MARATHON COUNTY PARK COMMISSION AGENDA Date Time Tuesday, June 2, 2015 3:30pm Conference Room 3 212 River Drive, Wausau, WI 54403 Gary Wyman (President), Gary Gisselman (Vice President) Commissioners: Connie Conrad, Alan Kraus, Jacob Langenhahn, Robert Mielke, David Nutting Marathon County Mission Statement: Marathon County Government serves people by leading, coordinating, and providing county, regional, and statewide initiatives. It directly or in cooperation with other public and private partners provides services and creates opportunities that make Marathon County and the surrounding area a preferred place to live, work, visit, and do business. (Last updated: 12-20-05) Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department Mission Statement - To provide a park and forest recreation system that will meet the needs of our current and future generations, preserve and protect the County’s open space, water, historical, cultural, and natural resources; and provide recreation opportunities that are designed to enhance the County’s quality of life. Agenda Items: I. Call to Order II. Public Comment Period – Not to Exceed 15 Minutes III. Approve Minutes of the April 7, 2015 and May 5, 2015 Meetings Policy Discussion and Possible Action IV. Marathon Park Fees - Discussion and Possible Action on Request from Wausau Area 4th of July Inc. to Waive Fees V. 2016 Budget - Discussion and Possible Action on Program Prioritization to Determine Funding Priorities in the Next 3 to 5 Years VI. Rib River Railroad Bridge - Discussion and Possible Action on Acquisition of Rib River Railroad Bridge Education VII. Park Commission Organization – Report and Discussion on Election of Officers and Expiration of One Appointment in July VIII. Nine Mile County Forest Report and Discussion on the Rib Mountain Adventure Challenge and the New Trail Map IX. Project Update X. Future Agenda Items XI. Next Meeting – Tuesday, July 7, 2015, Regular Meeting at 3:30pm XII. Adjournment Signed________________________________ Presiding Officer or His Designee FAXED TO DAILY HERALD THIS NOTICE POSTED AT THE COURTHOUSE (City Pages, Marshfield News, Midwest Radio Group) Date___________ Time___________ Date_____________ Time______________ By_____________________________ By___________________________________ Any person planning to attend this meeting who needs some type of special accommodation in order to participate should call the County Clerk’s Office at 715-261-1500 or e-mail [email protected] one business day before the meeting. Regular Meeting 212 River Drive, Wausau WI DRAFT MARATHON COUNTY PARK COMMISSION WAUSAU, WI Tuesday, April 7, 2015 3:30pm Present: Connie Conrad, Gary Gisselman, Alan Kraus, Jacob Langenhahn, Robert Mielke, Gary Wyman Excused: David Nutting Staff Present: William Duncanson, Ken Krueger, Dan Fiorenza Others Present: John Beatty – Wausau Nordic Ski Club, Brian Kowalski – City Pages, William Litzer Posting of the Agenda: President Gary Wyman called the meeting to order. Official notice and the agenda for this meeting were posted publicly in accordance with the State statutes. Public Comments – None brought forward Motion by Langenhahn, second by Mielke to approve the February 3, 2015 minutes. Motion carried by voice vote, no dissent. County Ordinance 19.07(1) Animals in Public Facilities – Discussion and Possible Action to Prohibit Animals at the Marathon County Sports Complex - Duncanson said it is common practice for animals to not be allowed at high level sport complexes. There are safety issues involved as well as the possibility of dogs damaging the high quality turf. In the current ordinance there are a number of places animals aren’t allowed; for example, the Marathon Park Amphitheater. The ordinance does and will continue to allow assistance, guide, hearing, and service dogs. Staff requests Commission support the change and forward it on to the Environmental Resource Committee. Motion by Mielke, second by Langenhahn to approve and follow staff’s recommendation to prohibit animals at the Marathon County Sports Complex. Motion carried by voice vote, no dissent. County Ordinance 19.13(3) Citation Authority - Discussion and Possible Action to Update Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department Personnel Authorized to Issue Park Citations - Duncanson said this item catches the language up to current organization and position titles on who has citation authority for County park ordinances. A similar update was done on Section 16 for County forests. At the same time the Conservation, Planning and Zoning Department is doing a similar update as far as enforcing authorities for those departments having to do with agriculture and environmental issues. Clarifications on some of the position titles and duties were answered. Motion by Kraus, second by Mielke to update County Ordinance 19.13(3) to reflect the personnel authorized to issue park citations. Kraus amended the motion, second by Gisselman to specifically breakdown Operations