3972 THE KENYA GAZf71'TE 14th Oc.tober, 20 II ----_._-------------~--~----------~---------~---------(deceased) has been lost, notice is given Ihat at the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof. provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the registration of the said of R.L. 19 and R.L. 7 and upon such registration the title deed issued carlier to the said Dickson Mburu Karanu alias Mburu Karanu (deceased), shall be deemed to he cancelled and of no effect. instrument Dated lhe 141h October, 20 II . c. MR/8245855 W. MURAGE, Land Registrar. Thika District. GAZElTE NOTICE NO. 12782 THE REGISTERED proprietor of that piece of land situate in (he district of Mcru, known as Nkuene/U.Mikumbune/602, and whereas ttie High Court of Kenya in succession cause No, 145 of 2010, has issued grant of Ictters of administration and certificatc of confirmation of grant to Juliah Karimi Gerald, and whereas thc said court has executed an application to be registered as proprietor by transmission R,L. 19 and whereas the title deed issucd earlier to Kajume M'tuota alias Kajul11c Tuola (deceased) has been lost, notice is given that at the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispcnse with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the registration of the said application to be registered as proprietor by transmission R.1.. 19 ill the name of Juliah Karimi Gerald and upon such registration the title deed issued earlier to the said Kajume M'tuota alias Kajurne Tuota (deceased), shall be deemed 10 be cancelled and of no effect. . LAND ACT Dated the 14th OCh)ber, 20 I I. (Cap. 300, se('(iof/ 33) REGISTRATIONOF INSTRUMENT D. M. KAMANJA, Land Registrar, A4eru District, MR/8245854 WHEREAS Kajume M'luota alias Kajume Tuola (deceased), of P.O. Box 427, Meru in lhe Republic of Kenya, is lhe registered GAZeTTE NOTICE No. 12783 CUSTOMS SERVICES DEPARTMENT GOODS TO BE SOLD AT CUSTOMS WAREIIOUSE, KILINDINI PURSUANT to the provisions of section 42 of the East African Community Customs Management Act, notice is given that unless the under. mentioned goods are entered and removed from the custody of the Customs Warehouse keeper within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice lhey will be sold by public auclion on 29th November. 20 II. Interested buyers may view the goods at Kilindini and the various Container height Stations. namely MCT, MCT2, Consol base, Consolbase 2. Portside, Milchell Calls, Kencoll, Boss Freight, Inlerpel, and Makupa Yard, all in the Mombasa Cily environs, on 251h November, 2011 and 28th November, 201.1 during office hours. Lot Number Ship'J Name and dale iV/arks and NumherJ Consignee's Elisa Delmas, 06-03-10 CMAU5355749 E1ustin Ondor Freightworx _ Yusuf Sli Bldg- Msa - Ke~ya 0728/11 Msc Ayala, 01-08-10 MSCU7176019 Mahendra Kumar C/o Bhavani Wholcsalcrs. P.O. Box 10086 Nairobi 0729/11 Preslige Acc, 21-122009 Ch<lssis No. SCPIO0467765 0730/11 Felicity Ace, 04-012010 Chassis No. YSCFB46W062301767 0731/11 Dream Diva, 22-042010 Atlas Highway, 19-062010 Graod Race, 28-072010 Chassis No. VFYII257731 Chassis No. VFYII271858 Chassis No. BJ51'-317476 0734/11 Modern Link, 23-082010 Chassis No. VHNYII254297 0735/11 Grand Pace, 25 2010 0736/11 Torugas, 25-01-20 II 0737/11 Torugas, 25-01-20 II 0738/11 Grand Pioncer, 16-032011 Dream Diva. 29 042011 Chassis No. NCP500018027 Chassis No. WOLOXCF2543006064 Chassis No. IN I BI'IJD22U0078380 Chassis No. WBAAS72(170FY72433 Chassis No. W FY II 422199 0740/11 Morning Cornet. 