2011 Ad Journal
2011 Ad Journal
2011 Green Knights Football Journal St. Joseph Regional High School Good Luck to Coach Karcich and all The Green Knights ROBERT JOSEPH DINALLO STADIUM SJR GUEST DAKTRONICS TIME OUTS LEFT DOWN 2YHUDOO'LPHQVLRQV TO GO BALL ON 1RQ%DFNOLW,GHQWLILFDWLRQ'LVSOD\ QTR )RRWEDOO6FRUHERDUG in Memory of Robert Joseph Dinallo #89 Class of 1981 TIME OUTS LEFT What it takes to be No. 1 by Vince Lombardi You’ve got to pay the price. Winning is not a sometime thing;; it’s an all the time political party or a business. The principles are the thing. You don’t win once in a while;; you don’t do same. The object is to win-to beat the other guy. things right once in a while;; you do them right all the 0D\EHWKDWVRXQGVKDUGRUFUXHO,GRQ¶WWKLQNLWLV time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. ,WLVDUHDOLW\RIOLIHWKDWPHQDUHFRPSHWLWLYHDQGWKH There is no room for second place. There is only one PRVW FRPSHWLWLYH JDPHV GUDZ WKH PRVW FRPSHWLWLYH SODFHLQP\JDPHDQGWKDW¶V¿UVWSODFH,KDYH¿QLVKHG PHQ7KDW¶VZK\WKH\DUHWKHUHWRFRPSHWH7RNQRZ VHFRQGWZLFHLQP\WLPHDW*UHHQ%D\DQG,GRQ¶WHYHU WKHUXOHVDQGREMHFWLYHVZKHQWKH\JHWLQWKHJDPH7KH ZDQWWR¿QLVKVHFRQGDJDLQ7KHUHLVDVHFRQGSODFH object is to win fairly, squarely, by the rules-but to win. bowl game, but it is a game for losers played by losers. ,WLVDQGDOZD\VKDVEHHQDQ$PHULFDQ]HDOWREH¿UVW $QG LQ WUXWK ,¶YH QHYHU NQRZQ D PDQ ZRUWK KLV in anything we do, and to win, and to win, and to win. salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn’t appreciate the grind, the discipline. There (YHU\WLPHDIRRWEDOOSOD\HUJRHVWRSOD\KLVWUDGHKH¶V is something in good men that really yearns for got to play from the ground up-from the soles of his discipline and the harsh reality of head to head combat. IHHWULJKWXSWRKLVKHDG(YHU\LQFKRIKLPKDVWRSOD\ 6RPHJX\VSOD\ZLWKWKHLUKHDGV7KDW¶V2.<RX¶YH , GRQ¶W VD\ WKHVH WKLQJV EHFDXVH , EHOLHYH LQ got to be smart to be number one in any business. the “brute” nature of man or that men must be %XWPRUHLPSRUWDQWO\\RX¶YHJRWWRSOD\ZLWK \RXU EUXWDOL]HG WR EH FRPEDWLYH , EHOLHYH LQ *RG DQG KHDUWZLWKHYHU\¿EHURI\RXUERG\,I\RX¶UHOXFN\ , EHOLHYH LQ KXPDQ GHFHQF\ %XW , ¿UPO\ EHOLHYH HQRXJKWR¿QGDJX\ZLWKDORWRIKHDGDQGDORWRI WKDW DQ\ PDQ¶V ¿QHVW KRXU WKH JUHDWHVW IXO¿OOPHQW KHDUWKH¶VQHYHUJRLQJWRFRPHRIIWKH¿HOGVHFRQG of all that he holds dear, is that moment when KH KDV ZRUNHG KLV KHDUW RXW LQ D JRRG FDXVH DQG Running a football team is no different than OLHV H[KDXVWHG RQ WKH ¿HOG RI EDWWOH YLFWRULRXV UXQQLQJ DQ\ RWKHU NLQG RI RUJDQL]DWLRQDQ DUP\ D Administration Mr. Barry Donnelly Principal Mr. Michael Doherty Vice-Principal Mr. Robert Mackie Assistant Principal Mr. John Vreeland Assistant Principal Photos courtesy of Davis Studio 50 SJR SEE YOU AT Saturday, Sept. 17 1-5 p.m. Alumni and Family Picnic video games BBQ dunk tank $10 per person; maximum $50 per family; tickets must be purchased in advance of the event Sunday, Oct. 23 6-10 p.m. 50 Golden Moments in Sports Cocktail Hour & Complete Dinner at the Park Ridge Marriott vote for your Golden Moment on the SJR website today Friday, Nov. 25 7-10 p.m. 50 Years of Performing Arts Concert Alumni, Broadway Stars and current students will recreate memorable roles from the past theatrical productions of Directors Mike Castelluccio and John T. Asselta Sunday, Jan. 8 Legacy Mass for Alumni Fathers & Sons Sunday, Mar. 25 St. Joseph Mass with Archbishop John Myers Tuesday, Jun. 12 Time Capsule Dedication September 2012 Fiftieth Anniversary Gala SAINT JOSEPH REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL | 40 CHESTNUT RIDGE ROAD | MONTVALE, NJ 07645 201.391.3300 | [email protected] LET’S GO GREEN KNIGHTS! S JR Vars ity C h e e r le a d e r s Back Row: Mandy Morris ~ Katherine Perrotta ~ Meghan O’Donnell ~ Ali Pfleging ~ Donna Foudy ~ Katyln Twomey Allie MacDonald ~ Coach Cathy Cochrane ~ (Coach Peg Prendergast – not pictured) Middle Row: Allie Lombardi ~ Jennie Miller ~ Julia Giambastiani ~ Gaby Andrews ~ Lindsey Spohn ~ Mia Ciravolo (Taylor Walter – not pictured) Front Row: Minjee Kong ~ Megan Strysko ~ Luisa Diaz S en i o r C h e e r le a d e r s Back Row: Megan Strysko ~ Minjee Kong Luisa Diaz ~ Donna Foudy Front Row Ali Pfleging ~ Jennie Miller Meghan O’Donnell ~ Gaby Andrews Senior Captains Minjee Kong ~ Megan Strysko ~ Luisa Diaz Photos courtesy of Sports Shots Va r s i ty C o a c h i n g S t a f f Back Row: Rob Stern ~ Tony Karcich ~ Augie Hoffmann ~ Len Davis Front Row: Brendan Gebert ~ Mike Kraft ~ L ou Giele ~ John Lanari (not pictured Frank Coccaro) F resh m a n C o a c h in g Sta ff Back Row: Chris Trout, Ted Evans, Lamont Whitney Front Row: Nick Matire, Andy Peeke, Mike Ronchi (not pictured Anthony Galimberti) Photos courtesy of Sports Shots Man ag er - Tra in e r - Str e n g th C o a c h Ed Checke Ryan Berube Dan Pollio 2011 Se n io r s Photos courtesy of Sports Shots 20 11 C a p ta in s Mark Cieslak ~ Christian Stapleton ~ Dylan More 2011 Se n io r R e p s Back Row: Anthony Castillo ~ Mark Cieslak ~ Christian Stapleton ~ John Sanford Front Row: Jabari Garvin ~ Dylan More ~ Glenn Beckmeyer ~ Maxwell Havlusch Photos courtesy of Sports Shots 2011 SENIORS #51 Glenn Beckmeyer #44 Adam Bossard #50 Anthony Castillo #39 Mark Cieslak Photos courtesy of Sports Shots 2011 SENIORS #81 Chris Colin #1 Jabari Garvin #65 Frank Gulli #33 Maxwell Havlusch Photos courtesy of Sports Shots 2011 SENIORS #2 Brian Josephson #70 Joseph Kennedy #22 Dylan More #10 Michael Osofsky Photos courtesy of Sports Shots 2011 SENIORS #21 John Sanford #3 Christian Stapleton #25 Sean Stapleton Photos courtesy of Sports Shots ST. JOSEPH REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 2011 FRESHMAN FOOTBALL ROSTER 2011 F r e s h m a n R o s te r No. Athlete's Name Height 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 23 22 24 28 29 32 35 37 40 41 45 46 51 52 53 54 55 56 65 66 68 69 74 75 77 78 83 85 86 87 89 Wesley McKoy Devin Cividini Joseph Giles-Harris Sean McKinless Andrew McGuire Michael Barry Ronald Edwards John Walsh Aleem James Tony Via Alex Perez Kevin Eaton Eli Guzman Justin Torres Patrick Quinn Christopher Adamo Marc Collova Brendan Cioffi Santo Guinta Manuel Ramirez Shane Kennedy Frank Rambala Kyle Delahanty Anthony Ingraffia Arkadius Goetz Derek Sinke Matthew Knepper Kyle Perri Matthew McGovern Khari Lovett William Rivera Anthony Della Fave Thomas Tornetto Jonathan Koch Jordan Van Itallie Jack Fleming Ralph Green Benson Israel Nicholas Saccoliti Matthew Connolly Gulli Daniel Wayne Meyer Brian McCann Edward Korn 5' 9" 5' 6' 5' 10" 5' 10" 5' 11" 5' 2" 5' 11" 5' 9" 5' 8' 5' 10" 5' 9" 5' 4" 5' 6" 5' 6" 5' 10" 5' 8" 5' 2" 5' 6" 5' 6" 5' 4" 5' 2" 5' 7" 5' 7" 5' 5" 5' 8"` 5' 9" 5' 7" 5' 7" 6' 0" 5' 6" 5' 9" 5' 11" 5' 10" 6' 0" 5' 8" 6' 2" 5' 6" 6' 0" 5' 11" 5' 7" 5' 7" 5' 7" 5' 4" 5' 6' Head Coach Asst. Coaches Ted Evans Anthony Galimberti Nick Matire Andy Peeke Mike Ronchi Chris Trout Lamont Whitney Weight Position 155 145 160 140 145 105 165 140 150 160 145 110 160 125 130 115 120 135 145 130 135 125 125 120 165 170 145 125 130 165 160 190 165 195 180 190 180 240 250 120 130 170 100 140 QB WR TE WR WR WR QB WB WR RB WR WR RB WR WR RB LB WR RB RB RB WR WR WR OL OL TE OL TE FB TE OL OL OL C TE OL OL OL FB WR OL WR WR 2011 F res h m a n F o o tb a ll Te a m ST. JOSEPH REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 2011 Freshmen Football 2011 F r e s h m a n Sc h e d u le Date Opponent Site Time Saturday, Sept. 10th De Paul AWAY 9:30 am Saturday, Sept. 17th St. Peter's HOME 9:30 am Saturday, Sept. 24th Paramus Catholic AWAY 9:30 am Saturday, Oct. 1st Paramus AWAY 9:30 am Saturday, Oct. 8th Ramapo HOME 9:30 am Saturday, Oct. 15th Bergen Catholic HOME 9:30 am Saturday, Oct. 22nd BYE Saturday, Oct. 29th Pascack Valley AWAY 9:30 am Saturday, Nov. 5th Wayne Hills HOME 9:30 am Saturday, Nov. 12th Don Bosco AWAY 9:30 am Photos courtesy of Sports Shots 2011 Ju n i o r Va r s ity Sc h e d u le 2011 JR. VARSITY FOOTBALL Date Opponent Site Time Monday, Sept. 12th DE PAUL AWAY 4:00 pm Monday, Sept. 19th ST. PETER'S HOME 4:00 pm Monday, Sept. 26th PARAMUS CATHOLIC AWAY 4:00 pm Monday, Oct. 3rd PARAMUS AWAY 4:00 pm Monday, Oct. 10th RAMAPO HOME 4:00 pm Monday, Oct. 17th BERGEN CATHOLIC HOME 4:00 pm Monday, Oct. 24th BYE Monday, Oct. 31st PASCACK VALLEY AWAY 4:00 pm Monday, Nov. 7th WAYNE HILLS HOME 3:30 pm 2011 Var s ity F o o tb a ll Te a m ST. JOSEPH REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 2011 VARSITY FOOTBALL 2011 Va r s ity Sc h e d u le Date Opponent Site Time Saturday, Sept. 10th De Paul HOME 1:00 pm Saturday, Sept. 17th St. Peter's AWAY 7:00 pm Saturday, Sept. 24th Paramus Catholic HOME 1:00 pm Saturday, Oct. 1st Paramus HOME 2:30 pm Saturday, Oct. 8th Ramapo AWAY 7:00 pm Saturday, Oct. 15th Bergen Catholic AWAY 1:00 pm Saturday, Oct. 22nd BYE Saturday, Oct. 29th Pascack Valley HOME 1:00 pm Friday, Nov. 4th Wayne Hills AWAY 7:00 pm Saturday, Nov. 12th STATE PLAYOFFS TBD TBD Saturday, Nov. 19th STATE PLAYOFFS TBD TBD Thursday, Nov. 24th Don Bosco HOME 10:30 am Saturday, Dec. 3rd STATE FINALS TBD TBD 2011 Va r s ity R o s te r No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 43 44 46 50 51 52 55 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 Athlete's Name Height Jabari Garvin Brian Josephson Christian Stapleton Matthew Buckman Ricky Jeune Sherman Alston Quai Jefferson Spencer Aukamp Dominic Carfagno Michael Osofsky Jake Solari Anthony Piccinich Anthony Cavallo Matthew Kozuch Tristan De Rosa Austin Barber Paul Randazzo Stephen Boyd Justin Perri John Sanford Dylan More George Jenkins Marcus Jemison Sean Stapleton Conrad Fitzpatrick Brion Wynn Eric Vetterlein Jonathan Pertuz Troy Kay Maxwell Havlusch