INNOVATION AUsTRALIA - Department of Industry, Innovation and
INNOVATION AUsTRALIA - Department of Industry, Innovation and
innovation australia Annual Report 2007–08 SECTION 5 APPENDICES 124 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Official directions, declarations and appointments A1 Designation of a position in the Australian Public Service for the purpose of membership of Innovation Australia under subsection 9(1)(b) A2 A3 Appointment of an Automotive Committee Designation of a position in the Australian Public Service for the purpose of membership of the Automotive Committee under subsection 22(2) A4 A5 Appointment of a Biological Committee Appointment of a Commercialising Emerging Technologies/Industry Cooperative Innovation Program Committee A6 Appointment of an Engineering and Manufacturing Committee A7 Appointment of an Information Technology and Telecommunications Committee A8 Appointment of a Pharmaceuticals Committee A9 Appointment of a Renewable Energy Committee A10 Designation of positions in the Australian Public Service for the purpose of membership of the Renewable Energy Committee under subsection 22(2) A11 Appointment of a Tax Concession Committee A12 Designation of a position in the Australian Public Service for the purpose of membership of the Tax Concession Committee under subsection 22(2) A13 Appointment of a Venture Capital Committee A14 Commercial Ready Program Directions No 1 of 2007 A15 Innovation Investment Fund Program Round Three Directions No 1 of 2007 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 125 APPENDICES APPENDIX A CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 126 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 127 128 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 129 130 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 131 132 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 133 134 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 135 136 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 137 138 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 139 140 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 141 142 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 143 144 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 145 146 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 147 148 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 149 150 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 151 152 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 153 APPENDIX B CODE OF CONDUCT Code of Conduct Members of the Industry Research and Development (IR&D) Board and of its committees are expected to observe the following standards when dealing with Board related matters. 1.Members should perform the duties of their office impartially, uninfluenced by fear or favour. 2.Members should be frank and honest in official dealings with colleagues. 3.Members should avoid any situation in which the private interests of themselves or of their immediate family, whether pecuniary or otherwise, conflict or might reasonably be thought to conflict with their public duty. 4.Members should not use information obtained in the course of official duties to gain directly or indirectly a pecuniary or other advantage for themselves or for any other person. 5.Members should not: (a) solicit or accept from any person any remuneration or benefit for the discharge of the duties of their office over and above the official remuneration; (b) solicit or accept any benefit, advantage or promise of further advantage, whether for themselves, their immediate family or any business concern or trust with which they are associated from persons who are in, or seek to be in, any contractual or special relationship with government; or (c) accept any gift, hospitality or concessional travel offered in connection with the discharge of the duties of the office (except as permitted by the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resource’s Guidelines on the Acceptance of Gifts and Other Benefits Secretary’s Direction). 6.Members should be scrupulous in their use of public property and services, and should not permit their misuse by other persons. 7.Members should not allow the pursuit of their private interests to interfere with the proper discharge of their public duties. The above Code of Conduct was last reviewed by the Board on 10 April 2001. 154 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Conflict Of Interest Guidelines In running its programs the Board wishes to observe statutory requirements and generally applicable standards concerning conflict of interest matters. Accordingly the Board wishes to address indirect and direct pecuniary interests as the Act requires but also intends the scope of these guidelines to cover other personal or family interests. The Board is conscious that perceptions of conflict of interest may be as important as actual conflict. The following describes the procedures, based on the Code of Conduct adopted by the Board, that are to be followed. Section 16 of the Industry Research and Development Act 1986 requires Board members to disclose at a meeting of the Board the nature of any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in matters considered or about to be considered by the Board. The Act requires such disclosures to be recorded in minutes of meetings. This process also applies to acting members (sub-section 16(4)) and to members of the Board’s committees (section 24). The Board has also adopted a process whereby Board and committee members (upon appointment) prepare and lodge with the Secretariat a disclosure statement of known pecuniary (and other personal) interests of themselves and of their immediate family/ spouse. The contents of the statement are recorded, electronically, on the Register of Private Interests. In addition, the Board has established formal procedures for the handling of matters involving actual or potential conflicts of interest, which it requires all Board and committee members to meet. These are set out below. A member who has issues or concerns about conflict of interest matters may wish, prior to a relevant meeting, to discuss them with the Departmental officer who is nominated to assist the Board in these respects. To assist in maintaining a close focus on conflict of interest issues, an early agenda item at each Board and committee meeting should involve formal enquiry as to the existence of any conflict. INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 155 APPENDICES APPENDIX C CONFLICT OF INTEREST Declaring a conflict of interest Where a Board or committee member is aware of an actual or potential conflict of interest, pecuniary or otherwise, the member must advise the meeting prior to that item being discussed. Where the interests of a member of his/her immediate family are involved, the member should disclose those interests, to the extent they are known to them. The member must then leave the room and this must be recorded in the minutes. Members are required to refrain from discussing any aspects of applications with customers unless the application has been prepared by colleagues and the member has previously declared their conflict of interest to the Board. The Board or committee has an ability to decide, in the absence of the member, that where a conflict situation exists the member concerned may nonetheless be present during discussion of the matter (and take part in the discussion) or even take part in the decision making. The decision on this could turn on whether the conflict is material or immaterial (insignificant). If judged an immaterial conflict, the member may be invited back in to take part in the discussions and, if appropriate, the decision-making. If judged a material conflict, there should be no further involvement of the member. Occasion may arise where the member having the conflict has some technical knowledge, not available elsewhere, that could warrant an invitation back into the room simply to answer specific pre-determined question(s) in relation to the technology. (This would be an exceptional circumstance.) Upon providing comments to the questions, the member would again leave the room and take no part in the discussion or decision-making in relation to the item. Recording a potential conflict of interest The Secretariat should endeavour to determine, with respect to a forthcoming meeting, whether any members are likely to declare an interest about any matters on the draft agenda. To assist in this process, the Secretariat will provide a copy of the meeting agenda, along with appropriate further identification, to all members prior to the distribution of papers and request members advice if they are likely to declare a potential conflict of interest in relation to any of the items listed for consideration. Papers relating to individual applications will not be forwarded to members until the Secretariat receives advice that they are unlikely to declare a potential conflict of interest in relation to the items listed for consideration. Members who intend to declare such an interest will not receive reports or information on those items. The minutes of the meeting will record: the member declaring the interest; the nature of the interest; if it was judged material or immaterial by the Board or committee; and the departure of members from the room. 156 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 minutes, unless the Board or committee has decided that the member should be present during relevant discussion and decision making. Matters which shall be referred to the Board for determination If a committee has no quorum as a consequence of conflicts of interest of members, then the matter shall be referred to the Board for determination. Where the committee agrees that because of conflict of interest issues the matter is of a particularly sensitive nature, that matter shall be referred to the Board for determination. Requests from applicant companies for limited distribution of papers In general, a request from an applicant company that a certain member not see the papers relating to that particular application is to be accepted, provided that the Board or committee considers that the request is reasonable. Determining if a conflict exists When considering whether a material conflict of interest exists members should have regard to the following questions(1): - would the average member of the public, of ordinary intelligence, looking at the relevant facts and circumstances, think that there was a real, sensible possibility of conflict? - with human nature being what it is, is there a danger that an average member of the public, of ordinary intelligence, may be swayed by this kind of personal interest rather than by duty? (1) As advised by Mr Andrew Barram, Counsel, Government Unit, Australian Government Solicitor on 23 October 1997, reference OGC97096226. The above Conflict of Interest Guidelines were last considered, and approved, by the Board on 21 September 2004. INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 157 APPENDICES Discussions regarding the member’s interest will be deleted from the member’s copy of the APPENDIX D Australian Government budget, expenditure and forward obligations Table D1 Board programs 2007-08 Australian Government budget ($m) Cash Expenditure ($m) Forward Obligations ($m) 210.23 183.76 186.85 14.00 14.033 6.06 5.85 4.53 10.81 P35 42.80 24.56 29.24 IIF6 84.30 12.07 293.24 REEF 1.860 1.75 0.11 16.51 11.12 22.97 Program Commercial Ready1 COMET2 ICIP4 PSF 1 Commercial Ready figures represent the total of R&D Start, BIF, IAccP, REDI and Commercial Ready Grants. Commercial Ready payments reflect gross amounts and do not take account of any amounts that may have been repaid 2 COMET payments reflect gross amounts and do not take account of any amounts that may have been repaid 3 Additional funds of $0.03m could be paid due to a repayment received 4 ICIP payments reflect gross amounts and do not take account of any amounts that may have been repaid 5 P3 payments reflect gross amounts and do not take account of any amounts that may have been repaid 6 Forward estimates includes $85.872 million for the Revolving Fund, $10.115 for Rounds 1 and 2 of IIF and $197.254 for Round 3 of IIF 158 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Table E1 Innovation Australia programs by industry sector (2006 ANZSIC) Table E2 Innovation Australia programs by Australian Standard Research Classification (1998 ASRC – RFCD) code Table E3 Innovation programs by turnover Table E4 Innovation programs by state and territory 1 The Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnerships (ESVCLP) Program does not appear in the tables because at 30 June 2008, the program was early in its lifecycle and there had been no full registrations. INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 159 APPENDICES APPENDIX E PROGRAM-BY-PROGRAM BREAKDOWN1 160 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 1,168 83 Information Media and Telecommunications Financial and Insurance Services Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Administrative and Support Services Public Administration and Safety Education and Training Health Care and Social Assistance Arts and Recreation Services Other Services J K L M N O P Q R S 6,806 42 32 169 32 22 17 157 9 11,594.72 31.980 19.190 97.980 10.340 249.380 42.300 894.380 7.820 515.350 1,021.740 311.740 8.380 19 4 4 2 2 9.36 0.355 0.275 0.048 1.121 73 4 24 2 1 4 4 2 5 381.25 11.400 56.309 38.337 5.450 7.443 113.954 5.925 63.977 16 2 7 1 8.82 0.856 3.705 0.020 34 5 17 4 9.15 0.764 5.005 1.034 2.299 2 1 1 1.63 1.500 0.127 3 3 No. 14.96 14.960 Payments $m ACIS 2 MVP R&D R&D Tax Concession derived from available data as at 30 June 2007. The data may vary with the subsequent amendments to registrations allowed under the legislation. The amount in the expenditure column is the reported expenditure on R&D by registrants, and does not indicate the amount of assistance by the IR&D Board. b Only counts coinvested investees once. c Includes investment of excess funds held by fund managers (IIF $0.02 million, PSF $0.36 million). d BIF, Commercial Ready, COMET, ICIP, P3, REDI and R&D Start payments reflect gross amounts and do not take account of any amounts that may have been repaid. a 699 Transport, Postal and Warehousing I Total 107 Accommodation and Food Services 80.010 142.230 3.550 2.020 7 H 73 55 2 2 1.910 Retail Trade 5.570 3 0.044 Wholesale Trade 4 69.337 1 G 589.680 0.680 21 0.313 F 225 2 6.877 1 Construction 191.800 5 E 134 3,913.810 D 2,951 Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services Manufacturing 3,260.190 206.420 C 537 294 Mining REEFb,c Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing PSFb,c B IIFb,c A VCLPb Division Description PDFb Expenditure No. Investments No. Investments No. Investments No. Investments No. Investments No. $m Investees $m Investees $m Investees $m Investees $m Investees $m R&D Tax 2006-07a Table E1 Innovation Australia programs by industry sector (2006 ANZSIC) Mining Manufacturing Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services Construction Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Accommodation and Food Services Transport, Postal and Warehousing Information Media and Telecommunications Financial and Insurance Services Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Administrative and Support Services Public Administration and Safety Education and Training Health Care and Social Assistance Arts and Recreation Services Other Services B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S 14 6 8 No. 24.56 6.149 18.410 $m No. 1 1 0.01 0.013 $m Payments BIFd 453 4 4 182 1 11 1 4 14 12 6 182 9 23 No. 153.81 2.320 0.614 66.284 0.237 3.846 0.301 0.897 3.546 5.222 1.634 54.775 9.094 5.044 $m Payments Commercial Readyd 2 7 398 1 5 11 6 112 73 1 1 7 17 155 No. 14.03 0.005 0.253 0.347 0.140 3.830 2.614 0.019 0.003 0.264 0.687 5.514 0.071 0.283 $m Payments COMETd 14 1 6 3 2 2 1 29 No. 4.53 1.496 0.394 0.983 0.915 0.216 0.274 0.249 $m Payments ICIPd 6 1 26 7 12 No. 17.22 3.970 8.186 4.596 0.466 $m Payments REDId No. 53 1 1 1 22 1 2 1 1 3 1 16 1 2 12.71 0.104 0.199 0.014 6.426 0.106 0.077 0.149 0.154 0.970 0.025 3.606 0.821 0.062 $m Payments R&D Startd d BIF, Commercial Ready, COMET, ICIP, P3, REDI and R&D Start payments reflect gross amounts and do not take account of any amounts that may have been repaid. R&D Tax Concession derived from available data as at 30 June 2007. The data may vary with the subsequent amendments to registrations allowed under the legislation. The amount in the expenditure column is the reported expenditure on R&D by registrants, and does not indicate the amount of assistance by the IR&D Board. b Only counts coinvested investees once. c Includes investment of excess funds held by fund managers (IIF $0.02 million, PSF $0.36 million). a Total Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing A Division Description Payments P3d Table E1 Innovation Australia programs by industry sector (2006 ANZSIC) (continued) APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 161 162 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Physical Sciences Chemical Sciences Earth Sciences Biological Sciences Information, Computing And Communication Sciences Engineering And Technology Agricultural, Veterinary And Environmental Sciences Architecture, Urban Environment And Building Medical And Health Sciences Education Economics Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services Policy And Political Science Studies In Human Society Behavioural And Cognitive Sciences Law, Justice And Law Enforcement Journalism, Librarianship And Curatorial Studies The Arts Language And Culture History And Archaeology Philosophy And Religion 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 7,288 1 4 2 1 1 1 122 4 14 318 96 489 3,558 2,093 180 112 237 36 19 11,594.73 1.330 2.770 0.370 0.060 0.070 0.190 221.550 0.350 2.790 400.050 149.850 317.410 7,577.130 2,469.130 154.240 98.090 185.040 7.200 $m Investments No. Investees $m Investments VCLPb No. 16 1 1 1 5 4 4 Investees 8.82 0.020 0.289 0.020 4.223 2.908 1.364 $m Investments IIFc,d No. 34 14 1 9 4 5 1 Investees 9.15 3.277 0.044 3.002 1.154 0.960 0.708 $m Investments PSFc,d No. 2 2 Investees 1.63 1.627 $m Investments REEFc,d No. $m Payments R&Db ACIS 2 MVP R&D Tax Concession derived from available data as at 30 June 2007. The data may vary with the subsequent amendments to registrations allowed under the legislation. The amount in the expenditure column is the reported expenditure on R&D by registrant, and does not indicate the amount of assistance by the IR&D Board. Registrants may nominate more than one ASRC category in their registration application. b PDF, VCLP, ACIS 2 MVP R&D, COMET, ICIP and P3 do not collect ASRC information. c Only counts coinvested investees once. d Includes investment of excess funds held by fund managers (IIF $0.02 million, PSF $0.36 million). e Organisations are counted more than once if an organisation participates in two or more projects under different ASRC classifications. f BIF, Commercial Ready, COMET, ICIP, P3, REDI and R&D Start payments reflect gross amounts and do not take account of any amounts that may have been repaid. g Number of times category nominated by applicant. a Total Mathematical Sciences 23 $m 7.110 No. Investees Expenditure No. Description Code PDFb Group R&D Tax 2006-07a,e,g Table E2 Innovation Australia programs by Australian Standard Research Classification (1998 ASRC - RFCD) code 163 Mathematical Sciences Physical Sciences Chemical Sciences Earth Sciences Biological Sciences Information, Computing And Communication Sciences Engineering And Technology Agricultural, Veterinary And Environmental Sciences Architecture, Urban Environment And Building Medical And Health Sciences Education Economics Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services Policy And Political Science Studies In Human Society Behavioural And Cognitive Sciences Law, Justice And Law Enforcement Journalism, Librarianship And Curatorial Studies The Arts Language And Culture History And Archaeology Philosophy And Religion 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 b c d e f g a No. Payments $m No. 1 1 0.01 0.013 Payments $m BIFe,f 2 13 4 8 5 458 3 66 39 224 94 No. 153.81 0.835 27.238 8.196 81.517 26.568 5.013 0.754 2.693 0.670 0.330 Payments $m Commercial Readye,f No. Payments $m COMETb,f No. Payments $m ICIPb,f 1 1 5 26 1 18 No. 17.22 0.029 11.159 0.082 2.162 3.786 Payments $m REDIf 53 1 5 6 30 5 5 1 No. 12.71 0.161 1.003 0.146 8.668 1.569 1.051 0.114 Payments $m R&D Starte,f R&D Tax Concession derived from available data as at 30 June 2007. The data may vary with the subsequent amendments to registrations allowed under the legislation. The amount in the expenditure column is the reported expenditure on R&D by registrant, and does not indicate the amount of assistance by the IR&D Board. Registrants may nominate more than one ASRC category in their registration application. PDF, VCLP, ACIS 2 MVP R&D, COMET, ICIP and P3 do not collect ASRC information. Only counts coinvested investees once. Includes investment of excess funds held by fund managers (IIF $0.02 million, PSF $0.36 million). Organisations are counted more than once if an organisation participates in two or more projects under different ASRC classifications. BIF, Commercial Ready, COMET, ICIP, P3, REDI and R&D Start payments reflect gross amounts and do not take account of any amounts that may have been repaid. Number of times category nominated by applicant. Total Description Group Code P3b,f Table E2 Innovation Australia programs by Australian Standard Research Classification (1998 ASRC - RFCD) code (continued) APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 164 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 9.36 2.319 2.408 2.731 1.565 0.335 Investments $m 73 13 3 12 8 17 7 13 No. Investees 381.25 154.597 94.062 43.940 25.952 34.745 6.000 21.956 Investments $m 16 1 2 4 9 No. Investees 8.82 0.31 0.05 1.985 6.48 Investments $m 34 3 31 No. Investees 9.15 1.92 7.230 Investments $m PSFd 2 2 No. Investees 1.63 1.63 Investments $m REEFd 3 3 No. 14.96 14.960 Payments $m ACIS 2 MVP R&D BIF, Commercial Ready, COMET, ICIP, P3, REDI and R&D Start payments reflect gross amounts and do not take account of any amounts that may have been repaid. 19 1 2 6 7 3 No. Investees IIFd e 11,570.65 7,583.670 547.190 757.530 375.490 945.530 277.310 1,083.930 Expenditure $m VCLPc b c d 6,768 1,044 337 >$50m >$25m<=$50m 487 >$5m<=$10m 532 1,518 >$1m<=$5m >$10m<=$25m 653 2,197 No. >500k<=$1m <=$500k Description PDFc R&D Tax Concession derived from available data as at 30 June 2007. The data may vary with the subsequent amendments to registrations allowed under the legislation. The amount in the expenditure column is the reported expenditure on R&D by registrant, and does not indicate the amount of assistance by the IR&D Board. Please note that not all registrants supply turnover figures. R&D Tax Concession does not include research institutions or applicants who have not provided turnover information. Investees are grouped by Total Value of Investee Assets, not Turnover. Only counts coinvested investees once. Includes investment of excess funds held by fund managers (IIF $0.02 million, PSF $0.36 million). a Total Large Medium Small Group R&D Tax 2006-07a,b Table E3 Innovation Australia programs by turnover b c d e a >$50m 14 7 1 1 >$5m<=$10m >$10m<=$25m 3 >$1m<=$5m >$25m<=$50m 1 1 No. >500k<=$1m <=$500k Description 24.56 17.090 1.055 0.085 3.653 1.356 1.321 Payments $m No. 1 1 0.01 0.013 Payments $m BIFe 453 2 8 26 47 138 50 182 No. 153.81 0.581 3.744 11.230 22.504 53.668 19.316 42.771 Payments $m Commercial Readye 398 16 19 363 No. 14.03 0.592 0.638 12.802 Payments $m COMETe No. 29 1 1 1 2 11 3 10 4.53 0.096 0.161 0.129 0.282 2.104 0.131 1.623 Payments $m ICIPe No. 26 1 1 2 3 3 16 17.22 1.376 0.014 2.558 1.401 2.255 9.614 Payments $m REDIe R&D Tax Concession derived from available data as at 30 June 2007. The data may vary with the subsequent amendments to registrations allowed under the legislation. The amount in the expenditure column is the reported expenditure on R&D by registrant, and does not indicate the amount of assistance by the IR&D Board. Please note that not all registrants supply turnover figures. R&D Tax Concession does not include research institutions or applicants who have not provided turnover information. Investees are grouped by Total Value of Investee Assets, not Turnover. Only counts coinvested investees once. Includes investment of excess funds held by fund managers (IIF $0.02 million, PSF $0.36 million). BIF, Commercial Ready, COMET, ICIP, P3, REDI and R&D Start payments reflect gross amounts and do not take account of any amounts that may have been repaid. Total Large Medium Small Group P3e Table E3 Innovation Australia programs by turnover (continued) 53 3 3 16 8 8 8 7 No. 12.71 0.463 1.805 3.635 2.650 1.365 2.263 0.529 Payments $m R&D Starte APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 165 166 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 NSW 2 9.36 2.375 4 64 364.14 42.950 71.340 15 1 1 7.87 0.200 0.020 0.508 0.911 33 15 6 12 8.79 3.252 1.655 3.885 No. Investees 2 2 1.63 1.627 Investments $m 3 3 No. 14.96 14.960 Payments $m ACIS 2 MVP R&D Some investees are based overseas, and these investees have not been included within this table. 19 12 2.035 2 4 1.285 4.943 Investments $m BIF, Commercial Ready, COMET, ICIP, P3, REDI and R&D Start payments reflect gross amounts and do not take account of any amounts that may have been repaid. 11,594.73 1,942.860 2.688 2 4.726 36.555 2 5 No. Investees d Total 8 5 11 6.109 200.428 Investments $m REEFb Only counts coinvested investees once. Includes investment of excess funds held by fund managers (IIF $0.02 million, PSF $0.36 million). There is one IIF and one PSF company located overseas. 788 6,806 WA 3,834.940 3 27 No. Investees PSFb c 1,811 VIC 109.740 4.295 Investments $m IIFb b 96 TAS 484.120 9 No. Investees No. Investees VCLPd R&D Tax Concession derived from available data as at 30 June 2007. The data may vary with the subsequent amendments to registrations allowed under the legislation. The amount in the expenditure column is the reported expenditure on R&D by registrant, and does not indicate the amount of assistance by the IR&D Board. 391 SA 1,756.020 25.780 3,377.520 63.750 Expenditure $m Investments $m PDF a 1,283 QLD 23 87 2,327 ACT NT No. Description R&D Tax 2006-07a Table E4 Innovation Australia programs by state and territory 2 6 14 NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA Total b c d 24.56 7.992 2.854 13.713 Payments $m No. 1 1 0.01 0.013 Payments $m BIFc 61 98 37 53 82 1 101 20 453 No. 153.81 23.674 29.532 5.793 18.824 26.463 0.315 40.877 8.336 Payments $m Commercial Readyc 9 398 31 100 11 33 86 1 127 No. 14.03 1.075 3.310 0.240 1.105 3.220 0.005 4.720 0.357 Payments $m COMETc No. 29 9 1 2 2 1 10 4 4.53 0.671 0.075 0.138 0.090 0.249 2.649 0.655 Payments $m ICIPc No. 26 5 3 1 3 2 1 9 2 17.22 3.134 2.339 0.165 1.918 3.326 0.396 5.028 0.912 Payments $m REDIc No. 53 9 9 2 3 9 14 7 12.71 0.742 2.395 0.026 0.525 2.747 1.349 4.928 Payments $m R&D Startc R&D Tax Concession derived from available data as at 30 June 2007. The data may vary with the subsequent amendments to registrations allowed under the legislation. The amount in the expenditure column is the reported expenditure on R&D by registrant, and does not indicate the amount of assistance by the IR&D Board. Only counts coinvested investees once. Includes investment of excess funds held by fund managers (IIF $0.02 million, PSF $0.36 million). There is one IIF and one PSF company located overseas. BIF, Commercial Ready, COMET, ICIP, P3, REDI and R&D Start payments reflect gross amounts and do not take account of any amounts that may have been repaid. Some investees are based overseas, and these investees have not been included within this table. 