Belarus. Business partner
Belarus. Business partner
Dear colleagues and friends! Currently, Belarus is getting more attractive to international business community. Its unique geographical position – at the crossroads between west and east, north and south – is just one of the advantages for establishing and doing business in Belarus. 2WKHU EHQH¿WV LQFOXGH D IDYRUDEOH LQYHVWPHQW DQG WD[DWLRQ environment, unique privatization opportunities, well-developed WUDQVSRUW DQG ORJLVWLFV LQIUDVWUXFWXUH KLJKO\ TXDOL¿HG ZRUNIRUFH GHFHQW OLYLQJ VWDQGDUGV GLUHFW DFFHVV WR WKH PDUNHWV RI 5XVVLD DQG.D]DNKVWDQ The advantages of doing business in our country are proved by statistics. For several years %HODUXVKDVEHHQUDWHGDPRQJWKHWRSWKUHHRXWRIFRXQWULHVWKDWUHJXODUO\WDNHSDUWLQWKH :RUOG%DQN¶V©'RLQJEXVLQHVVªUHVHDUFKDQGKDYHDFKLHYHGUHPDUNDEOHUHVXOWVLQFUHDWLQJD IDYRUDEOHUHJXODWRU\HQYLURQPHQWDQGLPSOHPHQWLQJUHIRUPVHI¿FLHQWO\$FFRUGLQJWRWKH+XPDQ 'HYHORSPHQW,QGH[FRPSLOHGE\WKH81'HYHORSPHQW3URJUDPRXUFRXQWU\LVOLVWHGDPRQJWKH FRXQWULHVZLWKDKLJKOHYHORIKXPDQGHYHORSPHQWDQGFRPHV¿UVWDPRQJWKH&,6VWDWHV$QGWKH FDSLWDORI%HODUXV0LQVNWRSVWKH)RUEHVOLVWRIWKHPRVWDWWUDFWLYHFLWLHVIRUGRLQJEXVLQHVVLQ WKHSRVW6RYLHWDUHD 7KHHGLWLRQFRQWDLQVXSWRGDWHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW%HODUXVLWVHFRQRPLFH[SRUWLQYHVWPHQW SRWHQWLDO:HKRSHLWZLOOVHUYHDVDEXVLQHVVJXLGHIRURXUSDUWQHUVQRWRQO\EULHÀ\SUHVHQWLQJ the opportunities for establishing and doing business, but also providing references to the domestic organizations and companies to address for all the necessary information and business assistance. On behalf of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry I wish your acquaintance ZLWK%HODUXVWREHSURGXFWLYHDQGIXOORISOHDVDQWH[SHULHQFH Welcome to Belarus! 0LNKDLO0\DWOLNRY Chairman of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Contents Geographical position Government Historical background Climate and weather in Belarus Places to visit in Belarus 7RXULVWDWWUDFWLRQVLQ0LQVN Population Belarusian business ethics Belarus in international ratings Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Economy )RUHLJQWUDGH ,QGXVWU\ 0HFKDQLFDOHQJLQHHULQJ &KHPLFDOLQGXVWU\ 0HWDOZRUNLQJ 3RZHUHQJLQHHULQJ $JULFXOWXUH 7UDQVSRUWDQGORJLVWLFV %DQNLQJV\VWHP )RRGLQGXVWU\ /LJKWLQGXVWU\ )RUHVWU\ZRRGZRUNLQJSXOS DQGSDSHULQGXVWU\ 2 4 5 6 8 9 14 15 16 18 22 7RXULVP ,7LQGXVWU\ Regional opportunities 39 %UHVWUHJLRQ *RPHOUHJLRQ *URGQRUHJLRQ 0LQVNUHJLRQ 0RJLOHYUHJLRQ 9LWHEVNUHJLRQ 7KHFLW\RI0LQVN Investment 48 Belarus is the best place for your investment 50 1DWLRQDO$JHQF\RI,QYHVWPHQWDQG 3ULYDWL]DWLRQ TXHVWLRQVDERXWVWDUWLQJDEXVLQHVV 3UHIHUHQWLDOOHJDOUHJLPHV Useful information 59 Contact information 60 5HSXEOLFDQERGLHVRIVWDWH DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ 5HJLRQDOH[HFXWLYHERGLHV 'LSORPDWLFFRUSVLQ%HODUXV Diplomatic missions of Belarus DEURDG 3 Geographical position Geographical position The Republic of Belarus is a country in the center of Europe. 7KHWHUULWRU\RIWKHUHSXEOLFLVWKRXVDQGVTNP ([WHQVLRQIURPQRUWKWRVRXWK±NPIURPHDVWWRZHVW±NP %RUGHUH[WHQVLRQ±NP ,WWDNHV±KRXUVWRFURVVWKHWHUULWRU\RI%HODUXVLQDQ\GLUHFWLRQWUDYHOOLQJE\FDU 7KH FRXQWU\ LV GLYLGHG LQWR VL[ UHJLRQV %UHVW *RPHO *URGQR 0LQVN 0RJLOHY 9LWHEVN 7KHFLW\RI0LQVNWKHFDSLWDOLVDQLQGHSHQGHQWDGPLQLVWUDWLYHXQLWZKLFKGRHVQRWIRUPSDUWRI a region. 4 The country borders on Latvia and Lithuania in WKHQRUWKZHVWRQ5XVVLDLQWKHHDVWRQ8NUDLQH LQWKHVRXWKDQGRQ3RODQGLQWKHZHVW %RUGHUV /DWYLDNP /LWKXDQLDNP 3RODQGNP 5XVVLDNP 8NUDLQHNP Government Government National Flag of the Republic of Belarus National Emblem of the Republic of Belarus 7KH 5HSXEOLF RI %HODUXV LV D VRYHUHLJQ WKH +RXVH RI 5HSUHVHQWDWLYHV GHSXWLHV DQGWKH&RXQFLORIWKH5HSXEOLFPHPEHUV independent state. ([HFXWLYH SRZHU LV H[HUFLVHG E\ WKH Government – the Council of Ministers – which 6LQFHWKH3UHVLGHQWRIWKH5HSXEOLF is the major state administrative body. RI%HODUXVLV$OH[DQGHU/XNDVKHQNR In its activities the Government is DFFRXQWDEOHWRWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGOLDEOHWRWKH 7KH 3DUOLDPHQW RI WKH UHSXEOLF LV WKH 1DWLRQDO$VVHPEO\FRQVLVWLQJRIWZRFKDPEHUV 3DUOLDPHQWRIWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXV Form of government – presidential republic. 5 Historical background Historical background 100–35 thousand B.C. First wars of Rzecz Pospolita, the settlements were formed in the state was portioned out by territory of present-day Belarus. Russia, Austria and Prussia. Belarusian lands were incorporated into the Russian VII–XIII centuries. First Empire. state formations in the territory of Belarus 1917. The October Revolution. (Principality of Polotsk) XIII–XVI centuries. The formation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, embracing the territories of present day Belarus, Lithuania, Kiev, Chernigov and Volyn regions of Ukraine, and western regions of Russia. 1919. Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic (BSSR) was established. 1922. BSSR became one of the Soviet Union (USSR) founding republics. 1941–1945. Belarusian lands XVI–XVIII centuries. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and were occupied by the German the Kingdom of Poland created troops during the World on equal terms a federative War II. state – Rzecz Pospolita. 1944. Liberation of the XVIII – beg.of XX century. country's territory from the As a result of the sustained German occupation. 6 Historical background 1999. The Treaty on the 1945. Belarus joind the United Nations Organization creation of the Union State of together with other UNO Russia and Belarus was signed, and the action programme for the founding member-states. implementation of its provisions was adopted. 1986. As consequence of the Chernobyl accident, a significant 2009. The documents on the part of the country's territory exposed to radioactive creation of the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and contamination. Russia were signed. 1991. After the collapse of the USSR, Belarus was proclaimed an independent state. The Agreement on the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States was signed. Minsk was defined the official headquarter of the CIS coordinating authorities. 1994. The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus was adopted. The first President elections in the history of the independent state were held. 2012. The Declaration on the creation of the Eurasian Economic Community was adopted, and the Agreement between Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan on the Common Economic Space came into force. 2014. The Agreement on the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union on the basis of the Customs Union was signed. The members of the Union are Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia. 7 Climate and weather in Belarus Climate and weather in Belarus %HODUXVLDQPRGHUDWHFRQWLQHQWDOFOLPDWHLQÀXHQFHGE\WKH$WODQWLFDLUPDVVHVLVFKDUDFWHUL]HG by rainy warm summers and mild winters with frequent thaws. The weather is changeable in spring and autumn. $YHUDJHDQQXDOSUHFLSLWDWLRQLQWKHWHUULWRU\ RI%HODUXVLV±PP Month precipitation is characterized by ZHOOGH¿QHG DQQXDO F\FOH ZLWK LWV PLQLPXP DPRXQW LQ )HEUXDU\ ± 0DUFK DQG PD[LPXP LQVXPPHURIUDLQIDOOIDOOVRQIRU$SULO± October. The number of snowy days varies from LQWKHVRXWKZHVWWRLQWKHQRUWKHDVW VQRZFRYHUGHSWKUDQJHVIURPWRFP $YHUDJH WHPSHUDWXUH YDULHV GHSHQGLQJ RQUHJLRQLQ-XQHLWUDQJHVIRUPÛ&LQWKH QRUWKWRÛ&LQWKHVRXWK $YHUDJH WHPSHUDWXUH LQ -DQXDU\ YDULHV IURP±Û&LQWKHVRXWKZHVWWR±Û&LQWKH north-east. In some regions of Belarus sub-zero temperatures are maintained for over a tertial. 8 Places to visit in Belarus Places to visit in Belarus Belarus starts with the capital city. Minsk enjoys almost thousand-year history. During WKH *UHDW 3DWULRWLF :DU 0LQVN ZDV GHVWUR\HG E\ PRUH WKDQ 7KHUHIRUH YHU\ IHZ ancient buildings have survived in the city. +RZHYHU0LQVNFDQEHSURXGRIZLGHDYHQXHV and streets, spacious squares, diverse architectural ensembles, verdurous boulevards DQG SDUNV7KH %HODUXVLDQ FDSLWDO RIIHUV RYHU SHGHVWULDQDQGEXVWRXULVWURXWHVDOORZLQJ the guests of the city to get acquainted to historical and cultural heritage, museums, theaters, H[KLELWLRQKDOOV The Mir Castle Complex (Mir Castle) is DQ RXWVWDQGLQJ H[DPSOH RI WKH ;9, FHQWXU\ IRUWL¿FDWLRQ DUW ,W LV LQFOXGHG LQ WKH 81(6&2 :RUOG &XOWXUDO +HULWDJH /LVW )ROORZLQJ UHVWRUDWLRQZRUNV0LU&DVWOHRSHQHGLWVGRRUV WRYLVLWRUVLQ'HFHPEHU The Nesvizh palace and park complex is a unique monument of architecture and ODQGVFDSHGHVLJQRIWKH;9,±;9,,,FHQWXULHV ,W LV FORVHO\ FRQQHFWHG ZLWK WKH 5DG]LZLOOV IDPLO\KLVWRU\,WLVD81(6&2:RUOG+HULWDJH VLWH,Q-XQH1HVYL]K&DVWOHRSHQHGLWV doors to visitors following intensive restoration ZRUNV The Augustow Canal is a hydraulic HQJLQHHULQJ VSHFLPHQ RI WKH HDUO\ ;,; FHQWXU\ It is situated in Grodno region and connects the ULYHU9LVWXODDQG1HPDQ1XPHURXVLQWHUQDWLRQDO cultural and sport events, national and regional FRQWHVWV WRXULVW JDWKHULQJV WDNH SODFH DW WKH FDQDO7RXULVWVFDQJRIRUND\DNFDQRHPRWRUERDW WULSVDORQJWKH$XJXVWRZ&DQDO 9 Places to visit in Belarus The memorial complex Khatyn is one of the most impressive monuments to the victims of World War II. It is located at a distance RI NP IURP 0LQVN .KDW\Q LV D IRUPHU Belarusian village destroyed by fascist invaders GXULQJWKH*UHDW3DWULRWLF:DU7RGD\¶V.KDW\Q FRPSOH[LVRQHRIWKHPRVWUHYHUHGSODFHVLQ %HODUXV 7KH PHPRULDO FRPSOH[ KDV LWV RZQ PXVHXPDQGDSKRWRH[KLELWLRQ The Brest Fortress memorial is a VSHFLPHQ RI WKH ;,; FHQWXU\ IRUWL¿FDWLRQ DUW ORFDWHG LQ D PLQXWH ZDON IURP %UHVW¶V GRZQWRZQ 7KH IRUWUHVV LV D V\PERO RI 6RYLHW UHVLVWDQFH GXULQJ :RUOG :DU ,, 2Q -XQH WKH IRUWUHVV JDUULVRQ UHSHOOHG WKH ¿UVW DWWDFNV RI 1D]L LQYDGHUV The besieged fortress managed to hold the OLQHIRURYHUDPRQWK,WZDVDZDUGHGWKH+HUR )RUWUHVVWLWOHLQWKHZDNHRI:RUOG:DU,,IRURXWVWDQGLQJFRXUDJHGLVSOD\HGE\6RYLHWVROGLHUV when they fought against fascist troops. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is one of the major tourist attractions of Belarus. It is the biggest forest in Central Europe famous for LWV RDN WUHHV ZKLFK DUH RYHU \HDUV ROG %HORYH]KVND\D 3XVKFKD LV DOVR KRPH WR numerous bird and animal species, including (XURSH¶VODUJHVWSRSXODWLRQRIUDUHELVRQ7KH %HORYH]KVND\D 3XVKFKD 1DWLRQDO 3DUN LV D 81(6&2:RUOG+HULWDJHVLWH 10 The Braslav Lakes National Park is ORFDWHG LQ 9LWHEVN UHJLRQ 7KH SDUN LQFOXGHV WKH PRVW EHDXWLIXO JODFLDO ODNHV LQ %HODUXV 7KH ODNHV DUH WKH KDELWDW RI UDUH ELUGV DQG DQLPDOV LQFOXGHG LQ WKH %HODUXV 5HG %RRN RI (QGDQJHUHG6SHFLHV7KHUHDUHDORWRIWRXULVW camps in the region. Places to visit in Belarus The Marc Chagall Museum in Vitebsk is one of the most popular museums in Belarus. Marc Chagall is a world-famous %HODUXVLDQ VXUUHDOLVW SDLQWHU 0DUF &KDJDOO¶V creative phenomenon arouses particular interest in people both in Belarus and abroad. 7KH PXVHXP¶V H[SRVLWLRQ FRPSULVHV PRUH WKDQ RULJLQDO ZRUNV RI DUW LQFOXGLQJ OLWKRJUDSKLHV[\ORJUDSKVJUDYXUHVDTXDWLQWV DQG LOOXVWUDWLRQV IRU WKH SRHP 'HDG 6RXOV E\1LNRODL*RJRO5HSURGXFWLRQVRI&KDJDOO¶VPRVWIDPRXVFDQYDVHVDUHDOVRGLVSOD\HGDWWKH museum. Polotsk is one of the most beautiful towns LQ %HODUXV ORFDWHG NP WR WKH QRUWK RI 0LQVNLQ9LWHEVNUHJLRQHQMR\LQJDQDWWUDFWLYH riverside location on the river Western Dvina. 