4 THE TIMES OF INDIA, BANGALORE WEDNESDAY JANUARY 13, 2010 OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEP PROFESSIONALS Bahwan Engineering Group is the leader in trading, multi -disciplinary contracting and facilities management (operation & maintenance) employing over 10000 people. We represent world leaders Suhai like Carrier,OTIS ,Cummins , Marley, Armstrong, Chloride ,etc. and have executed prestigious multi- G R O U P million dollar projects like Hospitals, Petro-chemicals, LN G Facilities , Power Plants , Residential & MEP ESTIMATION & SALES (HVAC/PLUMBING/ELECTRICAL) IIVA C PRODUCT SALES - Managers I Asst. Managers Sales & Estimation IMEP 1] Graduate Engineers with 10-15 years of techno-commercial experience in estimation and sales of large MEP works in any of the above discipline for airports, hotels, hospitals , commercial , residential and industrial projects. Ability to liaise independentl y with international contracting companies and consultants is essential. - the largest manufactu rer of pipes (UPVC, High Density Polyethylene and GRP), GRP and CRC Building Products and Roto-Moulded Products in the Sultanate of Oman. We are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 accredited four quality and environment systems by Det Norske Verifas. We have been honoured with His Malesty’s Award for being one of the five best Factories in Oman, five times over. We are a leader in our sphere of operations and are currently evaluating new business opportunities, which will will lead to a further leap in our scale of operations. We believe in encouraging ta lent an d providing a dynamic and challenging work environment for our employees. We are looking for candidates who lead the company into the next decade and who are qualified, possess an excellent trac k record, can quickly comprehend the mar ket situations and lead a team of skilled professionals. are General Manager - Sr. Engineers I Project Engineers Sales & Estimation [MEP 2J - Graduate Mechanical / /Electrical Engineers with 4-7 years of techno-commercial experience in estimation and sales in any of the above discipline of large multi-disciplined residential I commercial or industrial projects like Hotels, Hospitals , Shopping Malls etc. Candidate and negotiation skills. should have good commercial acumen Graduate or Diploma Engineers with 3-6 years hands-on experience in General Manager Bahwan Engineering Gr ou p FREE RECRUITMENT I — — Male, 30-45 yrs. o ld with a Universi ly Degree in Logistics Management or its equivalent. At least 5 yrs. exp. in a manageria l capacity gained fro m Fast Moving Consumer Goods companies with focus on Warehousing, Supp lyy Chain and Inventory Management in SAP/ERP environment. Experience in a multi-national distribution network a pplus. With pro fessional driving license. FLEET AhIA OE R S Heading manufacturing! operations of medium scale organization in the above manufacturing fields for last 5-10 years, prior to that should have sufficient shop floor experience in production and in maintenance. I 1I —— J 1F Il1 I II I 11 I —— Male , 30-45 years old with a University Degre e in Civ il or Structural Eng ineer ing. Minimum 5 years managerial experience in the areas of Project Construction , Site Management , Project Planning & Imp lementation in vertical and horizontal constructions. With professional driving license. Please Send Your Updated CV with Current Salary at: experience in Machines •Proven productivity, product quality improvement through revamping of manufacturing systems. Timely and effective utilization of Capex. Should be exposed to software based production planning systems, materia ls management systems and inventory management systems (Raw materia ls, WIP and Finished products) . Email : almarai © nassers..org e4deuee4 exe 4e44 7ta44e 101/A, Royal Garden , Dr. Annie Beasant Rd., - - - Short l isting in progress. #2 . Union House, Mogul Lane, Rush your CV to Mahim(w) jfl , Mumbai-l6Tel; 022 243 10243/44 /45 IyIUItj I Management Consultants E-mail: mlink.toi gmail.com # be an energetic, self motivated individual with excellent communication and professional skills. Preferred age age group : 40-45 years. Indicative Package : Negotiable Plants •Applicatiui ‘Iants •PlantOper rocess Send your CV to the HRD Manager at ubr icat pipeconcrete @gmail.com M,, 000 -.