6 NSW a No. ACT Description P3c Table E4 Innovation Australia programs by state and territory (continued) APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 167 APPENDIX F R&D TAX CONCESSION PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table F1 Registrants per year for the R&D Tax Concession by number and reported expenditure Table F2 Breakdown of registrations by R&D expenditure 2006-07 as at 30 June 2008 Table F3 Percentage of registrants (number and reported expenditure) for the R&D Tax Concession by State/Territory as at 30 June 2008 Table F4 Registrants for the R&D Tax Concession by Australian Standard Research Classification (ASRC) as at 30 June 2008 Table F5 Registrants for the R&D Tax Concession by Australian New Zealand Standard Industry Classification (ANZSIC) as at 30 June 2008 Table F6 Registrations for the R&D Tax Offset and 175% Incremental R&D Tax Concession by ANZSIC for 2006-07 as at 30 June 2008 Table F7 Registrants for the R&D Tax Offset and 175% Incremental R&D Tax Concession by ASRC for 2006-07 as at 30 June 2008 Table F8 Registered Research Agencies (RRAs) 168 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 169 2,836 2,960 3,436 3,624 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 5,639 5,985 6,408 6,806 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 3,392.32 3,101.68 2,655.41 2,188.66 2,087.63 1,971.90 1,638.02 1,399.50 1,136.94 1,031.51 986.95 1,004.91 927.58 842.90 758.07 727.74 613.71 500.12 450.71 378.17 246.80 39.28 Salary Expend ($m) 533.45 194.48 96.75 97.11 114.94 105.28 80.33 80.87 78.94 66.06 90.45 83.27 72.50 75.36 54.22 77.89 73.46 74.80 75.89 76.78 31.11 2.37 To RRAs (1) ($m) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.05 8.87 9.82 7.32 8.08 13.91 11.18 7.12 1.18 4.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 To CRCs (2) ($m) 2,946.00 2,399.58 1,895.36 1,440.16 1,244.50 1,252.02 1,192.09 933.52 970.39 773.01 586.87 547.59 498.36 455.91 483.47 444.81 359.74 190.38 114.64 126.90 85.64 6.09 To Others ($m) 4,079.12 3,522.89 3,233.25 2,908.84 2,619.33 2,476.72 2,191.86 2,001.42 1,556.75 1,825.08 1,911.82 2,251.22 1,911.10 1,543.32 1,234.47 1,040.58 851.67 669.07 547.05 424.19 285.85 55.35 Other Expend ($m) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.69 22.43 29.82 26.71 27.95 66.89 161.99 170.47 138.84 197.92 226.09 50.08 44.88 1.12 0.38 0.00 0.12 Core Tech (3) ($m) 26.87 19.34 31.40 25.71 36.30 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CT Deduct Amount ($m) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.48 462.22 314.59 1,224.60 491.24 441.25 410.28 371.34 334.29 242.11 181.19 240.92 141.81 122.51 78.89 52.84 3.49 Total Plant & Pilot Plant ($m) 92.38 84.53 46.65 41.34 40.44 42.63 41.28 131.61 66.52 55.96 44.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Feedstock ($m) 85.62 68.60 36.86 6.77 4.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Residual Feedstock (4) ($m) 322.16 269.92 199.87 168.30 152.73 173.02 2.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pilot Plant Dep (5) ($m) 15.07 15.18 12.60 9.21 5.83 6.69 18.36 10.18 4.12 13.97 13.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Interest (6) ($m) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 4.81 7.97 7.67 10.49 0.00 Build Expend ($m) 101.89 57.32 55.13 35.95 56.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Plant Leasing (7) ($m) 2,698.31 2,189.91 1,625.45 1,321.72 1,093.25 731.45 107.76 Total Expend ($m) 11,594.73 9,733.52 8,263.29 6,922.04 6,362.68 6,092.48 5,670.32 4,919.80 5,094.56 4,353.50 4,173.92 4,470.44 3,958.47 3,391.79 2,973.30 Note: This table derives from available data as at 30 June 2008. The number of registrations and reported expenditure may vary with the receipt of further applications for registrations or subsequent amendments to registrations allowed under legislation. Additional footnote: "Minor expenditure variations may exist for pre 1993-94 figures due to discontinuity of data collected during this period”. (1) RRA = Registered Research Agencies. (2) CRC = Cooperative Research Centres data only available since 1992-93. (3) Recorded within 'CT Deductible Amount' from 2002-03. (4) Residual Feedstock data available from 2002-03. (5) Recorded within 'Total Plant & Pilot Plant' from 2002-03. (6) Interest recorded within 'Other Expenditure' prior to 1996-97. (7) Plant Leasing data only available from 2002-03. 4,755 5,095 2000-01 2002-03 3,734 1999-00 2001-02 3,185 3,274 1998-99 3,304 2,499 1990-91 1997-98 2,365 1989-90 3,734 2,153 1988-89 3,295 2,067 1987-88 1996-97 1,666 1986-87 1995-96 2,549 1985-86 Year Number of Companies Registered Table F1 Registrants per year for the R&D Tax Concession by number and reported expenditure APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA Table F2Breakdown of registrations by R&D expenditure 2006-07 as at 30 June 2008 175% Tax Offset & Incremental 175% Incremental Companies 3 Companies4 Expenditure Range Tax Offset Companies1 125% Companies2 >= $0 and <= $500K 1,975 1,565 390 259 4,189 > $500K and <= $1m 447 433 248 152 1,280 > $1m and <= $5m 8 524 440 5 977 > $5m and <= $10m 0 76 105 0 181 > $10m 0 67 112 0 179 2,430 2,665 1,295 416 6,806 Total (1) Total The R&D Tax Concession allows eligible Australian companies undertaking defined R&D activities to claim a tax deduction of up to 125% of eligible expenditure when lodging their annual tax returns. (2) The R&D Tax Offset is available to eligible Australian companies with an annual group turnover of less than $5 million and R&D expenditure of up to $1 million. (3) The 175% Incremental (Premium) R&D Tax Concession encourages additional sustainable investment in R&D. (4) Companies who claim both the Tax Offset and the 175% Incremental (1+3) 170 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 State Item Total Registrants ACT Total Reported Expenditure ($m) SA 1.42 1.28 0.55 2,060 2,206 2,327 2,887.6 3,160.7 3,377.52 Per cent of Total Registrations (%) 34.42 34.43 34.19 Per cent of Total Reported Expenditure (%) 34.94 32.44 29.13 30 25 23 Total Reported Expenditure ($m) 24.31 26.00 25.78 Per cent of Total Registrations (%) 0.50 0.39 0.34 Per cent of Total Reported Expenditure (%) 0.29 0.27 0.22 1,050 1,127 1,283 1,166.31 1,316.25 1,756.02 17.54 17.59 18.85 Per cent of Total Reported Expenditure (%) 14.11 13.52 15.15 Total Registrants 345 403 391 330.62 418.11 484.12 Total Reported Expenditure ($m) Total Reported Expenditure ($m) Per cent of Total Registrations (%) Total Reported Expenditure ($m) Per cent of Total Registrations (%) 5.76 6.29 5.74 Per cent of Total Reported Expenditure (%) 4.00 4.30 4.18 102 100 96 59.55 67.43 109.74 Total Reported Expenditure ($m) Per cent of Total Registrations (%) 1.70 1.56 1.41 Per cent of Total Reported Expenditure (%) 0.72 0.69 0.95 1,609 1,736 1,811 2,763.47 3,099.78 3,834.94 Per cent of Total Registrations (%) 26.88 27.09 26.61 Per cent of Total Reported Expenditure (%) 33.44 31.85 33.07 Total Reported Expenditure ($m) Total Registrants WA Total Reported Expenditure ($m) 700 720 788 971.58 1,583.93 1,942.86 Per cent of Total Registrations (%) 11.70 11.24 11.58 Per cent of Total Reported Expenditure (%) 11.76 16.27 16.76 Total Registrants National 63.75 0.63 Total Registrants VIC 61.33 1.49 Total Registrants TAS 87 59.87 0.72 Total Registrants QLD 2006-07 91 Per cent of Total Reported Expenditure (%) Total Registrants NT 2005-06 89 Per cent of Total Registrations (%) Total Registrants NSW 2004-05 5,985 6,408 6,806 8,263.31 9,733.53 11,594.73 Per cent of Total Registrations (%) 100.00 100.00 100.00 Per cent of Total Reported Expenditure (%) 100.00 100.00 100.00 Total Reported Expenditure ($m) Note: This table derives from available data as at 30 June 2008. The percentage of registrations and reported expenditure may vary with receipt of further applications for registration allowed under the legislation. INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 171 APPENDICES Table F3 Percentage of registrants (number and reported expenditure) for the R&D Tax Concession by State/Territory as at 30 June 2008 172 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 0 History and Archaeology Journalism, Librarianship and Curatorial Studies Law, Justice and Law Enforcement Policy and Political Science Studies in Human Society The Arts 21 18 17 14 15 19 6,387 0 0 0 0 0 2005-06 8,263.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.48 267.35 50.14 1,799.83 5,332.52 227.67 155.06 169.55 253.71 6,841 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 35 270 36 1,990 3,569 116 190 172 455 Number of Expenditure times category ($m) nominated1 9,733.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.03 5.81 291.45 56.90 2,103.39 6,526.70 101.35 176.50 174.68 291.72 Expenditure ($m) 2006-07 7,288 4 1 1 1 2 1 14 4 96 122 36 318 19 2,093 3,558 112 237 180 489 Number of times category nominated1 11,594.73 2.77 0.07 0.19 0.06 0.37 1.33 2.79 0.35 149.85 221.55 7.2 400.05 7.11 2,469.13 7,577.13 98.09 185.04 154.24 317.41 Expenditure ($m) Note: This table derives from available data as at 30 June 2008. The data may vary with receipt of further applications for registration or amendments to applications allowed under the legislation. (1) Registrants may nominate more than one ASRC category in their registration application. Total 0 Education 11 0 0 Architecture, Urban Environment and Building Economics 9 12 0 42 262 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services Medical and Health Sciences 10 28 1,891 Physical Sciences Mathematical Sciences 1 2 Information, Computing and Communication Sciences 6 3,314 95 13 Engineering and Technology 7 170 Chemical Sciences Earth Sciences 3 4 148 Agricultural, Veterinary and Environmental Sciences Biological Sciences 8 5 437 ASRC Category Group Code Number of times category nominated1 2004-05 Table F4Registrants for the R&D Tax Concession by Australian Standard Research Classification (ASRC) as at 30 June 2008 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Mining Manufacturing Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services Construction Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Accommodation and Food Services Transport, Postal and Warehousing Information Media and Telecommunications Financial and Insurance Services Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Administrative and Support Services Public Administration and Safety Education and Training Health Care and Social Assistance Arts and Recreation Services Other Services A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S 2004-05 5,985 46 25 179 26 23 155 973 8 145 460 77 6 35 76 146 81 2,795 426 303 Number of companies Registration by four digit Australian New Zealand Standard Industry Classification Total ANZSIC Description Group Code 8,263.31 27.15 17.23 120.42 7.90 168.24 79.06 637.77 4.02 738.83 488.54 159.17 3.59 41.96 92.21 436.89 112.89 3,458.13 1,466.81 202.50 Expenditure ($m) 6,408 42 30 194 28 23 185 1,041 11 159 474 87 6 43 80 177 102 2,936 484 306 Number of companies 2005-06 9,733.53 25.88 21.69 120.91 9.37 202.90 121.44 750.06 7.25 777.05 609.50 213.22 4.28 83.22 114.59 581.51 108.55 3,625.97 2,142.78 213.36 Expenditure ($m) 6,806 42 32 169 32 22 83 1,168 17 157 699 107 9 55 73 225 134 2,951 537 294 Number of companies 2006-07 Table F5Registrants for the R&D Tax Concession by Australian New Zealand Standard Industry Classification (ANZSIC) as at 30 June 2008 11,594.73 31.98 19.19 97.98 10.34 249.38 42.30 894.38 7.82 515.35 1,021.74 311.74 8.38 142.23 80.01 589.68 191.80 3,913.81 3,260.19 206.43 Expenditure ($m) APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 173 174 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Health Care and Social Assistance Arts and Recreation Services Other Services Q R S 6,806 42 32 169 32 22 17 11,594.73 31.98 19.19 97.98 10.34 249.38 42.30 894.38 7.82 515.35 1,021.74 311.74 8.38 142.23 80.01 589.68 191.80 3,913.81 3,260.19 206.43 Expend ($m) 2,430 22 12 78 20 6 38 545 3 42 345 26 1 17 19 54 38 956 92 116 Number of companies 711.07 5.29 3.29 28.43 7.03 2.00 13.84 158.82 0.51 12.46 107.25 7.00 0.12 4.34 3.78 13.84 11.63 265.93 36.60 28.90 Expend ($m) Tax Offset Registrants2 1,295 6 30 4 4 9 148 2 39 70 24 4 10 9 28 35 649 189 35 Number of companies 6492.43 19.27 0.00 33.48 0.93 47.40 10.75 327.80 2.87 234.39 707.06 186.97 6.82 71.17 42.33 100.74 89.00 2,027.86 2,523.14 60.46 Expend ($m) 175% Incremental Registrants3 416 3 10 3 2 9 120 2 72 2 1 3 2 5 144 8 30 Number of companies 189.64 1.47 0.00 6.84 1.13 1.81 3.60 54.99 0.00 0.44 35.60 0.89 0.43 0.00 1.51 0.78 2.83 57.92 4.14 15.23 Expend ($m) Tax Offset & 175% Incremental Registrants (2) The R&D Tax Offset is available to eligible Australian companies with an annual group turnover of less than $5 million and R&D expenditure of up to $1 million. (3) The 175% Incremental (Premium) R&D Tax Concession encourages additional sustainable investment in R&D. (1) The R&D Tax Concession allows eligible Australian companies undertaking defined R&D activities to claim a tax deduction of up to 125% of eligible expenditure when lodging their annual tax returns. Total Education and Training P 83 Administrative and Support Services Public Administration and Safety N Professional, Scientific and Technical Services M O 1,168 Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services L 157 699 Financial and Insurance Services 9 55 K Retail Trade G 73 225 Information Media and Telecommunications Wholesale Trade F J Construction E 134 107 Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services D 2,951 Accommodation and Food Services Manufacturing C 537 294 Transport, Postal and Warehousing Mining B H Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing A Number of companies I ANZSIC Description Group Code Total Registrants1 Table F6Registrations for the R&D Tax Offset and 175% Incremental R&D Tax Concession by ANZSIC for 2006-07 as at 30 June 2008 Medical and Health Sciences Education Economics Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services Policy and Political Science 10 11 12 13 14 19 1.33 2.77 0.37 0.06 0.07 0.19 221.55 0.35 2.79 400.05 149.85 317.41 7,577.13 2,469.13 154.24 98.09 185.04 7.2 7.11 7,288 11,594.73 1 4 2 1 1 1 122 4 14 318 96 489 3,558 2,093 180 112 237 36 8 2,522 0 2 1 1 1 0 41 3 8 139 32 168 1,029 892 68 40 66 23 711.07 0.00 0.51 0.17 0.06 0.07 0.00 8.76 0.34 2.56 41.95 7.23 37.40 285.84 266.68 22.97 15.89 14.54 4.62 1.48 Expend ($m) Number of times category nominated Expend ($m) Number of times category nominated 1,474 1 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 2 68 7 97 804 318 50 28 63 4 2 Number of times category nominated 6,492.43 1.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 59.16 0.00 0.23 277.62 3.09 112.55 4,535.89 1,259.83 78.67 46.45 114.58 1.19 1.79 Expend ($m) 175% Incremental Registrants3 438 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 17 3 32 157 198 9 1 8 4 1 Number of times category nominated 189.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.20 0.00 0.00 10.05 0.87 14.26 63.48 92.76 2.60 0.64 2.91 0.64 0.23 Expend ($m) Tax Offset & 175% Incremental Registrants (1) The R&D Tax Concession allows eligible Australian companies undertaking defined R&D activities to claim a tax deduction of up to 125% of eligible expenditure when lodging their annual tax returns. (2) The R&D Tax Offset is available to eligible Australian companies with an annual group turnover of less than $5 million and R&D expenditure of up to $1 million. (3) The 175% Incremental (Premium) R&D Tax Concession encourages additional sustainable investment in R&D Total History and Archaeology Architecture, Urban Environment and Building 9 21 Agricultural, Veterinary and Environmental Sciences 8 The Arts Engineering and Technology 7 19 Information, Computing and Communication Sciences 6 Journalism, Librarianship and Curatorial Studies Biological Sciences 5 18 Earth Sciences 4 Law, Justice and Law Enforcement Chemical Sciences 3 Studies in Human Society Physical Sciences 2 17 Mathematical Sciences 1 15 ASRC Description ASRC Code Tax Offset Registrants2 Total Registrants1 Table F7 Registrants for the R&D Tax Offset and 175% Incremental R&D Tax Concession by ASRC for 2006-07 as at 30 June 2008 APPENDICES INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 175 Table F8Registered Research Agencies (RRAs) The Australian Government’s commitment to encouraging R&D is complemented by facilitating access by smaller and medium sized companies to R&D expertise through the services provided by a Registered Research Agency (RRA). The IR&D Act provides for the registration of RRA organisations, which are organisations approved by Innovation Australia as being capable of undertaking contract R&D for multiple clients. RRA registration allows companies unable to claim the tax concession, if the minimum expenditure threshold ($20,000) has not been reached, to take advantage of the concession by contracting R&D work to an organisation with RRA status. This enables companies to access expertise in Australia’s public and private sector R&D organisations, reducing unnecessary duplication of R&D facilities, and improving the overall effectiveness of Australia’s R&D effort. Contracting eligible R&D work to an RRA has the following advantages: ■■ all contracted expenditure is eligible for the R&D Tax Concession, and is not subject to the expenditure threshold of $20,000; ■■ claims may be made for advance payments up to 12 months prior to the R&D work actually being undertaken; and ■■ smaller to medium sized enterprises are able to undertake R&D programs without having to invest in costly R&D facilities and expertise. Innovation Australia assesses applications for registration as an RRA on the basis of employment of research staff, R&D facilities, pricing structure and intention to undertake R&D for multiple clients. Organisations registered as RRAs are required to renew their registration status annually with the IR&D Board. AusIndustry, on behalf of Innovation Australia, maintains a register of organisations registered as RRAs, including the Australian Standard Research Code (ASRC) categories for the areas of technology in which each organisation has been registered as having a capability to conduct R&D. For the current list of RRAs, see Table F8. Inquiries regarding the RRA Program should be directed to: Registered Research Agency Program AusIndustry GPO Box 9839 Canberra City ACT 2601 Telephone: 02 6213 7696 Facsimile: 02 6213 7303 176 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Address Contact ASRC AMMTEC LTD 6 Macadam Place BALCATTA WA 6021 Mr R J Smith 08 9344 2416 2907 ARRB Group Limited 500 Burwood Highway VERMONT SOUTH VIC 3133 Mr R Yeo 03 9881 1555 2502, 2801, 2803, 2905, 2908, 2914, 2916 2917, 2999 Access Macquarie Ltd 1st Floor Dow Corning Building 3 Innovation Road MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY NSW 2109 Mr A Ellis 02 9850 9298 2302, 2403, 2404, 2499, 2501, 2502, 2504 2601, 2602, 2603, 2606, 2699, 2701, 2703 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2799, 2801 2803, 2901, 2903, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917 2999, 3001, 3003, 3007, 3099, 3204, 3205 3212, 3299 Adelaide Research & Innovation Pty Ltd PO Box 149 RUNDLE MALL ADELAIDE SA 5000 Mr R Chalmers 08 8303 5020 2404, 2502, 2503, 2708, 2801, 2803, 2901 2902, 2905, 2906, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916 2917, 2999, 2999, 3003, 3004, 3007, 3205 Advanced Braking Pty Ltd PO Box 1177 OSBORNE PARK WA 6916 Mr K Johnsen 08 9273 4803 2905 Agricultural Business Research Institute University of New England ARMIDALE NSW 2351 Dr P A Rickards OAM 02 6773 3555 2708, 2803, 3004 Agrisearch Services Pty Ltd PO Box 972 ORANGE NSW 2800 Mr M G Collett 02 6362 4539 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3099 Agronico Holdings Pty Ltd 175 Allport Street EAST LEITH TAS 7315 Mr D Griffin 03 6428 2519 3002, 3003 Amskan Holdings Pty Ltd Unit 6, 45 Normanby Road NOTTING HILL VIC 3168 Mr A Hackett-Smith 03 9541 4900 2801, 2803, 2903, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914 2916, 2917 Applidyne Pty Ltd 35-37 Stirling Street THEBARTON SA 5031 Mr P Van De Loo 08 8234 8211 2301, 2902, 2903, 2905, 2906 Austin Health PO Box 5555 HEIDELBERG VIC 3084 Dr B Murphy 03 9496 5000 2503, 2504, 2701, 2703, 2706, 2708, 2801 2999, 3004, 3202, 3203, 3204, 3205, 3207 3210, 3212 Australasian Furnishing Research and Development Institute Limited PO Box 2042 LAUNCESTON TAS 7250 Mr RJ Panitzki 03 6326 6155 2903, 2905, 2914, 2999, 2999 Australian Coal Research Ltd 13th Floor 133 Mary Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 Mr M Bennetts 07 3295 9560 2502, 2503, 2504, 2601, 2602, 2603, 2605 2706, 2708, 2801, 2803, 2903, 2905, 2906 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917, 2999 3001, 3002, 3003, 3006, 3007, 3099, 3212 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA APPENDICES Name 177 Name Address Contact ASRC Australian Genome Research Facility Ltd Level 5, Gehrmann Laboratories University of Queensland ST LUCIA QLD 4072 Mr R Dennis 07 3365 9121 2708 Australian Institute of Marine Science PMB No 3 Townsville MC TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Mr V Bayer 07 4753 4261 2502, 2503, 2504, 2603, 2604, 2701, 2703 2704, 2705, 2707, 2708, 2803, 2902, 2903 2916, 2999, 3004, 3007, 3205 Australian Museum Trust 6 College Street SYDNEY NSW 2010 Dr L Christidis 02 9320 6237 2601, 2699, 2701, 2703, 2704, 2705, 2707 2708, 2799, 2999, 3006, 3007, 3099 Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation (ANSTO) Private Mail Bag 1 MENAI NSW 2234 Ms K Portwin 02 9717 7000 2399, 2402, 2403, 2499, 2501, 2502, 2503 2504, 2599, 2602, 2603, 2604, 2605, 2606 2703, 2707, 2708, 2799, 2906, 2907, 2914 2999, 3007, 3203, 3205, 3212 Australian Proteome Analysis Facility Ltd Level 4, Building F7B Macquarie University SYDNEY NSW 2109 Professor M Baker 02 9850 8211 2701, 2703, 2708, 3002, 3004, 3005, 3202 3203, 3204, 3207 Australian Sports Commission PO Box 176 BELCONNEN ACT 2616 Dr D Hatcher 02 6214 1740 2499, 2701, 2803, 2901, 2903, 2914, 2999 Australian Survey PO Box 340 Research Group Pty Ltd ORMOND VIC 3204 Dr D Willcox 03 9578 5211 2302, 2399, 2801, 2803, 2899, 2999 Australian Sustainable Industry Research Centre Limited Building 4W Monash University Gippsland Campus CHURCHILL VIC 3842 Ms D Griepsma 03 5122 6663 2502, 2503, 2504, 2905, 2906, 2907, 2908 2999, 3001 Australian Water Quality Centre GPO Box 1751 ADELAIDE SA 5000 Ms S McCreanor 08 8204 1302 2502, 2503, 2504, 2701, 2703, 2707, 2708 2906, 2908 Australian Wine Research Institute PO Box 197 GLEN OSMOND SA 5064 Professor I Pretorius 08 8303 6611 2503, 2504, 2703, 2708, 2901, 2903, 3099 Australian Wool Testing PO Box 240 Authority Ltd NORTH MELBOURNE VIC 3051 Mr I Ashman 03 9371 2101 2903, 2914, 2999 BAE Systems Australia Pty Ltd Second Avenue Technology Park MAWSON LAKES SA 5095 Mr P Turner 08 8300 4400 2404, 2499, 2801, 2803, 2902, 2903, 2905 2909, 2916, 2917, 2999 BRI Australia Ltd PO Box 7 NORTH RYDE NSW 2113 Mr G Blundell 02 9888 9600 2504, 2701, 2901, 2903, 2906, 2999, 3003 178 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Address Contact ASRC BSES Limited PO Box 86 INDOOROOPILLY QLD 4068 Dr R F Gilmour 07 3331 3318 2302, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2701, 2703, 2705 2707, 2708, 2801, 2803, 2901, 2903, 2905 2906, 2908, 2914, 3001, 3002 Beacon IT Australia Pty Ltd Level 13 12 Help Street SYDNEY NSW 2067 Mr M Kadoury 02 8815 5712 2801, 2803, 2917 Bernard O’Brien Institute of Microsurgery 42 Fitzroy Street FITZROY VIC 3065 Mr P Mulheron 03 9288 4014 2701, 2706, 2708, 3202, 3205, 3207, 3210 Birchip Cropping Group PO Box 85 Incorporated BIRCHIP VIC 3483 Ms A Gartmann 03 5492 2787 3001, 3002 Bond University Ltd Bond University Research Office Bond University University Drive ROBINA QLD 4226 Ms T Richards 07 5595 4162 2301, 2302, 2399, 2701, 2703, 2708, 2801 2803, 2899, 2917 Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Fraser Avenue WEST PERTH WA 6005 Dr K W Dixon 08 9480 3605 2703, 2704, 2705, 2707, 2708, 2799, 3001 3003, 3006, 3099 Botanical Resources Australia - Agricultural Services P/L PO Box 852 SANDY BAY TAS 7006 Mr B Chung 03 6224 4511 2704, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3099 CRC for Advanced Composite Structures Ltd 506 Lorimer Street FISHERMANS BEND VIC 3207 Prof M L Scott 03 9646 8085 2902, 2903, 2905, 2908, 2914, 2999 CRC for Sustainable Aquaculture of Finfish c/- South Australian R&D Institute PO Box 120 HENLEY BEACH SA 5022 Dr P Montague 08 8207 5302 3004, 3005, 3099 CRC for Sustainable Tourism Pty Ltd Griffith University PMB 50 GOLD COAST MC QLD 9726 Mrs L White 07 5552 8113 2999 CSIRO PO Box 225 DICKSON ACT 2602 Dr J Moody 02 6276 6630 2301, 2302, 2399, 2401, 2404, 2499, 2501 2502, 2503, 2504, 2601, 2602, 2603, 2604 2605, 2606, 2699, 2701, 2703, 2704, 2705 2706, 2707, 2708, 2799, 2801, 2803, 2899 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905, 2906, 2907, 2908 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917, 2999, 3001, 3002 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3099, 3202 3205, 3212 Cambia GPO Box 3200 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Dr R A Jefferson 02 6246 4502 2708, 2999, 3003, 3099 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA APPENDICES Name 179 Name Address Contact ASRC Cardiac Technology Centre Block 4, Level 3 Department of Cardiology, RNSH Pacific Highway ST LEONARDS NSW 2065 Ms T Ho 02 9926 8679 2706, 2708, 3205, 3210, 3299 Central Northern The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Adelaide Health Service 28 Woodville Road WOODVILLE SOUTH SA 5011 Ms G Graves 08 8222 6870 3207, 3210, 3299 Central Queensland University Commonwealth Building 351 Central Queensland University ROCKHAMPTON MC QLD 4700 Mrs M Barrett 07 4923 2606 2404, 2503, 2504, 2605, 2701, 2703, 2704 2705, 2707, 2708, 2799, 2801, 2803, 2901 2902, 2903, 2905, 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909 2914, 2916, 2917, 2999, 3001, 3002, 3003 3004, 3007, 3099, 3203, 3210, 3212, 3212 3299 Centre for Digestive Diseases Pty Ltd Level 1 229 Great North Road FIVE DOCK NSW 2046 Professor T J Borody 02-9713 4011 2999, 3205, 3210 Charles Darwin University Casuarina Campus DARWIN NT 909 Professor R Wasson 08 89 466868 2707, 2909, 2999, 3007, 3099, 3210 Charles Sturt University Locked Bag 588 WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2678 Ms K Wood-Meyer 02 6933 2320 2301, 2302, 2399, 2401, 2402, 2403, 2404 2499, 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2599, 2601 2602, 2603, 2604, 2605, 2606, 2699, 2701 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2799 2801, 2803, 2899, 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917 2999, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006 3007, 3099, 3202, 3203, 3204, 3205, 3207 3210, 3212, 3299 Charlwood Design Pty Ltd 50 Glasshouse Road COLLINGWOOD VIC 3066 Mr P R Charlwood 03 9416 1611 2905 Chemistry Centre (WA) 125 Hay Street EAST PERTH WA 6004 Dr P J Hyde 08 9222 3460 2502, 2503, 2504, 2603, 2803, 2901, 2903 2907, 2914, 2999, 3003, 3099, 3205, 3212 Communication Research Institute Limited 60 Park Street NORTH FITZROY VIC 3068 Mr D Sless 03 9489 8640 2801, 2899, 3299 Cooperative Research Centre for Irrigation Futures PO Box 56 DARLING HEIGHTS QLD 4350 Mr R Darroch 07 4631 1348 2605, 2707, 2999, 3001 Curtin University of Technology Office of Research and Development GPO Box U1987 PERTH WA 6845 Professor L Kristjanson 08 9266 3045 2301, 2302, 2504, 2601, 2602, 2603, 2699 2706, 2707, 2708, 2801, 2803, 2901, 2902 2903, 2905, 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914 2916, 2917, 2999, 3003, 3004, 3007, 3099 3205, 3210, 3212, 3299 180 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Address Contact ASRC D3 Product Design Pty Ltd 106 Boundary Street PADDINGTON NSW 2021 Mr C S Solari 02 9361 6477 2905 Dairy Innovation Australia Limited 671 Sneydes Road WERRIBEE VIC 3030 Dr I Powell 03 9974 8910 2701, 2703, 2708, 2901, 2903, 2906, 2999 