Table of Contents WORKSHOP CRIMPERS S2M S2P S2A S2DC 1 HM200 HM200 ecoline HM208 2 S6 S6 ecoline S7 3 S8 S10i 4 PRODUCTION CRIMPERS HM220 HM225 5 HM325iB HM375iB HM380iB 6 HM480 HM485 7 CRIMPER FOR AUTOMOTIVE HOSES HM245 HM245 Twin 8 CUTTING MACHINES EM8M EM8P EM115 EM110 9 CLEANING MACHINES RG10 RG2 TEST BENCHES 10 P160 11 P200 12 OPTIONS 13- 14 Uniflex Machine Workshop Crimpers S2M S2P S2A S2DC Uniflex Machine Workshop crimpers s2m s2p s2a 技术参数 Technical daTa 扣压力 / Crimp force (kN / Ton) 免润滑,比常规设备摩擦损伤减少20% / No grease: 20% less friction S2M S2P S2A S2DC 900 / 90 900 / 90 900 / 90 900 / 90 模具种类 Type of dies 263 Ø mm -mm- 6,8 40 9 75 12 75 14 75 可选配功能 / Optional 17 75 PTS System 20 75 24 75 标准配置 / Package QDS 263B SAE R 12 / 4SP* 整体接头 / 1 piece 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" SAE R 15 / 4SH* 分体接头 / 2 piece 1" 1" 1" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1” 1" 1" 1" 扣压范围 / Crimp range 63 mm** 63 mm** 63 mm** 63 mm** 28 75 行程 / Opening +22 mm +22 mm +22 mm +22 mm 32 75 36 75 40 75 44 75 47 75 工业用管 / Industrial 90° 弯头 / Elbows 最大开口直径 (无模具时) / Opening without dies 模具型号 / Type of dies 动力 / Drive 液压油 / Oil 长 x 宽 x 高 / L x W x H (mm) 重量 / Weight (kg) 77 mm 77 mm 77 mm 77 mm 263 263 263 263 手动 Manual 气动 Pressure 单相电 Electric 12 Volt / 24 Volt Optional 0,75 l 1,4 l 2l 0,75 l 500 x 420 x 440 380 x 400 x 310 450 x 450 x 350 450 x 450 x 450 32 kg 33 kg 41 kg 41 kg S 2 标准配置 / Package = 设备 / Machine + PB Ø 17, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40 + QDS 261 B * 因接头而异 / According to the fitting ** 用主模具 / With master dies S2DC 1 TUU Uniflex Machine Workshop Crimpers HM200 HM200 ecoline HM208 Uniflex Machine Workshop crimpers hm200 hm200 ecoline hm208 技术参数 Technical daTa HM200 扣压力 / Crimp force (kN / Ton) 免润滑,比常规设备摩擦损伤减少20% / No grease: 20% less friction 控制方式 / Control HM200 ecoline HM208 1300 / 130 1300 / 130 1300 / 130 模具种类 Type of dies 239 Ø mm -mm- 6,8 40 9 50 12 50 14 60 可选配功能 / Optional 16 60 CONTROL B + Touch UTS 17 60 19 60 标准配置 / Package S2M QDS 239B QDC 239.5 Control A ecoline Control A SAE R 12 / 4SP* 整体接头 / 1 piece 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" SAE R 15 / 4SH* 分体接头 / 2 piece 1" 1" 1" SAE R 12 / 4SP* 分体接头 / 2 piece 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 2" 2" 2" 20 60 90° 弯头 / Elbows 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 22 60 扣压范围 / Crimp range 70 mm 70 mm 70 mm 24 60 行程 / Opening + 30 mm + 30 mm + 30 mm 26 75 最大开口直径 (无模具时) / Opening without dies 28 75 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 32 75 模具型号 / Type of dies 36 75 239 40 75 44 75 47 75 3,5 50 75 54 75 57 75 62 75 工业用管 / Industrial 239 扣压 / Crimp 张开 / Open 噪音标准 / Noise level 动力 / Drive 液压油 / Oil 长 x 宽 x 高 / L x W x H (mm) Power Unit (DC) L x W x H 重量 / Weight (kg) TA(A) 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 5,9 5,9 5,9 69 dBA 69 dBA 69 dBA 3 kW 3 kW 3 kW 40 l 40 l (DC 4 l) 35 l 1 Phase QDS 239C QDS 239R PTS TUU / TUS LUS / LUF 800 x 530 x 630 420 x 535 x 520 545 x 570 x 635 - 300 x 450 x 560 (450 x 270 x 230) - 140 kg 88 kg 140 kg - 2,2 kW 2,2 kW 可选配功能 / Options 12 / 24 Volt PS 239 工作速度 / Speed (mm/sec.) 