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Gulf University for Science & Technology
Issue 1, year 1 - January 2010
Monthly Campus Newspaper
GUST’s 1st Spanish Cultural Day
Sun Yat Sen University and GUST Signed
A Cooperation Agreement
A Chinese delegation from
Sun Yat-Sen University paid a visit to
GUST to experience the educational
environment at this technologically
advanced University.
The delegation was received by Dr.
Abdulrahman Al Muhailan, Chairman of
the Borad of Trustees, Dr. Shuaib Abdullah
Shuaib President of GUST, Member of Board
of Trustees Prof. Jasim Abdulsalam, Dr. Fahad
Al Zumai Vice President for Administrative
and Financial affairs, and Dr. Robert Cook
Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The delegation enjoyed a walking
tour in the University during which
they met some University professors
and administrators. They asked about
the applied educational system and
recruitment policies at GUST. The
Gulf University for
Science and Technology
(GUST), in cooperation
with the Cultural Section
of the Spanish Embassy
of Kuwait, held the 1st
Spanish Cultural Day at
A.M.Al-Refai Library. The Spanish corner
at the GUST Library
was inaugurated by the
to Kuwait ,Manuel His
Excellency Gomez de
Valenzuela, Dr. Shuaib
Abdulla Shuaib, GUST
President, Dr. Sabah AlQuaddoomi, and Shobhita
Kohli, University Librarian. The corner exhibited
GUST MAG enG.indd 1
Spanish books, art works
and photographs.
Spanish and Arabic culture
have been intimately
history. As a result of
the Umayyad Caliphate
and its presence in Spain
between the 8th-11th
centuries, Arabic culture
left a permanent mark
on the development
of Spanish language,
traditions. Today, Arabic
ethnic influence is evident
not only in Andalucía,
throughout the American
hemisphere in Spain’s
former colonies. Similarly,
presence in the Americas
to the diffusion of
Spanish culture, and,
is now one of the most
widely spoken languages
in the world. Spain’s
rich cultural heritage,
is a tapestry of local
and regional traditions,
festivals and culinary
practices that has had a
tremendous impact on
the world. delegation hailed our University with
words of appreciation and gratitude
for its exceptional hospitality and
educational structure. They also
lauded the academic seriousness
which they strongly felt at GUST. At
the end of their visit, members of the
delegation received GUST souvenirs
as tokens of friendship.
It is worth mentioning here that
Sun Yat-Sen University signed an
agreement with GUST hoping to bring
their future scientific and academic
cooperation to fruition. A scholar
Exchange program is also in effect
between the two universities. The
goal of this program is typified in
solidifying academic ties with this
Chinese academic institution.
Dr. Al-Kandari Selected as an International Referee
Dr. Ali Al-Kandari, Assistant Dean of the College of
Arts & Sciences, was chosen by two of the top ten
internationally refereedb journals in mass communication
to a review a research paper. Commonly, international
recognized journals are very selective in their choice
of reviewers who have to have extensive research
agendas and
background in research
in particular fields of study. Dr. Al-Kandari has been one of
the most active researchers in GUST who has developed
a great knowledge about different research subjects in
mass communication. GUST would like to congratulate
Dr. Al-Kandari on this outstanding achievement.
1/18/10 5:29:18 PM
Issue 1
January 2010
The 5th National Day for the
Disabled Students in Kuwait
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof.
Robert Cook, handed over the participation
certificates of 5th National Day the Disabled
Students in Kuwait to 12 students who major in
Education. The certificates were given to those
Education students by the Society’s Board as a
reward for their participation on the Fifth National
Day that was held on the 6th at November, 2009
in Kuwait.
GUST Education students who attended the
event, had discussions with other participants,
especially people with special needs. They also
discussed issues concerning the disabilities,
challenges, and the rights of people with special
needs to have equal opportunities in education
in both general and special education schools in
Prof. Cook presantly met the students along
with Dr. Zaid Al-Shammari, the Coordinator
of the program prof. Cook and expressed his
appreciation to the students on their participation
in such an important event and finally talked
about the education program at GUST.
