Quick Throttle Magazine California Edition July 2012


Quick Throttle Magazine California Edition July 2012
JULY 2012
ON THE COVER: The Real Thing" by David Uhl,
see more at www.uhlstudios.com)
YOU, the Motorcycling Community
Randy Twells
Gary Mraz
Art Hall
Kevin DeCapite
Ray Seidel
Ron Sinoy
Famous Jake
“Wild Bill” Saxton
Digger Dave
George Childress
Dangerous James
Lucky Laurie Nixie
Cheryl Warren
Ed “Orgy” Iorg
CD, Randy Twells, Lisa Dalgaard, Mike Dalgaard,
Famous Jake, Tom "PIR8" Tinney, Ray Seidel,
Robert Sweeney, Art Hall, “Wild Bill” Saxton
Art Hall, Ray Ambler, Ron Sinoy, CD, George Childress,
Chrome Horse Promoons hp://chrome-horse.net
JULY 2012
Bikers Beat Up Prius Driver for Crashing into 2
A distracted Toyota Prius driver got a crash
course in what not to do behind the wheel, and
how not to cross paths with burly bikers looking
for a fight.
The Prius driver, a 19-year-old man from San
Jose, Calif., was headed north on U.S. 101 near
Belmont about 8 a.m. Sunday when members of
several motorcycle clubs sped by in the fast lane,
the San Francisco Chronicle reports.
The Prius driver took out his cell phone and began
recording video, a California Highway Patrol officer said. And that's when trouble really took off.
The Prius driver, apparently distracted by his cellphone video, at first veered to the right into another lane of traffic. He then overcorrected and
swerved into the fast lane, hitting one of the bikers, CHP officers told the Chronicle.
The Prius crashed into a dividing wall and a second motorcyclist before stopping. Some bikers
then confronted the 19-year-old driver and started
beating him up, witnesses said. The driver also
claims he was threatened with a knife.
When emergency crews arrived, the Prius driver
and two bikers were taken to hospitals for treatment of minor injuries.
The Prius driver will be cited for distracted driving, the Chronicle reports. That likely falls under
California's prohibition on using handheld cell
phones while driving, which comes with a $20
fine for a first violation and a $50 fine for subsequent convictions, according to the California Department of Motor Vehicles.
Though using a handheld device while driving
has been illegal in California since 2009, more
drivers are getting caught. More than 60,000 tickets were issued for distracted driving in California
in April 2012, up from 52,000 tickets in April
2011, Sacramento's KXTV reported.
As for the Prius driver's beating, the bikers responsible could be charged with battery -- the intentional use of force against another person. If
convicted, battery is punishable by up to six
months in jail and a $2,000 fine in California.
Being threatened with a knife is also grounds for
an assault charge -- an unlawful attempt to cause
violent injury. A conviction could result in up to
six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.
Attention Motorcycle Sellers
General Motors Cancels All Facebook Ads
Citing the fact that their own internal studies
show Facebook advertising as "ineffective", General Motors, the 2nd largest advertiser on Facebook, cancelled $40 Million in paid advertising
per annum. Recent independent studies show that
63% of Facebook users "Never" look at advertising while they are on the site. Another 22%
"rarely" look at ads and the remaining 15% often
look at ads. Another study shows that the biggest
"missing" demographic on Facebook is the
MALE between the ages of 35 and 65. Can you
say Harley-Davidson anyone?
Milwaukee (May 25, 2012) – A Harley-Davidson
motorcycle recovered on the coast of British Columbia after drifting for more than a year and
4,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean following
last year’s Japanese Tsunami will be preserved by
the Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee as a
memorial to the tragedy that claimed more than
15,000 lives, in accordance with the wishes of its
owner, Ikuo Yokoyama.
The remarkable story of the 2004 FXSTB Softail
Night Train motorcycle’s survival and recovery by
Canadian Peter Mark made international headlines after he found it washed ashore on a remote
beach on British Columbia’s Graham Island at
low tide. Mark discovered the motorcycle, still
bearing its Japanese license plate, along with several other items in the remains of an insulated
cargo van container where the motorcycle was
being stored by Yokoyama prior to the Tsunami
that struck Japan on March 11, 2011.
Working with news agencies and representatives
from Deeley Harley-Davidson Canada and
Harley-Davidson Japan, contact was made with
29-year-old Yokoyama, who lost his home and
currently lives in temporary housing in Miyagi
Prefecture, Japan. Harley-Davidson offered to return his bike. But still struggling to rebuild his life
in the aftermath of the disaster, Yokoyama respectfully declined. Although grateful for the offer
to repatriate his motorcycle and touched by the
outpouring of support from Harley riders around
the world, Yokoyama requested to have it preserved in the Harley-Davidson Museum in honor
of those whose lives were lost or forever changed
by the disaster.
“It is truly amazing that my Harley-Davidson motorcycle was recovered in Canada after drifting for
more than a year,” said Yokoyama. “I would like
to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt appreciation to Peter Mark, the finder of my motorcycle. Due to circumstances caused by the
disaster, I have been so far unable to visit him in
Canada to convey my gratitude.”
“I would like to thank all people around the
world once again for their wholehearted support
of the areas hit by the earthquake and Tsunami. I
would like to ask them to help convey messages
from the Japanese people about the tragedy of the
Great East Japan Earthquake, which was a disaster of historic proportions.”
“My heart really goes out to Ikuo Yokoyama and
all the survivors of the T hoku earthquake and
Tsunami for everything that was taken from them.
I cannot even begin to comprehend the loss of
family, friends and community,” said Mark. “I
think it is fitting that the Harley which was swept
across the Pacific Ocean by the Tsunami will end
up in the Harley-Davidson Museum as a memorial to that tragic event. It has an interesting and
powerful story to convey preserved in its current
The motorcycle was recovered by Mark with the
help of friends and transported to Victoria with
support from Ralph Tieleman and Steve Drane of
Steve Drane Harley-Davidson. It has since been
transferred to Deeley H-D Canada in Vancouver.
Plans for its transportation to and display at the
Harley-Davidson Museum are being developed.
“I’ve always felt Harley-Davidson motorcycles
have a soul, and their owners obviously have an
emotional attachment to their bikes. I just wanted
to reunite this bike with its owner,” said Steve
Drane of Steve Drane Harley-Davidson in Victoria, B.C.
“The Harley-Davidson Museum is honored to receive this amazing motorcycle to ensure that its
condition is preserved and can be displayed as a
memorial to the Japan Tsunami tragedy,” said Bill
Davidson, Vice President of the Harley-Davidson
The state of Michigan has overturned and repealed its long standing helmet law by making it
a-o.k. to ride without a helmet provided you are at
least 21, have at least $10K in medical insurance
and have taken a safety course or been riding with
an endorsement for at least two years. The original law was considered very flawed and given the
current political climate in Michigan both parties
decided to essentially throw the law out and replace it as described above. Several lawsuits by
various interest groups instigated the reform. It
goes into effect immediately. What makes this law
a bit unusual is that riders need not carry proof
of insurance or that they have taken a safety
course, nor may law enforcement pull over anyone simply because they are sans helmet. Currently there are 31 states where helmets are not
required under various conditions with most requiring just a simple medical insurance policy to
JULY 2012
June 1-3 in Sparks, Reno and Virginia City. Once again,
we hit the highway for Northern Nevada. up the 395 corridor through the Eastern Sierra. I stop continually to
shoot pictures along the road, how can I not? Mt. Whitney
and its neighboring peaks just astound the senses imagining being up there and looking down at us at the same
time we are looking UP. At 14,505 feet it’s the tallest
mountain in the 48 states. All through the Owens valley
are reminders of this being old western film country, where
the Duke and many others rode ‘em hard & put ‘em up wet.
And I don’t mean bikes! (or horses either, sometimes…)
And the ascent from the valley out of Bishop up past Mammoth Lakes to Lee Vining, past Mono Lake’s glassy waters
and strange stalagmite formations, the peaks of Yosemite
and beyond, wind gusts blowing puffs of snow off their
crests in the glaring sun, the winding road dropping out
into the valley where Bridgeport stands, golden in peaceful
evening pastoral sunlight. From there, onward north along
the Walker River- a shallow winding tumult of rocky rapids.
The passage into Nevada is epic.
Quick Throttle HQ at John Ascuaga’s Nugget—if you
visited the Nugget I’m sure you noted you could pick up a
Quick Throttle in the lobby at Registration or the Bell
Desk— I settled in to my comfy digs, greeted by a wonderful room with perfect air temp the whole weekend, never
had to adjust the thermostat, and 2 complimentary bottles
of water. I have to mention this and say, “kudos” to John
Ascuaga for getting it right--because everyone ELSE
charges your room bill for these tempting items at about
$3 a pop if you open one!
Street Vibrations is a unique event, showcasing
Northern Nevada. Sparks is the small town sidekick
to Reno, “The Biggest Little City in the World”, and
within a day’s ride to other far flung towns separated
by long stretches of unpopulated virgin desert, sagebrush and mountains. Virginia City and Reno play
second fiddle in Spring to the Sparks/Victorian
Square main event area with John Ascuaga’s
Nugget as the major sponsor and venue for the
headline concert, this year by the Unauthorized
Rolling Stones. So we began our weekend with
walking the vendors, checking out the local
boys -- LivFast Stunt Show 3X freestyle bikes
in the air at once, and John Stotts & Bela
Tabak riding dirt bikes inside the 14.5 ft. diameter Globe of Death, both at the same
time going upside down and all around too. I get to shoot looking up
through the metal grids for the exclusive Quick Throttle photo. The Iron
Horse Rodeo roping competition was a new thing but got derailed due to
gusty winds that blew the horse over, it being a model of a horse, not a real
one. Next time--The Slow Races got off to a..slow..start, on purpose! Local radio host Trey
Valentine was here with BOB 93.7 doing the MC honors and with the beautiful scantily clad model who acted as the starter, she also using some very
visual signals for the racers- hand held high was ‘ready’, hand held outstretched at her side was ‘set’, and GO was, she dipped down a bit and
slapped herself soundly on her butt cheek. You had to be there. A cigar
smoking entrant was the winner, and races went on all weekend with big
crowds at this first time Streets feature.
The Hot Rod display by Miller’s Chop Shop was also new, some beautiful
examples of vintage rats & rods and custom restorations. Beautiful memories of days gone by.
Unauthorized!! Rolling Stones-- The Nugget set up the Celebrity Showroom with a dance floor down in front this time, making it easier for big
fans of the Stones to dance and appreciate up-close the swagger and
strut that Rudy Columbini and the others brought to this Stones tribute
performance. ‘Keith Richards’ had the authentic crazy feather trimmed
hair and all the moves and guitar licks too. All in all a great show that
brought back some good times, or at least for those who actually recall
them! Great stage lighting in the Celebrity Showroom makes for a great visual show too and great photos which we have more of in our Quick Throttle online Gallery so check it out!