收紧 / Close OIL COOLER 标准配置 / Package = 设备 / Machine + PB Ø 17, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 44, 50 * 因接头而异 / According to the fitting 2 PFM Uniflex Machine Workshop Crimpers S6 S6 ecoline S7 Uniflex Machine Workshop crimpers s6 s6 ecoline s7 技术参数 Technical daTa 扣压力 / Crimp force (kN / Ton) 免润滑,比常规设备摩擦损伤减少20% / No grease: 20% less friction 控制方式 / Control S6 S6 ecoline S7 2000 / 200 2000 / 200 2400 / 240 模具种类 Type of dies 239 265** 266** Ø mm -mm- -mm- 6,8 40 40 9 70 70 12 70 70 14 70 70 可选配功能 / Optional 16 70 70 PTS (auch S7) 17 70 70 标准配置 / Package S2M QDS 239B QDC 239.5 Control B + Touch Control A SAE R 15 / 4SH* 整体接头 / 1 piece 2" 2" 2" 4SH* 分体接头 / 2 piece 2" 2" 2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 19 70 70 工业用管 / Industrial 3" 3" 2" 20 70 70 90° 弯头 / Elbows 2" 2" 1 1/2" 22 70 70 扣压范围 / Crimp range 100 mm 100 mm 82 mm 24 70 70 行程 / Opening + 45 mm + 45 mm + 24 mm 26 70 70 最大开口直径 (无模具时) / Opening without dies 28 85 85 147mm 147 mm 110 mm 32 85 85 模具型号 / Type of dies 36 85 85 239 L / 266 L 40 85 85 44 85 85 47 110 110 Hand / Manual 50 110 110 2,3 0,42 54 110 90 57 110 90 / 110 62 110 90 / 110 SAE R 15* 分体接头 / 2 piece 239 L / 266 L Open / Close 扣压 / Crimp 张开 / Open 噪音标准 / Noise level 动力 / Drive 液压油 / Oil 长 x 宽 x 高 / L x W x H (mm) 重量 / Weight (kg) TA(A) 9,7 2,2 4,9 PS 239 L / 265 工作速度 / Speed (mm/sec.) 收紧 / Close SHS UTS 16 8,2 Hand / Manual 69 dBA 69 dBA 70 dBA 4 kW 4 kW 0,55 kW 55 l 50 l 2.3 l QDS 239R QDS 239C QDS 239S 690 x 600 x 1350 700 x 600 x 735 430 x 367 x 682 374 kg 248 kg 77 kg TUU / TUS LUS / LUF 可选配功能 / Options 12 / 24 Volt - 1 Phase - 0,55 kW PFM S 6.2 标准配置 / Package = 设备 / Machine + PB Ø 17, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 44, 50, 57, 71+ 266.239 L S 7 标准配置 / Package = 设备 / Machine + PB Ø 17, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 44, 50, 57, 71+ 265.239 L * 因接头而异 / According to the fitting ** 无需中间模具 / Intermediate dies not required only S 7 *** 无需中间模具 / Intermediate dies not required only S 6 **** 控制方式 / Control B+ Touch 3 OIL COOLER 67 90 / 110 71 100 / 110 74 100 / 110 78 110 84 110 86 110 92 110 Uniflex Machine Workshop Crimpers S8i S10i Uniflex Machine Workshop crimpers s8i s10i 技术参数 Technical daTa S8 扣压力 / Crimp force (kN / Ton) 免润滑,比常规设备摩擦损伤减少20% / No grease: 20% less friction 控制方式 / Control 2200 / 220 S10 2800 / 280 标准配置 HM208 / Package S2M QDS 239B QDC 239.5 模具种类 Type of dies 239 L 237 L** Ø mm -mm- -mm- 6,8 40 9 70 12 70 14 70 可选配功能 / Optional 16 70 CONTROL B + Touch UTS 17 70 Control A ecoline SAE R 12 / 4SP* 整体接头 / 1 piece 2" 1 1/2" SAE R 15 / 4SH* 分体接头 / 2 piece 2" 1" SAE R 12 / 4SP* 分体接头 / 2 piece 1 1/2" 1 1/4" 19 70 工业用管 / Industrial 4" 2" 20 70 90° 弯头 / Elbows 2" 1 1/2" 22 70 扣压范围 / Crimp range 139 mm 70 mm 24 70 行程 / Opening + 45 mm + 30 mm 26 70 最大开口直径 (无模具时) / Opening without dies 28 85 190 mm 190 mm 32 85 36 85 40 85 模具型号 / Type of dies 扣压 / Crimp 张开 / Open 噪音标准 / Noise level 44 85 47 110 6,1 50 110 1,7 1,7 54 110 118 10,3 10,3 57 110 118 62 110 118 TA(A) 6,1 69 dBA 69 dBA 动力 / Drive 4 kW 5,5 kW 液压油 / Oil 55 l 55 l 长 x 宽 x 高 / L x W x H (mm) 重量 / Weight (kg) PS 239 L / 237 L** 239 L / 237 L** 工作速度 / Speed (mm/sec.) 