Great Mixed Borders
Great Mixed Borders
Everything but the Kitchen Sink: Recipes for Great Mixed Borders The Connecticut Hardy Plant Symposium March 1, 2008 The gardens shown this Kitchen Sink lecture are among the eighteen featured on my website I know you’ll enjoy them all. I’ve listed the plants that were highlighted in the lecture, as well as their availabilities among twenty-eight exceptional vendors, so that you can purchase them for your own garden. All but Sylvan, Quackin’ Grass, Broken Arrow, and Seven Arrows are mail order. Kurt Bluemel is usually wholesale only, so your local nurseryman may need to order for you—but sincerity and charm never hurt, so call them up to enquire about a bit of retail shopping anyway. Whatever the price, it will be well worth it! Sometimes the most desirable plants are also the least available. Indeed, I couldn’t find a single current source in the US this year for the two plants marked N-A: Grafted standards of cryptomeria and the pure-yellow four o’clock, Mirabilis dichotoma. On the other hand, I myself have way too much Rubus idaeus ‘Aureus’ and Eryngium giganteum. Please call me to arrangement a time when you can come to my gardens in Rhode Island so I can dig you some of either from my robust colonies. Don’t hesitate to be in touch about any facet of the lecture, or about horticulture and design in general. Kind regards, Everything but the Kitchen Sink: Recipes for Great Mixed Borders Connecticut Hardy Plant Society Symposium March 1, 2008 Shrubs, roses, trees, pollards, coppices, espaliers, standards, tender tubers, edibles, groundcovers, self-seeders, grasses, vines, natives, containers, and, yes, even some perennials to include in your “flower” border. Mixed indeed! Latin Name Common Name Source 8 6 Sinucalia tangutica Sparks’ monkshood Yellow-leaved catalpa. (Spring pollard) ‘Chocolate’ Joe-Pye weed ‘The Swan’ hydrangea Golden-leaved locust (Spring pollard) Fern-leaf ligularia Tilia cordata ‘Winter Orange’ Orange-twig (in winter) linden 13 Buddleia davidii’White Ball’ Calycanthus floridus ‘Michael Lindsay’ Cornus alba ‘Aurea’ ‘White Ball’ dwarf buddleia ‘Michael Lindsay’ sweetshrub 6 6 Yellow-leaved Siberian dogwood 6 Woods Hole Summer Border Aconitum ‘Sparks’ Catalpa bignonioides ‘Aurea’ Eupatorium rugosum ‘Chocolate’ Hydrangea p. g. ‘The Swan’ Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’ 5 8 13 7 Layout: Large & Simple Shrubs Forsythia intermedia ‘Gold Leaf’ Orixa japonica ‘Aurea’ Paeonia ludlowii ‘Lutea’ Philadelphus coronarius ‘Variegatus’ Yellow-leaved forsythia Yellow-leafed orixa Fern-leafed tree peony Variegated mock orange 6 6 17 21 Quercus dentata ‘Pinnatifida’ Salix eleagnos Fern-leafed Japanese oak Rosemary-leaved willow 17 6 Trees Fun w/ Pruning Buddleia alternifolia ‘Argentea’ STD Spring-flowered silver-leaved buddleia, untrained only Catalpa erubescens ‘Purpurea’ Black-leaved catalpa (Spring pollard) Cryptomeria japonica Japanese cedar as a “forest” Cryptomeria japonica ‘Globosa Nana’ Dwarf Japanese cedar Cryptomeria japonica ‘Globosa Nana’ Japanese cedar standard STD Magnolia grandiflora ‘Bracken’s Hardy southern magnolia Brown Beauty’ Paulownia tomentosa Empress tree (Spring pollard) Poncirus trifoliata STD Hardy orange, untrained only Ulmus glabra ‘Aurea’ Gold-leafed Scotch elm (Spring pollard) 6 13 8 19 N-A 8 13 13 6 Groundcovers Aegepodium podagraria ‘Variegata’ Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Geranium macrorrhizum Hakonechloa macro ‘Aureola’ Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’ Petasites japonicus ‘Purpureus Rubus idaeus ‘Aureus’ Xanthorhiza simplicissima Variegated bishop’s weed Hardy plumbago Big-root geranium Variegated hakone grass Yellow creeping Jenny Purple-leafed butterbur Gold-leaved raspberry Yellow root 20 20 20 8 8 22 Call Me! 8 Vines Aconitum ‘Sparks’ Clematis ‘Lady Murasaki’ Clematis viticella ‘Plena Purpurea Elegans’ Jasminum nudiflorum Sparks aconitum Lady Murasaki’s clematis Purple late-summer clematis 8 5 5 Winter-flowering hardy jasmine 23 Rosa ‘Eddie’s Jewel’ Rosa ‘Nevada’ Rosa roxburghii ‘Eddie’s Jewel’ rose ‘Nevada’ rose Chestnut rose 11 24 24 Cacalia atriplicifolia Silphium perfoliatum Prairie hosta Cup plant 15 15 Amaranthus cruentus x A. powelli Amaranthus gangeticus Amorpha canescens Cirsium heterophyllum Digitalis ferruginea ‘Flashing Spires’ Eryngium giganteum Oenethera glazoviana ‘Tina James’ Onopordum acanthium Papaver somniferum ‘Lauren’s Grape’ Polygonum orientale ‘Variegatum’ Hopi Red Dye amaranth Elephant Head amaranth Lead plant Melanchony thistle ‘Flashing Spires’ foxglove Miss Willmott’s Ghost Tina James’ evening primrose Scotch thistle Grape-flowered opium poppy 10 10 15 16 16 Call me! 7 16 25 Variegated Kiss-me-over-theGate Silver tansy Moth Mullein Yellow-furred mullein 25 Roses Natives Self-seeders Tanacetum niveum Verbascum blattaria Verbascum epixanthinum 26 16 16 Edibles Armoracia rusticana ‘Variegata’ Mystery rheum @ the Cambridge England Botanic Gardens Silybum marianum Variegated horse radish Mystery rhubarb 6 Milk Thistle 16 Amorphophallus bulbifer Brugmansias, various, winter dormant in the basement Erythrina crista-galli winter dormant in the basement Firmiana simplex, winter dormant in the basement Jasminum officinale ‘Fiona Sunrise’ winter dormant in the basement Voodoo lily Brugmansias, various 7 7 Bean tree, as a coppice 3 Parasol tree 19 Yellow-leaved jasmine 5 Ensete maurelii Eucomis comosum ‘Sparking Burgundy’ Purple-leaved banana Purple eucomis 22 3 Canna indica ‘Purpurea’ Dahlia ‘Classic Summertime’ Hedychium ‘Tara’ Mirabilis dichotoma Mirabilis jalapa ‘Alba’ ‘Russian Giant’ canna ‘Classic Summertime’ dahlia ‘Tara’ tropical ginger Yellow four o’clock White four o’clock Wintered dormant in the basement Wintered in a cool greenhouse NOT HARDY? Planted in the ground for the summer 12 28 3 N-A 25 NOT HARDY? Kept permanently in an above-ground container Aeonium arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ Agapanthus ‘Storm Cloud’ Agapanthus ‘Tinkerbell’ Amorpha canescens Dicksonia antarctica Ensete maurelii Eucomis comosum ‘Sparking Burgundy’ Eucomis pole-evansii Euphorbia cotinifolia Geranium maderense, 2nd-year plant and then 3rd-year in bloom Jasminum officinale ‘Fiona Sunrise’ Nelumbo nucifera ‘Alba Grandiflora’ Portulacaria afra ‘Variegata’ Tibouchina semidecandra Black-leaved tree aeonium ‘Storm Cloud’ agapanthus Variegated dwarf agapanthus Lead plant Tasmanian tree fern Purple-leafed banana Purple eucomis 27 3 28 15 26 22 28 Giant eucomis Smoke-bush euphorbia Madeira geranium 28 22 30 Yellow-leafed jasmine White lotus Elephant food Glory bush 3 31 22 Brugmansia ‘Snow Bank’ Clerodendron trichotomum ‘Harlequin’ Erythrina crista-galli Snow Bank brugmansia Variegated bush clerodendron 7 21 Bean tree 3 NOT HARDY? Kept permanently in a container, which is sunk into the garden for the summer NOT HARDY? Zone Denial Camellia ‘Survivor’ Rohdea japonica Kniphofia ‘Cool Knip’ (under “dryhat” cardboard-topped mulch) Caryopteris divaricata (under “dryhat” cardboard-topped mulch) Tetrapanax papyrifera ‘Steroidal Giant’ Musa basjoo, winter-protected with mulch, a wire cage, and a secure tarp ‘Survivor’ camellia Rohdea ‘Cool Knip’ poker 33 34 32 Herbaceous caryopteris 35 Rice paper plant 3 Hardy banana 7 Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ Aralia elata ‘Aureovariegata’ Canna ‘Australia’ Catalpa bignonioides ‘Aurea’ Cornus alba ‘Aurea’ Purple-leafed maple Variegated tree aralia ‘Australia’ canna Gold-leafed catalpa, as pollard Chrome-leaved Siberian dogwood Purple Robe smoke bush False hemp Variegated furcraea Purple-leafed hibiscus The Swan hydrangea Fern-leafed ligularia Gold-needled spruce Gold-leafed robinia Giant elderberry 8 6 12 6 6 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER at an oceanside estate Cotinus coggygria ‘Purple Robe’ Datisca cannabina Furcrea foetida ‘Mediopicta’ Hibiscus acetosella Hydrangea p. g. ‘The Swan’ Ligularia japonica Picea orientalis ‘Skylands’ Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’ Sambucus maxima 8 16 35 22 8 7 36 13 13 PUTTING IT All TOGETHER at my own gardens Musa basjoo Nepeta yunnanensis Rosa ‘Dortmund’ Hardy bamboo Yunnan cat-mint Dortmund rambler rose 7 5 1 Exceptional vendors for these terrific plants 1. 3. 5. 6. Rogue Valley Roses 20. Kurt Bluemel, Inc. Medford, OR 2740 Greene Lane Baldwin, MD 21013-9523 V: F: Web: V: F: Web: 541-535-1307 541-535-1307 Plant Delights 800-498-1560 410-557-9785 21. Cistus 9241 Sauls Road Raleigh, NC 27603 22711 NW Gillihan Road Sauvie Island, OR 97231 V: F: Web: V: F: Web: 919-772-4794 919-662-0370 Joy Creek Nursery 503-621-2233 503-621-9657 22. GlassHouse Works 20300 NW Watson Road Scappoose, OR 97056 Church Street, POB 97 Stewart, OH 45778-0097 V: F: Web: V: F: Web: 503-543-7474 503-543-6933 Broken Arrow Nursery 800-837-2142 740-662-2120 23. Quackin’ Grass Nursery 13 Broken Arrow Rd. Hamden, CT 06518 16 Laurel Hill Road Brooklyn, CT 06234 V: 203-288-1026 F: 203-287-1035 Web: V: 860-779-1732 F: Web: 7. 8. Seven Arrows 24. Vintage Roses 346 Oak Hill Avenue Attleboro, MA 02703 4130 Gravenstein Hwy North Sebastopol, CA 95472 V: F: 508-399- 7860 508-399- 8661 V: 707-829-2035 F: 707-829-9516 Web: Web: Sylvan Nursery 25. Select Seeds Westport, MA 02790 180 Stickney Hill Road Union, CT 06076 V: F: Web: V: F: Web: 508-636-4573 508-636-3397 10. Seeds of Change 800-684-0395 26. Big Dipper Farm POB 15700 Santa Fe, NM 87506-5700 26130 SE Green Valley Road Black Diamond, WA 98010 V: F: Web: V: 360-886-8133 F: Web: 888-762-7333 888-329-4762 11. Heronswood Nursery th 27. Plant Safari 7530 NE 288 St. Kingston, MA 98346 3710 Via Real Carpinteria, CA 93013 V: F: Web: V: F: Web: 360-297-4172 360-297-8321 805-705-4061 805-684-4993 12. Karchesky Cannas 28. Brent and Becky’s Bulbs 7900 Daffodil Lane Gloucester, VA 23061 Web: 13. ForestFarm Nursery V: 804-693-3966 F: 804-693-9436 Web: 32. Seneca Hill 990 Tetherow Road Williams, OR 97544-9599 3712 County Rt. 57 Oswego, NY 13126 V: F: Web: V: 315-342-5915 F: 315-342-5573 Web: 541-846-7269 541-846-6963 15. Prairie Nursery 33. Camellia Forest POB 306 Westfield, WI 53964 626 Highway 54 West Chapel Hill, NC 27516 V: F: Web: V: F: Web: 800-476-9453 608-296-2741 16. Chiltern Seeds 919-968-0504 34. Munchkin Nursery Cumbria, England 323 Woodside Drive NW Depauw, IN 47115 V: F: Web: V: 812-633-4858 F: Web: 44 (0) 1229 581137 44 (0) 1229 584549 17. Fairweather Gardens 35. Asiatica Nursery POB 330 Greenwich, NJ 08323 POB 270 Lewisberry, PA 17339 V: 856-451-6261 F: 856-451-0303 Web: V: F: Web: 19. Fantastic Plants 717-938-8677 717-938-0771 36. Rare Find Nursery 5865 Steeplechase Bartlett, TN 38132 957 Patterson Road Jackson, NJ 08527 V: F: Web: V: 732-833-0613 F: Web: 901-438-1912
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