100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania
100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania
100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 1. 2. 3. 4. Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Reed Smith Reed Smith Centre, 225 Fifth Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-288-3131 / 412-288-3063 [email protected] www.reedsmith.com Philadelphia; Princeton, N.J.; New York; Washington, D.C.; Chicago; Falls Church and Richmond, Va.; Wilmington, Del.; Oakland, Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Century City, Calif.; Abu Dhabi and Dubai, UAE; London; Paris; Munich, Germany; Piraeus, Greece; Beijing and Hong Kong, China 323 $942 Pepper Hamilton 3000 Two Logan Square, 18th & Arch Sts. Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-981-4000 / 215-981-4750 [email protected] www.pepperlaw.com Berwyn, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wilmington, Del.; Princeton, N.J.; Washington, D.C.; New York; Boston; Detroit; Orange County, Calif. 302 Morgan Lewis & Bockius 1701 Market St. Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-963-5000 / 215-963-5001 [email protected] www.morganlewis.com Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, Pa.; Wilmington, Del.; New York; Princeton, N.J.; Chicago; Boston; Dallas and Houston, Texas; Irvine, San Francisco, Palo Alto and Los Angeles, Calif.; Miami; Minneapolis; London; Paris; Frankfurt, Germany; Brussells, Belgium; Beijing; Tokyo 299 Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney One Oxford Centre, 301 Grant St., 20th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-562-8800 / 412-562-1041 [email protected] www.buchananingersoll.com Harrisburg and Philadelphia, Pa.; Newark and Princeton, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; New York; Washington, D.C.; Alexandria, Va.; San Diego and Temecula/The Inland Empire, Calif.; Aventura, Miami and Tampa, Fla. 272 Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices $1,000,000 $660,000 $333 $716,000 Firm Management Gregory B. Jordan, Global Managing Partner; Ajay Raju, Office Managing Partner, Philadelphia; George L. Stewart, Office Managing Partner, Pittsburgh First-Year Associate Salary $110,000, Banking, Bankruptcy, Pittsburgh Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, $117,500, Labor & Employment, Philadelphia Health Care, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Products Liability, Taxation $1,234,249 $812,449 $265 $590,000 $595,000 Representative Clients Rank 2009 Tenet Healthcare 2. Corp.; Wells Fargo; Merck & Co. Inc.; The Bank of New York Mellon Corp.; Highmark Inc.; Federated Investors Inc. Robert E. Heideck, $105,000– Executive Partner; Nina M. $145,000 Gussack, Chairwoman of the Executive Committee Antitrust, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Intellectual Property, Litigation, Products Liability, Taxation Advent International Corporation; Eli Lilly and Company; Brandywine Realty Trust 1. J. Gordon Cooney Jr., Philadelphia Office Managing Partner; Francis Milone, Chairman, Thomas J. Sharbaugh, Managing Partner for Operations WND Antitrust, Business & Finance, Employee Benefits, Energy, Health Care, Intellectual Property, Investment Management, Labor & Employment, Litigation, Real Estate ARAMARK; HewlittPackard Development Co.; JPMorgan Chase & Co; SEI Investments 3. John A. Barbour, CEO & Board Chairman WND Banking, Bankruptcy, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Government Relations, Health Care, Intellectual Property, Real Estate, Taxation AmerisourceBergen Corp.; Arkema Inc.; Catholic Health East; Motorola Inc.; PNC Bank, N.A.; Reliant Energy 4. $688,000 $1,068 Practice Areas NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) PaLAW 2010 51 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 5. 6. 7. (tie) 7. (tie) Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin 1845 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-575-2600 / 215-575-0856 [email protected] www.marshalldennehey.com Bethlehem, King of Prussia, Doylestown, Erie, Harrisburg, Scranton, Williamsport and Pittsburgh, Pa.; Cherry Hill and Roseland, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Akron, Ohio; New York; Ft. Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Tampa and Orlando, Fla. Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL 238 WND Cozen O’Connor 237 1900 Market St. Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-665-2000 / 215-665-2013 [email protected] www.cozen.com Harrisburg and West Conshohocken, Pa.; Newark and Cherry Hill, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; New York; Washington, D.C.; Charlotte, N.C.; Atlanta; Chicago; Seattle; San Diego and Los Angeles, Calif.; Houston and Dallas, Texas; Denver; Toronto; London $290 Blank Rome One Logan Square, 130 N. 18th St. Philadelphia, PA 19103-6998 215-569-5500 / 215-569-5555 [email protected] www.BlankRome.com Princeton, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Washington, D.C.; New York; Cincinnati; Boca Raton, Fla.; Los Angeles; Hong Kong; Houston 233 $322 Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott 600 Grant St., 44th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-566-6000 / 412-566-6099 [email protected] www.eckertseamans.com Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Canonsburg (Southpointe) and West Chester, Pa.; Wilmington, Del.; Washington, D.C.; White Plains, N.Y.; Boston; Charleston, W.Va.; Richmond, Va. 233 Firm Management Thomas A. Brophy, President, CEO; Peter S. Miller, Chairman of the Board & COO; Philip B. Toran, Chairman of Executive Committee Thomas A. Decker, President and Chief $651,044.34 Executive Officer First-Year Associate Salary WND $135,000 $575,622.58 $665,000 $655,000 WND Carl M. Buchholz, Managing Partner & CEO; Alan J. Hoffman and T. Michael Dyer, Co-Chairmen; Gary R. Goldenberg, Finance Partner Timothy P. Ryan, CEO; Stephen R. Delinsky, Chairman of the Board of Directors $130,000 WND Practice Areas Representative Clients Insurance, Intellectual Property, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Health Care, Corporate & Securities, Products Liability, Workers’ Compensation, Labor & Employment, Professional Liability American Honda; ACE; Liberty Mutual; CNA Financial; Chartis; Zurich Commercial Litigation, Business & Finance, Intellectual Property, Labor & Employment, Health Care, Government Relations, Taxation, Real Estate, Insurance, Trusts & Estates Dow/Rohm and Haas; ARAMARK Corp.; ACE; Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania; Comcast Spectacor; Liberty Property Trust Banking, Commercial Litigation, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Health Care, Corporate & Securities, Intellectual Property, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Trusts & Estates SunGard Data Systems Inc.; Lyondell; Synthes; Lincoln National Corp.; DRA Advisors Bankruptcy, Business WND & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Energy, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Products Liability NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 52 PaLAW 2010 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 2009 Rank 6. 9. 5. 10. 8. 11. (tie) 10. 11. (tie) Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL K&L Gates 232 Henry W. Oliver Building, 535 Smithfield St. Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-355-6500 / 412-355-6501 [email protected] www.klgates.com Harrisburg, Pa.; Newark, N.J.; New York; Boston; Washington, D.C.; Charlotte, Raleigh and Research Triangle Park, N.C.; Chicago; Miami; Los Angeles, San Francisco, Orange County, San Diego and Palo Alto, Calif.; Dallas, Fort Worth and Austin, Texas; Seattle and Spokane, Wash.; Portland, Ore.; Anchorage, Alaska; London; Berlin; Moscow; Warsaw, Poland; Frankfurt, Germany; Paris; Tokyo; Beijing, Hong Kong and Shanghai, China; Singapore; Taipei, Taiwan; Dubai, UAE $1,034 Drinker Biddle & Reath One Logan Square, 18th & Cherry Sts. Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-988-2700 / 215-988-2757 [email protected] www.drinkerbiddle.com Berwyn, Pa.; Princeton and Florham Park, N.J.; New York and Albany, N.Y.; Wilmington, Del.; Washington, D.C.; Chicago; San Francisco and Los Angeles, Calif.; Milwaukee 221 $373 Dechert Cira Centre, 2929 Arch St. Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-994-4000 / 215-994-2222 [email protected] www.dechert.com Princeton, N.J.; New York; Boston; Hartford, Conn.; Charlotte, N.C.; Silicon Valley, San Francisco and Orange County, Calif.; Washington, D.C.; Austin, Texas; Belgium; London; Dublin, Ireland; Hong Kong; Luxembourg; Munich, Germany; Paris; Beijing; Moscow 208 Fox Rothschild 2000 Market St., 20th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-299-2000 / 215-299-2150 [email protected] www.foxrothschild.com Exton, Blue Bell, Pittsburgh and Doylestown, Pa.; Wilmington, Del.; Atlantic City, Roseland and Princeton, N.J.; New York; Stamford, Conn.; Las Vegas; Los Angeles and San Francisco, Calif.; West Palm Beach, Fla. 208 $861,168 $606,766 $605,000 Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Financial Services, ADR, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Government Relations, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Health Care, Real Estate Allegheny Technologies; E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co.; PPG Industries Inc.; Alcoa Inc.; Bank of America Corp.; Westinghouse Electric Co. 9. Andrew C. Kassner, Executive Partner; Alfred W. Putnam Jr., Chairman $130,000 Bankruptcy, Products Liability, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Health Care, Real Estate Johnson & Johnson; AT&T Mobility; Urban Outfitters; Agilent Technologies; General Electric Co.; Comcast Corp. 11. Barton J. Winokur, Chairman & CEO $145,000 Antitrust, Intellectual Property, Products Liability, Business and Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Criminal Defense, Bankruptcy, Labor & Employment, Taxation Merck & Co. Inc.; Crown 7. Holdings Inc.; Endo Pharmaceuticals; Dean Foods Company; AstraZeneca; PIMCO Mark Silow, Administrative Partner; Abraham C. Reich, Co-Chairman; Phillip E. Griffin, Co-Chairman $125,000 Family Law, Health Care, Bankruptcy, Intellectual Property, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Taxation, Labor & Employment, Trusts & Estates WND $910,000 $548,065 $512,896 Rank 2009 WND $1,960,000 $216.95 Representative Clients Peter J. Kalis, Chairman & Global Managing Partner; Michael G. Zanic, Administrative Partner, Pittsburgh $600,000 $713 Practice Areas 13. NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) PaLAW 2010 53 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 5. 6. 7. (tie) 7. (tie) Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin 1845 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-575-2600 / 215-575-0856 [email protected] www.marshalldennehey.com Bethlehem, King of Prussia, Doylestown, Erie, Harrisburg, Scranton, Williamsport and Pittsburgh, Pa.; Cherry Hill and Roseland, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Akron, Ohio; New York; Ft. Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Tampa and Orlando, Fla. Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL 238 WND Cozen O’Connor 237 1900 Market St. Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-665-2000 / 215-665-2013 [email protected] www.cozen.com Harrisburg and West Conshohocken, Pa.; Newark and Cherry Hill, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; New York; Washington, D.C.; Charlotte, N.C.; Atlanta; Chicago; Seattle; San Diego and Los Angeles, Calif.; Houston and Dallas, Texas; Denver; Toronto; London $290 Blank Rome One Logan Square, 130 N. 18th St. Philadelphia, PA 19103-6998 215-569-5500 / 215-569-5555 [email protected] www.BlankRome.com Princeton, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Washington, D.C.; New York; Cincinnati; Boca Raton, Fla.; Los Angeles; Hong Kong; Houston 233 $322 Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott 600 Grant St., 44th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-566-6000 / 412-566-6099 [email protected] www.eckertseamans.com Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Canonsburg (Southpointe) and West Chester, Pa.; Wilmington, Del.; Washington, D.C.; White Plains, N.Y.; Boston; Charleston, W.Va.; Richmond, Va. 233 Firm Management Thomas A. Brophy, President, CEO; Peter S. Miller, Chairman of the Board & COO; Philip B. Toran, Chairman of Executive Committee Thomas A. Decker, President and Chief $651,044.34 Executive Officer First-Year Associate Salary WND $135,000 $575,622.58 $665,000 $655,000 WND Carl M. Buchholz, Managing Partner & CEO; Alan J. Hoffman and T. Michael Dyer, Co-Chairmen; Gary R. Goldenberg, Finance Partner Timothy P. Ryan, CEO; Stephen R. Delinsky, Chairman of the Board of Directors $130,000 WND Practice Areas Representative Clients Insurance, Intellectual Property, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Health Care, Corporate & Securities, Products Liability, Workers’ Compensation, Labor & Employment, Professional Liability American Honda; ACE; Liberty Mutual; CNA Financial; Chartis; Zurich Commercial Litigation, Business & Finance, Intellectual Property, Labor & Employment, Health Care, Government Relations, Taxation, Real Estate, Insurance, Trusts & Estates Dow/Rohm and Haas; ARAMARK Corp.; ACE; Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania; Comcast Spectacor; Liberty Property Trust Banking, Commercial Litigation, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Health Care, Corporate & Securities, Intellectual Property, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Trusts & Estates SunGard Data Systems Inc.; Lyondell; Synthes; Lincoln National Corp.; DRA Advisors Bankruptcy, Business WND & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Energy, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Products Liability NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 52 PaLAW 2010 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 2009 Rank 6. 9. 5. 10. 8. 11. (tie) 10. 11. (tie) Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL K&L Gates 232 Henry W. Oliver Building, 535 Smithfield St. Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-355-6500 / 412-355-6501 [email protected] www.klgates.com Harrisburg, Pa.; Newark, N.J.; New York; Boston; Washington, D.C.; Charlotte, Raleigh and Research Triangle Park, N.C.; Chicago; Miami; Los Angeles, San Francisco, Orange County, San Diego and Palo Alto, Calif.; Dallas, Fort Worth and Austin, Texas; Seattle and Spokane, Wash.; Portland, Ore.; Anchorage, Alaska; London; Berlin; Moscow; Warsaw, Poland; Frankfurt, Germany; Paris; Tokyo; Beijing, Hong Kong and Shanghai, China; Singapore; Taipei, Taiwan; Dubai, UAE $1,034 Drinker Biddle & Reath One Logan Square, 18th & Cherry Sts. Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-988-2700 / 215-988-2757 [email protected] www.drinkerbiddle.com Berwyn, Pa.; Princeton and Florham Park, N.J.; New York and Albany, N.Y.; Wilmington, Del.; Washington, D.C.; Chicago; San Francisco and Los Angeles, Calif.; Milwaukee 221 $373 Dechert Cira Centre, 2929 Arch St. Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-994-4000 / 215-994-2222 [email protected] www.dechert.com Princeton, N.J.; New York; Boston; Hartford, Conn.; Charlotte, N.C.; Silicon Valley, San Francisco and Orange County, Calif.; Washington, D.C.; Austin, Texas; Belgium; London; Dublin, Ireland; Hong Kong; Luxembourg; Munich, Germany; Paris; Beijing; Moscow 208 Fox Rothschild 2000 Market St., 20th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-299-2000 / 215-299-2150 [email protected] www.foxrothschild.com Exton, Blue Bell, Pittsburgh and Doylestown, Pa.; Wilmington, Del.; Atlantic City, Roseland and Princeton, N.J.; New York; Stamford, Conn.; Las Vegas; Los Angeles and San Francisco, Calif.; West Palm Beach, Fla. 208 $861,168 $606,766 $605,000 Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Financial Services, ADR, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Government Relations, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Health Care, Real Estate Allegheny Technologies; E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co.; PPG Industries Inc.; Alcoa Inc.; Bank of America Corp.; Westinghouse Electric Co. 9. Andrew C. Kassner, Executive Partner; Alfred W. Putnam Jr., Chairman $130,000 Bankruptcy, Products Liability, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Health Care, Real Estate Johnson & Johnson; AT&T Mobility; Urban Outfitters; Agilent Technologies; General Electric Co.; Comcast Corp. 11. Barton J. Winokur, Chairman & CEO $145,000 Antitrust, Intellectual Property, Products Liability, Business and Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Criminal Defense, Bankruptcy, Labor & Employment, Taxation Merck & Co. Inc.; Crown 7. Holdings Inc.; Endo Pharmaceuticals; Dean Foods Company; AstraZeneca; PIMCO Mark Silow, Administrative Partner; Abraham C. Reich, Co-Chairman; Phillip E. Griffin, Co-Chairman $125,000 Family Law, Health Care, Bankruptcy, Intellectual Property, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Taxation, Labor & Employment, Trusts & Estates WND $910,000 $548,065 $512,896 Rank 2009 WND $1,960,000 $216.95 Representative Clients Peter J. Kalis, Chairman & Global Managing Partner; Michael G. Zanic, Administrative Partner, Pittsburgh $600,000 $713 Practice Areas 13. NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) PaLAW 2010 53 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Duane Morris 205 30 S. 17th St. Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-979-1000 / 215-979-1020 www.duanemorris.com Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, Pa.; Cherry Hill, Newark and Princeton, N.J.; Baltimore; New York; Washington, D.C.; Boston; Atlanta; Chicago; Boca Raton and Miami, Fla.; Houston; Las Vegas; Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco and Lake Tahoe, Calif.; Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, Vietnam; Singapore; London $387.5 John Soroko, Chairman $145,000 Ballard Spahr 1735 Market St., 51st Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103-7599 215-665-8500 / 215-864-8999 www.ballardspahr.com Voorhees, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Bethesda and Baltimore, Md.; Washington, D.C.; Denver; Las Vegas; Salt Lake City; Phoenix; Los Angeles; Atlanta 189 $271 15. White & Williams One Liberty Place, 1650 Market St., Suite 1800 Philadelphia, PA 19103-7395 215-864-7000 / 215-864-7123 www.whiteandwilliams.com Allentown, Berwyn, Pittsburgh and Conshohocken, Pa.; Cherry Hill and Paramus, N.J.; New York and Westchester, N.Y.; Wilmington, Del.; Boston 159 16. Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young 2005 Market St., Suite 2600 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-564-8000 / 215-564-8120 www.stradley.com Malvern and Harrisburg, Pa.; Cherry Hill, N.J.; Washington, D.C.; Wilmington, Del. 152 17. Stevens & Lee 148 111 N. Sixth St., P.O. Box 679 Reading, PA 19603 19603 610-478-2000 / 610-376-5610 [email protected] www.stevenslee.com Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lehigh Valley, Philadelphia, Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, Valley Forge and Williamsport, Pa.; New York; Cherry Hill and Princeton, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Charleston, S.C. Rank 13. 14. Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA $755,000 $635,000 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 2009 Practice Areas Representative Clients Litigation, Intellectual Property, Bankruptcy, Business and Finance, E-Commerce & Technologies, Corporate & Securities, Health Care, Insurance, Labor & Employment, Real Estate General Electric 14. Co.; Pfizer; Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.; ExxonMobile; Wachovia Bank; Toll Brothers Inc. Lynn Rzonca, Philadelphia WND Managing Partner; Arthur Makadon, Chairman Business & Finance, Labor & Employment, Litigation, White-Collar/ Corporate Governance, Public Finance, Real Estate, Environmental/ Toxic Torts, Intellectual Property, Health Care, Bankruptcy DuPont; University of 12. Pennsylvania; Sunoco Corp.; GlaxoSmithKline; Comcast Corp.; Temple University WND Guy A. Cellucci, Chairman, WND Executive Committee Corporate & Securities, Health Care, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Insurance, Litigation, Labor & Employment, Real Estate ACE USA; Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania; Monsanto; Bank of America; Citizen’s Bank; Geisinger 15. WND William R. Sasso, WND Chairman; Jeffrey A. Lutsky, Managing Partner; Thomas J. Renehan Jr., Financial Partner Business & Finance, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Banking, Real Estate, Government Relations, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Litigation, Trusts & Estates Archdiocese of Philadelphia; Franklin Templeton Group of Funds; Delaware Group of Funds; Travelers Insurance 17. $108.5 Ernest Choquette, President; Joseph Harenza, Non-Executive Chairman; Joseph W. Marshall III, Vice Chairman Antitrust, Banking, Bankruptcy, Government Relations, Health Care, Corporate & Securities, Business & Finance, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Litigation PFM; EnerSys; Armstrong World Industries; Temple University/Temple University Health System; Wellspan Health; Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency 16. $430,000 $550,000 $906,000 $636,000 WND Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 18. Post & Schell Four Penn Center 1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd., 13th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103-2808 215-587-1000 / 215-587-1444 www.postschell.com Allentown, Harrisburg, Lancaster and Pittsburgh, Pa.; Princeton, N.J.; Washington, D.C. 143 WND Brian M. Peters, President & CEO WND Antitrust, Bankruptcy, Commercial Litigation, White-Collar/ Corporate Governance, E-Commerce/ Technology, Labor & Employment, Energy, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Health Care, Insurance Saint-Gobain Corp.; PPL Corp.; Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals; Duquesne Light; Turner Construction; DaVita 18. 19. Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis 1600 Market St., Suite 3600 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-751-2000 / 215-751-2205 [email protected] www.schnader.com Pittsburgh; Cherry Hill, N.J.; Washington, D.C.; New York; San Francisco; Wilmington, Del. 118 WND David Smith, Chairman; Nicholas J. LePore III, Managing Partner WND Banking, Bankruptcy, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, White-Collar/ Corporate Governance, Intellectual Property, Litigation, Products Liability, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates UPS Inc.; Liberty Property Trust; QVC Inc.; Global Aerospace; Wells Fargo/Wachovia; CBS Corp. 20. NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 54 PaLAW 2010 PaLAW 2010 55 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Duane Morris 205 30 S. 17th St. Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-979-1000 / 215-979-1020 www.duanemorris.com Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, Pa.; Cherry Hill, Newark and Princeton, N.J.; Baltimore; New York; Washington, D.C.; Boston; Atlanta; Chicago; Boca Raton and Miami, Fla.; Houston; Las Vegas; Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco and Lake Tahoe, Calif.; Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, Vietnam; Singapore; London $387.5 John Soroko, Chairman $145,000 Ballard Spahr 1735 Market St., 51st Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103-7599 215-665-8500 / 215-864-8999 www.ballardspahr.com Voorhees, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Bethesda and Baltimore, Md.; Washington, D.C.; Denver; Las Vegas; Salt Lake City; Phoenix; Los Angeles; Atlanta 189 $271 15. White & Williams One Liberty Place, 1650 Market St., Suite 1800 Philadelphia, PA 19103-7395 215-864-7000 / 215-864-7123 www.whiteandwilliams.com Allentown, Berwyn, Pittsburgh and Conshohocken, Pa.; Cherry Hill and Paramus, N.J.; New York and Westchester, N.Y.; Wilmington, Del.; Boston 159 16. Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young 2005 Market St., Suite 2600 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-564-8000 / 215-564-8120 www.stradley.com Malvern and Harrisburg, Pa.; Cherry Hill, N.J.; Washington, D.C.; Wilmington, Del. 152 17. Stevens & Lee 148 111 N. Sixth St., P.O. Box 679 Reading, PA 19603 19603 610-478-2000 / 610-376-5610 [email protected] www.stevenslee.com Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lehigh Valley, Philadelphia, Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, Valley Forge and Williamsport, Pa.; New York; Cherry Hill and Princeton, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Charleston, S.C. Rank 13. 14. Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA $755,000 $635,000 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 2009 Practice Areas Representative Clients Litigation, Intellectual Property, Bankruptcy, Business and Finance, E-Commerce & Technologies, Corporate & Securities, Health Care, Insurance, Labor & Employment, Real Estate General Electric 14. Co.; Pfizer; Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.; ExxonMobile; Wachovia Bank; Toll Brothers Inc. Lynn Rzonca, Philadelphia WND Managing Partner; Arthur Makadon, Chairman Business & Finance, Labor & Employment, Litigation, White-Collar/ Corporate Governance, Public Finance, Real Estate, Environmental/ Toxic Torts, Intellectual Property, Health Care, Bankruptcy DuPont; University of 12. Pennsylvania; Sunoco Corp.; GlaxoSmithKline; Comcast Corp.; Temple University WND Guy A. Cellucci, Chairman, WND Executive Committee Corporate & Securities, Health Care, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Insurance, Litigation, Labor & Employment, Real Estate ACE USA; Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania; Monsanto; Bank of America; Citizen’s Bank; Geisinger 15. WND William R. Sasso, WND Chairman; Jeffrey A. Lutsky, Managing Partner; Thomas J. Renehan Jr., Financial Partner Business & Finance, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Banking, Real Estate, Government Relations, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Litigation, Trusts & Estates Archdiocese of Philadelphia; Franklin Templeton Group of Funds; Delaware Group of Funds; Travelers Insurance 17. $108.5 Ernest Choquette, President; Joseph Harenza, Non-Executive Chairman; Joseph W. Marshall III, Vice Chairman Antitrust, Banking, Bankruptcy, Government Relations, Health Care, Corporate & Securities, Business & Finance, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Litigation PFM; EnerSys; Armstrong World Industries; Temple University/Temple University Health System; Wellspan Health; Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency 16. $430,000 $550,000 $906,000 $636,000 WND Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 18. Post & Schell Four Penn Center 1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd., 13th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103-2808 215-587-1000 / 215-587-1444 www.postschell.com Allentown, Harrisburg, Lancaster and Pittsburgh, Pa.; Princeton, N.J.; Washington, D.C. 143 WND Brian M. Peters, President & CEO WND Antitrust, Bankruptcy, Commercial Litigation, White-Collar/ Corporate Governance, E-Commerce/ Technology, Labor & Employment, Energy, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Health Care, Insurance Saint-Gobain Corp.; PPL Corp.; Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals; Duquesne Light; Turner Construction; DaVita 18. 19. Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis 1600 Market St., Suite 3600 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-751-2000 / 215-751-2205 [email protected] www.schnader.com Pittsburgh; Cherry Hill, N.J.; Washington, D.C.; New York; San Francisco; Wilmington, Del. 118 WND David Smith, Chairman; Nicholas J. LePore III, Managing Partner WND Banking, Bankruptcy, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, White-Collar/ Corporate Governance, Intellectual Property, Litigation, Products Liability, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates UPS Inc.; Liberty Property Trust; QVC Inc.; Global Aerospace; Wells Fargo/Wachovia; CBS Corp. 20. NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 54 PaLAW 2010 PaLAW 2010 55 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 25. Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads 123 S. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19109 215-772-1500 / 215-772-7620 [email protected] www.mmwr.com Berwyn, Pa.; Linwood and Cherry Hill, N.J.; Wilmington, Del. 97 WND 26. Rawle & Henderson The Widener Building One South Penn Square, 16th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-575-4200 / 215-563-2583 [email protected] www.rawle.com Harrisburg, Media and Pittsburgh, Pa.; Marlton, N.J.; Wheeling, W. Va.; Wilmington, Del.; New York 95 WND McNees Wallace & Nurick 100 Pine St. Harrisburg, PA 17101 717-232-8000 / 717-237-5300 [email protected] www.mwn.com Hazleton, State College and Lancaster, Pa.; Columbus, Ohio; Washington, D.C.; 116 WND David M Kleppinger, Chairman; Brian F. Jackson, Member of Management Committee; Mark Van Blargan, Member of Management Committee $90,000 Intellectual Property, WND Litigation, Environmental, Business & Finance, Taxation, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Labor & Employment, Family Law 23. 