收紧 / Close OIL COOLER PTS QDS 239C QDS 239S 690 x 600 x 1400 690 x 600 x 1400 390 kg 390 kg SHS S8 / S10 标准配置 / Package = 设备 / Machine + PB Ø 17, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 44, 50, 57, 71 + 237.239.2L2 * 因接头而异 / According to the fitting ** 无需中间模具 / Intermediate dies not required *** 控制方式 / Control B+ Touch PFM 4 LUS / LUF 67 118 71 118 74 118 78 118 84 118 86 118 90 118 96 118 103 118 106 126 111 126 116 126 121 126 126 126 131 126 Uniflex Machine Production Crimpers HM220 HM225 Uniflex Machine prodUcTion crimpers hm220 hm225 技术参数 Technical daTa HM220 扣压力 / Crimp force (kN / Ton) 免润滑,比常规设备摩擦损伤减少20% / No grease: 20% less friction 控制方式 / Control SAE R 15 / 4SH* 整体接头 / 1 piece 1400 / 140 1600 / 160 模具种类 Type of dies 239 239 L Ø mm -mm- -mm- 6,8 40 40 9 50 70 12 50 70 14 60 70 标准配置 / Standard 16 60 70 CONTROL B + Touch 17 60 70 标准配置 HM208 / Package HM225 S2M QDS 239B QDC 239.5 Control B + Touch Control B + Touch 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 4SH* 分体接头 / 2 piece 1" 1 1/4" SAE R 15* 分体接头 / 2 piece 1" 1 1/4" 19 60 70 工业用管 / Industrial 2" 2" 20 60 70 90° 弯头 / Elbows 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 22 60 70 扣压范围 / Crimp range 70 mm 70 mm 24 60 70 行程 / Opening + 35 mm + 40 mm 26 75 70 最大开口直径 (无模具时) / Opening without dies 28 75 85 105 mm 110 mm 32 75 85 模具型号 / Type of dies 36 75 85 239 40 75 85 44 75 85 47 75 110 50 75 110 54 75 110 57 75 110 62 75 110 可选配功能 / Optional PTS UTS QDS 239C 239 L 工作速度 / Speed (mm/sec.) 收紧 / Close 扣压 / Crimp 9,5 6 1,5 9,5 19 噪音标准 / Noise level 53 dBA 53 dBA 动力 / Drive 5,5 kW 5,5 kW 50 l 80 l 张开 / Open 液压油 / Oil 长 x 宽 x 高 / L x W x H (mm) 重量 / Weight (kg) OIL COOLER 19 PFM PS SHS TA (A) LUS / LUF 730 x 480 x 1430 645 x 560 x 1470 285 kg 370 kg HM 220 标准配置 / Package = 设备 / Machine + PB Ø 17, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 44, 50 HM 225 标准配置 / Package = 设备 / Machine + PB Ø 17, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 47, 54, 62 * 因接头而异 / According to the fitting 5 QDS 239S QDS 239R Uniflex Machine Production Crimpers HM325iB HM375iB HM380iB Uniflex Machine prodUcTion crimpers hm325iB hm375iB hm380iB 技术参数 Technical daTa 扣压力 / Crimp force (kN / Ton) 免润滑,比常规设备摩擦损伤减少20% / No grease: 20% less friction 控制方式 / Control HM325 HM375 HM380 2800 / 280 3150 / 315 3400 / 340 模具种类 Type of dies 239 L** 237 L** Ø mm -mm- 6,8 40 9 70 12 70 14 70 标准配置 / Standard 16 70 CONTROL B + Touch TA (A) 17 70 标准配置 / Package S2M QDS 239B QDC 239.5 Control B + Touch Control B + Touch Control B + Touch SAE R 15* / 4SH* 整体接头 / 1 piece 2" 3" 3" SAE R 15* / 4SH* 分体接头 / 2 piece 2" 3" 3" 4" (6")** 4" (6")** 4" (6")** 19 70 3" 3" 3" 20 70 扣压范围 / Crimp range 161 mm 161 mm 161 mm 22 70 行程 / Opening + 70 mm + 70 mm + 70 mm 24 70 26 70 28 85 32 85 36 85 40 85 工业用管 / Industrial 90° 弯头 / Elbows 最大开口直径 (无模具时) / Opening without dies 215 mm 模具型号 / Type of dies 239 L / 237 L 215 mm 239 L / 237 L 215 mm 可选配功能 / Optional PTS UTS QDS 239C 239 L / 237 L 工作速度 / Speed (mm/sec.) 