2011 Annual Report - School of Engineering


2011 Annual Report - School of Engineering
Annual Report Summary……………………………………………………………….. 3
Annual Report Summary…………………………………………………………….. 11
Archival Technical Journal Publications……………………………………………. 14
Published Books, Book Chapters, Book Sections & Edited Volumes……………..... 29
Conference Proceedings & Other Publications…………………………………….... 30
Active Research Grants and Contracts……………………………………………..... 35
Awards, Honors, Patents………………………………………………….…............. 45
Major Professional Activities………………………………………………………… 47
Annual Report Summary…………………………………………………………….. 73
Archival Technical Journal Publications…………………………………………….. 75
Published Books, Book Chapters, Book Sections & Edited Volumes………………. 81
Conference Proceedings & Other Publications……………………………………..... 82
Active Research Grants and Contracts………………………………………………. 87
Awards, Honors, Patents………………………………………………….…………. 97
Major Professional Activities………………………………………………………… 98
Annual Report Summary…………………………………………………………….. 111
Archival Technical Journal Publications…………………………………………….. 114
Published Books, Book Chapters, Book Sections & Edited Volumes……………….. 119
Conference Proceedings & Other Publications……………………………….. ……… 121
Active Research Grants and Contracts……………………………………………….. 127
Awards, Honors, Patents………………………………………………….….............. 136
Major Professional Activities………………………………………………………… 137
Annual Report Summary…………………………………………………………….. 154
Archival Technical Journal Publications…………………………………………….. 156
Published Books, Book Chapters, Book Sections & Edited Volumes……………….. 165
Conference Proceedings & Other Publications……………………………….. …….. 167
Active Research Grants and Contracts………………………………………………. 180
Awards, Honors, Patents………………………………………………….……......... 190
Major Professional Activities………………………………………………………… 192
Annual Report Summary…………………………………………………………….. 210
Archival Technical Journal Publications…………………………………………….. 212
Published Books, Book Chapters, Book Sections & Edited Volumes……………….. 219
Conference Proceedings & Other Publications……………………………….. ……… 220
Active Research Grants and Contracts………………………………………………. 229
Awards, Honors, Patents………………………………………………….………..... 237
Major Professional Activities……………………………………………………….. 238
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING…………………………………………………………......... 264
UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS OFFICE…………………………………………………..... 270
The School of Engineering continued to make significant strides in its educational, research and outreach
missions during the 2010-11 fiscal year. Enrollments in our undergraduate and graduate programs rose,
research grants and expenditures increased to new highs and included a greater number of interdisciplinary
and multi-institutional proposals, faculty and students received prestigious honors, and we expanded our
collaborations with the business/industry community in innovative ways.
Among the most recent, high profile testaments to the enhanced recognition accorded the UConn School of
Engineering is the late April announcement by Connecticut Senate President Pro Tempore Donald E.
Williams, Jr., of a proposal to provide $72 million in bonding funds to support the design and site preparation
for a technology park similar to the famed Research Triangle Park (RTP) in North Carolina. The School of
Engineering is a key partner in bringing this effort to fruition. The center will provide space and support
services where businesses and academic researchers may collaborate to advance important new technologies,
bringing much-needed high tech jobs to northeastern Connecticut’s “quiet corner.” Senator Williams also
announced that, building on the success of the Eminent Faculty Initiative in Sustainable Energy, his budget
proposal includes $2.5 million for a new “Innovation Partners Eminent Faculty Program.” The new initiative
would allow UConn to attract top scholars and scientists in areas of advanced product development,
information security and biomedical engineering. Both proposals were passed by the Connecticut General
Assembly, paving the way for these important new initiatives, which will bring jobs and research impetus to
the region.
The 2011 edition of the Fiske Guide to Colleges gave UConn a strong review and named engineering as
among the university’s “strongest programs.”
The quality and dedication of our students remain exceptional. For the fall 2010 term, we welcomed a
freshman class of 468 students, whose average combined verbal and math SAT score was 1274. The School
of Engineering had 283 undergraduate students participating in the University’s Honors Program (of 1,525
across the entire university), corresponding to roughly 14 percent of our undergraduate population. This year,
many of our students received prestigious scholarships and awards. These are detailed in the Honors &
Awards section.
The total undergraduate population for the School was 2,036, and we are delighted to note that the
conversion rate from the freshman to sophomore year is now 90 percent. Furthermore, the growth in female
students continues to climb: for the 2010-11 academic year, there were 367 female undergraduates, a
significant rise over the 2007 figure of 260 female undergraduates.
The greatest share of undergraduates resides within the Mechanical Engineering Department with 432 fulltime undergraduates during the 2010-11 school year. The Biomedical Engineering Program enjoyed
enrollments of over 300 undergraduates. Chemical Engineering and Civil Engineering had full-time
undergraduate enrollments of over 227 and 222, respectively.
Impressive gains were made in the recruitment of an outstanding class for 2011:
Freshman applications increased by 24% (see table below) in 2011 compared to 2010
Percentage of admitted women students increased to 29% in 2011
Percentage of admitted under-represented minority students increased to 11% in 2011
Percentage of admitted minority students increased to 21% in 2011
Percentage of admitted out-of-state students increased to 52% in 2011
Average class standing of admitted students is in the top 11th percentile in 2011
Average SAT of admitted students increased to 1316 in 2011
2011 Applications
2010 Applications
The recent UCLA HERI Degree Completion Rate Report indicates that four-year and five-year graduation
rates for STEM aspirants in the U.S. range from 13%-32% and 18%-42%, respectively (see table below).
For the UConn School of Engineering, the four-year and five-year graduation rates for 2004 engineering
aspirants are 32% and 45%. For 2005, the four-year and five-year graduation rates for engineering aspirants
National Statistics for 2004
4 Yr Grad Rate
SoE for
5 Yr Grad
at UConn are 40% and 57%. These rates are significantly higher than the national averages.
SoE for
The NSF-funded First in Family Energy Scholarships were awarded to four Connecticut Technical High
School graduates, easing their financial burden and enhancing their likelihood of success. The students – who
are enrolled in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Management & Engineering for
Manufacturing, -- came to UConn from Vinal Tech, Platt Tech, Wilcox Tech and Grasso Tech. In early
May, B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees were awarded to more than 435 undergraduate students and nearly 185
graduate students.
The School of Engineering anticipates continued growth for the 2011-12 academic term. As of March 30,
2011, the number of applicants admitted to the engineering program at the Storrs campus was 1,571 (vs.
1,479 in 2010), with an average SAT score of 1316 (vs. 1271 in 2010). Of these, 25 admitted students were
the valedictorian and 10 were the salutatorian of their classes.
The six-week Joule Fellows Program, selected for funding in 2009 through the National Science
Foundation’s Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) program, brought 12 teachers representing 10
schools across Connecticut and Massachusetts during summer 2010. This program builds upon the success
of, but dramatically expands, the da Vinci Project, another NSF-funded teacher immersion program. Mike
Humphreys, a 2010 Joule Fellows Program participant and teacher at Xavier High School, Middletown, CT,
led his Engineering Club team to win the 2011 Real World Design Challenge (RWDC). The 12-student team
designed a next-generation airplane wing that maximizes fuel efficiency and enhances performance. They
will visit the White House in October.
In the area of undergraduate research, the School was awarded two new NSF Research Experiences for
Undergraduates (REU) site grants enabling undergraduate students from across the globe to participate in
summer research at UConn. One new site in Electrical & Computer Engineering (John Chandy) will support
research projects in data encryption, authentication trustworthiness and hardware security. The second site,
in Mechanical Engineering (Kevin Murphy and Michael Renfro) will focus on the development of innovative
methods for energy generation. UConn Engineering now hosts four REU sites.
Five engineering students were selected to be University Scholars (Gregory Breuer, Ethan Butler, Michael
Ignatowich, Britta Kunkemoeller, Christopher Lee). This highly regarded, competitive program enables
students to build their own rigorous plan of study in their final three semesters, culminating in an
independent piece of scholarship.
In the area of recruiting and outreach, UConn Engineering was invited by United Technologies Corp. to
participate – along with Penn State, RPI and WPI – in the acclaimed Engineering Ambassadors program.
Selected Ambassadors travel to schools throughout Connecticut with the goal of introducing school-age
children and teachers to engineering, both as a profession and a way to understand and improve the world
around them.
The Engineering Diversity Program and Undergraduate Office continued their diverse portfolio of outreach
and recruiting activities aimed at increasing the diversity and quality of the undergraduate engineering
population and exciting greater interest in engineering as a program of study. These activities included the
highly successful BRIDGE summer preparatory program, the one-day Multiply Your Options for eighth
grade girls, the Saturday Pre-Engineering Program, the week-long Explore Engineering program for high
school juniors and seniors; sponsorship of the Connecticut Invention Convention, Northeast Regional
Science Bowl and competitive chess contests; and immersive research experiences for middle and high
school teachers.
Another exciting new initiative begun during the year is the Pegasus Project, which enables students to take
selected engineering courses via face-to-face distance learning technologies. In its first year, the Pegasus
Project launched four summer courses – two per summer session – with a combined total of approximately
90 students.
The GK-12 (Graduate STEM Fellows in K-12 Education) program, selected for funding in early 2010 with
$2.7 million in support from the National Science Foundation with the aim of placing UConn engineering
graduate students in Connecticut Technical High School classrooms, supported eight dedicated graduate
students (three each in Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, and two in Materials Science)
during the academic year. The GK-12 Fellows interacted with teachers and students throughout the year at
Howell Cheney, Harvard H. Ellis, E.C. Goodwin, Ella T. Grasso Southeastern, Norwich, A.I. Prince, Vinal
and Windham Technical High Schools. The experience has been extremely positive for the teachers and
students as well as the Fellows, who have gained valuable instructional skills and a better understanding of
the need for hands-on instruction in a K-12 teaching environment. Complementing the GK-12 program is the
First In Family Energy (FIFE) Scholarship program, also funded by the National Science Foundation. The
FIFE scholarships are reserved for financially-needy students who might otherwise be unable to pursue a
UConn engineering education and are interested in energy careers. During AY 2010-11, five students were
supported by the FIFE Scholarship program.
The School launched a new Graduate Professional Development initiative intended to help graduate students
hone their skills and experience in certain key areas, including proposal and technical writing, teaching skills,
entrepreneurship, resume writing and career planning.
A dual M.S. degree program funded by the U.S. Department of Education was developed with the
Politecnico di Milano and Politeca de Madrid. Both institutions are ranked as the top science and
engineering universities in their respective countries. Students from the University of Connecticut will
receive a stipend to pursue their MS degrees and to participate in research and internship programs in
The School of Engineering posted research expenditures of over $37.3 million during the year.
In May, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft presented the School of Engineering a significant gift enabling the
purchase of a gas turbine module and to make much-needed upgrades to a laboratory devoted to
mechatronics. The effort was led by Paul Adams, Senior Vice President of Engineering, Al Brockett, Vice
President of Engineering - Module Centers, and Thomas Prete, Chief Engineer of Hot Section Engineering.
The gift underscores the rich, multi-layered and symbiotic relationship that exists between UConn and Pratt
& Whitney.
The engagement initiative to enhance the School’s integration and collaboration with industry continued
during the year. The School assembled a commercialization team (Entrepreneur in Residence Robin
Bienemann; Hadi Bozorgmanesh, Director of Engineering and Physical Sciences, UConn R&D Corporation;
and Michael Wisniewski, Manager, Springboard Program) to help the School commercialize technologies
developed within faculty labs and work collaboratively with industry. Six Innovation Connection networking
events were sponsored at different locales on the UConn campus and at businesses. These attracted large
numbers of attendees from the private sector, including industry and IP professionals, faculty and students.
Importantly, they afforded UConn a means to raise awareness of the university as an innovative and
commercially relevant environment.
Another strategic priority for the School of Engineering has been access to state-of-the-art high performance
computing (HPC) capabilities. During the year, Engineering Computing Services interfaced with BECAT,
the Computer Science & Engineering Department, University Information Technology Services and C2E2 to
design a new HPC cluster for use in BECAT by researchers across the University. This collaboration led to
the procurement of two HPC Linux clusters that will significantly enhance the research computing
capabilities of faculty and graduate researchers in myriad disciplines. The School also organized a
University-wide HPC learning seminar with Microsoft and deployed a Microsoft HPC cluster pilot using the
idle computational time of computer labs.
Innovations in Emerging Frontiers is a new program to develop internal grants to faculty members who
propose innovative and cutting-edge ideas for future research directions. The “Innovations in Emerging
Frontiers” initiative will support a wellspring for strikingly original and transformative research ideas that are
transformative and visionary; address solutions to grand challenge problems in engineering; and transdisciplinary. Sixteen new proposals were submitted and three projects were selected in the areas of:
Smart Building Smart Grid (Dr. Peter Luh)
Stroboscopy for 3-D Rheology of Bio-Engineering Solutions (Dr. Bryan Huey)
Tunable Magneto-electronic Microsensors and Nanowire Arrays (Dr. Puxian Gao)
Faculty members were highly successful this year in securing, as lead institution, interdisciplinary, multiinstitutional large grants. A small, representative sampling of the largest grants are summarized below.
The large USAID Higher Education Development-funded project led by Mekonnen Gebremichael (with
Michael Accorsi, Ross Bagtzoglou, Manos Anagnostou and Guiling Wang of Civil & Environmental
Engineering; Carol Atkinson-Palombo and Jeffrey Osleeb of Geography; and Farhed Shah of the College of
Agriculture and Natural Resources) and involving five Ethiopian universities as well as Alabama A&M, was
awarded $1.1 million to build educational capacity in Ethiopia and to establish an Ethiopian Institute of
Water Resources.
George Bollas of CMBE received a prestigious National Science Foundation Early Career (CAREER)
Development Award for research aimed at improving the performance and cost-effectiveness of processes
that convert fossil fuels into usable power while capturing carbon dioxide byproducts. Rampi Ramprasad
(CMBE and Institute of Materials Science), serves as principal investigator on a multi-institutional project
funded by the U.S. Department of Defense’s Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI). The
project will bring $3.6M to UConn across the full five years and is one of just 32 selected. Dr. Yong Wang
(CMBE) received three NSF grants, totaling more than $1 million, which support his research in biomaterial
development, cell separation and protein delivery.
A team of faculty researchers, led by UTC Chair and Professor of Computer Science & Engineering
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, secured a nearly $400,000 Department of Education Graduate Assistantship in
Areas of National Need (GAANN) grant in the area of cloud computing. The School of Engineering now
has five GAANN sites, which attract superb graduate students for focused research in sustainable energy,
biomaterials for tissue regeneration, advanced computing security and advanced computing for biomedical
engineering and remote sensing. Dr. Rajasekaran and Dr. Reda Ammar, CSE Head, along with colleagues
from the universities of Florida and Nevada – Las Vegas, also received a $1.5 million National Institutes of
Health grant to develop superior methods for identifying biologically relevant patterns (also called motifs)
present in proteins, DNA and RNA.
Mohammad Tehranipoor (ECE) leads a team of researchers from the Polytechnic Institute of New York,
Rice and the University of California, Los Angeles that received a $1.2 million federal grant to conduct
research aimed at enhancing the integrity of integrated circuits (ICs), the computer chips that are used in
virtually all electronic devices today, from cell phones and medical instruments to laptop computers and flatscreen TVs.
Horea Ilies (Mechanical Engineering) received $1.2 million from NSF for his virtual reality studies, which
aim to seamlessly integrate dual-hand gesture-based interaction with the VR environments. And Guiling
Wang, Director of the Environmental Engineering Program, along with colleagues at UConn, Loyola
Marymount University in Los Angeles, and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), secured
two large NSF grants totaling in excess of $900,000 to UConn, for research aimed at understanding the
complex relationships between climate and the way in which humans shape and harness the land’s resources,
and between natural vegetation and climate.
Two faculty members were named, by faculty committees, to Distinguished Chair Faculty positions in the
School of Engineering. Baki Cetegen was chosen the United Technologies Corporation (UTC) Chair in
Thermal Fluids, and Krishna Pattipati was selected the UTC Chair in Systems Engineering.
Five UConn engineering faculty were inducted into the prestigious Connecticut Academy of Science and
Engineering (CASE) in May: Mehdi Anwar of Electrical & Computer Engineering; John Ivan and Howard
Epstein of Civil & Environmental Engineering; and Hanchen Huang and Chih-Jen (Jackie) Sung – both
School of Engineering Named Professors in Sustainable Energy, within the Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Cato Laurencin, a member of the CMBE faculty, was elected for membership in the National Academy
of Engineering and was selected as a Fellow of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES).
Doctoral candidate (Materials Science & Engineering) Jacquelynn McGuinness Garofano was selected the
Connecticut Technology Council’s 2011 Collegian Innovation and Leadership award Recipient. UConn
Engineering was well represented among the final candidates, who included doctoral students Junxia Ma and
Anurandha Kodali; and M.S. student and practicing engineer Madeline Sola.
Electrical Engineering graduate student Adam Cywar received a coveted NSF Graduate Research
Fellowship, which confers a $41,500 annual stipend and allowances. Two recent UConn engineering
graduates, Candice Pelligra (ChE ’10), now at Yale University; and Amber Black (MSE), now at
Pennsylvania State University, were also selected.
Ph.D. candidate (CSE) Lance Fiondella was awarded an NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes
(EAPSI) fellowship to conduct network reliability research in Taiwan for eight weeks this summer. At the
Seventh Annual Cyber Security Awareness Week (CSAW) challenge, ECE doctoral student Xuehui Zhang
won first prize in the Embedded Systems competition. Xiaoxiao Wang, also a Ph.D. candidate in ECE,
received a Best in Session Award at the 2010 TECHCON Conference. At the 13th International Conference
on Information Fusion, Ph.D. graduate Marco Guerriero received the J.P. LeCadre Best Paper Award with
his advisor, Dr. Peter Willett. At the OSA Biomedical Optics Conference in Miami, FL, doctoral candidate
Yan Xu won a Best Student Poster Presentation Award in the Optical Imaging & Spectroscopy session.
Wenzhao Jia (CMBE) received the Engineering Outstanding Senior Women Award, and Xuefei Wan
(CMBE) received Engineering Outstanding Women Graduate Student Award. Yang Zhong (MSE) was
selected a Fellow in the 2011 Center for Space Nuclear Research (CSNR) Summer Fellowship Program.
Maura Koehle (MSE) received 2011 Kokes Award for the 22nd North American Catalysis Society (NACS)
Ethan Butler (Chemical Engineering, ‘12) was awarded a prestigious Udall Foundation Scholarship and a
Portz Interdisciplinary Research Fellowship along with a UConn Global Citizenship Award.
As discussed in the introduction, the School of Engineering continued and expanded its academic/business
network through the Connection which is intended to foster collaborative relationships between UConn
Engineering and practicing engineers, businesses and entrepreneurs. The School continued to offer its onsite practice-oriented Master of Engineering (MENG) program, which delivers coursework for employees of
General Dynamics Electric Boat (at the UConn-Avery Point campus) and on-site at United Technologies
Corporation, Pratt & Whitney and UTC Power.
In the fall, the School launched the D.E. Crow Prize in Innovation & Entrepreneurship competition. The
challenge was issued by Dr. David (Ed) Crow, professor emeritus of ME and retired Senior Vice President of
Pratt & Whitney’s Engineering organization, who conceived of the challenge as a means to spark
entrepreneurial thinking among undergraduates. One grand prize of $6,000 and two runner-up prizes of
$2,000 each were awarded in the spring.
In addition, the capstone Senior Design projects continued to attract significant support from businesses of
all sizes, from small dental practices to Connecticut’s largest defense contractors. For a fee, Senior Design
sponsors may pose a design challenge to a team of senior engineering students who, with faculty and
company guidance, develop a design solution, build a prototype, test and present the solution.
We continued to negotiate greater industry participation in our internship and co-op programs for
engineering students. These hands-on learning opportunities provide our students exceptional workplace
lessons in translating theory into practice, developing greater agility and business savvy.
Our practice-oriented Master of Engineering (MENG) degree program was expanded this year, thanks to a
collaboration with the UConn School of Business, which allows us to offer a concentration in Innovation and
Management. This program will provide practicing engineers with training to enhance their managerial
skills, gain an in-depth understanding of emerging technologies, and develop a more innovative approach to
problem solving. The program will debut in the fall 2011 term at UConn’s Graduate Business Learning
The School welcomed eight new faculty members for the fall ’10 term, bringing expertise in diverse
sustainable energy, characterization, bioinformatics and medical imaging, structures and transportation
technologies that complement and extend our core strengths. In CMBE, Radenka Maric (University of
Kyoto, Japan) joined the Materials Science Program; and Ashish Mhadeshwar (Ph.D., University of
Delaware), Christopher Cornelius (Ph.D., Virginia Tech) and Mu-Ping Nieh (Ph.D., University of
Massachusetts) joined the Chemical Engineering program. Civil & Environmental Engineering welcomed
Shinae Jang (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and Kay Wille (University of Leipzig,
Germany). Jinbo Bi joined the Computer Science & Engineering Department (Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute – Troy), and Electrical & Computer Engineering welcomed Peng Zhang (Ph.D., Tsinghua
University in Beijing and University of British Columbia).
In the area of Development, the School welcomed veteran journalist Donald Swinton as a Development
Officer. And in June, entrepreneur and Advisory Board member Heidi Douglas joined us in the capacity of
Director of Engineering Alumni Relations. David Gilbertson, UConn’s Associate Vice President and Chief
Information Officer, was appointed the School’s first Professor of Practice.
Seven faculty members were promoted to full professor effective August 2011: Drs. Yong Wang and Yu Lei
of CMBE, Ugur Pasaogullari and Tai-Hsi Fan of Mechanical Engineering, Mekonnen Gebremichael and
Baikun Li of CEE, Bing Wang of Computer Science & Engineering, were promoted to Associate Professor
with tenure.
The School of Engineering closely engaged its alumni during the year, hosting a number of alumni
receptions during the year and meeting with individual alumni more extensively.
As discussed briefly above, in May the School welcomed Heidi Douglas as Director of Engineering Alumni
Relations. As a member of the Engineering Advisory Board and Chair of the Capital Campaign Committee,
Heidi is an entrepreneur who has generously shared her expertise and vision with the School of Engineering
for many years.
Thanks to the vision and generosity of supportive alumni and corporate friends, the School was able to award
more than $393,000 in merit scholarships to 235 current undergraduate engineering students. The awards
were presented during a February 22 ceremony that coincided with national Engineers Week.
The UConn Alumni Association honored two exceptional members of the engineering community: alumnus
T. Scott Case (Computer Science ’92) received the 2010 Humanitarian Award, which honors alumni who
have made outstanding contributions to humanity, and Board of Trustees Professor Yaakov Bar-Shalom was
presented the 2010 Faculty Excellence in Research Award in science.
The School celebrated the accomplishments of 11 alumni and friends during a gala awards banquet held on
March 15, 2011. The Distinguished Engineering Service Award recipients were: Allan Brockett, Vice
President of Engineering – Module Centers, Pratt & Whitney; Heidi Douglas, founder and Managing Partner,
Nuventus LLC and co-founder, former President and CEO of MysticMD Inc.; and Daniel Serfaty, founder,
Chairman and CEO, Aptima, Inc. Distinguished Engineers Awards were presented to: Dr. Gary H. Bernstein
(’79), now the Frank M. Freimann Professor of Electrical Engineering, Notre Dame; Hadi Bozorgmanesh
(’70), Director of Engineering and Physical Sciences, UConn R&D Corporation and formerly Senior VP of
corporate development, SAIC; Richard Breault (’64), retired from UTC and now a consultant; Dr. Shi-Chung
Chang (’83, ’86), Commissioner, National Communications Commission, Taiwan; Dr. Michael Curtis (’80,
’87), Director of Strategic Development and Executive Vice President, Fuss & O’Neill; Victoria Margiott
(’83), Lead Systems Engineer, Hamilton Sundstrand’s Extravehicular Mobility Unit; Kristin Morico (’90),
Global Leader, General Electric’s Water Program; and Jeffrey Paniati (’82), Executive Director, Federal
Highway Administration.
The School of Engineering has received gifts and pledges worth $16.1 million, which exceeds the goal of
$11.8 million that was established for June 30, 2011 for the Capital Campaign.
The School of Engineering developed a new campaign aimed at celebrating outstanding engineering
professors. Called the Professors Remembered scholarship initiative, the campaign allows alumni to make
donations in the name of a favorite emeritus or active professor whose mentorship, powerful lessons or
influence made a lasting difference in a career (http://news.engr.uconn.edu/campaign-honors-outstandingprofs.php).
Throughout the year, we developed a modern and streamlined School of Engineering website to better serve
our diverse constituencies. We also maintained Facebook and Twitter accounts that allow students and
alumni to stay on top of the latest developments and activities underway in the School. Both are accessible
from our website at www.engr.uconn.edu. Our emagination electronic news page was produced throughout
the year, on the order of every three weeks, and transmitted to alumni, students, faculty; industry friends;
University leadership; and legislators. In addition, a series of tri-fold brochures, highlighting the top news
throughout the year, was mailed (distribution of 25,000) to members of the National Academy of
Engineering; Deans, Department Heads and directors of peer institutions; alumni; national and state
Congressional representatives; and corporate leaders as a means of enhancing the School’s visibility and
name recognition among top academic and commercial decision makers.
A network of digital display monitors was installed in seven high-traffic locations within School of
Engineering buildings. The displays feature School news, calendar events, photographic images from
engineering activities, and notices of upcoming events. Two additional monitors will be installed in the New
Engineering Living Learning Community, slated to house 80 students, prior to the fall 2011 term.
The Department of Chemical, Materials & Biomolecular Engineering (CMBE) continues to build its two
principal programs in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science.
CMBE was joined in August 2010 by two tenure-track Associate Professors, Mu-Ping Nieh (Ph.D.
University of Massachusetts, 1998) and Chris Cornelius (Ph.D. Virginia Tech, 2000), and by tenure-track
Assistant Professor Ashish Mhadeshwar (Ph.D. University of Delaware, 2005). Mu-Ping was previously a
staff member at the National Research Council of Canada for nine years. Chris previously spent eight years
on the staff of Sandia National Lab before returning to Virginia Tech for two years as Associate Director of
the Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science (ICTAS) and as the technical director of the Center
for Naval Systems at Virginia Tech. Ashish followed a year-long postdoc at the University of Delaware with
four years at GE Research Labs in Schenectady, NY. Daniel Burkey (Ph.D. MIT, 2003) also joined as an
Assistant Professor-in-Residence and Assistant Department Head in August 2010. Dan had spent five years
on the faculty at Northeastern University followed by a stint at GVD Corporation. Julia Valla joined the
Chemical Engineering program as an Assistant Research Professor in January 2011.
Drs. Ben Wilhite, Lei Zhu and Can Erkey – who left UConn previously to pursue other opportunities – and
Professor Emeritus Monty Shaw continue active collaborations with departmental faculty. Emeritus
Professors Tom Anderson, Bob Coughlin, Don Potter and Shaw all taught classes in the department during
the past year.
The department’s funding support from industry, especially regional businesses, is growing as industry
comes to know our graduates and faculty. Our department’s Distinguished Seminar speakers were Prof.
Menachem Elimelech of Yale (fall 2010) and Prof. Gary Messing of Penn State (spring 2011).
The department’s research funding remains strong, with research expenditures for this period exceeding
$3,871,035; our faculty members remain actively engaged in interdisciplinary research within the Institute of
Materials Science (IMS), the Center for Clean Energy Engineering (C2E2), and the Center for
Environmental Science & Engineering (CESE). The table appearing on the following page summarizes
some performance metrics from 2004 through June 2011 for CMBE faculty.
Special funding successes this year include an NSF CAREER Award for George Bollas (the Department’s
third such award in three years) and a new grant from NSF for Brian Willis and Ranjan Srivastava relating to
gene sequencing. Rampi Ramprasad leads the team that won a $7 million MURI; Rampi spent the past year
as a Humboldt Fellow in Berlin. Another proposal led by Ranjan Srivastava has recently been recommended
for funding by the NSF Office of Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation. The proposal is entitled
“EFRI-MIKS: Creation and Manipulation of an Artificial Termite Gut through Control of the
Microenvironment” and is expected to receive funding in excess of $2 million for four years. Leslie Shor and
Bill Mustain are two of Ranjan’s CMBE colleagues on the project. Ashish Mhadeshwar and his student,
Maura Koehle, were awarded access to the NSF’s TeraGrid computing facility for the coming year; Ms.
Koehle previously received an honorable mention from this year’s NSF Fellowship competition.
Student Totals
Graduate Students
48 10
66 34
43 12
50 44
39 15
42 30
31.5 19
27 32
34.5 17
25 27
33 22
16 22
60 23
15 22
77 20
17 24
Active Research
The department continues to enhance its technical electives for our undergraduates in both programs. During
the end-of-year Senior Design Demonstration Day, 55 Chemical Engineering seniors and 24 Materials
Science seniors presented their projects. Three Chemical Engineering undergraduate students were
recognized as 2011 University Scholars (of 29 University-wide): Ethan Butler, Michael Ignatowich, and
Britta Kunkamoeller. Brian Schwab, a Chemical Engineering senior, was the School of Engineering’s
Valedictorian. For the spring 2011 term, the CMBE Department was home to more than 320 undergraduate
Owing to an error in the US News & World Report’s survey of graduate programs for 2012, the organization
posts the 2011 rankings only. For this reason, our graduate program in Materials Science remains ranked
number 48 and the Chemical Engineering graduate program remains ranked number 58. Bill Mustain taught
in Chemical Engineering coursework for the practice-oriented Master of Engineering (MENG) program at
UTC Power, while Prabhakar Singh taught Materials Science coursework for the MENG program at Pratt &
For the fall 2011 semester, 29 students (14 MSE; 15 ChE) were admitted into the Ph.D. program. The
number of applicants to the MSE doctoral program jumped from 144 last year to 216 in fall 2010. The
number of applicants for the ChE doctoral program was 163 for the fall 2010 term. Our Biomolecular
Engineering Program continues to grow thanks to efforts by Mei Wei, Ranjan Srivastava, joint faculty from
the UConn Health Center (Yusuf Khan, Sangamesh Kumbar, Lakshmi Nair and Syam Nukavarapu), and
MSE graduate faculty at the UConn Health Center (Liisa Kuhn and Jon Goldberg).
Brian Willis is in his third year as the Chemical Engineering Program Director. Barry Carter, CMBE Head,
has continued to serve as the Materials Science & Engineering Program Director. Yehia Khalil, Dan
Goberman and Dave Snow again assisted the department as Adjunct Faculty. Assistant Professor-inResidence Ephrem Hunde served his second complete year and will return for a third year. Professor
Emeritus Mike Howard continues to volunteer in the ChE Senior Lab. Professor Emeritus Bob Coughlin
again Chaired the ChE Promotion, Tenure & Reappointment Committee. Doug Cooper is still on assignment
as Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education & Regional Campuses.
Ms. Katrice Duell left our staff suddenly in September to join the UConn Foundation. Ms. Susan Soucy, Ms.
Cathy McCracken and Ms. Leah Winterberger remained in the main office. They were joined in September
by a team of five undergraduate students from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and in May by Ms.
Donna Balskus who helped the department manage its myriad administrative tasks.
The ChE labs were directed by Dr. Burkey, with the assistance of Mr. Richard Kozel. Ms Alison Engwall
looked after the MSE undergraduate labs for her first full year. Leon Shaw and Pamir Alpay celebrated 15and 10-year UConn anniversaries, respectively. Drs. Willis, Srivastava and Monty Shaw served again on the
Polymer/ChE Search Committee, and the committee successfully recruited a new Polymer faculty member,
Anson Ma (Ph.D. Cambridge UK and postdoc at Rice University), who will join us in August as a tenuretrack Assistant Professor.
Rampi Ramprasad spent the year at the Technical University in Berlin as an Alexander von Humboldt
Fellow. Graduate student Jacquelynn Garofano (advised by Mark Aindow) was the state-wide winner of the
“Collegian Innovation and Leadership” Award at Connecticut’s Women of Innovation competition. This was
the second successive year that a CMBE graduate student won this category. In September 2010, Barry
Carter was elected to be the 16th President of the International Federation of Societies for Microscopy; he is
the 4th microscopist from the U.S. to hold this position in its 55-year history. Cato Laurencin was elected to
the prestigious National Academy of Engineering.
Our Materials Advantage Student Chapter (Faculty Advisor: Rainer Hebert) won a “Chapter of Excellence”
award at the Materials Science & Technology Conference (MS&T). A group of undergraduate members of
the UConn chapter of Materials Advantage attended the conference. In addition, members of the student
chapter of the AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers; Faculty Advisors: Yu Lei and Jeff
McCutcheon) participated in the AIChE Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City. The MRS (Materials Research
Society) student chapter (Faculty Advisors: Bryan Huey and Barry Carter) continues to be active. The
CMBE Department newsletter (CoMBinE) was prepared and will be mailed to alumni, colleagues and
friends in June 2011. CMBE’s redesigned web site is slated to go live in June 2011.
Mark Aindow
“Base Metal Alloys with Self-Healing Native Conductive Oxides for Electrical Contact Materials,” (with
S.P. Alpay, Y. Liu, J.V. Mantese and B.S. Senturk), Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 97, pp. 152103, 2010.
“Extraction Replication Studies of Near-Surface Microstructures in Laser-Drilled Samples of the Powder
Metallurgy Ni-Based Superalloy IN100,” (with J.K.M. Garofano and H.L. Marcus), Materials
Characterization, Vol. 61, pp. 929-936, 2010.
“Phase Homogeneity in MgO-ZrO2 Nano-Composites Synthesized by a Combined Sol-Gel / Thermal
Decomposition Route,” (with C.K. Muoto, E.H. Jordan and M. Gell), Journal of American Ceramic Society,
Vol. 93, pp. 3102-3109, 2010.
“PtPd/BP2000 Electrocatalysts Prepared by Sequential Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Deposition,” (with A.
Bayrakçeken, B. Cangül, L.C. Zhang and C. Erkey), International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 35, pp.
11669-11680, 2010.
“Adsorption of Pt(cod)me2 onto Organic Aerogels from Supercritical Solutions for the Synthesis of
Supported Platinum Nanoparticles,” (with S.E. Bozbag, N.S. Yasar, L.C. Zhang and C. Erkey), Journal of
Supercritical Fluids, Vol. 56, pp. 105-113, 2011.
“A Foaming Esterification Sol-Gel Route for the Synthesis of Magnesia-Yttria Nanocomposites,” (with C.H.
Chen, J.K.M. Garofano, C.K. Muoto, A.L. Mercado, S.L. Suib, M. Gell and E.H. Jordan), Journal of
American Ceramic Society, Vol. 94, pp. 367–371, 2011.
“Effects of Precursor Chemistry on the Structural Characteristics of Y2O3-MgO Nanocomposites Synthesized
by a Combined Sol-Gel/Thermal Decomposition Route,” (with C.K. Muoto, E.H. Jordan and M. Gell),
Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol. 94, pp. 372-381, 2011.
“Identification of Desirable Precursor Properties for Solution Precursor Plasma Spray,” (with C.K. Muoto,
E.H. Jordan and M. Gell), Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol. 20, pp. 802-816, 2011.
Pamir Alpay
“Theory of Giant Electromechanical Response from Ferroelectric Bilayers with Polydomain Structures due
to Interlayer and Interdomain Coupling,” (with R. Mahjoub and V. Nagarajan), Physical Review Letters, Vol.
105, pp. 197601, 2010.
“Phase Coexistence Near a Morphotropic Phase Boundary in Sm-doped BiFeO3 Films,” (with S.B. Emery,
C.-J. Cheng, D. Kan, F.J. Rueckert, V. Nagarajan, I. Takeuchi and B.O. Wells), Applied Physics Letters, Vol.
97, pp. 152902, 2010.
“Base Metal Alloys with Self-Healing Native Conductive Oxides for Electrical Contact Materials,” (with M.
Aindow, Y. Liu, J. V. Mantese and B.S. Senturk), Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 97, pp. 152103, 2010.
“Contribution of Space Charges to the Polarization of Ferroelectric Superlattices and its Effect on Dielectric
Properties,” (with M.B. Okatan and I.B. Misirlioglu), Physical Review B, Vol. 82, pp. 094115, 2010.
“Pyroelectric Properties of Barium Strontium Titanate Films: Effect of Thermal Stresses,” (with J. Zhang and
M.W. Cole), Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 108, pp. 054103, 2010.
“Asymmetric Hysteresis Loops and Smearing of the Dielectric Anomaly at the Transition Temperature due
to Space Charges in Ferroelectric Thin Films,” (with I.B. Misirlioglu and M.B. Okatan), Journal of Applied
Physics, Vol. 108, pp. 034105, 2010.
“Phase Diagrams, Dielectric Response, and Piezoelectric Properties of Epitaxial Ultra-thin (001) Lead
Zirconate Titanate Films under Anisotropic Misfit Strains,” (with Q.Y. Qiu, R. Mahjoub and V. Nagarajan),
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 107, pp. 114105, 2010.
“Band Gap Tuning in GaN through Equibiaxial In-plane Strains,” (with L. Dong, S.K. Yadav and R.
Ramprasad), Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 96, pp. 202106, 2010.
“Influence of Thermal Stresses on the Electrocaloric Properties of Ferroelectric Films,” (with J. Zhang and
G.A. Rossetti, Jr.), Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 98, pp. 132907, 2011.
C. Barry Carter
“Hydrothermal Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Barium Cerate using Hexamethylenetetramine,” (with S.
Bhowmick, J. Basu and Y. Xue), Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol. 93(12), pp. 4041-4046, 2010.
“Characterizing CA2 and CA6 using ELNES,” (with A. Altay, P. Rulis, W.Y. Ching., I. Arslan and M.A.
Gülgün), Journal of Solid State Chemistry, doi:10.1016/j.jssc.2010.05.028, 2010.
“Microstructural Evolution of Cobalt-doped Barium Cerate–zirconate at Elevated Temperatures under Moist
Reducing Conditions,” (with J. Basu, A. Suresh and B.A. Wilhite), Journal of European Ceramic Society
doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2011.02.029, 2011.
“Influence of Alumina Impurities on Microstructure of LSM-CeO2 Composites,” (with S. Bhowmick, J.
Basu and Y. Xue), Solid State Ionics, doi:10.1016/j.ssi.2011.02.007, 2011.
“Changes in Dewetting Behavior of SiO2 Films on TiO2 Substrates due to Film Thickness and Crucible
Choice,” (with J.L. Riesterer), Journal of Materials Science, DOI 10.1007/s10853-011-5353-7, 2011.
Chris Cornelius
“Dynamics of Water in Sulfonated Poly(phenylene) Membranes,” (with N. Osti, T. Etampawala, U. Shestha
and D. Perahia, Clemson University), The American Physical Society, March 2011.
“Interdiffusion of Long Alcohols into Thin Ionomer Films: In situ Neutron Reflectivity Study,” (with T.
Etampawala, D. Ratnaweera, U. Shrestha and D. Perahia, Clemson University, J. Majewski), The American
Physical Society, March 2011.
Michael B. Cutlip
“The Integration of Process Safety into a Chemical Reaction Engineering Course: Kinetic Modeling of the
T2 Incident,” (with R.J. Willey and H.S. Fogler), Process Safety Progress, Vol. 30, No.1, pp. 39-44, 2011.
Puxian Gao
“Gas Adsorption and High-emission Current Induced Degradation of Field Emission Characteristics in
Solution-processed ZnO Nanoneedles,” (with S. Dardona, A. Peles, G. Wrobel and M. Piech), Journal of
Applied Physics, Vol. 108, pp. 124318, 2010.
“Annealing Induced Nanostructure and Photoluminescence Property Evolution in Solution-processed Mg–
alloyed ZnO Nanowires,” (with P. Shimpi, Y. Ding, E. Suarez and J. Ayers), Applied Physics Letters, Vol.
97, pp. 103104, DOI: 10.1063/1.3483614, 2010.
“Surface Dezincification and Selective Oxidation induced Heterogeneous Semiconductor
Nanowire/Nanofilm Network Junctions,” (with M.F. Sarac, P. Shimpi, J.A. Mackey and D.S. Kim), Crystal
Growth & Design, Article ASAP, DOI: 10.1021/cg100486g, 2010.
“(La,Sr)CoO3/ZnO Nanofilm-nanorod Diode Arrays for Photo-responsive Moisture and Humidity
Detection,” (with H.Y. Gao, W.J. Cai, P. Shimpi and H.-J. Lin), Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol.
43, pp. 272002, 2010.
“Isothermal Gas Flow Separation of Helical ZnS Nanowires and Nanobelts,” (with D.S. Kim and P. Shimpi),
Science of Advanced Materials, Vol. 2(3), pp. 421-427, 2010.
“Conversion of [0001] Textured ZnO Nanofilm into [01-10] Directed Nanowires Driven by CO Adsorption:
In-Situ Carbothermal Synthesis and Complementary First Principles Thermodynamics Simulations,” (with P.
Shimpi, S. Yadav and R. Ramprasad), Journal of Physical Chemistry - C, Vol. 115, pp. 7372, 2011.
“A Review of NOx Storage/reduction Catalysts: Mechanism, Materials and Degradation Studies,” (with G.
Liu), Catalysis Science and Technology, DOI:10.1039/C1CY00007A, 2011.
“Structure and Magnetic Properties of Three-dimensional (La,Sr)MnO3 Nanofilms on ZnO Nanorod Arrays,”
(with H.Y. Gao, M. Staruch, M. Jain, P. Shimpi, Y.B. Guo, W.J. Cai and H.-J. Lin), Applied Physics Letters,
Vol. 98, pp. 123105, 2011.
Maurice Gell
“Phase Homogeneity in MgO-ZrO2 Nano-Composites Synthesized by a Combined Sol-Gel / Thermal
Decomposition Route,” (with C.K. Muoto, E.H. Jordan and M. Aindow), Journal of American Ceramic
Society, Vol. 93, pp. 3102-3109, 2010.
“A Foaming Esterification Sol-Gel Route for the Synthesis of Magnesia-Yttria Nanocomposites,” (with C.H.
Chen, J.K.M. Garofano, C.K. Muoto, A.L. Mercado, S.L. Suib, M. Aindow and E.H. Jordan), Journal of
American Ceramic Society, Vol. 94, pp. 367–371, 2011.
“Effects of Precursor Chemistry on the Structural Characteristics of Y2O3-MgO Nanocomposites Synthesized
by a Combined Sol-Gel/Thermal Decomposition Route,” (with C.K. Muoto, E.H. Jordan and M. Aindow),
Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol. 94, pp. 372-381, 2011.
“Identification of Desirable Precursor Properties for Solution Precursor Plasma Spray,” (with C.K. Muoto,
E.H. Jordan and M. Aindow), Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol. 20, pp. 802-816, 2011.
Rainer Hebert
“Thermomechanical Behavior of Cu50Hf41.5Al8.5 Bulk Metallic Glass after Sustained Elastic Deformation,”
(with A. Mubarok), Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 41 (7), pp. 1658-1663, July 2010.
“Sliding Wear Behavior of Cu50Hf41.5Al8.5 Bulk Metallic Glass,” (with D. Maddala), Wear, Vol. 269 (7-8),
pp. 572-580, August 2010.
“Hardness Measurements of Accumulative Roll-bonded Mo Foils,” (with G. Marathe), Journal of Materials
Science, Vol. 45 (17), pp. 4770-4777 (Special Issue: Ultrafine-grained materials), September 2010.
Bryan Huey
“Chemically-Synthesized Metal—Oxide—Metal Segmented Nanowires with High Ferroelectric Response,”
(with E.D. Herderick, N.A. Polomoff and N.P. Padture), Nanotechnology, Vol. 21 (33), p. 335601, 2010.
“Correlation between Nanoscale and Nanosecond Resolved Ferroelectric Domain Dynamics and Local
Mechanical Compliance,” (with N.A. Polomoff, A. Rakin, S. Lee, V. Palumbo, P. Yu, Y.H. Chu and R.
Ramesh), Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 109, p. 0916047, 2011.
Yusuf Khan
“The Enhancement of Bone Allograft Incorporation by the Local Delivery of the Sphingosine 1-phosphate
Receptor Targeted Drug FTY720,” (with A.C. Petrie, S.J. Shin, K.B. Naden, P.D. Rios, Jr., L.S. Sefcik, S.R.
Zawodny, N.D. Bagayoko, C.Q. Quanjun and E.A. Botchwey), Biomaterials, Vol. 31(25), pp. 6417-6424,
“A Critical Assessment of the Clinical Efficacy and Cellular Response to Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound
for Fracture Repair,” (with C.T. Laurencin), Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 76, pp. 195-206,
“Tissue Engineered Matrices as Functional Delivery Systems: Adsorption and Release of Bioactive Proteins
from Degradable Composite Scaffolds,” (with E.K. Cushnie and C.T. Laurencin), Journal of Biomedical
Materials Research, Vol. 94A, pp. 568-575, 2010.
“Functionalization of Chitosan/poly(lactic acid-glycolic acid) Sintered Microsphere Scaffolds via Surface
Heparinization for Bone Tissue Engineering,” (with T. Jiang, C.T. Laurencin, L.S. Nair and W.I. AbdelFattah), Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Vol. 93A, pp. 1193-1208, 2010.
Sangamesh Kumbar
“Dipeptide-based Polyphosphazene and Polyester Blends for Bone Tissue Engineering,” (with M. Deng, L.S.
Nair, S.P. Nukavarapu, T. Jiang, W.A. Kanner, X. Li, A.L. Weikel, N.R. Krogman, H.R. Allcock and C.T.
Laurencin), Biomaterials, Vol. 31(18), pp. 4898-908, 2010.
“Biomimetic, Bioactive Etheric Polyphosphazene-poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Blends for Bone Tissue
Engineering,” (with M. Deng, L.S. Nair, S.P. Nukavarapu, J.L. Brown, N.R. Krogman, A.L. Weikel, H.R.
Allcock and C.T. Laurencin), Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Vol. 92(1), pp. 114-25, 2010.
“In situ Porous Structures: A Unique Polymer Erosion Mechanism in Biodegradable Dipeptide-Based
Polyphosphazene and Polyester Blends Producing Matrices for Regenerative Engineering,” (with M. Deng,
L.S. Nair, S.P. Nukavarapu, T. Jiang, A.L. Weikel, N.R. Krogman, H.R. Allcock and C.T. Laurencin),
Advanced Functional Materials, Article first published online: July 9, 2010, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201000968,
Vol. 20, pp. 2794, 2806, 2010.
“Polyphosphazene Polymers for Tissue Engineering: An Analysis of Material Synthesis, Characterization
and Applications,” (with M. Deng, Y. Wan, U.S. Toti, H.R. Allcock and C.T. Laurencin), Soft Matter, Vol.
6, pp. 3119 - 3132, DOI: 10.1039/b926402g, 2010.
“Composite Scaffolds: Bridging Nanofiber and Microsphere Architectures to Improve Bioactivity of
Mechanically Competent Constructs,” (with J.L. Brown, M.S. Peach, L.S. Nair and C.T. Laurencin), Journal
of Biomedical Materials Research A, Vol. 95(4), pp.1150-8, doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.32934, December 15, 2010.
“Tendon Tissue Engineering: Adipose-derived Stem Cell and GDF-5 Mediated Regeneration using
Electrospun Matrix Systems,” (with R. James, C.T. Laurencin, G. Balian and A.B. Chhabra), Journal of
Biomedical Materials, Vol. 6(2), pp. 025011, April 2011.
“Biomimetic Structures: Biological Implications of Dipeptide-Substituted Polyphosphazene–Polyester Blend
Nanofiber Matrices for Load-Bearing Bone Regeneration,” (with M. Deng, L.S. Nair, A.L. Weikel, H.R.
Allcock and C.T. Laurencin), Advanced Functional Materials, first published online: May 12, 2011, DOI:
10.1002/adfm.201100275, 2011.
Cato Laurencin
“Tissue Engineered Matrices as Functional Delivery Systems: Adsorption and Release of Bioactive Proteins
from Degradable Composite Scaffolds,” (with E.K. Cushnie and Y. Khan), Journal of Biomedical Materials
Research, Vol. 94A, pp. 568-575, 2010.
“Functionalization of Chitosan/poly(lactic acid-glycolic acid) Sintered Microsphere Scaffolds via Surface
Heparinization for Bone Tissue Engineering,” (with T. Jiang, Y. Khan, L.S. Nair and W.I. Abdel-Fattah),
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Vol. 93A, pp. 1193-1208, 2010.
