• • • • • OB N FO R M A T I O N IST ENGLISH E D I T I O N • D E C E M B E R Z006 CONTENT S Accessing the Electronic JIL inside front cover Information for Candidates MLA Annual Convention List of Administrations Censured by the AAUP Departmental Job Listings US Colleges and Universities Canadian Institutions 79 Overseas Institutions 82 Department Chairs and Other Administration. 85 Comparative Literature 90 Linguistics and ESL 92 Postdoctoral Listings . 95 Pubhshed by the Modern Language Association in cooperation with the Association of Departments of Enghsh SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION The print version of the Job Information List is published four times during the academic year — in October, December, February, and April. Listings are solicited from two- and four-year colleges and universities for all issues. The cost of an online-only subscription is $38. The cost of a print-only subscription is $50 in the United States and Canada and $70 elsewhere. The cost of a subscription to both online and print versions is $70 in the United States and Canada and $90 elsewhere. The List is sent by first-class mail to subscribers in the United States and Canada and by airmail to all other areas; delivery should be shortly after the publication dates listed below. Please note, however, that these are projected datesonly and are subject to change without notice. A subscription form is available at October issue December issue February issue April issue 1 6O ctober 2006 1 5N o vember 2006 15 February 2007 13 April 2007 Further inquiries should be directed to Roy Chustek, Editor,job Information List, MLA, 26 Broadway, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10004 (646 576-5133; rchustek@mla. org). ACCESSING THE ELECTRONIC JIL An online version of the Job Information List is available for searching by individuals who have subscribed to the electronic JIL as well as by job seekers in ADE- and ADFL-member departments. A user name and password are required to search the database. To find your user name and password, follow these directions: If you are an individual subscriber: If you already have a user name and password, use them. If you do not, you may retrieve them online at the MLA Web site ( Follow the link to the JIL page and click on the appropriate "Search" button; when the password prompt appears, scroll down and enter your e-mail address in the appropriate box and click "E-mail me." Your user name and password will be sent to the e-mail address that you specified when you subscribed. You have the option to change your user name and password whenever you choose by logging in at theJIL page and then clicking the "Subscriber Information" button at the top of the search form and following the instructions for changing your user name and password. If you are ajoh seeker in an ADE- or ADFL-ineinher departinent: Graduate students and faculty members in departments that are current paid members of ADE or ADFL have access to the online JIL as a benefit of their department's ADE or ADFL membership. You must accessthe JIL through the ADE or ADFL home pages (; Information on how to access the onlineJIL on this basis is available from your department chair. I NFORM A T IO N FO R C A N D I D A T E S In This Issue in'tte and posst'/>/op< >siti<>nx Readeis s/tort/d n<>u tliat departTlie Dere»ilier t'sstte r<>ntains n<>tires desrriliing appr<>xt'»<ately 515 de@ <»ents are n<>t enr<>»raged t<> tepeat /t'stt'ngs tliat /iave appeared in tlie Oct<>lier t'sstte. fI a n<>tire ptt/>/t's/ted in tlie Oct<>lierJIL d<>es n<>t reappear in t/tis t'sstte, readers s/t<>tt/d n<>t ass»i»e tliat tlie p<>siti<>n is no longer avat'/a/>/e. Tlie only re/t'a/>/eg»ide t<> app/t'catt'<>n is t<> rlierk tlie deadline tep<>rted in tlie <>rj»'na/ n<>tire or a airrent ann<>»nrei»ent in t/tis List. Guide for Using the Job Information List Notice on Tenure Policies US and CanadianDepartments The Modern Language Association recommends that department administrators and their representatives inform candidates before or during the interview about prospects for tenure in the specific position under consideration and about the tenure policies and practices in their departments and institutions. If the information is not offered, candidates are urged to inquire about these policies. The main body of the Lt'st, arranged in alphabetical order by state, contains information on definite or possible vacancies and notices from departments that expect no vacancies but would nevertheless like to keep resumes on file. Read through this section item by item to see which departments would welcome your letter of application or inquiry at this time. Send letters only to departments expressing an interest in a person with your qualifications. If a notice states that no vacancies are expected but that the department would like to maintain a file of prospective candidates, you must decide in each case whether it is worthwhile to write. Comparative Literature and Linguistics and ESL Sections Notices in these fields have been separated out from the main body of the issue and placed under the appropriate heading. Acknowledgment of Applications Acting on a recommendation from the MLA Delegate Assembly, the MLA Executive Council has adopted a policy calling for departments to acknowledge all applications for announced positions either by letter or by self-addressed postcards provided by applicants. MLA Policy on the Reimbursement of Job Seekers General Advice for Candidates Be sure that your dossier (transcript, letters of recommendation, and other material ) is ready to be sent out by your placement bureau to any department that requests it. Prepare and duplicate a one-page vita sheet to enclose with any letters of application or inquiry. In your letter of application, it is probably wise to express a willingness to be interviewed at the department's convenience. Professional meetings provide a convenient opportunity for such interviews (see MLA convention information on p. iii ). While it is important to begin to search for a position immediately, you should be aware that liiring goes on all yeats Surveys indicate that only about half of all English and foreign language departments have begun recruiting by the end of December and that the majority of departments do not complete the recruiting process until spring, in some cases until summer. Bear in mind that the candidate who has not limited his or her search for a new position to a particular geographical area or kind of institution is most likely to find a position. Do not discount the small colleges where one often has the opportunity to teach a wide selection of courses to students of varied backgrounds. M LA JOB I N F OR M AT I ON L IS T The following policies were recommended by the Delegate Assembly in December 1999 and approved by the MLA Executive Council in February 2()()(). It is MLA policy that: • Departments that require that job applicants send their application materials by express carrier reimburse those applicants for the cost of such shipment; and • Departments that require multiple copies of writing samples and other application materials from job applicants reimburse applicants for the cost of duplicating their writing samples and other materials; and • Departments that require books will return them to the applicant; and • Departments that invite job applicants for on-campus interviews reimburse those applicants who accept such invitations for the costs of travel and accommodations incurred when visiting the campus for interviews. MLA Guide to the Job Search Tli» MLA C:ttt'd» t<> tli»J<>l> S»<tr»lt (New York: MLA, 1997) contains much useful information and advice to assist candidates in organizing their job searches confidently and competently. Copies of the C:tt'td» are available to JIL subscribers for $5.()() and no shipping and handling charge. The regular price of the C:tt'td» is $1().()() ($8.()() for MLA- members), plus $3.()() for shipping and handling. To order a copy, write, enclosing a check, to MLA Member and Customer Services, 2f> Broadway, 3rd Hoor, New York, NY 1()()()4-1789. ENGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M B ER 2006 ML A A N N U A L C O N V E N T IO N 30 Deceiiilier 200f). Tlie J<>li Inf<>rTlie Annual C<>nventi<>n <> f t/fe,~<>dern Language Ass<>ciati<>n u>ill lie iield in Pliiladelpliia, 27 — iiiati<>n C<nter u>ill lie l<>cated in Ba//r<><»ff A, liallr<><»ii level, <> f tlie Pennsylvania C<>nventi<>n C<nter,f<>r li<>tli Eng/'fs/I and f<>fef'(>n /anguag>exJob candidates, departmental administrators, and representatives who wish to use the facilities of the Job Information Center must be registered for the convention. T/fe f<>ll<>u>ing services u>ill l)e pr<>vided: >ers,S<'(>n-In Desk f<>r Depart»tent)LDepartmental administra(1) Intervf'eu tors or representatives who plan to hold 3ob interviews during the (4) Vacancy X<>t'fees. A list of job openings received too late to be included in the December Jal) In f<>nffat'f<>n Lf'st will be posted on convention, u>li<tli<'I' I'lI f/i<'ll' <»vl> 11<>tel i'aanisai' I'lI f/i<' Ilifervl'eu> A>sea bulletin boards in the Job Information Center. Departmental rep- af tlieJali Inf<>rniati<>n C:<nter,sho(dd sign in (name, institution, hotel, and room number ) at the Job Information Center, so that candidates with whom they have set up interviews will be able to locate them. Although an interviewer's name may appear in "Who' s Where," for security reasons hotel switchboards will not give out guests' room numbers a n d are in any case extremely busy. A resentatives who have last-minute vacancies should submit detailed brief stop at the sign-in desk by a thoughtful interviewer can save much confusion and worry for candidates. The sign-in desk will be open from 11:()() a.m. to 8:()() p.m. on 27 December, from 8:()() a.m. to 8:()() p.m. on 28 December, from 8:()() a.m. to C):()() p.m. on (5) <)eIessage Center.Open from 12:()() noon until 8:()() p.m. on 27 Decem- descriptions of these to an MLA staff member in the center, who will see that they are posted on the boards. Such notices may also appear in the February J<>li Inf<>niiati<>n Lf'st so that candidates who do not attend the convention will have an opportunity to apply. ber, from 8:()() a.m. until 8:()() p.m. on 28 December, from 8:()() a.m. to C):()() p.m. on 29 December, and from 9:()() a.m. until 11:3() a.m. on 3() December, the message center will help candidates and in- 29 December, and from 9:()() a.m. to 12:()() noon on 3() December. There will be no telephone interview location service. terviewers who have corresponded before the convention establish (2) C<>unse/f'ng,Servf'ce.The Job Information Center counseling service useful to those who leave messages at random for persons who may affords job seekers the opportunity to discuss individual employment problems with experienced department administrators. Although counselors cannot help candidates obtain interviews, they can and will offer objective, concrete advice on such matters as the appropriate content and presentation of vitae and letters of application, the kinds of institutions to which candidates might most profitably apply, and realistic approaches to job interviews. Counselors will be on hand at the center to speak with interested candidates from 1():15 a.m. until 5:15 p.m. on 28 and 29 December. Appointments can be arranged through the staff member on duty in the interview area of the job center. not even be in attendance at the convention. Such messages are not >Area. For the convenience of departmental representatives (3) Interv'feu and candidates, there will be an interview area for English and foreign languages svithin the Job Information Center. Interviesvers svho wish to use this area should schedule their own interviews either by letter before the convention or by leaving messages at the message center. Table assignments in the interview area, which will be open from 12:()() noon until 8:()() p.m. on 27 December, from 8:()() a.m. until 8:()() p.m. on 28 December, from 8:()() a.m. until C):()() p.m. on 29 December, and from 9:()() a.m. until 12:()() noon on 3() December, will be given to departmental representatives on a first-come, first-served basis. MLA staff members will be on duty in the area to assist interviewers and candidates. M LA JOB I NF ORM AT I ON L IS T specific interview times and places. The message center will not be picked up, and they serve only to defeat the purpose of the center. Although every effort will be made to assist candidates and interviewers in the Job Information Center, it should be noted that tlie )dLA d<ies n<>t /iave tliefact'/f'tf'(s f<>r intr<>ducing rand'<dates and intervl u>ers u>li<> /iave n<>t car- rcsp<>nded li<f<>re tlie c<>nventi<>n. THEkE IS VEkY LITTLE OPEN INTEkVIEWINC' AT THE OONVENTION. JOis OANL)IL)ATES WHO L)O NOT HAVE PkEAk k A N C;EL) INTEkVIEWS SHOULD NOT I'LAN TOATTENL) FOkTHESOLEPUkPOSEOFSEEKIN(i EMPLOYMENT. Meetings of Interest to Job Candidates and Interviewers at the MLA Convention 1. A preconvention Workshop for Job Seekers: TheJob Search in Foreign Languages. Wednesday, 27 December, 3:3()—4:45 p.m., 2()4-B, Convention Center. 2. A preconvention Workshop for Members of Search Commit- tees. Wednesday, 27 December, 3:3()—4:45 p.m., 2()3-A, Convention Center. 3. A Preconvention Workshop for Job Seekers: TheJob Search in English. Wednesday, 27 December, 3:3() 4:45 — p.m., 2()1-B, Convention Center. 76. Mock Interviews for Job Seekers in Foreign Languages. Wednesday, 27 December, 8:45 — 1():()() p.m., 2()3-A, Convention Center. 132. The Job I Got: The Job Search and Pathsvay from Graduate Thursday, 28 December, 8:3() — 9:45 a.m., 2()3-A, Conventlola Center. 525. Career Opportunities in Two-Year Colleges. Friday, 29 December, 3:3() — 4:45 p.m., 3()8, Philadelphia Marriott. 569. Tenure and Promotion in the Small College Department. Fri- day, 29 December, 7:15 — 8:3() p.m., Liberty Ballroom Salon A, Philadelphia Marriott. Student to Adjunct and Tenure-Track Faculty Appotntment. 1V ENGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M B ER 2006 LIST OF A D M I N I STRATIONS CENSURED BY THE A M E R I CA N A S SOCIATION O F U N I V E R SITY P R OFESSORS X<>te: Tlief<>ll<>n)ing /ist and ace<»iipanying exp/anat<>ry n<>teare reprinted fi<»ii Academe liy pent>i'sat'<>n <> f tlieAiiierican A«<>ciati<>n <> f IJnt'veixt't)i Pr<> f tlie MLA De/e<iateA<settt/>/)i. fist<>rs and in ace<>rdance i<»'t/t tlie acti<>n <> Investigations by the American Association of University Profi.ssors of the administrations of the institutions listed belosv shosv that, as evidenced by a past vio/ation, they are not observing the generally recognized principles of academic fieedom and tenure endorsed by this Association, the Association of American Colleges and Universities, and more than ISO other profi.ssional and <.ducational organizations. Th<. I'340 Stanmcnt i>f Prh>cip/cs i>n Academic Frccau>11 and Ti »tiremay be found in the May-June I'3'30 issue of Academe. This list is published for the purpose of informing Association members, the profi.ssion at large, and the public that unsatisfactory conditions of academic fieedom and tenure have been found to prevail at these institutions. Names are p/aced on or removed fiom this censure list by vote of the Association's Annual Meeting. placing) the name of an institution on this list does not mean that censure is visited either upon the whole of the institution or upon the faculty, but specifically upon its present adn>inistration. The term "administration" includes the administrative officers and the g) overning) board of the institution. This censure does not affi.ct the elig)ibility of nonmembers for membership in the Associa- I <303 Grove City College (Pcnnsylvan>a) (March I9(>3, IS — 24) Frank Phillips College (Texas) (Dcccmbcr I90II, 433 — 3II).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I <30<3 tion, nor does it affi.ct the individual rig )hts of members at the institution in qtl<.'Stl Oil. Members of the Association have often considered it to be their duty, in order to indicate their support of the principles vio/ated, to refiain fiom accepting appointment to an institution so long as it remains on the censure hst. Since circumstances diffi.r svidely fiom case to case, the Association does not assert that such an unqualified obligation exists for its members; it does urge that, before accepting appointments, they seek information on present conditions of academic fieedom and tenure fiom the Association's Washington office and prospective departmental colleagues. The Association leaves it to the discretion of the individual, possessed of the facts, to make the proper decision. The censured administrations, svith dates of censurin/<gS are listed belosv. I(e- ports svere published as indicated by the Bi<//ctin or Academecitations in parentheses follosving each listing. I(eference should a/so be made to "Developments I(e/ating to Censure by the Association" and to the "I(eport of Committee A," each of svhich appears annually in Academe. Savannah College of Art and Design (May-Junc I <3<33, 0S—70).. University of Bridgeport (Novcmbcr-Dcccmbcr 1993, 37 —4S ).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I <370 Benedict College (South Carohna) (May-Junc I994, 37 — 40).. Bennington College (March-April 199S, 91 —I03 ) State University of New York (August 1977, 237 — 00) 197II Alaska Pacific University (May-Junc 199S, 32 — 3<3). Phillips County Community College (Arkansas) (May I<37II, <33—<3II) 197II St. Bonaventure University (Ncsv York) (July-Au~~st 199S, 0S — 73) I<3110 National Park Community College (Arkansas) (May-Junc I<3<3(>, Concordia Seminary (Missouri ) (April 197S, 49 — S9). . . . . . Murray State University (1(cntucky) (Dcccmbcr 197S, 322 — 2II) .. Nichols College (Massachusetts) (May I<3110, 207 — 12). . . Yeshiva University (Ncsv York ) (August I<3ttl, 11th — 9S).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197S I<3112 American International College (Massachusetts) (May-Junc I 9113, 42 — 40) I<3113 Metropolitan Community Co lleges (Missouri ) (March-Api>l I9114, I<3114 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillsdale College (Michigan ) (May-Junc I9IIII, 29 — 33).. . . I<3110 I <387 Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Ri co (May-Junc 1<3117, 33—3II) Husson College (Maine ) (May-Junc I9117, 4S — S0). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I<3117 I<3XIII Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (North Carohna) I <3II<3 (May-Junc I <3II<3, 3S —4S) . The Catholic University of America (Scptc>nbcr-t3ctobcr I9119, 27 — 40 ). . . . . . Baltimore City Community College (May-Junc 1992, 37 — 41). Lorna Linda University (Cahtorn>a) (May-Junc I 992, 42 — 49) .. M LA JOB I NF ORM AT I ON L IS T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1990 1992 1994 1994 199S . . 199S I<3<30 41 — 40) I<3<30 Brigham Young University (Scptc>nbcr-t3ctobcr I997, S2 —71 ).. University of the District of Columbia (May-Junc I<3<3II, 40 — SS). Lawrence Technological University (May-Junc I <3<3II, Sb — 02 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Johnson t<c Wales University (Rhode Island ) (May-Junc 1999,40 —0).. S Albertus Magnus College (Connecticut ) (/anuary-February 2000, S4 — 03) Charleston Southern University (/anuary-February 2001, (>3 — 77). University of Dubuque (Scptc>nbcr-t3ctobcr 2001, 02 —73 ). . . . . . . . . . 1997 1997 I<3<3II I<3<3II I<3<3II 1999 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tiffin University (t3h>o) (/anuary-February 2002, S3 — (>3). Philander Smith College (Arkansas) (/anuary-February 2004, S7 — bent) . . . . . Virginia State University (May-Junc 200S, 47 — 02). University of the Cumberlands (1(cntucky ) (March-Api>1200S, 99 —I I3) .. 2001 2002 20 02 20 04 2003 2003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I<3<33 Meharry Medical College (Tcnncsscc) (Novcmbcr-Dcccmbcr 2004, SC) — 7II ) 2003 . . . . I<3<33 New Mexico Highlands University . 2000 Clarkson College (Nebraska) (May-Junc I993, 40 — S3).. North Greenville College (South Carohna ) (May-Junc I<3<33, S4 — 04). . . Saint Meinrad School of Theology (Ind>ana) (July-Au~~st I<3<3(>, S— I 00) . Minneapolis College of Art and Design (May-Junc 1997, S3 — SII) .. . Dean College (Massachusetts) (May-Junc I991,27 — 32).. . . 23a — 32a) Talladega College (Alaba>1>J) (May-Junc I9110, ba — 14a).. . . I<3<33 . . . . 1992 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . December 2006 DEPARTMENTAL O B L r STrNGS Note An [R] nt the end ot.i hstin i n d i c ates that the department off'et tnt: this po~ition rennhurses cuididites tor expenses nnd return». unple mnteruls m accordance swth MLA pohcs lsee p i) 36608. Materials should be postmarked by November 15, 2006. Spring Hill is an equal opportunity employer. [R] Samford U U of Alabama at Birmingham English, 900 S 13th St, 217 Hum Bldg Birmingham AL 35294 English, 800 Lakeshore Dr Birmingham AL 35229 Assistant Professor of English http: // Associate Professor o f Creative Writing F ull-ti me, tenure-track position in F il m and L i t erature beginning A u - http: // gust 2007. I'hD in English and/or Film and evidence ot teaching excellence required. (: n u rse load is 3/3. We are beginn in g a ( : o n centration in Film Studies vvithin the English ntajor. As such, teaching responsibilities include a genre course on film, H i story ot Fi lm , and Major A u t eurs. Senior level, tenure-track Associate I'rotessor ot creative vvriting, vvith expectation ot directing the creative vvriting program atter one year. MFA or I'h.D. required. I'oetry preterred, but all genres considered, including (:andidate vvill also teach literature courses tor niajors and non-niajors as vvell as treshnian interdisciplinary hunianities and vvriting courses. Salary competitive. Intervievvs at the MLA convention in December 2006. Samfbrd University is the largest privately supported and tully accredited i nstitution ot h i g her education in A l a b ama. Located in suburban Bi r lllingham, the university vvas tounded in 18-11 and has 282 tull time taculty and over 4,300 students. Applications: Send letter ot application, curriculum vitae, dissertation abstract, tvvo page statement ot teaching philosophy, and three current letters ot recommendation to: Dr. Julie (lustatson, (: hair, Search (:ommittee, Samfbrd University, De2260 partment ot English, 800 Lakeshore Drive, Birmingham, AL 3822 t1 — E-niaih jsstevvar( 1461 fiction, creative nonfiction, and screen vvriting. Some administrative experience desirable. I'ublication record in creative vvriting commensurate vvith a senior-level appointment and teaching experience at the college level required. I'osition includes a 3/3 course load (3/2 tor director ), creative productivity, and a service commitment. Teaching includes graduate and undergraduate creative vvriting, literature, and composition courses. ()ur -10-member department offers B.A. and M .A . d egrees vvithin a nationally ranked teaching and research university ot 16,000 students. For first consideration, applications should be postniarked by IS November. Send letter, c.v, and oHicial dossier ltranscripts and 3 recent letters ot recommendation ) to (:reative W r i t i n g Search (: o m m i t t ee, Department ot English, University ot Alabania at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 3829-11260. I'reliminary intervievvs at MLA . V i sit us at UAB is an E()/A A employer and actively seeks applications trom vvomen and minority candidates. [R] (:omplete applications must be received by November 15, 2006. Samford University is aHiliated vvith the Alabania Baptist (:onvention, and candidates should be vvilling to co n t r i b ute to and prom ote the school's m ission as a (:hristian university. Samford is an Equal () p p o r t u n it y I n stitution and vvelcomes application tor employment and educational programs trom all i n d i v i d uals regardless ot race, color, sex, disability, or national or ethnic origin. [R] Spring Hill C English, 4000 Dauphin St Mobile AL 36608 Assistant Professor of English 1288 Tenure-track position tor a generalist in l i t erature. I' r eterence vvill be given to candidates vvho are able to teach creative vvriting or vvorld literature in translation. I'h.D. required. The teaching load is -I/-I and generally consists ot tvvo lit and comp courses, a sophomore genre course, and an upper-level course in tield. D u r in g the ini t ial year no advising or commi t tee duties are expected. As a Jesuit, Liberal Arts (:ollege, the (:ollege places priniary emphasis on teaching. We vvill intervievv at the MLA convention in I'hiladelphia. Send letter ot application and dossier, vvhich should include letters ot reterence vvhich specifically address teaching, transcripts ot graduate vvork, and teaching evaluations it available, to Michael Kaffer, Department ot English, Spring Hill (:ollege, Mobile, AL M LA JOB I NF ORM AT I ON L IS T U of Alabama in Huntsville English, 301 Sparkman Dr Huntsville AL 35899 Assistant Professor and Writing Center Director 1735 http: // The U n i v ersity o t A l a b ama in H u n t s v i l l e seeks an assistant protessor a s Writing ( : e nter D i r e ctor tor a tenure-earning position begin n in g i n the tall ot 2007. I'h.D. in ( : o m position Studies by time ot appointment. I'reterence tor applicants vvith experience in W r i t i n g ( : e n ter adm i n i stration. Th e teaching load tor this position is tvvo courses per semester plus Writing (:enter ~dmini~tr~tion. Applicant must be c~p~ble ot teaching upper division and graduate courses in vvriting, including graduate courses in composition theory and vvriting pedagogy, as vvell as first-year c oittposit i o n . The department offers the B.A. and M.A. in English. Send letter and vita by Nov. IS to Dr. Rose Norntan, (:hair, Dept. ot English, Univ. ot Alabann in Hu ntsville, Huntsville, AL 388 t)t). The University ot Alabania in Huntsville is an equal opportunity, aHirntative action employer. [R] To apply tor t his position, go to h t t p s://vvvvvv.uakjobs.corn and click on "(: reate Application" l i n k t o select a User Name and I'assvvord and U of South Alabama English, 307 University Blvd, HUMB 240 Mobile AL 36688 Assistant Professor of English, Renaissance Literature to create your application. ( ) nce you have completed this step you can begin applying tor jobs on-line by clicking " Job I'osting!iearch." It you 765 http: //vvvvvv.southalabannnedu/ Tenure-track assistant protessor ot En g l i sh. Starting d ate: Au g ust 15, 2007. Applicants must have I'h.D. in hand by starting date and an ability to teach upper-division and graduate courses on!ihakespeare and ntajor Renaissance authors as well as survey courses and, occasionally, treshntan composition. I'lease send letter ot application, curriculum vitae, statement ot teaching philosophy, three letters ot recommendation, and oHicial transcripts to Dr. (:ristopher Hollingsvvorth, Dept. ot English, University ot South Alabannb Huntanities 2-10, Mobile, AL 36688. Review ot applications will begin N o v e mber 7, 2006, and continue until the position is filled. Inquiries (281) -160-61-16 or chollingsworth ( AA/ EE()/M/F/D [R ] It you have questions about th e positi on , p l ease contact Dr . M i c h a el Schuldiner, (:hair, English Department phone (007) 474-7103 or e-ntail faengl ( Founded in 1017, the University ot Alaska Fairbanks is the flagship campus ot the University ot Alaska!iystem, and is a Land (irant, Sea (irant, and 770 Director ot creative wri t i ng, rank open. Starting date: August 15, 2007. Applicants must have terminal degree in hand by starting date, administrative experience, and an ability to teach upper-division and graduate courses in fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction. I'lease send letter ot application, curriculum vitae, statement ot teaching philosophy, three letters o t recommendation, and oHicial transcripts to Dr . ( : r i stopher H o l l i n g svvorth, Dept. ot English, University of South Alabama, Huntanities 2-10, Mobile, AL 36688. Review ot applications will begin November 7, 2006, and continue until the position is filled. Inquiries (281) -160-61-16 or chollingsworth ( AA/EE()/ M / F/ D [R ] U of South Alabama English, 307 University Blvd, HUMB 240 Mobile AL 36688 76 7 http: /Ivvvvvv.southalabannnedu/ Tenure-track assistant protessor ot En g l i sh. Starting d ate: Au g ust 15, 2007. Applicants must have I'h.D. in hand by starting date and an abili ty to teach upper- d i v i sion and graduate courses in tw en ti eth- centu r y and world literatures with an emphasis on the post-World War II period. Applicants must also be able to teach treshman composition and survey courses. I'lease send letter ot application, curri culum v i t ae, statement ot teaching philosophy, three letters ot recommendation, and oHicial transcripts to Dr. (:ristopher Hollingsvvorth, Dept. ot English, University ot South Alabannb Huntanities 2-10, Mobile, AL 36688. Review ot applications will begin N o v e mber 7, 2006, and continue until the position is filled. Inquiries (281) -160-61-16 or chollingsworth ( AA/ EE()/M/F/D Applicants must submit I ) a letter ot intent, 2) a curriculum vitae, 3 ) I'hilosophy!itatement -I ) three letters ot recommendation, 8 ) ()Hicial transcripts, and 6 ) a writing sample ot up to 28 pages. ()nline application and supporting ntaterials must be received no later than November 18, 2006. banks is an equal employment opportunit y/aHirmative action employer and educational institution. [R] http: //vvvvvv.southalabannnedu/ Assistant Professor of English, Twentieth Century and World Literature through Friday. Space (irant institution. The M F A i n ( : r eative Wr i t in g program is rated within the top 100 in the Uni t ed ! i tates. The University ot Alaska Fair- U of South Alabama English, 307 University Blvd, HUMB 240 Mobile AL 36688 Director of Creative Writing need assistance, please contact UAF H u m a n R esources at 007 — 17-1-7700 between the hours ot 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Alaska Time, M o n d ay [R ] U of Alaska Fairbanks English, PO Box 755720 Fairbanks AK 99775 Assistant Professor of English and Director of Composition http: // Tenure-track appointment to begin August 2007. Salary $80,000 tor 0month contract. I'h.D. required by begin date. !iupervise treshntan and sophomore core composition classes, direct and train 28 T As, teach 2/ I lat least I at graduate level ) in small department with M . A . and M . F.A . programs. This position is an opportu n it y to t ake an im m e diate leadership role and help shape a composition program tor the tuture. Additional specialties welcome. Founded in 1017, UAF is the flagship campus ot the University ot Alaska system. The campus enrolls 8,000 students and is an ethnically diverse Research II university in a rural northern setting. Letter and dossier must be submitted online by November 18, 2006. (queries ntay be sent to Dr. M i c hael Schuldiner, (:hair ot English at ffmjs (aj To apply tor this position go to https://vvvvvv.uakjobs.corn and click on " ( : r e ate Application" l i n k t o select User N ame and I'assvvord and create your application. ()nce having completed this step begin applying tor jobs on-line by clicking " Job Posting Search." It you need assistance, please call 007--17-1-7700 between the hours ot 8 am and 8 pm, Alaska Time, Monday through Friday. UAF is an AA/ E( ) employer and is committed to taculty diversity; min ority candidates are strongly urged to apply. [R] • • Arizona SU English, Box 870302 Tempe AZ 85287 Assistant Professor in R enaissance Literature 969 http: // U of Alaska Fairbanks English, PO Box 755720 Fairbanks AK 99775 Fiction Writer-Assistant Professor 536 http: // The English Department is seeking a fiction w r i ter tor a tull - t i me, tenure-track position in (:reative Writing, beginning Fall 2007. The successtul candidate must have a terminal degree and a published book ot fiction trom a nationally recognized press. I'lease identity other fields ot writing or academic specialization. The teaching load is five courses per year. Required: I'hD in English or a related field by the time ot appointment; college level teaching ex p e r i ence appropri ate to r a nk ; d e m o n strated evidence ot potential or ability to teach !ihakespeare; and a compelling promise ot ongoing, high-quality research and publication in any area ot renaissance/early modern studies. lpending tunding approval.) Teaching load is 2/2 tor t e nur e- t rack taculty w i t h a signi t i c ant research agenda. Teaching opportunities are at undergraduate, MA, and I'hD levels. App licants must send: ( : o v e r l e t t er , v i t a , at l east t h ree l e t t ers ot r e c o m m endation, and a briet sample ot relevant academic w r i t i n g to : ( : h a i r , Renaissance!iearch (:ommittee, Department ot English, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 8 8287-0302. Application Deadline lno taxes or emails ): I'ostmarked by ( ) c t ober 23, 2006, it not t i l l ed, then every E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 applications acknowledged. A background check is required tor employment. AA/EOE. [R ] secondary level, supervision ot pre-service teachers in public school internships, and literature courses tor pre-service mi d dle and secondary English teachers. The successtul candidate will also have service responsibilities both in the English department and in the College ot Education. Arizona SU English, Box 870302 Tempe AZ 85287 Submit a letter ot application, vita, three letters ot recommendation, and ofiicial transcripts to Jay Ruud, Chair, Department ot English, University ot Central Arkansas, 201 Donaghey Ave., Convvay, AR 72035, JRuud(aj M onday thereatter until the search is closed. Initial contact at M LA . A l l Associate or Full Professor in Seventeenth-Century British Literature 974 Applications should be received by December 15, 2006. http: // Required: I'hD in English or a related field; college level teaching experience appropriate to rank; demonstrated evidence ot ability to teach Milton, appropriate to rank; and a compelling record ot ongoing, highquality research and publication in any area ot seventeenth-century literature, appropriate to rank. lpending tunding approval). Teaching load is 2/ 2 tor tenured taculty with a significant research agenda. Teaching opportunities are at undergraduate, MA, and I'hD levels. Applicants must send: c over letter and vita to: (: hair, Seventeenth Cen t u r y ! i e arch C o m m i t t e e , Department ot English, Ar i z ona State University, Tempe, AZ 8 82870:102. Application Deadline lno taxes or emails ): I'ostntarked by Octo- ber 2:1, 2006, it not filled, then very Mo nday thereatter until the search is closed. Initial contact at MLA. Al l applications acknowledged. A backg round check is required tor employment. AA/EO E . [R] Northern Arizona U English, PO Box 6032 Flagstaff AZ 86011 Director of Composition 1 737 http: // We seek candidates tor an Associate I'rotessor and Director ot Co m posit ion with a start date ot Fall 2007. Duties include directing W r i t ing I' r o gram, overseeing computer labs, training graduate assistants, and teaching in the undergraduate and graduate programs in Literacy, Technology, and I'rotessional Writ i ng. T his is an eleven-month position. Salary commensurate with experience. UCA is an equal opportunity/afiirntative action employer. This position is pending tunding approval. [R] U of Central Arkansas English, 201 S Donaghey Av Conway AR 72035 Assistant or Associate Professor o f English 1440 http: //ww w . The Uni versity ot C e n tral A r k ansas English Department seeks qualified applicants tor a tenure-track assistant or associate protessor to teach courses in childrens literature, literature tor the middle grades, and adolescent literature, to begin Fall 2007. The successtul candidate should have a doctorate in English or English education. Applicants with public school experience and experience in N C A T E / N O T E a c creditation are particularly encouraged. Other responsibilities tor the successtul candidate will i n clude teaching general education literature courses as well as service responsibilities both in the English department and in the College ot Education. Submit a letter ot application, vita, three letters ot recommendation, and ofiicial transcripts to Jay Ruud, Chair, Department ot English, University ot Central Arkansas, 201 Donaghey Ave., Convvay, AR 72035, JRuud(aj Applications should be received by December 15, 2006. UCA is an equal opportunity/afiirntative action employer. This position is pending tunding approval. [R] (1ualifted candidates should have I'h.D. in R h e t oric/ C o m p osition; experience working w i t h d i v erse groups; at least two years administrative experience with writing programs; articles or book publications in Rheto ric/ C o m p o sition; at least two years experience teaching w r i t i n g w i t h technology; and at least tour years successtul university teaching as indicated by letters ot reterence and student evaluations. See jobs) c areers at www .'iubmit a statement ot i n t e rest, a cur r i c u lu m v i t a , co pies ot tr anscripts, c opies ot student evaluations, and three letters ot reterence to Dr . L a u r a (lray-Rosendale, Composition Di r ector Search Comm i t tee, Department ot English, Box 60:12, Northern Ar i zona University, Flagstaff, Arizona 86011-60:12. U of Central Arkansas English, 201 S Donaghey Av Conway AR 72035 Assistant or Associate Professor o f English Education 1439 http: //ww w . The University ot Central Arkansas English Department seeks qualified applicants tor a tenu r e - t r ack assistant or associate protessor position as English Education I'rogram Coordinator, to begin Fall 2007. The successtul candidate should have a doctorate in English or English education, and must have public school teaching experience. Applicants experienced in NCAT E / N O T E accreditation and in working with pre-service teachers using the I'athvvise model and I'raxis Assessment!iystem are particularly encouraged. Teaching responsibilities will l i k ely include the methods course in lite rature and com positi on , a co urse in th e teaching ot g r a m ma r at t h e M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST • • Azusa Pacific U English, 901 E Alosta Av Azusa CA 91702 Medieval British Literature and Language 428 http: //www We invite applications tor an Assistant or Associate I'rotessor in Medieval British Literature tk Language to join a 16-member department beginning S eptember 2007. Secondary interest in Renaissance/Early M o d ern Br i t ish Literature preterred. Applicants must have a I'h.D. and demonstrate a strong commitment to excellence in both teaching and scholarship. Standard teaching load is tour courses per semester and includes general education, composition, and survey courses as well as upper-division seminars in the candidates area ot expertise. Course releases are available through competitive taculty research avvards. Experience with both traditional and adult learners a plus. The successtul candidate must have a religious commitment compatible with the mission ot this evangelical university. Send letter ot application, vita, and the names/addresses/phone numbers ot five reterences to Michael M. W h y t e , I' h .D., I'rovost, Azusa I'acific U n i v ersity, I'.O. Box 7000, Azusa, CA 91702-7000. Review ot applications will begin immediately; the position will rentain open until filled. [R] California SU, Channel Islands California SU, Fresno English, 5245 N Backer Av, M/S PB98 Fresno CA 93740 English, 1 University Dr Camarillo CA 93012 English Program 1487 Assistant Professor, Fiction Writing 1325 http: //vvvvvv.csucitacultyjobs.corn http: // html The (:SU C h a n nel Islands English program in v i tes applications tor a tenure-track (open rank) taculty position in composition and rhetoric to teach and help administer a sntall, progressive first year vvriting program. Commi t m ent to teaching process to undergraduates a necessity. Experience vvith team grading, port tolio scoring, or di r ected selt-placement a definite plus. I'h.D. required by August 2007. For additional intornration and to apply online visit our vvebsite at: vvvvvv.csucitacultyjobs.conn Assistant I'rotessor, Fiction W r i t i n g , Tenure Track to teach creative vvrit- California SU, Fresno English, 5245 N Backer Av, M/S PB98 Fresno CA 93740 Assistant Professor in Chicano/a and/or Latin American Literature 124 7 http: // 030.pdt A ssistant I' r o t essor in C h i c a n o/ a a n d / o r L a t i n A m e r i c a n L i t e r a t u r e vvith ability to teach Spanksh translation to begin Fall 2007. Required: I'h.D. in English, Ethnic Studies, (:ultural Studies, American Studies, or Comparative Literature vvith substantiated research interest in Chicano/ a literature, Latin A m e r i can literature, translation theory, and/o r l i t e rary translation. I'ublications ot literary translations also desirable. ABD considered tor temporary lectureship vvith possible tuture conversion to tenure track. Duties include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in M u l t i - E t h n i c A m e r i can l i t e ratu re, li t erature ot th e A m e r i cas topics courses, literature surveys, and Spanksh literary translation as part ot a 12-semester-unit teaching load fnornrally .'1 courses). Candidates must have ability to vvork ettectively vvith ethnically, culturally, and socioeconomically diverse students. Application torm can be tound at http: // Application materials should include letter, CV, statement ot teaching philosophy, I 8 — 20 page vvriti ng sample and dossier sent to: Dr. Kathleen (iodtrey, Hi r ing C o m m i t tee Chair. Intervievvs at MLA. To ensure tull consideration, all nraterials must be received by Nov. 15. (:SU Fresno is an AHirntative Action/ E qual Opportunity Employer. [R] ing and literature at undergraduate/graduate levels beginning Fall 2007. Exceptional applicants at higher ranks nray be considered. Teaching load: 12 semester units (normally .'1 courses). M.F.A. in C r eative Wr i t in g or I'h.D. required. Strong publication record fat least one published book ) required. Writing sample required. Experience or interest in M.F.A. program development and coordination desirable. Successful candidate must demonstrate excellence or potential tor excellence in teaching university level vvriting and literature. Active involvement in the M . F.A. I' r ogram, department, college and university is expected, and the successtul candidate must vvork effectively vvith taculty, staff and students trom di v erse ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Send letter, CV, statement ot teaching ph i l o sophy, vvriting sample, and :1 curr ent letters ot recommendation to: Dr. C o r r i nne H ales, Search Comm i t tee Chair, Department ot English, (:alitbrnia State University, Fresno, 82-18 N. Backer Avenue M/S I'B 98, Fresno, CA 93740-8001. Online application torm: . Materials received by November 15, 2006 tor tull consideration. California SU, Fullerton English, Comp Lit, 8( Linguistics, PO Box 6848 Fullerton CA 92834 Assistant Professor of English/20th Century American Literature 1104 http: // The Departm ent ot E n g l i sh, Co m p a rative Li t e rature, and Li n g u i s tics invites applications tor a tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor specializing in 20th Century Am e r i can Literature. Teaching assignments vvould include specialty courses at upper-division and MA l e vels, introductory surveys, general education, composition, and other courses depending on candidates interests and departmental need. A secondary teaching specialization in one ot the tbllovving areas is desirable though not required: applied linguistics/structure ot modern English, literary theory (especially pre- 20th Century ), dranuu the novel, Bible as literature, classical mythol- California SU, Fresno English, 5245 N Backer Av, M/S PB98 Fresno CA 93740 Assistant Professor, Composition Studies 1313 http: // Assistant I'rotessor tenure track position in ( : o m p osition Studies beginning in Fa112007. I'h.D. in (:omposition Studies/Rhetoric and evidence ot strong teaching required. Experience vvith vvriting program administration is preterred. ABD considered tor temporary lectureship vvith possible conversion to tenure track. Du t ies include teaching undergraduate and graduate vvriting and co m position studies courses as part ot a 12semester-unit (three course) teaching load. Duties nray include vvriting program administration, TA tr aining and supervision, undergraduate and graduate curriculum development, Di rected Selt I'lacement research and assessment. I'reterence given to candidates vvith current scholarly interests in composition theory, pedagogy, social epistemic/cultural rhetorics, programnratic research, assessment theory/practice and vvriting program administration. C a n didates must have ability t o vvork ettectively vvith ethnically, culturally, and socioeconomically diverse students. Complete vacancy announcement and application torm at h t tp: //vvvvvv.csutresno .edu/aps/vacancy/scl.pdt. Send cover letter, CV, pedagogy statement, IS — 20 page vvriting sample, and dossier to Rick H ansen, Search Com- mittee Chair, English Department, M/ S I'B 98, (:alitbrnia State University, Fresno, 82-18 N. Backer Ave., Fresno, CA 93740-8001. Intervievvs at MLA. To ensure consideration, all nraterials must be received by Novem- ber 17, 2006. [R] ogy, vvorld literature, childrens literature. Department taculty no r nrally teach tour courses each semester. Re-assigned time available tor research, course development, and departmental responsibilities. Teaching load reduction provided tor first tvvo years and nray be extended. Faculty members advise undergraduate students and serve on tacult y c o m m i t t e es. I'ositive tenure and promotion decisions require excellent teaching as vvell as peer-revievved publication and participation in the broader disciplinary community. Abil ity to i n teract effectively vvith a vvide and culturally diverse range ot students essential. I'h.D. in English vvith training and ex- perience in 20th Century A m erican literature required by August 2007. ABDs considered but must shovv evidence ot degree completion prior to appointment. Evidence ot successtul teaching and potential tor successtul publication essential. Starting salary competitive and commensurate vvith qualifications and experience. Submit letter ot interest, curriculum vi tae, and dossier to Joseph Savvicki, Chair, Department ot English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics, University Hall :12:1, (:alitbrnia State Univer- sity Fullerton, Fullerton, CA 928:1-1-68-18. Application acknovvledged by letter. I'reliminary intervievvs at MLA. Applications postnrarked by October LI, 2006 receive tull consideration. Job Control Number: 23603(i07 — 0-17. (:SUF is an AA/EEO/T I TLE IX / A D A Employer. [ R ] California SU, Fullerton English, Comp Lit, 8( Linguistics, PO Box 6848 Fullerton CA 92834 Assistant Professor of English/Non-Shakespearean Drama 1105 http: // The Departm ent ot E n g l i sh, C o m p arative L i t erature, and L i n g u i stics invites applications tor a tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor specializing in E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 non-Shakespearean drannn Teaching assignments would include specialty courses at upper-division and M A l e v els, introductory surveys, general education, composition, and other courses depending on candidates interests and departmental need. A secondary teaching specialization in one ot the following areas is desirable though not required: applied linguistics/ structure ot modern English, literary theory (especially pre-20th Cen- consideration. Applications postntarked atter this date ntay be considered it position is still open. Applications acknowledged by department letter. Job Control N u m b er: 2:360:3(1-07 — 0-16. Cal State Fullerton is an Equal tury ), the novel, Bible as literature, classical mythology, world literature, California SU, Long Beach English, 1250 Bellflower Blvd Long Beach CA 90840 childrens literature. Department taculty norntally teach tour courses each semester. Re-assigned time available tor research, course development, and departmental responsibilities. Teaching load reduction provided tor tirst tw o y ears and ntay be extended. Faculty m e m b ers advise undergraduate students and serve on taculty c o m m i t t e es. I'ositive tenure and promotion decisions require excellent teaching as well as peer-reviewed p ublication and participation in the broader disciplinary com m u n i t y . Ability to i n t eract effectively wit h a w ide and culturally diverse range ot students essential. I'h.D. in E n g l ish w it h t r a i n in g and experience in non-Shakespearean drama required by August 2007. ABDs considered but must shovv evidence ot degree completion prior to appointment. Evidence ot successtul teaching and potential tor successtul publication essential. Starting salary competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Submit letter ot interest, curriculum vitae, and dossier to Joseph Savvicki, Chair, Department ot English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics, University Ha l l : 32:I, Calitornia State University Fullerton, Fullerton, CA 92884-6848. Application acknowledged by letter. I'reliminary intervievvs at MLA. Applications postntarked by October Ll, 2006 receive tull consideration. Job Control Number: 2:360:3(1-07 — 0-17. Opportunity/Title IX/808/80-1/VEVRA/ ADA Employer. Assistant Professor of English [R] 561 http: //www The Department ot English at Calitornia State University, Long Beach, invites applications tor a tenure-track position as Assistant I'rotessor, beginning A u g ust 27, 2007. M i n i m u m ( ) u a l i f i c ations: I'h.D. at tim e ot appointment in English, American Studies, or closely related field; spec ialization in ethnic Am erican literatures, with expertise in two or m o r e ethnic American literary traditions. We are screening applicants tor their potential teaching excellence at the university/college level, their potential tor successtul research and scholarly publication, and their ability to communicate effectively with an ethnically and culturally diverse student population. Desired/I' r eterred ()uali f i cations: Experience in teaching courses in ethnic American literatures; ability to teach courses in literary theory and criticism; and potential tor developing interdisciplinary links in American Studies. Evidence ot scholarly research and publication. California SU, Fullerton English, Comp Lit, 8( Linguistics, PO Box 6848 Fullerton CA 92834 I'lease send a letter ot application, a curriculum v i t ae lincluding current entail address), a one-page statement ot teaching philosophy, three letters ot recommendation, evidence ot successtul teaching, and graduate trans cript to Dr. Eileen S. Kli nk , C h ai r / D e partment ot English/C ali torni a State University, Long Beach/1250 Bellflower Blvd. /Long Beach, CA 90840-240:3. Screening begins November I, 2006. For tull description, see our vvebsite: n i t ies.html. Assistant or Associate Professor o f English/English Education An EO employer. CSUF is an AA/EEO/T I TLE IX / A D A Employer. [R] 1106 [R] http: // The Department ot English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics invites applications tor an Assistant or Associate I'rotessor specializing in English Education and the training ot prospective high school teachers. The successtul candidate, who will provide leadership to the Secondary Credential I'rogram in English, will teach the English methods class, advise prospective teachers, supervise student externs and interns, serve as a liaison to the University's Secondary Education I'rogram, and participate in university/public school collaborations. Applicant should be prepared to teach credential-related courses at the upper-di v i sion and post-baccalaureate levels, including pedagogy courses. A Calitornia Secondary Credential desirable. High school English teaching experience and experience supervising student teachers essential. Opp o r t u n i t ies to teach courses in secondary fields ot interest. A secondary teaching specialization in one ot the following areas desirable: applied linguistics/the structure ot modern English, composition, literary theory (especially pre-20th Century ), drannu the novel, the Bible as literature, classical mythology, world literature, children's literature. Faculty norntally teach tour courses each semester. Re-assigned time available tor research, course development, and departmental responsibilities. Course load reduced tor the first two years ot appointment and ntay be extended. Each taculty member advises undergraduate students and serves on taculty c o m m i t t e es. I'ositive tenure and promotion decisions require excellent teaching as well as research, peer-reviewed publication, and participation in the broader disciplinary community. Ability to interact effectively with a wide and culturally diverse range ot students essential. I'h.D. in English or a related field with training and experience in English Education required by August 2007. ABD's considered but must shovv evidence ot degree completion prior to appointment. Evidence ot successtul teaching and potential tor successtul research and publications is essential. Salary is highly competitive and commensurate w ith experience and qualifications. Send letter ot i n t erest, curri cu l u m vitae, and dossier to Joseph Savvicki, Chair, Department ot English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics, University Hall :32:I, Calitornia State University, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA 928:34-6868. Application acknowledged by letter. Applications postntarked by October Ll, 2006 receive tull M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST California SU, Long Beach English, 1250 Bellflower Blvd Long Beach CA 90840 Assistant Professor of English 563 http: //www Assistant I'rotessor ot English ltenure track ) beginning August 2007. Minimum ( ) u aliftcations: I'h.D. at time ot appointment in English or closely related field; specialization in British Victorian literature, 18:32 — 191-1. We are screening applicants tor their potential teaching excellence at the university level, their potential tor successtul research and scholarly publication, and their ability to com m u n i cate effectively with an ethnically and culturally diverse student population. Desired/I' r eterred () uali ftcations: Experience teaching courses in British Victorian poetry, fiction, drama, and/or nonfiction prose. Ability to teach courses in related literary areas, e.g., British novel, 19th-20th-century drannu postcolonial studies, science fiction/tantasy, childrens literature, literary theory. Evidence ot scholarly research and publication. I 'lease send letter ot application, c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e lincluding cu r r ent entail address), a one-page statement ot teaching philosophy, three letters ot recommendation, evidence ot successtul teaching, and graduate transcript to Dr. Eileen Klink, Chair/ D epartment ot English/Calitornia State University, Long Beach/1250 Bellflower Blvd. /Long Beach, CA 908-102-10:3. Address email inqu i r ies to M a u reen Etti n ger lmettinge (ajcsulb .edu). Screening begins November 15, 2006. For tull description, see our v vebsite: ties/html. An E O emp I oyer . [ R ] California SU, Northridge English, 18111 Nordhoff St Northridge CA 91330 Assistant Professor of English 1336 Opportunit y / T i t l e IX E m p l oyer. The Un i versity has a strong commitment to diversity and, in that spirit, seeks a broad spectrum ot candidates including women, members ot minority groups, and people with disabilities. The position is contingent upon tunding. [R] ht tp://www. csu n.e du/english I'hD or M F A i n C r e a tive W r i t i n g , w i t h e m p hasis in narrative. Tenure track. Degree expected prior to A u g ust 19, 2007. Successful candidate should anticipate being part ot a thri v ing graduate and undergraduate c reative wri t ing program, and be prepared to teach introductory m u l t i genre courses in creative writing and advanced and graduate-level courses in fiction and narrative theory. Secondary areas ntay include transnational literatures; ethnographic wr i t i ng; m i x e d / m u l t i ple w r i t in g genres; critical theory and/o r c u l t u ral studies; new media; and/or creative non-fiction. Evidence ot teaching effectiveness required; publication desirable. C!iUN i s a Learning C e ntered U n i v ersity, distinguished by wel l - established programs in ethnic and gender studies, with a diverse student population drawn largely trom the Los Angeles area. Interviews at MLA . Send letter ot application, c.v., briet wri t ing sample, dossier to English, C!iUN, N o r t hridge, CA 9L1:10-82-18. C!iUN is an Equal Opportunity/ AHirntative Action, Title I X, Section 80-1 Employer. I'rimary consideration to applications received by November 28, 2006. Review tull job announcement on our website: http: //ww w . California SU, Northridge English, 18111 Nordhoff St Northridge CA 91330 Assistant Professor of English 1337 ht tp://www. csu n.e du/english I'hD in R h e t o ri c / C o m p osition, in English or in a closely related field, with expertise or specialization in R h e t o r ic. Tenure track. Degree expected prior to A u gust 19, 2007. Candidates should have the ability to t each in and support the grow in g R h e t o r i c / C o m p o sition option i n t h e graduate program and a pending undergraduate minor in W r i t i n g and Rhetoric. We are particularly in terested in candidates working in such tields as visual and/o r d i g i tal r h eto rics, literacy, mi n o r it y r h e t o r i cs, teacher preparation, and mixed/multiple genres. Evidence ot teaching ettectiveness required; publication desirable. C!iUN is a Learning Centered University, distinguished by well-establkshed programs in ethnic and gender studies, with a diverse student population drawn largely trom the Los Angeles area. Interviews at M L A . S end letter ot application, c.v., briet writing sample, dossier to English, C!iUN, N o r thridge, CA 9L1:10-82-18. C!iUN i s an Equal ()pport u n i t y / A Hi r ntative Action, Ti tle IX , Section 8 0-1 Employer. I'rim ary consideration to applications received by N o vember 28, 2006. Review tull job announcement on our website: http: // California SU, San Marcos Lit 8( Writing, 333 S Twin Oaks Valley Rd San Marcos CA 92096 Assistant Professor of Medieval Studies 69 http: //csusnuedu/Itw r Calitornia State University San Marcos invites applications tor a tenure track position ot Assistant I'rotessor ot Medieval studies, starting tall 2007. I'h.D. in English or Comparative Literature. The successtul candidate will have publications and teaching experience in the field ot medieval and early modern British literature. We seek candidates committed to teachi ng excellence in general education and at all levels ot the cur r i c u l u m , including i n t r o d u c t ory, general education, graduate courses, and ntaster's thesis supervision. Successful candidates will help us teach towards the values articulated in our departmental mission statement available at www .csusnnedu/Itwr. Interviews will be held at the 2006 ML A c o nvent ion. I'lease send letter ot application and vita to Dr. Yuan Yuan, LT W R Search Committee, C!iU, San Marcos, CA 92096 — 0001 by November I, 2006, tor best consideration. Letters ot recommendation and writing sam- ples by request. C!iU!iM is an Equal California SU, San Marcos Lit 8( Writing, 333 S Twin Oaks Valley Rd San Marcos CA 92096 Assistant Professor of Creative Writing 257 http: //ww w .csusnuedu/Itw r Calitornia State University San Marcos invites applications tor a tenure track position ot A ssistant I' r o tessor ot C r eative W r i t i n g , startin g t al l 2007. We are seeking a creative writer to teach undergraduate and graduate workshops in multiple genres, as well as literature and/or film courses. The successtul candidate will help us achieve the multi-cultural values described in our departmental mission statement. Signiftcant publication in a printary genre (area open) is essential; publication in a secondary genre is helptul. (liven our plans tor a film and literature concentration and our commitment to innovative technology, an interest in screenwriti ng, film studies, digital li terature, and/o r l i t erature in p er to r m ance wo uld be a plus. We seek candidates committed to teaching excellence in general education and at all levels ot the curriculum, including introductory, general education, graduate courses, and master's thesis supervision. Successful candidates will help us teach towards the values articulated in our departm ental mission statement available at w w w . c susnnedu/ I t w r . I n t e r v i e w s will be held at the 2006 MLA convention. I'lease send letter ot application and vita to Dr. Kenneth Mendoza, LTW R S earch Com m i t tee, C!iU, San Marcos, CA 92096-0001 by N ovember I, 2006, tor best consideration. Letters ot recommendation and writing samples by request. C!iU!iM is an Equal Opportunity/ T i tle IX Employer. The University has a strong commitment to diversity and, in that spirit, seeks a broad spectrum ot candidates including women, members ot minority groups, and people with disabilities. The position is contingent upon tunding. [R] California SU, Stanislaus English, 801 W Monte Vista Av Turlock CA 95382 Assistant Professor of English with emphases in Composition and Rhetoric 1 522 http: //ww w and http: //ww w . I'O!iIT I O N : T h e D epartment ot English invites applications tor a tulltime, t e n u r e - t r ack a p p o i n t m e n t a t t h e r a n k o t A s sistant I ' r o t essor ot English with em phases in Composition and R h e t o r ic. Th e successtul candidate will teach a variety ot undergraduate and graduate courses in composition, rhetoric, and writing pedagogy and assist in developing the writing program. Involvement in teacher preparation as well as extensive campus and community outreach required. MI N I M U M () U A L I F I C A T I O N ! i : D o c t o r ate required at time ot appointment. Specialkst in Composition and R h eto ric w it h significant interest in basic wri t in g i n c l u ding program development and assessment. Evidence ot successtul teaching in composition required. I'REFER R E D ( ) U A L I F I C A T I O N ! i : R elevant research and publication desired. Administrative experience a plus. Experience working with a diverse student population preterred. H()W T O A I ' I ' L Y tk D E A D L I N E : Send a letter ot interest, curriculum vitae, three reterence letters, evidence ot teaching effectiveness (student and/or peer evaluations, pertorntance reviews, etc. ), and a copy ot transcripts fntay be unoHicial tor initial application ) to: Dr. Mark T h ompson, Chair, Department ot English (:/ R L 1 95, Calitornia State University, Stankslaus, 801 West Monte Vista Avenue, Turlock, CA 98382 Telephone: (209) 667-:1:161 Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Review ot applications begins 11.01.06; position open until filled. F ind out m or e about us at: ht tp: // w w w . c and ht tp: // w w w html E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 (:()M I ' E N S AT I ( ) N : C o m m ensurate with qualifications and experience. As a member ot the 2:1-campus (:SU System, we offer an extremely competitive benefits package. Chapntan University is an Equal ()pportunity Employer, committed to providing career opportunities to all people, without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or AI'I'()IN T M E N T B E ( ' I N.'i: 9.01.07 veteran status. California SU, Stanislaus English, 801 W Monte Vista Av Turlock CA 95382 Claremont McKenna C Lit, 850 Columbia Av Claremont CA 91711 Assistant Professor of English with an emphasis in American Literature 1523 Assistant Professor ofLite rature http: // and http: // ht tp://ww w . I'()SIT I ( ) N : T h e D epartment ot English invites applications tor a tull- The Department ot Li terature ot Claremont M c K e nna Co llege seeks to hire a tenure-track assistant protessor specializing in some aspect ot Renaissance British I'oetry. The standard teaching load is tour one-semester courses per year. Candidates will be interviewed at the Modern Language Association convention in I'hiladelphia. I'lease send letter ot application, v ita, dissertation abstract, dossier, and writing sample by November I t o : time, tenure-track appointm ent at the rank ot Assistant I'rotessor ot English with an emphasis in Am erican Literature. The successtul candidate will teach graduate and undergraduate courses in a variety ot areas, in- cluding multicultural American and/or world literature, and will develop and teach courses in his or her area ot academic specialization. As part ot an on-going effort to support the development ot our gr o w i n g satellite campus in Stockton, some classes will be taught at the Stockton Center. [R] 1197 R obert Faggen, Chair, Department ot Li terature, Claremont M c K e n n a College, 880 Columbia Ave, Claremont, CA 91711 MI N I M U M ( 1 U A L I F I ( : A T I ( ) N S : D o c t o rate required at time ot appointment. Specialist in Colonial or Early Republic American Literature. Claremont M cK enna College is a highly selective undergraduate institution ranked among the top liberal arts colleges nationally. CM C i s a I 'REF E R R E D member ot The Claremont Colleges, which also include I'omona, Scripps, I'itzer, Harvey M u dd, the Claremont ( i r aduate University and the Keck (iraduate Institute tor Applied Science. Collectively the Claremont Col- ( 1 U A L I F I ( : A T I ( ) N s h Sig n i f i c ant i n t e rest in N a t i v e American, Atrican American, and/or C h icana/o literatures will be given special consideration. Secondary specialties in I'rotessional, Technical or Creative Wr i t i n g also considered. Relevant research and publication strongly desired, as well as an excellent teaching record appropriate tor our highly diverse, printarily first-generation, student body. leges constitute a community ot approxintately (8000 students. Claremont is located:38 miles east ot Los Angeles. Claremont McKenna College is an equal opportunity employer. [R] H()W T ( ) A I ' I ' L Y t( D E A D L I N E : Send a letter ot interest, curriculum vitae, three reterence letters, evidence ot teaching effectiveness (student and/or peer evaluations, pertorntance revievvtu etc. ), and a copy ot transcripts (ntay be unoHicial tor initial application ) to: Deep Springs C Humanities, Deep Springs, CA via Dyer, NV CA 89010 Dr. Mark Thompson, Chair, Department ot English AL L195, Calitornia State University, Stanislaus 801 West Monte Vista Avenue, Turlock, CA Full-time Professor in any Humanities, Visiting Professor in any Humanities 95:382 Teleephone: (209) 667-:I:361 1 524 ht tp:// Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Writing samples will be re- Deep Springs College offers the following positions tor the 2007 — 2008 quested atter initial screening. academic year: ( )pen until filled. Screening ot complete applications will begin on N o vember 15, 200(x (I) Huntanities: A tull- t ime appointment with benefits at the junior or senior level (English literature, American literature, comparative literature, Find o u t more a b o u t u s a t: http: // vv vv vv. c s utsan. e d u a n d http: // w w w html (:()M I ' E N S A T I ( ) N : ( : S U Stanislaus otters a competitive salary commensurate with experience and qualifications, and an outstanding benefits package. We offer a variety ot taculty development and mentoring programs, which traditionally include a reduced load tor first-year taculty and preterential status when applying tor research/travel tunding. AI'I'()IN T M E N T B E ( ' I N.'i: 9.01.07 (2) Multiple one-semester visiting appointments in the huntanities. Visiting protessors typically teach one course in their area ot expertise. Chapman U ( )ne ot the most academically selective colleges in the cou n t r y (SATs English 8( Comp Lit, 1 University Dr Orange CA 92866 Assistant Professor of Rhetoric eo Composition 1 539 http: // Chapntan Un i v ersity, a comprehensive, liberal arts-based university in Southern Calitornia, seeks a rhetoric/composition specialist with expertise in WAC/ W I D t h eory and programs, writing pedagogy, and rhetorical theory to teach in the English department. I'hD r equired. Tenure-track, competitive salary, .'I —:I teaching load. Teaching will include all levels ot composition, graduate courses in composition theory and pedagogy, and, potentially, areas such as linguistics or creative w r i t i n g , depending on the successtul candidate's expertise and interest. The successtul candidate may be asked to help develop and direct Chapman's WAC pr ogram in exchange tor one course off per semester. Applicants should send a cover letter, C.V., and three letters ot reterence to Richard Ruppel, Chair, English, Chapntan University, ()ne Un i versity Dr., () range, CA. 92800 by November 15. Entail applications to ruppel ( welcome. M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST French literature, (ierntan literature, etc.) The successtul tull-time candidate will teach selt-designed courses within the area ot his or her expertise. Because ot the colleges small size, longterm protessors exert a broad inHuence on the intellectual culture ot the community. For this reason, the ideal candidate is more than a specialist and considers his or her discipline in the broader context ot liberal education. The teaching load is 2 — 2. Full-time appointments are renewable up to six years. Deep Springs encourages senior scholars to consider the position. average 1800 ), Deep Springs educates 20 students, all ot whom receive tull scholarships. The college's sntall size allovvs protessors to work closely with dedicated students both inside and outside the classroom. Located in an isolated Calitornia desert valley, Deep Springs emphasizes preparation tor a lite ot service to humanity t h r o ugh a rigorous liberal arts curriculum, student body selt-governance, and ranch labor. For more intorntation please visit, or write to: Faculty Search, Deep Springs College, HC 72 Box -18001, via Dyer, NV 89010. Applications are due by November 15, 200(x E()E Occidental C Sonoma SU Art History fk Visual Arts, 1600 Campus Road Los Angeles CA 90041 Mod Langs fk Lits, 1801 E Cotati Av, S-3016 Rohnert Park CA 94928 Assistant Professor, Film and Media Studies Assistant Professor ofLiberal Arts: Film, Theater, or Media Studies 1 531 134 0 http: // http: /Ivvvvvv.sononunedu ()ccidental College seeks proven scholar/artists tor a tenure-track, Assistant I'rotessor position in F il m and M e di a Studies to teach courses that combine video/ d i g i tal media creation vvith cri t ical perspectives on the process and products ot innge-ntaking, beginning in August 2007. The Hutchins School is hiring an Assistant I'rotessor ot Liberal Arts vvith an emphasis in Film, Theatre, or Media Studies. Situated vvithin the Department ot Art H i story and Visual Arts, this position vvill entail the teaching ot technical skills and critical analysis ot images in their social, cultural, and historical contexts. Because our program transgresses the traditional divisions betvveen production and critical studies, candidates should demonstrate expertise in film and media production (MFA) and film critical studies fphD). At ()ccidental, a liberal arts college, critical thinking across departmental boundaries is essential. We seek a colleague vvho vvill vvork to expand our interdisciplinary curriculum . Candidates vvork must demonstrate engagement vvith issues relevant to a range ot other academic and cultural disciplines: documentary practices; ethnography; the intersections ot scientific and visual cultures; theories ot race, gender, sexuality and identity; and in particular comm u n it y based l earning. I'reterence vvill be given to candidates vvith active exhibiti o n history and/or publications and significant teaching experience. A pplicants should submit a letter ot i n t erest demonstrating a com m i t ment to academic excellence in a diverse liberal arts environm ent, and including a statement ot teaching philosophy, areas ot teaching interest, and plans tor research/creative vvork; a curriculum v i t ae; one sample ot scholarly or creative vvork; and three letters ot recommendation to I'rotessor Esther Yau,Search Com m i t tee Chair, Department ot Ar t H i s t ory t( Visual Art, ( ) c cidental College, 1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles, CA 900-11. All nraterials are due by December 10, 2006. ()ccidental College is an aHirntative action, equal opportunity employer. The College is committed to academic excellence in a diverse community and supporting interdisciplinary and multicultural academic programs that provide a gitted and diverse group ot students vvith an educational experience that prepares them tor leadership in a pluralistic vvorld. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. The Hutchins School offers an interdisciplinary, seminar-based program providing an alternative (leneral Education and a Bachelor ot Arts in Liberal Studietu including a K-fi pre-credential track, and a blended B.A./ Credential track. Candidates tor the position much have a broad interdisciplinary or multi- disciplinary background, and a passion tor teaching undergraduates. Candidates must be competent to tacilitate seminars on t opics outside their disciplinary traini ng; must have expertise in Film , Theater, or M e dia Studies or a related Hunranities field; and must have academic training or experience in Ethnic Studies or a related field fe.g. Chicano/ L a t in o St u d ietu Asian-A m e r i can Studietu At r i c an - A m e r i c an Studietu Native American Studies). Applicants must have a I'h.D. by December 20, 2007. Candidates should i n v estigate the H u t c h i n s School vvebsite Evvvvvv ] to best understand the program betore considering application. Revievv ot applications vvill be conducted tor applications sent by December I, 2006. lt not fi l led by the initial applications, another revievv vvill be conducted on those sent by January IS, 2007. Complete position announcement and application requirements are available at vvvvvv.sononra .edu/aa/ta/tenure t r ack.shtml . (1uestions regarding this position nray be directed to Dr. Eric M c ( i u ck in, e-ntail: mcguckin (, phone (707) 66-1-:1177. ()n all correspondence and inquires regarding this position, please reter to ¹ 1 0 27211. Women, ethnic mi n o r i t ies and those vvith disabilities are encouraged to apply. AA/E()E . [R] Stanford U English, 450 Serra Mall Stanford CA 94305 Assistant Professor of English 1 554 http: // San Jose SU English fk Comp Lit, 1 Washington Sq San Jose CA 95192 Assistant Professor, Fiction Writing 1 532 http: //avvilli ( Assistant I'rotessor, Fiction W r i t i n g , Tenure Track to teach creative vvrit- ing and literature at undergraduate and graduate levels beginning Fall 2007. I'h.D. in English or M.F.A. in Creative Writing by date ot appointm ent. Demonstrable secondary specialization in C r eative N o n - F i c t i o n and literary magazine editing experience highly desirable. University teaching experience required as vvell as significant publications fat least one collection ot fiction, a novel, or publications in national literary periodicals and journals ). The person filling this position vvill serve as a ntajor component ot the M .F.A. program in Creative Wri t ing and undergraduate minor in C r e ative W r i t i n g , and be actively inv olved in the department, college, and university. Send letter ot application, vita, statement ot teaching interests/philosophy and publishing plans, and contact infbrntat ion tor at least three reterences by November .'10, 2006, to: Scott R i c e , Chair, Dept. ot English t( Comparative Literature, San Jose State University, ()ne Washington Square, San Jose, CA 9S192-0090. I'lease include Job ()pening ID: 0126SO. [ R ] The Department ot English at Stanford University is seeking applicants tor a tenure- t rack Assistant I' r o tessor in th e area ot Eng l i sh- l anguage l iterature outside ot Britain and the U n i ted States, to begin 9/ I / 0 7 . W e are particularly interested in vvork that addresses questions ot aesthetics, genre, literary history, torm, or theory trom a national, regional, decolonial or comparative perspective. Applicants vvill be expected to teach courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Applicants should send curriculum v i t ae, a list ot publications, a briet statement ot research interests and a vvriting sample, and arrange tor three letters ot reterence to be nrailed to I'rotessor Rantdn Saldivar, Chair, De- partment ot English, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 9400S-20117. For tull consideration, nraterials must be received by 11/L1/06. Stanford University is an equal opportunity, aHirntative action employer. [R] Stanford U English, 450 Serra Mall Stanford CA 94305 Assistant Professor of English 1 555 http: // The Department ot English at Stanford University is seeking applicants tor a tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor in the area ot Asian American litera- ture, to begin 9/ I / 0 7. We are particularly interested in comparative vvork that rethi nks the practice ot contemporary l i t erary h i story, th eory, or method. Applicants vvill be expected to teach courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Applicants should send curriculum v i t ae, a list ot publications, a briet statement ot research interests and a vvriting sample, and arrange tor three E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 letters ot reterence to be ntailed to I'rotessor Rantdn Saldivar, Chair, De- partment ot Englbh, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 9400S-20117. For tull consideration, ntaterials must be received by 11/10/06. Stanford University is an equal opportunity, aHirntative action employer. [R] must be postmarked by the deadline date ot Wednesday, November IS and addressed to Associate I'rotessor Ula Taylor, C h a i r p erson, Search Committee, University ot Calitornia, Berkeley, Atrican American Studies, 660 Barrovvs Hall ¹2672, Berkeley, CA 9-1720-2672. I'lease direct potential reterees to the Universitys statement on confidentiality tound at http: //apo.chance. In t or ntation about the Department ot At r ican American Studies ntay be tound on the Departmental vvebsite: http: // Stanford U English, 450 Serra Mall Stanford CA 94305 Professor o f English 1 556 http: // The Department ot English at Stanford University is seeking applicants tor a tenured taculty position (associate or tull protessor ) in the area ot I'oetry and I'oetics. We are particularly interested in scholarship that redefines traditional conceptions ot poetry and poetics. Applicants will be expected to teach courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Applicants should send curriculum v i t ae, a list ot publications, a briet statement ot research int erests, and names and addresses ot three reter- ees to I'rotessor Rantdn Saldivar, Chair, Department ot Englbh, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 9400S-20117. For tull consideration, ntaterials must be received by 12/01/06. Stanford University is an equal opportunity, aHirntative action employer. [R] 1212 http: //www studies/ T he Abbasi I'ro gram i n I slamic Studies at Stanford U n i v e rsity i n v i t e s applications trom scholars in the H u m a n i t ies and Social Sciences. The appointment w i l l b e m ade at the rank ot tenured associate protessor, to begin in tall 2007. Applicants who would quality to join the departments ot Art and Art H i story, Comparative Literature, Cultural and Social Anthropology, History, Political Science, Religious Studietu or Sociology will be considered. Scholars concentrating in any historical period, past or present, and on any geographical location are welcome to apply. The candidate should have a distinguished record ot scholarship and teaching, as well as a coherent, relevant research agenda. S/he will teach courses centered on aspects ot Muslim societies and cultures at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, and will be expected to collaborate with colleagues in other disciplines in the turther development ot the Abbasi I'rogram in Islamic Studies and the Division ot International Comparative and Area Studies (ICA) at Stanford. Candidates should submit a letter ot application, CV, a statement ot research interests, one article or book chapter, and the names ot three reterees. Materials must be postntarked by October 16, 2006 and sent to: I'rot. Robert (iregg, Islamic Studies Search, c/o ()Rice ot the Dean, School ot Huntanities and Sciencetu Building O ne, Stantord Un i v ersity, Stanford, CA 94006-2070. Stanford University is an equal opportunity, aHirntative action employer. U of California, Berkeley African Amer Studies, 660 Barrows Hall, MC 2572 Berkeley CA 94720 Assistant Professor of20th Century African American Literature 1355 http: //africam ( The Department ot A t r i can Am erican Studies at the University ot Calitornia at Berkeley invites applications tor a tull time position in 20th Century Atrican American Literature. We are seeking candidates at the junior rank funtenured Assistant I'rotessor ). We are looking tor scholars ot exceptional promise who will play a vital role in our undergraduate and graduate programs. The appointment w il l b egin i n July 2007. Except under unusual circumstances, applicants should already hold a I'h.D. degree. Interested candidates must submit 2 copies ot each ot the follow i ng, curriculum vita, a list and description ot potential courses, writing sample ot no more than 6000 vvordtu and letters ot recommendation. Applications M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST U of California, Berkeley Asian American Studies, 506 Barrows Hall Berkeley CA 94720 ladder rankfaculty position 10M http: // University ot Calitornia, Berkeley JOB ANN O U N C E M EN T FO R A.'iIAN A M E R I CA N .'iTUD IE.'i I'ending budgetary approval, the Asian American Studies I'rogram in the Department ot Et h ni c Studies at the Un i versity ot Cal i t o r n ia, Berkeley invites applications tor a ladder rank, taculty position. We seek scholars who are engaged in historical research in Asian American Studies, regard- less ot disciplinary affiliation. Inter/multi-disciplinary and comparative Stanford U Islamic Studies, 417 Galvez Mall Room 214 Stanford CA 94305 Associate Professor in Islamic Studies, with tenure The University ot Calitornia is an AHirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. approaches welcome. Areas ot specialization open. In addition to t r aditional historical methods, examples ot acceptable perspectives include, but are not lim i ted to, cult ural studies, transnational studies, diaspora studies, and media studies. In addition to A sian A m e r i can Studies curriculum, teaching load will also include courses in graduate or undergraduate Comparative Ethnic Studies. Rank open. Salary commensurate with level ot appointment and based on UC pay scales. Applications are due by Monday, November 6, 2006, tor a start date ot July I, 2007. Candidates should send letter ot application, CV, I Writing sample or publication, supporting evidence ot teaching quality it available, and names ot:3 reterees with addresses and telephone numbers to: Chair, Search Com m i t t ee, S06 Barrovvs Hall, U n i v ersity ot Cali t o r- nia, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 9-1720-2670 UCB is an Equal Opportunity, AHirntative Action Employer [R] U of California, Davis University Writing Program, One Shields Avenue Davis CA 95616 Assistant/Associate Professor in Rhetoric and Composition 1 052 http: // The University Wr i t ing I' rogram ot the University ot Calitornia at Davis seeks a tenure-line taculty m e mber to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in academic wri ti ng, protessional writi ng, and the theory and practice ot the teaching ot wri ti ng. Appointment will be ntade at the rank o t assistant protessor or associate protessor. Interest in and p o t ential to r writing pr o gram adm i n i stration requi r ed, as is evidence ot signi t i cant scholarship, appropriate to rank, in such areas as writing pedagogy, writing/c o m m u n i c ation i n p r o t essions, wr i t i n g / c o n n n u n i c at ion i n d i s ciplinetu literacy/vvriting ot diverse populations, assessment ot writi ng, and technologies ot writing, among others. I'h.D. in rhet/comp, protessional/ technical communication, or closely-related tield. Teaching load: tour courses (quarter system ) per year. The successtul candidate fs) will join an independent writing program at a top-flight research university with an established emphasis on writing in the disciplines and protessions. The University Writing I'rogram publishes the award-win n ing journal Wr i t ing on the Edge and enjoys the support ot Davis's renowned programs in the sciences, environmental studies, agriculture, and engineering, plus close ties with the arts and huntanities. Located in N o r t h ern Cali tor nia's rich Central Valley, adjacent to Sacramento and wit hi n easy driving distance ot the Bay Area and the Sierratu UC Davis offers a superb, diverse environment tor teaching and research. Website: Application letter, vita, scholarly vvriting sample, and three letters ot rec- A letter ot application, cur r i c u lu m v i t ae, and three letters ot reterence o nlnlendation to : should be uploaded electronically by November 15, 2006 to the fbllovv- C hristopher Thaiss, Search Committee Chair, University Wr i t ing I' r o gram, University ot Calitornia, One!ihields Avenue, Davis, CA 96616 ing vveb site: Selected candidates vvill be intervievved at the MLA convention. We vvill begin reading applications on October 20, 2006, and hope to complete preliminary intervievvs in mid November. The University ot Calitornia, Irvine, is an Equal Opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity and has an Advance I'rogram tor Faculty Equity and Diversity. [R] T he University ot Cali tor nia is an aHirntative action/ equal opport u n i t y employer vvith a strong instit u t i o nal co m m i t m e n t to th e achievement ot diversity among its taculty and staff [R] Associate Professor or Beg. Full Professor-Campus Writing Coordinator 1129 U of California, Davis University Writing Program, One Shields Avenue Davis CA 95616 Lecturer U of California, Irvine English, 435 Humanities Instructnl Bldg Irvine CA 92697 http: / 1647 http: // The UC Davis University Wri ting I'rogram invites applications tor tulltime Lecturers able to teach a vvide range ot vvriting courses, printarily at the upper-division level. We are especially interested in applicants experienced in teaching vvriting in the sciences, business and technical vvriting, legal vvriting, vvriting in the health protessions, and vvriting in the academic disciplines. I'h.D. or other appropriate terminal degree required, except in cases vvhere exceptional protessional experience ntay be considered the equivalent. One-year appointments fvvith possibility ot renevval) beginning in the 2007 — 200II academic year. Teaching load: 7 courses over .'3 quarters. Starting salary: $:39,096, vvith benefits. Nu m ber ot positions contingent on tunding. Intervievvs by telephone, at CCCC , and/or on the campus. I'lease send letter ot application, CV, sample course ntaterials, and a current dossier (including at least three letters ot recommendation ) to Chris Thaiss, Lecturer Search Chair, U n i v ersity W r i t i n g I ' r o gram, U n i v ersity ot Calitornia, One!ihields Avenue, Davis, CA 96616-IISIII. We vvill begin reading applications November 15, 2006, and positions vvill rentain open until filled. The Department ot English and the Deans ot Undergraduate Education and the School ot Huntanities at the University ot Calitornia at Irvine are conducting a search at the advanced associate or beginning tull protessor level tor the position ot C a m pus W r i t i n g C o o r d i n ator. We are seeking candidates vvith experience in the teaching ot vvriting, a record ot research in the field, and administrative credentials. T he Campus Wri t in g C o o r d i n ator supports undergraduate vvriting i n s truction across the campus and promotes vvriting across the curricul u m . The position vvas established in 2001 to toster a culture ot vvriting at UC Irvine and thereby improve the quantity and quality ot upper division vvriting instruction as vvell as the quality ot students' vvriting in their disciplines. The successtul candidate tor this position vvill have experience helping culturally, ethnically, and linguistically diverse students vvith a range ot disciplinary vvriting genres. She or he vvill have demonstrated ability to vvork vvith taculty, lecturers, and TAs in creating effective vvriting courses and assignments and in improving vvriting pedagogy. Supported by a vvriting consultant and an administrative assistant and vvorking closely vvith the Division ot Undergraduate Education, the Campus Writing Coordinator offers consultations, vvorkshops, and other resources to taculty, lecturers, and TAs across a broad variety ot disciplines. In addition, the Campus Writing Coordinator teaches graduate and undergradu- T he University ot Cali tor nia is an aHirntative action/ equal opport u n i t y a te courses in the English D epart m ent. For m or e i n t o r n t ation about th e employer vvith a strong instit u t i o nal co m m i t m e n t to th e achievement ot Campus Writing Coordinator, see http: //vvvvvv.vvriting.uckedu/ diversity among its taculty and staff [R] U of California, Irvine English, 435 Humanities Instructnl Bldg Irvine CA 92697 Associate Professor-Composition Director 1128 http: // The Department ot English at the University ot Calitornia, Irvine is conducting a search at the associate protessor level tor a Composition D i r ector. Advanced assistant protessors vvith strong publication records and appropriate experience vvill be considered. We are seeking candidates vvith relevant administrative experience and vvith a printary scholarly specialization in any area ot rhetoric and composition, TE!i OL , or applied linguistics. We also vvelcome candidates vvith a secondary specialization that complements one or m or e ot the D epart m e nt's interests in histories and theories ot rhetoric, cultural studies, literary history, critical theory, media studies, digital literacies, or literaryjournalism. The Composition Director annually oversees the design and delivery ot instruction in m ore than .'300 sections ot three first-year vvriting courses taught by a unionized vvork torce ot graduate students and continuing and year-to-year lecturers. Administering the program includes revievving the teaching pertorntance ot these instructors and promo t in g t h eir pr otessional development. In addition, the director teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the Department, represents the Composition I'rogram on campus and participates in grant-vvriting and other outreach activities. The Composition Director is assisted by three course directors and by tvvo tull-tim e oHice statE a program ntanager and an administrative assistant. For more intormation about the Composition I'rogram, see http: //epnuci .edu/plo g l a nls/conlp 10 With 2-1,000 students, 1,-100 taculty members and II,:300 staff, Irvine is among the tastest-grovving campuses in the University ot Calitornia system. UC I r v i n e has a linguistically diverse undergraduate student body a nd an international reputation tor excellence in th e h u n tani t i es. Th e U.S. Nevvs tk World Report annual college survey ranks UC Ir v ine 44th among the top SO universities nationally, and 12th among all public universities. UC Ir v ine is ranked in the nation's top 10 tor intorntation technology education by eWeek, one ot only tvvo public universities given this distinction. Rhetoric and vvriting are developing interests, supported by a grovving netvvork ot scholars in the Southern Calitornia region. A letter ot application, cur r i c u lu m v i t ae, and three letters ot reterence should be uploaded electronically by November 15, 2006 to the fbllovving vveb site: Selected candidates vvill be intervievved at the MLA convention. The University ot Calitornia, Irvine, is an Equal Opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity and has an Advance I'rogram tor Faculty Equity and Diversity. [R] U of California, San Diego Judaic Studies Program, 0104, 9500 Gilman Drive La Julia CA 92093 Katzin Chair ofjewish Civilization 1263 http: / University ot Calitornia, San Diego invites nominations and applications tor the Katzin Chair ot Jevvbh Civilization. The appointment vvill be tor a senior scholar vvith a distinguished record ot scholarly or creative achievement and teaching in any area ot Judaic Studies, including history, literature, philosophy, the fine arts and the social sciences, and covering any period trom the biblical era to the contemporary vvorld. The appointment begins July I, 2007 and vvill be ntade jointly in the appropriate Depart- E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 ment and in the interdisciplinary Judaic Studies I'rogram. Salary vvill be commensurate vvith experience and publications and in accordance vvith the published salary schedules ot the University ot Cali tor nia. Income trom the Chair endovvment vvill be available tor support ot research. Applicationtu including curriculum v i tae and three letters ot recommendation (sent under separate cover ), should be sent to David (Ioodblatt, chair, Katzin (: hair Search Co m m i t t ee, Dept. ot H i s t ory 010-1, University ot Calitornia, San Diego, 0$00 (li l man Dr i ve, La Jolla, CA 020'):3-0104. R evievv ot applications vvill begin ( ) c t ober I , 2 006 and vvill conti n u e until the position is filled. U( :SD is an AA / E ( ) E vvith a strong institutional commi t m ent to the achievement ot diversity among its taculty and staff I'root ot U.S. citizenship or eligibility tor U.S. employment vvill be required prior to employment (Immigration R etorm and Control Act ot 10II 6). [R] U of California, Santa Cruz Literature, 1156 High St Santa Cruz CA 95064 Assistant Professor of Creative Writing (Poetry) and Literature 725 http: / The Department ot Literature at University ot (:alifbrnia, Santa Cruz, invites applications tor a tenure-track position in creative vvriting. We seek a poet vvith a broad range ot interests. Teaching assignments include creative vvriting vvorkshops and courses in literature. W il l b e expected to teach large undergraduate lecture courses as vvell as small advanced seminars, participate in ru n n ing the reading series, and vvork actively vvith undergraduates, graduate students and taculty to invigorate the poetry program. This position carries a tive-course-equivalency vvorkload, vvhich norntally means teaching tour courses over three quarters and carrying out other academic and service responsibilities. Must be able to vvork vvith students and taculty trom a vvide range ot social and cultural backgrounds. Especially interested in candidates vvho can contribute to the diversity and excellence ot the academic comm u n it y t h r o ugh their vvriting, research, teaching and/or service. RA N K : A ssistant I'rotessor I-III SALARY : $-17,200 $$2,700, com m ensurate vvith qu al i t i c ati ons and experience (1UALIFI(:AT I ( ) NS: M.F.A. in poetry or a significant record ot publication in poetry requi red; creative talent ot a high order as testified to in l etters ot recommendation and as manitest in published and/or u n p u b lished vvriting required; demonstrated record ot successtul college level teaching required; I'h.D. desirable; vvork in other genres desirable; ability to vvork in a language other than English desirable (e.g., translation, knovvledge ot and ability to teach a non-anglophone literature, etc. ) EF FECTIVE: F311 2007 AI'I'LY T () : Send intorntative letter ot application (clearly outlining educational background, teaching experience, and publication record ), vitae, and three current letters ot recommendation (200-1 or later, all letters vvill b e treated as confidential documents; direct your reterences to U( : S ( : s confidentiality statement at http: // ) to: Creative Writ i ng Search Comm i t t e e, Department ot Literature, Univers ity ot (:alifbrnia, Santa Cruz, CA 0$06-1, I'lease reter to I'osition ¹ $ 0 0 i n you r reply. (:L()SIN(1 DATE: November 15, 2006 U(: Santa Cruz is nestled vvithin 2,000 acres ot redvvood torest and meadovvs, overlooking the M o n t erey Bay National M a r ine Sanctuary ot Calitornia's Central Coast, about 70 miles from San Francisco and:30 miles from Silicon Valley. Intorntation about U( : Santa Cruz is available on our Website at http: // U (:S(: i s an A t t i r m a t i v e A c t i o n / E q u a l E m p l o y m en t ( ) p p o r t u n i t y Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. [R] M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST U of California, Santa Cruz Literature, 1156 High St Santa Cruz CA 95064 Assistant Professor ofPaciftc Rim Literary and Cultural Studies 1610 The Department ot Literature at the University ot (:alifbrnia, Santa Cruz, invites applications tor a tenure-track position in C o m p arative Literary and (:ultural Studies vvith a tocus on the I'acific Ri m a rea considered in historical and/or contemporary perspectives. We seek a scholar/teacher vvith broad training in cr i t ical and cultural theory, competence in mor e than one language, and additional grounding in a non-U.S. context, e.g. p ostcolonial or diaspora studies, transnational political economy, T h i r d Cinema, comparative visual or pertorntance studies. The appointee vvill be expected to teach large undergraduate lecture courses and sntall advanced seminars, and to vvork actively in the graduate program. This position carries a five-course-equivalency vvorkload, vvhich norntally means teaching tour courses over three quarters and carrying out other academic and service responsibilities. The appointee must be able to vvork vvith students, taculty, and statt trom a vvide range ot social and cul t u ral backgrounds. We are especially interested in candidates vvho can contribute to the diversity and excellence ot the academic community t h r ough their research, teaching, and/or service. SALARY : $411,100 $$:3,1100 commensurate vvith q u a l i t i c a t i ons and experience MI N I M U M ( 1 U A L I F I ( : A T I ( ) N S : A t t i m e ot application, candidates must have I'h.D. or equivalent in Literature or related field; excellent research abilities as testified to in letters ot recommendation and as ntanitest in published and/or unpublished vvriting; indications ot continued scholarly productivity; and an excellent record ot teaching. EFFECTIVE: JULY I, 2007 AI'I'LY T ( ) : To be given tull consideration, please send an intormativee letter ot application, cur r i c u lu m v i t ae, and three current letters ot recommendation (200-1 or later ). All letters vvill be treated as confidential documents; direct your reterences to U(: S(:s confidentiality statement at ht tp:// ) to: I'acific Rim , Search Comm i t tee, Department ot Literature, University ot Calitornia, 11$6 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 0$06-1 I'lease reter to I'osition ¹ 706 in your reply. (:L()SIN(1 DATE: December 11, 2006 U(: Santa Cruz is nestled vvithin 2,000 acres ot redvvood torest and meadovvs, overlooking the M o n t erey Bay National M a r ine Sanctuary ot Calitornia's Central Coast, about 70 miles from San Francisco and:30 miles from Silicon Valley. Intorntation about U( : Santa Cruz is available on our Website at http: // [R] U of California, Santa Barbara English, Santa Barbara CA 93106 Rank open: tenure track or senior level 147 http: / We invite applications in Atrican American literary studies. Although vve have a special interest in the pre-1000 period, all strong candidates vvill be considered. We expect that successtul candidates vvill contribute to nevv collaborative research and teaching initiatives vvithin the department and that their i n t e rests vvill i n t ersect vvith one or m o r e ot ou r d epart m e ntal concerns vvith historicity and historical studies, contemporary theory and culture, and the public huntanities (see description at http: //vvvvvv.eng- ). The department is especially interested in candidates vvho vvill enhance t he diversity and excellence ot the academic co m m u n i t y t h r o u g h r e search, teaching, and service. Send letter ot application, c.v., three letters ot recommendation, and a vvriting sample (:30 page limit) to: I'rotessor Carl (Iutierrez-Jones; Search Committee Chair; Department ot English; University ot (:alifbrnia/Santa Barbara; Santa Barbara, CA '):3106-:3170. Salary and rank dependent on qualifications; 1'h.D. required by time ot appointment. Effective date ot position: July 1, 2007. To ensure tull consideration, applications should be received by ()ctober 25, 2006. Receipt ot all applications vvill be acknovvledged. Applicants should submit a letter ot application, curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts, statement ot teaching phi l osophy, evidence ot teaching ability including copies ot teaching evaluations, a sample syllabus, and U C Santa B a r b ara i s an E q u a l R hetoric and C o m p o s i t io n Search C o m m i t t e e , c/ o D e v o n H o l m e s , Search Com m i t t ee Ch air, D epartm ent ot ( : o n n n u n i c ation Studietu 1'rogram in R h etoric and Composition, Un iversity ot San Francisco, Covvell -102, 2L10 Fulton Street, San Francisco, CA 9-1117-1080 ()pportunity/ A f f i r m ative Action Employer. [ R ] Applications, including all ntaterials, must be postntarked by U of California, Santa Barbara Writing Program, Santa Barbara CA 93106 Lectureship in Composition three letters ot recommendation to: January 15, 2007 in order to ensure tull consideration. 