21. Dickie McCamey & Chilcote Two PPG Place, Suite 400 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-281-7272 / 412-392-5367 [email protected] www.dmclaw.com Harrisburg and Philadelphia, Pa.; Haddonfield, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Steubenville, Ohio; Washington, D.C.; Charlotte, N.C.; Wheeling, W.Va. 115 WND Jeffrey T. Wiley, Managing Director & COO; James R. Miller, President, CEO & Chairman of the Board WND Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Health Care, Business & Finance, Litigation, Bankruptcy, Products Liability, Workers’ Compensation, Medical Malpractice WND 19. Saul Ewing Centre Square West, 1500 Market St., 38th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-972-7777 / 215-972-7725 [email protected] www.saul.com Chesterbrook and Harrisburg, Pa.; Princeton and Newark, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Baltimore; Washington, D.C.; New York 112 David S. Antzis, Managing Partner $110,000 Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Health Care, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates Waste Management Inc.; Willis; Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania; Johnson Matthey Inc. 23. Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel One Penn Center 1617 John F. Kennedy Blvd., 19th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103-1895 215-665-3000 / 215-665-3165 [email protected] www.obermayer.com Altoona, Berwyn, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, Pa.; Cherry Hill, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Denver 111 WND Robert I. Whitelaw, Managing Partner WND Bankruptcy, Business WND & Finance, Government Relations, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Family Law, Health Care, Real Estate, Litigation, Trusts & Estates 22. 24. Cohen & Grigsby 625 Liberty Ave. Fifth Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-297-4900 / 412-209-0672 [email protected] www.cohenlaw.com Bonita Springs, Fla. 109 WND Jack W. Elliott, President; Charles C. Cohen, Chairman; Andrew M. Roman, Executive Vice President WND Intellectual Property, Litigation, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, E-Commerce & Technology, Labor & Employment, Trusts & Estates 24. 22. $115.19 $435,000 $505,000 WND 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Rank 2009 20. 21. Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Rank 2009 Practice Areas Representative Clients Richard L. Scheff, $100,000 Chairman; Stephen A. Madva, Managing Partner; Louis A. Petroni, Vice Chairman Criminal Defense, Intellectual Property, Bankruptcy, Products Liability, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Taxation, Labor & Employment, Business & Finance Johnson & Johnson; Clear Channel Communications Inc.; Dun & Bradstreet; Microsoft Corp.; LaSalle University 25. Thomas A. Kuzmick, Executive Committee; Timothy J. Abeel, Executive Committee; John H. McCarthy, Executive Committee Bankruptcy, Insurance, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Commercial Litigation, Products Liability, Criminal Defense, Workers’ Compensation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts Honeywell; Erie Insurance; AIG Technical; Zurich; J.B. Hunt Transport Inc.; Apotex Corp. 27. WND NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 56 PaLAW 2010 PaLAW 2010 57 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 25. Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads 123 S. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19109 215-772-1500 / 215-772-7620 [email protected] www.mmwr.com Berwyn, Pa.; Linwood and Cherry Hill, N.J.; Wilmington, Del. 97 WND 26. Rawle & Henderson The Widener Building One South Penn Square, 16th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-575-4200 / 215-563-2583 [email protected] www.rawle.com Harrisburg, Media and Pittsburgh, Pa.; Marlton, N.J.; Wheeling, W. Va.; Wilmington, Del.; New York 95 WND McNees Wallace & Nurick 100 Pine St. Harrisburg, PA 17101 717-232-8000 / 717-237-5300 [email protected] www.mwn.com Hazleton, State College and Lancaster, Pa.; Columbus, Ohio; Washington, D.C.; 116 WND David M Kleppinger, Chairman; Brian F. Jackson, Member of Management Committee; Mark Van Blargan, Member of Management Committee $90,000 Intellectual Property, WND Litigation, Environmental, Business & Finance, Taxation, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Labor & Employment, Family Law 23. 21. Dickie McCamey & Chilcote Two PPG Place, Suite 400 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-281-7272 / 412-392-5367 [email protected] www.dmclaw.com Harrisburg and Philadelphia, Pa.; Haddonfield, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Steubenville, Ohio; Washington, D.C.; Charlotte, N.C.; Wheeling, W.Va. 115 WND Jeffrey T. Wiley, Managing Director & COO; James R. Miller, President, CEO & Chairman of the Board WND Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Health Care, Business & Finance, Litigation, Bankruptcy, Products Liability, Workers’ Compensation, Medical Malpractice WND 19. Saul Ewing Centre Square West, 1500 Market St., 38th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-972-7777 / 215-972-7725 [email protected] www.saul.com Chesterbrook and Harrisburg, Pa.; Princeton and Newark, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Baltimore; Washington, D.C.; New York 112 David S. Antzis, Managing Partner $110,000 Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Health Care, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates Waste Management Inc.; Willis; Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania; Johnson Matthey Inc. 23. Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel One Penn Center 1617 John F. Kennedy Blvd., 19th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103-1895 215-665-3000 / 215-665-3165 [email protected] www.obermayer.com Altoona, Berwyn, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, Pa.; Cherry Hill, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Denver 111 WND Robert I. Whitelaw, Managing Partner WND Bankruptcy, Business WND & Finance, Government Relations, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Family Law, Health Care, Real Estate, Litigation, Trusts & Estates 22. 24. Cohen & Grigsby 625 Liberty Ave. Fifth Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-297-4900 / 412-209-0672 [email protected] www.cohenlaw.com Bonita Springs, Fla. 109 WND Jack W. Elliott, President; Charles C. Cohen, Chairman; Andrew M. Roman, Executive Vice President WND Intellectual Property, Litigation, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, E-Commerce & Technology, Labor & Employment, Trusts & Estates 24. 22. $115.19 $435,000 $505,000 WND 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Rank 2009 20. 21. Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Rank 2009 Practice Areas Representative Clients Richard L. Scheff, $100,000 Chairman; Stephen A. Madva, Managing Partner; Louis A. Petroni, Vice Chairman Criminal Defense, Intellectual Property, Bankruptcy, Products Liability, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Taxation, Labor & Employment, Business & Finance Johnson & Johnson; Clear Channel Communications Inc.; Dun & Bradstreet; Microsoft Corp.; LaSalle University 25. Thomas A. Kuzmick, Executive Committee; Timothy J. Abeel, Executive Committee; John H. McCarthy, Executive Committee Bankruptcy, Insurance, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Commercial Litigation, Products Liability, Criminal Defense, Workers’ Compensation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts Honeywell; Erie Insurance; AIG Technical; Zurich; J.B. Hunt Transport Inc.; Apotex Corp. 27. WND NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 56 PaLAW 2010 PaLAW 2010 57 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 27. Thorp Reed & Armstrong One Oxford Centre, 301 Grant St., 14th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1425 412-394-7711 / 412-394-2555 [email protected] www.thorpreed.com Philadelphia; Princeton, N.J.; Wheeling, W.Va. 91 WND Jeffrey J. Conn, Managing Partner WND Bankruptcy, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Health Care, Litigation, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Insurance WND 26. 29. (tie) Margolis Edelstein The Curtis Center, 601 Walnut St., Fourth Floor Philadelphia, PA 19106 215-922 1100 / 215-922 1772 [email protected] www.margolisedelstein.com Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Beaver, Scranton and Hollidaysburg, Pa.; Wilmington, Del.; Mount Laurel and Berkley Heights, N.J. 84 WND Michael P. McKenna, Managing Partner WND Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Health Care, Insurance, Litigation, Products Liability, Workers’ Compensation Erie Insurance Group; Sentry Insurance; Liberty Mutual Insurance Co.; Chartis Insurance Group; Pennsylvania National Insurance; Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co. 28. 28. Swartz Campbell Two Liberty Place, 50 S. 16th St. Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-564-5190 / 215-299-4301 www.swartzcampbell.com Allentown, Harrisburg, Media, Pittsburgh, Scranton and West Chester, Pa.; Mount Laurel and Bedminster, N.J.; New York; Wilmington, Del.; Wheeling, W.Va.; Fort Meyers and Orlando, Fla.; Cleveland 86 WND Jeffrey B. McCarron, Managing Partner; James Haggerty, Managing Partner; G. Daniel Bruch Jr., Managing Partner WND Bankruptcy, Commercial Litigation,Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts Nationwide Insurance Co.; CAN; Honeywell Inc.; Westport; Erie Insurance; Argonaut Insurance 29. 29. (tie) Burns White Four Northshore Center, 106 Isabella St. Pittsburgh, PA 15212 412-995-3000 / 412-995-3300 [email protected] www.bwhllc.com West Consohocken, Pa.; Wheeling, W.Va.; Cherry Hill, N.J. 84 WND David B. White, Founding Member WND Health Care, Banking, Insurance, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Labor & Employment, Workers’ Compensation, Environmental/Toxic Torts Northfolk Southern Corp.; CSX Transportation Inc.; St. Paul Travelers Cos.; Health South; DPIC/XL Design Professionals; Citizens Bank 32. 31. Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg 260 S. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-568-6060 / 215-568-6603 www.klehr.com Cherry Hill, N.J.; Wilmington, Del. 83 WND William A. Harvey, Managing Partner WND Real Estate, Corporate & Securities, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Intellectual Property, Taxation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts PREIT-Rubin; Sun 31. Capital Partners; Thomas Jefferson University; LubertAdler Real Estate Opportunity Fund; The Goldenberg Group; BPG Properties Ltd. 32. Dilworth Paxson 3200 Mellon Bank Center, 1735 Market St. Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-575-7000 / 215-575-7200 [email protected] www.dilworthlaw.com Harrisburg, Pa.; Cherry Hill and Neptune, N.J.; Washington, D.C.; Washington, D.C. 80 WND Stephen J. Harmelin, Managing Partner; Joseph H. Jacovini, Chairman $110,000 Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Banking, Bankruptcy, Labor & Employment, Intellectual Property, Real Estate, Taxation, Trusts & Estates, Business & Finance SEPTA; Holt Logistcs; National Constitution Center; Aqua America; Crown Holdings 33. Barroway Topaz Kessler Meltzer & Check 280 King of Prussia Road Radnor, PA 19087 610-667-7706 / 610-667-7056 [email protected] www.btkmc.com San Francisco 78 WND Joseph H. Meltzer, Member, Management Committee WND Corporate & Securities, Litigation, Antitrust, Intellectual Property City of Philadelphia 35. Board of Pensions & Retirement; Alameda County (California) Employees Retirement; Montgomery County Employees’ Retirement System (PA); State of New Jersey and its Division of Investment; Maine State Retirement System; PGGM (Dutch National Pension for Social Workers) NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 30. NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 58 PaLAW 2010 PaLAW 2010 59 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 27. Thorp Reed & Armstrong One Oxford Centre, 301 Grant St., 14th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1425 412-394-7711 / 412-394-2555 [email protected] www.thorpreed.com Philadelphia; Princeton, N.J.; Wheeling, W.Va. 91 WND Jeffrey J. Conn, Managing Partner WND Bankruptcy, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Health Care, Litigation, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Insurance WND 26. 29. (tie) Margolis Edelstein The Curtis Center, 601 Walnut St., Fourth Floor Philadelphia, PA 19106 215-922 1100 / 215-922 1772 [email protected] www.margolisedelstein.com Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Beaver, Scranton and Hollidaysburg, Pa.; Wilmington, Del.; Mount Laurel and Berkley Heights, N.J. 84 WND Michael P. McKenna, Managing Partner WND Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Health Care, Insurance, Litigation, Products Liability, Workers’ Compensation Erie Insurance Group; Sentry Insurance; Liberty Mutual Insurance Co.; Chartis Insurance Group; Pennsylvania National Insurance; Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co. 28. 28. Swartz Campbell Two Liberty Place, 50 S. 16th St. Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-564-5190 / 215-299-4301 www.swartzcampbell.com Allentown, Harrisburg, Media, Pittsburgh, Scranton and West Chester, Pa.; Mount Laurel and Bedminster, N.J.; New York; Wilmington, Del.; Wheeling, W.Va.; Fort Meyers and Orlando, Fla.; Cleveland 86 WND Jeffrey B. McCarron, Managing Partner; James Haggerty, Managing Partner; G. Daniel Bruch Jr., Managing Partner WND Bankruptcy, Commercial Litigation,Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts Nationwide Insurance Co.; CAN; Honeywell Inc.; Westport; Erie Insurance; Argonaut Insurance 29. 29. (tie) Burns White Four Northshore Center, 106 Isabella St. Pittsburgh, PA 15212 412-995-3000 / 412-995-3300 [email protected] www.bwhllc.com West Consohocken, Pa.; Wheeling, W.Va.; Cherry Hill, N.J. 84 WND David B. White, Founding Member WND Health Care, Banking, Insurance, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Labor & Employment, Workers’ Compensation, Environmental/Toxic Torts Northfolk Southern Corp.; CSX Transportation Inc.; St. Paul Travelers Cos.; Health South; DPIC/XL Design Professionals; Citizens Bank 32. 31. Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg 260 S. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-568-6060 / 215-568-6603 www.klehr.com Cherry Hill, N.J.; Wilmington, Del. 83 WND William A. Harvey, Managing Partner WND Real Estate, Corporate & Securities, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Intellectual Property, Taxation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts PREIT-Rubin; Sun 31. Capital Partners; Thomas Jefferson University; LubertAdler Real Estate Opportunity Fund; The Goldenberg Group; BPG Properties Ltd. 32. Dilworth Paxson 3200 Mellon Bank Center, 1735 Market St. Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-575-7000 / 215-575-7200 [email protected] www.dilworthlaw.com Harrisburg, Pa.; Cherry Hill and Neptune, N.J.; Washington, D.C.; Washington, D.C. 80 WND Stephen J. Harmelin, Managing Partner; Joseph H. Jacovini, Chairman $110,000 Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Banking, Bankruptcy, Labor & Employment, Intellectual Property, Real Estate, Taxation, Trusts & Estates, Business & Finance SEPTA; Holt Logistcs; National Constitution Center; Aqua America; Crown Holdings 33. Barroway Topaz Kessler Meltzer & Check 280 King of Prussia Road Radnor, PA 19087 610-667-7706 / 610-667-7056 [email protected] www.btkmc.com San Francisco 78 WND Joseph H. Meltzer, Member, Management Committee WND Corporate & Securities, Litigation, Antitrust, Intellectual Property City of Philadelphia 35. Board of Pensions & Retirement; Alameda County (California) Employees Retirement; Montgomery County Employees’ Retirement System (PA); State of New Jersey and its Division of Investment; Maine State Retirement System; PGGM (Dutch National Pension for Social Workers) NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 30. NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 58 PaLAW 2010 PaLAW 2010 59 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti One Oxford Centre, 38th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-263-2000 / 412-261-5295 [email protected] www.pietragallo.com Philadelphia, West Chester and Sharon, Pa.; Weirton, W.Va.; Steubenville, Ohio 74 WND Babst Calland Clements & Zomnir Two Gateway Center Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-394-5400 / 412-394-6576 [email protected] www.bccz.com State College, Pa.; Sewell, N.J. 72 Tucker Arensberg 1500 One PPG Place Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-566-1212 / 412-594-5619 [email protected] www.tuckerlaw.com Harrisburg, Pa. 70 36. (tie) Weber Gallagher Simpson Stapleton Fires & Newby 2000 Market St., 13th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-972-7900 / 215-564-7699 www.wglaw.com Pittsburgh, Harrisburg and Scranton, Pa.; Newark and Cherry Hill, N.J.; New York; London 70 WND Warren L. Simpson Jr., Managing Partner 38. Thomas Thomas & Hafer 305 N. Front St. Harrisburg, PA 17101 717-237-7100 / 717-237-7105 [email protected] www.tthlaw.com Bethlehem, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Baltimore 69 WND 39. Barley Snyder 126 E. King St. Lancaster, PA 17602 717-299-5201 / 717-291-4660 [email protected] www.barley.com York, Reading, Berwyn and Hanover, Pa. 65 WND Rank 34. 35. 36. (tie) Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices WND WND Firm Management William Pietragallo II, Managing Partner Chester R. Babst III, Managing Partner First-Year Associate Salary WND Representative Clients Intellectual Property, WND Litigation, Workers’ Compensation, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Health Care, Criminal Defense, Products Liability, Labor & Employment, Insurance 33. 40. Berger & Montague 1622 Locust St. Philadelphia, PA 19103 800-424-6690 / 215-875-4604 [email protected] www.bergermontague.com 64 WND Daniel Berger, Managing Shareholder; H. Laddie Montague Jr., President 41. Woodcock Washburn Cira Centre, 2929 Arch St., 12th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-568-3100 / 215-568-3439 www.woodcock.com Atlanta; Seattle 59 WND 42. Cipriani & Werner 650 Washington Road, Suite 700 Pittsburgh, PA 15228 412-563-2500 / 412-563-2080 [email protected] www.c-wlaw.com Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Scranton, Pa.; Marlton, N.J. 57 WND Bankruptcy, Banking, Corporate, Commercial Litigation, Environmental, Health Care, Trusts & Estates, Labor & Employment, Real Estate WND WND Insurance, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Products Liability, Commercial Litigation, Workers’ Compensation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts WND 33. James K. Thomas, Managing Partner; Edward H. Jordan Jr., Managing Partner; Peter J. Speaker, Managing Partner WND Medical Malpractice, Insurance, Real Estate, Workers’ Compensation, Health Care, Products Liability, Commercial Litigation, Litigation, Labor & Employment WND 41. Timothy G. Dietrich, Managing Partner WND Health Care, Banking, Intellectual Property, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Labor & Employment, Workers’ Compensation WND 40. WND 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Rank Beazer East Inc.; Gen 36. Tek Inc.; Crown Castle International Corp.; NOVA Chemical Inc.; PQ Corp.; Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 37. Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA Rank 2009 Litigation, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Intellecutal Property, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Government Relations Thomas P. Peterson, Managing Shareholder $100,000 Practice Areas 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 WND Litigation, Antitrust, Corporate & Securities, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Insurance, Products Liability WND 39. Joseph Lucci, Policy Committee Member; Steven B. Samuels, Policy Committee Member; Steven J. Rocci, Policy Committee Member $130,000 Intellectual Property Microsoft Corp.; Johnson & Johnson; Crown Cork; duPont; Cephalon Inc.; University of Pennsylvania 37. Gerald J. Cipriani, President WND Litigation, Workers’ WND Compensation, Products Liability, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Insurance Firm Management 43. NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 60 PaLAW 2010 PaLAW 2010 61 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti One Oxford Centre, 38th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-263-2000 / 412-261-5295 [email protected] www.pietragallo.com Philadelphia, West Chester and Sharon, Pa.; Weirton, W.Va.; Steubenville, Ohio 74 WND Babst Calland Clements & Zomnir Two Gateway Center Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-394-5400 / 412-394-6576 [email protected] www.bccz.com State College, Pa.; Sewell, N.J. 72 Tucker Arensberg 1500 One PPG Place Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-566-1212 / 412-594-5619 [email protected] www.tuckerlaw.com Harrisburg, Pa. 70 36. (tie) Weber Gallagher Simpson Stapleton Fires & Newby 2000 Market St., 13th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-972-7900 / 215-564-7699 www.wglaw.com Pittsburgh, Harrisburg and Scranton, Pa.; Newark and Cherry Hill, N.J.; New York; London 70 WND Warren L. Simpson Jr., Managing Partner 38. Thomas Thomas & Hafer 305 N. Front St. Harrisburg, PA 17101 717-237-7100 / 717-237-7105 [email protected] www.tthlaw.com Bethlehem, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Baltimore 69 WND 39. Barley Snyder 126 E. King St. Lancaster, PA 17602 717-299-5201 / 717-291-4660 [email protected] www.barley.com York, Reading, Berwyn and Hanover, Pa. 65 WND Rank 34. 35. 36. (tie) Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices WND WND Firm Management William Pietragallo II, Managing Partner Chester R. Babst III, Managing Partner First-Year Associate Salary WND Representative Clients Intellectual Property, WND Litigation, Workers’ Compensation, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Health Care, Criminal Defense, Products Liability, Labor & Employment, Insurance 33. 40. Berger & Montague 1622 Locust St. Philadelphia, PA 19103 800-424-6690 / 215-875-4604 [email protected] www.bergermontague.com 64 WND Daniel Berger, Managing Shareholder; H. Laddie Montague Jr., President 41. Woodcock Washburn Cira Centre, 2929 Arch St., 12th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-568-3100 / 215-568-3439 www.woodcock.com Atlanta; Seattle 59 WND 42. Cipriani & Werner 650 Washington Road, Suite 700 Pittsburgh, PA 15228 412-563-2500 / 412-563-2080 [email protected] www.c-wlaw.com Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Scranton, Pa.; Marlton, N.J. 57 WND Bankruptcy, Banking, Corporate, Commercial Litigation, Environmental, Health Care, Trusts & Estates, Labor & Employment, Real Estate WND WND Insurance, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Products Liability, Commercial Litigation, Workers’ Compensation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts WND 33. James K. Thomas, Managing Partner; Edward H. Jordan Jr., Managing Partner; Peter J. Speaker, Managing Partner WND Medical Malpractice, Insurance, Real Estate, Workers’ Compensation, Health Care, Products Liability, Commercial Litigation, Litigation, Labor & Employment WND 41. Timothy G. Dietrich, Managing Partner WND Health Care, Banking, Intellectual Property, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Labor & Employment, Workers’ Compensation WND 40. WND 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Rank Beazer East Inc.; Gen 36. Tek Inc.; Crown Castle International Corp.; NOVA Chemical Inc.; PQ Corp.; Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 37. Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA Rank 2009 Litigation, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Intellecutal Property, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Government Relations Thomas P. Peterson, Managing Shareholder $100,000 Practice Areas 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 WND Litigation, Antitrust, Corporate & Securities, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Insurance, Products Liability WND 39. Joseph Lucci, Policy Committee Member; Steven B. Samuels, Policy Committee Member; Steven J. Rocci, Policy Committee Member $130,000 Intellectual Property Microsoft Corp.; Johnson & Johnson; Crown Cork; duPont; Cephalon Inc.; University of Pennsylvania 37. Gerald J. Cipriani, President WND Litigation, Workers’ WND Compensation, Products Liability, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Insurance Firm Management 43. NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 60 PaLAW 2010 PaLAW 2010 61 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 2009 43. Elliott Greenleaf & Siedzikowski 925 Harvest Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 215-977-1000 / 215-977-1099 [email protected] www.elliottgreenleaf.com Harrisburg, Scranton, Philadelphia and Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Wilmington, Del. 53 WND John M. Elliott, Chairman; Henry F. Siedzikowski, President & Managing Partner; Bruce W. Kauffman, Co-CEO $92,000 Bankruptcy, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Business & Finance, Health Care, Insurance, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Family Law Aetna Inc.; CBS; Pegasus Communications; 3M; Jefferson Health System; Philadelphia Media Holdings 47. 44. Cohen Seglias Pallas Greenhall & Furman United Plaza, 30 S. 17th St., 19th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-564-1700 / 215-564-3066 NA / www.cohenseglias.com Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, Pa.; Wilmington, Del. 52 WND Roy S. Cohen, President; Edward Seglias, Vice President; John Greenhall, Managing Partner $100,000 Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Litigation, Health Care WND 44. Bennett Bricklin & Saltzburg 1601 Market St., 16th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103-2393 215-561-4300 / 215-561-6661 [email protected] www.bbs-law.com Blue Bell and Lancaster, Pa.; Cherry Hill, N.J. 50 Louis E. Bricklin, Managing Partner WND Insurance, Litigation, Products Liability, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Medical Malpractice WND Jones Day 500 Grant St., Suite 4500 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-391-3939 / 412-394-7959 www.jonesday.com New York; Washington D.C.; Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio; Chicago; Atlanta; Dallas and Houston, Texas; Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco and Irvine, Calif.; Taipei, Taiwan; London; Brussels, Belgium; Frankfurt, Germany; Paris; Tokyo 50 47. (tie) Lavin O’Neil Ricci Cedrone & DiSipio 190 Independence Mall West Sixth & Race Sts., Suite 500 Philadelphia, PA 19106 215-627-0303 / 215-627-2551 [email protected] www.lavin-law.com Mt. Laurel, N.J.; New York 49 47. (tie) Meyer Unkovic & Scott 1300 Oliver Building, 535 Smithfield St. Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-456-2800 / 412-456-2864 [email protected] www.muslaw.com 49 45. (tie) 45. (tie) WND $1,520 51. WND Antitrust, Business & Finance, Litigation, Labor & Employment, Health Care, Intellectual Property, Products Liability, Real Estate, Taxation WND 42. WND Basil A. DiSipio, Chief Operating Officer WND Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Environmental/Toxic Torts General Motors Corp.; Toyota Motor Sales, USA Inc.; Nissan North America Inc.; GlaxoSmithKline; 3M Company; Quest Diagnostics 44. WND Kevin F. McKeegan, Managing Partner WND Intellectual Property, Litigation, Products Liability, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Taxation, Labor & Employment, Trusts & Estates WND 46. $615,000 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 47. (tie) The Chartwell Law Offices 970 Rittenhouse Road, Suite 300 Eagleville, PA 19403 610-666-7700 / 610-666-7704 [email protected] www.chartwelllaw.com Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Scranton and Philadelphia, Pa.; Wilmington, Del.; New York 49 WND Cliff Goldstein, CEO WND Banking, Bankruptcy, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Workers’ Compensation, Insurance Coverage/ Property, Premises Liability, Subrogation WND 49. 50. Hangley Aronchick Segal & Pudlin One Logan Square, 27th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-568-6200 / 215-568-0300 www.hangley.com Harrisburg and Norristown, Pa.; Cherry Hill, N.J. 47 WND David Pudlin, President; William T. Hangley, Chairman $125,000 Antitrust, Real Estate, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Trusts & Estates, Environmental, Litigation, Family Law, Government Relations WND 47. NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) Laura E. Ellsworth, Partner in Charge, Pittsburgh $765,000 Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 62 PaLAW 2010 PaLAW 2010 63 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 2009 43. Elliott Greenleaf & Siedzikowski 925 Harvest Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 215-977-1000 / 215-977-1099 [email protected] www.elliottgreenleaf.com Harrisburg, Scranton, Philadelphia and Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Wilmington, Del. 53 WND John M. Elliott, Chairman; Henry F. Siedzikowski, President & Managing Partner; Bruce W. Kauffman, Co-CEO $92,000 Bankruptcy, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Business & Finance, Health Care, Insurance, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Family Law Aetna Inc.; CBS; Pegasus Communications; 3M; Jefferson Health System; Philadelphia Media Holdings 47. 