Gulf University for Science & Technology
Monthly Newspaper Campus
Chief Editor :
Dr. Masoud Asad
Executive Editor :
Mejahid Abdeen
English Editor :
Dr. Hussain Al-Sharoufi
Editorial Board :
Anwar Al-Sabah
Ahmad Al-Majed
Ali Al-Fadhli
Asrar Al-Ansari
Abdulrahman Al-Terkait
Reem Tarakji
Joanne Al-Abdul Jalil
Nouf Boursely
Tel.: 25307000
Ext 7416
[email protected]
The opinions
expressed represent
those of the writers
and not of Gust times
GUST MAG enG.indd 2
GUST Sponsors Yes I can!
Areej Al-Shammiry
Gulf University for
Science and Technology
has sponsored the 2nd
Kuwait Science Fair
competition that was
launched by its founders
Exxon Mobil, Kuwait
Energy and partners on
the 28th of September
2009 under the theme
«Yes I can!» to help
inspire Kuwait’s young
scientists and innovators.
competition was a huge
success, GUST offered
an extended four year
curriculum scholarships
for bachelors degree
with certain conditional
criteria’s as the first prize
winner to encourage the
young mind’s creativity
and abilities whom are
participating from over
150 government and
private schools in Kuwait.
The competition went
through phases which
started with school visits
and briefings that took
place on the 22nd of
People-to-People Ambassador Program—South Africa
In October 2009,
GUST University Librarian,
accompanied a delegation
of librarians to South Africa
organized by the Peopleto-People
program. The tour, organized
in part by the American
Library Association (ALA),
was a unique opportunity
for cultural and professional
23 librarians, primarily
from North America, with
and experience in library
Mrs. Kohli was invited
to represent Kuwait and
the Middle East in the
program. She was the only
participant from outside
North America.
November 2009, then
«The best 100 school»
were announced in
December of the same
year. During the second
phase, the competitors
will attend different
workshops that are being
hosted at the Marina
Hotel. On the 6th of
March 2010, the finalists
will be announced in the
final event.
GUST University assures
its essential role in this
emphasizes tomorrow’s
leaders in math and
science careers and
also supports those
minds in order to achieve
their goals by developing
their skills and abilities
GUST believes in such
a competition that aims
for building solid basis
in scientific disciplines at
an international level and
its contribution into the
society and the long term
development of Kuwait .
John W. Berry, former
Association (ALA) president,
during the 10-day tour in
Johannesburg and Cape
Town. The delegation’s
itinerary included visits to
several libraries, the National
Library of South Africa,
University of South Africa
library, and the University of
Pretoria library.
with their South African
counterparts and leaders
in library administration at
various institutions in order
to share their experiences
and discuss current issues
such as library advocacy,
the digital divide and
The program included time
to introduce the delegates
to the rich history and
cultural heritage of South
Africa. The group visited
Robben Island which was
used for political prisoners
under the apartheid regime,
and where Nelson Mandela
languished for 28 years.
The visit wrapped up with
a weekend trip to the Cape
Peninsula to see ostrich
farms and visit beaches
frequented by baboons,
penguins, and other South
African natives.
The last stop was Cape
Point in the Table Mountain
National Park, a converging
point for the Indian and
Atlantic Oceans. Amidst
this fascinating landscape,
delegates were able to
experience the natural
beauty and splendor of
South Africa.
Ruwwad Club in Bahrain
Gulf University for Science
and Technology in cooperation with
Al-Ruwwad Business Club sent a
group student to the Bahrain to attend
a conference about “Marketing and
Industrial Opportunities” hosted by Dr.
Philip Kotler on 12th of October 2009 .
The conference started with defining
the financial crisis and the strategies that
should be adapted by the companies to
respond and deal with the crisis. Then,
the speaker continued to discuss how
marketing, sales and advertising must
be adjusted by such companies to avoid
undesired results; in other words, he
proposed making marketing adjustment
as a solution for this problem. Finally,
Dr. Kotler recommended using new
marketing research methods and building
a strong brand name as ways to find new
grow opportunities in the midst of the
1/18/10 5:29:23 PM
January 2010
Issue 1
MGMT 599) Special topic course “ Doing business with China” is offered by Gulf University for Science and
Technology during winter 2010 ( January 23-February 5, 2010) at Sun Yat-Sen university (SYSU).
(MGMT 599) is offered as a three credits elective course in the MBA Program.
