RESEARCH ON A WEATHER SERVICE FOR SCHEDULING THE IRRIGATION OF WINTER WHEAT IN THE ORANGE FREE STATE REGION by DE JAGER VAN ZYL KELBE SINGELS J M W H B E A Research Report to THE WATER RESEARCH COMMISSION by DEPARTMENT OF AGROMETEOROLOGY UNIVERSITY OF THE ORANGE FREE STATE ISBN: 0 908 356 70 6 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 PAGE INTRODUCTION GENERAL THE CONCEPT OF EVAPORATION FROM A NATURAL VEGETATIVE SURFACE OBJECTIVES THE MODEL 2 THE VALIDATION OF PUTU 9 7 3 THE DESCRIPTION OF PUTU 9.86 18 4 THE ROOT DEVELOPMENT AND SOIL WATER EXTRACTION SUB-MODEL FOR WHEAT 34 MODEL DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION 5 MICROMETEOROLOGICAL METHODS FOR ESTIMATING EVAPOTRANSPIRATION 60 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE STRESS EVENTS DURING 1985 79 7 PUTU 9.86 VALIDATION 88 THE COOPERATIVE EXPERIMENTS 8 THE EXPERIMENTS OF 1982 AND 1983 115 9 THE EXPERIMENTS OF 1984 AND 1985 132 li OPERATION OF T H E IRRIGATION SERVICE 10 THE AUTOMATIC WEATHER STATIONS 151 11 COMPUTATION AND DISSEMINATION O F INFORMATION 179 12 THE INFLUENCE OF WEATHER UPON DECISION MAKING FOR O P T I M A L IRRIGATION SCHEDULING 183 13 SUMMARY 19 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 199 REFERENCES 202 APPENDIX I - M A T H E M A T I C S 207 APPENDIX II - SOIL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 212 APPENDIX III (a) (b) DIE SIMULERING VAN PLANTHOOGTE VAN KORING ONDER BESPROEIING VERFYNING VAN 'N BLAARGROEIMODEL VIR KORING ONDER BESPROEIING PUTU 9.86 220 224 APPENDIX IV - LISTING: APPENDIX V - LISTING: REGISTER 240 APPENDIX VI - LISTING: 241 APPENDIX VII - LISTING: PRINT DAILY, MONTHLY SUMMARY EREF 233 243 APPENDIX VIII - LISTING: TRANSFORM AUTO DATA AND FILE 246 APPENDIX IX 253 APPENDIX X - COMPARISON OF WEATHER VARIABLES AND TESTS ON EQUIPMENT - RESULTS FROM THE COOPERATIVE EXPERIMENTS OF 1982/83 iii 25 5 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION GENERAL Atmospheric water conditions (the weather) primarily requirements of vegetative crops. determine It is only when the water becomes limiting that soil physical properties and crop physiological characteristics assume a significant role. Hence, thorough understanding of atmospheric influences is imperative for an depth consideration of water use by crops. Thus, in- any investiga- tion into irrigation scheduling must involve the weather. Irrigation demands, becomes the rate necessary when, of water supply from the soil growth and hence production. situation is via scheduling atmospheric limits the use of a computer and the mathematical It thus follows that irriga- could most effectively be undertaken computerized model which takes into account the weather. technique provides plant The best method of analysing such a simulation of the natural process. tion in response to a sound basis for determining the using a Such a efficient use of irrigation water. Particularly ages, has during the past three years of serious water short- has a premium been placed upon irrigation efficiency. furthermore, become necessary to strive maximum production from limited water supplies. towards It obtaining The major losses in production are generally incurred as a result of poor cultivation practices. Coupled with this is bad irrigation management. For example, untimely or inadequate irrigation can be responsible for depressing yield. lation out Excessive irrigation producing deep perco- of the root zone, cause of water wastage. on the other hand, is the There is little doubt that prime scheduling irrigation according to atmospheric demand should be practised as it will contribute to the alleviation of both these problems. rect Such production. tionalizing will technique will limit water losses due to incor- assessment of the amounts of water required for economic be The work described the interaction of weather, making soil. and on Agrometeorology, the experimental site on the raThis possible the The work was conducted by of cooperative experiments with farmers in the district successful here is aimed at plant and done in the computer in a manner scheduling and planning of irrigation. means irrigation of the Hartswater Department West Campus of the University of of the Orange Free State. THE CONCEPT OF EVAPORATION FROM A NATURAL VEGETATIVE SURFACE Penman the (1948) defined the term potential evapotranspiration evaporation water. The from a short grass surface well supplied significance of the interaction between implicit assumption was that evapotranspiration from all ever, could be referenced to short grass with vegetative architecture and the atmosphere was then not fully realized. surfaces as evaporation. The cropped How- crop height and shape seriously influence both the conduc- tance of water vapour away from the surface, of the surface. These markedly influence water removal from the vegetative surface. of It is thus possible to find, for given sets atmospheric conditions, transpiration cover. and the temperature different rates of potential corresponding to different types of evapo- vegetative To overcome this uncertainty and to account for the role played by evaporation from a soil surface under incomplete tative cover, the vege- following definitions will be adhered to in this treatise. The total evaporation from a natural vegetative surface, defined as the sum of evaporation from the sub-stomatal E, is cavities of leaves, Ev, plus the evaporation from the surface of the soil, Es. Thus E = Ev + Es Transpiration is, ..(1.1) in effect, the evaporation from the cell walls in the sub-stomatal cavity. The term, maximum evaporation from a given crop replaces the term potential evapotranspiration. of meeting denote atmospheric demand, Thus, when soil water is capable the symbol Em will be used to maximum total evaporation from a specific crop surface in a given growth stage. Em = Ev + Es ..(1.2) Total evaporation and evapotranspiration are entirely synonymous. Although the term total evaporation (E) is here term preferred; evapotranspiration (ET) will also be used. the In which case the symbols in Eqn 1.2 become: ETm = Tm + Es The ..(1.3) above definitions follow proposals by Monteith went on to emphasize that total evaporation (E) (1985). has the He same number of syllables as evapotranspiration, occupies slightly less space on the printed page and, unlike ET, has no extra- terrestrial connotations. The concept of evaporation from a short grass surface well plied with water is recognized. defined with as Reference evaporation, the evaporation from a short grass surface adequate water. sup- Er, is supplied Similarly evaporation from a large open water surface will be defined by the symbol Eo. OBJECTIVES A convenient way of scheduling irrigation on a number of bouring station. farms These is via the use of weather data from a neighcentral data should be representative of conditions oc- curring on the various farms. Such data may then be processed by computer to provide simulations of irrigation upon plots in the area. estimations leads conditions on many individual Since such a technique is of actual atmospheric evaporative to the most efficient use of water. follows upon an initial project (De Jager, Van Rooyen, with it project Bristow and 1982) which developed a suitable computer programme which efficiently. demand The present Van Zyl, based irrigation This scheduling could be managed project takes the work one step more further and investigates the practical application of the model. The objectives of the project were to: (i) prove the accuracy and viability of computer irrigation scheduling (ii) demonstrate the application of a central computerized service for scheduling the irrigation of wheat on individual farms using weather data, (iii) standardise the operational procedure for such a sys- tem, (iv) install a large lysimeter and test the various aspects of the simulation model used, ticular - (a) the crop evaporation formulae, and accuracy of in par- (b) crop hydraulic conductance relationships sible for the onset of water stress addition, micrometeorological respon- utilizing, in techniques and in- fra-red therraometry, (v) further verify the leaf water potential and leaf area index sub-models. NOTE: It had been the intention to construct two but finances limited the project to one. lysimeters, Data from Rietrivier Experimental Station were to have been used, but the drought made this impossible. The investigation experiments on included cooperative field experiments and the Agrometeorological experimental site on the West Campus of the UOFS. The research project commenced on 1 October, 1982. CHAPTER 2 THE VALIDATION OF PUTU 9 PUTU 9 is the model developed in the previous project {De et al, ject. 9.86 1982). Jager It was utilized in the first stages of this pro- PUTU 9 was modified from an hourly time step model to PUTU which works in daily time steps. interesting However, it was deemed and necessary to validate the initial model in order to determine problems that could be rectified in PUTU 9.86, Also, PUTU 9 may well be utilized in the future. PROCEDURE Essentially tion an accurate simulation model for scheduling irriga- must provide reliable simulation of crop water use and onset of water stress. the Relative evaporation is defined as the ratio of total evaporation (E) to maximum total evaporation (Em). The presence of crop water stress is indicated by a relative evaporation less than unity. versus place and time and permits quantitative comparisons between evaporation water Accurate simulation of stress Evaporation models have to be took measurements measured by a model produces a suitable validation of a use model. of Hence a scenario of E/Em clearly illustrates when the onset of simulation. value validated total crop for both bare soil (Es) and cropped surfaces (E). The necessary measurements were made and simulations carried out in the 1984 and 1985 seasons on West Campus. Measured values of evaporation were obtained From the lysimeter. Automatic weather station data were utilized to simulate E and Em. For both years, the scenario of the simulated and measured ratio are illustrated in Figs. 2.1 and 2.4. Comparisons between mea- sured and simulated daily crop water use, 2.2, 2.3 for bare soil conditions, the wheat crop. E, are shown in Figs. and in Figs Simulation indices, 2.5 and 2.6 for SI ( Willmott, 1982), and correlation coefficients were calculated and are shown in each of the relevant figures. A simulation index of SI = 0,7 generally indicates acceptable accuracy in biological experiments. Figs 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, and 2.6 do not include days irrigation took place because it was not possible to on which determine evaporation from the lysimeter without an accurate measurement of the rainfall or irrigation in the lysimeter. rainfall In 1984 and 1985, and irrigation amounts were estimated directly from the lysimeter record. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The figures and statistical tests indicate that reasonable agreement between simulation indices were acceptable for bare soil both years. ably simulated and measured values were obtained. accurate (SI = 0,69) . conditions The in For the wheat cover, the model proved to be acceptin 1985 (SI = 0,89) but less acceptable in 1984 The accentuated scatter in particularly Fig. 2.2 and 2.5 is due to an inadequate resolution setting on the datalogger used. 2.4 indicates that under incomplete vegetative cover (DOY 234 to 250) in 1984, PUTU 9 over estimated E. true from DOY 213 to 235 in 1985. DOY Fig. 275 to 330 in 1984, The same was partially Furthermore, with full canopy, PUTU 9 predicted stress which was evident in the lysimeter readings. not The crop coefficient (F) for simulating the degree of stress in PUTU 9 is defined by E = F.Em where, F = [Fie . Fh + Fg.(l-Fle)]. ..{2.1) These three F-terms are dimensionless constants between zero unity. and Originally they were described as follows: Fie = -0,2 + 0,7 LAI (Ritchie, 1972) where LAI = leaf area index, Fh = 1/ [1 + Exp (PSIC - PSIL)] and Fg = EXP [0,4. days since surface was wetted] PSIL and PSIC are leaf water potential and stress threshold leaf water potential respectively. Evaporation from the soil, Es, was computed from Es = Fg.(1 - Fie).Em Hence, for bare soil, Es = Fg . Em ..<2.2) The initial over-estimation of E for an incomplete cover could have been due to use of the Ritchie ( 1972) vegetative equation. A better estimator might be obtained by replacing Em by Er. Trial and error methods were employed to rectify these problems. These suggested replacing the Ritchie (1972) equation by Fie = 0,186.LAI for Fie < 0,9, and ..(2.3) Es = Fg.(1 - Fie).Er ..(2.4) The equation describing evaporation from bare soil which will be developed in Chapter 7, viz. Fg = EXP(-a . VDEF1) ..(7.3) where a is a constant, was used while establishing Eqn 2.3. Thus, in both the PUTU 9 and PUTU 9.86 runs of 1984 and 1985 Eqn 7.3 replaced the original Fg = EXP(-0,4.time). Meyer and Green (1981) reported F values for a full wheat varying between however, was 1,1 and 1,3. estimated daily mean weather data. Maximum total evaporation using the normal Penman equation This probably under estimated Em canopy (Em), with under windy conditions for crop heights of approximately 0,7 m. From Fig. stress 2.4. it appears as if the model predicts the onset of too early. prediction This could also have resulted from the over of E earlier in the season which would simulate more rapid depletion in soil water reserves. 10 CONCLUSION PUTU 9 with Eqn 7.3, for determining the fraction of reference evaporation evaporated from a bare soil surface, was shown to be reliable. throughout Use of this equation for bare soil the period 1 March to 30 June yielded a SI > 0,77. The model, PUTU 9, was considered to have reliably computed water use by stress the the wheat crop in 1985 (SI = 0,89) occurred. little water The poor performance in 1984 was ascribed model being over sensitive to stress. rectify when It was attempted to to this in PUTU 9.86 (the daily version of PUTU 9) by using an exponential root distribution and by iterating for leaf potential and transpiration rate (see Chapter 4 ) . 11 water • 1984 30- «S20 z o « . . i i 11 i DOY 1985 •I. S FIG. 2.1 ) and simulated ( ) scenarios of the ratio of evaporation from a bare soil to reference evaporation on West Campus during 1984 and 1985. Simulations were undertaken with PUTU 9. - Measured ( DOY CUMULATIVE 80 1984 J.G E» |tnrn! ' 100 90 - 90 * 3.1 / f T3 2.7 UJ z.i Q UJ H 13 s 1.3_ .9_ • o 8 .1 0 + • + + ++ 0 D5 S-Ind«x • .?SS Con-elation = .666 n = 93 . .8^ u rvs <n MEASURED FIG. 2.2 - Es (mm/d) Relationships between cumulative (o) and daily (+) •easured and simulated (by PUTU 9) evaporation from a bare soil during 1984 on West Campus. 13 CUMULATIVE 3.8. TO 1985 E, Imml 80 - 90 3.3. -10 Z.7. - 70 LU 2.2. Q LU i.e. CO 0 1 .!_ 0 0+ • 0 0 ,0° S-Index Correlation • = .862 .783 93 .8. ni » MEASURED FIG. 2.3 - Es (nwn/d) Relationships between cumulative {o) and daily (+) measured and simulated (by PUTU 9) evaporation from a bare soil during 1985 on West Campus. 14 mm 1984 40- IS-H X_* L M • • - - \ O O O — DOY m mm i uz 0 .1.1 II .1 1 .. L 1 ,11 1 1 Hll 1985 1 < •»• It M AA 05 O * 03 0 3 0 1 oo o o DOY FIG. 2.4 - Measured ( o CO ) and simulated ( ) scenarios of the ratio of total evaporation, E, to maximum evaporation, Em, on Uest Campus during 1984 and 1985. Simulations were conducted using PUTU 9. CUMULATIVE E ( 300 1 mm ) «00 400 1984 3.4- a.4 -300 7.3. s.a. ' 0 • 0 * UJ Q 3.1. UJ ID B.J. 2 (/) i.e. S Index • .G87 Correlation « .51? n - 78 IT MEASURED E (mm/d) FIG. 2.5 - Relationships between cumulative (o) and daily {+) total and evaporation from a wheat crop simulated (by Campus 16 as PUTU 9) during 1984 measured on West CUMULATIVE 9.4 1985 J 200 300 300 V* 7.3 A A S.3 -200 S.2 * • A ° 1.2 111 Q UJ 3.1_ 2.1- S-Index .B8S C«-r*UUi>i .792 62 .8. 1 ID MEASURED FIG. 2.6 - E (mm/d) Relationships between cumulative <o) and daily (+) total and evaporation from a wheat crop simulated as (by PUTU 9) on West Campus 1985. 17 measured during CHAPTER 3 THE DESCRIPTION OF PUTU 9.86 The PUTU model was first created for maize in 1973. construction and King, in Fig. was described (1974). 3.1. by De Jager (1974) and De Jager The computing stages (modules) are described In the model the partitioning of dry matter ceeds as described in Fig. 3.2. pro- A version of PUTU specifically for wheat, PUTU 6, followed in 1981. for Its initial All the important functions this model are described by De Jager, Botha and Van Vuuren (1981) . PUTU 6 was PUTU 9. modified for irrigation scheduling It is described in detail by De Jager and et re-named al., 1982. While PUTU 9 utilizes most of the functions of PUTU 6 it computes hourly time steps. It has subsequently become daily time steps are adequate, scheduling is concerned. and necessary, Hence, apparent where that irrigation the daily irrigation version PUTU 9.86 was developed. Computation of daily values of Em and Er from the hourly data from the automatic weather station was carried out using the programme in Appendix VI. An attractive feature of PUTU models is their modular tion. construc- During 1986 the computer programme was completely restruc- tured and simplified to make the sequence of operations described in Fig 3.1 and 3.2. easy to follow. 9.86 reads: 18 The main programme for PUTU 5 10 20 25 29 30 40 50 60 62 64 72 75 80 85 86 90 100 101 130 170 172 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 500 510 520 530 535 540 *tt******«***************«**t**********t*t******t**tt****t«*t**t* •PUTU9-86 NAAM:PUTU9-86 OP DISK:PROGRAM #2 LPRINT "Latest up-date on 1986.08.19 " ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt OPTION BASE 1 DIM X(366,8),GMT(12),GMR(12),GMS(12),GME(12),MONL(12),MEND(12), DOYMES<12) GOSUB GOSUB GOSUB GOSUB GOSUB GOSUB GOSUB 'MEAN DATA 'FUNCTIONS •INITIAL CONDITIONS •WEATHER DATA INPUT 'PARAMETERS 'ZERO 'TITLE PAGE 2500 15000 9500 10500 3100 10000 5000 'ttttttttttttttttttttttttt 'BEGINNING OF CALCULATION •I************************ FOR D = BEGIN TO FINISH IF IF IF IF IF IF IF ' GOSUB 5500 GOSUB 6000 STAGE > 1 THEN GOSUB 1400 GOTO 540 STAGE > 2 THEN GOSUB 1500 GOTO 520 STAGE > 3 THEN GOSUB 1600 GOTO 500 STAGE > 4 THEN GOSUB 1700 GOTO 500 STAGE >5 THEN GOSUB 1800 GOTO 500 STAGE > 6 THEN GOSUB 1900 GOTO 500 STAGE > 7 THEN GOSUB 2000 GOTO 500 STAGE 8 GOSUB 2100 'ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES 'WATER BALANCE 230 'PREREST PERIOD 260 •REST PERIOD 290 •TILLERING 320 'STEM EXTENTION 'BOOTING 350 380 •ANTHESIS 410 'GRAIN FILLING 'RIPENING GOSUB 12800 GOSUB 11500 GOSUB 12000 GOSUB 7000 ' IF D=FINISH THEN GOSUB 14100 NEXT D 19 'ASSIMILATION •TRANSLOCATION 'TOTALS •WRITE RESULTS 'WRITE CARRY OVER FILE The new model is exceedingly user friendly and the results would appear aa follows: PUTU9 IRRIGATION SCHEDULING OF WHEAT Run date 06-16-1987 Tiae : 15:26:39 LYSIMETER PLANT POPULATION 206 Um'2) EXTBNTION ENDED ON DOY PLANTING DATE 1 / 7 / 1984 CULTIVAR 33T4 277 SOIL DESCRIPTION:SANDY LOAM SOIL MOISTURE MAXIMUM 200 IU/BI MINIMUM 76 INITIAL 200 EFFECTIVE ROOTING DBPTH 1 .8B 1984 DOY FH LAI IB BAIN PEHC WATER POTENTIAL S2 S3 ST L (XI xlO (%) :*». <MP»*100) Total rainfall in re«t period: 0 GROWTH STAGE 3 - TILLERING PERIOD 183 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 -70 Bv HU EB IDD) (••*10) 0 0 14 Ely* 2 0 0 231 -1 -1 -2 233 96 6 YRED = 6 TTRAN3 : 15 TPTRANS= 16 TLYS: 85 C= TSOILVAP= 54 WUSE= 81 DEEPEHC: 231 GROWTH STAGE 4 STEM EXTENTION PERIOD 0 0 231 -1 -1 -2 234 96 6 26 0 238 -1 -1 -2 235 96 8 0 0 249 -7 -17 -6 276 98 85 YRED= 1 TTRANS =201 TPTRANS=207 TLYS= 199 C = DEEPERC: 249 T9OILVAP= 83 WUSB= 311 GROWTH STAGE 5 BOOTING 0 1 249 -8 -16 -7 277 98 85 -73 14 57 6 6 13 623 BL/C=.46 GL/C=.OO SL/C=.26 TAW: 209 281 98 85 0 0 249 -11 -14 -10 YRSD= 1 TTRANS= 18 TPTRANSs 19 TLYS= 36 C= DEEPERCr 249 TSOILVAP: 83 WUSE= 330 GROWTH STAGE 6 ANTHESI9 282 98 85 0 0 249 -12 -14 -11 -85 43 41 37 0 79 8738 BL/C=.57 GL/C=.OO SL/C=.13 TAWr 96 HT= . 54 -73 -74 15 16 60 59 6 6 8 7 22 45 -88 40 112 99 6 45 7888 BL/C:,61 GL/C=.OO 3L/C=.1O TAW= 114 -82 -86 41 44 41 41 37 1 45 97 37 291 98 76 0 0 249 -11 -20 -14 -96 51 80 71 0 93 YRED: 1 TTRANS: 66 TPTRANS= 67 TLYS: 78 C:10958 BL/C=.45 GL/Cr.19 SL/C=.11 DEEPERC: 249 TSOILVAP: 85 WUSE= 397 TAW = 64 HT=.64 GROWTH STAGE 7 GRAIN FILLING 292 98 76 0 0 249 -16 -23 -18 -106 52 109 96 0 112 326 27 10 0 0 249 -164 -164 -164 -279 81 88 0 0 13 YREDi 27 TTRANS=149 TPTRANS=287 TLYS= 220 C=15359 BL/C=.32 CL/C=.42 SL/C=.O8 DEEPERC- 249 TSOILVAP: 86 WUSE- 547 TAW: 0 GROWTH STAGE 8 RIPENING 327 22 10 0 0 249 -164 -164 -164 -294 82 125 0 0 10 328 19 7 0 0 249 -164 -164 -164 -304 83 162 0 0 18 335 98 0 0 5 249 -41 -103 -25 -111 89 336 97 0 0 4 249 -51 -69 -40 -121 90 Environmental potential yield for 1984 4547 kg/h» TOTAL DEEP PERCOLATION 249 , EVAPORATION FROM THE SOIL TAL WATER USE 561 70 47 62 41 1 0 SURFACE 86 0 0 AND TO S2, S3 and ST denote the second and third soil layers and total root zone respectively. L denotes leaf. 20 Running time on the SPERRY PC is approximately 20 minutes for complete a season. However, when compiled, this is reduced to less than five minutes. The IBM PC requires twice this length of time The complete coding of the programme for PUTU 9.86 is to be found in APPENDIX IV. DOCUMENTATION The wheat stages. growing season is divided into number of growth These are illustrated in Fig. 3.3. To promote the understanding of PUTU 9.86, of the model, a a to assist in the use and to facilitate future modification of the model brief documentation of the system is here provided. This will be achieved by giving: 1. the location (line number) and titles of The titles, in fact, the subroutines. describe the operations performed by each subroutine, and 2. a description, together with source, of the parameters, functions and triggers included in the model. The logistics of the computer programme may be studied by following the sequence of model operations here given. It is followed by a reference list whereby subroutines may be quickly found. 21 SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS IN PUTU 9.86 3100 9500 14000 14245 ESTABLISH PARAMETERS AND BOUNDARY CONDITIONS PARAMETERS ESTABLISH INITIAL CONDITIONS COEFFICIENTS SOIL WATER EXTRACTION CURVE ALTER INITIAL CONDITIONS 10500 10800 14600 14700 DATA WEATHER DATA INPUT HAIL READ RAIN, IRRIGATION AND SPECIFIC DAYS TO RECORD CREATE RAIN, IRRIGATION AND HAIL FILES 8500 9000 5500 ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES TEMPERATURE FUNCTIONS AND PROCEDURES TOTAL EVAPORATION ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 TRIGGER AND EXECUTE APPROPRIATE GROWTH STAGE STAGE 1 PRE-REST PERIOD STAGE 2 REST PERIOD STAGE 3 TILLERING PERIOD STAGE 4 STEM EXTENSION STAGE 5 BOOTING STAGE 6 ANTHESIS STAGE 7 GRAIN FILLING STAGE 8 RIPENING 6000 5700 13000 8000 9800 13300 13700 2700 WATER BALANCE CRITICAL LEAF WATER POTENTIAL SIMULATE ROOT DEVELOPMENT SOILWATER POTENTIAL FROM DESORPTION CURVE SOILWATER CONTENT SIMULATE SOIL-ROOT CONDUCTANCE AND LEAF WATER POTENTIAL EXTRACT WATER FROM EACH LAYER DISTRIBUTION OF INFILTRATED WATER 10850 11500 12800 PRODUCTION CROP HEIGHT 10900 TRANSLOCATION OF ASSIMILATE PHOTOSYNTHYSIS AND ASSIMILATION 7000 14095 RECORD RESULTS RECORD RESULTS OF SIMULATIONS RE-WRITE CARRY-FORWARD FILE 2400 2500 5000 5300 6500 COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURE ASSISTANCE DOY ON WHICH MONTHS END RESET 13900 MEAN DATA 10000 SET VARIABLES TO ZERO TITLE PAGE 12000 SUB TOTALS TABLE HEADINGS 12500 MEANS DOY 11000 GEN ARTIFICIAL WEATHER DATA 15000 THE FUNCTIONS 22 LEAF GROWTH QUICK REFERENCE FOR FINDING SUBROUTINES 1000- 2000- 30005000- 600070008000900010000- 110001200013000- 14000- 15000- 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2400 2500 2700 3100 5000 5300 5500 5700 6000 6500 7000 8000 8500 9000 9500 9800 10000 10500 10800 10850 10900 11000 11500 12000 12500 12800 13000 13300 13700 13900 14000 14095 14245 14600 14700 15000 PRE-REST PERIOD STAGE 1 REST PERIOD STAGE 2 TILLERING PERIOD STAGE 3 STEM EXTENSION STAGE 4 BOOTING STAGE 5 ANTHESIS STAGE 6 GRAIN FILLING STAGE 7 RIPENING STAGE 8 RESET MEAN DATA DISTRIBUTION OF INFILTRATION WATER PARAMETERS TITLE PAGE TABLE HEADINGS ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES CRITICAL LEAF WATER POTENTIAL WATER BALANCE DOY RECORD RESULTS OF SIMULATIONS SOILWATER POTENTIAL FROM DESORPTION CURVE TEMPERATURE FUNCTIONS AND PROCEDURES TOTAL EVAPORATION ESTABLISH INITIAL CONDITIONS SOILWATER CONTENT SET VARIABLES TO ZERO WEATHER DATA INPUT HAIL CROP HEIGHT LEAF GROWTH GENERATE ARTIFICAL WEATHER DATA TRANSLOCATION OF ASSIMILATE SUB TOTALS MEANS PHOTOSYNTHYSIS AND ASSIMILATION SIMULATE ROOT DEVELOPMENT SIMULATE SOIL-ROOT CONDUCTANCE AND LEAF WATER POTENTIAL EXTRACT WATER FROM EACH LAYER DOY ON WHICH MONTHS END SOIL WATER EXTRACTION CURVE COEFFICIENTS RE-WRITE CARRY-FORWARD FILE ALTER INITIAL CONDITIONS READ RAIN,IRRIGATION AND SPECIFIC DAYS TO RECORD CREATE RAIN,IRRIGATION AND HAIL FILES THE FUNCTIONS 23 PARAMETERS, TRIGGERS AND FUNCTIONS The major parameters, phenological triggers and functions lized in PUTU 9.86 constitute the essence of the model. uti- They are now described. Parameters V01, V15, V16 The volumetric water content (mm/m) at soil water potentials of 10, 1500 and 1600 kPa respectively. 1600 kPa represents the lowest (driest) in soil water potential in the root zone, in the W01, W15, W16 The limit but not surface layer layer water content (mm) at soil water poten- tials of 10, 1500 and 1600 kPa respectively. PAW The layer plant available water (mm) TPAW The profile available water content (mm) SPL = 500 kg/ha. SEEDMAS = 0,03 g. The specific leaf ratio The mass of a wheat seed The units of heat accumulation above or below a basal temperature are growing degree days (DD) or cold units (CD) respectively. BO = 8 C. Basal temperature for calculating growing degree days . HUMX = 20 'C. The daily maximum temperature for growing degree days calculating CUC = 7,4 CU. Vernalisation requirements. units The minimum coJd ( 8 'C required to end the tillering stage (see cold unit APPENDIX III) CONl - 21,8. Additional degree days per unit of deficit (DD/CU) {see APPENDIX III) COO = 0,012. Constant for calculating respiration (Kaiser, 1976) (not required by this version of PUTU) WEQ = 30 kg/(ha mm). Dry matter accumulation equivalent to water use (not used in this version of PUTU) EFFMAX = 20%. PAR The photosynthetic efficiency of utilization (Penman, 1971). Active of PAR represents Photosynthetically Radiation in W/m (not used in this version of PUTU) FE = 68 * 10~(-9) kg/J. The photo-chemical equivalent (Pen- man, 1971) (not used in this version of PUTU) RGR = 0,0182. Rate of vertical root penetration m/d (Botha, total roots found below 0,97 of the current 1983) AP =2,1% The rooting depth (see Chapter 4) KSP0 = -1,2 * 10"(-3) mm/Id kPa m pl). Maximum conductance of the root zone {defined in Chapter 4 and found by trial and error) HUC = 145 DD critical heat requirement for transition tillering to stem extension. 25 from For convenience in future modelling, the parameters COO, WEQ, EFFMAX, and FE are retained here. Phenological triggers The various growth stages adopted for the wheat growth model are described in Fig. 3.3. They are defined as follows: STAGE 1 JR is the DOY of commencement of the rest period. period The pre-reat is a dummy period stretching from January 1 to the day on which the rest period would hypothetically have occurred had there been a standing crop on January 1 of the first year of the data series. STAGE 2 - THE REST PERIOD JP is the day of the year on which planting occurred. It ends the rest period. STAGE 3 - THE TILLERING PERIOD Stage 3 ends when accumulated heat equals HUC. critical heat (in DD) required to bring the The latter is the specific cultivar from planting through tillering to the stem extension stage. is adjusted according to vernalisation. 26 It STAGE 4 - THE STEM EXTENSION PERIOD Stem extension ends when DOY = ENDEXT. This ENDEXT is provided from field observations by the farm manager. STAGE 5 - BOOTING Booting ends when DOY = ENDBOOT = ENDEXT + 5. STAGE 6 - ANTHESIS Anthesis ends when DOY = ENDANT = ENDBOOT + 10. STAGE 7 - GRAIN FILLING Grain filling ends when DOY = ENDFILL = ENDANT + 35. STAGE 8 - RIPENING Physical maturity is reached when DOY = ENDRIPE r ENDFILL + 10. The functions FNDLENGTH - Maximum day length for each day of the year. It is an empirical function determined from LIST (1958) FNMJD - Radiation at the top of the atmosphere. It is an empirical function determined from LIST (1958) FNDLYR - Angstrom's solar formula for radiation from the shine hours 27 estimating daily incoming fraction of possible sun- FN2 - An alternative to FN3 FN3 - Stomatal conduction as a function of leaf water potential. (Bristow, K.L., De Jager, J.M. and Van Zyl, W.H., 1981) FN5 - Soil evaporation from the soil surface, Es FN6 - The temperature limiting factor on photosynthesis FN8 - The function S/(S+ ) in the Penman equation. function of temperature FM9 - Ratio is a It is a (Schulze, 1975) of transpiration to maximum total evaporation. function of leaf area index (originally It Ritchie, 1972, changed to FN9 = 0,186.LAI ... Eqn 2.3 in Chapter 7) FN10 - Priestley-Taylor formula (Priestley and Taylor, 1972) FN12 - Construction tosynthesis respiration is equal to 0,5 of daytime pho- (Kaiser, 1976) FN13 - Night respiration as a function of nighttime temperature (Kaiser, 1976) FN14 - Leaf area per unit plant development as a growing degree days (APPENDIX III) 28 function of FN15 - Exponential soil water extraction function FN16 - Calculation of FN17 - Relative (APPENDIX I) leaf water potential using FN15 root development assumed to be a logistic func- tion of days of the growing season FN18 - The normalized natural logarithm of the relative volume- tric soil water content for use in the computation of soil-root conductance (KSP line 13330). KSP, the soil-toroot conductance in a given layer is proportional to square the root of root mass and to the ratio of the natural logarithm of the current relative (to V16) volumetric water content divided by the natural logarithm of ratio of point field capacity to volumetric permanent wilting as computed by FN18 (Botha, 1983; Bennie and Botha, 1985). The functions FNDLENGTH, FN12, AND FNMJD, FNDLYR, FN2, FN13 are not used in PUTU 9-86, FN6, FN8, FN10, but are retained for future reference. The yield function For irrigation scheduling the simplified yield model of Doorenbos and Kassam (1979) was included in PUTU. Ky are shown in Fig. 3.3. The relevant values of This means that the photosynthesis and 29 translocation tion. The routines were not used in this particular applicaDoorenbos and Kassam (1979) yield concept of relative yield deficit, deficit, RED. model uses the RYD, and relative evaporation Thus, by definition RYD - 1 - Y/Yo and RED = 1 - E/Em The fundamental yield equation then reads: RYD = ky RED Hence, Y = Yo - ky RED For the ith growth stage REDi - 1 - Ei/Emi For a season of n growth stages each having its own kyi n Y = Yo[l - ;£, kyi REDi i ..<3.1) PUTU 9.86, including Eqn 3.1, may be used to compute yield. ADDITIONAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS A simplistic weather generator (subroutine included for purposes of model development. following the screen instructions. 30 1100) has been It may be called by P U TU SCHEMATIC FOR THE COMPUTER PROGRAMME WHEAT CROP ECOSYSTEM OPERATIONAL CELLS PARAMETERS 1 INITIATE] INITIATE I ENVIRONMENTAL DRIVING FORCE PRODUCTION I ENVIRONMENTAL DRIVING FORCE STATUS PRODUCTION 1 i ARTITION PARTITION \ RECORD TEST -No- END Fig. STATUS —NO- END 3.1 - Schematic flow structure of diagram which outlines the computer programme for seasonal dynamic model of a wheat crop. 31 the general PUTU, the •X4 X5 DA (Alfa) GD <— X8 *— GL < I (Phi) X (Beta) t CD -*— X9 * — CL *• TR X6< BD« X7 XI BL «• X2« SL *- BA (Theta) DMG DB RD* X3 t— RL I BB (Rho) CB Symbol definition: DMG GD CD BD SD RD TR BA BB B = E = = = = = = = = Daily dry matter assimi lation (kg/(ha d)) Dead grain GL = Live grain Dead culms CL = Live culms Dead leaves BL = Live leaves Dead stubble SL = Live stubble (Reserves) Dead Roots RL = Live roots Senesced material DA = Above ground dead Above ground live DB = Beneath surface dead Beneath surface live D = CA + DB BA + BB CA = Total mass standing above surface CB = Total beneath surface C = CA + CB Alfa, Beta, Phi, Theta, Rho = Partitioning factors XI, X2, X9 = Dry matter coefficients Fig. 3.2 - Diagramatic presentation of the partitioning of tosynthate to the different plant components. 32 pho- Stage Description Modified Zadoks Key Ky Tillering Booting 4nthe= Grain f i l l i ng sis Stem Extention Ripening 00 - 39 40 - 49 50-69 70-79 80-89 90-97 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,65 0,55 0,0 t in to m o Trigger x LU o a 5 F i g . 3.3 - hX LU Q DB 1/1 II 3 LU O O CO Diagram depicting the growth stages utilized in PUTU 9.86, the corresponding Zadoks delimitation, the phenological criteria triggering progress to the next stage and Ky the wheat yield - relative evaporation deficit coefficient (Doorenbos and Kassam, 1979) applicable in each growth stage. 33 CHAPTER 4 THE ROOT DEVELOPMENT AND SOIL WATER EXTRACTION SUB-MODEL FOR WHEAT INTRODUCTION The accurate water mathematical simulation of extraction from the soil root zone is confronting crop growth modellers. ling root development a major problem The PUTU 9 irrigation schedu- model used a simple double layered soil sub-model. deemed and It was necessary to improve the reliability thereof by modelling a multi-layered root zone. Improvements to PUTU 9 regarded as necessary, were: (i) the inclusion of capillary flow upwards into the root zone from a wet substrate, (ii) more accurate simulation of the influence of weather conditions upon the onset of plant water stress, and (iii) the need to account for small increments in water which can only be accomplished using a multi-layered soil. Recent sible. scientific developments have made complex simulation feaImproved mathematics have reduced the computations quired to manageable proportions. the water desorption in Relationships for soils have been refined 34 re- describing by De Jong (1983); Campbell and Campbell (1983); Hutson and Cass (1985) and others. Mottram (1985); Furthermore, Schulze, Botha (1983), Botha, Bennie and Burger, (1983) and Bennie and Botha (1985) have expressed the hydraulic conductance of the soil-plant system in terms of the rooting density and the soil water content. The initial objective of this study was to simulate mathematically the root distribution and water extraction from a soil profile divided into a number of layers. for the simulation It is important that of vertical water movement by routines unsaturated capillary flow be added at some time in the future. The major problem encountered was the simulation of the feedback mechanism operating in the soil-plant-atmosphere system when crop is experiencing water stress. the Mathematical analysis of such a feedback system requires the solution of one equation (D'Arcy's law) for two unknowns viz. leaf water potential, PSI1, and transpiration rate, this will T. A computer iteration technique for achieving be described. The theory was developed for a wheat crop, but has also been successfully extended to maize (De Jager, Mottram and Singels, 1986). All line numbers quoted in the ensuing discussion refer to listing of the programme for PUTU 9-86 in Appendix IV. 35 the THEORY Electrical analogue of the soil-plant hydraulic system A simple electrical analogue and D'Arcy's law model the soil-plant hydraulic process. model is depicted in Fig. 4.1. was adopted to For a layered soil the Note particularly the diodes which prevent moisture flow from moist to dry soil layers via the root system. This was rather difficult to simulate. The resul- tant programming is found in lines 13715-13810 (see APPENDIX IV). The model was originally developed for hourly time steps. subsequently accuracy. found that a daily time step provided It was adequate The development of the hourly model is described by De Jager and Singels (1986). Symbol definition The symbols used are the following: A - root distribution exponent (/m), Ap - percentage of roots found below the depth 0,97.ZEFFo (%), DZRT - thickness of the individual soil layers DOG - day of the growing season, DOY - day of the year, Es - evaporation from the soil surface (mm/h), (SOILVAP) K - hydraulic conductance (nun/(d kPa) ) , KSPEFF - (m), effective soil-root hydraulic conductance (mm/(h kPa}), 36 k - hydraulic conductivity ((mm/d)/(m kPa)), PSI - water potential (kPa), PSIST - effective soil water potential (kPa), RGR - vertical root growth rate (m/d) R - root mass per unit of ground surface at soil depth z(kg/m Z ), RM - the total amount of root per unit surface area for entire root zone down to depth ZEFF relative to seasonal maximum value, the the RPROPn - the proportion of roots per unit ground surface found in the nth soil layer, area T - transpiration rate (mm/h), V - volumetric soil water content (mm/m) V01 - volumetric soil water content at 10 kPa (mm/m). Similarly V15, V16 and W01, W15 and W16 are values of V and W at 10, 1500 and 1600 kPa.. W - soil water content (mm) ZEFF - current effective rooting depth (m) ZEFFo - maximum effective root depth (m) 1 - subscript denoting leaf, N - there are N soil layers, n - subscript denoting the nth soil layer, o - subscript denoting the maximum value, p - subscript denoting the total water pathway from into the roots and through the leaf surface, s - subscript denoting soil, or, soil-root interface where conductance is concerned, v - subscript denoting vegetation water pathway x - subscript denoting xylem sap z - depth in the soil measured positive downwards from soil surface {m), 37 soil the The general mathematical expressions The derivation of the equations describing the root distribution patterns here, are provided in Appendix I. the symbol variable In the model considered RM replaces the symbol x used in Appendix I. Water flow through the soil-plant system is governed by D'Arcy's law, viz. T = - k(£pSI/<£z) ...