1382 http: // Deadline tor printary consideration is December 15, 2006; hovvever, positions are open until filled. The U(:SB W r i t i n g 1'rogram invites applications tor the 2007 — 08 academic year tor LE( : T U R E R S i n c o m position. Lecturers teach lovver division courses, including courses tor E()P students, and advanced vvriting courses in the humanities, social sciences, and various protessional areas. We are particularly interested in Lecturers vvho can teach business vvriting and technical vvriting. Demonstrated excellence in university teaching required; research, publication, or other protessional activity relevant to the teaching ot vvriting preterred. 1'h.D. or equivalent term i nal degree r equired; exceptions ntay be ntade tor comparable experience. Full-ti m e Lecturers hired in t hi s national search may receive tvvo-year contracts vvith possibility ot renevvah potentially leading to continuing appointment status. Salaries vary vvith training and experience and include tull benefits. Terms and conditions ot employment are subject to UC po li cy and any appropriate collective bargaining agreement. For more infbrntation, please visit our vveb site, Send letter ot application, CV , letters ot reterence or dossier, and a 1 — 2 page statement ot teaching philosophy to: Chair; Wr i t ing 1'rogram Appointments C o m m i t t ee; U n i v e rsity ot C a l i t o r n i a , Santa Barbara, CA t1:1106 —:1010. (No electronic submissions, please, but do provide an entail address.) The program is especially i n t erested in candidates vvho can c ontribute to the diversity and excellence ot the academic com m u n i t y through teaching, protessional development activities, and service. For printary consideration applications must be postntarked no later than Decenlbel 1), 2006. An EE()/A A E n lployer. The University of San Francisco is a Jesuit Catholic university tounded in 1888 to educate leaders vvho vvill tashion a more huntane and just vvorld. Candidates should demonstrate a comm i t m ent to vvork in a c u l t u r al l y diverse enviro n m ent and to c o n t r i b ute to th e m i ssion ot the U n i v ersity. USF is an Equal ()pportunity Em ployer dedicated to aHirntative action and to excellence through diversity. The University provides reasonable accommodations to qualified applicants vvith disabilities upon request. U of Southern California English, THH 420 Los Angeles CA 90089 Assistant Professor ofEnglish in Creative Writing 1210 T he English D epar t m ent o t t h e U n i v e r sity o t S o u t h ern C a l i t o r n i a i s searching tor a tenure-track assistant protessor in creative vvriting (open genre, including non-fiction ) vvith particular tocus upon issues ot race and culture. The candidate should have a 1'hD or M F A vvith demonstrated teaching experience and a substantial publishing record. Letter ot application, vi ta, vvriting sample and dossier vvith three letters ot recommendation should be sent by N ov ember 6, 2006 to: Search Com m i t t ee, Department ot English, THH — 10-1 M(:0384, 3801 S. Trousdale Parkvvay, University of Southern Calitornia, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0:18-1, USA. US(: is an AA/E()E employer U of Southern California Writing Program, 927 West 35th Place, PIC 208 Los Angeles CA 90089 Lecturerin Writing 1682 U of San Francisco Rhetoric ff( Composition, 2130 Fulton St San Francisco CA 94117 Assistant Professor: Rhetoric eo Composition 541 ht tp:// T he 1'rogram in R h e t oric and Composition ot the Department ot Com munication Studies at the University of San Francisco invites applications tor a tull- t i m e r enevvable term position at the Assistant 1'rotessor level, to begin in Fall 2007. Salary and benefits are competitive. The programs curriculum dravvs heavily on the rhetorical tradition and emphasizes the use ot non-fi ct ion t exts to pro m ote vvritten and oral com m u n i c ation and academic literacy. This position carries a .'1 —:1teaching load. Responsibilities include teaching relatively sntall (18 — 20 student cap) sections ot the rhetoric-based composition sequence, participating in protessional development activities, and pertorming service that vvill strengthen the program. Candidates should be interested in joining a dynamic, committed, and innovative taculty. (1ualiti cati ons in clude u n i v ersity t eaching ex p er i ence, evidence ot a strong commi t m ent to teaching, experience and vvillingness to vvork in a culturally diverse environment, and an understanding ot and commitment t o support the mission ot the U n i v ersity. A 1'h.D. or A . B .D . i n R h e t o - ric/Composition is preterred, but consideration vvill be given to 1'h.D. or A.B.D. in a closely related discipline such as Communication, English, or Linguistics. Candidates should have training and/or experience in one or ()penings tor qualified Lecturers to teach lovver-division and advanced composition courses in a vvriting-across-the-curriculum co ntext beginn ing Fall 2007. Renevvable appointments vvith benetits. Competiti v e candidates vvill have the training and experience necessary to teach effectively in a rhetorically-tocused vvriting program that utilizes process-based pedagogy in the service ot argumentative and analytical torms ot vvriting, and a background (or specific interest) in one or more ot the follovving disciplines: arts and huntanitietu health sciences, natural sciences, pre-lavv, a nd social sciences. Demonstrated excellence teaching in t r o d u ctory o r advanced vvriting courses is required, and tamili arity vvith the needs ot vvriters vvhose first language is not English is highly desirable. (1ualifted candidates vvill have a 1'h.D. in Rhetoric and Composition (or equivalent) by June 2007. To apply, send an application letter, CV , t h ree letters ot recomm endation and teaching evaluations to: The W r i t in g Search Com m i t t ee, Dean Hilary Schor, c/o John Holland, Writing Progranu 1'1C 208, MC-0022, University of Southern Calitornia, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0022. Revievv ot applications vvill begin on December 1, 2006; receipt ot ntaterials vvill be acknovvledged by ntaik We plan to intervievv at the MLA . V isit to d i scover m or e about U S ( : . T h e U n i v e r sit y o t S outhern C a l i t o r n i a i s an E q ual ( ) p p o r t u n i t y / A f f i r m a t i v e A c t i o n empl oyer . [ R ] more ot the fbllovving areas: public speaking, technical vvriting, and the rhetoric ot science. E NGL I S H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 • • ' ' • est In writing plogla lit admi n i stration. C an di dates must have a I'h.D. in hand by June 2007. The I'rogram tor W r i t ing and R h etoric is an independent unit within the College ot Arts and Sciences, with an expanding writing curriculum and campus writing center. • Colorado SU English, 359 Eddy Bldg Fort Collins CO 80523 Assi stant Professor of Composition/Rhetoric 1264 http: // Colorado ! i t ate U n i v e rsity. N i n e - m o n t h t e n u r e - t r ack position entails teaching and advising graduate and undergraduate students, conducting scholarly inquiry, and participating in a collaboratively administered composition program. Teaching load is 2/2. I'h.D. in composition/ r h etoric in hand at time ot appointm ent. R esearch area open but mi ght i n c l ude The University ot Colorado is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment. (1ualifted applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum v i t ae, and three letters ot recommendation to Dr . I' atricia S ullivan, Director, I'rogram tor W r i t ing and Rhetoric, .'117 UCB, Un i versity ot Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, II0309. Review ot applications will begin on N ovember 10, 2006. The search will remain open until the position is filled. e thnic, cul t u r al, and w o r k i n g c lass rhetorics; wr i t i n g as social action ; scholarly tocus on WA C / W I D , W r i t i n g C e n t er, or W r i t i n g I ' r o g r am Administration; digital literacies/nevv media studies. Begins August 15, 2007. Send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, evidence ot teaching strengths (student/peer evaluations, syllabi, etc. ), a writing sample (10 — 20 pages), a nd three letters ot recommendation to Stephen Reid, C h air, C o m p o sition/ R h e t o r i c ! i e arch C o m m i t t ee, Department ot En g l i sh, Co l o rado State University, Fort Collins, CO IIOS23-1773. Applications will be considered until the position is filled; however, tor tull consideration, applications must be postntarked by November 15, 2006. This is an open search: once the search comm i t tee has identit ied semi- t i n a l i sts, departmental taculty w il l h ave access to those files. Routine inqui r ies concerning the position should be directed to Sue Russell at (970) 491-1119II or!iue.Russell( For a complete position description, visit the departm ent web site at C!iU is an EEO/ A A employer. EO oHice is 101!itudent!iervices. [R] Assistant Professor, Creative Writing: Creative Nonf tction ht tp://www. English. ccsu.e du/ A ssistant I' r o tessor ot C r e ative W r i t i n g ( Creative N o n t i c t i o n ). Tenure Track. Teaching responsibilities include various courses in Creative Nonfiction wi t hin the Creative Writing and Journalism minors: Intro to Creative Non-Fiction, Travel Writing, Essay, and Autobiography, as well as British, American, and/or w o rld li terature classes. Four course teaching load per semester with the opport u n it y tor release time tor research and writing. Further responsibilities include publication, participation in conterences, committee work, and advising. Competitive salary and excellent benefits. ably with additional experience in Travel Writing. 1495 ht tp:// firm/fac.html Assistant I'rotessor ot English, tenure track, 2/:I teaching load, specialist in Rh etoric / W r i t i n g w i t h an emphasis in classical theory and ancient rhetorical traditions (including one or more ot the fiollowing: Aristotelian, Neosophistic, and /or Feminist ) to teach upper-level writing courses, including Advanced Composition, Seminar in Classical Theory, Topics in R hetoric / W r i t i n g , as well as our core course in argument and inqui r y . Teaching experience and a promising research agenda required. I'h.D. in hand by I July 2007. I'lease see our advertisement at http: // aHirm/fac.html (position ¹ 4111317) tor more intorntation about our campus and this position. Review ot applications begins I:1 November 2006. The search continues until the position is filled. I'reli m i n ary i n t ervievvs ot select candidates will be conducted at the ML A m e e t ing i n D e c ember 2006. I'lease send a letter ot application, a CV, a writing sample, teaching porttolio, graduate transcripts, and three letters ot recommendation to !iusan Taylor, R h etori c / W r i t i n g Search Com m i t tee Chair, Department ot English, University ot Colorado at Colorado!iprings, P.(). Box 71SO, 1-120 Austin Bluttk Parkway, Colorado ! i p ringtu CO II0933-71SO. The University ot Colorado at Colorado!iprings is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment. [R] Send letter ot application, CV, transcripts, sample publications, and three letters ot recomm endation to ( l i l b er t L . ( l i g l i o t t i , C h a i r m an , E n g l i sh Department, Central Con necticut ! i t ate Un i v ersity, 161S Stanley Street, New Britain, CT 060SO. For tull consideration, files must be received by December IL [R] Norwalk Comm C ESL, 188 Richards Av Norwalk CT 06854 Instructor-English/ESL Under the direction ot the ESL I' r o gram D i r e ctor the successtul applicant will teach courses/labs in English as a Second Language and English Composition. In addition to an assigned teaching schedule the ESL/ English Instructor is responsible tor student academic advisement; course development; revising and evaluating curricula; service on college committees and other college and commun ity service responsibilities related to a tull-time taculty position. Quinnipiac U English, Mt Carmel Av Hamden CT 06518 Assistant Professor of English-Ethnic/Minority Literature Writing fk Rhetoric Prog, 317 UCB Boulder CO 80309 http: // w w w. q u I n n I pIac. edu 1622 http: //www The University ot Colorado at Boulder seeks a tenure-track Assistant I'ro- tessor ot Writing and Rhetoric to begin August 2007. A specialty is desired in one or more ot the fiollowing areas: multicultural literacy, ESL, writ in g across the curr i c u l u m / w r i t i n g i n t h e d i scipli nes, protessional and technical communication, critical approaches to academic discourse, media, and technology. The successtul candidate will demonstrate a clear commitment to teaching and research excellence as well as a strong inter- M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 1352 http: // U of Colorado Assistant Professor, Rhetoric and Composition 1138 (1ualifications: I'h.D., M . F.A, or equivalent protessional experience in Creative Writing, specializing in a genre ot Creative Non- Fiction, preter- U of Colorado English, 1420 Austin Bluffs Pky Colorado Springs CO 80933 Assistant Professor of English, Classical Rhetoric and Writing Central Connecticut SU English, 1615 Stanley St New Britain CT 06050 1546 The Department ot English at (1uinnipiac University invites applications tor a tenure track position beginning tall 2007. Applicants must have a I'h.D. in English or an appropriate literary field. This position covers the areas ot Ethnic/ M i n o r i ty, A t r i can Am erican, and/or postcolonial literature and theory. Candidates will have an interest in teaching and developing courses in their area fs) ot specialization. Candidates will also be expected to teach treshntan wri t in g or seminars in the U n i v ersity's new core curriculum, and to participate in the University's Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) initiative. The English Department at the University 13 serves ISO majors and many mi n ors across the University campus. It has been at the toretront ot the U n i v ersity's WAC i n i t i a tive and plays a key role in the development ot the liberal arts as a center ot excellence. (qualified applicants should send a letter ot application, curriculum vitae, statement ot teaching philosophy (I page ), and:1 letters ot recommendation to Search Chair, Ethnic/ M i n o r it y L i terature Search, Department ot English, CL-ACI , (1uinnipiac University, 27S Mount Carmel Avenue, Hamden, CT 06SIII. Applications received by November I, 2006, will receive f irst consideration; we w il l b e i n t ervi ew in g at the M L A C o n v e n t ion i n I'hiladelphia, I'A. (1uinnipiac University has a strong commitment to the p rinciples and practices ot diversity throughout the U n i v ersity com m u nity. Women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. [R] undergraduate creative writing program. Ability to teach literature and to help administer the program also strongly preterred. We particularly welcome applications trom aHirntative action and minority candidates. I'lease s end a letter ot application, c.v , '1 letters ot reterence, copy ot graduate transcript, sample ot work, and 2 vvorkshop syllabi by I D ecember 2006 to Lucy Ferriss, Chair, Creative Writing Search Comm i t tee, Trinity C o l lege, .'300 Sunnmit Street, Harttord, CT 06106. Trinity C o llege is an Atfirntative Action/Equal ()pportunity Employer. [R] Trinity C English, 300 Summit St Hartford CT 06106 Assistant Professor of English 636 http: //www .t Southern Connecticut SU English, 501 Crescent St New Haven CT 06515 Assistant Professor of English 1272 http: //www EN(ILISH SE(:()N D A R Y E D U C A T I ( ) N , tenure track, beginning Au- gust 2007. The successtul candidate will teach methods courses, supervise student teachers, and work w it h the department and School ot Education to maintain N C A T E s t a ndards. Demonstrated teaching experience in first-year composition expected, and in linguistics and grammar desired. Terminal degree preterred. Teaching or equivalent work load is -1 courses per semester. Sunnner teaching is available. Applications will be processed beginning on N o vember 10, 2006, but position wil l r e n n i n o pen until filled. I'lease submit a letter ot interest, curriculum v i ta, .'1 letters ot recommendation (at least one ot which addresses teaching abilities), a sample course syllabus, unott i cial copies ot graduate and undergraduate transcripts, writing sample, and samples ot evaluated student papers to: I'rotessor Ji n Rhodes/I'ersonnel Comm i t tee/English Department/!iC!i U / S0 1 Crescent St./New Haven, CT 06615. !iC!iU is an E()/A A employer. Minorities and women are strongly encouraged to apply. [R] Southern Connecticut SU English, 501 Crescent St New Haven CT 06515 Assistant Professor of English 1275 http: //www Modern British and I'ostcolonial Literature, tenure-track, beginning Aug ust 2007. I'reterred areas ot specialization include, but are not li m i t e d to, British Literature since 1000, Irish Literature, colonial literatures, and cultural studies. The successtul candidate will teach courses in British Literature at the introductory, upper-division, and graduate levels, as well as first-year composition. I'h D ex pected at time ot appointment. Teaching load is -1 courses per semester. Sunnner teaching is available. All materials must be received by November 10, 2006. I'lease submit a letter ot interest, curriculum v i ta, .'1 letters ot recommendation (at least one ot which addresses teaching abilities ), sample course syllabi tor both composition and literature courses, unoHicial copies ot graduate and undergraduate transcripts, and a wri t in g sample to I' r otessor Jim Rhodes/I'ersonnel Committee/English Department/ ! i C ! i U / S0 1 C rescent ! i t . / N evv H aven, CT 06615. !iC!iU is an E()/A A employer. Minorities and women are strongly encouraged to apply. [R] Trinity C English, 300 Summit St Hartford CT 06106 Allan K. Smith Assistant Professor in Creative Writing 640 http: //www T he English Department at Tri n it y C o l l ege seeks to hire the Allan K . Smith Assistant I'rotessor in Creative Wri t ing tor a .'1-year contract, pos- The English Department at Tri n it y C o l l ege seeks to hire a tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor in A m e r ican Literature trom I I I6S — 10-15. Applicants tor this position should have demonstrated ability t o t each a variety ot introductory and advanced courses across the breadth ot this field. I'h.D., publications, and teaching experience required. We particularly welcome applications trom aHirmative action and minority candidates. I'lease send a letter ot application, c.v., graduate school transcript, three letters ot recommendation, and a writing sample by I December 2006 to Sheila Fisher, Chair, Department ot English, Trinity College, .'300 Sunnmit Street, Harttord, CT 06106. Trinity College is an AHirntative Action/ Equal ()ppor- tunity Employer. [R] U of Hartford Rhetoric, Language, and Culture, 200 Bloomfield Ave. West Hartford CT 06117 Assistant Professor ofRhetoric, Language, and Culture http: // The Department ot Rhetoric, Language, and Culture at the University ot Harttord invites applications tor a tenure-track position at the rank ot Assistant I'rotessor, to begin September 2007. The department houses both a first-year composition program and an undergraduate degree program (major, minor, and certiticate) , the emphasis ot which is shitting t l o n l technical wr i t in g to r h etoric and protessional wr i t i ng . Th e department also supports a networked, online computer classroom. We invite applications trom candidates vvell-versed in first-year composition, wri t ing across the curriculum, and protessional writi ng; those with interests in rhetoric al theory, visual or di g i tal rh etoric, w r i t i n g p r o g ram ad m i n i stration , and/or computer lab administration are particularly encouraged to apply. Requirements include a I'h.D. in hand or near completion, evidence ot committed and successtul teaching, and ntanitest scholarly promise. We w elcome applicants who h ave experience using a variety o t t e achi n g methods and working in a culturally diverse environment. The Un i v ersity ot H a r t t ord is comm i t ted to excellence in undergraduate instruction. The .'1/:1 teaching load will i n clude at least one section ot first-year composition and at least one 200-to -100-level course per semester. Candidates will be expected to pursue scholarship in wr i t ing pedagogy and/or other prim ary areas ot expertise. Tenured and tenure-track taculty also bear service responsibilities to the department, the college, and the university. Further intorntation about the university can be tound at Applications — including cover letter, cur r i c u lu m v i t ae, graduate transcripts, dissertation abstract, and t h ree cu r r ent l e t t ers ot recom m e n d at ion — should be sent to D r . M a r k B l a c k w e ll , C h a i r , D e p ar t m ent o t Rhetoric, Language, and Culture, Auerbach Hall, University ot Harttord, 200 Bloomfield Avenue, West Harttord, CT 06117. Writing samples and teaching porttolios only upon request, please. D eadline tor applications is November .'1, 2006. EE()/ A A / M / F / D / V . Members ot underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. [R] sibly renewable once. Applicants tor this position should be published fiction vvriters with ter m i nal degree and teaching experience, to teach:1/2 load, including multi-genre Introduction to Creative Writing, in an active 14 E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 Wesleyan U English, 294 High Street Middletown CT 06459 Assistant Professor of English 1218 http: //www vitae, statement ot teaching philosophy and student evaluations; as well as arranging tor 3 letters ot recommendation, including 2 that address teaching experience to be sent to Chair, I'ersonnel Comm i t tee, Department ot English and Foreign Languages, Delaware State University, Dover, DE 1990-1. Applications will be considered as soon as they are received. Delaware State U n i v ersity, a H i s t o r i cally B l ack C o l l ege U n i v e rsity (HBCU) and III91 Land-(Irant Institution. L atina/o L i t erature and Cult u r e The Department ot English at Wesleyan University seeks a specialist in US Latina/o l i t eratures and cultures tor a tenure-track appointment at the Delaware State University is an Equal () p p o r t u n it y A H i r n tative Acti o n Employer and Educator. assistant protessor level, beginning July I, 2007. Training and expertise in at least one area ot Latina/o li terary studies required; additional intere st in subfields including, but not li m i ted to, comparative study ot U S ethnic or diasporic literatures and theories ot gender, race, and sexuality desired. Faculty at Wesleyan have a strong comm i t m ent to both u n der- • s • • graduate teaching and scholarship. Candidates tor this position should be actively engaged in scholarly research and writing and prepared to teach tour literature courses per year (two per semester ) to undergraduates at all levels. I'hD in h and or near completion, as well as teaching experience required. Send letter ot application, CV, three confidential letters ot recommendation, wri t ing sample (2S pp. ntaxi num ), and selt-addressed American U Lit, 4400 Massachusetts Av NW Battelle-Tompkins, Rm 237 Washington DC 20016 postcard to Ann duCi l le, Chair, Department ot English, Attn: Latina/o Search, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 06469. Applications postntarked by November 22, 2006 will receive tull consideration. No taxes, The Departm ent ot L i t e r ature i n t h e C o l l ege ot A r t s and !i ciences at A merican U n i v e r sity i n v i t es applications tor a t e n u r e - t r ack p o sit i o n i n Creative Wri t i n g / I ' o etry beginning Fall 2007. Rank open. MFA o r I'h.D. by August 2007. Significant publications and promise ot sustained please. Wesleyan University values diversity and is an equal opportunity emp I oyer . [ R ] Wesleyan U English, 294 High Street Middletown CT 06459 Assistant Professor of English 1223 http: //www Nonfiction Writing The English Department at Wesleyan University seeks a published nonfiction w r i t e r to r a t u l l - t i m e , t e n u r e - t r ack appoi n t m ent at the Assistant I'rotessor level, beginning July I, 2007. MFA, I'hD, or the equivalent in publications fat least one book or a substantial body ot other published work) as well as teaching experience expected. The successtul candidate will be tully engaged in writing and publishing and prepared to teach un- Poetry 753 http: //ww w . p roductivity; evidence ot successtul teaching ot literature; comm i t m e n t to university service. Responsibilities include MFA vvorkshops and undergraduate courses in literature, (leneral Education courses in literature with gender and ethnic toci; supervision ot MFA theses, advising and application review responsibilities. [The MFA is a 4II hour programincluding vvorkshoptu literature courses, internships, etc. ] Salary competitive. Letter, CV, and dossier with th ree letters ot recommendation to C h arles R. Larson, Chair, Department ot Literature, American University, Washington, DC 20016-11047, Attn: Search Committee. Applications will be reviewed beginning N ovember 1st, and the search will continue until the position is closed. American U n i v ersity is an E() E / A A u n i v e rsity comm itted to diverse taculty, stafFand student body. W o men and m i n o r i t y candidates are particularly encouraged to apply. dergraduates at all levels. The teaching load is two courses per semester; three ot the tour classes taught annually w il l be w r i t i n g courses, including at least two i n c r eative non fi c t i on , along w i t h o n e l i t erature course. Interest in teaching ti c t ion w r i t i n g i s w elcome but not r equi r ed. Send letter ot application, CV , t h ree confidential letters ot recommendation, George Washington U writing sample (2S pp. ntaxi num ), and selt-addressed postcard to I'rotes- American ! i t u d i es/Latino/a !itudies: Tenure track, Assistant I'rotessor, (IWU , tall 2007. Research and teaching in culturally-oriented social sci- sor (Iayle I'emberton, Chair ! i earch Com m i t t ee, Department ot English, Attn: Nonfiction Search, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 0 6469. Applications postntarked by November 22, 2006 will receive tull consideration. No taxes, please. Wesleyan University values diversity and is an equal opportunity employer. • [R] i i s Delaware SU English, 1200 N Dupont Hwy, 213 EfkH Bldg Dover DE 19901 Assistant Professor of English 1358 3 tenure track tull time positions to begin tall 2006. Teaching will involve courses in World Li terature., Atrican-A m e rican Literature, Wri t ing and Composition, -I courses per semester. Ability and desire to teach (leneral Education courses is a must. Must be wi l l ing to teach evenings, summer school, winter term and at branch campus. Applicants must have at least 3 years ot experience teaching at the University level. ABD considered, doctorate preterred. Candidate must have demonstrated promise in research and creative wri t ing as well as scholarly and critical activity and grantsmanship. The candidate will submit a letter ot application, curriculum M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST American Studies, 2108 G Street, NW Washington DC 20052 Assistant Professor of American Studies/Latino/a Studies 1241 http: //www .gw ences or cultural studies, with possible tocus on diaspora, transnational m igrations, literary representations and pertor m ances ot nation h o o d , creating Latinidad. Basic (3ualifications: Applicants must possess a I'h.D. in American !i t u dies or a closely related field. I'h.D. must be completed by June 15, 2007. Applicants must also shovv commitment to scholarly r esearch as evidenced by publications in scholarly jou r nals or work i n progress and demonstrated teaching ability as indicated by teaching assessments. To apply: I'lease send a cover letter, curr i c u lu m v i t ae, three letters ot recommendation, and a writing sample ot no more than thir t y t ive pages to: Lati n o / a ! i t u d i e s ! i earch C o m m i t t ee, A m e r i c a n ! i t u d i e s Department, The (leorge Washington University. 210II (I Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20062. ()nly complete applications will be considered. R eview ot applications w il l b e gi n N o v e m ber 6, 2006 and w i l l c o n tinue until the position is filled. The (l eorge Washington U n i v ersity is an Equal () p p o r t u n i t y / A f f i r m a t ive A c t ion E m p l oyer. The u n i v ersity and department have a strong commi tm ent to achieving diversity among taculty and stafE We strongly encourage women and persons ot color to apply tor this position. Georgetown U English, 306 New North Box 571131 Washington DC 20057 Lannan Foundation Chair of Poetics 1217 November I to: Search Commi t tee, Early American Studies, Department ot English, DM -15:1, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199. FIU is a member ot the State University System ot Florida, is an AHirntative Action/Equal Accdess/Equal ()pportunity Employer, and encourages applications trom women and minorities. [R] http: // (leorgetown U n i v ersity invites applications and nominations tor the Lannan Foundation Chair ot I'oetics in the Department ot English. This visiting protessorship, with a term ot one to t h ree years, will co m plement programs to be ofFered by the new Lannan Center tor I'oetics and Social Practice at the university. The holder ot the Chair w i l l h ave a record ot accomplishment in the verbal arts lpoetry, fiction, non-fiction prose, or playwriting ) and in poetics or theoretical criticism, and will have an interest in cultural developments within as well as beyond North A m e rica. A com m i t m en t t o t eaching is expected. Responsibili t ies ot the C h a i r include teaching one w r i t i n g c o u rse and one graduate or undergraduate seminar per year; and work ing closely with the center tor poetics to convene readings and seminars trom time to time and to build upon th e l iterary and outreach programs currently in pl ace. In addition to t u n d s provided tovvards relocation and housing, the position comes with a discretionary budget tor research, work-related travel, literary programming, and entertainment. Applications trom vvriters based outside ot the United States are welcome. (leorgetown University is an AA/ E( ) employer and strongly encourages applications trom women and mi no rity candidates as part ot its commitment to protessional excellence and diversity. I'lease send application letter and c.v. to Chair ot the Lannan Hi r ing C o m m i t t ee, English Department, (leorgetown University, Box S71L11, Washington, D.C. 20067. Applications postntarked by Nov. 6 will receive first consideration. [R] • • Florida Intl U English, University Pk, DM 453 Miami FL 33199 Assi stant Professor of Rhetori c/Composi ti on 1326 http: //www Assistant I'rotessor ot Rhetoric/ C o m position, tenure-track, with a strong secondary field in the long 111th century. I' r i n tary expertise must be in rhetoric and composition. Desired areas ot interest include, but are not limited to, ethnic rhetorics, global Englishetu protessional writ i ng, and new media. Teaching will i n clude undergraduate and graduate courses printarily in rhetoric/composition and secondarily in the long 111th century. Expertise in the novel is particularly desirable. Applicants should demonstrate a commit m ent to scholarship and outstanding teaching, including teaching with technology. Duties will i n clude contribution to the undergraduate writing program and to the development ot a graduate program in Rhetoric/C omposition. Salary is competitive. I'osition begins Fall 2007, pending budgetary approval. Send letter, cv and dossier, inc luding transcripts and writing sample, postntarked by I N o v ember I to : Search Commi ttee, Rhetoric/ C o m position, Department ot English, DM -15:1, Florida International Unversity, Miami, FL 33199. FIU is a member ot thegtate University System ot Florida, is an AHirntative Action/ E q ual Access/Equal ()pportunity Em ployer and encourages applications trom women and minorities. [R] • Florida SU English, Tallahassee FL 32306 Florida Intl U English, University Pk, DM 453 Miami FL 33199 Assistant Professor ofBritish literature Multiple Positions in African American Literature 1324 http: //www Assistant protessor, tenure track, in 16th and 17th c. British literature with a strong secondary field in Rhetoric/C o mposition. Teaching will include u ndergraduate and graduate literature courses. First preterence wil l b e given to candidates also qualified to teach graduate and undergraduate courses in rhetorical history or t h e ory and to co n t r i b ute to a developing wr i t i n g p r o g r ann T h e p o sition carries the expectation ot research productivity and assistance with the writing program. Applicants should demonstrate a commit m ent to scholarship and outstanding teaching, including teaching with technology. Salary is competitive. I'osition begins Fall 2007, pending budgetary approval. Send letter, cv and dossier, including transcripts and writing sample, postmarked by I N o v e mber, to Search Commi t tee, Early British Literature, Department ot English, DM -15:1, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199. FIU is a member ot the state University System ot Florida, is an AHirntative Action / E q ual Access/Equal ()pportunity Employer and encourages applications trom women and minorities. [R] A I'ublic Records Agency. [R] Two Senior Hires, Hist of Text Technologies 1327 http: //www Assistant I'rotessor, tenure track, Early American Studies, with broad expertise and interest in transatlantic, British early empire/ A m e r ican colonial studies. Teaching will in clude undergraduate and graduate courses, with expectation ot research productivity. Applicants should demonstrate a commitment to scholarship and outstanding teaching. Salary is competitive. I'osition begins Fall 2007, pending budgetary approval. Send letter, cv and dossier, including transcripts and writing sample, postmarked by 16 Multiple I'ositions in A t r i can A m e r i can Li t erature: Assistant I'rotessor and Associate I'rotessor or I'rotessor. I'rincipal interest Atrican American Literary Studies; possible secondary areas ot interest include rhetoric and composition; creative writi ng; and American multi- ethnic literature. Fall 2007. Ph.D. Successful candidates tor the senior position will have an established national reputation in the field, tamil i arity w i t h r e cent trends in Atrican-A m erican Literary Studies, demonstrated excellence in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and vvillin g ness to superv ise the work ot g r aduate students. Interested applicants tor the ju n i o r position should have a record ot scholarship and strong com m i t m ent t o teaching and curricular development at the graduate and undergraduate levels. 2/2 teaching assignment; one graduate course per year. Competitive salary. Letter and vita only by N o v ember I t o M a x i n e M o n t gomery, Atrican American Literature Search Com m i t tee Chair, English Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-ISI10. Equal ()pportunity/A Hi rntative Action employer, committed to diversity in hiri n g . Florida SU English, Tallahassee FL 32306 Florida Intl U English, University Pk, DM 453 Miami FL 33199 Assistant Professor of Early American Studies 579 http: // http: // 2 Senior Hi r es (Associate or Full I' r otessor, with tenure ). Fall 2007. As part ot a cluster ot five interdisciplinary senior hires in the History ot Text Technologies, we seek l1) a specialist in early modern British print culture, in any period or genre between ISSO and 1760 and l2) a specialist in the application ot new digital/ m edia technologies to the study ot medieval or early modern texts. Transnational and/or bili ngual approaches are welcomed but not required. Competitive salary, strong research support, and the opport u n it y t o h elp create a new doctoral progrann Letter and E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 vita (vvith names and entail addresses ot:1 reterees) to (Iary Taylor, Director, History ot Text Technologies, gtaylor ( Equal ()p- perience in protessional, technical, and/or science vvriting a plus. Interest or experience in teaching and developing online courses preterred. Rank p ortunity/ A Hi r ntative Action employer, committed to diversity in hiri ng, TBD (9.S-month taculty ). and a I'ublic Records Agency. I'lease apply online to position 99612-1: vvvvvv.nsujobs.corn. Visit our vveb- [R] s ite: AA/ E ( ) E Florida SU English, Tallahassee FL 32306 Rollins C Assistant Professor, Early American English, 1000 Holt Av, Campus Box 2666 Winter Park FL 32789 http: // Chair of English Assistant I'rotessor, Early A m e r i can. I' r i n cipal interest: early Am e r i can print culture (including book history ) vvith subfield emphasis on, tor example, Black Atlantic culture or gender studies. Tenure-line, Fall 2007. http: /Ivvvvvv.rollins.edulvvintervviththevvriters I'h.D. required and vvell-placed articles (vvith book, preterred). 2/2 teaching assignment; one graduate course per year. Competitive salary. Letter and vita only by November I to Kathleen Yancey, Chair, English Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-ISIIO. Equal ()pp ortunity/ A Hi r ntative Action employer, committed to diversity in hiri ng. A I'ublic Records Agency. [R] 584 http: // Assistant I'rotessor, 19th century Am erican literature and culture. Tenure line, Fall 2007. I'h.D. required. Record ot publication. 2/2 teaching assignment vvith one graduate course per year. Competitive salary. Letter and vita only to A n d revv Epstein, Search Comm i t tee Chair, Department ot English, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-ISIIO by November 1. AA/ E ( ) E employer. Minori ties, persons vvith disabilities, and vvomen encouraged to apply. A I'ublic Records Agency. [R] Florida SU Medical Humanities fk Social Sciences, College of Medicine I I I 5 West Call Street Tallahassee FL 32306 Open-rank Faculty Position in Medical Humanities Theodore Bruce and Barbara Lavvrence Altond Chair ot English END( ) W E D C H A I R : T h e D epartment ot English at Rollins College invites applications and nominations tor Wr i t er- i n - R e sidence and The- odore Bruce and Barbara Lavvrence Altond Chair ot English, to begin August 2007. M.F.A. or I' h .D . preterred. Applicant must have experience teaching either fiction or poetry and must currently be a practicing vvriter producing vvork that has received national recognition. Rol l ins has a long and distinguished tradition in creative vvriting. (In his 1930 Nobel Laureate Address, Sinclair Levvis identified Rol l ins as one ot only tour American colleges vvith an authentic interest in contemporary creative literature. ) Florida SU English, Tallahassee FL 32306 Assistant Professor 19th Century American Literature 1644 1339 R esponsibili t ies are negotiable, but i n c l ude teaching creative vvriti n g classes in the authors primary genre, mentoring student vvriters, and directing Wi n ter vvith the Writers. Winter vvith the Wri ters is the Colleges highly-regarded, visiting author series held each February, vvhich teatures readings and ntaster classes by tour nationally important vvriters. See http: // tor more intbrntation. T he selected candidate vvill b e e x p e cted to r e side in t h e M e t r o ( ) r lando area, join the Rol l ins community, and have the proven ability to administer Wi n ter vvith the W r i t ers. These responsibilities include contacting and scheduling visiting authors a year in advance, interacting vvith the local commu n i ty, vvorking vvith an English Department Advisory I'anel, coordinating and promoting the program during the tall and vvinter, and hosting the visiting authors during February each year. Screening ot nominees and applicants vvill beginn N ovember 20, 2006, and continue until the position is filled. Send letter ot application, CV, and vvriting sample to: I'hilip F. Deaver, Selection Com m i t tee Chair, Department ot English, Rollins College-2666, Winter I'ark, FL 327119 —I-I99. ht tp:// Rollins College, one ot the oldest institutions ot higher learning in Flor- DEI'ARTM EN T ( ) F M E D I CA L H U M A N I T I E.'i AND S()(: IAL .'iCIE NCE.'i, FL()R ID A .'iTATE U N I V E R .'iITY C ( ) L L E (' E () F M E D I - ida, is a comprehensive, liberal arts college located in W i n ter I'ark, FL , a Metro ( ) r l a ndo co m m u n i ty . Th e C o l l ege emphasizes innovative and quality teaching in small classes, and is ranked first amongst like institutions in the Southeast. Through its mission, Rollins College is firmly CINE: open-rank taculty position in medical huntanities at nevv medical school commi t ted to biopsychosocial model and serving rural, underserved, minority, and elderly populations. Expertise in medicine and literature, medicine and the arts, spirituality and medicine, and medicine and culture are particularly vvelcome. Send c.v., statement ot research, teaching, and protessional interests, and names ot three reterences to: Jeffrey Spike, I'hD., '/i~ Sharica Hayes, Dept. ot Medical Huntanities and Social Sciences; 111S West (:all Street, Florida State University College ot committed to creating a just comm u n it y t hat embraces multicult uralism; persons ot color and vvomen are theretore encouraged to apply. In accor- dance vvith the Americans vvith Disabilities Act, persons needing special accommodation to participate in the application process should contact the Huntan Resources Department at -107-6-16-2102. Medicine, Tallahassee Fl 32306--1300; Sharica.hayes( Revievv ot applicants vvill begin November I and continue until the position Rollins C is filled. English, 1000 Holt Av, Campus Box 2666 Winter Park FL 32789 of Am erican Literature Assistant Professor Nova Southeastern U Division of Humanities, 3301 College Av Fort Lauderdale FL 33314 Faculty-Composition/Writing Program (9951 24) 951 http: //vvvvvv.nsujobs.corn Farquhar College ot Arts and Sciences at NSU seeks a candidate to teach undergraduate courses in introductory composition, advanced vvriting, a nd rhetoric vvithin our vvriting progranu as vvell as courses in our M . A . in vvriting progrann Requires I'h.D. in Co m position/ R h e t oric or English; college-level teaching experience; proficiency in use ot computer hardvvare and curriculum- related sottvvare. Teaching and/or research ex- M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 1642 ht tp:// The Department ot English at Rollins College invites applications tor a tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor ot English, specialization in A m e r i c an Literature, beginning Fall 2007. Successful candidate vvill have I'h.D. inhand or expected by August 2007. Teaching load ot six courses per year tor traditional and non- t r aditi onal students, including a broad range ot American literature survey courses, topics courses (depending on the candidate's special strengths and interests), and first-year vvriting. A secondary interest in Atrican-Am erican, Asian-American, Chicano/a, or Native American literature or in Film Studies vvould be vvelcome. 17 To apply, send curri cu lum v i t ae, three letters ot recommendation, and statement ot teaching philosophy to: I'rotessor Alan N o r dstrom, Search Committee Chair, Roll ins College, 1000 Holt Ave-2672, Wi n ter I'ark, FL, 327119, or by entail to anordstrom ( Review ot applications will begin in early December 2006, and continue until the position Armstrong Atlantic SU Langs, Lit, B( Philos, 11935 Abercorn St Savannah GA 31419 Assistant Professor, African-American Literature 1569 is filled. http: // Rollins College, one ot the oldest institutions ot higher learning in Florida, is a comprehensive, liberal arts college located in Wi n ter I'ark, FL , that emphasizes innovative and quality teaching in sntall classes, and is ranked first amongst like institutions in the ! i o u theast. Through its miss ion, Roll ins College is firmly co m m i t ted to creating a just commu n i t y that embraces multiculturalism; persons ot color and women are theretore encouraged to apply. Tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor ot English in Atrican-Am erican literature to begin Fall, 2007. We are seeking an outstanding teacher and promising scholar to teach courses in Atrican-A m erican literature, American literature, and Atrican Diasporic literatures, as well as composition, and to play an active role in Armstrong's Atrican-American !i t u dies I'rogram. Candidates should have I'hD by time ot appointment. U of Tampa Langs B( Linguistics, 401 W Kennedy Blvd Tampa FL 33606 Assi stant Professor in Composition/Rhetoric 1285 The College ot Liberal Arts and!iciences at The University ot Tampa has a tenure-track position in fi rst-year wr i t in g starting A u gust 2007 at the Assistant level. I'lease submit letter ot application, transcripts, current vita, and three letters ot recommendation to Dr . K aren H o l l i n g er; Chair; A t r i can-A m e r i can Literature Search Co m m i t t ee; Department ot Languages, Literature, and I'hilosophy; A r m strong A t l antic State Un i v ersity; I l t)LIS Abercorn Street; Savannah, GA :11-119 by December -1, 2006. Arm strong Atlantic State University is an aHirmative action/ equal opportu n it y employer ot the Un i v ersity ! i y stem ot G eorgia and encourages applications trom minorities. [R] A I'h.D. in composition and rhetoric is required. Secondary expertise in t echnical wr i t i n g also required. Evidence ot excellence in and comm i t ment to teaching college composition; scholarship in c o m position and rhetoric is expected. The teaching load is three courses per semester. Salary competitive. Intervievvs at MLA. Emory U English, N-302 Callaway Ctr Atlanta GA 30322 Applications must include a cover letter, current curriculum vitae, copies ot transcripts and three reterences. Emory U n i v ersity invites applications tor a position at the Assistant I'rotessor level trom indiv i duals who specialize in the literatures and culture ot England, 1660 — 11100. This includes transatlantic and Anglophone literatures. I'h.D. required. Send application letter, vita, and three letters ot recommendation to Chair, 111th century Bri tish Literature Search Comm ittee, Department ot English,:302 North Callavvay Center, Emory U n i versity, S37 Kilgo Circle, Atlanta, GA:10:122. Review ot applications will begin November 1. We encourage applications trom wo men and mi n ority candidates. Emory U n i v ersity is an Equal ()pport u n i t y / A Hi r m ative Mail packages to: Th e U n i v e r sity o t T a m pa, H u m a n R e s ou rces, c/ o Comp/R hetoric, -101 W. Kennedy Blvd, Tampa, FL:1:1606 — 1-190 or apply on line at Review ot applications will commence on November IS, 2006 and continue until the position is filled. The University ot Tampa is an E()E/AA employer. Assistant Professor in English: 18th century British Literature Action employer. • 857 http: //english. [R] • Georgia Inst of Tech Lit, Communication, B( Culture, 686 Cherry St, 336 Skiles Bldg Armstrong Atlantic SU Langs, Lit, B( Philos, 11935 Abercorn St Savannah GA 31419 Assistant Professor, Professional Communication Atlanta GA 30332 1567 http: // Armstrong Atlantic State University seeks an Assistant I'rotessor ot I'ro- tessional Communication to begin Fall, 2007. Candidates should have a I'hD in I ' r o tessional Com m u n i cation, R h e t o r i c / C o m p o sition, or En g- lish (with appropriate emphasis) by August, 2007. We seek a dedicated teacher and promising scholar to teach, in addition to co m position, the following upper-level courses: Intro to C o m m u n i c ationtu Business and Technical Communication, Technical Editing, and I'ublication Design. Director: Writing Program 1498 ht tp://ww w . The School ot Literature, Communication, and Culture (LCC) at Georgia Tech invites applications tor Director ot the Wri t ing I' rogram. Responsibilities include: administration and curriculum development tor the treshntan composition program (7S sections per semester) and upper-division technical communication (IS sections per semester), training and mentori ng ot:10 tull- t im e teaching Fellows, and campus leadership in w r i t i n g and commu n ications issues. studies. We wil l c onsider candidates holding a Masters in Co m m u n i cation or related discipline, with substantial publications, teaching record, and/or protessional experience. A I'h D i s required tor tenure-track ap- The ideal candidate will have program leadership experience, background in electronic pedagogy, and a research record appropriate to appointment a s an Associate I'rotessor or I'r otessor. I'h.D. in R h e t o ri c and C o m p o sition, English, or a similar field is required. This tenure-track position carries a I — I teaching load, a competitive salary, and a possible 10-or 11month appointment. pointment. For addi t i o nal i n t o r m a t i on , pl ease reter to ou r vvebsite at In addition to provi d ing com m u n i cation courses tor the Institute, LC C also offers an undergraduate degree in the huntanities, undergraduate and I'lease submit a letter ot application, current vi ta, transcripts, and three l etters ot recomm endation to : D r . N a n c y R e m l er ; Search C o m m i t t e e Chair; I'rotessional Com m u n i catio n ! i earch; Department ot Languages, Literature, and I'hi losophy; A r m strong Atlantic State University; I l t)LIS Abercorn Street; Savannah, GA:11-119 by November 27, 2006. Armstrong A tlantic State U n i v e r sity is an at t i r m a t iv e acti o n / e q ual o p p o r t u n i t y employer ot the University ! iystem ot Georgia and encourages applications trom minorities. [R] graduate degrees in digital media, several minors, and a wide range ot literature and media courses. Additional intorntation on LC C is available at: http: // Additionally, we expect the successtul candidate to help revise our English/ C o m m u n i c a t i ons cu r r i c u lu m an d i m p l e m ent ne w c o u r ses, such as history/theory ot com m u n i cations, web page design, and new media 18 The Search Committee will begin review ot applications on September IS and will interview applicants this tall. Candidates should send a CV and letter ot interest to Jocelyn Thontatu Assistant to the (: hair, School ot Literature, Comm u n ication, and Cult ure, Georgia Institute ot Technology, Atlanta, GA:10:I:12 — 016S. The Georgia Institute ot Technology is an equal E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 opportunit y/aHirntative action employer. LCC is especially interested in considering applications trom vvomen and minority candidates. The School ot Literature, Com m u n i cation, and Cult ure supports several undergraduate and graduate degrees, including a B.S. degree in Science, Technology, and Culture and a track in Biomedicine and Culture. For additional intormation on the School, consult our vveb site at: http: //vvvvvv Georgia Inst of Tech Lit, Communication, R Culture, 686 Cherry St, 336 Skiles Bldg Atlanta GA 30332 Assistant Professor in Digital Media ics as biotechnology or genetics vvould be vvelcome. The successtul candidate must have a I'h.D. and an established research trajectory. 1147 ht tp:// G eorgia Tech's School o t L i t e r a t u re , C o m m u n i c a t i on , an d C u l t u r e (LCC) is seeking to fill 2 — 3 positions at the rank ot Assistant I'rotessor in the emerging discipline ot Digital Media. We seek practitioner/theorists vvho combine technical expertise vvith a strong grounding in the arts and huntanities. Candidates should be prepared to teach at the undergraduate and graduate level in LC( s suite ot programs in computational and digi- tal media. A I'h.D. or terminal degree in an appropriate field is required, as is computational proficiency and a demonstrated capacity tor significant original research/creative vvork. Evidence ot significant potential in gen- Candidates should send a CV and letter ot interest to Jocelyn Thontatn Assistant to the (: hair, School ot Literature, Com m u n i cation, and Cult u r e, Georgia Institute ot Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 — 016th The deadline tor submission is November 15. The Georgia Institute ot Technology is an equal opportunity/aHirmative action employer. LCC is especially interested in considering applications trom vvomen and minority candidates. Georgia Inst of Tech Lit, Communication, R Culture, 686 Cherry St, 336 Skiles Bldg Atlanta GA 30332 erating external tunding is desirable. I'reterence vvill given to candidates vvho demonstrate expertise in one or more ot the fbllovving fields: Assistant Professor in Film Studies Digital Art and Design T he School ot Literature, Com m u n ication, and Cult u r e (LCC) at Georgia Tech invites applications tor a tenure-track appointment as Assistant I'rotessor ot Film Studies vvith an emphasis on International and/or D o c- I 'ractiti o ner i n t h e use ot d i g i tal t e c h n o l og y to r c o m m u n i c a t io n an d expression. We particularly seek candidates in the area ot visual design (graphic design, visual arts, moving image). Candidates should be prepared to situate their practice in the social and cultural contexts ot nevv media. I'reterence vvill be given to those vvhose vvork relates to strengths ot our department, such as experimental media, game design and critique, interactive narrative, tangible media, and mixed reality. Intorntation A r ch itecture/ I n t o r n tation Design Designer/producer/researcher vvith a tocus on the expressive application ot emerging structures ot intorntation distribution and organization fe.g. media syndication vvidgettn google map mashups, tolksonomies tk tag clouds, social netvvorking sites, sentantic vveb ) and the technologies ot intorntation abstraction that underlie them fe.g. relational databases, structured documents, XM L m e tadata tk controlled vocabularies, vvikis ). Interactive Narrative I'ractitioner/ t h eorist ot computational expression, vvith an emphasis on p rocedural approaches to interactive narrative in v a r i ous media tor m s such as virtual/m i xed reality, games, and interactive television. Specialties could include one or more ot the fbllovving: interactive fiction, computational story systems, computational poetry, narrative and cognition, story generation, interactive documentary, narrative intelligence, and AI. Applicants should send a letter vvith a statement ot research interests and pedagogical approach, a CV, one or tvvo pages ot screenshots, and/or a pointer to an on-line porttolio. (Requests tor tull dossiers and porttolios vvill be sent to selected applicants.) Applications should be addressed to Chair, Search Com m i t t ee, LCC , G e o r gia Institute ot Technology, Atlanta, (lA 30332-0165. Revievv ot applications vvill begin ()ctober 18 and continue until the positions are filled. The Georgia Institute ot Technology is an equal opportuni ty, aHirntative action employer. M i n o r it y candidates are encouraged to apply. For more intorntation about the School, please visit http: // Georgia Inst of Tech Lit, Communication, R Culture, 686 Cherry St, 336 Skiles Bldg Atlanta GA 30332 Assistant Professorin American Studies/Science Technology and Culture umentary Film. The successtul candidate must have a I'h.D. in Film Studies or a related field, an established research trajectory in film and cultural studies, as vvell as research or teaching interests that include film t h eory, histories ot production and reception, and criticism. Additi onal demonstrated interests in television or digital technology vvould be vvelcome. The School ot Literature, Com m u n i cation, and Cult ure supports several u ndergraduate and graduate degrees, offers a grovving program in fi l m and media studies fvvhich includes a summer film institute in Italy ), and provides a core ot huntanities studies tor the Institute. For additional intorntation on the School, consult our vveb site at: http: //vvvvvv.lcc.gatech .edu. Candidates should send a CV and letter ot interest to Jocelyn Thontatn Assistant to the (: hair, School ot Literature, Com m u n i cation, and Cult u r e, Georgia Institute ot Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 — 016th The deadline tor submissions is November 15. The Georgia Institute ot Technology is an equal opportunity/aHirntative action employer. LCC is especially interested in considering applications trom vvomen and minority candidates. Georgia SU English, PO Box 3970 Atlanta GA 30302 Assistant Professor 443 http: / Tenure Track entry-level Assistant I'rotessor, ()Id English (Medieval Language and Literature ), tor Fall 2007, pending final budgetary approval. I'reterence given to candidates vvith secondary specialization in H EL , medievalism, or drama. Demonstrated commi t m ent to scholarship, service, and teaching excellence required; starting teaching load 2/2 and strong research support. I'h.D. in hand required by 8/07. The Department encourages minority candidates to apply. Salary competitive. Send letter and cv only by Nov. 15, 2006, to Janet Gabler-Hover, Chair, Nevv Appointments Commi t tee, I'() Bo x 3070, Department ot English, (georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30302-3070. Intervievv at MLA . GSU is a unit ot University System ot Georgia and an AA/ E( ) employer. [R] 1149 ht tp:// T he School ot Literature, Com m u n ication, and Cultur e (LCC) at Georgia Tech invites applications tor a tenure-track appointment at the rank ot Assistant I'rotessor. LCC is seeking a humanities scholar vvorking at the i ntersection ot R ace, Biology, and American Literature and/or C u l t u r e . Additional demonstrated interests in the cultural implications ot such top- M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 1148 ht tp:// Kennesaw SU English, 1000 Chastain Rd, ff2701 Kennesaw GA 30144 Assistant Professor ofAfricanLiterature 1359 http: / Tenure-track assistant for associate, pending tunding approval ) protess orship in A t r i can l i t erature, especially postcolonial, begin n in g A u - 19 gust 2007. Wil l t each -1/:1 load ot courses examining A t r i can literatures trom a comparative, international perspective tor English/English Education majors, tor Atrican-Atrican Diaspora B.A., and vvill teach general education courses (composition and vvorld literature ). I'reterred applicants have earned doctorate, relevant college teaching experience, and current scholarship. Materials must be postmarked by December I, 2006. Send letter ot application addressing qualifications, teaching philosophy and r esearch agenda, cur r ent c u r r i c u l u m v i t ae, t h ree letters ot reco m m e n dation addressing teaching and research potential, and oHicial graduate transcripts to Bill R i ce, English Department, Kennesavv State University, 1000 Chastain Rd. ¹ 2 701, Kennesavv (lA 30144-SS91. Kennesavv, located in metropolitan Atlanta, a member ot the Un iversity System ot Georgia, does not discriminate on the basis ot race, religion, color, sex, age, handicap, national origin, or sexual orientation, as authorized by lavv. [R] course load vvill include surveys and specialized seminars in Rontantic and Victorian Literature, introductory li terature courses, and composition. North Georgia C R SU Modern Languages, 322 Dunlap Hall Dahlonega GA 30597 Founded in 111111, Spelntan College is a private tour-year liberal arts college located in A t l anta, GA . T h e o l dest historically Black college tor v vomen in the U n i ted Statetu Spelman is a member ot the A t l anta U n i versity C e n ter C o n s o r t i u m . Sp el man C o l l ege seeks scholar- t eachers dedicated to excellence in teaching and the development ot a scholarly environment tor students and colleagues. Assistant Professor of English 1096 http: // Tenure-track position in English vvith specialization in vvorld literature. Area ot expertise is open, but the candidate must be qualified to teach both Western and Non-Western vvorks in vvorld literature surveys. I'h.D. in English, Comparative Literature, or a related field. Teaching load is tvvelve hours each semester, including treshntan composition. Conti nued protessional development/research and institutional service are expected. Salary vvill be competitive. Send letter ot application, vita, undergraduate and graduate transcripts funoHicial transcripts acceptable tor initi al revievv ), and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses ot at least three reterences to Hu man R esources, AT T N : A s sistant I rotessor ot English/vvorld literature, North Georgia College tk State University, Dahlonega, GA:10S97. Revievv ot applications vvill begin November I, 2006, and vvill continue until the position is filled. We vvill not b e intervievving at M L A . N G ( S U i s an A fftr nlative Actio n / E q ual ( ) p - portunity Employer. [R] Southern Polytechnic SU English, Technical Communication, fk Media Arts, 1100 S Marietta Pky Marietta GA 30060 Assistant Professor of Technical Comm unication 1664 A secondary area in 111th century B r i t ish literature is desirable. I'h.D . should be in hand by May 2007. I'ositive tenure and promotion decisions require excellent teaching as vvell as research, peer-revievved publication, and active service to the department and college (including advising). Send letter ot application, C V , :1 letters ot recommendation for dossier), a one-page statement ot teaching philosophy, and oHicial copies ot undergraduate and graduate transcripts to: ()Rice ot the I'rovost, Spelman College, Attn: D epartment ot En g lish Search Com m i t tee Chair, .'1SO S pelntan Lane, SW, Box 1209, Atlanta, GA:10:11-1. Deadline tor MLA i n tervievv is December I, 2006. Revievv ot applications vvill continue until position is filled. Competitive salaries and an excellent benefits program are available. S pelman C o l l e g e i s a n E q u a l ( ) p p o r t u n i t y / A f t i r m a t i v e A c t i o n Employer [R] U of Georgia English, 254 Park Hall Athens GA 30602 Assistant Professor of Multicultural American Literature 1545 http: // T he D e p a r t m e n t o t E n g l i s h a t T h e U n i v e r s i t y o t G e o r g i a i n v i t e s applications tor a tenure-track position as an Assistant I'rotessor in multicultural literature (Native American, Asian American, and/or L ati n o/ a), vvith an additional specialization in contemporary American literature, to begin Fall 2007. An earned doctorate by the August 16, 2007 starting date is required. The teaching load is 2/2 vvith assignments in upper-division and gradua te courses and one lovver-division survey. Candidates should prov i d e evidence ot excellence in teaching and demonstrate the potential tor establishing a successtul record ot research and publishing in one or more m ulticul t u ral A m e r i can l i t erature ti elds. Instructi o nal responsibili t i es include the advising ot undergraduate ntajors and the mentoring ot gradu- http: // ate students. The English, Technical Com m u n i cation, and Media Arts Department at Southern I'olytechnic State University inv i tes applications tor a tenuretrack position in Technical Communication, pending final budgetary approval. Candidates must have a I'h.D. in Technical Com m u n i cation or a closely related field. Responsibilities include teaching 12 credit hours each semester ot undergraduate and graduate technical communication courses trom among the follovving: Technical Wr i t i ng, W r i t i n g across Media, International Co m m u n i cation, Web Design, In t o r m ation Design, and/ or Nevv Media Studies. I'lease send letter ot application, vita, and three l etters ot reterence to: Mark N u n es, Chair, English, Technical Com m u nication, and Media Arts, J-333, Southern I'olytechnic State University, 1100 sk Marietta Parkvvay, Marietta, GA:10060. Materials should be postmarked by December I, 2006 tor tull consideration. SlrSU is an Equal ()pportunity/A Hirntative Action Employer. [R] We plan to conduct intervievvs at the MLA C o n v ention in I ' h i l adelphia. Send a letter ot application, curriculum v i tae, vvriting sample, and reterences (from a dossier service or directly trom reterees) to Douglas Anderson, Interim Head; Department ot English; I'ark Hall 2S-1; 200 Baldvvin Street; The University ot Georgia; Athens, GA:10602 — 6205. Application ntaterials must be postntarked by November 20, 2006. The U n i v ersity ot Georgia is an Equal Employment/A Hirntative Action Institution. [R] U of Georgia English, 254 Park Hall Athens GA 30602 Assistant Professor in Humanities Computing 1 553 http: // The University ot Georgia Department ot English is seeking to appoint an A ssistant I'rotessor, tenure-track, in the area ot H u n t an i t ies Com p u t i n g . Spelman C I'h.D. required by time ot appointment, August 2007. Teaching load is 2/ English, 350 Spelman Ln SW, Box 1209 Atlanta GA 30314 Assistant Professor of English 1516 The English Department ot Spelman College invites applications tor a t enure- t r ack p o si t io n i n R o m a n t i c t k V i c t o r i a n L i t e r a t ur e star t in g i n August 2007. The successtul candidate should have a dissertation and/or substantial publications in the field ot 19th century British literature..'3/:3 20 2; salary competitive. Demonstrated accomplishment in and commi tment to research and teaching in huntanities computing/ d i g ital studies and the application ot digital technology to humanities research are required. In particular, candidates must have knovvledge ot and ability to teach ntarkup and scripting. Ability to teach ntajor classes in a literary area offered by the department is expected fke. traditional British and American periods, contemporary, Atrican American and multicult ural, English language, E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 rhet/comp, tolklore, creative vvriting or theory ). !iend statement ot application and cv including pertinent U R L s by November 20 to I'rotessor N. Hi l t on, Department ot English, University ot ( i eorgia, Athens, (iA :10602: attn. Humanities Computing ! i earch (email vvith attachments in .pdt is preterred vvhere possible: nhilton ( We encourage applications trom vvomen and minorities. The University ot (ieorgia is an AA/ EEO institution. [R] • ' • Idaho SU English, PO IIox 8056 Pocatello ID 83209 Assistant Professor in Creative Writing 1457 http: // Idaho!itate University, I'ocatello, ID ! i p ecialist in Creative Writi ng. Tenure-track position, Al' rank, August 2007. !iuccesstul candidate vvill have a significant record ot creative publications. M.F.A or I'h.D i n h and by August 2007. Norntal teaching load:I courses per semester vvith responsibilities at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Regular assignment to composition and general education courses.!ialary 5-11,000. Intervievvs at MLA. !iend letter ot application, c.v., vvriting sample (no more than 20 pages), and letters ot recommendation to Terry Engebretsen, Chair, Department ot English and I'hilosophy, Idaho!itate University, I'ocatello, ID 83209. Idaho!itate University is an AHirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing date: All ntaterials must be received by Novem- ber .'1, 2006. [R] Augustana C English, 639 38th St Rock Island IL 61201 assistant or associ ate professor of English Augustana C English, 639 38th St Rock Island IL 61201 assistant or associ ate professor of English 1 708 tenure-track assistant or associate protessor ot English beginning vvith the 2007 — 2008 academic year. Expertise in composition theory/rhetoric must be accompanied by a proven comm i t m ent to the design and teaching ot vvriting courses. Approxintately one-third ot teaching load vvill be vvaived tor admin i strative and tacult y / t u t o r d evelopment ettorts in i n t e grated (but not WAC ) vvriting program. Typical annual courses vvill include sections ot first-year College Writing, and the upper division courses, Language and!iociety and Composition Theory and Practice. We require a relevant teaching experience and the ability to vvork collaboratively vvith both taculty and students in an undergraduate program serving liberal arts objectives. Augustana expects taculty to engage in scholarly approach to teaching and learning and in significant scholarly vvork to include peerrevievved publication. Augustana College is a selective, tour-year, liberal arts institution ot 2,-ISO students, most ot vvhom live in residence halls on a vvooded 118-acre campus. Rock Island, Illinois is one ot the (1uad-Cities ot Illinois and Iovva, a diverse metropolitan area on the Mississippi River vvith -100,000 residents. Augustana is an equal opportunity employer and actively encourages applications trom vvomen and persons ot diverse ethnic backgrounds. We do not discrimi nate based on age, race, color, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability or creed. Details about Augustana, our expectation ot the taculty, the selection process, and the (1uad Cities are all available at the Faculty ! i earch vvebsite; http: //vvvvvv search/. !iend a letter ot application, c.v., graduate transcriipts, statement ot teaching philosophy, and three letters ot recommendation to Co m position/ R h e t o ric English !iearch Committee,jetFAbernathy, Dean ot the College, Augustana College, 6:19:18th !it., Rock Island, Illinois 61201. (questions ntay be directed to the department chair at David( :rovve ( Revievv ot applications vvill begin November 15, 2006. 1700 Tenure-track protessor ot English beginning vvith the 2007 — 2008 academic year. Our nevv colleague vvill teach courses in fiction vvriting at both the introductory and advanced levels, including advanced vvriting tutorials, vvorkshops, and ind i v i d ual creative projects. Requ i r em ents: MFA or I'hD in fiction vvriting, and demonsrated proficiency as a teacher and reader ot student prose fiction; also a proven record ot scholarship, relevant teaching experience, and the ability to vvork collaboratively vvith both taculty and students in an undergraduate program serving liberal arts objectives. We require the ability to teach expository college composition and introductory literature courses; vve value the ability to engage in interdisciplinary honors and general education courses a plus. Augustana College is a selective, tour-year, liberal arts institution ot 2,-ISO students, most ot vvhom live in residence halls on a vvooded 118-acre campus. Rock Island, Illinois is one ot the (1uad-Cities ot Illi n ois and Iovva, a diverse metropolitan area on the Mississippi Ri ver vvith -100,000 residents. Augustana College is an equal opportunity employer and actively encourages applications trom vvomen and persons ot diverse ethnic backgrounds. We do not discrimi nate based on age, race, color, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability or creed. Details about Augustana, our expectation ot the taculty, the selection process, and the (1uad Ci t ies are all available at the Faculty ! i e arch vvebsite: http: // academics/tacult y s e arch/. !iend a letter ot application, c.v., graduate transcripts, statement ot teaching philosophy, and three letters ot recommendation to C o m p o sitio n / R h e t o r icc Engli sh ! i earch Co m m i t t e e, JetF Abernathy, Dean ot the College, Augustana College, 6:19:18th!it, Rock Island, Illinois 61201. (questions ntay be directed to the department chair at David(:rovve( Revievv ot applicants vvill begin November 15, 2006. Columbia C Chicago English, 600 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago IL 60605 Tenure-Track Cultural Studies Faculty, Department ofLiberal Education at Columbia College Chicago 1507 http: // The Cul t u r a l ! i t u d ies I'rogram in th e L i b eral Education D epartment at Columbia College Chicago invites applications tor a tenure-track taculty position in Cultural ! i t u d i es, starting in tall 2007. The ideal candidate should be trained in Media ! i t u d i es, vvith research and teaching interests in at least three ot the tbllovving: nevv media, nevv technologies and culture, critical studies ot science and technology, and cultural theory. I'h.D. in cultural studies, media studies, or related field is required at tim e ot hire. Teaching experience at the undergraduate level is required. Responsibilities include: tull-time undergraduate teaching load (3/3), including cultural studies courses at all levels; scholarship and protessional activity; student advising; and service to the college and community. Located in dovvntovvn Chicago, Columbia College is a diverse open admissions undergraduate and highly selective graduate instituti on, vvith over 11,800 students, emphasizing arts and commu n i cations in a liberal arts educational setting. The Cultural ! i t u d i es I'rogram at Columbiahome to over 100 ntajors-explicitly seeks to link the huntanities and social sciences, combining a variety ot m ethods ot interpretation and analysis t o explore the pr o d u c t i on , d i st r i b u t i on , and consump t io n o t c u l t u r a l phenomena in their social context. The program is based in the Liberal Education Department, an int erdisciplinary u ni t t hat dravvs on taculty t rom over 10 disciplines. The Department otFers minors in Lati n o ! i t u d ies, Women and (lender !i tudies, and Black World ! i t u dies, and provides courses in history, huntanities, toreign languages, and social sciences. We otFer a competitive salarry and an excellent benef i t s package. Co- lumbia College Chicago encourages qualified temale, (iLBT, disabled, M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST international, tk m i n o r ity classified individuals to apply tor all positions. C ompleted applications must be received by N o v e m ber 20 th, 2 0 0 6 . I'lease send letter ot application, statement ot teaching philosophy, graduate transcript, CV, w r i t ing sample ot research/scholarship, and three letters ot reterence to: Carmelo Esterrich, I'hD, (: hair, Search Comm i t tee, Department ot Liberal Education, Columbia College Chicago, 600 South M i c h igan Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60606-1006 USA Assistant Professor of 13ri tish Romantic Literature 1232 http: //www The English Department ot Loyola University Chicago's College ot Arts and Sciences invites applications tor a tenure-track position in British Rontantic literature at the rank ot A ssistant I'rotessor to begin tall semester 2 007. I'ossible areas ot interest ntay include the novel, women's writ i n g , or transatlantic studies. Columbia C Chicago English, 600 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago IL 60605 Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Rhetoric and Composition Loyola U Chicago English, 6525 N Sheridan Rd Chicago IL 60626 RE(IU I R E M E N T S: I'h.D. in English by August 2007. 11 03 http: //www.colunuedu DUT IE S/ R E SI'( ) N S I B I L I T I E S tor the position include teaching undergraduate courses in the core curriculum and the English major as well as graduate courses. Tenure-Track Faculty I'osition in R h etoric and Composition The English D epartm ent o t C o l u m b i a C o l l ege C h i cago i n v i tes applications tor a tull t i m e , tenure-track taculty position in R h e t o ri c and Composition, beginning August 2007. (qualified candidates will have a I'h.D. in Rhetoric and Composition with scholarly and teaching interests in the area ot basic writing. Experience teaching college reading is also desirable. To apply, send letter ot application, CV, three letters ot recommendation, 10 — IS page writing sample, statement ot teaching philosophy, and sample teaching ntaterials (e.g., syllabus, unit plan, in-class activity ) to: Kilian M c C u r r ie, Chair, R h etoric and (:omposition Search Comm i t tee, Columbia College, English Department, 600 South Michigan Ave. Chi- Review ot applications will begin November I and continue until the pos ition is filled. The search comm i t tee intends to interview at the M L A Convention in December. Candidates must submit applications electronically at http: //ww w . l taculty.shtml. In addition, applicants should send by U.S. ntail a letter ot application detailing experience and interests, a current Cu r r i c u lum V i t ae, and three letters ot recommendation. This ntaterial should be sent to Dr. Joyce Wexler, Interim Chair, Department ot English, Loyola University Chicago, 1001 W. Loyola Ave., Chicago, IL 60626. For turther in tb r ntation, consult the U n i v ersity website: ww w . l u Loyola University Chicago is an Equal ()pportunity/ A Hirntative Action employer with a strong commitment to diversitying its taculty. [R] cago, IL 60605. Review ot applications will begin November LI. I nterviews at MLA . Columbia College Chicago encourages qualified tentale, (ILBT, disabled, tkminority classified individuals to apply tor all positions. No phone calls, please. Assistant Professor of English Tenure-Track 1224 http: //www [R] Loyola U Chicago English, 6525 N Sheridan Rd Chicago IL 60626 Instructor of Creative Writing P oetry Northern Illinois U English, 1425 Lincoln Hwy De Kalb IL 60115 11 63 http: // Loyola University Chicago's College ot Arts and Sciences invites applications tor a non-tenure-track position in English (Creative Writing — I'oetry ) at the rank ot Instructor beginning tall 2007. This position carries a three-year contract with possibility ot renewal and otFers a competitive salary and teaching load. RE ( I U I R E M E N T S t o r the position include publication ot poems in nationally-k n ow n v enues, successtul experience teaching poetry-wri ting workshops at the college level, and possession ot the appropriate terminal degree (M.F.A. or I'h.D.) DUT IE S/ R E SI'( ) N S I B I L I T IES tor the position include teaching poetry writing in the core curriculum and in the Creative Writing concentration within the English ntajor, mentoring such students, assisting in administration ot the Creative Wri t ing I' r o gram, and continuing to publish poetry in recognized venues. Review ot applications will begin ()ctober I and continue until the position is filled. Candidates should submit their applications electronically at http: //ww w . l taculty.shtml. In addition, applicants should send by U.S. mail a letter ot application detailing experience and interests, a current Curriculum V i tae, and a writing sample ot S — 7 poems. This ntaterial should be sent to Dr. Joyce Wexler, Interim Chair, Department ot English, Loyola University Chicago, 1001 W. Loyola Ave., Chicago, IL 60626. For turther in tb r ntation, consult the U n i v ersity website: ww w . l u Loyola University Chicago, Chicago's Jesuit Catholic university, is an E qual ()pport u n i t y / A H i r ntative Action employer with a strong commi t ment to diversitying its taculty. [R] The Department ot English at Northern Il l i n ois University seeks a colleague at the level ot assistant protessor with wide-ranging experience and demonstrated excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level to teach both general education and other undergraduate-level courses, along with specialized courses at the graduate level. A promising record ot scholarship is crucial. Area ot specialization might include comparative literary studies, film and literature, teacher education, theory, drama, or ethni c literatures (particularly Atrican-American). Required: I' h .D . i n E n g l i sh by t i m e o t ap p o i n t m ent and a research p logl a n l D eadline: Complete applications must be RE C E I V E D b y ber 2006 I S N ovem- Send: Cover lett er, a statement ot t eaching and research int erests, curriculum v i tae, and the names and contact intorntation ot th ree reterees to Deborah H. Holdstein, Chair, Department ot English, Northern Illi nois University, DeKalb, IL 60115. AA/E E( ) I nstitution. [R] Northern Illinois U English, 1425 Lincoln Hwy De Kalb IL 60115 Assistant Professor of English Tenure-Track 1348 http: //www The Department ot English at Northern Il l i n ois University seeks a coll eague at the level ot assistant protessor wit h e x p e r t ise in t w e n t i e t h century Am erican Literature and with an emphasis in Atrican-A m erican literature. The successtul candidate will teach undergraduate and graduate (M.A. and I'h.D.