Sun Yat-Sen university (SYSU) is ranked among the top 100 universities in Asia, according to the Academic
ranking of World universities by Shanghai Jiao tong University, 2008.
This is an intensive, Two-weeks MBA course on Doing Business With China, instructed by SYSU professors.
Topics covered include leadership and organizational behavior, legal and business environment in China, and
emerging markets in China.
Networking opportunities with Chinese MBA students, professors and Business leaders, as well as several
company visit in Guangzhou and Zhuhai are part of the course.
GUST MAG enG.indd 3
1/18/10 5:29:29 PM
heart to heart
Issue 1
January 2010
Famous Thoughts
Having my Bachelors
Diploma was my priority,
I’ve planned my future
life, focused on my goals
and with determination
I’ve reached to where
I am now , Khaled AlRandi, a member of
Miami band. I graduated
from school and was
accepted in Kuwait
University to major in
Geology except it wasn’t
what I wanted for my
future. So I stepped up,
fought for my dreams
and faced my family with
what I really want which
was to join the Institute
of musical studies. This
was my real passion was
like any other academic
journey except that it was
my choice.
I studied hard and gave
my all to graduate with a
degree that enabled me to
pursue my musical career
and profession at the
ministry of information.
It wasn’t easy but with
hard work and sincere
efforts, I have reached
my goals and ambitions.
I remember when I was
a kid how it all started
with me having the gift
of playing the piano and
was asked to join a small
band at that time called
Miami which consisted
of three members, Tarek,
Misha’al and Leli. I was
studying and performing
with the band at the same
time. My experience at
the institute was amazing
“As”tudent of
Being a “straight A”
student is not an easy task
to do. It requires a lot of
hard work and constant
studying. And I really thank
God first of all, and then
GUST and my professors
for creating such a supporting
environment that helped me a
lot in becoming what I am today.
Not to mention my parent’s
tremendous encouragement. It
GUST MAG enG.indd 4
and unforgettable, we
were like one family,
students and faculty
members, I remember
how we used to study
there as one group for
late nights and help out
each other. We used to go
out with our professors
for lunch or gather for art
related discussions, they
were cherished times. As
for the band, we started
small but had the patience
and enough determination
to attain the big dream;
the dream of a successful
famous band. I faced
obstacles and hardships
in coordinating between
my studies and the band
but I knew that pursuing
my academic career will
lead me to achieve the
band’s dream.
I never forgot what my
father used to always
tell me “Don’t give up
in life and never think of
neglecting your academic
career because without
a degree one is nothing
“. I thank God for where
we’ve reached now and
thank our beloved fans
for all the support they
gave us because without
that we wouldn’t have
My advice to all of
GUST’s students is” Plan
your future, have the
will and determination
to accomplish your goals
and ambitions. Believe
me you will get there just
hang on and don’t be a
My favorite Motto in life
is “Saww 5air wo Gi6a
Khalid Al-Randi from
Miami Band
“ Hope you all get there
coz nothing’s like it “
to start
1- Put on some cheerful
music, it reduces
stress and has positive
2- Take a hot in the
shower; hot water
loosens up your stress
and releases the
3- Eat a balanced
breakfast; it’s the most
important meal of the
day. It balances your
blood sugar levels
and gives you the
substance you need
to handle physical and
mental stress.
4- Drink green tea; it’s
a physically soothing
5- Write your daily
journal; it releases
stress and increases
self awareness.
6- Morning walk or
yoga for a healthy body
and a peaceful mind.
might seem impossible
and tiring to keep such a
good record but it really
pays off at the end.
You’re not only making
your parents proud,
but also you’ll be
so proud of what
you are achieving
for yourself and your
future. Trust me; “nothing
can be compared to this
great feeling of success.”
Name: Nada Fayed
Age: 20 years
Major: Accounting – 3rd
year “junior”
Mix your pleasure with your
academic work and make it fun.
Upgrade your skills in different
fields through our group
sessions here at GUST
Let’s meet and get to know
each other, make new friends
by making us your friend.
We will be waiting for your
comments and topics you want
to discuss with us through our
G U or
S T nin’
[email protected]
Let’s infect the air at GUST by broadcasting worldwide known mottos from different
universities around the globe. It will have deep impact on us, motivate and raise the spirits of
both the students and the employees on campus.
So let’s lighten up our day. this participation on our behalf could make a difference.