Superintendents and list the descriptions of the Operations Superintendent of Customer Service and Operations Superintendent of Maintenance and Development positions as authorized to issue park citations. Motion carried by voice vote as amended, no dissent. Motion to approve the amendment carried by voice vote, no dissent. Motion to approve County Ordinance 19.13(3) Citation Authority as amended carried by voice vote, no dissent. Vacant Trades Technician I Position – Duncanson said the person in this position has just retired after working for 30 years. The position is heavily utilized and does plumbing, carpentry, compressor system, and HVAC system work. The person hired has to have a broad range of high level skills to keep the facilities up and running. This position is fully budgeted for 2015. Motion by Kraus, second by Gisselman to fill the vacant Trades Technician I position. Motion carried by voice vote, no dissent. Marathon County Sports Complex – Report on the Current Status of Construction, Concessions, Naming Rights, Activity Scheduling, and Grand Opening – Duncanson said the complex is less than a month away from its grand opening. Fiorenza said there is a lot of detail type work to be done to make the complex look nice. Some of the remaining projects include finishing up road work and planting trees around the facility. Field signage went in last week and hopefully the entry signs will be placed next week. Staff is going to put some of the department’s existing bleachers on site in time for the opening game. East and West High Schools will be playing April 30 and are excited about being under the lights. The Holtz-Krause Steering Committee approved additional work including water service to the north activity pad area and they are also funding up to $12,000 for concession equipment. Fiorenza mentioned that the turf is in great shape. Duncanson said in the future, the City will be erecting a six foot fence along the railroad property line and then trees will be planted along there. Duncanson hopes the City will approve wayfinding signs off of Townline and Grand Avenue. Duncanson discussed 1 some of the naming rights contracts that are being finalized and said that activity schedules are coming in. The Grand Opening ceremony will be on April 30th at 4:30pm at the Sports Complex. Duncanson hopes that all of the Park Commissioners can attend. He said they will also be inviting County Board, City Council, Holtz-Krause Steering Committee and some of their representative companies, DNR, and Canadian National Railroad. Questions were answered. Langenhahn commented that is was really great to see the culmination of a lot of hard work coming together. Rib River Railroad Bridge – Report on the Potential Acquisition of a Former Railroad Bridge Across the Rib River for Future Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail Use – Duncanson said staff put together a proposal for land the department would need in order to own and maintain the bridge and for access on the north side out to Packer Drive. The DNR and Army Corp. of Engineers will do a final wetlands determination on the land and then it will be surveyed which the County will pay for. Duncanson mentioned the slopes being dealt with are significant so they have to figure out how much space they need and they are also trying to locate the trail further down the slope to minimize its visibility from adjacent properties. There are a lot of considerations to be made to make sure the trail fits in and it is a good experience for people. Kraus questioned what it was going to cost. Duncanson said to do a full restoration of the bridge, convert the deck and some work on one abutment was probably around $165,000. The additional trail costs won’t be known until the exact amount of land needed is determined. Gisselman said the bridge is an historic part of this County and railroad history and he is sure the development will be appreciated. Mathy Land Donation – Report on the Potential Gifting of Land for the Purpose of Retaining Boat Access to the Wisconsin River at Brokaw – Duncanson said that Mathy still wishes to donate this land to the County and has decided to allow the County to do a Phase 2 Environmental Study on it. The only condition is that it be limited to the land that the County would be acquiring. Duncanson said staff will be having a new Phase 1 study done followed up by a new Phase 2 study. The Phase 2 would likely include some testing wells to indicate if anything is coming from the rest of the property onto the site. Duncanson is hoping to utilize the County’s EPA Environmental Assessment Grant monies. If that grant is not available he proposes to use the Departments park land and products account which is there for land acquisition. This account has been used in the past to do environmental assessment on possible park property acquisitions. Project Update Mission Lake Restroom Replacement – Bids were opened March 23rd. The two restroom replacements were