2905-20 II Chassis No. GG2-047337 0741/11 Cassiopcaia 05-2010 1277/10 0732/11 0733/11 0739/11 0742/11 0743/11 0744/11 12 I.eader. 29- Ch'lssis No. 5003509 Chassis No. Triaooo_ 08-06-20 I0 0125227 Hoegh Masao, 02-D7 Chassis No. 2010 JHI.RD284I Marguerite, 13 07 Chassis No. ZZT240ZZEI22- WCOll159 TRill 12- Nail/I! and adclrl!ss David Mwsigye, Kenlloyd Logistics 1'.0. Box 87437 Mombasa Eric Saint Germain lIonla, La Kaporil P.O. Box 102011 _ 00 I0 I Nairobi Henry Kitonga Kirweya, P.O. Box 87747. Mombasa Fredrick Musu!. P.O. Box 25890400, Nairobi Rosc Mkamt.uri Arnoll, P.O. Box 1/85-80 I00. Mombasa Milcah Jerula Malheka, Milchar Faith Entp. I.td P.O. BOx 55500518, Nairobi Duncan Jumoa Midung'a 1',0. Box 68885 -00100 Nairobi Benson Otieno Messo 1'.0 Box 1132 MUll1ias Michael Mutua Nduoda P.O. Box 59164-00200 Nairobi Isaac Ligono, P.O. Box 72843000200, Nairobi Edward Masinde P.O. Box 54794-00200, Nairobi Edward Masillde P.O, Box 54794-00200, Nairobi John Kiburllthu Nganga P,O. Ho.\ Kiambu Joseph M\vaura Munene P.O. Box Mornbasa Juliah Kamami Samsan Libra Corner - 1',0. Hox 99442 Location and De,w'riptio/l of Goods Portside: I x 40 Coolaiocr STC Used Ford Tractor, Serial No. A33549 Mitchell COliS: IX40 Container STC Ceramic Sanitary Ware EWe. IWC with Traps, Urinal flat back, Wash hand basin, Tank, Soap dish & Toilel holders Kellcotl 2004 I uoil Used Toyala Vil'l, Model KeocoU - Used Cadillac Reg No FJ06 YEU Model 2006 KCl1colt 2003 Kencoll 2003 Kcncon 2003 KenCOll 2003 I Used Nissan Advan. Model I Used Nissall' Advan. Model I Used Mazda Familia. Model I Used Nissan Advan, Model Kcncott I Uni! Used Toyota Probo.'I( Model 2003 Kencotl I Unit Used'Vauxhali Combe Van, Model 2003 KencoH I Unit Used Nissan Pick UP Model 2003 Kencott - I Uoil Used BMW320D, Model 2004 Kencon - I L1nit Used Nissan Wingroad Kencon I Wagon, Model Boss Freight Model 2003 Hoss height. Model 2003 Ross Freight Model 2003 Boss Freight Unit Used Subaru Imprez. 2003 I Unit Used Toyota Premio, I Unit Used Toyota Fieldcr. I Uoil Used 1I00da CR- V. I LInit Uscd TO,)'ota lIiace 14th October, 2011 Lot Number 0745/11 0746/11 0747/11 0748/11 0749/11 0750/11 Ship '!;' THE KENY A GAZETTE Name and dale 2010 Marguerile, 13-072010 Marguerite, 13-072010 Marguerite. 13 07. 