Virginia City was the destination for the Saturday Poker Run with bikes
lining the curb all along the main street. Riders take the scenic route on the
highway into these mountains that I can’t imagine traversing daily as a dirt
road in the 1800’s when this former mining town was booming. Virginia
City is its own isolated microcosm with a mystique born of strange visitors
in empty hallways and high mountains on which slopes it perches, separating it from the outside world. Our Northern Nevada correspondent Irish
Flame Dana Fruend /Anam Cara Tours gave us the Ghost Tour -- The
Bucket of Blood Saloon, the Old Washoe Club, Tahoe House and the whole
town are like walking around in a sudden time warp to 100 years ago, and
you can stay in the rooms that have seen everything. The uneven plank
sidewalks keeping pedestrians above the 1800’s mud street are still as
they were, whether walked on by a young lady in her long frock and petticoats with hightop buttoned shoes or by a gunfighter in a long coat and
Chester’s Reno Harley-Davidson’s party for Spring Streets was the
place to be this year. Marketing Manager Amy Baker says, “We had a much
bigger crowd than last year and our parking lot started filling up with bikes
as early as 9am. We had an excellent band (Alias Smith) that had people
dancing in the parking lot until late in the day, and we announced the winner of our May Ladies Boots Giveaway. The Dish Truck, a gourmet food
truck that has been featured on the food network, was serving in our parking lot from 11-4pm and Road Shows had a beer truck serving all day as
well. Despite the heat (almost 97 degrees), the dealership was busy and a
lot of people came out to not only party, but to check out our great inventory of new and used bikes. As a major sponsor of both Spring and Fall
Street Vibrations, …we encourage people to make Chester’s Reno HarleyDavidson a regular stop in their plans to attend Street Vibes in Reno and
Sparks. While we are separate from the downtown areas, we always have
a lot going on here, in conjunction with what Road Shows has planned, and
we’ve always had, lively, fun and peaceful events at our dealership. While
Spring Streets is still gaining momentum, during the fall event we have
dozens of vendors, multiple live bands, street closures and a huge party
that goes on all week long.”
JUNE 2012
Back at Victorian Square in Sparks the Roadshows models in their tall
feather headdresses and red chaps are a striking presence offering tickets
for a drawing for the brand new 2012 Harley 72 to be awarded one lucky
winner in the fall with proceeds benefiting Juvenile Diabetes research.
And Roadshows takes care of their VIP registered attendees with a VIP
party Friday and Saturday evenings upstairs in the Nugget’s convention
area with live music and free food and drinks including beer. Feed them
and they will come! Saturday also featured an arm wrestling competition
and the ceremonial Flag Raising with the National Anthem by solo vocalist
Tamara Evans.
Cheap Lick tribute band brought out the Dream Police ladies for their
show Saturday at the outdoor stage on the Square—oh yes, this is their
troop of ladies who will keep everyone in line at the show! With official
badges (badges? BADGES??) and nightsticks, I’m not going to argue with
them… a great show with all the Cheap Trick hits.
Sunday the Bike Show was again graced by Lenny Walker with his original
creation bike as he also entered last year. Lenny is a train conductor who
last year due to entering the Bike Show at Spring Street Vibrations, was
NOT working on the train when a big rig driver slammed into it broadside
out on the desert, derailing the train, killing himself but sparing the conductor filling in for Lenny. Lenny was in a different place than he normally
would have been, and who knows what might have been if the Bike Show
had not beckoned to him. We were glad he was with us again this year.
The Best of Show winner was a 1939 Harley service car that Dave the
owner bought in 1990 for $600, with the original box, put in $8000 worth
of parts and his own labor since then, and enters yearly but show judge
Gordon Madison sticking to his criteria and playing no favorites, passes
on it for one minor thing or another. But this year it finally won the top prize.
With a beautiful red paint job and well done restoration, using the original
box, the little red trike deserved its win.
The rest of the afternoon Sunday was for relaxing and listening to the
bands on the outdoor stage, Jelly Bread being the funky pop R&B hit of the
day, doing Stevie Wonder, Al Green etc., the bass player doing a killer solo
on ‘Superstition’, and people got so into it that spontaneous moms,
grandma’s and kids and dads all got up and partied like it’s 1999. The dais’s
that had displayed the Chester’s H-D bikes were now impromptu go-go
dancer platforms and made all the better in that these were just regular
gals who lost all inhibition and became like a flash mob of 2. (Not to be confused with the Go Go Bar’s bartop dancer in 4 inch platforms and a bikini
who collected patrons’ dollar bills in her garters.) For those who were
around late afternoon and hungry, we found that the food vendors’ BBQ
and ice tea, lemonade etc. were all now $1 per item. It pays to stick around!
Many hundreds of bikes parked all over Victorian Square and the Nugget
parking areas, vendors of every description and numerous bands rounded
out the stuff to see, hear, do and buy. We saw bikes and met people from
all over California, the Southwest and the Northwest too. The June issue
of Quick Throttle was a popular free pickup perk not only in the Nugget but
also out on the Square at many spots. Save the date Sept. 19-23 for Fall
Street Vibrations again in Northern Nevada and another great road trip.
More Spring Street Vibrations 2012 photos and Unauthorized Rolling
Stones concert photos at:
For 2012 Spring Street Vibrations Competition Winners Info please
visit: http://www.roadshowsreno.com/spring_winners/index.php
*Some photos courtesy of Chester’s Reno H-D, the band Alias Smith
JULY 2012
Vegas has a reputation for being hip, hop, and
new. The 3rd Friday of each month Dyno Tech
changes that by presenting Vintage Bike
Night at the Arts Factory downtown. Steve
and Tara from Dyno Tech started this a year
ago just as a birthday party for Steve, but
when 60 bikes showed up they decided to
make it a monthly event. June 15th marks the
one year anniversary, and it went from 60
bikes to 300 plus!
The Arts Factory is a great host for this event,
located centrally in Las Vegas, at 107 E.
Charleston. They are always biker friendly,
and have great specials. On Vintage Bike
Nights they serve LeChon which is roasted
pig for five dollars. The drink specials are
three dollar Costello and three dollar well
drinks. Sunday mornings they have a blue
grass brunch which they call the Hangover
cure! Have a bloody mary or a mimosa on the
patio and enjoy the music. Live music can be
heard Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights
too. You will have to visit one Friday night to
see the body paint exhibit. It is a sight to see,
mixing the arts and the vintage bikes.
Speaking of Vintage, it was great to see a guy
roll in on his 1942 Knucklehead! Yes, I said roll
in, it’s nice to see such an awesome, museum-worthy bike being ridden! After all,
Harleys were made to ride. They pulled their
permits in order to keep the peace with the
police, and when you pull in the south side of
the street is reserved for the vintage bikes.
It’s nice to see them all lined up as if they had
been riding together forever. Other than the
fact that I think some of those bikes are priceless, someone mentioned there was over 2
million dollars in parts in one small area!
All bikes are welcome and many are already
represented. So don’t forget to roll on over to
the Art’s Factory as seen on Undercover
Restaurant, to eat drink and be wowed by the
sights. See you there every third Friday, you
never know what you’ll see!
JULY 2012
JULY 2012
JULY 2012
The last several years have proved tough
for everyone. I even felt sorry for Warren
Buffett - supposedly that dude took a 9.6
billion dollar hit on one stock. What’s a guy
to do? Well…if you’re Warren Buffett you
take a $300 million dollar motorcycle ride
on a Harley-Davidson. (The amount he invested in HD in 2009). A billionaire I am not
but I can play wealthy media mogul for a
weekend and take a $37,264 dollar ride on
Harley-Davidson’s most expensive motorcycle: the 2012 CVO Electra Glide Ultra
And just where does one go, wrapped in
such luxury? Book a room at the five star
Hotel and Spa the L’Auberge in Del Mar
California. Moto-Journalists are familiar
with the L’Auberge because it’s actually a
favorite for press launches. Right on the
ocean, yet close to the Palomar mountains
providing exceptional riding to the quaint
mountain towns like Julian and Idyllwild.
But this moto-journo is planning something leisurely and local, like Para-gliding.
Yes I’m going to jump off a cliff in nearby
Torrey Pines.
JULY 2012
This 2012 CVO Electra Glide Ultra Classic with
Wicked Sapphire/Stardust Silver with Big City
Lights graphics paint trumpets “I have arrived,”
and in style and comfort. Both rider and passenger are in control of the independently adjustable heated seats while lumbar support will
help those long miles pass by comfortably.
Heated hand grips, cruise control that’s easily
operable via controls on the right handlebar,
and ABS contribute to its list of touring luxuries. Another luxury item is its one button
power locking system. Owners can lock or unlock the ignition, saddlebags and Tour-Pak luggage using the key fob. The fob is an important
device to the CVO Ultra Classic Electra Glide
as it also activates the Smart Security System
and the bike won’t start unless the key fob is
within range.
Launching onto the freeway this motorcycling
media mogul is quickly reminded why we love
Harley-Davidson so much. The TC110 engine
is immediately palatable taking this salacious
900 lb. bike (1400 lbs. with two riders and luggage) into the fast lane with unbridled fury.
Damn this bike sounds good stock; how the
hell do they do that? I need to see how well
behaved this behemoth is on the twisties, and
so to the mountains we go. I am thoroughly
impressed by the ferocious TC110 power
plant. Girlfriend seems more impressed with
lumbar support and extremely comfy seating.
Charging Hwy. 74, the Ortega Highway
through the Santa Ana Mountains, this beast
corners aggressively; even fully laden the
TC110 pulls ferociously up mountains grades.
I’m certainly riding high now at the famous
Lookout Café, The view is spectacular but we
are anxious to luxuriate at our destination and
forge onto Del Mar via the Hwy 15 south.
The 2012 Ultra Classic also pumps up the volume the premium Harman Kardon audio system that has it all: 4 speakers (2 up front and 2
in back) with an amplifier that distributes 40
watts per channel, an AM/FM receiver, CD and
MP3 player even an intercom and CB, “this one
goes to 11.” The system Audio Bass Booster
Ports in the bottom liner of the Tour-Pak and
the 8GB iPod Nano which comes as part of the
package and is now accessible via the hand
controls. A Road Tech Zumo 660 GPS, standard gear on the CVO Ultra Classic, will keep
riders on the desired path. Harley mounts it on
the upper left corner of the fairing so they did-
n’t have to rearrange the layout of the Ultra
Classic’s gauges. It also makes it easy to see
when in motion.
The L’Auberge in Del Mar bespeaks solitude,
something of a secret treasure; inconspicuously hidden it overlooks the Pacific Ocean.
The hotel is located on the historic site of the
original Stratford Inn built in 1909 which eventually became the original Hotel Del Mar, a favorite hot spot for Hollywood film stars.
Completely renovated in 2008 the rooms are
light and airy with very homey feel. Offering
gorgeous sunset views, refreshing dining options, a cheerful and cozy spa, private footpath
to the beach, and plush accommodations.
Ranked among the top resorts in the world by
Condé Nast, L'Auberge Del Mar is the perfect
place for a romantic getaway, a special event,
or corporate meeting for media moguls such
as I.