Mark Fossati Scott Loverich Brandon McCann Joel Antoine Mark Cieslak Jeff Farina Adam Bossard Anthony Paolello Anthony Castillo Glenn Beckmeyer James McNerney Daniel Gianella Joel Campo Matthew Marcazo Christian Rivera Austin Stapleton Tyler Zoltowski Matt Bush Joseph Di Sclafani 5' 7" 6' 6' 2" 6' 3" 6' 3" 5' 5" 6' 5' 10" 6' 1" 5' 11" 6' 1" 5' 11" 5' 8" 5' 11" 5' 8" 6' 5' 9" 5' 9" 6' 1" 5' 11" 5' 9" 6' 4" 5' 8" 6' 6' 5' 10" 5' 10" 5' 5" 6' 5' 10" 5' 9" 5' 9" 5' 7" 5' 9" 5' 11" 5' 9" 5' 11" 6' 0" 6' 3" 5' 11" 5' 10" 6' 1" 5' 10" 6' 5' 8" 6' 2" 5' 10" 5' 8" 5' 7" Weight 160 210 185 210 200 150 180 165 220 170 180 160 160 185 150 180 140 140 190 170 180 175 165 170 170 195 170 155 230 215 185 165 180 190 230 175 200 225 250 230 220 205 245 240 220 235 225 175 220 Position RB TE WR TE WR RB WR QB TE QB TE QB QB QB WR TE WR WR TE RB TE WR RB WR WR RB QB FB TE FB RB FB FB FB FB FB TE TE T C G T G C G T G G G Grade 12 12 12 11 11 10 10 10 10 12 11 11 10 11 10 10 10 10 11 12 12 10 11 12 10 11 11 10 11 12 10 10 10 10 12 11 12 10 12 12 10 11 11 11 11 10 11 10 11 2011 Va r s ity R o s te r 65 66 69 70 72 73 75 76 81 82 88 89 Frank Gulli Justin Picinic Shawn Flaherty Joseph Kennedy Joseph Sabbers Ian Castro Thomas Buckman Thomas Hatton Chris Colin Eoin Rogers Alex Otero Ryan McKenna 5' 10" 5' 9" 6' 2" 6' 2" 5' 11" 5' 10" 6' 3" 6' 2" 6' 1" 5' 10" 6' 2" 6' 1" 205 165 260 230 205 200 285 220 215 150 210 160 ADMINISTRATION AND STAFF Principal Vice Principal Asst. Principal (Academics) Asst. Principal (Discipline) Athletic Director/Head Coach Administrative Assistant Athletic Trainer Equipment Manager Strength Coach Team Doctors Cheerleader Advisor Asst. Coaches Barry Donnelly Michael Doherty John Vreeland Robert Mackie Anthony Karcich Annette Gardella Ryan Berube Ed Checke Dan Pollio Jason Fond, MD Barry Kraushaar, MD Peg Prendergast Frank Coccaro Barry Clark Len Davis Brendan Gebert Lou Giele Augie Hoffmann Mike Kraft John Lanari Mike Mahoney Terry Sgarlata Mike Soto Rob Stern C C T T T T T T TE WR TE WR 12 10 11 12 10 10 11 9 12 10 10 10 Seniors Seniors “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.” Vince Lombardi Dear Christian, We are so proud of you and your strong will to succeed in everything that you do. We wish you and the Green Knights luck during the season and success in life. We love you very much. Mom, Dad, Austin and Paige 2011 Seniors BEST OF LUCK Michael and the 2011 GREEN KNIGHTS Michael, we are so proud of your accomplishments in the classroom and on the field. Hard work does pay off! Love, Mom, Dad & Nikki MICHAEL OSOFSKY #10 “Every day is an opportunity disguised as a challenge.” - Tiki Barber Seniors Seniors Maxwell, We are so proud of you and your accomplishments on and off the field. Most of all we are proud of your kind heart and strong character. St. Joe’s was your destiny because you truly are the Vir Fidelis. May all your dreams come true! We love you, Mommy, Daddy, Irene, Nanny & Bop and Grandma Sue Seniors The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination. Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life. “It’s the journey that’s important, not the getting there!” Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can. “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” Seldom does an individual exceed his own expectations. Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. These 4 years have been a gift. Thank you for the ride. We are very proud of the choices you are making & the road you have chosen. Love, Mom, Dad & Emilie It may be near when it seems so far; so stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit. It’s when things go wrong that you must not quit. Seniors BEST OF LUCK TO ADAM BOSSARD #44 AND THE GREEN KNIGHTS! Love, Mom and Amanda Have a Great Season! Seniors Good Luck GLENN and the 2011 GREEN KNIGHTS FOOTBALL TEAM Love, Mom, Dad & Gianna DEDICATED AND DETERMINED WITH THE HEART OF A GREEN KNIGHT! Seniors …. …. …. GOOD LUCK & enjoy your last season as a GOOD….REMEMBER, LUCK & enjoy you yournever last season asyou a stop trying!! fail until ….REMEMBER, you never fail until you stop trying!! All OUR Love your - Dad, Mom & Daniel GOOD LUCK & enjoy last season as a and Grandma, too!!) All OUR(Grandpa Love - Dad, Mom & Daniel ….REMEMBER, you never fail until you stop trying!! (Grandpa and Grandma, too!!) All OUR Love - Dad, Mom & Daniel (Grandpa and Grandma, too!!) – the Gulli Family is wishing WINNING SEASON!! – the Gulli Family is wishing you a WINNING SEASON!! you a – the Gulli Family is wishing you a WINNING SEASON!! Alumni Generations of Kelly / Kennedy’s TOM KELLY DANNY KELLY JT KENNEDY SHANE KENNEDY BRAYDEN KELLY PIERCE KELLY JT Kennedy 2012 2012 Gold Anniversary Danny Kelly 1987 1987 Silver Anniversary 82 87 12 15 20 22 Alumni GREEN KNIGHTS HAVE A GREAT FOOTBALL SEASON ! FROM MICHAEL CAHILL CLASS OF “92” AND EVERYONE AT B&R REBAR 607 E. PALISADE AVE. ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, NJ 07632 201-‐541-‐9220 Alumni Alumni GOOD LUCK GREEN KNIGHTS! THE HOLAHAN FAMILY JOHN ‘97 BILL’02 TOM ‘09 Alumni Alumni Shane Kennedy & The Freshman Team “PLAY LIKE A CHAMPION TODAY” Love always, Uncle Tommy ‘82 Uncle D '87 Multi-Phase Services - 15 Oak Street, Norwood, NJ 07648 - 201-297-7870 Alumni Marty Gallagher, Class of ‘11 Ryan Gallagher, Class of ‘13 Go Green Knights Alumni Alumni Michael G. Bertolino ‘96 Memorial Scholarship The Michael G. Bertolino Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to an incoming freshman who has Įnancial need and who has demonstrated the potenƟal for academic excellence. He must also demonstrate the potenƟal for parƟcipaƟon in school acƟviƟes and be of exemplary character. The Bertolino family began awarding the scholarship in 2007, in memory of their son and brother, Michael Giacomo, a graduate of the St. Joseph’s Regional Class of 1996. It was awarded to 2 incoming freshman of the class of 2011 for the inaugural year and 1 student each year since. The scholarship is a 4 year Įnancial award made to each selected student as they enter St. Joe's and again each subsequent year they conƟnue to aƩend. For the recipient of the scholarship created in Michael’s memory The Bertolino Family and friends wish success at St. Joe’s, in college, and in life. We hope that all who also wish to honor Michael's memory will consider assisƟng us in conƟnuing his legacy of charity and achievement. To assist in perpetuaƟng Michael's scholarship, please consider making a tax deducƟble contribuƟon. AddiƟonal informaƟon on the scholarship can be found on the community Facebook page (Michael G. Bertolino Scholarship Fund). Online donaƟons can be made via the Giving link on the SJR website at: hƩp://www.saintjosephregional.org/ Checks can be sent to the following address and aƩenƟon: St. Joseph's Regional High School AƩn: Principal Barry Donnelly Michael G. Bertolino Memorial Scholarship 40 Chestnut Ridge Road Montvale, NJ 07645 Alumni LAW OFFICE OF MATTHEW S. ROGERS, L.L.C. Attorney At Law Class of 1970 Salutes the 2011 Green Knights, Coach Karcich and his Staff Beat Bergen and Bosco!! Areas of Practice Land Use and Property Development Criminal Defense - Indictables/Motor Vehicle Business Formations and Transactions Real Estate – Residential and Commercial Employment/Severance Civil Litigation Wills and Probate 123 Prospect Street Ridgewood, NJ 07451 Phone: ( 201) 857-3700 Email: [email protected] Alumni S SJ JR R official supplier of of “green knight football” clothing official supplier “green knight football” clothing 973.785.0552 973.785.0552 FaxFax 973.785.3513 973.785.3513 PROMOTIONAL PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS PRODUCTS www. www. carrettamarketing.com carrettamarketing.com 1108 McBride Avenue, West Paterson, NJNJ 07424 1108 McBride Avenue, West Paterson, 07424 THE CARRETTA’S THE CARRETTA’S DOMINICK ‘02, STEPHEN ‘07 DOMINICK ‘02, STEPHEN ‘07 LINDA & GERRY LINDA & GERRY are proud supporters ofof are proud supporters SJR FOOTBALL SJR FOOTBALL GOOD GOODLUCK LUCKIN IN2010 2010 GREEN GREENKNIGHTS KNIGHTS Alumni Alumni Alumni Alumni CONGRATULATIONS ON 50 GREAT YEARS! Andrew Giuliani To The Green Knights of St. Joe’s for a very Successful Khari… 2011 Season Work hard & stay focused from The DeGhetto Family Dean DeGhetto USN ’03 Football, Lacrosse and Track David DeGhetto ‘08 Lacrosse and Wrestling Jason McCourty Tennessee Titans #30 Green Knights %UDQG\ 0RP /RX -' /DF\ 'DG .LP .ORH 'LFKWHU 3KDUPDF\%URDGZD\1HZ<RUN1< 7HO Green Knights Green Knights Good Luck Stephen Boyd, Jr. #19 and to the entire Green Knights football program for a winning season! GO GREEN KNIGHTS! ~ The Boyd Family~ Green Knights Good Luck Jack Walsh and the Green Knights! Wishing you a wonderful and successful 2011 season! Keep working hard! We are Proud of You! Dad, Mom, Annie and Thomas Go Green Knights! Green Knights Green Knights GOOD LUCK GEORGE JENKINS CLASS OF 2014 JENKINS FAMILY Green Knights GOOD LUCK TO OUR SON RALPH GREEN #75 AND ALL THE GREEN KNIGHTS! LOVE, MOM, DAD, JESSICA, SMOKIE, BO & JC Green Knights From Mom, Dad, Kelly and Katelyn Green Knights GO GREEN KNIGHTS!!! GO DANIEL!!! Best of Luck in the 2011 Season THE GIANELLA FAMILY Mom, Dad, Paul, Andrew, Maddie and Nonna Green Knights GOOD LUCK BRANDO #37 Love, Aunt Laura & Kathy and Uncle Colin & Scott Green Knights GOOD LUCK ALEX OTERO #88 AND TO ALL THE GREEN KNIGHTS! LET’S GO ST. JOE’S! Green Knights Tyler, it looks like you made the right choice by choosing football! Love, Mom, Dad, Mitchell and Andrew To all the SJR Green Knights -‐ Have a Great Season ! A little coaching goes a long way. Tyler Have a Great Season We will be rooting for