3RORWVNZDV¿UVWPHQWLRQHGLQWKH7DOHRI WKH%\JRQH<HDUVLQ,QLWVHYHQWIXOKLVWRU\ WKH WRZQ HQGXUHG 9LNLQJ LQFXUVLRQV IURP WKH north, fought against crusaders and had been RFFXSLHGQXPHURXVWLPHV3RORWVNEHFDPHWKH FHQWUH RI &KULVWLDQLW\ GXULQJ WKH ¿UVW 5XVVLDQ VWDWHRI5XV7KHWRZQZDVDELUWKSODFHIRUWKH¿UVW%HODUXVLDQFDQRQL]HGZRPDQ(XSKURV\QH RI3RORWVN 1RWRQO\LVLWWKHROGHVWWRZQLQWKHFRXQWU\EXWDOVRRQHRIWKHROGHVWLQWKHZKROH6ODYLF UHJLRQPDNLQJLWDSRSXODUWRXULVWDWWUDFWLRQLQ%HODUXV7KHUHDUHQXPHURXVKLVWRULFDOEXLOGLQJV DQGPRQXPHQWVLQ3RORWVN 3RORWVN¶thDQQLYHUVDU\ZDVLQFOXGHGLQWKH&DOHQGDURI(YHQWVRI81(6&2LQ± The Gomel palace and park complex LV WKH PRVW EHDXWLIXO H[DPSOH RI WKH UHJLRQ¶V architecture. Currently the unique museum FRPSOH[ LQ FHQWUDO *RPHO XQLWHV WKH SDODFH RI WKH 5XP\DQWVHYV DQG WKH 3DVNHYLFKHV D chapel and a burial vault, a winter garden, a ZDWFKWRZHUDQGDSLFWXUHVTXHROGSDUN 7RGD\ WKH IRUPHU DULVWRFUDWV¶ UHVLGHQFH in Gomel is one of the most interesting and frequently visited Belarusian museums and a major historical, cultural and educational center. The collection of the Gomel palace is one of the richest in Belarus. It comprises archeological, ethnographic and numismatic collections, pictures, KDQGZULWWHQERRNVDQGERRNVSULQWHGEHIRUHWKH;9,,,FHQWXU\LFRQVDQGUHOLJLRXVLWHPVPDULQH RUJDQLVPVDQGPHPRULDOFRPSOH[HVFRPPHPRUDWLQJRXWVWDQGLQJSHUVRQV 11 Places to visit in Belarus Tourist attractions of Minsk The second biggest thoroughfare of 2QH RI WKH ODQGPDUNV RI 0LQVN LV Independence Avenue that crosses the 0LQVN ± Pobeditelei Avenue – starts at the capital city from the center to the north-east. DQFLHQW8SSHU7RZQQHDUWKH7ULQLW\6XEXUE 7KHDYHQXHLVNPORQJZKLFKPDNHVLWRQH RI(XURSH¶VORQJHVWFLW\WKRURXJKIDUHV Independence Square LV UDQNHG DPRQJ the biggest squares in Europe. 7KHKLVWRULFDOFHQWHURI0LQVNKDVSUHVHUYHG PDMHVWLF WHPSOHV DQG KLVWRULFDO ODQGPDUNV 7KH SHDUORIWKH0LQVNGRZQWRZQLVthe Trinity Suburb. 12 Places to visit in Belarus The biggest museums are located in WKH FLW\¶V GRZQWRZQ ZLWKLQ ZDONLQJ GLVWDQFH National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, National Museum of History and Culture of Belarus, Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War, Minsk’s History Museum, the Museum of the Belarusian Cinema History, Yanka Kupala State Literature Museum, Yakub Kolas State Literature and Memorial Museum. 0LQVN LV IDPRXV IRU LWV SLFWXUHVTXH parks and gardens, including The Gorky Central Children’s Park, Mikhailovsky Garde, Aleksandrovsky Garden, Troitskaya Gora Garden (Teatralaney Garden), Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Chelyuskinites Park, Victory Park. 13 Population Population 7KH SRSXODWLRQ QXPEHUV PLOOLRQ WKRXVDQG 8UEDQSRSXODWLRQ± 0DOHSRSXODWLRQ± ([SHFWDQF\RIOLIH±\HDUV 7KH UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV RI DERXW QDWLRQV inhabit Belarus. RIWKHSRSXODWLRQFRQVLGHUWKHPVHOYHV religious. Population census 2009 14 $W SUHVHQW WKHUH DUH UHOLJLRXV FRPPXQLWLHVRIUHOLJLRXVGHQRPLQDWLRQVLQ Belarus. These are communities of Eastern 2UWKRGR[ EHOLHYHUV 5RPDQ&DWKROLFV (YDQJHOLFDO&KULVWLDQV%DSWLVWV6HYHQWKGD\ $GYHQWLVWV/XWKHUDQV-HZVDQG0XVOLPV (DVWHUQ 2UWKRGR[\ LV WKH SULQFLSDO religion in Belarus. It is the foundation of inter-faith stability in the country. &DWKROLFLVP LV RQH RI %HODUXV¶ WUDGLWLRQDO religious denominations. Catholics account for RIWKH%HODUXVLDQSRSXODWLRQ 3URWHVWDQW UHOLJLRXV RUJDQL]DWLRQV FRPSULVHRYHUUHOLJLRXVFRPPXQLWLHV DVVRFLDWLRQVDQGPLVVLRQV Lutheranism is one of traditional denominations in Belarus. Today there are /XWKHUDQFRPPXQLWLHVLQ%HODUXV -HZLVKFRPPXQLWLHVDUHZLGHO\SUHVHQWHG LQ WKH FRXQWU\ DV ZHOO$W SUHVHQW WKHUH DUH RYHU -HZLVK FRPPXQLWLHV IXQFWLRQLQJ LQ Belarus. 7KHUH DUH 0XVOLP FRPPXQLWLHV LQ Belarus. Belarusian business ethics Belarusian business ethics Language 6WDWH ODQJXDJHV DUH %HODUXVLDQ DQG 5XVVLDQ 5XVVLDQ (QJOLVK DQG *HUPDQ are widely used for business negotiations. ,Q HYHU\GD\ OLIH 5XVVLDQ DQG %HODUXVLDQ SUHGRPLQDWH,W¶VIUHTXHQWWKDWWKH%HODUXVLDQV XVHDSHFXOLDULQWHUQDWLRQDOVODQJ±WKHPL[WXUH RI 5XVVLDQ DQG %HODUXVLDQ )RU LQVWDQFH LW¶V SRVVLEOH WR KHDU FRQYHUVDWLRQV VWDUWLQJ LQ %HODUXVLDQDQG¿QLVKLQJLQ5XVVLDQDQGYLFH versa. Peculiarities of Belarusian mentality The Belarusians are very friendly and NLQG ([SUHVVLYHQHVV HPRWLRQDO RXWEXUVW and boisterous spectacles in public are uncharacteristic of them. For centuries the Belarusians have lived in communities, ZKLFKKDYHOHIWWKHPDUNRQWKHFKDUDFWHURI the relationship between them. Mutual help, respect for the elder and for an interlocutor KDYH DOZD\V EHHQ RI JUHDW LPSRUWDQFH$OO the major matters are solved conjointly, with holidays being celebrated either by the whole big family, or even by the whole settlement. Business ethics The Belarusians are characterized by openness and trust in people. Therefore, in business they tend to observe all the agreements and ensure reputation. The Belarusians believe that successful business relations are based only on trust and good personal relations. $OO EXVLQHVV PHHWLQJV VKDOO EH DUUDQJHG EHIRUHKDQG DQG WKHQ FRQ¿UPHG MXVW EHIRUH they are held. First business contacts imply business environment and business style of negotiations and clothes. Besides, a meeting with Belarusian state authorities representatives will be more formal than a meeting with businessmen. 15 Belarus in international ratings Belarus in international ratings In a joint study Doing business – 2015 SUHSDUHG E\ WKH :RUOG %DQN %HODUXV LV UDQNHG th RXW RI FRXQWULHVLQWKHJHQHUDOLQGH[RIHDVHRI GRLQJ EXVLQHVV 7KH FRXQWU\¶V SRVLWLRQ LPSURYHGE\VL[SRLQWVFRPSDULQJWRWKH SUHYLRXV\HDU 3RVLWLRQRI%HODUXVE\PDLQLQGLFDWRUV 5HJLVWHULQJSURSHUW\±rd place; (QIRUFLQJFRQWUDFWV±th; 6WDUWLQJDEXVLQHVV±th; 'HDOLQJZLWKFRQVWUXFWLRQSHUPLWV±st; 3D\LQJWD[HV±th; 5HVROYLQJLQVROYHQF\±th; 3URWHFWLQJPLQRULW\LQYHVWRUV±th; *HWWLQJFUHGLW±th; 7UDGLQJDFURVVERUGHUV±th; *HWWLQJHOHFWULFLW\±th. 7KH'RLQJ%XVLQHVVUDWLQJLV WRSSHG E\ 6LQJDSRUH 7KH ZRUOG¶V WRS WHQ DOVR LQFOXGH 1HZ =HDODQG +RQJ .RQJ &KLQD 'HQPDUN 5HSXEOLF RI .RUHD1RUZD\WKH8QLWHG6WDWHVWKH 8.)LQODQGDQG$XVWUDOLD 5XVVLD LV nd in the list, while .D]DNKVWDQJRHVth. International Telecommunication Union in Geneva presented the report «Measuring the Information Society 2013». 7KH 5HSXEOLF RI %HODUXV WDNHV TXLWH high positions in the ratings given by WKH UHSRUW $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH ,QIRUPDWLRQ Communication Technologies DevelopPHQW ,QGH[ RXU FRXQWU\ WDNHV WKH stSODFHRXWRI5HSXEOLFRI.RUHD WDNHVWKHstSODFHDQGLVDKHDGRIDOO&,6 FRXQWULHV H[FHSW 5XVVLD 5XVVLD UDQNV th0ROGRYD±nd8NUDLQH±th 16 The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)FRQVLGHUVWKH5Hpublic of Belarus an important producer of major agricultural products. 7KH UHYLHZ SXEOLVKHG RQ 1RYHP EHU E\ )$2 UHSRUWV WKDW IROORZLQJ WKH UHVXOWV RI %HODUXV LV UDQNHGDPRQJWKHOHDGHUVLQWKHSRUN DQGEHHIPHDWPDUNHW,QWKLVFRQWH[W )$2 SUHGLFWV LQFUHDVH LQ %HODUXVLDQ PHDWSURGXFWV H[SRUWVWRIRUHLJQ PDUNHWV $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH DERYH PHQtioned review, Belarus is predicted WR WDNH WKH rd place in the world as WKH SURGXFHU RI EXWWHU WKRXVDQG WRQV ORVLQJ RQO\ WR 1HZ =HDODQG WKRXVDQG WRQV DQG WKH (8 WKRXVDQGWRQVDQGWKHth place DV WKH SURGXFHU RI FKHHVH WKRXVDQGWRQV In the Education Index, a comELQHG VWDWLVWLFV RI WKH 8QLWHG 1DWLRQV 'HYHORSPHQW 3URJUDPPH %HODUXV UDQNVndRXWRIFRXQWULHV For reference: Index measures the country’s developments in terms of the achieved education level, combining two major dimensions: adult literacy rate (2/3 of total weight); aggregate share of scholars, getting elementary, secondary and higher education (1/3 of total weight). Belarus in international ratings Belarus maintains the leadLQJ SRVLWLRQ DPRQJ WKH &,6 VWDWHV according to the independent BritLVK UDQNLQJ Legatum Prosperity Index. Following the results of RXU FRXQWU\ RFFXSLHV WKH rd SODFH RXW RI FRXQWULHV DQG WHUULWRULHVDURXQGWKHZRUOG For reference: Legatum Prospeity Index is based on 79 different variables analysed across 142 nations around the world. The 89 variables are grouped into 8 sub-indexes, which are averaged using equal weights. The 8 subindexes are: economy; entrepreneurship; governance; education; health; safety security; personal freedom; social capital. The ranking is based on a variety of factors including wealth, economic growth, education, health, personal well-being, quality of life and their inÀuence on economic growth and long-term welfare of the population. $WWKHEHJLQQLQJRI$PHULFDQ QRQJRYHUQPHQWRUJDQL]DWLRQ1XFOHDU Threat Initiative published «Nuclear Materials Security Index 2014». BeODUXV RFFXSLHV WKH th place and is DKHDGRIDOOIRUPHU8665FRXQWULHV 0LQNVUDQNVstRXWRIDPRQJ WKH SRVW6RYLHW VWDWHV¶ FLWLHV LQ WKH Forbes’ DQQXDO ORRN DW WKH EHVW FLWLHV for business. 7KH UDQNLQJ HYDOXDWHG WKH FLWLHV¶ EXVLQHVVFOLPDWHDQGWKHHDVHIRU5XVsian businessmen to conduct business WKHUH7KH¿QDOUHVXOWWRDJUHDWH[WHQG ZDV GH¿QHG E\ WKH DEVHQFH RI ODQguage barrier, visa-free entrance and WKH &XVWRPV 8QLRQ 'HYHORSHG LQIUDVWUXFWXUHDQGORZWD[UDWHVZHUHXQGHUOLQHGDVZHOO0RVFRZGLGQ¶WSDUWLFLSDWH LQWKHUDQNLQJDQGZDVUDWKHUDUHIHUence point for the other cities. %HODUXV UDQNV th in the Rule of Law Index 2014 among 99 countries and territories worldwideLQHLJKWNH\ LQGLFDWRUV FRQVWUDLQWV RQ JRYHUQPHQW powers, absence of corruption, open government, fundamental rights, order and security, regulatory enforcement, civil justice, and criminal justice. $FFRUGLQJ WR the Human Development Index (HDI), published E\ WKH 8QLWHG 1DWLRQV 'HYHORSPHQW 3URJUDPPH%HODUXVLVFODVVL¿HGDVD FRXQWU\ZLWKKLJKOHYHORI+',UDQNLQJ rdDPRQJFRXQWULHV For reference: The Human Development Index (HDI) combines three dimensions: life expectancy index; education index; income index: GNI per capita. 17 Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry The Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the leading business community RI%HODUXVXQLWLQJRYHUPHPEHUV The Chamber has been implementing FRRSHUDWLRQDJUHHPHQWVDQG0HPRUDQGD ZLWK 1DWLRQDO DQG 5HJLRQDO &KDPEHUV RI Commerce and Industry, associations and RWKHURUJDQL]DWLRQVRIFRXQWULHV±WUDGLWLRQDO DQG SURPLVLQJ WUDGH SDUWQHUV RI WKH 5HSXEOLF of Belarus. The Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has its foreign representatives in FRXQWULHVZRUOGZLGH Foreign economic activities torganization of business missions abroad; tDUUDQJHPHQW RI EXVLQHVV PDWFKPDNLQJ sessions; tcompany presentation in Belarus and abroad; tarrangement and holding of business councils, economic and investment forums, seminars, conferences and symposiums in Belarus and abroad; tLVVXLQJ RI FHUWL¿FDWHV RQ DYDLODELOLW\ DEVHQFH RI JRRGV SURGXFWLRQ ZLWKLQ WKH WHUULWRU\RIWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXV trendering assistance to Belarusian small and medium-scale enterprises in the arrangement 18 RIH[SRUWDWWUDFWLRQRIIRUHLJQLQYHVWPHQWV treception of foreign delegations LQFOXGLQJ UHODWHG VHUYLFHV YLVD VXSSRUW WLFNHW UHVHUYDWLRQV DQG KRWHO ERRNLQJ transport services, rent of premises and lease RI RI¿FH HTXLSPHQW LQVXUDQFH WUDQVODWLRQ LQWHUSUHWLQJ tWUDQVODWLRQLQWHUSUHWLQJ FRQVHFXWLYH VLPXOWDQHRXV tFXVWRPVDQGVWDWLVWLFGHFODULQJRIH[SRUW LPSRUWRIJRRGV tconfirmation of the validity of documents used in the international economic turnover; tIRUFHPDMHXUHFRQ¿UPDWLRQ Appraisal tindependent value appraisal of objects RIFLYLOULJKWVLQFOXGLQJSORWVRIODQGEXLOGLQJV and facilities, including construction in progress, machinery and equipment, vehicles, intellectual property, appraisal of property VHL]HG DUUHVWHG RU DSSURSULDWHG E\ WKH JRYHUQPHQW tassessment of damage caused to property and vehicles; tdetermination of appraisal credibility. Expert examination tH[DPLQDWLRQ DV WR TXDQWLW\ completeness and quality of goods, LQFOXGLQJ H[SHUW H[DPLQDWLRQ LQVSHFWLRQ of acceptance of goods, sampling, preVKLSPHQWH[DPLQDWLRQLQVSHFWLRQRIH[SRUW JRRGV H[SHUW H[DPLQDWLRQ RI JRRGV VROG WKURXJKWKH%HODUXVLDQ8QLYHUVDO&RPPRGLW\ ([FKDQJHH[SHUWH[DPLQDWLRQRIFRQVXPHU goods; tIRUHQVLF H[DPLQDWLRQ LQFOXGLQJ forensic construction and technical H[DPLQDWLRQ IRUHQVLF DQG PHUFKDQGLVLQJ H[DPLQDWLRQ IRUHQVLF YHKLFOH H[DPLQDWLRQ IRUHQVLF H[DPLQDWLRQ LQ UHODWLRQ WR YDOXH appraisal of objects of civil rights. Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry CertiÀcation Belarusian Chamber of Commerce tFHUWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHRULJLQRIJRRGVH[SHUW and Industry DQDO\VLV RI WKH FRXQWU\ RI RULJLQ FHUWL¿FDWLRQ 0LQVN.RPPXQLVWLFKHVND\DVW 3KRQH DQG LVVXH RI FHUWL¿FDWHV RI RULJLQ RI YDULRXV )D[ IRUPV)RUPµ$¶)RUPµ67¶JHQHUDOIRUPDQG PER[#FFLE\ RWKHUV tFHUWL¿FDWLRQ RI JRRGV ZRUNV VHUYLFHV RI RZQ SURGXFWLRQ LQFOXGLQJ UDWLQJ RI Brest Branch of the BelCCI PDQXIDFWXUHG JRRGV ZRUN VHUYLFHV DV WKH %UHVW*RJRO\DVW SURGXFWVZRUNVVHUYLFHVRIRZQSURGXFWLRQ 3KRQHID[ LVVXHRIFHUWL¿FDWHVIRUJRRGVZRUNVVHUYLFHV LQIR#FFLEUHVWE\ of own production. Execution and issue of ATA Carnet $7$ &DUQHW LV DQ LQWHUQDWLRQDO FXVWRPV document used as a customs declaration HQDEOLQJ WR FDUU\ RXW VLPSOL¿HG GXW\IUHH FOHDUDQFH RI WHPSRUDU\ LPSRUW DQG H[SRUW RI goods. It is issued by chambers of commerce and industry or other national associations, authorized customs bodies in the states – members of conventions, and guarantees payment of import duties. Legal support of foreign economic activity SURYLVLRQ RI DVVLVWDQFH WR OHJDO HQWLWLHV DQG LQGLYLGXDO HQWUHSUHQHXUV RI WKH 5HSXEOLF of Belarus and foreign countries in the development and drafting of preliminary agreements, draft contracts and other documents necessary for foreign economic and business activities; RWKHU DFWLYLWLHV LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH law. Information activity and publishing LQIRUPDWLRQDO DQG WHFKQLFDO VXSSRUW RI business events; SXEOLVKLQJ DFWLYLWLHV SXEOLVKLQJ commercial information in print media, catalogues, placement of information materials in the Internet; SUHSDUDWLRQRIYLGHRSUHVHQWDWLRQV PHGLD FRYHUDJH RI WKH %HODUXVLDQ DQG IRUHLJQFRPSDQLHV¶DFWLYLWLHV Gomel Branch of the BelCCI *RPHO,ULQLQVND\DVW 3KRQHID[ LQIR#FFLJRPHOE\ Grodno Branch of the BelCCI *URGQR6RYHWVND\DVWD 3KRQH )D[ LQIR#JURWSSE\ Minsk Branch of the BelCCI 0LQVN<D.RODVDVW 0LQVN.RPPXQLVWLFKHVND\DVW 3KRQH )D[ WSSP#WSSPE\ Mogilev Branch of the BelCCI 0RJLOHY3HUYRPD\VND\DVW 3KRQHID[ PRJLOHY#FFLE\ Vitebsk Branch of the BelCCI 9LWHEVN.RVPRQDYWRYVW 3KRQH )D[ LQIR#FFLYLWHEVNE\ ZZZFFLYLWHEVNE\ 19 Shorets Consult, Private Consulting Unitary Enterprise 0LQVN 6PRO\DFKNRYD 6W RI¿FHɚ 3KRQH )D[ VKRUHWV#JPDLOFRP 7UDLQLQJV IRU H[HFXWLYHV RI DOO OHYHOV owners and top managers, department heads, OLQHDUH[HFXWLYHVRI¿FHVDOHVDQGSURGXFWLRQ PDQDJHUV 7UDLQLQJ RI VDOHV SHUVRQV DQG WHDPV wholesale, retail, distribution, services. 7UDLQHUV DGYDQFHPHQWDQGWUDLQLQJRI+5 specialists. ,Q¿HOG DQG FODVVURRP FRDFKLQJ LQGLYLGXDOO\DQGLQJURXSV %XVLQHVV ZRUNVKRSV SUDFWLFDO FRXUVHV seminars, comprehensive educational programmes, personnel training systems generation. 20 TRANSLATION CENTRE, Private Translation Services Unitary Enterprise 0LQVN.DOYDUL\VND\DVW RI¿FH 7HOID[ HPDLOV#WXWE\#WXWE\ #PDLOUX KWWSWUDQVODWHFHQWUHE\ t Translation of documents, agreements, diplomas. t1RWDUL]HGWUDQVODWLRQ t$SRVWLOOH t Consular legalization. t Technical translation. 21 Economy Economy JRRGV %HODUXV SURGXFHV RI WUDFWRUV FKHPLFDO ¿EHU DQG \DUQ RI WKH PDFKLQHWRROVLQWKHWRWDODPRXQWRIWKH&,6 The country has one of the leading positions in the world in production of potash fertilizers DQGKHDY\WUXFNV %HODUXV ERDVWV RI WKH ZRUOG RXWSXW 7KH 5HSXEOLF RI %HODUXV LV DQ H[SRUW RI KDUYHVWHUV RI WUDFWRUV RI ÀD[ oriented state with well-developed industry, DQGRISRWDWRDQGLWVVKDUHLQWKHZRUOG agriculture and service sector. Belarus adheres PLQLQJGXPSWUXFNVSURGXFWLRQLV WR WKH PRGHO RI VRFLDOO\ RULHQWHG PDUNHW 10 BELARUSIAN CORE PRODUCTS economy that has proved its sustainability, tfreight vehicles, road and construction FRQVLVWHQF\DQGHI¿FLHQF\ Over the past decade, the foreign trade equipment ttractors and agricultural equipment dynamics is characterized by rapid increase trefrigerators and household equipment in goods and services turnover volume. It tfertilizers is determined by high economic growth, tÀD[¿EHUV HQKDQFHPHQW RI VFLHQWL¿F DQG WHFKQLFDO DQG tFKHPLFDO¿EHUVDQGWKUHDGV transit potential, participation in integration tclothes and footwear SURFHVVHV ZLWKLQ WKH &,6 DV ZHOO DV tpotatoes GLYHUVL¿FDWLRQRIWUDGHDQGHFRQRPLFUHODWLRQV %HODUXV PDLQWDLQV NH\ SRVLWLRQV LQ tmeat products tdairy products the production of the most important 1DWLRQDO FXUUHQF\ ± %HODUXVLDQ UXEOH %<5 *'3%<5 636,784 billion. *'3SHUFDSLWD%<567,271 thousand. *'3 LQ UHDO WHUPV FRPSDUHG WR WKH previous year – 100.9%. The share of industries in the total industrial output: 22 3RZHUHQJLQHHULQJ Fuel industry 0HFKDQLFDOHQJLQHHULQJDQGPHWDOZRUNLQJ Chemistry and petrochemistry Forestry, wood processing, pulp and paper industries Light industry 3URGXFWLRQRIFRQVWUXFWLRQPDWHULDOV Food industry Other industries Economy Foreign trade Belarus trade turnover of goods amounted to 8680,226 millionLQ ([SRUWV WRWDOHG 86 37,203 million; imports amounted to 8643,023 million. ([SRUWLVRQHRIWKHPDMRU priorities of the Belarusian HFRQRP\WUDGLWLRQDOO\PDNLQJ up more than a half of its gross domestic product. Belarus maintains trade relations with over FRXQWULHV DURXQG WKH ZRUOG ([SRUWV PDNH XS RI WKH *'3 LPSRUWV±DERXW Useful links: Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry National Agency of Investment and Privatization 23 Economy Industry tspecialised long-run production of tools for WKHPHWDOZRUNLQJLQGXVWU\RIVXSHUKDUGPDWHULDOV and composite materials on their basis; tproduction of components for vehicles and buses corresponding to Euro 5 and (XURUHTXLUHPHQWV tcreation of new types of competitive optical electronic and laser products of special purpose; tproduction of photo-sensitive devices, optical electronic devices, high-quality solar cells. Priority areas of industrial development: tproduction of high-precision casting for HQJLQHHULQJFRPSOH[ tproduction of engineering process equipment; tproduction of complete automated hydromechanical transmissions of a EURDG SRZHU UDQJH WR KS IRU various transportation and technological machines; 24 Useful links: Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian State Light Industry Concern Belarusian State Concern for Oil and Chemistry Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry National Agency of Investment and Privatization Economy Mechanical engineering $XWRPRELOH LQGXVWU\ LV RQH RI WKH OHDGLQJ branches of the mechanical engineering VHFWRU,WDFFRXQWVIRURQHIRXUWKRIWKHVHFWRU¶V output. Belarus specializes in manufacturing freight vehicles, buses and special vehicles. 7KHELJJHVWFRPSDQLHVDUH0LQVN$XWRPRELOH 3ODQW DQG %(/$= %HODUXVLDQ $XWRPRELOH :RUNVDFFRXQWVIRUDWKLUGRIWKHJOREDOPDUNHW RI URFN KDXOHUV DQG LV RQH RI WKH OHDGLQJ producers of quarry equipment in the world. Belarus is a leading producer of agricultural equipment such as tractors, grain harvesters, DOO NLQGV RI IRUDJH KDUYHVWHUV0LQVN7UDFWRU :RUNV LV DPRQJ WKH biggest manufacturers of wheeled tractors. Belarusian tractors DFFRXQW IRU RI WKH JOREDOPDUNHW Useful links: Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry National Agency of Investment and Privatization 25 Economy Chemical industry 7KH%HODUXVLDQ6WDWH&RQFHUQIRU2LODQG &KHPLVWU\ %HOQHIWHNKLP LQFRUSRUDWHV RYHU HQWHUSULVHV,WDFFRXQWVIRUPRUHWKDQRI WKHFRXQWU\¶VLQGXVWULDORXWSXW 7KH WRS H[SRUWHUV RI PLQHUDO IHUWLOL]HUV LQ %HODUXVDUH%HODUXVNDOLDQG*URGQR$]RW %HODUXVNDOL LV RQH RI WKH ZRUOG¶V biggest manufacturers of potash fertilizers. The Belarusian enterprise DFFRXQWV IRU RI WKH JOREDO SRWDVVLXP PDUNHW $ERXW RI %HODUXVNDOL¶V RXWSXW LV H[SRUWHG WR (XURSH (DVW $VLD 0HGLWHUUDQHDQ FRXQWULHV 6RXWK $IULFD ,QGLD &KLQD 6RXWK DQG 1RUWK $PHULFDV ± DWRWDORIFRXQWULHVDFURVVWKHJOREH 26 %HOVKLQDLV(XURSH¶VODUJHVWWLUHSURGXFHU The Belarusian oil processing industry LQFOXGHV 1RYRSRORWVNEDVHG 1DIWDQ 2LO 5H¿QHU\ DQG 0R]\U 2LO 5H¿QHU\ 7KHVH DUH modern facilities manufacturing high-quality RLOSURGXFWVZKLFKDUHH[SRUWHGWR&HQWUDODQG 1RUWKZHVW(XURSH Useful links: Belarusian State Concern for Oil and Chemistry Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry National Agency of Investment and Privatization Economy Metalworking 7KH %HODUXVLDQ PHWDOZRUNLQJ LQGXVWU\ comprises eight manufacturers of electrowelded circular and shaped steel pipes, steel cast bars, rolled steel, various NLQGVRIZLUHVWHHOFRUGEROWVVFUHZVQXWV nails, molding materials, heating equipment. %HODUXVLDQ6WHHO:RUNV%0=WUDGHPDUN LQ=KORELQLV%HODUXV¶ELJJHVWPDQXIDFWXUHURI ferrous metallurgy merchandize. Useful links: Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry National Agency of Investment and Privatization Major metalworking enterprises Enterprise Produced goods %HODUXVLDQ6WHHO:RUNV 5HLQIRUFHGUROOHGDQGSUR¿OHGEDUVLURQURG and wire, steel wire cord, steel cast bars 0RJLOHY6WHHO:RUNV 6WHHO HOHFWULFZHOGHG URXQG DQG SUR¿OHG tubes 7VHQWUROLW*RPHO)RXQGU\3ODQW Iron casting for tool building and mechanical engineering, manholes, surge facilities and catch basins, ornamental and furnace casting 5HFKLWVD0HWL]Q\3ODQW Bolts, screws, nails of all dimension-types 0LQVN3ODQWRI+HDWLQJ(TXLSPHQW +HDWLQJERLOHUVUDGLDWRUV¿WWLQJV 27 Economy Power engineering 7KH %HODUXVLDQ IXHO DQG HQHUJ\ FRPSOH[ includes companies engaged in production, WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ DQG VWRUDJH RI DOO NLQGV RI HQHUJ\ UHVRXUFHV $ERXW RI HQHUJ\ resources consumed by the national economy are imported. Electricity generation is the core RI WKH %HODUXVLDQ IXHO DQG HQHUJ\ FRPSOH[ This is one of the leading branches of the national economy with a traditionally high level RI%HODUXV¶WHFKQLFDODQGHQJLQHHULQJSRWHQWLDO FRQFHQWUDWHG %HOWUDQVJD] 2-6& GLVWULEXWHV and transports gas across Belarus. In the near future nuclear energy will play DOHDGLQJUROHLQWKHIXHODQGHQHUJ\FRPSOH[ The decision to build a nuclear power plant with WKHFDSDFLW\RIXSWR0:LQ%HODUXVZDV PDGHLQ7KH133ZLOODOORZUHGXFLQJWKH SULPHFRVWRISURGXFHGHQHUJ\E\XSWR Useful links: Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry National Agency of Investment and Privatization 28 Economy Agriculture $JULFXOWXUDO SURGXFWLRQ DFFRXQWV IRU DERXW RI WKH FRXQWU\¶V *'3 /HVV WKDQ RI WKH HPSOR\HG LQ WKH QDWLRQDOHFRQRP\ZRUNLQWKH agricultural sector. Belarusian companies almost fully satisfy the needs RI WKH GRPHVWLF IRRG PDUNHW Food import accounts for OHVV WKDQ RI WKH WRWDO consumption. The production RI PLON SHU FDSLWD LQ %HODUXV LV WLPHV KLJKHU WKDQ WKDW LQ WKH (XURSHDQ 8QLRQ DQG WLPHV KLJKHU WKDQ WKDW LQ the world. The production of $ERXW RI WKH ZRUOG¶V ÀD[ FURSV DUH PHDW SHU FDSLWD LV WLPHV DQGWLPHVKLJKHUWKHPDQXIDFWXUHRIJUDLQ JURZQLQ%HODUXV%HODUXVLVDWRS¿YHFRXQWU\ LVWLPHVDQGWLPHVKLJKHUUHVSHFWLYHO\ DPRQJWKHZRUOG¶VÀD[¿EHUPDQXIDFWXUHUV 7KH FRXQWU\ DFFRXQWV IRU RI WKH Useful links: JOREDO H[SRUW RI PLON RI EXWWHU H[SRUW Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic DQGRIFKHHVHH[SRUW%HODUXVLVDWRS of Belarus H[SRUWHURIGDLU\SURGXFWVLQWKHZRUOGDORQJ ZLWK $XVWUDOLD 1HZ =HDODQG %UD]LO DQG Belarusian State Concern of Food Industry $UJHQWLQD Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry %HODUXVLVUDQNHG¿UVWLQWHUPVRISHUFDSLWD production of potato and is one of the major National Agency of Investment and Privatization potato producers in the world. 