“Mechanical Properties and Osteocompatibility of Novel Biodegradable Alanine Based Polyphosphazenes:
Side Group Effects,” (with S. Sethuranum, L.S. Nair, S. El-Amin, M.N. Nguyen, A. Sing, Y.E. Greish, H.R.
Allcock and P.W. Brown), Acta Biomaterialia, Vol. 6, pp. 1931-1937, 2010.
“Polyphosphazene Polymers for Tissue Engineering: an Analysis of Material Synthesis, Characterization and
Applications,” (with M. Deng, S.G. Kumbar, Y. Wan, U.S. Toti and H.R. Allcock), Soft Matter, Vol. 6, pp.
3119-3132, 2010.
“Dipeptide-based Polyphosphazene and Polyester Blends for Bone Tissue Engineering,” (with M. Deng, M.,
L.S. Nair, S.P. Nukavarapu, T. Jiang, W.A. Kanner, X. Li, S.G. Kumbar, A.L. Weikel, N.R. Krogman and
H.R. Allcock), Biomaterials, Vol. 31, pp. 4898 - 4908, 2010.
“Chitosan-Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Microsphere Based Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering: In Vitro
Degradation and In Vivo Bone Regeneration Studies,” (with T. Jiang, S.P. Nukavarapu, M. Deng, E.
Jabbarzadeh, M.D. Kofron, S.B. Doty and W.I. Abdel-Fattah), Acta Biomaterialia, Vol. 6, pp. 3457 - 3470,
“Hydrogen Bonding in Blends of Polyesters with Dipeptide-containing Polyphosphazenes,” (with N.R.
Krogman, A.L. Weikel, N.Q. Nguyen, K.A. Kristhart, L.S. Nair and H.R. Allcock), Journal of Applied
Polymer Science, Vol. 115, pp. 431-437, 2010.
“Composite Scaffolds: Bridging Nanofiber and Microsphere Architectures to Improve Bioactivity of
Mechanically Competent Constructs,” (with J.L. Brown, M.S. Peach, L.S. Nair and S.G. Kumbar), Journal
of Biomedical Materials Research, Vol. 95A, pp. 1150-1158, 2010.
“In Situ Porous Structures: A Unique Polymer Erosion Mechanism in Biodegradable Dipeptide-based
Polyphosphazene and Polyester Blends Producing Matrices for Regenerative Engineering,” (with M. Deng,
L.S. Nair, S.P. Nukavarapu, S.G. Kumbar, T. Jiang, A.L. Weikel, N.R. Krogman and H.R. Allcock),
Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 20, pp. 2794–2806, 2010.
“A Critical Assessment of the Clinical Efficacy and Cellular Response to Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound
for Fracture Repair,” (with Y. Khan), Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 76, pp. 195- 206, 2010.
“Novel Matrix Based Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Regeneration,” (with A. Kwansa, Y.M. Empson,
E.C. Ekwueme, V.I. Walters and J.W. Freeman), Soft Matter, Vol. 6, pp. 5016-5025, 2010.
“Miscibility of Choline-substituted Polyphosphazenes with PLGA and Osteoblast Activity on Resulting
Blends,” (with A.L. Weikel, S.G. Owens, N.L. Morozowich, M. Deng, L.S. Nair and H.R. Allcock),
Biomaterials, Vol. 31, pp. 8507-8515, 2010.
“Hydrolysable Polylactide-Polyphosphazene Block Copolymers for Biomedical Applications: Synthesis,
Characterization and Composites with Poly(lactide-co-glycolic acid),” (with A. Weikel, S.Y. Cho, N.L.
Morozowich, L.S. Nair and H.R. Allcock), Polymer Chemistry Vol. 1, pp. 1459-1466, 2010.
“The Indications and Use of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins in Foot, Ankle, and Tibia Surgery,” (with S.F. ElAmin, M.V. Hogan, A.A. Allen and J. Hinds), Foot and Ankle Clinics, Vol. 15, pp. 543–551, 2010.
“Panel on the Biomaterials Grand Challenges,” (with W. Reichert, B. Ratner, J. Anderson, A. Coury, A.S.
Hoffman and D. Tirrell), Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Vol. 96A, pp. 275-287, 2010.
“Biomimetic, Bioactive Etheric Polyphosphazene-poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Blends for Bone Tissue
Engineering,” (with M. Deng, L.S. Nair, S.P. Nukavarapu, J.L. Brown, N.R. Krogman, A.L. Weikel, H.R.
Allcock and S. Kumbar), Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 2010, Vol. 92(1), pp. 114-25, 2010.
“Novel Nanostructured Scaffolds as Therapeutic Replacement Options for Rotator Cuff Disease,” (with E.
Taylor, S. Nukavarapu, S. McLaughlin and L.S. Nair), Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, Vol. 92, Suppl. 2,
pp. 170-9, December 2010.
“Choline-substituted Polyphosphazenes for Bone Tissue Regeneration: Blend Miscibility with PLGA and
Effects on Osteocompatibility,” (with A. Weikel, S.G. Owens, N.L. Morozowich, M. Deng, L.S. Nair and
H.R. Allcock), Biomaterials, Vol. 31(33), pp. 8507-15, 2010.
“Tendon Tissue Engineering: Adipose-derived Stem Cell and GDF-5 Mediated Regeneration using
Electrospun Matrix Systems,” (with R. James, S. Kumbar, G. Balian and A.B. Chhabra), Journal of
Biomedical Materials, Vol. 6(2), pp. 025011, April 2011.
“Biomimetic Structures: Biological Implications of Dipeptide-Substituted Polyphosphazene–Polyester Blend
Nanofiber Matrices for Load-Bearing Bone Regeneration,” (with M. Deng, L.S. Nair, A.L. Weikel, H.R.
Allcock and S. Kumbar), Advanced Functional Materials, published online: May 12, 2011 DOI:
10.1002/adfm.201100275, 2011.
“Development and Characterization of Biodegradable Nanocomposite Injectables for Orthopaedic
Applications Based on Polyphosphazenes.Sethuraman S,” (with S. El-Amin, M.T. Nguyen, A. Singh, Y.E.
Greish, H.R. Allcock, P.W. Brown and L.S. Nair), Journal of Biomaterial Science- Polymer Edition, Vol.
22(4-6), pp.733-752, published online June 21, 2010; 2011.
Yu Lei
“Synthesis of Single Crystalline Tin Nanorods and Their Application as Nano-soldering Materials,” (with
Q.Z. Cui, K. Rajathurai, W.Z. Jia, X.P. Li, F. Gao and Z.Y. Gu), Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 114
(50), pp. 21938–21942, 2010.
“Porphyrin Functionalized Graphene for Sensitive Electrochemical Detection of Ultratrace Explosives,”
(with C.X. Guo and C.M. Li), Electroanalysis, Vol. 23, pp. 885 – 893, 2010.
“Electrochemical Detection of Ultratrace Explosive Nitroaromatic Compounds using Ordered Mesoporous
Carbon,” (with J.F. Zang, C.X. Guo, F.P. Hu and C.M. Li), Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 683, pp. 187-191,
“Facile Synthesis of Monodisperse Platinum Nanoflowers Monolayer on Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes
Membrane and its Application in Glucose Detection,” (with L. Su, W.Z. Jia, L.C. Zhang, C.B. Beacham and
H. Zhang), Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 114 (42), pp. 18121–18125, 2010.
“Preparation and Characterization of NiO/Ag Nanofibers, NiO Nanofibers, and Porous Ag: Towards the
Development of Highly Sensitive and Selective Non-enzymatic Glucose Detection,” (with Y. Ding, Y.
Wang, L. Su and H. Zhang), Journal of Materials Chemistry, Vol. 20, pp. 9918-9926, 2010.
“Microbial Biosensors: A Review,” (with L. Su, W.Z. Jia and C.J. Hou), Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol.
26, pp. 1788–1799, 2011.
“Direct Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis of Novel Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes-hemoglobin
Composite Microbelts – Towards the Development of Sensitive and Mediator-free Biosensor,” (with Y. Ding
and Y. Wang), Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 26, pp. 390-397, 2010.
“Direct Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis of Glucose Oxidase on Nanodentrite Poly{[meso-tetrakis(2thienyl)porphyrin]Co(II)}-SWNTs Composites,” (with W. Chen, Y. Ding, J. Akhigbe, C. Brüeckner and
C.M. Li), Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 26, pp. 504-510, 2010.
“Electrospun Co3O4 Nanofibers for Sensitive and Selective Glucose Detection,” (with Y. Ding, Y. Wang, L.
Su and H. Zhang), Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 26, pp. 542-548, 2010.
“Electrospun Hemoglobin Microbelts based Biosensor for Sensitive Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide and
Nitrite,” (with Y. Ding and Y. Wang), Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 25(9), pp. 2009-2015, 2010.
“Ionic Liquid-graphene Composite for Ultratrace Explosive Trinitrotoluene Detection,” (with C.X. Guo, Z.S.
Lu and C.M. Li), Electrochemistry Communications, Vol. 12, pp. 1237-1240, 2010.
“Carbonized Hemoglobin Nanofibers for Enhanced H2O2 Detection,” (with Y. Ding, W.Z. Jia, H. Zhang,
B.K. Li and Z.Y. Gu), Electroanalysis, Vol. 22, pp. 1911-1917, 2010.
“Electrocatalytic Four-electron Reduction of Dioxygen by Electrochemically Deposited Poly{[mesotetrakis(2-thienyl)porphyrinato]cobalt(II)},” (with W. Chen, J. Akhigbe, C. Brüeckner and C.M. Li), Journal
of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 114 (18), pp 8633–8638, 2010.
“Poly[meso-tetrakis(2-thienyl)porphyrin] for the Sensitive Electrochemical Detection of Explosives,” (with
W. Chen, Y. Wang, C. Brüeckner and C.M. Li), Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, Vol. 147, pp. 191-197,
“Regenerable Leptin Immunosensor Based on Protein G Immobilized 1 Au-pyrrole Propylic Acidpolypyrrole Nanocomposite,” (with W. Chen and C.M. Li), Electroanalysis, Vol. 22 (10), pp. 1078 – 1083,
“Manganese Dioxide as a New Cathode Catalyst in Microbial Fuel Cells,” (with X.A. Li, B.X. Hu, S. Suib
and B.K. Li), Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 195 (9), pp. 2586-2591, 2010.
“Microbial Fuel Cells: The Effects of Configurations, Electrolyte Solutions, and Electrode Materials on
Power Generation,” (with F.X. Li, Y. Sharma, B.K. Li and Q.X. Zhou), Applied Biochemistry and
Biotechnology, Vol. 160 (1), pp. 168-181, 2010.
“Effect of Inoculum Types on Bacterial Adhesion and Power Production in Microbial Fuel Cells,” (with
D.Q. Jiang, B.K. Li and W.Z. Jia), Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Vol. 160 (1), pp.182-196, 2010.
“In situ Molecular Detection of Ischemic Cells by Enhanced Protein Direct Electron Transfer on a Unique
Horseradish Peroxidase-Au Nanoparticles Polyaniline Nanowires Biofilm, (with C.X. Guo, X.T. Zheng, S.R.
Ng, Y.C. Lai and C.M. Li), Chemical Communications, Vol. 47, pp. 2652-2654, 2011.
“Electricity Generation in Continuous Flow Microbial Fuel Cell (MFCs) with Manganese Dioxide (MnO2)
Cathodes,” (with X. Li, B.X. Hu, S. Suib and B.K. Li), Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 54, pp. 10-15,
“Preparation of TiO2-Pt Hybrid Nanofibers and their Application for Sensitive Hydrazine Detection,” (with
Y. Ding, Y. Wang, L.C. Zhang, H. Zhang and C.M. Li), Nanoscale, Vol. 3, pp. 1149-1157, 2011.
Harris Marcus
“Extraction Replication Studies of Near-Surface Microstructures in Laser-Drilled Samples of the Powder
Metallurgy Ni-Based Superalloy IN100,” (with J.K.M. Garofano and M. Aindow), Materials
Characterization, Vol. 61, pp. 929-936, 2010.
Radenka Maric
“Gas Phase Deposition of Diffusion Barriers for Metal Substrates in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells,” (with R.
Nédélec, R. Neagu, S. Uhlenbruck, D. Sebold, H.-P. Buchkremer and D. Stöve), Surface and Coatings
Technology, Vol. 205(16), pp. 3999-4004, 2011.
“Flame Based Technologies and Reactive Spray Deposition Technology for Low Temperature Solid Oxide
Fuel Cells: Technical and Economic Aspects,” Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, pp.1-23, 7 April 2011.
Jeffrey McCutcheon
“Surface Modification of Anisotropic Thin Film Composite Membrane Support Layers with Polydopamine
to Facilitate Water Transport in Pressure Retarded Osmosis,” (with J. Arena), Journal of Membrane Science,
Vol. 375, pp. 55-62, 2011.
“Dewatering Press Liquor Derived from Orange Production by Forward Osmosis,” (with E.M. GarciaCastello), Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 372, pp. 97-101, 2011.
Ashish Mhadeshwar
“Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Sulfur Based Catalyst Deactivation for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx,”
(with V. Demidyuk, C. Hardacre, R. Burch, D. Norton and D. Hancu), Catalysis Today, Vol. 164, pp. 515519, 2011.
William Mustain
“Properties of Nitrogen Functionalized Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Prepared Using Polypyrrole Precursor,”
(with S. Shrestha), Journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol. 157, pp. B1665, 2010.
“Effect of Hydroxide and Carbonate Alkaline Media on Anion Exchange Membranes,” (with J.A. Vega and
C. Chartier), Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 195, pp. 7176, 2010.
“Hydrogen and Methanol Oxidation Reaction in Hydroxide and Carbonate Alkaline Media,” (with J.A. Vega
and S. Smith), Journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol. 158, pp. B349, 2011.
“Effect of Nickel Oxide Synthesis Conditions on its Physical Properties and Electrocatalytic Oxidation of
Methanol,” (with N. Spinner), Electrochimica Acta, online April 14, 2011.
“Structural and Electrochemical Studies of Pt Clusters Supported on High-Surface-Area Tungsten carbide for
Oxygen Reduction,” (with Y. Liu), ACS Catalysis, Vol. 1, pp. 212, 2011.
Lakshmi Nair
“Chitosan: A Versatile Biomedical Polymer,” (with Z. Cu), Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.
3, pp. 129-127, 2010.
“Novel Nanostructured Scaffolds as Therapeutic Replacement Options for Rotator Cuff Disease,” (with E.
Taylor, S. Nukavarapu, S. McLaughlin and C.T. Laurencin), Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, Vol. 92
Suppl 2, pp. 170-9, December 2010.
“Choline-substituted Polyphosphazenes for Bone Tissue Regeneration: Blend Miscibility with PLGA and
Effects on Osteocompatibility,” (with A. Weikel, S.G. Owens, N.L. Morozowich, M. Deng, C.T. Laurencin
and H.R. Allcock), Biomaterials, Vol. 31(33), pp. 8507-15, 2010.
“Composite Scaffolds: Bridging Nanofiber and Microsphere Architectures to Improve Bioactivity of
Mechanically Competent Constructs,” (with J.L. Brown, M.S. Peach, S.G. Kumbar and C.T. Laurencin),
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A, Vol. 95(4), pp. 1150-1158, December 15, 2010.
“Lactoferrin: A Biologically Active Protein for Bone Regeneration,” (with A. Amini), Current Medicinal
Chemistry, Vol. 8, pp. 1220-9, 2010.
“Dipeptide-based Polyphosphazene and Polyester Blends for Bone Tissue Engineering,” (with M. Deng, S.
Kumbar, S.P. Nukavarapu, T. Jiang, W.A. Kanner, X. Li, A.L. Weikel, N.R. Krogman, H.R. Allcock and
C.T. Laurencin), Biomaterials, Vol. 31(18), pp. 4898-908, 2010.
“Biomimetic, Bioactive Etheric Polyphosphazene-poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Blends for Bone Tissue
Engineering,” (with M. Deng, S. Kumbar, S.P. Nukavarapu, J.L. Brown, N.R. Krogman, A.L. Weikel, H.R.
Allcock and C.T. Laurencin), Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Vol. 92(1), pp. 114-25, 2010.
“In situ Porous Structures: A Unique Polymer Erosion Mechanism in Biodegradable Dipeptide-Based
Polyphosphazene and Polyester Blends Producing Matrices for Regenerative Engineering,” (with M. Deng,
S. Kumbar, S.P. Nukavarapu, T. Jiang, A.L. Weikel, N.R. Krogman, H.R. Allcock and C.T. Laurencin),
Advanced Functional Materials, published online: July 9, 2010, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201000968, Vol. 20, pp.
2794, 2806, 2010.
“Mechanical Properties and Osteocompatibility of Novel Biodegradable Alanine Based Polyphosphazenes:
Side Group Effects,” (with S. Sethuranum, C.T. Laurencin, S. El-Amin, M.N. Nguyen, A. Sing, Y.E. Greish,
H.R. Allcock and P.W. Brown), Acta Biomaterialia, Vol. 6, pp. 1931-1937, 2010.
“Hydrogen Bonding in Blends of Polyesters with Dipeptide-containing Polyphosphazenes,” (with N.R.
Krogman, A.L. Weikel, N.Q. Nguyen, K.A. Kristhart, C.T. Laurencin and H.R. Allcock), Journal of Applied
Polymer Science, Vol. 115, pp. 431-437, 2010.
“Miscibility of Choline-substituted Polyphosphazenes with PLGA and Osteoblast Activity on Resulting
Blends,” (with A.L. Weikel, S.G. Owens, N.L. Morozowich, M. Deng, C.T. Laurencin and H.R. Allcock),
Biomaterials, Vol. 31, pp. 8507-8515, 2010.
“Hydrolysable Polylactide-polyphosphazene Block Copolymers for Biomedical Applications: Synthesis,
Characterization and Composites with Poly(lactide-co-glycolic acid),” (with A. Weikel, S.Y. Cho, N.L.
Morozowich, C.T. Laurencin, and H.R. Allcock), Polymer Chemistry Vol. 1, pp. 1459-1466, 2010.
“Development and Characterization of Biodegradable Nanocomposite Injectables for Orthopaedic
Applications Based on polyphosphazenes Sethuraman S,” (with S. El-Amin, M.T. Nguyen, A. Singh, Y.E.
Greish, H.R. Allcock, P.W. Brown and C.T. Laurencin), Journal of Biomaterial Science- Polymer Edition,
Vol. 22(4-6), pp.733- 752, electronic June 21, 2010; 2011.
“Biomimetic Structures: Biological Implications of Dipeptide-Substituted Polyphosphazene–Polyester Blend
Nanofiber Matrices for Load-Bearing Bone Regeneration,” (with M. Deng, S. Kumbar, A.L. Weikel, H.R.
Allcock and C.T. Laurencin), Advanced Functional Materials, published online: May 12, 2011 DOI:
10.1002/adfm.201100275, 2011.
Mu-Ping Nieh
“Cholesterol in Bilayers with PUFA Chains: Doping with DMPC or POPC Results in Sterol Reorientation
and Membrane-domain Formation,” (with N. Kučerka, D. Marquardt, T.A. Harroun, S.R. Wassall, D.H. De
Jong, L.V. Schäfer, S.J. Marrink and J. Katsaras), Biochemistry, Vol. 49, pp. 7485–7493, 2010.
“Temperature Driven Annealing of Perforations in Bicellar Model Membranes,” (with V.A. Raghunathan, G.
Pabst, T.A. Harroun, K. Nagashima, H. Morales, J. Katsaras and P.M. MacDonald), Langmuir, Vol. 27, pp.
4838-4847, 2011.
“Small Unilamellar Vesicles: A Platform Technology for Molecular Imaging of Brain Tumors,” (with U.
Iqbal, H. Albaghdadi, U.I. Tuor, Z. Mester, D. Stanimirovic, J. Katsaras and A. Abulrob), Nanotechnology,
Vol. 22, pp. 195102, 2011.
“An Unusual Morphological Transformation of Rhamnolipid Aggregates Induced by Concentration and
Addition of Styrene: A Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) Study,” (with Y. Guo and C. Mulligan),
Colloids and Surfaces A, Vol. 373, pp. 42-50, 2011.
Richard Parnas
“The Feasibility of Converting Cannabis sativa L. Oil into Biodiesel,” (with S.Y. Li, J.D. Stuart and Y. Li),
Bioresource Technology, Vol. 101, pp. 8457-60, 2010.
“Separation of 1-butanol by Pervaporation using a Novel PDMS/PE Composite Membrane,” (with S.Y. Li
and R. Srivastava), Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 363, pp. 287–94, 2010.
“Investigation into the Relationship between the Gravity Vector and the Flow Vector to Improve
Performance in Two-phase Continuous Flow Biodiesel Reactor,” (with S.U. Unker, M.B. Boucher, K.R.
Hawley and J.D. Stuart), Bioresource Technology, Vol. 101, pp. 7389-96, 2010.
“Aqueous Electrospinning of Wheat Gluten Fibers with Thiolated Additives,” (with J. Dong and A.D.
Asandei), Polymer, Vol. 51, pp. 3164-72, 2010.
“Performance of Batch, Fed-batch, and Continuous A-B-E Fermentation with pH-control,” (with S.Y. Li, R.
Srivastava, S.L. Suib and Y. Li), Bioresource Technology, Vol. 102, pp. 4241–50, 2011.
“Bioenergy Production from Glycerol in Hydrogen Producing Bioreactors (HPBs) and Microbial Fuel Cells
(MFCs),” (with Y. Sharma and B. Li), International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 36(6), pp. 38533861, 2011.
“Study of in situ 1-butanol Pervaporation from A-B-E Fermentation Using a PDMS Composite Membrane:
Validity of Solution-Diffusion Model for Pervaporative A-B-E Fermentation,” (with S.Y. Li and R.
Srivastava), Biotechnology Progress, Vol. 27(1), pp. 111-120, 2011.
Ramamurthy Ramprasad
“Phase Equilibria at Si-HfO2 and Pt-HfO2 Interfaces from First Principles Thermodynamics,” (with H. Zhu
and C. Tang), Physical Review B, Vol. 82, pp. 235413, 2010.
“Ab Initio Computational Studies of Mg Vacancy Diffusion in Doped MgB2 Aimed at Hydriding Kinetics
Enhancement of the LiBH4 + MgH2 System,” (with Y. Zhong, H. Zhu and L.L. Shaw), Journal of Physical
Chemistry C, Vol. 114, pp. 21801, 2010.
“Complex Polarization Ordering in PbTiO3 Nanowires: A First Principles Computational Study,” (with G.
Pilania), Physical Review B, Vol. 82, pp. 155442, 2010.
“Adsorption of Atomic Oxygen on Cubic PbTiO3 and LaMnO3 (001) Surfaces: A Density Functional Theory
Study,” (with G. Pilania), Surface Science, Vol. 604, pp. 1889, 2010.
“First Principles Computational Study of Wurtzite CdTe Nanowires," (with T. Sadowski), Journal of
Materials Science, Vol. 45, pp. 5463, 2010.
“Band Gap Tuning in GaN through Equibiaxial In-plane Strains,” (with L. Dong, S. Yadav and S.P. Alpay),
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 96, pp. 202106, 2010.
“Quantum Mechanical Studies of Carbonyl Impurities in Dielectric Polyethylene,” (with A. Huzayyin and S.
Boggs), IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics Electrical Insulation, Vol. 17, pp. 920, 2010.
“Density Functional Analysis of Chemical Impurities in Dielectric Polyethylene,” (with A. Huzayyin and S.
Boggs), IEEE Transactions Dielectrics Electrical Insulation, Vol. 17, pp. 926, 2010.
“The Stability and Work Function of TaCxN1-x Alloy Surfaces.,” (with H. Zhu), Journal of Applied Physics,
Vol. 109, pp. 083719, 2011.
“Conversion of [0001] Textured ZnO Nanofilm into [010] Directed Nanowires Driven by CO Adsorption: In
Situ Carbothermal Synthesis and Complementary First Principles Thermodynamics Simulations,” (with P.
Shimpi, S.K. Yadav and P.-X. Gao), Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 115, pp. 7372, 2011.
“The Equilibrium Morphology of WC Particles – A Combined ab initio and Experimental Study,” (with Y.
Zhong, H. Zhu and L.L. Shaw), Acta Materialia, Vol. 59, pp. 3748, 2011.
“Effective Work Function of Metals Interfaced with Dielectrics: A First-principles Study of the Pt-HfO2
Interface,” (with H. Zhu), Physical Review B, Vol. 83, pp. 081416(R), 2011.
“Dielectric Properties of Organosilicons from First Principles,” (with C.C. Wang), Journal of Materials
Science, Vol. 46, pp. 90, 2011.
George Rossetti, Jr.
“Influence of Thermal Stresses on the Electrocaloric Properties of Ferroelectric Films,” (with J. Zhang and
S.P. Alpay), Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 98, pp. 132907, 1-3, 2011.
Leon Shaw
“Ab-initio Computational Studies of Mg Vacancy Diffusion in Doped MgB2 Aimed at Hydriding Kinetics
Enhancement of the LiBH4+MgH2 System,” (with Y. Zhong, H. Zhu and R. Ramprasad), Journal of Physical
Chemistry C, Vol. 114, pp. 21801–21807, 2010.
“High-Energy Ball Milling of ZrB2 in the Presence of Graphite,” (with C.A. Galán, A.L. Ortiz and F.
Guiberteau), Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol. 93, No. 10, pp. 3072–3075, 2010.
“Synthesis of Silicon Carbide Nanopowder using Silica Fume,” (with Y. Zhong, M. Manjarres and M.
Zawrah), Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol. 93, No. 10, pp. 3159–3167, 2010.
“Improving Solid-State Hydriding and Dehydriding Properties of the LiBH4+MgH2 System with Mn and V
Dopants,” (with K. Crosby and X. Wan), Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 195, pp. 7380–7385, 2010.
“Dehydriding and Rehydriding Properties of High-Energy Ball Milled LiBH4 + MgH2 Mixtures,” (with K.
Crosby), International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 35, pp. 7519-7529, 2010.
“Transparent Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite by Pressure-Assisted Sintering,” (with J. Wang), Scripta
Materialia, Vol. 63, pp. 593–596, 2010.
“The Solid-State Hydriding Mechanism in the LiBH4 + MgH2 System,” (with X. Wan, J.Z. Hu, J.H. Kwak
and Z. Yang), Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 114, pp. 8089–8098, 2010.
“The Equilibrium Morphology of WC Particles - A Combined Ab Initio and Experimental Study,” (with Y.
Zhong, H. Zhu and R. Ramprasad), Acta Materialia, Vol. 59, pp. 3748–3757, 2011.
“Dehydrogenation Behavior of Ball Milled Ammonia Borane and Lithium Hydride Mixtures,” (with W.
Osborn and T. Sadowski), Scripta Materialia, Vol. 64, pp. 737-740, 2011.
“The Influence of the Equivalent Strain on the Microstructure and Hardness of H62 Brass Subjected to
Multi-Cycle Constrained Groove Pressing,” (with X. Mou, K. Peng, J. Zeng and K.-W. Qian), Journal of
Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 211, pp. 590–596, 2011.
“Equivalent Strain, Microstructure and Hardness of H62 Brass Deformed by Constrained Groove Pressing,”
(with K. Peng, X. Mou, J. Zeng and K.-W. Qian), Computational Materials Science, Vol. 50, pp. 1526-1532,
Montgomery T. Shaw
“Preparation of Crosslinked Crystalline Nano HDPE Particles using a Polymer Blend,” (with G. Ling),
Polymer, Vol. 50, pp. 4917-4925, 2010.
“Hydrogel Functionalization with Aptamers for Sustained Protein Release,” (with B. Soontornworajit, J.
Zhou, T-H. Fan and Y. Wang), Chemical Communications, Vol. 46, pp. 1857-1859, 2010.
“Electrospinning and Characterization of Highly Sulfonated Polystyrene Fibers,” (with C. Subramanian and
R.A. Weiss), Polymer, Vol. 51, pp. 1983-1989, 2010.
“Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of PLLA-PCL-HA Composites via a Biomimetic, Dip Coating, and
Hot Compression Procedure,” (with L.F. Charles, M. Wei and J.R. Olson), Journal of Materials Science:
Materials in Medicine, Vol. 21(6), pp.1845-1854, 2010.
“Rheology of Hydroxyapatite Needles Suspended in an Organic Fluid,” (with S-P. Sun, J.R. Olson and M.
Wei), Rheologica Acta, Vol. 50(1), pp. 65-74, 2011.
“Temperature Exposure, Compression Recovery, Creep and Weathering of a Foam Silicone Sealant for
Bridge Expansion Joints,” (with R.B Malla, M.R. Shrestha and S.B. Brijmohan), ASCE Journals of Materials
in Civil Engineering, Vol. 23(3), pp. 287-297, 2011.
“Synthesis of High Proton Conducting Nanoparticles by Emulsion Polymerization,” (with E. Pitia and R.A.
Weiss), Polymer, Vol. 52(2), pp. 297-306, 2011.
“Modelling the Linear Viscoelastic Properties of Bituminous Binders,” (with N.I.Md. Yusoff and G.D.
Airey), Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 25, pp. 2171-2189, May 2011.
“Linear Viscoelastic Properties of Suspensions Comprising Crystalline Microgels in Squalane,” (with G.
Ling), Rheology Acta, online March 31, 2011.
Prabhakar Singh
“Thermal Stress and Probability of Failure Analyses of Functionally Graded Solid Oxide Fuel Cells,” (with
G. Anandakumar, N. Li, N.A. Verma and J. Kim), Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 195(19), pp. 6659-6670,
“Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Composite Cathodes Based on Perovskite and Fluorite Structures,” (with V.
Sadykov, N. Mezentseva, V. Usoltsev, E. Sadovskaya, A. Ishchenko, S. Pavlova, et al.), Journal of Power
Sources, 2010.
Ranjan Srivastava
“Separation of 1-butanol by Pervaporation using a Novel Tri-layer PDMS Composite Membrane,” (with S.
Li and R.S. Parnas), Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 363, pp. 287-294, 2010.
“Performance of Batch, Fed-batch, and Continuous A-B-E Fermentation with pH-control,” (with S. Li, S.L.
Suib, Y. Li and R.S. Parnas), Bioresource Technology, Vol. 102(5), pp. 4241-4250, 2011.
“Study of in situ 1-butanol Pervaporation from A-B-E Fermentation using a PDMS Composite Membrane:
Validity of Solution-diffusion Model for Pervaporative A-B-E Fermentation,” (with S. Li and R.S. Parnas),
Biotechnology Progress, Vol. 27(1), pp. 111-120, 2011.
Yong Wang
“An Aptamer-functionalized in situ Injectable Hydrogel for Controlled Protein Release,” (with B.
Soontornworajit, J. Zhou and Z. Zhang), Biomacromolecules, Vol. 11, pp. 2724-2730, 2010.
“Aptamer-based Molecular Recognition for Biosensor Development,” (with J. Zhou and M. Battig),
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 398, pp. 2471-2480, 2010.
“A Hybrid Particle-hydrogel Composite for Oligonucleotide-mediated Pulsatile Protein Release,” (with B.
Soontornworajit and J. Zhou), Soft Matter, Vol. 6, pp. 4255–4261, 2010.
“A Temperature-responsive Antibody-like Nanostructure,” (with J. Zhou and B. Soontornworajit),
Biomacromolecules, Vol. 11, pp. 2087–2093, 2010.
“Hydrogel Functionalization with Aptamers for Sustained Protein Release,” (with B. Soontornworajit, J.
Zhou, T-H. Fan and M.T. Shaw), Chemical Communications, Vol. 46, pp. 1857-1859, 2010.
“Nucleic Acid Aptamers for Clinical Diagnosis: Cell Detection and Molecular Imaging,” (with B.
Soontornworajit), Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 399, pp. 1591-1599, 2011.
“Structural Prediction and Binding Analysis of Hybridized Aptamers,” (with J. Zhou, B. Soontornworajit,
and M. Snipes), Journal of Molecular Recognition, Vol. 24, pp. 119-126, 2011.
“Synthesis and in vitro Cancer Cell Targeting of Folate-functionalized Biodegradable Amphiphilic
Dendrimer-like Star Polymers,” (with W. Cao, J. Zhou and L. Zhu), Biomacromolecules, Vol. 11, pp. 36803687, 2011.
Mei Wei
“Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of PLLA-PCL-HA Composites via a Biomimetic, Dip Coating, and
Hot Compression Procedure,” (with L.F. Charles, M.T. Shaw and J. R. Olson), Journal of Materials Science:
Materials in Medicine, Vol. 21(6), pp.1845-1854, 2010.
“In vitro Rat Osteosarcoma Cell Performance on Hydroxyapatite Particles/poly(L-lactic acid) Nanofibrous
Scaffolds with an Excellent Particle-along-fiber Orientation,” (with F. Peng and X. Yu), Acta Biomaterialia,
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2011.02.021, 2010.
“Rheology of Hydroxyapatite Needles Suspended in an Organic Fluid,” (with S-P. Sun, J.R. Olson and M.T.
Shaw), Rheologica Acta, Vol. 50(1), pp. 65-74, 2011.
“Controlling Bovine Serum Albumin Release from Biomimetic Calcium Phosphate Coatings,” (with X. Yu),
Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology, Vol. 2, pp. 28-35, 2011.
“Preparation and Evaluation of Parathyroid Hormone Incorporated CaP Coating via a Biomimetic Method,”
(with X. Yu), Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B-Applied Biomaterials, Vol. 97, pp. 345-54,
“Guided Vertical Bone Regeneration by Means of Roughened and Alkaline Treated Titanium Implant
Surfaces –A Comparison Based on a Rabbit Mandible Model,” (with M. Karl, M.A. Freilich, B. Wen, D.M.
Shafer and L.T. Kuhn), Z Zahnarztl Implantol (Journal of Dental Implantology Medical), Vol. 27, pp. 1-15,
Brian Willis
“Formation of Strontium Template on Si(1 0 0) by Atomic Layer Deposition,” Applied Surface Science, Vol.
257, pp. 4826-4830, 2011.
“Atomic Layer Deposition of Pt on Tungsten Monocarbide (WC) for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction,”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 115, pp. 3709-3715, 2011.
Bryan Huey
“Advances in Spectroscopy and Imaging of Surfaces and Nanostructures,” (with multiple co-editors),
Materials Research Society Proceedings, Vol. 1318, 2011.
William Mustain
“Electrode Processes Relevant to Fuel Cell Technology,” ECS Transactions, Vol. 28, No. 23, pp. 27, 2010.
Mu-Ping Nieh
“Small-Angle Scattering from Homogenous and Heterogeneous Lipid Bilayers,” (with N. Kučerka and J.
Katsaras), Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes, Vol. 12 (A. Iglic and H.T. Tien, eds.),
Burlington: Academic Press, pp. 201-236, 2010.
Pamir Alpay
“Pyroelectric and Electrocaloric Properties of Ferroelectric Thin Films,” (with J. Zhang, M.B. Okatan, I.B.
Misirlioglu, A.A. Heitmann, J.V. Mantese, M.W. Cole and G.A. Rossetti, Jr.), XIX International Materials
Research Congress, Symposium on Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Materials, Devices, and Applications,
Cancun, Mexico, August 2010.
“MOCVD Growth and Characterization of Compositionally Graded BaxSr1-xTiO3 Thin Films,” (with N.M.
Sbrockey, M.W. Cole, T.S. Kalkur, J.E. Spanier and G.S. Tompa), XIX International Materials Research
Congress, Symposium on Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Materials, Devices, and Applications, Cancun,
Mexico, August 2010.
“Giant Electromechanical Response from Ferroelectric Bilayers with Polydomain Structures due to Interlayer
and Interdomain Coupling,” (with R. Mahjoub and V. Nagarajan), XIX International Materials Research
Congress, Symposium on Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Materials, Devices, and Applications, Cancun,
Mexico, August 2010.
“Chemical Solution Deposition of Highly Oriented Strontium Titanate Thin Films with Improved Dielectric
Response,” (with C.V. Weiss and M.W. Cole), XIX International Materials Research Congress, Symposium
on Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Materials, Devices, and Applications, Cancun, Mexico, August 2010.
“Aging Behavior and Wear Property of Ni-Ru Alloys for Electrical Contact Applications,” (with Y. Liu, B.S.
Senturk, J.V. Mantese and M. Aindow), Materials Science and Technology 2010 Conference and Exhibition,
Symposium on Tribological Contacts: Recent Issues and Practical Solutions, Houston, TX, October 2010.
“Asymmetric Displacement of Hysteresis Loops and Smearing of the Transition Point due to Space Charges
in Ferroelectric Thin Films,” (with I.B. Misirlioglu and M.B. Okatan), International Symposium on
Integrated Functionalities (ISIF 2010), Symposium on Ferroelectric Materials: Theory & Experiments, San
Juan, PR, 2010.
“Electrothermal Properties of Ferroelectric Thin Films,” invited, (with G. A. Rossetti, J. Zhang, and A. A.
Heitmann), Electronic Materials and Applications 2011, Symposium on Symposium on Energy Harvesting
and Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring, Orlando, FL, January 2011.
“Microstructure and Native Oxide Scale Characteristics of a Cu-9at.%La alloy,” (with B.S. Senturk, Y. Liu,
J.V. Mantese and M. Aindow), The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society Annual Meeting & Exhibition
2011, Symposium on Pb-Free Solders and Other Materials for Emerging Interconnect and Packaging
Technologies, San Diego, CA, February 2011.
“Electrocaloric and Pyroelectric Properties of Ferroelectric Films,” (with J. Zhang and G.A. Rossetti, Jr.),
Annual American Physical Society March Meeting 2011, Symposium on Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and
Piezoelectric Oxides: Piezoelectrics, Oxides on Semiconductors, and Applications, Dallas, TX, March 2011.
C. Barry Carter
“FIB and TEM Study of Reactivity of Co Doped BaCe1-XZrXO3 Membrane in Reducing Environment,” (with
J. Basu, A. Suresh, and B. Wilhite), Proceedings of Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol. 15, Supplement 2,
pp. 1208-1209, 2010.
“Structure and Chemistry of La Doped BiFeO3 Multiferroic Thin Film,” (with J. Basu and A. Garg),
Proceedings of Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol. 15, Supplement 2, pp. 1234-1235, 2010.
“Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering,” (with P.
Mekael, J. Basu, N. Syam, and C. Laurencin), Proceedings of Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol. 15,
Supplement 2, pp. 1032-1033, 2010.
“Microscopy of the spinel-forming reaction with nanoparticles,” (with J.P. Winterstein, M. Sezen and A.
Rečnik), Proceedings of Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol. 15, Supplement 2, pp. 1486-1487, 2010.
“Microscopy and Microanalysis of Cerium Oxide Grain Boundaries,” (with J.P. Winterstein, W. Grogger and
F. Hofer), Proceedings of Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol. 15, Supplement 2, pp. 1416-1417, 2010.
Chris Cornelius
“Synthesis and Characterization of Ionenes for Anionic Exchange Membranes,” (with X. Yuan), The
American Chemical Society, August 2010.
Puxian Gao
“Hierarchical Composite Nanowires for Energy, Environmental and Sensing Applications,” (with P. Shimpi, et
al.), Proceedings of SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 22-27, 2011.
Rainer Hebert
“Metallic Glasses: No Disdain for Disorder,” invited online article for AZOM.COM (Materials Thought
Leaders Series), http://www.azom.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5566
Sangamesh Kumbar
“Nano-Structured Scaffolds for Regenerative Engineering,” invited, (with C. Laurencin), American Institute
of Chemical Engineers 2010: Honorary Series in Translational Research in Biomaterials, Salt Lake City,
UT, November 11, 2010.
Cato Laurencin
“Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering,” (with P.
Mekael, J. Basu, N. Syam and C.B. Carter), Proceedings of Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol. 15,
Supplement 2, pp. 1032-1033, 2010.
“Nano-Structured Scaffolds for Regenerative Engineering,” invited, (with S. Kumbar), American Institute of
Chemical Engineers 2010: Honorary Series in Translational Research in Biomaterials, Salt Lake City, UT,
November 11, 2010.
Radenka Maric
“Thin Film Low Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (LTSOFC) by Reactive Spray Deposition Technology
(RSDT),” (with K. Furusaki, D. Nishijima and R. Neagu), Electrochemical Society 219th Meeting, Montreal,
QC, Canada, May 1-6, 2011.
“Oxygen Reduction Reaction Evaluation of Platinum Catalyst Formed via the Reactive Spray Deposition
Technique,” (with J. Roller, R. Neagu and F. Orfino), Proceedings of the 2011 Energy Sustainability
Conference &Fuel Cell Conference, 9th Fuel; Cell Science, Engineering and Technology Conference,
Washington, D.C., August 7-10, 2011.
Ashish Mhadeshwar
“CO2-selective Membrane Performance Requirements for CO2 Capture from Pre-combustion Syngas,” (with
S.M. Miller), North American Membrane Society, Washington, DC, 2010.
William Mustain
“Effect of Carbonate on Anion Exchange Membrane Conductivity and Hydrogen Oxidation for AEMFCs,”
(with J.A. Vega, S. Smith and C. Chartier), Electrochemical Society Transactions, Vol. 28, pp. 103-109,
“Electrochemical Studies of N-Functionalized Mesoporous Carbon,” (with S. Shrestha), Electrochemical
Society Transactions, Vol. 28, pp. 27-37, 2010.
“Platinum Nanoparticles Supported on N-Functionalized Mesoporous Carbon,” (with S. Shrestha),
Electrochemical Society Transactions, Vol. 33, pp. 293, 2010.
“Effect of Carbonate on Oxygen Reduction, Hydrogen Oxidation and Anion Exchange Membrane Chemical
Stability,” (with J.A. Vega, C. Chartier and S. Smith), Electrochemical Society Transactions, Vol. 33, pp.
1735-1749, 2010.
Ramamurthy Ramprasad
“Atomic Redistributions in Ferroelectric Solid Solutions,” (with C.C. Chung, G. Pilania and G. Rossetti, Jr.),
Materials Science and Technology 2010, Houston, TX, October 2010.
George Rossetti, Jr.
“Thermodynamic Theory of the Ferroelectric Perovskites Revisited,” (with A.A. Heitmann), XIX
International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico, August 2010.
“Pyroelectric and Electrocaloric Properties of Ferroelectric Thin Films,” (with S.P. Alpay, J. Zhang, M.B.
Okatan, I.B. Misirlioglua, A.A. Heitmann, J.V. Mantese and M.W. Cole), XIX International Materials
Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico, August 2010.
“Phase Stability and Electromechanical Properties of Lead Zinc Niobate–Lead Titanate (PZN–PT) Single
Crystals,” (with A.A. Heitmann), Materials Science and Technology 2010, Houston, TX, October 2010.
“Atomic Redistributions in Ferroelectric Solid Solutions,” (with C.C. Chung, G. Pilania and R. Ramprasad),
Materials Science and Technology 2010, Houston, TX, October 2010.
“Electrothermal Properties of Perovskite Ferroelectric Films,” (with S.P. Alpay, J. Zhang, G. Akcay, A.A.
Heitmann and J.V. Mantese), International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (ISIF 2010), San Juan,
PR, 2010.
“Electrocaloric and Pyroelectric Properties of Ferroelectric Films," (with J. Zhang and S.P. Alpay), Annual
American Physical Society, March Meeting 2011, Symposium on Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric
Oxides: Piezoelectrics, Oxides on Semiconductors, and Applications, Dallas, TX, March 2011.
“Thermal Properties of Perovskite Ferroelectrics: An Overview,” (with R. Perez-Moyet and A.A. Heitmann),
Electronic Materials and Applications 2011, Orlando, FL, January 2011.
“Electrothermal Properties of Ferroelectric Thin Films," (with S.P. Alpay, J. Zhang and A.A. Heitmann),
Electronic Materials and Applications 2011, Orlando, FL, January 2011.
Leon Shaw
“Enhancement in the Wear Resistance of a Nickel-based Alloy via Surface Severe Plastic Deformation,”
(with M. Manjarres), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual International Conference on Composites and
Nano Engineering (ICCE-18), paper #689, July 2010.
“Transparent Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite by Pressure-Assisted Sintering,” invited, (with J. Wang), The
Symposium on “Next Generation Biomaterials” in Materials Science and Technology 2010, Houston, TX,
October 17–21, 2010.
“A Study on the Synthesis of Nanostructured WC-Co Particles from WO3, Co3O4 and Graphite,” invited,
(with Y. Zhong), A Symposium in Honor of Professor Reza Abbaschian: Processing, Crystal Growth and
Phase Equilibrium of Advanced Materials” in Materials Science and Technology 2010, Houston, TX,
October 17–21, 2010.
“The Growth Mechanisms of WC Particles from WC-Co Loose Powder,” (with Y. Zhong), Proceedings of
the 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, paper #0856122, Atlanta, GA, January
Prabhakar Singh
“Preparation and Characterization of LSCF (La0.58Sr 0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ)/GDC (Ce0.8Gd0.2O2) Cathode
for IT-solid Oxide Fuel Cell,” (with N. Li, A. Smirnova, A. Verma and J. Kim), Ceramic Engineering and
Science Proceedings, Vol. 31(4), pp. 43-52.
“Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings: Preface,” (with N.P. Bansal), Ceramic Engineering and
Science Proceedings, Vol. 31(4), 2010.
Ranjan Srivastava
“Optimizing Personalized Treatment of Oral Mucositis Secondary to Cancer Therapy through Systems
Biology,” (with J.R. White, R.V. Lalla, L.M. Loew and D.E. Peterson), Journal of Clinical Oncology,
29:e19690, 2011.
Brian Willis
“Atomic Layer Deposition for Epitaxial Oxides on Silicon,” Electrochemical Society Transactions, Vol.
33(2), pp. 51-59, 2010.
“Atomic Layer Deposition for Nanoelectrode Devices,” Electrochemical Society Transactions, Vol. 33(2),
pp. 25-35, 2010.
Mark Aindow
“The Effects of Impurities on Fuel Cell Performance and Durability,” (with PI: T. Molter 90%), Department of
Energy, 3/1/07 – 2/28/11, $1,985,533.
“Engineered Nano-Composite Oxides for High Durability Missile Domes” (with PI: E. Jordan, 75%), Subcontract from Raytheon on DARPA proposal, 4/16/07 – 10/15/10, $ 2,808,000.
“Self-Healing, High-Reliability Electrical Contacts for Military Applications,” (with PI: S.P. Alpay, 50%), U.S.
Army Research Office, 6/1/07 – 6/01/11, $398,375.
“TEM Characterization of SAM Al,” Pratt & Whitney, 8/1/09-12/31/10, $40,000.
“Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells,” United Technologies Research Center, 9/1/09-12/31/11, $72,050.
“The Effect of Airborne Contaminants on Fuel Cell Performance and Durability,” (with PI: T. Molter, 90%),
Department of Energy/Hawaii National Energy Institute, 5/23/09 – 5/22/13, $1,710,676.
“GOALI: Oxide Scale Development in Coated High-Temperature Alloys for Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell
Interconnects,” National Science Foundation, 6/01/11 – 5/31/14, $310,274.
Pamir Alpay
“Self-Healing, High-Reliability Electrical Contacts for Military Applications,” (with co-PI: M. Aindow,
50%) U.S. Army Research Office, 06/01/2007-06/01/2011, $398,375.
“Interlayer Interfaces in Multilayer and Graded Ferroelectrics: Modeling and Deposition of Multilayer and
Graded Barium Strontium Titanate Films,” subcontract from Frequency-Agile, Functionally Graded Ka-band
Filters, SMI Inc., NJ, Department of Defense, Army STTR, Phase II, 8/27/2008-3/31/2011, $225,000.
“Three Dimensional Composite Nanostructures for Lean NOx Emission Control,” (co-PI, with P.-X Gao,
70% and R. Ramprasad, 15%) Department of Energy, 10/1/2009-9/30/2012, $1,248,242.
George Bollas
“Optimization of FCC Selectivity Through Detailed Modeling of Catalyst Evaluation Experiments and the
Contributions of Catalyst Components,” Department of Energy, 09/01/2010 – 08/31/2012, $116,294.
“Optimization of FCC Selectivity Through Detailed Modeling of Catalyst Evaluation Experiments and the
Contributions of Catalyst Components,” W. R. Grace & Co., 09/01/2010 – 08/31/2012, $114,000.
“CAREER: Simulation and Design of Chemical-Looping Combustion and Reforming Processes,” National
Science Foundation, 09/01/2011 – 08/31/2016, $400,000.