44. Cohen Seglias Pallas Greenhall & Furman United Plaza, 30 S. 17th St., 19th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-564-1700 / 215-564-3066 NA / www.cohenseglias.com Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, Pa.; Wilmington, Del. 52 WND Roy S. Cohen, President; Edward Seglias, Vice President; John Greenhall, Managing Partner $100,000 Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Litigation, Health Care WND 44. Bennett Bricklin & Saltzburg 1601 Market St., 16th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103-2393 215-561-4300 / 215-561-6661 [email protected] www.bbs-law.com Blue Bell and Lancaster, Pa.; Cherry Hill, N.J. 50 Louis E. Bricklin, Managing Partner WND Insurance, Litigation, Products Liability, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Medical Malpractice WND Jones Day 500 Grant St., Suite 4500 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-391-3939 / 412-394-7959 www.jonesday.com New York; Washington D.C.; Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio; Chicago; Atlanta; Dallas and Houston, Texas; Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco and Irvine, Calif.; Taipei, Taiwan; London; Brussels, Belgium; Frankfurt, Germany; Paris; Tokyo 50 47. (tie) Lavin O’Neil Ricci Cedrone & DiSipio 190 Independence Mall West Sixth & Race Sts., Suite 500 Philadelphia, PA 19106 215-627-0303 / 215-627-2551 [email protected] www.lavin-law.com Mt. Laurel, N.J.; New York 49 47. (tie) Meyer Unkovic & Scott 1300 Oliver Building, 535 Smithfield St. Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-456-2800 / 412-456-2864 [email protected] www.muslaw.com 49 45. (tie) 45. (tie) WND $1,520 51. WND Antitrust, Business & Finance, Litigation, Labor & Employment, Health Care, Intellectual Property, Products Liability, Real Estate, Taxation WND 42. WND Basil A. DiSipio, Chief Operating Officer WND Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Environmental/Toxic Torts General Motors Corp.; Toyota Motor Sales, USA Inc.; Nissan North America Inc.; GlaxoSmithKline; 3M Company; Quest Diagnostics 44. WND Kevin F. McKeegan, Managing Partner WND Intellectual Property, Litigation, Products Liability, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Taxation, Labor & Employment, Trusts & Estates WND 46. $615,000 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 47. (tie) The Chartwell Law Offices 970 Rittenhouse Road, Suite 300 Eagleville, PA 19403 610-666-7700 / 610-666-7704 [email protected] www.chartwelllaw.com Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Scranton and Philadelphia, Pa.; Wilmington, Del.; New York 49 WND Cliff Goldstein, CEO WND Banking, Bankruptcy, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Workers’ Compensation, Insurance Coverage/ Property, Premises Liability, Subrogation WND 49. 50. Hangley Aronchick Segal & Pudlin One Logan Square, 27th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-568-6200 / 215-568-0300 www.hangley.com Harrisburg and Norristown, Pa.; Cherry Hill, N.J. 47 WND David Pudlin, President; William T. Hangley, Chairman $125,000 Antitrust, Real Estate, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Trusts & Estates, Environmental, Litigation, Family Law, Government Relations WND 47. NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) Laura E. Ellsworth, Partner in Charge, Pittsburgh $765,000 Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 62 PaLAW 2010 PaLAW 2010 63 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Amereda Hess Corp.; AT&T; Stabler Cos. Inc.; H.J. Heinz Co.; Associated Wholesalers Inc.; Farmers & Merchants Trust Company 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 2009 51. (tie) Rhoads & Sinon One S. Market Square, M&T Building Harrisburg, PA 17101 717-233-5731 / 717-232-1459 www.rhoads-sinon.com 45 WND Charles J. Ferry, Chairman, Executive Committee; Thomas J. Nehilla, Todd J. Shill, Dean H. Dusinberre, Robert J. Tribeck, Members, Executive Committee WND Finance, Banking, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Taxation, Trusts & Estates, Labor & Employment, Environmental 51. (tie) Spector Gadon & Rosen 1635 Market St., Seventh Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-241-8888 / 215-241-8844 [email protected] www.lawsgr.com Moorestown, N.J.; St. Petersburg, Fla. 45 WND Paul R. Rosen, President & Chairman; Steven F. Gadon, Secretary & Treasurer WND Family Law, Banking, WND Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Trusts & Estates, Intellectual Property, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts 52. 53. MacDonald Illig Jones & Britton 100 State St., Suite 700 Erie, PA 16507 814-870-7600 / 814-454-4647 [email protected] www.macdonaldillig.com 43 Russell S. Warner, Managing Partner WND Insurance, Intellectual Property, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Workers’ Compensation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts Erie Insurance Group; First National Bank of PA; State Farm Insurance; General Electric Co.; Plastek Industries Inc.; Erie Management Group 54. Zarwin Baum DeVito Kaplan Schaer Toddy 1818 Market St., 13th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-569-2800 / 215-569-1606 [email protected] www.zarwin.com Conshohocken and Bethlehem, Pa.; Marlton and Jersey City, N.J. 42 Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Banking, Labor & Employment, Environmental, Insurance, Medical Malpractice, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Workers’ Compensation Korman Residential 54. Properties; Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust; Comcast Spectacor Inc.; Conestoga Bank; The Bancorp Bank; Tornetta Properties Nelson Levine de Luca & Horst 518 Township Line Rd., Suite 300 Blue Bell, PA 19422 610-862-6500 / 610-862-6501 [email protected] www.nldhlaw.com Newark and Cherry Hill, N.J.; New York; Columbus, Ohio; London; Denver 41 Insurance, Litigation Nationwide Insurance Cos.; Lloyds of London; Liberty Mutual Insurance; State Farm Fire and Casualty; Erie Insurance; Harleysville Insurance Knox McLaughlin Gornall & Sennett 120 W. 10th St. Erie, PA 16501 814-459-2800 / 814-453-4530 [email protected] www.kmgslaw.com North East and Cranesville, Pa.; Jamestown, N.Y. 41 54. 55. (tie) 55. (tie) WND WND WND WND Mitchell Kaplan, President; Theodore M. Schaer, Vice President Michael R. Nelson, Chairman Thomas A. Tupitza, President WND WND WND Bankruptcy, Business & WND Finance, Labor & Employment, Family Law, Litigation, Intellectual Property, Trusts & Estates, Workers’ Compensation, Real Estate, Government Relations NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 64 PaLAW 2010 49. 61. 56. Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients UPS Inc.; Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company; Chubb Insurance; HarleyDavidson; Pfizer Rank 2009 57. (tie) DLA Piper 40 One Liberty Place, 1650 Market St., Suite 4900 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-656-3300 / 215-656-3301 [email protected] / www.dlapiper.com Edison, N.J.; New York; Baltimore; Washington D.C.; Reston, Va.; Atlanta; Boston; Tampa, Fla.; Chicago; Austin and Dallas; Raleigh, N.C.; Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, San Diego and Palo Alto, Calif.; Seattle $1,014* James M. Brogan, Philadelphia Managing $1,230,000* Partner; Francis B. Burch Jr., Firm Joint CEO; $810,000* Lee I. Miller, Firm Joint CEO $130,000 Litigation, Intellectual Property, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Government Relations 57. (tie) Gibbons 1700 Two Logan Square 18th and Arch Sts., Suite 1700 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-665-0400 / 215-636-0366 [email protected] www.gibbonslaw.com Newark and Trenton, N.J.; New York; Wilmington, Del. 40 $111 Patrick C. Dunican Jr., Chairman and Managing $720,641.03 Director; Stephen Imbriglia, Administrative $550,868.49 Director of Philadelphia Office $135,000 Bankruptcy, Commercial WND Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Criminal Defense, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Government Relations, Intellectual Property, Products Liability, Real Estate 53. 59. Marks O’Neill O’Brien & Courtney 1880 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1200 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-564-6688 / 215-564-2526 [email protected] / www.mooclaw.com Pittsburgh; Pennsauken, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Baltimore; Elmsford, N.Y. 39 WND Kevin J. O’Brien, Managing Director WND Bankruptcy, Commercial WND Litigation, Health Care, Insurance, Products Liabilty, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts 66. 60. (tie) Volpe & Koenig United Plaza, 30 S. 17th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-568-6400 [email protected] / www.volpe-koenig.com Princeton, N.J. 37 WND Jay Halt, President $130,000 Intellectual Property WND 59. 60. (tie) Littler Mendelson 37 1601 Cherry St., Suite 1400 Philadelphia, PA 19102 267-402-3000 [email protected] / www.littler.com Pittsburgh; Newark, N.J.; New York, Rochester and Long Island, N.Y.; Washington, D.C.; New Haven, Conn.; Providence, R.I.; Boston; Tyson’s Corner, Va.; Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio; Charlotte, N.C.; Birmingham and Mobile, Ala.; Atlanta; Chicago; Columbia, S.C.; Miami and Orlando, Fla.; Dallas and Houston, Texas; Phoenix; Albuquerque, N.M.; Kansas City and St. Louis, Mo.; Detroit; Indianapolis; Fayetteville, Ark.; Lexington, Ky.; Minneapolis; Milwaukee; Reno and Las Vegas, Nev.; Denver; Portland, Ore.; Seattle; Fresno, Los Angeles, Orange County, Sacramento, San Diego, San Fransisco, San Jose and Walnut Creek, Calif. $370 Kristine Grady Derewicz, WND Office Managing Shareholder of Philadelphia Office; Marko Mrkonich, President & Managing Shareholder; John Cerilli, Office Managing Shareholder of Pittsburgh Office Labor & Employment WND 61. $433,448 $496,783 56. *U.S. operations only NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) PaLAW 2010 65 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Amereda Hess Corp.; AT&T; Stabler Cos. Inc.; H.J. Heinz Co.; Associated Wholesalers Inc.; Farmers & Merchants Trust Company 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 2009 51. (tie) Rhoads & Sinon One S. Market Square, M&T Building Harrisburg, PA 17101 717-233-5731 / 717-232-1459 www.rhoads-sinon.com 45 WND Charles J. Ferry, Chairman, Executive Committee; Thomas J. Nehilla, Todd J. Shill, Dean H. Dusinberre, Robert J. Tribeck, Members, Executive Committee WND Finance, Banking, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Taxation, Trusts & Estates, Labor & Employment, Environmental 51. (tie) Spector Gadon & Rosen 1635 Market St., Seventh Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-241-8888 / 215-241-8844 [email protected] www.lawsgr.com Moorestown, N.J.; St. Petersburg, Fla. 45 WND Paul R. Rosen, President & Chairman; Steven F. Gadon, Secretary & Treasurer WND Family Law, Banking, WND Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Trusts & Estates, Intellectual Property, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts 52. 53. MacDonald Illig Jones & Britton 100 State St., Suite 700 Erie, PA 16507 814-870-7600 / 814-454-4647 [email protected] www.macdonaldillig.com 43 Russell S. Warner, Managing Partner WND Insurance, Intellectual Property, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Workers’ Compensation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts Erie Insurance Group; First National Bank of PA; State Farm Insurance; General Electric Co.; Plastek Industries Inc.; Erie Management Group 54. Zarwin Baum DeVito Kaplan Schaer Toddy 1818 Market St., 13th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-569-2800 / 215-569-1606 [email protected] www.zarwin.com Conshohocken and Bethlehem, Pa.; Marlton and Jersey City, N.J. 42 Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Banking, Labor & Employment, Environmental, Insurance, Medical Malpractice, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Workers’ Compensation Korman Residential 54. Properties; Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust; Comcast Spectacor Inc.; Conestoga Bank; The Bancorp Bank; Tornetta Properties Nelson Levine de Luca & Horst 518 Township Line Rd., Suite 300 Blue Bell, PA 19422 610-862-6500 / 610-862-6501 [email protected] www.nldhlaw.com Newark and Cherry Hill, N.J.; New York; Columbus, Ohio; London; Denver 41 Insurance, Litigation Nationwide Insurance Cos.; Lloyds of London; Liberty Mutual Insurance; State Farm Fire and Casualty; Erie Insurance; Harleysville Insurance Knox McLaughlin Gornall & Sennett 120 W. 10th St. Erie, PA 16501 814-459-2800 / 814-453-4530 [email protected] www.kmgslaw.com North East and Cranesville, Pa.; Jamestown, N.Y. 41 54. 55. (tie) 55. (tie) WND WND WND WND Mitchell Kaplan, President; Theodore M. Schaer, Vice President Michael R. Nelson, Chairman Thomas A. Tupitza, President WND WND WND Bankruptcy, Business & WND Finance, Labor & Employment, Family Law, Litigation, Intellectual Property, Trusts & Estates, Workers’ Compensation, Real Estate, Government Relations NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 64 PaLAW 2010 49. 61. 56. Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients UPS Inc.; Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company; Chubb Insurance; HarleyDavidson; Pfizer Rank 2009 57. (tie) DLA Piper 40 One Liberty Place, 1650 Market St., Suite 4900 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-656-3300 / 215-656-3301 [email protected] / www.dlapiper.com Edison, N.J.; New York; Baltimore; Washington D.C.; Reston, Va.; Atlanta; Boston; Tampa, Fla.; Chicago; Austin and Dallas; Raleigh, N.C.; Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, San Diego and Palo Alto, Calif.; Seattle $1,014* James M. Brogan, Philadelphia Managing $1,230,000* Partner; Francis B. Burch Jr., Firm Joint CEO; $810,000* Lee I. Miller, Firm Joint CEO $130,000 Litigation, Intellectual Property, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Government Relations 57. (tie) Gibbons 1700 Two Logan Square 18th and Arch Sts., Suite 1700 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-665-0400 / 215-636-0366 [email protected] www.gibbonslaw.com Newark and Trenton, N.J.; New York; Wilmington, Del. 40 $111 Patrick C. Dunican Jr., Chairman and Managing $720,641.03 Director; Stephen Imbriglia, Administrative $550,868.49 Director of Philadelphia Office $135,000 Bankruptcy, Commercial WND Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Criminal Defense, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Government Relations, Intellectual Property, Products Liability, Real Estate 53. 