awarded to the low bidder, CXT. Installation is planned after Labor Day. Marathon County Soccer Complex – Site signage is currently being installed. Playground safety surfacing is in place. Opening event is scheduled for Thursday, April 30th. Marathon Park Ice Arena Refrigeration System Upgrade – Bids were opened March 31st. Kuhlman Incorporated was the low bidder that came in at $154,766.00. This amount is within budget. Future Agenda Items – Mathy land donation, Rib River railroad bridge, budget, CIP, Sports Complex Next Meeting – Regular scheduled meeting on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 3:30pm at 212 River Drive. Adjournment – Motion by Langenhahn, second by Mielke to adjourn at 4:30. Motion carried by voice vote, no dissent. 2 Regular Meeting 212 River Drive, Wausau WI DRAFT MARATHON COUNTY PARK COMMISSION WAUSAU, WI Tuesday, May 5, 2015 3:30pm Present: Connie Conrad, Gary Gisselman, Alan Kraus, Jacob Langenhahn, Robert Mielke Excused: David Nutting, Gary Wyman Staff Present: William Duncanson, Ken Krueger, Dan Fiorenza, Peter Knotek Others Present: Kelly Zagrzebski, Steve Soenksen, Jay and Joann Kleiber, Hooshang Zeyghami, Ralph Zagrzebski Posting of the Agenda: Vice-President Gary Gisselman called the meeting to order. Official notice and the agenda for this meeting were posted publicly in accordance with the State statutes. Public Comments – K. Zagrzebski thanked Commission for the five pickle ball courts that are lined throughout the County. She distributed a packet of information about pickle ball and invited members to try it out. Zagrzebski said they are not able to hold an outside summer tournament in one location. Their group looked at the three proposed pickle ball courts at Marathon Park and put together a plan for the potential future expansion of pickle ball there with nine total courts. With nine courts they could support a three day tournament with at least 50 teams per day playing in men’s, women’s and mixed doubles divisions. Duncanson said that pickle ball is one of the hottest trends nationally. It’s here to stay and is getting a lot of use. Duncanson said there is a current project in Marathon Park this year to resurface the basketball area and convert half of it to three pickle ball courts while retaining two basketball courts. The two tennis courts to the south are in need of repaving. They can get six additional pickle ball courts on these two tennis courts. Marathon Park would be an ideal place to support pickle ball tournaments. There is a surplus of tennis courts in the rest of the City especially since the high schools have improved theirs. J. Kleiber said that people will come from all over to play pickle ball. He discussed the game itself and said Wausau could get an identity catering to the baby boomers. Motion by Langenhahn, second by Mielke to approve the April 7th and April 16th, 2015 minutes. Kraus referenced the motion in regard to the Citation Authority item. There was an amendment and the minutes did not reflect that the amendment itself passed. Langenhahn withdrew his motion, second by Mielke to withdraw his second to approve both the April 7th and April 16th meeting minutes. Motion by Langenhahn, second by Mielke to approve the April 16th minutes. Motion carried by voice vote. April 7th meeting minutes will be brought back. (Note: It was missed in the tape, 4/7/15 minutes changed to reflect that - Motion by Kraus, second by Mielke to update County Ordinance 19.13(3) to reflect the personnel authorized to issue park citations. Kraus amended the motion, second by Gisselman to specifically breakdown Operations Superintendents and list the descriptions of the Operations Superintendent of Customer Service and Operations Superintendent of Maintenance and Development positions as authorized to issue park citations. Motion carried by voice vote as amended, no dissent. Motion to approve the amendment carried by voice vote, no dissent. Motion to approve County Ordinance 19.13(3) Citation Authority as amended carried by voice vote, no dissent.) 2015 Budget – Discussion and Possible Action on Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Projects - Knotek discussed several projects. For roofing materials staff has made a conscious effort to go from asphalt shingles to steel shingles that look like asphalt predominantly in Marathon Park. Unfortunately the red color is special order only, so staff orders a large quantity and stockpiles it. Because the red asphalt shingles we use are so difficult to get, for non-fair grounds buildings and in other parks staff has decided to change over to green shingles which are readily available. East Gate Hall in Marathon Park is in need of a roof replacement. There is a vault restroom replacement project going on where we are replacing multiple restrooms every year. Knotek is not sure yet which three will be done in 2016. Rolling stock and asphalt replacement projects are ongoing. The most pressing need for asphalt replacement is in Big Eau Pleine Park. Staff would like to hire a consultant to work on the County Outdoor Recreation Plan which is needed to remain eligible for State and Federal grants. Duncanson said this plan would be coordinated with the County’s comprehensive plan. Motion by Kraus, second by Mielke to approve the Capital Improvement Plan projects. Kraus thought they had already secured the entire package of funding for the entire vault restroom replacement project. Knotek said he mainly does this to keep them informed that they have already approved the concept of the plan and spending in multiple years for it. Motion carried by voice vote, no dissent. 