you. #61 Thanks to all the SJR Football Coaches Love, Nanny, Pop Pop & Uncle Brian Green Knights Good Luck Marc and the 2011 Freshman Football Team!! GO GREEN KNIGHTS! Mom, Dad, Kelly, Aunt Bet, Uncle Mike, Aunt Marie, Uncle Bo, Danny, Jill, Grandma, Uncle Kyle, Aunt Kayne, Katie, Aj, Jillian, and Kyle Green Knights Tommy “TT” Hatton Class of 2015 Adversity causes some men to break others to break records. Be a record breaker. We're behind you all the way! Enjoy the season. Play hard and stay focused on your goals. We love you! Mom, Dad and Amanda Good luck on the field and have a great year at St. Joe’s. Go Green Knights! Love Grandpa, Aunt Dawn and Aunt Anna Green Knights #4 GOOD LUCK TO MATT BUCKMAN AND THE GREEN KNIGHTS IN 2011! LOVE, MOM, DAD, CHRIS & SPEEDY Green Knights GO Green Knights!!! Eoin Rogers #82 and the 2011 SJR Football Team, its Coaches, Staff, and Supporters. The Rogers Family **Beat Bosco and Bergen** Green Knights Green Knights GOOD LUCK 2011-2012 ST. JOSEPH’S GREEN KNIGHTS Green Knights Go Green Knights!!! Arkadius Goetz #64 Good Luck to Arkadius and Green Knights! Have a Winning 2011 Season! We are so proud of you! Dad, Mom, Tristen, Nonnie, Dziadek & Babcia Green Knights FAITH is what we have in You. Hardwork and Desire is what you Must have for yourself. The Kay Family #32 Green Knights Good Luck Jeff # 43 AND TO ALL THE GREEN KNIGHTS FOOTBALL PLAYERS AND COACHES FOR A SUCCESSFUL SEASON!!! The Farina Family Green Knights GOOD LUCK TO #27 BRION and The Green Knights We are proud of you and who you have become on and off the field. Stay determined! Love, Dad, Jaime, Jalen, Jordyn Mom, Ariel, Myla, Layla, Tawna Green Knights For Dominic Carfagno: Best of Luck Dominic Carfagno # 9 and the rest of the Green Knights Players and Staff… We are very Proud of You… Love Mom, Dad, Frankie, Alanna, Michael, and Gigi… For Quai Jefferson: Best of Luck Quai Jefferson # 7 and the rest of the Green Knights Players and Staff… Our Family is very proud of You... Love Mom… Green Knights LETS GO GREEN KNIGHTS Ian Castro #73 Good Luck this Season! Green Knights As we think back over these last fifteen years, we are so very thankful for the gifts that God has entrusted to us ... our son Sherman Alston Jr. Our hearts cannot fully express the gratitude we feel for how God has provided us, and for how He has worked through you to meet our needs. Although it is not nearly enough, we just want to say "thank you" for giving us support and encouragement when we were afraid, for sharing our tears and joy when God blessed us with this precious miracle, for your generous gifts, meals, and assistance when times were difficult, and most of all for your constant love and your prayers that continue to give us strength and hope. Sherman, may God bless you and may he give us all the strength to follow his example of showing Christ's love to those around us. May you continue to make us proud and be all you can be and reach for the stars and always strive to do better. Love Always Your parents Farrah & Sherman, Grandma and Aunt Michelle Please Patronize Our Advertisers DOMESTIC & INTERNATIONAL Business Cards ~ ?er^kl ~ Ihlm^kl ~ Banners Ik^l^gmZmbhgl ~ ;en^ikbgml Located in the Chestnut Ridge Shopping Center +/<a^lmgnmKb]`^K]'FhgmoZe^%GC)0/-. M^e3+)*&,)0&*),,?Zq3+)*&,)0&*),2 GC*+-9IhlmG^m'\hfIhlmG^m'\hf(GC*+- Please Patronize Our Advertisers Good luck to the Green Knights football team on your 2011 season! From the Vinci Family and . . . HOMES OF DISTINCTION REAL ESTATE Please Patronize Our Advertisers Complete Solutions for: ! ! ! ! r'JOBODJBMBOE$PNNFSDJBM1SJOUJOH ! ! ! ! ! ! ! r%JHJUBM#MBDL8IJUFBOE$PMPS$PQZJOH ! ! ! r.BJMJOHBOE'VMđMMNFOU ! ! ! ! ! ! 7JTJUVTPOUIFXFCBUwww.tsfpress.com ! ! [email protected] 109 North 5th Street Saddle Brook, NJ 07663 201.226.9220 Toll-Free 800.866.6375 www.tsfpress.com Please Patronize Our Advertisers Please Patronize Our Advertisers Please Patronize Our Advertisers *ANNEY -ONTGOMERY 3COTT ,,# is proud to support ST. JOSEPH REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 7ITH ROOTS THAT CAN BE TRACED TO *ANNEY HELPS CLIENTS ACHIEVE THEIR lNANCIAL GOALS 7HETHER ITS ASSISTING INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES WITH COMPREHENSIVE lNANCIAL PLANNING PORTFOLIO AND WEALTH MANAGEMENT OR SUPPORTING CORPORATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS WITH CAPITAL PLANNING AND STRATEGIC BUSINESS ADVICE WE BUILD AND MAINTAIN RELATIONSHIPS THAT ENDURE 7E CARRY A COMMITMENT TO OUR CLIENTS TO BE THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF SERVICE IN lNANCIAL RELATIONSHIPS EDWARD J. VAN ITALLIE Senior Vice President/ Investments 212.510.06212 s EVANITALLIE JANNEYCOM WWWJANNEYCOM *ANNEY -ONTGOMERY 3COTT ,,# "ROADWAY TH &LOOR .EW 9ORK .9 WWWJANNEYCOM s -EMBER .93% &).2! 3)0# Please Patronize Our Advertisers WOULD LIKE TO WISH THE BEST OF LUCK TO ALL THE STUDENTS, FAMILIES AND PLAYERS OF THE GREEN KNIGHT FOOTBALL TEAMS FOR A SUCCESSFUL 2011-‐2012 SEASON AND YEAR!!!! Please Patronize Our Advertisers Committed to Getting Players of All Levels Back in the Game With SIX convenient locations, EXCEL Orthopedic Rehabilitation is easily accessible to anyone in Bergen County. Fort Lee Office Oakland Office 1355 15th Street 100 Bauer Drive Oakland, NJ 07436 Fort Lee, NJ 07024 201-224-8717 201-651-0121 Hackensack Office 605 Main Street Hackensack, NJ 07601 201-488-0488 Waldwick Office 136 Hopper Avenue Waldwick, NJ 07463 201-493-7770 Rutherford Office 301 Rt.17 North Rutherford, NJ 07070 201-460-0032 Cresskill Office 32 Piermont Road Cresskill, NJ 07626 201-567-0044 Proud Supporter of St. Joseph Regional High School Football The PROUD Physical Therapy Provider for NETS BASKETBALL Please Patronize Our Advertisers Please Patronize Our Advertisers Best of Luck to all the Green Knights and to Coach Karcich for a successful season! Please Patronize Our Advertisers Proud supporters of the St. Joseph Regional High School Football Program More than security! Consistent, reliable and responsive service... Control Security Services Total security support Control Security Services provides integrated security support for a wide variety of properties throughout the New York City region from retail facilities to commercial office buildings and more. 333 Meadowland Parkway Secaucus, NJ 07094 p. 201.624.2140 Go Max #33! Here’s to a Great Senior Year ~ Class of 2012 Please Patronize Our Advertisers Acqua Pools Sales & Service 201-444-2424 44 Central Avenue — Midland Park, NJ Hours: Monday thru Friday 10 am — 6 pm Saturday 9 AM — 6 PM www.acquapools.com Raypak Pentair Loop-Loc Polaris Hayward AND ALL OTHER MAJOR MANUFACTURERS REPLACEMENT LINER SPECIALISTS Specializing in custom designs We accept most major credit cards Serving the area for over 39 years! Please Patronize Our Advertisers CHEVROLET BUICK 201 201 CHEVROLET BUICK 201 2000.Chevy17.com '$+)&+!(!+$!#*.!+-$+,2- .-'$+%)+# Please Patronize Our Advertisers Good Luck Green Knights! Please Patronize Our Advertisers Please Patronize Our Advertisers The crew of Maaco Keyport wishes Brian Josephson a successful season! Please Patronize Our Advertisers Please Patronize Our Advertisers Good Luck To The Green Knights & James McNerney In The 2011 Season! Please Patronize Our Advertisers Best of luck to Anthony Castillo (50) & The Green Knights! From all of your friends at Rose Brand. Stage Curtains, Theatrical Fabrics & Scenic Supplies. New Jersey · California RoseBrand.com Please Patronize Our Advertisers Please Patronize Our Advertisers Please Patronize Our Advertisers GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE SJR GREEN KNIGHTS! HAVE A GREAT SEASON! Please Patronize Our Advertisers Good Luck St. Joe’s Please Patronize Our Advertisers VIP AMBULETTE Wishes Joel Antoine #38 & all the Green Knights a Great Season! 15 Monsey Blvd. Monsey, NY 10952 845-425-3778 Good Luck Joel! The Flanagan Family Please Patronize Our Advertisers Good Luck Players!!! 9 15 SF Football Journal FP BW 9/12/11 4:08 PM Page 1 Please Patronize Our Advertisers Schultz Ford Lincoln is proud to support Saint Joseph Regional Green Knights Football! Inc. GOOD LUCK JUSTIN PICINIC # CALL OR SHOP US 24/7 ON THE WEB AT: 66 Score Big At... 877SCHULTZ.COM 35&t/"/6&5/: 845.624.3600 SHOWROOM HOURS: Monday-Thursday 9-9, Friday 9-6:30, Saturday 9-5 Please Patronize Our Advertisers Maximum Impact Video Filming & Video Editing Service Good Luck Green Knights! Have a Great Season Highlight Videos YouTube Posting Sports Music Duplication Ed Walsh / Synthesis Inc. MaximumImpactVideo.com 201.741.3340 [email protected] Please Patronize Our Advertisers ORANGETOWN PATRIOTS POP WARNER FOOTBALL AND CHEERLEADING Good Luck to all our Past Patriot Players And The Entire SJR Football Program on a Successful 2011 Season. Please Patronize Our Advertisers Please Patronize Our Advertisers Best Wishes & Success St. Joe’s Football 145 Piermont Road Tenafly, NJ 201.697.7911 t3PUBUJPOBM)JUUJOH1SPHSBN t$BUDIJOH4LJMMT1SPHSBN t1JUDIJOH1SPHSBN www.muggeobaseball.com [email protected] Please Patronize Our Advertisers KEN’S TREE CARE Tr e e a n d S h r u b E x p e r t s 401 Paulding Avenue · Northvale, NJ 07647 NJ (201) 768-0694 · NY (845) 398-8007 · F (201) 768-6758 www.kenstreecare.com Go Green Knights!! Good Luck Austin Please Patronize Our Advertisers HGC `| f xx Ux x | x? ax ]x x CJDCL ;LJF< JHD@DEFC a T T f x axt l 4 t | t ~ t c a {x g \ Since 1952 GOURMET PASTA SAUCE www.naninas.com 1-866-568-4086 Please Patronize Our Advertisers INSURANCE MANAGEMENT & CONSULTING JOSEPH MAURILLO 540 Mill Street, Belleville, NJ 07109 973/450-9800 fax 973/450-9892 www.imacagency.com Please Patronize Our