International Journals - Central Library
International Journals - Central Library
Manav Rachna International University Research Publications of Faculty Members in International Journals S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper 1 FET Chem Experimental Analysis of Solar Stills using Richa Pandey, Rajesh International Journal of Nano Condensing Glass Tripathi, Pradeep K. Applied Engineering Varshney Research (IJAER), 2 FET MECH Yogesh yadav, Mohit Dharan Internatonal journal of research in mechanical engineering 3 FCA FCA Study of International Motor sports, including race team requirement analysis, global trends and perspective of different race series GPS Location Handling System on Web 4 FMS Management A Study of Factors Influencing Tourist Destination Image Dr. Usha Arora, Deepti Dabas Hazarika 5 FMS Management Managing Warranty Length & Price in the Presence of Customer Dissatisfaction P.K. Kapur, Nitin Sachdeva 6 FAS Nutrition & Dietetics Prevalance of Goitre (Iodine Deficiency Disorder) amongst school aged children in India Urvashi Mehlawat and Rupal World Journal of Pruthi Pharmaceutical Research 7 FET MECH A novel approach of quality chain management Pooja Sharma, Nitin Waghmare 8 FET MECH A study of supply chain Management Pooja Sharma, Nitin performs in indian MRO paper mill problem Waghmare international joural of engineering and techncal Research 9 FET MATHS Mucus Transport in the Larger Airway Due to Prolonged Mild Cough: Effect of Serous Fluid and Cilia Beating Arti Saxena, A. P. Tyagi Chemical and Process Engineering Research 10 FET ECE Comparative Study of PAPR Reduction Techniques Ashish Vats International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications 11 FET Chem Purification of Jatropha curcas Based Biodiesel by Dry Washing, Using Banana Peel and Mushroom Powder as Natural Adsorbents Sangita Banga, Pradeep K. Varshney and Naveen Kumar Biofuels International Journal Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Shaveta Bhatia Name of Journal Research Journal of Science & IT Management-RJSITM Shiv Shakti International Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research Amity Global Business Review, Amity University international joural of technical Research and application Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year pp.27483-27494, 2015 Jun-15 2015 Vol-3,issue-4 pp-28-33,2015 ISSN: 2347-5188 RINT:2347-8772,DOA 13072015 JUL-AUG2015 2015 Vol 4,No.6 Ist April,2015 2015 Vol. 4, No. 3, 2015 June 2015 Vol. 10, Issue 1 February 2015 Volume 4, Issue 5, pp April 2015 Vol-03,issue -3, pp-220-224 may -june 2015 2015 Vol-03,issue -5, pp-96-98 ISSN :2321-0869 May-15 2015 pp62-69, Vol.31, 2015 Jun-15 2015 Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015 June 2015 (In Press) Sep-15 2015 1 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt 12 FET BT 13 FET MECH 14 FET MECH 15 FET MECH 16 FET MECH 17 FET 18 Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Genome-Wide Analysis of Homeobox Gene Annapurna Bhattacharjee*, Family in Legumes: Identification, Gene Rajesh Ghangal*, Rohini Duplication and Expression Profiling Garg, Mukesh Jain (* equal contribution) Simultaneous Optimization of Semi-Active Devdutt Quarter Car Suspension Parameters using Taguchi Method and Grey Relational Analysis Effect of Tool Material Properties and Manoj Nayak Cutting Conditions of Machinability of AISI D6 Steel During Hard Turning Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year PLoS One Vol. 10 (3), 2015 March 2015 Vol. 4, No. 1, Pg. 61 to 75 February 2015 40:1151-1164 DOI 10.1007/s13369-015-1578-0 6th February 2015 International Journal of Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (IJMECH) Vol.4, No.1 Arab J Sci Eng 2015 Analysis of Hardness by Parametric Optimization of Gravity Die Casting for A356 Aluminium Alloy Using Taguchi Techniques Application of Six sigma DMAIC Methodology for reducing defects in a Shyam Kumar Karna Ran Vijay Singh Rajeshwar Sahai International Journal of Manufacturing Materials and Mechanical Engineering 5(1), 21-34, Jan-Mar, 2015 Pg. 21-27 Jan-March 2015 Virender Narla Sandeep Grover Materials Science Forum Vol. 808 (2015) pp 79-87 Vol. 808 (2015) pp 79-87 2015 2015 Civil Fuzzy Analysis For Assessment Of River Water Quality Sonal Bhugra,Sria Biswas International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology(IJRET) Vol.:4,issue -1 2015 2015 FET Civil Moddelling For Assessment Of Pollution Of A City & Optimisation Technique Of Its Control Sonal Bhugra,Dr.Srijit Biswas Vol.:2,Issue-2,pp.-68-72 2014 2015 19 FET Chem Removal of cadmium metal from water by carbon based nanosorbents: A review 13(1) 18–33, (2015) 2014 2015 20 FET Chem Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 2014 2015 21 FET ECE Pseudomonas gessardii growing cells as a Kirandeep Kaur, new biocatalyst for asymmetric synthesis of Swapandeep Singh Chimni, α-bromohydrins Harvinder Singh Saini, Bhupinder Singh Chadha Automated cardiac state diagnosis from Dipali Bansal hybrid features of ECG using neural network classifier Vol 17 No.3 2014 2015 22 FET CSE Simulation And Analysis Of AODV, DSDV And ZRP Protocol In MANET Neha Jain, Dr. Yogesh Chaba International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) Vol. 3, Issue 6, Pg 17-24 2015 2015 23 FET BT A rare case of mosaic 45, X/47, XX,+ 13 in 28-year-old women with secondary amenorrhoea: A case report and literature review Mohit Kumar, Vandana Lal, Shilpa Chapadgaonkar, Saurabh Kumar Bhattacharya Meta Gene 2015 2015 Iternational Journal Of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology (IJMSET) Rajeev Kumar, Jyoti Chawla, J. Water and Health Inderpreet Kaur International Journal Biomedical Engineering and Technology Volume 4(1), 49–54, ( 2015,) Volume 3, February 2015, Pages 8–13 2 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 24 FET AE Experimental and Computational Study on Compound Delta Wing 25 FAS Nutrition & Dietetics 26 FAS 27 Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Md. Naimuddin, Gaurav Journal of Basic and Applied Chopra, Gaurav Sharma and Engineering Research Gagan Sharma Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 47-52 2014 2014 2014 Current Status of Vitamin D Deficiency in India Urvashi Mehlawat, Priyanka International Journal of Singh and Shubhra Pande Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacotherapy (IPP) Volume 2, Issue 1,pp 328-335 2014 2014 Nutrition & Dietetics Vitamin D Deficiency and its association with non communicable diseases Priyanka Singh, Urvashi Mehlawat and Shubhra Pande Volume 2, Issue 2,pp 336-345 2014 2014 FMS Management Impact of Teaching Tools in Promoting Sustainable Development Dr. Anindita Chatterjee Rao International Technology and Innovation Research Journal Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2014 2014 2014 28 FET MECH Fuzzy control of passenger ride performance using MR shock absorber suspension in quarter car model Devdutt, M.L. Aggarwal DOI 10.1007/s40435-014-0128-z 2014 2014 29 FET BT DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103583 2014 2014 30 FET MECH Vol.06 No. 2 2014 2014 31 FET AE Computational Investigation of Control Effectiveness on a Near Transition Open and Closed Axisymmetric Cavity J. Sinha, S. Das, P. Kumar and J.K. Prasad Vol. 4, No. 1 , pp. 45-52 2014 2014 2014 32 FET ECE Remote Sensing and GIS Approach for Groundwater Potential Mapping in Mewat District, Haryana, India Rajvir Singh, Anup Kumar, S. K. Chakarvarti Vol. 1, Issue 11 2014 2014 33 FET EEE,ECE Design and Development of BCI for online acquisition, monitoring and digital processing of EEG waveforms Vol. 16, No. 4 December 2014 34 FET ECE 633-635 2014 2014 35 FET ECE Vol 16,No.3 2014 2014 International Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacotherapy (IPP) International journal of dynamics controle Transcriptome analysis of Catharanthus roseus for gene discovery and expression profiling Mohit Verma*,Rajesh PLoS One Ghangal*, Raghavendra Sharma, Alok Sinha, Mukesh Jain (* equal contribution) Increments in Gauge Length of Dinesh W Rathod MR Internatinal journal of Extensometer with Low Cost Approach – A Engineering and Technology Case Study Morphological and Optical Studies of Electrodeposited Selenium Nanowires Advances in Aerospace Science and Applications International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering(IJIREA) Shweta Singh, Dipali Bansal International Journal Biomedical Engineering and Technology Narinder Kumar,Rajesh Kumar, Sushil Kumar, S. K. Chakarvarti Physics of Semiconductor devices Environmental science and Engineering 2014 To verify and compare denoising of Ecg Sande Seema International journal signal using various denoising algorithms of Bhogeshwar,M.K.Soni,Dipali Biomedical Engineering and IIR and FIR filters Bansal technology 3 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 36 FET 37 AE Computational Investigation of Control Effectiveness on a Near Transition Open and Closed Axisymmetric Cavity J. Sinha, S. Das, P. Kumar and J.K. Prasad FET ECE Remote Sensing and GIS Approach for Groundwater Potential Mapping in Mewat District, Haryana, India Rajvir Singh, Anup Kumar, S. K. Chakarvarti 38 FET EEE,ECE Design and Development of BCI for online acquisition, monitoring and digital processing of EEG waveforms 39 FET ECE 40 FET ECE 41 FET ECE Structural and Electrical studies of template Narinder Kumar,Rajesh synthesized copper nonowires Kumar, Sushil Kumar, S. K. Chakarvarti 42 FET ECE Sherin Zafar, Prof. (Dr) M K I.J.Modern Education and Soni Computer Science 43 FET ECE 44 FET ECE Sustaining Security in MANET: Biometric Stationed Authentication Protocol (BSAP) Inculcating Meta- Heuristic Genetic Algorithm Recent trends in Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) research and Cognition based adaptive WBAN architecture for Healthcare Synthesis of microwires of polypyrrole via chemical polymerization using track Etch membrane as template 45 FET ECE 46 FET 47 FET Morphological and Optical Studies of Electrodeposited Selenium Nanowires Name of Journal Advances in Aerospace Science and Applications International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering(IJIREA) Shweta Singh, Dipali Bansal International Journal Biomedical Engineering and Technology Narinder Kumar,Rajesh Kumar, Sushil Kumar, S. K. Chakarvarti Physics of Semiconductor devices Environmental science and Engineering 2014 To verify and compare denoising of Ecg Sande Seema International journal signal using various denoising algorithms of Bhogeshwar,M.K.Soni,Dipali Biomedical Engineering and IIR and FIR filters Bansal technology Current Applied Physics,Elsevier Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Vol. 4, No. 1 , pp. 45-52 2014 2014 2014 Vol. 1, Issue 11 November 2014 Vol. 16, No. 4 December 2014 633-635 2014 2014 Vol 16,No.3 2014 2014 14,1547-1552 September 2014 September 2014 ISSN: 2190-7196 ,2014 sept 2014 Dheeraj Rathee , Rangi S, Chakarvarti S.K, Singh V.R Health and Technology, Springer Ravish Garg,Dinesh Kumar,S.K.Chakarvarti American Journal of material science and technology Vol 3,No.1,1-12 2014 2014 Evaluation of track etch membrane as a surrogate for Ex-VIVO drug permeation studies Ravish Garg,Dinesh Kumar,S.K.Chakarvarti International journal of Pharmaceutical sciences and drug research 6(3);189-192 2014 2014 ECE A Comparative Study of Phoneme Recognition using GMM-HMM and ANN based Acoustic Modeling, Farheen Fauziya, Geeta Nijhawan International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), 98(6):12-16, 2014 2015 2014 ECE Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller to Control the Velocity and Angle of Inverted Pendulum Anita Khosla, Leena G., M.K.Soni I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications 2015 2014 4 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 48 FET ECE 49 FET ECE 50 FET 51 Name of Journal Publication Month Publication Year Microstructural, optical and electrical investigations of large scale selenium nanowires prepared by template electrode position. A Review on the Development of Rotman Lens Antenna SK Chakarvarti ,NARINDER Journal of Materials Science: KUMAR ,RAJESH KUMAR Materials in Electronics ,SUSHIL KUMAR DOI 10.1007/s10854- 2052.6 2014 2014 Shruti Vashist,Dr.M.K.Soni Chinese Journal of Engineering Volume 2014, Article ID 385385 2014 2014 ECE Analysis of Rotman Lens Antenna for DifferentSubstrates for Circular Contour Shruti Vashist,Dr.M.K.Soni I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing Vol 6 No.8, 53-60,DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.,2014 2014 2014 FET ECE Simulation and Optimization of VHDL code Naresh Grover, M.K.Soni for FPGA based design using Simulink 2014,3,22-27 2014 2014 52 FET ECE Real Time Acquisition and analysis of neural response for rehabilitative control Dipali,Rashima International journal of Electrical,Electronic Vol8,issue Science5,2014 and Engineering Singh,Shweta Singh,Dheeraj Rathee,Sujit Roy 2014 2014 53 FET ECE Morphological and Optical Studies of Electrodeposited Selenium Nanowires Narinder Kumar,Rajesh Kumar, Sushil Kumar, S. K. Chakarvarti ,pp. 633-635,2014 2014 2014 54 FET ECE ABC algorithm based interval type 2 fuzzy logic controller for an inverted pendulum Anita khosla, Lenna.g,M.K.Soni Vol 6,No.6 ,2014 2014 2014 55 FET ECE A Study of Nanocrystalline CdTe Type (II) A Watts, S.K.Chakarvarti, A International Journal of Quantum Dot Based Hetero Structures Waheed*, G.R.Mitchell ,Key Economics and Management Server Engineering(UK), Feb 2014 2014 I.J.Information Engineering and Electronic business Physics of Semiconductor Devices(Book, Part VI), ENVIRONMENT SCIENCE & ENGINEERING International journal of Intelligent system and applications Volume, Page Number and year of publication Vol. 4 Iss.2, PP.51-54 56 FET ECE Algorithm for online detection of HRV from Dipali Bansal, V.R.Singh coherent ECG and carotid pulse wave Int. J. Biomedical Engineering and Technology , Vol. 14, No. 4, 2014, pp: 333 343, 2014 2014 2014 57 FET ECE Real Time Speaker Recognition System for Geeta Nijhawan, M.K Soni Hindi Words International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business(IJIEEB) pp 35-40, DOI: 10.5815/ijieeb.2014, apr 2014 58 FET ECE A Real Time Set Up for Retrieval of Emotional States from Human Neural Responses 8(3), 16 - 21.March 2014 march 2014 59 FET ECE Real Time Acquisition & Psychoacoustic Analysis of Brain Wave Vol:8 No:3, 2014 03/01/14 2014 Mahajan, R. ; Bansal, Dipali World Academy of Science, ; Singh, S. Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 87, International Journal of Medical, Pharmaceutical Singh, S. ; Bansal, Dipali ; World Academy of Science, Mahajan R. Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 87, International Journal of Medical, Pharmaceutical 5 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 60 FET 61 Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year ECE Speaker Recognition using Support Vector Machine Ms.Geeta Nijhawan,Dr.M.k.Soni 5 Feb., 2014 2014 FET ECE Design of FPGA based 32-bit Floating Point Naresh Grover, M.K.Soni Arithmetic Unit and verification of its VHDL code using MATLAB PP.1-14, Pub. DOI: 10.5815/ijieeb ,2014 Feb., 2014 2014 62 FET ECE Modified Switching Characteristics of Carbon Nanotubes Blended with Type II CdTe quantam dots 63 FET ECE A Novel Crypt- Biometric Perception Algorithm to Protract Security in MANET WATTS, A.; GREEN, M.; International Journal of WAHEED, A.; Pharma and Bio Sciences CHAKARVARTI, S. K.; FARMER, M Sherin Zafar, Prof. (Dr) M K I.J. Computer Network and Soni Information Security Vol. 5 Issue 1, p594 Jan., 2014 2014 Jan., 2014 2014 64 FET ECE Sustaining Security in MANET through Biometric Technique Inculcating MetaHeuristic Algorithm Sherin Zafar, Prof. (Dr) M K Engineering Sciences Soni International Research Journal 2014 2014 65 FET ECE Design and Performance Analysis of Wide angle Microwave Lens for Wireless Communication Shruti Vashist,M.K.Soni International Journal of Computer Applications(ISSN0975-8887) Jan., 2014 2014 66 FET ECE Realization of ZRP,AODV and DSR models based on varied mobility Noor Fatima Rizvi International journal of Engineering and technology Vol4 ,no.10 Oct 2014 67 FET CSE Two queue based scheduling algorithm for Srishty Jindal CPU Scheduling Priyanka Grover International Journal for Computer Application Issue 5, Volume 105, pg n. 21-24 ISSN (0975-8887) November 2014 68 FET CSE Enhancing Network Security and Performance using Optimized ACLs Kuldeep Tomar, S. S. Tyagi International Journal in Foundations of Computer Science and Technology(IJFCST) International Journal on Computational Sciences & Applications (IJCSA) Vol. 4, No. 6, Pg 25-35 November 2014 69 FET CSE Quantifying the Impact of Flood Attack on Transport Layer Protocol Kuldeep Tomar, S. S. Tyagi Vol. 4, No. 6, Pg 79-87 December 2014 70 FET CSE HTTP Packet Inspection Policy for improving internal Network Security Kuldeep Tomar, S. S. Tyagi International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security Vol. 6, No. 11,PP- 35-42 Oct-14 2014 71 FET CSE Understanding change proneness in Object Deepa Bura Oriented software International Journal for Computer Application Vol. 107, No. 1, Pg 7-12 December 2014 International Journal Of Computer Applications International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business(IJIEEB) Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014 Volume 85 – No 12, January 2014 6 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 72 FET CSE Dynamic Rule Based Traffic Analysis in NIDS Kuldeep Tomar, S. S. Tyagi, Rachna Gupta 73 FET CSE Time Quantum based CPU Scheduling Algorithm Mayank Parashar,Amit Chugh 74 FET CSE A New Hybrid Model for Predicting Change Deepa Godara Prone Class in Object Oriented Software 75 FET CSE Overview - Snort Intrusion Detection System in Cloud Environment Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year International Journal of Information & Computation Technology(IJICT) ISSN 0974-2239 Volume 4, Number 14 (2014), pp. 1429-1436 February 2014 International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 98– No.3, July 2014, pg n. 45-48 ISSN (0975-8887) JULY 2014 International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications International Journal of Information & Computation Technology(IJICT) Volume 5, Issue 7, Pg 1-6, July 2014 July 2014 Volume 4, Number 3 pp. 329334,(2014), ISSN 0974-2239. February 2014 76 FET CSE IDS in cloud environment as service based Kuldeep Tomar, manner S. S. Tyagi, Priyanka International Journal of Information & Computation Technology(IJICT) Volume 4, Number 3 (2014), ISSN 0974-2239. February 2014 77 FET CSE Analysis of ACL in ASA firewall Kuldeep Tomar, S. S. Tyagi, Harsh Chawla International Journal of Information & Computation Technology(IJICT) Volume 4, Number 1 pp. 53-58 (2014), ISSN 0974-2239. February 2014 78 FET CSE Study of Protocols Associated Security Attacks and Proposing Simplified Method for Improvisation Kuldeep Tomar, S. S. Tyagi International Journal of Information & Computation Technology (IJICT) ISSN 0974-2239 Volume 4, Number 14 (2014), pp. 1395-1402. February 2014 79 FET CSE Analysis of Node Behavior for Multi Channel Kanika Garg, Rishi Pal Environment in Mobile- Ad hoc Networks Singh, Ritu Journal of Next Generation Information Technology Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 32 - 37, 2014 July 2014 80 FET CSE Performance Evaluation of Secure and Efficient AODV (SE-AODV) using NS2 Meeta Singh International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Vol. 97 No. 17, Pg 9-13, 2014 July 2014 81 FET CSE Simulation based performance analysis of ZRP in MANET Neha Jain, Dr.Yogesh Chaba International Journal of Computer Applications Issue 4, Volume 88, pg n. 47-52 ISSN (0975-8887) February 2014 82 FET Civil Dr Sanjay Gupta Imternational journals of civil engineering and applications ISSN 2249-ISSN 2278-3652,Volume 5, Number 1 2014 2014 2014 83 FET Civil Modern technology for design of turbo foundation structural engineering using a comparative study of two dimensional and three dimensional stresses using finite element method comparasion of two and three dimenaional estimated stresses during vertical excavation using finite element method Dr Sanjay Gupta Imternational journals of civil engineering and applications ISSN 2278--3652,Volume 5, Number 1 2014 , PP 91-90 2014 2014 Kuldeep Tomar, S. S. Tyagi, Richa Agrawal Name of Journal 7 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 84 FET CIVIL Estimation of vertical stresses during vertical excavation using finite element method in two dimnesional simulation Dr Sanjay Gupta 85 FET Civil Dr Sanjay Gupta 86 FET Civil Analysis of structural dyanamics turbogenerator load on foundation structure for estimation of stresses during vertical excvation using finitelement method of self compacting concrete Behaviour using OPC and PPC with different proportions of fly ash 87 FET AUTO Statistical Analysis Of Diesel Engine Performance For Castor And Jatropha Biodiesel-Blended Fuel 88 FET AUTO 89 FET H&M 90 FET H&M 91 FET H&M 92 FET H&M 93 FET H&M 94 FET H&M 95 FET H&M Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Imternational journals of civil ISSN 2278-3652,Volume 5, Number engineering and applications 2 2014 , PP 191-196 2014 2014 Imternational journals of civil engineering and applications ISSN 2278--3652,Volume 2, Number 1 2014 , PP 197-202 2014 2014 Mohammad Kamran, Mudit International Journal of Mishra Research in Engineering and Technology Eissn:2319-1163, N52Pissn:23217308 2014 2014 Devendra Vashist International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering volume 10, pp. 2155-2169, JulyDecember 2014 Dec 2014 Performance of single-cylinder compression Devendra Vashist ignition engine with indigenous castor oil bio diesel International Journal of Automotive Engineering and technologies volume 3, issue 2, 44-53, 2014 June 2014 Students’ perspective of parameters affecting the quality of education in undergraduate engineering institution based on factor analysis / loadings Students’ perspective of most to least preferred parameters affecting the quality of education in an affiliated undergraduate engineering institution in Haryana Psychological impact of layoffs on the existing employees Neeraj Kumari, Dr. Deepak Kumar ABSR: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Journal Volume:2, Issue:1(February 201 4), pg:8-21 feb 2014 Dr. Neeraj Kumari Pak Publishing group: International Journal of Education and Practice May 2014, vol. 2(5), pp. 111-125 May 2014 Dr. Neeraj Kumari ABSR: Management and Administrative Sciences Review Vol 3, No 5, July 2014, pp. 729-743 july 2014 Study of Factories Act Provisions and Dr. Neeraj Kumari, Rajnish Industrial Relations in Manufacturing Sector Ratna Journal of Public Policy & Governance (JPPG) Vol. 1, No. 1, 2014, pp. 45-50 july 2014 Statistical analysis of students’ perspective Dr. Neeraj Kumari (age wise, gender wise and year wise) of parameters affecting the quality of education in an affiliated undergraduate engineering institution:(Stream-Wise) A case study of Students’ Perspectives Dr. Neeraj Kumari Parameters Affecting Education Quality in an Affiliated Undergraduate Engineering Institution Employees’ Psychology towards Corporate Dr. Neeraj Kumari Social Responsibility Activities: A live study Palgo Journal of Education Research Volume 2 Issue 1,July 2014, pp. 42 56 july 2014 The East Asian Journal of Business Management (EAJBM) vol. 4, no. 3, Aug 2014, pp. 13-18 july 2014 Asian Economic and Social vol. 4, issue 6, Jun 2014, pp. 733Society (AESS): 742 International Journal of Asian Social Science jun 2014 8 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 96 FET H&M Most to least preferred parameters affecting the quality of education: Faculty perspective Dr. Neeraj Kumari 97 FET H&M Emotional Intelligence as a predictor of conflict resolution style Dr. Neeraj Kumari 98 FET H&M Role of HR in designing & implementing the Dr. Neeraj Kumari competency models 99 FET H&M Improving organisational culture in Indian IT companies Dr. Neeraj Kumari 100 FET EEE Various Control Techniques and their Performance Analysis for Inverted Pendulum. Anita Khosla, Dr. Leena G.. Dr. M. K. Soni 101 FET EEE Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller for an Inverted Pendulum system. Anita Khosla, Dr. Leena G.. Dr. M. K. Soni 102 FET EEE ABC Algorithm based IT2, Fuzzy Controller Anita Khosla, Dr. Leena