ClaSSifiEdS - West Virginia Press Association
ClaSSifiEdS - West Virginia Press Association
4B - MOOREFIELD (WV) EXAMINER, Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Classifieds Examiner FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS and Mt Storm Lake. Space 2000sq. ft. Lodge with 2BR’s, 3BA’S, new 230 SUZUKI QUAD RUNNER carpet, cathedral ceilings, stone 4 wheeler. Excellent condition. fireplace and large deck. Very priacres. $1500.00. 304-790-2648. 6/10 vate and seclude, on 10 to 83 Will be available on May 1st, so act fast! 1-800-651-5540. tfn FOR SALE FARM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT KUBOTA, GEHL, BushHog, and MOBILE HOMES Befco. 15 Kubota Cab tractors in stock. See Woodstock Equipment Company for Sales, Parts, and Service. Woodstock VA. Call 540-4593233. tfn FOR SALE HOMES 3BR, 2BA, log home on 6 acres, unattached garage that can be used as commercial. 5 miles from Moorefield, WV. $250,000.00. For more information: 304-490-8032. tfn FOR SALE LAND/LOTS BUILDING LOTS for sale starting at $25,000. Also 5 acre tracts starting at $40,000. 5 acre lot great for hunting, lots of deer. Owner will finance with 10% down. 304749-8411. tfn ABOUT 60 ACRES of land for sale in South Fork area. Good hunting. Some pasture. Spring fed pond. Artesian well. County water. Financing available with approved credit. 304-538-6174. tfn 2BR, 1BA, in Fisher. Lot rent included, tenant pays utilities, has AC and washer and dryer. $425 per month, deposit and references required. 304-897-6842. 6/10 3BR, MOBILE Home near Fisher. 304-530-4881-or 304-703-1573. 6/13 FOR RENT HOMES 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath house. Electric heat and AC, town water. Utilities not included. 5 miles from Moorefield. $650.00 per month and a $650.00 security deposit. Lease and references required. 304-490-8032. tfn FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE Examiner Garage For Sale 2004 Crysler Pt Cruiser GT, 2.4L HO Turbo, Automatic, Silver with black leather interior, all options, heated seats, moonroof etc. 136k miles. may consider partial trades along with cash, asking $2400.00, email [email protected], located behind wishy wash in Wardensville. For Sale 1958 Edsel Pacer 400. Made by Ford Motor Company! See it at 488 Fort Run Rd, 3 miles East of Moorefield, WV $5,000 or best offer, phone 304-4342342. Place your FREE car listing! Email [email protected] MTM STORAGE, sizes 5x10, 10x10, 12x24, Rt. 55 East of Moorefield, additional location in Moorefield with sizes, 32x60, 40x60, 40x80, 72x100, and 100x1000 area with truck docks. Large outdoor storage area surrounded by chain link fence also available. Space for commercial and industrial needs also available. 304-530-6707. tfn HARVEST STORAGE: 5x10, 10x10, 10x20. Great location in town. 304-703-2667. tfn OFFICE OR Retail spaces on Main Street. Formerly Harvest Grill/Potomac Highland Guild Of- WANTED fice. Exposed beams, new carpet, TO DO fireplace. Call 304-703-2667 or *PAINTING ROOFS* 25 years 770-344-9638. tfn experience. Houses, Interior, house roofs, barn roofs, church FOR RENT roofs, poultry house roofs, outSTORAGE buildings, mobile homes, fences, FOR SALE *OLD FIELDS Storage* (Units staining log homes, businesses, COMMERCIAL 5x10) (10x10) (10x20). Located 4.5 pressure washing. Call Ronald Miles on Rt. 220 North of Moore- Kimble, 304-358-7208. tfn PROPERTY HaulFOR RENT or Sale only 3 miles field. Call 304-538-3300, 304-538- MOUNTAIN RIDGE from Mount Storm Power Plant 2346 or evenings 304-538-6785.tfn ing Services. Services available: Highland Trace Realty, Inc. PO Box 307, 200 E. Main Street, Wardensville, WV 26851 John B. Bowman, Broker Charlotte Bowman, Assoc. Broker Emily Anderson, Sales Agent Office 304-874-3030 • Toll Free 1-877-293-3643 E-MAIL: [email protected] Hauling junk, metal, domestic, construction, trash etc. Handyman repair services. Commercial/ residential, landscaping, snow, tree and brush removal. Call and leave message. Licensed and insured.. Over 25 years experience. 304897-7383. 8/9 THE HARDY COUNTY Child Care center has openings for children 6 weeks thru 5th grade. We will be offering a summer program for school children, kindergarten thru 5th grade.. Our staff has years of experience of teaching children through play and have prepared a creative and exciting program in which children will learn by having lots of fun. We participate in the Child Nutrition Program which we provide breakfast, lunch and a light supper and we also participate in the Mountain Heart Program. If you want to go to work knowing that your child is in a safe and secure learning environment then please give us a call at 304- [email protected] 434-7353 or just feel free to stop a.k.a. Sundowner’s Syndrome. If by. We are an Equal Opportunity interested, please call and leave a Provider. 