Issue 4 March 9th - Fitzroy High School
Issue 4 March 9th - Fitzroy High School
school council Parents David Brant (President) Education Convenor [email protected]. (mob)0402 540 383 Virginia Swanton (Vice President) Communications Convenor (mob) 0408 031 531 virginia.swanton AnTony McPhee (Treasurer) Finance Convenor mob)0425 781 405 [email protected] Tim Dolan Buildings and Grounds Convenor Canteen Convenor Jacqui Van Vugt Staff Sandra Dickins 9488 1900 John Hinman 9488 1900 James Jackson 9488 1900 9th March 2012 volume 9 edition 4 Newsletter PO Box 1068 Fitzroy North 3068 Telephone 94881900 [email protected] Chris Millard is the Year 9 & 10 Sandra Dickins is Team Leader and the Scarlet Team arrived at Fitzroy Leader, leading in its re-opening the Scarlet Team year of 2004. teachers and stuOriginally, he grew dents from years up in Warrnam10-12. Sandra is bool and moved to active in the comMelbourne to community and lives plete his degree in locally. Her many Applied Science occupations in (Physical EducaAustralia, Italy and tion). At Fitzroy, he has worked in all the the UK, help to teams – Sapphire, Indigo, Jet and Scarlet and debunk the myth taken on the role as Sport Coordinator as well of ‘one job for life’. In her adult working life during that time. Away from school, Chris is a Sandra has been a teacher, trainer, internakeen cricketer who plays for Carlton in the tional flight attendant, manager, consultant Victorian Premer Cricket Competition. and administrator. In addition to her leadership role Sandra continues in the roles of careers counsellor and transition leader. Sandra has a Bachelor of Education and a Graduate DiThursday April 26th, 1.30 - 4.30pm followed by ploma in Careers Education & Development. Information Evening 6.30-7.30pm Staff Profiles Open Day Jenny Fulford is a mother and a teacher. I love to be active outdoors and to make things. I have taught for 30 years including: gymnastics to Primary School students; basic Maths to parents and Grandparents who wanted to catch up to their offspring, and to young Adult migrants; PE, Health, Maths and Science to High School students; bus driving to teachers. I hope my legacy is to open minds up to possibilities rather than cramming them full of facts. School Tour Dates School Tours will be conducted every Tuesday and Thursday mornings in March starting at 9.30am. If you would like to attend a tour please contact the school office on 9488 1900 to book. Tuesday March 13th Thursday March 15th Tuesday March 20th Thursday March 22nd Tuesday March 27th Thursday March 29th School grounds patrolled from 8:30am every morning Due to traffic safety concerns, students are required to enter the school grounds when they arrive, and not wait in Falconer Street. 9th March 2012 volume 9 edition 4 Newsletter mark your calendar Yr 10 Work Experience when Monday 12 March—Friday 23 March where Various Workplaces who Sandra Dickins Netbook Parent/ Student Info Evening when Thursday 15 March 6.007.00pm where Library who ICT committee 3 Way Conferences VCE when Monday 19 March 1.308.00pm where FHS who Sandra Dickins 3 Way Conferences VCE when Wednesday 21 March 1.308.00pm where Collingwood College who Sandra Dickins School Council AGM when Thursday 22 March 6.30pm where Principal’s Office who Pauline Rice Exhibition Night Yr 7-8 when Wednesday 28 March 6.307.30pm where Indigo Rooms who Jenny Fulford Open Day/Information Evening when Thursday 26 April 1.30-4.30 Information Evening 6.307.30pm where FHS who Linda Mitchell 3 Way Conferences Year 11 & 12 Lady Northcote Camp – Year 7 Reflections Monday 19th at Fitzroy HS and Wednesday 21th On the Wednesday 22nd of February, the year March at Collingwood College sevens, along with their teachers, travelled to 3 Way Conferences for Years 11 and 12 will be Lady Northcote Camp. The camp was challengheld on Monday 19th March (at Fitzroy High ing, exciting, and terrifying for the students (and School) and Wednesday 21st March (at Colling- the teachers) and they all had an incredible time. wood College). There will be an online booking The activities included the giant swing, high system via the school website; log-in codes are ropes, the leap of faith, yabbying, canoeing and listed below which will allow you to book a time convenient to you with your son/daughter's class mountain biking. There was also a disco, a performance night, a scavenger hunt, and hours of teachers. On Monday 19th March VCE classes will finish at 12:45pm, interviews will be held from free time which were mostly spent at the camp’s swimming pool. The cabins were comfortable 1:30pm-8:00pm AT FITZROY HIGH SCHOOL. On Wednesday 21st March VCE classes will fin- and cosy, which would have made for a good ish at 12:45, interviews will be held from 1:30pm- night’s sleep for the students, if they had actually slept. 