{4.1) Furthermore, the total plant transpiration rate is given by Tn . . . <4 . 2 > n=l where, the contribution to the total transpiration from the nth soil layer is given by Tn = -Ksn . (PSIx - PSIsn) ...(4.3) Eqn 4.3 is the appropriate form of D'Arcy's equation. Water non-stress situations Campbell and Campbell (1983) presented solutions of Eqn 4.1, terms of resistances, The exists. solution here described will be undertaken in terms of ductances. the for the case when no water stress in con- The simple electrical circuit equations pertaining to analogue illustrated in Fig. stress by assuming: 38 4.1 were solved for water non- (a) that the conductance through the plant from root to leaf sub-stomatal cavity is infinitely larger than the conductance at the soil-root interface, (b) that and all leaves in the crop are at approximately potential viz. PSIx = Under such conditions, same PSI1. the vegetation can, and does, accommodate atmospheric evaporative demand. in each soil layer; the PSI1 Given the soil water potential may now be found from Ksn.PSIsn - T PSI1 = ...(4.4) Ksn This may be written PSI1 = PSIST - T/KSPEFF or T = Here, KSPEFF and PSIST -KSPEFF(PSIL - PSIST) ...(4.5) are defined as the effective soil hydrau- lic conductance and water potential respectively. Hence, the effective soil hydraulic conductance, defined from Eqn 4.4. It is the algebraic sum of the soil-root interface conductances in each soil layer. KSPEFF = KSPEFF, ^ n=l Ksn 39 is hydraulic Thus, ...(4.6) Similarly, from the effective soil water potential, PSIST, is defined Eqn 4.4. weighting plant It is the mean soil water potential obtained each layer's water potential according to hydraulic conductance. its by soil- This PSIST offers an estimate of the soil water potential effectively sensed by the plant. Thus, for no water stress, (PSIST) is defined by PSIST = ^T (Ksn . PSIsn) / KSPEFF ...(4.7) Eqn 4.5 is a form of D'Arcy's law and thus justifies the concepts and terminology for KSPEFF and PSIST. In the simulation process PSIsn for each layer is estimated from the previous day's soil water status. In the original PUTU 9 model of De Jager et al. (1982) PSIST was simply defined as the mean soil water potential over the entire root profile and the overall hydraulic conductance as Kp - 1/(12,5 + [1 + 10 EXP(-5(PSIST + 100))] This function Furthermore was. the soil-root stant the first assumption (viz. Kp maximum conductance at the soil-root then equal to 0,08 mm/(h bar) as determined by De al . (1982). soil reflects Note that 0,08 = 1/12,5. = Ks). interface Jager et It is thus apparent that conductance was assumed to decline exponentially with water potential, PSIsn, from an initial approximately con- value of 0,08 mm/(h bar). denominator. 40 See the second term in the Water stressed condition In the water stressed condition, requires (see Eqn atmospheric evaporative 4.5) that PSI1 must decrease threshold value for normal transpiration. is evidenced at below its In nature water stress by decreased stem elongation and leaf and stomatal closure. initiated to demand development Each of these symptoms is not necessarily the same given threshold leaf water potential {or soil water content) (see Ritchie, 1981). Futhermore, a low soil water content induces resistance to water flow at the soil-root interface. This reduces Ks and also limits the flow of water through the system. Both phenomena decrease Kp with resultant decrease in PSIx (= PSI1). stomatal closure. This condition is simulated by decreasing until D'Arcy's law is satisfied. and T can iteration This, in turn, induces The only manner in which be found from Eqn 4.5 for this situation technique. Once the which is below threshold value, is T PSI1 by required steady-state an PSIl, has been reached; leaf and stem (PSIx = PSIl) dehydration exist. These inhibit growth. Root distribution and depth The results of Chaudhary and Bhatnagar (1980) and Kmoch, Fox and Kochler (1957), root 4.1) suggest that the distribution of mass (and hence water extraction) with depth. for Ramig, decreases wheat exponentially Hence, an exponential model was postulated (see Fig. simulating distribution. the control of water extraction by root Such equation in terms of root length (L) is given 41 by L where Lo Later root = Lo . EXP(-A . z) ...(4.8 = the root length per unit area at the soil mass will be replaced by root length, surface. but the same arguments will hold. The proportion of roots per unit area of land surface within the nth soil layer, 4.8. RPROPn, was derived (see Appendix I) from It takes the form RPROPn = EXP[- A . zn-1] - EXP[- A . zn] The constant A is a function of crop growth stage. uated by terns. ...(4.9) It was eval- assuming that 2,7% (Ap = 2,7) of the roots beneath the rooting depth 0,97 ZEFF. after Eqn examination Its theoretical values distribution was verified by the goodness agreed with measured values of Table 4.1). Based upon this found This assumption was reached of a number of wheat root validity are with RPROPn patwhich (see assumption, A may be evaluated using Eqn 4.10 in the manner described in Appendix I. A = -(In 0,03) / 0,97 . ZEFF ...(4.10) Originally, the rooting depth was modelled using regression equations found from the data reported by Botha, current effective rooting depth, ZEFF, was ZEFF = 0,0074 * DOG for 42 (1983). From this defined as DOG < 47 ...(4.11) or ZEFF = 0,0151 * DOG - 0,3282 for DOG > 47 ...(4.12) Later, in PUTU 9-86 however, a simplification, viz ZEFF s RGR * DOG ...(4.13) where RGR = 0,0182 m/d, was used (see Botha, 1983). Accounting for a restricted root zone Modeling root distribution and water extraction from a containing a difficult. Three possible assumptions, amongst others, are: 1. The same soil layer impermeable to root or water penetration root proportions and amounts in each layer values they would have had, had assume there is the been no restriction. 2. The root proportions in each layer remain the same as for the no-restriction case, but the total amount of roots which would have developed under no restriction is divided between the active layers. 3. The total amount of root developes as normal, distribution pattern changes from an but the exponential root to a cylindrical or semi-conal one, PUTU 2 9.86 provides the computational steps for assumptions 1 and (see lines 13167-13172). In the present study the model assumption 1 was used. 43 for Soil hydraulic conductance The equation describing hydraulic conductance of interface was taken from Botha (1983). -6 Ksn = 5,1065 * 10 the soil-root It reads: -10 + 0,7847 * 10 ln(RDEN) * In(PSIsn/-47,7) (mm/(h bar)) ...(4.14) Where the root density in each layer, RDEN, is given by RDEN LT(ZEFF) is RPROPn . LT(ZEFF) / DZRT the total root length per unit ground entire root zone, currently of depth ZEFF. of ...(4.15) the soil layer. area in an DZRT is the thickness LT(ZEFF) was estimated following Botha et. al . (1983) using, for DOG > 10. 2 LT(ZEFF) = ,806 -,2044 DOG + 0,00645 DOG 3 - 0,00003108 DOG (km/m*} Bennie ...(4,16) and Botha (1985) modified Eqn 4.14 by placing soil-root hydraulic conductance directly proportional to the square root of rooting density and the natural logorithm of relative soil water depletion. The latter was expressed as the natural logarithm of the ratio between the current layer volumetric water content (Vn) and V16 (the -1600 kPa. mathematical volumetric i.e. permanent water wilting content point). at which This is PSIsn a transformation of the initial results and does 44 - simple not represent a change in the fundamental theory. This principle, in a form which facilitates fine-tuning of the model, cluded was in PUTU 9.86. Tuning the constant of was then in- proportionality simplified by normalising the rooting density as well as the natural logarithm of relative soil water depletion terras. lization was achieved by replacing LT(ZEFF) by relative total "root mass", seasonal maximum root mass. RM, a Norma- hypothetical normalized to a value of 100 at The logistic expression assumed to reflect this relationship is given by FN17, viz. RM = 100/(1 + EXP(-,06 x (DOG - 50)) The relative volumetric water content was normalized ..(4.17) using the multiplier ln[V01/V16], hence FN18 = ln(Vn/V16) / ln(V01/V16) This ..(4.18) yielded a final expression for soil hydraulic conductance in a given layer (see Line No 13330) of Ksn = KSPEFFo (RPROPn * RM) / 10 . FN18 ..(4.19) By trial and error it was found that the appropriate value of the maximum soil-root hydraulic conductance per unit soil per plant was KSPEFFo = -1,2 x 10 45 mm/(d kPa m pi). thickness Extraction of water from the multi-layered soil The initial zone. wheat model PUTU 9 utilized a double It became evident however, layered root that a multi-layered root zone was required to improve simulation of water dynamics in the tem. sys- The original double layered model had evolved from a model developed by Mallett and De Jager (1974). The double layered model is reliable for large rainfall amounts and irrigations {see Van Zyl, De Jager and Van Rooyen, 1981). The influence of water quantities smaller than say 20 mm/d however, becomes lost in the large volume of soil found in the second layer during the part of the season. Hence the decision to introduce layered root zone into PUTU 9. latter a nine- A layer thickness of 0,15 m meant that available water in a soil layer amounted to approximately 15 ram. Hence that water changes greater than approximately 5 mm (30% of available) were now accurately accounted for. As daily- transpiration, at crop maturity generally exceeds this value, the error inherent in the model was expected to be less than one day per wetting event. ting Improving accuracy at the expense of compu- time is possible by the simple introduction of layers thin- ner than 0,15m. A diagrammatic presentation of the new root sub- model is given in Fig. 4.1. The new water extraction sub-model essentially which penetrate linearly with respect to time. simulates The root mass is exponentially distributed throughout the entire root zone at time. 46 roots any Total root mass per unit surface area (expressed in relative units 0-100) was assumed to change as a logistic function of time (see Eqn 4.17). The model first determines the effective soil PSIST, the for the entire root profile. soil layers, water potential, This is the mean, over all of the water potential in each layer weighted according to potential and transpiration rate are then computed by using The Eqn current root-soil conductance . 4.19. each layer. expressed as a function of the square root of water contents in each layer was computed The routines water iteration and the natural logarithm of the ratio of current volumetric new They are listed in root relative using version of PUTU for wheat which includes is entitled PUTU 9-86. APPENDIX III. been leaf 4.5 and the root-to-soil conductance in latter, mass The Eqn these detail in Since the basic structure of PUTU 9-86 ha3 already described in Chapter 3; the computation of only the leaf water potential and soil water extraction will be outlined here. The soil water desorption curve A model for soil water potential in terms of soil water was sought. The model computerised (SOILCHR). based Campbell (1983) was De Jong (1982) produced a similar model upon the well known Clapp and Hornberger (1978) equations. Schulze, terms of Campbell and content Hutson and Cass (1985) report empirical equations of clay content based upon unpublished results of Mottram reported (1985) by reports similar Burger, Bennie, equations. Similar Botha and Du Preez 47 in Hutson. equations (1979) apply mainly to sandy soils however. While the spline function of the original PUTU9 functioned satisfactorily, it was decided to streamline the computations. The Hutson equations were used to determine soil water contents cor- responding to soil water potentials of 30 kPa (V30) and 500 (V50) fit and a curve through these two points. A detailed description of this procedure is given in Appendix I. so obtained was used as the soil water extraction the plant layer water accuracy procedure The curve curve. Since commences experiencing resistance to water flow soil values, kPa the potential lies somewhere is required in this soil water contents at between region. maximum these Utilizing (V01), when two this minimum (V15), permanent wilting (V16) and profile available water (TPAW) could be calculated. Accuracy was within approximately 5 mm/m (5% on 100 mm/m). hand. rived This was deemed accurate enough for the purpose at The elementary mathematics involved in, from, and results this model are given in APPENDIX I and APPENDIX deII respectively. SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS FOR COMPUTING EXTRACTION OF WATER FROM EACH LAYER OF THE MULTI-LAYERED SOIL In the computer programme the individual soil layers are L. 48 denoted INITIAL CONDITIONS Establish for the entire run Line # 9556 9590 Layer thickness DZRT (m) Root-soil conductance coefficient mm/(d kPa m pi) -1,2 x 10 Maximum effective rooting depth ZEFFO m) Now calculate for each layer : 9591-9594 Initial water content V(L) (mm/ra), W{L) (mm) 3130-3137 Soil water extraction coefficients M(L), PO(L) 3139-3147 Wilting point V15(L) (mm/m), W15(L) (mm) Field capacities V01(L) (mm/m), WO1(L) (mm) DAILY STATUS AND ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES Calculate for each day: 8000-8040 Soil water potential in each layer 9090-9120 Evaporation from soil surface 2840-2890 Runoff and infiltration RUNOF (mm) 2910-3090 Rainfall and/or irrigation water recharge in layer (mm) 1300-13040 Current rooting depth 13050-13172 Proportion of roots in each soil layer 13160-13166 Relative total root length per unit surface area in entire current rooting depth RM - assumed a logistic function of days since planting, DOG 13167 Number of layers, DZRT thick, into which roots have penetrated NOLAY 13320 Root proportion in each layer RPROP(L) 49 PSIS(L) (kPa) SOILVAP (mm) INFIL (mm) each ZEFF (m) RPROP(L) 13330 Root-soil conductance of each layer KSP(L) (mm/(d kPa layer)) 13340 Effective root-soil conductance profile KSPEFF {mm/(d kPa)) of entire soil 13380 Effective soil water potential profile PSIST (kPa) for entire soil ITERATION ROUTINE 13380-13680 Iterate for crop mean leaf water potential, and transpiration rate, T PSIL, WATER EXTRACTION ROUTINE 13700-13810 Extract water (transpiration) from each soil layer TS(L), (mm/layer) 13830-13880 Calculate new water content V(L) (mm/m) and W(L) (m) in each layer Procedure for the preliminary validation Root distribution The assumption expressed by Eqn 4.10 was tested against the reported of 80 series by Botha (1983). He seeded Zaragoza wheat at the rate kg/ha in rows 300 mm apart. The soil was in which an orthic A-horizon overlies a apedal B-horizon of eolian sand. TREATMENT I - TREATMENT II - TREATMENT III - data an Annandale yellowish Three treatments brown were applied: Conventional 250 mm mouldboard ploughing, 250 mm mouldboard 500 mm deep ripping, ploughing and followed by Same as Treatment II but the traffic zones were loosened by deep ripping after planting. 50 2 Root length density was determined in soil plots of area 10 ra . Samples were taken down to 2 m depth at two weekly intervals in each treatment. Simulated values of the root proportions in each layer obtained using Eqn rooting 4.9 (A found from Eqn 4.10) and the known effective depth (2 m) on given days were compared with the sponding measured values. corre- The results are shown in Table 4.1 and 4.2. Water extraction The parameter values in Eqn 4.11 through 4.16 pertain to soil of the Annandale series as found on the Vaalharts Irrigation Scheme. It is dangerous to extrapolate such results to other ces. As a preliminary test of the theory however, it was deemed expeditious to investigate how accurately this model would simu- late water extraction from a Bainsvlei series, and circumstan- a modified (Singels, because test data 1984) multi-layered version of PUTU 9 were already available. This model computed the daily water balance by extracting transpirative losses from the water in each soil layer. water contents were compared with field gravimetric made in dryland wheat. at Baunton daily Computed measurements The data were collected by Singels (1984) on a Bainsvlei series which was 1,5m 51 deep and at Hopefield on a Bainsvlei series 2 m deep. priate as water stress had occurred during the seasons gated. from These data were appro- Weather input data for the calculations were the Soils and Irrigation Research Institute. The investiobtained results are reported in Table 4.3. The iteration approach for solving for PSI1 conditions model. was and T under stressed tested in the Singels (1984) multi-layered soil It incorporates Equations 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, 4.14, 4.15 and 4.16. Occasionally PSIsn in, from other layer. the say, soil predicted values of PSI1 were higher than the nth layer. the This would cause water to flow layers to the leaf and then to the dry soil While this is possible in an electrical network it is not biologically feasible. Hence, statements eliminating such flow from the computation were included. Such procedure is represen- ted by the diodes shown in Fig. 4.1 and simulated by lines 1376013820 in the computer programme. It was subsequently found that the model performed minimally better without this routine. Hence it still was circumvented for the present application. available for future use when needed. 52 It is RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The root distribution simulated Eqn 4.9 the proportion of roots in the different (see Table 4.2). Eqn model described by accurately soil It is evident that the assumption described by 4.10 is valid for the particular set of conditions gated. layers investi- It deserves however to be stressed that it is an extreme- ly dangerous practice to extrapolate results obtained in one soil type and for a single depth to other conditions. Unfortunately measurements for only a 2m rooting depth were available. Furthermore, while 1982), indicated appeared for all the simulation indices, SI (after Willmott, acceptable reliability (SI > 0,8), the model to be more accurate for the Treatments II and III the conventional ploughing Treatment I. than Results for other rooting depths and other soil types should be undertaken to prove the be general reliability of the model. Should this relationship verifiable for other effective rooting depths, soil types model for found around Hartswater, and it will provide root development as the only input required for a the simple for Eqn 4.9, 4.10 and 4.16 are the day of the growing season (DOG) and an estimate of the effective rooting depth. Results of tests on the accuracy of simulation of water contents are presented in Table 4.3. conclusively hydraulic layered These results did not validate the mathematical expressions utilized conductance. The slopes and intercepts differ greatly from unity and zero respectively. 53 soil for too The rz and SI however, are sufficiently high (r technique tion. had scientific merit and deserved further investiga- It was evident, from the rapid depletion of soil water in each layer, that Eqn 4.14 tance in each layer. entire et. > 0,6 and SI > 0,7) to suggest that the over estimated the hydraulic conduc- The soil-plant hydraulic conductance of the wheat crop can be as high as 0,08 mm/(h bar) al, , 0,05 mm/(h 1982). bar) in an individual, 150 mm thick, layer. disproportionately high and could explain the rapid water extraction from wet, tion, Jager, The conductances predicted by Eqn 4.14 reached seems problem {De densely rooted was later overcome by using the root This excessively layers. This development equa- Eqn 4.13 and the Bennie and Botha (1983) conductance rela- tionship LINE 13330 (see APPENDIX IV). 2 The SI and r obtained however, were superior to those found Singels (pers com) and De Jager, by et al. (1982) - the first for a non-iterative multi-layered model and the second for a non-iterative these double layered soil. equations were Hence, the iteration procedure deemed to have improved the accuracy simulation of water extraction from individual soil the of onset water stress conditions. Considering and of layers and that the equations were applicable to an Annandale series, these prelimi- nary applicable tests were stringent. Use of parameters to Bainsvlei series could only improve the degree of compatability. 54 CONCLUSIONS OF PRELIMINARY VALIDATION For an Annandale series soil at Vaalharts, in which the wheat roots had penetrated to depths of approximately 2 m, root distribution was successfully simulated by assuming that decreased exponentially with depth. was evaluated by root length The constant in the exponent assuming that 2,7 % of the total roots were found below 0,97 of the current rooting depth. The theory and computational procedures for solving the cal electri- analogue equations describing water extraction from a multi- layered soil profile by iteration were developed. The exponential root distribution model and the hydraulic conductance iterative daily soil model were reasonably successful in water content under dryland wheat simulating throughout two different growing seasons on two independent farms. The functions used appeared to have over estimated soil hydraulic conductance. required. Further The refinement of the relevant equations iterative approach to modelling a multi-layered root profile had however demonstrated sufficient simulation wess pro- to warrant further development and inclusion in the irriga- tion scheduling model. 4.19) was These modifications (Eqn 4.17, 4.18 and were introduced and the model tested on data collected 1984 and 1985. 55 in Unit area j?oori£A/cw (m) LAYER NO. 1 2 3 4 **$ FIG. 4.1 - Diagrammatic representation of the multi-layered root zone model and its electrical analogue. 56 TABLE 4 . 1 - Measured (Botha, 1983) and simulated values of the proportion of the total roots found in each soil layer, RPROPn. DATE LAYER TREATMENT 1 TREATMENT 2 TREATMENT 3 SIMULATED MEASURED MEASURED MEASURED 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 ,36 ,30 ,19 ,08 ,00 ,06 ,02 ,29 ,18 ,03 ,02 ,32 ,20 ,16 ,12 ,15 ,02 ,02 ,33 ,22 ,15 ,10 ,12 ,05 ,03 DOY 93 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 ,24 ,19 ,12 ,13 ,24 ,05 ,03 ,38 ,28 ,14 ,10 ,08 ,02 ,01 ,26 ,19 ,17 ,12 ,13 ,10 ,03 ,33 ,22 ,15 ,10 ,12 ,05 ,03 DOY 113 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 ,24 ,16 ,17 ,15 ,14 ,26 ,23 ,23 ,09 ,11 ,06 ,03 ,35 ,22 ,16 ,11 ,12 ,04 ,01 ,33 ,22 ,15 ,10 ,12 ,05 ,03 mm DOY 7 9 ,03 ,22 ,14 ,11 ,11 57 TABLE 4.2 - Coefficients of determination (r ), mean differences (MAD), and intercepts fractions of soil layers, absolute simulation indices (SI), slopes for the comparison total roots found in RPROPn, of simulated the different to the measured values. latter were obtained from Botha et al (1983). root depth was approximately 2 m in all cases. The The SI was determined according to Willmott (1982). TREATMENT INTERCEPT 2 SLOPE 1 79 ,73 ,03 ,93 ,04 ,96 1 93 ,94 ,01 ,61 ,04 ,87 1 113 1,42 -,06 ,79 ,04 ,89 2 79 1,00 ,00 ,91 ,02 ,98 2 93 ,74 ,04 ,97 ,03 ,97 2 113 1 ,03 ,00 ,84 ,03 ,95 3 79 ,97 ,00 ,95 ,02 ,99 3 93 1,40 -.06 ,94 ,03 ,96 3 113 ,89 ,02 ,99 ,01 ,99 58 MAD SIMULATION INDEX (SI) DAY TABLE 4.3 - Test of accuracy of the simulation of soil water content in each soil layer at Baunton and Hopefield. Slope and intercept of the linear regression are given with coefficients of determination (r ) and Simulation Index (SI) after Willmott (1982). LOCATION SOIL LATER SLOPE HOPEFIELD SIMULATION INDEX (SI) CORRELATION COEFFICIENT (—/•2 (••) BAUNTON INTERCEPT 0-150 0,53 63 ,79 ,62 .71 150-400 1,00 19 ,69 .47 ,66 400-650 1,11 -23 ,78 .61 ,83 650-900 1,47 -45 .91 ,82 ,88 0-150 0,56 26 ,69 ,48 ,81 150-360 0,70 25 ,81 ,65 ,88 360-575 0,79 19 .74 ,55 ,86 575 790 0,95 3 .84 .70 .91 790-1000 0,90 6 .87 .76 ,92 CHAPTER 5 MICROMETEOROLOGICAL METHODS FOR ESTIMATING EVAPOTRANSPIRATION INTRODUCTION The reliability of the PUTU 9.86 irrigation scheduling model totally dependant upon the Penman-Monteith equation (Thorn, for estimating total evaporation. that its accuracy be verified. It is therefore use chapter imperative Later as reported 7 it was shown that the Penman-Monteith adapted with data from the automatic weather station accurate estimates of total evaporation. pheric stability was also investigated. budget method (Thom, 1975) This was done during 1985 using a full set of micrometeorological observations. in is also for provided The influence of atmosThe Bowen ratio energy 1975) and the iteration technique (De Jager et al, 1982) and (Bristow et al, 1982) for estimating evapotranspiration were also verified. 60 THE MODIFIED PENMAN-MONTEITH EQUATION List of symbols Em : Maximum total evaporation (mm/h) u : wind speed (m/s) s : Slope of the saturated curve (Pa/aC) % : Thermodynamic value of vapour the pressure temperature psychrometric constant (Pa/°C) Qn : Net radiation (W/m ) G : Soil heat flux density (W/m2) /Oa : Air density (kg/m ) Cp : Specific heat of air (J/(kg °C) #a : Aerodynamic conductance of the atmosphere (m/s) <£e : Difference between the saturated vapour pressure and vapour pressure of air at a specific temperature (abar) L : Latent heat of evaporation of water (J/kg) (6s : Conductance for water vapour exchange through the surface of a whole wheat crop (=0,03 m/s see Russell (1980)) ra : Aerodynamic resistance of the atmosphere (s/m) z : Height above ground level at which made (m) d : Zero plane displacement level (m) zo : Roughness parameter k : Von Karman's constant (0,41) u* : Friction velocity (m/s) im : Stability function Ri : Richardson number g : Gravitational acceleration (m/s ) : Average air temperature ( K) — T o 61 measurements were The Penman-Monteith equation (Thorn, 1975) for estimating maximum total evaporation in mm/h ia given by Em = 3600 [a(Qn-G)/(s+ #*) + ( Cp^eflSa)/(s+ 6*)]/L ..(5.1) where 3600 ensures the coherency of units, and %t = From ( 1+rfa/sSs) Thorn, (1975), ..(5.2) the generalized expression for the wind- profile relationship is du/dz = [u*/k(z-d)]Sm Here the stability function, depending ..(5.3) <fim, is greater or less than unity upon the stability conditions existing in the atmos- phere . Aerodynamic resistance (ra) derived from Eqn 5.3. ra = «5a - for neutral conditions (4m=l) is Thus 2 2 In (z-d)/zo)] /k u which may be substituted in 1/ra . . (5.4) It can be shown, following the same argument as Thom (1975) that 2 For stable ) . . (5.5) conditions Webb (1970), Munn (1966) and Lumley Panofsky (1964) developed the relationship 62 and -1 6m = (l-5Ri) ....Ri > 0 While, for unstable conditions, ..(5.6) Dyer and Hicks (1970) and Busin- ger (1966) proposed -0,25 4m - (l-16Ri) ....Ri < 0 ..(5.7) where, the Richardson number is given by 2 Ri = g/T(dT/dz) / (du/dz) ..(5.8) Initially, the objective of the study was to estimate Em from Eqn 5.1 utilizing first Eqn 5.4 and then Eqn 5.5 and to compare these estimates separately with hourly lysimeter observations, so as to evaluate the effects of stability upon Eqn 5.1. Materials and methods The study was carried out on the experimental plot at Campus of the University of the Orange Free State. the West Hourly mea- surements of Em from irrigated spring wheat were obtained from a 50 t, 10m~ mates of lysimeter surrounded by 4 ha of wheat. Em were calculated from Eqn 5.1 using Hourly esti- the following from a Middleton 970 net radiometer installed measurements made in the wheat field. net radiation 1,5m above ground level, soil heat flux density from three soil imbedded 5mm below ground level, 63 heat flux sensors wind speed using a Gill three cup anemometer installed 1,5m above ground level, and wet and dry bulb temperatures from an aspirated psychrometer installed 1,5m above ground level. The stability function was calculated from Eqn 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8 using the following: wind speeds at 0,7 and 2,0m above an adjacent grass site, and - air temperatures at 0,7m and 2,0m above grass level. Sixty three values (N) under varying weather conditions were used for the comparisons. ter than 3. and The wheat crop had a leaf area index grea- The entire area under wheat including the lysimeter the grass site were supplied with adequate water to moisture stress. maximum rate Thus evaporation from the crop proceeded at the at all times during the experiment. statistical comparisons plus the simulation index, by prevent Willmott (1982) were applied. Standard SI, described Hourly Em estimated from Eqn 5.1, not adjusted for atmospheric stability (i.e. using Eqn 5.4), were compared estimates Eqn to lysimeter values. In addition, hourly from Eqn 5.1 adjusted for atmospheric stability 5.5 and 5>m, computed from either Eqn 5.6 or Eqn compared against measured evaporation. 64 5.7, Em using were Results and discussion Table 5.1 the 4m presents a values. summary of the frequency distribution of The stability function differed from unity by more than 10% in 51% (32 observations) of the cases. 0,60 < 4m <= 0,80 i.e.(0,36 < im 63 events (13%). The case <= 0,64) occurred in 8 out This implies that the adjustments to of 4m lay between 64% and 36% in 13% of the cases. This range and distri- bution stringently was deemed adequately varied to test the stability theory. Fig. 5.1 and 5.2 compare Em measured with Em estimated for 4m = 1 , and for dim f 1 respectively. Table 5.2 is a summary of the hourly relationship between Em measured and Em estimated, according to the two methods. It is evident that the Penman-Monteith equation unadjusted atmospheric A stability provided accurate estimates of hourly mean difference of 0,03 mm/h and simulation index of highly acceptable for practical irrigation scheduling. of 0,03 for mm/h is half the error that could be Em. 0,97 is An error tolerated when keeping an accurate daily soil water budget. No improved equation accuracy was obtained when the was adjusted for atmospheric stability. Penman-Monteith The index of agreement is marginally worse at 0,94 as compared to 0,97. mean absolute difference of 0,10 mm/h is also minutely worse. 65 The Conclusion The Penman-Monteith equation was used to compute hourly evapora- tion. The mean absolute difference between measured and computed values was 0,09 mm/h in the range of atmospheric stabilities <i&m < 1.8. 0,6 Estimates of maximum evaporation rate from for wheat obtained from the Penman-Monteith equation, will not be improved by adjusting it for atmospheric stability. Similar mean good agreement was attained with daily estimates. absolute difference between measured and calculated was 0,5 mm/d. Here, The values correcting for atmospheric stability did produce improvement, ESTIMATION OF NET SOLAR RADIATION An RADIATION MINUS SOIL HEAT FLUX FROM TOTAL important relationship utilized in the Penman-Monteith equa- tion, when automatic weather stations are used, is that for estimating net radiation minus soil heat flux (Qn - G) from total solar radiation. incoming This relationship is necessary as it is not possible to measure net radiation on a continuous basis using an automatic weather station. The relationship found by &e Jager et al (1982) was re-determined (Eqn 5.9) using measurements during 1985. The goodness of fit is reported in Table 5.4. made The then existing relationship was replaced by this new function. reads: {Qn - G) = 0,75 St - 72 W/m2 66 ..(5.9) It DAILY VALUES Putu 9.86 requires daily values of evaporation. to It was necessary check whether the daily values from the Penman-Monteith equa- tion were as accurate as the hourly values have been shown to be. The results reported in Table 5.3 verify that this is in fact so. Hourly values were calculated using Eqn 5.1 and the micrometeorological data. These hourly values were then integrated over the daylight period and the necessary comparisons carried out. It is apparent from Fig 5.1 that correcting for atmospheric stability minutely improved the accuracy of estimate. Thia is not reflected between in Table 5.3 however. measured The low and estimated values (0,5 absolute mm/d) difference is however, highly acceptable for accurate irrigation scheduling. ASSUMPTION CONCERNING AERODYNAMIC CONDUCTANCE WIND MEASUREMENT, CROP HEIGHT, AND The height of the anemometer on the automatic weather station was 3.15m. Hence, using these data implies that wind speed at this height above neighbouring short grass approximates the wind speed at the same height above the wheat crop. shown that In Chapter 7 it will be automatic weather station data may used in the Penman-Monteith equation. And it may thus be cluded that the above is a workable assumption. regarding the effect of measurement height are this stage however. 67 successfully be con- Certain comments appropriate at The Penman-Monteith equation as utilized in PUTU 9 and PUTU 9.86 uses aerodynamic conductance to account for the influence of wind upon crop total evaporation. The form of this equation is F(u) = 0a = k2u/[ln{(3.15-d)/zo)] ..(5.10) where, k is von Karman's constant, and d and zo are the zero plane displacement and roughness heights respectively. Aerodynamic conductance, tfa, corresponds to the wind function of the Penman equation F(u). mic conductance, displacement present crop the height is application clearly evident from upon Eqn zero 5.10. Hence as the wheat crop developed, d The of increased, effectively increasing aerodynamic conductance as z is unchanging height of the anemometer on the automatic weather station. This situation caused a marked increase in crop evaporation. of computed in this procedure assumed d to be a constant fraction (0,63) height. thereby as The strong dependence of the aerodyna- 0,7 m, exceed For example, on windy days with a crop height crop total evaporation computed using Eqn. computed simulated reference evaporation by as much as 5.1 could 5 mm/d. Such arte fac would markedly influence the soil water budget. The sensitivity of aerodynamic conductance calculated using the assumption regarding wind regime above wheat and short grass are clearly the illustrated in Fig. 5.3. 68 The latter exaggerates situation because it shows results for a measurement height of 2 m whereas the automatic station anemometer height was 3.15m. The results use of however do support the alternative argument for the Er (d constant at 0.0315 m) instead of Em computed with height increasing with time. that the short Use of Er embraces the wind speed at the same distance above wheat grass surfaces are more nearly equal than crop assumption crop are and those resulting from the initial assumption. The desire to account for crop architecture is the motivation for using Em. It was hoped that this step would eliminate some of the anomalies generally found in the use of crop coefficients. respective station of data; whether it is Em or Er are used apparent the the installed as high as possible, with the anemometer but not so high as to Ir- automatic should be completely outride the influence of the boundary layer. THE BOWEN METHOD AND THE ITERATION TECHNIQUE Two alternatives to the Penman-Monteith equation for crop total evaporation are available. estimating They are the Bowen ratio energy budget method (Bowen) and the iteration technique The former 1975). The is a standard micrometeorological micrometeorological (Iter). technique iteration technique has (Thorn, been fully described by De Jager et al (1982) and Bristow and De Jager ( 1982). 