Experience Møre og Romsdal! - Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune


Experience Møre og Romsdal! - Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune
Ekstra: Experiences in Møre og Romsdal
Experience Møre og Romsdal!
... Where the mountains extend outwards, and end in the ocean when the country must give up
... Where blue fjords wind themselves through majestic alpine tops, which are still topped with snow
... Where five cities stand out each with its own temperament
... Where we stand ready to provide our guests activities and experiences in world-class
More og Romsdal aims to be the counties No. 1 for activities and adventures
within Norway. On the following pages
the Tourism Program in More og Romsdal County Council presents a range of
experiences and activities found within
the region. Whether you enjoy activities
where the adrenalin bubbles in your
blood, or rather peaceful experiences,
Møre og Romsdal has a lot to offer. And
then there’s everything in between
such as; mountain farms, fishing,
kayaking trips, the many bike trips and
hiking in the mountains.
The summer goes fast, but memories
last forever.
An attachment from the Tourism Program in Møre og Romsdal County Council
Foto: Magnus Nordstrand.
Museum/Experience centers
A T ime tra vel…
Romsdal Museum is an urban and rural museum
in Molde center. The museum consists of about
35 houses, which show Romsdal architecture and
lifestyle from 1600 – to the 1900s. The houses have
been collected from surrounding areas since the
museum began in 1912, and the area consists of
several yards. There are also a few farms in their
own pastural environments, as well as a chapel that
is used for wedding ceremonies.
The museum also contains an idyllic duck pond,
and a stage space that is used during Molde Jazz.
Romsdal Museum offers guided tours around Tresfjordstua, Holtstua, Hammervollstua, Eidestua, and Erikgarden. Romsdal Museum also hosts
a city street, which shows Molde in mini format as
it would have looked before the town’s fire in 1916,
and the bombing in 1940. The street consists of six
houses, and one of the houses accommodates Mali’s
Cafe which is open during the summer months.
Romsdal museum also owns several other developments, including the Fisheries Museum at Hjertøya.
Location: Molde
web: www.romsdalsmuseet.no
Gjemnes bygdemuseum
The rural museum consists of Teigen farm in Skeidsdalen with equipment from
the 1880’s, and Fagerlia school; found as the school would have been in 1886. Teigen consists of a farmhouse and operations building. The houses were relocated
from the croft ”Litj-Ranheim” in 1884. Of particular interest to us today, is that
those who lived there until 1982 have made unusually few changes and modernization of the buildings and furnishings.
Location: Gjemnes web: www.nordmore.museum.no
Ivar Aasen-tunet
Ålesunds Museum
Ålesunds Museum gives us small glimpses
Ivar Aasen Centre is a documentation and experience centre for the ‘nynorsk’
of the city’s history and teaches us prima(New Norwegian writing language) culture that offers experiences and insights
rily about people’s everyday lives, in work
into the language. Regular guided tours are available during the summer season, individual tours of architecture, and specialized tours for children who are and leisure. The exhibitions show different
sides of the city’s growth such as fishing,
with tunkatten Lurivar are also available. Events continue throughout the year,
with The Nynorskfestspela playing the last weekend in June, this is a highpoint catching, and shipping, and works as a craft
and commercial purposes center for Sunnin the cultural program. There is an outdoors children’s library on Høgetua
møre. Important events such as the town
during the summer.
fire in 1904 and the German occupation
City: Ørsta from 1940 to 1945 are also shown in their
web: www.aasentunet.no
own exhibition spaces.
Location: Ålesund.
Web: aalesunds.museum.no
The Norwegian klippfisk (salted cod) museum on Milnbrygga in Kristiansund shows the development of cod
fishing in Norway from the 1700s until post-war period.
The production of cod has occurred here until quite reThe Arctic Museum at Brandal in Hareid has a collection
cently, and there is a special atmosphere with the smell
of 2500 artifacts, 1500 photographs and several films
of dried cod and salt in the walls. Visitors are guided
from the polar area dating back to 1924. The purpose is to
through Bergen’s unique and pristine fixtures and are
preserve the history from our dramatic marine, hunting,
encouraged to see the exhibition on how the production
and polar history and to facilitate studies and research. Exof cod occurred in the traditional way. In the summer
hibitions from seal hunting, mining activities on Svalbard
of 2010 one can also see the exhibition ”Kristiansund
and winter hunting in Greenland are to be seen here. The
before, during, and after the war”.
Arctic Aarvak, the oldest remaining of its kind, is a definite
Location: Kristiansund must see, and is found by the side of the museum.
web: www.nordmore.museum.no
Location: Brandal, Hareid
Norwegian klippfisk museum
Arctic Museum
Volda bygdetun and
tannery museum
Volda Museum consists of over 20 houses arranged as a common sunnmørsgard (farm in Sunnmøre) from mid 1800 -century. Here you can see
how people lived, and worked in the past. There is
also a Tannery on site.
Location: Volda
Web: www.bygdetunet.no
Web: www.ishavsmuseet.no
Godøy coastal museum
The theme of this museum is archeology, bay
history, fishing history and war history. Local
historical collections from each of the themes are
present at the museum. There are also copies of
Eilif Røys’s findings – a burial mound from early
roman times (375-400 years AD).