-level) courses. Scholarly accomplishment and promise are crucial, as is excellence in teaching. Required: I' h .D . i n E n g l i sh by t i m e o t ap p o i n t m ent and a research p logl a n l D eadline: Complete applications must be RE C E I V E D b y ber 2006. E NGL IS H E D IT IO N I S N ovem- D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 Send: Cover lett er, a statement ot t eaching and research in t erests, curriculum v i tae, and the names and contact intorntation ot th ree reterees to Deborah H. Holdstein, Chair, Department ot English, Northern Illi nois University, DeKalb, IL 6011S. AA/EE() Institution. [R] I'arkland College, in accordance vvith applicable lavvs, ensures equal employment opportunities regardless ot race, color, gender, gender expression, national origin , religi on, age, veteran/V i e t nam era status, marital status, medical condition, ancestry, disability or sexual orientation. (quest ions in reterence to employment oppor t u n i t ies may be directed to th e Interim D i r e ctor ot H u n tan Resources. Northwestern U English, 1897 Sheridan Rd, University Ha11215 Evanston IL 60208 Visit ingAssistant Professor 1145 http: // Northvvestern University seeks a fiction vvriter tor a tvvo-year visiting assistant protessorship (renevvable tor a second tvvo-year term ), starting!ieptember 2007. Required: I ) significant creative publication, 2 ) expertise in the criticism and analysis ot fiction, and a record ot excellent teaching ot undergraduate courses in the reading and vvriting ot fiction, 3 ) experience teaching both creative vvriting and literature courses in a curriculum vvith a strong reading and analytic component. Helptul: -I ) the ability to teach poetry and creative nonfiction reading-and-vvriting courses (knovvledge ot prosody not required ). Cover letter should be specific about your involvement in 2 ), 3), and -I), and should supply names and addresses ot three ( 3) reterees, at least one ot vvhom can comm ent on the quality o t your teaching. Send letter, CV, and a fiction sample ot IS — 20 pages — no books or complete MSS at this time, please — by November 20, 2006, to John Keene, Director ot English Major in W r i t i ng, Department ot English, Northvvestern University, 1807!iheridan Road, UH 2 1S, Evanston, Illinois 60208-22-10. Northvvestern University encourages applications t rom vvomen and minority groups. AA/E ( ) E . [R] Parkland C English, 2400 W Bradley Champaign IL 61821 Instructor of English (one tenure-track) Assistant Professor in English (Rhetoric and Composition) D i r ector of Writing Program 1208 http: // Saint Xavier U n i v ersity seeks an assistant protessor in English, tenuretrack, to begin A u g ust 2007. I'h.D. vvith an emphasis in rhetoric and composition required at time ot appointment. C o l l ege teaching experience required. Responsibilities include administrative duties as Director ot the Wr i t in g I ' r o g r am, teaching vvriting courses, and advising. I'lease send letter ot application, curr ent vi ta, a statement ot composition teaching philosophy, and three letters ot recommendation to Nelson Hathcock, Chair, Department ot English and Foreign Languages, Saint Xavier Uni- versity, 3700 W. 103rd!it., Chicago, IL 606SS. Application deadline: Nov ember I, 20 06. C o nsult tor more in t o r m ati on. W o m e n and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. [R] School of the Art Inst of Chicago Writing Search Committee/mla, SAIC, 37 South Wabash Avenue Chicago IL 60603 Faculty in Writing 515 1 701 http: // W R ITIN( ' - P()ETRY () R I' R ( k i E ht tp:// Teach English composition. M i n i m u m ot master's degree in English or related field required. Teaching experience preterred, especially in developmental composition. Experience vvith computer/ I n t ernet composition applications preterred. Experience vvorking vvith diverse populations and at-risk students preterred. ()pportunities to teach Huntanities, Liberal Arts, a nd Literature possible. I'reli m i n ary i n t e r v ievvs at ML A c o n v ention i n I'hiladelphia possible. I'ositions contingent upon administrative approval. To apply: I'arkland College application; resume/vitae; copies ot oHicial transcripts; letter ot application; teaching philosophy statement. Application torms anailable trom Huntan Resources, I'arkland College, 2-100 W. Bradley Ave., Champaign, IL 61821. Telephone: 217.383.26-13. Parkland C English, 2400 W Bradley Champaign IL 61821 Instructor of English/Humanities (one diversity non-tenure track position) Saint Xavier U English, 3700 W 103rd St Chicago IL 60655 1282 http: // Teach English composition and humanities, vvith a particular emphasis on bringing comparative or non-Western vievvpoints into the classroom (including East Asian, Latin A m erican, Islamic ). Min i m u m o t m a ster' s degree in English (composition emphasis preterred ) or in a specialized humanities area. This position requires a unique blend ot composition and regional/ c u l t u ral specialization, but candidates trom groups underrepresented in their discipline vvill also receive consideration. I'reliminary intervievvs at MLA convention in I' hi ladelphia possible. I'ositions contingent upon administrative approval. The Writing I' rogram at the School ot the Art I nstitute ot Chicago seeks applications trom outstanding vvriters and artists vvho use vvriting as an integral part ot their vvork tor a tull-ti me, tenure-track taculty position to begin Fall 2007 or 2008. For ten years, the School's graduate vvriting program has brought together a community ot vvriters and artists at one ot the nation's leading colleges ot art and design. Its distinguished taculty includes vvriters ot poetry and prose and artists in perfbrntance, nevv media, design, and the visual arts. The program seeks vvriters/artists vvith a demonstrated record ot li t erary excellence and vvith pedagogical strategies tor student vvork ranging trom traditional to experimental to hybrid. Teaching ntay include graduate project tutorials, generative seminars, vvorkshoptu and undergraduate vvriting courses. Administrative leadership skills to chair the department upon rotation are required. Application procedure: For priority consideration, by January S, 2007, please send a letter ot application, curriculum vitae, teaching philosophy, porttolio samples vvhich ntay include books, photocopied selections, slides, CD-R om, DVD , V H S, mini- DV, and/or vvebsite URLs, names and contact intorntation tor three reterences, a selt-addressed, stamped post card to confirm receipt ot ntaterials, and an SASE only it you vvish to have the ntaterials returned, to: Writing Search/ m la, School ot the Ar t I n sti t ute ot C h i c ago, ( ) f f i c e ot D eans and Di v i sion C h a i rtu 37 South W abash Avenue, C h i cago, I L 60603-3103 (questions regarding open positions, application procedures, or the search process ntay be directed to Shanna Linn, Associate Director in thhe ()Rice ot Deans and Division Chairs, at slinn (, or 312.80').7-172. [ R ] Applicants should submit a resume/v i tae, cover letter, copies ot oHicial transcripts, teaching philosophy statement, and an oHicial I'arkland College application to the ()Rice ot Huntan Resources, Room X 2 LI , I'ark- land College, 2-100 W Bradley Avenue, Champaign, IL 61821. I'lease call 217.387n2643 it you have any questions. M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 23 U of Illinois at Chicago English, 2027 University Hall 601 S Morgan St, m/c162 Chicago School of the Art Inst of Chicago Writing Search Committee/mla, SAIC, 37 South Wabash Avenue Chicago IL 60603 Faculty in Writing-Playwright/Theater-Maker IL 60607 1703 Visiting Assistant Professor British Studies 1373 http: // http: // W R ITIN(' I'LAYW R I( 'H T A N D / ( ) R T H E A T E R - M A K E R The Department ot English at the University ot Illinois at Chicago invites applications tor a position at the Visiting Assistant I'rotessor level in nineteenth-and early-twentieth-century Bri th h Studies beginning tall 2007. Applicants with strengths in one or more ot the following research fields will be ot particular interest: post-colonial studies, transatlantic studies, gender studies, queer studies, and pertornrance studies. Should approval be received to open a tenure track position, candidates tor the visiti ng appointment w i l l b e c onsidered tor the tenure track position based on qualifications and perfbrntance. Applications should include the candi- The Wri t ing I' r ogram at the School ot the Art I nstitute ot Chicago seeks applications trom playvvrights and or theater-nrakers tor a tull- t i me, tenure-track taculty position to begin Fall 2007 or 20011. For ten years, the School's graduate writing program has brought together a community ot vvriters and artists at one ot the nation's leading colleges ot art and design. Its distinguished taculty includes vvriters ot poetry and prose and artists in artists in pertorm ance, new media, design, and the visual arts. Candidates should have demonstrated success in the field and pedagogical strategies tor student work ranging trom traditional to experimental to hybrid. The successtul candidate is expected to torge collaborative relationships both within the School and in the larger community ot Chicago. Teaching nray include graduate project tutorials, generative seminars and vvorkshops and undergraduate writing courses. Administrative leadership skills to chair the program upon rotation are required. Application procedure: For priority consideration, by January 5, 2007, please send a letter ot application, curriculum vitae, teaching philosophy, porttolio samples which nray include books, photocopied selections, slides, CD-R om , D V D , V H S , mi n i - DV , and/or vvebsite URLs, the names and contact intormation tor three reterences, a selt-addressed, stamped postcard to confirm receipt ot nraterials, and an SASE only it you vvish to have nraterials returned, to: I'laywri ght Search/ m la, SA I (: , ( ) f f i c e ot D eans and Di v i sion C h airtu 37 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago IL 6060:I-:110:I (questions regarding open positions, application procedures, or the search process nray be ddirected to Shanna Linn, Associate Director in the ()Rice ot Deans and Division Chairs, at slinn (, or 312.110').7472. [ R ] writing sample. For tull consideration, materials should be sent by November IS to the Brithh Studies Search Committee, University ot Illi nois at Chicago, Department ot English, m/c 162, 601 S. Morgan Street, Chicago, IL 60607-7120. The University ot Illinois at Chicago is an aHirntative action/equal opportunity employer. Western Illinois U English B( Journalism, 1 University Cir Macomb IL 61455 Assistant Professor ofBrit ish literature 1164 http: //www .w I'h.D in English, with a specialization in Shakespeare; demonstrated ability to teach Renaissance drama required. Secondary int erest in pertormance studies preterred. Evidence ot successtul college teaching and ot scholarly accomplishment or strong potential. Undergraduate and graduate teaching in M a c omb and the () uad Ci t ies; ongoing research and protessional activities resulting in publication; departmental and u n i v ersity service. C o m m i t m e n t t o t e aching co u rses in general education required. Send letter ot application, cv, .'1 current letters ot recommendation, and copies ot transcripts to: David Boocker, Chair, Department ot English tk U of Illinois College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 702 S Wright St./294 Lincoln Journalism, Western Illi n ois University, Macomb, IL 61-1SS. Screening will begin November 20 and continue until position is filled. Intervievvs at MLA. Hall Urbana IL 61801 Director, Programfor the Study ofJewish Culture 8 Society dates research and teaching int erests, cv, letters ot recomm endation, and 1587 http://ww w j Western Illinois University offers a competitive benefits package including domestic partner benefits. AA/E( )E. http: //ww w .w i [R] The University ot Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is seeking a Director tor the I'rogram tor the Study ot Jevvish Culture tk Society, an interdisciplinary program that coordinates a wide range ot research, teaching and public service activities in various areas ot Jevvish studies. The successtul candidate will have a national and/or i n ternational schol- arly standing in Jewhh Studies; a demonstrated commit m ent to interdisciplinary scholarship; administrative experience; a I'h.D., and a record ot distinguished teaching. A proven track-record ot tund raising is desirable. The Director w il l assume a tenured position at the rank ot Associate or Full I'rotessor in the appropriate academic unit. Salary is negotiable. The preterred starting date is on or betore August 16, 2007. Western Illinois U English B( Journalism, 1 University Cir Macomb IL 61455 Assistant Professor ofAmerican/British literature 1167 http: //www .w I'h.D, with a specialization in modernist and/or British I'oetry. Secondary interest in continental literature preterred. Evidence ot successtul college teaching and ot scholarly accomplishment or strong potential. Full consideration will be given to applications and nominations received by December I, 2006. Send nominations, applications, and inquiries to I'rotessor Dale Bauer Chair, c/o I'aula Hays, College ot Liberal Arts and Undergraduate and graduate teaching in M a c omb and the () uad Ci t ies; ongoing research and protessional activities resulting in publication; departmental and u n i v ersity service. C o m m i t m e n t t o t e aching co u rses in general education required. Sciences, 20-1 Lincoln Hall, 702 S. Wright Street, Urbana, Illinois 611101. I'hone: l217) 333-13SO. Candidates should supply a letter ot application, Send letter ot application, cv, .'1 current letters ot recommendation, and copies ot transcripts to: David Boocker, Chair, Department ot English tk current curriculum vitae, samples ot scholarly writi ng, and the names and addresses ot at least three reterees. Journalism, Western Illi n ois University, Macomb, IL 61-1SS. Screening will begin N ovember 20 and continue until the position is filled. Intervievvs at MLA. Additional intorm ation about the Un i versity ot Il l i n ois and its programs may be accessed at http: //w w w . u i u c .edu. Th e I ' r o g ram to r th e Study ot Jevvish Culture tk Society vvebsite is http: //ww w j e vvishculture.uiuc .edu/. The UIU C is an ABirnrative Action/Equal ()pportunity Employer lhttp://ww w 24 Western Illinois University offers a competitive benefits package including domestic partner benefits. AA/E( )E. http: //ww w .w i [R] ). [ R ] E NGL I S H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 I'h.D in English, vvith a specialization in A m erican lierature (pre-Civil War); secondary interest in environmental literature preterred. Evidence ot successtul college teaching and ot scholarly accomplishment or strong potential. successtul candidate vvill hold an MFA or other terminal degree and vvill have a strong record ot publication, a book desirable, vvith the expectation ot conti nued productiv i ty. Th e successtul candidate vvill also ofFer strong evidence ot successtul teaching, a commitment to advising, and the ability to vvork efFectively vvith students. Candidates should send a cover letter and CV only by D ecember I to Dan Barden, Chair ot the Search Committee, Dept. ot English, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN -1620th Butler University is an equal opportunity employer and is commi t ted to enhancing the diversity ot the student body and its taculty and stafF, theretore, vvomen and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. [R] Undergraduate and graduate teaching in the ( I u a d C i t i etq ongoing research and protessional activities resulting in pu bl ication; departmental and university service. Com m i t m ent to teaching courses in general education required. Purdue U Calumet English fk Philos, CLO 217 Hammond IN 46323 Western Illinois U English fk Journalism, I University Cir Macomb IL 61455 Assistant Professor ofAmerican literature 1165 http: // Send letter ot application, cv. .'I current letters ot recom m e n dati on, and copies ot transcripts to: David Boocker, Chair, Department ot English tk Journalism, Western Illi n ois University, Macomb, IL 61-165. Screening vvill begin November 20 and continue until the position is filled. Intervievvs at MLA. Western Illinois University ofFers a competitive benefits package including domestic partner benefits. AA/EOE. http: // [R] j • j Ball SU English, 2000 W University Av Muncie IN 47306 Contract Faculty Position/English Language Arts Teacher Preparation 1341 http: / Three-year contract taculty position available August 17, 2007. Major responsibility: 12-hour load each semester teaching undergraduate courses in elementary English language arts teacher preparation. Mini mum qualifications: earned ntasters degree in elementary English language arts education lor appropriate related field ot study ) avvarded betore August I, 2007; record ot efFective teaching, including at least seven years ot public school experience teaching English at the elementary level lother public school service or employment through responsibilities, such as substitute teaching, tulfil l ing an administrative position, in-service vvork vvith teachers, or onsite classroom research, ntay be substituted tor one ot those seven years). I'reterred qualifications: academic preparation in childrens literature; teaching experience at the college or university level; publications and/or evidence ot other scholarly contributions; record ot efFective service to the academic com m u n i ty, in cluding i n v olvement in relevant language arts associations; potential to publish in tormats appropriate to the disciplines. Send letter ot application, curriculum vitae, oHicial graduate transcript fs), and three letters ot recommendation to: English Education Contract Faculty Search Co m m i t t ee, Department ot En g l ish, Ball State Uni v ersity, Muncie, IN -17:106. Revievv ot applications vvill begin October 15, 2006, and vvill continue until the position is filled. ) B all St at e U n i v e r s it y i s a n e q u a l o p p o r t u n i t y , a t t i r m a t i v e a c t i o n e mployer and is strongly and actively com m i t ted to di v ersity vvithin i t s c onlnlll n i t y . [R] Butler U English, 4600 Sunset Av Indianapolis IN 46208 Assistant Professor of English: Crea ti ve W riting (Poetry) 1486 http:/ The Department ot English at Butler U n i v ersity seeks a poet to assume a tenure-t rack appoi n t m en t as Assistant I' r o tessor in a t h r i v i n g c r eative vvriting program. The teaching load is nine hours per semester, divided among I ) treshntan-and sophomore-level core curriculum courses; 2 ) introductory creative vvriting courses, and:I ) advanced vvorkshops. There vvill also be the opportunity to teach courses in literature and craft. Th e M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST English: Coordinator of Writing Center, Rhetoric/Composition 1668 http://vvvvvv.calumet. Full-time, tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor, Composition/ R h e t o ric. I'hD in hand. Un i v ersity teaching vvith three years ot administrative experience required. The taculty member holding this position vvill have administrative FTE to coordinate a Writing Center. The Coordinator ot the W r i t in g C enter vvill report to the Composition Di rector, vvho reports directly to the Department Head. The Wri t ing Center Coordinator vvill hold primary responsibility tor hiring and staHing decisions, mentoring, supervision, and training, textbook selection and curriculum development processes, and membership on the Comm i t tee on the Freshntan Year. The Writing Co ordinator teaches tvvo courses per semester. Teaching involves composition courses in the Freshntan Year and graduate courses in rhetoric/composition and pedagogy. The successtul candidate must also be vvilling to teach interdisciplinary courses in the School ot Liberal Arts and!iocial!iciences. The successtul candidate vvill have the opportun ity to co n t r i b ute to the development ot a rhetoric/composition track tor graduate students in our MA program. I'urdue Un i v ersity Calumet is located 2S miles southeast ot dovvntovvn Chicago, a location convenient to cu l t u ral centers and to ntajor research libraries, such as the Nevvberry. S ubmit l e t t er , C . V. , t h r e e l e t t ers ot r e c o m m e n d a t i on , an d t r a n scri p t s lunoHicial ones accepted at this point ) to: Wr i t i n g C e n ter C o o r d i n ator Search Committee, Department ot English tk I'hilosophy, CLO 217, I'urdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN -16:12:1. Revievv ot applications begins December I, 2006, and vvill continue until the position is filled. I'urdue University Calumet is an Equal Opportun i t y / A Hi r ntative Action Employer. [ R ] Purdue U English, 500 Oval Drive West Lafayette IN 47907 Assistant Professor 1372 http: // Assistant protessor, joint appointment, S0% in W o m ens !i t u dies and S0% in one ot th e fb l lovving D epart m ents: Co m m u n i c ati on , I ' h i l o sophy, Health and Kinesiology, History, and English. Specialization: Emphasis on vvomen and gender, and/or intersections ot gender, race, ethnicity, and class in one ot the fbllovving disciplines: Communication !i t udies, I'ublic Relations, Organizational Co m m u n i cation, R h e t o ric, and/or T echnol- ogy; Continental I'hilosophy, Ethics/Applied Ethics, History ot I'hilosophy, Metaphysics, and Social and I'olitical I'hilosophy; ! iports !itudietu vvith emphasis in current issues ot public policy, ideology, and culture; Healthy Aging and quality ot l i te; (:entury Sub-Saharan History; and Latino and M i n o r it y L i t eratures. (Iuali fications: I'h.D.; comm i t m ent to i nterdisciplinary studies; promise ot signiticant research productivi t y ; record ot successtul teaching. Send application and supporting docum ents by N o v . I S t o : I ' atsy Schvveickart, I n t e ri m D i r e c t o r , W o m e n s !itudies I'rogram, I'urdue University, Beering Hall, 100 N. U n i v ersity, West Latayette, IN -17007. The search vvill renni n open until the posi- tion is filled. I'urdue University is an Equal ()pportunity/ E qual Access/ A Hirntative Action Employer.ue University, Beering Hall, 100 N. U n i v ersity, West Latayette, IN -17907. The search vvill remain open until the position is filled. I'urdue University is an Equal ()pportunity/ E qual Access/AHirntative Action Employer. [R] Saint Mary's C English, Box 42 Madeleva Hall Notre Dame IN 46556 Assistant Professor of English 945 http: // I'ending budgetary approval, the Department ot English at Saint Marys ( :ollege, a (:atholic vvomens college in N o t r e D a m e , I n d i a na, in v i t es applications trom individuals vvith an M.F.A. or I'h.D. vvho have a specialization in teaching fiction vvriting and can teach modern and contemporary literature courses. We are particularly interested in candidates able to teach American ethnic literatures, such as Atrican-American literature, L atino/a- A m e r i can li terature, and Asian-A m e r i can li terature. For th i s tenure-track position at the assistant protessor level, beginning A u g ust, 2007, the Department seeks a person vvith a strong commitment to teaching in an undergraduate, liberal arts context. The normal teaching load is three courses per semester, including a vvriting-intensive literature course tor first-year students. Salary and benefits are competitive vvith institutions ot our size. Send a letter ot application, curriculum vi tae, and three c urrent, confidential letters ot recommendation to Dr . T h e o d ore Bil l y , (:hair, Department ot English, Saint Marys (:ollege, Notre Dame, IN -16SS6. I'ostmark deadline is November 27. Women and m i n o r i t ies are strongly encouraged to apply. Saint Marys (:ollege is an equal opportu- nity employer. [R] I 533 http: // The University ot Southern Indiana seeks an Assistant I'rotessor, tenure track, in protessional and technical vvriting, vvith a background in composition theory and practice. Ideal candidates vvill demonstrate experience in and commitment to teaching, strong promise ot scholarly productivity, and interest in innovative approaches to their fields ot specialization. The position vvill begin August 2007; I'hD required by the time ot enlployment. As part ot t h eir -1/-1 load, all taculty co n t r i b ute to th e core curriculum, typically by teaching first-year composition or huntanitieru and to the departments ntajor by offering advanced classes in their specializations. Assigned time ntay be granted tor scholarly projects or program development. Submit a letter, (:V, unoHicial transcript shovving highest degree earned, contact intorntation tor th ree reterences, and a completed USI employment application torm ( available at http: // / Entploy/docs/02 — SOS0%20Faculty%20App.pdf ) to Dr. Ken (lillam, English Department, University of Southern Indiana, 11600 University Blvd., Evansville, IN -17712. I'lease do not submit your material electronically. Revievv ot applications vvill begin November .'1, 2006 and vvill continue until the position is filled. The University of Southern Indiana is an Atfirntative Action/Equal ()pportunity Employer. Instructor in English 1544 http: / Instructor (renevvable, non- t enur e- t r ack ), beginning August 2007, to teach courses in composition; other assignments are possible, depending on departmental needs. Three-year initial appointment (pending satistactory first-and second-year revievvs) vvith possibility ot yearly reappointment thereatter. Teaching experience, M .A . i n E n g l i sh, and graduate training in rhetoric or composition are required. -1/-1 load. Submit a let- SOS0%20Faculty%20App.pdt) to Dr. Ken (li l l am, English Department, University ot Southern Indiana, 11600 University Blvd., Evansville, IN -17712. I'lease do not submit your ntaterial electronically. Revievv ot applications vvill begin November .'1, 2006 and vvill continue until the position is filled. The U n i v ersity of Southern Indiana is an AHirmative Action/ Equal ()pportunity Employer. Drake U English, 2507 University Av Des Moines IA 50311 Assistant Professor of English, tenure track, Fiction Writing 1097 http: /Ivvvvvv.drake.edulartsci/english/home. html I'ending budgetary approval, Full-time tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor ot English, starts Fa112007. I'h.D. or M.F.A. preterred. We seek an outstanding teacher and active vvriter to teach courses in fiction vvriting. The ideal candidate vvill also have teaching interest in one ot these areas: literature in t r anslation; co m m u n i t y vvr i t i ng ; nevv media (hypertext, electronic vvriting, etc.). Drake University values interdisciplinary research and teaching and seeks to attract candidates prepared to develop courses and programs that integrate classroom learning vvith ing research and vvriting. 1376 http: / The Un i v ersity ot Southern In diana invites applications tor Di r ector ot (:omposition, 10-month appointment, at the Assistant or Associate I'rotessor level, to di rect a vvell-established first-year vvriting program that is central to the universitys teaching mission. Ad m i n i strative duties include directing the program as appropriate to the universitys mission and providing both departmental and campus-vvide leadership in the teach- 26 U of Southern Indiana English, 8600 University Blvd Evansville IN 47712 learning t hat takes place outside the classroom. T h r e e u n d ergraduate classes per semester, including a First Year Seminar in tall term. ( : andidates must have relevant teaching experience and a commi t m ent to ongo- U of Southern Indiana English, 8600 University Blvd Evansville IN 47712 Director of Composition and Assistant orAssociate Professor of English Employ/docs/02 — SOS0%20Faculty%20App.pdt) to Dr. M i chael Kearns, (:hair, English Department, University of Southern Indiana, 11600 University Blvd., Evansville, IN -17712. I'lease do not submit your ntaterial electronically. Revievv ot applications vvill begin I:1 November 2006 and vvill continue until the position is filled. The University of Southern Indiana is an AHirntative Action/Equal ()pportunity Employer. ter, (:V, u n o t t i c ial t r anscript shovving hi g hest degree earned, contact intormation tor th ree reterences, and a completed USI employment application torm (available at http: // R / E m p l o y / d ocs/02- U of Southern Indiana English, 8600 University Blvd Evansville IN 47712 Assistant Professor of English ing ot vvriting. The D ( ) ( : vvorks together vvith the Assistant Director ot (:omposition, the department chairperson, and other administrators. The teaching load is tvvo courses per semester. The English Department in cludes 29 tull-time taculty, most ot vvhom contribute to the first-year program. The I'hD in English and significant administrative experience are required; a concentration in r h etoric and composition is desirable. The position vvill begin no later than August 2007 but ntay begin as early as I July 2007. Submit a letter, (:V, unoHicial transcript shovving highest degree earned, contact i n t o r n t ation to r t h r e e reterences, and a completed USI employment application torm ( available at http: // / Send letter ot application and c.v., including e-ntail address (so vve may acknovvledge receipt ) to Joe Lenz, (:hair, Department ot English, Drake University, 2607 University Ave, Des Moines, IA SO:111. E-ntail inquiries and electronic submissions to joseph.lenz ( For December intervievv consideration, application revievv vvill begin ()ctober 15. Drake University is an equal-opportunity employer, and actively seeks applicants vvho reflect the diversity ot the nation. No applicant shall be discriminated against on the basis ot race, color, national origin , creed, E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 religion, age, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or veteran status. [R] Drake U English, 2507 University Av Des Moines IA 50311 Assistant ProfessorofEnglish, tenure track, Novel/Narrative Theory 1 09 8 http: // html Applicants must submit a letter ot application, curriculum v i t ae, samples ot recent publications or creative vvork, list ot reterences, briet statement that highlights previous involvement in U.S. Latino/ a ! i t u dies programs and outlines a vision tor such a program at Iovva State University, and arrange tor three letters ot reterence to be sent to Douglas L. Epperson, Associate Dean, College ot Liberal Arts and Sciences, Iovva State University, 202 Catt Hall, Ames, IA S0011-L101 (email: die (, tax: SIS- 20-1-L10:1). Revievv ot applications vvill begin on November 20, 2006 and continue until the position is filled. I'ending budgetary approval, tull- t ime tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor ot I ovva State U n i v e r sity i s an E q ual ( ) p p o r t u n i t y / A f f i r m a t i v e A c t i o n English, starts Fa112007. I'h.D. preterred. employer. W e seek an outstanding teacher and active scholar ot the history ot t h e novel or narrative theory. Ad d i t i o nal areas ot interest may include one or more ot the fbllovving: Transnational ! i t u dietu Media/Textual Studies fe.g, issues ot production and circulation ), or the ethics ot reading tk vvriting fe.g., censorship, copyright, cybertext ). Drake University values interdisciplinary research and teaching and seeks to attract candidates prepared to develop courses and programs that integrate classroom learning vvith learning that takes place outside the classroom. Three undergraduate classes per semester, including a First Year Seminar in tall term. C andidates must have relevant teaching experience and a commi t m ent to ongoing research and vvriting. Send letter ot application and c.v., including e-ntail address (so vve may acknovvledge receipt ) to Joe Lenz, Chair, Department ot English, Drake University, 2S07 University Ave, Des Moines, IA SO:111. E-ntail inquiries and electronic submissions to joseph.lenz ( For December intervievv consideration, application revievv vvill begin ()ctober 15. Drake University is an equal-opportunity employer, and actively seeks applicants vvho reflect the diversity ot the nation. No applicant shall be discriminated against on the basis ot race, color, national origin, creed, religion, age, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or veteran status. [R] Iowa SU World Langs fk Cultures, 3102 Pearson Hall Ames IA 50011 Director, U.S. Latino/a Studies 1312 http: / The College ot Liberal Arts and!iciences (LAS) at Iovva State University invites applications trom outstanding scholars and leaders tor the position ot D i r e c tor ot U .S. Lati n o / a ! i t u d ies and appointm ent at the rank ot associate protessor or protessor in the LAS academic department most suitable to the applicants discipline, including the Department ot World Languages and Cultures. The U.S. Latino/a ! i t u dies program currently ofFers an interdisciplinary minor, and it is one ot tour ethnic studies programs in the LAS Colleges nevv Center tor A m e r i can Intercultural !itudies fvvith American Indian Simpson C English, 701 North C St Indianola IA 50125 Assistant Professor of English 1635 http: // Concentration in A m e r i can (chiefly U.S.) literature. Special interest in Atrican-A m e r ican, Latino/a, or o t her A m e r i can m i n o r it y l i t eratures is desirable, as is experience and training in teaching treshntan composition. I'hD or ABD i n English or American!itudies is required. This is a tenure track position that begins tall semester, 2007. Norntal teaching load is 2-1 hours, including a three vveek May term. Salary is competitive. !iimpson Col l ege is a private, nationally recognized regional college grounded in the liberal arts tradition and aHiliated vvith the United Methodist Church !iimpson College encourages innovative teaching, and seeks colleagues vvho vvill help its students ot all ages develop critical intellectual skills, nurture values vvhich toster personal vvorth, and individuality tor the purpose ot living lives ot leadership vvithin a creative, diverse, and just community. The ntain campus in Indianola is located just 12 minutes trom the capital city ot Des Moines, Iovva. !iimpson College is regularly listed in the top-10 ot Midvvestern colleges tor quality and value in U.S. Nevvs and World Report. Candidates should have interdisciplinary interest, and experience and/ or expressed interest in vvorking at a printarily residential, liberal arts institution. C an didates tor the position m ust demonstrate potential tor ex- cellence in teaching and a vvillingness to engage students in scholarship, research and/or creative vvork. Submit application letter, curriculum v i t ae, transcripts, and three letters ot recommendation by December I to: Todd Lieber, Chair, Department ot English, Si npson College, 701 North C!itreet, Indianola, IA S012S It is the policy and practice ot!iimpson Colleege to provide equal educational and employment opportunities tor all. We specifically encourage applicants trom vvomen, minorities, and persons vvith disabilities. [R] !itudietu Atrican American ! i t u dietu and Asian American ! i t u dies). The director vvill sustain an active program ot scholarship, provide leadership, develop and administer the academic program, teach courses in the program, support student success and academic excellence, and maintain strong relationships vvith the student body, taculty, admi ni stration, and the broader community. The Director vvill also play a central role in the development ot an interdisciplinary studies ntajor in A m e r ican Intercult ral Studies. Candidates must have expertise in U.S. Latino/a !i tudies broadly defined, as vvell as a doctoral degree and a strong record ot research and teaching achievements to quality tor a tenured position in one ot the colleges departments. I'reterence vvill be given to candidates vvith an exciting vision tor U.S. Latino/ a ! i t u d ies at Iovva State University, a history ot program involvement and leadership at other universities, and a demonstrated commitment to student success and excellence. Salary vvill be commensurate vvith the qualifications ot the successtul applicant. The anticipated beginning date ot employment is August 16, 2007. Iovva State University, one ot the nations leading land grant institutions, is located in Ames, Iovva, a comnntnity ot S0,000 ranked nationally tor its exceptional quality ot lite fvvvvvv.visitames.corn ). M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST U of Iowa Amer Studies, 210 Jefferson Bldg, 129 E Washington Iowa City IA 52242 of Am erican Studies Assistant Professor 1328 http: // The Department ot American ! i t u d ies at the University ot Iovva invites applications tor a tenure-track assistant protessorship vvith a specialization in Latino/ a cu l t u res to begin A u g ust 2007. We are interested in all research areas vvithin Latino/ a cult u res, but vvith prior ity to: cult u ral his- tory and theory; ethnographic and sociological analysis; material culture and tolklore; music and pertorntance studies; religion; gender and sexuality studies; media and film studies; and visual culture. We are seeking an interdisciplinary scholar vvho can also teach methods and approaches to Latino/a studies and courses that address American racial and ethnic diversity more broadly. I'hD required in American ! i t udies or comparable interdisciplinary training; degree must be avvarded by August 2007. Fluency in!ipanish required. Interdisciplinary teaching experience desirable. 27 I'lease send a letter, CV, a writing sample ot 2S pages or so, and three letters ot reterence to: I 'rotessor Laura, R i g al , Search C o m m i t t e e C h a i r , A m e r i can St u d i es Department 210 Jefferson Building, The U n i versity ot Iowa Iowa City, IA S2242. Screening will begin November I and continue until the position is filled. The University ot Iowa is an Equal Employment ()pportunity and Aflirntative Action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. U of Iowa Amer Studies, 210 Jefferson Bldg, 129 E Washington Iowa City A cademic training and experience in protessional or technical w r i t i n g and/or scholarship, demonstrated excellence in teaching, evidence ot research and publication or its potential required. Com m i t m ent to diversity required. Demonstrated comm i t m ent to pr ogram development, protessional experience outside academe, and experience wit h d i v erse clients or students desirable. Five course per year teaching load, oppor t u n i t i es to develop innovative interdisciplinary pedagogics. Send letter ot application and c.v. (dossiers/vvriting samples requested later ) to Linda Brigham, Head, English Dept., E(:S Buildi ng, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. Review ot applications begins November 6 and continues until the position is filled. Kansas State is an equal opportunity employer and actively seeks diversity among its employees. [R] IA 52242 of Am erican Studies Assistant Professor 1343 http: / The American Studies Department at the Un iversity ot Iowa invites applications tor a tenure-track assistant protessorship in A m e r i can Studies and Atrican American Studies with a specialization in A t r i can Am erican culture to begin August 2007. We are seeking an interdisciplinary scholar and are interested in all research areas within A t r i can Am erican culture, but with priority to: cultural history and theory; ethnography and/or sociological analysis; ntaterial culture and tolklore; music and pertorntance studies; gender and sexuality studies; media and film studies; and visual culture. I'hD i n A m e r i can Studietu Atrican Am e r ican Studies, or comparable interdisciplinary training required, with degree conterred by August 2007. Interdisciplinary teaching experience desirable. I'lease send a letter, CV, graduate transcript, a writing sample ot approxintately 2S pages, and three letters ot reterence to: I'rotessor Horace I'orter, Search Co m m i t t e e C h air, A m e r i can Studies Department, 210 Jefferson Building, The University ot Iowa, Iowa City, IA S2242 Screening will begin November I and continue until the position is filled. The University ot Iowa is an Equal Employment ()pportunity and Aflirntative Action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Kansas Wesleyan U English, 100 E Claflin Av Salina KS 67401 Assistant/Associate Professor of English 1330 http: //www . k w u .edu Kansas Wesleyan Un i v ersity seeks a tenure-t rack, Assistant/ A ssociate I'rotessor ot English to begin August 2007 (January 2007 start date possible). Enthusiasm tor teaching undergraduates in a wide range ot courses, including composition, w it h a specialty in B r i t ish or W o rld L i t erature required; a I'h.D. and college teaching experience preterred. Send letter ot application, v i ta, and co n tact i n t o r m a t io n to r t h r e e reterences to Dr. Mike M i t chell, Vice I'resident tor Academic Affairs/Academic Dean, 100 E Claflin Ave, Salina, KS 67-101-6106. Electronic submission to rita .northup ( preterred. I'rocessing ot applications will begin imm e d i a t eIy. F o u n d e d i n I fl fl 6 a n d a t t i I i a t e d w i t h t h e U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t Church, Kansas Wesleyan University is a vibrant and grow ing valuescentered, taith-based institution ot hi gher education offering more than :10 degree programs including English. For more infbrntation, please visit our vvebsite at www . k w u .edu. E()E U of Kansas English, 1445 Jayhawk Blvd, 3116 Wescoe Hall Lawrence KS 66045 Assistant Professor ofAmerican Literature 1800 —1870 760 http: // Tenure-track position tor specialist in Ch i l d r en's Literature. I'h.D. tocus on children's literature required; degree close to completion considered; degree-in-hand preterred by August 2007. All children's literature fields will be considered, but candidates with subspecialties in ethnic or multicultural children's literature especially encouraged to apply. Excellence in teaching and scholarly publication expected. KSU teatures a graduate concentration in chi l dren's literature; taculty teach five courses per year. A collegial department with torntal and intorntal mentoring offers a supportive environment tor protessional development. Send letter ot application and c.v. (dossiers/vvriting samples requested later ) to Linda Brigham, Head, English Dept., E(:S Building, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. Review ot applications begins November 6 and continues until the position is filled. Kansas State is an equal opportunity employer and actively seeks diversity among its employees. [R] Tenure-track; begin 111 August 2007. Duties: Teach introductory through g raduate-level courses in 10th- c ent ur y A m e r i can l i t eratur e (multiple genres) and introductory literature and writing courses; research/vvriting leading to publication; serve on departmental, college, and university commit tees, and actively cont r i b ute to th e vvorki ngs ot the un i v ersity community. 2 — 2 teaching assignment. Required qualifications: Specialization in Am erican literature 11100 —11170; evidence ot successtul teaching provided by letters ot recommendation; I'hD in English or a related field completed by starting date. I'reterred qualifications: Relevant publications with promise ot sustained scholarly productivity. Interest in interdisciplina ry studies. Subspecialty in one or more areas, including but not li m i t e d to: The U.S. trom a global perspective; environmental and ecocritical approaches; historical constructions ot race, gender, sexuality, or class. Application must include letter ot application, CV, and at least three but no more than five recent letters ot recommendation that evaluate scholarship and teaching. Applications must be postmarked by 2S ()ctober 2006 to r eceive first consideration. Intervievvs at MLA . C o n t act: D o r ice Elli o t t , Chair, Department ot English, The University ot Kansas, Wescoe Hall, 144S Jayhawk Blvd., Room .'1116, Lawrence, KS 660-15-7500. E-mail contact: relliott ( E()/AA Employer. [ R ] Kansas SU English, 108 English fk Cs Bldg Manhattan KS 66506 Washburn U English, 1700 SW College Av Topeka KS 66621 Kansas SU English, 108 English fk Cs Bldg Manhattan KS 66506 Assistant Professor of English 575 http: // Assistant Professor of English 576 Assistant Professor, Specializing in English Education 1434 http: // http://www.was hbu T enure-track position tor specialist in I' r o tessional/T echnical w r i t i n g . I'h.D. in protessional/technical communication or related concentration. Washburn Universitys English Department invites applications tor a tenure-track position beginning A u gust 2007 as assistant protessor, special- 28 E NGL I S H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 izing in English education. ()U A L I F I ( : A T I ( ) N S : D o ctorate attained by August 2007; three years teaching experience in public schools required; national board certitication preterred. RESI'( ) N S I B I L I T I E S: Teach:3 courses per semester, including Advanced Composition tor tuture teachers, Literature tor Young Adults, and Methods ot Teaching English; supervise student teachers. Review ot applications will begin on D e cember -I and continue until suitable candidate is identified. Send vita, transcripts, and:3 reterence letters to Dr. H ow ard Faulkner, Chair, Department ot English, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621. To enrich education through diversity, Washburn University is an E()E. Candidates trom under-represented groups are encouraged to apply. [R] ()IFers ot employment are contingent upon satistactory background check and educational credential verification. EKU is an EE( ) / A A i n s t i t u t io n that values diversity in its taculty, stafF, and student bo dy. I n k e e ping w i t h t h i s c o m m i t m e n t , t h e U n i v e r sity v velcomes applicati ons t ro m d i v e rse candidates and candi d ates wh o support diversity. Assistant Professor of English 1353 http: //www 1637 http: //www The Department ot English invites applications tor two tenure-eligible positions in A m e r i can literature. The positions require a specialization i n either pre-Ci vi l W a r A m e r i can literature or post-Ci vi l W a r -W W I American literature. ()ualifications: I'h.D. in literature in hand or date tor detense scheduled; evidence ot scholarly potential; excellence in teaching at the university level, and experience in working w it h d i verse populations. WSU is an urban un i v ersity w it h on e ot the nations oldest MFA programs. The successtul candidates will be expected to teach six courses per year incl u d in g c o m p o siti on , g eneral education l i t e r at u re, survey courses tor the ntajor, advanced ntajor courses, as well as graduate courses i n literature and criticism to both M A a n d M F A st udents. ()ppor t u n i t y to direct MA t heses depends on qualifications. Salary and benefits competitive. Send letter ot application, vita, and three letters ot reterence to Margaret Dawe, Chair, Department ot English, ¹ 14, W i c h ita State University, Wichita, KS 67260-001-1. I'lease clarity in your letter your area ot specialization. Application wil l be acknowledged by letter. Dossier will b e requested atter ini tial screening. In i t ial i n t er vievvs at the ML A c o n vention. To ensure tull consideration, applications must be postmarked by Friday, Dec. I, 2006; however, the positions will remain open until filled. Wichita State University encourages applications trom women and persons ot color. (AA/E()E). [ R ] Eastern Kentucky U English S( Theatre, 521 Lancaster Av, 467 Case Annex Richmond KY 40475 Assistant Professor, English Departmental intorntation at: Georgetown C English, 400 East College St Georgetown KY 40324 Wichita SU English, 1845 N. Fairmount Wichita KS 67260 Assistant Professor of English in American Literature (two tenure track positions) Review ot applications begins November 15, 2006 and continues until position is filled. 1501 Candidate will play a key part in strengthening the existing Technical Writing Em phasis and expanding our program to a m i no r and major. Teaching load is 12 hours/semester. Must have Doctorate or be AB D i n r h e t o r ic, li t erature, or appropriate field with experience and clear evidence ot interest in teaching technical/protessional com m u n i c ati on ; D o c t o r ate in t e c h n i cal / p r o t essional communication preterred. Degrees must be trom regionally accredited institutions. Must have demonstrated expertise, academic or protessional, in more than one ot the following areas: desktop publishing, document design, technical wri t ing theory, visual rhetoric, scientific comm u n ication, usability testing, and web design. Georgetovvn College invites outstanding and diverse candidates to apply tor the following tenure-track position in the Department ot English: Assistant I'rotessor, composition; secondary expertise in poetry and creative writing. The position currently carries a -I/-I load. I'hD in area ot specialization required. Georgetovvn College is a private liberal arts institution and emphasis is placed on teaching excellence in the context ot a churchrelated college. The College complies with tederal and state guidelines ot nondiscrimination in employment; women and minorities are encouraged to apply. I'lease send letter ot application, vita, copies ot transcripts, and at least three letters ot reterence to Dr. R osemary A l l en, I'rovost, Georgetown College, -100 E. College!itreet, Georgetovvn, KY 40324. Applications must be postntarked by November 15, 2006. I'reliminary intervievvs will be conducted at the MLA co nterence in I'hiladelphia in December. [R] Georgetown C English, 400 East College St Georgetown KY 40324 Visiting Assistant Professor of Poetry, Creative writing and Composition 1648 http: //www Georgetovvn College invites outstanding and diverse candidates to apply tor the following position in the Department ot English: Visiting Assistant I'rotessor ot I'oetry, Creative writing and Composition. The position cur- rently carries a -I/-I load and is renewable tor up to three years. Additional responsibilities include acting as poetry editor tor The Georgetovvn Review. I'hD or M F A i n area ot specialization required. Georgetovvn College is a private liberal arts institution and emphasis is placed on teaching excellence in the context ot a church-related college. The College complies with tederal and state guidelines ot nondiscrimination in employment; women and mi n o r i t ies are encouraged to apply. I'lease send letter ot application, vita, copies ot transcripts, and at least three letters ot reterence to Dr. Rosentary Allen, I'rovost, Georgetovvn College, -100 E. College Street, Georgetovvn, KY 40:324. Applications must be postmarked by November.'30, 2006. I'reliminary intervievvs will be conducted at the MLA conterence in I'hiladelphia in December. www .georgetowncollege .edu [ R ] Morehead SU English, For Langs, S( Philos, PO Box 630, 150 University Blvd Morehead KY 40351 Assistant Professor of English Education 1202 http: // Appointment: Tenure track position to begin August 2007. Morehead State University is seeking candidates tor a tenure-track position as Assistant I'rotessor ot English Education in th e D epartm ent ot Send letter ot application detailing interests and qualifications; vita; names, addresses, phone numbers, and entail addresses ot S reterences to: English, Foreign Languages, and I'hilosophy beginning August 2007. Technical Writing Search Committee, Department ot English and Theatre, Eastern Kentucky U n i v ersity, S21 Lancaster Ave., -167 Case Annex, Richmond, KY 4047S-:3102 M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST Responsibilities: Teach undergraduate and graduate courses tocusing on English education at the secondary level and supervise field experiences and student teaching; advise certification candidates; provide leadership in collaboration with schools, other educational institutions and protessional 29 organizations; conduct a scholarly program ot research, publication, and internal/ ex t ernal tund ing appropriate to rank and position du r in g tenure probationary years. (1ualifications: Doctorate in English education or its equivalent vvith specialized skills in teaching Language Arts by August 2007; significant prior II — 12 teaching experience; evidence ot ability to teach and advise at the college level; and expertise in the teaching ot literature, vvriting, granunar, and reading at the secondary level. Desired (lualifications: Kentucky certification in English. Revievv ot applications vvill begin ()ctober 9, 2006 and vvill continue until position is filled. To apply on-line, visit: i n dex.aspx?id =004S and attach (:V, a cover letter addressing suitability vvith regard to responsibilities and qualifications tor the position, three letters ot reterence, and doctoral transcripts. It ntailing application ntaterials send requested intorntation to: ()Rice ot Hu ntan Resources, Attn: English ¹ L l f k l , M o r ehead State University, HM 101, Morehead, KY -10:3SI. E()/AA employer. Northern Kentucky U Lit B( Lang, University Dr Highland Heights KY 41099 Assistant Professor of English in Scientif tc, Technical, and Business Writing 952 http: / l i t lang/jobs. html Tenure Track. I'h.D. in Scientific, Technical, or Business Writi ng, or I'h.D. in R h etoric/ ( : o m position or English vvith a I'rotessional Writi ng emphasis, required by August 15, 2007. I'reterence vvill be given to candidates vvith vvriting experience in the private and/or government sectors and vvith teaching and research interests in one or m ore ot the fbllovving: document design, multimedia vvriting, scientific vvriting and rhetoric, intercultural communication, and print and electronic publishing. We s eek an outstanding teacher and promising scholar vvho vvill contr i b u t e to an existing undergraduate program in protessional vvriting, to the development ot graduate programtu and to interdisciplinary ini tiatives. Additional intorntation available at http: // i tlang/jobs. html. tucky is an equal opportu n it y em ployer comm i t ted to a diverse taculty, staff, and student body. (:andidates trom under-represented groups are encouraged to apply. [R] U of Louisville English, S 3rd St Bingham Humanities Bldg Louisville KY 40292 Assistant Professor, Modern and Contemporary Drama 1298 http: // The Department ot English invites applications tor a tenure-track assistant protessorship in Modern and (:ontemporary Drama to begin July I, 2007. We seek a scholar qualified to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in modern and contemporary drannu vvith a research specialty in either area or both. (:andidates should have a record ot excellent teaching and demonstrated ability to do research. We particularly encourage applicants vvith ancillary interests in pertormance studies, nevv media, theatre history, and/or playvvriting. Teaching load appropriate to a research institution; salary competitive. (:nurse assignments range trom graduate seminars to undergraduate vvriting lvvhich all protessorial taculty teach ). I'h. D. required by date ot appointment. Applications postmarked atter November Ll , 2006 vvill not be considered. Send letter and vita to I' r otessor Tom Byers, (:hair, Dr anta Search (:ommittee, Department ot English, University ot Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292. All applicants must also apply online at http: // by November Ll . I ' lease reterence Job ID¹ 2 0 7 20. It you have trouble vvith the online application, please e-ntail Melissa I'erkins lnnperkins(aj or call S02-IIS2-0S04. The University ot Louisville is an AHirmative Action, Equal ()pportunity, Americans vvith Disabilities Employer, comm i t ted to diversity and in that spirit, seeks applications trom a broad variety ot candidates. [R] Send letter ot application stating teaching and research interests and curriculum vitae to Dr. R o x anne Kent- D r u r y , ( : h air, Scientiftc, Technical, and Business Writing Search (:o m m i t t ee, Department ot Literature and Language, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY -11099IS00. Revievv ot applications vvill begin Nov. -1, 2006 and continue until the position is filled. Selected applicants ntay be intervievved at the MLA Louisiana SU-Shreveport English, 1 University Pl Shreveport LA 71115 (:onvention in December. Assistant Professor of English N orthern K e n t u ck y U n i v e rsity is a learner-centered un iv ersity in t h e (Ireater (: i n c i n n ati A r ea at vvhich excellent teaching and scholarship, protessional and instit u t i o nal service, and public engagement are valu ed and revvarded. NK U i s an AHirmative Action / E q ual ( ) p p o r t u n i t y http: // Employer. [ R ] U of Kentucky English, 1215 Patterson Off Twr Lexington KY 40506 Cottrill-Rolfes Chair in Catholic Studies 121 http: / n / Faculty/( : u rrentFaculty!iearches.aspx University ot K e n t u cky i n v i tes applications tor the nevvly created (:ottrill-R o l tes (:hair in (:atholic ! i t udies. The (:ollege ot Arts and!iciences seeks an outstanding academic vvith an expertise in the history, literature, anthropology, sociology, politics, theology, culture, institutional, or intellectual traditions ot R o man ( : atholicism. The successtul candidate vvill join a department that is appropriate to his/her academic field. Appointment vvill begin in August 2007. The successtul candidate vvill be a distinguished scholar vvith a research and teaching record that is commensurate vvith an endovved chair. Salary and benefits are commensurate vvith those ot an endovved chair. The endovvment also provides a substantial research tund. Interested candidates should send l1) letter ot interest, l2) a complete c.v., l3) outline ot current research agenda, and l4) three letters ot reterence to I'rotessor Ron For m isano/ ( : h air ot the ( : o t t r i l l - R o l t es Search/ ( :ollege ot A rts and ! i c i ences/171S I'atterson ()Rice Tovver/Lex i n g t o n , KY/-10S00-0027/U!iA. Revievv ot applications vvill begin November I, 2006 and vvill continue until the position is filled. The University ot Ken- 30 1506 The Department ot English at Louisiana State University in Shreveport a nnounces a tenure- t r ack position b e g i n n i n g F al l 2 00 7 i n R h e t o r i c , (:omposition, and Technical Writing. Experience using instructional technology is expected. I'reterence vvill be given to candidates vvith an earned I'h.D. Along vvith advising and committee vvork, all taculty teach 12 hours per semester, including treshntan composition and sophomore literature. ()ur M .A . in Liberal Arts program provides opportunities tor graduate teaching. Regular scholarly activity is required tor graduate-taculty membership, tenure, and promotion. Send a cover letter lincluding entail address) and vita to Terry (L H a r ris, (:hair; Department ot English; LSUS; ()ne U n i v ersity I'lace; Shreveport, LA 7111S-2 399. Screening ot applications vvill begin November 1. We plan to intervievv at MLA . L o u i siana State University in Shreveport is an Equal ()pportunity employer. [R] Louisiana SU-Shreveport English, 1 University Pl Shreveport LA 71115 Assistant Professor of English 1 504 http: // The Department ot English at Louisiana State University in Shreveport announces a tenure-track position beginning Fall 2007 in 17th-and 111thcentury British literature. Ideally, the candidate vvill have printary expertise in one area and secondary expertise in the other. E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 Experience using instructional technology is expected. 1'reterence will be given to applicants with an earned 1'h.D. Along with advising and committee work, all taculty teach 12 hours per semester, including treshntan composition and sophomore literature. ()ur M .A . in Liberal Arts program provides opportunities tor graduate teaching. Regular scholarly activity is required tor graduate-taculty membership, tenure, and promotion. Send a cover letter (including entail address) and vita to Terry (L H a r ris, Chair; Department ot English; LSUS; ()ne U n i v ersity 1'lace; Shreveport, LA 71118-2399. Screening ot applications will begin November 1. We plan to interview at M L A . L o u i siana State University in Shreveport is an Equal ()pportunity employer. ber 15, 2006. Send letter ot application indicating teaching experience, research interests, and philosophy ot teaching; detailed vita, three recent letters ot reterence, and a copy ot all transcripts (originals required upon employment ) to Dr. David Hanson, Department ot Englksh, SLU 10861, Hammond, LA 70-102. For in t o r m ation call 988-8-19-2100 or e-m ail dhanson( Southeastern is an AA/A D A / E E(3 employer. [R] [R] Husson C English, 1 College Cir Bangor ME 04401 Northwestern SU of Louisiana Lang tt( Communication, 165 Sam Sibley Dr, Ste 318 Natchitoches Assistant/Associate Professor of Composition and Rhetoric LA 71497 Assistant Professor ofAmerican Literature (Southern Literature) 1476 ht tp://ww w Assistant 1'rotessor ot American literature with a specialty in literature ot the American South, tenure-track beginning Fall 2007. We seek a candidate who can teach service courses as well as those within the area ot concentration. Candidates should show a w i l l i n g n ess to assist with recruitm ent and retention ot students at the ( t r aduate and U n d e rgraduate level. Record ot high quality teaching at the university level, established research agenda, and 1'h.D. required; AB D c andidates with scheduled detense dates will be considered. 1'lease submit letter ot application, CV, three letters ot reterence, and oHicial transcripts to Dr. Lisa Abney, Dep artment Head, Department ot Language and Com m u n i cation, N o r t h western State University, NSU Bo x 82-17, Natchitoches, LA 71-197 by November 10, 2006. N o r t h w estern State Uni v ersity ot L o u i siana is an AHirmative Action Equal ()pport u n ity Em ployer. Women, mi n o r i ties, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. [R] 1044 h ttp: //www R ( 3 Tenure-track Assistant 1'rotessor position begin n in g A u g ust 2007. Re- quires 1'h.D. in English, in hand by August 1, 2007. Responsibilities include teaching graduate/undergraduate courses in ()td English and history ot the language (some graduate courses entail release time ). Also upper-level British surveys, sophomore literature, and treshmen composit ion. Applicants must be commi t ted to scholarship and to wo r k in g w i t h colleagues and students ot diverse backgrounds. To ensure consideration, application ntaterials must be received by November 15, 2006. Send letter ot application indicating teaching experience, research interests, and philosophy ot teaching; detailed vita, three recent letters ot reterence, and a copy ot all transcripts (originals required upon employment ) to Dr. David Hanson, Department ot Englksh, SLU 10861, Hammond, LA 70-102. For intorntation call 988-8-19-2100 or e-ntail dhanson ( Southeastern is an AA/ADA / E E(3 employer. [R] Southeastern Louisiana U English, SLU 10861 Hammond LA 70402 Assistant Professor 1046 http: //www Tenure-track Assistant 1'rotessor position begin n in g A u g ust 2007. Requires 1'h.D. in English or Comparative Literature, in hand by August 1, 2007. Responsibilities include teaching graduate/undergraduate courses in film criticism, and literature and film (some graduate courses entail release time). Also upper-level undergraduate courses, sophomore literature, and treshmen composition. Applicants must be committed to scholarship and to work ing w it h colleagues and students ot diverse backgrounds. To ensure consideration, application materials must be received by Novem- M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST Husson is an equal opportunity employer. [R] U of Maine at Farmington Humanities, 270 Main St Farmington ME 04938 Southeastern Louisiana U English, SLU 10861 Hammond LA 70402 Assistant Professor 1479 Husson College, a private, tour-year institution ot approxi ntately 1800 students and -18 tull-time taculty in nor thern New E n gland, seeks an Assistant/Associate 1'rotessor ot Com position and R h e t o ric tor Fall 2007, c ontingent on t u n d i ng. Th e successtul candidate will j o i n a gr o w i n g English Department in teaching writing to both English ntajors and nonn tajors, and will teach literature courses in the School ot Science t( H u ntanities. Faculty member will w ork closely with the schools ot Health, Education, and Business in developing and teaching courses in technical and protessional writing. Candidate will have completed the 1'hD by tall 2007, preterably in Composition/ R h etoric; secondary area open. Accompanying committee work and scholarly activity are also required. This is a non-tenure-track position, 9 month appointm ent. Teaching load is 12 credit hours in the tall and 12 credit hours in the spring. For interviews at MLA, apply by December 15, 2006. 1'lease submit a letter ot application, a one page teaching philosophy statement, and CV (hard copies preterred ), t o: Human Resources Department, c/o English Faculty Search Comm i t tee, ()ne College Circle, Bangor, Maine 04401 Assistant Professor of Women's and Gender Studies and First-Year Composition 1351 ht tp://ww w . u m t T he Women's and (tender Studies 1'rogram and the Department ot H u ntanities at the University ot M a ine at Farmingt on, M a i ne's 1'ublic Liberal Arts College, invite applications tor a joint tenure-track appointment at the rank ot Assistant 1'rotessor, beginning tall, 2007. The teaching load is six courses per year: three women's and gender studies courses and three tirst-year composition seminars. Enrol l m ent i n t i r s t- year composition seminars is limi ted to sixteen students per section. Th e successtul candidate will have a strong commi t m ent both to teaching and program development in wom en's and gender studies and to work ing w i t h fi rst-year students in sntall, intensive writing classes. Required qualifications: 1'hD in hand or near completion; expertise in w o m e n's and gender studies, demonstrated via relevant degree or certificate, teaching experience, and/ or publication history; experience teaching first-year writing courses; evidence ot excellence in teaching; promise ot scholarship. Candidates who can complement our cu r rent strengths in temi nist theory and sexuality studies by adding expertise in additional areas are preterred. 1'lease send letter, vita, statement ot teaching philosophy, and three letters ot recommendation to: Alice Adams, Co-C h air, Search Comm i t tee, Women's and (tender Studies 1'rogram, University ot M a ine at Farmington, 1-19 (quebec Street, Farmington, ME 0-1938. (questions ntay be addressed to Tiane Donahue, Director, First Year Composition 1'rogram (tdonahue (c0ntaine .edu) or Alice Adams, Director, Women's and (lender Studies 1'rogram (alice. adams( Review ot applications will begin N o vember 15, 2006. AA/EE(3. [ R ] 31 • a Salisbury U • English, 1101 Camden Av Salisbury MD 21801 Johns Hopkins U Assistant Professor of English in Composition and Rhetoric English, 3400 N Charles Street 146 Gilman Hall Baltimore MD 21218 Assistant Professor in English ht tp:// The English Department at Johns Hopkins University seeks to fill a tenure-track assistant protessor position i n B r i t i sh L i t erature ot th e early modern period. Letter ot application, cv, dissertation abstract, and at least three letters ot recommendation should be sent by November I, 2006, to Richard Halpern, Department ot English, 1-16 Gilman, Johns Hopkins University, .'1-100 N. Charles Street, Baltimore MD 21218. Johns Hopkins is an Equal ()pportunity and AHirntative Action Employer. [R] Johns Hopkins U Writing Seminars, 34th 8( N Charles Sts, Gilman Hall Baltimore 567 ht tp:// vvritsem Fiction W r i t er. Assistant/Associate I'rotessor. The W r i t i n g ! i e m i n ars ot Johns Hopkins University is accepting applications tor a tenure-track appointment in fiction (deadline, December I, 2006 ). We are looking tor a talented vvriter vvith tvvo or more published books ot fiction, and substant ial university teaching experience. Duties vvill include teaching in t h e BA/M F A p r ograms in vvriting. M i n o r ity candidates are urged to apply. For intornration about The W r i t i n g ! i e m i n ars department consult vvvvvv vvritsem. A letter, curriculum vitae and books should be sent to I'rotessor Jean McGarry, The Writing Seminars, Johns Hopkins University, .'1-100 N. Charles!itreet, Baltimore, MD 2 1218 USA. Johns Hopkins University is an equal opportunity employer. [R] Salisbury U English, 1101 Camden Av Salisbury MD 21801 Assistant Professor/African American Literature Faculty Position 291 http: // !ialisbury University's Department ot English invites applications tor an Assistant I'rotessor, tenure-track position (beginning in August 2007 ) specializing in Atrican American literature. The successtul candidate vvill have the opportunity to develop nevv undergraduate and graduate courses in Atrican A m e r ican literature as vvell as other areas ot expertise. Fourcourse teaching load each semester (routinely three preparations, including Freshnran composition, general education ofFerings, and upper-division or graduate literature courses). Doctorate preterred, ABD r equired plus evidence ot successtul teaching skills and promise as a scholar. I'lease submit a letter ot interest, vita, three letters ot recommendation and evidence o t teaching efFectiveness to Dr. Lucy M o r r i son, (: hair, Search Com m i t - tee, Department ot English,!ialisbury University, 1101 Camden Avenue, !ialisbury, MD 2 1 801. For intornration please see English/or entail lxmorrhon ( Revievv ot applicants vvill begin N o vember I, 2006 and continue until position is filled. Salary competitive. MLA i n tervievvs. Appointment vvill be contingent upon verification ot eligibility to vvork in the Unit ed !itates. !ialisbury U n i v ersity has a strong institutional com m i t m ent to d i v ersity and is an Equal ()ppor t u n i t y / A f f i r m a t ive Action employer, providi ng equal employment and educational opportunities to all those qualified, vvithout regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, or sexual orientation. Candidates are expected to be able to use efFective teaching and classroom nranagement strategies vvhich enhance the success ot diverse learners. Candidates are strongly encouraged to visit our vvebsite at http: // o r ientation. Candidates are strongly encouraged to visit our vvebsite at http: //vvvvvv 32 [R] C omposition and Rhetoric: The English Department ot !i alisbury Un i versity seeks a quali t ie d cand i d ate in c o m p o si t io n an d r h e t o ri c to r a tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor position beginning August 18, 2007. I'rinrary responsibility vvill be to teach first-year through advanced rhetoric and vvriting courses, including graduate courses in our M A p r o grann Interest in supervising treshnran English program and mentoring graduate assistants desirable. Secondary areas ot interest are vvelcome. Four- course teaching load each semester (routinely .'1 preparations). Doctorate pre- terred, ABD required plus evidence ot successtul teaching skills, promise as a scholar and interest in service to the department and the university. Salary competitive. !iuccesstul candidate must turnish proot ot eligibility to vvork in the United ! i t a tes. Revievv ot applicants vvill begin N ovember I, 2006, and continue until position is filled. MLA i n t ervievvs. Send l etter, vi ta, t h ree let t ers ot reco m m e n d a t io n an d ev i d e nce ot teachi n g efFectiveness to Dr. Tom M o r i a r ty, C h air, Search Co m m i t t ee, Depart- MD 21218 Assistant/Associate Professor in Fiction 292 http: // ment ot English,!ialisbury Un iversity, 1101 Camden Avenue, Salhbury, M D 21801. !ialisbury U n i v ersity has a strong institutional com m i t m e n t to diversity and is an Equal ()pportu nit y / A Hi r ntative Action employer, providing equal employment and educational opportunities to all those qualified, vvithout regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, nrarital status, disability, or sexual orientation. Candidates are expected to be able to use efFective teaching and classroom nranagement strategies vvhich enhance the success ot diverse learners. Candidates are strongly encouraged to visit our vvebsite at http: // apeake Bay and 2 —:1 hours trom the metropolitan areas ot Washington, Baltimore, I'hiladelphia and Nortolk. SU has been cited nationally as one ot the top ten public regional universities in the North according to the U.S. Nevvs and World Report, and has also been recognized by the I'rinceton Revievv and Kiplingers ntagazine. SU has approxinrately 7,200 students and :1:30 tull-time instructional taculty. !ialisbury U n i v ersity has a strong institutional com m i t m ent to d i v ersity and is an Equal () pp o r t u n i t y / A f f i r m a t ive Action employer, providi ng equal employment and educational opportuni ties to all those qualified, vvithout regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, or sexual orientation. Candidates are strongly encouraged to visit our vvebsite at http: //vvvvvv [R] U of Maryland Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies, 2212 Marie Mount Hall College Park MD 20742 Assistant/Associate Professor http: // The I'rogram in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender!itudies at the University ot M aryland invites applications tor a tull- t ime position at the r ank ot assistant or associate protessor to begin A u g ust 2007. W h i l e t h e successtul candidate vvill have a tenured or tenure-track appointment in a department at the Un i v ersity, teaching and service duties vvill be split b etvveen that department and the LGB T . i t t t dies I rogrann Th e L G B T !itudies I'rogram cu r r ently o t t ers a 21-credit un dergraduate certit i cate and is developing a IS-credit minor. The successtul candidate vvill be the first core taculty member in the program, vvhich is novv in its fitth year on campus. For turther intormation on the LGBT . i t ttdies I'rogram, visit http: // We are open to candidates trom a vvide range ot disciplines, but especially individuals in the hunranities, arts, and cultural studies vvhose research is interdisciplinary and tocused on non- no r m ative sexualities and genders in connection vvith race and/or et h n i ci ty. ( : o m p arative, diasporic, and transnational tramevvorks vvelcome. I'hD, strong record ot research and teaching, and publication or substantive evidence ot scholarly achieve- E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 m ent and potential are required. UM D i s an A Hir ntative Action / E q u al Opportunity Employer. Babson C Applicants should send a letter ot interest, CV, three letters ot reterence, a writing sample, and an abstract ot the dissertation or book to: Arts 8( Humanities Div, 231 Forest St Babson Park MA 02457 !iearch Committee, L(i B T ! i t u d ies, 2212 Marie Mount H all, U n i versity ot Maryland College I'ark, MD 20742-8281 For best consideration, submit ntaterials by November 8, 2006. [R] U of Maryland Univ College Overseas Programs, 3501 University Blvd East Adelphi MD 20783 Adjunct Faculty Positions 1678 http: // w w w. u m u c. ed u / tv c u It y re c r uIt E N('LI.'iH, WR IT I N( ' t( F O R E I ( ' N L A N ( ' U A ( ' E A DJUNCT FACULTY I'O.'iITION.'I To Teach the Best, We Need the Best! U MU C is hiring adjunct taculty natiomvide to teach EN(iL L iH , W R I T IN(i t( F O R E I ( i N L A N ( i U A ( i E r elated courses tor on-site and online d elivery tbrntats. We invite you to learn more and AI' I 'LY O N L I N E a t : http: // w w w. u m u c. ed u / tv c u It y re c r uIt / We require a Terminal Degree lhe., I'hD, DBA, JD, etc) trom a regionally accredited institution. H o w e v er, exceptions may be made based on protessional/industry and/or teaching experience based on specific academic discipline. Additional industry certifications ntay also be required tor some academic disciplines. As a UMUC adjunct taculty, you can share your knowledge and earn additional income while teaching wi t hi n a flexible schedule that fits into your tull-t ime protessional lite. UMU C p r o v ides comprehensive taculty training and support, including online training tor teaching with Webtycho, our state-ot-the-art proprietary online plattorm. UMU C i s one ot th e 11 degree-granting institut i ons ot the U n i v ersity !iystem ot M ar yland. The un iversity is accredited by the C o m m i ssion on Higher Education ot the Middle ! i t a tes Association ot Co l leges and !ichools. For more than 80 years, UMU C has provided alternative education opportu n i t ies to adults in the work tbrce. Wit h 00,000 students, we are the global leader in online education. EOE/F/ M C / V . W o men and minority applicants are strongly encouraged to apply. 1240 ht tp:// Two-year visiting position starting !iept. 2007, with the possibility a tenure line will be approved in tuture. We invite applications tor a generalist with a special interest in modern and contemporary drannn !iecondary interests in gender studies, rhetoric, or American literature would be welcomed. Candidates should demonstrate an ability t o t each enthusiastically in an arts and humanities first-year toundation program that raises avvareness ot ethical and aesthetic issues through cross-disciplinary, teamdesigned courses and courses in rhetoric; and the ability to teach selt-designed disciplinary or interdisciplinary courses tor non-ntajors, both at the introductory and advanced levels. Course load is three courses per semester, at least one-third in the toundation program. I' h .D . required, as well as demonstrated excellence in teaching. !iend letter, vita, and dossier with at least three letters ot recom m e ndation to I ' r o t essor Kathleen Kelly, Chair, Arts and Huntanities Division, c/o M ary D r iscoll, Division Coordinator, Babson College, Babson I'ark, MA 02-187. I'reterence given to applications received by Nov. 10. I'ostntark deadline Nov. 2-1. Applications will be acknowledged by letter or email; sample syllabuses and turther intorntation will be requested atter initial screening. Intervievvs at MLA. Babson is a college ot ntanagement offering the B.!i. and MBA degrees and located 17 miles trom Boston. Babson is an Equal Opportunity Employer. [R] Bridgewater SC English, Tillinghast Hall, Rm 340 Bridgewater MA 02325 Department of English, Asst. Professor o f English with a Specialization in Renaissance Literature 823 http: //www This is a tull-time, tenure track position starting in Fa112007. Required: Earned I'h.D in English by August 2007 with a specialization in Renaissance literature, preterably with an emphasis on!ihakespeare or the Tudor period. The ability to teach a course in Chaucer or a survey ot Medieval literature is also desirable. College teaching experience required. !iince all taculty in the department teach treshntan writi ng, preparation in composition will be an advantage. Responsibilities also include advising undergraduate and graduate students; participating in departmental and college decision-ntaking processes and activities. ()ualifications: I'h.D in English by August 2007 with a specialization in Assumption C English, 500 Salisbury St Worcester MA 01609 Assistant Professor of English Visiting Assistant Professor of English: Modern and Contemporary Drama Renaissance literature. I'reterred ()ualifications: I'reterred emphasis within Renaissance special1315 ization on ! i h akespeare or the Tudor period; ability to teach a course in Chaucer or a survey ot Medieval literature also desirable. Tenure-track, beginning Fall 2007. I'h.D. in hand by date ot hire. Expertise in Old and Middle English Literature. !iecondary interest in Irish Literature a plus. Evidence ot teaching excellence and scholarly engagement required. The ideal candidate will be prepared to design and teach one to tw o sections each year ot Ol d E n g l ish and M e d i eval Literature. Full-time members ot the department ordinarily teach 7 courses per year, Applicants should be strongly commi t ted to excellence in teaching and advising, and to wor k ing in a mul ti cul tural environment that tosters diversity. They should also have an ability to use technology effectively in teaching and learning, the ability to w or k c o llaboratively, evidence ot scholarly activity, and a commitment to public higher education. including wr i t ing and other service courses. Candidates must understand and support the Catholic liberal arts mission ot the college.!iend vita and on the cv. http: // letter ot application by N o v ember .'10th to Dr. Becky D i B i asio, Chair, Old and Middle English Literature!iearch Committee, Assumption College, 800!ialisbury ! i t r eet, Worcester, MA 0 1609. Assumption College encourages applications trom candidates ot diverse cultural backgrounds. !ipecial Instructions to Applicants: Three reterences should be included T O A I ' I ' LY: I'lease visit our vvebsite at http: //w w w . b r i H R / Joblist B ridgewater State Coll ege is an atti r m a t ive actio n / e q ual op p o r t u n i t y employer that actively seeks to increase the diversity ot its worktbrce. E.O.E. [ R ] M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 33 Bridgewater SC English, Tillinghast Hall, Rm 340 Bridgewater MA 02325 Department of English, Assistant Professor of English with a Specialization in Irish Li tera ture 824 http: //www This is a tull-time tenure track position starting in Fa112007. Earned I'h.D in English by August 2007 with a specialization in Irish literature. I'reterence will be given to applicants with a secondary interest in post-colonial literature. College teaching experience required. Since all taculty in the department teach treshntan writing, preparation in composition will be an advantage. Responsibilities also include advising undergraduate and graduate students; participating in departmental and college decision-ntaking processes and activities. ()ualifications: I'h.D in English by August 2007 with a specialization in Irish literature. arship in Composition and/or R h etoric and strong interdisciplinary interests. Faculty responsibilities include teaching two courses per semester, ntaintaining protessional development and scholarship activities, academic advising and involvement on taculty and Co llege comm i t t ees. The successtul candidate will be able to coordinate stafFinstructors ot expository writing and research wri t i ng; teach graduate courses in the Teaching ot Writing; design a porttolio review, teaching ntaterials, and vvorkshops tor the M.F.A. and M.A. students who teach composition; ofFer taculty workshops on the teaching ot writing across the curriculum; and provide training in the teaching ot writing tor tutors in the Learning Assistance Center. Emerson College values campus multiculturalism as demonstrated by the diversity ot its taculty, stafF, student body, and constantly evolving curricullun. The successtul candidate must have the ability to w ork efFectively with taculty, students, and stafF trom diverse backgrounds. Members ot historically under-represented groups are encouraged to apply. Emerson College is an Equal ()pportunity Employer that encourages diversity in its workpplace. Send a letter ot applicati on , c u r r i c u l u m I'reterred ()ualifications: I'reterred secondary interest in post-colonial literature. Applicants should be strongly commi t ted to excellence in teaching and advising, and to wor k ing in a mul ti cul tural environment that tosters diversity. They should also have an ability to use technology efFectively in teaching and learning, the ability to w or k collaboratively, evidence ot scholarly activity, and a commitment to public higher education. Special Instructions to Applicants: v i t ae, and w r i t i n g sample to S earch Chair, D i r e ctor ot Freshntan W r i t i ng , D e p artm ent ot W r i t i n g , Literature and I'ublishing, Emerson College, 120 Boylston!itreet, Boston, MA 02116. Have your dossier sent to the same address. Review ot ap- plications will begin November 15, 2006 and continue until the position is filled. E merson College is the only c o m p r ehensive college or u n i v ersity i n America dedicated exclusively to co m m u n i cation and the arts in a liberal arts context . I t i s l o c ated in d o w n t o w n B o s t o n , at th e gateway to the Theatre Di strict and in c l ose prox i m i t y t o m a jo r m e di a ou t l ets. It Three reterences should be included on the cv. T () A PPLY: I'lease visit our vvebsite at http: //ww w . b r i H R / Joblist also has tacilities in Los Angeles and the Netherlands. The College enrolls approximately .'1,000 tull-time undergraduates and nearly 1,000 tull and part-tim e graduate students in its School ot the A rt s and School ot B ridgewater State Coll ege is an atti r m a t ive actio n / e q ual opp o r t u n i t y employer that actively seeks to increase the diversity ot its workfbrce. ( .Onnnll n i cation . Clark U Emerson C Writing, Lit, S( Publishing, 120 Boylston St Boston MA 02116 English, 950 Main St Worcester MA 01610 Assistant Professor of English 131 http: //www apply. [ R ] Emerson C Writing, Literature, and Publishing, 120 Boylston St Boston MA 02116 1426 http: / D IRECT()R () F FRE.'iHMAN W R IT I N ( ' The Department ot W r i t i ng, Literature and I'ublishing at Emerson College seeks to fill a tull- t i me, tenured/tenure-track taculty position frank open) tor the Director ot Freshntan Writing, beginning August I, 2007. A I'h.D., M.F.A., or other terminal degree is required. The successtul candidate will have experience administering a broad-based writing program; demonstrated teaching excellence; and present ongoing evidence ot schol- 34 Assistant Professor of Continental European Literature/Comparative Literature in Translation 1221 http: //Emerson The English Department at Clark Un iversity, which ofFers the B.A. and M.A. degrees, seeks a specialist in postcolonial literature and theory tor a tenure-track position at the assistant or advanced assistant level, beginning in late August 2007. The ideal candidate will also have expertise in late-twenti et h- c ent ur y B r i t i sh l i t erature and demonstrated excellence in both teaching and scholarship. Teaching responsibilities include five courses each year (four in the candidate's fields ot specialization, plus one writing course ). Candidates should submit a c.v. and two writing samples, and have dossiers, including at least three letters ot recommendation, sent t o our address. Applications will be acknowledged by e-mail. We wi l l begin reviewing applications on ()ctober ISth. All m aterials should be sent to Virginia Vaughan, Chair, English Department, Clark University, 0SO Main St., Worcester, MA 0 1610-1-177. Clark Un i versity is an AA / EE() employer. M i n o r i t i es and women are especially encouraged to Director ofthe Freshman Writing Program [R] Continental European Literature/Comparative Literature in Translation The Department ot W r i t i ng , L i t erature, and I'ublishing seeks a tenuretrack, Assistant I' r o t essor in t h e area ot C o n t i n e n tal E u r o p ean L i t e r ature/Comparative Literature in Translation, with a preterred emphasis in French literatures. The successtul candidate should have a completed doctorate in a related area with proven excellence in scholarship and teaching. I'h.D. required. The position requires the teaching introductory and advanced undergraduate classes in Conti n ental Eur opean literatures in translation, with some classes in literature at the graduate level suitable tor MFA students in Creative Writing and MA students in I'ublishing. Ability to teach the Departments Literary Foundations course and related (leneral Education courses is also required. The teaching load is three courses per semester, with opportuni ties tor course equivalencies tor protessional development. Additional taculty responsibilities will include ntaintaining protessional development and scholarship activities, academic advising and involvement on taculty and College committees. Emerson College values campus multiculturalism as demonstrated by the diversity ot its taculty, stafF, student body, and constantly evolving curricullun. The successtul candidate must have the ability to w ork efFectively with taculty, students, and stafF trom diverse backgrounds. Members ot historically under-represented groups are encouraged to apply. Emerson College is an Equal ()pportunity Employer that encourages diversity in its workplace. Send a letter ot application, cu r r i c u lu m v i t ae, and a w r i t i n g sample to Search Chair, European Literature, The Department ot W r i t i ng , Literature and I'ublishing, Emerson College, 120 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116. Have your dossier sent to the same address. Review ot applications will begin on November I, 2006 and continue until the position is filled. E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 Candidates should be available to intervievv at the Modern LanguagesAssociation convention December 27 —:10, 2006 in I'hiladelphia. [R] Harvard U Expository Writing, 8 Prescott St Cambridge MA 02138 Preceptor in Expository Writing 1398 http: // The Expository Writing I'rogram at Harvard University hires several preceptors each year. I'receptors teach tvvo sections per semester ot fitteen stu- dents per section, on an academic topic developed by the preceptor. Salary and benefits are competitive. Contracts are tor one year, renevvable tor five years. I'reterence vvill be given to candidates vvho have college teaching experience and demonstrate a lively interest in issues ot pedagogy. gineering and science taculty and technical instructors to teach units on technical, and/or scientific vvriting and speaking that are integrated into selected core subjects in the Schools of Science and Engineering. Applicants should have an earned doctorate or equivalent experience in scientific and technical com m u n i cation, experience teaching scientific or technical comm u n i cation, and the ability t o vvork collaboratively vvith taculty and admi n i strative staff across the disciplines. I'lease send a letter ot application, curriculum vitae, three letters ot recommendation, and a hard copy sample ot your vvork by December -1 to Matthevv ()'Toole, C oordinator, WA C S earch C o m m i t t ee, I' r o g ram i n W r i t i n g an d H u ntankstic Studies, Room .'12 — OII3, Massachusetts Institute ot Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139. MIT is an aHirmative action, equal opportunity emp I oyer . [ R ] Applicants can learn more about the program at http: //vvvvvv.fas.harvard .edu/-expos and about the job at http: // e x pos/ Mt Holyoke C English, South Hadley MA 01075 j ob. ht m l. ft4edieval Literature Applicants should send a CV (including contact intorntation tor reterences) along vvith a cover letter describing vvhat they think are the most important skills tor students to learn in a vvriting class and hovv specifi- Mount Holyoke College Department ot English invites applications tor a tull-time tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor vvith printary specialization in the languages and literature ot England trom IIOO to 12SO. Interest in the vernacular languages ot England, the development ot English language a nd literature, cultural exchange among Britain, Europe and the M i d d l e East is particularly vvelcome. As part ot a 2 — 2 load, teaching opportunities vvill include courses in the English Department and the Medieval Studies I'loglann The successtul candidate vvill combine strong research interests cally these skills ntay best be taught. A pplications are due M o n d ay, N o v e mber I : I th , addressed to H i r i n g Committee, Expository W r i t ing I' rogranu II I'rescott Street, Cambridge, MA 02LIIL Screening intervievvs vvill be held at MLA . A p plications vvill not be accepted via email or tacsimile. Harvard University is an equal opportunity and aHirntative action employer. The University and I'rogram have a strong commi t m ent to diversity among taculty and staff, and vve encourage applications trom under-represented groups. [R] Massachusetts Inst of Tech Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies, Bldg 14E Room 303 Cambridge MA 02139 Tenure-Track Assistant Professor ofDigital ft4edia and Communication 1496 ht tp:// MIT's I'rogram in Writing and Huntanistic!itudies (WHS) in the School ot Huntanities, Arts and Social Science is seeking a tenure-track assistant protessor in Digital M edia and/or C o m m u n i cation ! i t u dies to start in the Fall ot 2007. Candidates should have a I'h.D. vvith significant publications o r research in th e contemporary practice or hi story ot on e or m or e ot the fbllovving: digital media (especially games design and implementation ), communication studies, and intorntation design and testing. They should have teaching experience and the ability to vvork collaboratively vvith MIT's Comparative Media Studies I'rogram (CM!i) in both research and teaching capacities. WHS offers a tull undergraduate major in vvriting, vvith courses in science commu n i cation, vvriting tor di g i tal media, rhetoric, science journalism, creative vvriting, and expository vvriting. We offer an M.Sc. degree in Science Writing and co-sponsor MI T 's (iraduate I'rogram in C o m p arative M e dia Studies. I'lease send a letter ot application, C.V., three letters ot recommendation, and hard copy samples ot your research and publications by December -1 to I'rot. James (i. I'aradis, Head, I'rogram in Wri t ing and Huntankstic Studies, Room I-IE-:10:1, Massachusetts Institute ot Technology, Cambridge 02139. MIT is an atfirntative action, equal opportunity employer. [R] Massachusetts Inst of Tech Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies, Bldg 14E Room 303 Cambridge MA 02139 Lecturer in Writing Across the Curriculum, MIT 1499 ht tp:// MIT's I'rogram in W r i t i n g and H u m a n i stic Studies, in the School ot Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, has an opening tor a Lecturer in Writing Across the Curriculum. The lecturer vvill vvork closely vvith en- M L A J O B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 1334 vvith a comm i t m ent to u n d ergraduate teaching in an institution that tos- ters scholarly development. I'lease send letter ot application, dossier, briet vvriting sample (2S pages) and sample course syllabi postntarked by November I:1 to Carolyn Collette, Chair, Search Co m m i t t ee, Department ot E n g l i sh, 111 Shattuck Hall, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA 01075. Mount H o l y oke is an undergraduate liberal arts college tor vvomen vvith 2,000 students and 200 taculty. Halt the taculty are vvomen; a quarter are persons ot color. It is located about IIO miles vvest ot Boston in the Con necticut R i ver valley, and is a member ot the Five College Consortium consisting ot Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges and the University ot Massachusetts. Mount Holyoke is committed to tostering multi cul t ural diversity and avvareness in its taculty, staff, and student body and is an AHirntative Action, Equal ()pport u n ity E m ployer. Women and persons ot color are especially encouraged to apply. [R] Mt Holyoke C English, South Hadley MA 01075 Asian American Literatures 1335 Mount Holyoke College Department ot English invites applications tor a tull-ti me, tenure-track appointment in Asian Am erican literatures and cultures at the Assistant I'rotessor level. As part ot a 2 — 2 load, teaching opportunities include courses vvithin the English Department as vvell as courses cross-listed in the American Studies I'rogram. The successtul candidate vvill combine strong research interests vvith a commi t m ent to undergraduate teaching in an institution that tosters scholarly development. I'lease send letter ot application, dossier, briet vvriting sample (2S pages) and sample course syllabi postmarked by November I:1 to Chair, Search Committee, Department ot English, 111 Shattuck Hall, Mo unt H o lyoke (:ollege, South Hadley, MA 0107S Mount H o l y oke is an undergraduate liberal arts college tor vvomen vvith 2,000 students and 200 taculty. Halt the taculty are vvomen; a quarter are persons ot color. It is located about IIO miles vvest ot Boston in the Con necticut R i ver valley, and is a member ot the Five College Consortium consisting ot Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges and the University ot Massachusetts. Mount Holyoke is committed to tostering multi cul t ural diversity and avvareness in its taculty, staff, and student body and is an AHirntative Action, Equal ()pport u n ity E m ployer. Women and persons ot color are especially encouraged to apply. [R] 3$ ! iimm on s is c o m m i t t e d t o employment. Salem SC e x c e l l e nce i n e d u c a t io n an d d i v e r sit y i n [R] English, 352 Lafayette St, 216 Meier Hall Salem MA 01970 English Education (Secondary) Faculty-Tenure Track 143 http: //ww w The Department ot English at Salem State College is seeking an English E ducation specialist, with expertise in wri t ing instruction, tor a tull-t i m e tenure-track position beginning in September 2007. The candidate hired will teach graduate and undergraduate courses preparing students to teach English at the secondary level, including the teaching ot wri t i ng. She or he will also teach sections ot first year Composition and other graduate a nd undergraduate wr i t i n g c o u rses. I'lease send a wri t in g sample w i t h other required ntaterials. Teaching load is 12 hours. The position is advertised pending tunding. Required qualifications include a doctoral degree in English or English Education, experience with teacher training and in w r i t ing assessment at the high school or college level, experience in teaching college Composition and promise ot tuture research on some aspect ot teaching English. I'reterred qualifications include at least three years ot experience teaching English at the high school level, experience as a supervising or cooperating teacher, and tamiliarity w i t h co m p uter-assisted learning, as well as knowledge ot state and national licensure requirements. We also preter candidates with experience in and commi t m ent to teaching in a multiracial, multiethnic environment w it h students ot diverse backgrounds and learning styles, as well as in distance learning and instructional technologies, and candidates who enjoy serving as role models and mentors tor a diverse student body. The salary is competitive and commensurate with e ducation and experience. Application review w il l b egin N o v ember I , 2006 and continue until an adequate pool is developed. To apply, send a letter ot application, resume, appropriate transcripts and three letters ot reterence to: ()Rice ot Huntan Resources t( Equal () pp o r t u n i ty, .'182 Lafayette Street, Salem, MA 01970 Fax: 978-842-6168 Entail: eo-hr (a) (Word Attachments ()nly ) Reterence Code: 07-AA-F-E N ( 1-ED . 