8:00pm AT COLLINGWOOD COLLEGE. VCE students will start late on the mornings following 3WC days (start at 11:15am on Tuesday 20th March and Thursday 22nd March). The countryside scenery was beautiful and green, and it was nice to escape the city for a few days. A few highlights of the camp, from the Book on (the student’s perspectives, include the amazing site explains step-by-step what to do) dance performance by Arop, Yasid, Koun, Ben, Wol, and Kalid, with their DJ Adnan, Shannon Years 7&8: booking code 2QPAA (40-minute capsizing his boat during canoeing, one of the conferences with advisor) pipes exploding and bursting water everywhere, Years 9&10: booking code WSLPY (20-minute and meeting the ‘dragon donkey’, as it was nickconferences with advisor) named by the kids. Years 11&12: booking code 5LVEZ (10-minute conferences with class teachers) Lady Northcote Camp is run by a group of funny, Follow on-screen instructions (you will need to nice and daring adults who did a great job of orknow your child’s classes and teachers) ganizing the activities and helping the kids participate. Netbook Parent/Student Information Evenings This year, as part of the federal government program, National Secondary School Computer Fund (NSSCF) all students in years 9 - 12 at Fitzroy High will receive a netbook for their personal use. The process will include the signing of an agreement about use and the payment of $50 to cover the insurance excess. Throughout term one, we will roll out the computers team by team until each student in years 9 - 12 has a device that is theirs to use and care for. The following information nights will be held where the details of this program will be explained in detail: • Years 9/10 - Thursday March 15th, 6:00 7:00pm in library 7C Advisory group Learning Things about Other Students Other students are ‘actually quite friendly’ and ‘nobody goes to sleep at 9pm’ Tom V ‘Year 7s have talents in singing, dancing, comedy, even Gaga’ Sasha ‘I had the best time and got to meet new friends’ Jen Learning Things about Self ‘lost my fear of heights’ Tom V ‘I have difficulty doing things under pressure’ Tom D ‘I can sleep when people are breathing really hard’ Matthew • Any parents/students in Yr 10 doing VCE who ‘camp is actually cool, meet new friends, learn did not attend the first information night. your fears’ J-L Please call or email the school to RSVP your attendance, we would welcome both parents and 7D Advisory group students attending the evening if possible. The Worst Thing about Camp was leaving camp. ICT Committee I had a lot of fun and leaving meant I had to 9th March 2012 volume 9 edition 4 Newsletter clean up all my stuff, clean the cabin and sit in a bus for an hour and a half. Liam pieces. Justice=Response The Worst Thing about Camp was that we had to The local, national, international contexts of jusgo to sleep early because I wanted to stay up to tice and the responsibility of political mechatalk to my friends. I also wanted the disco to go nisms will be the focus of this area of study. for longer so we could dance. Ben M Power=Control The Best Thing about Camp Camp was very fun and I enjoyed it I liked pretty much all of the acPower and control is examined in a transnational tivities. I can’t wait for next year’s camp in yr 8. context. Responsibility of the state and the power Christian behind the state and the system are the examined. 