收紧 / Close 23 23 23 扣压 / Crimp 1,4 1,4 1,4 张开 / Open 33 33 33 62 dBA 62 dBA 62 dBA 动力 / Drive 4 kW 4 kW 4 kW 液压油 / Oil 100 l 100 l 100 l 噪音标准 / Noise level 长 x 宽 x 高 / L x W x H (mm) 重量 / Weight (kg) CGS (Conicity Guard System) HiDS (High Pressure Pump Dynamic Suction) OIL COOLER PS PFM SHS 1600 x 600 x 1600 1600 x 600 x 1600 1600 x 600 x 1600 QDS 239S QDS 239R 44 85 47 110 50 110 54 110 / 118 57 110 / 118 62 110 / 118 67 118 71 118 74 118 750 kg 750 kg 750 kg 78 118 84 118 86 118 90 118 96 118 103 118 106 126 111 126 116 126 121 126 126 126 131 126 HM 3. 标准配置 / Package = 设备 / Machine + PB Ø 17, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 44, 50, 57, 71 + 237.239.2L2 * 因接头而异 / According to the fitting ** 法兰除外 / Without flange *** 无需中间模具 / Intermediate dies not required 6 OCS LUS / LUF Uniflex Machine Production Crimpers HM480 HM485 Uniflex Machine prodUcTion crimpers hm480 hm485 技术参数 Technical daTa 扣压力 / Crimp force (kN / Ton) 免润滑,比常规设备摩擦损伤减少20% / No grease: 20% less friction 控制方式 / Control HM480 HM485 4500 / 450 4500 / 450 237 L 245 L** 模具种类 Type of dies 239 L 237 L 模具种类 Type of dies Ø mm -mm- Ø mm -mm- 6,8 40 54 118 9 70 57 118 12 70 62 118 14 70 67 118 标准配置 / Standard 16 70 71 118 CONTROL B + Touch 17 70 74 118 标准配置 HM208 / Package S2M QDS 239B QDC 239.5 Control B + Touch Control B + Touch SAE R 15* / 4SH* 整体接头 / 1 piece 3" 3" SAE R 15* / 4SH* 分体接头 / 2 piece 3" 3" 6" (8") ** 10" ** 19 70 78 118 3" 3" 20 70 84 118 扣压范围 / Crimp range 250 mm 250 mm 22 70 86 118 行程 / Opening 150 mm 310 mm 24 70 90 118 26 70 96 118 28 85 103 118 / 130 32 85 106 126 / 130 36 85 111 126 / 130 40 85 116 126 / 130 44 85 121 126 / 130 47 110 126 126 / 130 50 110 131 126 / 130 54 110 136 130 57 110 146 150 62 110 156 150 170 150 185 150 200 150 工业用管 / Industrial 90°弯头 / Elbows 最大开口直径 (无模具时) / Opening without dies 模具型号 / Type of dies 380 mm 360 mm 可选配功能 / Optional PTS UTS 237 L / 239 L / 245 237 L / 239 L / 245 工作速度 / Speed (mm/sec.) 收紧 / Close 扣压 / Crimp 张开 / Open 20 1,5 20 1,5 23 23 噪音标准 / Noise level 62 dBA 62 dBA 动力 / Drive 5,5 kW 5,5 kW 液压油 / Oil 300 l 300 l 长 x 宽 x 高 / L x W x H (mm) 重量 / Weight (kg) HiDS (High Pressure Pump Dynamic Suction) OIL COOLER PS PFM OCS 730 x 1590 x 2015 730 x 1590 x 2480 2600 kg 2900 kg QDS 239R LUS / LUF QDS 239C TA (A) HM 480 标准配置 / Package = 设备 / Machine + PB Ø 17, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40 + 237.239.2L2 + 245.237L * 因接头而异 / According to the fitting ** 无需中间模具 / Intermediate dies not required 7 Uniflex Machine Crimper For Automotive Hoses HM245 HM245 Twin Uniflex Machine crimper for aUTomoTive hoses hm245 hm245 Twin 技术参数 Technical daTa HM245 扣压力 / Crimp force (kN / Ton) 免润滑,比常规设备摩擦损伤减少20% / No grease: 20% less friction 控制方式 / Control HM245 Twin 600 / 60 600 / 60 模具种类 Type of dies 239 Ø mm -mm- 6,8 40 9 50 12 50 14 60 可选配功能 / Optional 16 60 PTS 17 60 标准配置 HM208 / Package S2M CONTROL B + Touch Control B + Touch Control B + Touch SAE R 15* / 4SH* 整体接头 / 1 piece 1" 1" SAE R 15* / 4SH* 分体接头 / 2 piece 3/4" 3/4" 扣压范围 / Crimp range 70 mm 70 mm 19 60 行程 / Opening 75 mm 75 mm 20 60 22 60 24 60 26 75 28 75 32 75 36 75 40 75 44 75 最大开口直径 (无模具时) / Opening without dies 105 mm UTS 105 mm 工作速度 / Speed (mm/sec.) OIL COOLER PFM 收紧 / Close 27 27 扣压 / Crimp 5 5 张开 / Open 30 30 模具型号 / Type of dies 239 239 47 75 53 dBA 50 75 4 kW 4 kW 54 75 100 l 100 l 57 75 61 75 噪音标准 / Noise level 动力 / Drive 液压油 / Oil 长 x 宽 x 高 / L x W x H (mm) 重量 / Weight (kg) 53 dBA 1020 x 950 x1450 2500 