We were fortunate to arrive on the official
opening day of the L’Auberge new restaurant,
Kitchen 1540, and new executive chef, Scott
Dolbee. Its newly renovated dining room interior and outdoor patio are exquisite. I enjoyed
their house special, a Ferrari Martini - Grey
Goose, Campari, and Drambue with a lemon
twist. Girlfriend had her usual Chardonnay Albert Bichot Chablis 2009, Burgundy, France.
The Kitchen 1540 cuisine is eclectic, appropriately described on the menu as “A playful,
whimsical approach to modern American
cooking led by pristine ingredients along with
progressive technique and out of the box
thinking.” Without question some of the most
creative and tasteful dishes I have ever eaten.
Well worth a visit for dinner alone their extensive offerings meld classic and unexpected
making KITCHEN 1540 something one simply
has to try when dining in Del Mar.
Oh and back to this amazing motorcycle - ABS
comes standard with the components tastefully hidden within the wheel hub providing a
clean, streamlined design. High-performance
dual disc Brembo brakes offer consistent
stopping power. The 4-piston front and rear
calipers with dual front rotor brake system is
state of the art and top of the line. A high output charging system provides an electrical capacity robust enough for your add-ons: heated
vests, lights to showcase the engine, you
name it. There is an additional 12 Volt supply
in the Tour Pak providing 15 amps of power.
The next morning my girlfriend luxuriated at
the Spa L’Auberge and indulged a rhythmic
Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage designed to
relax the mind, release muscle tension. I on
the other hand head for Torrey Pines Gliderport for some Para-gliding. Only ten miles from
JULY 2012
NEW Three exclusive paint schemes:
the L’Auberge the Glider port offers hang gliding
and Para-gliding. Para gliding is very different
from Para-sailing. Para-sailing requires a boat,
while paragliding is free-flight; you’re not attached to anything. Para-gliders can fly on the
coast, and many also fly inland, at mountain
sites. Para-gliders can also steer, and the pilot
provides the input to the wing. In Para-sailing,
you're being pulled along by a boat with no control. Generally, tandem flights for both paragliding and hang gliding are about 20-25 minutes
long. Sometimes, the ride might be longer or
shorter depending on the wind conditions, and
your pilot will let you know. If your ride is less
than 20 minutes, there are a number of options
that you can work out with your pilot at their discretion, including a discount or coming back for
another full flight.
Truly an amazing experience, exactly what us
motorcyclist’s love - wind in your face, flying
free, only you’re 1000 feet above the ground
with no handlebars. I highly recommend this, the
perfect father’s day gift or fun for the whole family. There is no age limit, they tell me they’ve had
13 month old babies to 98-year old great grandmothers paragliding. Torrey Pines Gliderport
has been in business for years and is the most
popular site in America for Paragliding and Hang
Gliding. Prices range from $150 to $200 dollars
with special military discounts and a ten dollars
discount for cash.
Back at the hotel, the poolside Bleu Bar offers
unique snacks and cocktails. The gorgeous Wa-
terfall Terrace graces the hotel courtyard and is
open to the public. And from of looks if it on
weekend evenings a great place to go hunting
for “cougars” and other wild game. After all, the
median age in Del Mar is fifty, median income is
six figures and median house seven figures.
Without a doubt the L’Auberge Hotel and Spas
has it all. Across the street are the shops and
restaurants of Del Mar Village, and scenic hiking
trails at the Torrey Pines State Reserve. Nearby,
enjoy golfing at exclusive courses with
panoramic views, in the summer watch horse
races at the nearby Del Mar Racetrack. The Amtrak skirts the ocean and the closer the rooms
are to the ocean the more audible the trains become.
On our last day we breakfasted across the street
at the Americana. I enjoyed the Portobello
omelet with grilled balsamic Portobello mushrooms, goat cheese and roasted mushrooms.
Girlfriend had their famous homemade Belgian
waffle and cappuccinos. Unfortunately all good
things must come to an end and we mounted
the CVO Electra Glide Ultra Classic and headed
home. Once in Long Beach, girlfriend begged
for the fantasy to continue and head to Santa
Barbara for the night. But alas, with credit cards
tapped out and Electra Glide Ultra Classic’s return overdue, this media mogul needs to get
back to reality. As always, Harley-Davidson
takes CVO very seriously and any one lucky
enough to be an owner of such luxury is always
riding high.
• Electric Orange/Black Diamond
with Big City Lights graphics
• Crystal Citron/Diamond Dust
with Big City Lights graphics
• Wicked Sapphire/Stardust Silver
with Big City Lights graphics
• NEW Mirror Chrome Chisel Custom wheels,
17-inch front and 16-inch rear
• NEW Chisel rotors, front
• NEW BOOM!™ Audio High Performance
BOOM!™ Bagger front and rear speakers,
(40W per channel), Harman/Kardon®
Advanced Audio system, SiriusXM® satellite
radio (U.S. & Canadian models only), CB/
Intercom (excluding Japan) and NEW
Amplifier with customized equalization
for BOOM! Audio
• NEW Plush Tour-Pak® bottom liner with
BOOM!™ Audio Bass Booster Ports
NEW 8GB Apple® iPod® nano with
integrated iPod® holder connects to the
audio system through an iPod® Interface
• NEW Diamond-cut, Charcoal CB pod insert
on Chrome tank console with custom CB pod
• NEW Navigation Interface Module
• NEW Chrome LED King Tour-Pak® luggage
Brake/Tail Lamp on deluxe injection-molded
GTX® Tour-Pak® features 2.26 cu.ft.
volume, • Air-wing Tour-Pak® rack and NEW
Diamond-cut, Charcoal Tour-Pak® insert.
• Twin Cam 110™ granite powder-coated
powertrain with 110 Screamin’ Eagle®
identifiers on cylinder heads
• Rumble Collection rider and passenger
footboard inserts, shifter pegs, brake pedal,
highway pegs, mirrors, and heated hand grips
with chrome end cap
JULY 2012
Honor. it’s the first word that
comes to mind. It was an honor to
be a part of such an amazing event.
I have participated many times and
the feeling never changes; I get
choked up every time.
The Hoover Dam, located just 30
miles south of Las Vegas is a wonder in itself. The amazement
comes when they close it down
once a year, for the Viet Nam Vets
and Legacy Vets motorcycle clubs
to honor those who served and
those who are serving in our mili-
tary. Many join them; 1,300 motorcycles cruise across the dam two
by two, for miles and miles. People
just stand in awe of the pride in
front of them. Cars, busses, and
tours, of people are lined up waiting
their turn to see the dam, but in this
hour motorcycles jam up the dam!
Thousands of pictures are taken as
well as video, TV, and other media,
to record the amazing patriotic
event. Many stand outside their
cars and wave, honk their horns,
and salute the flags passing, such
pride, even when we have caused
an hour or more delay in their day.
Patriotic we are for this 17th year of
the Flags over the Dam. Everyone
wears red, white, and blue, coming
together for a great cause. Most
bikes donned with the American
flag, some with POW, as well as
other military flags. One thing you
can say - it was proof in numbers
that bikers are very patriotic.
The day starts on the Arizona side
of the Hoover Dam and the ride
ends at the Boulder City, Veterans
Cemetery. There a short presentation given by the Army Special
Forces and Green Berets to honor
our fallen. It is a time to give re-
spect for those who gave everything for our freedom. Look to the
left, it’s a sea of motorcycles. Look
to the right, it’s a sea of American
Flags. One on each grave. A moment of sadness, and of pride.
I’m not sure how you spent your
Memorial Day weekend, but I hope
you took at least a moment to reflect on its true meaning. Next year
if you are in the area, I hope you join
us in this proud moment in time to
HONOR our military past present
and future. Freedom isn’t Free.
JULY 2012
I meet a lot of women who ride. So
many, that it never strikes me as odd or
unusual to have them in the mix, and
some of the more interesting among
them become subjects of an article like
this one. It’s what I do and I love it and
personally welcome their presence
amongst us. Variety is the spice of life
and some of us like it spicey. You’ve got
to admit, it would be a hairy, smelly,
horny (oops I mean lonely) world without
them. But there was a time when acceptance was hard to come by and women
riders remain a minority in the biker
community. That’s what makes their stories worth telling. Each takes her own
path to two-wheeled independence and
makes it a little easier for the next one.
There always seems to be a few bold pioneers that, in the act of being themselves and marching to the beat of their
own drum, blaze a trail that will come to
be followed by so many others that it’s
easy to overlook the stubborn courage
of those first few.
Growing up in a small town near the
gulf coast of Texas, Lightnin new early on
it was a man’s world - but she was determined to always be her own woman and
those barriers that could not be broken
would take some major dents before she
was done. She knew her options in Baytown were limited: barefoot and perpetually pregnant or get out while you can, if
you you can, any way you can. So she did
what a lot of young men, but not many
women, did at the time. She joined the
Navy. Back then it was a chapter of the
VFW - that is, Very Few Women. But she
wanted to serve with honor and integrity,
to see the world, and ride the waves. She
did pretty well for herself during her six
year hitch, being stationed in Spain and
Puerto Rico, as well as some stateside
duty, and once earned Sailor of the Year
honors. It was in the service that she
started accumulating tattoos and lost
track after fourteen.
Being ready to get her land legs
under her again, she landed in Tucson.
Not a big place for boats or blue water
sailors but a great town for bikes and
bikers. One of whom she married. Back
home ( or would that be down home? )
she’d shared a Honda 90 trail bike with
her brother Blaine and sister Cyndi.
She’d done some riding as a passenger
here and there but this was total immersion. She took to it like a fish to water
and soon they opened their own bike
shop, called Tucson Custom Scooters.
Now, this was a time when riding Harleys
meant working on them and it never was
her style to be a helpless girly girl on the
side of the road, waiting to be rescued
by some two-wheeled knight in tarnished leather armor, so she
quickly learned her way around a
toolbox. As she says, “A woman on a
motorcycle has to know what’s between her legs”. Mechanically
speaking of course. She also
pointed out that she doesn’t care to
be on her knees unless she’s next to
a motorcycle with a wrench in her
hands. Things were going great except for the part about being married,
which seemed to run counter to all
she had done to establish herself as
an independent and free standing
human of the female flavor. So she
went her own way, reluctantly giving
up her role in the business but determined to keep riding.
While contemplating her next adventure, she took up tending bar at the
old Rainbow and then the Bashful Bandit, which enters into a lot of Tucson
biker tales it seems. It was a way for her
to get by as a single woman and stay in
touch with her biker buddies while she
lacked her own ride. Remember this was
still a time when some considered a
woman on a motorcycle to be a waste of
JULY 2012
a good woman or a good motorcycle, if not both. But not everyone
felt that way. Lightnin didn’t, and there were those who did understand her vision to be a woman and a biker too - and a little help from
your friends never hurts when questing boldly into the unknown. One
day at work a friend asked her to come out to the parking lot to check
out a 74 Triumph Bonneville he was riding. Of course she liked it, it
was a cool ride. So he flipped her the key and handed her the title.
