MHJ April 2010 - Grand Lodge of Kentucky


MHJ April 2010 - Grand Lodge of Kentucky
The Oldest Continuously Published Masonic Newspaper In The United States
126TH Year of Publication
All Masons Day in Frankfort
Grand Master Todd Eastham and Kentucky
Governor Steve Beshear in the Capital
On Thursday, February 25,
2010, Freemasons were recognized
in Frankfort for their charitable
contributions and efforts to support their local communities
throughout the Commonwealth of
The day began with a breakfast prepared by Hiram Lodge No.
4 in Frankfort, Kentucky. On behalf of the brothers who attended
the breakfast, thanks to all of
those who helped in preparing the
April, 2010
meal. Most Worshipful Grand
Master L. Todd Eastham along
with several past and present
Grand Lodge officers, were recognized on the floor of the Senate
and House of Representatives.
Several members of the House and
Senate gave testimonies of how
Masons have helped in their local
It was a proud day to be
Mason, and our thanks and gratitude go out to everyone who had a
hand in making this day a success.
Special thanks go to the Governmental Affairs Committee; Brothers Michael Yount, Chairman,
Andy Dixon, and Bill Cannon, for
the dedication and planning to
make this a very successful day.
While waiting in the hall to be
introduced on the floor of the Senate, I observed a young teenage
lady, who had asked our Grand
Master if she could take his picture. As she walked off, her friend
asked her who it was that she had
taken a picture. The young lady
replied to her friend, “It was a
Mason”. You could tell by her expression a Mason at sometime had
left an impression on her.
Let us all continue to proudly
support our local communities,
and Freemasonry throughout the
– All Masons Day Continued on Page 16 –
Number 6
April-May District Meetings
Steven Wright
D.D.G.M. 15
The annual
meeting of
District 15 will
be held on Saturday, April 10,
2010 at Spencer County Middle
Coffee and doughnuts to be
served prior to meeting beginning
at 8:00 a.m. (est) and the meeting
will begin at 8:30 a.m.
Directions: From I-65 at
Shepherdsville, take KY 44 East
20.7 miles to school directly
across from cemetery. From Taylorsville, take KY 44 West approximately 2 miles to 1263 Mt.
Washington Road.
Jake Vaughn
D.D.G.M. 2
The annual
meeting of District 2 will be
held on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at the Kenneth Shadowen Performing Arts
Center, Marshall County High
Coffee and doughnuts to be
served prior to meeting beginning
at 7:00 a.m. (cst) and the meeting
will begin at 8:00 a.m.
Directions: Take Julian M.
Carroll Purchase Parkway S.;
take exit 47 Daffenville/Aurora;
turn left onto US 68; continue
1.3 miles on US 68; Marshall
County High School on right;
416 High School Road, Benton
KY 42025.
Jeff Barrow
D.D.G.M. 4
The annual
meeting of District 4 will be
held on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at North
Drive Middle School, Hopkinsville, Kentucky.
Lunch will be be served from
12:30 to 2:00 p.m. The meeting
will begin at 2:00 p.m. All Entered
Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Masons are welcome. Entertainment will be provided for the
Directions: Take Julian M.
Carroll Purchase Parkway S.;
take exit 47 Daffenville/Aurora;
turn left onto US 68; continue 1.3
miles on US 68; Marshall County
High School on right; 416 High
School Road, Benton KY 42025.
Jim Bowles
D.D.G.M. 6
D.D.G.M. 5
The annual meeting of Districts 5 & 6 will be held on Saturday, May 8, 2010 at Rizpah
Temple, Madisonville, Kentucky.
Breakfast will be served
prior to meeting beginning at
7:00 a.m. in the Activity Building
and the meeting will begin at
8:00 a.m. til 12:00 noon for Master Masons and their ladies
Directions: Pennyrile Pkwy;
from South: exit 45, 1 mile on
right. From North: Hanson exit
right to stoplight then left to
Temple on left approx. 3 miles.
Rizpah Temple, 3300 Hanson
Rd., Madisonville, KY 42431.
District Meetings
All Masons Day
1 & 16
Grand Master Message
Grand Secretary
Masonic News
Masonic Homes
Service Awards
By-Laws / Notices
2010 Officers
9, 10, 11
Resolutions of Respect
Board of Directors Notice 12
Masonic Directory 14 & 15
Page 2
Grand Master’s Message
Grand Master
The further backward you look the
further forward you can see.
The quote by Brother Winston Churchill
is as true now, as when it was first used by
the historic Mason and Statesman. Great excitement and debate has arisen around our
Jurisdiction regarding the history of Entered
Apprentice and Fellowcraft Masons and what
their places in Kentucky Lodges were at one
time in recent generations. This month, I will
attempt to share a little Kentucky and American Masonic History and some key data that
has been found through research which will
hopefully give some Masonic Light to this
great Craft of Kentucky.
The minutes from Greenup #89, Landmark #41, and Jerusalem #9 all agree that up
until about 1853, each of these three Lodges
opened their regular meetings in the 1st degree of Masonry agreeable to “ancient form
and usage.” This could show us that our Jurisdiction had Master Masons, Fellow Crafts,
and Entered Apprentice Masons sitting together in fellowship within the same Lodge
room opened on a Stated or Regular Communication. What this means will differ to each
Mason who this article reaches, but the fact
that business was conducted, ballots cast, and
all were entitled to voice opinion remains a
pointed piece of our Masonic history. The
burning question for me personally as a
Mason is simple, could it be possible that an
innovation was made in and to the body of
Masonry without our knowledge, and without
our consent. The 1824 and 1850 edition of our
laws state that “Apprentices and Fellow
Crafts have no right to vote on any subject,
except the admission and advancement
of candidates.” To the discerning reader,
these statements from our own laws open
many endless possibilities.
To reinforce this just a little, I had a
Brother send me a quote from Mackey’s unrevised 25th Landmark which states: The last
and crowning Landmark of all is this,
that these Landmarks can never be
changed. Nothing can be subtracted
from them-nothing can be added to themnot the slightest modification can be
made in them. As they were received
from our predecessors, we are bound by
the most solemn obligations of duty to
transmit them to our successors.
Given Mackey’s oratory, could it not be inferred that our Great Grand Fathers did not
hand Kentucky Masonry to us as it was given
to them. Masonic history also teaches that
the Morgan Affair and the Washington
and Baltimore Conventions of 1842-1843
played a large part in why this may have
happened. It was at that time a committee
called the “Committee on General Regulations Involving the Interests and Security of
The Craft” was formed and concluded the following: “The Committee considered it an "impropriety" to transact "business in Lodges
below the Degree of Master Mason, except as
such that appertains to the conferring of the
inferior Degrees and the instruction therein."
It credited the Grand Lodge of Missouri for
bringing this to the attention of Freemasons
everywhere. The Committee went on to say
"Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts are
not members of Lodges, nor are they entitled
to the franchises of members." I find it very
curious that our Brothers in Missouri led
this charge, but in September of 1994 reversed their policy and now require
lodges opened on the 1st degree before
proceeding to the higher degrees. It was
also during the Washington and Baltimore
Conventions that one committee wanted to
form a General Grand Lodge of the United
States, which we all know has been attempted to the disdain of many jurisdictions.
It is written in the historical documents of
Freemasonry that Kentucky was one of the
Grand Jurisdictions that vehemently opposed
this notion. We all cherish our own sovereignty and frankly do not appreciate someone
else attempting to regulate our actions. That
suggestion did not take root, and therefore
faded away into Masonic lore.
Albert Pike spoke for the Grand Lodge in
Arkansas, in 1854: "We greatly doubt the antiquity of the usage that requires all ballotings to be had in a master's lodge. It certainly
was not known when all the lodges were composed of fellow crafts, and entered apprentices
spoke and voted in general assembly. It seems
to us, on reason, and in justice also, that the
rule should be otherwise. Let the other work
be done in a master's lodge.”
As late as 1856, a Masonic authority in
Georgia said: "Entered apprentices are masons, and by ancient usage were members of
lodges. It was only in this country, and not
April, 2010
here generally, if we are correctly informed,
until after the Baltimore Convention, in 1843,
that they were ousted of the latter right, by a
resolution, that the business of the lodge
should be conducted in the third degree only.
This, we think, is wrong."
So in actuality, before 1853 Kentucky
Lodges were opened on the 1st degree so that
all could participate in the fellowship, education, and enlightenment that a Masonic Lodge
had to offer. If any work was to be done in the
higher degrees, the Lodge was then opened for
such purpose and the inferior degrees knew to
leave and await their Brothers after the meeting for more discussion and fraternal relations. It is quite the opposite in our system
today, meaning that we open on the highest
degree, and then call down to the lower degrees. Our more ancient Brethren conducted
business the way it had been taught them, the
same way we conduct our business in the
ways it has been given us by our fathers,
grandfathers, and great grandfathers. The
most curious oddity of all is that the practice of
opening our Lodges on the 3rd degree is almost purely American, as our English
Brethren and others around the world continue to open on the 1st degree. Some American Grand Lodges do not consider Entered
Apprentices and Fellow Crafts members of the
Lodges nor entitled to any franchise or right.
In our Jurisdiction, we do recognize them in
many regards such as the right of Masonic
burial, but they are also charged dues.
With this said however, they have no right of
vote as to how their Lodge is governed or their
money spent. It is curious that the Founding
Fathers, Mason or not, believed that taxation
without representation was, or should be,
against the moral and social law. Had it not
been for their vision, their patriotism, as well
as Masonic teachings and practice, we may
well have not had the opportunities and freedoms we enjoy today.
I have no agenda, only the history that has
been uncovered to guide me, as it is to the benefit of the Craft to point out what the facts are
and let all Brothers decide for themselves.
Greenup #89 as you all know is my home
Lodge, but after several years of legislative attempts, the Craft has spoken, and we will not
be bringing anything to the floor of Grand
Lodge this year regarding the often coined
“EA Legislation”. My only goal is to offer some
historical facts to enlighten the reader. I hope
that we all have gained some Masonic Light,
had a veil partially lifted, and the knowledge
of our history heightened a little. I continue to
be proud to be your humble servant, and hope
that my actions and deeds make you proud as
well as relieved at your decision to allow me
this opportunity. God Bless you all during
your travels and I will hopefully see you all
down the road.
April, 2010
JOSEPH R. CONWAY, P.G.M. Grand Secretary
There are three very necessary and important sentinels posted at the entrance of
every Masonic Lodge. The first (at the South
Gate) is in the form of the recommendation of
two members of the lodge petitioned, testifying as to the character and qualifications of
the petitioner that they are proposing. The
second (at the West Gate) is the Investigating
Committee assigned by the Master to thoroughly investigate the character, reputation
and qualifications of the petitioner, and of his
willingness to conform to the rules of the
order. The third sentinel (at the East Gate) is
the membership of the lodge expressed by
ballot. If these three sentinels are duty conscience and efficient, there is no way an unqualified petitioner should ever reach the
door of the preparation room of any lodge.
While each, in its own right, is of equal importance, the first priority falls on the first
sentinel, since it is two signers of the petition
who initially vouch for the integrity, character and reputation of the prospective member, and recommend him for the degrees. The
second priority, of course, belongs to the Investigation Committee who must conduct an
in-depth and unbiased investigation of the
petitioner and report accordingly to the lodge
membership. The last priority, in due course,
is the responsibility of the total lodge membership. The last priority is no less important
than the other two simply because it is last in
order. In fact, more responsibility should fall
upon this sentinel because each member-should he have personal knowledge regarding
the petitioner--would have his own assessment of the character and reputation of the
petitioner, as well as the recommendations of
the other two sentinels, in order to make his
own personal judgment at the ballot box.
If these three sentinels are functioning
properly, then it would seem to be impossible
for any unworthy petitioner to ever enter the
door of the preparation room of any of our
lodges. It’s only when one or more of these
guards get lax in conscientiously investigating a petitioner that an unworthy candidate
slips through, and, more often than not,
brings dishonor and/or discredit to the Fraternity. To serve on the Investigating Committee is one of the most important
assignments a member is called upon to perform. Should a petitioner’s integrity, reputation and character not measure up to the
standard for membership, it is much better
for him to be rejected – hopefully at the South
Gate – than he be admitted and bring dishonor to the Fraternity.
Many organizations - Masonic and otherwise – are, at the present time, very concerned about declining membership numbers;
and that is a reasonable concern, considering
that a growing membership is a positive sign
of the relevancy and interest of the organizations in the communities in which they are
located. However, our forefathers have set a
very high standard for those admitted into
the Masonic Fraternity, and we should be
very careful not to compromise the integrity,
honor and reputation of the Fraternity for the
sake of numbers. By carefully following the
procedures set out above, we have the best
chance of not admitting an unworthy candidate, one whom will have to be dealt with by
the Masonic Code at a later time. Let’s take
great care to keep these three sentinels
effectively at their posts!
Each Lodge Secretary should receive the
"Award Eligibility List" for those members el-
ThankYou from Kosair Circus
On behalf of the 2010 Kosair Shrine Circus, we
want to personally thank everyone who helped to
make the Circus a success once again this year.