Location: Giske
Web: www.godoy-kystmuseum.no
Museum/Experience centers
Geiranger Fjord is a unique World
Heritage Area. But why are the
mountains so high and the fjord so
deep? How could people cope through
the winter on a lonely mountain top?
What flowers can only thrive in the
undergrowth under the mountains in
danger of avalanches and landslides?
Wonders are great and the questions
are many when you’re visiting the distinctive nature and culture along our
fjords. At The Norwegian Fjord Centre
we attempt to answer these questions
and many many more. The Norwegian
Fjord Centre has educational exhibits,
activities, art installations, a book
shop, local crafts and a cafe.
Location: Geiranger, Stranda
Web: www.fjordsenter.com
a pe
Agricultural Museum
The Agricultural Museum at Gjermundnes was
established in 1979. The museum covers all of
Møre og Romsdal and they collect, preserve and
exhibit systems, tools, artifacts, literature, and
photography, linking to agriculture and agricultural industry in the county. In addition to the permanent exhibitions, with large and small objects
from the history of agriculture in the county, you
can also see the show “Coast goat in Selje” during
the summer months.
Location: Gjermundnes, Vestnes
Web: www.landbruksmuseet.mr.no
Wool in Langevåg
At the Devold factory in Langevåg
there is a factory outlet, café and
textile museum. Here you get insights
into a little bit of Norwegian textile
history, while you can relax in the
café, and look out over the fjord.
Opening 1st July-15th August,
Monday to Saturday 10-17,
Sunday 12-17.
Location: Langevåg, Sula
Web: www.devoldfabrikken.no
Veøy vicarage and
Medieval church
Cultural and historical guided tours of the
Middle Ages charger church and the parsonage.
Rental of premises is also available.
Location: Molde
web: www.romsdalsmuseet.no
to villages
The Norwegian marsh museum is a modern museum that conveys the development of independent Norway throughout the twentieth century. Marsh cultivation and the farming of new land was an important part of this development.
Location: Smøla • web: www.nordmore.museum.no
Ergan coastal fort
Ergan fort in Bud is a war museum built around
one of the Germans’ many coastal forts along the
Norwegian coast. The fort is well preserved and
has an exciting story close to our time.
Location: Bud, Fræna
Web: www.romsdalsmuseet.no
Smøla Museum
The area at Veiholmen is a three hundred year old upper class estate with
a main house, pier, boathouse, barn and storehouse. The people who lived
here worked in the fish trade and had a wide collection of contacts. You
can also visit Rosvoll rectory and Rangnes old school.
Location: Smøla
Web: www.nordmore.museum.no
Leikvin heritage park
This village museum emphasizes the Norwegian
folk culture, and British salmon tourism. The
farm was owned by the legendary Lady Arbuthnott.
Location: Sunndal
Web: www.nordmore.museum.no
Sunnmøre Museum is a folk
museum with cultural-historical
exhibitions and a collection of 55
old houses and 40 boats. A walk
between the distinctive buildings
provides an insight into the cultural
history of Sunnmøre, and a glimpse
of old buildings.
Location: Ålesund
Web: www.sunnmore.museum.no
Museum/Experience centers
Guri Centre
Against the wind in Smøla
Volda electric mill
This 70-year-old mill is in full production, and has rare
equipment, such as stone mills, plate drying, and a rolling
chair. Oat flour, barley, rye, wheat, spelt, emmer
and peas are all made here. There is a millhouse cafe, in the
same venue.
Location: Volda, South • Web: www.mylna.no
Bjørnstjerne Bjornson’s
childhood home
Bjørnson grew up in Nesset vicarage, and he
himself has described the farm as one of the
”most beautiful farms in the country.”
Location: Nesset
Web: www.romsdalsmuseet.no
Surnadal Museum
Have a look at the collections from the museum of Surnadal Hill.
You can walk freely between the exhibitions, participate in activities
or have guided tours on request.
Location: Village, Surnadal • Web: www.nordmore.museum.no
Mellemværftet was built in 1856 and is currently a
working shipyard. An important goal for the shipyard is to preserve and maintain techniques from
earlier times and craft traditions. The yard is open
to the public all year round during regular working
Location: harbor, Kristiansund
Web: www.nordmore.museum.no
Rindal Museum
The museum building holds a large collection of artifacts, textiles, furniture and
a significant ski collection. The museum
consists of 14 buildings, including trønderlån, a blacksmith,
a trøskarlåve, farm and mill.
Location: Rindal
Web: www.nordmore.museum.no
The Guri centre is a new adventure and viewing
center with the state of the art exhibition”Meetings.
with the wind ”as one of their main attractions.
Smøla has a wind farm, and the exhibition is a great
gateway to see and experience the rest of Smøla.