“It takes a world of differences to make a
different world “
Alumni’s Legacy
Four years have passed
since I studied for my last
college examination. I
remember those nights
as if it were yesterday.
whether certain parts
of the class will be
included in the test. The
constant calculations
we used to make before
taking a test, If I score
67.8% in the final, I
can still get a B. The
feeling I get before
writing my name on a
test paper. The constant
pressure that really
never ended until the
day I graduated. Sitting
on my desk at work, I
reminisce on those days
and a small part of me
wants it back.
work as a Market
Risk Analyst at Gulf
Investment Corporation
and mitigating risk
in our investments,
developments of models
to calculate market
risk, and establish
identification the various
risks in a statistical
way. A large part of my
current duties involved a
lot of in-house training.
Procedures, protocols
and work conduct,
things that I didn’t learn
in my college textbooks.
However I’ve come
to the realization that
a college education
provides you with the
tools that allow you to
learn. The pressure that
I was put under during
college has definitely
made me stronger, and
given me the ability to
undermine any pressure
put forth by work. My
classmates and I always
the intense pressure
put upon us, now we
recognize that it was for
our own good. We can
do whatever we put our
mind into.
Khalid A. Al-Sultan
Market Risk Analyst
Risk Management Department
Gulf Investment Corporation
1/18/10 5:29:43 PM
E-learning = Yes learning
By: Mohsin Rakhangi
Learning and Awareness
What is E-learning ?
Basically, E-learning is
a systematic learning
process with the combined
use of technology and
internet, providing a rich
interactive content. There
are several definitions for
universally because it
means different things
to different people. It
depends on the view
point that generates the
definition. For example
E-learning is defined as
“delivery of content via
all electronic media,
including the internet,
video, interactive TV, and
CD Rom. It encompasses
all learning that people
undertake, whether formal
or informal, through
electronic delivery.”
definition is:
computers, technology,
and communication to
support the educating
and extend learning.’’
Who benefits?
E-learning is one of the
tools in education that
Issue 1
January 2010
Musefirst Federated
MuseFirst Federated Search enables users to search multiple e-resources
simultaneously through one search query. Users can then view search results
in a single integrated list. In other words, users no longer need to consult each
e-Resource individually. Instead, they can search multiple resources including
databases, Library catalog, and open access websites like Google-Scholar, etc
all at once.
Once the user enters his /her query in the MuseFirst search box available on the
A.M. Al-Refai Library homepage, the system uses federated search technology
to send the search string to each e-resource that is incorporated into the federated
search. The individual e-Resources then send the list of results from the search
query. Users can view the number of documents retrieved in each resource and
link directly to each search result.
In short, Federated Search technology enables users to
m Search for information in multiple resources through a single query
m View search results in a single list
m Link directly to each resource to expand the search
has emerged from the
It not only benefits an
individual ,but also the
install such facilities.
These tools ,if used
extensively, will indeed
result in a highly
skilled and productive
Why is E-learning
E-learning is necessary in
this age because it removes
geography from the picture
and provides easy access
for anyone, anywhere
and anytime. E-learning
is not a replacement for
classroomteaching; in fact, it is an
enhancer. According to
a study released in 2002
by Thomson Learning,
e-learning ,when used
in a blended curriculum,
which includes traditional
classroom learning—is far
more effective at driving
than regular classroom
training alone.
Advantages of
E-learning has lots of
advantages ,especially to
students. An E-learning
course may be repeated
over and over to establish
a perfect understanding
of the content. Quiz
or questions at the end
or in between ensure
and grasping ability.
Interactivity, knowledgesharing and collaboration
enhance communication,
cooperation and relations
between students and
How to Locate a Book in the Library
The Library is filled with
thousands of books. How do you find
just the books you need? A librarian
is always there to assist you, but you
might want to find a book on your own
by browsing the shelves or checking
the catalog on the Library website.
Step 1: Consult the catalog
• The A. M. Al-Refai Library catalog
may be accessed via the Library
homepage at http://www.gust.edu.