We have already received positive feedback
from the community, commenting on the helpfulness and friendliness of every Kosair Shriner they
Everyone's contribution is greatly appreciated.
From our Nobles who worked tirelessly throughout
the year collecting money at roadblocks, to our Nobles who were busy selling banners and advertisements and especially to all of you who helped at the
Fairgrounds - Thank you! We couldn't do it without you.
Ted Burgin and JR Riggs
Page 3
igible for the 50, 60, and 75 year Grand Lodge
Veteran's Awards from the Grand Lodge Office in early May. You will be sent instructions with your list that will explain
specifically how to fill it out. Please follow
these instructions precisely.
The plateaus in time that a Brother must
reach to qualify for these awards are significant, and the Grand Lodge Office wants to insure that those Brothers due the award
receive it timely. (PLEASE NOTE: The
awards are eligible for presentation as
soon as they are received from the
Grand Lodge Office). So, we encourage you
to give this matter your prompt attention.
Just a reminder to each Lodge Secretary,
if you are communicating with another Lodge
within the Grand Jurisdiction of Kentucky in
an official capacity, you may correspond directly with the said Lodge. However, any
correspondence to a Lodge or Grand
Lodge - other than the one within whose
Jurisdiction your Lodge is locate—must
be transmitted through the office of the
Grand Lodge of Kentucky.
This procedure is intended to insure that
a complete record of the particular transaction is fully noted at each level. Following this
policy also saves time inasmuch as Lodges,
agreeable to Masonic Protocol, will not directly respond to correspondence from a
Lodge outside their Jurisdiction - thus creating delays by stalling the correspondence.
Just remember, all out-of-state correspondence must be transmitted through the respective Grand Lodge Offices.
Who is wise?
He that learns from everyone
Who is powerful?
He that governs his passions
Who is rich?
He that is content
Who is that?
The Oldest Continuously Published Masonic Newspaper In The United States
First Issue June 14, 1883 . . . . . . .Issued the First of Each Month
DEADLINE - Copy for each issue must be received by the 10 of the month.
Published monthly by Grand Lodge of Kentucky
Masonic Home, KY 40041
Non-members $8.00 per year.
Resolutions of Respect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50¢ a Line
Lodge Notices and By-Laws Notices . . . . . . . . . . .$1.25 per Line
Directory Notices on Page 14-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . .$45.00 per year
General Advertising Rates . . .$40.00 per column inch, per issue
No Classified.........No Reading Notices.
Entered post office, Masonic Home, Kentucky 40041, as third class mail.
Phone (502) 599-1713
e-mail: [email protected]
9410 Stonelanding Place • Louisville, KY 40272
MARION O. REED, Editor Emeritus
Page 4
April, 2010
Masonic Golf Outing
Wickliffe Lodge 625 Helps Brother
The Annual Masonic Golf Outing this year
On Sunday, January 31,
will be on Monday, May 17, 2010. A Shot Gun
2010 Wickliffe Lodge No. 625
Start will begin at 8:30 AM. Golfers should be on
held a benefit for one of their
their carts by 8:00 AM. The location will still be the
own distressed Brothers with
Fairway Golf Course at Wheatley, Kentucky. This
a BBQ Chicken Plate and all
is located in Owen County on State Route 227. The
the trimmings.
entry fee is $45.00 (payable at the golf course) which
Pictured is the Master of
covers 18 holes of golf, cart, prizes and followed by a
the Lodge William Brooks
luncheon. Please submit your names by
(left) presenting the Brother
Friday, May 14, 2010 to one of the following:
Paul Phillips PM (sitting)
Forrest Webster - 859/250-7240 or e-mail [email protected]
with a check for $5360. In the
George Tither – 859/572-0318
background is Wayne Hargrove PM, Tony Phillips, Paul's brother and
Vern Gregory – 859/816-3149 or e-mail [email protected]
Charlie Walker PM.
Lee Onkst – 859/468-4904 or e-mail [email protected]
Leon Whitaker – 859/322-3267 or e-mail [email protected]
All donations for the Masonic Homes should be made out to “The
Masonic Homes of Kentucky.” Past Grand Master and Golf Committee Member, George Tither will be in charge of collecting donations for
the Homes.
Somerset Lodge 111 Welcomes Master Masons
Briensburg Lodge 401 Master Mason Degree
On Saturday, February 20, 2010, Briensburg Lodge No. 401 raised
Brothers Kyle Egner and Jacob Wathen to the sublime degree of Master Mason. The first section was performed with Brother Mark McAlister presiding in the East and after a fine meal Brother Billy Joe
Bradley performed the second section. Pictured, left to right: Mark
McAlister; Jacob Wathen; Kyle Egner; and Billy Joe Bradley.
The Scottish Rite of Kentucky is
hosting an Appreciation
Dinner to Honor
Illustrious John Moyers 33º
and Pauline
Friday, May 7th, 2010, Dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Dinner will be held at the Galt House East in Louisville, Kentucky
Tickets $35.00 per person
To order tickets: Make check payable to the Valley of Louisville Scottish
Rite and mail check to, Valley of Louisville Scottish Rite,
200 East Gray Street, Louisville, KY 40202
No gifts please. Donations may be made in John and Pauline’s honor
to your local Scottish Rite Foundation.
Recently Somerset Lodge No. 111 raised two Brothers to the sublime degree of Master Masons. Pictured, left to right: Cloyd J. Bumgardner, #639; Zack Bumgardner, Master Mason; Randal Helsley,
Master Mason; and John W. Johnson, Master.
668 Park Avenue, PO Box 555, Madisonville, Kentucky 42431
APRIL 10 AND APRIL 24, 2010
All Degrees, 4º-32º will be Conferred or Communicated
Registration Begins At 6:30 A.M. For Petitions and Additional Information call:
1410 Pringle Street, Henderson, KY. 42420-4534; (270) 957-0209
or you may contact any of the following
2238 Melwood Drive
Henderson, KY 42420-3871
205 Chambers Court
Hopkinsville, KY 42240
270-886-9595 / 270-839-4374
1710 Old Sheehan Bridge Road
Paducah, KY 42003-1089
1886 Lake Barkley Drive
Kuttawa, KY 42055-6121
270-388-0727 / 270-556-3170
3499 Witty Lane
Hopkinsville, KY 42240-9031
P. O. Box 361
Sacramento, KY 42372
270-736-9626 / 270-316-0968
2349 Secretariet Drive
Owensboro, KY 42301
4901 J. Gibson Road
Cordon, KY 42406
April, 2010
Page 5
Craftsman Lodge 722 New Master Mason
On February 18, 2010
Craftsman Lodge No. 722 had
the honor of raising Brother
John Grider to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Pictured,
left to right: Andy Greynolds,
Senior Warden; Darin Pratt,
Master; John Grider, Master
Mason; and Chris Pierce, Junior Warden.
Right Angle Lodge 233 Daylight MM Degree
The Brethren of Right
Angle Lodge in Winchester conferred the Master
Mason Degree on one
candidate in a special
daylight meeting held on
the morning of Friday,
March 5, 2010.
The degree was conferred in fine form by
Master John Wright.
The second section was conferred by Kyle Garrett, Larry Crowe and
John Wright. Pictured, left to right: Andrew Caldwell; John Wright;
Joshua Back; and Michael Razor. Photo by Lee Crowe
Robinson Lodge 266 Conferred Master Mason
Robinson Lodge No.
266 conferred the Master
Mason Degree on January 28, 2010 on Brother
John Archer (left) and
Brother Ray Pendleton
(right). Also pictured
Master Bill Wise (center).
Masonic and Shrine Education of Quality Values
Enjoy and share with all Masonic bodies.
For the entire family and friends. Prizes and surprises.
It’s FREE.
The fabulous Kosair Funsters for the kids.
Free face painting and much more.
DATE: SATURDAY, April 10, 2010
TIME: 1 p.m. Masonic Fair opens
3:00 p.m. Arch Presentation
Kosair Shriners,
812 South Second Street, Louisville, KY
CALL: 502-585-5412
Magic Returns to the Temple
On Sunday, May, 16 2010, “The
Magic and the Wonder” returns to
Louisville. Headlining the show is
Las Vegas magician Kevin James.
James has made numerous TV appearances on shows “World Magic
Awards”, “Masters of Illusion” and a
2007 appearance on “America’s Got
Talent.” Also appearing will be comedy magician David Williamson and
our own illusionist Brother Patrick
Miller (224) and his wife Janice,
with Paul Emmick, Fox 41 WDRB TV Meteorologist as Master of
There will be three shows at 2:00pm, 4:30pm and 7:00pm at the
beautiful Scottish Rite auditorium, 200 East Gray Street. Ticket prices
are $15 and $20. Tickets can be purchased by visiting or calling Kosair
Charities (502) 637-7696, The Louisville Scottish Rite office (502) 5846185 or by going on-line to or the
“Magic and the Wonder” Facebook page.
All net proceeds go to Kosair Charities and the Louisville Scottish
Rite Foundation Childhood Language Development Program.
APRIL 24TH, 2010
Hosted by the Lake Cumberland Scottish Rite Club
Burkesville Baptist Church
370 N. Main St., Burkesville, KY 42717
Thomas E. Dicken, PGM, 33º606-307-2690
Joe Strange, 32º 270-459-2137
Lenville Piercy, 32º KCCH 270-459-0786
Steve Muse 270-459-1390
May 4th - 7:00 pm
Guest Speaker
S. Brent Morris Ph.D., 33°
Masonic author and lecturer will speak at a
Called Communication of Lancaster 104
at the Covington Scottish Rite Temple
1553 Madison Avenue - Covington, KY
Following the meeting
there will be a book
signing with Brother Morris
Dinner at 6:00 pm:
Please call or e-mail for reservations
Meeting at 7:00 pm
859 431-0021 / [email protected]
* Books available for purchase at event
Page 6
April, 2010
April, 2010
Page 7
Page 8
Hopkinsville Lodge 37 Pewee Valley Lodge 829
Recently Brother Jessie
Shivar received his 50 Year Pin,
sent from his home Lodge in California. Presenting are DDGM’s
Jeff Barrow and Brent Nelson.
Past Master Butch Lisenby of
Pewee Valley Lodge No. 829
shown here presenting Brother
Earl Kaufman with his 25 Year
Pin on January 20, 2010. Congratulations Earl.
Milton Lodge 947
Grahamville Lodge 707
Recently Milton Lodge No.
947 presented Brother Fred Lawson his 40 Year Pin. Pictured, left
to right: Brother Fred Lawson;
and Master Tom Persell.
At the first stated communication in
the month following publication of this
notice in The Masonic Home Journal,
Auburn Lodge No. 374 will be discussing
and voting on By-Laws changes concerning dues and dual members assessments.
At the first stated communication in
the month following publication of this
notice in The Masonic Home Journal,
Bath Lodge No. 55 will vote on changes
to its By-Laws, dues amounts and any
other changes deemed necessary at that
At the first stated communication in
the month following publication of this
notice in The Masonic Home Journal,
Hiram Lodge No. 4 will be voting on a
complete revision of its By-Laws.
Brother Tommy Nace Senior
Warden (left), and Brother Dale
Lynn, PDDGM (right), presented
Brother Alton Overstreet with his
60 Year Pin for his long service to
Grahamville Lodge No. 707.
Brother Overstreet is 94 years
At the first stated communication in
the month following publication of this
notice in The Masonic Home Journal,
Park City Lodge No. 934 will be voting on
a By-Law change concerning meeting
time. All members are urged to attend
and vote.
At the first stated communication in
the month following publication of this
notice in The Masonic Home Journal,
Orie S. Ware Lodge No. 874 will vote on
changes to its By-Laws concerning dues
April, 2010
Christmas Miracle in Western Kentucky
West Ky Masons Give the gift of Christmas
to a National Guard Unit
The wind was cold, the Sky's cloudy, and a threat of
rain was in the air, but the excitement in the air
was electric. These were far to many children crying "I want Daddy", as Moms and
Wives said "shhhhhh,,, he will be home in a little bit".... The Soldiers were
almost home, the buses were just leaving I-24, and only a few miles out.
Our Soldiers were coming home for Christmas.
West Ky Masons, with help from all sectors of the Masonic and local
business community, have been actively involved with several National
Guard and Army Reserve Units over the past 7 years, providing Christmas
Parties, kids presents, summer picnic's, and the like. When one of the
units, the 2113th Transportation Unit found itself facing a crisis it could
not manage, they called upon the only group they knew could be relied
upon to make things happen, get results, and deliver on time and schedule,
as promised. They called the Masons.
In October, Robin Buts, the Family Readiness Coordinator called Dean
Owen, WM of Antioch Lodge #332 in tears, after 10 minutes of calming her
down he was able to understand the problem. Her husband’s unit, the
2113th, was going to deploy to Iraq, and over Christmas would be at Camp
Shelby MS for pre-deployment training. The military would give the unit
leave for Christmas, but not transport them home. The unit is full of
young families, most Soldiers would be unable to fund a trip home. The
unit CO was concerned, he did not want his Soldiers, men and women who
had been in heavy combat training and prepping for war, to scatter about
the 4 winds. He knew that was the recipe for disaster. But the quote from
Grey Hound Bus Service to get them, and bring them back, was $38,000.