'iALEM .'iTAT E C ( ) L L E ( ' E I .'i A N E ( EQUAL ()PP() R T U N I TY / A FFIR M A T I V E A C T I ( ) N E M P L ( ) Y E R . P E R E( )N S () F C ( ) L ( ) R , W ()MEN AN D PERE()NS WITH DI.'iABILITIE.'i ARE STR()N ( ' L Y UR('ED T() A I ' I'LY. Assistant Professor of English 1256 http: // w w w I a c.w o rc e ster. edu /h r/j nb s. h t m Specialty in journalism plus National Writing I'roject experience. Abiltiy to teach creative prose wr i t i n g d esirable. I'osition w i l l e n t ai l r e d uced teaching load tor di recting C entral M assachusetts Writ in g I ' r oj ect. See job announcement at http: //ww w f obs.htm tor more details. [R] Adrian C English, 110 S Madison St Adrian Ml 49221 Assistant Professor of English 1257 http: //www Adrian College, a private tour-year liberal arts college located in southeast Michigan, announces a tenure-track position in l i t erature and composition, beginning August 2007. I'hD required. This is an entry-level position at the rank ot Assistant I'rotessor. Teaching responsibilities include "English Language" (a study ot torm, structure, and history ), Survey ot British Literature I and II, and Freshntan Writi ng. In addition, there wil l be opportun i t ies to develop courses in your particular areas ot interest. The norntal load is .'I courses (12 credits) per semester; typically one-halt ot that load is Freshntan Writing. Additional responsibilities include academic advising, college service and protessional development. We are a teaching college wit h a strong com m i t m ent to w r i t i n g across the curriculum. We w i l l b e gi n r evi ew ing applications November I and plan to begin interview ing at the ML A C o n v e nti on. I'lease send letter, vitae and list ot reterences only (we will request credentials as appropriate ) to: English!iearch, c/o Liz Si non, ()Rice ot Academic Affairs, Adrian Col- lege, Adrian, MI -19221. [ R ] Eastern Michigan U English, 612 Pray-Harrold Ypsilanti Ml 48197 Assistant Professor Composition/Rhetoric Simmons C English, 300 The Fenway Boston MA 02115 Assistant Professor of Film Worcester SC Langs 8( Lit, 486 Chandler St Worcester MA 01602 1638 http: / 1152 ht tp://w w w .si Assistant I'rotessor ot English (tenure-track ) to teach courses in ti l m . I'h.D. in English by August 2007 and college-level teaching experience required. We especially welcome candidates specializing in teminist or multi-ethnic approaches to film and film theory, and all candidates should be willing to teach introductory/service courses tor the ntajor. This position will i n c lude teaching in the first-year wri t i n g / c ore course, a multidisciplinary, mul t i c u l t u ral course required ot all first-year students that addresses the constructed nature ot race, class, gender, and sexual orientation. There are also opportu n i t ies tor teaching graduate film courses in the English Department and the (lender/Cultural !itudies I'rogram. The teaching load at!ii m m ons is .'I/:I, and excellent teaching is our first priority. The letter ot application should address pedagogy as well as your scholarship. To apply tor this position, please log on to http: // Click on Search I'ostingtu then view this position and apply online by completing a Faculty Application and attaching your CV and application letter. I'lease have letters ot recommendation (hard copy) sent to I'rotessor Lowry I'ei, Chair, English Department, ! i i m m ons College, :100 The Fenway, Boston MA 0 2115, by ()ctober 27, 2006. We ntay re- Tenure track position in composition and rhetoric starting Fall 2007. We are looking tor a taculty member who values teaching, research, and service to join a dynamic department and an active group ot composition/ rhetoric taculty in a nationally recognized wri ting progranu We seek expertise in some combination ot the following: wri t ing program administration, first year writi ng, and wri t ing and technology. Responsibilities w ill include administration or co-admi n i stration ot the First Year Wri t ing I'rogram (with co m m ensurate reassigned time ), and some teaching in FYC and/o r upper-level or graduate courses in Written C o m m u n i ca- tion. Teaching excellence, scholarly publication, and service are required tor academic advancement. Candidate must have I'h.D. in hand by Fall 2007. I'hone intervievvs will be held betore M LA . I ' l ease send letter ot application and a dossier containing letters ot recommendation, teaching/ administrative philosophy, and evidence ot exemplary teaching and scholarship to: I'osition F0715, 202 Bowen, Eastern Michigan University, Yp- silanti, MI -18197. Screening will begin 11/27 and continue until position is filled. We encourage applications trom women and members ot minority groups. For more intorntation contact Linda Adler-Kassner (ladlerka(a) quest turther writing samples trom selected candidates. 36 E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 Review ot applications will begin ( ) c t ober 15, 2006 and wil l conti nue until the position is filled. Eastern Michigan U English, 612 Pray-Harrold Ypsilanti Ml 48197 Assistant Professor of Renaissance/Early Modern Literature 1640 http: / T enure-track Assistant I'rotessor ot Renaissance and Early M o d ern L i t e rature, w it h a t o cus on six t eenth and seventeenth- c en t ur y p o e tr y a n d prose. (:andidates must have a I'h.D. in hand by Fall 2007, demonstrate e xcellence in research and express interest in teaching in a program wi t h a strong cultural studies/historicist component. New t aculty w i l l b u i l d the interdisciplinary tocus ot our graduate and undergraduate curricula, teaching a range ot courses related to their specialty and current research interests. Known tor its congenial and collaborative English Department, Eastern Mi c h i gan U n i v ersity is located in the An n A r b o r - D e t r oit area. Internal grant opportunities are available. Send letter ot application, (:V, teaching statement, transcript funoHicial is acceptable ), and three letters o t recommendation to I ' o sition F0716, 202 B o w en, Eastern M i c h i g a n University, Ypsilanti, M I -18197. We will begin reviewing applications November I and continue until the position is filled. We wil l be interv iewing at M L A . W e e n c o u r age applications trom w o m e n and m e m bers ot minority groups. For more infbrntation, contact (:raig Di o nne at cdionne ( M ichigan State Un i v ersity is an atti r m a t ive action, equal oppo r t u n i t y institution. We take pride in supporting and mentoring d i v erse taculty and students, including women, those with disabilities, (ILBT i n d i v iduals, and persons ot Atrican-American, Latino/a and (:hicano/a, American Indian, and Asian I'acific descent. I'ersons with disabilities have the right to request and receive reasonable accommodation [R] Michigan Tech U Humanities, 1400 Townsend Dr Houghton Ml 49931 Associate /Full Professor: Rhetoric and Composition 1179 http: //ww w a n t u .edu/ W e seek an advanced scholar-teacher in rhetoric and composition w h o has compiled an established record ot scholarship preterably in more than one ot the following areas: composition studies, cross-cultural communi cation, digital rhetorics, English education, gender and diversity studies, histories and theories ot rhetoric, linguistics, literacy studies, new media, protessional/technical/scientific commu nication. Interest and experience in undergraduate and/or graduate program and curriculum development, interdisciplinary w o rk , and strong involvement w it h g r aduate students highly desired. Michigan SU Teacher Education, 308 Erickson Hall East Lansing Ml 48824 Assistant Professor of English Education http: // 11 95 ) The Department ot Teacher Education at Michigan State University seeks a tenure stream Assistant I'rotessor ot English Education with preterence tor scholars specializing in secondary English teacher preparation, multiliteracies/critical approaches to pedagogy, language diversity/multilingual E nglish learning and instruction, or m u l t i c u l t u ral li t erature. We in v i t e a broad range ot scholars in English Education to apply. All applicants will be reviewed tor potential fit w i t h d epartment, college, and institutional needs and opportunities. This academic year position wil l begin August 16, 2007. The successtul candidate will have an opportunity to conduct inquiry into issues related to teacher education and to collaborate with nationally recognized taculty in research and program development. The Department ot Teacher Education at M i c h igan State University is a national leader in teacher preparation and research on teaching, teacher learning, curriculum, policy, and international education. Applicants should have an earned relevant doctoral degree. They should provide evidence ot accomplishment or potential in research and scholarship, teaching ot graduate and undergraduate students, advisory mentorship (especially ot graduate students ), and service (including program development ). The position includes responsibilities in all ot these areas. Applicants should provide relevant in t o r m ation about fa) experience working w i t h t eachers, students and/or teacher education candidates in culturally and linguistically diverse settings; fb) interest in the continuing education ot English teachers; fc) commitment to school-university partnerships tocused on teacher preparation and teacher development; and/or fd) ability to cont r ibute to existing ini t iatives in areas such as secondary teacher preparation, urban education and diversity, and/o r educational applications ot technology. Interested individuals should send a letter ot application, curriculum vi ta, a scholarly w r i t i n g sample, and three letters ot reterence to Laura Apol fapol( or Mary Juzwik fnnnjuzwik ( or to: Laura Apol and Mary Juzwik, c/o Marcia RatlifF,:318 Erickson, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 4882-1 I'lease see the (:ollege web site f tor infbrntation about the (:ollege and this position. We invite inquiries to any ot the search commi t tee members: Laura Apol fapol(, Mary Juzwik T he Department ot H u n t ani ties is broadly interdisciplinary w i t h n o t ed scholars and teachers in composition, comm u n ication and cultural studies, creative w r i t i n g , E n g l i s h an d A m e r i ca n l i t e r a t u r es, l i n g u i s t i c s, literacy, modern languages and literatures, new media, philosophy, protessional, technical, and scientific communication, and rhetoric. We have undergraduate degrees in communication and culture, English education, liberal arts, and scientific and technical comm u n i cation. We also have a large, nationally renowned graduate program in R h etoric and Technical ( . 0 1 11111l n I Ca t I 0 n . Send a letter ot application, curriculum v i ta, and the names ot three reco mmenders to: Robert R . Johnson, (:hair, Department ot H u m a n i t i es, Michigan Technological University, 1-100 Tovvnsend Drive, Houghton, M I 499:31 Inquiries are welcome to Bob Johnson at: rrjohnso ( Review ot applications will begin ()ctober 16, 2006 and the position will rennin open until filled. Michigan Technological University is an equal opportunity, aHirmative action employer/educational instituti on. Ap plications trom w o men and minorities are encouraged. [R] Northern Michigan U English, 1401 Presque Isle Av Marquette Ml 49855 Assistant Professor of Twentieth-Century African American Literature 16 25 http: // A ssistant I'rotessor, tenure-track; specialty in t w e n t i et h - c ent ur y A t r i c an American literature and late 19th and 20th century A m e r ican literature; I'h.D. and college or university teaching experience required; twelvehour teaching load (three -I-hour courses each semester ), combination ot Atrican Am e rican literature, Am erican literature survey, and composition. Salary competitive, excellent benefits, congenial department. R eview ot applications will begin on N ovember 20, 2006. Send letter, c.v., and the names ot at least three reterences to James SchifFer, Head, Department ot English, 1-101 I'resque Isle, Northern M i c higan University, Marquette, MI 49888-5:36:3. NMU is an equal opportunity, aHirmative action employer and is strongly comm i t ted to increasing the diversity ot its taculty. [R] fnnnjuzwik (, I'atricia Edvvards fedwardsh(, Marilyn Wilson fwilsonm (, and Julie Lindquist (lindqu11( M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 37 Saginaw Valley SU Northern Michigan U English, 1401 Presque Isle Av Marquette M149855 Assistant Professor of Sixteenth Century English Literature English, 7400 Bay Rd University Center M148710 1626 Assistant Professor of English (Writing Specialist) 1672 http: // ht tp:// Assistant I'rotessor, tenure-track; I'h.D. and college or university teaching experience required; tvvelve-hour teaching load (three -I-hour courses each semester ), combination ot u n d ergraduate and graduate courses in sixteenth century English literature, including ! ihakespeare (expertise in Spenser, Sidney, or comparable figures desirable ), lovver-level literature, and composition. Salary competitive, excellent benefits, congenial department. Revievv ot applications vvill begin on N o v ember 20, 2006. Send letter, c.v., and the names ot at least three reterences to James SchifFer, Head, Department ot English, 1-101 I'resque Isle, Nor t h ern M i c h i g an University, Marquette, MI -19885L NMU is an equal opportunity, affirnrative action employer and is strongly committed to increasing the diversity ot its taculty. [R] Tvvo positions teaching vvriting courses tor a variety ot audiences and levels (ranging trom developmental and first-year composition to upper-division vvriting courses) in technology-rich classrooms. perience, protessional expertise, and an active research agenda in developmental and first-year composition, vvriting in the disciplines, and/or protessional and technical vvriting. ABDs may be considered. I'reterred qualifications: interest, ability, and experience in departmental service. These are tenure-track positions beginning Fall 2007. !ialaries are competitive and dependent on qualifications and experience. More infbrntation on SVSU may be tound at http: // Saginavv Valley State University is an Equal Opportunity/A fi i r nrative Action Employer. Applicants tor these positions MUST apply onl ine at http: //vvvvvv.svsu .edu/ecs/employment/. [R] Northern Michigan U English, 1401 Presque Isle Av Marquette M149855 Assistant Professor ofSecondary Education-English and Composition Required qualifications: I'h.D. vvith a specialty in vvriting, teaching ex- 1 62 9 http: // Assistant I' r o t essor, tenur e- t r a ck , Secondary E d u c ati o n - E n g l i sh and Composition; I'h.D. or comparable terminal degree required, along vvith successtul teaching experience at the secondary level (7 — 12), and successtul teaching in a college or university. Assignment includes English/ Language Arts methods course, a Teaching ot W r i t ing course, and composition, as vvell as supervision ot student teachers. Ability to vvork in close relationship vvith the D epartm ent ot Education, coupled vvith a strong commitment to the Secondary English I'rogranu to the English Depart- ment, and to the public schools and teachers ot the Upper I'eninsula and Wisconsin. Salary competitive, excellent benefits, congenial department. Revievv ot applications vvill begin on N o v ember 20, 2006. Send letter, c.v., and the names ot at least three reterences to James SchifFer, Head, Department ot English, 1-101 I'resque Isle, Northern M i c higan University, Marquette, MI 49888-5:36:3. NMU is an equal opportunity, affirntative action employer and is strongly commi tted to increasing the diversity ot its taculty. [R] Saginaw Valley SU English, 7400 Bay Rd University Center M148710 Assistant Professor of English (English Education) 1670 ht tp:// To teach courses in English education, first-year vvriting, and/or general education literature. Required qualifications: I'h.D. in English/English education or closely related field; ABD nray be considered. I'reterred qualifications: classroom teaching experience, preterably vvith diverse student populations, at the secondary level (grades 7 — 12); college teaching experience; expertise in the theory and methods ot teaching ot English. This is a tenure-track position beginning in Fa112007. !ialaries are competitive and dependent on qualifications and experience. More infbrntation on SVSU nray be tound at http: // SVSU is an Equal Opportunity/Afi i r nrative Action Employer. Applicants tor this position MUST apply online at http: // ecs/employment/. [R] Carleton C English, One N College St Northfield MN 55057 Assistant (or Associate) Professor of Postcolonial Literature 1305 http: // The Department ot English at Carleton Co l l ege seeks to appoint a tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor specializing in A n g l o p hone postcolonial literatures. In the case ot exceptional mi d - c areer candidates, an associate protessorship (vvithout tenure at time ot appoi n t m ent ) vvill be considered. Candidates should have received the I'hD in English or a closely related field by September 2007, and should have a strong commit ment to teaching in a liberal arts college. In addition to teaching introductory and advanced literature courses, the successtul candidate vvould have the opportunity to engage vvith interdisciplinary programs such as Atrican/ Atrican-A m e r i can Studies, Cross-Cul t u ral Studies, South Asian Studi es, and Women's and (lender ! i t u d ies. I'relim i n ary i n t er vievvs at ML A . Send letter ot application, c.v. and dossier by November 18 to (Iregory Blake Smith, Chair, Department ot English, Carleton College, Northfield MN 88087. Carleton College is an EO/A A e m p l oyer. We are committed to developing our taculty to better reflect the diversity ot our student body and American society. Women and members ot minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply. [R] Macalester C English, 1600 Grand Av St Paul MN 55105 Assistant or Associate Professor, International Studies: Culture, Technology, Media ea.Information 1422 http: // The International ! i t u dies Department at Macalester College seeks to appoint an Assistant or Associate I'rotessor in Cul t u re, Technology, Media and Infbrntation. A vibrant multi- disciplinary program at the heart ot the College's mission, Macalester's International !itudies approaches a broad range ot phenomena trom a variety ot regional, global, and transnational perspectives. !iuccesstul candidates vvill be efFective teachers and productive scholars in fields such as global media industries and institutions, video/television/ film, the Internet, vvorldvvide nevvs and infbrntation, or cross-border images and media. The history, sources, practices, audiences, aesthetics, and gender and racial dimensions ot media, infbrntation, technology and culture are all ot interest. 38 E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 Candidates trained in any huntanities or social science discipline are encouraged to apply. A global perspective is essential. Wi t hi n t his global p erspective, hovvever, vve seek candidates vvith parti c u lar strength i n ! iouth, ! i o u t heast, or East Asia, the Islamic vvorld, Europe, and/or Lati n America. This position vvill have a torntal curricular link to the Hu ntanities, Media, and Cultural ! i t udies Department. area offers a vvealth ot natural resources, including numerous trails, rivers, a nd lakes, and is vvell knovvn as the gatevvay to the beautitul N o r t h ! i h o r e ot Lake!iuperior, ntaking it a popular destination tor outdoor enthusiasts. Duluth also has a very strong arts community and supports its ovvn symphony. In the .'ieptember 200:1 issue ot OUTSIDE ntagazine, Duluth vvas named one ot "The -10 Best College Tovvns" in No rth A m e rica. The appointment vvill begin !ieptember I, 2007. The teaching load is five courses per year. For tullest consideration, initial applications, consisting ot detailed introductory letter and CV, go to David Chi oni M o o re, International!itudies, Macalester College, 1600 (irand Ave,!it. I'aul, MN 8 8108 U!iA. Entail queries (but not applications) to mooredc ( Applications received by 18 November 2006 vvill receive first consideration. To apply tor t his position and to submit y our application ntaterials online, go to http: // and search tor requisition num ber 1-11:37-1. An application consists ot the online application torm, vvhich Macalester College is a highly selective, prrivate liberal arts college in the MM i n n eapolis-!iaint I'aul metropolitan area, vvhich teatures vital and diverse urban communi ties. The College enrolls 1000 students trom all 80 states and 80 toreign nations. As an Equal Opport u n it y employer supportive ot aHirntative efforts to achieve a diverse vvorkfbrce, the College strongly encourages applications trom vvomen and members ot underrepresented minor ity g r o ups. Our taculty are dedicated to research and teaching in a liberal arts context, vvithin the Colleges emphases on internationalism, multiculturalism, and service to society. [R] includes the fbllovving ntaterials: cover letter, vitae (including contact intormation tor .'1 reterences), and sample syllabus. In addition, ntail evidence ot effective teaching, transcripts (unoHicial acceptable), and samples ot scholarly and/or protessional vvork to the address belovv. The applicant should also request that three letters ot reterence be sent to the same address. Completed applications vvill be revievved beginning November I, 2006, and vvill continue until the position is filled. A pplicants must submit an o n l i n e application to r t h i s positi on. T h e University ot M i n n e sota Du l ut h is an equal oppor t u n it y e d ucator and employer. I 'rotessor Kenneth Risdon, !iearch Com m i t tee Chair, University ot M i n nesota Duluth , Department ot Co m position, -120 Huntanitietn 1201 Or- dean Court, Duluth, Mi nnesota 88812 [R] U of Minnesota Duluth Composition, 1201 Ordean Ct, 420 Hum Duluth MN 55812 Assistant Professor of Composition 527 ht tp:// U of Mississippi The University ot M i n n esota Duluth, Department ot Com position seeks t o hire an in d i v i d ual tor a tu l l - t i m e t e n u r e- t r ack teaching position i n Composition. The teaching load is typically five classes per year. The successtul candidate vvill teach a range ot vvriting courses, including but not limited to treshntan composition and advanced composition courses, vvith the possibility ot t eaching composition th eory and i n t o r ntation design courses. The department expects the candidate to produce research in a relevant field.!iervice typically includes advising students, committee assignments, and department and curriculum development.!ialary and benefits are competitive. !iee Required Education and Experience: -I'hD or equivalent degree (completed by July I, 2007) in composition/ rhetoric, technical vvriting, English, or related field -Tvvo years ot experience teaching composition at the college level -Clear plan tor a program ot research leading to publications in peer revievved journals English, PO Box 1848, Bondurant Hall University MS 38677 Assistant Professor 1429 http: // The University ot Mississippi is seeking to fill a tenure-track joint appointment in the Department ot English and the I'rogram ot Atrican American !itudies. The successtul candidate vvill play a significant role in shaping the direction ot the undergraduate major in A t r i can A m e r i c an ! i t u d i es. Area ot!ipecialization is open. I'hD preterred, ABD considered. All applications must be submitted on line. I'lease submit letter, c.v., and names ot reterences electronically to http: // Revievv ot applications begins on O c t ober 15, 2006 and conti n ues until the position is filled. I'reliminary intervievvs vvill be conducted at the MLA Convention. Inquiries ntay be directed to I'atrick (quinn, Chair ot English (pquinn(e8 or Charles Ross, Chair ot Atrican American!i tudies (cross(e8 . The University ot Mississippi is an EEO/AA / A D A / A D E A / Tiltles V I and IX/!iection 80-1 employer. [R] -Demonstrated ability to use technology to teach vvriting -Evidence ot excellence in teaching composition U of Mississippi I'reterred (1ualifications - D e m o n s t r a ted c o m m i t m e n t t o t e a ching t r e shman and advanced English, PO Box 1848, Bondurant Hall University MS 38677 cotltposition Assistant Professor -Experience teaching non-fiction protessional vvriting, including vvriting tor the social sciences, the human services/education, the fine arts, and/ http: // or the sciences - Ex p e r i e n c e i n p l a c e m e n t , E ! i L , a s sessntent , a n d / o r c ur r i c u l a r development -Record ot presentation and publication in relevant fields -Record ot ability to vvork collaboratively and collegially -Experience teaching intorntation design T he Un i v ersity ot M i n n e sota Dul uth is a comprehensive regional uni versity vvith 78 majors and graduate programs in 20 fields; it has a student enrollment ot 10,000 and affords a tull range ot academic/research r esources in a setting more com m o nly t o und at smaller colleges. UM D consistently ranks among the top M i d vvestern universities in U!i N e vvs and World R epor t's "Am erica's Best Colleges" issue. The Tvvin I'orts ot Duluth and its sister city !i uperior, Wisconsin, have a combined population ot approxintately 120,000 and offer an excellent quality ot lite. The M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 1464 The Univeristy ot Mississippi is seeking a tenure-track position in Early American L i t eratur e (to 1820). We particularly encourage applicants vvith research interests in comparative colonial or envir o n m ental literature. I'hD. required or in h and by 2 A u gust 2007. Revievv ot applications begins 18 October 2006 and continues until the position is filled. I 'relim i n ary i n t e r v ievvs vvill be conducted at the M L A C o n v e n t io n i n I'hiladelphia. Inquiries ntay be ntade to I'rotessor I'atrick (quinn, English Department (: hair (pquinn( Application letters (c.v. only ) must be completed online at http: // The University ot M ississippi is an EEO/A A / T i t l e V I / T i t l e I X / ! i ection 80-1/ADA/ A D E A emp I oyer . [ R ] 39 • • Central Missouri SU English 8( Philos, 336 Martin Warrensburg MO 64093 Assistant Professor, American Literature 1684 http: / M odern tk c o n t e m p o r ar y A m e r i c a n l i t e r a t u re: t e n u r e - l i n e p o si t i o n f¹998-118) at the rank ot Assistant I'rotessor. Tvvelve-hour teaching load to include upper-level and graduate courses in modern Am e rican literature, as vvell as literature surveys and composition. Do ctorate preterred; ABD considered. Specialization in American poetry desirable. Send letter ot application, CV, transcripts, three letters ot recommendation, and vvriting sample to Cheryl Eason, Chair, Department ot English and I'hilosophy, Martin 336, Un iversity ot Central M issouri lfbrmerly Central Missouri ! i t ate University ), Warrensburg M(), 64093-8046. Initial intervievvs at MLA. Screening begins November 3, 2006, and continues until position is filled. Central Missouri SU English 8( Philos, 336 Martin Warrensburg MO 64093 Assistant or Associate Professor, Rhetoric and Composition 1686 http: / R hetori c / c o m p o siti on : t e n u r e- l i n e position f¹998-111) at the rank ot Assistant or Associate I'rotessor. Tvvelve-hour teaching load to i n clude first-year composition and upper-level courses in rhetoric/ c o m position. Teaching load vvould be reduced it additional duties are assigned. Those duties ntay include supervising and training teaching assistants and directing composition program or directing vvriting assessment. Doctorate preterred; ABD c o n sidered. Experience vvith vvriting assessment desirable. Send letter ot application, CV, transcripts, three letters ot recommendation, and vvriting sample to Cheryl Eason, Chair, Department ot English and I'hilosophy, Martin 336, U n i v ersity ot Central M i ssouri lfbrmerly Central Missouri ! i t ate University ), Warrensburg, M() 64093-8046. Initial intervievvs at MLA. Screening begins November 3, 2006, and continues until position is filled. fiction vvriting, nonfiction vvriting lvvhere applicable), upper-level courses in literature lvvhere applicable), and general education courses, including literature and composition. Additional duties may include serving as fiction co-editor and/or nonfiction editor ot I'leiades: A Journal ot Nevv W riti ng. M F A r e q u i r e d / D o c t o r ate preterred tor one position; A B D considered. History ot publication in fiction required. Send letter ot application, CV, transcripts, three letters ot recommendation, and vvriting sample to Cheryl Eason, Chair, Department ot English and I'hilosophy, Martin 336, U n i v ersity ot C entral M i ssouri lfbrmerly Central Missouri State University ), Warrensburg, M( ) 6 4 0 93-8046. Ini tial intervievvs at MLA. Screening begins November 15, 2006, and continues until position is filled. Northwest Missouri SU English, 800 University Dr Maryville MO 64468 Assistant Professor of English 322 http: // T enure- t r ack A ssistant I' r o tessor vvith specialty i n C o m p o s i t io n a n d Rhetoric, beginning August 2007, to teach a -I/-I load. Specialization in developmental composition, technical/vvorkplace vvriting, first-year composition, or assessment desirable. Teaching includes at least fitty percent general education vvriting courses vvith some opportunity to teach upperlevel or graduate vvriting courses. Earned doctorate, successtul teaching experience at the college level, student support, departmental and uni versity service, and ongoing scholarship required. Salary commensurate vvith qualifications and experience. Send letter ot application, vita, unoHicial transcripts, and three letters ot reterence to Dr. M i c h ael Ho bbs, Chair, Department ot English, Colden H a ll , N o r t h vvest Missouri State University, Maryville, M( ) 64468. Screening vvill begin November 18th a nd vvill continue until position is filled. Intervievvs at the 2006 M L A convention in I'hiladelphia. Application vvill be acknovvledged by letter. Inquire to Mhobbs (aJnvvmissourkedu or l660 ) 862-1265. Northvvest is an equal opportunity employer. [R] Northwest Missouri SU English, 800 University Dr Maryville MO 64468 Assistant Professor of English Education http: / Central Missouri SU English 8( Philos, 336 Martin Warrensburg MO 64093 Assistant Professor, English Education 327 1681 http: / English education: tenure-line position f¹998-11-1) at the rank ot Assistant I'rotessor. Tvvelve-hour teaching load to include a combination ot the tollovving: literature tor adolescents, methods ot teaching English, supervision ot student teachers, and general studies courses, including literature and composition. Do ctorate preterred; ABD c o nsidered. I'ublic hi gh- school teaching experience and the ability to vvork vvith public school teachers essential. Send letter ot application, CV, transcripts, three letters ot recommendation, and vvriting sample to Cheryl Eason, Chair, Department ot English and I'hilosophy, Martin 336, University ot Central Missouri lformerly Central M i ssouri State University ), Warrensburg, M() 64093-8046. Initial intervievvs at MLA. Screening begins November 3, Tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor vvith specialty in English Education, beginning August 2007, to teach a -I/-I load, vvith one quarter release time tor supervising student teachers and program coordination. Teaching includes general education treshntan composition and literature classes as vvell as classes in area ot specialty. Earned doctorate, successtul teaching experience at the college level, student support, departmental and university service, and ongoing scholarship required. Salary commensurate vvith qualifications and experience. Send letter ot application, vita, unoHicial transcriptru and three letters ot reterence to Dr. M i c h ael H o bbs, Chair, Department ot English, Colden Hall, N o r t hvvest Missouri ! i t ate University, Maryville, M( ) 64468. Screening vvill begin November 1st and vvill continue until position is filled. Application vvill be acknovvledged by letter. Inquire to M h obbs (aJnvvmissourkedu or l660 ) 862-1265. Northvvest is an equal opportunity employer. [R] 2006, and continues until position is filled. Northwest Missouri SU English, 800 University Dr Maryville MO 64468 Central Missouri SU English 8( Philos, 336 Martin Warrensburg MO 64093 Assistant Professor, Creative Writing Instructor of English 1679 Creative vvriting, emphasis in fiction: tvvo tenure-line positions f¹998-ILL tk ¹99882-1) at the rank ot Assistant I'rotessor. Tvvelve-hour teaching load to include a combination ot i n t r o d uction to creative vvriting, advanced 40 325 http: / Renevvable, non-tenure track Instructor position, beginning August 2007, to teach a -I/-I load ot developmental vvriting, general education treshntan composition, and advanced composition courses. (leneralist vvith exper- tise in composition and developmental English highly desirable. Masters degree and successtul teaching experience at the college level required; student support and un i v ersity service expected. Salary com m ensurate E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 vvith qualifications and experience.!iend letter ot application, resume, unoHicial transcripts, three letters ot reterence, and contact int o r ntation tor three additional reterences to Dr. M i c hael Hobbs, (:hair, Department ot English, (: olden Hall, Northvvest Missouri ! i t ate University, Maryville, MO 64468. !icreening vvill begin on N ovember 18th and vvill continue u ntil the position is fill ed. I n t ervievvs at the 2006 M L A c o n v e nt ion i n I'hiladelphia. Application vvill be acknovvledged by letter. Inquire to Mhobbs(c0nvvmissourkedu or (660) 862-1265. Northvvest is an equal opportunity employer. [R] U of Missouri-St Louis English, 8001 Natural Bridge Rd, 494 Lucas Hall St Louis MO 63121 • • U of Nebraska at Kearney English, 905 W 25th St, 202 Thomas Hall Kearney NE 68849 Assistant Professor of English Composition (Basic Writing) 1290 ht tp:// The University ot Nebraska — Kearney seeks a Basic Writing specialist to teach (ieneral !i t u dies and upper-division composition courses. Our student population includes a number ot int ernational students and others vvho require developmental vvriting instruction. This taculty member ntay also teach graduate courses in appropriate areas, vvith other undergraduate http: / courses to be determined according to additional expertise. (Base load is 12 hours, vvith scholarly release tor those vvho quality tor a 9-hour load. ) Required: I'h.D. in ( : o m p osition / R h e t o ric vvith an emphasis in Basic T enure-t rack A ssistant/ A ssociate I' r o tessor vvith a jo in t app o i n t m e n t in English and Education, beginning date is August, 2007. (:ompleted I'h.D./ E d .D . i n E n g l i sh Ed ucation, L i t erature, or ( : o m p o sition an d Writing; evidence ot successtul college teaching; evidence ot scholarly potential. I'reterred: expertise in linguistics, grannnar, history ot the English language, rhetoric, technical vvriting, or E!iL composition. I'roficiency in Rhetoric is required. !iuccesstul candidates must demonstrate an exemplary record ot recent secondary English teaching, as vvell as a research agenda appropriate to English Education in areas such as literature, vvriting, teacher development, or literacy methods. a second language a plus. For more intorntation and to submit an application: http: // [R] Assistant/Associate Professor English Education 1490 Desirable experience includes background in a National Wri ting I'roject site; teaching experience at the university level; involvement in urban education; field experience supervision; collaboration vvith K-12 colleagues; successtul grant vvriting, and vvork vvith electronic resources in English Education. Teaching responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate courses in English Education, intern and student teacher supervision, and graduate courses in composition. This taculty member vvill contribute to programs and committees tor both the (:ollege ot Arts and!iciences and the (:ollege ot Education. I'rograms include a masters and doctorate in Education, a ntasters in English, and a graduate certificate in the teaching ot vvriting. UM- !it. Louis is a technology-rich campus vvith a vvell-established National Writing I'roject site. Application deadline is November I, 2006, or until the position is filled. Intervievvs at MLA and N ( :T E are desirable. I'lease send application cover letter, vita, transcripts, three letters ot rec- ommendation, and a sample ot published or publishable vvriting to: Deborah Aldrich-Watson,!iearch (:omm i t tee (:hair; Department ot English, U niversity o t M i s sour r i - ! i t . L o u i rn1 U n i v ersity B l v d . , !it . L o u i s, M O 6:3121. Electronic submissions are encouraged. Email: davv ( U of Nevada, Las Vegas English, PO Box 455011, 4505 Maryland Pky Las Vegas NV 89154 Visiting Full Professor, Creative Writing (ftction ) 799 h ttp: / A r t s We seek candidates vvith a distinguished publication record in fiction to join our (:reative Writing Faculty in the Department ot English as a Visiting Full I' rotessor tor academic year 2007/08. Offering the M .F.A. and the I'h.D. (vvith creative dissertation ), our program's international tocus requires that students spend a semester in a non-English speaking country and complete a translation project. The position carries a generous salary and benefits, vvith a 2/2 teaching load, in residence, consisting ot graduate and some undergraduate vvorkshops and literature courses. A record ot successtul teaching is required.!iend letter ot application and c v. to Douglas Unger, (:hair, !iearch (:ommi ttee; Dept. ot English; Univ. ot Nevada, Las Vegas; Las Vegas, NV 8918-1 8011. Materials may also be submitted via e-ntail: douglas.unger ( The search vvill continue until the position is filled. Revievv ot applications vvill begin Jan. 15, 2007. [ R ] I'hone: (:31-1) 816-8605. The University ot M issouri-!it. Louis is an equal opportunity/aBirntative action employer committed to excellence through diversity. Dartmouth C English, N Main St, 6032 Sanborn House Hanover NH 03755 Westminster C English, 501 Westminster Av Fulton MO 65251 Assistant Professor of English 1713 Creative Writing, Open Rank 1194 http: // english ht tp:// Assistant I'rotessor ot English, tenure-track. I'h.D. required vvith strong commitment to undergraduate teaching/advising and continued scholarly development.!ipecialization in media studies/journalism, vvith the ability to teach creative vvriting (fiction) courses. Teaching load (8 courses/year) vvill typically include composition, introduction to journalism, introduction to creative vvriting, upper level journalism, media studies, and fiction-vvriting courses, as vvell as courses supporting Westminster's general education progrann I'reterence vvill be given to candidates vvith secondary expertise in at least one ot the fbllovving areas: American literature, film studies, E!iL. Revievv ot applications vvill begin in D ecember and continue until the position is filled. Application vvill be acknovvledged by Dartmouth ( : o l lege seeks a fiction vvriter tor an open rank, tenure track position to teach in the (:reative Writing I'rogram in the English Department. !itrong publication record and substantial undergraduate teaching experience required. I'reterence given to those candidates vvho can teach the tull range ot courses offered in the program. Dartmouth (: ollege is an equal opportunit y/aBirntative action employer, is strongly comm i t ted to diversity, and encourages applications trom vvomen and minorities. I'lease send letter ot application and (:V to ( : r eative Wri t i n g ! i earch (:o m m i t t ee (:hair, Dartmouth ( : o l lege English Department, 60:32!ianborn H ouse, Hanover, NH 0:3785, or via entail to English. Department (c0dartmouth .edu, postntarked no later than Wednesday, November I, 2006. [R] letter. !i end letters ot application, v i ta, transcriptrn letters ot recom m e n - dation and supporting documents to: Dr. (:arolyn I'erry, Department ot English, Westminster (:ollege, Fulton, MO 68281. Westminster (:ollege is an Equal Opportunity Employer. [R] M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 41 Southern New Hampshire U English S( Mod Langs, 2500 N River Rd Manchester NH 03106 Dartmouth C German Studies, 6084 Dartmouth Hall Hanover NH 03755 Chair in the Digitial Humanities 75 Assi stant Professor of Rhetori c and Composi ti on 1093 http: // http: // Dartmouth ( : o l lege is pleased to announce the creation ot a senior position in the Di g i tal H u nranities tor a nevvly endovved (:hair in i n n ovative fields. The successtul applicant should be committed to inter-disciplinary collaboration, technological innovation, and creating curricular links vvithin the H u m a n i t ies and across divisions. The position offers the opp ortun it y t o d e t i n e a nevv area ot research and teaching, bu i l d i n g o n Dartmouth's existing strengths in the Hunranities and (:omputing, Southern Nevv Hampshire U n i v ersity i n v i tes applications tor an assistant protessor vvith a I'h.D. in R h e t o ric and ( : o m p osition to begin Fall 2007. The successtul candidate vvill have a strong background in rhetoric/ composition theory and pedagogy and substantial teaching experience at the undergraduate level. ABDs vvill be considered.!iuccesstul candidates vvill able to teach introductory and advanced vvriting as vvell as (llanunal and Linguistics. The candidate nray be asked to assume responsibilities in the vvriting program, to assist vvith curriculum development and assessment, and to support the Writing Across the (:urriculum program. The field ot research and teaching is open; vve seek candidates vvith practical and/or t h eoretical expertise in one or several ot the fbllovving disciplines in the A rts and the H u m a n i t ies: visual arts, screen studies, nevv media, pertornrance arts, music and sound, film, T V / V i d eo, and literature. Expertise in computer hardvvare and/or sottvvare vvill be vvelcome but is not essential. SNHU has a -I/3 teaching load vvith snrall classes, competitive salary, and benefits. Revievv ot applications begins November 10, 2006. MLA i n tervievvs vvill be conducted. SNHU is located in Manchester, NH, SO miles north ot Boston and -10 miles trom the coast. The role ot the (:hair in D i g i tal H u m anities is intended to be broad in scope, potentially i n c o r p orating cu r r ent or t u t ur e i n i t i a tives in cyberculture and the creation, perfbrntance, and critical study ot digital arts, including a consideration ot the socio-political and theoretical implicat ions ot nevv artistic technologies. The endovvment tor this (: h air pr o vides additional tunds tor projects involving research and teaching in the Digital H u m a n i t ies. The successtul candidate vvill be located in a s ingle Dartm o ut h department or p r o gr am, or j o i n tl y appoi nted to on e or more departments or programs. (:onsiderable flexibility exists regarding joint appointments, vvhich nray cross departmental or even divisional boundaries. Send letter ot application addressing qualifications, statement ot teaching philosophy, curriculum vitae, and letters ot recommendations to: ()ne ot the most diverse institutions ot higher education in N evv Eng- Assistant Professor of English l and, Da r t m o ut h ( : o l l ege is an equal op p o r t u n i t y / a t t i r m a t iv e acti o n employer and has a strong commit m ent to diversity. In that spirit, vve are http: //vvvvvv.unhjobs.corn particularly interested in receiving applications trom a broad spectrum ot people, including vvomen, persons ot color, persons vvith disabilities, and veterans. E()E/AA U of New Hampshire English, 95 Main St Hamilton Smith Hall Durham NH 03824 59 Tenure-track position: Assistant I'rotessor ot English vvith a specialty in !ihakespeare. The 3/2 teaching load includes upper and lovver division otterings in!ihakespeare and other early modern vvriters, broad literary surveys, and/or genre courses, as vvell as graduate teaching in ! i h akespeare. The Search (:ommittee vvill begin revievving applications atter ()ctober I, 2006. Applications vvill be considered until the position is filled. I'lease send letter ot application, (:V, and the names ot three reterences to: (lerd (lemiinden, (: hair Search (:om m i t tee in Di gital H u nranities, Dept. ot (lernran!itudies, 60114 Dartmouth Hall, Dartmouth (: ollege, Hanover, NH 037SS U.'iA (:hair, R h etoric and (: o m positio n ! i earch (: o m m i t t ee, c/o H u n ran R esources and Development-R t k ( : , Southern Nevv Hampshire Un i v ersity, 2600 North River Road, Manchester, NH 03106 [R] Southern New Hampshire U English S( Mod Langs, 2500 N River Rd Manchester NH 03106 Assistant Professor of English I'h.D. must be in hand by September I, 2007. Applicants should send a letter, (:V, dossier, dissertation abstract, vvriting sample, and stamped selt-addressed envelope to:!ihakespeare!iearch (:ommi ttee, English De- partment, Hami l ton Smith H all, 9S Main Street, Durham, N H 031124367-1. Applications must be postnrarked on or betore November 3, 2006. The University seeks excellence through diversity among its administrators, taculty, staff, and students. The university prohibits discrimi n ation on the basis ot race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or ex pression, disability, veteran status, or nrarital status. Application by members ot all underrepresented groups is encouraged [R] 1091 http: // Southern Nevv Hampshire University seeks an Assistant I'rotessor ot English to teach literature and composition beginning Fall 2007. The successtul candidate vvill have a I'h.D. in hand, substantial teaching experience, an area ot specialization in R enaissance literature (teaching!ihakespeare, British Literature survey, and other literature courses), and a strong back- ground in basic and advanced vvriting; all members ot the English taculty staff the Freshnran (:omposition I'rogram, a three-course sequence. SNHU has a -I/3 teaching load vvith snrall classes, competitive salary, and a comprehensive benefit package. Revievv ot applications begins November 10. Interested applicants are requested to fbrvvard their resume and letter ot application to: (:hair, English !iearch (:om m i t t ee, c/o H u n ran Resources and Development-E N ( L S o u t hern N evv Hampshire U n i v ersity, 2600 North River Road Manchester, NH 03106 E()E/AA 42 U of New Hampshire English, 95 Main St Hamilton Smith Hall Durham NH 03824 ricanAmerican Assistant Professor in African American Literature and Af Studies 55 http: //vvvvvv.unhjobs.corn Tenure-track position: Teaching responsibilities cover the tull range, trom introductory English and general education courses to specialized graduate courses..'3/2 teaching load. ()pportunities include vvork in the Atrican American!itudies minor. I'h.D. must be in hand by September I, 2007. Applicants should send a letter, (:V, dossier, dissertation abstract, vvriting sample, and stamped selt-addressed envelope to: Atrican American Search (:ommittee, English Department, University ot Nevv Hampshire, Hamilton Smith Hall, 9S Main Street, Durham, NH 031124-3671. Applications must be postmarked on or b e t ore N o v e m ber 3, 20 06. T h e U n i v e r sity seeks excellence through diversity and strongly encourages vvomen and minority candidates to apply. [R] E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 to reach across disciplinary boundaries and be willing to engage in grant writing activities as well as provide service to the department, university, and larger protessional community. Applications to: Chair, My t hology Search Commi ttee, Dept. ot Classics tk (leneral Huntanitietu Montclair State University, Montclair, N J 07043 Drew U English, 36 Madison Av Madison NJ 07940 Assistant or Associate Professor o f Creative Writing 1178 Telx 073-688-441'3. [ R ] http: // F ull-ti me, tenure-track Assistant or Associate I'rotessor in Creative W r i t i ng with competence in teaching two out ot three genres in writ i n g (fic- tion, poetry, literary non-fiction ) and some literature courses (field open). I 'osition in cludes directing the w r i t i n g m i n o r , strengthening a w r i t i n g commun it y o n c a m pus, and planning tor a possible ntaster's program. Record ot teaching excellence and publications. I'h.D. preterred, MFA considered. Send c.v., writing sample, and letters ot reterence by Nov. 20 to: Peggy Samuels, English Dept., Sitterly, Drew University, Madison N J, 070-10. I'ending tunding approval. To enrich education through diversity, [R] Drew University is AA/EOE. Montclair SU C of Humanities 8( Social Sciences, 0%ce of the Dean Upper Montclair NJ 07043 Associate or Full Prof D i r ector ofthe Center for Writing Excellence Professor orAssociate Professor 1332 http: // web/index.htm I'rinceton University-I'rotessor or Associate I'rotessor ot English/T heatre. The Department ot English and the I'rogram in T heatre and Dance ot the University Center tor the Creative and I'ertorming A r t s hope to make a joint tull- t i me, tenured teaching appointment in D ranta/T h eatre/I'erfbrntance. The distinguished person we seek could be a theater critic or arts protessional with a lively int erest in drantatic literature or pertorntance studies. Send letter and resume to the Search Co m m i t t ee, c/ o I ' r o t essor Lawrence Danson, Department ot English, McCosh 22, I'ri nceton, N J 08844. Deadline tor applications is November 1st. I'rinceton University is an equal opportunity employer and complies with applicable EEO and 1 36 1 http: //ww w a n o n Expertise in composition/rhetoric and writing center theory and practice. Strong leadership and administrative skills and a record ot accomplishm ent in developing w r i t i n g - r e l ated centers, programs or ot her i n i t i a tives. The taculty-director will need to be able to reach across disciplinary boundaries and develop programs with college as well as university-vvide programs. With printary responsibility tor developing and implementing a new university-vvide Center tor W r i t i n g E x c ellence at an institu t i o n committed to changing the culture ot w r i t in g on campus, the successtul c andidate will ntaintain an active research agenda and teach I/ I , w i t h op portunity to teach graduate courses in Writi n g ! i t u dies and undergraduate c ourses in teacher education and first year writing. (QUALIF I C A TI O N ! i : I'hD, strong record ot scholarship and an active and evolving research agenda in compositio n / r h e t o ric or r elated field; admi n i strative success in writing centers, first year writing and/or WA C / W I D ; g r ant seeking/ writing experience; record ot excellence in teaching composition/ rhetoric at various levels. Intervievvs to be held at ML A o r vi a phone. MSU is an AA/E O e m p loyer; minority and women candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Letters, 3 recommendations and CV to Emily Isaacs, Chair, Writing Center !iearch Cttee, Box Fhl, C ollege ot Huntanities and Social Sciences, MSU, Montclair, N J 07043 APPLY BY Nov. 22, 2006. Princeton U English, 22 McCosh Hall Princeton NJ 08544 [R] Montclair SU aHirmative actions regulations. For in t o r ntation on general application intorntation and how to selt-identity, see http: // dot/Applicantslnto.htm. Richard Stockton C ofNew Jersey Arts 8( Humanities, PO Box 195,Jim Leeds Rd Pomona NJ 08240 Assistant Professor of New Media Studies 1 720 http: //ww w . Tenure-track, September 2007, ABD acceptable tor Instructor; I'h.D. or MFA required tor Assistant Professor. Salaries competitive with excellent benefits. Teach introductory through advanced courses in New M e dia Studies, including writing tor New Media and Multimedia production, core or topi- cal courses in Literature, and courses in (leneral!i t udies. Teaching load is six tour-hour courses per year. I'reterence will be given to candidates with evidence ot excellence in college teaching and experience with i n t ernet applications such as Flash and C!i!i. Experience teaching creative writing vvorkshops and/or in digital media (hnage, audio and video ) is desirable. !iuccesstul candidate will be expected to help support program initiatives in the use ot digital media throughout the curriculum . Send letter ot application, CV , statement ot teaching phi losophy, and three letters ot recommendation to Dr . R o b ert ( I r egg, Dean ot Arts and Humanities, The Ri chard Stockton College ot New Jersey, AA-18, I'0 Box 105, I'omona, N J 082-10-0105. Screening begins December -I, 2006, a nd will continue until position is filled. Stockton is an AA/E O E . Classics, Montclair NJ 07043 Assistant Professor of Classics ea. General Humanities 1396 ht tp:/>ntclair.edulclassics/classics. html Applicants with expertise in mythology (ot any tradition ) to teach mythology, general education, core, and advanced courses. Develop and teach upper-level courses in myth or other appropriate general huntanities topics. Collaborate with other taculty members in enriching the curriculum, developing events centered on my t h o l ogy, increasing student interest in mythology, and expanding the department's role as a center tor Eastern New Mexico U Langs 8( Lit, Portales NM 88130 mythological inquiry. Assistant I'rotessor ot English (Contemporary A m e r i can Literature and Transatlantic !i t u dies ) to begin August, 2007. I'hD preterred, but consideration will be given to qualified AB D s. -I/-I teaching load will include graduate and undergraduate courses in the ntajor as well as general education courses. Special consideration will be given to applicants with expertise in im m i g r atio n / m i g r a tion studies. Review ot applications to begin immediately. Intervievvs will be held at MLA . Send letter ot application, Required: I'h.D. tocused on mythology and its interdisciplinary academic study. At least 2 years ot college-level teaching experience with proven excellent teaching ability and a commitment to general education. Candidates should demonstrate scholarship in which mythological inquiry plays a central role; they should have publications in press or accepted at peer- reviewed academic torums, as well as concrete plans tor multiple public ations wit hi n th e next tour years. Candidates must have the ability t o M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST Assistant Professor of English 1349 ht tp://ww w . transcripts, three letters ot recommendation, and current curriculum v i t ae 43 to Englbh Search, Oscar Robinson, Personnel, Station 21, Eastern New Mexico U n i v ersity, I'ortaleru NM 8 8 L 10. Con d i t ion ot E m p l o y m ent : Must pass a pre-employment background check. I'lease visit our webpage at www tor additional intorntation and the taculty application torm. EEO/AA / T i tle IX Employer. [R] U of New Mexico English Lang 8( Lit, 1 Univ of New Mexico, MSC 03 2170 Albuquerque NM 87131 Assistant Professor in Early Native American Literary Studies 1226 http: / New Mexico SU English, PO Box 30001 Las Cruces NM 88003 Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary American Literature (tenure track) 978 http: // Specialization in M o d er n and C o n t em p orary A m e r i can Li t erature, an emphasis on poetry desired. I'h.D. and teaching experience required; publications preterred. All requirements tor the I'h.D. completed by date ot hire in August 2007. The Department ot English offers the B.A. in English, the M.A. in English (with emphases in literature, pedagogy, and rhetoric and protessional communication ), the M.F.A. in Creative Writing, and the I'h.D. in Rhetoric and I'rotessional Communication. All tenure-track taculty contribute to undergraduate and graduate programs in English and to the undergraduate general education program through courses in literature and writing. New Mexico State University is the only land-grant institution ranked by the Carnegie Foundation in the top research category, Research-Extensive, and classified as a Hispanic-serving by the tederal government, with a minority enrollment over -18%. Home to the stateg NASA Space ()rant I'rogram, N M S U i s located in Las Cruceru which teatures desert mesas, the tarmlands ot the Rio ( I r ande Valley, and the Organ M o u ntains, an extension ot the Rocky M o u n tain chain. Application screening begins November 10, 2006; position rentains opens u ntil ti l l ed. I'lease send letter ot application w it h c u r r ent CV , w r i t i n g sample, and dossier (with three letters ot recommendation ) to Dr. Andrew Wiget, Chair, I'ersonnel Comm i t tee, Department ot English, MS(: 3E, Box .'10001, New M exico State University, Las Cruces, NM 8800:1. NMSU is an equal opportunity/aHirntative action employer. We encour- age applications trom women and minorities. [R] New Mexico SU English, PO Box 30001 Las Cruces NM 88003 Assistant Professor ofAmerican Cultural Studies (tenure track) 984 http: // Specialization in the Twentieth Century, an emphasis on film desired. I'h.D. and teaching experience required; publications preterred. All requirements tor the I'h.D. completed by date ot hire in August 2007. The Department ot English offers the B.A. in English, the M.A. in English (with emphases in literature, pedagogy, and rhetoric and protessional communication ), the M.F.A. in Creative Writing, and the I'h.D. in Rhetoric and I'rotessional Communication. All tenure-track taculty contribute to undergraduate and graduate programs in English and to the undergraduate general education program through courses in literature and writing. New Mexico State University is the only land-grant institution ranked by the Carnegie Foundation in the top research category, Research-Extensive, and classified as a Hispanic-serving by the tederal government, with a minority enrollment over -18%. Home to the stateg NASA Space ()rant I'rogram, N M S U i s located in Las Cruceru which teatures desert mesas, the tarmlands ot the Rio ( I r ande Valley, and the Organ M o u ntains, an extension ot the Rocky M o u n tain chain. Application screening begins November 10, 2006; position rentains opens u ntil ti l l ed. I'lease send letter ot application w it h c u r r ent CV , w r i t i n g sample, and dossier (with three letters ot recommendation ) to Dr. Andrew Wiget, Chair, I'ersonnel Comm i t tee, Department ot English, MS(: 3E, Box .'10001, New M exico State University, Las Cruces, NM 8800:1. NMSU is an equal opportunity/aHirntative action employer. We encourage applications trom women and minorities. [R] 44 Beginning Assistant I'rotessor ot Early N at ive A m e r ican Literary Studi es; I'robation leading to tenure. Start date is August L1, 2007. Mi n i m u m qualifications: I'h.D. w it h specialization in Early Native American Literary Studies completed by start date; record ot successtul college level teaching; evidence ot scholarly pr o m ise and/o r ac hi evement. A rea ot secondary interest: Early Am e r ican Literature. 2/2 teaching load to the tenure decision; one research semester (no teaching ) betore the tenure decision. Send signed letter ot application, c.v., writing sample, and three letters ot reterence to David R i chard Jones, Chair, Dept. ot English MS(: 0:1 2170, I University ot New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87L11-0001. F or best consideration applications must be postntarked by N ov ember I , 2006. The position is open until filled. For more intormation about our department and programs, see our web page at e n g lish. The University ot New Mexico is an Equal ()pportunity/A Hirntative Action Employer and Educator. [R] • • Baruch C, CUNY English, One Bernard Baruch Way New York NY 10010 Deputy Director (non-tax levy) 1 549 http: //www Bernard L. Schwartz Co m m u n i cation Institute Founded in 1007 and operating under the auspices ot the ()Rice ot the I 'rovost, the B e r n ard L . Sc hw a rtz C o m m u n i c a t io n I n s t i t ut e at B a r u c h College is comm i t ted to tacil i t ating the i n t u sion ot o r al, w r i t t en , and computer mediated communication into Baruch's undergraduate curriculum through the development and support ot C o m m u n i cation Intensive Courses (CICs), co-curricular programs tor students, as well as its efforts as part ot the C U N Y W A C p r o g r ann T h e I n stit ute likevvise sponsors a wide range ot protessional development activities tor Baruch taculty and administration and engages in sustained dialogue on communication and communication intensive instruction w it h leading business protessionals and educators trom around the country. Reporting to the D i r ector ot the Institute, the Deputy D i r e ctor w il l ai d with the daily operation ot the Institute and assist in the management ot the Institute's staff and expanding curr i cular development/support programs and other related projects. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: ' oversight ot the logistical operations ot the Institute including coordination ot the Institute's programs ot support tor Co m m u n i cation- I n tensive Courses (CICs), maintenance ot annual budget, assisting Director in supervision ot the Institute's Communication Fellows, and serving as a liaison with the College's HR department ' assisting Di r ector in development, implementation, and assessment ot programs ot curricular support tor new and existing CIC s ' management ot th e I n sti t u t e's library, in cl u d in g o r g anization ot r e sources and acquisition ot books and periodicals ' coordination ot the Institute's taculty development programs on communication-intensive pedagogy as well as co-curricular programs tor students ' oversight and coor d i n ation o t th e I n sti t u t e's ongoing assessments ot written and oral communication in C I Cru including collection and organization ot assessment data, conducting staff traini ngs on assessment procedures, and assisting in preparing data tor analysis other duties as assigned E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 (1ualifications: The successtul candidate will have a minimum ot -1 years ot relevant admi n i strative experience at an institution ot h i g her learning, college-level teaching experience, and an academic background in a communication related field such as English or communication studies. A bachelor's degree is required and a graduate-level degree is strongly preterred. Experience in co m m u n i c atio n - i n t ensive instructi on, assessment, taculty development, tamili arity w i t h vveb-based instructional technol- CUNY, Bronx Comm C English, W 181 St 8( University Blvd Bronx N Y 10453 Lecturer of English/ESL 1447 http: // Baruch Way, Box J-:118, New York, NY 10010 Lecturer: Two tenure-track positions available tor Academic Year 20072008. To teach undergraduate courses in composition, developmental writing, or ESL and literature electives, as well as participate in service to active department and college and student advisement. For Lecturer, an earned Master's in composition and rhetoric, English, applied linguistics, comparative literature, or related field required; experience teaching college students in an urban setting. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Lecturer: $:15,70$-$6-1,1:1:1. An AA/E(1/IRCA / A D A employer. Screening tor intervievvs will begin February 2007. ogy, and knowledge ot Baruch College and CUN Y are preterred as well. Strong organizational, oral and written comnnlnication, and interpersonal skills are essential. Salary: $-10,000-$$5,000 Send cover letter and resume by 10/ 2 7 /0 6 t o D e p ut y D i r e c to r Search Comm i t t ee, Bernard Schwartz C o m m u n i c a tion I n sti t u te, ( ) n e B e r n ard Send cover letter and c.v. by January 15, 2007 to: Shelley Levy, Director, Hunlan Resources, Bronx Com m u n ity C o llege, W. 181st!itreet and University Boulevard, Bronx, New York 10-1$3 Cornell U East Asia Prog, 140 Uris Hall Ithaca N Y 14853 Managing Editor 1609 Fashion Inst of Technology The East Asia I'rogram at Cornell U n i v ersity is looking tor an experienced individual to oversee the design and content ot manuscripts trom submission to acceptance in a grow i n g p u b l i cation series. Collaborate English 8( Speech, Room B602 7th Avenue at 27th Street New York NY 10001 with many di fferent authors, copy-editors, tornlatters, printers and taculty. ()verall responsibility tor budget. Research, recommend and assist in writing grant and subsidy proposals. Develop nlarketing plans. Review Acting Full-Time position Spring 2007, possibility ofreappointment all nlaterial prior to publication to ensure accuracy. I'ertorm a variety ot tasks. Lead and direct the work ot others. Work vvith!ieries Editor (taculty member ) and!ieries Advisory Board (taculty ). Report to I'rogram Manager. Requires a Bachelor's degree in a related area and at least .'1 years ot experience in the field. (Iraduate work or extensive experience in an East Asia culture is highly desirable. Familiarity w it h a variety ot the field's concepts, practices, and procedures; extensive experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. A wide degree ot creativity and latitude is expected. To Apply: Cornell University has an on-line application process tor all Staff (nonacademic ) and Librarian employment opportunities. In order to be considered an applicant tor thh Staff (nonacademic )/Librarian position you wil l need to access the Jobs at Cornell on-l ine posting and application system at http: // complete the application process. It you have any questions about the application process, or require additional assistance and/or accomm odation, please contact the Recruitment and Employment Center at 607-2$-1-8:170, TTY 607 — 2SS —10-13, or by e — nlail at employment svcs ( CUNY, Bronx Comm C English, W 181 St 8( University Blvd Bronx N Y 10453 Assistant Professor of English/ESL 1446 http: // 1198 http: //ww w . f English tk Speech Department seeks a temporary Li t erature (l eneralist. Responsibilities include teaching tour courses trom our cu r r ent cur r i culum (Short Fiction, M ajor W r i t ers ot the Western Wo r ld, and/o r I ' erspectives on American Literature ), and developing curriculum in A sian literature and/or Latin A m erican literature. Additional responsibilities include mentoring taculty in area ot expertise and departmental and college c onnnlt tee wo r k . As part ot the implementation ot the new FIT Strategic I'lan, the School ot Liberal Arts is developing concentrations, such as Asian!itudies and Latin American Studies, providing opport u n i t ies tor curriculum development in new areas. The successtul candidate wil l b r i n g t o o u r d epartm ent a superior background in literary studies with an emphasis on non-Western cultures. (1ualifications: I'h.D. in literature (ABD near completion considered ) and demonstrated excellence in college teaching. Expertise in Asian literature and/or Latin A m e r i can literature essential. !iubstantial protessional accomplishments (publications, conterence presentations, etc. ) and tamiliarity with instructional technology required. Completed applications will include a letter ot interest, vitae and contact intornlation tor th ree reterences (including names, titles, addresses, phone numbers and E-nlail addresses). Electronic submissions preterred: submit to resumes11( Hard copies nlay be sent to Hunlan Resources, FIT, Seventh Avenue at 27th Street, New York Cit y 10001-$002. Rank and salary commensurate with experience. Application deadline is ()cto- Assistant I'rotessor: Two t enur e- t rack positions available tor Academic Year 2007 — 2008. To teach undergraduate courses in composition, developmental wri ti ng, or ESL and literature electives, as well as participate in service to active department and college, student advisement, and scholarly activity. For Assistant I'rotessor, an earned doctorate in composition and rhetoric, English, applied linguistics, comparative literature, or related field required; experience teaching college students in an urban setting; evidence ot protessional activity/ publications. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Assistant I'rotessor: $:18,001-$70s)L12 ber 25, 2006. Screening tor intervievvs will begin February 2007. Send cover letter and c.v. by January 15, 2007 to: Shelley Levy, Director, Hunlan Resources, Bronx Com m u n ity C o llege, W. 181st!itreet and University Boulevard, Bronx, New York 10-1$3 The Writing and Rhetoric I'rogram ot Hobart and Wi l l iam Smith Colleges invites applications tor two positions tor Fall 2007. The first is a tenure-track position in C o m p / R h e t at the rank ot Assistant I'rotessor, with a specialty in multicultural discourses and some WAC experience. I'h.D. preterred, ABD considered. Candidates with degrees in comparative literature, applied linguistics, or cross-cultural studies will be considered, provided that emphasis is on rhetorical or linguistic analysis. I'reterence given M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST FIT is an Equal ()pportunity/A Hirntative Action Employer and is strongly and actively committed to diversity within the community. [R] Hobart 8( William Smith Colleges Rhetoric, Geneva NY 14456 Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric 1448 4$ to research and teaching interests in second language literacy and actluisition fke., TEE()L); such alternative assessment models as porttolio assessment; writ ing program development and mentoring; and/or w r i t i n g and learning disabilities. We seek candidates with a broad background who address issues ot ethnic diversity in their teaching or research and who can serve as role models tor students trom diverse ethnic backgrounds. Faculty teach five courses a year, and salary is competitive. The Colleges also have a non-tenure-track, two-year-renewable position in composition theory at the rank ot Assistant Visiting I'rotessor, to teach introductory and i n t e r m ediate-level composition co u rses. I'h.D. pr eterred, ABD considered, and some WAC experience desirable. The Wri t ing and R h etoric I' rogram plays a pivotal, critical role in the liberal arts mission ot Hobart and William Emith Colleges. The I'rogram serves majors and minors with a w i d e- ranging set ot rigorous introductory and advanced courses, both practical and theoretical. It also serves students trom all disciplines and ntajors who vvish to strengthen their literacy skills. The WRR H I ' r o grantalso directs the innovative and nationally recognized Wri t ing C o l leagues I'rogram, which is an academic minor. Euccesstul applicants must be prepared to participate in this program as well. Eee http: // asp tor details. Hobart College tor men and William Emith College tor women, are coordinate, undergraduate liberal arts institutions situated in the Finger Lakes region ot Western New Y o rk. Th e C o l leges are distinguished by their strongly interdisciplinary curriculum and scholarly taculty. Candidates must be committed to teaching in a sntall, residential, liberal arts institution. Hobart and Wil l iam Emith Colleges are committed to attracting and supporting a taculty ot women and men that tully represent the racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity ot the nation and actively seek applications trom under-represented groups. The Colleges do not discriminate on the basis ot race, color, religion, sex, ntarital status, national origin, age, disability, veteran's status, or sexual orientation or any other protected status. I'lease submit an application letter, CV, w r i t ing samples, sample syllabi and wri t in g assignments, and contact int o r ntation tor t h ree reterences to Cheryl Forbes, Chair, Writing and Rhetoric, Emith Ha1121-1, Hobart and William Emith Colleges, (leneva, New York I-I-15(x I'ossible intervievvs at MLA. R eview ot files begins immediately, and positions rentain open until filled. [R] scholarship in Asian American literature. Areas ot specialization ntay include Multicultural Etudies, I'ostcolonial Etudieru Transnational (including Border, Diaspora, or I'acific Ri m ) Etudieru American Etudieru race, g ender, and sexuality. In terests or specialties in R h e t o ric and C o m p o sition and/or li n g uistics are also highly desirable. The position is at the Assistant I'rotessor rank and begins in the tall ot 2007. Applicants must have a I'h.D. in hand by the starting date. We are seeking candidates with a strong com m i t m e n t t o t e aching u n d e r graduate and graduate students trom diverse cultural backgrounds and who shovv excellent scholarly potential. The salary rate is $:311,001 — $66,202, commensurate with experience. I'lease submit a letter describing research and teaching interests and a dossier, including C.V., writing sample, and three letters ot recommendation by Nov 15, 2006 to I'rotessor Barbara Webb, Chair ot the Eearch Committee, Department ot English, Hunter College, CU N Y , 605 I'ark A ve, New York N Y 10021. Hunter College is an E(1/AA / A D A / I R C A employer. We are strongly com m i t ted to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. Hunter C, CUNY English, 695 Park Av New York N Y 10021 Assistant Professor of English 1215 http: / The Hunter College, CUN Y D e p artment ot English invites applications tor a tenure- t rack Assistant I'r o tessor position t o t each and to p u b l i sh scholarship in Modern and Contemporary American I'oetry. Areas ot specialization ntay include modernism/ p ostmodernism, poetics, American Etudies, Multi cu l t u ral studies. The position is at the Assistant I'rotessor rank and begins in the tall ot 2007. Applicants must have a I'h.D. in hand by the starting date. We are seeking candidates with a strong commitment to teaching undergraduate and graduate students trom di v erse cultural backgrounds and who shovv excellent scholarly potential. The salary rate is $:311,001-$66,202, commensurate with experience. I'lease submit a letter describing research and teaching interests and a dossier, including C.V., writing sample, and three letters ot recommendation by Nov 15, 2006 to I'rotessor Neal Tolchin, Chair ot the Eearch Com m i t t ee, Department ot English, Hunter College, CUNY , 605 I'ark Ave, New York N Y 10021. Hunter College is an E()/ A A / A D A / I R C A e m p l o yer. We are strongly committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. Hofstra U English, 1000 Hempstead Tpk Hempstead NY 11549 Assistant Professor in Postcolonial Literature and Theory John Jay C of Criminal Justice, CUNY 1231 English, 445 W 59 St New York N Y 10019 http: //ww w . h Assistant Professor (5) The Department ot English and Freshntan Composition at Hotstra University invites applicants tor tenure-track position at the Assistant I'rotessor level in I'ostcolonial Literature and Theory. Eeeking applicants with printary specialization in A t r i c an, Caribbean or Eouth Asian literatures with possible secondary interest in literature trom Ireland, the I'acific re- http://web gion, or West Asia. I'h. D must be completed by time ot appointment. I'lease send a letter ot application, curriculum vi tae, dossier and a writing sample by November 20 to: Dr. I'aula Uruburu, Chair, Department ot English, Hotstra University, Hempstead, NY 115-19. We ask that, in addition to m ai l in g t h ose hard-copy items, applicants entail an electronic copy ot their wri ting samples fin rtt or pdt) to (Il oria Hoovert at (Iloria. J.Hoovert ( Hotstra University is an Equal ()pportunity Employer. We welcome applications trom women and minorities. 1297 Assistant I'rotessor. (5 tenure-track positions). Expanding department will accept applicants trom the following fields: British long 111th century; literature ot the colonial A m e r i cas (English, French, Epanish); classics; Anglo-Eaxon; twentieth-century Bri tish; literary history; literary theory. The development ot a degree track in literature and the law allovvs us to accept inquiries trom that perspective as well. I'hD and college teaching experience required plus record ot and plan tor publishable scholarship. Teach seven (7) courses a year; pertorm departmental and college service. Contractually guaranteed released time tor research; competitive salaries and benefits. A successtul candidate will have a commitment to teaching a culturally and socio-economically diverse student population in an urban public university. We will interview at MLA and in New York City. Letter, cv, dossier and three letters by November 25, 2006, to: Chair, English Department, John Jay, College/The City U n i v ersity ot New York New York, NY 10010 Hunter C, CUNY English, 695 Park Av New York N Y 10021 Assistant Professor of English E()E [R] 1214 http: // The Hunter College, CUN Y D e p artment ot English invites applications tor a tenure- t r ack Assistant I'r o tessor position to t each and to p u b l i sh 46 E NGL I S H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 Manhattan C English, 4513 Manhattan College Pky Riverdale NY 10471 John Jay C of Criminal Justice, CUNY English, 445 W 59 St New York NY 10019 Assistant Professor (2) 1296 assistant professor o f english 1253 http://web http: // Assistant I'rotessor. (2 tenure-track ). Each Composition and Rhetoric with specialization in one other field, such as history ot rhetoric, sociolinguistics, ethnography. I'hD and college teaching experience required plus record ot and plan tor publishable scholarship. Teach seven (7 ) courses a year in expanding department, pertorm departmental and college service. Contractually guaranteed released time tor research; competitive salaries and benefits. A successtul candidate will have a commitment to teaching a culturally and socio-economically diverse student population at an urban public university. We will interview at MLA, CC CC , and in New York City. Manhattan College seeks a committed teacher-scholar tor a tenure-track position, starting tall semester 2007, in 20th- century B r i t i sh/ p ost-colonial literature. I'h.D. required; additional expertise in writing, the history ot the British novel, and contemporary wo rld fiction desirable. Successtul candidates will be able to teach the British literature survey trom th e Restoration to the 20th century. In addition, English department taculty regularly teach literature and composition courses in the College's core curriculum. 21-credit yearly course load with a possible .'1-credit reduction tor scholarship. L etter, cv, dossier and three letters by N o v e m ber 25, 2006, to: C h a i r , Send application letter, cur r i c u lu m v i t ae, and letters ot recom m endation to Brother I'atrick H o r n er, Chair, Department ot English, Manhattan College, Manhattan College Parkway, Riverdale, New York 10-171. Deadline: 20 November 2006. Applications acknowledged by postcard. Women and min o ri ties encouraged to apply. We are commi t ted to a diverse workfbrce. An AA / E ( ) E m ployer. English Department, John Jay College/The City University ot New York, New York, NY 10019 E()E [R] Long Island U English, 720 Northern Blvd Brookville NY 11548 Assistant Professor of English 412 ht tp://www. cwpost. Iiu.e du/cw is/cvvp/cl as/english/english. htm M/ F / D / V . M a n h attan College, located in the R i v erdale section ot the Bronx, is an independent Catholic coeducational institution i n th e LaSallian tradition. We expect our taculty, admi ni stration, and staff to be knowledgeable about our mission and to nuk e a positive contribution to that mission. [R] LIU, C W I'ost, 720 Northern Blvd, English, (Ireenvale NY 118-18-L300. I'robable tenure-line asst. prot. with I'h.D. in hand at time ot appointment. Field: ()ne or both ot the following: 1. Literature, theory, and philosophy, or 2. I'ost-Colonial literature with a tocus on Atrica or Asia. Candidates should have an ability t o t each a range ot courses in literature, including Core survey courses in Western literature. Scholarly publications re- quired. To begin September 2007. Salary and teaching load: competitive. E-nrail applications preterred and acknowledged by return e-ntail; surtace nrail applications acknowledged it return postcard is provided. By 01 November 2006, send cover letter and CV to Edmund M i l l er, Chair. I'lease do not send copies ot publications or letters ot reterence at this time. Intervievvs at MLA C o nvention. edmund. miller ( Manhattan C English, 4513 Manhattan College Pky Riverdale NY 10471 Assistant Professor of English 1254 http: // Manhattan College seeks a committed teacher-scholar tor a tenure-track position, starting tall semester 2007, in British and American dranun I'h.D. in English or Theater required; additional experience in pertormance, production, and/or speech desirable. Courses to be taught include upperlevel surveys ot British and American dranta, thenratic and survey courses tor non-nrajortu and a New York C it y d r ama-in- p ertornrance course. In addition, English department taculty regularly teach literature and composition courses in the College's core curriculum. 