x 950 x1244 610 kg PS SHS 1250 kg HM 245 标准配置 / Package = 设备 / Machine + PB Ø 17, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 44, 50 * 因接头而异 / According to the fitting 8 LUS / LUF SCHIEBETISCH Uniflex Machine Cutting Machines EM8M EM8P EM115 EM110 Uniflex Machine cUTTing machines em8m em8p em115 em110 技术参数 Technical daTa EM8M EM8P EM115 EM110 UVC 批量 / Production SAE R 13 & SAE R 15* 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 3" 小批量 / Workshop SAE R 13 & SAE R 15* 2" 2" 3" 3" SAE R 12 2" 2" 2" 2" 工业用管 / Industrial 4" 4" 4" 4" Ø 120 mm Ø 125 mm 60 dBA 69 dBA 最大切割外径 / Max. outside 噪音标准 / Noise level 制动马达 / Brake motor 抽吸口直径 / Suction connection 动力 / Drive 锯片 / Cutting blade 长 x 宽 x 高 / L x W x H (mm) 重量 / Weight (kg) Ø 120 mm 90 dBA Ø 120 mm Durchlass vorne Ø100mm free passage front 90 dBA Ø 60 mm Ø 60 mm Ø 80 mm Ø 100 mm 4,6 kW 4,6 kW 5,6 kW 7,5 kW 400 x 4 x 30 400 x 4 x 30 520 x 4 x 40 520 x 4 x 120 983 x 760 x 875 983 x 760 x 540 1020 x 940 x 485 800 x 780 x 1700 122 kg 140 kg 310 kg 280 kg 可选配功能 / Options 工作台 / Bench 气动 / Pneumatic 抽吸口装置 / Suction devise 可选配功能 – – Manual pneumatic pneumatic hydro pneumatic – – * 使用专用锯片 / with special cutting blade TMG 9 / Optional Uniflex Machine Cleaning Machines RG10 Uniflex Machine cleaning machines rg10 rg2 技术参数 Technical daTa RG10 动力 / Drive 流量 / Flow RG2 Diaphram pump, Diaphram pump, 7 bar Air 7 bar Air 180 l/min 25 l/min 250 Nl/min 100 Nl/min 清洗范围 / Working range Bis / up to 2" ID Bis / up to 11/4" ID 清洗软管长度 / Max. length, depending on bore size 20 m / 65 feet 2,5 m / 8 feet 最大空气消耗量 / Max. air consumption 容量 / Capacity 工作面积 / Working area 215 l 38 l 800 x 1600 350 x 750 清洗介质 / Cleaning agent 无毒无侵蚀 无毒无侵蚀 Non toxic and Non toxic and corrosion free corrosion free 长 x 宽 x 高 / L x W x H(mm) 2000 x 840 x 1050 960 x 435 x 940 重量 / Weight(kg) 160 kg 55 kg 10 5 / 12 / 25 - - 标准配置 EM110 / Standard FLUSHING CONES SUCTION FILTER 可选配功能 / Options 滤芯 / Filter (μm) 加大水箱 / Extension tank 10 RG2 Uniflex Machine Test Benches P160 Uniflex Machine TesT Benches p160 技术参数 Technical daTa P160 测试压力范围 / Test pressure 动力 / Drive 流量 / Flow 容量 / Capacity 150 - 1300 bar 1,1 l / min 7 bar, 20 Nl / min 1590 x 795 x 370 mm 测试台尺寸 / Test bench dimension 2210 x 950 x 1325 mm 替代动力 / Alternative drive 重量 / Weight 210 kg leer / empty 空气供给 / Air preparation unit TAINLESS STEEL) VA (STAINLESS 过滤接头 / Steck-O-Adapter DN 4/6/8/10/12/ G 1/2” 405.901 过滤接头 / Steck-O-Adapter R 1/4”/ 3/8”/ 1/2”/ 3/4”/ G 1/2” 405.902 防腐添加剂 / Anticorrosive additive 600.901 5μm 72 dBA 附件 / Accessories 吸水滤芯 / Suction filter (100 μm) CONTROL B + TOUCH 100 l RAL 5012 Blau / Blue RAL 7021 Grau / Grey 操作说明书 / Operating manual 可选配功能 / Optional 0,38 kW 油漆 / Paint 噪音标准 / Noise level STECK-O-SYSTEM 增压泵 / Intensifier 水箱尺寸 / Tank dimension 水箱容量 / Reservoir capacity 标准配置 / Standard EM 10 l P 160 标准配置 / Package = 设备 / Machine + Steck-O-Adapter 405.901und 405.902, EM 10 l * 只可选一种 / Only one of the two options possible 11 Uniflex Machine Test Benches P200 Uniflex Machine TesT Benches p200 技术参数 Technical daTa P200 测试压力范围 / Test pressure 控制方式 / Control 动力 / Drive 流量 / Flow 容量 / Capacity 150 - 1300 bar 1,1 l / min 7 bar, 20 Nl / min 测试台尺寸 / Test bench dimension 2210 x 950 x 1325 mm 油漆 / Paint RAL 5012 Blau / Blue RAL 7021 Grau / Grey 重量 / Weight 210 kg leer / empty 噪音标准 / Noise level 吸水滤芯 / Suction filter (100 μm) 空气供给 / Air preparation unit 定位盘 / Holding disc 密封接头 / Sealing cones 锥面密封堵头 / Blind sealing cones 密封盘 / Sealing disc 防腐添加剂 / Anticorrosive additive Testing: The flooding pump rinses and deaerates the hose line. After the lid is locked, the preset clamping and test pressure is generated automatically. 