By law, the Family Readiness Group can only keep $500 in its checkbook.
They saw no way to get the Soldiers home for Christmas.
After that lengthy phone call Dean told her "look, we are Masons, we
will get this fixed, give me a few days to get details lined out and turn off
the negative emotion for at least 96 hours, I am not good at dealing with a
woman crying". Once off the phone Dean started thinking "who do we
know in the fraternity who can leverage assets to get this done". Immediately he thought of Rod Pearce, Finance Director of Graves Co. Schools,
and PM of Paducah Lodge #127. Rod had just purchased new school
busses for the school, he wanted to know if they could leverage that to get
transportation. So he made a call.
It took Rod about 2 hours to talk with the Graves Co School Board,
several of whom are Brothers. But before the day was over, he had all the
authority he needed to commit the schools resources. At the next meeting
they would vote, and all would vote for the resolution. The school District
would provide the busses, Dean's group, the local Widows Sons chapter,
would provide the funds, and they could get this done. Over the following
months, the school, who was connecting Soldiers deployed with no one
home to talk to with 3th and 4th grade classes via e-mail and Facebook, got
involved. Each class wanted to provide a unique gift or contribution to the
cause. Even with the schools resources, it was a $12,000 expense, 150 Soldiers plus drivers and support personnel would be on the road for a total of
20 hours, it was a giant undertaking, and lots of opportunity for the schools
to provide much needed assistance such as goodie bags, sodas, games to occupy the 10 hour ride each way, and the like. Dean Owen stated "you
know, its a job finding tasks for so many classrooms full of motivated kids
to do, it was kind of cool seeing so much outpouring of community support I
got to be a challenge on how to utilize all of it".
Then Lone Oak Church of Christ donated a bus and drivers, more of
the fraternity working in the background. Donations started flowing in,
calls from the media, from the various military commands, it tuned into a
part time job just managing all the details.
But all that was history, today they came home. It was crazy, the
busses were supposed to be there at 09:00, at 05:00 they got a call they
were ahead of schedule, so be on point by 08:00, all were there, when they
got there we found one bus broke down 2 hours out... lots of drama, but
they rolled in at 09:00. Lots of managing the media, running around making sure the story told, everyone wanting to stop "The Masons" to say
thanks, but as usual, "The Masons" were busy with work....
– Christmas Miracle Continued on Page 13 –
April, 2010
ASON IC 2 010 OF
Page 9
Crescent Hill Lodge No. 456
Wilmore Lodge No. 922
Recently Crescent Hill Lodge No. 456 held an Installation of Officers for 2010. Pictured, left to right: Bill Alexander, Tiler; Brandon Fox,
Junior Deacon; Ricky Lee Murphy, Junior Warden; Joe Gorsick, Master; Jeff Caufield, Senior Warden; Ryan Rube, Chaplain; Lucas Bramlett, Senior Steward; and Jim Solley, Secretary. Not pictured: Wesley
Alan Mertz, Senior Deacon; and Jim Hendrix, Treasurer.
Wilmore Officers for 2010, front row, left to right: Johnny Yates, Installing Marshal; Gary Wells, Tiler; Timmy Wells, Junior Warden;
Tommy Wells, Junior Deacon; Leonard Edwards, Master; Rodney
Elam, Installing Marshal; Bill Cumby, Senior Steward; Robert Sallee,
Secretary; and William “Boomer” Johnson, Senior Warden. Back row:
Terry Bowman, Grand Senior Warden; Terry O. Smith, DDGM 25;
John Howard, DDGM 20; and Patrick Parks, DDGM 12. Not pictured:
Mike Gayhart, Treasurer; Arza Byrd, Chaplain; Bob Curtsinger, Senior Deacon; and Lewis Travis, Junior Steward.
Camp Knox Lodge No. 919
On January 4, 2010, Camp Knox Lodge No. 919 held their installation of Officers for 2010. Pictured, left to right: Jerry Hummel, Secretary; Joseph Foley, Senior Warden; Roger Furnival, Tiler; Michael
Murphy, Master; Gary McCarthy, Junior Warden; Clinton Meshew,
Marshal; Vernon Rose, Chaplain; and Frank Mellon, Treasurer. Back
row: Raymond Fugate, Installing Marshal; David Peterson, Senior
Deacon; Benjamin Witt, Junior Steward; Carl Corley, Senior Steward;
Clarence Daugherty, Installing Officer; and Donald Shaw, Master of
Ceremonies. Not pictured: Richard Marden, Junior Deacon.
Hopkinsville Lodge No. 37
Hopkinsville Lodge No. 37 newly installed officers, left to right:
John East; William Wright; Bill Hinton; Robert Hayes; James Osborn;
Howard Major; Ken Cunningham; Hank West; Greg Beach; and Bob
Ft. Thomas Lodge No. 808
Solomon Lodge No. 5
At a recent gathering of Solomon Lodge No. 5 2010 Officers were
installed. Front row, left to right: Jerry L. Colvin, Junior Deacon; Ross
Webb, Treasurer; Steve Moffett, Senior Steward; Richard Moffett,
Tiler; Jesse Baxter, Chaplain; and Michael Yount, Chairman, Governmental Affairs. Back row: Cecil McGee, Marshal; Nick Yount, Senior
Warden; Egon Tirbs, Jr., Master; Jon Hall, Junior Warden; and Jason
Ross, Senior Deacon.
The Officers of Ft. Thomas Lodge No. 808 for 2010 were installed by
Past Grand Master and Grand Secretary Joe Conway on January 9,
2010. Left to right, first row: Eric Creech Jr, Tiler; Ed Harber, Senior
Warden; George W. Tither, PGM, Master; Paul Luersen, Junior Warden; Ryan Engle, Secretary; John Ranson, Junior Deacon. Second row:
Eric Creech Sr., Senior Deacon; Bob Peelman, Chaplain; Jim Scott, Junior Steward; and Bruce Harry, Senior Steward. Not pictured: Joe Loy,
Treasurer. Brother Conway had the honor and pleasure of installing
Brother Tither as Master of Ft. Thomas Lodge for the year of 2010.
Page 10
ASON IC 2 010 OF
B. R. Young Lodge No. 132
B. R. Young Lodge No. 132 held their installation of Officers on December 15, 2009. Pictured, left to right, first row: Bill Greer, Chaplain;
Will Barton, Junior Steward; and Paul Amos, Senior Steward. Second
row: Chester Knight, Sr., Marshal; Heath Seymor, Senior Deacon; Paul
Withington, Junior Deacon; and Russell Healy, Junior Warden. Third
row: Chester Knight, Jr., Tiler; John Teegarden, Installing Officer;
Clayton Bastian, Master; Everett Hallisy, Secretary; and Joseph
Barany, Treasurer. Not pictured: Jessie Sims, Senior Warden; and
Jerry Hummel, Installing Marshal. Installation performed by the C.
Frye Haley Past Masters Association.
April, 2010
Vine Grove Lodge No. 603
On December 26, 2009, Vine Grove Lodge No. 603 held an open installation for the incoming 2010 Officers. The following Brothers were
installed, top row, left to right: Dewey Warren, Tiler; Vince Winters,
Senior Deacon; and Jack Feemster, Treasurer. Front row: Greg Goodman, Junior Deacon; Michael C. Stroud, Master; Rob Mineo, Senior
Steward; Roy Calloway, Junior Warden; and returning for his 38 year
as Secretary, Warren T. Moore.
Valley Lodge Lodge No. 511
Milton Lodge No. 947
On Monday, January 4, 2010.
Newly Installed Master Tom
Persell finished the evening off by
presenting 50, 40, and 25 year
pins and acknowledging those
that had made special achievements toward helping their Lodge.
Pictured is Joe Johnson, Secretary, receiving such a certificate.
Milton Lodge # 947 has moved in
with the Milton Lions Club, and
done an outstanding job in constructing an addition for their
Lodge. The members and their
ladies prepared a wonderful meal
that was enjoyed by all. Brother
Gene Crady was the Installing Officer, Brother Kevin Reardon, Installing Marshal, and Brother Quinton Nation, Installing Secretary.
Valley Lodge No. 511 recently held their Installation of Officers for
2010. Pictured, left to right: Andrew Gribbins, Senior Steward; Herman Douglas, Tiler; Virgil Hall, Secretary; Richard Simms, Marshal;
Ron Caple, Sr., Treasurer; and George Ahart, Chaplain. Second row:
James R. Roach, Senior Deacon; Dwayne Cundiff, Senior Warden;
Matthew Mitchell, Master; Ray Gaddie, Junior Warden; Jim Stafford,
Assistant Secretary; David Korfhage, Junior Deacon; and Mike Kelly,
Junior Steward.
Jeffersontown Lodge No. 774
Craftsman Lodge No. 722
On Februay 18 2010 Craftsman Lodge No. 722
Officers for 2010 were installed.
On December 26, 2009 Jeffersontown Lodge No. 773 FA&M installed their Officers for 2010. They are, John R. Perry, Master; Harold
D. Woosley, Senior Warden; Michael S. Pierce, Junior Warden; W. Edward Bryant P.M., Treasurer; Thomas B. Irwin P.M., Secretary; Michael
R. Bryan P.M., Chaplain; Charles R. Bowman P.M., Senior Deacon; Joe
C. Bradburn, Junior Deacon; Adrian R. Wright, Senior Steward; Adam
C. Ennis, Junior Steward; Gary L. Hatfield P.M., Tiler; and James S.
Sidebottom P.M., Assistant Tiler.
April, 2010
ASON IC 2 010 OF
Page 11
Lancaster Lodge No. 104
Murray Lodge No. 105
Officers of Lancaster Lodge No. 104 for 2010. Front row, left to
right: John West, Secretary; David Meade, Senior Warden; Johnny
Yates, Master; and Jonathan Collett, Junior Warden. Second row: Rodney Elam, Junior Deacon; Leonard Edwards, Senior Deacon; Ron Ledford, Senior Steward; Howard Coop, Chaplain; and Chris Thomason,
Treasurer. Third row: Barry Eastham, Grand Marshal; Todd Eastham,
Grand Master; and Larry Eastham, Grand Senior Deacon.
Murray Lodge No. 105 Officers for 2010 were installed at an open
installation on January 18, 2010 by Past Grand Master Curtis Johnston. The Officers are as follows: Front row, left to right: Ricky Rowe,
Senior Deacon; Randall Scott, Treasurer; Michael Weatherholt, Master; Raymond Holt, Chaplain; Shane Henley, Senior Warden; and Curtis Johnston, PGM. Back row; Thomas Warren, PM, Junior Deacon;
Ricky Edwards, Marshall; Michael Holt, Junior Warden; Jerry Shafer,
Secretary; and Robert Sanders, PM, Tiler. Not pictured: Jerry Veach,
Junior Stewart; and Robert Robertson, Senior Stewart.
Graham Lodge No. 208
Russell Lodge No. 284
Officers of Graham Lodge No. 208 for 2010. Front row, left to right:
Jeff Powell, Senior Deacon; Danny Rutheford, Senior Warden; Jeff
Duncan, Master; Garry Dewitt, Junior Warden; Jamie Ausbrooks,
Senior Steward; and James V. Jones, Junior Steward. Second row:
Matt McGuire, Junior Deacon; Steve McGuire, Chaplain; Jerry
Wooten, Treasurer; Jason Willoughby, Marshal; Ronnie Mays, Secretary; and Jesse Foster, Tiler.
New Roe Lodge No. 592
Recently Russell Lodge No. 284 held an open installation of its Officers for 2010. Pictured, left to right: Jason Coe, Senior Steward; Steve
Vaughn, Junior Steward; Danny Coffey, Treasurer; Kevin Frank Senior Warden; Gregory Wells, Master; Matthew Leveridge, Junior Warden; Scott Hamm, Secretary; Ken Cooper, Chaplain; James Cooper,
Tiler; and Ron Hutchinson, DDGM 22, Installing Master.
photo by Donnie Brake
Thomas C. Cecil Lodge No. 375
Officers of New Roe Lodge No. 592 for 2010. Front row, left to right:
Billy Michael Taylor, Treasurer; Mickey Gregory, Senior Warden; Mike
Gregory, Master; Herman Forrester, PGM, Installing Master; and Ty
Cannon, Junior Deacon. Back row: Tracey Travelstead, Senior Deacon;
Joe Perry, Senior Steward; and L.B. Travelstead, Tiler.
Want to see Your Lodge in the Masonic
Home Journal? Email articles & photos by
the 10th of each month to:
[email protected]
Thomas C. Cecil Lodge No. 375 installed its 2010 Officers on December 26, 2009. Front row, left to right: Eddy Overstreet, Installing
Officer; Ronnie Williamson, Senior Deacon; Tim Layne, Junior Deacon;
Neil McGuire, Senior Steward; Gordon Looney, Junior Steward; and
Ransey Chaney, Installing Marshal. Back row: Jim Slusher, Treasurer;
Darrel Brooks, Senior Warden; James Adkins, Master; Chester Adkins, Junior Warden; and Bob Staton, Secretary. Not pictured: Gene
Brooks, Tiler.