21-credit yearly course load with a possible .'1-credit reduction tor scholarship. Send application letter, cur r i c u lu m v i t ae, and letters ot recomm endation to Brother I'atrick H o r n er, Chair, Department ot English, Manhattan College, Manhattan College Parkway, Riverdale, New York 10-171. Deadline: 20 November 2006. Applications acknowledged by postcard. Women and min o r i ties encouraged to apply. We are commi t ted to a diverse workfbrce. An AA / E ( ) E m p l oyer. M/ F / D / V . M a n hattan College, located in the Riverdale section ot the Bronx, is an independent Catholic coeducational institution in the LaSallian tradition. We expect our taculty, adminh tration, and staff to be knowledgeable about our mission and to nuke a positive contribution to that mission. [R] Russell Sage C English 8( Mod Langs, 45 Ferry St, Carriage House Troy NY 12180 Assistant Professor ofEnglishMultiple Vacancies 1180 http: //www The Sage Colleges seeks to fill three vacancies in the Department ot English and Modern Languages beginning Fall 2007. The Department is undergoing a rebuilding phase atter multiple retirements. We seek taculty to teach in the following areas: British Literature since 1000; Writing Across the Curriculum; and Am erican Literature. Teaching load is .'1 — -1. ()ne ot these positions must have experience in English Education as he or she w ill supervise student teachers in English as well as coordinate our M A T in English program. By N o v ember .'30, 2006, send letter ot intent, CV , and dossier including three letters ot support to: Dr. D avid A . Salomon, Chair, Department ot English and Mo dern Languages, The Sage Collegetu -IS Ferry Street, Troy, N Y 1 2 180. We w i l l c o n d uct i n t er vievvs at MLA. Visit the Employment section ot the Sage vvebsite at tor additional intornration about positions and qualifications. E()E. [R] SU of New York, C at Cortland English, PO Box 2000 Cortland NY 13045 Assistant Professor, English 1187 http: // Available August 2007, tull-ti me, tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor position in modern and contemporary Br i t ish and Anglophone literatures. Additional competence in postcolonial or transnational studies encouraged. Competitive teaching load includes introductory, advanced, and graduate courses as well as British literature survey. I'h.D. by time ot appointment, record ot teaching excellence, and evidence ot scholarly potential required. I'lease submit an online employment application at http: //jobs. and attach a letter ot application, cv, a two-page dissertation description or precis, and contact intornration tor three protessional reterences. Review ot application nraterials will begin ()ctober .'30, 2006, and will continue until the position is filled. The State University ot New Y or k C o l l ege at Cortland hosts approxinrately 7000 students and offers bachelor's and nraster's degrees. Twenty miles northeast ot Ithaca and thirty m i les south of Syracuse, the college M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 47 is located in a county ot 45,000 near the Finger Lakes Region ot Central New York. SUNY C o r t land is an AA/ E E O / A D A em ployer. We have a strong com- mitment to the affirmation ot diversity and have interdisciplinary degree programs in the areas ot Multicultural!itudies. [R] Director of Composition 1 591 http: // SU of New York, C at Oswego Communication Studies, Poucher Hall Oswego N Y 13126 Assistant Professor of New Media SU of New York, Binghamton U English, Gen Lit, ff( Rhetoric, PO Box 6000 Binghamton NY 13902 1634 http: / SUNY O svvegos Communication ! i t u dies Department has a tenure track p osition at the assistant protessor rank in th e area ot New M e d i a . T h e ideal candidate would teach a combination ot undergraduate and graduate courses, which wil l not only develop both beginning and advanced practical skills, but wil l also examine the theoretical dimensions ot New Media. Comm i t tee work and advisement is expected. The successtul candidates degrees might be in any number ot fields, but at least one degree should retlect a solid grou n d ing i n c o m m u n i c ation theory. A terminal degree is required. Successful candidates nntst be comm itted to teaching diverse students in a multicultural environment. Th e ideal candidate would have several years ot teaching experience and a record ot successtul grant administration are desirable. For complete intorntation about this position and application procedures, please go to: SUNY O svvego is an aHirntative action, equal opportunity employer. We are seeking an experienced composition specialist with administrative skills capable ot directing a writing program that includes oral communication. The successtul candidate wil l supervise the teaching ot treshntan/sophomore courses, train teaching assistants, teach graduate courses in composition pedagogy, connect wit h th e campus Wri t ing A c r oss the Curriculum program and with the Writing Center. The position includes doctoral supervision at a research-intensive public university w it h a di verse student body. (1ualifications: 1. Completed 1'hD — preterence will be given to a degree in composition or rhetoric. 2. Strong teaching record in college composition and ability t o t each graduate courses in composition pedagogy. :1. Scholarly publication record in composition and pedagogy; related fields welcome, including active research in new di r ections in composition theory, language theory, discourse theory. -1. Relevant administrative experience. Application files should include a letter outlin ing qualifications tor this position; a CV; a dossier including at least three letters ot reterence, and a writing sample ot 1S — 20 pages. Send ntaterials to: 1'rotessor David Bartine, Chair, Department ot English !iearch B, Binghamton University, 1'O Box 6000, Bi nghamton NY L 1902 — 6000 SU of New York, Binghamton U English, Gen Lit, ff( Rhetoric, PO Box 6000 Binghamton NY 13902 Assistant Professor of English 1584 http: // We are seeking a taculty member working in m o dern Am erican and minority literatures. We especially encourage those with expertise in US Latino/a studies and theories ot gender, race, and sexuality. Applicants must be able to teach introductory as well as advanced undergraduate courses and graduate courses. The position includes doctoral supervision at a research-intensive public university with a diverse student body. Application deadline: postmarked by December 1, 2006. We plan to interview at M LA , t h ough we wil l consider applications until the position is filled. State University ot New Y ork is an Equal () pp o r t u n i t y / A H i r n tative Ac- tion Employer [R] SU of New York English, 306 Clemens Hall Buffalo NY 14260 (1ualifications: Associate or Full Professor ofAmerican literature 1. Completed 1'hD by time ot appointment in August, 2007 http: // en 1 gi s h. b u ffa o.1 ed u 2 . Strong and varied graduate work in m o d ern A m e r i can and mi n o r i t y literatures The English Department at the University at Buffalo (SUNY) invites applications tor a tenured position in twentieth-century A m erican prose :1. Dissertation with strong theoretical components tocused on aspects ot modern American and minority literatures August 2007. Deadline: November 1, 2006. 1'lease send a letter ot applica- -1. Evidence ot potential tor significant scholarly publication tion, CV, and names ot three reterees to Carrie Tirado Bramen, 5. Evidence ot excellent teaching S earch Comm i t t ee, English Department, .'106 Clemens Hall, SU N Y / Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 1-1260. The University at Buffalo is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Recruiter. [R] Application files should include a letter outlining qualifications tor this position; a CV; a dossier including at least three letters ot reterence, and a writing sample ot 1S — 20 pages. send 361 (1900 — 1960), at the rank ot Associate or Full 1'rotessor, to begin in ntaterials to: 1'rotessor David Bartine, Chair, Department ot English !iearch A, Binghamton University, 1'O Box 6000, Binghamton NY L1902 — 6000 Application deadline: postmarked by December 1, 2006. We plan to interview at MLA , t h ough we will consider applications until the position is filled. State University ot New Y ork is an Equal () pp o r t u n i t y / A H i r n tative Ac- tion Employer 48 [R] SU of New York, C at Potsdam English ff( Communication, 44 Pierrepont Av Potsdam NY 13676 Assistant Professor 1699 SUNY 1' otsdams English and C o m m u n i c ation D e p ar t m ent is seeking applications tor an Assistant 1'rotessor ot English. T his is a tenure-track position in 20th Century A m erican Literature. Candidates who are qualified to teach courses in underrepresented literatures are especially welcomed. Teaching responsibilities norntally include upper-division courses in area ot specialization, lovver-division courses in literature and composition, and contributions to the graduate progrann A t u l l - t i m e teaching load is 12 hours per semester, plus advising and committee responsibilities. A continuing program ot scholarly activity is expected. 1'h.D. preterred, but ABD candidates will be considered. Send letter ot application, CV, dissertation abstract or prospectus, and names and addresses ot three E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 current reterences (please do not send any additional materials at this time ) to Dr. M ark ( : o l eman, Literature !iearch (:o m m i t t ee, English and (:ommu n ication Department, ! i U N Y I ' o t sdam, I'otsdam, N Y I : 1070 or entail to litsearch (c0potsdanuedu. Revievv ot applications vvill begin Nov ember 15, 2006 vvith subsequent intervievvs to be conducted at M L A . !iUN Y I ' o t sdam is an equal opportu n it y em ployer com m i t ted to excel- lence through diversity. Saint John's U English, 8000 Utopia Pky Jamaica N Y 11439 Assistant Professor of English 1605 http: // The Engish Department invites applications tor a tenure-track position as the rank ot assistant protessor specializing in Ethnic Am erican Literature. W e vvelcome applications trom candidates vvho specialize in Lati n o / a American or Asian-American literature and culture, preterably in a transnational or comparative trame. The successtul candidate vvill have I'hD in hand by !i eptember 2007, and demonstrate a commi t m ent to i n n ovative scholarship and teaching. I'lease send cover letter, (:V, recommendations and vvriting sample to! !iicari, (:hair, by December 1. We vvill int ervievv at M LA . ! i t . John's is an equal opportunity employer serving a Saint John's U English, 8000 Utopia Pky Jamaica N Y 11439 First-Year Writing 1712 http: // aca 0 0 0902.sju T he Department ot English at !i t . John's University invites applications t or tull- t i m e vvriting taculty to teach first-year vvriting, begin n ing A u gust 2007. These are contract positions, renevvable annually tor a total ot seven years; taculty receive tull benefits and competitive salaries. (:andidates vvill vvork closely vvith existing vvriting taculty, vvith the Director ot the Institute tor W r i t i n g ! i t u d ieru and Wri t ing ( : e nter D i r ectors. Teaching responsibilities include a .'1/:1 load. ()ualifications: doctorate or terminal degree vvith printary or secondary area in composition preterred. The search committee vvill begin screening applications immediately and vvill continue until the positions are filled. Initial intervievvs to be held at MLA o r o n c a m p us. I'lease submit a letter ot i n t erest, c.v., transcripts, a nd three letters ot reterence to Dr . D e rek ( ) vvenru Institute tor W r i t i n g !itudier,!it. Augustine Hall 180,!it. John's University, ()ueens, NY 11439, attn: Dorothy B u k ay. We strongly encourage applications trom vvomen and minorities. No entail applications, please. itephen diverse community, and vve especially invite vvomen and people ot color to apply. Saint John's U English, 8000 Utopia Pky Jamaica N Y 11439 Director, Writing Center Saint John's U English, 8000 Utopia Pky Jamaica N Y 11439 Director, Writing Across the Curriculum 1 711 http: // aca 0 0 0902.sju 1710 http: // aca 0 0 0902.sju T he Department ot English at!it . John's University invites applications tor the position ot t e n u r e - t r ack assistant protessor or associate protessor ot English, beginning August 2007, to design and direct the University's first Writing Across the (:urriculum program. The candidate vvill vvork vvith the Director ot the Institute tor W r i t i n g ! i t u d ies and Wri t ing ( : enter Directors to design vvorkshops and WA( : / W I D i n i t i a t i ves throughout the University; develop University-vvide assessment projects; create a Writing Fellovvs program; and create vvriting and rhetoric courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. Teaching responsibilities include a I/ I load. () u ali fications: doctorate in composition and rhetoric; administ rative WA( : ex perience; assessment experience. The search commi t t ee vvill begin screening applications immediately and vvill continue until the position is filled. We intervievv at MLA . I' lease submit a letter ot interest, The Department ot English at!it. John's University invites applications tor the position ot tenure-track assistant protessor, beginning A u g ust 2007, to direct one ot the University's tvvo Writing (: enters. The candidate vvill vvork closely vvith the existing W r i t i n g ( : e n ter D i r ector and the D i r ector ot the Institute tor W r i t i n g ! i t u d ies, as vvell as vvith first-year vvriting taculty. Teaching responsibilities include a I/ I l o ad. ()ualifications: doctorate in composition and rhetoric; administrative Writing (:enter experience; assessment experience preterred. The search commi t tee vvill begin screening applications immediately and vvill continue until the position is filled. We intervievv at MLA . I ' lease submit a letter ot interest, c.v., transcripts, and th ree letters ot reterence to D r . D e rek ( ) vvens, Institute tor W riti n g ! i t u dier, ! it. Augustine Hall 180, !i t . John's University, (3ueenru NY 11439, attn: D o r o thy B u k ay. We strongly encourage applications trom vvomen and minorities. No entail applications, please. c.v., transcripts, and three letters ot reterence to Dr. D e rek ( ) vvenru Insti- Saint Lawrence U English, 23 Romoda Dr Canton NY 13617 t ute tor Wri t i n g ! i t u d i er , ! it. A u gustine Hall 180, ! i t . John's University, ()ueens, NY 11439, attn: Dorothy Bukay. We strongly encourage applications trom vvomen and minorities. No entail applications, please. St. Lawrence University: One Year Visiting Position in Early Modern British Literature 851 http: // Saint John's U English, 8000 Utopia Pky Jamaica N Y 11439 Assistant Professor of English 1606 http: // The English Department invites applications tor a tenure-track position at the rank ot assistant protessor specializing in Fil m ! i t u dies. !iubfields vvill i nclude one ot the fbllovving: media studies, screenvvriting, and/o r t h e relationship betvveen film and literature. The candidate vvill develop the library's holdings in film and visual media and be responsible tor teaching theoretical approaches to film and literature. The successtul candidate vvill have I'hD i n h and b y ! i e ptember 2007, and demonstrate a commi t m ent to innovative scholarship and teaching. !iend cover leter, (:V, letters ot recommendation, and vvriting sample to ! i t ephen !iicari, (:hair, by December 1. We vvill intervievv at MLA . !it. John's is an equal opportunity employer serving a diverse community, and vve especially invite vvomen !it. Lavvrence University in v i tes applications tor a one year visiting po sition in early m o d ern l i t erature vvith an emphasis on ! i h akespeare and early modern English drannu I'hD r e q u i r ed. N o r m al teaching load is three courses per semester. We encourage applications trom candidates vvho bring diverse cultural, ethnic, theoretical, and national perspectives to bear on their vvriting and teaching. The successtul candidate vvill join a department vvith a commi tm ent to excellence in teaching and to a program tounded upon strong ties betvveen the practice ot creative expression and the study ot literature. (:andidates should demonstrate a potential tor excellence in the teaching ot early modern British literature vvith the capacity to teach literature courses dravving upon knovvledge ot poetics and cultural studies. I'lease send a letter ot application, a vita, and sample syllabi tor tvvo relevant courses to Early Modern British Literature !iearch (:omm i t t ee, Department ot English, !it. Lavvrence University, (:anton , NY I:1017. (:ompleted applications should be received by November I, 2006. Applications received atter this date vvill be revievved as needed. We vvill be intervievving candidates at the MLA ( : o n vention. and people ot color to apply. M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 49 ! it. Lawrence U n i v ersity is an A t t i r m a t ive A c t i o n / E q ual E m p l o y m e n t ()pportu n it y em ployer. Wom en, mi n o r i t ietu veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.!iee http: // tor more infbrntation. [R] Sarah Lawrence C Literature, 1 Mead Way Bronxville NY 10708 Assistant Professorof AsianAmerican and Postcolonial Literature 1494 http: //ww w Saint Lawrence U English, 23 Romoda Dr Canton NY 13617 St. Lawrence University: Tenure Track Position in Creative Non-Fiction 847 http: //ww w . Tenure-track opening at the assistant protessor level tor a specialist in creative non-fiction w r i t ing starting tall 2007. Applicant should be a published writer with experience teaching creative nonfiction w r i t ing at the u ndergraduate level. MFA o r I 'h D w i t h e m p hasis on creative wr i t i n g required. A secondary competence in teaching poetry, journalism, fiction, or screenvvriting strongly preterred. No r ntal teaching load is three courses per semester. We encourage applications trom candidates who bring diverse cultural, ethnic, theoretical, and national perspectives to bear on their wri t ing and teaching. The successtul candidate will join a department w it h a com m i t m ent to excellence in teaching and to a program tounded upon strong ties between the practice ot creative expression and the study ot literature. Candidates should demonstrate a potential tor excellence in the teaching ot creative wri t ing w i t h the capacity to teach literature classes in their genres; application letters should also speak to s econdary i n t erests, especially th ose li n k i n g c r eative w r i t i n g t o o t h e r arts or literatures. The individual in this position will also be encouraged eventually to teach in the university's interdisciplinary, team-taught general education course required ot first-year students. I'lease send a letter ot application, a vita, and sample syllabi tor two relevant courses to Creative Non- F i cti o n ! i earch Co m m i t t ee, Department ot English, !it. Lawrence University, Canton, NY L 1617. Completed applications should be received by November I, 2006. Applications received atter this date will be reviewed as needed. We will be interviewing candidates at the MLA Convention. ! it. Lawrence U n i v ersity is an A t t i r m a t ive A c t i o n / E q ual E m p l o y m e n t ()pportu n it y em ployer. Wom en, mi n o r i t ietu veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.!iee http: // tor more infbrntation. [R] Saint Lawrence U English, 23 Romoda Dr Canton NY 13617 St. Lawrence University: One Year Visiting Position in Early American Literature 854 http: //ww w . ()ne year leave replacement position in 10th century Am erican literature, with pr i m ar y o r secondary i n t erests in mi n o r it y A m e r i can li t eratures. Three course load per semester: two surveys ot early American literature, at least one advanced course in early A m e r i can literature, and remaining courses in the instructors area fs) ot specialization. I'reterence given to candidates with I ' h .D . i n h a nd, teaching experience, and those who bring diverse cultural, ethnic, theoretical, and national perspectives to their wri t ing and teaching. The successtul candidate will join a department wit h a c o m m i t m en t t o e x c ellence in teaching and to a pr o g ram tounded upon strong ties between the study ot literature and the practice ot creative expression. I'lease send a letter ot application, a vita, and sample s yllabi tor two relevant courses to American Literature !iearch Com m i t tee, Department ot English, !it. Lavvrence University, Canton, NY L 1617. Completed applications should be received by November I, 2006. Applic ations received atter this date wil l b e reviewed as needed. We w il l b e interviewing candidates at the MLA C o n vention. ! it. Lawrence U n i v ersity is an A t t i r m a t ive A c t i o n / E q ual E m p l o y m e n t ()pportu n it y em ployer. Wom en, mi n o r i t ietu veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.!iee http: // tor more infbrntation. [R] !iarah Lawrence College announces a tull-ti me, tenure-track position in Asian-American and I'ostcolonial Literature beginning Fall, 2007. The position is located in (ilobal !i tudies, an interdisciplinary group ot taculty in history, literature, and cultural studies. Teaching is conducted prhnarily in sntall seminars and includes guiding the independent research projects ot each student. Candidates must have teaching experience, and the abil it y t o t e ach a broad, inclusive curriculum w i t hi n A sian-A m erican and I'ostcolonial literature and theory. Research interests ntay center on any one ot the Asian cultures that torm part ot the North A m erican literary landscape. I'h.D. required. Applications including a letter ot interest, a curriculum vitae, two prospective syllabi, a wri t ing sample, and three letters ot recommendation, should be sent to: Asian-American and I'ostcolonial Literature!iearch Com m i t t ee, c/o R o sentary Weeks, Faculty Assistant,!iarah Lawrence College, I Mead Way, Bronxvi l le, N Y 2006. 1 0 708. The deadline tor applications is November 15, For intorntation about !iarah Lawrence College, our curriculum, teaching methods, and philosophy ot education, please see our vvebsite at http: // . !iarah Lawrence College has a strong commitment to the principle ot diversity. In that spirit we especially welcome applications trom under-represented groups. [R] Skidmore C For Langs 8( Lits, 815 N Broadway Saratoga Springs N Y 12866 Director of intercultural Studies http: //www The Director will play a critical role in planning and implementing broadbased initiatives supporting intercultural understanding, global avvarenestu diversity, and equity. This is a taculty appointment frank open, though senior candidates are encouraged to apply ) with significant administrative responsibilities. The successtul candidate will contribute to both department teaching and scholarship, and as an administrator wil l report to the Dean ot the Faculty and work closely with Academic,!itudent AIFairs, and Huntan Resources offices to design and support curricular, co-curricular, and taculty development initiatives. Area ot expertise is open but we are especially interested in individuals vvhose teaching and scholarly interests complement and enhance!ikidm ore's intercultural and international curricular initiatives. Additional i n t o r m a t ion regarding position description and responsibilities is available at: http: //w w w 2 . sk i d m o h r / j o b s/ o p eni ngs. cfm¹li nk888 ()ualifications: Terminal degree and record ot academic achievement that merits a tenure-track appointment wit hin a department or program ot the College. A proven record ot exceptional leadership in promoting cultural awareness and intercult u ral and gl obal u n d erstanding w i t h i n a n i n t e r d i sciplinary framework; demonstrated interest in wor k in g w i t h t r aditionally under-served student populations. We particularly encourage applications trom members ot historically underrepresented groups. Application review w il l begin on 17 November 2006, although the position will re nn i n o pen until fi l l ed. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, cu r r i c u lu m v i t a e and co ntactt i n t o r m a t io n to r t h r ee reter- ences to: !iearch CCommittee: Director ot Intercultural ! i t u dies; Dean ot the Faculty, !ikidmore College, 818 North Broadway, !iaratoga !ipringtu NY 12866, D()F (, 818-880-8705. !ikidmore Col l ege is comm i t ted to being an inclusive campus community and, as an Equal ()pportunity Employer, does not discriminate in its $0 E NGL I S H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 hiring or employment practices on the basis ot gender, race or ethnicity, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, tamily or marital status, or sexual orientation. SufFolk Comm C English, 533 College Rd Selden N Y 11784 Tenure Track Instructor or Assistant Professor/English 1456 http: // interdepartmental Film and M edia Studies program with its own u n dergraduate ntajor and minor. I'h.D. required. Send letter ot application and CV to Frank Shuffelton, Chair, Dept. ot English, University ot Rochester, Rochester, NY 1-1627-0-1SI. To be assured tull consideration, applications should be postmarked no later than N o v ember -1, 200th Acknowledgments by entail or SAS card. EOE. [R] Wells C Women's Studies, PO Box 500 Aurora NY 13206 We are seeking tull-time candidates with the background and experience to teach writing, including developmental writing, technical writing, and first-year composition, as well as a wide range ot lit erature courses. In addition, all taculty are expected to demonstrate current scholarship, to contribute to curriculum development and to serve on departmental, college, and protessional comm i t t ees. For one ot the anticipated positions, journalism experience would be a significant plus. Application deadline: December 15, 2006 Syracuse U English, 401 Hall of Langs Syracuse NY 13244 Associate Professor o f British Literatures 8 Cultures 1199 http: // 111th Century B r i t ish Li t eratures and Cul t u r es lpending tinal approval by Associate I'rovost I( H u n tan Resources dated 002006 ). The Syracuse University D epartm ent ot En g lish is contin u ing to ex pand its research toci in British and American studies at the graduate level. Several coordinated hires in different periods within each ot these areas are planned tor the coming years. Send detailed letter, CV and names ot three reterences to I'rotessor Dympna Callaghan, 111th Century Brith h Search, -101 Hall ot Languages, English Department, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-1170. Applications should be post-ntarked by December 1st, 2006. Syracuse University is an EO/AA employer. [R] Assistant Professor of Women's Studies 1100 ht tp://ww w W ells College, a woman-centered, co-ed college in central New Yo r k , seeks a tull- t i m e t e n u r e - t r ack A ssistant I' r o tessor to start A u g ust 2007. I'h.D. in hand strongly preterred. Interdisciplinary I'h .D. in w o m en' s/ gender studies, or disciplinary I'h.D. with very strong emphasis on WS; t eaching excellence; scholarly potential, demonstrated comm i t m ent t o diversity, collegiality, cultural competence through the use ot multicultural pedagogy lincluding queer pedagogics). Desirable area: intersections ot gender, race, class, sexuality, and dis/ability. Duties include courses in WS; senior project supervision; academic advising; developing the major with IS — 20 taculty in other fields. May also teach 1st-year-experience seminars. Application review begins October IS until position is filled. Letter, CV , statements ot teaching and research phi l osophy, graduate transcripts, and three letters ot recommendation w it h contact intorntation to Women's Studies Search, c/o Dean ot the College, Wells College, Auronu NY L 1026-OS00. No electronic applications accepted. Wells College actively seeks diversitying the taculty and encourages people ot color to apply who can turther expand the program through multicultural ap- proaches. EOE. [R] Yeshiva U English, 500 W 185th St New York NY 10033 Associate or Full Professor of English 125 http: //www U of Rochester English, PO Box 270451 Rochester N Y 14627 Assistant Professor of English 1427 http: // Tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor with specialization in nineteenth-century British literature. Additional interests in cultural and critical contexts, including post-colonial theory or globalization studies, are also welcome. Successful candidates will shovv promise ot continuing outstanding scholarship and a strong co m m i t m en t t o b o t h u n d e r graduate and graduate teaching. The UR English department supports interdisciplinary research and teaching, and we seek candidates who can contribute to diversified undergraduate and graduate programs in English. I'h.D. required. Send letter ot application and CV by N o v ember -1, 2006 to Frank Shuffelton, Chair, Department ot English, Uni versity ot R o chester, Rochester, NY 1-1627. Acknovvledgments by E-ntail or SAS card. EOE. The Department ot English ot Yeshiva College, the undergraduate college tor men ot Yeshiva University, seeks to nuke an appointment at the rank ot associate or tull protessor, starting August 2007. We have particular need tor a specialist in either ot the follow ing fields U.S. literature/ American studies or I'ost-1000 Bri t ish Literature but applications trom strong candidates in other fields ntay be given consideration. The successtul candidate will possess a substantial publication record, demonstrated c ommitment to teaching at every level ot the undergraduate curriculum , and vvillingness to take a leadership role in the department. Admi nistrative experience will be a strong plus. Will interview at MLA and in New York. I'lease send application letter, CV, and letters ot reterence by No vember 6, 2006 to I'rotessor Joan (L Haahr, Chair, Department ot English, Yeshiva College, S00 West IIISth St., New York, NY 100:1:1. Equal opportunity employer. [R] [R] • U of Rochester English, PO Box 270451 Rochester N Y 14627 Assistant Professor of English/Fi lm Studies • • Appalachian SU 1428 English, ASU Box 32052 Boone NC 28608 http: // Secondary EnglishEducation Tenure track appointment, w it h specialization in fi lm . W e w elcome intorntation about additional areas ot expertise, including alternative media and film theory. Successful candidates will shovv promise ot continuing outstanding scholarship and a strong comm i t m ent to b oth u n dergraduate and graduate teaching. The U R E n g l i sh department has substantial investments in interdisciplinary research and teaching, and we seek candidates who can cont r i b ute to a di v ersitied undergraduate and graduate program in English. Successful applicants will also participate in an http: // M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST • 1484 The Department ot English at Appalachian State University invites applications tor one tenure-track nine- m o nth taculty position in Seconda ry Eng l ish E d u c atio n at t h e r an k o t A s sistant I ' r o t essor begi n n i n g August 2007. (lualifications tor this position include: 1. A doctorate in English Education (secondary school emphasis) 2. Experience teaching High School English tenure-track and -11 non-tenure track taculty members, over -100 undergraduate ntajors, and 10 graduate students. appr oxintately . ' :1. Eligibility tor N(: State Licensure Expertise in one ot the tbllovving areas is desirable: Assessment I'ractices, Applications ot Technology in Englksh, Sociolingukstics in Schools, Multiliteracies/Critical Approaches to Adolescent English Learning, or Writing Theory and practice. Candidates vvhose scholarship is intormed by qualitative methods, as vvell as by historical and/or t heoretical methods, are especially encouraged to apply. Appalachian State University is a member institution ot the sixteen-campus University ot N o r t h C a r o l in a Sysstenu Located in th e scenic Blue Ridge Mountains in Boone, North Carolina, the University has approxintately 15,000 students. Additional intorntation about the English department, the University, and the surrounding area is located at http: //vvvvvv Duties vvill include instruction both on and otF campus in courses in the Applicants must send a completed application consisting ot a letter ot application, CV, and a list ot three reterences vvith telephone numbers. Completed applications should be sent to Dr. Jeanne Dubino, Chair, Department ot English, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 2 8 608. The application revievv vvill begin November .'1, 2006, and vvill continue until the position is filled. Initial revievvs vvill be conducted at the MLA Convention in I'hiladelphia. English Department's thriving BS program, collaborative partnership vvork vvith local high schools, participation in field-based experiences, curriculum development, and student advisement and supervision. In addition to i n structi onal duties, taculty m e m b ers are expected to ntaintain an active program ot scholarship as vvell as participate in service activities. (irant vvriting experience is a plus. The Department ot English at ASU also otFers the BA degree in English, including concentrations in I'rotessional Wri t i ng, Creative Wri t i ng, and Film; MA d egrees in English, Secondary School Teaching, and Community College Teaching; and a graduate certificate in Composition and Rhetoric. The department has 43 tenure-track and -11 non-tenure track taculty members, over -100 unddergraduate majors, and approxintately .'10 graduate students. .engl i s h. a ppstate. ed u . Appalachian State University is an Equal ()pportunity Employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. Davidson C English, Box 6998 Davidson NC 28035 Assistant Professor Appalachian State University is a member institution ot the sixteen-camp us University ot N o r t h C a r o l i n a Systenn Lo cated in th e scenic Bl u e Ridge Mountains in Boone, North Carolina, the University has approxintately 15,000 students. Additional intorntation about the English department and the University is located at http: // Applicants must send a completed application consisting ot a letter ot application, CV, a statement ot language arts teaching philosophy, and a list ot three reterences vvith telephone numbers. Completed applications should be sent to Dr. Jeanne Dubino, Chair, Department ot English, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 2 8 608. The application revievv vvill begin November .'I, 2006 and continue until the position is filled. Appalachian State University is an Equal ()pportunity Employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. 409 http: // Tenure-track. British fiction trom the 18th century omvard, vvith emphasis in postcolonial literatures. I'reparation in queer theory desirable. Five courses per year, including surveys ot British and global literatures, history ot the novel, composition, and seminars in areas ot specialization. Applicants must demonstrate teaching excellence and scholarly promise. Must have I'h.D. by August 2007. By November IS candidates must apply on-line at https://jobs. and attach a C.V. and letter ot application to the attention ot I'rot. Randy Ingram. Davidson College vvelcomes applicants vvho enhance the diversity ot its taculty. [R] Duke U English, Box 90015, 314 Allen Bldg Durham NC 27708 Appalachian SU Senior Specialist in African American Literature English, ASU Box 32052 Boone NC 28608 http: // 1175 The Department ot English at Appalachian State University invites applications tor a tenure-track nine-month taculty position in R h etoric and Composition tor D i r ector ot Co m position at the rank ot Assistant or Associate I'rotessor beginning August 2007. Duke University English Department vvelcomes nominations and applications tor a senior specialist (associate or tull professor) in Atrican American literature and culture. We seek a scholar vvith a thorough knovvledge ot the range ot Atrican-American literary and cultural history, and vvith a specialty therein. This is a tenure line position that begins August I, 2007. I'lease submit a CV and letter ot one to tvvo pages in length, addressed to I'rotessors Karla Hollovvay and Maurice Wallace, co-chairs ot the search ()ualidcations: commi t t ee. We ask that all ntaterials be submit ted in electro nic tb r n t at. 1. A doctorate in Rhetoric and Composition The application address is: http: // 2. Experience in composition program administration The co-chairs also invite and encourage letters ot nomination tor potential candidates. Nominations ntay be sent to englksh ( Use "At Am Lit Search" as the subject line. Rhetoric and Composition for Director of Composition 1561 http: // :1. Evidence ot successtul teaching and scholarship in the field The Director ot Co m position vvill coordinate a large teaching statF, provide taculty development opportunities, and help to mentor and evaluate nevv and returning taculty i n th e program. D u t ies vvill in clude student advisement and curriculum development and ntay include online instruction and instruction at otF-campus sites; the director vvill also teach graduate and undergraduate courses in Rhetoric and Co m position and direct capstone and thesis projects in the M .A . certificate progrann In addition to instructional duties, taculty m e m b ers are expected to ntaintain an active program ot scholarship as vvell as participate in service activities. The director vvill also chair the Writing Co m m i t t ee. The Department ot English otFers the BA degree in English, including c oncentrations in I'rotessional Wri t i ng, Creative Wr i t i ng, and Film ; th e BS degree in Secondary Education; M A d e g rees in English, Secondary School Teaching, and Commu n ity C o l l ege Teaching; and a graduate certit i cate in R h e t o r i c and C o m p o sit i on . T h e d epart m ent has 43 T he commi t tee vvill begin its deliberations on November I, 20 06. A l l materials received by t hat date vvill be gu aranteed tul l c o n sideration . Duke University is an AHirntative Action/Equal ()pportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. [R] Duke U English, Box 90015, 314 Allen Bldg Durham NC 27708 Distinguished Creative Writer 1397 http: // Duke University English Department vvelcomes nominations and applications tor a distinguished creative vvriter vvith a national or int ernational reputation. This position vvill be at the senior level, vvith a preterence tor a vvriter ot fiction and/o r c reative nonfiction, and ntay be either a tenure or non-tenure line, depending on qualifications and experience. We E NGL I S H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 seek a vvriter interested in engaging vvith the tull i n t ellectual lite ot the university, including the teaching ot undergraduates. This position begins August I, 2007. Candidates should submit a CV and letter ot one to tvvo pages in length, addressed to I'rotessor Michael Valdez Moses, chair ot the search committee. The application address is: We ask that all nominations be sent to: englksh( using "Creative Writing Search" as the subject line. literature. Load vvill be tour courses each semester and vvill include teaching first-year composition, l i t erature surveys, and upper-level courses. Revievv ot applicants vvill begin immediately and continue until positions are filled. (Iardner-Webb is a coeducational, residential, liberal arts university that seeks a higher ground in hi g her educationone that embraces taith and intellectual treedom, balances conviction vvith compassion and inspires in students a love ot learning, service, and leadership. Submit letters ot application, curriculum vitae, transcripts, and three letters ot retere nce vvith phone numbers to Dr . Janet S. Land, Chair, Department ot The committee vvill begin its deliberations on November 15, 2006. All English, (Iardner-Webb University, P.(). Box 7225, Boiling Springs, NC materials received by t hat date vvill be gu aranteed tull c o n sideration . Duke University is an AHirntative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. [R] 28017. [ R ] Lees-McRae C English 8( For Langs, PO Box 128 Banner Elk NC 28604 Fayetteville SU Eng 8( For Langs, 1200 Murchison Rd Fayetteville NC 28301 Assistant Professor of English Assistant Professor of English 1299 1673 http: // I'h.D. in English; specialty open. We are seeking an individual vvith secondary school teaching experience and certification to teach our methods and student teaching courses. The position is tenure track and begins in Aug. 2007. We seek canidates comm i t ted t o t eaching and scholars hip. All E n g l ish taculty teach composition. as part ot t h ei r 12 h o u r load per semester.l'lease send letter ot application and dosier to Edvvard McShane, Chair, Department ot English, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville,N.C. 28:101 [R] Assistant I'rotessor ot English vvith a specialty in Composition and Rhetoric. I'h.D. required, ABD considered. The -1 — -1teaching load ntay include first-year rhetoric, upper-division vvriting, and First Year Experience. In addition, the successtul candidate vvill be responsible tor coordinating and assessing a nevv Writing and Speaking Intensive Freshntan Rh etoric sequence, student advising, scholarship, and service. Send a letter outlini ng teaching and scholarship interests, evidence ot exemplary teaching, CV vvith names ot three reterences, and transcript copies to English Search Comm i t t ee, c/ o T a m m y F r a n k l i n , O t t i c e ot A c ademic A t t a i rs, LeesMcRae College, I'.O. Box 128, Banner Elk, NC , 2860-1. Revievv ot applications vvill begin December 15. Starting date is August 2007. Fayetteville SU Eng 8( For Langs, 1200 Murchison Rd Fayetteville NC 28301 Lees-McRae is a small, tour-year, co-educational liberal arts college atfiliated vvith the I'resbyterian Church, U.sLA., located in the scenic Blue Ridge M o u n t ains ot northvvestern No rt h C a r o l i na. I'lease see our vveb page at tor more infbrntation. Wo men and mi n o r i t ies are http: // Assistant Professor of English 1300 encouraged to apply. AA/EOE. http: // I'h.D in English vvith specialization in Early Modern British lnon-Shakespearean). The position is tenure track and begins in August 2007. We seek candidates committed to teaching and scholarship. All English taculty teach composition as part ot their 12 hour per semester load. Intervievvs at MLA in I' h i ladelphia. Send applications and dossiers to Edvvard McShane, Chair, Deartment ot English and Foreign Languages, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville,N.C. 28:101 [R] Methodist C English 8( Writing, 5400 Ramsey St Fayetteville NC 28311 Assistant or Associate Professor o f Shakespeare/Renaissance 1370 http: // Tenure-track position to r specialist in Shakespeare/R e nakssance vvith ability to teach Chaucer/medieval. I'h.D. required tor appointment at Assistant I'rotessor rank. I'osition begins tall 2007. The normal teaching load is tour courses per semester, including first-year composition and in- Fayetteville SU Eng 8( For Langs, 1200 Murchison Rd Fayetteville NC 28301 Assistant Professor of English [R ] 1304 http: // I'h.D in English. We seek an individual vvhose specialization is Drama. The ideal candidate vvill have vvritten a dissertation about drantatic literature and vvill be capable ot teaching World Dranta on the graduate and undergraduate level to both English and Theater ntajors. The position is tenure track and begins in August 2007. All English taculty teach composition. Intervievvs at MLA in I' hiladelphia. Send applications and dossiers to Edvvard McShane, Chair, Department ot English and Foreign Lan- troductory literature courses. Methodist College is an equal opportunity employer. In harmony vvith its tradition, it takes seriously its role in the ethical and moral development ot its students. I'opulations traditionally underrepresented are encouraged to apply. Send letter ot application, vita, transcripts, and three letters ot reterence to Emily W r i g ht, Chair, Department ot English and Writing, Methodist College, 8-100 Ramsey St., Fay- etteville NC 28:111. I'ostntark deadline is Nov. 11. Applications vvill be acknovvledged by letter. Methodist College reserves the right to authenticate academic and protessional credentials and to consult public records prior to extending ofFers ot employment. [R] guages, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville,n.C. 28:101. U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill English 8( Comp Lit, PO Box 3520, Greenlaw Hall Chapel Hill NC Gardner-Webb U English, Box 7225 Boiling Springs NC 28017 Assistant Professor of English 27599 Chaired Professor of Post-1945 Literatures written in English 1196 http: // (Iardner-Webb U n i v ersity inv i tes applications tor tvvo tull- t i me, tenure track positions beginning January 2007. Candidates must have I'h.D. in hand by time ot appointment and demonstrate university-level teaching experience. I'articular consideration vvill be given to candidates vvith experience in Restoration/ 18th century l i t erature or W o r l d / I ' o st-colonial M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 141 7 http: // The Department ot English and Comparative Literature at the University ot North Carolina at Chapel Hill invites applications trom senior scholars tor the I'eter (L I'hialas I'rotessorship in any I'ost-10-18 Literatures vvritten in English. We seek a distinguished scholar vvith a proven record and ongoing commitment to excellence in publication and teaching. $3 Applications and at least -1 letters ot recommendation should be sent by January 15, 2007 to I'rotessor James Thompson, Chair, Department ot English and Comparative Literature, 200 Greenlavv Hall, CB¹ : 1620, University ot North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27699-3620 W e will i n t e r v iew f i n alists on campus. The U n i v ersity ot N o r t h C a r o lina at Chapel Hill is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and minority and women candidates are encouraged to apply. J ames Thompson, I'rotessor ot English and Chair, Un iversity ot N o r t h Carolina-Chapel Hill, 27699-3620; I'hone 919 962 61172; Fax 919 962 :1620; uthomp ( U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill English fk Comp Lit, PO Box 3520, Greenlaw Hall Chapel Hill NC 27599 Assistant Professor ofPostcolonial Literature and Theory 1416 http: // The Department ot English and Comparative Literature at the University ot North Carolina at Chapel Hill invites applicants tor a tenure-track position at the assistant protessor level in postcolonial literature and theory. We seek a scholar and teacher ot outstanding promise; responsibilities include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses and scholarly productivity in the area ot specialization. Candidates with I'h.D. are preterred. Applications, including at least -1 letters ot recommendation and a writing sample should be sent to I'rotessor James Thompson, Chair, Department ot English and Comparative Literature, 200 (Ireenlaw Hall, CB ¹ : 1620, Uni- versity ot North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27699-3620 Deadline tor consideration ot applications is December I, 2006. We wil l interview candidates at the I'hiladelphia MLA meeting in December. The U niversity ot N o r t h C a rolina at Chapel Hil l i s an Equal Opp o r t u n i t y Employer, and minority and women candidates are encouraged to apply. J ames Thompson, I'rotessor ot English and Chair, Un iversity ot N o r t h Carolina-Chapel Hill, 27699-3620; I'hone 919 962 61172; Fax 919 962 :1620; uthomp ( U of North Carolina at Charlotte English, 9201 University City Blvd Charlotte NC 28223 Assistant Professor in Post-Colonial Literature 1631 http: // UN C C h a r l o t tes Depart m ent ot E n g l ish vvelcomes applications tor a tenure-track position, at the level ot Assistant I'rotessor, in post-colonial literatures in Engl i sh; secondary strength in m o d er n B r i t i sh l i t erature required; additional strength in dranta desirable. Evidence ot a transnational perspective on modern literature in English wil l be expected in both teaching and research. Applicants should have the I'h.D. in hand by August 2007, the contractual starting date. The teaching load ot three/ two courses per academic year includes advanced courses in the field tor undergraduates and graduate students, the second halt ot the British literature survey, and other lovver-division courses. The department offers BA a nd MA degrees and participates in a doctoral program in C u r r i c u l u m and Instruction and in interdisciplinary programs in vvomens studies, liberal studies, and Atricana studies within the College ot Arts and!iciences. The University ot N o rt h C arolina at Charlotte is a doctoral/research intensive university located in a dynamic and expanding metropolitan reg ion. To learn more about our programs, visit our vvebsite at http: //ww w . I'lease send by Nov.1 a letter ot application, vita, and three original letters ot recommendation to James Mc(lavran, I'rotessor and Chair ot the Search Committee, Department ot English, University ot No rth Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 211223-0001. We will interview at M LA . U N C C h a r l o tte strives to create an academic clintate in which the dignity ot all individuals is respected and ntaintained. Theretore, we celebrate diversity that includes but is not lim i ted to ability/disability, age, cullture, ethnicity, gender, language, race, religion, s exual orientation, and socio-economic status. AA/ E O E . [R] U of North Carolina at Greensboro English, PO Box 26170, 1111 Spring Garden St Greensboro NC 27402 Assistant Professor in American Literature, 1900 — 1950 U of North Carolina at Charlotte English, 9201 University City Blvd Charlotte NC 28223 Assistant Professor in Children's Literature 1600 http: // T he D ep ar t m en t o t E n g l i s h at th e U n i v e r sit y o t N o r t h C a r o l i n a at Greensboro seeks a I'h.D. in English specializing in American Literature, 1485 1900 — 1960, poetry preterred. http: // UNC O is a high research activity doctorate-granting university with ap- UNC C h a rlottes Department ot English vvelcomes applications tor a tenure-track position, at the level ot Assistant I'rotessor, in Childrens Litera- proxintately 16,000 students; it has the most ethnically and racially diverse student population ot any ot the 16 campuses in the UN C system. Our growing and protessionally active department ot 2II tenured and tenure-track taculty has flourhhing graduate programs, including the I'hD. Regularly ranked highly in national surveys ot the best places to live, the city ot Greensboro offers an affordable, high quality ot lite, with numerous cultural and recreational opportunities. ture with a tocus in multiculturalism. Applicants should have the I'h.D. in hand by August 2007, the contractual starting date. The teaching load averages five courses per year and will include graduate and undergraduate courses in Chi l d rens Literature, as well as other lovver-division courses. The Department offers Bachelors and Masters degrees, as well as a Masters Concentration in C h i l d r ens Literature. It also participates in a doctoral program in Cu r r i c ulum and Instruction. The U n i v ersity ot N o rt h C arolina at Charlotte is a doctoral/ research intensive university located in a dynamic and expanding metropolitan region. To learn more about our programs, visit our web site at http: //ww w . u I'lease send, by Nov. 15, 2006, a letter ot application, vita, and three origi nal letters ot recommendation to I ' aula C o n n o l ly, Search Co m m i t t e e Chair, Department ot English, University ot North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 211223-0001. We encourage applications trom women and individuals trom underrepresented groups. UNC C h arlotte strives to create an academic clintate in which the dignity ot all individuals is respected and ntaintained. Theretore, we celebrate diversity that includes, but is not limited to ability/ disability, age, culture, ethnicity, gender, language, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socioe conomic status. AA/EO E . [R] Competitive salary and 2/:1 teaching load. Interested applicants must hold or anticipate receiving the I'hD by August I, 2007. I'lease send letter, vita, writing sample, and dossier with unoHicial graduate transcripts to: Scott Romine, Ch air, A m e r i can Li t erature Search Co m m i t t ee, D epartm ent ot English,:1143 Hall tor the Huntanities, I'.O. Box 26170, University ot North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27-102-6170. Review ot applications will begin immediately, with a closing date ot November 10, 2 006, and will continue until the position is filled. EEO/AA . [R] U of North Carolina at Greensboro English, PO Box 26170, 1111 Spring Garden St Greensboro NC 27402 Assistant Professor and Visiting Assistant Professor 1451 http: / T wo positions, one Assistant I'rotessor, tenure track, and one Vi sit i n g Assistant I'rotessor in W o m ens and Gender ! i t u d ies at the Un i v ersity ot North Carolina Greensboro. Able to contribute to a growing program by $4 E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 conducting scholarship in WGS and teaching teminist theory and research methodology at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Specialization in critical race/post-colonial theory; gender and health; or community leadership desirable. Candidates must hold or anticipate a doctoral degree in Womens Studies or related discipline by August I, 2007. UN( Gs Woolens and Gender Studies program is one ot the oldest in the nation, offering an undergraduate ntajor, a graduate certificate and a new ntasters degree. Send letter, cv, and contact intorntation tor at least three reterences to Hephzi- bah Roskelly, Head of Search Committee, Womens and Gender Studies I'rogranu I'O Box 26170, UN CO , Greensboro NC 27-102-6170. Review ot applications will begin on November I, 2006 and continue until filled. Indicate whether you vvish to be considered tor tenure-track position only, v isiting position only, or both. http: // EEO/AA . • • Bowling Green SU English, 1001 E Wooster St Bowling Green OH 43403 Arts 8 Sciences Distinguished Visiting Writer 1419 http: / Duties: The Creative Wr i t i ng I 'r o g ram at Bowl i ng G r e en State University seeks a poet as the College ot Arts tk Sciences Distinguished Visiting Writer. The successtul candidate will be in residence spring 200II; teach one vvorkshop in our BFA program and one vvorkshop in our MFA program; give a public reading and a lecture; and advise theses. (1ualifications: U of North Carolina at Greensboro English, PO Box 26170, 1111 Spring Garden St Greensboro NC 27402 1 598 African Americanist :1) Evidence ot outstanding teaching. http: // Salary: competitive T he D e p a r t m en t o t E n g l i s h at th e U n i v e r sit y o t N o r t h C a r o l i n a at Greensboro seeks an Atrican Americanist, rank open. All specializations are welcome, but ex p er t ise in p o e t ry , A t r o - U n i t e d States/(: ar i b bean writing, and/or dranta is desirable. UNC O is a high research activity doctorate-granting university with approxintately 16,000 students; it has the most ethnically and racially diverse student population ot any ot the 16 campuses in the UN C system. Our growing and protessionally active department ot 2II tenured and tenure-track taculty has flourhhing graduate programs, including the I'hD. Regularly ranked highly in national surveys ot the best places to live, the city ot Greensboro offers an affordable, high quality ot lite, with numerous cultural and recreational opportunities. Competitive salary and 2/:1 teaching load. Interested applicants must hold or anticipate receiving the I'hD by August I, 2007. I'lease send letter, vita, writing sample, and dossier with unoHicial graduate transcripts to: Karen Kilcup, Chair, A t r i can A m e r icanist Search Com m i t t ee, Department ot Englhh, :3140 Hall tor the H u m a ni ties, I'.O. Box 26170, University ot North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27-102-6170. Review ot applications will begin immediately, with a closing date ot November 10, 2 006, and will continue until the position is filled. EEO/AA . [R] Effective Date ot Employment: The starting date ot employment is January 200II. Application M a t erials: Send cover letter, CV, transcripts, three current letters ot reterence, wri t i n g sample (one book), a list ot courses taught with briet descriptions, and I — 2 sample undergraduate syllabi to K r i stine Blair, Chair, English Department, Bow l ing G reen State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 4040:3. Electronic and Fax applications cannot be considered. The starting date ot employment tor this position is January 200II. Screening ot applicants will begin March 15, 2007 and continue until the position is filled. BGSU is an Equal Employment Opportunity/ A Hirntative Action Employer and encourages applications trom w o m e n , minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities. [R] Case Western Reserve U English, 10900 Euclid Av Cleveland OH 44106 Full-time Lecturer Writing Resource Center 1259 http: / The Department ot English in the C o l lege ot A rts and Sciences at Case Western Reserve University seeks a tull- t im e lecturer to di r ect and develop its wri ting resource center, teach in the universitys seminar-based U of North Carolina at Greensboro English, PO Box 26170, 1111 Spring Garden St Greensboro NC 27402 Assistant Professor in Medieval English Literature I) MA, MFA or I'h.D. by time ot employment. 2) At least one book ot poetry and critical recognition consistent with a writer ot national reputation. 1597 general-education program (SAGES) and serve as liaison with our SAGES ottice to tacilitate hiring of SAGES part-t im e taculty. I'hD i n E n g l i sh required. The strongest candidates will have experience in ESL and/or UNC O is a high research activity doctorate-granting university with approxintately 16,000 students; it has the most ethnically and racially diverse student population ot any ot the 16 campuses in the UN C system. Our growing and protessionally active department ot 2II tenured and tenure-track taculty has flourhhing graduate programs, including the I'hD. basic writing instruction, and wri t ing across the curriculum. Speciftc responsibilities include hiring, training, and supervising undergraduate and graduate wri t in g t u t ors and w r i t i n g c o - i n s t r u ctorrq curri cu lu m d evelopment and teaching in SAGES. 2 — I teaching load. The position is tor one year and is renewable tor up to t h ree years. Electronic applications only (consisting ot a letter ot application and a c.v. ) to William R. Siebenschuh, Chair, at wrs2 ( Other correspondence can be directed to Wil l iam R . Siebenschuh, Chair, English Department, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106. All applications received by Regularly ranked highly in national surveys ot the best places to live, the city ot Greensboro offers an affordable, high quality ot lite, with numerous cultural and recreational opportunities. 10 November 2006 will receive tull consideration. Case Western Reserve University is comm i t ted to d i v ersity and is an aHirntative action, equal opportunity employer. Applications trom women and minorities are par- Competitive salary and 2/:1 teaching load. Interested applicants must hold or anticipate receiving the I'hD b y A u g ust I , 20 07. I'lease send letter, vita, wri t ing sample, and dossier with u noHicial graduate transcripts to: Christopher Hodgkins, Chair, Medieval Search Committee, Department ot Englhh, :3140 Hall tor the Huntanities, I'.O. Box 26170, University ot North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27-102-6170. Review ot applications will begin immediately, with a closing date ot November 10, 2 006, and will continue until the position is filled. EEO/AA . [R] ticularly encouraged. http: // The Department ot English at the University ot North Carolina at Greensboro seeks a I'h.D. in English specializing in Medieval English literature. Case Western Reserve U English, 10900 Euclid Av Cleveland OH 44106 tenure track writing specialist 1258 http: / The department ot English in the College ot Arts and Sciences at Case Western Reserve Uni v ersity seeks a tenure-track taculty member to contribute to a I'hD concentration in W r i t i n g H i story and T h eory (WHIT) M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST and develop and teach both undergraduate and graduate level vvriting in the disciplines courses. The strongest applications vvill be those that demonstrate evidence ot an active research program in science vvriting, narrative medicine or other torms ot protessional and academic vvriting including ESL. The department is central to ongoing development ot the vvriting curriculum in the universitys distinctive undergraduate generaleducation curriculunu SA(iES (Seminar Approach to (leneral Education and Scholarship), vvhich moves trom seminars based in vvriting across the curriculum pedagogics to discipline-specific torms ot vvriting. Future opportunities tor vvriting taculty in English include developing, enhancing, and overseeing curriculum and instruction in vvriting programs across the university. I'hD required. 2 — 2 course load. ESL training and experience desirable. Applicants at the assistant level are preterred, but applications at the associate level vvill be considered. Salary vvill be commensurate vvith qualifications and experience. Electronic applications only (consisting ot a letter ot application and a c.v. ) to Wil l iam R . Siebenschuh, Chair, at vvrs2 ( a) Other correspondence can be directed to W i l l i am R . Siebenschuh, Chair, English Department, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106. Applications received by 10 November 2006 v vill receive t ul l c o n sideration . C ase Western R e serve U n i v e r sity i s c ommitted to d i v ersity and is an aHirmative action, equal oppor t u n i t y enlployer. Applications trom vvomen and trom mi n o r i ties are particularly encouraged. [R] Cleveland SU English, 2121 Euclid Av Cleveland OH 44115 Poetry Center Director/Assistant Professor of English 1442 The English department at Cleveland State University is seeking to fill the position ot D i r e ctor ot the Cleveland State University I'oetry C e n ter/tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor ot modern and contemporary A m e r i can or British poetry. For .'1S years, vvith over 12S titles ot contemporary poetry, the I'oetry C enter at Cleveland State has been a nationally-recognized venue tor vvork by nevv and established poets. Through public vvorkshops and readings, the I'oetry C enter serves as a chiet cultural resource in northeast Ohio, and it is recognized as a Center ot Excellence by the Ohio State Board ot Regents. To fill the position, vve invite applications trom scholars ot modern and contemporary American or British poetry. We anticipate a teaching load ot one course per semester. Duties: Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in modern and cont emporary Am erican and British poetry, supervise theses in the MA a n d MFA programs, edit and oversee the production ot roughly tour books per year, supervise I'oetry (: enter StafF (a tull-time Coordinator and teaching assistants), ntaintain the reading series and on-going public service activities, manage and plan the I'oetry Centers budget grovvth through grants and other activities. Mini mu m q u al i t i cations: I'h.D. must be in hand by A u g ust 25, 2007. Evidence ot successtul teaching at the college level is required. I'reterred qualifications: Experience in editing and leadership positions, record ot substantial publications ot literary criticism or revievvs. Send letter ot application and CV, including the names and e-ntail addresses ot three reterences, to Louis Barbato, Chair, English Department, Cleveland State Universsity, 2121 Euclid Avenuee, Cleveland, OH 4411S2440. Screening ot applications vvill begin on November I and continue until position is filled. Intervievvs at MLA. CSU is an AA / E O E i n stitution comm i t ted to non-discrimination in employment and education. M/ F / D / V e n couraged. vvriting course, and one advanced course on such topics as early American literature, race and ethnicity in the Am ericas, American culture, and others ot the candidates design. I'h.D must be in hand by the start ot the academic year. I'osition to begin Fall 2007. I'ending approval, intervievvs at MLA. Denison University is an AHirntative Action/ E qual Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. We vvelcome a diversity ot backgrounds and litestyles. I'lease send letter ot application and cv to Sandra Runzo, Chair, Department ot English, Denison Univer- sity, (Iranville, OH 4302:1 by November L1, 2006. [R] Denison U English, 200 Barney Hall Granville OH 43023 Assistant Professor of English and Director of the Writing Center 1036 http: // D enison University seeks a tenure-track ASSLSTANT I ' R O F ESSOR O F E N(ILLSH AND D I R E C T O R O F T H E W R I T I N ( 1 CEN T ER . T h e successtul candidate vvill oversee and develop a student-stafFed vvriting center, teach:1 courses per year and vvork to develop a vvriting pedagogy in the disciplines. Administrative responsibilities include recruiting, selecting, training, and supervising a talented stafFot student vvriting tutors; acting as a liaison to departments across campus to publicize and coordinate the vvork ot the W r i t i n g C e n t er; coordi nating vvith ot her support services on campus; vvorking closely vvith the curricular side ot the First Year Studies I'rogram. Ex p er tise in serving i n t e r national students and basic vvriters helptul. Typical teaching assignments vvould include tvvo sections ot a tirst-year vvriting co urse each year and one other course. I'h.D. must be in hand by the start ot the academic year. I'osition to begin Fa112007. I'ending approval, intervievvs at MLA. Denison is an AHirntative Action/ E qual Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. We vvelcome a diversity ot backgrounds and litestyles. I'lease send letter ot application and cv to Sandra Runzo, Chair, Department ot English, Denison University, (iranville, OH 4302:1 by Novem- ber L1, 2006. [R] Hiram C English, PO Box 67 Hiram OH 44234 Assistant Professor of English (Coord o f Writing Across the Curriculum Program and Writing Center) 1 543 http: //vvvvvv.hiranuedu Hiram C o l l ege seeks an Assistant I'rotessor ot English to teach a vvide range ot vvriting courses and serve as coordinator ot its vvell-established WAC program and Wr i t i n g C enter. Required qualitications include a I'h.D. in composition/ rhetoric or literature; experience in the administration ot vvriting programs and in the training ot vvriting taculty and student assistants; and publication in the area ot pedagogy, literature, or theory. The successtul candidate vvill also be expected to contribute to summer vvorkshops and undergraduate conterences, teach first-year students in Hiram Colleges Writing across the Curriculum program, and vvork vvith adult learners in the Weekend College and the Master ot Interdisciplinary Studies program (MALS). Applications are due in tull by December I, 2006. Submit letter ot interest, a vvriting sample (not over tvventy pages), three letters ot reterence, and tull vita to W r i t ing Across the Curriculum Search Com m i t t ee, English Department, Hiram College, I'O Box 67, Hiram, OH 44234. Hiram College is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to Excellence through Diversity. [R] Denison U English, 200 Barney Hall Granville OH 43023 Assistant Professor of Early American Literature 1032 http: / D enison University seeks a tenure-track ASSLSTANT I ' R O F ESSOR O F EARLY A M E R I C A N L I T E R A T U R E . T h e .'I/2 teaching assignment typically includes a survey ot pre-1000 American literature, a first-year $6 E NGL I S H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 Writing Search Commi t tee, Mount U n ion C o l lege, 1972 College Avenue, Alliance, OH 44601. Consideration ot applicants will begin immediately. Initial intervievvs will be conducted at the MLA co nterence. [R] Hiram C English, PO Box 67 Hiram OH 44234 Assistant Professor, English (Creative Writing) 1548 http: //www .hiranuedu The English Department seeks a talented writer and teacher ot writing to ofFer a rich assortment ot creative wri t ing courses that will be needed to mount a new w r i t i n g m ajor at H i r a m C o l l ege. Required qualifications include an M.F.A. or I'h.D. in creative writi ng; publication in at least one genre; experience teaching courses in fiction, creative nonfiction, and at least one other genre (screemvriting, playwriting, poetry ); vvillingness to help organize and direct summer vvorkshops; ability to co n t r i b ute new i deas, publications, and programs to the Lindsay-Crane Center tor W r i t ing and Literature. The successtul candidate will also teach first-year stud ents in our W r i t ing across the Curriculum program and will w ork w i t h traditional students, adult learners in the Weekend College, and ntasters candidates in Hiram Colleges Master ot Interdisciplinary!itudies program (MALi). I'reterence will be given to candidates with regional and/or national awards and honors. Applications are due in tull by December I, 2006. Submit letter ot interest, a writing sample (not over twenty pages), three letters ot reterence, and tull vita to Creative Writing Search Commi ttee, English Department, Hiram College, I'O Box 67, Hiram, OH 44234. Hiram College is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to Excellence through Diversity. (www.hiranuedu ) [ R ] Ohio SU at Newark English, 1179 University Dr Newark OH 43055 Assistant Professor of English 219 ht tp:// R / O ! i U E m p loyment.asp Rhetoric and Composition The Ohio State Un i v ersity at N ew ark is seeking applications tor a 9month, tenure-track assistant protessor in English with a specialization in rhetoric and composition to begin autumn 2007. The N ewark campus is an extended campus in The O h i o ! i t ate U n i v ersity system and is located about .'18 miles east ot the Colu m bus campus. The successtul candidate must ntaintain a productive and high-quality research program and must regularly teach introductory courses in composition, courses in the candidate's area ot expertise, and other courses that meet campus needs. Also, the successtul candidate must actively participate in service to the campus and in outreach activities. The candidate must have a I'h.D. in English by the start ot the appointm ent. To assure consideration, send a CV, th r ee letters ot reterence, and a personal statement describing your t eaching and research interests to: The O h i o ! i t ate U n i v ersity at N e w a rk, ( ) Rice o t Human R esources, Search ¹06 — 90, 1179 University D r i ve, N e w a rk , Ohio 4308th Open until fi l l ed. Intervievvs at the MLA C o n vention. To build a diverse workfbrce, Ohio ! i tate encourages applications trom individuals with disabilities, minorities, veterans, and women. [R] Kenyon C English, 102 College Dr, Sunset Cottage Gambier OH 43022 Assistant Professor of Postcolonial Literature 826 http: // The English Department at Kenyon College seeks to fill a tenure-track position (efFective July 2007) in Anglophone postcolonial literature, especially South Asian, Caribbean, and Atr ican, Black Bri t i sh, or Black A tlantic ! i t u d i es. The successtul candidate will have the opport u n it y t o c ontribute to interdisciplinary programs in A t r i can and At r i can Am er i - cann!itu diern American !itu diern Asian !it u diern International !it u diern or Womens and (lender !i t u dies. The teaching load is .'1/2. (Kenyon ofFers no composition courses.) I'h.D. required, as is evidence ot a commitment to teaching and scholarship. An E OE , w e w e l come applications trom minority and women candidates. Applications will be accepted until the position has been filled, but to ensure that your application wil l be reviewed in time tor ML A i n t e r vievvs send a letter and cv by November 10 to Theodore O. Mason, Jr., Chair, Department ot English, Kenyon Col- lege, (Iambier, OH 43022 [R] Otterbein C English, Westerville OH 43081 Assi stant Professor of English (Ameri can Literature) 741 http: //ww w . o Otterbein C o l l ege, a comprehensive liberal arts institution i n t h e suburban Col u m bus area, invi tes applications tor a tenur e- t r ack assistant protessor position beginning Fall 2007. Area ot specialty: late 19th and 20th century A m erican Literature. I'reterred additional areas ot expertise are: multiethnic (Asian-American, Atrican, Caribbean, Latino/a, Native American, Immigrant ) literatures or world literatures in English. Teaching responsibilities include composition courses in a humani t ies-based core curriculum. (1ualifications: I'h.D. required. Candidates must demonstrate comm i t m en t t o u n d e r graduate teaching excellence, advising and mentoring students, and scholarship. Send letter ot interest, curricul um vitae, and three current letters ot recommendation to: Dr. A b i 0 d d n (I('>ke-I'ariola, Vice I'resident tor Academic AIFairs, Otterbein College, One Otterbein College, Westerville, OH 430III. Entail submissions: aca- demicjobs (a) Review ot applications will begin October 2 and continue until the position is filled. An Equal Opportunity Employer and Educator [R] Mt Union C English, 1972 Clark Av Alliance OH 44601 Assistant Professor of English (Writing) 1612 h ttp: // h u ntan r esources/job o p p o r t The Department ot English at M o un t U n i o n C o l l ege seeks a candidate with a I'h.D. in Rhetoric and Composition (or a related field ) and a committment to teaching in a liberal arts setting. Areas ot emphasis should i nclude protessional, technical, and organizational rhetoric and wr i t i n g , w ith secondary area possibilit ies in stylistics, argumentative rhetori c , discourse analysis or rhetorical theory. I'rimary teaching responsibilities i nclude first-year composition, protessional and argumentative wr i t i n g , specialty courses within the Wr i t ing M ajor. I'osition could also include WI'A administration (Writing Center and WAC ) on rotational basis. The standard teaching load is tour courses a semester. I'reterence will be given to candidates with college teaching experience and potential tor scholarship. Competitive salary and compensation package based on credentials. Send letter ot application, CV, and the names and phone numbers ot three current reterences to: H u ma n R e sources Ot t i ce, Eng lish D epart m ent M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST U of Dayton English, 300 College Park Dayton OH 45469 Assistant Professor of Literary Theory 1493 http: //www Tenure-track position in L i t erary T h eory, w it h a pri ntary specialization in any branch ot contemporary or classical theory, including but not limited to one or m ore ot the foll o w i n g : deconstruction, temi n i sms, postmodernism, disability studies, sexuality studies, narratology/ n a r rative theory, theories ot race/space/class/region, or psychoanalytic theory and criticism. We welcome a theorist who can bring innovative approaches to classical, medieval, rontantic, modern, and postmodern theories ot art and literature. Responsibilities include teaching courses in the field ot specialization, in t r o d u c t ory l i t e rature courses, composition, and courses in the departments M.A. program. Teaching load is three courses each semester. Excellent teaching and publication are expected, as well as service and student advising. We are particularly i n t erested in candidates with additional background in drannb film, and/or interdisciplinary studies, es- pecially related to philosophy or religion. 1'h.D. must be completed by June 2007. Send letter ot application and curriculum vitae to Brian Conniff, Chair, by November.'lfk Review ot applications will continue until position is filled. The U n i v ersity ot Dayton, a comprehensive Catholic university tounded by the Society ot Mary in 1116th is an Equal Opportunity/AHirmative Action employer. Women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply. The University ot Dayton is firmly committed to the principle ot diversity. [R] U of Dayton English, 300 College Park Dayton OH 45469 Assi stant Professor of Rhetoric and Composition preterred: teaching experience and evidence ot successtul college-level teaching; successtul scholarly publication or real promise ot tuture publication in field. Load: seven courses over three quarters plus advising and service. Courses include graduate and undergraduate courses in fi eld fs), introductory courses tor majors, A m e r i can l i t erature courses tor tut ur e teachers, and general education "great books" survey. All department taculty must be able to teach composition. Salary competitive. 1'reliminary intervievvs at MLA in 1'hiladelphia or by telephone, it needed. 1'lease send cv and letter discussing scholarship and teaching interests by November 27, 2006 to James (luthrie, Search Comm i t tee Chair, Department ot English Language and Literatures, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 4S-US AA/EOE 1227 james. guthrie ( OR henry.limouze( [R] http: //www Tenure-track position in R h e t o ric and Co m position w it h an i n terest in Writing 1'rogram Ad m i n i stration. Responsibilities include teaching at all levels. Teaching load is three courses each semester with occasional courses in the departments M.A. program. Excellent teaching and publication are expected, as well as service and student advising. We are particularly interested in candidates with additi onal background in one or more ot the follow i n g areas: introduction to l i t erature, literacy studies, Atrican American literature, and multicultural commu n ication. 1'h.D. in Rhetoric, Composition ! i t u dies, or a related field must be completed by June 2007. Send letter ot application and curriculum vitae to Brian Conniff, Chair, by November fh Review ot applications will continue until position is filled. The U n i v ersity ot Dayton, a comprehensive Catholic university tounded by the Society ot Mary in 1116th is an Equal Opportunity/AHirmative Action employer. Women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply. The University ot Dayton is firmly committed to the principle ot diversity. [R] U of Dayton English, 300 College Park Dayton OH 45469 Assistant Professor of Victorian Literature 1229 http: //www Tenure-track position in V i c t o r ian L i t erature. Responsibilities include t eaching courses in the ti eld ot specialization, i n t r o d u c t or y l i t e ratur e courses, composition, and courses in the departments M .A . P r o g rann Teaching load is three courses each semester. Excellent teaching and publication are expected, as well as service and student advising. We are particularly interested in candidates with additional background in cultural studies, religion and literature, and interdisciplinary approaches to literature. 1'h.D. must be completed by June 2007. Send letter ot application and curriculum vitae to Brian (:onniff, Chair, by November fl. Review ot applications will continue until position is filled. The University ot Dayton, a comprehensive Catholic university tounded by the Society ot Mary in 1116th is an Equal ()pportunity/A Hirntative Action employer. Women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply. The University ot Dayton is firmly comm i t ted to the principle ot diversity. [R] Wright SU English, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy Dayton OH 45435 of Am erican Literature Assistant Professor 356 • i • Oklahoma SU English, 205 Morrill Hall Stillwater OK 74078 Assistant Professor of Creative Writing-Fiction 720 http: // 2 teaching load T enure-track position i n C r e ative W r i t i n g - F i c t i o n . .'3 — beginning August 2007. Appropriate terminal degree, appropriate credentialtn signi t i c ant nati o nal pu b l i cation, and d e m onstrated teaching excellence required. Additional publication and teaching expertise in creative non-fiction desirable. Salary competitive and commensurate wit h experience. O!iU offers the BA, MA , and the 1'hD in English with emphasis in creative writi ng. For turther intorntation on the department see our webpage at http: // To ensure tull consideration, a pplications must be received by November .'3, 2006. However, we wil l continue to accept and consider applications until the position has been filled. Send letter ot application, cv, writing sample, and dossier including transcript and three letters ot recommendation to Carol M oder, Head, English Department, ()klahonta State University, 20S Morrill H aik Stillwater, OK 740711-4069. O!iU is an A A / E E O E m p l oyer Co m m i t ted to Multicultural Diversity. Oklahoma SU English, 205 Morrill Hall Stillwater OK 74078 Assistant Professor of English-Screen Studies 722 Tenure-track position in Screen Studies, with an emphasis on theory ot media and culture. Expertise in non- t i c t i o nal media including documentary preferred.:3 — 2 teaching load beginning August 2007. 1'hD and demonstrated excellence in teaching requi red. Salary competit ive and commensurate with experience. O!iU o ff ers the BA, M A , an d the 1'hD in English with a ! i c reen ! i t u dies specialization. For tur t her intor ntation on the department and th e ! i c reen ! i t u d ies 1'rogram see our webpage at http: // To insure tull consideration, applications must be received by November .'3, 2006. However, we wil l con t i nue to accept and consider applications until the position has been filled. Send letter ot application, cv, writing sample, and dossier including transcript and three letters ot recommendation to Carol M o d er, Head, English Department, ()klahonta State University, 20S Morrill Haik Stillwater, OK 740711-4069. O!iU is an AA/ EEO Employer Committed to Multicultural Diversity. http: //www .cola. Tenure-track assistant protessor in tw e n t i et h - c ent ur y and contemporary American literature, to begin September 2007. Required: Doctorate in English by time ot appointment. 1'reterred: second field ot teaching and research in ffbr example) modern and contemporary literature, literary theory, A m e rican culture and e thnicity, W o m e n' s !itudies, rhetor ic , or l a n g u age and w r i t i n g . A l s o $8 E NGL I S H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 Lehigh U English, 35 Sayre Dr, Drown Ha1135 Bethlehem PA 18015 Indiana U of Pennsylvania English, 421 North Walk, 110 Leonard Hall Indiana PA 15705 Composition Theory/Composition Pedagogy Faculty Assistant Professor in crea ti ve writing/poetry 1432 http: // n drown/ 1251 http: / I'osition: Indiana University ot I'ennsylvania invites applications tor one or more tenure track positions at Assistant or Associate level. We seek a scholar/teacher wit h ex p ertise in composition th eory and composition pedagogy. Candidates should state clearly their pr i m ary research and teaching interests in composition. The Composition and TES()L program at IUI' is one ot the oldest in the United States, with a tradition ot training teacher scholars trom around the world. Candidates must be qualit ied to t each doctoral level courses and must demonstrate excellence in teaching and scholarship, including relevant publication and protessional activity. T h ose teaching graduate courses teach our summers-only graduate students during one summer session lwith additional compensation ). The IUI ' E n g l ish Departments commi t m ent to broad taculty participation in the liberal studies offerings requires that a successtul candidate be prepared to teach courses such as first year college writing, research writing and introductory literature. Active participation in departmental service and student advising is also expected. (lualifications: I'h.D. in hand at the time ot employment. In addition to expertise and scholarship in composition, all candidates must have docum ented training and expertise in teaching and a demonstrated commi t ment to service. Candidates must commu nicate effectively and pertorm well during the interview process which nray include a teaching demonstration. All applicants must be work eligible. How to apply: Send a letter ot application, CV, oHicial transcripts, three current letters ot recommendation, wri t ing sample, and a one-page state- ment ot teaching philosophy to: Dr. John Marsden, Recruitment Chair, Dept. ot English, 110 Leonard Hall, Indiana University ot I'ennsylvania, Indiana, I'A I S705. See Initial screening ot applications will begin ( ) c t ober 2:1, and we hope to interview finalists in December. Search will remain open until position fs) filled. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. IUI' is an equal opportunity e mployer. M/F/ H / V . Indiana University ot I'ennsylvania is a member ot the I'ennsylvania State System ot Higher Education. [R] Department ot English is seeking a tenure track Assistant I'rotessor in creative writi n g / p o etry starting tall 2007. The ideal candidate would be a poet with a I'h.D. in C r eative Wri t i ng, a strong record ot publicationincluding one book published by a national pressand evidence ot successtul teaching ot creative wr i t i n g and li t erature. Experience in bu i l d in g and administering a creative writing program is also required. Applicants are encouraged to tamiliarize themselves with the departments core interests and signatures at this site: ww w . l - i n d r o w n / . T h i s position includes a 2/2 teaching load and service responsibilities. Send a letter ot a pplication, a teaching statement and a statement regarding y ou r c u r rent and tuture creative wri t ing projects lwhich can be part ot the letter or separate ), CV, three letters ot recommendation, and a short (IS page, nraximum ) sample ot creative work to: I'rotessor Alexander Doty, chair, C reative W r i t i n g Search C o m m i t t ee, D epartm ent ot E n g l i sh, D r o w n Hall,:35 Sayre Drive, Lehigh University, Bethlehem I'A III015. Application deadline: ()ctober .'30, 2006. Lehigh University is an Equal ()pportunity/Equal Access institution. [R] Millersville U English, Chryst Hall Millersville PA 17551 English Assistant Professor 1657 http: //www . m i l T he Department ot English at M i l l e rsville U n i v ersity has a tull- t i m e opening begi n n i n g A u g u st 2007 at th e t e n u r e- t r ack assistant protessor level tor a specialist in literary theory and post-W W I I W o r l d l i terat ure, including Br i t i sh. The position carries a -1/-1 load, with a m i x t u r e ot upper and lower level courses. The successtul candidate will also have the opport u n it y t o c r e ate courses on the undergraduate and graduate levels. Required: I'h.D. in English or Comparative Literature by time ot appointment; record ot teaching excellence at the university level; established research agenda; work that places literature in a cross-cultural con- text; publications or conterence papers in post-W W I I B r i t ish or W o rl d literature and/or li t erary theory; and successtul teaching demonstration, scholarly presentation, and interview. I'reterred: Experience teaching literature and/or t h eory courses on both the undergraduate and graduate levels; evidence ot scholarly and pedagogical interests in at least one ot the following areas: film, postcolonial studies, creative writing, and com- Assistant Professor of English Early American Period through American Renaissance 1177 position studies. Full consideration will be given to applications received by November 27, 2006. Send letter ot application addressing qualifications, vitae, copies ot undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and three current reterences to: Dr. Beverly Schneller, Chair, English Department/ MLA1100B, Mi l l ersville Un iversity, P.(). Box 1002, M i l l ersville, I'A 17SS1-0:302. An E()/A A I n stitution Tenure-track position tor a specialist in literature ot the early Am erican period through the Am erican Renaissance; secondary interest in gender theory/cultural theory desirable. Beginning August 2007. I'h.D. by start date and teaching experience required. Teaching load ot five courses per Millersville U English, Chryst Hall Millersville PA 17551 Lafayette C Department of Foreign Languages fk Literatures, INFORMATION Easton PA 18042 year, including courses in the specialty, survey ot American literature, int roductory composition, and interdisciplinary seminars in the Com m o n Course ot Study. Competitive salary and benefits. I'lease send application l etter and vita only to Dr . B r yan Washington, Chair of Search Com m i t tee, Department ot English, Latayette College, Easton, I'A IDIO-12. Applications must be postnrarked by November 1. lNo e-nrail or tax, please.) Applications will be acknowledged by e-ntail. Atter an initial screening we will request dossiers and writing samples. I'reliminary intervievvs will be held at the MLA convention. Latayette College is an Equal ()pportunity Employer; women and minorities are encouraged to apply. M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST English Education-Assistant Professor 1658 http: //www . m i l The Department ot English at Mi l l ersville University seeks applications tor a tull- t i me, tenure-track, assistant protessor beginning A u gust 2007. All taculty teach tour courses per semester. Nornral semester assignment tor this position will be two courses in English Education and two courses in first-year or advanced composition. The successtul candidate will teach courses in English Education, including English/LA m e thods, reading/ literature pedagogy and practice, and/or w r i t ing pedagogy and practice with potential to develop graduate courses in emergent areas ot English Education. We are seeking candidates strongly com m i t ted to teaching, scholarship, and curricular development. Departmental and University $9 service is expected ot all MU t a culty members. I'rotessional development resources are available. Required: ABD in English Education or a related discipline le.g., English and Education, (:ur r i culum and Instruction w ith English Education emphasis); must have doctorate tor eligibility tor re-appointment to the third year; a record ot teaching English at the secondary school level (grades 7 — 12); successtul univ ersity teaching experience; successtul inter v i ew and teaching demonstration in co m position course; successtul scholarly presentation in candidates area ot expertise. I'reterred: I'h.D. in En g lish Education or related discipline; experience as a licensed English teacher in a public school setting; teaching experience and/or research interest in writing pedagogy and practice; experience teaching composition at the university level. Full consideration will be given to applications received by January 15, 2007. Send letter ot application, curriculum vita, copies ot currrent graduate and un dergraduate transcripts, and th ree cu r r ent letters ot reterence addressing teaching qualifications, research potential, and service experience to: Dr. Beverly Schneller, (:hair, English Depart- ment/(:H1027A, Millersville University, I'.