G.. Dr. M. K. Soni 103 FET EEE 104 FET EEE 105 FET 106 107 Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business (JAFEB) Vol 1, No. 3, 2014, pp. 37-42 Sept 2014 Science Alert: Research Journal of Business Management Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2015, pp. 1-14 Oct 2014 Vol. 2, Issue 4, Oct. 2014, pp. 8389 Oct 2014 Vol. 3, Issue 7, Nov. 2014, pp. 10621077 Nov 2014 ACEEE ' International Jornal on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology' Vol 11, No 11, pp 92-101 JULY 2014 Vol 7, pp-44-51 JUNE 2014 Vol 6.No.6 May, 14, pp-29-36 MAY 2014 A set of Stabilizing PID Controllers for Multi Leena G., G. Ray input-Multi output systems Intelligent Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA), MECS Publisher, ISSN: 2074-904X (Print), ISSN:2074-9058 International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (MECS Publishers) International Journal of Control & Automation. Vol. 7, No.4, 2014, PP 175-190 APRIL 2014 Performance Evaluation of Signal Strength Sudesh pahal, and Residual Time based Vertical Handover Brahmajit Singh, Ashok in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Arora INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND NETWORK TECHNOLOGY VOL NO 1, PP-25-31, 2014 Jan 2014 MECH Fuzzy logic control of semi-Active quarter car system Mr Devdutt international journal of mechanical,industrial science and engineering Vol-8,No. 1 jan,2014 2014 FET MECH formulation of interprative structure modeling of gastrointestinal motility international journal of biomedical and advance research ISSN:2229-3809(online) journal DOI:10.7439 1-May-14 2014 FET MECH passenger seat vibration control of semiactive Quarter Car system with fuzzy controler Abhishek kumar, jaswant singh, B.S.Gill and varun gehani Mr Devdutt YMCAUST International journal of research Volume 2, No 1,pp-6-14 Jan-14 2014 Science and Education Publishing: Journal of Business and Management Sciences ABSR: Management and Administrative Sciences Review 9 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 108 FET MECH Structural equation modeling (SEM) Prashant tripathi technique ,lean manufacturing technique to improve production of firm Int. journal of electronic,electrical and mechanical fundamentals. Vol-14 3rd March, 2014 2014 109 FET MECH passenger seat vibration control of quarter Devdutt, car system with MR shock Absorber M.L. Aggarwal 110 FET MECH use of simulation driven design for new product development Shweta bisht , Neeraj lamba international journal of coputer ,information,mechatronics,sy stem sciences and engimeering journal of International emerging technologies Vol-8, no -5,may 2014 May-14 2014 ISSN: 0975-8364 ISSN No. online: 2249-3255, 5(1),201-205,5th may 2014 11th june 2014 2014 111 FET MECH Comparative analysis of passanger ride comfort using verious semi active suspension alternatives Devdutt, M.L. Aggarwal Vol-3, no -3, pg-79-89,2014 Aug-14 2014 U.K. Vates, N.K. singh R.V. Singh, Internationa journal of recent advances in Mechanical Engineering IJMECH international journal of mechanical,Mechatronics engineering 112 FET MECH Optimization of Ra with MRR on HSS T42 steel using ANN Approach during WEDM Vol ume 14 ,No 01, fabruary 2014 fabruary 2014 2014 113 FET MECH ANN Modelling and optimization of Ra with U.K. Vates, corrosponding MRR on HSS T42 steel using N.K. singh WEDM process R.V. Singh, international journal of mechanical,Mechatronics engineering Vol ume 14 ,No 03, june 2014 Jun-14 2014 114 FET MECH U.K. Vates, R.V. Singh, N.K. singh International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Vol5, Issue1, january 2014 Jan-14 2014 115 FET MECH Modelling of process parameters on D2 steel using Wire Electrical Discharge Machining with combined approach of RSM and ANN role of lean manufacturing and supply chain charecteristics in accessing the manufacturing performance Rajender Kumar, V kumar sultan singh Uncertain supply chain msnagement/Growing science 2014 27-Jul-14 2014 116 FET MECH Effect of alloying content on surface roughness of die material at optimal parametriccondition using WEDM R.V. Singh U.K. Vates International Journal of Applied engineering research Volume 9, Number 19,pp-52995310,2014 2014 2014 117 FET MECH investigation on Metallurgical properties of Dinesh Rathod Buttering Deposits prepared with Paste Technique MR International journal of Engineering and Technology Volume 6, Number 1,pp-1-6 Jun-14 2014 118 FET MECH ISIJ International journal Volume 54, Number 8, pp-1866-1875 May-14 2014 119 FET MECH Metallurgical characterization and Diffusion Studies of Succcessively Buttered Deposit of Ni-Fe Alloy and Inconel on SA508 Ferritic Steel Metallurgical characterization of Buttering Deposits Volume 6, Number 1,pp-1-6 Jun-14 2014 Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Dinesh Rathod Sivandam Aravindan Pawan kumar singh Sunil Panday Dinesh Rathod Name of Journal MR International journal of Engineering and Technology 10 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 120 FET MECH Optimization of Quality and Performance of Khomdram Herojit singh Brake Pads Using Taguchi 's Approach Abhishek kumar Rajender kumar International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 5, Number 7,pp-1-6 Jul-14 2014 121 FET MECH Sushant Victor Gambhir 122 FET MECH Design and comparative performance analysis of Two wheeler connecting rod using two different materials namely carbon 70 steel and Aluminium 7068 by Finitestudy Eliment Case on Analysis design and optimization of industrial A.C Assembly line International journal of research in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering Vol-2, issue-6 pgs-63-78 ISSN(ONLINE):2321-3051 Jun-14 2014 Koshal singh yadav R.V. Singh, International journal of research in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering Vol-2, issue-6 pgs-145-154 ISSN(ONLINE):2321-3051 Jun-14 2014 123 FET MECH Cateogrizing productivity issues using ISM kunwar luvkumar solanki International journal of research in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering Vol-2, issue-6 pgs-96-105 ISSN(ONLINE):2321-3051 Jun-14 2014 124 FET MECH Cateogrizing productivity issues using ISM kunwar luvkumar solanki International journal of research in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering Vol-2, issue-6 pgs-96-105 ISSN(ONLINE):2321-3051 Jun-14 2014 125 FET MECH The effect of Inventory Management on Organizational performance Pawan kumar R N Behal International journal of Innovative Science ,Engineering & Technology Vol-1, issue-4 pgs-453-468 ISSN(ONLINE):2348-7968 Jun-14 2014 126 FET MECH Effect of Lean Principals on organizational efficiency Rajender Kumar, V kumar sultan singh IJ of Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol-592-594,pp-2613-2918 Jun-14 2014 127 FET MECH Design and analysis of Motorbike Connecting rod by FEM Rajnish Saxena MR Internatinal journal of Engineering and Technology Vol-6,no-1,2014 Jun-14 2014 128 FET PHY Investigation of Energetic Ion Induced Mixing in Bi/Ge System Nisha Bansal, Sarvesh Radiation Effects and Defects Kumar, Deepti Pratap, Saif in Solids Ahmad Khan, R.S. Chauhan Vol. 169, No. 10, 855–861 November 2014 129 FET PHY Variation of the O+ ion density during low and high solar activity as measured by the SROSS-C2 satellite Ananna Bardhan, Dinesh Kumar Sharma, Sarvesh Kumar and Jagdish Rai Atmósfera Vol. 27(3), pp: 227-237 (2014) July 2014 130 FET MATHS Neeraj Kumari, Deepak Kumar Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Journal Volume: 2, Issue: 1 (Feb.), Pages: 821. Feb. 2014 2014 131 FET CHEM Students’ Perspective of Parameters Affecting the Quality of Education in Undergraduate Engineering Institution Based on Factor Analysis/Loadings Removal of cadmium ion from water/wastewater by nano-metal oxides 5(4) :215-226 (2014). November 2014 Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Rajeev Kumar, Jyoti Chawla Water Quality, Exposure and Health. 11 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 132 FET CHEM Effect of inhibitors during acodic corrosion Mukta sharma & Gurmeet of mild steel by IR spectroscopic techniquie Singh International Journal of Chemistry Vol 35, Issue no.2, pages 16731682 October 2014 133 FET CHEM ―Optimization of Parameters for purification Sangita Banga, Pradeep K. of Jatropha Curcas Based Biodiesel using Varshney and Naveen Organic Adsorbents‖ Kumar, Madan Pal Singh International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER) Vol4,No.3 August 2014 134 FET CHEM Carbon NanoTubes: A review on Synthesis, Kalpna Varshney Properties and Applications. International Journal ofEngineering Research and General Science Vol-2, issue-4, 2014 July 2014 135 FET BT The use of Lac Z marker in enumeration of Manu Solanki and F C Garg Azotobacter chroococcum in carrier based inoculants Brazilian Journal of microbiology Vol 45(2) 595-601 Sep, 2014 2014 136 FET BT Plant growth promoting activities of rhizobacteria associated with tomato in semi-arid region Volume 1, Number 1, pp.43-54, Aug-14 2014 6 (4), 2014, 234-236 Aug-14 2014 Vol 57, n.3, pp-317-325 May- Jun, 2014 2014 Vol 41, No. 6, pp 1035-1038 Mar-14 2014 13(1):63-77 Jan, 2014 2014 Ø 3.11.005 2014 2013 Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Pratibha Prashar, Neera Kapoor, Sarita Sachdeva Name of Journal Advances in Life Sciences and Health 137 FET BT Two extremely rare homozygosity cases of Mohit Kumar, Atul Thatai, pericentric inversion of chromosome 9 with Shilpa S Chapadgaonkar Down Syndrome 138 FET BT Abhilasha Shourie, Pushpa Brazilian Archives of Biology Tomar, Deepika Srivastava, and Technology Rahul Chauhan 139 FET BT Enhanced biosynthesis of Quercetin occurs as a photoprotective measure in Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. under acute UV-B exposure Amino acid supplementation enhances urokinase production by HT1080 cells Shilpa S. Khaparde and Pradeep K. Roychoudhury (Shilpa C.) Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 140 FET BT Rhizosphere: its structure, bacterial diversity and significance Pratibha Prashar, Neera Kapoor, Sarita Sachdeva Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technolog 141 FAS Nutrition & Dietetics Rates of respiratory virus – associated hospitalization in children aged<5 years in rural Northern India Bharti G. Pandey and Pratibha Singh Journal of Infection 142 FAS Physiotherapy Strain-Counterstrain technique for immediate relief of trapezitis in sitting job professionals Varsha Chorsiya International Journal of Scientific Research 2013; 2(6); pp 411-412 2013 2013 143 FET Civil Comparative Studies between physical and Shashi Tiwari, Chemical based adsorbents for Carbon P. Albino kumar Dioxide uptake-A litrature review International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Vol. 8. No. 5 ISSN: 0973-4562 2012 2013 144 FET Civil Assessment of TDS for ground water and Reverse osmosis rejects-A review International Journal of Environmental Research and Development Vol. 3(4). 2013 , pp 93-95 2012 2013 Shashi Tiwari, P. Albino kumar DER PHARMACIA LETTRE 12 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper 145 FET Chem 146 FAS FAS Highly enantioselective kinetic resolution Swapandeep Singh Chimni, of trans-2-(phenylthio)cyclohexanol Kirandeep Kaur, Neeraj derivatives by immobilized Candida Bala. antartica B lipase. Effect of Training on selected Biochemical G.L Khanna variables of Elite Male Swimmers 147 FAS FAS 148 FAS FAS 149 FCA 150 Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Vol. 96, pp 67– 74, 2013 2012 2013 Vol. 1,No.-2,13-16 2010 2013 Vol 2, No 1 (2013) 2010 2013 Indian Journal of Nutrition & Dietetics 2012 2010 2013 Vol 5, No 1 2010 2013 10(3), 73-77, 2013 2010 2013 4(6), 11-18, 2013 2010 2013 2(9), 2510-2520 2009 2013 62,6, 12-17 2009 2013 Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Effects of a TGfU Training Model Between Mini Game Performance and Pulse Rate and Cardiovascular Fitness Among India Junior Hockey Players Status of select exercise groups of Indian Athletes in the sports training camp i Sanmuga Nathan, G. L. The Global Journal of Health Khanna, Shishir Nigam, Ajay and Physical Education Bansal, M. K. Kaushik Pedagogy FCA Algorithm to filter & Redirect the web content for kids Neha Gupta Internatioanl Journal of Engineering and Technology FCA Computer Appl. A new approach for location based tracking Shaveta Bhatia, Assistant esor International Journal of Computer Science issues 151 FCA Computer Appl. Micro address recorder for location tracking Shaveta Bhatia, Assistant esor Journal of Global Research in Computer Sceinec 152 FCA Computer Appl. Evaluation of Micro address recorder for location tracking Shaveta Bhatia, Assistant esor International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology 153 FCA Computer Appl. Role of Web Content Mining in Kid's based Mobile Search Neha Gupta, Assistant esor International Journal of Computer Applications 154 FCH JMC Social Justice in India Suresh Chandra Nayak Academicia 3 2009 2013 155 FCH JMC Maternal and Child health: A challenge of the Millennium Development goals Suresh Chandra Nayak Trans Asian Research Journal 2 Nov-13 2013 156 FCH JMC Mass media and social responsibility Suresh Chandra Nayak Academicia 2 May-13 2013 G.L Khanna 13 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper 157 FCH JMC Status of Women in India: A socio-legal study Suresh Chandra Nayak Zenith International Journal 158 FCH JMC Female Actress in Lead Role in Bollywood Movies: The Portrayal of Indian Women Through Commercial and Parallel Cinema Suman Kumari EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies 159 FCH JMC Various Issues of Representation of Women in Indian Cinema Suman Kumari TRANS Asian Research Journals 160 FMS Management Skills Augmentation Readymade Garment Industry 161 FMS Management Book review: Another Man's Wife 162 FMS Management Rising contribution of Tertiary sectors to economic growth in India Gautam Negi, Shri Prakash& Sudhi Sharma 163 FET H&M Neeraj Kumari, V.K. Mahna International Journal of & Ruchi Malhotra Management Issues & Research 164 FET BT Faculty perspective (age wise, gender wise and work experience wise) of parameters affecting the undergraduate engineering education: A live study In Silico Prediction of miRNA in Curcuma longa and their Role in Human Metabolomics 165 FET BT 166 FET ECE 167 FET PHY High-Quality Nanocrystalline ZnO films deposited by the Aom Beam Sputtering 168 FET ECE A Discrete wavelet transform Singular value Pooja,Jyoti,Meenakshi decomposition based watermarking technique for digital images. International Journal of Computational Engineering research 169 FET ECE A New Design Approach for Speaker Recognition Using MFCC and VAD Internation Journal of Image Graphics and Signal Processings Evaluation Of Different Agricultural Residues For Productivity And Morphological Variations In Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus spp.) ABC Algorithm based Fuzzy Controller to Control the Velocity and Angle of an Inverted Pendulum Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Neelam Agrawal, Anindita Chatterjee Chavi Bhargava Sharma Name of Journal Publication Month Publication Year Sep-13 2013 Vol.3(4), pg-25-31, April, 2013 Mar-13 2013 Vol.2, Issue-9, 81-86 September, 2013 Sep-13 2013 Vol. 6, No. II July- Dec – 2013 ., 59-64 Nov-13 2013 Journal of Human and Work Vo. 1, No. 1, Jan.- July 2013, 89- 90 Management Jul-13 2013 Journal of Services Research Sep-13 2013 vol. 2, issue 2, Dec. 2013, pp. 46-61 2013 2013 Vol.4(2).P-1116-1122, 2013 2013 2013 Volume 12 Number 1. 2013 2013 Vol.110 No4, Aug, 13, ISSN 1450216X/1450-202X, Pp493-500. Aug-13 2013 Vol. 3 pp:331 (2013) July 2013 2013 Vol 03, Issue 6, 2013 2013 2013 Volume 9, Page43-49, 2013 2013 2013 IMED –JMSR, ISSN No. 09758429 Rashmi Rameshwari, Divya Singhal, Rachit Narang, Apurvi Maheshwari, T. V. Prasad. Anupama Garg International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research M.K.Soni European Journal of Scientific Research Internet Journal of Microbiology Agarwal, D. C.; Sivakumar, J NanoEng. and Nanomanuf., V. V.; Kabiraj, D.; Kulriya, P. K.; Sulania, I.; Avasthi, D. K. Geeta Nizhawan and M.K. Soni Volume, Page Number and year of publication 14 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 170 FET ECE A Novel Routing Scheme for Mobile Ad HoC M.K.Soni Network International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security (IJCNIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) No.4, Volume & Issue 5, April 2013, pp17-24. Apr-13 2013 171 FET CSE A Review of Efficient Clustering Algorithms Kanika Garg, used in MANET Lalit Kumar Vol : 2, Issue-4, 2013, Pg: 49-56 September 2013 2013 172 FET BT 173 FET H&M A Review on Current Research Advancement on Wilt Disease of Psidium Guajava L. with Special Reference to Management A Study of the Recruitment and Selection process: HCL Technologies Nidhi Didwania, D Sadana, N Katyal International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (ISSN 2221-8386) Volume 3 No 1, 2013 Jan-13 2013 Neeraj Kumari & Ruchi Malhotra International Journal of Business and Economic Research (IJBER) (ISSN 2306 9074) Vol 1 Issue 1, Jan 2013 Jan-13 2013 174 FET EEE ABC Algorithm based IT, Fuzzy Controller Anita Khosla, Leena G.. M. International Journal of K. Soni Intelligent Systems and Applications (MECS Publishers) Accepted in 2013 2013 2013 175 FET EEE ABC Algorithm based IT2 Fuzzy Controller Anita Khosla, Leena G.. M. International Journal of K. Soni Intelligent Systems and Applications (MECS Publishers) Accepted in 2013 2013 176 FET EEE ABC based fuzzy controller for an inverted pendulum Anita Khosla, Leena G., M. K. Soni European Journal of Scientific Research Vol 110, No.4, PP-493-500 Aug-13 2013 177 FET BT Azolla: Role in Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals Sarita Sachdeva & Anita Sharma International Journal of Engineering Sciences 2013, pp 9- 14 2013 2013 178 FET BT Biocontrol of Plant Pathogens using Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria Pratibha Prashar, Neera Kapoor, Sarita Sachdeva Sustainable Agricultural Review Vol. 12, PP 319-360 2013 2013 179 FET BT Cadaverine: A Lysine Catabolite Involved in Pushpa C.Tomar Plant Growth and Development. . 8:10, e25850; October 2013. Oct. 2013 2013 180 FET ECE Comparative anti microbial activities of Journal of Bio-nanoscience concentration dependent water suspended Shilpa J. Newati, Varsha M. powedered commercial Zinc Oxide and Zinc Singh, Sarita Sachdeva, and Oxide nano particles Riaz A Khan Vol 7,No.3, 260-264 (2013) Jun-13 2013 181 FET EEE Computer Based Model to Filter Real Time Acquired Human Carotid Pulse Dipali Bansal Signal Processing International Journal (SPIJ) Volume (7) : Issue (1) : 2013; pp: 42 – 51 2013 2013 182 FET H&M Confessional Autobiographical Poetry of Anne Sexton and Sarojini Naidu, A Tale of Victimhood and Empowerment Jyoti Sharma International Journal of English and Literature Vol. 1, Issue 2, Aug 2013, 57-65, ;ISSN (Print): 2249-6912;EISSN:2249-8028;: pg; 115-122 2013 2013 Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Plant Signaling and Behavior 15 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper 183 FET PHY Correlation of interlayer diffusion with the Neeru Sehdev, Rohi Medwal, J Mat. Sci. stoichiometric composition of RF sputtered Dinesh Chana Agrawal, S. Pt/Co/Pt sandwiched structures Annapoorni 184 FET ECE Design of 50 Hz notch filter circuits for better detection of online ECG 185 FET ECE Design of Uhf Band Microstrip-Fed Antenna Leeza Bansal, Davinder for Rfid Applications Parkash, Arun Kumar IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE) 186 FET H&M Effective Performance Management System Neeraj Kumari & Ruchi For Enhancing Growth Malhotra Global Management Journal (GMJ) (ISSN 2080-2951) 187 FET MECH Flux Ehnhancement by Shear Free Surfaces Seema Mahto in a Turbulent Convection Snigdha Lal V N Bartaria International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 188 FET 189 FET ECE 190 FET 191 AUTO /MATHS Fuzzy procedure for the selection of car among various brands Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Dipali Bansal Name of Journal Int. J. Biomedical Engineering and Technology, (IJBET) Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Vol 48 pp:3192 (2013) 2013 2013 Vol. 13, No. 1, 2013,pp 30-48 2013 2013 Vol 8,isssue 5 Dec-13 2013 Vol 4, No 1 & 2, 2013 issue Feb-13 2013 ISSN 2277-8616, Vol1, Issue1 2013 2013 Devena Vashist & Vijay Kumar International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology ISSN 0974-3154 Volume 6,Number 3 (2013) pp 337-342 Sep-13 2013 Image Registration Methods: A Short Review Sunanda Gupta, S. K. Chakarvarti American Journal of Algorithms and Computing Vol. 1 No. 1,Dec. 2013 pp. 39-49 . Dec-13 2013 ECE Impact of NP-Complete in Triangle Segments Tree Energy Efficiency Model in Wireless Sensor Networks Kaebeh Yaeghoobi J. Basic. Appl. Sci. , M.K.Soni, S.S.Tyagi, Omid Mahdi Ebadati E ISSN 2090-4304, J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res., 3(9) pp262-269, 2013. 2013 2013 FET H&M Importance of work life balance for better productivity Neeraj Kumari SCIKNOW: Psychology and Social Behavior Research August 2013, Volume 1, Number 3, pg 64-69 Aug-13 2013 192 FET ECE In Silico designed self assembled, functionalized single walled carbon nanotubes and deoxyribose nucleic acids bioconjugate as probable biomolecular transporters Varsha Singh Journal of Bio Nano Science vol 7 Nov-13 2013 193 FET PHY Investigation of ion beam mixing threshold Deepti Pratap, Vijay Kumar, Radiation Effects & Defects value in Mn/Si system using swift heavy Anshul Jain, A. Gupta, in Solid ions Sarvesh Kumar, I. Sulania, A. Tripathi, R. S. Chauhan Volume 168, Issue 7-8, pp: 607614, (2013) May-13 2013 194 FET PHY Ion-beam generated surface ripples: New insight in the underlying mechanism Vol. 8 pp:336 (2013) Sep-13 2013 Tanuj Kumar, Ashish Kumar, Nanoscale Res. Lett., Dinesh Chana Agarwal, Nirnjan Prasad Lalla and Dinakar Kanjilal 16 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt 195 FET BT 196 FET 197 Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Isolation and characterization of Bacillus sp Pratibha Prashar, Neera with in-vitro antagonistic activity against Kapoor, Sarita Sachdeva Fusarium oxysporum from rhizsophere of tomato Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology Vol 15: 1501-1512 Mar-13 2013 CIVIL Modeling for Assured Quality Control in Flexible Pavements through e-Control – A case study Srijit Biswas, Bant Singh International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER) Vol-4, No-4 , pp 1321- 1329 Sep-13 2013 FET CIVIL Modification of Acceptance Criteria of Sample Testing in Flexible Pavements Srijit Biswas, Bant Singh International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER) Vol-4, No-6,June-2013, pp-12321243 ( On line : IJSER © 2013 http://www ) Nov-13 2013 198 FET ECE Morphology and Optical Properties of Template Synthesized Copper- Telluride Nanowires, Suresh Kumar, Virender Singh, A.Vohra and S.K.Chakarvarti American Journal of Material Science & Technology Vol1,74-85 Jul-13 2013 199 FET H&M Performance Appraisal- Management by Objective- Modern Approaches to Performance Appraisal Brijesh Kishore Goswami, Sujata, Mamta Sharma IOSR Journals of Business and Management JBM Volume-7, Issue- 5, PP. 24-28, 2013 Sep-13 2013 200 FET ECE Preparation and field emission study of low S.K.Chakarvarti dimensional ZnS arrays and tubules Journal of Experimental Nanoscience (Accepted), May 2013 May-13 2013 201 FET BT Journal of Bionanoscience Volume 7, Number 4, August 2013 , pp. 420-425(6) Sep-13 2013 202 FET MECH ISSN:2278-0041 Pg. 13-17 Mar-13 2013 203 FET AUTO Preparation of Supramolecular λ Varsha M. Singh, Shilpa J. Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid and, Multi-Walled Newati, Riaz A. Khan Carbon Nanotube Bioconjugate (λ-DNA-MWCNT) Towards Prototype Biosensor Development Reduction of Rejected Components in an Mayank Jha Automobile Assembly Line Using Quality Tools Some Studies on Advanced Technologies Devena Vashist & Paramjeet Used in Automobiles Singh ISSN 0974-3154 Volume 6,Number 3 (2013) pp 343-350 Sep-13 2013 204 FET ECE Vol.50, Pages 109–111 Mar-13 2013 205 FET Vol 24, Issue no.2, pages1261-1264 Sep-13 2013 206 Nov-13 2013 207 Jul-13 2013 Study of Radon Diffusion from RHAModified Ordinary Portland Cement Using SSNTD Technique S.K.Chakarvarti European Journal of Applied Engineering and Scientific Research International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology Radiation Measurements CHEM Surface Characterization of Mild Steel in acidic medium and in presence of surfactants Mukta sharma & Gurmeet Singh International Journal of Chemistry FET MECH Sustainable manufacturing - Need to shift inparadigm of Indian Manufacturing Rajesh Goel & Ran Vijay Singh FET ECE Synthesis of reversible Multiplexer Sumit Gugnani, Arvind sharma International Journal of Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 2013, pp (164Enhanced research in 170) Science Technology and Engineering - ISSn 23197463 IJSER (International journal July 2013, 1859-1863 of scientific and engineering research) 17 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 208 FET H&M Understanding the employees’ psychology towards Ethical Business and Corporate Social Responsibility activities Neeraj Kumari Volume 1, 2013, pg 9-16 Sep-13 2013 209 FET H&M A study on the OCTAPACE culture of an organization Neeraj Kumari Nov. 2013, Volume 1, Number 8, pg 211-225 Nov. 2013 2013 210 FET H&M A study showing the correlation between parameters affecting the undergraduate engineering education: faculty perspective Neeraj Kumari, V.K. Mahna Entrepreneurship and & Ruchi Malhotra Innovation Management Journal Volume:1, Issue:1 (November 2013), pg 41-49 Nov. 2013 2013 211 FET H&M Factors influencing the HRD climate of an organization Neeraj Kumari October 2013, 2(10), pp. 156-171 Oct-13 2013 212 FET H&M Faculty Perspective (qualifications wise) of Parameters Affecting the Undergraduate Engineering Education: A Live Study Vol. 5, No. 1-2, December 2013, pg 19-26 Dec-13 2013 213 FET H&M Impact of perceived fairness of Performance Appraisal on employee performance Neeraj Kumari International Review of Basic and Applied Sciences (IRBAS) September 2013, Volume 1, Issue 4, pg 116-128 Sep-13 2013 214 FET H&M Importance of work life balance for better productivity Neeraj Kumari SCIKNOW: Psychology and Social Behavior Research August 2013, Volume 1, Number 3, pg 64-69 Aug-13 2013 215 FET H&M 216 FET H&M Students’ perspective of parameters affecting the quality of education in undergraduate engineering institution based on factor analysis / loadings Training: First step to improve the culture of the organization Neeraj Kumari, Deepak Kumar ABSR: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Journal Volume:2, Issue:1(February 201 4), pg:8-21 Feb-13 2013 Neeraj Kumari SCIKNOW: Open Journal of Education Nov. 2013, Volume 1, Number 7, pg 169-176 Nov. 2013 2013 217 FET H&M PORTRAYAL OF WOMEN CHARACTERS IN Sujata THE WORKS OF ANITA MAZUMDAR DESAI Vol. 2, Issue 5, Nov 2013, 37-46 10-Dec-12 2012 218 FET ECE Preparation and characterization of Ag2Se nanowalled tubules by electrochemical method 10,3,p-99-104 Nov-12 2012 219 FAS N&D Synergy and Transaction: The Challenge of G.L.Khanna,Gurjeet Kaur Sustainable Physical Education Curriculum Chawla in India. Volume 1,page No106, Number 2 2012 2012 Whites Science - European Journal of Innovative Business Management (EJIBM) SCIKNOW: Open Journal of Social Science Research Asian Economic and Social Society (AESS): International Journal of Management and Sustainability Neeraj Kumari, V.K. Mahna Global Management & Ruchi Malhotra Journal (GMJ) International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHSS) Rani, M., Kumar, R., Kumar, Chalcogenide Letters R., Singh, R., Chakarvarti, S.K. The Global Journal of Health and Physical Education Pedagogy,ISSN 0031-8981 18 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper 220 FAS 221 FMS Management 222 FET Civil Environmental Impacts of Polyvinl Chloride Buildding Material Harshdeep, Ashwani Jain, D.K. Soni Communications in Dependability and Quality Management An International Journal International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 223 FET Civil Earthquake and Mitigations Harshdeep, Ashwani Jain, D.K. Soni International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 224 FAS FAS 225 FAS FAS A Comparison Study of TGfU with Technical G.L. Khanna, Sanmuga Training Model in Mini Game performance, Nathan Speed and Accuracy among Junior Hockey Players The Effect of Music Therapy and Meditation G.L. Khanna on Sports performance in professional shooters 226 FCA Computer Appl. A modified Hill Climbing Algorithm Rashmi Agrawal, Associate essor 227 FCA Computer Appl. Mining Association Rules in Students's Assessment Data Anupama Pankaj, Associate International Journal of Computer Science issues 228 FCH JMC 229 FET MECH 230 FET 231 FET Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Physiotherapy, Cross Cultural Adaptation And Psychometric Richa Goswami1, Unaise Analysis Of Knee Injury And Osteoarthritis A.2, Shobhit Saxena3, Outcome Score (Koos) In Indian Population Guresh Kumar4 With Knee Osteoarthritis Optimal Price & Warranty Length Role of the Media in Democracy P.K. Kapur, Uday Kumar, Nitin Sachdeva, Adarsh Anand, Subhash Kumar Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS), Hindi version LK1.0 June 2012; 2012 2012 Vol.15 , Issue No. 1 , pp 5-13 , March 2012 2012 2012 Vol. 7 No. 11(2012) 2012 2012 Vol. 7 No. 11(2012) 2012 2012 ,Volume-4,No.1, 10-Dec-12 2012 Volume 3, Issue 1, Nov-12 2012 6,2 Jul-12 2012 9,5, 211-216 Jul-12 2012 2012 2012 DOI 10.1007/s00170-012-4683-1 10-Dec-12 2012 Vol.2012(2012) May, 2012 2012 DOI:10.1080/00207217.2012.66971 7 2012 2012 Pan Asian Journal of Sports and Physical Education –Korea International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy International Journal of Emerging trends in Engg and Development Vision Catalyst Determination of Layer Thickness in Direct A.K.S. Choudhary Metal Deposition using dimensional analysis International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ECE Dual band dielectric resonator antenna for C and X band applications Deepak Batra International journal of Antennas and Propagation ECE Dual band dielectric resonator antenna for wireless application Deepak Batra International Journal of Electronics (Taylor and Fransis) 19 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper 232 FET ECE Effect of gamma irradiation on transport of Gehlawat, D., Chauhan, charge carriers in Cu nanowires R.P., Sonkawade, R.G., Chakarvarti, S.K. 233 FET ECE Efficient Microstrip Fed Rectangular Patch Antenna with DGS for WLAN & WiMAX Applications 234 FET ECE Electrical Properties of Electrodeposited ZnCuTe Ternary Nanowires Embedded in Polycarbonate Membrane 235 FET ECE Electrical transport through micro porous track etch membranes of same porosity Garg, R., Kumar, V., Kumar, Modern Physics Letters B D., Chakarvarti, S.K. 236 FET ECE Kumar, S., Vohra, A., Chakarvarti, S.K. 237 FET PHY Erratum: Optical studies of electrodeposited ZnCuTe ternary nanowire arrays (Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Evolution of microstructure and crack pattern in NiO thin films under 200 MeV Au ion irradiation 238 FET ECE Field emission and I-V characteristics of template synthesised nickel nanowires on semiconducting substrate P. Mallick, D. C. Agarwal, Chandana Rath, D. Behera, D.K. Avasthi, D. Kanjilal, N. C. Mishra, Kaur, J., Singh, S., Kumar, R., Kanjilal, D., Chakarvarti, S.K. 239 FET PHY Giant enhancement in ferromagnetic properties of Pd nanoparticle induced by intentionally created defects 240 FET ECE 241 FET MECH 242 FET ECE Large scale synthesis of Ag 2S nanowires and their electrical characterization Kumar, V., Kumar, S., Chakarvarti, S.K. 243 FET ECE Noise Robust Techniques for Speaker Recognition: A Review Geeta Nizhawan and M.K. Soni Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Sakshi , Davinder Prakash S. K. Chakarvarti Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 106,1,p-157-164 2012 2012 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLICATIONS VOL 2 ISSUE 6 PAGE NO 46-47 2012 Nov-12 2012 Vol. 2, p-1-8, 2012 2012 2012 26,31 2012 2012 Journal of Materials Science: 23,10,p-1798 DOI: 10.1007/s10854Materials in Electronics 012-0664-2) 2012 2012 Radiation Physics and Chemistry Volume 81 pp: 647 (2012) 2012 2012 7,21, p-50-59 2012 2012 Vol. 112 pp: 14318 (2012) 2012 2012 Vol11,N0.2,Feb 2011 Jul-12 2012 International Journal of Productivity & Quality Management (IJPQM), Inderscience Publishers International Journal of Nanoscience In press 2012 2012 11,1 2012 2012 International Journal of Graphics and Image Processings Volume 2, Issue 2, Page109-114, 2012 2012 2012 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Journal of Experimental Nanoscience P. K. Kulriya, B. R. Mehta, D. J. Applied Physics C. Agarwal, Praveen Kumar, S. M. Shivaprasad, J. C. Pivin, and D. K. Avasthi, ― Heart rate variability (HRV) measurement-A Noor Fatima Rizvi International Journal of methodological Application of Low Computer Science and Frequency measurement in LabVIEW Network Security Interpretive Structural Modeling of Enablers Victor Gambhir and N.C. of Quality Technical Education: An Indian Wadhwa Perspective 20 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt 244 FET ECE 245 FET MECH 246 FET PHY 247 FET EEE 248 FET 249 Title of Paper Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Optical studies of electrodeposited ZnCuTe Kumar, S., Vohra, A., ternary nanowire arrays Chakarvarti, S.K. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 23,10,p-1793-1797 2012 2012 Pareto analysis of critical factors affecting technical institution evaluation Management Science Letters, Growing Science Press 2(5), 1701-1706, 2012 2012 2012 Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Victor Gambhir and N.C. Wadhwa PbTe formation by swift heavy ion beam Srashti Gupta, D. C. induced interface mixing of Te/PbO bilayer Agarwal, Jai Prakash, S.A. Khan, S.K. Tripathi, A. Tripathi, S. Neeleshwar, S.K. Srivastava, B.K. Panigrahi, Potential of Piezo-electric sensors in BioDipali Bansal Signal acquisition Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys. Res. B Volume 289 pp:22 (2012) 2012 2012 International Sensors & Transducers Journal, ISSN 1726-5479 Vol. 136, Issue 1, Jan 2012, pp. 147157 2012 2012 ECE QOS Performance Analysis of MANET with Bandwidth Estimation International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business Accepted in July 2013 Jul-12 2012 FET ECE Reduction of power consumption in FPGAs - Naresh Grover & M.K. Soni An Overview International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business 2012,5,50-69 2012 2012 250 FET ECE Reduction of reflection losses in Fiber to fiber connector Neeru Malik Journal of Information Systems and Communication Issue 1,Vol 3 2012 2012 251 FET BT Role of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in sustainable agriculture Pratibha Prashar, Neera Kapoor, Sarita Sachdeva International Journal of Engineering Sciences 2012 (online) ISSN 2277-9698 2012 2012 252 FET BT Structural and functional diversity of Rhizobacteria of Pearl Millet in Semi-arid Agroclimatic Zone Pratibha Prashar, Neera Kapoor, Sarita Sachdeva Asian Journal of Plant Science and Research 2012, 2 (5):599-606 2012 2012 253 FET PHY Volume 209 pp 2499 (2012) 2012 2012 254 FET ECE 23,8,p-1485-1491 2012 2012 255 FET Civil Vol-4, No-3(2012), pp 137-147 2012 2012 M.K.Soni Synthesis and characterization of AuManisha Tiwari, D. C. Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) alumina nanocomposites prepared by atom Agarwal, S. Mohapatra, J. C. beam sputtering Pivin, D. K. Avasthi, S. Annapoorani, ― Synthesis and morphological studies of Kumar, S., Vohra, A., Journal of Materials Science: ZnCuTe ternary nanowires via templateChakarvarti, S.K. Materials in Electronics assisted electrodeposition technique Use of updated Machinery for Monitoring of Quality & Quantity of a Pavement – A Case Study on e-Quality Control Srijit Biswas, Bant Singh International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Technology (IJIET) 21 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 256 FET CHEM Removal of cadmium ion from water/wastewater by nano-metal oxides Rajeev Kumar, jyotiChawla Water Quality, Exposure and Health (Springer Journal) DOI10.1007/s12403-013-0100-8 Oct-11 2011 257 FET BT Rhizosphere: its structure, bacterial diversity and significance Pratibha Prashar, Neera Kapoor, Sarita Sachdeva Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology 2013, 12 (2) May-11 2011 258 FET CHEM Seismic activities in relation of Ionosphere Bindu Mangla, Anupama Rajput, Pawan Kumar International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology vol 6, No. 9, pp 19-24, 2013 Sep-11 2011 259 FCA Computer Appl. Crawling the Web Surface Databases Vidushi Singhal, Sachin Sharma International Journal of Computer Applications 52, 19, 15-22 Nov-11 2011 260 FCA Computer Appl. Determination of Mobile phone tracking using various software Shaveta Bhatia, Assistant esor International Journal of Computer Applications 53,17, 17-24 Oct-11 2011 261 FCA Computer Appl. Analytical Analysis of Generic Reusability: Weyuker’s Properties Parul Gandhi, Assistant esor International Journal of Computer Science Issues 9, 424-427 May-11 2011 262 FCH JMC Mahatma Gandhi’s Approach to Journalism: Subhash Kumar A Study of Indian Opinion, Young India and Harijan Vision Catalyst Vol-1 Sep-11 2011 263 FCH JMC Convergent Journalism: A walk towards Future Multi Media Integration Academicia 2 May-11 2011 264 FET Chem Vol.52, pp 383-389, 2011 Nov.3, 2011 2011 265 FAS Physiotherapy 266 FAS 267 FET Suresh Chandra Nayak Bioresolution of benzyl glycidyl ether using Neeraj Bala, Kirandeep whole cells of Bacillus alcalophilus. Kaur, Swapandeep Singh Chimni, Harvinder Singh Saini and Shamsher Singh Kanwar. Yadav, Jaspal Shoulder Normative values for Indian Abhinav athletes Sandhu, Shweta Shenoy J. Basic Microbiology Romanian Journal Of Sports Medicine 2011 2011 2011 N&D Student Teacher’s Perceptions and Experiences using Moss ton and Ashworth Teaching Styles in Physical Education Sanmuga Nathan, Gulshan Lal Khanna , Gurjeet Kaur Chawla XIVCommon wealth International Sports Science Conference,2010 Page204-211,Volume II 2011 2011 H&M A Live Study of Employee Satisfaction and Growth Analysis: Tata Steel Neeraj Kumari European journal of business & management (ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) Vol 3, No 10 (2011), pg 53-62 Nov-11 2011 22 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper 268 FET MATHS A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF TUMOUR Shashi Kant, Sanjeev Kumar Mathematical Modelling and GROWTH WITH A SPECIFIC DOSE OF IL-4 and Deepak Kumar Applied Computing, (INTERLEUKIN-4). 269 FET MATHS A Mathematical model of vascular tumor with chemotherapy drug concentration at nano-scale. Deep Shikha dixit, Deepak Kumar, SANJEEV KUMAR, RAJESH JOHRI 270 FET EEE A set of stabilizing PID controllers for a single link robot Leena G.. Datta K. B., Ray G., 271 FET EEE An Adaptive Fuzzy Controller for Trajectory Tracking of Robot Manipulator Leena Intelligent Control Gopinathan.Goshaidas Ray, and Automation Amol Khalate 272 FET ECE An efficient novel low voltage field electron Sekhon, G.S., Kumar, S., Journal of Materials Science: emitter with cathode consisting of template Kaur, C., Verma, N.K., Lu, C.- Materials in Electronics synthesized copper microarrays H., Chakarvarti, S.K. 273 FET EEE An excellent approach of reconfigurable machine tool in manufacturing system Malhotra V, Raj T and Ashok Kumar Int. J of enterprise and innovation management studies, ISSN 0976-2698 274 FET H&M Balanced Scorecard for superior organizational performance Neeraj Kumari 275 FET ECE BER Performance of Different Modulation Schemes for MIMO Systems Hamneet Arora European journal of business & management (ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 276 FET CHEM Chemistry of upper ionosphere-A study Bindu Mangla, Manikant Yadav 277 FET CHEM Cloud Point Studies of Tween and Glycol in Jyoti Chawla, R.K.Mahajan. the Presence of Salts 278 FET PHY Engineering of hydrophilic and plasmonic properties of Ag thin film by atom beam irradiation 279 FET PHY Enhancement of photoluminescence in Erdoped Ag–SiO2 nanocomposite thin films: A post annealing study Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Volume 2 NUMBER 1. pp. 1-8 2011 2011 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Applications, 3(1), June 2011, pp. 77-83 2011 2011 International Journal of Control and Automation Vol.4, no.3, pp127-141, 2011 2011 2011 Vol. 2 No. 4, pp.364-370, November, 2011 2011 2011 22,11,p-1725-1729 2011 2011 Vol 2(1), 2011 2011 Vol 3, No 5 (2011), pg 73-86 Oct-11 2011 International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 2011 2011 1,pp. 60-63,2011 Feb,2011 2011 32: 6 , 822 — 827, 2011 2011 2011 Volume 258 pp:1464–1469 (2011) 2011 2011 Volume 85 pp: 806, (2011) 2011 2011 Int. J of Advances in Engineering Sciences Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology Udai B. Singh, D.C. Agarwal, Applied Surface Science S.A. Khan, Manish Kumar ,A. Tripathi, R. Singhal, B.K.Panigrahi, and D.K. Avasthi Tiwary, N. Kamal Manisha Vacuum Singh, S. Annapoorni, D. C. Agarwal, D. K. Avasthi, Y. K. Mishra, P. Mazzoldi, G. Mattei, C. Sada, E. Trave 23 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 280 FET ECE Field emission and I-V characteristics of template synthesised nickel nanowires on semiconductiong substrate S.K. Chakarvarti 281 FET ECE Framework for Location based Power aware routing in MANET M.K.Soni 282 FET ECE 283 FET 284 Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Journal of Experimental Nanoscience Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 2011 2011 International Journal of Computer Science vol 8, Issue 3, ISSN: 1694-0814. (Mauritius) May-11 2011 Implementation of security in zone routing Noor Fatima Rizvi in mobile Ad-hoc network using SZRP International Journal of computing International Journal of computing 2011 2011 ECE Investigation of copper telluride nanowires Kumar, S., Kundu, V., synthesized by electrochemical method Vohra, A., Chakarvarti, S.K. AIP Proceedings 1349,PART A,p-393-394 2011 2011 FET PHY Investigation of swift heavy ion-induced mixing in metal/polymer system Volume 166, Issue 8-9, pp: 682688, 2011 19 July 2011 2011 285 FET H&M Job satisfaction of the employees at the workplace Vol 3, No 4 (2011), pg 11-30 Sep-11 2011 286 FET ECE Knowledge based protection circuits for converter and inverter applications 91 (May) page 24-29 2011 2011 287 FET MATHS MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF HOMOGENEOUS TUMOR WITH DELAY IN TIME. Shashi Kant, Sanjeev Kumar African Journal of and Deepak Kumar Mathematics and Computer Science Research Vol. 4(5), pp. 201-207, May 2011. 2011 2011 288 FET MECH MPR Optimization of Steel during EM Process R.V. Singh U.K. Vates International Journal of Material Science and Engineering Vol. 3, Issue-1 PP 35-40, 2011 2011 2011 289 FET PHY Nano / micro structuring of oxide thin film under SHI irradiation Vacuum Volume 86, pp: 96-100, 2011 4 July 2011 2011 290 FET ECE Nano-/micro metallic wire synthesis on GaAs substrate and their characterization R.S. Chauhan, D.C. Agarwal, Sarveh Kumar, S.A. Khan, D. Kabiraj, I. Sulania, D.K. Avasthi,W. Bolse Kaur, J., Singh, S., Kumar, R., Kanjilal, D., Chakarvarti, S.K. 6,4,p-1805-1809 2011 2011 291 FET ECE Nano/micro structure synthesis on semiconducting substrate and their characterization 50,6,p-713-721 2011 2011 Jai Prakash, A. Tripathi, S.A. Radiation Effects & defects in Khan, Sarvesh Kumar, F. Solid Singh, J.K. Tripathi and Jalaj Tripathi Neeraj Kumari European journal of business & management (ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) Bhatia, C.M., Malhotra, S., India International Soni, M.K. Conference on Power Electronics, IICPE 2010 Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Kaur, J., Singh, S., Kumar, Superlattices and R., Kanjilal, D., Chakarvarti, Microstructures S.K. 24 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 292 FET CHEM Natural Polymer-based electrolytes for electrochemical devices: a review Pradeep K. Varshney, Shikha Ionics, Springer Publication Gupta Vol. 17, p 479-483, 2011 May-11 2011 293 FET PHY Quasi-aligned gold nanodots on structured S. A. khan, D. K. Avasthi, D. Nanotechnology silica surface:Experimental and atomistic C. Agarwal, U. B. Singh simulations investigations Volume 22 pp: 235305, (2011) 2011 2011 294 FET EEE Realization of Digital Filter structures in MATLAB Journal of Communication and Computer, USA. ISSN/ISBN: 1548-7709, 8(2011), pp. 150-152. 2011 2011 295 FET PHY Role of melting temperature in intermixing of miscible metal/metal bilayers induced by swift heavy ions A. Gupta, R.S. Chauhan, D.C. Agarwal, Sarvesh Kumar, S.A. Khan, S. Mohapatra, A. Tripathi and T. Som S., Kumar, S., Room temperature ferromagnetic behavior Kumar, of Eu doped Cd 1-x Zn x S nanoparticles Verma, N.K., Chakarvarti, S.K. Radiation Effects & Defects in Solid Volume 166, Issue 8-9, pp: 689695, (2011) 19 July, 2011 2011 296 FET ECE Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 22,5 p-523-526 2011 2011 297 FET ECE Room temperature magnetism in Ni-doped Kumar, S., Kumar, S., CdSe nanoparticles Verma, N.K., Chakarvarti, S.K. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 22,8 p-901-904 2011 2011 298 FET ECE Stable Path Routing Protocol bases on Power Awareness International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, vol 2, Issue 7, ISSN 2229-5518, 2011 July 2011. 2011 299 FET ECE Study of optical, structural and chemical properties of neutron irradiated PADC film 86,3,p-275-279 2011 2011 300 FET PHY Volume 166, Issue 8-9, pp: 696702, 2011 19 July 2011 2011 301 FET 22,8 p-995-999 2011 2011 302 1393,p-89-90 2011 2011 303 Vol 3, No 10 (2011), pg 53-62 Nov-11 2011 Dipali Bansal, Munna Khan M.K.Soni Name of Journal Kumar, V., Sonkawade, R.G., Chakarvarti, S.K., Kulriya, P., Kant, K., Singh, N.L., Dhaliwal, A.S. Swift heavy ion induced interface mixing in K. Diva, R.S. Chauhan, Si-Nb thin film system Sarvesh Kumar and B.R. Chakraborty Vacuum ECE Synthesis and characterization of copper Kumar, S., Kundu, V., telluride nanowires via template-assisted dc Vohra, A., Chakarvarti, S.K. electrodeposition route Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics FET ECE Template synthesis of copper nanowires via Kumar, N., Kumar, R., AIP Proceedings electrodeposition technique and their Kumar, S., Chakarvarti, S.K. characterization FET H&M A Live Study of Employee Satisfaction and Growth Analysis: Tata Steel Neeraj Kumari Radiation Effects & Defects in Solid European journal of business & management 25 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 304 FET H&M Balanced Scorecard for superior organizational performance Neeraj Kumari European journal of business & management Vol 3, No 5 (2011), pg 73-86 Oct-11 2011 305 FET H&M Job satisfaction of the employees at the workplace Neeraj Kumari European journal of business & management Vol 3, No 4 (2011), pg 11-30 Sep-11 2011 306 FET EEE Evaluation of barriers affecting the RMS with graph theory & matrix approach Malhotra V, Raj T and Ashok Kumar International J of material & manufacturing processes, Taylor & Francis 27, Issue 1, PP 88-94 2011 2011 307 FCA Shaveta Bhatia, Assistant esor International Journal of Computer Applications 70(8), 38-42, 2013 Dec-10 2010 308 FET AE Studies on the Transition of the Flow Oscillations over an Axisymmetric Open Cavity Model J. Sinha Advances in Aerospace Sciences and Applications Vol. 3, No. 2, pp-83-90 Jan-10 2010 309 FET PHY Study of ion beam synthesized nanostructured PbTe surface Srashti Gupta, D.C. Agarwal, Applied Surface Science S.K. Tripathi, A. Tripathi, S. Neeleshwar, D.K. Avasthi Volume 265 pp: 124-129 (2013) Oct-10 2010 310 FMS Management Impact of Diversification in District Central Cooperative Banks in Punjab Priya Goel, Pathak& Anindita Chatterjee Rao International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics issue 6, vol 1, Pg 26-39 Jan-10 2010 311 FMS Management Composition of Advancesin District entral Co-operative Banks In Punjab Anindita Chatterjee Rao, Priya Goel, Devender Pathak International Journal of Management and Information Technology Oct-10 2010 312 FET Chem Hexafluoroacetone: An Appealing Key Player in Organic Chemistry Kirandeep Kaur Synlett Vol.15, pp-2363-2364, 2010 30 Aug. 2010 2010 313 FAS Physiotherapy An investigation into the effects of smoking Shobhit Saxena, Douglas on physical fitness parameters in McBean,Queen Margaret adolescents. Univerity, Edinburgh British Journal of Sports Medicine,U.K 44:i30 doi:10.1136/bjsm.2010.078725.100 2010 2010 314 FAS N&D A study of risk assessment index to predict Pratibha Singh and Mani cardiovascular diseases among young Paliwal adults (Aged 20-40 years)‖ British Journal of Sports Medicine i75,10.1136/bjsm.2010.078725.248 . 