Deakin University Faculty of Science and Technology C/- Dean’s Office Faculty of Science and Technolgy Deakin University GEELONG VIC 3217 Ms S Billings 03 5227 2080 2301, 2302, 2399, 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504 2599, 2601, 2604, 2605, 2699, 2701, 2703 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2799, 2801 2803, 2899, 2901, 2903, 2905, 2908, 2909 2914, 2917, 2999, 3001, 3007, 3099, 3203 3204, 3205, 3299 Defence Science and Technology Organisation R1-6-AO55 Department of Defence CANBERRA ACT 2600 Mr A Gray 02 6265 7950 2403, 2404, 2499, 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504 2801, 2803, 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905, 2906 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917, 2999 Department of Fisheries, Government of Western Australia PO Box 20 NORTH BEACH WA 6920 Mr W J Fletcher 08 9203 0111 2502, 2503, 2504, 2701, 2803, 2999, 3007 3099 Department of Natural Resources, Environment, Arts and Sport PO Box 496 PALMERSTON NT 831 Ms D Kirkman 08 8999 4547 2704, 2705, 2707, 2799 Department of Primary GPO Box 4440 Industries MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Dr M Noble 03 9658 4771 2502, 2503, 2504, 2601, 2602, 2603, 2605 2701, 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708 2901, 2903, 2999, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004 3005, 3007, 3099, 3202, 3205, 3207, 3212 Department of Primary GPO Box 46 Industries and Fisheries BRISBANE QLD 4001 Mr P Twyford-Jones 07 3239 3053 2701, 2703, 2708, 2901, 3002, 3003, 3004 3005, 3006, 3007, 3099 Department of Primary GPO Box 3000 Industry, Fisheries and DARWIN NT 801 Mines Mr C Long 08 8999 2394 3002, 3003, 3004, 3007, 3099 Department of Sustainability and Environment PO Box 137 HEIDELBERG VIC 3084 Dr R Begg 03 9450 8600 2502, 2503, 2504, 2601, 2602, 2603, 2605 2701, 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708 2901, 2903, 2999, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004 3005, 3006, 3007, 3099, 3202, 3205, 3207 3212 Design and Industry Pty Ltd 115-121 Mullens Street BALMAIN NSW 2041 Mr M Hunter 02 9555 1166 2903 Diversity Arrays Technology Pty Ltd PO Box 7141 YARRALUMLA ACT 2600 Dr E Huttner 02 6281 8514 2703, 2704, 2705, 2707, 2708, 2901, 3002 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3204 EWL Sciences Pty Ltd PO Box 39443 WINNELLIE NT 821 Dr A A Puhalovich 08 8922 5211 2601, 2699, 2707, 3001 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA APPENDICES Name 181 Name Address Contact ASRC Edith Cowan University 270 Joondalup Drive JOONDALUP WA 6027 Dr M Taylor 08 6304 5401 2301, 2701, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708 2801, 2803, 2901, 2909, 2916, 2917, 2999 3099, 3203, 3207, 3210, 3212 Electro Optic Systems Pty Ltd 111 Canberra Avenue GRIFFITH ACT 2603 Dr B Greene 02 6222 7900 2801, 2803, 2914, 2917, 2999 Epichem Pty Ltd Murdoch University South Street MURDOCH WA 6150 Dr W Best 08 9360 7696 2503 Eureka! Agresearch Vic Unit 2 Pty Ltd 25-27 Burns Road ALTONA VIC 3018 Mr A G Flynn 03 93694199 2502, 2503, 2504, 3001, 3002, 3003 Fisheries Research & Development Corporation 3007 PO Box 222 DEAKIN WEST ACT 2600 Mr J Wilson 02 6285 0411 Flinders Medical Centre Flinders Drive Incorporated - SAHS BEDFORD PARK SA 5042 Mr G Verstegen 08 8204 4088 2708, 2903, 2999 Flinders Partners Pty Ltd Mark Oliphant Building Laffer Drive Science Park Adelaide BEDFORD PARK SA 5042 Mr A Francis 08 8201 7788 2502, 2503, 2504, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2801 2803, 2902, 2903, 2905, 2907, 2909, 2917 2999, 3003, 3205, 3210, 3212 Food Science Australia PO Box 52 NORTH RYDE NSW 1670 Mr W Edgar 02 9490 8342 2501, 2503, 2504, 2701, 2703, 2708, 2901 2903, 2905, 2906 Forestry Tasmania GPO Box 207 B HOBART TAS 7001 Dr S Read 03 6233 8202 2605, 2703, 2704, 2705, 2707, 2999, 3001 3003, 3006 Foundation for Australian Resources FAR Level 15 Office 1557 University of Technology SYDNEY NSW 2007 Professor B Thornton 02 514 2252 2803, 2907, 2999, 3212 Garvan Institute of Medical Research 384 Victoria Street DARLINGHURST NSW 2010 Mr J Dakin 02 9295 8133 2701, 2706, 2708, 3205, 3212 Genesearch Pty Ltd 14 Technology Drive ARUNDEL QLD 4214 Dr R Craig 07 5594 0299 2708, 2901 GeoConsult Pty Ltd PO Box 1002 SPRING HILL QLD 4004 Mr W Smyth 07 3831 6122 2601, 2602, 2803, 2999 182 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Address Contact ASRC Gilmore Engineers Pty Ltd PO Box 4037 EIGHT MILE PLAINS QLD 4113 Dr D B Gilmore 07 3853 5250 2499, 2902, 2903, 2905, 2914 Griffith University Nathan Campus BRISBANE QLD 4111 Mr B Smith 07 3735 5489 2399, 2403, 2404, 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504 2599, 2602, 2603, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2801 2803, 2899, 2901, 2902, 2903, 2906, 2907 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917, 2999, 3004, 3099 3205, 3210, 3212 Heart Research Institute Ltd 145 Missenden Road CAMPERDOWN NSW 2050 Professor P Barter 02 9550 3560 2701, 2706, 2708, 2999, 3203, 3205 Herman Research Pty Ltd 677 Springvale Road MULGRAVE VIC 3170 Dr T Johnson 03 9565 9804 2404, 2499, 2501, 2502, 2504, 2603, 2606 2701, 2707, 2801, 2803, 2903, 2905, 2906 2907, 2914, 2999, 3001, 3099 Howard Florey Institute c/- University of Melbourne of Experimental VIC 3010 Physiology & Medicine Dr H De Aizpurua 03 8344 1808 2706, 3203, 3205, 3207 ICP Firefly Pty Ltd PO Box 6198 ALEXANDRIA NSW 2015 Dr I Meyer-Carrive 02 9310 3899 2701, 2703, 2706, 2708, 2799, 2901, 2906 2907, 2914, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005 3006, 3007, 3099, 3202, 3203, 3204, 3205 3207, 3210, 3299 IMBcom Pty Limited Level 4,Queensland Bioscience Precinct, 306 Carmody Road The University of Queensland ST LUCIA QLD 4072 Ms K Coomber 07 3346 2196 2705, 2708, 3203, 3207 Inland Fisheries Service PO Box 575 NEW NORFOLK TAS 7140 Mr J Diggle 03 6261 8060 2707, 3004, 3007 Institute of Drug Technology Australia Ltd 45 Wadhurst Drive BORONIA VIC 3155 Mr A McKenzie 03 9801 8888 2502, 2503, 2504, 2599, 2903, 3099, 3205 3299 Institute of Medical & Veterinary Science Veterinary Sciences PO Box 14 Rundle Mall ADELAIDE SA 5000 Dr T R Kuchel 08 8261 1033 2708, 3005 Intec Ltd Gordon Chiu Building JOI Maze Crescent UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY NSW 2006 Mr A J Moyes 02 9351 6741 2906, 2907 Invetech Pty Ltd Private Bag 44 MT WAVERLEY VIC 3149 Mrs L Banducci 03 9211 7763 2403, 2404, 2499, 2501, 2503, 2701, 2801 2803, 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905, 2906, 2909 2914, 2916, 2917, 2999, 3205 James Cook University Brisbane Campus 349 Queen Street TOWNSVILLE QLD 4811 Professor N Palmer 07 4781 6884 2404, 2499, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2602, 2603 2701, 2707, 2801, 2803, 2902, 2903, 2905 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917 2999, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3007, 3099, 3205 3212, 3299 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA APPENDICES Name 183 Name Address Contact ASRC KWA Design Group Pty Ltd 101B Marriott Street REDFERN NSW 2016 Ms C Zerafa 02 9319 3711 2899, 2903, 2905, 2909, 2914, 2999 Kalyx Agriculture Pty Ltd 2/104 Swan Street GUILDFORD WA 6055 Mr P J Burgess 08 6278 1777 3002, 3003 Konstrukt Design Pty Ltd Level 1 63 William Street EAST SYDNEY NSW 2010 Mr P Cooper 02 9357 7666 2499, 2899, 2903, 2905, 2914, 2916, 2917 2999, 3299 La Trobe University Melbourne (Bundoora) BUNDOORA VIC 3086 Professor B Brown 03 9479 1789 2301, 2302, 2399, 2401, 2402, 2403, 2404 2499, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2599, 2601, 2602 2603, 2699, 2701, 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706 2707, 2708, 2799, 2801, 2803, 2901, 2907 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917, 2999, 3001, 3002 3004, 3099, 3202, 3203, 3205, 3212 Land & Water Resources GPO Box 2182 R&D Corporation CANBERRA ACT 2601 Mr C de Mamiel 02 6263 6006 2707, 3001, 3003, 3099 Lewis Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 110 EAST BENTLEIGH VIC 3165 Mr H J Evans 03 9555 3666 2903, 2905, 2906, 2907, 2909, 2914 Lloyd Energy Systems Pty Ltd Suite 1 Level 10 8-10 Loftus Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Mr S Hollis 02 9247 5477 2504, 2903, 2906, 2909, 2914 Macquarie University Macqaurie University NSW 2109 Professor J A Piper 02 9850 8645 2301, 2302, 2399, 2401, 2404, 2499, 2501 2502, 2503, 2504, 2601, 2602, 2603, 2606 2699, 2701, 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707 2708, 2799, 2801, 2803, 2899, 2901, 2903 2907, 2909, 2914, 2917, 2999, 3001, 3003 3099, 3205, 3207, 3299 Meat & Livestock Australia Ltd Locked Bag 991 NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2059 Mr C Chin 02 9463 9396 2503, 2699, 2701, 2705, 2799, 2901, 2903 3002, 3004, 3005, 3212 Mimotopes Pty Ltd PO Box 1415 MDC SOUTH CLAYTON VIC 3169 Dr N Ede 03 9565 1154 2503, 2599, 2701, 2999, 3205 Minomic Pty Ltd PO Box 664 HARBORD NSW 2096 Mr A Jairath 02 9449 1966 2701, 2703, 2704, 2705, 2708, 2799, 3202 3203, 3204, 3207 Molecular Plant Breeding Pty Ltd Victorian AgriBiosciences Centre 1 Park Drive BUNDOORA VIC 3083 Mr F Yardley 03 9479 1824 2708, 3002 184 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Address Contact ASRC Monash University Building 3D, Clayton Campus Monash University Wellington Road CLAYTON VIC 3800 Ms H Oswald 03 9905 3006 2301, 2302, 2399, 2401, 2402, 2404, 2501 2502, 2503, 2504, 2599, 2601, 2603, 2605 2606, 2699, 2701, 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706 2707, 2708, 2799, 2801, 2803, 2899, 2901 2903, 2905, 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914 2917, 2999, 3002, 3004, 3202, 3203, 3204 3205, 3207, 3210, 3212, 3299 Morton Blacketer Pty Ltd 1st Floor, 153 Greenhill Road PARKSIDE SA 5063 Mr S Blacketer 08 8357 9500 2801, 2803 Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Royal Children’s Hospital Flemington Road PARKVILLE VIC 3052 Mrs A Cronin 03 8341 6229 2701, 2708, 2801, 2999, 3210 Murdoch University South Street MURDOCH WA 6150 Mr T Morrison 08 9360 2574 2301, 2302, 2403, 2499, 2502, 2503, 2504 2606, 2701, 2703, 2704, 2707, 2708, 2801 2803, 2899, 2901, 2903, 2907, 2909, 2914 2917, 2999, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005 3006, 3007, 3203, 3204, 3205, 3210, 3299 NSW Department of Primary Industries Locked Bag 21 ORANGE NSW 2800 Mr G Denney 02 6391 3219 2302, 2504, 2605, 2701, 2703, 2704, 2706 2707, 2708, 2801, 2803, 2901, 2903, 2914 2917, 2999, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005 3006, 3007, 3099, 3205, 3299 National Ageing Research Institute PO Box 2127 Royal Melbourne Hospital MELBOURNE VIC 3050 Professor D Ames 03 83872305 2701, 2899, 2999, 3205, 3210, 3212 National ICT Australia Limited Locked Bag 9013 ALEXANDRIA NSW 1435 Mr P Smith 02 83745212 2399, 2708, 2801, 2803, 2899, 2916, 2917 2999, 3299 NewSouth Innovations Pty Ltd Rupert Myers Building UNSW SYDNEY NSW 2052 Mr E Slack 02 9385 6500 2301, 2302, 2399, 2401, 2402, 2403, 2404 2502, 2503, 2504, 2599, 2601, 2603, 2604 2605, 2606, 2701, 2703, 2707, 2708, 2803 2902, 2903, 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914 2917, 2999, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3006, 3007 3099, 3202, 3203, 3204, 3205, 3207, 3212 Newcastle Innovation Ltd Industry Development Centre University Drive CALLAGHAN NSW 2308 Dr B Jenkins 02 4921 8777 2302, 2502, 2503, 2701, 2703, 2799, 2902 2903, 2905, 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2917 2999, 3001, 3202, 3212 Novita Tech PO Box 2438 REGENCY PARK SA 5942 Dr L Walker 08 82438261 2801, 2803, 2903, 2905, 2909, 2917, 2999 2999, 3212 Orbital Australia Pty Ltd 4 Whipple Street BALCATTA WA 6021 Mr G Armstrong 08 9441 2392 2301, 2504, 2803, 2902, 2903, 2905, 2909 2916, 2999 POWMRI Ltd 2708, 2903, 2999, 3205, 3207, 3210, 3212 PO Box 82 ST PAULS NSW 2031 Professor P R Schofield 02 9399 1004 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA APPENDICES Name 185 Name Address Contact ASRC Pathwest Laboratory Medicine WA Pathwest QEII Locked Bag 2009 NEDLANDS WA 6909 Dr D Nicol 08 9346 2556 2701, 2706, 2708, 2999, 3202, 3203, 3204 3205, 3210, 3212 Peracto Pty Ltd 16 Hillcrest Road DEVONPORT TAS 7310 Mr A G Woodcock 03 64232044 2906, 3003, 3006, 3099 Proen Design Australia Pty Ltd 1/157 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Mr P Huxtable 08 8152 0800 2903, 2905, 2914, 2999 Progen Pharmaceuticals Limited PO Box 2403 TOOWONG QLD 4066 Mr L Burns 07 3842 3333 2708, 2901 Proteome Systems Ltd Locked Bag 2073 NORTH RYDE NSW 1670 Dr R Lindner 02 9889 1830 2504, 2701, 2708, 2803, 2999, 3203, 3204 3210 Queensland Institute of 300 Herston Road Medical Research HERSTON QLD 4029 Dr S Clark 07 3362 0207 2706, 3202, 3203, 3204, 3205, 3207, 3210 3212, 3299 Queensland University of Technology GPO Box 2434 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Mr C Melvin 07 3138 2093 2301, 2302, 2399, 2403, 2404, 2499, 2501 2502, 2503, 2504, 2601, 2602, 2603, 2605 2606, 2701, 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707 2708, 2799, 2801, 2803, 2899, 2901, 2902 2903, 2905, 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914 2916, 2917, 2999, 3007, 3099, 3202, 3203 3204, 3207, 3210, 3212, 3299 RMIT University PO Box 71 BUNDOORA VIC 3083 Professor N Furlong 03 9925 7233 2502, 2503, 2504, 2602, 2708, 2801, 2803 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905, 2906, 2907, 2908 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917, 2999, 3003, 3099 3203, 3205 ResTech Pty Ltd School of EE & CS University of Newcastle University Drive CALLAGHAN NSW 2308 Mr T Wylie 02 4921 7345 2909 Roads & Traffic Authority of NSW PO Box K198 HAYMARKET NSW 1238 Mr C Harrison 02 8837 0400 2501, 2503, 2602, 2908, 2914, 2999 Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union Green Building 60 Leicester Street CARLTON VIC 3053 Mr J O’Conner 03 9347 0757 2705, 2707, 2799 Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust Mrs Macquaries Road SYDNEY NSW 2000 Dr T Entwisle 02 9231 8112 2704, 2707, 3003 186 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Address Contact ASRC Royal Perth Hospital GPO Box X2213 PERTH WA 6847 Dr P Montgomery 08 9224 2204 2504, 2803, 2903, 2905, 2914, 2999, 2999 3202, 3203, 3204, 3205, 3207, 3210, 3299 Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation PO Box 4776 KINGSTON ACT 2604 Mr J Storer 02-6272 4656 2301, 2302, 2399, 2404, 2499, 2502, 2503 2504, 2599, 2601, 2602, 2603, 2604, 2605 2606, 2699, 2701, 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706 2707, 2708, 2799, 2801, 2803, 2899, 2901 2903, 2905, 2906, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2917 2999, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006 3007, 3099, 3202, 3203, 3204, 3205, 3207 3210, 3212, 3299 SGS Lakefield Oretest Pty Ltd 431 Victoria Road MALAGA WA 6090 Mr G Lonsdale 08 9209 8700 2799, 2901, 2906, 2907 Safety in Mines Testing & Research Station (SIMTARS) PO Box 467 GOODNA QLD 4300 Mr P Harrison 07 3810 6302 2504, 2599, 2803, 2903, 2905, 2907, 2909 2917, 2999, 3212 South Australian Forestry Corporation PO Box 162 MT GAMBIER SA 5290 Mr B Farmer 08 87242 888 3006 South Australian Research and Development Institute GPO Box 397 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Dr R K Lewis 08 8303 9397 2706, 2708, 2803, 2901, 2906, 2917, 3002 3003, 3004, 3007, 3099 Southern Cross University PO Box 157 LISMORE NSW 2480 Professor P Baverstock 02 6620 3172 2504, 2701, 2708, 2803, 2902, 2903, 2999 3002, 3003, 3006, 3007, 3099, 3212 Southern Tree Breeding Association Incorporation PO Box 1811 MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290 Dr T A McRae 08 8723 0688 2708, 2803, 2903, 3003, 3006 Sugar Research Institute PO Box 15758 CITY EAST QLD 4002 Mr J N Kenny 07 3138 9401 2403, 2404, 2499, 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504 2701, 2703, 2707, 2801, 2803, 2901, 2902 2903, 2905, 2906, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2917 2999, 3002 Swinburne University of PO Box 218 Technology HAWTHORN VIC 3122 Ms S Mosca 03 9214 5225 2301, 2302, 2399, 2401, 2403, 2404, 2499 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2599, 2701, 2703 2706, 2707, 2708, 2799, 2801, 2803, 2899 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905, 2906, 2907, 2908 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917, 2999, 3001, 3099 3203, 3207, 3210, 3212, 3212, 3299 TMC Radio Pty Ltd 2803, 2899, 2909, 2917 1270 Ferntree Gully Road SCORESBY VIC 3179 Mr T Clarke 03 9730 3830 The Australian National Chancelry 2B University Building 10B ACTON ACT 200 Dr I McMahon 02 6125 2398 APPENDICES Name 2403, 2404, 2499, 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504 2599, 2601, 2602, 2603, 2701, 2706, 2707 2708, 2801, 2803, 2901, 2903, 2905, 2906 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917, 2999 3002, 3003, 3004, 3006, 3007, 3099, 3205 3210, 3212, 3299 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 187 Name Address Contact ASRC The Flinders University GPO Box 2100 of South Australia ADELAIDE SA 5001 Professor C Marlin 08 8201 2758 2301, 2302, 2403, 2499, 2501, 2502, 2503 2504, 2602, 2604, 2605, 2606, 2701, 2703 2706, 2707, 2708, 2799, 2801, 2803, 2899 2901, 2902, 2903, 2907, 2909, 2914, 2999 3003, 3004, 3007, 3099, 3202, 3203, 3204 3205, 3207, 3210, 3212 The MacFarlane Burnett Institute for Medical Research and Public Health Ltd GPO Box 2284 MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Dr A Greenway 03 9282 2112 2503, 2504, 2701, 2706, 2708, 2999, 3205 3210, 3212 The Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria Locked Bag 11 PARKVILLE VIC 3052 Professor C Masters 03 9388 1633 2706, 2708, 3203, 3205, 3207, 3210 The St George Hospital Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery Orthopaedic Research St George Hospital Institute KOGARAH NSW 2217 Professor G Murrell 02 9350 2827 2701, 2708, 2801, 2803, 2903, 2909, 2914 2916, 2917, 2999, 3205, 3210, 3212 The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide ADELAIDE SA 5005 Professor A Johnson 08 8303 5665 2301, 2302, 2399, 2401, 2402, 2403, 2404 2499, 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2599, 2601 2602, 2603, 2604, 2605, 2606, 2699, 2701 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2799 2801, 2803, 2899, 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917 2999, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006 3007, 3099, 3202, 3203, 3204, 3205, 3207 3210, 3212, 3299 The University of New England The University of New England ARMIDALE NSW 2351 Miss A van Mosseveld 02 6773 3262 2403, 2404, 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2601 2602, 2603, 2701, 2704, 2705, 2707, 2708 2799, 2801, 2803, 2901, 2914, 2917, 2999 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007 3099, 3207, 3210, 3212, 3299 The University of New South Wales University of New South Wales SYDNEY NSW 2052 Professor L Field 02 9385 2375 2301, 2302, 2399, 2401, 2402, 2403, 2404 2499, 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2599, 2601 2602, 2603, 2604, 2605, 2606, 2699, 2701 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2799 2801, 2803, 2899, 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917 2999, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3006, 3007, 3099 3202, 3203, 3204, 3205, 3207, 3210, 3212 3299 The University of Newcastle University Drive CALLAGHAN NSW 2308 Ms L McBriarty 02 4921 5300 2301, 2302, 2401, 2402, 2403, 2501, 2502 2503, 2504, 2601, 2602, 2603, 2605, 2606 2701, 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708 2801, 2803, 2901, 2903, 2905, 2906, 2907 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917, 3001, 3003 3202, 3203, 3204, 3205, 3207, 3210, 3212 The University of Queensland Cumbrae-Stewart Building Research Road ST LUCIA QLD 4072 Mr I Harris 07 3365 8383 2502, 2503, 2504, 2599, 2602, 2603, 2706 2708, 2801, 2803, 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917 2999, 3003, 3004, 3006, 3007, 3099 The University of Southern Queensland West Street TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Dr R Yi 07 4631 2866 2401, 2504, 2701, 2703, 2707, 2708, 2801 2901, 2903, 2906, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2917 3001, 3002, 3003, 3202, 3205, 3212 188 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Address Contact ASRC University of Sydney Corporate Finance Research Team Q14 - Quadrangle University of Sydney SYDNEY NSW 2006 Mr W Dawson 02 9351 4472 2301, 2302, 2399, 2401, 2402, 2403, 2404 2499, 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2599, 2601 2602, 2603, 2604, 2605, 2606, 2699, 2701 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2799 2801, 2803, 2899, 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917 2999, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006 3007, 3099, 3202, 3203, 3204, 3205, 3207 3210, 3212, 3299 The University of Tasmania Private Bag 1 HOBART TAS 7001 Mrs L Denholm 03 6226 2761 2301, 2302, 2399, 2401, 2402, 2403, 2404 2499, 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2599, 2601 2602, 2603, 2604, 2605, 2606, 2699, 2701 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2799 2801, 2803, 2899, 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917 2999, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3006, 3007 3099, 3202, 3203, 3204, 3205, 3207, 3210 3212, 3299 The University of Western Australia 35 Stirling Highway CRAWLEY WA 6009 Dr C Thomson 08 6488 3027 2301, 2302, 2401, 2402, 2403, 2501, 2502 2503, 2504, 2599, 2601, 2602, 2603, 2701 2703, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2801, 2803 2899, 2903, 2905, 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909 2914, 2917, 2999, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004 3007, 3099, 3205, 3207, 3210, 3212, 3299 Uniquest Pty Ltd PO Box 6069 ST LUCIA QLD 4067 Mr D Cotton 07 3365 4037 2502, 2503, 2504, 2599, 2602, 2603, 2706 2708, 2801, 2803, 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917 2999, 3003, 3004, 3006, 3007, 3099 University of Ballarat Research and Graduate Studies Office University of Ballarat PO Box 663 BALLARAT VIC 3353 Mr S Chambers 03 5327 9407 2301, 2302, 2504, 2601, 2603, 2605, 2701 2703, 2704, 2705, 2707, 2708, 2801, 2803 2901, 2903, 2905, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914 2917, 2999, 3006, 3210, 3212, 3299 University of Canberra The University of Canberra CANBERRA ACT 2601 Dr M Kelly 02 6201 5780 2301, 2302, 2399, 2504, 2599, 2605, 2699 2701, 2703, 2705, 2707, 2799, 2801, 2803 2917, 3001, 3007, 3099, 3202, 3203, 3204 3212, 3212, 3299 University of Melbourne Campus UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE VIC 3010 Dr D Cookson 03 8344 2049 2502, 2503, 2504, 2602, 2603, 2706, 2708 2801, 2803, 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905, 2906 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917, 2999 3003, 3004, 3006, 3099, 3210, 3212, 3299 University of South Australia Mawson Lakes Campus Mawson Lakes Boulevard MAWSON LAKES SA 5095 Dr M B Hochman 08 8302 3471 2301, 2302, 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2599 2601, 2603, 2708, 2801, 2803, 2901, 2903 2905, 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916 2917, 2999, 3099, 3212 University of Technology Sydney PO Box 123 BROADWAY NSW 2007 Mr J Francis 02 9514 1256 2301, 2302, 2403, 2404, 2499, 2503, 2504 2599, 2602, 2603, 2605, 2699, 2701, 2703 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2799, 2801 2803, 2899, 2902, 2903, 2905, 2906, 2907 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917, 2999, 3001 3002, 3003, 3006, 3007, 3099, 3202, 3203 3204, 3205, 3207, 3210, 3212, 3299 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA APPENDICES Name 189 Name Address Contact ASRC University of Western Sydney K1, Penrith Campus Locked Bag 1797 PENRITH SOUTH DC NSW 1797 Mr G Jones 02 4736 0631 2301, 2302, 2401, 2402, 2403, 2499, 2502 2503, 2504, 2599, 2601, 2603, 2605, 2701 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2801 2803, 2899, 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905, 2906 2907, 2908, 2909, 2914, 2916, 2917, 2999 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007 3099, 3203, 3299 University of Wollongong Northfields Avenue WOLLONGONG NSW 2522 Mr D Israel 02 4221 5540 2701, 2707, 2801, 2803, 2902, 2903, 2905 2906, 2907, 2908, 2914, 2917, 2999, 3099 Value Added Wheat CRC Limited Locked Bag No 1345 NORTH RYDE NSW 1670 Mr B Sparey 02 9490 8488 2708, 2901, 2903, 3003 Victoria University PO Box 14428 MELBOURNE VIC 8001 Professor L Rosenman 03 9919 4020 2404, 2499, 2504, 2701, 2706, 2708, 2801 2803, 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905, 2908, 2909 2914, 2916, 2917, 2999, 3099, 3205 Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing Ltd PO Box 201 CARLTON SOUTH VIC 3053 Dr T Ting 03 9647 5431 2602, 2708, 2803, 2902, 2903, 2905 Vipac Engineers & Scientists Ltd 279 Normanby Road PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207 Mr M Smith 03 9647 9700 2399, 2404, 2499, 2606, 2707, 2803, 2902 2903, 2905, 2909, 2914, 2999 W E Bassett and Partners Pty Ltd PO Box Q410 QVB Post Office SYDNEY NSW 1230 Mr L Partridge 02 8295 7555 2404, 2903, 2905, 2909, 2914, 2999 WA Maritime Training Centre – Fremantle 1 Fleet Street FREMANTLE WA 6160 Mr K Waterhouse 08 9239 8021 3007 Welding Technology Institute of Australia PO Box 6165 SILVERWATER NSW 2128 Mr C Smallbone 02 9748 4443 2503, 2803, 2903, 2906, 2907, 2908, 2914 2999 Western Australian Museum Collections & Contract Development Locked Bag 49 WELSHPOOL DC WA 6986 Ms D Jones 08 9212 3715 2501, 2502, 2503, 2601, 2603, 2699, 2705 2707, 2708, 2799, 2914 Women’s & Children’s Health Research Institute Incorporated 72 King William Road NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5006 Professor H Zola 08 8161 7443 2706, 2708, 2901, 3205, 3210, 3212, 3299 Woolcock Institute of Medical Research Limited PO Box M77 Missenden Road Post Office CAMPERDOWN NSW 2050 Mr R C Flemons 02 9114 0352 2302, 2499, 2701, 2703, 2706, 2708, 2803 2905, 2909, 2914, 2999, 3202, 3203, 3210 3212, 3299 ZBB Technologies Ltd PO Box 2047 KARDINYA WA 6163 Mr R J Parry 08 9494 2055 2503, 2504, 2909, 2914, 2999 190 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Table G1 COMET program applications received by state and territory, 2007-08 Table G2 COMET program agreements executed by state and territory, 2007-08 Table G3 COMET program payments by state and territory, 2007-08 Table G4 COMET program agreements executed by company, 2007-08 Table G5 COMET program payments by company, 2007-08 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 191 APPENDICES APPENDIX G COMMERCIALISING EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES (COMET) PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table G1 COMET program applications received by state and territory, 2007-08 State/Territory Number NSW 49 VIC 40 QLD 42 SA 11 WA 11 TAS 5 ACT 1 NT 1 Total 160 Note: The table does not include applications received during the year if withdrawn from consideration during the year. Table G2 COMET program agreements executed by state and territory, 2007-08 State/Territory Number Value $ NSW 42 2,688,000 VIC 35 2,240,000 QLD 35 2,240,000 SA 14 896,000 WA 6 384,000 TAS 5 293,600 ACT 1 64,000 NT 0 0 138 8,805,600 Total Table G3 COMET program payments by state and territory, 2007-08 State/Territory Value ($) Per cent of total (%) NSW 4,720,422 34 VIC 3,309,679 23 QLD 3,220,336 23 SA 1,104,704 8 WA 1,074,746 8 TAS 239,539 2 ACT 357,362 2 5,000 0 14,031,788 100 NT Total Note: The total figure represents the value of payments made during the year and does not include any amounts that may have been repaid. 192 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Planned Agreed Grant Funding ($) Completion Date Recipient Activity Acme Engineering Tas Pty Ltd A laser tool to enable a milling machine operator using a computer numerical controlled milling machine to simulate the tool path before actual milling commences. 48,800 31-Aug-08 Acryn Pty Ltd The "Knowledge Community" education collaboration software platform. 