She still says it’s the best tip she ever got. From day one she dedicated herself to justifying that faith in her and earning respect by living right, riding her own ride, turning her own wrenches, and always
keeping up with the big boys.
A lot of miles have passed under her wheels since then. For the
last eighteen years she has ridden the same 80 inch Harley FLH,
tricked out beyond recognition to suit her old school sensibilities.
She rebuilt it after a dog running into the road put her down, on her
way to her job in the field of veterinary care. Hows that for irony on the
subject of American iron? But even after getting bucked off she got
back on the iron horse, only now she’s got an iron rod in her leg. In
keeping with her country roots she lives out of town at the back of a
dead-end road in a beat up trailer that’s crowded with photos
and mementos and fits her like a pair
of battered old boots.
There’s also plenty of room
for her shop and it’s a good
thing since the bike is her
only transportation and she
still maintains it herself.
Lightnin is a published
poet and aspiring songwriter
who is happy to be living the
dream on her own, still
marching to her own tune
even if it means beating the
drum herself. She says that
girls don’t know what they’re
doing, ladies know better and
do it when they think no one is
watching, and women do it because they like it and don’t care
who knows or what they may
think. That’s why she’s a
Woman Who Rides.
JULY 2012
SERVICE! When you feel unable to Ride, Decide to call 1-800-649-4749 and we will pick
you up, You and your Motorcycle, Sidecar, or
Trike and take you both SAFLEY home FREE
OF CHARGE!!! This service is offered to ALL
riders in the North San Diego County area. Call
Rix Eden at 1-800-646-4749.
At Nick’s Super Burgers. Runs thru 1st Monday in November. 6-9 PM. Bike show, trophies,
50/50, DJ, freeze dance for children. 1712 W.
Orangethorpe Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92833.
Contact Pastor Jose at 714.231.0070
Bike Nights 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
of the month.
All-you-can-eat BBQ or Taco Bar,
$5. Margaritas, $2.50 tap
1465 Rio Rancho Blvd. SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 • www.riorancho-inn.com
In Carson, CA. great people, great food, drawing prizes, trophy for best bike and 50/50. Pass
the word, everyone is welcome. 501 E. Albertoni St. #C, Carson, 90746. 310-225-5535.
Free burgers and dogs, great drink specials,
and our famous Wet T-Shirt contest.
Wednesday is also ladies night they get $2 well drinks and domestic beers, $3 call drinks & imports. 1810 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas, NV
Every Wednesday, 6-9 PM, rain
or shine, sponsored by Quick
Throttle Magazine
Offering $4 spaghetti dinners and drink specials, best bike trophy, raffles and prizes.
5052 Katella Los Alamitos 562-598-8957 contact Jim for special events 714 -350-0772
Happy Hour Prices on Well,
Wine and Draft
$1.00 Jello Shots - 1/2 price Burgers
Free Raffles - Off track betting!
10618 N. Cave Creek Rd. Phoenix
(Cave Creek and Peoria)
602-861-1034 www.bigdaddysaz.com
$3.00 Jack Daniels - $3.00 Sailor Jerry Rum $2.50 Domestic Bottles
3114 E. Cactus Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85032
Bike Night every 2nd & 4th Wed.
Bike Parking Provided, Food Specials
$3 Draft Beer All Night, $1 7 oz. Beer w/Shot
purchase. 9800 Montgomery NE Ste. 8 & 9
Albuquerque, NM 87111, 505-323-4490
El Cajon Blvd., Downtown
Bike Night 4 PM-Midnight. Enjoy
$10 domestic buckets, $5. Jagerbombs, Ladies 2-for-1 drinks 8Midnight, Lg. 1-topping pizza $8.99.
Join us for our 2-year Anniversary
in June - huge party, cash giveaways, drawings
and more! 4145 S Grand Canyon Ave, Ste 109111 (West off I-215 & Flamingo). See us on
Facebook at 215 Saloon
Stop by the NE corner of Warner and McQueen.
Every Thursday at 6:30 to enjoy Free Wings, $2
bottles and drafts, $2 off pitchers
and $1 off wine and mixed drinks. 1430 W.
Warner Rd. #136, Gilbert, AZ 85233
480-892-2234, www.nicantonis.com Check us
out on Facebook!
$2.00 Breakfast Special 7 Days a Week
Daily Lunch Specials
SPECIALS on Food and Drink Every Thursday
Night for Bike Night
2017 E. Cactus Road, Phoenix, AZ 602-8670255
Come see the Famous Dirty Dogg
Girls do their thang!
Enjoy LIVE MUSIC Weekly! $316oz Bud Light - Designated Bike
Parking - Free raffles
10409 N. Scottsdale Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85253
- - 480-368-8095
Downtown La Mesa
The 1st Friday of every month is
Motorcycles on Main Bike Night
in Downtown Mesa from 6pm –
10pm. Free and open to all bikers. Sturgis
Style parking right on Main Street. 2 blocks of
Main Street shut down just for bikers! Call 480894-0404 or www.chestershd.com
The 3rd Friday of every month
is Vintage Bike Night in downtown Las Vegas. Come check
out cool classic bikes - Cafe
Racers, Custom Bikes, Classic
Harleys, Retro Sport Bikes & Scooters. Jammin' line-up of live music, live body painting,
artists and vendors, food and drink specials.
Starts at 7pm. Located at The Arts Factory
107 E. Charleston Blvd. Presented by Las
Vegas Dyno Tech 702.644.9412. Check out
photos on facebook - facebook.com/LVDynoTech
Hosted by Bikers for Christ SVG • 7 PM,
Starbucks-Eastland, 2620 E. Workman Ave.
W. Covina, 91791 www.bikersforchris.org
Meets every Saturday Night at 7pm. Join us on
the first Saturday of every month for Spoke N
Word with awesome guest musicians, guest
speakers and food. Check out our website for
rides, runs and more info. www.roadhousebikerchurch.org 255 W. Benedict, San Bernardino,
CA. 92408. 909-889-7136
First Saturday of every month (rain or shine),
9am at Rosa Café & Tortilla Factory, 28134 Jefferson Ave. in Temecula, $7 includes breakfast,
beverage, tax/tip and door prizes. 909-6002694
Every Saturday night @5:00pm, 6245 Sylvan
Drive, Simi Valley, CA 93063, 805-306-0042.
Join us every Sunday for live
rock and blues bands! Best
Bike Trophy, Killer BBQ, and
Great Food and Drink specials, along with our
gorgeous beer hostess on the patio. Raffles,
50/50, biker girl fashion shows, bike wash and
chili cook offs and vendors will take the last
Sunday of every month. Big outdoor patio and
ample parking.
Every Sunday at 10:30, Kennedy’s Custom Cycles in Oceanside. This is a meeting in which
relevant issues are discussed. We study the
Bible in a relaxed and informal environment. All
are welcome regardless of brand of bike (or no
bike), or club affiliation (or lack of).
[email protected]
Rushing Wind Ministries meets every Sunday
at 10 a.m. at our new location:
4168 Avenida De La Plata suite 101, Oceanside, CA. 92054. Join us for rockin' worship
music,street-level teaching by Pastor Z., and a
lunch ride following every service.
Call 760-940-0257 for more info.
THE GARDEN, a church at 86th St. and McDonald in Scottsdale, AZ loves its bikers! Senior Pastor Gene James and Motorcycle
Minister Rick Black conduct a “Bike Blessing”
after service every second Sunday of every
month. You will receive a decal, a patch, then
ride off in our gorgeous weather on a random
ride, then a bite to eat and fellowship at a
restaurant chosen by the group. Service starts
at 10AM, Bike Blessing follows. For more info,
hit [email protected].
JULY 2012
JUNE 29-30
MESA, AZ For all motorcycle enthusiasts: the Downtown Mesa Association will be holding Motorcycle Mania June 29-30 during The Southwest
Ambulance Arizona Celebration of Freedom. Motorcycle Mania will be replacing the usually scheduled July Motorcycles on Main and instead will
be an
extended two day weekend event. It will take place from 6 p.m to 10 p.m
on Main St. from Robson to Country Club both nights. Contact Coral
Email [email protected]
Carson City will thrill to the deep-throated vroom of motorcycle engines
from 250cc to over 900cc and classic auto engines from 4 cylinder to
giant V10s! Activities include: Sheriff's Motorcycle Agility Competition,
Show & Shine, Live Entertainment, Miss Legends Contest, Raffles, Cruise
Parade, Elk’s Breakfast, Awards, Vendors, Food and more…Benefits Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Chaps #1 & #7 and F.I.S.H. Contact Maxine at [email protected] or call 775.887.1294
see some amazing artwork as Tattoo Shops enter their best & the audience votes! BBQ & Live Music “Jimi Blaze” 1040 Los Vallecitos Blvd.
#113. More info at www.biggsh-d.com or call 760-481-7300. SEE AD.
LAS VEGAS, NV* HARLEY BIKE NIGHT at Las Vegas Sports Center Arena.
Speedway motorcycle racing on 1/8 mike dirt bull ring oval. Gates open
at 6:30 p.m., opening ceremonies at 7:30, racing starts at 8:00. Tickets
$20 for adults, juniors, seniors and military $15, 5 and under free. Located at 121 E. Sunset Rd, Las Vegas NV next to McCarran International
Airport. For more info call (702) 410-3675 or visit www.sincityspeedwaylv.com. Contact Sammy Tanner [email protected]
or see www.sincityspeedwaylv.com or call (702) 410-3675.
SIMI VALLEY, CA* Blessing of the Bikers, Benefiting Bikers, Start Time
12PM-4PM, Start Location Live Ride Church, Address 6245 Sylvan Dr.,
City Simi Valley, Cost Free, Add'l Info Live R&B/Rock Music by BFC Full
Throttle Band. Free BBQ, Children Activities, Free Raffle prizes,
Vendors,Celebrities, Celebrity MC MICKEY JONES. Bikers Rights will be
discussed at this event. www.liveride.org Phone 805-306-0042
CORONA, CA* Summer Poker Run, starting at Rack's 1650 E 6th St, Corona through Elsinore and Ortega Hwy and finishing at Cook's Corner.
$25 per rider, $15 for passenger, $300 high hand, 50/50, great music
food and drinks. Contact Doug Wilson at [email protected] or
call 213 605 2982
SHINGLE SPRINGS, CA* Presented by American Legion Riders Post 119
Benefits Veterans and the American Legion and other Veteran’s Programs. Ride with us through the Beautiful Mother Lode Gold Country,
ending at the New American Legion Hall in Shingle Springs. High/Low
hand awards, Raffle and 50/50 Live Music, Vendors, Chapter Challenge.
Run pins to first 200 $20 Registration per rider $30 two up Includes tri-tip
BBQ lunch Registration 9-11:00am American Legion Hall - 4561 Greenstone Rd Raffle 50/50 at 3:00
Contact Harland Dains [email protected] or call 530.622.0938
IRVINE, CA* 15th ANNUAL RIP’S B.A.D. RIDE Bikers Against Diabetes.