28th Sept 2010 2010 315 FET PHY Synthesis of Ge nanocrystals by atom beam N. Srinivasa Rao, A.P. Solid State Communications sputtering and subsequent rapid thermal Pathak, N. Sathish, G. annealing Devaraju, V. Saikiran, P.K. Kulriya, D.C. Agarwal, G. Sai Saravanan, D.K. Avasthi Volume 150 pp:2122, (2010) 2010 2010 Computer Appl. Mathematical analysis of Mobile Latitude software for location tracking 26 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt 316 FET PHY 317 FET PHY 318 FET PHY 319 FET PHY 320 FET PHY 321 FET PHY 322 FET ECE 323 FET 324 Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Volume 268 pp: 3223, (2010) 2010 2010 J. Applied Physics Volume 107 pp 103504, (2010) 2010 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. Volume 96pp: 053103, (2010) 2010 2010 Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys. Res. B Volume 268 pp: 470,(2010) 2010 2010 Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys. Res. B Vol. 268 pp: 2937 (2010) 2010 2010 J. Nanosci. & Nanotech. Vol. 10 pp: 2933, (2010) 2010 2010 Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Vol 52,issue 8,pg1761-1763 18th May 2010 2010 Study of swift heavy ion irradiation effect H. Singh, D. C. Agarwal, P. on indium tin oxide coated electrode for the M. Chavhan, R. M. Mehra, dye-sensitized solar cell application Shruti Aggarwal, Pawan Kumar Kulriya, Ambuj Tripathi andD.D.C.K.Agarwal, Avasthi Y. Synthesis, characterizations and thermal R. Singhal, induced structural transformation of silver- K. Mishra, D. Kabiraj, G. fullerene C60 nanocomposite thin films for Mattei, J. C. Pivin, R. Chana applications in optical devices and D. K. Avasthi Enhancement of ferromagnetism in Pd P. K. Kulriya, B. R. Mehta, D. nanoparticles by swift heavy ion irradiation K. Avasthi, D. C. Agarwal, P. Thakur, N. B. Brookes, A. K. Chawla and R. Chana Grain growth and crack formation in NiO P. Mallick, R. Biswal, thin films by swift heavy ion irradiation Chandana Rath, D. C. Agarwal, A. Tripathi, D.K. Avasthi, D. Kanjilal, P. V. Satyam, Mishra M. Structural and compositional C. Sada, N. N. C. Argiolas, characterization of LiNbO3 crystals Bazzan, M. V. Ciampolillo, A. implanted with high energy iron ions M. Zaltron, P. Mazzoldi, D. C. Agarwal and D. K. Avasthi Synthesis of ZnO nanostructures using Agarwal Dinesh Chana, different metal catalyst: Morphology and Kabiraj Debdulal, Singh Photoluminescence characteristics Fouran, Avasthi Devesh Kumar, Pellegrini G., Chana Ramesh and Mazzoldi Planar Antennas for Passive UHF RFID Arun Kumar, Davinder Paolo Tags on Flexible Copper Clad Laminate Parkash, M.V. Kartikeyan Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys. Res. B ECE Planar antenna for Passive UHF RFID tags Progress in electromagnetics Research Journal Vol 19,305-327 2010 2010 FET BT A feasibility study for assessment of In-Situ Mittal, A. and Singh, P. bioremediation potential of a crude oil degrading Pseudomonas consortium Journal of Scientific Research 2 (1), pp.127-137., Jan 2010 Jan-10 2010 325 FET CSE A Survey of Secure Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Network‖ S S Tyagi , R K Chauhan International Transactions in Applied Sciences Vol 1, No. 3, page 333-340, 2010 OCTOBER 2010 2010 326 FET CSE Advanced Intrusion Detection System for Network Security S.S Tyagi , R K Chauhan International Transactions in Mathematical Sciences and Computer Vol 2, No. 2, page 319-331, 2010 OCTOBER 2010 2010 327 FET ECE Antimicrobial Activity of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles & Zinc Oxide Powder On Different Gram (-) Ve and Gram (+) Ve Bacteria Varsha Nanomedicine and Drug deliveryIII vol 3 2010 2010 Arun Kumar, Davinder Parkash, M.V. Kartikeyan 27 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt 328 FET ECE 329 FET MATHS 330 FET PHY 331 FET PHY 332 FET MATHS 333 FET EEE 334 FET EEE 335 FET CHEM 336 FET PHY 337 FET MATHS 338 FET ECE 339 FET CHEM Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Cluster Based QoS Routing Protocol for MANET M.K.Soni Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year vol 2, no.5 ISSN: 17938201(Singapore) pp4880-4885 Oct-10 2010 Volume 1(3), December-2010 2010 2010 Solar Energy Volume 84 (2010), p. 1658-1665 14 July 2010 2010 Vacuum Volume 84, pp:1275-1279, (2010) 1 February, 2010 2010 Vol. 2 no: 2,pp. 183-195, JulyDecember 2010 July-Dec 2010 2010 Volume 148, 2011, pp 83-87 2010 2010 IGI Global pub. pp: 69-76. 2010. 2010 2010 117, 3038-3046,2010 2010 2010 18:516–534 2010 2010 Vol. 3(6), June 2010, pp. 101–106. 2010 2010 International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology 2010 2010 International J Pharmaceutics 2010 2010 International ― Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE) General Pseudoadditivity of Kapur’s Entropy Priti Gupta and Vijay Kumar International Journal of prescribed by the existence of equilibrium Scientific & Engineering Research Impact of Surface Roughness on the Electrical Parameters of Industrial High Efficiency NaOH-NaOCl Textured Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cell Ion Beam Induced Interface Mixing of Ni on PTFE Bilayer System Studied by Quadrupole Mass Analysis and Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis, Mathematical modeling of Normal Human Knee Joint Function Under Highly Loaded Conditions:One Layer Model: Effects of HA Molecules Under Squeezing (Symmetrical Case) Factor Correction Based on Power RISC Controller P. K. Basu, R. M. Pujahari, Harpreet Kaur, Devi Singh, D. Varandani and B.R. Mehta Jai Prakash, A. Tripathi, S. A. Khan, J. C. Pivin, F. Singh, Jalaj Tripathi, Sarvesh Kumar, D. K. Avasthi Arti Saxena, A.P. Tyagi, K. Shekhar RMS: A new linkage with pervasive computing Malhotra V, Raj T and Ashok Kumar Small angle neutron scattering study of structural aspects of non-ionic surfactants in presence of polyethylene glycols and triblock polymers Centralized solar lantern charging station under Lighting a Billion Lives Campaign - A technological evolution Rakesh Kumar Mahajan, Jyoti Chawla, KulwinderKumar Vohra,and V.K.Aswal. P. Mohanty, Nivedita Dasgupta and A.Sharma A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF RADIO IMMUNOTHERAPY FOR TUMOR TREATMENT. Deepak Kumar and Sanjeev African Journal of Kumar Mathematics and Computer Science Research Cluster Based QoS Routing Protocol for MANET Pradeep Kumar, P R Sharma, Ashok Kumar M K Soni "Design, Biometric Simulation and Choonara Y E, Pillay V, Optimization of a Nano-enabled Scaffold Singh N, Khan R A Device for Enhanced Delivery of Dopamine to Brain". International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Applications-ISSN: 09735844 Advances in Power Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Communications in Computer and Information Science International reffered book on pervasive computing for business:trends and applications, Sydney college of management, Journal of AppliedAustralia Polymer Science Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 28 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 340 FET CHEM 341 FET CHEM 342 FET CHEM 343 FET CHEM "Design, Synthesis and SAR of C3 Substituted New Diazo-[1,4]Benzodiazepine-2-One Derivatives as Potent Anticonvulsants". "Investigation of the Physicochemical and Physicomechanical Properties of a Novel Intravaginal Bioadhesive Polymeric Device in the Pig Model". "Micromechanical and Solid-State Stability Analysis of an Irradiated Poly(lactic-coglycolic acid) Donut-Shaped Minitablet Device for Intraocular Implantation". "Nanomedicine & Molecular Modelling: Requirement & Design Overview". 344 FET CHEM "Neurotransmitter Triggered, Synapses Mediated Phase Preserving Limit Cycles in Brain Oscillatory Network". 345 FET CHEM 346 FET CSE 347 FET 348 Publication Month Publication Year Ahmed B, Khan R A, Rashid ACS Chemical Neuroscience M 2010 2010 Ndesendo VM, Pillay V, Choonara YE, du Toit LC, Buchmann E, Meyer LC, Khan RA, Rosin U Khan R A Choonara Y E, Pillay V AAPS Pharm Sci Tech. 2010 2010 J Pharmaceu. Sci. 2010 2010 Ahmed B, Khan R A, Habibullah & Keshari M Nanomedicine 2010 2010 Khan R A, Rai V; Nadar S R Journal of Computational Neuroscience 2010 2010 "Occurrence and Anticipation of Epileptic Seizures: A Computational Approach". Rai V and Khan R A Nature 2010 2010 "Performance Analysis of Reactive and Proactive Routing Protocols for Ad hoc Network‖, Tyagi S S, Chauhan, R K International Journal on Futuristic Computer Applications (IJFCA) 2010 2010 CHEM "Phytomedicines & Their Synthons Produced via Callus Cell Culture". Khan R A, Newati S J, Singh Natural Products Report VM 2010 2010 FET CHEM Khan R A, Ilah A and Ali M 2010 2010 349 FET CHEM "Plant Cell Culture Biotechnology for Generation of Pharmaceutically Active Catharanthus Alkaloid Ingredients: Present Status and Prospects". "Synthesis and Antihypertensive Activity of Novel 3, 4- Dihydropyrimidin-2-one Derivatives" . 2010 2010 350 FET CHEM Bridoux A, Khan R A, Chen Med Chem Comm C, Gwenaël C, Cui H, Dyskin E, Yasri A, Mousa S A A Bridoux, Khan R A, C Med Chem Comm, Chen, H Cui, Mousa S A International publication 2010 2010 351 FET CSE Tyagi S S, Chauhan, R K 2010 2010 "Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Thyroid Antagonist Derived New AntiAngiogenic Analogs". ―A Survey of Secure Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Network‖ Name of Journal Natural Products Communications, International Transactions in Applied Sciences, Volume, Page Number and year of publication 29 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 352 FET 353 Name of Journal CSE ―Advanced Intrusion Detection System for Network Security Tyagi S S, Chauhan, R K FET CSE A Method Of Vague Search To Answer Smita Rajpal, M N Doja and INFORMATION : An Queries In Relational Databases Ranjit Biswas International Journal 354 FET BT A feasibility study for assessment of In-Situ Anupama Garg bioremediation potential of a crude oil degrading Pseudomonas consortium 355 FET MATHS 356 FET MATHS 357 FET 358 Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 A Mathematical Model for Tumor Treatment Deepak Kumar and Sanjeev African Journal of with a Specific Dose of Adriamycin. Kumar Mathematics and Computer Science Research 2010 2010 A Mathematical Model of Radio immunotherapy for Tumor Treatment. Deepak Kumar and Sanjeev African Journal of KUMAR Mathematics and Computer Science Research 2010 2010 PHY A model for Cu-se Resonant Tunneling Diodes Fabricated by Negative Template Assisted Electrodeposition Technique. Meeru Chaudhri, A K Vohra and S K Chakarvarti 2010 2010 FET EEE A Set of Stabilizing PID Controllers for Multi- Leena G Input Multi-Output Systems’ International journal of Franklin Institute 2010 2010 359 FET CIVIL A Theoretical Estimation on Optical Reduction of Vehicles and Industries in a City for Pollution Control Srijit Biswas 2010 2010 360 FET ECE Action Functional of the Electromagnetic Field: Effect of Gravitation Arti Vaish International Journal of Mathematics Applied in Science and Technology (IJMAST), Japan Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 68, pp. 257-263 , 2010 2010 2010 361 FET CSE An Intelligent Search Path Kiran Yadav, Ranjit Biswas Int. J. Intell. Syst. 25(9), 201 2010 2010 362 FET CIVIL Assessment of River Water Quality : An Approach of Fuzzy Logic Manish Pal, Srijit Biswas, Sekhar Datta and Pankaj Kr. Roy International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Malaysia 2010 2010 363 FET CHEM Chemistry & Biology of Thyrointegrin Antagonists A Bridoux, Khan R A, C Chen, H Cui, Mousa S A Pharm Design 2010 2010 International Transactions in Mathematical Sciences and Computer Journal of Scientific Research J.Communication and Network 2 (1), pp.127-137. 2,73-78, Feb 2010 30 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 364 FET 365 Name of Journal ECE Cutoff Frequencies of Electromagnetic Waves Propagating in a Hexagonal Waveguide Arti Vaish International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, USA FET PHY Data acquisition System for Nano/Micropore Analysis in Polymeric SSNTDs GS Sekhon, sunil kumar, gurbakshish singh, jk sharma, S K chakarvarti Journal of Optoelectronics and Biomedical Materials 366 FET EEE Design Of a Microcontroller Based PFC. Pradeep Kumar, P R Sharma, Ashok Kumar International Journal of Power System Operation & Energy Management ISSN 367 FET CHEM 368 FET MECH Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Thyroid Antagonist Derived New AntiAngiogenic Analogs: A Developing Class of Transactivator, Bifunctional Thyrointegrin Inhibitors Effect of Cutting Variables on Temperature During Metal Cutting 369 FET BT 370 FET 371 Publication Month Publication Year 2010 2010 Vol. 2, Issue 2, April-June 2010, p. 33 -36 2010 2010 2231-4407, Volume-1, Issue-4, 2012. 2010 2010 Bridoux A, Khan R A, Chen Med Chem Comm C, Gwenaël C, Cui H, Dyskin E, Yasri A, Mousa S A Manish Deo Manufacuring Technology & SP Tiwari Research 2010 2010 2010 2010 Effect of Heavy Metals Cadmium and Chromium on Carbohydrate Metabolism of Fresh Water Fish, Channa punctatus Sarita Sachdeva Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences 2010 2010 IT Enhancing Software Metrics Models for Development Effort Estimation Using Type 2 Fuzzy Sets Bindiya Ahuja, Deepa Bura International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Mauritius 2010 2010 FET IT GBG Approach for Connectivity and Coverage Control in Wireless Sensor Network‖ Haider Raza IJCSNS 2010 2010 372 FET CIVIL Impact of Fertilizer in a Catchment Area: S. Biswas Assessment by Using Fuzzy-Logic International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research (IJAAR), USA. 2010 2010 373 FET CIVIL Impact of Flood Disaster : Application of Fuzzy Logic for Assessment Srijit Biswas International Journal of Lakes and Rivers (IJLR), Egypt. 2010 2010 374 FET ECE Implementation of Advance Image Compression Using Wavelet & SPIHT Garima Vyas International journal of Electrical and Electronics Engg- 2010 2010 375 FET ECE Improved QR Decomposition Application Implemented on Reconfigurable Fabric. Deepak Batra 2010 2010 International journal IEEMS Volume, Page Number and year of publication 31 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Publication Month Publication Year 376 FET CIVIL 377 FET PHY Integrated Water Resources Management Srijit Biswas, Pankaj Kr. Roy International Journal of : Approach of Vague Fuzzy-EIA and Sekhar Datta Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Malaysia Investigation of Swift Heavy Ion Induced Sarvesh Kumar Radiation Effects and Defects Mixing in Metal/Polymer Systems in Solids 2010 2010 2010 2010 378 FET PHY 2010 2010 379 FET MATHS 2010 2010 380 FET MECH 2010 2010 381 FET MECH 2010 2010 382 FET ECE Method of Moments Applied to a Cuboidal Cavity Resonator: Effect of Gravitational Field Produced by a Black Hole 2010 2010 383 FET CSE Modified Architectural Support for Predicate Sweta, Ranjit Biswas and JB International Journal of Execution of Instruction Level Parallelism Singh Computer and Electrical Engineering 2010 2010 384 FET PHY Morphology and Time Resolved Photoluminescence of Electrochemically Synthesized Zincoxide Nanowires. 2010 2010 385 FET PHY Optical Studies of Electrochemically Synthesized CdS Nanowires 2010 2010 386 FET CHEM 2010 2010 387 FET AE 2010 2010 Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Large-scale Synthesis of Uniform Nickel Nanowires and Their Characterisation Sanjeev Kumar and S K Chakarvarti Mathematical Modeling for Tumor Growth and Control Strategies, Sanjeev Kumar, Deepak Kumar and Rashmi Sharma Name of Journal Journal of Experimental Nanoscience Volume, Page Number and year of publication vol.5,April 2010,126-133. Infectious Disease Modeling Research Progress, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (NY, USA). Mathematical Modeling of Mucus Transport J B Shukla, Arti Saxena, A P International journal of in the Lung Due to Cough: Effects of Tyagi Biorheology Serous Fluid Viscosity and Serous Layer Thickness Mathematical Modeling of Mucus Transport J B Shukla, Arti Saxena, A P Rheologica Acta in the Lung Due to Mild Cough: Effects of Tyagi Viscosity and Viscoelasticity of Mucus Osteosaponins 1 & 2: Two New Saponin Glycosides from Osteospermum vaillanti.i Performance Of Single-Cylinder Compression Ignition Engine with Indigenous Castor Oil Biodiesel Arti Vaish Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Vijay Kumar; sunil kumar, S Journal of Materials Science: K Chakarvarti Materials in Electronics(Published May 2010) Vijay Kumar; Sunil Kumar; Journal of Materials Science: Sanjeev Kumar; SK Materials in Chakarvarti Electronics(Published May 2010) Pillay S, Pillay V, Choonara Natural P. Research YE, Naidoo D, Khan R A, du Toit LC, Valence MKN, Modi G, Danckwerts MP, Iyuke SE Devena Vashist Thermal Sciences, Slovakia 68, pp. 252-256 32 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 388 FET 389 Publication Month Publication Year CSE Performance Optimization of Hyperblock Using Predicate Compilation Technique Sweta Verma, Ranjit Biswas International Journal of Singh and JB Singh Computer and Electrical Engineering 2010 2010 FET ECE QoS Enabled Power Aware Routing Protocol MKSoni (QEPAR) International Journal of Computer Science Engg and Technology, Singapore 2010 2010 390 FET PHY Nano/ Micro-structuring of Oxide Thin Film Sarvesh Kumar under SHI Irradiation Vaccum 2010 2010 391 FET PHY Role of Melting Temperature in Intermixing Sarvesh Kumar of Miscible Metal/metal Bi Layers Induced by Swift Heavy Ions Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 2010 2010 392 FET MATHS Simple PDE Model of Ductal Carcinoma in situ and Vascularisation of Nutrient. 2010 2010 393 FET CHEM Ahmed B, Khan RA, Habibullah & Keshari M 394 FET CHEM 395 FET CSE Stereo-electronic & Topological Approach to SAR of 5-Amino-1,3,4-Thiadiazole-2Thiol & Thiobenzyl Derivatives as Potent Antibacterial. Study of Seasonal Population Fluctuation of Gram Pod Borer Helicoverpa Armigera (Hubner) in Chickpea Using Pheromone Technology. Wireless Ad-Hoc Network: Analysis for Power Control and Security Architecture‖. Biorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2010 2010 Ahmad B, Khan RA & Yusuf M Kalpna Varshney and Sudha Kanaujia International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research 2010 2010 Bharat Singh International Journal of Computer Science & Issues (IJCSI), Doolar Lane, Mahebourg, Republic of Mauritius, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2010 2010 396 FET ECE Morphology and time resolved photoluminescence of electrochemically synthesized zinc oxide nanowires Kumar, V., Kumar, S., Chakarvarti, S.K. 21,12 p-1277-1280 2010 2010 397 FET ECE Large scale synthesis of cadmium selenide nanowires using template synthesis technique and their characterization Kumar, S., Kumar, V., Superlattices and Sharma, S.K., Sharma, S.K., Microstructures Chakarvarti, S.K. 48,1 p-66-71 2010 2010 398 FET PHY 399 FAS FAS Superiority of ion irradiation over annealing Srashti Gupta, D.C. Agarwal, for enhancing the thermopower of PbTe S.K. Tripathi, S. Neeleshwar, thin films B.K. Panigrahi, A. Jacquot, B. Lenoir and D.K. Avasthi CORRELATION BETWEEN ISOMETRIC G.L. Khanna, ELBOW EXTENSOR STRENGTH AND OVERHEAD THROWING DISTANCE IN THE AGE GROUP OF 16-18 Volume 86 pp:6 (2013) Sep-09 2009 Vol-VII, No.-3, - Aug-09 2009 Deepak Kumar Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication IJE Transactions A: Basic, Radiation Physics and Chemistry Medicina Sportiva- The Journal of Romanian Sport Medicine Society 33 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper 400 FAS FAS Global Perspectives in Workplace Health Promotion 401 FET PHY Swift heavy ion induced modifications of optical and microstructural properties of silver-fullerene C60 nanocomposite 402 FET PHY 403 FET PHY 404 FET PHY 405 FET PHY 406 FET PHY 407 FET ECE 408 FET ECE VLSI-cell placement technique for architecture of field programmable gate array (FPGA) design Verma, A., Dhingra, S., Soni, Turkish Journal of Electrical M.K. Engineering and Computer Sciences 409 FET ECE Voltage control of self-excited induction generator using genetic Algorithm Joshi, D., Sandhu, K.S., Soni, M.K. 410 FET ECE Generation and analysis of secondary short Sajichanachood, O.M., Proceedings of INDICON synchronization codes for use in Indian Mehta, D., Soni, M., Shukla, 2009 - An IEEE India Council regional navigation satellite system A.P., Raval, M.H. Conference 411 FET AE Flow Development of Multi-Annular Jets in a Confinement: Effect of Expansion Ratio Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) G.L. Khanna, R. Singhal, D. C. Agarwal, Y. K. Mishra, S. Mohapatra, D. K. Avasthi, A. K. Chawla, R. Chana, J. C. Pivin Evolution of surface morphology of NiO thin P. Mallick, Chandana Rath, films under swift heavy ion irradiation S. Majumdar, R. Biswal, D. C. Agarwal, Shikha Varma, D.K. Avasthi, P.V. Satyam andSinghal, N. C. Mishra Electronic excitation induced tuning of R. D. C. Agarwal, Y. surface plasmon resonance of Ag K. Mishra, F. Singh, J. C. nanoparticles in fullerene C70 matrix Pivin, R. Chana and D. K. Avasthi Swift heavy ion induced structural D. C. Agarwal, D. K. Avasthi, modification of atom beam sputtered ZnO F. Singh, D. Kabiraj, P. K. thin film Kulariya, I. Sulania, J. C. Pivin, R. S. Chauhan SHI induced surface modifications of Abhishek Gupta, D. C. immiscible Fe/Bi bilayer system Agarwal, S. A. Khan, A. Tripathi, D. Kabiraj, S. Mohapatra, T. Som, D. K. Avasthi and R. D. S. Chauhan VLS-like growth and characterizations of D. C. Agarwal, K. Avasthi, dense ZnO nanorods grown by e-beam I. Sulania, R. S. Chauhan, D. process Kabiraj, A. Chawala, Giovanni Pellegrini, R. Chana, S. Ogale, P. Design and synthesis of FPGA for speed Verma, A.,B.Dhingra, S., Soni, control of induction motor M.K. Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Acepted Sep-09 2009 Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys. Res. B Vol. 267 pp:1349, (2009) 2009 2009 Applied Surface science Vol. 256 pp: 521, (2009) 2009 2009 Journal of Phys. D: Appl. Phys. Vol. 42 pp: 155103, (2009) 2009 2009 Surface and Coating Technology Vol. 203 pp: 2427, (2009) 2009 2009 Surface and Coating Technology Vo. 203 pp: 2399, (2009) 2009 2009 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. Vol. 42 pp: 035310, (2009) 2009 2009 International Journal of Physical Sciences Volume-4, Issue 11 Page-645-650 2009 2009 Volume-17, Issue 3 Page-327-335 2009 2009 Volume-17, Issue 1 Page-87-97 2009 2009 WOC 2008 Page 184-187 2009 2009 Vol. 61, No. 3, pp-390-401 August 2009 2009 Jones and Bartlett Learning Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences RS Tarnacha, SN Singh and Journal of Aerospace Lajpat Rai Sciences and Technologies 34 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 412 FET PHY Effect of annealing on the laser induced photoluminescence behaviour of template Synthesiszed silver iodide nanowires Template-assisted synthesis and photoluminescence properties of ZnO nanowires S Kumar, N K Verma, J K J.Optoelectronics and Sharma and S K Chakarvarti Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, 413 FET PHY Vijay kumar, Sunil Kumar and S K Chakarvarti J.Mod.Phys.Letters B (Accepted, June 2009), USA 414 FET PHY Track-etch membranes enabled nano/microtechnology : A review S K Chakarvarti Rad.Meas 415 FET CHEM 416 FET CHEM 417 FET EEE 418 FET CHEM An improved synthesis of Biginelli-type compounds via phase-transfer catalysis. Ahmed B, khan RA, AiTetrahedron Letters, Howiriny TA and AI-Rehaily AJ 419 FET MECH Boiler tube failure in high pressure generature Manoj Nayak 420 FET CSE 421 FET CHEM 422 FET ECE DESIGN OF SMART CALORIMETRIC BIOSENSOR Dheeraj Rathee, Shrey International Journal of Makkar, Shahanaz Ayub, Progressive Research Anshika Rana, Dinesh Bhatia 423 FET EEE Discrete Terminal Sliding Mode Controllers for Output Tracking of Nonlinear System’ Leena G "In Vitro and Ex Vivo Bioadhesivity Analysis Valence MK Ndesendo, of Polymeric Intravaginal Caplets Using Viness Pillay, Yahya E Physicomechanics and Computational Choonara, Riaz A Khan, Structural Modeling" Leith Meyer, Eckhart Buchmann, Uwe Rajeev Rosin, A fluorescence quenching-based sensor Rajena Prasad, using new metallo-tetraazaporphyrin dye as Kumar, Surena Prasad a recognition element for aniline assay in aqueous solutions A Real Time Embedded Set Up Based on Dipali Bansal, Munna Khan, Digital Signal Controller for Detection of Bio- Ashok K. Salhan Signals Using Sensors Cache Optimization to reduce misprediction Rubina Khanna, Sweta rate Verma, Ranjit Biswas, JB Singh Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2009, p. 33 35 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 646, 97-103 (2009) 5 May 2009 2009 Vol. 105, Issue 6, pp. 26-32, June 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 16,339-343,2009 2009 2009 Vol 4(I), pp 36-40, 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 44, Issues 9-10, October-November 2009, Pages 1085-1092. International Journal of Pharmaceutics Anal. Chim. Acta International Sensors & Transducers Journal, Jour. Of int. Association on electricity transmission and distribution vol-21, no-8, pg-37-47, 2009 International Journal of Computer Network And Security(IJCNS) CTAB as corrosion inhibitor for mild Steel in Mukta Sharma, Jyoti Chawla IJCT acidic medium. International journal of Robust and Nonlinear control 35 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 424 FET AUTO 425 FET BT Energetic and economic feasibility Devena Vashist associated with the production, processing and conversion of jatropha oil to a substitute diesel fuel in India Evaluation of antimicrobial and wound Sarita Sachdeva & healing activity of ethanolic extracts of Abhilasha Shourie Abrus precatorius L. stem International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.R.E.M.E.), Praise Worthy Prize journal MR International Journal of Engineering & Technology volume 3, no 4 pages 503-509 Available online on http://www.praiseworthyprize. com/IREME_latest.html Vol 1(1), pp. 74-81 2009 2009 2009 2009 426 FET ECE Improved Parameter Estimation for First-Order Markov Process Deepak Batra Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Research Letters in Signal Processing Volume 2009, Article ID 186250, 2 Pages doi : 10,1155/2009/186250 Aug 2009 Aug-09 2009 427 FET ECE Improved QR Decomposition Application Implemented on Reconfigurable Fabric Deepak Batra vol(3) Sept-2009, pp 1-7 I.S.S.N. 1687-8701 Sept 2009 Sep-09 2009 EEE Integration of embedded generation in local Grid Using STATCOM Surender Dahiya, D.K. Jain, Ashok Kumar International Egyptian Engineering Mathematical Society (IEEMS) International e-Journals of Communications and of International Journal Global energy 428 FET Int. J. of Global Energy Issues, 2009 Vol.32, No.3, pp.278 - 294 2009 2009 429 FET PHY NANO/MICRO SURFACE STRUCTURES BY SWIFT HEAVY ION IRRADIATION OF POLYMERIC THIN FILMS ON Gas Jaskiran Kaur, S. Singh, D. Kanjilala, S K Chakarvarti Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Vol. 4, No. 4, December 2009, p. 729 - 737 2009 2009 430 FET MATHS Oscillatory MHD flow of blood through an artery with mild stenosis. Sanjeet Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar & Deepak Kumar Vol.22, No.2, 125-130, 2009 2009 2009 431 FET BT Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation by developed consortium in microcosms study. Mittal, A. and Singh, P. 7 (1).(2009) 2009 2009 432 FET EEE Real time acquisition and PC to PC wireless Dipali Bansal, Munna Khan, Computers in Biology & Transmission of Human Carotid pulse Ashok K. Salhan. Medicine’, Elsevier, Science Waveform Direct Vol. 39, 915-920, 2009 2009 2009 433 FET EEE Realization of digital filter structure in MATLAB 2009 2009 434 FET EEE Reconfigurable manufacturing system: an overview Vol 1 Issue 2, pp-38-46, 2009 2009 2009 435 FET PHY Seasonal variation of radon, thoron and K Kant, Rashmi, RG Iran. J. Radiat. Res., their progeny levels in dwellings of Haryana Sonkawade, GS Sharma, RP and Western Uttar Pradesh Chauhan,SK Chakarvarti 2009; 7 (2): 79-84 2009 2009 Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Dipali Bansal Malhotra V, Raj T and Arora Name of Journal IJE Transactions A: Basic, The Internet Journal of Microbiology Journal of Computer and Communication, USA International Journal of Machine Intelligence 36 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 436 FET BT 437 FET 438 Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Studies on biodegradation of crude oil by Aspergillus niger Mittal, A. and Singh, P. The South Pacific Journal of Natural Science, 27, pp.57-60.(2009) 2009 2009 PHY Swift heavy ion induced dewetting of polymeric thin films coated on GaAs substrate J.Atti della fondazione Giorgio Ronchi Anno LXIV,n.2 , FET ECE Wave propagation in a waveguide having anisotropic permittivity using method of moments Jaskiran Kaur, Surinder Singh, Dinakar Kanjilal, Rajesh Kumar and Shiv Kumar Chakarvarti Arti Vaish 269-274-Marzo-Aprile 2009. 2009 2009 2009 2009 439 FET ECE Iranian Journal of Radiation Research 440 FET ECE Seasonal variation of radon, thoron and Kant, K., Rashmi, their progeny levels in dwellings of Haryana Sonkawade, R.G., Sharma, and Western Uttar Pradesh G.S., Chauhan, R.P., Chakarvarti, S.K. Track-etch membranes enabled nanoChakarvarti, S.K. /microtechnology: A review 7,2 p-79-84 2009 2009 44,41921 p-1085-1092 2009 2009 441 FET ECE Modifications induced in the polycarbonate Kaur, J., Chakarvarti, S.K., Makrofol kg polymer by Li (50 MeV) ion Kanjilal, D., Singh, S. irradiation Pramana - Journal of Physics 72,4 p-759-764 2009 2009 442 FET ECE Effect of annealing on the laser induced photoluminescence behavior of templatesynthesized silver iodide nanowires Kumar, S., Kumar, S., Verma, N.K., Sharma, J.K., Chakarvarti, S.K. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications 3,1,p-33-35 2009 2009 443 FCA FCA GPS Location Handling System on Web Shaveta Bhatia Research Journal of Science & IT Management-RJSITM Vol 4,No.6 Ist April,2015 2015 444 FMS Management A Study of Factors Influencing Tourist Destination Image Dr. Usha Arora, Deepti Dabas Hazarika Vol. 4, No. 3, 2015 June 2015 445 FMS Management Managing Warranty Length & Price in the Presence of Customer Dissatisfaction P.K. Kapur, Nitin Sachdeva Vol. 10, Issue 1 February 2015 446 FAS Nutrition & Dietetics Prevalance of Goitre (Iodine Deficiency Disorder) amongst school aged children in India Urvashi Mehlawat and Rupal World Journal of Pruthi Pharmaceutical Research Volume 4, Issue 5, pp April 2015 447 FET MECH A novel approach of quality chain management Pooja Sharma, Nitin Waghmare Vol-03,issue -3, pp-220-224 may -june 2015 2015 International Journal of Tomography and Statistics Radiation Measurements Shiv Shakti International Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research Amity Global Business Review, Amity University international joural of technical Research and application 37 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper 448 FET MECH A study of supply chain Management Pooja Sharma, Nitin performs in indian MRO paper mill problem Waghmare 449 FET MECH Yogesh yadav, Mohit Dharan internatonal journal of research in mechanical engineering 450 FET MATHS Study of International Motor sports, including race team requirement analysis, global trends and perspective of different race series Mucus Transport in the Larger Airway Due to Prolonged Mild Cough: Effect of Serous Fluid and Cilia Beating Arti Saxena, A. P. Tyagi Chemical and Process Engineering Research 451 FET ECE Comparative Study of PAPR Reduction Techniques Ashish Vats International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications 452 FET BT 453 FET MECH 454 FET MECH Genome-Wide Analysis of Homeobox Gene Annapurna Bhattacharjee*, Family in Legumes: Identification, Gene Rajesh Ghangal*, Rohini Duplication and Expression Profiling Garg, Mukesh Jain (* equal contribution) Simultaneous Optimization of Semi-Active Devdutt Quarter Car Suspension Parameters using Taguchi Method and Grey Relational Analysis Effect of Tool Material Properties and Manoj Nayak Cutting Conditions of Machinability of AISI D6 Steel During Hard Turning 455 FET MECH 456 FET MECH 457 FET 458 459 Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal international joural of engineering and techncal Research PLoS One International Journal of Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (IJMECH) Vol.4, No.1 Arab J Sci Eng 2015 Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Vol-03,issue -5, pp-96-98 ISSN :2321-0869 May-15 2015 Vol-3,issue-4 pp-28-33,2015 ISSN: 2347-5188 RINT:2347-8772,DOA 13072015 JUL-AUG2015 2015 Jun-15 2015 pp62-69, Vol.31, 2015 Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015 June 2015 Vol. 10 (3), 2015 March 2015 Vol. 4, No. 1, Pg. 61 to 75 February 2015 40:1151-1164 DOI 10.1007/s13369-015-1578-0 6th February 2015 Analysis of Hardness by Parametric Optimization of Gravity Die Casting for A356 Aluminium Alloy Using Taguchi Techniques Application of Six sigma DMAIC Methodology for reducing defects in a Shyam Kumar Karna Ran Vijay Singh Rajeshwar Sahai International Journal of Manufacturing Materials and Mechanical Engineering 5(1), 21-34, Jan-Mar, 2015 Pg. 21-27 Jan-March 2015 Virender Narla Sandeep Grover Materials Science Forum Vol. 808 (2015) pp 79-87 Vol. 808 (2015) pp 79-87 2015 2015 Civil Fuzzy Analysis For Assessment Of River Water Quality Sonal Bhugra,Sria Biswas International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology(IJRET) Vol.:4,issue -1 2015 2015 FET Civil Moddelling For Assessment Of Pollution Of A City & Optimisation Technique Of Its Control Sonal Bhugra,Dr.Srijit Biswas Vol.:2,Issue-2,pp.-68-72 2015 2015 FET Chem 13(1) 18–33, (2015) March 2015 Removal of cadmium metal from water by carbon based nanosorbents: A review Iternational Journal Of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology (IJMSET) Rajeev Kumar, Jyoti Chawla, J. Water and Health Inderpreet Kaur 38 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Publication Month Publication Year 460 FET Chem Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 461 FET ECE Pseudomonas gessardii growing cells as a Kirandeep Kaur, new biocatalyst for asymmetric synthesis of Swapandeep Singh Chimni, α-bromohydrins Harvinder Singh Saini, Bhupinder Singh Chadha Automated cardiac state diagnosis from Dipali Bansal hybrid features of ECG using neural network classifier January 2015 Vol 17 No.3 March 2015 462 FET CSE Simulation And Analysis Of AODV, DSDV And ZRP Protocol In MANET Neha Jain, Dr. Yogesh Chaba International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) Vol. 3, Issue 6, Pg 17-24 January 2015 463 FET BT 464 FET AE A rare case of mosaic 45, X/47, XX,+ 13 in 28-year-old women with secondary amenorrhoea: A case report and literature review Experimental and Computational Study on Compound Delta Wing Mohit Kumar, Vandana Lal, Meta Gene Volume 3, February 2015, Pages Shilpa Chapadgaonkar, 8–13 Saurabh Kumar Bhattacharya Md. Naimuddin, Gaurav Journal of Basic and Applied Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 47-52 2014 Chopra, Gaurav Sharma and Engineering Research Gagan Sharma 2015 2015 2014 2014 465 FAS Nutrition & Dietetics Current Status of Vitamin D Deficiency in India Urvashi Mehlawat, Priyanka International Journal of Singh and Shubhra Pande Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacotherapy (IPP) Volume 2, Issue 1,pp 328-335 2014 2014 466 FAS Nutrition & Dietetics Vitamin D Deficiency and its association with non communicable diseases Priyanka Singh, Urvashi Mehlawat and Shubhra Pande Volume 2, Issue 2,pp 336-345 2014 2014 467 FMS Management Impact of Teaching Tools in Promoting Sustainable Development Dr. Anindita Chatterjee Rao International Technology and Innovation Research Journal Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2014 2014 2014 468 FET MECH Fuzzy control of passenger ride performance using MR shock absorber suspension in quarter car model Devdutt, M.L. Aggarwal DOI 10.1007/s40435-014-0128-z 2014 2014 469 FET BT DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103583 2014 2014 470 FET MECH Vol.06 No. 2 2014 2014 471 FET AE Vol. 4, No. 1 , pp. 45-52 2014 2014 2014 Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal International Journal Biomedical Engineering and Technology International Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacotherapy (IPP) International journal of dynamics controle Transcriptome analysis of Catharanthus roseus for gene discovery and expression profiling Mohit Verma*,Rajesh PLoS One Ghangal*, Raghavendra Sharma, Alok Sinha, Mukesh Jain (* equal contribution) Increments in Gauge Length of Dinesh W Rathod MR Internatinal journal of Extensometer with Low Cost Approach – A Engineering and Technology Case Study Computational Investigation of Control Effectiveness on a Near Transition Open and Closed Axisymmetric Cavity J. Sinha, S. Das, P. Kumar and J.K. Prasad Advances in Aerospace Science and Applications Volume, Page Number and year of publication Volume 4(1), 49–54, ( 2015,) 39 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 472 FET ECE Remote Sensing and GIS Approach for Groundwater Potential Mapping in Mewat District, Haryana, India Rajvir Singh, Anup Kumar, S. K. Chakarvarti 473 FET EEE,ECE Design and Development of BCI for online acquisition, monitoring and digital processing of EEG waveforms 474 FET ECE 475 FET ECE 476 FET AE Computational Investigation of Control Effectiveness on a Near Transition Open and Closed Axisymmetric Cavity J. Sinha, S. Das, P. Kumar and J.K. Prasad 477 FET ECE Remote Sensing and GIS Approach for Groundwater Potential Mapping in Mewat District, Haryana, India Rajvir Singh, Anup Kumar, S. K. Chakarvarti 478 FET EEE,ECE Design and Development of BCI for online acquisition, monitoring and digital processing of EEG waveforms 479 FET ECE 480 FET ECE 481 FET ECE Structural and Electrical studies of template Narinder Kumar,Rajesh synthesized copper nonowires Kumar, Sushil Kumar, S. K. Chakarvarti 482 FET ECE 483 FET ECE Sustaining Security in MANET: Biometric Stationed Authentication Protocol (BSAP) Inculcating Meta- Heuristic Genetic Algorithm Recent trends in Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) research and Cognition based adaptive WBAN architecture for Healthcare Morphological and Optical Studies of Electrodeposited Selenium Nanowires Name of Journal International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering(IJIREA) Shweta Singh, Dipali Bansal International Journal Biomedical Engineering and Technology Physics of Semiconductor devices Environmental science and Engineering 2014 To verify and compare denoising of Ecg Sande Seema International journal signal using various denoising algorithms of Bhogeshwar,M.K.Soni,Dipali Biomedical Engineering and IIR and FIR filters Bansal technology Morphological and Optical Studies of Electrodeposited Selenium Nanowires Narinder Kumar,Rajesh Kumar, Sushil Kumar, S. K. Chakarvarti Advances in Aerospace Science and Applications International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering(IJIREA) Shweta Singh, Dipali Bansal International Journal Biomedical Engineering and Technology Narinder Kumar,Rajesh Kumar, Sushil Kumar, S. K. Chakarvarti Physics of Semiconductor devices Environmental science and Engineering 2014 To verify and compare denoising of Ecg Sande Seema International journal signal using various denoising algorithms of Bhogeshwar,M.K.Soni,Dipali Biomedical Engineering and IIR and FIR filters Bansal technology Current Applied Physics,Elsevier Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Vol. 1, Issue 11 2014 2014 Vol. 16, No. 4 December 2014 633-635 2014 2014 Vol 16,No.3 2014 2014 Vol. 4, No. 1 , pp. 45-52 2014 2014 2014 Vol. 1, Issue 11 2014 2014 Vol. 16, No. 4 2014 2014 633-635 2014 2014 Vol 16,No.3 2014 2014 14,1547-1552 September 2014 September 2014 sept 2014 Sherin Zafar, Prof. (Dr) M K I.J.Modern Education and Soni Computer Science Dheeraj Rathee , Rangi S, Chakarvarti S.K, Singh V.R Health and Technology, Springer ISSN: 2190-7196 ,2014 40 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 484 FET ECE Synthesis of microwires of polypyrrole via chemical polymerization using track Etch membrane as template Ravish Garg,Dinesh Kumar,S.K.Chakarvarti American Journal of material science and technology Vol 3,No.1,1-12 2014 2014 485 FET ECE Evaluation of track etch membrane as a surrogate for Ex-VIVO drug permeation studies Ravish Garg,Dinesh Kumar,S.K.Chakarvarti International journal of Pharmaceutical sciences and drug research 6(3);189-192 2014 2014 486 FET ECE A Comparative Study of Phoneme Recognition using GMM-HMM and ANN based Acoustic Modeling, Farheen Fauziya, Geeta Nijhawan International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), 98(6):12-16, 2014 2014 2014 487 FET ECE Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller to Control the Velocity and Angle of Inverted Pendulum Anita Khosla, Leena G., M.K.Soni I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications July 2014 488 FET ECE SK Chakarvarti ,NARINDER Journal of Materials Science: KUMAR ,RAJESH KUMAR Materials in Electronics ,SUSHIL KUMAR DOI 10.1007/s10854- 2052.6 july 2014 489 FET ECE Microstructural, optical and electrical investigations of large scale selenium nanowires prepared by template electrode position. A Review on the Development of Rotman Lens Antenna Shruti Vashist,Dr.M.K.Soni Chinese Journal of Engineering Volume 2014, Article ID 385385 july 2014 490 FET ECE Analysis of Rotman Lens Antenna for DifferentSubstrates for Circular Contour Shruti Vashist,Dr.M.K.Soni I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing Vol 6 No.8, 53-60,DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.,2014 july 2014 491 FET ECE Simulation and Optimization of VHDL code Naresh Grover, M.K.Soni for FPGA based design using Simulink 2014,3,22-27 June 2014 492 FET ECE Real Time Acquisition and analysis of neural response for rehabilitative control Dipali,Rashima International journal of Electrical,Electronic Vol8,issue Science5,2014 and Engineering Singh,Shweta Singh,Dheeraj Rathee,Sujit Roy june 2014 493 FET ECE Morphological and Optical Studies of Electrodeposited Selenium Nanowires Narinder Kumar,Rajesh Kumar, Sushil Kumar, S. K. Chakarvarti ,pp. 633-635,2014 may 2014 494 FET ECE ABC algorithm based interval type 2 fuzzy logic controller for an inverted pendulum Anita khosla, Lenna.g,M.K.Soni Vol 6,No.6 ,2014 may 2014 495 FET ECE A Study of Nanocrystalline CdTe Type (II) A Watts, S.K.Chakarvarti, A International Journal of Quantum Dot Based Hetero Structures Waheed*, G.R.Mitchell ,Key Economics and Management Server Engineering(UK), Feb apr 2014 I.J.Information Engineering and Electronic business Physics of Semiconductor Devices(Book, Part VI), ENVIRONMENT SCIENCE & ENGINEERING International journal of Intelligent system and applications Vol. 4 Iss.2, PP.51-54 41 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt 496 FET ECE 497 FET 498 Title of Paper Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Algorithm for online detection of HRV from Dipali Bansal, V.R.Singh coherent ECG and carotid pulse wave Int. J. Biomedical Engineering and Technology , Vol. 14, No. 4, 2014, pp: 333 343, 2014 apr 2014 ECE Real Time Speaker Recognition System for Geeta Nijhawan, M.K Soni Hindi Words International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business(IJIEEB) pp 35-40, DOI: 10.5815/ijieeb.2014, apr 2014 FET ECE A Real Time Set Up for Retrieval of Emotional States from Human Neural Responses 8(3), 16 - 21.March 2014 march 2014 499 FET ECE Real Time Acquisition & Psychoacoustic Analysis of Brain Wave Vol:8 No:3, 2014 march 2014 500 FET ECE Speaker Recognition using Support Vector Machine 5 feb 2014 501 FET ECE Design of FPGA based 32-bit Floating Point Naresh Grover, M.K.Soni Arithmetic Unit and verification of its VHDL code using MATLAB PP.1-14, Pub. DOI: 10.5815/ijieeb ,2014 feb 2014 502 FET ECE Modified Switching Characteristics of Carbon Nanotubes Blended with Type II CdTe quantam dots Vol. 5 Issue 1, p594 jan 2014 503 FET ECE A Novel Crypt- Biometric Perception Algorithm to Protract Security in MANET WATTS, A.; GREEN, M.; International Journal of WAHEED, A.; Pharma and Bio Sciences CHAKARVARTI, S. K.; FARMER, M Sherin Zafar, Prof. (Dr) M K I.J. Computer Network and Soni Information Security January 2014 504 FET ECE Sustaining Security in MANET through Biometric Technique Inculcating MetaHeuristic Algorithm Sherin Zafar, Prof. (Dr) M K Engineering Sciences Soni International Research Journal 2014 2014 505 FET ECE Design and Performance Analysis of Wide angle Microwave Lens for Wireless Communication Shruti Vashist,M.K.Soni International Journal of Computer Applications(ISSN0975-8887) jan 2014 506 FET ECE Realization of ZRP,AODV and DSR models based on varied mobility Noor Fatima Rizvi International journal of Engineering and technology Vol4 ,no.10 Oct 2014 507 FET CSE Two queue based scheduling algorithm for Srishty Jindal CPU Scheduling Priyanka Grover Issue 5, Volume 105, pg n. 21-24 ISSN (0975-8887) November 2014 Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Mahajan, R. ; Bansal, Dipali World Academy of Science, ; Singh, S. Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 87, International Journal of Medical, Pharmaceutical Singh, S. ; Bansal, Dipali ; World Academy of Science, Mahajan R. Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 87, International Journal of Medical, Pharmaceutical Ms.Geeta International Journal Of Nijhawan,Dr.M.k.Soni Computer Applications International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business(IJIEEB) International Journal for Computer Application Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014 Volume 85 – No 12, January 2014 42 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 508 FET CSE Enhancing Network Security and Performance using Optimized ACLs Kuldeep Tomar, S. S. Tyagi 509 FET CSE Quantifying the Impact of Flood Attack on Transport Layer Protocol Kuldeep Tomar, S. S. Tyagi 510 FET CSE HTTP Packet Inspection Policy for improving internal Network Security Kuldeep Tomar, S. S. Tyagi 511 FET CSE 512 FET 513 Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year International Journal in Foundations of Computer Science and Technology(IJFCST) International Journal on Computational Sciences & Applications (IJCSA) Vol. 4, No. 6, Pg 25-35 November 2014 Vol. 4, No. 6, Pg 79-87 December 2014 International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security Vol. 6, No. 11,PP- 35-42 OCTOBER 2014 Understanding change proneness in Object Deepa Bura Oriented software International Journal for Computer Application Vol. 107, No. 1, Pg 7-12 December 2014 CSE Dynamic Rule Based Traffic Analysis in NIDS Kuldeep Tomar, S. S. Tyagi, Rachna Gupta International Journal of Information & Computation Technology(IJICT) ISSN 0974-2239 Volume 4, Number 14 (2014), pp. 1429-1436 February 2014 FET CSE Time Quantum based CPU Scheduling Algorithm Mayank Parashar,Amit Chugh International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 98– No.3, July 2014, pg n. 45-48 ISSN (0975-8887) JULY 2014 514 FET CSE A New Hybrid Model for Predicting Change Deepa Godara Prone Class in Object Oriented Software Volume 5, Issue 7, Pg 1-6, July 2014 July 2014 515 FET CSE Overview - Snort Intrusion Detection System in Cloud Environment International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications International Journal of Information & Computation Technology(IJICT) Volume 4, Number 3 pp. 329334,(2014), ISSN 0974-2239. February 2014 516 FET CSE IDS in cloud environment as service based Kuldeep Tomar, manner S. S. Tyagi, Priyanka International Journal of Information & Computation Technology(IJICT) Volume 4, Number 3 (2014), ISSN 0974-2239. February 2014 517 FET CSE Analysis of ACL in ASA firewall Kuldeep Tomar, S. S. Tyagi, Harsh Chawla International Journal of Information & Computation Technology(IJICT) Volume 4, Number 1 pp. 53-58 (2014), ISSN 0974-2239. February 2014 518 FET CSE Study of Protocols Associated Security Attacks and Proposing Simplified Method for Improvisation Kuldeep Tomar, S. S. Tyagi International Journal of Information & Computation Technology (IJICT) ISSN 0974-2239 Volume 4, Number 14 (2014), pp. 1395-1402. February 2014 519 FET CSE Analysis of Node Behavior for Multi Channel Kanika Garg, Rishi Pal Environment in Mobile- Ad hoc Networks Singh, Ritu Journal of Next Generation Information Technology Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 32 - 37, 2014 July 2014 Kuldeep Tomar, S. S. Tyagi, Richa Agrawal Name of Journal 43 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 520 FET CSE Performance Evaluation of Secure and Efficient AODV (SE-AODV) using NS2 Meeta Singh International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Vol. 97 No. 17, Pg 9-13, 2014 July 2014 521 FET CSE Simulation based performance analysis of ZRP in MANET Neha Jain, Dr.Yogesh Chaba International Journal of Computer Applications Issue 4, Volume 88, pg n. 47-52 ISSN (0975-8887) February 2014 522 FET Civil Modern technology for design of turbo foundation structural engineering using a comparative study of two dimensional and three dimensional stresses using finite element method comparasion of two and three dimenaional estimated stresses during vertical excavation using finite element method Estimation of vertical stresses during vertical excavation using finite element method in two dimnesional simulation Dr Sanjay Gupta Imternational journals of civil engineering and applications ISSN 2249-ISSN 2278-3652,Volume 5, Number 1 2014 2014 2014 523 FET Civil Dr Sanjay Gupta Imternational journals of civil engineering and applications ISSN 2278--3652,Volume 5, Number 1 2014 , PP 91-90 2014 2014 524 FET CIVIL Dr Sanjay Gupta Imternational journals of civil ISSN 2278-3652,Volume 5, Number engineering and applications 2 2014 , PP 191-196 2014 2014 525 FET Civil Analysis of structural dyanamics turbogenerator load on foundation structure for estimation of stresses during vertical excvation using finitelement method of self compacting concrete Behaviour using OPC and PPC with different proportions of fly ash Dr Sanjay Gupta Imternational journals of civil engineering and applications ISSN 2278--3652,Volume 2, Number 1 2014 , PP 197-202 2014 2014 526 FET Civil Mohammad Kamran, Mudit International Journal of Mishra Research in Engineering and Technology Eissn:2319-1163, N52Pissn:23217308 2014 2014 527 FET AUTO Statistical Analysis Of Diesel Engine Performance For Castor And Jatropha Biodiesel-Blended Fuel Devendra Vashist International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering volume 10, pp. 2155-2169, JulyDecember 2014 Dec 2014 528 FET AUTO Performance of single-cylinder compression Devendra Vashist ignition engine with indigenous castor oil bio diesel International Journal of Automotive Engineering and technologies volume 3, issue 2, 44-53, 2014 June 2014 529 FET H&M Students’ perspective of parameters affecting the quality of education in undergraduate engineering institution based on factor analysis / loadings ABSR: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Journal Volume:2, Issue:1(February 201 4), pg:8-21 feb 2014 530 FET H&M Students’ perspective of most to least Dr. Neeraj Kumari preferred parameters affecting the quality of education in an affiliated undergraduate engineering institution in Haryana Pak Publishing group: International Journal of Education and Practice May 2014, vol. 2(5), pp. 111-125 May 2014 531 FET H&M Psychological impact of layoffs on the existing employees ABSR: Management and Administrative Sciences Review Vol 3, No 5, July 2014, pp. 729-743 july 2014 Neeraj Kumari, Dr. Deepak Kumar Dr. Neeraj Kumari 44 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper 532 FET H&M Study of Factories Act Provisions and Dr. Neeraj Kumari, Rajnish Industrial Relations in Manufacturing Sector Ratna Journal of Public Policy & Governance (JPPG) 533 FET H&M 534 FET H&M 535 FET H&M Statistical analysis of students’ perspective Dr. Neeraj Kumari (age wise, gender wise and year wise) of parameters affecting the quality of education in an affiliated undergraduate engineering institution:(Stream-Wise) A case study of Students’ Perspectives Dr. Neeraj Kumari Parameters Affecting Education Quality in an Affiliated Undergraduate Engineering Institution Employees’ Psychology towards Corporate Dr. Neeraj Kumari Social Responsibility Activities: A live study 536 FET H&M Most to least preferred parameters affecting the quality of education: Faculty perspective Dr. Neeraj Kumari 537 FET H&M Emotional Intelligence as a predictor of conflict resolution style Dr. Neeraj Kumari 538 FET H&M Role of HR in designing & implementing the Dr. Neeraj Kumari competency models 539 FET H&M Improving organisational culture in Indian IT companies Dr. Neeraj Kumari 540 FET EEE Various Control Techniques and their Performance Analysis for Inverted Pendulum. Anita Khosla, Dr. Leena G.. Dr. M. K. Soni 541 FET EEE Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller for an Inverted Pendulum system. Anita Khosla, Dr. Leena G.. Dr. M. K. Soni 542 FET EEE ABC Algorithm based IT2, Fuzzy Controller Anita Khosla, Dr. Leena G.. Dr. M. K. Soni 543 FET EEE A set of Stabilizing PID Controllers for Multi Leena G., G. Ray input-Multi output systems Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Vol. 1, No. 1, 2014, pp. 45-50 july 2014 Palgo Journal of Education Research Volume 2 Issue 1,July 2014, pp. 42 56 july 2014 The East Asian Journal of Business Management (EAJBM) vol. 4, no. 3, Aug 2014, pp. 13-18 july 2014 Asian Economic and Social vol. 4, issue 6, Jun 2014, pp. 733Society (AESS): 742 International Journal of Asian Social Science The Journal of Asian Vol 1, No. 3, 2014, pp. 37-42 Finance, Economics and Business (JAFEB) jun 2014 Sept 2014 Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2015, pp. 1-14 Oct 2014 Vol. 2, Issue 4, Oct. 2014, pp. 8389 Oct 2014 Vol. 3, Issue 7, Nov. 2014, pp. 10621077 Nov 2014 ACEEE ' International Jornal on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology' Vol 11, No 11, pp 92-101 JULY 2014 Intelligent Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA), MECS Publisher, ISSN: 2074-904X (Print), ISSN:2074-9058 International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (MECS Publishers) International Journal of Control & Automation. Vol 7, pp-44-51 JUNE 2014 Vol 6.No.6 May, 14, pp-29-36 MAY 2014 Vol. 7, No.4, 2014, PP 175-190 APRIL 2014 Science Alert: Research Journal of Business Management Science and Education Publishing: Journal of Business and Management Sciences ABSR: Management and Administrative Sciences Review 45 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt 544 FET EEE 545 FET 546 Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year VOL NO 1, PP-25-31, 2014 Jan 2014 Vol-8,No. 1 jan,2014 2014 Performance Evaluation of Signal Strength Sudesh pahal, and Residual Time based Vertical Handover Brahmajit Singh, Ashok in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Arora INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND NETWORK TECHNOLOGY MECH Fuzzy logic control of semi-Active quarter car system Mr Devdutt international journal of mechanical,industrial science and engineering FET MECH formulation of interprative structure modeling of gastrointestinal motility international journal of biomedical and advance research ISSN:2229-3809(online) journal DOI:10.7439 1-May-14 2014 547 FET MECH passenger seat vibration control of semiactive Quarter Car system with fuzzy controler Abhishek kumar, jaswant singh, B.S.Gill and varun gehani Mr Devdutt YMCAUST International journal of research Volume 2, No 1,pp-6-14 Jan-14 2014 548 FET MECH Structural equation modeling (SEM) Prashant tripathi technique ,lean manufacturing technique to improve production of firm Int. journal of electronic,electrical and mechanical fundamentals. Vol-14 3rd March, 2014 2014 549 FET MECH passenger seat vibration control of quarter Devdutt, car system with MR shock Absorber M.L. Aggarwal Vol-8, no -5,may 2014 May-14 2014 550 FET MECH use of simulation driven design for new product development Shweta bisht , Neeraj lamba international journal of coputer ,information,mechatronics,sy stem sciences and engimeering journal of International emerging technologies ISSN: 0975-8364 ISSN No. online: 2249-3255, 5(1),201-205,5th may 2014 11th june 2014 2014 551 FET MECH Comparative analysis of passanger ride comfort using verious semi active suspension alternatives Devdutt, M.L. Aggarwal Vol-3, no -3, pg-79-89,2014 Aug-14 2014 552 FET MECH Optimization of Ra with MRR on HSS T42 steel using ANN Approach during WEDM U.K. Vates, N.K. singh R.V. Singh, Internationa journal of recent advances in Mechanical Engineering IJMECH international journal of mechanical,Mechatronics engineering Vol ume 14 ,No 01, fabruary 2014 fabruary 2014 2014 553 FET MECH ANN Modelling and optimization of Ra with U.K. Vates, corrosponding MRR on HSS T42 steel using N.K. singh WEDM process R.V. Singh, international journal of mechanical,Mechatronics engineering Vol ume 14 ,No 03, june 2014 Jun-14 2014 554 FET MECH U.K. Vates, R.V. Singh, N.K. singh International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Vol5, Issue1, january 2014 Jan-14 2014 555 FET MECH Modelling of process parameters on D2 steel using Wire Electrical Discharge Machining with combined approach of RSM and ANN role of lean manufacturing and supply chain charecteristics in accessing the manufacturing performance Rajender Kumar, V kumar sultan singh Uncertain supply chain msnagement/Growing science 2014 27-Jul-14 2014 46 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 556 FET MECH Effect of alloying content on surface roughness of die material at optimal parametriccondition using WEDM R.V. Singh U.K. Vates International Journal of Applied engineering research Volume 9, Number 19,pp-52995310,2014 2014 2014 557 FET MECH investigation on Metallurgical properties of Dinesh Rathod Buttering Deposits prepared with Paste Technique MR International journal of Engineering and Technology Volume 6, Number 1,pp-1-6 Jun-14 2014 558 FET MECH Metallurgical characterization and Diffusion Studies of Succcessively Buttered Deposit of Ni-Fe Alloy and Inconel on SA508 Ferritic Steel Metallurgical characterization of Buttering Deposits ISIJ International journal Volume 54, Number 8, pp-1866-1875 May-14 2014 559 FET MECH MR International journal of Engineering and Technology Volume 6, Number 1,pp-1-6 Jun-14 2014 560 FET MECH Optimization of Quality and Performance of Khomdram Herojit singh Brake Pads Using Taguchi 's Approach Abhishek kumar Rajender kumar International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 5, Number 7,pp-1-6 Jul-14 2014 561 FET MECH Design and comparative performance analysis of Two wheeler connecting rod using two different materials namely carbon 70 steel and Aluminium 7068 by Finitestudy Eliment Case on Analysis design and optimization of industrial A.C Assembly line Sushant Victor Gambhir International journal of research in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering Vol-2, issue-6 pgs-63-78 ISSN(ONLINE):2321-3051 Jun-14 2014 562 FET MECH Koshal singh yadav R.V. Singh, International journal of research in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering Vol-2, issue-6 pgs-145-154 ISSN(ONLINE):2321-3051 Jun-14 2014 563 FET MECH Cateogrizing productivity issues using ISM kunwar luvkumar solanki International journal of research in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering Vol-2, issue-6 pgs-96-105 ISSN(ONLINE):2321-3051 Jun-14 2014 564 FET MECH Cateogrizing productivity issues using ISM kunwar luvkumar solanki International journal of research in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering Vol-2, issue-6 pgs-96-105 ISSN(ONLINE):2321-3051 Jun-14 2014 565 FET MECH The effect of Inventory Management on Organizational performance Pawan kumar R N Behal International journal of Innovative Science ,Engineering & Technology Vol-1, issue-4 pgs-453-468 ISSN(ONLINE):2348-7968 Jun-14 2014 566 FET MECH Effect of Lean Principals on organizational efficiency Rajender Kumar, V kumar sultan singh IJ of Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol-592-594,pp-2613-2918 Jun-14 2014 567 FET MECH Design and analysis of Motorbike Connecting rod by FEM Rajnish Saxena MR Internatinal journal of Engineering and Technology Vol-6,no-1,2014 Jun-14 2014 Dinesh Rathod Sivandam Aravindan Pawan kumar singh Sunil Panday Dinesh Rathod 47 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 568 FET 569 Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year PHY Investigation of Energetic Ion Induced Mixing in Bi/Ge System Nisha Bansal, Sarvesh Radiation Effects and Defects Kumar, Deepti Pratap, Saif in Solids Ahmad Khan, R.S. Chauhan Vol. 169, No. 10, 855–861 November 2014 FET PHY Variation of the O+ ion density during low and high solar activity as measured by the SROSS-C2 satellite Ananna Bardhan, Dinesh Kumar Sharma, Sarvesh Kumar and Jagdish Rai Atmósfera Vol. 27(3), pp: 227-237 (2014) July 2014 570 FET MATHS Neeraj Kumari, Deepak Kumar Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Journal 571 FET CHEM Students’ Perspective of Parameters Affecting the Quality of Education in Undergraduate Engineering Institution Based on Factor Analysis/Loadings Removal of cadmium ion from water/wastewater by nano-metal oxides Volume: 2, Issue: 1 (Feb.), Pages: 821. Feb. 2014 2014 5(4) :215-226 (2014). November 2014 572 FET CHEM Effect of inhibitors during acodic corrosion Mukta sharma & Gurmeet of mild steel by IR spectroscopic techniquie Singh International Journal of Chemistry Vol 35, Issue no.2, pages 16731682 October 2014 573 FET CHEM ―Optimization of Parameters for purification Sangita Banga, Pradeep K. of Jatropha Curcas Based Biodiesel using Varshney and Naveen Organic Adsorbents‖ Kumar, Madan Pal Singh International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER) Vol4,No.3 August 2014 574 FET CHEM Carbon NanoTubes: A review on Synthesis, Kalpna Varshney Properties and Applications. International Journal ofEngineering Research and General Science Vol-2, issue-4, 2014 July 2014 575 FET BT The use of Lac Z marker in enumeration of Manu Solanki and F C Garg Azotobacter chroococcum in carrier based inoculants Brazilian Journal of microbiology Vol 45(2) 595-601 Sep, 2014 2014 576 FET BT Plant growth promoting activities of rhizobacteria associated with tomato in semi-arid region Volume 1, Number 1, pp.43-54, Aug-14 2014 6 (4), 2014, 234-236 Aug-14 2014 Vol 57, n.3, pp-317-325 May- Jun, 2014 2014 Vol 41, No. 6, pp 1035-1038 Mar-14 2014 13(1):63-77 Jan, 2014 Rajeev Kumar, Jyoti Chawla Water Quality, Exposure and Health. Pratibha Prashar, Neera Kapoor, Sarita Sachdeva Advances in Life Sciences and Health 577 FET BT Two extremely rare homozygosity cases of Mohit Kumar, Atul Thatai, pericentric inversion of chromosome 9 with Shilpa S Chapadgaonkar Down Syndrome DER PHARMACIA LETTRE 578 FET BT Abhilasha Shourie, Pushpa Brazilian Archives of Biology Tomar, Deepika Srivastava, and Technology Rahul Chauhan 579 FET BT Enhanced biosynthesis of Quercetin occurs as a photoprotective measure in Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. under acute UV-B exposure Amino acid supplementation enhances urokinase production by HT1080 cells Shilpa S. Khaparde and Pradeep K. Roychoudhury (Shilpa C.) Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 580 FET BT Rhizosphere: its structure, bacterial diversity and significance Pratibha Prashar, Neera Kapoor, Sarita Sachdeva Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technolog 2014 48 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 581 FAS Nutrition & Dietetics 582 FAS Physiotherapy 583 FET 584 Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Rates of respiratory virus – associated hospitalization in children aged<5 years in rural Northern India Bharti G. Pandey and Pratibha Singh Journal of Infection Ø 3.11.005 2014 2013 Strain-Counterstrain technique for immediate relief of trapezitis in sitting job professionals Varsha Chorsiya International Journal of Scientific Research 2013; 2(6); pp 411-412 2013 2013 Civil Comparative Studies between physical and Shashi Tiwari, Chemical based adsorbents for Carbon P. Albino kumar Dioxide uptake-A litrature review International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Vol. 8. No. 5 ISSN: 0973-4562 2012 2013 FET Civil Assessment of TDS for ground water and Reverse osmosis rejects-A review International Journal of Environmental Research and Development Vol. 3(4). 2013 , pp 93-95 2012 2013 585 FET Chem Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic Vol. 96, pp 67– 74, 2013 2012 2013 586 FAS FAS Vol. 1,No.-2,13-16 2010 2013 587 FAS FAS Vol 2, No 1 (2013) 2010 2013 588 FAS FAS Indian Journal of Nutrition & Dietetics 2012 2010 2013 589 FCA Vol 5, No 1 2010 2013 590 10(3), 73-77, 2013 2010 2013 4(6), 11-18, 2013 2010 2013 2(9), 2510-2520 2009 2013 62,6, 12-17 2009 2013 Shashi Tiwari, P. Albino kumar Highly enantioselective kinetic resolution Swapandeep Singh Chimni, of trans-2-(phenylthio)cyclohexanol Kirandeep Kaur, Neeraj derivatives by immobilized Candida Bala. antartica B lipase. Effect of Training on selected Biochemical G.L Khanna variables of Elite Male Swimmers Name of Journal American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Effects of a TGfU Training Model Between Mini Game Performance and Pulse Rate and Cardiovascular Fitness Among India Junior Hockey Players Status of select exercise groups of Indian Athletes in the sports training camp i Sanmuga Nathan, G. L. The Global Journal of Health Khanna, Shishir Nigam, Ajay and Physical Education Bansal, M. K. Kaushik Pedagogy FCA Algorithm to filter & Redirect the web content for kids Neha Gupta Internatioanl Journal of Engineering and Technology FCA Computer Appl. A new approach for location based tracking Shaveta Bhatia, Assistant esor International Journal of Computer Science issues 591 FCA Computer Appl. Micro address recorder for location tracking Shaveta Bhatia, Assistant esor Journal of Global Research in Computer Sceinec 592 FCA Computer Appl. Evaluation of Micro address recorder for location tracking Shaveta Bhatia, Assistant esor International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology 593 FCA Computer Appl. Role of Web Content Mining in Kid's based Mobile Search Neha Gupta, Assistant esor International Journal of Computer Applications G.L Khanna 49 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 594 FCH JMC Social Justice in India Suresh Chandra Nayak Academicia 3 2009 2013 595 FCH JMC Maternal and Child health: A challenge of the Millennium Development goals Suresh Chandra Nayak Trans Asian Research Journal 2 Nov-13 2013 596 FCH JMC Mass media and social responsibility Suresh Chandra Nayak Academicia 2 May-13 2013 597 FCH JMC Status of Women in India: A socio-legal study Suresh Chandra Nayak Zenith International Journal Sep-13 2013 598 FCH JMC Female Actress in Lead Role in Bollywood Movies: The Portrayal of Indian Women Through Commercial and Parallel Cinema Suman Kumari EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies Vol.3(4), pg-25-31, April, 2013 Mar-13 2013 599 FCH JMC Various Issues of Representation of Women in Indian Cinema Suman Kumari TRANS Asian Research Journals Vol.2, Issue-9, 81-86 September, 2013 Sep-13 2013 600 FMS Management Skills Augmentation Readymade Garment Industry Vol. 6, No. II July- Dec – 2013 ., 59-64 Nov-13 2013 601 FMS Management Book review: Another Man's Wife Journal of Human and Work Vo. 1, No. 1, Jan.- July 2013, 89- 90 Management Jul-13 2013 602 FMS Management Rising contribution of Tertiary sectors to economic growth in India Journal of Services Research Sep-13 2013 603 FET H&M vol. 2, issue 2, Dec. 2013, pp. 46-61 2013 2013 604 FET BT In Silico Prediction of miRNA in Curcuma longa and their Role in Human Metabolomics Rashmi Rameshwari, Divya Singhal, Rachit Narang, Apurvi Maheshwari, T. V. Prasad. International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research Vol.4(2).P-1116-1122, 2013 2013 2013 605 FET BT Evaluation Of Different Agricultural Residues For Productivity And Morphological Variations In Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus spp.) Anupama Garg Internet Journal of Microbiology Volume 12 Number 1. 2013 2013 606 FET ECE ABC Algorithm based Fuzzy Controller to Control the Velocity and Angle of an Inverted Pendulum M.K.Soni European Journal of Scientific Research Vol.110 No4, Aug, 13, ISSN 1450216X/1450-202X, Pp493-500. Aug-13 2013 Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Neelam Agrawal, Anindita Chatterjee Chavi Bhargava Sharma Gautam Negi, Shri Prakash& Sudhi Sharma Name of Journal IMED –JMSR, ISSN No. 09758429 Faculty perspective (age wise, gender wise Neeraj Kumari, V.K. Mahna International Journal of and work experience wise) of parameters & Ruchi Malhotra Management Issues & affecting the undergraduate engineering Research education: A live study 50 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 607 FET 608 Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year PHY High-Quality Nanocrystalline ZnO films deposited by the Aom Beam Sputtering Agarwal, D. C.; Sivakumar, J NanoEng. and Nanomanuf., V. V.; Kabiraj, D.; Kulriya, P. K.; Sulania, I.; Avasthi, D. K. Vol. 3 pp:331 (2013) July 2013 2013 FET ECE A Discrete wavelet transform Singular value Pooja,Jyoti,Meenakshi decomposition based watermarking technique for digital images. International Journal of Computational Engineering research Vol 03, Issue 6, 2013 2013 2013 609 FET ECE A New Design Approach for Speaker Recognition Using MFCC and VAD Internation Journal of Image Graphics and Signal Processings Volume 9, Page43-49, 2013 2013 2013 610 FET ECE A Novel Routing Scheme for Mobile Ad HoC M.K.Soni Network International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security (IJCNIS) No.4, Volume & Issue 5, April 2013, pp17-24. Apr-13 2013 611 FET CSE A Review of Efficient Clustering Algorithms Kanika Garg, used in MANET Lalit Kumar International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) Vol : 2, Issue-4, 2013, Pg: 49-56 September 2013 2013 612 FET BT A Review on Current Research Advancement on Wilt Disease of Psidium Guajava L. with Special Reference to Management Nidhi Didwania, D Sadana, N Katyal International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (ISSN 2221-8386) Volume 3 No 1, 2013 Jan-13 2013 613 FET H&M A Study of the Recruitment and Selection process: HCL Technologies Neeraj Kumari & Ruchi Malhotra International Journal of Business and Economic Research (IJBER) (ISSN 2306 9074) Vol 1 Issue 1, Jan 2013 Jan-13 2013 614 FET EEE ABC Algorithm based IT, Fuzzy Controller Anita Khosla, Leena G.. M. International Journal of K. Soni Intelligent Systems and Applications (MECS Publishers) Accepted in 2013 2013 2013 615 FET EEE ABC Algorithm based IT2 Fuzzy Controller Anita Khosla, Leena G.. M. International Journal of K. Soni Intelligent Systems and Applications (MECS Publishers) Accepted in 2013 2013 616 FET EEE ABC based fuzzy controller for an inverted pendulum Anita Khosla, Leena G., M. K. Soni European Journal of Scientific Research Vol 110, No.4, PP-493-500 Aug-13 2013 617 FET BT Azolla: Role in Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals Sarita Sachdeva & Anita Sharma International Journal of Engineering Sciences 2013, pp 9- 14 2013 2013 Geeta Nizhawan and M.K. Soni Name of Journal 51 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 618 FET 619 BT Biocontrol of Plant Pathogens using Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria Pratibha Prashar, Neera Kapoor, Sarita Sachdeva FET BT Cadaverine: A Lysine Catabolite Involved in Pushpa C.Tomar Plant Growth and Development. . 