600.901 5μm VA (STAINLESS TAINLESS STEEL) 72 dBA 附件 / Accessories 操作说明书 / Operating manual 可选配功能 / Optional 100 l 0,38 kW 400V - 50 Hz - 3 Ph P 200 标准配置 / Package = 设备 / Machine + BDSP, HS 400, EM 10 l + DS + DSP * 只可选一种 / Only one of the two options possible HS 400 Ø 8-10 / 10-12 / 12-15 / 15-18 / 18-21/ 2124 / 24-27 / 27-30 / 30-33 / 33-36 / 36-39 / 39-42 DSP 400-2 (30°- Ø 2,2) DSP 400-3 (30°- Ø 3,8) DSP 400-4 (80°- Ø 2,2) DSP 400-5 (80°- Ø 3,8) DSP 400-7 (30°- Ø 11 ) DSP 400-8 (80°- Ø 6,5) BDSP 400-1 (30°- Ø 2,2) BDSP 400-6 (80°- Ø 2,2) BDSP 400-9 (30°- Ø 11) DS 400-1 (120°) EM 10 l 可选配功能 / Options 高压 / High pressure* 150 - 3000 bar 低压 / Low pressure* 20 - 150 bar 不锈钢水箱 / Stainless steel tank A Handful of Sealing Cones Replaces Hundreds of Threaded Adapters: Loading: One end of the hose is inserted into a fixed test head, the other into an adjustable test head. A hydraulic unit supplies the precisely adjustable clamping pressure to the sealing heads. 增压泵 / Intensifier 1590 x 795 x 370 mm 替代动力 / Alternative drive CONTROL B + TOUCH Control B + Touch 水箱尺寸 / Tank dimension 水箱容量 / Reservoir capacity 标准配置 / Standard 12 Blowing out: The pressure test is completed with one push button, i.e. the test pressure is reduced and the blow-out operation is started automatically to purge out the test fluid. Test record: An hydrostatic pressure test can be carried out and recorded with the microprocessorbased UNIMATIControl-B plus system. Uniflex Machine Options Uniflex Machine opTions QDS 239 C / T QDS 239 S OCS 10 retro FUSSPEDAL / PS To store dies directly at the machine, Camera system - the alternative to To close the crimper to bolt on the wall or table the mirror, for a better sight line QDS 239 R QDS 239 S Mobile die storage adjustment TISCH / TU OIL COOLER SPIEGEL / SHS LUS / LUF Workbench for miscellaneous Prevent the heating of hydraulic oil. Allows the operator to watch the Light for the rear site of the machines A constant oil temperature leads to correct position of the part to be machine reproducable crimp results. crimped behind the machine. BACKEN / DIES Ømm Amount of Characters 261 263 265 266L 239 / 239 L 232 L 237 L 554 / 246L 14 - 47 14 - 32 54 - 71 54 - 78 14 - 50 14 - 90 54 - 121 auf Anfrage / on request PTS SYSTEM P 200, 202, 204, 213, 261, 265 immer 10 Stck. / always 10 each P 262 Ø 14 – 32 = 17 Stck. / each P 239 Ø 14 – 24 = 12 Stck. / each Ø 26 – 50 = 17 Stck. / each P 239L Ø 14 – 22 = 14 Stck. / each Ø 24 – 40 = 15 Stck. / each Ø 44 – 50 = 10 Stck. / each P 232L Ø 17 – 20 = 21 Stck. / each Ø 24 – 28 = 22 Stck. / each Ø 40 – 44 = 24 Stck. / each Ø 47 – 62 = 10 Stck. / each Ø 67 – 90 = 11 Stck. / each P 237L Ø 54 – 67 = 24 Stck. / each Ø 71 – 121= 11 Stck. / each Marking and crimping