The presentation consists of audio guides, animations, interactive stations and original artifacts that
bind the stories together. The centre also houses a
large outdoor amphitheatre with space for about
1000 spectators.”Mrs. Guri of Edøy” is performed
here during the month of July. The Guri Centre has
a very special architecture made of untreated larch
which will eventually turn grey, and a window of
Plexiglas. The centre is an attraction in itself with a
spectacular panoramic view and a facade that lights
up in a range of colours before evening comes. The
center also houses a tourist centre, cafe and a waiting room for passersby.
Location: Edøy, Smøla web: www.gurisentret.no
Brudavollen was probably inhabited towards the end of
the fifteenth-century after remaining desolate for a long
time. The courtyard has been relatively unchanged since
the first half of the 1800s. There are six buildings both
large and small: Farmhouses with lofts, accommodation
lounge with smokehouse, storehouse, protected gatehouse with barns, truskarhjulhus with a brick water flow,
and a farm blacksmith.
Location: Ørsta • Web: www.brudavolltunet.no
The Coast Guard
Learn more about life on a coastal farm, with
a visit to Løvikremma at Gossen. The farm
today consists of a dwelling house, storehouse
and peat house. It is well located, with views
north towards the ocean and the fishing villages of Bjørnsund and Bud.
Location: Gossen, Aukra
Web: www.romsdalsmuseet.no
Rose Church
Stordal Old Church, or Rose Church as she is otherwise called, is one of the
most decorated churches in the country. Rose Church was built in 1789,
and within the church are many examples of rose painting (traditional
Norwegian style) and wood carving. Rose Church is located in Stordal
Rural Museum, where one also finds Løset lodge (from 1700s) and more.
Location: Stordal
Web: http://fuv.hivolda.no/prosjekt/fuvjonhe/indexside.htm
F isheries Museum in Ålesund
Learn more about cod, cod liver oil and their production. See the area of
Molja as it would have been in 1898 and a colonial store / ship store. There
are also exhibits about sea fishing during the period up to 1960.
Location: Ålesund • Web: www.aalesunds.museum.no
F isheries museum
on Hjertøya
The Fisheries museum has a collection consisting
of approx. 15 old buildings relating to shipping
and fishing. The museum also has a fine collection
of around 20 open rowing and sailing boats, and
thousands of artifacts and fishing equipment from
our local culture. Location: Hjertøya, Molde
Web: www.romsdalsmuseet.no
Museum/Experience centers
Art Nouveau Centre and
Art Museum KUBE
The Art Nouveau Centre is a national center for art
nouveau / Jugend style. Here you can see a preserved
interior of a chemist’s shop from 1907. The center has
both permanent and temporary exhibitions over three
floors. In these exhibitions you can see the breadth of the
Norwegian Art Nouveau in everything from advertising
to jewellery, in addition to several multimedia performances. Art Museum KUBE is the regional gallery in
mid-Norway. The museum emphasizes different artistic
expressions, with special concentration on those from
mid-Norway. KUBE, however, is known both locally,
nationally and internationally. The museum presents
painting, photography and video, performance art, textiles, sculpture and architecture and design. Art Nouveau
Centre and the Art Museum KUBE share a cafe in ‘Apotekergården’. The Art Nouveau Centre has a museum shop
and café. Archives and libraries are available for visitors
under opening times.
Location: Ålesund
web: www.jugendstilsenteret.no,
Runde Environmental Centre
Guided tours, nature experiences, lectures and procurement about the environment are offered here. You can
also experience boat and under the sea experiences with
a mini-submarine (ROV). The official tourist information is also housed here. Location: Runde
Web: www.rundecentre.no
Sivert Aarflot Museum
Visit rural Norway’s first print works (from 1809).
Experience the ancient art of printing!
City: Volda
web: www.sivertaarflot.no
Handelshuset Patrick Volckmar as
Experience the museum shop in the harbor, with a café, and probably the
oldest coffee roasting house still in operation in Norway.
Location: : Kristiansund • web: www.nordmore.museum.no
Clothing cradle
In Isfjorden the pre-production of clothes was already active in the 1860s. In
the 1930s, Romsdal villages began to receive rent from major clothing wholesalers and business from people in the cities. Romsdal, then called ”dot dress
chamber”, has held this high position for decades. To meet the demand for
labour, an annual import of around 100 dressmakers was necessary just to the
area of Isfjorden. Oddfred Toklas’ clothing factory was in operation from 1938
to 1982. The house is built with tailors in the basement, sewing room on the
first floor, and an apartment for the factory-owner and family on the second
floor and flats for employees in the attic.
Location: Isfjorden, Rauma
Web: www.romsdalsmuseet.no
Tingvoll Museum
Experience the atmosphere of a genuine 1800-century farm
in the summer. The houses are furnished so you can experience how sea folk, families and children lived and worked
in the era from about 1850 to 1940.
Location: Tingvoll • Web: www.nordmore.museum.no
Old Kvernes Museum
This Museum on Averøy is an outdoor museum with a sea department, and is
adjacent to the Kvernes church. The main courtyard of the museum creates a
coastal farm environment, as if it was about 1917-1800. Here you can find houses, a storehouse and a smokehouse from different periods. The sea department
with fishermen and several boats represent the coastal culture and fish farmers’
life and work. The Listerbåt and the old goat boats are very well preserved. The
museum also has its own archaeological department, with artifacts and documentation from Fosna culture.