29 Economy Transport and logistics Belarus is a major transport corridor of Eurasia. The transportation infrastructure of %HODUXV LV UHSUHVHQWHG E\ D EURDG QHWZRUN of motorways, railways, airlines. Every year RYHUPLOOLRQWRQHVRI(XURSHDQFDUJRHV DUH WUDQVSRUWHG YLD %HODUXV $ERXW RI WKHFDUJRHVDUHWUDQVSRUWHGEHWZHHQ5XVVLD DQGWKH(XURSHDQ8QLRQ7KHWHUULWRU\RIWKH country is crossed by two out of ten cross(XURSHDQWUDQVSRUWDWLRQFRUULGRUV %HUOLQ±0LQVN±0RVFRZ +HOVLQNL±0RJLOHY±%XFKDUHVW Transit of goods via Belarus is fast and secure. Transport services are rendered by railway, automobile, air, inland water, and pipeline transport operators. Geographical location of Belarus favors the deployment of logistics centers along the routes used to transport cargoes between (XURSHDQG$VLD 7KH FRXQWU\ KDV ZRUNHG RXW D ODUJH scale program to guide the development of WKH ORJLVWLFV V\VWHP XQWLO 7KH SURJUDP envisages the construction of 50 logistics FHQWHUV LQFOXGLQJ WUDQVSRUW DQG ORJLVWLFV centers with the consequent processing of products as an option. Useful links: Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry National Agency of Investment and Privatization 30 Economy Banking system 7KH EDQNLQJ V\VWHP RI WKH 5HSXEOLF RI Belarus has two levels. It consists of the 1DWLRQDO%DQNRIWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXVDQG RWKHUEDQNV 7KH 1DWLRQDO %DQN RI WKH 5HSXEOLF RI %HODUXVLVWKH¿UVWOHYHORIWKHEDQNLQJV\VWHP of the country. It performs the following IXQFWLRQV VWDWH UHJLVWUDWLRQ DQG UHJXODWLRQ RIWKHEDQNV¶DFWLYLWLHVOLFHQVLQJRIEDQNLQJ regulation of credit relations and monetary circulation, determination of the settlement SURFHGXUHDQGWKHH[FOXVLYHULJKWIRUFXUUHQF\ HPLVVLRQ 7KH 1DWLRQDO %DQN LV UHVSRQVLEOH for cooperation with the International Monetary Fund, and also forms part of the *URXS RI %DQNLQJ 6XSHUYLVRUV IURP &HQWUDO DQG (DVWHUQ (XURSHDQ &RXQWULHV ± %6&(( Group. $V RI$SULO WKH EDQNLQJ VHFWRU RI %HODUXVFRPSULVHGFRPPHUFLDOEDQNV7KH RYHUDOOFDSLWDORI%HODUXVLDQEDQNVDPRXQWHG WRPLOOLRQUXEOHV 7KHPDLQDJHQF\RIWKHVWRFNPDUNHWRIWKH 5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXVLVWKH%HODUXVLDQ&XUUHQF\ DQG6WRFN([FKDQJH The country has a well-developed information and analytical system, covering the results of the circulation of securities issued in the country, information about the activities of the issuers and participants of the securities PDUNHWQHZVRIWKHVWRFNDQG¿QDQFLDOPDUNHWV RIWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXV Useful links: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus www.min¿ Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus Republican Central Securities Depository of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry National Agency of Investment and Privatization The countries of origin of the foreign capital in the banking system of Belarus are Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Iran, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Russia, USA, Ukraine, Switzerland, and others. 31 Economy Food industry .H\ H[SRUW SURGXFWV DUH PLON DQG GDLU\ SURGXFWV PHDW DQG PHDW SURGXFWV FDVHLQ HJJV 7KH VKDUH RI IRRG SURGXFWV LQ WRWDO H[SRUWV KDV LQFUHDVHG IURP WR RYHU WKH ODVW ¿YH years. Belarusian food products are supplied to 50 countries worldwide. The largest importers DUH 5XVVLD 8NUDLQH 3RODQG *HUPDQ\ .D]DNKVWDQ/LWKXDQLD0ROGRYD Promising trends in attracting investments are: tincrease of the production capacity for products with longer shelf life; tmanufacture of narrow-niche products – in cheese and meat industries; tH[SDQGLQJ FDSDFLWLHV IRU SURFHVVLQJ FKHHVHDQGPLONZKH\XVLQJELRWHFKQRORJLFDO methods; tFUHDWLRQ RI ©VKRFNª IUHH]LQJ FRPSOH[HV for berries and mushrooms, as well as various treatment technologies for vegetables and fruits. 32 Useful links: Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian State Concern of Food Industry Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry National Agency of Investment and Privatization 33 Economy Light industry Light industry in Belarus accounts IRU ± RI WKH WRWDO SURGXFWLRQ of non-food goods. There are about 500 light industry enterprises in the republic, producing over 5,000 product names. Belarusian light industry is passing through a period of PRGHUQL]DWLRQ D QXPEHU RI NH\ enterprises are investing in the replacement of production equipment with the view of releasing PRUHFRPSHWLWLYHSURGXFWV$QDFWLYH search for investors for the re-equipping RI SODQWV XSGDWLQJ PDUNHWLQJ SROLF\ DQG ZRUNLQJ RQ WKH LPDJH RI WKH SURGXFW DUH being carried out. Knitting enterprises DUH UHFNRQHG DPRQJ WKH PRVW SURPLVLQJ areas for investment. The strength of the Belarusian light industry in attracting foreign investments consists in good raw materials base, as well as cheap labour force. The textile industry is regarded as the largest in production volume. The segment FRPELQHVWKHSURGXFWLRQRIDOONLQGVRIIDEULFV NQLWZHDUIHOWLQJDQGRWKHUSURGXFWV The knitting industry focuses on the SURGXFWLRQ RI NQLWZHDU NQLWWHG IDEULF KRVLHU\ and other products. 34 The main activity of sewing industry enterprises is sewing suits and outerwear, FKLOGUHQ¶V FORWKLQJ XQGHUZHDU KDWV DQG fur items. The largest sewing factories in %HODUXVKDYHD©SRUWIROLRªRIH[SRUWEUDQGV ZKLFKDUHH[SRUWHGQRWRQO\ZLWKLQWKH&,6 EXW DOVR WR WKH &]HFK 5HSXEOLF 'HQPDUN *UHDW %ULWDLQ WKH 1HWKHUODQGV 3RODQG WKH 86$ Footwear industry enterprises tend to improve the quality of raw materials and reduce the level of import capacity. The establishment of the Belarusian IDVKLRQ LQGXVWU\ WDNHV SODFH QRZDGD\V together with the rapid development of RXU FRXQWU\¶V HFRQRP\ %HODUXV )DVKLRQ :HHN ZKLFK IRU WKH ODVW QLQH VHDVRQV has been successfully representing the Belarusian fashion on the international arena, and the republican fashion and SKRWR FRQWHVWIHVWLYDO ©0LOO RI )DVKLRQª stand out among many emerging projects in this sphere. Useful links: Belarusian State Light Industry Concern Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry National Agency of Investment and Privatization Economy Forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper industry )RUHVWIXQGLVRYHUPLOOLRQKD )RUHVWFRYHUPDNHV 7RWDOVWRFNRIIRUHVWVWDQGVLVHVWLPDWHGDW ELOOLRQP. $QQXDOZRRGLQFUHPHQWPDNHVPLOOLRQP. )RUHVW FRYHU SHU FDSLWD LV KD ZRRG VWRFNSHUFDSLWDLVP. 'XULQJWKHODVW\HDUVWKHSHUFHQWDJHRI forest land of the republic has almost doubled DQG UHDFKHG LWV PD[LPXP YROXPH IRU PRUH WKDQ\HDUV¶SHULRG Conscious efforts of the Belarusian woodgrowers foster the improvement of the quality of forest reserves. The volume of man-made stands is consistently growing. Furthermore, the steady enlargement of the areas with the maturing, mature and overmature forest stands is observed. ,Q%HODUXVLDQIRUHVWU\HVWDEOLVKPHQWV SURFHVVHGWKRXVDQGP of wood, which DPRXQWVDWFRPSDULQJWR ,Q ZRRGZRUNLQJ HQWHUSULVHV SURGXFHG WKRXVDQG P of sawn timber FRPSDULQJ WR LQFOXGLQJ WKRXVDQGPRIVDZQOXPEHUWR WKHOHYHORI 7KH SURGXFWLRQ YROXPH RI ZRRGZRUNLQJ HQWHUSULVHV KDV LQFUHDVHG E\ IURP %<5WR%<5PLOOLRQ The cost-effectiveness of the produced JRRGVLQPDGHZLWKSODQQHGLQFUHDVH RI regard, as well as due to the fact that there is D VLJQL¿FDQW SURSRUWLRQ RI ORZYDOXH VRIWZRRG timber and thinners which are unclaimed on WKHGRPHVWLFPDUNHWLWLVSODQQHGWRDFFHOHUDWH the development of the production of pulp and paper. Useful links: Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian production and Trade Concern of Forestry, Woodworking and Pulp-and-Paper Industry Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry National Agency of Investment and Privatization The pulp and paper industry of Belarus SURGXFHVDERXWPLOOLRQWRQVRISDSHUDQG DERXW PLOOLRQ WRQV RI FDUGERDUG DQQXDOO\ SDUWRIWKHSURGXFWVDUHH[SRUWHG Imported pulp and waste paper is used as raw material. Despite the growing production volumes of the Belarusian enterprises, the level of import of paper in the republic remains high. In this 35 Economy Tourism 7KHQXPEHURIRUJDQL]HGYLVLWVZDV WKRXVDQGLQ )URP&,6VWDWHV±WKRXVDQGYLVLWVRI ZKLFKIURP5XVVLD±WKRXVDQG8NUDLQH± WKRXVDQG $PRQJWKHQRQ&,6FRXQWULHVWKHODUJHVW number of visitors came from Germany, Italy, /DWYLD /LWKXDQLD 3RODQG 8QLWHG .LQJGRP DQG7XUNH\,QWKHVHFRXQWULHVPDGHXS RI WRWDO WRXULVW DUULYDOV IURP QRQ&,6 countries. $YHUDJHGXUDWLRQRIVWD\LVGD\V the site of the former pagan temple, and biblical IUHVFRHVRI6W6WDQLVODXV&DWKHGUDOLQ0RJLOHY Therapeutic tourism ,QVDQDWRULXPKHDOWKUHVRUWDQG health improvement facilities were functioning in Belarus. WKRXVDQG JXHVWV ZHUH accommodated. Belarus offers great health-improving opportunities at sanatoriums and spas for people wishing to spend their holiday with $ QXPEHU RI ODUJHVFDOH QDWXUH SURWHFWLRQ EHQH¿WWRWKHLUKHDOWK SURMHFWVDUHUHDOL]HGLQWKHUHSXEOLF7KHUHDUH¿YH Belarusian health resorts are located in QDWLRQDOSDUNVLQ%HODUXVSURWHFWHGE\WKHVWDWH WKHPRVWSLFWXUHVTXHFRUQHUVRIWKHFRXQWU\LQ 1DWLRQDO SDUNV HQMR\ JRRG RSSRUWXQLWLHV SLQHIRUHVWVRQWKHEDQNVRIULYHUVDQGODNHV for the development of ecotourism. There ZKHUHQDWXUHLWVHOILVEHQH¿FLDO%HODUXVHQMR\V are various tourist routs, ecological paths, a moderate continental climate with mild winter multi-day specialized ecotours, aiming at DQGZDUPVXPPHUWKHUHDUHW\SHVRIPLQHUDO observing wild animals and birds in their ZDWHUVSULQJVZKLFKPDNHVLWSRVVLEOHWRKDYH natural environment, nature museums, hunting a rest in Belarus all the year round. tours in subordinate hunting farms, as well as MRLQW VFLHQWL¿F UHVHDUFK RI QDWXUH KDELWDW DQG Hotel «Minsk» ecosystem. 