Replace Lestek Brute B270 or B300 with PennTex PX-3 or PX-6
Replace Lestek Brute B270 or B300 with PennTex PX-3 or PX-6
W%Fenffix@{ PERFORA'IAffCE, ENDURANCE AND SATISFACTION REPLACE A LESTEKBRUTESERIES PENNTEXPX.3SYSTEM WITHA SUPERIOR B270 or 8300 The overall length of all PX-3 alternators with or without the rear diode heat sink PX-3S-285 PX-3S-305 is 9.25". Theoverall lengthof a Brute270 or 300Series alternator is 9.82". "J-180" MOUNTSTYLE REPLACEMENTS FORA LESTEKBRUTE270ORBRUTE3OO A PX-3Shastheexactsamemountingfootpintas a Brute270or 300. Kit PennTexPX-320S 12Volts/200Amps(includes) Alternator PX-3S-200 PX-4000 VoltageRegulator Harness PX-3502-3 Klt PennTexPX-328S 12Volts/285Amps(includes) PX-3S-285 Alternator VoltageRegulator PX-4000 Harness PX-3502-3 Kit PennTexPX-325S 12Volts/305Amps(includes) Alternator PX-3S-305 VoltageRegulator PX-4000 Harness PX-3502-3 PERFORTWANCE, ENO URANCE AND SATISFACTION tN C !. t N Et u ET Fl tE E r Manufacturer$of High Efficiency Alternators and Mobile ElectronicDevices. :.' O 2013 PennTexIndustries,Inc.All RightsReserved. Manufacturing/ Sales/TechlWarranty: Corporate: T620FlagstoneDrive 202PlazaDrive PA17345 FortWorth,TX 76118 Manchester, Free:877-590-7366 Ph:717-266-8762 Ph:817-590-2818,To11 Fax:817-590-0398 Fax 717-266-7803 Fax:817-590-0505,Tech email: [email protected] [email protected] @%ffimmffiw*dra*ry{ PERFORMANCE. ENDURANCE AND SATISFACT'ON ON A L EST EKBRUT ESERIE S CO M P A R I N G T H E C O N NECT IONS A N DA P E N N T E XP X,3SERIESCHARGINGSYST EM ALTERNATOR DON'TCONNECT ANYTHING HEREON THEPENNTEX PX-3S-200 PX-3S-250 Kctld lgnhion 12 volt (BrcM) NOTE:THERE ARE MAJOR DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LESTEK CONNECTION POINTSAND PENNTEX CONNECTION POINTS. ALWAYS FOLLOW PENNTEX INSTRUCTIONS WHEN INSTALLING A PENNTEX SYSTEM. r;"t-l t-__-l | ffia$td @:urEft*NrE | lEnffi:BrmeuicEl EWX: iEOUTOR I oMNp I I ! 1 l NOE:aECEfl n*Aom betweenconnections on LestekBruteB27Ql Thetwo biggestdifferences does 8300alternators andPenntexPX-3Seriesalternators are1) PennTex onthetopofthebrushholder, and2) PennTex doesnot notconnect anything useany"yellowwires"in the PX-3harnesses. lf you are replacinga It is bestnotto mix partsfromthe two companies. voltage it willbe muchbetterto installthe PennTex LestekBrutealternator, into alternator regulator andwireharnessthanto tryandpatchthePennTex the Lestekparts. ofthe since2004.Inthebrutalenvironment Lestekhasnotbeenin business lt is muchbetterto replacetired commercial busindustrythatis a lifetime. wiringwith new partsdesignedfor the and heat-damaged electronics Harnessdifferences nt differences PennTexalternator. and connection-poi theissueandmakea wronghookuppossible. alsoconfuse partsand makethe replacement withPennTex easier. Replaceeverything PERFORM Irenffix tN Etu E| TFl l E S , tN C i . Manufacturersof High EfficiencyAlternatorsand MobileElectronicDevices. Inc.All RightsReserved. O 2013 PennTexIndustries, Manufacturing/ Sales/Tech/Warranty: Corporate: 7620FlagstoneDrive 2A2P'a.zaDrive PA17345 FortWorth,TX 76118 Manchester, Free:877-590-7366 Ph:717-266-8762 Ph:817-590-2818,To11 Fax:817-590-0398 