品审评审批制度改革,推进药品上市许可持有人的试点,为促进制药工业由生产大国向 质量强国转变而努力。 中国食品药品国际交流中心致力于为中国食品药品监管事业的发展,开展多层次、广领域的国际合作与交 流。多年来,我们通过举办多种形式的大型国际研讨会/论坛/峰会/学术交流会、广泛开展国际合作项目等,为中 外食品药品企业和相关机构搭建良好的交流与合作的平台。 本届年会将继续秉承分享、开放、创新的精神,邀请中外监管机构、学术界和企业界的代表,围绕大家共 同关注的热点话题进行专业、权威的交流、讨论和成果分享。我期待,通过大会平台的交流讨论,每一位参会代 表都获益。 法规的变革影响深远且意义重大,监管的创新需要科学与技术。变革是发展的契机,是破与立的艺术。在 法规变革的新里程中,让我们通过汇聚社会各界的力量与智慧之泉,共同浇灌食品药品安全之树,守护人类健康 事业。 祝本次大会取得圆满成功! 薛斌 中国食品药品国际交流中心 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会联席主席 7 DIA 中国 2016年活动 第二期药物研发心脏安全问题研讨班 6月19–20日 | 北京唯实酒店 http://cn16961.eventdove.com/ 生物等效性试验的操作规范及自查要领研讨班 6月23–24日 | 北京新疆大厦 http://cn16953.eventdove.com/ 第三期美国FDA新药、仿制药报批高级研讨班 7月7–8日 | 北京唯实酒店 http://cn16962.eventdove.com/ 2016 药物研发定量科学论坛 8月14–15日 | 北京新疆大厦 http://cn16957.eventdove.com/ 中心实验室数据等外源数据的管理与供应商选择研讨班 10月13-14日 | 北京 DIA中国第二届药物研究创新会议 10月24–26日 | 苏州 第六期临床试验项目管理研讨班 - 中高级班 11月16-18日 | 北京 11月21-23日 | 上海/苏州 第二期医学事务/医学沟通/医学联络 高级研讨班 12月 | 上海 亲们~ 快来扫一下吧~ 中国北京市海淀区海淀大街3号A座16层1618室 邮编: 100080 | 电话: +86 10 5704 2650 中国上海市长宁区仙霞路99号尚嘉中心15楼1590室 邮编: 200051 | 电话: +86 21 6057 7239 DIA中国微信订阅号 传真: +86 10 5704 2651 | Email: [email protected] | www.DIAglobal.org DIA Global Center 21 Dupont Circle NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036 Basel, Switzerland | Beijing/Shanghai, China | Horsham, PA, USA | Mumbai, India | Tokyo, Japan Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 大会指导委员会 9 STEERING COMMITTEE 王劲松 医学博士 Atlas Venture公司 投资顾问 徐宁 医学博士, 工商管理硕士 再鼎制药执行副总裁, 临床研发及法规事务负责人 陈小祥 医学博士 勃林格殷格翰大中华区 医学发展部副总裁 吕玉真 罗氏(中国)投资有限公司亚太区 法规部门负责人 Jingsong WANG, MD, PhD Advisor to Atlas Venture Ning XU, MD, MBA Executive Vice President, Head of Clinical Development and Regulatory Affairs, Zai Lab Xiaoxiang CHEN, MD Vice President, Medicine Development, Greater China, Boehringer Ingelheim Janet LV Head of Regulatory, Asia Pacific, Roche (China) Ltd. 苏岭 博士 盛德国际律师事务所 生命科学战略顾问 朱立红 工商管理硕士 DIA中国区董事总经理 Ling SU, PhD Strategic Advisor, Life Sciences, Sidley Austin LLP Carol ZHU, MBA Senior Vice President and Managing Director, DIA Greater China 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 本届年会以 “迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量” 为主题,以中国近期的法规变革为 背景,围绕监管科学、临床研究、心血管/肿瘤等具体治疗领域、定量科学、药物警 戒,CMC、生物药品研发、医学事务、医学写作、CRO/SMO、早期研发、临床信息 技术以及伴随诊断等19个专题展开70余场的学术研讨。 特色专题 • • • • • • • • CFDA专题会场 促进NSCLC管理 —— 从精准医疗到个性化护理的启发 申办方与药品监管机构的良好沟通交流模式 通过多种快速审评机制加快新产品研发和上市 质量与合规的检查 —— 监查员的期望 医学事务的新职能转换 —— 首席医学官论坛 罕见病论坛 临床研究中的信息科技 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 10 大会组织委员会 PROGRAM COMMITTEE 曹海峰 工商管理硕士 葛兰素史克政药政事务部负责人 曹莉莉 国家食品药品监督管理总局 中国食品药品国际交流中心 (CCFDIE)对外合作处处长 邓亚中 工商管理硕士 科文斯(中国)临床数据分析与 报告负责人 范帆 工商管理硕士 制药医学顾问 Haifeng CAO, MBA Head of Regulatory Affairs, GSK Lili CAO Director, Division of External Cooperation, CCFDIE, CFDA Yazhong DENG, MBA Head of Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting Organization (CDARO), Covance Frank FAN, MD, MBA Consultant on Pharmaceutical Medicine 郭翔 博士 默沙东研发(中国)有限公司 生物统计总监 蒋燕敏 赛诺菲中国及亚太区研发中心 质量运营 李庆红 工商管理硕士 辉瑞(中国)研究开发有限公司 全球医学质量保证部总监, 亚洲 医学质量保证负责人 李艳 医学博士, 工商管理硕士 上海乔施商务咨询有限公司 全球负责人 Tony GUO, PhD Director, Biostatistics, MSD R&D (China) Co, Ltd. Amy JIANG Quality Operations, China/AP R&D, Sanofi Helen LI, MD, MBA Asia Lead, PCO/DSU Audit, Pfizer Medical Quality Assurance Joy LI, MD, PhD, MBA Global Head, J&S (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 李树婷 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院药物 临床研究中心GCP中心办公室 副主任,伦理委员会秘书 李媛 默沙东中国研发项目管理总监 梁冰 辉瑞全球安全及药政事务部 安全监测及风险管理 高级总监 林建莹 强生(中国)医疗器材有限公司 战略医学事务部副总裁 Shuting LI, MD Vice Director, GCP Center, the Cancer Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Yuan LI, MD Director, Project Management, MSD China R&D Vera LIANG, MD Senior Director, Disease Area Cluster Leader Generics, Shanghai Site Head, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management, Pfizer Jane LIN, MD Vice President, Strategic Medical Affairs, Johnson & Johnson Medical (China) Ltd. 蔺亚萌 罗氏(中国)投资有限公司 CMC政策法规资深经理 刘佳 爱恩希(北京)医疗科技技术有限 公司普药部亚太区副总裁 彭彬 医学/药理学博士 诺华中国生物医学研究有限公司 肿瘤转化医学部负责人 平文慧 上海切尔西医药科技咨询有限公 司首席执行官 Melly LIN Senior Regulatory Manager, CMC Policy, Roche (China) Holding Ltd. Jessica LIU, MD Vice President, Clinical Development, General Medicine Business Unit, Asia–Pacific Region, INC Research Bin PENG, MD, PhD Global Head, Oncology Translational Medicine China, China Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Co., Ltd. Christina PING CEO, Chelsea Clinical Research, China Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 大会组织委员会 11 PROGRAM COMMITTEE 裘行敏 辉瑞公司全球安全及药政事务部 安全监测及风险管理总监 曲鹏 博士 辉瑞(中国)研究开发有限公司 统计部高级总监 孙华龙 医学博士 美达临床数据技术有限公司 总经理 王敏 医学博士 前葛兰素史克(上海)医药研发 有限公司药品研发副总裁 Xingmin QIU Director, Safety Surveillance and RiskManagement, Worldwide Regulatoryand Safety, Pfizer Roger QU, PhD Head of Clinical Statistics, Pfizer R&D Center Hualong SUN, MD, PhD General Manager, Meta Clinical Technology Min IRWIN, MD, PhD Former Vice President, Medicines Development, GlaxoSmithKline 王小玲 赛诺菲中国研发临床科学运营部 临床档案负责人 汪秀琴 博士 江苏省人民医院南京医科大学 第一附属医院伦理总监、伦理委 员会副主任委员、科技处副处长 许俊才 上海医药临床研究中心 高级副总裁/副主任 颜崇超 博士 江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司 数据管理部高级总监 Xiaoling WANG Head of Clinical Documentation, Clinical Science Operation, Sanofi R&D Xiuqin WANG, PhD Deputy Director, Department of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Province Hospital, First Affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical University Jack XU, MD Senior Vice President, Shanghai Clinical Research Center Charles YAN, PhD Senior Director, Data Management, Shanghai Hengrui Medicine Co, Ltd. 闫水忠 医学博士 再鼎制药执行副总裁兼早期开发 及药物安全负责人 闫小军 工商管理硕士 百济神州高级副总裁及 药政事务部首席总监 张海洲 医学博士 上海中信国健药业股份有限公司 医学与转化中心执行副主任 张明平 PAREXEL Consulting产品研发 咨询部首席咨询员 James YAN, MD, PhD, DABT Executive Vice President, Head of Early Development and Drug Safety, Zai Lab Wendy YAN, MD, MBA Senior Vice President, Head of Regulatory Affairs, BeiGene (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Joe ZHANG, MD, PhD Executive Deputy, Head of Center of Medical and Translational Sciences; Founder and Member, R&D Committee, Group Leader, R&D Working Group, Shanghai CP GuoJian Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Mingping ZHANG Principal Consultant, PAREXEL Consulting 壁报评审委员会 POSTER REVIEW COMMITTEE 甄岭 法学博士, 工商管理硕士 昆泰企业管理(上海)有限公司 全球副总裁, 大中华区总经理 李继钢 工商管理硕士 西安杨森制药有限公司 医学事务总监 胥煜 北京科林利康医学技术服务中心 总经理 Ling ZHEN, JD, MBA Vice President, Greater China, Quintiles Enterprise Management (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Jigang LI, MD, MBA Director, Medical Affairs, Xian-Janssen Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Yu XU General Manager, Beijing Clinical Service Center J u n e 2 6 – 3 0 | P h i l a d e l P h i a , Pa DIA 2016 is a global annual meeting to advance health care product development around the world by connecting stakeholders to interdisciplinary insights and innovation. It is our largest event, packed with 175+ cross functional educational offerings over 22 tracks on today’s hottest topics, bringing together a global network of 7,000+ life sciences professionals from industry, academia, regulatory and government agencies, and patient and philanthropic organizations, to foster innovation in the discovery, development and life cycle management of health care products. Keynote Speaker: Larry Brilliant, MD, MPH Acting Chairman of the Board, Skoll Global Threats Fund Monday, June 27 | 2:30–4:00PM Featured Sessions: • Global Regulatory Harmonization in Asia: Is a New Trend Occurring? • Regulatory Changes in China and the Impact to Global Drug Development Planning • Conducting Trials in China • Global Stakeholder Management: Across the Ocean Between East and West • Expedited Reviews and Other Pathways to Speed Up Access to Medicines Featured DIAmond Sessions: Conversations on Today’s Priorities • International Regulatory Convergence, Collaboration and Cooperation • Value-Based Health Care Decision Making: The Quest for Smarter Spending • The Future of Big Data • Next Generation Collaborations: Transforming the Industry Register by May 20 to Make the Advance Attendee List #DIA2016 A g At h e r i n g o f g l o b A l p r o p o r t i o n s Visit DIAglobal.org/DIA2016 for more information and to register. Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing DIA中国区顾问委员会 (2015–2017) 13 ADVISORY COUNCIL OF CHINA (ACC) Overview Chair 中国区顾问委员会(ACC)由企业、学术界、医疗机构和政府部门的专家 组成。委员会为DIA中国区开展学术交流活动、建立战略伙伴、发展会员等 提供战略指导和支持 。 The Advisory Council of China (ACC) consists of regional industry and academic leaders, regulators and researchers who are responsible for creating a sense of community among those who support the DIA vision to provide a global forum for knowledge exchange that fosters innovation to raise the level of health and well–being worldwide. 王劲松 医学博士 Atlas Venture公司 投资顾问 Jingsong WANG, MD, PhD Advisor to Atlas Venture Vice Chair 中国区顾问委员会成员 Members of Advisory Council of China Members 王劲松(主席) Jingsong WANG (Chair) 吕玉真(副主席 ) Janet LV (Vice Chair) 曹莉莉 Lili CAO 曹晓春 Xiaochun CAO 陈小祥 Xiaoxiang CHEN 陈永涛 Bob CHEN 陈勇川 Yongchuan CHEN 陈之键 George CHEN 戴欣欣 Paul DAI 邓亚中 Yazhong DENG 冯欣毅 Yi FENG 郭欣翔 (Tony) Xiang GUO 黄欣钦 Qin HUANG 李庆红 Helen LI 李树婷 Shuting LI 李欣艳 Joy LI 梁欣冰 Vera LIANG 林建莹 Jane LIN 蔺亚萌 Melly LIN 刘晓曦 George LIU 牟欣骅 Hua MU 宁志强 Zhiqiang NING 宋瑞霖 Ruilin SONG 孙华龙 Hualong SUN 汪秀琴 Xiuqin WANG 王欣敏 Min WANG 夏结来 Jielai XIA 许俊才 Jack XU 张海洲 Joe ZHANG 张志民 Jimmy Z. ZHANG 甄欣岭 Ling ZHEN 朱向阳 Xiangyang ZHU 吕玉真 罗氏(中国)投资有限公司亚太区 法规部门负责人 Janet LV Head of Regulatory, Asia Pacific, Roche (China), Ltd. Making Connections 建立联系 Fostering Relationships 增进了解 Advancing Innovation 推进创新 14 主旨讲演嘉宾 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS 王晓东 院士 百济神州创始人,科学顾问委员会主席 Xiaodong WANG, PhD Founder & Chairman, Scientific Advisory Board, BeiGene • 北京生命科学研究所(NIBS)所长和创始人 • 美国国家科学院院士,改革开放后留美学生进入美国最高科学殿堂第一人,2010年全 时回中国工作 • 中国科学院外籍院士 • 邵逸夫生物医学奖得主,“求是”杰出科学家 • 前霍华德休斯研究员,德克萨斯西南大学生物化学优秀讲席教授 • 前Joyant Pharmaceuticals美国肿瘤生物技术公司创始人 • 美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心生物化学博士 •Founded BeiGene in 2010, and has served as Chairman of Scientific Advisory Board since 2011 •Founding Director & Architect of 700-person team at the National Institute of Biological Sciences (NIBS) in Beijing (2003-present) •Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, George L. MacGregor Distinguished Chair in Biomedical Sciences (1997-2010) and Professor in Biomedical Sciences (2001-2010) at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center •Member of National Academy of Sciences, USA •Foreign associate of Chinese Academy of Sciences •Founder of Joyant Pharmaceuticals, venture capital-backed oncology biotech in US •Ph.D. in Biochemistry from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center •B.S. in Biology from Beijing Normal University 主旨讲演嘉宾 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS 15 Mark J. ALLES 美国新基公司首席执行官 / Chief Executive Officer, Celgene, USA 2016年全球生物医药界最具影响力人物 (FierceBiotech) Mr. Alles serves as Celgene’s Chief Executive Officer. He assumed the role on March 1, 2016. Previously he served as President and Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Alles served as Executive Vice President and Global Head of Hematology and Oncology from December 2012 until July 2014, following his promotion to Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer in February 2012. Mr. Alles joined Celgene in April 2004 and served as Vice President, Global Marketing until March 2009 when he became President of the Americas Region. Responsibility for commercial operations in Japan and the Asia Pacific Region was added in July 2011. Mr. Alles previously served as Vice President for the U.S. Oncology Business Unit of Aventis Pharmaceuticals and in other commercial sales and marketing management roles over an 11-year period with Aventis. After earning his B.S. degree from Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania and serving as a Captain in the United States Marine Corps, Mr. Alles began his 29-year career in the pharmaceutical industry at Bayer and worked at Centocor before its acquisition by Johnson & Johnson. Mr. Alles is a member of the Celgene Board of Directors, the Trustees for the Healthcare Institute of New Jersey (HINJ), the Board of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), and the Board of Gilda’s Club NYC, a not-for-profit organization helping the families of people living with cancer. 16 DIA 中国卓越服务奖 / DIA CHINA EXCELLENCE IN SERVICE AWARD 蔡伊志 博士 原DIA中国区办公室负责人 Jane CAI, PhD Former Director of DIA China Office 蔡伊志博士,原药物信息协会(DIA)中国区总监;美国强生医药健康品企业研发部化学研究处高级 总监。 1990-1993年蔡伊志博士在美国Ciba-Geigy制药公司任高级研究员,从事原料药和化药的研发工 作。1993-2010,她在美国强生和强生(Johnson and Johnson)从事新药、仿制药、医疗器械及 健康保健品的研发、CMC、新药申报及技术转移等。在任职美国强生医药健康品企业研发部化学 研究处高级总监期间,她先后参与强生公司在美国和其它海外市场的产品开发研究工作及质量合 规稽查等多项项目管理。2010-2014年,她任DIA(药物信息协会)中国区负责人,为协会在中国建 立了跨学科领域的综合性药物信息学术交流平台。 在DIA中国工作期间,蔡伊志与DIA中国顾问委员会专家、来自中国和国际医药行业的志愿者及 DIA员工开展了近80项跨学科领域的学术交流研讨和培训教育活动. DIA中国与国内国际医药监管 机构、医药企业、学术院校、科技园区及学会协会等密切合作成功举办了多届DIA中国年会并为 中国药监部门、中国药学会及企业在DIA国际平台的交流与合作做出了努力和贡献。 蔡伊志毕业于美国纽约市立大学,拥有化学博士学位。 Jane Cai joined Ciba-Geigy Pharmaceutical as a senior scientist in 1990, working on new drug development. From 1993-2010, she worked for Johnson & Johnson with responsibilities for new drugs, generic drugs, medical devices, and healthcare products research and development, regulatory submissions, quality compliance, and technology transfers. In 2010-2014, she led the DIA China office to develop the DIA platform in China for knowledge exchange and information sharing. During her DIA career, Jane and the DIA Advisory Council of China (ACC), volunteers from China and global, and DIA staff developed and organized approximately 80 multidisciplinary workshops and training programs. DIA China has also collaborated with China and global regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical industry, academia, and associations, etc. and successfully organized several DIA China Annual Meetings. Through the DIA platform, Jane has contributed to the collaborative initiatives of the China regulatory agency, Chinese Pharmaceutical Association (CPA), and industries. Jane graduated from City University of New York (CUNY), USA with a PhD degree in Chemistry. DIA 中国卓越服务奖 / DIA CHINA EXCELLENCE IN SERVICE AWARD 17 曲鹏 博士 高级总监,辉瑞(中国)研究开发公司统计部负责人 Peng Roger QU, PhD Senior Director and Head of Statistics Department Pfizer China Research and Development Center 加入辉瑞中国之前,曲鹏博士先后在美国多家制药公司从事临床研究统计工作。在二十几年的职 业生涯中,他和他的统计团队在很多疾病领域为新药临床开发和法规注册提供统计支持。 加入辉瑞中国后,曲鹏博士不仅负责公司药物研发的统计工作,他还活跃在国内临床研究和统计 领域,多次担任药物信息协会年会组委会委员和定量科学论坛组委会委员,他是2010年至2014年 中国药物信息协会统计研讨班的联合主席,还兼任了2009年至2014年的培训课程的讲员,为中国 的临床统计和药物研发事业做出了许多努力和贡献。 曲鹏博士在美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校获得统计学博士学位。 Prior to joining Pfizer China, Roger worked at different drug companies in US in clinical statistics to support clinical development. During his 20 year industrial career, he led statistical teams supporting clinical development and regulatory submission across a range of therapeutic areas. Since joining Pfizer China, in additional to leading his team for statistical support to the company clinical program, Roger was active in the local clinical and statistical communities. He was member of program committee of DIA China Annual Meeting and Quantitative Science Forum for many years, and organized statistical sessions each year. In addition, he was co-chair of DIA China Statistical Workshop from 2010 to 2014, and was course instructor from 2009 to 2014. Roger made significant effort in support of DIA China and advancement of clinical development in China. 18 DIA 中国卓越服务奖 / DIA CHINA EXCELLENCE IN SERVICE AWARD 许俊才 上海医药临床研究中心副主任; 上海杰医医药科技有限公司创始人 JACK XU Senior Vice President, Shanghai Clinical Research Center 1992年7月 上海医科大学硕士毕业 1992年7月 – 1994年3月 中科院上海药物研究所药理研究 1994年 – 1997年 美国普强制药公司 医学经理 1997年 – 2000年 广州南新制药公司 医学注册部经理 2000年 – 2002年 荷兰上海劳登医药公司 医学总监 2002年 – 2005年 美国昆泰公司 医学总监 2005年 – 2007年 上海张江法玛勤公司 医学顾问 2008年 – 至今 上海医药临床研究中心 副主任 具有20余年丰富的国际药物研究经验。 Jack Xu is Senior VP, Shanghai Clinical Research Center. He is medical researcher with over 20 years experience in the management of Clinical Research programs and over 15 years knowledge of the Chinese drug registration system. He got Master of Medicine in Occupational Health in 1992 and Bachelor of Preventive Medicine in 1987 respectively in Shanghai Medical University. The main organizations of his working include: Researcher in Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Science. CRA, Medical Manager, Clinical Research Manager in Upjohn & Pharmacia; Manager of Regulatory and Medical Affairs in Ranbaxy; Medical Director in Loudon CRO; Director of Clinical Operations in Quintiles; Medical Consultant in Zhangjiang Pharmaengine CRO; the founder of Shanghai DrJ Medical Development Co. Ltd. DIA 中国卓越服务奖 / DIA CHINA EXCELLENCE IN SERVICE AWARD 19 DIA’s Global Online Training Solutions Learn at Your Own Pace, Virtually Reduce training costs, eliminate time out of the office and meet your organization’s training needs DIA’s eLearning programs provide unique, realistic opportunities for professionals to learn best practices in their fields with Internet-based courseware that is conveniently accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Nine Modules Medical Communications Six Modules Drug Safety Coming Soon The ClinicalTrial Fundamentals eLearning Program is designed to provide practical content to help clinical research professionals learn about conducting clinical trials. Group Licensing Available DIA offers licensing to organizations interested in purchasing modules for 10+ users. Visit DIAglobal.org/elearning for more information. Six Modules Drug Development and Life Cycle Management One Module Informed Consent 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 20 互动交流 NETWORKING Refreshment Break 茶歇 5月15日 星期日 | 10:00–10:30, 15:00–15:30 三层,南序厅 5月16日 星期一 | 15:00–15:30 一层展厅,大宴A+B 5月17日 星期二 | 10:00–10:30, 15:00–15:30 一层展厅,大宴A+B 5月18日 星期三 | 10:00–10:30, 15:00–15:30 一层展厅,大宴A+B 午餐 Sunday, May 15 10:00–10:30, 15:00–15:30 3rd Floor, South Foyer Monday, May 16 15:00–15:30 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B Tuesday, May 17 10:00–10:30, 15:00–15:30 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B 5月15日 星期日 | 12:00–13:30 三层,303A+B Wednesday, May 18 10:00–10:30, 15:00–15:30 5月17日 星期二 | 12:00–13:30 一层餐区 大宴C及南大堂 Luncheon 5月18日 星期三 | 12:00–13:30 一层餐区 大宴C及南大堂 Sunday, May 15 12:00–13:30 3rd Floor, 303A+B Tuesday, May 17 12:00–13:30 1st Floor, Ballroom C & South Lobby Wednesday, May 18 12:00–13:30 1st Floor, Ballroom C & South Lobby 欢迎酒会 5月16日 星期一 | 17:30–19:00 一层展厅,大宴A+B 讲者/嘉宾招待酒会(仅限邀请) 5月17日 星期二 | 18:00–19:30 一层,多功能厅C厅 Opening Welcome Reception Monday, May 16 17:30–19:00 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B 学术壁报展 5月16日 星期一 | 13:30–19:30 一层展厅,大宴A+B Speaker & VIP Reception (by Invitation Only) 5月17-18日 星期二、三 | 08:30–17:30 一层展厅,大宴A+B Tuesday, May 17 18:00-19:30 1st Floor, Function Hall C 颁奖典礼 DIA中国卓越服务奖 5月16日 星期一 | 13:30–17:30 Poster Presentation 四层,大会堂B 壁报颁奖活动 5月18日 星期三 | 10:00–10:30 一层展厅,大宴A+B DIA微信关注领奖 Monday, May 16 13:30-19:30 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B Tuesday & Wednesday, May 17-18 08:30-17:30 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B Award Ceremony 5月17-18日 星期二、三 DIA 展台 一层展厅,大宴A+B DIA China Excellence in Service Award will be presented during the opening plenary session. Monday, May 16 13:30-17:30 展商印章收集开奖 5月18日 星期三 | 13:00 DIA 展台 一层展厅,大宴A+B 4th Floor, Plenary B Award for Poster Presenters Wednesday, May 18 10:00-10:30 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B DIA全球年度标志性事件 欧洲年会 4月 中国年会 5月 欧洲罕见病和孤儿药大会 5月 北美年会 6月 中国药物创新会议 10月 日本年会 11月 Following DIA China WeChat Wednesday, May 17-18 DIA Booth 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B Stamp Rally Wednesday, May 18 13:00 DIA Booth 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 会议场地及住宿 21 VENUE AND HOTEL 主会场酒店 Main Venue Hotel 国家会议中心大酒店 China National Convention Center Grand Hotel 地址:北京朝阳区北辰西路8号院1号楼(鸟巢西北角) 联系人:陈思彤 女士 电话:(86 10) 8437 0690 传真:(86 10) 8437 0691 手机:15901256560 邮箱:[email protected] 网址:http://www.cnccgrandhotel.com/ Address: Building 1, No. 8 Precincts, Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100105 Contact person: Ms. Sitong Chen Tel: +86 10 8437 0690 Fax: +86 10 8437 0691 Mobile: 15901256560 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.cnccgrandhotel.com/ 其它推荐酒店 Other Recommended Hotels 北京北辰洲际酒店 (★★★★★) 地址:北京市朝阳区北辰西路8号院4号楼 联系人:于海燕 女士 传真:(86 10) 8437 1318 电话:(86 10) 8437 1305,1304 邮箱:[email protected] 网址:http://cn.ihg.com/intercontinental/peghc/hoteldetail 北京五洲大酒店 (★★★★) 地址:北京市朝阳区北辰东路8号 联系人:韩云涛 女士 电话:(86 10) 8498 5588 手机:13693305827 邮箱:[email protected] 网址:www.bcghotel.com 北京汇园酒店公寓贵宾楼 (★★★★★) 北辰汇园酒店公寓媒体村 (★★★★) 亚运村宾馆 (★★★) 地址:北京市朝阳区安定门外北辰东路8号 联系人:贾云云 女士 电话:(86 10) 6499 1166/3088/3099 传真:(86 10) 8497 0366 手机:13810336093 邮箱:[email protected] 网址:www.huiyuangongyu.com.cn 北京五洲皇冠国际酒店 (★★★★★) 地址:北京市朝阳区北四环中路8号 100101 电话:(86 10) 6481 7136/7137/7138/7141/7142 传真:(86 10) 6499 3180 邮箱:[email protected] 网址:www.v-continent.com 北京红杉假日酒店 (★★★★) 地址:中国北京市海淀区双清路89号A座 邮编:100085 联系人:史佳 先生 电话:(86 10) 8239 8888/400 88 40 888 传真:(86 10) 8239 1688 手机:15910459772 邮箱:[email protected] 或 [email protected] 网址:www.holidayinn.com.cn InterContinental Beijing Beichen (★★★★★) Address: No. 8, Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100105 Contact person: Ms. Amy Yu Tel: +86 10 8437 1188 Fax: +86 10 8437 1318 Mobile: 13511008203 Beijing Continental Grand Hotel (★★★★) Address: No. 8, Beichen East Road, Chaoyang Distrct, Beijing, 100101, P. R. China Contact person: Ms. Yuntao Han Tel: +86 10 8498 5588 Mobile: 13693305827 Email: [email protected] Website: www.bcghotel.com Beijing North Star Huiyuan Service Apartments (★★★★★/★★★★/★★★) Address: No. 8, North Star East Road, Andingmen, Chaoyang Distrct, Beijing, 100101 contact: Ms. Suki Jia Mobile: 13810336093 Tel: +86 10 6499 1166/3088/3099 Fax: +86 10 8497 0366 Email: [email protected] Website: www.huiyuangongyu.com.cn V-Continent Beijing Parkview Wuzhou Hotel (★★★★★) Address: No. 8, North Si Huan Zhong Road, Chaoyang Distrct, Beijing, 100101 Tel: (86 10) 6481 7136/7137/7138/7141/7142 Fax: (86 10) 6499 3180 Email: [email protected] Website: www.v-continent.com Holiday Inn Beijing Haidian (★★★★) Address: Building A, No. 89 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District Beijing 100085 Contact person: Mr. Michael Shi Mobile: 15910459772 Tel: +86 10 8239 8888/400 88 40 888 Fax: +86 10 8239 1688 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Website: www.holidayinn.com.cn 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 22 北京介绍 ABOUT BEIJING 北京国家会议中心 | China National Convention Center (CNCC) 2008年8月8日,举世瞩目的奥运会在北京举行。坐落在北京 奥林匹克公园中心区内,紧邻鸟巢和水立方的国家会议中心也 成为世界的焦点。国家会议中心作为主新闻中心、国际广播中 心,还是奥运会的击剑比赛以及现代五项的击剑和气手枪比赛 的场馆。残奥会结束后,国家会议中心进行了内部改造,于 2009年11月盛大开幕。 国家会议中心总占地面积12公顷,总建筑面积53万平方米,建 筑南北长400米,东西宽150米,檐高40米。其中会议、展览 面积27万平方米,配套项目建筑面积26万平方米(包括两家酒 店、两栋写字楼),是目前亚洲最大的会议中心。 China National Convention Center (CNCC) has opened officially in October 2009 for its originally intended function – providing international standard, purpose-built convention and exhibition facilities. The Center was an important element in the overall plan for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games when it served as the main press center and international broadcasting location as well as providing the venue for fencing and pistol shooting competitions.CNCC is ideally located in the heart of the Olympic Green adjacent to the National Stadium (Bird’s Nest), the National Aquatics Center (Water Cube) and the National Indoor Stadium – all of which are proving popular places for people to visit in post-Olympic Games times. After the Olympic Games, CNCC took some renovations and opened officially in Nov.2009. Now CNCC is the largest convention center in Asia for hosting congresses, international meetings, exhibitions and other various events, with the world-class services and unparalleled facilities provided. 北京国家体育场 | Beijing National Stadium (BNS) 北京国家体育场,由于独特造型也称“鸟巢”,长330米,宽220 米,高度为69.2米,占地25万平方米。运用高达4.5万吨钢建成 的体育馆,建筑费用高达人民币35亿元。此馆于2004年3月正 式开工,2008年6月28日完工,是2008年北京夏季奥运会和残 奥会主场馆。2008年奥运会之后,这里举办了很多足球与其它 赛事。2022年的冬奥会和残奥会也将重用。体育场在奥运会期 间设有10万个座位,承办该届奥运会的开闭幕式、田径和足球 等比赛项目。奥运会后座位数将减至8万个。精彩绝伦的开闭 幕式表演与鸟巢大气宏伟的结构相得益彰,令世人惊艳。博尔 特、伊辛巴耶娃等一批优秀运动员纷纷在鸟巢实现了创纪录竞 技。 距离国家会议中心2.2公里,步行约30分钟。地铁8号线在国家 体育场设有停靠站。 Beijing National Stadium (BNS) in Beijing, known as the Bird’s Nest, was designed for use throughout the 2008 Summer Olympics and Paralympics and will be used again in the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics. The stadium is currently used mostly for football matches. Ground was broken on 24 December 2003 and the stadium officially opened on 28 June 2008. The Bird’s Nest once had 100,000 seats during the 2008 Olympics and now remains 80,000 seats after Olympics. A shopping mall and a hotel are planned to be constructed to increase use of the stadium, which has had trouble attracting events, football and otherwise, after the Olympics. This will become the most important public space in Beijing. 2.2km, 30mins walk from China National Convention Center (Venue). Beijing Subway Line 8 has stop for Beijing National Stadium. 奥林匹克森林公园 | Beijing Olympic Forest Park 奥林匹克森林公园位于北京中轴延长线的最北端,是亚洲最大 的城市绿化景观,占地约680公顷,是一个比圆明园和颐和园加 在一起都要大的公园。于2003年开始建设,2008年7月3日正式 落成。北五环路横穿公园中部,将公园分为南北两园,中间有 一座横跨五环路、种满植物的生态桥连接。奥森公园以山体、 林地、湖泊、湿地等自然景观成为城市中的绿色生态园林,被 称之为北京的“肺”。它是北京奥运建成品中美轮美奂的一颗 翡翠,是“科技奥运,人文奥运,绿色奥运”精神的延伸。 地铁8号线在奥林匹克森林公园设有站点。如从国家会议中心步 行至奥森公园南门,距离国家会议中心1.84公里,约20-30分 钟。 Beijing Olympic Forest Park is the key project of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, located in the most northern tip of Central Axis of Beijing, is Asia’s largest urban greening landscape, covering about 680 hectares, and is larger than the total area of the Summer Palace and the Old Summer Palace. It began to construct in 2003 and formally completed on July 3, 2008. Across the middle of the north fifth ring road, the central park, is divided into the north and the south park, connected by an eco-bridge full of plants. The Forest Park with mountains, forest, lakes, wetland and other natural landscapes as its main part has become the green park and called the “lung” of the Beijing city. It is an extension of the spirit of “Hi-tech Olympics, Cultural Olympics and Green Olympics” and becomes an emerald of all the finished Olympic buildings in Beijing. Tourists can visit water cube by taking Beijing Subway Line 8. 1.4km, 20mins walk from China National Convention Center (Venue). Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 北京介绍 23 ABOUT BEIJING 国家游泳中心(水立方) | Water Cube 国家游泳中心(水立方)位于北京奥林匹克公园内,2008年北 京奥运会标志性建筑物之一,总建筑面积约10万平方米,于 2003年12月24日开工,于2008年1月竣工。 2008年奥运会期间,国家游泳中心承担游泳、跳水、花样游泳 等比赛,产生42块奥运金牌。奥运会后,具有国际级设施水平 和知名度的游泳中心既可承担重大水上比赛(如:残奥会、世 界游泳、跳水锦标赛)和各类常规赛事,同时也是具有国际先 进水平的、集游泳、运动、健身、休闲于一体的多功能国际化 时尚中心,为市民强身健体提供良好的基础条件。 乘坐地铁8号线可到达水立方。如从国家会议中心步行,距离国 家会议中心1.4公里,约20分钟。 The National Aquatics Center, better known as “Water Cube”, is one of the best venues of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. It was chosen through public appraisals as one of “China ten big new architecture views” by The U.S. magazine “Business Weekly”. The iridescent bubble wrapped rectangular box shaped structure won the 2011 National Science & Technology Progress Award, First Class, for its deliberate morphing of molecular science, architecture and phenomenology that can create an airy and misty atmosphere for a personal experience of water leisure. The venue hosted the swimming, diving and synchronized swimming events during the Olympics, when it saw 21 world records tumbling down for 24 times. For this, it has been reputed as a “magic water cube” and an “Aquatic Hall of Fame”. The comprehensive utilization and diversified development of the post-Olympic venue includes hosting international and domestic competition events, setting up a swimming club to promote popular swimming, offering the venue as a resident performing arts theater to cultivate famous brands, holding large-scaled painting and calligraphy exhibitions and marketing Olympic licensed products. The Water Cube Series of licensed products have been rated among the “Top 10 Musts for Tourists to Beijing”. Tourists can visit water cube by taking Beijing Subway Line 8. 1.4km, 20mins walk from China National Convention Center (Venue). 王府井商业街 | Wangfujing 王府井商业街坐落于北京市东城区,是北京著名的商业步行 街。它的历史可以追溯到13世纪,1267年元代初年,至今已经 有700多年了。从它的名字来说,一开始叫丁字街,后来叫十王 府街、王府街。到1905年,因为王府井大街开凿了一眼甘甜的 水井,所以从1905年开始叫做王府井大街。 如今的王府井汇集了包括盛锡福帽店、同升和鞋店、吴裕泰茶 庄等众多老字号在内的280多家北京知名商户。曾经为第一代新 中国领导人照相的中国照相馆和由宋庆龄女士一手建立的新中 国妇女儿童商店也坐落在此。 王府井小吃街位于主干道西侧的胡同里,聚集了大小餐馆和路 边小吃摊,经营各类小吃与食品。 “串儿” 是这里最受欢迎 的小吃,还有最具老北京特色的糖葫芦、糖豆儿等。 王府井距离国家会议中心约14.5公里,乘坐北京地铁1、5号线 可到达王府井。 Wangfujing is one of the most famous shopping streets of Beijing, located in Dongcheng District, and has over 700 years since early Yuan Dynasty. The majority of the main area is pedestrianised and very popular shopping place for both tourists and residents of the capital. Its initial name was Dingzi Street, then people called it Shiwangfu Street or Wangfu Street. In 1905, people found a well with cool and crystalline water. Therefore, it had a new name Wangfujing which has been remained till today. Wangfujing is now home to around 280 famous Beijing brands, such as Shengxifu hat store, Tongshenghe shoe shop, and the Wuyutai tea house. A photo studio which took formal photos of the first Chinese leadership, the New China Woman and Children Department Store helped established by Soong Ching-ling (Madame Sun Yat-sen) are also located on the street. The Wangfujing snack street, located in hutongs just west of the main street, is densely packed with restaurants and street food stalls. The food stalls serves a wide variety of common and exotic street food. More common fare such as chuanr (meat kebabs, commonly made of lamb) and desserts, such as tanghulu or candied fruits on a stick, are among the most popular. Wangfujing is around 14.5km away from China National Convention Center. Tourists can take Beijing Subway Line 1. The Wangfujing Station of Beijing Subway Line 1 is located at the intersection of Wangfujing Street and Chang’an Avenue. 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 24 北京介绍 ABOUT BEIJING 正阳门俗称前门 | Qianmen 正阳门俗称前门,位于天安门广场南侧,是北京极具历史意义 的一个城门,也是北京城地标式建筑。前门大街,明、清至民 国时皆称正阳门大街,民众俗称前门大街,位于京城中轴线, 北起前门月亮湾,南至天桥路口,与天桥南大街相连,自古就 是御道天街的黄金地段,现在是北京著名商业街。 前门大街汇集了众多知名老字号餐馆和各类商铺:全聚德烤鸭 店、便宜坊烤鸭店、瑞蚨祥绸布店、同仁堂药铺、六必居酱菜 园等。1979年以后,在原有老字号商店和传统经营特色基本保 留下来的同时,又陆续开设了五金交电、服装百货、自行车、 食品、钟表、化工油漆等新店。 乘坐地铁2号线至前门站可到达前门 大街。 Qianmen is the colloquial name for Zhengyangmen, a gate in Beijing’s historic city wall. The gate is situated to the south of Tiananmen Square and remains an important geographical marker of the city. The Beijing central north-south axis passes through Zhengyangmen’s main gate. Qianmen Street is in the middle of the axis, north from the Front Door Moon Bay and south to Tianqiao road intersection, connected with the Tianqiao South Street. Since built up from the Ming Dynasty five hundreds year ago, it was the imperial road only for emperors from the Forbidden City outside to the city and now it becomes one of the most famous commercial streets in Beijing. Qianmen Street gathers many time-honored restaurants and shops: Quanjude Roasted Duck, Bianyifang Roasted Duck, Ruifuxiang Mercery, Tongrentang Pharmacy, Liubiju Pickles, etc. Since 1979, more diversified shops, including, hardware stores, clothing shops, bicycles, food, watches, chemicals and painting store, open in Qianmen Street. There is about 18km distance between China National Convention Center and Qianmen Street. Subway is the best means of transportation to get Qianmen. Qianmen Station of Subway Line 2 is located between the two structures inside the space once surrounded by the barbican. 南锣鼓巷 | Nan Luogu Xiang (Gong lane) 南锣鼓巷是北京市东城区一条长约800米的胡同,也是北京最 古老的街区之一,也位列规划中的25片旧城保护区之中。南锣 鼓巷始建于元代,从清代约1750年左右开始,一直沿用此名。 近几年,因为汇集了众多四合院、特色中西餐馆、陶艺馆以及 古董店等而成为旅游热点。 许多时尚杂志报道的热点,不少电视剧在这里取景拍摄,许多 国外旅行者把其列为在北京的必游景点。其实,明清以来,这 里一直是“富人区”,居住过许多达官贵人、社会名流,从明 朝将军到清朝王爷,从北洋政府总统到国民党总裁,从文学大 师到画坛巨匠,这里的每一条胡同都留下历史的痕迹。 6号线南锣鼓巷地铁站位于胡同南口,并于2012年开放。 Nan Luogu Xiang (Gong lane) is known as a hutong with wellpreserved traditional architecture in an 800-meter length. It’s one of the oldest neighborhoods in Beijing and the top 25 pieces in Beijing ancient urban protection planning. It was built in the Yuan Dynasty and received its current name during the Qing Dynasty around 1750. In recent years, the area’s hutong has become a popular tourist destination due to the features of siheyuan, Chinese restaurants, ceramics, and antique shops. Since Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has become “rich people’s region”, many elites, magnates and nobles, from President of Beiyang Government to the KuoMinTang President, from literature masters to celebrities, every lane leaves the traces of history. There is about 18km distance between China National Convention Center and Qianmen Street. Subway is the best means of transportation to get Qianmen. Qianmen Station of Subway Line 2 is located between the two structures inside the space once surrounded by the barbican. Nanluoguxiang Station of Beijing Subway Line 6 and Line 8 opened in 2012 and is located near the south entrance of the hutong. Tourists are suggested to take Line 8 to Nanluoguxiang directly, 8.5km away from China National Convention Center. Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 国家会议中心大酒店 – China National Convention Center Grand Hotel 北京北辰洲际酒店 – InterContinental Beijing Beichen 25 北京五洲大酒店 – Beijing Continental Grand Hotel 北京汇园酒店公寓贵宾楼 – Beijing North Star Huiyuan Service Apartments 媒体合作伙伴 GCP 药物临床试验网 Www.Druggcp.Net 环球医学资讯 活动家 huodongjia.com MEDIA PARTNERS 56 QUICK GUIDE TO THE PROGRAM SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2016 | PRECONFERENCE WORKSHOP 07:30 – 17:30 1st Floor Registration Open 13:30 – 17:30 3rd Floor, 301A Workshop 1 Demystifying Regulatory Inspections in China 08:30 – 17:00 3rd Floor, 301B Workshop 2 Medical Coding 3rd Floor, 302A Workshop 3 Strategy and Key Considerations for Simultaneous Filing of Innovative Drugs in China and Abroad 3rd Floor, 302B Workshop 4 CDISC Standards for Clinical Trial 10:00 – 10:30 3rd Floor, South Foyer Refreshment Break 12:00 – 13:30 3rd Floor, 303A+B Luncheon 15:00 – 15:30 3rd Floor, South Foyer Refreshment Break MONDAY, MAY 16, 2016 | CONFERENCE DAY 1 08:30 – 17:30 1st Floor Registration Open 13:30 – 17:30 4th Floor, Plenary Hall B Opening Plenary Session + Special Forum 15:00 – 15:30 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B Refreshment Break 17:30 – 19:00 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B Opening Welcome Reception TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2016 | CONFERENCE DAY 2 07:30 – 17:30 1st Floor Registration, Exhibition and Poster Session Open 08:30 – 10:00 3rd Floor, 311A Session 0101 Enhancement for Post-Marketing Commitment Clinical Trials to Realize Accelerated Approvals 3rd Floor, 311B Session 0301 Advancement of NSCLC Management - Implication of Precision Medicine to Personalized Care 3rd Floor, 310 Session 0401 CFDA Inspection: Whether a Bright Sunny Sky Will Appear After Haze Swept Off? 3rd Floor, 303A Session 0601 Bridge the Real World to the Clinical Development - Part 1 3rd Floor, 302A Session 0701 Bundling Review and Approval of Packaging Components and Pharmaceutical Excipients 3rd Floor, 303B Session 0801 Recent Trends in the Regulation of Biopharmaceutical Products 3rd Floor, 306B Session 0901 How to Improve the Ethics Review Quality 3rd Floor, 301B Session 1001 Innovation and Initiatives of Pharmacovigilance Operation in China 3rd Floor, 301A Session 1201 Medical Affairs Strategic Transformation in the New Era 3rd Floor, 305 Session 1301 Rare Diseases Part 1:The Concept of Rare Diseases 3rd Floor, 302B Session 1601 Challenges and Opportunities in the New Regulatory and Innovation Environment - Part 1 3rd Floor, 308 Session 1901 Clinical Trial in Mobile Internet Era: Model Optimization and Efficiency Improvement 10:00 – 10:30 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B 10:30 – 12:00 3rd Floor, 311A Session 0102 eCTD: Implementation and Preparation 3rd Floor, 311B Session 0302 Breakthrough of Drug Development and Patient Management in Key Respiratory 3rd Floor, 310 Session 0402 Risk Based Quality Control: How to Have a Good Cooperation between CRA and CRC 3rd Floor, 303A Session 0602 Bridge the Real World to the Clinical Development - Part 2 3rd Floor, 302A Session 0702 International Registration of Generic Drug 3rd Floor, 303B Session 0802 Development of Biosimilars: Technical Aspects 3rd Floor, 306B Session 0902 Inspections on Quality and Compliance – What Are Inspectors’ Expectations 3rd Floor, 301B Session 1002 Pharmacovigilance in a New Era – Hot Topics 3rd Floor, 301A Session 1202 Post-Marketing Studies in the New Era of Precision Medicine 3rd Floor, 305 Session 1302 Rare Diseases Part 2: The Practice of Rare Diseases 3rd Floor, 302B Session 1602 Challenges and Opportunities in the New Regulatory and Innovation Environment - Part 2 3rd Floor, 308 Session 1902 The Path Forward of Future Clinical Trials Refreshment Break 12:00 – 13:30 1st Floor, Ballroom C & South Lobby Luncheon 13:30 – 15:00 3rd Floor, 309A+B | 311 A+B China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) Town Hall - Part 1 3rd Floor, 302A Session 0703 Life-Cycle Management of Biological Products 3rd Floor, 301B Session 1003 Data-Driven Decision Making 3rd Floor, 302B Session 1603 Challenges and Opportunities in the New Regulatory and Innovation Environment - Part 3 3rd Floor, 301A Session 1803 Molecular Information Towards New Era of Precision Medicine - Part 1 15:00 – 15:30 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B 15:30 – 17:30 3rd Floor, 309A+B | 311 A+B China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) Town Hall - Part 2 3rd Floor, 302A Session 0704 Quality Consistency of Generic Drug 3rd Floor, 301B Session 1004 Effective and Timely Risk Communication 3rd Floor, 301A Session 1804 Molecular Information Towards New Era of Precision Medicine - Part 2 18:00 – 19:30 1st Floor, Function Hall C Refreshment Break Speaker & VIP Reception (by Invitation Only) 57 QUICK GUIDE TO THE PROGRAM WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 2016 | CONFERENCE DAY 3 07:30 – 17:30 1st Floor Registration, Exhibition and Poster Session Open 08:30 – 10:00 3rd Floor, 311A Session 0105 Best Practice for Communication between Sponsors and Health Authorities 3rd Floor, 311B Session 0305 The Clinical Research of New Vaccines 3rd Floor, 310 Session 0505 To be Operational Excellence in Clinical Trial - Part 1 3rd Floor, 303A Session 0605 Data Quality and Integrity - Part 1 Clinical Trial Data Management and Collaborated Quality Control 3rd Floor, 302A Session 0705 Role of Public Standard in the Drug Registration - Part 1 3rd Floor, 303B Session 0805 Clinical Trial Design of Biosimilar - Part 1 3rd Floor, 306B Session 0905 Transform Quality Science from Reactive to Proactive 3rd Floor, 306A Session 1105 Inheriting and Innovation: How Medical Writers Working in Global Pharmaceutical Companies Support Regulatory Requirements from Different Authorities 3rd Floor, 301A Session 1205 The Roles and Working Models of Field Medical Science Liaisons in China 3rd Floor, 301B Session 1405 Ready for the Big World? – How Can Chinese Pharmaceutical Companies Leverage CRO to Grow Bigger and Faster? 3rd Floor, 302B Session 1705 Non-Clinical Safety Assessment in the New Drug Development 3rd Floor, 308 Session 1905 Value of Pharmacometric Analyses in Drug Development 10:00 – 10:30 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B 10:30 – 12:00 3rd Floor, 311A Session 0106 Expedited Pathway to Facilitate Drug Development 3rd Floor, 311B Session 0306 Breakthrough of Hepatitis Treatment in China 3rd Floor, 310 Session 0506 To be Operational Excellence in Clinical Trial - Part 2 3rd Floor, 303A Session 0606 Data Quality and Integrity - Part 2 Global Data Integrity vs. CFDA Data Self-Assessment 3rd Floor, 302A Session 0706 Role of Public Standard in the Drug Registration - Part 2 3rd Floor, 303B Session 0806 Clinical Trial Design of Biosimilar - Part 2 3rd Floor, 306A Session 1106 How Does Medical Writing Support China Local Company on Drug Registration Abroad 3rd Floor, 301A Session 1206 The Working Model of Medical and Commercial Functions in the PatientCentric Healthcare Environment 3rd Floor, 301B Session 1406 Time for an Upgrade – Evolving Cooperation Model between CROs and Pharmaceutical Companies 3rd Floor, 306B Session 1506 Information Technology in Clinical Studies: Regulatory Requirement 3rd Floor, 302B Session 1706 Pharmacometrics and Mechanism- Based PK/PD Modeling in Early Drug Development 3rd Floor, 308 Session 1906-1 Drive Global Innovation with an Integrated Drug Development Strategy 3rd Floor, 305 Session 1906-2 Australia: A Premier Destination for Early Stage Clinical Trials Refreshment Break 12:00 – 13:30 1st Floor, Ballroom C & South Lobby Luncheon 13:30 – 15:00 3rd Floor, 311A Session 0107 How to Establish Proper IND Framework in China - Part 1: Filing and Review Process and Dossier Requirement 3rd Floor, 311B Session 0307 Innovative Medicines in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Field Made Huge Impact on Cardiovascular Treatment 3rd Floor, 310 Session 0507 To be Operational Excellence in Clinical Trial - Part 3 3rd Floor, 303A Session 0607-1 Global Requirements of Submission Data Standards: Past, Current and Future 3rd Floor, 305 Session 0607-2 Pharmaceutical Biostatistics Group Operating Models in China - What the Multinational Pharma Companies Have Learned in the Last Seven Years 3rd Floor, 302A Session 0707 BE Study of Generic Drug 3rd Floor, 303B Session 0807 Naming and Pharmacovigilance for Biologics 3rd Floor, 306A Session 1107 Risk-Based Project Management 3rd Floor, 301A Session 1207 Medical Communication: Opportunities under the “New Normal” 3rd Floor, 301B Session 1407 A Journey without Detour – Data Quality Matters 3rd Floor, 306B Session 1507 The Application of Information Technology in Clinical Trials 3rd Floor, 302B Session 1707 Biomarkers and Translation Medicine 3rd Floor, 308 Session 1907 Pharmacovigilance – Customized Safety Database for Chinese Regulations 15:00 – 15:30 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B 15:30 – 17:30 3rd Floor, 311A Session 0108 How to Establish Proper IND Framework in China - Part 2: Supporting System 3rd Floor, 303A Session 0608 Nurturing Statistical Mindset in Data Management for Quality Improvement 3rd Floor, 302A Session 0708 Biowaiver: In-vitro Dissolution 3rd Floor, 303B Session 0808 Cutting Edge Technologies in Biologics Development 3rd Floor, 306A Session 1108 Project Risk Management: Dealing with the Certainty of the Uncertainty 3rd Floor, 301A Session 1208 HEOR & Market Access 3rd Floor, 301B Session 1408 SMO/CRC – A Bridge over the Troubled Water 3rd Floor, 306B Session 1508 Information Technology in Clinical Studies 3rd Floor, 302B Session 1708 Early Clinical Development Refreshment Break 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 58 SUNDAY, 15 MAY | PRCONFERENCE WORKSHOPS Workshop 1 (Half Day) 13:30–17:30 3rd Fl, 301A Demystifying Regulatory Inspections in China Workshop 2 (Full Day) 08:30–17:00 3rd Fl, 301B Medical Coding Workshop 3 (Full Day) 08:30–17:00 3rd Fl, 302A Strategy and Key Considerations for Simultaneous Filing of Innovative Drugs in China and Abroad Workshop 4 (Full Day) 08:30–17:00 3rd Fl, 302B CDISC Standards for Clinical Trial SUNDAY, 15 MAY Workshop 1 13:30 – 17:30 | 3rd Floor, 301A Demystifying Regulatory Inspections in China Given that China is slated to become the world’s largest pharmaceutical market, the number of both domestic and global clinical trials conducted in China has been growing exponentially over the years. Although foreign inspections by FDA, PMDA and EMA are increasing in China, they are still relatively few in numbers and the majority of researchers participating in global trials have not experienced it. The recent mandate by CFDA for NDA applicants to perform selfinspections and the unannounced on-site inspections conducted by CFDA in recent months calls for the need to demystify inspections in China, how to be ready for any inspections, how to interpret the GCP non-compliances and distinguish the significance of these non-compliances so as to stay on top of the current changes and the associated challenges in the dynamic and complex world of clinical research in China focusing on the common critical issues surrounding data integrity. The workshop will invite leading experts from the industry, Chinese hospital GCP Office, clinical trial investigator and government official to share their views and insights to the key topic related to inspection conducted by various agencies LEARNING OBJECTIVES •Understand the different types of inspections in China, their objectives and processes by the different authorities •Have an overview of the common GCP findings in these inspections in China and in particular how to interpret and rate these findings in relation to what constitutes data integrity. •Be able to differentiate the findings from the CFDA on-site inspections that are likely to influence data authenticity and reliability TARGET AUDIENCES •Senior Executives •Regulatory Affairs Professionals •Clinical Research and Development (Clinical Operations, Clinical Assurance, Compliance, Auditors, Consultants) •Site Investigators •Chinese Hospital GCP Office Officers •Regulatory Inspectors PROGRAM COMMITTEE Ellyne SETIAWAN Head of Quality Medicine, ROPU-TCM, Boehringer Ingelheim Shuting LI, MD Vice Director, GCP Center, the Cancer Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Xiuqin WANG, PhD Deputy Director, Department of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Province Hospital, First Affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical University Liping ZHOU Global Inspection Manager, Inspection Management Bayer R&D Quality Peter SCHIEMANN, PhD Managing Partner, Widler & Schiemann Ltd., Swizerland AGENDA 13:30 - 13:40 Opening & Welcome Ellyne SETIAWAN Head of Quality Medicine, ROPU-TCM, Boehringer Ingelheim 13:40 - 14:20 GCP Inspections in Shanghai: Observed Practice from Various Authorities Liping ZHOU Global Inspection Manager, Inspection Management Bayer R&D Quality 14: 20 - 15:00 The Common GCP Findings in These Inspections and in Particular How to Interpret and Rate These Findings in Particular Relation to What Constitutes Data Integrity Peter SCHIEMANN, PhD Managing Partner, Widler & Schiemann Ltd., Swizerland 15:00 - 15:30 Tea Break 15:30 - 16:10 An Introduction and An Overview to the Key Findings in the Recent CFDA On-Site Inspections since the Implementation of the Self-Check by CFDA Xiuqin WANG, PhD Deputy Director, Department of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Province Hospital, First Affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical University Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 16:10 - 17:10 Panel Discussion Above Speakers and Invited Panelists Shuting Li Vice Director, GCP Center, the Cancer Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Xiaoxiang CHEN, MD Vice President, Medicine Development, Greater China, Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany 17: 10 Closing Remarks Ellyne SETIAWAN Head of Quality Medicine, ROPU-TCM, Boehringer Ingelheim •CRA •CRC •Clinician •Statistician •SAS programmer •Drug Safety •Project Manager PROGRAM CHAIR Charles YAN, PhD Senior Director, Data Management, Shanghai Hengrui Medicine Co, Ltd. KEY INSTRUCTORS SUNDAY, 15 MAY Workshop 2 08:30–17:00 | 3rd Floor, 301B Medical Coding In the late 1990s, ICH developed MedDRA as a rich and highly specific standardized medical terminology to facilitate sharing of regulatory information internationally for medical products used by humans. Products covered by the scope of MedDRA include pharmaceuticals, biologics, vaccines and drug-device combination products. Today, MedDRA is growing used worldwide by regulatory authorities, pharmaceutical companies, clinical research organizations and health care professionals allows better global protection of patient health. The WHO Drug Dictionary is an international classification of medicines created by the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring and managed by the Uppsala Monitoring Centre. It is used worldwide by pharmaceutical companies, clinical trial organizations and drug regulatory authorities for identifying drug names in spontaneous ADR reporting (and Pharmacovigilance) and in clinical trials. This pre-conference workshop will introduce MedDRA and WHO DD in their basic concept, scope, structures and coding rules. It will provide coding skill training with examples and classroom excises. The coding tools will be covered too. LEARNING OBJECTIVES •To introduce the basic definitions and concepts that characterize MedDRA •To demonstrate how MedDRA is used by pharmaceuticals, regulatory authorities and by contract research organizations. •To present an overview of some of the aspects of MedDRA terminology that affect case assessment, safety surveillance, labeling, and regulatory reporting. •To provide rules for the coding of medical data (drug safety and data management) and by using these rules, the coding of medical data will achieve a higher level of consistency and accuracy. •Provide insights to challenges you may face when you retrieve and report data coded in MedDRA. •Provide insights to challenges you may face when you retrieve and report data coded in MedDRA. TARGETED AUDIENCES •Medical Coder •Data Manager Yuxiu LIU Professor, Director of Department of Medical Statistics, Nanjing General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region Xiaofei YE, MD, PhD 2nd Military Medical University Pansie ZHANG Senior Specialist, Clinical Data Management, MSD Dejuan DUAN Clinical Data Manager, MSD Tao GAO Clinical Data Manager, Covance Liyang LIU Clinical Data Coordinator, Covance Ellene CARIN Senior Coding Specialist, WHO Drug Production Uppsala Monitoring Centre AGENDA 8:30 - 9:00 Opening and Welcome 9:00 - 9:30 MedDRA Overview Yuxiu LIU Professor, Director of Department of Medical Statistics, Nanjing General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region 9:30 - 10:30 MedDRA Coding Rules and Skills Pansie ZHANG Senior Specialist, Clinical Data Management, MSD 10:30 - 12:00 MedDRA Coding Exercises Pansie ZHANG Senior Specialist, Clinical Data Management, MSD Dejuan DUAN Clinical Data Manager, MSD 12:00 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30 - 14:00 WHO DD Overview Xiaofei YE, MD, PhD 2nd Military Medical University 14:00 - 14:45 WHO DD Dictionary Format and Structure Ellene CARIN Senior Coding Specialist, WHO Drug Production Uppsala Monitoring Centre 14:45 - 15:15 WHO DD Browser Tao GAO Clinical Data Manager, Covance 15:15 - 15:30 Tea Break 59 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 60 SUNDAY, 15 MAY | PRCONFERENCE WORKSHOPS 15:30 - 16:45 WHO DD Coding Skills and Coding Exercises Tao GAO Clinical Data Manager, Covance Liyang LIU Clinical Data Coordinator, Covance 16:45 - 17:00 Coding Tools Tao GAO Clinical Data Manager, Covance Wrap Up 17:00 Peter WANG Business Development Director, Tigermed Co., Ltd. AGENDA 8:30–8:35 Opening Remarks 8:35–9:15 Our Perception of CFDA Regulations on Simultaneous Submission of Innovative Drugs Maggie CHANG Consultant, Drug Regulatory Policy, Tigermed 9:15–9:55 SUNDAY, 15 MAY Workshop 3 08:30–17:00 | 3rd Floor, 302A Strategy and Key Considerations for Simultaneous Filing of Innovative Drugs in China and Abroad With a rapid growth of R&D talents and introduction of technologies in biopharmaceutical research, the focus of China’s pharmaceutical R&D has gradually changed from tranditiaonal generic drugs and API manufacturing to innovative drugs. In the meantime, the targeted market of pharmaceutical R&D in China is also changing from domestic to both domestic and abroad. A series of new regulations and policies issued by CFDA recently indicates that simultaneous filing of innovative drugs in China and the US/EU is one of the fast track review options. Under such circumstances, more and more pharmaceutical companies in China are considering simultaneous filing strategy for their innovative drugs. This purpose of this workshop is to provide an opportunilty for pharmaceutical companies to have a thorough understanding of the current regulatory environment related to simutaneous filing, to learn key steps and considerations of filing an IND with the US FDA with a focus on key elements in CMC, preclincial safety, design of phase I clinical trial and bioanalysis. TARGET AUDIENCES •Senior Executives •Regulatory Affairs •Nonclinical Safety •CMC •Bioanalysis and PK/PD •Clinical Research and Development •Portfolio Management •Strategy PROGRAM COMMITTEE Joe ZHANG, MD, PhD Executive Deputy Head, Center of Medicinal and Translational Sciences, Shanghai CP Guojian Pharmaceuticals CO. Ltd Xiaochun CAO Executive Vice President & Board Secretary, Tigermed Consulting Ltd. US FDA General Policies and Procedures for Investigational New Drug (IND) Applications Jiaqin YAO, PhD Chief Scientific Officer, Shanghai Innostar Bio–Tech 9:55–10:10 Tea Break 10:10–10:50 Planning and Strategy for Drug Multi-Country Submission Pengcheng KANG Vice President, Beijing Canny Consulting Inc. 10:50–11:30 Planning and Strategy for Simultaneous Submission: CMC and Clinical Batch Manufacture Perspectives Allen ZHANG, PhD Vice President, CMC, Frontage Laboratories, Inc. 11:30–12:00 Q&A 12:00–13:30 Luncheon 13:30 – 14:15 Nonclinical Data Required to Support IND and NDA by CFDA and US FDA Dylan YAO, PhD Chief Scientific Officer, JOINN Laboratories (Beijing) Inc. 14:15–14:55 Key Considerations of Phase I Clinical Design Pei HU, PhD Professor, Director, Clinical Pharmacological Research Center, Peking Union Medical College Hospital 14:55–15:10 Tea Break 15:10–15:50 Bioanalytical Strategy and Key Considerations for Simultaneous Filing of Innovative Drugs Globally and in China Jinsong XING, PhD President, Xihua Scientific Inc., Ltd. 15:50–16:30 Opportunities and Challenges of Global Simultaneous Development Irene DENG Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, AstraZeneca 16:30–17:00 The Differences of Personalized Health Care between China and EU Ruth E. MARCH, PhD Vice President, Personalized Healthcare and Biomarkers, AstraZeneca, UK 17:00–17:30 Panel Discussion Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 61 SUNDAY, 15 MAY | PRCONFERENCE WORKSHOPS SUNDAY, 15 MAY Workshop 4 08:30–17:00 | 3rd Floor, 302B CDISC Standards for Clinical Trial AGENDA 8:30 - 8:45 Victor WU, PhD Authorized SDTM Instructor, Vice Chair of C3C; AD, Biostatistics and Programming, PPD 8:45 - 9:30 Good quality of data is critically important, and standardization is very important for improving data quality. With the standardization, we can focus more on more important points on science and planning, instead of doing it; we can develop tools to help us identify the data issues at very early time, and perform real time analysis or regular analysis to detect the trends. The requirement of self-inspection from China regulatory agency, emphasized the importance of data quality and data standardization. CDISC is data standard mainly for clinical trial, covering protocol presentation, CRF design, data tabulation, analysis data, data exchanging and archiving. CDISC standards provide us the common languages for us to communicate on data, and on clinical trial. Here we will do an overall introduction of CDISC standards related data management, statistics, and medical/Regulatory review activities. LEARNING OBJECTIVES •General Understanding of CDISC •Learn How to Use CDISC in Kinds of Activities in Clinical Trial - CRF Design - Data Tabulation and Submission - Prepare Analysis Dataset - Regulatory/Medical Review TARGET AUDIENCE •Data Management Professionals •Statistics and Programming Professionals •Clinical Safety/Pharmacovigilance Professionals •Training Professionals •Medical Professionals •Regulatory Reviewer PROGRAM CHAIR Victor WU, PhD Authorized SDTM Instructor, Vice Chair of C3C; AD, Biostatistics and Programming, PPD KEY SPEAKERS Dehong CAO Reporting and Mapping Manger, MSD R&D (China) Co.Ltd Aimee WANG Senior Global Data Management Specialist, Global Data Management and Standards, MSD R&D (China) Co. Ltd Wenjun BAO, PhD Chief Scientist, R&D Manager, JMP Life Science SAS Institute Inc., USA Welcome and Opening Remark Session 1: CDISC Overview Victor WU, PhD Authorized SDTM Instructor, Vice Chair of C3C; AD, Biostatistics and Programming, PPD 1. CDISC organization and CDISC standards overview 2. CDISC in China 9:30 – 10:15 Session 2: SDTM – Principle Dehong CAO Reporting and Mapping Manger, MSD R&D (China) Co.Ltd 1. SDTM Basic 2. General Observation Class 10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break 10:30 – 11:00 Session 3: SDTM – Implementation by Examples Dehong CAO Reporting and Mapping Manger, MSD R&D (China) Co.Ltd 1. Difference: Standard vs Non-Standard 2. SDTM examples • Demographics • Vital Signs • Adverse Event • Concomitant Medication 11:00 – 12:00 Session 4: Best Practice in CRF design – CDASH Aimee WANG Senior Global Data Management Specialist, Global Data Management and Standards, MSD R&D (China) Co. Ltd 1. CDASH overview 2. CDASH conformant CRF examples • Demographics • Vital Signs • Adverse Event • Concomitant Medication 12:00 – 13:30 Lunch 13: 30 – 15:15 Session 5: Best Practice in Preparing Analysis Datasets - ADaM Victor WU, PhD Authorized SDTM Instructor, Vice Chair of C3C; AD, Biostatistics and Programming, PPD 1. ADaM overview 2. ADaM examples: data structures and common analysis supported ADSL/ADVS/ADTTE/ADAE Chi-squared/Mixed Models Analysis/Regression, Cox 15:15 – 15:30 Coffee Break 15:30 – 17:00 Session 6: Review with CDISC Data Wenjun BAO, PhD Chief Scientist, R&D Manager, JMP Life Science SAS Institute Inc., USA 1. Risk/Fraud detecting with CDISC data 2. Regulatory/Medical Review with CDISC Data 17:00 Summary and Close 62 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 MONDAY 16 MAY | OPENING PLENARY Opening Plenary Session | Monday, 16 May Simultaneous Translation 13:30-17:30 INTRODUCTION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Carol ZHU, MBA Senior Vice President and Managing Director, DIA Greater China OPENING REMARK Barbara Lopez KUNZ Global Chief Executive, DIA WELCOME ADDRESS Jingsong WANG, MD, PhD Advisor to Atlas Venture 8th DIA China Annual Meeting Program Co-Chair Bin XUE Director-General, China Center for Food and Drug International Exchange, CFDA 8th DIA China Annual Meeting Program Co-Chair WELCOME ADDRESS FROM CFDA Lin YUAN General Director, Department of International Cooperation (Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs), CFDA AWARD CEREMONY DIA China Excellence in Service Award will be presented during the opening plenary session. KEYNOTE ADDRESS: THE INNOVATION PATHWAY OF CHINA’S NEW DRUG Xiaodong WANG, PhD Founder & Chairman, Scientific Advisory Board, BeiGene Member of National Academy of Sciences, USA Founding Director & Architect of 700-person team at the National Institute of Biological Sciences (NIBS) in Beijing (2003-present) KEYNOTE ADDRESS: MEDICAL INNOVATION: A CATALYST FOR A HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS CHINA Mark J. ALLES Chief Executive Officer, Celgene, USA SPECIAL FORUM: INNOVATION AND QUALITY MODERATOR Zhi’ang WU, PhD Professor, Dean, School of Business Administration, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University Innovation and quality, are the most important topics under the China’s new regulatory reform environment. This special designed forum will explore the internal relationship between innovation and quality to seize the new trends, as well play a significant role in studying the specific strategies. The invited guests from authority, scientific, academia and industry will be sitting together to share their views and opinions and conduct the in-depth discussion with the audiences. INVITED PANELISTS CFDA Panelist Invited Haidong WU Deputy Director-General, Division of Consumer Goods Industry, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China Guanhua DU Professor, Vice President, Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College Ying SHAO, PhD Vice President and Director of R&D Center, Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. Ning XU, MD, PhD, MBA Executive Vice President, Head of Clinical Development and Regulatory Affairs, Zai Lab James CAI, MD, PhD Vice President, Global Regulatory Affairs and Patient Safety for Japan, Australia and Asia, Amgen Asia Holding Limited Welcome Reception | Monday, 16 May 17:30-19:00 | 1st Floor, Ballroom A+B Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY 63 THEME 1 eCTD’s Implementation and Preparation in APAC and China Theme 1 Rapid Evolving China Regulatory Science – Seize the Opportunity for Driving Innovation Session 0101 | Tuesday, 17 May Simultaneous Translation 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 311A ENHANCEMENT FOR POST-MARKETING COMMITMENT CLINICAL TRIALS TO REALIZE ACCELERATED APPROVALS SESSION CHAIR Yi FENG, PhD Senior Vice President, Medical and Regulatory Affairs Fountain Medicine Co. Ltd. To meet unmet medical needs as early as possible, the regulatory approval is more flexible nowadays. As a result that more and more products have been approved base on limited clinical efficacy and safety data or surrogated clinical endpoints, post approval study or supervision plays a more important role than before. This session is to share and discuss the consideration, requirement and new trend in this area across the countries and region. Post Approval Requirement after Acceleration Approval from US FDA’s Perspective Jing ZHANG, MD, PhD Former Medical Team Leader, Division of Psychiatry Products, Office of New Drug, Center of Drug Evaluation and Research, FDA, USA Post Approval Requirement in Japan after Acceleration Approval Tetsuomi TAKANO, RPh Senior Director, Head of Asian Development Strategy Astellas Pharma Inc., Japan Post Approval Requirement after Acceleration Approval from CFDA’s Perspective CFDA Speaker Invited Session 0102 | Tuesday, 17 May 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 311A eCTD: Implementation and Preparation SESSION CHAIR Lixian MA Regulatory Manager, Roche Along with the availability and popularity of internet as well as the harmonization of technical requirement and regulatory document format, eCTD submission has been widely adopted by health authority worldwide. This session aims to introduce and discuss the progress of eCTD in different countries and region, and might also be helpful to the upcoming China eCTD scheme. eCTD’s Global Development and Current Status in APAC Raoul-A. LORENZ Chief Executive Officer, LORENZ Life Sciences Group Ivy TAN Head, China Regulatory Operations, Johnson & Johnson eCTD’s Global Implementation and Preparation Li LIN, PhD Director of Generics R&D, Head of Development & Regulatory Affairs, Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd. Panel Discussion All Speakers Above and Invited Panelist: CFDA Panelist Invited Session 0105 | Wednesday, 18 May Simultaneous Translation 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 311A BEST PRACTICE FOR COMMUNICATION BETWEEN SPONSORS AND HEALTH AUTHORITIES SESSION CHAIR Wendy YAN, MD, MBA Senior Vice President, Head of Regulatory Affairs, BeiGene (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Effective communication between sponsor and health authorities is one of the key factors to ensure drug development to follow the appropriate strategy and accelerate the review process. FDA set up a record for approve a NDA application in 5 days. Such achievement is also related to the good communication between FDA and the sponsor. Many countries’ health authorities provide guidance for communication for sponsor. In this session, speakers from HA and industry will share their thought and best practice for communication between sponsor and HA. FDA’s Best Practice for Communication with Sponsors Gerald DAL PAN, MD Director, Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology, CDER, FDA, USA PMDA’s Best Practice for Communication with Sponsors Daisuke MAEDA, PhD Division Director, Review Planning Division, Office of Review Management, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) Sponsor’s Best Practice for Communication with Health Authorities Qingzhu HUANG Coordinator, Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation, CFDA Session 0106 | Wednesday, 18 May Simultaneous Translation 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 311A EXPEDITED PATHWAY TO FACILITATE DRUG DEVELOPMENT SESSION CHAIR Wendy YAN, MD, MBA Senior Vice President, Head of Regulatory Affairs , BeiGene (Beijing) Co., Ltd. In order to facilitate and expedite drug development and review of new drug to address unmet medical needs in the treatment of a serious or life threatening condition, health authorities from many countries set up expedited pathway to shorten the review 64 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY THEME 1 | THEME 2 timeline from submission to approval. In this section, we would like to invite the speakers from US, Japan and China to share their strategy and guidance on using expedited pathway to facilitate drug development and market. Shanghai Green Valley Pharmaceutical Ltd. CDE’s Expedited Pathway to Facilitate Drug Development HOW TO ESTABLISH PROPER IND FRAMEWORK IN CHINA – PART 2: SUPPORTING SYSTEM SESSION CHAIR Zhimin YANG Senior Reviewer, Acting Director (Acting), Office of Clinical Department I, Center for Drug Evaluation, CFDA FDA’s Expedited Pathway to Facilitate Drug Development Jing ZHANG, MD, PhD Former Medical Team Leader, Division of Psychiatry Products, Office of New Drug, Center of Drug Evaluation and Research, FDA, USA “SAKIGAKE”- Japan’s Expedited Pathway Jun KITAHARA, PhD Director, Division of Regulatory Cooperation Office of International Programs, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) Session 0107 | Wednesday, 18 May Simultaneous Translation 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 311A HOW TO ESTABLISH PROPER IND FRAMEWORK IN CHINA – PART 1: FILING AND REVIEW PROCESS AND DOSSIER REQUIREMENT SESSION CHAIR Joan SHEN, MD, PhD Vice President Development Head China R&D and Medical Affairs Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson CFDA is initiating regulatory management system reform. Industry is expecting some fundamental changes to be introduced as the mindset change has been clearly observed by published several policy paper. IND/NDA separation has been a hot topic in past years