• Search the title, author or subject
indexes to look for the book you want
• Once you have identified the book,
click on the title to view the detailed
bibliographic and holdings information
• Make sure that the book is available
in the Library by checking the ‘Status’
in the ‘Copy/Holdings information’
• Write down the Call Number,
Collection, and Location
Step 2: Follow the signs in the library
Each book is given a number according
to its subject matter. The books are
then arranged in order on the shelves
by these numbers. The books in the
Library shelves are arranged by Library
of Congress (LC) Classification (Refer
to the basic LC classification scheme
on the left bar).
• To find the book(s) you have chosen,
follow the signs in the library to locate
where the collection is located
• Then follow the labels on the ends of
the shelves
• And then the labels on the spine of
each book to locate your book
How to Display Flip 3D in Windows scroll through the applications forward. [Up
Arrow] or [Left Arrow] to scroll through the
Windows Vista has two modes to switch
from one application to another: the classic
mode (which displays a miniature view
of the application rather than its icon),
and a mode called “Flip 3D” tilt windows
applications by a movement of rotation in 3
To activate Flip 3D, use: The key
combination [Windows] + [Tab] (in this
instant you exit the Flip 3D mode when you
release the Windows key). Or the [Ctrl] +
[Windows] + [Tab] (in this mode to the PC
remains in Flip 3D mode after releasing the
[Windows] until you select a window).
Tip one: once the Flip 3D mode activated,
press [Down Arrow] or [Right Arrow] to
GUST MAG enG.indd 5
applications to the back. You can also use
the mouse wheel to scroll through windows.
Remember that the switch uses classical
him, the key combination [Alt] + [Tab].
Note: Some old keyboards do not have the
[Windows] button.
How to hide MS Outlook from Task Bar and
keep it active?
Free up room on your Task Bar by minimizing
your Outlook to the System Tray.
1. Right-click on the Outlook icon in the
Notification Area, next to the clock.
2. In the resulting menu, select Hide When
This will make the Outlook icon disappear
on the taskbar giving you more room to
open other programs.
1/18/10 5:29:44 PM
Issue 1
January 2010
GUST Football Team
Through a regular season of ups and downs,
G.U.S.T football team participated in The Public Authority
for Applied Education and Training tournament, which
8 other universities and colleges participated in as well,
and by playing with our neighbors the ACK, ( Australian
College of Kuwait ) the game went as a calm river for
the first 20 minutes, that’s when the coach of our team
Mohammed Al-San’osi made his moves by replacing
Mohammed Jarrak with Abdulla Al-Otaibi and Abdulla
Al-Gabandi with Hamad Al-Khaddah then magic started
with the first goal by a personal effort from Hamad AlTIMES
Khaddah at the minute 39, and at the minute 58, a beautiful
team work with a great finish from Hamad advancing
GUST team by 2 goals, and at the 73 minute Hamad chipped
the ball to the top of ACK’s goalkeeper singing his first
personal hattrick in the tournament, and at the minute 86 a
long ball played by ACK team finished by a head shot into
our goalkeeper’s net Mubarak AL-Enaizi, leaving the score
3-1 in our favor placing G.U.S.T football team the 3rd in the
tournament .
Covered by :
Ibrahim Al-Mutawa
Name : Abdullah Al-Senafi
Birthday :2-3-1989
Nationality : Kuwaity
Sport : Handball
Current club : Kazma Club
Tall : 1.89cm
Weight : 83Kg
t-shirt number : 17
place of playing : Right Back
skills : body balance and speed
Achievements: 3rd place under 14
1st place under 16
3rd place under 18
2nd place open teams.
2nd place university tournament
2nd place open Kharafi tournament
With Kuwait national team :
2nd place Fajer cup under 18
3rd place cell cup under 18
more information : started playing at the age of 9 years.
First joined the Junior National team( under 18) at age
of 15
Then moved up to the Youths National team (under 21) at
the age of 17
Then moved to open First national team at the age of 19
Interviewed by :
Ibrahem al mutawa
Name: Talal Abdelaziz
D.O.B: 21st march 1987
Nationality: Kuwaiti
Sport: table tennis
hight: 177 cm
Weight: 77 kg
T-shirt number\jersey: 1
Pacts location GUST
Main sport: table tennis
First team joined: GUST
Other sports : football –
* holding first place in
the UCC tournaments for
GUST MAG enG.indd 6
three years in a row.
*Participated in the
worlds championship for
speedball (Egypt 1993).