(1. Box 1002, Millersville, I'A 17SS1-0:302. An E()/A A I n stitution are enrolled in I'enn (:olleges bachelor and associate degree and certificate majors, which combine hands-on experience with t h eory and ntanagement education. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package, excellent educational benefits tor employees and dependents at I'enn (:ollege and I'enn State, and an exciting w or k ex p erienccce as part ot the I'enn (:ollege tamily. Submit a completed (:ollege application tor employment AN D a letter ot interest and resume to: Hu n tan R esources l226), I'ennsylvania (:ollege ot Technology, ()ne (:ollege Avenue, Williamsport, I'A 17701. I'osition will rentain open until a suitable candidate is identified. For more intorntation about I'enn (:ollege, please visit our Web site at www . p A detailed job announcement and an application tor em pl o y m ent are available at or by calling (S70):327 — 1770. I'enn (:ollege is committed to aHirntative action, equal opportuni ty, and the diversity ot its workfbrce Slippery Rock U of Pennsylvania English, 1 Morrow Way Slippery Rock PA 16057 English Assistant Professor Associate Professor or Professor in 19TH Century American Literature and Culture 836 http: // We seek an accomplished scholar in 10th century Am erican literature and culture to appoint to a senior position. We w o ul d hope that the scholar who fills the position will engage with such (:ollege initiatives as our new (:enter tor American Literary Studies, our programs in ethnic studies lincluding our new minor in Latina/o Studies, and our established program in Atr i can- A m e r i can Studies ), and the history departments Ri chards (:ivil War Era (:enter. ()ur preterences include scholarship that exhibits theoretically sophisticated transnational dimensions. We ask that applications be received no later than () ctober 15; however, we wil l accept applications until the position is filled. I'lease send letter ot application, c.v., and description ot published work and ot vvork-in-progress to I'rotessor Robin (i . Schulze, Search (:omm i t tee (:hair, Box AL , D epartment ot English, 112 Burrovves Building, I'enn State, University I'ark, I'A 161102. I'enn State is commi t ted to aHirmative action, equal opportu n i ty, and a Pennsylvania C of Tech Human Resources, One College Avenue Williamsport PA 17701 1738 http: // w w w. p c t. e du The taculty will instruct and evaluate students in Fundamentals ot Speech and (:o m p ositi on . M i n i m u m q u a l i t i c ati ons include a M asters Degree in Speech (:ommu nication or closely related discipline with additional coursevvork or certification in English (:omposition ()R a M asters Degree in Rhetoric, (:omposition, English, or closely related discipline with additional coursevvork or certification in Speech (:ommunication. The successtul candidate will also be in the process ot completing a relevant doctorate, which must be completed within t h ree years ot employment; and possess two years ot equivalent tull - t i m e college teaching experience in speech a nd composition. An earned I'h.D. in Speech (:o m m u n i cation, R h e t o ric, (:omposition, or English is highly desired. Finalists will be required to present a sample lesson. I'osition wil l start Fall 2007 semester, August 16, 2007. Academic rank and compensation is commensurate with credentials. I'ennsylvania (:ollege ot Technology is located in Williamsport, a tamilyoriented community, ideally situated along the Susquehanna River at the toot ot Bald Eagle Mountain in N o r t h ( : e ntral I'ennsylvania, just a tourhour drive trom New York ( : i ty, I'hiladelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.(:. I'enn (:ollege is I'ennsylvanias premier technical college and an affiliate ot The I'ennsylvania State University. More than 6,600 students 60 Slippery Rock U n i versity invites applicants tor a tull time, tenure-track position at the Assistant I'rotessor rank in E n g l ish w it h an em phasis in (:reative Writ i n g / Screenvvriting, beginning Fall 2007. Assigned workload is tour courses per semester, including courses in first-year composition, literature, and creative wri t i ng. Department and university service and scholarship are also expected. Excellent salary and benefits package. Slippery Rock U n i v ersity is located in Butler (: o u n ty, one ot the tastest growing counties in the No rth East region. Located -IS minutes trom I'ittsburgh, I'A and 2 hours trom ( : l eveland, ()H , th e area offers an outstanding variety ot sporting, artistic, social, recreational, educational, and intellectual opportunities. (1ualifications: I'h.D. in English with an emphasis in (:reative Writing/ Screenvvriting required. A BD s considered, degree must be completed by December 2007. Applicants must have a strong record ot publication. (:omm i t m ent to excellence in teaching and preparation in the teaching ot college-level, first-year writing courses are required. Successtul pertorntance in an on-campus interview, as well as a teaching demonstration, is also required. (:andidates must also demonstrate a commitment to the edu- cation ot diverse populations. Experience in the teaching ot college-level, first-year writing courses and with online and print publishing is preterred. diverse workfbrce. Faculty, Speech Communication-Composition 1717 http: //ww w . Penn State U English, 117 Burrowes Bldg University Park PA 16802 S end letter ot i n t e r est, cu r r ent c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e, graduate and u n d e r graduate transcripts loHicial transcripts betore hiring ), samples ot syllabi, assignments, course and students evaluations, and the names, addresses lincluding e-mail addresses) and phone numbers ot three current reterences to: Dr. Erica Scott, (:hairperson, English Search (:om m i t t ee, .'11-1 Spotts World (:ultures Building, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, I'A 16067 (1uestions concerning t his position may also be directed to the Search c h a i r v i a p h o n e: l 72-1) 7:3 fi -2:3 67; e m a i I: e r I c as.c o t t (aj s r u . edu; o r t a x: l72-I) 7:311--11129. No electronic applications will be accepted. Review ot applications will begin by November 27, 2006 and continue until the position is filled. Visit our web pages at and slablitntag.conn TTY¹ 72-1-7:3II — IIIII I AA/E()E Susquehanna U English, PO Box 1857, 514 Universty Av Selinsgrove PA 17870 Assistant Professor of English 1357 http: //www English: Susquehanna University is seeking an Assistant I'rotessor ot English to teach treshntan wr i t i ng, English grammar and w r i t i ng , and core courses in literature. Experience in publishing/editing highly desirable. T enure-track appoi n t m ent i n a t l o u r i s h i ng , am b i t i ous departm ent t o E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 begin in tall 2007. I'h.D. required. Submit application letter, CV, and reterence letters to !iusan R. Bovvertn Chair, Department ot English and Creative Writin g , ! i usquehanna University, Selinsgrove, I'A 171170. Revievv ot applications vvill begin November I and continue until the position is filled. !iusquehanna is a selective, residential, liberal arts institution ot approxintately 1000 students. Its 220 acre campus, noted tor its beauty, is located in!ielinsgrove, I'A, SO miles north ot Harrisburg in the scenic !iusquehanna River Valley, about a three hour drive trom I'hi ladelphia, Washington, D.C., and Nevv York Ci ty. For more intorntation about the University please consult: . !iusquehanna Univ ersity is comm i t ted to creating a more diverse community; as part ot that process, the university encourages candidates trom historically underrepresented groups to apply. !iusquehanna University is an EO/AA employer. [R] U of Pittsburgh English, 526 Cathedral of Learning Pittsburgh PA 15260 Assistant Professor, Fiction Writing 966 http: / The Department ot English at the Un i v ersity ot I' i t tsburgh anticipates a position as an Assistant I'rotessor in Fiction, beginning September, 2007, pending budgetary approval. Required: MFA or I'hD by September I, 2007, teaching experience, and substantial publications. A book in print is preterred but vve invite applications trom all interested applicants vvith a completed ntanuscript that is being circulated and/or u nder serious consideration at a reputable publisher. The successtul candidate vvill teach undergraduate and graduate courses as vvell as participate in a lively, nationally recognized Master ot Fine Arts program that runs several reading and collaborative arts series on campus and in the community. Teaching load is norntally -1 courses per year. Salaries competitive. Tenure is avvarded tor excellence in research, teaching and service. Susquehanna U English, PO Box 1857, 514 Universty Av Selinsgrove PA 17870 1153 Applicants should send a letter and curriculum v it a by N o v e mber 1st to David Bartholontae, Chair, Department ot English, S26 CL, Un i versity ot I'ittsburgh, I'ittsburgh, I'A I S260. We plan to intervievv at the ML A C reative Wr i t i ng : Assistant I'rotessor ot English and Creative W r i t i n g , concentration in creative nonficti on, ability t o t each fiction vvriting an asset. Tenure-track appointment in a thriv i ng, ambitious, undergraduate creative vvriting major, to begin in tall 2007 at ! i usquehanna University. Significant publications expected. I'hD p r eterred. Submit application letter and CV t o ( I ar y Fi n cke, Di r ector, W r i t ers Institute, ! iusquehanna University, Selinsgrove, I'A 171170. Revievv ot applications vvill begin November 6 and continue until the position is filled. !iusquehanna is a selective, residential, liberal arts institution ot approxintately 1000 students. Its 220 acre campus, noted tor its beauty, is located in ! i e l i nsgrove, I'A, SO miles north ot Harrisburg in the scenic!iusquehanna River Valley, about a three hour drive trom I'hiladelphia, Washington, D.C., and Nevv York City. For more in t o r m ation about the U n i v ersity please consult: vvvvvv !iusquehanna University is commi tted to creating a more diverse community; as part ot that process, the university encourages candidates trom historically underrepresented groups to apply.!iusquehanna in I'hiladelphia (December 27 —:30) or on campus in the first tvvo vveeks Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing http: // University is an EO/AA employer. (aj The University ot I'ittsburgh is an AHirntative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and members ot minority groups under-represented in academia are especially encouraged to apply. [R] U of Pittsburgh English, 526 Cathedral of Learning Pittsburgh PA 15260 Assistant or Associate Professor o f Children's Literature and Culture 955 http: // The Department ot En g l ish at the U n i v ersity ot I ' i t t sburgh anticipates a position as an Assistant or Associate I'rotessor in Ch i l d r en's Literature and Culture to begin Fall ! i emester, 2007, pending budgetary approval. We seek candidates vvith both teaching and scholarly interests in the field [R] Susquehanna U English, PO Box 1857, 514 Universty Av Selinsgrove PA 17870 Assistant Professor of English ot January. E-mail is available tor additional intorntation only: barth 1356 http: // English: Assistant I'rotessor ot English vvith scholarly tacility in the long eighteenth century and history ot the book, to teach the novel, generalist courses in British literature, thentatic courses in the history ot l i t erature, and core vvriting and literature courses. Tenure-track appointment in a flourhhing, ambitious department to begin in tall 2007 at !iusquehanna University. I'h.D. required. Submit application letter, CV, and reterence ot children's literature. We vvelcome applicants vvith a specialization in any area ot British and American literary studies, including: M edieval, Renaissance, eighteenth-century B r i t ish literature, nineteenth-century British literature, or tvventieth-century Br i tish literature, early American literature, nineteenth-century A m e r i can literature, or tvventieth-century A merican literature. The successtul candidate vvill have the opportuni t y to teach courses in a thri v in g i n t erdisciplinary u n d ergraduate program in children's literature, a vvide range ot other un dergraduate literature courses, and graduate seminars in his or her areas ot scholarly interest. Teaching load is norntally -1 courses per year. Salaries competitive. Tenure is avvarded tor excellence in research, teaching and service. I'hD required by September I, 2007. letters to !iusan R. Bovvers, Chair, Department ot English and Creative Writi ng, !iusquehanna University, !ielinsgrove, I'A 171170. Revievv ot applications vvill begin N o v ember I and conti nue until the position is Applicants should send letter and cur r i c u lu m v i t a by N o v e m ber 1st to David Bartholontae, Chair, Department ot English, S26 CL, Un i versity ot I'ittsburgh, I'ittsburgh, I'A IS260. We plan to intervievv at the MLA in filled. !iusquehanna is a selective, residential, liberal arts institution ot approximately 1000 students. Its 220-acre campus, noted tor its beauty, is located in ! i elinsgrove, I'A, SO miles north ot H a r risburg in the scenic I'hiladelphia (December 27 —:30). E-mail is available tor additional intorntation only: barth ( !iusquehanna River Valley, about a three hour drive trom I'hi ladelphia, Washington, D.C., and Nevv York Ci ty. For more intorntation about the University please consult: . !iusquehanna University is committed to creating a more diverse commu n i ty ; as part ot that process, the University encourages candidates trom historically underrepresented groups to apply.!iusquehanna University is an EO/AA employer. [R] The University ot I'ittsburgh is an AHirntative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and members ot minority groups under-represented in academia are especially encouraged to apply. [R] U of Pittsburgh English, 526 Cathedral of Learning Pittsburgh PA 15260 Assistant Professor, Poetry Writing 979 http: / The Department ot English at the Un i v ersity ot I' i t tsburgh anticipates a position as an Assistant I'rotessor in I'oetry, beginning September, 2007, M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 61 pending budgetary approval. Required: MFA or 1'hD by September 1, 2007, teaching experience, and substantial publications. A book in print is preterred but vve invite applications trom all interested applicants vvith a completed ntanuscript that is being circulated and/or under serious consideration at a reputable publisher. The successtul candidate vvill teach undergraduate and graduate courses as vvell as participate in a lively, nationally recognized Master ot Fine Arts program that runs several reading and collaborative arts series on campus and in the community. Teaching load is norntally -1 courses per year. Salaries competitive. Tenure is avvarded tor excellence in research, teaching and service. Applicants should send a letter and curriculum v ita by N o v e mber 1st to David Bartholontae, Chair, Department ot English, S26 CL, Un i versity ot 1'ittsburgh, 1'ittsburgh, 1'A 16260. We plan to intervievv at the ML A in 1'hiladelphia (December 27 —:30) or on campus in the first tvvo vveeks in January. E-mail is available tor additional intorntation only: barth (c0 The University ot 1'ittsburgh is an Afiirntative Action, Equal ()pportunity Employer. Women and members ot minority groups under-represented in academia are especially encouraged to apply. [R] cants should send letter ot interest, vita, three letters ot recommendation, 961 The Department ot English at the Un i v ersity ot 1'ittsburgh anticipates a position as an Assistant 1'rotessor in Film and/or Television History, vvith preterred specialty or sub-specialty in N evv Media, pending budgetary approval. Nevv Media, as positioned vvithin the history and theory ot the still and moving visual hnage, might include such areas as: video gaming, digital intage theory, digital cinenta and photography, computer-generated imaging, and/o r the interconnection betvveen computer and cinentatic/televisual culture. Teaching load is norntally -1 courses per year. Salaries competitive. Tenure is avvarded tor excellence in research, teaching and service. 1'hD required by September 1, 2007. Applicants should send a letter and curriculum v ita by N o v e mber 1st to David Bartholontae, Chair, Department ot English, S26 CL, Un i versity ot 1'ittsburgh, 1'ittsburgh, 1'A 16260. We plan to intervievv at the MLA in 1'hiladelphia (December 27 —:30). E-mail is available tor additional intorntation only: barth ( The University ot 1'ittsburgh is an Afiirntative Action, Equal ()pportunity Employer. Women and members ot minority groups under-represented in [R] Villanova U English, 800 Lancaster Av Villanova PA 19085 Assistant Professor of English graduate and undergraduate transcripts to Dr. A nne H erzog, Chair, Department ot English, West Chester University, West Chester, 1'A 19:311:3212-1. Revievv ot applications vvill begin November lfi and continue until position is filled. Developing and sustaining a diverse taculty and staff advances WCUs educational mission and strategic 1'lan tor Excellence. West Chester University is an Afiirntative Action Equal ()pportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. [R] • • Bryant U English B( Cultural Studies, 1 1 50 Douglas Pike Rd Smithfield Rl 02917 Assistant Professor of Performance Studies 300 http: // Assistant 1'rotessor in 1'ertorntance!itudies (tenure-track) to join an interdisciplinary literary and cultural studies department. 1'h.D. or appropriate terminal degree required. This position vvould entail teaching introductory courses in English and Cultural!itudies and upper-division courses in the applicants area ot specialization. We are seeking a scholar/practitioner vvith specific area ot specialization open. Candidates should be committed to ntaintaining excellence in teaching, establishing a scholarly publication record, and serving as an active member ot the Bryant community. Revievv ot applications begins on November 1 and vvill continue until the position is filled. (1uestions can be directed to Dr. Elizabeth Walden 721 http: // Tenure-track assistant protessorship beginning Fall 2007 in A m e r i can Literature and Cul t ure betore 11165, vvith a strong interest in Transcendentalism. 1'h.D. required but candidates close to completion ot degree ntay be considered. Send vita and complete dossier (vvith vvriting sample and graduate transcript ) to 1'rot. Evan Radcliffe, Chair, English Dept., Villanova University, 1100 Lancaster Ave., Villanova, 1'A 190116-1699, by November 10, 2006. Villanova University is a Catholic university sponsored by the Augustinian order. An AA / E E( ) employer, Villanova seeks a diverse taculty committed to scholarship, service, and especially teaching, vvho understand, respect, and can contribute to the U n i v ersitys mission and values. [R] 62 J oin a vibrant campus com m u n it y vvhose excellence is retlected in i t s diversity and student success. West Chester University is seeking applicants tor a tull- t i m e, tenure-track position as Assistant 1'rotessor beginning August 2007. Required: 1'h.D. in 1'rotessional Writing, 1'rotessional Communication, English or Composition vvith demonstrated training in Business Writing, or related field. Degree must be completed by start ot appointment. 1'reterred secondary qualifications include additional research or teaching in technical vvriting; research agenda in business and/ or technical vvriting; computer technology expertise related either to pedagogy or to research in this field; interest in developing community and business outreach programs; commi t m ent to teaching English composition. Four-course (12 credit hour ) load includes teaching vvriting courses tor English ntajors, business/technical vvriting courses, and first-year composition, as vvell as graduate teaching opportunities. quired prior to intervievv. Highly competitive salary and benefits. Appli- http: / academia are especially encouraged to apply. Assistant Professor of English, Business Writing Finalists must successtully complete an on-campus intervievv that includes a scholarly presentation and a teaching demonstration. Reterences are re- U of Pittsburgh English, 526 Cathedral of Learning Pittsburgh PA 1 5260 Assistant Professor, Film and/or Television History West Chester U English, University B( High St, Main Hall West Chester PA 19383 (evvalden( Forvvard a letter ot application, cu r rent v i ta, and th ree letters ot reterence to the Huntan Resources ()Rice, Perfbrntance Studies-¹fi -fbi, Bryant University, 1160 Douglas 1'ike, Smithfield, R I 02917. Materials ntay be submitted electronically to hum anresources( (Word or 1'DF attachme nts). Bryant University is a selective -l-year, residential university vvith a strong tradition in business education and developing strengths in the liberal arts. We offer a choice number ot BA programs, as vvell as undergraduate and graduate degrees in business and intorntation technology. We are located lfi mi n u tes northvvest ot 1'rovidence, one hour trom B o ston, and three hours trom Nevv York City. The U n iversity serves approximately .'3,000 undergraduates and S00 graduate (Masters-level) students. [R] E NGL I S H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 Bryant U English fk Cultural Studies, 1150 Douglas Pike Rd Smithfield Rl 02917 Assistant Professor of Visual Studies 301 http: //www Assistant I'rotessor in Visual ! i t u di es (tenure-track ) to join an interdisciplinary literary and cultural studies department. I'h.D. or appropriate terminal degree required. The Department is seeking to develop ofFerings in Visual!itudies. The position would include teaching interdisciplinary and thentatically-based courses in New M e dia and Art H i story, as well as introductory courses in English and Cultural !itudies. The area ot specialization is open, and practicing artists are encouraged to apply. Candidates should be committed to ntaintaining excellence in teaching, establishing a scholarly publication record, and serving as an active member ot the Brya nt conn n l l n l t y . Review ot applications begins on November IS and will continue until the position is filled. (1uestions concerning the position can be directed to Dr. Martha Kuhlntan fmkuhlntan ( Forward a letter ot application, current vita, and a list ot three reterences to the Huntan Resources Ofiice, Visual Studies-¹ S49, Bryant University, I ISO Douglas I'ike, Smithfield, R I 02917. Materials ntay be submitted electronically to huntanresources ( (Word or I'DF attachments). Bryant University is a selective -l-year, residential university with a strong tradition in business education and developing strengths in the liberal arts. We ofFer a choice number ot BA programs, as well as undergraduate and graduate degrees in business and intorntation technology. We are located IS minutes northvvest ot I'rovi dence, one hour trom B o ston, and three hours trom New York Ci ty. The U n iversity serves approximately .'1,000 undergraduates and S00 graduate (Masters-level) students. [R] • • Francis Marion U English, Mod Lang, fk Philos, PO Box 100547 Florence SC 29501 Assistant Professor of English Tenure-Track. I'osition No . 07 — 19. -1/:I teaching load to include supervising student teachers in secondary English/ language arts. Interest and experience in teaching composition required. High school teaching experience required. Experience with N C A T E c e r t i f i cation and studentteacher supervision helptul. Doctorate preterred. Materials Needed: I ) Letter ot i n t erest (referencing position ¹ 07 — 19), 2) curriculum vitae, .'1) one-page teaching philosophy statement, and -1) FMU Faculty Application. (O t t i cial transcripts will be required ot the successtul candidate.) Send Application I'acket to: Dr. Christopher Johnson, Chair, Department ot English, Modern Languages, and I'hilosophy, Francis Marion University, I'O Box 100S-17, Florence,!iC 29S01-0S-17. Minori t ies and Wo men are strongly encouraged to apply. The above p osition w i l l b e gi n A u g ust 2007. Intervievvs at NOT E a n d / o r M L A . Screening ot position will begin immediately and will continue until position is filled. I'lease visit our vvebsite at ww w . f h h r . Faculty applications can be obtained trom this site. Also, visit http: //w w w . f m a about/h r l i nk s to obtain i n t o r ntation about th e S t ate of South Caroli n a, and other support services tor state employees. An Afiir ntative Action/ E qual Opportunity Institution Bryant U English fk Cultural Studies, 1150 Douglas Pike Rd Smithfield Rl 02917 Furman U English, 3300 Poinsett Hwy Greenville SC 29613 Assistant/Associate Professor of Ethnic Literatures of the U.S. Assistant Professor of English 302 1303 http: // 1201 http: //www http: // A ssistant /Associate I'rotessor in Eth nic Li teratures ot the United ! i t a t es with a specialization in A t r ican-A m erican literature (tenure-track ). I'h.D. in English or appropriate field required. Duties tor this position include teaching in first-year seminars and upper level courses in ethnic literatures ot the U.S. and assisting in coordination ot the At ricana/Black ! i t u d i es minor. Candidates should be com m i t t ed to m a i n t ai n in g excellence in teaching, establishing a scholarly publication record, and serving as an active member ot the Bryant community. The English Department invites applications tor a tenure-track position in the literature and culture ot the late 17th and 111th Centuries in Britain. Review ot applications begins on November IS and will continue until the position is filled. (1uestions concerning the position can be directed to Dr. Terri Hasseler fthassele( Forward a letter ot application, current vita, and a list ot three reterences t o the H u n ta n R e s o u r ces O t t i ce, E t h n i c L i t e r at u res ot the U . S . -¹S47, Bryant University, I ISO Douglas I'ike, Smithfield, R I 02917. Materials ntay be submitted electronically to hu ntanresources ( (Word or I'DF attachments ). Bryant University is a selective -l-year, residential university with a strong tradition in business education and developing strengths in the liberal arts. We ofFer a choice number ot BA programs, as well as undergraduate and graduate degrees in business and intorntation technology. We are located IS minutes northvvest ot I'rovi dence, one hour trom B o ston, and three hours trom New York Ci ty. The U n iversity serves approximately .'1,000 undergraduates and S00 graduate (Masters-level) students. [R] M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST Candidates should have the I'h.D. in hand by I September 2007. Teaching load will be S courses per year, with two ot these courses being writing courses and at least one being an upper-level course. Furntan's English Department currently has IS tull time and 6 part-time positions. We are actively seeking to increase the diversity ot our taculty. Furman U n i v ersity is a private, independent liberal-arts college with 2600 students. Send letter ot application, c.v., and writing sample ot approxintately 20 pages to Stanley Crovve, Chair, Department ot English, Furntan University, .'1:100 I'oinsett Hi g hw ay, (l reenville, !iC 296L1. Review ot applications wil l begin immediately, and selected candidates will be invited to interview at the MLA C o nvention. Furntan University is an Afiirntative Action/ E qual Opportunity employer [R] U of South Carolina Film Studies, 406 Welsh Humanities Office Bldg Columbia SC 29208 Assistant Professor 1233 http: //www The Media Arts area ot the Department ot Art and the Film ! i t u d ies I'rogram at the University of South Carolina announce a tenure-track position in new media studies at the rank ot Assistant I'rotessor. We seek a scholar with research expertise in any area fs) ot media studies, including digital and new media, film, and television. In an era ot convergence, this search is particularly interested in, but not lim ited to, candidates vvhose work extends across media torms or othervvise engages particular aspects ot digital culture. !iuccesstul candidates should have a I'h.D. in hand at time ot appointment and demonstrated excellence in research and teaching. 63 I 'art ot a larger set ot hi r i n g i n i t i a t ives in t il m an d m e dia at U ! iC , t h i s position will help develop the critical media studies components ot both an interdisciplinary program in film and media studies and a media production program. Teaching tor both units will include courses in media criticism, history, and/or theory. Applicants should send a cover letter, CV, and three letters ot recommend ation to: New M e d i a ! i t u d i e s !iearch Co m m i t t ee, Department ot A r t , University of South Carolina, Columbia, !iC 29208. We w il l begin reviewing applications on 0 c t ober 15, 2006 and continue until the position to: Dr. K a t h leen Danker, Search Chair, 60 8 - 6 8 8 - 8 191, or K a t h leen. Danker ( For intorntation on the Deapartment and SDSU, go to ww w To apply, visit http: //, search tor the position, and follow the electronic application process. For quest ions on the electronic employment process, contact SDSU H u m an R e sources at (608) 688--1128. SDSU is an AA/EE0 employer. [ R ] is filled. The University of South Carolina is an aHirntative action, equal opportunity employer. M i n o r i t ies and women are encouraged to apply. The University of South Carolina does not discriminate in educational or employment opportunities or decisions tor qualified persons on the basis ot race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or veteran status. [R] U of South Carolina Film Studies Program, 406 Welsh Humanities 0%ce Bldg Columbia SC 29208 Assistant/Associate/Full Professor 1235 http: //ww w . The University of South Carolina announces an open rank search tor an innovative scholar in one or more ot the following areas: film and/or T V studies; 20th century cultural history, with an emphasis in moving intage culture; and/or moving intage archiving. This search is particularly interested in, but not li m i ted to, candidates vvhose expertise connect the fields ot media studies and moving i ntage archiving. ( l u a l i f tcations include a I'hD in one ot the relevant disciplines le.g. Film ! i t u dietu History, Lki ) and demonstrated excellence in research and teaching. U!iC, Columbia is the flagship campus ot a public, state university system, one recently designated by the Carnegie Foundation with its highest classification tor research activity. I'art ot a larger set ot hiring i n i t i atives in film and media at U!iC, this search is a collaboration ot the College ot Arts and !i ciencetu the College ot Mass Comm u n i cations and Intorm ation ! i t u d ietu and the Nevvsfilm Li brary, home to U ! iC s Fox M o v i e t o ne Nevvs Collection. The institutional home ot the appointment will be determined by the profile ot the successtul candidate. Applications should include a cover letter detailing research and teaching expertise, a CV, and a writing sample larticle length or no more than .'30 pp.). Junior applicants should also send three letters ot recommendation; senior candidates should send names ot suggested reviewers. Send ntaterials to:!iusan Courtney, Director, Fil m ! i t u d ies I'rogram, -106 Welsh Hum anities 0Hice Building, U n iversity ot South Carolina, Columbia, ! i C 29208. Deadline to assure consideration is November 1. The U n i v ersity of South Carolina is an AHirmative Actio n / E q ual 0 p p o r t u n i t y I n stitution. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. [R] Maryville C Hum Div, 502 E Lamar Alexander Pwy Maryville TN 37804 Assistant Professor of English 1176 http: //www Tenure-track, tul l - t i m e appoin t m ent, A u gust 2007. I'h.D. i n E n g l i sh required; college teaching experience preterred. Candidates will have primary exper tise in 17th and 18th C e n t ur y B r i t i sh L i t erature and be broadly trained and committed to strong teaching in the liberal arts tradition. Teaching duties include the early part ot the British Literature survey and upper-level seminars in 17th and 18th British Literature; a secondary interest in non-vvestern literature desirable; courses in the Colleges nationally recognized general education lcore) curriculum, including some combination ot first-year composition, first-year seminars, vvestern world l iterature, and perhaps an interdisciplinary senior seminar ot the i n d i viduals choosing. Founded in 1819, Maryville College, one ot the oldest baccalaureate-granting institutions ot higher learning in the South, is consistently ranked in the top tier of Southern colleges in national ntagazines. The College is aHiliated with the I'resbyterian Church, USA and appears on the John Templeton Foundations guide to Colleges that Encourage Character Development. The cur ri culum is notable tor its strong liberal arts core program and two semesters of Senior Study research required ot all students. The student body, numbering 1180, is drawn trom the Southeast, Middle Atlantic ! i tates and the Midvvest. Located in Mary v i l le, Tennessee, Maryville Co llege is ideally situated between the (Ireat Smoky Mountains N at i o nal I' ark and K n o x v i l l e , th e states third l argest city. Screening ot applications begins 0ctober 15, 2006; applications received by December I, 2006 are assured tull consideration. Send letter ot application, CV, graduate transcripts, statement ot teaching philosophy, evidence ot teaching excellence, and three letters ot reterence ltwo tully addressing teaching experience and potential ) to: Dr.!iusan!ichneibel, Chair, Division ot Humanities, Maryv i lle C ollege, 802 E. Lamar Alexander I'arkway, Maryville, TN :37804-8907. E0E/ W M A . V i sit Maryville Colleges vvebsite at: http: //www [R] Rhodes C English, 2000 North Pky Memphis TN 38112 Assistant Professor of English 904 http: // • i • South Dakota SU English, Scobey Hall, Box 504 Brookings SD 57007 Assistant Professor-Creative Writing 1729 http: // A ssistant I'rotessor ot Englhh, South Dakota State University. Full- t i m e , tenure track. Teach courses in creative wri t i ng, literature, and composition. Required: I'h.D. or MFA i n C r eative Wri ting and effective written, verbal, and interpersonal communications skills. Desired: ability to teach courses in creative non-fiction and poetry, with an ecological tocus especially desirable; publications in creative non-fiction and poetry; ability to teach courses in literatures ot the A m e r i cas or trans-A t l antic l i t eratures; ability to t each composition courses; vvillingness to develop and teach distance education courses. Application deadline: Jan. 15, 2007. Inquiries 64 Tenure-track position in Early M o d ern British Literature with a specialty in!ihakespeare studies, starting August 2007. Teaching load is .'3/2, class size limited to 2(L C o m p etit ive salary, with support tor research travel. (lualiftcations: I'h.D. by August 2007, evidence ot teaching excellence, and scholarly achievement or potential. Rhodes is a highly selective libe ral arts and sciences college. Rhodes College is an equal opportun i t y enlployer commi t ted to diversity in the wo rk fbrce. I'lease see our diversity statement at http: // Letter, c.v., and d ossier containing three protessional reterences by 10 November tor M L A intervievvs to (Iordon Bigelow, Chair, Department ot English, Rh odes College, 2000 North Parkway, Memphis, TN:38112. Applications will be acknowledged electronically. [R] E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 courses. Teaching ot Caribbean and West Indian literature desirable. Engage in scholarship, research, and public service. Serve on committees and tulfill other responsibilities ot a taculty appointment. Rhodes C English, 2000 North Pky Memphis TN 38112 Assistant Professor of English 1127 http: // online application. TSU is an E()/A A / M / F employer T enure-t rack position i n A t r i c a n A m e r i can L i t e r at u re, to b e gi n A u gust 2007. We also welcome applications trom candidates working broadly in the literatures ot the Atrican Diaspora and trom candidates pursuing interdisciplinary approaches to the field. The successtul candidate will offer courses in the English Department and the Atrican American Studies I'rogram. Teaching load is .'1/2, class size limited to 25. Competitive salary, with support tor research travel. ()ualifications: I'h.D. by August 2007, evidence ot teaching excellence, and scholarly achievement or potential. Rhodes is a highly selective liberal arts and sciences college. Rh odes College is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity in the workfbrce. I'lease see our diversity statement at http: // about/:176.asp. Letter, c.v., and dossier containing three protessional reterences by 10 November tor ML A i n t ervievvs to (iordon Bigelow, Chair, Department ot English, Rh odes College, 2000 No rt h I'arkway, Mem- phis, TN 311112. Applications will be acknowledged electronically. I'lease visit our vvebsite at vvvvvv tor tull description and [ R] Tennessee SU Langs, Lit, fk Philos, 3500 John A Merritt Blvd Nashville TN 37209 Assistant/Associate Professor of English-075430 1671 ht tp://ww w j o Tenure-track Assistant/Associate I'rotessor ot English to teach courses in Methods ot Teaching English, first-year writing and introductory literature courses and supervise student teachers. Teaching ot Adolescent and Children's Literature courses desirable. Engage in scholarship, research, and public service. Serve on committees and tulfill other responsibilities ot a taculty appointment. I'lease visit our vvebsite at vvvvvv tor tull description and online application. TSU is an E()/A A / M / F employer Rhodes C Mod Langs, 2000 North Pky Memphis TN 38112 Director, Searchfor Values in the Light of Western History and Religion 1463 http: / Founded in Ill-ffi, Rhodes College is a highly selective, private, coeducational, residential, undergraduate college, located in Memphis, Tennessee. The College seeks a Director tor its core three course sequence in interdisciplinary huntanitietu The Search tor Values in Light ot Western Hi story and Religion, beginning tall 2007. In this sequence, students examine original documents trom the history and literature ot the Israelites, (ireeks, Romans, and early Christians and trace the development ot the biblical and classical heritage up to the modern period. It currently draws taculty trom ten departments, and over fitty percent ot students participate. The Di r ector serves a three year term w i t h t h e possibility o t r en ewal, and s/he will be responsible tor many ot the duties ot a department head including coordinating activities among the participating taculty. Th e teaching load will be tour courses per year divided between the Search program and the department ot disciplinary training. This appointment will include tenure in an existing department at the College. T he successtul candidate wil l d e m onstrate a strong comm i t m ent to i n terdisciplinary teaching, evidence ot ongoing scholarship, and a commitment to collaborative administrative leadership. We are particularly interested in persons in the disciplines ot political science or philosophy, but individuals in any potential contributing discipline are encouraged to apply. For more intorntation on Rhodes and the Search progranu see the College's vvebsite http: // Applications should include a letter ot application, a current C.V., and three letters ot reterence. Send application mntaterials to Dr. David Sick (sick(, Department ot (ireek t( Rontan Studies/Rhodes College/2000 North Parkway/M emphun TN 311112-1690. Consideration ot completed applications will begin D ecember I, 2006. R h o des otters a competitive benefits package and a great working envi ro n m ent. We are an equal opportunity employer commi t ted to diversity in the workfbrce. I'lease see our diversity statement at http: // U of Tennessee at Knoxville English, 301 McClung Tower Knoxville TN 37996 Endowed Professor in Renaissance Literature 1497 http: // english John C. H o d ges Chair ot Excellence in Renaissance/early modern literature. The position offers competitive salary and teaching load, genero us travel and research budget, and the benefits ot participation in U T ' s MA R C ( ) I n s t i t ut e tor M e d i eval and R e n absance Studies. Candidates must shovv a distinguished publication record that will support appointment at the rank ot I'rotessor, a growing national reputation in their field, a research agenda that invites graduate student participation, and an active engagement with the intellectual and pedagogical mission ot the Department. UT , a " D o c t o r al / R e search Extensive" instituti on, is the flagship university in the state system. The university vvelcomes and honors people ot all races, creeds, cultures, and sexual orientations, and values intellectual curiosity, pursuit ot knowledge, and academic treedom and integrity. Applications due by November I, but the search will remain open until the position is filled. Send letter ot application, vita, and I — 2 page abstract ot a recent research project to David (l oslee, Associate Head, Department ot English, University ot Tennessee, Knoxvi l le, T N 3 7 9 9 6-0-130. The University ot Tennessee is an EE()/ A A / T i t l e V I / T i t l e I X / S ection S0-1/ ADA / A D E A i n stitution in the provision ot its education and employment programs and services. [R] Bay[or U English, 1 Bear Pl, ff 97404 Waco TX 76798 Tenure-Track Assistant or Associate Professor 289 ht tp://ww w j o b With a com m i t m en t to i n c r easing diversity, the Baylor D epartm ent ot English announces a tenure-t rack, rank- o pen l i n e tor a R h e t o ri c an d Composition specialist, to begin Fall 2007. Upper-division undergraduate couses in our I' rotessional Wri t in g ntajor. Also an occasional graduate seminar on a topic in R h etoric/ ( : o m position Studies. Ability to teach Technical Wr i t i ng . A c t ive researcher with publications accepted and/ or in print. Baylor is a Baptist university aHiliated with the Baptist (lene ral Convention ot Texas. As an AHirntative Actio n / E q ual ( ) p p o r t u n i t y employer, Baylor encourages minorities, women, veterantu and persons Tenure-track Assistant/Associate I'rotessor ot English to teach courses in Atrican American literature, first-year writing, and introductory literature with disabilities to apply. Applicants should be able to attirm Baylor's Christian identity and mission. Applications will be reviewed beginning asp. [ R ] Tennessee SU Langs, Lit, fk Philos, 3500 John A Merritt Blvd Nashville TN 37209 Assistant/Associate Professor of English-African Am. Literature-013611 1669 M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 6$ 1 6 October 2006, and vvill be accepted until the position is filled. ML A intervievvs. To ensure tull consideration, applications should be completed by 2II November 2006. The position requires a letter ot application, a c.v., a nd a dossier including at least three letters ot recomm endation, to b e n tailed to I'r otessor Maurice Hu nt ; ( : h air, Department ot English; On e Bear I'lace ¹97-10-1; Baylor University; Waco, Texas 7679II-7404. [R] Baylor U English, I Bear Pl, ¹97404 Waco TX 76798 Tenure-Track Assistant or Associate Professor 290 With a comm i t m ent to i n creasing diversity, the Baylor English Department announces a tenure-track, rank-open position tor a specialist in either Ethnic American Literature or Medieval Literature (No Old English specialists, please); to begin Fa112007. Undergraduate and graduate teaching. Active researcher vvith publications accepted and/or in print. Baylor is a Baptist university aHiliated vvith the Baptist (l eneral (:o nvention ot Texas. As an AHirmative Action/ E q ual O p p o r t u n it y employer, Baylor encourages minori t i es, vvomen, veteranru and persons vvith disabilities to apply. Applicants should be able to aHirm Baylor's (:hristian identity and mission. Applications vvill be revievved beginning 16 October 2006, and vvill be accepted until the position is ti l l ed. M L A i n t e r v i evvs. To ensure tull consideration. applications should be completed by 2II November 2006. The position requires a letter ot application, a c.v., and a dossier including at least three letters ot recommendation, to be ntailed to I'rotessor Maurice Hunt; ( : hair, Department ot English; One Bear I'lace ¹97-10-1; Baylor University; Waco, Texas 7679II-7404. [R] Southern Methodist U English, PO Box 750435, 3225 University Blvd. Dallas TX 75275 Assistant Professor of African Diaspora and/or African American Literature http: // We seek a tenure-track assistant protessor in Atrican Diaspora literatures ot any period and/o r A t r i can A m e r i can literature betore the tvventieth century. In August 2007 the greatly augmented SMU E n g l ish Department fvvith 0 nevv endovved chairs) vvill admit its first class ot six students to its nevv I'h.D. program; this sntall, select, exceptionally vvell-funded doctoral program vvill build on the departments nevvly revised undergraduate curri c u lu m and existing M . A . d e g ree, vvith their recognized strengths in literary studies and creative vvriting. (:andidates tor this position should theretore have a demonstrated commi t m ent to teaching and excellent potential as a publishing scholar. The I'h.D. trom a literature department or appropriate area studies program must be completed no later than August 15, 2007. For tull consideration, applicants must send a (:V and a letter outli n ing teaching and research interests to Ezra (lreenspan, (:hair ot the English Department, postntarked no later than October 20, 2006, although the recruit m ent com m i t tee vvill conti nue to accept applications until the position is filled. Send no vvriting samples at this time. We vvill be intervievving at MLA and vvill notity applicants ot our decisions atter the position is filled. SMU vvill not discriminate on the basis ot race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, or veteran status. !iMUs comm i t m ent to equal opportunity in cludes nondiscrimination on the basis ot sexual orientation. We i n v ite applications trom vvomen and minorities. [R] Texas Tech U English, PO Box 43091 Lubbock TX 79409 Assi stant Professor of Postcoloni a I Li terature http: // Texas Tech U n i v ersity seeks an Assistant I' r o tessor vvith a specialization in I'ostcolonial/ ( l l o bal Literature. Desirable subspecialties include a nglophone l i t e r at u res ot A t r i c a , !i o u t h east Asia, th e ( : a r i b b ean, o r India. Tenure-track. 2/2 load during first tvvo years; .'3/0 thereatter vvith 66 opportunities tor reduction to .'3/2. (Iraduate and undergraduate courses; service on thesis and dissertation commi ttees. I'h.D. required. We are interested in candidates vvith publications or publication potential. We especially encourage applications trom candidates also fluent in the language fs) representing the geographical area ot the literature under study fke., a (:a- ribbean (:reole, Hindi, I'unjabi, etc. ) The Department ot English is large (SO taculty, S00 undergraduate nlajors, ISO graduate students), dynamic, and diverse, vvith tour undergraduate divisions, tvvo masters, and tvvo doctoral programs. The university's !iouthvvest (:ollection/Special (:ollections library otters important resources tor research, including the Vi etnam A r c h ive. A nevv building provides state-ot-the-art classrooms. Texas Tech is a grovving university, encompassing a lavv school and medical school as vvell as colleges ot Arts and Sciences, Agricu l t u re, A r c h i t ecture, Business Administration, Engineering, Human Sciences, Mass (:ommunications, and Visual and I'ertorming Arts. The (:ollege ot Arts and!iciences represents :36% ot the total enrollment ot 29,000. For more infbrntation, please see (:andidates must apply online at (No. 72:361), attaching a letter ot application and curriculum vitae. Applications vvill be accepted until the position is filled; the committee vvill start screening applications on November I, 2006. Di rect inquiries to english ( TTU is an Equal Opportunity /A Hirmative Action Employer, and it encourages applications trom minorities and vvomen. [R] Texas Woman's U English,Speech, fk For Langs, PO Box 425829 Denton TX 76204 Assistant Professor of Rhetoric or English 1168 http: // Tenure-track Assistant I'r otessor position in R h e t o r i c o r r elated tield, starting Fall 2007. The person hired vvill direct First-Year (:omposition and the University's Writing ( : enter, and vvill teach vvriting and rhetoric courses, and possibly others. We seek taculty vvho can contribute to our I'h.D. program in Rhetoric. Salary competitive. (:heck departmental vveb site tor tull advertisement. Screening begins 10 November 2006, and vvill continue until position is filled. Send (preferably by e-ntail ) letter ot interest, (:V, and three letters ot recommendation to: Dr. I'hyllis Bridges, (:hair, Search (:omm i t t ee, Department ot English, Speech, and Foreign Languages, Texas Woman's University ILO. Box 42SII29, Denton, TX 76204-SII29, 940.11911.2:324, pbridges( Texas Wontan's University is a Doctoral/R esearch-Int ensive public un i v ersity. Th e U n i v ersity's main campus is in D e n t o n , thirty- five m i les north ot b oth D a l las and Fort W o r t h . T exas Wontan's University, an AD A / E E O e m p l oyer, supports diversity and encourages minorities, vvomen, and persons vvith disabilities to apply. [R] Trinity U English, I Trinity Pl San Antonio TX 78212 Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of English 22 http: // Recent I'h.D. for near I'h.D. ) in English vvith research specialty in Early Modern British Dranta including !ihakespeare, vvith broad-based, survey knovvledge ot Bri t ish Literature betore IIIOO, and vvith related interests in one or m ore ot the fbllovving areas: (lender and Sexuality, M a t erial (:ulture, (:olonialism, Racialization, and Literary and (:ultural Theory. Teach three undergraduate classes each semester, including upper-level courses in!i hakespeare and Early M o d ern B r i t ish D r ama, lovver-level survey courses in Bri tish Literature betore IIIOO, and first-year vvriting courses. Application letter, curriculum v i t ae, graduate transcripts, three confidential academic reterence letters (not to be sent by candidate ), dissertation abstract, and vvriting sample (no more than 20 pages), to be sent fsurtace ntail only ) by November 20, 2006, to: I'rotessor Victoria Aarons, (:hair, Department ot English, Trinity U n i v ersity, I Trinity I'lace, San Antonio, Texas 711212-7200 E NGL I S H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 [Entail: vaarons( ] [R] plus. Industry experience a plus. We seek candidates vvith university-level teaching experience and potential to research and publish in the field. Trinity U English, I Trinity Pl San Antonio TX 78212 Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of English http: // Trinity U n i v ersity inv ites applications tor a tenure-track position at the assistant protessor level in creative vvriting, vvith a specialization in poetry vvriting and related interests in fiction vvriting or creative-nonfiction. Appropriate terminal degree (M.F.A. or I'h.D.) and/or nationally-recognized publications; relevant teaching experience. The successtul candidate vvill be expected to teach three undergraduate classes each semester, including courses in I'oetry W r i t i ng, W r i t ing W o rkshop, and participation in the torthcoming Arts in America Interdisciplinary I'rogram. Teaching competencies required: ability to teach introductory courses in poetry vvriting, advanced poetry vvriting, courses in fiction vvriting and/or creative non-fiction, and introductory courses in composition. Application letter, U H D i s an u r b an , op en- a d m i ssions, mu l t i c u l t u r al , t eaching u n i v e r sity, located in the center ot top medical, oil t( gas, and aerospace industries. Usual undergraudate teaching load is -1/-1. The nevv positions are budgeted at $-17,000 tor 0-m o nth appointments. Sunnner teaching vvith additional salary is trequently available. For intorntation about the department, check http: // and programs. html. Applications accepted beginning immediately. Search open until positions are filled. Send your letter ot application, (:V, statement ot teaching philosophy, and unoHicial transcripts to Dr. Joe Strange, I'rotessional Writing Search committee, English Department, Suite S-IO-IS, University ot H o u stonDovvntovvn, ()ne M ai n Street, Houston, T X 7 7 002 or electronically to strangej ( ()nly applicants eligible tor employment in the U.S. vvill be considered. AA/E()E [R] curriculum v i t ae, academic transcripts, three letters ot recomm endation , and vvriting sample (no more than 20 pages), to be sent (surtace ntail only ) by November 20, 2006 to: I'rotessor Victoria Aarons, (:hair, Department ot English, Trinity U n i v ersity,l Trinity Place,San Antonio, Texas 711212-7200 U of Houston-Downtown English, I Main St Houston TX 77002 Assi stant Professor of English, Literature/Composition 906 [Entail: vaarons( ] ht tp:/Ivvvvvv.uhd.edulacademiclcolleges/huntanities/english Trinity University is an Equal ()pportunity Employer. Four tully tunded tenure-track positions beginning August 2007. Expertise in one ot the fbllovving: dranta ot any period (excluding!ihakespeare), British poetry ot any period, postcolonial literature, rhetoric and composition, film studies, and vvorld literatures (ancient or modern ). All members ot the department teach composition and sophomore literature surveys. (:andidates must demonstrate training, experience, and/or scholarship in composition. I'h.D. completed by Fall 2007 preterred. Minority and vvomen candidates are encouraged to apply. U of Dallas English, 1845 E Northgate Dr Irving TX 75062 Assistant Professor of English 1468 http: // ()ne tenure track position at the rank ot Assistant I'rotessor in English at the University ot Dallas, a (:atholic liberal arts institution teaturing an extensive core curriculum tor undergraduates, a M.A. program in English, and a I'h.D. in L i t erature vvithin an interdisciplinary program, the Institute ot I'hilosophic!itudies. (:andidates in any field ot English or American Literature vvith demonstrable interest in teaching canonical authors and texts are invited to apply. I'lease submit a (:V vvith a cover letter and a one-page statement ot deepest scholarly interests to the (:hair ot English!iearch, University ot Dallas, III-IS E. Northgate Drive, Irving T X 7 $ 0 62. The search committee has UHD , an u r b an, open-ad m issions university, serves a diverse student population in H o u ston's vibrant city center. Faculty at this teaching-oriented institution carry a -1/-1 load. Budgeted nine-m o nth salary tor each position is $-15,110II; summer teaching tor additional salary is trequently available. Intorntation available at http: // and programs. html. (:omplete application t i les are due November .'1 tor ML A i n t e r v ievvs. Search vvill remain open until positions are filled. Send letter ot application, (:V, statement ot teaching philosophy, and photocopies ot transcripts to Dr. N ell Sullivan, Literature/ ( : o m position ! i earch (: o m m i t tee (:hair, English Department, Suite S-IO-IS, University ot H o u ston- D ovvntovvn, ()ne Main Street, Houston, TX 77002-1001. some particular but not exclusive interest in a generalist vvith specializations in 111th (:entury and/or in A m e rican Literature. Revievv ot applications vvill begin November 1$th, 2006. U HD does not sponsor applicants tor H-IB visas. AA/E( ) E The University ot Dallas is an equal opportunity, co-educational, (:atholic institution ot higher learning. The U of Incarnate Word Humanities, Arts, fk Soc Sciences, 4301 Broadway San Antonio University is open to students and taculty ot all taiths, and does not discriminate in admissions or employment on the basis ot race, color, sex, age, handicap, or national or i g in . A t p r esent this position is subject to TX 78209 budgetary approval. http: // [R] 884 ht tp:// Tvvo nevv, tully tunded, tenure-track positions in an expanding, 16-member protessional vvriting program. Teach upper-level business and technical report vvriting and related courses such as legal vvriting, documentation and ntanualtu proposal vvriting, advanced business and technical report vvriting, visual design, and others in our recgonized BS and grovving MS programs. Nevv usability/accessibility lab available tor teaching and research. I'h.D. or relevant terminal degree required; earned by tall 2007 a M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 1 730 T he University ot the Incarnate Word invites applications tor a tull-t i m e, t enure-track Assistant I'rotessor in English to begin August 2007. I'hD i n English required completed by August 2007. Responsibilities: teaching U of Houston-Downtown English, I Main St Houston TX 77002 Assistant Professor, Professional Writing 8 Technical Communication Assistant Professor in English [R] (:omposition and Wo rld L i t erature. I'reparation in A t r i c an, East-Asian, !iouth-Asian, and/or Lati n / ( : e n tral Am erican Literature sought. Experience in editing, publishing, and producing a literary ntagazine is a plus. UIW is a (:atholic institution vvith a deep commitment to liberal arts and protessional studies and excellence in teaching. We seek candidates vvith an ability t o c o n t r i b ut e meaning t u ll y t o a m u l t i c u l t u ral campus community, and vvho vvill integrate the Mission ot the U n i v ersity into th eir teaching, scholarship and service. Members ot ethnic minori ties, vvomen, Vietnam-era disabled veterantu persons ot disability, and/o r persons age -10 and over are encouraged to apply. 67 Salary is competitive and commensurate vvith experience. Revievv ot applications vvill begin November I, 2006 and vvill continue until the posi- tion is filled. The University only accepts online applications. I'lease submit the application tound at: http: // U of Texas at El Paso Creative Writing, 500 West University Ave Liberal Arts Room 415 El Paso TX 79968 Tenure-track Assistant Professorhip in Creative Writing U of Mary Hardin-Baylor English, 900 College St Belton TX 76513 Assistant Professor of English 1443 http: // The Department ot English at the U n i v ersity ot M ar y H a r d i n - B aylor (Belton, Texas) invites applications tor a tenure-track assistant protessor ot English, beginning August 2007. The ideal candidate vvill be a generalist vvho is able to teach courses in the Department ot English at all levels (including treshntan rhetoric courses and graduate courses). Teaching responsibilities include a -1/-1 course load (12 contact hours per semester ). Area ot expertise is open, but vve particularly vvelcome candidates vvith interests in British literature atter IIIOO. Salary negotiable. I'h.D required. Candidates must be commi t ted to teaching in a Ch ristian environment. UMH B i s a private, Baptist university vvith a commi t m ent to its identity and heritage. I'lease send letter ot application, curriculum vitae, and three letters ot reterence postntarked by D ecember 1st to Lee An n Espinola, Once ot Huntan Resources, UMHB Box -1627, Belton, Texas 76SL3. We vvill be intervievving at MLA in I'hiladelphia, Dec. 27 —:30th. [R] U of Texas at Arlington English, PO Box 19035 Arlington TX 76019 Assistant or Associate Professor o f English and Writing Program Administrator MFA or I'hD required. Intervievvs tor this position vvill be conducted at the M o d ern Language Association convention. I'reterence given to applications received by November 17, 2006, but position vvill rentain open until filled. The Department ot Creative Writing at the University ot Texas El I'aso is the only such program in the United!itates to offer tully bilingual study. It currently has .'3S tull-time graduate students and the undergraduate ntajor has 170 students and is grovving rapidly. We offer a broad-gauged curriculum that trains students in Fiction, I'oetry, No n - F i ction, Playvvriting a nd!icreemvriting, as vvell as literary theory and the history ot torm. O u r MFA student body is international and cosmopolitan. We pr o d uce the Rio (l rande Revievv, a bilingual publication vvith a strong international dimension. Our highly productive taculty has a distinct presence on the national literary scene. Our vvebsite is I'lease send cover letter, resume, and the name, address and telephone ot three reterences to: Johnny I'ayne, Chair, Dept. ot Creative Writing, Liberal Arts 415, S00 W. University Ave., El I'aso TX, 7996th 589 http: // The University ot Texas at Arli n g ton i n v i tes applications tor the tenure track or tenured position ot Assistant or Associate I'rotessor ot English and Writing I'rogram Adm i n i strator (Wl'A), starting in the Fall semester ot AY 2007 — OII; the Wl'A has a 2/I teaching load per academic year, including undergraduate and graduate teaching, and thesis and dissertation supervision. The W l ' A vv il l vvork vvith and supervise the Di r ector ot the First-Year English I'rogram ( FYEI'), the Director ot the Wr i t i n g Center, and the Coordinator ot Developmental English. The W l' A vvill a lso be responsible tor supervising graduate teaching assistant traini n g and coordinating outcomes assessments tor the individual programs listed above as vvell as tor the English Department as a vvhole. Additional duties vvill include serving as a liaison betvveen the English Department and other University departments and programs, providing leadership and assistance in the development ot cross-disciplinary vvriting programs and initiatives. The W l ' A m u st be an active researcherpreterably in tvvo or more ot the fbl lovving areas: vvriting pr o g ram t h e ory and adm i n i stration, vvriting center theory and admin b t r ation, assessment, pedagogy ot vvriting, vvriting across the curriculum (WAC), and vvriting in the disciplines (WID). Additional research or experience in ESL, technical vvriting, educational technology, distance learning, learning commu n i ties, or service learning is desirable. Min i mal qualifications are a I'hD in E n glish, Rhetoric, Composition, or a related field as vvell as experience as a vvlltlng pl o g l anl admi n i strator or a similar administrative position. Salary and rank are commensurate vvith credentials/experience; salary is based on a nine-mo nth contract. Sunnner teaching is a possibility. Located in the Dallas-Forth Wo rth metropolitan area, UT A r l i n g ton is rated a Doctoral/Research Extensive University by the Carnegie Foundation and otters an M.A. and I'h.D. in English. Applications must be postntarked no later than November IS it applicants vvish to be considered tor an ML A intervievv. I'osition open until fi l l ed. Send letter ot application, vvriting s ample, and CV to I' rotessor Kevin I'orter, Chair, W I'A Search Comm i t tee, English Department, P.O. Box 190:35, University ot Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019-00:35. UT Arlington is an Equal Opportunity/ AHirntative Action Employer. [R] 68 Tenure-track Assistant I'rotessorship in creative vvriting. Specialty open: fiction, poetry, playvvriting and/or screemvriting beginning September I, 2007. Translation and non-fiction also ot interest as secondary specialties. The candidate must be bilingual , ! i panish/English, and able to deliver instruction in both languages. At the graduate and undergraduate levels teach vvorkshops and literature courses.!iuccesstul applicant vvill also teach one online course each year in our nevv Online M FA . Salary competitive. The University ot Texas at El I'aso does not discrimi nate on the basis ot race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, veterans status or sexual orientation in employment or in the provision ot services. U of Texas-Pan American English, 1201 W University Dr Edinburg TX 78541 Lecturers (2positions) 1526 http: // F 06/07 — 26 Lecturer: Tvvo positions. M i n i m u m q u a l i t i c ati ons: M A i n English and experience teaching at the university level. I'reterred qualifications: I'hD or AB D i n E nglish or Rhetoric and Composition and experience teaching composition and developmental vvriting to a diverse student body. The Department ot English seeks candidates to teach a variety ot composition and possibly some literature courses in our undergraduate, general education core curriculum. O p p o r t u n i ties exist to gain experience vvorking in and contributing to a dynamic vvriting progrann I'osition begins tall 2007. UTI'A is an AHirntative Action/ E qual Opport u n ity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Send letter ot application specitying position nu m b er, a current CV , t h ree letters ot recommendation, and undergraduate and graduate transcripts by March I, 2007, to I'rotessor!iteven !ichneider, Chair, Department ot English, The University ot Texas-I'an American, 1201. W. University Drive, Edinburg, Texas 786-11. S creening ot application vvill begin i m m e d i ately. I'osition open un t i l filled, pending budgetary approval. This position is secure-sensitive as defined by the Texas Education Code I161.21S (c) and Texas (Iovernment Code Il -111.09-1 (a) (2). For more intorntation about our department please visit our vvebsite: http: // E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 Texas 788-11. (:andidates ntay be requested to submit a vvriting sample. Screening ot applications vvill begin i m m e diately. 1'osition open unti l filled, pending budgetary approval. This position is secure-sensitive as de- U of Texas-Pan American English, 1201 W University Dr Edinburg TX 78541 Open Rank Creative Writing 1488 http: // F06/07 — 82 The Department ot English is seeking candidates vvith a record ot publications in fiction and/or non fiction. MFA or 1'hD in ( : r eative Writing required. Tenure-track position begins Fa112007. Applicants must have strong records and potential as teachers and vvriters. We are looking tor colleagues vvith an interest in and enthusiasm tor developing nevv programs and curricula in a rapidly grovving and expanding department. Nevv taculty vvill help develop and launch planned MFA program. An interest in latino/a literature and culture a plus. -Assistant 1'rotessor Evidence ot strong potential in both publications and teaching. -Associate 1'rotessor Established track record ot success in both publications and teaching. M i n i m u m c r i t eria: one book publication and several journal publications. -1'rotessor Established track record ot success in both publ ications and teaching. N a t i o nal reputation as vvriter. M i n i m u m c r i t e r ia: tvvo book publications and numerous journal publications. fined by the Texas Education (:ode I181.218 lc) and Texas (iovernment (:ode I1 -111.00-1 la) l2). For more intorntation about our department please visit our vvebsite: l Brigham Young U Linguistics ft( English Lang, PO Box 26278, 4064JFSB Provo UT 84602 Assistant/Associate Professor of English Language and Editing 1380 http: // The Department ot Linguistics and English Language at Brigham Young University announces one tenure-track position in ed i t ing and English language. (:andidates vvho are interested in studying editing and language usage trom a ling uistic point ot v ievv and vvho have editing experience vvill be particularly attractive. Brigham Young University, an equal opportunit y e m p l oyer, does not discri m i n ate on th e basis ot race, color, sex, age, national orig in , veteran status or against qualified in d i v i d uals vvith disabilities. All taculty are required to abide by the standards ot The (:hurch ot Jesus (:hrist ot Latter-day Saints lLDS). 1'reterence is given to members in good standing ot the sponsoring (:hurch. To apply, complete the application torm onl ine at and send letter ot application, vita, sample ot scholarly vvriti ng, and th ree letters ot reterence to Lynn Henrichsen, Department ot Linguistics and English Language, -106-1 UT1'A is an AHirntative Action/ E qual Opport u n ity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Send letter ot application specitying the position number, (:V, th ree letters ot recommendation and all undergraduate and graduate transcripts to 1'rotessor Steven Schneider, (:hair, Department ot English, The University ot Texas 1'an American, 1201 W. University Drive, Edinburg Texas 788-11. Screening ot applications vvill begin immediately. 1'osition open until filled. This position is secure-sensitive as defined by the Texas Education (:ode I181.218 lc) and T exas (iovernment ( : o d e I1 -111.00-1 la) l2). For more intormation about our department please visit our vvebsite: JFSB, BYU, 1'rovo, UT 8-1602 by 18 January 2007. lhttpp:// Assi stant Professor of Rhetori c and Composition [R] Utah Valley SC English, 800 W University Pky Orem UT 84058 1628 http: // A NNO U N ( : E M E N T U of Texas-Pan American English, 1201 W University Dr Edinburg TX 78541 Assistant Professor Childrens/Adolescent Literature ea English Education The Department ot English and Literature invites applications tor a tenure-track Assistant 1'rotessor position in R h e t o ri c and ( : o m p o sition t o begin August 2007. 1'h.D. trom a regionally accredited institution re1489 http: // F06/07 — 27 (:hildrens/Adolescent Literature and English Education: Assistant 1'rotessor ot English, tenure-track. Required: 1'h.D. in English or Ed. D. in ELA or related field; evidence ot strong potential tor scholarship in childrens or adolescent literature and/or ELA teacher certification candidates. Areas ot Specialization may include childrens literature, middle or secondary school vvriting and/or li terature pedagogy, literacy development, English methods. 1'reterred qualifications include experience in one or more ot the tbllovving: teaching childrens or adolescent literature, teaching English Education, collaboration vvith public schools through in-service vvorkshops or state or national vvriting projects, experience in assessment practice in ELA. Teaching Assignment vvill include teaching childrens/adolescent literature, literature and vvriting methods, and treshntan composition; preparing candidates tor state ELA/ R e ading certification examinations; and collaborating vvith (:ollege ot Education taculty in institutional teacher preparation. Tenuretrack position begins Fall 2007. Applications are invited tor candidates vvith strong records and potential as teachers and scholars. We are looking tor colleagues vvith an interest in and enthusiasm tor developing nevv programs and curricula in a rapidly grovving and expanding department. UT 1'A is an Att i r m a tive Action/ Equal Oppor t u n it y em ployer. Women and mi n o r i t ies are encouraged to apply. Send letter ot application specitying the position number, (LV., three letters ot recommendation and all undergraduate and graduate transcripts to 1'rotexsor Steven Schneider, (:hair, Department ot English, The University ot Texas-1'an American, 1201 W. University Drive, Edinburg, M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST quired at time ot appointment; ABDs vvill be considered. Successful applicants vvill ettectively teach upper and lovver-divksion composition courses, engage in scholarly activity, and participate in the department's collaboratively administered composition progrann A successtul candidate vvill teach first-year vvriting, as do all English taculty, and have opportunities to teach other courses based on qualifications. T he successtul candidate vvill join a dynamic department ot:36 tull-ti m e taculty vvho are engaged in communication across the curriculum, an undergraduate integrated studies ntajor, student publications, study abroad, vvriting technologies, and shaping a grovving undergraduate vvriting pro80k; gram. Salary lconnnensurate vvith experience and qualifications ) -16 — exceptional health and retirement benefits. Located -18 minutes south ot Salt Lake (:ity, Utah Valley State (:ollege is a grovving tour-year institution ranked in U .S. Nevvs and World Report as one ot the top five comprehensive public colleges in the West. Enrolling over 2:3,000 students in Fall 2006, UV S(: emphasizes a superior undergraduate experience. 1'lease submit application electronically at or send cover l etter, statement ot t eaching p h i l o sophy, cu r r i c u lu m v i t ae, and t h r e e l etters ot recom m e n d at io n t o 1' r o tessor M ar k ( : r a ne, Search ( : o m m i t - tee (:hair, M( : 15:1, Department ot English and Literature, Utah Valley State (:ollege, 800 W. University 1'kvvy., Orem, UT 84088-8009. lEntail: cranema (c0( ) UVS(: is an AA / E O / E q ual Access employer; vvomen, minorities, and the disabled are encouraged to apply. Applications received by November 18th vvill receive priority consideration. This position vvill rentain open until filled. http: // [R] 69 I'lease send application letter, curriculum v i tae, graduate transcripts, evidence ot teaching excellence, and five reterences vvith contact intorm ation to Mary Jane Chase, Dean, School ot Arts and Sciences, Westminster Weber SU English, 1201 University Cir Ogden UT 84408 Assistant Professor of English 1675 http: // Weber State University invites application tor one tenure-track position in fiction vvriting, to begin in August ot 2007 pending final budget approval. Full teaching load consists ot 12 hours per semester (-1 and -1). In addition to fiction vvriting courses, teaching load vvill include lovver-division composition and introductory literature courses. At time ot appointment, c andidate must have a I'hD o r M F A i n c r e ative vvriting vvith a ti c t i o n emphasis and/or publications in the genre. Experience in the teaching ot composition and literature as vvell as a record and/or strong prom ise ot publication are highly desirable. College, 1840 South L300 East, Salt Lake City, Utah, 8-1108 or mjchase(aj Revievv ot applications vvill begin November .'30 and vvill continue until the position is filled. For more intorntation about Westminster College, please visit our vvebsite: vvvvvv.vvestminstercolleg .edu. [ R ] • • U of Vermont English, 400 Old Mill, 94 University Pl Burlington VT 05405 S ubmit a cover letter, CV, vvriting sample, and contact in t o r m ation o t three reterences. Assistant Professor of English and Film To be considered tor this position, all applicants must complete a WSU faculty/staff data torm online at http: // Tenure-Track Assistant I'rotessor ot English, beginning Fall, 2007. Send all other application materials to Assistant I'rotessor English Search Committee, c/o English Department, Weber State University, 1201 Uni- I'h D vvith dissertation in Film Studies required. Com m i t m ent to diver- versity Circle, Ogden UT 84408-1201 Revievv ot applications vvill begin January IS, 2007. I'osition vvill renni n open until filled. WSU is an AA/EO employer. [R] 456 ht tp://vvvvvv.uvmjobs.coul I'osting ¹ 00-1870 sity and inclusion required. Film ( l e neralist; desirable academic interests include global, third vvorld, and national cinemas. Candidates ntay apply o n-line at vvvvvv.uvmjobs.corn. Search tor po sition u sing depar t m e n t name (English) only. Attach a letter ot application and curriculum vitae, postntarked by Nov. I, 2006. Intervievvs at MLA. Candidates ntay instead submit a paper application (letter ot application and curriculum vitae) to: I'rot. Lokangaka Losambe, Chair, Department ot English, Old M il l -100, University ot Vermont, Burlington, VT 08-108 [R] Westminster C Communication/Speech, 1840 South 1300 East Salt Lake City UT 84105 Assistant Professor 1620 http: // Westminster College seeks a taculty member in speech communication. The successtul applicant vvill teach and administer the required public presentations course, vvhich includes an electronic presentation component. In addition, he/she vvill teach undergraduate classes in business and protessional communication, as vvell as speech communication courses in the Master ot I'rotessional Commu nication progranu A candidate vvith experience vvorking in learning communities and vvith expertise in theater, organizational communication, and/or debate is preterred. Experience and interest in collaborative and cross-disciplinary teaching and vvillingness to incorporate experiential and service learning into courses are highly desirable. I'h.D. and demonstrated excellence in teaching are required. I'lease send application letter, curriculum v i tae, graduate transcripts, evidence ot teaching excellence, and five reterences vvith contact intorm ation to Mary Jane Chase, Dean, School ot Arts and Sciences, Westminster College, 1840 South L300 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 8-1108 or mjchase(aj Revievv ot applications vvill begin November IS and vvill continue until the position is filled. For more intorntation about Westminster College, please visit our vvebsite: vvvvvv.vvestminstercollege .edu. [ R ] U of Vermont English, 400 Old Mill, 94 University Pl Burlington VT 05405 Assistant Professor of English and Film 465 ht tp://vvvvvv.uvmjobs.coul Assistant I'rotessor (Tenure Track ) I'osting ¹ 010-IL1 Typical teaching assignment includes introductory and advanced courses in til m p r o d u c t i on , h i st o ry, t h eory, and cr i t i c i sm, as vvell as gatevvay courses to the ntajor. MFA i n I ' r o d u ction or I'h. D r e q u i red in hand by time ot appointment. Com m i t m ent to diversity and inclusion required. Mailed applications must be postntarked by Nov. I , 2006. Applications vvill be acknovvledged; please do not send unsolicited materials. Intervievvs at MLA. Candidates ntay apply on-line at vvvvvv.uvmjobs.corn. Search tor position using department name (English) only. Attach a letter ot application and curriculum vitae by Nov. I, 2006. Candidates ntay instead submit a paper application (letter ot application and curriculum vitae ) to: I'rot. Lokangaka Losambe, Chair, Department ot English, Old M il l -100, University ot Vermont, Burlington, VT 08-10S. [R] Westminster C Film Studies, 1840 South 1300 East Salt Lake City UT 84105 Film Studies 1619 http: / Westminster College seeks a taculty member tor its Film Studies minor. The Film Studies I'rogram at Westminster emphasizes film literacy and scholarship. Students receive a strong background in analyzing film and its relation to toundation film courses, film theory, and introductory courses. Ability to teach in an additional discipline represented in the School ot Arts and Sciences preterred. Experience vvith learning co m m u n i t ies is considered an advantage. (1ualifications: Masters Degree required. I'h.D. or terminal degree preterred. 70 James Madison U English, 800 S Main St, MS1801 Harrisonburg VA 22807 Assistant Professor of English 1379 http://vvvvvv British Early M o d er n / R e n aissance, tenure-track, beginning tall 2007. We seek applicants vvhose printary specialty is 10th-or 17th-century British literature to teach undergraduate and graduate courses. The research area is open. The ability to teach a course in late medieval literature vvill v vork in th e candidates tavor, as vvill an abil it y t o t e ach history o t t h e English language. The English taculty does not teach treshntan composi- E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 tion. We vvill begin revievving applications on November (x Applicants MUST apply online at: https:// and reterence posting number 0-101122. Applicants should send relevant teaching evaluations, vvriting sample, graduate transcript, and three letters ot recommendations to: Early Modern/ R enaissance!iearch Committee, English Dept., James Madison University, M!iC 1801, Harrisonburg, VA 22807. James Madison University is an aHirntative action, equal opportunity employer. filled. Initial contacts by telephone. A diversified vvorkfbrce is an import ant part ot our strategic plan. EOE/A A [R] Marymount U Lit 8( Lang, 2807 N Glebe Rd Arlington VA 22207 Assistant Professor of English 1375 ht tp:// James Madison U English, 800 S Main St, MS1801 Harrisonburg VA 22807 Assistant Professor of English 1 541 http://vvvvvv Atrican American Literature, tenure track position. I'ri ntary responibilities vvill include teaching the survey ot A m e r i can A m e rican Literature, upper division and graduate courses in Atricana ! i t u d ies and Atrican American authors. English taculty do not teach composition courses. All candidates must have I'h.D. in hand by summer ot 2007. We vvill begin revievving applications on November (8 2007. Applicants MUST apply on line at: https:// JobLink and reterence posting ¹ 0-101128. Applicants should send relevant teaching evaluations, graduate transcripts, and three letters ot recomm endation to: A t r i can A m e r i can Li t erature Search Chair, English Dept, James Madison University, M!iC 1801, Harrisonburg, VA 22801. James Madison University is an aHirntative action, equal opportunity employer. Marymount U n i v ersity seeks tvvo generalist candidates tor tenure-track positions. ()ualified applicants should have proven expertise and interest in teaching vvriting, especially treshntan composition, and experience in vvriting across the curriculum. In addition, candidates should ofFer expertise in at least one ot the fbllovving: creative vvriting, English education, early modern, or contemporary literature. Candidates must be commi t ted to vvorking vvith a diverse student body trom t r eshman to graduate level; shovv evidence ot potential or accomplishment in scholarly publishing; and be vvilling to develop nevv courses and promote departmental extra-curricular activities. Applicants must have completed the I'h.D. by June 2007. For details and to apply, please visit the Job Opportunities section, I'osition 06212 at I'lease complete the online application and ntail an application letter, curriculum vitae, and three letters ot recommendation to D r . ! i u san Fay, Chair, Department ot Literature and Languages, Marymount U n i versity, 2807 N. ( I lebe Rd., Arli n gton, VA 2 2207. Must be currently authorized to vvork in the US. AA/ E E O Closing date: Nov. 8, 2006 James Madison U English, 800 S Main St, MS1801 Harrisonburg VA 22807 Assistant Professor of English 1530 Randolph-Macon C English, PO Box 5005 Ashland VA 23005 http://vvvvvv Assistant Professor of English Assistant I'rotessor ot English, 18th- C e n t ur y B r i t ish li terature, tenuretrack, beginning tall 2007. I'rintary responsibilities vvill include teaching upper-division undergraduate and graduate (M.A.) courses in 18th-C British poetry, non-fiction prose, and the novel as vvell as (leneral Education/English survey courses in British literature. I'ublication and service are also expectations but no Freshntan Composition. Salary is competitive. !iuccesstul candidate must have I'h.D. in hand by August 2007. We v vill begin revievving applications on N ovember 6. Applicants MU ST apply online at: https:// JobLink t( reterence posting ¹ 0-10112(x In addition, applicants should send vvriting sample, relevant teaching evaluations, and three letters ot recommendation to: 18th Century British Literature Search Committee, Department ot English, M!iC 1801, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 JMU is an aHirmative action, equal opportunity employer. http: // 1193 Tenure-track position in English to begin in tall, 2007. Specialization in non-drantatic 16th or 17th Literature. I'h.D. required at commencement ot duties. Responsibilities include teaching vvithin an interdisciplinary first year program as vvell as the ntajor. Teaching load is six courses per year. A strong comm i t m ent to undergraduate education in a liberal arts environment is essential. I'lease send letter ot application and vita, including three letters ot recommendation, to M ark I' arker, Chair, Department ot English, Randolph-Macon College, P.(). Box 800S, Ashland, VA 2:300S. In order to receive tull consideration, applications must be received by November IS. We vvill be intervievving at MLA . M i n o r i ties are strongly encouraged to apply. EOE Randolph-Macon Woman's C English, 2500 Rivermont Av Lynchburg VA 24503 Longwood U English 8( Mod. Lang., 201 High St. Farmville VA 23909 Assistant/Associate Professor of English Assistant Professor of English http: // 1410 ht tp:// Assistant I'rotessor ot English, tenure-track position to begin August 2007. Creative Wri t ing specialist, printary area in playvvriting, secondary credentials in poetry and contemporary British/ A m e rican literature. Ability to teach across genres in a nevv undergraduate and graduate program required. The successtul candidate vvill hold a I'hD or terminal MFA in the specified areas, exhibit sustained creative productivity, and demonstrate commitm ent to u n d ergraduate teaching. Teaching load ot tour courses per semester vvill i n c l ude tvvo vvorkshops and tvvo sections ot ( l e n eral Education courses. Send letter ot application, vita, statement ot teaching philosophy, vvriting sample ot no more than tvventy pages ot both specified genres combined, and three letters ot recommendation to E n g l i sh !iearchCreative Writing, Department ot English and Modern Languages, Longvvood University, 201 High Street, Farmville VA 2800'). Revievv ot applications vvill begin November I and vvill continue until the position is M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 1409 Randolph- M a con W o n tans College, a selective liberal arts college in Lynchburg, VA, invites applications tor a tenure-track position in English at the assistant or associate protessor rank, beginning tall 2007, vvith specializations in M o d ern A m e r i can Literature, At r i can- A m e r i can Literature, and Southern Literature. The teaching load is .'I —:1. Departmental responsibilities include tull participation in student advising, departmental and college-vvide commi t tees, and supervision ot senior projects. Salary competitive. I'hD, publications in the field, and significant undergraduate teaching experience required. Applications must be postntarked by November I to receive consideration. I'lease include a selt-addressed postcard tor acknovvledgment ot application. Applications are especially encouraged trom members ot groups traditionally under-represented in higher education. R-MW C i s an equal opportunity employer. Send letter ot application and C.V. to Jim I'eterson, Chair, Dept. ot English, RandolphMacon Womans College, 2800 Rivermont Ave., Lynchburg, VA 2-180:1. EOE/M/F/V/D [R ] 71 Regent U General Education, 1000 Regent University Drive Virginia Beach VA 23464 English Professor 1592 http: // Regent Universitys gchool ot Undergraduate!itudies is expanding its undergraduate programs to include an English major and thus seeks a candidate tor a tull time tenure track English position at the ntain campus in Virginia Beach, VA. The position is directed tovvards a specialty in British literature (preterably medieval, Renaissance, or Victorian literature ). A subspecialty in creative vvriting is a plus, as is administrative experience. Minimum requirements tor the taculty position include a I'h.D. in English, significant teaching experience, positive relationships vvith students, and a commit m ent to ( : h r i st-centered teaching and learning. I'reterred: skill in curriculum design, tacility vvith online instructional technology, and scholarship. Rank open. Appointment vvill begin July 2007. Applications accepted until position is filled. to ntaintain a comm i t m ent to excellence both in teaching and in research. Teaching vvill i n v o lv e general-education co u rses as vvell as advanced courses tor majors; five courses per year. The successtul candidate vvill have proven teaching ability and vvill shovv promise ot significant scholarly accomplishment. I'hD in hand by August I, 2007, required. To be considered tor ML A i n t e r v ievvs, applicants should submit a letter ot application, curriculum vitae, vvriting sample, and separate statements ot (I) teaching philosophy and experience and (2) research interests and plans to Louis Trentaine, (: hair, gearch (:om m i t t ee, Dept. ot English, University ot Richmond, VA 2:1171. Applicants should also arrange tor three letters ot recommendation, including at least one that addresses teaching potential, to be sent directly to the same address. Applications must be received by November 1. The University ot Richmond is a highly selective, vvellendovved, private institution on a suburban campus, located in Vi r g i n ia's state capital vvithin a tvvo-hour drive ot Washington, D.