2010 Grand Pavo, 02 112010 Luminous Ace, 10-042011 Morning Cornet, 2905-20 II Marks and Numbers Consignee's Name and address Location and Description a/Goods 5005299 Chassis 0061936 Chassis 0065202 Chassis 0028065 Chassis 0007644 Chassis 3256398 Mombasa Libra Corner· P.O. Box 99442 Mombasa Libra Corner· P.O. Box 99442 Mombasa Libra Corner - P.O. Box 99442 Mombasa Simon Irungu Kamau P.O. Box Mombasa MBSA Altaf Salim Yusuf P.O. Box 185-01000, Thika, Kenya Altaf Salim Yusuf P.O. Box 185-01000, Thika, Kenya Rev Abiola Crown, House 02 Mulheiga House Kiyanjuyi, Streel Salelite, Nairobi, Kenya Little Angcls Network, P.O. BOX 43092-00 I00, Nairobi Kenya, M S Quickhard Steam and Equipment Ltd P.O. Box Mombasa Model 2003 Boss Freight· I Unit Used Toyota Probox Model 2004 Boss Freighl . I Unit Used Toyota Pro box Model 2004 Boss Freighl - I Unit Used Toyota Probox Model 2004 Boss Freight - I Unit Used Toyota Succeed Model 2003 Boss Freight· I Unil Used Toyota Corolil Sedan, Model 2004 Boss Freight I Unit Used Honda Fit, Model 2004 rhassis No. NCP51No. NCP51· No. N0'50· No. NCP59No. NZE 121No. GDI-2105711 0751/11 Dream Jasmine, 30-052011 Chassis No. V 11300429 0752/11 Dream Jasmine, 30-052011 Chassis No. TD54W· 109652 0753/11 ER Copenhag ••n, 1211-2010 PONU0949055 . 0754/11 Nicolas Delmas, 06-12· 2010 FCIU2653220 Edge LId Kenya, P.O. Box 31566-00600 Nairobi. 0755/11 Nicolas Delmas, 06-12 2010 DVRUI481900 0756/11 Kalliroe, 02-02-20 II TGHU7260120 0757/11 Kalliroe, 02-02-20 II KNLU3293346 0758/1 I Kalliroe, 02-02-20 II PONU09 I 2890 0759/11 Adas, 16-02-20 0760/11 Adas, 16-02-2011 Edge LId Kenya, P.O. Box 31566-00600 Nairobi Joseph Gichimu Kariuki P.O. Box 3445 Mombasa Malplasllndustries P.O. Box 10849 Nairobi Malplast Industries P.O. Box 10849 Nairobi Malplast Induslries P.O. Box 10849 Nairobi Malplast Industries P.O. Box 10849 Nairobi Malplastlndustries P.O. Box 10849 Nairobi Malplasllnduslries P.O. Box 10849 NairObi Malplast Induslries P.O. Box 10849 Nairobi Malplastlndustries P.O. Box 10849 Nairobi Swila Resorts Limited, P.O. Box 1131 Siaya Nyanza Kenya 0761/11 0762/11 0763/11 0764/11 II KNLU3387 147 MSKU3069074 Mv Ullyses, 12-042011 Mv Ullyses, 12-04201 I POCU0410938 MSKU4200229 GATU0798409 !\Iv Chief, 19-04-2011 UXXU2291881 Ivlv Chief, 19-04-2011 0765/11 Sea Boxer. 24-04-20 II MOAU7722003 0766/11 Sea Boxer, 04-05-20 II DFSU2097 188 Joshua Mbiu Muthiani. P.O. BOX Nairobi CM.A U90227I 0 Mary stewards P.O. BOX 55 PONU8067 I77 Siyama Co. P.O. Box 87142 Momhasa Siyama Co. P.O. Box 87142 Mombasa Siy.ul1a Co. P.O. Box 87142 Mombasa Siyama Co. P.O. Box 87142 Mombasa Mitumba Kenya Ltd P.O. Box. 4284200100. Nairobi. Kenya Warsamc Imports & Exports P.O. Box 71 048 006~ Nairobi. Kenya DELlCO.LTD P.O. BOX 00200-2650NRH. TEL:0254729298200 Inlcrfreighl Ltd. P.O. Hox 80741 Mombasa, Kcnya - Hangi Mukcndi Jules Fawoq Sulaiman Scndija, Kaillpala Uoanda Mccnakshi Kenya I.ld P.O. Ro.\: 0767/11 0768/11 0769/11 0770/11. 0771/11 0772/11 CMA CGM Kailas, 0705-20 II Safmarine Cunene, 1605-2011 Safmarine Cunene, 1605-20 II Safmarinc Cunene. 1605-20 I I Safmarine Cuncne, 1605-20 I I Safmarine Bia. 30-062009 3973 CAIU831991I MSKUO 17804 MSKU9149963 MSKU 0431153 0773/11 CMA COM Maasai. 10-09~2009 CMAU 0111755 0774/11 Kola Naluri, 27-052010 PCIU 8449045 0775/11 Msc Oslo. 26-02-20 II MEDU 4105620 0776/11 Msc Oslo. 26-02-20 II FSCU 7361236 0777/11 Msc Agala. 