6/17 message at 304-851-6905. 6/13 WANTED TO RENT SINGLE, RETIRED female seeks ground level apartment in Moorefield area. I do not smoke, drink, or have pets. Call 304-530-6790. 6/13 HELP WANTED THE STRAY Cat Cafe in Moorefield is taking applications for line cooks and dishwashers. Must be dedicated and able to work weekends. Stop by and fill out an application. 6/17 Manufacturing facility in Strasburg is seeking highly motivated and reliable persons for 1st and 2nd shifts. Wood working and machine experience a plus. 1st shift is 7:00 to 3:30 PM Monday through Friday. 2nd shift is 3:30 PM to 2:00 AM, Monday through Thursday. Please stop by Carpers Wood Creations, 407 Aileen Ave., Strasburg, VA and fill out an application. Please no calls. 6/20 HOME CARE Agency is seeking Caregivers/Home Health Aids in Hardy County/Baker area to provide in-home care to elderly/disabled. Various shifts are available. Call 304-257-9298. 6/20 A RESPONSIBLE and caring adult to stay with a 74 year old, elderly man at night from 5pm until early am hours. References and resume preferred, but not required. Compensation negotiable and could include room and board. 74 year old male has early dementia NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING of the Olivet Cemetery Company will be held on Thursday, evening, June 18, 2015 at 6:00pm at Olivet Cemetery office. Two expiring term appointments of members of the board of directors are open for appointment. The annual appointment of the board of directors to serve as president for the coming year will also be addressed. A regular meeting of the board of directors will follow. Burial lot owners, family members and friends are invited and encouraged to attend this important meeting. 6/20 SEPTIC TANKS Pumped M & M Septic Service. Call 304-257-3191. tfn REUNIONS FUNK/MILLER REUNION. Wardensville Town Park (Old Shelter). June 14, 2015. 6/13 MILLER REUNION: Descendent of Presley and Mary Funkhouser Miller family will hold a reunion on June 14, 2015 at the Holly Hill Church on Kimsey Run Road. Service at 11:00am with lunch at 1:00pm. Please bring covered dish. 6/13 YARD SALE HUGE YARD Sale at 115 Brighton Avenue. June 13th, 8am-? Something for everyone. 6/13 1235 DOVER HOLLOW Road. Friday and Saturday June 12th and 13th, 8am-? Tools, Household and Yard items. 6/13 MLS# HD8617322 Secluded 5.91 mostly level acres. Features lush grassy bottom land, some woods, year round stream, pond, easy access, convenient location between Moorefield and Petersburg. Private and unrestricted land to build your dream home or a cabin, farmette, fish hatchery or commercial poultry business. Owner reports abundant wildlife and a couple rare chestnut trees. Utilities available. Call today to take a look at this property. Call for details: Joan Mace – Realtor 304-703-5145 (Cell) • 304-749-8008 (Home) • 304-530-2000 (Office) PREFERRED PROPERTIES 202 South Main Street, Moorefield, WV 26836 Debra Crites – Broker 304-530-2000 BUSINESS DIRECTORY •AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING CONTRACTORS •ANIMAL HOSPITAL •GARAGE DOORS •INSURANCE Precision W. VA. INSURANCE CO. Overhead Doors Jim Teter, Owner •ELECTRICAL Sales, Installation, & Service of 304-530-5400 Emergency Generators Sales & Installation Cell# 304-257-8882 1407 US Route 220 North Moorefield, WV 26836 Owner Jeff Saville Licensed & Insured WV041077 Furnaces Advertise in the Sales • Service • Installation 304-856-3894 Serving WV and VA since 1986 WV002326 HC 71 Box 92A, Capon Bridge, WV 26711 Residential & Commercial 304-874-3685 Office 540-539-3200 Cell Kenneth & Denise Dove, Owners License #WV037343 Advertising rates in this section: $7.00 first 25 words. Ten cents per word each additional word. Blind ads double the above rates. Display state law. Only current paid-up accounts will be allowed to charge classified and/or display advertising. All others must be paid in advance. Political advertising must be paid in advance. The Moorefield Examiner assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements; only one corrected classified insertion can be printed at no charge, so immediate