jesus saves - Big Bethel AME Church
jesus saves - Big Bethel AME Church
JESUS SAVES Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church REVEREND JOHN FOSTER PH.D., SENIOR PASTOR SUNDAY, MAY 4, 2014 7:45AM & 11:00AM HOLY COMMUNION PRELUDE WORSHIP & ARTS MINISTRY PROCESSIONAL * DOXOLOGY MINISTERS, STEWARDS, CHOIR AND ACOLYTES #647 PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW ; PRAISE HIM ALL CREATURES HERE BELOW ; PRAISE HIM ABOVE YE HEAVENLY HOST, PRAISE FATHER, SON AND HOLY GHOST. AMEN. * CALL TO WORSHIP Minister: I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” Our feet have been standing within your gates, O Jerusalem! People: For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness. Minister: For the sake of the house of the Lord our God; I will seek your good. People: They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. Minister: O Lord, I love the habitation of your house, and the place where your glory dwells. People: But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him. Minister: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer. O sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things! I will sing of loyalty and of justice, to you, O Lord, I will sing. People: HYMN OF PRAISE AMEC HYMN #75 — JOYFUL, JOYFUL, WE ADORE THEE 1. Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love; Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee, Opening to the sun above. Melt the clouds of sin and sadness; Drive the dark of doubt away; Giver of immortal gladness, Fill us with the light of day! 2. All thy works with joy surround Thee, Earth and heaven reflect Thy rays, Stars and angels sing around Thee, Center of unbroken praise; Field and forest, vale and mountain, Flowery meadow, flashing sea, Chanting bird and flowing fountain, Call us to rejoice in Thee. 3. Thou art giving and forgiving, Ever blessing ever blest, Well spring of the joy of living, Ocean depth of happy rest! Thou our Father, Christ our brother, All who live in love are Thine; Teach us how to love each other, Lift us to the joy divine. 4. Mortals join the mighty chorus, Which the morning stars began; Father love is reigning o’er us, Brother love binds man to man. Ever singing, marching onward, Victors in the midst of strife; Joyful music leads us sunward In the triumph song of life. Amen. INVOCATION CHORAL RESPONSE WORSHIP THROUGH MUSIC BABCOCK-YOUNG VOICES OF UNITY THE RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE ACTS 2:14A, 36-41 14a Minister: But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them, 36"Therefore let the entire house of Israel know with certainty that God has made him both Lord and Messiah, this Jesus whom you crucified." 2 BIG BETHEL A.M.E. CHURCH THE RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE (CONTINUED) People: 37 Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and to the other apostles, "Brothers, what should we do?" 38 Peter said to them, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Minister: 39 For the promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him." 40 And he testified with many other arguments and exhorted them, saying, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation." All: 41 So those who welcomed his message were baptized, and that day about three thousand persons were added. *PREFACE TO THE DECALOGUE (IN THE TUNE OF #258) “FROM ALL THAT DWELL BELOW THE SKIES, LET THE CREATOR’S PRAISE ARISE; LET THE REDEEMER’S NAME BE SUNG, THROUGH EVERY LAND BY EVERY TONGUE.” *SUMMARY OF THE DECALOGUE GLORIA PATRI #XVII-XVIII “GLORY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE SON, AND TO THE HOLY GHOST; AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER SHALL BE, WORLD WITHOUT END. AMEN.” WELCOME TO BIG BETHEL PHILIPPIAN MINISTRY THE PASTOR’S WORDS THE HOLY BAPTISM WORSHIP THROUGH GIVING: TITHES & OFFERING THE CHORAL RESPONSE “ALL THINGS COME OF THEE, O LORD; AND OF THINE OWN HAVE WE GIVEN THEE. AMEN” THE ALTAR CALL WORSHIP THROUGH MUSIC BABCOCK-YOUNG VOICES OF UNITY THE