7B Advisory group[ 2. The Year 10 Experience The Leap of Faith We had to climb up a wooden pole, which was about 12 metres high, then we As part of the Excel program, the Year 10 experihad to jump and grab hold of a trapeze. When I ence involves a number of student-driven, organfirst reached the top I looked down, fear gripping ised and executed school trips that aim to foster like an iron hand. When I saw the trapeze I was and develop independence. released from fear and I jumped and grabbed The program offers student experiences at three hold of the trapeze. Oscar levels: international, national and community. Students are currently in the planning phase of this program and I have met with a number of them to examine their proposals. Do you have any spare items lying around the house? A request for parent donations of old shirts (for the Art room) and old caps (for the sport department and any items that you think would be useful for out props department. They may be left at the general office thank you. This kind of real life learning provides students with opportunities to problem solve, negotiate, plan and organise. These very practically based project management skills are combined with the opportunity for students to experience new places and activities. Principal’s Report 3. The Year 10 Challenge Year 10 Program 2012 As another part of the Excel program, the Year 10 Challenge is five-week integrated unit beginning at the start of Term 4 that seeks to bring FHS 10 to the community. The aim of the challenge is for students to become engaged in and to give back to their community. The Year 10 program in 2012 has undergone a radical transformation with significant time and effort placed in producing a program that is engaging, challenging and empowering. 1. Crime, Justice and Power The Inquiry program is based on the concepts of Crime, Justice and Power. Within this framework, there are three interdisciplinary themes that students and their teachers will explore throughout the year. More information and student responses to the program will be provided in later newsletters. Crime=Action My thanks to Rainer P, the Year 10 Leader and Jamie B and Matt T, Teaching and Learning Leaders, who have driven much of the work to develop this exciting new curriculum. This involves examination of transgression of societal norms, motivations and consequences and the responsibility of the individual. Pauline Rice Students have undertaken a crime tour of Melbourne and one of their first major assessment tasks is to write a crime feature article where they will practice the style and techniques, structure and devices they have explored in Capote’s In Cold Blood, and other investigative journalism 9th March 2012 volume 9 edition 4 Newsletter Beginning last week, student leaders commenced a regular arrangement where they go in Students in the Scarlet Team have started the to a dedicated Year 7 advisory group on a school year with a range of stimulating educaweekly basis. They will get to know the groups tional activities. Our Year 12’s are in the full of new students, help out in advisory, and be a swing of their final year. Their Year 12 pins were contact for our Year 7 students in and around the distributed on Monday. school. Scarlet News Earlier this week our new Physics teacher, Dave Logan, took his Year 12’s to Luna Park for the day. They put faith in the principles of Physics to keep them safe when they went on the rides. Hanging upside down on the Enterprise without seatbelts, without falling, was a great way to see Physics principles demonstrated in action – a great way for learning to occur in a fun way. Our Year 11 students are getting into the swing of the demands of VCE and have settled in to their studies. We are looking forward to the opportunities the netbooks will provide when they are rolled out to VCE students next week. Our new student leaders have been working hard. Thanks to Luci K, Christina R, Simon I, Mia T and Ruby N-J, some of our Year 12 student leaders. They did a great job helping out at the recent barbeque to welcome new Year 7 students and families to the school. They have also helped out with Year 7 Active Advisory. Scarlet Ten students have been on Crime Tours of Melbourne as part of their Inquiry project. They investigated major crime scenes in Melbourne in preparation for writing a feature story. They were also visited by Keith Moore, editor of the Insight segment in the Herald Sun. Next week sees Scarlet Ten students going out on their first block of work experience. This will be followed by a second block in June. Following the placements students will be writing thankyou letters to their employers and updating their resumes. Work experience plays a major role in career decision-making, and Scarlet Ten students will commence making decisions about their senior school certificate at the beginning of term three. Sandra Dickins Scarlet Team Leader “ A group of our Year 12 students contemplating their futures”