Page 12
Burnside Lodge No. 634
Burnside, Kentucky
In memory of William “Bill” Alexander
who passed away on October 26, 2009.
Once again a Brother has completed his
life’s journey and entered into the Kingdom of
WHEREAS, Almighty God has called
him home to be with Him for eternity, a
Brother who will be missed by his family,
friends and his Lodge, his Brethren is now in
the hands of his Creator.
WHEREAS, in memory of our beloved
Brother, the charter of Burnside Lodge No.
634 will be draped for a period of thirty days,
and a Resolution of Respect to appear in the
Masonic Home Journal and a copy of the
Resolution to be sent to his family.
Leitchfield Lodge No. 236
Leitchfield, Kentucky
In memory of Brother Woodrow Alexander, who died February 5, 2010.
Once again a Brother Mason, having
completed the designs written for him on
life’s trestle board, has passed the portals of
eternity and entered the Grand Lodge of the
New Jerusalem and has received as his reward, the white stone with the new name
written thereon; and
WHEREAS, the all wise and merciful
Master of the Universe has called from labor
to refreshment our beloved and respected
Brother; and
WHEREAS, he having been a true and
faithful Brother of our Order; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Leitchfield Lodge No.
236, F&AM in testimony of its loss, be
draped in mourning for thirty days and that
we tender to the family of our deceased
Brother our sincere condolence in their deep
affliction, and that these Resolutions be sent
to the family.
Proctor Lodge No. 213
Beattyville, Kentucky
In memory of Brother Donald R. Butler,
who died January 11, 2010.
Once again a Brother Mason, having
completed the designs written for him on
life’s trestle board, has passed the portals of
eternity and entered the Grand Lodge of the
New Jerusalem and has received as his reward, the white stone with the new name
written thereon; and
WHEREAS, the all wise and merciful
Master of the Universe has called from labor
to refreshment our beloved and respected
Brother; and
WHEREAS, he having been a true and
faithful Brother of our Order; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Proctor Lodge No. 213,
F&AM in testimony of its loss, be draped in
mourning for thirty days and that we tender
to the family of our deceased Brother our sincere condolence in their deep affliction, and
that these Resolutions be sent to the family.
Proctor Lodge No. 213
Beattyville, Kentucky
In memory of Brother Willis P. Chapman, who died January 22, 2010.
Once again a Brother Mason, having
completed the designs written for him on
life’s trestle board, has passed the portals of
eternity and entered the Grand Lodge of the
New Jerusalem and has received as his reward, the white stone with the new name
written thereon; and
WHEREAS, the all wise and merciful
Master of the Universe has called from labor
to refreshment our beloved and respected
Brother; and
WHEREAS, he having been a true and
faithful Brother of our Order; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Proctor Lodge No. 213,
F&AM in testimony of its loss, be draped in
mourning for thirty days and that we tender
to the family of our deceased Brother our sincere condolence in their deep affliction, and
that these Resolutions be sent to the family.
Utica Lodge No. 742-Utica, Kentucky
In memory of Brother Sherman Hubert
Loffey, who died January 9, 2010.
Once again a Brother Mason, having completed the designs written for him on life’s
trestle board, has passed the portals of eternity and entered the Grand Lodge of the New
Jerusalem and has received as his reward,
the white stone with the new name written
thereon; and
WHEREAS, the all wise and merciful
Master of the Universe has called from labor
to refreshment our beloved and respected
Brother; and
WHEREAS, he having been a true and
faithful brother of our Order for over 50 years;
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Utica Lodge No. 742,
F&AM in testimony of its loss, be draped in
mourning for thirty days and that we tender
to the family of our deceased Brother our sincere condolence in their deep affliction, and
that these Resolutions be sent to the family.
trestle board, has passed the portals of eternity and entered the Grand Lodge of the New
Jerusalem and has received as his reward,
the white stone with the new name written
thereon; and
WHEREAS, the all wise and merciful
Master of the Universe has called from labor
to refreshment our beloved and respected
Brother; and
WHEREAS, he having been a true and
faithful Brother of our Order; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Franklin Lodge No. 28,
F&AM, Danville, Kentucky in testimony of
its loss, be draped in mourning for thirty days
and that we tender to the family of our deceased Brother our sincere condolence in their
deep affliction, and that these Resolutions be
sent to the family.
Proctor Lodge No. 213
Beattyville, Kentucky
In memory of Brother Glen Harold Howell, who died January 31, 2010.
Once again a Brother Mason, having completed the designs written for him on life’s
trestle board, has passed the portals of eternity and entered the Grand Lodge of the New
Jerusalem and has received as his reward,
the white stone with the new name written
thereon; and
WHEREAS, the all wise and merciful
Master of the Universe has called from labor
to refreshment our beloved and respected
Brother; and
WHEREAS, he having been a true and
faithful Brother of our Order; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Proctor Lodge No. 213,
F&AM in testimony of its loss, be draped in
Cumberland Lodge No. 751
mourning for thirty days and that we tender
Gray, Kentucky
In memory of Brother Fred Cox, who died to the family of our deceased Brother our sincere condolence in their deep affliction, and
Tuesday, February 9, 2010.
Once again a Brother Mason, having com- that these Resolutions be sent to the family.
pleted the designs written for him on life’s
trestle board, has passed the portals of eterRUFUS T. MILLS
nity and entered the Grand Lodge of the New
Harlan York Rite Bodies and
Jerusalem and has received as his reward,
Harlan Lodge No. 879
the white stone with the new name written
Harlan, Kentucky
thereon; and
In memory of Brother Rufus T. Mills, who
WHEREAS, the all wise and merciful
Master of the Universe has called from labor died February 8, 2010.
Once again a Brother Mason, having comto refreshment our beloved and respected
pleted the designs written for him on life’s
Brother; and
WHEREAS, he having been a true and trestle board, has passed the portals of eterfaithful Brother of our Order; therefore be it nity and entered the Grand Lodge of the New
RESOLVED, that Cumberland Lodge Jerusalem and has received as his reward,
No. 751, F&AM, Gray, Kentucky in testi- the white stone with the new name written
mony of its loss, drape the charter in mourn- thereon; and
WHEREAS, the all wise and merciful
ing for thirty days, and that we tender to the
family our sincere condolences in their deep Master of the Universe has called from labor
to refreshment our beloved and respected
WHEREAS, he having been a true and
HEPBURN LODGE 576 faithful Brother of our Order over fifty years;
therefore be it
Sandy Hook, Kentucky
RESOLVED, that Harlan York Rite BodCARL ELMO CLICK
ies and Harlan Lodge No. 879, F&AM in testimony of our loss, our Charter be draped in
37 Year Member - January 15, 2010
mourning for thirty days and that we tender
to the family and friends of our deceased
40 Year Member - January 22, 2010
Brother our heartfelt sympathy and direct
to comfort and consolation to our HeavWILLIAM CLAY JARRELLS
enly Father, who doeth all things well; there57 Year Member - January 24, 2010
In memory of our three Brothers who re- fore be it
RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolucently passed from this life.
RESOLVED, that Hepburn Lodge No. tion be sent to the family, a copy sent to The
576, F&AM in testimony of its loss, be draped Masonic Home Journal for publication and a
in mourning for thirty days and that we ten- copy to be used in our minutes.
der to the families of our deceased Brothers
our deepest sympathy in their affliction, and
that a copy of these Resolutions be sent to the
Proctor Lodge No. 213
families, a copy to The Masonic Home Journal
Beattyville, Kentucky
for publication, and a copy of these ResoluIn memory of Brother Michael D.
tions of Respect be made a part of the minSpencer, who died February 12, 2010.
utes of this Lodge.
Once again a Brother Mason, having comLARRY BAYS; CHARLES SPARKS; GEORGE YATES
pleted the designs written for him on life’s
board, has passed the portals of eterJONATHAN JOSEPH HOOPER trestle
nity and entered the Grand Lodge of the New
Franklin Lodge No. 28
Jerusalem and has received as his reward,
Danville, Kentucky
In memory of Brother Jonathan Joseph the white stone with the new name written
thereon; and
Hooper, who died January 8, 2010.
WHEREAS, the all wise and merciful
Once again a Brother Mason, having completed the designs written for him on life’s Master of the Universe has called from labor
April, 2010
to refreshment our beloved and respected
Brother; and
WHEREAS, he having been a true and
faithful Brother of our Order; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Proctor Lodge No. 213,
F&AM in testimony of its loss, be draped in
mourning for thirty days and that we tender
to the family of our deceased Brother our sincere condolence in their deep affliction, and
that these Resolutions be sent to the family.
Burnside Lodge No. 634
Burnside, Kentucky
In memory of Brother Joe Becker Wallen
who passed away January 5, 2010.
Once again a brother has completed his
trestle board of life and called to that celestial
Lodge in the Heavens.
WHEREAS, Almighty God has called
Brother Joe to be with Him for eternity, he
will always be in our memories.
WHEREAS, we offer our sincere condolences to his family and friends. In his memory the charter of Burnside Lodge # 634 will
be draped for a period of thirty days and a
Resolution of Respect be printed in The Masonic Home Journal and a copy to be presented to his family.
Dear Brethren:
The Annual Meeting of the Masonic
Homes of Kentucky, Inc. will be held on
Monday the 18th of October, 2010. Five
Directors will be elected to serve for a
three-year term. You must be a Kentucky
Master Mason to be eligible for election
to the Office of Director.
Directors are expected to attend the
bi-monthly meetings of the Board, on the
third Wednesday, serve on assigned
committees (which require attendance at
the committee meetings) and perform
other duties as assigned by the Chairman
of the Board or Executive Committee.
Directors serve without remuneration.
All Directors must own a Life Membership in the Masonic Homes of Kentucky,
Inc. which is two hundred and fifty dollars.
Candidates to be considered for
nomination to the Board of Directors
must submit a current resume including
the following: Name, Address, Current
Occupation, Phone Number, Education,
Work Experience, Previous Experience of
Board of Directors, Organizational Offices Held, References, and Masonic Affiliation and History. The resume may be
submitted on regular stationery and
mailed along with a recent photograph
to the attention of the Secretary, Masonic
Homes of Kentucky, Inc., 3761 Johnson
Hall Drive, Masonic Home, KY 40041,
postmarked no later than May 11, 2010.
We appreciate your interest in the
Masonic Homes of Kentucky, Inc.
Fraternally Thine,
Nominating Committee 2010
April, 2010
Page 13
Kentucky Order of the Eastern Star
– Christmas Miracle Continued from Page 8 –
But then the busses started rolling in... the Brothers all got together in a small huddle on the side lines and
just watched the Soldiers unload... gear coming off the busses.... they just watched quietly, not a word being said...
seeing the families huddled together, the 2 and 4 year olds who were screaming for the last hour and a half about
how they wanted Daddy finally in his arms... the Mother who was crying on our arms seeing her Son, the old Vet
who had a tear in his eye as he watched his Grandson exit that bus.... one Brother looked up and said "we did
this". It was humbling.
Rod Pearce and Dean Owen were discussing the event. They stated "You know, we sit in Lodge, but going to
Lodge did not make Masons great, DOING the work of our community did. Making a DIFFERENCE is what
made Masonry great, Masonry is something you are, but it shows because if you are a Mason, being a Mason is
something you DO. Our Soldiers need help, these units are horribly under funded, our fraternity did this, we
leveraged our relationships, and when we are focused on doing the right thing, this fraternity can change the
The efforts of the Brothers in Western KY resulted in a recognition from numerous military commanders,
front page and local prime time media coverage 3 times in one week, and special thanks from the LT Governor
who presented an award at a pre-deployment celebration. But most of all, it gained the endearment of hundreds
of families who know they can turn to "The Masons" when they need help. In the end, what matters is the Soldiers, the men and women who go to war to defend this great Masonic experiment we call America, got home for
Christmas, and if The Grand Architect sees need to call them home while in combat, the Brothers know, those
families were united at Christmas. In the end, that is all the reward anyone really wanted.
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Worthy Grand Matron
Worthy Grand Patron
1 Inspection of Electa #3,
District #4
3 Annual OES Home Board
6 Courtesy Visit of Rising Star
#115, District #2
10 GO Party, Courtesy Visit of
Goshen #198, District #10
12 Courtesy Visit of Elizabethtown
#174, District #19
13 Courtesy Visit of Henry Clay
#398, District #2
15 Courtesy Visit of Shively Star
#566, District #1
16 Inspection of Brilliant Star #153,
District #1
17 Dinner & Pantomime Show
Covington Scottish Rite Temple
20 Florida Grand Chapter
22 Inspection of Irmine Ford #9,
District #15
24 District #15 School, Henderson,
KY GO Party
25 Tennessee Grand Chapter
1144 W. Main St. • Shelbyville
6224 Strawberry Lane
Cell: (502) 817-1790
Nextel ID#189•61•17874
Louisville, KY 40214
Email: [email protected] Office: (502) 364-7429
Master License #MO3948
Fax: (502) 364-7440
Lunch Served Daily
Guests Welcome
Two additional private lunch
rooms for special groups. Large
Ballroom available for weddings,
seminars, dances and other
special occasions.