1 Land Acquisition - Discussion and Possible Action on Acquiring Park Land at the Dells of the Eau Claire County Park - Duncanson said staff was contacted by the owner of a 3.99 acre parcel on the south side of the park adjacent to Highway Y to see if the County was interested in acquiring it. Duncanson said it does not give a lot of extra use but as people approach the park from the south on County Highway Y it has aesthetic value. Also as far as the State Scientific area, the ravine and the ecosystem microclimate in the ravine does continue down into that area. The assessed value in 2013 was $9,300.00 and that amount is available in the County Park Land and Products account. Duncanson recommends considering this purchase as an addition to the Dells of the Eau Claire Park if a purchase price can be agreed on. Questions were answered. Motion by Mielke, second by Conrad for staff to pursue acquisition of this parcel. Motion carried by voice vote. Land Acquisition – Discussion and Possible Action on Sponsoring a Marathon County Environmental Fund Grant to Acquire Land on Behalf of the Ice Age Park and Trail Foundation – Duncanson said this is being initiated based on an approach from the Ice Age Trail Alliance (IATA). The Alliance cooperates with the DNR to acquire lands, get easements and create and maintain the Ice Age Trail which goes through Marathon County. The Ice Age Trail has existed on this parcel, which is now on the market, since the inception of the trail and is part of the permanent trail corridor in Marathon County. It is attached to portions of the 920 acres the DNR acquired from Wausau papers in the Town of Ringle specifically for the Ice Age Trail. The DNR had an option to purchase it but is not funding acquisition at this time. Duncanson discussed the lands involved. The DNR is currently writing a master plan on management of their properties. In previous discussion one consideration is to possibly have mountain biking in this area as part of an International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) Ride Center facility. He said the current option on the property is $76,000. Half of that is available through a Stewardship grant that IATA has available and is looking for a match for the other $38,000. Within the Marathon County Environmental Fund the County is allowed to work with a variety of organizations which are limited to Marathon County government or other units of government with a service presence in Marathon County. The proposal is that it becomes DNR managed property because it is adjacent to other DNR lands that are managed for the benefit of the Ice Age Trail. It would not be considered for County parkland, or County forestland. The CORP also identifies supporting the Ice Age Trail and the County has participated with IATA in the past in acquiring lands adjacent to Dells of the Eau Claire Park that the trail lies within. Duncanson is not sure if there is another source of funding available to help acquire these 30 acres to keep the trail on its existing location. He asks Commissions permission to submit a grant request to the Environmental Resource Committee for $38,000 funding from the County Environmental fund. Motion by Mielke, second by Conrad to proceed. Kraus mentioned that at a previous joint Environmental Resource and Finance Committee meeting the question was raised about what the language “other governmental units” means and that this needs to be defined. If this motion passes it would be testing the waters about what the end result of that discussion would be. Duncanson mentioned that the deadline for funding for EIF fund grants is June 1st so this grant request has to be in next month for consideration by the Environmental Resource Committee and by then he hopes the rules for 2016 will be set. Conrad asked if the County is bound to purchase it if the grant is not successful. Duncanson said it would be based on a successful grant. The parks department would be a sponsor of the grant and if it doesn’t come up he would advise the IATA to pursue other funding sources. Motion carried by voice vote, no dissent. Gisselman left the meeting at 4:35pm. Kraus took the over chairmanship of the meeting. Citation Authority – Discussion and Possible Action to Update County Ordinances Pertaining to Citation Authority in County Parks – Duncanson said the Commission had