“Intermediate Research Equipment Competition: Fluidized Bed Biomass Catalytic Reactor,” University of
Connecticut, 12/15/2010 – 05/31/2011, $87,206.
“Advanced Coal-Biomass-to-Liquid (CBTL) Systems Configurations and Efficiency Analysis: Systems
Optimization with Emphasis on Incorporation of Advanced Fuel Cells and Intermediate Temperature Carbon
and Sulfur Capture Technologies,” (with P. Singh), Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology,
06/01/2011 – 10/21/2011, $83,621.
Hal Brody
Capstone Project Course/MSE-BSE Excellence Fund, Connecticut and Massachusetts businesses, $26,000.
C. Barry Carter
“MACAN: Merging Atomistic and Continuum Analysis of Nanometer Length-Scale Metal,” European
Union/FP7, 7/1/09 – 6/30/13, $65,708.
UCIG, with UConn Health Center, (with P. Nukavarapu & C. Laurencin), 8/27/09 – 8/31/11, $100,000.
“Mechanistic Evaluation of Degradation Processes in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC),” (with PI: P.
Singh 50%, and A. Verma 25%), Idaho National Laboratory, 4/19/10-12/15/11, $174,962.
“Treatment of Cathode Support and Measurement of Mechanical Strength of Cathode-Supported SFC’s,”
(with PI: P. Singh 50%, J-H. Kim 15% and A. Verma 20%), Siemens Corporation, 4/1/10-3/31/11, $108,663.
Puxian Gao
“Three-dimensional Composite Nanostructures for Lean NOx Emission Control,” (with co-PIs: P. Alpay
15% and R. Ramprasad 15%), DOE/NETL, 10/1/09-9/30/12, $1,248,242.
“Multifunctional Nanowire/film Composites Based Bi-modular Sensors for In-situ and Real-time High
Temperature Gas Detection,” (with co-PI: Y. Lei 30%), DOE/NETL, 10/1/09 – 9/30/12, $795,607.
“Synthesis of Inorganic Nanostructures as Field Emitters,” United Technologies-Research Center, 6/2/078/31/11, $116,983.
“Stannate-based Semiconductor Nanocomposites for Solar Energy Utilization,” DOE-CDP (through C2E2),
8/23/10-8/31/11, $100,000.
“Stannate-based Semiconductor Nanocomposites for Solar Energy Utilization,” DOE-CDP (UTRC),
8/31/10-8/31/11, $50,000.
“A Systematic Study of VLS Growth Process of Metal Oxide Nanowires,” CS-Petroleum Research Fund,
9/1/08-8/31/10, $50,000.
“Cellular Uptake and Toxicity of Nano-engineered Particles,” (with co-PI: D. Knecht 50%), UConn
Research Foundation Large Grant, 1/1/2011-12/31/2011, $25,500.
Rainer Hebert
“Accumulative Roll Bonding of Metallic Multilayers,” NSF-CMMI, 05/01/07 - 04/30/11, $299,000.
“Creep-tester,” UConn Intermediate Equipment Grant, 12/23/09 – 1/31/11, $66,000.
“Exploratory Study of the Response of Amorphous Steels to Wear and Cavitation,” UConn Research
Foundation, 12/16/09 – 12/31/10, $11,874.
“Advanced Composite Materials for Blast- And Fire Resistance,” (with co-PIs: G. Rossetti 25%, B.D. Huey
25% and J.H. Kim 25%), Department of Homeland Security, 7/1/09 – 6/30/12, $865,000.
“Impact Resistant Multifunctional Composite Sensor for Structural Monitoring,” (with co-PIs: B. Huey 25%,
G. Rossetti 25% and J-H. Kim 25%), Department of Homeland Security, 8/1/09 – 1/31/11, $220,000.
“REU for FRS 524498 - Accumulative Roll Bonding of Metallic Multilayers,” National Science Foundation,
5/5/08 – 4/30/11, $4500.
“Graduate Research Supplement for FRS 524498 – Accumulative Roll Bonding of Metallic Multilayers,”
National Science Foundation, 7/24/08 – 4/30/11, $25,464.
Bryan Huey
“Mechanical Response of Individual Living Epithelial and Endothelial Cells to in situ Biochemical Signal
Exposure and Direct Drug Delivery,” National Science Foundation NanoBioMechanics, 9/1/06 – 2/28/11,
ntegrated Molecular Separation and Nanoscale Patterning,” National Science Foundation
NanoBioMechanics, 9/1/06 – 2/28/11, $10,800.
“NSF NBM Minority Student Supplement,” National Science Foundation NanoBioMechanics, 9/1/08 –
2/28/11, $33,494.
“Development of High Speed SPM for Research and Education,” National Science Foundation DMR IMR,
9/1/08 – 12/31/12, $311,111.
“Impact Resistant Multifunctional Composite Sensor Platform for Structural Monitoring,” (with co-PIs: R.
Hebert 25%, J.H. Kim 25% and G. Rossetti 25%), UConn Department of Homeland Security Center, 8/1/09
– 4/31/11, $220,000.
“Materials World Network: Ultrafast Switching in Phase Change Materials,” National Science Foundation
Ceramics, 8/1/09 – 7/31/12, $312,000.
“Advanced Composite Materials for Blast- And Fire Resistance,” (with co-PIs: R. Hebert 25%, G. Rossetti
25%, J. H. Kim 25%), Department of Homeland Security, 7/1/09 – 6/30/12, $865,000.
“Tooth and Particle Interactions,” Colgate (Industrial Sponsor), IMS Associates Project, $25,000.
“Nanoscience and Society,” (with H. Silva), UConn Honors Program, $10,000 + ½ TA.
“Sources and Control of Nucleation and Growth in Ferroelectric and Phase Change Memory Devices,”
Department of Energy, 8/15/10 – 4/14/14, $560,000.
“Fuel Cell Electrode Microstructure: Nanoscale Stability and Efficiency,” Department of Energy and UTE
Power, 1/5/11 – 12/31/11, $25,000.
Yusuf Khan
“EFRI: Biological, Chemical, and Mechanical Surface Cues for Cell Migration, Proliferation, and
Differentiation: An Integrated Approach to Regeneration of New Tissues,” (Co-PI), National Science
Foundation, 2007-2011, $1,997,792.
“Developing Animal Models for Optimizing the Musculoskeletal Repair Potential of Emerging Human
Progenitor Cell Therapies,” (co-PI), US Army (TATRC), 2011-2013, $540,000.
“Functionalizing Allografts with Polymer-based Bioactive Coatings,” Musculoskeletal Transplant
Foundation, 2010, $100,000.
Sangamesh Kumbar
“Novel Structured Nanofibrous Scaffolds for Bone Healing,” The Walter H. Coulter Foundation, Coulter
Translational Research Award Biomedical Engineering, 8/2009 – 7/2012, $103,012.
“Design and Development of Natural Polymer-Derived Interference Screws and Porous Grafts for
Musculoskeletal Repair and Regeneration,” University of Connecticut Center for Science and Technology
Commercialization, 1/1/10 – 12/31/12, $72,000.
Cato Laurencin
“Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring,” National Science
Foundation, 3/2010 – 8/2012, $10,000.
“Polymer-Ceramic Composites for Tissue Engineering,” National Institutes of Health RO-1, 9/2008 –
7/2012, $519,541.
“Development of a Novel Injectable Controlled Analgesic Delivery System for Effective Pain Management,”
Department of Defense (U.S. Army), 12/2008 – 11/2012, $1,586,449.
“Biological, Chemical and Mechanical Surface Cues for Cell Migration, Proliferation and Differentiation:
An Integrated Approach to Regeneration of New Tissues,” National Science Foundation EFRI, 9/1/2008 –
8/31/2012, $1,586,449.
“Mechanically and Biologically Compatible Novel Biodegradable Polymer- Carbon Nanotube Scaffolds for
Bone Tissue Engineering,” (with co-PI: S. Nukvarapu), UCIG Grant Program, 2009-2011, $100,000.
“Novel Structured Nanofibrous Scaffolds for Bone Healing Phase 2,” (with co-PI:
Foundation Grant, 2009-2011, $103,012.
X. Yu), Coulter
UCIG, with UConn Health Center, (with P Nukavarapu and C.B. Carter), University of Connecticut, 8/27/09
– 8/31/11, $100,000.
Yu Lei
“Rapid, Accurate, Noninvasive and Cost-effective Pre-screening Technology for Lung Cancer,” University
of Connecticut Large Faculty Grant, 2011-2012, $21,735.
“Collaborative Research: IDR-Magnetic Beads Linked Immunoassay Meets Micro Coulter Counter: Novel
Multiplexed Biosensor System for Food Safety,” (with co-PI: Kumar 45%), National Science Foundation,
July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2013, $300,000.
“Exp-LA: Realtime, Compact, & Ultra-Sensitive Sensor Arrays for Explosives,” (with co-PIs: C. Brueckner
29.95% and A. Gokirmak 3.13%), National Science Foundation, September 1, 2007 – August 31, 2011,
“Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Total Coliforms and E. coli Using SWNT Membrane,” U.S. Geological
Survey through Connecticut Institute of Water Resources, March 1, 2008 – February 28, 2011, $49,726.
“Novel Explosives Sensors Using Signal-Amplifying Molecularly Imprinted Conducting Polymers,”
Department of Homeland Security, 6/1/08 – 5/30/11, $292,000.
“Simultaneous, Rapid, and Sensitive Detection of Total Coliforms and E. coli Using Engineered Conducting
Membrane for Water Quality Control,” National Science Foundation, 9/1/08 – 8/31/11, $160,058.
“MRI: Development of Instrumentation for an Autonomous Underwater Sensor Network System,” (with PI:
J.-H. Cui and co-PIs: I. Babb, Z. Shi, T. Torgersen and S. Zhou; Senior Personnel: R. Ammar, A.
Bagtzoglou, Y. Fei, Y. Lei (5%), L. Liu, S. Rajasekaran, E. Schultz, B. Wang, L. Wang and P. Willett),
NSF/MRI, 8/1/08 – 7/31/11, $500,000 from NSF and $150,000 from UConn (cost sharing).
“Multifunctional Nanowire/film Composites Based Bi-modular Sensors for In-situ and Real-time High
Temperature Gas Detection,” (co-PI: P. Gao 70%), Department of Energy, 2009 – 2012, $795,607 from
DOE and $215,165 from UConn (cost-sharing).
Radenka Maric
“Rapidly Quenched YSZ as Enhanced Electrolyte for SOFC,” Department of Energy, 12/1/10 – 11/30/11,
“Rapidly Quenched YSZ as Enhanced Electrolyte for SOFC,” (with P. Singh), Nanocell Systems, Inc.,
11/1/10 – 10/31/11, $25,000.
Jeffrey McCutcheon
“Intern in Residence for Ethan Butler,” Fuss & O’Neill, 5/9/2011-7/1/2011, $10,833.
“GOALI: Novel Thin Film Composite Membranes for Desalination by Forward Osmosis,” (with co-PI: R.
McGinnis, Oasys Water), National Science Foundation, CBET, Chemical and Biological Separations
Program, 6/2011 – 6/2014, $300,000.
“Enabling Potable Reuse of Wastewater using Forward Osmosis: A Sustainable and Affordable Alternative
to Reverse Osmosis,” Environmental Protection Agency – STAR Program, Advancing Public Health
Protection through Water Infrastructure Sustainability, 6/2011 – 6/2015, $300,000.
“Waste Heat Recovery using the Osmotic Heat Engine,” Oasys Water, 10/15/10 – 10/14/12, $106,000.
“Waste Heat Recovery and Utilization Using the Osmotic Heat Engine,” Department of Energy, 8/1/10 –
7/1/12, $100,000.
“Novel Activated Carbon Nanofiber Biofilm Support for Enhanced Wastewater Treatment,” (with co-PI: B.
Li), National Science Foundation, CBET – Environmental Engineering, 9/4/09 – 9/3/12, $293,876.
Ashish Mhadeshwar
“Evaluation of Enzyme-based Sulfur Removal Technology for Gas Cleanup,” (with co-PI: P. Singh),
nzymSys and Department of Energy, 09/2010-09/2011, $150,000.
William Mustain
“EAGER: Electrochemical Reactor for Spontaneous Power Conversion and CO2 Utilization,” NSF, 2/15/10
– 6/30/11, $97,721.
“Understanding the Effects of Surface Chemistry and Microstructure on the Activity and Stability of Pt
Electrocatalysts on Non-Carbon Supports,” Department of Energy, 9/1/10 – 8/31/13, $480,000.
“Functionalized Graphitic Supports for Improved Fuel Cell Catalyst Stability,” Physical Science, Inc., 4/1/11
– 1/31/12, $32,992.
Lakshmi Nair
“Inductive Microenvironment for Improved Osseous Integration,” U.S. Army – DoD, 9/27/10 – 10/26/13,
“Development of Immunomodulatory Biomaterials for Musculoskeletal Tissue Regeneration,” U.S. Army
Medical Research – DoD, 9/30/10 – 4/29/12, $153,309.
“Design and Development of an Injectable Lactoferrin based Protein and Stem Cell Delivery Vehicle for
Bone Regeneration,” CSTC, 10/8/10 – 8/7/11, $68,000.
“Cell Targeted Diagnostics and Therapy using Nanomaterials,” (with US-PI: A. Mikos), Indo-US Joint
Program, 8/1/10 – 7/30/12.
“Mandibular Chondrogenic Differentiation,” (co-PI), NIH-R01, 9/1/10 – 2/28/15, $1,250,000.
“Polymer/Ceramic Composites for Bone Tissue Engineering,” (co-PI), National Institutes of Health, 9/15/05
– 9/14/10, $1,425,828.
“Biological, Chemical, and Mechanical Surface Cues for Cell Mi-gration, Proliferation, and Differentiation:
An Integrated Approach to Regeneration of New Tissues,” (co-PI), National Science Foundation, 12/1/07 –
11/31/11, $1,197,796.
Richard Parnas
“BioEnergy Initiative for Connecticut,” Department of Energy, (with PI: S. Suib and co-PIs: Y. Li, X. Lang
and F. Carstensen), 6/15/10 – 6/14/12, $418,420.
Ramprasad Ramamurthy
“Rational Design of Advanced Polymeric Capacitor Films,” (PI 20%, with 6 others), Office of Naval
Research, 9/1/10-8/31/15, $7,317,185.
“MOSFETs with Atomically Engineered Metal/high-k Interfaces,” National Science Foundation, 9/1/108/31/13, $273,008.
“Advanced Ferroelectric Polymers for High Energy Density Capacitors,” Lynntech, 07/01/2010 –
01/31/2011, $30,000.
“High Energy Density Composite based on Tailored Surface Chemistry,” (with co-PI: S. Boggs 50%), TPL,
Inc., 07/01/2010 – 12/01/2010, $30,000.
“Computational Support of the ONR Capacitor Program,” (with co-PI: S. Boggs 50%), Office of Naval
Research, 01/01/2008 – 03/31/2011, $480,000.
“Electrical Degradation in High-k Dielectrics based Devices: A Computational Study,” National Science
Foundation, 08/01/2007 – 07/31/2012, $270,000; plus supplement, 5/30/08 – 7/31/12, $12,500.
“Binary and Ternary Semiconductor Quantum Rods: A Computational Route to Next-generation Allinorganic Photovoltaic Materials,” National Science Foundation, 01/01/2008 – 12/31/2011, $199,968.
“Three-dimensional Composite Nanostructures for Lean NOx Emission Control,” (with PI: P. Gao 70% and
co-PI: P. Alpay 15%), Department of Energy, 01/01/2010 – 12/31/2012, $1,200,000.
George Rossetti, Jr.
“Design and Modeling of High Power Density Acoustic Transducer Materials for Autonomous Undersea
Vehicles,” DOD/Navy/Office of Naval Research, 10/1/08 – 9/30/11, $210,000.
“Impact Resistant Multifunctional Composite Sensor Platform for Structural Monitoring,” (with co-PIs: R.
Hebert 25%, B.D. Huey 25% and J.H. Kim 25%), National Transportation Security Center of Excellence,
Department of Homeland Security, 8/1/09 – 1/31/11, $220,000.
“Advanced Composite Materials for Blast- And Fire Resistance,” (with co-PIs: R. Hebert 25%, B.D. Huey
25% and J.H. Kim 25%), Department of Homeland Security, 7/1/09 – 6/30/12, $865,000.
Leon Shaw
“Functionally Graded Orthopedic Implants via the Slurry Mixing and Dispensing Process,” (with co-PI: Y.
Wang 30%), National Science Foundation, 9/1/09 – 8/31/12, $330,000.
“REU Supplement: Novel Processing of WC/Co Cermets,” National Science Foundation, 6/1/10 – 5/31/12,
“Synthesis and Fabrication of Nanorod-Enhanced Beta-Alumina Electrolytes for Advanced Sodium-Beta
Batteries (SBBs),” UConn Research Foundation, 7/1/10 – 6/31/12, $26,623.
“Novel Processing of WC/Co Hardmetals with Simultaneous Improvements in Hardness and Toughness
Derived from Nanocrystalline Powder,” National Science Foundation, 9/1/09 – 8/31/12, $300,000.
“Si3N4/SiC Nanocomposites Synthesized from Waste Silica Fume for High Temperature Structural
Applications,” National Science Foundation/U.S.-Egypt Joint Board, 9/1/09 – 8/31/12, $100,000.
“Solid-State 400MHz Wide Bore (WB) NMR Spectrometer,” (with 15 co-PIs), UConn Office of Vice
President for Research, 11/1/10 – 10/31/11, $535,000.
“REU Supplement: Functionally Graded Orthopedic Implants via the Slurry Mixing and Dispensing
Process,” National Science Foundation, 9/1/10 – 8/31/12, $13,255.
“GRS: Functionally Graded Orthopedic Implants via the Slurry Mixing and Dispensing Process,” National
Science Foundation, 9/1/10 – 8/31/11, $41,000.
Leslie Shor
“EAGER: Field-deployed Microfluidic Trap Array for Discovery and Observation of Microbial Eukaryotes,”
National Science Foundation, 5/1/10-4/30/12, $160,000.
Prabhakar Singh
“Advanced Coal-Biomass-to-Liquid (CBTL) Systems Configurations and Efficiency Analysis: Systems
Optimization with Emphasis on Incorporation of Advanced Fuel Cells and Intermediate Temperature Carbon
and Sulfur Capture Technologies,” (with co-PI: G. Bollas) CCAT, 6/1/2011-10/22/2011, $83,000.
“Evaluating Alumina Forming Austenitic Steels for SOFC Power System Balance of Plant,” ORNL/UTRC,
6/1/2011-9/31/2011, $141,388 and $141,400 cost share.
“Hybrid Power System for Under Water Vehicles,” (with co-PI: U. Pasaogullari), Sonalyst, 2/1/20111/31/2012, $149,300.
“Matrix Stability Understanding Investigation,” FuelCell Energy, Inc. – match to CDP, 1/3/2011-21/31/2012,
“Rapidly Quenched YSZ as Enhanced Electrolyte for SOFC,” (with co-PI: R. Maric), Nanocell – match to
CDP, 11/1/2010-10/31/2012, $25,000.
“Evaluation of Degradation Process in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC),” (with co-PIs: S. Suib and A.
Verma), ConocoPhillips Company, 10/1/2010-9/30/2011, $600,000.
“Evaluation of Enzyme Based Sulfur Removal Technology for Gas Cleanup,” (with co-PI: A. Mhadeshwar),
nzymSys – match to CDP, 8/23/2010-8/22/2011, $50,000.
“Improving Reliability and Durability of Fuel Cell Systems,” U.S. Department of Energy Congressional
Directed Program, 8/1/2010-7/31/2012, $2,500,000.
“Evaluation of Bio-Based Fuels in Advanced Fuel Cells,” Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest
Division, 6/15/2010-8/31/2011, $178,794.
“Sustainable Energy Match FuelCell Energy,” IUCRC/FCE & Sustainable Energy, 3/1/2010-2/28/2011,
“Metals Program in Support of Stack Block Durability Testing,” Department of Energy, Rolls Royce,
11/1/2009-6/30/2011, $277,488.
“Mechanistic Evaluation of Degradation Process in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC),” (with co-PI: A.
Verma 50%), U.S. Department of Energy/Idaho National Lab, 4/19/2009-12/15/2011, $174,962.
“Treatment of Cathode Support and Measurement of Mechanical Strength of Cathode-Supported SFC’s,”
(with co-PIs: C.B. Carter 15%, J-H. Kim 15% and A. Verma, 20%), Siemens Corporation, 4/1/10-3/31/11,
Ranjan Srivastava
“Automatic Generation of Genome-scale Flux Balance Models,” NIH National Library of Medicine, 5/1/08 –
4/30/11, $152,000.
“Collaborative Research: A Systems Biology Approach for Metabolically Engineering Escherichia coli for
Producing Hydrogen via Fermentation,” National Science Foundation, 9/01/08 – 8/31/11, $75,813.
“The Oral Microbiome during Cancer Chemotherapy and its Role in Oral Mucositis,” National Institutes of
Health/National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 9/13/2010 – 8/31/2014, $3,100,000.
“DNA Sequencing with Nanopores and Transverse Tunneling,” National Science Foundation, 6/01/2011 –
5/31/2012, $123,297.
Yong Wang
“Reversible Cell Capture and Release for Cell Separation,” National Science Foundation, 9/2010 – 8/2013,
“CAREER: Creation of Complex Biomimetic Materials via Molecular Recognition,” National Science
Foundation, 5/2010 – 4/2015, $479,642.
“Controlling Protein Release via Intermolecular Hybridization,” (with co-PI: T-H. Fan 20%), National
Science Foundation, 7/2010 – 6/2013, $316,839.
“Hybrid Peptide/RNA Molecule for Safe and Efficient Gene Silencing in Human Embryonic Stem Cells,”
Connecticut Department of Public Health, 6/2009 – 5/31/12, $200,000.
“Multivalent “Artificial Antibody” Based on RNA/Dendrimer-Like Star Polymer Hybrid Nanomaterials,”
(with co-PI: L. Zhu 50%), National Science Foundation, 7/2007 – 12/2010, $450,000.
“Functionally Graded Orthopedic Implants via the Slurry Mixing and Dispensing Process,” (with PI: L.
Shaw 70%), National Science Foundation, 9/2009 – 8/2012, $330,000.
“REU for Multivalent “Artificial Antibody” based on RNA/Dendrimer-Like Star Polymer Hybrid
Nanomaterials,” National Science Foundation, 5/2008 – 12/2010, $6,000.
Mei Wei
“BME/RAPD/GOALI: Fabrication of Multi-functional Composites for Load-bearing Skeletal,” National
Science Foundation, 9/2005 – 8/2011, $375,000.
“IREE Supplement,” National Science Foundation, 9/2005 – 8/2010, $23,850.
“REU,” National Science Foundation, 6/2008 – 8/2010, $6,000.
“Graduate Research Supplement,” National Science Foundation, 9/2005 – 8/2010, $53,590.
“Graduate Assistant in Areas of National Need (GAANN),” U.S. Department of Education, 8/2009 – 8/2012,
“Evaluation and Development of UConn Innovation,” Teleflex Medical, 1/2010 – 8/2011, $41,176.
“Use of Novel Nanopolymer Scaffolds for Human Articular Cartilage Repair,” University of Connecticut,
8/2009 – 10/2011, $34,979.
“4-D Imaging Cell/scaffold Interplays during in vivo Bone Repair Process,” National Institutes of Health,
4/2011 – 3/2013, $382,113.
Brian Willis
“Development of Alternative, Low-cost, and Durable High Performance Cathode,” DOE/Pacific Northwest
National Lab, 1/1/09-7/31/2011, $80,000.
“Next Generation Biochemical Sensor Based on Tunneling Spectroscopy,” Office of Naval Research, 1/1/093/31/12, $313,321.
“Tunneling Spectroscopy for Nanofabricated Biochemical Sensors,” National Science Foundation, 1/1/095/31/11, $97,832.
“Epitaxial Oxides by ALD,” National Science Foundation, 9/1/09 – 8/31/12, $259,059.
“DNA Sequencing with Nanopores and Transverse Tunneling,” National Science Foundation, 6/1/2011 –
5/31/14, $360,000.
George Bollas
Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, National Science Foundation, 2011.
C. Barry Carter
Elected to Membership, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, 2010.
Chris Cornelius
“Poly(phenylene)-based Anion Exchange Membrane,” (with M.R. Hibbs and C.H. Fujimoto), U.S. Patent
7,888,397 B1, February 15, 2011.
“Hybrid Membrane-PSA system for Separating Oxygen from Air,” (with C.L. Staiger, K. A. Miller and M.R.
Vaughn), U.S. Patent 7,875,101, January 25, 2011.
Michael B. Cutlip
2010 David M. Himmelblau Award for Innovations in Computer-based Chemical Engineering Education,
Computing and Systems Technology Division, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, AIChE Annual
Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 7-12, 2010.
Puxian Gao
Best Presentation Award: “Seedless Synthesis and Field Emission of ZnO Nanoneedles on Metal
Electrodes,” (with G. Wrobel, M. Piech and S. Dardona), ASM CT-student chapter speech contest, April,
2011, CT.
Cato Laurencin
Elected to Membership, National Academy of Engineering, 2011.
Albert and Wilda Van Dusen Endowed Chair in Academic Medicine.
Jeffrey McCutcheon
3M Untenured Faculty Award.
William Mustain
First Prize, Electrochemical Science and Technology Poster Session, 219th Meeting of the Electrochemical
First Prize, Materials Science Division of AIChe Annual Poster Session.
Ramamurthy Ramprasad
Max Planck Society Fellowship.
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship.
Leslie Shor
“Device for Leaching Extraction and Assessment,” (with A.C. Garrabrants and D.S. Kosson), U.S. Patent
No. 7,930,948.
Yong Wang
Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, National Science Foundation.
Mei Wei
“Electrospun Apatite/Polymer Nano-Composite Scaffolds," (with F. Peng and Z. Xu), U.S. Patent No.
7,879,093, 2011.
Mark Aindow
Editor, Journal of Materials Science, July 2004-date, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, January 2008-date.
Member, Editorial Board, Advances in Materials Science, April 2008.
Fellow, Institute of Physics, London.
Fellow, Institute of Materials, London.
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, Spring 2009-date.
Member, Graduate Faculty Council Executive Committee/
Member, Graduate School Outstanding Research Scholar Panel.
Member, University Senate.
Member, Senate Faculty Standards Committee.
Co-Chair, University Consulting Management Committee.
Pamir Alpay
Member, Editorial Review Board, Materials Research Letters (MRL).
Guest Editor, Integrated Ferroelectrics, Proceedings of XIX International Materials Research Congress,
Symposium on Ferroelectricity and Piezoelectricity: Materials, Devices, and Applications, 2010.
Symposium co-organizer, Materials Science & Technology 2010, Symposium on Multifunctional Oxides,
Houston, TX, October 2010.
Symposium co-organizer, XIX International Materials Research Congress, Symposium on Ferroelectricity
and Piezoelectric Materials, Devices, and Applications, Cancun, Mexico, August 2010.
International advisory board member, International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in
Actuators (IWPMA-2010), Antalya, Turkey, October 2010.
Symposium co-organizer, International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (ISIF 2010), Symposium
on Ferroelectric Materials: Theory & Experiments, San Juan, PR, June 2010.
“Metal-Insulator Transition in Epitaxial Cr doped V2O3 Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition,” (with
Y. Liu), poster, Materials Science and Technology 2010 Conference and Exhibition, Symposium on
Multifunctional Oxides, Houston, TX, October 2010.
“Band Gap Tuning and Structural Transformation in GaN through Equi-biaxial In-plane Strains and
Alloying with InN,” (with L. Dong), Annual American Physical Society March Meeting 2011,
Symposium on Electricity-to-Light Conversion: Solid State Lighting, Dallas, TX, March 2011.
“Base Metal Alloys with Self-Healing Native Conductive Oxides for Electrical Contact Materials,” (with
B. S. Senturk , Y. Liu , J.V. Mantese and M. Aindow), 20th Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics
& Optoelectronics, New Haven, CT, March 2011.
“Electrocaloric and Pyroelectric Properties of Perovskite Ferroelectric Films,” (with J. Zhang and G.A.
Rossetti, Jr.), 20th Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics & Optoelectronics, New Haven, CT,
March 2011.
“The Effects of Solution Molarity and Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Dielectric Response of
Strontium Titanate Thin Films,” (with C.V. Weiss and M.W. Cole), poster, 20th Connecticut Symposium
on Microelectronics & Optoelectronics, New Haven, CT, March 2011.
“Effect of Mechanical Boundary Conditions and Thermal Stresses on the Electrocaloric and Pyroelectric
Properties of Ferroelectric Films,” (with J. Zhang and G. A. Rossetti, Jr.), poster, Spring 2011 Joint
Meeting of the New England Sections of the American Physical Society & American Association of
Physics Teachers, Lowell, MA, April 2011.
George Bollas
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, The Open Catalysis Journal.
President and Chair: Undergraduates Collaborating for the Future, 241 ACS Annual Meeting 2011, Anaheim
Chair, Applied Chemical Technology Subdivision (ACTS), American Chemical Society (ACS) 2011.
Joule Fellows Program Host, “Converting wood (lignocellulosic biomass) to liquid fuels (deoxygenated biooils),” http://www.engr.uconn.edu/joulefellow/research/2011/conv_wood_liq_fuels.html.
Member, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Society, MIT Chapter, 2009-present.
Member, AIChE, 2006-present.
Member, ACS, 2007-present.
Member, Technical Chamber of Greece, 2001-present.
Member, Hellenic Chemical Engineering Society, 2001-present.
“FCC selectivity studied in lab-scale units and pilot plants,” (with D. Orlicki and H. Ma), ACS Annual
Meeting, Boston MA, August 2010.
Speaker: climate change teach-in, E.O. Smith High School, Storrs, CT, October 19, 2010.
“Some uses and misuses of FCC catalyst testing experimental data,” (with D. Orlicki and H. Ma),
AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City UT, November 2010.
“Thermodynamic Frameworks for Electrolyte Thermodynamic Models: Single- and Mixed-solvent
Electrolyte Solutions,” AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City UT, November 2010.
“Chemical-looping Combustion: Process Design Alternatives for Increasing Efficiency,” (with Z. Zhu),
ACS Spring Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 2011.
Harold D. Brody
Fellow, ASM International.
Fellow, Connecticut Academy of Education.
Access granted: NSF-Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source, A-2.
Access granted: Argonne National Lab, Synchrotron, NIST Consortium.
Member, University Graduate Council.
Member, Solidification Committee, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS).
Member, Process Models Committee, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS).
“Microstructure Evolution During Casting, Solutionizing and Aging of Multicomponent Aluminum
Alloys,” invited, A Symposium in Honor of Professor Reza Abbaschian, Materials Science and
Technology 2010 Conference and Exhibition, Convention Center, Houston, Texas, October 18, 2010.
“Solidification Processes: Quantitative Quality Criteria,” invited, IMS Associates Annual Meeting, May
18, 2011.
“IMS 20 Project Course: MSE-BSE Excellence Initiative,” invited, IMS Associates Annual Meeting,
May 18, 2011.
C. Barry Carter
Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Materials Science.
Member, Editorial Board, Materials Characterization.
Member, Editorial Board, Microscopy & Microanalysis.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Microscopy.
Fellow, American Ceramic Society.
Fellow, Materials Research Society.
Fellow, Royal Microscopical Society.
Fellow, Microscopy Society of America.
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.
Member, Symposium Committee, FEMMS 2011 (Frontiers of Electron Microscopy in Materials Science,
Sonoma, CA).
General Secretary, IFSM (The International Federation of Societies for Microscopy), 2003-2010.
President, IFSM (The International Federation of Societies for Microscopy), 2011-2014.
Session Chair, E-MRS 2011 Spring Meeting, Nice, France, 2011.
Chairman, International Symposium on the Reactivity of Solids, 2007-2011.
President, Connecticut Microscopy Society, 2009-12.
MRS Medal Subcommittee Chair, 2009-present.
Member, Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Advisory Board, Boston University, April 2011.
Access granted: Sandia National Laboratory.
Access granted: Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Member, Awards Committee, Materials Research Society.
Member, Medal Committee, MRS.
Member, FEMMS Committee.
Member, ISRS (International Symposium on Reactivity of Solids) Committee.
Member, International Committee, Microscopy Society of America.
Member, CIASEM Board (International Committee of InterAmerican Societies for Electron Microscopy).
Member, IFSM Executive Committee.
Member, Nominations Committee, MSA.
“Interfaces in Ceramic Materials: History and Speculation,” keynote, Nagoya, Japan, June 27 – July 1,
Chris Cornelius
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Materials Science (Springer).
Member, review panel, ACS Petroleum Research Fund.
Member, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Council for Chemical Sciences.
Member, American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Member, American Chemical Society.
Member, American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry.
Member, Materials Research Society.
Member, North American Membrane Society.
Member, Electrochemical Society.
Professional member, American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), 2000-Present.
Minority Affairs Member, American Chemical Society, 2003-Present.
“Dynamics of Water in Sulfonated Poly(phenylene) Membranes,” (with N. Osti, T. Etampawala, U.
Shestha, and D. Perahia), The American Physical Society, March 2011.
“Interdiffusion of Long Alcohols into Thin Ionomer Films: In situ Neutron Reflectivity Study,” (with T.
Etampawala, D. Ratnaweera, U. Shrestha, D. Perahia and J. Majewski), The American Physical Society,
March 2011.
Michael B. Cutlip
“The Process Simulation Course - the Culmination of Core Undergraduate Coursework in Chemical
Engineering,” (with M. Shacham), Paper 534b, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov. 7-12,
“The Integration of Process Safety Into a Chemical Reaction Engineering Course: The Review of the T-2
Incident,” (with R.J. Willey and H.S. Fogler), Paper 339b, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov.
7-12, 2010.
“Effective Low-Cost Numerical Problem Solving Software for ChE Education in Developing Countries,”
Paper 31a, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, Nov. 8-13, 2010.
“POLYMATH – the Present, the New DIPPR Database Option and the Future of This Popular CACHE
Numerical Problem-Solving Package,” (with M. Shacham), Paper 388b, AIChE Annual Meeting,
Nashville, TN, Nov. 8-13, 2010.
“Kinetic Modeling of the Reactions Involved in the T2 Explosion,” (with R J. Willey and H.S. Fogler),
Paper 13a, AIChE Spring Meeting & 7th Global Congress on Process Safety, Chicago, IL, March 13-16,
Puxian Gao
Member, Editorial Board, ISRN Nanotechnology, 2010-present.
Guest Editor, Special issue on Nanomaterials for Energy and Environmental Applications, Science of
Advanced Materials, 2011.
Co-organizer, Materials Science & Technology Conferences 2011, “Controllable synthesis and
characterization of nanomaterials” symposium, Columbus, OH, 10/15/2011-10/19/2011.
Session chair, SPIE Photonics West Conferences, “Oxide-based materials and devices” symposium, San
Francisco, CA, 1/23/2011-1/27/2011.
Member, review panel, NSF-STTR/SBIR.
“Fabrication of ZnO/CuO core-shell nanowires arrays,” (with K.-T. Liao and P. Shimpi), ACS National
Meeting, Boston, August 2010.
“Large scale synthesis of ZnO nanodendrites using in-situ carbothermal method and their ethanol sensing
property,” (with P. Shimpi), ACS National Meeting, Boston, August 2010.
“Investigation on the contradictory gas sensing behaviors of ZnO and Zn2SnO4 crystalline nanowires
arrays,” (with W.J. Cai), ACS National Meeting, Boston, August 2010.
“Chemical and thermal stability, and gaseous catalytic and sensing behaviors of ZnO/(La,Sr)CoO3
composite nanowire arrays,” poster, (with W.J. Cai, P. Shimpi and D.L. Jian), ACS National Meeting,
Boston, August 2010.
“CO Assisted ZnO Nanowire Growth from Nanofilm Along Non-polar Direction,” (with S.K. Yadav, P.
Shimpi and R. Ramprasad), MRS Fall meeting in Boston, Nov. 30, 2010.
“Synthesis and Rectifying Characteristics of of ZnO/(La,Sr)CoO3 Nanodiode Arrays,” (with H.Y. Gao, W.J.
Cai, H.-J. Lin, G. Liu and P. Shimpi), MRS Fall meeting in Boston, Dec. 1, 2010.
“A New Mechanism of Nanoscale Chemical Sensing: Reversible and Catalytic Multi-gas Detection Using
Semiconducting Binary ZnO and SnO2 and Ternary Zn2SnO4 Single Crystalline Nanowires Arrays,” (with
W.J. Cai), MRS Fall meeting in Boston, Dec. 1, 2010.
“Wide-bandgap ZnMgO Nanowire Arrays for UV or Blue Lighting and Solar Energy Harvesting,” (with P.
Shimpi), MRS Fall meeting in Boston, Dec. 1, 2010.
“Vertically Aligned ZnO/CeO2 Composite Nanorod Arrays for Energy and Environmental Applications,”
(with Y.B. Guo, H.Y. Gao, G. Liu, Z. Ren and P. Shimpi), MRS Fall meeting in Boston, Dec. 1, 2010.
“Wide-bandgap ZnMgO Nanowire Arrays for UV or Blue Lighting and Solar Energy Harvesting,” (with P.
Shimpi), MRS Fall meeting in Boston, Dec. 1, 2010.
“The Fabrication and Characterization of Ga2O3/(La,Sr)MnO3 Nanowire Arrays with Excellent High
Temperature Stability,” (with H.-J. Lin, H. and H.Y. Gao), MRS Fall meeting in Boston, Dec. 1, 2010.
“The Fabrication and Characterization of ZnO/CuO Heterostructured Nanowire Solar Cells,” (with K.-T.
Liao and P. Shimpi), MRS Fall meeting in Boston, Dec. 2, 2010.
“Hierarchical Composite Nanowires for Energy, Environmental and Sensing Applications,” SPIE Photonics
West, San Francisco, Jan. 25, 2011.
“Synthesis, characterization and annealing induced photoluminescence property evolution of ZnMgO
nanowire arrays for optoelectronic applications,” (with P. Shimpi and Y. Ding), CMOC meeting, New
Haven, CT, March, 2011.
“Hierarchical Composite Nanowires for Energy, Environmental and Sensing Applications,” invited,
SPIE Photonics West Conference, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 25, 2011.
“Multifunctional Nanowire/film Composites based Bi-modular Sensors for In-situ and Real-time High
Temperature Gas Detection,” invited, DOE/NETL, Morgantown, WV, Dec. 5, 2010.
“Three-dimensional Composite Nanostructures for Lean NOx Emission Control,” invited, DOE Vehicle
Technology Program Annual Merits Review Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 12, 2011.
“Anisotropic surface control of catalytic and sensing properties in metal oxide-based composite nanowires,”
(with Y.B. Guo, H.Y. Gao and Z. Ren), North American Catalysis meeting, Detroit, June 5-10, 2011.
“Synthesis and multifunctional environmental catalysis properties of TiO2-/(La,Sr)MnO3 LSMO composite
nanostructures,” (with Y.B. Guo, H.Y. Gao and Z. Ren), North American Catalysis meeting, Detroit, June 510, 2011.
“Reversible catalytic multi-gas sensing based on single crystalline metal oxide-hybrid nanowires,” (with
W.J. Cai), North American Catalysis meeting, Detroit, June 5-10, 2011.
“Synthesis and characterization of SnO2-based nanowires for energy and environmental applications,” (with
W.J. Cai), North American Catalysis meeting, Detroit, June 5-10, 2011.
Rainer Hebert
Board member, ASM Hartford Chapter.
“Plastic instabilities in multilayers during cold rolling,” invited, University of Rhode Island, October
“Plastic instabilities in multilayers during cold rolling,” invited, Rutgers University, November 2010.
Member, Solidification Committee, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS).
“Thermal and thermomechanical anisotropy in a Cu50Hf41.5Al8.5 bulk metallic glass,” (with A.
Mubarok), MST Meeting, Houston TX, Fall 2010.
“Sliding Wear Behavior of Fe-Cr-Mo-C-B-Er Based Bulk Metallic Glass,” (with D. Maddala), MST
Meeting, Houston TX, Fall 2010.
“Plastic instabilities in multilayers during cold rolling,” (with G. Marathe), MST Meeting, Houston TX,
Fall 2010.
“Sliding Wear Behavior of Cu50Hf41.5Al8.5 Bulk Metallic Glass,” (with D. Maddala), TMS Annual
Meeting, San Diego, February 2011.
“Mechanical polarization of Cu50Hf41.5Al8.5 bulk metallic glass,” (with A. Mubarok), TMS Annual
Meeting, San Diego, February 2011.
“Flow stress partitioning in two-phase metallic composites at decreasing phase length scales,” (with G.
Marathe), TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, February 2011.
“Grain Boundary related indentation strain bursts in Mo and Ta metals,” (with G. Marathe), poster, MRS
Fall Meeting in Boston, November 2010.
“Wear behavior and sliding induced nano-crystallization of Cu50Hf41.5Al8.5 bulk metallic glass,” (with D.
Maddala), MRS Fall Meeting in Boston, November 2010.
“Mechanical polarization of Cu-Hf-Al based bulk metallic glass following sustained static compression,”
(with A. Mubarok), MRS Fall Meeting in Boston, November 2010.
Bryan Huey
Member, Editorial Board, Microscopy Today.
Head, Scanning Probe Microscopy Course, Lehigh Microscopy School, 6/12-16, 2011.
Co-organizer, EMA 2011 Symposium S3 (Nano Phenomena and Interfacial/Surface Effects in Electronic
Division Program co-Chair, American Ceramic Society’s Basic Science Division, overseeing 25 symposiums
for 5 international meetings in 2012.
Session Chair, Materials Research Society, 11/29/10, Molecular Studies.
Session Chair, Materials Research Society, 12/2/10, Atomic, Chemical, Molecular and Thermal
Member, review panel, National Science Foundation.
Member, review panel, U.S. Department of Energy.
Materials Research Society Bulletin, “Advances in Scanning Probe Microscopy,” 2011.
Materials Research Society, Annual Fall Meeting (2010), Symposium Organizer: “Advances in Scanning
Probe Microscopy”.
Member, Materials Research Society.
Member, American Ceramic Society.
“Combined Atomic Force Microscopy and 3-D Optical Investigation of the Active Cytoskeletal
Response of Living MHS Cells to Nanoscale Structures and Forces,” invited poster, Gordon Research
Conference: Nanotechnology, NH, 7/20/10.
“Simultaneous Atomic Force Microscopy and 3-d Optical Investigation of the Active Cytoskeletal
Response of Living MHS Cells to Nanoscale Structures and Forces,” invited, International Materials
Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico, 8/17/10.
“TiO2 and ZnO Nanoparticle Agglomeration in Marine Snow,” Materials Research Society Annual Fall
Meeting, Boston, MA, 11/30/10.
“SSWM: Scanning SWitching Microscopy for Nanoscale Domain Nucleation Mapping,” Materials
Research Society Annual Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 12/1/10.
“Sub-20 Nanometer Maps of Ferroelectric Domain Growth as a Function of Material Defects,” poster,
Materials Research Society Annual Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 12/2/10.
“High speed Scanning Probe Microscopy,” invited, Lancaster University Department of Physics,
Lancaster, UK, 10/1/10.
“Scanning Probe Microscopy Applications in Biology,” invited, University of California Irvine,
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Irvine, CA, 12/13/10.
“Nucleation and Growth in Data Storage,” invited poster, Department of Energy Microscopy Contractors
Meeting, VA, 10/4/10.
“Nanoscience and Society,” invited poster, National Academy of Engineering: Frontiers of Engineering
Education, Irvine, CA, 12/14/10.
“Switching Rates and Fatigue in Data Storage Materials Resolved at the Nanoscale,” Electronic
Materials Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 1/20/11.
“10 Nanometer and 10 Nanosecond Resolved Nucleation and Growth Phenomena During Switching in
Data Storage Systems,” invited poster, Department of Energy Symposium: Beyond Oxides, IL, 2/24/11.
“Partial Characterization of TiO2 and ZnO Nanoparticle in Marine Water,” invited poster, Gordon
Research Conference: Environmental Nanotechnology, NH, 5/31/11.
“Scanning Probe Microscopy for Data Storage Applications,” invited, Yale University Department of
Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, New Haven, CT, 4/13/11.
“Nanoscale Resolved Nucleation and Growth Dynamics During Switching in Phase Change Films,”
poster, Materials Research Society Annual Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 4/26/11.
“High Speed Imaging and Atomic Force Microscopy: from Nanosecond Switching Dynamics in
Recording Media, to the Response of Living Cells to chemo-mechanical signals,” invited, UConn
Materials Advantage Student Associate, Storrs, CT, 4/19/11.
“Nanoscale Resolved Growth Dynamics During Switching in Memory Materials,” Materials Research
Society Annual Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 4/26/11.
Yusuf Khan
Member, Editorial Board, Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering.
Program Chair, Orthopaedic Biomaterials Special Interest Group, Society for Biomaterials.
Vice Chair, Biomaterials Education Special Interest Group, Society for Biomaterials.
Session Chair, Biomaterials, 2011 Northeast Bioengineering Conference.
Session Chair, Scaffold Assisted Bone Defect Repair/Regeneration, 2011 Society for Biomaterials.
Member, Peer review committee, Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation.
Program Chair, Orthopaedic Biomaterials Special Interest Group, Society for Biomaterials.
Vice Chair, Biomaterials Education Special Interest Group, Society for Biomaterials.
“Biofunctionalizing Devitalized Bone Allografts through Polymer-Mediated Growth Factor Delivery,”
(with F. Sharmin, D. Adams and J. Lieberman), Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting, April 2011.
“Imparting Physical Load to Synthetic Extracellular Matrices Using Ultrasound,” (with S. Frazee, V.
Palumbo, J. Veronick and B. Huey), Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting, April 2011.
Sangamesh Kumbar
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology.
Member, Editorial Board, Bone and Tissue Regeneration Insights.
Member, Society for Biomaterials Chair Orthopaedic Biomaterials Special Interest Group 2011-2013.
Member, Peer Review Committee, National Institutes of Health.
Member, Peer Review Committee, National Science Foundation.
Member, Peer Review Committee, Department of Defense.
Member, Peer Review Committee, CASE-DPH 2010 Biomedical Proposal Reviewer, Connecticut Academy
of Science and Engineering (CASE).
Member, Peer Review Committee, Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation Canada.
Member, Peer Review Committee, Innovation and Technology Commission Hong Kong SAR Government.
Member, Society for Biomaterials.
Member, Materials Research Society.
Member, Orthopaedic Research Society.
Member, Controlled Release Society.
“Biocompatible Polysaccharide Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering,” (with U.S. Toti, J. Burns, M.
Deng and C.T. Laurencin), Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting (Talk Rapid Fire Section), Orlando,
FL, April 13 – April 16, 2011.
“Nano-Structured Scaffolds for Regenerative Engineering,” invited, (with C. Laurencin), “Honorary
Series in Translational Research in Biomaterials,” AIChE, Salt Lake City, UT, 11/11/10.
Cato Laurencin
Elected to Membership, National Academy of Engineering, 2011.
Associate Editor, Biomaterials.
Associate Editor, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research.
Associate Editor, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology.
Board of Editors, Asian Chitin Journal.
Board of Editors, Biologics: Targets & Therapy.
Board of Editors (shoulder), Emedicine Orthopaedics Journal.
Board of Editors, Expert Review of Medical Devices.
Board of Editors, International Journal of Nanomedicine.
Member, Peer Review Committee, Department of Defense.
Member, Peer Review Committee, NEA.
Member, Peer Review Committee, National Institutes of Health.
Member, Peer Review Committee, National Science Foundation.
Chair, Committee of Visitors, National Science Foundation EFRI Grant Program, 2011.
Vice Chair, Board of Directors, University of Connecticut Health Center Finance Corporation.
Secretary-Treasurer, Board of Directors, University of Connecticut Health Center, Munson Road
Senior Administrative Team (Cabinet) Member, The University of Connecticut.
Chair, Senior Administrative Team, University of Connecticut Health Center.
Member, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Member, American Associate for the Advancement of Science.
Member, American Chemical Society.
Member, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.
Member, American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Member, The American Society of Bone and Mineral Research.
Member, The Biomedical Engineering Society.
Member, The Controlled Release Society.
Member, The Orthopaedic Research Society.
Member, The Society for Biomaterials.