Location: Kvernes, Averø • Web: www.nordmore.museum.no
Sykkylven Natural History Museum
A unique collection of animals and birds from Norway and Svalbard are placed in an environment with vegetation and beautiful
nature. Activities are available for children, all suitable for both old
and young animal lovers. Art Exhibitions will be displayed in the
museum’s gallery every summer.
Location: Sykkylven
web: www.sunnmore.museum/www.natur-museum.no
The Goat boat museum
The Goat boat museum is a knowledge centre for
the Goat boat which is anchored on site, boat exhibition and construction are also to be seen. The
Goat boat museum protects boatbuilding traditions through constructional documentation and
the transfer of knowledge about the old crafts.
Location: Enge, Halsa
Web: www.nordmøre.museum.no
Kråksundet sjøbrukmuseum
Experience Kråksundet maritime museum, with a boating environment,
collected boats and a fisherman’s home. The boathouse is from 1844 and
contains the herring seines with galvanized boats, nets and sails, and
other artifacts that provide insight into the fishing history on the coast.
Location: Aure • web: www.nordmore.museum.no
Vikan Commerce City
Vikan Commerce City offers visitors an opportunity to experience coastal culture up close. Both the store and post office
are in original condition. The boathouse and the blacksmiths
workshop are also open for visits. Several organized courses - including wool reparation, yarn ball bonding, knots &
splices, and knife making are available during the summer.
Location: Fræna • Web: vikangamlehandelsstad.com
Active in and out of water
S ea fish
of Ålesund
Want to try your luck fishing? Actin takes
you on a fishing trip around Ålesund. The
tour starts from the port of Ålesund and
we fish in Hessafjord and Breisundet. The
trip is suitable for families with children
and also provides good opportunities for
photography. All participants are given
the opportunity to fish, but for efficiency
reasons, not everybody will fish simultaneously. Participants receive an introduction
on the use of fishing equipment, fishing
techniques and how we treat fish. A brief
history of Ålesund and the nature around
us is of course given during the trip.
There are also opportunities to purchase
refreshments. Deep sea fishing trip is
available daily all weekdays from 15 June
15 August with departure from Skansegata/
harbor at 10:00 and we will return around
Location: Ålesund
Web: www.actin.no
Stay in a
Ka jak in Nordmøre
Fjordkajakk offers guided kayak tours for anything from 2 hours to
4 days duration. The starting point is Valsøyfjord in Nordmøre, but
the tours are arranged on the ocean and the fjords within Nordmøre. On the guided trips, equipment, food and accommodation
are included. The goal is to give active and excellent experiences
with cultural spice and good food. Experienced local guides and
instructors know both the weather and the nature in the areas, and
contribute to a safe and comfortable experience. Fjordkajakk also
offers canoeing courses and activity events for smaller groups, as
well as canoeing tours and rental of sea kayaks with all the necessary equipment.
Location: Valsøybotn, Halsa • Web: www.fjordkajakk.no
At Flatflesa lighthouse in the ocean
between Gossen and Ona - nature
is the only neighbor! The lighthouse
has a total of 9 beds, and a separate
kitchen. If it is too cold in the sea,
then the hot tub right outside can do
the trick!
Location: Flatflesa
Web: www.havstuene.no
Sailing in Romsdal
See the nature of the Romsdal fjord from
aboard a sailboat. Tours last from 4 to 12
hours. On The longest trip, the boat will
sail all the way to Ona.
Location: Vestnes
Web: www.seilper.no
Nordmøre water
Aboard the SJ Anne Margrethe yacht, you
can experience the Nordmøre coast over one
afternoon, or a week. Minimum number of
persons: 5
Location: Kristiansund
Web: www.annemargrethe.no
To Runde with an RIB
In a RIB boat you get in touch with nature under the power of the motors. From
Ålesund, it takes approximately one hour to
Runde and the famous bird colony. If you
wish, the area outside Runde often offers
boating through the waves on days where
the swell of the wave is optimal.
Location: Ålesund
Web: www.utihavet.no
Canoe in Istra
Istra is a tributary of Rauma in Norway and
here; you can paddle from mountain to sea,
and choose to use either a half or a full day.
Location: Rauma
Web: www.romsdalaktiv.no
Active in and out of water
High and low in Valldall
Paddling in
Geiranger Fjord
With a guided kayak trip on the Geiranger Fjord
you experience getting close to the waterfalls
‘The seven sisters’. A day trip lasts 5-6 hours.