I would like to thank
GUST for providing us
with sports facilities and
advice all students to take
advantage of this, MAKE
MMohammad Alkandari
Dr.Salah Qaddoumi Preserting a Certifcate to Talal Al-Alawadi
1/18/10 5:29:45 PM
Youssef Al Malek:
The youngest talented Kuwaiti scriptwriter…
Written by: Joanne Al Abdul Jalil
Youssef Al Malek is a
GUST student who is
majoring in Accounting
but is transferring to mass
communication because
of the passion he has to
scriptwriting. The young
Kuwaiti writerparticipated
in Abu Dhabi’s festival of
cinema, where his short
film “Hamssat Khati’aa”
(the whisper of sin) was the
only Kuwaiti one between
hundreds of other movies.
Those are some questions
that were asked in our
m Talk
to us more about your movie:
-“Hams sat Khati’aa” is a story written
by me and directed by Abdul Rahman Al
Khulaifi. The main actors of this short film
were Jassim Al Nabhan and Mubarak Al
Onaizi. It represented Kuwait for being the
only Kuwaiti film in this festival.
m When did you talent in writing has
-My talent started since my childhood. I
started writing scripts for plays in a very
young age and when I travelled to America,
the loneliness pushed me to write. It was
my only refuge.
m Is “Hamssat Khati’aa” your first piece
of writing?
-No, it is not. I was planning to shoot a
short thriller film called “090” produced by
Mossab Al Failaikawi but it didn’t happen
at the last minute.
We can consider that “Hamssat Khati’aa”
is my first piece to be shot.
m What is the theme of your film? What
does it deal with?
- The story is about a psychological issue
that started with a man since his childhood
till his marriage. This problem was the
“lack of confidence” that created many
difficulties in dealing with his family
members, wife and friends.
m What were the major problems that
you faced while shooting the movie?
- The only problem that we faced was
financial. We had a specific amount of
money accorded for three days of shooting
and unfortunately, we had to expand this
period of time. This forced us to pay much
more than what we had planned.
m Did you find any support? Financially
and psychologically
- Thanks to God, Sheikh Nasser Al
Mubarak, the owner of Cinemagic and
the vice- president of Al Watan’s channel
supported us financially. Concerning the
psychological support, at the beginning,
my parents were against it because we are
issued from a very reserved family, but after
seeing me succeeding and presenting work
with high level, they were convinced and
now, they are supporting me in whatever
GUST MAG enG.indd 7
I do.
m What is the message you want to
- I don’t have yet any specific message that
I want to deliver. The theme of my story
is meant to be felt by everyone no matter
what was his/her status in life and in the
m Did you reach your aim?
(With a confident smile) -I still didn’t start
my first step.
mWhen will the Kuwaiti cinemas show
your movie?
(Laughing) -Well I don’t know. This
question should be asked to the producer.
mWhat are your latest news and
- First, to have the movie on show in
Kuwait, in the GCC countries, in the
Arabic countries and finally in Europe.
Second, I have a contract with two
directors. One of them is Ahmad Al
Khalaf the director of “Salam” short film.
Our work will consist in making a movie
that represents a day in the invasion of
Third, I have a plan with the famous
comedian, Daoud Hussein but we still
didn’t confirm the theme and the subject
of the movie.
Finally, I started working on my next novel
where its theme is thriller. It deals with a
real character of Kuwait, a serial killer
whom was living in Al Omeriya’s region.
Hopefully, it will be on the market on the
next book’s exhibition.
mWhat would you like to do after
- I would like to work as a professional
scriptwriter and producer God willing.
mFinally, who would you like to thank?
I want to thank Dr. Fahad Al Zumaii, Dr.
Massoud Al Kandari, Husain Abil( the
vice president of the talent club), Shamlan
Al Hassawi( the director of “Las Vega” ‘s
comedy), Hamad Al Ali( the director of the
sketches), Jassem Flamingo, Bassam Al
Khaldi( the backstage manager) , The “ Riotora
Free Runners”, all who participated in the show
and finally the talent club’s administration.
Issue 1
Gust’s talent show of 09
GUST’S students
talented students from all
nationalities and ages acted,
sang, danced and played
The show contained a
prize for the Kuwaiti
film “Hamssat Khati’aa”,
written by Youssef Al
Malek and directed by
Abdul Rahman Al Khulaifi.