SERMON PASTOR JOHN FOSTER INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP PRAYER OF SALVATION Dear Lord, I recognize that I am a sinner. Lord, I am sorry for my sins, and I am ready to change my life. I accept your forgiveness. I confess with my mouth that you are Lord, and I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead; therefore, according to the word I am saved. The Bible says “if any person be in Christ he or she is a new creation, the old is passed away and behold all things become new.” Lord, I thank you for my salvation. †AFFIRMATION OF FAITH I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ His only son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead; and buried. The third day he arose from the dead; he ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Church Universal, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sin, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen. †HOLY COMMUNION 3 JESUS SAVES THE GENERAL CONFESSION Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker of all things, Judge of all people, we acknowledge and bewail our manifold sin and wickedness which we from time to time most grievously have committed by thought, word and deed against Your divine Majesty, provoking most justly Your wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings; the remembrance of them is grievous unto us. Have mercy upon us, have mercy upon us, most merciful Father for Your Son our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake; forgive us all that is past, and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please You in newness of life, to the honor and glory of Your name, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. RECESSIONAL DOXOLOGY †BENEDICTION PASTOR FOSTER SERVING IN TODAY’S W 7 : 4 5 A M W ORSHIP E XPERIENCE ORSHIP EXPERIENCE 1 1 : 0 0 A M W ORSHIP E XPERIENCE Acolytes: Acolytes: Victoria Culton/ Elizabeth Culton Philippians: Racquel Battle/ Jerome Crawl Philippians: Racquel Battle/ Victoria White Music Ministry: Babcock-Young Voices of Unity Music Ministry: Babcock-Young Voices of Unity Stewardess: R.T. Bussey & Eva Watson Stewardess Ministry Stewardess: R.T. Bussey & Eva Watson Stewardess Ministry Stewards: Alvin Francis/ Kathy Morrison Stewards: Leslie Egbarin/ Samuel Stephens Trustee: James Rudd/ Georgianne Thomas Trustee: Khamisi Walters/ Bettieanne Hart Ushers: Usherette Ministry #2 Ushers: Usherette Ministry #2 Let us remember our sick and shut-in with our cards & calls. Sis. Lucille Burch, (404) 696-8524 Sis. Patricia Coles, (404) 254-4806 Sis. Jay Evans, (678) 467-2470 Bro. Horace Ford, (770) 478-3013 Rev. Jeanette Thomas-Fayson, (352) 327-5481 Sis. Daisy Gholston, (770) 439-9199 Sis. Jacquelyn Green, (678) 580-1248 Sis. Louise Hollowell, (404) 794-2877 Sis. Pearline Irving, (404) 284-4717 Bro. Raymon A. King, (678) 489-7970 Sis. Jacqueline Langley, (404) 696-9408 4 Sis. Ruth Lee, (478) 453-8514 Rev. Betty Miley, (770) 323-6841 Sis. Eleanor Miller, (678) 938-3338 Sis. Mary Miller, Summerset Assisted Living Community Sis. Dorothy Moreland, (404) 691-0099 Sis. Martha Orr, (404) 691-4720 Sis. Ertha Poitier, A. G. Rhodes Nursing Home Sis. Earlie A. Smith, (404) 622-2633 Sis. Joyce Spearman, (404) 286-4891 Sis. Mildred Whalen, (770) 603-8266 BIG BETHEL A.M.E. CHURCH - Hearing God’s Word in the Sermon – Since we forget 90% of what we hear, it has been suggested that note taking will double the percentage of our take home response. Why not try it and see? Points/Topics: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5 JESUS SAVES Big Bethel's MAY Sun LEGEND (A) Annex/Conference Room (CR) Chorus Room (FH) Fellowship Hall (LA) Lower Annex/Crown Room (S) Sanctuary (YRC) Youth Rec. Center Mon Tue W Annual Conference Event Locations Key Items in BLUE will be held at St. Philip AME Church 240 Candler Road Atlanta, GA 30317 Items in RED will be held at Flipper Temple AME Church 580 Fair Street Atlanta, GA 30314 04 05 06 07 7:45AM Worship Service (S) 9:45AM Church School (FH) 9:45AM New