59. Marks O’Neill O’Brien & Courtney 1880 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1200 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-564-6688 / 215-564-2526 [email protected] / www.mooclaw.com Pittsburgh; Pennsauken, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; Baltimore; Elmsford, N.Y. 39 WND Kevin J. O’Brien, Managing Director WND Bankruptcy, Commercial WND Litigation, Health Care, Insurance, Products Liabilty, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts 66. 60. (tie) Volpe & Koenig United Plaza, 30 S. 17th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-568-6400 [email protected] / www.volpe-koenig.com Princeton, N.J. 37 WND Jay Halt, President $130,000 Intellectual Property WND 59. 60. (tie) Littler Mendelson 37 1601 Cherry St., Suite 1400 Philadelphia, PA 19102 267-402-3000 [email protected] / www.littler.com Pittsburgh; Newark, N.J.; New York, Rochester and Long Island, N.Y.; Washington, D.C.; New Haven, Conn.; Providence, R.I.; Boston; Tyson’s Corner, Va.; Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio; Charlotte, N.C.; Birmingham and Mobile, Ala.; Atlanta; Chicago; Columbia, S.C.; Miami and Orlando, Fla.; Dallas and Houston, Texas; Phoenix; Albuquerque, N.M.; Kansas City and St. Louis, Mo.; Detroit; Indianapolis; Fayetteville, Ark.; Lexington, Ky.; Minneapolis; Milwaukee; Reno and Las Vegas, Nev.; Denver; Portland, Ore.; Seattle; Fresno, Los Angeles, Orange County, Sacramento, San Diego, San Fransisco, San Jose and Walnut Creek, Calif. $370 Kristine Grady Derewicz, WND Office Managing Shareholder of Philadelphia Office; Marko Mrkonich, President & Managing Shareholder; John Cerilli, Office Managing Shareholder of Pittsburgh Office Labor & Employment WND 61. $433,448 $496,783 56. *U.S. operations only NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) PaLAW 2010 65 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 62. (tie) 62. (tie) Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA Conrad O’Brien 36 1515 Market St., 16th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-864-9600 / 215-864-9620 [email protected] www.conradobrien.com West Chester, Harrisburg and West Conshohocken, Pa.; Cherry Hill, N.J. 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL WND Nicholas Centrella, Managing Shareholder; James J. Rohn, Chairman Commercial Litigation, White-Collar/ Corporate Governance, Products Liability, Medical Malpractice, Environmental/ Toxic Torts, Antitrust, Intellectual Property, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance The Dow Chemical Company; The Vanguard Group; Exxon Mobile Corp.; Cephalon Inc.; The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Teledyne Continental Motors Litigation, Insurance, Medical Malpractice, Products Liability, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts WND Labor & Employment WND 61. Rubin Fortunato & Harbison MCS Building, 10 S. Leopard Road Paoli, PA 19301 610-408-2000 / 610-408-9000 [email protected] www.rubinfortunato.com 36 65. Sherrard German & Kelly Two PNC Plaza, 28th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-355-0200 / 412-261-6221 www.sgkpc.com 35 WND Robert D. German, Managing Shareholder; Walter R. Bashaw II, Managing Shareholder WND Insurance, Trusts & Estates, Banking, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Family Law, Real Estate, Taxation WND 61. 66. (tie) Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein Union Meeting Corporate Center 910 Harvest Drive, P.O. Box 3037 Blue Bell, PA 19422-0765 610-260-6000 / 610-260-1240 [email protected] www.kaplaw.com Philadelphia; Cherry Hill, N.J. 34 WND Maury B. Reiter, Managing Principal WND Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Health Care, Real Estate, Taxation, Trusts & Estates, Litigation Toll Brothers; Stoltz Management; Pitcairn Properties Inc.; ChickFil-A; Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. 68. 66. (tie) McQuaide Blasko 811 University Drive State College, PA 16801 814-238-4926 / 814-234-5620 [email protected] www.mcquaideblasko.com Hershey and Hollidaysburg, Pa. 34 WND James M. Horne, Managing Partner WND Litigation, Family Law, Health Care, Business & Finance, Intellectual Property, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Trusts & Estates WND 66. Gregory S. Rubin, Chairman WND Representative Clients 36 WND Ralph J. Luongo, Managing Shareholder WND Practice Areas Rank 2009 Christie Pabarue Mortensen & Young 1880 John F. Kennedy Blvd., 10th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-587-1600 / 215-587-1699 [email protected] www.cpmy.com Wilmington, Del.; Westmont, N.J.; New York; Boston 62. (tie) WND Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania WND NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 66 PaLAW 2010 Rank 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 68. (tie) Willig Williams & Davidson 1845 Walnut St., 24th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-656-3600 / 215-561-5135 [email protected] www.wwdlaw.com Harrisburg, Jenkintown and Media, Pa.; Haddonfield, N.J. 33 WND Deborah R. Willig, Managing Partner WND Family Law, Litigation, Bankruptcy, Real Estate, Workers’ Compensation, Labor & Employment, Criminal Defense, Trusts & Estates AFSCME; Philadelphia 69. Federation of Teachers; Teamsters; United Food & Commercial Workers Union; International Association of Firefighters; Unite Here 68. (tie) Archer & Greiner One Liberty Place, 1650 Market St., 32nd Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-963-3300 / 856-795-0574 [first initial and last name]@archerlaw.com www.archerlaw.com Haddonfield, Flemington and Princeton, N.J.; Wilmington and Georgetown, Del. 33 $65.305 James H. Carll, Chairman of the Board; Gary J. Lesneski, President $110,000 Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Health Care, Intellectual Property, Taxation, Trusts & Estates Exxon Mobil Corp.; Keystone Foods; Pulte Home Corporation; Cybex International; City of Philadelphia; Delaware River Port Authority 72. Greenberg Traurig Two Commerce Square 2001 Market St., Suite 2700 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-988-7800 / 215-988-7801 www.gtlaw.com Morristown, N.J.; New York, White Plains, and Albany, N.Y.; Boston; Chicago; Atlanta; Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Orlando, Tallahassee, Tampa, West Palm Beach and Boca Raton, Fla.; Houston and Austin, Texas; Dallas, Texas; Denver; Phoenix; Las Vegas; Orange County, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Fancisco, Silicon Vally, Calif.; Tyson’s Corner, Va.; Washington, D.C.; Amsterdam; Shanghai, China; London 33 Michael L. Lehr, Managing Partner; Robert M. Goldich, Philadelphia Operating Shareholder WND Antitrust, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Corporate & Securities, E-Commerce & Technology, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Government Relations, Health Care, Intellectual Property Greystone & Co.; Penrose Properties; Shaw Environmental; Centerline Capital; Wilmington Trust Company; Goldman Sachs 79. Houston Harbaugh Three Gateway Center 401 Liberty Ave., 22nd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-281-5060 / 412-281-4499 [email protected] www.hh-law.com 33 Banking, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, E-Commerce & Technology, Labor & Employment, Health Care, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates WND 79. 69. 56. Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 68. (tie) 68. (tie) $399,800 $435,400 $1.173 $1,311,000 $687,000 WND Bradley J. Franc, WND Executive Committee Member; Michael J. Dempster, Executive Committee Member; Mary-Jo Rebelo, Executive Committee Member NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) PaLAW 2010 67 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 62. (tie) 62. (tie) Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA Conrad O’Brien 36 1515 Market St., 16th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-864-9600 / 215-864-9620 [email protected] www.conradobrien.com West Chester, Harrisburg and West Conshohocken, Pa.; Cherry Hill, N.J. 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL WND Nicholas Centrella, Managing Shareholder; James J. Rohn, Chairman Commercial Litigation, White-Collar/ Corporate Governance, Products Liability, Medical Malpractice, Environmental/ Toxic Torts, Antitrust, Intellectual Property, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance The Dow Chemical Company; The Vanguard Group; Exxon Mobile Corp.; Cephalon Inc.; The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Teledyne Continental Motors Litigation, Insurance, Medical Malpractice, Products Liability, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts WND Labor & Employment WND 61. Rubin Fortunato & Harbison MCS Building, 10 S. Leopard Road Paoli, PA 19301 610-408-2000 / 610-408-9000 [email protected] www.rubinfortunato.com 36 65. Sherrard German & Kelly Two PNC Plaza, 28th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-355-0200 / 412-261-6221 www.sgkpc.com 35 WND Robert D. German, Managing Shareholder; Walter R. Bashaw II, Managing Shareholder WND Insurance, Trusts & Estates, Banking, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Family Law, Real Estate, Taxation WND 61. 66. (tie) Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein Union Meeting Corporate Center 910 Harvest Drive, P.O. Box 3037 Blue Bell, PA 19422-0765 610-260-6000 / 610-260-1240 [email protected] www.kaplaw.com Philadelphia; Cherry Hill, N.J. 34 WND Maury B. Reiter, Managing Principal WND Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Health Care, Real Estate, Taxation, Trusts & Estates, Litigation Toll Brothers; Stoltz Management; Pitcairn Properties Inc.; ChickFil-A; Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. 68. 66. (tie) McQuaide Blasko 811 University Drive State College, PA 16801 814-238-4926 / 814-234-5620 [email protected] www.mcquaideblasko.com Hershey and Hollidaysburg, Pa. 34 WND James M. Horne, Managing Partner WND Litigation, Family Law, Health Care, Business & Finance, Intellectual Property, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Trusts & Estates WND 66. Gregory S. Rubin, Chairman WND Representative Clients 36 WND Ralph J. Luongo, Managing Shareholder WND Practice Areas Rank 2009 Christie Pabarue Mortensen & Young 1880 John F. Kennedy Blvd., 10th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-587-1600 / 215-587-1699 [email protected] www.cpmy.com Wilmington, Del.; Westmont, N.J.; New York; Boston 62. (tie) WND Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania WND NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 66 PaLAW 2010 Rank 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 68. (tie) Willig Williams & Davidson 1845 Walnut St., 24th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-656-3600 / 215-561-5135 [email protected] www.wwdlaw.com Harrisburg, Jenkintown and Media, Pa.; Haddonfield, N.J. 33 WND Deborah R. Willig, Managing Partner WND Family Law, Litigation, Bankruptcy, Real Estate, Workers’ Compensation, Labor & Employment, Criminal Defense, Trusts & Estates AFSCME; Philadelphia 69. Federation of Teachers; Teamsters; United Food & Commercial Workers Union; International Association of Firefighters; Unite Here 68. (tie) Archer & Greiner One Liberty Place, 1650 Market St., 32nd Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-963-3300 / 856-795-0574 [first initial and last name]@archerlaw.com www.archerlaw.com Haddonfield, Flemington and Princeton, N.J.; Wilmington and Georgetown, Del. 33 $65.305 James H. Carll, Chairman of the Board; Gary J. Lesneski, President $110,000 Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Health Care, Intellectual Property, Taxation, Trusts & Estates Exxon Mobil Corp.; Keystone Foods; Pulte Home Corporation; Cybex International; City of Philadelphia; Delaware River Port Authority 72. Greenberg Traurig Two Commerce Square 2001 Market St., Suite 2700 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-988-7800 / 215-988-7801 www.gtlaw.com Morristown, N.J.; New York, White Plains, and Albany, N.Y.; Boston; Chicago; Atlanta; Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Orlando, Tallahassee, Tampa, West Palm Beach and Boca Raton, Fla.; Houston and Austin, Texas; Dallas, Texas; Denver; Phoenix; Las Vegas; Orange County, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Fancisco, Silicon Vally, Calif.; Tyson’s Corner, Va.; Washington, D.C.; Amsterdam; Shanghai, China; London 33 Michael L. Lehr, Managing Partner; Robert M. Goldich, Philadelphia Operating Shareholder WND Antitrust, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Corporate & Securities, E-Commerce & Technology, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Government Relations, Health Care, Intellectual Property Greystone & Co.; Penrose Properties; Shaw Environmental; Centerline Capital; Wilmington Trust Company; Goldman Sachs 79. Houston Harbaugh Three Gateway Center 401 Liberty Ave., 22nd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-281-5060 / 412-281-4499 [email protected] www.hh-law.com 33 Banking, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, E-Commerce & Technology, Labor & Employment, Health Care, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates WND 79. 69. 56. Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 68. (tie) 68. (tie) $399,800 $435,400 $1.173 $1,311,000 $687,000 WND Bradley J. Franc, WND Executive Committee Member; Michael J. Dempster, Executive Committee Member; Mary-Jo Rebelo, Executive Committee Member NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) PaLAW 2010 67 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 72. (tie) 72. (tie) 72. (tie) 75. (tie) 75. (tie) 75. (tie) Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Rosenn Jenkins & Greenwald 15 S. Franklin St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 570-826-5600 / 570-826-5640 [email protected] / www.rjglaw.com Hazleton and Scranton, Pa. Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL 32 WND Tallman Hudders & Sorrentino Paragon Centre, 1611 Pond Road, Suite 300 Allentown, PA 18104 610-391-1800 / 610-391-1805 [email protected] www.thslaw.com New York; Bridgewater, N.J. 32 The Webb Law Firm 700 Koppers Building 436 Seventh Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-471-8815 / 412-471-4094 [email protected] www.webblaw.com 32 WND WND McGuire Woods 31 EQT Plaza, 625 Liberty Ave., 23rd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3142 412-667-6000 / 412-667-6050 [email protected] www.mcguirewoods.com New York; Baltimore; Washington, D.C.; Charlottesville, Norfolk, Richmond and Tysons Corner, Va.; Charlotte, Wilmington and Raleigh, N.C.; Atlanta; Chicago; Jacksonville, Fla.; Los Angeles; Brussels, Belgium; London; Almaty, Kazakhstan $509 Powell Trachtman Logan Carrle & Lombardo 475 Allendale Road, Suite 200 King of Prussia, PA 19406 610-354-9700 / 610-354-9760 [email protected] www.powelltrachtman.com Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, Pa.; Cherry Hill, N.J. 31 WND Zimmer Kunz 3300 U.S. Steel Tower Pittsburgh, PA 15219 15219-2702 412-281-8000 / 412-281-1765 [email protected] / www.zklaw.com Greensburg, Pa.; Morgantown, W.Va. 31 $800,000 $595,000 WND Firm Management Joseph L. Persico, Managing Partner First-Year Associate Salary WND Matthew Sorrentino, Managing Partner of PA Office; Oldrich Foucek III, Senior Partner of PA Office; Timothy J. Siegfried, Administrative Partner of PA Office WND Kent E. Baldauf, Chairman of the Management Committee; John W. McIlvaine, Management Committee; Kirk M. Miles, Management Committee WND Richard Cullen, Chairman; Thomas E. Cabaniss, Managing Partner; Nancy R. Little and Terrence M. Begley, Dep. Managing Partners WND Michael G. Trachtman, President; Gunther O. Carrle, SecretaryTreasurer; Paul A. Logan, Vice President WND Jeffrey A. Ramaley, President & Managing Partner; Daniel E. Krauth, Treasurer; Christopher T. Yoskosky, Secretary WND Rank 2009 Practice Areas Representative Clients Banking, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Corporate & Securities, Bankruptcy, Litigation, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Workers’ Compensation Guard Insurance Group; Wilkes University; Sordoni Construction Services Inc.; Diversified Information Technologies Inc.; Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority 73. Intellectual Property, Banking, Health Care, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Real Estate, Taxation, Trusts & Estates, Labor & Employment, Corporate & Securities Lehigh Valley Hospital & Health Network; PNC Bank; Yuengling Brewery; Brown Daub Dealership; Lucent Technologies; City of Easton 60. Intellectual Property WND 73. Intellectual Property, White-Collar, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Health Care, Products Liability, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Taxation WND Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Products Liability, Real Estate, Taxation, Trusts & Estates WND Litigation, Products Liability, Workers’ Compensation, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts WND NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 68 PaLAW 2010 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 78. (tie) Strassburger McKenna Gutnick & Gefsky Four Gateway Center 444 Liberty Ave., Suite 2200 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 [email protected] / www.smgglaw.com Greensburg and New Brighton, Pa. 30 WND Reid B. Roberts, Co-Managing Partner; Harry F. Kunselman, Co-Managing Partner WND Business & Finance, WND Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Criminal Defense, Family Law, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Trusts & Estates, Real Estate, Workers’ Compensation 73. 78. (tie) Metz Lewis Brodman Must O’Keefe 11 Stanwix St., 18th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-918-1100 / 412-918-1199 [email protected] www.metzlewis.com 30 WND LeRoy L. Metz II, President WND Intellectual Property, Banking, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Trusts & Estates WND 73. 80. (tie) CGA Law Firm 135 N. George St. York, PA 17401 717-848-4900 / 215-246-2144 [email protected] www.cgalaw.com East Berlin, Pa. 29 WND Sharon E. Myers, Managing Shareholder WND Bankruptcy, Business, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Family Law, Intellectual Property, Litigation, Real Estate, Taxation, Trusts & Estates WND 83. 80. (tie) MacElree Harvey 17 W. Miner St. West Chester, PA 19382 610-436-0100 / 610-429-4486 [email protected] www.macelree.com Kennett Square, Pa.; Centreville, Del. 29 WND Lance J. Nelson, Managing Partner WND Family Law, Banking, WND Bankruptcy, Litigation, Real Estate, Corporate & Securities, Taxation, Trusts & Estates, Labor & Employment, Business & Finance 79. 82. (tie) Curtin & Heefner 250 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Morrisville, PA 19067 215-736-2521 / 215-736-3647 [email protected] www.curtinheefner.com Doylestown, Pa.; Lawrenceville, N.J. 28 WND Frank S. Guarrieri, Managing Partner WND Insurance, Banking, Business & Finance, Labor & Employment, Commercial Litigation, Real Estate, Litigation, Trusts & Estates, Bankruptcy Allstate Insurance Co.; State Farm Fire & Casualty Ins. Co.; New Jersey Manufacturer’s Ins. Co.; Sovereign Bank; Lower Makefield Township; Wachovia Bank 83. 82. (tie) Meyer Darragh Buckler Bebenek & Eck U.S. Steel Tower, 600 Grant St., Suite 4850 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-261-6600 / 412-471-2754 [email protected] www.mdbbe.com Greensburg, Pa. 28 WND Constantine J. Passodelis, WND Chairman, Executive Committee Products Liability, Health Care, Insurance, Workers’ Compensation, Commercial Litigation, Trusts & Estates, Criminal Defense, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Medical Malpractice Cendant Mobility 83. Services Corp.; County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania; Donegal Mutual Insurance; Laidlaw Transit; Quest Diagnostics; Transportation Claims Inc. 69. 73. 94. Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) PaLAW 2010 69 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 72. (tie) 72. (tie) 72. (tie) 75. (tie) 75. (tie) 75. (tie) Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Rosenn Jenkins & Greenwald 15 S. Franklin St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 570-826-5600 / 570-826-5640 [email protected] / www.rjglaw.com Hazleton and Scranton, Pa. Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL 32 WND Tallman Hudders & Sorrentino Paragon Centre, 1611 Pond Road, Suite 300 Allentown, PA 18104 610-391-1800 / 610-391-1805 [email protected] www.thslaw.com New York; Bridgewater, N.J. 32 The Webb Law Firm 700 Koppers Building 436 Seventh Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-471-8815 / 412-471-4094 [email protected] www.webblaw.com 32 WND WND McGuire Woods 31 EQT Plaza, 625 Liberty Ave., 23rd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3142 412-667-6000 / 412-667-6050 [email protected] www.mcguirewoods.com New York; Baltimore; Washington, D.C.; Charlottesville, Norfolk, Richmond and Tysons Corner, Va.; Charlotte, Wilmington and Raleigh, N.C.; Atlanta; Chicago; Jacksonville, Fla.; Los Angeles; Brussels, Belgium; London; Almaty, Kazakhstan $509 Powell Trachtman Logan Carrle & Lombardo 475 Allendale Road, Suite 200 King of Prussia, PA 19406 610-354-9700 / 610-354-9760 [email protected] www.powelltrachtman.com Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, Pa.; Cherry Hill, N.J. 31 WND Zimmer Kunz 3300 U.S. Steel Tower Pittsburgh, PA 15219 15219-2702 412-281-8000 / 412-281-1765 [email protected] / www.zklaw.com Greensburg, Pa.; Morgantown, W.Va. 31 $800,000 $595,000 WND Firm Management Joseph L. Persico, Managing Partner First-Year Associate Salary WND Matthew Sorrentino, Managing Partner of PA Office; Oldrich Foucek III, Senior Partner of PA Office; Timothy J. Siegfried, Administrative Partner of PA Office WND Kent E. Baldauf, Chairman of the Management Committee; John W. McIlvaine, Management Committee; Kirk M. Miles, Management Committee WND Richard Cullen, Chairman; Thomas E. Cabaniss, Managing Partner; Nancy R. Little and Terrence M. Begley, Dep. Managing Partners WND Michael G. Trachtman, President; Gunther O. Carrle, SecretaryTreasurer; Paul A. Logan, Vice President WND Jeffrey A. Ramaley, President & Managing Partner; Daniel E. Krauth, Treasurer; Christopher T. Yoskosky, Secretary WND Rank 2009 Practice Areas Representative Clients Banking, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Corporate & Securities, Bankruptcy, Litigation, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Workers’ Compensation Guard Insurance Group; Wilkes University; Sordoni Construction Services Inc.; Diversified Information Technologies Inc.; Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority 73. Intellectual Property, Banking, Health Care, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Real Estate, Taxation, Trusts & Estates, Labor & Employment, Corporate & Securities Lehigh Valley Hospital & Health Network; PNC Bank; Yuengling Brewery; Brown Daub Dealership; Lucent Technologies; City of Easton 60. Intellectual Property WND 73. Intellectual Property, White-Collar, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Health Care, Products Liability, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Taxation WND Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Products Liability, Real Estate, Taxation, Trusts & Estates WND Litigation, Products Liability, Workers’ Compensation, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts WND NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 68 PaLAW 2010 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 78. (tie) Strassburger McKenna Gutnick & Gefsky Four Gateway Center 444 Liberty Ave., Suite 2200 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 [email protected] / www.smgglaw.com Greensburg and New Brighton, Pa. 30 WND Reid B. Roberts, Co-Managing Partner; Harry F. Kunselman, Co-Managing Partner WND Business & Finance, WND Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Criminal Defense, Family Law, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Trusts & Estates, Real Estate, Workers’ Compensation 73. 78. (tie) Metz Lewis Brodman Must O’Keefe 11 Stanwix St., 18th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-918-1100 / 412-918-1199 [email protected] www.metzlewis.com 30 WND LeRoy L. Metz II, President WND Intellectual Property, Banking, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Trusts & Estates WND 73. 80. (tie) CGA Law Firm 135 N. George St. York, PA 17401 717-848-4900 / 215-246-2144 [email protected] www.cgalaw.com East Berlin, Pa. 29 WND Sharon E. Myers, Managing Shareholder WND Bankruptcy, Business, Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Family Law, Intellectual Property, Litigation, Real Estate, Taxation, Trusts & Estates WND 83. 80. (tie) MacElree Harvey 17 W. Miner St. West Chester, PA 19382 610-436-0100 / 610-429-4486 [email protected] www.macelree.com Kennett Square, Pa.; Centreville, Del. 29 WND Lance J. Nelson, Managing Partner WND Family Law, Banking, WND Bankruptcy, Litigation, Real Estate, Corporate & Securities, Taxation, Trusts & Estates, Labor & Employment, Business & Finance 79. 82. (tie) Curtin & Heefner 250 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Morrisville, PA 19067 215-736-2521 / 215-736-3647 [email protected] www.curtinheefner.com Doylestown, Pa.; Lawrenceville, N.J. 28 WND Frank S. Guarrieri, Managing Partner WND Insurance, Banking, Business & Finance, Labor & Employment, Commercial Litigation, Real Estate, Litigation, Trusts & Estates, Bankruptcy Allstate Insurance Co.; State Farm Fire & Casualty Ins. Co.; New Jersey Manufacturer’s Ins. Co.; Sovereign Bank; Lower Makefield Township; Wachovia Bank 83. 82. (tie) Meyer Darragh Buckler Bebenek & Eck U.S. Steel Tower, 600 Grant St., Suite 4850 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-261-6600 / 412-471-2754 [email protected] www.mdbbe.com Greensburg, Pa. 28 WND Constantine J. Passodelis, WND Chairman, Executive Committee Products Liability, Health Care, Insurance, Workers’ Compensation, Commercial Litigation, Trusts & Estates, Criminal Defense, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Medical Malpractice Cendant Mobility 83. Services Corp.; County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania; Donegal Mutual Insurance; Laidlaw Transit; Quest Diagnostics; Transportation Claims Inc. 69. 73. 94. Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) PaLAW 2010 69 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 2009 82. (tie) Gross McGinley 33 S. Seventh St. Allentown, PA 18105 610-820-5450 [email protected] www.grossmcginley.com Easton, Pa. 28 WND Malcolm J. Gross, Founding Partner; Paul McGinley, Founding Partner WND Banking, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Trusts & Estates, E-Commerce & Technology, Intellectual Property, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Taxation Rodale; PPL Corp.; KidsPeace; Lehigh Valley Hospital; Viamedia; City of Allentown 88. 82. (tie) Reger Rizzo & Darnall Cira Centre, 2929 Arch St., 13th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-495-6500 / 215-495-6600 [email protected] www.regerlaw.com West Chester, Pa.; Mount Laurel, N.J.; White Plains, N.Y.; Baltimore; Wilmington, Del. 28 WND Louis J. Rizzo Jr., Managing Partner; Richard M. Darnall, Partner WND Trusts & Estates, Litigation, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Products Liability, Family Law, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Workers’ Compensation WND 82. (tie) Kline & Specter 1525 Locust St., 19th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-772-1000 / 215-772-1359 www.klinespecter.com Cherry Hill, N.J.; New York 28 WND Thomas R. Kline, Managing Partner; Shanin Specter, Managing Partner WND Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Products Liability 87. (tie) Eastburn & Gray 60 E. Court St. Doylestown, PA 18901 215-345-7000 / 215-345-9142 [email protected] www.eastburngray.com Blue Bell, Pa. 27 WND D. Rodman Eastburn, President WND 87. (tie) Goehring Rutter & Boehm Frick Building, 437 Grant St., 14th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-281-0587 www.grblaw.com Sewickley, Pa. 27 WND Daniel F. Gramc, President WND & Managing Director; Michael K. Parrish, Vice President, Robert J. Winters, Treasurer 87. (tie) Grogan Graffam Four Gateway Center, 12th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-553-6300 / 412-642-2601 www.grogangraffam.com 27 WND Dennis A. Watson, President WND 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 87. (tie) Hamburg Rubin Mullin Maxwell & Lupin 375 Morris Road, P.O. Box 1479 Lansdale, PA 19446-0773 215-661-0400 / 215-661-0315 [email protected] www.hrmml.com Limerick, Allentown, Perkasie and Harrisburg, Pa. 27 WND Steven Lupin, Managing Partner WND Corporate & Securities, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Family Law, Litigation, Products Liability, Real Estate, Taxation, Trust & Estates WND 79. 