Presented by American Diabetes Association. RIDE WITH GROUP RIDES
from 1) Bartels H-D Marina Del Rey, 2) Los Angeles H-D of Anaheim in
Fullerton, 3) Del Amo Motorsports Redondo Beach, 4) Westminster H-D
– Westminster, 5) Swallows Inn -San Juan Capistrano, 6) Biggs H-D- San
Marcos, 7) Berts Mega Mall –Covina, CA – Culminates on The Orange
County Great Park- Irvine, CA (Former El Toro Marine Base)
$20 Minimum Donation includes Admission to Event & Concerts, Commemorative Ride Pin, Drink Ticket, Free Water, FREE PARKING - 3 KILLER
BANDS – “Z” ZZ TOP Tribute Band, Keston and The Rhythm Killers, and
the Full Throttle Band. Gourmet Food Trucks by Food Smack Down of
The Food Network. Chapter Challenge, Free Health Screening with MD’s.
10am- 3pm - 6950 Marine Way Irvine, CA 92618 - Off Sand Canyon at
the 5 & 405 Fwy’s. Look for the big, orange balloon! www.BADRIDE.com
BALDWIN PARK, CA* 77th STREET TRIBUTE RIDE-- Starts at Laidlaw’s
Harley 1919 Puente Ave. - 9-11 AM Reg. $45 Rider/$50 Couple on Same
Bike, PRE Reg- $35/40 Couple same bike. Ride to Original Mike’s- 100 S.
Main St. Santa Ana. Tribute Ride for Fallen Police Officers. All bikes & hot
rods welcome. More info 213-473-4827, 77thtributeride.com or laidlawsharley.com 626-851-0412 SEE LAIDLAW’S AD.
MEET- 10 AM – 3 PM--Plus BBQ & Live Music “Froghead”, come sell or
buy, enjoy the fresh air with us! 1040 Los Vallecitos Blvd. #113. More info
atwww.biggsh-d.com or call 760-481-7300.
ARROYO GRANDE, CA* For the Hell of it Run Presented by the Gold Coast
Wheelers MC Benefits Childrens' Resource Network BBQ & Brew, music,
raffle Arrive @ Bernard's Specialty Cycle 1506 A Railroad Ave. Oceano
Ca.10am Kickstands up @ 11am. Admission $15 Gates open 11am at
Biddle Regional Park 3500 Lopez Dr. Arroyo Grande Ca. Info: Bernard
805-481-7001 Event is 6 miles out of Arroyo Grande on the way to Lopez
Lake @ Biddle Regional Park. Entrance into park is free for motorcycles.
JULY 2012
Contact Scott Wetmore 805-440-1125
LAKE ELSINORE, CA Come celebrate Independence Day with us. July 1st
Pancake breakfast and pulled pork dinner, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. We'll be
lighting the grill every day. Dinner between 6-7pm! Food will be available
for a donation. This event will be held at Missy's Lakeside Camping.
32310 Riverside Dr. Lake Elsinore, Ca. 92530. For more info call: Mumbles (951)375-2388 or visit us at www.grandfathersmc.com
OCEANO, CA* The Hell of it BBQ a portion of the proceeds going to the
Chidrens Resource Network, Helping local disadvantaged children with
clothes & school supplies Meet at 10am at Bernards Specialty Cycle
1506 Railroad St. Oceano CA. 93445 Leave at 11am for a senic ride to
Biddle Park
lopez Dr. in rural Arroyo Grande near Lopez Lake for the best central
coast BBQ brew & music free coffee & donuts dinner tickets 15.00 at the
event. Call Bernards 805-489-7001 or TT 805-478-9084 for more info.
Contact Bernard Duque Email [email protected]
TUCSON AZ* STONED SOBER MC Presents the Nineteenth Annual Cycle
Splash. Noon to 6PM, $10.00 donation at the door, Live Music, Tattoo
contest, AZ Best Wet T-shirt contest, Super raffle items all day, .25 cent
drafts, cheap food, Air conditioned & Outside Patio. The River’s Edge
4635 N. Flowing Wells Road. Tucson AZ. FMI Bull 520-336-0150.
JULY 13-15
AND FESTIVALVETS PARK - Largest Bike Rally in Southern OR – Bike Show & Games,
Live Bands, Poker Run, Vendors, Spectacle of Bikes Parade, Benefits
SOYSC – Southern OR Youth Sports Connection
541-497-3978 www.ripcityridersoregon.com SEE AD!
MALT & MERLOT – Join us for Live Entertainment, Food, Music, Ride-In
Shows, Poker Runs & Walks, Bike Competition, Stunt Shows, Beverages &
More. Register at www.roadshowsreno.com or email [email protected] SEE AD!
7TH ANNUAL HEELS & WHEELS RIDE Presented by Ventura HarleyDavidson. Benefits The Breast Center, Community Memorial Hospital of
San Buenaventura. Unique signature event for lady motorcycle enthusiasts. All types of bikes welcome. Proceeds will be donated to The Breast
Center, Community Memorial. $25 pre-registered. Sign in 9 am. Ventura
Harley-Davidson, 1326 Del Norte Rd. Camarillo, CA Donna Buchalter
805.644.8588, [email protected]
JULY 19-22
rodeo, contests, prizes, tours, bike/car show, concerts, vendors, and lots
more. Grants, NM 800.550.3573, www.fireandicebikerally.com
KINGMAN AZ* Operation Help A Vet - Live Music, Entertainment, Bike
Show, Slow Race, Burnout Competition, 50/50 drawing, Food - Hog
Heaven, Shopping, *Veteran Resources* Noon to 10:00pm - MOHAVE
COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS. Mark your calendar for this HUGE
EVENT...sponsored by KVMT-Kingman Veterans Memorial Trust...We
Honor Those Who Served...P.O. Box Kingman, AZ 86402-3354.
SAN MARCOS, CA* BIGGS CREW RIDE – Starts at Biggs H-D 9 AM. Enjoy
BBQ and Live Music from The Last Call. 1040 Los Vallecitos Blvd. #116
More info: 760-481-7300 or www.biggshd.com SEE AD.
MONTCLAIR, CA* 2nd Annual SUMMER MADNESS at Hwy 66 Choppers,
Bike & Hot Rod Show, benefiting "There is Hope Foster Family". $10 Bike
entry, $20 Car entry. Find us on Facebook or call, we'll mail you registration. Ride-in's & Spectators are free admission. Contact
Chris Stevens or Clint LeGrant at [email protected] or Phone
the Tucson Red and White. Starts at 8.00 PM Tucson Clubhouse 2819S.
12th AVE. Live Music, hot Babes, Cool Bikes, Food, Cool Friends, Hot
Times. Donation $15.00. For More Info [email protected].
PM at Biggs Harley-Davidson. BBQ & Live Music-- Beatles Tribute Band –
1040 Los Vallecitos Blvd. #116 More info: 760-481-7300 or www.biggshd.com SEE AD.
Center Inc. a Non profit Organization. Benefits The Roque Center Drug &
Alcohol Recovery Center for Men, Women, and Children. Live music on
two stages, bike show, vendors, kids zone, camping and fishing, fun for
the whole family and more, drawing for a Harley-Davidson Road King. $15
advance or $20 at gate. Gates open 8 am. Irvine Lake, 4621 Santiago
Canyon Rd. Silverado, CA Flagman Frank 714.745.0948, www.freedomcoalitionfest.com, [email protected]
PHOENIX AZ* POW / MIA Fund Raiser. Vietnam / Legacy vets MC raising
funds for POW / MIA plaque at 7:00 P.M.at the American Legion Post 107
- 20001 N. Cave Creek in Phoenix. Door prizes, 50/50, music. $5.00 donation all are welcome contact AJ 480-298-8961 or Jack Sh-tt at 623-2384937.
7 CARD POKER RUN Presented by H.O.G. chapter 1665. 200 mile run
through Angeles forest. $5 tri-tip lunch, best/worst hand winners, raffle,
50/50, all bikes/riders welcome. $20/hand. Register 7:30–9:30 am. Antelope Valley Harley-Davidson, 1759 W Ave J-12. Lancaster, CA Don Smith
661.331.2139, [email protected]
CHANDLER AZ* DTMC Verde Valley Bikini Bike Wash at Tukees Sports
Bar - 4804 E Chandler Blvd (NW Corner or 48th and Chandler - The Old
Hooters) 11:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Come on out and get your bike washed
and show your MC support. We will have music, lots of fun times and of
course drink and food specials with the hot bikini Tukee girls washing
your scooter. For more info contact NateDogg at 951-712-5021.
OXNARD, CA* Smokin BBQ Charity Event Benefits Arc of Ventura. Arc
dedicated to improving the lives of those with developmental disabilities.
American Legion Post 48 2639 Wagon Wheel Dr. Oxnard CA
$25PP/40PC. Raffles Music Food 50/50 & More. Hosted by Forming So
Cal Sisterz of Leather & Lace, MC Contact Suzi - Q at
[email protected]
LOS ANGELES, CA LAPD Elysian Police Academy to LAPD Manchester
Police Academy
Motorcycle Run. Ending at a ride-in Car & Bike Show. Family Event, Live
Music, Prizes, Food Trucks, Vendors, T-shirt with sign up. Contact Officer
Baca at [email protected]
KINGMAN AZ* Operation Help A Vet - Live Music, Entertainment, Bike
Show, Slow Race, Burnout Competition, 50/50 drawing, Food - Hog
Heaven, Shopping, *Veteran Resources* Noon to 10:00pm - MOHAVE
COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS. Mark your calendar for this HUGE
EVENT...sponsored by KVMT-Kingman Veterans Memorial Trust...We
Honor Those Who Served...P.O. Box Kingman, AZ 86402-3354
JULY 2012
Concours d’ Elegance - 2012 LA Calendar Motorcycle Show continues
its 21-year tradition on as the premier outdoor streetbike event in America with top Celebrity Builders, the upscale Calendar Bike Building Championship & Concours d' Elegance at a new location the Calabasas
Country Club. Includes Top
Name Builders, selected Vendors and Exhibitors, live Calendar Girl Music,
premier of the new 2013 FastDates.com Calendars. $20 Admission, $30
Admission with Lunch, Free Parking. Pre Purchase Tickets on
FastDates.com. SEE AD!
NIGHT at COOL HAND LUKE’S– 5-8 PM 110 Knoll Rd., More info- (760)
752-3152 or call Biggs, 760-481-7300 or visit www.biggshd.com SEE
Laidlaw’s Harley-Davidson, 1919 Puente Ave. Save the Date for More
Info TBA, check www.laidlawsharley.com or 626-851-0412. SEE LAIDLAW’S AD.
STOCKTON, CA*Presented by Too Much Fun Club. Benefits Stockton
Summer Swim League.