Page 14
L. Todd Eastham (89) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Master
Don Yankey (586, 633) . . . . . .Deputy Grand Master
Terry L. Bowman (511) . . . . .Grand Senior Warden
Christopher L. Stout (41) . . .Grand Junior Warden
Virgil T. Larimore, Jr. (638) . . . . . .Grand Treasurer
Joseph R. Conway, P.G.M. (4) . . . .Grand Secretary
James E. Boucher (73) . .Assistant Grand Secretary
Bobby L. Baker (124) . . .Assistant Grand Secretary
James D. Reeder (654) . . . . . . . . . . .Grand Chaplain
Larry K. Eastham (89) . . . . . .Grand Senior Deacon
Rick Tyler (449/499) . . . . . . . .Grand Junior Deacon
Barry K. Eastham (89) . . . . . . . . . . .Grand Marshal
L. Henry Spencer (905) . . . . . .Grand Sword Bearer
Alton L. Cummins (222/926/264) Grand Pursuivant
Robert Skaggs (729) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Grand Tiler
Scott Lindsay (355) . . . . . . . . .Assistant Grand Tiler
LEXINGTON LODGE NO. 1—Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays, 7:30 P.M., 3112
Harrdsburg Rd. next to Fire Station #21. Scott Brown, M.; Mason Campbell, Jr.,
Sec., 229 Glendale Ave., Lexington 40511, 859-252-3607.
HIRAM LODGE NO. 4—Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7:30 P.M., 308 Ann
St. Jeffrey S. Wiley, M.; William H. Canon III, Sec., 308 Bluebird Ln., Frankfort
40601, 502-695-1538.
SOLOMON'S NO. 5–Meets 2nd and 4th Monday, 711 Frankfort Rd, S corner of Shelbyville Masonic Home on US 60 E, Shelbyville; Egon Tirbs, Jr., M.;
Daniel R. Moffett, Sec., 821 Ashland Ave, Shelbyville KY 40065; 502-633-3829
ABRAHAM LODGE NO. 8—Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs., 7:30 P.M., 1410 Gardiner Ln., Louisville. Robert E. Maxwell, M.; Robert S. Conder, P.M., Sec., P.O. Box
91811, Louisville 40291; 502-664-4918.
JERUSALEM LODGE NO. 9 – Meets 2nd & 4th Mon., 461 Klutey Park
Dr., Henderson. Douglas D. Fritts, M.; James T. Roll, Sec., P.O. Box 1442, Henderson KY 42419, 270-724-2265.
MT. VERNON LODGE NO. 14—Meets 1st & 3rd Mon., 222 E. Main St.,
Georgetown. Jearl W. Porter, M.; James M. Fitzgerald, III, Sec., 145 Meadowview
Way, Georgetown 40324, 859-514-6297.
LANDMARK LODGE NO. 41—Meets 1st and 3rd Mon., 7:30 P.M., Eat at
6:30 P.M. 141 N. Main St., Versailles. Ronald L. Durbin, M.; Michael J. Ford, Sec.,
4086 Newtown Pike, Georgetown 40324, 502-863-9519.
FORTITUDE LODGE NO. 47—Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays, 127 East
Main St., LaGrange, above Karen’s Book Barn. Shane Cravens, M.; James W.
Townsend, Sr., Sec., 3004 W. Hwy. 42, LaGrange 40031, 502-222-1672.
MAYSVILLE LODGE NO. 52 – Meets 2nd Mon. each month at 7:30 P.M.,
6:30 P.M., at 110 W. McDonald Pkwy. 2 blocks west of bridge by floodwall. William
E. Bennet, M.; Shearley B. Hill, Sec., P.O. Box 243, Ewing 41039, 606-267-3803.
HART LODGE NO. 61 – Meets 2nd & 4th Mon. 7:30 P.M. 254 Edgewood Dr.,
2 blks. of S. Main St., Nicholasville. Howard G. Teater, M.; Gary D. Lykins, Sec.,
109 Anthony Dr., Nicholasville 40356, 859-608-4442.
BRECKINRIDGE LODGE NO. 67 – Meets 1st & 3rd Mon., at 7:00 p.m.
(est). 233 S. Main St., across from Post Office, downtown Hardinsburg. James E.
Hill, M.; Morris L. Carman, Sec., 110 Lake St., Hardinsburg 40143, 270-756-5903.
BOWLING GREEN LODGE NO. 73—Meets 2nd & 4th Mons. at 7 p.m.;
1601 Westen Ave., Bowling Green. Russell McElroy, M.; James Hall, Sec., 1601
Westen Ave., Bowling Green 42104; 270-991-2905.
MORRISON LODGE NO. 76—Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs., 7:30 P.M., 125 N.
Mulberry St., Elizabethtown. Arthur L. Light, M.; William H. Mercer, Sec., 619
Margot Ave., Elizabethtown 42701, 270-765-7766.
HARRISON LODGE NO. 122—Meets 2nd & 4th Mon., Masonic Building,
125 Broadway, Brandenburg, 7:30 P.M. Michael W. Curl, M.; Archie N. Romines,
Sr., P.M., Sec., 175 Buck Knobs Rd., Ekron 40117, 270-828-8432.
PITMAN LODGE NO. 124—Meets in Elk-Pit Masonic Temple, 1622
Elkhorn Rd., Campbellsville, 2nd Thursday at 7:00 P.M. Neal Harmon, M., Scott
Sprowles, Sec. Pro Tiem, 2665 Saloma Rd., Campbellsville 42718, 270-465-4579.
PADUCAH LODGE NO. 127—2340 Jackson St. next to Tilghman High
School Football Stadium, 2nd & 4th Mon. at 7:30 P.M. Thomas Fairhurst, M.,
Michael J. Felker, Sec., 1930 Randy Ln., Paducah 42003, 270-898-1996.
BARKER LODGE NO. 129—Meets 2nd & 4th Sat., 7:30 P.M. 705 Main St.,
West Point. Patrick E. Jolley, M.; John E. Jolley, Sec., 3709 Timber Hollow Dr.,
Louisville 40219, 502-968-3794.
OWENSBORO LODGE NO. 130—Meets 2nd & 4th Thurs. of each month
at 7:30 P.M. in Masonic Temple, 227 St. Ann St. Robert F. Sexton, M.; James L.
Moorman, Sec., 1700 Ky. 140 E., Utica, 42376, 270-733-4291.
B. R. YOUNG LODGE NO. 132 – Meets 1st & 3rd Tues. of each month at
7:30 P.M. 15 Lincoln Square. Clayton J. Bastian, M., Evenett F. Hallisy, Sec., 1104
Asbury Cir., Elizabethtown 42701, 270-737-2332.
CARROLLTON LODGE NO. 134 – Meets 1 & 3rd Mon. of each month at
210 Marrville Dr., next to Carroll Co. Hospital. Matthew S. Lowe, M., Ronald D.
Holloway, Sec., 252 Floyd St., Carrollton 41008, 502-480-6557.
SMITHLAND LODGE NO. 138 – Meets 1st Mon. of each month at 7:00
p.m. Smithland, Hwy. 60 W next to Livingston Central HS. Ronald H. Walker, M.;
Phillip W. Thomason, Sec., P.O. Box 228, Smithland 42081, 270-928-4652.
BULLITT LODGE NO. 155— Meets 1st & 3rd Mon., 7:30 P.M., 376 High
School Drive, Shepherdsville. Aaron D. Wales, M.; John D. Colburn, Sec., 555
Beechwood Ave., Shepherdsville 40165, 502-921-4387.
COLONEL CLAY LODGE NO. 159—Meets 2nd Mon. at 7:30 P.M., 1553
Madison Ave, Covington Scottish Rite Temple. Philip C. Wright, M.; Jon R. Mace,
Sec., 12828 Pennington Rd., Walton 41094, 859-485-6357.
DEVOTION LODGE NO. 160—Meets 2nd & 4th Mon. at 7:30 P.M., 1/8
mile S. of Man-O-War Blvd. 4085 Harrodsburg Rd., Lexington. Steven E. Nelson,
M.; Anthony W. Wright, Sec., P. O. Box 910294, Lexington 40591, 859-227-0750.
SALT RIVER LODGE NO. 180—Meets 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 7:30 P.M.,
170 Fisher Lane. Gary L. Sellers, M; Anthony W. Morris, Sec., 149 Sammys Ct.,
Mt. Washington 40047, 502-538-7291.
LIVERMORE NO. 186—Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday; 215 Hill St., upstairs,
across from Post Office. Leonard H. Brown, M.; Wallace R. Wigginton, Sec., 2838
Livermore Rd., Hartford 42347, 270-298-9202.
MOUNTAIN NO. 187—Meets 2nd Saturday & 4th Monday. 306 Paynes
Creek Rd. C. Steven F. Farmer, M; James T. McNeil, Sec. P.O. Box 88, Artemus
40903, 606-546-3545.
MAYO LODGE NO. 198—Meets 1st Tues. at 119 East 2nd St., Silver Grove.
George I. Flinchum, M.; Steven Liggett, Sec., 94 Dove Dr., Elsmere 41018, 859-7272631.
STEPHENSBURG LODGE NO. 212— Meets 1st Sat., 7:30 P.M., at Lodge
Hall on Hwy. No. 86, three miles west of Cecilia. Gary R. Fields, M.; Harold E.
Armstrong, Sec., 1228 Kelly Dr., Elizabethtown 42701, 270-769-6333. . . . . . . .
Ave., Middletown, on 1st & 3rd Mon. each month, 7:00 P.M. David W. Howser, M.;
Samuel K. Plummer, Sec., 3116 Marlin Rd., Louisville 40220-3506, 502-451-1088.
WILLIS STEWART LODGE NO. 224—Meets 1st & 3rd Tues. 7:30 P.M.
Middletown Masonic Hall, 440 N. Madison St. Middletown. Charles H. Blanford,
M.; Kenneth L. Meredith, Sec., 9418 Hudson Ln., Louisville 40291, 502-644-0050.
BEAR WALLOW LODGE NO. 231 – Meets 1st & 3rd Friday. 702 N. Dixie
Hwy., Cave City. across from Wigwam Motel. Paul D. Bunnell, M.; James R. Poynter, Sec., P.O. Box 130, Cave City 42127.
LEITCHFIELD LODGE NO. 236– Meets 2nd Sat. & 4th Mon. 7:00 p.m. SE
side of Public Square above Escue Realty. Johnny R. Haycraft, M.; Robert E.
Thomas, Sec., 66 N. Trailwoods Dr., Leitchfield 42754, 270-242-6582.
ST. GEORGE LODGE NO. 239—Meets in Scottish Rite Temple, Brook and
Gray Sts., 1st & 3rd Wed. Byron S. Warren, M.; Roger P. Smith, Sec., 1105
Forestview Dr., Louisville 40219, 502-969-1294.
POND RIVER LODGE NO. 244 – Meets 1st Tues., 115 W. Main,
Greenville. Ronald C. Dockery, M., Wesdie L. Webb, Sec., 112 Hopkinsville St.,
Greenville 42345, 270-338-2853.
MT. GILEAD LODGE NO. 255 – Meets 1st & 3rd Friday. P.O. Box 162,
Science Hill, Ky. Lester R. Singleton, M.; Richard E. Palmer, Sec., 177 Woodland
Dr., Somerset 42501, 606-678-5505.
ROBINSON LODGE NO. 266—Meets in Robinson Lodge Hall, 6919 Applegate Ln., 1st & 3rd Thurs., 7:30 P.M. Ray W. “Bill” Wise, M; Jimmy D. Taylor,
Sr., Sec., 8512 Bayou Way, Louisville 40242, 502-425-1125.
PRESTON LODGE NO. 281—Meets in Louisville DeMolay Commandery
Asylum, 1410 Gardiner Ln., 2nd & 4th Wed., 7:30 p.m. William C. Jones, M.; Warren L. Miller, Sec., 1641 Beechwood Ave., Louisville 40204, 502-452-6404.
DUNAVAN LODGE NO. 292–Meets 1st Saturday. Off US 62, behind Food
Mart, beside Post Office, Luther R. Barber, M.; Richard E. Morgan, Sec., 4789
Hwy. 1066, Bloomfield 40008, 502-673-0333.
KINGSTON LODGE NO. 315 –– Meets 3rd Tues., at 2743 Battlefield Memorial Hwy., Berea. Christopher S. Jones, M.; Dennis G. Mills, Sec., 2712 Old
U.S. 25N, Berea 40403, 859-986-4612.
MILES LODGE NO. 341—Meets 2nd and 4th Sat., 7:30 P.M., 214 Cupio
Rd., 2 miles from 31W to Lodge on Cupio Rd. Billy R. Ashby, M.; Ralph T. Sloan,
Sec., 1395 Claybank Creek Rd., Brooks 40109; 502-957-3163.
MINTONVILLE LODGE NO. 392 ––Meets 2nd Thurs., 7:30 P.M., Hwy.
837, across from General Store. Michael J. Bush, M.; Norris Whitaker, Sec., 1115
Rushbranch Rd., Somerset 42501, 606-679-7101.