Advertisers Is Proud to Support St. Joseph Regional High School Jay C. Nadel Douglas A. Duchak Chairman of the Board President & CEO We’re changing the way the world practices medicine. www.englewoodhospital.com Please Patronize Our Advertisers Please Patronize Our Advertisers Best of Luck to the Green Knights!!! Please Patronize Our Advertisers Many, many thanks to all the wonderful teachers and coaches who have inspired and taught our son. We will miss you and the SJR Family as much as he will next year. You will always be in our hearts. —The Havlusch Family Green Knights …. year as a We hope you enjoy your …. GOOD LUCK to YOU and the rest of the SJR Freshman Football Team!! All OUR Love - Dad, Mom & Frank (Grandpa and Grandma, too!!) To Spencer and all the Green Knights… …best wishes for a winning season!!! *R-RHVá*R*UHHQ.QLJKWV We are so very proud of you and all your accomplishments on and off the field. We wish you and the entire St. Joes football team much success in 2011! /RYH /RYH *UDQGSD *UDQGSD*UDQGPD$XNDPS *UDQGPD$XNDPS*UDQG *UDQGP *UDQGPD*UDQGS *UDQGSD:LOOHPVHQ :LOOHPVHQ 0RP'DGDQG3DUNHU 0RP'DGDQG3DUNHU DGDQG3DUNHU Green Knights Good Luck Anthony #13 GO GREEN KNIGHTS Love, Mom, Dad, Jenna and Nicholas Green Knights GOOD LUCK MARK FOSSATI & THE REST OF THE GREEN KNIGHTS! From, Dad, Mom, Anthony, Dan & Chris Devin E. Cividini - Class of 2015 - Dear Devin, We wish you great success as you journey through St. Joseph Regional High School. We love you, dearly! Mom, Dad, and Daniella Green Knights GOOD LUCK MATT (CLASS OF 2015) AND ALL THE GREEN KNIGHTS!! THE KNEPPER FAMILY GO GREEN KNIGHTS!!! ANDREW, ALL THE BEST TO YOU IN YOUR FIRST YEAR WITH ST. JOE’S. WE KNOW YOU WILL GIVE IT YOUR ALL. GO GREEN KNIGHTS! LOVE, MOM & DAD & TOMMY MCGUIRE Green Knights #51 GOD’S BLESSINGS TODAY, TOMORROW & ALWAYS… TO OUR WONDERFUL GRANDSON GLENN LOVE, GRANDMA & GRANDPA TRAIN GO GREEN KNIGHTS Mark #39 We are very proud of the young man you have become at SJR. Good luck to you and your teammates. We wish all of you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Love, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Anthony and Aunt Pam Green Knights Dear Christian and Austin, Congratulations on all of your many accomplishments on and off the field. We are so proud of you both and we love you very much. Go Green Knights! Love, Mom, Dad, Paige Grammy and Poppy Best Wishes to Anthony DellaFave #65 and the entire SJR Freshman Football Team. We are so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, Chris and Grandma Let’s go Green Knights!! Vir Fidelis Green Knights Good luck to Marcus, our former VCI Pop Warner football player and the St. Joseph Regional Green Knights From the Valley Cottage Indians PLAY HARD — STAY HEALTHY & LET’S WIN GREEN KNIGHTS!!! Green Knights Best of Luck ANTHONY # 46 And the 2011 SJR Football Team TRANSPORT, LLC 99 Morgan Place, No. Arlington, NJ 07031 201-726-6694 Mom, Dad (Scott), Brittany, Erin, Chris & Mikey GO GREEN KNIGHTS! In Loving Memory of Fran Job Please Patronize Our Advertisers Good Luck Green Knights! Congratulations Seniors! All the best in the future. Please Patronize Our Advertisers When it matters most, you can Trust in Our Care. Featuring: 350948 OV\YU\YZPUNJHYL 9LOHIPSP[H[PVUKH`Z^LLR -\SS[PTLKPL[HY`ZLY]PJLZ *OHWLS *VMMLLIHY 9LJYLH[PVUHJ[P]P[PLZ <UPVU:[/HJRLUZHJR51 Please Patronize Our Advertisers Good luck to Jack Koch and the Green Knights !! RBI Sports Academy is Rockland County’s RBI Sports Academy is Rockland County’s From your friends at: premier instruction, training, & recreation premier instruction, training, & recreation facility for baseball and softball players of facility for baseball and softball players of McNamara Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc all ages and ability. all ages and ability. McNamara Fireplace & Stove 83 East Central Avenue Pearl River, NY 10965 845-735-8844 RBI Sports Academy is Rockland County’s RBI Sports Academy is Rockland County’s premier instruction, training, & recreation premier instruction, training, & recreation facility for baseball and softball players of facility for baseball and softball players of all ages and ability. all ages and ability. RBI SPORTS 616 Corporate Way RBI SPORTS Valley Cottage, N.Y. 10989 WWW.RBISPORTS.NET 616 Corporate Way 845-‐268-‐9900 Valley Cottage, N.Y. 10989 WWW.RBISPORTS.NET 845-‐268-‐9900 RBI SPORTS 616 Corporate Way Valley Cottage, N.Y. 10989 WWW.RBISPORTS.NET Please Patronize Our Advertisers Merchandise Fundraising Provides: Spirit Wear Corporate Apparel 888.59.KINGS (888.595.4647) www.KingsClothingCompany.com Please Patronize Our Advertisers 20% OFF entire purchase for friends and family of St. Joseph’s Regional PLUS FREE 4-pack of ENERGY SERJ Featuring BeeAlive’s Entire Product Line And More… A completely unique retail experience MON-WED 10AM TO 6PM T H U R S - S AT 1 0 A M T O 7 P M SUN 11AM TO 5PM 19 NORTH BROADWAY, NYACK, NY 10960 Bee Healthy, Bee Beautiful, BeeAlive. %$B5HWDLOB$GB67-RVHSK+6B)LQGG 845.727.7775 | [email protected] $0 Help your child dodobetter inschool school . better in . Help your child Your child can Your child can .your child succeed inHelp school. 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Botanically Based, Swiss-Formulated Products Skin Care, Wellness & Nutrition, Cosmetics To learn more contact… Paula Loverich, Independent Consultant 201.370.4182 or [email protected] www.paulaloverich.myarbonne.com Please Patronize Our Advertisers x x x x x x x x x x x x x Custom Paint Matching Power Tool Rentals Lamp Rewiring Power Tool Repairs Storm & Screen Repairs Lock Re-keying Weber Grills Glass Cut to Size Sharpening Service Keys Cut Custom Signs Power Washer Rentals Wheelbarrows x x x x x x x x x x x x x Housewares Automotive Plumbing Electrical Hardware Paint Lawn & Garden Barbeques Spray Paints Light Bulbs Epoxy Floor Paint A/C Filters x x x x x x x x x x x x x Benjamin Moore Cabot Stain Minwax Stains Milwaukee Tools Porter Cable Fein Tools Weber Grills Black & Decker Dewalt Krylon 3M Rustoleum Leatherman 201-327-0433 14 EAST MAIN STREET RAMSEY N.J. 07446 Serving Ramsey for over 50 years. Secure Lending Solutions, Inc. - 266 Harristown Road – Suite 304 Glen Rock, NJ 07452 SJR GREEN KNIGHTS …. is wishing you a WINNING SEASON!! IN NEED OF A MORTGAGE?? …. TRY We offer the best mortgage tools, loan programs and rates available in today’s complex marketplace – Secure’s mortgage process is easy, convenient and SECURE!! Our experienced and professional Mortgage Consultants will guide you through the often difficult process of choosing and getting the exact loan to meet your specific mortgage needs. Marion R. Gulli, SVP -and- MOM of Green Knights!! Phone 201.345.5319 Fax 201.345.5329 [email protected] Toll Free #: 888.4 SLSMTG, ext: 319 Please Patronize Our Advertisers Best wishes for a successful season go out to Spencer Aukamp and the entire St. Joe’s Football Team. Go Green Knights! Julius F. DeVito, President 319 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016 212-308-6333 fax 212-308-6595 Based in New York City, with locations in New Jersey, Massachusetts and Florida, we specialize in courier and delivery services. Scheduled Deliveries y On-Demand Deliveries y Messenger Services y Dedicated Fleet y Time Service y Supply Chain Management y Facilities Management y Logistics Consultants y Air Courier Services Visit us on our website at www.qualitytca.com. Please Patronize Our Advertisers The American Legion Cpl. Jedh C. Barker Memorial Post 153 118 Ridge Avenue, PO Box 153 Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 201-‐391-‐9754 Hall Rentals Available Go Green Knights!!! Green Knights GOOD LUCK MICHAEL To #72 Joseph Sabbers Have an awesome year! Love, Dad, Mom, Hunter Beau & Moka and all the 2011 GREEN KNIGHTS! HAVE A GREAT SEASON! THE BARRY FAMILY GOOD LUCK GLENN BECKMEYER #51 AND THE 2011 GREEN KNIGHTS To our son, Scott and all the Green Knights… Godspeed! The Loverich Family LOVE, “GRANDMA EL” BECKMEYER Good Luck William # 56 Good Luck William and the 2011 Green Knights # 56 Love, and the 2011 Green Knights Mom, Dad, Ruben Sarah and Samantha Love, Wishing the 2011 Green Knights Mom, Dad, Ruben a Healthy Wishing Green Knights& Successful Season !! Sarahthe and2011 Samantha Green Knights a Healthy & Successful Season !! Good Luck #10 Mike Osofsky Love, The Palumbo Family Good Luck #10 Mike Osofsky Love, The Palumbo Family ! !" """#$%& '()% Please Patronize Our Advertisers AND PERFORMANCE /DZ2I¿FHV Thomas J. Romans COUNSELOR AT LAW Landmark Building 27 Warren Street Hackensack, NJ 07601 201-489-0027 201-489-3540 [email protected] 160 Hopper Avenue Waldwick, NJ 07463 Phone: 201-444-2005 www.TrainWithParamount.com [email protected] Mike Milone Wagner College. Mike has been training at Paramount since his sophomore year in high school. His resume since has been an impressive one...Mike finished as Northern Highlands All-Time Leading Tackler (261), most tackles in a season (121), 2 year captain, Bergen County All-Star, and led Wagner as a true freshman in special teams tackles with 10 on the season. to see what we’re all about! AUTO REPAIR NYACK AUTO REPAIR, INC. 29 NO. FRANKLIN ST. - NYACK, NY 10960 ALAN HAYWARD MANAGER 845 - 358 -1500 get stronger, get faster, TRAIN AT PARAMOUNT Mark Fossati St. Joes Football. Mark has been training with Paramount since he was in 6th grade. Since that time, he has dominated every sport he has played in including a starring role in a League Championship for his Hohokus/Saddle River Indians and an undefeated season for the St. Joes Freshman Football Team of 2010. Good Luck Green Knights Search “Paramount Fitness” on FOREIGN & DOMESTIC This Year, don’t train to maintain... Strength Flexibility Nutrition Pain Management Weight Loss Athlete Camps Find us on Please Patronize Our Advertisers 845-627-3619 Cell Phone: 914-841-2017 119 Violet Drive Pearl River, NY 10965 MUDDY CREEK RENOVATIONS, INC Larry Urban Rockland License: #H-A6-002867-00-00 New Jersey License: #13VH02151600 You Go #13 Go St Joe’s Please Patronize Our Advertisers !"