Imagine Campaign Newsletter - Fall 2008


Imagine Campaign Newsletter - Fall 2008
el camino hospital foundation
A newsletter for the Campaign
for El Camino Hospital
• H2H Celebrates
Third Birthday
• Welcome New
Board Members
• Legacy Society
• Vision in Progress
• In Memoriam:
Billy Russell
Fall 2008
Imagine Campaign Celebrates
$25 Million Milestone
Major donors gathered at
the Los Altos Hills home of
Norma and Jack Melchor
on Thursday evening
September 18 to toast
the Foundation and each
other as they celebrated
the success of the Imagine
Campaign. Launched at
the Foundation’s gala in
2005, the campaign aimed
to raise $25 million for El
Camino Hospital in five
years, making it the most
Imagine Campaign Cabinet: Dr. Alvin Rutner, Phyllis Dorricott,
ambitious fundraising goal
Jon Friedenberg, Hon. Charles Gordon, Bernis Kretchmar,
in the Foundation’s history.
Bob Adams, Dr. Ivan Fucilla, Carol Proffitt, Dr. William Reeves,
Because of outstanding
Norma Melchor, Dr. Vol Van Dalsem, Mike Kasperzak,
outreach by the Imagine
Mady Kahn and Pamela Taft. Missing: Nancy Nevalsky,
Campaign Cabinet and
Tracy Ross and Judie Wolken
an extraordinary response
by the community, the
campaign reached its goal in less than four years, one year ahead of schedule.
Save the Date!
El Camino Hospital
Foundation’s annual
gala will be on
Saturday evening,
May 2, 2009 at
Sharon Heights Golf
and Country Club.
Norma Melchor
Speeches were kept brief at the intimate cocktail party.
Hospital CEO Ken Graham welcomed the assembled
crowd and thanked everyone for their hard work,
leadership and generosity. He was followed by party
host and campaign chair Norma Melchor, who excitedly
announced the launch of the campaign’s second phase,
to raise an additional $25 million for a total goal of $50
million to coincide with the hospital’s 50th anniversary.
Foundation chair Phyllis Dorricott spoke next and
reminded the major donors of the impressive hospital
programs their philanthropy has helped to underwrite,
particularly in the areas of heart and vascular care,
cancer care, robotic surgery and nursing.
Continued on page 2
T h a n k
y o u
f o r
i m a g i n i n g . . .
Imagine Campaign
Celebrates $25
Million Milestone
Continued from page 1
Phyllis and Dr. Alvin Rutner
Lois and Bob Adams, Marilyn Manning
Mady and Mel Kahn
Pamela and Ed Taft
Charles and Nancy Geschke
y o u
f o r
The assembled guests
feasted on gourmet hors
d’oeuvre, including
cooked-to-order pasta
and gnocchi, and
enjoyed Thomas Fogarty
wine. Old friends
and longtime hospital
supporters congratulated
each other and mingled
happily with donors who
have forged more recent
ties to the Foundation.
The party wound down
as the sun set over the
Los Altos Hills, and
everyone went home
with a satisfying sense
of accomplishment and
renewed purpose.
Anne and Ken Graham,
Norma and Jack Melchor
T h a n k
“Everyone assembled
here represents the
epitome of the spirit
of this community,”
concluded Dr. William
Reeves, Imagine
Campaign co-chair, who
thanked the community
for being “El Camino
Hospital’s sponsor.” He
proudly enumerated a
few of the numerous
awards and accolades
the hospital has won
over the past four years
and reiterated that
community support will
continue to be needed
as the hospital strives
to develop the forwardlooking programs that
will keep it on the
leading edge.
i m a g i n i n g . . .
y o u
f o r
Phyllis Dorricott, Jon Friedenberg, Geneva Strom
Kay and Dr. Robert Pinsker
i m a g i n i n g . . .
Norm and Carol Proffitt, Dr. William Reeves and Pat Pierce
Larry Chu and Ken Graham
Ken Graham, Laphalene Hawkins, Jim and Marla de Broekert
Kay Melchor, Joan Parker, Pat Butchart
Nancy and Steve Nevalsky
y o u
f o r
Richard and Mary Wallace
David and Vicki Reeder
Uwe Kladde and Donna Whitney
T h a n k
T h a n k
i m a g i n i n g . . .
Welcome New Board Members
El Camino Hospital Foundation would like to
welcome two new members to its board of directors,
John Shoemaker and Lucia Steinhilber.
John Shoemaker is originally from Rochester, New
York, and earned his MBA from Indiana University.
He began his career at Xerox Corporation. After
20 years with Xerox as senior vice president,
Worldwide Marketing, John moved to the Bay Area
in 1990 to become executive vice president, general
manager of Computer Systems at Sun Microsystems.
Since retiring from Sun, John currently serves as a
member of the boards of Altera Corporation and
Extreme Networks, and is Chairman of the Board of
SonicWALL Corporation.
John is a principal director of the Indiana University
Foundation, the Johnson Center for Entrepreneurship
and Innovation, and the Dean’s Council at Indiana
University’s Kelly School of Business. A trustee of
Hanover College, he also serves locally as an advisor
to the Foothill College Entrepreneurship Center.
He also advises several startup businesses. John is
married to Donna Shoemaker, an active Auxiliary
volunteer. Donna helps the Foundation organize
VIP tours of the new hospital campus. In fact, John
became interested in the Foundation after going on
one of these tours.
John Shoemaker
Lucia Steinhilber
Lucia Steinhilber is the founder and leader of the equity
programs group and a member of the private equity/
venture capital practice group at Heidrick & Struggles,
a global executive search firm, where she has managed
the equity portfolio since 1999. She has more than 25
years of experience in finance as an investment banker,
portfolio manager, CFO and financial consultant,
including eight years at Kidder, Peabody & Co. in New
York where she became a senior vice president. Lucia
earned a BA degree from Duke University and an MBA
with honors from Columbia University. The Los Altos
resident is married and has two children. She was
introduced to El Camino Hospital and the Foundation
by Valerie Curatola and served on the 2007 gala
executive committee.
Vision in Progress Event to Explore Genetic Medicine
The next Vision in Progress event, scheduled to take
place on Wednesday evening, November 19, will
focus on exciting developments in genetic medicine
and plans to establish a Genomic Medicine Institute
at El Camino Hospital.
The completion of the map of the human genome
in 2003 has given researchers powerful new tools to
understand genetic causes of disease and to develop
exciting new diagnostic tests and personalized
therapies. Much of the new research has taken place
in the Bay Area and El Camino Hospital, located in
the heart of Silicon Valley, is uniquely positioned to
develop the first center of excellence in this field.
The new Genomic Medicine Institute will partner
with some of the world’s premier providers of
genetic tests to offer our patients access to the most
advanced testing. Once the
results are received, professional
genetic counselors, working with
physicians, will help patients and families interpret
the information and determine the best course of
follow-up action.
Genetic medicine has the potential to revolutionize
health care in our lifetimes. This Vision in
Progress evening promises to be exciting and
informative. Please plan to join us.
This is not a fundraising event but rather it is a
high level briefing to the hospital leadership on our
plans to bring this new medical technology to our
community. For more information please contact
Lindsay Greensweig at lindsay_greensweig@ or 650.988.7849.
Hope to Health Celebrates Third Birthday
Erika Ketelsen and Marla de Broekert
Phyllis Dorricott, Anne Graham and Betsy Dawes
The women of Hope to Health, El Camino Hospital
Foundation’s women’s philanthropy group, celebrated
the organization’s third birthday with a cake
decorating class at Whole Foods in Los Altos on
Thursday evening, June 12.
President Peggy Dent welcomed the members,
recapping the organization’s raison d’etre of raising
funds to benefit women’s health services at El Camino
Hospital. She then introduced representatives from
the four beneficiary organizations who received H2H
grants this past year: Barbara Avery on behalf of
RotaCare’s gynecological services; Barbara Mocnik
and Kris Peterson on behalf of Behavioral Health’s
post partum depression pilot program; Carol Wilcox
on behalf of the Cancer Center’s comfort care
program; and Donna Malhotra on behalf of the
South Asian Heart Center’s women’s cardiovascular
screening project.
After sampling hors d’oeuvre specially prepared by
Chef John Ambeling, Whole Foods’ culinary specialist,
the women gathered for a demonstration and
explanation of cake decorating techniques. They then
donned pink aprons embroidered with the H2H logo
and practiced frosting smoothly and creating rosettes
on their own on six-inch round cakes. “It was a
perfect celebration of this milestone occasion,” said
Lindsay Greensweig, El Camino Hospital Foundation’s
director of major giving. “We hope the organization
continues to grow and thrive so we can continue
providing support to so many wonderful women’s
health programs.”
Lynn and Lisa Telford
Purnima Gaddam and Dr. Prasanna Menon
Ursula Kaiser, Ruth Kaiser, Marla de Broekert
Bernerd Meseth and Marie Piezot
Legacy Society Luncheon
Legacy Society members attended a special luncheon at
Sharon Heights Golf and Country Club on Friday, June 13.
The occasion provided an opportunity for the Foundation to
honor the guests, who have all promised gifts to El Camino
Hospital in their estate plans, and to mark the retirement
of Planned Giving Council member Barbara Beck after 10
distinguished years of service.