in China and many related discussions were conducted in various occasions. Exploring China IND system is becoming more and more critical now as it is not only the need of MNCs but also the domestic innovative companies. Proper IND system reflecting R&D principle will help the healthy and fast evolvement of China pharmaceutical industry from generic oriented to innovative oriented. This session is aiming to discuss this important question from filing and review process and dossier requirement perspective by introducing FDA system, sharing real experience from domestic company in China, and on that basis to propose some thoughts or suggestion to China IND system. Simultaneous Translation Session 0108 | Wednesday, 18 May 15:30–17:30 | 3rd Floor, 311A Theresa LI Regulatory Affairs Director, Janssen China CFDA is initiating regulatory management system reform. Industry is expecting some fundamental changes to be introduced as the mindset change has been clearly observed by published several policy paper. IND/NDA separation has been a hot topic in past years in China and many related discussions were conducted in various occasions. Exploring China IND system is becoming more and more critical now as it is not only the need of MNCs but also the domestic innovative companies. Proper IND system reflecting R&D principle will help the healthy and fast evolvement of China pharmaceutical industry from generic oriented to innovative oriented. This session is aiming to discuss this important question from supporting system perspective, such as IRB, clinical site inspection, clinical hold and PV, by introducing FDA system, sharing real experience from domestic company in China, and on that basis to propose some thoughts or suggestion to China IND system. US FDA IND System- Supporting System Derek ZHANG, PhD Independent Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Consultant Former Senior Clinical Pharmacology Reviewer, Office of Clinical Pharmacology, CDER, FDA, USA Experience Sharing IND Experience in US and China Joan SHEN, MD, PhD Vice President, Development Head China R&D and Medical Affairs, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson Panel Discussion All Speakers from Session 0107 & 0108 US FDA IND System - Process and System from Biological Perspective Hugh DAVIS, PhD Vice President and Head, Biologics Clinical Pharmacology and JBIO China Leader, Janssen BioTherapeutics Inside the Opportunities and Challenges to Conduct Clinical Trials in Australia James PANG, MD, PhD Senior Vice President Making Connections Fostering Relationships Advancing Innovation Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Theme 2 China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) Town Hall Rose McCormack, PhD Director of Global Products, AstraZeneca, UK Role and Advancement of Companion Diagnostics (CDx) in NSCLC Management Simultaneous Translation 13:30–17:30 | 3rd Floor, 309A+B | 311 A+B CHINA FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (CFDA) TOWN HALL SESSION CO-CHAIRS Bin XUE Director-General, China Center for Food and Drug International Exchange, CFDA Carol ZHU, MBA Senior Vice President and Managing Director, DIA Greater China CFDA Townhall this year is intended to communicate with the audiences on the hot topics related to international collaboration, overseas inspections with regard to GMP and GCP, expedited pathway to facilitate drug development and internal talent training program etc. Department of Drug and Cosmetics Registration (Department of TCMs and Ethno- Medicines Supervision), CFDA Speaker Invited Department of Legal Affairs, CFDA Speaker Invited Center for Drug Evaluation, CFDA Speaker Invited Department of International Cooperation (Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs), CFDA Speaker Invited 3 THEME 3 The Discovery and Development of 3rd Generation EGFR TKI Inhibitor Session 0203 & 0204 | Tuesday, 17 May Theme 65 Mike ZHU, MD, PhD Executive Vice President, Amoy Diagnostics, Co. Ltd Session 0302 | Tuesday, 17 May Simultaneous Translation 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 311B BREAKTHROUGH OF DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND PATIENT MANAGEMENT IN KEY RESPIRATORY DISEASES SESSION CHAIR Min IRWIN, MD, PhD Former Vice President, Medicines Development, GlaxoSmithKline Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) represent the leading chronic respiratory diseases of interest in the word, owing to their high prevalence and burden on the health system. Care of these patients, undergoing frequent exacerbations, is a heavy burden on healthcare systems. In the last few years, large improvements in the management of asthma and COPD have been made, owing to new drugs and management strategies, and to the improvement of the nonpharmacologic treatment of COPD. There are still many unmet needs in the treatment of these diseases. New perspectives include the use of biologic drugs (anticytokine monoclonal antibodies) in selected categories of severe asthmatics, potential new inhibitors of chemokines and cytokines involved in the pathobiology of asthma and COPD, and a further improvement of current drugs and better implementation of management strategies, particularly in COPD patients. Advances in Medicine Development in Asthma and COPD as well as Future Opportunities and Challenges Innovative Breakthrough in Therapy Aik GOH, MD Director, Respiratory TA Lead, China Medical, GSK Current Clinical Progression on the Treatment of Asthma and COPD Session 0301 | Tuesday, 17 May Simultaneous Translation 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 311B ADVANCEMENT OF NSCLC MANAGEMENT – IMPLICATION OF PRECISION MEDICINE TO PERSONALIZED CARE SESSION CHAIR George CHEN, MD, MBA Vice President and Head of Global Medicine Development China, AstraZeneca (China) Overview on the Progress of EGFR mut NSCLC Diagnosis and Treatment Harry REN, PhD Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Tongji University Jinming GAO, PhD Professor, Respiration Medicine, Peking Union Hospital The Landscape of Innovative Medicines in Respiratory Diseases and the China Contribution Michael HUMPHRIES, PhD Head, Respiratory Development, Novartis China Panel Discussion: Optimization of Medicine Development for Respiratory Diseases in China and Unique Opportunities and Challenges All Speakers Above and Invited CFDA Panelist 66 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Session 0305 | Wednesday, 18 May Simultaneous Translation THEME 3 Session 0306 | Wednesday, 18 May 8:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 311B 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 311B THE CLINICAL RESEARCH OF NEW VACCINES SESSION CHAIR BREAKTHROUGH OF HEPATITIS TREATMENT IN CHINA SESSION CO-CHAIRS Sean DU, PhD Senior Director and Head of External R&D Asia Pacific, Sanofi Pasteur Jessica LIU Vice President Clinical Development, General Medicine BU, Asia–Pacific Region, INC Research In recent years, vaccine research and development have become increasingly active in Asia, particularly in China. Several firstin-class vaccines, including HEV vaccine, Sabin IPV, and EV71 vaccine, have completed their phase III efficacy trials, met their primary end points, and been approved by CFDA. Other novel vaccines against Ebola, TB, and HIV-1, as well as best-in-class vaccines against HPV, have also steadily progressed into different clinical testing stages. This, combined with a continuous reform and improvement of the regulatory environment in the region, will promote a more sophisticated clinical testing system, a more robust clinical candidate pipeline, and more thinking on ex-China strategy to benefit other part of the world with the vaccine success from China. This vaccine session is hence dedicated to the clinical development of new vaccines in China and aiming to provide a platform to showcase our achievements and discuss perspectives on challenges and opportunities. Phase II Study of Ebola Vaccine in Africa Fengcai ZHU Professor of Clinical Research, Deputy Director of Jiangsu CDC, Head of Vaccine Clinical Research Center, Jiangsu Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention The Immunological Assay in the Clinical Research of Inactive EV71 Vaccine Qihan LI Professor, Director, Institute of Medical Biological Chinese Academy of Medical Science “In China for Global”-- Challenges and Opportunities of the Internationalization of Local Vaccines Wenjun SUN Senior Program Officer, Research and Development BILL & MELIDA GATES Foundation Panel Discussion: The Challenges and Solutions of Phase III Efficacy Studies of HPV Vaccine in China All Speakers Above and Invited Panelists Youlin QIAO Professor, Cancer Hospital, China Academy of Medical Science (CAMS) Jun ZHANG, PhD National Institute of Diagnostic and Vaccine Development in Infectious Diseases, Xiamen University Li SHI, PhD Chief Executive Officer, Shanghai Zerun Biotechnology Co., Ltd Jidong JIA, MD, PhD Professor of Medicine, Director, Liver Research Center, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medial University In the past few years, with the rapid development of direct acting antiviral agents (DAAs), treatment of chronic hepatitis C infection has been revolutionized. Most of the chronic hepatitis C patients can now be cured with interferon-free pan-oral therapy with a short duration of therapy. However, clinical data on the use of these DAAs is grossly lacking in Chinese. And there are also important clinical issues, such as duration of therapy, pharmaco-economic, patients with advance liver diseases that drive physicians, scientists, pharmacologists for the continuous efforts with even more innovative clinical development plan. Hepatitis B+C treatment in China and New Development Focus Jidong JIA, MD, PhD Professor of Medicine, Director, Liver Research Center, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medial University HBV Treatment Innovation - Drug Clinical Development Plan Dajun YANG, PhD Chief Executive Officer, Ascentage Pharma All Oral DAA Regiments Development by Chinese Companies: Progress and Breakthrough Jinzi WU, PhD Founder, President and CEO, Ascletis BioScience Co., Ltd Panel Discussion: Innovative Approach of Local Development of Anti-hepatitis Therapy in China All Speakers Above and Invited Panelist Lai WEI, MD, PhD Professor, Director, Peking University Hepatology Institute Vice President, Medical Service, Peking University People’s Hospital CFDA Panelist Invited Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Session 0307 | Wednesday, 18 May 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 311B Simultaneous INNOVATIVE MEDICINES IN CARDIOVASCULAR AND Translation METABOLIC FIELD MADE HUGE IMPACT ON CARDIOVASCULAR TREATMENT SESSION CHAIR Min IRWIN, MD, PhD Former Vice President, Medicines Development, GlaxoSmithKline In the past few years, with many cutting edge advances in pharmaceuticals and diagnosis the treatment of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases has been revolutionized. Many of patients with CV problems can now chose drugs with different mechanism of therapies. However, there are also important clinical issues, such as duration of therapy, pharmaco-economic, patients with co-diseases that drive physicians, scientists, pharmacologists for the continuous efforts with even move innovative clinical development plans. Advances and Unmet Medical Needs on Treatment of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases Changsheng MA, PhD Professor, Director, Cardiovascular Medicine, Anzhen Hospital Overview of Therapeutic Antibodies Development: Evolocumab Case Study Zhigang YU, PhD Medical Development Director, Amgen Disease Burden and Treatment Breakthrough of Heart Failure in China Lingli LIU, MD Associate Director, Head of CV Medical Franchise, Novartis Optimization of Clinical Development for CV diseases in China From the Agency Perspective Tao WANG Acting Director (Acting), Office of Clinical Department II, Center for Drug Evaluation, CFDA Theme 4 Clinical Trial Sites in China – Bottleneck or the Anchor for Quality Clinical Trials Session 0401 | Tuesday, 17 May 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 310 CFDA INSPECTION: WHETHER A BRIGHT SUNNY SKY WILL APPEAR AFTER HAZE SWEPT OFF SESSION CHAIR Shuting LI, MD Vice Director, GCP Center, the Cancer Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Last year CFDA started the strictest inspections of IND clinical trials, as a result, hundreds of enterprises, CRO and research 67 THEME 3 | THEME 4 institutions have been involved, and nearly one thousand IND applications have been withdrawn. Clinical trial sites and industries have undergone the great movement of inspections. After this movement people wonder whether the haze can be swept off, a clean environment of clinical trials can appear, and what is the right way to do clinical trials, all this become a hot topic for both sites and drug companies/CROs to consider and discuss. In this session speakers from pharmaceutical companies, CROs and research sites will give their views and discuss it respectively. It’s Really Hard for Clinical Sites to Say “I love you” Yongchuan CHEN Director, GCP Office, Southwest Hospital The Common Road of Pursuit: Co–operation, Win–Win, and Promotion Jessie ZOU, MD, PhD Vice President, Clinical Research & Development – Oncology, Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co. Ltd. Panel Discussion: To Improve the Quality: Based on the Respective Responsibilities and Trust to Reach a Common View and Double–Win All Speakers Above and Invited Panelists: Xiquan ZHANG Vice President, Chia Tai Tianqing Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd. Shuqi LI Vice President, R&G Pharma Studies Co., Ltd., Inc. Session 0402 | Tuesday, 17 May 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 310 RISK BASED QUALITY CONTROL: HOW TO HAVE A GOOD COOPERATION BETWEEN CRA AND CRC? SESSION CHAIR Shuting LI, MD Vice Director, GCP Center, the Cancer Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Risk based monitoring is a new method of quality control recommended by foreign drug companies. After a period of implementation in our country, the investigators/CRCs and sponsors/CRAs have got some experience, and also met some problems. Therefore, how to carry out a risk–based monitoring and meanwhile ensure the quality control of clinical trials in this country is one of the hot topics nowadays. In this session panelists including sponsors and SMOs will have a thorough discussion from respective aspects. The focus is on how to have a good collaboration between CRAs and CRCs Current Clinical Research Monitoring Practice, Problems and Considerations George GUO Global Monitoring Operation Country Head, Novartis Pharmaceuticals (China) Oncology Challenge for CRCs to A Risk-Based Approach to Monitoring Mingli XU General Manager, Beijing HMO Medicine Technology Co.,Ltd 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 68 TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY THEME 4 | THEME 5 Panel Discussion: Risk Based monitoring: Do You Know Where the Risk Is? Session 0506 | Wednesday, 18 May All Speakers Above and Invited Panelists: TO BE OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE IN CLINICAL TRIALS PART 2 SESSION CHAIR Jianhui SUN Study Management Lead, Pfizer Yue WANG Clinical Research Coordinator, SMO–Clinplus Co.Ltd. 5 It’s full of challenges to conduct high quality clinical trials in China. And given the large patient population and diverse diseases, China has its resources and professionals to contribute more evidence-based data to health care industry. Operational Excellence – China’s Own Challenges and Unique Opportunity Session 0505 | Wednesday, 18 May 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 310 Christina PING Chief Executive Officer, Chelsea Clinical Research, China Arron LIU General Manager, Beijing Linkstart –SMO Theme Simultaneous Translation 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 310 TO BE OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE IN CLINICAL TRIALS PART 1 SESSION CHAIR As one of the stakeholder of Clinical Operations – Site/SMO, what are their own main challenges, especially in recent years? And how do they do to ensure and enhance the Operational Excellence at their role in Clinical Trials? The Challenges Faced in Conducting Clinical Trials from Site Point of View Shen QU, MD, PhD Professor, Director, Endocrine and Metabolism, Shanghai 10th People’s Hospital Tongji University CRC’s Role in Conducting Excellent Clinical Operations Amy JIANG Quality Operations, China/AP R&D, Sanofi Tianxun WANG General Manager, Premium Site Management Co.,Ltd. It’s full of challenges to conduct high quality clinical trials in China. And given the large patient population and diverse diseases, China has its resources and professionals to contribute more evidence-based data to health care industry. Session 0507 | Wednesday, 18 May As one of the stakeholder of Clinical Operations – Sponsor/CRO, what are their own main challenges, especially in recent years? And how do they do to ensure and enhance the Operational Excellence at their role in Clinical Trials? The Challenges Faced in Conducting Clinical Trials from Sponsor Point of View Dennis Anthony WONG, MD Associate Vice President, Head of Development, Asia Pacific R&D, Sanofi (China) Investment Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch The Challenges Faced in Conducting Clinical Trials from CRO Point of View Jasmine SUN, MD, MPH Senior Medical Director, Medical Oncology Tigermed Consulting Co., Ltd. Simultaneous Translation Simultaneous Translation 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 310 TO BE OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE IN CLINICAL TRIALS PART 3 SESSION CHAIR Ning XU, MD, MBA Executive Vice President, Head of Clinical Development and Regulatory Affairs, Zai Lab With good standard in the industry and good wishes/behaviors in Clinical Operations from all stakeholders, we can anticipate the high quality clinical trials in China tomorrow. Panel Discussion All Speakers from Session 0505, 0506 & 0507 and Invited Panelist: Jun FU, MD, PhD Director, GCP Center, Shanghai 10th People’s Hospital Tongji University Patients as Partners: An Opportunity to Enhance Clinical Trials Richard MURRAY, MD Vice President, and Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Merck Sharp & Dohme, USA Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Theme 6 Quantitative Science – The Backbone of Evidence Based Data Generation 69 THEME 6 Real World Data for Evidence–Based Medicine, an Industry Perspective to Consolidate Value, Evidence and Outcome Yi NING, PhD Head of Epidemiology, GSK Shanghai Bingming YI, PhD Head of Statistics, Epi, and Data Management, GSK Shanghai Real World Evidence – Essential Component for a Holistic Value Story Session 0601 | Tuesday, 17 May 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 303A BRIDGE THE REAL WORLD TO THE CLINICAL DEVELOPME NT – PART 1: METHOD & APPLICATION SESSION CHAIR Ke WANG, PhD Senior Health Outcome Consultant, Medical, Eli Lilly and Company China Panel Discussion Invited Panelists: Tong GUO, PhD Head Data Sciences & Analytics Beijing Global Development Beijing, Bayer HealthCare Company CFDA Panelist Invited Real world evidence is essential to identifying unmet medical need, optimizing the clinical development and demonstrating the actual clinical and economic impact of interventions. The evidence enables the pharmaceutical industry to prioritize the pipeline investment more effectively and better understand underlying causes of disease and identify opportunities for indication expansion and clinical development. It also allows demonstrating the clinical and economic value of the products to payers to deploy health solutions. Laying a solid foundation to capture the quantitative evidence is critical to bridge the clinical development to the real world for the true integration of health care and therapeutics. Biomarker Thresholding and Application in Treating Pediatric Neuroblastoma Xiaoshan WANG, PhD Principal Biostatistician, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, USA Building Reliable Quantitative Evidence from Real–World Data to Drug Development and Approval Xiaoxiang CHEN, MD Vice President, Regional Medical Manager, Boehringer– Ingelheim Steve SNAPINN Vice President, Statistics and Data Management, Amgen Eric WU Managing Principal, Analysis Group Inc. Session 0605 | Wednesday, 18 May Simultaneous Translation 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 303A DATA QUALITY AND INTEGRITY - PART 1: CLINICAL TRIAL DATA MANAGEMENT AND COLLABORATED QUALITY CONTROL SESSION CHAIR Carrie ZHANG Regional Director, Clinical Data Management, Global Data Management & Standard – Asia Pacific CT, MSD R&D (China) Co., Ltd Julie CONG, PhD Senior Associate Director, Biostatistics/Biostatistics and Data Sciences, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceutical Inc., USA Clinical trial data consist of EDC dataset and external dataset. Site source data control has a great influence to EDC data quality as well. This session will invite global top company data management leaders to introduce data capture and quality control approach from below dimensions. Comparative Effectiveness Study without Head to Head Clinical Data Clinical Trial Data Integrated Quality Control Eric WU, PhD Managing Principal, Analysis Group Inc. Simeng HAN, PhD Director of China, Analysis Group Inc. Session 0602 | Tuesday, 17 May Simultaneous Translation 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 303A BRIDGE THE REAL WORLD TO THE CLINICAL DEVELOPMENT – PART 2: EVOLVEMENT AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS SESSION CHAIR Luyan DAI, PhD Head of Statistics China, Biostatistics & Data Sciences Asia, Boehringer–Ingelheim Carrie ZHANG Regional Director, Clinical Data Management, Global Data Management & Standard – Asia Pacific CT, MSD R&D (China) Co., Ltd External Data for Quality Trial Data Assurance – Central Lab Sebastiano MANGHI Global Team Manager, Data Management, Covance CLS AsiaPacific Good Clinical Data Management Practice (GCDMP) and Global Industry Guidelines on Data Integrity Jessie CHEN Head of Clinical Trial Management, Prizer China SCDM BOT China Representative 70 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY High Quality of Clinical Data under Quality Assurance System Haiyan LI, MD Professor of Cardiology Director, Drug Clinical Trial Center Peking University Third Hospital Session 0606 | Wednesday, 18 May Simultaneous Translation THEME 6 In this session, invited speakers from the agencies and the industry will talk about the submission data standard requirements from US FDA, Japan PMDA and EU EMA, including the history, the status and the plan for next few years. Invited speaker from China CFDA CDE will also share the perspective of Chinese submission data standard plan. 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 303A History of US FDA Study Data e-Submission and CDISC Standards DATA QUALITY AND INTEGRITY - PART 2: GLOBAL DATA INTEGRITY VS. CFDA DATA SELF–ASSESSMENT SESSION CHAIR Henry WU Chief Executive Officer, FMD K&L, USA Daniel LIU, PhD Chief Scientific Officer, Beijing Clinical Service Center History of Japan PMDA’s Study Data e-Submission and CDISC Standards Quality and integrity of clinical trial data is a basis of trial analyses and relevant outcomes. According to global data integrity standard, any untrue, noncompliant, inconsistent, incomplete and fake data and data documentation will result in the null analyses and unreliable outcomes of clinical trials as well as a worse faith and creditworthiness on sponsors and sites that were performing and generating data and data documentation. The regulatory submission from these unintegrities of data is for sure to be rejected worldwide. This session will focus on general principle and components of data integrity and share the policy, procedures, experiences and lessons learned from regulators, data management and QA practice. At the panel discussion, the invited presenters will have an interaction with attendees to further discuss the rationale and practice of CFDA data self–assessment expectations in views of GCP data integrity standpoints. Data Quality & Integrity Experience Sharing from USFDA’s Perspective Chiang SYIN, PhD Associate Country Director, FDA China Office Current Strategy/Policy and Expected Practices for Trial Data Integrity Daniel LIU, PhD Chief Scientific Officer, Beijing Clinical Service Center Impact of Data Quality to a Global Submission—a Case Study and Lesson Learned Jerry WANG, PhD Head of Global Biostatistics & Epidemiology China, R&D Beijing Hub, Merck China Panel Discussion All Speakers from Session 0605 & 0606 Session 0607-1 | Wednesday, 18 May Simultaneous Translation 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 303A GLOBAL REQUIREMENTS OF SUBMISSION DATA STANDARDS: PAST, CURRENT AND FUTURE SESSION CO-CHAIRS Zibao ZHANG, PhD Associate Director, Biostatistics and Programming, Biostatistics, PPD Yazhong DENG, MBA Head of Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting Organization (CDARO), Covance Dehong CAO Reporting and Mapping Manger, MSD R&D (China) Co.Ltd Overview of China Submission Data Standard Proposal from C3C/WG John WANG Manager, SAS Programming, Johnson & Johnson China, Ltd Session 0607–2 | Wednesday, 18 May Simultaneous Translation 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 305 PHARMACEUTICAL BIOSTATISTICS GROUP OPERATING MODELS IN CHINA – WHAT THE MULTINATIONAL PHARMA COMPANIES HAVE LEARNED IN THE LAST SEVEN YEARS SESSION CHAIR Ouhong WANG, PhD Director, Biostatistics, Amgen The inaugural DIA China conference in 2009 called for the establishment of a strong local biostatistics group for multinational pharma companies operating in China. At the same time, China has emerged to become an important health care market with an increasing need for more and better medicines for the Chinese patients, and hence the need for stronger presence of drug development capabilities in China. Both internal and external factors have been strong at work since then, and the industry answered that call. Both the companies and the China drug development macro–environment have benefited from the scientific rigor brought on by the local statistical expertise. The results speak for themselves, but the way to achieve the results vary from company to company. Now, seven years later, it’s about time to examine these different operating models and learn what has worked well and what can be improved, in a “show–and– tell” session. Different operating models and organizational philosophies will be presented by various companies, followed by a panel discussion on the unique characteristics of these models, and possible future organizational trends. We hope to develop a better understanding on how to best operate in this environment, considering that we are part of the global biostatistics organization. The outcome will be a good reference on organizational design specifically for statisticians. The Lilly Model Chao ZHU, PhD Head of Biostatistics, Asia-Pacific Statistical Sciences-China Eli Lilly and Company Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Pharmaceutical Biostatistics Group Operating Models in China What the Multinational Pharma Companies Have Learned in the Last Seven Years Liansheng ZHU, PhD Head of Biostatistics, Neuroscience and Ophthalmology Novartis China The Roche Model Nicole F. LI, PhD Director, Biostatistics, AP Site Head of Biostatistics Roche PDY, Shanghai The Boehringer–Ingelheim Model Luyan DAI, PhD Head of Statistics China, Biostatistics & Data Sciences Asia, Boehringer–Ingelheim Panel Discussion All Speakers Above and Invited Panelists: Tony GUO, PhD Director, Biostatistics, MSD R&D(China) Co., Ltd. Roger QU, PhD Head of Clinical Statistics, Pfizer R&D Center, China Qi JIANG, PhD Executive Director, Global Biostatistical Science, Amgen, California, USA James REIMANN, PhD Vice President, Global Head of Oncology Biostatistics Genentech, a Member of the Roche Group Session 0608 | Wednesday, 18 May 15:30–17:30 | 3rd Floor, 303A NURTURING STATISTICAL MINDSET IN DATA MANAGEMENT FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT SESSION CHAIR Wei ZHANG, PhD Vice President, Head of Biostatistics & Data Sciences Asia, Boehringer Ingelheim (China) Investment CO., Ltd. With the increasing complexity of clinical trial, while the need to work smarter, acquiring knowledge from other functions into data managers are becoming more and more urgent and important. Fraudulent data is the worst quality of data. Biostatistician and Programmer experts are going to share how statistical methodology could be applied to detect fraudulent data. Missing data is always a major problem in the analysis of clinical trials. This time, we are focusing more on the potential protocol design considerations to prevent or mitigate ‘missing data issue’; real case will be shared in terms of how to monitor the missing data issue and how to work together with study team to action on it. Traditional data quality check performed by edit check validation to target on specific data issue is still a main stream of CDM’s practice, but with statistical visualization to identify the data trends/issues is becoming more and more useful and important to help team work smarter, CDM experts from top pharmas will share their knowledge and some tools of this aspect. At the end of the session, we are hoping the audience can get the taste of how statistical mindset to be applied from protocol design to conduct phase to help with data quality improvement, mostly importantly to inspire you to think about wider application in real work to help team work more efficient and smarter. 