620 FET ECE Comparative anti microbial activities of Journal of Bio-nanoscience concentration dependent water suspended Shilpa J. Newati, Varsha M. powedered commercial Zinc Oxide and Zinc Singh, Sarita Sachdeva, and Oxide nano particles Riaz A Khan 621 FET EEE Computer Based Model to Filter Real Time Acquired Human Carotid Pulse Dipali Bansal 622 FET H&M Confessional Autobiographical Poetry of Anne Sexton and Sarojini Naidu, A Tale of Victimhood and Empowerment Jyoti Sharma 623 FET PHY Correlation of interlayer diffusion with the Neeru Sehdev, Rohi Medwal, J Mat. Sci. stoichiometric composition of RF sputtered Dinesh Chana Agrawal, S. Pt/Co/Pt sandwiched structures Annapoorni 624 FET ECE Design of 50 Hz notch filter circuits for better detection of online ECG 625 FET ECE Design of Uhf Band Microstrip-Fed Antenna Leeza Bansal, Davinder for Rfid Applications Parkash, Arun Kumar IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE) 626 FET H&M Effective Performance Management System Neeraj Kumari & Ruchi For Enhancing Growth Malhotra Global Management Journal (GMJ) (ISSN 2080-2951) 627 FET MECH Flux Ehnhancement by Shear Free Surfaces Seema Mahto in a Turbulent Convection Snigdha Lal V N Bartaria International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 628 FET AUTO /MATHS Fuzzy procedure for the selection of car among various brands Dipali Bansal Devena Vashist & Vijay Kumar Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Vol. 12, PP 319-360 2013 2013 8:10, e25850; October 2013. Oct. 2013 2013 Vol 7,No.3, 260-264 (2013) Jun-13 2013 Signal Processing International Journal (SPIJ) Volume (7) : Issue (1) : 2013; pp: 42 – 51 2013 2013 International Journal of English and Literature Vol. 1, Issue 2, Aug 2013, 57-65, ;ISSN (Print): 2249-6912;EISSN:2249-8028;: pg; 115-122 2013 2013 Vol 48 pp:3192 (2013) 2013 2013 Vol. 13, No. 1, 2013,pp 30-48 2013 2013 Vol 8,isssue 5 Dec-13 2013 Vol 4, No 1 & 2, 2013 issue Feb-13 2013 ISSN 2277-8616, Vol1, Issue1 2013 2013 ISSN 0974-3154 Volume 6,Number 3 (2013) pp 337-342 Sep-13 2013 Sustainable Agricultural Review Plant Signaling and Behavior Int. J. Biomedical Engineering and Technology, (IJBET) International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 52 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 629 FET ECE Image Registration Methods: A Short Review Sunanda Gupta, S. K. Chakarvarti 630 FET ECE Impact of NP-Complete in Triangle Segments Tree Energy Efficiency Model in Wireless Sensor Networks 631 FET H&M 632 FET ECE 633 FET PHY 634 FET PHY Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Vol. 1 No. 1,Dec. 2013 pp. 39-49 . Dec-13 2013 Kaebeh Yaeghoobi J. Basic. Appl. Sci. , M.K.Soni, S.S.Tyagi, Omid Mahdi Ebadati E ISSN 2090-4304, J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res., 3(9) pp262-269, 2013. 2013 2013 Importance of work life balance for better productivity Neeraj Kumari SCIKNOW: Psychology and Social Behavior Research August 2013, Volume 1, Number 3, pg 64-69 Aug-13 2013 In Silico designed self assembled, functionalized single walled carbon nanotubes and deoxyribose nucleic acids bioconjugate as probable biomolecular transporters Investigation of ion beam mixing threshold value in Mn/Si system using swift heavy ions Varsha Singh Journal of Bio Nano Science vol 7 Nov-13 2013 Volume 168, Issue 7-8, pp: 607614, (2013) May-13 2013 Vol. 8 pp:336 (2013) Sep-13 2013 635 FET BT 636 FET 637 638 Ion-beam generated surface ripples: New insight in the underlying mechanism Name of Journal American Journal of Algorithms and Computing Deepti Pratap, Vijay Kumar, Radiation Effects & Defects Anshul Jain, A. Gupta, in Solid Sarvesh Kumar, I. Sulania, A. Tripathi, R. S. Chauhan Tanuj Kumar, Ashish Kumar, Nanoscale Res. Lett., Dinesh Chana Agarwal, Nirnjan Prasad Lalla and Dinakar Kanjilal Isolation and characterization of Bacillus sp Pratibha Prashar, Neera with in-vitro antagonistic activity against Kapoor, Sarita Sachdeva Fusarium oxysporum from rhizsophere of tomato Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology Vol 15: 1501-1512 Mar-13 2013 CIVIL Modeling for Assured Quality Control in Flexible Pavements through e-Control – A case study Srijit Biswas, Bant Singh International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER) Vol-4, No-4 , pp 1321- 1329 Sep-13 2013 FET CIVIL Modification of Acceptance Criteria of Sample Testing in Flexible Pavements Srijit Biswas, Bant Singh International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER) Vol-4, No-6,June-2013, pp-12321243 ( On line : IJSER © 2013 http://www ) Nov-13 2013 FET ECE Morphology and Optical Properties of Template Synthesized Copper- Telluride Nanowires, Suresh Kumar, Virender Singh, A.Vohra and S.K.Chakarvarti American Journal of Material Science & Technology Vol1,74-85 Jul-13 2013 53 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 639 FET H&M Performance Appraisal- Management by Objective- Modern Approaches to Performance Appraisal Brijesh Kishore Goswami, Sujata, Mamta Sharma Volume-7, Issue- 5, PP. 24-28, 2013 Sep-13 2013 640 FET ECE Preparation and field emission study of low S.K.Chakarvarti dimensional ZnS arrays and tubules Journal of Experimental Nanoscience (Accepted), May 2013 May-13 2013 641 FET BT Journal of Bionanoscience 642 FET MECH Preparation of Supramolecular λ Varsha M. Singh, Shilpa J. Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid and, Multi-Walled Newati, Riaz A. Khan Carbon Nanotube Bioconjugate (λ-DNA-MWCNT) Towards Prototype Biosensor Development Reduction of Rejected Components in an Mayank Jha Automobile Assembly Line Using Quality Tools Volume 7, Number 4, August 2013 , pp. 420-425(6) Sep-13 2013 ISSN:2278-0041 Pg. 13-17 Mar-13 2013 643 FET AUTO Some Studies on Advanced Technologies Used in Automobiles Devena Vashist & Paramjeet International Journal of Singh Engineering Research and Technology S.K.Chakarvarti Radiation Measurements ISSN 0974-3154 Volume 6,Number 3 (2013) pp 343-350 Sep-13 2013 644 FET ECE Study of Radon Diffusion from RHAModified Ordinary Portland Cement Using SSNTD Technique Vol.50, Pages 109–111 Mar-13 2013 645 FET CHEM Surface Characterization of Mild Steel in acidic medium and in presence of surfactants Mukta sharma & Gurmeet Singh International Journal of Chemistry Vol 24, Issue no.2, pages1261-1264 Sep-13 2013 646 FET MECH Sustainable manufacturing - Need to shift inparadigm of Indian Manufacturing Rajesh Goel & Ran Vijay Singh Nov-13 2013 ECE Synthesis of reversible Multiplexer Sumit Gugnani, Arvind sharma International Journal of Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 2013, pp (164Enhanced research in 170) Science Technology and Engineering - ISSn 23197463 (International journal IJSER July 2013, 1859-1863 of scientific and engineering research) 647 FET Jul-13 2013 648 FET H&M Understanding the employees’ psychology towards Ethical Business and Corporate Social Responsibility activities Neeraj Kumari Volume 1, 2013, pg 9-16 Sep-13 2013 649 FET H&M A study on the OCTAPACE culture of an organization Neeraj Kumari Whites Science - European Journal of Innovative Business Management (EJIBM) SCIKNOW: Open Journal of Social Science Research Nov. 2013, Volume 1, Number 8, pg 211-225 Nov. 2013 2013 650 FET H&M A study showing the correlation between parameters affecting the undergraduate engineering education: faculty perspective Neeraj Kumari, V.K. Mahna Entrepreneurship and & Ruchi Malhotra Innovation Management Journal Volume:1, Issue:1 (November 2013), pg 41-49 Nov. 2013 2013 IOSR Journals of Business and Management JBM European Journal of Applied Engineering and Scientific Research 54 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 651 FET H&M Factors influencing the HRD climate of an organization Neeraj Kumari 652 FET H&M Faculty Perspective (qualifications wise) of Parameters Affecting the Undergraduate Engineering Education: A Live Study 653 FET H&M Impact of perceived fairness of Performance Appraisal on employee performance Neeraj Kumari 654 FET H&M Importance of work life balance for better productivity 655 FET H&M 656 FET H&M Students’ perspective of parameters affecting the quality of education in undergraduate engineering institution based on factor analysis / loadings Training: First step to improve the culture of the organization 657 FET H&M PORTRAYAL OF WOMEN CHARACTERS IN Sujata THE WORKS OF ANITA MAZUMDAR DESAI 658 FET ECE Preparation and characterization of Ag2Se nanowalled tubules by electrochemical method 659 FAS N&D Synergy and Transaction: The Challenge of G.L.Khanna,Gurjeet Kaur Sustainable Physical Education Curriculum Chawla in India. 660 FAS 661 FMS 662 FET Physiotherapy, Cross Cultural Adaptation And Psychometric Analysis Of Knee Injury And Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (Koos) In Indian Population With Knee Osteoarthritis Management Optimal Price & Warranty Length Civil Environmental Impacts of Polyvinl Chloride Buildding Material Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year October 2013, 2(10), pp. 156-171 Oct-13 2013 Vol. 5, No. 1-2, December 2013, pg 19-26 Dec-13 2013 International Review of Basic and Applied Sciences (IRBAS) September 2013, Volume 1, Issue 4, pg 116-128 Sep-13 2013 Neeraj Kumari SCIKNOW: Psychology and Social Behavior Research August 2013, Volume 1, Number 3, pg 64-69 Aug-13 2013 Neeraj Kumari, Deepak Kumar ABSR: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Journal Volume:2, Issue:1(February 201 4), pg:8-21 Feb-13 2013 Neeraj Kumari SCIKNOW: Open Journal of Education Nov. 2013, Volume 1, Number 7, pg 169-176 Nov. 2013 2013 Vol. 2, Issue 5, Nov 2013, 37-46 10-Dec-12 2012 10,3,p-99-104 Nov-12 2012 The Global Journal of Health and Physical Education Pedagogy,ISSN 0031-8981 Volume 1,page No106, Number 2 2012 2012 Richa Goswami1, Unaise A.2, Shobhit Saxena3, Guresh Kumar4 Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS), Hindi version LK1.0 June 2012; 2012 2012 P.K. Kapur, Uday Kumar, Nitin Sachdeva, Adarsh Anand, Communications in Dependability and Quality Management An International Journal International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Vol.15 , Issue No. 1 , pp 5-13 , March 2012 2012 2012 Vol. 7 No. 11(2012) 2012 2012 Asian Economic and Social Society (AESS): International Journal of Management and Sustainability Neeraj Kumari, V.K. Mahna Global Management & Ruchi Malhotra Journal (GMJ) International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHSS) Rani, M., Kumar, R., Kumar, Chalcogenide Letters R., Singh, R., Chakarvarti, S.K. Harshdeep, Ashwani Jain, D.K. Soni 55 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper 663 FET Civil Earthquake and Mitigations 664 FAS FAS 665 FAS FAS A Comparison Study of TGfU with Technical G.L. Khanna, Sanmuga Training Model in Mini Game performance, Nathan Speed and Accuracy among Junior Hockey Players The Effect of Music Therapy and Meditation G.L. Khanna on Sports performance in professional shooters 666 FCA Computer Appl. A modified Hill Climbing Algorithm Rashmi Agrawal, Associate essor 667 FCA Computer Appl. Mining Association Rules in Students's Assessment Data Anupama Pankaj, Associate International Journal of Computer Science issues 668 FCH JMC 669 FET MECH 670 FET 671 Role of the Media in Democracy Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Harshdeep, Ashwani Jain, D.K. Soni Subhash Kumar Name of Journal International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Pan Asian Journal of Sports and Physical Education –Korea International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy International Journal of Emerging trends in Engg and Development Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Vol. 7 No. 11(2012) 2012 2012 ,Volume-4,No.1, 10-Dec-12 2012 Volume 3, Issue 1, Nov-12 2012 6,2 Jul-12 2012 9,5, 211-216 Jul-12 2012 2012 2012 DOI 10.1007/s00170-012-4683-1 10-Dec-12 2012 Vol.2012(2012) May, 2012 2012 DOI:10.1080/00207217.2012.66971 7 2012 2012 Vision Catalyst Determination of Layer Thickness in Direct A.K.S. Choudhary Metal Deposition using dimensional analysis International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ECE Dual band dielectric resonator antenna for C and X band applications Deepak Batra International journal of Antennas and Propagation FET ECE Dual band dielectric resonator antenna for wireless application Deepak Batra International Journal of Electronics (Taylor and Fransis) 672 FET ECE Effect of gamma irradiation on transport of Gehlawat, D., Chauhan, charge carriers in Cu nanowires R.P., Sonkawade, R.G., Chakarvarti, S.K. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 106,1,p-157-164 2012 2012 673 FET ECE Efficient Microstrip Fed Rectangular Patch Antenna with DGS for WLAN & WiMAX Applications INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLICATIONS VOL 2 ISSUE 6 PAGE NO 46-47 2012 Nov-12 2012 674 FET ECE Electrical Properties of Electrodeposited ZnCuTe Ternary Nanowires Embedded in Polycarbonate Membrane Vol. 2, p-1-8, 2012 2012 2012 Sakshi , Davinder Prakash S. K. Chakarvarti Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 56 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 675 FET 676 Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year ECE Electrical transport through micro porous track etch membranes of same porosity Garg, R., Kumar, V., Kumar, Modern Physics Letters B D., Chakarvarti, S.K. 26,31 2012 2012 FET ECE Kumar, S., Vohra, A., Chakarvarti, S.K. 677 FET PHY Erratum: Optical studies of electrodeposited ZnCuTe ternary nanowire arrays (Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Evolution of microstructure and crack pattern in NiO thin films under 200 MeV Au ion irradiation Journal of Materials Science: 23,10,p-1798 DOI: 10.1007/s10854Materials in Electronics 012-0664-2) 2012 2012 678 FET ECE Field emission and I-V characteristics of template synthesised nickel nanowires on semiconducting substrate P. Mallick, D. C. Agarwal, Chandana Rath, D. Behera, D.K. Avasthi, D. Kanjilal, N. C. Mishra, Kaur, J., Singh, S., Kumar, R., Kanjilal, D., Chakarvarti, S.K. Radiation Physics and Chemistry Volume 81 pp: 647 (2012) 2012 2012 7,21, p-50-59 2012 2012 679 FET PHY Giant enhancement in ferromagnetic properties of Pd nanoparticle induced by intentionally created defects Vol. 112 pp: 14318 (2012) 2012 2012 680 FET ECE Vol11,N0.2,Feb 2011 Jul-12 2012 681 FET MECH International Journal of Productivity & Quality Management (IJPQM), Inderscience Publishers International Journal of Nanoscience In press 2012 2012 682 FET ECE Large scale synthesis of Ag 2S nanowires and their electrical characterization Kumar, V., Kumar, S., Chakarvarti, S.K. 11,1 2012 2012 683 FET ECE Noise Robust Techniques for Speaker Recognition: A Review Geeta Nizhawan and M.K. Soni International Journal of Graphics and Image Processings Volume 2, Issue 2, Page109-114, 2012 2012 2012 684 FET ECE Optical studies of electrodeposited ZnCuTe Kumar, S., Vohra, A., ternary nanowire arrays Chakarvarti, S.K. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 23,10,p-1793-1797 2012 2012 685 FET MECH Pareto analysis of critical factors affecting technical institution evaluation Management Science Letters, Growing Science Press 2(5), 1701-1706, 2012 2012 2012 686 FET PHY Volume 289 pp:22 (2012) 2012 2012 Journal of Experimental Nanoscience P. K. Kulriya, B. R. Mehta, D. J. Applied Physics C. Agarwal, Praveen Kumar, S. M. Shivaprasad, J. C. Pivin, and D. K. Avasthi, ― Heart rate variability (HRV) measurement-A Noor Fatima Rizvi International Journal of methodological Application of Low Computer Science and Frequency measurement in LabVIEW Network Security Interpretive Structural Modeling of Enablers Victor Gambhir and N.C. of Quality Technical Education: An Indian Wadhwa Perspective Victor Gambhir and N.C. Wadhwa PbTe formation by swift heavy ion beam Srashti Gupta, D. C. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys. induced interface mixing of Te/PbO bilayer Agarwal, Jai Prakash, S.A. Res. B Khan, S.K. Tripathi, A. Tripathi, S. Neeleshwar, S.K. Srivastava, B.K. Panigrahi, 57 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 687 FET 688 Name of Journal EEE Potential of Piezo-electric sensors in BioSignal acquisition Dipali Bansal International Sensors & Transducers Journal, ISSN 1726-5479 FET ECE QOS Performance Analysis of MANET with Bandwidth Estimation M.K.Soni International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business 689 FET ECE Reduction of power consumption in FPGAs - Naresh Grover & M.K. Soni An Overview International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business 690 FET ECE Reduction of reflection losses in Fiber to fiber connector Neeru Malik Journal of Information Systems and Communication 691 FET BT Role of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in sustainable agriculture Pratibha Prashar, Neera Kapoor, Sarita Sachdeva International Journal of Engineering Sciences 692 FET BT Structural and functional diversity of Rhizobacteria of Pearl Millet in Semi-arid Agroclimatic Zone Pratibha Prashar, Neera Kapoor, Sarita Sachdeva Asian Journal of Plant Science and Research 693 FET PHY 694 FET ECE 695 FET Civil 696 FET CHEM 697 FET BT 698 FET CHEM Synthesis and characterization of AuManisha Tiwari, D. C. Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) alumina nanocomposites prepared by atom Agarwal, S. Mohapatra, J. C. beam sputtering Pivin, D. K. Avasthi, S. Annapoorani, ― Synthesis and morphological studies of Kumar, S., Vohra, A., Journal of Materials Science: ZnCuTe ternary nanowires via templateChakarvarti, S.K. Materials in Electronics assisted electrodeposition technique Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Vol. 136, Issue 1, Jan 2012, pp. 147157 2012 2012 Accepted in July 2013 Jul-12 2012 2012,5,50-69 2012 2012 Issue 1,Vol 3 2012 2012 2012 (online) ISSN 2277-9698 2012 2012 2012, 2 (5):599-606 2012 2012 Volume 209 pp 2499 (2012) 2012 2012 23,8,p-1485-1491 2012 2012 Vol-4, No-3(2012), pp 137-147 2012 2012 DOI10.1007/s12403-013-0100-8 Oct-11 2011 Use of updated Machinery for Monitoring of Quality & Quantity of a Pavement – A Case Study on e-Quality Control Srijit Biswas, Bant Singh International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Technology (IJIET) Removal of cadmium ion from water/wastewater by nano-metal oxides Rajeev Kumar, jyotiChawla Water Quality, Exposure and Health (Springer Journal) Rhizosphere: its structure, bacterial diversity and significance Pratibha Prashar, Neera Kapoor, Sarita Sachdeva Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology 2013, 12 (2) May-11 2011 Seismic activities in relation of Ionosphere Bindu Mangla, Anupama Rajput, Pawan Kumar International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology vol 6, No. 9, pp 19-24, 2013 Sep-11 2011 58 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper 699 FCA Computer Appl. Crawling the Web Surface Databases Vidushi Singhal, Sachin Sharma 700 FCA Computer Appl. Determination of Mobile phone tracking using various software Shaveta Bhatia, Assistant esor 701 FCA Computer Appl. Analytical Analysis of Generic Reusability: Weyuker’s Properties Parul Gandhi, Assistant esor International Journal of Computer Science Issues 702 FCH JMC Mahatma Gandhi’s Approach to Journalism: Subhash Kumar A Study of Indian Opinion, Young India and Harijan Vision Catalyst 703 FCH JMC Convergent Journalism: A walk towards Future Multi Media Integration Academicia 704 FET Chem 705 FAS Physiotherapy 706 FAS 707 Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Suresh Chandra Nayak Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year International Journal of Computer Applications 52, 19, 15-22 Nov-11 2011 International Journal of Computer Applications 53,17, 17-24 Oct-11 2011 9, 424-427 May-11 2011 Vol-1 Sep-11 2011 2 May-11 2011 Vol.52, pp 383-389, 2011 Nov.3, 2011 2011 Bioresolution of benzyl glycidyl ether using Neeraj Bala, Kirandeep whole cells of Bacillus alcalophilus. Kaur, Swapandeep Singh Chimni, Harvinder Singh Saini and Shamsher Singh Kanwar. Yadav, Jaspal Shoulder Normative values for Indian Abhinav athletes Sandhu, Shweta Shenoy J. Basic Microbiology Romanian Journal Of Sports Medicine 2011 2011 2011 N&D Student Teacher’s Perceptions and Experiences using Moss ton and Ashworth Teaching Styles in Physical Education Sanmuga Nathan, Gulshan Lal Khanna , Gurjeet Kaur Chawla XIVCommon wealth International Sports Science Conference,2010 Page204-211,Volume II 2011 2011 FET H&M A Live Study of Employee Satisfaction and Growth Analysis: Tata Steel Neeraj Kumari Vol 3, No 10 (2011), pg 53-62 Nov-11 2011 708 FET MATHS Volume 2 NUMBER 1. pp. 1-8 2011 2011 709 FET MATHS 710 FET EEE European journal of business & management (ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF TUMOUR Shashi Kant, Sanjeev Kumar Mathematical Modelling and GROWTH WITH A SPECIFIC DOSE OF IL-4 and Deepak Kumar Applied Computing, (INTERLEUKIN-4). A Mathematical model of vascular tumor with chemotherapy drug concentration at nano-scale. Deep Shikha dixit, Deepak Kumar, SANJEEV KUMAR, RAJESH JOHRI International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Applications, 3(1), June 2011, pp. 77-83 2011 2011 A set of stabilizing PID controllers for a single link robot Leena G.. Datta K. B., Ray G., International Journal of Control and Automation Vol.4, no.3, pp127-141, 2011 2011 2011 59 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 711 FET 712 Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year EEE An Adaptive Fuzzy Controller for Trajectory Tracking of Robot Manipulator Leena Intelligent Control Gopinathan.Goshaidas Ray, and Automation Amol Khalate Vol. 2 No. 4, pp.364-370, November, 2011 2011 2011 FET ECE An efficient novel low voltage field electron Sekhon, G.S., Kumar, S., Journal of Materials Science: emitter with cathode consisting of template Kaur, C., Verma, N.K., Lu, C.- Materials in Electronics synthesized copper microarrays H., Chakarvarti, S.K. 22,11,p-1725-1729 2011 2011 713 FET EEE An excellent approach of reconfigurable machine tool in manufacturing system Malhotra V, Raj T and Ashok Kumar Int. J of enterprise and innovation management studies, ISSN 0976-2698 Vol 2(1), 2011 2011 714 FET H&M Balanced Scorecard for superior organizational performance Neeraj Kumari 715 FET ECE BER Performance of Different Modulation Schemes for MIMO Systems Hamneet Arora European journal of business & management (ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security Vol 3, No 5 (2011), pg 73-86 Oct-11 2011 International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 2011 2011 716 FET CHEM Chemistry of upper ionosphere-A study Bindu Mangla, Manikant Yadav 1,pp. 60-63,2011 Feb,2011 2011 717 FET CHEM Cloud Point Studies of Tween and Glycol in Jyoti Chawla, R.K.Mahajan. the Presence of Salts 32: 6 , 822 — 827, 2011 2011 2011 718 FET PHY Engineering of hydrophilic and plasmonic properties of Ag thin film by atom beam irradiation Udai B. Singh, D.C. Agarwal, Applied Surface Science S.A. Khan, Manish Kumar ,A. Tripathi, R. Singhal, B.K.Panigrahi, and D.K. Avasthi Manisha Tiwary, N. Kamal Vacuum Singh, S. Annapoorni, D. C. Agarwal, D. K. Avasthi, Y. K. Mishra, P. Mazzoldi, G. Mattei, C. Sada, E. Trave S.K. Chakarvarti Journal of Experimental Nanoscience Volume 258 pp:1464–1469 (2011) 2011 2011 719 FET PHY Enhancement of photoluminescence in Erdoped Ag–SiO2 nanocomposite thin films: A post annealing study Volume 85 pp: 806, (2011) 2011 2011 720 FET ECE Field emission and I-V characteristics of template synthesised nickel nanowires on semiconductiong substrate Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 2011 2011 721 FET ECE Framework for Location based Power aware routing in MANET M.K.Soni International Journal of Computer Science vol 8, Issue 3, ISSN: 1694-0814. (Mauritius) May-11 2011 722 FET ECE Implementation of security in zone routing Noor Fatima Rizvi in mobile Ad-hoc network using SZRP International Journal of computing International Journal of computing 2011 2011 Int. J of Advances in Engineering Sciences Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 60 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper 723 FET ECE Investigation of copper telluride nanowires Kumar, S., Kundu, V., synthesized by electrochemical method Vohra, A., Chakarvarti, S.K. 724 FET PHY Investigation of swift heavy ion-induced mixing in metal/polymer system 725 FET H&M Job satisfaction of the employees at the workplace 726 FET ECE Knowledge based protection circuits for converter and inverter applications 727 FET MATHS MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF HOMOGENEOUS TUMOR WITH DELAY IN TIME. Shashi Kant, Sanjeev Kumar African Journal of and Deepak Kumar Mathematics and Computer Science Research 728 FET MECH MPR Optimization of Steel during EM Process R.V. Singh U.K. Vates International Journal of Material Science and Engineering 729 FET PHY Nano / micro structuring of oxide thin film under SHI irradiation Vacuum 730 FET ECE Nano-/micro metallic wire synthesis on GaAs substrate and their characterization R.S. Chauhan, D.C. Agarwal, Sarveh Kumar, S.A. Khan, D. Kabiraj, I. Sulania, D.K. Avasthi,W. Bolse Kaur, J., Singh, S., Kumar, R., Kanjilal, D., Chakarvarti, S.K. 731 FET ECE Nano/micro structure synthesis on semiconducting substrate and their characterization Kaur, J., Singh, S., Kumar, Superlattices and R., Kanjilal, D., Chakarvarti, Microstructures S.K. 732 FET CHEM Natural Polymer-based electrolytes for electrochemical devices: a review Pradeep K. Varshney, Shikha Ionics, Springer Publication Gupta 733 FET PHY Quasi-aligned gold nanodots on structured S. A. khan, D. K. Avasthi, D. Nanotechnology silica surface:Experimental and atomistic C. Agarwal, U. B. Singh simulations investigations 734 FET EEE Realization of Digital Filter structures in MATLAB Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal AIP Proceedings Jai Prakash, A. Tripathi, S.A. Radiation Effects & defects in Khan, Sarvesh Kumar, F. Solid Singh, J.K. Tripathi and Jalaj Tripathi Neeraj Kumari European journal of business & management (ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) Bhatia, C.M., Malhotra, S., India International Soni, M.K. Conference on Power Electronics, IICPE 2010 Dipali Bansal, Munna Khan Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Journal of Communication and Computer, USA. ISSN/ISBN: 1548-7709, Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 1349,PART A,p-393-394 2011 2011 Volume 166, Issue 8-9, pp: 682688, 2011 19 July 2011 2011 Vol 3, No 4 (2011), pg 11-30 Sep-11 2011 91 (May) page 24-29 2011 2011 Vol. 4(5), pp. 201-207, May 2011. 