69 During 1985 hourly micrometeorological investigations were under- taken to estimate evapotranspiration utilizing the Bowen que. Measurements were techni- carried out from DOY 261 onwards at a stage when the leaf area index was greater than 5. Inter-comparisons between these estimates and measurements the lysimeter are reported in Table 5.5. relatively values to elements the especially when The two methods however evapotranspiration to a large extent. table The results indicated a high correlation coefficient, are considered. daily under-estimate This is possibly attribu- small vertical gradients observed (see Table 5.6). from in the meteorological The slopes of 0,97 and 0,91 (together with high correlation coefficients) for temperature and relative humidity, gradients. ment respectively, are indicative of low vertical In order to try and explain the poor Elys/Iter agree- in 1985; the comparisons were repeated, but with assuming that the relative humidity at the momentum exchange level was 10% higher than that at 2m height. These comparisons between the iteration technique (Itera - Table 5.5) and the lysimeter reflected a decrease in the correlation coefficient, simulation index. humidity than but an improved It was therefore suggested that the relative at the effective crop surface (Rho) was actually higher what was measured at the momentum exchange level. A difference (Rho-Rhr) in relative humidity would have resulted a better estimation of E in 1985 using the iteration is the relative humidity at a 2m high reference level. the other hand, careful tests conducted in 1986 70 in technique. Rhr the high On confirmed the accuracy of the original iteration techniques (Bristow and de Jager 1982). Measurement error could probably explain the poor agreement of 1985. Good agreement was obtained between the Bowen ratio method and the iteration technique (Table 5.5). The canopy surface temperature estimated technique (TO-iter) utilizing an compares using favourably with aspirated psychrometer (TOMES) the iteration values measured installed at the momentum exchange level within the wheat and an infra-red thermometer (IRT) (see Table 5.7). It is evident from these results that none of the highly complex techniques described approach the accuracy of the Penman-Monteith equation. ratio However, neither the iteration technique nor the Bowen method should be viewed over critically on this evidence. The iteration technique can be greatly simplified using relationships of the type reported in Table 5.6. Futhermore, iterating for relative humidity at the momentum exchange level (Rho) rather than canopy temperature (Tempo) would greatly simplify the procedure. be The need to measure Rho - always a difficult matter, would eliminated. attractive This could indeed make the iteration alternative. method The high simulation index obtained from comparisons between the Bowen and iteration techniques is interesting and an suggest that the iteration further investigation. 71 technique indeed deserves 1,50 _ 1,00 _ E £ D UJ K 3 CO iuO,75 E t- LLJ 0,50 _ 0,25 0,25 0,50 ETm Fig. 5.1 - A comparison 0,75 1,00 ESTIMATED |mm/h between Em measured 1,25 and 1,5 0 estimated using the Penman-Monteith equation assuming neutral atmospheric conditions (i.e. *m = 1 ) . 72 1,50 0,25 0,25 050 0,75 ETm Fig. 5.2 - A comparison using the 1,00 1,25 ESTIMATED |mm/h between Em measured and estimated Penman-Monteith equation corrected atmospheric stability as measured over grass 4m = f(Ri)). 73 for (i.e. o N O I .3. II 0 Fig. 5.3 - Variation in aerodynamic plane displacement. 74 conductance with zero TABLE 5 . 1 - Frequency distribution of the stability function, Frequency (n) Class interval 1,20 1,10 1 ,00 0,90 0,80 0,60 \ DID \ ^ DID K K. win x \ (Dm x < <bm < < im < TABLE 5.2 - 5 2 3 28 17 8 1,80 1,20 1 ,10 1 ,00 0,90 0,80 Summary Percentage frequency (n/N x 100) : N = 63 8 3 5 44 27 13 of the statistical tests carried out tween hourly values of Em measured and mated with (S>m = f(Ri)) and without Em (6m beesti= 1 adjustment for the existing atmospheric stability Appropriate coefficient Comparison with 4m = 1 Comparison with 4m = f(Ri) Correlation coefficient (r) 0,91 0,89 Slope (m) 0,97 0,88 Intercept (b) 0,05 mm/h 0,11 mm/h Simulation index 0,97 0,94 Systematic error 0,03 mm/h 0,04 mm/h Unsystematic error 0,12 mm/h 0,13 mm/h Mean residual 0,09 mm/h 0,10 mm/h Mean difference 0,03 mm/h 0,03 mm/h Mean absolute difference 0,09 mm/h 0,10 mm/h 75 TABLE 5.3 - Statistical values analysis of agreement of total evaporation the lysimeter, teorological tion, 1) or from microme- data using the Penman-Monteith Em, assuming adjusting daily (mm/d) as measured by Elys, and calculated atmospheric for atmospheric neutrality stability equa(4m = (4m = Elys (mm/d) Em (mm/d) m=l ftm=f(Ri) Y X n SLOPE INTERCEPT (mm/d) r MEAN OF MEASURED VALUES MAD (mm/d) SIMULATION INDEX TABLE 5.4 between - 9 0,82 0,99 0,90 6,07 0,6 5 0,94 9 0,88 0,72 0,88 5,89 0,52 0,93 Statistical analysis of relationship between hourly net radiation minus soil heat flux and incoming solar radiant flux density, St. Y X Qn-G St (W/m*) 96 0 ,75 W/m -72 0 ,96 n SLOPE INTERCEPT r 76 1 hourly TABLE 5.5 - Statistical analysis of the accuracy of different methods of measuring total evaporation, Em Y Bowen Elys Elys X Iter Iter Bowen Elys *Itera **It86 mm/h mm/d mm/h mm/d mm/h n 60 9 79 9 75 9 75 SLOPE 0,80 0,73 0,64 0,81 0,74 0,86 0,54 INTERCEPT 0,18 2,32 0,41 2,67 0,28 1,73 0,39 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT 0,78 0,73 0,58 0,73 0,75 0,68 0,50 MAD 0,16 1,33 0,28 2,00 0,19 1,05 0,25 SIMULATION INDEX 0,85 0,66 0,66 0,56 0,83 0,74 0,80 mm/d mm/h SYSTEMATIC ERROR 0,16 UNSYSTEMATIC ERROR 0,17 MEAN RESIDUAL 0, 14 MEAN DIFFERENCE 0,09 mm/h . 61 o, 49 o, 29 o, 68 o, 18 o, 80 0,00 1,33 MAX ABSOLUTE DIFFERENCE MEAN Y Elys 0,52 0,43 3,60 0,72 5,60 0,71 6,00 0,71 o, 55 0,55 MEAN X *Itera are values obtained in 1985 with the iteration technique assuming that the relative humidity at the momentum exchange level was 10% higher than that at the 2m height. **It86 are values obtained in 1986 using the original iteration technique. 77 unaltered TABLE 5.6 - Statistical analysis of relationship between tempera- ture exchange level and in relative humidity at the momentum the wheat crop (o) and the corresponding elements at a reference height of 2m (r). X Y Tempo Temp Rho Rhr 115 n 0,97 SLOPE 0,63 INTERCEPT 0,99 r 1,31 MEAN OF MEASURED VALUES 21,31 0,36 MAD 0,99 SIMULATION INDEX TABLE 5.7 - Statistical 115 0,91 9,25 0,95 46,82 5,99 0,95 analysis of agreement between crop surface temperature calculated using the iteration technique (TO-iter) and measured by thermometer at the momentum exchange level (TOMES) and the infrared thermometer (IRT). Y X TO-iter TOMES IRT n 66 25 SLOPE 1,15 1,03 INTERCEPT ( C) -1,90 -0,31 r 0,92 0,95 MEAN OF MEASURED VALUES(°C) 26,33 29,65 MAD ( °C) 2,43 1,90 SIMULATION INDEX 0,92 0,95 78 CHAPTER 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE STRESS EVENTS DURING 1985 In order to develop and validate the PUTU models, it was necessary to identify stress periods in the wheat growing seasons. The procedures are adopted in obtaining the results discussed here reported in Chapter 7. describe the The objective of this chapter will be stress events used to validate the capability to of PUTU 9.86 to determine the onset of crop water stress. RESULTS Leaf water potential will be considered to be a positive entity. The scenario describing two stress events in 1985 are depicted in Fig. 6.1. It is evident that during stress, leaf water potential rises to almost 3,0 MPa. difference in leaf From Fig. water potential 6.2 it may be seen that the and foliage temperature between the stress and control plots provides an excellent indi- cation of crop water stress. De Jager, water Bristow and Van Zyl (1984) provide evidence that leaf potential in the wheat crop maintains during the middle part of each day. a constant This is clearly illustrated in Fig. 6.3 under conditions with no water stress. non level This phenome- was repeatedly observed on many occasions during the experi- ments . 79 In 1985, DOY Plot 3 320. The development Fig. 6.4. (as described in Chapter 7) was stressed around response of of leaf water potential during water stress is depicted in the four graphs the of It is evident that in the stressed plot (Plot 3 ) , leaf water potential gradually increased to a level exceeding 2,5 MPa. The plateau during day-light hours was still evident. Crop foliage stress. temperatures also provide useful indicators of Once again the progressive development of stress in Plot 3 around DOY 320 may be followed by comparing (experimental Plotwet plot) foliage temperatures, as measured by infrared thermometer, The on stress and control plots (Fig. 6.2 and 6.5 through 6.7). effect of cloud in the 14th hour of DAY 320 is also evident from Fig. 6.6. All these figures (6.1 through 6.7) clearly indicate that occurred stress around DAY 285 in Plot 2 and around DOY 320 in Plot 3. CONCLUSIONS Bearing in mind the convention of positive leaf water potentials, it may be concluded that, Plot 2 and Plot 3. stress deepened approximately until development started stress events took place 2700 DOY 286 to where leaf water potential when irrigation took gradually place. Leaf from 2200 kPa on DOY 3000 kPa on DOY 322. 80 water 318 and reached kPa on DOY 284 and then remained above was recorded around DOY 320. rising in In Plot 2 leaf water potentials indicate that commenced on DOY 280 (leaf water potential 1500 kPa) gradually kPa in 1985, A 2400 similar potential to around 49 21 6 34 15 56 0 50 18 0 31 17 60 84 46 14 0 25 16 58 76 286 289 294 297 303 308 318 IRRIGATION (mm) TIME (DOY) H O y Y T T STRESS 2 ^ 4, STRESS 3 3 , control the, SflfflS 2, control the same • W 3,0 o_ • J o: 2 0 • ^ ^ i yh/f/ * t.o Cloud PL0T 2 ° PLOT 3 P^A/ 300 290 280 # * CONTROL 310 320 330 TIME (DOY) Fig. 6.1 - Scenario stress 1985. of plots noon Bean crop leaf water potential and the control plot at West Campus Irrigation dates and amounts are indicated. 81 on in 10 1,0 8 LLJ 0,6 UJ DC UJ oo 2 _ 2i 0,2 o u_ 0 290 300 310 320 330 TIME (DOY) Fig. 6.2 - Scenario of difference in leaf water potential, and foliage temperature, IRT, control plots on West Campus 1985. 82 between stress PSIL, and DOY 3 1 8 • 6 2.0 I : t • 8 ° * • • Si 1 - ° - PLOT 2 0 * 10 12 PLOT 3 CONTROL 14 16 TIME < h ) DOY 310 ~ 3,0 • • • S z.o * I • * * O • 5 •* • 0 ( 5 8 * * < • UJ I— # PLOT 2 * fe i.o s 10 12 0 PLOT 3 * CONTROL 14 16 TIME ( h ) Fig. 6.3 - Hourly crop lean leaf water potential in Plot 2, 3 and Plot the Control Plot on DOY 310 and DOY 318 before the onset of water stress, West Campus 1985. 83 DOY 320 DOY 322 3,0 • J.O • 2,0 o o o * • * * * o o o • o * 2.0 * - * * o 0 0 o b o * * o * * * * * • - 1.0 1,0 - PLOT 3 * * o run 3 CONTROL * - 1 COWTWL 0 10 16 u S 10 TIME (h) 17 I* "> TIME (h) 00 DOY 319 DOY 323 1.0 J,0 - o o • * o 0 O o UJ 0 0 Q * • o o 2.0 0 * * s * * * • * • £ t— '.0 • O PLOT 3 o PLOT 3 * * cotrrnoi. CONTHOL • '1 M 1 12 10 TIME u 10 12 TIME <h) FIG. 6.1 - HOURLY CROP MEAN LEAF WATER POTENTIAL ON PLOT 3 AMD THE CONTROL PLOT ON DOY 319 THROUGH DAY 323 ILLUSTRATING THE EFFECT OF WORSENING MATER STRESS UPON LEAF WATER POTENTIAL ON WEST CAMPUS IN 1985. 35 • CONTROL • PLOT 2 O PLOT 3 30 •a: en 25 fi CD 20 15 10 12 14 16 TIME ( h ) Fig. 6.5 - Comparison of Plot 2, Plot 3 and Control plot temperatures on DOY 285 at West Campus in 1985. 85 foliage 40 - 30 - 25 - PLOT 3 • CONTROL IR! 35 • :RAT LJ UJ QJj AGt I— p 1 20 Cloud 15 10 12 TIME 14 16 (h) Fig. 6.6 - Comparison of hourly wheat foliage temperatures in the Control plot and Plot 3 on DOY 320 1985. 86 at West Campus cc x. UJ CX. I i i TIME (h) Fig. 6.7 - Comparison of Plot 3 and Control plot foliage temperatures on DOY 322 at West Campus in 1985. 87 CHAPTER 7 PUTU 9.86 VALIDATION OBJECTIVE The objectives of this phase of the project were a) to establish suitable use, facilities and b) to lating for accurately measuring wheat crop water test and improve the computer routines for simu- water use and the onset of crop water stress in the PUTU 9.86 irrigation scheduling model. PROCEDURE The lysimeter The lysimeter was installed in the middle of area on West Campus. 10 m x 2 m deep. six experimental Its dimensions are 3,16 x 3,1 x 2,1 m, i.e. This bin system provided by Klerkseale*, with the was installed above Potchefstroom. a mechanical It was provided steel sheets arranged 100 mm above the bottom of tank in such a way as to permit water to seep between the for collection and removal. Upon this base 12 mm chips were evenly spread to a depth of 200 mm. was covered with 4,4 mm thick (grade U64) filament needle September, approximated 1983, 50 t. plates granite This porous layer non-woven punched Polyester Geofabric of the continuous (Bidim*}. the bin was filled with soil. Its total During mass The soil in the lysimeter may be classified *Bidim - manufactured by Kaymac in S.A. and supplied by Noel Hunt Geofabrics (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 34179, Jeppestown 2043. Any reference thereto and to Klerkscale does not represent an endorsement by the UOFS. as Hutton form and Middelburg series. orthic A It was collected from and red apedal B horizons of a neighbouring the Bainsvlei soil. The accuracy of the Penman-Monteith equation has been proven Chapter 5. form of stant Reference evaporation, Er, was simulated using the the Penman-Monteith equation used in PUTU 9 for a crop height of 50 mm. in Maximum total evaporation Em conwas estimated using crop height modelled as in APPENDIX III. An underground water piping system was installed to supply the 5 ha experimental area surrounding the lysimeter with irrigation water (see Fig. 7.0). In 1984, ter. ted 3 ha of SST-4 wheat were established around the lysirae- It was planted on 1984.07.02 in 300 mm wide rows and resulin a plant density of 206 pl/m . Three experimental plots were utilized - the lysimeter, Plot 1 (120 x 5m) which received a stress which well treatment in the reproductive phase and Plot 2 (120 x 5m) was stressed in the vegetative phase. watered up to 1984.10.26. The lysimeter The entire field received was 772 kg/ha of 2:3:0 (21) fertilizer. In 1985, 4 ha of SST-44 wheat were established around the lysimeter. It was planted in 100 mm wide rows at a seeding rate of 220 pl/m (90 kg/ha) on 1985,07.01. 89 In 1985 six experimental plots were used. 1, 2, Five plots, numbered C, 3 and 4, were sited in a north-south line 80 m east of the lysimeter. installed They were irrigated by a set of line sprinklers, exclusively for this purpose. The soil in the sited 120 m south-east of the lysimeter, sixth (wet) plot, was held close to maximum soil water content throughout the season. All plots were approximately 10 x 10 m in plot had three neutron probe of side access 0,5 m. tubes. size. Each experimental access tubes imbedded in a triangle A raingauge was placed one metre south of Each plot centre was 2,25 m west of a th<- sprinkler riser. The soil of the experimental terrain is of Sterkspruit series. form, Fig. 7.0 illustrates the soil profile in the pit prepared for the lysimeter. 750 mm. Sterkspruit A calcerous layer is present at No soil water extraction was measured at this depth in the plots. Tensiometers, for monitoring soil water potential, were installed in the lysimeter (1984 and 1985) and Plots A and B in 1984. porous cups were placed at depths of 150 mm, 300 mm, The 600 mm and 900 mm. In 1985 neutron probe access tubes were installed in the lysime- ter (4 tubes) and experimental Plots 1, each). 2, C, 3 and 4 (3 tubes Measurements were taken at 150 mm intervals down to 1200 mm in the lysimeter and to 800 mm in the plots. 90 The irrigation treatments for 1985 applied are illustrated in Fig 6.1. to Essentially C, the control plot, was given adequate water prevent water stress. 284) was permitted. 4 (+_ DOY 319). In Plot 1 and 2 early stress (+, DOY While stress was allowed late in Plot 3 and Irrigation and rainfall events are recorded in Table 7.5. Soil water potential, crop height, leaf area and foliage temperatures were measured at regular intervals. Total evaporation was measured in the lysimeter. Infra-red thermometer readings were made in all three sites using the Teletemp AG24 unit. 0,89 It was initially calibrated on and 0,91 following the method of Berliner, Green (1984). error of setting Calibration yielded an r of 1,0; Oosterhuis a 0,33C and an unsystematic error of 0,1 "C on which was subsequently used in the field setting and systematic the 0,89 measurements. The standard error of estimate of the regression was 0,12 C. RESULTS It .must be emphasized that all results quoted obtained during strictly reserved for verification of model reliability. model development. dard statistical tests were applied. The data for 1984 were for 1985 were The symbols used to denote the different test parameters are described in Table 7.1• 91 Stan- Evaporation through the soil surface, Es The PUTU 9 model used a soil surface drying function which was an exclusive function of time, viz. Fg - EXP(-0,4 t) ...(7.1) where, Fg is the proportion of maximum evaporation surface soil water status, and permitted by t is the number of days since the last irrigation or rainfall event. Thus Fg = Es / Er, if it is assumed that evaporation from wet bare soil equates to evaporation from a short grass surface, Er. The problem with this equation is that the surface loses water at a rate It is rather independent of the soil water content in the top however logical to expect such water loss to to soil water content in the top layer Instead of Eqn 7.1, the that soil layer. be than related to time it was assumed that water evaporated through surface stems solely from the top 100 mm of the drying rate in the top soil layer bears an soil and exponential relationship to water content in this layer. Essentially, this means that Fg is a function of the total amount of water evaporated since the last wetting event. equal top The latter is to the depletion below maximum soil water content layer. Consequently, the proposed model has the 92 in the defining equation tag/ ivDEFl = -a . Fg, which may be VDEF1 = 0. solved given the boundary condition Fg = 1 when Thus, Fg where ..(7.2) VDEF1 = EXP(-a . VDEF1) . . (7.3) in mm/m is the soil water deficit (decrement below field capacity) in the top soil layer and <a> is a constant. The value of a = 0,03 m/mm was obtained by assuming that Fg decreased to approximately 0,1 when the soil water content of the top layer is depleted by 77 mm/m (approximately 75 % of plant available wa- ter) . The model represented by Eqn 7.3 was tested against data measured in the accuracy lysimeter following two wetting events of the model is reflected in Fig. tests yielded an SI = 0,99 and MAD = 0,03. Eqn in 7.1. 1984. The Statistical It was concluded that 7,3 was an accurate model for describing water loss through the soil surface. Model1 ing The data collected were used to determine the onset of stress periods in the various plots {see Chapter 6) and to test the PUTU 9 model which is also described in Chapter 2. 93 The 1984 data were used further to fine tune the PUTU 9.86 model. In particular, the leaf water potential and soil water potential observations needed to evaluate KSPo, were the maximum soil-root conductance, by trial and error. The best value found was KSPo = -1,2 x 10 mm/(d kPa m pi). Relative vegetative evaporation, Fh The scenario of simulated relative vegetative is given in Fig. onset and 7.2, 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6. duration the Fh, The ease with which the of water stress may be scenario of Fh is evident from these. evaporation, identified from a The good agreement between scenario in Plot 1 and Plot 2 in 1985 (Fig. 7.5) indicates that the model is consistent. The timing 7.4. of stress in 1984 (see Chapter 6) is shown in Fig. This was compared with stress incidence recorded by IRT and Scholander bomb. infra-red in Plot 1 and 2, on DOY 285 {1984), o temperatures were 3,7 C higher than in the lysimeter. Furthermore, leaf Firstly, water potential was 2100kPa on DOY 286. model therefore probably did not predict a partial stress might have been present. Thereafter, IRT records The which indicated stress in Plot 1 on DOY 296 and 297 as did a leaf water potential of 3400 kPa on DOY 303 and DOY 304. In Plot 2, the IRT record showed stress from DOY 281 to 285 and also on DOY 292, then again from DOY 296 to 298 as well as on DOY 303 and 304. Leaf water potential measurements reinforced this with values on DOY 286 and 94 303 in excess of 2700 kPa. rately reflects The scenario of Fh in Fig 7.4 all these as days on which crop accu- water stress occurred. In 1985 more critical tests on model ability to simulate onset of stress were undertaken. were described. on In Chapter 6, two stress events in 1985 One commenced in Plot 2 on DOY 281 and the other DOY 320 in Plot 3. by comparing Fig. The reliability of the model was assessed 7.5 and 7.6 with Fig. 6.1 through 6.7. The accuracy with which the onset of the stress periods described Chapter 6 are identifiable in Fig. reliability puted Fh 7.5 and 7.6 attest of PUTU 9.86 for scheduling irrigation. - 89% on DOY 277 and Fh = 62% on DOY predicted the onset of stress two days early. 319 to the PUTU com- It thus 278. On DOY 318 and DOY simulated Fh equalled 80% and 14% respectively. These sults indicate that the model simulated the onset of this cular in re- parti- stress period to within an accuracy of one or two days. Relative total evaporation The scenario of relative total evaporation for 1984 and 1985 given in Fig. sured E/Em 7.3. is The sharp fluctuations in the ratio of mea- were due to the compounding influence either lysimeter measurement or simulation. in trends in this ratio are apparent. of error in Reasonable agreement Particularly noteworthy is the agreement in the gradual decrease in relative evaporation in the latter part of the grain filling stage in 1984 occurred. tion when The grain filling period ended on DOY 325. stress Examina- of the simulated ratio at the end of the 1985 season 95 indi- cates that the function describing the decrease in relative total evaporation with decreasing LAI at this time requires refinement. The model over-estimated measured values. place late in This, however, the season and would affect neither took yield nor scheduling. Soil water content Results of comparisons between measured and simulated soil content deeper are reported in Fig. than 450 mm. fluctuations in 7.1). layers soil In depths shallower than this, rapid content The trends in soil water content in the were simulated excellently (cf high r This indicates an accurate water extraction absolute layers the both measured and simulated soil water make analysis difficult. various 7.7 through 7.9 for water in Table model. magnitude of soil water content in the different layers does not always correspond exactly to the measured values. tended The This to cause a low simulation index of 0,73 for both the mm and 600 mm layers. However, as will be seen, the water from the entire root profile can nonetheless be accurately simulated, notwithstanding poor simulation of water content in the dual It is the total water use that is of layers. 450 where irrigation scheduling is concerned. indivi- importance The SI > 0,82 for the layers below 600 mm depths is highly acceptable. during dry-down The agreement down as stress commenced around DOY 320 seems soil water good. It may be concluded that the root distribution and extraction model functioned satisfactorily. 96 Water use Results water The obtained from modelling (1984) and validation (1985) use from the entire root zone are reported in excellent Table 7.2. agreement between measurement and simulation self evident- are The results of the statistical tests applied the results in Table 7.2 are given in Table 7.3. of on The high SI in Table 7.3 indicates a most reliable model. General It is best difficult to decide between 5 kPa or 10 kPa which is limit for soil water potential at which maximum soil content occurs. There is support in the literature for either (see Mottram, 1985). Simulation use. water adopting The effect of using each was tested. runs were undertaken with both (see version I and as described in Table 7.2). selection of the It is evident from Table 7.2, either would provide accurate simulation of II that water Maximum soil water content did not seem to affect simulated yields much (see tests in Table 7.4) when the Doorenbos and Kassam (1979) model was used. Since soil water contents were simulated to within the range uncertainty limit; in Neutron probe measurements using the 10 of kPa it appears that this might be the better parameter. Comparisons between measured and simulated yields are given Table 7.4. While the number of values used here is too small to represent an exhaustive test of the model, 97 in it appears from these results that the Doorenbos and Kassam (1979) yield sub-model used in PUTU 9.86 is in need of refinement. as The SI of 0,76 with maximum water content taken at 5kPa, approaches acceptablity. Study tial of the simulations showed that simulated leaf water potenmaintained conditions stress. and a low value (less than 1 MPa) then rapidly approached 3 MPa at in non-stress the onset of The rate of change and non-stress values of this varia- ble are lower than those measured. requires refinement. proach Hence, this sub-model Although leaf water potential does not ap- this stressed condition in the manner measured, indicate the also time of onset of stress accurately. it does This is that is required from an irrigation scheduling model. all This plant water response may be rectified by modifying the function (after Botha, 1983) describing soil root hydraulic conductance, KSP. order crease to improve the model, KSP must be made initially to rapidly with decreasing soil water content and then In deless rapidly as the soil water content in the layer approaches wilting point. CONCLUSION Many doubt more data would be required before conclusions could be reached. Particularly the simulation water potential requires attention. here presented it beyond of water may be concluded that the use by the crop is also accurately PUTU 9.86 simulated. such it offers a reliable model for scheduling irrigation. 98 leaf However, from the evidence accurately simulates the onset and duration of water stress. total any model The As FIG. 7.0 - The soil profile in the pit in which the lysimeter was installed and the furrow excavated for the irrigation water supply pipe. 99 Statistical Table 7.1 for analysis of the accuracy of PUTU9-86 simulating soil water content in five diffe- rent soil Layers during 1985. DEPTH (mm) 450 n 23 600 750 23 23 1050 1200 23 22 a 0,81 0,69 0,73 0,93 b (mm/m) 0,84 23,65 29, 72 14,48 0,24 r 0,81 0,81 0,87 0,96 0,90 137,78 141 ,52 150,52 176,74 205,45 MAD (mm/m) 31,74 30,00 21,09 8,09 26,91 0,23 0,22 0,14 0,05 0, 13 MD (mm/m) -31 ,30 -27,64 -15,96 2,70 26, 55 0,73 0,73 0,86 0,98 0,82 MEAN (Y) MAD/Y SI 1, 15 n denotes the comparisons, a the slope of the regression curve, b the intercept on the y-axis, r the correlation coefficient, Y the measured values, Y the mean value of Y, MAD the mean absolute difference between measured and values, MD the and SI the index of agreement (here Willmott (1982). number of sets of values used in the simulated mean difference between measured and simulated values, 100 named simulation index) of TABLE 7.2 - Water use in the different growth stages and for the season as measured (lysimeter) and calculated by PUTU 9.86 in 1984 and 1985. Four different versions of the model as defined by I to l\ below were tested. WATER USE IN YEAR GROWTH STAGE DURATION (days) CALCULATED MEASURED II 3 4 5 6 7 1985 54 38 5 10 35 TOTAL 1984 3 4 5 6 7 51 43 5 10 35 TOTAL 108 191 36 59 254 105 187 36 62 258 92 186 36 62 260 649 648 636 85 199 * 220 87 228 18 65 155 618 553 78 (mm) III 79 96 94 228 202 13 223 256 17 64 141 613 574 554 17 66 Description of the significant modifications yielding the (I-IV) different versions of PUTU 9.86 tested. VERSION - Em = f(crop height) Fie = 0,186*LAI V01 at 10 kPa II - Em = f(crop height) Fie = 0,186*LAI V01 at 5 kPa III - Em = f(crop height) FlefRitchie, 1972) V01 at 10 kPa IV - Em = Er Fle(Ritchie, 1972) V01 at 10 kPa I Missing data 101 49 196 four TABLE - Statistical analysis of the accuracy of PUTli 9-86 for simulating total water use in the different growth stages. Five growth stages for 1985 and four growth stages for 1984 and the entire season totals were considered. 7.3a VERSION 1985 1984 OF MODEL Y SI Y MAD SI (mm) I 216 II III IV 216 1,00 1,00 ( mm ) 240 240 240 240 2,,5 7,,2 MAD 0 ,99 1 ,00 0 ,98 0 ,99 35 11 41 26 Y - measured mean daily water use over all periods considered TABLE 7 . 3b - YEAR 1984 1985 Comparison IV Statistical analysis of the accuracy of the four versions of PUTli 9.86 for simulating mean daily water use in the different growth stages. VERSION OF MODEL I II III IV I II SI MAD (mm/d) (mm/d 0,92 0,97 0,87 0,83 1 ,00 1 ,00 0 ,94 0 ,52 1 ,27 0 ,95 0 ,12 0 ,18 5,01 4 5,01 5,01 5,01 5,36 5,36 4 4 4 5 5 of the SI and MAD for versions I and II with III illustrate the improvement brought about by the relationship Fie = 0,186 * LAI. 102 introduction and of TABLE 7.3c - Analysis of accuracy of version I of PUTL 9.86 for simulating seven-day totals of crop water use. 1984 1985 17 0,82 7 ,82 0,92 35,68 4,59 12,86 1,83 0,95 18 0,84 5,32 0,97 33,42 3,87 11 ,58 -0,02 0,98 STATISTICAL PARAMETER n a b (mm) r MEAN (Y) MAD (mm) MAD/Y (%) MD (mm > SI A seven day irrigation cycle was considered as this is the shor- test probable. the The mean difference of MD <,8mm means that over entire season the error in computed water use less than 2,5%. will average The expected average error in a given irrigation period is <19%. 103 Percentage TABLE 7.4 - 9.86 yield reduction as simulated by for the various growth stages and the PL'TU final simulated yield and measured final yield. YIELD REDUCTION MAX. WATER CONTENT AT 3 4 (kPa) (X) (%) FINAL Y IELD STAGE 5 6 (%) CALCULATED 7 (X) {%) 1 1 1 MEASURED STD.DEV. MEASURED (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) 1 1 6 510 6 510 5 240 3 7 6 230 5 320 5 710 470 11 1985 L 5 10 5 5 0 0 0 0 C 5 10 on on PLOT 1 1 1 0 5 10 5 5 1 1 40 40 1 1 3 500 2 520 4 170 490 17 2 5 10 5 5 1 1 1 7 25 40 4 4 4 200 3 010 4 650 370 3 5 10 5 5 1 1 1 1 0 10 11 18 5 740 4 550 5 560 860 4 5 10 5 5 1 1 1 2 2 17 13 18 5 520 3 990 4 780 750 1984 L 5 10 6 6 0 1 1 10 1 1 0 24 5 740 4 760 5 10 6 6 1 3 1 3 19 23 39 39 2 370 1 820 5 10 6 6 3 6 1 0 6 6 40 41 3 100 2 870 5 380 940 1 1 2 3 WET PLOT Statistical tests on final yield 5 kPa r = 0,87 SI = 0,80 MAD = 638 kg/ha y = 5018 kg/ha 10 kPa r = 0,78 SI = 0,64 MAD = 1125 kg/ha y = 5018 kg/ha L denotes the lysimeter y denotes the mean measured yield 104 Water applications during the experiments of 1984 and 1985. TABLE 7.5 - 1985 1984 ( mm ) 165 2.6 1. 1 179 0.9 180 186 24.1 71 . 1 199 200 159.9 4.86 214 1 .49 216 4.29 219 1.13 222 22.0 223 235 26.39 240 18.0 244 1. 1 4.22 254 257 258 260 262 263 264 265 269 270 271 275 276 282 284 289 291 292 293 296 299 300 303 304 305 306 313 317 320 322 DOY PLOT 1 DOY ( mm) ( mm ) 25 .0 25 .0 25 .0 25 .0 25 .0 25 .0 25 .0 25 .0 25 .0 25 .0 25 .0 25 .0 0.0 22.23 25 .0 25 .0 7.41 0.97 20.3 9.98 2.58 20.94 0.0 25 .0 0 .0 25 .0 25 .0 25 .0 12.0 1.7 25 .0 25 .0 4. 19 11.66 25 .0 0.0 7.22 2.33 0.02 PLOT C 1 I mm 198 200 201 206 211 214 221 234 245 249 252 258 260 263 266 269 271 272 274 276 279 282 284 285 286 287 289 292 294 297 299 300 302 305 306 315 318 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 102.0 92.0 2 .9 1 .6 58 .0 15 .4 8 .9 13 .8 17 .4 8 .5 14 .1 15 .4 17 .9 114.4 114.4 30 .5 26 .9 18.1 18.1 20.1 9.9 0.0 0.9 38.0 50.2 48.0 2 .5 14.9 3 . 1 6.1 32.0 12.4 7.6 18.0 10.9 4.6 14.0 12.4 6.1 21.0 12.9 4.1 20.0 0.0 78.8 0.0 31.4 0.0 25.0 5.7 33.6 7.0 31.9 46.8 45.6 43.3 41.9 39.4 0 .2 7 .8 6 .5 104.0 84.0 76.0 0.0 0.0 2 .0 24 .1 26 .2 1 .8 34 .5 8 .5 12 .3 3 .2 8 .4 1 .2 25 .0 5.5 15.70 2.7 3.8 25 .0 105 Model ,8 Lystmeter ,7 ,6 ,5 ,4 o en ,3 • 2- ,1- —i— 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 o f the ratio — • — 108 110 112 DOY FIG. 7.1 - S i m u l a t e d the soil wetting and measured surface, events values Es, to reference during the 1984 of evaporation evaporation, season. throunh £r, f o l l o w i n c i two 100 i I 280 290 300 S10 320 330 TIME (DOY) Scenario of relative transpiration, Fh, as simulated by PUTU 9.86 for the lysimeter during 1984. FIG 7.2a - 100 280 TIME (DOY) FIG 7.2b - Scenario of relative transpiration, Fh, as simulated by PUTU 9.86 for the lysimeter during 1985. 107 160 LYSIMETER 2 | I 290 300 310 320 330 340 TIME (DOY) FIG 7.3a - Scenario of lysimetrically Beasured and relative total evaporation simulated using PUTU 9.86 during 1984. 150 LYSIMETER 200 FIG 7.3b - 310 330 TIME (DOY) Scenario of lysinetrically Measured and relative total evaporation simulated using PUTU 9.86 during 1985. 108 100 280 300 320 (DOY) 100 | kl a: 10 280 300 TIME (DOY) FIG 7 . 4 Scenario of simulated relative total evaporation, during 1984 on Plot 1 and Plot 2. 109 Fh, i I u 10 270 290 310 390 TIME (DOY) 100 8 I 310 270 330 TIME FIG 7.5 Scenario of simulated relative total crop evaporation, Fh, on Plot 1 and Plot 2 in 1985. 110 100 o I m I u 270 290 310 330 TIME (DOY) I 10 -J 270 290 310 330 TIME (DOY) FIG 7 . 6 Scenario of simulated relative crop evaporation, Fh, on Plot C and Plot 3 during 1985. Ill 250 240 230- DEPTH : 1050mm 220- i WETTING EVENT 210 \ Cb 200 D 'D 1M- 180170- I 160160140150120110- 100 180 FIG 7.7 200 r 220 i 240 i i 260 i i 2S0 i i 500 i l 320 Measured (O ) and simulated (-) values of soil water content at 1 0 5 0 M depth in the lysiaeter during 1985. 112 250 k. 180 200 220 240 260 280 500 280 300 TIME (DOY) 250 180 200 320 TIME (DOY) FIG 7 . 8 Measured ( 0 ) and s i m u l a t e d (-) v a l u e s of s o i l water content at 450mm and 600mm depth in t h e lysimeter d u r i n g 1985. 113 230 180 200 250 220 240 260 280 500 320 ODD 240 - DEPTH : 1200mm 230220k 210200 190180- 8 I 170160 - a. 150- § 140 150120110 100 180 FIG 7.9 200 320 220 Measured (0 ) and simulated (-) values of soil water content at 750mn and 1200mm depth in the lysimeter during 1985. 114 CHAPTER 8 THE EXPERIMENTS OF 1982 AND 1983 The objective of the cooperative experiments was to (a) obtain experience with the running of a weather service for scheduling irrigation on farms at Hartswater, (b) establish what type of participating farmers, (c) information was required from and collect whatever data possible for testing the models and if possible, demonstrate the reliability of the technique. The data collected are reported in APPENDIX X. Reference to figures or tables in APPENDIX X will be preceded by X. METHOD Scheduling In 1982 the first four farmers listed in Table 8.1 assisted with the farmers were Table 8.1. demonstrations joined in Cultivation Table X.21. gation 1983 and tests. These same four by the two other farmers shown practices adopted during both years in are given in In 1982 preliminary tests were carried out on irri- scheduling using weather data collected from the 115 routine weather method station installed at Vaalharts Winery Cooperative. in which weather data were collected is The described in detail in Chapter 10 and by De Jager et al (1982}. Essentially each farmer managed his plots according to his normal practice and another set of plots on the same farm were scheduled from the UOFS. simulations, Based upon the prevailing weather and computer recommendations on when to irrigate were telephoni- cally conveyed to the farmers. They then proceeded to irrigate according to their normal practice. Due to the severe drought of 1983, the supply of irrigation water to all the participants, drastically rationed. except for Site F in Bultfontein, was Farmers were able to utilize only approxi- mately one half of their irrigable land. Field observations Monitoring intervals of plant growth and soil water took place at Site A and B in 1982 and 1983. at weekly Leaf water poten- tials were obtained using the Scholander pressure chamber. dawn and noon Simultaneously, long, in-row, observations were taken on eight leaf area leaf samples. indices were determined from destructive samples. Pre- 0,5 m The total leaf area of each sample was determined using an optical leaf area meter. Further- more, gravimetric soil water measurements were made in the 0-300, 300-600 and 600-900 mm soil layers. taken at each level. replications were In 1983 the gravimetric measurements were 116 Seven also carried out at Site F. The only observation made at all four sites in 1982 and 1983 was that of crop height. In 1982 each participant provided three irrigation plots of size shown in Table 8.1. All monitoring of plants and soil done in the middle plot. At the end of the season, of yield within a 1 m x 1 m square wire frame the was ten samples were obtained. Samples were taken at 10 m intervals down the length of the plot; except at Site B, where 20 m intervals were employed. was positioned randomly at the prescribed distance. bad patches avoided nor good patches sought. were by the farmer. The cultivation during 1982 are as shown in Table X.21. samples during were 1982. taken Furthermore, three practices In 1983, on each plot instead of Neither were The same procedures carried out on the centre plot of the closest controlled The frame the plots adopted fifteen yield ten utilized samples were extracted from random locations in each plot. At Site F (Buitfontein) soil water conditions were merely moni- tored throughout the growing season and therefore no other comparisons were possible. Here a line move system was in operation. Weather data from the UOFS was used for the simulations at fontein. The Bult- farmer provided the relevant rainfall and irriga- tion information. 117 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION During This 1983, is an irrigation strategy was designed for described in Table 8.2. Here, Site A. was to the objective improve total production for the farm with supply. Establishing the most effective strategy remains a mana- ger's major problem. the limited water Hence, it was decided that this matter was deserving of special attention. Building on the strategy out- lined in Table 8.2, a theoretical solution is provided in Chapter 12. The wheat grain yields obtained in the 1982 season are given in Table 8.4a. Yield losses due to the experimentation were marginal and none of the farmers requested compensation. These experiments were designed primarily scheduling procedures. comparing yields yields. to demonstrate the It was not possible to test the system by Assume a 10% coefficient of on irrigation plots on a farm. variation What is required is in an experiment designed to prove that the model and farmer irrigation schedules 10% plots produced equal yields. repititions practical tion. a decrement in yield due to the computer scheduling treatment, with 80% reliability (i.e. teen To endeavour to show experience. randomized plots per farm). It to undertake such trials in the actual farming Hence, primarily (36 80% of the time) would require at from much is of irrigation by useful computer information as possible functioning of the model was also 118 collected. to not situa- 1983 onwards the demonstrations were scheduling As eigh- aimed obtain on the The dates upon which irrigation took place are given in Table X.I and X.8. For practical considerations such as labour and water availability, dates managers were not able to irrigate on requested by the computer scheduling programme. recommendations been adhered to, exact Had the then one irrigation would have been saved at Site A in 1982 (see Table X.I). DOY the An irrigation on 245 instead of irrigations on DOY 237 and 251 were recommen- ded by the model. At Site B, the model would have postponed the irrigation of DOY 278 until later. At Site C, an irrigation on DOY 240 was recommended in place of those which eventually occurred on DOY 235 and 244. With such good correspondence between the scheduling by the farmer and the computerised technique, is This agreement not surprising that the yields were similar. did however suggest, it at this early stage, that the frequency and timing of irrigation scheduled by deemed necessary by the farmers. computer approximated that In the four trials irrigation was applied 33 times by both farmers and UOFS. Irrigations were scheduled simultaneously on 82% of the occassions. The hydraulic crop factor, tion. Fh, was used for scheduling irriga- Fh is defined as the relative vegetative evaporation rate, i.e. Ev/Evm. 80%, irrigation was recommended. suing When the value of Fh dropped below approximately A forecast of Fh for the en- week was obtained by inputting the previous week's weather data commencing with the current soil water content and leaf area index as determined by the time of the immediate previous tation. The values compu- of Fh obtained during the 1982 season 119 are given in Fig. X.7. It is evident from this figure that theoreti- cally water stress had occurred. In Fig. X.14 through X.18 the scenario of Fh for the 1983 season at four sites is given. At Site F (see Fig. X.20b), a policy of maintenance irrigation was practised. The area under irrigation was too large to meet atmospheric evaporative demand required ensure maximum yield. water content Hence, a steady decrease in mean root zone was expected as the season progressed. evident from Fig. X.20b. valuable experience to This is Monitoring of this experiment, provided in the scheduling of line move irrigation systems and illustrated the results of poor irrigation planning. Results describing the water dynamics at Site A and Site 1982 and 1983 are given in Table X.2, X.9 and X.10. tests on the data are reported in Table 8.3. B in Statistical The lack of agree- ment (low SI) between calculated and measured water use at Site A gave cause movement for concern. It could have been of water from a water table. to errors in the gravimetric technique. however, were reassuring. caused by upward It was most probably due The results from Site B These results emphasized the need for the model to be tested against the lysimeter measurements. Leaf area index measurements for the 1982 and 1983 illustrated in Fig. X.4 and X.12. than At seasons are Only at leaf area indices less three does the leaf area sub-model play a significant role. leaf area indices higher than three, 120 evaporation from the crop, Ev, approaches maximum total evaporation Em. These results were not as favourable as those obtained by De Jager §_t a_i^ (1982) and hence indicated that the leaf area sub-model needed refining. A simulation index SI (Willmott, 1982) of 0,7 is generally accepted as an indication of acceptable reliability biological Table the processes. 8.4c modelling The Si-index for 1982 and 1983 given suggest that (with the exception of Site A in original leaf area sub-model was velopment when acceptable. in 1982) Further de- and validation of this sub-model was undertaken. The results are reported in Appendix III. The SI, absolute ,83 and ,12 respectively, difference) obtained of ,97, r and MAD (mean indicate that the revised sub-model was sufficiently accurate. Noon and pre-dawn measured and simulated leaf water potentials are presented in Fig. X.6 and X.13 plotted from the data in Table X.5 and X.ll. It is evident that simulated values under mated actual potentials (taken positive) at pre-dawn. measured positive, At noon, values, taken the need for refinement of the leaf water leaf water potential exceeded simulated suggesting esti- potential model. The been poor due performance of this sub-model during 1983 could to the generally dry conditions brought about water restrictions applied during this time. by have the These circumstan- ces precipitated the desire to improve PUTU 9 and resulted in the creation of PUTU 9.86. 121 During 1983 proportion stressed conditions probably prevailed for of the time. a good This provided a critical test of the leaf water potential sub-model. The model consistently underestimated noon leaf water potential by approximately 8 bar. It is apparent that simulated pre-dawn leaf water potentials were also lower than corresponding measured values. been due This could have to the spline functions utilized to describe the soil water desorption curve. could have caused the error. subsequently I). An improved desorption curve included in the model (see Chapter 4 and was APPENDIX The crop hydraulic conductance in PUTU 9 also appeared to be too high. It Underestimation of soil water potential This sub-model was also modified later (Chapter 4 ) . was concluded that the leaf water potential sub-model of PUTU 9 functioned inaccurately. eliminated by Much of the error could probably decreasing the crop hydraulic conductance. be The nature of the water stress factor however, still produced reasonable simulations of the onset of crop water stress. Tests on the soil water sub-model The results of monitoring water use at Site A, in Table X.2, X.9 and X.10. B and F are given It must be borne in mind gravimetric samples could only be taken to a depth of 0,9 m. Sites this. B and Plant F roots reached depths considerably available soil water content may be 122 greater expected that At than to increase root with depth in the root zone of wheat due to density. estimated Hence the gravimetric sampling soil water in the total root zone. decreasing probably under- Most of the water extraction required for supporting crop growth takes place in the second soil layer of the model which occurred between 0,1m and the simulated depth of the effective root zone. depth Hence most attention was focussed upon the volumetric soil water contents in this layer (9%0- Little water (approximately 12 mm) is present in the top soil layer for only short periods. Hence, the effect of errors in this layer in this type of model is minimal. The results listed in Table 8.4c for 1982 show that the model accurately simulated 9v2 While, this result includes a spurious correlation due to the common dependence of both simulated and measured values upon simulated effective rooting depth, such temporal increase in soil water in this layer does constitute a real natural phenomenon. ignored. in Fig. lated X.19 and X.20. values prevailed, the deep results should not A. season The agreement between measured and simu- is not as good as was expected. that after DOY 240, the when a full It is however, vegetative canopy agreement is better than early in the season at It is unlikely that crop water stress occurs early in when roots have the capability of growing into root zones diminishing the consequences of a poor model this stage. clearly be The 1983 scenario of soil water content are illustrated interesting Site Hence the 1982 Ov wet in Measured soil water content was underestimated as is evident from these figures. 123 These discrepancies erapha- size the water urgent need for accurately content. In particular, determining maximum soil had the field water capacity at Site B in 1983 been assumed lower, exceptionally good agreement between measured and simulated values would have resulted. It is apparent from Fig. too X.20 that management at Site F selected large an area to irrigate. root zone veloped. progressively The The result was that the dried down as the growing applications second season de- water per of approximately 6mm of irrigation event were insufficient to accommodate daily atmospheric demand. From the above information it was concluded determination of values where an accurate the field water capacity is essential site at which the model is to be applied. SI that at Furthermore, relevant in Table 8.3 suggest that apart from Site B in something obviously went wrong, performed reasonably. any the soil water 1983, sub-model Model input data were too few for conclu- sions to be drawn about Site F. These results reflect that much water stress occurred due to limited supply of irrigation water. trated Site The Fh-index scenario illus- particularly well the gradual depletion of soil water F {see Fig. X.20c). the at The simplicity with which crop water stress may be identified with this index is self-evident. 124 The number of stress days identified by the model at are given in Table 8.5. of stress days and yield. ments each site There is poor agreement between number This is to be expected as the adjust- in yield reduction coefficient {ky in Chapter 3) with age have not been taken into account. The variability in gravimetrically determined soil water was deemed too large to provide measurements against test the water use model. have to distant. the destination to 250 km was therefore decided to reserve model testing for West Campus Site and concentrate on establishing dardizing which This is true particularly when samples be collected and transported to a It content and stan- the most effective modus operandi for running a compu- ter based scheduling service using the field investigations. 125 TABLE 8.1 - List of participants in the field demonstrations and tests of 1982 and 1983. SITE LOCATION DEPTH OF WATER TABLE IRRIGATION PLOT SIZE m) (m) IRRIGATION SYSTEM A Hartswater 1 ,0 6 X 200 Flood B Magagong 2 ,3 6 X 287 Flood C Tadcaster 6 X 118 Flood D Tadcaster 6 X 90 Flood E Magagong 6 X 118 Flood F Bultfontein Line move 126 TABLE 8.2 - Scheduling strategy designed to improve total farm production at Site A in 1983. DATE SUPPLY PERIOD NO IRRIG. AMOUNT IRRIGATION PLOT GROWING STAGE DAYS AFTER PLANTING (Storage unit) JUNE 01 03 05-10 — 1/2 1/2 Plant 0 JULY 14 16 15 15 1/2 a b Secondary roots Secondary roots 29 29 AUGUST 15 19 20 20 1 1/2 a b Start stem extention Start stem extention 61 62 SEPTEMBER 05 07 19 21 23 23 25 25 1 1/2 1 1/2 a b a b Late stem/start anthesis Late stem/start anthesis End anthesis Anthesis 83 80 97 92 27 27 1 1/2 1 a b a Soft dough Soft dough Hard dough OCTOBER 05 07 20* 1 113 108 128 a - Two blocks of approximately 3,2 ha each (6,4 ha) b - One block of 3,5 ha. * Should no rain occur, ignore the irrigations planned for 21/9 and 7/10 on b and apply one extra on treatment a (20/10). NOTE: It may be that irrigation on 7/10/83 on treatment b will not be permitted because of the {the so-called 10% evaporation loss) further restrictions. If Zaragosa is planted then postpone irrigation on 15/8 by approximately 7 days. Thereafter all irrigations will be delayed by 7 days because Zaragosa flowers 10 days later than does T4. Fertilizer recommendation: a - as usual (130 kg N and 35 P)/ha b - (100 kg N and 25 kg P)/ha. 127 TABLE 8.3 - Tests on accuracy of PUTU 9 for estimating water using gravimetric soil water measurements from use Harts- water in 1982 and 1983. SITE A 1982 WUSE 12 n (#) a (interc) 0,39 b (slope) 9, 18 28,00 Y (mean) r (correl) 0,61 0,60 SI MAD 21,50 0,77 MAD/Y n a b Y r SI MAD MAD/Y PAN F WUSE 7 0 t 85 10,46 60,14 0,62 0,77 6,29 0,10 0,41 0,17 0,54 0,65 0,58 0,40 0,73 SITE A 1983 SITE B PAN F 0,79 0,20 1,06 0,55 0,72 0,17 0,18 SITE B WUSE PAN F WUSE 10 0,71 4,18 35,06 0,76 0,85 17,52 0,50 0,86 -0,03 0,59 0,67 0,76 0,31 0,52 7 0,29 19,95 28,26 0,40 0,64 14,20 0,50 PAN F 0, 42 0, 33 0, 56 o, 56 75 o, 25 o, 45 o, Y are the measured values SI is the simulation index of Willmott MAD denotes mean absolute difference 128 SITE F WUSE 4 0,15 32,32 36,27 0,11 0,40 16,10 0,44 U982) (measured - simulated) PAN F 0,99 0,45 1 ,02 0,41 0,32 0,52 0,51 TABLE 8.4a - Wheat grain yields obtained in 1982. F A R M E R STANDARD DEVIATION YIELD SITE U 0 F S (t/ha) YIELD STANDARD DEVIATION (t/ha} (t/ha) (t/ha) A 5,4 0,9 5,0 0,9 B 7,6 0,8 6,8 1,0 C 6,8 0,8 6,8 0,6 D 4,2 0, 5 3,7 0,7 TABLE 8.4b - Wheat grain yield and standard deviations obtained on the Experiment, Whole Farm and Control plot sites in 1983. U O F S SITE EXPERIMENT (t/ha) F A R M E R S STANDARD DEVIATION WHOLE FARM CONTROL PLOT STANDARD DEVIATION (kg/ha) (t/ha) (t/ha) (kg/ha) 615 4,20 4, 14 756 A 3, 10 B 5,35 1 341 5,30 6,97 643 C 6,60 610 2,70 5,27 823 D 5, 12 430 5,40 6,08 489 E 4,23 1 039 6,10 4,89 675 4,74 5,48 MEAN OF ABOVE F 4,89 4,35 201 4,13 129 TABLE 8.4C - Statistical reliability tests carried out on PUTU 9 during 1982 and 1983. TEAR a SITE VARIABLE (VAR) 2 r RELIABILITY INDEX (SI) MEAN DIFFERENCE MEAN OF ABSOLUTE DIFFERENCE (MAD) MAD X 100 MEAN MAX ABSOLUTE DIFFERENCE 1983 A LAI < 3 0,91 0,82 0,37 0,5 52 1,6 1983 B LAI < 3 0,59 0,83 -0,40 0,6 32 1,2 1982 A Noon leaf water potential (bar) 0,22 0,50 -2,30 3,9 24 8,8 1982 A Pre-dawn leaf water potential (bar) 0,71 0,71 -2,42 2,5 55 4,6 1982 B LAI 0,42 0,71 1,63 1.7 40 5,2 1982 A LAI 0,23 0,62 1,38 2,1 60 6,1 1982 B Noon leaf water potential (bar) 0,03 0,36 -2,67 4,9 29 10,2 Pre dawn leaf water potential (bar) 0,10 0,55 -2,03 2,8 68 6,0 1982 B 1982 A 6v2 ( mm layer " l) 0,71 0,84 27,40 30,0 26 69,0 1982 B 0v2 (mm layer" ) 0,94 0,98 1,20 7,4 7 43,0 1982 A Qvl (mm layer 0,02 0,41 5,20 6,8 65 21,0 1 ) TABLE 8.5 - Showing the number of theoretical stress experienced and yields measured during 1983. UOFS FARMER SITE YIELD STRESS YIELD (kg/ha ) (d) (kg/ha) (d) A 3,1 14 4,2 5 B 5,3 8 5,3 8 C 6,6 34 2,7 28 D 5,1 16 5,4 11 E 4,2 32 6,1 22 131 STRESS days CHAPTER THE EXPERIMENTS OF 1984 AND 1985 OBJECTIVE The objective of the work was to obtain experience in scheduling irrigation model best for a number of farmers and weather input data. using computer simulation From the experience gained, procedure for managing an effective service was the standard- ized. PROCEDURE In 1984, with the farmers at Hartswater made available 19 plots to assist experiments. A list of the experimental sites is provided in Table 9.1. Participants forecast necessary. however, were advised that they would be provided of the date when irrigation of their plots The had with a become final decision on when and how much to irrigate remained their responsibility. In view of the cuts in water supply during 1984 it was deemed inadvisable in any way interfere with participants' farming practice. 132 to Mr Japie Smit kindly agreed to irrigate one entire plot at weekly intervals to ensure that no stress occurred on it and Mr Van Wyk also agreed to irrigate ble, a small plot (10 m x 10 m ) . When possi- comparisons between infra-red temperature on these and normal plots were made (see Table 9.2). tered the by the IRT were inaccurate, bead thermistor. determine under Air temperatures regis- because of poor exposure Hence the foliage-air differences reported in Table 9.2 are unreliable. irrigation at Hartswater. Yield undertaken using fifteen repetitions per plot from area on entire farm two farms. Mean yields were obtained on the other sites. The results are to expected determinations were these of (DIFF) The Smit plot served the approximate maximum yield which might be optimal the a i m for reported the in Table 9.3. In July, 1984 an automatic weather station was erected on the meteorological site at the Vaalharts Agricultural Cooperative and data was collected weekly on a magnetic tape cassette. In 1985 the telemeterized automatic station was commissioned {see Chapter 10) . An intensive programme on a few farms was conducted in 1985. objective The was to carefully monitor operations on just six sites. The six experimental sites chosen are shown in Table 9.8. 133 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS It became site evident that certain information pertinent in and the cultural practices adopted were required to an effective scheduling operation. each ensure An example of the details for farmer Japie Smit is given in Table 9.4. The PUTU 9 model was used to simulate the water dynamics of situation. Initially, the weekly projections were made (Table 9.5) and the information distributed. Subsequently, the procedure had to be modified and computerized in order to save time. listing of the weekly advisory from PUTU 9 A typical upon which scheduling projections were based is given in Table 9.6. The few IRT observations van made on the farms of Japie Smit and Wyk are reported in Table 9.2. P. In all cases the foliage of the wet plot was cooler than the surrounding wheat. PUTU 9 was re-coded in GW Basic for use in IBM compatibles. This version was utilized subsequently. Scheduling technique At the 1984. model weather onset the procedures of 1982 and 1983 Here for irrigation were events were forecasted by adopted running the forthcoming week using the immediate past data. personnel time. However, the week's this absorbed excessive computing Prognoses of the earliest date on which in and irriga- tion would next be required were thus made by dividing the esti- mated would soil water extraction remaining before water stress 134 occur by the estimated mean daily total ensuing period (see Meyer and Green, total evaporation tained from evaporation 1981). for Estimates of the mean for the relevant crop growth stage were the previous experiments in this project. ob- It recommended that columns "VOLGENDE BESPROEIINGSDATUM" and is "REDE" should be added to Table 9.6. Weather data and information collection was performed and the model simulations proceeded most satisfactorily. The large num- ber data of lated, experimental sites and the big volume of however, became unmanageable. This was true of computing time and the man-hours available to the project. will also cause was soil manipu- This situation concern in an extensive advisory programme. It therefore decided to alter the procedure and group sites type and planting date. Thereafter it was necessary merely to simulate daily maximum wheat crop evaporation, category, rather by than for each plot. Em, for each This cut computing time considerably. The different categories of soil and cultivation practice used, is as follows: SOIL TYPE PLANTING DATE CATEGORY Fine Sand Loamy Sand Sandy Loam Sand Clay Loam G G G G CATEGORY 06/1-9 06/9-14 06/15-20 06/21-30 1 2 3 4 p p p p 0 1 2 3 Thus, each week the daily Em was computed for each category using PUTU 9. discette. The Em data series for a category was then A separate file was created for each group. 135 filed on New programmes EREF and REGISTER (see APPENDIX V and written to use these files. VI), REGISTER computed the soil extraction and stress situation on each specific plot. ple of the listing produced by REGISTER is given in These water An examTable 9.6. results were then used manually for prognosis of the irri- gation date included in Table 9.5. ling were decision The reason for each schedu- was always explained. These explanations were coded as follows: R - refill the root reason (eg. zone with water for secondary root development, strategic utilisa- tion of dam storage, etc.) S An - refill because of the danger of water stress indication of the limits of the categories into which the farms in this particular study were divided is evident from Table 9.1. Data was initially transmitted telephonically to the secretary of Mr Hugo Hamraan (Chief Extension Officer, ture, obtain Vaalharts). Farmers were Department of Agricul- requested to call the advice contained in Table 9.5. weekly to Since each farmer is expected to order water (i.e to re-fill his storage dam) from the bailiff on a Wednesday; the projections were made available noon each Wednesday. 136 by Farmers' response however, to follow their was disappointing. Managers preferred own irrigation scheduling procedure. It is evident that should such a system be implemented, it will have to be preceded by an extensive public relations exercise. ration will have to be given to providing Conside- telephonic advice directly to individual farmers. When the price of water increases and economic pressures become critical; then will managers be circumspect than is the case at present. use An education more and water efficiency awareness campaign should be an integral part of an irrigation service. The need for grouping stations could fall away should a large, fast computer be dedicated solely to the weather based scheduling operation. the The method of predicting future needs by previous quite weeks' weather data into the future would then practical. provided projecting with Alternatively, individual farmers could daily Em values which they could apply in own personal computer or calculator. be be their The latter would certainly cultivate interest in, and awareness to, saving water. Nature of advice Farmers are keen to know how effectively they operate. Hence some form of monitoring of their performance is most valuable. 137 The best form of monitoring, apart from the weekly advisories, is by graphical presentations. Managers appreciate regular scena- rios of: (a) The irrigation need index, Fh, which is basically relative vegetative evaporation (transpiration) defined by Fh = Ev/Evm There are numerous examples of such scenario throughout this thesis (Fig. X.7, X.14 through X.18, and Fig. 7.2, 7,4 through 7.6). (b) Leaf water potential - see Fig. 9.1. (c) Deep percolation out of the root zone - see Fig. 9.2. At the the conclusion of the 1985 season, an analytical summary type shown in Table 9.7 generated acute interest and of proved most significant. SUMMARY The summary to this chapter has particular significance operation of a weather service for irrigation scheduling. to the Hence it has been awarded a chapter of its own (see Chapter 11). The automatic weather station was successfully used estimates to provide of Em suitable for the irrigation scheduling of winter 138 wheat. Computing water requirements for individual plots was too time consuming and plots with similar soils and were grouped together. operational operating veloped. of tion procedures dates The computer software necessary and two plots) for a weather based irrigation scheduling system were de- (single plot and groups of Forecasting the next irrigation date either for a group sites or for an individual site are possible. The distribu- of the information however presents problems attention the planting in the future. deserves Direct telephonic communication farmers is recommended. postal service. and with Consideration should be given to a The delays however, might prove unacceptable. Strategy Because mers The of the drought and resultant limited water supply, were unable to utilize the entire land area on their farms. specific irrigated. question posed was how large an area should be Careful analysis and discussion resulted in the stra- tegy outlined in Table 8.2 for the farm of Japie of far- Srait. Because the seriousness of this problem an econometrical analysis was undertaken. guidance and It is described in Chapter 12. a possible basis for advice on planning. 139 The findings provide future irrigation Results The automatic weather station was successfully connected via the normal Posts and Telegraph telephonic network, to the computer in the Department of Agrometeorology at the UOFS. ble dialling for real-time data acquisition All the torily. from Bioemfontein. initial and technical problems in the system were cessfully eliminated (see Chapter 10). Monday, This made possi- Wednesday and Friday. The suc- Data was collected every The system functioned satisfac- original automatic weather station was moved from Vaalharts Cooperative to the farm of Mr Japie Smit because of the personal supervision he provided. He furthermore permitted use of his private telephone and assisted with the necessary tions . 140 connec- CO -10 _l £ o -20 - Q_ -30 - -40 CO -50 t 195 180 210 225 240 255 DAY OF YEAR FIG 9.1 - Scenario of simulated leaf water potential at Site B during the 1985 growing season. 141 270 - SITE A SITE B SITE E DAY OF YEAR FIG 9.2 - Scenario of simulated deep percolation out of the root zone at Sites A, B, and E during the 1985 growing season. 142 TABLE 9.1 - Planting dates characteristics (category P) and soil phys (category G) For the vari •- sites at H a r t s w a t e r d u r i n g 1 9 8 4 . PLANTING DATE SO IL TYPE CAT S3[TE IDENTIFICATION G P NAME NO 1 0 w 3E6 (1 ) 3E6 (2 ) 1/6/84 4/6/84 FINE SAND FINE SAND 5C6 6C6 22/6/84 26/6/84 FINE SAND FINE SAND 1,3 1, 5 1,3 1, 5 JAPIE SMIT E F 12/6/84 12/6/84 LOAMY SAND 1 ,3 1, 5 + O MARITZ 5C3 LOAMY SAND LOAMY SAND 1,3 6C4 14/6/84 15/6/84 1 ,3 1+ 1+ 4C6 15/6/84 LOAMY SAND 1,3 1, 5 A G VAN NIEKERK 3B1 3B2 11/6/84 18/6/84 LOAMY SAND LOAMY SAND 1,3 1,3 1,5 J HUMAN 1D6 13/6/84 LOAMY SAND 0,9 0, 9 1D5 14/6/84 15/6/84 LOAMY SAND LOAMY SAND 1,3 1,3 1,5 + 3D5 1 3 2 1 VAN ROOYEN P VAN WYK H J VTLJOEN S M HUMAN ROOTING WATER DEPTH TABLE MODELLED DEPTH 1,3 1,3 1 ,5 1, 5 1, 5 1, 5 + 2 3 J L MELLET 313 25/6/84 LOAMY SAND 1,3 1, 5 + 3 1 F WOLHUTER 3M1 1 12/6/84 SANDY LOAM 1,3 I.5 4 1 JOHAN SMIT JX 13/6/84 SAND CLAY LOAM 1,3 1, 5 + K STRAUSS 1E6 ( 1) 14/6/84 SAND CLAY LOAM 1,3 1,5 + K STRAUSS 1E3 (2 ) 6/6/84 SAND CLAY LOAM 1,3 1 ,5 + 4 0 143 Wheat TABLE 9.2 - foliage l i a g e - air by P van and (FOLIAGE) temperature differences infra-red gated temperatures thermometer conventionally Wyk and (DIFF o n small, irrigated Japie Smit at and ma? as we 1 1 plots Hart swater !• n irri- on sii during 1984. F1 VAN WYK DATE 840918 841002 841009 CONVENT IONAL WET FOLIAGE 21 ,3 21 ,9 JAPIE SMIT DIFF FOLIAGE DIFF — O f Z. 2 2 ,3 -5,3 -5,2 2 2 ,2 21 , 1 20 ,4 -7,0 -7,6 -7,9 23, 4 24, 0 23, 4 -5 , 0 17 ,6 18 ,3 18 ,7 18 ,6 -0,8 -0,8 20, 5 21, 0 -5 ,7 -1,0 -1,1 21, 4 19, 8 -4, 0 -4 ,5 -4, 9 -4, 9 -5 ,5 144 WET FOLIAGE CONVENTIONAL DIFF FOLIAGE 20,7 2 0,4 19,2 -1 ,2 22,6 22,6 22,4 18,4 18,0 17,5 18,4 23 ,0 DI FF 23 , 7 0, 1 -0 ,5 -2 i 7 -2 ,8 -2 ,8 23 ,8 24 • 1 23 ,4 -1 » 7 -1 ,0 -2 ,4 0 ,9 0 ,3 -0 ,4 0 20 - 7 -3 -3 -3 -3 -2 ,9 21 , 5 21 ,0 21 r 5 ,0 ,6 ,4 ,5 TABLE 9.3 - Mean farm yields Hartswater during PARTICIPANTS SITE on the different sites the 1984 s e a s o n . COMMENTS YIELDS NUMBER OF IRRIGATIONS ( t/ha J HUMAN S M HUMAN 6,6 6,6 11 J MELLET 4,93 7 0 MARITZ 4,3 6 JOHAN SMIT 4,2 2 JAPIE SMIT 5,8 9 (CONTROL PLOT) 6,9 W 6,3 SAUNDERS A G P H J C VAN N I E K E R K V A N WYK VILJOEN WOLHUTER at (irrigated 5 , 38 weekly) 1 8 % hail d a m a g e 19 5 4,7 7 3 ,9 7 5,4 9 145 TABLE Details of experimental site and cultivation prac tices at site SMIT, HARTSWATER, 1984. 9.4- NAME OF FILE NAME OF DISK VHS N'ICO ( 1 JAPIE SMIT NAME BLOK E FARM TELEPHONE 2002 (HARTSWATER DATE SOIL SOIL DEPTH 1m FORM LOAMY SAND CLAY CONTENT 10 % FIELD WATER CAPACITY 164 PLANT AVAILABLE WATER WATER TABLE DEPTH > 1 5, 1,3 ROOTING DEPTH CHARACTERISTICS SERIES SILT+CLAY kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha 325 514 840726 840924 840814 841002 SPLINE FUNCTION FOR SOIL WATER DESORPTION CURVES P.) 9v (In kPa) PI P2 P3 P4 = = : = % m FERTILIZER APPLICATIONS TYPE 3.2.1.(25) AMOUNT AMS N 148 (BEFORE PLANTING) N 25 (AFTER PLANTING) P 27 K 13 CULTIVAR SARAGOZA SEED DENS ITY 85 kg/ha PLANT/DENSITY 160 (pl/m ) PLANTING DATE 840612 IRRIGATION DATES 840604 840910 841025 ln( 12 mm/m m m (mm/m) 5.94 5.30 4.42 3.82 V1 V2 V3 V4 LAI ON DOY 200 = 0 , 5 SIZE OF CONTROL PLOT 1/14 ha SIZE OF PLOTS 3,5 ha YIELD 5,6 t/ha IRRIGATED EACH WEEK 7,1 t/ha CONTROL 5,8 t/ha TOTAL RAINFALL ON PLOT TOTAL WATER USED FOR IRRIGATION 64 mm 415 mm 146 = 71.24 - 77.69 = 9 3.40 = 114.57 840828 841015 TABLE 9.5 - The form upon which weekly irrigation prognoses were reported. DEPARTMENT AGROMETEORLOGY, UOFS scheduling WEEKLY IRRIGATION ASSESSMENT DATE OF ISSUE CAT G P SITE IDENTIFICATION NAME NO 1 0 W VAN ROOYEN 3E6(1) 3E6{2) 1 3 P VAN WYK 5C6 6C6 2 1 JAPIE SMIT E F 0 MARITZ 5C3 6C4 H J VILJOEN 4C6 A G VAN NIEKERK 3B1 3B2 1D6 J HUMAN S M HUMAN 1D5 3D5 2 3 J L MELLET 313 >-> { 1* ) F WOLHUTER 3M11 4 1 JOHAN SMIT K STRAUSS JX 1E6{ 1) 4 0 K STRAUSS 1E3( 2) 3 PREVIOUS IRRIGATION DATE AMOUNT EARLIEST NEXT IRRIGATION DATE (2*) REASON(3*) 1* CAT G P - The irrigation category into which the irrigation plot with the relevant Identification No falls. The soil type eg. sand is denoted by G, the planting date (see Table II.2 Appendix II) by P. 2* The earliest next irrigation date is the estimated earliest date on which it will be required to irrigate the relevant plot 3* Column three provides one of two reasons for the next i rrigation : viz. R - refill soil profile with water for a strategic reason eg secondary roots S - danger of the onset of water stress. 14' TABLE 9.6 Example of the water use advise note produced by program REGISTER using data stored by PUTU 9. "Persentasie stremming" equals (1-Fh) * 100. WATERVERBRUIKSADVIESNOTA W VAN ROOVEN 3E6 (1) 24/9/84 - 1/10/84 GRONDTIPE: FYNSAND BERAAMDE WORTELDIEPTE OP DIE LAASTE DAG VAN DIE WEEK: KALENDERDAG WATERVERBRUIK KUMULATIEWE WATERVERBRUIK BESPROEIING 1300 nun PERSENTASIE STREMMING mm/d) (mm ) 269.0 9.8 44.8 0.0 0.0 270.0 9.9 54. 7 0.0 0.0 271 .0 7 .7 62. 5 0.0 0.0 272.0 7.3 69.8 0.0 0.0 273.0 5.7 75.5 0.0 0.0 274.0 6.9 82.5 0.0 0.0 275.0 6.7 39.2 50.0 0.0 ( mm WATERVERBRUIKSADVIESNOTA W VAN ROOYEN 3E6 (2) 24/9/84 - 1/10/84 GRONDTIPE: FYNSAND BERAAMDE WORTELDIEPTE OP DIE LAASTE DAG VAN DIE WEEK: 148 1300mm TABLE 9.7 - Analysis of irrigation scheduling which could supplied to farmer at the end of the seas m . 1 Frequency of irrigation 9 2 Application per irrigation 3 Total water irrigated 50 Irani) 4 Total water use by crop 5 Total evaporation (mm) 4 50 (mm) 490 through soil surface 6 Total atmospheric evaporative demand (mm) (mm) 7 Total deep percolation out of root zone (mm) 8 Total rainfall (mm) 70 934 120 40 9 Water supplied to farm (mm) 500 10 Efficiencies of : Irrigation management [(3 + 8-7 )/(3 + 8+14) ]% Water use [4/(3+8+14)]% 83 Transport [3/9]% 90 Management other than water 11 Expected final yield 12 Actual final yield 13 Production [12/11]% (kg/ha) 63 85 5500 (kg/ha) 4700 coefficients Irrigation water use [12/3] kg/(ha mm) 10 Total water use [12/(3+8-15)] kg/(ha mm) 12 14 Initial soil water content 15 Final soil water content (mm) (mm) 149 100 100 :•• TABLE 9.8 - SITE The six sites used during 1985 CLAY SILT & SOIL CLASS CLAY D. 3d 10 12 Loamy sand B.A.c 10 12 Loamy sand C .A.c 10 12 Loamy sand D.3d 18 18 Sand clay loam E. jx 18 8 Sand clay loam E.3mll 13 14 Loam 150 CHAPTER 10 THE AUTOMATIC WEATHER STATIONS INTRODUCTION Three automatic weather stations were installed by the Department of Agricultural Meteorology, purposes. Station UOFS, for routine and experimental #1 {DIE BULT) is located in the Departmental Observatory for routine weather observations and calibrations. It was commissioned in February 1984. {WEST Station #2 CAMPUS) was erected at the experimental site on campus for research work. Vaalharts and In October 1983, in 1984, that west Station #3 was initially deployed at but was linked by telemetery system in moved to a farm at Hartswater. information the 1985 In view of the nature of the is required from each of the stations, the sensors and data format varied between the stations. However, all three stations have the same basic components. The data logger for the automatic weather station consisted the basic Scientific, of electronics Logan, by Ecosystems, of the CR21 unit supplied by Campbell * Utah . It was assembled as the Envirologger Pretoria . The latter provide a convenient dis- tribution board, lightning protection and signal conditioning for certain of the weather sensors. The environmental housing and support systems were provided by Ecosystems. * Reference to any manufacturer,trade name or agent is for information and does not represent an endorsement by the Department of Agrometeorology, UOFS or the Water Research Commission. 151 FIG 10.1. The automatic weather station on the WEST CAMPUS site, showing the components common to all the automatic weather stations. Lightning Met One Anemometer 152 Conductor The automatic weather stations were mounted on metal tripods (Fig 10.1) with the radiation and wind sensor arm raised to mately 3m shelter for lightning right. above the ground. Each station had an the temperature and humidity sensors. conductor approxi- environmental There (aluminium rod) mounted on the is centre A radiation shield protects the sealed fibreglass a up- (Model 021) environmental enclosure in which the Envirologger (CR21) was housed. The CR21 is battery operated with a real time clock, a serial data interface, a programmable analogue-to-digital converter, has and full floating point mathematics capabilities. a scan rate of 10s, which samples the The CR21 individual sensors according to user-specified commands programmed in an input table (*4). The data is processed in a 64 location intermediate memory before final specified storage output in a 608 word memory according programmes stored in three to separate usertables (*1,2,3). Final storage is completed only at the output intervals specified. pied, in each output Table. When the memory is fully occu- the old data is overwritten by the new data. The memory is dumped automatically to cassette and can be accessed manually by the user. CR21-DATALOGGER The CR21 counting accepts 7 analog inputs (Channels 1-7) and inputs (Channels 8 &. 9 ) . are through HIGH and LOW ports. channels two Input to the analog The low is common to all and is +1V with respect to ground. pulse channels analog It is important to make sure that this port (LOW) is not earthed. The pulse channels are labelled HIGH and EARTH. 153 The pulse count channels have a maximum detectable frequency of 150 Hz (Channel 8) and 50 Hz (Channel 9 ) . Each pulse must exceed 3.5V from a base of <1.5V to be detectable. While not used in this experiment, inputs and the CR21 also has two four control output ports. binary These digital input and output ports can be used with special input and output programmes for controlling external devices (eg to turn sensors/equipment on or off). SENSORS AND POWER SUPPLY All three automatic stations had the following basic sensors:1 - LI-COR (MODEL LI200SB) SILICON PYRANOMETER 2 - 101 TEMPERATURE PROBE comprised of a Fenwal Electronic UUT51J1 thermistor encased in a water proof probe 3 - HYGROMETRIX XNAM 10205 RELATIVE HUMIDITY SENSOR and ECO MODEL XNAM/82R INTERFACE 4 - MET-ONE (MODEL 014A) CONTACT 3-CUP ANEMOMETER 5 - MET-ONE (MODEL 024A) WIND DIRECTION SENSOR (potentiometer) 6 - OSK764 TIPPING BUCKET RAINGAUGE. The pyranometer and wind sensors were mounted approximately 3m above the ground (Fig 10.1). The temperature and humidity sensors were housed in an environmental shelter approximately 1.5m standard height) above the ground. The three remaining (the channels on the CR21 monitored different sensors at the various stations. There were periods at all three stations when data was lost. This 154 was usually due to power failure; some problems. power although lightning did cause Since the data was usually retrieved once a week, failures did result in the loss of as much as a week of data. The problem of power failure appears to have been solved by the use of a trickle charger and regular battery maintenance. DATA The CR21 displays and stores a maximum value of 6999 in internal memory. cassette The data in memory is automatically dumped to tapes at regular intervals. The tapes were retrieved and the data is transfered from the cassette drive to fixed or soft disc using the Campbell Scientific Inc C-20 cassette interface and Sperry PC model 30 computer. The data was stored in files according to the following nomenclature:- 1 - Hourly mean data and daily means File = MTH-YR.STN 2 - Monthly summary of daily means File = MTH-YR.MON where MTH = MONTH ; YR = YEAR ; & STN = STATION station abrieviations used were = OBS ( DIE BUILT ) = EXP ( WEST CAMPUS ) Any alterations or corrections to the data format, usually caused by changing the CR21 programme tables, are noted at the end of each month. The GW BASIC coded computer programme (Appendix VII) checks for these corrections while listing 155 the data in the formats shown in Table 10.1. means or estimates differed totals of in a separate file (MTH-YR.MON), reference for The programme also stores the daily evaporation (Er). as These well as programmes the different stations since the data format necessary corrections vary between stations. However the structure is similar in all cases to the programme for the and basic WEST CAMPUS station (Appendix VII). Because of the problems arising from the necessity to correct the raw data each subsequently developed store the These formats of a BASIC program (Appendix VIII) was to make the appropriate corrections and data in files with the format shown requirements. months time, in were chosen in order to reduce the Table data 10.2. storage Using these formats it is now possible to store 10 hourly data on a two-sided double density 5.25 disc, as opposed to 3-4 months with the original format. 