notification regarding incorrect classified advertisements is required. The Moorefield Examiner reserves the right to be an unlawful employment practice, unless based on bonafide occupational qualifications or except where based upon applicable security regulations established by the United States or the state of West Virginia for an employer or employment agency to print or circulate or cause to be printed or to use in any Heritage Insurance, LLC Online Bill Pay EnvircoNews 304-538-6677 304-530-7224 (SBAH) 5201 US Rt 220 S Moorefield, WV 26836 [email protected] Hours: M–F 8am–7pm; Saturday 9–12 Home, Farm, Mobile Home, Cabin •SOLID WASTE HAULER Business Directory Call 304-897-6060 800-235-4044 West Virginia Certificated Solid Waste Hauler 304-530-6397 Serving Hardy & Grant counties since 1990 •RUBBER STAMPS Need a NOTARY STAMP? Need an ADDRESS STAMP? Call Kathy at (304) 530-6397 form or application for employment or to make an inquiry in connection with prospective employment, which expresses the following: Directly or indirectly any limitation, specifications or discrimination as to race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, marital status, sex, age or any intent to make such limitation, specification or discrimination. Rentals and Real Estate: Notice: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, disability, martial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. MOOREFIELD (WV) EXAMINER, Wednesday,June 10, 2015 - 5B Legal Advertisements Order of Publication IN THE FAMILY COURT OF HARDY COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA HEATHER MARIE MOYER, PETITIONER, DOMESTIC ACTION NO: 15-D-54 DALE JENNINGS MONGOLD RESPONDENT, The object of this suit is to Establish Paternity, Award Primary Residence, and Establish Child Support. To the Above Named Respondent: It appearing by affidavit filed in this action that Dale Jennings Mongold, is a nonresident of the State of West Virginia, it is hereby ordered that Dale Jennings Mongold, serve upon Petitioner’s attorney, Meredith H. Haines, whose address is P.O. Box 26, Keyser, WV 26726, an answer, including any related counterclaim or defense you may have to the Petition filed in this action on or before July 10, 2015. If you fail to do so, thereafter judgement, upon proper hearing and trial, may be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. A copy of said Petition can be obtained from the undersigned Clerk at her office. Entered by the Clerk of said Court, Kimberly Hartman. Kimberly Hartman, Clerk of Court By Kelly Shockey, deputy 6/10 1c NOTICE OF INFORMATIONAL OPEN HOUSE PUBLIC MEETING US 48 CONTROLLED ACCESS BREAK AT THE WV 55 INTERCHANGE MOOREFIELD, HARDY COUNTY The West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH) and the Hardy County Rural Development Authority will hold an Open House Public Meeting on Wednesday, June 10,2015, in the gymnasium/cafeteria at Moorefield Elementary School, located at 400 North Main Street, Moorefield, Hardy County, West Virginia on the proposed US 48 Controlled Access Break at the WV 55 Interchange. The purpose of this project is to open a controlled access at the WV 55 Interchange. This access is on US 48 and will have a public benefit by accessing property of the Hardy County Rural Development Authority (HCRDA) to allow the development of jobs for the area. The HCRDA is working with the adjacent property owner; Fort Pleasant Farms, Inc. for the development of the area. This meeting complies with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act requirements. NO FORMAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE. The scheduled open house is from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and the public will be afforded the opportunity to ask questions and give written comments on the project throughout the meeting. A handout with project details will be available at the meeting and on the WVDOH Website. Those wishing to file written comments may send them to R. J. Scites, P.E., Director Engineering Division, West Virginia Division of Highways, 1334 Smith Street, Charleston, West Virginia 25301 on or before Friday, July 10,2015. Visit the WVDOH Website at for project information and the opportunity to comment on the project. The West Virginia Department of Transportation will, upon request, provide reasonable accommodations including auxiliary aids and services necessary to af- ford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in our