Food, Live Music, and Too Much Fun. Hi/Low Hand Awards, 50/50, and
Raffles. $25 per person. Includes T-shirt, Lunch, & Poker Hand. Sign in
9am-11am Eagle’s Nest Harley Davidson 13900 Harlan Rd, Lathrop CA
95330 Camping, RV Spots & Cottages Available @ Windmill Cove. Call
(209) 948-6995 Contact Brian at [email protected]
MAYER AZ* Veterans Appreciation Day. Join Grand Canyon HarleyDavidson of Mayer in celebrating some of the men and women who have
fought for our country with a special BBQ lunch in their honor! Harley's
Heroes® will be here to assist. Free giveaways! Starts Noon - 4:00 P.M.
For more information: www.grandcanyonhd.com
CRESTLINE MOUNTAIN RUN (FORMERLY "RUN TO THE SPRINGS") Presented by Soldiers for Jesus MC, Inland Empire Chapter. Benefits Soldiers for Jesus, Costa Rica Chapters. Beat the heat! Get on your bikes
and enjoy a cool day by the lake. Live music, great food, vendors, raffle,
50/50. $15 donation/person. Starts 11 am. Crestline Chamber of Commerce Facility, 24385 Lake Dr. Crestline, CA Big Red 951.378.7796,
www.soldiersforjesusmcie.com, [email protected]
GRS Foundation & The Lake Arrowhead Village Merchants. Benefits
Gavin R. Stevens Foundation (cure for childhood blindness). The hottest
rods and bikes in the San Bernadino Mountains on beautiful Lake Arrowhead. Join us for this great cause, every child deserves to see a sunset.
Spectators free, $25/bike entry. Starts 9 am. Lake Arrowhead Village,
28200 Hwy 189. Lake Arrowhead, CA Jennifer Stevens 877.625.6505,
www.lacrods.com, [email protected]
BALDWIN PARK, CA* RIDE FOR AUTISM—Join Grand Marshal Dean McDermott and hundreds of your fellow riders at Laidlaw’s Harley, 1919
Puente Ave. in Baldwin Park, CA for a beautiful city, coast and canyon ride
out to the Sagebrush Cantina in Calabasas, CA. Benefits Local Organizations that Help Kids & Families Affected by Autism. Live entertainment
by Rebellious Blues, free Breakfast & Lunch with Registration- $30 til July
31, $35 Aug. 1-4. Pins and T-shirts TBA. For more info or to register visit
www.rideforautism.org or call 1-321-3AUTISM. Or Laidlaw’s: 626-851-
0412, www.laidlawsharley.com
MAYER, AZ Vietnam Vets / Legacy Vets MC MONSOON MADNESS Sat.
Aug. 4th, 2012 Noon to 4PM
Smokin Harleys Bar & Steakhouse 11255 Hwy. 69, Mayer, Az Next To
Mayer Harley Davidson $5 donation. Music, raffles, 50/50 etc. Contact PJ
Email [email protected]
NATIONAL CITY, CA* Rosarito Beach Harley Run Benefiting the kids of
Rosarito Beach California. Registration will be at Sweetwater Harley
Davidson in National City, CA 91950. 9AM to 11:30 AM. escorted Ride by
Federal Police, wristband entry to private party, Lunch Plate, Drink Specials, wet t-shirt contest, raffles, 24 hr. secured parking and Admission:
$25 Contact Martin El Jefe Email
[email protected]
PRUNEDALE, CA* Patriots M/C 17th Annual Summer Run.Benefits 24th
Palo Alto Veterans Hospital event.Sign in at American Legion Post #593
on 8300 Prunedale North Rd. 10am-12noon.Donation $15 includes 5stop hand (hi&low),BBQ meal,Live Band,Rider Reward ticket.Door
prizes,50/50,Rider Reward prize.Vendors welcome,no fee,contact
Frank.Also,Facebook. Contact Frank at [email protected]
HOUSE—Come enjoy our annual Open House Party- Food, Drinks, Music,
Fun! Prizes, Vendors, Raffles, Lots of great people and Quick Throttle
Magazine too- 1919 Puente Ave., more info call 686-851-0412, or visit
www.laidlawsharley.com SEE AD.
JULY 2012
Montclair, CA* Wings of Eagles Bike & Car Show, presented by Youth
Helpers a
501(c)(3) organization. Proceeds of this event go to sending children to
summer camp at Laurel Pines Camp. Great family event, food, live music,
vendors, beer garden. Cost to enter bikes in show is $15, cars $20. General admission FREE. Event held at Pomona Valley Harley Davidson, 8710
Central Ave, Montclair, CA. Come out and enjoy another great event!
Contact Lucky at [email protected]
SALINAS, CA* MONTEREY BAY H.O.G. Presents it's 14TH ANNUAL THUNDER BY THE BAY POKER RUN. Ride the scenic California Central Coast.
Visit famous Cannery Row and stop at the world renown Mazda Raceway
at Laguna Seca. $20.00 pre-registration and $25.00 day of event. Price
includes run pin to the first 250, tri-tip and chicken BBQ and poker card.
50/50 and door prizes. Silent auction. A hand made Harley theamed Quilt
will be raffled or auctioned off. Continue to check the website for updates. Contact Gary Deaton at [email protected]
LOS ANGELES, CA* BLACK JACK Run fundraiser to benefit HOG MEMBERS who crash their bikes in Southern California and are hospitalized.
Register at each participating Southern California Harley-Davidson Dealership and ends at Griffith Park in Los Angeles for a Rally with Rockin'
Live Music by
2AZZ1, Lots of Vendors, Food Vendors, Door Prizes. Chapter Challenge!
$25 rider $15 passenger 9am - 10am Contact Don Wiseman at [email protected]
SAN DIEGO, CA 4th annual Ronald McDonald House San Diego
(RMHSD)Charity Poker Ride. $20 P/P. Registration at Ronald McDoald
House, 2929 Childrens Way, SD CA @ 8:30am. All proceeds to the
RMHSD. Online registration and info www.rmhpokerride.com Contact PJ
Byrne Email
[email protected]
$15/Day, $25/Weekend. $5/night camping, Knights of Mayhem real metal
Jousting, concerts, poker runs, tattoo expo, vendors, party Thursday,
more. Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center. 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond, OR 97756 Info: Aaron 541-550-6845,
www.runtothecascades.com SEE AD.
LANCASTER, CA* Presented by Lifestyle Rider. This 3-day event is an
"Old School Run" to the Kern River in So Cal. No entry fees,No
Vendors,just ride & party along the River.Tent camping is preferred but
support vehicles are welcome.All Bikes are welcome.ADULTS ONLY.
Calkins Flats campground is not a pay or state park camping area. McNallys General store & restaurant 1 mile away. If you cannot make the ride
out from Lancaster HD then just ride to the campground anytime. More
info Contact Red Dog http://www.lifestylerider.com OR Phone 661-3730347
San Marco, CA* 3rd Annual Indian Summer Poker Run. Chapter Challenge.
Biggs Harley Davidson 1040 Vallecitos Blvd #113, San Marcos Ca.
92069. Start Time 8:00am. Cost $25.00 Rider/$20.00/passenger.PreRegister by 9-8-12 @ www.Biggshog.com or mail to P.O. Box 610 San
Marcos Ca 92079 save $5.00. Event pin for the first 300. $250 High Hand
$100 Low Hand. Last bike out by 9:30 lunch from 10:300am to 1:30pm.
Prizes/Raffle @ 2:30 Contact Bill Eldridge Email [email protected]
or Phone 760-535-4316
GLENDALE, CA* WILDLIFE POKER RUN The poker run starts at Glendale
Harley Davidson, 3717 San Fernando Rd., Glendale CA. Pre-registration$20.00 Rider, $15.00 Passenger.Day of the event - $25.00 Rider, $20.00
Passenger. The fee includes lunch, poker hand and a commemorative
pin. Cash prize of $150 will be awarded for high and $50 for low hand.
The ride ends with live band, vendors,
food and major prize raffles to benefit the charity, Wildlife Waystation. All
Bikes are Welcome! Contact Cardo Email [email protected]
KERNVILLE, CA* 24th Annual Golden State Rendezvous State Run!!! ALL
Welcome! Scenic Location on the Kern River! Live Entertainment by
Steelgrave, and Elmer Time. Bike & People Games, Vendors, Harmon
Memorial Ride. Awards. Pre-Reg. Price $30 single, $40 couple. 13-17 $
$10, & under 12-$5. RV’s extra $10.00. Deadline 8/15/2012, RV’s
extra $10.00. After deadline Singles $40, Couples $45. Contact
[email protected]
COTTONWOOD, AZ* 12th Thunder Valley Rally, Sept 14, 15, 16 Old Town
Cottonwood, AZ Sponsored by: Cliff Castle Casino Hotel, & the City of
Cottonwood. Over $4,000 in prize money for the Poker Run, and over
$2,000 for the KA Cycles Bike Show (Call KA Cycles for all your cycle
needs @(928.634.1364) Three days of the best bike builders AZ has to
offer, vendors, live music and Old Town charm. Contact Hezekiah Allen at
[email protected]
REDWOODS. More info to come. Save the Date! Call Barb Fryed at 707824-4861.
RALLY- 18TH Annual Music, Metal & Motorcycle Festival—Tours, live entertainment, Ride In Shows & Bike Competitions, Stunt Shows, Rides to
Lake Tahoe, Poker Walks & Runs, America’s Finest Custom Bike Builder
Expo, Tattoo Expo, BIKE DRAWING for a 2012 H-D “72”, tickets $5 w/% of
proceeds to NV Diabetes Assn. for their Juvenile Diabetes Camp. Register at www.roadshowsreno.com, at Reno Ballroom 4th & Center, or at
Downtown Sparks Street Vibrations HQ. SEE AD.
SIERRA VISTA AZ* POW-MIA Memorial Run. The ride will start is at Southern Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery, 1300 Buffalo Soldier Trail in
Sierra Vista. Registration begins at 8:00 am and the motorcycles go out
at 9:00 am. If you pre-register the fee is $20.00 pre-rider. The ride ends
with a 50/50, silent auctions, give a ways, live music, bike contest and
vendors. For more information call visit http://si.azvfwriders.com/
Santa Ana, CA* 6th Annual Downed Biker Rally. To benefit So Cal riders
who go down and need assistance. Smokin’ Live Music, Food by Five
Loaves and Two Fish Bike Show, Tons of Vendors, Prize Drawing and
50/50. This years DBR will be held at Church of the Nazarene
1500 E. 17th Street. Vendors Call Monika or Natascha Fletcher at 562692-6369 or E-mail [email protected] Contact Pastor Tom
[email protected]
JULY 2012
San Marcos, CA May 19, 2012-- Ten years ago, 105.1 KGB
Radio personality Clint August and friend Marc Baluch decided they should start a ride to help military families who
are hanging in there while their active duty husbands & fathers and in some cases moms & wives, were away fighting
the bad guys. The first ride had one rider and 40 people at
the After Party!! No place to go but up! But Richard Lillibridge owner of Biggs Harley-Davidson, was happy to host
the event and help it grow. I remember being there on
Coast Hwy. mid-2000’s in Oceanside where the store was
then, and the check presentation to Home Front San Diego.