“In Vivo Bone Formation Using Chitosan/PLAGA Based Scaffolds in a Rabbit Ulna Non-Union Defect
Model,” (with T. Jiang, S.P. Nukavarapu, M. Deng, M.D. Kofron and S.B. Doty), 56th Annual Meeting
of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA, 2010.
“Mechanically Competent Polyphosphazene Nano-structured Biomimetic Scaffolds: Accelerated
Osteoblast Differentiation,” (with M. Deng, S.G. Kumbar, L.S. Nair, A.L. Weikel and H.R. Allcock),
Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 2010.
“Nano-structured Scaffolds for Regenerative Engineering,” (with S.G. Kumbar, M. Deng and R. James),
Honorary Series in Translational Research in Biomaterials Session at AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake
City, UT, November 7-12, 2010.
“Biodegradable Polymer-Magnesium Composite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering: Effect of
Magnesium on Osteoblast Proliferation, Maturation and Mineralization,” (with J. Wallace, P. Mikael and
S.P. Nukavarapu), Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting, 2010.
“Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering,”
(with P. Mekael, J. Basu, S.P. Nukavarapu and B. Carter), Microscopy Society of America Meeting,
“Osteogenic and Mechanically Compatible Hybrid Grants for in situ Bone Regeneration,” (with J.C.
Igwe and S.P. Nukavarapu), Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society
(TERMIS)-NA 2010 Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, 2010.
“Three-dimensional Polyphosphazene Nanostructured Biomimetic Scaffolds for Load-bearing Bone
Regeneration,” (with M. Deng, S.G. Kumbar, L.S. Nair, A.L. Weikel and H.R. Allcock), Tissue
Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS)-NA 2010 Annual Conference,
Orlando, FL, 2010.
“Fully Osteoconductive and Mechanically Compatible Scaffolds for Effective Bone Regeneration,” (with
A. Amini, P. Mikael, D. Adams and S.P. Nukavarapu), Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting,
Long Beach, CA 2011.
Plenary Session Speaker, Personalizing Leadership for the Academic Medical Center, Association of
American Medical Colleges, 2010.
Invited Keynote Speaker, Honorary Series in Biomaterials Science, the American Institute of Chemical
Engineers, 2010.
Invited Speaker, Society for Biomaterials, Grant Challenges for Biomaterials Research and Education,
Keynote Speaker, Musculoskeletal Health Disparities Summit, Washington, DC, 2010.
Invited Speaker, National Health Disparities Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2010.
Opening Keynote Speaker, Advances in Tissue Engineering, Rice University, 2010.
Invited Speaker, Florida Hospital Distinguished Lectureship Series, Tampa, FL, 2010.
Keynote Speaker, 9th International Conference “Medical Applications of Novel Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology,” Italy, 2010.
Martin Luther King, Jr. National Day of Observance Speaker for the National Institutes of Health,
invited, 2011.
Keynote Speaker, Lea’s Foundation Annual Event, 2011 invited.
Community Service Award, The Urban League, Greater Hartford, 2010, invited.
“A Philosophy of Life in Medicine and Science,” keynote lecture, Harvard Medical School Symposium,
Regenerative Engineering and Science: Keynote Lecture, closing ceremonies, Black History Month,
Pfizer, Corporation, 2010.
Yu Lei
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Applied Biochemistry.
Member, Editorial Board, Biotechnology.
Member, Editorial Boards, Analytical Letters.
Guest Editor, special topic of “biosensors” for Analytical Letters (2010).
Guest Editor, International Journal of Environment and Waste Management (2011).
“Free-standing platinum nanoflower-SWCNTs based electrocatalyst: synthesis, characterization, and
application,” (with L. Su and W. Jia), American Institute of Chemical Engineering, 2010.
“Facile Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Sn Dendrites Via Galvanic Replacement Reaction and Their
Thermal Conversion to SnO2,” (with W. Jia and L. Su), American Institute of Chemical Engineering,
“Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of electrospun single-walled carbon nanotubes-hemoglobin
composite microbelts – towards the development of sensitive and mediator-free biosensor,” (with Y.
Ding and Y. Wang), American Institute of Chemical Engineering, 2010.
“Non-enzymatic glucose sensing using novel metal oxide-metal composite nanofibers,” (with Y. Ding
and Y. Wang), American Institute of Chemical Engineering, 2010.
“Meso-tritolylcorrole/single walled carbon nanotubes donor-acceptor heterojunction and its application
in ultra-sensitive NO2 detection,” (with Y. Wang, J. Akhigbe, Y. Ding and C. Brückner), American
Institute of Chemical Engineering, 2010.
“Conductive core-sheath nanocables based gas sensors,” (with Y. Wang, W. Jia, Y. Ding and T. Strout),
American Institute of Chemical Engineering, 2010.
“Biosensors for environmental monitoring”, The BIT’s 3rd Annual World Congress of Industrial
Biotechnology, 2010.
“Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of glucose oxidase on poly[cobalt meso-tetrakis(2thienyl)porphyrin]-SWNTs composites,” (with W. Chen, Y. Ding, J. Akhigbe, C. Brücknere and C. Li),
American Chemical Society, 2010.
“Electrospun metal oxide nanofibers for sensitive glucose and H2O2 detection,” (with Y. Ding),
American Chemical Society, 2010.
“Fabrication of Pd/TiO2 nanofibers and their application in hydrogen sensing,” (with W. Jia, L. Su and
Y. Wang), American Chemical Society, 2010.
“Poly[meso-tetrakis(2-thienyl)porphyrin] for the sensitive electrochemical detection of explosives,”
(with W. Chen, Y. Wang, C. Brückner and C. Li), American Chemical Society, 2010.
“Palladium/titanium dioxide nanofibers for glycerol electrooxidation in alkaline medium,” (with L. Su
and W. Jia), American Chemical Society, 2010.
“Free-standing palladium/polyamide 6 nanofibers for electrooxidation of alcohols in alkaline medium,”
(with L. Su and W. Jia), American Chemical Society, 2010.
“Carbonized hemoglobin nanofibers for sensitive H2O2 detection,” (with Y. Ding and H. Zhang),
American Chemical Society, 2010.
“Hemoglobin fibers for sensitive H2O2 and nitrite detection,” (with Y. Ding) American Chemical
Society, 2010.
“Biosensors for environmental monitoring”, invited, The BIT’s 3rd Annual World Congress of Industrial
Biotechnology, 2010.
“Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of novel single-walled carbon nanotubes-hemoglobin
composite microbelts – Towards the development of sensitive and mediator-free biosensor,” invited,
(with Y. Ding and Y. Wang), IBE Annual Conference, 2011.
“Electrospun hemoglobin microbelts based biosensor for sensitive detection of hydrogen peroxide,”
(with Y. Ding and Y. Wang), Northeast Bioengineering Conference at Rensselaer, 2011.
“Enzymatic glucose sensor based on electrospun metal oxide nanofibers,” (with S. Huang and Y. Ding),
Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Rensselaer, 2011.
“Enzymatic glucose sensor based on electrospun metal oxide nanofibers,” (S. Huang and Y. Ding),
Connecticut Microelectronics and Optoelectronics Consortium, 2011.
“Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of electrospun single-walled carbon nanotubes-hemoglobin
composite microbelts – towards the development of sensitive and mediator-free biosensor,” (with Y.
Ding), Annual Conference of the Institute for Biological Engineering, 2011.
“Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of novel single-walled carbon nanotubes-hemoglobin
composite microbelts – Towards the development of sensitive and mediator-free biosensor,” (with Y.
Ding and Y. Wang), IBE Annual Conference, 2011.
Radenka Maric
Member, Electrochemical Society.
Member, American Chemical Society.
Member, American Ceramics Society.
Member, Materials Research Society.
Member, Powder Metallocal Society.
Member, International Sintering Society.
Jeffrey McCutcheon
Northeast Utilities Assistant Professor in Environmental Engineering Education.
Member, Board of Directors, North American Membrane Society (NAMS).
Chair, “Osmotically Driven Membrane Processes” session, NAMS 2010.
Chair, “Forward and Pressure Retarded Osmosis” session, NAMS 2011.
Chair, Poster Session, NAMS 2011.
Chair, Graduate Student Poster Competition, NAMS 2011.
Founder and university liaison, CT Nanotechnology Network.
Member, NSF Review Panels: environmental engineering, and SBIR Phase II.
Member, Review Panel, EPA – People, Prosperity Award.
Member, Scientific Committee, Engineering Conference International (ECI), “Water Treatment and Reuse
III and the Water-Energy Nexus”.
“Hydrophilization of Thin Film Composite Membrane Support Layers for Engineered Osmosis
Applications,” (with J. Arena, B. McCloskey and B. Freeman), American Institute of Chemical
Engineering Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 7-12, 2010.
“Electrospun nanofiber-supported thin film composite membranes for engineered osmosis applications,”
poster, (with N. Bui, L.M. Lind and E.M.V. Hoek), North American Membrane Society Annual Meeting,
Washington, D.C., July 17-22, 2010.
“Hydrophilization of Thin Film Composite Membrane Support Layers for Engineered Osmosis
Applications,” poster, (with J. Arena, B. McCloskey and B. Freeman), North American Membrane
Society Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., July 17-22, 2010.
“Hydrophilization of Thin Film Composite Membrane Support Layers for Engineered Osmosis
Applications,” poster, (with J. Arena, B. McCloskey and B. Freeman), Gordon Research Conference:
Membranes and Membrane Processes, New London, NH, July 25-30, 2010.
“Hydrophilization of Thin Film Composite Membrane Support Layers for Engineered Osmosis
Applications,” (with J. Arena, B. McCloskey and B. Freeman), American Chemical Society National
Meeting, Boston, MA, August 22-26, 2010.
“Engineering Osmosis for Sustainable Water (and Power): An Emerging Desalination Alternative,”
invited, General Electric Global Research. Niskayuna, NY, October 11, 2010.
“Measuring Membranes for Emerging Membrane Processes: The Importance of Determining Support
Layer Structural Properties,” invited, National Institutes of Standards and Technology Workshop entitled
“Measuring up to Sustainable Water, Arlington, VA, September 8, 2010.
“The Promise of Forward Osmosis: The State of the Art and the Search for a Better Membrane”,
keynote, ACS Advances in Materials and Processes for Polymeric Membrane Mediated Water
Purification, Pacific Grove, CA, March 1, 2011.
“Engineered Osmosis: Technological Solutions at the Water-Energy Nexus,” invited, Chevron
Corporation, Richmond, CA, March 3, 2011.
“Engineered Osmosis: Technological Solutions at the Water-Energy Nexus,” invited, Idaho National
Laboratories, Idaho Falls, ID, March 8, 2011.
“Enabling Forward and Pressure Retarded Osmosis with New Membrane Designs,” invited, Solvay
Advanced Polymers, May 11, 2011.
“Electrospun Materials Water Treatment,” invited, 3M, Minneapolis, MN, June 9, 2011.
“Engineering Solutions for the Sustainable Production of Water and Power,” invited, 3M Purification,
Meriden, CT, January 25, 2011.
Ashish Mhadeshwar
Co-organizer, Division of Environmental Chemistry, 242nd ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO, August
Co-chair, Photo, Microwave, and Ultrasound Catalysis session, 2010 Annual AIChE meeting, Salt Lake City,
November 2010.
Co-chair, 2011 Annual AIChE meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 2011.
“Development of interpersonal synchrony in children between 4-8 years of age: implications for training
and special populations,” (with A. Bhat, K. Palatinus, T. Gifford and K. Marsh), Society for Research in
Child Development (SRCD), Montreal, Canada, April 2011.
“Self and social coordination in typically developing children and children with Autism Spectrum
Disorders (ASDs)/ADHD,” (with A. Bhat, K. Palatinus, P. Menacherry, T. Gifford and K. Marsh),
Platform presentation at the “North American Society for Sport Psychology and Physical Activity
(NASPSPA)” Conference, Burlington, Vermont, June 2011.
“Microkinetic analysis of sustainable hydrogen production from catalytic reforming of biomass-derived
oxygenates,” (with M.A. Koehle and A.M. Moreno), 22nd North American Catalysis Meeting (NAM),
Detroit, MI, June 2011.
William Mustain
Member, Executive Committee, Energy Technology Division, Electrochemical Society.
Member, Executive Committee, New Technology Subcommittee, Electrochemical Society.
Member, Industrial Electrolysis and Electrochemical Engineering Division Committee, Electrochemical
Symposium Lead Organizer: 219th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, A1: Nanotechnology General
Symposium Organizer: 219th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, B6: Nanostructured Materials for
Energy Storage and Conversion.
Member, review panel, NSF – Energy for Sustainability, Fall 2010.
Member, review panel, NSF – Process and Reaction Engineering, Fall 2010.
Member, review panel, DOE – Basic Energy Science – Catalysis Program, Spring 2011.
“Advanced electrocatalyst supports for PEM fuel cells,” invited, Department of Chemical Engineering,
Brigham Young University, November 2010.
“Advanced electrocatalyst supports for PEM fuel cells,” invited, Department of Chemical and Biological
Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, November 2010.
Lakshmi Nair
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology.
Associate Editor, Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering.
Chair, Society for Biomaterials-Orthopaedic Biomaterials SIG (2009-2011).
Secretary/Treasurer, Society for Biomaterials-Cell/Organ Therapies (2009-2011).
Member, Society for Biomaterials.
Member, review panel, National Science Foundation.
Member, review panel, Veterans Affairs.
Member, review panel, National Institutes of Health.
Member, review panel, North Carolina Biotechnology Center.
Member, review panel, Indo-US Center.
Member, review panel, US- Israel Center.
“Development of a Novel Biodegradable Stimuli-Sensitive Injectable Hydrogel System for Orthopeadic
Applications,” (with M. Burks and C.T. Laurencin), National Medical Association, FL, 2010.
“Injectable lactoferrin gel as a macromolecular delivery vehicle,” (with S. Rivest, A. Amini and C.
Hanenbaum) CRC symposium, Yale University, December 2010. (Won the best poster award)
“Lactoferrin is a Regulator of FGF2 Expression in Osteoblast like MC3T3-E1 Cells,” poster, (with E.
James, L. Xiao and M.M. Hurley), Orthopaedic Research society meeting, Long Beach, CA, 2011.
“Biological effects of recombinant human lactoferrin,” podium and poster, (with A.A. Amini),
Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Long Beach, CA, 2011.
“Composite Electrospun/Hydrogel Scaffold for Cartilage Tissue Engineering,” (with L. Wright, K.
McKeon-Fischer and J. Freeman), Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, October 6-9, 2010.
“Evaluation of the osteogenic activity of injectable bovine lactoferrin gel,” (with A.A. Amini), Society
for Biomaterials Annual Meeting, April 2011.
Mu-Ping Nieh
Access granted: Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Access granted: Canadian Neutron Beam Centre.
Member, American Physical Society.
Member, American Institute of Chemical Engineering.
Member, Neutron Scattering Society of America.
Member, Canadian Association of Physicists.
Member, Chemical Institute of Canada.
Member, Canadian Institute of Neutron Scattering.
Member, Peer review committee Neutron Scattering Science Review Committee – Low Q scattering
Subcommittee (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, DOE), 2010 – 2013.
“Self-Assembled Nano-Liposomes for Targeting Delivery,” invited, Pfizer, Inc., Pharmaceutical
Development Group, Groton, Connecticut, February 28, 2011.
“Bicelle-to-Vesicle Transition – Probed by Small Angle Neutron Scattering,” invited, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, Center for Biotechnology & Interdisciplinary Studies, Troy, New York, February
7, 2011.
“Time-Resolved Study on Nanodisc-to-Vesicle Transformation,” (with S. Mahabir, J. Katsaras and W.
K. Wan), 2011 American Physical Society, Dallas, TX, March 22, 2011.
Richard Parnas
Associate Editor, Polymer Composites, Composites Part A.
Keynote speaker, Connecticut Farm Energy Fair, June 30, 2011.
“Biofuels to Keep our Civilization Running, Engineering Leadership and Energy Crisis Conference,”
invited, Bernard and Sophia Gordon Engineering Leadership Center, University of California, San
Diego, October 14, 2010.
“Biofuels to Keep our Civilization Running,” invited, Department of Natural Resources and the
Environment, University of Connecticut, October 1, 2010.
“Kickstarting a Biofuels Industry in New England,” invited, Chemical Engineering Dept., Worcester
Polytechnic Institute Chemical Engineering Dept., November 17, 2010.
“Industrial Chemistry in the Biofuels World: It’s not just the reactor,” invited, Brown University
Chemistry Dept., February 22, 2011.
Ramamurthy Ramprasad
Max Planck Society Fellowship.
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship.
Member, review panel, National Science Foundation.
Member, review panel, Department of Energy.
Member, review panel, Teragrid.
Access granted: Teragrid Resource Allocation Grant (3,000,000 SUs) at NSF Teragrid.
Member, Materials Research Society.
Member, American Physical Society.
Member, American Chemical Society.
“Band Gap Engineering of ZnO and Related Materials through Uniaxial Strain,” (with S.K. Yadav),
MRS Conference, Boston, MA, December 2010.
“Complex Polarization and Dielectric Phenomena in PbTiO3 Nanowires: An Ab Initio Computational
Study,” (with G. Pilania), MRS Conference, Boston, MA, December 2010.
“Phase Equilibria at Si-HfO2 and Pt-HfO2 Interfaces from First Principles Thermodynamics,” (with H.
Zhu and C. Tang), MRS Conference, Boston, MA, December 2010.
“Thermodynamics of Oxygen Chemistry on PbTiO3 and LaMnO3 (001) Surfaces,” (with G. Pilania),
MRS Conference, Boston, MA, December 2010.
“Density Functional Theory Study of the Equilibrium Crystal Shape of Tungsten Carbide,” (with Y.
Zhong, H. Zhu and L.L. Shaw), MRS Conference, Boston, MA, December 2010.
“Surface Phase Diagram of ZnO (10-10) Surface in Thermodynamic Equilibrium with Oxygen and
Hydrogen,” (with S.K. Yadav and G. Pilania), MRS Conference, Boston, MA, December 2010.
“CO Assisted ZnO Nanowire Growth from Nanofilm Along Non-polar Direction,” (with S.K. Yadav, P.
Shimpi and P. Gao), MRS Conference, Boston, MA, December 2010.
“Dielectric Properties of Organosilicons from First Principles,” (with C. Wang), MRS Conference,
Boston, MA, December 2010.
“Self Assembled Monolayer of Alkanethiols on Pt (111): A Density Functional Theory Study,” (with
Y.P. Cardona Quintero and H. Zhu), MRS Conference, Boston, MA, December 2010.
“Vortex polarization instabilities in PbTiO3 nanowires,” (with G. Pilania), DPG Conference, Dresden,
March 2011.
“Phase Equilibria at Si-HfO2 and Pt-HfO2 Interfaces from First Principles Thermodynamics,” (with H.
Zhu), DPG Conference, Dresden, March 2011.
“The unbelievable effectiveness of semilocal density functional theory,” (with P. Rinke and M.
Scheffler), DPG Conference, Dresden, March 2011.
“Complex polarization states in ferroelectric nanostructures,” (with G. Pilania), CMOC Conference, New
Haven, CT, April 2011.
“Phase Equilibria at Si-HfO2 and Pt-HfO2 Interfaces from First Principles Thermodynamics,” (with H.
Zhu), CMOC Conference, New Haven, CT, April 2011.
“Oxides in electronics,” invited, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, December
“Oxides in electronics,” invited, Leibniz Universität Hannover, March 2011.
“Oxides in electronics,” invited, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus, May 2011.
George Rossetti, Jr.
International Piezocrystals Standards Committee, U.S. Navy Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials
and Devices, State College, PA, May 2011.
Poster Judge, U.S. Navy Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices, State College, PA,
May 2011.
Session Chair: Multifunctional Oxides: Microstructural and Physical Properties of Functional Oxides, MS&T
10, Houston, TX, October 2010.
U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation, Proposal Reviewer.
Research Affiliate, MIT 2010-2011, annual reappointment.
Access to the large-signal electromechanical properties facilities at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center,
Newport, RI is afforded through our collaboration under the ONR ULI and NREIP Programs.
Member, President’s Internal Committee on Commercialization.
“Thermodynamic Theory of the Ferroelectric Perovskites Revisited,” invited, (with A. A. Heitmann),
XIX International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico, August 2010.
“Pyroelectric and Electrocaloric Properties of Ferroelectric Thin Films,” invited, (with S. P. Alpay, J.
Zhang, M. B. Okatan, I. B. Misirlioglu a, A. A. Heitmann, J. V. Mantese and M. W. Cole), XIX
International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico, August 2010.
“Phase Stability and Electromechanical Properties of Lead Zinc Niobate–Lead Titanate (PZN–PT)
Single Crystals,” invited, (with A. A. Heitmann), MS&T 10, Houston, TX, October 2010.
“Atomic Redistributions in Ferroelectric Solid Solutions,” invited, (with C. C. Chung, G. Pilania and R.
Ramprasad), MS&T 10, Houston, TX, October 2010.
“Electrocaloric and Pyroelectric Properties of Perovskite Ferroelectric Films," (with J. Zhang and S. P.
Alpay), 20th Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics & Optoelectronics, New Haven, CT, March
“Thermal Properties of Perovskite Ferroelectrics: An Overview,” invited, (with R. Perez-Moyet and A.
A. Heitmann), Electronic Materials and Applications 2011, Orlando, FL, January, 2011.
“Electrothermal Properties of Ferroelectric Thin Films,” invited, (with S. P. Alpay, J. Zhang, and A. A.
Heitmann), Electronic Materials and Applications 2011, Orlando, FL, January 2011.
“Ferroelectric Solid Solutions:Thermodynamics, Microstructure and Electromechanical Properties,”
invited, Materials Science and Engineering Seminar, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, March 2011.
“Effect of Mechanical Boundary Conditions and Thermal Stresses on the Electrocaloric and Pyroelectric
Properties of Ferroelectric Films,” (with J. Zhang and S.P. Alpay), Spring 2011 Joint Meeting of the New
England Sections of the American Physical Society & American Association of Physics Teachers,
Lowell, MA, April 2011.
“Phenomenological Theory of Inter-Ferroelectric Transitions in Binary and Ternary FerroelectricSolid
Solutions,” invited, (with A. A. Heitmann), 2011 International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction
Materials and Devices, State College, PA, May 2011.
Leon Shaw
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials.
Guest Editor, Journal of Materials Science, 2011.
Symposium Organizer: “A Symposium in Honor of Professor Reza Abbaschian: Processing, Crystal Growth
and Phase Equilibrium of Advanced Materials,” Symposium at MS&T’ 2010, Houston, TX, October 17-21,
Symposium Organizer: “Nanostructured Materials,” Symposium at THERMEC’ 2011, Quebec City, Canada,
August 1-5, 2011.
Chair, ASM-MSCTS Materials Synthesis & Processing Committee.
Member, John Jeppson Award Committee of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS).
Member, review panel, NSF Directorate of Engineering.
Member, review panel, Materials Research Centers proposals of NSF DMR.
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, 2006 - date.
Fellow, World Academy of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Poland since November 2005.
Fellow, ASM International since September 2004.
Member, ASM International.
Member, Engineering Ceramics Division of American Ceramic Society.
Member, TMS Mechanical Metallurgy Committee.
Member, TMS Composite Materials Committee.
Member, TMS Powder Metallurgy Committee.
“PNNL and Connecticut new low temperature hydrogen solid storage” featured by The Hydrogen Journal,
November 15, 2010, published online at http://www.h2journal.com/ displaynews.php?NewsID=575.
“A solid cold solution” featured by PNNL, November
“Catch-and-release solid-state fuel cell material operates coolly” featured by Battelle Newsletter – the
Business of Innovation, December 3, 2010.
“Comminution Mechanism of ZrB2 Subjected to High-Energy Ball Milling,” (with C.A. Galán, A. L.
Ortiz and F. Guiberteau), 11th International Conference on Ceramic Processing Science, Zurich,
Switzerland, August 29th – September 1st, 2010.
“Effect of Process-Control Agents on the High-Energy Ball Milling of ZrB2,” (with C.A. Galán, A.L.
Ortiz and F. Guiberteau), 11th International Conference on Ceramic Processing Science, Zurich,
Switzerland, August 29th – September 1st, 2010.
“Synthesis of Carbon-Free Silicon Carbide Nanopowder using Silica Fume,” (with Y. Zhong, M.
Manjarres and M.F. Zawrah), Symposium on “Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses
and Composites” in MS&T 2010, Houston, TX, October 17-21, 2010.
“Transparent Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite by Pressure-Assisted Sintering,” invited, (with J. Wang),
symposium on “Next Generation Biomaterials” in MS&T 2010, Houston, Texas, October 17-21, 2010.
“A Study on the Synthesis of Nanostructured WC-Co Particles from WO3, Co3O4 and Graphite,” invited,
(with Y. Zhong), “A Symposium in Honor of Professor Reza Abbaschian: Processing, Crystal Growth
and Phase Equilibrium of Advanced Materials” in MS&T 2010, Houston, Texas, October 17-21, 2010.
“Density Functional Theory Study of the Equilibrium Crystal Shape of Tungsten Carbide,” (with Y.
Zhong, H. Zhu and R. Ramprasad), Symposium EE: Solid State Chemistry of Inorganic Materials VIII,
MRS 2010 Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November 29 – December 3, 2010.
“The Growth Mechanisms of WC Particles from WC-Co Loose Powder,” (with Y. Zhong), 2011 NSF
Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, GA, January 4-7, 2011.
“Altering the Dehydrogenation Pathway of LiBH4 + MgH2 Mixtures through Nanoscale LiBH4,” (with
Y. Zhong and X. Wang), 20th Connecticut Microelectronics and Optoelectronics Consortium, New
Haven, CT, March 26, 2011.
Montgomery Shaw
Member, American Chemical Society.
Member, American Physical Society.
Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Member, Sigma Xi.
Member, The Society of Rheology.
Member, Society of Plastics Engineers.
Member, British Society of Rheology.
Member, ACS Rubber Division.
Member, Materials Research Society.
Member, Polymer Processing Society.
“Viscoelastic Properties of Polyethylene Microgel Suspensions in Squalane,” (with G.H. Ling),
Proceedings of the Fifth Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology, August 2010.
Leslie Shor
Member, Editorial Board, Blue Biotechnology Journal.
Co-Chair,Water Section, Environmental Division, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).
Conference Session Chair (2 sessions), American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) National
Member, University Environment Committee (planning for proposed BA in Environmental Studies).
Member, Women in Math, Science, and Engineering (WIMSE).
“Measuring Oxygen Concentration Under Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms in Response to Chemical
Gradients in a Microfludic Device,” (with A. Dhummakupt, P.C. Samson, D. Markov and J.P. Wikswo),
Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, October 2010.
“Window into a Microworld: microfluidic system for studying microbial growth in porous media,” (with
D.A. Markov, P.C. Samson, D.K. Schaffer, A. Dhummakupt and J.P. Wikswo), Biomedical Engineering
Society Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, October 2010.
“Linking Form, Function, and Molecular Taxonomy: Microfluidic Trap Arrays for Microbial
Eukaryotes,” (with J.F. Chau and G.M. Bouchillon), The 8th Annual Ecological Genomics Symposium,
Kansas City, MO, November 5 - 7, 2010.
“Micro-structured Microbial Habitats,” Microenvironments Modulating Biological Interactions in the
Ocean symposium, Aspen, CO, January 16-21, 2011.
“Microbial trap array for in situ determination of natural carbon cycling,” (with J.F. Chau and G.M.
Bouchillon), American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Anaheim CA, March 27-31, 2011.
“Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Protozoa Migration within Micro-structured Landscapes,” (with G.M.
Bouchillon, A. Dhummakupt and J.F. Chau), General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology
(ASM), New Orleans, LA, May 21-24 2011. (Selected for “Young Investigator” presentation.)
“Linking Form, Function, and Molecular Taxonomy: Microfluidic Trap Arrays to Study Protozoan
Biogeography,” (with J.F. Chau and G.M. Bouchillon), General Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology (ASM), New Orleans, LA, May 21-24 2011.
Prabhakar Singh
Co-Session Chair, ACerSoc.
Member, review panel, US DOE.
Access gained: Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Member, Faculty At-Large member of the University’s Environmental Policy Advisory Council (EPAC).
Member, ASM.
Member, ECS.
Member, TMS.
Member, ACER.
Member, NACE.
“Factors Influencing the Long Term Stability of Ni-YSZ SOFC Anode,” (with K. Zhang, M. Mahapatra,
A. Verma, G. Le, S. Bhowmick, D. King and G. McVay), European Fuel Cell Forum 2010, Lucern,
Switzerland, June 29-July 2, 2010.
“High Temperature Corrosion Issues in SOFC Systems,” (with N.M. Yanar, K-Y. Jung, F.S. Pettit and
G.H. Meier), 1st International Conference on Materials for Energy 2010, Pittsburgh, PA, July 6, 2010.
“Center for Clean Energy Engineering, A Partnership in Energy Systems Research, Innovation and
Application,” National Research Council, Washington, DC, August, 2010.
“Recent Advances in Fuel Cell Systems Development at the Center for Clean Energy Engineering,
University of Connecticut,” Ballard, Vancouver, BC, August 25, 2010.
“High Temperature Materials: R&D Needs for SOFC Systems,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak
Ridge, TN, September 28, 2010.
“Clean Energy: A Global Responsibility and Consequences of Inaction,” Center for International
Business Education and Research, Houston, TX, October 13, 2010.
“Materials Degradiation of SOFC Systems: From Bulk to Interfacial Reactions,” (with G. Le, A. Verma
and S. Bhowmick), ISHOC, November 11, 2010.
“Nano Engineering for Clean and Affordable Energy: From Science to Commercial Systems
Applications,” (with H. Huang and A. Agrios), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vancouver,
BC, November 17, 2010.
“Alkaline-earth Element Promoted Oxides for Warm Carbon Dioxide Separation and Capture,” (with K.
Zhang, D.L. King and L. Li), Connecticut Center for Advance Technology, December 23, 2010.
“Center for Clean Energy Engineering, A Partnership in Energy Systems Research, Innovation and
Application,” Nexterra Systems, January 21, 2011.
“A Comparative Assessment of Chromium Evaporation from Chromia and Alumina Forming Alloys,”
(with S. Bhowmick, G. Le and A. Verma), 35th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and
Composites, January 27, 2011.
“Measurement of the Electrical and Thermochemical Properties of BSCF and Sm Doped BSCF
Perovskites,” (with K. Zhang, A. Lassman and A. Verma), 35th International Conference on Advanced
Ceramics and Composites, January 27, 2011.
“Observations and the Air Electrode-Electrolyte Interface Degradation in Solid Oxide Electrolysis
Cells,” (with M. Keane and A. Verma), 35th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and
Composites, January 27, 2011.
“Role of Sintering Atmosphere on the Stability of LSM-YSZ Composite,” (with M. Mahapatra), 35th
International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 27, 2011.
“Center for Clean Energy Engineering, A Partnership in Energy Systems Research, Innovation and
Application,” Connecticut State Representative Gregg Haddad, January 28, 2011.
“Center for Clean Energy Engineering – Advancing Power and Energy Systems Research,” U.S. Army,
February 2, 2011.
“Center for Clean Energy Engineering, A Partnership in Energy Systems Research, Innovation and
Application,” Policy Director, L. Donohue and Dir. Of Operations, A. Wilson from State of Connecticut
Governor Malloy’s office, February 4, 2011.
“Recent Advances in Air Independent Fuel Cell Power Generation Systems,” American Unmanned
Systems, February 18, 2011.
“Mechanistic Understanding of Materials Degradation process in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Power
Generation Systems: From Bulk to Interfacial Reactions,” TMS 2011, 140th Annual Meeting &
Exhibition, San Diego, CA, February 27-March 3, 2011.
“Electrical Performance Testing of Direct Boro Hydride Fuel Cell,” US-India Power and Energy
Conference, Aberdeen, MD, March 11, 2011.
“US-Canada Collaboration – Energy Engineering,” Canadian Consulate Round Table, Hartford, CT,
March 2011.
“Materials and System Issues with Reversible SOFC,” (with S. Elangovan), Reversible Fuel Cell
Workshop, Arlington, VA, April 19, 2011.
“Long Term Stability of SOFC Systems,” SiEnergy Systems LLC.
“Na2MG(CO3)2 Double Salt Absorbents for CO2 Removal from Warm Syngas,” (with L. Li, Y. Duan, H.
Chen, S. Li, K. Zhang and D. King), Pittsburgh, PA, April 20, 2011
“Mechanistic Evaluation of Degradation Processes in Solid State Electrochemical Systems,” invited,
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, October 1, 2010.
Ranjan Srivastava
Member, review panel, National Institute of Health.
Member, review panel, National Science Foundation.
Member, University Graduate Faculty Council.
Member of the “Electronic Dissemination of Meeting Content” Task Force for the American Chemical
“Curating a genome-scale metabolic model of Mycoplasma gallisepticum using an evolutionary
algorithm,” International Conference on Biomolecular Engineering, San Francisco, CA, 1/17/2011.
“Impact of coordinating viral systems biology and personalized-medicine for optimizing HIV treatment,”
ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 3/29/2011.
“Curating a genome-scale metabolic model of Mycoplasma gallisepticum using an evolutionary
algorithm,” Biochemical and Molecular Engineering XVII, Seattle, WA, 6/27/2011.
Yong Wang
Section Editor, Handbook of Biomedical Engineering.
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design.
Member, review panel, USDA.
Member, review panel, National Science Foundation.
Member, American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Member, BMES.
Member, Society for Biomaterials.
“Creation of Biomimetic Materials with Nucleic Acids as Fundamental Structural Components,” invited,
BIT' s 3rd World Congress of Industrial Biotechnology 2010, July 25, 2010.
“Material aptamerization for drug delivery,” GRC Conference on Drug Carriers in Medicine & Biology,
Waterville Valley, NH, August 15-20, 2010.
“Controlled protein release from aptamer-decorated hydrogels,” (with B. Soontornworajit and J. Zhou),
The 240th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA, August 22-26, 2010.
“Antibody-like nanomaterials for cell recognition,” (with J. Zhou and B. Soontornworajit), The 240th
ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA, August 22-26, 2010.
“Aptamer-functionalized biomaterials for pulsatile proteins release,” (withB. Soontornworajit and J.
Zhou), The 2010 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Fall Meeting, Austin, TX, October 6-9, 2010.
“Sustained protein release from novel aptamer-functionalized hydrogels,” (with B. Soontornworajit and
J. Zhou), The 2010 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Fall Meeting, Austin, TX, October 6-9,
“Modeling of sustained protein release from an aptamer-functionalized hydrogel,” (with B.
Soontornworajit, M. Karzar-Jeddi and T.H. Fan), The 2010 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Fall
Meeting, Austin, TX, October 6-9, 2010.
“A temperature-responsive synthetic antibody for reversible cell labeling,” (with J. Zhou and B.
Soontornworajit), The 2010 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Fall Meeting, Austin, TX, October
6-9, 2010.
“Synthesis of folate functionalized biodegradable amphiphilic dendrimer-like star polymer for targeted
cancer cells,” (with W. Cao, J. Zhou, B. Soontornworajit and L. Zhu),The 2010 AICHE Annual Meeting,
Salt Lake City, UT, November 7-12, 2010.
“Pulsatile growth factor release from novel aptamer-functionalized composites,” (with B.
Soontornworajit and J. Zhou), AICHE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 7-12, 2010.
“Aptamer-decorated hydrogels for sustained protein release,” (with B. Soontornworajit and J. Zhou),
AICHE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, Novembe 7-12, 2010.
“A novel artificial antibody for reversible cell recognition,” (with J. Zhou and B. Soontornworajit),
AICHE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 7-12, 2010.
“Creation of artificial extracellular matrix using aptamers and hydrogels,” invited, The DFG-NSF
Research Conference, New York, NY, March 22-25, 2011.
“Affinity Hydrogels for Controlling Protein Release via Intermolecular Hybridization,” (with B.
Soontornworajit, J. Zhou and M. Battig), 2011 Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, Orlando,
FL, April 13-16, 2011.
“Modeling of Sustained Protein Release from Aptamer-Modified Hydrogels,” (with T.H. Fan, B.
Soontornworajit and M. Karzar-Jeddi), The 1st International Symposium on Colloids and Materials,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 8-11, 2011.
Mei Wei
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Biomimetics, Bioinformatics and Biocomputing.
Member, Board of Review, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A.
Member, Editorial Board, ASAIO Journal.
Member, President’s Commercialization Committee.
Member, Society for Biomaterials.
Member, MRS.
“Collagen/apatite scaffolds for Bone Tissue Regeneration,” invited, Xian Sci & Tech Bureau, November
2, 2010.
“Biomaterials for Bone Tissue Regeneration,” invited, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, November 5,
“Development of biomimetic collagen/apatite scaffolds for bone repair,” (with Z. Xia, X. Yu, L. Wang,
X. Jiang, J. Huang and D. Rowe), StemCONN 2011, Farmington, CT, March 22, 2011.
“Preparation and Characterization of Hydroxyapatite Doped with La3+,” (with Z. Xia and E. Johnson),
Society for Biomaterials, Society for Biomaterials 2011 Annual Meeting & Exposition, Orlando, FL,
April 13-16, 2011.
“Improvement of Osteointegration of Titanium Implant by Incorporation of PTH into Biomimetic CaP
Coating,” (with X. Yu, L. Wang, X. Jiang and D. Rowe), Society for Biomaterials 2011 Annual Meeting
& Exposition, Orlando, FL, April 13-16, 2011.
Brian Willis
Session Organizer, AIChE Conference Area 08E, 2010-2011.
Member, review panel, NSF, 2010.
“Surface Chemistry in Nanostructures,” invited, Telluride, CO, July 2010.
“Surface Chemistry Approach to Epitaxial Oxides on Silicon,” Telluride, CO, July 2010.
“Atomic Layer Deposition of Pt On WC for Fuel Cell Applications,” AIChE Conference, Salt Lake City,
UT, 2010.
“Atomic Layer Deposition for Nanoelectrode Devices," ECS Conference, Las Vegas, NV, October 2010.
“Atomic Layer Deposition for Epitaxial Oxides on Silicon,” invited, ECS Conference, Las Vegas, NV,
October 2010.
“In situ spectroscopic ellipsometry (se) and ex situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps) investigation
of ALD grown strontium oxide thin films,” American Vacuum Society Meeting, Troy, NY, Spring 2011.
“In-situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps) investigation of dinitrotoluene (dnt) adsorption and
desorption on gold surfaces,” American Vacuum Society Meeting, Troy, NY, Spring 2011.
Many of the headlines from 2010-2011 and, indeed, the recent news of the Tsunami and Nuclear Reactor
catastrophe in Japan, the Mississippi floods and tornado outbreaks in the South and also most recently very
close to home in Springfield, MA deal with national and global challenges. Civil and environmental
engineers are actively engaged in all efforts to predict, minimize the effect of, and retrofit or repair the
infrastructure affected by events that include global climate change, environmental pollution crises, water
shortage crises, non-sustainable energy practices, transportation planning and land use. The Civil &
Environmental Engineering (CEE) Department continues to address these global challenges through its
didactic and research missions. Through our accredited Civil Engineering (CE) and Environmental
Engineering (ENVE) programs, we educate and prepare engineers to face major societal challenges, and the
CEE faculty members perform cutting-edge research to develop new solutions to global problems.
The department welcomed two new faculty members in the fall of 2010. Dr. Shinae Jang joined our
department from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she completed her Ph.D. in 2010.
Dr. Jang’s research interests are in structural health monitoring and smart wireless sensor networks. Her
activities complement very well existing departmental strengths in structural engineering and have already
led to additional collaborations with geotechnical, water resources and transportation engineering faculty. Dr.
Kay Wille joined our department from the University of Michigan, where he was a post-doctoral fellow for
two years. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Leipzig in Germany in 2008. His research interests
and expertise are in ultra high performance, fiber-reinforced concrete, novel composite structures, and
sensors, and he is teaching design and analysis courses.
The department hired one new faculty member who will join the university in fall 2011. Dr. Arash Esmaili
Zaghi earned his Ph.D. in December of 2009 from the University of Nevada, Reno. He has been a postdoctoral research scientist at the same institution since his graduation. Dr. Esmaili Zaghi is an experienced
researcher who can cover a variety of research areas and topics, such as steel and reinforced concrete
structures, and shape memory alloys. Dr. Esmaili Zaghi has well balanced capabilities in both experimental
and analytical work, and has recently obtained a Professional Engineer (CA) license, which will promote
steel design courses in our department. Dr. Esmaili Zaghi has a record of six journal papers in print or in
press, three under review, and 10 conference proceedings papers published. He has already received
competitive research funding from Caltrans and National Science Foundation (NSF) as co-PI and will be able
to bring some of these funds to UConn in the form of a subcontract or equivalent.
There were two faculty promotions within the department, both effective fall 2011. Assistant Professors
Baikun Li and Mekonnen Gebremichael were promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure.
Finally, two more recognitions were bestowed upon our faculty. Dr. Mekonnen Gebremichael was appointed
the second Al Geib Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering Research and Education. Dr. Manos
Anagnostou was selected as the recipient of the 2011 Faculty Excellence in Research (Sciences) Award from
the UConn Alumni Association. This is a tremendous recognition of our School and our department as this
award is based on a University-wide highly competitive process and the School of Engineering boasts only
five such awards in the past 46 years. This is the first such award in our Department and a clear indication of
our up and coming status and recognition within the University.
Undergraduate enrollments in the Civil & Environmental Engineering programs continued to increase and
reached again an all-time high during the last year with combined CE and ENVE program enrollments
reaching 320 students in spring 2011.
Dr. Norman Garrick was this year’s recipient of the C.R. Klewin Award for Excellence in Teaching. The
award recipients are chosen each year by the graduating senior class for their unique contributions to
undergraduate teaching. Graduate enrollments in the CE and ENVE programs continued to increase and
reached an all-time high with 106 M.S. and Ph.D. students registered in spring 2011. As much as the
department welcomes this increase in our enrollments, serious space constraints are becoming problematic
and must be addressed in the future.
The department’s research activities and scholarship remained very strong and, in fact, improved again
during the last year with almost $2.8 million in research expenditures generated from 127 active grants from
a wide variety of funding sources including the National Science Foundation, NASA, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
(USDOT) and ConnDOT, United States Army, Department of Homeland Security, USAID, EPA, National
Academy of Science, USDA, USGS and numerous private companies. Department faculty were involved in
the publication of 64 journal articles, two books edited/assembled, six book chapters, 55 full-length
conference papers and made 66 conference presentations in the past year.
The department’s international research programs continued to develop last year with major activities in
water resources and natural hazards mitigation. Dr. Anagnostou completed his work on establishing an
excellence team to study the global water cycle under a Marie Curie Excellence grant at the Hellenic Center
for Marine Research in Greece. Drs. Gebremichael, Michael Accorsi, Manos Anagnostou, Guiling Wang,
and Amvrossios Bagtzoglou serve as co-PIs for the USAID/HED project entitled: “Sustainable Water
Resources: Capacity Building in Education, Research and Outreach.” This project positions the University of
Connecticut as the lead among five Ethiopian universities and Alabama A&M University and is focused on
the theme of Sustainable Water Resources Development and Management.
Drs. Howard Epstein and John Ivan were elected to membership in the Connecticut Academy of Science and
Engineering in May 2011 in recognition of their professional achievements. Dr. Epstein was recognized for
his fundamental work in soil-structure interactions, wave propagation, structural analysis and design. Dr.
Ivan was recognized for his outstanding contributions in the statistical and mathematical modeling of
transportation systems, with an emphasis on motor vehicle crash prediction.
The department’s undergraduate student organizations continued to be highly active during the past year. The
Steel Bridge Club placed 4th overall in the Northeast Regional Steel Bridge Competition in April. The
Concrete Canoe Club was rejuvenated this year under the leadership of Dr. Wille and they are once again
active. The UConn Green Building Club, with Dr. Accorsi as faculty advisor, completed their second year.
The UConn chapter of Engineers Without Borders completed its third year as an officially recognized
chapter. Drs. Gebremichael and Bagtzoglou serve as advisor and co-advisor, respectively, to the student
chapter. During the last year, the student chapter continued their project in rural Nicaragua. The first
officially sanctioned field campaign took place this past summer in Nicaragua and an EPA P3 small grant
that was landed under the leadership of Dr. Maria Chrysochoou will facilitate their activities next year. The
grant’s theme is Sustainability Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet.
Rais Ahmad
“Dynamic Analysis Methodology for Progressive Failure of Truss Structures Considering Inelastic
Postbuckling Cyclic Member Behavior,” (with R.B. Malla and P. Agarwal), Journal of Engineering
Structures, Vol. 33, Issue 5, pp. 1503-1513, May 2011.
Emmanouil N. Anagnostou
“Performance Evaluation of High–Resolution Rainfall Estimation by X–band Dual–Polarization Radar for
Flash–Flood Applications in Mountainous Basins,” (with M. Anagnostou, J. Kalogiros, M. Tarolli, A.,
Papadopoulos and M. Borga), Journal of Hydrology, special issue on flash floods, Vol. 394, Issues 1-2, pp.
4-16, 2010.
“Sensitivity of a Mountain Basin Flash Flood to Initial Wetness Condition and Rainfall Variability,” (with
E.I. Nikolopoulos, M. Borga, E. Vivoni and A. Papadopoulos), Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 402, Issues 3-4,
pp. 165-178, 2010.
“African Convective System Characteristics Determined through Tracking Analysis,” (with A. Tadesse),
Atmospheric Research, Vol. 98, Issues 2-4, pp. 468-477, 2010.
“Passive Aquatic Listener (PAL): An Adoptive Underwater Acoustic Recording System for the Marine
Environment,” (with M. Anagnostou, J.A. Nystuen, A. Papadopoulos and V. Lykousis), Nuclear Instruments
and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated
Equipment, Vol. 626-627, pp. S94-S98, 2011.
“Flash Floods: Observations and Analysis of Hydro-meteorological Controls,” (with M. Borga, G. Blöschl
and J.-D. Creutin), Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 394, Issues 1-2, pp. 1-4, 2010.
“The Effect of Satellite-rainfall Error Modeling on Soil Moisture Prediction Uncertainty,” (with V. Maggioni
and R.H. Reichle), Journal of Hydrometeorology (doi: 10.1175/2011JHM1355.1), 2011.
Amvrossios C. Bagtzoglou
“Using Atmospheric Tracers to Reduce Uncertainty in Simulating Recharge Areas,” (with J. Starn and G.
Robbins), Ground Water, Vol. 48, No. 6, pp. 858-868, 2010.
“Scalable Localization with Mobility Prediction for Underwater Sensor Networks,” (with Z. Zhou, Z. Peng,
J.-H. Cui and Z. Shi), IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 335-348, 2011.
“Hydropower Harvesting from a Small Scale Reciprocating System,” (with R.B. Malla, B. Shrestha, J.
Drasdis and P. Johnson), Renewable Energy, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 1568-1577, 2011.
Dipanjan Basu
“Analysis of PVD-enhanced Consolidation with Soil Disturbance,” (with P. Basu and M. Prezzi),
Proceedings of the ICE – Ground Improvement, Vol. 163, No. 4, pp. 237-249, 2010.
“Drilled Displacement Piles – Current Practice and Design,” (with P. Basu and M. Prezzi), DFI Journal, Vol.
4, No. 1, pp. 48-65, 2010.
Richard E. Christenson
“Real-time Hybrid Simulation using the Convolution Integral Method,” (with S.J. Kim, S.F. Wojtkiewicz
and E.A. Johnson), Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 20 No. 2, doi: 10.1088/09641726/20/2/025024, February 2011.
“Parametric Identification of a Dahl Based Model for Large Scale Magnetorheological Dampers,” (with N.
Aguirreo, F. Ikhouane and J. Rodellar), Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring, doi:
10.1002/stc.434, February 2011.
“Real-Time Hybrid Test Validation of a MR Damper Controlled Building with Shake Table Tests,” (with Y.
Lin), Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2011.
“Finite Element Model Updating of a PSC Box Girder Bridge Using Ambient Vibration Test,” (with M.R.
Hiatt, A.C. Mathiasson, U.J. Okwori, S. Jin, S. Shang, G. Yun, J. Caicedo, C. Yun and H. Sohn), Journal of
Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 168-170, (titled “Advances in Building Materials,”)
doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.168-170.2263, 2011.
Maria Chrysochoou
“Stabilized Dredged Material I: A Parametric Study,” (with D.G. Grubb, C.J. Smith and N. Malasavage),
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 8, pp. 1011-1024, 2010.