services, programs and activities. Please contact us at (304) 558-3931. Persons with hearing or speech impairments can reach all state agencies by calling (800) 982-8772 (voice to TDD) or (800) 982-8771 (TDD to voice), toll free. 6/10 1c United States of America State of West Virginia County of Hardy, ss: Notice of Administration / to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the following estate(s) have been opened for probate in the Hardy County Clerk’s Office at 204 Washington Street, Moorefield, WV 26836‑0200. Any person seeking to impeach or establish a will must make a complaint in accordance with the provisions of West Virginia Code 41‑5‑11 through 13. Any interested person objecting to the qualifications of the personal representative or the venue or jurisdiction of the court, shall file notice of an objection with the County Commission within 90 days after the date of the first publication or within 30 days of the service of the notice, whichever is later. If an objection is not filed timely, the objection is forever barred. Any person interested in filing claims against an estate must file them in accordance with West Virginia Code 44‑2 and 44‑3. Settlement of the estate(s) of the following named decedent(s) will proceed without reference to a fiduciary commissioner unless within 90 days from the first publication of this notice a reference is requested by a party of interest or an unpaid creditor files a claim and good cause is shown to support reference to a fiduciary commissioner. Publication Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Claim Deadline Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2015 ESTATE NUMBER: 1266 ESTATE NAME: JEAN LEE BOWERS EXECUTRIX: GRACE SMITH 29706 SR 55 WARDENSVILLE, WV 26851‑ ATTORNEY: LARY D GARRETT PO BOX 510 MOOREFIELD, WV 26836‑ ESTATE NUMBER: 1291 ESTATE NAME: DONALD LEE CRITES ADMINISTRATRIX: ROBIN L WOLFE 354 MOUNTAIN ROAD OLD FIELDS, WV 26845‑ ESTATE NUMBER: 1290 ESTATE NAME: DONALD LEE CRITES II ADMINISTRATRIX: ROBIN L WOLFE 354 MOUNTAIN ROAD OLD FIELDS, WV 26845‑ ESTATE NUMBER: 1272 ESTATE NAME: PAUL ALLEN HINKLE ADMINISTRATRIX: PAMELA JACKSON HINKLE 304 THREE MAPLE DRIVE MATHIAS, WV 26812‑ ATTORNEY: WILLIAM H BEAN BEAN & BEAN PO DRAWER 30 MOOREFIELD, WV 26836‑ ESTATE NUMBER: 1287 ESTATE NAME: FLORA KATHRYN KETTERMAN EXECUTOR: ATTORNEY: KENNETH KETTERMAN 1810 JENKINS RUN ROAD MOOREFIELD, WV 26836‑ WILLIAM A BEAN PO DRAWER 30 MOOREFIELD, WV 26836‑ ESTATE NUMBER: 1281 ESTATE NAME: BRIAN D MALCOLM EXECUTRIX: CAROLYN MALCOLM 107 HOLLY AVE MOOREFIELD, WV 26836‑ ESTATE NUMBER: 1300 ESTATE NAME: STANLEY B MOYER JR EXECUTRIX: NAOMI B MOYER 4809 CRAB RUN ROAD MATHIAS, WV 26812 Subscribed and sworn to before me on 06/01/2015 GREGORY L ELY Clerk of the Hardy County Commission 6/10, 6/17 2c United States of America State of West Virginia County of Hardy, ss: Notice of Administration Notice is hereby given that the following estate(s) have been opened for probate in the Hardy County Clerk’s Office at 204 Washington Street, Room 111 Moorefield, WV 26836‑0200. Any person seeking to impeach or establish a will must make a complaint in accordance with the provisions of West Virginia Code 41‑5‑11 through 13. Any interested person objecting to the qualifications of the personal representative or the venue or jurisdiction of the court, shall file notice of an objection with the County Commission within 90 days after the date of the first publication or within thirty days of the service of the notice, whichever is later. If an objection is not filed timely, the objection is forever barred. Claims against the estate(s) must be filed in accordance with the West Virginia Code 44‑2‑2 if assigned to a fiduciary commissioner. If no reference to a fiduciary commissioner is listed herein, claims against the estate(s) must be filed in accordance with West Virginia Code 44‑1‑14A(10). Publication Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 ESTATE NUMBER: 1247 ESTATE NAME: CONNIE SUE STEVER ADMINISTRATRIX: REBECCA LYNN TURNER PO BOX 166 16694 NORTH MOUNTAIN RD TIMBERVILLE, VA 22853‑0166 ATTORNEY: J GREGORY WEBB 500 COURT SQUARE SUITE 300 PO BOX 298 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902‑0298 ESTATE NUMBER: 1248 ESTATE NAME: ROGER LORING SHERMAN CO EXECUTOR: JOSEPH SHERMAN 120 GLENWOOD DRIVE MOOREFIELD, WV 26836‑ CO EXECUTRIX: ELIZABETH SHERMAN GOLDEN 230 SANDY LANE BERKELEY SPRINGS, WV 25411‑9258 ESTATE NUMBER: 1299 ESTATE NAME: DONNA JEAN TEETS