Masses of riders came including many 3-piece patch club
members, Rockola played, the bikini models kindly posed
around a Sportster for me---good times then and in the
years since. And here we are Ten Years into it and stronger
than ever.
California Senator Joel Anderson also became aware of
the good done by this event, and wrote a Resolution to
draw special public attention to the May Ride, presenting a
specially framed copy of it to Clint and Richard at this year’s
event, in a special ceremony. The Resolution acknowledges that as of 2011, The May Ride had grown to 500 ride
participants and nearly 2,000 after-party attendees. Many
events donate a portion of proceeds but The May Ride donates 100% to the cause, as Sen. Anderson also points out.
The first year event raised $1800 for Home Front San
Diego, and every year the bar has been raised so that
2011’s event raised $11,000, and 2012’s goal was $12,000.
That’s a chunk of change in 10 years.
What do your donations accomplish? Home Front San
Diego’s role in support is to give practical assistance to the
families of deployed troops. So donations pay for needed
items like furniture, supplies and food, or any services or
products whatsoever. Anything a family would need. And
they accept donated items, merchandise or services too.
If you check Home Front’s website www.home-
JULY 2012
frontsandiego.org, in the FAQ’s or other tabs you can
find out more, and volunteers are always welcome too.
Meantime, at this year’s May Ride, the scenic poker run
gave everyone a chance to see the countryside and
stop at spots that were more than willing to donate
some space to pull cards and stamp a poker run sheet.
Back at Biggs, where the ride ended, the party got going
around Noon. Bands included pro-wrestler Chuck
Palumbo’s 3 Spoke Wheel, Josh Damigo, Studio 8, Trinity, & Circle 7 (formerly ‘Six Reasons’). 3 Spoke Wheel’s
Josh Martindale flitted around shirtless singing to the
ladies, and the Guns N Buns contest was won by Circle
of 7’s drummer. Guns N Buns came about because a
few years ago after having bikini contests, Clint was approached by a couple gals who asked if there could be
a contest that the ladies would enjoy too! So, enter Guns
N Buns. A contest of pushups, back views to audience,
and muscle flexing provides a counter to the usual bikini
contest and results in a winner chosen by audience applause. And, the Hooter’s Raffle Girls still get their
share of attention and sell a LOT of raffle tickets!
Another female force of nature, Dawn Matthews of So
Cal Custom Cycle was one of two gals from the shop
doing nerves-of-steel burnouts on their AHDRA Drag
bikes, and Rome & Randi 2UP Stunts did a gravity-defying motorcycle stunt show. A Bike Show and Car
Show displayed examples of beautifully restored vintage cars, and bikes from crotch rocket camo craziness
to ultra chromed rolling temples of artwork with engraving and graphics on every square inch.
A wide variety of vendors, gourmet food vendors, Clint’s
Bikes and Babes, and the inflated jump house for the
kids provided plenty of entertainment for everyone.
The strong patriotic message of the May Ride however
was emphasized with the help of The Flag Man
(www.theflagman.org) Albert Kapitanski who carries on
his decorated WWII vet father Alex’s volunteerism providing displays of large numbers of flags for civic and
other events to honor our nation and those who protect
it. The street adjacent to Biggs H-D was lined with flags
on both sides for this occasion, a very impressive visual
reminder of what this day was all about.
San Diego Chargers Center Nick Hardwick also made
an appearance and sat down to visit with battle
wounded Cpl. Michael Fox and other vets both active
and retired here today, who all in attendance including
Nick, applauded as the real stars of the event. They let
us all, young and old alike, rub elbows with them and
take our photo with them, and feel as though we could
share their perspective a little bit, and they let us try, in
our well meaning yet sometimes clumsy way, to honor
them, knowing that we can never, ever, really adequately
repay them for their contributions to this nation, which
we know, in spite of their modesty, is over and above
the call of duty.
See this story reprinted in our complete digital format magazine, at www.quickthrottle.com and, more
photos from the May Ride 2012 at
JULY 2012
JULY 2012
Pics by Janelle
on the street side of the structure. One
A peaceful river walk setting at the Pioneer Hotel belies the hub of activity
reflects “Old West” simpler times.
of the early additions to Don
Montanaians Norma Jean and EZ
Break time for Turning Headz
boutique owners
Tammy Wallace and Tim Kon
Havasu’s Turtle Grill offered water front bike parking and a tropical beach side pub.
I tried the theory that getting hit by a bird brings you
luck but Lady Luck was not with me at the blackjack
table that night.
Lewis and Taylor rushing off
to read Quick Throttle
Bikes lined up at Pirate’s Cov
e Resort. Bikers and boaters
partied together enjoying the
sun, sand and music.
JULY 2012
Little people Kiss tribute band rocked large at the Tropicana. The band stood tall
in silver platform shoes, wowing the crowd with a big performance. Fans snapped
photos at the stage and sang along to Kiss’ hits. Pics by Janelle
ic masal Works built this labor-of-love Goth
Blacksmith Joe Hardin/Hardin Met
the scratch-built frame on knuckleh
terpiece from ground-up, including
ched wood-sheathed bille
Artfully forged sheet metal, grain-mat
S&S retro-shovel/
braided leather line covers grace this
Randy Twells.
Two guys in a column of about 20 bikes, riding the desert wind.
Photo by Randy Twells.
A-Team Motorcycles at Lau
ghlin River Run 2012 had this
red beauty on display—a 2009 Arlen Ness V-L
iner. Built with a Victory 106
”, it’s the last one
available—#8 of only 14 prod
uced and sitting on the showro
om floor at A-Team
in Las Vegas, as we speak. Pho
to by Randy Twells.
During Laughlin River Run 2012,
our hard working Bullhead City Fire
seem to be avid ‘readers’ of Quick Thro
ttle Magazine’s April issue—especia
lly the
‘articles’! Photo by Randy Twells.
JULY 2012
JULY 2012
Another year has gone by to mark this
Memorial Day, May 28, 2012. Our
finest and bravest have once again,
made the ultimate sacrifice in insuring
that Liberty and Freedom continue to
reign in the greatest country this world
has ever known! Since last years
event, more of our brothers, sisters,
fathers and even young mothers have
fallen and given their life's blood in
service to our country. This is what the
RidersUSA "Flags for Our Fallen" event
is all about! It is a tribute to those real
American heroes who have fought for
our nation in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and in many
other conflicts too numerous to mention, who are no longer with us in body
but certainly in spirit.
It goes without saying that we also
honor and give tribute to those who
have served and are serving. Those
who have seen and confronted the evil
in this world and have lived to tell
about it. It is through them that their
message can finally be understood.
The message is this: that it is our Patriotic duty to pass on their experiences
to ensuing generations so that history
will not repeat itself. Confronting evil
and tyranny long before it is allowed to
grow and fester is to benefit from
those experiences and save lives. We
ignore these signals at our own peril!
I am proud to have stood next to fellow
Veterans and non-Veterans alike who
woke in the wee hours of Monday
morning, to line up their 200 spitshined Motorcycles next to 160 American Flags. Those Flags flapping in the
morning breeze with Bikers who stood
as virtual honor guards along Cave
Creek Road for over 1/2 mile leading
to the entrance of the Phoenix National Memorial Cemetery. Bikers from
a number of organizations stood as
one cohesive unit as they saluted or
waved to those drivers and passengers on their way to visit with loved
ones interred in the cemetery or to attend the ceremony honoring those
heroes who had passed on. Others
held signs that read, "We will Never
Forget", "God Bless Our Vets" or
"Thank You Vets". It was a sight to behold.
A squadron of Bi-Planes flew overhead against a bright blue sky to suddenly break into a "missing man"
formation. The Red, White and Blue
overwhelmed the senses. The camaraderie among both Veteran's and
non-Veterans alike was apparent
everywhere you looked. It was a fine
day to be an American!
Vince Ansel
JULY 2012
JULY 2012
JULY 2012
Hawthorne Nevada, known lovingly throughout the State as “America's Patriotic
As you drive the 95 corridor into Hawthorne you see that there is a strong military
presence here. One sign says “Underwater Military Installation” in the middle of the
desert. What? Oh yeah, Walker Lake is right here. One of the deepest lakes in the
State. There are many unique histories and mysteries in Nevada, this is one of them,
so worth exploring.
There is an active Army Depot, large storage buildings and strange bunkers dotted
through out the surrounding city. All branches of the Military come here for Desert
training, Cool! As you enter Hawthorne, you see red, white and blue decorations,
flags, buildings and some people are dressed up and even painted with patriotic
colors. Beautiful!
Armed Forces Weekend kicked off Thursday with a rocking outdoor concert by
Country Western Star John Michael Montgomery. The well attended Concert was
hosted by Buck Hall, owner of the popular Barley's Sport's Bar and the new Refinery
restaurant. Opening for JMM was the crowd pleasing Jason King Band. The weekend was filled with music, events and hometown activities like Barley's richest Chili
cook-off, a VFW Rib cook-off, Elks lodge pancake breakfast, Miss Armed forces pageant, the Second Amendment Steele Plate & Sniper Qualifier, the 52nd Walker Lake,
High Desert Juried Art Show (A very honored yours-truly was asked to be a judge)
and even The Nevada Gunfighter's were causing a ruckus at the Veteran's memorial
park for the crowds enjoyment. The El Capitan Casino hosted an exciting Friday
night fireworks display and the people enjoying all the days events drift up and
down the main street supporting the local bars, vendors and music scene late into
the evening.
Saturday started with a local favorite, the “Fireman’s Water fight” held in the center of
town, Wet and wild fun to watch! The crowd is now lining up along the long city sidewalks for the famous AFD Parade. What started as a small town event has grown into
several thousand who come from all over to participate and honor our Armed Forces.
JULY 2012
Armed Forces Day started in 1947 as Navy days and officially became Armed Forces Day, May 20,1950. Here in Nevada the largest
and most attended AFD celebration is in Hawthorne. The opening
ceremonies are filled with welcome, prayers and introduction of
VIP'S, a spirit moving Battle Hymm of the Republic was sung by
beautiful songbird Cassie Dore, the presentation of the flags and
the history of the different American flags, American sacrifice and
patriotism were also presented. The NAS Search and Rescue CH60 Helicopter did an impressive fly over and now, the parade was
on! All branches of the military were represented in this colorful
parade as well as, Police, Fire and EMS from several counties in
the State. We see Flags, floats, horses, Military and civilian Vehicles and then, winding his way up the street, slithering in at 14 feet
high, 75 foot long and blowing smoke out of his nose, is a black
and gold, “CECIL” the serpent, a crowd favorite and local icon,
scaring small children and dogs into losing all bodily functions.
since the 1930's. What a site to see up close.
Next, came a roaring thunder of bikes. A very special “Freedom
Ride” is held by the much loved Iron Nation MC. Each year bikers,
bike enthusiasts, Veterans, active servicemen and women come
from across the nation to support this patriotic event and ride in.
It was very moving to see a crowd cheer for many patches, one
heart and three colors...Red, White and Blue.