in one step according to DIN 20066 and EN 853, EN 854, EN 856, EN 857. PTS 52: Character 4 x 2,0 mm / Marking depth ca. 0,3 - 0,5 mm PTS 32: Character 3 x 1,5 mm / Marking depth ca. 0,3 mm 13 Uniflex Machine Options Uniflex Machine opTions for UnimaTi conTrol B + ToUch UNIFLEX PFM PFM gives you the option to achieve a substantial quality improvement for a comparatively small investment of time and money. And here is how it works: After each crimp process with the PFM-Option the reached crimp value is shown. Out of these measures the start values for the upper- or lower pressure limit can be determined. During each crimp process the permanently measured crimp value is compared to the entered limits. If this exceeds the set limits, an error message is shown. In the end of the crimp process it is tested once more if the minimal pressure has been reached. In the case of an error the operator has the option to check the work piece thoroughly and to correct any sources of the error. During a detailed examination with the PFM-option the quality of a production process was increased from 97.8% to 99.7%. 2% of all produced parts had defects and with the UNIFLEX PFM option it was prevented that these defective parts were delivered to customers. UNIFLEX UTS UTS enables a comfortable article entry via the PC. The data can be entered in a set MS Excel-sheet and be transfered with UTS to the UNIMATIControl-B + TOUCH. Therefore it is possible to compare the data from a number of machines, provide documentation (date + time), backtracking and backup in one go. All crimpings can be documented with UTS, especially with the PFM option, which saves the pressure value as additional parameter. opTions PFC (PressureForceControl) PFC (PressureForceControl) makes it possible to crimp pressuresensitive work pieces, like for example fiberglass. Resulting is a stable connection that will endure extreme forces. PFC is based on the adjustability of the applied crimp force to take into account the individual material characteristics. This secures the highest quality of your products – without having to glue, to screw or to weld! It is a special demand for a machine crimping with PFC. To find the ideal crimper for you, please contact your salesman responsible for your country. 14 Table of Contents SKIVING MACHINES JSB-03 SM50 MARKING TOOL JSM-03 HOSE CUTTING MACHINE JSQ-03 CLEANING MACHINE JS200-H TESTING MACHINE JS1300-L BURSTING BENCH JS2300-L NIPPLE INSERTER JSJ-03 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rivaflex Machine Skiving Machines JSB-03 SM50 RIVAFLEX MAchInE skiving Machines JsB-03 sM50 技术参数 Technical daTa 电动剥胶机 / Hose Skiving Machine (JSB-03) 手动剥胶机 / Manual Hose Skiving Machine (SM50) 剥内胶 (6 Tools / 6 件工具) /Internal skiving (6 Tools) 3/16" bis2" 5/8" - 2" 5/8" - 2" 剥外胶 (10 Tools / 10 件工具) /External skiving (10 Tools) 5/8" bis2" 3/16" -2" 3/16" -2" 0.37 kW 380V/50HZ 手动 / Manual 570 x 420 x 113 338 x 465 x 445 70 kg 16 kg 动力/Drive 长 x 宽 x 高 / L x W x H (mm) 重量 / Weight (kg) S 2 标准配置 / Package = 设备 / Machine + PB Ø 17, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40 + QDS 261 B 剥外胶芯棒组共10 根:3/16", 5/16", 3/8", 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2", 