(:. Th e U n i v e rsity ot R i c h m ond values diversity in its taculty, staff, and student body. In keeping vvith t his com m i t m e nt , ou r academic co m m u n i t y st r o n gly encourages applications trom diverse candidates and candidates vvho support diversity. [R] Regent Un i v ersity does not discrim i n ate on the basis ot age, disability, race, sex, color, or national or et h ni c o r i g i n . ( 1ualifted m i n o r i t ies and vvomen are strongly encouraged to apply tor these positions. Applicants must subscribe to a statement ot ( : h r i stian taith. (:andidates s hould visit / h r / t o r m s/nevv taculty ap plication.pdt to complete the online application. I'lease fbrvvard a cover l etter and current vita to: Regent University/D o nna (: u r tis, Faculty (:o ordinator/1000 University Drive, RH -166/Vir gi nia Beach, VA 2:1-16-1- 01100/Entail: dcurtB ( [R] Regent U General Education, 1000 Regent University Drive Virginia Beach VA 23464 English Professor 1680 Regent Universitys gchool ot U n d ergraduate !itudies is expanding its undergraduate programs to include an English ntajor and thus seeks candidates tor a tull t im e tenure track English position at the main campus in Virgi nia Beach, VA. Th e position is directed tovvards a specialty in American literature. A subspecialty in creative vvriting is a plus, as is administrative experience. Mi n i mu m r equirements tor the taculty position include a I'h.D. in English, significant teaching experience, positive relationships vvith students, and a commi t m ent to ( : h r i st-centered teaching and learning. I'reterred: skill in cur r iculum design, tacility vvith online instructional technology, and scholarship. Rank open. Appointment vvill begin July 2007. Applications accepted until position is filled. Regent Un i v ersity does not discrim i n ate on the basis ot age, disability, race, sex, color, or national or et h ni c o r i g i n . ( 1ualifted m i n o r i t ies and vvomen are strongly encouraged to apply tor these positions. Applicants must subscribe to a statement ot ( : h r i stian taith. (:andidates s hould vi sit h t t p s:// a d m i n / h r / t o r m s / n evv t a c u l t y application.pdt to complete the online application. I'lease fbrvvard a cover l etter and current vita to: Regent University/D o nna (: u r tis, Faculty (:o ordinator/1000 University Drive, RH -166/Vir gi nia Beach, VA 2:1-16-1- Assistant Professor of English in Ethnic Literatures and Cultures 500 ht tp://english. richmond. edu The Department ot English invites applications tor a tenure-track position in No rt h A m e r i can ethnic li teratures and cultures at the assistant-protessor level, to begin in tall ot 2007. I'reterence vvill be given to candidates vvhose research and teaching tocuses on Native American, Asian American, or Latino/a Am erican literatures. The appointee vvill be expected to ntaintain a comm i t m ent to excellence both in teaching and in research. Teaching vvill i n v o lv e general-education co u rses as vvell as advanced courses tor majors; five courses per year. The successtul candidate vvill have proven teaching ability and vvill shovv promise ot significant schol- [R] English, 28 Westhampton Way Richmond VA 23173 Assistant Professor of English in 19th-Century American Literature considered tor ML A i n t e r v ievvs, applicants should submit a letter ot application, curriculum vitae, vvriting sample, and separate statements ot (I) teaching philosophy and experience and (2) research interests and plans to guzanne Jones, (:hair, gearch (:om m i t tee, Dept. ot English, University ot Richmond, VA 2:1171. Applicants should also arrange tor three letters ot recommendation, including at least one that addresses teaching potential, to be sent directly to the same address. Applications must be received by November 1. The University ot Richmond is a highly selective, vvellendovved, private institution on a suburban campus, located in Vi r g i n ia's state capital vvithin a tvvo-hour drive ot Washington, D.(:. Th e U n i v e rsity ot R i c h m ond values diversity in its taculty, staff, and student body. In keeping vvith t his com m i t m e nt , ou r academic co m m u n i t y st r o n gly encourages applications trom diverse candidates and candidates vvho sup- port diversity. [R] U of Virginia English, PO Box 400121, 219 Bryan Hall Charlottesville VA 22904 Assistant/Associate Professor 1329 http: // U of Richmond 499 ht tp://english. richmond. edu The Department ot English invites applications tor a tenure-track position in n i n e teenth- century A m e r i can li t erature at the assistant-protessor level, to begin in the tall ot 2007. Research and teaching emphasis should include antebellum l i t e r atu re; addit i o nal teaching exp er t ise in earlyAmerican literature vvould be vvelcome. The appointee vvill be expected 72 English, 28 Westhampton Way Richmond VA 23173 arly accomplishment. I'hD in hand by August I, 2007, required. To be http: // 01100/Entail: dcurtB ( U of Richmond The American !itudies I'rogram at the University ot Virginia seeks an Assistant or Associate I'rotessor vvith demonstrated excellence in interdisciplinary teaching and research. I'h.D. at the time ot application required. Area ot specialization is open, but ability to offer courses in Asian American!it u dietu and/or globalization and transnationalism as vvell as teach the American!itudies core vvould be especially vvelcome. Applicants ntay vvork in Anthropology, Art H i story, English, History, Music, I'olitics, or !itudies. Appointments vvill be joint vvith one ot these departments and American ! i t u d ies. The person appointed vvill teach interdisciplinary u n dergraduate courses in the A m e r i c an ! i t u d ies program and graduate and undergraduate courses in a respective disciplinary department vvhere appropriate. Revievv ot ntaterials vvill begin Nov. 15 and all Religious E NGL I S H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 applications must be postntarked by Dec. 15. The University is committed to building a culturally diverse educational environment. Applicants are requested to include in their cover letter intorntation about h ovv they vvill tu r t her this goal. Send cover letter and curri culum v i t ae vvith tull publication record, and three letters ot reterence to Maurie McInnis, American Studies, University ot Virginia, P() Box -100121, Char- lottesville, VA 2290-1 —1121. E()AA S t atement tor ( ) r g a n i z ati on: T h e U n i v e r sity ot V i r g i n i a is an Equal ()pportunity, Afii r ntative Action Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. [R] U of Virginia, C at Wise Language 8( Literature, 1 College Av Wise VA 24293 Assistant Professor of English: 18th-or early 19th-century British Literature 1676 The University ot Virginia's College at Wise invites applications tor a tenure track position in eighteenth-century and/or early nineteenth-century British literature vvith a preterred emphasis in dranta or poetry. Ability to teach classics in translation or vvorld literature desirable. Rank and salary negotiable based upon experience and other achievements. Funded summer research available. Applicants must hold a I'h.D. or plan to complete the degree no later than August 2007. Norntal load is -1/-1 including treshntan composition. We seek a taculty member commi t ted to teaching and to promot in g a li b eral arts education and one vvho can shovv potential tor successtul research and publication. The University ot Virginia's College at Wise is a tour-year public liberal arts college located in the scenic southern Appalachians. Revievv ot applications vvill begin on N o v ember.'10 and vvill continue until the position is filled. The College is comm itted to tostering mul t i cu l t u ral diversity and is an Afii r n tative Action , Equal ()pportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. I'lease send letter ot application, cv, complete transcripts, and dossier including three letters ot reterence to: Englksh Search, c/o Ms. Co nnie Hope, D i r ector ot H u m a n R e sources, The U n i v ersity ot V i r g i n i a's College at Wise, Wise VA 2-1293 [R] Virginia Wesleyan C English, 1584 Wesleyan Dr Norfolk VA 23502 Assistant Professor of English 1705 ht tp:// Any specialization that expands our otterings beyond the traditi onal English and American canon. I'ossibilities include but are not li m i ted to Trans-Atlantic studies, postcolonial literatures, and Atrican-A m e r ican/ Atrican diasporic literatures; broader specializations are possible as vvell. Tenure track, to begin August 2007. I'h.D. by the time ot appointment. Tvventy-one hour annual load vvill in clude courses in sophomore and upper-level literature, and composition. Courses vve need taught among the three positions offered by our department include children's literature, intro. to poetry, grannnar, and vvorld literature, so an interest in teaching these courses or a revised version ot them is vvelcome. Virginia Wesleyan i s a liberal arts college dedicated to tostering independent inquiry. T h e successtul candidate vvill be one vvho combines a commi t m ent to his or her field, an enthusiasm tor teaching vvriting as vvell as literature, and a desire to collaborate vvith colleagues in and beyond the department on innovative academic initiatives. Since Virginia Wesleyan is moving tovvard establishing a I'hi Beta Kappa chapter, candidates vvho are I'BK are especially encouraged to apply. Minorities are also encouraged to apply. MLA intervievvs. Send letter and cv by N o v ember 1-1 to Dr. Joyce Hovvell, Interim Vice I'resident tor Academic Affairs, Virginia Wesleyan College, 188-1 Wesleyan Drive, Nortolk, VA. 2:1802. For acknovvledgment, send selt-addressed post card. An Equal ()pportunity Employer. [R] M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST Central Washington U English, 400 E University Way Ellensburg WA 98926 Assistant Professor of Creative Writing 1624 http: // Creative Writing: Fiction or Creative Nonfiction Tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor, beginning Fall 2007. Applications trom members ot all under-represented groups are especially vvelcome. Required qualifications: I'h.D. or MFA i n C r eative Wr i t ing and one tulllength fiction or creative nonfiction book published by a nationally or regionally recognized press. College level teaching experience in creative vvriting required. I'ublication and teaching experience in both genres preterred. Interest in or experience vvorking vvith student publications or organizing and producing creative or protessional vvriting institutes, summer seminars, or on- l ine vvriting programs desired. Teaching load: three courses per quarter, including general education, creative vvriting, and graduate classes. Application letters and curriculum vitae must be sent online; reterence letters, teaching evaluations, unoHicial transcripts, and a 20 —:10 page vvriting sample must be sent to Search Comm i t tee. Screening begins December I, 2006. See the tull position announcement at the above vvebsite. AA/ E ( ) E / T i tle IX I nstitution Saint Martin's U Humanities, 5300 Pacific Av SE Lacey WA 98503 Assistant Professor of English 1641 http: // I'ending tinal budget approval, Saint M a r t i n's University announces a tenure-track position in E n g l ish at the Assistant I'rotessor level starting in Fall, 2007. I'h.D. required. I'ri ntary responsibilities include teaching vvriting and sophomore literature classes and occasional courses in areas ot the candidate's expertise (desirable specialties include, but are not limited to, history ot English, vvorld literature, ecocriticism, journalism, eighteenth-century British literature, tvventieth-century British and American poetry ). We seek candidates vvith a strong comm i t m ent to teaching excellence and scholarship. Norntal teaching load is tour courses (12 hours) per semester or its equivalent. Salary is $-11,-100 plus benefits; additional summer teaching possible. Send letter ot application and vita (no dossiers, please, unless requested ) to Sharon Sullivan, Hu ntanities Admi n i strative Assistant, Saint M a r t i n's U n i v ersity, tk100 I'acific Avenue, S.E., Lacey, Washington 9880:1. Applications vvill be acknovvledged. MLA intervievvs likely. Application deadline is November 20. Saint Martin's is a grovving comprehensive coeducational university vvith a strong liberal arts tradition; it is the educational apostolate of Saint M a r t i n's Abbey, a Benedictine monastery ot the Rontan Catholic Church. It is located near ()lympia, the state capital, at the southern tip ot I ' u get Sound, and is vvithin easy driving di stance of Seattle, Mo unt R a i n ier and I'acific ( ) cean beaches. Candidates must be supportive ot a Catholic Benedictine philosophy ot education. Saint M artin's University is E()E/ A A . [R] U of Washington Department of English, PO Box 354330 Seattle WA 98195 Assistant Professor of Literature and Culture Pre-1800 1537 http: // Seeking tenure track Assistant I'rotessor. Applicants should have the I'h.D. degree by the start ot appointment. Candidates in the final stages ot their I'h.D. program ntay be appointed on an acting basis. I'reterence vvill be given to candidates vvorking across periods and geographic boundaries. We vvelcome candidates vvho tocus on one or more ot the fbllovving: race and colonialism, nation fbrntation; genre and torm, especially non- 73 drantatic literature; gender and sexuality; history ot the book; commodity culture. Applications, including cur r i culum v i t ae, statement ot research and teaching interests, and the names ot three reterences, should be sent to (Iary H a n d w e rk , ( : h a ir , U n i v e rsity ot W a shing t on , D e p ar t m ent ot English, Box 3S4330, Seattle WA 91119S. I'riority will be given to applications received by November 9, 200(x The University ot Washington is an aHirmative action, equal opportunity employer. The University is dedicated to the goal ot building a culturally diverse and pluralistic taculty and Shepherd U English S( Mod Langs, Sch of the Arts S( Humanities Shepherdstown WV 25443 of Am erican Literature Assistant Professor 1122 staff committed to teaching and working in a multicultural environment and strongly encourages applications trom women, minorities, individuals with disabilities and covered veterans. [R] http: //www Whitman C English, 345 Boyer St Walla Walla WA 99362 instruction, and demonstrate a strong comm i t m ent to the liberal arts cur- I'h.D. in English: Am erican Literature, with a concentration in m o d ern and contemporary literature. !iuccesstul candidates tor this tenure track position will give first priority to teaching and engaging students in the learning process, incorporate technology routinely and thoughttully into riculum. The teaching load is tour courses (12 hours) per semester. Initial intervievvs will be held at MLA . Send vita, letter ot application (includ- Assi stant Professor of English (Ameri can Literature/American Ethnic Literature) ing statement ot teaching philosophy ), and dossier (letters ot reterence) to ()f f ice ot H u m an R esources, IL(). Box 3210, Shepherd Univ ersity, !ihepherdstovvn, WV, 2S443. Application will be acknowledged by let- http: //ww w . w h i t EN(IL Li H ( A m e r ican Literature/A m e rican Ethnic Literature): American Literature !i pecialist with demonstrated expertise in Am erican Ethnic Literature. Assistant I'rotessor, tenure-track, beginning August 2007. I'h.D. required. (:nurses will in clude offerings in Am erican Literature IIIAS — 1914, American Ethnic Li terature and introductory and advanced literature courses. Willi n gness to teach composition and (l eneral !i t u dies 1-1S/-16 (the colleges first-year core courses in Antiquity and Modernity ) required. Send application letter discussing your teaching experience and research agenda, vita, and dossier to I'rotessor Roberta Davidson, (:hair ot ter. For tull consideration, application materials must be postmarked by November I, but applications will continue to be reviewed until the posi- tion has been filled. An Equal ()pportunity Employer, Shepherd University encourages women and minorities to apply tor this position. Shepherd University is a public liberal arts university located in historic !ihepherds tovvn, an arts-oriented com m u n i t y o n t h e banks ot the I'ot omac R i v e r , ES miles trom Washingt on, D . ( :., and Balti m o re. To learn m ore about our program, please visit the departments vvebsite at www englweb. [R] the American/Eth nic Literature Search (:omm i t tee, Department ot Eng- lish, ()lin Hall, 34S Boyer Avenue, Whitntan (:ollege, Walla Walla, WA 99362. Have three confidential letters ot recommendation sent directly trom the reteree or enclosed in dossier. It your dossier does not include a record ot courses taken, send transcripts. Deadline: Friday, November 3, 200(x For intorntation about Wh i t ntan, an excellent sntall liberal arts college with selective admissions, commitment to undergraduate education, and support tor and expectations ot continuing taculty development and scholarship, see: http: //www .w Diversity, broadly defined, is a core value ot W h i t m a n ( : o l l ege; candidates are theretore encouraged to address in their application how they can contribute to enhancing the inclusiveness ot the Whitntan community. [R] Whitw o rt h C English, 300 W Hawthorne Rd Spokane WA 99251 Assistant Professor of English/Writing Center Director 595 ht tp://w w w . w h i t w o r t d m i n h t r ation/ H u n tan Resources/()peni T enure-t rack assistant protessor and teacher-scholar in R h e t o r i c a n d (:omposition to direct W r i t ing ( : enter, advise WA(: program, and teach writing and rhetoric in general education program, ntajor w r i t i n g - t rack courses, and one specialty course. Teaching load: administrative release and six courses per year beginning tall 2007. I'h.D. required; a minimum ot two years college teaching and w r i t i n g center admi n i stration expe- rience desirable; secondary specialty in W o m ens and (lender ! i t u d ietu American Ethn i c ! i t u d ietu or I'ostcolonial ! i t u d ies. Salary commensurate with experience. Application review begins ()ctober 1(u 200(x I'lease visit our vvebsite at www . w h i t w o r t A d m i n h t r ation / H u n t a n R esources/ ()penings.asp tor the tull position announcement and Whitvvorths applic ation process. Applications will be acknowledged via entail. Wit h o u r commi t m ent to b u i l d i n g a cu l t u r ally d i v erse comm u n i ty , w e encourage applications trom women, persons with disabilities, and members ot under-represented ethnic groups. Whitw orth (: ollege is a private, liberal arts college aHiliated with the I'resbyterian (:hurch (USA). [R] Shepherd U English S( Mod Langs, Sch of the Arts S( Humanities Shepherdstown WV 25443 of Am erican Literature Assistant Professor 1120 http: //www I'h.D. in English: American Literature, with a concentration in the 111th and 19th centuries.!iuccesstul candidates tor this tenure track position wil l give first priority to teaching and engaging students in the learning process, incorporate technology routinely and thoughttully i nto instruction, a nd demonstrate a strong commitment to the liberal arts curriculum. T h e teaching load is tour courses (12 hours) per semester. Initial intervievvs will be held at MLA . Send vita, letter ot application (including statement ot teaching philosophy ), and dossier (letters ot reterence) to ()Rice ot Huntan Resources, IL(). Box 3210, Shepherd University, !ihepherdstovvn, WV, 2S443. Application will be acknowledged by letter. For tull consideration, application materials must be postntarked by November I, but applications will continue to be reviewed until the position has been filled. An Equal ()pportunity Employer, Shepherd University encourages women and minorities to apply tor this position. Shepherd University is a public liberal arts university located in historic ! i hepherdstovvn, an arts-oriented community on the banks ot the I'otomac River, ES miles trom Washington, D.(:., and Baltimore. To learn more about our program, please visit the departments vvebsite at [R] Beloit C English, 700 College St Beloit Wl 53511 Assistant Professor of English 637 http: // Tenure-Track I'osition in English. A tenure-track position will begin August, 2007. I'h.D. preterred, M.F.A. considered. Successful candidates must demonstrate excellence in teaching and have a strong comm i t m ent to u n d ergraduate liberal arts education. 74 E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 They should offer evidence ot substantial creative and scholarly achievement and shovv excellence in the publication ot poetry. The norntal teaching load is S courses per year. I'rimary responsibilities include teaching p oetry w r i t i n g , i n t r o d u ctory creative w r i t i n g (poetry and fiction ), and both introductory and advanced courses in literature, with period and area less important than demonstrated high quality ot teaching and criticism. Desirable additional areas include such fields as journalism, media studies, ethnic studies, women's studies and /or film studies. The successtul candidate will also contribute to all-college programs (e.g., first-year seminars, interdisciplinary studies, writing program, and international education ). F or more intorntation on Beloit's English Department, visit http: //w w w Mt Mary C Langs, Lit fk Communication Div, 2900 Menomonee River Pky Milwaukee Wl 53222 Assistant Professor English 1465 ht tp:// uscript, sample ot literary criticism and three letters ot recommendation by November IS, 2006 to Tom M cB ride, Chair, Department ot English, Beloit College, 700 College!itreet, Beloit, WI S3SI I-SS9S. I'reliminary intervievvs will be conducted at the December 2006 ML A C o n v ention. Mount M ar y C o l l ege, Wisconsins oldest Catholic college tor wom en, is seeking an ind i v i d ual to co n t r i b ute to the realization ot ou r m i ssion though the role ot a tul l - t i m e , tenure track Assistant I'rotessor position in English, beginning August 2007. (1ualifications: I'h.D. in English or a related field. This is an entry-level position tor a generalist capable ot teaching a broad range ot wri t ing and literature courses including toundational and advanced writing courses, survey and upper-level literature courses, and occasional courses emphasizing a particular genre or field. Mount Mary College practices equal opportunity employment as part ot our ongoing comm i t m ent to diversity in our w o r k place. For application Beloit College is commi t ted to the educational benefits ot diversity and intorntation go to: w w w a n t n t employ m ent.htnu I'lease send letter ot application, transcripts, vita, fitteen-page poetry ntan- urges all interested individuals to apply. AA/EOE employer. [R] Ripon C English, PO Box 248, 300 Seward St Ripon Wl 54971 Lawrence U English, PO Box 599 Appleton Wl 54912 Assistant Professor of Renaissance literature (English) Assistant Professor of English 266 http: //ww w . l Tenure-track opening tor tall 2007 in Renaissance literature, preterably with a tocus on drama. I'h.D. required. Candidates must be prepared to take printary responsibility tor a!ihakespeare course required ot all English majors. The teaching load is two courses in each ot three ten-week terms. In addition to ! i h akespeare and other advanced courses in Renaissance literature, responsibilities include regular contributions to the treshntan progranu as well as introductory and intermediate literature courses. I'reterence will be given to candidates who can also offer a survey ot medieval literature. Send letter, CV, and dossier by November IS to K aren Hoffntann, Chair, English Department, Lawrence University, Appleton, WI S-1912. Lawrence is a private, nationally-ranked liberal-arts college ot a bout 1-100 students and 120 taculty. We w i l l i n t e r v iew at M L A . L a w rence promotes equal opportunity tor all. [R] Marian C of Fond du Lac Arts fk Humanities, 54 S National Av Fond du Lac Wl 54935 Assistant Professor of English 1252 http: // Marian College, a Catholic, applied liberal arts college located in Fond du Lac, WI in v ites applications trom strong generalists with demonstrated teaching excellence tor a tull-time tenure-track position in English beginning Fall 2007. Teaching duties include courses in English composition, argumentative and research w r i t i n g , i n t r o d u c t or y l i t e r atu re, and advanced-level wri t ing and literature tor majors and minors in English and English-Education. Norntal teaching load is 12 credits per semester. I'h.D. in English is required. Additional responsibilities include departmental duties, such as advising and wri t ing assessment, as well as divisional and college-wide service and committee work. The successtul applicant will support the M i ssion and Core Values ot the College. Submit a letter ot application, current curri culum v i t ae, statement ot teaching philosophy, three letters ot reterence, evidence ot teaching effectiveness and transcripts by November IS, 2006 to: Director ot H u m a n R e sources, Marian C o l l ege, -IS S. National Ave., Fond du Lac, WI 6 -1t)LIS. E-mail:ct lood ( or FAX : 920-923-76SII. Website: Marian C o l l ege is a com m u n i t y c o m m i t t e d t o l e ar n i ng , dedicated to service and social justice and joined together by spiritual traditions. AA/ EOE strongly committed to diversity. [R] M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 577 http: // w w w. ri p o n. e du Ripon College seeks a tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor ot English, beginning August 2007. Applicants should have I'h.D. by start date. Specialty in Early Modern English Literature. I'rintary teaching duties include first y ear literature/composition, Shakespeare, and survey Beowulf to M i l t o n . Secondary teaching opportunities (depending on interests and abilities ot candidate and needs ot the department ) could include non-vvestern literature, literary criti cism, drantatic literature with an emphasis on production, or medieval literature. Nor ntal load is three courses a semester. !iuccesstul applicants must demonstrate a commitment to teaching excellence at a liberal arts institution, as well as active and ongoing development. Interested candidates should submit a CV and letter ot application addressing qualifications to: Robin W o ods, Chair, Ripon C o llege, P.(). Box 24II, Ripon, WI S-1971. Review ot credentials begins November IS, 2006, and continues until the position is filled. Ripon College is an Equal Opportunity, AHirntative Action Employer. [R] U of Wisconsin-Madison Afro-Amer Studies, 600 N Park St, 4143 Helen C White Madison WI 53706 Assistant Professor of Afro-American Studies 1405 ht tp:// The Department ot A t r o - A m e r ican ! i t u dies has an opening tor a tenuretrack Assistant I'rotessor ot Atr o - A m e r ic an ! i t u d ies with a specialization in Atrican American literature. The subspecialization is open, but we are particularly interested in candidates working w i t h b l ack w o m en's litera ture, 20th tk 21st century l i t erature, and gender issues. I'h.D. in E n g lish, Atrican American ! i t u dietu American !i t u dies or related discipline, o r M.F.A. i n C r e ative W r i t i n g r e q u i red pr io r t o start ot appoi n t m e n t . Responsibilities include teaching i n t r o d u c t ory survey courses and advanced courses related to the area ot specialization. conducting scholarly research, and pertorming university and commun ity service as appropriate. Appointee wil l be expected to w ork w i t h st udents in the " B r i d g e" program which enables students to enter the I'h.D. program in English atter they have completed their M .A . i n A t r o - A m e r i c an ! i t u dies. Submit curriculum v i t ae, letter detailing i n t erests and capabilities, three letters o t recommendation to I' r ot. Craig Werner, Department ot A t r o - A m e r i can!itudietu -11-11 Helen C. W h i t e H a ll , 600 N . I ' ark St, Madison, W I tk1706-1-17-1. To ensure tull consideration, applications must be received by December 9, 2006. The University ot Wisconsin-Madison is an aHirntative action employer and encourages women and mi n o r i t ies to apply. Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, intormation regarding ap- plicants must be released upon request. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality. [R] U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee English, PO Box 413 Curtin Hall, Rm 413 Milwaukee Wl 53201 Assistant or Associate professor 1 722 http: //www .uwnuedu/Dept/Englksh/ The University ot Wksconsin-M i l w a u kee English Department seeks a t enure-track assistant or associate protessor with a specialization in p o etry wr i t i n g w h o i s also able to teach poetry as literature and/o r p o etics. Additional area ot expertise such as fiction w r i t i ng , temi nist theory, screen writing, perfbrntance, ethnic studies or linguistics highly desirable, as is experience/ability in p r o gram admi n i stration. Requirements: I'hD lpreferred) or MFA in creative writing, a significant record ot publishing poetry, an excellent teaching record, and a wil l i n g nexs to work w i t h i n a large MA / I ' h D g r aduate program. Send letter ot application, CV, three l etters ot recommendation and wri t ing sample to I'rotessor Andrew M artin, Chair, Department ot English, University ot Wksconsin-Mi l w aukee, B ox -11:1, Milwaukee, WI 5:1201. Review ot candidates will begin N o vember 20, 2006 and continue until position is filled. UW-M i l waukee is an AA/EEOC employer. U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee English, PO Box 413 Curtin Hall, Rm 413 Milwaukee Wl 53201 Associate or Fu l l Professor undergraduates. The open position is one ot three visiting protessorships in the program. T his non tenured appointm ent is tor the 2007 — 08 academic year, wi t h expectation ot renewal tor two additional years. Salary, teaching responsibilities, and research support competitive w it h u n i v ersity tenure track p ositions. Submit an application letter discussing interests and qualit i cations, a vita, th ree letters ot recom m e n dation, and a short example ot scholarly work to I' r otessor Lawrence Baldassaro, Director, Honors College, University ot Wisconsin Mi lw aukee, I'O Box -11:1, Milwaukee, WI 1:1201-0-11:1. Application materials must be postntarked by January 2(u 2 007. UW M i s an att i r m ative action, equal employment oppor t u n i t y emp I oyer . [ R ] U of Wisconsin-Platteville Humanities, 1 University Plaza Platteville W153818 of Am erican Literature Assistant Professor 1477 ht tp://www. uwplat t.e du Tenure-track position at Assistant I'rotessor level in early American Literature lto 1868). I'h.D. in English or American Studies/American Culture w ith demonstrated experience in m u l t i c u l t u ral studies required. I'h .D . must be completed by May .'ll, 2007. Must have demonstrated commitment to working w i t h d i v erse populations and a desire to teach composition. Teaching load is tour courses per semester, including first-year composition and literature. Deadline tor applications is November 17, 200(x Send letter ot application addressing all requirements, vita, three letters 1 731 http: //www .uwnuedu/Dept/Englksh/ Associate or Full I' r o tessor in R h e t o ric and Co m position ltenured ): We s eek an outstanding scholar/ t eacher in r h etoric and com position w i t h ability and desire to serve as writing program administrator. Area ot spe- cialization is open although candidates with scholarly expertise in rhetorical theory or history, literacy studies, or research methodologies are particularly welcome. Candidates should have knowledge ot and a commitment to online pedagogics. The individual we hire will take turns administering a large and vigorous first-year writing program and teaching the required graduate course in composition pedagogy. Additional opportunities include developing graduate and undergraduate courses in rhetoric and writing, working with M .A . and I'h.D. students, and participating in College and University initiatives, such as the Center tor Twenty-First o t reterence and unot t i cial graduate transcripts to: Kevi n C o n c an n o n , American Literature Search and Screen Com m i t tee Chair, Department ot Humanities lRef. Code: 07. Eng. 10), University ot Wisconsin-I'lat- teville, I Un iversity I'laza, I'latteville, WI 5:1818. The University ot W i sconsin-I'latteville, an equal opportu n i ty, aHirntative action employer, seeks to build a div erse taculty and statt and encourages applications trom persons ot color and w o m en. Th e names ot nominees and applicants who have not requested in w r i t i n g t hat t h ei r identities be kept confidential, and ot all finalists, will be released upon request. [R] U of Wisconsin-Stevens Point English, Stevens Point Wl 54481 C entury ! i t u d i es, the Center tor I n t ernational Education, and the Cu l tures and Communi ties I'rogram. Crea ti ve Writing/Fiction Send letter ot application, CV, three letters ot recommendation and writing sample to I'rotessor Andrew M a r t i n , C h air, Department ot English, University ot Wksconsin-M i l w a ukee, Box -11:1, Milwaukee, WI 5:1201. Review ot applications will begin O c t ober 2, 2006 and continue until Assistant I'rotessor ot English (Creative Writing/ Fiction ) [07 — 8-1FI 8] position filled. UW - M i l w aukee is an AA/EEOC employer; women and minorities encouraged to apply. [R] U of Wisconsin, Milwaukee University Honors Program, PO Box 413 /Garland Hall Milwaukee WI 53201 Visit ingAssistant Professor ofLiterature 1604 h ttp: //www .uwnuedu/Dept/ H R The UW M H o n o rs College invites applicants qualified to teach British, European, or Comparative Literature betore 1000. Applicants should have a I'h.D. trom a strong doctoral program and demonstrated competency 1309 http: //www Tenure-track position, starting A u g ust 2007. Teaching load 12 credit hours per semester, including at least 6 hours ot treshman English. Assignment may in clude beginn i n g / a dvanced creative w r i t i n g and o t h er w rit in g c o u r ses developed to suit c and i d ate's interest, depending o n scheduling needs. I'h.D. and ongoing publication ot creative work pret erred. We are looking tor outstanding teaching, a strong com m i t m e n t to undergraduate education, and awareness ot the impo r tance ot diversity in education. Evidence ot continued scholarly/creative achievement and university service is necessary tor retention, pr o m o t i on , and tenure. Competitive salary dependent on experience. Send letter ot application and curriculum vita to Mi chael Williams, Chair, Department ot English, U niversity ot W ksconsin-Stevens I'oint, Stevens I'oint, W I 8 4 4 81. T h e committee wil l b egin review ing applications on N o v ember 27, 2006. The University ot Wksconsin-Stevens I'oint is commi t ted to diversity in education and strongly encourages applications trom tentale and minority candidates. [R] in textual analysis as well as achieved or potential excellence as an undergraduate teacher. Desirable qualifications include interest in interdisciplinary teaching and research; experience teaching sntall, interactive classes that emphasize writing and critical thin k i ng; and comm i t m ent to working with students outside the classroom. The Honors College provides an interdisciplinary cur r i c u l um , small, writing intensive seminars, and individualized instruction tor outstanding 76 E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 Al'I' L I C A T I ( ) N : U of Wisconsin-Stevens Point English, Stevens Point Wl 54481 Methods of Teaching Composition 1308 http: / Assistant I'rotessor ot English (Teaching Methods [Composition ]/I'rotessional Writing ) [07 — 6-1F Ll] Tenure-track position, starting A u gust 2007. Teaching load 12 credit hours per semester, including at least 6 hours ot treshman English. Assignment vvill include contributions to the teacher-certification program, including the Methods ot Teaching Composition (Elementary tk Secondary) course, and may include Freelance Writing, () u t door W r i t i ng, and other vvriting courses developed to suit candidates interest. I'h.D. and ongoing interest in publication preterred. We are looking tor outstanding teaching, a strong com m i t m en t t o u n d ergraduate education, and avvareness ot the importance ot diversity in education. Evidence ot continued scholarly/creative/protessional achievement and university service is necessary tor retention, prom o ti on, and tenure. Competitive salary dependent on experience. Send letter ot application and curriculum vita to Michael Williams, Chair, Department ot English, Un iversity ot W i sconsin-Stevens I'oint, ! i t evens I'oint, WI S44III. The Co m m i t tee vvill begin to revievv applications on November 27, 2006. The Un iversity ot W b c onsin-Stevens I'oint is committed to diversity in education and strongly encourages applications trom tentale and minority candidates. [R] S u b m i t l e t ter ot i n t erest, curr i c u lu m v i t a , u n o t t i c i al graduate transcriptru one-page statement ot teaching philosophy and protessional goals, and three current letters ot recommendation specifically addressing this position to mnteng ( . In order to be considered timely, a letter ot interest, resume, and teaching philosophy must be received November .'1, 2006. Supporting ntaterials must be received no later than November 17, 2006. I'lease ntail ntaterials that cannot be submitted electronically to: I'rotessor Ken (Irant, Chair UW C o l l eges Department ot English/1006 Connie Road/Baraboo, WI S3913-109II fkgrant ( The University ot W i sconsin Colleges is an Atti r m ative Actio n / E q u al ()pportunity Employer. [R] U of Wisconsin Cs English, 1006 Connie Rd Baraboo Wl 53913 Assistant Professor of English 1599 University ot Wisconsin Colleges!iheboygan Campus The University ot W i sconsin Colleges English Department invites app lications tor an Assistant I'rotessor on its!iheboygan campus. The U W Sheboygan campus is one ot I:1 campuses that comprise the UW Colleges, a treshman-sophomore transter institution vvithin the U W ! i y s t em. U W Colleges offers an excellent liberal arts and pre-protessional education tor students beginning vvork tovvard a bachelors degree. The UW- Sheboygan campus is located in eastern Wisconsin less than an hour north o t th e M i l vvaukee metro area; vvith easy access to Chicago and (Ireen Bay. The campus is nestled on 70 acres ot rolling vvooded hills just east ot 1-43 and close to the dovvntovvn Sheboygan area and Lake Michigan. Abundant cultural activities can be tound in the Sheboygan area and recreational oppor t u n i t ies exist typical ot the ( I r eat Lakes region. For more intorntation on the Sheboygan County area, visit vvvvvv University ot Wisconsin-Marinette UW- Sheboygan is a commuter campus vvith an enroll m ent ot just over The University ot Wisconsin Colleges Department ot English invites app lications tor an Assistant I'rotessor on its University ot Wi sconsin-M ar inette campus. The U W - M a r i n e tte is one ot I:1 campuses that comprise the UW C o l l egeru the UW ! i y stems specialists in treshman/sophomore, liberal arts, transter instruction. Nestled on the vvest shore ot (Ireen Bay, UW - M a r i n ette is located in the city ot M arinette, one ot the state border tvvin cities in the Marinette-M enomi n ee (MI) bay area, vvith a combined population ot 22,000, located an hours drive north ot ( I reen Bay, Wisconsin. Cur r ently the campus serves nearly -160 local and international students in a college environment that provides tor sntall classes and individualized student attention. The region offers easy access both to arts 700, including tul l- and part- t ime students vvith a mix ot t raditional and returning adult students. Recent campus projects included equipping classrooms vvith updated technology and the opening ot a nevv state-otthe-art science tacility in 200-1. A nevv Technology Center/Library vvill U of Wisconsin Cs English, 1006 Connie Rd Baraboo Wl 53913 Assistant Professor of English 1 595 events and outdoor recreational activities. For turther in fb r ntation, please visit the U W C o l l e ges and campus vveb sites at http: //http: //vvvvvv.uvvc .edu/and http: // TITLE: Assistant I'rotessor ot English AI'I'( ) I N T M E N T : T e n u re-track taculty appointment in the Department ot English. Contract begins August 27, 2007. (1UALIFICA T I ( ) N !i : I' h .D. in English required. Record ot successtul teaching in composition is expected; concentration in composition/rhetoric is preterred, although the successtul candidate ntay have a background in either British or American literature. Also desirable is preparation and interest in teaching Womens!itudies or cross-disciplinary offerings. Experience administering or vvorking in a vvriting center is an asset. RESP()N SIB I L I T I E S: N o r ntal teaching load is 12 credit hours per semester, and the successtul candidate can expect to teachh first-year composition courses as vvell as advanced level vvriting courses such as business/ technical com m u n i c ation or i n t e r m e diate composition regularly. As a tenure-track position, this requires scholarly activity in the discipline, institutional and community service, and student advising. SALARY: S42,000. Sunnner session offers additional teaching opportunities tor compensation. An outstanding benefits package is included vvith the appointment. DEADLINE: November .'I, 2006 M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST break ground in spring 200S and open in 2007. For more intormation about the campus, please visit TITLE: Assistant I'rotessor ot English AI'I'( ) I N T M E N T : T e n u re-track taculty appointment in the Department ot English. Contract begins August 27, 2007. (1UALIFICAT I ( ) N !i: I'h.D. or terminal degree in English required. Record ot successtul teaching in composition is requiredd. Also desirable are interest and/or experience in teaching in interdisciplinary teams, and/or learning commu n i ties, and Engaging ! i t u dents in the First Year ftreshman seminar ). Demonstrated interest in creative vvriting and A m e r i can literature fvvhich might include a specialty like the literature ot nature or ot sports) is a plus. RESP()N SIB I L I T I E S: N o r ntal teaching load is 12 credit hours per sem ester. As a tenure-track position, this requires scholarly activity i n t h e discipline, institutional and community service, and student advising. Advising students about academic programming, assisting in recruiting students, participation in campus, institutional and commu n ity service, and the shared governance structure is expected. SALARY: $-12,000. Sunnner and Winter sessions offer additional teaching opportu n i t ies tor compensation. An o utstanding benefits package is included vvith the appointment. DEADLINE: November .'I, 2006 Al'I' L I C A T I ( ) N : S u b m i t l e t ter ot i n t erest, curr i c u lu m v i t a , u n o t t i c i al graduate transcriptru one-page statement ot teaching philosophy and protessional goals, and three current letters ot recommendation specifically addressing this position to shbeng ( . Materials that cannot be s ubmitted electronically can be mailed to: I' r o tessor Ken ( I r ant, C h ai r UW C o l leges Department ot English/1006 Connie Road/Baraboo, WI S391:1-109II. 77 The University ot W i sconsin Colleges is an Atti r m ative Actio n / E q u al ()pportunity Employer. [R] The Uni versity ot W i sconsin Co l leges Department ot English inv i t es applications tor an Assistant I'rotessor on its U n i v ersity ot W i s c onsinM arshfield/ W o o d C o u nt y campus. As a transter institution ot the U n i - versity ot Wisconsin ! i y stem the UW C o lleges consists ot I:1 campuses U of Wisconsin Cs English, 1006 Connie Rd Baraboo Wl 53913 Assistant Professor of English 1594 University ot Wisconsin — Manitovvoc The University ot W i sconsin Colleges Department ot English inv i t es applications tor an Assistant I'rotessor on its U n i v ersity ot W i s c onsinManitovvoc campus. UW - M a n i t ovvoc, vvhich is one ot the I:1 freshntansophomore transter institutions ot the University ot Wisconsin, is located on -10 beautitul acres along the shore ot Lake Mi c h igan on the southeast side ot Man i tovvoc. W it h th e com pletion ot ntajor renovations and the addition ot a pertorm ing arts buildi ng, U W - M a n i t ovvoc novv has three, connected, multi - t u n c ti onal buil di ngs, housing classrooms, science and computer laboratoriern a student commons and cateteria, a gymnasium, a .'350-seat theatre, and a library. Th e campus serves over 600 students trom the surroun d in g co u n t ies in a college enviro n m ent that prov i d es tor sntall classes and individualized student attention. M a n i tovvoc, along vvith the adjacent community ot Tvvo Rivers, creates a population center ot approxintately 50,000 people. It is a rural area but vvithin easy driving distances ot the urban centers ot (Ireen Bay and Milvvaukee. Additional intorntation about U W - M a n i t ovvoc can be tound at http: //vvvvvv The UW C o l l e ges and department vveb sites are located at http: //vvvvvv TITLE: Assistant I'rotessor ot English AI'I'( ) I N T M E N T : T e n u re-track taculty appointment in the Department ot English. Contract begins August 2II, 2007. ()UALI FIC A T I ( ) N !i: I'h.D. or other terminal degree in English required, vvith a concentration in A m e r ican literature preterred and demonstrated interest in ethnic literature an advantage. A record ot successtul teaching in composition is also highly desirable. located throughout the Wisconsin vvhich offer treshntan and sophomore instructions in the l i b eral arts and pre-protessional areas such as Business. The Marshfield campus is located in a community vvhich is home to the -lth largest private medical clinic in the count ry, a tacility vvhich also houses an extensive research toundation provi d ing research opportunities tor students and taculty. The campus serves approximately 600 students and provides the surrounding commu n ity vvith continuing education, cultural and arts progrannming. For more intor ntation about the English Department at the UW - C o l leges and the UW- M a rshfield/Wo od County campus please visit: http: // and http: // TITLE: Assistant I'rotessor ot English AI'I'( ) I N T M E N T : T e n u re-track taculty appointment in the Department ot English. Contract begins August 27, 2007. ()UAL I F I C A T I ( ) N !i : I' h .D. in English required. Record ot successtul teaching in composition is required. Also desirable are interest and/or experience in using instructional technology and distance education, teaching in interdisciplinary teams, and/or learning communi ties. RE!il'( ) N ! i I B I L I T I E ! 2 N o r n tal teaching load is 12 credit hours per sem ester. As a tenure-track position, this requires scholarly activity i n t h e discipline, institutional and community service, and student advising. Advise students about academic programm ing and assist in recruiting students. I'articipate in campus, instituti onal and com m u n it y service, and t he shared governance structu re. D e m o n strated interest in one or m o r e ot the fbllovving is a plus: Rhetoric and Composition, Media !itudies, and college nevvspapers. !iALARY: 5-12,000.!iunnner session offers additional teaching opportunities tor compensation. An outstanding benefits package is included vvith the appointment. DEADLINE: November .'I, 2006 Al'I' L I C A T I ( ) N : ! i u b m i t l e t ter ot i n t erest, curr i c u lu m v i t a , u n o t t i c i al RE!il'( ) N ! i I B I L I T I E !2 The norntal teaching load iss 12 credit hours per semester, usually three sections ot composition and one ot literature. For graduate transcriptrn one-page statement ot teaching philosophy and protessional goals, and three current letters ot recommendation specifically addressing this position to msfeng ( . In order to be considered a tenure-track position, there is an expectation ot scholarly activity in the discipline, participation in shared governance and campus initiatives, and s ervice to the institution and the comm u n i t y . timely, a letter ot interest, resume, and teaching philosophy must be received November .'1, 200(x !iupporting ntaterials must be received no later than November 17, 200(x I'lease mail materials that cannot be submit- !iALARY: 5-12,000.!iunnner session offers additional teaching opportunities tor compensation. An outstanding benefits package is included vvith the appointment. ted electronically to: I'rotessor Ken (Irant, Chair U W DEADLINE: November .'I, 2006 The University ot W i sconsin Colleges is an Atti r m ative Actio n / E q u al A l'I' L I C A T I ( ) N : ! i u b m i t l e t ter ot i n t erest, curr i c u lu m v i t a , u n o t t i c i al graduate transcriptrn one-page statement ot teaching philosophy and protessional goals, and three current letters ot recommendation specifically addressing this position to ntaneng ( . In order to be considered timely, a letter ot interest, resume, and teaching philosophy must be received November .'1, 200(x !iupporting ntaterials must be received no later than November 17, 200(x I'lease ntail ntaterials that cannot be submitted electronically to: I'rotessor Ken (Irant, Chair U W C o l l e ges Department C o l l e ges Depart- ment ot English/1006 Connie Road/Baraboo, WI 5:391:I-109II (kenneth. grant ( ()pportunity Employer. [R] U of Wisconsin Cs English, 1006 Connie Rd Baraboo Wl 53913 Assistant Professor or English 1593 ot English/1006 Connie Road/Baraboo, WI 5:391:I-109II fkgrant (a1uvvc University ot Wisconsin — Fond du Lac .edu). The University ot Wisconsin Colleges Department ot English invites applications tor an Assistant I'rotessor on its University ot W i sconsin-Fond du Lac campus. The UW- Fond du Lac campus is one ot I:1 campuses that comprise the UW C o l l e ges, a treshntan-sophomore transter instituti on vvithin the U W ! i y stem. UW C o l l eges offers an excellent liberal arts and pre-protessional education tor students beginning vvork tovvard a bachelors degree. The University ot W i sconsin Colleges is an Atti r m ative Actio n / E q u al ()pportunity Employer. [R] U of Wisconsin Cs English, 1006 Connie Rd Baraboo Wl 53913 Assistant Professor of English University ot Wisconsin-Marshfield/Wood County 78 1 596 The U W - F o n d du Lac campus is located in eastern Wisconsin about an hour north ot the M i lvvaukee metro area; vvith convenient access to Chicago and (Ireen Bay. The campus is located on III:I acres ot prime natural and ntaintained land on the outskirts ot the city ot Fond du Lac, a population ot about -15,000 people ffbr details see http: //vvvvvv.fdl.corn ). UWFond du Lac is prim ar ily a co m m u ter campus vvith about 700 students E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 r ecruiting students trom a radius ot about 80 m i l es trom sur r o u n d i n g areas. Abundant recreational opportunities exist typical ot the (treat Lakes region. For turther intorntation about the campus, please visit the campus vveb site at http: // TITLE: Assistant I'rotessor ot English AI'I'( ) I N T M E N T : T e n u re-track taculty appointment in the Department ot English. Contract begins August 27, 2007. ()UA L I F I ( : A T I ( ) N S : I'h.D. in English or American literature required. Record ot successtul teaching in composition is required. Also desirable are interest and/or experience teaching in interdisciplinary teams and/or learning comnnt ni ties. RESI'()N S I B I L I T I E S: N o r ntal teaching load is 12 credit hours per sem ester. As a tenure-track position, this requires scholarly activity in t h e discipline, instituti onal andd com m u n it y service, and student advising. Demonstrated interest in one or m ore ot the tbllovving is a plus: World literature, British literature, interdisciplinary courses, treshntan seminar, service learning and on-line teaching. Advising students about academic programmi ng, assisting in recruiting students, participation in campus, institutional and community service, and the shared governance structure is expected. SALARY: $-12,000. Summer and Winter sessions otFers additional teaching opportu n i t ies tor compensation. An o utstanding benefits package is included vvith the appointment. DEADLINE: November .'3, 2006 A I'I' L I ( : A T I ( ) N : l iterature or post-World War II B r i t ish literatures and cultures. A I'h .D . and evidence ot ability in research and teaching are required. Successtul candidates vvill be expected to teach in the undergraduate and graduate programs, supervise graduate students, and develop a program ot research leading to significant peer-revievved publications, and to contribute etFectively to academic lite in the department. Candidates vvho vvksh to learn more about our long-established M.A . program and our nevv I'h.D. in the I'roduction ot Li t erature are invited to check the department's Web site. There are also ntany opportunities tor interdisciplinary research and teaching at Carleton. Among these, the Institute tor Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Culture otFers a I'h.D. in C u l t u ral M ediations, and the School ot Canadian Studies otFers a joint I'h.D. vvith Trent University. Carleton's location in the nation's capital means that taculty members have access not only to our ovvn excellent library, but also to the libraries ot the University ot ( ) t tavva and the National Library and Archives ot Canada. Applications vvill be revievved beginning December 11, 200(x Completed applications should include a letter ot application, a curriculum vitae, academic transcripts, three letters trom reterees, teaching evaluations, and samples ot vvriting or published vvork. I'lease arrange to have these ntaterials tbrvvarded to: Larry McDonald, Acting Chair, Department ot English, C arleton Universityyy, 1128 Colonel By D r i ve, () t tavva, ()ntario, K I S SB(x All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. Canadian citizens and perntanent residents vvill be considered first tor this position. Carleton University is committed to equality ot employment tor vvomen, Aboriginal peoples, visible minorities, and persons vvith disabilities. I'ersons trom these groups are encouraged to apply. S u b m i t l e t ter ot i n t erest, curr i c u lu m v i t a , u n o t t i c i al graduate transcripts, one-page statement ot teaching philosophy and protessional goals, and three current letters ot recommendation addressing this position to tdleng ( Materials that cannot be submi t t e d electronically can be ntailed to: I'rotessor Ken (Irant, Chair U W C o l l eges Simon Fraser U English, 8888 University Dr Burnaby BC VSA IS6 Canada Department ot English,1006 Connie Road, Baraboo, WI 58918 Assistant Professor ofAsian North American Literature and Theory An AA/E() Employer. http: //vvvvvv.stir ca/englksh [R] 49 The Department ot English at Simon Fraser University otFers a comprehensive program ot undergraduate and graduate studies. The Department has .'I:3 tull-time taculty members, over 800 undergraduate ntajors, and 60 U of Wyoming English, PO Box 3353 1000 E University Av Laramie WY 82071 Associate or Full Professor of English, Rhetoric and Composition 580 http: // T enure-line Associate or Full I ' r o tessor vvith specialization in R h e t o r i c and Composition. I'h.D. in English or related field. I'rintary responsibilities include direction ot first-year composition program and contribution to M.A . t r ack in r h etoric and composition. Significant publication and teaching experience required; preterence vvill be given to candidates vvith experience in graduate teaching, program administration, and TA t r aining. Teaching load 2/1. Salary $72,000 plus start-up. I'lease send letter ot application, c.v., vvriting sample, .'3 letters ot reterence, and evidence ot successtul teaching to Lora Steele-Hicks, University ot W y o m i ng, D ept. ot English ¹:I:35:I, 1000 E. University Ave, Laramie, WY 82071. Applicat ion vvill acknovvledged by letter. Revievv ot applicants vvill begin N o vember 1st, 200(x Intervievvs at MLA . T h e U n i v ersity ot Wy o m ing is an AHirntative Action/Equal ()pportunity employer. [R] fied candidates are encouraged to apply; hovvever, Canadian citizens and permanent residents vvill be given pri o r i ty . Simon Fraser Un i v ersity is committed to employm ent equity and encourages applications trom all qualified vvomen and men, including visible minorities, aboriginal people, and persons vvith disabilities. These positions are subject to budgetary approval. Under the authority ot the University Act personal intorntation that is required by the University tor academic appointment competitions vvill be collected. For turther details see: http: //vvvvvv.sttuca/vpacademic/ Faculty ( ) p enings/(:ollection N o t i ce. html [R] Assistant Professoroft 8thcentury British Literature (1660 — 1800 ) 1492 http: // The Department ot Eng lish at Carleton U n i v ersity i n v i tes applications t or a tenur e - t r ack p o sit io n at th e r an k o t A s sistant I' r o t essor, to b e g i n July I, 2007. We are seeking candidates vvith expertise in either Canadian M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST VSA IS(x Applications must be received by ()ctober .'31, 200(x All quali- Simon Fraser U English, 8888 University Dr Burnaby BC VSA IS6 Canada Car[eton U English, 1125 Colonel By Dr Ottawa ON KIS 5B6 Canada Assistant Professor graduate students in its MA and I'hD programs. We have a strong research record and a high reputation tor our teaching. Tenure-track taculty have a 2/2 teaching load. We invite applications tor one (I) tenure-track appointment at the rank ot Assistant I'rotessor, etFective September I, 2007, in the field ot Asian No rt h A m e r i can literature and theory. Candidates tor this position must hold a I'hD or be near completion. I'reterence vvill be given to candidates vvith demonstrated strengths in teaching and research. Applicants should submit a detailed letter ot application, a curriculum vi tae, transcripts ot academic record, and a sample ot their scholarly vvriting, and ask three reterees to send letters to: Dr. Tom ( I r i eve, Chair, Department ot Englksh, Si non Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC http: //vvvvvv.stir ca/englksh The Department ot English at Simon Fraser University otFers a comprehensive program ot undergraduate and graduate studies. The Department has .'I:3 tull-time taculty members, over 800 undergraduate ntajors, and 60 graduate students in its MA and I'hD programs. We have a strong research record and a high reputation tor our teaching. Tenure-track taculty have a 79 2/2 teaching load. We invite applications tor one lf) tenure-track appointment at the rank ot Assistant 1'rotessor, effective September 1, 2007, in the field ot filth-c British literature l1660 — 11100). Candidates vvith a research tocus in the first halt ot this period, and/or in the dranta ot the period, are especially encouraged to apply. The ideal candidate vvill also demonstrate research and teaching strengths in a complementary area, such as printculture studies, critical theory, or globalization studies. Candidates tor this position must hold a 1'hD or be near completion. 1'reterence vvill be given to candidates vvith demonstrated strengths in teaching and research. Applicants should submit a detailed letter ot application, a curriculum vitae, transcripts ot academic record, and a sample ot their scholarly vvriting, and ask three reterees to send letters to: Dr. Tom G r i eve, Chair, Department ot English, Si non Fraser University, flflflfl University Drive, Burnaby, BC VSA 1S6. Applications must be received by ()ctober .'3l, 2006. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; hovvever, Canadian citizens and permanent residents vvill be given pri o r i ty . Si non Fraser Uni v ersity is committed to employm ent equity and encourages applications trom all qualified vvomen and men, including visible minorities, aboriginal people, and persons vvith disabilities. These positions are subject to budgetary approval. Under the authority ot the University Act personal intorntation that is required by the University tor academic appointment competitions vvill be collected. For turther details see: http: //vvvvvv.sftuca/vpacademic/ Faculty ( ) penings/(:ollection N o t i ce. html [R] U of Alberta English ff( Film Studies, 3 — 5 Humanities Centre Edmonton AB T6G ZES Canada Assistant Professor, Film Studies 1121 http: // T he Department ot English and Film Studies at the Un i v ersity ot A l berta invites applications tor a tenure track appoint m ent at the rank ot Assistant 1'rotessor in the area ot Film St u dietu vvith a specialization i n historical aspects ot film and fil m - m a k i ng. Speciftc tocuses tor research and teaching might include early cinennu Hollyvvood studio-era or poststudio-era til m m a k i ng, any major non- H o l l yvvood tilm i n d ustry, discourses ot film advertising and ntarketing, film reception, or the relation ot technical developments or industrial practices to on-screen texts. Applicants should have a 1'hD, or be close to finishing it at the time ot appointment, as vvell as relevant teaching experience and publications. They should be prepared to teach broadly-based introductory courses in film history, as vvell as more specialized senior courses, and to supervise student vvork at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The appointment vvill commence 1 July 2007. Candidates should send the Chair a letter ot application, a complete curriculum vitae lvvith tull contact infbrntation, including phone numbers and e-mail address), a vvriting sample l20-page ntaxi num ), the names ot three reterees, and, it available, a teaching dossier and evaluations ot teaching perfbrntance. Candidates are responsible tor ensuring that oHicial copies ot undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and letters ot reterence trom th e t h ree named reterees, are sent directly to the Department. The closing date tor applications is .'3l ()ctober 2006. All application ntaterials should be sent directly to: Garrett 1'J Epp, Chair, Department ot English and Film Studies, Huntanities Centre .'3 — 5, University ot Alberta, Edmonton AB Canada T6G 2ES. Established in 19011, and located in the city ot Ed m o nton, the Un i v ersity ot A l b erta lvvvvvv serves over .'35,000 students in more than 200 undergraduate programs and 170 graduate programs; the Faculty ot Arts fvvvvvv.arts. is the oldest and most diverse taculty on campus. The Department ot English and Film Studies ) is a large, vibrant, and collegial unit vvith a superlative record tor teaching, r esearch, and service. For tu r t her i n t o r n tation about the position, or t h e Department, please contact the Chair by entail at garrett.epp (cbualberta. ca. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; hovvever, Canadians and perntanent residents vvill be given priority. The Un iversity ot Alberta hires on the basis ot merit. We are committed to the principle ot equity in employment. We vvelcome diversity and encourage applications trom all qualified vvomen and men, including persons vvith disabilities, members ot visible minorities, and Aboriginal persons. [R] 80 U of Alberta English ff( Film Studies, 3 — 5 Humanities Centre Edmonton AB T6G ZES Canada Assistant/Associate Professor ofAborigi nalLiteratures 1116 http: // The Department ot English and Film Studies at the University ot Alberta invites applications tor a tenure track appointment at the rank ot Assistant 1'rotessor in the area ot Abo r i g i nal L i t eratures. Exceptional candidates ntay be considered tor appointment at the Associate 1'rotessor level. Applicants should ideally have a 1'hD, or be close to finishing it at the time ot appointment, as vvell as relevant teaching experience and publications. They should be prepared to teach broadly-based introductory courses in English literature as vvell as more specialized senior courses, and to supervise student vvork at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The appointment vvill commence 1 July 2007. Candidates should send the Chair a letter ot application, complete curriculum vitae lvvith tull contact intorntation, including phone numbers and e-ntail address), a vvriting sample l20-page ntaxi num ), and the names ot three reterees. Candidates are responsible tor ensuring that oHicial copies ot undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and letters ot reterence trom the three named reterees, are sent directly to the Department. The closing date tor applications is 11 ()ctober 2006. All application ntaterials should be sent to: Garrett 1' J Epp, Chair, Department ot English and Film Studies, Huntanities Centre .'3 —5, University ot Alberta, Edmonton AB Canada T6G 2ES. Established in 19011, and located in the city ot Edmonton, the University ot Alberta ) serves over .'35,000 students in more than 200 undergraduate programs and 170 graduate programs; the Faculty ot Arts is the oldest and most diverse taculty on campus. The Department ot English and Film Studies ) is a large, vibrant, and collegial unit vvith a superlative record tor teaching, research, and service. Both Faculty and department enjoy a collaborative relationship vvith the School ot Native Studies. For turther intorntation about the position, or the Department, please contact the Chair by email at garrett.epp ( All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; hovvever, Canadians and permanent residents vvill be given prior i ty. Th e U n i v ersity ot A l b erta hires on the basis ot merit. We are comm i t ted to the principle ot equity in em ployment. W e vvelcome diversity and encourage applications trom all qualified vvomen and men, including persons vvith disabilities, members ot visible minori- ties, and Aboriginal persons. [R] U of Alberta English ff( Film Studies, 3 — 5 Humanities Centre Edmonton AB T6G ZES Canada Assistant Professor, Creative Writing: Poetry 1125 http: / The Department ot English and Film Studies at the University ot Alberta invites applications tor a tenure track appointment at the rank ot Assistant 1'rotessor in Creative Writing: 1'oetry. We vvould especially vvelcome applicants vvith secondary interests and expertise in other torms ot Creative Writing lincluding fiction, non-fiction, playvvriting, and/or screemvriting), and/or English language studies, nevv media, First Nations literatures, or literary and cul t u ral th eory and practice vvithin or across any national and period boundaries. 1'reterence vvill be given to applicants holding a 1'hD, although consideration ntay be given to applicants vvith a relevant Masters degree and ample teaching experience and publications. The successtul candidate vvill be expected to teach at all levels ot the curriculum, trom fi rst-year to graduate level courses. The appointment vvill commence 1 July 2007. Candidates should send the Chair a letter ot application, a complete curriculum vitae lvvith tull contact infbrntation, including phone numbers and e-ntail address), a vvriting sample l20-page ntaxi num ), the names ot three reterees, and, it available, a teaching dossier and evaluations ot teaching perfbrntance. Candidates are responsible tor ensuring that oHicial copies ot undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and letters ot reterence trom the three named reterees, are sent directly to E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 the Department. The closing date tor applications is IS November 2006. All application ntaterials should be sent directly to: (Iarrett I' J Epp, Chair, Department ot English and Film Studies, Huntanities Centre .'3 — 5, University ot Alberta, Edmonton AB Canada T6(1 2ES. Established in 190II, and located in the city ot Ed m o nton, the Un i v ersity ot A l b erta (vvvvvv serves over .'35,000 students in more than 200 undergraduate programs and 170 graduate programs; the Faculty ot Arts (vvvvvv.arts. is the oldest and most diverse taculty on campus. The Department ot English and Film Studies ( ) is a large, vibrant, and collegial unit vvith a superlative record tor teaching, r esearch, and service. For tu r t her i n t o r n tation about the position, or t h e Department, please contact the Chair by entail at garrett.epp (ajualberta. ca. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; hovvever, Canadians and perntanent residents vvill be given priority. The Un iversity ot Alberta hires on the basis ot merit. We are committed to the principle ot equity in employment. We vvelcome diversity and encourage applications trom all qualified vvomen and men, including persons vvith disabilities, members ot visible minorities, and Aboriginal persons. [R] U of Alberta English fk Film Studies, 3 — 5 Humanities Centre Edmonton AB T6G 2ES Canada Assistant Professor, Victorian Studies and Culture 1123 http: // The Department ot English and Film Studies at the University ot Alberta invites applications tor a tenure track appointment at the rank ot Assistant I'rotessor in the area ot Victorian Literature and Cult u re. We vvould especially vvelcome candidates vvith research emphases or associated interests in teminism and vvomens vvriting, textual studies, popular cult u re, childrens literature, colonialism, transnationalism, ethnicity, and/or critical race theory. Applicants should have a I'hD, or be close to finishing it at the time ot appointm ent, as vvell as relevant teaching experience and publications. They should be prepared to teach broadly-based introductory courses as vvell as more specialized senior courses, and to supervise student vvork at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The appointment vvill commence I July 2007. Candidates should send the Chair a letter ot application, a complete curriculum vitae (vvith tull contact infbrntation, including phone numbers and e-mail address), a vvriting sample (20-page ntaxi num ), the names ot three reterees, and, it available, a teaching dossier and evaluations ot teaching perfbrntance. Candidates are responsible tor ensuring that oHicial copies ot undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and letters ot reterence trom the three named reterees, are sent directly to the Department. The closing date tor applications is IS November 2006. All application ntaterials should be sent directly to: (Iarrett I' J Epp, Chair, Department ot English and Film Studies, Huntanities Centre .'3 — 5, University ot Alberta, Edmonton AB Canada T6(1 2ES. Established in 190II, and located in the city ot Ed m o nton, the Un i v ersity ot A l b erta (vvvvvv serves over .'35,000 students in more than 200 undergraduate programs and 170 graduate programs; the Faculty ot Arts (vvvvvv.arts. is the oldest and most diverse taculty on campus. The Department ot English and Film Studies ( ) is a large, vibrant, and collegial unit vvith a superlative record tor teaching, r esearch, and service. For tu r t her i n t o r n tation about the position, or t h e Department, please contact the Chair by entail at garrett.epp (ajualberta. ca. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; hovvever, Canadians and perntanent residents vvill be given priority. The Un iversity ot Alberta hires on the basis ot merit. We are committed to the principle ot equity in employment. We vvelcome diversity and encourage applications trom all qualified vvomen and men, including persons vvith disabilities, members ot visible minorities, and Aboriginal persons. [R] M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST U of British Columbia English, 1873 E Mall Vancouver BC V6T IZI Canada Assistant Professor in English Language Studies 1216 http: // The Department ot English at the University ot British Columbia is ottering a position tor an Assistant I'rotessor in English Language Studies v vith expertise in one or more ot the fbllovving areas: Structure ot M o d ern English, History ot English, Dialectical Variation, Linguh tic Stylhtics, Dhcourse Studies, and Cognitive Linguistics. Applicants must have a I'hD, publications and strong evidence ot active and excellent research, and some experience teaching at the post-secondary level. I'ositions are subject to tundi ng. Applicants should submit a letter ot ap- plication, an example ot their published research and a current CV cont aining t ul l c o n t act i n t o r m a t i on . A p p l i c ants should arrange tor t h r e e confidential letters ot reterence to be fbrvvarded to Dr. ( l e r not W i e land, Head, Department ot English, University ot British Columbia, .'397-III7:3 East Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T I Z I , C anada. Complete applications and reterence letters must be received by 27 ()ctober 2006. I'osition start date: I July 2007. The UBC E n g lish Department includes 5:3 tenure-stream taculty, plus tull-time sessionals and teaching assistants. It has a large and active (Iraduate I'rogram, an Honours program, a large Major I' rogram in Li t erature, a Major i n L a n g u age, and a First Year I' r o g r am . Faculty and students are encouraged in their vvide disciplinary and interdisciplinary interests. I'lease consult the Department WEB site tor details on our programs, taculty, and activities: The Uni versity ot B r i t ish C o l u m bia hires on the basis ot merit and is committed to employment equity. We encourage all qualified persons to apply; hovvever, Canadians and perntanent residents ot Canada vvill be given priority. Applicants may elect to identity citizenship and immigration status. [R] U of Manitoba English, 626 Fletcher Argue Winnipeg MB R3T SVS Canada Assistant Professor of English 1472 http: // Applications are invited tor a tull-time tenure-track appointment in Co ntemporary Am erican Literature (19-IS onvvard). Responsibilities vvill include maintaining a productive research program, graduate supervision, undergraduate and graduate teaching in the core components ot the departmental program, and service-related activities. The appointment vvill begin on July I, 2007, or soon thereatter. The successtul candidate must have a I'hD by th e t im e ot appoin t m ent and have demonstrated excellence in both teaching and research. The starting salary vvill reflect the qualifications and experience ot the chosen candidate, but this is an entrylevel position. Applications are encouraged trom qualified vvomen and men, including members ot visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, and persons vvith disabilities. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; hovvever, Canadians and perntanent residents vvill be given priority. Send letter ot application, cu r r i c u lu m v i t ae, teaching dossier, and sample ot scholarly vvriting, and have original transcripts ot all graduate vvork and 0 confidential letters ot reterence fbrvvarded so they arrive no later than December I, 2006. Send all ntaterials to: I'rotessor Judith ()vventu Chair, English (American ) Search Com m i t t ee, Department ot E n g l i sh, 626 Fletcher Argue Building, Un iversity ot Manitoba, Win n ipeg, MB R :3T SVS Canada. [R] 81 Canadians and perntanent residents vvill be given priori ty. Th e U n i v e rsity ot Waterloo encourages applications trom all qualified individuals, including vvomen, members ot visible minorities, Native peoples and persons vvith disabilities. This appointment is subject to the availability ot U of Toronto, Scarborough Humanities, 1265 Military Trail Toronto ON M1C 1A4 Canada Assistant Professor, Early Modern Literature in English 1369 tunds. [R] ht tp:// mdiv/i ndex. html Applications are invited tor a tenure-stream position at the rank ot Assistant I'rotessor in English Literature, Department ot H u n t a ni t ietu University ot Toronto Scarborough (UT!iC), to begin July I, 2007. Candidates must have a I'hD in hand, vvith a specialization in Early Modern Literature in English. In addition to undergraduate teaching, duties include graduate teaching and supervision; applicants must demonstrate excellence in both research and teaching. Salary vvill be commensurate vvith qualifications and experience. Send a letter ot application, cur r i c u lu m v i t ae, one vvriting sample, and teaching ntaterials to I'rotessor Wil l iam R . B o vven at the address belovv. Arrange tor th ree letters ot reterence and graduate transcripts to be sent directly to this address. The deadline tor applications is November 27, 2006. I 'rotessor Wi l l ia m R . B o vven, Chair, Department ot H u m a n i t i es, Uni - v ersity ot Toronto Scarborough, 126S Military Trail, Toronto, ON M I C I A-l, Ca na da UT!iC is a research-intensive institution vvith an interdisciplinary commitment and a multicultural student body speaking a vvide range ot languages. The Un i v ersity ot To r o n to, a tri - campus university, is strongly committed to d i v ersity vvithin its com m u n it y and especially vvelcomes applications trom visible minority group members, vvomen, Aboriginal persons, persons vvith disabilities, members ot sexual mi n o r it y g r o ups, and others vvho ntay contribute to the turther diversification ot ideas. All qualitied candidates are encouraged to apply; hovvever Canadians and perntanent residents ot Canada vvill be given priority. U of Windsor Dr. Karl Jirgens, English Lang, Lit, S( Creative Writing, 401 Sunset Av Windsor ON N9B 3P4 Canada Assistant Professor of Shakespeareand Renaissance Studies The Un i v ersity ot W i n d sor inv i tes applications tor a tenure-track position in the Department ot English, in the area ot!ihakespeare and Renaissance!itudies, at the rank ot Assistant I'rotessor or Lecturer, commencing July I, 2007. For a detailed position description visit our vvebsite at: vvvvvv . Contact: Dr. K arl E . Jirgens, Head, Department ot English Language, Literature tk Creative Writi ng, -101!iunset Avenue, University ot W i n d sor, W i n dsor, ON N 9 B 3 P4, I'hone: (S19) 2S3-3000, Ext. 22119; Fax: (S19) 971-3676, E-ntaih jirgens( F or intormation about the U n i v ersity ot W i n d sor or the Cit y ot W i n d sor, contact Dr. Janice Drakich, D i r e ctor, Faculty R e c r u i t m ent at 117766S-66011 (Toll tree) vvithin North America, call collect outside ot North America at (S19) S61-1432 or E-ntail: recruit ( • s American U in Bulgaria 0%ce of the Dean, 2700 Blagoevgrad Bulgaria Full-time Faculty Position in Literature and Writing U of Waterloo English, HH 253 Waterloo ON NZL 3G1 Canada Assistant Professor 1 510 h t t p: // vv vv vv a . ub g. bg 130 ht tp:// opp/tacpositions.html Applications are invited tor a tenure-track position in Li terary ! i t u dies at the Assistant I'rotessor level. We are looking tor a colleague vvith expertise in British Literature ot the Restoration and Eighteenth Century. The successtul candidate vvill be offered a vvide range ot teaching experiences trom first year undergraduate courses through to graduate teaching and supervision ot doctoral students. In addition to undergraduate programs i n Literature and in R h e t oric and I'rotessional Wri t i n g (RPW), our department offers innovative MA programs in Literary !i t udies and in Rhetoric and Com m u n ication Design (RCD) as vvell as a unique I'hD that integrates literary studies vvith fields ot rhetoric, vvriting, discourse and text analysis, and media theory and design. As the Department promotes an integrated research culture, secondary expertise in rhetoric and language study is also vvelcome. The teaching load is 2 + 2, vvhich norntally includes one graduate course. I'lease visit our vvebsite at http: //english. tor more infbrntation. Appointment effective July I, 2007. The successtul candidate vvill have the opportun ity to participate in the grovvth ot the H u m a n i t ies in the U n i v ersity ot W aterloos Arts Faculty. The University ot Waterloo is a research-intensive public institution, vvith t he largest and most successtul cooperative education program in N o r t h America. In this years Macleans ntagazine national ranki ngtu Waterloo vvas named the top comprehensive university in the country and, tor the 12th year in a rovv, ranked best overall in the national reputational survey. The university is located in a mid-sized city in the heart ot Canadas Technology Triangle, one hour trom Toronto, fitty mi n utes trom I'carson International Air p o rt. C onsideration ot applications vvill begin on D ecember 11, 2006. I'lease send a letter, curriculum v i t ae, and supporting documents (graduate transcripts, vvriting sample ), and arrange tor three letters ot reterence to be sent to: Dr. Kevin M c ( i u i r k , C h air, Department ot English Language and Literature, U n i v ersity ot W at erloo, Waterloo ON N2L 3(11. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; hovvever, 82 1092 http: // The American University in Bulgaria seeks a generalist vvith emphasis on Early Modern British literature (1600 — 11100) and substantial experience in vvriting instruction to teach both first-year composition sequence and literature courses tor the general education program. D em onstrated interest in developing literature courses on topics ot interest to students trom Balk an or post-com m u n ist countries vvould be a plus. I'h.D. required. T h e position is tor.'1 years and vvill commence in August 2007. I'lease send CV, cover letter, vvriting sample, evidence ot teaching ettectiveness, and three reterence letters, vvith e-ntail addresses and phone numbers to: facultydean ( or by mail to: EN( i Faculty Search, American University in Bulgaria, 2700 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. Revievv ot applications vvill begin im m ediately, and vvill continue until positions are filled. The American U n i v ersity in B u l g aria is comm i t ted to a policy ot n o n discrimination and equal opportunity. American U in Bulgaria 0%ce of the Dean, 2700 Blagoevgrad Bulgaria Visiting Faculty Position in Literature and Writing h t t p: // vv vv vv a . ub g. bg The Am erican U n i v ersity in B u l g aria seeks taculty candidates to teach composition sequence and literature courses tor the general education progranu The position vvill commence in January 2007. I'lease send CV, cover letter, vvriting sample, evidence ot teaching ettectiveness, and three reterence letters vvith e-ntail addresses and phone numbers to: facultydean ( or by mail to: EN( i Faculty Search, American University in Bulgaria, 2700 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. Revievv ot applications vvill begin im m ediately, and vvill continue until positions are filled. E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 T he American U n i v ersity in B u l g aria is comm i t ted to a policy ot no ndiscrimination and equal opportunity. Nanyang Technological U Humanities and Social Science, S3.2 B4 01 Nanyang Avenue Singapore 639798 American U in Cairo Provost, 420 Fifth Avenue, Fl. 3ML New York NY 10018 World/Comparative Li terature Assistant/Associate Professor Of AmericanLiterature 1656 http: // w w w. a uc e gyp t. e d u Department ot English and (:omparative Literature An interdisciplinary perspective and the ability t o t each across two or more periods ot the canonical An g l o phone literature curri cu lu m is required. Successful candidate wil l also teach huntanities courses in the University's treshman and sophomore level (:ore (:ur r i cul um. I' h .D. is required. I'osition ¹ E ( : L -:1. Founded in 1919, AU(:s campus is currently located in (:airo, Egypt, but will be mov ing to a new, state-ot-the-art campus in New ( : a iro beginning Fall Semester, 2008 (see the New (:ampus vvebsite at www.aucegypt .edu/ncd/N ew'/i~20(:ampus.html ). AU(: is accredited by the (:ommission on Higher Education ot the M i d dle States Association ot (: o l leges and Schools. For more i n t o r m a tion see our vvebsite at ww w . a The Division ot English at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore lNTU ) invites applications tor a tenurable taculty position in American Literature ot any period. The successtul candidate will be expected to ntaintain a standard teaching load and an active research and publication agenda. Secondary specialisations are welcome. I'hD by July 2007 required. NTU i s a rapidly grow i ng, progressive research university that is committed to cont r i b u t ing to a comprehensive educational experience in a multicultural environment. It offers competitive salaries, strong research support, and is commi t ted to nur t u r ing taculty development. Review ot applications begins immediately and will conti nue until the position is filled. To apply, send cover letter, curriculum v i t ae, three letters ot recommendation, evidence ot teaching effectiveness, and a writ ing sample to Dr. Neil M u r phy, Division ot Englhh, School ot Huntanities R Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, S3.2 B-1 01, Nanyang Av- ()ne, tw o o r t h r e e-year lrenewable) appointments will begin September 2007. English is the language ot instruction. For expatriates, benefits include housing, annual round-trip air travel tor appointee and quality- enue, Singapore 6:19798. ing dependents, plus schooling tor the equivalent ot up to two chi l dren a t (:airo A m e r ican (:ollege. In view ot A U ( y s protocol agreement wi t h the Egyptian (Iovernment, which requires specific proportions ot Egyp- Nanyang Technological U tian, U.S., and third- country citizen taculty, at this time preterence will be given to qualified applicants who are U.S. citizens. APPLI(:AT I ( ) N I N S T R U ( : T I ( ) N S : E-ntail a letter ot intent specitying I'osition ¹ E ( : L - :1 with a current (:.V. to facultyaffairs( and arrange to have three letters ot recom m e ndation and t r anscripts ntailed to: Dr. Earl lTi u) Sullivan, I'rovost, American University in (:airo, -120 Fitth Avenue, Fl.:1, New York, N.Y. 10018-2729 For tull consideration, candidates must also complete thhe I'ersonnel Intorntation Form provided at http: // I'riority will be given to applications received by November 15, 2006. I're-Intervievvs will be conducted at the MLA conterence. The American University in (:airo is an equal opportunity employer. Nanyang Technological U Humanities and Social Science, S3.2 B4 01 Nanyang Avenue Singapore 639798 Assistant/Associate Professor Of Cult ural Studies 601 http: //www Humanities and Social Science, S3.2 B4 01 Nanyang Avenue Singapore 639798 Assistant/Associate Professor of English Literature (Pre-1700) 602 http: //www The Division ot English at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore lNTU ) i n v i tes applications tor a tenurable taculty position in British Literature betore 1700. (:andidates with a strong interest in M e d i eval Literature are especially encouraged to apply. The successtul candidate will be expected to ntaintain a standard teaching load and an active research and publication agenda. Secondary specialisations are welcome. I'hD by July 2007 required. NTU i s a rapidly grow i ng, progressive research university that is committed to cont r i b u t ing to a comprehensive educational experience in a multicultural environment. It offers competitive salaries, strong research support, and is commi t ted to nur t u r ing taculty development. Review ot applications begins immediately and will conti nue until the position is filled. To apply, send cover letter, curriculum v i t ae, three letters ot recommendation, evidence ot teaching effectiveness, and a writ ing sample to Dr. Neil M u r phy, Division ot Englhh, School ot Huntanities R Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, S3.2 B-1 01, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 6:19798. 600 http: //www The Division ot English at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore lNTU ) invites applications tor a tenurable taculty position in (:ultural Studies. Specialhations in teminist theory and/or the history ot vvestern film are especially welcome. The successtul candidate will be expected to ntaintain a standard teaching load and an active research and publication agenda. Sec- St Louis U Department of English, Avenida del Valle, 34 Madrid 28003 Spain ondary specialisations are welcome. I'hD by July 2007 required. Saint Louis University, a (:atholic, Jesuit institution dedicated to student learning, research, health care, and service, invites applications tor an Assistant I'rotessor ot English specializing in Early M o dern Literature, especially Shakespeare. This announcement is tor a position at the University's Madrid campus in Spain. I'reterence to applicants vvhose teaching and research interests are in links between English and Spanhh or ( : o n t i nen- NTU i s a rapidly growi ng, progressive research university that is committed to cont r i b u t ing to a comprehensive educational experience in a multicultural environment. It offers competitive salaries, strong research support, and is commi t ted to nur t u r ing taculty development. Review ot applications begins immediately and will conti nue until the position is filled. To apply, send cover letter, curriculum v i t ae, three letters ot recommendation, evidence ot teaching effectiveness, and a writ ing sample to Dr. Neil M u r phy, Division ot Englhh, School ot Huntanities R Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, S3.2 B-1 01, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 6:19798. Assistant Professor 1207 http: // tal literature. We seek candidates with a strong com m i t m ent to excellent teaching and research. Full-ti me, beginning August 2007. Equivalent ot tenure-track, follow ing Spanish law. Normal teaching load is .'1 courses (9 hours) per semester, including Masters, upper-and lower-level undergraduate literature courses, and composition courses. Saint Louis University-Madrid, with a richly diverse student body and an established campus, is the premier international university in Spain. Its English programs are tully integrated with the English Department at the M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 83 !it. Louis campus in Missouri, and the Madrid Campus is tully dependent on the Missouri campus ot!iaint Louis University. Applications should be p ostntarked by N o v ember 6, but vvill conti nue to be revievved until th e position is filled. !iend letter and c.v. only. Dossiers and vvriting samples vvill be requested atter initial screening. !iearch Com m i t tee Chair, English Department, ! i aint L o uis U n i v ersity, Madrid Camputn Avenida del Valle, .'l-l 21100:3 Madrid, !ipain vitap (c0 U of Sydney English, John Woolley Building A20 Sydney NSW NSW 2006 Australia Lecturer in Early Modern Literature 1107 http: // The department is seeking a Lecturer (Assistant I'rotessor equivalent ) vvith demonstrable research and teaching expertise in the literature ot the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; a specialisation in d r ama is desirable. The appointee vvill be expected to teach five courses equivalent per year, to supervise Honours and postgraduate research students in relevant fields, and to pursue an active research program. Essential: I'hD in English; research publications and current research activity in th e li terature ot the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; experience in teaching at undergraduate level and ability to contribute in other areas ot departmental teaching. Desirable: specialisation in dranta ot the period; experience in lecturing and in the supervision ot H o n o urs and postgraduate students. The position is tull - t i m e conti n u i ng, subject to the completion ot a satistactory probation and/or confi r ntation period tor nevv appointees. Re- muneration package: AUD$110,126-$95,1$0 p.a. (vvhich includes a base salary Lecturer Level B $67,7011-$110,40$ p.a., leave loading and up to 17/i~ employers contribution to superannuation ).!itarting date is negotiable, U of Sydney English, John Woolley Building A20 Sydney NSW NSW 2006 Australia Lecturer in Middle English Literature 1108 http: // ndex.shtml The department is seeking a Lecturer (Assistant I'rotessor equivalent ) vvith demonstrable research and teaching expertise in Middle English literature to 1$00. Applicants must have a doctorate in English, vvith a specialisation in Middle English literature. The appointee vvill be expected to teach five courses equivalent per year, to supervise Honours and postgraduate research students in relevant fields, and to pursue an active research program. Essential: I'hD i n E n g l i sh; research publications and current research activity in M i d dle English literature to 1$00; experience in teaching at undergraduate level and ability to contribute in other areas ot departmental teaching. Desirable: experience in lecturing and in the supervision ot Honours and postgraduate students. The position is tull- t ime continuing, subject to the completion ot a satistactory probation and/or confi r ntation period tor nevv appointees. Remuneration package: AUD$110,126-$95,1$0 p.a. (vvhich includes a base salary Lecturer Level B $67,7011-$110,40:3 p.a., leave loading and up to 17/i~ employers contribution to superannuation ). !itarting date is negotiable, though February 2007 is desirable. For turther infbrntation: I'rotessor Margaret Clunies Ross, mcr ( Apply online only by 6 ()ctober: http: //, job reterence number II4604. The University is committed to policies and principles ot equal opportunity and cultural diversity. though February 2007 is desirable. For tu r t her i n t o r m a t i on: I' r o tessor I'enny (lay, Chair ot Department, on f+61 2) t)L3$1 2:365, tax f+61 2) t1:3$1 Yonsei U English/Comparative Literature fk Culture, 134 Shinchon-dong, Sudaemun-ku Seoul 120 — 749 South Korea 24$4, e-ntaih ( Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Creative Writing Apply online only by 6 ()ctober: http: //, job reterence number II4$9II. http: // The University is committed to policies and principles ot equal opportunity and cultural diversity. The Comparative Literature and Culture I'rogram (CLC) ot the Undervvood International College jointly vvith English Department invites app lications tor a tenure-track Assistant I'rotessorship in C reative Wr i t i n g effective 01 !iept 2007. I'ositions are tor tvvo years, renevvable, and carry the title ot Assistant I'rotessor. Teaching responsibilities are 6 credit hours (usually 2 courses) per semester. Compensation includes an annual stipend ot approxintately $$0,000, on-campus housing or a housing subsidy, and a limited relocation package. U of Sydney English, John Woolley Building A20 Sydney NSW 2006 Australia Lecturer in Eighteenth-century Literature 1716 1109 http: // Lecturer (Assistant I'rotessor equivalent ) vvho has demonstrable research and teaching expertise in eighteenth-century literature (1660 — 17119). The appointee vvill teach five courses equivalent per year, vvill supervise Honours and postgraduate research students in relevant fields, and vvill pursue an active research program. Essential: I'hD in English; research publications and current research activity in eighteenth-century literature; experience in teaching at undergraduate level and ability to contribute in other areas ot departmental teaching. Desirable: experience in lecturing and in the supervision ot H o n o urs and postgraduate students. The position is tull-time continuing, subject to the completion ot a satistactory probation and/or confirntation period tor nevv appointees. Remuneration package: AUD$110,126-$95,1$0 p.a. (vvhich includes a base salary Lecturer Level B $67,7011-$110,40$ p.a., leave loading and up to 17'/i~ employers contribution to superannuation ). For turther infbrntation, contact I'rotessor I'enny (lay, Chair ot Department, ( Apply online only, by 6 ()ctober, at http: //, job reterence number II4607n A I'hD vvith a major component in C r eative W r i t i n g is required vvith a strong preterence tor an M F A i n C r e ative W r i t i n g . A p p l i cants are expected to have accumulated a respectable list ot publications, and to be able to cover a vvide variety ot vvriting styles and techniques in teaching students at the undergraduate program ot CLC and the graduate program ot the English Department. Interested applicants should send a letter ot application, c.v. including teaching experience/interests and publications list, three letters ot recommendation, and a vvriting sample to: Undervvood Society ot Fellovvs Junior Search/Undervvood International (:ollege/Yonsei University/!ieoul, 120 — 749, Korea. For more infbrntation, please contact I'rotessor Hye Joon Yoon fhjyoon ( or (ieneral Manager Youngsook Kim fuic(c0 or II2 — 2-212:1 —:3922). ' I'lease note that vve vvill be intervievving at the December 2006 M L A Convention. To be considered tor an MLA i ntervievv, please send ntaterials by December I to Ms. Youngsook Kim to the above mentioned address. ' I'lease also note that only no n - K o r ean citizens are eligible to apply tor these positions. The University is committed to policies and principles ot equal employment opportunity and cultural diversity. 