- 3 / S t S 1 roil ucti rocess rut (rvb,mm , rra ugineer ins) •ProcessTe t flEI a rc, •I els & Tank Engineer ityCente!eIl Maint.) Engr. .kT..,.I... . .1 ‘I Plant • Manager, * • Engineer , Mechanical Maint . • • fln ..I .. ......th. n —— Power ‘Engineer , Electronics ( •ShiftEnngineer gineer (Mech .) • Technical cal Execi Executive (Mech .) . Plant ‘Foreman , 0Power me d acs SAUDI fl.. .. t .. .... a...& ..,.. . . . P .a . . . I . ,. . ____________________________________________________ GG16604D [email protected] OPERATION SPECIALIST : Candidate should have a minimum Bachelor degree in IPvlycarbonate GG16604H 168O4FI ggheewala.com Chemical lingineering with minimum of 7 years of Petrochemical experience and at least LOPE (Highpressure Lupotech ORsimi lar) HDPE(Hestalene I ORsimi larw ith Ext ruderKOBE make) GG16604J [email protected] 5 years in following similar post. Should havc the ability to pmvidc technical input and works with production engineer ensuring plant is operated in the most effective way, Technical unit I O PERATO R The candidate should have dipploma in engineering or equivalent responsibility ensuring safe, economical and optimized operation , Analyses and solves day LEAD to-day operationalissues onplant He shouldbe excellent in oral & written English, Computer witt h 10 years experience in DCS operation to lead and supervise, impart training. At least 5 literate and SAP operation. years in lead pneition is anmst followin gplants involved. Phenalics 3G16601C 166O1Cs ggheewala.com Phenalics I GG16605C 166O5C ggheewala.com Polycarbonates GGIO6OI D 166O1D ggheewala.com Pol I ycarlionate GG16605D [email protected] LOPE(fligli PressureLupoteeb er Similar) GGI6GOI H [email protected] LOPE I (High pressu re Lupetedi OR similar) GGI6GO5H 166O5H ggheewaIa.com HOPE (Hostalene or Similarwitli Extruder KOBE MAKE) GGI66OIJ 166o1J ggheewala.com HDPE4HostaIene I ORsimi larw itli Extruderk ODE make) G016605J [email protected] LOPE (High Pressure Lupetech or Similar) GG16602H [email protected] HOPE (Ilostalene o Sinhilarw ith Extnidef KOBE make) GGI0602J 18602J ggl1eewala.com METHOD OF APPLICATION : To app ly online , visit www. ggheewala.com/saudikayan.asp or email your resum e in MS-Word format to their respective E-mail Id given aga inst each position, compulsoril y mentioning the JOB ID in tth e subj ect line (must). : INSIDE OPERATOR Canndidate shhould hhave a minimum Diploma in Chemical Engineering with minimum of 10 years of Petrochemical experience and at least 8 years in following similar post. Should have veverry good y experience in DCS operation , Quick response to process upset, Ability to analyse more complex process problems, Simng safety backk ground and excellentcommunication. Olefins GG16603A 186O3A ggheewala.com Pbenol ics GG16603C 16603Ci ggheewala.com Polycarbonates GG166030 166O3D ggheewala.com PROSPER WI ru SABIC Exceilent payroll package with perks , single IFAMILY S I A f L S with furnished housing, transport allowances , 5 working days per week, annual paid vacat ion, one round ticket with famil y, free medical , end of service award. LOPE (High pressure Lupotech Olisimi lee) 6G16603H 16603Hs ggheewala .com HOPE (Hostalene OR similar with Exiruder KOHE make) GGIO6O3J l8603J@ggheewa la.com DCS OPERATOR Dipploma holders or suitably qualified with 8- years experience as DCS operator. Knowledge of different makes of DCS is desired. Following plants areinvolved. Olelins GGIS8O4A 186O4A ggheewala.com Phenolics 0G16604C [email protected] FINAL CL I E N T INTERVIEW IN M U MBAI ON 6 & 7 FEB FOR INTER VIEW DATE S & VEN UE PLEA SE VI S IT OU R WEB S ITE : FREE R E C R U IT M E N I G.GH EWALA U 11.0. ; 202-A, Bombay Market, Tardeo Road , Mumbal - 400 034 B.0.: 40/ 1, Beilary Main Road , Bang alore - 560 032 BINLADIN VACNIcIESINLAfiGE