ASPEN GROVE LODGE NO. 397 – Meets 4th Sat., 7:30 p.m. NE corner of
Hwy. 27 & Pete Neiser Way. Lester K. Caudill, M.; Paul E. Conrad, Sec., P.O. Box
443, Alexandria 41001, 859-635-0468.
LOUISVILLE LODGE NO. 400 –– Meets 2nd Mon., at 7:30 P.M., Scottish
Rite Temple, Brook & Gray St. Steven W. Blevins, Jr., M., V. Brian Abrams, Sec.,
605 Turnstile Trace, Louisville 40223, 502-386-7777.
PLAIN CITY LODGE NO. 449—Meets 1st & 3rd Tues., 7:00 P.M., 308 Joe
Clifton Dr., Paducah. Marvin S. Blaine, M.; Joe E. Tracy, Sec., 968 Buchanan Rd.,
Kevil 42053, 270-210-4892.
CRESCENT HILL LODGE NO. 456 – Meets 2nd Mon., 4th Tues. 204 Vale
Rd., Middletown, KY, rear East Pointe Shopping Ctr. Joseph D. Gorsick, M; Jim
Solley, Sec.; 3103 Brownsboro Vista Dr., Louisville 40242, 502-425-1463.
PARKERSVILLE LODGE NO. 484—Meets 4th Thurs. 17 miles S. of Eddyville on Hwy. 93S., Lamasco, KY. Thomas E. Major, M.; Thomas C. Winters,
Sec., 385 State Rt. 6016, Eddyville 42038, 270-321-0400.
BUFORD LODGE NO. 494—Meets in Masonic Temple Bldg., 100 S. Winter St., Midway, 1st & 3rd Tues. Nathan M. Craig, M.; Charles T. Beagle, Sr., Sec.,
461 Bold Ct., Versailles 40383, 859-873-3974.
BARDWELL LODGE NO. 499 – Meets 2nd Tues. Hwy. 51 S. between mile
markers 6 and 7. James C. Webb, M.; Charles T. Bean, Sec., 8460 US Hwy. 62,
Cunningham 42035, 270-562-0105.
KILWINNING LODGE NO. 506—Meets in Scottish Rite Temple, Brook &
Gray Sts., 2nd Wed. William A. Davis, III, M.; Steven L. Yates, Sec., 7001 Sun
Valley Dr., Louisville 40272, 502-933-4040.
VALLEY LODGE NO. 511—Meets 1st & 3rd Sat. at Valley Lodge No. 511,
9619 Dixie Hwy. Matthew J. Mitchell, M.; Virgil K. Hall, Sec., 3111 St. Anthony
Garden Dr. #6, Louisville 40214, 502-445-5353.
HAYS LODGE NO. 517—Meets 1st Fri. corner of Hwy. 259 & 68/80, Hays
Lodge Rd., Richard D. Bruce, M.; Larry M. Cowles, Sec., 1958 Girkin Boiling
Springs Rd., Bowling Green 42101, 270-843-0357.
CASEY CREEK NO. 536 – Meets 2nd Sat. Hwy. 551, 3.1 m N. of Hwy. KY
76. Tracy R. McCarol, M.; Daniel R. Hayes, Sec. 94 Hunter Trace; Campbellsville
42718; 270-465-7811
McNEIL LODGE NO. 586–Meets 1st Tues., 3rd Sat., 7:30 P.M. at 145 Ash
St., Leb. Jct. Larry Dangerfield, M,; Quentin Johnson, Sec., 1330 Beech Grove
Rd., Shepherdsville 40165, 502-551-7823.
FORDSVILLE MASONIC LODGE NO. 600—Meets in the Fordsville Masonic Temple, Hwy. 54, Fordsville on the 2nd Mon., 7:00 P.M. Roy D. Moxley, M.;
Tracy D. Payne, Sec., 1456 St. Rt. 919, Fordsville 42343, 270-276-3352.
VINE GROVE LODGE NO. 603—Meets 1st & 3rd Sat. in Vine Grove Lodge
Hall, 857 Crume Rd. at 7:30 P.M. Michael C. Stroud, M.; Warren T. Moore, Sec.,
3350 Knox Ave., Vine Grove 40175, 270-877-2294.
HENRY BARNES LODGE NO. 607—Meets 4th Tues., 7:30 p.m. 523 Park
Ave., Newport. NE corner East 6th and Park. Robert H. Smith, M.; Ronald G.
Parker, Sec., 228 6th Ave., Dayton 41074, 859-261-0727.
OLIVE HILL LODGE NO. 629–Meets 1st Sat., at 7 p.m., take I-64 exit #156,
South on KY Rt. 2 to U.S. 60, left for approx. 2 miles, then right onto Jordan Court
to the end. Gary A. James, M.; John R. Liles, Sec., 1176 St. Hwy. 1626, Olive Hill,
KY 41164, 606-255-7352.
AURORA LODGE NO. 633—Meets in Boaz Temple, 4717 Preston Hwy.,
2nd & 4th Monday. Robert S. Tomerlin, M.; Roy Caudill, Sec., 164 Grandview Dr.,
Shepherdsville 40165, 502-543-4130.
BURNSIDE LODGE NO. 634—Meets 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7:00 P.M. 82
Central Ave., Burnside. Donald W. Elmore, M.; Don R. Brake, Sec., P.O. Box 132,
Burnside 42519, 606-561-5653.
LEWIS-PARKLAND LODGE NO. 638—Meets in Parkland Masonic Temple, 969 S. 2nd St., 1st & 3rd Fri. Darrel K. Scott, Sr., M.; Virgil T. Larimore, Jr.,
Sec., 1007 Juniper Springs Dr., Louisville 40242, 502-339-7640.
BREATHITT LODGE NO. 649—Meets 2nd & 4th Sat., 7:00 P.M., 321
Broadway St., Jackson. Charles F. Fletcher, M.; Miles Combs, Sec., 90 Fire Station Dr., Lot #26, Jackson 41339, 606-693-9181.
MOREHEAD LODGE NO. 654—Meets 4th Tue., 7:00 P.M., 746 West Main
St., Suite 2, Morehead, KY 40351. Nathan S. Lewis, M.; James D. Reeder, Sec.,
121 Blackberry Dr., Morehead 40351, 606-784-5669.
WILHELM LODGE NO. 720 — Meet 3rd Saturday at corner at E. Mason
& N. Patterson St, Clarkson. Kevin T. Minton, M.; Roger Carnes, Sec., 106 E.
Mason St., Clarkson 42726, 270-242-3141.
SUBURBAN LODGE NO. 740—Meets at 3901 South 3rd St., every Thurs.,
7:30 P.M. Steve L. Tollefson, M.; Joseph A. Marshall, Sec., 13331 Horncastle Way,
Louisville 40272, 502-551-4214.
HARRY R. KENDALL LODGE NO. 750—Meets at 7306 Fegenbush Ln.,
2nd & 4th Tues. Kenneth R. Nichter, M.; Herbert M. Edwards, Sec., 7011 Fegenbush Ln., Louisville 40272, 502-937-6812.
CUMBERLAND VALLEY LODGE NO. 751 — Meets 2nd Mon., and 4th
Sat. at 7:30 p.m. One block west off US 25E at Gray, KY. Robert Shell, M.; Joe Detherage, Sec., P.O. Box 516, Barbourville 40906, 606-627-3472.
WHITESBURG LODGE NO. 754 –– Meets 1st. & 3rd. Thurs., at 169 Jenkins Rd., near junct. of Hwys. 15 & 119 at Pine Mt. Delmas D. Everidge, M., Eddie
W. Bentley, Sec., 25 Circle Dr., Whitesburg 41858, 606-633-8866.
HEBRON LODGE NO. 757 – Meets the 1st Tues., at 7:30 P.M., corner of
SR20 & Hart Dr. Kurtis M. Phillips, M.; Tom E. Geimeier, Sec., 5936 Vice Ln.,
Burlington 41005, 859-586-8424.
DAYLIGHT LODGE NO. 760—Meets at Valley Lodge No. 551, 9619 Dixie
Hwy., 2nd Sat., at 1:00 P.M. Robert W. Bratcher, M.; Jeffery M. Fitzpatrick, Sec.,
4202 Candor Ave., Louisville 40216, 502-449-2409.
JEFFERSONTOWN LODGE NO. 774—Meets in Jeffersontown, 2nd &
4th Sat. at 7:30 P.M. 10411 Watterson Trail. John R. Perry, M.; Thomas B. Irwin,
Sec., 2020 Edgeland Ave., Louisville 40204, 502-458-7098.
April, 2010
CAVE CITY LODGE NO. 790 – Meets 2nd & 4th Thurs., at 7:30 at the Cave
City-702 N. 31W, 1 mile from light on Broadway, across from Wig Wam Motel.
Charles W. Embry, M.; Douglas R. Hatcher, Sec., 400 Alexander Ave., Cave City
42127; 270-579-1202.
CARRSVILLE LODGE NO. 812—Meets 2nd Thurs. in Carrsville Lodge
Hall, 2103 Main St., at 7:00 P.M. James H. Williams, M.; Chuck M. Brannam,
Sec.,205 Lola Rd., Salem 42078, 270-988-2701.
PEWEE VALLEY LODGE NO. 829—Meets 1st & 3rd Tues., 7:30 P.M.,
Pewee Valley Lodge Hall, Crestwood. Brian P. Willey, M.; John H. Willis, Sec.,
4102 Tulip Circle, Louisville 40219, 502-966-9414.
SHAWNEE LODGE NO. 830—Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 7016 Southside. William E. Albro, II, M.; B. Ronnie G. Skipper, Sec., 697 Overdale Dr.,
Louisville 40229-6115, 502-957-5229.
BOAZ MASONIC HOME LODGE NO. 850—Meets in Boaz Temple, 4717
Preston Hwy., 2nd & 4th Tues., 7:30 P.M. Scott W. Metsker, Jr., M.; Timothy L.
Vanderhoof, Sec., 5508 Haunz Lane, Louisville 40241, 502-241-9517.
ACME LODGE NO. 851—Meets in 2nd Sat. each month at 6:00 p.m. (c.s.t.)
Hwy. 31 W 2/10 m S. of Hwy 728 E & 31 W. Richard F. McConnell, M.; Austin L.
Reams, Sec., 50 Sunrise Cir., Bonnievile 42713; 270-531-3508.
OKOLONA LODGE NO. 853—Meets 2nd & 4th Fri., Daniel Hall, Blue Lick
Rd. at Preston Hwy., Okolona. Danny M. Smothers, M.; Thomas L. Smith, Sec.,
121 Tecumseh Dr., Shepherdsville 40165, 502-523-8158.
PLUMB LODGE NO. 862—Meets in Robinson Lodge Hall, 6919 Applegate
Ln., 2nd & 4th Fri., 7:30 P.M. Charles R. McFall, M.; Henry F. Watson, Jr., Sec.,
183 Willow Wood Dr., 40047.
HIGHLAND PARK LODGE NO. 865—Meets 2nd & 4th Mon., 7:30 P.M.,
4100 Pinecroft Dr. Richard J. Jackman, M.; Thomas E. Nichols, Sr., Sec., 8003
William G. Penny Ln., Louisville 40219, 502-819-3762.
WHEATCROFT LODGE NO. 881 — Meets 2nd Tues. 36 E. Collen. Christopher M. Green, M.; William D. McGrew, Sec., P.O. Box 64, Wheatcroft 42463; 270664-6179.
BUECHEL LODGE NO. 896—Meets in Simmon Hall, 3821 Bardstown Rd.,
1st & 3rd Thurs., 7:30 P.M. Anthony W. Sattich, M.; Terry W. Triplett, Sr., Sec.,
1955 Meadowcreek Dr., Louisville 40218-2432, 502-473-7844.
KRYPTON LODGE NO. 905 – Meets every 2nd. & 4th. Sat. of the month.
at 7:00 p.m. 13007 Ky. Hwy. 451, Krypton. Phil G. Sandlin, M.: John C. Campbell,
Jr., Sec., P.O. Box 147, Krypton 41754, 606-436-6269.
ST. MATTHEWS LODGE NO. 906—Meets 1st & 3rd Mon., 7:00 P.M., 1410
Gardiner Ln. beside main post office). Daniel T. Wolf, M.; Herbert M. Zimmerman, Sec., 1363 Tyler Park Dr., Louisvillle 40204, 502-456-6126.
SUNSET LODGE NO. 915—Meets 2nd & 4th Tues., 7:30 P.M., 221 Steedly
Dr., Louisville. Danny D. Duvall, M.; Rayburn Jarred, Jr., Sec., P.O. Box 72263,
Louisville 40272, 502-935-3315.
CAMP KNOX LODGE NO. 919—Meets 1st-3rd Monday, except Federal
Holidays, 7:00 P.M., Lodge Hall, 1158 N. Dixie Hwy., Radcliff. Michael P. Murphy, Jr., M.; Jerry S. Hummel, Sr., Sec., 3021 Centennial Ave., Radcliff 40160;
WILMORE LODGE NO. 922– Meets 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.121 W.
Linden. Leonard Edwards, M.; Robert S. Sallee, Sec., 608 Kinlaw Dr., Wilmore
40390; 859-858-4090.