Mubarak AL Eneizi and
Jassem Al Nabhan were the
actors of this Kuwaiti film
that participated in Abu
Dhabi’s festival. After that,
“Riotora the Runners” team
jumped on the stage and
astonished the spectacle
by their flexible moves and
The following was a musical
part composed by Jassem
Flamingo’s team: Jassem Al
Fozan, Youssef Mirza and
Abdullah Al Shatti, whom
played instruments and
sang with true emotions.
Comical sketches were
presented in very decent
and indirect ways, dealing
with students’ life in Gust,
their problems and their
Finally, the talent show has
ended by “Las Vega” comedy,
created, written and performed
by students, highlighting
major financial and political
issues in Kuwait.
January 2010
TOP 20
Tiktok- Keisha
Bad Romance- Lady Gaga
Replay- Iyaz
Fireflies- Owl city
Empire State of Mind- Jay Z
feat. Alicia Keys
Down- Jay Sean feat. Lil
Drop the World- Lil Wayne
feat. Eminem
Party in the USA- Miley
I Gotta Feeling- Black Eyes Peas
Watcha Say- Jason Derulo
Do You Remember- Jay Sean
feat. Sean Paul & Lil Jon
Meet me Half Way- Black
Eyed Peas
Paparazzi- Lady Gaga
Radar- Britney Spears
Need you now- Lady
How Low- Ludacris
Two is Better than OneBoys Like Girls
Boom Boom Pow- Black
Eyes Peas
Hey, Soul Sister- Train
Hard- Rihanna
Top 10 movies
Alvin and the Chipmunks:
The Squeakquel
3. Sherlock Holmes
4. It’s Complicated
5. The Princess and the Frog
6. The Blind Side
7. Up In The Air
8. Did You Know About the
9. Nine
10. The Twilight Saga: New
Mohammad Al
Amir’s sudden death
Mohammad Al Amir is a young, romantic, talented Kuwaiti actor
and director who started his talent in writing and acting from the
scratch. Unfortunately, he was
a victim of a heart attack on the
22nd of December 2009, in Al
Hadi’s hospital. His cousin stated
that Mohammad felt some pain
in his heart while sitting with his
wife and kids, after dinner and was
directly driven to the hospital. His
sudden death surprised his fans,
his family and all his co-workers.
May your soul rest in peace.
1. Alice in
2. Prince of Persia
3. Iron man 2
4. Shutter Island
5. Salt
6. Toy Story 3
7. Twilight Saga:
1/18/10 5:29:49 PM
Issue 1
January 2010
Jassem Abdullah is 21 year-old Kuwaiti who is taken by the flamenco music.
“Flamenco” is a traditional Spanish genre of music influenced by the Arabic style of music
which associates the music, the song and the dance all together.
His interest in playing guitar started at the age of ten, but a day, at the age of 14, Jassim
listened to a Spanish part of music that marked him a lot and he decided to start officially
discovering this genre of music.
To start the first step, he had to work in restaurants, playing guitar to afford the cost of the
hand-made guitar he had always dreamed of. He trained his self by his self, seven hours
a day every day by listening slowly to musical parts and watching the big players playing
and learning their techniques.
He prepares his verses and parts based on the “Deonde” which means the soul in Spanish,
to gain the attention of the spectacle. His inspirations are the scenes of his life, seen through
GUST MAG enG.indd 8
his eyes, body and memory. The music represents to him his past, present and future
because of his psychological sufferings with his tough life. He qualifies music as his refuge
and shelter to escape his pain. What justifies his statement is “Maria”, the name of his guitar
that is blessed to him just like how Sainte Maria is blessed to the Spanish population.
The young talented man participated in the three talent shows of GUST, where in the last
one, Abdullah Al Shatti and Youssef Mirza accompanied him on the clarinet and on the
Cajon. He also took part in Hala February’s concerts, in Marina Fm’s famous show “Al
Diwaniya”, in “Raicom Shabab” on Al Rai TV and in Al Watan’s TV to play and depict the
real flamenco genre.
Finally Jassim is working hard on his self to improve and to compete the famous flamenco
Spanish players. He is thinking of composing the pure flamenco music and producing a CD
to be sold all over the world, especially in Spain.
1/18/10 5:30:00 PM