been discussing citation authority and adjusting existing County ordinances to clarify them at previous meetings. The Chief Ranger had been reviewing what had been adjusted and realized that in Chapter 25 of the County Ordinance there was a piece missed where another clarification was necessary. Staff requests Commission approve making the modification and forward this on to the Environmental Resource Committee. Motion by Langenhahn, second by Mielke to approve the recommended changes to the ordinance proposed. Motion carried by voice vote. Mathy Property – Report on Land Acquisition Related Articles Concerning Land Owned by Mathy Construction in Brokaw – Duncanson said that Mathy has agreed to allow the County to perform a Phase 2 Environmental Study and staff has been looking at a funding source that would do that. He had hoped it could be funded through the County’s existing EPA remediation grant which has happened so this work is proceeding. 2 Rib River Railroad Bridge – Report on Land Acquisition Activities Related to the Rib River Railroad Bridge – Duncanson said a couple years ago the owner asked the County if they were interested in the bridge. In the early phases of the County bike/pedestrian plan they were looking for ways to get across the river without going all the way to Marathon City. There were also concerns about snowmobiles safely crossing the river. The current owner is willing to donate the bridge to the County and the adjoining landowner on the south is willing to give the County an easement out to Highway NN. It has not been possible to stay on the rail grade going north to get back out to Packer Drive so the trail will follow the eastern and northern boundary lines of the current owner to accomplish this. Only one wetland area needs to be crossed by a small bridge or boardwalk and the rest of the wetlands can be avoided. The trail information is being given to the current owner and if they are willing to donate the land for this staff could proceed with getting it surveyed and a legal description put together. The County would cover costs having to do with survey, marking everything, title work, title insurance, transfers, and a portion of the taxes. In return the County would own this bridge which would ensure year round access to cross the river. There was a previous engineering study done on the bridge and only one abutment needs repair. In that study in 2010 the cost will be upwards of $350,000 to do all stabilization work, decking the bridge and converting it over for use. It will hold any use the County is considering the heaviest of which would be for snowmobile groomers. The primary use would be bicycle and pedestrian. Eastbay Sports Complex – Report on Recent Activities Related to the Eastbay Sports Complex – Duncanson reported that the grand opening event was held and there was great representation of all the people that had been involved over the last twenty years. The East and West High School girls held soccer games and finished under the lights. The Mountain Bay Cup tournament was held on the weekend with 85 teams participating. Fiorenza said staff took good notes about detail type improvements but overall heard many positive comments about the fields being some of the best in the State. Discussion followed. Project Update Marathon Park - Refrigeration Upgrades – Project was awarded to Kuhlman Incorporated for $154,766. Contractor is on site and has started the project. To be complete prior to the 2015 Wisconsin Valley Fair. Future Agenda Items – land acquisitions, budget, comprehensive plan Next Meeting – Regular scheduled meeting on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. at 212 River Drive. Adjournment – Motion by Mielke, second by Langenhahn to adjourn at 4:50 p.m. Motion carried by voice vote, no dissent. 3 MARATHON COUNTY PARK COMMISSION June 2 , 2015 AGENDA SUMMARY IV. Marathon Park Fees – Discussion and Possible Action on Request from Wausau Area 4th of July Inc. to Waive Fees Wausau Area 4th of July Inc. is requesting the 2015 rental fee of $8013 be waived and the liability insurance requirement of $2,000,000 be reduced to $1,000,000 (see enclosed e-mail). Staff has denied both requests and the event sponsor is appealing this decision to the Commission. The Wausau Area 4th of July Inc. (sponsor) is a private organization that has taken over the 4th of July event in Marathon Park that was formerly sponsored by the Wausau Area Jaycees. They state they are a 501(c)(3) organization but have yet to provide a tax exempt certificate. The 2015 event will occupy Marathon Park from June 29 or 30 through July 6 (7-8 days) and be in operation July 2-5 (4 days). During this period the full time and seasonal park staff is fully occupied serving the event and accumulates about 40 hours of full time employee overtime. The County provides all utilities and restroom cleaning services and supplies and cleans the entire park other than the Midway, Food Court and Amphitheater during this