156 flexy TABLE 10.1 - Examples of a daily and monthly summary printouts z h * _ v, s »p*.— p + O K C D ' ^ r i r n o m o ^ ' O * ^ a B CD ^ - N (O » n N CD i LU 0 U •V ii! G ^ a ) - _ « - O D P l N - < I D i r i » ^ — t> (M 10 N IV i n ^ J ' N D O O O C D r - r ^ f ^ ™ ( M t j - o ( D " 3 ' W f * 1 t n r - - ' i O O - — » r* •— y"i — i n m i fr — T C T J I ^ W H ^ ™ i I KL c li 0 1 V Ul i 5i z0 ifrfio-^eno N >NON % i CD • - LL 1 1 1 c 0I 1 <L V i f, fs, n _ r» i If 1. 1 1 •a * 4 c 3 (X LU CD z 1 UJ 1 I PTE 0 L > 2 v E hL 1 V ma L e 0 LLJ a o 4 n (/I m i i z : > - LU 0 w ; 111 0 I ^ ! I ^^ ^^ ^™" ^* ^MI « ^ |^i «^4 *<3 ^^d i"^ ^5. ^3 (^4 ^T1 CO ^^ *O ^^ C^ ^^ ^^ ^J ^^1 i ^j CJ^ ! - • "^^ ^3 ^y ^3 ^L B t: • t if) r^*i ^^ iy ^^ (^j ^^ "Pj i^i ^y ^j* n ^^ 4y f^*t —""t c^ c^ ^^ *^- ***- ^4 ^^ ^ ij m * ^~ • ' • ' ' • • 1 *^ ^ j IL 0 ^^ rf\ *f ^J ^ ^ ^*^frJ^^ • ^j* |^^ *^j 4j ^3 ^4 ^T CD ^3 OJ O ^T ^^ f*i -f~^tf^tf*^^ ^ "• v_ ^^ irio — o ** ZZ «• ' ^^1 ^J w ^f ^^ C^- CD- i^^ ^X Q^ i"j ^ ^ C^ ^ ^ ^fi ^y ^N f ^ ^ ^ ^F^ &^ ^^. O3 CO ^^ ^^ "^^ ^^^ fO »^ i n 10 v \ft v 10 T 10 c*} r*^ r j —— c^ ' ^ C^J f*4 o^ o& S Si ^^ liJCV o I ^fc j - 11 (^ (5 5i - , -~ ^ •j ~• 4 £• *\ • <s « « w n n w - & «D -o h. 06 -o -o - -x i_ -o o to ^ in in « ^ ^ " ^ CMI ^VJ 4^j ^*J [^J ^ ^ ^^1 P^i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ f ^ l f^ ^ ~^ ^^ fH ^ ^ •—* b^^ t*i -B-T ^ * •*;••; *j ™ * , " l ? " ' ^ r ' ; c ! " : r i ' : : ! ° ' T . * ' r ! ^ ' ' . " • * " " : » I D. g 1 • ^^i . —^ rN r^ OJ IN r^ <\4 f i T ^ •J 4r V T ^ f^l ^"1 rm Q ^5 ^> »-• ( ^ ^ - O i m " >- — Tn^flO n M^ CJ - » • > UJ £ % w A CD )- £ r •^ ^^ {hi N T fi U III . U fc - V . m IDO-VIOOOOOO Jt c a' mn « v n 1^1 *O "^^ 4^3 CD ^^ ^^ ^ r j 1 1 [x^| ^ ^ ^^ Q^ oi»K»»n»»i. % * f, N , m o ^3fl ^^ ^y ^^i ^ ^ ^^. P^ W*^ ^3 ^ff *^. iu * t :*1"1' < l*"l''.''.''.'. °1 l ^'*:'' p :''! f ;":') V^ •"• <^ (N f"J " • *"^ f^J *f ~Q OD ^5 tN T *T ^ *I (*1 *^ ^ . r^ Pv f*v ^T ^r *"! f^. " Cm ^ Q * ^ fc- ^ * t o o o o o oo ^ ^ nt^ii^^w''t'^°°°''t'i°^M'N i i i i i i f J O ^ 2 — ^ " " ". ' «s ' ^r ^r ^r i^. i^^ ^^J ^o * ^ •""• ^ ^ "^y ^ f p'i ^ ^ 1*1 ^ ^ f**t ^ j i^^ ^ ^ i*^^ f^y ^x *4^ I V * ^ - - N f H f i « - . i i i j . m m w —f M f ^ O 4 s a t i i i i i o - N n , < i < , i - e » c . - » . i i i - 22Z % . ^ ^ 1 C U^ « I i J a. _ a a o ^ - ' .1 J- fii i— i— I— "Jo - a ~ T % I 157 *^ EE ! " C .'tt I r J ?TTT° H i : 1 ^ 6 UJ CL LL Ul 2 • • TABLE t 1 1 10.2 - N o m e n c l a t u r e MON-YR-tt.UUR MON-YR-S.DAG MDN-YR-tt.WND MON-YR-#.TER == == == «*= and HOURLY DAILY DAILY TOTAL format files DATA DATA WIND F!EFERfiNC! FORMAT 1 for c o r r e c t e d data (DF EVAPOfSAT I ON 1 FILES 1 1 MON-YR-#.DAG 1 1 FIELDS SIZE STRING YEAR DOY TOTAL MISSING DATA MEAN RADIATION TEMP.MAX. TEMP.MIN. TEMP.AVERAGE RADIATION AVERAGE WIND AVERAGE RAIN LYSIMETER LYST STAND.DIVIATION CHANGE IN LYSIMETER 12 13 14 ( 1 2) . UK ; . 1 1 ( I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F 6..2 F 6.: F 5.1 F b. J1 F b.1X. F 7.1 (3. 3) (6 -4) ( l .7) (17 .6) (23 .6) (29 .<b) (35 .6) (41 .6) (47 .5) (52 .6) (58 .b) (64 .7) FIELDS SIZE STRIivt YEAR DOY TIME RADIATION TEMPERATURE R.H. WIND LYSIMETER RAIN 12 13 12 F 7.: i— F 6.:2 F 6.: F 6.: • > 1 1 I W/m I < i i i 1 mm mV i i mm i UNI T i MON-YR-#.UUR 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F F F F F F 2> 7.2 6. b.2 b. 6. 1 5. 1 ^j (3, 3i (6, 2) (g ,7) ( 1- ,6) (21 ,6? (27 ,6) (33 ,6) (39 ,5) i W/ni ! i •/ i m/s i mV mm i i MON-YR-#.WND i ! J S IZE FIELDS STRING UNIT j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 r YEAR DOY WIND SPEED WIND MAX. WIND MIN. WIND FREGUENCY WIND FREQUENCY WIND FREQUENCY WIND FREQUENCY WIND FREQUENCY WIND FREQUENCY WIND FREQUENCY WIND FREQUENCY RADIATION TOTAL I I3 0-45 45-90 90-135 135-180 180-225 225-270 270-315 315-360 F 6. 2 F 6. 2 F 6. 2 F 6. 3 F 6. 3 F 6. 2 F 6. 3 F 6. 3 F b. 3 F b .3 F b. 3 F 6. 2 58 (1,2) (3, 3) (6,6) (12 ,6) (IB ,6) (24 ,6) (30 ,6) (36 ,6) (42 ,6) (48 ,6) (54 (60 ',6) <bb ,6) (72 ,6) 1 m/s i m/5 1 m/s i 7./100 1 V. /100 1 7. /100 1 X'/IOC 1 •/./loo I ^/100 1 1 •/. /1 oo 1 '/./100 MJ/m" 2 1 STATION #1 : DIE BULT The automatic weather station in the Department of Agrometeorology Observatory (Fig. standard daily 10.2) was used primarily to supplement the meteorological measurements. It has been extensively by the Agronomy and Agricultural Engineering ments, their and the Institute for Ground Water Studies to automatic weather stations. used Departcalibrate It was also used as an alter- nate site when the WEST CAMPUS station failed. FIG 10.2. Photograph of the automatic weather station located in the UOFS Observatory. 159 The automatic described weather station comprised the basic unit plus a second temperature probe used to temperature at a depth of approximately 30 cm. monitor which soil The other tempe- rature and humidity sensors were located in a standard Screen already Stevenson also housed other standard meteorological instru- ments. The two remaining channels on the CR21 were not used. The calibration for the pyranometer is shown in Table 10.3. The rain gauge and temperature sensors were compared against standards when the against station the was installed. Prufchien calibrated against The anemometer. anemometer The was humidity a standard aspirated Asaman checked sensor was Physchrometer (Table 10.3). The user-specified tables for input (*4) and output (¥1,2,3) station #1 are given in Table 10.4 intermediate storage locations. and require Output Table*l provides 2 o mean values of total radiation (kW/m ) direction). amount rainfall (mm). Output Tables*2 & *3 provide identification, as the provides the deg, time and station battery voltage and daily total rainfall as well other sensors. Table*2 also the maximum and minimum temperatures and their time occurred, wind programme also logs the daily mean values of the occurrence, it hourly m/s, of 26 temperatures ( C ) , rela- tive humidity {%) and the wind speed and vector (m/s, This programme while Table*3 provides the maximum wind 3peed, when as well as the relative frequency distribution direction for eight points of the compass 10.1). 160 (see of of Table The data from the CR21, as generated by the user-specified tables (*1,2,3) are stored in files MTH-YR.OBS in the following format:- 01+TABLE* where 02+#### 03+#### 04+#### 05+#### etc. the individual values in the second and subsequent fields of each record are dependent upon the different programme tables. For this station the records were generated as follows: 02+DATE 01+0002 02+STATION ID 01+0003 02+MAXIMUM WIND SPEED 03+TIME OF MAXIMUM 04+MEAN WIND SPEED 05+RELATIVE FREQUENCY OF WIND DIRECTION IN THE 06 " 07 " 08 " 09 " 10 " 11 " M 12 01+0249 02+RAIN 03+TIME 04+RADIATION 05+TEMPERATURE 06+RELATIVE HUMIDITY 07+SOIL TEMPERATURE 08+WIND SPEED 09+WIKD VECTOR 10+WIND DIRECTION 11+STANDARD DEVIATION OF WIND DIRECTION 01+0001 03+BATTERY VOLTAGE 05+TIME OF MAXIMUM 04+MAXIMUM TEMP 07+TIME OF MINIMUM 06+MINIMUM TEMP 08+RAINFALL 09+RADIATION 10+MEAN TEMPERATURE 11+MEAN RELATIVE HUMIDITY 03+TIME OF RAIN 161 NNE ENE ESE SSE SSW WSW WNW NNW TABLE 10.3 - The calibration details for the different sensors. STATION # SENSOR DATE CORRELASLOPE TION COEFFICIENT 0001 PYRANOMETER (PY5753) 27-02-84 0001 HYGROMETRIX # 8502 17-09-84 17-09-84 0002 PYRANOMETER (PY5059) 24-05-83 0002 HYGROMETRIX # 8503 20-01-84 12-10-85 18-07-86 0002 LYSIMETER 15-05-84 13-09-85 13-09-85 0002 MET-ONE ANEMOMETER 0003 PYRANOMETER (PY5060) 0003 HYGROMETRIX # 11086 * 0,991 0,985 OFFSET 0,1901 0 1,146 1,141 -24,99 -19,68 0,100 0,981 0,988 0,912 0,989 0,322 0,153 0,152 CALIBRATION INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURER CERTIFICATE 0 MANUFACTURER CERTIFICATE -10,64 -16,94 ASSMAN WET-DRY BULB WET-DRY BULB 0 0 0 WEIGHBRIDGE WEIGHBRIDGE WEIGHBRIDGE 18-07-86 16-10-84 16-10-84 calibration by Miss Weideman *ASSMAN *WET-DRY BULB PRUFCHIEN 0,994 0,982 0,100 0 1,072 1,149 -17,79 -10,69 MANUFACTURER CERTIFICATE *ASSMAN *VET-DRY BULB - aspirated Assman unaspirated wet 4 dry bulb 162 TABLE 10.4 - The input and output programme tables for DIE BULT. CH21 Output T.t>le Coding Form C R 2 1 Input Table Coid.13 Focrn CR2I ' " ciei ID . » W * . Cttl U - — . *1 *nd cd»»*i Ibl (of #•* h u f l M ..wnq i IU - i mttf Output Tmt biUiuvl tmlnuta) 0 1 ^ _ k ^ _ . OutpulTlblcNumtKi i l . Prr^ram No Input Program Range (EUI (EU/IUl Output 10 No Ourput Proqtim anil D i l i Dncripltcxi F.njl Output IEU) Srnsor Description And Calibtjtion Param 2 drvrip Pdrsm I dcvnp OHVL-I |EU) ProdraTn No Pi/«nftn 1 f Parjfn«tcr 2 1 IV. MV. PC R r t u « . ( It- -2 12 O- M1o 1 few „-•• M" V kW 13 O — 13 o 72 • 21 O 11 i? 21: 1 "S+*-J*-wt««. z 21: 3 23 O <V. HV. DC K H u r n l TtMCrf ATu 3 c t?£ 7 31: 32 » »_ O 33 ] >/A [31 Si 12 33 41: Si «. 12 IV.HV.DCIIrtwi SOIL. ! cn Co s J 41: 7 42 T£»<»e<*Tu«£ I 1 / -Jo "C W. MU DClACBa..™,,! j r?tLAiiJlT u f ^ hHA. { " SI: **" S2 S3 51: tJ%*MA- - IVMV.IKHC Runwi c vol:s i 01- 62 71: 72 a 71: T2 73 81 H2 .11 am Wind (5.789)(councs/occj+l KPH - (O.029S)(cauntj/Bln)+l <«d — dneaomecer 1-4S = / Fulse Count! 81 S2 O • O "* ra/* 8 1 j a i o • ^> ivj 1 t l p / n • 1 r.lp/0.03937 In Tipping Bucket IU1 Variable Pulse Count* 91: * SCIENTIFIC. 92 O-2O INC. "Hurtdrethj of nn Inch 93 9 RftwfnLL 1 I j. 0 CAMPBELL 91 ^T SCIENTIFIC. INC -o ._ J i CI121 Output Table Coding Form CH21 O u l p u l Table Codlii'i f o r m CR21ID Ouqxj* D f**nfe«n I. 2 » n l 3 *Jr-ni»y u b l . _ Smi D*n Si-wi Tiw . • * • - M l Op-—' OutpulT\tbl«Nun*«t<l.Zo<31_dL_^ Ouipm Tun* knttrvd i™ul«) (U Ourpul Program *nd Data Description Trio Output ID No P.rWd^np. - o 1 NOTE O u l p u l T a b l e N U M I L M 1 1 . 2 o r Jl Pa ram 1 dcvtip oo _ _ PtagnmN. ' Output I D No Ourpul Piogram and DtU [ V U P I I A K I Numtw> Param 1 desoip P«im 2 dncrip I'umtnl (•VKjiauNn Paijmcwr 2 1 -/r 1 11: ~ / * 2 A/\iT£Ay Vot-7*>c£ ft/A A 2 12 OOOl n Ti*-t •* ! 11: ^3 I?. S ii ^O 22; CD 2.1 /A O //! f 32: t 2t 22: 21 4 O) 41: I 5"^ 42 41. V O ZL 5 "/* i: Si. | 52 f T I 5-i O T>. 62 61: 7 PC */A i W-*M 21: *C S o - St+*^ 7 71: 1 81: 1 91: ^ / 72: *>- S2 ^ 73 o 71: 72 81: | 82 r 9 SCIE 1 92: N Tl f I C . INC 7] C A M P B E L L S C I C N TtflC. 91 o STATION #2 : WEST CAMPUS The automatic weather station on the WEST CAMPUS (Fig.10.1) installed of over a short grass cover for the continuous monitoring the appropriate hourly and daily meteorological data experimental basic unit lysimeter was plot (Fig.10.3). already situated mentioned. at the The station was comprised of the It was also connected some 80m to the north (Fig.10.3). to The the CR21 monitored the amplified signal from the load cell incorporated in the mechanical weighbridge of the lysimeter. The resistive vol- tage divider and translator circuit used are shown in Fig. 10.4. FIG. 10.3. - The experimental plot showing the location of the automatic weather station, lysimeter and other instruments. 165 The two evaluate to remaining channels on the CR21 were initially soil ooisture probes. used to They have subsequently been used compare other sensors against the automatic weather station sensors. The calibration for the pyranometer is shown in Table 10.3. raingauge the and temperatures were checked against system Hygrometrix 1984. was Xnam initially RH Prior to this relative humidity. against the installed The standards when 1983). The (November Bensor (#8503) W B B installed in February a wet bulb temperature was used to estimate The Hygrometrix sensor was initially unaspirated wet and dry bulb January 20 and 25,1984 (Table 10.3). temperatures checked between Subsequent calibrations are shown in Table 10.3. 49.9k HSIMETER AMP. 24.9k CR21 24.9k FIG. 10.4. - The The resistive voltage divider and translator cir cuit coupling the lysimeter to the CR21. lysimeter was connected to the CR21 on January calibrated soon after (Table 10.3). 166 27,1984 and On September 9,1985 the load cell on the lysimeter was replaced with a more sensitive one and re-calibrated for the CR21. The CR21 monitored the voltage drop between the positive terminal and earth, while the voltage drop between the negative terminal and earth was monitored manually on a Keithly digital multimeter at selected times. The BASIC (Appendix each programme for printing the hourly and daily VII) also provided a table of mean hourly means values for month together with their standard deviations (Table 10.5}. These will eventually be incorporated in the programme so as to provide standard checks on the raw data. The input station The data (*4) and output(* 1,2,3 ) programme tables (Table 10.6) require 23 intermediate storage for this locations. format generated by these tables and saved on disc files MTH-YR.EXP are as follows: 01+0001 02+DATE 03+TIME 04+RADIATION 05+TEMPERATURE 06+LYSIMETER 07+RELATIVE HUMIDITY 10+WIND SPEED 11+LYSIMETER-CONSTANT 01+0002 02+STAT1ON ID 01+0003 02+RADIATION 03+MEAN WIND SPEED 04+RELATIVE FREQUENCY OF WIND DIRECTION IN THE NNE 05 " ENE 06 " ESE 07 " SSE 08 " SSW 09 " WSW 10 " WNW 11 » 01+0249 02+RAIN 03+BATTERY VOLTAGE 04+RAINFALL 05+LYSIMETER 06 + STANDARD DEVIATION" IN LYSIMETER 03+TIME OF RAIN 167 in TABLE 10.5 - An example of mean hourly values for dim*r-B6.»xp MEAN HOURLY Tin* 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 S.OO 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 Rad 0.23 0.22 0.26 0.24 0.24 0.43 28 .36 141.07 286.00 372.80 454.93 506.33 634.56 576.28 552.33 413.44 262.3? 87.77 14.98 0.19 0.21 0.16 0.22 0.22 VALUES Rri Huni Tmp 18.68 17.90 17.11 16.41 15.78 15.09 39.38 61.77 66.77 72.99 76.86 79,45 81.65 78.92 72.63 67.20 62.64 57.69 52.24 46.33 43.S3 42.61 41.58 41.67 47.89 52.47 54.71 37.97 59.37 61.14 14.94 16.48 19.04 21 .04 22.96 24.81 26.88 28.16 29.06 29.36 29.26 28.41 2<J.O7 23.31 21.66 20.91 20.17 19.37 Uind tp«td !.64 1721 .00 t.76 1721.00 !.41 1721.00 i.66 1721.00 >.98 1720.83 !.94 1720.63 1.32 1720.83 i 1.05 1720.63 1.48 1721,17 i 1.57 1721.83 1.61 1660.40 1.36 1667,00 1.46 1661,80 (.46 1702.80 t1.21 1711.60 1,41 1709.80 tt.14 1708.00 3.77 1706.60 3.57 1712.60 3.10 1725.80 1.91 1735.40 2.87 1746.80 2.70 1752.60 2.81 1753.20 Lyi J2.31 1 .60 196.23 196.23 195.47 195.71 195.63 195.63 195.63 195.36 194.98 195.33 141.15 133.30 126.03 134.12 143.99 142.29 140.95 139.80 144.39 1S9.46 172.78 190.80 199.67 200.69 • STANDARD DEVIATION 1.00 2.00 3.00 0.10 o.ii i .24 : .74 o.os ; .49 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 I B . 00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 0.08 't '.10 o.ii 15.83 69.77 128.65 161.12 182.90 180.71 52.44 83.07 48.36 44.63 38.84 38.67 10.78 0.07 0.10 0.14 0.13 o.ii ; .04 ;>A9 1 .92 1 .43 J>.36 : .53 < .53 < .97 i 1.28 : .63 :1.40 i'.98 1'.84 ; .61 * 1.97 * 1.74 '1.34 * 1.23 * 1.07 :9.88 168 21.28 19.86 17.62 15.32 14.75 13.68 14.34 13.60 13.76 17.38 21.76 22.68 20.32 14.49 12.49 11.89 11.50 11.62 23.53 27.52 26.97 24.85 23.95 22.76 .19 1 .55 .25 1 .15 .47 .45 .68 .16 1).75 .17 .57 .05 1J.77 11.30 ).3? .08 1.17 .25 3.65 1.07 1.12 1.83 WEST CAMPUS TABLE 10.6 - The input and output programme tables for WEST CAMPUS CR2I li.|>ut Table Oi.liny Form ID rJoJCMSCK Sum Dalo f\T\ CR21 Output Table Coding f o r m C«2I ID. Storl Timt . Odd _ SIMI 0 K < . Sun Time . •> •*»•»*• a J * • a n t O B M I , EU . | mjfc«h, IMVl 7* Oul|.ulT»b)e^k»Ill>^f ( l , 2 o f 31 £Z Sonar Ovrlpoon tnd CilrbuBon RanoilEUl =t 60 OutputT™ InHnnll<T<n>1cl)03 Ourpul ID No Fifwt(Xjipui (EUJ Multiplier (KU/IU) Program No Input Program ..;•.•„. » , Ur 12 2 1 | Pjnm 2 dorrirl OHvellEUI o ' o 13 ° 23 ° 33 O * ^ ^ / Progrwn Kx 111. * |l3 O 21 O 13 O (V. MV. DC R>i«»nl 2 2i i 21: S/ IV. MV. r j C R n u « . l 3 3 31: CD ' 32 IOOO 32: 3 °C 4 | i to *^r" 41: 7 j 51 *+• 41: O £/ <v. MV, tXT * AC Rm>nnnl TV S 1 t f— 6 (V. MV. CK & AC H m « w v . | S3 - 1 1 - 2 1 u 62 63 71: 72: 73 62 I | 7 i „ 1 Ulnrf Speed — 1 contjet jfiKKnntter | l-i5 a / . Pulse Count s Tipping Bucket R«lni;<ge v*rl«ble KPH - 71: A / " 73 -S' n ,0?3B)(counts/a l n ) * l (0 HI 82 O • o « I tlp/« - 1 tlp/O.0J937 In Pulse Counts 91: * C/l*f8f[t SCIENTIFIC, 92 INC. O'2a ZI 83 a ~it R3 JBl Hurtdretha ot an Inch 93 0 T^ CAMPBtLL 91: -^7 SCISNTIFIC. INC O CH21 Output T»bl« Coding Form CK21 O u t p u t Table C o d i n g f o r m CR21 ID SiJrt O J I . OOO2. CR21 ID. Suit Tun« . NOTE Srimouvuir t -Ki J E Piram 2 dficrtp. Progwm No. P««« m i w/o ItuiputlDMa Oulpul Piognm irwt DiU DncripHon Output ID No Ourpul Proyam and DiU D^vripHaa Param 1 dncrip. Ourpul T n x Inwnul (nanul«| 03 Output T i t J , Number ( 1 . 2 « 3 ] . Output Tifalt NumUt (1. 2 or 31 P*ram 2 d( scrip. Parojn I devhp Parjnvicf 2 FWitjiAnt f & P*ffliiwttl 1 "UAn\c w Z 1 12 OOOZ. 21: S O 32: 41 f*/A \23 O 33 O 42 3 43 O 52: 3 O ' H/A 13 O 12 ZI.5S / \\ 22 J? 32: tr tr ~1 I 6 61. 62- 71 72: 61 7 71 S ~T 81: 82: 9 9 92 CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC. INC. 93 i 31 T 91 f t( 72 7) 92 'M S C 1 E H T t f I C , INC. O STATION #3 : VAALHARTS (JUNE-DECEMBER,1984 and 1985) This automatic weather station was deployed at the Vaalharts Wine Cooperative Meteorological Site during the wheat season of The station Stevenson was screen comprised of vacant. basic data However the All the remaining channels to were The user-specific programmes for the CR21 were the same as those of Station #1 (Table 10.4). station unit. was replaced by a radiation shield mounted the main upright of the tripod. left the 1984. The automatic was retrieved on cassette tapes once a weather week from Vaalharts. In June, 1985 the automatic weather station was moved to the farm of Japie Smit at Hartswater to enable linkage between the CR21 and the Department Sperry PC at the UOFS. unit) to an supplied 16VAC a of agrometeorology asynchronous dial-up ITT Data Modem supply (Fig. interface (Model The SC232 was 1161) powered 10.5) drawn from the 12 VDC battery of by the The 12VDC lead-acid battery was continuously charged by 220VAC trickle telecommunication The CR21 was interfaced (SC232 by the General Post Office. station. direct trickle charger. The 220VAC mains required charger and modem were supplied by Mr Smit, for the as was the telephone line. Before the third station was installed at Vaalharts/Hartswater it was erected alongside Station #1 and the sensors compared 10.7. All pyranometer, the sensors were highly correlated (Table (r>0.99). The hygrometrix and met-one sensors also had regression 171 SENSOR DISTRIBUTION BOARD • J 6 VAC /POWER SOURCE ENVIROLOGGEH FIG. 10.5 - Photograph of the components of the telecommunication system. UOFS Dept. Agrometeorology FIG. 10.6 - Schematic diagram of the telecommunication system linking the automatic weather station with UOFS. 172 TABLE 10.7 - CORRELATIONS AND REGRESSION ANALYSIS OF STATION #1 AND STATION #3 AT THE OBSERVATORY (DIE BUILT) CORRELATION SENSOR INTERCEPT SLOPE RADIATION 1 ,00 0,92 -0,004 TEMPERATURE 0,99 1,21 -3,76 REL. HUMIDITY 1,00 1,07 14, 18 WIND SPEED 0,99 1 ,01 -0,04 coefficients (slope) that were within 8% of unity. The intercept for the humidity sensor however showed a consistent difference of >14%. This sensors difference could be and that exhibited by the caused by the use of a radiation temperature shield for Station #3 instead of a Stevenson screen. The hardware for this station is shown in the schematic in Fig. 10.6. cooperation and of Vaalharts problems which diagram The procedure for accessing the CR21 required the two manually operated switch boards at the Post Office. were Initially this quickly rectified. caused some Direct access UOFS minor to the station via the telecommunication linkage was scheduled for three specific times each week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Mr Smit arranged to switch the telephone modem to the CR21 for an hour on each occasion. During which time the data stored on the internal 173 memory was dumped to the Sperry PC at the encountered excessive with noise conditions. and data over the on UOFS. Problems system which are believed to the telephone line during be were due extremely windy Since the UOFS switch board closed at regular times weekends it was not always possible to before retrieve the memory locations were updated with information. the some latest The cassette tape, however, operated simultaneously and independently of the telecommunications and consequently data lost to via telecommunication linkage could be the obtained by physically retrieving the cassette from Hartswater. Internal storage requirements had to be minimized. available storage on the CR21 is 608 words. The maximum In order to ensure at least 36 hours between data retrievals (Friday to Monday), the user-specified output Table *1 had to be altered. Only the information essential for numerical simulation modelling (Table. 10.9) was stored. Table *2 and *3 were not used. In this way only 4 intermediate storage locations were required. Once would communication with the CR21 had been established, respond to the commands listed in Table 10.8. the CR21 Thus the individual sensors or any portion of the internal memory could be monitored at any time. All responses from the CR21 were displayed on the Sperry PC video and subsequently saved in specified files. 174 The data was received and saved in files with the foLlowing format: 01+0001 02+DATE 03+TIME 01+0249 02+RAIN 03+TIME OF RAINFALL TABLE 10.8. THE 04+RADIATION 05+TEMPERATURE 06+RELATIVE HUMIDITY 07 WIND SPEED COMMANDS AND RESPONSES FOR TELECOMMUNICATION WITH THE CR21 VALID COMMANDS RESPONSE FROM CR21 A ADVANCE AND DUM B BACKUP TO PREVI C (DOY & TIME) (BATTERY VOLTAGE) (READING SENSOR #1 #2 D:#### T:#### 00:#### 01 :#### 02:#### etc #n HHMMG 8 where HH=HOUR MM=MINUTES 0n:#### RESET CLOCK (CURRENT MEMORY LOCATION) ??:#### D "(DUMP MEMORY FROM CURRENT MEMORY LOCATION TO THE MOST RECENT STORAGE) 01:000n E (END TRANSMISSION) CLOSES TRANSMISSION ### (POSITION MEMORY LOCATION) 175 02:DOY 03:TIME 04:DATA etc TABLE 10.9 - The input and output tables for HARTSWATKR STATION. Cft2 1 Oulpul Table Coding I'orm Clt2l Input Tabl-- CoJinjj Form CH21ID. Sun Dale ^_^ _ Stan Dai* CR21ID. Sjjrt Turn Sun fu -ltX. V u lE™ ) «.« S lJ"* U . inpulUoH.. 9 «*.|V| mjkvoh. OulpulTmclnliTMllminulol 03 Oulpul TiW*Nuro6«iU.2 « 3 | Scn»» DcicnptJan andCjIibrjhon RingrtEUP I.-. F.njIOutpul IEU1 MultifJwr IFU/IU] f)r<^gmm No Ifipul Program 55? Ou^ullDNo Oulpul I'tocfam and 0 JU D«ciipllon • - . . • ^ ^ I'^iim 1 dncrip OHwtlEUl Paramnn ] ProgwnNa Pa»m2d«CTlp IV. MV. fC ltmi«.r 1 • ! „•.,;*if-x M 3 12: O- 13 O jwiit/ •i 3 »: 3t>O 23 O */A 11: -S/ 12 / n o 22 *^ 23 O |V.MV.OCIlnniac<l 2 -Uta- Zl: 1 3 ^^( 3 .!! i (V. MV. D C R r « « . l n -. Oi 3 S' O * C"! ' 31: -S-/ 32 II °C 4 •=! A'//^ 13 32: 7 42. < 43 ° 41: * « Ifo^b^ S2 SI 61: 62 6J 71: 72: 73 I S3 — fV WV lxr*«-q^' Volts • 1 71 62 63. 12- 73: | ff (409S mkrvi (Ml K M mulrnuml "HPH - d". ;OTJ (counts; 8 «j+i KPII - (0.0298) (counCB7mtn) + l Wind Sp» I eontate [ 1-45 s / s Co"^»_ [ H I ta •/• 83- O • M-t-To 82 ft' Pufc* counm 115 rauiD r»r • Tipping Bucket Kt n R .|< Variable Pulse Counts CAMPBELL I [lp/m - 1 dp/0.03937 In 91 6 SCI EN TlflC. 92: INC, OZO Ituddreths ot Art Inch 93 ffft'rtfA LL. Jot ft i- ! 91: 0 CAMPBELL SCIENTIflC, ^7 92 INC- 9 O SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The WEST CAMPUS station has been operational for more than 24000 hours during which time approximately 1300 hours down-time occurred. This failures but 5% in data was due almost entirely which went undetected for several days in exceeded time) . loss A similar down-time for DIE BULT failure. problem 22 days in January 1985 {"50% of the However, in to most power cases, total down- was also due to power the case of the third station, the power was rectified and the low data loss was due entirely to excessive noise on the telecommunication lines. Once the automatic weather station had been standards, they department of Institute weather the of were readily Agronomy, Ground Water deployed Agricultural Studies calibrated in the field. Engineering compared against and their the Automatic stations with DIE BULT Station before deploying them field. The in In some cases this was accomplished by undergraduate students with little difficulty. The major problem appeared to be installing these CR21 the user specified programme Tables. The design programme tables requires a thorough understanding of capabilities and available software. The CR21 different output programmes, intermediate storage and passing would be difficult to capabilities suitable training. which However, use has of the 22 parameter without once designed they can be installed with little difficulty by undergraduates. 177 The ASCII simple, data readable from the automatic weather form that can be easily station is in interpreted a from printouts (Table 10.10). It is readily accessed using string form in BASIC programmes. disseminating form The BASIC programmes developed the automatic weather station data are modular and can easily be modified to suit other users. been used by the Institutes of Ground Water Studies and mental Studies for the analysis They for in have Environ- and presentation of experimental data. TABLE 10.10 - The data format for the automatic weather station. TABLE #1 DOY TIME (RADIATION) (TEMPERATURE) (HUMIDITY) 01:0001 02:0xxx 03:xx00 05:xx.xx 06:xx.xx etc 01:0001 02:0xxx 03:xx00 05:xx.xx 06:xx.xx etc 01:0001 02:0xxx 03:xx00 05:xx.xx 06:xx.xx etc 178 CHAPTER 11 COMPUTATION AND DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION A wealth of experience in the operation of irrigation scheduling service using weather data was obtained during the period 1982 to 1985. This modus chapter serves as a short summary describing the operandi such service should adopt. Objective of weather service for scheduling irrigation The objectives (i) keep of such a service are: accurate account of water use and soil water budget on individual irrigation plots on diverse farms, (ii) provide weekly advisories to managers which indicate the day on which the next irrigation should be applied. (iii) regular monitoring of the performance of managers of enterprises. (iv) assist managers in planning strategies and scheduling at the outset of the season. The prediction accuracy of the onset of crop water stress should be approximately two days. 179 Description To curtail computing time a simulation model using steps should be used. daily An hourly (PUTU 9) and daily (PLTU time 9.86) version are available. Where should order a large number of farmers are involved, be to individual grouped according to soil type and planting limit computing time. logistically the most sound. Such arrangement is plots date in probably The necessary computer software has been developed. Hourly values of crop total evaporation, from weather data. Em, should be computed The daily values of Em are found by integra- ting these over the daylight period. Dissemination of data Information most valuable to managers is outlined under the above stated onset objectives. It includes: of water stress; indication of the danger the daily water use over the past of seven days; the percolation of water out of the root zone; the expected timing of the next irrigation; monitoring of the current available water in the root zone, gers' performance. and an assessment of the mana- The necessary standard forms and figures for disseminating this information have been designed. found in Table 9.4, such as Fig. plant 9.5, 9.6 and 9.7. 7.2 and 7.4 etc, Fig. They can Graphical presentations 9.1 and 9.2 offer effective ways of communicating information to managers. ; 80 be simple Deep percolation losses, are illustrated 1985 season. aware, could had illustrating poor irrigation management in Fig. Indeed, 9.2 Fig 9.2 made the farmer involved for the first time, prove to be. occurred This is an actual case from just how serious such the fully mismanagement The knowledge that so much deep percolation early in the wheat growing season was of immense value to him. Managers greatly appreciate personal contact. the weather service should regularly visit clients. meeting the needs of the manager, certainly lead to an improved be valuable Such feedback will service. summary of performance provided by Table 9.7 also proved particularly of Apart from this is a source of information to the weather service operator. The The operators useful when conveying information to the to farm managers. Strategy in times of restricted water supply Information most urgently required by farmers involves drought sensitivity to and water requirement of crops during given growth stages throughout the growing season. timeous visits to the farm manager. 181 Hence the necessity for Decision making regarding the most suitable strategy restricted vice. water in times supply form an indispensable part of the Some form of strategy planning is always required. indications as to how this might be achieved, Chapter 12 and Table 8.2. 182 are of ser- Useful provided in CHAPTER 12 THE INFLUENCE OF WEATHER UPON DECISION MAKING FOR OPTIMAL IRRIGATION SCHEDULING INTRODUCTION When water restrictions apply, period 1983-86, as was the situation during the the farmer is faced with the dilemma of finding the most profitable irrigation strategy. His objective must be to maximize whole farm profit with the given water supply, rather than the maximization of mean farm yield (t/ha), or the maximization of water use efficiency (kg/(ha mm)). It is precisely this question with which the farm manager confronts the adviser. The procedures of profit maximization are well described by Doll and Orazem (1984) and the total dependence of such analysis suitable crop-water production functions upon is illustrated by Ayer and Hoyt ( 1981 ) . OBJECTIVE The aim of this work was to establish a irrigation strategies which maximize: (i) (ii) yield, or water use efficiency, or (iii) profits per hectare, or (iv) whole farm profit. 183 theory for planning THEORY An analysis of the economics of irrigation scheduling requires a crop-water production function. The ensuing argument ran best be followed with reference to Fig. 12.1. Simple linear production curves have been reported for wheat by Streutker (1983a), Doorenbos and Kassam (1979) and Hanks and Hill (1980). Similar curves are available for other crops (see Streutker, 1983b). Production functons are not linear however (see Ayer and Hoyt, 1981). the Hence construction of theoretical or experimental crop-water duction Here, functions is a pre-requisite to this type of pro- analysis. a simple function for wheat will be derived and applied to illustrate the principles involved. 9.86 wheat crop growth model. It was found using the PUTU Such production functions dependent upon climate and soil physical and chemical istics. are character- They must be constructed for each specific situation and hence a reliable crop growth model greatly simplifies analysis. The parameters necessary for analysing the influence of upon the profits of irrigating winter wheat were weather defined as follows: Y is the total physical product (TPP) or output (yield) (t/ha). X is the variable input - in this case the quantity applied (ha mm). 18-1 of water APP is the average physical product APP = Y/X for the straight line intersecting the origin and the point on the production curve corresponding to the water application under consideration (t/ha mm)) - see Fig. 12.1a MPP, the marginal physical product, is the change in output re- sulting from unit change in input (MPP -AY/AX the ccrop-water production curve) (t/ha at any given X on mm) - see Fig. 12.1a. Py is price per unit output (R / t ) . Px is price per unit variable input TC is the total cost in Rands TVC is the total variable cost; TVC = Px.X (R/ha). TVP is the total value product; TVP = Py.Y (R/ha). TFC is the total fixed cost per unit area (R/(ha mm)). (R/ha). (R/ha). 2 VMP is the value of the marginal physical product (R/(ha mm)). The simple profit model Doll and Orazem (1984) express the simple profit equation as: Profit = TVP - TC ..(12.1) - TVP - TVC - TFC = Py . Y - Px . X Where Y = f(X) ..(12.2) - TFC ..(12.3) and is known as the crop-water function. Thus Profit - Py . f(X) - (Px .X) - TFC 185 production To maximize profit with respect to water application ^Profit/jX = Py.&Y/AX - Px = 0 = Py.MPP - Px = 0, Hence, for by definition. maximum profit, the following must be true MPP = Px/Py . . ( 12.4) Px/Py is known as the price ratio line. The condition for maximum profit expressed by Eqn 12.4 is Py.MPP = Px or VMP = Px where, value ..(12.5) VMP is the value of the marginal product, i.e. the Rand of the yield associated with each succeeding unit plied water (R/(ha of ap- mm)). The three stages of production Doll and Orazem (1984) describe three stages of production. STAGE I - here MPP > APP As X increases, APP increases throughout STAGE I maximum at the end of STAGE I. reaching a Hence STAGE I ends when <S APP / b X = 0 and MPP = APP Doll and Orazem enterprise do, (1984) maintain that, operates in this range. in practice, no successful It is illogical because each increase in applied water attains an 186 so to increased mean yield (APP). Only when STAGE II is reached is the strategy economically sound. is a maximum. Within STAGE I a point is reached where Thereafter MPP decreases. This is known as MPP the region of diminishing returns. STAGE II - here MPP <_ APP Here, as X increases, MPP is decreasing. Thus, this stage falls entirely within the region of diminishing returns. In this stage however, MPP is always greater than zero. STAGE III - here MPP < 0 Production attain in this stage is irrational because the farmer the same production with a smaller input (water could applica- tion) . The elasticity of production, €p, is defined: percent change in output tp = ( dimensionless ) percent change in input £p = AY/Y / A X / X = X/Y.AY / A X = AY/AX / Y/X Generally, interval, for is the economic interval systems, the bounded by possible variable corresponding to 0 < £p < 1 (Doll and Orazem, APP then £p = 1. = MPP / APP production input 1984). values When MPP = Theoretically this is the beginning of STAGE MPP > APP then €p > 1 (STAGE I) a 1% change in input II. When will produce a greater than 1% change in output. 187 When MPP = 0, £p =0, STAGE III is reached. uneconomical. to proceed Production beyond this point is Hence irrigation scheduling must be planned always in STAGE II - which is in the realm of diminishing returns. Water use or irrigation efficiency, v.w, is defined: Cw = Y/X. (NOTE €w - APP in this case. ) when APP is a maximum (see Xm in Fig. this coincides Furthermore, with It reaches a 12.1a). neither maximum MPP maximum As will be seen, nor maximum profit. it coincidea with the end of STAGE I for an irriga- tion enterprise. IRRIGATION STRATEGIES (i) Maximum yield 12.1a. This Xo mm. In is obtained at the apex corresponds practice to a water (A) of Fig. application water application should of never exceed Xo as this is complete wasteage. (ii) Maximum area (iii) irrigation water use efficiency per unit occurs when APP = MPP i.e. when land 6APP/&X - 0. Maximum profits per ha are attained however when VMP Px (see Eqn 12.5), physical product = i.e. when the value of the marginal equals the price per unit 188 of water applied (see Fig. 12.1c). Only when the price of water is zero will the profit maximizing and yield maximizing level of water coincide. (iv) Maximum whole farm, result This never occurs. or region, profit does not however by ensuring maximum profits (Case iii) on hectare of irrigated land. The latter is determined by the amount of water available. profits each Whole farm, or region, are maximised by increasing the area irrigated and applying less water than that level which maximizes profit per unit area on condition that APP > MPP. The solution to this problem (Strategy iv) is site specific and totally dependent upon the shape of the production function. The latter and is cultivation principle, of course a function of climate, practices. derived The relevant soil character fundamental equimarginal by Doll and Orazem (1981) for the case where input (water) is limited, reads: Maximum whole farm, or region, profits are attained when the marginal product of the input is the same in each enterprise (irrigated unit). The solution to the problem thus reduces to numerical computation of the production function. 