Location: Geiranger
Web: www.coastalodyssey.com
Fjord Cruise
Experience the fjords of Sunnmøre,
Storfjorden and Hjørundfjorden aboard ‘S / Y
Ellen’, a Bavaria 50 sailboat, model 2007. In all
stops on this voyage one is given the opportunity for a walk in the country for those who
want to see it, and experience the culture of the
Location: Ålesund
Web: www.sailalesund.com
Valldal Nature experiences have
the area Gudbrandsjuvet, the River
Valldøla and Nordal area
as their home. Rafting in Valldøla
is very popular, and Valldal Nature
experiences offers two different
rafting trips, one which is calmer,
so that the whole family including
children down to 10 years can
participate. And the other for if one
wants to have more experiences
in Valldal including canyoning in
Gudbrandsjuvet, climbing, courses
in whitewater and activities in a
wilderness camp, where you live in
huts. Most activities last from 4-6
Location: Valldal
Web: www.valldal.no
Ka yak and mountain
trips in Molde
During the summer, DID Adventure offers daily 3-4 hour kayak
trips from Molde to Hjertøya, one of the most beautiful islands outside the city? These islands near the city are dubbed ”The Moldives”
by the city inhabitants. This summer there are also 3-4 hours of
hiking trips to Jendemsfjellet just outside Molde. Jendemsfjellet is
633 meters above sea level and has a classic pyramidal shape that
provides 360 degree views!
Location: Molde • Web: www.did.no
Deep sea fishing
On the fishing vessel ‘Freidig’, one gets familiar with both people, and equipment. A guided fishing trip may also include fly fishing, rod fishing, pulling crab
pots and line fishing.
Location: : Smøla • Web: www.hav-fiske.no, www.havstuer.no
Vikaneset Hotel
Abseiling • diving • scuba diving certification• the large bay plunge • venue• conference
• accommodation • restaurant
Location: : Kristiansund
Web: www.vikaneset.no
Galleries and handicrafts
Fairytales at Skaret
At Skaret, which is ten minutes drive from
Molde, is Skarstua, Klokkagården and Lysgården. Skaret is a great starting point for
those who want to experience Norwegian
nature, culture and craft traditions. Klokkagården holds crafts, where ten craftsmen
make different products, from clothing,
jewellery, soaps and traditional rosepainted products. In Lysgården they make
candles. At Skaret, there is also a mini farm
including horses, goats and rabbits, and in
the café, you can sit back and enjoy local
Location: Skaret, Fræna
Web: skarstua.no
Baak Gallery
A gallery showing handicrafts such as weaving, and picture art.
Location: Hellesylt • Web: www.grandhotel-hellesylt.no
Baak Gallery
A gallery showing handicrafts
such as weaving, and picture art.
Location: Bud, Fræna
Web: www.skyttelvev.no
Ingrid’s glassworks site
Glass blowing is a visual experience, and the process can be witnessed close up inside the workshop. The glass that is made is also for
sale in the workshop.
Location: Ålesund
Web: www.ingridsglassverksted.no
Gallery Cylindra
Open gallery which shows a selection of sculptural
furniture items from Peter Opsvik. The objects
have previously been shown at numerous museums and art exhibitions around the world, including Milan, Paris, Tokyo, Munich, London, New
York, Chicago and Edinburgh. Cylindra also have
an open workshop in Sykkylven..
Location: Ålesund/Sykkylven
Web: www.cylindra.net
Tornes ceramic and
Textile workshop
An exhibition of handicrafts, ceramics, and textiles
with a tour of the workshops. By arrangement we can
provide activities for smaller groups, e.g. ”Decorate
your own cup”, and camp activities for children.
Location: Fræna • Web: tornes-keramikk.no
Exhibition at Smøla
Art exhibition by the artist Edgar Berg.
Location: Veiholmen Public Sanitetsforening, Smøla
Gallery KHz
Gallery with paintings by Kolbjørn
Håseth, who has won several international awards for his realistic descriptions of the coastal environment.
Location: : Fræna • Web: www.
Activity Centers
The S
Atlantic Sea Park is one of Northern
Europe’s largest saltwater aquariums with
a variety of fish and marine animals. The
aquarium displays marine life from the
inner fjord, through the coastal zone islets
and reefs of the Atlantics mysterious deep.
In the open contact basin, one can participate in the feeding of the fish, and in the
activity pools, one can touch the exciting marine organisms, catch crabs with
clothes-pegs using shrimp as bait. A daily
dive show in the Great Atlantic-ocean tank
(nearly 4 million liters salt) is a spectacular experience. The divers/feeders almost
disappear in the pack of ravenous halibut,
cod, eels, Pollock, and catfish. The fish fed
each day at. 13.00 And the penguins are fed
at 14.30.
Location: Ålesund
web: www.atlanterhavsparken.no
Molde Swimming pool
Play land AS
A new swimming complex, with pool, sports pool, spa
pool, family pool, Jacuzzi, slides, and climbing wall.
Location: Molde
web: www.moldebadet.no
Children’s Play land is an indoor activity and
play land concept for those between 0 and
12. Here, there are obstacle courses, slides,
ball pools, climbing walls, cycling tracks and
much more!
Location: Ålesund og Molde
web: www.barnaslekeland.no
Atlantic swimming land
Swimming complex with sports pool,
relaxation pool, family pool, Jacuzzi, slides /
wave pool etc.
Location: Kristiansund
web: www.atlanterhavsbadet.no
Swimming pool in the ocean
The building ”Hope in the ocean” is a pool, Jacuzzi,
children’s pool, water slide and hot water pool. Nice diversion if it is too cold in the big pool next door!