“Stabilized Dredged Material II: Geomechanical Behavior,” (with D.G. Grubb, C.J. Smith and N.
Malasavage), Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 8, pp. 1025-1037,
“Stabilized Dredged Material III: A Mineralogical Perspective,” (with D.G. Grubb, C.J. Smith and N.
Malasavage), Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 8, pp. 1011-1024,
Norman W. Garrick
“The Effect of Street Network Design on Walking and Biking,” (with W.E. Marshall), Transportation
Research Record, Vol. 2198, pp. 103-115, 2011.
“The Influence of Parking Policy on the Built Environment and Travel Behavior in Two New England Cities,
over the Period 1960 to 2007,” (with C.T. McCahill), Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2187, pp. 123130, 2011.
“Does Street Network Design Affect Traffic Safety?” (with W.E. Marshall), Accident Analysis and
Prevention, Vol. 43, Issue 3, pp. 769-781, May 2011.
“Evidence on Why Bike-Friendly Cities are Safer for all Road Users,” (with W.E. Marshall), Environmental
Practice, Vol. 13, Issue 01, pp. 16-27, 2011.
“Operationalizing Place-making in a Choice Experiment Context,” (with N.E. Lownes, C.D. Yannes and R.
Johnston), Transportation Research Record 2144, pp. 121-129, 2011.
Mekonnen Gebremichael
“Weighted Likelihood Copula Modeling of Extreme Rainfall Events in Connecticut,” (with J. Wang, T.W.
Sammis and V.P. Gutschick), Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 390, No. 1-2, pp. 108-115, August 2010.
“Review of Satellite Remote Sensing use in Forest Health Studies,” (with X. Wang and J. Yan), The Open
Geography Journal, Vol. 3, No. 28-42, doi: 10.2174/1874923201003010028, August 2010.
“On the Critical Behaviour of Observed and Simulated Spatial Soil Moisture Fields during SGP97,” (with G.
Laguardia and A. Di Domenico), Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, No. 9, pp. 2097-2110, doi: 10.3390/rs2092097,
September 2010.
“River Flow Fluctuation Analysis: Effect of Watershed Area,” (with F.A. Hirpa and T.M. Over), Water
Resources Research, Vol. 46, W12529, doi: 10.1029/2009WR009000, December 2010.
“Spatial Variability of Daily Summer Rainfall at a Local-scale in a Mountainous Terrain and Humid Tropical
Region,” (with M.M. Bitew), Atmospheric Research, Vol. 98, No. 2-4, pp. 347-352, November - December
“Mapping Daily Evapotranspiration and Dryness Index in the East African Highlands using MODIS and
SEVIRI Data,” (with Z. Sun, J. Ardo and H.A.R. de Bruin), Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 15,
pp. 163-170, January 2011.
“Satellite Remote Sensing and Conceptual Cloud Modeling for Convective Rainfall Simulation,” (with A.T.
Haile, T.H.M. Rientjes, A. Gieske and V. Jetten), Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 34, pp. 26-37, January
“Rain Event Properties at the Source of the Blue Nile River,” (with A.T. Haile, T.H.M. Rientjes, E. Habib
and V. Jetten), Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 15, pp. 1023-1034, March 2011.
“Assessment of High-resolution Satellite Rainfall for Streamflow Simulation in Medium Watersheds of the
East African Highlands,” (with M.M. Bitew), Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 15, pp. 1147-1155,
April 2011.
Daba Gedafa
“Comparison of Moduli of Kansas Superpave Asphalt Mixes,” (with M. Hossain, S.A. Romanoschi and A.J.
Gisi), Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2154, pp. 114123, 2010.
“Network Level Testing for Pavement Structural Evaluation Using a Rolling Wheel Deflectometer,” (with
M. Hossain, R. Miller and D.A. Steele ), ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp.439448, July 2010.
John N. Ivan
“Safety Effects of Exclusive Left-Turn Lanes at Unsignalized Intersections and Driveways,” (with H. Zhou,
A. Sadek and N. Ravishanker), Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 221-238,
Eric D. Jackson
“Analysis of Real-World Lead Vehicle Operation for the Integration of Modal Emissions and Traffic
Simulation Models,” (with L. Aultman-Hall), Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue Number:
2158, ISSN: 0361-1981, pp. 44-53, 2010.
Shinae Jang
“Structural Monitoring of a Historic Truss Bridge using a Wireless Sensor Network,” (with B.F. Spencer, Jr.,
J.A. Rice and Z. Wang), Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 14, No 1, pp. 93-101, 2011.
Jeong-Ho Kim
“A Thermomechanical Fracture Modeling and Simulation for Functionally Graded Solids using a ResidualStrain Formulation,” (with G. Anandakumar), International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 164, pp. 31-55, 2010.
“Thermal Stress and Probability of Failure Analyses of Functionally Graded Solid Oxide Fuel Cells,” (with
G. Anandakumar, N. Li, A. Verma and P. Singh), Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 195, No.19, pp. 66596670, 2010.
“Higher-order Terms for the Mode-III Stationary Crack-tip Fields in a Functionally Graded Material,” (with
L. Zhang), ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 78, No. 1:011005, pp. 1-10, 2011.
Baikun Li
“High Power Recovery with Multi-anode/cathode Microbial Fuel Cells Suitable for Future Large-scale
Applications,” (with D. Jiang, X. Li, D. Raymond and J. Mooradain), International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy, DOI:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2010.04.136., 2010.
“Carbonized Hemoglobin Nanofibers for Enhanced H2O2 Detection,” (with Y. Wang, W. Jia, T. Strout, A.
Schempf, H. Zhang, J. Cui and Y. Lei), Electroanalysis, DOI: 10.1002/elan.200900595., 2010.
“A Pilot-scale Study on Utilizing Multi-anode/cathode Microbial Fuel Cells (MAC MFCs) to Enhance the
Power Production in Wastewater Treatment,” (with D. Jiang, X. Li, B. Hu, D. Raymond, J. Mooradain and S.
Suib), International Journal Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 36, Issue 1, pp. 876-884, 2010.
“Electricity Generation in Continuous Flow Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) with Manganese Dioxide (MnO2)
Cathodes,” (with X. Li, B. Hu, S. Suib and Y. Lei), Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 54, Issue 1, pp.
10-15, 2011.
“Bioenergy Production from Glycerol in Hydrogen Producing Bioreactors (HPBs) and Microbial Fuel Cells
(MFCs),” (with Y. Sharma and R. Parnas), International Journal Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 36, Issue 6, pp.
3853-3861, 2011.
“Sensitive Hydrazine Detection Using a Porous Mn2O3 Nanofibers-Based Sensor,” (with Y. Ding and Y.
Lei), Electroanalysis, Vol. 23, Issue 5, pp. 1245-1251, 2011.
Lanbo Liu
“Simulation of Microtremor H/V Response to Three Simple Sediment/structure Models using Finite
Difference Time Domain Method,” (with F. Peng, L. Huang and Q. Chen), Earthquake, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp.
74-81, 2010.
“Coherent Underwater Communication using Passive Time Reversal over Multipath Channels,” (with G.
Zhang, J.M. Hovem and H. Dong), Applied Acoustics, Vol. 72, No. 7, pp. 412-419, 2011.
Nicholas E. Lownes
“Operationalizing Placemaking in a Choice Experiment Context,” (with C.D. Yannes, N.W. Garrick and R.J.
Johnston), Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2144, pp. 121-129, 2010.
“Moving Towards Transportation Asset Management,” (with A. Zofka and A. Pantelias), Public Works
Management & Policy, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 4-19, 2010.
Ramesh B. Malla
“Temperature Aging, Compression Recovery, Creep, and Weathering of a Foam Silicone Sealant for Bridge
Expansion Joints,” (with M.R. Shrestha, M.T. Shaw and S.B. Brijmohan), Journal of Materials in Civil
Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 287-298, March 2011.
“Hydropower Harvesting from a Small Scale Reciprocating System,” (with B. Shrestha, A.C. Bagtzoglou, J.
Drasdis and P. Johnson), Renewable Energy - An International Journal, Vol. 36, Issue 5, pp. 1568-1577,
May 2011.
“Dynamic Analysis Methodology for Progressive Failure of Truss Structures Considering Inelastic
Postbuckling Cyclic Member Behavior,” (with P. Agarwal and R. Ahmad), Engineering Structures – An
International Journal, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 1503-1533, May 2011.
Guiling Wang
“Diagnosing the Equilibrium State of a Coupled Global Biosphere-atmosphere Model,” (with S. Sun),
Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, Vol. 116, D09108, doi: 10.1029/2010JD015224, 2011.
“Droughts, Hydraulic Redistribution, and their Impact on Plant Composition in the Amazon Forests,” (with
C. Alo, R. Mei and S. Sun), Plant Ecology, Vol. 212, pp. 663-673, doi: 10.1007/s11258-010-9860-4, 2011.
“Assessing the Potential Hydrological Impacts of Hydraulic Redistribution in Amazonia using a Numerical
Modeling Approach,” Water Resources Research, Vol. 47, W02528, doi:10.1029/2010WR009601, 2011.
Kay Wille
“Ultra High Performance Concrete with Compressive Strength Exceeding 150 MPa (22 ksi): A Simpler
Way,” (with A.E. Naaman and G.J. Parra-Montesinos), ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 108, No. 1, pp. 46-54,
January-February 2011.
“Testing of Cementitious Materials Under High Strain Rate Tensile Loading Using Elastic Strain Energy,”
(with D. Kim and A.E. Naaman), ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 137, No. 4, pp. 268-275,
April 2011.
Adam M. Zofka
“Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of Oxidized Polymer-Modified
Bitumens,” (with I. Yut), Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 65, No. 7, pp. 58-63, 2011.
“Moving Toward Transportation Asset Management,” (with N. Lownes and A. Pantelias), Public Works
Management & Policy, Vol. 15, pp. 4-19, 2010.
“Alternative Procedure for Determination of Hot-Mix Asphalt Creep Compliance,” (with I. Yut), Journal of
Testing and Evaluation, ASTM, Vol. 39, No.1, pp. 1-11, January 2011.
“Determination of Asphalt Binder Creep Compliance Using Depth-Sensing Indentation,” (with D. NenerPlante), Experimental Mechanics, DOI: 10-1007/S11340-011-9464-5, 2011.
Emmanouil N. Anagnostou
“Remote Sensing for Precipitation and Hydrologic Applications,” chapter in Advances in Data-based
Approaches for Hydrologic Modeling and Forecasting, (B. Sivakumar and R. Berndtsson, eds.), World
Scientific, ISBN: 978-981-4307-97-0, pp. 245-266, 2010.
Maria Chrysochoou
“An Overview of the Properties and Treatment of Chromite Ore Processing Residue,” (with D. Dermatas),
Management of Hazardous Residues Containing Cr(VI), 1st edition, Nova Science Publishers, pp. 273-302,
Norman W. Garrick
“Parking: When Less is More,” (with W.E. Marshall), chapter in Sustainable and Resilient Communities: A
Comprehensive Action Plan for Towns, Cities, and Regions, (S.J. Coyle, ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken,
pp. 176-180, 2011.
Mekonnen Gebremichael
Rainfall: State of the Science, (with F.Y. Testik, eds.), American Geophysical Union, ISBN 978-0-875904814-8, 287 pages, 2010.
“Are Satellite-gauge Rainfall Products Better than Satellite-only Products for Nile Hydrology?” (with M.
Bitew), chapter 6 in Nile River Basin – Hydrology, Climate and Water Use, (A.M. Melesse, ed,), SpringerVerlag, 2011.
“Microphysics, Measurement and Analyses of Rainfall,” chapter in Rainfall: State of the Science, (with F.Y.
Testik, eds.), American Geophysical Union, ISBN 978-0-87590-4814-8, pp. 1-6, 2010.
“Framework for Satellite Rainfall Product Evaluation,” chapter in Rainfall: State of the Science, (with F.Y.
Testik, eds.), American Geophysical Union, ISBN 978-0-87590-4814-8, pp. 265-274, 2010.
Ramesh B. Malla
Engineering and Science for Sustainability, Clean-Technology and Disaster Preparedness, (with B.
Sharme, P. Khanal and A. Pokhrel, eds.), Book of Abstracts of the Joint ASNEngr/CAN-USA Conference
2010, Boston, MA, July 3-4, 2010, 21 pages.
Michael L. Accorsi
“Progressive Damage and Delamination in Composite Plates under Dynamic Loading,” (with D.J. Bamford
and D.R. Hufner), CD Proceeding of the IMPLAST 2010, Providence, RI, October 12-14, 2010.
“Reduced Order Modeling of Parachute Systems Using Large Scale Finite Element Models,” (with R.
Dantulwar and R.D. Charles), CD Proceedings of the 21st AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems
Technology Conference, Dublin, Ireland, May 23-26, 2011.
Rais Ahmad
“Influence of Water Flow through Pipe Networks for Damage Detection using Guided Waves,” (with T.
Kundu), CD Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing of Materials and
Structures (NDTMS), Istanbul, Turkey, May 15-18, 2011.
Amvrossios C. Bagtzoglou
“Prioritizing Brownfields for Development: A GIS Tool and Indexing Scheme for Environmental,
Socioeconomic and Smart-Growth Factors,” (with M. Chrysochoou, G. Dahal, N. Garrick, K. Brown, K.
Segerson and C. Granda-Carvajal), CD Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting,
paper No. 11-3732, Washington, DC, 2011.
“Reviving Brownfields: Connecticut Institutions, Obstacles, and Prospects,” (with M. Chrysochoou, C.
Granda-Carvajal, K.T. Brown, G. Dahal, N.W. Garrick and K. Segerson), Connecticut Economy, Vol. 19,
No. 1, pp. 14-16, 2011.
Dipanjan Basu
“Two-surface Viscoplastic Sand Model for High Rate Loading,” (with W. Higgins, H. Martindale and T.
Chakraborty), CD Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Hammamet,
Tunisia, October 2010.
“Soil Constitutive Model for Sustainable Geotechnical Design,” (with W. Higgins, H. Martindale and T.
Chakraborty), CD Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment – The State of
the Art, Kandy, Sri Lanka, December 2010.
“Assessment of the P-Y Method for Laterally Loaded Pile in Sand,” (with W. Higgins, H. Martindale and T.
Chakraborty), CD Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, Mumbai, India, December 2010.
“A Quantitative Approach for Measuring Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering,” (with A. Misra), CD
Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Built Environments – The State of the Art, Kandy,
Sri Lanka, December 2010.
“Elastic Analysis of Laterally Loaded Rectangular Piles,” (with R. Salgado), CD Proceedings of GeoFrontiers 2011, Dallas, TX, March 2011.
“A New Model for Analysis of Laterally Loaded Piles,” (with R. Salgado and M. Prezzi), CD Proceedings of
Geo-Frontiers 2011, Dallas, TX, March 2011.
“Soil Constitutive Model for Sustainable Geotechnical Design,” (with W. Higgins and T. Chakraborty), CD
Proceedings of Third Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, New Delhi, India, March 2011.
Richard E. Christenson
“Establishment of a Dual-Purpose Bridge Health Monitoring and Weigh-In-Motion System for a Steel Girder
Bridge,” (with S.K. Bakulski and A.M. McDonnell), Online Proceedings of the Transportation Research
Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Paper #11-1598, 15 pages, January 2011, (online:
“Reducing Fatigue in Wind–Excited Traffic Signal Support Structures Using an Innovative Vibration
Absorber,” (with S. Hoque), On-line Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting,
“Finite Element Model Updating of a PSC Box Girder Bridge Using Ambient Vibration Test,” (with M.R.
Hiatt, A.C. Mathiasson, J. Okwori, S.-S. Jin, S. Shang, G.-J. Yun, J. Caicedo, C.-B. Yun and H. Sohn), CD
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Structures and Building Materials, Guangzhou, China,
January 2011.
“Model-Free Modal Flexibility-Based Damage Detection Strategy for In-Service Highway Bridges,” (with
A. Scianna and S. Jang), CD Proceedings of the 2011 SPIE, Newport Beach, CA, 2011.
“Proposed Data Specifications for Bridge Structural Health Monitoring Sensor Data,” (with S. Prusaczyk, J.
DeWolf and A. Jamalipour), Proceedings of the Structures Congress & Exposition, Las Vegas, NV, May
2011, DOI: 10.1061/41171(401)10 (http://link.aip.org/link/?ASC/401/10).
Maria Chrysochoou
“Dredged Material Stabilization with Lime and Cement Kiln Dusts,” (with D.G. Grubb and M. Schrock),
Proceedings of the 2010 International Solidification/Stabilization Technology Forum, pp. 227-234, 2010.
“Prioritizing Brownfields for Development: A GIS Tool and Indexing Scheme for Environmental,
Socioeconomic and Smart-growth Factors,” (with G. Dahal, K. Brown, N. Garrick, C. Granda, K. Segerson
and A. Bagtzoglou), CD Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board,
Paper #11-3732, January 23-27, 2011.
“Reviving Connecticut’s Brownfields: Institutions and Obstacles,” (with C. Granda, K. Brown, G. Dahal, N.
Garrick, K. Segerson and A. Bagtzoglou), The Connecticut Economy, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 14-16, 2011.
Norman W. Garrick
“Quantifying the Economic Domain of Transportation Sustainability,” (with J. Zheng, C. Atkinson-Palombo,
C. McCahill and R. O’Hara), CD Proceedings of the 90th Meeting of the Transportation Research Board,
Washington, D.C., January 2011.
“The Spatial Distribution of VMT Based upon Street Network Characteristics,” (with W.E. Marshall), CD
Proceedings of the 90th Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2011.
“Prioritizing Brownfields for Development: A GIS Tool and Indexing Scheme for Environmental, and
Smart-growth Factors,” (with M. Chrysochoou, G. Dahal, K. Brown, N. Garrick, N. Granda-Carvajal, K.
Segerson), CD Proceedings of the 90th Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.,
January 2011.
“Contingent Valuation of Built Environment Elements using Personalized Scenarios,” (with A. OseiAsamoah, G. Bolella, N. Lownes and R. Johnston), CD Proceedings of the 90th Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2011.
“Automobile Use and Activity Levels in Small Cities,” (with C.T. McCahill), CD Proceedings of the
Congress for the New Urbanism, Madison, WI, June 2011.
“Reviving Brownfields: Connecticut Institutions, Obstacles, and Prospects,” (with M. Chrysochoou, C.
Granda-Carvajal, K.T. Brown, G. Dahal, N.W. Garrick and K. Segerson), Connecticut Economy, Vol. 19,
No. 1, pp. 14-16, 2011.
Daba Gedafa
“Composite Pay Index for Superpave Pavements in Kansas,” (with M. Hossain, L.S. Ingram and R. Kreider),
CD Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Asphalt Pavement, Nagoya, Japan, August 1-6, 2010.
“Accelerated Pavement Testing Validation of the Response and Distress Models for New Flexible Pavements
in the Mechanistic - Empirical Design Guide,” (with S. Romanoschi and M. Onyango), CD Proceedings of
11th International Conference on Asphalt Pavement, Nagoya, Japan, August 1-6, 2010.
“Comparison of Pavement Design using AASHTO 1993 and NCHRP Mechanistic–empirical Pavement
Design Guide,” (with J. Mulandi, M. Hossain and G. Schieber), Proceedings of the First T&DI Congress
2011, Chicago, IL, pp. 538-547, March 13-16, 2011.
“Effect of Construction Environment on JPCP Performance,” (with T. Khanum, M. Hossain and G.
Schieber), Proceedings of the First T&DI Congress 2011, Chicago, IL, pp. 834-843, March 13-16, 2011.
Eric D. Jackson
“Contingent Valuation of Built Environment elements Using Personalized Scenarios”, (with A. OseiAsamoah, G. Bolella, N. Lownes, N. Garrick and R. Johnston), Proceedings of the 90t Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2011.
Shinae Jang
“International Collaboration to Develop a Structural Health Monitoring System utilizing Wireless Smart
Sensor Network and its Deployment on a Cable-stayed Bridge,” (with T. Nagayama, H.J. Jung, B.F. Spencer,
Jr., K.A. Mechitov, S. Cho, M. Ushita, C.B. Yun, G. A. Agha and Y. Fujino), Proceedings of the 5th World
Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Tokyo, Japan, July 2010, (available in
“Long-term Structural Health Monitoring System of a Cable-stayed Bridge based on Wireless Smart Sensor
Networks and Energy Harvesting Techniques,” (with J.W. Park, S. Cho, H.J. Jung, C.B. Yun, H. Jo, B.F.
Spencer, Jr., T. Nagayama and J.W. Seo), Proceedings of the 5th World Conference of Structural Control and
Monitoring Tokyo, Japan, July 2010, (available in http://wcscm5.com).
“Experimental Characteristics of Wireless Communication Performance for Network Implementation,” (with
L.E. Linderman, J.A. Rice, S. Barot, B.F. Spencer, Jr. and J.T. Bernhard), Proceedings of the 5th World
Conference of Structural Control and Monitoring, Tokyo, Japan, July 2010, (http://wcscm5.com).
“Model-free Modal Flexibility-based Damage Detection Strategy for In-service Highway Bridges,” (with A.
Scianna), CD Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, San Diego, CA, March 2011.
“Decentralized Full-scale Bridge Damage Identification using Wireless Smart Sensors,” (with S.H. Sim, H.
Jo and B.F. Spencer, Jr.), CD Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, San Diego, CA, March 2011.
Baikun Li
“Optimization of Hydrogen Production in Anaerobic Acidogenic Phase and Electricity Generation in MFCs,”
(with Y. Sharma), CD Proceedings of the WEFTEC Annual Conference, October 2010.
“Manganese Dioxide as a New Cathode Catalyst in Microbial Fuel Cells,” (with X. Li), CD Proceedings of
the WEFTEC Annual Conference, October 2010.
“Platinum-free Cathodes for Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs),” (with C. Santoro), CD Proceedings of the
International Microbial Fuel Cell Conference, June 2011.
“Carbon Nano-fiber (CNF) for Biofilm Growth in Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs),” (with U. Karra), CD
Proceedings of the International Microbial Fuel Cell Conference, June 2011.
Lanbo Liu
“Performance Improvement of the 2-D finite Difference Time Domain Acoustic Wave Simulation using
Multiple GPUs,” (with P. Eller, J. Cheng and D. Albert), CD Proceedings of the 27th Army Science
Conference, November 29-December 2, 2010.
“Modeling Microwave Propagation in a Three-dimensional Space with Multi-region Pseudo-spectral Time
Domain (MR/PSTD) Method,” (with Z. Liu and B. Barrows), CD Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Microwave and optics Technologies (ISMOT 2011), Prague, Czech Republic, June 20-23,
“Comparison of Two UWB Radar Techniques for Detection of Human Cardio-respiratory Signals,” (with S.
Liu, Z. Liu and B. Barrows), CD Proceedings of the International Symposium on Microwave and optics
Technologies (ISMOT 2011), Prague, Czech Republic, June 20-23, 2011.
“Computating Acoustic Source Locations in Urban Environments,” (with D. Albert, H. Xie, P. Eller and J.
Cheng), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, pp.
131-136, 2011.
Nicholas E. Lownes
“Efficient Randomized Protocols for Single-Hop Radio Networks,” (with S. Rajasekaran, R. Ammar and D.
Sharma), IACC Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing, ISSN 0190-3918,
September 13, 2010.
“Measuring Service Gaps: An Accessibility-Based Transit Need Index,” (with S. Al Mamun), Proceedings of
the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Paper #11-3775, January 24, 2011.
“Many-to-Many Game Theoretic Approach to Measuring Transportation Network Vulnerability,” (with Q.
Wang, Ibrahim, R. Ammar, S. Rajasekaran and D. Sharma), Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board, Paper #11-3675, January 24, 2011.
“Contingent Valuation of Built Environment Elements Using Personalized Scenarios,” (with A. OseiAsamoah, G. Bolella, R.J. Johnston, N.W. Garrick and E. Jackson), Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting
of the Transportation Research Board, Paper #11-3354, January 24, 2011.
“Rainfall Impacts on Traffic Parameters and Benefits of Implementing Weather Responsive Signal Timing,”
(with A. Rahman), Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Paper
#11-3035, January 24, 2011.
Ramesh B. Malla
“Frequency and Impact Analysis of a Proposed Frame-Membrane Lunar Structure at Extreme
Temperatures,” (with T. Gionet), Proceedings of the 52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures,
Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Paper #AIAA 2011-1998, 22 Pages, Denver, CO, April 4-7,
“Stress and Displacement Wave Propagation in a Percussive Tubular Mechanism in Presence of Geometric
Discontinuity,” (with B.R. Shrestha, G. Paulsen and K. Zacny),
Proceedings of the 52nd
AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Paper #AIAA
2011-2180, 12 Pages, Denver, CO, April 4-7, 2011.
Kay Wille
“Bond Stress Slip Hardening Behavior of Steel Fibers Embedded in Ultra High Performance Concrete,”
(with A.E. Naaman), CD Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Fracture, August 30 – September
3, 2010.
“Strain Rate Dependent Tensile Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete,” (with S.
El-Tawil and A.E. Naaman), Proceedings of the 6th International RILEM Workshop on High Performance
Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites, HPFRCC6, pp. 367-373, Ann Arbor, MI, June 19-22, 2011.
“Strength Dependent Tensile Behaviour of Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Deformed Steel Fibers,” (with D.
Kim, A.E. Naaman and S. El-Tawil), Proceedings of the 6th International. RILEM workshop on High
Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites, HPFRCC6, pp. 2-9, Ann Arbor, MI, June 19-22, 2011.
Adam M. Zofka
“SHRP 2 R06(B): Evaluating Applications of Field Spectroscopy Devices to Fingerprint Commonly Used
Construction Materials,” (with M. Chrysochoou, M. Shaw, J. Mahoney, S. Farquharson, I. Yut, S. Sun and
X. Zhang), CD Proceedings of the NDE/NDT for Highways and Bridges: Structural Materials Technology
(SMT) 2010, New York, NY, August 16-20, 2010.
“Friction Study on LTPP Sections in Connecticut,” (I. Yut and J.W. Henault), CD Proceedings of the
Pavement Evaluation Conference, Roanoke, VA, October 25-27, 2010.
“Laboratory Evaluation of HMA Containing RAP and PMB,” (with A. Bernier, J. Mahoney, S. Zinke), CD
Proceedings of the ASCE 1st Transportation & Development Institute’s Green Streets & Highways
Conference, Denver, CO, November 14-17, 2010.
Michael L. Accorsi
“Advanced Concrete and Geo-materials for Resilient Transportation Infrastructure,” (with co-PIs: D. Basu
25%, M. Chrysochoou 25%, A. Zofka 25%, K. Wille 25% and A. Bagtzoglou 0%), U.S. Department of
Homeland Security, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2012, $71,851.
“Mechanical Characterization of Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Sustainable Transportation
Infrastructure,” (with co-PI:
A. Zofka 50%), U.S. Department of Homeland Security National
Transportation Security Center of Excellence, July 1, 2009-June 30, 2011, $125,342.
“Ethiopian-US Partnership in Sustainable Water Resources: Capacity Building,” (with co-PIs: M.
Gebremichael 30%, E. Anagnostou 10%, C. Atkinson-Palombo 10%, A. Bagtzoglou 10%, J. Osleeb 10%, F.
Shah 10% and G. Wang 10%), U.S. Agency for International Development/American Council on Education,
January 5, 2011-December 15, 2012, $1,100,000
“CCHRP Agreement, Work Program for 2009-2010,” JHRAC, Connecticut Department of Transportation,
May 23, 2009-June 30, 2012, $199,869.
“National Security Training & Research for Advanced National Security for Inter-Modal Transportation,”
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, July 1, 2008-June 30, 2012, $752,591.
Alexander Agrios
“EAGER: Collaborative Research: Dye-anchored Nanocatalysts for Improved Solar Energy Conversion
Efficiency,” (with co-PI: E. Galoppini/Rutgers University 47.5%), National Science Foundation, April 1,
2011-March 31, 2012, $107,888.
Emmanouil N. Anagnostou
“Defining Optimality Criteria for the Effective Use of Satellite Precipitation Datasets in Land Surface
Hydrology and Water Cycle Studies,” (with co-PI: A.C. Bagtzoglou 30%), NASA, January 12, 2007-January
11, 2011, $387,070.
“Understanding the Use of Satellite Rainfall in Flood Prediction for Complex Terrain Basins,” NASA,
August 3, 2007-August 2, 2011, $84,000.
“Collaborative Research: Rainfall Estimation Accuracy and Classification from Deep Underwater Sound
Measurements,” National Science Foundation, September 15, 2008-August 31, 2011, $146,996.
“Investigation of Satellite QPE and Hydrologic Validation in Complex Terrain Basins,” NASA, April 5,
2010-March 31, 2013, $450,002.
“Investigating the Impact of Improved Model Error Characterization on the Assimilation of Remotely Sensed
Soil Moisture in a Land Data Assimilation system,” NASA, August 23, 2009-August 31, 2011, $60,000.
“Ethiopian-US Partnership in Sustainable Water Resources: Capacity Building,” (with co-PIs: M.
Gebremichael 30%, M. Accorsi 10%, C. Atkinson-Palombo 10%, A. Bagtzoglou 10%, J. Osleeb 10%, F.
Shah 10% and G. Wang 10%), U.S. Agency for International Development/American Council on Education,
January 5, 2011-December 15, 2012, $1,100,000.
“FM Global Summer Internship for Hojjat Seyyedi,” FM Global, May 23, 2011-August 26, 2011, $19,210.
Amvrossios C. Bagtzoglou
“Ethiopian-US Partnership in Sustainable Water Resources: Capacity Building,” (with co-PIs: M.
Gebremichael 30%, E. Anagnostou 10%, C. Atkinson-Palombo 10%, M. Accorsi 10%, J. Osleeb 10%, F.
Shah 10% and G. Wang 10%), U.S. Agency for International Development/American Council on Education,
January 5, 2011-December 15, 2012, $1,100,000.
“Advanced Concrete and Geo-materials for Resilient Transportation Infrastructure,” (with co-PIs: D. Basu
25%, M. Chrysochoou 25%, A. Zofka 25%, M. Accorsi 0% and K. Wille 25%), U.S. Department of
Homeland Security, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2012, $71,851,.
“Strengthening and Modeling of Earth Embankments under High Loads,” (with co-PIs: M. Chrysochoou
45% and D. Basu 45%), U.S. Department of Homeland Security National Transportation Security Center of
Excellence, July 1, 2009- January 5, 2011, $113,769.
“Defining Optimality Criteria for the Effective Use of Satellite Precipitation Datasets in Land Surface
Hydrology and Water Cycle Studies,” (with co-PI: E. Anagnostou 70%), NASA, January 12, 2007-January
11, 2011, $387,070.
“Drinking Water Section Student Interns,” Connecticut Department of Public Health, October 1, 2010September 30, 2013, $59,976.
“Reversing Urban Sprawl: A Reclaimability Index Approach for Reviving Downtown Brownfields,” (with
co-PIs: M. Chrysochoou 55%, K. Segerson 15% and N. Garrick 15%), Center for Transportation and Urban
Planning/Federal Highway Administration, August 23, 2008-August 22, 2011, $123,525.
“Collaborative Research: Developing a Novel Infrastructure for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks,”
(with co-PIs: J.-H. Cui, S. Rajasekaran, Z. Shi, P. Willett, S. Zhou and Senior Personnel R. Ammar, A.
Bagtzoglou, Y. Fei, T. Torgersen and B. Wang; B. Levine and J. Kurose (UMass); and L. Freitag (WHOI)),
National Science Foundation/CISE, August 1, 2007-July 31, 2011, $319,998.
Dipanjan Basu
“Strengthening and Modeling of Earth Embankments under High Loads,” (with co-PIs: M. Chrysochoou
45% and A. Bagtzoglou 10%), U.S. Department of Homeland Security National Transportation Security
Center of Excellence, July 1, 2009-January 5, 2011, $113,769.
“Advanced Concrete and Geo-materials for Resilient Transportation Infrastructure,” (with co-PIs: M.
Chrysochoou 25%, A. Zofka 25%, M. Accorsi 0%, K. Wille 25% and A. Bagtzoglou 0%), U.S. Department
of Homeland Security, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2012, $71,851.
Joseph T. Bushey
“Dynamics of Nitrogen Loading and Speciation in Urban Combined Sewer Catchments: An Assessment of the
Effects of Flow Conditions,” (with co-PIs: C. Perkins 40% and M. Willig 10%), Connecticut Department of
Environmental Protection, January 7, 2009-January 6, 2012, $709,695.
“Stream Chemical Interactions within the Urban Environment: Assessing the Fate of Nitrogen and Mercury in a
Stream Impacted by Combined Sewer Overflows,” Department of the Interior/U.S. Geological Survey, March
1, 2009-February, 28, 2011, $31,858.
“Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Due to Addition of a Lane on a Divided Highway in Southeastern
Connecticut,” (with co-PI: J. Mahoney 50%), Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, May 15,
2009-August 31, 2010, $31,858.
“Evaluation of Environmental Wetland Mitigation Alternatives for Transportation Projects,” (with co-PI: Eric
Jackson 10%), Connecticut Academy of Sciences and Engineering, July 1, 2009-December 31, 2010,
“Investigation of Elevated Bacteria Counts in Crandall Pond, Tolland CT,” (with co-PI: C. Perkins 50%),
Town of Tolland, CT, July 21, 2010-November 30, 2011, $15,200.
“Effect of Low-impact Sustainable Transportation Design as a Strategy for Alleviating Stormwater Runoff and
Reducing GHG Emissions,” (with co-PIs: C. Atkinson-Palombo 35%, E. Jackson 5% and A. Zofka 15%), U.S.
Department of Transportation, August 23, 2010-August 22, 2012, $72,545.
Richard E. Christenson
“Experimental Testing of Controllable Damping Devices Toward Extending the Lifespan of Existing
Highway Bridges,” Connecticut Cooperative Research Program JHRAC, CCHRP Project JH 08-6, May 23,
2009-June 30, 2011, $53,181.
“REU Site: Collaborative Research: International REU Program in Smart Structures,” National Science
Foundation, May 1, 2009-April 30, 2012, $115,509.
“NEESR-SD: Development of a Real-Time Multi-Site Hybrid Testing Tool for NEES,” National Science
Foundation, March 15, 2009-February 28, 2012, $200,000.
“Reducing Fatigue in Wind-Excited Traffic Signal Support Structures using Smart Damping Technologies,”
NAS/Transportation Research Board, February 1, 2009-January 31, 2011, $135,000.
“NEESR-SG: Performance-Based Design and Real-time Large-scale Testing to Enable Implementation of
Advanced Damping Systems,” (with PI: S.J. Dyke 25% (Washington Univ., St. Louis); and co-PIs: A.K.
Agrawal 10% (City College of New York), J.M. Ricles 30% (Lehigh Univ.) and B.F. Spencer 25% (Univ. of
Illinois)), National Science Foundation/Purdue University, September 15, 2009-August 31, 2012, $90,709.
“REU Supplement for NEESR-SD: Development of a Real-Time Multi-Site Hybrid Testing Tool for NEES,”
National Science Foundation, March 15, 2009-February 28, 2011, $6,000.
“Integrated Sensing and Control System for Highway Bridges,” (with co-PI: J. Tang 50%), U.S. Department
of Homeland Security National Transportation Security Center of Excellence, July 1, 2009- January 5, 2011,
“Rapid Evaluation of Bridge Load-Carrying Capacity after Damaging Events,” (with co-PI: J. Tang 50%),
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2012, $199,999.
“Development and Evaluation of a Dual Purpose Bridge Health Monitoring and Weigh-In-Motion System
for a Steel Girder Bridge,” Connecticut Department of Transportation, July 1, 2010- June 30, 2011, $86,738.
“Real-Time Hybrid Substructuring of Marine Systems,” Office of Naval Research, January 1, 2011December 31, 2014, $85,000.
“Validating and Assessing the Integrity of Troubled Bridges in Connecticut,” (with co-PIs: J. DeWolf 20%
and J-H. Kim 40%), Connecticut Department of Transportation, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011, $112,492.
“Expansion and Refinement of a Bridge Monitoring Network in Connecticut,” (with co-PI: J. DeWolf 25%),
Connecticut Department of Transportation, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011, $241,356.
“Deployment and Integration of Instructional Shake Tables Using the NEES Cyberinfrastructure,” (with coPI: S.J. Dyke 50% (Purdue University)), National Science Foundation/Purdue University, $83,699,
September 15, 2009-August 31, 2011.
Maria Chrysochoou
“Reversing Urban Sprawl: A Reclaimability Index Approach for Reviving Downtown Brownfields,” (with
co-PIs: N. Garrick 15%, K. Segerson 15% and A. Bagtzoglou 15%), Center for Transportation and Urban
Planning/Federal Highway Administration, August 23, 2008-August 22, 2011, $123,525.
“Evaluating Applications of Field Spectroscopy Devices to Fingerprint Commonly Used Construction
Materials,” (with co-PIs: A. Zofka 35%, M. Shaw 20% and J. Mahoney 10%), NAS/Transportation Research
Board, February 4, 2009-November 30, 2011, $298,984.
“Strengthening and Modeling of Earth Embankments under High Loads,” (with co-PIs: D. Basu 45% and A.
Bagtzoglou 10%), U.S. Department of Homeland Security National Transportation Security Center of
Excellence, July 1, 2009-January 5, 2011, $113,769.
John T. DeWolf
“Validating and Assessing the Integrity of Troubled Bridges in Connecticut,” (with co-PIs: R. Christenson
40% and J-H. Kim 40%), Connecticut Department of Transportation, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011, $112,492.
“Expansion and Refinement of a Bridge Monitoring Network in Connecticut,” (with co-PI: R. Christenson
75%), Connecticut Department of Transportation, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011, $241,356.
Norman W. Garrick
“2009 Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship for Jason Billings,” U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal
Highway Administration, September 1, 2009-September 1, 2010, $11,500.
“Improving User Information for Transit in Nantucket,” Remain Nantucket, LLC, June 1, 2010-January 31,
2011, $11,715.
“NEUTC Year 21 Fellowship,” U.S. Department of Transportation/Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
September 1, 2008-August 31, 2011, $97,000.
“University of Connecticut Graduate Transportation Fellowships, Year 22,” Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, September 1, 2009-August 31, 2012, $65,000.
“Community Design and Transportation Safety towards a ‘Vision Zero’ Road,” U.S. Department of
Transportation/ New England University Transportation Center, September 1, 2007-August 31, 2011,
“The Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship -2010,” U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal
Highway Administration, September 1, 2010- September 1, 2011, $31,900.
“Case Studies of the Access & Mobility Impact of Freeway Removal,” (with co-PI: N. Lownes 36%), U.S.
Department of Transportation/Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 1, 2008-August 31, 2011,
“Reversing Urban Sprawl: A Reclaimability Index Approach for Reviving Downtown Brownfields,” (with
co-PIs: M. Chrysochoou 55%, K. Segerson 15% and A. Bagtzoglou 15%), Center for Transportation and
Urban Planning/Federal Highway Administration, August 23, 2008-August 22, 2011, $123,525.
“A Public Transit Design for Smart Growth: Using Choice Experiments to Quantify Tradeoffs, Values and
Funding Implications,” (with co-PIs: N. Lownes 70% and E. Jackson 5%), U.S. Department of
Transportation, August 23, 2008-August 22, 2011, $130,876.
“Assessing the Health Impacts of Community and Street Design,” U.S. Department of Transportation/
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 1, 2010-August 31, 2012, $99,940.
“Developing and Index for Comparing Sustainability of Transportation Systems,” (with co-PI: C. AtkinsonPalombo 10%), U.S. Department of Transportation, August 23, 2010-August 21, 2011, $53,323.
“Assessing the Relationship between Transportation Mode Choice and Transport,” U.S. Department of
Transportation, August 23, 2010-August 21, 2011, $71,321.
Mekonnen Gebremichael
“What is the Ability of Global Land Surface Models to Simulate Land Surface Processes?,” NASA – New
Investigator Program, May 27, 2008-May 26, 2011, $352,322.
“A New Statistical Model of Streamflow Forecast Error,” (with co-PI: J. Yan 50%), DOC/NOAA/National
Weather Service, May 1, 2010-April 30, 2012, $148,574
“Testing the Suitability of Satellite Precipitation Products for Hydrological Modeling at Multiple Scales
across the Blue Nile Basin,” (with co-PI: Yan 10%), NASA Precipitation Science, March 18, 2010-March
17, 2013, $308,000.
“USDA National Needs Fellowships for M.S. in Resource Economics with a Focus on Integrated Watershed
Management and Policy,” (with co-PI: R. Lopez 27.2%; R. Pomeroy 18.2%, F. Shah 18.2% and K.
Segerson 18.2%), USDA - Food and Agricultural Sciences National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate
Fellowship Grants Program, January 1, 2010-December 31, 2014, $218,000.
“US-Ethiopia: Enhancing Collaborations in Sustainable Water Resources Development and Management,”
National Science Foundation - Office of International Science and Engineering - International Planning and
Workshops, September 1, 2009-August 31, 2010, $47,625.
“Ethiopian-US Partnership in Sustainable Water Resources: Capacity Building,” (with co-PIs: A. Bagtzoglou
10%, E. Anagnostou 10%, C. Atkinson-Palombo 10%, M. Accorsi 10%, J. Osleeb 10%, F. Shah 10% and G.
Wang 10%), %), U.S. Agency for International Development/American Council on Education, January 5,
2011-December 15, 2012, $1,100,000.
John N. Ivan
“Incorporating Wet Pavement Friction into Traffic Safety Analysis,” (with co-PI: N. Ravishankar 50%),
Cooperative Research Program (ConnDOT), May 23, 2009-June 30, 2012, $4,866.
“Temporal Modeling of Highway Crash Severity by Involved Person Age,” (with co-PI: N. Ravishanker
50%), U.S. Department of Transportation/Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 1, 2010-August
31, 2012, $70,061.
“NEUTC Year 23 Fellowship,” U.S. Department of Transportation/Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
September 1, 2010-August 31, 2012, $39,888.
“Development of the Connecticut Motor Vehicle Crash Data Repository,” (with co-PIs: E. Jackson 40%, S.
Demurjian 20% and D-G. Shin 20%), Connecticut Department of Transportation, October 20, 2010September 30, 2011, $222,714.
“Risk, Resilience and Response Models with Applications to High-Speed Rail Transportation Corridors,”
(with co-PIs: N. Lownes 25%, R. Ammar 25% and S. Rajasekaran 25%), U.S. Department of Homeland
Security, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2012, $205,550.
Eric Jackson
“Design and Feasibility Study: Connecticut Transportation Planning Data Phase II,” (with co-PI: N. Lownes
50%), Connecticut Department of Transportation, October 1, 2009-May 23, 2011, $63,003.
“Development of the Connecticut Motor Vehicle Crash Data Repository,” (with co-PIs: J. Ivan 20%, S.
Demurjian 20% and D-G. Shin 20%), Connecticut Department of Transportation, October 20, 2010September 30, 2011, $222,714.
“Digital Preservation of a Highway Photolog Film Archive in Connecticut,” (with co-PI: J. Mahoney 10%),
Connecticut Department of Transportation, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011, $662,257.
“Effect of Low-impact Sustainable Transportation Design as a Strategy for Alleviating Stormwater Runoff and
Reducing GHG Emissions,” (with co-PIs: C. Atkinson-Palombo 35%, J. Bushey 45% and A. Zofka 15%), U.S.
Department of Transportation, August 23, 2010-August 22, 2012, $72,545.
“Public Transit Design for Smart Growth: Using Choice Experiments to Quantify Tradeoffs, Values and
Funding Implications - Phase I,” (with co-PIs: N. Garrick 25% and N. Lownes 70%), Center for
Transportation and Urban Planning (CTUP), August 23, 2008-August 22, 2011, $130,876.
“Evaluation of Environmental Wetland Mitigation Alternatives for Transportation Projects,” (with co-PI: J.
Bushey 90%), Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, July 1, 2009-December 31, 2010, $19,968.
Shinae Jang
“A Pilot Study to Validate Multi-scale Wireless Sensing System for In-service Highway Bridge Health
Monitoring,” UConn Research Foundation Large Faculty Grant, December 13, 2010-December 31, 2011,
Jeong-Ho Kim
“CAREER: An Integrated Research and Education on Functionally Graded Solid Oxide Fuel Cells:
Modeling and Experiments,” National Science Foundation CMMI Div., August 1, 2006-July 31, 2011,
“Validating and Assessing the Integrity of Troubled Bridges in Connecticut,” (with co-PIs: J. DeWolf 20%
and R. Christenson 40%), Connecticut Department of Transportation, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011, $112,492.
“Damage Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Structures,” U.S. Department of Defense-Air Force Research
Laboratory-Universal Technology Corporation, September 13, 2010-March 10, 2011, $8,576.
“Advanced Composite Materials for Blast and Fire Resistance,” (with co-PIs: R. Hebert, B. Huey, G.
Rossetti, Jr. R. Riman (Rutgers Univ.) and A. Shukla (Univ. of Rhode Island)), U.S. Department of
Homeland Security, July 1, 2009-June 30, 2012, $860,520.
“Technologies and Research for Advanced National Security of Intermodal Transportation,” (with co-PIs: R.
Hebert, B. Huey, G. Rossetti, Jr. R. Riman (Rutgers Univ.) and A. Shukla (Univ. of Rhode Island)), U.S.
Department of Homeland Security, August 1, 2009-January 31, 2011, $220,000.
Baikun Li
“Optimization of Acidogenic Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment with the Potential for Water Reclamation,”
Department of the Interior/U.S. Geological Survey, February 29, 2008-February 28, 2011, $49,474.
“Novel Activated Carbon Nanofiber Biofilm Support for Enhanced Wastewater,” (with co-PI:
McCutcheon 50%), National Science Foundation, September 1, 2009-August 31, 2011, $293,876.
“Demonstrating Power Production in Wastewater Treatment Processes on a Pilot Scaled Basis,”
NYSERDA/Hydroqual Environmental, February 26, 2009-January 31, 2011, $57,000.
“Electricity Generation from Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment in Microbial Fuel,” Environmental Protection
Agency/Fuss & O’Neill, Inc., February 1, 2009-July 31, 2010, $45,000.
“SBIR Phase 1: MN02 as Novel Cathode Catalysts for Power Generation,” National Science
Foundation/Fuss & O’Neill, Inc., July 1, 2010-May 23, 2011, $25,000.
Lanbo Liu
“Advanced Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation with Multi-region, Pseudospectral
Time Domain Method for Surface and Subsurface Sensing,” U.S. Army, July 1, 2007-December 31, 2011,
“Cooperative Hydrogeophysics and Water Resources Research,” (with co-PI: M. Willig), Department of the
Interior/U.S. Geological Survey, June 1, 2007-May 31, 2012, $189,879.
“Development of the Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) Rader System for New Pavement
Quality Control and Quality Assurance,” University of Connecticut Research Foundation New Large Grant,
July 1, 2009-May 31, 2011, $6,396.
Nicholas E. Lownes
“Hypernetwork Generation for Multi-modal Transportation System Modeling,” (with co-PI: S. Rajasekaran
40%), U.S. Department of Transportation/Massachusetts Institute of Technology, $70,061.
“Assessing and Quantifying Public Transportation Access Year II,” Connecticut Cooperative Highway
Research Program (CCHRP), May 23, 2009-June 30, 2012, $59,045.
“Assessing the Impact of Light Rail Transit on Land Values and Tax Revenues - Year II,” (with co-PI: C.
Atkinson-Palombo 75%), U.S. Department of Transportation, August 23, 2008-August 31, 2011, $71,490.
“Public Transit Design for Smart Growth: Using Choice Experiments to Quantify Tradeoffs, Values and
Funding Implications - Phase I,” (with co-PIs: N. Garrick 25% and E. Jackson 5%), U.S. Department of
Transportation, August 23, 2008-August 22, 2011, $130,876.
“Design and Feasibility Study: Connecticut Transportation Planning Data Phase II,” (with co-PI: E. Jackson
50%), Connecticut Department of Transportation, October 1, 2009-May 23, 2011, $63,003.
“The Influence of Real-time Rural Transit Tracking on Traveler Perception,” (with co-PI: A. Zofka 40%),
U.S. Department of Transportation/Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 1, 2009-August 31,
2011, $66,576.
“Case Studies of the Access & Mobility Impact of Freeway Removal,” (with co-PI: N. Garrick 64%), U.S.
Department of Transportation/Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 1, 2008-August 31, 2011,
“University Transportation Center,” U.S. Department of Transportation, August 10, 2005-August 21, 2012,
“Senior Department for Real-Time Monitoring of Transportation Vulnerability,” (with co-PIs: R. Ammar
and S. Rajasekaran), U.S. Department of Homeland Security, July 1, 2009-January 5, 2011, $91,867.