NOS. GROUP Leadinq 5 Star Hotels s Internshuns I irainee nosutuons avaulahie in: •FRONT OFFICE •HOUSE KEEPING If you are a DiplomalDegree Holder in Hotel Management with I yrs. work exp. in five star Hotels, Fluent in English,Age below 25... A new A world of opportunity awaits you. Please meet us IC person M-F (11am to sum) toE consu tat ons or email you r resume to us and we will revert back to you. f ’\ Vira \ Internationa l O) Arcade , Military Road , Opp Riosson. Society, Mar01, Andhen(E), Mu,nbai400 059.TeI: 40567777, 29200000 I i IflTIfl T 1Tfl t III iW 1rr€?T1W1Th T1fl mimi 1 T1Ti1 I —— .. .. COI tERC E CO IM!S.ilON COMPETITION LAWYER The Commerce Commission has a vacancy for the position of a Competilion Lawyer.The Competition Lawyer reports to the Chairman through the Chief Executive Officer on Legal issues relating to Competition , Pricing and Consumer Interests and is part of a Multi-DisciplinaryTeam of Professionals. The major task of the Competition Lawyer; • To facilitate the work of the Commerce Commission and provide Legal Advise and support to the Commission on enquiries and investigation by Competition Authorities; • Involves in High Level of contact with Regulated Companies in Fiji; • Provide Legal Investigations and support to the Commission on Economic & Competition Regulation Cases; • Representation of the Commission in court proceedings; • Preparation and Drafting of Legislative amendments and also Policy documents; • Indentify and managing Competition Law Risks across Business in Fiji; • Advise the Commission and Business Colleagues on Competition Law Risks; • The position is responsible for the effective operation and administration of the Fair Trading Decree 1992 (as amended 1998) and the Commerce Act 1998. This position will suit a qualified lawyer with 5 years plus postgraduate experience in a leading private practice firm , a financial services institution or a government regulatory body. You will need good experience in competition law. Qualification requires a Postgraduate Degree (preferably Masters) in Law and Regulatory Economics. Technical knowledge on the issues dealt with by the Commission will be an added advantage. Salary: F$40,000 to $55,000. Applications should be marked: Competition Lawyer Position and addressed to: Ministr y of Defence , Govt. of Ethio pia requires Researchers a Engineers Apply at: l90@ggheewa la.com mentioning in subject line the post. WALK .IN INTERVIEW IN PROGRESS IN MUMBAI & •niernsnip upporiunities 00 0 J k ____________________________________________________ _________ • Electricians: With good experience in Electrical installation for buildings. • Plumbers : With a minimum of 5 years experience in drainage and water supply internal & external installations. ‘A/C Erectors • HVAC Technicians : HVAC equipment installation , testing & starting, vaccum & refrigerant charging. Interviewa will be held in India in January OlO Ernal yo ur CV to charmai [email protected] Twin II U ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Applications should be received by 23 JanuarY 2010 SAUDI ARABIA On offer: On S Excellent salary and relocation package • Friendly professional support th roug h all the processes to getting you working in the UK ISO 9001:2000 CCI4TIEICO AGENCY ____________________________________________________ Raiwaqa Fiji Islands. Or e-mail to; sbaba@commcomm .gov.fj Engineer , Power Plant •Engineer , Mechanical Workshop ‘Engineer , Iluarry •Shift Engr. (Production) •Forem an, Mechanical •Power Plant Technician AA pp lkation invited fron the 5 Eligible for registration with the UK General Medical Council Have a number of years experience within anaesthetics • S Broad based experience within general,obst bic and/or ICU • Hold DNB or MDAnaesthetks 4th Floor, C-Wing, SAUDI ARABIA The Chairman Commerce Commission P 0 Box 5031 SAUDI CEMI NT COMPANY- SaudiArrt PLACEMENTS PVT LTD 4w - Saudi Basic lrid,striss Corporation (SABIC) represents Saudi Arabia ’s Industrial world nufacturer of basic chemicals , fertilizers , polymers and metals . SABIC was