18-03-20 . II MEDU 86680 I0 Boss freight - I Unit Used Nissan AD Van,l Model 2004 Boss Freight - I Unit Used Suzuki Escudo Model 2005 Portside: Aluminates. . Ix20 Container STC Portside: Drinks Ix20 Container STC Edge Ener) Portside: Drinks I x20 Conlainer STC Edge Ener) Portside.: Ix40 Container Pvc Footwear STC 1179 Pkg Portside: 1x20 Container STC Pel Resin Porlside: I x20 Conlainer STC Pet Resin Portside: Ix20 Container , polvvinvl chloride, Portside: Ix20 Container polvvinvl chloride, Portside: I x20 Container·STC STC othe STC olhe Pel Resin Portsjde: I x20 Conlainer STC Pet Resin Portside: I x20 Container STC Pet Resin Porlside: Ix20 Conlainc~ STC Pel Resin Portsidc: I x20 Container STC 4 Package Motor boat outboard motor Portsidc: Ix20 Container STC Used Equ'ipmcnt including two air compressors for jack Hammers and two 50 Hoses XTN 3309689272241 GS Porlside.: Ix40 Conlainer STC Oalvanisc< Coated Steel profiles Portside: Ix40 STC Heavy Section Portsi.de: Ix40 STC Heavy Section Porlside: Ix40 STC Heavy Scction Portside: 1.,40 STC Heavy Seclion Mitchell COilS: Ix40 Container Bales Uscd ClothinQ STC 53\ Mitcbell COlts: I x20 Conlainer Cartons Dales STC 158~ Milchell COilS: 1,40 Conlainer STC 89. packages Shoes Table Cover, Bcdsheet Mitchell Cotts: Ix40 Containcr I'KGS Personal Effccts Milchell Cotts: Cartons Books Mitchcll COtls: 1.,20 Conlaincr Ix40 Container STC 15 STC 30( STC 3. 3974 Lot Number 0778/11 THE KENYA GAZETTE Ship's Name and dafe Mse Jemima, 2011 14-04- Marks and Numhers MSCU 3773736 14th October, 20 II Consignee's Name and address Location and Description of Goods 55-00600, NQara Nairobi Malplast Industries Ltd, P.O. Box 10849, Nairobi Bales PE Film Scrap in Bales Mitchell COlts: I x20 Container STC 66( Bags Polypropylene Homopolvmer ROSE GICHIRA, Deputy Commissioner. Southern Region. GAZE.1TENOTICE NO. 12784 CUSTOMS SERVICES DEPARTMENT GOODS TO BE SOLD AT CUSTOMS WAREIlOUSE, KILINDINI PURSUANT to the provisions of section 42 of the East African Community Customs Management Act, notice is given that unless the undermentioned goods are entered and removed from the custody of the Customs Warehouse keeper within 30 days from the date of this notice they will be sold by public auction on 6th December, 20 II. . Interested buyers may view the goods at Kilindini and the various Container Freight Stations, namely MCT, MCT2, Consol base, Consol base 2, Portside, Mitchell COltS, Kencott, Boss Freight, Interpel, and Makupa Yard, all in (he Mombasa City environs, Customs Warehouse Malindi and Lamu, on 2nd December, 20 II and 5th December, 20 II during office hours. LOT Number Ship's Name and dale 0724A/I1 Notice of Seizure No. 0191550f06-D5-11 Notice of Seizure No. 0191550f06-D5-11 Notice. of Seizure No. 019154of06-D5-11 Notice of Seizure No. 0191560f06-D5-11 Notice of Seizure No. 0191560f06-D5-11 Notice of Seizure No. 019153 of 10-/1-10 I.oose Cargo 072513111 Notice of Seizure No. 019153 of 10-/1-10 I,oose Cargo 0726/11 F89No. 1318370f 11-01II & Notice of Seizure No. I.oose Cargo 027310of20-D1-11 0727/11 Various Loose Cargo 0779/11 East Gate, 02-06-09 Loose Cargo 0780/11 African Cheetah, 24-10-10 Loose Cargo 0781/11 African Cheetah, 23-03-10 I~ooseCargo 