2011 2011 Vol. 3, Issue-1 PP 35-40, 2011 2011 2011 Volume 86, pp: 96-100, 2011 4 July 2011 2011 6,4,p-1805-1809 2011 2011 50,6,p-713-721 2011 2011 Vol. 17, p 479-483, 2011 May-11 2011 Volume 22 pp: 235305, (2011) 2011 2011 8(2011), pp. 150-152. 2011 2011 61 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt 735 FET PHY 736 FET ECE 737 FET 738 Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Role of melting temperature in intermixing of miscible metal/metal bilayers induced by swift heavy ions Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Volume 166, Issue 8-9, pp: 689695, (2011) 19 July, 2011 2011 A. Gupta, R.S. Chauhan, D.C. Agarwal, Sarvesh Kumar, S.A. Khan, S. Mohapatra, A. Tripathi and T. Som S., Kumar, S., Room temperature ferromagnetic behavior Kumar, of Eu doped Cd 1-x Zn x S nanoparticles Verma, N.K., Chakarvarti, S.K. Radiation Effects & Defects in Solid Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 22,5 p-523-526 2011 2011 ECE Room temperature magnetism in Ni-doped Kumar, S., Kumar, S., CdSe nanoparticles Verma, N.K., Chakarvarti, S.K. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 22,8 p-901-904 2011 2011 FET ECE Stable Path Routing Protocol bases on Power Awareness International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, vol 2, Issue 7, ISSN 2229-5518, 2011 July 2011. 2011 739 FET ECE Study of optical, structural and chemical properties of neutron irradiated PADC film 86,3,p-275-279 2011 2011 740 FET PHY Volume 166, Issue 8-9, pp: 696702, 2011 19 July 2011 2011 741 FET 22,8 p-995-999 2011 2011 742 1393,p-89-90 2011 2011 M.K.Soni Kumar, V., Sonkawade, R.G., Chakarvarti, S.K., Kulriya, P., Kant, K., Singh, N.L., Dhaliwal, A.S. Swift heavy ion induced interface mixing in K. Diva, R.S. Chauhan, Si-Nb thin film system Sarvesh Kumar and B.R. Chakraborty Vacuum ECE Synthesis and characterization of copper Kumar, S., Kundu, V., telluride nanowires via template-assisted dc Vohra, A., Chakarvarti, S.K. electrodeposition route Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics FET ECE Template synthesis of copper nanowires via Kumar, N., Kumar, R., AIP Proceedings electrodeposition technique and their Kumar, S., Chakarvarti, S.K. characterization 743 FET H&M A Live Study of Employee Satisfaction and Growth Analysis: Tata Steel Neeraj Kumari European journal of business & management Vol 3, No 10 (2011), pg 53-62 Nov-11 2011 744 FET H&M Balanced Scorecard for superior organizational performance Neeraj Kumari European journal of business & management Vol 3, No 5 (2011), pg 73-86 Oct-11 2011 745 FET H&M Job satisfaction of the employees at the workplace Neeraj Kumari European journal of business & management Vol 3, No 4 (2011), pg 11-30 Sep-11 2011 746 FET EEE Evaluation of barriers affecting the RMS with graph theory & matrix approach Malhotra V, Raj T and Ashok Kumar International J of material & manufacturing processes, Taylor & Francis 27, Issue 1, PP 88-94 2011 2011 Radiation Effects & Defects in Solid 62 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt 747 FCA 748 FET AE 749 FET PHY 750 FMS 751 Title of Paper Computer Appl. Mathematical analysis of Mobile Latitude software for location tracking Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 70(8), 38-42, 2013 Dec-10 2010 Vol. 3, No. 2, pp-83-90 Jan-10 2010 Volume 265 pp: 124-129 (2013) Oct-10 2010 issue 6, vol 1, Pg 26-39 Jan-10 2010 Oct-10 2010 Vol.15, pp-2363-2364, 2010 30 Aug. 2010 2010 Shaveta Bhatia, Assistant esor International Journal of Computer Applications Studies on the Transition of the Flow Oscillations over an Axisymmetric Open Cavity Model J. Sinha Advances in Aerospace Sciences and Applications Study of ion beam synthesized nanostructured PbTe surface Srashti Gupta, D.C. Agarwal, Applied Surface Science S.K. Tripathi, A. Tripathi, S. Neeleshwar, D.K. Avasthi Management Impact of Diversification in District Central Cooperative Banks in Punjab Priya Goel, Pathak& Anindita Chatterjee Rao International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics FMS Management Composition of Advancesin District entral Co-operative Banks In Punjab Anindita Chatterjee Rao, Priya Goel, Devender Pathak International Journal of Management and Information Technology 752 FET Chem Hexafluoroacetone: An Appealing Key Player in Organic Chemistry Kirandeep Kaur Synlett 753 FAS Physiotherapy An investigation into the effects of smoking Shobhit Saxena, Douglas on physical fitness parameters in McBean,Queen Margaret adolescents. Univerity, Edinburgh British Journal of Sports Medicine,U.K 44:i30 doi:10.1136/bjsm.2010.078725.100 2010 2010 754 FAS N&D A study of risk assessment index to predict Pratibha Singh and Mani cardiovascular diseases among young Paliwal adults (Aged 20-40 years)‖ British Journal of Sports Medicine i75,10.1136/bjsm.2010.078725.248 . 28th Sept 2010 2010 755 FET PHY Solid State Communications Volume 150 pp:2122, (2010) 2010 2010 756 FET PHY Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys. Res. B Volume 268 pp: 3223, (2010) 2010 2010 757 FET PHY J. Applied Physics Volume 107 pp 103504, (2010) 2010 2010 758 FET PHY Synthesis of Ge nanocrystals by atom beam N. Srinivasa Rao, A.P. sputtering and subsequent rapid thermal Pathak, N. Sathish, G. annealing Devaraju, V. Saikiran, P.K. Kulriya, D.C. Agarwal, G. Sai Saravanan, Avasthi P. Study of swift heavy ion irradiation effect H. Singh, D.D.K. C. Agarwal, on indium tin oxide coated electrode for the M. Chavhan, R. M. Mehra, dye-sensitized solar cell application Shruti Aggarwal, Pawan Kumar Kulriya, Ambuj Tripathi andD.D.C.K.Agarwal, Avasthi Y. Synthesis, characterizations and thermal R. Singhal, induced structural transformation of silver- K. Mishra, D. Kabiraj, G. fullerene C60 nanocomposite thin films for Mattei, J. C. Pivin, R. Chana applications in optical devices and D. K. Avasthi Enhancement of ferromagnetism in Pd P. K. Kulriya, B. R. Mehta, D. nanoparticles by swift heavy ion irradiation K. Avasthi, D. C. Agarwal, P. Thakur, N. B. Brookes, A. K. Chawla and R. Chana Appl. Phys. Lett. Volume 96pp: 053103, (2010) 2010 2010 63 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 759 FET PHY Grain growth and crack formation in NiO thin films by swift heavy ion irradiation FET PHY Structural and compositional characterization of LiNbO3 crystals implanted with high energy iron ions 761 FET PHY Synthesis of ZnO nanostructures using different metal catalyst: Morphology and Photoluminescence characteristics 762 FET ECE Planar Antennas for Passive UHF RFID Tags on Flexible Copper Clad Laminate P. Mallick, R. Biswal, Chandana Rath, D. C. Agarwal, A. Tripathi, D.K. Avasthi, D. Kanjilal, P. V. Satyam, Mishra M. C. Sada, N. N. C. Argiolas, Bazzan, M. V. Ciampolillo, A. M. Zaltron, P. Mazzoldi, D. C. Agarwal and D. K. Avasthi Agarwal Dinesh Chana, Kabiraj Debdulal, Singh Fouran, Avasthi Devesh Kumar, Pellegrini G., Chana Ramesh and Mazzoldi Arun Kumar, Davinder Paolo Parkash, M.V. Kartikeyan 760 763 FET ECE Planar antenna for Passive UHF RFID tags Arun Kumar, Davinder Parkash, M.V. Kartikeyan 764 FET BT 765 FET 766 Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys. Res. B Volume 268 pp: 470,(2010) 2010 2010 Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys. Res. B Vol. 268 pp: 2937 (2010) 2010 2010 J. Nanosci. & Nanotech. Vol. 10 pp: 2933, (2010) 2010 2010 Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Vol 52,issue 8,pg1761-1763 18th May 2010 2010 Progress in electromagnetics Research Journal Vol 19,305-327 2010 2010 A feasibility study for assessment of In-Situ Mittal, A. and Singh, P. bioremediation potential of a crude oil degrading Pseudomonas consortium Journal of Scientific Research 2 (1), pp.127-137., Jan 2010 Jan-10 2010 CSE A Survey of Secure Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Network‖ S S Tyagi , R K Chauhan International Transactions in Applied Sciences Vol 1, No. 3, page 333-340, 2010 OCTOBER 2010 2010 FET CSE Advanced Intrusion Detection System for Network Security S.S Tyagi , R K Chauhan International Transactions in Mathematical Sciences and Computer Vol 2, No. 2, page 319-331, 2010 OCTOBER 2010 2010 767 FET ECE Varsha Nanomedicine and Drug deliveryIII vol 3 2010 2010 768 FET ECE Antimicrobial Activity of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles & Zinc Oxide Powder On Different Gram (-) Ve and Gram (+) Ve Bacteria Cluster Based QoS Routing Protocol for MANET M.K.Soni International ― Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE) vol 2, no.5 ISSN: 17938201(Singapore) pp4880-4885 Oct-10 2010 769 FET MATHS Volume 1(3), December-2010 2010 2010 770 FET PHY Volume 84 (2010), p. 1658-1665 14 July 2010 2010 General Pseudoadditivity of Kapur’s Entropy Priti Gupta and Vijay Kumar International Journal of prescribed by the existence of equilibrium Scientific & Engineering Research Impact of Surface Roughness on the Electrical Parameters of Industrial High Efficiency NaOH-NaOCl Textured Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cell P. K. Basu, R. M. Pujahari, Harpreet Kaur, Devi Singh, D. Varandani and B.R. Mehta Solar Energy 64 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt 771 FET PHY 772 FET MATHS 773 FET EEE 774 FET EEE 775 FET CHEM 776 FET PHY 777 FET MATHS 778 FET ECE 779 FET CHEM 780 FET CHEM 781 FET CHEM 782 FET CHEM Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Ion Beam Induced Interface Mixing of Ni on PTFE Bilayer System Studied by Quadrupole Mass Analysis and Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis, Mathematical modeling of Normal Human Knee Joint Function Under Highly Loaded Conditions:One Layer Model: Effects of HA Molecules Under Squeezing (Symmetrical Case) Factor Correction Based on Power RISC Controller Jai Prakash, A. Tripathi, S. A. Khan, J. C. Pivin, F. Singh, Jalaj Tripathi, Sarvesh Kumar, D. K. Avasthi Arti Saxena, A.P. Tyagi, K. Shekhar RMS: A new linkage with pervasive computing Malhotra V, Raj T and Ashok Kumar Small angle neutron scattering study of structural aspects of non-ionic surfactants in presence of polyethylene glycols and triblock polymers Centralized solar lantern charging station under Lighting a Billion Lives Campaign - A technological evolution Rakesh Kumar Mahajan, Jyoti Chawla, KulwinderKumar Vohra,and V.K.Aswal. P. Mohanty, Nivedita Dasgupta and A.Sharma A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF RADIO IMMUNOTHERAPY FOR TUMOR TREATMENT. Deepak Kumar and Sanjeev African Journal of Kumar Mathematics and Computer Science Research Cluster Based QoS Routing Protocol for MANET "Design, Biometric Simulation and Optimization of a Nano-enabled Scaffold Device for Enhanced Delivery of Dopamine to Brain". "Design, Synthesis and SAR of C3 Substituted New Diazo-[1,4]Benzodiazepine-2-One Derivatives as Potent Anticonvulsants". "Investigation of the Physicochemical and Physicomechanical Properties of a Novel Intravaginal Bioadhesive Polymeric Device in the Pig Model". "Micromechanical and Solid-State Stability Analysis of an Irradiated Poly(lactic-coglycolic acid) Donut-Shaped Minitablet Device for Intraocular Implantation". Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Volume 84, pp:1275-1279, (2010) 1 February, 2010 2010 Vol. 2 no: 2,pp. 183-195, JulyDecember 2010 July-Dec 2010 2010 Volume 148, 2011, pp 83-87 2010 2010 IGI Global pub. pp: 69-76. 2010. 2010 2010 117, 3038-3046,2010 2010 2010 18:516–534 2010 2010 Vol. 3(6), June 2010, pp. 101–106. 2010 2010 International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology 2010 2010 International J Pharmaceutics 2010 2010 Ahmed B, Khan R A, Rashid ACS Chemical Neuroscience M 2010 2010 Ndesendo VM, Pillay V, Choonara YE, du Toit LC, Buchmann E, Meyer LC, Khan RA, Rosin U Khan R A Choonara Y E, Pillay V AAPS Pharm Sci Tech. 2010 2010 J Pharmaceu. Sci. 2010 2010 Pradeep Kumar, P R Sharma, Ashok Kumar M K Soni Choonara Y E, Pillay V, Singh N, Khan R A Name of Journal Vacuum International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Applications-ISSN: 09735844 Advances in Power Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Communications in Computer and Information Science International reffered book on pervasive computing for business:trends and applications, Sydney college of management, Journal of AppliedAustralia Polymer Science Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 65 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 783 FET CHEM "Nanomedicine & Molecular Modelling: Requirement & Design Overview". Ahmed B, Khan R A, Habibullah & Keshari M 784 FET CHEM "Neurotransmitter Triggered, Synapses Mediated Phase Preserving Limit Cycles in Brain Oscillatory Network". 785 FET CHEM 786 FET CSE 787 FET 788 Publication Month Publication Year 2010 2010 Khan R A, Rai V; Nadar S R Journal of Computational Neuroscience 2010 2010 "Occurrence and Anticipation of Epileptic Seizures: A Computational Approach". Rai V and Khan R A Nature 2010 2010 "Performance Analysis of Reactive and Proactive Routing Protocols for Ad hoc Network‖, Tyagi S S, Chauhan, R K International Journal on Futuristic Computer Applications (IJFCA) 2010 2010 CHEM "Phytomedicines & Their Synthons Produced via Callus Cell Culture". Khan R A, Newati S J, Singh Natural Products Report VM 2010 2010 FET CHEM Khan R A, Ilah A and Ali M 2010 2010 789 FET CHEM "Plant Cell Culture Biotechnology for Generation of Pharmaceutically Active Catharanthus Alkaloid Ingredients: Present Status and Prospects". "Synthesis and Antihypertensive Activity of Novel 3, 4- Dihydropyrimidin-2-one Derivatives" . 2010 2010 790 FET CHEM Bridoux A, Khan R A, Chen Med Chem Comm C, Gwenaël C, Cui H, Dyskin E, Yasri A, Mousa S A A Bridoux, Khan R A, C Med Chem Comm, Chen, H Cui, Mousa S A International publication 2010 2010 791 FET CSE ―A Survey of Secure Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Network‖ Tyagi S S, Chauhan, R K International Transactions in Applied Sciences, 2010 2010 792 FET CSE ―Advanced Intrusion Detection System for Network Security Tyagi S S, Chauhan, R K International Transactions in Mathematical Sciences and Computer 2010 2010 793 FET CSE A Method Of Vague Search To Answer Smita Rajpal, M N Doja and INFORMATION : An Queries In Relational Databases Ranjit Biswas International Journal 2010 2010 794 FET BT A feasibility study for assessment of In-Situ Anupama Garg bioremediation potential of a crude oil degrading Pseudomonas consortium 2010 2010 "Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Thyroid Antagonist Derived New AntiAngiogenic Analogs". Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Nanomedicine Natural Products Communications, Journal of Scientific Research 2 (1), pp.127-137. 66 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt 795 FET MATHS 796 FET MATHS 797 FET 798 Title of Paper Publication Month Publication Year A Mathematical Model for Tumor Treatment Deepak Kumar and Sanjeev African Journal of with a Specific Dose of Adriamycin. Kumar Mathematics and Computer Science Research 2010 2010 A Mathematical Model of Radio immunotherapy for Tumor Treatment. Deepak Kumar and Sanjeev African Journal of KUMAR Mathematics and Computer Science Research 2010 2010 PHY A model for Cu-se Resonant Tunneling Diodes Fabricated by Negative Template Assisted Electrodeposition Technique. Meeru Chaudhri, A K Vohra and S K Chakarvarti 2010 2010 FET EEE A Set of Stabilizing PID Controllers for Multi- Leena G Input Multi-Output Systems’ International journal of Franklin Institute 2010 2010 799 FET CIVIL A Theoretical Estimation on Optical Reduction of Vehicles and Industries in a City for Pollution Control Srijit Biswas 2010 2010 800 FET ECE Action Functional of the Electromagnetic Field: Effect of Gravitation Arti Vaish International Journal of Mathematics Applied in Science and Technology (IJMAST), Japan Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 68, pp. 257-263 , 2010 2010 2010 801 FET CSE An Intelligent Search Path Kiran Yadav, Ranjit Biswas Int. J. Intell. Syst. 25(9), 201 2010 2010 802 FET CIVIL Assessment of River Water Quality : An Approach of Fuzzy Logic Manish Pal, Srijit Biswas, Sekhar Datta and Pankaj Kr. Roy International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Malaysia 2010 2010 803 FET CHEM Chemistry & Biology of Thyrointegrin Antagonists A Bridoux, Khan R A, C Chen, H Cui, Mousa S A Pharm Design 2010 2010 804 FET ECE Cutoff Frequencies of Electromagnetic Waves Propagating in a Hexagonal Waveguide Arti Vaish International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, USA 2010 2010 805 FET PHY Data acquisition System for Nano/Micropore Analysis in Polymeric SSNTDs GS Sekhon, sunil kumar, gurbakshish singh, jk sharma, S K chakarvarti Journal of Optoelectronics and Biomedical Materials Vol. 2, Issue 2, April-June 2010, p. 33 -36 2010 2010 806 FET EEE Design Of a Microcontroller Based PFC. Pradeep Kumar, P R Sharma, Ashok Kumar International Journal of Power System Operation & Energy Management ISSN 2231-4407, Volume-1, Issue-4, 2012. 2010 2010 Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Name of Journal J.Communication and Network Volume, Page Number and year of publication 2,73-78, Feb 2010 67 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 807 FET CHEM 808 FET MECH Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Thyroid Antagonist Derived New AntiAngiogenic Analogs: A Developing Class of Transactivator, Bifunctional Thyrointegrin Inhibitors Effect of Cutting Variables on Temperature During Metal Cutting 809 FET BT 810 FET 811 Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year Bridoux A, Khan R A, Chen Med Chem Comm C, Gwenaël C, Cui H, Dyskin E, Yasri A, Mousa S A Manish Deo Manufacuring Technology & SP Tiwari Research 2010 2010 2010 2010 Effect of Heavy Metals Cadmium and Chromium on Carbohydrate Metabolism of Fresh Water Fish, Channa punctatus Sarita Sachdeva Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences 2010 2010 IT Enhancing Software Metrics Models for Development Effort Estimation Using Type 2 Fuzzy Sets Bindiya Ahuja, Deepa Bura International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Mauritius 2010 2010 FET IT GBG Approach for Connectivity and Coverage Control in Wireless Sensor Network‖ Haider Raza IJCSNS 2010 2010 812 FET CIVIL Impact of Fertilizer in a Catchment Area: S. Biswas Assessment by Using Fuzzy-Logic International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research (IJAAR), USA. 2010 2010 813 FET CIVIL Impact of Flood Disaster : Application of Fuzzy Logic for Assessment Srijit Biswas International Journal of Lakes and Rivers (IJLR), Egypt. 2010 2010 814 FET ECE Implementation of Advance Image Compression Using Wavelet & SPIHT Garima Vyas International journal of Electrical and Electronics Engg- 2010 2010 815 FET ECE Improved QR Decomposition Application Implemented on Reconfigurable Fabric. Deepak Batra 2010 2010 816 FET CIVIL 2010 2010 817 FET PHY 2010 2010 818 FET PHY 2010 2010 International journal IEEMS Integrated Water Resources Management Srijit Biswas, Pankaj Kr. Roy International Journal of : Approach of Vague Fuzzy-EIA and Sekhar Datta Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Malaysia Investigation of Swift Heavy Ion Induced Sarvesh Kumar Radiation Effects and Defects Mixing in Metal/Polymer Systems in Solids Large-scale Synthesis of Uniform Nickel Nanowires and Their Characterisation Sanjeev Kumar and S K Chakarvarti Journal of Experimental Nanoscience vol.5,April 2010,126-133. 68 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) 819 FET MATHS Mathematical Modeling for Tumor Growth and Control Strategies, Sanjeev Kumar, Deepak Kumar and Rashmi Sharma 820 FET MECH 821 FET MECH 822 FET ECE Method of Moments Applied to a Cuboidal Cavity Resonator: Effect of Gravitational Field Produced by a Black Hole 823 FET CSE 824 FET 825 Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Publication Month Publication Year 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 Modified Architectural Support for Predicate Sweta, Ranjit Biswas and JB International Journal of Execution of Instruction Level Parallelism Singh Computer and Electrical Engineering 2010 2010 PHY Morphology and Time Resolved Photoluminescence of Electrochemically Synthesized Zincoxide Nanowires. 2010 2010 FET PHY Optical Studies of Electrochemically Synthesized CdS Nanowires 2010 2010 826 FET CHEM 2010 2010 827 FET AE Performance Of Single-Cylinder Compression Ignition Engine with Indigenous Castor Oil Biodiesel Vijay Kumar; sunil kumar, S Journal of Materials Science: K Chakarvarti Materials in Electronics(Published May 2010) Vijay Kumar; Sunil Kumar; Journal of Materials Science: Sanjeev Kumar; SK Materials in Chakarvarti Electronics(Published May 2010) Pillay S, Pillay V, Choonara Natural P. Research YE, Naidoo D, Khan R A, du Toit LC, Valence MKN, Modi G, Danckwerts MP, Iyuke SE Devena Vashist Thermal Sciences, Slovakia 2010 2010 828 FET CSE Performance Optimization of Hyperblock Using Predicate Compilation Technique Sweta Verma, Ranjit Biswas International Journal of Singh and JB Singh Computer and Electrical Engineering 2010 2010 829 FET ECE QoS Enabled Power Aware Routing Protocol MKSoni (QEPAR) International Journal of Computer Science Engg and Technology, Singapore 2010 2010 830 FET PHY Nano/ Micro-structuring of Oxide Thin Film Sarvesh Kumar under SHI Irradiation Vaccum 2010 2010 Infectious Disease Modeling Research Progress, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (NY, USA). Mathematical Modeling of Mucus Transport J B Shukla, Arti Saxena, A P International journal of in the Lung Due to Cough: Effects of Tyagi Biorheology Serous Fluid Viscosity and Serous Layer Thickness Mathematical Modeling of Mucus Transport J B Shukla, Arti Saxena, A P Rheologica Acta in the Lung Due to Mild Cough: Effects of Tyagi Viscosity and Viscoelasticity of Mucus Osteosaponins 1 & 2: Two New Saponin Glycosides from Osteospermum vaillanti.i Arti Vaish Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 68, pp. 252-256 69 of 70 S. No. Faculty Deptt Title of Paper Publication Month Publication Year 831 FET PHY 2010 2010 832 FET MATHS Simple PDE Model of Ductal Carcinoma in situ and Vascularisation of Nutrient. 2010 2010 833 FET CHEM Ahmed B, Khan RA, Habibullah & Keshari M 834 FET CHEM 835 FET CSE Stereo-electronic & Topological Approach to SAR of 5-Amino-1,3,4-Thiadiazole-2Thiol & Thiobenzyl Derivatives as Potent Antibacterial. Study of Seasonal Population Fluctuation of Gram Pod Borer Helicoverpa Armigera (Hubner) in Chickpea Using Pheromone Technology. Wireless Ad-Hoc Network: Analysis for Power Control and Security Architecture‖. Biorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2010 2010 Ahmad B, Khan RA & Yusuf M Kalpna Varshney and Sudha Kanaujia International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research 2010 2010 Bharat Singh International Journal of Computer Science & Issues (IJCSI), Doolar Lane, Mahebourg, Republic of Mauritius, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2010 2010 836 FET ECE Morphology and time resolved photoluminescence of electrochemically synthesized zinc oxide nanowires Kumar, V., Kumar, S., Chakarvarti, S.K. 2010 2010 Name of All Author(s) as per publication (Sequence First Name, Middle Name and Last Name) Role of Melting Temperature in Intermixing Sarvesh Kumar of Miscible Metal/metal Bi Layers Induced by Swift Heavy Ions Deepak Kumar Name of Journal Volume, Page Number and year of publication Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids IJE Transactions A: Basic, 21,12 p-1277-1280 70 of 70
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Applied Card...