established in 19 companies , It has more than 45 manufacturing Sites worldwide, of whic 20 are in Saudi Arabia. SABIC has operations in more than more than 31,001 40 countries , besides marketing and investment divisions based at its he tiquarters in Riyadh. It has the strength of of highl y skilled and satisfied employees For more information about SABI pleasevisit our website: www. sabic.corn . SABIC is having job opportunities to fill the following positions located at Jubail Industrial ity, Saudi Arabia. Competitive salary, free accommodation , transportation , flights home , bonuses , full medical coverage , and child aducation assistance. For more nformation about SABIC, please visit our website ’ www sabic corn & wwwsaudikayan corn - • Should hold a Degree and specialit y of C r i t i c a l Care or Anesthesia with atleast 02 years experience in ICU. Cons ultant Medical I Clinical Oncologist and Consultant Clinical Hematologist •App licants should have MRCP. American Board ,o r its equivalent with certification in medical I clinical Oncology, a n d or clinical Hematology with at least 2 years experience in that speciality. S E C R E T A R Y Diploma Nurses with secretarial exp. IShould •CULINARY •F & B SERVICE SAUDI BASIC INDUSTRI 1 S CORPORATION (SSABIC ) Reqtiired f c r K I N G K H A L I D U N I VE U S I T Y HOSPITIU in Riyadh , S A U D I A R A B I A DOCTORS ICU •Direct and control Quality Assurance , Health,Safety and Environment. Should be Customer Focused. 11 months raid 112 , Sultanate of Oman. Fax: +968 24597511. www.bahwanengineering.com - Next to Atria Shopping Mall , Worli , Mumb ai - 18. Tel.: 022 - 66662666 (8 Lines) Reg.No.: 000304 !BOMIP E RI 1 000+/3/263/84 •Continuous tec hnology up-gradation and products developments resulting in improvement in quality, productivity, reduction in wastages, energy, materia l, labour, etc . AA P0 Box 703, Ruwi HR & Administration — — SHIFT SUPERVISOR : Candidate should have a minimum Bachelor Degree iinn OUTSIDE OPERATOR : Candidate should have a minimum diploma in chemical Male , 30-45 years old with a Unive rsity Degree Degree or Chemical Engineering with minimum of 7 years of Petrochemical experience and at least engineering or equivalent with minimum of 10 yearrs of petrochemical experience as field Di ploma in Eng ineer ing dsc ipl ine. At least 5 yrs. 5 years in following similar post. Should have good supervisory and personnel operator. Should have very good experience of field operation and troubleshooting. Good administration skills , Able to take first line supervisory role in shift , Supervising communication skills. Plants involved are UDPE(HDPE Hostalen process Basell technology managerial exp. overseeing a fleet of more than 100 and directing the activities of plant operators in his shift to run the plant in accordance or equivalent ItDPE slurry process such as Mitsui)and LDPE (LDPE high pressure ve hicles gained fro m Fast Moving Consumer Goods with the operation procedures and instructions , maintaining the product quality and Lupotech I T (Basell technology) or equivalent LDPE high hpressure process such as quantity, preparing action pplans and taking tt he necessary action to rectify the situation. ExxonMobil I ,Autoclave). companies. Exposure to truc k refri geration systems , He should be excellent in oral & written English, Report writing, Computer literate LOPE I (HighpressureLupotech ORsimilar) GG16606H 166O6FI ggheewa la.com ve hicle engineering and refrigerated display systems a and familiarwith SAP system. I HOPE (Hesta lene OR si milarwi th Extruder KOBE make) GG16606J l66O6J ggheewala.co m must. With professional driving license. Polycarbonates GG166020 l6602D@ggheewala .com Requ irements : Our client an NHSTrust in the South of England, wish to recruit Speciality Grade Anaesthetists. You will join the team providing emergency and elective services within a large busy NHS Hospital. We ofter attractive tax free salary, furnished accommodation, transport, medical facilities, gratuity and leave travel as per rules. Interested candidates may