After mingling and sampling an assortment of gourmet
hors d’oeuvre the guests sat down to an elegant meal of filet
mignon and fennel and cheese quiche, which was accompanied
by a selection of wines from the Thomas Fogarty Vineyard.
They heard from El Camino Hospital CEO Ken Graham, who
distributed the latest renderings of the new hospital campus
as he gave an update on construction progress and plans for
the future. Jon Friedenberg, president of El Camino Hospital
Foundation, made an award presentation to Barbara Beck and
spoke movingly of Dr. Robert Gaspich, Catherine Fischer and
Billy Russell, three Legacy Society members who had passed
away during the year.
The highlight of the afternoon was an intimate performance
by local sensation Heidi Hau, an award-winning,
internationally acclaimed classical pianist. Two perfectly
placed monitors gave the audience a beautiful view of
her fingers as they lightly flew across the keyboard. The
performance included pieces by Cesar Franck, Claude
Debussey, and Concert Arabesques on Strauss’ Blue Danube
Waltz by Andrei Schulz-Evler. At the end of the afternoon,
everyone received an autographed CD to take home.
Marilyn and Seth Manning
Ada Hau and Heidi Hau
Doris and Herman Hijmans, Sara Turner and Bob Worcester,
Carol and Norm Proffitt
In Memoriam
Colonel Billy B. Russell, a founder and
lifelong supporter of El Camino Hospital,
died on June 12, 2008. An early advocate
for the hospital, he was appointed to its
first district board of directors by the
County Board of Supervisors in 1956. He
served in that capacity for 37 years, acting
as president for 24 of them. Indeed, Billy
Russell is the man who suggested the
hospital be called El Camino, for the road
which runs through the cities it serves.
Leanne and George Stanley
Billy Russell’s involvement in health
care began when he helped General
Omar Bradley reorganize the Veteran’s
Administration after World War II. He
and his brother-in-law later opened men’s
clothing stores in Los Altos and Palo Alto.
Upon retiring in 1979, his focus returned
once again primarily to health care issues,
particularly El Camino Hospital. Most
recently, he served as honorary chair for
planned giving for El Camino Hospital
Foundation’s Imagine Campaign, helping to
raise money for state-of-the-art programs on
El Camino Hospital’s’ new campus.
Billy Russell was associated in important
ways with El Camino Hospital for more
than half a century and his contributions
were among the most significant in the
hospital’s history. He was loved by
everyone and will be greatly missed.
Linda and John Elman
Thank you for Imagining
List includes donors who contributed $250 and more to the Imagine Campaign between July 1, 2004 and August 31, 2008.
Anonymous (101)
850 Cigar Bar and Grill
Mr. Allen Aardsma
Estate of Bernard Simon Aarons
Ms. Clarizza Abac
Ms. Susana Marie V. Abad and Mr. David C. Newkirk
Abbott Laboratories
Ms. Kelly M. Abbott
Ms. Lisa A. Abbott
Mr. Vaughn W. Abbott
Abby Photo & Frames
Dr. Isha and Asim Abdullah
Mrs. Margaret M. Abe
Dr. and Mrs. Aubrey L. Abramson
Acacia Property Corporation
Accuray, Inc.
Mr. Donald A. Ackerman
Mr. Hector Acuna
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Adams
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Affiliated Computer Services, Inc.
Ms. Theresa Afuola
Dr. Sepideh Agah and Dr. Ramtin Agah
Agilent Technologies
Ms. Priscila Aguas
Mrs. Myrna B. Aguilar
Faruq Ahmad
AIG Retirement
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Aigen
Estate of Jane C. Albrecht
Ms. Julie Aleman
Ms. Kathy Alexander
All Horizons Travel, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Allardyce
Ms. Charlene F. Allen
Dr. and Mrs. Wesley F. Alles
Alliance Imaging, Inc.
Alta Vista West
Altos Cardiovascular Medical Associates, Inc.
Alza Corporation
Tasia Amasa
Ms. Renee M. Ambrozy
AMDC Corporation
American Medical Association Foundation
American Trust
Amico Corporation
Sheetal Amin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. Amrhein
Mr. Maurice Amzallag
Ms. Maya Anant
Ms. Elizabeth P. Ancheta
Ms. Mary J. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Anderson
Thomas and Evelyn Anderson
The Andres and Cynthia Trust
Josie and Dan Andres
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Andrews
Ms. Norayda M. Ang
Angel Ventures
Angelica Corporation
Keith and Louanna Angelo
Mr. Carl A. Angotti
Ms. Elizabeth Anquillano
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Antonelli
Mel Kahn
AP Stumps Chop House
Mr. Jose P. Apostol
Ms. Normita Apostol
Appletree Uniforms
Aqua Cleaners
Ms. Mae Arana
Ms. Sally Arcarese
Mr. Kevin Arends
Azucena L. Arguelles, M.D.
Mr. Luis Arguello
ARM Physical IP, Inc.
Ms. Carol Ann Armendariz
Mr. Arthur W. Armstrong
Ms. Deana Arnold
Estate of Marjorie E. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Sudhir Arora
ASCO Services
Ms. Joanne Ashford
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Ms. Margaret Pinter and Mr. Peter Athanas
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Atteberry
Jere and Jean Austin
Ms. Kathleen M. Austin
Ms. Martha Autran
Bernadette and Ken Averill
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Avery
Ayres Family Fund
Ms. Christine M. Backhouse
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Baer
Ms. Janet W. Bailey
Baker Senior Referrals
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Baker
Dr. Jason Balaban and Mrs. Mishy Balaban
Ms. Darlene M. Balbas
Ms. Bonnie Ball
Ms. Tessa Baltazar
Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Barasch
Ms. Maria A. Barboza
Kris Barlow
Mr. Robert Barna
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Barnes
Estate of Ernestine Barrile
Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bartholomew
Collin and Linda Batey
Dr. Ravindranath Bathina
Ms. Christine Baublitz
Ms. Gloria J. Bauer
Steve and Ina Bauman Philanthropic Fund
Bay Area Pain Center
Bay Sleep Clinic
Mr. Robert Bayse
Bear Data Systems, Inc.
Ms. Cherie Beck
Beckman Coulter
Beckman Instruments, Inc.
Mrs. Imogene Beckwith
Mr. Kevin Beedon
Mr. Jason Beere
Ann and George Beers
Mr. and Mrs. Yoshiro Befu
BEH Consulting
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Beich
Ms. Mary Belessis
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Bell
Belmont Village
Mr. and Mrs. Anson L. Beman
Mr. George W. Bennett
Mrs. Lee B. Bennett
Ms. Patricia J. Bennett
Berger/Lewis Accountancy Corp.
Ms. Ann Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bernstein
Dr. and Mrs. Frank D. Berry
Ms. Carol A. Bertram
Beryl Companies, LLC.
Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold V. Besler
Bessemer Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Besson
Beta Chi Theta at Purdue University
Better Home & Loan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Biggar
Dr. James D. Joye and Ms. Carolyn Bing
Frank and Sue Bisceglia
Hollis and Howard Bischoff
Ms. Michele Bjerke
BK Collections
Mr. Mike Blach
Black Sheep Concepts, LLC
Mr. Jack Black
Ms. Carol Blacutt-Underwood and Mr. Brian Underwood
The Blintz Etc Inc.
Bliss Beauty Center
Richard and Agnes Bliss
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy A. Bloom
Blue Shield of California
BMW of Mountain View
Ms. Carolyn F. Boak
Mr. Nick Bogdanovich
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Boldrey
Mr. John Bolger
Mr. Venkateshwar Bommakanti
Ms. Karen Bond and Mr. Lance Terrill
Mr. Matthew Bond
Book Club
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bordner
Borel Private Bank & Trust Company
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Borovoy
Boston Scientific Corporation
Dr. Edward W. Bough and Ms. Joan M. Merdinger
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bourbon
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Boyd
Bracco Diagnostics Inc.
Brady Company/Central California, Inc.
Jay and Jean Brandon
Ms. Shelia Brathwaite
Ms. Nancy B. Bratman
Braude Foundation
Mr. Peter N. Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brickwedel
BridgePoint at Los Altos
Jo Ann and Ross Bright
Mr. Leroy M. Bright
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Brinkman
Mr. Don A. Briones
Ms. Michelle M. Brodale
Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Broekemeier
Ms. Karen Brosi, Cfp, Ea
Ms. Judith I. Brosz
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Brown
Prudence and David Brown
Wendell E. Brown, M.D.
Dr. Samuel and Lina Broydo
Mr. Dan Bruckner
Mr. Thomas M. Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. John Bruzus
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Bryson
Mr. Chester A. Bucek
Drs. William and Susan Buchholz
Buck Consultants
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Buddenhagen
Mr. and Mrs. Boo Bue
Mr. Louis Buehlmann
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bukunt
Ms. Kathy Bullard
Mr. Daryl L. Bunnell
Nelson and Mary Carol Burdett
Shirley Burg
Dr. Vincent D. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Burnell
Robert and Louise Burton
Frank and Patricia Butchart
Mr. Irving M. Butcher
Cabrera Painting, Inc.