PROGRESS LODGE NO. 932—Meets 1st & 3rd Tues., 7:30 P.M. Boaz
Temple, 4717 Preston Hwy., Louisville. Archie R. Smallwood, M.; Lloyd G. Pusey,
Sec., 1217 Lyndon Ln., Radcliff 40160, 270-352-1520.
HUGH HARRIS LODGE NO. 938– Meets 2nd & 4th Tues., 2209 S. Main
St., Corbin. Charles R. Childers, M.; Earl F. Jones, Sec., 1060 Stoney Fork Rd.,
Corbin 40701, 606-528-5790.
FAIRDALE LODGE NO. 942 — 1st & 3rd Thurs., 10008 Mitchell Hill Rd.,
Fairdale. Ernest Bell, Jr., M.; Reginald D. Paschal, Sec., P.O. Box 241, Fairdale,
40118, 502-367-4705.
FORT CAMPBELL LODGE NO. 946—Meets 1st and 3rd Tues. at 7:00
P.M., 946 Thompsonville Ln., (Hwy. 911, 1.3 miles east of US 41A, .3 mile west of
KY 115), Oak Grove. Floyd Nelson, M.; Donald W. Martin, Sec., 1838 Palamino
Dr., Clarksville TN 37042, 931-551-4862.
FLORENCE LODGE NO. 949—1st Thurs., 7009 Burlington Pike, P.O. Box
893, Florence. Ralph L. Bhirdo, M.; Albert R. Warner, Sec., 1285 Victory Ln., Independence, 41051, 859-283-0252.
JOHN W. HALL NO. 950—Meets 2nd & 4th Sat., at 7:00 P.M. Main St.,
Martin. Alan R. Wright, M.; Steve Lafferty, Sec., P.O. Box 184, Martin 41649; 606285-9064.
SHIVELY LODGE NO. 951—1st & 3rd Sat., 7:00 P.M., 4221 Hillview Ave.,
Louisville. Stanley W. Crawley, M.; Raymond Carman, Jr., Sec., 1056 Johnson
Ln., Taylorsville 40071, 502-477-2038.
ROBERT M. SIRKLE LODGE NO. 954—Meets 1st and 3rd Tues., 7:30
p.m. at 553 Rosemont Garden, Lexington. Jason E. Orr, M.; Rodney K. Glaney,
Sec., 3104 Chatham Dr., Lexington 40503, 859-223-5853 .
FERN CREEK LODGE NO. 955—Meets 1st and 3rd Sat., 10:00 A.M.,
Robinson Lodge, 6919 Applegate Ln. Ralph C. Lawson, M.; Melvin Mullins, Sec.,
6514 Lovers Ln., Louisville 40291, 502-231-2618.
YELLOW BANKS LODGE NO. 957 – Meets 1st-3rd Mon., 227 St. Ann St.,
Owensboro at 7:30. James F. Rea, Jr., M.; Donnie A. Benson, Sec., 3528 Roundtable Loop, Owensboro 42303, 270-685-2618.
PLEASURE RIDGE PARK LODGE NO. 959—Meets 1st and 3rd Mon. at
Shawnee Lodge Hall, 7016 Southside Dr., at 7:30 P.M. Allen D. Butts, Jr., M.;
Robert W. Bracy, Sec., 2005 Patricia Dr., Louisville 40272, 502-937-4764
LYNDON LODGE NO. 960—Meets 2nd Thurs. at Lyndon Baptist Church
(3rd Fl. Educ. Wing), 8025 New LaGrange Rd., at 7:30 P.M. Melvin D. Borish, M.;
Cordell G. Lawrence, Sec., 1615 Two Springs Pl., Louisville 40207, 502-895-5091.
ZONETON LODGE NO. 964—Meets 3rd Sat. at 7:30 P.M. on Bucky Burton Dr. (1/2 mile s. of Jefferson Co. line off Blue Lick Rd.). David M. Barr, M.; Jason
Runion, Sec., 298 Big Cedar Creek Trail, Shepherdsville 40165, 502-551-9676.
RIVER CITY LODGE NO. 966—Meets in 1st Sat. each month at 10:00
A.M., 969 S. Second St., Louisville. Robert C. Elstone, M.; Archie R. Smallwood,
Sec., P.O. Box 1651, Louisville 40201, 502-345-3788.
LOUISVILLE CONSISTORY—Meets 2nd & 4th Thurs., Scottish Rite Temple, Brook & Gray Sts., Louisville, 7:30 P.M. Kenneth L. Meredith, 33°, Master of
Kadosh; Jim Stephens, 32°, KCCH, Venerable Master; Stanley W. Crawley, 33°,
Registrar; Roger D. Barnett, 33°, Personal Representative, 502-584-6185.
INDRA CONSISTORY—Meets 3rd Fri., Scottish Rite Temple, 1553 Madison Ave., Covington (except July & Aug.). Richard L. Patrick, 33°, Master of Kadosh; Edwin L. Vardiman, Sr., 33°, Sec./Reg.; Fred Bryant, 33°, Personal
LEXINGTON CONSISTORY—Meets on 3rd Thurs. each month at 7:30
P.M. Dinner at 6:30 P.M., ladies invited. 553 Rosemont Garden; P.O., Box 8087,
Lexington. Larry D. Grizzle, 32°, KCCH, Venerable Master; James L. Butler, 33°,
Secretary/Registrar; William G. Hiles, 33°, Treasurer; Carl W. Gibson, Jr., 33°,
Personal Representative.
WEST KY. CONSISTORY—Meets 3rd Thursday each month except July,
West Kentucky Scottish Rite Temple, 668 Park Ave., Madisonville. Edward L.
Clinard, 32°, Master of Kadosh; Mack A. Scott, 32°, Venerable Master; Dirk R.
Molt, 33°, Sec./Registrar; James F. Molt, 33°, Personal Representative.
James G. Hogue (29/4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand High Priest
215 Lakeview Point, Harrodsburg, KY 40330 (859) 748-5462
[email protected]
Gary K. Hunt (83/90). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand King
103 Rosedale Ave., Campbellsville, KY 42718 (270) 465-8109
[email protected]
April, 2010
James H. King, Jr. (4/29) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Scribe
219 Orchard Drive, Danville, KY 40422 (859) 238-7018
[email protected]
Gregory C. Powell (177/172) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Captain of the Host
2096 Angela Ct., Villa Hills, KY 41017 (859) 803-6416; [email protected]
Leslie E. Black (5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Treasurer
3006 Wickland Avenue, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 458-1262
[email protected]
J.B. Hitt, II PGHP (1/5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Grand Treasurer
1007 Chesterton Place, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 254-7584; [email protected]
William G. Hinton, PGHP (14). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Secretary
Office: P.O. Box 695, Shelbyville, KY 40066-0695 (502) 647-9229;
Home: 615 Frankfort Rd., Shelbyville, KY 40065 (502) 220-9057
[email protected]
Gary E. Thornberry (3/138) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Grand Secretary
P.O. Box 538, Lawrenceburg, KY 40342 (859) 294-6369 c (859) 230-7601
KING SOLOMON CHAPTER NO. 5—Meets in Louisville DeMolay Asylum, 1410 Gardiner Ln., 3rd Wed. each month, 7:30 P.M. John A. Johnson, H.P.;
Ronnie G. Skipper, Sec., 697 Overdale Dr., Louisville 40229, 502-957-5229.
MAYSVILLE CHAPTER NO. 9–Meets 3rd Wed. each month at 7:30 P.M.
at 110 W. McDonald Pkwy., 2 blocks West of bridge by floodwall. Randy Cooper,
H.P.; Kent Griffey, Sec., 9035 Wagel Ln., Maysville 41056; 606-564-7944.
BULLITT CHAPTER NO. 44 R.A.M.–Meets the 1st Saturday morning every month at 9:30 AM at Bullitt Lodge Hall, High School Drive, Shepherdsville 40165. Robert Cecil, H.P.; Glenn Gray, Sec., 254 Chalet Drive,
Lebanon Junction 40150; 502-543-9563.
EUREKA CHAPTER NO. 101 RAM– Meets the 4th Tuesday of the
month at 7:30 PM at Suburban Lodge Hall, 3901 South 3rd. St., Louisville.
Archie Smallwood, H.P.; Glenn Gray, Sec.,254 Chalet Drive, Lebanon Junction, 40150; 502-543-9563.
IROQUOIS CHAPTER NO. 193, R.A.M.—Meets in Robinson Lodge Hall,
6919 Applegate Ln., 2nd Wed. each month, 7:30 P.M. Chester Watson, H.P.;
Melvin Mullins, Sec., 6514 Lovers Ln., Louisville 40291-1246, 502-231-2618.
HARDIN CHAPTER 195. – Meets the 2nd Thurs. of each month at 7:30
p.m. 125 N. Mulberry St., Elizabethtown 42701. R. Foster, HP; Charles T. Mason,
Sec., P.O. Box 775, Elizabethtown 42702-0775, 270-769-5224.
Robert Stanford (103) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. I. Grand Master
1785 Sportsman Lake, Franklin, KY 42134; (270) 586-1786
cell (270) 535-0386; [email protected]
Douglas W. Bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. I. Deputy Grand Master
1550 Brawner Rd., Alvaton, KY 42122 (270) 792-9591,
(270) 842-4194; [email protected]
Timothy L. Owens (87/77) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Principal Conductor of Work
85 Vineview Dr., Corbin, KY 40701 (606) 523-0398; [email protected]
James V. Jones (105/103). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Captain of the Guard
1028 Lambert Rd., Scottsville, KY 42164 (270_ 622-6972; [email protected]
Leslie E. Black (4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Treasurer
3006 Wickland Ave., Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 458-1262; [email protected]
J.B. Hitt, II (4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Grand Treasurer
1007 Chesterton Place, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 254-7584; [email protected]
William G. Hinton, (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Recorder
Office: P.O. Box 695, Shelbyville, KY 40066-0695 (502) 647-9229;
Home: 615 Frankfort Rd., Shelbyville, KY 40065 (502) 220-9057
[email protected]
Gary E. Thornberry (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Grand Recorder
P.O. Box 538, Lawrenceburg, KY 40342 (859) 294-6368 c (859) 230-7601
[email protected]
LOUISVILLE COUNCIL NO. 4—Meets in Louisville DeMolay Asylum,
1410 Gardiner Ln., 3rd Wed. each month, 7:30 P.M. C. Randolph C. Starks, I.M.;
Ronnie Skipper, Rec., 697 Overdale Dr., Louisville 40229, 502-957-5229.
GLASGOW COUNCIL NO. 11 – Meets the 2nd Mon. of the month at the
Glasgow York Rite Bldg. Charles Mason, T.I.M.; James Atwood, Rec.; John
Whilliams, Treasurer.
HIRAM COUNCIL NO. 70 R&SM–Meets the 4th Tuesday of the
month at 7:30 PM at Suburban Lodge Hall, 3901 South 3rd. St. David
White, I.M.; Glenn Gray, Rec., 254 Chalet Drive, Lebanon Junction 40150;
SWORD & TROWEL COUNCIL NO. 111—Meets in Robinson Lodge Hall,
6919 Applegate Ln., 2nd Wed. each month, 7:30 P.M. Joseph Thorton, III, I.M.;
Melvin Mullins, Rec., 6514 Lovers Ln., Louisville 40291-1246, 502-231-2618.
BULLITT COUNCIL NO. 114 R&SM–Meets the 1st Saturday morning every month at 9:30 AM at Bullitt Lodge Hall, High School Drive, Shepherdsville 40165. G. Michale Miller, I.M.; Glenn Gray, Rec., 254 Chalet
Drive, Lebanon Junction 40150; 502-543-9563.
HARDIN CHAPTER 115 – Meets the 2nd Thurs. of each month at 7:30 p.m.
125 N. Mulberry St., Elizabethtown 42701. William Brawner, I.M.; Charles T.
Mason, Rec., P.O. Box 775, Elizabethtown 42702-0775, 270-769-5224.
Arius Holbrook, Jr. (51) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Commander
P.O. Box 13, Ermine, KY 41815 (606) 633-7076; [email protected]
Archie R. Smallwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deputy Grand Commander
P.O. Box 1651, Louisville, KY 40201-1651 (502) 345-3788
[email protected]
George F. Brooks (4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Generalissimo
101 Sabel Ave., Versailles, KY 40383 (859) 873-1117 (859) 753-0020
[email protected]
Bobby E. Crittendon (13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Captain General
307 Dayton Pike, Dayton, KY 41074 (859) 441-5346 (859) 750-2277
[email protected]
Leslie E. Black, PGC (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Treasurer
3006 Wickland Ave., Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 458-1262; [email protected]
J.B. Hitt, II (12). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Grand Treasurer
1007 Chesterton Place, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 254-7584; [email protected]
William G. Hinton, PGC (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Recorder
Office: P.O. Box 695, Shelbyville, KY 40066-0695 (502) 647-9229;
Home: 615 Frankfort Rd., Shelbyville, KY 40065 (502) 220-9057
[email protected]
Gary E. Thornberry (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Grand Recorder
P.O. Box 538, Lawrenceburg, KY 40342 (859) 294-6369 c (859) 230-7601
[email protected]
each month at 1410 Gardiner Ln. 1st Tues., rehearsal 6 p.m., 3rd Tues., regular
Conclave 7:30 p.m. Dinner 3rd Tues., 6:30 p.m. Raleigh C. Foster, I.C.; J.B. Hitt,
II, Rec., 1007 Chesterton Pl., Louisville 40299, 502-254-7584.