Members (FH) 11:00AM Worship Service (S) 6:00AM Prayer Call (712) 432-3100, Code 440772 Access Code- 440772 6:30PM YPD Meeting 7:00PM Male Chorus (CR) 4:00PM Bag Lunches (FH) 6:30PM CS & F Meeting (A) 7:00PM BYVOUC (CR) 6:00AM Prayer Call (712) 432-3100, Cod 6:30PM Emily Have (712)432-3100, MACON GEORGIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 11 12 13 14 7:45AM Worship Service (S) 9:30AM Church School (FH) 9:45AM New Members (FH) 11:00AM Worship Service (S) 6:00AM Prayer Call Prayer Call #1-712-432-3100 Access Code- 440772 4:00PM Bag Lunches (FH) 7:00PM BYVOUC (CR) 6:00AM Prayer Ca (712) 432-3100, C 12:05PM Bible St 6:30PM Youth Ch 7:00PM Bible Stud 18 19 20 21 7:45AM Worship Service (S) 9:30AM Church School (FH) 9:45AM New Members (FH) 11:00AM Worship Service (S) 1:00PM Pastor Foster Appreciation 6:00AM Prayer Call (712) 432-3100, Code 440772 7:00PM Male Chorus (CR) 4:00PM Bag Lunches (FH) 6:30PM CS & F Meeting (A) 7:00PM BYVOUC (CR) 6:00AM Prayer Cal (712) 432-3100, Co 12:05PM Bible Stu 6:30PM Youth Cho 7:00PM Bible Stud CHURCH ANN OPENING WORSHIP SERVICE WMS DAY DMC DAY MORRIS BROWN COLLEGE DAY ATLANTA NORTH GEORGIA ANNUAL CONFEREN 25 26 27 28 7:45AM Worship (S) 9:45AM Church School (FH) 11:00AM Worship Service (S) 1:00PM Usherette Ministry #2 Monthly Meeting (YRC) 6:00AM Prayer Call (712) 432-3100, Code 440772 6:00PM Credit Union Board Meeting (LA) 7:00PM Male Chorus (CR) 4:00PM Bag Lunches (FH) 7:00PM BYVOUC (CR) 6:00AM Prayer Cal (712) 432-3100, Co 7:30AM Trinity Pray 12:05PM Bible Stu 6:30PM Youth Cho 7:00PM Bible Stud 6 BIG BETHEL A.M.E. CHURCH Y 2014 Events Calendar Wed de 440772 en's Conference Call , Code 663338# Thu Fri Sat 01 02 03 7:00PM Signs of Praise (FH) 7:00PM Praise Team (CR) 6:00AM Prayer Call (712) 432-3100, Code 440772 8:00AM Love Feast (FH) 9:00AM Ministerial Staff Meeting (LA) 10:00AM Saturday School (YRC) 10:00AM Worship & Arts Ministry (FH) 10:00AM Girl Scouts Meeting (FH 3/4) 08 09 10 7:00PM Signs of Praise (FH) 7:00PM Praise Team (CR) 6:00AM Prayer Call (712) 432-3100, Code 440772 9:00AM Steward Board Meeting (LA) 9:00AM Back on My Feet (FH/4) 9:00AM WMS Meeting (FH) 10:00AM Worship & Arts Ministry (FH) 12:00PM Kwanza Sol Dance Ministry (S) E— ST. PAUL AME CHURCH, MACON, GA all Code 440772 tudy (FH) hoir Rehearsal (S) dy (FH) ll ode 440772 udy (FH) oir Rehearsal (S) dy (FH) NUAL REPORTS 15 7:00PM Signs of Praise (FH) 7:00PM Praise Team (CR) 16 6:00AM Prayer Call (712) 432-3100, Code 440772 MOBB GOLF TOURNAMENT @ WOLF CREEK GOLF COURSE MBC COMMENCEMENT (4PM-6PM) YOUTH SUMMIT LOCK-IN 17 10:00AM Saturday School (YRC) 10:00AM Worship & Arts Ministry (FH) MBC COMMENCEMENT (4PM-6PM) YOUTH SUMMIT LOCK-IN YPD ACTIVITIES (AFTERNOON) ATLANTA NORTH GEORGIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE— FLIPPER TEMPLE AME, ATLANTA, GA 22 23 24 6:00PM Kwanza Sol Dance Ministry 6:30PM Trustee Board Meeting (LA) 7:00PM Signs of Praise (FH) 7:00PM Praise Team (CR) 6:00AM Prayer Call (712) 432-3100, Code 440772 9:00AM Class Leader Ministry (CR) 9:00AM Back on My Feet (LA) 10:00AM Life Enrichment (YRC) 10:00AM Worship & Arts Ministry (FH) 12:00PM Kwanza Sol Dance Ministry (S) CLOSING WORSHIP SERVICE CHURCH ANNUAL REPORTS NCE— FLIPPER TEMPLE AME, ATLANTA, GA ll ode 440772 yer Breakfast udy (FH) oir Rehearsal (S) dy (FH) 29 30 31 6:00PM Kwanza Sol Dance Ministry 7:00PM Signs of Praise (FH) 7:00PM Praise Team (CR) 6:00AM Prayer Call (712) 432-3100, Code 440772 8:00AM Love Feast (FH) 10:00AM Saturday School (YRC) 10:00AM Worship & Arts Ministry (FH) 7 JESUS SAVES Wishing a Blessed and Happy Birthday to all our members and friends celebrating during the month of May! 5/1 Tyler Crim, Rosalind Lowman, Alane 5/15 Linda Williams Sullivan 5/16 Linda Jolly, Robert Stadford, Willie 5/2 Derek Dewitt, Treyvon Jackson Langley 5/3 Anthony King Hayes, Angela Williams, 5/17 Cyicoby Copeland, Patricia Moore, Audrey Rhodes Brenda Smith, Linda Smith 5/5 5/18 Chris Brooks, Hakeem Brooks, Elva Mickle Sarah Green, J. Wayman Henry, Miriam Thompson, Roshaud Turner, James Vance 