“Risk, Resilience and Response Models with Applications to High-Speed Rail Transportation Corridors,”
(with co-PIs: J. Ivan 25%, R. Ammar 25% and S. Rajasekaran 25%), U.S. Department of Homeland
Security, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2012, $205,550.
“Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship-2010,” U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal
Highway Administration, September 1, 2010-September 1, 2011, $5,000.
“Transportation System Sustainability and Adaptation Using Physarum Polycephalum,” U.S. Department of
Transportation, August 23, 2010-January 15, 2012, $59,873, FRS 560393.
Allison A. MacKay
“Microelectrode Development for in Situ Contaminant Fate Assessment,” University of Connecticut
Research Foundation New Large Grant, July 1, 2009-January 31, 2011, $29,391.
Ramesh B. Malla
“Finite Element Analysis of Percussive Systems for Planetary Exploration,” NASA/Honeybee Robotics
Spacecraft Mechanism Systems Corp., April 1, 2009-July 31, 2011, $28,500.
“Sealing of Small Movement Bridge Expansion Joints – Phase II: Field Demonstration and Monitoring,”
(with co-PI: M. Shaw 5%), New England Transportation Consortium, August 1, 2008-July 31, 2011,
“Analysis and Design of a Lunar Base with Regolith (Soil)-Structure Interaction,” NASA-University of
Hartford, June 1, 2009-August 31, 2010, $20,000.
“Analysis and Design of a Lunar Base with Regolith (Soil)-Structure Interaction,” United TechnologiesHamilton Sundstrand, June 1, 2009-January 15, 2011, $10,000.
“Human Habitat with Efficient Life Support and Environmental Control System for Lunar Colonization,”
(with co-PI: T. Filburn 43% (Univ. of Hartford)), NASA/University of Hartford, November 20, 2009-March
31, 2011, $40,000.
“Investigation of Mechanism of Longitudinal Joint Failure in Pavement,” GM2 Associates, Inc., August 01,
2009-January 31, 2011, $15,000.
“Investigation of a Novel Percussive Dynamic Cone Penetrometer for Lunar Engineering and Exploration,”
NASA/University of Hartford, June 1, 2011-August 31, 2012, $20,000.
Guiling Wang
“Understanding the Dynamic Land-atmosphere System: Multiple Equilibrium States and Climate
Variability,” National Science Foundation/GEO, September 1, 2005-August 31, 2010, $365,347.
“A Pilot Project on Interactive Land Use and Climate Predictions,” (with co-PI: C. Zhang 15%), National
Science Foundation, May1, 2011-April 30, 2014, $473,732.
“Dynamic Vegetation Feedback and Regional Climate Prediction over West Africa,” National Science
Foundation, May 15, 2011-April 2014, $446,034.
“Soil Moisture-vegetation-precipitation Feedback over North America: The Search for Observational
Evidence,” DOC/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, July 1, 2008-June 30, 2012, $277,064.
“A Multi-Scale Approach to the Forecast of Potential Distributions of Invasive Species,” (with co-PI: J.
Silander), U.S. Department of Agriculture/CSREES, May 1, 2008-June 14, 2012, $20,000.
“Ethiopian-US Partnership in Sustainable Water Resources: Capacity Building,” (with co-PIs: M.
Gebremichael 30%, E. Anagnostou 10%, C. Atkinson-Palombo 10%, M. Accorsi 10%, J. Osleeb 10%, F.
Shah 10% and A. Bagtzoglou 10%), U.S. Agency for International Development/American Council on
Education, January 5, 2011-December 15, 2012, $1,100,000.
Kay Wille
“Advanced Concrete and Geo-materials for Resilient Transportation Infrastructure,” (with co-PIs: M.
Chrysochoou 25%, A. Zofka 25%, M. Accorsi 0%, D. Basu 25% and A. Bagtzoglou 0%), U.S. Department
of Homeland Security, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2012, $71,851.
“High Strength Pervious Concrete Pavement System with Air Purification Effect,” University of Connecticut
Research Foundation Large Faculty Grant, December 13, 2010-December 31, 2011, $25,400.
Adam M. Zofka
“Evaluating Applications of Field Spectroscopy Devices to Fingerprint Commonly Used Construction
Materials,” (with co-PIs: M. Shaw 20%, M. Chrysochoou, 35% and J. Mahoney 10%), NAS/Transportation
Research Board, February 4, 2009-November 30, 2011, $298,984.
"Warm Mix Asphalt Pilot Project Development," (with co-PI: J Mahoney 50%), Connecticut Department of
Transportation, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011, $30,046.
“Use of Polymer Modified Asphalt Binder for High Friction Thin Lift Overlays in Connecticut,” (with co-PI:
J Mahoney 50%), Connecticut Department of Transportation, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011, $36,081.
“Advanced Concrete and Geo-materials for Resilient Transportation Infrastructure,” (with co-PIs: M.
Chrysochoou 25%, K. Wille 25%, M. Accorsi 0%, D. Basu 25% and A. Bagtzoglou 0%), U.S. Department of
Homeland Security, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2012, $71,851.
“Mechanical Characterization of Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Resilient Transportation
Infrastructure,” (with co-PI: M. Accorsi 25% and J. Mahoney 25%), U.S. Department of Homeland Security,
July 1, 2009-January 5, 2011, $125,342.
“The Influence of Real-Time Rural Transit Tracking on Traveler Perception,” (with co-PI: N. Lownes 60%),
U.S. Department of Transportation/Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 1, 2009-August 31,
2011, $66,576.
“2009 Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship for Derek Nener-Plante,” U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal
Highway Administration, September 1, 2009-September 1, 2010, $1,500, FRS 525207.
“Performance Comparison of PG 64-22 versus PG 64-28 Asphalt in Hot Mix Asphalt Placed in
Connecticut,” (with co-PI: J Mahoney 50%), Connecticut Department of Transportation, July 1, 2010-June
30, 2011, $26,842.
“Effect of Low-impact Sustainable Transportation Design as a Strategy for Alleviating Stormwater Runoff and
Reducing GHG Emissions,” (with co-PI: C. Atkinson-Palombo 35%, E. Jackson 5% and J. Bushey 45%),
Department of Transportation, August 23, 2010-August 22, 2012, $72,545.
“Comprehensive Forensic Evaluation of the Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Specific Pavement
Study (SPS-9A) Project in Connecticut,” (with co-PI: J. Mahoney 50%), Connecticut Department of
Transportation, August 13, 2010- June 30, 2011, $125,979.
Emmanouil N. Anagnostou
2011 Excellence in Research Award by the University of Connecticut Alumni Association
Dipanjan Basu
Telford Premium Award, Institution of Civil Engineers, U.K., 2011.
Richard E. Christenson
“Smart Vibration Absorber for Traffic Signal Supports,” provisional patent filed January 2010, Application
Serial No. 61/335,571, U.S. patent and PCT application filed January 2011.
Howard I. Epstein
Elected member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, 2011.
Norman W. Garrick
C.R. Klewin Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2011
Mekonnen Gebremichael
Early Career Award, AGU Hydrology Section, 2010.
John N. Ivan
Elected member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, 2011.
Lanbo Liu
Best Paper Award, International Academy, Research, and Industry Association, for paper “Experimental
Studies of Underwater Acoustic Communications over Multipath Channels,” (with Zhang, Hovem, Dong and
Liu), SENSORCOMM 2010.
Nicholas E. Lownes
Provost’s Faculty Development Abroad Grant, April 2011.
Michael L. Accorsi
Co-Organizer, Department of Homeland Security Workshop on Ultra-High Performance Concrete, Columbia
University, January 11-12, 2011.
Member, Growth & Development Committee, University Senate.
Report Out Session – “Risk, Network, and Data Driven Approaches to Assess Vulnerability of
Transportation Systems,” invited, DHS Science Conference, Washington, DC, March 30 - April 1, 2011.
“Transportation Infrastructure Protection – An Emerging Field for Research & Collaboration,” invited,
City College of New York, Civil Engineering Department Seminar, May 3, 2011.
Alexander Agrios
Lead Guest Editor, “Voltage Losses in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,” special issue in International Journal of
“Novel Structures for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,” invited, Gordon Research Conference in Ceramics,
Colby-Sawyer College, NH, August 16, 2010.
“Impact of dye-to-dye charge transfer on the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells,” (with G.
Boschloo and A. Hagfeldt), Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics Conference, Valencia, Spain, May 15-18,
“Composite Nanorod-Nanoparticle Assemblies for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,” invited, Politecnico di
Milano NEMEAS, Milan, Italy, May 31, 2011.
Rais Ahmad
Chair (with T. Kundu), Session 5A – NDT of Metals and Composites - International Symposium on
Nondestructive Testing of Materials and Structures (NDTMS), May 15-18, 2011 Istanbul, Turkey.
Chair (with I. Solodov), Session 5B– NDT of Metals and Composites - International Symposium on
Nondestructive Testing of Materials and Structures (NDTMS), May 15-18, 2011 Istanbul, Turkey.
Emmanouil N. Anagnostou
Associate Editor, Journal of Hydrology.
Guest Editor, Special Issue on Flash Floods, Journal of Hydrology.
Leader, European Union Marie Curie Excellence Team, the Hellenic Center for Marine Research.
Member, NASA Precipitation Science Team.
Member, International Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS).
Member, American Geophysical Union Precipitation Committee.
Member, European Geophysical Union Hydrologic Sciences Committee.
Member, International Science Steering Committee of HyMEX Project.
Member, University Committee: Research Foundation Large Grant Review Panel & CESE Director
Reappointment Review Panel.
Seminar presentation, invited, the National Severe Storms Laboratory of NOAA and the University of
Oklahoma, Norman, OK.
Seminar presentation, invited, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO.
“Investigating NWP Initialization Sensitivities in Heavy Precipitation Events,” (with M. Frediani and A.
Papadopoulos), 12th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Corfu, Greece, September 1-4, 2010.
“Relationship between Lightning Activity and Tropospheric Water Vapor Variability over Greece,”
(with L. Velea, T. Chronis and A. Papadopoulos), 12th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms,
Corfu, Greece, September 1-4, 2010.
“Evaluation of the Operational Implementation of LAPS into the POSEIDON Weather Forecasting
System,” (with A. Papadopoulos), 12th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Corfu, Greece,
September 1-4, 2010.
“Using High-resolution Satellite Rainfall Products to Nowcast Major Flash-flood Inducing Storms,”
(with E.I. Nikolopoulos, A. Papadopoulos and A. Bagtzoglou), 2010 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, December 13-17, 2010.
“Sensitivity Analysis of Satellite Rainfall Forcing and Land-surface Model Parameter Uncertainty on
Soil Moisture Prediction,” (with V. Maggioni and R. Reichle), 2010 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, December 13-17, 2010.
“Evaluating Flood Prediction Skill of TMPA Rainfall Products over Tar River Basin Using a Distributed
Hydrologic Model,” (with J.J. Gourley and Y. Hong), 2010 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
December 13-17, 2010.
“Investigating the Impact of Improved Rainfall Model Error Characterization on the Assimilation of
Synthetic Soil Moisture Fields in a Land Data Assimilation System,” (with V. Maggioni and R. Reichle),
91st American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, January 2011.
“River-groundwater Interactions at the Regional Scale: Evidence from Surface Stations and Satellite
Observations and a New Parameterization in the Community Land Model,” (with M.P. Zampieri, E.
Serpetzoglou, E.I. Nikolopoulos and A. Papadopoulos), EGU2011-187, EGU General Assembly,
Vienna, Austria, April 3-8, 2011.
“Identifying Essential Space-time Information Requirements for Flood Modelling of a Mountainous
Mid-size basin,” (with E.I. Nikolopoulos, M. Borga, E.I. Vivoni and A. Papadopoulos), EGU201112451, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 3-8, 2011.
“The Effect of High Resolution Topography Information on Complex Terrain Flash-flood Response
Modeling,” (with P. Tarolli, E.I. Nikolopoulos and E. Vivoni and A. Papadopoulos), EGU2011-12234,
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 3-8, 2011.
“Quantifying Catchment Scale Storm Motion and its Effects on Flood Response,” (with M. Borga,
Zoccatelli and E.I. Nikolopoulos), International Symposium on Weather Radar and Hydrology, Exeter,
UK, April 18-21, 2011.
“Uncertainty of Flash Flood Forecasting in Gauged and Ungauged Locations,” (with Z. Flamig, JJ.
Gourley and Y. Hong), International Symposium on Weather Radar and Hydrology, Exeter, UK, April
18-21, 2011.
Amvrossios C. Bagtzoglou
Environmental Engineering Topical Editor, Encyclopedia of Earth.
Associate Editor, The Open Environmental Engineering Journal.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Environmental Forensics.
Member, Editorial Board, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment.
Member, Editorial Board, The Open Civil Engineering Journal.
Member, Subject Matter Expert Panel, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy.
Member, NSF Hydrologic Sciences Program, Division of Earth Sciences .
Member, Advisory Board, Connecticut Institute of Water Resources.
Member, AGU Hydrology Section, Groundwater Technical Committee.
Member, ASCE Groundwater Hydrology Committee.
Member, IAEG Commission 14 (Underground Disposal of Waste).
Member, Science & Technical Advisory Committee, EPA Long Island Sound Study.
Member, DOE Office of Science Review Panel (Environmental Management Science Program) .
Member, University Committee: EPAC & Member of Joint Highway Research Advisory Council.
“Energy Generation using Reciprocating Small Scale Hydropower System,” (with R.B. Malla and B.
Shrestha), abstract, 2010 Joint ASNEngr/CAN-USA Annual Conference, American Society of Nepalese
Engineers and Computer Assoc. of Nepal-USA, Boston, MA, July 3-4, 2010.
“Reversing Urban Sprawl: A Reclaimability Approach to Reviving Downtown Brownfields,” (with G.
Dahal, K. Brown, C. Granda-Carvajal, M. Chrysochoou, N. Garrick and K. Segerson,), International
Conference on Green Remediation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 2010.
“Reversing Urban Sprawl: A Reclaimability Approach to Reviving Downtown Brownfields,” (with M.
Chrysochoou, N. Garrick, K. Segerson, G. Dahal, K. Brown and C. Granda-Carvajal), University
Transportation Center Conference on Transportation for Livable Communities, Washington, DC, 2010.
“Using High-Resolution Satellite Rainfall Products to Nowcast Major Flash-Flood Inducing Storms,”
(with E.N. Anagnostou, E.I. Nikolopoulos and A. Papadopoulos), EOS: Transactions of the AGU,
Abstract H32D-02, 2010.
Dipanjan Basu
Member: Computational Geotechnics Committee, Soil Properties and Modeling Committee, Sustainable
Practices Committee, ASCE Geo-Institute.
Member: Numerical Methods in Geomechanics Committee, Geotechnical Infrastructure for Megacities and
New Capitals Committee, ISSMGE:
“A New Soil Structure Interaction Analysis Framework,” invited, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA,
November 2010.
“Soil Structure Interaction Analysis for Pile Foundations,” invited, Columbia University, New York City,
NY, December 2010.
Joseph T. Bushey
University Committee Member: Teale Lecture Series, Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering
Advisory Board and Landscape Master Plan Advisory Board.
“Impact of CSO on Water Quality in an Urban Stream,” (with A.T. Aragon-Jose, C. Perkins, M. Mendes
and G. Ulatowski), American Chemical Society 2010, Boston, MA, August 24-26, 2010.
“Influence of Roadway Proximity on Metal Accumulation in a Wetland-dwelling Amphibian,” (with S.
Brady, A.T. Aragon-Jose, D. Boyer, D. Payne and D. Skelly), Society for Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry, Portland, OR, November 7-11, 2010.
“Comparison of Parental Transfer and Food Web Uptake of Sub-lethal Mercury Exposure in a Wetlanddwelling Amphibian,” (with S. Brady, D. Payne and D. Skelly), Society for Environmental Toxicology
and Chemistry, Portland, OR, November 7-11, 2010.
“Effect of Low-Impact Design as a Strategy for Alleviating Stormwater Runoff: An Inter-disciplinary
Approach,” invited, Water on our Doorstep, The Park River Watershed: Past, Present and Future,
Hartford, CT, March 22, 2011.
“Effect of Development on Hg Cycling: Chemical and Hydrologic Impacts,” invited, University of
Connecticut Department of Marine Sciences Seminar Series, Groton, CT, May 6, 2011.
“Water Quality and Pollution: Impacts to and Benefits of Wetlands,” invited, Section 2, Inland Wetland
Training Program: Water Chemistry Expert (2), Storrs, CT, May 21, 2011 and Torrington, CT, May 26,
“Influence of Roadway Proximity on Metal Accumulation and Population Dynamics in a Wetlanddwelling Amphibian,” (with S. Brady, A.T. Aragon-Jose and D. Skelly), 2nd International Conference on
Urban Drainage and Road Salt Management in Cold Climates, Waterloo, ON, April 27-29, 2011.
“Feasibility of Modeling Impacts on the Environment from the Application of Salt on Highways for
Winter Maintenance,” (with E. Jackson), 2nd International Conference on Urban Drainage and Road Salt
Management in Cold Climates, Waterloo, ON, April 27-29, 2011.
“Impact of LID Options for Reducing Runoff: An Interdisciplinary Approach,” (with C. Fleischmann, C.
Atkinson-Palombo, E. Jackson and W. D’Lima), New England Interstate Water Pollution Control
Commission Non-Point Source Conference 2011, Saratoga Springs, NY, May 17-18, 2011.
Richard E. Christenson
Member at Large, ASCE Structural Control Committee.
Session organizer (with E. Bell and N. Catbas), the 2011 Structures Congress, Bridge Structural Health
Monitoring Specification 2020, May 2011.
Member, NSF Review Panel, Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), program solicitation NSF 09598.
Conducting research at the NSF-sponsored Network George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake
Engineering Simulation (NEES) shared national network at Lehigh University, May 2008 – December 2011.
Conducting research at the NSF-sponsored Network George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake
Engineering Simulation (NEES) shared national network, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and
Lehigh University, February 2009 – January 2012.
Member, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division (EMD) Dynamics Committee, 2002 – present.
Member, ASCE Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) Structural Control Committee, 2002 – present.
Member, Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) Users Forum, 2010 – present.
“Tele-operation Shake Table Experiments in Earthquake Engineering for Undergraduate Education,”
(with S.J. Dyke), 9th U.S. National & 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Toronto,
Canada, July 2010.
Maria Chrysochoou
Member, Geoenvironmental Committee, American Society for Civil Engineers.
“Brownfield remediation and sustainable development: a decision-support and prioritization tool for fund
allocation,” (with G. Dahal, K. Brown, C. Granda, N. Garrick, K. Segerson and A. Bagtzoglou), platform
presentation, International Conference on Green Remediation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst,
MA, June 1-3, 2011.
“Reversing Urban Sprawl: A Reclaimability Approach to Reviving Downtown Brownfields,” (with N.
Garrick, K. Segerson, A. Bagtzoglou, G. Dahal, K. Brown and C. Granda-Carvajal), poster, TRB 2010
University Transportation Center Conference on Transportation for Livable Communities, Washington,
DC, October 18-19, 2010.
“Geochemistry: An Important Tool for Geo-environmental Engineers,” webinar, American Society for
Civil Engineers, January 10, 2011.
“A Systematic Approach to Clay Stabilization,” (with M. Rood and C. Vasquez), International
Symposium on Testing and Specification of Recycled Materials for Sustainable Geotechnical
Construction, Baltimore, MD, February 2-4, 2011.
“Application of Spectroscopy in Metal Remediation – the Example of Chromium,” invited, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, February 9, 2011.
“A Systematic Approach to Metal Stabilization,” invited, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA,
April 8, 2011.
Norman W. Garrick
Member, Board of Directors, Congress for the New Urbanism.
Co-Chair, Transportation Task Force, Congress for the New Urbanism.
Member, Board of Trustees, Tri-state Transportation Campaign.
Conference Organizer, Congress for the New Urbanism, Madison, WI, 2011.
Session Chair, Congress for the New Urbanism, Madison, WI, 2011.
Proposal Reviewer, National Highway Cooperative Research Program (NCHRP), NCHRP 33-06.
Member, University Search Committee; Director, Transportation, Parking and Logistics, NEMO –
Cooperative Extension Advisory Committee, Pedestrian Committee.
Member: New England University Transportation Center; Transportation Research Board University
Representative; Transportation Initiative Leader, Congress for the New Urbanism; Board of Director for
1000 Friends of Connecticut (Citizens for Smart Growth); Board of Directors, Region Plan Associates,
Connecticut Chapter.
Newspaper Interviews: “Superfluous Road Widening Hobbles UConn,” New Urban Network, December
2010; “A Wasteful Project – Expanding Storrs Intersection Shows Folly of State Road Policies,” Hartford
Courant, December 19, 2010; “How Shared Space Challenges Conventional Thinking About Transportation
Design?,” (with J. Hanley), Planetizen, December 16, 2010; “Measuring the Broader Impacts of
Transportation,” Planetizen, October 11, 2010.
“Transportation Planning in Developing Countries,” invited, Institute for Transportation and
Development Policy, New York City, NY, May 2011.
“Street Networks: Road Safety, Travel Behaviors, and Emergency Services,” (with W. Marshall),
Institute of Transportation Engineers 2010 Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, August 2010.
“Measuring the Broader Impacts of Transportation,” (with J. Zheng, C. Atkinson-Palombo, C. McCahill
and R. O’Hara), Transportation Systems for Livable Communities Conference, Washington DC, October
“Transit and the Restoration of Connecticut Towns and Cities,” invited, New Haven Region Transit
Forum, New Haven, CT, October 2010.
“People Oriented Transportation and the Return of City Life,” invited, Psychology Department,
University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT, October 2010.
“Sustainable Transportation Planning,” invited, The Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice,
Hartford, CT, October 2010.
“Street Network Design and Emergency Response,” (with W. Marshall), 10th Annual New Partners for
Smart Growth, Charlotte, NC, February 2011.
“Street Networks and Traffic Safety,” (with W. Marshall), 10th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth,
Charlotte, NC, February 2011.
“Transportation and the Health and Wealth of Cities,” Goodwin-Niering Conference: Smart Growth:
Environmental and Social Implications, Connecticut College, New London, CT, March 2011.
“Assessing the Impact of Freeway Removal,” (with J. Billings), 7th Annual Northeastern ITE
Symposium, Amherst, MA, March 2011
“Sustainable Transportation Planning,” invited, Coast Guard Academy, New London, CT, March 2011.
“Assessing the Environmental and Economic Aspects of Transportation Sustainability,” (with J. Zheng,
C. Atkinson-Palombo, C. McCahill, R. O’Hara), 7th Annual Northeastern ITE Symposium, Amherst,
MA, March 2011.
“Transportation for the Future of New England Cities and Towns,” (with C. McCahill), New England
Congress for the New Urbanism – Sustainable Urbanism Summit, New Haven, CT, March 2011.
“Sustainable Transportation and Community Involvement,” invited, Manchester Community College,
Manchester, CT, March 2011.
“Sustainable, Transportation and Urban Planning,” invited, New London Sustainability Forum, New
London, CT, April 2011.
“Beyond Mobility: Measuring Transportation in Terms of Equity, Resiliency and Economic Efficiency,”
(with J. Zheng, C. Atkinson-Palombo and C. McCahill), 17th Annual International Sustainable
Development Research Conference, New York City, NY, May 2011.
“Transportation and Place-making,” invited, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
May 2011.
Mekonnen Gebremichael
Associate Editor, Atmospheric Research.
Guest Editor, “Climate, Weather and Hydrology of East African Highlands” special issue, Hydrology and
Earth System Science.
Member, Editorial Board, Remote Sensing.
Conference Session Convener: “NP3.8/SSS5.7 Scaling, Nonlinearity, and Complexity in Soils and Surface
Hydrology,” European Geosciences Union – EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2011.
UConn Representative, Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science (CUAHSI).
Member, Audit Committee, CUAHSI.
Member, NASA Precipitation Science Team.
Member, Statistical Hydrology Working Group (STAHY), International Association of Hydrological
Sciences (IAHS).
Member, Precipitation Committee, American Geophysical Union (AGU).
Member, International Precipitation Working Group.
Secretary, Ethiopian Geophysical Union International.
Member, IASTED’s Technical Committee on Environmental Systems for the term 2009-2012.
“The Ethiopian-U.S. Partnership in Sustainable Water Resources: Capacity Building in Education,
Research, and Outreach,” (with B. Chane), Ethiopian Institute of Water Resources Kick-off Workshop,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, January 2011.
“Utility of Remotely-sensed Precipitation Products for Hydrological Simulations at Basin Scale,” (with
A. Bushara, T. Over, R. Rigon and C.D. Peters-Lidard), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13,
EGU2011-7761, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2011.
“Time Series Analysis of 44 Years of Daily-observed Flows of the Nile River,” (with A. Bushara, R.
Rigon and T. Abdelrahim), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-7696-2, EGU General
Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2011.
John N. Ivan
Associate Editor, Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, Taylor & Francis.
Paper Review Chair, Committee on Highway Safety Performance, Transportation Research Board.
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Accident Analysis and Prevention.
Member, University Provost’s Library Advisory Committee
Member, Highway Safety Performance Committee, Transportation Research Board.
Member, Safety Data Analysis and Evaluation, Transportation Research Board.
“Effect of Roadway and Roadside Design Features on Observed Vehicle Speeds,” poster, Spotlight
Conference on Transportation for Livable Communities, The Keck Center of the National Academies,
Washington, DC, October 18–19, 2010.
Shinae Jang
Session Chair, “Advances in SHM,” Smart Structures/NDE, Conference 7981, SPIE, San Diego, CA, March
Member, Transportation Research Board (TRB) Steel Bridges Committee AFF20, 2011-present.
Proposal Reviewer and Panelist, National Science Foundation (NSF), Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing
Innovation (CMMI), Sensors and Sensing Systems (SSS).
Jeong-Ho Kim
Associate Editor, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design (Elsevier), 2011-present.
Member, Fracture and Failure Mechanics Technical Committee, ASME Applied Mechanics Division.
Member, International Advisory Board on International Ceramics Congress. International Ceramics Congress.
Member, International Advisory Committee on Functionally Graded Material.
Member, International Scientific Committee on Functionally Graded Material.
“Stress Wave Propagation in Functionally Graded Solids under Impact Loading,” (with G.
Anandakumar), Proceedings of the 10th IMPLAST 2010 Conference (Society for Experimental
Mechanics), RI, October 12-14, 2010.
Baikun Li
Member, Editorial Board, Water Journal.
Member, Editorial Board, Clean-Water, Air, Soil.
Chair, Poster symposium: WEFTEC Annual Conference (2008-2011).
Review Panelist, Office of Naval Research, 2011.
Member, Water Environmental Federation Committee.
Lanbo Liu
Associate Editor, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
Invited visit to the China University of Petroleum and Tonngji University, 12/2010-01/2011.
Member, Review Committee, of Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).
Member, International Committee, of Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).
“Precursory Strength Variation and Frequency Shift of Schumann Resonance: Numerical Simulation of
Lithosphere-Ionosphere coupling in Seismogenic Processes,” keynote, (with Y. Wang and Q. Huang),
The Conference on Earthquake Forecasting and Early-Warning Systems, Nanchang, China, 2010.
“Microtremor Surveys Crossing the Connecticut River Valley,” (with E. White, F. Urin and E.
Rohrbach), Seismological Society of America Eastern Section Annual Meeting, Boston College, October
17–19, 2010.
“Some Improvement of the Efficiency in GPR Simulation and Imaging,” invited, Tongji University,
Shanghai, China, December 29, 2010.
Nicholas E. Lownes
Associate Editor, Journal of Transport and Land Use (JTLU).
Co-Organizer, Worldwide Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR).
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Society Systems Science (IJSSS).
Member, Transportation Research Board (TRB) Traffic Simulations Applications Subcommittee
Member, Transportation Research Board (TRB) Transit, Freight and Logistics Modeling Subcommittee
Session Chair, “Public Transit I: Transit Network Design, Assignment and Access,” INFORMS Annual
Conference, Austin, TX, November 2010.
Board of Directors, Intelligent Transportation Society of Connecticut (ITS-CT)
Newspaper Interview: “What’s happening at UCONN? Center for Transportation and Livable Systems,”
(with T. DeSantos), The Chronicle, New England Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2011.
Invited talk – “Contingent Valuation of New Transit Service and Community Design,” GeoSeminar, UConn
Department of Geography, April 2011.
Member: Friend of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Bicycle Committee ANF20, Friend of
Transportation Research Board (TRB) Pedestrian Committee ANF10, Friend of Transportation Research
Board (TRB) Transportation Network Modeling Committee ADB30, Transportation Research Board (TRB)
Traffic Simulations Applications Subcommittee AHB40(1.2), Transportation Research Board (TRB) Transit,
Freight and Logistics Modeling Subcommittee ADB30(1).
“Value of Transit: Paying for Placemaking,” (with A. Osei-Asamoah and G. Bolella), Transportation for
Livable Communities: Charting a Research Agenda, Washington, DC, October 2010.
“Transportation Network Risk Modeling,” The First Franco-American Symposium on Linear
Infrastructures Security, Troyes, France, November 2010.
“Many-to-many Transportation Network Risk Assessment,” (with Q. Wang), INFORMS Annual
Conference, Austin, TX, November 2010.
“Optimization of Public Transit Stop Locations and Demand Coverage,” (with S. Al Mamun),
INFORMS Annual Conference, Austin, TX, November 2010.
“Measuring Service Gaps: An Accessibility-Based Need Index,” (with S. Al Mamun), The 7th Annual
New England ITE Student Research Symposium, Amherst, MA, March 2011.
“National and International Case Studies on Livability,” (with K. Bertolaccini), The 7th Annual New
England ITE Student Research Symposium, Amherst, MA, March 2011.
“Public Perception of Transit Service and its Built Environment in the New Haven-Springfield Corridor,”
(with G. Bolella), The 7th Annual New England ITE Student Research Symposium, Amherst, MA, March
“Rainfall Impacts on Traffic Parameters and Benefits of Implementing Weather-Responsive Signal
Timing,” (with A. Rahman), The 7th Annual New England ITE Student Research Symposium, Amherst,
MA, March 2011.
“Game Theory Approach to Measuring Transportation Network Vulnerability,” (with Q. Wang), The 7th
Annual New England ITE Student Research Symposium, Amherst, MA, March 2011.
“Contingent Valuation of New Transit Service and Community Design,” invited, GeoSeminar, UConn
Department of Geography, April 2011.
“Network Vulnerability and High-Speed Rail,” Fifth Annual Department of Homeland Security
University Network Summit, April 2011.
Allison A. MacKay
NSF Panel Reviewer, Water Sustainability and Climate.
Member, Provost’s Committee on the Academic Plan – Environment.
“Antibiotics in Soils: Expanding Our Conceptual Models of Sorption,” invited, Civil and Environmental
Engineering Department, RPI, March 2, 2011.
“Role of Manure Biosolids in Antibiotic Soil Sorption,” (with S. Sarica), 241st ACS National Meeting,
Anaheim, CA, March 27-31, 2011.
“The Case for Case Studies: Grounding Environmental Chemistry in Real-World Scenarios,” 241st ACS
National Meeting, Environmental and Chemical Education Divisions, Anaheim, CA, March 27-31, 2011.
“A Tale of Two Compounds: The Importance of Chemical Structure to Environmental Fate,” invited,
Chemistry Department, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, April 15, 2011.
Ramesh B. Malla
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Space Structures, UK.
General Chair, 2010 Joint Annual Conference of American Society of Nepalese Engineers and Computer
Association of Nepal-USA (2010 Joint ASNEngr/CAN-USA Annual Conference), Boston, MA, July 3-4,
Editor-in-chief, 2010 Joint ASNEngr/CAN-USA Annual Conference, Boston, MA, July 3-4, 2010, American
Society of Nepalese Engineers (ASNEngr) and Computer Association of Nepal-USA (CAN-USA).
Session Chair, “Open Forum-Science and Technical,” 2010 Joint ASNEngr/CAN-USA Annual Conference,
Boston, MA, July 3-4, 2010.
Member, SDM Long Range Planning Committee, AIAA, Washington, DC.
Member, Steering Committee, ASCE-Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Science,
Constructions and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth & Space 2012).
Founding President, American Society of Nepalese Engineers (Sept. 2007-present).
AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials (SDM) Conference, Denver,
CO, April 4-7, 2011.
Session Chair, “Dynamics and Controls,” Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI 2011) Conference, Boston,
MA, June 1-4, 2011.
Member: Control Group, Technical Committee on Advanced Materials and Structures; ASCE-Aerospace
Division; Control Group, Technical Committee on Dynamics and Controls, ASCE-Aerospace Division,
American Society of Civil Engineers; Control Group, Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Liaison
Committee, ASCE-Aerospace Division; Technical Committee on Lunar Regolith Moving and Robotics,
ASCE-Aerospace Division; Structural Dynamics Technical Committee, American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (AIAA), Granular Committee, Engineering Mechanics Div., ASCE.
“On Preparing Nepal’s Infrastructures for Earthquake Event,” 2010 Joint ASNEngr/CAN-USA Annual
Conference, American Society of Nepalese Engineers (ASNEngr) and Computer Association of NepalUSA (CAN-USA), Boston, MA, July 3-4, 2010.
“Energy Generation using Reciprocating Small Scale Hydropower System,” 2010 Joint ASNEngr/CANUSA Annual Conference, American Society of Nepalese Engineers (ASNEngr) and Computer
Association of Nepal-USA (CAN-USA), Boston, MA, July 3-4, 2010.
“Energy Harvesting from Structural Vibrations,” invited, Smart Building Smart Grid Workshop,
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, November 2, 2010.
“Dynamics Analysis of a 3-D Frame-Membrane Lunar Structure Subjected to Internal Pressure, Added
Regolith Mass and Impact Load,” (with T. Gionet), invited, Hamilton Sundstrand engineers, University
of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, November 10, 2010.
“Design of Human Habitat with Efficient Life Support and Environmental Control System for Lunar
Colonization – Phase I,” (with K. Brown), invited, Hamilton Sundstrand engineers, University of
Connecticut, Storrs, CT, November 10, 2010.
“Research Update on Life Suport Subsystems for a Lunar Outpost,” (with T. Filburn and K. Brown),
invited, Seminar presentation to Hamilton Sundstrand Engineers, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT,
November 10, 2010.
“A laboratory Model of Energy Harvesting from Structural Vibrations,“ (with L. Vila and B.R.
Shrestha), poster, NSF Northeast Alliance (NEA) Summer Research Program for Underrepresented
Minority Undergraduate Students, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, August 5, 2010.
“Design of Human Habitat with Efficient Life Support and Environmental Control System for Lunar
Colonization,” (with T. Fillburn), Phase I Final Forum, NASA/Ralph Steckler/Space Grant Space
Colonization Research and Development Opportunity Program, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston,
TX, November, 15-17, 2010.
“Design of Human Habitat with Efficient Life Support and Environmental Control System for Lunar
Colonization,” (with K. Brown, T. Filburn and J. Smith), poster, Phase I Final Forum, NASA/Ralph
Steckler/Space Grant Space Colonization Research and Development Opportunity Program, NASA
Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, November, 15-17, 2010.
“Pavement Longitudinal Joints: Review of Construction Methodologies and Specifications in the U.S.
and Analysis of Mat and Joint Densities of Local Streets in Connecticut,” (with B. Shrestha), invited, at
GM2 Associates, Inc., Glastonbury, CT, February 22, 2011.
“Frequency and Impact Analysis of a Proposed Frame-Membrane Lunar Structure at Extreme
Temperatures,” (with T. Gionet), 52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
and Materials Conference, Denver. CO, April 4-7, 2011.
“Stress and Displacement Wave Propagation in a Percussive Tubular Mechanism in Presence of
Geometric Discontinuity,” 52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and
Materials Conference, Denver, CO, April 4-7, 2011.
“Joint ANMF/ASNEngr/CAN-USA Initiative on Earthquake Preparedness and Disaster Relief in Nepal,”
Teleconference Seminar - Empowering Nepal through a Global Network, Non-Resident Nepali National
Coordination Council (NRN NCC) of USA, May 15, 2011.
“Impact and Thermal Analyses of a Frame-Membrane Structure,” (with T. Gionet), ASCE Engineering
Mechanics Institute (EMI) Conference, Boston, MA, June 02-04, 2011.
Guiling Wang
Member, NOAA Review Panel, “Climate Prediction Projects for Americas.”
“Dynamic Vegetation Feedback and Regional Climate Prediction in West Africa,” invited, International
Conference on Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment, Trieste, Italy, March 2011.
“Land-Atmosphere Interactions (I, II, III, IV),” invited, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, July 2010.
Kay Wille
Member: ACI 544: Fiber Reinforced Concrete Committee, American Concrete Institute.
“Strain Rate Dependent Tensile Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete,”
invited, Fall 2010 Seminar Series, University of Rhode Island, RI, October 29, 2010.
Adam Zofka
“Investigation of Oxidative Aging of Polymer Modified Binders by Spectroscopy Methods,” (with I. Yut
and S. Sun), Petersen Asphalt Research Conference, Laramie, WY, July 12-14, 2010.
“Spectroscopic Evaluation of Hot Mix Asphalts,” (with I. Yut and S. Sun), Petersen Asphalt Research
Conference, Laramie, WY, July 12-14, 2010.
“Numerical Investigation of Graded Linear Viscoelastic Materials Using Depth-Sensing Indentation,”
(with J. Li, A. Bernier and J.-H. Kim), 2011 Engineering Mechanics Institute Annual Conference,
Boston, MA, June 2-4, 2011.
The Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) Department is now ranked in the top 40 computer science
departments (128 in total) in the U.S. as recognized by the NRC survey-based ranking. It is also ranked
number 66 among these departments in research productivity. This is a major accomplishment and the result
of the sustained hard work of the CSE faculty and staff over the last two decades. The department also
achieved a new record in attaining more than $4,595,000 in new research funding for FY2011, more than
doubling new funding attained in FY2010, an impressive record. Our cumulative funding, including existing
grants and contracts, totals more than $17.9 million, a sum that reflects the continued outstanding
accomplishments of CSE faculty. Faculty also continued to collaborate on awards as co-PIs with other
School of Engineering Departments such as Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
and the Connecticut Transportation Institute. These collaborations produced new funding totaling nearly
$500,000 for FY2011 in addition to the figures above. Grant expenditures totaled $2,933,000 ($2,213,900
direct plus $719,100 indirect). CSE also achieved a record high number of Ph.D. graduates for the academic
year. The department continues to offer three degree programs for undergraduates: in Computer Science,
Computer Science & Engineering, and Computer Engineering (jointly offered with the Electrical &
Computer Engineering Department).
The department continued its efforts in recruiting and retaining high quality undergraduate students. In
parallel, the CSE faculty also developed a completely new version of CSE1010 (funded by the Provost’s
GEOC award) with the intention of delivering a course that more satisfactorily prepares majors for the
ensuing CSE coursework. The course has a dual role of also offering a rigorous introduction to computing to
the University community at large. These measures have helped the department double its retention rate of
freshmen and sophomores.
Our alumni continue to have successful careers. For example, Mark Raymond has been selected the State of
Connecticut’s new Chief Information Officer; Keith Bessette created “Shizzlr,” a web service that offers a
(http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/10/technology/10social.html); and Scott Case, the former co-founder of
The department serves more than 35 M.S. and 70 Ph.D. students. The department continues to increase its
enrollment of U.S. citizens in the graduate program, through a variety of targeted programs, including two
U.S. Department of Education Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) awards, in
Advanced Computing and Cloud Computing. CSE faculty members also participate in two other GAANN
projects awarded to the School of Engineering, on Advanced Computing Security and Sustainable Energy.
These GAANN grants provide significant resources to recruit more high quality Ph.D. students. We also
continue to recruit high quality, funded international graduate students, and to establish faculty and graduate
exchange programs with foreign universities.
Dr. Bing Wang was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure, effective in the fall of 2011. Dr.
Ian Greenshields retired after 30 years of service. The department successfully recruited a former CSE
student, Jeffrey Meunier, to teach introductory computer science and engineering courses. Retention of
undergraduate students and positive evaluations have increased due to his effective teaching skills. Two
additional positions are expected to be filled shortly under the Biomedical Informatics (BMI) joint search
between CSE and the UConn Health Center.
The CSE Department continues to implement its strategic plan, which was developed five years ago with a
focus on the continued growth in research and graduate education, undergraduate education and outreach.
The department is focusing particularly on the development of new opportunities in: multi-dimensional
collaboration (large-scale research initiatives, synergistic collaborations with other UConn units and
international collaboration); focused strategic growth in Bioinformatics/Biomedical Informatics, Information
Security, and Networking and Grid Computing; and increased cooperation and partnership with State
government and industry. It is time to assess the current strategic directions and develop the new plan for the
coming five years.
Dr. Jun-Hong Cui received a new grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for Undersea Spatial
Sensor Networks for Intrusion Detection ($100,000); Dr. Ion Mandoiu received a new grant from the USDA
for Bioinformatics Tools for Viral Quasispecies Reconstruction from Next-Generation Sequencing Data
($420,000); Drs. Swapna Gokhale and Robert McCartney received an NSF grant for Integrating Open Source
Software Projects into the Software Engineering Curriculum ($200,000); Dr. Thomas J. Peters received
funding from NSF for an EAGER grant entitled Visualization of Protein Folding for Nano-Machine Design
($56,000), is a Senior Scientist on an MRI grant with Mechanical Engineering on the Development of
Gesture Based Virtual Reality System for Research, and is a co-PI on an associated GOALI supplement
worth $75,000; Drs. Sanguthevar Rajasekaran and Reda Ammar received funding from PHS/NIH/National
Library of Medicine for a grant entitled Efficient Algorithms for Motif Search ($1.5 million); Dr. Alexander
Russell received NSF funding to conduct research in the area of Algebraic Techniques for
Pseudorandomness and Lower Bounds ($250,000); Dr. Dong-Guk Shin received funding from the
Department of Defense through the University of Connecticut Health Center for Image Analysis and Data
Quantification and from the National Institutes of Health through Yale University for Mechanisms of FGFR2
Signaling ($400,000 combined); and Dr. Alexander Shvartsman receiving funding from NSF for
Collaborative Research on Principles of Robust Cooperative Computing, and from the State of Connecticut
and the U.S. Election Assistance Committee ($500,000 combined). As stated above, this is an impressive
record of new funding in one year.
The department enjoyed increased support from Connecticut industry and State agencies. Drs. Steven
Demurjian and Shin continued to receive substantial funding from the State of Connecticut Insurance
Department; Drs. Shvartsman, Aggelos Kiayias, Laurent Michel and Russell continued to receive federal
HAVA funding through the Connecticut Secretary of State for their voting technology center as well as a
new grant funded from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.
This year again, our faculty collectively published more than 120 archival journal and conference papers.
Several CSE faculty are writing scholarly books and book chapters and others are editing books or journal
special issues. Of particular note, Dr. Kiayias and his graduate student authored a book entitled Encryption
for Digital Content (Advances in Information Security), edited one volume of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science and co-edited another. Drs. Mandoiu and Rajasekaran assembled a book entitled Proceedings of the
1st IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Science (with S. Miyano
and T. Przytycka) and Dr. Shvartsman (with N.A. Lynch) assembled a volume of Distributed Computing.
Our faculty continued their leadership as officers of professional societies, members of editorial boards, and
members of steering committees and program chairs for international conferences. Dr. Ammar continued as
president of the International Society on Computers and Their Applications, Conference Chair for the IEEE
Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT 2010) and the 1st International
Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication (ACC-2010), and Registration & Finance Chair
for the IEEE Symposium on Computer and Communication (ISCC ’10). Dr. Jun-Hong Cui serves as Editor
of Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks and chair of the Steering Committee of WUWNet'10. Dr. Gokhale served as
Program Co-Chair for the 23rd International Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE ’11)
and is an Editorial Board member for four journals and IETE Technical Review; Dr. Chun-Hsi Huang is the
Organizing Chair for the Workshop on Biomedical Computations on the Grid. Dr. Kiayias is a Special Issue
Editor for IEEE Network, Chair, CT-RSA 2011 and a Steering Committee Member of ACM Digital Rights
Management Workshop 2011; and Dr. Mandoiu is General Co-Chair for the 6th International Symposium on
Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA). Dr. McCartney is Co-Editor-in-Chief of ACM
Transactions on Computing Education and Co-Chair of the Icer doctoral consortium; Dr. Michel is a
member of the Editorial Board of Constraints, Area Editor of Constraint Programming Letters (CPL) and
Associate Editor and Editorial Board member of Mathematical Programming Computation (MPC). Dr.
Peters is Secretary for the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Special Interest Group on
Geometric Design and Modeling 2010-2011; Dr. Rajasekaran is Program Co-Chair for the 6th International
Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA 2010) and General Chair of the 1st
International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences (ICCABS); Dr. Russell is
Associate Editor-in-Chief of Theory of Computing and Guest Editor of SIAM Journal of Computing special
issue, and Dr. Shi is Demo Chair of the ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet
2010); Dr. Shin is Editor of Bioinformatics and Biology Insights, Libertas Academica. Dr. Shvartsman is
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Computer, Co-Chair of the 2010 EATCS International
Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2010) and the 13th International Symposium on Stabilization,
Safety and Security of Distributed Systems; and Dr. Wu is Program Vice Chair (co-chairing the Evolution
and Genomics Track) of the ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computation Biology and Biomedicine
2011. Faculty members have also been invited to present their research directions and results, including
keynote addresses in several major international and national conferences and at top ranked institutes.
CSE faculty also took the lead and played a major role in submitting multi-dimensional proposals. For
example, Dr. Demurjian is Core Co-Director and Associate Director of Research Informatics, Biomedical
Informatics, in the proposed Connecticut Institute of Clinical and Translational Science (CICaTS); and Drs.
Rajasekaran and Ammar submitted a proposal, with nine other institutions, for an NSF MRI entitled
Acquisition of a GPU Cluster for Research and Training at a Consortium of New England Universities.
The Computer Science & Engineering Department continues on an impressive growth path. We have a
balanced faculty with full professors and associate professors with tenure, and a strong core of junior faculty.
Our undergraduate and graduate educational programs are well developed, and we continue to fine-tune
them, to even better serve the State and the nation. Our research accomplishments are exemplary with the
new research grants. We are growing at an impressive pace in terms of research funding, publications, and
national and international service and recognition.
Reda A. Ammar
“A Residual Time Based Scheduling: Performance Modeling in M/G/C Queueing Applications,” (with S.
Tasneem, L. Lipsky and H.A. Sholl), Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, Vol. 3, No. 8,
pp.746-755, August 2010.
“Improvement of Real-Time Job Completion Using Residual Time-Based (RTB) Scheduling,” (with S.
Tasneem, L. Lipsky and H.A. Sholl), International Journal on Computing Applications, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp.
117-132, 2010.
“Improved Algorithms for Parsing ESLTAGs: A Grammatical Model Suitable for RNA Pseudoknots,” (with
S. Al Seesi), IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), Vol. 7, No. 4,
pp. 619-627, 2010.
“Parallel ICA Algorithms and its Performance,” (with A. Mahmoud), International Journal on Computers
and Their Applications, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 28-36, March 2011.
Jinbo Bi
“Matrix-Variate and Higher-Order Probabilistic Projections,” (with S. Yu and J. Ye), Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 372-392, 2011.
Jun-Hong Cui
“SDC: A Distributed Clustering Protocol,” (with Y. Li and L. Lao), International Journal of Computer Networks
(IJCN), Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 205-226, 2011.
“PSON: A Scalable P2P File Sharing System with Efficient Complex Query Support,” (with Y. Li, J. Ahuja, L.
Lao and S. Chen), Special Issue on Information Dissemination and New Services in P2P Systems, Springer
Journal of Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 3-22, 2010.
“Handling Triple Hidden Terminal Problems for Multi-Channel MAC in Long-Delay Underwater Acoustic Sensor
Networks,” (with Z. Zhou, Z. Peng and Z. Jiang), IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, pp. 1-5, February
“Scalable Localization with Mobility Prediction for Underwater Sensor Networks,” (with Z. Zhou, Z. Peng, Z. Shi
and A. Bagtzoglou), IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 335-348, 2011.
“Energy Efficient Multi-Path Communication for Time-critical Applications in Underwater Sensor
Networks,” (with Z. Zhou, Z. Peng and Zhijie Shi), IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, Vol. 19, No. 1,
pp. 28-41, February 2011.