Location: Sandøy • web: www.havstuene.no
Mountain Trips
Spacious walks in the most beautiful valley!
Join a spectacular hike with professional
guides. In Innerdalen, often called the most
beautiful valley, you can climb the characteristic
Innerdalstårnet with an experienced tour guide.
The trip can be completed without climbing
experience, and can be taken as a day trip or
overnight, with dinner in Innerdalen.
Location: Sunndal
Web: www.contrastadventure.no
Meditative walks
Meditative walks of three or five hour’s duration. These are quiet walks in nature where
the focus is on the atmosphere, and meditation.
Location: Valldal
Web: www.mereteszengarden.no
Guided hike in
Want to try your hand at a proper summit
climb, but need some confidence to take
the step? Join a guided tour to e.g. Kolåstinden and get an airy and memorable
Location: Ørsta
Web: www.standalp.no
A trip on the Rauma Railway provides a unique opportunity to get close to
one of the most spectacular areas in Norway. The tour runs from Åndalsnes to
Location: Åndalsnes • web: www.nsb.no
Sail to the mountain
The Sea Road, perhaps offers the best gateway to the beautiful mountain peaks.
Join the adventure on the old rescue boat R / S 21 ”Solli”, a Colin Archer-ship
from 1908.
Location: Rauma
Web: www.solli-adventure.no
The veteran in the industry
Villa Norangdal is a hotel that has its 125-year anniversary this year this same year, the hotel was awarded the quality label Olavsrosa by the
county mayor Olav Bratland. Villa Norangdal offers accommodation in
special rooms and also organizes activities in the mountains and fjords
along with DID Adventure and Yourway.
Location: Stranda • Web: www.norangdal.com
Hakallegarden is a farm experience for all
ages. Here you can try sitting and riding on
llamas, and also stay overnight in huts and
more. This is Sunnmøre’s only alpaca farm,
and you can also see angora rabbits too.
Right next to the farm - on Hakallestranda there is a farm shop selling alpaca products
and crafts, there is also a cafe. When the
animals are out grazing in the summer, the
barn is transformed into a gallery.
Location: Vanylven
Web: www.hakallegarden.no
you big alpaca!
“Oh, I know a farm ...”
With 300-400 goats and more than 30 old farms, Herdalssetra is
the most common dairy goat farm in the country. Here we also have
sheep and fjord horses. Setra is in the Geiranger-Herdal Landscape
and the World Heritage Area. The Farm Cafe is open from early July to
mid- August. There are options for staying overnight in the farmhouses. Cheese making, exhibitions and guided tours can be booked by
Location: Norddal • Web: www.herdalssetra.no
Activity Days for the children
At the Skogan Rural Farm in Halsa, Nordmøre, one can
participate in activity days for children and small groups.
Among the activities offered are canoeing, kayaking and
Location: Halsa • Web: www.panoramautsikt.no
One of three goat farms in Norddal.
Come on farm visits, and experience
the goat safari - walk in the wilderness to say hello to the goats. Here
you can also buy cured meats, local
sausage, goat meat, leather, raspberry juice and - pickles.
Location: Norddal
Web: www.melchiorgarden.no
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The country’s only Winemaker!
In Rauma, we find the world’s most northerly vineyards and Norway’s
only winemaker! Each week there are wine courses at Vingarden Tuen.
There are also wine courses at the hotel / restaurant, or outside in nature
where one can pick the raw materials themselves.
Location: Rauma • Web: www.tuenvin.no
Farm visit in Ålesund
Borgund Animal Club is a farm that is
open for visits every day. Every second
Sunday from May to September there is
an opportunity for children to ride and
there is also an open kiosk. (No child
riding in June).
Location: : Ålesund
Food service at
Farms in Innerdalen Setervollen
At Renndølsetra in Innerdalen, you
can meet the cows, goats, calves and
chickens in a great natural landscape of
waterfalls and mountains, where there
are great also hiking routes.
Location: Innerdal, Sunndal
Web: www.innerdalen.com
Torbuvollen is a farm that is in
operation during July and August,
with cows and goats, and with the
processing of all products and food on
premises. Experience Aursjøvegen and
Eikesdalen with Mardalsfossen at the
same time.
Location: Sunndal
Town experiences
From island to island in Kristiansund
Sundbåten in Kristiansund travels between the four islands that the city consists of. Sundbåten is the world’s oldest form of public transport and has a rich
history. Every day in July you can travel on the boat for the harbor sightseeing
Location: Kristiansund • Web: www.sundbaten.no
Experience the fishing
village of Grip!
14 km out to sea from Kristiansund lay the group of islands named
Grip, which up to 1964 was Norway’s smallest municipality with
a school, shop and church. Now it is mostly closed, but the stave
church from the 1400s and the school house are open to the public.
At the schoolhouse, there are simple meals available in summer,
and there are also opportunities for guided tours of ‘the small
island with the big story’. The catamaran MS Grip Expressen has
daily departures from the wharf and Merchant yard, to the Inland
Kristiansund. The tour, which includes a stop at Grip, takes around
three hours.