period. Marathon Junction and the splash pad are open during this period which produces an average of about $550 in increased revenues. However, during this 7-8 day period we forgo all other building rentals in the park with the exception of a one day rental of the Big Kitchen ($128). Typical noncommercial building rentals for one mid-summer week average $2,900. A one day commercial rental of East Gate Hall is $400-650 and MPB 1 is $1500-2175. It is clear that the 2015 fee is already very heavily discounted. From a philosophical standpoint staff questions whether it is appropriate for the County to increase the subsidy for a privately operated event that does not effectively serve the entire County. Other communities in Marathon County sponsor their own celebrations. (The City of Wausau does provide support for this event through their special events policy.) Staff also questions the business plan of the event. It has not changed significantly for many years despite reducing revenues, increased other special events, and societal changes. V. 2016 Budget – Discussion and Possible Action on Program Prioritization to Determine Funding Priorities in the Next 3 to 5 Years Program prioritization for the 2016 budget will start with each department determining whether there is a growing concern that their programs will require a greater investment of resources, stay the same, or decrease in the next 3-5 years. These assessments will be reviewed first by Committees and Commissions and forwarded to Standing Committees. The course of action once received by the stand committees is contained in the attached program prioritization calendar (draft). The PRF Department has four primary program areas to consider for participation: Program Sports Tourism Citizen Wellness General Park Lands and Facilities County Forest Management 3-5 Year Investment Greater Greater Same Same MARATHON COUNTY PARK COMMISSION June 2 , 2015 AGENDA SUMMARY Sports Tourism is anticipated to grown in Marathon County in both the public and private sectors. With new and planned facilities for field sports, curling, mountain biking, downhill skiing, road biking, aquatics, fishing, and kayaking it is clear that additional resource investment will be necessary. While total public capital cost is difficult to estimate at this point it would not be surprising to see a 20% increase in support services to plan, design, build and maintain existing and new facilities as individual and event based outdoor sports activities increase. Citizen Wellness is an area where PRF has been collaborating with local, public and private agencies. Much of the work has focused on healthy eating and active lifestyles. Because this is a small part of our budget, increasing activity in this area with even 0.25 FTE would be more than a 10 fold increase. These programs would be in addition to providing lands and facilities for outdoor recreation activities. Courtesy of CWOCC’S MiSSiON Directions Nine mile County Forest recreation Area 51 Central Wisconsin WAUSAU Offroad Cycling Coalition (CWOCC) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate through trail RED BUD RD advocacy and promote fitness, group activities as well as exploring nature. 9-mile SCHOFIELD N 29 WESTON KK 51 We are dedicated to maintaining, designing and building sustainable, environmentally sound, offroad bicycling trails. Nine Mile Forest Unit (Chalet) is located in the Towns of Rib Mountain and Mosinee. From US 51, take CTH N (exit #188) west 3 ½ miles to Red Bud Road. Turn south (left) on Red Bud Road and follow 1 ¼ miles. When approaching from the west side of the county, take CTH N east to Red Bud Road (approximately 9 miles east of STH 107). built and Maintained by Email: [email protected] Website: Mailing Address: PO Box 745 Wausau, WI 54402 Courtesy of Website: Email: parkforestry@ Phone: (715) 261-1550 Mailing Address: 212 River Drive, Suite 2, Wausau, Wisconsin 54403-5476 Mountain Bike Trail System Map built and Maintained by Welcome to the Nine Mile County Forest Recreation Area M o u n tA I n b I k e r s • Nine Mile County Forest Recreation Area has 13.45 miles of single track mountain bike trails and 20 miles on the cross country trails. • Trail Pass is required to ride 9-mile. Passes are available at the parking lot kiosk or at the Wausau and Marathon County Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department Office. • All riders 12 years and older require a daily or annual pass. • Trails open between May 1 and May 15 depending on trail conditions (if open - the first 3 weeks of May the trails open after 12:00 pm/noon each day). The trails remain open through October 15 each year. • An outdoor vault restroom is located in the chalet parking lot. • The Chalet is reservable for special events from April 16th through November 30th to public or private groups. Reservations can be made up to one year in advance. The chalet is available daily from 7:30 am to midnight and has a capacity of 175 people. This cement block