189 The pertinent rules are: 1. The amount of water applied to each unit of land irrigated must ensure operation within STAGE II, and 2. Equal amounts provided lots. of water must be applied to each unit, the same type of irrigation system is used on a]I If not, the criterion. AY2/ A Y I = Pyl/Py2 ... etc. applies where 1, 2...etc refer to different types of system. The theoretical procedure required to maximise whole farm, or region, profits from irrigation will now be described. Given a water supply S (m ), upper limits. let 'lo' and 'up' denote lower and Compute from the production function the limits of STAGE 11 on a single hectare, thus: 1. Lower limit Xlo = X where APP = MPP or Xm Upper limit Xup = X where MPP = Px (maximum profit per unit area). 2. The total number of hectare able to be lie between Hlo = €s irrigated, H, will . S/YuplO and Hup = Cs . S/lO.Xlo C s = efficiency of supply of water to the lands. (Note: 1 ha mm = 10m3 ) 3. For irrigated units of size Hu, the most effective number of units N would be all integer numbers between Hup/Hu. 190 Hlo/Hu and APPLICATION OF THIS THEORY TO IRRIGATION PRACTICE A simple example will be used to illustrate use of the theory. Theoretical crop-water production function A hypothetical crop water production function was created. was done by selecting several irrigation strategies 12.0) from and running the PUTU 9.86 model with weather the West Campus. No rainfall was assumed. This (see Table input data The scheduling ensured that no stress occured during secondary root development and anthesis. A soil layer depth of 0,15 m and the lysimeter soil were selected. The plotted in Fig. 12.2. results obtained from this procedure are From this curve the following results were extracted: 1. the maximum yield (6,6 t/ha) was obtained at a water appli- cation of Xo = 620 mm. 2. the maximum water use efficiency of 12,3 kg/{ha mm) area occurred at Xm = 460 mm. 3. values made of APP and MPP from which strategy decisions may are quoted in Table 12.1. STAGE II, the region be of diminishing returns resides between water applications of Xd = 360 mm and Xo = 620 mm, or between eight and 14 irriga- tions . 4. Whole mm, farm profits may be maximised between 460 < X i.e. 10 and 14 irrigations. case of flood irrigation Px = 0. 191 < 620 It is asumed that in the 5. the number of plots irrigated may be calculated given the size of plot and the water supply available, S. Significance to West OFS While the production curve, Fig. 12.2, is theoretical it should be reasonably representative of wheat in the central and OFS. western At Hartswater, evaporation will be higher, but the soil and cultivation practices are typical of the region. As a starting point therefore the results are worthy of scrutiny. The 1983 strategy reported for Site A in Table 8.2 was an attempt to solve matter was (eight) It the problem subjectively. obtained, Much experience with but the recommended irrigation fell two short of the theoretical minimum the frequency requirement. might therefore have been more profitable to have selected a strategy encompassing a frequency of ten for Hartswater. The suggested practice produce in frequency Hartswater. of 10 to 14 agrees well with Here 11 irrigations are 6-7 t/ha of wheat grain (see Table 9.3, general expected 8.4, X.I to and X.8) . The Fig. MPP and APP derived from the hypothetical production 12.2 and described in Table 12.1 could prove curve, useful preliminary irrigation strategy planning in the western OFS. 192 in PRODUCTION FUNCTION WATER APPLIED MPP = AY/AX APP = Y/X b) MARGINAL- PHYSICAL PRODUCT E STAGE III Q_ Q_ WATER APPLIED Xm where MPP = APP c) VALUE OF MARGINAL PRODUCT WATER APPLIED FIG. 12.1 - Figures illustrating how the crop-water production function, Fig. 12.1a, nay be used to analyse the various stages of irrigation and to determine Xm, Xo, APP and MPP. (After Ayer and Hoyt, 1981) 193 10 8 6 4 Xo Xm n 0 160 320 480 640 800 WATER APPLIED, X (ha mrr) FIG. 12.2 - The crop-water hypothetical weather production curve using several irrigation strategies together for West Campus in the wheat crop model PUTU 9.86. with growth The water application producing the onset of diminishing returns, use efficiency and the maximum yield are by Xd, Xm and Xo respectively. 194 maximum water denoted TABLE 12.0 - Day of the irrigations, 9.86 year and (DOY) on amounts, which theoretical were applied in in order to generate the hypothetical PUTU crop- water production curve for wheat on West Campus. DOY 180 IRRIGATIONS 45 45 200 215 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 220 225 45 240 45 250 45 260 270 278 45 45 45 280 45 290 300 310 (mm) 45 45 320 195 45 45 TABLE 12.1 - Values of APP and MPP derived from the hypothetical crop water production curve. IRRIGATION FREQUENCY WATER {mm) APP (kg/{ha mm)) MPP (kg/(ha mm)) 300 340 6,5 8,5 11,4 25,0 360 380 9,4 10,2 27,8 25,0 420 11,6 21,0 10 460 12,2 12,3 11 500 12,0 9, 5 12 540 11,7 6,6 13 580 620 11,3 10,5 2 ,8 0,0 196 CHAPTER 13 SUMMARY The use of weather data from an automatic weather station scheduling the irrigation of winter wheat was investigated. method devised, numerous for The accommodated individual plots of land as well as farms. The study was carried out with experiments conducted on the experimental site at the Agrometeorological Ob- servatory on the West Campus of the University of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein and on several farms in the Hartswater dis- trict. An existing crop growth simulation model was refined and for the purpose of scheduling irrigation. entailed including Major modifications a multi-layered soil and a water routine using an exponential rooting distribution. controlling total evaporation loss from the extraction The function vegetative leaf cover was also refined. tested The surface under incomplete model shown to provide accurate simulations of water use and the onset of crop water stress in the 1985 season on West Campus. sons were conducted in a lysimeter and on plots. It, certain with an irrigation supply system was during the experimental period. 197 Compari- experimental The lysimeter was installed specially for this together was purpose. established Micrometeorological tal measurements were utilized on the experimen- site to validate the modified Penman-Monteith equation estimating crop total evaporation using weather data. modified for A slightly version of this model was and is now being utilized to estimate crop total evaporation from data provided by the automatic weather station. Other micrometeorological techniques were tested, but found to be inferior to the Penman-Monteith equation. An automatic weather station was commissioned in provide could weather data for the service. Hartswater It was shown that be telemeterized via the normal telephonic connection UOFS and Hence, the network. was effected via a manually operated exchange at the manual exchange in the data district transmission and acquisition of technical the for The necessary computer the function The initial software was the manipulation and compilation of the data and for the simulation procedures. for The problems encountered with the initial commissioning of system were overcome. developed data Hartswater. should satisfactorily under all conditions in any region. to Furthermore, the modus operandi disseminating irrigation scheduling prognoses to farm managers was standardised. individual A good understanding was created with certain farmers in the Hartswater area. They are now recep- tive to the establishment of such a service in the region. A theory for planning irrigation scheduling conditions of limited water supply was devised. 198 strategies under ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research here reported was financed by the Water Research Commission and carried out under the research project entitled: RESEARCH ON A WEATHER SERVICE FOR SCHEDULING THE IRRIGATION OF WINTER WHEAT IN THE ORANGE FREE STATE REGION The evaluation committee responsible for the project consisted of the following members: NAME ORGANISATION Chairman: Dr G C Members: Mr Dr Dr Dr Mr D S Dr Water Research Commission van der Merwe Reid du Pisani Mottram F Pretorius J Joubert J J Human R du T Burger W Snyman de Kock J du Toit P c A L R P D Prof Prof Dr J Dr J Dr J Committee Secretary: Mr Green F F Marais Water Research Commission Dept of Water Affairs S.A. Weather Bureau Dept of Agric. & Water Supply Dept of Water Affairs Dept of Agric. & Water Supply University of the OFS University of the OFS Dept of Agric. & Water Supply Dept of Agric. & Water Supply Dept of Agric. & Water Supply Water Research Commission The financial assistance received from the Water Research Commission and invaluable contributions made by the evaluation committee are gratefully acknowledged. 199 members of the Furthermore, the authors wish to convey their sincere gratitude to the following persons and institutions: Mrs DAWN DE KLERK for typing the manuscript. The many TECHNICAL ASSISTANTS whose arduous, it data was time consuming task to collect the crop field data as well as undertake manipulation. Their contribution is greatly acknowledged and appreciation expressed for their unselfish acceptance of inconvenience ter. all the imposed while making the regular trips to Hartswa- The technical assistants recognized are: JOHAN VAN RENSBURG, PETRUS STEYN, HENDRIK MICHAEL FLESLAND, MYNHARD, GERHARD DE JONGH, NICO BARNARD, MARTHIE HOULTZHAUSEN, SUSANN GRIESSEL, THABO MARe, ANDRIES JACKSON and ANDRe JOUBERT. Dr L K Oosthuizen (UOFS) for valuable assistance and guidance in establishing the theory for maximizing profits from wheat crop production under irrigation. The cooperation of Mr Hugo Hamman, Chief Extension Officer of the Department herewith tributing of Agriculture {Experimental Station at Vaalharts ) is acknowledged for his exceptional assistance with information during 1984. cooperative. 200 His office staff were dismost MR JAPIE SMIT is recognized. Without his cooperation and assis- tance the experiments could not have been undertaken. meterized self the The tele- weather station was installed on his farm and he him- completed the telephonic connection thrice weekly to permit transmission of weather data. It was due mainly to his encouragement and enthusiasm that so many farmers became involved in the project. The large financial contribution of the University of the Free Orange State towards the purchasing of the lysimeter is gratefully acknowledged. The Hydrological Research Unit of the Department of Water Affairs is thanked for providing the large bin for the lysimeter. particular the efforts of Dr Peter MacRobert Reid in this In regard are acknowledged. Malcomess are acknowledged for providing the tractor and all the implements for cultivating the wheat. The cause Bloemfontein Municipality were extremely sympathetic to and made a special dispensation whereby the project the was permitted to receive water during the drought when water restrictions were enforced throughout the entire area. 201 REFERENCES Ayer, H.W. and Hoyt, P.G., 1981. Crop-water production functions. Economic implications for Arizona. Tech. Bull. 242, Sept. 1981. Agric. Expt. Station College of Agriculture, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, pp 22. Beadle, C.L., Stevenson, K.R., Neumann, H.H., Thurtell, E.W and King, K.M., 1973. Diffusive resistances, transpiration and photosynthesis in single leaves of corn and sorghum in relation to leaf water potential. Can. J. Plant Sci . , 53, 537-544. Bennie, A.T.P and Botha, F.J.P., 1985. Water uptake by maize and wheat: III. The rate of soil water supply as affected by rooting depth and density in the field. Proc. of 5th Annual Conference of the S.A. Soc. for Crop Prod., 22-24. January 1985. 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( 1 ) Let ZEFF = Effective root depth i.e. currently the depth to which roots effectively extract water. Then the mean value is given by CO x = fx. ST. I ZEFF U o = Xo / (ZEFF . a ) 207 . . . ( 2) Evaluation of a Practical application of Eqn 1 requires knowledge of the value of a. Let XT(z) = the total amount of roots contained in the profile to depth z. soil Let XT(ZEFF) = the total root amount in the entire effective root zone . Utilizing the assumption that XT(z) / XT(ZEFF) - 0,97 occurs at depth 0.97ZEFF it is possible to evaluate a. Firstly -az XT(ZEFF) = /x z = Xo /e XT(ZEFF) From Eqn -az co ]0 = Xo [- I/a e = -az a, Xo/at1 - e ]0 ...(3) = Xo/a ...(4) 3 using the boundary condition assumption -a 0.97ZEFF XT(0,97ZEFF) - Xo/l[l - e ], and 208 prescribed by the -a 0.97ZEFF XT(0,97ZEFF>> / (XT(ZEFF)) = (1 - e ) - 0,97 -a ZEFF i.e. e = 0,03 or a = -{ln[0,03]) / 0.97ZEFF ...(5) Evaluation of root density within a given soil layer, xn The amount of roots per unit of land surface found at depth z in the soil layer is given by -az x = Xo e ...(1) Integration between two levels (znl, zn2) = xn, the root amount in the nth layer zn2 zn2 I -az x znl <£z = Xo / e Oz znl Xo[-l/k e -az zn2 ] znl -azn2 Xo/k[e -aznl - e 209 ] ...(6) Experimental evaluation of a The value of a may also be found (i) given Xo and XT using Eqn. 4. a (ii) = Thus Xo/XT(ZEFF) ...(8) Alternatively should the mean value x, ZEFF and Xo be known then a = Xo/x.ZEFF .. . (9) may be used. SOIL WATER DESORPTION CURVE Consider, PSIS = soil water potential in kPa V = volumetric water content in mm/m Let A P = ln(PSIS) plot of ...(10) P versus V for desorption curves appeared to exponential curve. Thus, be the expression P = Po EXP(-mV) may be fitted to such curve. Hence, if an P = Po EXP(-m.V) ...(11) P/Po - EXP(-m.V) ...<12) and, ln(P/Po) = -mV ...(13) Thus, ...(14) V = -1/m ln(P.Po) 210 Should PSIS the and Given V; constants Po and m be known for the fitted curve; V can be computed provided one or the other is known, the corresponding soil water potential may be computed using Eqn 10. And given P; the corresponding volumetric water content can be found using Eqn 14. The fundamental equation describing the simulation curve is thus, ln(PSIS) = Po EXP(-mV) or ..(15) PSIS = EXP(Po EXP(-mV) ..(16) Determination of m and Po m and Po may be determined for a given curve points on the curve with coordinates (PI, by selecting VI) and (P2, V2). two The constant m is then calculated from m = ln(Pl/P2) / (V2 - VI) ...(17) The constant Po may be calculated using Po - P/EXP(-mV) . . . (18) 211 APPENDIX II SOIL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Soil physical characteristics as calculated equations (See Schulze, Hutson and Cass, 1985) PLOT DEPTH 1 VIO mm/m CLAY % mm 15,2 18,2 94 108 196 92 104 179 257 225 525 825 14,6 16,4 36,4 199 207 290 157 164 250 118 126 209 91 100 189 90 97 173 225 525 19,6 28,4 38,6 220 178 216 260 139 175 218 114 153 199 109 143 181 825 LYSIMETER 17,6 BELOW 15,2 TOP 159 172 257 299 212 202 170 159 = 0, EQUATIONS : VIO V30 V100 = V500 = V1500 where V is given in 1387 + 0 ,0943 + 0 ,0582 + 0 ,0262 + 0 ,0344 + mm/mm. Soil characteristics equations. CLAY % m 15,2 18,2 as 105 131 121 computed * * * * * CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY (% j (% ) (% ) (% } (% ) in P U T U - 9 V5 mm/m V10 14,84 17, 16 43,02 240 252 333 201 214 296 159 172 257 126 140 226 200 206 289 157 164 250 220 257 299 211 P0 1,225 1,525 1 ,825 38 ,00927 ,00941 ,00988 2,225 2,525 2,825 14,6 16,4 36,4 ,00913 ,00941 ,00988 14,25 15,92 40, 15 239 244 3,225 3,525 3,825 19,6 28,4 38,6 ,00941 ,00956 ,00988 18, 16 26,82 44,31 258 LYSIMETER 17 ,6 BELOW 15.2 ,00927 ,00927 16,43 14,84 251 240 326 294 336 212 V3 0 from V 100 V500 the Hutson V1500 mm/m V1600 mm/m 94 108 196 76 91 179 75 90 178 124 132 219 91 100 189 73 83 172 72 82 172 178 216 260 146 184 229 1 14 153 199 97 136 182 96 135 170 159 137 126 105 94 87 76 86 75 mm/m mm/m m m / m mm/m 201 Hutson 01 92 94 0,0041 6 0,00428 0,0041 3 0,0044 7 0,0038 1 the VI 5 00 mm/m 38 3 TOP V500 mm/m 121 133 215 2 m V100 mm/m 202 214 297 225 525 825 DEPTH V30 mm/m with 181 Regression equations for the estimation of soil water retention and the persentage variation accounted for by the regression. SOIL TOP REGRESSION EQUATION EQUATION NO. 3.1 95 = 21,11 + O.44C + l,29Si + 1.06OM - U , 91BD 81 5,4 = 6,81 71 6,4 3.2 95 3.3 91500 = 15,26 + 0.28C + 0,05Si +2,32OM - 10.6BD 80 4,1 91500 r 3,02 + 0 ,44C 66 5,2 67 5,1 H 0,87Si = 35,56 + 0 , 3C h - 19.8BD 72 8,1 = 6,4 + 0, 57C 61 9,4 3.4 + 0 ,62C Z BELOW S.E. OF ESTIMATES VARIANCE ACCOUNTED FOR (%) 3.5 91500 = -0,01 + O,67C - 0.003C 3.6 95 3.7 95 3.8 91500 = -1,93 + 0.31C + 0,59Si + 2.9BD 81 4,2 91500 = 2,54 + 0 ,4C 76 4,7 79 4,4 3.9 2 3. 10 91500 = -3,54 + 0.78C - 0.004C The soil physical characteristics computed using the equations of Mottram (1985) in the PUTU-9 procedure. DEPTH V5 mm/m V10 mm/m V30 mm/m V500 mm/m VI 500 mra/m V1600 mm/m 1,225 15,2 1,525 18,2 38 1,825 2,225 14,6 2,525 16,6 2,825 36,4 3,225 19,6 3,525 28,4 3,825 36,4 LYSIMETER 251 270 515 270 261 510 306 400 523 227 244 470 244 235 464 278 362 478 201 215 421 216 207 413 247 320 428 161 170 345 172 163 334 200 352 150 158 324 160 151 313 187 238 331 149 157 323 159 150 312 186 237 330 ,014 ,013 ,007 ,013 ,013 ,007 ,012 ,009 ,007 69, 15 61 ,79 95, 18 66,02 58, 33 80,90 78,79 67,50 99,25 TOP BELOW 271 240 246 216 219 189 176 148 165 137 164 136 ,014 ,014 77 ,05 54,69 m CLAY % 17,6 15,2 255 213 m P0 Approximate range lysimeter in 1985. in values measured by Neutron DEPTH PLOT2 V10 V1500 mm/m V10 PLOT1 V10 V1500 mm mm/m PLOT 3 V1500 mm/m probe in the PLOT4 V10 VI500 mm/m PLOTS V10 V1500 mm/m 150 250 60 250 50 240 80 240 50 260 60 300 290 80 270 90 270 110 210 90 260 90 450 290 130 300 190 300 150 300 150 310 150 600 315 250 330 - 320 - 320 230 330 - 750 360 320 322 - 380 - 380 290 380 - 900 390 360 320 - 390 - 390 - 390 - LYSIMETER 150 190 90 300 200 100 450 200 90 600 200 105 750 200 105 900 200 105 1050 220 109 1200 250 115 214 Plots Lysimeter Location of the pits at which sand,silt and clay percentages were measured at the experimental site on West Campus during 1985. Sand, silt and clay percentages measured on the different irrigation plots on West Campus 1985 after the method of Day ( 1965) . PLOT POSITION DEPTH SAND SILT CLAY 100 300 500 81 .46 77 . 16 73 .98 16 .8 7 .0 4. 5 1 .3 13. 22. 2 100 300 500 60 .69 49 . 12 47 .72 7 .8 7 .4 6. 2 31 . 1 36 .6 44 .2 100 300 500 56 .06 46.61 44.06 9.6 10.01 10.0 34 . 9 39.7 38. 7 100 300 500 84 27 76 73 71 22 2.8 12.6 4.2 8.4 18.4 25.2 100 300 500 61 .2 60 . 1 55 .43 7 .4 6 .8 6 .3 30 .6 33 .0 34 .7 100 300 500 48.45 46.39 51.89 6.0 12.0 10.3 35.2 37.4 32.5 100 300 500 80.85 74.91 70.20 7. 1 4.6 5.6 9.3 20.7 24.6 100 300 500 54 .6 48 .51 46 .26 7 .0 6 .0 34 .2 43 . 2 47 , 7 100 300 500 63.66 46.22 45.57 11.2 8.2 8.8 26.8 38.6 38.4 100 300 500 73.02 54.58 49.2 4.0 4.2 3.6 22.8 40.8 46 .6 100 300 500 44.60 41. 18 40.32 7 .0 8.0 5.8 48.0 52.4 53.0 ( mm) 216 4. 5 PLOT POSITION DEPTH SAND SILT CLAY (nun) LYSIMETER 1 100 300 500 82 .84 77 .86 41 .3 3 .0 2 .6 3 .6 15 .2 18 . 2 54 .6 100 300 500 81 .12 81 .58 60. 18 4 .0 4 .0 2 .4 14 .6 16 . A 36 , 4 100 300 500 76.64 73.34 55.32 7.4 6.4 5.2 19.6 28.4 38.6 100 300 500 81 .50 59.68 54.78 4.0 3.2 4.2 8.2 37.6 40.6 100 300 500 81.9 75.72 62.48 8.4 4.6 4.2 14.0 18.0 32.8 100 300 500 82.20 82.10 81.22 10.2 1.0 3.2 18.4 19.6 14.8 116 100 300 500 81 .38 81 .92 80.32 217 2.6 3.2 4.0 16.4 15.8 15.6 Soil physical characteristics for the five farms at Hartswater. CLAY SILT COARSE (X) SAND MED (X) FINE (X) 2 2, 98 20,22 63,84 1 2 3 4 14 14,4 4 16,64 16 2 2, 84 2, 22 3, 80 18,58 18,16 63,94 62,58 61,2 B Subsoi 1 1 2 3 4 5 24 27 16 14 10 2 3 2 2 1 1,8 1, 54 2, 0 2, 08 2, 48 14,92 14 17,22 17,54 17,42 B Topsoi1 1 2 3 4 13 10 22 22,4 1 2 3, 6 3, 6 2, 82 5, 0 2, 28 1,66 12 2 FARM NO (X) A Subsoi1 A Subsoi1 12 B Subsoi1 ORGANIC MATERIAL (X) m Po ,00913 12,89 1,7 1,6 2,0 ,00927 ,00927 ,00927 14,17 14,43 15,4 59,36 56,66 65,72 65,66 68,48 2,45 2,90 1,6 1,4 1,4 ,00941 ,00956 ,00927 ,00927 ,00913 21,71 25,32 15,4 14, 17 11 ,87 19,96 22 16 14,76 63,96 62 58 60 1,8 1,6 1,6 0,98 ,00913 ,00913 ,00956 ,00941 13,37 11 ,87 20,52 20,33 2, 16 22,72 61,72 0,8 ,00913 12,89 5, 44 2, 56 22,4 16,16 61,02 68,44 1,0 2,33 ,00913 ,00913 11 ,87 12,09 2,1 B 1 2 10 2 10,4 2,6 B 1 2 12 14 2 4 4, 96 3, 28 23,48 16,84 59,9 62,76 2,09 2,6 ,00913 ,00926 12,89 14,17 E Subsoil 1 2 3 14 15 16 5,6 10, 56 1 11, 18 2 11, 44 19,64 20,62 21 ,64 52,88 55,74 52,28 2,2 2,4 2,2 ,00927 ,00913 ,00927 14, 17 14,51 15,4 E Topsoi1 1 2 3 10 9 11 2 13, 64 1 7, 54 2,6 12, 64 28,44 26,64 23,58 48,26 56,94 52,60 1,7 1,5 2,0 ,00913 ,00899 ,00913 11,87 11 ,24 12,31 D Subsoi1 1 2 3 8 8 8 1,6 2 2 1, 82 1, 62 3, 46 26, 14 20,0 23,16 65,78 69,98 65,68 1,1 1,1 1,0 ,00899 ,00899 ,00899 10,84 10,84 10,84 D Topsoil 1 2 3 4 8 8 8 2 0 1 1 ,46 2, 68 1, 94 28,36 27,46 20,6 62,64 63,0 68,84 1,2 1,1 1,3 ,00899 ,00899 ,00899 10,84 10,84 10,84 TopBoil 218 FARM NO CLAY <*) COARSE SAND MED FINE SILT ORGANIC MATERIAL m Po t« C Subsoil 1 2 3 9,6 7 10 0,4 1 3 4,0 4 ,52 1,88 22,14 23,78 18,28 66,88 65,4 70,0 1,1 1 ,05 1,11 ,00913 ,00899 ,00913 11 ,66 10,00 11 ,87 C Topsoil 1 2 3 5,6 7 6 2,4 3 2 4 , 36 4,88 5,10 28,48 23,28 26,60 61,78 65,46 62,90 1,0 1,4 1,1 ,00899 ,00899 ,00899 9,82 10,37 10,00 219 APPENDIX a. III DIE SIMULERING VAN PLANTHOOGTE VAN KORING ONDER BESPROEIING Doel Die ontwikkeling van 'n model wat die planthoogte van besproei- ingskoring (cv:SST44) akkuraat simuleer. Metodes en resultate Waarnemings jare (Tabel van planthoogte op verskeie plekke en oor III.l) is gebruik om 'n model te verskeie ontwikkel wat planthoogte simuleer. Akkumulatiewe hitte-eenhede na plant(Akkhe) en dae na plant (DOG) is oorveeg vir die primere inset. Deur middel van statistiese passing op gemete planthoogtes (tot en met blomdatum) is lineere, eksponensiele, logistiese en polinomiese verwantskappe tussen elk van bogenoemde veranderlikes en planthoogte ondersoek. Die kleinste standaardfout van beraming (Sb = 74 ram) is verkry met 'n derde graad polinoom met DOG as insetveranderlike: Hoog = 12.74 - 0.882*DOG + 0.0891*DOG~2 - 2.09 * 10"(-4)*DOG~3 ..(III.l) waar Hoog - planthoogte (mm) DOG - dae na plant 220 Vgl. III.l en gemete planthoogtes word grafies in Fig. III.l gei1lustreer. In die PUTU 9-model word hierdie verwantskap aangewend aerodinamiese skatting konduktansie te beraam. 'n Fout van ,1m om die in die van planthoogte sal lei tot 'n fout so klein as 10% in die beraming van aerodinamiese konduktansie. Gedurende die vegetatiewe groeifase word die planthoogte volgens Vgl.III.l bereken. perk na aJ. ,1981) Gedurende die reproduktiewe stadium (die tyd- groeistadium 75 volgens die sisteem van Human et. bly die hoogte konstant op die hoogte wat bereik is op groeistadium 75. Wanneer Akkhe as insetveranderlike gebruik word, lewer 'n liniere verwantskap die beste passing met Sb = 112 mm: Hoog = -10.34 + 1.482*Akkhe ..(III.2) Gevolgtrekkings Vir die doeleindes van besproeiingskedulering in die Vrystaat- streek m.b.v. PUTU 9-reeks modelle, is Vgl.III.l 'n bevredigende model vir die simulering van planthoogte oor die groeiseisoen. 221 BOO ^ i — GEMETE WAARDE MODEL • / B , / mm 600 , UJ o o 400 • • i B 3 i 200 > i • i 1 \ i i 40 20 60 80 100 DAE NA PLANT FIG. III.l. - Gemete die planthoogtes van verskeie aanplantings oor groeiseisoen en die kromme (Vgl. III.l) wat planthoogte oor die vegetatiewe groeistadium simuleer. 222 TABEL PLEK III.l - Plantdatums, blomdatums en plantdigthede van die verskillende aanplantings wat gebruik is om die model vir die berekening van planthoogte te ontwikkel. LIGGING JAAR PLANT DATUM BLOMDATUM kalenderdag) O PLANTDIGTH1ED (plante/m UOVS 29 7' 26 11' 1985 184 287 220 UOVS 29 7' 26 11' 1984 183 285 220 UOVS 29 7' 24 50' 1980 165 268 140 HAW 27 57* 24 50' 1983 164 263 258 HAW 27 57' 24 50' 1982 167 271 383 HAW 27 57' 24 50' 1982 176 271 233 HAW 27 57' 24 50' 1981 161 270 220 JKEMP 27 55' 24 50' 1981 159 272 220 UOVS - UOVS WES-KAMPUS HAW - HARTSWATER JKEMP - JAN KEMPDORP 22 3 b. VERFYNING VAN 'N BLAARGROEIMODEL VIR KORIN'G OSDER BESPROEI ING Inleiding Blaaroppervlakte het 'n groot invloed op die tempo van waterver- bruik deur 'n koringgewas. Die akkurate skatting daarvan is noodsaaklik vir susksesvolle besproeiingskedulering. gepoog dus Daar is dus om 'n bestaande blaargroeimodel(de Jager,1982) te verbeter. Teorie Die teorie van die bestaande sub-model in PUTU-9 verduidelik in De Jager et. al • (1982). word volledig Kortliks simuleer die model blaargroei met behulp van die volgende vergelykings: Dlap = He * Q10 * Fw ..(III.3) Lap = Lap + Dlap ..(III.4) Boi = Lap * Npl . . (III.5 ) He = (Trax + Tmin)/2 - Bo 224 en Tmx < To ..(II1.6) waar, Dlap - die daaglikse toename in blaararea per plant ( mz/plant ) Lap - die blaaroppervakte per plant ( m /plant) Boi - die blaaroppervakte per oppervlakte grond {mz /m3-) He - die daaglikse hitte-eenhede bo 8 °C ( *C > Npl - die plantdigtheid (plante/m2) Q10 Fw - groeitempo koeffisient (m2/{°C plant)) - die berekende waterstremmingsfaktor (De Jager et. al., 1982) - daaglikse maksimum temperatuur tot 'n maksimum van 20 °C ( °C) Tmx o Tmin - daaglikse minimum temepratuur ( C) Bo - basistemperatuur vir blaargroei (8 C) To o - hoogste lugtemperatuur vir normale blaargroei (20 C Die waarde van Q10 wissel na gelang van die groeistadium van die gewas, soos volg: Q10 = 2 * 10~(-5) vir 0 < DOG <= 60 (stoelatadium) ..(III.7) Q10 s 2,5 * 10"(-4) vir 60<DOG<=Bld-Pld (pypstadium) ..(III.8) Q10 = -1.5 * 10~{-4) vir DOG>Bld-Pld (reproduktiewe stadium) ..(111.ft) waar DOG - die aantal dae na plant Bid - blomdatum ( kalenderdag) Pld - plantdatum (kalenderdag) 225 Die gebruik van bogenoemde aekere leemtes model vir besproeiingskedulering het aan die lig gebring. In teenstelling met die werklikheid, word positiewe blaargroei gesimuleer nadat die vlagblaar reeds volwasse is. Die aanvang van die pypstadium (waarty- dens die groeitempo die hoogste is), is konstant geneem as 60 dae na plant ongeag weerstoestande tydens die stoelstadium. Die model het ook nie onderlinge kompetisie vir lig by hoe blaaroppervlak;- tes in aanmerking geneem nie. Verfyning Die akkurate berekening van die tydsduurtes van die verskillende groeistadia is noodsaaklik omdat die verskillende QlO-waardes vir elke groeistadium planthoogte grootliks verskil. Uit gemete waardea van en blaaroppervlaktes kon die werklike duurte van die stoelstadium beraam word. Hieruit het dit geblyk dat die gewas *n kritieke die hoeveelheid hitte-eenhede (Akkhec) einde van die stoelstadium bereik volgens die sisteem van Human, word akkumuleer voordat (groeistadium 39 1981). Hierdie hoeveelheid hang onder andere af van die vernalisasietekort (Verndef) wat die gewas ondervind het. 'n Lineere verwantskap tussen Akkhec en Verndef is ontwikkel: Akkhec = 145 + Vcon * Verndef Verndef = Verne - Akkke ..(III.10) ..(III. 11) 226 waar Akkhec - kritieke hoeveelheid akkumulatiewe hitte-eenhede ( C.d) Verndef - vernalisasietekort ( C.d) o o Vcon - konstante ( C hitte/ C koue) Verne - kouebehoefte van SST44 {°C.d) Akkke - Akkumulatiewe koue-eenhede in stoelstadium (°C.d) (sien Vgl. III. 12) Die waarde van Vcon is 21,8 o o C/ C wat verkry is d.m.v. die beste passing van die een aanplanting waar Verndef > 0 was. Die daaglikse koue verantwoordelik vir vernalisasie is soos volg bereken: Ke = Bv - (Tmaks+Tmin)/2 en 0 < Ke < 2 ..{III.12) o waar Bv - basistemperatuur vir vernalisasie (8 C) Troaks - daaglikse maksimum temperatuur ( C) o Tmin - daaglikse minimum temperatuur ( C) Ke - koue-eenhede ( C) o Die waarde van Bv is geneem as 8 C, met ander woorde byvoorbeeld is die skeidingspunt tussen hitte vir groei (sien Vgl. koue vir vernalisasie (sien Vgl. 111,12). Hierdie III.6) en verwantskap word geillustreer in Fig. III.2. Volgens Maas temperatuur en Arkin (1980) het enige daaglikse gemiddelde o onder 6 C dieselfde vernalisasie-effek - vandaar die boonste limiet vir Ke. 227 Vanuit die bert,1984) SST101 relatiewe koue-behoeftes van en die kwantitatiewe kouebehoeftes duurte et•al., dige (Jou- Scheepers69, r n kouebe- van 7,4 { C.d) het. van die pypstadium (groeistadia 40-59 volgens 1981) kon nie susksesvol gesimuleer word nie. Human 'n Volle- ondersoek na die fenologie van verskeie cultivars die vooruitsig gestel. van van en Belinda (Joubert,1982) is beraam dat SST44 hoefte (Verndef) Die koringcultivars word in Tot tyd en wyl, word die waargenome datum aarverskyning as inset in die model gebruik om die einde van die pypstadium aan te dui (sien Vgls. III.14 en III.15). Q10 = 2 * lCT(-5) vir Akkhe<Akkhec {stoelstadium) ..(III. 13) Q10 = 2,5 * 10"(-4) vir DOG< Epd-Pld (pypstadium) ..(III.14) Q10 = -1 , 5*10"(-4) vir DOG > Epd-Pld (reproduktiewe stadium) . . ( 111 . 1 5 ) Waar Om Epd - datum van die (kalenderdag). einde van die kompetisie by hoe blaaroppervlaktes in ag te III.3 verander na Vgl. III.16 en Vgls. sioneel in die model ingesluit. oppervlaktes as Boio. groter pypstadium neem, is Vgl. III.17 en III.18 is adi- Kompetisie vind plaas by blaarDie daaglikse toename in blaar- oppervlakte per plant onder hierdie toestande word dan gereduseer eweredig tot die verhouding tussen die (Nplo) en die werklike plantdigtheid (Npl). is geneem as 140 plante/m optimum plantdigtheid Die waarde van Nplo aangesien die Q10 waardes verkry is by 228 hierdie plantdigtheid. 'n Waarde van 2,3 vir Boio het die beste passing met getnete waardes gelewer. Dlap Vgls. = He * Q10 * Fw * Komp ..{til. 16) Komp - Nplo/Npl vir Npl>Nplo en Boi>Boio ..{III. 17) Komp = 1 vir Npl < Nplo en/of Boi<=Boio ..(III. 18) Fw ..(III. 19} = 1 vir DOG > = Epd - P l d III. 4, III.5 en III.6 word net so behou vir die verbeterde mode 1. Veriflering Die model is getoets teen gemete waardes irideks van III.3). nie. vier van blaaroppervlakte- seisoene op verskeie lokaliteite (sien Hierdie aanplantings het geen waterstremming ondervind 'n Gladde kromme is deur die gemete waardes getrek om ster ingsvarias ie te elimineer. Die gewasfaktor mende die Beide en Fie waardes van elke tien dae is vergelyk met ooreenstemberekende analises. was, mon- (Fie) van Ritchie (1972) is bereken vanaf Boi waardes van bogenoemde kromme. Boi Tabel Wanneer waardes deur middel van verskeie statistiese beide gemete en berekende waardes van Fie = 1 is dit gelgnoreer. Die simulering van blaargroei tydens die reproduktiewe waarnemings. fase is nie Resultate getoets nie weens 'n van die statistiese toetse gebrek wat aan die akkuraatheid van die model weerspieel word in Tabel III.2 gegee. 229 VERNALISASIE BLAAR EN FENOLOGIESE ONTWIKKELING 12 a Q s 8 s LJJ LU I 12 20 EFFEKTIEWE TEMPERATUUR C O FIG. III.2 - Die verwantskap tussen temperatuur en koue-eenhede vir vernalisasie en hitte-eenhede vir blaargroei Boos gebruik in die verbeterde model. 230 28 TABEL III.2 - Die waardes wat verkry van verskeie statistiese is met die toets parameters tussen gemete berekende waardes van blaaroppervLak-indeks en (BOI) en die gewas faktor (Fie). Statistiese parameter BOI b 1.02 0.78 c 0.04 0.09 r 0.93 0.83 d 0.96 0.91 diff 0.69 0.12 11 29 se b (%) Fie - helling van die regressie tussen berekende en gemete waardes c - afsnit van regressie tussen gemete en berekende waardes r - korrelasie ko£ffisie'nt d - akkuraatheidsindeks (Willmott, 1982) diff - gemiddelde absolute verskil tussen gemete en berekende waardes se - sistematiese fout as'n persentasie van die totale fout (Willmott, 1982) 231 TABEL III.3 - Plantdatums, en datums van die einde van pypstadium plantdigthede van aanplantings wat gebruik is vir die verifiering van die model. PLEK JAAR PLANTDATUM DATUM VAN EINDE PYP kalenderdag PLANTDIGTHEID plante/m^ uovs 1985 184 276 220 uovs 1984 183 277 220 uovs 1980 165 261 140 HAW 1983 164 249 258 HAW 1982 167 257 383 HAW 1982 176 257 233 HAW 1981 161 263 220 JKEMP 1981 159 253 220 1 - Temperature vanaf kalenderdag 164-208 was nie beskikbaar nie en langtermyn geraiddeldes is vir modellopies gebruik. 2 - Datum van einde van pypstadium is beraam. 232 APPENDIX IV - LISTING: PUTU 9.86 5 'PUTU9-86 NAAM;PUTU9-ti6 OP DISK:PROGRAM #2 (a) 10 LPRINT "Latest up-date on ]y86.0B.19 " 20 25 ' u i n i i i i i i i i i t t l t t l l i t t t l l l l i t l i i i i i i i M t t i t i i i i i i t i i t i i i i i i i l i i 26 FIKLD WATER CAPACITY AT -10 27 LPKINT 28 29 OPTION BASE 1 30 40 DIM XI366,8 1 , GMT I 12) , LiMkl 12) , CMS < 12) ,UME< U ) , MONL I 12) , MLNDl 12) , IHA MKh i 1L SO 'MEAN DATA GOSUB 2500 60 'FUNCTIONS GOSUB 15000 62 1 INITIAL, CONDITIONS GOSUB 9500 64 'WEATHER DATA INPUT GOSUB 10500 72 1 PARAMBTERS GOSUB 3100 75 'ZERO GOSUB 10000 80 GOSUB 5000 'TITLE PAGE 85 86 I S I IJ 1 1 I I t I t t * I <1 4 I • I t I 1 • yo 'BEGINNING OF CALCULATION 100 itliuiilillllinlullili 101 130 FOR D - BEGIN TO FINISH 170 172 'ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES GOSUB 5500 1B0 'WATER BALANCE GOSUB 6000 190 IF STAGE > 1 THEN 230 200 'PREREST PERIOD GOSUB 1400 210 GOTO 540 220 230 IF STAGE > 2 THEN 26 0 'REST PERIOD 240 GOSUB 1500 250 GOTO 520 260 IF STAGE > 3 THEN 290 'TILLERING 270 GOSUB ] BOO 280 GOTO 500 290 IK STAGE > 4 THEN 320 'STEM EXTENTION 300 GOSUB 1700 310 GOTO 500 'BOOTING 320 IF STAGE >5 THEN 350 330 GOSUB 1800 340 GOTO 500 350 IF STAGE > 6 THEN 360 'ANTHESIS 360 GOSUB 1900 370 GOTO 500 380 IF STAGE > 7 THEN 410 390 •GRAIN FILLING GOSUB 2000 400 GOTO 500 410 ' STAOE 8 420 'RIPENING GOSUB 2100 430 500 510 5 20 530 GOSUB 12800 GO3UB 11500 GOSUB 12000 GOSUB 7000 'ASSIMILATION 'TKANSLOCATION 'TOTALS 'WHITE RESULTS 5.15 540 542 5*3 550 557 ••lid 600 6 10 614 bIS 61b 6*0 630 640 650 ' IK D - K I N 1 S M THEN GOSIIB 'WRITE CARRY OVER FILE 14 1 0 0 NEXT D I) r U- tfUStiH I ; YEAR = YEAR + 1 : GOSUB 13900 'RECORD RESULTS ON DOY 365/6 75JJ1I GOTO h I II I.USl'H 2 41)0 GOSUU 1 0 0 0 0 linSlitl SliUO Ih « y < > 1 I M t M HL'(l 'RESET 'ZERO 'MID-SEASON INITIAL CONDITIONS UKlil 1st - 1 i ; u l u 1130 'WEATHER DATA 'TABLE HEADING i . u s i l t lil:,UU (Ji)SUU S400 GuTO 150 ' iiiltiiiui 140U I 405 1410 1415 14 20 1430 1450 1470 1 4M0 1490 1500 I50S 1S10 1515 1520 1525 1530 1535 1540 151 L 1542 1543 1545 1550 I55S 1560 156S 1570 1575 1580 I 5H5 I5M0 1595 1600 160S 1606 F: IF 1610 "St»ae 1 pre-rest period" lltllllltMllllllltKIMtMIKiltllllllllllltlitllltlltllMIMM II- STAGE = I AND i)= BtLi IN THEN PRINT "GROWTH STAGE 1 PRE-REST PERIOD" II- 11 < JH THEN linn STAUE=2 THEh=0 GOSUB 10000 l.l'HINT " UKOWTH STAGE 2 - REST PERIOD RETURN ' "Stage 'liMtMIIIIIUtMlllltll IK D<JP THEN 1585 STACE=3 l.l'HINT " Total rainfall DOG : 0 TRLH=O TTHANK = 0 TPTRAHS - 0 GOSUB SHOO L » io~4 C r L-H CL = CU Q z ' ZERO DOY ;D 2 rest period" tlllltltlUtttlltMltltllllllllllUMIMl in real per iod:"; TREE ' TO ESTABLISH SOIL WATER CONTENT IF SO WISHED .B gio=2»io-(-5) K Y = . 2 : HY=I HUsO HUT = HDCO liOHUB 1 2 5 0 0 'MEANS i.'jiUlt 1 0 0 0 0 'ZERO I.PKINT " T.ROWTH STAIiK .) - TILLERING PERIOD RETURN IF HU>=HUCO AND VTEL-0 THEN VERNDEF=CUC-CU :VTEL=1: HUC<HUCO THEN HUCrHUCO IF HUtHUC THEN 1665 : 'IF D < ENOTIL THEN 1665 HUC;HUC0+C0N1«VERNDB 1619 MTAGE=4 1620 g = .8 1625 1)10 = 2.5*10"(-4) 1627 RT = TTRANS/TPTRANS 1630 YRED(STAGE-11= KYt(l-RT) 1635 K Y : . 2 : 'KYrl 1637 LPRINT USING " Y R E D M I * TTRAMSzlll TPTRANS=I## TLYS- f*l C=tt*ff BL/CGL/C=.## Sl,/C=.ll" ;YRED(STAGE-I ) » 100; TTRANS ; TPTRANS ; TLYS ;C; BL/C; GL/C ; Sl./C 163B LPRINT USING " DEEPERC:|«## TSO1 l.V AC- • 11 t WUSb-'flM EPEHC;TSEVAP;WUSE;TAW 1640 TTRANS=0 :TPTRAN3:0 ! TLYS-0 LPRINT 1645 GROWTH STAGE 4 STEM EXTENT1ON PERIOD" ENDTIL=D 1650 1660 RETURN 1665 REM 1670 GO-SUB 10850 'CROP HEIGHT 1672 GOSUB 5700 •PSIC 1 1673 GOSUB 10900 LEAKGROWTH 1674 • Jiisi li 108O0 'HAIL 1675 BKTA:DELLAP»NPL«SPL 16H0 RHOs . I I I W 'TRANSLOCATE TO ROOTS 1681 TRANSLOCATE TO 3TEMS P H U . UDMG TRANSLOCATE TO GRAIN 16B2 ALPHAiO RESERVES IN STUBBLE THETA - UMIi- ( A L P H A « I'll I • H K T A . H I K . l 16R3 RETURN 1684 1685 1690 1700 Stage 4 stea extention 1705 IMtltlllllMIt 1710 IF 0 <. ENDEXT THEN 1756 1715 STAGE=5 1720 ENDBOOT-ENDEXT+5 1725 «10:-l.5I10"(-41 1727 RT - TTRAN3/TPTHANS 1730 YREDISTAGE-1)= KY*(I-RTI 1732 LPRINT USING " YRED=#*t TTRANS=#tl TPTRANS=#»# T L Y S : ill Illll B L / C : G L / C - . I I S L / C : . # t " ;YRED(STAGE-I ) * 100 ; TTRANS ;TPTRANS ;TL.YS ;C ; BL/C ;GL/C , S L/C 1733 LPR1NT USING " DEKPERC=I«I* TSO1 LVAP= t « * « WUSE^MM TAW^IIIf EPERC;TSEVAP;WUSE;TAW 1735 TTRANS^O :TPTRANS;0 : TLYS^O 1740 K Y : . 6 5 : "KY=1 1745 GROWTH STAGE 5 BOOTING LPHINT 1750 RETURN 1756 1759 GOSUB 10850 'SEE LINES 1670- 11. GO3UB 5700: OOSUB 10900: QOSUB 10800 1760 BETA=DELLAP»NPL>3PL 1765 PHI:.2*DMG 1770 RHO:. 1775 ALPHAsO 1780 THETA = DM -(ALPHA + BKTA+ PHI+RHO) 1785 RETURN 1790 'llltMttttlltltlllllltllltlllitlMIUtllllllltlMMIMIIMlllll 1795 ' "Stsce 5 booting" 1SO0 1805 'ItlUIIIIIUItllUltlllUIIMIIttltltttllMlitlMIIUMIMttlll 1810 IF D < ENDBOOT THSN 1860 1816 .STAGE - 6 1820 ENDANT=HNDBOOTtlO 1821 CO HT : TTBAN3/TPTRAN3 IHii.t LHKINT uaiNt. " VRKD-#il TTRANS=##* T P T H A N S - M I TLYS = I** C=ttt*4 BL/C= . M 2110 IF D<ENDRIPE THEN 2153 Gl./C':. tf SL/C= .*#"; Y«8D(3TAUE- I »» 100;TTRANS;TPTRAN8;TLYS;C;BL/C;GL/C;SL/C 2115 Y = YO*( 1 - ( VKEDI 3)+YRED< 4 ) +YREDI5 1+YRED16 I tYKfclM 7 ) ) | IHU-l LHKINT UHlNti ' l>febPEHC = M # # T3OILVAF=IIt* WUSE-tilf TAW-ilM HT= . 2120 LPRINT " Environaentsl potential yield for "J VEAK;'1 ";:LPRINT USIS' If •' ;UI-M'hHC: THF.VAP; WUSK ; TAW ;HT " If 11# " ; Y : : LPRINT " kg/ha 11 IH26 TTKANS=U :T»"THANSsO : TLYSSO 2125 LPRINT U3ING "TOTAL DEEP PERCOLATION m i , EVAPORATION FROM THE S O U |M:IU : ' K V M RFACK • •»* AND TOTAL WATER USE I «• t" ; DKKl'KRO; T3EVAP; WUSE IH-10 I.l-N I N1 likoWI'll STAtiK ti ANTHES1S" Z130 INPUT "Do you wteh to repeat the calculation Tor a further season I Y/N IHMI kk'lUKN ANSWERS IHliO ' 2 140 IP ANSWER* <>"Y" THEN 16000 1864 i.uSI'H :WUi). OuSUH 10900: UOSUB 10800 : GOSUB 10850 'SEE LINES 1670-1683 2150 GOTO 560 IKS5 HKIA=0 2153 IH70 1'H I = . £ • U M U 2 155 G O S U U 5700 : G O S U B 10900 1875 K H O - . 