“VBF: Vector-Based Forwarding Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks,” (with P. Xie, Z. Zhou, Z. Peng and
Z. Shi), Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2010, Article ID 195910, 13 pages,
“SDRT: A Reliable Data Transfer Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks,” (with P. Xie, Z. Zhou, Z.
Peng and Z. Shi), Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 708-722, September 2010.
Steve A. Demurjian
“A Framework for Security Assurances of Access Control Enforcement Code,” (with J. Pavlich-Mariscal and
L.D. Michel), Computer & Security Journal, Special issue on Software Engineering for Secure Systems, Vol.
29, No. 7, pp. 770-784, September 2010.
Swapna S. Gokhale
“Software Application Design Subject to Cost Constraints: An Evolutionary Approach,” (with L. Fiondella),
International Transactions on System Sciences and Applications, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 255-270, November
“Web Robot Detection Techniques: Overview and Limitations,” (with D. Doran), Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery, Vol. 22, No. 1-2, pp. 183-210, February 2011.
Chun-Hsi Huang
“Comparison of LDA and SPRT on Clinical Dataset Classifications,” (with C. Lee and B. Nkounkou),
Biomedical Informatics Insights, Vol. 4, pp. 1-7, 2011.
“Biological Network Motif Detection: Principles and Practice,” (with E. Wong, B. Baur and S. Quader),
Briefings in Bioinformatics, Vol. 12, No. 5, (22 pages), 2011.
Ion I. Mandoiu
“Linkage Disequilibrium Based Genotype Calling from Low-Coverage Shotgun Sequencing Reads,” (with J.
Duitama, J. Kennedy, S. Dinakar, Y. Hernandez and Y. Wu), BMC Bioinformatics, Vol. 12, (Suppl. 1):S53,
11 pages, February 2011.
“Estimation of Alternative Splicing Isoform Frequencies from RNA-Seq Data,” (with M. Nicolae, S. Mangul
and A. Zelikovsky), Algorithms for Molecular Biology Vol. 6, No. 9, 13 pages, April 2011.
“Inferring Ethnicity from Mitochondrial DNA Sequence,” (with C. Lee and C.E. Nelson), BMC Proceedings,
Vol. 5 (Suppl 2):S11, 9 pages, April 2011.
Robert D. McCartney
“Commonsense Understanding of Concurrency: Computing Students and Concert Tickets,” (with G.
Lewandowski, D.J. Bouvier, T-Y. Chen, K. Sanders, B. Simon and T. VanDeGrift), Communications of the
ACM, Vol. 53, No. 7, pp. 60-70, July 2010.
Laurent D. Michel
“A Framework for Security Assurances of Access Control Enforcement Code,” (with J. Pavlich-Mariscal and
S.A. Demurjian), Computer & Security Journal, Special issue on Software Engineering for Secure Systems,
Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 770-784, September 2010.
“Solving Steel Mill Slab Problems with Constraint-based Techniques: CP, LNS, and CBLS,” (with P.
Schaus, P. Van Hentenryck, J-N. Monette, C. Coffrin and Y. Deville), Constraints, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 125147, 2011.
“Optimal Deployment of Eventually-Serializable Data Services,” (with A.A. Shvartsman, E.L. Sonderegger
and P. Van Hentenryck), Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 184, No. 1, pp. 273-294, 2011.
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran
“Partitioning of Minimotifs Based on Function with Improved Prediction Accuracy,” (with T. Mi, J.C.
Merlin, A. Oommen, P. Gradie, and M.R. Schiller), PLoS ONE, Vol. 5, No. 8: e12276, August 2010.
“MimoSA: a System for Minimotif Annotation,” (with J. Vyas, R.J. Nowling, T. Meusburger, D. Sargeant,
K. Kadaveru, M.R. Gryk, V. Kundeti, and M.R. Schiller), BMC Bioinformatics, Vol. 11, pp 328, October
“Improved Algorithms for Parsing ESLTAGs: A Grammatical Model Suitable for RNA Pseudoknots,” (with
S. Al Seesi and R.A. Ammar), IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
(TCBB), Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 619-627, October 2010.
“A Computational Tool for Identifying Minimotifs in Protein-Protein Interactions and Improving the
Accuracy of Minimotif Predictions,” (with J.C. Merlin, V. Kundeti, T. Mi, , A. Oommen, J. Vyas, I. Alaniz,
K. Chung, F. Chowdhury, S. Deverasatty, T.M. Irvey, D. Lacadmbacal, D. Lara, S. Panchangam, V.
Rathnayake, P. Watts and M.R. Schiller), Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, Vol. 70, No. 1,
pp. 153-164, October 2010.
“A Greedy Algorithm for Gene Selection Based on SVM and Correlation,” (with M. Song), International
Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications (IJBRA) Vol. 6, No.3, pp. 296-307, 2010.
“Photochemical and Thermal Stability of Green and Blue Proteorhodopsins: Implications for Protein-Based
Bioelectronic Devices,” (with M.J. Ranaghan, S. Shima, L. Ramos, D.S. Poulin, G. Whited, J.A. Stuart, A.D.
Albert and R.R. Birge), Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 114, No. 44, pp. 14064-14070, November
“Efficient Parallel and Out of Core Algorithms for Constructing Large Bi-directed de Bruijn Graphs,” (with
V. Kundeti, H. Dinh, M. Vaughn, and V. Thapar), BMC Bioinformatics, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 560-588,
November 2010.
“Specialized Compression for Coping with Diffraction Effects in Protein-based Volumetric Memories:
Solving Some Challenging Instances,” (with D. Trinca), Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics
(JNO), Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 290-294, December 2010.
“On the Hardness of the Border Length Minimization Problem on a Rectangular Array,” (with V. Kundeti),
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 1089-1100, December 2010.
“Fast Algorithms for Permuting Large Entries along the Diagonal of a Sparse Matrix,” (with V. Kundeti),
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 235, No. 3, pp. 756-764, December 2010.
“Fast Algorithms for Constant Approximation k-Means Clustering,” (with M. Song), Transactions on
Machine Learning and Data Mining, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 67-79, December 2010.
“A Speedup Technique for (l,d)-motif Finding Algorithms,” (with H. Dinh), BMC Research Notes 2011, Vol.
4, No. 54, 7 pages, March 2011.
“Efficient Algorithms for Self-Assembling Non-Rectangular Nano Structures,” (with V. Kundeti), Natural
Computing, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 583-605, April 2011.
Alexander C. Russell
“Limitations of Quantum Coset States for Graph Isomorphism,” (with S. Hallgren, C. Moore, M. Rötteler
and P. Sen), Journal of the ACM, Vol. 57, No. 6, pp. 34:1 – 34:33, October 2010.
“Spectral Concentration of Positive Functions on Compact Groups,” (with A. Gorjan), Journal of Fourier
Analysis and Applications, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 355-373, December 2010.
Zhijie Shi
“Efficient Vector-Based Forwarding for Underwater Sensor Networks,” (with P. Xie, R.Z. Zhou, N.C.
Nicolaou, A. See and J-H. Cui), EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communication and Networking, Vol. 2010,
13 pages, 2010.
“SDRT: A Reliable Data Transport Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks,” (with P. Xie, R.Z. Zhou,
J.Z. Peng and J-H. Cui), Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 708-722, September 2010.
“Architectural Enhancement and System Software Support for Program Code Integrity Monitoring in
Application-Specific Instruction-Set Processors,” (with H. Lin, Y. Fei, and X. Guan), IEEE Transactions on
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol. 18, No. 11, pp. 1519 – 1532, November 2010.
“Efficient Multipath Communication for Time-Critical Applications in Underwater Acoustic Sensor
Networks,” (with R.Z. Zhou, J.Z. Peng and J-H. Cui), IEEE ACM Transactions on Network, Vol. 19, No. 1,
pp. 28-41, February 2011.
“Scalable Localization with Mobility Prediction for Underwater Sensor Networks,” (with R.Z. Zhou, J.Z.
Peng, J-H. Cui and A. Bagtzoglou), IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 335-348,
Dong-Guk Shin
“Meta Analysis Algorithms for Microarray Gene Expression Data using Gene Regulatory Networks,” (with
S.A. Kazmi and Y-A. Kim), International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics (IJDMB), Vol. 4, No.
5, pp. 487-504, 2010.
“Learning Bayesian Networks with Integration of Indirect Prior Knowledge,” (with B. Pei and D.W. Rowe),
International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics (IJDMB), Vol 4, No. 5, pp. 505-519, 2010.
Alexander A. Shvartsman
“Rambo: A Robust, Reconfigurable Atomic Memory Service for Dynamic Networks,” (with S. Gilbert and
N.A. Lynch), Distributed Computing, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 225-272, November 2010.
“Optimal Deployment of Eventually-Serializable Data Services,” (with E.L. Sonderegger, L. Michel and P.
Van Hentenryck), Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 184, No. 1, pp. 273-294, 2011.
Bing Wang
“Model-based Identification of Dominant Congested Links,” (with W. Wei, D. Towsley and J. Kurose),
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 456-469, April 2011.
Yufeng Wu
“Exact Computation of Coalescent Likelihood for Panmictic and Subdivided Populations under the Infinite
Sites Model,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp.
611-618, 2010.
“New Methods for Inference of Local Tree Topologies with Recombinant SNP Sequences in Populations,”
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 182-193, 2011.
“Linkage Disequilibrium Based Genotype Calling from Low-Coverage Shotgun Sequencing Reads,” (with J.
Duitama, J. Kennedy, S. Dinakar, Y. Hernandez and I.I. Mandoiu), BMC Bioinformatics, Vol. 12, (Suppl.
1):S53, 11 pages, February 2011.
Chun-Hsi Huang
“Toward Optimizing the Cache Performance of Suffix Trees for Sequence Analysis Algorithms,” (with C.
Lee), chapter in Advances in Computational Biology, Springer book series in Advances in Experimental
Medicine and Biology (AEMB), Vol. 680, Part 4, pp. 411-417, 2010.
Aggelos Kiayias
Encryption for Digital Content, (with S. Pehlivanoglu), Springer, 189 pages, 2010.
Topics in Cryptology - CT-RSA 2011 - The Cryptographers' Track at the RSA Conference 2011, San
Francisco, CA, February 14-18, 2011, (ed.), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6558, 417
pages, 2011.
Financial Cryptography and Data Security, FC 2010 Workshops, RLCPS, WECSR, and WLC 2010, Tenerife,
Canary Islands, Spain, January 25-28, 2010, Revised Selected Papers, (with R. Sion, R. Curtmola, S.
Dietrich, A. Kiayias, J.M. Miret, K. Sako and F. Seb, eds.), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 6054, 262 pages, 2010.
“The Vector-Ballot Approach for Online Voting Procedures,” (with M. Yung), chapter in Towards
Trustworthy Elections, New Directions in Electronic Voting, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6000
Springer, pp. 155-174, 2010.
Ion I. Mandoiu
Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical
Sciences, (with S. Miyano, T. Przytycka and S. Rajasekaran, eds.), IEEE, 282 pages, 2011.
“Algorithmic Issues in DNA Barcoding Problems,” (with B. DasGupta and M.-Y. Kao), chapter in
Algorithms in Computational Molecular Biology: Techniques, Approaches and Applications, (M. Elloumi
and A. Zomaya, eds.), Wiley, pp. 129-142, 2011.
Robert D. McCartney
“Threshold Concepts in Computer Science: An Ongoing Empirical Investigation,” (with L. Thomas, J.
Boustedt, A. Eckerdal, J.E. Moström, K. Sanders and C. Zander), chapter 15 in Threshold Concepts and
Transformational Learning, (R. Land, J.H.F. Meyer and C. Baillie, eds.), Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp.
241-258, 2010.
Thomas J. Peters
“Geometric Topology & Visualizing 1-Manifolds,” (with K.E. Jordan, L. Miller and A.C. Russell), chapter
in Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization, V. Pascucci, X. Tricoche, H. Hagen and J.
Tierny, eds.), Springer, pp. 1 - 13, New York, 2011.
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran
Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical
Sciences, (with I.I. Mandoiu, S. Miyano and T. Przytycka, eds.), IEEE, 282 pages, 2011.
Alexander C. Russell
“Geometric Topology & Visualizing 1-Manifolds,” (with K.E. Jordan, L. Miller and T.J. Peters), chapter in
Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization, V. Pascucci, X. Tricoche, H. Hagen and J. Tierny,
eds.), Springer, pp. 1 - 13, New York, 2011.
Zhijie Shi
“CBKE: Chord-Based Key Establishment Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks,” (with B. Wang), chapter
in Handbook on Sensor Networks, (Xiao, Chen and Li, eds.), World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 399418, August 2010.
Alexander A. Shvartsman
Distributed Computing, 24th International Symposium, DISC 2010, Cambridge, MA, USA, September 13-15,
2010, (with N.A. Lynch, eds.), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science-ARCoSS, 531 pages, 2010.
“Distributed Algorithms,” (with B. Englert, D. Kowalski and G. Malewicz), chapter in Algorithms of
Informatics, AnTonCom Infokomm. Kft., Elec. Ed., pp. 592-640, 2010.
Bing Wang
“CBKE: Chord-Based Key Establishment Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks,” (with Z. Shi), chapter in
Handbook on Sensor Networks, (Xiao, Chen and Li, eds.), World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 399418, August 2010.
Reda A. Ammar
“An Efficient Randomized Protocol for Single-Hop Radio Networks,” (with S. Rajasekaran, D. Sharma and
N.E. Lownes), Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Parallel Processing, pp. 160-167, San
Diego, CA, September 13-16, 2010.
“Towards a Fast Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land,” (with M. El-Maghraby, I. Abou El-Bagd, W.
Sheta, S. Nassar, S. Rajasekaran and A. El-Dessouki), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on
Advanced Computing and Communication, pp. 116-121, Orlando, FL, September 15-17, 2010.
“Multi-level Sensor Deployment Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks,” (with D. Sharma, S.
Rajasekaran, N.E. Lownes and S. Ibrahim), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advanced
Computing and Communication, pp. 70-74, Orlando, FL, September 15-17, 2010.
“Transportation Network Risk Modeling,” (with N.E. Lownes and S. Rajasekaran), Proceedings of the 1st
Franco-American Symposium on Linear Infrastructures Security, Troyes, France, November 4, 2010.
“Task Clustering & Scheduling with Duplication using Recursive Critical Path Approach (RCPA),” (with A.
Ebaid, S. Rajasekaran and T.A. Fergany), Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Signal
Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT 2010), Luxor, Egypt, pp. 34-41, December 15-18, 2010.
“A Hybrid Algorithm for Restructuring Distributed Object-Oriented Software,” (with M.T. Faheem, A.H.
Sallam, A. Sarhan and H-A.M. Regab), Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Signal
Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT 2010), Luxor, Egypt, pp. 202-208, December 15-18, 2010.
“Many-to-Many Game Theoretic Approach to Measuring Transportation Network Vulnerability,” (with N.E.
Lownes, Q. Wang, S. Ibrahim, S. Rajasekaran and D. Sharma), Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of
the Transportation Research Board, pp. 1-16 , Washington, DC, January 23-27, 2011.
“Securing America’s Future Transportation Infrastructure: Network Vulnerability and High-Speed Rail,”
(with N.E. Lownes, S. Rajasekaran, L. Fiondella and Q. Wang), Proceedings of the DHS Science Conference
- Fifth Annual University Network Summit, Washington, DC, March 10-12, 2011.
“An Efficient Heuristic for Estimating Transportation Network Vulnerability”, with (S. Ibrahim, S.
Rajasekaran, N.E. Lownes, Q. Wang and D. Sharma), Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on
Computers and Communication, pp. 1092-1098, Kerkyra (Corfu), Greece, June 28 - July 1, 2011.
Jinbo Bi
“Stratified Learning of Local Anatomical Context for Lung Nodules in CT Images,” (with D. Wu, L. Lu, Y.
Shinagawa, K. Boyer, A. Krishnan and M. Salganicoff), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2010), pp. 2791-2798, San Francisco, CA, June 13-18,
“Correcting Misalignment of Automatic 3D Detection by Classification: Ileo-Cecal Valve False Positive
Reduction in CT Colonography,” (with L. Lu, M. Wolf and M. Salganicoff), Proceedings of the
International MICCAI Workshop, Medical Computer Vision 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No.
6533, pp. 118-129, Beijing, China, September 20, 2010.
“AdaBoost on Low-Rank PSD Matrices for Metric Learning,” (with D. Wu, L. Lu, M. Liu, Y. Tao and M.
Wolf), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR2011), pp. 2617-2624, Colorado Springs, CO, June 21-23, 2011.
“Effective 3D Object Detection and Regression Using Probabilistic Segmentation Features in CT Images,”
(with L. Lu, M. Wolf and M. Salfanicoff), Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2011), pp. 1049-1056, Colorado Springs, CO, June 21-23, 2011.
Jun-Hong Cui
“An Efficient Geo-Routing Aware MAC Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks,” (with Y. Zhu, Z. Zhou
and P. Zheng), Proceedings of Second International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks (ADHOCNETS'10),
pp. 185-200, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, August 18-20, 2010.
“Underwater Localization Based on Multicarrier Waveforms,” (with P. Carroll, S. Zhou, H. Zhou and P.
Willett), Proceedings of MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference, pp. 1-4, Seattle, WA, September 20-23, 2010.
“An OFDM Based MAC Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Networks,” (with Z. Zhou and S. Le),
Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet’10), pp. 6:1-6:8,
Woods Hole, MA, September 30 - October 1, 2010.
“Prediction Assisted Single-copy Routing in Underwater Delay Tolerant Networks,” (with Z. Guo, and B.
Wang), Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM'10, pp. 1-6, Miami, FL, December 6-10, 2010.
“Mobi-Sync: Efficient Time Synchronization for Mobile Underwater Sensor Networks,” (with J. Liu, Z.
Zhou and Z. Peng), Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM'10, pp. 1-5, Miami, FL, December 6-10, 2010.
“Aqua-TUNE: A Testbed for Underwater Networks,” (with Z. Peng, S. Le, M. Zuba, H. Mo, Y. Zhu, L. Pu
and J. Liu), Proceedings of IEEE OCEANS Conference, Santander, Spain, June 6-9, 2011.
Steven A. Demurjian
“Secure, Obligated and Coordinated Collaboration in Health Care for the Patient-Centered Medical Home,”
(with S. Berhe, R. Saripalle, T. Agresta, J. Liu, A. Cusano, A. Fequiere and J. Gedarovich), Proceedings of
the AMIA 2010 Annual Symposium, pp. 36-40, Washington, DC, November 13-17, 2010.
“A Meta-Modeling and Visualization Environment based on Zoomable User Interfaces,” (with J. PavlichMariscal, H. Veliz-Quispe and L. Michel), Proceedings of the First Computer Science and Informatics
Conference of the North of Chile¸ CD-ROM, Antofagasta, Chile, November 15-19, 2010.
Swapna S. Gokhale
“Performance Analysis of a Web Server with Dynamic Thread Pool Architecture,” (with J. Lu), Proceedings
of the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2010), pp.
99-105, Redwood City, San Francisco Bay, CA, July 1-3, 2010.
“Reliability Analysis of the IP Multimedia Subsystem with Distributed Server Deployment,” (with Q. Zhu
and V.B. Mendiratta), Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Performance Modeling and Evaluation in
Computer and Telecommunications Networks (PMECT 10), CD-ROM, Zurich, Switzerland, August 2-5,
“Searching for Heavy Tails in Web Robot Traffic,” (with D. Doran), Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on the Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST 2010), pp. 282-291, Williamsburg, VA,
September 15-18, 2010.
“Software Reliability Models with Bathtub Fault Detection Rate,” (with L. Fiondella), Proceedings of the
57th Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2011), CD-ROM, Orlando, FL, January 2427, 2011.
Chun-Hsi Huang
“Biological Data Classifications with LDA and SPRT,” (with B. Nkounkou, C. Brown and C. Lee),
Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Mining and Management of Biological and Health
Data, in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine, pp. 164-168,
Hong Kong, December 18-21, 2010.
“ML-Consensus: A General Consensus Model for Variable-Length Transcription Factor Binding Sites,”
(with S. Quader, N. Snyder, K. Su and E. Mochan), Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on
Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics (EvoBio), Springer
Lecture Notes Computer Science 6623, pp. 25-36, Torino, Italy, April 27-29, 2011.
Aggelos Kiayias
“A Framework for the Sound Specification of Cryptographic Tasks,” (with J.A. Garay and H-S. Zhou),
Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF 2010), pp. 277-289,
Edinburgh, Scotland, July 17-19, 2010.
“On Passive Inference Attacks Against Physical-layer Key Extraction,” (with M.J. Edman and B. Yener),
2011 European Workshop on System Security, pp. 8:1-8:6, Salzburg, Austria, April 10, 2011.
“Secure and Efficient In-Network Processing of Exact SUM Queries,” (with S. Papadopoulos and D.
Papadias), Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2011, pp. 517-528,
Hanover, Germany, April 11-16, 2011.
Ion I. Mandoiu
“Estimation of Alternative Splicing Isoform Frequencies from RNA-Seq Data,” (with M. Nicolae, S. Mangul
and A. Zelikovsky), Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics, pp. 202-214,
Liverpool, England, September 6-8, 2010.
“Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Bioinformatics Research and Applications,” (with G.
Narasimhan, Y. Pan and Y. Zhang), IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,
Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 577-578, October 2010.
“Towards Accurate Detection and Genotyping of Expressed Variants from Whole Transcriptome Sequencing
Data,” (with J. Duitama and P.K. Srivastava), Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on
Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences, pp. 87-92, Orlando, FL, February 3-5, 2011.
“Accurate Estimation of Gene Expression Levels from DGE Sequencing Data,” (with M. Nicolae),
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, pp. 392-403,
Changsha, China, May 27-29, 2011.
Robert D. McCartney
“Making Sense of Data Structures Exams,” (with B. Simon, M. Clancy, B. Morrison, B. Richards and K.
Sanders), Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Computing Education Research (ICER-10),
pp. 97-106, Aarhus, Denmark, August 9-10, 2010.
“Applying Data Structures in Exams” (with B. Morrison, M. Clancy, B. Richards and K. Sanders),
Proceedings of the 42nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, pp. 353-358, Dallas,
TX, March 9-12, 2011.
“Computing Students Learning Computing Informally,” (with A. Eckerdal, J.E. Moström, K. Sanders, L.
Thomas and C. Zander) Proceedings of the 10th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing
Education Research, pp. 43-48, Berlin, Germany, October 28-31, 2010.
“Commonsense Computing (episode 6): Logic is Harder than Pie,” (with T. VanDeGrift, D. Bouvier, T.-Y.
Chen, G. Lewandowski and B. Simon), Proceedings of the 10th Koli Calling International Conference on
Computing Education Research, pp. 76-85, Berlin, Germany, October 28-31, 2010.
Laurent D. Michel
“Load Balancing and Almost Symmetries for RAMBO Quorum Hosting,” (with A.A. Shvartsman, E.L.
Sonderegger and P. Van Hentenryck), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Principles and
Practice of Constraint Programming, pp. 598-612, St. Andrews, Scotland, September 6-10, 2010.
“A Meta-Modeling and Visualization Environment based on Zoomable User Interfaces,” (with J. PavlichMariscal, H. Veliz-Quispe and S.A. Demurjian), Proceedings of the First Computer Science and Informatics
Conference of the North of Chile¸ CD-ROM, Antofagasta, Chile, November 15-19, 2010.
“Solving a Combined Routing and Scheduling Problem in Forestry,” (With J.F. Audy, N. El Hachemi and
L.M. Rousseau), Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems
Management, (IESM’11), 10 pages, Metz, France, May 25-27, 2011
Thomas J. Peters
“GPU Vision: Accelerating Computer Vision Algorithms with Graphics Processing Units,” (with T.K.
Lengyel, J. Gedarovich and A. Cusano), CUDA Zone, pp. 1–14, February 9, 2011.
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran
“On the Border Length Minimization Problem (BLMP) on a Square Array,” (with V. Kundeti and H. Dinh),
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BCB), pp.
112-119, Niagara Falls, NY, August 2-4, 2010.
“Coping with Diffraction Effects in Protein-Based Computing Through a Specialized Approximation
Algorithm with Constant Overhead,” (with D. Trinca), Proceedings of IEEE Nano, pp. 802-805, Seoul,
Korea, August 17-20, 2010.
”An Efficient Randomized Routing Protocol for Single-hop Radio Networks,” (with D. Sharma, R.A.
Ammar and N.E. Lownes), Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), pp.
160-167, San Diego, CA, September 13-16, 2010.
“Using a Specialized Compression Scheme Based on Antidictionaries for Coping with Diffraction Effects in
Protein-Based Computing,” (with D. Trinca), Proceedings of the 14th International Biotechnology
Symposium and Exhibition, Rimini, Italy, September 14-18, 2010.
“Towards a Fast Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land,” (with M. El-Maghraby, I. Abou El-Bagd, W.
Sheta, S. Nassar, R.A. Ammar and Ayman El-Dessouki), 1st International Conference on Advanced
Computing and Communication, pp. 116-121, Orlando, FL, September 15-17, 1010.
“Multi-level Sensor Deployment Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks,” (with D. Sharma, N.E. Lownes,
R.A. Ammar and S. Ibrahim), 1st International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication, pp.
70-74, Orlando, FL, September 15-17, 2010.
“Transportation Network Risk Modeling,” (with N.E. Lownes and R.A. Ammar), Proceedings of the 1st
Franco-American Symposium on Linear Infrastructures Security, Troyes, France, November 4, 2010.
“Task Clustering & Scheduling with Duplication using Recursive Critical Path Approach (RCPA),” (with A.
Ebaid, R.A. Ammar and T.A. Fergany), Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Signal
Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT 2010), pp. 34-41, Luxor, Egypt, December 15-18, 2010.
“An Efficient Algorithm for Chinese Postman Walk on Bi-directed de Bruijn Graphs,” (with V. Kundeti and
H. Dinh), Proceedings of the Combinatorial Optimization and Applications – 4th International Conference
(COCOA 2010), pp. 184-196, Kailua-Kona, HI, December 18-20, 2010.
“Many-to-Many Game Theoretic Approach to Measuring Transportation Network Vulnerability,” (with N.E.
Lownes, Q. Wang, S. Ibrahim, R.A. Ammar, and D.A. Sharma), Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of
the Transportation Research Board, pp. 1-16, Washington, DC, January 23-27, 2011.
“Securing America’s Future Transportation Infrastructure: Network Vulnerability and High-Speed Rail,”
(with N.E. Lownes, R.A. Ammar, L. Fiondella, and Q. Wang), Proceedings of the DHS Science Conference Fifth Annual University Network Summit, Washington, DC, March 10-12, 2011.
“An Efficient Heuristic for Estimating Transportation Network Vulnerability,” (with S. Ibrahim, N.E.
Lownes, Q. Wang and D. Sharma), Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Computers and
Communication, pp. 1092-1098, Kerkyra (Corfu), Greece, June 28 - July 1, 2011.
Alexander C. Russell
“Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Networks with Multipacket Reception,” (with W. Zeng, X. Chen, S.
Vasudevan, B. Wang and W. Wei), Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad
Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc 2011), pp. 23-32, Paris, France, May 16-19, 2011.
“Data Migration in Heterogeneous Storage Systems,” (with C. Kari and Y-H. Kim,), Proceedings of the 31st
International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2011), pp. 172-181, Minneapolis, MN,
June 20-24, 2011.
Zhijie Shi
“Capability and Fidelity of Mote-Class Wireless Sniffers,” (with J. Cote, B. Wang and W. Zeng),
Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), pp. 1-6, Miami, FL,
December 6-10, 2010.
“Differential and Correlation Power Analysis Attacks on HMAC-Whirlpool,” (with F. Zhang), Proceedings
of International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2011), pp. 359-365, Las
Vegas, NV, April 11-13, 2011.
Dong-Guk Shin
“Reconstruction of Biological Networks Structure by Using Bayesian Network Models with a Two-step
Learning Procedure,” (with B. Pei), Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics &
Computational Biology (BIOCOMP 2010), pp. 743-749, Las Vegas, NV, July 12-15, 2010.
Alexander A. Shvartsman
“Load Balancing and Almost Symmetries for RAMBO Quorum Hosting,” (with L. Michel, E.L. Sonderegger
and P. Van Hentenryck), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Principles and Practice of
Constraint Programming, pp. 598-612, St. Andrews, Scotland, September 6-10, 2010.
“Determining the Causes of AccuVote Optical Scan Voting Terminal Memory Card Failures,” (with T.
Antonyan, N. Nicolaou and T. Smith), Proceedings of the 2010 USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting
Workshop (EVT/WOTE 2010), 15 pages, electronic edition, Washington, DC, August 11-13, 2010.
Bing Wang
“Cascading Failure in Smart Grid - Benefits of Distributed Generation,” (with X. Chen and H. Dinh),
Proceedings of 1st IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, pp. 73-78, Gaithersburg,
MD, October 2010.
“Prediction Assisted Single-copy Routing in Underwater Delay Tolerant Networks,” with (Z. Guo and J-H.
Cui), Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), pp.1-6, Miami, FL,
December 6-10, 2010.
“Capability and Fidelity of Mote-class Wireless Sniffers,” (with J. Cote, W. Zeng and Z. Shi), Proceedings
of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), pp. 1-6, Miami, FL, December 6-10,
“A Prognostic Framework for Health Management of Coupled Systems,” (with C. Sankavaram, A. Kodali,
K. Pattipati, M. Azam and S. Singh), Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and
Health Management, Denver, CO, June 2011.
“Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Networks with Multipacket Reception,” (with W. Zeng, X. Chen, A.C.
Russell, S. Vasudevan and W. Wei), Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Symposium on Mobile
Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc 2011), pp. 23-32, Paris, France, May 16-19, 2011.
Yufeng Wu
“Haplotype Inference from Single Short Sequence Reads Using a Population Genealogical History Model,”
(with J. Zhang), Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2011, pp. 288-299, Kohala Coast,
HI, January 3-7, 2011.
“Identifying Interacting SNPs with Parallel Fish-Agent Based Logic Regression,” (with J. Wang and J.
Zhang), Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and
Medical Sciences (ICCABS 2011), pp. 171-177, Orlando, FL, February 3-5, 2011.
Reda A. Ammar
“US-Egypt Cooperative Research: Perform Based Restructuring of Distributed Object,” U.S. Egypt Joint
Science and Technology Board/National Science Foundation, February 1, 2007 – January 31, 2011, $32,845.
“Effects of Impurities on Fuel Cell Performance and Durability,” (with PI: T. Molter and co-PI: S.
Rajasekaran), U.S. Department of Energy, January 2007-February 2011, $1,900,000.
“Collaborative Research: Developing a Novel Infrastructure for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks,”
(with PI: J-H. Cui and co-PIs: S. Rajasekaran, Z. Shi, P. Willett and S. Zhou; Senior Personnel: A.
Bagtzoglou, Y. Fei, T. Torgersen and B. Wang), UConn (lead) with UMass and WHOI; National Science
Foundation - Computer & Information Science & Engineering, August 1, 2007 – July 31, 2011, $320,000.
“MRI: Development of Instrumentation for an Autonomous UW Sensor Network,” (with PI: J-H. Cui and
co-PIs: I. Babb, Z. Shi, T. Torgersen and S. Zhou and Senior Personnel: A. Bagtzoglou, Y. Fei, Y. Lei, L.
Lui, S. Rajasekaran, E. Schultz, L. Wang, B. Wang and P. Willett), National Science Foundation – Computer
& Information Science & Engineering, August 1, 2008 – July 31, 2011, $500,000.
“Voter Technology Research Center,” (with PI: A.A. Shvartsman and co-PIs: A. Kiayias, L.D. Michel and
A.C. Russell), Secretary of the State of Connecticut, May 23, 2006 – August 23, 2011, $1,742,089.
“U.S.-Egypt Cooperative Research: High Performance Techniques for Remote Sensing,” (with co-PI: S.
Rajasekaran), National Science Foundation/U.S. Egypt Joint Science & Technology Board, August 31, 2007
– July 31, 2011, $89,939.
“Blind Source Separation,” Egyptian Cultural and Educational Bureau, September 15, 2008 - August 20,
2010, $15,000.
“Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN): Advanced Computing,” (with co-PIs: J-H. Cui,
S. Demurjian, S. Rajasekaran and S. Zhou), U.S. Department of Education/Office of Postsecondary, August
15, 2009 – July 31, 2011, $522,624.
“Senior Department for Real-Time Monitoring of Transportation Vulnerability,” (with co-PIs: N. Lownes
and S. Rajasekaran), U.S. Department of Homeland Security, July 1, 2009 – January 5, 2011, $91,867.
“Risk, Resilience and Response Models with Applications to High Speed Rail Transportation,” (with PI: N.
Lownes and co-PI: S. Rajasekaran), U.S. Department of Homeland Security, July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2013,
“Developing and Reviewing the Computer Science Undergraduate Program of the Akhbar El-Yom
Academy,” Akhbar El-Yom, January 1, 2010 – July 27, 2014, $145,000.
“Developing and Reviewing the Nanotechnology Undergraduate Program of the Akhbar El-Yom Academy,”
Akhbar El-Yom Academy, July 28, 2009 – July 24, 2014, $195,000.
“Establishing Energy and Nanotechnology UG Tracks in Faculty of Engineering,” (with PI: M. Choi), King
Abdulaziz University, July 1, 2009 – January 31, 2011, $107,069.
“Developing and Reviewing Engineering Undergraduate Programs of the Future University,” (with PI: M.
Choi), Future University, August 20, 2009 – December 30, 2010, $275,000.
“GAANN: Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need,” (with PI: S. Rajasekaran and co-PIs: J-H. Cui, I.
Greenshields and P. Luh), U.S. Department of Education/Office of Postsecondary Education, August 16,
2010 – August 15, 2013, $393,795.
“Efficient Algorithms for Motif Search,” (with PI: S. Rajasekaran), PHS/NIH/National Library of Medicine,
September 30, 2010 – September 29, 2014, $1,505,429.
“Assessing and Developing Four Undergraduate Programs in the College of Engineering,” (with PI: K.
Kazerounian), Al-Baha University, September 1, 2010 – August 31, 2011, $155,000.
Jun-Hong Cui
“CAREER: Tackling Fundamental Networking Problems in Underwater Acoustic Networks,” National
Science Foundation, January 1, 2007 – December 31, 2011, $400,000.
“Collaborative Research: Developing a Novel Infrastructure for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks,”
(with co-PIs: S. Rajasekaran, Z. Shi, P. Willett and S. Zhou; Senior Personnel: R.A. Ammar, A. Bagtzoglou,
Y. Fei, T. Torgersen and B. Wang), UConn (lead) with UMass and WHOI; National Science Foundation Computer & Information Science & Engineering, August 1, 2007 – July 31, 2011, $320,000.
“REU Collaborative Research: Developing a Novel Infrastructure for Underwater Acoustic Sensor
Networks,” National Science Foundation - Computer & Information Science & Engineering, August 1, 2009
– July 31, 2010, $16,000.
“Collaborative Research: SEA-Swarm: A Rapidly Deployable Underwater Sensor Network,” (with PI: S.
Zhou (UConn), M. Gerla (UCLA), G. Caire (USC)), USC (lead) with UCLA and UConn, National Science
Foundation - Computer & Information Science & Engineering, September 1, 2007 – August 31, 2010,
UConn share: $200,000.
“MRI: Development of Instrumentation for an Autonomous UW Sensor Network,” (with co-PIs: I. Babb, Z.
Shi, T. Torgersen and S. Zhou and Senior Personnel: R.A. Ammar, A. Bagtzoglou, Y. Fei, Y. Lei, L. Lui, S.
Rajasekaran, E. Schultz, L. Wang, B. Wang and P. Willett), National Science Foundation – Computer &
Information Science & Engineering, August 1, 2008 – July 31, 2012, $500,000.
“REU Supplement for MRI: Development of Instrumentation for an Autonomous UW Sensor Network,”
(with co-PIs: Z. Shi, B. Wang, Y. Fei, S. Zhou, Y. Lei and L. Wei), National Science Foundation - Computer
& Information Science & Engineering, March 3, 2011 – July 31, 2012, $16,000.
“A Networking Perspective: Towards Reliable Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks,” U.S. Department of
Defense/Navy/Office of Naval Research, June 1, 2008 – May 31, 2012, $339,999, FRS #524827.
“Student Travel Grants for Fourth ACM International Workshop on Underwater Networks WUWNet'09,”
U.S. Department of Defense/Navy/Office of Navel Research, July 1, 2009 – December 31, 2010, $10,000,
FRS #525116.
“Student Travel Grants for Fourth ACM International Workshop on Underwater Networks WUWNet’09,”
National Science Foundation, September 1, 2009 – August 31, 2010, $5,000.
“NeTs: Small: Collaborative Research: Undersea Spatial Sensor Networks for Intrusion Detection,” National
Science Foundation, September 1, 2010 – August 31, 2013, $100,000.
“Fifth ACM International Workshop on Underwater Networks (WUWNet'10) - Student Travel Awards,”
National Science Foundation, September 25, 2010 – August 31, 2012, $20,000.
“Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN): Advanced Computing,” (with PI: R. Ammar
and co-PIs: S. Demurjian, S. Rajasekaran and S. Zhou), U.S. Department of Education/Office of
Postsecondary, August 15, 2009 – August 14, 2012, $522,624.
“Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN),” (with PI: S. Rajasekaran and co-PIs: R.A.
Ammar, I. Greenshields and P. Luh), U.S. Department of Education/Office of Postsecondary Education,
August 16, 2010 – August 15, 2013, $393,795.
Steven A. Demurjian
“Feasibility Study of Information System Reengineering, Parts VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII,” (with co-PI:
D.G. Shin (45%)), State of Connecticut Insurance Department, August 23, 2003 - June 30, 2012, $2,548,566.
“Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN): Advanced Computing,” (with PI: R. Ammar
and co-PIs: J-H. Cui, S. Rajasekaran and S. Zhou), U.S. Department of Education/Office of Postsecondary,
August 15, 2009 – August 14, 2012, $522,624.
“State Motor Vehicle Crash Data Repository,” (with PI: E.D. Jackson and co-PI: D-G. Shin), Connecticut
Department of Transportation, October 20, 2010 – September 30, 2011, $222,714.
“Project VIABLE: Validation of Instruments for Assessing Behavior Longitudinally and Efficiently,” (with
co-PI and PD: S. Chafouleas); faculty participant on supplement only; U.S. Department of Education,
Institute for Education Sciences, June 1, 2008 to May 31, 2011, $1,496,000 plus $166,965 supplement.
Swapna S. Gokhale
“CAREER: Architecture-Based Assessment of Software Reliability,” National Science Foundation, January
15, 2007 – December 31, 2011, $400,000.
“Integrating Open Source Software Projects into the Software Engineering Curriculum,” (with co-PI: R.D.
McCartney), National Science Foundation, May 1, 2011 – April 30, 2014, $200,000.
“GAANN: Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need,” (with PI: S. Rajasekaran and co-PIs: J-H. Cui, I.
Greenshields and P. Luh), U.S. Department of Education/Office of Postsecondary Education, August 16,
2010 – August 15, 2013, $393,795.
Ian R. Greenshields
“GAANN: Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need,” (with PI: S. Rajasekaran and co-PIs: R.A.
Ammar, J-H. Cui and P. Luh), U.S. Department of Education/Office of Postsecondary Education, August 16,
2010 – August 15, 2013, $393,795.
Chun-Hsi Huang
“REU BioGrid Initiatives for Interdisciplinary Research & Education,” National Science Foundation Computer & Information Science and Engineering, January 7, 2008 - February 28, 2011, $72,000.
“BioGrid Initiatives for Interdisciplinary Research & Education,” National Science Foundation - Computer
& Information Science and Engineering, January 7, 2008 – February 28, 2011, $213,000.
“Workshop on Biomedical Computations on the Grid,” (with co-PI: S. Rajasekaran), Public Health ServiceNational Institutes of Health/National Library of Medicine, January 15, 2005 – October 14, 2010, $100,000.
Aggelos Kiayias
“CAREER: Cryptographic Aspects of Digital Rights Management,” National Science Foundation, January
15, 2005 – December 31, 2010, $400,000.
“Voter Technology Research Center,” (with PI: A.A Shvartsman and co-PIs: L.D. Michel and A.C. Russell
and Senior Personnel: R.A. Ammar), State of Connecticut, Secretary of the State, May 23, 2006 – August
23, 2011, $1,742,089.
“CT-ISG: Collaborative Research: Tamper Proofing Cryptographic Operations,” National Science
Foundation - Computer & Information Science Engineering, September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2012,
“CT-ISG: Collaborative Research: Key Generation from Physical Layer Characteristics in Wireless
Networks,” National Science Foundation Computer & Information Science Engineering, September 1, 2008
– August 31, 2012, $193,500.
“Graduate Assistants in Areas of National Need, (GAANN): Advanced Computing Security,” (with PI: J.
Chandy and co-PIs: Y. Fei, Z. Shi, A.A. Shvartsman, M. Tehranipoor, B. Wang and L. Wang), U.S.
Department of Education/Office of Postsecondary Education, August 15, 2009 – August 14, 2012, $522,624.
“Pre and Post Election Audit Solutions for Optical Scan Voting Equipment,” (with PI: A.A. Shvartsman and
co-PIs: L.D. Michel and A.C. Russell), Connecticut Office of the Secretary of the State/U.S. Election
Assistance Commission, May 23, 2011 – April 30, 2013, $200,000.
Ion I. Mandoiu
“CAREER: Combinatorial Algorithms for High-Throughput Collection and Analysis of Genomic Diversity
Data (IIS-0546457),” National Science Foundation, January 15, 2006 – December 31, 2011, $554,572.
“REU - CAREER: Combinatorial Algorithms for High-Throughput Collection and Analysis of Genomic
Diversity Data (IIS-0546457),” National Science Foundation, June 5, 2009 – December 31, 2011, $16,000.
“III: Small: Collaborative Research: Reconstruction of Haplotype Spectra,” (with co-PI: Y. Wu), National
Science Foundation/CISE, September 1, 2009 – August 31, 2012, $275,257.
“Bioinformatics Tools for Viral Quasispecies Reconstruction from Next-Generation Sequencing Data,” (with
co-PIs: M.I. Khan and R. O’Neill), USDA/National Institute of Food and Agriculture, March 1, 2011 –
February 23, 2013, $749,835.
“First International IEEE Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences (ICCABS) Travel Awards,” (with PI: S. Rajasekaran), National Science Foundation/CISE, February 1, 2011 – January
31, 2012, $20,000.
Robert D. McCartney
“Collaborative Research: A Network of Disciplinary Commons in Computing Education,” National Science
Foundation - Education and Human Resources, August 1, 2008 – July 31, 2011, $27,058.
“Collaborative Research: Commonsense Computing: What Students Know Before We Teach,” National
Science Foundation - Education and Human Resources, September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2011, $1,836.
“Transforming Engineering Education Through Social Networking,” (with PI: M.F. Young), National
Science Foundation – Engineering, May 1, 2009 - April 30, 2011, $99,999.
“Integrating Open Source Software Projects into the Software Engineering Curriculum,” (with PI: S.G.
Gokhale), National Science Foundation, May 1, 2011 – April 30, 2014, $200,000.
Laurent D. Michel
“Voting Technology Research Center,” (with PI: A.A. Shvartsman and co-PIs: A. Kiayias and A.C. Russell
and Senior Personnel: R.A. Ammar), State of Connecticut, Secretary of the State, May 23, 2006 – August
23, 2011, $1,742,089.
“CAREER: Synthesis of Search Procedures for Constraint Programs,” National Science Foundation, January
1, 2007 – December 31, 2012, $525,000.
“Extending the Power and Applicability of Timed Input/Output Automata Framework,” (with PI: A.A.
Shvartsman), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, $117,713, June 1, 2007 – May 31, 2012.
“Short-term Load Forecasting in the Era of Smart Grids,” (with PI: P. Luh), Areva T&D, Inc., September 1,
2010 – August 31, 2011, $114,467.
“Pre and Post Election Audit Solutions for Optical Scan Voting Equipment,” (with PI: A.A. Shvartsman and
co-PIs: A. Kiayias and A.C. Russell), Connecticut Office of the Secretary of the State/U.S. Election
Assistance Commission, May 23, 2011 – April 30, 2013, $200,000.
Thomas J. Peters
“EAGER: Visualization of Protein Folding for Nano-Machine Design,” National Science Foundation,
August 1, 2010 – July 31, 2012, $49,895.
“REU: EAGER: Visualization of Protein Folding for Nano-Machine Design,” National Science Foundation,
January 18, 2011 – July 31, 2013, $6,000.
“MRI: Development of a Gesture Based Virtual Reality System for Research in Virtual Worlds,” (with PI: H.
Ilies), National Science Foundation, July 15, 2009 - June 30, 2012, $750,000 from NSF, total award
“MRI - GOALI: Development of a Gesture Based Virtual Reality System for Research in Virtual Worlds,”
(with PI: H. Ilies), National Science Foundation, August 20, 2010 - June 30, 2012, $74,961.
“MRI GOALI: Development of a Gesture Based Virtual Reality System for Research in Virtual Worlds,”
(with PI: H. Ilies), National Science Foundation, August 20, 2010 - June 30, 2012, $75,000.
“GAANN: Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need,” (with co-PIs: R. Ammar, J-H. Cui, I.
Greenshields and P. Luh), U.S. Department of Education/Office of Postsecondary Education, August 16,
2010 – August 15, 2013, $393,795.
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran
“Efficient Algorithms for Motif Search,” (with co-PI: R. Ammar), PHS/NIH/National Library of Medicine,
September 30, 2010 – September 29, 2014, $1,505,429.
“Effects of Impurities on Fuel Cell Performance and Durability,” (with PI: T. Molter and co-PI: R.A.
Ammar), U.S. Department of Energy, March 1, 2007 - February 28, 2011, $1,900,000.
“Building Motif Lexicons,” (with PI: M. Schiller (University of Nevada) and co-PIs: C-H. Huang (UConn),
M. Gryk (UCHC) and M. Maciejewski (UCHC)), National Institutes of Health (NIGM/NLM), May 1, 2007 April 30, 2011, $1,152,000.
“US-Egypt Cooperative Research: High Performance Techniques for Remote Sensing,” (with PI: R.A.
Ammar), National Science Foundation, August 31, 2007 – July 31, 2011, $89,989.
“Collaborative Research: Developing a Novel Infrastructure for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks,”
(with PI: J-H Cui and co-PIs: Z. Shi, P. Willett and S. Zhou; Senior Personnel: R.A. Ammar, A. Bagtzoglou,
Y. Fei, T. Torgersen and B. Wang), UConn (lead) with UMass and WHOI; National Science
Foundation/Computer & Information Science & Engineering, August 1, 2007 – July 31, 2011, $320,000.
“MRI: Development of Instrumentation for an Autonomous UW Sensor Network,” (with PI: J-H. Cui and
co-PIs: I. Babb, Z. Shi, T. Torgersen and S. Zhou and Senior Personnel: R.A. Ammar, A. Bagtzoglou, Y.
Fei, Y. Lei, L. Lui, E. Schultz, L. Wang, B. Wang and P. Willett), National Science Foundation – Computer
& Information Science & Engineering, August 1, 2008 – July 31, 2012, $500,000.
“EMT/NANO: Computing with Protein Based Associative Memory Processors,” (with co-PI: R. Birge),
National Science Foundation, September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2012, $749,999.
“Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN): Advanced Computing,” (with PI: R. Ammar
and co-PIs: J-H. Cui, S. Demurjian and S. Zhou), U.S. Department of Education/Office of Postsecondary,
August 15, 2009 – August 14, 2012, $522,624.
“Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN): Cloud Computing,” (with co-PIs: R. Ammar, JH. Cui, I. Greenshields and P. Luh), U.S. Department of Education/Office of Postsecondary Education,
August 16, 2010 – August 15, 2013, $393,795.
“Senior Department for Real-Time Monitoring of Transportation Vulnerability,” (with PI: R. Ammar and coPI: N. Lownes), U.S. Department of Homeland Security, July 1, 2009 – January 5, 2011, $107,686.
“Risk, Resilience and Response Models with Applications to High Speed Rail Transportation,” (with PI: N.
Lownes and co-PI: R. Ammar), Department of Homeland Security, July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011, $92,164.
“Efficient Data Mining Techniques for Drug Discovery,” Boehringer Ingelheim Corporation, March 8, 2010
– July 7, 2010, $18,000.