87. (tie) Naulty Scaricamazza & McDevitt 1617 John F. Kennedy Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-568-5116 / 215-568-2077 www.naulty.com Media, Pa.; Marlton, N.J. 27 WND William Cilingin, Managing Partner WND Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Envrionmental/Toxic Torts, Health Care, Insurance, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Products Liability, Workers’ Compensation WND 94. 61. Edgar Snyder & Associates 600 Grant St., US Steel Tower, 10th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-394-1000 www.edgarsnyder.com Altoona, Ebensburg, Erie and Johnstown, Pa. WND Edgar Snyder, Managing Partner WND Personal Injury, Workers’ Compensation WND NR 83. 87. (tie) 27 WND Kenneth A. Roos, Administrative Partner WND Banking, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Family Law, Real Estate, Taxation, Trusts & Estates, Government Relations, ADR Carr & Duff Inc.; Cheltenham Township; Continental Bank; The DePaul Group; Lower Gwynedd Township; Abington School District 94. 88. Wisler Pearlstine Office Court at Walton Point 484 Norristown Road, Suite 100 Blue Bell, PA 19422 610-825-8400 / 610-828-4887 www.wislerpearlstine.com WND WND 93. (tie) 26 Banking, Litigation, Business & Finance, Real Estate, Family Law, Criminal Defense, Trusts & Estates, Labor & Employment Litigation, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Labor & Employment, Family Law WND 88. 93. (tie) Ratner Prestia 1235 Westlakes Drive, Suite 301 Berwyn, PA 19312 610-407-0700 / 610-407-0701 www.ratnerprestia.com Allentown, Pa.; Wilmington, Del. 26 WND Paul F. Prestia, Chief Executive Officer WND Intellectual Property, Litigation Panasonic; University of Delaware; ITT Industries; B. Braun Medical Inc.; Micron; Johnson & Johnson 91. 93. (tie) Mintzer Sarowitz Zeris Ledva & Meyers Centre Square 1500 Market St., Suite 4100 Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-735-7200 / 215-735-1714 [email protected] www.defensecounsel.com Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wilmington, Del.; Cherry Hill, N.J.; Hicksville and New York, N.Y.; Tampa and Coral Gables, Fla. 26 WND Jay E. Mintzer, Managing Partner WND Insurance, Medical Malpractice, Products Liability, Workers’ Compensation, Commercial Litigation, Litigation, E-Commerce & Technology, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts Western World 94. Insurance Co.; J.C. Penney Co. Inc.; Harrah’s Entertainment Inc.; National Indemnity Co.; Navigators Insurance Co.; Academy Bus Litigation, Commercial WND Litigation, Insurance, Medical Malpractice, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Products Liability, Business & Finance, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Workers’ Compensation NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 70 PaLAW 2010 Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 91. NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) PaLAW 2010 71 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank 2009 82. (tie) Gross McGinley 33 S. Seventh St. Allentown, PA 18105 610-820-5450 [email protected] www.grossmcginley.com Easton, Pa. 28 WND Malcolm J. Gross, Founding Partner; Paul McGinley, Founding Partner WND Banking, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Trusts & Estates, E-Commerce & Technology, Intellectual Property, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Taxation Rodale; PPL Corp.; KidsPeace; Lehigh Valley Hospital; Viamedia; City of Allentown 88. 82. (tie) Reger Rizzo & Darnall Cira Centre, 2929 Arch St., 13th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-495-6500 / 215-495-6600 [email protected] www.regerlaw.com West Chester, Pa.; Mount Laurel, N.J.; White Plains, N.Y.; Baltimore; Wilmington, Del. 28 WND Louis J. Rizzo Jr., Managing Partner; Richard M. Darnall, Partner WND Trusts & Estates, Litigation, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Products Liability, Family Law, Real Estate, Labor & Employment, Workers’ Compensation WND 82. (tie) Kline & Specter 1525 Locust St., 19th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-772-1000 / 215-772-1359 www.klinespecter.com Cherry Hill, N.J.; New York 28 WND Thomas R. Kline, Managing Partner; Shanin Specter, Managing Partner WND Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Products Liability 87. (tie) Eastburn & Gray 60 E. Court St. Doylestown, PA 18901 215-345-7000 / 215-345-9142 [email protected] www.eastburngray.com Blue Bell, Pa. 27 WND D. Rodman Eastburn, President WND 87. (tie) Goehring Rutter & Boehm Frick Building, 437 Grant St., 14th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-281-0587 www.grblaw.com Sewickley, Pa. 27 WND Daniel F. Gramc, President WND & Managing Director; Michael K. Parrish, Vice President, Robert J. Winters, Treasurer 87. (tie) Grogan Graffam Four Gateway Center, 12th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-553-6300 / 412-642-2601 www.grogangraffam.com 27 WND Dennis A. Watson, President WND 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 87. (tie) Hamburg Rubin Mullin Maxwell & Lupin 375 Morris Road, P.O. Box 1479 Lansdale, PA 19446-0773 215-661-0400 / 215-661-0315 [email protected] www.hrmml.com Limerick, Allentown, Perkasie and Harrisburg, Pa. 27 WND Steven Lupin, Managing Partner WND Corporate & Securities, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Family Law, Litigation, Products Liability, Real Estate, Taxation, Trust & Estates WND 79. 87. (tie) Naulty Scaricamazza & McDevitt 1617 John F. Kennedy Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-568-5116 / 215-568-2077 www.naulty.com Media, Pa.; Marlton, N.J. 27 WND William Cilingin, Managing Partner WND Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Envrionmental/Toxic Torts, Health Care, Insurance, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Products Liability, Workers’ Compensation WND 94. 61. Edgar Snyder & Associates 600 Grant St., US Steel Tower, 10th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-394-1000 www.edgarsnyder.com Altoona, Ebensburg, Erie and Johnstown, Pa. WND Edgar Snyder, Managing Partner WND Personal Injury, Workers’ Compensation WND NR 83. 87. (tie) 27 WND Kenneth A. Roos, Administrative Partner WND Banking, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Labor & Employment, Family Law, Real Estate, Taxation, Trusts & Estates, Government Relations, ADR Carr & Duff Inc.; Cheltenham Township; Continental Bank; The DePaul Group; Lower Gwynedd Township; Abington School District 94. 88. Wisler Pearlstine Office Court at Walton Point 484 Norristown Road, Suite 100 Blue Bell, PA 19422 610-825-8400 / 610-828-4887 www.wislerpearlstine.com WND WND 93. (tie) 26 Banking, Litigation, Business & Finance, Real Estate, Family Law, Criminal Defense, Trusts & Estates, Labor & Employment Litigation, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Bankruptcy, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Labor & Employment, Family Law WND 88. 93. (tie) Ratner Prestia 1235 Westlakes Drive, Suite 301 Berwyn, PA 19312 610-407-0700 / 610-407-0701 www.ratnerprestia.com Allentown, Pa.; Wilmington, Del. 26 WND Paul F. Prestia, Chief Executive Officer WND Intellectual Property, Litigation Panasonic; University of Delaware; ITT Industries; B. Braun Medical Inc.; Micron; Johnson & Johnson 91. 93. (tie) Mintzer Sarowitz Zeris Ledva & Meyers Centre Square 1500 Market St., Suite 4100 Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-735-7200 / 215-735-1714 [email protected] www.defensecounsel.com Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wilmington, Del.; Cherry Hill, N.J.; Hicksville and New York, N.Y.; Tampa and Coral Gables, Fla. 26 WND Jay E. Mintzer, Managing Partner WND Insurance, Medical Malpractice, Products Liability, Workers’ Compensation, Commercial Litigation, Litigation, E-Commerce & Technology, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts Western World 94. Insurance Co.; J.C. Penney Co. Inc.; Harrah’s Entertainment Inc.; National Indemnity Co.; Navigators Insurance Co.; Academy Bus Litigation, Commercial WND Litigation, Insurance, Medical Malpractice, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Products Liability, Business & Finance, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Workers’ Compensation NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 70 PaLAW 2010 Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 91. NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) PaLAW 2010 71 100 Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania Rank Firm, Address, Phone/Fax, E-Mail/Website, Other Offices Total Full-Time Attorneys in PA 2009 Gross Revenue (millions)/ PPP/RPL Firm Management First-Year Associate Salary 100 Largest Law Firms Alphabetically Practice Areas Representative Clients Rank 2009 93. (tie) Hartman Underhill & Brubaker 221 E. Chestnut St. Lancaster, PA 17602 717-299-7254 / 717-299-3160 [email protected] www.hublaw.com 26 WND Mark Stanley, Managing Partner WND Family Law, Banking, Government Relations, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Real Estate, Taxation, Labor & Employment, Trusts & Estates WND 100. 93. (tie) Rothman Gordon 310 Grant St., Third Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-338-1100 / 412-281-7304 [email protected] www.rothmangordon.com 26 WND William E. Lestitian, Managing Shareholder WND Real Estate, Workers’ Compensation, Trusts & Estates, Business & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Taxation, Labor & Employment, Mediation WND 83. 98. (tie) Forry Ullman Ullman & Forry 540 Court St. Reading, PA 19603 610-777-5700 / 610-777-2499 [email protected] www.forryullman.com King of Prussia, Bethlehem, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Scranton, Pa. 25 WND Lee E. Ullman, Chairman of Management Committee WND Insurance, Commercial Litigation, Litigation, Workers’ Compensation, Family Law WND 73. 98. (tie) German Gallagher & Murtagh 200 S. Broad St., Suite 500 Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-545-7700 / 215-732-4182 [email protected] www.ggmfirm.com Moorestown, N.J. 25 WND Dean F. Murtagh, Managing Partner WND Commercial Litigation, Labor & Employment, Environmental/Toxic Torts, Health Care, Workers’ Compensation, Products Liability, Insurance, Medical Malpractice WND 94. 100. (tie) Caesar Rivise Bernstein Cohen & Pokotilow 1635 Market St., 11th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103-2212 215-567-2010 / 215-751-1142 [email protected] www.crbcp.com 24 WND Manny D. Pokotilow, Managing Partner WND Intellectual Property Wawa; QVC; Roper Industries; Air Products; Apotex; Checkpoint 91. 100. (tie) Goldberg Persky & White 1030 Fifth Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-471-3980 / 412-471-8308 [email protected] www.gpwlaw.com Greensburg and Johnstown, Pa.; Weirton, W. Va.; Saginaw and Allen Park, Mich. 24 WND Theodore Goldberg, President; Joel Persky, Vice President WND Asbestos, Personal Injury, Elder Law, Insurance Litigation, Workers’ Compensation WND 100. NA (Not Applicable) WND (Would Not Disclose) NR (Not Ranked) PPP (Profits Per Equity Partner) RPL (Revenue Per Lawyer) Sources: PaLAW Survey, Industry Resources (All data as of 6/10/10) 72 PaLAW 2010 Firm Archer & Greiner Babst Calland Clements & Zomnir Ballard Spahr Barley Snyder Barroway Topaz Kessler Meltzer & Check Bennett Bricklin & Saltzburg Berger & Montague Blank Rome Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney Burns White Caesar Rivise Bernstein Cohen & Pokotilow CGA Law Firm Christie Pabarue Mortensen & Young Cipriani & Werner Cohen & Grigsby Cohen Seglias Pallas Greenhall & Furman Conrad O’Brien Cozen O’Connor Curtin & Heefner Dechert Dickie McCamey & Chilcote Dilworth Paxson DLA Piper Drinker Biddle & Reath Duane Morris Eastburn & Gray Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott Edgar Snyder & Associates Elliott Greenleaf & Siedzikowski Forry Ullman Ullman & Forry Fox Rothschild German Gallagher & Murtagh Gibbons Goehring Rutter & Boehm Goldberg Persky & White Greenberg Traurig Grogan Graffam Gross McGinley Hamburg Rubin Mullin Maxwell & Lupin Hangley Aronchick Segal & Pudlin Hartman Underhill & Brubaker Houston Harbaugh Jones Day K&L Gates Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg Kline & Specter Knox McLaughlin Gornall & Sennett Lavin O’Neil Ricci Cedrone & DiSipio Littler Mendelson MacDonald Illig Jones & Britton Rank 68. (tie) 35. 14. 39. 33. 45. (tie) 40. 7. (tie) 4. 29. (tie) 100. (tie) 80. (tie) 62. (tie) 42. 23. 44. 62. (tie) 6. 81. (tie) 11. (tie) 21. 32. 57. (tie) 10. 13. 87. (tie) 7. (tie) 87. (tie) 43. 98 (tie) 11. (tie) 98. (tie) 57. (tie) 87. (tie) 100. (tie) 68. (tie) 87. (tie) 81. (tie) 87. (tie) 50. 93. (tie) 68. (tie) 45. (tie) 9. 66. (tie) 31. 81. (tie) 55. (tie) 47. (tie) 60. (tie) 53. Total Attorneys in PA 33 72 189 65 78 50 64 233 272 84 24 29 36 57 109 52 36 237 28 208 115 80 40 221 205 27 233 27 53 25 208 25 40 27 24 33 27 28 27 47 26 33 50 232 34 83 28 41 49 37 43 Firm MacElree Harvey Margolis Edelstein Marks O’Neill O’Brien & Courtney Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin McGuire Woods McNees Wallace & Nurick McQuaide Blasko Metz Lewis Brodman Must O’Keefe Meyer Darragh Buckler Bebenek & Eck Meyer Unkovic & Scott Mintzer Sarowitz Zeris Ledva & Meyers Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads Morgan Lewis & Bockius Naulty Scaricamazza & McDevitt Nelson Levine de Luca & Horst Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel Pepper Hamilton Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti Post & Schell Powell Trachtman Logan Carrle & Lombardo Ratner Prestia Rawle & Henderson Reed Smith Reger Rizzo & Darnall Rhoads & Sinon Rosenn Jenkins & Greenwald Rothman Gordon Rubin Fortunato & Harbison Saul Ewing Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis Sherrard German & Kelly Spector Gadon & Rosen Stevens & Lee Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young Strassburger McKenna Gutnick & Gefsky Swartz Campbell Tallman Hudders & Sorrentino The Chartwell Law Offices The Webb Law Firm Thomas Thomas & Hafer Thorp Reed & Armstrong Tucker Arensberg Volpe & Koenig Rank 80. 29. (tie) 59. 5. 75. (tie) 20. 66. (tie) 78. (tie) 81. (tie) 47. (tie) 93. (tie) 25. 3. 87. (tie) 55. (tie) 22. 2. 34. 18. 75. (tie) 93. (tie) 26. 1. 81. (tie) 51. (tie) 72. (tie) 93. (tie) 62. (tie) 21. 19. 65. 51. (tie) 17. 16. 78. (tie) 28. 72. (tie) 47. (tie) 72. (tie) 38. 27. 36. (tie) 60. (tie) Total Attorneys in PA 29 84 39 238 31 116 34 30 28 49 26 97 299 27 41 111 302 74 143 31 26 95 323 28 45 32 26 36 112 118 35 45 148 152 30 86 32 49 32 69 91 70 37 Weber Gallagher Simpson Stapleton Fires & Newby 36. (tie) 70 White & Williams Willig Williams & Davidson Wisler Pearlstine Woodcock Washburn Zarwin Baum DeVito Kaplan Schaer Toddy Zimmer Kunz 15. 68. (tie) 93. (tie) 41. 54. 75. (tie) 159 33 26 59 42 31 Numbers Include Full-Time Attorneys Only PaLAW 2010 73
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