Cadence Matching Gift Program
Cafe Mazeh
Caffe Riace
Cal Marketing
Mr. and Mrs. Ron T. Calhoun
California Chocolate Fountains
California Roofing Co., Inc.
California Savings Bank
California Skin Institute
Ms. Patricia Callender
Mr. William C. Callender
Calypso Communications
Cameron Veterinary Hospital
Camino Medical Group
Dr. James M. Campbell
James and Josephine Campbell
Stephen and Susan Campello
Ms. Colleen Campi
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Campobasso
Mr. Braul I. Campos
Mr. Thomas Canevari
Mr. Bruce Cann
Cheryl D. Canning, R.N.
Mr. John V. Cappelletti
Robert D. and Margaret T. Capriles
Cardinal Health
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Carli
Ms. Barbara J. Carlyle
Arthur and Jean Carmichael
Dr. and Mrs. Alan F. Carpenter
Ms. Kathryn Carpenter
Mr. Steve Carper
Brian J. Carrie, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurizio Carrubba
Mr. Paul Schutz and Ms. Christine M. Carstens
Ms. Caroline K. Cartelli
Jo Ann Cartoni-Cry
Mrs. Margaret C. Casanova
Mr. David Castellanos
Peter and Pat Castro
Mr. Robert I. Catanzaro and Mr. Alan D. Medin
Mr. Dennis Cater
Mr. Jim Cavanaugh
Center for Corporate Innovation
Center for Gynecologic Oncology and Pelvic
Central Concrete Supply Co., Inc.
Central Dupage Hospital
Cerner Corporation
Ms. Corine Cesana
Mr. Kyle Chambless
Hema Chamraj
Ms. Cheung K. Chan
Ms. Elizabeth J. Chance
Mr. Robert Chance
Ms. Anna Chang
Dr. and Mrs. David F. Chang
Jonathan and Cindy Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Chiao-Fu Chang
Yingchih Chang
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Charles
Mario and Sally Chaves
Mr. Alfredo R. Chavez
Amparo S. Chavez
Ms. Wei-Szu Chaw
Chef Chu’s, Inc.
Ms. Marjorie E. Cheli
Rajeshwari Chellam
Mr. Kuang Liang Chen
Mrs. Lien Chen
Mr. Peter Chen
Ms. Kari Cheng
Ken Ping and Emily Cheng
Ms. Marian M. Cheng
Chez T.J. Restaurant
Ms. Cathy Chiang Low
Mr. and Mrs. P. & C. Chiang
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Childs
Chip Scale Review
Robin L. Chow
Tao and Ying Wang Chow
Dr. Carol Christensen
Ms. Cynthia R. Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Christensen
Ms. Kathy Christian
Ms. Susan Chronert
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chu, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Z. Chu
Ms. Esther Chung
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chung
David and Janet Chyan
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cilker
Cisco Systems Foundation
Cisco Systems
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Mrs. Katherine Clancy
Ms. Tina Clare
Classic Residence by Hyatt
Ms. Michelle M. Claverie
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Clawson
Clean Source, Inc.
George and Shirley Climo
Ms. Mary Jo Cloe
Drs. Kimberly and Glenn Cockerham
Mr. Ken Schroeder and Ms. Frances M. Codispoti
Cohen Creative
Coldwell Banker
Mr. Jay M. Colfer
Eduardo and Evelyn Coli
Collegeworks, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Colletti
Collier Electric
Dr. and Mrs. John V. Collin
Dr. Catherine Collings and Mr. Tim Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Collison
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Colvin
Comerica Bank
Community Foundation Silicon Valley
Community Services Agency
Mr. Lawrence Compagnoni
CompSpec, Inc.
Comtel Systems Technology, Inc.
Congregation Beth Am
Ms. Barbara Conkin-Orrock
Ms. Carmen M. Conley
Mr. Brian K. Conlisk
Ray and Marion Conlisk
Ms. Amy Connell
Mr. and Mrs. John Conover
Dave and Judy Conrad
Mr. Wim P. Roelandts and
Mrs. Maria Constantino-Roelandts
Ms. Gloria C. Conti
Mr. and Mrs. Tony N. Conti
Mr. Joel Cook
Cooks Junction/Janus
Ms. Diana Coomes
Mr. John Cooper
Cord Blood Registry
Ms. Carrie A. Cordero
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Corfield
Mr. and Mrs. Will Corkern
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Corleto
Mr. Peter Cornell
Mr. Joe Corral
Corvette Leisure & Social Society
Cosmetique of Germany
Ms. Virginia Costanzo
Ms. Mary Costello
Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Couch
Ms. Marta Cou-Orelup
Covidien - Surgical Devices
Ms. Virginia C. Cox
Estate of Dr. and Mrs. James Coyle
Mr. and Ms. Robert W. Craig
Ms. Marguerite A. Craig
Ms. Phyllis B. Crane
Ms. Christine Y. Crawford
Mr. David Creech
Ms. Glenda Crespo
Mr. and Mrs. David Crockett
Jerome and Carol Crowley
Mr. Bob Crumpley
Harry and Marjo Cuddy
Ms. Rose Cullenward
Mr. Steve T. Cunningham
Cupertino Rotary Endowment Foundation
Cupertino Rotary
Dr. and Mrs. Dominick A. Curatola
Ms. Cecile S. Currier
Cusimano Family Colonial Mortuary
CVI Medical Group, Inc.
Ms. Mary B. Cwynar
Da Vinci Marble
Mr. Dennis H. Dadson
Mr. Jeffrey Daley
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Dallenbach
Arnaldo and Christina Dall’Era
Daniels Therapy Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D’Ardenne
Ms. Eileen R. Daroza
DASSE Design Incorporated
David & Janet Kline Foundation
David Bergman Real Estate Group
David J. and Mary A. Larwood Family Charitable Fund
David Sen Lin Lee Foundation
Mr. Eduardo F. Davila
Ms. Marilyn K. Davis
Mr. Paul Davis
Betsy and Paul Dawes
Mr. John De Benedetto
Mr. and Mrs. James C. de Broekert
Ms. Lisa De La Rosa
Anthony and Colleen De Lizza
Estate of Ida Dean
Dean’s Design
Ms. Cynthia Deaver
Ms. Maria Trini DeBoard
Mr. David Decolati
Dees-Hennessey, Inc.
Mr. John Deex
Ms. Judy A. D’Eliscu
Mr. Michael Brown and Ms. Deirdre M. Demorest
Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. Denenberg
Peggy and Jack Dent
Fredric and Patricia Dentinger
Anil and Kiran Deora
Linval R. Depass, Ph.D.
Ms. Jane Derrick-Fong
Joy and Dinesh Desai
Design & Interiors
Sunil Dhar
Mr. James R. Diaz
Ms. Lari Diaz
Rosamond M. Dickerson
Venkatachari Dilip
J Philip & Jennifer DiNapoli Foundation
Dodge & Cox Investment Managers
Phyllis Dorricott, Chair
Mr. and Mrs. Masaaki Doi
Mrs. Eula B. Dolby
Mr. Lee Domanico and Ms. Mariko Blouin
Ms. Edna M. Domingo
Mr. Ed Don
Mrs. Phyllis J. Dorricott
Mr. Donald G. Dougherty
Dr. and Mrs. David B. Downie, M.D.
Thomas and Pamela Doyle
Draeger’s Supermarkets Inc.
Mr. John Driver
Mr. Jeff Drozen and Ms. Krys Fritz
Estate of Selina Drummond
Ms. Patricia H. Du Nah
Pat and Terri DuBridge
Dudley-Vehmeyer-Brown Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Duhring
Mr. Mark Dunaway
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dunkel
Mr. and Mrs. Duane E. Dunwoodie
Mr. Ricky Dutt
E-3 Systems
Mr. Andy Eckert
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eckert
Eclipsys Corporation
Allen and Sun Eddy
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edwards, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Edwards
Stoney and Jan Edwards
Ms. Lynda Eichler
Ms. Lu Eirls
Dr. Saul Eisenstat and Mrs. Tehila Eisenstat
El Camino Hospital Auxiliary
El Camino Hospital Medical Staff
El Camino Hospital Retirees Assoc.
El Camino Pathology Medical Group, Inc.
El Camino Radiologists Medical Group
El Camino Urology Medical Group, Inc.
Ms. Denise Elbert
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Eldred
Mr. James N. Ellett
Ms. Margaret A. Emmert
Mr. Ed Empero
Ms. Alice Endter
Ms. Elizabeth D. Enrile
Enterprise Roofing Service, Inc.
Erik’s DeliCafe
Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Escolar
Ms. Christina Esfehani
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Esfehani
Ms. Emelie T. Eslabon
Esquire Senior Care
Ms. Joyce M. Estes
Ms. Zuly R. Estrella-Falk
Catherine and Robert Etheredge
Mr. Jim Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer G. Ewing
Leonard and Gloria Ezerski
Dr. Cyrus Ezzati
Fardig Construction Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Fardig
Farnam Street Financial
Ms. Nidia Farruguia
FastFrame of Los Altos
Ms. Kathy A. Felix
Fenton Wurtz Family Fund
Fenwick & West LLP
Mrs. Barbara J. Ferguson
Mr. Robert E. Ferguson
Ferma Corporation
Fernandes & Sons General Contractors
Mr. Ray Ferrari
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Fess
Fidere Anesthesia Consultants, Inc.