#$%&'($%$ )*+++,-., / 01-., We will extend a $50.00 courtesy OFF a new patient exam, cleaning, and x-rays to team members and their immediate families. Please Patronize Our Advertisers Dan Mazzaro For all your Printing and Graphic Needs Stationery Business Cards Brochures Newsletters Flyers Menus Invitations Posters Journals Logos Direct Mail Labels Booklets Digital Printing Offset Printing 1-4 Color Printing 57 Bardonia Rd, Bardonia N.Y. 10954 0- Email: [email protected] Go Green Knights GOOD LUCK BRANDO #37 Good Luck Green Knights!!! Please Patronize Our Advertisers Good Luck St Joe’s Green Knights Boosters Proud of my nephew the Green Knight - Khari Auntie Karen Go Michael #6 & the Green Knights! Grandpa Kealey Have a great season Jack Koch! Raffaele’s On Central Pizzeria Pearl River, NY Good Luck Joseph Di Sclafani! New Beginnings Hair Salon Fair Lawn, NJ Wishing you a great season Khari! Ann & Darryle Gaines Good Luck Khari & Freshman Green Knights! Uncle Grady & Aunt Jackie Anderson God Bless William (#56) & SJR this 2011 Football Season Love Grandma Mildred Joe’s Tires & Auto Body Good Luck Jack Walsh & the Green Knights! Have a great season! Uncle Joseph O’Neil ‘90 & family BbEeSsTt OoFf LlUuCcKk AaNnTtHhOoNnYy PpIiıCcCcIiıNnIiıCcHh! JjEeNnNnAa & NnIiıCcHhOoLlAaSs PpIiıCcCcIiıNnIiıCcHh Go Green Knights! Go Khari!! Community Barber Shop Spring Valley, NY Good Luck Michael #6 & the Green Knights! Bauer Sport Shop - Dumont, NJ Good Luck this season Joseph Di Sclafani! Truly Yours Salon Cliffside Park, NJ Have a great season Khari… The Hendricks Family Good Luck Wil Rivera! Remember the harder you practice, the easier the game is Frank Diaz LET’S GO GREEN KNIGHTS! Green Knights 2011 T hey No e r A e r w? he W Twenty-nine former Green Knights are currently playing college football Class of 2006 Brandon Glyck Princeton Class of 2007 Steve Carretta Marist Class of 2008 Ryan Dinnebeil Stephen Guarino Patrick Kivlehan Marist Marist Rutgers Class of 2009 Kevin Adams Steve Beauharnais Andrew Belizaire John Ceccio Ryan Donohue William Giles Gabe Hernandez Thomas Holahan Sean Hurley Joseph Janovic David Wood Pittsburgh Rutgers Rhode Island Amherst UConn Gannon Gannon Amherst Williams Rowen Elon Class of 2010 Alex Aitkens Kai Dominguez Kamal Hogan Mike Kastner Devin O’Connor K’Waun Williams Sacred Heart Louisville Louisville Colgate Bryant Pittsburgh Class of 2010 Presley Beauvais Joseph Checke Paul Hurley Michael Mahoney Patrick Neumann Patrick O’Connor Chris Picinic Univ. at Albany Salve Regina Salve Regina Salve Regina Holy Cross Univ. at Albany Merrimack Green Knights Currently Playing in the NFL Devin McCourty ‘05 New England Patriots Jason McCourty ‘05 Tennessee Titans Junior Galette ‘06 New Orleans Saints As of September 1, 2011 Green Knights First Team All-League Selections: 1966 - 2010 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1977 1978 1979 Glenn Piper (G) Steve Saner (T) John Bykowsky (HB) Larry Haertel (E) John Bykowsky (HB) Don Trahey (DB) Tom Rogers (G) Ken Bald (S) Dennis Dubitsky (DT) Ed Knightly (E) Craig Laitta (S) Angelo Marino (G) Brian Bracken (DB) Bob McDonald (DE) Dan Tomai (LB) Brian Bracken (DB) Kevin Sherlock (OE) Flip DiCosmo (LB) Larry Lockwood (RB) Jim Raftery (OT) Steve Halsch (C) Mike Cunningham (C) Bill Adams (QB) Tom Lodge (LB) Bob Massimi (K) John McDermott (C) Craig Murphy (OE) Chris Nielsen (DL) Mike O'Brien (P) Pete Sullivan (DB) Ed Taaffe (DL) Jim Bodrato (DB) Pat Burke (LB) John Forte (QB) Bob Massimi (K) Mike O'Brien (DB&OE) Jim Bodrato (DB) Mike Buttner (OT) John Curry (LB) Robert Dinallo (DL) Jeff Faber (RB) John Forte (QB) Jack Haugh (OE) Paul Heilman (G) Kevin Mendillo (DL) 1980 1981 1982 1983 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Frank Bianco (DB) Mike McGeary (DL) Jim Monaghan (LB) Steve Monaghan (P) Bill Reiner (C) Kevin Stapleton (G) Robert Vrindten (DL) Bob Wypler (OE) Gary Flanagan (WR) Greg Flynn (RB) James Haugh (TE) John List (LB) Mike McDonald (DB) Steve Monaghan (QB) Robert Vrindten (OT) James Haugh (TE) Bob Hastings (RB) Mike Neglia (LB) Greg Stemkowski (WR) Chris Campbell (LB) Dave Esposito (DB) Dave Gatti (RB) John Kobell (DL) Matt Shepard (WR) Dave Gatti (RB) Ed Moran (DB) Jim Wichmann (OL) John Farley (RB) Brett Kobell (G) George Stewart (LB) Brian Dumaresq (G) Kurt Karcich (TE) Tim Langer (RB) Matt McLaughlin (WR) Chris Moore (QB) Chris Santise (DB) George Stewart (LB) Chris Connolly (OT) Mike Distelhurst (DL) Brian Dumaresq (G) Mike Kearney (QB) Marc Mainelli (TE) Dave Perno (WR) Rob Santise (LB) Greg Smiechowski (DB) Greg Telemaque (RB) Green Knights First Team All-League Selections: 1966 - 2010 (continued) 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Steve Capizzi (DB) Kevin Maye (DL) Tim Morabito (DL) Ralph Sanon-Jules (OT) Greg Telemaque (RB) Anders Timberg (LB) Steve Capizzi (DB) Troy Dumaresq (DL) Greg Karcich (LB) Joe Koch (C) Brian Maye (LB) Greg McNiff (TE) Rich Picinich (QB) Justin Saxon (WR) James Young (OT) Pat Destro (DB) T.J. Fay (RB) Greg Karcich (TE) Brian Maye (LB) Anthony Muoio (G) Pat Destro (DB) Chris Kassai (TE) ,DQ/HIÀHU/% Frank Lodeserto (DL) Anthony Muoio (G) A.J. Samonte (RB) Brian Scimanico (DL) Carlos Sosa (DB) Lou Taylor (K) Bill Ward (QB) Angel Colon (DB) Henry Pollio (DL) Adrian Puzio (G) Jeff Rivera (LB) Mike Bertolino (OT) Angel Colon (DB) Tim Dinkelmeyer (TE) Mike Perrone (LB) Henry Pollio (DL) Adrian Puzio (G) Cooper Rego (RB) Vin Ciurciu (LB) Chris Cunningham (LB) 1996 (cont) 1997 1998 1999 2000 Nick Gallo (OT) Ryan Gonsales (DL) John Holahan (DB) Edgar Puzio (G) Cooper Rego (RB) Steve Borchers (DL) Vin Ciurciu (DL) Nick Gallo (G) Ryan Gonsales (LB) Augie Hoffmann (OT) Ray Loffredo (OT) Todd Okolovitch (K) Edgar Puzio (G) Rob Ring (TE) Ernie Svolto (RB) Dave Tellado (C) Quentin Unsworth (DB) Steve Borchers (DL) Augie Hoffmann (OT) Mike McCormick (C) Todd Okolovitch (DB) Edgar Puzio (G) Frank Rose (TE) Joe Scott (QB) Rich Stallone (DL) Steve Teitel (LB) Julio Boromei (G) Jon D'Amato (DL) Joe Glassey (LB) Harry Gooch (DL) Chris Marshall (DB) Pat McManus (DB) Ayotunde Oluwole (RB) Mike Plescia (LB) Matt Romeo (RB) Rich Stallone (OT) Kellen Wingate (TE) Ben Gallo (G) Mike Josephson (LB) Jim Malizia (DL) Pat McMahon (QB) Tom McManus (DL) Jon McPhee (DB) Green Knights First Team All-League Selections: 1966 - 2010 (continued) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 Jason Abrams (G) Nick D'Alessandro(DB) Lee Dugan (DL) Mike Josephson (LB) Ron LaSasso (RB) Jon Lee-Hugh (TE) Jon McPhee (DB) Matthew Ward (RB) Dan Filipovits (DL) Anthony Galimberti(LB) Ron Girault (RB) Shawn McMackin (OT) Dan Rodriguez (DL) Charles Sullivan (S) Dean Duchak (LB) Ron Girault (RB) Andrew Giuliani (PK) Brandon Haywood (DL) Rob Kerbstat (OT) Devin McCourty (DB) Jason Mills (DL) Dean Duchak (RB) Andrew Giuliani (PK) Brandon Haywood (OG) Devin McCourty (DB) Jason McCourty (DB) Ethan Pickett (DL) Andrew Romans (LB) Brent Weiss (QB) Devin Wooten (WR) William Braaf (DL) Rob Cervini (QB) Chris Della Fave (G) Anthony Ferla (RB) Junior Galette (LB) Brandon Glyck (DL) Pat Kivlehan (DB) Terrence Klein (DB) Doug Klopacz (OT) Domonic Wright (WR) Ryan Dinnebeil (DL) Wayne Drummond (RB) 2006 (cont) 2007 2008 2009 2010 Pat Kivlehan (DB) Christian Klein (TE) Adam Triglia (LB) David Cooke (TE) Ryan Dinnebeil (RB) Ryan Donohue (LB) Steve Guarino (WR) Pat Kivlehan (DB) Christian Klein (DL) Patrick Neumann (OT) David Wood (DB) Kevin Adams (LB) Steve Beauharnais (DL) John Ceccio ( OT) Kai Dominguez (WR) Ryan Donohue (LB) William Giles (DL) Gabe Hernandez (QB) Kamal Hogan (RB) K’Waun Williams (DB) David Wood (DB) Alex Aitkens (DB) Kai Dominguez (WR) Robert Gray (OT) Kamal Hogan (RB) Michael Kastner (C) Ryan Neumann (DE) Devin O’Connor (QB) K’Waun Williams (DB) Blair Wynn (LB) Presley Beauvais (RB) Mark Cieslak (LB) Ricky Jeune (WR) Alain Leneus (G) Dane McDermott (LB) Patrick O’Connor (TE) Chris Picinic (OT) Christian Stapleton (DB) Wyatt Vinci (DL) Green Knights First Team All-County Selections: 1969 - 2010 1969 1978 1979 1980 1982 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Angelo Marino (G) Mike O'Brien (OE) John Forte (QB) Kevin Mendillo (DL) Mike McGeary (DL) Bill Reiner (C) James Haugh (TE) Ed Moran (DB) Brett Kobell (G) George Stewart (LB) Brian Dumaresq (G) Kurt Karcich (TE) George Stewart (LB) Mike Distelhurst (DL) Brian Dumaresq (G) Mike Kearney (QB) Marc Mainelli (TE) Kevin Maye (DL) Greg Telemaque (RB) Troy Dumaresq (DL) Brian Maye (LB) Greg Karcich (OE) Brian Maye (LB) Pat Destro (DB) Chris Kassai (TE) Bill Ward (QB) Adrian Puzio (G) Mike Bertolino (OT) Angel Colon (DB) Henry Pollio (DL) Adrian Puzio (G) Cooper Rego (RB) Ryan Gonsales (DL) John Holahan (DB) Cooper Rego (RB) Vin Ciurciu (DL) Nick Gallo (G) Ryan Gonsales (LB) Ray Loffredo (OT) Ernie Svolto (RB) 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Steve Borchers (DL) Augie Hoffmann (OT) Todd Okolovitch (DB) Edgar Puzio (G) Frank Rose (TE) Steve Teitel (LB) Harry Gooch (DL) Matt Romeo (RB) Rich Stallone (OT) Jon McPhee (DB) Jason Abrams (G) Jon McPhee (DB) Shawn McMackin (OT) Charles Sullivan (S) Ron Girault (RB) Rob Kerbstat (OT) Brandon Haywood (OG) Jason McCourty (DB) Andrew Romans (LB) Chris Della Fave (G) Anthony Ferla (RB) Terrence Klein (DB) Doug Klopacz (OT) Christian Klein (TE) Pat Kivlehan (DB) Christian Klein (DL) Steve Beauharnais (DL) Ryan Donohue (LB) David Wood (DB) Alex Aitkens (DB) Kai Dominguez (WR) K’Waun Williams (DB) Dane McDermott (LB) Patrick O’Connor (TE) Green Knights Second Team All-County Selections: 1972 - 2010 1972 1974 1977 1978 1981 1983 1985 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Jim Raftery (OT) Mike Cunningham (C) Tom Lodge (LB) Pete Sullivan (DB) Ed Taaffe (DL) Pat Burke (LB) Bob Massimi (K) Greg Flynn (RB) Mike Neglia (LB) Chris Campbell (LB) John Farley (RB) Chris Moore (QB) Chris Santise (DB) Dave Perno (WR) Greg Smiechowski (DB) Tim Morabito (DL) Anders Timberg (LB) Steve Capizzi (DB) Joe Koch (C) Greg McNiff (TE) T.J. Fay (RB) ,DQ/HIÀHU/% Anthony Muoio (G) Angel Colon (DB) Henry Pollio (DL) Tim Dinkelmeyer (TE) 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Vin Ciurciu (LB) Augie Hoffmann (OT) Rob Ring (TE) Quentin Unsworth (DB) Joe Scott (QB) Julio Boromei (G) Pat McManus (DB) Kellen Wingate (TE) Pat McMahon (QB) Tom McManus (DL) Ron Girault (RB) Brent Weiss (QB) Rob Cervini (QB) Junior Galette (LB) Pat Kivlehan (DB) David Cooke (TE) Ryan Donohue (LB) Patrick Neumann (OT) David Wood (DB) Kai Dominguez (WR) William Giles (DL) Gabe Hernandez (QB) Kamal Hogan (RB) Alain Leneus (G) Wyatt Vinci Green Knights Third Team All-County Selections: 1967 - 2010 1967 1979 1980 1981 1986 1988 1990 1991 1992 1993 John Bykowsky (HB) Mike Buttner (OT) Bob Dinallo (DL) Jeff Faber (RB) Jack Haugh (OE) Bob Wypler (WR) Jim Haugh (TE) Jim Wichmann (OT) Jason Cosimano (DL) Tim Langer (RB) Kevin O'Connor (OT) Steve Capizzi (DB) Ralph Sanon-Jules (OT) James Young (OT) Anthony Muoio (G) A.J. Samonte (RB) Lou Taylor (K) 1994 1996 1997 1999 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 2008 2010 Jeff Rivera (LB) Chris Cunningham (LB) Steve Borchers (DL) Edgar Puzio (G) Chris Marshall (DB) Justin Merzeau (C) Ben Gallo (G) Lee Dugan (DL) Ron LaSasso (RB) Brandon Haywood (DL) Devin McCourty (DB) Andrew Giuliani (PK) Devin McCourty (DB) Devin Wooten (WR) Brandon Glyck (DL) Kevin Adams (LB) John Ceccio (OT) Presley Beauvais (RB) Christian Stapleton (DB) Green Knights First Team All-State: 1974 - 2010 1974 1978 1979 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Mike Cunningham (C) Mike O'Brien (OE) Kevin Mendillo (DE) Ed Moran (DB) Brett Kobell (G) George Stewart (LB) Brian Dumaresq (G) Chris Santise (DB) George Stewart (LB) Mike Distelhurst (DE) Brian Dumaresq (G) Mike Kearney (OB) Marc Mainelli (OE) Kevin Maye (DL) Greg Telemaque (OB) Troy Dumaresq (DL) Brian Maye (LB) Greg Karcich (OE) Brian Maye (LB) Pat Destro (DB) Bill Ward (OB) Adrian Puzio (G) Mike Bertolino (OT) Angel Colon (DB) Henry Pollio (DL) Adrian Puzio (G) Cooper Rego (OB) Ryan Gonsales (DL) John Holahan (DB) Cooper Rego (OB) 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 Vin Ciurciu (DL) Nick Gallo (G) Ryan Gonsales (DL) Ernie Svolto (OB) Steve Borchers (LB) Augie Hoffmann (OT) Todd Okolovitch (DB) Julio Boromei (OL) Pat McManus (DB) Matt Romeo (LB) Rich Stallone (OL) Jon McPhee (DB) Jason Abrams (OL) Ron LaSasso (RB) Jon McPhee (DB) Ron Girault (RB) Rob Kerbstat (OT) Brandon Haywood (DL) Jason McCourty (DB) Andrew Romans (LB) Anthony Ferla (DB) Terrence Klein (DB) Doug Klopacz (OL) Pat Kivlehan (DB) Christian Klein (DL) Patrick Neumann (OL) Steve Beauharnais (DL) John Ceccio (OL) Ryan Donohue (LB) David Wood (DB) Kai Dominguez (WR) K’Waun Williams (DB) Alain Leneus (OL) Dane McDermott (LB) Green Knights Second Team All-State: 1979 - 2010 1979 1980 1982 1983 1985 1987 1988 1989 1993 1994 1996 John Forte (DB) Jack Haugh (OE) Mike McGeary (DT) Bill Reiner (C) Kevin Stapleton (G) Steve Monaghan (OB) Mike Neglia (LB) Matt Shepard (OE) John Farley (RB) Kurt Karcich (TE) Chris Moore (OB) Kevin O'Connor (OT) Chris Connolly (OT) Chris Kassai (OE) ,DQ/HIÀHU/% Anthony Muoio (G) Henry Pollio (DE) Vin Ciurciu (DE) Nick Gallo (OT) 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 2008 2009 2010 Ray Loffredo (OT) Quentin Unsworth (DB) Edgar Puzio (OL) Frank Rose (TE) Steve Teitel (LB) Ayotunde Oluwole (RB) Lee Dugan (DL) Ron Girault (RB) Shawn McMackin (OL) Charles Sullivan (S) Brandon Haywood (DL) Dean Duchak (LB) Brent Weiss (QB) Devin Wooten (WR) Pat Kivlehan (DB) William Giles (DL) Kamal Hogan (RB) Ricky Jeune (WR) Green Knights Third Team All-State: 1971 - 2010 1971 1980 1981 1982 1983 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Kevin Sherlock (E) Marvin Miller (OB) Mike McDonald (DB) James Haugh (OE) Bob Hastings (OB) Chris Campbell (LB) John Kobell (DL) Jim Wichmann (OT) Tim Langer (RB) Dave Perno (OE) Greg Smiechowski (DB) Steve Capizzi (DB) Tim Morabito (DL) Anders Timberg (LB) Steve Capizzi (DB) Greg McNiff (OE) T.J. Fay (OB) Anthony Muoio (G) A.J. Samonte (OB) Angel Colon (DB) Jeff Rivera (LB) 1995 1997 1998 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 Tim Dinkelmeyer (OE) Eric Koeser (DB) Mike Perrone (DT) Steve Borchers (LB) Augie Hoffmann (OT) Joe Scott (OB) Ben Gallo (OL) Pat McMahon (QB) Tom McManus (DL) Matthew Ward (RB) Jason McCourty (RB) Brent Weiss (QB) Devin McCourty (DB) Rob Cervini (QB) Chris Della Fave (OL) Brandon Glyck (DL) Christian Klein (TE) David Wood (DB) Kai Dominguez Gabe Hernandez Mark Cieslak (LB) St Joseph Regional Green Knights Varsity Football Scores: 1965 - 2010 0 0 6 7 0 0 0 0 6 1965 (0-9, 19 PF-352 PA) St. Luke's at Pope Pius Emerson at Don Bosco Prep Bergen Catholic Queen of Peace at St. Cecilia's at Lodi Newark South Side 26 14 38 33 76 33 46 46 40 16 0 6 0 8 6 20 8 14 1972 (4-5, 78PF-146PA) Hudson Catholic DePaul at Seton Hall Prep East Paterson at Bergen Catholic at Essex Catholic Westwood Don Bosco Prep Paramus Catholic 0 38 22 24 14 22 14 6 6 44 37 40 56 14 21 14 0 8 21 1979 (8-1-1, 255PF-41PA) Paul VI (Clifton) at St. Celilia's Pope Pius (Passaic) at Paterson Catholic Queen of Peace at Paterson Eastside Don Bosco Prep St. Mary's (Ruth.) vs. Bergen Catholic* at Paramus Catholic 0 8 40 56 14 21 14 0 8 21 23 36 14 17 24 0 15 28 0 14 1986 (6-3-1, 171PF-146PA) at Bloomfield Paterson Kennedy at Ridgewood Don Bosco Prep at Paramus Bergen Catholic at Teaneck at Hackensack at Bergen Catholic* Paramus Catholic 0 14 17 6 16 34 15 20 18 6 20 33 14 12 59 13 25 6 0 1966 (4-5, 182PF-178PA) at St. Luke's Pope Pius at Emerson St. Cecilia's Bergen Tech at Bergen Catholic at Queen of Peace at Don Bosco Prep at DePaul 19 6 24 33 7 20 19 18 32 14 0 6 14 6 6 6 0 0 1973 (0-8-1, 52PF-211PA) St. Peter's Prep at DePaul Seton Hall Prep at Elmwood Park Bergen Catholic Essex Catholic at Don Bosco Prep Hudson Catholic at Paramus Catholic 28 34 28 25 34 9 50 3 0 27 48 27 35 31 6 2 9 7 1980 (6-3, 192PF-56PA) St. Joseph's (WNY) at Paul VI (Clifton) St. Cecilia's at Pope Pius (Pass.) at Queen of Peace at Sparta Don Bosco Prep at St. Mary's (Ruth.) Paramus Catholic 0 0 0 6 0 19 13 12 6 9 41 34 41 35 0 34 7 13 33 7 1987 (9-2, 254PF-90PA) at Paterson Kennedy Bloomfield Ridgewood at Don Bosco Prep Paramus Catholic at Bergen Catholic Teaneck Hackensack Immaculata* (OT) at Paramus Catholic at Bergen Catholic 12 6 14 20 14 17 0 0 7 0 0 18 21 30 13 46 19 26 7 0 1967 (7-2, 180PF-61PA) St. Mary's (Ruth.) Pope Pius at Our Lady/Valley at St. Cecilia's at Bergen Tech Essex Catholic Queen of Peace at Don Bosco Prep DePaul 21 0 6 7 0 6 7 0 14 12 12 12 0 0 8 12 6 1974 (2-6, 62PF-161PA) at St. Peter's Prep DePaul at Seton Hall Prep at Bergen Catholic at Essex Catholic Don Bosco Prep Hudson Catholic Paramus Catholic 21 3 41 40 20 15 7 14 23 9 0 37 20 42 28 41 30 1981 (7-1-1, 230PF-69PA) at St. Joseph's (WNY) at Don Bosco Prep Paterson Eastside Essex Catholic at Bergenfield Queen of Peace Spring Valley (NY) Sparta at Paramus Catholic 6 15 0 7 7 0 0 20 14 28 41 33 39 37 33 27 0 35 21 29 1988 (10-1, 323PF-146PA) Don Bosco Prep at Clifton at Passaic Bergen Catholic at Paterson Eastside Ridgewood at Montclair at Paterson Kennedy Queen of Peace* Paramus Catholic Delbarton* 7 14 28 14 6 13 6 21 12 7 18 0 20 7 27 7 0 12 6 6 1968 (2-6-1, 85PF-128PA) at St. Benedict's(N) at Dickinson (JC) at Seton Hall Prep DePaul at Bergen Catholic at Essex Catholic Don Bosco Prep at Queen of Peace Paramus Catholic 0 0 14 13 21 14 25 21 20 0 19 7 28 20 7 19 0 1975 (3-4-1, 100PF-127PA) at Hudson Catholic St. Peter's Prep at Kearny Passaic Bergen Catholic Essex Catholic at Don Bosco Prep at Paramus Catholic 0 7 6 8 22 22 44 18 14 14 13 15 7 20 25 20 18 1982 (4-5, 146PF-186PA) at Hackensack Don Bosco Prep at Bergen Catholic at Teaneck Ridgewood at Paramus at Bergenfield Fair Lawn Paramus Catholic 21 9 47 21 21 18 28 8 13 28 41 27 34 40 35 40 19 28 49 21 1989 (10-1, 362PF-159PA) Paterson Eastside at Barringer Passaic at Ridgewood Clifton at Montclair at Paramus Catholic Paterson Kennedy at Bergen Catholic Delbarton* St. Peter's Prep* 8 6 26 28 0 14 7 15 0 33 22 20 12 6 18 6 28 40 0 16 1969 (4-5, 146PF-161PA) St. Benedict's (Nwk.) at St. Cecilia's Seton Hall Prep at DePaul Bergen Catholic Essex Catholic Newark Central at Don Bosco Prep at Paramus Catholic 8 20 21 12 8 12 18 34 28 12 13 34 28 0 7 6 6 0 1976 (3-6, 106PF-153PA) at St. Mary's(Ruth.) at Secaucus Kearny at Passaic at Morris Catholic at Bergen Catholic East Orange Don Bosco Prep Paramus Catholic 28 6 12 12 30 21 7 30 7 0 26 21 6 12 13 6 27 25 1983 (3-6, 136PF-206PA) at Don Bosco Prep Bergen Catholic at Paterson Kennedy at Ridgewood Passaic Hackensack at Belleville Teaneck at Paramus Catholic 24 35 32 13 40 12 30 6 14 33 14 17 19 24 20 14 12 9 8 1990 (8-2, 170PF-67PA) Paramus at Middletown South Teaneck at Belleville at Nutley Hackensack at Ridgewood at Paramus