building has high, wood beamed ceilings, cement floor, seating for 95-100, wood burner with firewood, ceiling fans, crank out windows with screens, indoor restrooms, 4 basin sink with hot & cold water, refrigerator, and a large counter area. other user groups • Nine Mile County Forest Recreation Area has 10 miles of signed horseback riding trails. Trails open between May 1 and May 15 depending on trail conditions (if open the first 3 weeks of May, the trails open after 12:00 pm/ noon each day). The trails remain open through October 15 each year. • Hunting is permitted. All state hunting regulations apply. • Permanent tree stands, elevated platforms, or blinds are not permitted in any county forest units. Portable tree stands maybe used. • Target shooting is prohibited at Nine Mile County Forest Recreation Area (and all forest parking lots). The Department also maintains the Duane L. Corbin Shooting Range Park located about 7 miles southwest of Wausau on KK, adjacent to Nine Mile County Forest Recreation Area. • Camping is allowed with a permit issued in advance by the Forest Administrator. • Trapping is allowed - All state trapping regulations apply. NiNe mile history Named after a unique natural feature, Nine Mile Swamp, the forest has 4897 acres of mixed uplands, marshes and water impoundments available to the public for a variety of activities. Nine Mile County Forest Recreation Area is principally managed to maintain and protect the integrity of its ecosystems while also producing wood products, wildlife and recreation opportunities. It is known in particular for hunting, cross-county skiing facilities (including trails, toilets and a chalet), hiking, nature study, photography, berry picking, snowmobiling and mountain biking. Two streams, Black Creek and Four Mile Creek, thread part of their way through Nine Mile County Forest Recreation Area, winding through open marsh and clumps of spruce. Nearby, mixed hardwoods, oak and pine thrive on the uplands, alternating with large stands of aspen, the principal timber crop and a major source of food and cover for ruffed grouse and deer. These game species, as well as cotton- • Dogs are allowed except on groomed trails. tails, snowshoe hare, waterfowl and squirrels are actively • All trails are closed to motorized vehicles, except for designated snowmobile/ATV trails that are signed. pursued by hunters. The maintenance of waterfowl reser- For additional information contact the Wausau and Marathon County Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department at (715) 261-1550, 212 River Drive, Suite 2, Wausau, Wisconsin 54403-5476, or visit our website at parks.asp. Please respect the land and privileges of other users at all times while visiting the forest. Help clean up litter and be especially careful with fire! voirs, seeding of trails, planting of food and cover shrubs, and selective cutting of trees, all help to promote vigorous game and non-game wild-life populations. A well maintained system of trails totaling over 30 miles (45 km) allows easy access for recreation. All trails are closed to motorized vehicles, except in winter for designated snowmobile/ATV trails. Cross-country skiers have more than 30 km of one-way trails over a variety of terrain with loops suitable for the novice to expert skier. In the summer, the ski trails become an excellent mountain biking trail system. Nine mile County Forest (4897 acres) is one of nine mara- Horses are allowed on the snowmobile trail during the sum- thon County forest units totaling 29,937 acres. they include mer only. Blackberries, blueberries and choke cherries are the Bern Wetland Unit (269 acres), Burma road Unit (1480 eagerly sought by berry pickers in the late summer and fall. acres), elderon Unit (280 acres), harrison-hewitt Unit (9195 acres), Kronenwetter Unit (5176 acres), leathercamp Unit (5248 acres), ringle marsh Unit (3108 acres), and Wisconsin river Unit (283 acres). Forestry and wildlife management assistance is provided by the Wisconsin Department of Natural resources. Welcome to Nine Mile County Recreation Area Things to look for: Sign grant provided by iMba/CoMpetitiveCyCliSt.CoM Advanced Loop Connector nine Mile MoUntain biKe trail SySteM advanCed LooP ConneCTor S1 T W6 N White Knuckle Skill Level Symbols 9M signage also has skill levels on signs at every trailhead. WEST The advanCed LooP intersection intersection nine Mile MoUntain biKe trail SySteM You are here WEST LOOP T Outbound Y S1 N S8 K S2 Bear Bones Super G W1 W4 W7 D W2 BAIL OUT W3 Chain Smoker W8 East Loop Connector B Parking Advanced Singletrack Shelters Double Track Other Singletrack Double Track Easy HorseTrail Moderate Singletrack Ho Chi Minh S SOUTH LOOP Stone Soup Moderate Singletrack Advanced Singletrack XC-Trail HorseTrail F E2 W9 KEY: BAIL OUT S6 EAST LOOP Yang S7 J Yin E1 Root Canal E G Jim’s Trail The Pines A W3 K-Bypass T WEST LOT Outbound White Knuckle Flower W5 M W6 TH Up Nort S Pit Toilets Parking Shelters C S8 K S7 WEST LOT S2 J