Fax:717-266-7803 Fax:817-590-0505,Tech email:[email protected] [email protected] #*Fenffix@f PERFOR'IITANCE, ENDURANCE AND SATISFACTION REPLACE A LESTEKBRUTESERIES PENNTEXPX-6SYSTEM WITHA SUPERIOR The overall lengthof the PX-6S-275 & PX-6S-350 is 10.737". PX-6S-275 PX-5S-350 The overall lengthof all PX-3 alternatorswith or without the reardiode heatsink is 9.25". The PX-3& PX-6 use the same housings& fan. SELF.ADJUSTING SAMEAS A PX.3 The Brute8270& 8300hasan overalllengthof9.82". The mountingfootprint is identicalto a PX-3Seriesalternator. FORA LESTEKBRUTE270ORBRUTE3OO REPLACEMENTS A PX-6Shastheexactsamemountingfootpintas a Bruteor a PX-3. A PX-65is about1.5incheslongeroverallthana PX-3. PennTexPX627SKit 12Voltd250Amps(includes) PX€S-2TSAlternator PX-5000VoltageRegulator PX-3502-3 Hamess PennTexPX635SKit 12Voltd350Amps(includes) PX€S-350Alternator PX-5000VoltageRegulator PX-3502-3 Hamess PERFORMANCE, ENDURANCE AND SATTSFACTION tN Etu ETFl tE S r tN C t. Manufacturersof High EfficiencyAlternatorsand MobileElectronicDevices. @2013PennTex Industries, Inc.All RightsReserved Gorporate: 202 PlazaDrive PA17345 Manchester, Ph:717-266-8762 Fax 717-266-7803 Manufacturing/Sales/Tech/Warranty: 7620FlagstoneDrive FortWorth,TX 76118 Ph:817-590-2818,To11 Free:877-590-7366 Fax:817-590-0505, TechFax 817-590-0398 email: [email protected] [email protected] w:,mlkffi::Mt ONA LESTEKBRUTESERIES COMPARING THECONNECTIONS ANDA PENNTEXPX-6SERIESCHARGING SYSTEM ALTERNATOR DON'TCONNECT ANYTHINGHEREON THE PENNTEX NOTE:THERE AREMAJOR DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LESTEK CONNECTION POINTS AND PENNTEX CONNECTION POINTS. PX-6S 5 PX-6S- 0 *"1{ ALWAYS FOLLOW PENNTEX INSTRUCTIONS WHEN INSTALLING A PENNTEX SYSTEM. @ BArTERY MAIN,| 12Volt BATTERY (AUxTLTARY) r-fr: The two biggestdifferencesbetweenconnectionson LestekBruteE.2701 does 8300altemators andPenntexPX€ Seriesaltemators are 1) PennTex notconnectanythingonthetopofthebrushholder,and2) PennTex doesnot useany"yellowwires" in thePX€ hamesses. lf you are replacing a It is bestnotto mix partsfromthe two companies. it willbe muchbetterto LestekBrutealtematorwith a PennGxalternator. installthePennTex voltageregulator andwireharnessthanto tryandpatch the PennTexalternatorintothe Lestekparts. of the Lestekhasnotbeenin businesssince20O4.Inthebrutalenvironment commercial bus industrythat is a is muchbetterto replacetired wiringwith new partsdesignedfor the electronics and heat-damaged andconnection-point differences bePennTexaltemator. Harness difierences tweensystemsalsoconfusethe issueandmakea wronghookuppossible. easier. Replaceeverything with PennTexpartsand makethe replacement PERFORM l N Etu El TFi l E E t l N C t. Manufacturersof High EfficiencyAlternatorsand MobileElectronicDevices. Industries, @2013PennTex Inc.All RightsReserved. Manufacturing/Sales/Tech/Warranty: Gorporate: T620FlagstoneDrive 202PlazaDrive Manchester, PA17345 FottWorth,TX 76118 TollFree:877-590-7366 Ph:717-266-8762 Ph:817-590-2818, TechFax 817-590-0398 Fax 717-266-7803 Fax:817-590-0505, email: [email protected] [email protected]
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