Catholic Don Bosco Prep Queen of Peace* 6 21 14 0 6 0 0 7 0 13 23 0 0 24 0 0 25 12 20 1970 (3-6, 104PF-162PA) at St. Benedict's(N) St. Cecilia's at Seton Hall Prep at Ferris (JC) at Bergen Catholic at Essex Catholic Newark Central Don Bosco Prep Paramus Catholic 14 27 28 0 8 20 24 13 28 21 16 6 48 13 13 14 7 0 14 1977 (9-1, 152PF-63PA) Paul VI (Clifton) at St. Cecilia's Pope Pius (FORFEIT) at Paterson Catholic Queen of Peace Bergen Catholic at Don Bosco Prep St. Mary's (Ruth.) vs. Bergen Catholic* at Paramus Catholic 0 0 0 0 10 10 7 0 30 6 7 6 0 0 0 16 0 12 15 1984 (1-8, 53PF-165PA) Passaic at Nutley Don Bosco Prep at Paramus Bergen Catholic at Teaneck at Hackensack at Ridgewood Paramus Catholic 21 27 13 13 21 24 18 28 0 27 7 43 13 21 12 20 28 21 31 0 1991 (9-2, 223PF-50PA) at Paramus Middletown South at Teaneck Belleville Nutl at Hackensack Ridgewood Paramus Catholic at Don Bosco Prep at St. Peter's Prep* at Bergen Catholic* 7 9 0 0 6 0 14 0 0 0 14 3 9 0 6 14 0 0 6 6 1971 (3-6, 44PF-185PA) St. Benedict's (Nwk.) Ramapo Seton Hall Prep at East Paterson Bergen Catholic Essex Catholic Don Bosco Prep at Westwood as Paramus Catholic 0 15 28 0 12 45 27 32 26 9 20 36 12 20 26 10 9 26 1978 (5-4, 168PF-92PA) at Paul VI (Clifton) St. Cecilia's at Pope Pius (Pass.) Paterson Catholic at Queen of Peace Paterson Eastside Don Bosco Prep at St. Mary's(Ruth.) Paramus Catholic 14 7 0 14 22 0 35 0 0 0 14 21 36 28 28 0 8 20 1985 (5-3-1, 155PF-78PA) at Passaic Nutley at Don Bosco Prep Paramus at Bergen Catholic Teaneck Hackensack Ridgewood at Paramus Catholic 21 14 7 0 6 0 8 20 2 41 42 28 21 13 41 7 16 29 14 1992 (7-3, 252PF-116PA) at Hoboken at Teaneck at Ridgewood Hackensack Nutley at Paramus Paramus Catholic at Belleville Immaculata* Don Bosco Prep 13 0 7 9 14 13 20 10 30 0 St Joseph Regional Green Knights Varsity Football Scores: 1965 - 2010 (continued) 53 42 34 16 24 35 43 28 14 38 23 1993 (10-1, 350PF-106PA) Erasmus Hall (Brklyn) Teaneck Ridgewood at Hackensack at Nutley Paramus at Paramus Catholic Belleville Msgr. Donovan (TR)* at Don Bosco Prep Bergen Catholic* 0 14 14 13 7 7 0 3 10 13 24 29 46 26 27 56 48 48 37 54 55 9 1998 (10-1, 435PF-146PA) St. Anthony's (NY) at Belleville Montclair at Teaneck Paramus vs. Passaic Nutley at Paramus Catholic Holy Cross* Don Bosco Prep Bergen Catholic* 13 19 0 9 7 12 7 8 22 14 35 45 35 38 24 52 15 17 35 33 49 21 34 2003 (10-2, 398PF-188PA) at Nutley at Bloomfield at Berringer at Ridgewood Paramus Catholic at Hackensack Don Bosco Prep Clifton Pope John* Holy Cross* Bergen Catholic vs. Camden Cath. 7 0 0 7 14 14 63 6 14 22 27 14 14 31 48 42 39 47 49 6 36 35 42 27 2008 (11-1, 416PF-93PA) vs. St. Peter's Prep Hoboken Paterson Eastside at Hackensack Paramus Catholic at Greenwich (CT) Bergen Tech at Don Bosco Prep Delbarton* Camden Catholic* at Bergen Catholic vs. Immaculata* 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 35 6 7 26 6 15 27 47 35 0 21 44 35 19 43 1994 (6-4, 286PF-206PA) at Paramus Catholic at Teaneck Belleville Paramus at Bergen Catholic Hackensack West Essex at Nutley at Delbarton* Don Bosco Prep 18 8 6 0 35 40 13 33 30 23 27 33 36 41 39 53 40 41 42 32 22 1999 (11-0, 406PF-140PA) at St. Anthony's at Hackensack Teaneck Paramus Catholic at Ridgewood Don Bosco Prep at Belleville at Clifton Camden Catholic* Bergen Catholic vs. Delbarton* 8 0 0 10 14 31 26 7 14 13 17 43 42 31 38 31 56 41 46 42 52 41 42 2004 (11-1, 505PF-125PA) at Paterson Eastside Teaneck at Hackensack at Paramus Catholic at Don Bosco Prep Nutley Passaic Belleville at Bergen Catholic Msgr. Donovan Gloucester Catholic* vs. Pope John* 8 2 7 0 24 7 0 0 56 6 7 8 34 44 17 37 24 19 57 7 42 45 28 14 2009 (9-3, 368PF-244PA) vs. DePaul Catholic at Paramus Catholic at Wayne Hills at Fair Lawn West Milford at St. Peter's Prep Teaneck Bergen Catholic Bishop Ahr* Holy Spirit* Don Bosco Prep vs. Immaculata* 21 23 15 0 7 42 21 28 6 19 62 0 42 42 47 28 30 35 27 14 21 41 32 1995 (11-0, 359PF-110PA) Paramus Catholic Teaneck at Belleville at Paramus Bergen Catholic at Hackensack at West Essex Nutley Delbarton* at Don Bosco Prep vs. DePaul* 18 14 0 0 9 7 9 0 14 13 26 16 54 32 33 5 28 41 13 28 20 21 54 2000 (10-2, 345PF-181PA) St. Anthony's (NY) at Passaic Paterson Kennedy Barringer at Paramus Catholic Paterson Eastside Paramus at Don Bosco Prep St. John Vianney* at Camden Catholic at Bergen Catholic vs. Pope John* 35 16 8 6 0 12 27 28 7 6 7 29 46 35 28 47 0 35 48 42 56 56 56 38 2005 (11-1, 471PF-142PA) Paterson Eastside at Teaneck Hackensack Paramus Catholic Don Bosco Prep at Nutley at Passaic at Belleville Bergen Catholic* Hudson Catholic Pope John* vs. Delbarton* 20 0 0 14 24 0 20 6 7 13 14 24 35 21 35 28 28 13 49 35 42 49 7 13 2010 (8-4, 355PF-258PA) at DePaul St Peter's Prep at Paramus Catholic at Paramus Ramapo Bergen Catholic at Pascack Valley Wayne Hills Camden Catholic* DePaul* Don Bosco Holy Spirit 26 32 44 48 41 52 42 6 52 38 36 1996 (10-1, 417PF-183PA) at Marist Montclair at Paramus Catholic Teaneck Belleville at Paramus at Nutley Hackensack Queen of Peace* Don Bosco Prep vs. Delbarton* 6 7 29 26 6 12 20 28 22 7 20 49 35 42 27 22 49 47 7 42 48 22 17 2001 (11-1, 407PF-106PA) at St. Anthony's (NY) Passaic at Paterson Kennedy at Barringer Paramus Catholic at Paterson Eastside at Paramus Don Bosco Prep St. Augustine Prep* Bishop Ahr* Bergen Catholic vs. Immaculata* 7 0 8 6 7 13 0 28 6 7 15 9 30 41 35 31 14 24 3 13 28 3 2006 (4-6, 222PF-239PA) vs. Poly Prep (NY) Newburgh Free Acad. Paterson Eastside Xaverian Bros. (MA) at Teaneck Paramus Catholic at Don Bosco Prep at Clifton at Holy Cross* at Bergen Catholic 6 14 28 21 27 27 43 18 35 20 33 49 42 42 63 51 29 41 16 31 57 1997 (11-0, 454PF-106PA) Marist at Montclair Paramus Catholic Teaneck at Belleville Paramus Nutley at Hackensack vs. Bergen Catholic* at Don Bosco Prep vs. Seton Hall Prep* 6 40 14 0 0 6 0 6 6 6 22 42 28 42 10 35 17 0 35 34 20 28 56 2002 (9-3, 347PF-191PA) Nutley Bloomfield Barringer at Ridgewood at Paramus Catholic Hackensack at Don Bosco Prep at Clifton Gloucester Catholic* at Delbarton* at Bergen Catholic vs. Holy Cross* 14 19 8 17 21 14 34 12 0 6 34 12 40 36 40 6 49 48 7 30 42 3 43 2007 (9-2, 344PF-125PA) vs. Xaverian (NY) at Paterson Eastside at Poly Prep (NY) Xaverian Bros. (MA) Teaneck at Paramus Catholic Don Bosco Prep Clifton Delbarton* at Holy Spirit* Bergen Catholic 0 24 0 3 14 0 37 0 14 12 21 6 17 7 27 35 27 17 14 20 32 42 14 ST. JOSEPH REGIONAL GREEN KNIGHTS VS. ALL OPPONENTS : 1965 - 2010 LAST RESULT VS. OPP. Win Loss Opponent W L T Pct PF Avg. PA Avg. ---------- Barringer (Newark) 5 - 0 - 0 1.000 181 36.2 26 5.2 2003 38 - 0 ---------- Montclair 5 - 0 - 0 1.000 169 33.8 67 13.4 1998 26 - 0 ---------- Bloomfield 4 - 0 - 0 1.000 127 31.8 25 6.3 2003 35 0 ---------- Camden Cath. (Cherry Hill) 5 - 0 - 0 1.000 173 34.6 61 12.2 2010 42 - 20 ---------- Pope John (Sparta) 4 - 0 - 0 1.000 185 46.3 65 16.3 2005 56 - 14 ---------- Bergen Tech (Hackensack) 3 - 0 - 0 1.000 154 51.3 7 2.3 2008 49 - 0 ---------- Bishop Ahr (Edison) 2 - 0 - 0 1.000 90 45.0 13 6.5 2009 42 - 6 ---------- Fair Lawn 2 - 0 - 0 1.000 57 28.5 8 4.0 2009 37 - 0 ---------- Gloucester Catholic 2 - 0 - 0 1.000 75 37.5 7 3.5 2004 41 - 7 ---------- Hoboken 2 - 0 - 0 1.000 72 36.0 13 6.5 2008 31 - 0 ---------- Kearny 2 - 0 - 0 1.000 41 20.5 18 9.0 1976 34 - 12 ---------- Marist (Bayonne) 2 - 0 - 0 1.000 59 29.5 12 6.0 1997 33 - 6 ---------- Monsignor Donovan (TR) 2 - 0 - 0 1.000 66 33.0 16 8.0 2004 52 - 6 ---------- Newark Central 2 - 0 - 0 1.000 62 32.5 42 21.0 1970 25 - 24 ---------- Poly Prep (Brooklyn, NY) 2 - 0 - 0 1.000 70 35.0 6 3.0 2007 40 - 0 ---------- St. Joseph's (WNY) 2 - 0 - 0 1.000 50 25.5 6 3.0 1981 23 - 6 ---------- Wayne Hills 2 0 0 1.000 52 26.0 29 14.5 2010 35 - 14 ---------- West Essex 2 - 0 - 0 1.000 71 35.5 22 11.0 1995 27 - 9 ---------- Xaverian Brothers (MA) 2 - 0 - 0 1.000 37 18.5 24 12.0 2007 6 - 3 ---------- Dickinson (Jersey City) 1 - 0 - 0 1.000 20 20.0 0 0.0 1968 20 - 0 ---------- Erasmus Hall (Brooklyn) 1 - 0 - 0 1.000 53 53.0 0 0.0 1993 53 - 0 ---------- Ferris (Jersey City) 1 - 0 - 0 1.000 24 24.0 0 0.0 1970 24 - 0 ---------- Greenwich (CT) 1 - 0 - 0 1.000 47 47.0 7 7.0 2008 47 - 7 ---------- Newburgh Free Acad. (NY) 1 - 0 - 0 1.000 41 41.0 14 14.0 2006 41 - 14 ---------- Our Lady/Valley (Orange) 1 - 0 - 0 1.000 30 30.0 6 6.0 1966 30 - 6 ---------- Pascack Valley (Hillsdale) 1 - 0 - 0 1.000 49 49.0 17 17.0 2010 49 - 17 ---------- St.AugustinePrp(Richland) 1 - 0 - 0 1.000 42 42.0 6 6.0 2001 42 - 6 ---------- St.JohnVianney(Holmdel) 1 - 0 - 0 1.000 28 28.0 7 7.0 2000 28 - 7 ---------- Secaucus 1 - 0 - 0 1.000 13 13.0 6 6.0 1976 13 - 6 ---------- Spring Valley (NY) 1 - 0 - 0 1.000 28 28.0 0 0.0 1981 28 - 0 ---------- West Milford 1 - 0 - 0 1.000 24 24.0 7 7.0 2009 24 - 7 ---------- Xaverian(Brooklyn, NY) 1 - 0 - 0 1.000 40 40.0 0 0.0 2007 40 - 0 ---------- Paterson Eastside 11 - 0 - 1 0.957 397 33.1 131 10.9 2008 48 - 6 Paramus Belleville St. Benedict's (Newark) Clifton Pope Pius (Passiac) Teaneck Nutley Delbarton (Morristown) Immaculata (Somerville) Paramus Catholic Hackensack Passaic Holy Cross Paul VI (Clifton) St. Anthony's (LI, NY) Hudson Catholic (JC) Queen of Peace (NA) Paterson Catholic Ridgewood Paterson Kennedy DePaul Catholic (Wayne) St. Cecilia's (Engle.) Bergenfield Holy Spirit (Absecon) Westwood Don Bosco Prep (Ramsey) St. Peter's Prep (JC) St. Mary's (Rutherford) Bergen Cath. (Oradell) E. Paterson/Elmwood Pk. Essex Catholic (Newark) Seton Hall Prep (SO/WO) East Orange Lodi Morris Cath. (Denville) Newark South Side Ramapo (Franklin Lakes) Emerson Middletown South TOTALS 16 12 3 6 6 17 12 9 4 32 15 9 3 3 3 3 8 2 9 4 7 5 1 1 1 20 3 2 14 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 314 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 0 1 1 3 2 2 1 10 5 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 6 3 4 4 1 2 1 25 4 3 27 2 7 7 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 147 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0.941 0.923 0.875 0.875 0.857 0.857 0.833 0.818 0.800 0.756 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.700 0.667 0.667 0.600 0.636 0.556 0.500 0.333 0.500 0.444 0.429 0.417 0.341 0.333 0.300 0.125 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.678 589 452 46 235 171 695 448 335 100 1052 400 361 187 122 121 84 272 116 317 159 207 137 45 61 26 723 130 55 614 20 103 94 6 0 0 6 37 20 21 11285 34.6 34.8 11.5 33.6 24.4 33.1 29.9 30.5 20.0 24.5 20.0 30.1 46.8 30.5 30.3 16.8 22.7 38.7 21.1 22.7 18.8 15.2 22.5 20.3 13.0 16.1 18.6 9.2 15.0 6.7 10.3 11.8 6.