G Bear Bones S6 Super G a graphic design studio Stinger R BAIL OUT R Ho Chi Minh Sign Grant provided by IMBA/ Map and sign design provided by BAIL OUT S4 Stinger S5 a graphic design studio Stone Soup W8 Moderate Singletrack Advanced Singletrack BAIL OUT Ho Chi Minh S6 New in 2015 Ho Chi XC-Trail J E1 Yin C Yang Stone Soup C Parking KEY: Shelters Easy Singletrack Parking Moderate Singletrack Pit Toilets Advanced Singletrack Shelters New in 2015 Minh HorseTrail EAST LOOP E2 Root Canal Easy Singletrack Pit Toilets XC-Trail HorseTrail You Are Here To help guide riders, 9M has ‘You Are Here’ signsFposted at major intersections on the trail system. S3SOUTH Stinger F LOOP R S BAIL OUT P The user of this trail assumes all risk of personal injury or loss orRdamage to property. The rider of this trail agrees and understands that biking can be a dangerous recreational activity. Trail conditions can vary constantly. The rider acknowledges and assumes the responsibility to always ride in control and within their own ability level. Please be aware of and considerate of other bikes and user groups. S3 Ho Chi Minh Sign Grant provided by IMBA/ Map and sign design provided by MAIN LOT The Pines Yin E KEY: S7 BAIL OUT Pit Toilets S3 W1 EASTJim’s LOOPTrail W4 Chain Root Canal Smoker E SOUTH LOOP CHALET T T G nine Mile MoUntain biKe trail SySteM ConneCTor • Green-Novice Pines • Blue W1 (Intermediate) S1 • Black (Expert) Know your sKill level Advanced Loop Connector Super G W2 W5 M A W3 K-Bypass Bones Sign grant provided by iMba/CoMpetitiveCyCliSt.CoM S2 Sign grant provided by iMba/CoMpetitiveCyCliSt.CoM LOT K-Bypass Flower S8 K Bear The Pines TH E1 East Loop Connector W2 BAIL OUT B D W6 E2 A W3 W7 W3 East Loop Connector Outbound W9 BAIL OUT B D W7 W3 W9 N White Chain Knuckle Yang Smoker W8 S1 S1 9M signage has intersection markers that coorespond to the map to quickly locate where you are on the trail system.T Y MAIN LOT Jim’s Trail Outbound Advanced Loop Connector Outbound intersection Flower WEST T W4 LOOP W5 M CHALET W1 Up Nort T Outbound Y TH Up Nort WEST LOOP T Trail Pass is required to ride 9-Mile CHALET BAIL OUT Sign Grant provided by IMBA/ Map and sign design provided by Stinger S4 R BAIL OUT Stinger S5 R Ho Chi Minh a graphic design studio Sign Grant provided by IMBA/ Map and sign design provided by a graphic design studio BAIL OUT S4 P Stinger S5 P Map is subject to change CWoCC is working hard to build a better mountain biking community in Central Wisconsin. We couldn’t do it without the support of our donors who see the importance of cultivating the growth of our club and outdoor recreation in their community. thank You!! PlATNiuM lEvEl DoNoRs Bone and Joint Walk-In Care GolD lEvEl DoNoRs Rib Mountain Cycles Gary Barden Design Mid Wisconsin Beverage Eye Clinic of Wisconsin Red Eye Brewing Co. Ruppel Chiropractic silvER lEvEl DoNoRs Kocureck Subaru Greenheck Fan Peoples State Bank Tlusty, Kennedy & Dirks Law Stoney Creek Hotels BRoNzE lEvEl DoNoRs Happy Hour Hops UMR TC Teardrops Wausau Coin Machine Builers Cycle & Fitness Lackman Chiropractic WEMS-Wisconsin Endurance Mountain Bike Series Marathon Endurance Cequent Company 23 Bike Fixtation SpeedGear Bike Shop Dude. Supporting CWOCC’s efforts in growing the Wausau area’s mountain bike community. Yeah? I think it’s broken. a graphicdesign design studio a graphic studio 715-845-9987 • View our portfolio at g raphic design | illustration | logo design and identity Accidents happen. Bone & Joint can help get you rolling again. Now open weekdays from 8 am to 7 pm Walk-In Care ® 5200 Hummingbird Road in Rib Mountain *Call 911 or go to the nearest ER if you suspect a serious emergency. 800.472.0033 artisan food • craft Beer C W O C C G r o u p R i d e s CWOCC Group Rides start in the first week of June, Thursday nights at 6PM (ready to ride) until the end of season. Groups will be split into novice, intermediate and expert groups. Come out and join in on the fun. For more information fo to Proudly supporting cycling & craft Beer in the Wausau Area 612 Washington St. • Wausau, WI 54403 715.843.REDI (7334) • Since 2008 Accepting New Patients Volunteer Today. Join CWOCC’s pledge 10 program and help us build a better mountain bike community in central Wisconsin. Trail or committee work, anything you can do to help. For more information fo to steven Ruppel D.C., C.C.s.P., A.R.T. Ph: 715-298-3834 • 1220 6th Street • Wausau, WI 54403 Wausau’s only certified provider of the Active Release Techniques® (A.R.T.) (715) 359-3925 4001 Rib Mountain DR, Wausau, Wi 54401 PARK COMMISSION JUNE 2, 2015 PROJECT UPDATE Marathon Park – Refrigeration System Upgrades Demolition of old equipment is complete. Currently waiting delivery of replacement equipment. Marathon Park Basketball Courts Repaving Demolition complete, base course complete. Asphalt paving, fencing and court striping yet to be completed. Marathon Park – 2015 MPB1 Improvements Project includes interior painting and ceiling installation. Project bids June 15.