Location: Kristiansund web: www.gripexpressen.no
Get to know Molde and Romsdal
Want a guided city tour of Molde and the surrounding area? There are guided
tours in Molde and surrounding areas to places such as the Atlantic Road, Trollstigen and Geiranger. The journey can be taken by bus, boat - or perhaps with
Location: Molde • Web: www.visitmolde.com, www.classicnorway.no
Lookout Point
Take a trip up to the mountain in Aksla to the restaurant Fjellstua and the view
point ”The Knife”. From here there is a wonderful view over the city, sheep
farms, and inwards to the majestic Sunnmørsalpene. To get you up to Aksla,
you can either walk the 418 steps from the city park, or drive up Borgundfjorveien/ Fjelltunveien road to the top.
By helicopter you can fly from the inner fjord to the highest peak and back
again in less than 15 minutes. To see the beautiful countryside from the air is a
different experience.
Location: Ålesund
Web: www.nordhelikopter.no
Take the train in
Take a sightseeing tour in Ålesund on
a wheeled train. Four departures daily.
Take a seat!
Location: Ålesund
Web: wws.bytoget.no
Wilderness camp at Vestnes
The wilderness camp at Flatevågen in Vestnes is the natural starting
point for wooden boat trips with and without sails, guided tours or a
walk in the woods and fields. It offers nature-based activities, such
as brewing coffee on the fire and quick and easy food.
Location: Vestnes
Web: www.vestkystsafari.no
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Saga Siglar
At Håholmen we get an exciting journey into the past and present in the Documentation Center, Saga Siglar hall. Central in this hall is a rebuilt wreck of the
round the world ship ”Saga Siglar” The Viking ship which sank in the Mediterranean in 1992. We can also see other great items from Ragnar Thorseth’s many
adventures, such as model boats, photos, maps, tools and equipment. Learn
also about the history of Håholmen, and watch a fascinating film about Ragnar
Thorseth’s fantastic adventures during the Viking ship, voyages.
Location: Håholmen, Averøy
Web: www.haholmen.no
Viking life!
In Vestnes, you can learn, among
other things, nail binding, weaving,
different woodworking skills and
other crafts. All activities are based on
the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Viking
Location: Vestnes
Web: www.viking-liv.no
Sail in a Viking ship
Bjørkedal in Volda has a long tradition
with boat building, and here, you can
sail in a Viking ship on Bjørkedalsvatnet. The tour around Bjørkedalsvatnet
takes. 1 hour. If you wish to row, you
must be at least six people.
Location: Bjørkedalen, Volda
Web: www.helset.net
Viking Cruise
Join the Viking boat ”Langvin” on fishing expeditions or a Viking cruise to the
Beach! Langvin saw the light of day on Bjørkedalen. The Viking ship is 36 feet
and weighs about 1500 kg. It is equipped with 10 oars and has space for up to 15
Location: Haram
Web: www.gunnabuda.no
Hole in one?
Play golf at the 18-hole course in Solnør, and a 9-hole short course at Moa
Golf Center. There are good training facilities here, and there are also
opportunities for instruction.
Location: Ålesund og Skodje • Web: www.aagk.no
Frisbee Golf
Play Frisbee golf at Volsdalsberga in Ålesund or Langevåg stadium
in Sula. The latter is a track used for competitions of international
format and houses the European Cup Conference of Frisbee golf
in June. Frisbee Golf or disc golf is a recreation sport that attracts
more and more practitioners!
Location: Ålesund og Langevåg
Web: www.diskgolf.no
Lagoon in the mountains
Want a mesmerizing experience? Inside the mountain at Naas are
a lagoon and a large lake where you can be driven to by boat. On
the way, are two charming arcades which have been blasted out,
where you can go ashore for a quick stop? There is a possibility of
being served local cuisine and get crystal clear, fresh drinking water
bottled directly from the mountain. There is a large hall with a stage
which can be used for arrangements for 150 to 300 people. Bergtatt
experiences also have a museum of historic vehicles, vintage cars,
tractors, trucks and construction machinery from the early 1900’s to
the present day. In the general store, you can stop and buy various
souvenirs or maybe just a cup of coffee and a little brown sugar in a
pointed bag.
Location: Naas, Eide • Web: www.naaskalk.no
Local fish
Fiskebuda Varda produces fish, and
has their own little shop at Vigra
where you can buy fish such as homemade fish cakes. Customers can
even see that food is made. There
is also a small bakery here where
Lefse is produced.
Location: Vigra
Web: www.fiskebuda.no, www.lefsebuda.no
Bacalao and Pote
all have to be taste
In “Den Glade Ku” (”The
happy cow”) you can buy
locally produced food from
the farm where the calves
wander around the yard.
Location: Tingvoll
Web: www.dengladeku.no
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Around Flatøy and
into Dollsteinshola
At Flatøy holiday center, you can
rent bikes and take a trip around
the island, or try bird watching,
cave exploring, mountain walking,
fishing, or diving .Only 30 minutes from Flatøy is Dollsteinshola,
which is one of the deepest caves in
Location: Flatøy, Ulstein
Web: Flatoyholidays.com
Happy food!