64,000 28-Feb-09 Agtrix Pty Ltd Software for Agricultural Management. 64,000 31-Jan-09 Airospace Enterprises Pty Ltd A comfortable wearing range of oral Mandibular Sleep Devices with unique magnetic enabling technology. 64,000 31-Oct-08 Anatomate Pty Ltd Patient education multimedia system for spine surgeons. 64,000 31-Dec-08 Aussie Colours Pty Ltd New flowering plant varieties derived from Australian native plant species. 64,000 31-Aug-08 Aussie Predator Pty Ltd Aussie Predator have produced an agricultural sprayer that provides a fundamental improvement in efficiency, cost-effectiveness and speed, while reducing the negative environmental impact of broad based spraying methods. 64,000 31-Mar-09 AW Technologies Pty Ltd Novel Ground Water Treatment Technology. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Awaresoft Pty Ltd AwareIM web database application building tool for end-users to do it themselves. 64,000 31-Oct-08 AYRB Pty Ltd Web based solution for Occupational Health & Safety, Injury and Claims Management. 64,000 28-Feb-09 Baby Hugs Pty Ltd Remote controlled cot rocking device. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Bagtainer Transport & Storage Products Pty Ltd Collapsible bulk packaging. 64,000 31-May-09 Bilexys Pty Ltd A process for efficient wastewater treatment with energy production. 64,000 30-Nov-08 Biolectric Pty Ltd Vegetable oil based dielectric fluid. 64,000 30-Sep-08 Bionic Assets Pty Ltd Epilepsy prediction and control using novel electrical waveforms. 64,000 31-Dec-08 Blue Star Nutritionals Pty Ltd A range of Nutraceutical formulations focussing on gut health and hydration. 64,000 31-Mar-09 Bond Innovation 1 Pty Ltd Computer Aided Breast Cancer Diagnosis. 64,000 31-Dec-08 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 193 APPENDICES Table G4 COMET program agreements executed by company, 2007-08 Planned Agreed Grant Funding ($) Completion Date Recipient Activity Bond R&D 1 Pty Ltd Software CD for Secure internet banking. 64,000 31-Dec-08 Box Monitoring Pty Ltd MVM (Mixed Venous Monitor) is a device to non-invasively, measure level of oxygen in the venous blood. 64,000 17-Jun-10 Cannavan Cane Technology Pty Ltd A lightweight, low energy, high capacity, double row cane harvester. 64,000 31-Oct-08 CareFX CRM Pty Ltd CARE is software for scheduling and reporting of customer complaints for Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG): Food & Beverage Banking/ finance and utilities. 64,000 31-Jul-08 Cerulean Medical Pty Ltd Portable negative pressure wound therapy devices. 64,000 31-Jan-09 CFusion Pty Ltd Carbon Fibre Automotive Wheels. 64,000 31-Oct-08 Cheeta International Pty Ltd Powered lifting trolley. 64,000 31-Dec-08 Chimera Innovations Pty Ltd Modular solar air heating system. 64,000 31-Dec-08 Chinswing Pty Ltd Chinswing combines various features of text forums, podcasting, social networking and live voice chat. 64,000 31-Dec-08 Choiceengine Pty Ltd Consumer product search engine based on economic utility optimisation. 64,000 31-Mar-09 Clear Falls Pty Ltd Hardware/software coupling application for high computing performance minimising power consumption. 64,000 31-Mar-09 Clincha Pty Ltd as Trustee for the Clincha Development Trust A pneumatic tool for tying reinforcing bars used in reinforced concrete. 64,000 31-Aug-08 Cline Technologies Pty Ltd Interchangeable truck body mechanism. 64,000 31-Mar-09 Connect Direct Pty Ltd A comprehensive Business Solution to manage Medical Practitioner Billing and Workflow. 64,000 31-Jan-09 Control Technologies International Limited Remote Energy Generation and Storage. 64,000 31-Jul-08 Cool Mobility Pty Ltd Light weight, module powered sports wheel chair. 64,000 31-Jan-09 Coolrock Software Pty Ltd Email Archiving/Encryption Software. 64,000 31-Aug-08 Count Media Pty Ltd Comnicate - a stakeholder communications software platform. 64,000 30-Sep-08 Creative Ad Technology Pty Ltd Video ad-serving platform. 64,000 31-Mar-09 194 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Activity Cryptogen Pty Ltd A Cryptosporidium qPCR diagnostic test. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Davbroz Pty Ltd Novel swimming pool water recirculation system. 64,000 30-Sep-08 DB.BA.Finn Pty Ltd Revolutionary expansion joint for concrete. 64,000 31-Jan-09 Dendrimed Pty Ltd Drug delivery technology. 64,000 30-Nov-08 Depth Analysis Pty Ltd Multi-view camera scanning system for reconstruction of 3D animation. 64,000 31-Mar-09 Dimoto Pty Ltd Hardware for plastic optical fibre ethernet based data networking. 64,000 28-Feb-09 Dotti Enterprises Pty Ltd Delivery Systems for Synthetic DNA for property security applications. 64,000 31-Oct-08 Duo Tags Pty Ltd A dual purpose livestock identification tag, combining visual and electronic tag. 64,000 31-May-08 Easytest Pty Ltd Suite of Innovative Appliance and Safety Switch testing equipment. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Eco-Kinetics Pty Ltd Novel heat pump for domestic hot water systems. 64,000 31-Mar-09 Edcube Pty Ltd in its own capacity and as Trustee for the Edcube Unit Trust E-Learning software for Student Digital Portfolios. 64,000 28-Feb-09 Emaginet Pty Ltd An online advertising system enabling behavioural-based audience targeting. 64,000 30-Nov-08 Ember Technologies Pty Ltd Electronics and software to eliminate standby power waste from common consumer electronics. 64,000 28-Feb-09 Employment Agencysystem Intelligence Pty Ltd Outsourced back-office system for Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) employment agencies. 64,000 30-May-09 Endoluminal Sciences Pty Ltd Graft fixation technology. 64,000 31-Aug-08 Engineering Intelligence Pty Ltd Trucking and loader simulation software for the mining industry. 64,000 31-Oct-08 Entermo Limited "CherryBerry" enterprise mobility hardware device. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Envirohomes Pty Ltd The EnviroHomes climate smart home creation system. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Escalated Advertising Pty Ltd Visual media technology for advertising on escalator handrails. 64,000 31-May-09 Evolution Tankers Pty Ltd A tanker for the bulk transport of liquid goods. 64,000 31-Dec-08 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 195 APPENDICES Planned Agreed Grant Funding ($) Completion Date Recipient Planned Agreed Grant Funding ($) Completion Date Recipient Activity Exit Info Pty Ltd A web based tool for conducting analysing and managing employee interview. 64,000 28-Feb-09 Forever Glass Pty Ltd Forever Glass have developed a unique patented kiln-based technology that produces material suitable for toughened bench tops and other building surfaces from recycled glass. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Fuel Doctors - Fuel Conditioners Pty Ltd Fuel additive that reduces wastage of fuel stocks. 64,000 31-Jul-08 G Learning Pty Ltd Online Interactive Training and Education System. 64,000 31-Mar-09 Global IP Video Pty Ltd Extremely efficient, very small Video/Audio Internet Protocol communications platform. 64,000 31-Oct-08 Global Kinetics Corporation Pty Ltd Wristwatch style mobile monitor for the treatment of stage two Parkinson's Disease patients. 64,000 30-Nov-09 Global Track Technologies Pty Ltd Manual pivotal bridge crane system. 64,000 31-Mar-09 Glosstone Pty Ltd Graffiti proof concrete panelling. 64,000 30-Sep-08 Glynx Pty Ltd Peer to peer identity management communications software, "Glynx". 64,000 28-Feb-09 Go Shout Pty Ltd Web 2.0 application for conducting polls and petitions by SMS. 64,000 31-Oct-08 Gravity Solutions Pty Ltd Pouring devices for liquid packaging. 64,000 30-Jun-08 GTS Global Technology Services Pty Ltd GTSiTravel is a fully automated mobile distribution solution for the travel industry (carriers and agent networks) that is instantaneous and accessible anywhere in the world. 64,000 31-Oct-08 H20 Hive Holdings Pty Ltd Rainwater Storage System incorporated into concrete foundations. 64,000 30-Nov-08 Headsmartz Pty Ltd Patented helmet for sport. 64,000 28-Feb-09 Hungry Giant Pty Ltd Expanded polystyrene compaction machine. 64,000 30-Sep-08 Hydroskin Pty Ltd Self sealing waterproof enclosure to protect bandaged/casted limbs. 64,000 31-Jul-08 Ino8 Pty Ltd An intelligent suspension control system for two, three and four wheel recreational vehicles. 64,000 30-Sep-08 Intelligent Care Pty Ltd "Hospital Avoidance" platform and systems to increase rates of home and community healthcare. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Intelligent Medical Devices Pty Ltd NextMed - an in home medication dosage, administration and control system. 64,000 30-Sep-08 196 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Activity Intelligent Plastic Pty Ltd Polymers that have the capability to meter quality changes in foods, blood, blood products, the health and fitness of humans, animals and the environment. 64,000 30-Nov-08 Iron Cement Pty Ltd A lower emission mineral bound cement. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Ivec Pty Ltd Energy generation from wave power. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Jamware Online Pty Ltd Wireless web interface enabled tablet scoring system for indoor sports. 64,000 31-Jan-09 Keep In Touch Australia Pty Ltd Novel communication platform for aged care. 64,000 31-Mar-09 Key Welding Products Australia Pty Ltd Keyhole Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) technology. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Keystone Medical Pty Ltd Mobi-Drip - Portable drug infusion device. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Know Ballyhoo Pty Ltd System of algorithms to organise documents by relevance for any profession. 64,000 31-Mar-09 Lockstep Technologies Pty Ltd Smartcard solutions to protect identity, transactions and private information. 64,000 30-Sep-08 Logo Consulate Pty Ltd Online product to print business card technology. 64,000 30-Nov-08 Longreach Group Holdings Pty Ltd Broadband Wireless Transmission System. 64,000 31-Mar-09 Magic Machine Pty Ltd The Prowler is a programmable irrigation robot. 64,000 31-Oct-08 Mediasphere Holdings Pty Ltd Educational Software - Literacy, Numeracy and Languages. 64,000 31-Aug-08 Mimskin Pty Ltd Artificial substrate for testing sunscreens. 64,000 15-Jun-10 Minprovise Pty Ltd DUGLESS - Robust, low-height, remote controlled, conveyor spillage clearing device. 64,000 31-Mar-09 Mobbiexpress International Pty Ltd Mobile EFTPOS Transaction Facilitation System. 64,000 31-Jul-08 Nalsco Holdings Pty Ltd Needlestick prevention and safety device. 64,000 31-Dec-08 Neuclone Pty Ltd Mammalian cell line engineering for the production of biogeneric drugs. 64,000 30-Sep-08 Neural Diagnostics Pty Ltd Non-invasive early stage diagnostics for neurological disorders. 64,000 31-Aug-08 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 197 APPENDICES Planned Agreed Grant Funding ($) Completion Date Recipient Planned Agreed Grant Funding ($) Completion Date Recipient Activity Novecom Pty Ltd The SentineX Remote Data Acquisition and Reporting Platform - a fully configurable, hardened, durable and proven remote sensing/ communication solution. 64,000 31-Jan-09 Oceania Services Pty Ltd A device to utilise energy from high volume air-conditioners to heat water. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Ocular Robotics Pty Ltd RobotEye - Energy Signal Processing System. 64,000 31-Aug-08 Onecrete Building Systems Pty Ltd Unique building product and system that is termite resistant; cyclone and vandal tough. 64,000 31-Jan-09 Orthopedic Innovation Pty Ltd Uniquely designed and engineered bone drilling device for orthopaedic surgery. 64,000 31-Dec-08 Pandura Farms Pty Ltd Post harvest very fast chilling tunnel process. 64,000 31-Jul-08 Pathlogics Systems Pty Ltd Data and information management platform for Pathology and other medical sectors. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Picnet Pty Ltd Risk Shield is a web based enterprise risk management system. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Pinetech Research Pty Ltd Organic Certified Oil based herbicides. 64,000 31-May-08 Quantum Bioenergy Limited Improved method of creating Biogas as a fuel for electricity generation and improved waste treatment. 64,000 31-Jan-09 Questmetrics Pty Ltd QuestML XML-based markup language as a formal definition system for market research surveys. 64,000 31-Mar-09 Quotefast Software International Pty Ltd Online business to business service for the building industry. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Radford Institute Australia Pty Ltd Voice of the Customer Interface (VOCI) platform delivering real-time direct customer feedback. 64,000 31-Dec-08 Radial Corporation Limited Radial Sawmilling Equipment. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Ralenti Pty Ltd Dual-stream, variable frame digital cinematographic device. 64,000 30-Jun-08 Rapid Detection Pty Ltd Disposable pathogen diagnostic device. 64,000 30-Sep-08 Reach100 Pty Ltd Genome Health Clinic using CSIRO developed "Cytokinesis Block Micronucleus" (CBMN) assay. 64,000 30-Nov-08 Recover-E-Systems (International) Pty Ltd Integrated and automated softwarebased Debt Recovery Solution. 64,000 31-Dec-08 198 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Activity Residential Standards Australia Pty Ltd Information technology based property inspection and analysis process with supporting database. 64,000 31-Jan-09 Sarugo Backup Pty Ltd "Memory Box" a compressed and encrypted Peer-to-Peer data backup technology. 64,000 31-Dec-08 Smart Storage Pty Ltd Wind power storage and management technology (ultra battery). 64,000 31-Aug-08 Softchill Pty Ltd LCP - an asset management software package. 64,000 30-Sep-08 Solexus Pty Ltd Novel Solar Thermal Collector. 64,000 30-Nov-08 Sonomedical Pty Ltd A portable non patient contact heart sleep and breathing analyser mat. 64,000 31-Jan-09 Spatial View Technologies Pty Ltd Software application that provides real time data to aid emergency response utilising 3G technology. 64,000 31-Jul-08 Spectrum Wired Pty Ltd Mobile map application and location-based social network. 64,000 30-Sep-08 Speedcure Pty Ltd Novel timer curing polymers. 64,000 31-Aug-08 Spirogene Pty. Ltd. Vaccine and diagnostic test kit for Avian Intestinal Spirochaetosis. 64,000 31-Oct-08 Studyfields Pty Ltd Rapid Publishing Platform (RaPP), tailoring material for specific users. 64,000 30-Nov-08 Suburban Water Pty Ltd Centralised control and management of stormwater flows to increase water capture and reuse. 64,000 28-Feb-09 Sunics Research Laboratory Pty Ltd Sunics is a new signal time wave form technology. 64,000 31-Oct-08 Synergetic Services Pty Ltd Third generation internet-based personal loan fulfilment service. 64,000 31-Jan-09 Tavultesoft Pty Ltd Keyman - a software product that enables conversion of keyboard in any language to another language. 52,800 31-Oct-08 Tenasitech Pty Ltd Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) Nanocomposites. 64,000 31-Jul-08 The Product People Pty Ltd The BOX seat, an innovative range of seating for stadiums and schools. 64,000 31-May-08 Thirdeye Technologies Pty Ltd as Trustee for the At1 Trust Metriscope is an IT systems administration real time, performance dashboard. 64,000 31-Oct-08 Toast Technology Pty Ltd Improved Provisioning and Subscription platform for SaaS delivery. 64,000 31-Mar-09 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 199 APPENDICES Planned Agreed Grant Funding ($) Completion Date Recipient Planned Agreed Grant Funding ($) Completion Date Recipient Activity Vascogen Pty Ltd Nod Factors - a pro and anti angiogenesis drug discovery platform. 64,000 31-Jan-09 Vastpark Pty Ltd VastPark is a 3D developer platform for games and Virtual World network websites. 64,000 30-Sep-08 Veterinary Encapsulation Biosciences Pty Ltd Novel delivery method for transdermal drug formulations to animals. 64,000 31-May-08 Wet Set Solutions Pty Ltd Underwater Camera Housings for film making industry. 64,000 30-Sep-08 Workplace Health And Safety Pty Ltd A globally compliant web based Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS). 64,000 30-Sep-08 Xenimet Pty Ltd A process to mass produce small lightweight aluminium alloy parts using metal injection moulding process. 64,000 31-Oct-08 Yoober Pty Ltd Mobile handset communications software. 64,000 31-Aug-08 Total 8,805,600 200 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Company Grant Payment ($) 2Vouch Pty Ltd 17,438 3-D Solar Pty Ltd 15,273 802Dotcomms Pty Ltd 14,391 A Capital Idea (ACT) Pty Ltd 40,200 Acme Engineering Tas Pty Ltd 20,800 Acoustic Space Pty Ltd 40,113 Acryn Pty Ltd 59,000 Active Optics Pty Ltd 1,542 Acu Rate Pty Ltd 33,400 Acyte Biotech Pty Ltd 31,000 Adjusta Pty Ltd 23,800 Agtrix Pty Ltd 24,000 Airospace Enterprises Pty Ltd 56,000 Alexander Technology Research & Development Pty Ltd 47,000 Allaway Research & Development Pty Ltd 39,000 Allotz.Com Limited 61,000 Anatomate Pty Ltd 59,000 Ankorwat Pty Ltd The Trustee For The Ankorwat Trust 5,000 Aquamill Five Star Pty Ltd 39,000 Aquareuse (Aust) Limited 56,600 Aquatrip Pty Ltd 24,468 Arena Consulting Pty Ltd 5,000 Aruspex Pty Ltd 34,254 ASAP Casuals Pty Ltd 4,600 Assistive Independence Systems Pty Ltd 19,000 Atherogen Biotechnology Pty Ltd 8,222 Audio-Read Pty Ltd 2,240 Auraya Pty Ltd 55,096 Ausonex Pty Ltd 35,000 Auspay Limited 46,799 Aussie Colours Pty Ltd 59,000 Aussie Predator Pty Ltd 50,000 Australian Biorefining Pty Ltd 62,680 Australian Membrane Technologies Pty Ltd 95,000 Australian Weed Management Pty Ltd 2,026 Automatix Pty Ltd 38,600 AW Technologies Pty Ltd 24,000 Awaresoft Pty Ltd 48,000 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 201 APPENDICES Table G5 COMET program grant payments by company, 2007-08 Company Grant Payment ($) AYRB Pty Ltd 24,000 Baby Hugs Pty Ltd 59,000 Bagtainer Transport & Storage Products Pty Ltd 40,000 Beachgard Pty Ltd 5,000 Bellon Pty Ltd 39,000 BFH Sydcon Pty Limited 15,400 Big Projects Pty Ltd 27,674 Bilexys Pty Ltd 24,000 Biolectric Pty Ltd 20,000 Biometric Innovations Pty Ltd Bionic Assets Pty Ltd 476 59,000 Biopower Systems Pty Ltd 38,645 Biovite Australia Pty Ltd 56,000 Black Box Control Pty Ltd 8,000 Blue Reef Pty Ltd Blue Star Nutritionals Pty Ltd 503 20,000 Blue Wren Software Pty Ltd 26,200 Bond Innovation 1 Pty Ltd 48,000 Bond R&D 1 Pty Ltd 50,160 Booking Angel Pty Ltd 56,387 Box Monitoring Pty Ltd 40,000 Boxen Systems Pty Ltd BTB Automotive Pty Ltd 1,988 24,000 Cannavan Cane Technology Pty Ltd 49,000 CareFX CRM Pty Ltd 44,000 Catalyst Composites Pty Ltd 56,000 Catapult Innovation Pty Ltd As Trustee For Catapult 36,200 Cavea Systems Australia Pty Ltd 4,200 Ceramisphere Pty Ltd 95,000 Cerulean Medical Pty Ltd 59,000 CFusion Pty Ltd 59,000 Cheeta International Pty Ltd 59,000 Chimera Innovations Pty Ltd 59,000 Chinswing Pty Ltd 44,000 Choiceengine Pty Ltd 40,000 Clear Falls Pty Ltd 24,000 Clincha Pty Ltd As Trustee For The Clincha Development Trust 59,000 Cline Technologies Pty Ltd 24,000 Comtex Corporate Services Pty Ltd 25,070 202 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Grant Payment ($) Concrete Controlled Cracking Pty Ltd 4,999 Connect Direct Pty Ltd 59,000 Control Technologies International Limited 35,284 Convertu2 Technologies Pty Ltd 35,000 Cool Mobility Pty Ltd 59,000 Coolrock Software Pty Ltd 59,000 Corky's Carbon And Combustion Pty Ltd 91,000 Count Media Pty Ltd 59,000 Creative Ad Technology Pty Ltd 48,000 Cromwell Complete Sweep Pty Ltd 15,000 Cryptogen Pty Ltd 29,524 Cullin Innovation Pty Ltd 39,000 Cuoretech Pty Ltd 12,090 Cylo Technology Pty Ltd 3,810 Damit Australia Pty Ltd 3,000 Davbroz Pty Ltd 59,000 Dazcor IP Pty Ltd 24,391 DB.BA.Finn Pty Ltd 24,000 D'Crouza Products Pty Ltd 152 Dejai Live Pty Ltd 62,000 Dek Engine Developments Pty Ltd 25,600 Delve Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd 5,000 Dendrimed Pty Ltd 52,103 Denta-Med Pty Ltd 14,824 Deployable Structures International Pty Ltd 36,600 Depth Analysis Pty Ltd 24,000 Dermerase Holdings Pty Ltd 5,000 DGA (IP) Pty Ltd 5,150 Digisensory Technologies Pty Ltd 5,000 Dimerix Bioscience Pty Ltd 4,782 Dimoto Pty Ltd 26,800 Diva Solutions Pty Ltd 52,000 Dotti Enterprises Pty Ltd 44,000 Dsales Pty Ltd 22,200 D-Swell Pty Ltd 31,862 Duo Tags Pty Ltd 49,600 Easytest Pty Ltd 59,000 E-Channel Online Pty Ltd 41,750 Eco-Dry Systems Pty Ltd 39,000 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 203 APPENDICES Company Company Grant Payment ($) Eco-Kinetics Pty Ltd 20,000 Edcube Pty Ltd In Its Own Capacity And As Trustee For The Edcube Unit Trust 40,000 Edupuzzles Pty Ltd 442 Elaco Pty Ltd 32,000 Emaginet Pty Ltd 49,000 Ember Technologies Pty Ltd 24,000 Emedia Campaigns Pty Ltd 86,500 Employment Agencysystem Intelligence Pty Ltd 59,000 Endoluminal Sciences Pty Ltd 59,000 Engineering Intelligence Pty Ltd 58,000 E-Novation Pty Ltd 30,061 Entermo Limited 55,985 Enviro Diesel Systems Pty Ltd 55,000 Envirohomes Pty Ltd 59,000 Epiphany Games Pty Ltd 56,000 Escalated Advertising Pty Ltd 47,000 Etvia Corporation Pty Ltd 2,945 Evolution Tankers Pty Ltd 59,000 Evolving Workshop Technologies Pty Ltd Exit Info Pty Ltd Eye Diagnostics Pty Ltd Eyefi R & D Pty Ltd 5,000 20,000 17,000 59,000 Ezi Technologies Pty Ltd 25,314 Ezone Pty Ltd 27,000 F9 Educational Pty Ltd 9,918 Fallsafe Technology Pty Ltd 56,000 Finpa New Media Pty Ltd 56,000 Flip Screen Australia Pty Ltd Floorbotics International Pty Ltd 5,000 28,000 Fodder Solutions QLD Pty Ltd 26,500 Forever Glass Pty Ltd 59,000 Formcraft Pty Ltd 31,000 Fred Bergman Healthcare Pty Ltd 61,000 Free Connect Australia Pty Ltd 79,991 FS Media Pty Ltd As Trustee For Urban Family Trust 5,000 Fuel Doctors - Fuel Conditioners Pty Ltd 51,000 G Learning Pty Ltd 24,000 Gekko Images Pty Ltd 9,600 Genesis Petroleum Technologies Pty Ltd 19,480 204 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Grant Payment ($) Genvartec Pty Ltd 21,992 Global IP Video Pty Ltd 28,000 Global Kinetics Corporation Pty Ltd 40,000 Global Track Technologies Pty Ltd 24,000 Globecharge Pty Ltd 9,937 Glosstone Pty Ltd 59,000 Glycan Biosciences Pty Ltd 54,842 Glynx Pty Ltd 24,000 Go Shout Pty Ltd 59,000 Goody Environment Pty Ltd 87,000 Gravity Solutions Pty Ltd 59,000 Greentaste Pty Ltd 19,120 Groundwater Treatment Solutions Holdings Ltd 79,000 GTS Global Technology Services Pty Ltd 44,000 H20 Hive Holdings Pty Ltd 59,000 Hard Technologies Pty Ltd 55,164 HD Medical Group Limited 4,696 Headsmartz Pty Ltd 20,000 Health-Vista Pty Ltd 21,200 Hepatocell Therapeutics Pty Ltd 39,000 HNLN Pty Ltd 27,508 HR3D Pty Ltd 22,346 Huna Holdings Pty Ltd 51,000 Hungry Giant Pty Ltd 59,000 Hydrogen Power Industries Pty Ltd 27,000 Hydrokinetics Pty Ltd 6,852 Hydroskin Pty Ltd 59,000 Hyssil Pty Ltd 5,000 Iccon Technologies Pty Ltd Acting As The Trustee For Iccon Unit Trust 5,600 ICM Holdings Pty Ltd 1,095 I-Delve Pty Ltd 27,000 Incharge Group Pty Ltd 32,000 Ino8 Pty Ltd 52,000 Inphaze Pty Ltd 36,402 Intelligent Care Pty Ltd 59,000 Intelligent IP Communications Pty Ltd 5,000 Intelligent Medical Devices Pty Ltd 59,000 Intelligent Plastic Pty Ltd 59,000 Intelligent Sensing Pty Ltd 3,040 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 205 APPENDICES Company Company Grant Payment ($) Intellimax Solutions Pty Ltd 3,000 Interacct Solutions (Australia) Pty Ltd 24,857 Ipscape Pty Ltd 35,000 Iron Cement Pty Ltd 115,000 Ivec Pty Ltd 59,000 Jamware Online Pty Ltd 44,000 Keep In Touch Australia Pty Ltd 46,000 Key Welding Products Australia Pty Ltd 59,000 Keyless Lifestyles Pty Ltd 35,000 Keystone Medical Pty Ltd 59,000 Kmagent Pty Ltd 4,053 Know Ballyhoo Pty Ltd 20,000 Kool Ideas Pty Ltd 33,000 Laadtech Pty Ltd 83,000 Languagemap Pty Ltd 44,200 Learningscience Pty Ltd 35,000 Leopard Labs Pty Ltd 46,095 Leximancer Pty Ltd Listening Post Pty Ltd Live Interactive Networks Pty Ltd Livestock Exchange Pty Ltd Acting As The Trustee For Australian Livestock Exchange Unit Trust Lockstep Technologies Pty Ltd 5,000 20,454 21,280 4,993 48,000 Logo Consulate Pty Ltd 59,000 Longreach Group Holdings Pty Ltd 44,000 Mach Systems 17,574 Magic Machine Pty Ltd 20,000 Martin Gessner Pty Ltd 39,000 Mcomms Design Pty Ltd 39,800 Mediasphere Holdings Pty Ltd 24,000 Medical Realities Pty Ltd 27,760 Mems-Id Pty Ltd 27,500 Metrioo Pty Ltd 35,000 Metrometrix Pty Ltd Microflow Pty Ltd 51,075 5,000 Microskin International Pty Ltd 22,750 Mict One Ltd 18,240 Migfast Pty Ltd Mimskin Pty Ltd 206 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 5,000 40,000 Grant Payment ($) Minprovise Pty Ltd 52,000 Mobbiexpress International Pty Ltd 59,000 Mornay Australia Pty Ltd 22,400 Mostyle Pty Ltd 35,000 Moxy Studios Pty Ltd 30,000 M'Tomic Pty Ltd 4,894 Musicmate Pty Ltd 5,000 Mustor Institute Pty Ltd 17,427 My Inventory Pty Ltd 5,000 Myohealth Pty Ltd 5,000 Mystaff Pty Ltd 10,883 Nalsco Holdings Pty Ltd 59,000 Nanocoatings Pty Ltd 47,946 Nariste Networks Pty Ltd 56,000 Neuclone Pty Ltd 59,000 Neural Diagnostics Pty Ltd 59,000 New World Bio Limited 15,370 Newsnet Limited 56,000 Newsouth Four Pty Ltd 39,000 Nmetrics Pty Ltd 16,000 Novecom Pty Ltd 20,000 Novel Laser Technologies Pty Ltd 5,000 Nth Wall Holdings Pty Ltd 58,029 Observant Pty Ltd 56,000 Oceania Services Pty Ltd 45,600 Ocular Robotics Pty Ltd 59,000 Omega 3 Innovations Pty Ltd 59,000 Onecrete Building Systems Pty Ltd 24,000 Orthocell Pty Ltd 77,539 Orthopedic Innovation Pty Ltd 59,000 Oxycheck Pty Ltd 91,000 Pacbyte Pty Ltd 1,425 Pacific Biotech Pty Ltd 3,000 Pandura Farms Pty Ltd 21,200 Pathlogics Systems Pty Ltd 20,800 Pep Talk International Pty Ltd 4,729 Pepfactants Pty Ltd 41,400 Picnet Pty Ltd 32,400 Pinetech Research Pty Ltd 59,000 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 207 APPENDICES Company Company Grant Payment ($) Pipercove Software Pty Ltd Pnm Business Systems Pty Ltd Policypoint Pty Ltd Portfolio Business Technology Pty Ltd Powell Engine Company Pty Ltd 4,979 39,000 5,000 32,600 13,288 Power DX (Aust) Pty Ltd 39,000 Pritchard Power Systems Pty Ltd 39,000 Protectelec Pty Ltd Purple Panda Pty Ltd 34,417 3,000 Quantum Bioenergy Limited 27,000 Qucor Pty Ltd 31,000 Queensland Gaming Systems Pty Ltd 5,000 Questmetrics Pty Ltd 21,600 Quick-Links.Net Pty Ltd 26,600 Quotefast Software International Pty Ltd 59,000 R.F. Technologies Aust Pty Ltd 70,200 Radford Institute Australia Pty Ltd 40,424 Radial Corporation Limited 59,000 Ralenti Pty Ltd 59,000 Rapid Detection Pty Ltd 59,000 Reach100 Pty Ltd 35,600 Readon Pty Ltd 5,000 Real World Data Pty Ltd 19,717 Recover-E-Systems (International) Pty Ltd Red Centre Software Pty Ltd Redflow Pty Ltd 59,000 9,527 15,000 Redi-Fruit Pty Ltd 25,718 Renegade Motors International Pty Ltd 19,387 Renewed Resources Pty Ltd 4,736 Residential Standards Australia Pty Ltd 59,000 Rfid N Print Pty Ltd 67,000 Ricsonix Pty Ltd Rightcopy Holdings Limited 11,625 36,306 Rno Industries Pty Ltd 12,000 Robertsons Suspension System Pty Ltd 39,000 Rodken Pty Ltd Roylebind Pty Ltd Sarugo Backup Pty Ltd Scarpar Pty Ltd 208 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 17,350 5,000 59,000 5,000 Grant Payment ($) Sea Pen (QLD) Pty Ltd 5,000 Seaswarm Pty Ltd 44,000 Sensear Pty Ltd 56,000 Sensen Networks Pty Ltd 69,085 Sienna Cancer Diagnostics Limted 38,178 Simile Systems Pty Ltd 36,600 Slap Holdings Pty Ltd 35,011 Smart Car Technologies Pty Ltd 61,000 Smart Storage Pty Ltd 24,000 Smsfeedback Pty Ltd 3,000 Snowsports Interactive Pty Ltd 56,000 Softchill Pty Ltd 52,000 Solexus Pty Ltd 59,000 Sonomedical Pty Ltd 24,000 Soundscience Pty Ltd 5,000 Spatial Data Exchange Pty Ltd 33,400 Spatial View Technologies Pty Ltd 39,637 Spectrum Wired Pty Ltd 59,000 Speedcure Pty Ltd 28,000 Spirogene Pty Ltd 59,000 Sports Optimisation Systems Pty Ltd 93,400 Square Circle Triangle 39,000 Sss Water Pty Ltd 60,964 Steamwand Technology Pty Ltd 35,000 Studyfields Pty Ltd 59,000 Suburban Water Pty Ltd 59,000 Sugar Steel Engineering Pty Ltd 5,000 Sunics Research Laboratory Pty Ltd 59,000 Sunnywipes Pty Ltd 3,400 Svida Pty Ltd 5,000 Synergetic Services Pty Ltd 59,000 Synetek Systems Pty Ltd 5,000 Tacnia