71 THEME 6 | THEME 7 Fraudulent Data Detection Luyan DAI, PhD Head of Statistics China, Biostatistics & Data Sciences Asia, Boehringer–Ingelheim Jingwei GAO Senior Director, Head of Statistical Programming Asia , Boehringer Ingelheim (China) Investment CO., Ltd The Prevention of Missing Data in Clinical Trials Jielai XIA, PhD Professor, Director, Department of Statistics, the Fourth Military Medical University Data Visionary in Data Management Charlin QI Manager, CDM Asia Pacific Site Lead Roche (China) Holding Ltd. Theme 7 CMC & Generic Drug Session 0701 | Tuesday, 17 May Simultaneous Translation 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 302A BUNDLING REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF PACKAGING COMPONENTS AND PHARMACEUTICAL EXCIPIENTS SESSION CO–CHAIRS Zero WU Associate Regulatory Affairs Director, Eli Lilly Fanny LIANG Asia Pacific Regulatory Affairs Lead, GE Healthcare (shanghai) Co., Ltd. Bundling Review and Approval, the new approach to supervise packaging components and pharmaceutical excipients, even it was considered as the counterpart of Drug Master File, more expectations and considerations were being discussed as one of the most hot topics between the authority and industry in the past years. This session is to share the prospective from the both, and to bridge the communication accordingly between China industry and global industry. Regulatory Design and Challenges of Bundling Review & Approval Peng HAN Associate Professor, Yeehong Business School, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University Development of US DMF Regulation and Experience Sharing Jessica ZHENG Regulatory Manager, Greater China Life Science/Quality and Regulatory Management Merck Chair of Industry Relationship Committee of IPEC China 72 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Management of Excipient and Packaging Component Suppliers Established by Pharmaceutical Companies James CHEN Head of Supplier Quality Management APAC, Global SQM, Roche Panel Discussion: All Speakers Above and Invited Panelists: Cloris TIAN Regulatory Service Manager Dow Chemical (China) Investment Company Chair of IPEC China Session 0702 | Tuesday, 17 May Simultaneous Translation 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 302A INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION OF GENERIC DRUG SESSION CHAIR Mingping ZHANG Principal Consultant, PAREXEL Consulting The China regulatory reform which initiate in 2015 is a significant signal that China pharmaceutical development enter a new age; under current regulatory environment, every pharmaceutical company must develop high quality, which is qualify to enter global major pharmaceutical market product, if the company would like to survive. As a result, beside good science, global regulatory understanding is another key for these companies. In addition, the development investments will significant increase with CFDA’s initiation to align with ICH country approval criteria. The company must look for better return with more investment. Consequently, the companies have to looking for global registration. In this section, three speakers will provide regulatory information regarding US, EU and south east Asia generic policy. THEME 7 A product’s lifecycle covers the different stages of drug development that includes discovery, pre-clinical and clinical studies, marketing approval and post-approval manufacturing changes. An integrated quality lifecycle management strategy is crucial to a successful product development and maintenance of product quality after approval for a biological product. With the publication of ICH guidance documents Q8, Q9, Q10 and Q11, and the re-organization of US FDA CDER’s Office of Product Quality (OPQ), it is expected that the regulatory agency such as FDA would apply the concept of lifecycle management with integrated CMC-GMP reviews and risk-based quality assessment for the development of biological products. The presentations for this section will focus on the application of a quality lifecycle management concept to changes in the manufacturing process and the key regulatory considerations for a successful product lifecycle management. Introduction to Quality Life Cycle Management of Biological Products Duu-Gong WU, PhD Member of US FDA Alumni Association Director, Global Regulatory Consulting/Senior Consultant, Pharmaceutical Product Development, USA Regulatory Considerations for the Quality Lifecycle Management of Biological Products David LIN, PhD Member of US FDA Alumni Association Senior Consultant, Biologics Consulting Group, USA GMP Perspectives on Lifecycle Management of Biological Products Chiang SYIN, PhD Associate Country Director, US FDA China Office US ANDA submission and approval – CMC & GMP Panel Discussion All Speakers Above Siegfried SCHMITT, PhD Principal Consultant, PAREXEL International, UK Session 0704 Tuesday, 17 May EU Generic Registration Consideration Juan WANG Huahai Pharma Regulatory Consideration for generic drug registration in Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand Becky LU Regional Director of APAC, Clinical Trial Regulatory Service, PAREXEL Session 0703 Tuesday, 17 May 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 302A LIFE–CYCLE MANAGEMENT OF BIOLOGICS SESSION CO–CHAIRS David LIN, PhD Member of US FDA Alumni Association Senior Consultant, Biologics Consulting Group, USA Duu–Gong WU, PhD Member of US FDA Alumni Association Director, Global Regulatory Consulting/Senior Consultant, Pharmaceutical Product Development, USA 15:30–17:30 | 3rd Floor, 302A QUALITY CONSISTENCY OF GENERIC DRUG SESSION CHAIR Zengjiang CHENG, PhD Chairman of the the Board PharmaSea (Beijing) Pharmaceutical Tech. Co., Ltd. Generic drug quality consistency evaluation has become one of the most important initiatives in pharmaceutical industry of China. The speakers of this session will share their insights on generic consistency evaluations that were carried out in EU, US, and Japan and the new development of the topic. The key study areas in pharmaceutical science that should be covered in generic quality consistency evaluation will be discussed, so companies can effectively conduct needed development work in the most efficient way. Furthermore, a detailed comparison of the drug review and administration by FDA and CFDA, especially for the generic drugs, will be presented at the session. Research on Generic Drug Quality Consistency Evaluation and Its Development Bo ZHU Director, Pricing & Market Access R&D-Based Pharmaceutical Association Committee( RDPAC) Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY 73 THEME 7 Analysis of the Key Areas in Pharmaceutical Science for Generic Drug Quality Consistency Evaluation Implementing Public Standard in the Drug Registration: Industry’s Perspective Lichun ZHOU Assistant Chief, Beijing Institute for Drug Control Andrew CHANG, PhD Vice President, Quality and Regulatory Compliance, Product Supply Quality, Novo Nordisk, USA Generic Drug Consistency Evaluation and Comparison of Drug Review and Administration between China and US Jifeng LEI President, General Manger, Shanghai Anbison Lab. Co., Ltd Chairman, International Society For Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) Session 0705 & 0706 | Wednesday, 18 May Simultaneous Translation Panel Discussion All Speakers Above and Invited Panelist Adrian EVANS Principal Pharmacopoeial Scientist, Medicines and Healthcare Product Regulatory Agency (MHRA), British Pharmacopeia, UK Session 0707 | Wednesday, 18 May 08:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 302A 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 302A ROLE OF PUBLIC STANDARD IN THE DRUG REGISTRATION PART 1 & PART 2 SESSION CO-CHAIRS BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY OF GENERIC DRUG SESSION CHAIR Wendy YU Regulatory Affair Director, Regulatory Affair, MSD R&D (China) Co., Ltd Melly LIN Senior Regulatory Manager, CMC Policy, Roche (China) Holding Ltd. How to continuously improve pharmaceutical product quality has been the common theme between regulatory agency and pharmaceutical industry. As the national standard, Chinese pharmacopeia placed a very important role in China drug development, registration and quality control. In the past year, the Chinese Pharmacopeia 2015 version had been officially published, the new version shows more scientific base in the monograph and general chapter development, meanwhile ,it also bring challenge to industry and regulatory agency in the process of implementation. In this session, we will invite experts from different area such as the Chinese Pharmacopeia committee, British pharmacopeia; Center of drug evaluation of CFDA, Institute of Drug control and pharmaceutical companies, who will discuss and provide deep insight on the role of pharmacopeia in drug registration, and product quality improvement. Chinese Pharmacopeia’s Vision in 2020 Wei ZHANG General Secretary, Chinese Pharmacopeia Topic TBD CFDA Speaker Invited The Challenges in the Process of Pharmacopoeia Execution Zhijian WANG Vice General Director, Zhejiang Institute for Food and Drug Control The Role and Benefits of the Pharmacopoeia to Regulation Samantha ATKINSON, PhD Scientific Director, British Pharmacopoeia Commission and Deputy Director, Inspection, Enforcement & Standards Division, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, UK Jin YANG, PhD Professor, China Pharmaceutical University Bioequivalence Requirement in China CFDA Speaker Invited The Key Considerations for Bioequivalence Study Jin YANG, PhD Professor, China Pharmaceutical University Using BE Strategies in Generic Drug Huichen LIU, MD, PhD Vice Director, GCP Center, National Aerospace Center Hospital Session 0708 | Wednesday, 18 May 15:30–17:30 | 3rd Floor, 302A BIOWAIVER: IN–VITRO DISSOLUTION SESSION CHAIR Fred LI, PhD Vice President, Pharma R&D, Hua Medicine (Shanghai) Ltd. From FDA Guideline on Waiver of In Vivo Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies to CFDA issued Generic Drug Bioequivalence Studies recently, Bioequivalence (BE) becomes the topical subject of the generic research & development, especially oral dosage. The strategy will be designed with the more understanding of the compound biopharmaceutical behavior, preformulation profile, IVIVC and CQA etc. Biowaiver Request Based on Dissolution Profile Donghao LU, MD, PhD President, Reg-Strategy, USA Quality Consistency Evaluation Strategy for Oral ControlledRelease Liquid Dezhi ZHU Director, Research & Development, CoSci Med-Tech Co.,Ltd. Improvement Strategy of OSD Shifeng WEI General Manager, Innovaco Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 74 TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY THEME 7 | THEME 8 Session 0802 | Tuesday, 17 May Theme 8 Simultaneous Translation 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 303B Biologics & Biosimilar Session 0801 | Tuesday, 17 May DEVELOPMENT OF BIOSIMILARS: TECHNICAL ASPECTS SESSION CHAIR Jiali LUO, PhD Boehringer Ingelheim Simultaneous Translation 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 303B RECENT TRENDS IN THE REGULATION OF BIOPHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS SESSION CO-CHAIRS Janet LV Head of Regulatory, Asia Pacific, Roche Joe ZHANG, MD, PhD Executive Deputy Head, Center of Medicinal and Translational Sciences, Shanghai CP Guojian Pharmaceuticals CO. Ltd Because of biopharmaceuticals’ unique advantages in disease treatment and a rapid growth in technologies related to such products, development of biopharmaceutical products has become a hot area in pharmaceutical R&D. In order to help a healthy growth of this sector, regulatory agencies from different countries have issued a series of guidelines including guidelines on biosimilars in recent years. In this session, experts from CFDA, US FDA, Health Canada and pharmaceutical industry will share their view on recent trends in regulations of biopharmaceuticals. Recent Trends in the Regulation of Biopharmaceutical Products from Health Canada Perspective Jian WANG, MD, PhD Chief, Clinical Evaluation Division - Haematology/ Oncology, Centre for Evaluation of Radiopharmaceuticals & BiotherapeuticsBiologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate HPFB, Health Canada FDA Perspective: Recent Trends in the Regulation of Biopharmaceuticals Joel WELCH, PhD Team Leader, Office of Pharmaceutical Quality, Office of Biotechnology Products, Division of Biotechnology Review and Research II, CDER, FDA, USA Recent Trends in the Regulation of Biopharmaceutical Products – An IFPMA Perspective Thomas SCHREITMUELLER, MD, PhD Head Regulatory Policy, Pharma Technical Regulatory F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Ltd., Switerland Panel Discussion: All Speakers Above and Invited Panelist: Raffaella Balocco MATTAVELLI, PhD INN Group Lead, Regulation of Medicines and Other Health Technologies, Essential Medicines and Health Products, World Health Organization Regulatory Expectation on the Analytical Comparison Study of Biosimilar CDE Speaker Invited Consideration in the Analytical Similarity Assessment of Biosimilar Joel WELCH, PhD Team Leader, Office of Pharmaceutical Quality, Office of Biotechnology Products, Division of Biotechnology Review and Research II, CDER, FDA, USA Case Study on Biosimilar CMC Development Nick CECIL Vice President, PAREXEL Session 0805 & 0806 | Wednesday, 18 May Simultaneous Translation 08:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 303B CLINICAL TRIAL DESIGN OF BIOSIMILAR – PART 1 & PART 2 SESSION CO-CHAIRS Lan QIN, MD, PhD Senior Manager, Medical Science Shanghai Roche Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Nick CECIL Vice President, PAREXEL With the rapid development of bio-technology and patent cliff of many originator biologics, biosimilars development is drawing market’s attention globally. However, due to the complexity of biological therapies, biosimilars cannot be identical with the originators. Evaluation principles of “chemical generics” do not apply to biosimilars. Many countries have developed biosimilars development guidelines. With a view to guiding and standardizing the development and evaluation of biosimilars and promoting the healthy development of biopharmaceutical industry, the CFDA promulgated Guidelines on Development and Evaluation of Biosimilars (for trial implementation), which prescribes relevant registration requirements including the application procedures, registration categories and application materials of biosimilars. In this session, we will hear the regulatory expectation on the clinical design of biosimilar from experts of CDE and Health Canada. The speaker from FDA will also introduce the statistical consideration of the clinical trial design. In addition, the speaker from PharmaBio and clinical expert will discuss about the key considerations of clinical development and the endpoint selection for biosimilar development in Lymphoma. We will also have the experts’ panel discussion for hot topics in the clinical trial design. Regulatory Expectation on the Clinical Design of Biosimilar Chenyan GAO Acting Director, Office of Clinical Department I, Center for Drug Evaluation, CFDA Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Demonstration of Biosimilarity: Sensitive Clinical Study Population and Endpoint Jian WANG, MD, PhD Chief, Clinical Evaluation Division - Haematology/ Oncology, Centre for Evaluation of Radiopharmaceuticals & BiotherapeuticsBiologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate HPFB, Health Canada Challenges for CD20 Biosimilars Clinical Development in BNHL: Global Perspective Coiffier BERTRAND, MD, PhD Professor of Hematology, Department of Lymphoma/Myeloma, University of Claude Bernard, Lyon, France Statistical Consideration of the Clinical Trial Design of Biosimilar Lei NIE, PhD Team Leader, Division of Biometrics V, Office of Biometrics/ Office of Translational Sciences, CDER, FDA, USA Key Considerations of Clinical Development of Biosimilars Hoss DOWLAT, PhD Vice President, Regulatory Affairs EU–USA, PharmaBio Consulting (Life Sciences), Germany THEME 8 should be distinct from each other through BQ. The WHO BQ guideline is an important step toward global harmonization on biological name. If adopted by global regulatory agencies, it could help facilitate the global pharmacovigilance. CFDA has started to initiate the biosimilar naming since the beginning of 2015 when the biosimilar guideline was published. In this session, we will invite the experts from WHO INN committee, Chinese Pharmacopeia Committee, ADR center and some top physician to discuss about the biological naming. INN-International Nonproprietary Names Nomenclature for Biologicals Raffaella Balocco MATTAVELLI, PhD INN Group Lead, Regulation of Medicines and Other Health Technologies, Essential Medicines and Health Products, World Health Organization Considerations on Generic Naming of Therapeutic Biologics in China Zhongping GUO Division Chief, Division of Biologics, Chinese Pharmacopeia Commission Current Situation on Post Approval AE Monitoring for Biologicals in China Panel Discussion All Speakers from Session 0805 & 0806 and Invited Panelists Binghe XU, MD, PhD Professor and Director, Department of Medical Oncology, the Cancer Hospital and Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) and Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) Jielai XIA, PhD Professor, Director, Department of Medical Statistics, 4th Military Medical University Chunhua TIAN Division Chief, Division of Essential Drugs Monitoring and Evaluation Center for Drug Reevaluation, National Center for ADR Monitoring, CFDA Considerations on Biosimilar Naming - From Clinical Perspective Yuqin SONG, Professor Vice Director, Department of Lymphoma, Peking University Cancer Hospital Session 0808 | Wednesday, 18 May Partha ROY, PhD Director, PAREXEL Consulting Session 0807 | Wednesday, 18 May 75 15:30–17:30 | 3rd Floor, 303B Simultaneous Translation 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 303B NAMING AND PHARMACOVIGILANCE FOR BIOLOGICS SESSION CO-CHAIRS Joy LI, MD, PhD, MBA Global Head, J&S (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Melly LIN Senior Regulatory Manager, CMC Policy, Roche (China) Holding Ltd. To address the accessibility of biologics, WHO and many regulatory agencies have established the regulatory pathway and technical guideline for biosimilar. Considering that some rare adverse reaction may not be detected due to limited clinical experience of biosimilar pre-authorization, many regulatory agencies think that implementation of the abbreviated approval pathway for biosimilar adds to the need for collection and analysis of safety data after approval through effective post-approval safety surveillance systems that accurately track and trace all biologics from the patient to the manufacturer. Successful pharmacovigilance depends on the accurate identification of suspect drug when reporting AE. Therefore it has become a hot topic globally regarding how to assign proper name for biosimilar, especially on whether biosimilar should have distinct name to its reference product. WHO published a draft guideline on Biological Qualifier (BQ) in 2015 which requiring all biologicals CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES IN BIOLOGICS DEVELOPMENT SESSION CHAIR Joe ZHANG, MD, PhD Executive Deputy Head, Center of Medicinal and Translational Sciences, Shanghai CP Guojian Pharmaceuticals CO. Ltd. New technologies used in discovery and development of biologics have enable scientists to create a variety of innovative biopharmaceuticals in treatment of difficult diseases such as cancer. This session will invite senior experts from academia and pharmaceutical industry to discuss the cutting edge technologies used in preclinical and clinical development of biologics with a focus on bi-specific antibodies. Novel Formats of Bispecific Antibodies John WANG, PhD Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University Biologics: Past, Present and Future Dennis Anthony WONG, MD Associate Vice President, Head of Development, Asia Pacific R&D, Sanofi (China) Investment Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch Control Strategy of Bispecific Antibody Hongbin LIU, PhD Senior Scientist, Protein Analytical Chemistry, Genentech, Inc. 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 76 TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY THEME 9 TFDA GCP Inspection Program: Current and Future Theme 9 Mei–Chen HUANG Specialist, Division of Medicinal Products TFDA Quality System FDA’s Inspection on Quality and Compliance – Inspector’s Expectations Chiang SYIN, PhD Associate Country Director, FDA China Office Session 0901 | Tuesday, 17 May 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 306B China CFDA Inspection Initiatives and Efforts HOW TO IMPROVE THE ETHICS REVIEW QUALITY SESSION CHAIR Xiuqin WANG, PhD Deputy Director, Department of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Province Hospital, First Affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical University Jianan WANG Inspector, Office of Inspection I, Center for Food and Drug Inspection, CFDA Session 0905 | Wednesday, 18 May Simultaneous Translation 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 306B Topic TBD CFDA Speaker Invited How to Build a High Quality IRB and Human Research Protection Program Jun ZHAO Professor, Vice President, Jiangsu Province Hospital Helen LI, MD, MBA Asia Lead, PCO/DSU Audit, Pfizer Medical Quality Assurance How do we transform quality science from reactively respond to audit findings to proactively building up a robust and effective quality management system (QMS)? Quality IRB: Sponsor’s Perspective & Expectation Heidi LIU, MD Quality Assurance Professional, Pfizer Session 0902 | Tuesday, 17 May TRANSFORM QUALITY SCIENCE FROM REACTIVE TO PROACTIVE SESSION CHAIR Simultaneous Translation 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 306B INSPECTIONS ON QUALITY AND COMPLIANCE – WHAT ARE INSPECTORS’ EXPECTATIONS SESSION CO-CHAIRS Jun LI Inspection Manager, APAC Head, Johnson & Johnson Helen LI, MD, MBA Asia Lead, PCO/DSU Audit, Pfizer Medical Quality Assurance In this session, inspectors from USFDA, TFDA as well as CFDA are invited to talk about their national GxP inspection programs and share their inspection experiences. A 30–minute panel discussion is to be organized where the invited speakers will answer any questions which interest the audience, as well as commenting on the current hot topics. Discussions could also be about inspectors’ expectations/perceptions in the next few years regarding regulations and inspections. At this session, we will illustrate industry effort, individually and collectively, in ensuring quality via effective Quality Management System. TransCelerate will share with us how pharmaceutical companies collaboratively work together on QMS, and its missions and some initiatives. We also will share one sponsor’s experience of measuring effectiveness via Clinical QMS metrics. Last but not least, we will explain new requirements in the ICH E6 addendum for risk–based approaches to managing clinical trials, the expected implications with focus on sponsor vendor oversight and share necessary steps and tools that should be in place for adequate vendor oversight. TransCelerate Quality Management System Initiative Update Ann Meeker-O”CONNELL Head, Risk Management and External Engagement, BioResearch Quality & Compliance, Johnson&Johnson Pfizer Clinical QMS: Metrics and Effectiveness Carol BYE Vice President, Medical Quality Assurance, Pfizer UK ICH E6 New Addendum and its Requirements for Vendor Oversight Peter SCHIEMANN, PhD Managing Partner, Widler & Schiemann Ltd., Switzerland 2016 Quantitative Science Forum August 14-15 | Beijing Xinjiang Plaza http://en16957.eventdove.com/ Contact: Runshan Chen | Tel: +86. 10. 57042653 Email: [email protected] Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Theme 10 Pharmacovigilance Session 1001 | Tuesday, 17 May Simultaneous Translation 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 301B INNOVATION AND INITIATIVES OF PHARMACOVIGILANCE OPERATION IN CHINA SESSION CO–CHAIRS Yuan YAO Head of Drug Safety, Merck China Echo LI Pharmacovigilance Associate Director Astellas Pharma China, Inc. Medicinal product safety makes headlines every day and is one of the hot spots of public concern. Health authorities (including CFDA) continuously strengthen regulatory requirements on pharmacovigilance. With the fast development of information technology and arrival of Big Data Era in China, we would like to explore the opportunities of Pharmacovigilance in this context. In this session, we bring the insights from experts from CFDA, FDA and Industry. The diversified perspective will initiate our thinking and action. 77 THEME 10 will discuss the application of real-world data in post-marketing safety including the advantages and limitations. Last but not least, we will discuss the completeness and accuracy of each adverse event, which is an essential component to the success of pharmacovigilance, and the key elements of a high quality post marketing safety database. The invited speakers will share their experience and perspectives on the proposed topics, and will engage in interactive discussions with everyone who attends this session. Risk Identification and Management– Experience from Japan Edward Stewart GEARY, MD Senior Vice President, Chief Medical Officer, Corporate Medical Affairs, Eisai, Japan Role of Real World Data in Establishing Safety Profile of a Newly Marketed Drug Product Siyan ZHAN, PhD Professor, Deputy Director, Centre for EBM and Clinical Research Deputy Director, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Director, Center of Postmarketing Safety Evaluation, Peking University Safety Data Quality – a Key to Post Authorization Safety Surveillance Howe LI, MD Chief Medical Officer, Tigermed Consulting CO., LTD Session 1003 | Tuesday, 17 May 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 301B Prospects of China Pharmacovigilance in the Big Data Era Chunhua TIAN Division Chief, Division of Essential Drugs Monitoring and Evaluation Center for Drug Reevaluation, National Center for ADR Monitoring, CFDA DATA–DRIVEN DECISION MAKING SESSION CO–CHAIRS Big Data on Pharmacovigilance Gerald DAL PAN, MD Director, Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology, CDER, FDA, USA Xiujing KOU Safety Science Leader, Global Safety Risk Management, Roche (China) Holding Ltd. Significance of Big Data for Pharmacovigilance in Enterprises Daniel YANG, MD, PhD President, G2 BioPharma Services Session 1002 | Tuesday, 17 May Simultaneous Translation 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 301B PHARMACOVIGILANCE IN A NEW ERA – HOT TOPICS SESSION CO–CHAIRS Miranda WANG China PV Head, BMS Vera LIANG Senior Director, Disease Area Cluster Leader Generics, Shanghai Site Head, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management, Pfizer The pharmacovigilance discipline continues to evolve rapidly in the context of increasing attention to patient safety. A number of ‘hot topics’ are currently being addressed, by the pharmaceutical industry, academia and Heath Authorities around the globe. As such three topics will be discussed in this session. Firstly, the key elements for a successful Risk Management System with particular consideration on ethnicity (e.g. Asian) in risk characterization and the role of the state healthcare system in the implementation of risk management tools. Secondly, we Simultaneous Translation Lawrence Mason SHIH PDSAP Site Head, Safety Science in Asia Pacific, Roche (China) Holding Ltd. Safety data from clinical trials, spontaneous reports, literature, and other sources has a tendency to increase over time. Making the most efficient use of the data available using integrated safety databases, data visualization tools, and focusing on the right data is critical for enabling timely decisions that are informed by the best analysis possible. This session will focus on various aspects of safety data as it pertains to making decisions. A New Safety Analysis Paradigm with Data Visualization Josephine FONG Master Biostatistics, Scientific Enablement Leader, PV and Scientific Development, Roche Integrated Safety Database, Do you Need One? Lawrence Mason SHIH PDSAP Site Head, Safety Science in Asia Pacific, Roche (China) Holding Ltd. Safety Data Driven Decision Making & RMP - An Example in the Japanese Pharma Industry Junichi IMAGAWA, PhD Local PV Head, Drug Safety Division, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Japan 78 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Session 1004 | Tuesday, 17 May Simultaneous Translation 15:30–17:30 | 3rd Floor, 301B EFFECTIVE AND TIMELY RISK COMMUNICATION SESSION CHAIR Gao GAO Associate Director, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management, Pfizer China Research and Development Risk communication is an integral part of risk management for medicinal products and has received increased attention over the past few years as systems have become more complex and information more rapid. It is challenging but necessary to convey balanced and accurate information about benefit and risk to all stakeholders. Risk communication tools need to be audience oriented. Effective and timely communication not only facilitates decision making by regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical companies but also helps ensure healthcare professionals and patients make informed therapeutic choices. Three drug safety experts will introduce and discuss the role of risk communication, communication tools, regulatory expectations, global initiatives and scientific updates. Risk Communication –Scanning the Landscape: Updates and Challenges Brian EDWARDS, MD Principal Consultant, Pharmacovigilance & Drug Safety, NDA Regulatory Science Ltd. Effective Benefit Risk Communication in the US – Learning from the Past Decade from the Pharmacoepidemiology Perspective Jasmanda WU, PhD, MPH Senior Director, Global Pharmacovigilance & Epidemiology, Sanofi Emergency Management and Risk Communication for Medicinal Products Yue YANG, PhD Professor, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University 2nd DIA China Drug Discovery Innovation Conference October 24-26, 2016 Suzhou Featured Themes • Target Selection • Compound Identification/ Optimization to Compound Nomination • IND Enabling and Dossier Preparation/ Filing • FIH to POC • BD & Partnership Content and speaking opportunities, please contact: Ms. Kathy Yuan | email: [email protected] Tel: +86 21 6057 7239 THEME 10 | THEME 11 Theme 11 Necessary Elements in Successful Drug Development Activities Session 1105 | Wednesday, 18 May 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 306A INHERITING AND INNOVATION: HOW MEDICAL WRITERS WORKING IN GLOBAL PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES SUPPORT REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS FROM DIFFERENT AUTHORITIES SESSION CHAIR Nan WANG, PhD Senior Scientific Medical Writer, China Site lead, Global Medical Writing, Bayer Medical writing was originally established in the western countries. In the past 10 years, the development of medical writing in China is fast and local expertise is establishing. With the dynamic environment, how to provide an efficient and flexible medical writing service to support the dossier preparation particular for China without compromising the consistency with global message is a hot topic. In addition, MW’s role is evolving with increased legislation on transparency in many countries. Their job does not end when submission documents are prepared. This session will discuss clinical document development for China NDA submission with a focus on the content strategy and process plan in order to support the efficient and smooth submission. In addition, the new EU regulation on disclosure of submission documents will be shared and its impact on medical writer’s daily work will be discussed. How to Effectively Develop Clinical Documents in the EU/US and China NDA Dossier Julia COOPER, PhD Vice President, Head of Global Medical Writing Services, PAREXEL International How to Make a Good Plan for Clinical Documents Development in China NDA Dossier Tammy WU, PhD Senior Scientific Communication Manager, Medical, Lilly Suzhou Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Shanghai Branch Overview on Trial Data Disclosure Requirements with Special Focus on the New EU Regulation Policy 70 Florence BERGER, PharmD Global Head, Clinical Documentation, Sanofi R&D Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Session 1106 | Wednesday, 18 May 79 THEME 11 Quality by Design – Strategic Input to Global Clinical Development Plan 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 306A HOW DOES MEDICAL WRITING SUPPORT CHINA LOCAL COMPANY ON DRUG REGISTRATION ABROAD SESSION CHAIR Rui YANG, PhD Associate Director, Head of Medical Writing Services AsiaPacific, PAREXEL International Amid fast development of the pharmaceutical industry in China, more and more China local pharmaceutical companies are developing innovative and generic drugs and aiming for marketing them overseas. Medical writing is a highly specialized profession. Globally, the clinical documents for drug registration are prepared by professional medical writers. But in China, medical writing is still a rising profession. Due to the complexity of regulatory requirement and language barriers, it could be a big challenge for China local companies to develop submission documents for drug registration in the US and/or EU. In many cases, they seek services from a CRO for the development of submission documents. In the present session, we will discuss how medical writing can support the development of clinical documents for drug registration for both innovative and generic drugs, and how to manage the document development if outsourced to a CRO. Xiaohui GAO Global Clinical Project Manager, Bayer Pharma R&D Centre Beijing Structured Risk-Management Tools – Performance Dashboard Munching KAN, MD, PhD Executive Director, Global Therapeutics Covance Pty Ltd,Australia Panel Discussion: Embrace environmental Challenges, Endeavor High Quality Execution in China All Speakers above and Invited Panelists Jessie CHEN Head of Clinical Trial Management, Prizer, China, SCDM BOT China Representative Isabel HAN Director, Head of Operations, Covance Judy ZHANG Director, Clinical Operation for China Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Clinical Operation, ICON Clinical Service Lijun HAN Senior Clinical Research Director, CMR Region China, Novonordisk Medical Writing in Supporting Small-Size Pharma’s Innovative Drug Registration in the US George GUO Global Monitoring Operation Country Head , Novartis Pharmaceuticals (China) Oncology Cliff CHUNN President, CD Chunn & Associates, Inc, USA Session 1108 | Wednesday, 18 May Medical Writing in Support of Generic Drug Registration and Post-Marketing Requirements in the US Roopa BASRUR Senior Director, Medical Writing Services India, PAREXEL International 15:30–17:30 | 3rd Floor, 306A PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT: DEALING WITH THE CERTAINTY OF THE UNCERTAINTY SESSION CHAIR Yuan LI, MD Director, Project Management, MSD China R&D How to Select and Manage a High Performing Medical Writing Service Provider Helle-Mai GAWRYLEWSKI Senior Director, Medical Affairs & Alliance Management, Regulatory Medical Writing, Janssen Research & Development, USA Session 1107 | Wednesday, 18 May Simultaneous Translation Simultaneous Translation 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 306A RISK-BASED PROJECT MANAGEMENT SESSION CHAIR Rebecca DAI Vice President, Head of Clinical Project Management – Primary Care & Women’s Healthcare, Bayer The quality of clinical trial data was emphasized many time during the recent CFDA reforms. The Clinical Project Manager will be accountable for quality, compliance with regulations and company procedures, resource requirement, timelines and budgets for assigned clinical projects. This session is to explore how a clinical project manager could contribute to the trial quality. Although a lot of things in a project may be well planned and controlled, there are always unforeseen scenarios which may bring the big uncertainties to the project such as the recent reforms from CFDA, the emerging data, the evolving competitors landscape etc. This session is aimed to explore as the project manager how to do the project risk management when facing the uncertainty. The Basic Concepts of Project Risk Management and Common Risks of Drug Development Alexander KUHL, PhD Head Project & Portfolio Management China, Prizer A Risk Story Sharing Wencheng XU WuXi Clinical Development Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Panel Discussion All Speakers Above and Invited