1H]DYLVLPRVWL$YH 3KRQH Rural tourism KRWHOPLQVN#SPUEJRYE\ The number of tourists who made use of ZZZKRWHOPLQVNE\ DJURHFRWRXULVP VHUYLFHV LQ ZDV tfour-star hotel located in the very heart WKRXVDQGPRUHWKDQLQ of the Belarusian capital tURRPVDYDLODEOH 5HODWLYHO\QHZW\SHRIWRXULVPIRU%HODUXV although the country has already succeeded LQ LW 7RGD\ RYHU IDUPVWHDGV LQ WKH Useful links: most picturesque parts of Belarus are open to Ministry of Sports and Tourism foreign guests. of the Republic of Belarus ,W¶V DOVR SRVVLEOH WR YLVLW KRO\ SODFHV LQ Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry %HODUXV %HODUXV¶ PRVW UHYHUHG SODFHV LQFOXGH 6W(XSKURV\QH&RQYHQWLQ3RORWVNWKH&KXUFK National Agency of Investment and Privatization RI WKH 5HVXUUHFWLRQ RI &KULVW LQ %UHVW WKH 5RPDQ&DWKROLF&KXUFKLQ1RYRJUXGRNEXLOWRQ 36 Economy IT industry In the past several years Belarus has earned the reputation of a leading IT country in WKH(DVWHUQ(XURSH$PRQJWKHSUHUHTXLVLWHV RIVXFFHVVIXOGHYHORSPHQWWKHUHDUH education system, training specialists in the sphere; high-quality IT professionals; reasonable prices for IT-services, ideal price performance ratio. %HVLGHVWKH+L7HFK3DUN+73KDVEHHQ established in the country, providing special business environment for IT business. The 3DUNPDLQO\VSHFLDOL]HVLQWKHGHYHORSPHQWDQG assimilation of information and communication technologies and software for the domestic DQG IRUHLJQ PDUNHWV ,WV DFWLYLWLHV LQFOXGH KLJKWHFK DUHDV UDQJLQJ IURP WKH FUHDWLRQ of materials for micro- and nanoelectronics to DLUFUDIWURFNHWVDQGVSDFHWHFKQRORJLHV $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH *OREDO 6HUYLFHV UDWLQJWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXVUDQNHV thDPRQJWKHOHDGLQJFRXQWULHVLQWKH sphere of IT outsourcing and high-tech services. Three companies with Belarusian roots HQWHUHG WKH WRS RI WKH ZRUOG ODUJHVW companies in this sphere. %HODUXVUDQNVthLQWKH,7UDQNLQJRIWKH 812 Useful contacts: Hi-Tech Park Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry National Agency of Investment and Privatization 37 38 Regional opportunities Regional opportunities 7KHWHUULWRU\RIWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXVLVGLYLGHGLQWRVL[UHJLRQV Brest region Gomel region Grodno region 0LQVNUHJLRQ Mogilev region 9LWHEVN region City of 0LQVN $UHD WKRXVDQG VTNP WKRXVDQG VTNP WKRXVDQG VTNP WKRXVDQG VTNP WKRXVDQG VTNP WKRXVDQG VTNP VTNP 3RSXODWLRQ thousand persons thousand persons WKRXVDQG persons thousand persons WKRXVDQG persons WKRXVDQG persons thousand persons 8UEDQSRSXODWLRQ Economically active population $JULFXOWXUDOODQG thousand hectares thousand hectares thousand hectares thousand hectares thousand hectares thousand hectares – 39 Regional opportunities Brest region Production: incandescent lamps, forming machines, OLPLWHGVZLQJ VKRYHOV HOHFWULF FRRNHUV household electric appliances for heating and FRRNLQJFKLSERDUGFRWWRQIDEULFV $JULFXOWXUH VSHFLDOL]HV LQ WKH SURGXFWLRQ RI PHDWPLONSRWDWRFRUQVXJDUEHHWDQGYHJHWDEOHV ExporW trade and economic relations with FRXQWULHV Export products: ¿VKSURGXFWVVXJDUJDVVWRYHVIXUQLWXUH DQG RWKHU SURGXFWV PLON DQG PHDW LQGXVWU\ products. Attracting investment: Brest region is located in the south-west thigh-tech and innovative projects; of the country, in the basins of the Western tH[SRUWRULHQWHG DQG LPSRUWVXEVWLWXWLQJ %XJWKH1HPDQDQGWKH'QLHSHUERUGHUVRQ production; 3RODQGDQG8NUDLQH tproduction and processing of agricultural Region advantages products; tGHYHORSPHQW RI FRQVXPHU FRPSOH[ tdevelopment of infrastructure of roadside processing organizations using local raw service; materials; tdevelopment of tourist services. tfavourable climatic conditions. Resources and mineral deposits: Useful links: construction stone, clay, sand, gravel, Brest Regional Executive Committee RLO VKDOHV EURZQ FRDO JUDQLWH FKDON JODVV Brest Branch of the BelCCI PDNLQJDQGPRXOGLQJVDQGWDEOHVDOWPLQHUDO water. 40 Regional opportunities Gomel region Industry is the basis of the regional economy. Export Gomel region organizations cooperate ZLWKWUDGHSDUWQHUVIURPFRXQWULHVRIWKH worldwide. Export products: oil, ferrous metals and products thereof, equipment and machinery for harvesting and WKUHVKLQJ RI FURSV PLQHUDO PL[HG IHUWLOL]HUV dairy products, plastic containers, salt, polished glass. Attracting investment: tin the region there are enterprises, established with foreign capital from Gomel region is located in the south-east FRXQWULHV RI%HODUXVLWERUGHUVRQ5XVVLDDQG8NUDLQH tthere is a high-tech base of enterprises, Region advantages: RSHUDWLQJ LQ UDGLR LQVWUXPHQWPDNLQJ thighly-developed industrial area; engineering, electrical and cable industry tODUJHVWGHSRVLWVRIURFNVDOWLQ(XURSH branches. These companies boast spacious tone of the highest forest cover per cent in production areas, storage facilities, Europe; infrastructure, and a full range of engineering tVLJQL¿FDQW FRPSHWLWLYH PDQXIDFWXULQJ natural-resources, agricultural, and research- communications. and-technology potential. Useful links: Resources and mineral deposits: Gomel Regional Executive Committee RLO SRWDVVLXP DQG URFN VDOW EURZQ FRDO Gomel Branch of the BelCCI SHDW FRQVWUXFWLRQ DQG FDS VWRQH JODVVPDNLQJ DQGPRXOGLQJVDQGFKDONSODVWHUEULFNFOD\VDQG FOD\LVKVRLOVNDROLQ Production: steel, ferrous metals, phosphate fertilizers, forage harvesters, harvesting FRPSOH[HV FRPELQH harvesters, oil and associated gas, sheet glass, wallpaper, WDEOHZDUH 5HJLRQ¶V industrial enterprises SURGXFH D VLJQL¿FDQW part of gasoline, diesel fuel, cardboard, 41 plywood, particle board. Regional opportunities Grodno region Export: Grodno region supplies its products to the PDUNHWVRIFRXQWULHV Export products: nitrogen fertilizers, caprolactam, dairy and meat products, hosiery, furniture. Attracting investment: tmodernization of the enterprises, operating in food processing, chemical, ZRRGZRUNLQJOLJKWLQGXVWU\IXHOFRQVWUXFWLRQ and machine-building branches; testablishment of high-tech enterprises; treconstruction and equipping of agricultural systems with modern technological Grodno region is located in the west machinery and equipment; tdevelopment of infrastructure for tourism RI WKH FRXQWU\ DQG ERUGHUV RQ 3RODQG DQG and recreation, road service; Lithuania. tdevelopment of transport and Region advantages: tpotential accumulated in chemical telecommunication systems. production; Useful links: tfavourable climate conditions to develop Grodno Regional Executive Committee agriculture and food industry. Resources and mineral deposits: Grodno Branch of the BelCCI LURQRUHVSHDWFKDONEULFNDQGWLOHFOD\V cement raw materials, silicate sands, limestone raw materials, sand and gravel materials. Production: tPLON DQG PHDW production, poultry farming; tGrodno region economy specializes of agriculture; t the area also specializes in the production of caprolactam, nitrogen fertilizers, ammonia, potato, seeders, planters and transplanters, cord tire fabric, slate, cement, tobacco products. 42 Regional opportunities Minsk region tlargest resources of cement raw materials in the country. Resources and mineral deposits: SRWDVVLXP DQG URFN VDOW SHDW FOD\ sapropels, sand and gravel materials, iron ore, RLOVKDOHVPLQHUDOZDWHUURFNSKRVSKRULWHVHWF Production: GXPS WUXFNV SDVVHQJHU FDUV SRWDVK WLOHV SDUTXHW OHDWKHU JRRGV NQLWZHDU pasta, sugar, mineral water. The region has a developed industrial structure and close SURGXFWLRQ OLQNV ZLWK WKH LQGXVWULDO FRPSOH[ RI0LQVN Export 0LQVNUHJLRQH[SRUWVLWVSURGXFWVWRPRUH 0LQVN UHJLRQ LV WKH FHQWUDO UHJLRQ RI WKH WKDQFRXQWULHVZRUOGZLGH 5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXVERUGHULQJRQDOOWKHRWKHU Export products: regions of the country. potash fertilizers, dairy and meat Region advantages: products. tdeveloped manufacturing infrastructure; Attracting investment: tmodern industrial organizations and tintroduction of new technologies, communication; technological equipment, which helps to thigh quality of land and recreation enhance the quality characteristics of products resources; and services; tdeposits of minerals unique for Belarus tdevelopment of new products with high URFNSKRVSKDWH DGGHG YDOXH FHUWL¿HG E\ PRGHUQ international standards of quality; t maintaining and VWUHQJWKHQLQJ RI WKH UHJLRQ¶V DQG FRXQWU\¶V SRVLWLRQ LQ WUDGLWLRQDO PDUNHWV RI 5XVVLD 8NUDLQH WKH (XURSHDQ 8QLRQ DV ZHOO DV WKH H[SDQVLRQ RI PDUNHWV LQ IRUHLJQ countries; t H[SDQVLRQ DQG GLYHUVL¿FDWLRQ RI GLVWULEXWLRQ QHWZRUNRUJDQL]DWLRQV t active development of the H[SRUWRIDOONLQGVRIVHUYLFHV Useful links: Minsk Regional Executive Committee Minsk Branch of the BelCCI 43 Regional opportunities Mogilev region 44 mowers, steel pipe, cement, slate, chemical ¿EHUVDQGWKUHDGV One of the major industrial regions of %HODUXV 7KH UHJLRQ LV D OHDGHU LQ WKH &,6 in the production of self-propelled scrapers and underground trains, agricultural trailers, passenger elevators. 0DLQDJULFXOWXUDOFURSVDUHFHUHDOVEDUOH\ U\H ZKHDW SRWDWRHV IRGGHU FURSV ÀD[ $QLPDOEUHHGLQJVSHFLDOL]HVLQPLONDQGPHDW production. Export ,PSRUWH[SRUW RSHUDWLRQV DUH FDUULHG RXW ZLWKFRXQWULHVZRUOGZLGH Export products: Mogilev region is located in the east of WLUHV OLIWV V\QWKHWLF ¿EHUV SODVWLF WKH 5HSXEOLF RI %HODUXV DQG ERUGHUV RQ WKH containers, cement, dairy and meat products. 5XVVLDQ)HGHUDWLRQ Attracting investment: Region advantages: tindustrial and trade organizations are the tdeveloped manufacturing infrastructure; most attractive ones for foreign investments; tmodern industrial organizations and tcompanies, specializing in mechanical communication; HQJLQHHULQJ ZRRGZRUNLQJ FKHPLFDO LQGXVWU\ tKLJKLQGXVWULDODQGH[SRUWSRWHQWLDO FRQVWUXFWLRQWH[WLOHDQGDSSDUHOLQGXVWULHV tdeposits of unique for Belarus minerals URFNSKRVSKDWH Useful links: tSUR[LPLW\WRWKH5XVVLDQWDUJHWPDUNHWV Mogilev Regional Executive Committee Resources and mineral deposits: URFN SKRVSKDWH FHPHQW UDZ PDWHULDOV Mogilev Branch of the BelCCI FKDON PDOPVWRQH FHPHQW FOD\V DQG FOD\LVK VRLOV large resources of construction and silicate sands, sand DQG JUDYHO PL[WX res, peat, sapropel, mineral water, the largest deposit of tripolit, characterised by high technological properties. Production: elevators, pneumatic rubber tires, tractortrailers,tractor Regional opportunities Vitebsk region Resources and mineral deposits: vast deposits of dolomite, peat, sapropel, mineral water, deposits of clay. Production: electricity, petrochemical products, machine tools, polyethylene, limestone and dolomite powder for liming acid soils, TV-sets, linen fabrics, shoes. .H\ UROH LQ WKH UHJLRQ¶V HFRQRP\ development belongs to industry. Export: 9LWHEVN UHJLRQ H[SRUWV LWV SURGXFWV WR FRXQWULHVDURXQGWKHZRUOG 9LWHEVN UHJLRQ LV ORFDWHG LQ WKH QRUWK Export products: HDVWRIWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXV,WERUGHUVRQ oil products, meat and dairy products, /LWKXDQLD/DWYLDDQG5XVVLD V\QWKHWLF¿EHUVDQG\DUQVHWK\OHQHSRO\PHUV Region advantages: glass, shoes, insulated wires and cables. tVLJQL¿FDQW ZRRG UHVRXUFHV ODUJHVW Attracting investment: amount of felling resources in the republic, establishment of new modern enterprises, which enables to actively develop the SURGXFWLRQ DQG PRGHUQL]DWLRQ RI WKH H[LVWLQJ FRQVWUXFWLRQ LQGXVWU\ ZRRGZRUNLQJ ones. DJULFXOWXUH tpresence of large-scale organizations Useful links: producing oil products and chemical Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee enterprises; Vitebsk Branch of the BelCCI tVLJQL¿FDQW QXPEHU RI NQRZOHGJH consumptive companies. 45 Regional opportunities The city of Minsk 0LQVN LV D FDSLWDO RI WKH 5HSXEOLF RI %HODUXV LWV SROLWLFDO HFRQRPLF VFLHQWL¿F DQG cultural center. City advantages: tVLJQL¿FDQWLQGXVWULDOSRWHQWLDO tdeveloped infrastructure; tKLJKO\TXDOL¿HGSHUVRQQHO tGHYHORSPHQW RI NQRZOHGJHFRQVXPSWLYH productions. Production: KHDY\WUXFNVWUDFWRUVEXVHVPRWRUF\FOHV bicycles, transformers, household refrigerators and freezers, ball and roller bearings, woolen fabrics. Economy of the city specializes in industrial SURGXFWLRQFRQVWUXFWLRQVFLHQFHDQGVFLHQWL¿F services. 