Pty Ltd 26,782 Tagmotion Pty Ltd 35,000 Tavultesoft Pty Ltd 43,520 Techmark Software Pty Ltd 39,000 Tenasitech Pty Ltd 59,000 Testlok Pty Ltd 28,928 Thamesford Pty Ltd 4,377 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 209 APPENDICES Company Company Grant Payment ($) The Hot Chips Company Pty Ltd 44,000 The Product People Pty Ltd 59,000 Thebroth Pty Ltd 76,500 Thebuzz Corp Pty Ltd 95,600 Thegofa Pty Ltd Third Screen Media Pty Ltd Thirdeye Technologies Pty Ltd As Trustee For The AT1 Trust 26,361 5,000 26,000 TIIP Pty Ltd 39,000 Tilefile Ltd 36,000 Titan Research And Innovations Pty Ltd 43,500 Toast Technology Pty Ltd 20,000 Total Synergy Pty Ltd 26,273 Touche Adaptive Systems Pty Ltd 24,927 Triclops Technologies Pty Ltd 16,000 Tricon Defence Pty Ltd 26,000 Tropiglas Technologies Limited 20,600 TS Systems Pty Ltd Tstix Pty Ltd UHS Systems Pty Ltd 19,619 37,000 11,878 Uni Quip Australia Pty Ltd 5,000 Unify Solutions Pty Ltd 10,056 United Logistic Networks Pty Ltd 79,489 Valorem Systems Pty Ltd Vascogen Pty Ltd 36,132 20,000 Vascular Enhancement Technology Pty Ltd 52,500 Vastpark Pty Ltd 56,000 Veterinary Encapsulation Biosciences Pty Ltd 59,000 Viater Medical Pty Ltd 56,000 Vibraq Corporation Limited 9,649 Virtual Medicine Pty Ltd 1,324 Virtual Observer Pty Ltd 39,000 Vision Instruments Pty Ltd Vistoys (Australia) Pty Ltd 7,648 600 Vozcorp Helmets Pty Ltd 39,000 Vquence Pty Ltd 99,600 VRS Australia Pty Ltd 19,800 Wake Trimmer Pty Ltd 77,410 Waterwise Systems Australia Pty Ltd 14,250 Webko Pty Ltd 47,004 210 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Grant Payment ($) Weed Safe Pty Ltd 15,800 Wet Set Solutions Pty Ltd 59,000 Wolfe Research Pty Ltd 694 Workbuddy Solutions Pty Ltd 40,400 Workplace Health And Safety Pty Ltd 59,000 Xenimet Pty Ltd 48,000 Yoober Pty Ltd 59,000 You Grow Pty Ltd 39,400 Zali Enterprises Pty Ltd 43,200 Zvino Pty Ltd 36,050 Total 14,031,788 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 211 APPENDICES Company APPENDIX H INNOVATION INVESTMENT FUND (IIF) PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table H1 Australian Government funds paid to IIF, 2007-08 Table H2 IIF investee companies receiving financial support by industry sector, 2007-08 Table H3 IIF investee companies receiving financial support by state and territory, 2007-08 212 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Fund Manager Investment ($m) Allen & Buckeridge Investment Management Pty Ltd 0.00 AMWIN Management Pty Ltd 0.57 Brandon Bioscience Fund No. 1 Management Partnership LP 0.00 Cleantech Ventures 2.04 Coates Myer and Company Pty Ltd 0.00 GBS Venture Partners Limited 0.00 Momentum Funds Management Pty Ltd 0.00 Stone Ridge Ventures Pty Ltd (formerly Foundation) 1.18 Four Hats Capital Pty Ltd (formerly Kestrel Capital) 0.50 Neo Technology Ventures Pty Ltd 3.95 Start-up Australia Ventures Pty Ltd 0.58 Total 8.82 Table H2 IIF investee companies receiving financial support by industry sector, 2007-08 Sector No. Companies Supported Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing 5 Property, Business and Computing Services 5 Biological, Medical and Health Sciences 6 Total 16 Table H3 IIF investee companies receiving financial support by state and territory, 2007-08 State/Territory No. Companies Supported ACT 2 NSW 5 VIC 1 QLD 4 WA 1 SA 2 Other 1* Total 16 *One company is now located overseas INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 213 APPENDICES Table H1 Australian Government funds paid to IIF, 2007-08 APPENDIX I PRE-SEED FUND (PSF) PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table I1 Australian Government funds paid to PSF, 2007-08 Table I2 PSF investee companies receiving financial support by industry sector, 2007-08 Table I3 PSF investee companies receiving financial support by state and territory, 2007-08 214 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Fund Manager Investments ($m) Allen and Buckeridge Asset Management Ltd 1.71 GBS Venture Partners Limited 3.78 SciVentures Investments Pty Ltd 2.62 Starfish Ventures Ltd 0.68 Total 8.79 Table I2 PSF investee companies receiving financial support by industry sector, 2007-08 No. Companies Supported Sector Manufacturing 1 Engineering 6 Biological and Applied Sciences and Technologies 27 Govt Admin, Defence, Education, Health & Comm. Services 0 Total 34 Table I3 PSF investee companies receiving financial support by state and territory, 2007-08 No. Companies Supported State/Territory NSW 12 VIC 15 QLD 6 SA 0 TAS 0 ACT 0 NT 0 Total 33* * The total of PSF companies/projects assisted in 2007-08 is 34. One company is located overseas. INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 215 APPENDICES Table I1 Australian Government funds paid to PSF, 2007-08 APPENDIX J RENEWABLE ENERGY EQUITY FUND (REEF) PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table J1 Australian Government funds paid to REEF, 2007-08 Fund Manager CVC REEF 216 Investment ($m) 1.63 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Table K1 List of VCLPs in existence at 30 June 2008 Table K2 List of partnerships that became VCLPs during 2007-08 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 217 APPENDICES APPENDIX K VENTURE CAPITAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS (VCLP) PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table K1 List of VCLPs in existence at 30 June 2008 Full registration [s13-1]: At 30 June 2008 the following partnerships were registered under s13-1 of the Venture Capital Act 2002. Registration under this provision is known as full registration. Registration taken to have come into force 1 A&B ETCF, LP 21/02/07 ILP0000033, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 2 Anacacia Partnership 1, LP 13/06/07 ILP0000036, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 3 ANU MTAA Super Venture Capital Partnership, LP 28/07/05 19000001, an incorporated limited partnership registered in the ACT 4 Archer Capital VCLP 3, LP 29/04/04 ILP0000006, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 5 Archer VCLP GF 1, LP 26/06/06 ILP0000015, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 6 Arowana Capital Australasian Micro-Cap Private Equity Partnership 1, LP 18/07/07 ILP0000039, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 7 Cleantech Australia Fund, LP 31/08/07 L0000146S, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 8 Crescent Capital Partners II, LP 26/07/04 ILP0000003, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 9 Crescent Capital Partnership III, LP 25/10/06 ILP0000023, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 10 CWC Corporate Opportunity No.1 Limited Partnership, LP 20/09/06 L0000113A, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 11 Equity Partners Fund No. 3, LP 15/11/06 ILP0000018, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 12 Fulcrum Capital Partners No.1, LP 14/02/07 ILP0000026, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 13 Innovation Capital Fund II, LP 07/10/05 ILP0000013, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 14 Innovis Investments Australia, LP 23/02/05 ILP0002, an incorporated limited partnership registered in QLD 15 JBWERE Trans-Tasman Private Equity Fund 07, LP 14/02/07 ILP0000028, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 16 Jolimont Secondaries Fund II, LP 15/11/06 L0000119N, an incorporated limited a partnership registered in VIC 17 Next Capital 1, LP 16/11/05 L0000101T, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 18 Propel Private Equity Fund II, LP 26/07/04 ILP0000002, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 19 Quadrant Private Equity No 1, LP 13/09/05 ILP0000011, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 20 Quadrant Private Equity Fund No.2, LP 14/02/07 ILP0000030, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 21 South Australian Life Science Advancement Partnership, LP 20/09/06 LP020, an incorporated limited partnership registered in SA 22 Southern Cross Fund No. 1, LP 22/06/06 ILP0000017, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 23 Starfish Technology Fund 1, LP 10/02/04 L0000062J, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 24 Starfish Technology Fund II, LP L0000128P, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 218 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 17/04/07 25 Triangle Resource Fund (Australia), LP ILP0003, an incorporated limited partnership registered in QLD 12/08/05 26 Viburnum Private Equity Partnership 1, LP 09/10/07 ILP0000041, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 27 Wolseley Partners Fund 2004, LP 07/09/04 ILP0000009, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 28 Wolseley Partners Fund II, LP 16/11/07 ILP0000045, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW Conditional registration [s13-5]: Limited partnerships that do not qualify for full registration can be conditionally registered. The partnership then has two years to achieve full registration. At 30 June 2008 the following partnerships were registered under s13-5 of the Venture Capital Act 2002. Conditional registration taken to have come into force 1 Accede Capital Venture Capital Partners Fund II, LP 16/11/07 ILP0000035, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 2 Anchorage Capital Partners Fund, LP 07/04/08 ILP0000049, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 3 BBF1 Partnership, LP 16/11/07 ILP0000042, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 4 Next Capital II, LP B 07/04/08 L0000159B, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 5 Propel Private Equity Fund III, LP 17/06/08 ILP0000055, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 6 RMB Capital Partners II, LP 20/12/06 ILP0000021, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 7 Viburnum Private Equity Partnership 2, LP 09/05/08 ILP0000051, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 219 APPENDICES Registration taken to have come into force Table K2List of Partnerships that became VCLPs during 2007‑2008 Full registration [s13-1] 1 A&B ETCF, LP Board decision Registration taken to have come into force* 20/09/07 21/02/07 18/07/07 18/07/07 19/11/07 31/08/07 19/11/07 15/11/06 18/10/07 14/02/07 24/12/07 17/04/07 09/10/07 09/10/07 22/02/08 16/11/07 ILP0000033, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 2 Arowana Capital Australasian Micro-Cap Private Equity Partnership 1, LP ILP00000039, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 3 Cleantech Australia Fund, LP L0000146S, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 4 Equity Partners Fund No. 3, LP ILP0000018, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 5 JBWERE Trans-Tasman Private Equity Fund 07, LP ILP00000028, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 6 Starfish Technology Fund II, LP L0000128P, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 7 Viburnum Private Equity Partnership 1, LP ILP0000041, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 8 Wolseley Partners Fund II, LP ILP0000045, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW *The Venture Capital Act 2002 [s13-10] provides for a partnership’s full registration to be backdated when the partnership was first conditionally registered. Conditional registration [s13-5] 1 Accede Capital Venture Capital Partners Fund II, LP Registration taken to have come into force 16/11/07 ILP0000035, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 2 Anchorage Capital Partners Fund, LP 07/04/08 ILP0000049, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 3 BBF1 Partnership, LP 16/11/07 ILP0000042, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 4 Cleantech Australia Fund, LP 19/09/07 L0000146S, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 5 Next Capital II, LP B 07/04/08 L0000159B, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 6 Propel Private Equity Fund III, LP 17/06/08 ILP0000055, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 7 Viburnum Private Equity Partnership 2, LP 09/05/08 ILP0000051, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 8 Wolseley Partners Fund II, LP ILP0000045, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 220 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 16/11/07 Table L1 List of ESVCLPs in existence at 30 June 2008 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 221 APPENDICES APPENDIX L EARLY STAGE VENTURE CAPITAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS (ESVCLPs) PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table L1 List of ESVCLPs in existence at 30 June 2008 Full registration [s13-1]: At 30 June 2008 the following partnerships were registered under s13-1 of the Venture Capital Act 2002. Registration under this provision is known as full registration. No partnerships have full registration as Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnerships. Conditional registration [s13-5]: Limited partnerships that do not qualify for full registration can be conditionally registered. The partnership then has two years to achieve full registration. At 30 June 2008 the following partnerships were registered under s13-5 of the Venture Capital Act 2002. Conditional Registration taken to have come into force 1 Allen & Buckeridge IV, LP 20/12/07 ILP0000047, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW REPORTING REQUIREMENT s15-17 Annual reports for ESVCLP Innovation Australia is required to publish copies of ESVCLP’s reports on the implementation of their approved investment plans. Allen & Buckeridge IV, LP - ILP0000047, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW A&B IV Management Partnership, LP has not received minimum committed capital required under the Venture Capital Act for Allen & Buckeridge IV, LP and is not planning to commence operation of the ESVCLP before it receives such minimum commitment. As the ESVCLP has not started, there has been no activity in implementing the ESVCLP investment plan. 222 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Table M1 List of PDFs in existence at 30 June 2008 Table M2 Companies that ceased to be PDFs during 2007-08 under section 45 Table M3 Companies that ceased to be PDFs during 2007-08 under section 46 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 223 APPENDICES APPENDIX M POOLED DEVELOPMENT FUNDS (PDFs) PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table M1List of PDFs in existence at 30 June 2008 (Companies registered under s14 of the Pooled Development Funds Act 1992) Date registered 1 Acrux Limited 07/07/99 ACN 082 001 152 2 Advent III Private Equity Limited 22/06/98 ACN 082 863 769 3 Allaway Weaver Williams Development Fund Pty Ltd 29/06/98 ACN 082 012 940 4 Ashton Court Capital Pty Ltd 15/11/06 ACN 122 203 650 5 ATF Group (PDF) Limited 29/09/03 ACN 106 213 772 6 Ausfirst Capital Limited 16/05/00 ACN 091 945 443 7 Austcorp No.500 Pty Ltd 28/07/05 ACN 113 895 177 8 Austock Group Limited 07/06/99 ACN 087 334 370 9 Australian Biomedical Fund No.1 Limited 13/01/00 ACN 089 872 999 10 Australian Biomedical Fund No.2 Limited 13/01/00 ACN 089 873 030 12 Australian Biomedical Fund No.4 Limited 13/12/05 ACN 117 429 795 13 Australian Biotechnology & Healthcare Fund No.3 Limited 22/11/00 ACN 094 676 552 14 Australian Business Development Fund Pty Ltd 14/12/95 ACN 072 040 156 15 Australian Business Equities Limited 24/01/95 ACN 067 564 425 16 Australian Capital Fund Pty Ltd 22/12/00 ACN 094 900 311 17 Australian Methane Gas Fund Limited 01/02/05 ACN 112 395 605 18 Australis Investment Holding Pty Ltd 15/11/06 ACN 121 768 116 19 Authorised Investment Fund Limited 03/05/95 ACN 068 793 322 20 Biofusion Capital Pty Ltd 09/05/02 ACN 100 041 254 21 Biotech Capital Limited 29/03/00 ACN 091 979 172 22 Black Orb Pty Limited 28/07/05 ACN 114 350 864 23 Bluepeak VC Technology Pooled Fund Limited 13/03/00 ACN 077 305 198 24 Copernicus Capital No. 1 Fund Limited ACN 100 059 274 224 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 30/05/02 Crescent Capital Pooled Funds Limited 22/11/00 ACN 094 040 936 26 CVC Sustainable Investments Limited 20/12/99 ACN 088 731 837 27 Digital Content Explorer Fund Pty Ltd 14/06/06 ACN 118 947 292 28 Dynamic Development Fund Pty Ltd 01/11/05 ACN 116 187 270 29 Efficient Energy Australia Limited 05/08/97 ACN 078 867 446 30 ePARK Direct Equity Fund Pty Ltd 22/12/00 ACN 093 613 793 31 Equinox Equities Pty Ltd 16/03/01 ACN 010 700 624 32 Euromicrocaps Ltd 20/05/04 ACN 108 702 101 33 First Opportunity Fund Limited 29/09/98 ACN 084 115 499 34 First Tasmania Investments Limited 22/12/97 ACN 080 755 746 35 Future Capital Development Fund Limited 06/04/98 ACN 081 825 470 36 Genesis BDI Limited 08/10/02 ACN 081 768 907 37 Growthtech International Pty Ltd 18/07/97 ACN 065 951 091 38 Healthcap Partners Limited 15/11/06 ACN 122 437 503 39 Healthnet Investments Pty Ltd 27/09/99 ACN 088 674 846 40 Hochma Development Fund Limited 20/01/97 ACN 069 159 299 41 Hunter Technology Group Limited 15/11/06 ACN 122 437 503 42 Incubator Capital Limited 29/03/00 ACN 091 499 357 43 Innovation Capital Limited 30/03/99 ACN 086 439 107 44 Innovest PDF Limited 23/03/06 ACN 118 146 035 45 IPO Investments Limited 20/12/06 ACN 122 917 837 46 IQ Fund 2 Pty Ltd 28/03/02 ACN 099 710 531 47 Jacaranda Capital Pty Ltd 09/08/06 ACN 120 557 208 48 Lachlan Wealth Management Limited 22/10/04 ACN 111 060 587 49 Liberty Alliance Venture Capital Limited 12/11/99 ACN 090 422 665 50 Match Development Fund Pty Ltd 15/11/06 ACN 122 203 641 51 MEC Resources Ltd 19/09/05 ACN 113 900 020 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 225 APPENDICES Date registered 25 Date registered 52 Mediasmart Management Pty Ltd 20/12/06 ACN 098 578 664 53 Medtech Developments Limited 31/01/97 ACN 075 825 811 54 Mine Innovation Development Fund Pty Ltd 21/01/04 ACN 107 370 123 55 Minres Capital Pty Ltd 15/11/06 ACN 121 768 134 56 Mountain Lake Investment Fund No. 1 Pty Ltd 23/08/00 ACN 093 108 626 57 Nanyang Australia I Limited 20/12/93 ACN 062 516 787 58 Nanyang Australia II Limited 26/06/96 ACN 072 468 798 59 New Frugalitas Fund Limited 02/05/05 ACN 099 058 250 60 Newtech Capital Pty Ltd 11/05/95 ACN 119 115 696 61 Nextec Development Capital Limited 11/05/95 ACN 068 582 936 62 Northstate Capital Limited 19/09/95 ACN 070 674 234 63 Origin Capital Limited 06/04/98 ACN 079 800 196 64 Pacific Development Capital Limited 05/10/99 ACN 088 964 112 65 Paragon Equity Limited 15/06/01 ACN 096 576 439 66 Phoenix Development Fund Limited 21/12/00 ACN 094 922 602 67 Plantation Timberfund Australia Pty Ltd 11/02/03 ACN 100 962 098 68 Pooled Mining Investments Limited 20/12/93 ACN 062 469 229 69 Prosperity Capital Pty Ltd 20/12/06 ACN 106 420 811 70 Resource Equities Limited 06/04/95 ACN 067 748 109 71 Saltbush Funds Management Limited 26/02/04 ACN 102 298 546 72 Smallco Development Capital Pty Ltd 12/12/95 ACN 070 660 356 73 Strategic Development Fund Limited 23/03/06 ACN 118 437 960 74 Technology Development Investment Limited 07/03/94 ACN 063 379 064 75 Teltec Capital Limited 20/02/98 ACN 080 975 702 76 The New Millennium Fund Pty Ltd 02/12/99 ACN 089 529 733 77 The Pioneer Development Fund (Aust) Limited 20/12/02 ACN 103 118 761 78 Tilmanstone Queensland Investment Pty Ltd ACN 108 213 841 226 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 24/08/05 Tolhurst Capital Fund No.1 Ltd 14/06/06 ACN 119 492 858 80 Value Growth Capital Pty Ltd 20/04/06 ACN 119 031 462 Table M2 Companies that ceased to be PDFs during 2007-08 under section 45 Automatic Revocation 1 Date Revoked Australian Agribusiness Investments 2001 Limited 03/09/07 ACN 055 799 678 2 Growth Infinity Limited 30/06/07 ACN 108 630 100 3 Sunshine Coast Innovation Finance Limited ACN 065 151 555 4/11/07 Table M3 Companies that ceased to be PDFs during 2007-08 under section 46 Revocation on application by PDF 1 Date Revoked Cytopia Limited 16/08/07 ACN 079 253 606 2 D'Artagnan Holdings Pty Ltd 16/08/07 ACN 083 806 704 3 Electronic Games Investment Fund Ltd 22/02/08 ACN 109 202 422 4 Emerging Industries Fund Limited 22/02/08 ACN 084 298 831 5 ePARK #1 Pooled Fund Pty Ltd 16/08/07 ACN 092 776 666 6 EQUITYCAPITAL Finance Pty Ltd 16/11/07 ACN 096 474 529 7 First Venture Capital Pooled Fund Pty Ltd 18/07/07 ACN 094 395 061 8 Gandy Pty Limited 18/07/07 ACN 075 589 141 9 Knightwatch Investments Pty Ltd 04/12/07 ACN 111 424 867 10 Northern Australia Development Fund Limited 16/11/07 ACN 110 431 626 11 Panpacific Development Funds Limited 16/08/07 ACN 104 422 059 12 Perigee Fund Pty Ltd 14/03/08 ACN 091 797 483 13 Permian Capital Group Limited 18/07/07 ACN 115 135 870 14 State Development Fund Limited 17/06/08 ACN 093 639 064 15 Strategic Pooled Development Limited 20/12/07 ACN 062 187 893 16 The Greater West Development Fund Limited 22/02/08 ACN 112 909 887 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 227 APPENDICES Date registered 79 APPENDIX N COMMERCIAL READY PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table N1 Commercial Ready program grant applications received by state and territory, 2007-08 Table N2 Commercial Ready program grant agreements executed by state and territory, 2007-08 Table N3 Commercial Ready program grant payments by state and territory, 2007-08 Table N4 Commercial Ready program grant agreements executed by company, 2007-08 Table N5 Commercial Ready program grant payments by company, 2007-08 228 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 State/Territory Number NSW 76 VIC 68 QLD 40 SA 28 WA 34 TAS 13 ACT 18 NT 1 Total 278 Note: This table does not include applications received during the year if withdrawn from consideration during the year. Table N2 Commercial Ready program grant agreements executed by state and territory, 2007-08 State/Territory Number Value ($) 40 35,619,559 VIC 33 20,064,202 QLD 38 25,639,398 NSW SA 17 11,565,917 WA 25 27,036,594 TAS 15 5,113,687 ACT 9 9,815,811 NT 1 1,087,335 178 135,942,503 Total Table N3 Commercial Ready program grant payments by state and territory, 2007-08 State/Territory Total Payments ($) Per cent of Total (%) NSW 40,876,953 27 VIC 29,768,977 19 QLD 26,462,785 17 SA 18,824,287 12 WA 23,673,831 16 TAS 5,556,500 4 ACT 8,335,989 5 314,575 0 153,813,897 100 NT Total Note: The total figure represents the value of the payments made during the year and does not include any amounts that may have been repaid. INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 229 APPENDICES Table N1 Commercial Ready program grant applications received by state and territory, 2007-08 Table N4 Commercial Ready program grant agreements executed by company 2007-08 Agreed Grant ($) Expected Completion Date Development of immunotherapeutic treatment for breast cancer focussed on two key innovations - use of mimic peptides and a potent cell-mediated stimulating adjuvant with potential use in other cancers. 574,745 31-Aug-09 A & V Gordon Pty Ltd Development of a light weight, robust touring and off-road fibreglass caravan using a unique monocoque construction technique. 215,686 31-Dec-09 Adaptronic Electronics Pty Ltd Universal Engine Control Unit and Instrumentation. 65,524 31-Mar-09 Advanced Engine Components Limited Innovative natural gas technology for engines. 236,466 5-Mar-09 Advent Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd Research and development activities to advance Advent's dry power inhaler, VIP, and its first medicine through to submission to the first of key global regulatory agencies for approval. 1,700,593 30-Jun-09 Air Aroma International Pty Ltd A system of in-room scenting units, each with multiple scents in replaceable cartridges, remotely controlled and programmed according to personal preference, or ambient environment conditions. 250,000 30-Jun-09 Alcidion Corporation Pty Ltd Miya Decision Support Engine intelligent IT for high performance health care. 569,945 26-Aug-09 Alexist Pty Ltd Using artificial intelligence Alexis+ aims to incorporate human reasoning through an intuitive expert system to provide accurate and timely corporate governance. 1,999,868 30-Jun-09 Alpha Chemicals Pty Ltd A new process for ionic liquids used in timber preservation. 490,200 30-Apr-11 Recipient Activity 4G Vaccines Pty Ltd 230 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Activity AMR Hewitts PrintPackaging Pty Ltd Development of a printing process to produce security anti-counterfeit packaging (paperboard folding cartons). Agreed Grant ($) Expected Completion Date 1,386,838 31-Aug-09 Angusta Systems Pty Ltd A Cash Logistic Engine for a Complex Ecosystem. 249,950 4-Sep-08 Aquarius Technologies Pty Ltd Advanced water treatment controller containing expert intelligence to automatically sense and manage water quality in cooling systems. 914,269 29-Aug-10 Aquatech Systems Australia Pty Ltd Innovative technology for reducing cost and improving efficiency of oyster aquaculture. 215,950 31-Jul-09 Assetic Pty Ltd Asset Investment and Management Support (AIMS) System for Public Infrastructure Asset Management. 241,928 30-Sep-08 Athlomics Pty Ltd The new product will be a laboratorybased assay to detect the presence or absence of sepsis (systemic bacterial infection) in hospital and intensive care patients. 250,000 30-Jun-08 Atlas Marine International Pty Ltd Modular composite marine system. 974,239 2-Apr-10 Atom Industries An innovative hybrid integrated gear reduction electric pod system for integration into tiller/cultivator/ mulcherator and lawn edger equipment. 624,371 30-Jun-08 ATRAD Pty Ltd Scaleable Low Altitude Windprofiler (SLAW). 248,015 29-Jun-09 Ausonex Pty Ltd Ausonex: a rapid reliable device for newborn hearing screening. 314,300 30-May-09 1,087,335 30-Jun-09 243,352 30-Aug-08 2,858,471 14-Nov-08 Australia Aquaculture Farming (NT) Commercialisation of large scale mud Pty Ltd crab farming in Australia. Autech Research Pty Ltd Develop colour accurate digital representations for e-commerce applications. Avega Systems Pty Ltd Whole-Home 802.11n-Enabled Networked Audio Platform. Bandwidth Foundry International Pty Ltd Novel Lithium Niobate wafer process enabling micro-projection applications. 1,497,591 31-Mar-10 bCODE Pty Ltd bCODE Scalable Mobile Applications Platform. 1,250,518 10-Dec-08 Biochip Innovations Pty Ltd The demonstration of a simplified and cost-effective signalling system for use in real-time polymerase chain reaction tests to diagnose diseases. The project will be undertaken in Brisbane. 250,000 31-Dec-08 Bioproperties Pty Ltd Development of a novel live vaccine against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. 242,338 27-Aug-09 Biotron Limited Biotron Limited is developing a new, first-in-class therapeutic for HIV-1, BIT225. It is specifically active in HIV reservoir cells and represents an opportunity to attack HIV at its source. 465,204 30-Sep-07 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 231 APPENDICES Recipient Agreed Grant ($) Expected Completion Date 5,000,000 31-May-10 88,153 1-Oct-08 To produce an enhanced confectionery ginger with increase retained volatiles through a novel accelerated syruping process. 1,564,424 14-May-10 Cambium Land & Water Management Pty Ltd Development of a new Nearinfrared Imaging technique for aerial surveying and assessment of agricultural crops. 56,000 31-Aug-09 Caplop Pty Ltd The Bio Blade Seeder produces a crop in dry conditions when other conventional or Tyne No Till planters will not, by utilising a more efficient planting process resulting in improved moisture retention. 780,563 31-Mar-10 CaraData Pty Ltd Development of SHIPWeb Clinical Management System. 248,492 30-Jun-09 Catalyst Composites Pty Ltd Strengthening Dragline Booms with ICCs Sitecure. 249,190 21-Jan-09 Cavitus Pty Ltd Wine barrel sanitation using highpower ultrasonics. 250,000 31-Dec-08 Cellixe Pty Ltd Cellixe - a novel injectable disc regeneration device. 348,440 30-Sep-08 CertainEdge Pty Ltd Revolutionary database development toolset. 192,310 30-Jan-09 CET Surf Pty Ltd Advanced composites and processing for custom-made surfboards - Enhanced fibreglassing process - Advanced composite materials Achieve greater strength/weight ratios and durability. 64,753 30-Jun-08 CHK Gridsense Pty Ltd CableTrackers provide Utilities with visibility over underground cables, by remotely reporting at low cost, comprehensive operational data, such as loads, fault location, power quality, network status. 923,498 8-Dec-10 Recipient Activity BluGlass Limited BluGlass aims to demonstrate a novel low cost/high throughput process for producing gallium nitride (GaN), used to make devices such as high brightness blue and white LEDs. Boxen Systems Pty Ltd Boxen Systems Pty Ltd will develop a computer software system called My NetFox. My NetFox is a filtering system which allows internet service providers to filter out inappropriate, illegal and dangerous content from the material provided to their customers. The end product will provide a centrally managed, child safe internet environment for families. Buderim Ginger Ltd 232 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Expected Completion Date 1,482,620 1-Oct-09 Cloud No.9 Spirits: Innovations in drinks design. 70,086 30-Jun-08 Colbeck & Gunton Pty Ltd Lightweight Marine Passive Fire Protection Systems. 136,783 31-Aug-09 Concrete Slab Technology Pty Ltd Machine to crack contraction joints when constructing concrete pavements for industrial buildings and warehouses in order to eliminate sawcuts and steel reinforcements and reduce joint maintenance. 500,000 6-Jun-09 Coral Sea Pearls Pty Ltd Develop large size pearl production system using a new Australian oyster species. 362,658 30-Sep-10 Coretrack Ltd Development and Commercialisation of the Core Level Indicator System. 1,357,239 31-Dec-08 Corky's Carbon and Combustion Pty Ltd 15kg Coal Gasifier Trial. 250,000 30-Sep-08 Corvel Marketing and Management Pty Ltd Premium seafood brand managment through traceability and supply chain management. 360,728 30-Jun-09 CTRE Pty Ltd Research to further develop Change Tracking methodology - a change measurement and tracking system that enables the effective management of organisational change. 295,018 30-Jun-08 Depth Analysis Pty Ltd Three Dimensional Actor Performance Capture System. 247,838 30-Sep-08 DeSALN8 Pty Ltd A novel system has been developed for selectively extracting high quality freshwater from salty groundwater, in situ within a borehole. 579,110 31-Dec-08 Desmond Fitzgerald & Associates Pty Ltd Rapid 3D Geological Modelling Software. 1,622,997 31-Dec-10 Digislide Holdings Ltd Digismart hand-held, stand-alone or embedded miniature projection technologies. 1,924,236 31-Dec-08 Diva Solutions Pty Ltd DIVA Solutions novel exogenous vaccine marker will enable a 'differentiating infected from vaccinated animal (DIVA)' strategy in poultry avian influenza vaccination programs. 70,534 31-Dec-07 Diversionary Therapy Technologies Pty Ltd The development of a new diversionary therapy device for significant pain reduction in paediatric burns patients. 785,018 31-Mar-08 E.R.T.H HYD Pty Ltd Development of a universal coupling for hydraulic hoses. 683,586 30-Sep-09 Activity Clinical Genomics Pty Ltd Development of novel diagnostic products for colorectal cancer based on gene biomarkers discovered by analysing gene expression data using novel bioinformatics and molecular biology tools. Cloud No. 9 Spirits Pty Ltd INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 233 APPENDICES Agreed Grant ($) Recipient Agreed Grant ($) Expected Completion Date Plastic Fibre Reinforcement for Civil Construction. 244,108 31-Jan-09 ElTong Engineering Pty Ltd Transformer moisture and ageing detector. 105,465 15-Apr-09 ES Labs Pty Limited Telecommunications Service Management and Dynamic Traffic Optimisation for Commercial IP Networks. 2,296,266 31-Jan-09 G2 Microsystems Pty Ltd Complete WiFi and network solution for battery-operated consumer devices. 2,748,708 31-Mar-09 Garmond Australia Pty Ltd Lay flat boxes for economical storage and transport. The novel boxes will also have improved strength and presentation, reducing costs to users, creating jobs and exports. 250,000 30-Sep-09 GasTech Australia Pty Ltd A personal Gas Detection System with an optional Docking Station providing automatic periodic bump testing and full calibration adjustment. 562,432 30-Sep-09 Gene Stream Pty Ltd Improved gene reporter reagents for drug discovery. 629,783 30-Jun-09 Genesis Petroleum Technologies Pty Ltd Oil & Gas Realtime Data Analyser 239,196 29-Jul-09 Gershwin Pty Ltd ScreenFab - security screen mass customisation plant. 1,880,920 31-Aug-10 Global Ears Limited Exhausted Air Recycling System (EARS) Air Ends for air compressors. 152,300 15-Jun-09 Globaltech Corporation Advanced subsurface survey instrument controller system. 233,182 18-Jan-09 Globe Drill Pty Ltd Globe Drill blast hole drilling rig prototype. 1,282,673 30-Jun-08 Go Medical Industries Pty Ltd Development of a Drug Treatment System for Poly Drug Abuse (Stage 2). 1,733,484 31-Mar-10 Gold Peg International Pty Ltd The project will develop a novel cooker-stretcher manufacturing process for making natural mozzarella and other pasta filata cheeses at a large scale. 838,994 31-Oct-09 Gradco Pty Ltd The goal of this project is to develop a remote control telescopic Gradall Excavator to improve the safety and productivity of mining, earthmoving and hazardous industrial applications Australia wide. 192,630 1-Jul-08 Grandvewe Pty Ltd Production of food safe raw milk blue cheese with quality process controls in place from collection of milk to the manufacture of the final product. 84,475 30-Sep-08 Healthcare Software Pty Ltd Patient centric safe medication management solution. 244,298 28-Feb-09 Recipient Activity Elasto-Plastic Concrete Pty Ltd 234 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Expected Completion Date 248,661 30-Jun-08 To develop the next generation of business modelling tools. It will combine the traditional robustness and reliability of business models with a totally new Wikipedia-style community networking. 1,243,781 31-Mar-09 Hoodlum Active Pty Ltd Interactive multi-platform entertainment delivery system. 250,000 2-Feb-09 Hugh Jones Instruments Pty Ltd An orchestral harp with innovative structures giving superior tonal quality. 252,850 31-Oct-10 Human Genetic Signatures Pty Limited HGS Simplification - a new clinical diagnostic platform. 1,546,246 31-Dec-09 I.A.H. Manufacturing Pty Ltd Biological Controls for Intestinal Disease in Farm Animals. 1,025,634 31-Mar-11 Igavax Pty Ltd Development and preclinical assessment of a novel potent mucosal adjuvant focussing initially on RSV antigens with the potential for use against other mucosal pathogens. 225,054 5-Sep-08 ImpediMed Limited The Imp SFB9 is to be a multiplexed Bioimpedance Spectroscopy (BIS) device with a world-first capability of complete segmental (arm; leg or trunk) and whole body analysis in one reading. 1,638,076 30-Jun-08 INC Corporation Pty Ltd Development of a recycling process for non-woven polyesters. 1,973,518 31-Jul-10 Industrea Ltd A Driver Safety Management System (DrSMS) for the mining industry. 2,214,194 30-Sep-10 Inference Communications Pty Ltd An automated deployment and management platform for natural language speech recognition services, developed in Melbourne; which will make automation via speech a viable option for a whole new market. 248,906 1-May-09 InfoTrak Pty Ltd Statistical Financial Analysis (SFA) system for predictive maintenance of heavy earth moving equipment fleets. 249,634 31-Oct-08 Ingeneus Pty Ltd Low cost system to treat diabetic retinopathy in the third world 248,554 31-Mar-09 Intelligent IP Communications Pty Ltd Develop Novel Corporate Total VoIP Solution. 248,283 9-Mar-09 Activity Heltech Industries Pty Ltd Develop and certify a screw pile that will carry a load of 1500kn Newtons, and its excavator-mounted impact installer for use in industrial low-rise buildings and the proposed Aqua road project. Holocentric Pty Ltd INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 235 APPENDICES Agreed Grant ($) Recipient Agreed Grant ($) Expected Completion Date 995,062 27-Sep-09 Intrepica will deliver the first interactive, real-time website that uses voice recognition software to diagnose reading problems, and game-play technology to teach English literacy skills. 246,410 31-May-09 Inventri Pty Ltd Rumba SMS Mail providing functionally rich emails on non 3G phones and networks. 201,925 31-Mar-08 JRB Engineering Pty Ltd The system will continually assess vehicle and infrastructure conditions to generate vital data and warnings to improve rail safety and trending information to enhance railway operating efficiencies. 2,994,411 31-Aug-10 Krix Loudspeakers Pty Ltd Advanced simulation of compact cinema loudspeakers. 163,312 21-Aug-09 LAADtech Pty Ltd This project will develop a new lightweight, flexible and portable Large Area Display (LAAD) to improve communication and OH&S at entertainment or advertising events. 245,177 30-Sep-08 Labfit Pty Ltd Infrared Nitrogen Analyser Module. 248,739 31-Oct-08 Larson Foods Pty Ltd Extension of shelf life, quality improvement and elimination of weevil eggs in dry gourmet pasta. 187,890 28-Feb-09 Lifeprint Australia Pty Ltd Nucleic acid biosensor diagnostics. 248,733 31-Dec-08 Lipotek Pty Ltd Lipotek will conduct clinical evaluation of Lipovaxin (a novel immunotherapy for cancer) in stage IV malignant melanoma patients. Lipovaxin is a novel cancer vaccine that can deliver relevant antigens. 1,143,452 20-Apr-10 Live Technologies Pty Ltd Photoactive filter for photographic image capture. 250,000 30-Nov-08 Lobster Harvest Pty Ltd Lobster Harvest will develop a world first process, including all systems and protocols, that will be able to propogate Morton Bay Bugs (Thenus orientalis) and Tropical Rock Lobsters (Panulirus ornatus). 2,082,237 30-Jun-10 Loop Mobile Limited Development of MOKO Music Platform. 250,000 21-May-08 Magnificent Pty Ltd Autonomous Fruit Harvester. 249,998 31-Jul-09 Marinova Pty Ltd Development of specialty cosmetic and dermatological ingredients from macro-algae. 774,274 31-Jul-10 Recipient Activity Interactive Communications Solutions Pty Ltd EMS is a software solution that allows operators in the wireless communications and power sectors to manage electromagnetic radiation safety risk. Intrepica Pty Ltd 236 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Activity MComms Design Pty Ltd A Melbourne developed solution allowing insertion of advertisements into video streams for mobile phones. The major national benefits will be new employment and export revenue. Mediaware International Pty Ltd RTCE systems will provide essential innovative acquisition, management and realtime processing systems to support multimedia content delivery in the New Media Market. Medscope Pty Ltd Medication Review Mentor - A tool for assisting pharmacists in detecting potential harmful drug interactions for patients on multiple prescription medication. Microbial Activity Pty Ltd High quality organic matter for sustainable agriculture. Micromine Pty Ltd MasterMine is a new delivery platform for mining software. The new platform with its centralised database will be used to introduce the concept of Software as a Service to the resources sector. Millennium Electronics Pty Ltd Home Energy Monitoring Unit. Mimetica Pty Limited Preclinical and clinical development of a potential new acne treatment. Mobilarm Ltd Agreed Grant ($) Expected Completion Date 247,911 26-Nov-08 2,225,233 17-Apr-09 131,748 10-Oct-08 235,450 31-Jul-09 5,000,000 31-Jan-11 241,295 13-Mar-09 1,688,766 20-Dec-08 Development of a 'generation 2' ONIX system which will have the capability of monitoring the status of personnel within a predefined area, such as a boat, ship or loading wharf. 1,135,200 14-Nov-08 Momentum Technologies Group Pty Ltd "Remote Specialists" Live Mobile Video System. 249,665 31-Dec-08 MultiTrode Pty Ltd Develop a web-based remote monitoring and control system comprising both hardware and software to enable sewerage infrastructure operators the ability to optimise reliability and performance. 3,181,541 30-Apr-10 Nautitech Manufacturing Services Pty Ltd High Reliability Integrated CANGauges/Sensors. 195,274 30-Jun-09 NeuClone Pty Ltd Cell line Engineering for therapeutic protein production. 239,307 31-Dec-08 NeuProtect Pty Ltd Development of novel cardioprotectant drugs for acute Ischaemic cardiac conditions. 1,402,730 31-Jan-09 New World Bio Ltd Preclinical workup on drug candidates for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. 495,912 23-May-09 Opal Producers Australia Limited Objective Opal Evaluation and Grading System. 240,000 17-Apr-08 Open Kernel Labs Pty Ltd Trustworthy operating system and virtualization platform for mobile devices. 2,490,000 12-Oct-10 Opengear Pty Ltd Remote ICT Infrastructure Diagnostic Out-of-Band Manager. 249,800 30-Aug-09 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 237 APPENDICES Recipient Agreed Grant ($) Expected Completion Date 1,229,640 19-Dec-08 Mine Scheduling utilising genetic programming algorithms. 227,768 30-Jul-09 Osprey Medical Pty Ltd Pilot trial: Contrast medium removal catheter. 216,753 30-Sep-08 Pestat Pty Ltd Lethal Spray for Cane Toads. 63,687 31-May-09 Philom Bios (Australia) Pty Ltd Developing microbial products to enhance agricultural yields and profitability. 879,700 30-Sep-10 Phoenix Engineering Systems Pty Ltd Phoenix Vibration Isolation Module (PVIM). 160,248 25-Dec-08 1,189,825 31-Mar-11 239,946 31-Mar-09 Recipient Activity Opto Global Holdings Pty Ltd Opto Fluidics Stabilisation Technology for Phacoemulsification Surgery. Orelogy Geotechnical Pty Ltd Pivot Maritime International Pty Ltd The v-Marine Project: Improving Small Craft Safety through Simulation. PlantPlan Genetics Pty Ltd POTATOPLAN - a genetic analysis system for the potato industry. Pluton Resources Ltd Universal Drilling Platform (UDP). 227,106 31-Mar-09 PolyVacc Pty Limited Development of a vaccine against respiratory viruses. 249,982 25-Apr-09 Primepak Manufacturing Pty Ltd Tooling for innovative aerosol mechanism. 249,333 31-Dec-08 Production Parts Pty Ltd Development of an Optimised Production capability for exotic metal (Titanium Alloy) Aerospace Components. 966,534 30-Jun-09 Proteomics International Pty Ltd Predictive high-throughput drug discovery. 250,000 30-Jun-09 Q-MAC Electronics Pty Ltd ITCS (Integrated Tactical Communications System) offers a secure military voice and data communications solution, independent of telecommunications infrastructure and affordable to developing nations. 2,629,926 25-Jun-10 Qualipac Farms Pty Ltd Development of an automated controlled environment system for onion maturation to achieve the desired level of dryness and control of flesh colour and texture. 244,352 20-Feb-08 Quantum Mining Services Development of environmentally friendly collector chemicals for the recovery by flotation of sulfide and precious minerals. The collectors are manufactured primarily from renewable organic material. 248,088 30-Jun-09 QuintessenceLabs Pty Ltd Bright Laser "No-Switch" Quantum Cryptographic System. 997,793 31-Dec-09 Raytech Concepts Pty Ltd Ultra 7000 - a highly automated manufacturing system for window coverings. 583,943 2-Jan-09 238 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Expected Completion Date Renegade has developed the world's most powerful and efficient twincam motorcycle engine. The engine pioneers a gear-driven valvetrain that allows for greater power, efficiency and safety. 200,577 31-Dec-08 Reproductive Health Science Pty Ltd Clinical validation and trial of a commercial prototype of the RHS Array-CGH diagnostic. 899,996 30-Sep-09 Resis Australia Pty Ltd Processing functional ingredients from sugar cane. 137,930 15-Apr-09 Sands Innovations Pty Ltd Using patented snap-open and reclose technology, Sands will deliver low cost, portion controlled utensils for disposable packaging. 1,697,644 31-Jul-09 Scarpar Pty Ltd Scarpar: Electric off-road powersports board. 250,000 28-Feb-09 SDP Technology Limited The project aims to develop small molecule inhibitors of sphingosine kinase-1 (SK1) as novel anticancer agents. 236,716 31-Jul-09 Seapa Pty Ltd Oyster Farming Flexible Grow-out System. 165,963 18-May-09 Secura Shield Australia Pty Ltd Secura Shield passive RFID seal for shipping container security. 711,582 30-Sep-09 Secure Systems Ltd Develop High Grade Silicon Data Vault. 249,737 30-Jun-08 SIMmersion Holdings Pty Ltd Development of a geospatially precise and Internet-enabled 3D simulation engine with highly realistic visual acuity, packaged application developer tools and proprietary products and services. 836,440 30-Jun-08 Slap Holdings Pty Ltd Hotel housekeeping workflow optimisation solution. 121,025 31-Oct-08 Sm@rtTrans Limited SmartTrans aims to develop a system for major international events to plan and instantaneously optimise pickup and delivery of 5,000 plus key personnel. It will operate in multiple languages. 707,436 30-Apr-09 Smart Digital Optics Pty. Ltd. Optical Fibre Electric Current Sensor. 250,000 21-Nov-08 Songcentral Pty Ltd Song Central is the first independent, internet-based composer driven platform for storage, management, development and showcasing of precommercial songs and music. 196,154 31-Mar-08 Soundscience Pty Ltd Real Time Directional Noise Monitoring. 67,500 30-Jun-08 Southern Cross Cooperage Pty Ltd Advanced automated cooperage technology platform. 1,295,748 30-Sep-09 Specterra Services Pty Ltd Automated airborne multi-spectral image processing system. 220,398 11-Jun-09 Activity Renegade Motors International Pty Ltd INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 239 APPENDICES Agreed Grant ($) Recipient Agreed Grant ($) Expected Completion Date 187,559 30-Aug-08 SPLatNG will enable SMEs to easily incorporate sophisticated electronic controls into their products. It will consist of hardware, software, a support service and a customer guide. 572,447 31-May-10 Spring Bay Seafoods Pty Ltd Improving juvenile blue mussel survival and growth in a hatchery. 558,834 31-Oct-09 Stainless Tube Mills (Aust) Pty Ltd Development of a high speed, laser seam welded stainless steel tube mill. 2,139,215 31-May-09 Statute Technologies Pty Ltd Xenon: Preventing, Detecting and Curing Compliance Failures and Financial Crime. 2,954,315 31-Dec-09 Stolway Holdings Pty Ltd The project involves experimenting with specification and performance tolerances to meet targeted manufacturing costs, performance efficiencies and production cycle times for vapour recovery units. 482,098 30-Sep-08 Supercorp Australia Pty Ltd Collaborative Services Marketplace for Administration of Small Superannuation Funds. 1,108,669 31-Dec-09 Sustainability Ventures Pty Ltd Sustainable Water System Diversified Aquaculture Production. 248,316 30-Jun-09 Synetek Systems Pty Ltd Synetek DeepLink is a recursive relational e-discovery process that identifies the context of electronic information and defines the strength of any relationship between otherwise unrelated records. 246,775 31-Oct-08 Tasmanian Selected Abalone Pty Ltd Sustainable selective breeding program to create superior Tasmanian farmed abalone. 573,983 31-Dec-10 TGR BioSciences Pty Ltd High throughput screening technologies for pharmaceutical drug discovery and development. 1,910,992 28-Feb-11 The Active Reactor Company Pty Ltd Export commercialisation commencement of the Active Reactor. 240,740 30-Jun-09 THE CRUCIBLE GROUP PTY LTD The Crucible Carbon Pyrolysis Process. 250,000 11-Jun-08 The Haines Group Pty Ltd An efficient closed-moulding process for low volume manufacturing of large composite components involving tool advancements; realtime monitoring of resin infusion and fail safe mould sealing. 748,900 28-Dec-08 TheBuzz Corp Pty Ltd A novel VoIP telephony service. 242,995 1-Aug-08 TPI Enterprises Ltd Development of higher thebaine yielding poppy and efficient catalytic demethylation of thebaine. 666,476 30-Jun-09 Vamhire Pty Ltd High Vacuum Centrifugal Evaporator. 713,650 31-Dec-09 Recipient Activity Spirogene Pty Ltd Novel vaccine and innovative diagnostic solutions for avian intestinal spirochaetosis. SPLat Controls Pty Ltd 240 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Expected Completion Date 4,475,162 14-Apr-10 Novel drug delivery system for Cattle. 249,845 14-Feb-09 Virtual Sailing Pty Ltd Sailing Simulator development and early commercialisation. 156,750 31-Jul-09 Voicetronix Pty Ltd OpenSpeed Fixed line & IP Telephony platform. 249,750 30-Sep-09 Warm Contact Pty Ltd Early stage commercialisation of an Australian designed, developed and patented lens warming device that will benefit contact lens wearers, deliver export revenues, increase employment in Australia. 249,987 22-Dec-08 Wriota Pty Ltd Revolutionary poly-silicon process technology. 936,726 31-Oct-08 WTG Pty Ltd Continuous Filament Winding. ZORK Pty Ltd ZORK - proof of concept for a patent pending closure for sparkling wines. Total Activity Veem Engineering Group Pty Ltd The project aims to test whether an Interceptor profile of varying depth, added to the trailing edge of boat propeller blades can be effectively used to control the pitch of the propeller. Veterinary Encapsulation Biosciences Pty Ltd 244,474 30-Jun-09 1,258,648 30-Apr-09 135,942,503 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 241 APPENDICES Agreed Grant ($) Recipient Table N5 Commercial Ready program grant payments by company, 2007-08 Organisation 4G Vaccines Pty Ltd A & V Gordon Pty Ltd Acoustic Research Laboratories Pty Limited AcuMine Pty Ltd Adaptronic Electronics Pty Ltd Grant Payments ($) 372,576 34,410 90,611 518,383 54,033 Advanced Engine Components Limited 108,496 Advent Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd 962,204 AgGuide Pty Ltd Agronico Research Pty Ltd AIMedics Pty Ltd Air Aroma International Pty Ltd Alchemia Limited Alchemia Oncology Pty Limited Alcidion Corporation Pty Ltd 43,114 86,935 757,300 57,919 218,476 964,062 194,730 Alexist Pty Ltd 788,628 Alkane Resources Ltd 870,802 Alpha Chemicals Pty Ltd Alternative Fuels Corporation Pty Ltd 47,139 379,400 AMR Hewitts PrintPackaging Pty Ltd 436,673 Anadis Ltd 340,847 Angusta Systems Pty Ltd 237,452 Antaria Limited 553,325 Apollo Medical Imaging Technology Pty Ltd 10,896 Applied Physiology Pty Ltd 133,188 Aprin Pty Ltd 615,744 Aquarius Technologies Pty Ltd 215,419 Aquatech Systems Australia Pty Ltd Arafura Resources Limited 20,184 2,002,462 Ashwyn Innovations Pty Ltd 66,033 Asia Pacific Technologies Pty Ltd 50,064 Assetic Pty Ltd AtCor Medical Pty Ltd 199,731 466,192 Athlomics Pty Ltd 138,578 Atlas Marine International Pty Ltd 247,835 Atom Industries 384,371 ATRAD Pty Ltd 92,761 Ausmelt Limited 56,984 Ausonex Pty Ltd 213,280 Austhink Software Pty Ltd 115,687 Australia Aquaculture Farming (NT) Pty Ltd 314,575 Australian Inspection Technologies Pty. Ltd. 1,070,716 Australian Robotics Industries Pty Ltd 242 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 23,041 Grant Payments ($) Australian Seafood Industries Pty Ltd 49,080 AUSUNI Pty Ltd 93,217 Autech Research Pty Ltd 205,242 Automotion Control Systems Pty Ltd 818,015 Avand Pty Ltd 389,900 Avega Systems Pty Ltd 1,827,851 Avexa Ltd 903,108 AviPep Pty Ltd 453,751 Axiom Business Systems Pty Ltd 152,765 Backwell IXL Pty Ltd 337,861 Baska Versatile Laryngeal Mask Pty Ltd 259,785 bCODE Pty Ltd 945,034 Beacon Software Innovations Pty Ltd 149,765 Beechworth Spraying Pty Ltd 24,165 Benra Pty Ltd 503,436 Binderless Coal Briquetting Company Pty Ltd 3,500,000 Biochip Innovations Pty Ltd 126,650 Bio-Layer Pty Ltd 881,697 Biomedtech Australia Pty Ltd 194,562 Bionomics Limited 1,997,794 Bioproperties Pty Ltd 73,399 Biospecialties Australia Pty Ltd 273,334 Biotron Limited 441,944 Bizpac (Australia) Pty Ltd 288,769 Blue Water Aquatics Pty Ltd 185,302 BluGlass Limited 2,523,473 BMDi International Limited 73,645 BMS Solutions Pty Ltd 1,032,694 Bobtail Technologies Pty Ltd 49,294 Bolduans Bay Oysters Pty Ltd 47,610 Bosshard Pty Ltd 55,644 Boxen Systems Pty Ltd 48,290 BSES Limited 331,810 BTF Pty Limited 408,252 Buderim Ginger Ltd 438,312 Building Solutions Pty Ltd 129,045 Callidan Instruments Pty Ltd. 288,900 Cambium Land & Water Management Pty Ltd 19,610 CancerProbe Pty Ltd 32,426 Capital Markets Surveillance Services Pty Ltd 983,769 Caplop Pty Ltd 435,106 CaraData Pty Ltd 107,864 Card Access Services Pty Ltd 149,124 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 243 APPENDICES Organisation Organisation Catalyst Composites Pty Ltd Catapult Genetics (Australia) Pty Ltd Grant Payments ($) 99,499 197,316 Cavitus Pty Ltd 235,838 Cellixe Pty Ltd 213,455 CEOS Pty Ltd Ceram Polymerik Pty Ltd CertainEdge Pty Ltd CET Surf Pty Ltd 881,155 346,993 69,760 61,515 CHK Gridsense Pty Ltd 192,691 Chronologic Pty Ltd 185,275 Cimbre Pty Limited 112,999 Circuitlink International Pty Ltd 63,420 Claypave Pty Ltd 60,437 Clean Seas Tuna Ltd 670,127 Clinical Genomics Pty Ltd Cloud No. 9 Spirits Pty Ltd CLVR Pty Ltd Colbeck & Gunton Pty Ltd Columna Pty Ltd ComGroup Australia Pty Ltd 836,459 66,582 530,945 102,225 1,007,275 874,820 Commercial Diving Services Pty Ltd 109,997 Composite Materials Engineering Pty Ltd 243,538 Concrete Slab Technology Pty Ltd 367,657 Confoil Pty. Limited 224,692 Continence Control Systems International Pty Ltd 599,309 CoolRock Software Pty Ltd 72,439 Cooltrax Asia Pacific Pty Ltd 703,710 Coral Sea Pearls Pty Ltd 77,785 Core Energy Group Pty Limited 114,537 Core Medical Solutions Pty Ltd 12,782 Coretrack Ltd 787,454 Corky's Carbon and Combustion Pty Ltd 237,500 Corvel Marketing and Management Pty Ltd 166,750 Council Manager Pty Ltd 11,120 Cryptogen Pty Ltd 152,934 CTRE Pty Ltd 244,626 Cypro-ssage Pty Ltd Cytopia Research Pty Ltd D J Young Pty Ltd Data Acquisition Networks Pty Limited Datadot Technology Limited Dean-Wilson Aviation Ltd Depth Analysis Pty Ltd 244 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 77,991 645,894 104,131 154,498 78,462 24,215 235,446 Grant Payments ($) DeSALN8 Pty Ltd 318,979 Desmond Fitzgerald & Associates Pty Ltd 209,318 Diagnostic Array Systems Pty Ltd 74,754 Diakyne Ltd 81,159 Digislide Holdings Ltd 1,519,301 Diva Solutions Pty Ltd 70,534 Diversionary Therapy Technologies Pty Ltd 745,767 Dobson's Vegetable Machinery Pty Ltd 102,622 DSpace Pty Ltd 360,956 Dtecht Pty Ltd 18,977 Dynamic Hearing Pty Ltd 148,950 E.R.T.H HYD Pty Ltd 316,326 Earth Systems Technologies Pty Ltd 250,540 Pty Ltd 11,762 Ecotech Pty Ltd 91,371 Eden Technology Pty Ltd 4,761 Editure Education Services Limited 178,271 Elasto-Plastic Concrete Pty Ltd 109,918 Elexon Electronics Pty Ltd 626,132 Eliott Engineering Pty Ltd 398,344 Ellex R&D Pty Ltd 699,000 ElTong Engineering Pty Ltd 61,298 EMC Pacific Pty Ltd 245,426 Emotiv Systems Pty. Ltd. 78,971 EMS Solutions Pty Ltd 33,900 EMT Group Pty Ltd 103,189 EnGeneIC Pty Ltd 224,250 Entecho Pty Ltd 1,153,965 ES Labs Pty Limited 1,081,804 EvoGenix Pty Limited 627,635 EVRSafe Marine Technologies Pty Ltd 96,905 eWise Systems Pty Limited 1,122,199 Exergen Pty Ltd 630,437 EzyTube Pty Ltd 277,109 F E A Timber Pty Ltd 568,095 Filtra Limited 120,521 Flip Screen Australia Pty Ltd 97,127 Fluorosolar Systems Ltd 342,165 FRAM Technologies Pty Ltd 113,429 G2 Microsystems Pty Ltd 1,402,209 Gallium Enterprises Pty Ltd 32,160 Garmond Australia Pty Ltd 73,441 GasTech Australia Pty Ltd 215,913 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 245 APPENDICES Organisation Organisation Gene Stream Pty Ltd Grant Payments ($) 250,000 Genesis Petroleum Technologies Pty Ltd 123,079 Gershwin Pty Ltd 567,193 Glass Expansion Pty Ltd Gliderol International Pty Ltd Global Ears Limited Globaltech Corporation Globe Drill Pty Ltd Glycan Biosciences Pty Ltd 111,522 71,732 48,768 89,735 1,139,533 41,000 Go Medical Industries Pty Ltd 697,793 Gold Peg International Pty Ltd 318,545 Gradco Pty Ltd 178,603 Grandvewe Pty Ltd 78,225 GroundProbe Pty Ltd 513,738 Hadrian Pty Ltd HARD Technologies Pty Ltd 555,887 116,153 HarvestRoad Ltd 158,093 Hatchtech Pty Ltd 393,068 Hathaway Trading Co Pty Ltd Hawk Measurement Systems Pty Ltd Hazel Hill Pty Ltd Healthcare Software Pty Ltd 161,670 586,846 200,710 91,022 Heltech Industries Pty Ltd 248,661 