Panelist: Clara GU Head of Global Project Management, General Medicine Beijing Bayer Healthcare 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 80 TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Theme 12 Medical Affairs Session 1201 | Tuesday, 17 May 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 301A MEDICAL AFFAIRS STRATEGIC TRANSFORMATION IN THE NEW ERA - CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICERS DISCUSSION SESSION CHAIR James HE Chief Medical Officer, Novartis China In the last few years, there is paradigm shift in the pharmaceutical industry to move from mass marketing to the personalized medicine and patient-centric approach, medical affairs function is taking more active role in driving business growth in closely partnership with commercial functions. This high-level panel discussion will discuss the strategic roles of medical affairs function in the current challenging market and what medical affairs will evolve in the near future. Topics to be Covered: 1. The Strategic Vision of Medical Affairs in the New Era in China 2. The Strategic Role of CMO in the Company 3. How Medical Team Can Take a More Active Role in When Working with the Cross-Functional Team 4.How to Close the Gap between the Expectation to Medical and the Medical Team’s Current Capability 5. How to Develop the Medical Talent Pipeline and Keep the Team Stable and Performing 6.How to Deploy and Grow the Field Medical Functions Invited Panelists: Yiman ZHENG Vice President, Medical Affairs, MSD China Holding Co.,Ltd Zig LANG, MD, PhD Medical Affairs and Pharmacovigillence Vice President, Bayer Healthcare Company Li WANG, MD, PhD Vice President, Medical, Eli Lily & Company Matthew TAN Country Medical Director, Bristol-Myers Squibb China Tianhong LUO Head, Medical Affairs, Sanofi Session 1202 | Tuesday, 17 May 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 301A POST-MARKETING STUDIES IN THE NEW ERA OF PRECISION MEDICINE SESSION CHAIR Li WANG, MD, PhD Vice President, Medical, Eli Lily & Company THEME 12 Post marketing studies, including phase IIIb/IV interventional studies and observational studies etc., are the studies conducted after product labels are approved by regulatory agencies, with the objectives of supplementing important efficacy and safety information in broader patient populations which may not be able to collect during registration studies. Precise medicine is a new concept of medicine integrated with biological technologies and information technologies. The focus of our session is to discuss how to design and conduct post marketing studies in the era of precision medicine, in order to maximize patient benefits and minimize risks of a product after its commercial launch. Post Marketing Studies in the Era of Precise Medicine Jie WANG, MD, PhD Professor & Director, Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Post Marketing Commitment Study in Treatment of NSCLC Driven by Bio-Marker Testing Liheng MA, MD, PhD Senior Medical Affairs Therapeutic Area Manager, Medical Affairs , OBU, Pfizer China Quality, Value and Risk in Observational Research – Does it Change in the Era of Precision Medicine? Vivian CHENG Director, Real World & Late Phase Research Quintile Session 1205 | Wednesday, 18 May 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 301A THE ROLES AND WORKING MODELS OF FIELD MEDICAL SCIENCE LIAISONS IN CHINA SESSION CHAIR Matthew TAN, MD Country Medical Director, Bristol-Myers Squibb China MSLs are increasingly playing an important role of communicating scientific knowledge to the HCPs on behalf of the biopharmaceutical industry in China. This session will be focused on the discussion of the roles and working models of MSLs in China. The Working Model of MSLs in China Eugen LI, MD TA Head of Diabetes; Medical Affairs China Group I Director, Clinical Development and Medical Affairs, Boehringer Ingelheim The Value of MSLs to the Business Eileen LONG, MD BU Head, Sanofi The Management and Development of MSLs Min HOU Associate Manager, Medical Affairs, Roche Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY 81 THEME 12 Session 1206 | Wednesday, 18 May Innovation Leads Medical Communication New Model 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 301A Xuhui WANG Associate Director, Medical Information, Pfizer THE WORKING MODEL OF MEDICAL AND COMMERCIAL FUNCTIONS IN THE PATIENT-CENTRIC HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENT SESSION CHAIRS Zig LANG, MD, PhD Medical Affairs and Pharmacovigillence Vice President, Bayer Healthcare Company The session will focus on the continuing evolution of medical and commercial working model in this competitive market with requirement for business growth and scientific leadership. The broad perspectives from medical, commercial and compliance leaders will be shared in order to reach a consensus on the business practice in the future. The session is comprised of both individual presentations and panel discussion. Setting up Medical Affairs Team and Working with Business Partner Jingdong MA Medical Affairs Director, Ferring Michele SIMON Director Operations, Medical Communications, PPD, UK Patient Education in the Medical Driven Era Bowen ZHANG Vice President, Sales and Marketing, MobileMD System Publication Strategy in Product Life Cycle Management Eric YU, PhD Medical Publication Manager, MC&PM, Medical Division, Shanghai Roche Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Session 1208 | Wednesday, 18 May 15:30–17:30 | 3rd Floor, 301A HEOR AND MARKET ACCESS IN CHINA SESSION CHAIR Jianwei XUAN, PhD Professor, Director Health Economic Research Institute, Sun Yat-Shen University The Medical and Commercial Collaborations Joicey CHEN, MBA Business Unit Head, Lilly Oncology Medical Affairs & Business Unit Collaborations: How to Ensure the Business Compliance Tracy XU Manager, Corporate Compliance, Boehringer Ingelheim Session 1207 | Wednesday, 18 May Globalization and Innovation: Trends Aimed at Improving the Customer Experience Simultaneous Translation In this session, we will discuss the application of health economic evaluation in pharmaceutical industry to support pricing and market access. Health Economic Evaluation, Pricing and Market Access Jianwei XUAN, PhD Professor, Director Health Economic Research Institute, Sun Yat-Shen University 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 301A Health Economic Evaluation in the Industry MEDICAL COMMUNICATION: OPPORTUNITIES UNDER THE “NEW NORMAL” SESSION CO-CHAIRS Libo TAO, PhD Director of Market Access, Health Economist, GE HealthCare Huafei LI Director, Medical Communication & Project Management, Medical Affairs, Roche Real Cases of Health Economic Application in Industry Jianxiu YU MI Director, Area Lead/Head of MI China, Global EMC, Pfizer Investment Co., Ltd. “Single digit growth”, “Change”, “Innovation”, “Internet+” are the key words of now and foreseeable future of China pharmaceutical market. It requests medical affairs to embrace the change, transform the challenge into opportunity through take innovative initiatives, be more precise and clear on the communication, improve the effectiveness and expand impact. This session will provide you an overview on the Medical Communication development in in China, provide highlight on patient education and share best practice on publication planning and innovation on medical information and medical communication. Qiang SHI, MD, PhD Associated Director, Eli Lilly 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 82 TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY THEME 13 | THEME 14 Rare Disease: Phenotype and Gene Theme 13 Weihong GU, MD, PhD Head, Movement Disorders and Neural Genetic Disease Research Center, China–Japan Friendship Hospital Rare Diseases Forum Session 1301 & 1302 | Tuesday, 17 May Simultaneous Translation 08:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 305 RARE DISEASES – PART 1:THE CONCEPT OF RARE DISEASES PART 2: THE PRACTICE OF RARE DISEASES SESSION CO-CHAIRS Jack XU, MD Senior Vice President, Shanghai Clinical Research Center Kevin HUANG President, Chinese Organization for Rare Disorders (CORD) Rare diseases are one of the greatest challenges facing human medicine, known 7000 kinds of rare diseases, 80% of them belong to the genetic deficiency diseases, our understanding of them is still limited, there are effective treatments for the disease less than 5%, most drugs not even in the Chinese market, China is facing nearly 10 million patients with no cure dilemma. Although China in the field of rare diseases has a great distance from USA/European countries, the rapid development in recent years has been happen. With the efforts of all relevant parties, the civil society has been effectively enhance the awareness, diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases continues to increase, the country actively explore the medical care path for the rare diseases and the patient organizations have called public attention, China is moving in a positive and effective direction to solve the overall problem of rare diseases. The International Policy Comparison of Orphan Drug and Its Revelation to China Luwen SHI Professor, Peking University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Reproductive Intervention of Rare Diseases Guangxiu LU President, Reproductive and Genetic Hospital of CITIC Xiangya Rare Disease Genetic Counseling Shangzhi HUANG , MD Professor, Peking Union Medical College, Department of Medical Cenetics Who Collaborating Center for Community Control of Hereditary Diseases Role of Rare Disease Patient Organization Kevin HUANG President, Chinese Organization for Rare Disorders (CORD) In China for Global: Orphan Drug R&D in China Weiyi ZHENG Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Nanjing Innov Pharma Theme 14 CRO/SMO Session 1405 | Wednesday, 18 May 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 301B READY FOR THE BIG WORLD? – HOW CAN CHINESE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES LEVERAGE CRO TO GROW BIGGER AND FASTER? SESSION CHAIR Jason ZHU, MD, MBA Vice President, Deputy General Manager & Head of Business Development, Greater China, Quintiles Enterprise Management (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. China based Drug manufacturers often team up of a highly specialized CMC talents and Molecular Designers at a top global standard, but usually have hard time developing a solid Target Product Profile and Clinical Development Strategy afterward. This will disable them to further layout a practical and commercially attractive global clinical delivery pathway. A Tailored Global clinical development approach will help drug developers well utilize their existing resources (Competitive landscape China market knowledge, Chinese patient Stand of Care knowledge, etc) to further bridge into the global component and help them realize their asset value to the targeted stage earlier. Build a Partnership from Scratch– the Art of Selecting a CRO Hualong SUN, MD, PhD General Manager, Meta Clinical Technology Include a CRO in Your Business Strategy – How to Manage the Relationship with the CRO in Your Daily Work Yan WU, MD, PhD Head, Clinical Operation and Drug Safety Hutchison MediPharma Begin with the End in Mind – DOs and DONTs of Planning and Conducting Global Trials Yong GUO, PhD Vice President, Gmax Biopharm Panel Discussion All Speakers Above and Invited Panelist Meiyu GENG Professor, Vice Director Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Session 1406 | Wednesday, 18 May Simultaneous Translation 83 THEME 14 | THEME 15 Session 1408 | Wednesday, 18 May 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 301B 15:30–17:30 | 3rd Floor, 301B TIME FOR AN UPGRADE – EVOLVING COOPERATION MODEL BETWEEN CROS AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES SESSION CHAIR SMO/CRC – A BRIDGE OVER THE TROUBLED WATER SESSION CHAIR Cory WILLIAMS, MD, PhD Vice President, Global Clinical Trial Execution, Global Product Development, Pfizer Paradigm Shift – Global Trend in Partnership Model, Study Design etc., and Why Pharma Companies Want It Jennifer HUANG Executive Director, Head of Global Clinical Trial Operation, Merck Research Laboratories R&D (China), Ltd. In the Fast Lane – Challenges and Opportunities for China Domestic CROs Hadrian FU, PhD General Manager, Shanghai Cares Bio–tech Co. Ltd Paving the Way for Industry Sponsored Research into Malaysia Khairul Faizi bin KHALID Head, Business Development, Clinical Research Malaysia Panel Discussion: All Speakers Above Session 1407 | Wednesday, 18 May 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 301B Min JIANG Director, GCP Administration Office, Beijing Oncology Hospital CRC’s Strategy to Bridge the Expectation Gap between Sponsor and Investigator Veronica XIA, MBA Vice President & General Manager, Kuntuo No Weakest Link – Quality Control and Training for CRC Jian YANG Head of Site Management Organization, Beijing Clinical Service Center Level Up – Project Management of SMO Reako REN Executive Director and Head of SMO Services, WuXi AppTec (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Theme 15 Information Technology A JOURNEY WITHOUT DETOUR – DATA QUALITY MATTERS SESSION CHAIR Zhi–Qiang NING, MD, PhD Vice President R&D, Shenzhen Chipscreen Biosciences Ltd Session 1506 | Wednesday, 18 May Data quality is a key component of clinical trials, which reflects a comprehensive capability of study investigator and sponsor or CRO. In this Session, speakers introduce and expand the importance and the ways of data quality control from either study-site point of view or sponsor/CRO’s perspectives. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN CLINICAL STUDIES – REGULATORY REQUIREMENT SESSION CHAIR Importance of Data Integrity – Observation and Reflection on the Recent Events Juyong WANG, MD, PhD Director, GCP Administration Office, Longhua Hospital Good Documentation Practice on TMF in CROs and Sponsors Sarah ZHUANG Project Leader, Project Leadership, PAREXEL International Panel Discussion: In the Same Boat – The Roles and Responsibilities of Different Parties to Keep Data Integrity All Speakers Above and Invited Panelist: Hualong SUN, MD, PhD General Manager, Meta Clinical Technology Simultaneous Translation 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 306B Charles YAN, PhD Senior Director, Data Management, Shanghai Hengrui Medicine Co, Ltd. The clinical applications of information technology in developed countries have more strict regulations and regulatory requirements. However, with relatively short period of GCP history and few applications in clinical trial in China, it is needed to establish and improve relevant laws and regulations, particularly under the current environment where CFDA emphasis on data integrity and reality. This session will introduce requirements for information systems in Europe and America, to promote the progress of information technology in clinical research to meet international standards. Information Technology in Clinical Research: Regulatory Requirements Frances NOLAN, MBA Vice President, Quality & Regulatory Affairs, Medidata Solutions 84 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY 21 CFR Part 11 and Its Application in Clinical Research James STREETER Global Vice President, Life Sciences Product Strategy, Oracle Health Sciences Guidance for Electric Data Capture (EDC) in Clinical Trials Qin HUANG, PhD Senior Reviewer, Deputy Director (Acting), Office of Biostatistics, Center for Drug Evaluation, CFDA Session 1507 | Wednesday, 18 May THEME 15 | THEME 16 Information technologies revolutionize the process and method of clinical research. Business At this state of the technology industry, every company must be studying how Mobile, Social, Cloud and Big Data will revolutionize their business. The explosive growth in these areas will have a dramatic impact on the world of drug and device development, and time will tell if regulatory agencies, CROs and Pharma can respond quickly enough. This session will provide the future trend of clinical trial with the information technologies development. 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 306B “Modernize” Clinical Trials - Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going? THE APPLICATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN CLINICAL TRIALS SESSION CHAIR Ling XU Clinical Operations Manager, Study & Quality Management, Boehringer-Ingelheim China Charles YAN, PhD Senior Director, Data Management, Shanghai Hengrui Medicine Co, Ltd. The application of information technology in clinical trials in China is relatively less-advanced as our trial operations largely depend on manual work and paper process. However, with the strong support of State scientific and technological innovation, domestic pharmaceutical companies have invested increasingly in drug research and development, including information technology. The electric management of clinical data, process and documents will change the way of clinical research in process and methodology, and improve trial quality and efficiency. This session will share the practices of information technology in the clinical research, in order to further promote the progress of information technology in clinical research and development in China. Information Technology: A Way to Enhance the Efficiency and Quality of Clinical Trial Mobile Technology Advances Modern Clinical Trials Tom XIE, PhD President & Chief Executive Officer, Brightech International/ Chengdu Ming Ke EMR Application in Clinical Research Hongwei CAI, PhD Associated Professor, Information Technology Department, School of Stomatology, 4th Military Medical University Big Data in Clinical Research Hong ZHOU Chief Executive Officer, DAPChina Theme 16 Medical Devices Yonglong ZHUANG General Manager, Bioknow Pharmacovigilance in Clinical Studies Jia HE, PhD Professor, 2nd Military Medical University Clinical Documentation Management Lily FENG, MBA Principal Product Manager, Veeva Systems Integration of e-Clinical Solutions in Clinical Trials Charles YAN, PhD Senior Director, Data Management, Shanghai Hengrui Medicine Co, Ltd. Session 1508 | Wednesday, 18 May 15:30–17:30 | 3rd Floor, 306B INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN CLINICAL STUDIES – SESSION CHAIR Yazhong DENG, MBA Head of Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting Organization (CDARO), Covance, China Session 1601 & 1602 | Tuesday, 17 May Simultaneous Translation 08:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 302B CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN THE NEW REGULATORY AND INNOVATION ENVIRONMENT: POLICY AND REGULATION – PART 1 & PART 2 SESSION CO-CHAIRS Mingdong ZHANG Chief Medical Officer & Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs, Boston Scientific China Annie YIN Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs, J&J Medical China China medical device regulations have been changed dramatically in past two years. How to interpretation and implementation the regulations to accommodate the innovation have been challenging. This session will invite experienced speakers to share their perspective and best practices on the hot areas. Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Clinical Evidence Required for Device Approvals by US FDA Mingdong ZHANG Chief Medical Officer & Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs, Boston Scientific China China Regulations Update of Medical Devices Gang DENG Vice Director, Center for Medical Device Evaluation, CFDA 85 THEME 16 | THEME 17 Non-clinical safety assessment is one of the critical processes in the new drug R&D and bridging the drug discovery and clinical development together. It takes an essential role to guide the Go/ No-Go decision, clinical study design and monitoring as well as the drug labeling. In this session, we will invite the experts from CFDA and pharmaceutical industry to illustrate and discuss how the non-clinical safety assessment supports the clinical development and new drug registration. CFDA’s Requirement on Pre-Clinical Assessment in New Drug Development China Regulatory Environment and Challenge Chen YANG, LLM Partner, Sidley Austin Beijing Office Qingli WANG, PhD Deputy Director (Acting), Office of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Center for Drug Evaluation, CFDA Special Review Process – Innovation Green Channel Gang DENG Vice Director, Center for Medical Device Evaluation, CFDA Design and Implementation of Non-Clinical Safety Assessment in Different Stages of New Drug Development Preparation and Acceptance of Oversea GMP Inspection Charles WANG, PhD Director and Head of Safety Assessment, GSK R&D Shanghai Aijun WANG Division Chief, Division of Inspection III, Center for Food and Drug Inspection, CFDA Session 1603 | Tuesday, 17 May Simultaneous Translation 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 302B OPPORTUNITIES IN THE NEW REGULATORY AND INNOVATION ENVIRONMENT: INDUSTRY OPPORTUNITY SESSION CO-CHAIRS The Significant Meaning of New Drug Toxicology Data for Clinical Study Design Jing MA Director, National Shanghai Center for New Drug Safety Evaluation Research Center Session 1706 | Wednesday, 18 May Simultaneous Translation 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 302B Mingdong ZHANG Chief Medical Officer & Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs, Boston Scientific China PHARMACOMETRICS AND MECHANISM–BASED PK/PD MODELING IN EARLY DRUG DEVELOPMENT SESSION CHAIR Annie YIN Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs, J&J Medical China Sylvia ZHAO, PhD Director of Clinical Pharmacology, Translational Clinical Oncology Shanghai, China Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Medical Device Market Investment Opportunity Yunxia YANG Managing Director, Sequoia Capital Opportunities of Post Marketing Studies in China Amber FANG, MBA Senior Clinical Manager, Edwards Theme 17 Early Stage Drug Development Session 1705 | Wednesday, 18 May 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 302B NON–CLINICAL SAFETY ASSESSMENT IN THE NEW DRUG DEVELOPMENT SESSION CHAIR James YAN, MD, PhD, DABT Executive Vice President, Head of Early Development and Drug Safety, Zai Lab Pharmacometrics and mechanism–based PK/PD modeling have increasing application and even become an indispensable discipline in drug development nowadays. They play important roles in drug selection and characterization, and drive clinical drug development especially dose/dose regime decision. In this session of the 8th DIA meeting, the experts from US FDA and pharmaceutical industry are invited to provide in–depth review of the cutting–edge methodology and practices at industry and health authorities through open discussion of issues and needs in early drug development. Clinical Pharmacology Guided Dose Escalation-Moving From Phase II to Phase III Dennis BASHAW, PharmD Director, Division of Clinical Pharmacology–3, Office of Clinical Pharmacology, Office of Translational Sciences, FDA, USA Preclinical PKPD: Translation from Preclinical Species to Human Giorgio OTTAVIANI, PhD Head of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Roche Shanghai Application of Pharmacometrics in Drug Development He SUN, PhD Vice President, Tasly Holding Group 86 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Session 1707 | Wednesday, 18 May Simultaneous Translation 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 302B Theme BIOMARKERS AND TRANSLATION MEDICINE SESSION CHAIR 18 Eric LIANG, PhD Global Program Manager Translational Clinical Oncology Department, Novartis Precision medicine builds on the ever-expanding understanding of disease biology. Many research advances illustrate how specific vulnerabilities in cancer can be exploited to develop powerful new treatment. Genetic mutations that cause cells to make abnormal protein can lead to cancer and other disease. This finding suggests that many patients may benefit from a targeted treatment that blocks the cancer-fueling protein based biomarker assessment. Biomarkers in Cancer Management David NEWELL, PhD Professor, Cancer Therapeutics, Newcastle University Director, Translational Research, Cancer Research, UK The Molecular Markers of Lung Cancer Xuchao ZHANG, MD, PhD Professor, Vice Director, Guangdong Lung Cancer Institute, Medical Research Center of Guangdong General Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences Companion Diagnostics Session 1803 & 1804 | Tuesday, 17 May 13:30–17:30 | 3rd Floor, 301A MOLECULAR INFORMATION TOWARDS NEW ERA OF PRECISION MEDICINE - PART 1 & PART 2 SESSION CO-CHAIRS Harry YANG, PhD Director, Head of Personalized Healthcare & Biomarkers, AstraZeneca China James CREEDEN, MD, PhD APAC Medical Director, Roche Molecular Information Audience will gain a general understanding of Precision Medicine and companion diagnostics, and the current use of different companion diagnostic technologies in R&D and clinical practice and create an dialog among biotech/IVD companies and China FDA to discuss evolving regulatory needs in this session. PARP Inhibitors: BRCA and Beyond Min HU, PhD Principal Scientist, Genetics Team Leader Biomarker, Asia & Emerging Markets iMed, AstraZeneca Investment (China) Co., Ltd. Ethnic Difference & Precise Medicine in Clinical Drug Development & Medical Practice Charles XIE, MD, PhD Director, Early Clinical Development Boehringer Ingelheim China Session 1708 | Wednesday, 18 May THEME 17 | THEME 18 Simultaneous Translation 15:30–17:30 | 3rd Floor, 302B EARLY CLINICAL DRUG DEVELOPMENT SESSION CHAIR Bin PENG, MD, PhD Global Head, Translational Clinical Oncology Shanghai, China Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Early clinical study is an important stage for drug development. There are multiply approaches or models for early clinical study. This session will give a brief introduction of new concept and new models for early study by experts from CFDA and pharmaceutical companies. Cancer treatment, Past, Present and Future Bin PENG, MD, PhD Global Head, Translational Clinical Oncology Shanghai, China Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Cardiac Safety Assessment in Early Clinical Drug Development Haiyan LI, MD Professor of Cardiology Director, Drug Clinical Trial Center Peking University Third Hospital Early Biosimilar Development: A Model for Expeditious Progress to a Phase III Trial Nigel J. RULEWSKI, MD Vice President, Global Strategic Drug Development, Head, Biosimilar Center of Excellence, Quintiles Comprehensive Genomic Profiling in the Age of Targeted Therapy Jianying HUANG Medical Manager, Roche Molecular Information Development of CDx - The Approach to Support Precision Medicine Nick ZHANG, PhD Chief Executive Office, Qiagen (Suzhou) Translational Medicine Company Companion Diagnostics: Beyond Therapy for Oncology James WU, PhD Vice President and General Manager, Clinical Diagnostics,, WuxiAppTec The Perspectives of CDx Regulation in China with Comparison to US and EU Jinjie HU, PhD Member of the FDA Alumni Association International Network (FDAAA) Former Senior Reviewer, Office of Blood Research and Review, US FDA/CBER Senior Consultant, Biologics Consulting Group, INC. Panel Discussion Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing TUESDAY, 17 MAY | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Theme 19 87 THEME 19 Joe DUSTIN Principal Mobile Health, Medidata White Paper Showcase Maya SHEVLYAKOVA Biostatistician, Clinical Development Unit Nestlé Research Center, Lausanne, Switzerland Session 1905 | Wednesday, 18 May Session 1901 | Tuesday, 17 May 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 308 08:30–10:00 | 3rd Floor, 308 VALUE OF PHARMACOMETRIC ANALYSES IN DRUG DEVELOPMENT CERTARA L.P. CLINICAL TRIAL IN MOBILE INTERNET ERA: MODEL OPTIMIZATION AND EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT MOBILEMD SYSTEM How can Pharmaceutical industry leverage Internet technologies to improve efficiency, reduce cost, and upgrade quality for its clinical development? How to achieve better “patient centricity” in clinical studies? Industry experts are invited to share their views and address your questions. Model Optimization of Clinical Trials by Mobile Internet Industry Expert invited Challenges of Clinical Trial in China and Informatics Solutions Dong MA Medical Master, MBA Candidate, Director of Clinical Research, MobileMD System R&D of Pharmaceutics: Another Blue Ocean of Internet+ Speaker Invited, Northern Light Venture Capital MobileMD CTMS Mobile Version Launch Panel Discussion Session 1902 | Tuesday, 17 May 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 308 THE PATH FORWARD OF FUTURE CLINICAL TRIALS MEDIDATA SOLUTIONS 2015 was the year of change. New guidelines and announcements from CFDA have been rolled out, particularly on data self check and data quality. So how to enhance the data quality using EDC system and to better collect patient data is the key of success in clinical trials. In this session, we will have four expert speakers to discuss with us about the direction of future clinical trials moving forward. Topics include the current and future development of the regulations and guidelines of data quality in China; Sharing from sponsor on EDC functions that improve site protocol adherence and ability for sponsors to monitor and control data quality; Future technology which helps to conduct better trials with the sharing of mHealth project example between Nestle and Medidata in China. Frances NOLAN Vice President, Global Quality Assurance, Medidata Sarah WANG Associate Director of CDM in Boehringer Ingelheim (China) Investment Co., Ltd. The process of drug development is extremely time consuming and costly. It takes approximately 10-12 years and costs hundreds of millions or billions dollars. Pharmacometrics is the scientific discipline that uses mathematical models based on biology, pharmacology, physiology, and disease for quantifying the interactions between drugs and patients. Its purpose is to reduce cost and shorten development time by optimizing the clinical assessment of efficacy and safety. This presentation highlights the value of pharmacometric analyses in drug development through selected examples. Christine Yuying GAO, MD, PhD President & CEO, Certara Strategic Consulting China Session 1906-1 | Wednesday, 18 May 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 308 DRIVE GLOBAL INNOVATION WITH AN INTEGRATED DRUG DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY COVANCE With China being the world’s fastest growing pharmaceutical market, Chinese pharma and biotech companies have an advantage for simultaneous development and approval of new innovative products in China and the US/EU. Our session will focus on how to drive global innovation with an integrated drug development strategy, including how to develop supported value propositions to enhance product differentiation on the market, how to use smart regulatory strategies to leverage global drug development, what to consider for Chinese innovation to goglobal as well as applying biomarker and companion diagnostic strategies to enhance global drug development. Moderator Kenneth SOMBERG, MD, MBA Chief Medical Officer, Covance Developing Supported Value Propositions to Enhance Product Differentiation Cheryl STEWARD, MPA, Vice President, Market Access Services, Covance Using Smart Regulatory Strategies to Leverage Global Drug Development William HANLON, PhD Vice President, Head of Global Regulatory Affairs, Covance 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 88 WEDNESDAY, 18 MAY Chinese Innovation and Global Drug Development Considerations Eric LANG, MD Vice President, Molecule Development Group, Covance Biomarker & Companion Diagnostic Strategies for Global Drug Development Mark ROBERTS, PhD Director of Diagnostics Development, Covance Panel Q&A Session 1906-2 | Wednesday, 18 May 10:30–12:00 | 3rd Floor, 305 AUSTRALIA: A PREMIER DESTINATION FOR EARLY STAGE CLINICAL TRIALS SUB – TITLE: LEADERSHIP IN SPEED, QUALITY AND COST COMBINED WITH GOVERNMENT REFORMS ENHANCE ITS COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE NOVOTECH With a strong research environment, Australia is a vibrant, worldrecognised destination for early phase clinical trials. A leader across the key dimensions of speed, quality and cost, Australia has fast, flexible clinical trial approval processes at a competitive global cost. Australian investigators are highly regarded, and data from Australian trials is internationally recognised. The Government also provides attractive incentive schemes to boost R&D. Join this showcase by Frost & Sullivan highlighting Australia as the premier destination for early phase clinical trials in Asia Pacific. THEME 19 Session 1907 | Wednesday, 18 May 13:30–15:00 | 3rd Floor, 308 PHARMACOVIGILANCE – CUSTOMIZED SAFETY DATABASE FOR CHINESE REGULATIONS ARISGLOBAL KK The China Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring System (CDARMS) receives data from several drugs and vaccine manufacturers in China. By 2013, CADRMS had received over 6.6 million ADR case reports. Safety data capture, management, reporting and analytics by manufacturers remains an area for improvement. Technology forms the backbone of efficient pharmacovigilance systems. ArisGlobal a global leader in providing technological solutions for pharmacovigilance has released a product in China specifically addressing the needs of the Chinese regulations. Because of the Chinese language interface and integration with Chinese Medical Products dictionary it has become very popular. ARISc has been chosen as the safety database of choice by a Chinese government owned manufacturer company. Pharmacovigilance – Customized Safety Database for Chinese Regulations Vivek AHUJA, MD, MBA Vice President, Global Pharmacovigilance, ArisGlobal ArisGlobal Overview ARISc/Product Demo Rhenu BHULLER Partner, Transformational Health, Frost & Sullivan SAVE TIME AND TRAVEL COSTS with IN-COMPANY TRAINING All DIA Training Course can be held on your premises and tailored to your needs. Get the best value and train your whole team! Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 壁报 POSTER PROGRAM # CATEGORY 1 Project Kick-Off of Data Operations Professional 2 China Yingyin Amber CHENG, Dong FANG, Henry SHEN, Lifang Jasmine SUN, Karen TYE, Ning Victoria ZHANG Pfizer (China) Research and Development Co., Ltd China Brian EDWARDS NDA Regulatory Science Ltd. United Kingdom Lu LU (路璐) 诺和诺德(天津)科技有限公司 (NNIT) China Meng CHEN, Linda ZHENG, Fan XIA, Lynna ZHAO, Apple YING, Aonghus WALSH Roche (China) Holdings Ltd. China Panpan GU Pfizer (China) Research and Develop Co., Ltd. China Jinjin ZHANG, Jin WANG, Pei MAO, Alexander KOSTEK, Edith EBY, Ericka EDA Pfizer (Wuhan) Research and Development Center China Pfizer China R&D Center China Roche (China) Holdings Ltd. China Roche (China) Holdings Ltd. China Roche (China) Holding Ltd. China Roche (China) Holding Ltd. China Qing ZHANG Pfizer (Wuhan) Research and Development Co., Ltd. China Rui XU, Qing ZHANG Pfizer China R&D Center China Tingting XU Roche Product Development Asia Pacific China Tracy LI, Stella GU, Ting LI Roche (China) Holding Ltd. China Jing JIANG Xiuting MI, Mina CHEN Meng CHEN, Mandy YU Julie LEE, Hangjun DAI, Haiyan WU Hui ZHANG Pfizer Medical Information Professional 19 Pfizer (China) Research and Develop Co., Ltd. Providing Trusted Clinical and Scientific Product Information Professional 18 Ying ZHANG Data Quality Status Report Professional 17 China Biomarker Detection in Roche PD Shanghai Professional 16 Roche (China) Holdings Ltd. Biosimilar and Key Considerations for Clinical Development of Biosimilar Professional 15 Amitkumar TIWARI Analytics Journey to Real World Data Professional 14 China Pharmaceutical Safety Surveillance: Labeling Professional 13 Pfizer (Wuhan) R&D Center Develop Innovative Solution to Fill the Unmet Medical Needs in China– Special Focuses on Oncology Professional 12 Pei MAO, Alex KOSTEK, Cynthia BARBITSCH Exploring Differences in Clinical Study Reports Between China and ICH Regions Professional 11 Iran iDRUG - an Internal Campaing to Surface Innovations in Drug Development Professional 10 Urmia University of Medical Sciences NNIT Enterprise Hybird Cloud Services Professional 9 Rohollah VALIZADEH The Time to Apply Organizational Science to Systematically Manage the Risks of Medicines is Overdue Professional 8 China Innovation in Clinical Programming and Writing: Automated Tools to Improve Quality and Efficiency Professional 7 Meta Clinical Technology Co.Ltd Overview of Regulatory Submission Requirements for NDA in Asia Professional 6 COUNTRY The Study Builder - A GDSR Extension Tool from “Study Workflow Automation” Initiative Professional 5 Dorothy DAI ORGANIZATION New Process Model for Academic-Industry partnerships - Pfizer Clinical and Research Collaboration Program Professional 4 AUTHOR Prevalence of Depression in Students and Effective Factors at Urmia University of Medical Sciences In 2016 Student 3 91 独立数据监察委员会(Independent Data Monitoring Committee) Professional 20 Job Shadowing Professional 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 92 讲者索引 SPEAKER INDEX LAST NAME FIRST NAME SESSION # LAST NAME FIRST NAME SESSION # AHUJA Vivek 1907 EDWARDS Brian 1004 ALLES Mark J. Keynote EVANS Adrian 0705 & 0706 ATKINSON Samantha 0705 & 0706 FANG Amber 1603 BAO Wenjun Workshop 4 FENG Lily 1507 BASHAW Dennis 1706 FENG Yi 0101 BASRUR Roopa 1106 FONG Josephine 1003 BERGER Florence 1105 FU Hadrian 1406 BERTRAND Coiffier 0805 & 0806 FU Jun 0507 BHULLER Rhenu 1906-2 GAO Christine 1905 BYE Carol 0905 GAO Gao 1004 CAI Hongwei 1508 GAO Jingwei 0608 CAI James Special Forum GAO Jinming 0302 CAO Dehong Workshop 4 & 0607-1 GAO Tao Workshop 2 CAO Xiaochun Workshop 3 GAO Xiaohui 1107 CARIN Ellene Workshop 2 GAWRYLEWSKI Helle-Mai 1106 CECIL Nick 0802, 0805 & 0806 GEARY Edward Stewart 1002 CHANG Maggie Workshop 3 CHANG Andrew 0705 & 0706 CHEN James 0701 CHEN Jessie 0605 CHEN Xiaoxiang Workshop 1 & 0602 CHEN Yongchuan 0401 CHEN Joicey 1206 CHENG Ying 0506 CHENG Zengjiang 0704 CHENG Vivian 1202 CHUNN Cliff 1106 CONG Julie 0601 CONNELL Ann Meeker-O” 0905 COOPER Julia 1105 DAI Luyan DAL PAN GENG Meiyu 1405 GOH Aik 0302 CREEDEN James 1803 & 1804 GU Clara 1108 GU Weihong 1302 GUO George 0402 GUO Tong 0601 GUO Tony 0607-2 GUO Yong 1405 GUO Zhongping 0807 HAN Simeng 0601 HANLON William 1906-1 HE Jia 1507 HE James 1201 HOU Min 1205 0602, 0607-2 & 0608 HU Jinjie 1803 & 1804 HU Min 1803 & 1804 Gerald 0105 & 1001 HU Pei Workshop 3 DAVIS Hugh 0107 HUANG Jennifer 1406 DENG Gang 1601 & 1602 HUANG Jiaying 1803 & 1804 DENG Irene Workshop 3 HUANG Kevin 1301 & 1302 DENG Yazhong 1508 HUANG Mei-Chen 0902 DOWLAT Hoss 0805 & 0806 HUANG Shangzhi 1301 DUSTIN Joe 1902 HUMPHRIES Michael 0302 DU Guanhua Special Forum IMAGAWA Junichi 1003 DU Sean 0305 IRWIN Min 0302 & 0307 DUAN Dejuan Workshop 2 JIA Jidong 0306 Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 讲者索引 93 SPEAKER INDEX LAST NAME FIRST NAME SESSION # LAST NAME FIRST NAME SESSION # JIANG Amy 0505 LORENZ Raoul-A. 0102 JIANG Min 1408 LU Becky 0702 JIANG Qi 0607-2 LU Donghao 0708 KAN Munching 1107 LU Guangxiu 1301 KANG Pengcheng Workshop 3 LUO Jiali 0802 KHALID Khairul Faizi bin 1406 LUO Tianhong 1201 KITAHARA Jun 0106 LV Janet 0801 KOU Xiujing 1003 MA Changsheng 0307 KUHL Alexander 1108 MA Dong 1901 LANG Eric 1906-1 MA Jing 1705 LANG Zig 1201 & 1206 MA Jingdong 1206 LEI Jifeng 0704 MA Liheng 1202 LI Echo 1001 MA Lixian 0102 LI Eugen 1205 MA Peilin 0401 LI Haiyan 0605 & 1708 MAEDA Daisuke 0105 LI Helen 0902 & 0905 MANGHI Sebastiano 0605 LI Huafei 1207 MARCH Ruth E. Workshop 3 LI Joy 0807 MATTAVELLI Raffaella Balocco 0801 & 0807 LI Jun 0902 McCormack Rose 0301 LI Nicole F. 0607-2 MURRAY Richard 0507 LI Qihan 0305 NEWELL David 1707 LI Shuqi 0401 NIE Lei 0805 & 0806 LI Shuting Workshop 1, 0401 & 0402 NING Yi 0602 LI Theresa 0108 NING Zhi-Qiang 1407 LI Fred 0708 NOLAN Frances 1506, 1902 LI Howe 1002 OTTAVIANI Giorgio 1706 LIANG Eric 1707 PANG James 0107 LIANG Fanny 0701 PENG Bin 1708 LIANG Vera 1002 PING Christina 0506 LIN David 0703 QI Charlin 0608 LIN Li 0102 LIN Melly 0705 & 0706 LIU Arron 0402 LIU Daniel 0606 LIU Heidi 0901 LIU Hongbin 0808 LIU Huichen 0707 LIU Jessica 0306 LIU Lingli 0307 LIU Liyang Workshop 2 LIU Yuxiu Workshop 2 LONG Eileen 1205 QIAO Youlin 0305 QIN Lan 0805 & 0806 QU Roger 0607-2 QU Shen 0505 REIMANN James D. 0607-2 REN Harry 0301 REN Reako 1408 ROBERTS Mark 1906-1 ROY Partha 0805 & 0806 RULEWSKI Nigel J. 1708 SCHIEMANN Peter Workshop 1 SCHIEMANN Peter 0905 SCHMITT Siegfried 0702 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 94 讲者索引 SPEAKER INDEX LAST NAME FIRST NAME SESSION # LAST NAME FIRST NAME SESSION # SCHREITMUELLER Thomas 0801 WANG Xiaodong Keynote SETIAWAN Ellyne Workshop 1 WANG Xiaoshan 0601 SHAO Ying Special Forum WANG Xiuqin Workshop 1 & 0901 SHEN Joan 0107 & 0108 WANG Xuhui 1207 SHEVLYAKOVA Maya 1902 WANG Yue 0402 SHI Li 0305 WANG Zhijian 0705 & 0706 SHI Luwen 1301 WANG Charles 1705 SHI Qiang 1208 WANG Nan 1105 SHIH Lawrence Mason 1003 WEI Lai 0306 SIMON Michele 1207 WEI Shifeng 0708 SNAPINN Steve 0602 WELCH Joel 0801 & 0802 SOMBERG Kenneth 1906-1 WILLIAMS Cory 1406 SONG Yuqin 0807 WONG Dennis Anthony 0505 & 0808 STEWARD Cheryl 1906-1 WU Duu-Gong 0703 STREETER James 1506 WU Eric 0601 & 0602 SUN He 1706 WU Haidong Special Forum SUN Hualong 1405 & 1407 WU Henry 0607-1 SUN Jasmine 0505 WU James 1803 & 1804 SUN Jianhui 0402 WU Jasmanda 1004 SUN Wenjun 0305 WU Jingzi 0306 SYIN Chiang 0606, 0703 & 0902 WU Tammy 1105 TAKANO Tetsuomi 0101 WU Victor Workshop 4 TAN Matthew 1201 & 1205 WU Yan 1405 TAN Ivy 0102 WU Zero 0701 TAO Libo 1208 WU Zhi’ang Special Forum TIAN Chunhua 0807 & 1001 XIA Jielai 0608, 0805 & 0806 TIAN Cloris 0701 XIA Veronica 1408 TSU Lin Ching Workshop 1 XIE Charles 1707 WANG Aihong 1602 XIE Tom 1508 WANG Aimee Workshop 4 XING Jinsong Workshop 3 WANG Jerry 0606 XU Binghe 0805 & 0806 WANG Jian 0801, 0805 & 0806 XU Helen 1108 WANG Jie 1202 XU Jack 1302 WANG John 0607-1 & 0808 XU Jack 1301 WANG Juan 0702 XU Ling 1508 WANG Juyong 1407 XU Mingli 0402 WANG Ke 0602 XU Ning WANG Li 1201 & 1202 Special Forum & 0507 WANG Miranda 1002 XU Tracy 1206 WANG Ouhong 0607-2 XU Wencheng 1108 WANG Peter Workshop 3 XUAN Jianwei 1208 WANG Sarah 1902 YAN Charles WANG Tianxun 0506 Workshop 2, 1506 & 1507 YAN James 1705 Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 讲者索引 95 SPEAKER INDEX LAST NAME FIRST NAME SESSION # LAST NAME FIRST NAME SESSION # YAN Wendy 0105 & 0106 ZHANG Jun 0305 YANG Chen 1602 ZHANG Nick 1803 & 1804 YANG Daniel 1001 ZHANG Wei 0705 & 0706 YANG Harry 1803 & 1804 ZHANG Xiquan 0401 YANG Jian 1408 ZHANG Xuchao 1707 YANG Jin 0707 ZHANG Zibao 0607-1 YANG Rui 1106 ZHANG Mingdong 1601, 1602 & 1603 YANG Yue 1004 ZHANG Mingping 0702 YANG Yunxia 1603 ZHANG Pansie Workshop 2 YANG Dajun 0306 ZHAO Jun 0901 YAO Dylan Workshop 3 ZHAO Sylvia 1706 YAO Jack Workshop 3 ZHENG Jessica 0701 YAO Yuan 1001 ZHENG Weiyi 1302 YE Xiaofei Workshop 2 ZHENG Yiman 1201 YIN Annie 1601, 1602 & 1603 ZHOU Hong 1508 YU Eric 1207 ZHOU Lichun 0704 YU Jianxiu 1207 ZHOU Liping Workshop 1 YU Wendy 0705 & 0706 ZHU Bo 0704 YU Zhigang 0307 ZHU Chao 0607-2 ZHAN Siyan 1002 ZHU Dezhi 0708 ZHANG Bowen 1207 ZHU Fengcai 0305 ZHANG Wei 0608 ZHU Jason 1405 ZHANG Allen Workshop 3 ZHU Liansheng 0607-2 ZHANG Carrie 0605 ZHU Mike 0301 ZHANG Derek 0108 ZHUANG Sarah 1407 ZHANG Jing 0101 & 0106 ZHUANG Yonglong 1507 ZHANG Joe Workshop 3, 0801 & 0808 ZOU Jessie 0401 DIA 会员权益 • 全球200多场活动注册优惠,包括:年会、培训、论坛讲座等 • 实时通过网络会议参与在线热点讨论 • 《医疗创新与监管科学》— DIA2013年全新推出,收录了40年间相关科学文献的索引和存档, 可在线阅读和下载。(每年6期) • 《全球论坛》— 电子版期刊,以监管法规和全球新闻实时动态为特色(每年6期) • 企业和服务机构的名录册 • DIA会员联络网 —学术沙龙 (DIA Community)为全球会员提供互动交流、知识分享的 网络平台 • DIA官网资源信息库 — 通过便捷的搜索和分类功能,查阅、下载DIA全球活动视频、 会议文件和相关报告、展览等信息 • DIA每日快讯 — 实时发布全球制药、生物技术及医疗器械领域的新闻快讯 • 职业中心 — 在线搜索专业兴趣领域,寻求职业发展机会,提交简历档案并得到保护 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 96 参展商名录 EXHIBITOR LIST Company Name 公司名 (中文) Booth # Amoy Diagnostics Co., Ltd. 厦门艾德生物医药科技股份有限公司 K01 ArisGlobal ASMO DTW Life Sciences K04 优效医学 大田生命科学 A12 BeiJing Bioknow Information Technology Co. LTD 北京百奥知信息科技有限公司 J08 Beijing Clinical Service Center 北京科林利康医学研究有限公司 H03 Beijing CTS Co., Ltd. 北京赛德盛医药科技股份有限公司 E09 Beijing Jingwei Chuanqi Medicine Services Co., Ltd. 北京经纬传奇医药科技有限公司 E01 Beijing Lawke Health Laboratory Center Company LTD 北京洛奇临床检验所股份有限公司 A03 Beijing linkstart Medical Technology Development Co. Ltd. 北京联斯达医药科技发展有限公司 C01 Beijing S&Q Healthcare Co., Ltd. 北京松乔医药科技有限公司 E08 Beijing Sinocro PharmaScience Co., Ltd. 北京兴德通医药科技有限公司 H08 BEIJING YINGJI LOGISTICS CO., LTD 北京映急物流有限公司 F08 Barrington James G10 BioClinica Brightech International, LLC B03 布莱特及成都明科宏能临床医学研究有限公司 Catalent CCFDIE G05 中国食品药品国际交流中心 G07 西斯比亚基础与临床研究中心 H09 Cenduit LLC Center for Clinical & Basic Research (Beijing) Company Limited C07 Clinical Research Malaysia Clinical Software Co., Ltd B10 K08 北京市科雷尼克软件有限公司 K02 Clinipace Worldwide G08, G09 Covance Inc. F06, F07 CRScube Inc. C09 DIA DIA中国 DONNELLEY LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS EPS International (China) Co., Ltd. L00 K05 上海日新医药发展有限公司 ERT A11 A06 EXTEDO J10 Fountain Medical Development Limited 方恩医药发展有限公司 GCP ClinPlus Co., Ltd. 普瑞盛(北京)医药科技开发有限公司 A02 Giant Med-Pharma Service Group 北京精诚医药科技集团 J04 H&J CRO International, Inc. 北京翰博瑞强医药信息咨询有限公司 E05 Hangzhou Ecrf Technology Co., Ltd. 杭州伊柯夫科技有限公司 J09 Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting Co., Ltd. 杭州泰格医药科技股份有限公司 H04 Health Tech Medical Group 煌途医药集团有限公司 A08 ICON Clinical Research (Beijing) Co Ltd 爱恩康临床医学研究(北京)有限公司 F01 IDA INC Research C03 H10 爱恩希(北京)医疗科技有限公司 C06 KEOSYS Medical Imaging C02 kinetiq H05 KingMed Diagnostics 金域检验 C10 KUN TUO 昆拓 B05 Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 参展商名录 97 EXHIBITOR LIST Company Name 公司名 (中文) Booth # LORENZ Life Sciences Group K07 mdgroup K10 Medidata F04, F05 MedXview Inc 益赛仕国际信息技术(北京)有限公司 C05 Merge, an IBM Company H02 Meso Scale Diagnostics, LLC A07 MobileMD System Co., LTD 嘉兴太美医疗科技有限公司 G06 NNIT (Tianjin) Technology Co. Ltd. 天津恩恩科技有限公司 F09, F10 Novotech Shanghai Limited 诺佛葛医药咨询(上海)有限公司 E10 NTT DATA CORPORATION 株式会社NTT DATA H01 Ogrin Partner Consulting Ltd. 北京欧格林咨询有限公司 J06 OmniComm Systems, Inc. H07 Oracle Health Sciences 甲骨文 健康科学 K03 PAREXEL China Co., Ltd 精鼎医药研究开发(上海)有限公司 F02, F03 PPD J02 PRA Health Sciences A04 Project Management Institute (PMI) 项目管理协会(PMI) Q Solutions QIAGEN (Suzhou) Translational Medicine Co., Ltd. B04 H06 2 凯杰(苏州)转化医学研究有限公司 Quintiles K06 B06, B07 R&G PHARMASTUDIES CO LTD 诺思格(北京)医药科技股份有限公司 E07 Rundo International Pharmaceutical Research & Development Co., Ltd. 润东医药研发(上海)有限公司 B08, B09 SF Cold Chain 顺丰冷运 K09 SG Research International G01 Shanghai ADICON Central Laboratory 上海艾迪康中心实验室 E06 Shanghai Jsure Health Co., Ltd. 上海捷信医药科技股份有限公司 C04 Shanghai MUDI Biotech Co., Ltd. 上海妙一生物科技有限公司 J05 Shanghai Pharmaceutical ZhongXie Co., Ltd. 上海医药众协药业有限公司 C08 Shanghai Shengsheng Logistics Co., Ltd 上海生生物流有限公司 J01 Shanghai Yaoshangfei Biologicals Cold Chain Logistics Co., Ltd 上海耀尚飞生物制品冷链物流有限公司 G04 SMO Clinplus Co., Ltd. 普蕊斯(上海)医药科技开发有限公司 A01 Springer Nature 施普林格 • 自然集团 A05 TransPerfect Translations International Inc. A10 Trifecta G03 Uppsala Monitoring Centre A09 Veeva Systems, Software (Shanghai) Co., Ltd 维我软件(上海)有限公司 E02, E03 World Courier (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 世递国际货物运输代理(上海)有限公司 E04 WuXi AppTec MedKey 药明康德 津石医药 G02 WuXi Clinical Development Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 上海康德弘翼医学临床研究有限公司 B01, B02 Zigzag Associates Ltd Zuellig Pharma Specialty Solutions Group J03 裕利医药特别解决方案部 J07 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 98 参展商介绍 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Amoy Diagnostics Co., Ltd. 厦门艾德生物医药科技股份有限公司 ASMO/DTW Life Sciences 优效医学/大田生命科学 Booth #K01 Company Introduction 厦门艾德生物专注于肿瘤精准医疗分子诊断产品的创新研发和 产业化。已有EGFR、 KRAS、 NRAS、 BRAF、 PIK3CA、 EML4-ALK、ROS1、ALK/ROS1、KRAS/NRAS/BRAF/ PIK3CA九种基因突变检测产品率先获得CFDA《医疗器械注 册证》和欧盟CE认证。艾德医学检验所为拥有“医疗机构 执业许可”资质的独立第三方医学检验机构,旨在提供最专 业的肿瘤分子检测中心实验室服务;拥有ARMS,ddPCR, NGS、FISH等7个技术平台,并以国际通用的实验室运行 标准进行管理和质控,拥有完善的检测流程。可支持服务于 不同阶段的临床研究,是AstraZeneca、Pfizer、Merck、 Janssen、Quintiles、Boehringer-Ingelheim等国际知名企业 的合作伙伴。 公司地址:福建省厦门市海沧区鼎山路39号 邮编:361027 联系人:卓燕瑜 电话:+86 18906004618 | 传真:+86 592- 6806 839 电子邮箱:[email protected] Company Introduction Booth #A12 ASMO was established in Beijing with the establishment of affiliated agency around 20 cities in China.ASMO devotes to perform quality and efficient clinical researches and meet people’s unmet healthy needs.We offer management service of ASMO for growing and clinical research all around the world through leading to the international advanced clinical research management system,integrating excellent domestic researchers’ resources and building recruitment network of subjects with ASMO’s features. [CRO] [SMO] [Recruitment] [Audit] DTW Group was founded in 1992, is the national 5A class logistics enterprises, China top 100 logistics enterprises.DTW has began life science clinical trials logistics business since 2003, and established a life science division in 2007. 优效医学成立于北京,在国内的20个城市建立了分支机构。 致力于实施优质高效的临床研究,满足人们未被满足的健康需 求。通过引进国际先进的临床研究管理体系,整合国内优秀的 研究者资源,健全优效特色的受试者招募网络,为日益增长 的、来自全球的临床研究提供优效的管理服务。 【CRO】【SMO】【招募】【稽查】 大田集团创立于1992 年,是国家5A 级物流企业,中国物流百 强企业。自2003年大田开始生命科学临床试验物流业务,并于 2007年建立了生命科学事业部 ArisGlobal Booth #K04 Company Introduction ArisGlobal has over a quarter of a century of experience delivering regulatory compliance solutions for companies in the life-sciences industry. We provide complete solutions from early stage clinical trial activity to regulatory submission and post-marketing surveillance to help companies achieve cost efficient and effective compliance with global and regional regulations by delivering best-in-class solutions for the specialist functions of Pharmacovigilance/Safety, Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Development and Medical Communications (including medical information, medical affairs and product complaints management). With more than half of the Global Top 50 companies included in our global customer base, ArisGlobal is also a leading provider of cloud based and on premise solutions with over 150 life-science companies relying on our solutions, a hundred of which are using these solutions in our life-science regulated and validated cloud. Company address: TK Shin-Toshin Bldg., 6F, 1-23-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023 Japan Contact person: Miko Arai Phone: +81 3 6304 5462 | Fax: +81 3 6304 5463 E-mail: [email protected] Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 参展商介绍 99 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Beijing Clinical Service Center 北京科林利康医学研究有限公司 Barrington James Company Introduction Booth #G10 Barrington James is a global specialist recruitment consultancy working across the Healthcare sector. Our structure, with separate divisions and dedicated consultants for the markets we serve ensures a thorough, professional and intelligent approach in both permanent and interim solutions. Our tailored methodologies include contingency database search and executive search. With offices in Asia, the USA and Europe we have developed an unrivalled reputation and built an extensive global network, whilst delivering quality results to our clients. Our specialist team of consultants, who have a combined 22 years’ experience in the Pharmaceutical and recruitment industry, will be available throughout the event and welcoming our existing network to our exhibition stand, along with making new connections and building relationships in person with those we have spoken with over the past year. We will also be scheduling face to face appointments that will provide you with the opportunity to discuss your specific requirements regarding recruitment solutions for your department/team if applicable, market intelligence and of course your own goals and career aspirations. Contact person: Matt Bulley Phone: +65 6589 0589 E-mail: [email protected] Booth # H03 科林利康,医药临床试验领域的卓越专家。 北京科林利康医学研究有限公司是一个集临床试验、药政注 册、医药写作、生物统计和数据管理、质量保证、培训和咨询 服务为己任的全方位医学科技服务商。公司通过积极参与国内 外医学领域的临床研究与学术推广,为制药企业、权威学术机 构、临床试验研究机构、专家、医生等提供临床专业化服务, 帮助患者和社会更健康。自成立以来,科林利康以优质服务和 合理的价格迅速成长为中国主要临床试验合同研究组织之一。 是美达临床数据技术有限公司的战略合作伙伴。 Beijing CTS Co., Ltd. 北京赛德盛医药科技股份有限公司 Company Introduction Booth # E09 北京赛德盛医药科技股份有限公司,是一家专业的医药开发综 合外包服务公司,致力于为国内外医药企业提供系统、优质的 临床研究服务,立志成为临床研究领域最具影响力的公司之一。 Beijing BioKnow Information Technology Co. LTD 北京百奥知信息科技有限公司 Company Introduction Company Introduction Booth #J08 北京百奥知信息科技有限公司,是一家致力于为中国临床研究 提供现代化技术服务的公司。专业、专注于医药研究领域信息 整体解决方案,成为中国最领先、最全面的医药研究信息服务 商,公司获得多项认证,高新技术企业认证,ISO9001质量管理 体系认证,双软认证,超过30项软件著作权证书,超过15项国家 认可机构软件测评报告,具有完善的项目管理技术、与质量保 障体系。 公司地址:北京市海淀区大钟寺华杰大厦9B7,邮编:100098 联系人:庄永龙 电话:+86 10 8279 0315 | 传真:+86 10 8279 0317 电子邮箱:[email protected] 赛德盛秉承“尊重产品、尊重客户、尊重团队”的理念,充分 发挥人才优势,密切关注客户需求,严格遵循国际化标准操作 规程。公司人员均熟悉ICH-GCP、SFDA-GCP及国内外法规要 求,具有丰富的国内外临床研究执行及管理经验,其中核心技 术人员均具有3年以上国际多中心临床研究经验。 公司业务:CRO、SMO、WeTrail系统、培训、第三方独立稽 查及数据管理与统计业务 愿景:成为中国临床试验一站式服务平台 使命:建设临床试验综合管理系统,让中国的临床试验更高效 实现临床试验服务领域业务全覆盖 价 值 观:诚信、高效、卓越、创新 公司地址:北京市朝阳区东四环中路远洋国际中心 C座1801-1803,邮编:100025 联系人:蒋杨怡 电话:+86 186-0130-3626 | 传真:+86 10 8586 6376 电子邮箱:[email protected] 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 100 参展商介绍 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY 首家获得国际最高实验室质量认证——美国病理学院(CAP) 认证的独立医学实验室。为国际大型药企及全国近千家医疗机 构提供国际标准的中心实验室服务。 WS QMS 北京经纬传奇医药科技有限公司 Beijing Jingwei Chuanqi Medicine Services Co., Ltd. Company Introduction 公司地址:北京市中关村生命科学园29号D101 邮编:102206 联系人:余密密 电话:+86 10 8072 0625 | 传真:+86 10 8072 0632 电子邮箱:[email protected] Booth #E01 经纬传奇稽查(3AUDIT)是国内第一家专业医药质量第三方 稽查公司,建立了第三方稽查标准体系,通过临床研究质量稽 查、咨询和培训,提供专业客观的临床研究质量稽查报告,确 保参与临床研究的各方都能按照GCP(或ICH-GCP)、SOPs 和相关政策法规要求实施Ⅰ至Ⅳ期药物、医疗器械临床试验, 以及中药保护、安全性评价等临床研究,获得药械研发真实数 据。3AUDIT已为上百家医药企业在规范临床研究质量、注册 现场核查、注册申报多方面提供专业服务,汇聚了国内最丰富 的药械临床研究案例库。 Widler & Schiemann Ltd. ——经纬传奇全球合作伙伴 We offer Services for the Pharmaceutical/Biotech and Devices Industry Globally: • Audit Services (Clinical Trial Site, Affiliate, CSV, CRO, Pharmacovigilance, Regulatory and more – GCP, GMP, GVP, GDP & GLP) • GxP Issue Management (GxP = GMP, GLP, GCP, GVP, etc…) • Quality Strategy, Quality Policy & Manuals • QMS (Quality Management System) & SOP Management, Design & Re-engineering • Quality by Design for Clinical Development • Quality Risk Management for Clinical Development & Manufacturing • Risk Management Methodologies • Risk-based Monitoring Design & Implementation • Drug Safety Services • Service Provider Assessment and Qualification • Corporate & Functional Healthcare Compliance • Regulatory Affairs QMS and day-to-day regulatory support • Training on all the topics we offer 北京洛奇临床检验所股份有限公司 Beijing Lawke Health Laboratory Beijing Lawke Health Laboratory Center Company LTD 北京洛奇临床检验所股份有限公司 Company Introduction Booth #A03 北京洛奇临床检验所股份有限公司(股票代码834652)是一家 集医学服务、教育、研究为一体的大型独立医学实验室。目前 服务临床及科研客户1000多家。检验所成立于2006年,是北京 Beijing Linkstart Medical Technology Development Co. Ltd. 北京联斯达医药科技发展有限公司 Booth #C01 Company Introduction 联斯达SMO成立于2012年,国家高新技术企业,中国GCP联 盟成员,DIA中国SMO协作组副主任委员单位,是国内率先进 入互联网化管理的独立专业的临床试验现场管理组织(SMO, Site Management Organization),具有成熟的“质量体系+ 培训+IT系统”。联斯达通过临床研究协调服务和SMO现场质 量控制IT系统对临床研究现场进行精细化管理,开启线上和线 下相结合的现场质量控制模式,为服务客户反应现场真实,让 研究者和申办方对临床试验管理数据能够远程监控。 公司历经4年稳定发展成为中国知名的SMO,至今服务项目 121个,全国覆盖城市46个,拥有专业人员215人,合租机构 210个,能够覆盖各临床专业,尤其擅长内分泌、神经内科、 免疫、肿瘤等专业。联斯达坚守聚焦,一路精细化项目管理和 site点管理,我们一直在寻找更明智的伙伴与联斯达共同探讨 合作。我们立志于协助研究者规避现场管理质量风险,从而降 低申办方的研发风险。聚焦专业独立的SMO运营发展研究,致 力于成为中国临床研究现场的质量控制专家,塑造中国SMO的 价值。 公司地址:北京市朝阳区朝阳北路龙湖长楹天街西区1-1-2203 邮编:100024 联系人:艾红芳 电话:+86 10 8579 0572-808 | 传真:+86 10 8579 0572-816 电子邮箱:[email protected] Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 参展商介绍 101 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Beijing S&Q Healthcare Co., Ltd. 北京松乔医药科技有限公司 Company Introduction Booth #E08 BEIJING YINGJI LOGISTICS CO., LTD 北京映急物流有限公司 Company Introduction Based in Beijing, Beijing S&Q Healthcare Co. ,Ltd is affiliated to S&Q Checkup Center. S&Q focuses on subjects recruitment and CRC service. S&Q Healthcare, with a professional recruitment team which covers over 20 cities, could provide multi-channel recruitment services, including physician referrals, web, newspaper and database. S&Q Healthcare provide CRC services to investigators and coordinate clinical trials of cardiovascular drugs and medical devices. 北京松乔医药医药科技有限公司(简称:松乔健康)隶属于北京 松乔健康体检中心,总部位于北京,专注于受试者招募和CRC 派遣服务。松乔健康在全国主要城市拥有专业化的招募团队, 依托广阔的渠道网络及丰富的行业资源,为国内外医药企业提 供多渠道受试者招募服务,包括医师推荐、网络、纸媒及数据 库等。同时松乔健康在全国主要城市提供心血管领域的CRC派 遣服务,协助研究中心开展药物和医疗器械的临床研究工作。 Booth #F08 城市映急成立于1999年,专注医药冷链物流研发与服务。目前 公司下属60多个分、子公司,业务遍及国内800多个城市。城 市映急凭借先进的温控技术,专业的物流服务团队,强大的信 息管理平台,为各界新老客户提供精准温控运输和仓储服务。 历经十多年发展,城市映急已成为全球众多知名生物医药企业 及CRO公司首选合作伙伴。 公司地址:北京市顺义区仁和镇沙坨工业区5号, 邮编:101300 联系人:王昊 电话:+86 10 6547 1947,+86 18601072440 电子邮箱: [email protected] Contact Person: Serena SONG (宋坤) Phone: +86 10 5867 3117 Email: [email protected] BioClinica Company Introduction Beijing Sinocro PharmaScience Co., Ltd. 北京兴德通医药科技有限公司 Company Introduction Booth #H08 北京兴德通医药科技有限公司 (Beijing Sinocro PharmaScience Co., Ltd.),是一家经验丰 富、资源广泛的专业CRO公司。兴德通依托经验丰富的专业技 术团队、以只争朝夕的高效服务态度,凭借“因为专业,所以 敢于承担”的精神,不断赢得广大委托客户的信任与肯定,提 供与药品临床开发相关的一系列专业服务,包括产品注册、I 期至IV期临床试验、生物等效性试验和国际多中心临床试验的 监查、项目管理、受试者招募、数据管理、生物统计、翻译、 医学报告撰写、市场调研和产品开发战略咨询等。作为接受客 户委托的服务企业,兴德通本着委托客户的利益最大化为出发 点,对临床研究项目进行科学化设计、最优化管理,个性化服 务的全面解决方案,以协助委托客户节约管理成本、降低失败 风险、缩短项目周期、顺利取得各项批件与上市。使委托客户 可以集中精力与资源开拓市场,抢得市场先机。 公司地址:北京市朝阳区左家庄中街6号豪成大厦21层, 邮编:100028 联系人:梁潇 电话:+86 10 8460 5516 | 传真:+86 10 8460 5026 电子邮箱:[email protected] Booth #B03 Bioclinica is a specialty services provider that utilizes sound scientific expertise and proven standardized methods to create clarity in the clinical trial process. We offer advanced medical image analysis and comprehensive cardiac safety services to enhance development of new therapies across all phases and a wide range of therapeutic areas. Our therapeutically-aligned medical and scientific teams provide unrivalled expertise and dedicated support for clinical trials, with a focus on high-quality data and strict regulatory compliance. With experience spanning more than three decades and thousands of clinical trials, Bioclinica provides the flexibility and scalability necessary to offer tailored support for small early phase molecular imaging studies through to large, complex, late phase registration trials. BioClinica’s regional infrastructure and local expertise in Asia have enabled support for the first TQT studies in China and Japan. Through a network of offices in the U.S., Europe and Asia, Bioclinica serves more than 400 pharmaceutical, biotechnology and device organizations – including all of the top 20. Learn more at www.bioclinica.com. 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 102 参展商介绍 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY • Specialty handling including high potent/cytotoxic and controlled substances • Clinical storage, distribution, and returns management. Brightech International, LLC 布莱特及成都明科宏能临床医学研究有限公司 Company Introduction Booth#B10 Company address: 217-221 Governor Rd. Braeside VIC 3195 Australia Contact person: Dione Phillips Phone: (03) 9586-1214 | Fax: (03) 9586-1299 E-mail: [email protected] 我们是您临床试验的伙伴! 成都明科宏能是一个全方位CRO公司, 在其母公司美国布莱特 的带领下以客户为中心,提供满足客户需求的、全面的、高质 量的临床监查、临床试验运作和临床试验数据服务(包括临床 试验数据管理、生物统计分析/SAS程序编写、临床试验数据标 准化)、临床试验注册申报以及医学文献撰写服务。我们还提 供中国公司进入国际市场以及国际公司进入中国市场的策略咨 询,临床申报和临床试验服务。 公司总部“布莱特”拥有平均19年的药物临床研究经验,设在 被誉为药业硅谷的新泽西州,于2009年兼并上海宏能软件,并 在香港,上海,成都设有分公司。团队拥有平均6年的药物临床 研究经验。曾负责和参与7项新药临床试验项目和10多项临床 研究项目的服务。 明科宏能拥有自己独立知识产权的CIMS(临床研究管理)系 统,包括中央随机、药品管理、数据管理、数据录入(支持 EDC和双录入)和项目管理等功能,并拥有软件开发和维护14 年的团队。CIMS系统已在中国用于200多个临床项目的研究, 在美国已用于多个项目的研究。 公司地址:中国.四川.成都高新区天府大道高新孵化园1号楼B 座C-03,邮编:610041 联系人:冉容 电话:+86 13880926290 | 传真:+86 28 8511 1480 电子邮箱:[email protected] Catalent 康泰伦特 Company Introduction Cenduit LLC Company Introduction Booth #C07 Cenduit is the Largest Interactive Response Technology (IRT) Specialist in the World and is a joint venture between two large organizations, Quintiles & Fisher Clinical Services. We are dedicated to quality, partnership, efficiency, and exemplary customer service. Standard system functionality includes: • Patient Randomization • Drug Supply Management • Drug Accountability, Returns & Destructions • Cold Chain Management • Consulting and Supply Chain Optimization • Study Maintenance and Customer Service • Global 24/7/365 Helpdesk • Reporting and Data Integration Cenduit has wealth of experience in randomizing patients and managing drug supply in over 80 countries. Regardless of study design, therapeutic area, geographic coverage, or study complexity, Cenduit can help you manage better your trial more effectively and efficiently. Experience of over 600 studies put to live globally. Booth #G05 Clinical Supply Solutions Catalent helps solve clinical trial challenges by reliably supplying studies of all sizes and complexities. Catalent’s commitment to quality and service delivery excellence is evident in innovative flexible solutions, modern global facilities, and 25+ years’ experience in supply chain management across 5,000+ studies in more than 80 countries for innovators of all sizes. Catalent’s offerings cover clinical trials support solutions: • Clinical scale manufacturing, over-encapsulation, and blinding • Direct comparator / reference product sourcing • Clinical packaging and labeling • Cold chain capabilities from controlled room temperature (CRT) to cryogenic Latest Technology: • User-Friendly Application = Time Saved • Flexibility = High Performance • State of Art Security = Peace of Mind • Cutting-Edge Technology = Reliability Quality: • Cenduit’s Global Quality System is IRT-centric and riskbased, undiluted by lesser risk offerings, to assure consistent performance over time. • Each study has daily automated integrity checks to assure continued compliance to protocol. Quick Facts: • Highly Awarded by Inc. 5000, Grant Thornton 100, and Fast 50 Award and ranked among fastest-growing privately held companies in the U.S. Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 参展商介绍 103 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Company address: 4825 Creekstone Drive,Suite 400, Durham, NC 27703 USA Phone: +91-99160 44055 | Fax: +91-80-3352-6600 Contact person: Sharad Gupta E-mail: [email protected] CCBR CLINICAL RESEARCH Center for Clinical & Basic Research (Beijing) Company Limited 西斯比亚基础与临床研究中心 Company Introduction CCBR(临床中心和基础研究中心),全球总部位于丹麦,成立于 1992年。经过20多年在世界范围内的成功运作,CCBR已经发展 为世界第一的ARO / SMO组织。CCBR提供的服务范围非常广 泛,并已广泛参与共同开发各种药品和器械。 公司地址:北京市昌平区生命园路29号中关村生命科学园创新 大厦C座一层,邮编:102206 联系人:任然 电话:+86 185 0125 1209 传真: +86 10 8070 5506 邮箱:[email protected] Company Introduction Company address: Suite E-10-20, Amcorp Business Suites, Menara Melawangi, Amcorp Trade Centre, No 18, Jalan Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia Phone: +603 7960 5153 | Fax: +603 7932 1940 Contact person: Dr. Khairul Faizi Khalid, Head of Business Development E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.clinicalresearch.my Booth #H09 CCBR是世界领先的具有全面科学背景的临床试验现场管理组 织,专注于临床试验现场管理、病人招募和医学影像分析服务,提 高新药物开发的质量,效率和速度。CCBR已经有1200多篇论文 发表在领先的国际生命科学学术的期刊上。这个数量和频率在 所有的私营企业中都是最高的。 Clinical Research Malaysia biotech and medical device industries) and contract research organizations (CRO) with an extensive range of services which include feasibility studies & investigator matching, review of clinical trial agreements, development & placement of study coordinators, advice & management of clinical trial budget and improve the capability of sites. Booth #k08 Clinical Research Malaysia (CRM) is a non-profit company wholly owned by the Government of Malaysia’s Ministry of Health. CRM was established in June 2012 to position Malaysia as a preferred global destination for industry-sponsored research (ISR) and to function as an enabler and facilitator to the industry and medical fraternity. CRM focuses on 5 key strategies; grow the number of principal investigators and sites; increase the number of IndustrySponsored Research; collaborate with stakeholders; create awareness of CRM and develop human capital. CRM provides sponsors (primarily from the pharmaceutical, CLINICAL SOFT SOLUTION FOR SCIENCE&HEALTH Clinical Software Co., Ltd 北京市科雷尼克软件有限公司 Company Introduction Booth #K02 Our company is a professional clinical research information solutions provider. The products of our company can help customers improve the efficiency of the clinical development process, and optimize the R & D investment. The main business: CTMS, CRS, TSM, EDC, CDM, CODING, PV, EPRO, REPORT 我公司为临床研究信息化解决方案提供商,为各种治疗领域和 各阶段临床研究提供专业的服务。主要通过规划、管理临床试 验开发过程的各环节,帮助客户更高效的推进临床试验项目的 进程,更及时的对临床试验数据进行采集、管理、分析和制作 报表,更准确的获取临床项目分析结果,最终做到有效优化客 户的研发投资。公司产品先后为国际知名药企、世界五百强企 业、多家研究机构等提供了服务,有超过800家临床中心使用 临床试验管理平台参与试验。 公司地址:北京市海淀区西三环北路72号世纪经贸大厦B座800 邮编:100000 联系人:杜婕乔 电话:+86 139 1068 4467 | 传真: +86 10 8882 4897 邮箱:[email protected] 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 104 参展商介绍 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Clinipace Worldwide Company Introduction Booth #G08, G09 Company Introduction Clinipace Worldwide is a global full-service digital contract research organization (dCRO) that has pioneered an innovative service model to transform drug and medical device development by delivering technology-amplified services to improve study performance, collaboration, and visibility across all stakeholders. From managing your entire development program to conducting an individual clinical trial, our experts bring extensive therapeutic and local experience in building a well-defined clinical plan to maximize your success. Powered by TEMPO™ – our proprietary eClinical technology – our teams ensure your success and bring unsurpassed efficiency, quality, and visibility to your development programs. Clinipace是一个提供全球性全方位服务的数字化临床研究组织 (dCRO),我们率先开拓了一个创新的服务模式,利用数字化科 技的优势,为所有的受益者提高了试验项目的效率,改善了合 作形式,并增加了试验的透明度,从而在药品和医疗器械的研 发领域带来了变革。从整体研发方案的管理到具体临床试验的 实施,我们的专家团队会利用他们广泛的治疗领域经验以及丰 富的实际临床经验建立一个完善的临床试验计划,从而最大程 度的为您的成功带来保证。借助于我们自主研发的TEMPO™电 子化临床试验平台,我们的专家团队可以确保给您的研发项目 带来高效率、高质量和高度透明化的服务,并最终确保研发方 案的成功。 Company address: 上海市黄浦区福州路318号浦汇大厦2301室, 200001 Contact person: Sophie Jia, Larry Qiu, Jason Wang Phone: +86 21 5308 6153 | Fax: +86 21 5308 6152 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Covance Inc. Company Introduction CRScube Inc. Booth #C09 CRScube作为开发供应临床试验解决方案的专业公司,目前在 韩国市场占有率占据第一,引领着整个市场。 为助力客户成功进行临床试验,提供cubeCDMS(EDC), cubeIWRS, cubePRO, cubeSAFETY, cubeCTMS, cubeBUILDER等综合解决方案。 CRScube作为综合临床试验解决方案供应企业,截至目前 • 在各领域,正在开展400件以上临床试验课题 • 与90多家制药公司和10家以上CRO建有合作关系 • 包括中国、法国、日本等,15000个以上各国机构,正在使 用本公司解决方案,并且有30万以上试验对象注册在系统里 与此同时,作为亚洲企业最早获得了CDISC ODM 认证,同 时拥有BSI主管的ISO9001:2008 认证和政府机构颁发的Good software 认证等,CRScube通过获得诸类认证,旨在为客户 提供更优质的服务。 本公司解决方案可以为客户量身定制,因此,可以为贵公司提 供最适合的解决方案。 为帮助了解本公司以及解决方案,附上宣传手册,敬请参阅。 在本公司官网(www.crscube.co.kr),通过各种在线研讨, 可以获得更多有益的信息。或者通过免费试用,尝试本公司解 决方案,为贵公司推进课题用作参考。 感谢您拨冗阅读本公司介绍以及解决方案介绍,若有疑问,敬 请垂询,我们将尽心尽力为您解答 ! 