84 E NGL I S H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 ' The position benefits trom extensive administrative support through the Director ot Liberal Arts and!iciences and the Director ot Wri t ing and Assessment, both ot whom report to the Chair. • • Antelope Valley C Lang Arts, 3041 W Av K Lancaster CA 93536 Dean of Language Arts 223 http: //ww w . Desired qualifications include: strong vision tor the tuture ot art and design education; int ernational experience; admini strative experience in higher education; protessional and academic experience in the fields ot art and design; a background in design research; a record ot publications in relevant disciplines. The I'hD degree is preterred. Compensation range: $120,000+ D O ( 1 an d c o m p r ehensive benetits package. Basic Function: Under the supervision ot the Vice I'resident ot Academic Affairs, the dean will provide leadership to and support tor the Language Arts division. In addition to program development and course support, the dean is responsible tor the day-to-day supervision ot division personnel, programs, expenditures, and tacilities, as well as serving as the division's advocate to the administration and board ot trustees. Candidates should submit a letter ot interest and CV to M ark Breitenberg, Dean ot Undergraduate Education. Di g i tal documents may be e-ntailed to India.Dunnington ( There is no deadline; Applications and nominations will be accepted until position is filled. Minimum (1ualifications: Master's degree trom a regionally accredited college or university One year ot torntal training, internship, or leadership experience reasonably related to the administrators administrative assignment. (Title V, section S3420. Minimum (1ualifications tor Educational Administrators. ) !iensitivity to and understanding ot, the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability and ethnic backgrounds ot community college students Desirable (1ualifications: Masters degree in an academic subject area directly related to Language Arts (Doctorate preterred ) Three years tull time, postsecondary teaching experience in a language arts discipline (preterably at a community college) Demonstrated com m i t m ent t o h i g h academic standards and academic treedom Experience with and comm i t m ent to a shared governance culture, consensus building, and a team approach to ntanagement Ability to effectively communicate both orally and in writing Evidence ot effective planning in the ntanagement, supervision, and evaluation ot the work ot others Evidence ot a commitment to teaching/learning and the vision ot a learning-centered institution and community An understanding ot how technology can support learning and a record ot support tor technological advancements Knowledge ot varied assessment instruments (irant writ ing experience and/or program development experience Art Institute of Washington Human Resources, 1820 North Fort Meyer Drive Arlington VA 22209 Department Chair for Liberal Studies 1 502 http: //www .aiw.aihedu The Art Institute ot Washington is a private, accredited college ot creative protessional studies is seeking candidates tor the Dept. Chair tor Liberal !itudies. This position oversees the day-to-day operations ot the Liberal !itudies classes and curriculum, leads assessment in Liberal ! i t u dies learni ng outcomes, assists students toward successtul program co m p l et i o n , hires qualified instructors to teach classes, oversees the Academic Advising and Academic Assistance Centers, implements the budget tor the department, and serves as the chair ot the Admissions Comm i t t ee. Masters degree and relevant experience including holding positions ot increasingly responsible experience in the industry and/or education and fiscal and personnel management experience is required. Term i nal degree in an area taught in Liberal ! i t u d ies preterred. This position is to be filled immediately. Competitive salary and comprehensive benefits. Convenient t o the Rosslyn metro station. Send letter ot i n t erest and CV t o : T h e A r t Institute ot Washington 11120 N. Fort Myer Drive, Arlington, VA 22209 or to hraiw ( indicating L!iCM LA . See EOE, M /F/D/ V . Baruch C, CUNY English, One Bernard Baruch Way New York NY 10010 Writing Director: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor 1220 http: // Art Center C of Design 1700 Lida Street Pasadena CA 91103 Chair, Undergraduate Film 1090 http: //w w w . a r Art Center College ot Design seeks qualified candidates tor the position ot the Chair ot Liberal Arts and !i ciences Department. Wit h over 60 taculty teaching 120 classes per term, the department offers a comprehensive and innovative curriculum in design research, writing art and design history, huntanities, social and biological sciences that support and inspire Art Centers studio-based degree programs in Film, Advertising, (iraphic Design, Transportation Design, Environmental Design, Illustration, Fine Art, I'hotography, and I'roduct Design. The Chair is responsible tor all aspects ot the leadership and ntanagement ot the department. Other responsibilities include leading Art C enters vibrant transdisciplinary cur r i c u lu m i n c o l l aboration w it h th e studio departments, speaking and traveling on behalt ot the college, developing new creative partnerships with outside organizations and institutions, as well as helping to chart the educational goals and initiatives ot undergrad- The Department ot English at Baruch College, CU N Y , seeks to hire an assistant (tenure-track ), associate, or tull p r otessor as Writing D i r e c t o r . We desire an engaged scholar with an active and promising research program and excellent teaching skills. I'hD in R h etoric and Composition or a related discipline is required; research specialties ot particular interest include composition theory, assessment ot writing, wri t ing across the curriculum, or ESL. I'rim ary responsibilities will consist ot supervising the work ot both adjunct and tull- t i m e taculty teaching the in department's tvvo-course first-year writing sequence and its ESL program; hiring, evaluating, and directing adjunct taculty; and providing a vision tor the writing program's evolution and enhancement. Experience in administering a writing program necessary; knowledge ot supplemental instruction, interdepartmental coordination, and implementation ot taculty development vvorkshops desirable. Salary com m ensurate wit h ex p e ri ence; excellent benefits provided. I'lease send letter ot application and curricu lum v i t ae by November 2, 2006 to I'rotessor Tom Hayes, Chair, Dept. ot English, B7 — 2-10, One Bernard Baruch Way, New York, NY, 10010. [R] uate education. M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 8$ Baylor U English, I Bear Pl, ¹97404 Waco TX 76798 Department Chair 427 The Department ot English at Baylor University invites applications tor the position ot Department Chair beginning in August 2007. This position carries the rank ot either associate or tull protessor. Applicants should have an excellent record ot scholarly achievement and administrative experience. Additional experience obtaining external tunding is a plus. The successtul candidate vvill be committed to excellence in both undergraduate and graduate teaching and strongly support Baylor's Christian identity and mission. Area ot research is open. Applicants should send a current curriculum v i tae and a statement ot interest outlining their administrative philosophy and goals tor the departm ent and should be available tor an intervievv at the 2006 ML A M e e t i n g in I'hiladelphia, December 27 — 29. Applicants should arrange to have at l east three recent letters ot reterence sent directly to th e search com m i t tee. For tull consideration, applications must be received by December I, 2006. Revievv ot applications vvill begin on November .'I, 2006, and vvill continue until the position is filled or the search is terminated. Baylor has approximately I:I,SOO students. The department has .'36 tulltime taculty members and otFers three undergraduate degrees — the B. A. in English Literature, I'rotessional Writi ng, or Linguistics; the M. A. i n English; and the I'h.D. in English Literature or in Religion and Literature. The university provides generous benefits, including tuition remission tor qualified tamily members. I'lease visit the Baylor vveb site at http: //vvvvvv Baylor is classified by the Carnegie Foundation as a Research University vvith High Research Activity. It is a Baptist university aHiliated vvith the B aptist (leneral Co nvention ot T exas. As an AHirm ative Ac t i o n / E q u al ()pportun ity employer, Baylor encourages minorities, vvomen, veterans, and persons vvith disabilities to apply. Send all ntaterials to I'rotessor Nancy Chi nn; D i r ector ot U n dergraduate Studies, Department ot English; ()ne Bear I'lace ¹ 07406; Waco, Texas 7670ft-7406. E-ntail: nancy chinn ( [ R ] Columbia C Chicago Columbia College, 600 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago IL 60605 Dean of the School o f Fine and Performing Arts I 536 http: //vvvvvv.colunuedu C olumbia Coll ege Chicago, the largest arts and media college in th e United States, is a dynamic, i n d ependent, urban in stit u t io n o t I I , S OO students located in the heart ot C h i cago's South Loo p - on e ot the city' s most exciting dovvntovvn neighborhoods. The College educates students tor careers in the arts, media, and com m u n i c ation vvithi n th e context ot enlightened liberal education. Columbia has an open admissions policy at the undergraduate level vvith distinguished selective programs at the graduate level. Faculty and students at the College play an important role in shaping the cultural lite ot the city and ot our times. Columbia College Chicago invites applications and recommendations tor the position ot Dean ot the School ot Fine and I'ertorming A r ts. The School ot Fine and I'ertorming Arts consists ot Art tk Design; Arts, Entertainment tk Media Management; Dance; Dance/M ov ement Therapy and Counseling; Fiction Wri t i ng; Music; I'hotography; and Theater. (Iraduate degree programs include Creative Writi n g- Fiction; Interior Architecture; Architectural Studies; Arts, Entertain m ent tk M e di a M a n agement; Dance/Movement Therapy and Counseling; and Music Composition tor the Screen. The College seeks an experienced leader and arts advocate possessing the vision, imagination, and demonstrated ability t o d evelop collaborative and interdisciplinary relationships vvithin the School and College. The dean vvill develop relationships vvith other institutions and organizations and the community. He/she vvill also expand regional, national, and international partnerships. 86 T his indivi dual vvill support the mission and goals ot Col u m bia C ol lege Chicago and vvork vvith ot h ersenior adm i n i strators to i m p l em ent the College's strategic plan. Reporting to the I'rovost/V ice I'resident tor Academic AIFairs, the dean vvill also provide academic and administrative leadership tor the undergraduate and graduate departments and programs vvithin the School and promote excellence in teaching and learning, research and academic support services. The successtul candidate must hold a terminal degree, preterably in one ot the disciplines ot the School; must have demonstrated ability in higher education adminkstration; and possess a record ot distinction and scholarly and/or creative endeavor. The candidate must also have a commi t m ent to diversity, be active in regional and national learned societies, and bring significant experience in taculty development and evaluation. We otFer a competitive salary and an excellent benefits package. Columbia College Chicago encourages qualified temale, (ILBT, disabled and minority-classified individuals to apply tor all positions. Revievv ot applications vvill begin in mi d - D ecember 2006 and continue until the position is filled. Anticipated starting date is on or about June I, 2007. Send cover letter addressing your qualifications, interest, philosophy ot teaching and administrative practice, and Curriculum Vitae to: Columbia College Chicago, Dean ot the School ot Fine and I'ertorm- i ng Arts Search, Richard D. Sbarbaro, Wi l l i a m J . Yacullo, LAU E R , . 'iBARBAR() ASS()(:IATES, EMA I'AR T N E R .'i INT E R N A T I ( ) N A L 2 Westbrook Corporate (: enter, Suite 100 Westchester, IL 6016-17 Columbia C Chicago English, 600 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago IL 60605 Department Chairperson, ASL-English I nterpretation Department 1 505 http: // Columbia College Chicago is an urban institution ot over I I,SOO undergraduate and graduate students, emphasizing arts, media, and communications in a liberal arts setting. The ASL-Englksh Interpretation Department ot Columbia College Chicago invites applications tor the tull-time position ot Department Chairperson. Columbia College otFers a tour-year BA degree in ASL-Englksh Interpretation and a minor in American Sign Language Studies vvithin the School ot Liberal Arts and Sciences. We have an excellent opport u n it y available tor a creative and visionary educator vvho vvill be actively involved in sateguarding and implementing the mission ot the College vvhile assuring quality instruction and student experience vvithin this department. This protessional must rennin actively engaged as a creative, scholarly, and protessional practitioner in respective disciplines and industries. Specigc responsibilities include overseeing the mentoring, teaching, and advising ot students; developing curricula and programs; managing departmental budget; supervising taculty and statF, tundraising tor special projects and ongoing activities vvithin the department; and teaching one course per semester. ()ualiged candidates vvill possess a terminal degree in ASL-Englksh Interpretation, Linguistics ot ASL, or field related to research and training in interpretation or Deat Studies. Administrative experience in a college/ university setting as vvell as demonstrated excellence in teaching at the college level vvithin an ASL-Englksh interpretation program tor a minimum ot S years are required. This protessional must be bilingual in ASL and English and also possess RID certification (NIC, CI tk CT, or (:DI)) and/or ASLTA certification. The start date tor this position is August 16, 2007. We otFer a competitive salary and an excellent benefits package. Columbia College Chicago encourages qualified tentale, Deat, (ILBT, disabled, international tk m i n o r it y classified individuals to apply tor all positions. I'lease send a letter ot application, statement ot teaching philosophy, curriculum vi tae, graduate transcript and three reterences by January 16th, 2007 to: I'eter Cook, ASL-Englksh Interpretation Department, Columbia College Chicago, 600 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60605,:312-:344-7ft:37 E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 Eastern Kentucky U English fk Theatre, 521 Lancaster Av, 467 Case Annex Richmond KY 40475 Chair, Department of English 8 Theatre 1377 continue a program ot building tor national prominence. In recent years, the Department has vvorked on retormulating its curriculum, hi r ing nevv taculty, and through the A t r i can A m e r ican Research and Service Institute, has launched a program ot collaborative research that explores the Atrican American presence in the ()hio R i ver Valley and the Atrican diaspora in the Americas. http: // ()ualifications and I'osition Description E astern Kentucky University, a comprehensive public institution in R i c h mond, KY, i n v i tes applications tor Dept. Chair, a 12-mo nth position at rank ot Full I'rotessor vvith tenure, to begin July I, 2007. Seeking an individual vvith significant teaching and administrative experience and a record ot scholarly and/or creative accomplishment. Candidates must possess the appropriate terminal degree trom a regionally accredited institution. Send a letter detailing your interest in the position; curriculum vitae; and names, addresses, phone numbers, and entail addresses ot S reterences to: Dr. Sara Zeigler, Chair!iearch Committee, Dept. ot English and Theatre, Case Annex -167, Eastern Kentucky Un iversity, S21 Lancaster Ave., Richmond, KY 4047S-:3102. Revievv ot applications vvill begin () ctober 15, 2006 and vvill continue until position is filled. For more infbrntation, visit ()IFers ot employment are contingent upon satistactory background check and educational credential verification. Eastern Kentucky U n i v ersity is an EE( ) / A A i n s t i t u t io n t hat values diversity in its taculty, stafF, and student body. In keeping vvith this commitment, the University vvelcomes applications trom diverse candidates and candidates vvho support diversity. Candidates must possess an earned doctorate in A t r i can Am erican Studies and/or a related field in the humanities and social sciences, and shovv e vidence ot extensive published research or creative activity i n A t r i c an American ! i t u d ies and related areas. A mi n i m u m o t six years ot experience in teaching and/or administration in higher education is required. North Georgia C R SU English, Dunlap Hall Dahlonega GA 30597 Department Head: Department of English Responsibilities The Chair ot the Department ot Atrican American !itudies serves as the chiet administrator and academic leader ot the department and reports to the Dean ot the College ot Arts and!iciences. Responsibilities include oversight ot the degree programs, ntapping out and executing nevv directions in undergraduate and graduate education, hiring and mentoring tenure-track taculty, nurturing nevv research and creative initiatives, budget oversight, strategic planning, commu n ity service and outreach, internal and external tund-raising, and interdepartmental collaborations. We seek a candidate vvith a commitment to vvorking efFectively vvith students, stafF, and taculty ot diverse backgrounds. The appointment vvill be ntade tully in Department ot At r ican American !itudies att Associate/Full I' r otessor level, vvith a commi t m ent to serve as Chair tor at least five years. Salary vvill be commensurate vvith qualifications and experience. Application I'rocesses 1467 http: / North (leorgia College t( State University seeks applications tor Department Head in the Department ot English. The position is a tvvelve-month, tull-time, tenure track position. DUT I Esb Manage and provide vision and leadership tor a grovving department, i.e. vvith developing minors and programs in linguistics, multicultural studies, and gender studies. Coord i n ate student advisement, curriculum r evision, and taculty evaluations. Manage the departments budget, serve on campus-vvide and system-vvide committees, and assume other duties as assigned by the Dean. The Department Head vvill carry a 2/2 load in teaching. RE() U I R E M E N T S : I ' h .D. in English or related area. Strong interpersonal, administrative, and leadership skills in academic, financial, and operational activities desired. S ALAR Y A N D R A N K : C o m m e n s u r at e vvit h q u a l i t i c a t i o n s an d experience. S ubmit c o v e r l e t t er , C . V . , an d t h r e e c u r r en t l e t t er s ot r e c o m m e n d a tion via US ntail or o t her delivery service to A m r i t j i t Si n gh , Langston Hughes I'rotessor, Department ot English, Attn: AAS Chair !iearch, Ellis :360, ()hio U n i v ersity, Athens, ()H -IS701. Revievv ot applications vvill begin Monday, November 6, 2006, and vvill continue until the position is filled. ()hio University requires all applicants to complete an online application by fbllovving this link-vvvvvv.ohiouniversityjobs.corn/applicants/ ( :entral.quickFi n d =S2064. All supporting m aterials must, hovvever, be received by ntail. ()hio U n iversity is committed to quality, diversity, and equal opportunity. Further intorntation on () hio U n i v ersity can be tound at the University's vvebsite: http: // [R] Point Park U Humanities fk Human Sciences, 201 Wood St Pittsburgh PA 15222 Chair, Department of Humanities and Human Sciences 279 http: // EMPL()YM EN T D A T E : August I, 2007 The I'ositi on : T h e D e p a r t m en t o t H u m a n i t i e s and H u m a n ! i c i e n ces APPLI(:AT I () N D E A D L I N E : I ' lease apply betore November -I, 2006; revievv ot applications vvill begin on fvvhich includes ntajors in English, I'sychology, History, I'olitical Science, and (Ilobal Cultural Studies) is seeking a Chair. The Chair oversees a diversified program vvith Ll t u l l - t i m e taculty and some 70 adjuncts. S/He November 15, 2006 and continue until the position is filled. APPLI(: A T I ( ) N P R ( ) ( : E D U R E : S u b mi t a letter ot application, c.v., transcripts ot undergraduate and graduate credits and three letters ot rete rence. Send all m a t eri als to: D e p ar t m en t o t H u n t a n R e s o u r ces, At t n : Department Head in English, North (l eorgia College t( State University, Dahlonega, (lA:30697. North (l eorgia College t( State University is an AHirntative Action/ E qual ()pportunity Employer. [R] Application I'rocedure: A letter ot application and resume vvith the names, addresses, and telephone numbers ot three reterences should be sent to Dr. Alexandra (Iregory, Interim Vice I'resident tor Academic AIFairs, I'oint I'ark U n i v ersity, 201 Wood Street, I'ittsburgh, I'A IS222. Electronic submission ot materials is preterred and should be Ohio U English, 360 Ellis Hall Athens OH 45701 Chair, Department ofAfrican American Studies http: /Ivvvvvv.ohiouniversityjobs. r eports to the Dean ot the School ot A r t s and ! i c i ences. The H u m a n i ties and Human ! i c i e nces Department is responsible tor the ntajority ot the core curriculum courses required ot all undergraduate students. The successtul candidate must have an earned I'h.D. in English vvith tocus on American literature and cultural studies as vvell as a strong interest in critical theory. A successtul teaching record and administrative experience are also "de rigueur." The position is tull-ti me, tenure-track. I 614 corn /applicants/ sent to jryan ( Revievv ot applications vvill begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Salary is commensurate vvith credentials and experience. The Department ot Atrican American ! i t u d ieru established in 1969 and among the oldest in the nation, seeks a dynamic and creative leader to M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 87 writing, literacy, linguistics, and protessional wri t ing are offered tor students pursuing the M.A. in English and/or Teaching. Rochester Inst of Tech English, 92 Lomb Memorial Dr Rochester NY 14623 English Department Chair 671 http: //www'/i~7Elanglit/ The Department ot English in the College ot Liberal Arts at the Rochester Institute ot Technology seeks applicants to lead a growing department in a distinguished technological university. We offer core and advanced c ourses, minors, concentrations, and electives to some 15,000 h i g h l y qualified and talented students. The Department is currently developing a writing degree program with a specialization in science writing. !iuccesstul candidates should demonstrate leadership in advancing writing in the disciplines, and in developing literary, cultural, media, and global studies. Academic field is open: applicants ntay have research and teaching interests in literary and cultural studies or in rhetoric and composition. Candidates will be considered at the I'rotessor or Associate I'rotessor level. I'h.D. and taculty admi n i strative experience, a strong record ot scholarship, teaching, mentoring, and curricular development are required. This is an exceptional opportunity tor someone interested in cross disciplinary relationships between a Department ot English and departments ot science, media arts, printi ng, and computer technologies and who is committed to a leadership style ot shared authority. The University places a high priority on the creation ot an environment supportive ot the prom o t ion ot et h nic m i n o r i t i es, women, and persons with disabilities. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and exper ience. Deadli ne: N o v e m ber I :1, 2006. Send letter, cu r r i c u lu m v i t a e , and dossier to Dr. Janet Zandy, Department ot English, College ot Libe ral Arts, Rochester Institute ot Technology, 02 Lomb M e m o r ial D r i v e , Rochester, NY 14623-6604. [R] 342 ht tp:// medi a study.bu ffalo.e du/ Southeastern Louisiana U English, SLU 10861 Hammond LA 70402 1048 http: //www Applications are invited tor Department Head ot English at the protessor/ associate rank, beginning July I, 2007. Twelve-month contract, competitive salary, teaching load typically 6 hrs tall and spring, .'1 hrs summer. A member ot the University ot Louisiana systenu Southeastern is a growing public university (enrollment 15,000 + ) situated in Ham m o nd, near New ()rleans and Baton Rouges in a culturally diverse region. Departmental taculty teach a wide array ot courses in literary studies as well as creative writing, rhetoric and composition, linguistics, and protessional writing tor students pursuing B.A. degrees in English, Liberal Arts Studies, and English Education. (Iraduate courses in literature, creative 88 I'lease send letter ot application, resume, copies ot oHicial transcripts ot all colleges and university attended, and three current letters ot recommendation written tor the position stated to Chair, Department Head Search, Department ot English, SLU 101161, Hammond, LA 70-102. To ensure consideration, application ntaterials must be received by N o v ember 15, 2006. For in to r m ation call 0IIS — S-10 —2100 or e — mail nnmiller (ajselu.ed !ioutheastern is an AA/A D A / E E ( ) employer. [R] Stanford U English, 450 Serra Mall Stanford CA 94305 Professor o f English 1 557 http: // The Department ot English at Stanford University is seeking to ntake an appointment at the tenured level, open rank, preterence tor early senior appointment, to serve as Director ot the I'rogram in W r i t i ng and R h etoric. Candidates must have a substantial record ot outstanding achievement sis ot genres, literary periods, or cultural torms. The successtul candidate will serve as the Director ot the I'rogram in W r i t i n g and R h e t o ric tor a minimum ot five years in addition to teaching courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. The Department ot M edia Study ot the Un i versity at Buffalo (SUNY) invites applications tor the position ot D epartment C h air at the rank ot Associate/Full I'rotessor. We are looking tor an outstanding artist/scholar with a distinguished record ot research, exhibition and publication. Field o t specialization is open. Credentials will be reviewed starting N o v ember 7, 2006, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications. Start date: Fall semester, 2007. Applicants should send a letter ot application, a vita, and the names ot reterees to (: hair, Search Commi ttee, Department ot Media Study, 2:11 Center tor the Arts, The University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 1-1260 or submit their application to naking ( with Chairsearch in the subject field. The University at Buffalo is an Equal ()pportunity Employer/ Recruiter. http: // [R] Department Head Huntan Development. i n literary scholarship as well as experience in the teaching ot w r i t i n g . I'ossible areas ot specialization include but are not limited to the following: the history and theory ot rhetoric; the discursive or theoretical analy- SUNY of New York Media Study, 231 Ctr for the Arts Buffalo NY 14260 Chair, Department of Media Study, University at 13u Jfalo, SUNY An applicant should have a I'h.D. i n E n g l ish or C o m p arative Li t erat ure, a strong record ot teaching and scholarship and/o r creative wo r k , and evidence ot administrative and personal skills tor effective leadership in the collegial envi r o n m ent ot a department ot 60 + t u l l - t i m e t aculty . Demonstrated abilities in budget and personnel evaluation are preterred. A successtul candidate must be an articulate advocate, in mu l t i ple cont ests, tor humanistic learning, capable ot work ing collaboratively wi t h t he department to develop curricula tor a diverse student body and wi t h a teacher education program shared with the C o l l ege ot Education and Applicants should send curriculum v i t ae, a list ot publications, a briet statement ot research int erests, and names and addresses ot three reter- ees to I'rotessor Rane'>n Saldivar, Chair, Department ot Englhh, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 0430S-20117. For tull consideration, ntaterials must be received by 12/01/06. Stanford University is an equal opportunity, aHirntative action employer. [R] U of Alabama at Birmingham English, 900 S 13th St, 217 Hum Bldg Birmingham AL 35294 Department Chair http: // English Chair: The Department ot English at the University ot Alabanta at Birmingham (UAB) invites nominations and applications tor the position ot Chair. The successtul candidate will be appointed at senior rank fl'rotessor or advanced Associate I'rofessor ) with tenure; field ot specialization is open. We seek a productive scholar and excellent teacher with proven admi n i strative experience. ()u r -10-member department ot ters B.A. and M.A. degrees within a nationally ranked teaching and research urban university ot 16,000 students. Undergraduate concentrations are available in creative wri t i ng, protessional writing and public discourse, and linguistics, with m i n ors in w r i t i ng, creative wri t i ng, and linguistics; graduate concentrations are available in literature, creative wri t i ng, and rhetoric and composition. Al l co ncentrations include courses in American and British/ I rish literature. The treshntan composition program is an integral part ot the Un i versitys ()uality Enhancement I'lan. Located in a population center ot one million people and having a Carnegie Classification ot RU / V H : R e search Universities, UAB is an E()/A A e m p l oyer and actively seeks applications trom w o m e n and m i n o r i t y c a n d i d ates. Applications will be reviewed as received. Although the position will re- E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 ntain open until fill ed, applicants who submit materials betore November 1 will receive tullest consideration. Send letter and c.v. to Department Chair!iearch Committee, Department ot English, HB 217, University ot Alabanta at Birmingham, 1tk30:3rd Ave S., Birmingham, AL :3$29-1-1260. Applicants will be sent ntaterial indicating more tully the character ot the department and the needs ot the position. 1'lease see our vvebsite at www Send letter ot application, CV w ith list ot publications and reterences, and any questions about the position preterably by email to burad (ajmissouri . edu, or Cam pus W r i t i n g 1'rogram D i r e c tor Search, c/ o D o n n a B u n u The University ot Missouri !iystem is an Equal Opportunity/ A Hirntative Action institution. [R] [R] U of California, Santa Cruz Writing Program, 166 Kresge College Santa Cruz CA 95064 Lecturer with Security of Employment/Coordinator of the Entry Level Writing Requirement Once ot the 1'rovost, 1211 Jesse Hall, Columbia, MO 6$211. Application review will begin N ovember Ll, 2006 and continue until the position is filled. U of North Carolina at Charlotte English, 9201 University City Blvd Charlotte NC 28223 1295 Chair, Department of Africana Studies, University of North Carolina at h t tp:// l ¹ t e n u r e Charlotte T he W r i t i n g 1' r o g ram at th e U n i v e r sity o t C a l i t o r n i a at Santa C r u z seeks applicants tor a tull- t i m e L ecturer wit h Security ot Em p l o y m ent/ Coordinator ot the UC E n try Level Wri t ing R equirement lELWR), to start 7/1/07. The ELW R C o o r d i n ator oversees an instructional program http: // serving approxintately 4fy/i~ ot incoming treshmen; teaches and supervises progress ot English language learners; takes a leading role in program design and development; and serves as a liaison between the Wr i t in g 1'ro- gram and the Registrar, college advising, and Learning !iupport ! i ervices. Load is the equivalent ot eight courses, with a standard two course releases tor service and additional releases based on assigned administrative duties. Salary: $$6,1411-$69,2$2. Minimum requirements: Master's degree; training in teaching composition and TE!iOL , applied linguistics, or similar field; six years experience in university-level teaching, including composition and rhetoric and work w ith language learners. Administrative experience essential. Applications: See http: //vvvvvv2.ucsc .edu/ahr/employment/bulletin.html¹ t e n ure (scroll to job ¹5:1$ — 07) tor a detailed description ot the position and the application. 1'ostmark by 12/ 1$/06. UC!iC is an AHirntative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. [ R ] U of Missouri-Columbia Campus Writing Program, 602 Sanford-Conley House Columbia MO 65211 Director, Campus Writing Program 1646 1075 Senior level twelve-month appointment beginning July 1, 2007. Salary competitive. Applications are invited trom i n d i v i duals in any disciplinary tradition v vhose teaching and r esearch dem on strates a com m i t m e n t t o A t r i c a n a !itudies as an interdisciplinary enterprise and vvhose vision ot the field embraces the study ot all tacets ot the Atrican Diaspora. Candidates should have 1) a doctoral degree, 2 ) credentials and experience appropriate tor a senior level appointment at UNC C h arlotte, preterably as a tull protessor, and:1) administrative experience that demonstrates their potential tor success as a department chair. A record ot success in securing program-related tunding is highly desirable. The selected candidate will need to have the ability to lead an interdisciplinary program consisting ot both core and atfiliated taculty, to integrate the departments taculty and programs into the mission ot the college, and to work productively in the com m u n i ty. For more intorntation about the position and program please visit our vvebsite: For consideration, submit a letter ot interest, vita, and the names ot three reterees to Dr. John Sntaih At r i cana !i t u dies Chair ! i earch Com m i t t ee, C ollege ot A rts and !iciences, UN C C h a r l o t te, 9201 U n i v ersity C i t y Blvd., Charlotte, N C 211222n AA/ EO E e m ployer: mi n o r i t i es, persons with disabilities, and women are especially encouraged to apply. Screening ot applications will begin 1 November 2006 and will continue until the position is filled. For more intorntation please contact the chair ot the search committee at jsntail ( http: // The University ot Missouri-Columbia l ) seeks a Director tor its twenty-year old Campus Writing 1'rogram (CW1'). Candidates should be tenured, associate or tull protessors with demonstrated success administrating a Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program, teaching, and advancing scholarship. A 1'h.D. in English, Com m u n ications, or a closely related field is required. The area ot research emphasis is open with preterence given to WAC . T h e D i r ector reports to the Vice 1'rovost tor Undergraduate!itudies. The CW 1' ov ersees a faculty-ntandated, tvvo-course wr i t in g i n t ensive requirement tor m o r e t han 111,000 undergraduates in over $0 departments and programs at a comprehensive university with 26,000 students, conducts Faculty and W I T eaching Assistant Workshops every semester, holds seminars, and distributes teaching assistant support tunds. The successtul candidate will be expected to lead a nationally recognized program in writing across the curriculum including: Implement policy set by the Campus Writing Board, a campus-vvide taculty comm i t tee charged with oversight ot C W 1' , recruit taculty m e m b ers to teach W I c o u r ses; conduct taculty vvorkshops and seminars; oversee the Writing I ntensive Tutoring Service lWITS); manage a budget currently more than $11$fk000 per year; supervise two wri ting protessionals lone ot whom will be hired by the new Director ) and an Admi nistrative Assistant. The new D i r ector will have latitude to make changes to the program in the light ot an internal/external review to be conducted in AY06/07 and ntay be involved in seeking external gitts to help endow the progrann There will be opportunity tor continued teaching and scholarship inn the candidates area ot expertise. M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST U of South Carolina Womens Studies, 201 Flinn Hall Columbia SC 29208 Program Director 1574 http: //ww w . 1'osition Announcement, Director, Womens!itudies 1'rogram, University of South Carolina The Women's Studies 1'rogram at the University of South Carolina invites applications tor a 1'rogram Director at the rank ot Full 1'rotessor, with tenure in any department. We welcome applications trom any discipline. We seek an individual who has a record ot excellence in research/scholarship and teaching on gender and the relevant admi n i strative experience to provide leadership to a vvell-established, multi racial, interdisciplinary program. The Womens ! i t u d ies director's duties include recruiting, developing and evaluating taculty and stafF, mentoring research; supervising and enhancing a large porttolio ot external grants; working with the program coordinator and other campus units to sponsor public events; overseeing the program budget and accounts; and overseeing the curriculum. 1'rogram Highlights: Now in its .'32nd year, Women's Studies at the University of South Carolina offers an undergraduate ntajor and minor and a graduate certificate. The eight core taculty and 9:3 taculty affiliates represent all academic areas and protessional schools, including Atrican American Studies, Anthropology, Education, English, History, Law, Medicine, Nursing, 1'sychology, 1'ublic Health, Religious Studies, Social Work, and Sociology. At the core ot Womens!itudies teaching and research are broad but tundamental questions that drive examinations ot the intersections ot 89 race, class, gender, sexuality, and nation in the areas ot literature, culture and arts, political and social activism, and vvomen's health. These toci and the program's community engagement and collaborations contribute to its strong reputtatioon. supports taculty excellence in teaching and research, and participates in consortial programs vvith the Un i v ersity ot I'ennsylvania and Havertord and Svvarthmore Colleges. Bryn Mavvr College is an equal-opportunity, aHirmative action employer. M i n o r i t y candidates and vvomen are espe- Research: High research and scholarly productivity; core taculty currently I'I on $-1.1 million and Co - I' I on $6.3 mi l l io n i n g rants. The Womens Well-Being Initiative promotes nevv interdisciplinary community-based cially encouraged to apply. participatory action research activities in Columbia area. least three current letters ot reterence to Katherine Rovve, Chair, Depart- Teaching: Annual enrollments ot 2,-100 — 2,1100; 3II ntajors, and 3-1 gradu- ment ot English, Bryn Mavvr College, 101 North M e rion Avenue, Bryn Mavvr, I'A, 19010 21199. The search committee vvill read all complete applications received by November 1. Intormation received atter that time ntay be considered. [R] ate certificate students. C omm u n i t y E n g a gement: A c t i v e C o m m u n i t y I ' a r t n e r ship C o u n c i l ; sponsorship ot 20 — 30 events per year (open to the public ), communit y We vvill conduct i n t er v ievvs at the ML A c o n v ention i n I ' h i l adelphia. I'lease send a letter ot application vvith your CV, a vvriting sample, and at supported endovvment over $$00,000. About the University: Located in the state capital, the University of South Carolina is the flagship university ot the US(: system, vvith an enrollment ot more than 2-1,000 students. Columbia has a metropolitan population ot approxintately $00,000 and provides a variety ot protessional and cultural opportunities. Applicants should submit a letter describing relevant research/scholarship, teaching, admi n i stration and tun ding experience; curriculum v i ta; and three reterence letters. Nom i n a tions and applications should be sent to Womens Studies Search Commi t tee, Flinn H all 201, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S(: 2920th Revievv ot applications vvill begin on N ovember IS and conti nue until th e position is fill ed. For more in t o r ntation, contact, I' r o tessor John Richards, richards(, chair, search committee, or I'rotessor Lynn Weber vveberl ( or call (II03) 777 — 1007 and visit our vveb site at [R] Willa Cather Foundation Executive Director, 413 North Webster Street Red Cloud NE 68970 Executive Director 1475 ht tp:// The Cather Foundation (Red Cloud, NE) is seeking an Executive Director vvhose principal duties are ntanaging our open t i ons and finances; tund nising and gnnt vvriting; oversight ot publications, educational programming, and historic sites; statt management; and public relations. Consult the position announcement on the Foundation's Web site at http: // Further contact vvill be vvith Dr. Charles A. I'eek, peekc( • I a • California SU, Fresno Mod S( Classical Langs S( Lits, 2320 E San Ramon Av, M/S 96 Fresno CA 93740 Assistant Professor of Humanities 565 http: /Ivvvvvv.csutresno.edulaps/vacancy/scI.pdt The area ot specialization tor the successtul candidate vvill be comparative literature vvith an emphasis on European and Latin culture and literature. Teaching duties vvill in clude undergraduate lovver and upper division courses in European huntanities trom antiquity to th e present, and elementary and advanced courses in Latin. The successtul candidate vvill be expected to ntaintain a productive research agenda including publications, presentations and other protessional activities. ()ther taculty responsibilities include student advising and engaging in service activities at all levels ot the university. Speciftc assignments are dependent upon department needs, but vvithin the probationary period the candidate assume the duties ot coordinator ot the Interdisciplinary Huntanities I'rogram. The successtul candidate vvill be expected to vvork cooperatively vvith taculty and staff in the department, college and university. (qualifi cati ons: Academic I ' r e p aration : A n e a r ned d o c t o r at e (I'h.D.) i n C o m p a r a t iv e L i t e r a t u re , vvit h e m p h ases in E u r o p ean l i t e r a t u r e . Candidate's transcript should indicate course vvork in Latin at the graduate level. Teaching or ( ) t her I' r otessional Experience: Candidates are expected to demonstn t e a c o m m i t m e n t t o o r p o t e n t ial to r t eaching excellence and scholarly activ it y at th e u n i v e rsity l evel. Ev i d ence ot p r io r successtul university teaching experience in undergraduate Hum an i ties and Latin courses highly desirable. The successtul candidate must have the ability to vvork effectively vvith taculty, staff and students trom di v erse ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds. ()n l i n e a p p l i c a t i o n t o r m a v a i l a bl e a t h t t p : // / aps/vacancy/scI.pdt Bryn Mawr C English, 101 N Merion Av Bryn Mawr PA 19010 Assistant Professor of English http: // Tenure track position to b e gi n F all 2 007 tor an A ssistant I' r o tessor ot comparative A m e r i can li t eratures ot the tvventieth centu ry, vvith expertise in transnational and/or ethnic studies. The English Department seeks candidates vvhose scholarship is intormed by both historical and theoretical methodologies, and those vvho are engaged in scholarly and curricular dialogue and innovation. English Department taculty teach at all levels ot the undergraduate curriculum. Everyone teaches, at various times, the core course in our ntajor, "Methods ot Literary Study," as vvell as courses in the multi disciplinary Applications: Reter to vacancy 07TAH03II and send correspondence, applicationtn 3 letters ot recommendation, t n n s cripts and confidential papers to: Dr. Bruce Th o r n t on, (: hair, Search Com m i t t ee, Department ot Modern and Classical Languages and Liten t u r es, (:alifbr nia State Uni versity, Fresno, 2320 East SanRamon, M/ S E E - 96, Fresno, CA 93740II030, (SS9) 2711-23116, entail:brucet ( ()pen Until Filled: To ensure consideration, applicants are encouraged to have all application ntaterials on file by December 31, 2006. [R] Kenyon C The Integrated Program in Humane Studies, Timberlake House Gambier OH 43022 (:ollege Seminar I'rogram tor treshmen. Assistant Professor in the Integrated Program in Humane Studies Located in suburban I'hiladelphia, Bryn Mavvr College is a highly selec- Kenyon Co llege seeks to fill a tenure-track position in th e H u n t ani ti es on the assistant or advanced assistant protessor level tor its Integrated I'ro- tive liberal arts college tor vvomen vvho share an intense intellectual commitment, a selt-directed and purposetul vision ot their lives, and a desire to ntake meaningtul contributions to the vvorld. Bryn Mavvr comprises an undergraduate college vvith 1,300 students, as vvell as coeducational graduate schools in some huntanities, sciences, and social vvork. The College 90 1395 gram in H u n t ane Studies (II'HS), beginning in July, 2007. Candidates should be vvilling and able to engage in an intensive program grounded in Western thought and culture trom its origins in the ancient Near East and (Ireece to the present. Candidates vvith prior experience in interdisciplinary teaching are especially encouraged to apply. ()I particular inter- E NGL I S H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 est are candidates vvhose expertise extends to one ot the follow ing fields: Classics; I'hilosophy; Renaissance Studies; I'olitical I'hilosophy; Interdisciplinary Studies in the Huntanities; and the History ot Ideas. The minimum academic qualification is a I'h.D. with teaching experience. For a more complete position description and specific application instructions, visit: http: // For more intorntation about Kenyon, visit: www Review ot applications will begin No vember 17 and continue until the position is filled. Specialization in b r oadly conceived theoretical and philosophical approaches to religion w it h one or more areas ot emphasis including secularization; postcoloniality; m o d ernity and the rise ot tundamentalisms; religion and globalization; religion and the bio-politics ot race and sexuality; monotheism and its others; or religion, literary theory and literature. An E()E, Kenyon vvelcomes diversity and encourages the applications ot women and minority candidates. [R] to possess an outstanding record ot publication in their field and teaching experience commensurate with their rank, and demonstrate a capacity tor advanced theoretical scholarship and interdisciplinary inquiry. Nanyang Technological U Humanities and Social Science, S3.2 B4 01 Nanyang Avenue Singapore 639798 Assistant/Associate Professor of Comparative Literature 603 http: //www The Division ot English at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU ) i n v i tes applications tor a tenurable taculty position in (: o mparative Literature (with emphasis on at least one Asian literature ). The successtul candidate will be expected to maintain a standard teaching load and an active research and publication agenda. Secondary specialisations are welcome. I'hD by July 2007 required. NTU i s a rapidly growi ng, progressive research university that is committed to cont r i b u t ing to a comprehensive educational experience in a multicultural environment. It offers competitive salaries, strong research support, and is commi t ted to nur t u r ing taculty development. Review ot applications begins immediately and will conti nue until the position is filled. To apply, send cover letter, curriculum v i t ae, three letters ot recommendation, evidence ot teaching effectiveness, and a writ ing sample to Dr. Neil M u r phy, Division ot Englhh, School ot Huntanities tk Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, S3.2 B-l 01, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 6:19798. Penn State U Comp Lit, 311 Burrowes Bldg University Park PA 16802 Assistant, Associate, or Professor of Comparative Literature 1250 come to toster affiliations with other departments. Applicants are expected The qualified candidate joins a vibrant department ot distinguished colleagues in the fields ot literature, critical theory, political theory, Continental philosophy, psychoanalytic theory, and postcolonial theory with regional emphases on Atrica and the Americas. Applicants should provide a letter ot application w it h C V an d at least three letters ot recommendation along with a wri t ing sample. All applicants must possess a I'h.D. Send application dossiers to: I'rot. K. Ziarek/Chair, Abrahamic Religions Search Committee at the address shovvn. [R] SU of New York Comp Lit 8( Cultural Studies, Humanities Bldg 2048 Stony Brook NY 11794 Assistant Professor 718 http: //www Stony Brook U n i v ersitys Department ot C o m parative Literary and Cultural Studies is seeking an Assistant I'rotessor (tenure-track ) with special- izations in Literary/C u l t u ral Theory and Comparative Methodology to begin Fall 2007. Required: I'h.D. completed by September 2007. Fluency in at least one language besides English. Interest and training i n ei t h er film studies or cultural studies desirable. I'reliminary intervievvs at I'hiladelphia MLA . I' lease send letter ot application, vita, and dossier by November 10, 2006, to: I'rotessor Sandy I'etrey, Chair, Literary and Cultural Theory Search C o m m i t t ee, D epartm ent ot C o m p a rative Li t erary and Cultural Studietu 20-18 Humanities Building, Stony Brook U n i v ersity, Stony Brook, N Y 1 1794-838th Equal ()ppor t u n i t y / A Hi r m ative Action Employer. Visit ww w tor employment infbrntation. ht tp:// Tenure-track or Tenured I'osition in C o m p arative Literature: Diaspora and (Ilobalization D I A S I ' ( ) R A S T U D I E sk In the continued development ot its global perspectives, the Department ot Comparative Literature at I'enn State invites applications tor a rank-open position in literary diasporas: we preter a specialization dealing with the Asian diasponb Atrican diaspora, or Latina/o diaspora, in order to intersect with other initiatives. I'reterred starting date August 2007. I'h.D., knowledge ot relevant lan- guages, and relevant teaching experience required; I'h.D. in Comparative Literature preterred but I'h.D.'s in related fields also considered. Screening ot applications will begin N ovember .'10, 2006; however, all applications will be considered until the position is filled. Send letter, c.v., and names ot three reterences to Reiko Tachibana, Chair, Search Com m i t t ee, Box M , Department ot Comparative Literature, .'111 Burrovves Building, Th e I'ennsylvania State University, Un i versity I'ark I'A 16802-620:1, USA. Applications and nominations ntay be sent by entail to cqb2 ( or by Fax to (814) 86:1-8882. Visit our vvebsite at http: // I'enn State is committed to aHirntative action, equal opportunity and the diversity ot its workfbrce. [R] SU of New York Comp Lit, 638 Clemens Hall Buffalo N Y 14260 Assistant or Associate Professor o f Comparative Literature The selected candidate wil l b e encouraged to pr o m ot e th eoretical approaches to religion and political modernity across disciplines and is wel- SU of New York Comp Lit 8( Cultural Studies, Humanities Bldg 2048 Stony Brook NY 11794 Assistant Professor 723 http: //www Stony Brook U n i v ersitys Department ot C o m parative Literary and Cultural Studies is seeking an Assistant I'rotessor (tenure-track ) with specializations in C h i n ese Film , C u l t u r e , and L i t e r atu re. D e m o n strated commit m ent to c o n t em porary cr i t i cal th eory and cu l t u ral studies and ntastery ot another non-English language is highly desirable. Required: Fluency in Mandarin Chinese. I'h.D. in hand by September I, 2007. I'reliminary intervievvs at I'hiladelphia M LA . I ' lease send letter ot application, vita, and dossier by November 10, 2006, to: I'rotessor Krin (Iabbard, Chair ot the Ch i nese Film, C u l t u re, and Literature Search Com m i t t e e, Department ot Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, 20-18 Huntanities Building, Stony Brook U n i v ersity, Stony Brook, N Y 1 1794-838th Equal ()pportunity/A Hirntative Action Employer. Visit www .stonybrook .edu/cjo tor employment infbrntation. 1 552 http: // I'ostcoloniality, I'olitical Modernity tk Abrahamic Religions. M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 91 U of California, Berkeley Comp Lit, 4125 Dwinelle Hall Attn: Erica Roberts Berkeley CA 94720 Wagner C English, 1 Campus Rd Staten Island NY 10301 Assistant Professor of German/Comparative Literature Assi stant Professor of English (Comparati ve Literature) 1238 1 714 ht tp://academicemployment.chance. http: //www I'ending budgetary approval, the Departments ot (lernran and Compara- The English department ot W a g ner C o l l ege announces a tenure-track position beginning August 2007 tor a specialist in Comparative Literature with a tocus on ot nineteenth and twentieth-century Eu r opean literature. Interest in the relation ot E u r o pean literature to no n - w e stern cul t u res is desirable, as is a secondary expertise in literary theory. Successful candidates will have I'h.D. in hand by July 2007, evidence ot teaching excellence and scholarly potential, and fluency in at least one language besides English. They should be willing to teach introductory, intermediate, and advanced literature courses in translation, as well as to participate in Wagners interdisciplinary First Year I'rogram. tive Literature i n v i t e applications tor a tenur e- t r ack Assistant I' r o tessor ot (lernran and Comparative Literature in the modern period (1tlth century to the present ), effective I July 2007. The successtul candidate will be a dynamic teacher ot undergraduate and graduate courses with cross- disciplinary tocus. Requirements are a completed I'h.D. by the time ot employment, fluency in (l erntan, and evidence ot a commitment to comparative teaching and research. Letters ot application and CV, including dossier with three reterences and a writing sample, must be postnrarked no later than 17 November 2006. Candidates are requested to reter their reviewers to the UC Berkeley confidentiality statement tound at http: //apo. chance. Late applications cannot be accepted. N o electronic submissions. I'lease send material to Search Co m m i t t e e, (lrrman / C o m p arative Literature I'osition, Department ot C o m p arative Literature, University ot Calitornia, Berkeley, CA 9-1720-2610. The University is an Equal Opportunity, AHirntative Action Employer. We will interview at the MLA convention in I'hiladelphia. I'lease send application letter, CV, and dossier to Anne Schotter, Chair, Department ot English, Wagner College, One Campus Road, Staten Island, NY 10:101. (ireatest consideration w il l be given to application received by N o v em- ber 20. [R] U of California, Irvine Comp Lit, 320 Humanities Instructnl Bldg lrvine CA 92697 Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature 1051 The Department ot C o m p arative Literature seeks a tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor comparatist with expertise in Russian studies. Research in addi- tional fields (including, but not limited to: literary history, cultural studies, film and media studies, teminist and queer theory and gender studies, critical theory ) is desirable, along with ability to teach major works and periods ot Russian literature, history, and culture. Teaching will be divided between Comparative Literature and the I'rogram in Russian Studies. I'h.D. in hand by June, 2007, required. Comparative Li t erature is a vital and div erse unit on an i n t e l lectually thriving campus that hosts the Cri t i cal T h e ory I n stitute and the International Center tor W r i t i n g and Translation. Letter, CV, and dossier by Nov. 6 to I' r otessor Jane O. New m an, D epartment ot C o m parative Literature, .'120 Hunranities Instructional Building, Un iversity ot Calitornia, Irvine, CA 92697-26SI. We will interview at MLA . UC I is an Equal Opportunity E m p l oyer com m i t ted to excellence through diversity and has an Advance I'rogram tor Faculty Equity and Diversity. California S Polytechnic U, Pomona English fk For Langs, 3801 W Temple Av Pomona CA 91768 Assistant Professor, Linguistics 1 535 http: //ww w . Applications and nomi n ati ons tor the position ot Assistant I'rotessor in Linguistics tor the English tk Foreign Languages Department are invited. Duties and Responsibilities: Responsible tor teaching upper-division linguistics, TEEL M.A . courses, and EAI' composition; and provide student advising and department service. Required (I u ali ftcations: I'h.D. in Applied Linguistics/Linguistics at the time ot appointment; evidence o t ettective teaching; demonstrated ability t o c o n d uct scholarly w o r k ; ability to be responsive to the educational equity goals ot the Un iversity and its increasing ethnic di v ersity and in t ernational character. Date ot Appointment: The university seeks to fill this position by Fall 2007. Consideration ot completed applications will begin on December -1, 2006, and continue until the position is filled. AA/ E O E . For expanded position de- scription and application, call (909) 1169-31103, or E-Mail mjrodriguez (c0 U of Colorado Central Connecticut SU English, 1615 Stanley St New Britain CT 06050 Comp Lit, PO Box 331,233 Ketchum Bldg Boulder CO 80309 Assistant or Associate Professor o f Comparative Literature 8. Humani ti es 1365 Assistant Professor, Linguistics (Phonology) 1137 http: //ww w . ht tp://www. English. ccsu.e du/ Assistant I'rotessor, tenure-track, or beginning Associate I'rotessor, with tenure. We invite applications tor a vvord-inrage specialist with a strong background in critical theory and literary history; period open. I'h.D. in Art H i story, Co mparative Literature or related fields required. The successtul candidate should be able to teach the western art history survey in our interdisciplinary in t r o duction to the H u m a n i t ies nrajor and offer advanced visual studies courses tor both the H u m a n i t ies undergraduate a nd Comparative Literature graduate programs. Application letter wi t h CV and a dossier including t h ree letters ot recommendation should be nrailed to I'rotessor David Ferris, Chair, Dept. ot Comparative Literature and Huntanities, Univ. ot Colorado, .'1:11 UCB, Boulder, CO BO:109-0:1:11. Review ot applications will begin November I, 2006. Assistant I'rotessor ot Li n g uistics (I'honology). Tenure Track. To teach courses in theoretical and applied linguistics (especially phonology) in TES()L MS and certification programs; includes possible supervision ot pre-K-12 student teachers, other practica, and a course in second lan- The U n i v ersity ot C o l o r ado at B o u l der is com m i t t e d to d i v ersity and equality in education and employment. [R] 92 guage composition. Other teaching responsibilities include undergraduate courses in introduction to linguistics, language acquisition, and languages ot the world. Four course teaching load per semester with the opport unity tor release time tor research. Further responsibilities include publication, participation in conterences, and commi t tee work . C o m p e ti t iv e salary and excellent benefits. (Iualiftcations: I'h.D. in linguistics, prinrary specialization in phonological theory with a strong background in applied lingukstics/TES()L. Send letter ot application, CV, transcripts, sample publication, and three letters ot recomm endation to ( l i l b er t L . ( l i g l i o t t i , C h a i r m an , E n g l i sh Department, Central (: o n necticut State University, 161S Stanley Street, E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 New Britain, CT 060SO. For tull consideration, files must be received by December IL [R] Furman U Mod Langs fk Lits, 3300 Poinsett Hwy Greenville SC 29613 TESOL Program Coordinator/Assistant Professor 1480 http: // I 'O.'iITION VACAN C Y T E ! iO L I 'r o g r a m C o o r d i n a t o r / A s s i s t a n t I ' r o t e s s o r / E d u c a t i o n Department Send application m aterials, includ ing i n t o r m a t io n about research and t eaching i n t e rests, curr i c u lu m v i t ae, and sample pub l i cati ons to: C L Search Committee, C/O Jan Cobb, Linguistics Dept, Memorial Hall:122, Indiana University, 1021 E. :Ird Street, Bloomi ngton, IN -17-10S-700th Arrange to have three letters ot reterence sent to the same address. The committee will begin reviewing applications 17 November 2006 and will continue until the position is filled. For turther infbrntation, contact the linguistics department: lingdept ( or (II12) IISS-64S6. I ndi an a U n i v e r s i t y i s a n a t t i r m a t i v e a c t i o n e q u a l o p p o r t u n i t y employer. Indiana University encourages applications trom w o men and minorities. [R] Tenure-track position. Earned doctorate in curriculum and instruction or related field with specialization in English as a Second Language/Applied Linguistics with emphasis in second language acquisition. Must have at least 2 years ot teaching experience in K-12 schools; native proficiency in English OR Superior Level proficiency in English (as defined by the American Council ot Teachers ot Foreign Languages); ability to teach courses in E!iOL theory and methods, assessment, and language acquisition; ability to work closely with A rts and !i ciences taculty; ability to teach trom a multicultural perspective; ability to integrate technology into instruction; ability to develop new collaborative programs with local school districts; pursue external tundi ng; and com m i t m ent to collaborative approaches. Experience in school-based teacher education programs preterred. Responsibilities include: providing leadership to expand the TE!iOL I'rogram to other Upstate school districts and implementation ot grant programs; teaching graduate courses in E!iO L e d ucation, assessment, and evaluation; recruiting additional adjunct protessors to teach E!iOL education courses; supervising practicum and internship experiences; pursuing external tunding; serving on taculty com m i t t ees; advising students; participating in ongoing program development; providing service within the University and to state and local educational agencies. S alary is co m m e n surate w i t h e x p e r i e nce. Send letter ot appl i cati o n ; vita; and names, addresses, and telephone numbers ot three reterences to huntanreesources ( or to H u n t an R e sources Department, F urman University, .'1:100 I'oinsett Highway, (Ireenville, S(: 206LI. AA / Indiana U Second Language Studies, Memorial Hall 313, 1021 E. 3rd St. Bloomington IN 47405 Assistant Professor of Second Language Studies 1420 http: // Tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor of Second Language Studies, specializing in L2 phonology. The successtul candidate will have developed a research program in the acquisition and mental representation ot nonnative sound systems and will teach L2 phonology and a range ot Second Language !itudies courses printarily (currently, exclusively ) at the graduate level. An additional area ot expertise is highly desirable, e.g. processing, bilingualism, child L2, sociolinguistics, or classroom-based instructional research. Applications should include a cover letter, CV, statement ot protessional philosophy and research plans, three research and/or creative samples, three letters ot recommendation, and evidence ot efFective teaching ot university-level content courses. I'lease send applications to I'rotessor Kathleen Bardovi- H a r l ig, Search Committee (: hair, Second Language!itudietu Memorial Hall :I LI, 1021 E. Third Street, Bloomington, IN -17-10S-7005. Screening will begin October 20 until positions are filled. Indiana University is an aHirntative action/ equal opportu n ity employer. Indiana University encourages applications trom women and minorities. EOE Review ot the applications will continue until the position is filled. Intervievvs at MLA C o nvention. Purdue U Calumet English fk Philos, CLO 217 Hammond IN 46323 English: Linguistics/ESL Coordinator Indiana U Linguistics, 1021 E 3rd St, 322 Memorial Hall Bloomington IN 47405 Assistant Professor, Tenure-track, Computation Linguistics 1321 1667 http: //ww w . calumet. Full-time, tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor, Linguistics/E!iL. I'hD in hand b y tall, 2007, with T E !i L / T E ! iO L c er ti ficate. University teaching wi t h http: //www d n i n gdept/ administrative experience desired. Assistant I'rotessor ot Linguistics: Computational Linguistics tenure-track The taculty member holding this position will have administrative FTE to coordinate an English as a Second Language program. The Coordinat or ot the ESL program w i l l r e p or t t o th e C o m p o sition D i r e c t or, w h o reports directly to the Department Head. The ESL Coordinator will hold printary responsibility tor hiring and staHing decisions, mentoring, supervision, and training, textbook selection and curriculum development processes, and membership on the Comm i t tee on the Freshntan Year. position to begin tall, 2007. The Indiana University department ot linguistics has been authorized to hire an additional computational linguist to guide and contribute to a growing computational linguistics program within the Department and in the context ot a diverse linguistic research environment, working with scholars trom a variety ot units and a growing n atural language research group in the cognitive science program. T h e Department has an MA t r ack in c o m p utational li n g uistics and the new hire wil l be expected to teach its courses on a regular basis, and to help develop an interdisciplinary I'h.D. program in computational linguistics involving taculty i n d i fFerent units across campus. The ideal candidate should have a I'h.D. in the field ot computational linguistics and be tamiliar with a range ot Natural Language I'rocessing techniques and applications. Research specialties ntay be in a variety ot areas, including but not limited to natural language sentantics and discourse processing, language acquisition models, empirical linguistics involving corpus-based studies, and language documentation and corpus creation. Candidates who are able to teach courses within the discipline ot li n g uistics, while having interdisciplinary interests, solid research and teaching backgrounds, and demonstrated ability and interest to secure external tunding are especially encouraged to apply. For more infbrntation, see http: //ww w d n d i The ESL Coordinator teaches two courses per semester. Teaching involves E SL and composition courses in the Freshntan Year and applied and/ o r sociolinguistics courses tor graduate students and undergraduate ntajors. The successtul candidate must also be will ing to teach interdisciplinary courses in the School ot Liberal Arts and!iocial!iciences. The successtul candidate will have the opportu n ity to co n t r i b ute to the development ot a rhetoric/ co mposition / E !iL t rack tor graduate students in our MA p r o gram. Research opportunities in linguistics are available in the Chicago area, including topics such as linguistic diversity and the (Ireat American Vowel Shift. I 'urdue Un i v ersity Calumet is located 2S miles southeast ot dow n t o w n Chicago, a location convenient to cu l t u ral centers and to ntajor research libraries, such as the Newberry. -lingdept/. M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 93 Submit letter, C.V., three letters ot recommendation, and transcripts funoHicial ones accepted at this point ) to: Lingubtics/ESL (:oordinator Search Committee, Department ot English t( I' h i l osssophy, CLO 217, I'urdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN -16:12:1. Review ot applications begins December I, 2006, and will continue until the position is filled. a t t i ces/aaa/recrui t m e n t / d etault.htm and t h e Staff Emp l o y m en t O p p o r t u n i t y B u l l e t i n : h t t p : //j o b l i n k . u c bulletin/index. html I'urdue University Calumet is an Equal ()pportun i t y / A Hi r ntative Action U of Houston-Downtown English, 1 Main St Houston TX 77002 Employer. [ R ] Assistant Professor of English, Linguistics Syracuse U Langs, Lits 8( Ling, 340 Crouse Hall Syracuse NY 13244 Assistant Professor of TESOL 894 ht tp:// 11 02 http: // A ssistant I'rotessor ot TES( )L . A t e n u re- track position to teach TES() L and TES()L methods courses within a Lingubtics Studies I'rogranu I'h.D. in TES()L or Applied Linguistics. Demonstrated record ot excellence in research and teaching. Interest and experience in training I n t ernational Teaching Assistants and teacher certification program desirable. The candidate hired must have I'h.D. in hand by August 2007. Salary is competitive. Send cover letter, dossier f(:V, 3 letters ot recommendation, evidence o t teaching excellence and research interests, with at least one wr i t i n g sample) to Jaklin Kornfilt, Chair/Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Syracuse University, .'1-10 HBC, Syracuse, NY 13244-1160. Submission deadline: 12.2.06 (postmark ). Women, minorities urged to apply: AA/ EOE employer. [ R ] Tenure-track, beginning August 2007. Candidates must be qualified to teach introductory linguistics, granunar, and history ot English language. Additional preparation in composition, protessional wri t i n g / t e chnical communication, literature, or rhetoric is highly desirable, as is university teaching experience. Faculty members earn tenure tor achievements in teaching, scholarship, publication, and service. I'h.D. in hand by time ot appointment strongly preferred. Send application letter, vita, .'I letters ot reterence, and photocopy ot transcript fs) to Dr. Michael Dressntan, Chair, Lingub tics Search Comm i t tee, Department ot English, University ot Houston-Dovvntovvn, One Main Street, Houston, TX 77002. Application review begins immediately and continues until position is filled. UHD is an urban, open-admissions university with a highly diverse student body; all tull-time taculty members regularly teach a -1/-1 undergraduate load. (Iraduate teaching is a possibility. Budgeted salary $45,9119 (9 months ), with supplemental summer teaching opportuni ties. For intorntation about the department, check http: //w w w . u h Only applicants already eligible tor employment U of California, San Diego in the U.S. will be considered. AA/EOE [R ] Linguistics, 9500 Gilman Dr La Jolla CA 92093 Assistant Professor, Psycholinguistics/Neurolinguistics 1728 ht tp://li ng. ucsd.e du I'osition: The Department ot Li n g uistics at the University ot Calitornia, San Diego fhttp:// l i ) invites applications tor a tenure-track position in I'sycholinguistics and/or Neurolinguistics. (1ualifications: The successtul applicant will have a research program in psycholinguistics and/or neurolinguistics and have a strong background in linguistic theory. Area ot specialization is open. Candidates should be able to demonstrate evidence ot research productivity, undergraduate and graduate teaching ability, and extramural tunding potential. Applicants are also invited to comment about leadership activities and contributions to diversity. Application details: A letter ot application, curriculum vitae, statement ot research interests, and two (2) representative publications should be sent to the follow ing address. I'lease indicate in the letter whether or not you will be available tor an interview at the 2007 LSA Meeting in Anaheim, CA, January -1 — 7, 2007. All candidates should arrange tor three (3) reterees to send letters ot reterence under separate cover to the same address, and should include the names and addresses ot the reterees (including e-ntail addresses and tax numbers) with the application. For tullest consideration, all application ntaterials, including letters, should be received no later than December 15, 2006, and sent to: Recruitm ent C o m m i t t ee, I'sycholinguistics/N e u r o l i n g u i stics, Department ot Linguistics, M/C 0108, University ot (:alifbrnia San Diego, 9800 (lilntan Drive, La Jolla CA 920 t)L1-0108 U(:SD regulations: Salaries are in strict accordance with UC pay s cales. Non-ci ti zens sshhhould state their im m i g r ation status. U( :SD i s an equal opport u n i t y / a Hirntative action employer com m i t ted to excellence through diversity. Applicants are invited to preview campus diversity resources and programs at the campus vvebsite tor Diversity: http: // For assistance with c o n cerns regarding emplo y m ent op p o r t u n i t i es tor s pouses/partners, please check the U ( :SD vvebsites tor the I'artner O p p ortu n i t i e s I' r o g r am : h t t p : // academi cattai o t t i c e s/ p ar t neropp/detault.htm the Academic Job Opport u n i t ies Bulletin: ht tp: // 94 U of Missouri-St Louis English, 8001 Natural Bridge Rd, 494 Lucas Hall St Louis MO 63121 Assistant Professor of Linguistics 1603 http: // The Department ot Eng lish seeks applications tor a tenure-track Assistant I'rotessor, beginning August 2007, to teach a range ot undergraduate and graduate courses in linguistics, including the history ot the language, English grammar, and introductory linguistics. Norntal teaching load is :1/2, with opportuni ties tor release time tor research. I'hD by t im e ot appointment strongly preterred. Candidates should demonstrate evidence ot promise in scholarship and comm i t m ent to success in university-level teaching. Send letter ot application, CV, and complete dossier to Frank (Irady, Department ot English, U n i v ersity ot M i ssouri- !it. L o u is, One U n i v ersity Boulevard, !it. Louis, MO 6:1121 4499. Review ot applications will begin on November 18 and ntay continue until the position is filled. The University ot Missouri-!it. Louis is an AA/E O e m ployer commi tted to excellence through diversity. [R] [ R ] U of Montreal Litteratures et Langues Modernes, CP 6128 Centre Ville Montreal QC H3C 3J7 Canada Poste de directrice ou de directeur 1360 Le Departement de linguistique et de traduction de la Faculte des arts et des sciences recherche une directrice ou un di recteur au rang de protesseur titulaire 8 plein temps. Exigences: La Faculte et le Departement recherchent une personne dynamique, ayant une experience en enseignement et un excellent dossier de recherche, possedant une bonne vision de I'avenir d'un departement de linguistique et de traduction 8 I' U n i v ersite de Mo n t real fetudes de Ier cycle, etudes superieures et recherche ), possedant une grande experience administrative, preterablement au niveau de directeur et des capacites de leadership demontrees (competence en gestion, organisation et communication ). E NGL IS H E D IT IO N D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 Les candidats devront etre titulaires d'un doctorat en linguistique ou d'un doctorat en traduction ou d'une specialisation equivalente dans 1'une ou 1'autre discipline. Le candidat enseignera dans les programmes du departe- ately. to continue until position filled. Appointment effective September 1, 2007. Interviews conducted at the MLA C onvention in 1'hiladelphia. ment aux trois cycles, devra encadrer des etudiants de 2e et .'1e cycles et continuera ses activites de recherche. The University ot Texas at El 1'aso does not discrimi nate on the basis ot race, color, nationalorigin , reeligion, age, disability, veteran's status or sexual orientation in employment or the provision ot services. [R] Situe au coeur de Montreal et au sein de la plus importante universite du (quebec, le departement de ling uistique et de traduction otfre des programmes de premier cycle (baccalaureat; mineur ; et ntajeur ) et de cycles superieures (MA et 1'h.D) dans les deux disciplines. 1'lus d'intorntation sur le departement et 1'Universite de Montreal est disponible sur les sites internet : h t tp: //u m o n t et http: //w w w . u m o n t tacultes.html¹aFAS. West Chester U For Langs, 109 Main Hall West Chester PA 19383 Traitement: L 'Uni v ersite de M o n t r eal o t tr e u n salaire concu r r en tiel j u m ele a un e gamme complete d'avantages sociaux. Date d'entree en tonction: A compter du ler juin 2007 et sous reserve d'approbation budgetaire. Les personnes interessees doivent taire parvenir : 1 . une lettre indiquant leur vision du developpement du departement, ainsi que des enjeux specif iques et de la complementarite de ses deux sections; 2. leur curri culu m vitae; .'1. un plan de recherche (2 a 3 pages maximum ) et -1. le nom et 1'adresse de .'1 personnes susceptibles de tournir des lettres de recommandation pour le 18 novembre 2006. Ces documents peuvent etre rediges en anglais ou en trancais. Mme M a r i e - ( : laude L'H o m m e , p r o tesseure tit u l aire et presidente du c omite de selecti on , D e p a r t e m ent d e l i n g u i s t i qu e et d e t r a d u c t i o n , Assistant Professor of TESOL http: //www Beginning late August 2007. Tenure-track position. Required qualifications: 1'h.D./Ed.D. in TE S()L (or applied linguistics and TES()L ) in hand by August 15, 2007; specialization in sociolinguistics, L2 literacy development or cr i t i cal pedagogy; experience or solid preparation in teaching TES()L courses at the graduate level, undergraduate linguistics courses and either English composition or a toreign language; evidence ot excellence in teaching and creative/innovative pedagogics; evidence ot strong research or strong research potential; K-12 T E S () L c r edential or significant practical K-12 ESL/EFL classroom experience required; interest/experience in TES()L program administration desirable. Candidates must submit ntaterials postntarked by November 6 to be cons idered in the in i t ial screening ot applicants. Screening w il l c o n t i n u e until the position is filled. Finalists must successtully complete an on-site interview and teaching demonstration. 1'lease send letter ot application, curriculum vitae, teaching porttolio, and three letters ot reterence to: Dr. (1C. H:1C:1J7. Charles (irove, Di rector, M A T E S L Pr ogranu Department ot Foreign Languages, 107 Main Hall, West Chester, 1'A 19383. Contorm em ent aux ex igences prescrites en matiere d' i m m i g r a t ion au Canada, cette annonce s'adresse en priorite aux citoyens canadiens et aux r esidents perntanents. L'Un i v ersite de M o n t real souscrit a un program m e d'acces a 1'egalite en emploi pour les temmes, les minorites visibles et eth- Developing and sustaining a diverse taculty and staff advances WCUs educational mission and strategic 1'lan tor Excellence. West Chester University is an AHirntative Action Equal ()pportunity Employer. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply. [R] Universite de M o n t r eal, C .l ( 6 1 28, succursale Centre-v i l le, M o n t r eal, niques, les autochtones et les personnes handicapees. Les procedures de nom i n a t ion en v i g u eur a 1'U n i v ersite de M o n t r eal prevoient que tous les dossiers de candidatures puissent etre consultes par les protesseurs membres de 1'assemblee departementale. Toute personne desirant que sa candidature demeure confidentielle jusqu'a 1'etablissement de la liste restreinte (candidatures retenues pour entrevue ) est price de le mentionner dans sa lettre d'accompagnement. • ' • • • • • Stanford U English, 450 Serra Mall Stanford CA 94305 Humanities Fellow 194 http: // U of Texas at El Paso Langs ft( Linguistics, 500 W University El Paso TX 79968 Advanced Assistant/Associate Professor of ESOL 1418 http: // Specialization and substantial experience in ES()L. Responsibilities include but not li m i t ed to: program adminkstration, cutti n g - edge curriculum development, outreach, and teaching courses in ES()L, language acquisition, pedagogy and related areas at B.A. and M . A . l evels. The successtul candidate will show evidence ot administering a comprehens ive ES()L p r o g r am , and c o m m i t m e n t t o r esearch in E S () L t e achi n g and learning. Experience in grant wri ting preterred. Salary competitive and commensurate with experience. In addition to having the ntajor responsibility tor the ES()L curriculum, the Department ot Languages and Linguistics offers a B.A. and M.A. in Spanksh and Linguistics, as well as the B.A. in French. With an enrollment ot 20,000 students, UTE1' is nationally recognized as the only doctoral-research university in the count ry w it h a major it y M e x i c an - A m e r i can student population. W i t h o v e r 700,000 people, the city ot El 1'aso is a ntajor cultural and economic presence in the Southwest and on the US/M e x ico border. Stanford University invites applications tor the Stanford Huntanities Fellows Progranu a postdoctoral fellowship designed to give the best recent 1'h.D. recipients in the huntanities a unique oppor t u n it y t o d evelop as scholars and teachers. Up to six two-year fellowships will be awarded in the following fields: Asian Languages; Comparative Literature; French and Italian; (i e r man Studies; Linguistics; Slavic Languages and Literatures; Spanksh and 1'ortuguese. Stipend is $80,000 plus benefits and other support. Fellows are provided offices in and teach tor one ot Stantbrds fitteen standing hu m an i t ies departments. Course load: one course and one course-equivalent per year. Applicants must have received a qualitied 1'h.D. between 1/1/200-1 and 6/:10/2007. Application deadline is December -1, 2006. 1'lease see our display ad in the Chronicle ot Higher Education (()ct. 6, ()ct. Ll ) or visit our website at http: //fellows.stanford .edu. [ R ] 1'lease send letter ot application, CV, three current letters ot recommendat ion, and a copy ot one representative publication to: K i r sten F. N i g r o , Chair, Department ot Languages and Linguistics, L17 Liberal Arts Build- ing, University ot Texas at El 1'aso, El 1'aso, TX 79968-05:11. Incomplete or electronic applications will not be considered. Applications acknowledged by departmental letter. Review ot applications will start immedi- M L A JO B I N FO R M A T I O N L I ST 9$ U of California, Los Angeles Washington U English, 1 Brookings Dr, Campus Box 1122 St Louis MO 63130 French fk Francophone Studies, PO Box 951550, 405 Hilgard Av Los Angeles CA 90095 Mellon Postdoctoral Fellows in the Humanities at UCLA Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities and Social Sciences 56 h ttp: //ww w . szwicker/ M e l lo n 76 I ' o stdoctoral I ' r ht tp://w w w . h u m n Washington University announces the seventh year ot Modeling Interdis- "Cultures in Transnational I'erspective" ciplinary Inquiry, an Andrew W. Mellon Call tor Applications Foundation I'ostdoctoral Fellowship I'rogram designed to encourage interdisciplinary scholarship and teaching across the hunranities and social sciences. We invite applications trom recent I'h.D.s tor the position ot Fellow. In !ieptember 2007, the selected Fellow will join our continuing Fellows in order to participate in the Universitys ongoing interdisciplinary Deadline: February I, 2007 The division ot humanities at the University ot Calitor nia, Los Angeles, will appoint tour A n drew W. M e l lon I'ostdoctoral Fellows tor a 2-year tenure beginning in the tall ot 2007. Fellows must have earned their doctoral degree no earlier than January 2001 and no later than June 2007. The Mellon Fellowship provides a stipend ot $4$,000 a year, standard tringe benefits, a one-time moving allowance ot $1,$00, plus a snrall research budget ot $1,000. Designed to explore the emerging field ot Transnational !i t u dies, the aim ot the M ellon I' r ogram at U CL A i s to broaden the study ot mi no r ity cult ures trom its national tocus to global and com- programs and seminars. The Fellow w il l r eceive a two year appointment with a stipend beginning at $41,900 per year. I'ostdoctoral Fellows have an opportunity to plan and pursue their own continuing research in association with a senior taculty member at Washington Un iversity, and, over the course ot their tw o - y ear appointment, to teach three undergraduate courses in their home discipline and to collaborate in an interdisciplinary theory and methods workshop. parative perspectives. We seek innovative scholarship that explores minority cultures as nrajor components ot world culture and history, generated by immigrant and minority w r i t ers, artists, ftlnnnakers, playwrights, and musicians residing in metropolitan centers across the world and thereby reshaping the canons ot literature, art, and music in their respective countries. There is no application torm. Applicants should send a cover letter, a description (no more than 1$00 words) ot the scholarly project relevant to the program, a CV , and t h ree letters ot recommendation by Febru- T here is no application torm , but t u r t her i n t o r m ation on M o d e l ing I n terdisciplinary Inquiry is available on the web at http: //ww w .artsckwustl .edu/-szwicker/M e l lon I ' o stdoctoral I ' r o gram.html. Applicants should submit a cover letter, a description ot th eir research program (no more than three single-spaced pages), a briet proposal tor the seminar in theory and methods, a curriculum v i t ae, and three letters ot recommendation. All nraterials must be submitted in paper copy. ary I, 2007, to: Mellon I'ostdoctoral Fellowships in the H u m an i ties at UCLA, Royce Hunranities (iroup, 212 Royce Hall, UC LA , Los Angeles, CA 9009$. The program is co-chaired by I'rotessors Francoise Lionnet !iubmit nraterials by December I, 2006, to ! i t even Zw i cker (szwicker (aj ) Department ot English, Washington University, Campus Box 1122 One Brookings Drive, !it. Louis MO 6:3L30 (French and Francophone Studies; Comparative Literature ) and!ihu-mei !ihih (Asian Languages and Cultures; Comparative Literature ). For more intormation, please contact Danielle Co oper via e-m ail at danielle (aj h u m n e t. u cl a. e du. W ashington U n i v ersity is an A t t i r m a t ive Ac t i o n / E q ual O p p o r t u n i t y employer. 96 Employment eligibility verification requested upon hire. E NGL IS H E D IT IO N [R] D E C E M BE R 2 0 0 6 ML A JOB INFORM ATION SERVICE First Class US Postage PAID 26 Broadway, 3rd floor New York, NY 10004-1789 New York, NY FIRST CLASS MAIL • Job Information List on the World Wide Web • How to access the electronic JIL (inside front cover) FIRST CLASS MAIL DATED MATERIAL