Hexima Ltd 528,642 Hofmann Engineering Pty Ltd 509,373 Holocentric Pty Ltd 666,132 Hoodlum Active Pty Ltd 99,537 Hugh Jones Instruments Pty Ltd 89,984 Human Genetic Signatures Pty Limited 384,686 Hydrexia Pty Ltd 300,579 HySSIL Pty Ltd 651,175 I.A.H. Manufacturing Pty Ltd 89,483 iCeutica Pty Ltd 26,732 Igavax Pty Ltd 213,801 iintegrate Systems Pty Ltd Immune System Therapeutics Ltd ImpediMed Limited 315,895 1,368,545 1,251,987 Imugene Ltd 239,107 INC Corporation Pty Ltd 179,487 Industrea Ltd Industrial Conveying (Aust) Pty Ltd Inference Communications Pty Ltd InfoTrak Pty Ltd 246 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 478,258 365,139 89,117 305,102 Grant Payments ($) Ingeneus Pty Ltd 158,006 Inlink Technologies Pty Ltd 157,766 Innovative Underground Transport Pty Ltd 25,758 Intellection Pty Ltd 2,595,685 Intelligent IP Communications Pty Ltd 55,437 IntelliGuard I.T. Pty Ltd 183,492 Interactive Communications Solutions Pty Ltd 427,137 InterDev R&D Pty Ltd 11,684 Interflow Pty Ltd 470,935 Intrepica Pty Ltd 64,748 Inventri Pty Ltd 164,334 Inverness Medical Innovations Australia Pty Ltd 677,366 ISS Group Australia Pty Ltd 317,953 Jaymac International Pty Ltd 137,976 JRB Engineering Pty Ltd 600,000 Krix Loudspeakers Pty Ltd 60,210 Krome Studios Pty Ltd 272,129 Kukan Studio Pty Ltd 55,573 LAADtech Pty Ltd 169,259 Labfit Pty Ltd 200,000 Labtech Systems Ltd 1,076,103 Larson Foods Pty Ltd 170,116 Lazer Safe Pty Ltd 461,233 Lencom Antennas Pty Ltd 316,092 Leslie Consulting Pty Ltd 176,020 Lifeprint Australia Pty Ltd 129,141 Lipotek Pty Ltd 1,003,286 Live Technologies Pty Ltd 103,055 Lobster Harvest Pty Ltd 990,554 LOC Composites Pty Ltd 105,855 Loop Mobile Limited 237,500 LVP Innovation Pty Limited 74,725 Magnificent Pty Ltd 46,407 Magswitch Technology Worldwide Pty Ltd 112,876 Marine Biotechnology Australia Pty Ltd 48,320 Marinova Pty Ltd 410,924 MatrixGroup (CMS) Pty Ltd 783,763 MComms Design Pty Ltd 204,224 MedCare IP Pty Ltd 638,570 Mediaware International Pty Ltd 473,002 Medical Developments International Limited 233,955 Mediherb Holdings Ltd 169,632 Medscope Pty Ltd 100,801 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 247 APPENDICES Organisation Organisation Mems-ID Pty Ltd Mesaplexx Pty Ltd Grant Payments ($) 26,482 1,000,084 Mesoblast Limited 123,541 Microair Avionics Pty Ltd 137,896 Microbial Activity Pty Ltd Micromine Pty Ltd Migfast Pty Ltd Millennium Electronics Pty Ltd Mimetica Pty Limited MM Foods Pty Ltd Mobilarm Ltd 75,000 175,000 261,197 69,916 1,326,366 44,279 768,992 Modulo Software 45,843 Momentum Technologies Group Pty Ltd 104,772 Mossman Central Sugar Mill Company Ltd 125,000 MTWD Pty Ltd 221,918 MultiTrode Pty Ltd 540,841 Myriax Pty Ltd 210,886 Nalsco Holdings Pty Ltd 57,748 Nanosonics Limited 1,103,361 Nautitech Pty Ltd 156,975 Neptune Marine Services Ltd 393,471 NeuClone Pty Ltd 132,082 NeuProtect Pty Ltd 234,963 New World Bio Ltd 204,003 NOJA Power Switchgear Pty Ltd 526,019 Nova Duct Technologies Pty Ltd 243,500 Nunatak Systems Pty Ltd NuSep Limited Objectify Pty Ltd OBS Pty Ltd 11,104 504,971 21,957 793,382 Octopus Technologies Pty Ltd OMC International Pty Ltd 20,274 450,517 Ondek Pty Ltd 864,067 Opal Producers Australia Limited 228,000 Opal Software Pty Ltd 272,561 Open Kernel Labs Pty Ltd 265,200 OPEN Networks Pty Ltd 160,286 Opengear Pty Ltd 77,650 Optimatics Pty Ltd 127,769 Optiscan Pty Ltd 494,794 Opto Global Holdings Pty Ltd 438,919 Orelogy Geotechnical Pty Ltd 41,660 OrthoCell Pty Ltd 121,643 248 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Grant Payments ($) Osprey Medical Pty Ltd 205,915 Ozwall Manufacturing Pty Ltd 166,207 Pan Logica Pty Ltd 13,750 Panviva Pty Ltd 360,116 Papyrus Australia Ltd 591,672 Parnell Laboratories (Aust) Pty Ltd 350,827 Perpetual Water Pty Ltd 110,993 Pestat Pty Ltd 42,368 PharmaQest Pty Ltd 18,814 Philom Bios (Australia) Pty Ltd 291,600 Phoenix Engineering Systems Pty Ltd 68,800 Phylogica Limited 579,465 Pine Ridge Holdings Pty Ltd 141,633 Pivot Maritime International Pty Ltd 92,650 PlantPlan Genetics Pty Ltd 140,225 Pluton Resources Ltd 123,037 PolyVacc Pty Limited 68,789 Pompeii Pty Ltd 161,420 Poppet International Pty Ltd 403,249 Primepak Manufacturing Pty Ltd 236,866 Production Parts Pty Ltd 419,011 Progen Pharmaceuticals Limited 972,929 Proteomics International Pty Ltd 76,547 Qinetiq Aerostructures Pty Ltd 172,548 Q-MAC Electronics Pty Ltd 350,048 Qs Semiconductor Australia Pty Ltd 248,443 Qualipac Farms Pty Ltd 244,352 Quantum Mining Services 105,274 QuintessenceLabs Pty Ltd 188,044 Radar Portal Systems Pty Ltd 46,249 Radical Biotechnology Pty Ltd 157,367 Raytech Concepts Pty Ltd 401,238 Redarc Technologies Pty Ltd 762,592 Redfern Optical Components Pty Ltd 352,403 RelevanceNow Pty Limited 490,546 Renegade Motors International Pty Ltd 95,375 Replikun Biotech Pty Ltd 92,912 Reproductive Health Science Pty Ltd 234,122 Research Laboratories of Australia Pty Ltd 247,804 Resis Australia Pty Ltd 129,418 Retail Application Products Pty Ltd 61,262 Revetec Holdings Ltd 502,803 Rising Sun Research Pty Ltd 55,389 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 249 APPENDICES Organisation Organisation Grant Payments ($) Robern Menz (Mfg) Pty Ltd 27,343 Robway Crane Safety Systems Pty Ltd 415,717 Romar Engineering Pty Ltd Ronstan International Pty Ltd Roy Gripske & Sons Pty Ltd RPO Pty Limited Rubicon Systems Australia Pty Ltd Safety Medical Products Limited 49,107 466,260 10,805 825,259 371,039 12,821 Sands Innovations Pty Ltd 657,248 Scantech Limited 496,585 Scarpar Pty Ltd SDM Sales Pty Ltd 82,673 207,204 SDP Technology Limited 53,190 Seafood Innovations Pty Ltd 94,959 Seapa Pty Ltd 77,354 Secura Shield Australia Pty Ltd 168,840 Secure Systems Ltd 237,250 SED Shellfish Equipment Pty Ltd 90,867 Seed Distributors Pty Ltd 635,325 Seeing Machines Limited 611,912 Seeker Wireless Pty Ltd Sensear Pty Ltd Serve-Ag Pty Ltd SGE Analytical Science Pty Ltd Shellfish Culture Ltd Ship Dynamics Pty Ltd 57,915 451,975 67,571 1,208,766 475,835 86,422 Signostics Pty Ltd 586,323 Sigtec Pty Ltd 908,521 SIMmersion Holdings Pty Ltd 794,618 Slap Holdings Pty Ltd 106,815 Sm@rtTrans Limited 414,389 Smart Digital Optics Pty. Ltd. 213,857 SMW Installations Pty Ltd Songcentral Pty Ltd Soundscience Pty Ltd Southern Cross Cooperage Pty Ltd 11,744 186,346 64,125 941,604 Specterra Services Pty Ltd 63,450 Spectra Quality Engineering Software Tools Pty Ltd 339,128 Spinifex Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd 232,561 Spirogene Pty Ltd 115,000 SPLat Controls Pty Ltd 139,955 Spring Bay Seafoods Pty Ltd SRA Information Technology Pty Ltd 250 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 177,842 443,689 Grant Payments ($) Stainless Tube Mills (Aust) Pty Ltd 458,102 Statute Technologies Pty Ltd 725,820 Steri-flow Filtration Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd 354,306 Stolway Holdings Pty Ltd 285,884 Structural Monitoring Systems Ltd 321,568 Sugar Steel Engineering Pty Ltd 712,211 Sunshine Heart Company Pty Limited 143,044 Super Safe Silo Tops Pty Ltd 15,224 Supercorp Australia Pty Ltd 308,434 Sustainability Ventures Pty Ltd 101,268 Swagman Australia Pty Ltd 50,442 Sydney IVF Ltd 891,036 Synetek Systems Pty Ltd 181,533 System Two Pty Ltd 24,745 TAS Screen Printing Equipment Pty Ltd 84,058 TASKey Pty Ltd 113,992 Tasmanian Organics Pty Ltd 34,583 Tasmanian Selected Abalone Pty Ltd 127,850 Technology Enterprises Pty Ltd 751,595 Teknis Electronics Pty Ltd 35,206 TGR BioSciences Pty Ltd 833,562 The Active Reactor Company Pty Ltd 90,930 The Crucible Group Pty Ltd 237,500 The Distillery Pty Ltd 1,591,632 The Haines Group Pty Ltd 566,228 The Performance Technologies Group Pty Ltd 156,376 TheBuzz Corp Pty Ltd 230,845 Tickit Systems Pty Ltd 194,395 T-Mag Pty Ltd 612,972 TMG International Holdings Pty Ltd 164,989 TPI Enterprises Ltd 312,956 Trawax Pty Ltd 54,273 Trio Datacom Pty Ltd 459,282 TSS Construction Pty Ltd 39,470 Turtlepac Pty Ltd 8,790 Unwired Australia Pty Ltd 962,207 Vamhire Pty Ltd 62,490 VAST Audio Pty Ltd 48,839 Vaxine Pty Ltd 463,710 Veem Engineering Group Pty Ltd 1,909,644 Velacor Therapeutics Pty Ltd 50,745 Ventracor Limited 1,525,545 Vessus Systems Pty Ltd 12,452 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 251 APPENDICES Organisation Organisation Grant Payments ($) Veterinary Encapsulation Biosciences Pty Ltd 91,650 Vicmarc Machinery Pty Ltd 97,500 Vigil Systems Pty Ltd 298,667 Vipac Engineers & Scientists Ltd 177,533 Virtual Sailing Pty Ltd 54,250 Vision Instruments Pty Ltd Vital Health Sciences Pty Ltd Viva Blu Pty Ltd Vivid Group Pty Ltd V-Kardia Pty Ltd Voicetronix Pty Ltd 9,071 1,494,997 213,082 390,911 326,388 50,800 Vortex Pipes Limited 361,160 W A Kaolin Holdings Pty Ltd 861,277 WA Composts Pty Ltd 125,257 Warm Contact Pty Ltd Wriota Pty Ltd 117,280 370,356 WTG Pty Ltd 77,328 Xerocoat Pty Ltd 196,176 Yambay Technologies Pty Ltd 261,461 YLESS4U Pty Ltd ZingoTX Pty Ltd Zipbolt Pty Ltd ZORK Pty Ltd ZZ Resistivity Imaging Pty Ltd Total 252 9,251 54,621 23,738 489,818 41,790 153,813,897 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Table O1 REDI program grant applications received by state and territory, 2007-08 Table O2 REDI program grant agreements executed by state and territory, 2007-08 Table O3 REDI program grant payments by state and territory, 2007-08 Table O4 REDI program grant agreements executed by company, 2007-08 Table O5 REDI program grant payments by company, 2007-08 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 253 APPENDICES APPENDIX O RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (REDI) PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table O1 REDI program grant applications received by state and territory, 2007-08 State/Territory Number NSW 3 VIC 1 QLD 1 SA 1 WA 2 TAS 1 ACT 0 NT 0 Total 9 Note: This table does not include applications received during the year if withdrawn from consideration during the year. Table O2 REDI program grant agreements executed by state and territory, 2007-08 State/Territory Number Value ($) 1 5,000,000 VIC 1 4,061,333 QLD 0 0 SA 0 0 WA 2 4,014,800 TAS 1 1,800,000 ACT 0 0 NT 0 0 Total 5 14,876,133 NSW Table O3 REDI program grant payments by state and territory, 2007-08 State/Territory Total Payments ($) Per cent of Total (%) NSW 5,027,659 VIC 2,338,526 29 13 QLD 3,326,491 19 SA 1,917,985 11 WA 3,134,044 18 TAS 165,450 1 ACT 911,800 7 NT Total 396,342 2 17,218,297 100 Note: The total figure represents the value of the payments made during the year and does not include any amounts that may have been repaid. 254 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Agreed Grant Funding ($) Expected Completion Date 4,061,333 31-Dec-09 BioPower Systems Pty Ltd The BioWave ocean wave power system and the BIOSTREAM tidal current power system are innovative renewable energy products that utilise biomimicry to achieve distinct cost advantages. 5,000,000 9-Sep-09 KUTh Energy Ltd Geothermal energy from pre-fractured, water saturated hot granites. 1,800,000 30-Mar-11 Torrens Energy Limited The development and application of an innovative three dimensional Temperature Field Model (3D-TFM) for use in the exploration for and definition of deep geothermal energy resources. 3,014,800 30-Jun-10 Verve Energy Front end engineering design of a commercial-size Integrated Wood Processing plant. 1,000,000 9-Oct-08 14,876,133 Applicant Activity Bio Fuels Pty Ltd Bio Max emissions to biofuels process efficiently grows microalgae using energy from the sun, greenhouse gases and nutrients. Total INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 255 APPENDICES Table O4 REDI program grant agreements executed by company, 2007-08 Table O5 REDI program grant payments by company, 2007-08 Organisation Australian Renewable Fuels Limited Grant Payments ($) 28,700 Bio Fuels Pty Ltd 1,576,884 BioPower Systems Pty Ltd 1,051,809 BP Solar Pty Ltd Brockway DiCOM Facility Pty Ltd CSR Sugar Pty Ltd Dynamic Systems Australia Pty Limited 737,471 1,535,647 2,162,126 369,539 Geodynamics Limited 1,164,365 Geothermal Resources Limited 465,560 Granite Power Ltd Katrix Pty Ltd 372,187 24,171 KUTh Energy Ltd 165,450 Microbiogen Pty Ltd 706,075 New Energy Partners Pty Ltd Origin Energy Solar Pty Ltd 113,987 1,358,766 Petratherm Limited 93,659 Powercorp Pty Ltd 396,342 Renewable Australia Pty Limited Snowy Hydro Limited Solar Heat and Power Pty Ltd Solco Ltd 22,419 1,375,881 949,022 14,460 Torrens Energy Limited 902,128 Verve Energy 653,109 V-Fuel Pty Ltd 66,740 Windlab Systems Pty Ltd Wizard Power Pty Ltd Total 256 82,481 829,319 17,218,297 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Table P1 R&D Start grant payments by state and territory, 2007-08 Table P2 R&D Start grant payments by company, 2007-08 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 257 APPENDICES APPENDIX P R&D START PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table P1 R&D Start program grant payments by state and territory, 2007-08 State/Territory Total Payments ($) Per cent of Total (%) NSW 1,349,330 11 VIC 2,394,630 19 QLD 2,746,554 21 SA 525,350 4 WA 741,976 6 TAS 25,926 0 ACT 4,927,745 39 Total 12,711,511 100 Note: The total figure represents the value of payments made during the year and does not include any amounts that may have been repaid Table P2 R&D Start program grant payments by company, 2007-08 Organisation A.I. Scientific Pty Ltd Total Payments ($) 195,579 Advantage Air Aust Pty Ltd 83,771 Aquatic Leisure Technologies Pty Ltd 32,531 BarrelTech Industries Pty Limited BigWorld Pty Ltd Bionomics Limited Calyptech Pty Ltd CCI Pope Pty Ltd 10,907 1,037,079 186,271 110,610 198,584 CEA Research and Development Pty Ltd 700,271 Cirrus Real Time Processing Systems Pty Ltd 182,359 Clear Objective Pty Ltd 160,606 Compucat Research Pty Ltd 194,919 Corbett Research Pty Ltd 199,052 Coridon Pty Ltd 246,662 Cutting Edge Post Pty Ltd 148,524 Deuar Pty Ltd Downunder Geosolutions Pty Ltd Ecotech Pty Ltd Electro Optic Systems Pty Ltd Ellex Medical Pty Ltd 24,859 5,941 20,238 1,472,352 184,444 ERG R&D Pty Ltd 154,028 Ferra Engineering Pty Ltd 1,116,523 Fluorotechnics Pty Limited 80,637 G2 Inflammation Pty Ltd GBC Scientific Equipment Pty Ltd Gekko Systems Pty Ltd 258 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 74,580 551,002 820,894 Total Payments ($) Hemisphere GPS Aus Pty Ltd 558,483 Hollow Core Concrete Pty Ltd 34,619 Huon Aquaculture Company Pty Ltd 25,877 ITL Corporation Pty Ltd 327,285 J I Peston Pty Ltd 56,686 Jones & Rickard Pty Ltd 44,430 Laserbond Limited 113,703 Locata Corporation Pty Ltd 707,696 Medsaic Pty Ltd 103,644 Micromine Pty Ltd 131,714 Minelab Electronics Pty Ltd 154,635 Mt Romance Australia Pty Ltd 77,483 Nanosonics Limited 94,443 Petuna Pty Ltd t/a Petuna Seafoods 49 Plantic Technologies Ltd 106,175 Proserpine Co-operative Sugar Milling Association Ltd 238,632 Rojan Advanced Ceramics Pty Ltd 91,586 Saintech Pty Ltd 13,875 SEC Plating Pty Ltd 35,000 Setec Pty Ltd 67,633 SigNav Pty Ltd 488,143 SIRTeX Medical Ltd 168,066 Trackaxle Limited 93,650 Two Rocks Abalone Pty Ltd 35,639 Universal Biosensors Pty Ltd 589,809 Veem Engineering Group Pty Ltd 129,283 Zestwin Pty Ltd 30,050 Total 12,711,511 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 259 APPENDICES Organisation APPENDIX Q BIOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION FUND (BIF) PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table Q1 BIF program payments by state and territory, 2007-08 Table Q2 BIF program grant payments by company, 2007-08 260 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 State/Territory Value ($) Per cent of Total (%) 13,127 100 VIC 0 0 QLD 0 0 SA 0 0 WA 0 0 TAS 0 0 ACT 0 0 NT 0 0 13,127 100 NSW Total Note: The total figure represents the value of payments made during the year and does not include any amounts that may have been repaid Table Q2 BIF program grant payments by company, 2007-08 Organisation Grant Payments ($) Microbial Screening Technologies Pty Ltd 13,127 Total 13,127 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 261 APPENDICES Table Q1 BIF program payments by state and territory, 2007-08 APPENDIX R INDUSTRY COOPERATIVE INNOVATION PROGRAM (ICIP) BREAKDOWN Table R1 ICIP grant agreements executed by state and territory, 2007-08 Table R2 ICIP grant payments by state and territory, 2007-08 Table R3 ICIP grant agreements executed by company, 2007-08 Table R4 ICIP grant payments by company, 2007-08 262 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 State/Territory Number Value ($) NSW 5 3,492,002 VIC 2 2,993,344 QLD 1 234,465 SA 1 299,954 WA 0 0 TAS 1 900,000 ACT 1 880,238 NT 0 0 Total 11 8,800,003 Table R2 ICIP grant payments by state and territory, 2007-08 State/Territory NSW VIC QLD Total Payments ($) Per cent of Total (%) 2,649,403 59 670,596 15 89,773 2 SA 137,862 3 WA 0 0 TAS 75,000 2 ACT 655,157 14 NT Total 248,518 5 4,526,309 100 Note: The total figure represents the value of the payments made during the year and does not include any amounts that may have been repaid. INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 263 APPENDICES Table R1 ICIP grant agreements executed by state and territory, 2007-08 Table R3 ICIP grant agreements executed by company 2007-08 Agreed Grant Funding ($) Expected Completion Date 234,465 31-Dec-08 2,383,344 31-Dec-10 803,000 30-Nov-10 650,121 30-Jun-10 A new standard in consumer medicine information access 880,238 21-May-09 Establishing an Australian TMC location table 610,000 31-Dec-09 Measurement of Outdoor Visibility First "eyes-only" measurement and Exposure Pty Ltd tool for outdoor media 827,299 31-Aug-08 Applicant Activity ACYTE Biotech Pty Ltd Rapid expression and production of monoclonal antibodies Australian Manufacturing Technology Institute Ltd AMTIL - LYNX Project Building Products Innovation Council Limited Buildings and the Environment: Full Life Cycle Assessment Dayang Electronic Manufacturing Pty Ltd Total Engineering and Manufacturing Working, TEAMwork Pty Ltd Intelligent Transport Systems Australia Inc (ITS) Onesteel Manufacturing Pty Ltd Realising Community Benefits from Improved Building Regulations 844,300 31-Dec-10 Water Services Association of Australia Limited Expanding markets for reuse water by innovative treatment 299,954 30-Jun-10 Welding Technology Institute of Australia Design, Maintain, and Repair Critical Road and Rail Bridges 367,282 31-Dec-10 Wine Industry Tasmania Ltd Improving Australian Sparkling Wines and Pinot Noir 900,000 30-Jun-11 8,800,003 Total 264 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Organisation Grant Payments ($) ACYTE Biotech Pty Ltd 57,116 Australian Barramundi Culture Pty Ltd 248,518 Australian Council of Building Design Professions Ltd 33,564 Australian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers Association 13,509 Australian Manufacturing Technology Institute Ltd 118,364 Australian Pipeline Industry Association 119,030 Australian Pork Limited 129,048 Avocados Australia Ltd 32,657 Biosignal Limited 177,970 Building Products Innovation Council Limited 144,192 Cement, Concrete & Aggregrates Australia 57,718 Dayang Electronic Manufacturing Pty Ltd 223,973 Digital Radio Broadcasting Australia Pty Ltd 594,696 EP Group Pty Ltd 161,474 Global Innovation Centre Pty Ltd 5,304 Pty Ltd 393,570 Intelligent Transport Systems Australia Inc (ITS) 87,500 ITECplace Pty Ltd 127,238 m.Net Corporation Limited 96,109 Measurement of Outdoor Visibility and Exposure Pty Ltd 624,752 MRI (Aust) Pty Ltd 174,397 National Association of Steel-Framed Housing Inc. 68,155 Onesteel Manufacturing Pty Ltd 96,327 Science Industry Australia Inc 41,074 The Reinvention Network International Pty Ltd 6,900 Tooling Australia 15,000 Water Services Association of Australia Limited 41,753 Welding Technology Institute of Australia 561,401 Wine Industry Tasmania Ltd 75,000 Total 4,526,309 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 265 APPENDICES Table R4 ICIP grant payments by company, 2007-08 APPENDIX S PHARMACEUTICALS PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM (P3) BREAKDOWN Table S1 P3 grant agreements executed by state and territory, 2007-08 Table S2 P3 grant payments by state and territory, 2007-08 Table S3 P3 grant agreements executed by company, 2007-08 Table S4 P3 grant payments by company, 2007-08 266 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 State/ Territory Number Value ($) NSW 2 10,854,857 VIC 2 10,762,488 QLD 2 6,560,692 SA 0 0 WA 0 0 TAS 0 0 ACT 0 0 NT 0 0 Total 6 28,178,037 Note: The figures represent the Head Office location of the companies and may not represent the location in Australia where the research and development activity is taking place. Table S2 P3 payments by state/territory, 2007-08 State/ Territory Total Payments ($) Per cent of Total (%) NSW 13,713,313 56 VIC 7,992,125 32 QLD 2,853,894 12 SA 0 0 WA 0 0 TAS 0 0 ACT 0 0 NT 0 0 24,559,332 100 Total Note: The figures represent the Head Office location of the companies and may not represent the location in Australia where the research and development activity is taking place. INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 267 APPENDICES Table S1 P3 agreements executed by state and territory, 2007-08 Table S3 P3 agreements executed by company, 2007-08 Agreed Grant ($) Planned Completion Date Arana Therapeutics Ltd For developing and providing antibody and peptide-based human therapeutic products for the treatment of cancer and inflammatory diseases. 6,607,071 30-Jun-09 GlaxoSmithKline Australia Pty Ltd For research in areas including Alzheimer's, neuropathic pain, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hepatitis B, neurology, immunology, migraine, asthma and respiratory medicine, and oncology and rheumatology. 7,561,174 30-Jun-09 Janssen-Cilag Pty Ltd For clinical trials of an innovative anti-HIV cell-delivered gene transfer product and Phase I, II and III research in neurosciences, oncology, haematology, infectious diseases, cardiovascular disorders and immunology. 4,247,786 30-Jun-09 Progen Pharmaceuticals Ltd For development of novel compounds as therapeutics (including antiangiogenic compound PI-88) for the treatment of cancer and other serious diseases. 4,625,144 30-Jun-09 Tissue Therapies Limited For its portfolio of projects involving bio-pharmaceutical manufacturing for clinical trials; development of new woundhealing products, and new therapies for cancer metastasis and atherosclerosis 1,935,548 30-Jun-09 Vital Health Sciences Pty Ltd For the development of proprietary drug delivery technology for the transdermal delivery of drugs as well as extension of the technology to oral drug delivery; and proprietary lead compounds for treating atherosclerosis/metabolic syndrome and cancer. 3,201,314 30-Jun-09 28,178,037 Organisation Activity Total Note: Companies receiving funding under the Pharmaceuticals Partnership Program are undertaking eligible pharmaceutical R&D activity under P3. 268 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Organisation Total Payments ($) Acrux DDS Pty Ltd 826,279 Arana Therapeutics Ltd 1,054,966 CBio Limited 1,497,701 ChemGenex Pharmaceuticals Ltd 1,329,309 CSL Limited 2,654,343 GlaxoSmithKline Australia Pty Ltd 1,686,039 Hospira Australia Pty Ltd 1,411,405 Janssen-Cilag Pty Ltd 2,962,257 Merck Sharp & Dohme (Australia) Pty Ltd 2,580,619 Peplin Operations Pty Ltd 1,356,193 Pfizer Pty Ltd 5,794,887 PharmAxis Ltd 1,320,584 Starpharma Pty Ltd 84,750 Total 24,559,332 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 269 APPENDICES Table S4 P3 payments by company, 2007-08 APPENDIX T (ACIS STAGE 2) MOTOR VEHICLE PRODUCER (MVP) R&D SCHEME BREAKDOWN Table T1 MVP R&D scheme grant agreements - current commitments, 2007-08 Table T2 MVP R&D scheme grant payments by company, 2007-08 270 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Round 1 Recipient Activity Ford Motor Company of Australia Ltd State of the Art Engine Initiatives for the Ford Falcon and Territory Ranges 27,977,797 Smart Architecture Development 4,687,367 GM Holden Ltd Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Ltd ACIS Duty Credits Fuel Economy and Emissions Improvement 1,833,300 Safety and Intelligent Systems 1,050,300 Toyota Software Development Project 4,248,180 Total 39,796,944 Note: Total Round 1 ACIS duty credit commitments approved were 41.36m. The value of the current commitment is reduced following the approval of variations to several projects. Round 2 Recipient Ford Motor Company of Australia Ltd GM Holden Ltd Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Ltd Activity ACIS Duty Credits New Ford Territory model powered by State of the Art Alternative Fuel Engine Technology 47,022,203 E8 Platform Expansion Hybrid Power Train Development 23,565,600 Fuel Economy and Alternate Fuels 17,499,780 Human Machine Interface Development 1,080,000 Global Smart Architecture and Design Process 6,156,000 Toyota SCON Vehicle Development Project Total 5,151,060 100,474,643 Note: Under the MVP R&D Scheme, the total value of an individual MVP's assistance cannot exceed 75 million credits. As a result, Ford Motor Company of Australia's round 2 credit allocation has been limited to 47,022,203 credits. Table T2 MVP R&D scheme grant payments by company, 2007-08 Organisation ACIS Duty Credits Ford Motor Company of Australia Ltd 7,796,462 GM Holden Ltd 5,632,435 Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Ltd 1,527,042 Total 14,955,939 Note: MVP R&D Scheme provides benefits in the form of ACIS duty credits. INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 271 APPENDICES Table T1 MVP R&D scheme grant agreements - current commitments, 2007-08 APPENDIX U ADMINISTRATION BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP1 Appendix U1 Innovation Australia Appendix U2 Tax Concession Committee Appendix U3 Commercialising Emerging Technologies/Industry Cooperative Innovation Program Committee Appendix U4Fund Management Committee Appendix U5 Venture Capital Committee Appendix U6 Pharmaceuticals Committee Appendix U7 Automotive Committee Appendix U8 Biological Committee Appendix U9 Engineering and Manufacturing Committee Appendix U10 Information Technology and Telecommunications Committee Appendix U11 Renewable Energy Committee 1 Appointment of members to Innovation Australia and its Committees were made afresh upon the establishment of Innovation Australia on 27 September 2007. The former members of the Industry Research and Development (IR&D) Board (which included members of the former Venture Capital Registration Board) and its Committees were appointed to the new Board structure. Appointment dates appearing in the following Appendix reflect the terms of members' appointments to Innovation Australia and its Committees. Details of members' appointment terms to the IR&D Board and its Committees for the period 1 July 2007 - 26 September 2007 appear in the Innovation Australia - Activities of the Industry Research and Development Board Annual Report 2006-07 available on the AusIndustry website ( 272 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Chair Mr David Miles AM Term of Appointment 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 Lawyer and Company Director Members Mr Adrian Brien AM 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 Chairman & Managing Director, Adrian Brien Pty Ltd Ms Margaret Calvert1 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 Partner, Norcal Mr Roger Harley 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 Director, Fawkner Capital Management Pty Ltd The Hon William Hassell AM 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2009 Proprietor, Hassell Advisory Services Mr Leslie Hosking 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2009 Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, National Electricity Market Management Company Dr John Keniry AM 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2008 Chairman, Ridley Corporation Ms Elizabeth Lewis-Gray 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 Managing Director, Gekko Systems Pty Ltd Dr Deborah Rathjen 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2009 Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Bionomics Limited Dr Peter Riddles 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 Director, ViciBio Pty Ltd Dr Jonathan Spring2 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 Managing Director, CEOS Pty Ltd Mr Peter Thomas 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2008 Director, TFG International Mr Brian Watson 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 Executive Chairman, Georgica Associates Pty Ltd Mr Kenneth Windle 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2009 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Advent Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd Mr Bill Peel PSM Ex-officio appointment Executive General Manager, AusIndustry 1. Ms Calvert was first appointed to the IR&D Board on 19 July 2007. 