46 Export: ,PSRUWH[SRUW RSHUDWLRQV DUH FDUULHG RXW ZLWKFRXQWULHVRIWKHZRUOG Export products: 0LQVNHQWHUSULVHVH[SRUWWRIRUHLJQPDUNHWV the products manufactured both in the city and in other regions of Belarus. First of all, it concerns oil, WUDFWRUVKHDY\WUXFNVUHIULJHUDWRUVDQGIUHH]HUV Attracting investment: tRYHU WKH ODVW ¿YH \HDUV 0LQVN KDV been a leader in the number of established organizations with foreign investment; tpriority sectors for attracting foreign investment are industrial production and projects, implementing advanced resourceVDYLQJ WHFKQRORJLHV ZLWK H[SRUW DQG LPSRUW substituting orientation; tdevelopment of high-tech industries, especially the production of electrical and RSWLFDO HTXLSPHQW H[SDQVLRQ RI WKH UDQJH RI high-tech products in other types of economic DFWLYLWLHV 3DUWLFXODU DWWHQWLRQ LV JLYHQ WR WKH LQWURGXFWLRQ RI QH[WJHQHUDWLRQ WHFKQRORJLHV including nanotechnologies and their application to the production of automation tools, space, information and communication technologies. Useful links: Minsk City Executive Committee Minsk Branch of the BelCCI 47 Investment Investment 7KH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXVLVDFRXQWU\ZLWK great investment potential. ,Q¿[HGFDSLWDOLQYHVWPHQWVDPRXQWHG WR%<5ELOOLRQHTXLYDOHQWWR86 ELOOLRQZKLFKPDNHVFRPSDULQJWR at comparable prices. ,QYHVWPHQW UDWLR LQ WKH FRXQWU\¶V *'3 LV $WWUDFWLRQDQGHIIHFWLYHXVHRILQYHVWPHQWV is one of the main priorities of the state investment policy of Belarus. $OO VHFWRUV RI RXU HFRQRP\ DUH RSHQ WR IRUHLJQ LQYHVWPHQWV H[FHSW WKH SURGXFWLRQRIZHDSRQVQDUFRWLFVDQGWR[LF VXEVWDQFHV Foreign investors may set up companies in Belarus with any amount of foreign investments, in any legal form, as well as their EUDQFKHVDQGUHSUHVHQWDWLYHRI¿FHV 8QSUHFHGHQWHGPHDVXUHVRILQYHVWPHQW OLEHUDOL]DWLRQ KDYH EHHQ WDNHQ LQ %HODUXV all the necessary legal conditions for IRUHLJQ LQYHVWRUV KDYH EHHQ FUHDWHG $OO investors are guaranteed equal, without discrimination, protection of rights and 48 Investment legitimate interests, regardless of the form of ownership and the national status. 7D[EXUGHQIRUWKHHQWHUSULVHVZLWKIRUHLJQ capital has been decreased. The country has established a system of incentives, privileges and preferences for investment activities. 6SHFLDO OHJDO UHJLPHV FDQ EH DSSOLHG WR investors in free economic zones, small and PHGLXPVL]HG FLWLHV UXUDO DUHDV WKH +L7HFK 3DUNHWF Belarus continues the efforts to join the WRS FRXQWULHV ZLWK WKH PRVW IDYRXUDEOH business conditions. The country has constantly carried out reforms aimed at the liberalization of economy and improvement of investment attractiveness. 49 Investment Belarus is the best place for investment Advantageous economic and geographical location in the centre of Europe Establishing business in the territory of Belarus opens up the opportunity to supply goods to large and fast-growing PDUNHWVRIWKH(XURSHDQ8QLRQVWDWHV 5XVVLD8NUDLQHDQGRWKHU&,6VWDWHV The advantages include, along with the strategic location, the membership RI %HODUXV LQ WKH &XVWRPV 8QLRQ DQG WKH &RPPRQ (FRQRPLF 6SDFH RI 5XVVLD%HODUXVDQG.D]DNKVWDQ Political, social and economic stability teconomic stability tpolitical predictability tfriendly relations with the neighboring countries High living standards Belarus is one of the countries with high human development level, and it ODFNVRQO\WKUHHUDQNLQJSRLQWVWRPDNH one of the countries with very high human development level. 50 High educational and scientiÀc potential 2YHU RI WKH UHSXEOLF¶ population have higher, secondary RU EDVLF HGXFDWLRQ $GXOW OLWHUDF\ UDWH LV (GXFDWLRQ LV RQH RI WKH major priorities of the socio-economic development of the country and bases on national traditions and world educational tendencies. Public-private partnership The government focuses on the public-private partnership, which allows overcoming economic contradictions ZKHQVWUDWHJLFREMHFWVFDQ¶WEHKDQGHG out to private ownership, but state EXGJHWFDQ¶WSURYLGHWKHLUIXOO¿QDQFLQJ Progressive legislation Belarus has created an effective OHJDO IUDPHZRUN IRU WKH LQYHVWPHQW business underpinned by international treaties and the national legislation. Competitive investment and taxation conditions There is a number of preferential regimes in Belarus which can be of use for foreign companies, including IURPWKHSRLQWRIYLHZRIWKHLUWD[DWLRQ planning and optimization. They include VSHFLDO EHQH¿FLDO EXVLQHVV FRQGLWLRQV in the case of organizing business ZLWKLQ VL[ IUHH HFRQRPLF ]RQHV SUR¿WWD[IRU\HDUV9$7+LJK 7HFK3DUNSUR¿WWD[IRU\HDUV 9$7 DQG WKH %HODUXVLDQ&KLQHVH ,QGXVWULDO 3DUN SUR¿W WD[ IRU \HDUV )RUHLJQ FRPSDQLHV FDQ DOVR GHULYHDGGLWLRQDOSUR¿WE\WKHPD[LPXP GHFUHDVH RI LQYHVWPHQW H[SHQVHV DQG WD[DWLRQ EXUGHQ ZKLOH SODFLQJ their businesses in the territory of small and medium towns of Belarus SUR¿WWD[IRU\HDUV Low crime rate ,QWKHWRWDOQXPEHURIFULPH UHFRUGHGZDVZKLFKLVE\ OHVVWKDQLQ Investment Privatization $ NH\ SUHUHTXLVLWH IRU DWWUDFWLQJ foreign investments in Belarus is the decrease in a share of the public sector and privatization of state property. This ensures the rational use of resources and production capacity, LPSURYHPHQWRIWKH¿QDQFLDOVLWXDWLRQRI organizations, increase of investment activities of economic entities. The national legislation provides various forms of participation of an LQYHVWRU LQ WKH SULYDWL]DWLRQ SURFHVV participation in the procedure of transformation of the enterprise into DQ RSHQ MRLQWVWRFN FRPSDQ\ WKH acquisition of shares of established MRLQW VWRFN FRPSDQ\ DW DXFWLRQ RU E\ tender, the purchase of the enterprise WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR SXUFKDVH DW D reduced price, in the amount of one EDVHXQLW Developed network of transport communications and infrastructure Belarus is situated at the crossroads of railways and automobile roads, gas and oil pipelines, communication systems, air and water routes between industrially developed Western Europe DQGULFKLQQDWXUDOUHFRXUVHV$VLD Developed export-oriented industry Belarus is one of the world leading H[SRUWHUV RI KHDY\ WUXFNV WUDFWRUV road-building and municipal machinery. The republic maintains leading SRVLWLRQVLQWKH&,6UHJLRQLQWKH¿HOG of chemical and processing industries, in certain areas of information and communication technologies. Direct access to the market of the three CES countries (Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan) Today the companies investing in %HODUXVDXWRPDWLFDOO\HQWHUWKHPLOOLRQ PDUNHWRIWKHWKUHH&(6FRXQWULHV 7KH&(6LV ta common customs territory of %HODUXV 5XVVLD .D]DNKVWDQ ZLWK D single customs tariff; tequal business conditions LQFOXGLQJ WKH FRVWV RI WKH SULQFLSDO HQHUJ\UHVRXUFHV tsingle rules of technical regulation, single sanitary, veterinary, and phytosanitary norms; tfree movement of goods, VHUYLFHVFDSLWDOZRUNIRUFH Legal guarantees t the right to private property and other proprietary and non-proprietary rights; tthe equality of rights and the equal nondiscriminatory protection of the rights and legitimate interests of an investor; tthe stability of the rights to perform investment activities and terminate them; tthe right to an independent choice of action and the performance of actions related to the ownership, use and disposal of the objects and results of investment activity, including independent disposal of WKHUHYHQXHVSURILWVDQGIUHHWUDQVIHURI profits abroad; tFRPSHQVDWLRQ RI WKH PDUNHW YDOXH of the invested property and recovery of other loss suffered by an investor as a result of nationalization or requisition DOORZHGLQH[FHSWLRQDOFDVHVRQO\ trecovery of the loss and damage inflicted upon to an investor as a result of WKHDFWLRQVRUODFNWKHUHRIRIJRYHUQPHQW officials. 51 Investment National Agency of Investment and Privatization 7KH 1DWLRQDO $JHQF\ RI ,QYHVWPHQW DQG 3ULYDWL]DWLRQ LV DXWKRUL]HG WR UHSUHVHQW LQWHUHVWV RI WKH 5HSXEOLF RI %HODUXV RQ WKH issues of attracting investment to the country DQG DFWV DV D ©RQHVWRS VKRSª IRU D IRUHLJQ investor. 7KH $JHQF\ LV UHDG\ WR DVVLVW IRUHLJQ investors interested in doing business in %HODUXVLQ torganization of a visit to Belarus, including visa formalities; 52 tgetting the required information about WKH FRXQWU\¶V LQYHVWPHQW RSSRUWXQLWLHV special regimes and benefits, state programmes of industries support and GHYHORSPHQW WKH SURFHGXUH RI PDNLQJ investment decisions; tselection of investment objects LQYHVWPHQW SURMHFWV ODQG ORWV EXLOGLQJV ± consulting in selection of the optimal variant; tcollection and analysis of information about the certain investment object an investor LV LQWHUHVWHG LQ WDNLQJ LQWR FRQVLGHUDWLRQ WKH regulations and norms about protection of undisclosed information; torganization of the meetings required WR PDNH DQ LQYHVWPHQW GHFLVLRQ LQFOXGLQJ ZLWK PDUNHW UHJXODWRUV UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV of sector ministries, local authorities, NH\ SOD\HUV RI WKH PDUNHW DQG SRWHQWLDO partners; tresolution of the issues arising during implementation of an investment project VROXWLRQSURYLGHU7KH$JHQF\LVDOVRUHDG\WR UHQGHUSRVWSURMHFWVXSSRUWDIWHUFDUH The services are free of charge for foreign investors. Investment 10 questions about starting a business 1. What projects are offered to investors? $ SRWHQWLDO LQYHVWRU FDQ VHDUFK IRU DYDLODEOH LQYHVWPHQW SURMHFWV LQ WKH 1$,3¶V GDWDEDVHRUDGGUHVVWKH$JHQF\ 2. In which sectors and regions do investors receive governmental support? Governmental support and incentives are SURYLGHGPDLQO\ tin the territory of medium, small towns, LQ WKH FRXQWU\ LI RSHUDWLQJ LQ WKH WHUULWRU\ RI WKH 5HSXEOLF RI %HODUXV H[FHSW WKH WRZQV RI %DUDQRYLFKL%REUXLVN%RULVRY%UHVW9LWHEVN *RPHO*URGQR=KRGLQR=KORELQ/LGD0LQVN 0RJLOHY 0R]\U 0RORGHFKQR 1RYRSRORWVN 2UVKD3LQVN3RORWVN5HFKLWVD6YHWORJRUVN 6OXWVN6ROLJRUVN tin the case of entering into an investment DJUHHPHQWZLWKWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXV tLQWKH+LJK7HFK3DUN tin the territory of free economic zones. 3. How can a potential investor visit Belarus to study investment opportunities? Foreign citizens can receive information about visa support at the diplomatic missions DQG FRQVXODWHV RI WKH 5HSXEOLF RI %HODUXV LQ the countries of their citizenship. The list of documents and other detailed information in relation to visa support of foreign citizens is available on the web site of the 0LQLVWU\IRU)RUHLJQ$IIDLUVRIWKH5HSXEOLFRI Belarus. $QLQYHVWRUPD\DSSO\IRUDYLVD of type C – short-term and valid for GD\VLVVXHGDPRQJRWKHUVIRUDEXVLQHVV WULS7KHFRQVXODUIHHLV(XURVIRUDVLQJOH HQWU\ YLVD (XURV IRU D GRXEOHHQWU\ YLVD (XURVIRUDPXOWLSOHHQWU\YLVD of type D – long-term, valid up to \HDU SURYLGLQJ WKH ULJKW WR VWD\ IRU XS Shorets Consult, Private Consulting Unitary Enterprise 0LQVN6PRO\DFKNRYD6W RI¿FHD 3KRQH )D[ VKRUHWV#JPDLOFRP 0DQDJHULDO FRQVXOWLQJ VWUDWHJLF organizational, sales, personnel, operating, ¿QDQFLDO 7XUQNH\ FRPSDQ\ V\VWHP DUUDQJHPHQW structure, business processes, personnel, sales, etc. Development of standard practices for companies and divisions. 9,3 FRDFKLQJ IRU VHQLRU H[HFXWLYHV individually and in groups. 53 Investment WR GD\V XQOHVV RWKHUZLVH SURYLGHG for by the international treaties of the 5HSXEOLF RI %HODUXV $ YLVD PD\ EH LVVXHG to support business ties. The consular fee for the long-term multiple-entry visa W\SH'LV(XURV The citizens of the following countries possessing valid travel documents proving FLWL]HQVKLSPD\YLVLWWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXV ZLWKRXW REWDLQLQJ D YLVD $]HUEDLMDQ $UPHQLD .D]DNKVWDQ WKH .\UJ\] 5HSXEOLF WKH 5XVVLDQ )HGHUDWLRQ WKH 5HSXEOLF RI 7DMLNLVWDQ *HRUJLD 0ROGRYD 8]EHNLVWDQ 8NUDLQH&XEDXSWRGD\VH[FHSWZRUNLQJ YLVDV DQG SHUPDQHQW UHVLGHQFH SHUPLWV 9HQH]XHODXSWRGD\VZLWKRXWWKHULJKWWR HQJDJHLQFRPPHUFLDORURWKHUSDLGDFWLYLWLHV 6HUELDXSWRGD\V The foreign investors who have invested DWOHDVWRQHKXQGUHGDQG¿IW\WKRXVDQG(XURV into investment objects in the territory of the 5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXVFDQDSSO\IRUDSHUPDQHQW UHVLGHQFHSHUPLWLQWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXV 5. How to form a company in the Republic of Belarus? The companies are registered in Belarus on WKHGD\RIDSSOLFDWLRQRQ©RQHVWRSVKRSªEDVLV 7KHUH DUH ¿YH VWHSV WR WKH FRPSDQ\ UHJLVWUDWLRQ tFKHFN WKH DYDLODELOLW\ DQG UHJLVWHU WKH name of the company; t¿QGDQRI¿FHDQGGHWHUPLQHWKHSODFHRI business; tWDNH D IRUPDO GHFLVLRQ RQ LQFRUSRUDWLRQ and prepare company bylaws; tIRUPWKHDXWKRUL]HGFDSLWDOIXQGRIWKH company; tsubmit the documents for state registration. 6. How to open a representative ofÀce in the territory of the Republic of Belarus? The foreign company shall apply to the Ministry RI)RUHLJQ$IIDLUVRIWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXVDQG REWDLQSHUPLVVLRQWRRSHQLWVUHSUHVHQWDWLYHRI¿FH LQWKHWHUULWRU\RIWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXV $UHSUHVHQWDWLYHRI¿FHLVQRWDOHJDOHQWLW\ and conducts business activities in Belarus on behalf of the foreign organization. 4. Which forms of companies are popular in Belarus? The most popular forms among FRPSDQLHV ZLWK IRUHLJQ LQYHVWPHQWV UHJLVWHUHGLQ%HODUXVIURP-DQXDU\XQWLO 2FWREHUDUHWKHIROORZLQJ /LPLWHG/LDELOLW\&RPSDQ\± 3ULYDWH8QLWDU\(QWHUSULVH± &ORVHG-RLQW6WRFN&RPSDQ\± Form of company 54 7. What are the main taxes for businesses in Belarus? The more detailed information about WD[DWLRQ LQ LV DYDLODEOH DW WKH ZHEVLWH RI WKH 0LQLVWU\ IRU 7D[HV DQG 'XWLHV RI WKH 5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXV Number of participants Minimal capital requiremets (natural and legal persons) Limited liability company )URPWR There are no minimum requirements 3ULYDWH8QLWDU\(QWHUSULVH There are no minimum requirements &ORVHG-RLQW6WRFN&RPSDQ\ )URPWR EDVHXQLWVZKLFKLV 86GROODUVDSSUR[LPDWHO\ Investment 7KHUH DUH VHYHUDO WD[DWLRQ UHJLPHV LQ 9. How much does it cost to rent ofÀce %HODUXV LQFOXGLQJ VWDQGDUG WD[ UHJLPH DQG premises? special regimes. $Q DYHUDJH PRQWKO\ UHQWDO UDWH IRU RI¿FH SUHPLVHVDWEXVLQHVVFHQWHUVLQ0LQVNLV 8. Is it possible to acquire ownership (XURVSHUVTXDUHPHWHULQFOXGLQJ9$7 of land in Belarus? 10. What is the average salary in There is a private land ownership in %HODUXV DQG WKH FLWL]HQV RI WKH 5HSXEOLF RI Belarus? The average monthly salary as of Belarus, non-governmental legal persons of WKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXVIRUHLJQFRXQWULHVDQG -XO\stZDVDERXW international organizations may acquire land Useful links: according to the legislation of Belarus. National Agency of Investment and Privatization Foreign citizens, stateless persons can inherit the land which was privately owned by Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus their relatives unless other has been provided by the legislation. 55 Investment Preferential legal regimes Free Economic Zones (FEZs) )(=V DUH DUHDV ZLWK VSHFLDO FXVWRPV UHJLVWUDWLRQ DQG WD[ UHJLPHV ZKLFK SURYLGH DGGLWLRQDO EHQH¿WV WR LQYHVWRUV %HQH¿WV offered within free economic zones apply to the production and sale of import-substituting JRRGVDQGH[SRUWHGJRRGVDQGVHUYLFHV 7KH)(=UHVLGHQWVDUHH[HPSWIURP t RZQSURGXFWSUR¿WWD[ZLWKLQ\HDUVDIWHU SUR¿WLVGHFODUHGXSRQWKHH[SLUDWLRQRI\HDUV WKHSUR¿WWD[LVSDLGLQWKHDPRXQWRIRIWKH normal standard; tUHDOHVWDWHWD[RQEXLOGLQJVDQGVWUXFWXUHVORFDWHGLQWKHWHUULWRU\RI)(=V tVWDWHWD[IRULVVXDQFHWRIRUHLJQFLWL]HQVDQGSHUVRQVZLWKRXWFLWL]HQVKLSVSHFLDOSHUPLWVIRU HPSOR\PHQWLQWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXV tODQGWD[IRUSORWVRIODQGXVHGWRH[HFXWHLQYHVWPHQWSURMHFWVIRUWKHUHVLGHQWVUHJLVWHUHGDIWHU -DQXDU\GXULQJWKHSHULRGRIGHVLJQDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQRIUHDOHVWDWHREMHFWVZLWKLQ\HDUV¶ WLPHDIWHUWKHUHJLVWUDWLRQ )(= UHVLGHQWV¶ VDOHV RI LPSRUWVXEVWLWXWLQJ JRRGV RI RZQ SURGXFWLRQ LQ WKH WHUULWRU\ RI WKH 5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXVDUHVXEMHFWWRYDOXHDGGHGWD[DWWKHUDWHRI Hi-Tech Park &RPSDQLHV RSHUDWLQJ LQ WKH ¿HOG RI information technologies and developing EXVLQHVV LQ WKH 5HSXEOLF RI %HODUXV LQ WKLV DUHDFDQEHQH¿WIURPDSUHIHUHQWLDOWD[UHJLPH LQ WKH +L7HFK 3DUN +73 UHVLGHQW FRPSDQLHV DUH UHJLVWHUHG DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH H[WUDWHUULWRULDO principle of registration. 5HVLGHQWVDUHH[HPSWIURP t LQFRPHWD[ t YDOXHDGGHGWD[ t RIIVKRUHWD[RQGLYLGHQGV t UHDOHVWDWHWD[RQWKHEXLOGLQJVORFDWHGLQ WKHWHUULWRU\RIWKH+73 tODQGWD[IRUWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQSHULRGEXWQRWPRUHWKDQIRUWKUHH\HDUV tcustoms payments. ,QGLYLGXDOLQFRPHUHFHLYHGIURPWKHUHVLGHQWVLVVXEMHFWWRLQFRPHWD[DWWKHUDWHRI 56 «Great stone» Industrial Park 7KH ©*UHDW VWRQHª ,QGXVWULDO SDUN LV D WHUULWRULDO HQWLW\ RI DSSUR[LPDWHO\ VT NP ZLWK D VSHFLDO OHJDO VWDWXV IRU WKH provision of comfortable conditions for doing business. 5HVLGHQWVRIWKH,QGXVWULDO3DUNDUHH[HPSW IURP t LQFRPH WD[ GHULYHG IURP WKH VDOH RI JRRGV ZRUNV VHUYLFHV RI RZQ SURGXFWLRQ ZLWKLQ\HDUV Investment tUHDO HVWDWH WD[ RQ EXLOGLQJV DQG VWUXFWXUHV ORFDWHG LQ WKH WHUULWRU\ RI WKH 3DUN IRU \HDUV tWD[ RQ ODQG SORWV ZLWKLQ WKH ERXQGDULHV RI WKH 3DUN IRU \HDUV 'XULQJ WKH IROORZLQJ \HDUVWKH3DUNUHVLGHQWVSD\LQFRPHWD[ODQGWD[SURSHUW\WD[DWWKHUDWHVUHGXFHGE\ tLQFRPHWD[RQGLYLGHQGVDFFUXHGGXULQJ\HDUVIURPWKH\HDUD3DUNUHVLGHQW¿UVWJHWV JURVVSUR¿W 7KHUHVLGHQWVRIWKH3DUNKDYHWKHULJKWIRUIXOOGHGXFWLRQRI9$7SDLGIRUWKHDFTXLVLWLRQRI JRRGVZRUNVVHUYLFHVSURSHUW\ULJKWVXVHGIRUGHVLJQEXLOGLQJDQGHTXLSPHQWRIEXLOGLQJVDQG IDFLOLWLHVLQWKH3DUN 5DWHRIWD[RQWKHLQFRPHDFFUXHGE\WKH3DUNUHVLGHQWVIURPWKHIRUHLJQOHJDOHQWLWLHVRQ UR\DOWLHVLVXQWLO-DQXDU\ ,QFRPHVRISK\VLFDOSHUVRQVXQGHUHPSOR\PHQWFRQWUDFWVZLWKWKH3DUNUHVLGHQWVDUHVXEMHFW WRLQFRPHWD[DWWKHUDWHRI Medium-sized and small towns, rural areas Commercial organizations located in medium and small towns, rural areas producing JRRGV ZRUNV VHUYLFHV LQ WKHLU WHUULWRU\ DUH H[HPSW ZLWKLQ VHYHQ \HDUV VLQFH WKH GDWH RI VWDWHUHJLVWUDWLRQIURP t LQFRPH WD[ SD\PHQWV IRU WKH VDOH RI JRRGVZRUNVVHUYLFHVRIRZQSURGXFWLRQ t UHDO HVWDWH WD[ RQ WKH FRVW RI FDSLWDO VWUXFWXUHVEXLOGLQJVFRQVWUXFWLRQV 6LPLODUWD[LQFHQWLYHVRQLQFRPHWD[DQGHVWDWHWD[DUHSURYLGHGIRUVHSDUDWHVXEGLYLVLRQVEUDQFKHV Investment agreement Investment agreement is one of the possible forms of public-private partnership. Investor receives additional guarantees and preferences through signing such an DJUHHPHQW7KHSUHIHUHQFHVLQFOXGH t the right to construct objects, as provided in accordance with the investment project, simultaneously with the elaboration, H[SHUW H[DPLQDWLRQ DQG DSSURYDO RI WKH necessary project documentation for each RI WKH VWDJHV RI WKH FRQVWUXFWLRQ ZRUNV ZLWK simultaneous planning of the following stages RIWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQZRUNV tVLPSOL¿FDWLRQRIWKHSURFHGXUHRIJHWWLQJDODQGSORWLPSO\LQJWKHULJKWWRFRQFOXGHDFRQWUDFW of lease of a land plot without holding an auction; tH[HPSWLRQ IURP LPSRUW FXVWRPV GXWLHV DQG YDOXH DGGHG WD[ RQ WHFKQLFDO HTXLSPHQW DFFHVVRULHVDQGVSDUHSDUWVWKHUHWRWREHXVHGLQWKHWHUULWRU\RIWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXVZLWKLQ WKHIUDPHZRUNRIWKHLQYHVWPHQWSURMHFWLPSOHPHQWDWLRQ tH[HPSWLRQ IURP WKH FRPSHQVDWLRQ RI ORVVHV RI DJULFXOWXUDO DQGRU IRUHVWU\ SURGXFWLRQ caused by the seizure of lands for implementation of the investment project; tH[HPSWLRQIURPWKHVWDWHWD[IRULVVXDQFHWRIRUHLJQFLWL]HQVDQGSHUVRQVZLWKRXWFLWL]HQVKLS VSHFLDOSHUPLWVIRUHPSOR\PHQWLQWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXV tH[HPSWLRQIURPWDUJHWIHHVWRWKHORFDOEXGJHWV 7KH OHJLVODWLRQ RI WKH 5HSXEOLF RI %HODUXV SURYLGHV WKH SRVVLELOLW\ RI DGGLWLRQDO LQGLYLGXDO EHQH¿WVDQGSUHIHUHQFHVWDNLQJLQWRDFFRXQWWKHSURMHFWVSHFL¿FV 57 58 Useful information Useful information ,62%/5 :HEGRPDLQE\ 'LDOLQJFRGH &HQWUDO(XURSHDQ7LPH=RQH *07 /LQHYROWDJH9 Holidays stRI-DQXDU\±1HZ<HDU th RI -DQXDU\ ± 2UWKRGR[&KULVWPDV thRI0DUFK±,QWHUQDWLRQDO:RPHQ¶V'D\ st of May – Labour Day th of May – Victory Day rdRI-XO\±,QGHSHQGHQFH'D\ thRI1RYHPEHU±2FWREHU5HYROXWLRQ'D\ th of December – Catholic Christmas Visa regulations Most foreign guests need DYLVDWUDQVLWVKRUWWHUPORQJ WHUP VLQJOHHQWU\PXOWLSOH HQWU\WRHQWHUWKHFRXQWU\ Visa-free regime is provided for the citizens RI$UPHQLD$]HUEDLMDQ &XED IRU D WHUP QRW H[FHHGLQJ GD\V *HRUJLD .D]DNKVWDQ .\UJ\]VWDQ 0DFHGRQLD SURYLGHG WKDW WKHUH LV D SULYDWH LQYLWDWLRQ RU WRXULVW YRXFKHU 0ROGRYD 0RQJROLD 0RQWHQHJUR IRU D WHUP QRW H[FHHGLQJ GD\V SURYLGHG WKDW WKHUH LV D SULYDWH LQYLWDWLRQ RU WRXULVW YRXFKHU 4DWDU IRU D WHUP QRW H[FHHGLQJ GD\V 5XVVLD 6HUELD IRU D WHUP QRW H[FHHGLQJ GD\V 7DMLNLVWDQ 7XUNH\ IRU D WHUP QRW H[FHHGLQJ GD\V 8NUDLQH 8]EHNLVWDQ 9HQH]XHOD IRUDWHUPQRWH[FHHGLQJGD\V Visa requests are proceeded by: &RQVXODWHVRIWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXV 'LSORPDWLFPLVVLRQVRIWKH5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXV )RUHLJQ $GPLVVLRQV 'LYLVLRQ RI WKH Consular Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign $IIDLUVDWWKH0LQVNDLUSRUWIRUWKHFLWL]HQVRI WKH FRXQWULHV WKDW GRHVQ¶W KDYH %HODUXVLDQ GLSORPDWLFPLVVLRQV Emergency numbers Ministry of Emergency 6LWXDWLRQV± 0LOLWLDSROLFH± Emergency medical Transport 7D[L± %XVVWDWLRQLQIRUPDWLRQFHQWHU± 5DLOZD\ VWDWLRQ LQIRUPDWLRQ FHQWHU± %RRNLQJRIUDLOZD\WLFNHWV± $LUSRUWLQIRUPDWLRQFHQWHU± VHUYLFHV± 5HVFXHVHUYLFH± 59 Contact information Contact information Republican bodies of state administration Ministry of Agriculture and Food 0LQVN.LURYD6W 3KRQH? ZZZPVKSPLQVNE\ Ministry of Architecture and Construction 0LQVN0\DVQLNRYD6W 3KRQH? Ministry of Communications Informatization 0LQVN1H]DYLVLPRVWL$YH 3KRQH? Ministry of Culture 0LQVN3REHGLWHOH\$YH 3KRQH? ZZZNXOWXUDE\ Ministry of Economy 0LQVN%HUVRQD6W 3KRQH? Ministry of Education 0LQVN6RYHWVND\D6W 3KRQH? Ministry of Energy 0LQVN.0DUNVD6W 3KRQH? 60 and Ministry of Justice 0LQVN.ROOHNWRUQD\D6W 3KRQH? Ministry of Industry 0LQVN3DUWL]DQVN\$YH 3KRQH? Ministry of Information 0LQVN3REHGLWHOH\$YH 3KRQH? Ministry of Natural Resources Environmental Protection 0LQVN.ROOHNWRUQD\D6W 3KRQH? and Ministry of Health 0LQVN0\DVQLNRYD6W 3KRQH? Ministry of Sports and Tourism 0LQVN.LURYD6W 3KRQH? Ministry of Taxes and Duties 0LQVN6RYHWVND\D6W 3KRQH? Ministry of Finance 0LQVN6RYHWVND\D6W 3KRQH? ZZZPLQ¿QJRYE\ Ministry of Trade 0LQVN.LURYD6W 3KRQH? Ministry of Foreign Affairs 0LQVN/HQLQD6W 3KRQH? Ministry of Transport and Communications 0LQVN&KLFKHULQD6W 3KRQH? Ministry of Forestry 0LQVN0\DVQLNRYD6W 3KRQH? State Border Committee 0LQVN9RORGDUVNRJR6W 3KRQH? ZZZJSNJRYE\ State Committee on Property 0LQVN.UDVQR]YH]GQ\ODQH 3KRQH? ZZZJNLJRYE\ State Committee on Standardization 0LQVN6WDURYLOHQVN\WUDNW 3KRQH? State Customs Committee 0LQVN0RJLOHYVND\D6W 3KRQH? ZZZJWNJRYE\ State Military-Industrial Committee 0LQVN1H]DYLVLPRVWL$YH 3KRQH? ZZZYSNJRYE\ State Science and Technology Committee 0LQVN$NDGHPLFKHVND\D6W 3KRQH? ZZZJNQWRUJE\ Belarusian Production and Trade Concern of Forestry, Woodworking and Pulp-andPaper Industry 0LQVN.0DUNVD6W 3KRQH? Belarusian Republican Union of Consumer Societies 0LQVN3REHGLWHOH\$YH 3KRQH? ZZZENVE\ Contact information Regional executive bodies Brest Regional Executive Committee %UHVW/HQLQɚ6W 3KRQH? Gomel Regional Executive Committee *RPHO/HQLQ$YH 3KRQH? Grodno Regional Executive Committee *URGQR2]KHVKNR6W 3KRQH? Minsk Regional Executive Committee 0LQVN(QJHOV6W 3KRQH? ZZZPLQVNUHJLRQJRYE\ Mogilev Regional Executive Committee 0RJLOHY 3HUYRPDLVND\D 6W +RXVHRIWKH6RYLHWV 3KRQH? Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee 9LWHEVN*RJRO6W 3KRQH? ZZZYLWHEVNUHJLRQJRYE\ Minsk City Executive Committee 0LQVN1H]DYLVLPRVWL$YH 3KRQH? ZZZPLQVNJRYE\ Belarusian State Concern of Food Industry 0LQVN$UDQVND\D6W 3KRQH? Belarusian State Concern for Oil and Industry 0LQVN']HU]KLQVNRJR$YH 3KRQH? ZZZEHODQHHIWHNKLPE\ Belarusian State Light Industry Concern 0LQVN.7VHWNLQ6W 3KRQH? 61 Contact information Diplomatic corps in Belarus Africa South Africa (Embassy afÀliation) 0LQVN=DNKDURYD6WK 3KRQH? )D[? America Brazil 0LQVN(QJHOVD6WDRI¿FH 3KRQH? )D[? Cuba 0LQVN.UDVQR]YH]GQD\D6W 3KRQH? )D[? United States 0LQVN6WDURYLOHQVND\D6W 3KRQH? )D[? Venezuela 0LQVN.XLE\VKHYD6W 3KRQH? )D[? Asia Armenia 0LQVN%XPD]KNRYD6W 3KRQH? )D[? Azerbaijan 0LQVN9RVWRFKQD\D6W± 3KRQH? )D[? China 0LQVN%HUHVW\DQVND\D6W 3KRQH? )D[? 62 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (Trade Representation 0LQVN%RJGDQRYLFKD6W 3KRQH? )D[? Georgia 0LQVN6YRERG\6T 3KRQH? )D[? India 0LQVN6RELQRYD6W 3KRQH? )D[? Iran 0LQVN.DOLQLQD6WE 3KRQH? )D[? Iraq 0LQVN0%RJGDQRYLFKD6W 3KRQH? )D[? Israel 0LQVN3DUWL]DQVN\$YHD 3KRQH? )D[? Japan 0LQVN 3REHGLWHOH\ $YH EXLOGLQJÀRRU 3KRQH? )D[? Kazakhstan 0LQVN.XLE\VKHYD6W 3KRQH? )D[? Republic of Korea 0LQVN3REHGLWHOH\$YHÀRRU 3KRQH? )D[? Kyrgyzstan 0LQVN6WDURYLOHQVND\D6W 3KRQH? )D[? Libya 0LQVN%HORUXVVND\D6W 3KRQH? )D[? Palestine 0LQVN2OHVKHYD6W 3KRQH? )D[? Contact information Syria 0LQVN6XYRURYD6W 3KRQH? )D[? Tajikistan 0LQVN GLVWULFW =HOHQD\D6W 3KRQH? )D[? Germany 0LQVN=DNKDURYD6W 3KRQH? )D[? YLO=KGDQRYLFKL Holy See 0LQVN9RORGDUVNRJR6W 3KRQH? )D[? Turkey 0LQVN9RORGDUVNRJR6W 3KRQH? )D[? Hungary 0LQVN3ODWRQRYD6WE 3KRQH? )D[? Turkmenistan 0LQVN1HNUDVRYD6W 3KRQH? )D[? Italy 0LQVN5DNRYVND\D6WE 3KRQH? )D[? United Arab Emirates YLO0HGYH]KLQR3ULYOHNDWHOQD\D6W 3KRQH? )D[? Latvia 0LQVN'RURVKHYLFKD6WD 3KRQH? )D[? Vietnam 0LQVN0R]KDLVNRJR6W 3KRQH? )D[? Lithuania 0LQVN=DNKDURYD6W 3KRQH? )D[? Europe Bulgaria 0LQVN6YRERG\6TXDUH 3KRQH? )D[? Czech Republic 0LQVN0X]\NDOQ\ODQH 3KRQH? )D[? Estonia 0LQVN3ODWRQRYD6WE 3KRQH? )D[? Moldova 0LQVN%HORUXVVND\D6W 3KRQH? )D[? Order of Malta 0LQVN=DNKDURYD6W 3KRQH? )D[? Poland 0LQVN=P%\DGXOL6WD 3KRQH? )D[? Finland (Embassy afÀliation) 0LQVN5HYROXWVLRQQD\D6W 3KRQH? )D[? Romania 0LQVN.DOLQLQJUDGVN\ODQH 3KRQH? )D[? France 0LQVN6YRERG\6T 3KRQH? )D[? Russia 0LQVN1RYRYLOHQVND\D6WD 3KRQH? )D[? 63 Contact information Serbia 0LQVN5XP\DQWVHYD6W 3KRQH? )D[? Slovakia 0LQVN9RORGDUVNRJR6W 3KRQH? )D[? Sweden 0LQVN5HYROXWVLRQQD\D6W 3KRQH? )D[? Switzerland (Embassy afÀliation) 0LQVN6YRERG\6TXDUH 3KRQH? )D[? Ukraine 0LQVN6WDURYLOHQVND\D6W 3KRQH? )D[? United Kingdom 0LQVN.0DUNVD6W 3KRQH? )D[? Diplomatic missions of Belarus abroad Africa Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Arab Republic of Egypt *DEHU(EQ+D\DQ6W'RNNL*L]D&DLUR 3KRQH )D[ HJ\SW#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Federal Republic of Nigeria 'HQJ;LRSLQJ6W3ORW$VRNRUR$EXMD 3KRQH QLJHULD#PIDJRYE\ 64 Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of South Africa +LOO6WUHHW$UFDGLD3UHWRULD 3KRQH )D[ UVD#PIDJRYE\ America Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Argentine Republic &D]DGRUHV&3&LXGDG$XWyQRPD GH%XHQRV$LUHV 3KRQH )D[ DUJHQWLQD#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Federative Republic of Brazil 6+,6/DJR6XO4/&RQMXQWR&DVD &(3ȼUDVtOLD') 3KRQH )D[ EUD]LO#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Canada $OEHUW6W2WWDZD2QWDULRɄ3* 3KRQH )D[ FDQDGD#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Cuba $YHWD1RH\0LUDPDU3OD\D /D+DEDQD 3KRQH )D[ FXED#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 4XLQWD &DPSDQHUD 7HUFHUD WUDQVYHUVDO FDOOH $YHOHGR FRQ DYHQLGD GH OD 8UEDQL]DFLRQ ORV &KRUURV 0XQLFLSLR 6XFUH &DUDFDV0LUDQGD 3KRQH )D[ YHQH]XHOD#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the United States of America 1HZ+DPSVKLUH$YHQXH1: :DVKLQJWRQ'& 3KRQH )D[ XVD#PIDJRYE\ Contact information Consulate General in New York rd $YHQXHthÀRRU1HZ<RUN1< 3KRQH )D[ XVDQ\#PIDJRYE\ Asia Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Armenia (UHYDQ1'XPDQD6W 3KRQH )D[ DUPHQLD#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Azerbaijan $]ԥUED\FDQ %DNÕ ;ԥtai rayonu, 15ԥ¿\HYNoԥVL 3KRQH )D[ D]HUEDLMDQ#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the People’s Republic of China 1R'RQJ<L-LH5L7DQ/X%HLMLQJ 3KRQH )D[ FKLQD#PIDJRYE\ Consulate General in Shanghai )<DQ¶DQ5G:6KDQJKDL 3KRQH )D[ VKDQJKDL#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Indonesia -O 3DWUD .XQLQJDQ 9,, 1R .XQLQJDQ -DNDUWD6HODWDQ 3KRQH )D[ LQGRQHVLD#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Islamic Republic of Iran =DIDUDQL\HK )DOODKL 6W 6KDKLG 7DKHUL 6W $]DUDOOH\+RXVH 3KRQH )D[ LUDQ#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Japan 7RN\R 6KLQDJDZDNX +LJDVKL *RWDQGD 3KRQH )D[ MDSDQ#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Kazakhstan $VWDQD.HQHVDU\6W 3KRQHID[ ND]DNKVWDQ#PIDJRYE\ ZZZND]DNKVWDQPIDJRYE\ Embassy Division in Almaty $OPDW\)XUPDQRYD6W 3KRQHID[ ND]DNKVWDQ#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the State of Israel 5HLQHV6W7HO$YLY 3KRQH )D[ LVUDHO#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Korea 'RQJKRUR JLO -XQJJX 6HRXO 3KRQH )D[ NRUHDWUDGH#PIDJRYE\ ZZZNRUHDPIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of India )%9DVDQW9LKDU1HZ'HOKL± 3KRQH )D[ LQGLD#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Kyrgyz Republic %LVKNHN0RVNRYVND\D6W 3KRQH )D[ N\UJ\]VWDQ#PIDJRYE\ ZZZN\UJ\]VWDQPIDJRYE\ 65 Contact information Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Syrian Arab Republic 0H]]HK(DVW9LOODV4XUWDMD6W'DPDVFXV 3KRQH )D[ V\ULD#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Tajikistan 'XVKDQEH6KRWHPXU6W 3KRQH 3KRQH WDMLNLVWDQ#PIDJRYE\ ZZZWDMLNLVWDQPIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Turkmenistan $VKJDEDW.LSFDN6W 3KRQH )D[ WXUNPHQLVWDQ#PIDJRYE\ ZZZWXUNPHQLVWDQPIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Turkey $ELGLQ'DYHU6N1RdDQND\D 3KRQH )D[ WXUNH\#PIDJRYE\ ZZZWXUNH\PIDJRYE\ Consulate General in Istanbul %LUJXO 6N 7RURV YLOOD 1RE )ORU\D %DNLUNR\,VWDQEXO 3KRQH )D[ WXUNH\LVWDQEXO#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 65 9LHWQDP +DQRL 7D\ +R GLVWULFW 7R1JRF9DQ 3KRQH )D[ YLHWQDP#PIDJRYE\ 66 Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the United Arab Emirates $EX 'KDEL 6KDUT $UHD (DVW 3ORW 9LOOD1R 3KRQH )D[ XDH#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Uzbekistan 7DVKNHQW*XO\DPRYD6W 3KRQH )D[ X]EHNLVWDQ#PIDJRYE\ ZZZX]EHNLVWDQPIDJRYE\ Europe Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Austria +XWWHOEHUJVWUDVVH$:LHQ 3KRQH )D[ PDLO#E\HPEDVV\DW Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Kingdom of Belgium $Yɟ0ROLHUH%UX[HOOHV,[HOOHV 3KRQH )D[ EHOJLXP#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Bulgaria 6R¿D%OYGµ5HGXWD¶1LNROD.DUDG]RY6W 3KRQH 3KRQHID[ EXOJDULD#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Czech Republic 6DGN\3UDKD±7URMD 3KRQH )D[ F]HFK#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Estonia 0DJGDOHHQDE7DOOLQQ 3KRQH )D[ HVWRQLD#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Finland 8QLRQLQNDWX+HOVLQNL 3KRQH )D[ ¿QODQG#PIDJRYE\ ZZZ¿QODQGPIDJRYE\ Contact information Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the French Republic %RXOHYDUG6XFKHW3DULV 3KRQH )D[ IUDQFH#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Lithuania 0LQGDXJR6W9LODQHLXV 3KRQH )D[ OLWKXDQLDHPE#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Federal Republic of Germany $P7UHSWRZHU3DUN%HUOLQ 3KRQH )D[ JHUPDQ\#PIDJRYE\ Embassy Division in Bonn )ULW]6FKDHIIHU6W%RQQ 3KRQH )D[ JHUPDQ\ERQQ#PIDJRYE\ Consulate General in Munich 6FKZDQVHHVWUDHD0QFKHQ 3KRQH )D[ JHUPDQ\PXHQFKHQ#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Moldova 5HSXEOLFD 0ROGRYD 0' RU &KLúLQăX 6W$0DWHHYLFL 3KRQH )D[ PROGRYD#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Hungary 0DJ\DURUV]iJ%XGDSHVW$JiUGLXWE 3KRQH )D[ KXQJDU\#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Italian Republic 9LDGHOOH$OSL$SXDQH5RPD 3KRQH )D[ LWDO\#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Latvia -Ɲ]XVED]QƯFDVLHOD5ƯJD/9 3KRQH )D[ ODWYLD#PIDJRYE\ Consulate General in Daugavpils 1RYHPEUDLHOD'DXJDYSLOV/9 3KRQH )D[ ODWYLDGDXJDYSLOV#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Kingdom of the Netherlands $QQD3DXORZQDVWUDDW%('HQ+DDJ 3KRQH )D[ QHWKHUODQGV#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Poland XO:LHUWQLF]D:DUV]DZD 3KRQH )D[ SRODQG#PIDJRYE\ Consulate in Biaáa Podlaska XO6LWQLFND%LDáD3RGODVND 3KRQH )D[ ELDODBSRGODVND#PIDJRYE\ Consulate General in Biaáystok XO(OHNWU\F]QD%LDá\VWRN 3KRQH )D[ SRODQGELDO\VWRN#PIDJRYE\ Consulate General in GdaĔsk XO1RDNRZVNLHJR*GDĔVN2OLZD 3KRQH )D[ SRODQGJGDQVN#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Romania %XFXUHúWL6W7XEHUR]HORUQU6HFWRU 3KRQH )D[ URPDQLD#PIDJRYE\ 67 Contact information 68 Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation 0RVFRZ0DURVHLND6W 3KRQH UXVVLD#PIDJRYE\ Embassy Division in Kaliningrad .DOLQLQJUDG'P'RQVNRJR6WD 3KRQH )D[ UXVVLDNDOLQLQJUDG#PIDJRYE\ Embassy Division in Kazan .D]DQ.0DUNVD6W 3KRQH )D[ UXVVLDND]DQ#PIDJRYE\ Embassy Division in Khabarovsk .KDEDURYVN=DSDULQD6WRI¿FH 3KRQH )D[ UXVVLDNKDEDURYVN#PIDJRYE\ Embassy Division in Krasnoyarsk .UDVQR\DUVN0LUD$YH 3KRQH )D[ UXVVLDNUDVQR\DUVN#PIDJRYE\ Embassy Division in Nizhny Novgorod 1L]KQ\1RYJRURG.UHPOLQEXLOGLQJ room 5 3KRQH )D[ UXVVLDQRYJRURG#PIDJRYE\ Embassy Division in Novosibirsk 1RYRVLELUVN.LURYD6W 3KRQHID[ 3KRQH UXVVLDQRYRVLELUVN#PIDJRYE\ Embassy Division in Rostov-on-Don 5RVWRYRQ'RQ/LQL\D6W EXLOGLQJ 3KRQH )D[ UXVVLDURVWRY#PIDJRYE\ Embassy Division in Saint Petersburg 6DLQW3HWHUVEXUJ%RQFK%UXHYLFKD6WD 3KRQH )D[ UXVVLDSHWHUVEXUJ#PIDJRYE\ Embassy Division in Smolensk 6PROHQVN%DNXQLQD6W 3KRQH 3KRQH)D[ UXVVLDVPROHQVN#PIDJRYE\ Embassy Division in Ufa 8ID6RYHWVND\D6W 3KRQH )D[ UXVVLDXID#PIDJRYE\ Embassy Division in Yekaterinburg <HNDWHULQEXUJ/HQLQD$YH 3KRQH )D[ UXVVLD\HNDWHULQEXUJ#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Serbia 'HOLJUDGVND6W%HOJUDG 3KRQH )D[ VHUELD#PIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Slovak Republic XO-DQþRYD%UDWLVODYD 3KRQH )D[ VORYDNLD#PIDJRYE\ ZZZVORYDNLDPIDJRYE\ Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Swiss Confederation 4XDUWLHUZHJ0XULEHL%HUQ 3KRQH )D[ VZLW]HUODQG#PIDJRYE\ Honorary Consulate in Zürich +HOHQDVWUDVVH =ULFK 3RVWIDFK &+=ULFK 3KRQH )D[ LQIR#EHODUXVNRQVXODWFK Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Ukraine .LHYɆ.RWVXELQVNRJR6W 3KRQH 3KRQHID[ XNUDLQH#PIDJRYE\ ZZZXNUDLQHPIDJRYE\ Consulate General in Odessa 2GHVVD/HUPRQWRYVN\ODQH 3KRQH )D[ XNUDLQHRGHVVD#PIDJRYE\ Contact information Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .HQVLQJWRQ&RXUW/RQGRQ:'/ 3KRQH )D[ XNORQGRQ#PIDJRYE\ ZZZXNPIDJRYE\ 69 Notes 70 Notes 71 Information edition Belarus. Business partner &RPSOLHGE\ Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry &RPSXWHUDLGHGPDNHXSE\ I.Belyaeva 3DVVHGIRUSULQWLQJ )RUPDW[ Coated paper )RQWVW\OH$ULDO1DUURZ Offset printing FXVWRPSULQWHGSDJHV 3ULQWHGLQWKHSULQWLQJRI¿FHRI 'LYLPD[$/& 5HSXEOLFRI%HODUXV 0LQVN1H]DYLVLPRVWL$YHEXLOGLQJ 3KRQH?ID[? /LFHQVH1RGDWHG 2UGHU1R &LUFXODWLRQFRSLHV
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