Ending the Parade with great anticipation is the presentation of
the “Big Flag” being carried by locals, military and High school students. According to Dave Fergusen the big Flag's caretaker “This
Big Flag is 30 x 60 feet and is known as the 10834 Eisenhower
proclamation flag. It has precise measurements on how big the
stars are to be as well as the stripes. “
the “Big Flag” is proudly escorted down the main street to the Veterans Memorial park where the flag is then passed over a fence
where all of the bikers, Military and community have gathered to
receive the “Big Flag” and assist with it being hoisted up onto the
115 foot flagpole. All of the servicemen and veterans are saluting
it, civilians have there hands over their hearts, tears are flowing as
freely as the giant flag is now waving. What a moment to be proud
to be an American, love your country and honor our Military Armed
Forces past and present, all in one great unforgettable weekend.
Whew! The day continued with an impressive Military and civilian
static airplane display at the Airport, hosted by Miss Betty Easley.
Food, music and biker games carried on throughout the city and
on a very cool note, one very patriotic local bar called Joe's Tavern
had crazy Trike races and allowed bikers to not only drive through
his bar but to park inside, sit a spell and have a drink. Now that is
America! Thank you Hawthorne Nevada, for welcoming us and
making us feel a part of “America's Patriotic Home”
Dana Lee Fruend ( Irish Flame ) is a freelance writer and Owner of
Anam Cara Tours in Carson City, NV.
JULY 2012
JULY 2012
JULY 2012
JULY 2012
Bert’s Megamall, The worlds largest powersports showroom, in Covina has been in business
for over 50 years ...but who is Bert? The original operation was a bicycle shop named “Bert’s
bicycles” after its owner. In 1959 Ed Seidner purchased the shop and there wasn’t enough
money in the till to change the sign. The name Bert’s has remained ever since.
The small bicycle shop became the largest Schwinn bicycle dealer in California. In 1963, Ed
expanded his business to include Yamaha Motorcycles. Ed became the largest Yamaha
dealer in the United States. He then added to his product lineup, Kawasaki, Bultaco, BMW,
AJS, and Triumph. As the motorcycle business grew, Ed’s sons Steve and Ron Seidner decided to follow in their father’s footsteps. In 1976, Bert’s suffered a major fire. They were
forced to move across the street into their motorcycle salvage yard, lost all factory franchises,
and then were forced to sell strictly used motorcycles, parts, and aftermarket accessories.
Ed Seidner opened his own construction company, Steve Seidner went into the automobile
industry and Ron took over the Motorcycle business.
Bert’s remains a family run business, passionate about powersports. Ron say’s he’s a lucky
man to be working closely with his family. Ron works with his wife Kim everyday at the
shop, as well as four of his five children. His daughters Lisa and Brittany have been there
12 years, Amy for 10 years and his son Zachary has been working for 1 year at Bert’s. In
fact the powesports family includes his employees; “I have great people”, Ron says, but two
of them have been with Bert’s for 37 years, Bonnie Alva and Scott Webster.
Recently Bert’s has added Triumph Motorcycles and though only several months into Triumph’s tenure, sales have rocketed. In fact Bert’s will carry the full line of Triumphs, from
the powerful Rocket III touring to the new dual sport adventure bike, The Tiger Explorer.
Classic Bonneville’s and Thunderbirds are big sellers. Looking good riding your motorcycle
is always essential and Bert’s will carry Triumphs exceptional line of motor clothes for men
and women. Below are just a few of the happy new Triumph owners, now part of the Bert’s
JULY 2012
JULY 2012
JULY 2012
JULY 2012
be valid.
Civil cases are pending in at least two other states
that we are aware of and based on case law we expect that Nevada may also be looking at a similar
fix as outlined above.
coin from the new Michigan law, sits the CDC
(Center for Disease Control) who says that
mandatory helmet laws save American taxpayers
over $3.2 Billion dollars a year in addition to saving hundreds, perhaps thousands of lives. They
provided state by state figures and argue that in a
motorcycle accident not only are you more likely
to suffer serious injuries and possible death if you
are not using a helmet, but also that you will cost
the taxpayers 4 times the money verses a helmeted
rider in the same state in the same type of accident. Helmet use lowers risk by 42% in riders and
37% in passengers. One odd statistic that the
CDC found was that even in states with universal
helmet laws, 12% of fatally injured riders were not
wearing a helmet at the time of their crash and
subsequent demise. That’s a strange stat given
how strongly states with helmet laws enforce
those laws.
Well the announcement may say he settled but it
looks more like Harley cleaned his clock. You
may remember that St. Paul, MN. H-D sued
Harley corporate saying their ban forbidding on
line out of area sales was illegal. The dealer
claimed he made $8 million in just two years with
the website and refused to take it down nor comply with Harley’s edict and addition to his dealer
franchise. As fast as it started is as fast as it ended,
after a Federal Judge refused to hear the case and
told both parties to settle. St. Paul H-D’s sales
website is no longer active and in its place is an
apology letter from the dealer hoping that no one
is inconvenienced. Since the lawsuit was then dismissed with “Prejudice” by the court and cannot
be filed again it looks for sure like the dealer simply was forced to settle and all on-line sales out of
the basic marketing area or too a third party independent dealer, are finished.
another 5% as demand bounces back with a
vengeance. Great news for Harley and its dealers
but not such great news for potential buyers as
shortages have given rise to higher prices and according to several surveys, Harleys around the nation are now all selling at MSRP or above. Short
version: There ain’t many deals out there, Bro!
Using special software and surveying nearly 1400
motorcycle dealerships of all types nationwide,
the firm ADP Lightspeed has concluded that all
dealerships nationwide are up an average of 20%
over the same period in 2011. Largest gains are in
the Midwest where dealer increases average some
37%. The deep south lags behind with only a 4%
overall sales increase.
JAPANESE M/C SALES UP 6.7%: Contrast all
our good news concerning the United States motorcycle market with the latest sales figures out of
Japan and you’ll realize just how fast and how far
the U.S. market has bounced back. As mentioned
above, overall sales in our market have averaged a
20% jump with Harley leading the way, at times
with upwards of a 30% increase while the overall
Japanese market hovers at under 7%. Given all
their other problems including last years quake and
follow up tsunami, that’s still pretty good news.
SAVIOR: Rumors have swirled for months that
Saxon was in big trouble and needed an influx of
cash that only a huge buy out could supply. Officials at Saxon never really admitted that until they
posted the company as up for sale via their Twitter
account. The Twitter post included a link to the
Facebook account where they confirmed that indeed the company is very much available for sale.
I guess they are looking for a social media devotee
who will dump millions into a failing company in
between playing games of “Words with Friends”
and “Angry Birds”
CASE: This is indeed very good news for the
group, “Concerned Citizens for Sturgis” the group
opposing those trademarks, and bad news for
SMRI (Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Inc) who claims
ownership. Many trademark and patent attorneys
interviewed along with several States Attorney
Generals agree with the Concerned Citizens group
that the granting of those very same trademarks
was an error and illegal. Most feel the case hinges
on a simple concept: How can anyone be given a
trademark covering the legally designated name of
a geographical area like a town, city or region especially when vendors had been selling Sturgis and
Black Hills items for almost 50 years, prior to the
U.S. Trademark and Patent office granting the request made by the Sturgis Chamber of Commerce
and then deeded over to SMRI? Trial should start
this year but no decision is expected until early
2013 so you will still be paying higher merchandise
prices for buying “Official Sturgis Rally” goods at
this year’s event in August. Meanwhile in other
Sturgis trademark related news, SMRI has added
the nations largest retailer, Wal-Mart to its lawsuit
claiming that Wal-Mart is selling “Official” Sturgis
trademarked material illegally since the goods were
not licensed by SMRI. Wal-Mart has countered as
have so many others involved in the lawsuit by saying that the trademarks that SMRI holds are not
valid and are contrary to existing trademark and
patent laws. My money is on these trademarks
being reversed and over turned.
STALLION TRIKES TO RESUME PRODUCTION: On a much more positive note Thoroughbred Motorsports, parent company of the almost
sports car like Stallion Trikes has announced an
immediate resumption of production. The trikes
are set to sell at an MSRP price of $33,995. Some
may disagree but we always thought these were
cool and very fun to ride. With the trike market still
growing there would certainly seem to be a spot for
these heavy but very stable, very fast motorcycles.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: It has just been revealed that in 2010 Harley-Davidson applied for
and was granted a patent on a water cooled motor
apparatus. Patents don’t mean they’ll be used or
manufactured but it’s an interesting tid bit of info
isn’t it?
INFO: Long time sport bike builder and ex
Harley alum, Eric Buell has begun signing up
sport bike dealerships for his latest motorcycle
building endeavor. Three models coming along
with accessories and performance upgrades. Stay
tuned. We’ll be back with more on this very soon.
PROSPECT SERVICE: According to industry
survey leader, Pied Piper, Harley dealers were
tops at giving prospective buyers the best service
and education on products over their two wheeled
competitors. Service was determined from a variety of criteria with Harley topping its nearest rivals BMW and Ducati. Congratulations to all the
Harley dealers surveyed. It’s a well know fact that
initial contact satisfaction is the key to growing
sales and adding riders to the Harley tribe.
move that runs contrary to the entire U.S. Motorcycle industry, Gerbings Heated Clothing has
begun moving all of its offshore product production back to the good old U.S. of A! Now all of its
products will be produced in its new plant in
Stoneville, North Carolina. While this will take
almost 3 years to fully implement the Stoneville
plant is already up and running and employing
American labor in the first phase that covers
25,000 of an available 80,000 square foot plant.
Not only will Gerbings make everything here but
they intend to source all their raw materials here
as well. Fabrics, buttons, zippers, snaps, wiring etc
will all be made in the USA. When Gerbings says
“Made in America” they mean from the ground
Great news for riders as well as for the country.
Lets hope more companies follow suit!
SONS OF ANARCHY: Not only can you dress
like an outlaw biker from this #1 rated TV show
on FX, but thanks to a huge deal with Bartels HD of Marina Del Ray, California you’ll be able to
ride like one as well. 20TH Century Fox, parent
company of the FX Channel just signed a deal for
Bartel’s to produce 100 Custom Harley-Davidson
Motorcycles themed from “Sons” to be sold in
Harley shops around the nation by late fall of this
Given SOA’s worldwide popularity an avalanche
of licensing deals is coming down the money
slope as we speak. Mugs, clothes, board games,
models, pajamas, and a ton of other stuff that will
border on the silly to the ridiculous, but will sell in
the tonnage area to viewers who are not even riders. Look for a great deal of it by October as
“Sons of Anarchy, Season 5” begins in early September.
HARLEY ANNOUNCES 110TH ANNIVERSARY PLANS: With 2013 just around the corner
Harley-Davidson has begun the planning and
process for celebrating its 110th Anniversary with
a ride home to Milwaukee and a week long fun
fest of activities. There will also be celebrations in
other cities. The Motor Company also announced
that they will be celebrating the 30th Anniversay
of HOG at the same time. Start planning your
trip by going to the Harley website and watch for
timely announcements and news.
JULY 2012