5/20 Miriam Hopkins, Corey Thompson, 5/6 Robert Ancrum Phelicia Berry– Vance 5/7 Roosevelt Harden, Jamye Selby, Thomas 5/21 N. Nannette McGee, Kyle Oden Sullivan 5/22 Elaine Hudson 5/8 5/23 Hadley Spivey Charles Horn 5/10 Charles Crowder, Patience Mitchell, 5/24 Kenneth Anderson, Milani Black, Andrea Braunwin Camp Parker, Jahiem Harris 5/11 Timothia Kent, William Robbins, III, 5/25 Frank Glover, Sr. Jaquan Ridgeway, Daphne Stowe, Deborah 5/26 Thelma Berry Upshaw, Gail Wilkerson, Pamela Wilkes 5/27 Marvin Fleming, Mary Grimage, 5/12 Lillian Jones Farai Matangir, Brenda Queen 5/13 Alessandro Bray, Bryanne Burroughs 5/28 Sophie Brown, Sophia Nelson 5/14 Rose Schofield 5/30 George Johnson 5/31 Darren Jones, Payton Lowe 8 BIG BETHEL A.M.E. CHURCH Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church Scholarship Application Applications must be postmarked by May 12, 2014 Please read and follow these guidelines for eligibility: The applicant must be a member of Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church and actively involved in programs and/or organizations within the Church for at least one year prior to making application for an award. Please submit two copies of the required materials in one complete application package. A letter from you which should include the following: Your complete name, address, and telephone number Your request for scholarship support Your academic and career oriented reasons for wanting to attend college What contributions you would like to make to society Highlights of your achievements, contributions to church ministry, and improving the greater community Please be sure to sign and date letter Letters of support from the sponsor (s) of the church program(s) and/or organization(s). The letters of support must indicate your church program/organization memberships and your specific involvement. A copy of an acceptance letter from an accredited college or university. Three individual letters of support from teachers, counselors, work supervisors, etc, indicating specific work you have done to improve your school and community. Please note: All of the above materials must be submitted as one completed application. All letters must be dated and signed by the person(s) submitting the support letters. Send all completed applications by US Mail (no e-mail material will be accepted.) The award of Scholarships is competitive; however eligible applicants who complete the application process will receive support from the Big Bethel Scholarship fund. Mail all materials directly to: Dr. Price M. Michael, Chairman Big Bethel Scholarship Committee 8425 Nolandwood Lane Villa Rica, Georgia 30180 770-459-4907 Applications must be postmarked by May 12. 2014 9 JESUS SAVES WE ARE STREAMING LIVE!!! CHECK US OUT AT: →→( bigbethelamechurch)←← TWITTER: #LiveatBigBethel YOUTH CHURCH Youth Church is held on the 2nd and 3rd Sunday of each month during the 11:00AM Worship service. Volunteer assistance is needed for chaperones and teachers during each service. Snacks are being provided and individual and/or ministry sponsors are requested. Contact the Church office for additional information. Thanks you for your support of this most valuable ministry. VOTERS REGISTRATION Voters Registration will be the 1st Sunday of each month following BOTH 7:45 AM. And 11:00 A.M. Worship Services. At this time, you may also change or update your address and name. EMILY’S HAVEN MINISTRY The Emily’s Haven Ministry needs all committee members to participate in a conference call on Wednesday, May 7th at 6:30 p.m. If you would like to join the committee, your participation is welcome also! To participate: Dial in #: 712-432-3100 Participant Access Code: 663338# Contact Rev. Joyce Young at 678-772-5729 for more information BIG BETHEL CHRISTIAN ED DEPARTMENT announces a new Bible series for Pentecost: PENTECOST: PRESENCE, PURPOSE & POWER April 23rd to May 28th 2014, 12pm and 7 pm Discussions * Group activities *A worship in Psalms * Special guest presenter and more! Come take part in this special exploration of how the Holy Spirit shapes our lives and directs our path. The Reverend Monica C. Jones, PhD Facilitator @ 12pm The Reverend Reginald Cleaver, MDiv Facilitator @ 7pm 2014-2015 CHURCH CALENDAR Please be advised that we are in the process of preplanning for the church activities for the 2014-2015 calendar year. ALL ministries and auxiliaries need to submit their tentative event calendar dates and activities to the church office as soon as possible. Please contact Deborah Herring at the Church Office if you have any questions. 