apply immediately mentioning the position estimation and sales of package / / splits units for use in commercial and residential projects. Candidate should posses good presentation flair and — — Engineering Graduate, preferably MBA (Operations Management). UK JOBS! Candidates with lesser experience can also be considered for other positions. mail/fax to networking skills. Ability to liaise independently with international contracting companies and consultants is essential. Qualification: - Graduate Mechanical engineers with 7-12 years hands-on experience in sales of central air-conditioning equipment like Chillers, AHU’s, Pumps , Cooling Towers, etc. Candidate should have the experience and ability to manage all aspects of sales including Customer / /Principal relations. Sr.Sales Engineers / Sales / Executives Package & Splits Units [MEP 3] Reporting to: Chief Executive Officer ANAESTHETISTS Asst. Managers 1Sr. Sales Engineers [MEP 4] code in subject line by email to [email protected] or - Plant Group Commercial Complexes. To meet our expansion plans we require the following professionals: OMAN .DUBAI .ABU DHABI We Hahwan ..ww... Design & Development. Minimum post graduation in engineering with minimum 3 years of experience in industry / /research // teaching. Having Publicationswill be an added advantage. Tax free Salary: Rs. 90 ,600/- to 1,04 ,600/- p.m. Engineers: CNC Manufacturing and Machining, Rubber Technologist , Tooling and Tool Manuf actu ring (Mould and die Design and Development>, Metallurgy and Casting, Computer (CAD / CAM) / programming with CNC Machines, Simulation & Animation. Minimum graduation in Engineering with minimum 3 years of ..q • Sr. Architect Civil Foremen •Trade Foremen • Elect.Engineer -MEP • Mechanical Engineer - MEP •QA Engineers • Quantit y Surveyor • Material Enginee rs (Civil/Mechanical) ‘Sr. PlanningEngineers • PlannIng EngIneer • Land surveyor RE QUIRED F OR LAND SCAPIN G AND GARDENIN G PR OJE CTS. • lrngatien Engr. • lmgat ionTecli nician • Landscape Architect • Land surveyor • Pump Technician • Civil Engineer For details visit: www .ggheewala .com; Apply at l93@gghe ewala.com mentioning in suI ect line the post . CONDITIONS APPLY G.GNEEWALA H.O. :202-A, Bombay Market ,Tardeo Road,Mumbai -400 034 B.O.: 40(1,Bellary Main Road,Bangalore -S60 032 (GOVT. KEG. NO.: 000353/BO M(PART/1000+(3/92fle4) • WE HAVE NO SUB-AGENT Researchers: In the areas of Industrial and Commercial explosives design and production , Renewable I Alternative energy design and production , Radar & Electronics , WR. and Armament industry experience. Tax free Salary: Rs. 62,700/- to 75,800/- p.m Perks for both the categories: In add ion to basic salary Project Allowance package , Free Free Air ticket , Free Housing, Free Transport , Paid Annual Leave , etc. 2 years renewable contract. Walk-in interviews with Ethiopian Delegates at Delhi on 19th., at Chennai on 21st and in Hyderabad on 23rd Jan., 2010. Forfurther details visit our website : www.global-placenients.inlo çthfia( cP(acements i ’ 218 , AniruTha hue , Rai Bhavan Road , Sonia i guda, Hyderabad-82. ): 048 2a30001 5/ 2 3l 4054 • MECHANICAL ENGINEERS & FOREMEN: Exp. in Maintenance & Erection of Process Machinery. • FABRICATION FOREMEN: Steel Fabrication, H.D. structures & Fabrication, Read Drawings. • BOILER OPERATORS • MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS: Experience in Maintenance of Gearbox , Pumps, Compressors , Oven , Packing Machine etc. • A/C CHILLER TECHNICIANS: Exp. in H.D. Chillers. • INDUSTRIAL ELECTNS,: Exp. in Controller Systems, PLC , Read Drawings • MECH. FITTERS: EXP. in Bench Fittings, Assembling & Refurnishing Semi Govt. Proj ect. Excellent Salary & Perks. C LIENT WALK IN INTE RVIEW IN BAA NGA LOR E 22ND JAN. ’10 Contact urgently or send your bio-data to: REHMAN ENTERPRISES ## 1361 , South End Main Road , Next to Mega Mart, 9th Block , Jayanagar , Bangalore - 560 069 Tel.: 08025988919/08242421981 • E-mail: [email protected] Regd . No.: A0156/KAR/PER/1000/5/8060/2007
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