2. Dr Spring was first appointed to the IR&D Board on 6 September 2007. INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 273 APPENDICES Appendix U1 Innovation Australia Appendix U2 Tax Concesssion Committee Chair Term of Appointment Mr Peter Thomas Director, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2008 TFG International Members Mr Ric Clark Vice President, Technology Strategy and Architecture, 27 September 2007 to 14 March 2010 Alacatel – Lucent Australasia Professor Jim Galvin1 Galvin and Associates 27 September 2007 to 8 May 2008 Dr Douglas Hawley Managing Director, 27 September 2007 to 14 December 2009 Hellay Australia Pty Ltd Mr Malcolm McBratney Partner, 27 September 2007 to 11 April 2009 McCullough Robertson Lawyers Professor Mary O’Kane Principal, 27 September 2007 to 15 July 2010 Mary O’Kane and Associates Pty Ltd Mr Chris Birch General Manager, Research, Development and Commercialisation Branch, AusIndustry 1. Professor Galvin was reappointed for a second term from 26 June 2008 to 25 June 2011. 274 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Ex-officio appointment Chair Term of Appointment Ms Elizabeth Lewis-Gray Managing Director, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 Gekko Systems Pty Ltd Members Mr David Gaul President, 27 September 2007 to 13 June 2009 CEA Technologies Mr Marty Gauvin Group Managing Director, 27 September 2007 to 28 February 2009 Hostworks Ltd Ms Gail Geronimos Director, 27 September 2007 to 13 June 2009 Achaeus Group Pty Ltd Ms Fiona Pak-Poy General Partner, 27 September 2007 to 22 June 2009 Innovation Capital Limited Mr Peter Shelley Company Director Dr Geoffrey Vaughan AO Company Director 27 September 2007 to 28 February 2009 27 September 2007 to 28 February 2009 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 275 APPENDICES Appendix U3 Commercialising Emerging Technologies/Industry Cooperative Innovation Program (COMET/ICIP) Committee Appendix U4Fund Management Committee1 Chair Term of Appointment Mr Leslie Hosking Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, 28 August 2006 to 26 September 2007 National Electricity Market Management Company Members Mr Adrian Brien AM Chairman & Managing Director, 22 December 2006 to 26 September 2007 Adrian Brien Pty Ltd Mr Nicholas Callinan Managing Director, 9 May 2005 to 26 September 2007 Collins Hill Pty Ltd Ms Margaret Calvert Legal Advisor 17 January 2007 to 26 September 2007 Mr Roger Harley Director, 25 March 2006 to 26 September 2007 Fawkner Capital Management Pty Ltd Ms Tina McMeckan Executive Director, 9 May 2005 to 26 September 2007 Riverside Australia Pty Ltd Mr Brian Watson Executive Chairman, 22 December 2006 to 26 September 2007 Georgica Associates Pty Ltd 1. The Fund Management Committee was revoked on 26 September 2007 and replaced with the Venture Capital Committee. 276 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Co-Chairs Term of Appointment Mr Leslie Hosking Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2009 National Electricity Market Management Company Mr Brian Watson Executive Chairman, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 Georgica Associates Pty Ltd Members Mr Adrian Brien AM Chairman & Managing Director, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 Adrian Brien Pty Ltd Mr Nicholas Callinan Managing Director, 27 September 2007 to 8 May 2008 Collins Hill Pty Ltd Ms Margaret Calvert Partner, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 Norcal Mr Roger Harley Director, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 Fawkner Capital Management Pty Ltd 1. The Venture Capital Committee was established under Innovation Australia on 27 September 2007. INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 277 APPENDICES Appendix U5 Venture Capital Committee1 Appendix U6 Pharmaceuticals Committee Chair Term of Appointment Mr Kenneth Windle Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2009 Advent Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd Members Mr Paul Bell Board Member, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2009 Biota Holdings Pty Ltd, GroPep Ltd Professor John Funder AO Professor Department of Medicine, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2009 Monash University Dr Suzanne Lipe Chief Operating Officer, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2009 Norwood Immunology Ltd Dr George Moore Director, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2009 Genkimed Pty Ltd Dr Ian Pitman Consultant 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2009 Professor Susan Tett Professor, School of Pharmacy, The University of Queensland 278 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2009 Chair Term of Appointment The Hon Bill Hassell AM Proprietor, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2009 Hassell Advisory Services Members Mr David Chapman Executive Director, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 Klayptus Pty Ltd Professor Colin Hansen Professor of the School of Mechanical Engineering, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 University of Adelaide Dr Ian Sare Deputy Chief Defence Scientist (Aerospace), 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 Defence Science and Technology Organisation Professor Harry Watson Professor and Personal Chair, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 University of Melbourne Mr Paul Sexton General Manager, Customer Services, Ex-officio appointment AusIndustry INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 279 APPENDICES Appendix U7 Automotive Committee Appendix U8 Biological Committee Chair Term of Appointment Dr Peter Riddles Director, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 ViciBio Pty Ltd Members Dr Roger Aston Executive Chairman, 27 September 2007 to 1 June 2010 HalcyGen Limited Dr Jennifer Marty Director, 27 September 2007 to 8 August 2010 JayMart Pty Ltd Dr Ian Pitman Consultant 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2009 Dr Greg Roger Chief Executive Officer, 27 September 2007 to 1 June 2010 Advanced Surgical Design and Manufacture Ltd Dr Colin Sutton Director, 27 September 2007 to 8 May 2008 Mission Pty Ltd Dr Sandra Webb Consultant, 27 September 2007 to 16 January 2010 Sandra Webb and Associates 280 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Chair Term of Appointment Dr John Keniry AM Chairman, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2008 Ridley Corporation Members Dr Ross Fardon1 Managing Director 27 September 2007 to 30 June 2010 Fardon & Associates Pty Ltd Dr Bruce Godfrey Principal and Director, 27 September 2007 to 16 January 2010 Wyld Group Pty Ltd Ms Julie Garland McLellan Principal, 27 September 2007 to 1 June 2010 McLellan Pty Ltd Mr Peter Janssen Managing Director, 27 September 2007 to 10 August 2010 Baryon Pty Limited Mr Tony Dage Managing Director, 27 September 2007 to 23 November 2008 Sagamore Technologies Dr Bruce Whan Director, 27 September 2007 to 9 October 2009 Swinburne Knowledge 1. Dr Fardon was first appointed to the IR&D Board’s Engineering and Manufacturing Committee on 1 July 2007. INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 281 APPENDICES Appendix U9 Engineering and Manufacturing Committee Appendix U10 Information Technology and Telecommunications Committee Chair Term of Appointment Dr Jonathan Spring1 Managing Director, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 CEOS Pty Ltd Members Mr Allan Aaron Executive Director, 27 September 2007 to 10 August 2010 Technology Venture Partners Pty Ltd Mr Matthew Callahan Investment Director – IIF, 27 September 2007 to 10 August 2010 Foundation Capital Dr Chris Nicol Chief Technology Officer, Embedded Systems, 27 September 2007 to 11 December 2009 National ICT Australia Mr Steve Telburn General Manager, 27 September 2007 to 1 June 2010 Offspring Ventures Pty Ltd Mr Richard White Chief Executive Officer, 27 September 2007 to 22 January 2010 CargoWise . 1. Dr Spring was first appointed to the IR&D Board’s IT&T Committee on 6 September 2007 Note: Mr Alex Hartman was a member of the IR&D Board’s IT&T Committee from 1 July 2007 to 26 September 2007. 282 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Chair Term of Appointment Dr John Keniry AM Chairman, 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2008 Ridley Corporation Ltd Members Dr Bruce Godfrey Principal and Director, 27 September 2007 to 11 July 2008 Wyld Group Pty Ltd Mr Wesley Stein Manager Renewable Energy, 27 September 2007 to 31 March 2008 CSIRO Division of Energy Technology Mr Adrian Chegwidden Manager, 27 September 2007 to 11 July 2008 Verve Energy Ms Lindley Edwards Chief Executive Officer, 27 September 2007 to 31 March 2008 The Venture Group Limited Mr Stephen Oxley Assistant Secretary, Renewable Energy Branch, former Australian Greenhouse Office, Ex-officio appointment (now Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts) Ms Sarah Clough General Manager, Energy and Environment Division, Ex-officio appointment former Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, (now Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism) INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 283 APPENDICES Appendix U11 Renewable Energy Committee APPENDIX V LEGAL MATTERS/LITIGATION Table V1 Current litigation matters Table V2 Litigation matters completed 284 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 During 2007-08 financial year, Innovation Australia was involved in a total of seven matters in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) relating to the R&D Tax Concession Program. Four new applications for AAT review were received during the year. Two AAT matters were withdrawn by the Applicant. Table V1 Current litigation matters Current cases as at 30 June 2008 Supreme Court Federal Court Administrative Appeals Tribunal Board as appellant/applicant 0 0 0 Board as respondent 0 0 5 Table V2 Litigation matters completed Completed cases as at 30 June 2008 Supreme Court Federal Court Administrative Appeals Tribunal Board as appellant/applicant 0 0 0 Board as respondent 0 0 2 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 285 APPENDICES DECISIONS BY COURTS AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS TRIBUNAL APPENDIX W MARKETING Table W1 Speaking engagements/formal presentations 2007-08 Table W2Media announcements 2007-08 286 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 APPENDICES Table W1 Speaking engagements/formal presentations 2007-08 Date 08/04/08 Event Innovation Australia showcase event Location Speaker Melbourne David Miles INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 287 Table W2 Media announcements 2007-08 11 July 2007 Tax Concession Changes Boost Australian R&D (Macfarlane) 2 August 2007 New Magnesium Casting Process A Boost For Auto Industry (MacFarlane) 8 August 2007 Newcastle Technology To Help Clean-Coal Objective (Baldwin) 11 August 2007 Victorian R&D A Shining Light In An Emergency (Macfarlane) 11 August 2007 TAS Innovation To Help Manage Chronic Disease (MacFarlane) 11 August 2007 No More Needles For People With Type Ii Diabetes (MacFarlane) 11 August 2007 SA Technology To Help People With Autism Communicate (MacFarlane) 11 August 2007 WA Company Develops New Public Security System (MacFarlane) 16 August 2007 Innovation Australia Board To Be Established (Macfarlane) 26 August 2007 $5 Million To Give Bright Idea Commercial Lift (Macfarlane) 27 August 2007 $3 Million For SA Geothermal Energy Project (Macfarlane/Turnbull) 3 September 2007 Start-Ups, Research Spin-Offs To Benefit As Commercial Ready Plus Opens (Macfarlane) 6 October 2007 Commercial Lift For Victorian Aerospace Manufacturer (Macfarlane) 11 October 2007 Commercial Lift For Victorian Aerospace Manufacturer (Macfarlane) 13 October 2007 Kick-Start For Innovative Solar Project (Macfarlane) 13 October 2007 Market Lift For Innovative Planting System (Macfarlane) 19 December 2007 Applications Called For Innovation Investment Fund Round Three Tranche Two (Carr) 21 December 2007 $8 Million In Government Innovation Grants For Two Renewable Energy Projects (Carr) 30 January 2008 South Australia Innovation To Capture Water Resource (Carr) 30 January 2008 NSW R&D Reducing Harmful Petrol Vapours (Carr) 30 January 2008 Aussie Projects Help With Olympic Games and Counterfeiting (Carr) 30 January 2008 TAS Device To Help Patients Deliver And Monitor Medicines (Carr) 30 January 2008 Queensland Innovation Tests Babies' Hearing (Carr) 30 January 2008 Commercial Ready Grant A Boost For Canberra Company (Carr) 30 January 2008 Innovative WA Process To Ensure Lobster Is On More Menus (Carr) 30 January 2008 VIC R&D To Prevent Counterfeit Packaging (Carr) 21 February 2008 Tassie Company Offered $1.8 Million For Geothermal Energy Project (Carr) 17 March 2008 WA Safety System To Keep Railway Industry On Track (Carr) 17 March 2008 Rainwater Storage System A Boon In Drought Areas (Carr) 17 March 2008 Small Boat Safety Targeted With $1.189 Million Grant (Carr) 17 March 2008 Hi-Tech Evaporator To Benefit A Number Of Industries (Carr) 17 March 2008 Canberra Company Builds On Software To Close Loopholes (Carr) 17 March 2008 Remote Areas To Benefit From Desalination Technology (Carr) 17 March 2008 Ultrasonic Cleaning Device A Boost For Sa Wine Industry (Carr) 17 March 2008 Innovation Projects Awarded $23 Million in funding (Carr) 20 March 2008 $20 Million For New Life Science Fund (Carr) 9 April 2008 SA Companies Highlight Innovation Talent At Gala Night (Carr) 28 April 2008 Innovation Projects Awarded $12.1Million In Government Funding (Carr) 28 April 2008 Company Awarded R&D Grant To Develop Cleaner Engine (Carr) 288 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 1.How to contact Innovation Australia: By telephone AusIndustry Innovation Australia Secretariat Telephone Number: (02) 6213 7400 Fax Number: (02) 6213 7677 By email [email protected] By post Innovation Australia GPO Box 2704 CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 2.For further information about the Innovation Australia and its programs please visit our website: or contact the AusIndustry hotline 13 28 46 or contact a Customer Service Manager in your state or territory as listed below: INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 289 CONTACT DETAILS CONTACT DETAILS AusIndustry offices Telephone Facsimile 13 28 46 (02) 6213 7644 AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Industry House 10 Binara Street GPO Box 9839 CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 Email: [email protected] NEW SOUTH WALES Level 5 (02) 9226 6000 341 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 GPO Box 9839 SYDNEY NSW 2001 Email: [email protected] Sydney Metro and Western Sydney Region (02) 9226 6064 (02) 9226 6002 or (02) 9226 6001 Regional offices Wollongong – Illawarra and South Coast Region (02) 4254 5534 (02) 4225 2607 (02) 4960 3823 (02) 4960 3847 (02) 6761 3624 (02) 6761 3571 (02) 6921 1828 (02) 6921 6415 (03) 9268 7555 (03) 9268 7599 (03) 5320 5960 (03) 5331 7973 Suite 1, Crown Tower Terrace Level, 200 Crown Street PO Box 5427 WOLLONGONG NSW 2520 Newcastle – Hunter Region IDC Hunter Building University Drive CALLAGHAN NSW 2083 PO Box 189 HUNTER REGION MC NSW 2310 Tamworth – New England region Level 1, 307 Peel Street PO Box 920 TAMWORTH NSW 2340 Wagga Wagga – South West NSW 48 Fitzmaurice Street PO Box 5761 WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 VICTORIA KPMG House, Level 9 161 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 GPO Box 85 MELBOURNE VIC 3001 Email: [email protected] Regional Offices Ballarat – Western Region 48 Sturt Street PO Box 511 BALLARAT VIC 3353 290 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Telephone Facsimile Bendigo – Northern Region (03) 5442 4199 (03) 5441 8941 (03) 5174 7604 (03) 5174 6094 (08) 8406 4700 (08) 8406 4717 (08) 8723 1057 (08) 8725 8949 (08) 8641 2563 (08) 8641 1823 (08) 8941 6261 (08) 8941 5603 (03) 6230 9900 (03) 6230 9901 (03) 6331 4183 (03) 6331 3452 CONTACT DETAILS AusIndustry offices 46 Edward Street BENDIGO VIC 3550 PO Box 1332 BENDIGO CENTRAL VIC 3552 Traralgon – Gippsland Region 4/24 Breed Street PO Box 1875 TRARALGON VIC 3844 SOUTH AUSTRALIA/NORTHERN TERRITORY Level 11, Terrace Towers 178 North Terrace ADELAIDE SA 5000 GPO Box 9839 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Email: [email protected] Regional Offices Mount Gambier – Southern Region Old Town Hall Commercial Street East PO Box 1537 MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290 Port Augusta – Northern Region Port Augusta Business Centre 500 Stirling Road PO Box 421 PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 DARWIN Ground Floor, Development House 76 The Esplanade PO Box 4816 DARWIN NT 0801 TASMANIA Level 4, AMP Building 86 Collins Street HOBART TAS 7000 GPO Box 9839 HOBART TAS 7001 Email: [email protected] Regional Office Launceston – Northern Region Level 1, Cornwall Square 12-16 St John Street PO Box 823 LAUNCESTON TAS 7000 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 291 AusIndustry offices Telephone Facsimile (07) 3227 4700 (07) 3227 4730 (07) 5503 1476 (07) 5503 1628 QUEENSLAND Level 12 100 Creek Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 GPO Box 9839 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Email: [email protected] Regional Offices Gold Coast – Southern Region Level 1, 26 Marine Parade PO Box 1448 SOUTHPORT BC QLD 4215 Townsville – Northern Region (07) 3227 4716 1st Floor Enterprise House Cnr The Strand and Sir Leslie Thiess Drive PO Box 326 TOWNSVILLE QLD 481 Queensland Central Region (07) 4151 0660 (07) 4151 0708 (08) 9287 3500 (08) 9287 3511 (08) 9721 8216 (08) 9721 7584 205 Bourbong Street GPO Box 1386 BUNDABERG QLD 4670 WESTERN AUSTRALIA Level 25, St Martins Tower 44 St Georges Terrace GPO Box 9839 PERTH WA 6000 Email: [email protected] Regional Office Bunbury – South West Region Podium level, Bunbury Tower 61 Victoria Street PO Box 2488 BUNBURY WA 6231 292 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 A ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics ACIS Automotive Competitiveness Investment Scheme AFOF Australian Venture Capital Fund of Funds ACN Australian Company Number AGO Australian Greenhouse Office AIMS Australian Institute of Marine Science ANAO Australian National Audit Office ANSTO Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ANZSIC Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification ASRC Australian Standard Research Classification ATO Australian Taxation Office B BAA Backing Australia’s Ability (Statement of former Australian Government innovation policy Jan 2001) BERD Business Expenditure on Research and Development BIF Biotechnology Innovation Fund C CRC Cooperative Research Centre COMET Commercialising Emerging Technologies program CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation D Department of Innovation Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research DSTO Defence Science and Technology Organisation INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 293 ACRONYM INDEX ACRONYM INDEX E EGM Executive General Manager (AusIndustry) E&M Committee Engineering and Manufacturing Committee ESC Early stage commercialisation ESVCLP Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Program F FMCFund Management Committee G GST Goods and Services Tax I IAccP Innovation Access Program-Industry ICIP Industry Cooperative Innovation Program IIF Innovation Investment Fund IR&D Industry research and development IT&T Committee Information Technology and Telecommunications Committee L LP Limited Partnership M MOUMemorandum of Understanding MVPMotor Vehicle Producer MVP R&D Scheme (ACIS Stage 2) Motor Vehicle Producer R&D Scheme P P3 Pharmaceuticals Partnerships program PDF Pooled Development Fund PDFRB Pooled Development Fund Registration Board PoC Proof of concept PSF Pre-Seed Fund R R&D 294 Research and development ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 Renewable Energy Committee REDI Renewable Energy Development Initiative REEF Renewable Energy Equity Fund RRA Registered Research Agency ACRONYM INDEX RE Committee S SMEs Small and medium sized enterprises T TCC Tax Concession Committee TCACG Tax Concession Administration Consultative Group V VC Venture Capital VCC Venture Capital Committee VCEs Venture Capital Entities VCLP Venture Capital Limited Partnerships VCRB Venture Capital Registration Board INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 295 INDEX A (ACIS Stage 2) Motor Vehicle Producer (MVP) R&D Scheme 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 94-96, 105, 107, 160, 162, 164, 166, 270 Automotive Committee 196, 101, 105, 107, 279 Acronym Index 293 Appendices 123-288 At a glance 13-20 Auraya Solutions – COMET 41 AusIndustry Small Grants Committee 115 Australian Automotive Review 1, 107 Australian Greenhouse Office 56, 102 Australian Taxation Office 6, 24, 30, 31, 67, 101, 117 Australian Venture Capital Fund of Funds (AFOF) 59, 64 B Backing Australia’s Ability 23, 70, 81, 84 Biofusion Capital Pty Ltd – Pooled Development Fund 68 Biological committee 74, 83, 85, 86, 101, 105, 111, 112, 280 Biological committee membership 280 Biotechnology Innovation Fund (BIF) 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 84-86, 100, 101, 105, 111, 260 financial breakdown 260 grants 260 C Chairman’s Report 1 Commercial Ready Plus 2, 10, 70, 71, 74, 99, 101, 105, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116 Commercial Ready Program 2, 10, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 70-75, 77, 81, 84, 99, 101, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 125, 158, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 228-252 296 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 INDEX sectoral committee 74, 83, 101, 111-116 committee membership 272-283 financial breakdown 228-252 grants 228-252 Commercialising Emerging Technologies (COMET) Program 3, 6-7, 14, 18, 19, 35-43, 99, 101, 105, 107-109, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 167 committee 107-109, 275 committee membership 275 customer profiles 40-43 financial breakdown 191-211 grants 191-211 Committees Board and committee membership 272-283 Contacts 289-292 Corporate Governance Code of conduct 154 Conflict of Interest 155-157 Customers 13-18 D Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Resources 1, 3, 11, 14, 30, 31, 47, 91, 96, 98, 100, 102, 105, 107, 108, 117, 118 Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 102, 283 E Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnerships 9, 63-64, 221-222 Engineering and Manufacturing Committee 74, 83, 101, 105, 111, 114, 125, 281 Engineering and Manufacturing Committee Membership 281 F Finance Assistance provided by the Board 13-20 Commercial Ready Program 71 BIF program 85 COMET program 36 ICIP program 87 IIF program 45 Pharmaceuticals Partnerships Program 90 Pre-Seed Fund Program 52 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 297 Program by program breakdown 159-167 R&D Start Program 82 R&D Tax Concession Program 23 REDI Program 77 REEF (57 Functions 97 Fund Management Committee 118 G GBS Venture Partners – IIF 46, 49 H Highlights 5 I Industry Cooperative Innovation Program (ICIP) 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 22, 87-89, 101, 105, 107, 108, 109, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167 COMET/ICIP Committee 101, 105, 107-109 Committee membership 275 Financial breakdown 88 Grants 262-265 Industry Research and Development Act 1986 xiii, 23, 39, 74, 80, 83, 85, 96, 98, 116, 155 Innovation Australia 97-106 Board’s structure 105 Overview 97 Functions 97 Membership 273 Mission statement xiii Vision statement xiii Infomedia – R&D Tax Concession 34 Information Technology and Telecommunications Committee 74, 83, 101, 105, 111, 113, 125, 282 Information Technology and Telecommunications Committee Membership 282 Innovation Investment Fund 2, 7, 22, 44-50 Financial breakdown 45 Investment breakdown 212-213 298 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 INDEX L Legal matters 284-285 Letter of Transmittal iii M Marketing and promotion (ACIS Stage 2) MVP R&D Scheme 96 COMET Program 39 Commercial Ready Program 75 ESVCLP 64 ICIP 89 IIF 48 Media releases 288 Pooled Development Fund 67 P3 93 PSF 54 R&D Tax Concession 23 REDI program 80 REEF 58 Speaking engagements/customer events and formal presentations 287 VCLP 60 O Our Programs 21-96 P Parkes Hydraulic Services – R&D Tax Concession 33 Pharmaceuticals Committee 109 Pharmaceuticals Committee membership 278 Pharmaceuticals Partnerships Program (P3) 3, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 90-93, 101, 105, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167 Financial breakdown 90 Grants 266-269 Pod Orthotic – COMET 42 Point Duty – COMET 43 Pooled Development Funds 9, 65, 69, 223-227 Pre-Seed Fund (PSF) 8, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 51-55, 100, 101, 105, 118, 119, 120 158-167 Financial breakdown 52 Investment breakdown 214-215 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 299 Programs Location of customers 18 Overview 14 Percentage of customers by industry sector 16 Program Evaluation Commercialising Emerging Technologies 3, 7 Pharmaceuticals Partnerships Program 3, 11-12, 91 R&D Tax Concession 31 R R&D Start Program 10-11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 70, 71, 81-83 Financial breakdown 82 Grants 257-259 R&D Tax Concession program 6, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23-34 175 per cent Premium 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 170-175 Australian Taxation Office 31 Customer profiles 33-34 Administration Consultative Group 33 Financial breakdown 168-176 R&D Tax Offset 6, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 170-175 R&D Syndication 30, 174 Registered Research Agencies 30, 176 Renewable Energy Committee 77, 80, 101, 105, 110, 111, 125, 283 Renewable Energy Committee membership 283 Renewable Energy Development Initiative (REDI) 10, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 71, 82, 85, 99, 101, 102, 105, 110, 111, 158-167 Financial breakdown 77 Grants 253-256 Renewable Energy Equity Fund (REEF) 8-9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 56-58, 99, 101, 102, 105, 118, 119, 158-167 Financial breakdown 57 Investment breakdown 216 Review of the National Innovation System 1 R&D Syndication 30, 174 300 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08 INDEX S SciVentures – Pre-seed Fund 55 Sectoral Committees 74, 75, 83, 101, 111-115, 116 Biological Committee 112 Engineering and Manufacturing Committee 114 Information Technology and Telecommunications Committee 113 Start-up Australia Ventures – IIF 50 T Tax Concession Committee (TCC) 30, 32, 101, 105, 116, 125, 274 Tax Concession Committee Membership 274 V Venture Capital Committee 3, 46, 47, 118, 276, 277 Venture Capital Entities 65, 118 Venture Capital Limited Partnerships 9, 22, 59-62, 101, 105, 118, 217-220 W Waterfind – COMET 40 Windlab Systems – Venture Capital Limited Partnerships 61 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA 301 302 ANNUAL REPORT 2007–08
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