Popular cheeses
Tingvollost is known for its farm cheeses, which have received both praise
and prizes. In Torjulvågen is a farm
store which sells six types of cheese
from their own dairy farm, as well as
goods from other local producers.
Location: Tingvoll
Web: www.tingvollost.no
Cooking classes
in Giske
Swiss Cecilia Chiara has a restaurant
where cookery courses, and special
evenings with specific themes are arranged. Here, the food is made from
good ingredients, and everything is
homemade - even the ice cream, bread
and pasta. In the restaurant, is a small
shop where you can buy homemade
pasta and pesto made from seasonal
Location: Giske
Web: www.chiara.no
Close up to nature
inside and outside
Juvet Landscape Hotel is a 7-room hotel in
Valldal. All rooms are uniquely built and
adapted to the landscape so that guests really feel at one with nature - whether they’re
outside or inside. Hotel guests are offered activities such as wilderness camping, rafting,
climbing, farm visits and skiing. The hotel
can also be hired when there are no other
events booked.
Location: Valldal
Web: www.juvet.com
A day of experience
Want a real adventure day? In Stordal,
you can get an action-packed day of
nature, cycling, hiking, raft-building and
paddling. It takes 4-5 - hours in total
including a lunch break.
Location: Stordal
High Elements
In Hellesylt, at the entrance of the Geiranger Fjord, you can join in activities
where one combines mountains, rivers,
waterfalls and fjords, several types of
activity trails - All with high elements.
The trips are often concluded with light
refreshments at Hellesylt Museum.
Location: Hellesylt
Web: www.hellesylt.no
Guided motorcycle tours
Take a guided motorcycle tour, around the best dream destinations such as,
Stranda, Stryn, Geiranger etc. The tours are of different durations and are led
by guides with communications equipment.
Location: Stranda
Web: adventurestranda.no
Boat on
Geiranger Fjord
From the Geirangerfjord holiday
centre, you can get a boat ride out to
sea farms in Geiranger fjord such as
Skageflå, Knivsflå or Blomberg.
Location: Geiranger, Stranda
Web: geirangerfjorden.net
Off-road at Ørskogfjellet
At the mountain lodge at Ørskogfjellet off-road bikes can be rented out,
and you can take trips across the plains in the mountains between Romsdal and Sunnmøre.
Location: Ørskog, Vestnes
Learn to paddle
At Averøy, you can paddle in sheltered bays and straits, or Wild Ocean.
Sveggvika organizes kayak courses in
cooperation with skilled instructors.
If you have a våtkort (wet card), you
can also rent kayaks here.
Location: Averøy
Web: www.sveggvika.no
Walk in
Strawberry Country
In the strawberry farm in Valldal, you
can walk among strawberry fields, in
strawberry season - From mid-July to
about 20 August.
Location: Valldal, Norddal
Web: www.jordbarstova.no
Island hopping with a bike
Cycle from Molde, via Ona and Hustadvika, to
the Atlantic Road and Kristiansund. This
is a flat and child-friendly area with several
attractions for the whole family. The trip is
devised carefully and takes a week.
Web: www.basicoutdoors.no
Soak up the heights
on a bicycle seat
2 days, 5500metres high, this is a proper
bicycle trip in Sunnmøre landscape. On the
tour you will be visiting both Geiranger, and
Reindeer Safari
On the wild safari in the mountains of Eikesdal we are to be introduced with perhaps the
last surviving wild strain of reindeer in Europe. We follow the tracks back to the Fosna
culture, and see the old traps and graves,
with guidance from a local guide.
Location: Eikesdal, Nesset
Location: Eikesdal, Nesset
Web: www.eikesdal.no/wild
Location: Norddal
Web: www.kragebakk.no
Saga Hotel Trollheimen
Photo exhibitions, canoeing, and guided
tours in Trollheimen, dining experience
around the fireplace in the house, climbing
/ abseiling, river trekking, cave exploring,
Viking games, collective activities.
Location: Rindal
Web: www.sagatrollheimenhotel.no
Attractions from
the Bus and
Cruise on
The wild kingdom is waiting for you!
From Ålesund there are daily trips to Øye
and the famous Hotel Union Øye. Here,
Europe’s aristocracy and upper classes found a beautiful and exciting travel
destination over the last century.
Location: Ålesund
Web: www.62.no
Every morning at 8:00 there is a
bus from Molde to Åndalsnes and
Trollstigen. It continues through the
strawberry fields in Valldal and onto
the Ørnesvingen to Geiranger. From
there, the bus goes on board Hurtigruten and experiences ”The seven
sisters” and Geiranger Fjord which is
one of the UNESCO World Heritage
Areas. On the way home there will be
a short stop in Ålesund, before you
join Hurtigruten back to Molde. .
Location: Molde
Web: www.visitmolde.no
Hellesylt Motel Operation AS
Boat rental, kayak rental, bike rental and gallery.
Location: Stranda
Web: www.grandhotel-hellesylt.no
More activity ideas and a list of accommodation can be found at
Møre og Romsdal Reiseliv and destinationselskap’s web sites: