This presentation is produced by students of Wageningen University as part of their MSc-programme. It is not an official presentation of Wageningen University or Wageningen UR and the content herein does not represent any formal position or representation by Wageningen University. Copyright © 2016 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form of by any means, without the prior consent of the authors. A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE FOR THE JUNIPERBOS Assessment of development scenarios and providing recommendations for the sustainable future of the Juniperbos T. Van den Berg M. Van Kempen M.G. Kibria F. Kuhn K. Leigh-Moy R. Lette J. Maas Commissioned by Stichting Behoud Juniperbos 30 June 2016, Apeldoorn Introduction Google Earth Introduction Project work of 8 weeks duration A team of 3 natural scientists and 4 social scientists The problem Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 1/2 Introduction: the project Premise: development in the Juniperbos? Goal: contribution to a sustainable future of the Juniperbos Values 4 Scenarios Recommendations Legal criteria Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 2/2 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. Theoretical approach Legal analysis Evaluation and assessment of values Introduction to and recommendations for scenarios 5. General recommendations 6. Conclusion Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 1/1 1. Theoretical approach The theoretical approach determines the way in which we look at the Juniperbos Landscape approach Ecological principles: conservation at landscape level Multifunctionality: balancing multiple ecological, social and economic functions Examination of the forest from a large-scale perspective Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 1/2 1. Theoretical approach Google Earth Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 2/2 2. Legal analysis Why a legal analysis? Natura 2000 network Birds Directive Habitats Directive Nitrogen deposition regulation Close link to Natura 2000 Lowering nitrogen deposition Groundwater protection area Preventing groundwater pollution Silence policy area Controlling noise pollution Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 1/2 2. Legal analysis What does this mean for development? Natura 2000 Must conserve species & habitat types Prevent negative impacts: internal & external Prior assessment of plans & projects Compensation: refer to provincial legislation Legal Criteria Nitrogen deposition regulation Prior assessment of plans & projects Veluwe: nitrogen levels already high Groundwater protection area ‘Stand-still/step forward’ principle Silence policy area Maintaining or reducing noise levels Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 2/2 3. Ecological values Rare & protected species Rare & protected habitats Flora- en faunawet Forest cover of the Netherlands Birds Directive Beach and oak forest Oak forest Malene Thyssen, Heathland As adapted from Schelhaas et al., 2014 Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 1/7 3. Ecological values Wider landscape value As adapted from Alterra, 2016 Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 2/7 3. Impacts on the ecological values Development could lead to: Increased traffic Nilfanion, ger_in_Plymouth.jpg Increased wildlife mortality Increased pollution Increased noise pollution Increased human presence Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 3/7 3. Sociocultural values Established through interviews with forest users Important aspects Utility for dog-walking Health & relaxation benefits Uniqueness of the forest Unknown: attraction park values Virginia State Parks, hatan_Dog_Walking_(13885255733).jpg Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 4/7 3. Impacts on the sociocultural values Changes in site layout & size Less room for physical activity Decreased air quality Reduced health & relaxation benefits © Copyright Christine Matthews and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence Urban development ‘Forest in the city’? Age of the forest? Noise pollution Negative impact on stress reduction Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 5/7 3. Economic values Attraction parks Ecosystem services E.g. house prices & nature tourism Total annual turnover: approx. €40 million Introduction Outline Theory Legal Groundwater infiltration Replacement cost: €0.40 m3 Annual water extraction in Amersfoortseweg: 5.5 million m3 Total annual replacement cost: €2.1 million New water pumping station: €10 million Estimated annual contribution of the Juniperbos: €134,000 Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 6/7 3. Impacts on the economic values Attraction park expansion = increased revenue Increased visitor numbers Higher entrance fee Ecosystem services: groundwater infiltration Juniperbos = 25 year zone More development = increased risk of contamination Particularly from vehicles and car parks As adapted from Beschermingsgebieden Grondwater, Provincie Gelderland, 2015, retrieved from Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 7/7 4. Four scenarios for the Westrand As adapted from Scenario's Westrand Apeldoorn, Stichting Behoud Juniperbos, n.d, retrieved from Why? Local problems: recreation, parking & traffic, living & nature conservation How? Different stakeholders involved in development Dreams & opportunities rather than restrictions Current situation? Scenarios not set in stone, document used for discussion Impacts are difficult to determine Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 1/9 4. Scenario 1: Roots in the Woods | Least changes | ‘DNA of the Veluwe’ | Room for ‘small’ development | Ecological: likely to be impacted Sociocultural: no major impacts Economic: both positively as well as negatively impacted Legal criteria: unknown if they will be violated As adapted from Nieuwbouw ontwikkeling Apeldoorn-West presentatie 4 scenarios, Gemeente Apeldoorn, 2015, retrieved from Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 2/9 4. Recommendations scenario 1 As adapted from Beschermingsgebieden Grondwater, Provincie Gelderland, 2015, retrieved from + Natura 2000, Provincie Gelderland, 2015, retrieved from Precise information and close monitoring in regards to legislation Example: establish a parking area with public transport facilities Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 3/9 4. Scenario 2: Groot Berg en Bos | Outdoor recreation | Integrating nature & recreation | Expansion of current attraction parks| Ecological: likely to impact the habitats and species located in the area Sociocultural: significantly reduced Economic: positively; attraction parks might generate a higher turnover negatively; ecosystem services will decline As adapted from Nieuwbouw ontwikkeling Apeldoorn-West presentatie 4 scenarios, Gemeente Apeldoorn, 2015, retrieved from Introduction Outline Theory Legal criteria: all likely to be violated Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 4/9 4. Recommendations scenario 2 As adapted from Beschermingsgebieden Grondwater, Provincie Gelderland, 2015, retrieved from + Natura 2000, Provincie Gelderland, 2015, retrieved from Least recommended: both values & legislation Outdoors activities with little construction Specific dog-walking areas & tranquility of the area Better insight into the economic implications Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 5/9 4. Scenario 3: Apeldoorn Adventure Park | Combining Julianatoren, Apenheul & possible third | Separating attraction parks & nature | Ecological: maintain the presence of species and habitat types Sociocultural: stay intact or will increase Economic: positive on ecosystem services in Juniperbos As adapted from Nieuwbouw ontwikkeling Apeldoorn-West presentatie 4 scenarios, Gemeente Apeldoorn, 2015, retrieved from Introduction Outline Theory Legal criteria: likely to be partly violated Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 6/9 4. Recommendations scenario 3 Michiel1972, As adapted from Beschermingsgebieden Grondwater, Provincie Gelderland, 2015, retrieved from + Natura 2000, Provincie Gelderland, 2015, retrieved from Knowledge on species present around the Apenheul & legal implications A noise barrier could be established Establish a parking area and develop public transport links Obtain better insight into the economic implications Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 7/9 4. Scenario 4: Veluws Kant | Relocate outside of Westrand| Westrand as quiet ‘backdoor' | New natural areas & housing | Ecological: positive for Juniperbos as well as for larger Westrand area Sociocultural: stay intact or are increased Economic: certain aspects unknown: relocation costs new visitors groundwater (housing) As adapted from Nieuwbouw ontwikkeling Apeldoorn-West presentatie 4 scenarios, Gemeente Apeldoorn, 2015, retrieved from Introduction Outline Theory Legal criteria: not likely to be violated Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 8/9 4. Recommendations scenario 4 As adapted from Beschermingsgebieden Grondwater, Provincie Gelderland, 2015, retrieved from + Natura 2000, Provincie Gelderland, 2015, retrieved from Pimvantend - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, The most suitable scenario Tourism research on visitors to Apeldoorn (attraction parks & nature tourism) Outside of area with legal restrictions Economic implications: relocation Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 9/9 5. General recommendations 1. Taking into account Dutch and European regulations Birds Directive & Habitats Directive Nitrogen deposition regulation Silence policy area regulation 2. Including stakeholder Vitens & groundwater protection areas 3. Compensating nature Replacing habitat proves to be extremely difficult 4. Collecting further data E.g. profiles and preferences of visitors to Apeldoorn Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 1/1 6. Conclusion Juniperbos Ecological values landscape level: Veluwe local level: species and habitats Sociocultural values: dog-walking utility, relaxation & health benefits, uniqueness Economic values: ecosystem services, attractions parks Legal criteria Scenarios Not are entirely feasible for implementation Values and legal guidelines are not taken into account Relocation costs unclear Introduction Outline Theory Legal Values Specific recomm. General recomm. Conclusion 1/1 A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE FOR THE JUNIPERBOS Thank you for your attention. Are there any comments or questions?