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 18.5 10.0 10.5 24.1 173 106 22 57 26 215 162 206 52 459 217 204 91 14 63 23 159 14 227 110 231 148 35 45 46 979 120 61 915 49 177 204 7 46 30 40 50 62 30 5544 10.2 8.2 5.5 8.1 3.7 10.2 10.8 18.7 10.4 10.7 10.9 17.0 22.8 3.5 15.8 4.6 13.3 4.7 15.1 15.7 21.0 16.4 17.5 15.0 23.0 21.8 17.1 10.2 22.3 16.3 17.7 25.5 7.0 46.0 30.0 40.0 25.0 31.0 15.0 14.2 2010 2005 1971 2007 1980 2009 2005 2008 2009 2010 2008 2005 2003 1980 2001 2005 1996 1979 2003 2001 2010 1980 1981 2009 1972 2004 2008 1978 2008 1971 1981 1997 2010 28 - 40 - 3 - 30 - 35 - 57 - 35 - 36 - 14 - 35 - 42 - 48 - 49 - 48 - 49 - 56 - 52 - 56 - 24 - 42 - 49 - 27 - 20 - 45 - 20 - 31 - 14 - 9 - 42 - 6 - 37 - 57 - ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 49 - 27 6 0 0 6 21 0 6 0 7 0 20 22 0 7 13 22 0 7 8 32 0 7 19 14 24 0 0 26 0 7 22 32 1984 1983 13 - 0 30 - 6 ---------- 2006 1965 2006 1992 1994 1992 2006 1996 1985 2006 1978 2000 1973 1990 1978 2002 1988 1973 1970 1982 2010 1971 2010 2009 1980 2010 1973 1975 1974 1976 1965 1976 1965 2010 1966 1991 2010 18 14 27 14 30 30 27 28 21 35 14 35 3 13 14 17 21 34 27 28 14 32 42 42 12 27 25 22 41 7 46 30 40 35 24 9 14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 0 14 13 19 29 24 6 0 28 9 16 0 8 12 10 0 0 0 25 13 6 7 19 9 13 14 7 12 6 0 0 6 28 14 7 13 ST. JOSEPH REGIONAL GREEN KNIGHTS VS. ALL OPPONENTS : 1965 - 2010 PLAYOFF RECORD Opponent Camden Cath. (Cherry Hill) Pope John (Sparta) Bishop Ahr (Edison) DePaul Catholic (Wayne) Gloucester Catholic Monsignor Donovan (TomsRiver) Hudson Catholic (JerseyCity) St.Augustine Prep (Richland) St.John Vianney (Holmdel) Seton Hall Prep (WestOrange) Delbarton (Morristown) Immaculata (Somerville) Holy Cross Queen of Peace (NorthArlington) Holy Spirit (Absecon) St. Peter's Prep (JerseyCity) Bergen Cath. (Oradell) Total W 5 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 9 4 3 2 1 1 2 43 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 2 1 5 13 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pct 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.818 0.800 0.750 0.667 0.333 0.500 0.286 0.768 PF 173 185 90 81 75 66 56 42 28 57 335 100 187 95 61 52 40 1723 Avg. 34.6 46.3 45.0 40.5 37.5 33.0 56.0 42.0 28.0 57.0 30.5 20.0 46.8 31.7 20.3 26.0 5.7 30.8 PA Avg. 61 12.2 65 16.3 13 6.5 58 29.0 7 3.5 16 8.0 13 13.0 6 6.0 7 7.0 22 22.0 206 18.7 52 10.4 91 22.8 47 15.7 45 15.0 22 11.0 130 18.6 861 15.4 2010 2005 2009 2010 2004 2004 2005 2001 2000 1997 2008 2009 2003 1996 2009 1991 1997 2010 LAST RESULT VS. OPP. Win Loss ---------- 42 - 20 ---------- 56 - 14 ---------- 42 - 6 ---------- 49 - 32 ---------- 41 - 7 ---------- 52 - 6 ---------- 56 - 13 ---------- 42 - 6 ---------- 28 - 7 ---------- 57 - 22 36 14 49 52 45 31 16 49 - - - - - - - - 6 0 22 22 19 0 6 32 1994 1992 2006 1990 2010 1989 1998 2010 30 30 35 13 14 22 35 14 - - - - - - - - 19 29 28 8 13 21 9 13 ST. JOSEPH REGIONAL GREEN KNIGHTS : 1965 - 2010 Year 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1987 W 0 4 7 2 4 3 3 4 0 2 3 3 9 5 8 6 7 4 3 1 5 6 9 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L 9 5 2 6 5 6 6 5 8 6 4 6 1 4 1 3 1 5 6 8 3 3 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Pct. 0.000 0.444 0.778 0.278 0.444 0.333 0.333 0.444 0.056 0.250 0.438 0.333 0.900 0.556 0.850 0.667 0.833 0.444 0.333 0.111 0.611 0.650 0.818 0.909 PF Avg. PA 19 2.1 352 182 20.2 178 180 20.0 61 85 9.4 128 146 16.2 161 104 11.6 162 44 4.9 185 78 8.7 146 52 5.8 211 62 7.8 161 100 12.5 127 106 11.8 153 152 15.2 63 168 18.7 92 255 25.5 41 192 21.3 56 230 25.6 69 146 16.2 186 136 15.1 206 53 5.9 165 155 17.2 78 171 17.1 146 254 23.1 90 323 29.4 146 Avg. 39.1 19.8 6.8 14.2 17.9 18.0 20.6 16.2 23.4 20.1 15.9 17.0 6.3 10.2 4.1 6.1 7.7 20.7 22.9 18.3 8.7 14.6 8.2 13.3 YEAR BY YEAR RECORD PO SC Year W L T Pct. PF Avg. PA Avg. -- -- 1989 10 - 1 - 0 0.909 362 32.9 159 14.5 -- -- 1990 8 - 2 - 0 0.800 170 17.0 67 6.7 -- -- 1991 9 - 2 - 0 0.818 223 20.3 50 4.5 -- -- 1992 7 - 3 - 0 0.700 252 25.2 116 11.6 -- -- 1993 10 - 1 - 0 0.909 350 31.8 106 9.6 -- -- 1994 6 - 4 - 0 0.600 286 28.6 206 20.6 -- -- 1995 11 - 0 - 0 1.000 359 32.6 110 10.0 -- -- 1996 10 - 1 - 0 0.909 417 37.9 183 16.6 -- -- 1997 11 - 0 - 0 1.000 454 41.3 106 9.6 -- -- 1998 10 - 1 - 0 0.909 435 39.5 146 13.3 -- -- 1999 11 - 0 - 0 1.000 406 36.9 140 12.7 -- -- 2000 10 - 2 - 0 0.833 345 28.8 181 15.1 X -- 2001 11 - 1 - 0 0.917 407 33.9 106 8.8 -- -- 2002 9 - 3 - 0 0.750 347 28.9 191 15.9 X -- 2003 10 - 2 - 0 0.833 398 33.2 188 15.7 -- -- 2004 11 - 1 - 0 0.917 505 42.1 125 10.4 -- -- 2005 11 - 1 - 0 0.917 471 29.3 142 11.8 -- -- 2006 4 - 6 - 0 0.400 222 22.2 239 23.9 -- -- 2007 9 - 2 - 0 0.818 344 31.3 125 11.4 -- -- 2008 11 - 1 - 0 0.917 416 34.7 93 7.8 -- -- 2009 9 - 3 - 0 0.750 368 30.7 244 20.3 X -- 2010 8 - 4 - 0 0.667 355 29.6 258 21.5 X X TOT. 314 - 147 - 7 0.678 11285 24.1 6644 14.2 X X PO: Playoff Appearance;; SC: Sectional Championship PO X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x 27 SC -- -- -- -- -- -- X X X -- X X -- -- -- -- X -- -- X X -- 14 St. Joseph Regional- Football Record (1965-2010) Year 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Record 0-‐9 4-‐5 7-‐2 2-‐6-‐1 4-‐5 3-‐6 3-‐6 4-‐5 0-‐8-‐1 1-‐7 3-‐4-‐1 3-‐6 9-‐1 5-‐4 8-‐1-‐1 6-‐3 7-‐1-‐1 4-‐5 3-‐6 1-‐8 5-‐3-‐1 6-‐3-‐1 9-‐2 Coach Lou Contey Lou Contey Jack Stevens Ron Segal Ron Segal Al Forte Al Forte Larry Ennis Larry Ennis Larry Ennis Larry Ennis Bert Ammerman Bert Ammerman Bert Ammerman Bert Ammerman Bert Ammerman Bob Fiorini Bob Fiorini Bob Fiorini Bob Fiorini Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Year 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Record 10-‐1 10-‐1 8-‐2 9-‐2 7-‐3 10-‐1 6-‐4 11-‐0 10-‐1 11-‐0 10-‐1 11-‐0 10-‐2 11-‐1 9-‐3 10-‐2 11-‐1 11-‐1 4-‐6 9-‐2 11-‐1 9-‐3 8-‐4 Coach Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich Tony Karcich North Jersey Records ( Since 1986 ) C ha mp i o n s h i p s League * Most Wins (214) 1977 1989 1995 State 2004 1987 1997 1988 1999 1987 1991 1998 1995 2000 *Most consecutive years qualifying for the State Play – Offs (23) 1988 1993 1999 1996 2001 *Most State Championships 1979 1990 1997 2009 (13) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2008 2009 *Star Ledger Trophy: 1995, 1997, & 1999 (Ranked #1 in NJ) *St. Joseph Regional has achieved 4 Final National Rankings (U.S.A. - TODAY) 1995 - #8 1997 - #10 1999 - #7 2004 - #22 Coach Tony Karcich, celebrating his 25th season as Head Coach, is the All-Time Winningest Football Coach in Bergen County. North Jersey Records (since 1985) He enters the 2009 season with 291 victories. *Most Wins (236) *Most State Championships (14) *Most consecutive years qualifying for the State Play-offs (25) Coach Tony Karcich, beginning his 27th season as Head Coach, is the All-Time Winningest Football Coach in Bergen County. He enters the 2011 season with 308 victories and 17 State Titles. 2012 28th Annual Green Knights Football Camp Location St. Joseph Regional HS Montvale, New Jersey Dates 1st Session - June 25th - June 28th 2nd Session - July 9th - July 12th 9 AM to 3 PM Daily Who May Attend Student/Athletes who will be entering the 4th through 10th grade. For further information call: Camp Director: Tony Karcich at (201) 391-8978 or (201) 666-5627 “Commitment to Excellence” Putting Happiness Back Into Patients’ Lives David J. Saint, DC Chiropractic Gregory Thomas, DC, BCAO Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic David Gamburg, MD Pain Management Raymond G. Saint, DC Chiropractic Cindy Parnes, MD, FACOG Gynecology Tom Grantis, DC Sports Chiropractic Mara Guarton, PTA Physical Therapy Rick Lambert, MD Wellness Medicine & Acupuncture Mike Pilar, DDS TMJ/ TMD & Headaches Samuel K. Cho, MD Spine Surgery ACUPUNCTURE CHIROPRACTIC HEADACHE TREATMENT MASSAGE THERAPY PAIN MANAGEMENT PHYSICAL THERAPY SPINE SURGERY TMJ TREATMENT WELLNESS MEDICINE WOMEN’S HEALTH The integrative team at Montvale Health is dedicated to helping each and every patient achieve optimum wellness through personalized health care. Our center combines natural and non-surgical treatments, as well as offers surgical expertise, injection therapy and physical therapy. Our carefully selected team of doctors and therapists can find the best solutions for conquering your pain, improving your health and life long-term. Not every healthcare facility is the same. We’re here to show you the difference. I am very grateful to the doctors and staff of Montvale Health for giving me another option besides invasive surgery... This has been the best facility with the best care I have ever experienced. Jean Marie W., Highland Mills, NY (201) 391-8282 305 W. Grand Avenue, Montvale, NJ www.montvalehealth.com David J. Saint, DC, Director Rick Lambert, MD, Medical Director