0782/11 A- Ubuntu, 12-11-10 l~oQse Cargo 0783/11 African Lion, 18-12-10 I.oose Cargo 0784111 Unknown Loose Cargo 0785/11 Safmarine Z-, 17-02-11 MSKUI670893 0787111 Safmarine Bia, 22-08-08 MSKU0079952 0788111 Safmarine Bia, 14-12-08 MSKU0892432 0789 Alii CMA-CGM 06-09 CMA-CGM 06-09 0724B/1I 0724C/1 I 0724D/11 0724E111 0725AIII 078913/11 Maasai, 18Maasai, 18- Marh and Numbers Consignee's I,oose Cargo Misbhao Ali, C/o Kizingitini Markel P.O. Box 25 Faza Misbhao Ali, C/o Kizingitini Market P.O Box 25 Faza Loose Cargo I,oose Cargo I,oose Cargo I.oose Cargo TCNU8464050 ECMU9445144 0790111 Elisa Delmas, 25-01-11 INKU2495209 0791/11 Elisa Delmas, 25-0 I-II ECMU9677896 0792/11 Kota Halus, 26-01-10 TG H U2696024 0793/11 Lissy Schulte, 28-08-08 PONU7255478 0794/11 Kota Naluri, 23-03-11 PCIU2767774 Name and address Location and Description of Goods Customs Warehouse Malindi: 16 25kg. Ba.s of Sugar Customs Warehouse Malindi: 10 50kg. Bags of Sugar Customs Warehouse Malindi: 20 25kg. Kassim Zedi Bags of Sugar Customs Warehouse Malindi: 3 25kg. Najim Said Ba.s of Su~ar Customs Warehouse Malindi: I 25kg. Najim Said Ba~ of Su~ar Stuffed with 9k~. Portions Base Commander, Kenya Navy Lamu: I Unit White Fibre Boat with Lamu inbuilt Engine No. 233005603 Lamu: 7 Drums of Diesel, 2 Lead Aek Base Commander, Kenya Navy batteries, Three empty drums, assortel Lamu super gear oil lubricants made in UA[' and I Taroaulin Customs Warehouse: 48 Cartons cad Benvar Estates Ltd. P.O. Box 53 containing 1000 sticks of Richmal Nairobi Cif!:arettes Abandoned unclaimed Cargo from Customs Warehouse: Assorted Items an< MIA Personal effects Customs Warehouse: 2 Bandies of Ho Unknown Rolled Anales Customs Warehouse: 2 Bandies of 110 Unknown Rolled Anales Customs Warehouse: I Band Ie of Unknown Galvanised Rolled Coil Customs Warehouse: r Band Ie of Ho Unknown Rolled EQual An~les Customs Warehouse: 3 Bandies of Ra Unknown Bar Customs Warehouse: I Covered.. Traile Unknown FrC Used Househuld goods (Freezers Tv sets, Microwaves ect) Mustarata Nasaka. P.O. Box 5236 Customs Warehouse: Ix40 Containe Ki.ali Rwanda STC Used Personal effects General Recycle Enterprises, P.O Customs Warehouse: Ix40 Containe Box 72152 Nairobi-Kenya. STC I 1..01Comm Code A&J Shoes Company Ltd. P.O. Box Customs Warehouse: Ix40 Containe 7616 Mwanza, Tanzania STC PVC Footwear goods Customs Warehouse: 1x40 Containe To Order. Mombasa, Kenya STC PP Chips Customs Warehouse: Ix40 Cont<1ine To Order. Mombasa, Kenya STC PP Chips Quality Parts Co. Ltd. Plot 489 Customs Warehouse: Ix40 Containe Entebe Road, Kampala Uganda STC Motor evcle spare parts Quality Parts Co. Ltd. Plot 489 Customs Warehouse: Ix40 Containe Entebe Road, Kampala Uganda STC Motor cycle spare parts Florence Mantanda. KA20 Bwaise Customs W<1rehouse: Ix20 Containe U .anda STC Household effects 76 Pieces Nakuru Equipments Supplies Ltd. Customs Warehouse: Ix40 Containe 1'.0 Box 1845 Biashara Street I STC Motor cycle in SKD Nakuru-Kenya To Order of The Holder of Pacific Customs Warehouse: Ix20 Containe
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