1 M.'l-K; 2 1 5 6 G O S U B 10800 1H8K ALI'ltA = O 2 160 AI,PHA-0:BETA = 0: PHI =0 : RUO = 0 : T H E T A ^ O IHMf) IMETA = UM<;- (AI,fHA*BKTAtPHI * R H O ) 2170 KETUKN 1U90 RETURN 2180 ' IM V . 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilitiliiMttitiniiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitlltlltlUtll 2190 1SU0 • 2400 'RESET ALL STATUS VAR. TO ZERO AND COEFFICIENTS .RE-ESTABLISH INITIAL i'i;:i i',1" '4llil4llH(<IMlttl<llltlllltttlllltlllllllllllilllMltllti<ttl>tl>l IK I K b N D A N T T H E N 197U 2401 2402 ' C O N D I T I O N S AND REST PHASE ' lltlUttlillltllltlillllltllllltllltillllltullltlllllttlllttltlllti Slttge 6 anthems iiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiitiiilliiitiiiitlllliilllliti IH25 STAliE = 7 24 10 TP - 0 1930 fcNDh I1.L-EN[>ANT*35 2420 IIUPREV - 0 IM42 RT - TTRANS/Tl'THANH 2430 HU =0 1943 YRKD(STACE~1 )= K H I 1 - R T ) 2440 31NKF = 1 iai4 Ll'HINT USING " YHtb = ### 1'1 HANS - # # I TPTKANS=#*# TLYS= tit C-ttttt BL/C=.I# 2450 DREP : 0 GL./C=.f* SL/C= . #t" ; YHtUISTAGE- 1 1«100; TTRANS ; TPTRAN3 ; TLYS ;C; BL/C; GL/C ; SL/C 2460 DOC = 0 19*5 LPKINT USING " DEEPfcRCitttt TSOlLVAP=#### WUSK=l##i TAW-I#I# HT=. 2470 TREE = 0 If "iUEKPEHCiTSEVAH;WUSK;TAW;HT 2480 STAGE ^ 2 1947 TTkANS-0 : Tl'TRANH : 0 : TLYS = 0 2485 BL;O : GL = 0 : C L = 0 : S L - 0 : RL = O : CuO : CB= 0 : CA = O I960 K Y = . S 5 ! ' KY- 1 2490 X 1 : 0 : X 2 = 0 : X 3 = 0:X4 = 0 : X S - 0 : X 6 - 0 : X I - 0 : X 8 = O : X 9 = 0 1957 L P H I N T "GROWTH S T A G S 7 GRAIN F I L L I N G " 2499 IllllMltitnillllllltilMltltlinttMtllllllllKinilKllllllllKli I960 RETURN 2500 ' MEAN DATA 1976 1980 ia85 IU90 1995 2000 GOSUli 5700: COSUB 10900: GOSUB 10800 : GOSUB 10850 'SEE LINES 1670-1683 BETA:0:PHI:0:RHO-0 :ALPHA-DMG THETA = DM(i-(ALPHA + Bl-:TAtPHItRHO) RETURN tllllliltnittilliiimitn (titttiiiitttttiiiiitiititiiiiltiiui ' STAGE 7 Grain filling 2530 2540 2550 2560 2570 2580 DATA 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 FOR 1=1 TO 12 READMONL(I| ! • PR I NT HONL ( I ) NEXT I DATA 22.9,21 .9, 19.8, 15.6, 11.4,8. 1,8.5,, 14.6, 18,20. 1 ,22. 1 FOR 1^1 TO 12 2020 2025 2030 2032 IF D<ENDFILL THEN 2055 STAGE s 8 ENDRIPE^ENDFILL*10 RT = TTkANS/TPTRANS 2600 2610 2620 2630 NEXT I DATA 9.3,8.4,7.9,7.9,8. 1,7.8,8.3,9. I ,9,9.2,9 . 8 , y.9 FOR I>1 TO 12 READ CMS( I ) : 'PRINT GM3< I I 2035 Y R E I X S T A G K - I >rs 2640 NEXT I KY*(I-RT) 2037 LPRINT USING " YRED=»t» TTRANS=#tf TPTRANS=### TLYS= fl* Csff##f| BL/C=.## 2650 DATA 84.6,81.9,76.7,53.7,23.5,7.0,90.0,90.0,90.0,90.0,90.0,68.1 GL/C=.I# SL/C=.##";YHED(STAGE-1)«100;TTRANS.TPTRANS;TLYS;C;BL/C;CL/C;3L/C 2660 FOR 1=1 TO 12 2038 LPRINT USING " DEEPBKC-ff## THol l.VAH" 11 * I WUSE = ***f TAW-*f|l " ; DE 2670 READ GMH ( I ) : 'PRINT GMR ( I ) EPE«C;T3FVAP;WUSE;TAW 2671 NEXT 1 2039 TTRANS = O ;TPTRANS = 0 : TI.YS = O 2675 DATA 12,11,10,9,8,5,5,8,9,10,11,12 2045 LPRINT "GROWTH STAGE 8 RIPENING " 2676 FOR t=l TO 12 2050 RETURN 2677 READ GME( I I : 'PRINT GMBlI) 2055 ' 2678 NEXT I 2058 GOSUB 5700: GOSUB 10900: GOSUB 10800 'SEE LINES 1670-1683 2686 'INPUT "NAME OF FILE ON WHICH TO STORE I-WATER CONTENTS AND 2-CROP 2059 IF L A K 0 THEN LAI=0 VARIABLES " ; SOWATI, GROt 2060 BETA=0:PHI=0:RHO=0:ALPHA^DMG 2687 SOWATI = "THBTAV" : GROI - "PHYS" 2070 THKTAMlMG-l Al I'HA* BhTA t PH 1 tHhui 2688 KILL SOWATI ! KILL GROI 2080 RETURN 2689 OPEN 0RO| FOR APPEND AS 12 : OPEN SOWATI FOR APPEND AS #3 rsj <J1 2090 ' * • » • « « « I l l l l l l t l l l l t « M ( « I I I M t l l » «» » • > • ! » I K « * * « I l l l l l i « * « t « * I I 2100 ' STAGE 8 RIPBNINO 26MU 2691 2700 2710 2H3O 2H4O 2850 2HK0 ZHi'll 2880 2890 •-•HID 2920 2930 2940 2950 2960 2970 29H0 2985 2990 3000 3010 3020 30:10 3050 3060 3070 3000 3082 3084 3086 3087 HIHH 3090 3099 3100 3101 31 10 31Z0 3 130 3M0 3141 3142 3143 3144 314S 3146 3147 314H 3149 3150 3200 3210 3220 cri HFTIJkN IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIlllll UISTHI bUll ON OF INFILTRATION WATEH THROUGH SOIL PROFILE Illlllllltllltllllll II- XlU,:i> - 0 ANH X(H,6l - 0 THEN 3090 RUNOK - .2 1NF1 I. - X(1).:U + IU .1 IF INK 1L i 511 THEN HUNOP .05 IF INI-I I, <• 2ft THEN RUNUF 0 II- INF II. < IS THEN HHNOF I N H L = (XI I), 3 I tXlU.til ) • l l - R U N O F ) W( I |:W| I | + INF1L-SO1LVAP 1 LPHINT W|1) IF W[])<:W0lI 1 I THEN 29ti0 PEKCI I »=W| I >-W0l I I ) W< 1 )-WOI I I I VIII : WflI/HZRT PSlS(l) = FNTION15 1P0I1),M(II,V(I)) 'PR I NT W( II,V[ 1},PKRC( 1 >,PS 1S( 1) IF INKlLrO THEN 30MU FOR L = 2 T O 9 W ( L ) ;W( LI +l'FRC< L- 1 1 IF W| I,) <W0l (l,| THEN 3050 PEKl'll.) - W(L) - WO M l . I W|L) = W0K1.) V ( D = WILI/U/.HT PS1SILI = FNT1ON1 5( l'0(l,) ,M(L) , V I L M 'PRINT USING • 1 I M « H '-,W(L) ;V( L) ;PERC(L) ; HS13(L) NEXT L DEEPERC ^ UEEPEHC + PEBC(9) 1 L P R I N T "DEEP PERCOLATION " ;DEEPERC FOR L=I T O 9 PtHC:(L)=0 NEXT L RETURN llltMIIIIIIII PARAMETERS 'llllllllltlllllllllllllllUlMltllllllltlttlMlllllllltltlllllilllttll GOSUB 14000 TPAWiO FOR L=l T O a PERC(L)=0 VOIIL)=FNTION16|M(LI,2.3 ,PO(L)) '1.609 FOR VO AT 5 kPa VI5IL)=FNTION16(M(L),7.3,PO(L)) V16(L)=FNTIONI6(M<L1,7.4,POIL)I WO I ( I, | : V O 1 [ L M D Z H T WI5(L|3V151L|«DZHT H16(LI=VI6ILI PAWf D ^ W O l ( L I - W J 6 I L) 'PHINT W15(L),W0l(L),W(L),W16(L),TPAW NEXT L SPL = 500 'SPECIFIC LEAF RATIO k(/ha KAISER....SpL=50f/B~2 SEEDMAS-.03«10"<-3) 'kg/aeed i*2 SOOka/ha LEAFAREA 3270 TO - 25 3275 VTEL=0 3280 HO - 8 'DAILY MAX TEMP FOR CALC O F HEAT UNITS HUMX=20 3290 'MINIMUM COLD UN1TSCH REQUIRED TO END TILLERING CUC = 7 . 4 3294 'ADDITIONAL DD PER UNIT OJDEFIC1T DD/CU COHl - 21 3296 .8 3320 COO=.012 •PHOTO EFFICIENCY 1*1 EFFMAX=20 3330 'PHOTO CHEMICAL EKWIVALENT k«\J FE=6fi«10"(-9) 3340 WEQ=40 'fcg/(ha • • ) 3360 ' DM 3370 ' KC/Ha 33BO VO=7000 'RATE OF VERTICAL ROOT GROWTH HATE m/d 341 1 RGR s . 0 18 •X O F TOTAL ROOTS FOUND BELOW 0.97 AP = 2 . 1 3412 AP = A P / 1 0 0 3413 RMO = 1 0 0 •kg/(h« p i ) 3414 KSPO - -I.2*10"(-3 I 'MAX CONDUCTANCE OF ROOT ZONE ••/(d kPa • pi ) 3416 KSPO = KSPO»DZRT*NPL 3417 3420 RETURN 3430 5000 TITLE PACE 5010 5020 LPRINT TAB ( 7 ) ; " PUTU9 IRRIGATION SCHEDULING O F WHEAT1" 5030 Run date : ";DATE«;" T 5035 'LPRINT " : 1 ";T1ME| 5110 'LPRINT 5130 LPRINT TAB(7);Nt 5140 'LPRINT 5150 LPRINT TAB<10>,"PLANT POPULATION " ;TAB<38),"CULT!VAR";TAB(55 I,"PLANT1N TE" 5160 LPRINT TAB!16);NPL;" (/«"2)";TAB<451;C«;TABI57);PDAY; I";PMONTH;"/";VF 5165 LPRINT TAB( 6),"BXTENTION ENDED ON DOY ";ENDBXT 5170 LP81NT 5180 LPRINT T A B ( 1 0 ) SOIL DESCRIPTION:";W« 5210 LPRINT TAB(10) SOIL MOISTURE (••/•!" 5230 LPRINT TAB!15) MAXIMUM":TAB(30) ;"MlN1MUM";TAB<40>;"INITIAL";TAB I 50) ; I CTIVE ROOTING DEPTH" 5240 LPRINT USING '" »l# lit tit ;V01<2);V15(2);VINIT(2);2EFFO; 5242 LPRINT "•" 5250 ' 5300 iillllllltllltl iiiiillliiiiiiltlltiiitillltlKMiiiilllltl 5350 ' TABLE HEADING 5400 'ItlltlllUlllllttltllUltlMllltllMtlltlMllllttDltlMIMttDI 5410 'LPRINT 5420 LPRINT TAB<7);YEAR 5430 LPRINT DOY FH LAI IK RAIN PERC WATER POTENTIAL HU 5440 LPRINT Ely«" EB 32 S3 ST L" 5443 LPRINT" x 10 (MPaMOO) (XI (••) (XI 5445 LPRINT 0) 5450 RETURN 5460 t i t i t n i l t i i i i i u i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i u 5470 ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES AND LIMITING FACTORS 5500 5510 ' l l l l l l l l t t l l l U I M t t l l l t l l l M M I I t l t l l l l l t l l t l M t l i l U I U i l l l t t l 5520 NMJU FNDLENCTH(D) ' MAX DAYLBNGTH 5530 S O S K N M J I J I O ) ' DLY PO3S RAD 5555 K T - X l h , 4 ) I i. 5 5 til) 55HO 5!><M> fitiOl) 56 l() 5fci!0 5690 5700 S70i> 57 10 5 7 20 58OS 600U - M !(• 6U4O 6050 6052 Mill 1 6055 6056 6057 6058 6060 6490 649 I 6500 6510 6520 6530 6540 6550 6560 6570 6580 6590 659L 6592 69»9 7000 71 12 7115 7130 do, 7)32 7135 7137 AKL<7 7142 7500 7510 7520 7530 7540. 7590 - 'MEANS 7592 OOSUB 12500 1 IF X(D,7> <) 22 THEN 7690 7595 7598 IF P3IL>-800 THEN FUDGB--700 ELSE FUDGE-0 7600 LPH1NT USING " f * « M " ; D; F«« 100 ; LA I * 10 ; X I D, 6 ) ; XI D, 3 I ; DEEPERC; PSISI 2 ) / 10 ; \->. liUSUB 9000 3>/10;P3IST/lO;(PS IL+FUDGE I/I0.HU/10;PVi10;THAN3»10;3OILVAP«10;X(D,81 * I" I'AK : . 5 * HFDM 7 60 5 RETURN 7610 PRINT 1 2 , USING till ";D,DOG,KW»100,LAI•10,BL,RL,CL,GL,C,SL,DMG,TREE, 1 mi MIII I I I I I I I 1 THANSi10.PTRAN3*10,(TRANS+301LVAPI/PVIIOO,X(D,8I/PV«100,YRED*100,Y,YO> CRITICAL LEAK WATER P O T E N T I A L 7611 I l l t l l l l l t l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 7612 •ZfcHO GOSUB 1110(11) I'SK : -1600 - 11.7 • (DOQ-50) 7690 RETURN I)- I'SK > -1600 THEN H.S1C = - 1 6 0 0 7700 IK I'SIl" < -2300 THEN I'SIC = -2300 SOILWATER POTENTIAL 8000 KKTUKN IttlltlttlDII IllllllllllMIMIMIMMIIItMltlltllllttlllllllll 'lllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllltllMllllllllllllltlllllllllltll 8001 B010 FOR L-l TO 9 WATKH BALANCE 8020 PS1S(L) = FNT10N15(PO(L).MIL),V|L)) i iitiiiiiiiiiiiiMtitiiniitiiiiiiiiniitittiiiiiiiti 8025 'PRINT USING "ItttM" ,PSIS(L); GOHUB 13000 'BOOT DEVELOPMENT 8030 NEXT L QOSUU B0O0 'SOIL WATER POTENTIAL 8040 RETUHN GOSUH 13300 'SOIL-HOOT CONDUCTANCE, 8498 'WATER POTENTIALS EACH SOIL LAYER, PSlleaf, PH 8499 'EXTRACT WATER FROM EACH LAYER 8500 TKMPRATURE ROUTINES FW s I-II 8501 i t • i II- FW >1 THEN KW=! 8510 IF X(D,1}= -99.9 THEN X(D,1)=OMT IK KW <0 THEN HWiO 8S20 IF X(D,2|= -99.9 THEN X(D,2|:GMT •PHI NT USING '•*(*#«.tt";FH;FH 8530 •r=i x(ii, i j +x (ii, z i )/2 'TEMPERATURE, HEAT GOSDB 2700 •ttt-WKT SOIL 8540 UPRT=X(D,1 1 RETURN 'IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlltllMIMIIMIIItltlttmMMtlMIIIMIIMIIIIItlll 8550 IF X ( D , U > H U M X THEN UPRT = HUMX 1 8S60 EFFGT-(UPRT*X(D,2))/2 DOY 'IIIIMItllllMlttllllMlltKIIMItllMDt 1111 I II11 • 11 II11 H I M It I 8570 IF EFFCT<BO THEN EFFGT^BO 8572 HUPHEVrHU IF DAYSO66 THEN MONLIZ)=29 8575 DELHU : EKFGT - BO B580 HU=HUt(BFFGT-BO) 'HEAT UNITS KOH M-l TO MONTH 8582 DELCU = BO-(X(D,I)+XID,2)1/2 If H : 1 THEN 6 5 70 8584 IF DELCU <- 0 THEN 0KLCU=0 JI=JI+MONLIM-1) 8586 IF DELCU >2 THEN DELCU s 2 NEXT M 8588 CU = CU + DELCU DOY -JI+DAY 8600 FTV=FNTlON6(T,T0l MONL(2)=28 86 10 TN1TE=X(D,1l/3+X|D,2)/2 RETURN 8630 RETURN 8631 ItMllltllllttltllMIMIIIIMtMUIIIIMtllllltllllllMlllttMlllllin 8640 TO RECORD DAILY VALUES AND STORE ON TO DISK 9000 • TOTAL EVAPORATION IIHIttM 9001 PRINT #3,USING "Iffl ";D,DOG, llllllllllllllllllMlllllltlllllttltllttllllltllMIIIIIIUIMIIIllttl PRINT t3,USING "tt.ltf ";- PS I 3 I 1)/1000,-PSIS(2>/1000,-PS IS(3)/I 000,-PS IS(49010 ' Calculates potential and crop evaporation 1/1000,-PSISI5 1/1000,-PSI3(6)/1000,-P3I3(7}/1000,-PSIS(8)/1000,-P3IS(9)/10 9020 H.B.&* RFDM 9030 Z : FNTIONB(T) 9040 FLE=FNTION9(LAI) PRINT #3,USING "tt.ttl ";-PSIST/1000,-P3IL/1000, VEG COVER FACTOR 9042 I F STAGB>7 OR 3TAOK = 7 THEN FLE- . ;i PRINT t3, USING " I * * 11 ";V(1),V(2),V(3),V(4) ,V(5),V(6),V(7>,V(8),V(9), 9044 PRINT #3, USING "Illfl ';PAWL)1>,PAHLI2),PAWL<3),PAWLt4),PAWL(5),PAWL(6),P I F DOG < ENDANT+3 1 OR STAGE<7 THEN 9050 9046 FLE - . 9 - .O62«(IKXJ-(SNDANT.3I i ) ),PAWL!8),PAWL(UJ, 9050 PRINT #3,USING "**tt ";PPAW I F FLE < . 1 THEN F L E - . I 9060 I F FLE > . 9 THEN FLB=.9 9070 P V - F N T I O N 1 0 ( Z , H t i 10"6 9075 PV = X ( D , 5 ) •IF J X O 1 0 THEN 7690 9080 PTRAN3 : FLE » PV IF STAGED I THEN 7690 9090 VI DBF i V01( 1 ) - V ( 1 ) IF S T A G E = 2 THEN 7 6 9 0 HI-DM : l-Nl)I.YHISO,KT,NMX I CiOSUB H500 KS - KNRADlLA I I 1 Dl,V MEAN RFD TEMP ' R A D I A T I O N FACTOR 'HKK E V A P O T R A N S P I R A T I O N 1 9 1 00 91 10 9U0 94HO 9490 9500 I I - v m l - K < (I T H E N VIUKK ; 0 t'ti - K N T I O N 2 I I V I U K I - I -Si JI I . V A I ' ; H i * 1 l - K L h ) » X n ) , 7 ) : KKTUHN 'PRINT USING " M i l l .##" ;FG;V1DEF;SOILVAP •tlMltltlUMMIIIMIMIIUI)«UIIMIIll*ltMltt)ltlllttt«t(t«ltltttl INITIAL CONDITIONS 'tllllMltlMIIIII)MMMIMIIIItltlllttMMMItlttllUlttltt*ltlMMI 9S1U 9515 9520 9540 9545 9SS0 9552 95bO Mf.65 9567 95fcH 9670 9571! 9576 9580 9ftMJ 95H5 9587 9591 9595 9600 9tiOS 96 10 9615 9620 9625 9630 96 4 0 9650 9655 9670 9680 9690 9695 9700 9710 9760 9 7 80 9790 9 7 99 9800 9H01 9B10 9X20 9H3O 9H31 9832 9840 00 INPUT "NAMh OK CAHKY OVKR FILE " ; CO! O P E N '' 1" , » I ,CO» ESTABLISH THE DOV ON WHICH THE MONTHS END U O 3 U H 1.1900 'STATION INPUT > I , MS 'SOIL DESCRIPTION I N P U T • I ,WJ 'WHEAT CULT1VAR IN HUT • i .fi t 1 , HOY , IMKi, I'M< (NTH , H>A* , J I>, STAGE , BEG I N , F l N I SH INPUT 'PLANT POPULATlON/»~2 INI'tPl l l . N P I . INPUT « I , KNUKXTi ENUT11. INPUT t1,HUCO •I.IIUCl.l 9850 V(L) = VINIT(L) 9H60 NEXT L 9870 RETURN iiitlllltittlttllliltitluiMIIIMintlllltiltlltiiniiiiililltltllll 9999 10000 ' SET ALL VARIABLES TO ZERO •HTKM EXTKNTION AND TILLERING ENDED ON UOY 'CR1T MIN HEAT REyU I RF.U-K.ND T I l.l.KH 1 Nii HUC-HUCO I N PUT f 1 , Z K K K ) , DZHT , HT , L A I , HLJ, CO , TTRANS , TPTRANS , WUSE , TSEVAP . DKEPEBC , RT INPUT * I , V U . Y , V K A K Vii = VO»IU0U : V s YMU00 : YEAR : Y B A R U 0 0 O K ) H L = 1 TO 9 INPUT f l . V I N I T I M ' I N I T I A L S O I L MOISTURE ( V o l u « e t r i C • a / m ) W ( L ) = V I N 1 T I 1 . 1 «U/RT V l l , ) = V1N1T (I-1 NfcXT IKOK L ; 1 TO 9 INPUT f l , M ( L ) NKXT 1. KOR L = I TO 9 INPUT # 1 , P O ( L J KEXT I. CLOSE I I CLS LOCATE 6 , 2 0 PRINT USING " YOU AHE IN VEAR ####";YEAR MONTH = PMONTH ! DAY - PDAY UAY8 = 365 IF YEAH MOD 4=0 THEN 1MYS=366 UUSUB 6500 JP=DOY PRINT " PLANTING DQV ";JP PRINT " UKOWTH STAGE ";STAGE INPUT " UO YOU WISH TO ALTER ANY INITIAL CONDITIONS (Y/N)";AN3W» IF ANSW» : "V" TlltN UOSUB I4'^5O RETURN 3O1LWATER CONTKNT WyyzO: INPUT "ENTKR 9 IF YOU WISH TO ESTABLISH IK wwn-i' THKN 9H70 FOR L=1 TO 9 PRINT "1.AYEK No. " ; I. 1INPUT "INITIAL SOIL WATER ;VIN1T(L) 3OILWATER AT PLANTING 10020 10030 10040 10050 10060 10070 I00B0 10085 10090 10100 10 110 10120 10 130 10140 10150 1UI60 10170 101B0 10190 10200 10205 10210 10220 10230 10Z40 10250 10260 10270 10280 I0Z90 10300 10310 10320 10330 10340 10350 10351 10360 10500 10501 10502 1U5O3 10504 10510 10540 10542 10550 10560 10570 IX 0 TREfcNrO TTOT=0 TDREIN=O :.kH.u SP:0 PS12=0 TPS1L = 0 A1, = O VMIN=WOI(9J/D2RT TFG=0 'TTRANS-O 'TPTRANa=0 TVEK=0 TPV=0 TBWP^O TGWP=0 TK=0 TF1=O TFH=0 TFTP^O TDHC=0 TFCiO TFLK=O TFTR=0 TFTL=0 TEFF^O TFFMAX=0 IKESP-O TMAIN=0 ASSIM-0 TP-0 DMG=0 RETURN ' 'IIIIIIKIIIttllllllllllllllllllKltllllllllllllllilllllllllllltllllM ' TO READ DATA 'lllltlltltltttllllllltllllllllllltMllltlllitllltllllllllllllMllllli INPUT " IN ORDER TO CiENERATE SIMPLE DATA SERIES ENTER I IF 40 = 1 THEN 11000 ' DATA GENERATOR INPUT" IN ORDER TO READ IRRIGATION FILE ENTER 1 "' ; Www INPUT " N » e of WEATHER data file eg. B: 2008-83 " . D» OPEN *I",tl,DI IF D$="B:I985" THEN START=60 FOR I=START TO BEGIN - 1 + 4 INPUT f1,K» NKXT 1 ";Q4 ELSE START =6 1 ' DATALLER HET 4 OPSKRIFTE I 4 I I I • I i > i I • •> • > I I I 1 > • t 1 •1 • • I •• I • • • • • • 1 r• I < • • I • • > • . • • i , i , i i . • •i . 10899 10900 ' LEAF GROWTH 10901 '•MIMMMttttMltttttltttttltttlttlttlttttllltltlltMllttttltll 10907 FLGRO=FW 10908 IK Q10<0 AND F L Q R O U THEN FLGRO:I 10910 l)E L1.AP= KNT 1 ON Z0 ( Q I 0 , DELKU , FLGRO ) 10920 IF LAI> = 2.3 AND NPL>=140 THKN UELLAP- DKI.LAPI KNLHEIX NP1,) 10930 LAP=LAP • DELLAP » NPL 10940 LAI=LAP 10950 IF LAI < 0 THEN LAI =: 0 X(D,8)=VALtMlD*(X»,43,6) ) 10960 IF LAI > 8.5 THEN LAI = 8.5 X(D,4)=VAL(MIDS(X»,^5 ,6)) 10970 RETURN \ I n , fi ) = V A 1 . ( M 1 U $ ( X I , 37 ,(> ) ) 10999 't IIMIIIUIIttttlUIIIIIMItltllllttlllltltllllllllttlllltlllll I t IJ<=MENU(MI THKN 1 0 6 6 0 1000 • SIMPLE WEATHtR GENERATOR 1001 H>H K = l T O 7 : I K K-4 OK E = ti T H E N 1 0 7 1 0 1070 IK XID.K. I O - 9 9 . 9 THKN 10710 1080 FOR D:1 TO DAYS XMl.S3;X(D,EI 1090 IK IK=MEND< I ) THEN 1 1 1 10 PRINT USING " MiHHing value of ele'unt * • on day Iff* "jK;D 100 1 = 1 + 1 X < D,E)=X < D-1,11 1 10 X(D,I)=GMT(I) IK E=3 THEN X(D,K)=O 120 X(D,2)=GMT(I) NEXT K 130 X(0,31-0 IK X ( D , 4 ) = - 9 9 . 9 THKN \ | D , U = G M S ( M ) : PRINT USING " Hissing value of ele 140 X(D,4)=GM3<I) 4 on day till ";D 150 X(D,5)=GME<I) IF X ( D , 8 ) = -99.9 AND 1><233 THEN X(D.8) = 2 : PRINT USING " M i a u m a vs 160 IF D MOD 10 = 0 THEN X(D,3)=GMRI I )/3 eleaent 8 on day M I * ";D 170 NEXT D IF X(D,H1 --ay .9 AND \}>-23'.i THEN X|D,8) = 4 : PRINT USING ' M m a i n g v1 180 RETURN M98 I t- I .-•flit H on day ( M l * IB PHI NT USING • • M I . M 1 ; M ; D , X ( D . 1 ) , X ( D > 2 ) , X 1 D , 3 ] . X { U , 4 ) - X I D , 5 ) , X I D , 7 ) , X ( D , 8 1499 'lltllttlltttniltltMlttlllttttltllttlltltlllMtllllttMlltltllltlll 1500 • TRANSUM:ATION 1501 1530 Q L B O L M L P H A 1540 BLsBL+BETA 1550 CL^CLtPHI 1560 RL=RL+SHO 1 S80 SL=SLtTHETA 1590 TLAI=BL/3PL IF ANTW»="K' THEN CHAHA-2& 1600 GD=QD+X6*OL IF A N T ¥ » = T THEN CHASAsiS 1610 IF ANTW|:"2' THEN IHANA=I9 1620 BDnBDtXltBL IF ANTW|="3' THEN GHARA=31 1630 IK ANTW»:'4 THEN CHAKA=3 7 3D-aD+)(2«SL X ( DOYIRR.6 ) = VAL < Ml [)» < XI .CHAHA.6I ) :PHINT DOY IKR , X I DOY IRR , 6 > : GOTO 10743 1640 1650 SL+GDtCD*8D+SD CLOSE II 1660 CB=RL+RD KETUHN 1670 C=CA+CB IIIUIIIII4IIKI 1680 HAIL 1690 1700 HAILPC=0 17 10 'Nil C INCL STAND DEAD FOB 1=1 TO DOYSHA1L 1770 RETURN IF D O DOYHAI I.I I ) THEN 1998 HAILPC = HA1LP( 1 ) 1999 ' M t l t t U t M l l t l l l l l l M t i l t M l l l l l t t t t l l t l t l t t t U l l l l l l l l l l l i l l l l t l l l NEXT I 12000 SUB TOTALS RETURN 12001 INPUT ENTKH NUMIIK.K 0 > MONTH I N WHICH YOU S T A R T Ki)R D - H H . I N T o (• I N1SH INPUT | 1 , X « PM.K.NIX* I • | ' < J H THKN X 1 = M " m : GOTO 1 0 6 0 0 X I I ) . 1 J V A U M I l i t i X$ , 7 , 6 ) ) J i ( D ( 2 ) = V A L ( M I D $ ( X $ , 1 ;) , b ) ) X I t ) , :i I : V , \ I . ( H I i n I X I , 19 , 6 ) ) X I 11. 7 ) - V A l . t M l l H ( X I , 3 I , 6 I ) 10746 10747 10748 10749 107 50 10751 10759 10760 10.799 10800 MIHill 10805 10810 10820 10830 1O840 10845 10849 10850 10851 10860 10862 10870 10880 ro " ,M i 1-2010 DELHT=FNTIONI9(UOG,FW) - FNTION19(DOC-1,FHI HT = HT t DELHT IF KT>1 THEN HT=1 RETURN 12020 IK STAIJE >2 TIIKN DOG - DOG+1 12030 "I Krl> = Tkhl>tKKI> 12040 1 T H = TPWPV 1 2050 TShVAP-TSKVAI'»KlH I.VAP 12060 'SMH1:SKHHKKD 12070 'RAINKAI I 1 20B0 IW-KN-TKKKN + Xl I), 3 ) 111 UO I .• I I i ' 12120 12)30 12140 12150 12 160 IZ 17 0 12172 12175 12176 1218U 12190 12210 12220 12230 12240 12250 12260 12270 I 22MO 12290 1 2 3 00 12310 12 3 2 0 12330 12340 IZ3S0 I 2JbU I 24(10 12401 12499 12500 12501 12510 12520 12530 12535 12540 I255D I25&S 12560 12570 12580 12590 12600 ro O THH: = TRKMJitH, 3] 1 THKKN: I i>l a 1 r a i n l ' n l 1 t o r a p p r o p r i a t e p e r i o d 'Tkhk.-ioirtj r M i n t a l l up t o p r e s e n t d a t e 1 TTOT: I nt H I i n f t o r a p p r o p r i a t e a e a n i n g i n t e r v a l TUMG^TDMIitDMt; TTOT-TTOT*T 'TKi=Tn;tK; I IHASS;T1HANS«TKANS ' tt(lllll*l«<1111111•11M*Mt '['I'TKANS^'I'l'THANStHTKANS ' •ItlllllttllltttllllUMMMI TLVS=TL¥S+X( I),H) WUSF. = WU.SK • SO I I.VAP +TKAN3 Dkl-'PERC - DKKPPkHC + PERC19I 'THWI) = TBtal'»Ht>lJ 'SUM SOILWATbK •TK-TKtK 'TKTHsThTH+HTH •TFLE=TFLE+FLE 'fFTHsTFTB+FTB •TFCaTFC*FC 'TKT=TKT+FT "TKH=TFH*FH 'TKKMAX-TKhMAXtKKKMAX TP=TP4P •THESP-TKKS1'*KKHI' 'TMAIN-TMAIN+MAINR 'TOT PHO 126 10 12620 12630 12640 12650 12660 1Z670 12690 12700 12761 12762 12763 12764 12765 12766 12770 12777 12780 12790 12791 12800 12810 12820 12830 12840 128 50 12860 12B70 12880 128U5 12890 12900 12920 12930 12935 12940 129 86 13000 TFFHAX=TFFMAX/JX TEFFiTEFF/JX T8KD=TRFD/JX 13010 13015 13020 13030 13O40 13050 13060 13070 13080 13090 13 100 13110 13 120 13130 13140 13150 IF DOC - O THEN 13175 IF STAUE > 7 THEN 13175 RI)EVF = R(]K*DOU ZBPF=RDBVF TUM(i^TDMQ/JX MASSIM=AS8IM/JX TV-TP/JX TPViTPV/JX TkEKN-TKEEN/JX SRFU=SHFD/10"6 IF STAGE < 3 THEN 12780 FRAC0=GWC FRACL=BL/C FRACS^3L/C PRACS = S I . / C KRAORrRL/C TBHP=TBWP/JX TBWP-TBWP/JX TGWP=TUWV/JX RETURN ' 'tltlllMlltlltttlllltMIIMIIIItlMltllMUIIItOMIttlllltllllllltl ' PHOTO3VNTHYS13 AND ASSIMILATION 'IIIIIIIMtllllltltlMttlllltlMtllMIIIMIIIIIillllKlllllllllllllli K=FH • FTP » FS 'EFFICIENCY FACTOR EFF - EFFMAX t F EFF - EFF /100 J/<nT2 A) KFFECT1VE RADIATION FOR PHOTOSVNTH EFS - EFF « PAH « 10*6 P - EFS * FE • H hf/(ha d) P = P * 10*4 P = Wky ITHANS 'SVNT RESP S¥NR=RNT1ON12(P) MA1NR=FNTION13(COO,TNITE,C) RESP=SYNR+MA1NR DM(J = P-HKHP 'LPRINT USING "Milt.It ' ;FH;FTP;KS;SYNR;MA 1NH;DMU;P;RESP RETURN iiiiixiiiiiiniiixiiiiii ROOT DEVELOPMENT HtTUHN MI-ANS i • • < • t I I < t I 1 ( I I I I I i • • • > I < I • 1 1 I TT()T = TTOT/JX SRFDsSRFD/JX TFS=TFS/JX TFW=TFW/JX TFH=TFH/JX TKC-TFC/JX TFTL:TFTL/JX TFTRiTFTR/JX TFLEiTFLE/JX IF RDEVF > ZEFFO THKN 2EFF s ZHFPO A = -l.OO(AP)/( .97IRDEVF> KMASS=0 FOR Ls] TO 9 RPROP<L}=0 ZTOP=ZBOT ?.BOTrL»DZRT RPROP(L)=(BXP(-A»ZTOP)-BXP(-A«ZBOT)J/.97 9 RMASS=RMA33*RPROP{L) 'PRINT NEXT L L, R P R O P ( l . ) ,F N T I 0 N 1 81 V (1 . 1 * 2 . V 1 6 I L ) ,V l l l l l . l ) RMASS 13 16b i 11 I . I . 13167 K M : I- NT 11 >N I 7 I MHO, DOU I 13730 FOR L^l TO 9 I K 13740 13750 13760 13770 13780 13790 13800 13810 13820 13823 13824 13825 13826 13HZ7 13H28 13829 13830 13840 13845 1 3847 13850 13860 111862 13864 13865 13866 13B7O 13880 13882 13885 13890 13899 13900 13910 13912 1 3914 13922 13924 13926 1 3926 13940 13950 13960 13970 13990 1 3999 14000 14001 14010 T 3 {I.) - - { P S IS ( L 1 - P S I L 1 * K 3 P ( L I KM < 15 T H E N HM : 1 5 • |>K I NT KM NIH.AVz !NT(ZfcKK/DZHT+ I . 00 I I H>K l.s I T i l H RPKOPll.)=KPHOP| I.t/HMASS Ik I.< = NOI.AY THEN 13171! 1 3 Ififl 1316 9 1 .1170 RPKUP|LI=0 13171 i II I 7 2 NEXT t. I J I 7 S HETUKN 1 Itllllll Mlllllllll i:>*yu SOU. HtiOT CONDUCTANCE AND LEAF WATER POTENTIAL 1 3300 MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIItKtUMllllllllllllilllilMlllllllillltlltltK I 3301 IK l i m ; - (1 THEN I.SH'JO I 3302 13309 h . S l ' h H - : ! ) : I'S1ST = O : WMPS1S-0 13310 H>k l . - l TO « 13320 HPKOPI I.) :RFBOP( 1.1/HMASS I :i j :i o K S P U . l = K S P O M K P R O J M I . H R M I " . 5 « FNTION I 8 ( V ( L) + 1 . V 1 6 ( L I , V0 1 ( L) I / 1 0 13340 K8PKFF - KSPEKF t k S I M L I 13350 WMPSIS ; WMPHIS t KSI'I I.) i l ' S I S I 1.1 "PHI NT L . K S I ' E h h , h S P ( L> , PS 1 S T , RPHOP( L ) 131170 NEXT I. psisr = WMPSIS / KapEFK ' WEIGHTED MEAN PSIS I:S3HIJ 1339(1 I 3395 13400 134 10 13420 I 34 40 13450 13470 13480 13500 13510 13520 13530 13540 13550 1 3560 13570 13580 1 3600 13610 13620 I 3630 I 3640 13650 13660 13680 13690 13700 I 37 10 13715 'PR INT PS 1ST GOSUB 5700 LFLAG=0 PSlL=PKISTtPTHANS/KSPEKF 'PRINT KS1NO ftl«ft«# ;PS1L;PSIST l:> I II I = 0 PSILO=-3 500 PSlT=tPSIHlfPSlLO)11 FHsFNT10N3(PSIT,PSICI IF HI.. I TMKN FH= 1 IF I-H < 0 THKN FH = O IF PS IT>-3500 THEN 13 540 PK1NT "ULTRA-STHESS, PS IL = -3000, ON DOY ";0 STOP TRANS^FHtPTRANH PS1 l.-PS 1 ST + THANS/KSPfcKF 'PRINT PMIT,KH,THANa,PSII, TEST-PS1L-PSIT IF TESTJ5 THEN 13610 IF TEST>-5 THEN 13700 GOTO 13640 REM PS IT TOO NEGATlVt P31LO=P3IT GOTO 134 70 REM PS IT T(» LITTLE NEGATIVE PSIHI=PSIT GOTO 134 70 EXTRACT WATER FROM EACH SOIL LAYER ItMMIIlMIIIIMMtlllllll 'PRINT USING "ftfff";PSIST; PSIL; :PRINT USING ttlt.t , TRANS; PTRANS 14020 14030 14040 14050 14060 'IF T3(L)>=0 THEN 13810 •LFLAG-1 'K3PEFF - KSPEFF - KSP(L) 'WMPSI3 = WMPSI3 - KSP(L) * PSIS(I.) 'KSP(L»=0 NEXT L IF LFLAG=1 THEN 13400 TBANS : 0 TAW = 0 WTEST = W(II-TSI11-SO1LVAP GOTO 13H. IF WTEST < W16 ( 1 ) THEN T S U I -W(l) - W I 6 U ) :W(1)-W16(1I W( 1 ) = WTEST V(l) : W( 1 | / DZRT : TRANS - TS1 I I AW(1) - W(l) - WI6(1| : TAW = T A W *• AW ( 1 ) PAWL{ 1 ):AW1 1 I/PAWI 1 )• I Ou FOR L=2 TO 9 1 IF WTEST < W161L1 THEN TS ( L ) ; W(L) - W16 1L) : W ( L ) -W I 6 (1,) GOTO 13 H; W(L> - WTKST TRANS = TRANS+TSIL) V(U=W(U/DZRT AW(U=WIL)-WI6(L) TAW;TAW+AW(L) H A W U 1.1 -AW( L)/VAW( L) • 100 'PRINT L ' P R I N T USING "tMM"; NEXT L PPAW;TAW/TPAW»100 •FH^TRANS/PTRANS RETURN L ; W( L ) ; V( L ) ; TRANS* 10 ; T 3 ( LI * 1 0 ; TAW 'IIDIttlllltllMIIItlMlIttMltlttllttltlttltlltltllttltllltltltllll 1 DOY ON WHICH THE MONTHS END 'ItllKtllltllltltlUlttMtlttMltlMltltlllllllltlttlHIIHIltlllt DAYS = 365 IF YEAR MOD 4 ^ 0 THEN DAYS - 366 MEND(I) : 3 1 MEND(2> = 59 IE DAYS = 366 THEN MEND(2t-6O MENDG = MEND(2) FOR 1=3 TO 12 MENI)( I )=MENDG • M O N H I ) MENDG = MEND(I I NEXT I RETURN COEFFICIENTS SOIL WATER EXTRACTION CURVE DATA .00899,.009 72, .00913, .00927, .00913, .0U913, .00913, .00913, .00913 FOR L=I TO 9 READ MIL) : 'PRINT M(L) NEXT L DATA 9.56,13.65,14.SI,14.84,10.45,12.20,12.20, 12.2,12. 2 FOR L=l TO 9 14O7U 1 4UHIJ 14085 1 4090 1 4091 1 In-.* I I 4095 HEAD PO(L> NKXT I. V1N1T(L>:1SO RETURN : 'PHINT PO(L) 'IIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIlllltllllllllllllMltltllllllllllltMUItltlllll SUM TO HE-WRITE CARRY OVEK PILE CLS: LOCATE 7,20:INPUT "ENTER NAME OF CARRY OVER FILE ",CO| OPEN " ,11,ro» ,Nt:PHINT *I,W|:PHINT #1,C| II.- 1 N T *###"; 1>,1)OU,PMONTH,PDAY, JP, STAGE, BEG JN, FINISH 14 130 I'M I N T 14132 PR I NT • 1 , US INU «l»t";NPL, KNDEXT,ENDTIL,HUCO I l l l l l ;ZEFFO,DZRT,HT,LAI ,HU,CIJ .USING 14 140 PttlNT ,\>a IN<; III II";TTHANS,TPTRANS,WUSE,TSEVAP,DEEPEHC,RT 14 142 PRINT 14 144 ,USING tt.ttl" ;YO/I 000,Y/1000,YEAR/1000 PRINT '. II :.n FOR L = TO 9 14160 PR I NT I,USING •f##f;VINlT(l. 1 14 170 NEXT 1. 14 180 EOH L-l TO 9 .nil! I 4 190 CHI NT I I .USING 1 m i 14200 NtXT L I 4210 KOR I.-1 TO 9 PHI NT 11,USING 1 1 • 1 . f 1 " ; P O (I,) I 4230 NEXT 1. CLOSE fl 14235 RETURN l (.• in 1 4 1 00 14 1 HI 1 4 1 20 1424 1 1 1 t t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i t 1 1 1 . , 1 > 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 t 1 1 « 1 1 n 1 1 t « 1 . 1 1 l 11 t 1 1 1 > t 1 1 1 » 1 i i 1 14244 14245 SUB TO ALTER INITIAL CONDITIONS 14247 ' t l l l l l l t t d l l l l t l l t l M t l l l l l l l l l l t l l l l H I I I t i l l l l l l t t l l M l l l t t M l 14250 CLS:COLOR 11,0,0:LOCATE 2,20,1,4,6:PRINT "STATION";TAB(35);N» 14255 COLOR 11,12:LOCATE 3,20 :PRINT "N»= " :COLOR 11,0,0 14260 LOCATE 5,20 :PHI NT "SOIL DESCRIPTION";TAB(40);W$ 14 265 COLOR 1 1 , 12 : LOCATE b,2U :COLOR 11,0,0 :PH1NT *!*• = 14270 LOCATE 8,20 :PHI NT "WHEAT CULT IVAR";TAB(3 5 I ;C$ 14275 COLOR 11 , 12:LOCATE 9,20 :COLOR 11,0,0 :PR I NT "C* = I 4280 LOCATE 11,20 :I'K1NT " HI.ANTPOPULATION/hii"1 ; TAB ( 40 ) ; NPL 142S5 COLOR 11.)2:LOCATE 12,20 :PRINT "NPL = :COLOR 11,0,0 14290 LOCATE 14,20 :PRINT "STEM EXTENTION";TAB(35);ENDEXT 14295 COLOR II, 12:LOCATE 15,20 PHI NT "ENDEXT = ":COLOR 11,0,0 I 4:iou LOCATE 17,20 I PRINT "T 1 LLEHI NU" ; TAB( 35 1 ; ENDT11. 14305 COLOR 1 1 , 12;LOCATE IB,20 :PS 1 NT "ENDTIL = 11,0,0 ":COLOH 1 1 = • ; HU 14 360 LOCATE 5,2:PR I NT"UK 14 365 LOCATE 7,2:PR 1NT'CU = ";cu 14 370 LOCATE 9,2:PR INT"TTRANS = ";TTRANh 143BO LOCATE 1 I,2:PR INT"TPTHANS-";TPTRANS 14385 LOCATE I 3,2:PR INT'WUSE - ";WUSE 143U0 LOCATE 15,2:PR1NT"TSEVAP= ";TSEVAP 14 400 LOCATE 17,2:PRINT"RT";RT 14405 LOCATE 19,2:PR1NT"DKEPERC=";DEEPbRC:COLOR 11,0 14430 PK1NT "MAKE CORRECTIONS IF INCORRECT ELSE PRESS CONT. ( K 5 ) " ; :STOP:CLS 14440 COLOR I 1,12:FOR L=2 TO 18 STEP 2:LOCATE L,1:PRINT "V1NIT(";L/2 ; " I = V1NITIL/2):NEXT L :COLOR 11,0:PRINT 14445 PRINT "CORRECT INITIAL SOIL MOISTURE IF INCORRECT ELSE PRESS CONT.IFSI RI NT:PR1 NT:STOP:CLS 14450 FOR L^l TO 9 :W<L)-V1NIT(L}»DZRT:V IL)=V IN1T(L):NEXT L 14460 COLOR H.lZiPOR L=2 TO 18 STEP 2:LOCATE L,l:PRINT "M(";L/2;")2|:NEXT L :COLOR I 1,0:PRINT 14465 PRINT "CORRECT IF INCORRECT ELSE PKESS CONT.(F5|"; :PR1NT:PR1NT:STOP:CI 14 470 COLOR U,I2:FOK L=2 TO 18 STEP 2:LOCATE L,1:PRINT P0(";L/2;")= L/2):NEXT L ;COLOR I 1 ,0:PRINT !4475 PRINT "CORRECT IF INCORRECT ELSE PRESS CONT. (F5) " ;: P R I N T : P R I N T : S T O P : i 1 ';PMONTH; ' 14 4 90 COLOR 11,12:LOCATE I , :PR1NT"PMONTM 1 ;PDAY;" 14 495 COLOR II 12:LOCATE 3, :PR I NT"PDAY 1 :STAGE;" 14 500 COLOR 12:LOCATE 5, :PR1NT"STAOE •;JP;" 1 4 S10 COLOR I 2:LOCATE V . :PR[NT"JP •;DOY;" 14 520 COLOR 12:LOCATE 9, :PRINT"DOY '; DOG; " 14 530 COLOR ,12:LOCATE 1 I,I;PRINT'DOU 1 ;BEG IN;" 14540 COLOR ,12:LOCATK 13,1:PRINT"BEIMN '-.FINISH;' 14 545 COLOR ,12:LOCATE 15,1:PRINT'FlN1SH ;YBAR;" I 4547 COLOR ,12:LOCATE 17,1:PRINT"YEAH :COLOR 11,0 14550 PRINT MAKE CORRECTIONS IF INCORRECT ELSE PRESS CONT.(F5>";:STOP:CLS 14555 GOSUB 14 100 14 560 RETURN 14599 14600 ' READ RAIN, IRRIGATION, HAIL AND SPECIFIC DAYS TO RECORD 14601 'llllltllltlltllllilllllllllllltMMIIIIMIIIMIIIIMIttllMllttll 14602 OPEN " I " , #4, "WCWIN" 14605 INPUT I4.NRAIN 'NUMBER Ot DAYS ON WHICH IT RAINED 146 10 FOR I - I To NRAIN 11615 INPUT 14, DOYRAINl!),RA1N(1) 14620 NEXT I 14625 INPUT 14, NIR •NUMDEK OF DAYS ON WHICH IRRIGATED 14630 FOR 1=1 TO NIR 14635 INPUT 14, DOYIRtI),IHRIGII) 1 4 3 1 0 LOCATE 20,20 :PRINT "SOIL LAYER DEPTH";TAB!40 I ;DZRT 14640 NEXT I .14315 COLOR 11,12:LOCATE 2 1,20 :PRINT "DZRT = ":COLOR 14645 INPUT »4, NHA1L 0,0 •NUMBtR OF DAYS ON WHICH IT HAILED 14317 LOCATE 22 10:PR]NT MAKE CORRECTIONS IF INCORRECT ELSE PRESS CONT. <F5I";:S 14650 FOR 1=1 TO NKAIL TOP:CLS 14655 INPUT II. 1XIYHAI I.I I I , M A 1 I.P( 1 i PERCENTAGE HAIL 14320 LOCATE 2,20 :COLOR 11,12:PRINT "MAX EFFECTIVE ROOTING DEPTH";TAB)55);ZEFF 14660 NEXT I 'NUMBER OF DAYS ON WHICH TO TEST MODfcl O 14665 INPUT 14, NMEAS 14670 FOR I = 1 TO NMEAS 14325 CLOSE I 1 14675 INPUT #4, D O Y H E S U ) 14330 LOCATE 5,20 :PRINT"CR1T M1N HEAT REQUIRED To END OF TI LLER1 N(i" ;TAB ( 65 ) ; HU 14680 NEXT 1 CO ;YO:COLOR 11,0 146S5 'NEXT NM 14333 COLOR II,12:LOCATE B,20:PH1NT"YO= ";Y:COLOR 11,0 14695 RETURN 14334 COLOR 11,I2:LOCATE I 0,20:PR[NT"Y 11 : COLOR 11,12 14699 : PR I NT 14335 COLOR I 1,0: LOCATE 6.20 CORRECTIONS IF INCORRECT ELSE PRESS CO 14700 ' TO CREATE RAIN, HAIL AND IRRIGATION FILES 14337 LOCATE 1I,10;COLOR 11,0:PRINT 'MAKE 14701 llllllltlllttlMlMtlltllltllllllllllllllllltiiiiililiiittlllltlll NT.(F5>";:PRINT :PR 1 NT :STOP:CLS 14710 OPBN " I " , #4, "WCWIN" 14340 COLOR 1 I , I2:1,OCATE 1 , 2 : PRI NT'HT = •; H T 14720 INPUT »4,COUNT 14350 LOCATE 3,2:PHI NT"LA 1 = ";LAI 147 30 1474 0 H J 50 I 4760 14762 14764 14 ;<>(. I476H L477O M771 11772 14773 14774 14775 14778 I 47HO I47H2 I 47H1 1 4784 1479U 14999 15000 15010 15020 15030 15040 IS050 1 5060 15070 15080 15090 15100 151 10 15120 15130 15140 1SI&0 15160 15170 15180 15190 15200 15210 15220 H)K ] : 1 T(l COUNT INMJT (4, 1)0* HA IN. AMOUNT X(DOYNAIN,3] i AMOUNT NhXT' I INPUT #4.COUNT KOH I : I TO COUNT INPUT #4, DOY1HH,AMOUNT X(UOYIKK,&) : AMULINT NEXT I INPUT ti.COUNT KOH I = I TO COUNT I NPUT 1-4 , llOYHAI I., AMOUNT XI DOYHAIL, 7 ) = AMOUNT Nl-XT 1 INPUT 14 . C O I J N T FOR I : I I d COUNT INPUT #4, DOVMKAS X(DOYMKAS,HI - 22 NKXT 1 RETURN THK FUNCTIONS 1 t t DEF KNSINKIKW)=(I-KW)».06 /NPL DEF K N L H K U I N P L ) : 140 DEF FNDtBNGTH(D)i|Z.15+1.93«COS((D+9I/3B5«2«3.142B5) 'DAVLENGTH DtK * NMJ [> ( I)) = (30. 8 4 * 1 2 . 65»COS( | D + 9 ) / 365» 2 • 3 . 142H5) ) ' MJ «"-2 d"-l DtF KNI)L.VH(SO,KT,NM)()=SO*( .25+.7S • KT / NMX ) ' MJ «*-2 d"-l [>EF FNRAD(l-AIt= I - EXP(-.7»LAI) DfcK KNTU>N2(('Sl . PSIfr} = I-EXPl-8 . 00000 1 E-03» ( HSI - I PSIC-400) ) ) ' FH DEI- FNT1ON3IPSL , PS I C ) = 1 / ( I tEXP( 2 . 00000 1 E-03* ( PS1C-PSI))) ' KW DEF KNTION4 1PS1,PSlC>=l/<1+IXPI.004*(PSI-(PSIC-2O0|I) DEF FNTION5I KG.KLK, (>V)^FG» ( 1-FLE) »PV ' Es DKF KNTION6(T,T()|;KXP(-.OO48» IT-T0I *2) 'Ft DfcF KNTK)N8(T»=.402t.017»T-.00015»T"Z 'B/(«+0) DEK KNT1ON9ILAI I = . 186*LAI 'Fie DEF FNTlONlOIZ.HIcZi1.35»H/245O/lO0O 'Em DBF FNT1ONIUHU)=(-4]7Otl7.1*HU-.02S93»HU"2+17.09*10~|-6)*HU"3 -4 .O349» 10' ( - 9 M H U * 4 )» 10 'dG/dC DtF FNTION!2(P1=:.5«P ' SYNRESP DEF FNTIONI 3(l-00,TNITE,C)=COOt( . 04 4 + . 00 1 9 • TN ITE+ . 00 1 *TN 1TE* 2 ) «C 'MA1NRESP DKK KNTION14(H1I,NP1.| = . 85/ (1 • 482* EXPI - - 0 1 2 » HU II « NPL» 1 0 * ( - 4 ) 'LAP DHF FNTlONI5(P0t.,ML,VI,)=-liXP(P01-*EXP(-ML*VLM 'PSI3 Dth FNTION)6(HL,Pl,,P0l.l: (- 1 /ML* LOG ( PL/POL) ) DEK KNT1ON17 (RMO, l)O(JtzkM0t 1 / (1 *EXP( - . 06* ( DOU-50 M ) ' REL ROOTMASS DEF KNT1OMH(V,VIB,V0UI ( LOG ( V/ V 1 6 > ) / LOG ( VO 1 / V I 6 » • 5240 UEF (-NTIONiy(OOG,l-'W) = ( (-2.09«10 - (-4)*DOG*3t8.9l4999E-02»DOC-2-.88 19«DOU+l 2.749)/ 1000)*KW 'HT LS250 DBF KNTION20(«IO,!)ELHU,KLGHO) =Q10 • DKLHU t FLGRO ' DELLAP 'FJ 15260 l>th KNTION2 1 I V1LIEKI s EXP| - . 03 « V 1 DKF ) ' vio 1526 2 DEF KNT]ON22(t:t,AVI = . 1 3B7 • . 004 I 6*CLA¥ 15270 RETURN 16000 PRINT "END" 16020 CLOSE 16030 tNII APPENDIX V - LISTING: REGISTER in R.EM FRdBRAM 7U WRITE EACH FARMER'S WATER USE RECORD ON PAPER (NOME RFGISTFR) ?O npT 1HN RASF 0 i n m r i A M WATFRcnnni ,wvOoo> ,nci6ft> ,AMnuNT<rK>o> ,Fwrio<3on» ,wrprFP<3i">o> ^.O INPUT'FILE NAME", A* 60 OPEN " I " ,ttl ,A* 70 INPUT ttl .TITLE*,PAYS SO IF M1IU <TITLE* ,4,It="I" THEN GRnNn*="F YNSAND" 90 IF MIM<TITLE*,4,1) = "2" THEN GRDND*="L EEMSftND" 100 IF MICK (TITLE* ,4 ,1 >="4" THEN GROND*= "SANDILE ILEEM" I 10 IF MlD*tTITLE*,4,l>="3" THEN GRONP* = "SANrjLE£M" 120 PRINT TITLE* 130 FDR N=l TD DAYS 140 INPUT *l,P(N> ,UV(N),UDIEP(N) 150 PRINT D<N> ,UIVIN> ,WD1EP(N> 160 NEXT N 170 INPUT "START ING ANCi FINAL PATE OF WEEK < COMMAS BETWEEN TWO DATES)".DAT*,DATU Ml 1 R" INPLIT"HOW MANY FARMERS'1 , FARMS 190 FOR FARMERSM Tt) FARMS 200 INPUT "FARMER NAME AND BLOCt",N* 210 INPUT"MAXI MUM ROOTING DEPTH (ffl)" ;WORTEL 220 INFLiT"WATER EXTRACTION ON THE LAST DAY OF PREVIDLJ5 WEEh I mm) " sAK- WATER < DAYS71 230 INPUT"ANY CHANCE PF STREMMING (1 OR 0)"jANSWER 74CI IF ANSWFR= I THFN ?*fl ?F.II R H T O nno 260 • INPUT "DAY OF WEEI. an which stremming should o c c u r " , CiDC 270 N=DAYS-i+DDD reo REM 290 300 310 320 FOR N=DArs-6 + M"'D TO DAYS+1 FWDO(NI=FWDO(N-1>+50 IF FWD0(N)>100 THEN FWD0(N)=100 NEXT N J30 ^40 INPUT"IMUME>ER OF RAIN AND IRRIGATION DAYS" ,ANTWnORD I F ANTWDOR[i-:| THEN 3 6 1 3T.0 360 361 370 380 390 GOSUB 490 GOTO 4 70 FOft-0000=1 TO ANTUODRD INPUT"DAY OF WEEK",DAB N=DAYB-7+DftG INPUT"AMOUNT(MMI " .AMOUNT(N) 391 NEXT QQOQ 400 GOSUB 490 4tO FDR N=DAYS-6 TO DAYS 420 AMOUNT(N1=0 430 AKKWATER<N)>=0 440 FWD0(N>=0 450 FW=O 460 NEXT N 4 70 NEXT FARMERS 4S0 END 490 REM SUBROUTINE CALCULATES AND PRINTS WATER USE 500 REM •510 REM 52fi REM 530 FOR N=DArS-6 TO DAYS 540 AhKWATER(N)=AKKWATERIN-l)*WV(Ni •550 IF AMOUNT(N) ;0 THEN AKK WATER (N) ^AKKWATER <N-i )+WV (N>-AMOUNT (N) 560 IF AMDUNT<NI K) THEN FW=J IF FW=1 THEN FWDO<N)=O IF Akt-.'WATEft (N) <0 THEN AKKWATER (N) =0 580 590 IF WDIEP(N)>WORTEL THEN WDIEP(N)sWORTEL 600 NEXT N £10 PRINT 620 PRINT 630 PRINT 640 LPR I NT " * * # » * » - * # » * * * » * I I * « # * » * » » » « « » » « » * * » * » * » * * » * * * » « * # * » » » » » » » » « ••••*•*•••** **•**•••#**" 6P0 t PRINT-'WATFRVERBRUIKSADYIFSNOTA" 66O L PR I NT" " 670 LPRINT 680 LPRINT N* 690 LPRINT 700 LPRINT DAT*)" - ";DATUM* 710 LPRINT 720 LPftlNT "GRONDTIPE:"jGROND* 730 LPRINT 740 LPRINT-'BERAAMDE WORTELDIEPTE OP DIE LAASTE DAG VAN DIE WEEK : " ,WD 1EP ( DAYS I • 1' 00 s"mm" 750 LPRINT 760 LPRINT'KALENDERDAG AKUMULAT1EWE BESPROEIING PEI WATERVERBRUIK SfcNIrtblb HU LPRINT" EMM ING" 7B0 LPRINT" mm/d X" 790 LPRINT" 800 810 820 83O 840 REM FOR N=DAYS-6 TO DAYS LPRINT USING "•#».» NEXT N LPRINT" 850 LPRINT"»< •*•#**#•#••" 860 RETURN "jDINI ,WV(N) ,At;KWATER<N) ,AMOUNT<N) ,FWDD(N) .>.•....•..•...••«••••>«••••>•.•••>•••••• APPENDIX VI - LISTING: EREF 5 III 45 46 50 60 70 75 76 80 92 84 86 B9 U W R I l t VttLUtS UF I t ILHLCULfllEU HHLH1 HUUKLY VALUfcS I U Liltit . : l - i l t b l rtUlilKlCM'l IINM OK PROGftAUHE ON B6-O7-O?: F'ROGRAM Nfi..f1:TEREFB4 . &AK OP I I UN hHiit 1 DIM W 132" .TT- > ,51 I 32 , 2 " 1 . T (32 .25 I , RH (32 , 2^'* ,S <3r ,25> TL < 32) , TMAX ( 366) I"1M > O H . D I 1 6 6 I . Ttf1O6*>) , DOf ( 3 D > ONK (32) PIM RA[ltr(3t,6) .TEMPCl(3ib6) .RHDI366I .WINCiStK 3661 ,RAIND(366) , T M I N ( 3 6 6 ) Ci|M TEMF(31 ,?4I .WINtiS<31 , r 4 ) .RAIN (31 ,ZA) ,X I 3L>> .RAP (31 , 2 4 ) ,TER(366) nosue GOSUB UOSUB GO5UB PUN i•:«:•• 2",1i.i "Siii'ni. T^-i-'O PARAMETERS -LEES PATALEER 'liEREKENINGS 'SI-RTF RESULTATE E)9 90 95 SLJBR0U1INE FAROMETERS I III. EiO=S 1 10 1 BO 200 3020 2030 2040 RV ^ 1 2 . 8 5 RETURN : 1NLEES VAU UEERELEMENTE INPUI 206P 2070 2080 20B5 2090 2J00 21 10 21 11 2112 212(i 2130 2140 215O 1' 1 6i.i 2170 2175 218U G0= - 1 : MEMX = 2O : FW=1 CLS : THE MINIMUM HT[<RAULIC RESISTANCE OF THE VEGETAUQN 5,/m T T =i ••A^KOF1N[J VAN MAANCi leg. AUCi I":(-1LE» INPUT "NUMBEFl OF CATS IN DATA F I L E " | E I N D OPEN '• I " ,#1 , F I L E * FOR I - I TO EIND TMX^OlTMN-40 FDR M=l TD 24 INPUT 111 ,A» D = V A L ( M I P * l f i * , 3 , 3 > ) : I F 1-1 THEN D l - D IF I=CIN[l THEN DF = D DOT(I)=D RACK I , K ) -VAL ( M I D * ( A * , B , 7 ) ) TErtP<l,m =VAL (MID* (A» , 1 5 , 6 ) I RHll,H) =Vfil i n H H I A I ,:•! , < • ) ) wlNH'Ji I ,H) -vfiL i n l f i * ifl* ,27 . 6 ) ) R A I N ( 1 , H I -VAL trtlU*<Al , 3 V , S ) ) (jOSUb TWO IF K D n K I I I - I THEN 222U RAtHnUI -KHULMDJ *RALK I ,M) II- tE«P( I ,H) <TMN THEN TMN- TEMPI 1 ,H) IF TEMP*I,H>>TMX THEN TMX-TEMP(I,H) RHD < D)"RHDIP) »RH( 1 .HI RAlNLilin-HAINOILU tfmlhll 1 ,H> 2191 220O 22O1 22 IO 222V NtXF 2222 TnAX<D)-If1X : l n l N ( L U - I M N MINOSDllu •HINCJSDICD / 2 4 w[Nn<;rj<[>> - W I N C I M i m i . w I N I i s i i . i n PRINT H : USINb If KONK ( I ) i I THtN 224<-> iKADLH ID -RHUU < U) »3t.0O» t O" 1-6 ( " • « • * . » • » » - ;Li , H . I M A X I D l , T M I N l D > . R A I N D (CO . NEK T 1 RETURN 2240 24OO 2410 2450 5000 5001 5010 5015 i050 toss UERBANO TUSS£N SVI CPTR.) ,SVCl(NIPf>) 6038 6060 ti R n - G FOR 1=1 TO EIND IF h ONh ( I ) = 1 THEN 5 3 9 0 FOR H=? TO 18 I F R A D ( I , H ) < 0 THtN R A D ( I , H ) = O 5030 5040 RADt I ,H) = ( ( R A D t l , H I « . 5 1 3 - 6 0 ) ) 505O I F R A D U . H K O THEN R A D t l , H » = O 5055 DPl_r>DOV I I ) -PLDAT-H : I F DPLD s O THEN DPLD-0 5080 HOOG - - : . 0 9 " 1 0 - ( - 4 ) « ( D P L D 3 ) + . 0 8 9 1 4 8 * ( D P L D - 2 ) - . 8 B 1 9 9 » » (DPLOI * 1 2 . 7 4 : 5081 HDOG = HOOG/I 0 0 0 5100 I F HOOG >.B THEN HOOG=.8 5110 IF HOOG < .0*THEN HOOG=.05 5130 01=.63»HOOG : P1R = . 6 3 * . 0 5 5140 Z 0 = . 1 3 " H 0 0 G ; 2Dr< = . 1 3 « . O 5 E 1 = 6 . 1 I « E X P < 5 3 4 7 . ( 1 / 2 7 3 - 1 / ( 2 7 3 * T E M P ( I ,H> ) > > •5240 E2=RH(],H)»E1/100 DELTA = E I / < 2 7 3 » T E M P I I ,H> > " 2 » ( 6 7 9 0 . 