10 PARKING DECALS Parking Decals are available at the church office. Any vehicle without a parking decal will be subject to potentially being booted. BIG BETHEL AME PRISON MINISTRY Any interested person who would like to be apart of the prison ministry, please contact the church office. Atlanta North Georgia Annual Conference EVENTS May 16, 2014—May 23, 2014 Youth Summit—May16th-17th Lock-In at Saint Philip AME Church 240 Candler Rd Atlanta, GA, 30317 YPD Activities—May 17th (Afternoon) @ Flipper Temple AME Church 580 Fair Street Atlanta, GA 30314 (404)522-5020 DMC Day—May 18th @ Flipper Temple AME Church WMS Day—May 19th @ Flipper Temple AME Church Opening Worship Service on May 20, 2014 and Closing Worship Service on May 23, 2014 will also be held at Saint Philip AME Church BIG BETHEL 2020 VISION TASKFORCE VOLUNTEERS!! Pastor Foster needs YOUR help in developing the Big Bethel 2020 Vision!!! Volunteers are needed to work on each of the 7 core areas. Take a moment and complete your volunteer card and return it to the church office or place in the offering basket during any worship service. BIG BETHEL A.M.E. CHURCH Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop Preston Warren Williams II, Presiding Prelate 6th Episcopal District Dr. Wilma Delores Webb-Williams, Episcopal Supervisor Sixth District The Reverend Dr. David Rhone, Presiding Elder North Atlanta District THE REVEREND JOHN FOSTER PH.D., SENIOR PASTOR The Reverend Reginald Cleaver, Special Assistant to the Senior Pastor The Reverend Willie L. Langley, Minister to the Sick & Shut-In/Nursing Care The Reverend Tony Brownlee, Big Bethel Village Bro. Vernon Kimbro, Minister of Worship & Arts ASSISTANT MINISTERS (ITINERANT ELDERS) The Reverend Dr. Lena Flowers, The Reverend Rosie Hunter The Reverend Wilbert Hobbs, The Reverend Joyce Young The Reverend Monica Jones LOCAL MINISTERS The Reverend Betty Miley, The Reverend Charmain Purvis The Reverend M. Gwen Senatle, The Reverend Tony Brownlee The Reverend Bessie Robinson-Donaldson, The Reverend Mary Ellen Lake ITINERANT DEACONS The Reverend Charlene Maddox, The Reverend James Vance The Reverend George Johnson, The Reverend Richard Williams LICENTIATES Sister Shrala Askins, Brother Cornelius Pettway Sister Evelyn Jones WEEKLY SCRIPTURE READINGS Monday……….……………………………........Ezekiel 37:1-14 Tuesday…………..…………..……………………..…….Psalm 130 Wednesday……………..........................Romans 8:6-11 Thursday…………..…………….…………......…Psalm 40: 5-10 Friday……………………………...……...…..…Hebrews 10:4-10 Saturday…………………………..………...……….John 11: 1-45 APRIL 2014 Balance Forward Tithes & Offering Other Receipts Total Available Disbursements Ending Balance Operational $ 17,775.00 $ 78,712.00 $ 38,483.00 $ 134,970.00 $(122,657.00) $ 12,313.00 FOCUS - Jan - Mar April Receipts Total FOCUS $ 24,162.00 $ 6,981.00 $ 31,143.00 Accounts Payable $ 89,582.00 11 JESUS SAVES Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church VISION STATEMENT A spirit-filled fellowship engaging in fervent worship, Bible-based teaching and preaching, and compassionate missions driven to be the miracle in downtown Atlanta. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ; and to communicate to the world through preaching, teaching, evangelizing, worshipping, and stewardship, that “Jesus Saves!” VALUES STATEMENT: We are a God centered, people-oriented Christian community operating in an environment of excellence and 12 BIG ETHEL A.M.E. CHURCH love. All that weBdo is undergirded by prayer.