EXECUTOR: JAMES MICHAEL TEETS 985 KIMSEY RUN ROAD LOST RIVER, WV 26810‑ FIDUCIARY COMMISSIONER: JONATHAN BRILL ,PO Box 932 Romney, WV 26757 Subscribed and sworn to before me on 06/01/2015 GREGORY L ELY Clerk of the Hardy County Commission 6/10, 6/17 2c Invitation For Bids The Region VIII Solid Waste Authority (Region VIII SWA) is seeking bids for two (2) sets of portable axle scales, one (1) set for each of our transfer stations located near Petersburg, WV and Romney, WV. All bids shall meet the specifications set forth in the “Invitation For Bids”. The Invitation For Bids and the required bidding forms can be obtained by contacting the Region VIII SWA at 304-257-2644. Those documents contain specific requirements concerning the delivery of the bids. All bids are due by July 2, 2015. Any bid can be rejected in whole or in part as deemed appropriate by the Region VIII SWA. 6/10, 6/17 Expression of Interest The Hardy County Commission is seeking expression of interest for the following contractual service: DOG WARDEN. Preference will be given based upon ability to complete the contract requirements and service provided. Contractor will be responsible for furnishing humane work tools, transportation, general liability & auto insurance, rabies vaccinations, and bond. Expression of Interest Letter with Resume must be received by June 22, 2015 at the Hardy County Courthouse, ATTN: Expression of Interest, 204 Washington Street, Room 111 Moorefield WV 26836. The Hardy County Commission is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. 6/10, 6/17 2c Notice of Sale In accordance with the storage rental special agreement(s) by and between Hardman’s Mini Storage and Andrew Haymaker. The contents of these storage unit(s) will be sold at a public sale to the highest bidder commencing at 10:00 a.m. June 20, 2015, with the viewing of unit(s) starting five minutes prior to bidding of each unit. Registration will start at 9:30 a.m. in the back parking lot of Hardman’s Hardware, 131 N. Main St., Moorefield, WV. Fred C. Hardman, Counsel for Hardman’s Mini Storage 6/10, 6/17 2c WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Division of Highways NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids will be received electronically by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways through the Bid Express Bidding Service (www.bidx. com) and by sealed proposals (only when prequalification is waived) being received at its office in Building 5, Room A-748, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, West Virginia until June 9, 2015 at 10:00 A.M.(Eastern Standard Time). The bids will be downloaded and/or opened and publicly thereafter for the construction of the following project(s): -----------------------------------Call: 031 Contract: *1004435 State Project: S385-REC/AL-15 00 Federal Project: HSIP-2015(005)D Description: PAVEMENT MARKINGS 2015 DISTRICT FIVE RECALL STRIPING DISTRICT WIDE COUNTY: BERKELEY, GRANT, HARDY, OTHER -----------------------------------Proposals will be received from prequalified and West Virginia licensed contractors only except that on Federal-Aid Projects a contractors’ license is not required at time of bid, but will be required before work can begin. Registration is required with the Department of Administration, Division of Purchasing, in accordance with Chapter 5A, Article 3, Section 12 of the West Virginia Code. All contractors submitting bids on project (s) must include one of the following forms properly executed with each proposal: Proposal Guaranty Bond, Cashier’s Check, or Certified Check for $500.00 or 5% of total bid, whichever is greater. *These are projects on which any contractor with a Category “W” Prequalification Rating may be eligible to bid. The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways reserves the right to defer, delay or postpone the date for receiving and publicly opening proposals for any project designated in this advertisement, without the necessity of renewing such advertisement. All bidders holding valid bidding proposals will be notified of such deferment, delay or postponement and the date that proposals will be received and publicly opened. The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in consideration for an award. WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Division of Highways, Robert Pennington Deputy State Highway Engineer Planning and Programming 6/3, 6/10 2c [email protected] property do appear and serve upon Petitioners’ attorney, James O. Heishman, whose address is 204 North Elm Street, Moorefield, WV 26836, an Answer or other defense to the Complaint filed in this action on May 19, 2015, otherwise, judgment by default may be taken against them at any time thereafter. A copy of said Complaint with a more particular description of the subject property can be obtained from the undersigned Clerk at her office located at Hardy County Courthouse, 204 Washington Street, Moorefield, West Virginia. Entered by the Clerk of said Court this 19th day of May, 2015. Circuit Clerk of Hardy County Kimberly Hartman by: Kelly Shockey 5/27, 6/3, 6/10 3c IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF HARDY COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA RANDALL A. MOYER,, ROBERT E. and ROBIN R. MILLS, PLAINTIFFS, vs. YANKEE OIL & GAS INCORPORATED, NEW FRONTIER EXPLORATIONS, INC., THE YANKEE GAS COMPANY, ACCESS ENERGY PIPELINE CORPORATION, AND UNKNOWN PARTIES, DEFENDANTS. Civil Action No. 15-C-30 ORDER OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA COUNTY OF HARDY, to wit: The object of the above styled civil action is to remove a cloud on title to certain real estate owned by Plaintiffs located in Lost River District, Hardy County, West Virginia; and specifically have the Court find and declare a certain pipeline right of way does not cross or affect certain real estate owned by Plaintiffs. It appearing by affidavit filed in this action that Defendants, Yankee Oil & Gas Incorporated, New Frontier Explorations, Inc., The Yankee Gas Company and Access Energy Pipeline Corporation have either ceased to exist or are non-residents of the State of West Virginia; and that there are or may be persons or entities other than those named above as Defendants who have an interest or may be effected by the decisions in this action, whose names IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF HARDY and addresses are unknown to Plaintiffs, COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA and who are made parties to the Complaint IN RE: MATTER OF FEE SIMPLE TITLE filed in this action by the general descripOF CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNED BY tion of unknown Defendants; it is THE “WOLFE PARTNERSHIP.” Ordered that each of the Defendants do DAVID WOLFE and JEFF VANCE, appear and serve upon Plaintiffs’ attorney, James O. Heishman, whose address is 204 Petitioners North Elm Street, Moorefield, WV 26836, Civil Action No. 15-C-29 an Answer or other defense to the ComORDER OF PUBLICATION plaint filed in this action on May 19, 2015, STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA otherwise, judgment by default may be COUNTY OF HARDY, to wit: taken against them at any time thereafter. The object of the above styled civil acA copy of said Complaint can be obtion is to petition the Court so that a ruling tained from the undersigned Clerk at her can be made and an Order filed, which will office located at Hardy County Courtstate as to whom a certain percentage of house, 204 Washington Street, Moorefield, fee simple title should be vested in certain West Virginia. property most recently owned by what was Entered by the Clerk of said Court this referred to as the “Wolfe Partnership.” 19 day of May, 2015. It appearing by affidavit filed in this acCircuit Clerk of Hardy County tion that there may be persons or entities Kimberly Hartman who have an interest or may be effected By: Deborah J. Hines, Deputy. by the decisions in this action and whose 5/27, 6/3, 6/10 3c names and addresses may be unknown to the Petitioners: it is hereby Ordered that each person or entity which claim to have an interest in said American Woodmark Corporation is one of the country’s leading manufacturers of kitchen and bath cabinets. We are currently seeking hourly production team members to join our South Branch Plant to support the facility expansion. HIRING FOR ALL SHIFTS We offer a competitive pay and benefits package to include: Medical/Dental/Vision Plan Company Paid Holidays & Vacation Company Paid Life Insurance Company Paid Profit Sharing Plan 401(k) (AWSOP) Savings Plan with Company Match Incentive Bonus Program If you are looking for a challenge and have interest in joining our team, please apply in person at: American Woodmark Corporation South Branch Plant 587 Robert C Byrd Industrial Park Rd., Moorefield WV 26836 An Equal Opportunity Employer
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