谢谢! Company address: #807 R&D Tower (Nuritkum Square), 396, Worldcup buk-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 03925, Rep. of Korea Contact person: Eric Choi Phone: +82-70-4010-7715 Fax: +82-2-722-7280 E-mail: [email protected] Booth # F06, F07 Covance Inc., the drug development business of Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings (LabCorp) headquartered in Princeton, New Jersey, USA, is the world’s most comprehensive drug development company, dedicated to advancing healthcare and delivering Solutions Made Real®. Our unique perspectives, built from decades of scientific expertise and precision delivery of the largest volume of drug development data in the world, helps our clients identify new approaches and anticipate tomorrow’s challenges as they evolve. Together with our clients, Covance transforms today’s health care challenges into tomorrow’s solutions. Information on Covance’s solutions can be obtained through its website at www.covance.com Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 参展商介绍 105 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY DONNELLEY LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS Company Introduction Booth #K05 RR Donnelley Language Solutions is a global translation service and technology provider. We help pharmaceutical, clinical research and healthcare organizations create, translate, harmonize and manage content in over 140 languages. Thanks to +25 years of experience, 6,000 linguists, ISO certified processes and a 24/7 service platform, we provide accurate, secure and fast translations. Our fully scalable solutions also include interpreting, TMS, dynamic website translation and much more. 日新的业务范围包括: • 新药开发与医药相关法规咨询业务 • 临床试验的规划和政策咨询 • 临床试验方案、病例报告表的设计 • 病例登录、药品随机化 • 试验监查业务 • 数据管理业务 • 统计分析业务 • 总结报告撰写业务 • 质量管理与质量保证业务 • 进口药及相关器具的药事申请业务 • 医药品市场的调查研究 • 临床试验相关培训 Company address: 22nd Floor, Nexxus Building, 41 Connaught Road Central, Central, Hong Kong Contact person: Christy Ma Phone: +852-25092712 | Fax: +852-25090711 E-mail: [email protected] ERT Company Introduction EPS International (China) Co., Ltd. 上海日新医药发展有限公司 Company Introduction Booth #A11 上海日新医药发展有限公司(EPS International (China) Co., Ltd.)是益新国际医药科技有限公司的子公司,主要从事新药的I 到IV期临床试验的代理和药品的市场调研业务。 凭借在日本从事CRO业务二十多年的经验,和EPS集团在日 本、美国、中国大陆、中国台湾、新加坡等国家和地区的分公 司和代表处的雄厚实力,成长为国内合同研究组织行业的领军 者之一。我们基于中国,面向亚太地区,全面开展全球性的临床 研究代理业务。 上海日新医药发展有限公司是提供全领域的临床试验专业服务 的合同研究组织(CRO)。有超过100 个专业雇员,主要专业背 景有临床医学、药学、临床药理和生物统计学,并且均接受过 GCP 和临床研究的良好培训,与欧美、日本制药公司有良好的 沟通能力。迄今为止,日新完成的和正在进行的有超过 130个 临床方案和研究。试验期从 I 期到 IV 期,涉及肿瘤、心血管、 脑和神经、免疫和过敏、眼科和抗感染等方面的领域。 日新所属的EPS,是一家在日本东京证券交易所上市的企业 (上市编号 4282 ),集 CRO, SMO, IT 为一体的科技集团企 业。集团内现有员工5000余名,遍布日本,中国台湾、中国香 港、韩国、新加坡、印度、菲律宾、越南、澳大利亚、美国等 国,在专心致力于 中国 CRO 业务的健康成长的同时,决心为 顾客提供高质量服务而持续努力。 Booth #A06 ERT is the leading cloud platform solutions provider that captures quality efficacy and safety endpoints, harmonizes data from any clinical source system, and delivers real-time insights for optimum trial performance – innovating better health for over 40 years and tomorrow. ERT’s combination of technology, services, and consulting increases the accuracy and reliability of patient data and improves the efficiency of the clinical development process throughout the product lifecycle. ERT provides sponsors and CROs with the most widely deployed solutions in centralized Cardiac Safety, Respiratory, Suicide Risk Assessment, and Clinical Outcome Assessments (COAs including patient, clinician, and observer reported outcomes). ERT is a global organization with headquarters in Philadelphia, PA and offices throughout the U.S., U.K., Japan, and Germany. Company address: 1-19-14 Ginza, Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 Japan Contact person: Hiroshi Atago Phone: +81 3 3561 1531 | Fax: +81 3 3561 1532 E-mail: [email protected] 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 106 参展商介绍 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY strategic capability and undertaking pivotal international studies. Fountain is your trustworthy CRO Choice in Asia. EXTEDO Company Introduction Booth #J10 EXTEDO is a leading solutions and services provider in the field of Regulatory Information Management (RIM). We focus on optimizing our clients’ eRegulatory business processes and are the only vendor that provides solutions covering the entire regulatory landscape. Our EXTEDOsuite combines innovation with compliance, and quality with usability. Whether planning & tracking, product registration, submission publishing and lifecycle management, pharmacovigilance management and drug safety; we optimize every eRegulatory business process. Today, EXTEDO enables more than 35 regulatory authorities and over 700 maintained customers across 60 countries to deliver Effortless Compliance™. For more information visit www.extedo.com. Company address: Einsteinstr. 30 Ottobrunn, 85521 Germany Contact person: Thomas Kessler Phone: +49 89 189454 0 | Fax: +49 89 189454 999 E-mail: [email protected] Fountain Medical Development Limited 方恩医药发展有限公司 Company Introduction Company address: Room 301, Future Business Center 17, No. 1 Yard, Wu Li Qiao First Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100024 China Contact Person: Sophia Bai Phone: +86 22 2345 2013-8027 | Fax: +86 22 2345 2016 E-mail: [email protected] Genuine.Consistent.Precise GCP ClinPlus Co., Ltd. 普瑞盛(北京)医药科技开发有限公司 Company Introduction Booth #A02 普瑞盛(北京)医药科技开发有限公司作为拥有13年历史的临 床试验服务组织,我们致力于医疗领域研发,一直努力成为研 发企业值得信赖的临床试验合作伙伴,公司本着(G)Genuine 真诚,(C) Consistent 坚持, (P) Precise 精准 的服务宗旨,以 科学、严谨、创新的精神,业务不断扩大,目前涉及药物、器 械的临床研究整个环节,可以为客户提供全方位的服务。 GCP ClinPlus Co., Ltd. is one of the leading CRO in China with 13 years history. We are dedicated to provide full service in clinical development aiming to become the most trusted partner with clients. We provide service based on the tenet of Genuine, Consistent and Precise (GCP),with our business expanding ,we can provide full service regarding the whole process of drug and medical device development. Booth# C03 Fountain Medical Development Ltd. is a contract research organization (CRO) dedicated to offering a full range of ICH GCP compliant clinical research services for multinational clients conducting clinical research in China and East Asia. The FMD management team has decades of combined experience working with the world’s leading CROs and drug developers. In the Chinese CRO market, we fill the void of a service provider that balance high quality with moderate cost. Our extensive global experience in multiple therapeutic areas is unmatched by other local CROs, and our lower operational cost allows us to pass significant savings on to our clients. We have assembled the highest quality team that is capable of handling Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Operations, Safety Handling, Project Management, Data Management and Statistical Analysis, Consulting and Pharmacoeconomic studies. Fountain has hands-on clinical trial experiences in in mainland of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and the US, and has completed more than 200 clinical trial projects, we have been in good partnership with more than 300 sites in Asia and we have enrolled more than 70000 patients in clinical trials. Fountain’s success includes the excellent team, the Giant Med-Pharma Service Group 北京精诚医药科技集团 Company Introduction Booth #J04 北京精诚医药科技集团是一家提供药品和医疗器械的研发/注册/ 临床试验及医药市场研究的专业服务机构。 CRO业务范围包括药品、医疗器械、诊断试剂注册/临床试验/ 产品市场准入和市场研究咨询等。 SMO业务范围包括CRC/受试者招募与管理/数据录入/研究培训 等。 合作过的客户包括欧美亚及国内的各类制药及器械企业等。 Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 参展商介绍 107 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY H&J CRO International, Inc. 北京翰博瑞强医药信息咨询有限公司 Company Introduction Booth #E05 北京翰博瑞强医药信息咨询有限公司(H&J CRO International, Inc.)成立于2003年,致力于全球医药研发的创新外包组织 (Contract Research Organization, CRO)。H&J总部位于享 有”全球医药研发之都”美誉的美国新泽西州(New Jersey), 中国总部位于北京CBD,同时在上海、广州、武汉、成都等15 个核心城市设有分支机构。 H&J CRO International, Inc., is a premier full service Clinical Research Organization (CRO) offering global clinical trial solutions. Established in 2003, and headquartered in the U.S. in New Jersey, also has five branch offices in China in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangshou, Wuhan, and Changdu. We specialize in regulatory affairs, clinical trial management, data management, SAS programming, biostatistics, and medical writing services. Email:[email protected] TEL: +86 10 59105001 | FAX: +86 10 59105002 ECRFPlus has established national technical support and SMO service network with offices in major cities across China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Hangzhou and so on. In addition, we have established working relationship with over one hundred of large clinical research hospitals (sites) in China. Along with our 3Q platform suite, we are in a superior position to offer a gateway for foreign and domestic pharmaceutical companies to conduct clinical trials in China. 伊柯夫自2002年以来专门从事临床试验信息技术的研发,服务 于全球药厂、CROs和临床研究机构, 为他们提供符合国际标 准的临床试验信息化整体解决方案。基于其先进的SaaS平台技 术,伊柯夫为生物医药研发机构提供全过程管理、全过程数据 溯源、全方位临床试验服务平台,包括: 1. 伊柯夫3Q云服务平台: www.3QTrials.com,注重联合第 三方服务机构为药厂提供临床试验“一站式”项目管理服 务; 2. 伊柯夫SaaS数据平台:EDC、ECG、ABPM等: www.eCRFplus.com,注重临床试验eCRF数据采集和管 理, 药物心脏毒性的研究等; 3. 伊柯夫GCP质量服务平台: www.ChinaGCPs.com, 注重 以申办方为中心的临床试验质量监督、管理和保障服务。 伊柯夫在北京、上海、广州、武汉、成都、杭州等地建立了服 务全国的技术支持和SMO服务中心,并和中国大型三甲临床医 院、I期研究基地建立了良好的合作关系, 为申办方提供优质服 务打下了坚实的基础。 公司地址:杭州市文一西路998号海创园4号楼601, 邮编:311121 联系人:金轶群 电话:+86 571 8993 6157 | 传真:+86 571 8993 6156 电子邮箱:[email protected] Hangzhou Ecrf Technology Co., Ltd. 杭州伊柯夫科技有限公司 Company Introduction Booth #J09 ECRFPlus, the total “e-Solution” provider for clinical trials, has been serving global pharmaceutical companies, CROs, phase I centers, and clinical research sites with its state-of-the-art e-CRF+™ eClinical solution suite. Built on its eClinical technology platform, ECRFPlus provides a truly end-to-end solution for sponsors to help them to oversee the study progress, reduce the study risks and shorten the overall study period. Our 3Q platform suite includes: 1. ECRFPlus 3Q Cloud Service Platform that delivers “onestop” shop for end-to-end clinical trial management. Please refer towww.3QTrials.com for more details; 2. ECRFPlus SaaS Platform that includes EDC SaaS for clinical trials eCRF data capture, ECG SaaS and ABPM SaaS for drug cardiac safety monitoring and data analysis. Please refer to www.eCRFplus.com for more details; 3. ECRFPlus GCP Platform that promotes clinical trials quality awareness and exchange. Please refer to www.ChinaGCPs.com for more details. Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting Co., Ltd 杭州泰格医药科技股份有限公司 Company Introduction Booth #H04 杭州泰格医药科技股份有限公司(股票代码:300347)是一家 专注于为新药研发提供临床试验全过程专业服务的合同研究组 织(CRO)。我们致力为客户在降低研发风险、节约研发经费 的同时,提供高质量的临床试验服务,从而推进产品市场化进 程。 泰格医药总部位于杭州,下设33家子公司,在中国内地53个主 要城市和香港、中国台湾、韩国、日本、马来西亚、新加坡、 印度、澳大利亚、加拿大、美国等地设有全球化服务网点,拥 有近2000多人的国际化专业团队,为全球600多家客户成功开 展了500余项临床试验服务。泰格医药更因参与57余种国内创 新药临床试验,而被誉为 “创新型CRO”。 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 108 参展商介绍 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY IDA Health Tech Medical Group 煌途医药集团有限公司 Company Introduction Company Introduction Booth #A08 煌途医药集团始于2004年,注册于香港,下设煌途医药研发( 北京)有限公司,煌途(北京)科技有限公司,思萌(中国) 有限公司,湖州思萌医药有限公司四家全资子公司,是中国本 土第一家FSP服务商,致力于提供亚太区的医药研发全职能外 包(临床研究运营、医学事务、统计与数据管理、政府与法规 事务咨询、独立稽查)、SMO等全方位服务.基于卓越的IT能 力,我们拥有独立自主研发的EDC, E-Learning, CVS, IVRS四 大系统。在过去三年,我们保持每年30%的增长,为超过30 家跨国企业提供服务。我们成为4家客户的优选供应商,签订 MSA,其中2家为跨国药厂。 Booth #H10 IDA, founded in 2004 and a member of the M3 Group since March 2015, is a Japanese company that provides consulting, CRO and IT driven solutions that enable the optimal development and commercialization of novel pharmaceutical products for Japan and Asia. In the past era of FDA/EMA-oriented drug development, IDA pioneered approaches that allowed western biopharmaceutical companies to plan and implement Japanese and Asian drug development fully aligned with US and European strategies. In a new era, as Asia emerges as the world’s largest pharmaceutical market and PMDA solidifies a position as a key arbiter of regulatory policy for the region, IDA stands poised to lead the way in bringing Japan and Asia to the center of drug development. By creatively partnering with clients throughout the entirety of the product development and commercialization process, IDA and the M3 Group aim to accelerate patient access to new therapies and enhance the value of new products throughout Japan and Asia. IDA’s main services include: 1) Market, Medical & Regulatory Strategy /Consulting 2) Comprehensive Management of Clinical Development (Clinical Trials In Country Caretaker & Full-Service CRO) 3) Commercialization and Partnering Support ICON Clinical Research (Beijing) Co Ltd 爱恩康临床医学研究(北京)有限公司 Company Introduction Booth #F01 ICON plc is a global provider of drug development solutions and services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries. The company specialises in the strategic development, management and analysis of programs that support clinical development - from compound selection to Phase I-IV clinical studies. With headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, ICON currently operates from 90 locations in 37 countries and has approximately 11,900 employees. Over 2,800 of these employees are based in 13 different countries throughout Asia Pacific. Further information is available at www.iconplc.com. Company address: Room 1101-05, Tower B, Global Trade Centre, No. 36 East, Third Ring North Road, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100013 China Contact Person: Lucy Shen Phone: +86 135 0198 5441 | Fax: +86 21 5401 0758 E-mail: [email protected] Company address: Selon Bldg 7F, 11-7 Shinsen, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0045 Japan Contact Person: Benjamin Haydock Phone: +81-3-6416-0540 | Fax: +81-3-6416-0564 E-mail: [email protected] Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 参展商介绍 109 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY for a wide range of therapeutic areas (oncology, rheumatology, dermatology, cardiology etc.) and assessment criteria (RECIST, Cheson, WHO etc.) Keosys is involved in more than 50 studies with Global op 50 Pharma, Contract Research Organizations, Biotechnology & Medical Technology companies, and Academic Institutions. INC Research 爱恩希(北京)医疗科技有限公司 Company Introduction Company address: 13, impasse Serge Reggiani BP 10222, 44815 Saint-Herblain, France Phone: +33 (0) 2 53 59 12 90 | Contact person: Yifan FU E-mail: [email protected] Booth #C06 INC Research (Nasdaq: INCR) is a leading global contract research organization (“CRO”) providing the full range of Phase I to Phase IV clinical development services for the biopharmaceutical and medical device industries. Leveraging the breadth of our service offerings and the depth of our therapeutic expertise across multiple patient populations, INC Research connects customers, clinical research sites and patients to accelerate the delivery of new medicines to market. The Company was named “Best Contract Research Organization” in December 2015 by an independent panel for Scrip Intelligence, and ranked “Top CRO to Work With” among large global CROs in the 2015 CenterWatch Global Investigative Site Relationship Survey. INC Research is headquartered in Raleigh, NC, with operations across six continents and experience spanning more than 110 countries. KEOSYS Medical Imaging Company Introduction Kinetiq Company Introduction Kinetiq is a consulting and technology company that delivers innovative solutions for human subject protection and compliance in clinical research. Kinetiq works with clinical researchers, research institutions, pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device companies to develop contemporary approaches to a changing landscape. KingMed Diagnostics 金域检验 Booth #C02 Booth #H05 Company Introduction Booth #C10 Keosysy’ flahship solution is the IMAGYS Clinical Trial Imaging Management System (CTIMS). Imagys is a unique cloud-based CTIMS with a fully integrated workflow and a remote viewing system. It enables the centralization and remote assessment of medical images during clinical trials. 金域检验创立于1994年,总部设于广州,目前在上海、香港等 全国范围内设立27个分支机构,检测项目从常规到特检已超过 2200项,为全国18000多家医疗机构提供检测服务。作为行业 标准的实践者,广州金域和上海金域分别于2008年、2013年通 过了CAP认可,并且广州金域是中国通过CAP认可检测项目最 多的医学实验室。依托于全方位高质量的临床检测技术平台, 面向国内外大型制药公司、生物技术公司和CRO提供包括实验 室检测、样本采集盒、标本物流以及标本管理等成熟的临床试 验相关的中心实验室服务。 Imagys is compatible with all medical imaging modalities and formats, including Raw Data and Enhanced DICOM. It offers significant advantages in terms of security, time optimization and cost control compared to other technologies used for data centralization. Imagys is CE-certified and FDA-cleared. 公司地址:广东省广州市国际生物岛螺旋三路10号 邮编:510005 联系人:彭淑莊 电话:+86 20 2919 3648 | 传真:+86 20 2919 6329 电子邮箱:[email protected] Keosys is a global provider of Medical Imaging data management solutions and central reading services for Phase I to IV clinical trials and observational studies. Within its international network of medical experts, Keosys also provides image Quality Control and Central Reading services 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 110 参展商介绍 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY mdgroup Company Introduction Kun Tuo 昆拓 Booth #K10 mdgroup are the global leader in event and delegate management. Booth #B05 We partner with our clients to bring global insight and expertise alongside creativity and precision to produce unique events. 昆拓,是昆泰专为中国市场设立的合同研究组织(CRO),致 力于为中国的药物和医疗器械临床研究提供优质可靠的服务, 并为您有效控制预算。自2012年成立至今,昆拓已为多家国内 外知名制药公司提供了专业的临床研究服务,团队迅速增长。 昆拓提供的全方位临床研究服务包括:临床监查服务、项目管 理服务、医学事务服务、研究中心管理服务(CRC)、生物统 计服务、数据管理服务、注册事务服务、药物警戒服务、医学 翻译服务、临床研究人员外包服务、以及为医疗器械公司提供 的整合服务等。昆拓,优知可信,灵活善行,是您CRO服务的 信任之选。了解更多,敬请登录昆拓网站:www.kuntuo.cn。 业务联系电话:+86 21-24228633。 Our global team has a wealth of experience managing everything from training and symposia to advisory boards and product launches. Company Introduction With offices in five countries we work alongside our clients to coordinate venue logistics, event infrastructure, tours and excursions and use the latest technology to tailor all delegate communications. Through our own travel and destination management companies we can respond quickly and flexibly to our clients whilst securing them the best possible rates. We’ll bring your vision to life to get the results you need. mdgroup是全球首屈一指的活动策划者。 我们满布全球的专业团队,从培训活动、专题研讨会、咨询委 员会到产品发布会,都具有丰富的管理经验。 LORENZ Life Sciences Group Company Introduction Booth #K07 LORENZ Life Sciences Group (www.lorenz.cc) has been developing and marketing software solutions for the Life Sciences market since 1989. LORENZ’s solutions are geared specifically for submission assembly, review, publishing, validation and management. LORENZ docuBridge® is the most widely used eCTD submission management system for U.S., European and Japanese formats among many others, and is popular with regulatory agencies and industry alike. With over 500 installations in over 25 countries, LORENZ has a strong worldwide customer base. Company address: Building 329, Doncastle Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8PE, United Kingdom Contact Person: Catherine WONG Phone: +65 9827 7300 Fax: +44 1344 420 686 E-mail: [email protected] Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 参展商介绍 111 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Medidata Company Introduction Booth #F04, F05 Merge, an IBM Company Company Introduction Booth #H02 Medidata is the leading global provider of cloud-based solutions for clinical research in life sciences, transforming clinical development through its advanced applications and intelligent data analytics. The Medidata Clinical Cloud® brings new levels of productivity and quality to the clinical testing of promising medical treatments, from study design and planning through execution, management and reporting. We are committed to advancing the competitive and scientific goals of global customers, which include over 90% of the top 25 global pharmaceutical companies; innovative biotech, diagnostic and device firms; leading academic medical centers; and contract research organizations. About Merge eClinical The eClinical division of Merge Healthcare, an IBM Company, is a leading provider of cloud-based software solutions for the clinical research industry. Our flagship products include eClinicalOS (eCOS) and CTMS for Investigators (CTMSi). eCOS is a single, scalable platform that allows Sponsors, CROs, and academic researchers to capture and manage clinical data with ease. CTMSi is a comprehensive clinical trial management system that helps site professionals organize and centralize the study management process. Medidata 是全球领先的基于云解决方案供应商,通过其先进 的应用和智能数据分析为生命科学的临床研究和临床发展改革 提供大力支持。Medidata Clinical Cloud™ 为极具前景的医疗 治疗临床试验带来了更高的生产力和质量水平,从研究设计、 计划直至执行、管理和报告。我们致力于推动全球客户的竞争 力和科学目标发展,其中包括:90% 以上的 25 强跨国制药公 司;创新的生物技术、诊断和医疗器械公司;领先的学术医疗 中心以及合同研究机构。 Merge 电子临床简介 Get more information at www.eclinicalos.com. Merge Healthcare(一家 IBM 公司)的电子临床部是临床 研究行业中基于云的软件解决方案的领先提供商。我们的旗 舰产品包括电子临床操作系统(eClinicalOS,eCOS)和研 究人员专用 CTM (CTMSi)。eCOS 是一个单一的可扩展平 台,允许申办方、合同研究组织 (CRO) 和学术研究人员轻松 获取和管理临床数据。CTMSi 是一个全面的临床试验管理系 统,帮助研究单位专家实现研究管理过程的组织化和集中化。 在 www.eclinicalos.com 上了解更多信息。 Company address: 4000 Aerial Center Parkway, Morrisville, NC 27560 USA Phone: +1 (919) 653 3663 | Fax: +1 (919) 653 3620 Contact person: Scotti McConnell E-mail: [email protected] MedXview Inc 益赛仕国际信息技术(北京)有限公司 Company Introduction Booth #C05 eCentral™ -- 全球药品认证信息管理系统 基于国际最新标准eCTD,全球唯一的,完全成熟的,满足所有 药品认证需求的信息管理平台。 MedXview软件 是不分国界,支持多语言,跨平台。从始至终不间断信息处 理。 是经历十多年的客户密切配合、精心研究开发而成。是知识与 经验的结合。可以帮助国内外药厂,从数据采集,质量控制, 到文档的修改,存储,申批,及最后通过各国政府的认证批 准,提供了一体化最佳解决方案。并已成功的应用到美国与欧 洲的医药领域中。 Meso Scale Diagnostics, LLC Company Introduction Booth #A07 Meso Scale Discovery (MSD®) is a leader in high performance, multiplex-enabled biomarker assays for cytokines, toxicology, neurodegeneration and metabolic disease research, used by leading biopharmaceutical and academic researchers in human and animal model studies. MSD’s proprietary electrochemiluminescence (ECL) platform delivers exceptional sensitivity, wide dynamic range and rapid turnaround. For more information, visit www.mesoscale.com. 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 112 参展商介绍 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY 太美医疗系统 MobileMD System MobileMD System Co., LTD 嘉兴太美医疗科技有限公司 Booth #G06 Company Introduction 太美医疗系统致力于移动互联网技术在临床研究和药物安全领 域的应用,在行业中率先推出全新一代、基于云计算和移动技 术的数据解决方案,基于SaaS的服务模式,全面提升新药研发 效率与质量,并降低研发成本。太美医疗系统已上市的产品包 括 临床研究产品线: • eCollect® (电子数据采集系统,EDC), • AIMS® (临床试验管理系统,CTMS), • eBalance® (基于网络应答系统,IWRS), • eReport® (电子患者报告结局系统,ePRO), • eRecord® (专科电子病历,SEMR), 和药物警戒产品线: • eSafety® (药物安全性管理系统,PVS)等。 太美医疗系统已经与众多国际、国内顶级医药企业及合同研究 组织(CRO)开展合作。未来,太美将继续致力于打造世界级 的医疗数据交互平台,引领全球临床研究和药物安全领域技术 发展潮流。 NNIT’s main service: • Compliance consulting and validation of pharmaceutical industry • Clinical trial management platform • IT strategic consulting • SAP consulting, implementation and maintenance • Solution development • IT infrastructure service NNIT-致力于生命科学的IT合作伙伴 NNIT是丹麦领先的IT咨询服务公司,致力于运用IT技术解决生 命科学行业的各种复杂挑战。过去的二十年,我们将最先进的 技术应用于软件开发,业务流程和多方沟通中,我们全方位的 解决方案帮助客户提高运营效率,同时实现企业的经营目标。 我们的客户遍布制药、食品、制造、金融、交通和公共设施等 行业。 今天,NNIT在全球拥有五个分公司,超过2500名员工。中国 分公司是NNIT丹麦境外最大的交付中心。自2006年成立以 来,中国分部已飞速发展为一家规模超过700人,实力超群的 公司。 我们的服务涵盖: • 制药行业合规咨询和验证 • 临床试验管理平台 • IT战略咨询 • SAP咨询实施和运维 • 解决方案开发 • IT基础架构服务 公司地址:襄阳北路97号襄阳大楼716室,邮编:200031 联系人:万韫鋆 电话:+86 13671980684 电子邮箱:[email protected] Novotech Shanghai Limited 诺佛葛医药咨询(上海)有限公司 NNIT (Tianjin) Technology Co. Ltd. 天津恩恩科技有限公司 Company Introduction Company Introduction Booth #F09, F10 NNIT-Your dedicated IT partner in the life sciences industry NNIT is one of Denmark’s leading consultancies in IT development, implementation and operations. For over a decade, we have applied the latest advances in technology to make software development, business processes and communication significantly more effective. Our customers are in the fields of pharmacy, food, manufacturing, finance, transportation and public facilities. Today, NNIT has more than 2,500 employees. Our China office is NNIT’s largest delivery center outside Denmark. The more than 700 people strong company has grown rapidly since it was established in 2006. Booth #E10 Established in 1996, Novotech is Australia’s largest independent CRO, headquartered in Sydney, with operations in New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. Novotech’s service offering has come to be recognized for its quality both by our clients, as well as industry analyst groups. In addition, we offer worldwide reach to our clients through key external partnerships and strategic alliances, with partners in the US, Canada, Europe, and China. Novotech is one of the few organisations in the industry that have secured accreditation with the International Standards Organisation (ISO), what this means for our customers is that you can expect at a minimum, a structured, professional approach to all phases of your project management with us. Ranging from administrative requirements, contract and operational issues through to reporting and communication needs. Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 参展商介绍 113 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Novotech’s key strength is our people. We’re committed hiring experienced professionals with local environment expertise. Both in Australia and internationally Novotech boasts some of the most experienced Project Managers and CRAs in the industry, our vision to be recognized as the Asia Pacific CRO of choice, is a goal we get closer to reaching every day. Company address: 6th floor, 21st Century Building, No.210 Century Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai 200120 China(上海市浦东新区世纪大道210号21世纪大厦6楼) Contact Person: Alex Ling(凌晓烨) Phone: +86 159 2123 6576 | Fax: +86 21 5172 0966 E-mail: [email protected] Ogrin Partner Consulting Ltd. 北京欧格林咨询有限公司 Company Introduction Booth #J06 作为领先的临床试验整体服务提供商,北京欧格林咨询有限公 司成立于2005年,是亚洲领先的整体人才管理服务提供商—— 科锐国际集团全资子公司,首批获得医学研究和劳务派遣经营 许可资质的公司,在亚太区拥有超过60个分支机构。在过去的 一年中,欧格林为企业成功派遣的人才超过20000人次。 NTT DATA CORPORATION 株式会社 NTT DATA Company Introduction Booth #H01 NTT DATA, one of the major subsidiaries of NTT Group, is the biggest system integrator in Japan. According to our company’s group vision , “Global IT Innovator”, we provide broad range of IT services and solutions for public, financial, manufacturing, telecommunications and healthcare/life sciences sectors by more than 75,000 professionals in more than 35 countries. NTT DATA is a strategic partner delivering DATATRAK product suite, DATATRAK ONE[TM], providing an end-to-end clinical enterprise solution for efficiently designing, delivering and managing clinical trials. We provide full support of DATATRAK ONE[TM], including sales of licenses, consulting service of implementation, training seminars and operations. NTT DATA 是 日本NTT电信的子公司,是日本最大的系统集成 商。NTT DATA 树立了成为“全球IT创新企业”的目标,在35 个国家有近75,000名专业人员在公共,金融,生产,电信, 医疗保健科学等领域提供解决方案的服务。 NTT DATA是DATATRAK产品系列的供应商,战略伙伴。 DATATRAK ONE[TM] 包含所有有关临床试验的医疗解决 方案,且实现了临床试验数据管理的高效率的设计,控制与 管理。我们提供 DATATRAK ONE[TM]的整套服务,包括 licenses的销售,咨询服务的提供,系统设计培训,系统操作 培训等。 OmniComm Systems, Inc. Company Introduction Booth #H07 As the EDC specialists OmniComm understands the power that an information-driven clinical enterprise can bring to your clinical research organization. OmniComm is the only company that provides a choice of best-of-breed EDC platforms purposebuilt for Early Phase, Late Phase, Phase I-IV, device trials, and Investigator Initiated. OmniComm provides the most advanced, open and interoperable EDC platforms. Through our innovative cloud technology and advanced API web services we provide you with information to make insight driven, clinical data based decisions; bringing medical therapies to patients faster with lower risk. We invite you to learn why 4 of the 5 top CROs and 7 of the 10 largest Phase I Clinics run OmniComm EDC technologies. Company address: 2101 W Commercial Blvd. Ste 3500, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 USA Contact Person: Feng Cheng Phone: 954 473 1254 E-mail: [email protected] 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 114 参展商介绍 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY PPD Oracle Health Sciences 甲骨文 健康科学 Company Introduction Company Introduction Booth #K03 Oracle Health Sciences leverages industry-shaping technologies that optimize clinical R&D, mitigate risk, advance health care, and improve patient outcomes. Oracle uniquely enables life sciences organizations to innovate, develop, manufacture, and successfully market new products while managing risk, ensuring regulatory compliance, and optimizing return on investment. Oracle delivers key functionality built specifically for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, clinical research, and medical device enterprises. Comprehensive, preintegrated business applications and technology accelerate value from streamlining core processes and flexibly managing large volumes of information needed for product development/approval and business decision-making. Booth#J02 PPD is a leading global contract research organization providing comprehensive, integrated drug development, laboratory and lifecycle management services. Our clients and partners include pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, academic and government organizations. With offices in 46 countries and more than 15,000 professionals worldwide, PPD applies innovative technologies, therapeutic expertise and a firm commitment to quality to help clients and partners bend the cost and time curve of drug development to deliver life-changing therapies that improve health. For further details please visit our website: https://www.oracle. com/industries/health-sciences/index.html PRA Health Sciences PAREXEL CHINA CO., LTD 精鼎医药研究开发(上海)有限公司 Company Introduction Company Introduction Booth #F02, F03 PAREXEL International Corporation is a leading global biopharmaceutical services organization, providing solutions across the drug development and commercialization spectrum that expedite time-to-market and peak-market penetration. PAREXEL has developed significant expertise right from drug development and regulatory consulting to clinical pharmacology, clinical trials management, medical education and reimbursement. For over 30 years, we have helped clients get their new and innovative drug treatments into the hands that need them most by simplifying their journey to market. Headquartered near Boston, Massachusetts, PAREXEL has offices in 77 locations in 51 countries around the world and had approximately 18,200 employees in the second quarter. For more information about PAREXEL International, visit www.PAREXEL.com. Company address: 20F, Taiping Finance Tower, No. 488, Middle Yincheng Rd., Pudong Shanghai China Phone: +86 21 5111 8000 E-mail: [email protected] Booth#A04 PRA Health Sciences delivers innovative drug development solutions that improve patients’ lives. Our people love what they do, working tirelessly for clients across all phases and therapeutic areas. With 12,000+ employees covering 80+ countries, we provide an impressive global presence and in-depth knowledge of local regulations, standards of care and cultural customs. PRA’s Strategic Solutions division maintains a sole focus on delivering practical, customized solutions that seamlessly enhance our clients’ infrastructure. Our unique Embedded Solutions™ model provides people, processes, systems and expertise to efficiently develop internal product portfolios, enhance quality and improve efficiency, while sponsors maintain strategic control. Company address: Room 2308-2318, 23F, Tower B, Gemdale Plaza, No.91, Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100022, P.R. China E-mail: [email protected] Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 参展商介绍 115 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Project Management Institute (PMI) 项目管理协会(PMI) Company Introduction Booth#B04 PMI是项目、项目集、项目组合管理领域中全球领先的非营利 会员制协会。通过全球宣传、合作、教育与研究,PMI为全球 超过290万名专业人士创造价值。PMI提供9种认证,其中项目 管理专业人士 (PMP®)、敏捷管理专业人士(PMI-ACP®)、 商业分析专业人士(PMI-PBA®)资质认证是项目管理领域全 球通用的权威认证,也是世界许多500强企业的首选。 公司地址:北京市朝阳区太阳宫中路12A号太阳宫大厦11层 1107室,邮编:100028 联系人:叶慧婷 电话:+86 10 8429 9191 | 传真:+86 10 8429 9292 电子邮箱:[email protected] Q2 Solutions Company Introduction Booth#H06 Launched in 2015, Q2 Solutions is a global clinical trials laboratory services organization that helps biopharmaceutical, medical device and diagnostics customers improve human health through innovation that transforms science and data into actionable medical insights. Q2 Solutions is an innovative, progressive and responsive partner with the quality focus, global experience and deep scientific and medical expertise integral to drug, medical device, and diagnostic development. Q2 Solutions is a joint venture formed by Quintiles and Quest Diagnostics combining the clinical trials laboratory services of each parent organization. To learn more, visit www.q2labsolutions.com QIAGEN (Suzhou) Translational Medicine Co., Ltd. 凯杰(苏州)转化医学研究有限公司 Booth#K06 Company Introduction QIAGEN (Suzhou) Translational Medicine Co., Ltd. (“QIAGEN (Suzhou)”) is an innovative company that provides complete solutions for precision medicine. With a state-of-the-art facility equipped with the most advanced technologies and platforms as well as committed talents, QIAGEN (Suzhou) offers our partners with fully integrated solutions from biomarker discovery and lab testing development, patient stratification by molecular testing during clinical trials, to companion diagnostics (CDx) kit development and all the way to commercialization. Based on QIAGEN’s advanced technology, and through our knowledge and experience in translational medicine, we sincerely hope to work with you to accelerate the rate of clinical development of innovative medicine to make personalized healthcare and improvement in life possible. 