5 - 5 . 0 2 8 0 8 * ( 2 7 3 * T E M P < I , H ) ) + 4 9 1 6 . 8 * : O ' ( - . O 525" 3 0 4 * ( 2 7 3 + T E M P I ! . H I M * (273»TEMP( I ,H) ) ' 2 + 1 . 74 2 0 9 * 1 0 " 5 * l O - ( - 1 3 0 2 . 8 8 / ( 2 7 3 + T E H P ( I ,H> ) 5260 5270 5200 S2C35 E3=E1-E2 I F W I N D S U ,H)«-0 THEN UIINDSCI , H ) - . l RA-<LDG( ( 2 - D I ) / 2 0 > "2> / < . 4 1 m2 <• W I N D S d . H ) ) RAR=tLOG( (2- D 1 R ) / Z O R ) T ) / C . 4 I - 2 • M I N D S M . H M KDNfl^i .'RA IfDNAR^l /RAR GAMA= . 6 6 * I 1 +KOm/ . 0 3 ) GAMAFi- .hi,' C 1 • • DNAft/ , 0 3 1 KONDUKTANSIE WAN GEWASOPPERVLAKTE UIDRD BERAAM DP 0 . 0 3 • / » l/RC-'. .'2^-').'.>2'.2l LEP=(RA[:l [ ,11) *EiELTA+l .2-H.H 0«E3»KONA) / (DELTA+GAMA) LEPR=(RA£t(I ,H) wtiELTA* 1 . 2 * 1010»E3»K0NflHl / (DELTA+GAMAR) LEP»LEP«3600/(2454*10"3) 5295 5300 5305 5310 5220 5330 5335 5340 5345 535O 5360 5330 TD85 5370 f.4O0 .5410 T-500 D=DO*(It TER(D) • TERCCI) NCXT H PRINT WINDSD(D) .RADtMtK ,TEF;(D) rHODG RETURN ' QM r.ftAGLU.SE DATA OF DISKET TE srio • 5900 6C-10 6015 6020 iO40 f<E TURN 1 UI T * - ' i 9S4F-RF" DPEN " A " , » 4 , L t l Tt VIR EERSTE LOFIE VERVANG " A " MET "Q" FOR D=DI TO PF PRINT H4 ,USING-«#II« . # • " ;DjTMAX(D> ;TMIN(O) jftAIND(D) ;RADD(D) j NEXT D TER(D) )TEf1 <D> 7OI.I0 7002 7OO9 7010 7020 7030 7040 7050 7060 7070 7U8II 7090 BOt'O BOP. SUBROUTINE Oil VERMISTE I'ATA TE VERVANG IF IF IF IF hUNKIl! = 1 THEN 8010 H > 7 AND H C 18 THEN 7080 RAO( t ,H ><-<?? AND H= I THEN f(AI'<l,H)'O RAD(I,H)\-99 THEN RAIlU ,H) =RAl' i 1 , H- 1 ) IF IF IF IF [F IF IF IF IF TEMP( I ,H> . . - 9 9 AND H= 1 THEN TEMP ( I ,H> = - 9 9 TEMPI I . H ) < - 9 9 THEN TEMP<I , H » ^ T E M P ( I , H - 1 ) W I N D S d ,H) v - 9 9 AND H= I THEN Ul t NDS I I ,H) = I W I N D S ! 1 , H > v - 9 9 THEN W l N D S t 1 , H I ^ W l N D S < I , H - 1 ) R A I N t I , H ) • -<?•? AND H = l THEN RA IN ( I ,H) - 0 h r t I N t 1 , H ) - . - 9 9 THEN RAIN ( I , H ) ' R A I N t I , H - 1 1 I GOTO RAD ( I , H I - . - 9 9 THEN RALiCHLn =-99.9 ! KDNk(I) R A I N I I . H I - . - 9 9 THEN RAIND(D) = - 9 9 . 9 I KONK ( 1 ) W1NPS<I ,H> • - 9 9 THEN W I N D S D < D ) = - 9 9 . 9 : KONK(I I • RETURN BO 1 O 1 1 1 A P P E N D I X VII - L I S T I N G : PRINT DAILY, MONTHLY SUMMARY 10 REM 20 REM 30 RfM 40 REM 50 REM 60 SEM 70 REM 80 REM 90 REM 100 REM 110 REM 120 130 140 5,24) 150 160 1 70 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 2B0 290 300 310 BRUCE-86 • PROGRAM ; "BRUCE" ;AGROMETEOROLOGY MET-SITE 2 - E x p r r i m r n U I ( P r i n t s d a i l y «• m o n t h l y t u i M u r i t l of met b r u c r kvlbe : O4/3/I9B5 plot ( 10/01/1986 •..•...•...•.•.•••••....•.•••••*•••••«••«•••.•••.......•.•..•••••••••-• OPTION BASE 1 CLEAfi tilM A*(B0> , X U A > ,MON<33,16> , J U L I A N ( 1 3 ) .MONTH* < 12 > , 1 ( 2 . 1 6 ) , S X ( j , 2 4 ) ,SN< 0.05, 2.5E06 0, I, 2, LAMBDA READ FIN,RECORD,HEIGHT, CROP , 10 - . 13»CROP , " ENE ESE SBE DATA " " , " NNE s s u •' DATA - W5W " , " UNW " , " NNW FOR l - l TO 9 READ DIR*<I> NEXT 1 DATA O,3I ,59 ,90,120,151 ,1B1 ,212,243,273,304,334,365 INPUT -TEAR"jYEAR INPUT "LAST LYS1METER WEIGHT mV'tWEIGHT TR-TEAB FOR I-l TO 13 READ JULIAN!1) IF INI (YR/41-TR/4 A N D I >2 THEN JUI. I AN I I I « Jl IL 1 AN I I i * ] NEXT I DATA - JANUARY »,« FEBRUARY",- MARCH »," APRIL "," MAY "," J UNE JULY "," AUGUST "."SEPTEMBER"," OCTOBER ",« NOVEMBER"," PECEMBER" 320 FOft 1-1 TO 12 330 READ MONTH*(I> 340 NEXT 1 330 CLOSE 360 INPUT -FILE REQUIRED <»<J. " B . M A R C H . O A T f j F l L E * 370 OPEN "I" ,»l.FILE* 3B0 WHT-UEIGHT 390 I PRINT CHR« (271 *CHRf < 7fc) +CHR* (48) +CHR* (49) 4O0 RECORD-I i TIME-100 : IRBIG-0 410 IF RECORD-I AND EOF(1)-O THEN INPUT »1.A* ELSE IF EOF(1> GOTO 2140 420 RECORD-I 430 IF MID»(A*,1 ,2)-"O9" THEN STOP 440 IF M1D«(A»,4 ,4)-"0249" THEN LPRINT USING '•••• .*» " I VOL <n I D* t A* ,23 ,6) ) | 16 OTO 410 450 P-LEN(A») 460 FOR 1 - 1 TO P S T E P 1 0 470 K . V A L <MID» < A » , 1 , 2 ) ) 4 BO I IK )-WAl ( M i n i I A* , 1 + 2 , 6 ) ) 490 NEXT I SOO IF P<78 GOTO 330 310 INPUT HI,A« 520 IF MlD*(Af,4,4) 0249" THEN (.PRINT USING "••••••" |VAL (MID* (AS ,23,6) ) I I GOTO 510 530 540 IF niDtlAt ,t ,2>--0<»- GOTO 450 RECDfiO-2 550 NUM-K 360 REM BRANCH TO CORRECT TABLE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 570 IF XCl>-2 GOTO 960 ELSE IF X(1)-3 GOTO t33O 580 REM TABLE »1 590 IF ( O ) - I O O Oh TIME-10O IHFN 60T0 1570 6O0 LPRINT 610 IF I I 3 I O TIME THEN GOSUB 2620 620 LPRINT USING "•••"(TIME/1 Cm : 630 TIME-TIMEM0O 640 IF NUM-ll THEN III6)-0 ELSE IF N U M X 1 THEM X ( 1 * > - X U 2 > 630 FOB 1-4 TO 12 660 IF 1-4 THEN X U >-X ( I > • 10u'</360 670 IF 1=6 THEN GOTO 760 680 IF 1-7 THEN X(l>-X( 11-10 690 ' IF I-10 THEN GOSUB 2O00 700 IF 1-12 THEN GOSUB 21OO 720 IF I -1 I THEN LPRINT USING "••«*«.*"|X(I>|ELS£ IF 1-12 AND X(t)-O THEN LP RINT •• ";ELSE LPRINT USING "•««>.«»"|Xt I > | 730 IF X M X - 9 9 THEN X(l)--99.99 I GOTO 760 740 I(1 , 1)"Z(I , I»+X(lI 750 2<2,It-Z(2,l»*l 760 NEXT 1 770 WEIGHT-X(ll) 780 2(1,I2)-(WHT-WCIBHT> 790 I(1,12>-Z<1,12)*.152 BOO GDSUB 1840 S10 LPRINT USING "•••#.••"tEP! 820 IF EP«..O1 IHEN EP=--01 IF IRRIGK) THEN IH*-"v»t" ELSE IR«="no" 1140 LPRINT 1150 LPRINT CHW*(27H-CHR*134> llt.ii LPHINT "A-P»n t»«i> " |TAB<20> |" I r r m t i o n ( " ; IR» ; " > " s 1170 JF 2(2,5X12 THEN MON < DATE ,2» — 99 .99 ELSE MON (DATE ,2) -I (1 ,5) /I »2,3> 1180 IF 2(2,7X12 THEN MON<DATE,3>—99.99 ELSE HON (BATE ,3 > -1 I 1 , 7 > 11 < 2 ,TI 1190 IF {(2,8X12 THEN MON (DATE ,4 ) --99 .99 ELSE MON (DATE , 4 I - 2 ( 1 ,8 t II (2,B) 1200 IF 2(2,9X12 THEN MON < DATE ,51—99 .99 ELSE MON (DATE ,3> -I ( 1 ,9 t /I(2,»l 1210 IF 1(2,10X12 THEN MON(DATE,6)—99.99 ELSE MON < DATE ,6 t -2 ( 1 , 101 fl 12, 1 0 1220 ) IF X(4)<0 THEN HONCDATE ,flt--99,99 ELSE MON(DATE,8>-K(4 I«2O/25 123O MON(DATE,9>-1(1,12* 1240 MON(DATE,10)-EVAP 1250 FOR 1-1 TO 2 1240 FOR J-1 TO 16 127O Z(l,J)-0 1260 NEXT J 1290 NEXT I 13OO IRfilG-0 • X U 2 J - 0 1310 GOTO 4 1 0 1320 REM TABLE « 133O IF M 2 X - 1 0 THEN MON (DATE , 11 --99.99 ELSE MON ( PATE , I ) - * <2 I »96 .4 1340 LPRINT 1350 830 IF AE<S(K ( 12)/EP) >999 THEN LPRINT " " | ELSE LPRINT USING " * • # • . « • LPRINT 1360 "|X(12t/EP; LPRINT 137O B40 IF X(161-0 THEM BOTO B70 LPRINT "WIND-DIRECTION - RELATIVE FREQUENCY fi I [N 45 DEGREE SECTORS" 138O B50 LPRINT USING "••#§.•"|K(16); LPRINT 1390 86O LPRINT "•••) O -> 43 -> 90 -> 133 -> 180 -> 223 -> 210 LPRINT "d»gr».« 1400 B7O EP = -99.99 -> 360" -> 315 880 IRRIG-IRR1G*X(16) i X(16)'O LPRINT *r»qu»ficy 1410 890 N-INT(X(3)/100I S-0 1420 900 IF X(4)>-I THEM SX (1 ,N>-SXU ,N>»X<4> i SN( 1 ,N) -SN ( 1 ,N> +1 : S5<I,N)-SS( 1430 FOR 1-3 TO 10 1 ,N)»-X (4) "2 IF I I I K O THEN X (I (—.9999 1440 910 IF X(5t>-99 THEN SX(2,Nt-SX(2,N)*X(3) I SN(2,N>-SN(2,N1•I SS(2,N>-SS IF ( ( I K S THEN GOTO I4B0 1450 (2,N)*X(5)"2 N-I 1460 920 IF X<6>>0 THEN SX (3 ,N> -SX (3 ,N1 -»X <6> SS(5,N>-SS(3 SN(5,N)-SNC3,N>*1 S-X(I) 147O ,N)»X(6> "2 LPRINT USING "••#••.•#• | M 1 ) » I O O | 1480 930 I F X ( 7 > > 0 THEN S X ( 3 , N ) - S X ( 3 , N ) * X < 7 > SS(3,N)-SS(3 SN(3,N)-SN(3,N)+1 NEXT 1 1490 ,NI*»(71"2 TIME-100 I50O 940 IF <<10)>0 THEN SX(4.Nt-SX(4,N)*X(10) : SS(4,N)=SS SN(4,N)»SN(4,N) LPRINT 1510 (4,N) *% ( 10) "2 LPRINT 1520 950 GOTO 410 MON(0ATE,7t-(N-l> 1530 94O Htr\ TABLE 12 -99.99 " ELSE LI-K IF MON(DATE,7)<0 THEN LPRINT " H i g h M t frtqucncy -> 1540 970 LPRINT Highest frequency -> "|DIR«lN-l> INT 9B0 IF P 0 K 2 4 1 THEN ( ( 4 > -X (4 ) » 2 0 / 2 3 IF F1N-1 THEN GOSUB 2140 15T.O 990 LPf*INT CHR*(27»«CHR« (331 GOTO 410 156<J 1000 LPRINT "Ave " i REM SUBROUTINE TO PfclNT HEADINGS 1570 ELSE LPRINT USING "••«.••" 11 ( 1 ,4 1580 1010 I F Z ( 2 , 4 ) < 2 2 THEN LPRINT " LPRINT CHR*(12)1 )II(2,4> j LPRINT CHR*(27) »CHf**(69t 159O FOR 1=3 TQ 10 1020 LPRINT TAB(65)("D " t X<2> 1600 IF 1=6 THEN GOTO 105O IO30 LPRINT CHR»(14)lCHR*<27)*CHR«(78)|CMR«(27)*CHR»(33> 16IO IF 2(2,1X22 THEN LPRINT " 'I ELSE LPRINT USING "««««.«*"; 2 ( I 1620 1040 LPRINT "UNIVERSITY"|CHR*(27)*CHR»(B1»!" of t h e " : C H R « ( 2 7 I * C H R * ( 7 8 ) J" ORAN ,I>/2 (2,11 t GE FREE STATE" 1050 NEXT 1 LPRINT " P«p*r-t»*nt Agro»t>orol09y " 1630 1060 LPRINT LPRINT CHRK27I *CHR*(BO) | " Eipfr.mfntjl Plot" 1640 1070 LPRINT "Total 11 ; LPRINT CHR*(13) )CHR*(27) +CH>R«(69> |CHR« (27> *CHR* ( 34 t 1650 1060 LPRINT TAB146) USING "•«»••.UN"|(HEIGHT-WHT)| LPRINT 1660 1090 LFR1NF USING "••• . Utt" ; 7 (1 , 1 ?) ; YR-r£AR-1900 I 6 70 1IO0 IF EVAP>.1 THEN LPRINT USING "•••#.••"|EVAP|ELSE LPRINT " FOR 1-1 TO 13 1680 1110 IF EVAP>.I THEN LPRINT USING "••§».••" 11(I ,12)/EVAP|ELSE LPRINT " I F X ( 2 X - JULIAN(!> GOTO 1710 14,90 NEXT I "i 1700 IF * ( 2 1 - J U L I A N I I ) THEN F I N - 1 1120 L P R I N T US1NS - • « . • - ( X < 4 > 1710 1-1-1 1720 1130 MHT-UEIGHT MONTH-I 1730 00 I 74O I73O 176O 1770 1 7BO E*/ DATE-K <2> -JUL IANC I ) IF DATE-1 THEN F 1 N-O LPRINT " Date I"iDATE|"/-(MONTH*(1> | " / - I TEAR , TAB(60> 1"DOY « - | « ( 2 ) LPRINT CMR*<27>*CHR*(33> LPRINT " T n » Rcdtn Temp «.M. CJI ibritiont Hind Ly»«tr El RAIN" Ep 1790 LPRINT " W/m" ;CHR« ( 2 7 ) [ " I , " ;CHR»<B1 > |CHR* ( 2 7 ) l " » " |SPC<4> i C H R * < 2 ? > l tCHR«<79> | C M R * ( 7 7 ) t " « " l"C X T ( C) RH<Z> m/» mV M/hr m/hr LPRINT ! HP»(77> .<_HHf '.ii > 1B0O LPRINT TAB146I USING "•••••-i"[WEIGHT( 1610 EVAP-0 1B20 GOTO 600 1830 POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPORATION 1B40 REM IF K <4> <-99 OR X (5) <-9<? OR X<7><-99 OR X U O K - 9 9 THEN RETURN IB5O I860 TEMP-X(5)+?73.15 1B7O C 0 N S I - . 4 0 I 9 9 1 4 • .017251 • X (5) - .0001483 • X <SI • X<3) 1BB0 IF I H X H B THEN ER-0 ELSE ER'CGNST • ( ( X (4) - I 4B) / . 8 8 ) /LAMBDA »3*>OO 1B90 RH-<LOG<(HEIGHT-,64 • CROP> / ZOt ) " 2 / ( .4 1 » . 4 1 • X ( i O t ) 190O EVS-EXP(32.5763-6790.499/TEMP-5.02BO8»L0G<TEMP)>/( .000«A2»TEMP ) 1910 VAP- I 1 - X < 7 ) / 1 0 0 ) ' E V S / I O O O 1920 EV-(I-CONSTI«VAP/RH »3400 1930 EP'ERtEV 1940 EVAP-EVAP+EP 195O RETURN I960 REM RADIATION 197O X< D-X ( I)»10OO/360 1990 RETURN 200O REM UIND CORRECTIONS 2010 2020 2080 RETURN 209O REM LTSIMETER CORRECTIONS 2100 IF WEIGHT < O THEN HEIGHT * X<I-1> 211O X<12)><UEIGHT-X<11)) 2120 X<I2)-X<12)».152 2I3O RETURM 2L4O REM MONTHLY SUMMARY 2150 GOSUB 2670 : 'PRINT HOURLY MEANS 2160 INPUT "FILE FOR STORING MONTHLY SUMMARY(eg.8:JAN.MQN)";f1LE« 7170 DPEN "O" ,»2,F1LEI 2180 LPRINT CHR«(l?t: 2190 LPRINT TAB<45>i"O " jMONTH 220O LPRtNT CHR*I14);CHft»(27)*CHR«(7B):CHRI(27)»CHR«(33) 221O LPRIN1 "UNIVERSirr" ;CHR»(27)*CHR«(611 :" of the" :CHRt(27)*CHR*<7B1 ; " ORAN GE FREE STATE" 7220 LPRINT " Dfpjrtnpnl fl?ro«itteorolo<)y" 223O LPRINT CHR« (2 7) 'CHR* (BO) ; " Etperinwtal Plot" 224O LPRINT CHflt11?) ;CHR«127>*CHR«<t9) SCHB«(27>+CHRI 134 I 2250 LPRINT 226O LPRINT TAP <2O) jMONTHt (MONTH) ; •'-•• : TEAR i 2270 LPRINT 2280 LPRINT CHR«(77)*CHR«(33) 229O LPRINT " Dty R i d t n Temp R . H . Ca! i b r * t i o n * Wind R«in Tot»l Total " 2300 LPRINT total mea speed angel mean • Ep" 231O LPRINT " MJ/«-,CHR*(27)*CHR«(ll5)*CHRf<49) l»2"tSPC <6> ("O-|CHR«<27)'K>IR*(H5J»CHRt(4a) |CHR«(27) tCHRf (49) |"C C 1RH m/% deg ma •ni/day" 2320 LPRINT CHR»(77)*CHR*<34> 233O FOR I - I TO 10 2340 2350 2360 2370 23B0 ;3<fO 240O flINT MONI32.D-0 M0N(33.I)-0 NEXT 1 FOR 1-1 TO DATE LPRINT USING "•••»" I FOR J-l TO 10 IF J-7 THEN LPRINT DIR*(MONII,Jl)| ELSE If J-8 AND M0N(l,J)-0 THEN LP ; ELSE LPRINT USING "• "( ELSE IF M a N ( I , J X - 9 O THEN LPRINT " " -.MONCt ,J) , IF MON(I,Jt>-99 THEN MON(32,J)-M0N(32,J)+MON(I,J) 2410 IF M 0 N U , J ) > - 9 9 THEN MON ( 33 , J) -MON 133 , J > • I 2420 PRINT «2,M0N(I,J) 2430 MONtI,J>-O 2440 NEKT J 245O LPRINT 2460 NEXT I 2470 MON(33,B)-1 24SO F1N=O 2490 2500 LPRINT CHH»(27)*CHR*(33) 2510 LPRINT "MEfiN"J FDR J-l TO 10 752O 2^30 IF J-7 THEN LPRINT ", ELSE LPRINT USING "••••.••"|MON(32.J>/MOH 133.Jl I 254O PRINT •2,MON(32,J)/MON(33,Jt 2530 NEXT J 2!M>O FOR 1-1 TO 17 2570 LPRINT 258O NEXT I 2390 LPRINT CHft*(27>»CHR*<34) 26O0 CLOSE 26 IO END 262O REM 2630 2640 2630 266O 2670 REM 26B0 2690 2700 2710 2 720 M, King tut. Hour-i y H i m FOR I-TIME*1OO TO XC31-100 STEP IOO LPRINT USING " • # • " ! I / t O O NEI1T I RETURN LPRINT CMR«(12) LPRINT LPRINT TAB( lt>> ; F I L E * LPRINT " Time FOR 1=1 TO 2* : LPRINT Rad TAB ( 10 > J "MEAN HOURLY VALUES" Temp Rel Hufli Wind cpeed Ly* 11 2730 LPRINT USING -••#•««.me1 : 1 ;S*U ,I I/SN(I ,I) :5<I2,I I/SN(2,It jSX(3,1 I /SN(3.H :SX(4,I>/SN(4,I) |SX(3,I) /SN(?,n NEXT I 2740 2760 T77O 2 780 281O 2B30 284O LPRINT i LPRINT : LPRINT TAB(101;"STANDARD DEVIATION" ! LPRINT "STANDARD C'EW I AT ION FOR 1=1 TO 24 FOR J=l 10 5 SS(J, I(=SQR( (SS(J,l>-<S« <J, I > "2/5N< J,I) ) > /<5N<J,It-I ) ) IF SN<J,I><2 THEN 5S I J,I)--999.99 NEXT J LPRINT USING "(t»#K»IIH .•»•• ,1 jSSIl , I ) ; SS ( 2 , I ) :SS(3,I t ;SS<4 ,1) jSS<5.t NEXT I RETURN A P P E N D I X VIII - L I S T I N G : TRANSFORM AUTO DATA AND FILE 10 20 30 40 3O 60 70 BO 70 1OO I 10 120 13O 140 130 160 170 180 185 190 3O0 210 220 230 2*0 230 260 270 2B0 29O 30O 31O 320 UNE 33O 34O 330 360 370 3SO 410 420 430 440 441 442 430 *h:< 470 4 BO 49O 3OO 510 32O 330 540 350 3*0 570 seo 590 600 610 620 EKPL0TS4 • PROGRAM | TO TRANSFORM AUTOMATIC WEATHER DATA WITH CORRECTION TO DATA FILES HOURLt IFtla- 2) AND DAILY <Fl 1•-3) • bruci k«lb» i 24/6/196 6 Conv«rt»d 4rom "BRUCE-B4- • • • OPT ION BASE 1 CLEAR DIM A i l B O I . I I I t l ,f1ON<33,16) .JULIAN!13) .MONTH*(12) , 1 ( 2 , 1 6 ) .SX(3,241 DIM SN<5,74> , S S t 3 , 2 4 ) DATA O, 1 , 2 , 0 . O 3 , 2.3EO6, O.2O , O READ F I N , RECORD, HEIGHT, CROP, LAMBDA , CRP , EPI 10 • .I3«CROP : It - . I3»CRP MIN-99.9"? •- WMIN-99.99 : MAX = -9<?,99 : WHAX--99.99 : M1S-0 DATA " ",NNE • ' , " ENE • ' , " EBE " , * SS€ " , ' SEW " DATA WSM " , " WNW " , " NNW " FOR 1-1 TO 9 READ D 1 R * ! I ) NEXT I DATA 0 , 3 1 , 3 9 , 9 0 , 1 2 0 , 1 5 1 , 1 8 1 , 2 1 2 , 2 4 3 , 2 7 3 , 3 0 4 , 3 3 4 , 3 6 3 INPUT "TEAR"|TEAR INPUT "LAST LTSIhETER HEIGHT >|V|MEIOHT TR-YEAR FOR 1-1 TO 13 READ JUL IAN<I) IF I N T ( Y R / 4 ) - T R / 4 AND I>2 THEN J U L I A N ( I ) " J U L l A N ( I » * t NEXT I DATA " JANUARY " , - FEBRUART*," MARCH " , " APRIL •,* HAY •," J JULY - , * AUGUST - .-SEPTEMBER- , * OCTOBER " , - HOVCHKR-,- DCCEriBER* FOR I - l TO 12 READ MONTH*(1) NEXT I CLOSE INPUT -SOURCE FILE REQUIRED < • » . C iMON-VR.EXP > ' | F 1 L E * OPEN " I - , » I , F 1 L E * INPUT •OUTPUT HOURLY FILE REQUIRED <•». AihON-YR-« .UUH)' |F tLE* OPEN - 0 " , i 2 , F I L E * INPUT -OUTPUT OAILT FILE REQUIRED ( a g . BiMON-YR-V.DAO)- ( FILC« OPEN -O-,«3,F1LE» INPUT -ENTER NAME OUTPUT WIND FILE l a g . BiMON-YR-* .HND)" |F1LE« OPEN -O",114 . F I L E * HHT-WEIGHT RECORD-I i IRRIQ-O IF RECORO-t AND E O F I U - 0 THEN INPUT * 1 ,A* ELSE IF EOF t I t 6OT0 176O RECORD- 1 IF M I D « ! A * , I , 2 ) - - O 9 - THEN STOP I F H I D * I A * , 4 , 4 > - " 0 2 4 9 - THEN GOTO 13B0 P-LEN<A*» FOR I « l TO P STEP 10 K-VALIM]D*<A*,I , 2 ) > X<K)-VAL!MID*(A*,I*2,6)) NEJIT I IF P<7» BOTO * I O INPUT t l , A « IF M I D * ( A * , 4 , 4 > - * 0 2 4 9 - THEN GOTO 1610 IF H 1 0 « < A * , l . 2 I - - O 9 - 80T0 310 RECDRD-2 NUH-K BRANCH TO CORRECT TABLE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>»»>»»>>>>>>>>>>>>>»>>>> 630 640 650 6 70 671 660 690 700 710 720 770 780 790 eoo eio 820 B30 840 B50 852 B54 856 B5B 860 870 HHO B90 900 910 93O 940 N-O 970 <?80 IF Kill"! GOTO IO4O ELSE IF X d > - 3 GOTO 1300 ' TABLE • , IF K(3)-IOO THEN GOTO 1460 DO*1 - X<2> PRINT #2, "B4": PRINT «2, USING -••••| X<2]| iPRINT X<2>, PRINT »2, USING "••"; X O> / 10Ot iPR I NT X(3> IF NUM-ll THEN X d 6 > « 0 ELSE IF N U H M 1 THEN X d 6 ) - X d 2 ) FOR 1-4 TO 12 IF 1-4 THEN GOSUB 2080 IF 1-5 AND ( ( I X - V 0 THEN GOTO 720 IF 1=6 THEN GOTO BBO IF [-7 THEN GOSUB 1800 IF 1-10 THEN GO5UB 1930 IF I'll THEN 0O5UB 198O IF 1-12 AND WEIGHT<0 THEN WEIGHT - XU-ll IF 1-12 THEN X d >-(WEIGHT-ldl-l> >•.32222 IF X d X - 9 9 THEN Xd»--99.99 IF 1-6 OR 1-6 OR 1-9 OR I-J2 THEN GOTO B50 IF X d X - 9 9 THEN nIS - MJS • 1 IF X d X - 9 9 OR XIM--99.99 THEN GOTO 880 IF 1=10 AND XdO>>WMAX THEN WHAX-X(IO) IF 1-10 AND X d O X W M l N THEN UHIN-IIIOI IF 1-5 AND X<3> >MAX THEN MAX-X (9) IF 1-5 AND X<5> <MIN THEN HIN-X(3) Z<1,I>-Z(1,I>*XIII I04O 1050 106O 1O7O 1090 too 105 110 120 140 1130 160 170 173 180 190 1205 1210 1220 123O 1240 1230 1260 127O 1280 1290 I<?,I>-Z<2,I>»1 NEXT I P R I N T »2, USING " « • * • . # # " |X<4> | aPttINT § 2 , U S ING - • • » . » • " | X 15) ; X (7) i X (10) | 2(1 , 1 2 > " ( W H T - W E I G H T > n . 3 2 2 WEIGHT=X(11) 130O P H I N T N2,USING " # # # # . » " | M E I G H T | 1310 IF R A I N - 0 THEN P R I N T # 2 , " .O" ELSE PRINT « 2 , U S I N G "•••. *" |RAIN i RAI 1320 1330 N-INTIX O t / l O O ) 1340 IF X ( 4 ) > - | THEN S X d t N > - S X d , N > * X M ) • S N I I ,NI-fiN(l ,NI »1 I S S ( 1 ,N)-SS 1345 (I,N)*X<4>"2 1350 990 IF 1360 THEN SX (2 ,N> -SX ( 2 ,N> •» (5) I SN ( 2 ,N )-SN ( 2 ,Nt • I S S ( 2 , N ) - S S 1370 (2 ,N) <-X (5) "2 1380 10O0 IF X(6)>0 THEN S X ( 5 , N > = S X ( 5 , N > + X ( 6 ) l SN<5,N)-SN<3,N>+1 t 1390 S ( 5 , N ) + X(61"2 1400 I0IO IF XI7l>0 THEN S X ( 3 , N I = S X < 3 , N ) + X 1 7 ) : SN(3,N)-5N(3,N)• I SS(3,N)-S 1410 S(3,N>*Xl?t"2 1420 1020 IF XIIODO THEN SX ( 4 ,N> »SX ( 4 ,N) • X < I O) s SN14,N)-SN(4,NI< j SS(4,N)1430 SS(4,N)tX<10)"2 1440 1030 GOTD 4 7 0 143O U1 PRINT •3,"B4*| IF D 0 K 2 4 1 THEN X <4 ) - X < 4 > «2O/23 IF Z(2,7) - O THEN Z(2,7) - -99.99 IF Z<2,10) - 0 THEN Z(2,10) - -99.9V IF I<2,4) - O THEN Z(2,4I - -99.99 IF Z(2,5) - O THEN Z(2,5) - -99.99 IF X<4)<0 THEN X < 4 > — 99.9 IF X<3> '..-99 THEN X <3> --999OO' i X <6) --999O0 • PRINT «3, USING -MHM1DOY| PRtMT N3, USING "H«««|lilS) PHINT «3, USING " tt»M» , ••• I Z< 1 , 4 >/Z< 2 , 4> I =3 PRINT «3, USING ••«(•».••" lMAX,nlN|Z(i ,31/1 (2,3) |Z (I ,71/1(2,7>» PRINT #3, USING "•••.••" |Z I I ,lOt/I(2,10) ,iWINDt-Zd , 101 /It2,*OI PRINT 113, USING •••«.•" [X(4)l PHINT «3, USING -••••.«" |X(3)/lOO0,X(6)/10O0| PRINT « 3 , USING "««••)«.•-| (HEIGHT-MHT) MIN-99.99 : MAX--99.99 : M1S-0 EP1 - O UMT •WEIGHT FOR I-l TO 2 FOR J-l TO 16 Z(I ,J)-0 NEXT J NEXT I Xd2)-0 GOTO 4 70 TABUE S-0 i PRINT * 4 , " B 4 H | PRINT « 4 , USING " • * • " |DOT| PRINT M , USING " • « . • • " jWINDY| PRINT 114, USING " • # • - • • " (HflAX |WMIN( Ht1IN-99.99 1 WMAX--99.99 I MIS-0 FOR 1-3 TO 10 IF I I I K O THEN X d ) - - . 9 " » 9 9 IF X ( I ) < S THEN GOTO 1400 N»I s-x < I ) PRINT «4, USING "••.#*•"|I<I>| NEXT I IF X I 2 X 0 THEN PRINT K4 , •• -99 . 99"ELSE PRINT K4,USING "•»•.»•" |X (2»-86 .1 IF FIN-1 THEN OOSUB 1760 GOTO 4 70 146O 1470 14B0 1490 I5OO 15U> 132u 1330 1540 155O 15*0 1370 1580 1390 1600 TR-TEAR-1900 FOR [-1 10 13 IF X ( 2 ) < - JULIANU) GOTO 1310 ME XT I IF I<2>-JULIAMll) THEN F I N - 1 1-1-1 HDNTH-I DATE-* <2>-JULIANU > IF DATE-I THEN F I N - 0 EVAP-0 GOTO 665 .RAINFALL 1600 1B10 182O IB30 18<O 1830 I860 1970 I860 R i l a t i v > humidity it-cm 3 ,1m IF X < 7 K - 9 9 THEN RETURN ELSE IF X12>>]9 GOTO 1890 TD-X<5)*273.15 TU»X<7)*273.15 es-EKf > (52.3763 - 6790.499/TD - 3.02808 • LOG <TD> >/ TO/ .000*62 Efl-E IP (32.3763 - 6790.4'?V/TW - 3.02SOB • LOG < TW> )/TW/.OOO462 £A-Efl-(1 .2»1004»lOOOI /LAMBOfl*<TD-TH» X(7>-EA/ES«100 RETURN ie<?0 190O 1910 1V20 IF K(2>-20 AND X I 3 K I O O 0 GOTO 1B2O IF K(2)<26 THEN X ( 7 ) « X ( 7 1 - 2 9 , 2 9 » 2 X ( 7 I - X ( 7 ) - 10 RETURN RAIN - V A L < M t D » I A « , 2 3 I i > ) « 2 0 / 2 3 GOTO 470 1610 1620 1630 R*UN GOTO 370 .RAINFALL 1760 1780 1790 CLOSE END >»20/25 .END 1930 1940 193O I960 .Hind c e r r t t t ions 1970 IF XM0K.0 OR I(2>>240 THEN RETURN IF X(2)><70 THEN X (10) - ( X (10) - .447) *b+ .447 IF X<2)<90 THEN XUO>-X < 10» * 6 * . 4 4 7 RETURN 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 I F K<2>>256 AND « ( 2 X 2 8 3 THEN GOTO 2070 I F X<2>-303 AND K < 3 K 1 0 THEN X C 11 >-X< 11 >+S24 I F X<2)<27 Of* K ( 2 ) > 4 0 THEN RETURN X ( 1 1 ) -X ( 6 X 1 O 0 0 - 1 3 0 0 I F X f l M M O O O THEN t ( I 1 ) -X ( I 1) / 1 000 RETURN 2050 2060 2070 IF X(2)-282 flND X(3)>1400 THEN RETURN X d l t - X (6) -1000 RETURN 2080 2090 2100 X(4)-X(4t»1000/360 RETURN .LTSIMETER CORftECTH .RADIATION APPENDIX IX COMPARISONS OF WEATHER VARIABLES AND TESTS ON EQUIPMENT Relationship between measurements on West Campus and "Die Bult" As explained, it was necessary to determine the relationship between values of certain weather elements measured at "Die Bult" and corresponding measurements made at West Campus in replace missing data. temperature, order to Results of regressions involving radiation relative humidity and wind are given in Table IX.1. The high correlation coefficients and low mean absolute differences mean that the regression equations should provide reasonably reliable estimates. It was deemed necessary to check whether the data logger in the automatic weather station was providing reliable records of lysimeter changes in mass. This was done by comparing values regis- tered on the CR21 with those measured on the Keithly digital volt meter. again The results of the tests are given in Table IX.2. the high SI and low MAD indicate that the CR21 was tioning accurately for the measurements made over both daily hourly intervals. 253 Once funcand TABLE IX.1 - Statistical analysis of relationship between West Campus and Die Bult measured values of hourly mean ( W / m M and daily ( M J / ( m 2 d M radiant flux density, hourly temperature, hourly relative humiditv and hourly mean wind speed. RAD Y - West Campus X - Die Bult W/m 2 n SLOPE INTERCEPT r MEAN OF MEASURED VALUES MAD SIMULATION INDEX TABLE IX.2 - 57 1,06 37,34 0,99 437,77 61 ,44 0,98 OCT85 SEPT85 RH WIND % m/s 23 25 28 28 1 ,07 1,03 0,72 1 ,08 6,68 2, 12 - 0 , 10 -15,24 0,96 0,99 0,98 0,98 19,60 15,75 18,7 59,46 2,30 3,38 0, 55 10,68 0,59 0,90 0,98 0,88 Y X E Kei thly E CR2 1 mm/d mm/h n 9 68 0,86 0,70 0,98 5,31 0,20 0,99 0,91 0,07 0,94 0,71 0,07 0,97 (mm/-) r MEAN OF MEASURED VALUES MAD (mm/-) SIMULATION INDEX slope in the daily values is seriously affected by a outlier. cluded On 29 1 , 23 1 ,36 0, 88 1 , 83 1,77 0,59 Statistical analysis of agreement between lysimeter total evaporation, E, registered on Keithly and CR21 recorders on a daily or an hourly basis. SLOPE INTERCEPT The AUG85 OCT8 5 OCT8 5 RAD RAD TEMP MJ/d MJ/d °C grounds of the evidence that the lysimeter connected satisfactorily. 254 in this table it was to the CR21 was simple con- functioning APPENDIX X RESULTS FROM THE COOPERATIVE EXPERIMENTS OF 1982 AND 1983 This appendix reflects the data collected in the cooperative experiments during 1982 and 1983. INVENTORY TABLES FIGURES 1982 1982 X.I Irrigation record X.4 LAI X.2 Water use X.6 Leaf water potentials X.3 LAI X.7 Scenario of Fh X.5 Leaf water potentials 1983 1983 X.8 Irrigation and rain X.12 LAI X.9 Water use X.13 Leaf water potentials X.10 Water use X.14 Scenario of Fh - Site A X.ll Crop morphological and physiological data X.15 Scenario of Fh - Site B X.16 Scenario of Fh - Site C X.17 Scenario of Fh - Site D X.18 Scenario of Fh - Site E X.19 Soil water content X.20 Soil water content X.21 Cultivation practices 255 TABLE X.I - Day of four the year on which irrigation took place sites in the Vaalhaarts/Hartswater on trials during 1982. A FREQUENCY C B D FARM UOFS FARM UOFS FARM UOFS FARM UOFS 176 176 167 167 155 155 174 174 223 223 203 203 196 196 217 217 237 237 222 222 217 225 225 251 215 235 235 242 242 266 266 249 249 251 251 279 279 260 260 293 293 271 271 306 306 278 278 287 287 266 266 303 303 279 279 10 10 7 8 8 8 256 225 230 244 235 258 244 265 265 258 279 279 8 7 TABLE X.2a - A-pan evaporation, rainfall, irrigation and measured and calculated water use and pan factors for Site A during 1982. PERIOD WATER USE PAN FACTORS A-PAN EVAP. RAINFALL IRRIGATION MEAS CALC MEAS CALC CALC/MEAS ( mm ) 222-228 229-235 236-242 243-249 250-256 257-263 264-270 271-277 178-284 285-291 292-298 299-305 TOTAL (mm } 43 49 49 49 60 59 56 72 61 31 11 5 11 4 3 58 49 5 6 16 1 636 62 (mm ) ( mm) { m m ) 62 (223) 13 18 0, 3 0,4 20 9 62 ( 237 ) 20 0,4 34 43 0,3 12 62 (251 ) 21 0,4 55 0,8 47 52 0,5 59 62 (266) 26 0,6 44 68 62 (278) 30 0,5 64 31 45 1,0 62 (293) 47 0,8 63 25 62 0,5 372 336 0.4 0,2 0,7 0,9 0,9 0,9 1 ,0 1 ,0 1,0 1,5 1,1 1,3 1,3 0,5 1,8 3,0 2, 3 1,1 2,0 1,7 2,0 1.5 1,4 2,6 572 TABLE X.2b - A-pan evaporation, rainfall, irrigation and measured and calculated water use and pan factors for Site B, during 1982. WATER USE PAN FACTORS A _D A M PERIOD EVAP. RAINFALL IRRIGATION MEAS CALC MEAS CALC CALC/MEAS (mm) (mm) 222-228 229-235 43 49 236-242 243-249 250-256 257-263 264-270 271-277 278-284 285-291 292-298 299-305 49 49 60 59 56 72 61 31 58 49 TOTAL 636 75 (222) 75 (235) (mm) {mm) 30 35 75 (249) * 43 51** 48 ( mm ) 75 (303) 65 53 33** 72 68 48 46 69 56 53 66 68 64 45 63 62 675 421 411 75 (260) 11 5 5 113 9 5 6 16 1 72 t* Ignore 75 (271) 75 (278) 75 (287) * Est imate 257 0,7 0,7 1,0 1,1 0,9 0,6 1,0 1,1 1,6 0,8 1,4 0,9 1,0 0,9 0,9 1,2 1,0 1,0 1,5 1,1 1,3 0 ,9 0 ,8 1 ,0 2 ,0 1 ,0 0 ,9 0 ,9 1 ,4 0 ,9 Table DATE X.3 - Leaf area indices measured and 1982. SITE A DOY CAL calculated LEAF AREA INDEX SITE B MEAS CAL MEAS 08/10 222 0,8 0,8 2,0 2,0 08/17 229 0,9 1,7 2,8 3,1 08/24 236 1,6 2,6 3,8 3,8 08/31 243 3,3 4,1 5,1 4,9 09/07 250 4,4 4,4 • 6,3 6,1 09/14 257 6,1 8,1 7,8 5,8 09/21 264 7,9 5,3 9,8 7,2 09/28 271 9,7 4,7 8,7 5,6 10/05 278 8,1 2 7,3 2,1 10/12 285 6,9 3,5 6,3 2,7 10/19 292 5,6 2,2 5,1 2,2 10/26 299 4,3 3,6 3,8 3,8 2 58 during 10 ncomputed + measured 8- 260 240 220 280 300 DAY OF THE YEAR FIG. X.4a - Measured and calculated leaf area indices at site A during 1982. 10 98- • computed + measured 7654321 - 220 240 260 280 300 DAY OF THE YEAR FIG. X.4b - Measured and calculated leaf area indices at s i t e B during 1982 259 Table X.5a - Pre-dawn and site A, 1982. noon leaf water potential (bar) at LEAF WATER POTENTIAL DATE 08/10 08/17 08/24 08/31 09/07 09/14 09/21 09/28 10/05 10/12 10/19 10/26 TABLE X.5b - DOY PRE-DAWN NOON CALC MEAS CALC MEAS 222 229 236 243 250 257 264 271 278 0,1 0,1 1,1 2,6 0,4 6,8 0,5 4,0 2,6 4,7 4,0 3,8 9,8 10,9 10,9 16,2 12,2 285 292 299 1,6 1,3 11,4 1,6 2,3 6,4 4,0 4,0 1,6 4,1 18,4 15 ,8 14,9 13,9 16 ,9 15 ,7 17 ,0 19,5 19, 1 16,0 12,1 18,0 Pre-dawn 1982. 1,1 6,7 6 ,9 16,3 19,2 25,3 10,8 13, 1 18, 1 and noon leaf water potential at site LEAF WATER POTENTIAL DATE DOY PRE-DAWN 08/10 08/17 08/24 08/31 09/07 09/14 09/21 09/28 10/05 10/12 10/19 10/26 CALC MEAS 222 229 236 243 0,1 0,4 1,2 2,0 3,0 4,4 6,2 7,5 250 0,4 7,0 0,5 5,3 0,6 257 264 271 278 285 292 299 2,0 3,1 3,9 3,0 1> 1 7,7 1,6 1,3 1,5 7,3 3,9 260 MOON CALC 10,0 11,5 11,1 17,4 12,3 7,1 16,5 19,2 25,2 10,7 13, 1 18,1 MEAS 14,9 14,2 13,5 15,0 18, 1 17 , 3 19, 1 16,8 18,9 16,5 — B 2.8 • computed • measured I 220 240 I i f 260 DAY OF THE YEAR 280 500 260 280 300 1.2 1.1 - D computed 1- + measured 0.9 - 0.80.7- 03- 0.1 240 220 DAY OF THE YEAR FIG. X.6 - Noon 1982 and pre-dawn leaf water potential at Site 261 A, '.Or 0.6- OJS 0(4- 0.2 220 240 260 DAY FIG. X.7a - 280 300 OF THE YEAR Scenario of the Hydraulic scheduling factor, Fh, on Site A during 1982. 1.0 0.8 0,6 0.4 0,2- 0 220 240 FIG. X.7b - :80 260 DAY Too OF THE YEAR Scenario of the hydraulic scheduling factor, Fh, on Site B, 1982. 262 TABLE X.8a - Day of the year (DOY) on which rainfall occurred and the amounts at the six Sites investigated. SITE DAY OF THE YEAR RAIN A 168 205 263 282 291 ( mm ) 11 25 9 32 13 B 168 205 263 280 291 11 25 9 32 13 C 168 205 263 282 291 11 25 7 38 12 D 168 205 263 282 291 11 25 7 38 12 E 168 205 281 20 24 20 F 148 206 282 283 288 311 20 40 9 6 10 13 263 TABLE X.8b - Day of the year on which irrigation took place on six sites in the Vaalharts/Hartswater and Bultfontein trails during 1983. A B C D E F FARM UOFS FARM UOFS FARM UOFS FARM UOFS FARM UOFS FARM UOFS 167 167 164 164 165 165 157 157 165 165 140 140 214 214 192 192 185 - 187 187 201 201 147 147 235 - 221 221 222 222 221 221 224 224 196 196 250 250 - 250 264 264 238 - 242 - 224 224 264 265 257 - - 300 248 248 259 259 238 238 278 278 263 - 279 279 276 276 250 250 299 299 - 265 300 300 264 264 278 278 278 278 300 300 292 292 306 306 76 77 44 76 264 65 10 10 A-pan evaporation, rainfall, irrigation and measured and simulated water use and pan factors for Site A during 1983. TABLE X.9 - WATER USE PERIOD A-PAN RAINFALL IRRI MEAS SIM (mm) (mm) ( mm ) ( mm) (mm) 207-216 217-221 222-229 230-235 236-242 243-249 250-256 257-263 264-270 271-277 278-291 292-298 TOTAL 25,0 68* 214 52,5 38,5 50,0 63,0 46,0 57,9 44, 1 50,5 84,0 54,0 608, 5 * - 24,2 10,4 10,4 14,6 250 9 (263) 265 32 (282) 13 (291) 54 278 33,2 32,2 39,8 80,7 80,0 350,5 14,7 12,6 17,3 33,9 45,7 50, 1 46,2 48,8 55,9 107,2 5,2 PAN FACTORS MEAS SIM 0,37 0,46 0,27 0,21 0,23 0,72 0,56 0,90 1 ,60 0,27 0,73 0,24 0,45 0,68 0,73 1,09 0,80 1, 12 1,11 1,28 0,10 0,52 1 ,67 3,24 1,60 1,51 1,43 437,6 Evaporation on two of the days was estimated. 265 SJIM/MEAS 1,24 0,69 TABLE X.lOa - A-pan evaporation, rainfall, irrigation and measured and simulated water use and pan factors for Site B during 1983. PERIOD RAINFALL A-PAN (mm ) ( mm) 207-216 217-221 222-229 230-235 236-242 243-249 250-256 257-263 264-270 271-277 278-291 292-298 TOTAL IRRI ( mm ) 68,0* 52,5 38,5 50,0 63,0 46,0 57,9 44, 1 50,5 84,0 54,0 608,5 WATER USE SIM MEAS ( mm) 27,9 (mm) 10,8 44, 5 16,7 15,8 14,9 49, 1 28,9 15,3 14,0 34,4 16 ,9 56,2 51,6 42,9 56,8 123,0 47,1 197,8 468,5 MEAS PAN FACTORS S IM SI M/MEAS 0,41 0,16 0,39 0,85 0,43 0,37 0,27 1 ,07 0,50 0,29 0,36 0,69 0,27 1,22 0,89 0,97 1 , 12 1,46 0,87 0,34 0,84 1,86 1 ,00 1,14 1 , 78 221 250 9 (263) 265 32 (280) 278 13 (291) 54 TABLE X.lOb - A-pan evaporation, rainfall, irrigation measured and simulated water use and pan for Site F during 1983. PERIOD A-PAN RAINFALL IRRI ( mm) (mm ) {mm) 31 ,9 196 61 , 4 * 40 (206) 23,7 224 34,5 195-201 202-216 217-222 223-229 230-235 236-244 245-250 251-264 265-270 271-280 281-292 293-299 300-311 31,6 55,0* 238 59,0 250 96,3 264 50,7 278 108,3 88,3 16 (282) 292 60,3 10 (288) 95,4 13 (311 ) 306 TOTAL 851 ,7 * Evaporation W A T E R USE MEAS SIM ( . mm) 49,,8 33 ; ,0 13.,9 48,,4 MEAS ( mm ) 17,2 41 ,3 16,4 27,4 25,8 24,3 0,8 2,7 4,0 16 ,6 16,3 0, 15 0, 18 30,5 44,5 0,51 0,47 on two of the d a y s w a s e s t i m a t e d 266 PAN FACTORS SIM SIM/MEAS 0,54 0,67 0,27 0,79 0,82 0,44 0,01 0,03 0,08 252,8 79 and factors 1 , 56 0 ,54 0 ,59 1 ,40 0 ,35 1 ,25 0 ,46 0 , 56 TABLE X. lla - Crop Morphological and physiological data and soil water contents measured at Site A, 1983. LAI DOT CROP HEIGHT GROWTH STAGE BOOT DEPTH MEAS LEAF WATER POTENTIAL CALC (bar) (bar) (•) r-o 186 193 200 207 216 221 229 235 242 249 256 263 270 277 291 298 0 0 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,7 0,7 0,7 Tillering 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,8 0,8 0,9 Heading 1,0 1,0 Flowering 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 MEASURED OBHOO 12HOO 0,2 0,3 0,7 1 1,3 1,5 1,9 2,2 1,8 2,4 2,8 1,1 0,5 0 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,8 1,8 2,5 3,5 5,1 6,7 7,9 7 5,6 2,3 3,4 1,9 2,2 1,4 1,2 3,1 1,3 2,3 9,6 1 5,5 4,4 7,6 10,8 2,2 19,6 16,6 8,4 17,3 17 18,1 15 21,3 22,9 24,2 24,5 22,6 25,3 38.2 9,6 CALCULATED 0 6 H 0 0 121100 (bar) (bar) 3 0,1 0,3 0,2 0,4 0,1 0,1 0,2 1,7 4,1 1,1 1,5 3,9 2,5 50 6,6 6,2 5,6 2,7 8,1 6.9 8,1 9,3 12,8 16,7 10,9 11,5 13,1 14,4 50 MEASURED LAYER 8g ,0,3 ,3,6 ,6-,9 (*) (*) <*) 7.6 7,5 6,3 10,5 10,3 10 11,5 9,9 8 10 10,6 11.4 7,1 6,1 5,1 4,8 9,2 6,1 8,5 3 10,5 10,5 11,8 11,8 11,3 11,2 11,6 12,7 11,8 11,6 11,1 11,1 11,8 10,9 11.5 5,9 6,9 9,6 8,9 8,5 10,8 8,6 ,3 9,2 10,9 TABLE X.llb - Crop Morphological 1983. and p h y s i o l o g i c a l oo 186 193 200 207 216 221 229 235 242 249 256 263 270 277 291 298 CROP HEIGHT GROWTH STAGE ROOT DEPTH (•) (•) 0,1 Tillering 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,4 Heading 0,4 0,7 Flowering 0,8 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,8 0,9 0,9 1 1.3 1,3 1,5 1,7 MEAS CALC MEASURED 06H00 12HOO (bar) (bar) 0,8 0,7 1,3 1,8 2,6 3,2 2,6 2 4.1 3 1,3 water contents LEAF WATER POTENTIAL LAI DOY data and s o i l 0,5 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 1.3 2,2 3,2 4 5,6 6,8 7 5,6 3.1 3,3 5 1,5 13,6 3,5 0,9 14,8 17,8 16,9 1,5 7,8 15 13,2 17,3 17,3 22,4 25,3 24 21,6 5,3 24 CALCULATED 06H00 12H00 (bar) (bar) 0,3 0,1 0,4 0,2 0,4 0,1 0,2 0,2 1,9 5,3 1,5 1,8 4 2,6 5,1 6,6 6,5 5,6 2,8 8,2 6,9 8,2 9,5 13,2 15 11,5 11,5 13,2 14,6 •eaaured at S i t e B, MEASURED LAYER eg ,0-,3 ,3,6 6-,9 (*) <%> <*> 4,3 6 6 5 9,5 4,5 3,6 4,5 3,1 2,7 6,5 8,2 6,3 7 6,2 6,2 5,3 6.1 5,1 3,8 3.4 6.1 3,9 5,6 5,3 4,3 6,5 5,2 3,7 6,9 6 15, 1 2,5 4, 1 5,5 2,3 6,2 4,4 2,4 5,1 3, 1 2,5 4.8 + LAI calculated (unstressed) c LAI measured { Irrigation 1 Rain 180 FIG. X.12a - 280 Measured and simulated leaf area indices, 1983 Site B, + LAI calculated (unstressed) • LAI measured \ Irrigation Rain HUE (DOY) FIG. X.12.2 - Measured and simulated leaf area indices, 1983. 269 Site A, 50 • measured + calculate^ f 180 200 220 240 260 280 TIME (DOY) FIG X. 13a (1) - Pre-dawn leaf water potential at Site A, 1983* D measured + calculated I 220 240 280 HUE (DOY) FIG. X.13a (2) - Noon leaf water potential at Site A, 1983 270 50 28 - D measured 26- + calculated 242220 181614121086 - 420 180 200 220 TIME (DOY) FIG. X.13b(l) - Pre-dawn leaf water potential at Site B, 1983 50 28 26- • measured + calculated 2422 201816- f 141210 8 642180 200 220 240 280 280 (DOY) FIG. X.13b (2) - Noon l e a f water p o t e n t i a l a t S i t e B, 1983 271 | 1 1 H*in 1 Irrigation * Fh catculition so *• • 1 Fh forecast \ '" r'i 240 zeo X.14a ^ 1 1 260 DAY FIG. OF 380 I/ 300 1Z0 THE YEAR Scenario of the hydraulic scheduling on Site A, 1983 for the UOFS plot. - • 1 '• factor, Fh, 100 f - fh cil: •• fh forecast if SO 220 240 260 DAY FIG. X.14b - eao 300 OF THE YEAR Scenario of the hydraulic scheduling factor, on Site A, 1983 for the farmer plot. 272 Fh, I 00 I L. J-i. — Th C i l c u l a L u U • . Fh f o r e c a s t I 2L 0 240 260 DAY FIG. X.15a - 280 300 OF THE YEAR Scenario of the hydraulic scheduling on Site B, 1983 for the UOFS plot. factor, Fh, Scenario of the hydraulic scheduling factor, on Site B, 1983 for the farmer plot. Fh, 100 f Ifrigalion — I li calculated •• Fh ( 240 FIG. X.15b - 280 260 PAY Oc 300 THE YEAR 273 100 | III m t [rrirjaLion - Fh calculated - • Fli f 240 120 Z60 DAY FIG. X.16a - 260 300 OF THE YEAR Scenario of the hydraulic scheduling on Site C, 1983 for the UOFS plot. factor, Fh, ioo , — L I Ham 75 f 1r? y - Ft: ukuiated lition -• Hi forecast SO 220 ?*u DAY FIG. X.16b - zeo OF THE YEAR ?60 300 Scenario of the hydraulic scheduling factor, on Site €, 1983 for the farmer plot. 274 Fh, 25 220 240 260 DAY FIG. X.17a - OF THE 260 300 J20 YEAR Scenario of hydraulic scheduling Site D, 1983 for the UOFS plot. factor, Fh, on Fh, on lOOr I Ha in T Irrigation - fh calculated •• Fh forecast 50 2B0 DAY FIG. X.17b - 303 OF THE YEAR Scenario of hydraulic scheduling factor, Site D, 1983 for the farmer plot. 275 I Run V Irrigation -n, LdUttliU'd ••Hi DAY FIG. X.18a - OF THE YEAR Scenario of the hydraulic scheduling on Site E, 1983 for the UOFS plot factor, Fh, 100 I Rain f Irrigation — Fh cal ••Mi forccasl t*> 260 220 DAY FIG. X.18b - ZOO 300 OF THE YEAR Scenario of the hydraulic scheduling factor, Fh, on Site E, 1983 for the farmer plot. 276 200 -ISO 100 50 ro o u u \ Std D«v seaiurad 0v2 I 1 Aneaaured 200 220 240 260 DAY C1F THE YEAR - DOY FIG. X.19 - Gravimetrically measured and simulated values of the volumetric water content in the second soil layer, Ov^ at Site A, during 1983. ISO - 100 - i/i SO o o o UJ to 1 StJ Dav of nciiurgd • Measured 9^-, Svj SlmuUtod 0,,, I jl 200 210 DAY FIG. ~ X.20a - OF I • THE I 2QQ 260 YEAR Gravimetrically measured and simulated values of the volumetric water content in the second soil layer 0v2 , at Site B, during 1983. ISO 100 o 1/) o a l B DAY FIG. X.20b - HO i OF THE YEAR HO t a i 280 3DD (DOYJ Gravimetrically measured and simulated values of the volumetric water content in the second soil layer, Qv% , at Site F, during 1983. 278 1 75 I 1 I 1 In-iMtion — Th calculated •• Hi forewfcl 1 II 1 ^, SO - 2$ - i i zoo I A. ! ?tO \ ,/ 3PO L. or mr FIG. X.20c - Scenario of the hydraulic scheduling factor, on Bite F, 1983. 279 Fh, TABLE X.20 - Cultivation practices TIME OF PLANTING SITE PLANT DENSITY CALENDER the CULTIROW WIDTH VAR different faners during 1982. SOIL DESCRIPTION IRRIGATION PLOT SIZE FERTILIZER DOT (. no oo o adopted by ) (kg/ha) (-•) (• ) (•) A 82.06.25 176 223 85 167 6 T4 Mangano loaiy sand: 10* clay, 2% silt, 1,8* course sand, 69* fine sand 6,5 x 200 B 82.06.16 167 383 150 167 6 T4 Sand: 94* sand, 6X clay 6,5 x 287 C 82.06.23 174 383 T4 Sand: 94* sand 6* clay 6,5 x 118 D 82.06.04 155 383 T4 6,5 x 90 300 kg/ha 3.2.1 (25) 500 kg/ha Aioniui Sulphate TABLE X.21 - Cultivation practices during 1983. Row widths on all farms were 167 mm except width of 200 mra was used. A - : SST 44 Fertilizer : 350 kg/ha 250 kg/ha 100 kg/ha - row HARTSWATER Cultivar B ("or Site C where a 255 plants/ha 3.2.4.(25) ASN (27) ASN (27) top dressing MAGAGONG Cultivar : T4 Fertilizer : 200 kg/ha 2.3.4.(30) 150 kg/ha Ammonium Sulphate applied before planting (June 11, 1983. 300 kg/ha Ammonium Sulphate top dressing applied on July 11, ]y83. C - 2 58 pi ants/ha TADrASTER Cultivar : T4 Fertilizer : 250 kg/ha 3.2.1 (25) applied before planting. 250 kg/ha Ammonium Sulphate top dressing applied with the first irrigation after planting, viz. August 10, 1983. D - 2 78 piants/ha TADCASTER I ultivar : T4 Fertilizer : 350 kg/ha 3.2.1 (25) 460 kg/ha ASN (27) All the fertilizer was applied before planting. V - 4 36 plants/ha MAGAGONG I ult Lvar : Zaragoza 'Z6i"> plants/ha Fertilizer : 500 kg/ha 3.2.1 (25) 3 00 kg/ha Ammonium Sulphate 270 kg/ha Ammonium Sulphate top on August 30, 1983. dressing applied