Ms. Anita S. Fields
Mr. Michael J. Filice, Jr.
Fine Jewelry Appraisals and Consulting
First Republic Bank
Ms. Joan Fisch
Catherine Whitehill Fischer Unitrust
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Fischman
Mr. Jeff Fishbeck
Mr. Michael C. Fitzgerald
Mr. James P. Fitzpatrick
Five Branches Institute
Five Paw Bakery
Mrs. Neil Flaherty
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Flanagan
Ms. Pat Flanigan
Ms. Elaina M. Flores
Ms. Cynthia F. Flynn
Thomas J. Fogarty, M.D.
Troy and Laura Folkner
Tom and Gunilla Follett
Mrs. Lydia K. Fong
Mr. Martin D. Fong
May Han and Yick Kou Fong
Ms. Denise E. Fontaine
Foothill Dental Ceramics, Inc.
Foothills Congregational Church
Footwear Etc.
Ms. Mariam J. Ford
Ms. Mary Kim Forsberg
Mr. David Forstadt
The Forum at Rancho San Antonio
Ms. Cathy Fournier
Ms. Amy Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fowler
Mary Ellen Fox and Michael E Fox Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Francini
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Frangadakis
Lonny Frangadakis
Ms. Monica S. Frankel
Franklin Templeton Investments
Deborah J. Freehling, M.D.
Carole and Tom Freeland
Ms. Heather Freeman
Norman and Jane Frees
Friday Night Meeting of Narcotics Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Friedenberg
Ms. Lydia Friedman
Mr. Louis J. Frisco
Estate of Gary Frost
Mr. Gary D. Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Frugaletti
Judith and Ivan Fucilla
Ms. Sandi M. Fujitani
Mrs. Dolores M. Fuller
Ms. Donna I. Fung
Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Fung
Ann and John Fyfe
Ms. Mary C. Gaines
Mr. Girish Gaitonde and Mrs. Vibha Apte
Seymour Galina and Diane Louise Galina Family Trust
Ms. Ivy C. Gallardo
Ms. Millie Gallo
Lana M. Gamache-Bradley
GAN & Associates
Shyamla Ganapathy
Ms. Valentina A. Gancayco
Ms. Cherie Garchitorena
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Garma
Mr. Robert S. Garnero
Ms. Amy M. Garrett
Ms. Linda M. Garza
Mr. Victor Garza
Dr. Robert J. Gaspich
Dennis and Nancy Gaushell
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Gauthier
Mr. Paul A. Gauthier
Mr. Timothy J. Gavin, J.D.
Stephen and Patricia Gazzera
Armi T. Geno
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce George
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geschke
Getinge USA
Ms. Elizabeth Ghest
Gidvani & Tanwani Family Foundation
Mr. Sal Giglio
Gilbert P. Koury Insurance Broker
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold D. Gilfix
Mr. Brian M. Gilligan
Charles and Roberta Gillis
Ms. Patricia A. Gilpatrick
Girish and Datta Shah Fund
Mr. Gaetano Giurlani
Dr. and Mrs. Alan H. Gladman
Mr. Peter D. Glidden
Ms. Charlene M. Gliniecki and Mr. Stephan Crothers
Ms. Geralyn M. Glowski
Mr. Robert J. Gluss
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Glyer
Vishwas and Arati Godbole
Mr. Warner Goese
Ms. Michele Goettsch
Dr. and Mrs. Abraham A. Goetz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Goings
Ms. Tassie Marie Goings
Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Golden
Paul and Carole Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Gomez
Mr. Steve Gomez
Ms. Maria Y. Gong
Mr. Patrick J. Goodenough
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Goodman
Google Matching Gifts Program
Ms. Pamela L. Goose
Judge and Mrs. Charles Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Gordon
Jean Gordon, M.D.
Mrs. Rita W. Gould
Mrs. Vera T. Goupille
Ms. Helen Gracie
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Grady
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Graham
Kim and Sue Graham
Greater Bay Bancorp Foundation
Green Graphic, LLC
Bruce and Lois Green
Ms. Sandra Green
Ms. Patricia Greenhood
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Greensweig
Ms. Lindsay P. Greensweig
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Greenwald
Ms. Lona L. Greenwood
Mrs. Alice A. Gregg
Mrs. Dorothy Grevera
Mr. Richard Griffith
John and Virginia Grigsby
Grimm Family Fund
Groom & Cave, LLP
Ms. Debra D. Groth
Ms. Roxanne Grove
Melissa and Jeff Grudin
Mr. Gregorio Guanlao
Mrs. Caridita M. Guevara
Mr. Eric Guglielmoni
Guidant Vascular Intervention
Mr. Leo P. Guidi
Mr. Mohan Gummalam
Dr. Herbert W. Gundersen
Anasua and Sundeep Gupta
Ms. Marissa J. Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Ha
Ms. Kristeen C. Haas
Mr. David M. Hadden
Mr. Ted A. Hadley
Ms. Debby Hagenmaier
Jin Haiming
Dr. and Mrs. Dexter H. Hake
Daniel and Olivia Haley
Half Moon Bay Golf Links
Mr. E. Gerald Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Hamer
Stephanie Hannaford and Chris Witzel
Jerri Hansen
Karin and Don Hansen
Mrs. Lillian Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. V. Charles Hansen
Ms. Stefanie D. Hanzy
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Hardin
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harding
Ms. Gail Harding-Franklin
Harman Management Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harper
Mr. Denis Harrington
Harris N.A.
Dr. and Mrs. J. Mayfield Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Harris, III
Hartman Fashions
Hongvan T. Harvie
The Estate of Ronald Hasegawa
Mrs. Ada Hau
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis B. Haughey
Haus Family Foundation
Ms. Lucille Hawkins
Hawthorne Gallery
Ms. Sally Hayman
Health Library & Resource Center
The Health Trust
Healthcare Design Solutions
Healthcare Technical Services
Mr. L. Charles Hebel
Estate of Lois Hebert
Mr. James Hebert
Mrs. Ramona C. Heinrich
Mr. Ralph Heintz
Ray L. Hellwig Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Ms. Helen R. Helson
Henderson Family Trust
Mr. Keith Henderson
Mr. Robert J. Henderson
Ms. Sharon Henderson
Ms. Dorothy M. Hennessy
Heritage Bank of Commerce
Herman Miller Health Care
Herrick Steel
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Herrmann
Lois and Frank Herterich
Ms. Carol M. Finnigan Herzog
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hesterberg
Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Hijmans
Edward and Helene Hills
Fred and Leelane Hines
Joyce and Narain Hingorani
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Hislop
Ms. Monica Hite
Mr. Bennett Ho
Dr. Ron Ho and Ms. Christina Lai
Hodge Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hodge
Mrs. Dorothea C. Hoefler
Mr. and Mrs. Marcian E. Hoff, Jr.
Ms. Laurie Bishop Holderman
Mr. Jason G. Holguin
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hollis
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Holt, Jr.
Ms. Judith M. Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Holtcamp
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Holyomes
Home Instead Senior Care
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hong
Ms. Julia M. Hook
Mr. Bryan E. Hooppaw
Hope to Health
Hopkins & Carley
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hora
Ms. Patrice Horvath
Hotel Avante
House of Lamps
Ms. Patricia M. Houston
Mr. Melvin C. Howland
Ms. Shannon Hoyt
Mr. and Mr. Albert L. Hu
Mr. Thomas T. Hu
Mr. Billy Huang
Kuojim Huang
Mr. Richard C. Huang
Mr. Gordon Huether
The Hugh Stuart Center Charitable Trust
Ms. Barbara G. Hughes
Ms. Claris E. Hughes
Ms. Rita A. Hughes
Mr. David A. Humphrey
Dr. Simon Humphries and Dr. Sheila Humphries
Ms. Patricia Hunsperger
Ms. Christine Hunter
Mr. Graham Hunter
Mr. Micheal Hunter
Ms. Victoria Hunter
Ms. Laura J. Huston
Ms. Valerie Y. Huwe
Richard and Etty Huynen
Mr. Keith Hylton
IBM Corporation Matching Grants Program
Nuritu L. Ibrahim
IDX Information Systems Corporation
Idylwood Care Center
Mr. Virgilio I. Ignacio
Kristy and Kurt Ikerd
IMPAC Medical Systems, Inc.
Initiate Systems
Inner Wheel Club of Cupertino
Ms. Lorene C. Inouye-Salvo
Ms. Ingrid Insinger
Integrated Engineering Services
Integrative Acupuncture
Intel Corporation
Interstate Door Sales
Intuitive Surgical
Mr. and Mrs. Ioan Ionascu
Mr. Edward M. Irvin
Ms. Dana L. Irwin
Ms. Susan B. Isetorp
Mr. Harry T. Ishigaki
J. Arnaz Tree Service
J/J Petricciani Foundation
Jackson & Hertogs LLP
Kennell A. Jackson Trust
Mr. Jeff Jacobs
Mr. Robert E. Jacobsen
Navindra and Madhu Jain
Parveen and Neeraj Jain
Mr. and Mrs. Rajiv Jaluria
Barbara and Bud James
Ms. Cynthia James
Raj and Kalpana Jaswa
Walter and Vivian Jebe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Jeckell
Jewish Community Endowment Fund
Mrs. Audrey H. Johansson
Ms. Yvette Johns
Ms. Cynthia Johnson
Ms. Denise E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Johnson
Mrs. Muriel M. Johnson
Ms. Shelley L. Johnson
Mr. Wayne B. Johnson
Mr. John W. Johnston
Ms. Julie M. Johnston
Ms. Allison K. Jones
Ms. Margaret A. Jones
Ms. Marian M. Jones
Ms. Mariann S. Jones
Mr. David Jordan
Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.
Bakul and Usha Joshi
Ritu Joshi
Ms. Gayle M. Joslin
Mr. Stuart Kadas
Kahn Properties LLC
Mady and Mel Kahn
Bankim and Zarina Kaji
Mr. Jimmy Kajikawa
Mrs. Patsy Kajikawa
Gary and Sherron Kalbach
Ms. Katharine Kallander
Ms. Kathleen Kalman
Ms. Jean Katherine Loh Kam
Mr. and Mrs. Kenzo Kamei
Suttipong and Vipha Kanakakorn
Karen Brosi, EA, CFP A Limited Liability Company
Mr. and Mrs. Hiroji Kariya
B. Gus and Stella Karras
Mr. Mahmoud Kashani
Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Kasperzak, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Atsushi Kasuya
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kataoka
Mr. Erich C. Kather
Mr. and Mrs. George Kato
Mr. Steven H. Kato
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Katzman
Robert and Allyson Kavner
Mr. Keiji Kawaguchi
Estate of Clarence Kay
Ms. Jacqueline B. Keane
Kearns Saldinger Charitable Foundation
Mr. James Keating, Sr.
Ms. Juliana L. Keeler
Ms. Donna M. Keith
Ms. Leika Kejriwal
Kelly Network Solutions, Inc.
Ms. Mila Kelman
Estate of Stuart and Nancy Kelsey
Estate of Nancy Kelsey
Mr. and Mrs. R. Kendall
Judge Lorraine Kendall
Ms. Stacey Kepilino
Ms. Irene B. Kerr
Ms. Erika Ketelsen
Mr. Mike Ketelsen
Ms. Joan M. Kezic
Krishna Tammana and Vaishali Khandekar
Vivek Khanna
Manoj Khiani
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. King, Jr.
Ms. Virginia P. Kinkead
Mr. Michael Kinoshita
Mrs. Cindy Kirtland
Mr. and Mrs. George Kitagawa
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kitayama
Kiwanis Club of Mountain View
Mr. Uwe R. Kladde and Ms. Donna Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Don V. Kleffman
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton J. Klein
Estate of Marguerite Klein
Steven N. Klein, D.P.M.
KMB and Associates, LLC
KMD Architects
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Knapp
Knell Law Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Knell, Esq.
Ms. Marianne E. Knezevic
Ms. Kathleen L. Knopoff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Knourek
Mr. Marty Kobaly
Ms. Martha E. Koerner
Keem Koh
Mr. Ken Kohler
Barbara and Michael Korn
Mrs. Darlene M. Korstad
Korve Engineering
Kos Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Gilbert and Renee Koury
Mrs. Gertrud M. Kraenkel
Maty Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Krass
Estate of Nickolaus P. Krea
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Krepick
Dr. and Mrs. Larry H. Kretchmar
Krieger & Oddone
Mr. and Mrs. Suresh Krishnamurthy
Mr. Harsha Krishnappa
Mr. John G. Krogman
Ms. Paula G. Krumm
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Kuhl
Mr. Paritosh Kulkarni
Mr. and Mrs. Kiran B. Kundargi
Ms. Hui-Chen Kuo
Yasumasa and Midori Kuramoto
Ms. Barbara J. Kurth
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Kurtzon
Mrs. Stephanie T. Kutch
Mr. Kenneth T. I. Kwan
Mr. Peter LaBoskey, Esq.
Laffen Rental Property
Claire Lakner
Dr. and Mrs. Bart C. Lally
Ms. Barbara Lambing
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Lammerding
Yael and Amnon Landan
Marie and Nils Lang-Ree
Dr. and Mrs. James B. LaRoy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Larson
Laser Eye Center of Silicon Valley
Latham & Watkins
Dr. and Mrs. Donald B. Lathrop
Peter and Sue LaTourrette
Ms. Barbara Lau
Roy and Penny Lave
Ms. Elizabeth A. Lawson
Mrs. Marjorie M. Lawson
Ms. Vicky Lawson
Ms. Abbie Layton
Le Boulanger
Mr. and Mrs. King Lear
Ms. Jane Lee
Ms. Linda M. Lee
Ms. Suzanne Legallet
Pam and Chris Lehner
Norman H. and Lenore R. Lehrer
George and Wilma Leonard Charitable Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Elliot C. Lepler
Mr. Richard C. Letaw
Dr. Eugene Levin
Dr. Sari R. Levine and Mr. Scott Thurm
Mr. Alfred M. Levy
Ms. Maritza Lew
Ms. Barbara Lewis
Thomas Z. Li and Jennifer Yu
Ms. Fu-Mei A. Liang
Dr. Robert Lichtenstein
Life Line Screening
Ligtelyn Travel Counselors
Ligtelyn Travel of Los Altos
Carol and Ed Lillibridge
Ms. Lucy Lim
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Limbach
Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp.
Ms. Terry Lincoln
Lite For Life of Los Altos
Hung Tao and Huei Fen Liu
Ying Liu, R.N.
Rajeev R. Singh and Lou Lively-Singh
Mr. Eduardo F. Llach
Ms. Michelle Llamas
Ms. Lynne H. Llerena
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. S. Lo
Li Te Lo
Mr. and Mrs. Sun-Man Lo
Lockheed Martin Employees’ Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lockyer
Hersha Lodhia
Pranjiwan R. Lodhia and Lolita Lodhia
Harry and Margo Logan
Ms. Mary A. Logan
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Logue
Dr. Jane Lombard and Dr. Charles Lombard
Thomas and Elaine London
Ms. Cara M. Lopez
Maricel P. Lopez
Ms. Elizabeth L. Lopez-Aguado
Mr. David Lordemann
Los Altos Card & Party
Los Altos Community Foundation
Los Altos Lighting
Los Altos Optometric Group
Los Altos Rotary Club
Los Altos True Value Hardware
Los Gatos Brewing Company
Ms. Joanna M. Losito
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Loughry
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Louie
Ms. Diane Hayashida Louie
Ms. Merry Ann Loukianoff
Mrs. Elizabeth F. Lourdeaux
Ms. Vivian S. Low
Ms. Donna V. Lowes
Ms. Glena Loyola
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Luchsinger
Lucky Express Restaurant, Inc.
Ms. Carroll Lucus
Seema and Eric Ludskog
David and Cynthia Luedtke
Mr. Armando P. Lugo
Ms. Gigi Lugonja
Mrs. Ruth Lundquist
Mrs. Oscar C. Lundstrom
Mr. Wilbur Luo
Ms. Paula Luong
Mr. Russell J. Satake and Ms. Anita Lusebrink
Ms. Betty Lutz
Lux Productions
Ms. Lee Lynch
Isagani A. Mabilin
Mr. and Mrs. Rosmond M. MacDonald
Ms. Indira D. MacKay
Ms. Judith A. Maddox
Madsen Family Foundation
Mr. Rick Mael
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Magnuson
Mr. John Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Darin Mahlow
Ms. Ana L. Maille
Dr. Hailen Mak and Dr. J.D. Yu
Ms. Janis C. Malatesta
Mr. Guy C. Malcolm
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Mali
Mrs. Lorraine M. Malmgren
Malovos & Konevich
Ms. Priscilla A. Mancini
Mr. Jeffrey Manese
Ms. M.J. Mangiarelli
Jacqueline C. Manne
Dr. Marilyn Manning and Mr. Seth F. Manning
Manor Care of Sunnyvale, CA
Ms. Laurie A. Mantilla
Mr. Robert P. Marangell
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Marcus
Marelich Mechanical Co., Inc.
Ms. Rachael H. Marimont
Ms. Nancy E. Marinchak
Ms. Theresa M. Markle
Ms. Heidi Markus
Ms. Marla Marlow
Ms. Myrna G. Marshall and Mr. Jon Saxe
Mrs. Pam L. Marshbank
Mr. Ben R. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin
Martina Landscape
Ms. Yolanda Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Marvin
Mr. and Mrs. Muneo Masaki
Mashruwala & Majmundar Fund
Massage Envy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mathews
Mr. and Mrs. Hiroshi Matsumoto
Dr. David Mauney
Mr. Roy J. Mawhinney
MaxIT Healthcare, LLC
Ms. Jacquelynn Maxon
Mr. and Mrs. Bill B. May
Shozo and Mary Mayeda
Ms. Jacqueline Mayer, Cfp
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mayhood
Indro Mazumder
Mazzetti & Associates
McAfee, Inc. Endowment Fund
Mr. John McAuley
Ms. Barbara McCall
Ms. Margaret D. McCartney
Mr. Bob McConnell
Ms. Lynne C. McCoy
Ms. Hannelore McCrumb
Ms. M. Helen McCullough
Mr. Mike McDonnell
Colman and Anne McDonough
Ms. Mary McElrath
Dr. Patrick E. McEvoy, D.D.S.
Mr. John McFarlane
Ms. Christine McGuire
Ms. M. Patricia McInerny
Robert J. McIntyre, Ph.D.
Ms. Ruth A. McKelvey
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas E. McNeil
Ms. Noreen M. McVeigh
Meade Construction Group
John and Susan Meaney
Earl and Gladys Means
Mr. Christopher B. Mears
Medallion Rug Gallery
MedAssets Revenue Solutions
Ms. Idalina Medeiros
Ms. Robyn M. Medeiros
Medline Industries, Inc.
Mrs. Mary E. Mehew
Mehta Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meier
Jack and Norma Melchor
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mellow
Melon’s Catering
Mrs. Mary A. Mende
Mr. and Mrs. John Menezes
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Menkes
Prasanna Menon, M.D.
The Men’s Wearhouse
Mr. Richard L. Foreman and Ms. Susan Mensinger
Dr. and Mrs. Alan C. Merchant
Mr. Juan C. Mercier
Ms. Rita G. Mesina
Meyer Appliance & Kitchens
Mr. Frederick Meyer
Mrs. Janet B. Meyer
Mr. Rizik Michael
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Giving Program
Ms. Juliana M. Midwin
Mr. Frederick W. Mielke, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Miller
Ms. Cheryl L. Miller
Dick and Sally Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Miller
Millican Jones
Mr. William A. Millichap
Ms. Sara J. Mills
Ms. Eva Milovina
Mr. Gene Miner
Ms. Barbara Minnery
Ms. Regina Minoza
Ms. Diane Minton
Mr. Tejesh R. Mistry
Mitch Gruber Associates
Mrs. Ann K. Mitchell
Ms. Myrna E. Mitchner
Aarti Mittal
Sanjay and Priti Mittal
Ms. Barbara A. Mocnik
Ms. Debra Mohiuddin
Dr. and Mrs. Cesar R. Molina
Ms. Cheryl L. Moller
Ms. Eva E. Monastersky
Ms. Jennifer L. Moniz
Moore Family Foundation
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Moore Wallace Inc.
Ms. Annette M. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Moore
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Moore
Mr. Lawrence M. Moore
Mr. Steven Moore and Mrs. Kathleen Justice-Moore
Moorman and Company
Moshe and Abigail Mor
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moran
Tom M. and Iris K. Moran
Ms. Carolynn J. Morgane
Dr. and Mrs. Greg Morganroth
Mr. Raymond Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Morris
Mr. Robert G. Morris, Jr.
Morrisey Associates Inc.
Morrison & Foerster LLP
Mr. Bill Mosca
Moss Adams LLP
Mountain View Center for The Performing Arts
Mountain View Optometry
Mountain View Rotary Endowment, Inc.
Mountain View Woman’s Club
Mr. Pete Mounts
Ms. Martha K. Mowrer
Mr. Barry Moyer
MSK Technology
Ms. Terri Dininger Muench
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mullaney
Ms. Paula Mullins-Worster
Ms. Karen L. Muro
Ms. Tracie Murray
Mr. Steven W. Mylroie
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nahmias
NAI BT Commercial
Shreya Nandyala
Mr. and Mrs. George Narancic
Narcotics and Alcoholics Anonymous
Dr. and Mrs. Peter L. Naruns
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Narvaez
Ms. Adla N. Nassar
National Kidney Foundation of
Northern California, Inc.
Ms. Julia Navero
Mrs. John C. Neal
Neale-May & Partners
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Nejasmich
Nellie K. Inc. Stuart’s Apparel
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Nelson
Mr. Eric Nelson
Ms. Patricia H. Nelson
Almud Neuser-Wennkittl
New Leaf Designs
Mr. Lester L. Newkirk
Ms. Kayleen Newmark
Ms. Belle Lim Ng
Mr. Phuong T. Nguyen
Nibbi Brothers General Contractors
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Nicholson
Ms. Andrea Nielsen
Mr. Richard D. Nielsen
Ms. Heidi Nielsen-Cotton
Mr. Mark E. Nishimoto
Mr. David A. Vadasz and Ms. Yoshiko Nishimura
Kenneth and Pauline Nist
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Noel
Dr. Harold W. Nolen
Norman S. Wright Mechanical Equipment Corp.
Northern Ca Retina Viteous Assoc. Medical Group, Inc.
Northern Trust Bank of CA
Northrop Grumman
Northwestern Mutual Financial Services
Northwestern Mutual Life
Ms. Sharon M. Novotny
Mr. and Mrs. Adan L. Nunez
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nyberg
Ms. Nan U. Obaldo-Jacinto
Mr. John C. Oberlin
Mr. Harold J. Oeser
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ogata
Mr. George M. Ogata
Ms. Christy Oh
Kazuhisa Ohta
Ms. Deborah L. Ojala
Mrs. Alexandria M. O’Keefe
Mr. Kinichi Okuno
Ms. Mary Old
Mr. Wes Olsen
Rob and Jennifer Olson
Ms. Frances O’Neil
Ms. Agnes M. Ong
Mr. Shu E. Ong
On-Site Manager, Inc.
Option One
Orchard House Inc
Ms. Kathleen Orciuoli
Origin Solutions
Ms. Shari Ornstein
Ms. Sonia J. Orr
Ms. Nancy Osborne
Oshman Family Foundation
Dr. Donald C. Ostrus
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ota
Otis Elevators
Our 365 Share More
Ms. Sunny Ouyang
Overeaters Anonymous
Pacific National Bank
Ms. Sandra L. Paddock, R.N.
Ms. Lisa G. Paine
Mr. A. T. Paioni
Paisley Family Fund
Mr. Donald A. Palermo
Mr. Tony Palisoc
Ms. Tracy Ellen Palmer
Palo Alto Baking Company
Palo Alto Lions Charities, Inc.
Palo Alto Medical Foundation Camino Division
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Palo Alto University Rotary
Ms. Yolanda S. Palofox
Atul R. Pandit and Maithilee Samant
Mrs. Colleen M. Panec
Mrs. Rosemary A. Panec
Andora Pangburn
Ms. Judy L. Pantages
Mr. George Papadoyannis
Ms. Barbara Papamarcos
Mr. John Pappas
Ms. Sharon E. Parady
Rajesh and Daksha Parekh
Vimal Parikh
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Parker, Jr.
Estate of Stella Parkyn
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold F. Parrish
Mr. Philip A. Parrish
Mr. Rick Partridge
Ms. Cecilia A. Pasache
Mr. Christian Pass
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pass
Passeau Family Trust
Mrs. Margaret Patch
Aradhna and Aku Patel
Monica A. Patel and Avkash N. Patel
Mr. Pankaj Patel
Mr. Rupal B. Patel
Pathways Home Health, Hospice & Private Duty
Ms. Cathy Patton
Ms. Carla Paul
Ms. Anne M. Pauselius
Ms. Stacey Paynter
Dr. Samuel N. Pearl and Mrs. Leslie Lindsey Pearl
Ms. Brenda J. Pearson
Mr. Mark Pederson
Ms. Emily A. Pedri
Peet’s Coffee & Tea
Mr. Alfred Pelayo
Mrs. Dawn Pendleton
Sudhir and Mugdha Pendse
Peninsula Banjo Band
Peninsula Community Foundation
Peninsula Surgical Specialists Medical Group, Inc.
Ms. Rosalina Perenia
Mr. and Mrs. Alberto T. Perez
Ms. Barbara L. Perez
Mr. Andy Perga
Mr. Patrick S. Perkins
Ms. Sharon Perkins
Ms. Mechal Perl
Personal Trainers of Los Altos
Peter A. Ripper & Associates, Inc.
Ms. Elaine M. Peterman
Mr. Sean Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Petersen, Jr.
Mrs. Julie Petricciani
Chris A. Petrin and Jane A. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Pfefer
Ms. Gloria Pfister
Pfizer, Inc.
Ms. Pamela Pfohl
Dr. Kenneth W. Sandall and Dr. Barbi Phelps-Sandall
The Philadelphia Foundation
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
Philips Medical Systems
Mr. Tom Piantanida
Mr. Ray L. Picatoste
Dr. Judith Pickersgill and Mr. Charles Belle
Mr. Michael Pierantozzi
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Pifer
Pilgrim Haven
Ms. Janet Zoe Piltz
Mr. Mike Pinette
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Pinsker
Pivot Interiors
Planet Magpie
Ms. Marylyn A. Plemons
Dr. Edward Plonka
Robert and Anne Pochowski
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Podlone
Mr. Christopher A. Pollard
Mr. Paul Polley
Mrs. Fay Polse
Ms. Mei Poon
Poorman-Hoyt-Stratford Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Popell
Ms. Marjorie L. Posey
Donald and Juanita Potter
Sunny Pouquette
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrun L. Powell
Richard and Bonnie Powers
Poznanski Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Parag Pradhan
Ms. Laurie L. Pradia-Funari
Ted and Audrey Prairo
Preziosi Jewelers
The Proaction Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Proffitt
Dr. Paul M. Protter
Publicis, Inc.
Mrs. Marcy Puccetti
Yu-Chu Pwu
Ms. Brenda F. Pyka
Pyramid Painting, Inc.
Frank and Denise Quattrone Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Quigley
Dr. and Mrs. David Quincy
Quota Club of Mountain View
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Rabin
Mr. Norman Radin
Ms. Annette R. Rado
Paula and William Radzinski
Mr. Eric Raff
Raghavan Family Fund
Vivek Raghavan and Sudha Kidao
Mr. Jayan Ramankutty and Mrs. Vibha Jayan
Rambus Matching Gift Program
Ms. Janet Ramkissoon
Louis and Nancy Ramos
Ms. Karen M. Ramsell
Rancho Cobbler & Cleaners
Mr. Darren E. Randall
Shyam and Sushma Rangole
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Rankin
Mr. James Rarick
Realty World
Ms. Patricia J. Reardon and Mr. Joe Pagano
Mr. Elliott Recht
Mr. Darin S. Reddy
Redwood City Electric
William H. Reed Memorial Fund
Ms. Denyce M. Reed
Mrs. Helen Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Reeder
Reeves Land Company
William and Laura Reeves
Dr. William A. Reeves and Ms. Patricia B. Pierce
Ms. Tena Reich
Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Reid, III
Ms. Susan Reimers
Ms. Myra Reinhard
Ms. Joan Reinhart
Chris and Cheryl Reinking
Mr. and Mrs. Kanwal S. Rekhi
Relocation Express
Ms. Alison K. Rempel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Renati
Resource and Design, Inc.
Restoration Management Co.
Retirement Administration, Inc.
Ms. Joanne E. Rettberg
Mr. Ernesto G. Rey
RGA Environmental, Inc.
RGW Construction, Inc.
Rhoads House Associates
Mr. James O. Rice
Rich Mathers Construction, Inc.
Richard Marlinski, DDS
Mr. Alfred A. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Richert
Ricoh Business Solutions
Kurtis Rintala
Rioux Vision Inc.
Ms. Catherine Risso
Ms. Lourdes Rius
Paul and Sheri Robbins
Robert Vickers Orchestra
Mr. Jim Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Roche
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Rodgers
Mr. Joseph Rodgers
Rod-L Electronics
Mr. Armando P. Rodriguez
Ms. Billie J. Rodriguez
Ms. Donna M. Rodriguez
Mr. George Rodriguez and Ms. Lois Carroll
Mr. Leonardo Rodriguez
Mr. Scott Roeth
Ms. Agnes R. Roey
Mrs. Eleanor M. Rogers
Romak Iron Works
Ron Labetich Company Inc.
Ropes & Gray
Ms. Amy Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rosenberg
Dr. and Mrs. Howard L. Rosenberg
Rosendin Electric, Inc.
Mr. Paul H. Roskoph, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Ross
Ms. Joan M. Rosselle
J. Norman and Nancy Rossen
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rossi
Mr. Jim Rossiter
Ms. Patricia E. Rossler
RotaCare Bay Area, Inc.
Rotary Club of Mountain View
Rotary Club of Sunnyvale
Ronald D. Rowe, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Roy
Royce Multimedia
Mrs. Alice H. Roylance
RR Donnelley
RTKL Associate Inc. Healthcare Technologies
Ms. Diane Ruch
Rudolph & Sletten, Inc.
Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey H. Rudy
Mr. and Mrs. John Ruffo
Dr. and Mrs. George M. Rugtiv
Ms. Melinda Rusanowski
Russell Reynolds Associates, Inc.
Mr. Billy B. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Russell
Dr. Philip Russell and Mrs. Diana R. Russell
Mr. John H. Russell
Ms. Teresa D. Russett
Dr. and Mrs. Alvin B. Rutner, M.D.
Rutt of Los Altos
Ms. Erma B. Ryan
SA Group
Soheila Saatchi
Mr. Rolando A. Sagmit
Vikram and Rashmi Sahai
J. J. and Ellery Salehieh
Mr. Rudy T. Salom
Salon Elizabeth
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Salveter
George and Ann Samenuk
Ms. Shirley Sampson
Matthew and Angela Sanders
The Mary C Henry and Rajpal Sandhu Foundation
Sandis Humber Jones
SanDisk Corporation
Ms. Patricia M. Sandoval
Ms. Mediatrix Saneski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sanquini
Mr. and Mrs. Leo M. Sant
Santa Clara County Medical Association Alliance
Mr. Thomas S. Saphar
Saratoga Systems
Shirish and Anita Sathe
Satura Cakes
Saturday Morning Overeaters Anonymous Meeting
Mrs. Genevieve Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Savage
Ms. Jean S. Savusa
Mr. and Mrs. John Sawula
SCC - Soft Computer
Ms. Cynthia Schaefer
Steven and Lisa Schatz
Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert Schauwecker, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scherer
Schering Corporation
Ms. Ruth E. Scheu
Kory and Charlotter Scholberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Scholz
Mr. E. Laurence Schott
Mrs. Jean Marie Schott
Mrs. Phyllis Schuette
Schumann’s Four Seasons Caterers
Schwab Charitable Fund
Andrea Schwartz Gallery
Ms. Andrea Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. John Schweizer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scibetta
Dr. Neal A. Scott
Sea Passion Cruise & Travel
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Seaman
Ms. Marialis Seehorn
Jonathan and Jannine Segall
Dr. Ronald G. Seger, O.D.
Mr. Gordon Seiberlich, CPA
Mr. Gene R. Selven
SeniorCare Network, Inc.
Susan and Jim Seubert
Mr. Robert Seymour
SGC Financial and Insurance Services
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Sgroi
Ms. Ilana Shafir
Mr. and Mrs. Bhavin Shah
Devang and Sunita Shah
Girish and Datta Shah
Mr. Munjal Shah and Mrs. Vijay Chawla
Nita and Nitin Shah
Satish and Rashmi Shah
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Shaheen
Becky and Charles Shao
Mr. Hugh Sharkey
Ms. Monica Mun-Ping Shen
Mrs. Virginia Sherwood
Ms. Sherrill L. Shields
Dr. and Mrs. Bryan M. Shieman
Ms. Esau Shimizu
Ms. Dorothy A. Shirk
John and Donna Shoemaker
Venktesh and Abha Shukla
Mr. and Mrs. Ying K. Shum
Joshua Z. Sickel, M.D.
Mr. Kartar S. Sidhubrar and Mrs. Harjinder J. Sidhu-brar
SIEMENS Building Technologies, Inc.
Siemens Foundation
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
Siemens Philanthropic Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Cheng En Sih
Silicon Valley Diagnostic Imaging Group
Silver Bullet Solutions
Mr. John S. Simmons
Simoes Management Group Inc
Ms. Sicy Simoes
Sheetal and Anil Singhal, M.D.
Dr. Shyamali M. Singhal and Mr. David Singhal
Ms. Mira Bella M. Sioson
Sir Francis Drake Hotel
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sisemore
Ms. Lois Slaback
Mrs. Isabella R. Smillie
The Stephen S. Smith and Paula K. Smith
Family Foundation
Smith, Fause & McDonald, Inc.
Mr. Alvin Smith
Mr. Christopher M. Smith
Ms. Gail M. Smith
Mr. Kenneth E. Smith
Ms. Rashell Smith
Mr. and Ms. Dennis Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith
Mr. Scott Smith
Smith-Emery Company
Mrs. Margaret Snead
Bernell and Flora Snider
Dr. and Mrs. Paul N. Snider
Edward and Idonna Snow
Mr. and Mrs. Ron E. Snow
Ms. Gloria T. Solomon
Somekh Family Foundation
Eta and Sass Somekh
Ms. Mary Ann Somerville
Vatsal and Monal Sonecha
Soraya’s Hallmark
South Bay Retina
Mr. Don Southard
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Souza
Spa of Los Altos
Spangler Mortuaries
Ms. Cynthia Spann
Ms. Elaine Sparling
Mr. Larry Spies
Sports Gallery
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Springgate
Verdin L. Sproat
Square Peg Design
Padma and Sam Srinivasan
Mark and Judy St. John
Mr. Rudolf H. Staffelbach
Ms. Tamara A. Stafford
Ms. Cathy Stahler
Mr. Daniel Stanford
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Stanley
Dr. Jon Starr
Mr. Sam M. Statham
Mr. Frank Stearns
Mr. and Ms. Roderick Steele
Mrs. Anita Steinacher
Ms. Karen Ann Steinberg
Steve and Lucia Steinhilber
Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust
Steris Corporation
Mr. Larry Stevens and Mrs. Anne Leung-Stevens
Stewardess Emeritus Assoc.
Eric and Lynne Stietzel
The Stinnett Group
Mr. and Mrs. Arba Stinnett
Mr. and Mrs. George Stoeppel
Mr. and Mrs. Don Stovall
Ms. Dorothy A. Stow
Strategic Connections
Ms. Carol Stratford
Estate of Farryll Dean Strickland
Mr. Marc Striegel
Mr. Roger L. Strom
Dr. Philip Strong and Dr. Betsy Strong
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Stroud
Stylers Floor Covering Inc.
Balaji and Suganthi Subramanian
Ms. Susan T. Sullinger
Sun Microsystems Foundation
Mrs. Margaret Sung
Sunnyvale Foreign Car Service, Inc.