JEFFERSON COMMANDERY NO. 52—Meets in Robinson Lodge Hall,
6919 Applegate Ln., 4th Wed. each month, 7:30 P.M. Chris Knapp, I.C.; Melvin
Mullins, Rec., 6514 Lovers Ln., Louisville 40291-1246, 502-231-2618.
Sherry Whitt, W.G.M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grayson
Cole Younger, W.G.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frankfort
Jan Harrison, A.G.M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Somerset
Lonnie Malone, A.G.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lebanon
Page 15
Form for Changing Address on Masonic Home Journal
Please print or type and mail to: Masonic Home Journal
300 Masonic Home Drive • Masonic Home, Kentucky 40041
or by email at: [email protected] • NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE
Name in Full
Lodge No.
Old Address
New Address
District No.
Be sure you have notified your Lodge Secretary
Carolyn Perkins, G. Sec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaGrange
102 E. Washington St., LaGrange, KY 40031 (502) 222-0248
JoEllen Perkins, G.T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glasgow
Brenda Stull G.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sebree
Linda Stepp, A.G.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Somerset
Dewey Simmons, G. Sentinel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bowling Green
PHONE (502) 451-3535 & FACSIMILE (502) 458-8565
Elected Officers and Directors
Sammy Perkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President
Alice Wiggins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President
Linda Bratcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary
Wilma Phillips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Treasurer
Ed Cook III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director
Juanita Bolin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director
Elaine Hitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director
Debbie Ballinger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director
Marcia Rice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director
Ex-officio Directors
Sherry Whitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worthy Grand Matron
Cole Yonger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worthy Grand Patron
Jan Harrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Grand Matron
Lonnie Malone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Grand Patron
Brenda Stull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Conductress
Linda Stepp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Grand Conductress
Dewey Simmons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Sentinel
Guild Representatives
Juanita Snapp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District 2
Sherrin Kraus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District 21
Stella West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adopt-a-Friend
All applications for life care admission should be sent to
Ms. Marcia Rice, Chairperson of the Admission Committee,
c/o The Eastern Star Home in Kentucky,
923 Eastern Star Court, Louisville, KY 40204-2377
QUEEN ESTHER CHAPTER NO. 1—Meets 4th Thurs., in Reeves Masonic Hall, 4221 Hillview Ave., Shively. Delores Williamson, W.M.; Lana Ashby,
Sec., 3413 Park Row Dr., 40216, 502-447-8986.
BRIGHT STAR NO. 16–Meets at Sunset Lodge Hall, 221 Steedley Dr., 4th
Monday, 7:30 p.m. Karen Taylor, W.M.; Vicki Lewis, Sec., 5206 Idlewood Lane,
Louisville 40291. (502) 762-9892.
VALLEY CHAPTER NO. 65—Meets at Valley Lodge Hall, 9619 Dixie Hwy.,
1st Tue., 7:30 P.M. Mrs. Jeanetta Simms, W.M.; Ms. Barbara Houchin, Sec., 10202
Moonlight Way, Louisville 40272-2921, 502-937-4636.
ROB MORRIS CHAPTER NO. 114—Meets 3rd Thurs. 7:30 P.M. in Masonic Hall, LaGrange. Mrs. Janice Geoghegan, W.M.; Mrs. Linda Holman, Sec.,
4845 East Hwy. 22, Smithfield 40068, 502-222-0431.
PURITY CHAPTER NO. 116—Meets in Robinson Lodge Hall, 6919 Applegate Ln. 3rd Mon., 7:30 P.M. Martha Garcia, W.M.; Sue Sperry, Sec., 2400
Proctor Ct., Louisville 40218, 502-459-4133.
BRILLIANT STAR CHAPTER NO. 153—Meets Sunset Lodge Hall, 221
Steedley Dr., 3rd Fri. of each month, 7:30 P.M. Mary Petty, W.M.; Cassie Jarred,
Sec., P.O. Box 72263, Louisville 40272, 502-935-3315.
SOUTHERN STAR CHAPTER NO. 154—Meets at 3901 S. 3rd St.,
Louisville, 3rd Tues., 7:30 P.M. Jo Vest, W.M.; Debbie Ballinger, Sec., 4305 Gaudet
Rd., Louisville 40299, 502-267-6616.
CRESCENT HILL CHAPTER NO. 265—Meets in Louisville DeMolay
Commandery Asylum, 1410 Gardiner Ln., 2nd Tues., 7:00 P.M. Gerri Fromme,
W.M.; Elaine B. Hitt, Sec., 1007 Chesterton Pl. 40299, 502-254-7584.
HARMONY CHAPTER NO. 273—Meets 2nd Thurs., 7:45 P.M., Okolona
Lodge Hall, 8007 Blue Lick Rd., Louisville 40219. Linda Miracle, W.M.; Mrs. Gloria Sullivan, Sec., 12410 Spring Leaf Ct., Louisville 40229, 502-955-7817.
MIDDLETOWN CHAPTER NO. 319—Meets Middletown Lodge, Madison
Ave., Middletown, 2nd Mon., 7:30 P.M. Dora Vanderhoof, W.M.; David White,
Sec., 2403Stonehurst Dr., Louisville 40242-3119, 502-326-5774.
EVENING STAR CHAPTER NO. 374 — Meets 1 Thurs., in Lewis Parkland Lodge, 969 S. Second, St. Louisville; Linda Sullivan, W.M.; Vickie L. Wallace,
Sec., 5109 Barnes Dr., Louisville 40219; 502-966-9638.
RISING SUN CHAPTER NO. 415—Meets 1st Tues., at 7:00 P.M. at Crescent Hill Lodge Hall, 204 Vale Rd., Middletown. Mrs. Charlene Bush, W.M.; Mrs.
Jacque Johnson, Sec., 3312 Breckenridge Ln., Louisville 40220, 502-491-9479.
VICTORY CHAPTER NO. 447—Meets 2nd Thurs., 7:30 P.M., Highland
Park Lodge Hall, 4100 Pinecroft Dr., 40219. Brenda L. Banks, W.M.; Margaret C.
Meador, Sec., 12517 Nursery Ln., Louisville 40243, 502-245-5437.
MT. WASHINGTON CHAPTER NO. 552—Meets 3rd Thurs., at Salt River
Lodge Hall, on Fisher Ln. off Hwy. 44 East in Mt. Washington at 7:30 P.M. Juanita
Bolin, W.M.; William Mitchell, W.P.; Carolyn Cox, Sec., 142 Beechtree Ln., Mt.
Washington 40047, 502-538-0337.
FAIRDALE CHAPTER NO. 560—Meets on the 2nd Tues., 7:30 P.M. at
Fairdale Masonic Hall, Mitchell Hill Rd. Marla Paschal, W.M.; Velda Lester, Sec.,
732 Shaffer Rd., Fairdale 40118, 502-366-6730.
SHIVELY STAR CHAPTER NO. 566—Meets at Howard C. Reeves Masonic Bldg., 4221 Hillview, 3rd Thurs. at 7 P.M. Sherri Dutschke, W.M.; Cheryl
Wheeler, Sec., 1308 Gallant Fox Run, Louisville 40242-3604, 502-425-5886.
ZONETON CHAPTER NO. 576—Meets 2nd Thurs. each month at 7:30
P.M. at Zoneton Lodge on Blue Lick Rd. Carol Collins, W.M.; Jackie Ramsey, W.P.;
Shirley Ramsey, Sec., 470 New Christman Ln., Shepherdsville 40165, 502-9574880.
KOSAIR TEMPLE, A.A.O.N.M.S.—Meets 2nd Friday in January, April,
September and December at Temple, 812 S. 2nd St., Louisville KY, Stop in for
lunch M-F 11-2. Randy Coe, Potentate; [email protected]; Eddie Chrisman,
Recorder, [email protected], 812 S. 2nd St., Louisville 40203, 502-5855412; Darrell G. Waddell, Webmaster, [email protected]; Website:
LEXINGTON YORK RITE BODIES–Meets at the Masonic Temple, 4085
Harrodsburd Rd., (US68) Lexington, KY. 2nd Thurs. each month at 7:30 p.m.
Tobey J. Adams, Secretary/Rec., P.O. Box 4688 Lexington, KY 40544; [email protected]
OLEIKA TEMPLE – Meets 1st Thurs. of each month except July & August.
326 Southland Dr., Lexington, KY 40503. Bob Drake, Potentate, 606-439-4619.
David Mosley, Recorder, 606-305-5741.
RIZPAH TEMPLE, A.A.O.N.M.S.—Meets 2nd Thurs. of every month except
July & August, 7:30 P.M., 3300 Hanson Rd., Madisonville 42431. Phone 270-8213187, Fax 270-825-9179, email: [email protected], Web Site:; John Cauley, Potentate; James Woodard, Recorder
5th Sat. by invitation. Donald R. Sergeant (511), Pres.; James B. Wall (959), SecTreas., 7807 Bluebonnet Rd., Louisville 40258-2313, 502-937-5372.
ST. JOHN’S DAY LEAGUE—John Shelton, Pres.; Alvin T. Wenlund, Sec.
Meets 3rd Sat. at 320 Masonic Home Dr., Fitch Hall, Masonic Home 40041, 502897-0850.
AAHMED GROTTO—10703 W. Manslick Rd., Fairdale, 40118. Meets 2nd
Wednesday at 8:00 P.M. Herb Zimmerman, Monarch; Glen McGaha, Sec., 8411
Jan Way, Louisville 40219, 502-966-4689.
Friday of each month. Richard Myldy, PM, (919) President; 270-536-3885. Everett
Hallisy, PM (132) Secretary; 270-234-3110.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Please call Masonic Home Journal
Central Council, Order Of The Builders
Boyd Bond (208) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supreme Master Builder
255 Sunset Hill Dr., Scottisville, KY 42164, [email protected]; 270-618-4543
Tim Berry (852-323). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supreme Secretary
100 Southern Living Drive, Scottsville, KY 42164, [email protected]; 270-237-5208
Grand Chapter Of Kentucky Order Of The Builders
Kyle Dixon Bond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Master Builder
Danny K. Coffey (284). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Officer
Active Member International Supreme Council
P.O. Box 11, Jamestown, KY 42629, 270-343-3576
Cody Stevens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State Master Councilor
Mrs. Anne P. Dukes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supreme Inspector
4740 Brownsboro Gardens Dr., Louisville 40241, 502-425-0261
Cherie A. Blackburn, PGG
P.O. Box 33121, Louisville, Kentucky 40232-3121
(502) 491-4592
Bethel #18 – Louisville, KY. Meets at Louisville DeMolay Asylum, 1410 Gardiner Ln., 2nd & 4th Friday. Guardian Bonnie Koontz, PHQ; P.O. Box 33121
Louisville, KY 40232-3121; 502-440-0904.
Bethel #19 – Florence, KY. Guardian Dawn Hall, PHQ; Florence Masonic
Lodge, 7009 Burlington Pk., Florence 41042.
Grand Royal Matron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. L. Ellie Hicks
Grand Royal Patron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. K. Owen Logsdon
Grand Associate Matron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. L. Rose Marie Payne
Grand Associate Patron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. K. Dewey Warren
Grand Conductress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. L. Dee Robertson
Grand Associate Conductress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. L. Christine Kaelin
Grand Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. L. Yvonne Shuck
Grand Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. L. Gerri Fromme
5305 Datura Lane, Louisville, Kentucky 40258
MELODY COURT NO. 16—Meets the first Tuesday each month, 7:30 P.M.,
Jeffersontown Masonic Lodge Hall, 10411 Watterson Tr., Jeffersontown. Julie
Dalton, R.M.; Mrs. Mary Puckett, Sec., 477 Friendship Church Rd., Magnolia
42757, 270-528-5664.
FRIENDSHIP COURT NO. 22—Meets 2nd Saturday at Robinson Lodge
Hall, 6919 Applegate Ln., 7:00 P.M. H.L. Esther Bailey, R.M.; S.K. David Abney,
R.P., Mrs. Julia Dalton, Sec., 5913 Catheen Way, Louisville 40213-3221, 502-9691945.
LOUISVILLE SHRINE NO. 1, W.S. of J.—Meets 1st Wed., DeMolay Commandery Asylum, 1410 Gardiner Ln., 7:30 P.M. Vivian Wall, W.H.P.; James B.
Wall, W.O.S., Beverly H. Westphal, W.S., 1886 Douglass Blvd., Louisville 40205,
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Grand Master Todd Eastham presented resolution from
the 18th District to Senator Robin Webb.
Freemasons recognized in House Chambers.
Freemasons recognized in Senate Chambers.
New Speaker of the House ?
Grand Master Todd Eastham in House Chambers.