2" 剥内胶芯棒组共 6 根:5/8", 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2", 2" 1 Rivaflex Machine Marking Tool JSM-03 RIVAFLEX MAchInE Marking Tool JsM-03 技术参数 Technical daTa 套筒打字机 / Marking Tool (JSM-03) 套筒规格 / Marking 1/4" - 2" 刻字范围 / Marking 15-90 mm 刻字深度 / Marking Depth ≥6bar - ≤9bar 打印速度 / Drive 可调 / Adjustable 字母 / Letters 空白字头 / Neutral 长 x 宽 x 高 / L x W x H (mm) 重量 / Weight (kg) 5/8" - 2" 3 mm 气动 / Hydro Pneumatic 手动剥胶机 / Manual Hose Skiving Machines (SM50) 3/16" -2" 100 pcs 0.37 kW 380V/50HZ 20 pcs 338 x 465 x 445 840 x 480 x 105 16 kg 65 kg 2 Rivaflex Machine Hose Cutting Machine JSQ-03 RIVAFLEX MAchInE hose cuTTing Machine JsQ-03 技术参数 Technical daTa 生产线用;维修车间用 /Production ; Workshop SAE R12 / SAE R13 最大切割外径∮mm / Max outside 立式切管机 / Hose Cutting Machines (JSQ-03) 手动剥胶机 / Manual Hose Skiving Machines (SM50) 2" 5/8" - 2" 80 动力 / Drive 4 kW, 380V/50HZ 气动 / Hydro Pneumatic ≥6bar - ≤9bar 3/16" -2" 100 0.37 kW 380V/50HZ 锯片∮mm /Cutting Blade 400 x 3 x 32 338 x 465 x 445 下压速度 / Cutting Speed 可调 / Adjustable 16 kg 抽吸口直径∮mm / Suction Connection 锯片转速 / Cutting Blade Speed 长 x 宽 x 高 / L x W x H (mm) 重量 / Weight (kg) 2900 rpm 880 x 620 x 146 165 kg 3 Rivaflex Machine Cleaning Machine JS200-H RIVAFLEX MAchInE cleaning Machine Js200-h 技术参数 Technical daTa 软管清洗机 / Cleaning Machine (JS200-H) 气动 / Hydro Pneumatic 流量 / Flow ≥8bar 50L/min - 80L/min 工作范围 / Working Range 3/16" - 3" 清洗介质 / Cleaning Agent 纯净水 + 5% 防锈添加剂 Pure water + 5%antirust 容量 / Capacity 工作面积 / Working Area (mm) 附件 / Accessories 长 x 宽 x 高 / L x W x H (mm) 重量 / Weight (kg) 180 L 2000 x 650 清洗锥头 / Flushing cones 抽吸滤芯 / Suction filter 2000 x 650 x 1120 190kg 4 手动剥胶机 / Manual Hose Skiving Machines (SM50) Rivaflex Machine Testing Machine JS1300-L RIVAFLEX MAchInE TesTing Machine Js1300-l 技术参数 Technical daTa 静压试验台 / Testing Machine (JS1300-L) 测试压力范围 / Test pressure 动力 / Drive 200 - 1300bar 液压泵 / Intensifier 气动 / Hydro Pneumatic 7 bar 流量 / Flow 0.6m³ 油箱尺寸 / Tank Dimension (mm) 油箱容积 / Reservoir Capacity 试验台尺寸 / Test Bench Dimension (mm) 介质 / Cleaning Agent 重量 / Weight (kg) 500 x 430 x 200 40 L 2000 x 700 x 1200 纯净水 + 5% 防锈添加剂 Pure water + 5% antirust 210 kg 附件 / Accessories 5 手动剥胶机 / Manual Hose Skiving Machines (SM50) Rivaflex Machine Bursting Bench JS2300-L RIVAFLEX MAchInE BursTing Bench Js2300-l 技术参数 Technical daTa 爆破试验台 / Bursting Bench (JS2300-L) 测试压力范围 / Test pressure 动力 / Drive 350 - 2300bar 液压泵 / Intensifier 气动 / Hydro Pneumatic 7 bar 流量 / Flow 0.6 m³ 油箱尺寸 / Tank Dimension (mm) 油箱容积 / Reservoir Capacity 试验台尺寸 / Test Bench Dimension (mm) 介质 / Cleaning Agent 重量 / Weight (kg) 500 x 430 x 200 40 L 2000 x 700 x 1200 纯净水 + 5% 防锈添加剂 Pure water + 5% antirust 210 kg 附件 / Accessories 6 手动剥胶机 / Manual Hose Skiving Machines (SM50) Rivaflex Machine Nipple Inserter JSJ-03 RIVAFLEX MAchInE nipple inserTer JsJ-03 技术参数 Technical daTa 接头预装机 / Nipple Inserter (JSJ-03) 手动剥胶机 / Manual Hose Skiving Machines (SM50) 装配胶管的最大直径 / OD Fitting, Straight or Elbow ﹤2" 5/8" - 2" 接头预装压力 / Press Capacity 4.7KN (6bar) 3/16" -2" 预装距离 / Piston Stroke 100 mm 气动 / Hydro Pneumatic ≥6bar - ≤9bar 长 x 宽 x 高 / L x W x H (mm) 850 x 670 x 110 0.37 kW 380V/50HZ 43 kg 338 x 465 x 445 重量 / Weight (kg) 16 kg 7