Super Link Plastic
Superior Consultant Company
Mr. Paul P. Swain
Mr. and Mrs. Sriram Swaminathan
Ms. Alice H. Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Sweeley
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Sweet
Ms. Carol Monlux Swift
Pamela and Edward Taft
Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc.
Ms. Miyoko N. Takegami
Ms. Penny G. Takizawa
Mr. Peter S. Talea
Ms. Ching Tam
Mr. Stephan Tanczos and Ms. Agnes Szabo Tanczos
Margaret Tapia
Christine and Damon Tarver
Ms. Lynn Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Teglia, Jr.
Ms. Lisa Telford
Ms. Lynn K. Telford, E.A., T.E.P.
Tenet Healthcare Corporation
Edmund and Georgina Teyrovsky
Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Thaxton
The Thibault Foundation
Ms. Julie A. Thomas
Ms. Karen S. Thomas
Mr. Tony Thomas
Ms. Liz Tidwell
Mr. Shawn Tienken
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tikvica
Dr. George O. Ting
Mr. and Mrs. Delloyd E. Tobie
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Toepfer
Mr. Mark Toland
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomanek
Ms. Gloria Tortorich
Mr. Aleksandar Totic
Mr. Jefferson K. Tover
Ms. Julie Towne
Toyon Associates, Inc.
Ms. Huynh-Yen Tran
Mr. Ernest Traugott
Dr. George Triadafilopoulos
Triage Consulting Group
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Trickett
TriMark Raygal, Inc.
Ms. Veronica M. Troyan
Mr. Roman T. Tuge
Turner Construction Company
Ms. Sara Turner
Mr. Philip C. Tuttle
Ms. Judy Twitchell
Tyler Financial Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tyler
U.S. Surgical
Makoto Ueda
Uncommon Threads
Unisys Corporation
Unity Palo Alto Community Church
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Untulis
Dr. and Mrs. Hubert M. Upton
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Ure
Grace and Dale Uriu
Tanti N. Usong
Kazuo Utsunomiya
Valley Medical Oncology Consultants
Dr. and Mrs. Vol F. Van Dalsem, III
Ms. Margaret Van Dyk
Mr. Arthur C. Van Horne, Jr.
Ms. Carolyn A. Van Niel
Ms. Miesha D. Van Wert
Vance Brown Builders
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Foundation
Varian Medical Systems
Mrs. Connie Vaughan and Mr. Warren Vaughan
Rex and Melitta Vaughan
Kasthuri Veeraraghavan
Mr. Sunil Veluvali
Mr. S.R. Venkatramanan
Ms. Laura L. Verdugo
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Vereschagin
Ms. Antoinette Vergel de Dios
Mr. Sam Verona
Mrs. Kay M. Vidovich
Mr. Stephen J. Vidovich
Sam Viersen Family Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Norma Villa
Mr. Rob Villa
Ms. Belcy Villarin
Mrs. Joy Villaverde
Vitalize Consulting Solutions, Inc.
Vocera Communications, Inc.
Ms. Suzanne Nashem Voh
Ms. Veronica M. Von Rozsa
Ms. Mary vonDohlen
Estate of James and Therese G. Vorsas
Ms. Andrea Vos
Ms. Karen K. Voshell
Mr. Joe Wagner and Ms. PJ Teer
Mr. Steve Waldera
Mr. Casey Waldo
Ms. Anita C. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. John Walker
Mr. Charles O. Wallin
Walters & Wolf
Mr. Raymond C. Wang
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wang
Ms. Theresa C. Wang
Carl & Vickie Warden Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Warneck
Ms. Dina Warner
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Warnock
Janusz and Marina Warszawski
Mr. John M. Washburn
Washington Mutual
Ms. Perla G. Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Wasson
Roger and Lillian Wasson
Mrs. M. Nadine Waterman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Wayman
WD Foundation
Ms. Vera Webster and Ms. Barbara Webster Martin
Mr. Steve Weirauch
Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn C. Weiss
Ms. Nora Weissman
Wells Capital Management
Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Private Client Services
Mr. Robert B. Wells, II
Dr. Joe E. Welsh and Dr. Anne Ziffer
Dr. Kristin L. Welter
Mr. and Mrs. John Wemyss
Ms. Brenda Wen
Ms. Linda A. Wendt
Mr. Dick Were
Lisa and Michael Werner
Mr. John M. Wernli
West Valley Pistachio Grove
West-Com & TV, Inc.
Mrs. Lucille F. Whaley
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O. Whipple
Ed and Patti White
Mr. and Mrs. William Whittemore
Whole Foods
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Widen
Ms. Diane C. Wigglesworth
Ms. Sonia L. Wilcomer
Ms. Carol C. Wilcox
Russell Wilder
Arnie and Ellen Wildfeuer
Ms. Ladye Wilkinson
Mr. Edward F. Willi
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams
Ms. Levoy Elaine Williams
Ms. Valerie S. Williams
Ms. Jane Willis
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Wilson
Mr. Leslie E. Wilson
Ms. Carrie L. Winland
Ms. Chris Winski
Cmdr. and Mrs. Charles Wiseman
Marie and Lewis Wiseman
Ms. Maryann C. Wisniewski
Ms. Laurie Withers
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woerner
Wok’s On Express Inc.
Wolfe Engineering
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Wolken
Mr. Robert A. Wolters
Women Physicians OB/GYN Medical Group
Women’s OA Step Study
Mr. Jack Wong
Mr. Kenway J. Wong
Ms. Lily Wong
Ms. Marie Wong
Mr. Mark A. Wong and Mrs. Christine Hamada
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Woo
Mrs. Marzette O. Woods
Ms. Nancy J. Woodward
Mrs. Sharon Woodworth
Polly and Bob Worcester
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Worsham
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Worthington, Jr.
Mrs. Carin C. Wright
WRNS Studio
Mr. John Wurr
Ms. Katherine Wurzburg
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wyman
Mr. Eugene Xavier
XL Construction
XStor Medical Systems
Mrs. Colleen Yamada
Yamane Jeweler, Inc.
Mr. Ryan Yamatani
Ms. Nancy Yang
Po-Jen B. Yang
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yang
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Yee
YMCA of the Mid-Peninsula El Camino Branch
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Youn
Mrs. Kris Young
Ms. Lydia Young
Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Yu
Ms. Teresita Zaldivar
Mr. William D. Zanker
Dr. and Mrs. Chris Zarins
Ms. Nancy B. Zaro and Mr. Fred M. Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zasio
Mr. Glenn Zavala
Ms. Marianne P. Zavareh
Ms. Daisy Zhao
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Zielazinski
John and Dulcenia Zink
Estate of Mary Lou Zoglin
Mr. John Zoglin and Ms. Karla Lacey
Mr. Arthur Zollinger
Mr. David Zucker and Ms. Deborah Calloway
Ms. Eleanor M. Zuroff
Ms. Susan R. Zweig
We apologize for any omissions or errors, please contact us at 650-940-7154 to correct mistakes.
Puttin’ on
the Ritz
More than 300
supporters of El
El Camino
Camino Hospital
Foundation will
gather at The
Half Moon Bay
and Half Moon
Bay Golf Links
on October 13, 2008 for the 13th
annual El Camino Heritage Golf
Tournament. This year, proceeds
from the tournament will benefit
the hospital’s award-winning
heart and vascular program,
which now boasts the first
accredited chest pain center in the
South Bay and Peninsula.
Festivities will begin on Sunday
with a 1950s themed pre-golf
dinner at Mullins Bar and Grill.
On Monday, while the golfers
compete on the famous Ocean
and Old courses, bocce ball
players will enjoy a friendly
competition on the beautiful
Gazebo Lawn and spa guests will
enjoy a full day of pampering
activities, complete with luncheon
and fashion show. Everyone will
join together at the end of the
day for the reception, celebration
dinner and silent and live
Bernis Kretchmar with daughter Julie Roston
and granddaughters Molly, Rachel and Chelsea Roston
Tour the New Campus
If you have not yet done so, you should take advantage of El Camino
Hospital Foundation’s monthly VIP tours of the new hospital
campus. The informative excursions are an excellent way to stay
apprised of construction progress and to learn first-hand from
prominent physicians about the exciting new health care programs El
Camino Hospital is developing to house in the new building. They
also provide a rare opportunity for a personal meeting with CEO
Ken Graham and other important hospital administrators.
Each tour focuses on a particular hospital department, usually the
new Heart and Vascular Institute or the recently opened Cancer
Center. For most attendees, however, the true highlight of the day is
a tour of the construction site led by Ken King, El Camino Hospital’s
VP of Facilities. As construction has progressed the physical layout
of the hospital has become more recognizable to visitors, who can
also now see an impressive model of one of the new patient rooms.
“I encourage every community leader to take a tour,” says Lindsay
Greensweig, El Camino Hospital Foundation’s director of major
giving. “Please tell your friends about this exciting opportunity to be
informed and get involved. I would be happy to arrange an outing
for your group.” For more information, contact her at lindsay_
[email protected] or 650.988.7849.
The Foundation expects this
fundraiser to net a quarter of a
million dollars, which will help
ensure that El Camino Hospital’s
already superb heart and vascular
services continue to maintain their
leading edge.
Lane Melchor with grandparents
Norma and Jack Melchor
Donna and John Shoemaker

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