凯杰(苏州)转化医学研究有限公司是一个为精准医疗提供完 整解决方案的创新型公司。凭借QIAGEN领先的仪器、试剂以 及强大的技术团队,凯杰(苏州)能够为我们的合作伙伴提供 从生物标志物的发现和检测方法开发、到新药临床试验病人分 子检测和入组筛选,以及伴随诊断试剂盒开发和商业化的一站 式服务。我们希望与您携手,通过凯杰先进的核酸和蛋白诊断 技术,运用我们的转化医学知识和经验,加速新药临床开发的 节奏,为中国待解决的医疗需求提供个体化诊疗解决方案。 公司地址:中国苏州工业园区星湖街218号B5楼9楼 邮编:215123 网址:www.transmedchina.com Quintiles Company Introduction Booth#B06, B07 从对科研、治疗及分析领域专业知识的深入洞察到卓越交付, 昆泰能够帮助生物制药公司和其他医疗保健公司提高从产品研 发到上市中每一步的成功概率。从咨询到实际运行,昆泰是全 球最大的健康产品研发和综合医疗健康服务供应商。 昆泰的服 务还涉及产品的商业化和观察性研究。昆泰在全球约100个国 家有团队为客户提供服务,是财富500强之一,并入选财富杂 志“全球最佳声望企业”名单。如需了解更多详情,敬请访问 我们的网站:www.Quintiles.com 。 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 116 参展商介绍 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Quintiles (NYSE: Q) helps biopharma and other healthcare companies improve their probability of success by connecting insights from our deep scientific, therapeutic and analytics expertise with superior delivery for better outcomes. From advisory through operations, Quintiles is the world’s largest provider of product development and integrated healthcare services, including commercial and observational solutions. Conducting operations in approximately 100 countries, Quintiles is a member of the FORTUNE 500 and has been named to FORTUNE’s list of the “World’s Most Admired Companies.” To learn more, visit www.quintiles.com. R&G PHARMASTUDIES CO LTD 诺思格(北京)医药科技股份有限公司 Company Introduction Booth#E07 abundant experience in all types of clinical trials through Phase I to Phase IV including a vast array of therapeutic areas. Rundo’s headquarters is in Shanghai with a branch located in Beijing, representative offices in Guangzhou and Yangzhou and a subsidiary Biometrics centre in Nantong. Beyond this, Rundo has agencies and home-based staff in more than 20 provinces around China. Being at the forefront of the clinical trial industry, Rundo provides its Sponsors with high quality services compliant with ICH-GCP, CFDA-GCP and other related regulations. By virtue of its own strength and recognition from Sponsors, Rundo has become one of the leading CROs in the Chinese CRO industry. Our business has already extended outside the China market and in to the rest of Pac-Asia as well as Europe and America. 公司地址:上海市黄浦区汉口路266号申大厦18楼 , 邮编:200001 联系人:黄佳文 电话:+86 21 5108 0001-8605 | 传真:+86 21 5108 0010 电子邮箱:[email protected] 诺思格(R&G)成立于2008年,是国内专业领先,规模最大的 临床合同研究组织(CRO)之一。诺思格目前有2个全资子公 司,分别是专注于SMO的圣兰格(SMS)和专注于数据管理统计 分析的艾迪斯(IDS)。诺思格现有630余人的专业团队,覆盖 国内35余个城市,亚洲6个国家和地区,已与超过200余家研究 机构,450余家医院及600多个科室合作,目前已为260多个国 内外制药/生物技术/医疗器械客户提供专业化的服务。诺思格 正在筹备上市工作,将一直坚持诚信高效的服务理念,用心做 事,努力成为客户信赖,社会尊重的国际化一流企业。 公司地址:北京市海淀区车公庄西路19号华通大厦 B座北塔11层,邮编:100048 联系人:张辉 点话:+86 10 8801 8650 传真:+86 10 8801 9978 电子邮箱:[email protected] SF Cold Chain 顺丰冷运 Company Introduction Booth#K09 1993年,顺丰诞生于广东顺德。自成立以来,顺丰始终关注于 服务质量的提升、持续加强基础建设、积极研发和引进具有高 科技含量的信息技术与设备以提升作业自动化水平,在国内外 建立了庞大的信息采集、市场开发、物流配送、快件收派等速 运业务机构及服务网络。 近几年,互联网及相关行业快速发展,顺丰速运从单一快递服 务商向顺丰服务转型,致力于成为平台型企业。 2014年9月25日,顺丰速运推出顺丰冷运(SF Cold Chain), 利用顺丰航空、陆运、仓储等资源优势,整合顺丰现有门店、 网点及末端配送资源,为食品和医药行业客户提供专业、安 全、全程可控的冷运服务。 Rundo International Pharmaceutical Research & Development Co., Ltd. 润东医药研发(上海)有限公司 Company Introduction Booth#B08, B09 Rundo International Pharmaceutical Research & Development Co., Ltd. (Rundo) founded in 2004, is a full-service CRO with 强大的空中、地面运输网络,33座B2C仓储服务冷库,专业的 温控技术以及先进的系统管理能力,致力于建设标准化、规范 化的冷运网络,提供高品质、高效率的冷运供应链服务,为客 户、为社会创造价值,传递健康,建立冷链运输与供应链行业 新标准,开创顺丰服务全新时代。 公司网址:www.sf-express.com 公司热线:95338 Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 参展商介绍 117 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY 艾迪康是目前国内唯一一家中心实验室检测和临床检验业务在 体系、仪器、人员、系统上完全独立分开管理的检验机构,充 分保证药物临床试验的检测质量,协助申办者和研究者客观地 完成药物临床试验和新诊疗手段研究。 联系方式:021-64773153 SG Research International Company Introduction Booth#G01 SG Research International (SGRI) with offices in Wyckoff, NJ and Beijing, China was founded in 2006 and is owned and managed by Stephen Gilbride. He has more than twenty years of experience in the Pharmaceutical Industry and holds a Master’s Degree in Drug Regulatory Affairs. SGRI has a talent network of seasoned and regionally-based GxP auditors with backgrounds in the Global Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industries as well as with Regulatory Authorities. They are positioned to leverage their broad range of experience to reduce risk in clinical trials. All SGRI Auditors are 100% independent. Our goal is your success. We are uniquely positioned to offer you customized solutions to your clinical research challenges. We offer professional services with competitive pricing. We are driven to deliver solutions to our clients with Quality and Efficiency. We can help protect as well as optimize your investment. We are committed to matching talented and experienced clinical research professionals with the needs of our clients. Shanghai ADICON Central Laboratory 上海艾迪康中心实验室 Company Introduction Booth#E06 上海艾迪康中心实验室是艾迪康医学检验集团专为中国药物临 床试验设立的独立的检验机构。致力于为在中国开展的药物临 床试验提供及时有效、客观可靠、完整可溯源的实验室检查数 据。 中心实验室成立于2006年,2008年获得美国病理家学会 (CAP)、计量认证(CMA)和糖化血红蛋白标准化计划一级 证书(NGSP level 1),并通过复评审。中心实验室设有血尿 常规、生化、免疫(仪器免疫、手工免疫、放射免疫)、分子 生物学、微生物、病理、遗传、研发等14个专业组。 Shanghai Jsure Health Co., Ltd. 上海捷信医药科技股份有限公司 Company Introduction Booth #C04 Jsure is the leading patient recruitment organization (PRO) in China. We provide reliable service raging from feasibility study, patient recruitment, patient retention, CRCs deployment .With multiple channels, Jsure has helped over 30 studies every year to recruit thousands patients and assist sponsors to speed up their trial progress. Jsure has formed the unique PRO+CRC one stop service model to improve both speed and quality of a clinical trial. Jsure co-founded Asian patient recruitment organization (APRO) in 2014 to meet the increasing demand of Clinical Trials in Asia. Drug finder—— a new drug information platform created by Jsure. The consolidated new drug information can be exposed as a service to the public, promote patients’ education, increase treatment efficacy, reduce health risks, relieve patient ‘ s burden, We are committed to protecting human health. 捷信是目前中国最具特色的临床研究服务公司之一。依托强大 的服务网络,捷信为申办方/CRO公司提供临床研究前期调研、 临床研究患者招募、临床研究协调员(CRC)派遣及临床研究患 者维系服务,捷信是中国领先的患者招募服务提供商,并率先 在中国建立一支规模最大、最专业的临床研究患者招募团队, 创新使用媒体,并结合自有患者数据库和专业呼叫中心, 每年 为数十项研究招募几千名患者。 2014年,捷信健康牵头组建 APRO(亚太患者招募联盟),以满足日益增长的亚太区临床 项目需求。目前捷信健康凭借完善的质量管理体系,高效的服 务与30余家领先的跨国制药企业保持密切合作关系,其专业程 度已得到行业广泛认可。2015年,捷信自主创建和运营新药咨 询平台——找药神器,联接严重疾病患者和医疗解决方案之间 的桥梁,为社会提供新药资讯与患者教育服务,提高疾病诊疗 效率,降低健康风险,减轻患者负担,维护人类健康。 Company address: 9F, Block G, 315 West Guangyuan Road, Shanghai 200030 China Phone: +86 15000267826 | Contact person: Ady He E-mail: [email protected] 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 118 参展商介绍 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Shanghai MUDI Biotech Co., Ltd. 上海妙一生物科技有限公司 Booth#J05 Company Introduction “药研社”专注于医药研发行业,是汇集研发资讯、临床数 据库、研发工具和行业沟通的专属互联网平台。希望能众筹 行业之力来分享与共享资源,为医药研发、临床研究相关人 员节约时间、提高效率。“药研社”旗下产品包括“药研 社”APP、“药研发”微信公众号、患者随访工具等,成为行 业小秘书是药研社的最高愿景和奋斗目标。 公司地址:上海市闵行区七莘路1839号财富108广场北楼26层 邮编:201101 联系人:谢洋 电话:+86 21 6083 3527 | 传真:+86 21 6083 3527 电子邮箱:[email protected] Shanghai Shengsheng Logistics Co., Ltd 上海生生物流有限公司 Company Introduction Booth#J01 生生物流专注于为生命科学、生物技术、药物研发等领域的客 户提供安全、专业、高效的冷链物流解决方案。 生生总部位于上海,在北京、广州、天津、南京、武汉、西 安、成都、重庆、长春均设有区域服务中心,在全国70多个城 市有经过我们专业培训的冷链物流专员,能为您提供全国范围 内24H-48H送达的门对门高端冷链物流服务。 生生在上海总部建有可容纳100万支1.5mlEP管的生物样本库以 及可容纳80m³的药品冷藏库,可为您提供生物样本储存管理和 临床试验药品储存配送服务。 Shanghai Pharmaceutical ZhongXie Co., Ltd. 上海医药众协药业有限公司 Company Introduction Booth#C08 上海医药集团股份有限公司在2014年中国企业500强中综合排 名位居全国医药行业第二。 上海医药众协药业有限公司隶属于上海医药集团股份有限公司 下属全资子公司上海医药分销控股有限公司,公司在临床试验 服务上具有丰富的经验,可根据客户需求提供专业的供应链配 套服务,从药品采购,冷链储存配送,二次分装,到其他增值 服务,包括进出口服务,医疗废弃物回收。公司在全国范围内 拥有通过GSP验证的仓储及配送网络,满足了临床试验用药的 高时效性和及规性。 Shanghai Pharm ranked 2nd in pharmaceutical industry among China’s Top 500 companies 2014. Shanghai Pharmaceutical Zhongxie Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary to Shanghai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, which is wholly owned by Shanghai Pharm. Zhongxie has reach experience in providing clinical trial related services, incl. drug purchase, cold-chain logistics, re-packaging, and other value-added services, such as import & export, and medical waste disposal. Zhongxie has passed GSP authentication for warehousing and logistics nationwide, to fully ensure efficiency and compliance in providing clinical trial services 公司地址:上海市徐汇区龙华中路600号绿地中心B座19楼 联系人:夏贤雯 电话:+86 21 3209 6606*8607 | 传真:+86 21 3230 3792 电子邮箱:[email protected] Shengsheng logistics is focused on provide a safe, professional and efficient logistics solutions for life science, biotechnology and biopharmaceutical companies. Shengsheng is headquartered in shanghai with offices in Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Nanjing, Wuhan, Xi’an, Chengdu, Chongqing and Changchun. Our professional operators cover more than 70 cities and provide China nationwide high quality and door to door cold chain logistics service within 24 to 48 hours. Our warehouse in shanghai for bio-sample and clinical trial drugs can accommodate one million 1.5ml samples and 80 cubic meter drugs, and providing the storage and distribution service for biosample and clinical trial drugs. Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 参展商介绍 119 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Springer Nature 施普林格 • 自然集团 Company Introduction Shanghai Yaoshangfei Biologicals Cold Chain Logistics Co., Ltd 上海耀尚飞生物制品冷链物流有限公司 Company Introduction Booth#G04 【我们的愿景】 持续提供专业化、个性化、品质化的生物制品一站式冷链物流 服务;致力成为行业领先的专业冷链物流公司为国内外客户提 供安全迅速定制化服务;致力承担更多企业社会责任。 【核心价值观】 客户至上,致力满足超越客户期望; 匠心精神,用心做事,脚踏实地,精益求精; 追求卓越用心付出严格执行努力达到最优品质。 公司地址:上海市浦东新区张江路1238弄恒越国际大厦1号楼 一层B、C、D座,邮编:201203 联系人:赵一恺 / 周志麟 电话:+86 13816964470 / 15900904590 传真:+86 21 5269 5671 电子邮箱:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] 施普林格 • 自然集团(Springer Nature)是一家全球领先的从 事科研、教育和专业出版的机构。集团旗下汇聚了一系列备受 尊敬和信赖的品牌,以各种创新的产品和服务,为客户提供优 质的内容。施普林格 • 自然集团是世界上最大的学术书籍出版公 司,还出版全球最具影响力的期刊,也是开放研究领域的先行 者。集团在全球约有1.3万名员工,遍及50多个国家,年营业额 约15亿欧元。施普林格自然在2015年由自然出版集团、帕尔 格雷夫麦克米伦、麦克米伦教育、施普林格科学与商业媒体 合并而成。更多信息,请访问www.springernature.com TransPerfect Translations International Inc. Company Introduction SMO Clinplus Co., Ltd. 普蕊斯(上海)医药科技开发有限公司 Company Introduction Booth#A01 普蕊斯(上海)医药科技开发有限公司是中国SMO行业的领军 企业,致力于提供最高端的SMO服务,我们通过覆盖全国58 个城市的将近400名常驻site员工,大量的医院资源及长期积累 的合作关系,以及创新驱动的战略,将行业标准不断创新并提 高。 公司地址:上海市黄浦区九江路333号金融广场2204-2206室 邮编:200001 联系人:侯颖萍 电话:+86 18911101063 电子邮箱:[email protected] Booth#A05 Booth#A10 TransPerfect is the largest pharmaceutical translation firm worldwide and has over a 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical arena. TransPerfect provides a full array of services to support all the language needs of life sciences organizations. Our next-generation approach centers around innovation, combining cutting-edge workflow technologies with the industry’s only quality management system fully certified to EN 15038:2006 and ISO 9001:2008. Whether it’s the translation of Informed Consent Forms, over-the-phone interpretation for patient consultations, e-learning courses or IVR prompt recordings, we will customize our production processes to best serve you. Learn more about TransPerfect here: https://www.transperfect. com/index_lifescience.html Company address: Suites 1704-5 Universal Trade Centre, 3-5A Arbuthnot Road Central, Hong Kong S.A.R. Contact: Wei Du Phone: +86 21 6266 6880 * 105 | Fax: +86 21 6266 6880 * 118 E-mail: [email protected] 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 120 参展商介绍 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Trifecta Company Introduction Booth#G03 Trifecta is a leading global clinical technology solutions provider, producing more than 350 live, on-demand and web-based Investigator meetings each year in 91 countries. Trifecta’s pioneering innovative training and portal solutions improve trial quality, speed study start-up and Site readiness, and improve workflow and communication between Sites, Sponsors and CROs. Easily integrating into your existing processes, Trifecta solutions allow clients to immediately realize significant benefits while minimizing disruption to the organization. Trifecta provides innovation, globalization and execution for projects of any size around the world. Office locations: Los Angeles - Indianapolis - Philadelphia Cambridge, UK - Prague, Czech Republic - Yokohama, Japan Trifecta是全球领先的临床技术解决方案提供商,每年出品逾 350场现场直播、自选点播和网络研究员会议,覆盖91个国 家。Trifecta的前瞻性创新培训和门户网站解决方案可提高临床 试验质量,加快研究启动和试验地点的准备工作,优化工作流 程,促进试验地点、赞助方和合同研究机构之间的沟通。 Trifecta的解决方案可轻松融入现有流程,减少对机构的干扰, 成效立竿见影。Trifecta服务世界各地不同规模的项目,实现创 新,落实执行,走向全球。 办事处:洛杉矶 - 印第安纳波利斯 - 费城 - 英国剑桥 - 捷克共和 国布拉格 - 日本横滨 Address: 1120 South Robertson Boulevard, Second Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90035 USA Phone: +1-310-385-8642 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.TrifectaClinical.com/ Uppsala Monitoring Centre Company Introduction Booth#A09 Inspire. Engage. Transform. Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) advances the science of pharmacovigilance and inspires patient safety initiatives all over the world. As an independent, non-profit foundation, we engage stakeholders who share our vision and collaborate to build a global patient safety culture. As a leader in the research and development of new scientific methods, we explore the benefits and risks of medicines to help minimise harm to patients, and offer products and services used by health authorities and lifescience companies worldwide. Our unique expertise makes us an organisation with the capacity to transform patient safety from an ambition into a reality. For almost 40 years, we have provided scientific leadership and operational support to the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring, expanding the global pharmacovigilance network to reach more than 95% of the world’s population. Veeva Systems, Software (Shanghai) Co., Ltd 维我软件(上海)有限公司 Company Introduction Booth#E02, E03 Veeva Systems is a leader in cloud-based software for the global life sciences industry. Committed to innovation, product excellence, and customer success, Veeva has more than 375 customers, ranging from the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies to emerging biotechs. Veeva is headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, with offices in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. For more information, visit www.veeva.com Veeva Systems是全球领先的生命科学行业基于云计算模式 的商业解决方案提供商。致力于提供创新的技术架构,卓越的 产品服务,以及遵循让客户成功的服务理念。目前,Veeva在 全球范围内拥有超过375家企业客户,这些客户中有全球最大 的制药公司,也有新兴的生物技术公司。Veeva总部设在美国 旧金山湾区,并在欧洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲设有办事处。更多信 息,请访问:www.veeva.com/cn。 Company address: Suite 1707-1708, 17F United Plaza, 1468 Nanjing Rd West, Jingan District, Shanghai 200040 China Contact person: Benson Hao Phone: +86 21 5108 7366 ext. 831 Fax: +86 21 51087366 ext. 821 E-mail: [email protected] Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 参展商介绍 121 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY World Courier (Shanghai) Co., LTD. 世递国际货物运输代理(上海)有限公司 Company Introduction Booth#E04 Company Introduction 世界速递创办于1969年,总部位于美国康涅狄格州斯坦福,是 全球规模最大和最具经验的专业快递服务商,目前拥有一个由 150多个通过ISO9001认证的全资分支机构组成,活跃于全球 50多个国家的庞大的国际性网络。公司还拥有并经营着全球最 大的符合GMP规范的一体化试验药物存储设施网络,该网络分 布于13个发展中和具有战略意义的地区。通过其全网络范围内 所拥有完全的GxP合规的运输和供应链系统,世界速递满足了 特管行业和其他行业在高时效性和温度敏感性货物运输方面最 严苛的行业和监管要求。 公司地址:上海市浦东区浦东南路1271-1289华融大厦1604, 邮编:200122 联系人:陆女士,张先生 电话:+86 21 5054 0599 电子邮箱:[email protected] WuXi AppTec Medkey 药明康德 津石医药 Company Introduction WuXi Clinical Development Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 上海康德弘翼医学临床研究有限公司 Booth #B01, B02 康德弘翼 康德弘翼(WuXiCDS) ,前身为康德保瑞(WuXiPRA),一家 药明康德(WuXi AppTec)与美国PRA于2012年在中国的合资临 床CRO公司,于2016年重组后更名为康德弘翼,成为药明康德 (WuXi AppTec)集团的全资子公司。我们为药品、生物制品和 医疗器械/诊断试剂等医药产品的开发提供全方位的I至IV期及上 市后一站式临床研究服务。 WuXi CDS WuXi CDS, previous named as WuXiPRA, a joint venture China CRO established in 2012 by WuXi AppTec and PRA Health Sciences, now restructuring completed and renamed as WuXi CDS in 2016 become a wholly-owned subsidiaries of WuXi AppTec. We offer one-stop full service for comprehensive Phase I – IV clinical trial services for pharmaceuticals, biologics, and medical devices. We’re from WuXi Apptec Established in December 2000, WuXi AppTec is a leading global pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, and medical device openaccess capability and technology platform with operations in China and the United States. As an innovation-driven and customer-focused company, WuXi AppTec provides a broad and integrated portfolio of services throughout the drug R&D process. Now we have over 10,000 employees and 6.5 million square feet of laboratory and manufacturing space. Booth#G02 津石SMO成立于2009年,是全球领先的CRO药明康德新药研 究有限公司的全资子公司,专业从事SMO服务业务,是中国最 大、项目执行经验最丰富的SMO之一。 • 津石在全国50个城市有400多位经验丰富训练有素的CRC • 操作过20多个领域的200多项临床研究,涉及肿瘤、内分 泌、呼吸、心血管、妇科、风湿和神经精神系统等领域,和 全国300多家医院有深度合作 • 全球排名前20位的跨国药企有15家将津石选择为其优选合作 SMO • 公司关爱员工,福利待遇良好,培训体系完善,团队非常稳 定,年离职率在10%左右,远低于行业30%的水平 津石SMO还与很多医院建立了深度合作成为优选供应商,并积 极参与行业活动推动行业发展,是“药物临床试验机构联盟” 成员,“DIA中国SMO协作组”成员。在2015年我们的满意度 高达96%。 Besides pre-clinical service, WuXi AppTec has also successfully established a fully integrated clinical trials services, including clinical trials management CRO (WuXi CDS), study site management (SMO/MedKey) , central lab, bio-analytical services(PK/PD analysis), pathology lab (cell based and tissue based biomarker, IHC, FISH, DISH, FACS/Flow cytometry) and genomic services (PCR, Sanger Sequencing, NGS). 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 122 参展商介绍 EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Zigzag Associates Ltd Company Introduction Zuellig Pharma Specialty Solutions Group 裕利医药特别解决方案部 Booth #J03 About Zigzag Our experienced global team provides a full range of Quality Assurance (QA) services. With a completely flexible approach, we provide you with the right resource, wherever and whenever you need it. Our Services We offer a full range of QA services within GCP, GVP, GMP, GLP, CSV, GDP and PV. A snapshot of these services includes: • Auditing, including management of audit programmes • Gap analysis • Consulting on risk management audit platforms • Corrective action and preventative action management • Inspection readiness and post-inspection support • Quality management system development • Standard operating procedure writing and review • Training • Establishing PV systems for drug development and marketed product • In house support • General consultancy Global Reach – Local Response We have worked in over 70 countries with offices in the UK, Singapore and USA. Our experience and understanding of local practices is second to none and our Queen’s award for international trade is testament to our continued ability to deliver a consistent service to our clients across the globe. Whether you require a single audit or a team to manage a global programme, we have the resources and the expertise to deliver. In addition to our global team we have offices in the following locations: UK -Singapore-USA Company Introduction Booth #J07 Zuellig Pharma Specialty Solutions Group (SSG) is a regional consulting and bio-logistics service company and a member of the Zuellig Pharma Group. SSG leverages Zuellig Pharma’s cutting edge pan Asian distribution infrastructure to provide value added bio-logistics solutions for pharmaceutical and clinical trial companies. SSG specializes in clinical trial logistics services, offering consultancy, storage and distribution services for IP, Comparators and Ancillaries through its unrivalled and proprietary network of 15 central and local depots. We garnered experience from over 1,000 Clinical Trials conducted in controlled ambient, cold chain and ultra-low temperature. The hallmark, a wide range of value added services that include exportation-& importation, labeling, returns & destruction and comparator drug sourcing, differentiates us from the ordinary. Our China team is looking forward to meet you during the DIA exhibition and introduce our services. 裕利医药特别解决方案部(裕利SSG)是裕利医药集团旗下的 生物药品及临床试验药品运输配送服务性子公司。 目前在14个 国家及地区拥有15个中央和各国家地区的临床药品仓储配送中 心。 裕利SSG主要与药厂和临床试验研究公司合作,提供临床试验 药品仓储运输配送, 并协助临床项目采购原研药/对照药及其它 临床项目的辅助医疗器材和配件。服务配送范围覆盖试验室到 各临床研究中心或医院, 提供点到点全面供应链运输配送服 务。 目前为止,裕利SSG服务超过1000多个临床一期, 二期,三 期到四期的试验项目。包括药品温控物流;冷冻链仓储物流; 干冰及超低温(如负196度)临床药品仓储和配送;以及其它 相关的增值服务:原研药/对照药采购;二次包装;药品进出口 及临床废料品回收和销毁。 裕利期待与您在DIA会展上面对面的交流! Company address: 15 Changi North Way #01-01 Singapore 498770 Contact person: Ms. Rong Chen Phone: +86 10 6535 0305 (Beijing Office) E-mail: [email protected] Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 会议支持方 PARTNER ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DIAMOND LEVEL SUPPORTER REFRESHMENT BREAK SUPPORT Quintiles E&Y CRO PLATINUM LEVEL SUPPORTER WuXi CDS WHITE PAPER SHOWCASE MobileMD System 太美医疗系统 MobileMD System Medidata GOLD LEVEL SUPPORTER I - WELCOME RECEPTION Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting Co., Ltd. Certara L.P. INTERNET BOOTH & RECHARGING STATION Merge, an IBM Company Novotech FLYER INSERT IN ATTENDEE BAG Zuellig Pharma Specialty Solutions Group ATTENDEE BAGS CLINIPACE Merge, an IBM Company Covance ArisGlobal STAMP RALLY CARD Catalent LANYARDS Kun Tuo Cenduit LLC 123 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 124 会议支持方 PARTNER ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS BOTTLED MINERAL WATER LUNCH TISSUE Cenduit LLC Jiaxing Clinflash Computer Technology Co. Ltd Teddy Clinical Research Laboratory (Shanghai) Limited EMAIL PROMOTION Springer Nature The 2nd Advanced Workshop on Medical Affairs, Medical Communications, and Medical Science Liaison December | Shanghai 第二期医学事务/医学沟通/医学联络 高级研讨班 12月 | 上海 Contact: Kathy Yuan Tel.: +86 21 60577239 Email: [email protected] Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 125 源自北欧的数据艺术 The art of data management originated in Northern Europe 致力于生命科学的IT服务 IT Services Dedicated to Life Sciences NNIT是全球生命科学行业IT开发、实施、验证和 运营方面的一流咨询公司。我们起源于生命科学行 业,有超过20年的从业经验,提供涵盖整个医药价 值链的综合IT咨询服务与解决方案。凭借深厚的底 蕴与经验,我们能深入理解医药流程、IT解决方案 以及法规要求。由此,我们能够提供符合GxP等法 规要求的解决方案,无论是咨询、应用或者外包服 务。 NNIT is an international consultancy in the development, implementation, validation and operation of IT for the life sciences industry. We are born out of the life sciences industry and have more than 20 years of experience delivering integrated IT solutions covering the pharmaceutical value chain. Our strong heritage and experience give us a unique understanding of pharma processes, IT solutions and regulatory demands. Which is why we can deliver the right GxP compliant solution, no matter if it is within consulting, applications or hosting. NNIT分公司遍布欧洲、美国及亚洲。NNIT中国有 700多名员工,服务不但涵盖中国市场,也是NNIT 全球重要的交付中心。 We operate in Europe, US and Asia. Our office in China has more than 700 employees. NNIT China delivers services within a large range of technologies to the local market and forms an important part of NNIT’s deliveries to our European clients. 欢迎您莅临F09和F10展位与我们的专家共同讨论 EDC、CTMS、PV系统以及SAP等解决方案。 You are welcome to meet with us at our booth at F09 and F10 for an informal discussion with our experts, e.g. about EDC, CTMS, PV system and SAP services. NNIT 中国 天津南京路358号今晚大厦A座20层 邮编:300100 电话:+86(22)5885 6666 NNIT A/S Østmarken 3A DK-2860 Søborg Tel: +45 7024 4242 NNIT Switzerland Bändliweg 20 CH-8048 Zurich Tel: +41 44 405 9090 NNIT Germany c/o Regus Herriotstrasse 1 DE-60528 Frankfurt am Main NNIT Czech Republic Explora Jupiter Bucharova 2641/14 2.NP CZ-158 00 Prague 5 Tel:+420277020401 NNIT USA 650 College Road East Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Tel: +1 (609) 955 4949 NNIT Philippines 24/F 88 Corporate Center 141 Valero St. PH-Makati City 1227 Tel: +63 2 889 0999 NNIT United Kingdom c/o MoFo Notices Limited CityPoint One Ropemaker Street London 126 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 公司 Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 127 上海日新医药发展有限公司 EPS International (China) Co., Ltd. 上海日新医药发展有限公司 上海日新医药发展有限公司是提供全领域的临床试验专业服务的合同研究组织(CRO)。我们有超过 100 个专业雇员,主要专业 背景有临床医学、药学、临床药理和生物统计学,并且均接受过 GCP 和临床研究的良好培训,与欧美、日本制药公司有良好 的沟通能力。凭借总部 EPS 集团在日本从事 CRO 业务二十多年的经验和集团在日本、美国、中国大陆、中国台湾、新加坡等 国家和地区的分公司和代表处的雄厚实力,迄今为止,上海日新已经为客户成功交付超过 130 个临床方案和研究,试验期从 I 期到 IV 期,涉及肿瘤、心血管、脑和神经、免疫和过敏、眼科和抗感染等方面的领域。更多信息欢迎访问网站 www.epsgr.com 及咨询 [email protected] EPSICN carried out full clinical research service for global clients as a CRO, our offices in China have more than 100 professional employees with academic background mainly in clinical medicine, pharmacy, clinical pharmacology and biostatistics, who had received GCP and clinical studies of good training. With EPS Group’s strong presence in Asia and worldwide like Japan, USA, mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, etc for more than 20 years of experience in CRO industry, so far, we have successfully delivered over 130 clinical programs and research in China, ranged from Phase I-III clinical trial, regulatory to phase IV post-marketing services. EPSICN has the capacity to conduct any clinical trial in all major therapeutic areas, from a single local study to programs spanning multiple continents. For more information, please visit www.epsgr.com and enquire [email protected] Improve your probability of success Superior delivery ™ Better outcomes Creating a healthier world demands a new way of working together. A broader understanding of medicines and markets. Data visibility to refine strategy and prove value. With an integrated view of the healthcare continuum, Quintiles is building biopharma and life sciences solutions — from pipeline to portfolio to population health™. How can we help you? Contact us: China: 4008810237 www.quintiles.com/china [email protected] Copyright © 2016 Quintiles 08.0024-2-04.16 Connecting insights Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing eStart Medical Technology Co.,Ltd. 易启医药科技有限公司 易启医药科技有限公司(简称:易启医药) 是国内唯一一家以早期临床试验为主要服务 的合同研究组织(CRO)。特别是仿制药一致性评价、生物等效试验、创新药物首次人体试和 早期临床试验、心脏毒性临床评价 (IQT 和 TQT 试验)等全产业链服务, 包括项目注册和战略 咨询、项目管理和监查、项目稽查、方案设计、数据管理、生物统计、临床电子数据采集(EDC)、 新药 I-IV 期临床试验;近几年,公司核心团队近几年完成了近百项各期临床试验, 其中 50 多项创新药物 I 期临床试验和生物等效性试验,并且通过了几十家国内外制药企业各种项目 稽查和监查、药监部门的核查和视察。 2010 年曾参与《药物Ⅰ期临床试验管理指 导原则》和《药物临床试验生物样本分析 实验室管理规定》撰写(2011 年已经颁布); 2013 年:完成的《依马替尼生物等效性试 验》通过 CFDA 认证核查中心全国首个生 物等效性试验新标准的专项检查; 2013 年:完成全国首个符合国际标准(E14) 的心脏毒性 TQT 试验。 易启医药与北京、天津、长春等多家临床试 验机构和 I 期临床试验病房建立了紧密合作的伙 伴关系,通过强强联合使 I 期临床试验项目进行 的严谨顺畅,深得国内外药企信任和好评。特别 是在早期临床试验项目管理和质量方面赢得国内 外诸多制药企业和国家药物监管部门的认可。 地址:北京市海淀区首体南路 20 号 电话:010-88354800 CMO:侯杰 18611422958 [email protected] VP:李劲彤 15300059186 [email protected] 129 130 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing CPhI China 2016 第十六届世界制药原料中国展 2016.6.21-23 上海新国际博览中心(SNIEC) 同期举办: 第十一届世界制药机械、包装设备与材料中国展 160,000m2 展示规模 2,800+ 参展企业 80+ 现场会议解析行业趋势 65,000+ 专业观众 特别主题活动: 中国 - 中东欧年系列活动 - 第二届中国—中东欧国家卫生部长论坛健康产业合作分论坛 暨第七届中国与世界医药企业家高峰会 - 医药国际化百强企业评选 - 中国 - 中东欧企业洽谈专区或对接会 “研发日”特别活动: CPhI China 主办方将为生物医药研发领域的观众量身定制 2 大“研发专项参观路线” ,推荐重点关联展区、主题会议、 技术转移专场及特别活动等,通过针对性的参观路线设计及时 间规划,优化生物制药研发、生产及技术领域人员的参观体验。 更多高端会议及活动 - CPhI 国际药政答疑会 - GEP 认证培训及 FDA 对膳食补充剂原料要求 - CPhI, ICSE & PMEC 中国展创新与发展论坛 - 米内论道 - CPhI 制剂企业交流沙龙 记 预登 扫 门票 扫一 士尼 迪 赢取 机会 有 就 - 药用辅料分销及供应链安全研讨会 - 第三届中国生物制药峰会 更多详情,敬请关注 www.cphi-china.cn 010-58036315 / 021-33392252 131 YZ,RUUX Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 141 FLOOR PLAN 会场平面图 一层 | FIRST FLOOR ন䍗४ Freight Access C19 C18 F F C17 C16 C15 C14 C13 ͑ Ͷ͢ 䍥ᇮᇔ VIP Room 1-2 WC Ͷͤ K08 K09 K10 J04 J05 J06 J07 J08 J09 J10 H08 H09 H10 CCF G08 G09 G10 F04 F05 F06 F07 F08 F09 F10 E04 E05 E06 E07 E08 E09 E10 C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 C09 C10 B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B07 B08 B09 B10 ՄԒ Ͷͤ C8 Posters F01 F02 F03 E01 E02 E03 ְၶ൶ Coffee Bar H04 H05 H06 H07 G04 G05 G06 D I E ְၶ൶ Coffee Bar ইབྷา South Lobby H01 H02 H03 G01 G02 G03 K04 K05 K06 K07 J01 J02 J03 Ͷͤ K01 K02 K03 C7 Ͷͤ A01 A02 A03A04 A05A06 A07 A08 A09 A10 A11 A12 Ͷ͢ C26 WC Ͷͤ 1-1 䍥ᇮᇔ VIP Room C25 ظႎஃ༇ Innovation Theater C24 ༹0ႎ࿕ዐ႐ Media & Press Center C23 DIA ཊ࣏㜭ᒿ Function Hall Foyer C9 ֕ Lunch ഠ༌൶ Business Lounge ཊ࣏㜭 Function Hall A @ ཊ࣏㜭 Function Hall B བྷᇤՊ Ballroom C ཊ࣏㜭 Function Hall C ֕ Lunch C20 C21 C22 ͑ ͑ C12 C11 C10 㾯བྷา West Lobby C6 Registration C27 C5 VIP Registration ѫབྷา Main Lobby C1 C2 C3 C4 Պ䇞㿲Շޕਓ Delegates Access Պ䇞ь䜘ᒯ൪ Convention East Plaza N 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 142 FLOOR PLAN 会场平面图 一层 | FIRST FLOOR ቛબ Exhibits ٷᄑࣷཐ DIA ༹0ႎ࿕ዐ႐ ظႎஃ༇ Media & Press Center Innovation Theater K01 K02 K03 K04 K05 K06 K07 K08 K09 K10 J01 J02 J03 J04 J05 J06 J07 J08 J09 J10 H01 H02 H03 H04 H05 H06 H07 H08 H09 H10 G01 G02 G03 G04 G05 G06 D I E CCF G08 G09 G10 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 F07 F08 F09 F10 E01 E02 E03 E04 E05 E06 E07 E08 E09 E10 C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 C09 C10 B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B07 B08 B09 B10 A01 A02 A03A04 A05A06 A07 A08 A09 A10 A11 A12 ՄԒ Posters ְၶ൶ Coffee Bar ഠ༌൶ Business Lounge @ ְၶ൶ Coffee Bar Ballroom A+B Ͷͤ Quality & Transformation - New Era of Drug Development The 8th DIA China Annual Meeting | May 15-18, 2016 | China National Convention Center, Beijing 会场平面图 143 FLOOR PLAN 三层 | THIRD FLOOR Іك XJ,RUUX 䙊ᖰኅ Escalator to Exhibition Halls 䙊ᖰഋቲഭᇦՊ䇞ѝᗳབྷ䞂ᓇ䘎ᓺ To F4 Outdoor Walkway to CNCC Grand Hotel ኅ䎠ᓺ Exhibition Walkway л40↕ к32↕ ͑ ͑ N к18↕ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ CFDA Town Hall 309 A S 309 B 311 A 311 B 310 S S S S ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ Speaker Room 307 A 306 A 306 B Ͷͤ Staff Room 307 B ͑ ͑ 䀂 Coffee Corner ͑ ⍢䱵䞂ᓇ䘎ᓺ Walkway to InterContinental Hotel ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ 308 ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ WC ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ S བྷᇤՊ儈ս䜘࠶ Void over Ballroom ৲Պԓ㺘ޕਓ Delegates Access ͑ ᣕ Auditorium ࡽ४ᑝս Front Seats ͑ ͑ ͑ S Ͷ͢ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ WC 㡎ਠ Stage ͑ WC ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ ͑ WC Ͷ͢ 305 303 B 302 A 301 B WC ͑ VIP Room 3-1 ͑ VIP Room 3-2 㿲Ჟ䘎ᓺ Parkview Walkway ୶࣑ѝᗳ S Business Center Program at a Glance ͑ 迎接法规变革,聚力专业质量 2016中国国际药物信息大会暨第八届DIA中国年会 • 5月15-18日 • 北京国家会议中心 144 FLOOR PLAN 会场平面图 四层 | FOURTH FLOOR ֚ك ZN,RUUX N ഋቲབྷา L4 Lobby ਠᓗἵ Gallery Seating ਾਠ Back of stage བྷՊาA४ Plenary Hall A S ඇ༹ࣷᅱ! PLENARY SESSION བྷՊาB४ བྷՊาB४ Plenary r Hall B S V IP Room ਾ४ᑝս Rear Seats ᣕ Auditorium S S 4-3 S ഋቲই䜘㓴ਸ L4 South Foyer WC WC VIP Room 407 406 405 403 402 B 402 A ᣕഋቲᒿ L4 Auditorium Foyer 409 L4 East Foyer 408 401 VIP Room 4-1 ᧗ࡦᇔ Control Room ഋቲྕ᷇३ݻ㿲Ჟᒣਠ L4 Olympic Green Foyer ഭᇦՊ䇞ѝᗳ䞂ᓇ䘎ᓺ Walkway To CNCC Grand Hotel Call for Papers THERAPEUTIC INNOVATION & REGULATORY SCIENCE O FFI C IA L J O U R N A L O F D IA VO LU M E 4 9 • N U M B ER 1 • JA N UA RY 2 01 5 2015 and Beyond Stephen P. Spielberg, Editor-in-Chief Patient Engagement by Pharma—Why and How? A Framework for Compliant Patient Engagement A Universal Framework for the Benefit-Risk Assessment of Medicines: Is This the Way Forward? Clinical Development Approaches and Statistical Methodologies to Prospectively Assess the Cardiovascular Risk of New Antidiabetic Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes Methods and Issues to Consider for Detection of Safety Signals From Spontaneous Reporting Databases: A Report of the DIA Bayesian Safety Signal Detection Working Group Incorporating Historical Data in Bayesian Phase I Trial Design: The Caucasian-to-Asian Toxicity Tolerability Problem How Should a Globalized CTD Be Created? An Introduction to the Japanese 3-Layer Approach tirs.sagepub.com ISSN: 2168-4790 Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science Editor-in-Chief Stephen P. Spielberg, M.D., Ph.D. Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (TIRS) is the official scientific journal of DIA that strives to advance medical product discovery, development, regulation, and use through the publication of peer-reviewed original and review articles, commentaries, and letters to the editor across the spectrum of converting biomedical science into practical solutions to advance human health. Visit us at: tirs.sagepub.com The focus areas of the journal are as follows: • Biostatistics • Clinical Trials • Product Development and Innovation • Global Perspectives • Policy • Regulatory Science • Product Safety • Special Populations When you publish in Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science, you will benefit from: • Rigorous peer review of your research • Increased visibility, readership and impact of author’s works • New avenues for discovery in digital environment • High visibility for maximum global exposure Submit your manuscripts online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tirs Average time from submission to first decision is under 30 days! DIA 2017 中国国际药物信息大会 暨第九届DIA中国年会 5月21-24日 | 上海国际会议中心 The 9th DIA China Annual Meeting May 21-24 | Shanghai International Convention Center, China 中国北京市海淀区海淀大街3号A座16层1618室 邮编: 100080 电话: +86 10 5704 2650 | www.diachina.org 中国上海市长宁区仙霞路99号尚嘉中心15楼1590室 邮编:200051 电话: +86 21 6057 7239 | [email protected] DIA Global Center: Washington, DC, USA | Basel, Switzerland | Beijing/Shanghai, China | Horsham, PA, USA | Mumbai, India | Tokyo, Japan