“Workshop on Biomedical Computations on the Grid,” (with PI: C-H. Huang), Public Health ServiceNational Institutes of Health/National Library of Medicine, January 15, 2005 – October 14, 2010, $100,000.
“First International IEEE Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences (ICCABS) Travel Awards,” (with co-PI: I.I. Mandoiu), National Science Foundation/CISE, February 1, 2011 – January
31, 2012, $20,000.
Alexander C. Russell
“Voting Technology Research Center,” (with PI: A.A. Shvartsman and co-PIs: A. Kiayias and L.D. Michel
and Senior Personnel: R.A. Ammar), State of Connecticut, Secretary of the State, May 23, 2006 – August
23, 2011, $1,742,089.
“Collaborative Research: EMT/QIS: Quantum Algorithms and Post-Quantum Cryptography,” National
Science Foundation – Computer & Information Science & Engineering, September 15, 2008 – August 31,
2010, $100,000.
“CDI Type-I: Quantum Diffusion and Quantum Random Walks in Physical Systems,” (with co-PI: R. Cote)
National Science Foundation – Computer & Information Science & Engineering, September 15, 2008 –
August 31, 2012, $550,488.
“Quantum Algorithms on the Algebraic Frontier,” U.S. Department of Defense-Army, University of
California, September 1, 2009 – May 31, 2012, $191,415.
“Algebraic Techniques for Pseudorandomness and Lower Bounds,” National Science Foundation –
Computer & Information Science & Engineering, May 15, 2011 – April 30, 2014, $249,957.
“Pre and Post Election Audit Solutions for Optical Scan Voting Equipment,” (with PI: A.A. Shvartsman and
co-PIs: L.D. Michael and A. Kiayias), Connecticut Office of the Secretary of the State/U.S. Election
Assistance Commission, May 23, 2011 – April 30, 2013, $200,000.
Zhijie Shi
“Novel Primitives and Side-Channel Countermeasures in the Design and Implementation of Cryptographic
Algorithms,” National Science Foundation CAREER Award, August 1, 2007 – August 31, 2012, $400,000.
“REU - Novel Primitives and Side-Channel Countermeasures in the Design and Implementation of
Cryptographic Algorithms,” National Science Foundation CAREER Award, August 1, 2007 – August 31,
2012, $16,000.
“Collaborative Research: Developing a Novel Infrastructure for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks,”
(with PI: J-H. Cui and co-PIs: S. Rajasekaran, P. Willett, and S. Zhou; Senior Personnel: R.A. Ammar, A.
Bagtzoglou, Y. Fei, T. Torgersen, and B. Wang), UConn (lead) with UMass and WHOI; National Science
Foundation - Computer & Information Science & Engineering, August 1, 2007 – July 31, 2011, UConn total:
“REU: Collaborative Research: Developing a Novel Infrastructure for Underwater Acoustic Sensor
Networks,” (with PI: J-H. Cui and co-PI: S. Zhou), National Science Foundation - Computer & Information
Science & Engineering, August 1, 2009 – July 31, 2010, $16,000.
“MRI: Development of Instrumentation for an Autonomous UW Sensor Network,” (with PI: J-H. Cui and
co-PIs: I. Babb, T. Torgersen and S. Zhou and Senior Personnel: R.A. Ammar, A. Bagtzoglou, Y. Fei, Y.
Lei, L. Lui, S. Rajasekaran, E. Schultz, B. Wang, L. Wang and P. Willett), National Science Foundation –
Computer & Information Science & Engineering, August 1, 2008 – July 31, 2012, $500,000.
“REU Supplement for MRI: Development of Instrumentation for an Autonomous UW Sensor Network,”
(with PI: J-H. Cui and co-PIs: B. Wang, Y. Fei, S. Zhou, Y. Lei and L. Wei), National Science Foundation Computer & Information Science & Engineering, March 3, 2011 – July 31, 2012, $16,000.
“Graduate Assistants in Areas of National Need (GAANN): Advanced Computing,” (with PI: R.A. Ammar
and co-PIs: J-H. Cui, S. Demurjian, S. Rajasekaran and S. Zhou), U.S. Department of Education/Office of
Postsecondary Education, August 15, 2009 – August 14, 2012, $522,624.
“Graduate Assistants in Areas of National Need, (GAANN): Advanced Computing Security,” (with PI: J.
Chandy and co-PIs: Y. Fei, A. Kiayias, A.A. Shvartsman, M. Tehranipoor, B. Wang and L. Wang), U.S.
Department of Education/Office of Postsecondary Education, August 15, 2009 – August 14, 2012, $522,624.
Dong-Guk Shin
“Feasibility Study of Information System Reengineering, Parts VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII,” (with PI: S.A.
Demurjian), State of Connecticut Insurance Department, August 23, 2003 - June 30, 2012, $2,548,566.
“Computational Analysis of Musculoskeletal Micro-CT Images,” University of Connecticut Health
Center/U.S. Department of Defense, August 1, 2007 – January 31, 2011, $375,985.
“Mechanisms of FGRFR2 Signaling in Craniofacial Development,” (with PI: V. Eswarakumar (Yale)),
National Institutes of Health/Yale University, March 3, 2010 – February 28, 2012, $26,861.
“Mechanisms of FGRFR2 Signaling in Salivary Gland Branching Morphogenesis,” (with PI: V.
Eswarakumar (Yale)), National Institutes of Health/Yale University, July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2012, $32,682.
“Image Analysis and Data Quantification,” UConn Health Center/U.S. Department of Defense/Army, March
18, 2011 – March 17, 2014, $313,665.
“Development & Testing of YSS Web Application,” Connecticut Department of Children and Families,
August 21, 2010 – October 14, 2010, $11,189.
“State Motor Vehicle Crash Data Repository,” (with PI: E.D. Jackson and co-PI: S.A. Demurjian),
Connecticut Department of Transportation, October 20, 2010 – September 30, 2011, $222,714.
“Framework for Large Streaming Data Analysis Proposal Title: Evaluation of Multi-media Streaming,”
CyberConnect EZ, LLC, April 15, 2011 – August 2, 2011, $23,034.
Alexander A. Shvartsman
“Voting Technology Research Center,” (with co-PIs: A. Kiayias, L.D. Michel and A.C. Russell and Senior
Personnel: R.A. Ammar), State of Connecticut, Office of the Secretary of the State, May 23, 2006 – August
23, 2011, $1,742,089.
“Extending the Power and Applicability of Timed Input/Output Automata Framework,” (with co-PI: L.D.
Michel), National Science Foundation/Massachusetts Institute of Technology, $117,713, June 1, 2007 – May
31, 2012.
“AF: Small: Collaborative Research Principles of Robust Cooperative Computing,” National Science
Foundation, September 1, 2010 – August 31, 2013, $300,000.
“Graduate Assistants in Areas of National Need, (GAANN): Advanced Computing Security,” (with PI: J.
Chandy and co-PIs: Y. Fei, A. Kiayias, Z. Shi, M. Tehranipoor, B. Wang and L. Wang), U.S. Department of
Education/Office of Postsecondary Education, August 15, 2009 – August 14, 2012, $522,624.
“Pre and Post Election Audit Solutions for Optical Scan Voting Equipment,” (with co-PIs: A. Kiayias, L.D.
Michael and A.C. Russell), State of Connecticut, Office of the Secretary of the State/U.S. Election
Assistance Commission, May 23, 2011 – April 30, 2013, $200,000.
Bing Wang
“Automating Wireless Network Management: Lessons from Managing,” National Science Foundation
CAREER Award, $449,996, February 1, 2008 – January 31, 2013.
“REU - CAREER: Automating Wireless Network Management: Lessons from Managing,” National Science
Foundation, $48,500, July 8, 2009 – January 31, 2013.
“Collaborative Research: Developing a Novel Infrastructure for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks,”
(with PI: J-H. Cui and co-PIs: S. Rajasekaran, Z. Shi, P. Willett and S. Zhou; and Senior Personnel: R.A.
Ammar, A. Bagtzoglou, Y. Fei and T. Torgersen), UConn (lead) with UMass and WHOI; National Science
Foundation - Computer & Information Science & Engineering, August 1, 2007 – July 31, 2011, $320,000.
“MRI: Development of Instrumentation for an Autonomous UW Sensor Network,” (with PI: J-H. Cui and
co-PI’s: I. Babb, Z. Shi, T. Torgersen and S. Zhou and Senior Personnel: R.A. Ammar, A. Bagtzoglou, Y.
Fei, Y. Lei, L. Lui, S. Rajasekaran, E. Schultz, L. Wang and P. Willett), National Science Foundation –
Computer & Information Science & Engineering, August 1, 2008 – July 31, 2012, $500,000.
“REU Supplement for MRI: Development of Instrumentation for an Autonomous UW Sensor Network,”
(with PI: J-H. Cui and co-PIs: Z. Shi, Y. Fei, S. Zhou, Y. Lei and L. Wei), National Science Foundation Computer & Information Science & Engineering, March 3, 2011 – July 31, 2012, $16,000.
“Graduate Assistants in Areas of National Need (GAANN): Advanced Computing,” (with PI: R.A. Ammar
and co-PIs: J-H. Cui, S. Demurjian, S. Rajasekaran and S. Zhou), U.S. Department of Education/Office of
Postsecondary Education, August 15, 2009 – August 14, 2012, $522,624.
“Graduate Assistants in Areas of National Need (GAANN): Advanced Computing Security,” (with PI: J.
Chandy and co-PIs: Y. Fei, A. Kiayias, Z. Shi, A.A. Shvartsman, M. Tehranipoor and L. Wang), U.S.
Department of Education/Office of Postsecondary Education, August 15, 2009 – August 14, 2012, $522,624.
Yufeng Wu
“CAREER: Efficient and Accurate Computation for High Throughput Sequencing Related Problems in
Population Genomics,” National Science Foundation – Computer & Information Science & Engineering,
July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2015, $496,406.
“III-CXT - Medium: Collaborative Research: Inference of Complex Genealogical Histories in Populations,”
National Science Foundation – Computer & Information Science & Engineering, September 1, 2008 –
August 31, 2011, $305,209.
“REU - III-CXT - Medium: Collaborative Research: Inference of Complex Genealogical Histories in
Populations,” National Science Foundation /Computer & Information Science & Engineering, September 1,
2009 – August 31, 2011, $16,000.
“III: Small: Collaborative Research: Reconstruction of Haplotype Spectra,” (with PI: I.I. Mandoiu), National
Science Foundation/Computer & Information Science & Engineering, September 1, 2009 – August 31, 2010,
Jinbo Bi
“System and Method for Computer Aided Detection via Asymmetric Cascade of Sparse Linear Classifiers,”
(with P. Senthil, O. Kazunori, K. Toshiro, F. Glenn, S. Marcos and R.B. Rao), U.S. Patent No. 7,756,313,
July 13, 2010.
“Method of Multiple Instance Learning and Classification with Correlations in Object Detection,” (with J.
Liang), U.S. Patent No. 7,822,252, October 26, 2010.
Jun-Hong Cui
Engineering Distinguished Alumnus Award, University of California at Los Angeles, 2010.
Gerald Engel
IFIP Silver Core Award, March 2011.
2010 Stamford Campus Faculty Recognition Award for sustained achievements in teaching, research and
service benefiting the Stamford Campus, August 2010.
Swapna Gokhale
Second Place, 2011 Tom Fagan Reliability & Maintainability Symposium Student Paper Competition.
Alexander Shvartsman
University of Connecticut Provost's Award for Excellence in Public Engagement – Center for Voting
Technology Research (VoTeR Center, A. Shvartsman, Director), 2010.
Reda A. Ammar
Associate Editor, International Journal on Software Engineering.
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Information Sciences.
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Software Architectures (IJSA).
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Software Engineering (IJSE).
President, International Journal on Computers and Their Applications.
Chair, the IEEE Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT 2010), Luxor,
Egypt, December 15-18, 2010.
Chair, the 1st International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication (ACC-2010), Orlando,
FL, September 15-17, 2010.
Registration & Finance Chair, the IEEE Symposium on Computer and Communication (ISCC ’11), Kerkyra,
Greece, June 28 – July 1, 2011.
Registration & Finance Chair, the IEEE Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology
(ISSPIT 2011), Bilbao, Spain, December 14-17, 2011.
Member, Steering Committee, IEEE International Conference on Computers and Communication (ISCC)
Member, Steering Committee, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Information
Technology (ISSPIT) series.
Member, Steering Committee, 1st IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and
Medical Sciences (ICCABS) series.
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE).
Evaluator, National Ranking Committee.
President, Board of Director, the Islamic Center of the University of Connecticut (ICUC).
Member: Association of Computing Machinery (ACM); IEEE Computer Society; International Society on
Computers and Their Applications (ISCA); Upsilon Pi Epsilon, the National Computer Science Honorary
Society, Society of Computer Simulation, IEEE Technical Committee on Simulation, IEEE Technical
Committee on Parallel Processing, AARC.
Coordinator between the University of Connecticut and: Ain Shames University, Egypt; Egyptian Cultural
and Education Bureau in USA; Helwan University, Egypt; King Saud University, Saudi Arabia; Umm AlQura University, Saudi Arabia; King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia; and Kuwait University, Kuwait.
• National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Cairo, Egypt.
• Mubarak City for Scientific Research, Alexandria, Egypt.
• Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia.
• King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
Presentations & Short Papers:
“Optimal Deployment and Protection of High-Speed Rail,” (with L. Fiondella, S. Tolba, A. Byrd, Q.
Wang, S. Rajasekaran and N. Lownes), Fifth Annual Department of Homeland Security Student Day,
Washington, DC, pp. 55-56, March 2011.
“A Many to Many Theory Approach to Measuring Transportation Network Vulnerability,” (with Q.
Wang, L. Fiondella, A. Byrd, S. Tolba, S. Rajasekaran and N. Lownes), Fifth Annual Department of
Homeland Security Student Day, Washington, DC, pp. 87-88, March 2011.
“Efficient Prediction of Biological Structures from Molecular Formulas,” (with M. Hamdalla, D. Grant,
S. Rajasekaran, and D. Hill), poster, 15th International Conference on Research in Computational
Molecular Biology (RECOMB), Vancouver, BC, March 28-31, 2011.
Jinbo Bi
Organizer & Chair, Financial Support, 1st ACM International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI 2010),
Arlington, VA, November 11-12, 2010.
Member, Editorial Board, Advances in Chemoinformatics and Computational Methods (ACCM) Book
Member: Association of Computing Machinery (ACM); Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE), Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
(SIAM), Institute For Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS) and American
Mathematical Society (AMS).
Software Packages:
Machine learning tools for analysis and prediction of college alcohol use (the first set of algorithms).
Web-based Informatics Infrastructure (online application
“Solving Ambiguity in Medical Data Classification via Mathematical Programming and Modeling,”
invited talk, Chinese Academy of Science, Mathematics Institute, July 2010.
“Statistical Data Mining Meets Challenges in Computerized Healthcare Revolution,” invited talk, IBM
Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY, October 2010.
Jun-Hong Cui
Editor, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, December 2007 – present.
Guest Editor, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, special issue on wireless communication in challenged
environments, February 2010 – February 2011.
General Co-Chair & Chair, Steering Committee, 6th ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks
(WUWNet’11), Seattle, WA, December 1–2, 2011.
Chair, Steering Committee, 5th ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet’10),
Woods Hole, MA, September 30 – October 1, 2010.
Chair, Steering Committee and Member, Program Committee, 4th ACM International Workshop on
UnderWater Networks (WUWNet’09), in conjunction with ACM MobiCom'09, Berkeley, CA, November 3,
Co-chair, Technical Program Committee, Frontiers on Communications and Networking Symposium, the 6th
International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China, Harbin, China, August 17-19,
Member, Steering Committee, the International Workshop on Underwater Networks (WUWNet), December
2006 - Present.
Member, Technology Committee, Marine Communications, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society, November
2006 - Present.
Member, Program Committee, 19th International Conference on Computer Communication Networks
(ICCCN 2010), Zurich, Switzerland, August 2-5, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 7th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems
(MASS 2010), San Francisco, CA, November 8-12, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), Miami, FL,
December 6-10, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, the 6th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
(MSN 2010), Hangzhou, China, December 20-22, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Computer Communication (INFOCOM’11),
Shanghai, China, April 10-15, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC 2011), Kyoto, Japan,
June 5-9, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 8th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and
Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON 2011), Salt Lake City, UT, June 27-30, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011), Houston,
TX, December 5-9, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 31st Annual International Conference on Computer Communication
(INFOCOM’12), Orlando, FL, March 25-30, 2012.
Member: IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Women in Engineering
Society; Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), ACM Special Interest Group on Data
Communications (ACM SIGCOMM), ACM Special Interest Group on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and
Computing (ACM SIGMOBILE).
Software Packages:
Aqua-3D: http://ubinet.engr.uconn.edu/mediawiki/index.php/Aqua-3D.
Aqua-Sim: http://ubinet.engr.uconn.edu/mediawiki/index.php/Aqua-Sim.
“Redundancy Based Adaptive Routing in Underwater Delay Tolerant Sensor Networks,” (with Z. Guo,
B. Wang and J. Wu), extended abstract for poster session, ACM WUWNet’10, Woods Hole, MA,
September 30 - October 1, 2010.
“DA-Sync: A Doppler Assisted Time Synchronization Scheme for Mobile Underwater Sensor
Networks,” (with J. Liu, Z. Wang, Z. Zhou, Z. Peng and S. Zhou), extended abstract for poster session,
ACM WUWNet’10, Woods Hole, MA, September 30 - October 1, 2010.
“Aqua-3D: a Three-Dimensional Animator for Underwater Sensor Networks,” (with M. Tran, Y. Zhu, S.
Le and Z. Peng), extended abstract for demo session, ACM WUWNet’10, Woods Hole, MA, September
30 - October 1, 2010.
“Acoustic OFDM Modem Prototype and Networking Testbed Development,” (with Z. Peng, S. Le, P.
Carroll, L. Wan, Y. Zhu, J. Liu, H. Mo, S. Zhou and J. Shi), extended abstract for demo session, ACM
WUWNet’10, Woods Hole, MA, September 30 - October 1, 2010.
“Revolutionizing the Water World: Distributed Cyber-Aquatic Systems,” invited, Temple University,
March 11, 2011.
Steven A. Demurjian
Member, Program Committee, 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT
2010), Athens, Greece, July 22-24, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 5th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA
2010), Nice, France, August 22-27, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 9h International Workshop on Web Semantics (WebS 2010), Bilbao, Spain,
August 30 - September 3, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, IADIS International WWW/Internet 2010 Conference, Timisoara, Romania,
October 14-17, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 4th International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems,
Services and Technologies (UBICOMM), Florence, Italy, October 25-30, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 1st ACM International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI10), Arlington,
VA, November 11-12, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
(WEBIST), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, May 6-9, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT
2011), Seville, Spain, July 18-21, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 10th International Workshop on Web Semantics (WebS 2011), Toulouse,
France, August 29 - September 2, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 5th International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems,
Services and Technologies (UBICOMM), Lisbon, Portugal, November 20-25, 2011.
Member: Association of Computing Machinery (ACM); IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Computer Society
Technical Committees on Database Engineering and Software Engineering; Upsilon Pi Epsilon, the National
Computer Science Honorary Society; International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP), Working
Group (WG11.3) on Database Security.
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science & Engineering.
Gerald L. Engel
Leonhardt Chair of Computer Science and Engineering.
Fellow, CSAB.
Fellow, IEEE.
Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery.
Member, Editorial Board, Computer Science Education.
Vice President and United States Representative, International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP).
President, IEEE Society on the Social Implications of Technology (SSIT).
Chair, IEEE Conferences Committee.
Member: Computer Science Education Board; IEEE Technical Activities Board, IEEE Publications Services
and Products Board, IEEE Computer Society Intersociety Cooperation Committee; IFIP Strategic Planning
Committee, IFIP Conferences Committee, IFIP Publication Committee.
Swapna S. Gokhale
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal on Performability Engineering, 2008 – present.
Member, Editorial Board, Open Software Engineering Journal, 2007 – present.
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 2007 – present.
Member, Editorial Board, IETE Technical Review, 2007 – present.
Co-Chair, Program Committee, 23rd International Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
(SEKE’2011), Miami, FL, July 7-9, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES
2010), Krakow, Poland, February 15-18, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 22nd International Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
(SEKE’2010), Redwood City, CA, July 1-3, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 10th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2010), Zhangjiajie,
China, July 14-15, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT
2010), Athens, Greece, July 22-24, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications (IPTComm
2010), Munich, Germany, August 2-3, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 10),
San Jose, CA, November 1-4, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2011), Madrid, Spain,
July 13-14, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT
2011), Seville, Spain, July 18-21, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES
2011), Vienna, Austria, August 22-26, 2011.
Senior Member, IEEE Computer Society.
Presentations & Short Papers:
“Performance Analysis of a Web Server with Dynamic Thread Pool Architecture,” 22nd International
Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2010), Redwood City, San
Francisco Bay, CA, July 2010.
“Software Reliability Models with Bathtub Fault Detection Rate,” (with L. Fiondella), 57th Annual
Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2011), Orlando, FL, January 2011.
“Searching for Heavy Tails in Web Robot Traffic,” 7th International Conference on the Quantitative
Evaluation of Systems (QEST 2010), Williamsburg, VA, September 2010.
Ian R. Greenshields
Chair, Program Committee, 1st International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication
Conference (ACC-2010), sponsored by ISCA, Orlando, FL, September 15-17, 2010.
Chun-Hsi Huang
Member, Editorial Board, Biomedical Informatics Insights, Libertas Academica, 2007-present.
Member, Executive Committee, IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC), 2006- present.
Session Chair, ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, Tucson, AZ, May 31-June 4, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information
Technology (CIT), Bradford, UK, June 29 - July 1, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 7th International Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models
(GECON) at the 16th European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), Ischia, Italy,
August 30-31, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 1st International Conference on Information Technology in Bio-Medical
Informatics (ITBAM), Bilbao, Spain, August 30-September 1, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 9th International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB’ 10), Tokyo, Japan,
September 26-28, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 2nd Symposium on Grid and Distributed Computing (GDC), Bali, Indonesia,
December 9-11, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 4th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine
(BIBM), Hong Kong, China, December 19-22, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Health Informatics (HealthInf), February 1-4,
2012, Vilamoura-Algarve, Portugal; January 26-29, 2011.
Finance co-Chair, 1st IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical
Sciences (ICCABS), Orlando, FL, February 3-5, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, International Workshop on Collaboration Technologies and Systems in
Healthcare and Biomedical Fields (CoHeB 2011), in conjunction with the 2011 International Conference on
Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2011), Philadelphia, PA, May 23-27, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 1st International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT
Energy-aware Technologies (ENERGY 2011), Venice, Italy, May 22-27, 2011.
Member, Scientific Review Committee, Health-Grid Conference (HealthGrid), (9-th), Bristol, UK, June 2728, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 1st International Conference on ICT as Key Technology for the Fight against
Global Warming (ICT-GLOW’11), Toulouse, France, August 29-September 2, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (CME 2012),
Richmond, VA, June 1-4, 2012.
Member, International Society of Computational Biology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
Association of Computing Machinery.
Access to the Center for Computational Research (CCR), Buffalo, NY. Accesses to (1) a 128 processor SGI
Origin 3800, (2) a 64-processor IBM SP2, and (3) a 64-processor SUN Cluster.
“Peta-Scale Computing in Network Biology CBI (Chem-Bio Informatics),” invited, Session at the 2010
International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB) Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, September 28,
“Biological Modeling, Simulation and Computing to the Exascale,” invited, 2011 International
Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) in conjunction with the Open Grid Forum (OGF 31), Academia
Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, March 21-25, 2011.
Aggelos Kiayias
Special Issue Editor, IEEE Network, special issue on trusted computing.
Chair, Cryptographers’ Track RSA Conference (CT-RSA) 2011, San Francisco, CA, February 14-18, 2011.
Co-Chair, Program Committee, the 1st Workshop on Real-Life Cryptographic Protocols and Standardization
(RLCPS 2010), Canary Islands, Spain, January 28, 2010.
Member, Steering Committee, ACM Digital Rights Management Workshop 2006-2011.
Member, Program Committee, the 1st International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security,
(LATINCRYPT 2010), Puebla, Mexico, August 8–11, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2010),
Athens, Greece, September 20–22, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 9th ACM Digital Rights Management Workshop, Chicago, IL, October 4,
Member, Program Committee, the 31st International Cryptology Conference (CRYPTO 2011), Santa
Barbara, CA, August 14 - 18, 2011.
Consultant, Secretary of the State of Connecticut, Voting Technology through the Voting Technology
Research Center.
Ion I. Mandoiu
Associate Editor, BMC Bioinformatics.
Member, Editorial Board, In Silico Biology.
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications, 2006-2011.
Guest Editor (with T. Przytycka and S. Rajasekaran), BMC Bioinformatics and BMC Genomics special
supplements devoted to 1st IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical
Sciences (ICCABS).
Guest Editor (with P. Gogarten and A. Zelikovsky), BMC Proceedings special supplement devoted to 5th
International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA 2010).
Chair, Program Committee, 1st IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and
Medical Sciences (ICCABS), Orlando, FL, February 3-5, 2011.
Chair, 1st Workshop on Computational Advances for Next Generation Sequencing (CANGS) in conjunction
with ICCABS’11, Orlando, FL, February 4, 2011.
Session Chair, 10th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics, Liverpool, UK, September 6-8, 2010.
Session Chair, 9th Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC), Incheon, Korea, January 11-14, 2011.
Session Chair, 1st Workshop on Computational Advances for Next Generation Sequencing (CANGS),
Orlando, FL, February 4, 2011.
Session Chair, Publicity Chair, 7th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications
(ISBRA 2011), Changsha, China, May 27-29, 2011 (3 sessions).
Member, Program Committee, 18th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular
Biology (ISMB 2010), Boston, MA, July 11- 13, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 2010 Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics (BSB 2010), Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, August 30 - September 3, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 10th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI 2010), Liverpool,
UK, September 6-8, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, Special Section on Advances in the Theory of Computing of the 12th
International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2010),
Timisoara, Romania, September 23-26, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 19th International Conference on Intelligent System for Computational
Biology and 10th European Conference on Computational Biology (ISMB/ECCB 2011), Vienna, Austria,
July 17-19, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and
Biomedicine (ACM BCB 2011), Chicago, IL, August 1-3, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 2011 Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (BSB 2011), Federal
District, Brazil, August 7-12, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 11th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI 2011), Saarbrucken,
Germany, September 5-7, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 11th IEEE International Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bio Engineering
(BIBE 2011), Taichung, Taiwan, October 24-26, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine
(BIBM 2011), Atlanta, GA, November 12-15, 2011.
Member, American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM),
ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory (SIGACT), International Society for
Computational Biology (ISCB), Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Software Packages:
“IsoEM - Estimation of Alternative Splicing Isoform Frequencies from RNA-Seq Data,” (with M.
Nicolae, S. Mangul and A. Zelikovsky).
“DGE-EM - Accurate Estimation of Gene Expression Levels from DGE Sequencing Data,” (with M.
“ViSpA - Viral Spectrum Assembler,” (with I. Astrovskaya, B. Tork, S. Mangul, K. Westbrooks, P.
Balfe and A. Zelikovsky).
“Estimation of Alternative Splicing Isoform Frequencies from RNA-Seq Data,” invited talk, Max Planck
Institute for Molecular Genetics, July 19, 2010.
“Estimation of Alternative Splicing Isoform Frequencies from RNA-Seq Data,” (with M. Nicolae, S.
Mangul and A. Zelikovsky), invited talk, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, November 7-10,
“Scaffolding Draft Genomes Using Paired Sequencing Data,” (with J. Lindsay, J. Zhang, T. Farnham, E.
Bullwinkel, H. Salooti, Y. Wu, A. Zelikovsky and R.J. O’Neill), poster, 1st IEEE International
Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences, February 3-5, 2011.
“VISPA: Viral Spectrum Assembling Method,” (with I. Astrovskaya, B. Tork, S. Mangul, K.
Westbrooks, P. Balfe and A. Zelikovsky), poster, 1st IEEE International Conference on Computational
Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences, February 3-5, 2011.
“Empirical Comparison of Protocols for Sequencing-Based Gene and Isoform Expression Profiling,”
(with M. Nicolae), poster, 1st IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and
Medical Sciences, February 3-5, 2011.
“The Utility of Next Generation Sequencing for Genome Scale Studies,” (with R.J. O'Neill, J. Lindsay,
D. Carone, T. Heider, S. Al Seesi and A. Pask), abstract, 1st IEEE International Conference on
Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences, February 3-5, 2011.
“Accurate Estimation of Gene Expression Levels from DGE Sequencing Data,” (with M. Nicolae),
abstract, 1st Annual RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Massively Parallel Sequencing, Vancouver, BC,
Canada, March 26-27, 2011.
“Computational Advances for Next Generation Sequencing,” (with A. Zelikovsky), training course in
conjunction with 1st SelectBiosciences Next-Gen Sequencing Congress, Boston, MA, April 28, 2011.
“Viral Quasispecies Reconstruction Based on Unassembled Frequency Estimation," (with S. Mangul, I.
Astrovskaya, B. Tork and A. Zelikovsky), short abstract, 7th International Symposium on Bioinformatics
Research and Applications, Changsha, China, May 27-29, 2011.
Robert D. McCartney
Co-Editor-in-Chief, ACM Transactions on Computing Education.
Co-chair, ICER doctoral consortium, Aarhus, Denmark, August 2010.
Co-chair, ICER doctoral consortium, Providence, RI, August 2011.
Chair, 11th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli National Park,
Finland, November 17-20, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 6th International Workshop on Computing Education Research ICER ‘10,
Aarhus, Denmark, August 8-11, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 10th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education
Research, Koli National Park, Lieksa, Finland, October 28-31, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, the 7th International Computing Education Research Workshop (ICER'11),
Providence, RI, August 8-9, 2011.
Member: ACM Education Council, Association for Computing Machinery.
Presentations & Short Papers:
“It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time,” (with J. Boustedt, J. Tenenberg, S. Cooper, D. Garcia, M.
Hutton, N. Parlante and B. Richards), 42nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education,
pp. 63-64, Dallas, TX, 2011.
“SIGCSE Special Project Showcase,” (with D. Baldwin, P. Sanderson, S. Ludi, N.T. Ramachandran, and
C. Taylor), 42nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, pp. 5-6, Dallas, TX, 2011.
Laurent D. Michel
Area Editor, Constraint Programming Letters (CPL).
Member, Editorial Board, Constraints.
Associate Editor, Member, Editorial Board, Mathematical Programming Computation (MPC).
Session Chair, Association for Constraint Programming Summer School, Turunç, Turkey, June 27-July 1,
Consultant: VSS (Voting Security Systems).
Software Packages:
COMET [~800kloc].
Areva/ISO-NE – STLF (Short-Term Load Forecasting) [10kloc].
Areva/ISO-NE – VSTLF (Very-Short Term Load Forecasting) [10kloc].
Presentations & Short Papers:
“Synthesis of Search Algorithms from High-level CP Models,” (with S. Elsayed), 9th International
Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation (ModRef’10), St. Andrews, Scotland, UK,
September 2010.
Thomas J. Peters
Secretary, Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Special Interest Group on Geometric Design and
Modeling, 2011 – 2011.
Research Access: IBM Blue Gene Supercomputer, IBM, Cambridge, MA.
Member: American Mathematical Society, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), SIAM
Activity Group on Geometric Design (SIAG/GD).
Consultant, IBM and Kerner Graphics.
Software Packages:
Knot_Spline_Vis, A software visualization tool.
Presentations & Short Papers:
“Locally Unknotted Control Polygons for Bezier Curves,” (with J. Li), Fall Workshop on Computational
Geometry, Stony Brook, NY, October 29-30, 2010.
“The Dance of Atoms”-- “Concrete Mathematics,” (with T. Hunter), invited, IBM, Hawthorne, NY,
December 3, 2010.
“Angles during Piecewise Linear Approximation by Subdivision,” (with J. Li and J.A. Roulier), 27th
European Workshop on Computational Geometry, Antoniushaus Morschach, Switzerland, March 28-30,
“Applying Knot Theory to Animation and Visualization,” (with T. Hunter), invited, Free University,
Department of Mathematics and Free University, Center for Informatik, April 11, 2011.
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran
United Technologies Corporation Chair Professor of Computer Science Engineering.
Associate Editor, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.
Associate Editor, International Journal of Computers and Their Applications.
Associate Editor, Computing Letters.
Associate Editor, Parallel Processing Letters.
Fellow, IEEE.
Fellow, AAAS.
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE), 2005-present.
Co-Chair, Doctoral Dissertation Consortium, International Conference on High Performance Computing &
Simulation (HPCS), Caen, France, June 28-July 2, 2010.
Chair, Steering Committee, General Chair, 1st IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in
Bio and Medical Sciences (ICCABS), Orlando, FL, February 3-5, 2011.
Advisory Chair and Program Committee Member, The Second International Conference on Access
Networks, Services and Technologies (ACCESS), Luxembourg, June 19-24, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, The First International Conference on Access Networks, Services and
Technologies (ACCESS), Valencia, Spain, September 20-25, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM),
Hong Kong, December 18-21, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 5th International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS), Gosier, Guadeloupe,
France, February 23-28, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 25th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Data Mining Track, Taichung,
Taiwan, March 21-25, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 12th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational
Models, Anchorage, Alaska, May 16-20, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 16th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC’11),
Kerkyra, Greece, June 28 – July 1, 2011.
Member, IASTED Technical Committee on Biomedical Engineering, Round Table Group, International
Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED).
Member, IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, Association of Computing Machinery, Association for the
Advancement of Science.
Consultant, Arcot Systems, Sunnyvale, CA.
Presentations & Short Papers:
“Optimal Deployment and Protection of High-Speed Rail,” (with L. Fiondella, S. Tolba, A. Byrd, Q.
Wang, R. Ammar and N. Lownes), Fifth Annual Department of Homeland Security Student Day, pp. 5556, Washington, DC, March 2011.
“A Many to Many Theory Approach to Measuring Transportation Network Vulnerability,” (with Q.
Wang, L. Fiondella, A. Byrd, S. Tolba, R. Ammar and N. Lownes), Fifth Annual Department of
Homeland Security Student Day, pp. 87-88, Washington, DC, March 2011.
“Efficient Prediction of Biological Structures from Molecular Formulas,” (with M. Hamdalla, D. Grant,
R. Ammar and D. Hill), poster, 15th International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular
Biology (RECOMB) Vancouver, BC, March 28-31, 2011.
Alexander C. Russell
Associate Editor-in-Chief, Theory of Computation, 2005-2010.
Guest Editor, SIAM Journal, Computing special issue for STOC 2010.
Member, Program Committee, ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2010.
Consultant, Connecticut Secretary of the State.
Member, Association of Computing Machinery/Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation
Theory, American Mathematical Society, Mathematical Association of America.
Software Packages:
New version of LaTeX system for the journal Theory of Computing.
LaTeX system for the journal Chicago Journal of Computing.
Zhijie Shi
Chair, Demo, 5th ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet 2010), Woods Hole,
MA, September 30 – October 1, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 4th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS 2010),
Melbourne, Australia, September 1-3, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 5th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS’2010), Scottsdale, AZ,
October 24, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), Miami, FL,
December 6-10, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI 2011), Lausanne, Switzerland,
May 2-4, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 6th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in
China (CHINACOM 2011), Harbin, China, August 17-19, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 6th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS 2011), Taipei, Taiwan,
October 9-14, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011), Houston,
TX, December 5-9, 2011.
Member, IEEE Computer Society and Association of Computing Machinery.
“Towards Comprehensive Countermeasures to Power Analysis Attacks,” invited, Tsinghua University,
China, July 02, 2010.
“Towards Comprehensive Countermeasures to Power Analysis Attacks,” invited, Hong Kong University
of Science and Technology, China, July 20, 2010.
“Acoustic OFDM Modem Prototype and Networking Testbed Development,” (with Z. Peng, S. Le, P.
Carroll, J-H. Cui, L. Wan, Y. Zhu, J. Liu, H. Mo and S. Zhou), extended abstract for demo session, ACM
WUWNet’10, Woods Hole, MA, September 30 - October 1, 2010.
Dong-Guk Shin
Editor, Bioinformatics and Biology Insights, Libertas Academica.
Member, Program Committee, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBM
2009), Washington, DC, November 1-4, 2009.
Member, Program Committee, 5th International Association of Science and Technology for Development
(IASTED) Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (IASTED-HCI 2010), Maui, HI, August 23-25,
Member, Program Committee, 6th International Association of Science and Technology for Development
(IASTED) Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (IASTED-HCI 2011), Washington, DC, May 16-18,
Consultant, CyberConnect EZ, LLC.
Member, IEEE Computer Society and Korean Scientists and Engineers in America.
Software Packages:
CT Department of Children and Families Federal Reporting Package.
CT Consumer Affairs Division Renewal Process Automation Package.
Stem Cell Portal – official web page portal for stem cell consortium.
ArrayUtil – software package helping scientists analyze microarray expression.
PBR – Microarray Data Pattern-Based Data Retrieval.
PBC – Microarray Data Pattern-Based Cluster.
PlotCluster – Microarray Data Meta-Analysis Viewer.
SHPeak – ChIP-Seq Peak Finding Program.
ExpDesigner – Graphical Expression Design User Interface.
NeighboringGene – Neighboring Gene Finder Graphical User Interface.
Presentations & Short Papers:
“Research Issues in Gene Expression Data Mining,” invited, Brain Korean for 21st Century, I-Bio
POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea, December 19, 2010.
“Image Analysis Issues in Bone Histomophormetry,” invited, Brain Korean for 21st Century, Computer
Engineering Department, Pohang University, Pohang, South Korea, December 19, 2010.
“Genome-Wide Promoter Binding of TFII-I Transcription Factors in Embryonic Stem Cells and
Embryonic Tissues,” (with A.V. Makeyev, B. Enkhmandakh, S-H. Hong, P. Joshi and D. Bayarsaihan),
Connecticut’s Stem Cell Research Symposium (StemCONN 2011), Farmington, CT, March 22, 2011.
“Fluorescence Based, Observer Independent Dynamic Bone Histomorphometry,” (with S-H. Hong, X.
Jiang, L. Chen and D.W. Rowe), The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting
(ASBMR 2010), Toronto, ON, Canada, October 15-19, 2010.
Alexander A. Shvartsman
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Computers.
Co-Chair, 2010 EATCS International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2010), Cambridge, MA,
September 13-15, 2010.
Co-Chair, Track, 13th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety and Security of Distributed Systems
(SSS’11), Grenoble, France, October 10-12, 2011.
Member, Editorial Board, Studia Informatica Universalis, International Journal of Information Technology,
2000 – present.
Member, Steering Committee, International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication
Co-Chair, 2010 ACM-EATCS Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing Award Committee.
Member, Program Committee, 14th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems
(OPODIS), Tozeur, Tunisia, December 14-17, 2010.
Member, Steering Committee, 18th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication
Complexity (SIROCCO 2011), Gdansk, Poland, June 26-29, 2011.
Access to PlanetLab.
Member: Association of Computing Machinery; IEEE, IEEE Computer Society; Cornell Society of
Presentations & Short Papers:
“Distributed Cooperation in the Presence of Adversity: Complexity Trade-Offs,” invited, Distinguished
Lecture, Computer Science & Engineering, Texas A&M University, October 14, 2010.
“Robust Network Supercomputing Without Centralized Control,” (with S. Davtyan and K. Konwar), 30th
ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, CA, June 6-9, 2011.
Bing Wang
Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (ICCCN
2010), Zurich, Switzerland, August 2-5, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, IEEE Global Communications Conference Exhibition & Industry Form
(GLOBECOM 2010), Miami, FL, December 6-10, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 29th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications
Conference (IPCCC 2010), Albuquerque, NM, December 9-11, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 30th Conference on Computer Communications (Infocom 2011), Shanghai,
China, April 10-15, 2011.
Member, Association of Computing Machinery (SIGCOMM), IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE
Communication Society.
Presentations & Short Papers:
“Passive Online Wireless LAN Health Monitoring from a Single Measurement Point,” (with X. Chen, K.
Suh and W. Wei), ACM Mobile Computer Communications Review, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 19-21, October
“Passive Online Wireless LAN Health Monitoring from a Single Measurement Point,” (with X. Chen, K.
Suh and W. Wei), poster, MobiCom, September 2010.
Yufeng Wu
Program Vice Chair (co-chairing the Evolution and Genomics Track), ACM Conference on Bioinformatics,
Computational Biology and Biomedicine 2011, Chicago, IL, August 1-3, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 18th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular
Biology (ISMB 2010), Boston, MA, July 11- 13, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 3rd International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics
(BMEI'10), Yantai, China, October 16-18, 2010.
Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms
(BIOINFORMATICS 2011), Rome, Italy, January 26-29, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 1st IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and
Medical Sciences (ICCABS), Orlando, FL, February 3-5, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
(BICoB 2011), New Orleans, LA, March 23-25, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 7th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications
(ISBRA 2011), Changsha, China, May 27-29, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, 19th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular
Biology (ISMB 2011), Vienna, Austria, July 17- 19, 2011.
Member: International Society of Computational Biology (ISCB).
“Finding Deletions with Exact Break Points from Noisy Low Coverage Paired-end Short Sequence
Reads,” (with J. Zhang), abstract talk, First Annual RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Massively Parallel
Sequencing, Vancouver, BC, Canada, March 26-27, 2011.
“Finding Deletions with Exact Break Points from Noisy Low Coverage Paired-end Short Sequence
Reads,” (with J. Zhang), poster, in RECOMB 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada, March 28-31, 2011.
“Finding Deletions with Exact Break Points from Noisy Low Coverage Paired-end Short Sequence
Reads,” (with J. Zhang), abstract talk, 7th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and
Applications (ISBRA 2011), Changsha, China, May 27-29, 2011.
“Coalescent-based Species Tree Inference from Gene Tree Topologies Under Incomplete Lineage
Sorting by Maximum Likelihood,” Phylogenetics: New data, new Phylogenetic challenges, Follow-up
Meeting, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK, June 20-24, 2011.
The Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) department offers undergraduate degrees in Electrical
Engineering (EE), Computer Engineering (CompE, offered jointly with the Computer Science & Engineering
Department), and Engineering Physics (jointly with the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences). In fall 2010,
162 students were enrolled in Electrical Engineering, 37 in Computer Engineering, and four in Engineering
Physics. During the academic year 2010-2011, we awarded 37 B.S.E. degrees in EE and 11 degrees in
The ECE faculty conducts funded research in fields including systems and energy, communications and
signal/image processing, biomedical engineering, microelectronics, photonics and optoelectronics,
electromagnetics, nanotechnology, VLSI, computer engineering, and homeland security. Scholarly
productivity stimulated by research is strong. The faculty publications included 107 refereed journal articles,
nine book chapters, and 150 full conference proceedings papers. ECE faculty members developed eight
software packages, offered many professional short courses, were keynote speakers at 17 international
conferences, and delivered 56 invited talks. The faculty worked on 133 sponsored grants valued at $5 million
for FY 11 ($3.8 million in direct expenditures). During the year, the ECE faculty advised 134 graduate
students; of these, 16 successfully completed their Ph.D. degrees and 26 students garnered their M.S.
degrees. Shengli Zhou was awarded two patents; Bahram Javidi, Peter Luh, Geoffrey Taylor and Peter
Willett each received one.
In the latest NRC (National Research Council) Ranking of Graduate Programs, the Electrical and Computer
Engineering Ph.D. (EE) program was evaluated among 136 programs. The quality-survey-based ranking
listed UConn 33rd overall (24th percentile) and 17th among the public universities.
ECE faculty members received several prestigious awards. Krishna Pattipati was recently selected the UTC
Professor in Systems Engineering. Yaakov Bar-Shalom was the 2010 recipient of the Faculty Excellence in
Research Award offered by the University of Connecticut Alumni Association. Mohammad Tehranipoor
was selected a Distinguished Speaker of the IEEE Computer Society for the 2011-2013 term. He was also
selected a Distinguished Speaker (2010-2012) for the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM). Yaakov
Bar-Shalom and Bahram Javidi are Board of Trustees Distinguished Professors. Yaakov Bar-Shalom is the
Marianne E. Klewin Endowed Professor in Engineering and Peter Luh is the SNET Professor of
Communications & Information Technologies. ECE faculty members are also leaders in many professional
societies/organizations. Quing Zhu was elected a Fellow of SPIE, joining Anthony DeMaria, Eric Donkor
and Bahram Javidi. Yaakov Bar-Shalom, Steven Boggs, Anthony DeMaria, John Enderle, Bahram Javidi,
Peter Luh, Krishna Pattipati, Geoffrey Taylor and Peter Willett are IEEE Fellows; John Enderle and Bahram
Javidi are American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering Fellows; Anthony DeMaria and
Bahram Javidi are Optical Society of America Fellows; John Enderle is an American Society of Engineering
Education Fellow; Rajeev Bansal is a Fellow of the Electromagnetics Academy; and Anthony DeMaria is a
Fellow of the American Physical Society.
Mehdi Anwar was inducted into the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE), joining
faculty members Rajeev Bansal, Yaakov Bar-Shalom, Anthony DeMaria (who is a co-founding member),
Eric Donkor, John Enderle, Monty Escabi, Faquir Jain, Bahram Javidi, Peter Luh, Krishna Pattipati, Geoffrey
Taylor, Shengli Zhou and Quing Zhu. During 2010-2011, ECE faculty members held four major journal
editorships, 33 associate editorships or conference chair posts, and 52 other editorial or conference-planning
appointments. In particular, Mehdi Anwar, John Enderle, Bahram Javidi, and Peter Willett were Editors-in
Chief; and Mehdi Anwar, Rajeev Bansal, John Chandy, Eric Donkor, John Enderle, Faquir Jain, Bahram
Javidi, Peter Luh, Mohammad Tehranipoor, Lei Wang, Peter Willett, Shengli Zhou and Quing Zhu served as
Editors or Associate Editors of professional journals.
The Department has an engaged Industrial Advisory Board (IAB), providing vital input on our curricula,
recruitment, and strategies. Industrial feedback is essential in maintaining high-quality, relevant programs
and is a major link in the ABET accreditation process. Additionally, the affiliated companies participate in
collaborative research, sponsor senior design projects, provide internship opportunities for our students, and
often hire them permanently. The companies represented on the IAB this year are Aptima, ARRIS Access
and Transport, Coherent, GE Corporate Financial Servises, GE Consumer & Industrial Technology,
Hamilton Sundstrand, ISO New England, JDS Uniphase, Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Northeast
Utilities, Phonon Corporation, Pratt & Whitney, Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, and Silicon DFx. The
Department is also active in collaborative research and development projects with many other companies.
Adam Cywar received a highly competitive National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research
Fellowship. Adam, advised by Ali Gokirmak, was selected based on his outstanding abilities and
accomplishments as well as his potential to contribute to strengthening the vitality of the U.S. science and
engineering enterprise. Xiaoxiao Wang, advised by Mohammad Tehranipoor, received the Best in Session
Award at the 2010 TECHCON Conference sponsored by Semiconductor Research Corporation. Xuehui
Zhang, also advised by Mohammad Tehranipoor, received the First Place Prize at the 2010 Cyber Security
Awareness Week (CSAW)-Embedded Systems Challenge held at New York University. Junxia Ma, advised
by Mohammad Tehranipoor, was a finalist in the Collegian Innovation & Leadership category of
Connecticut’s 2011 Women of Innovation awards.
The UConn student branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) organized several
educational and professional activities in the past two semesters. They held a Microsoft Imagine Cup
submission party, sponsored directly by Microsoft. The Imagine Cup is a worldwide student developer
competition open to both undergraduate and graduate students. Students must use technology to take on
some of the world's toughest problems, while learning what it takes to potentially create a socially
responsible startup. This year’s Imagine Cup theme revolved around the UN’s Millennium Development
Goals to end poverty, hunger, and disease, while bringing about universal education, gender equality, and
environmental sustainability.
New officers were elected for the 2011-2012 academic year. They will be working with the branch advisor,
Ali Gokirmak, to recruit new members and increase participation.
The UConn chapters of The International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE) and The Optical Society of
America (OSA) co-sponsored a student conference, including students from UConn and Yale. Dr. V.
Michael Bove, Jr. from MIT gave an invited presentation on “Holographic television - the ultimate 3-D
display technology.” Quing Zhu is the SPIE chapter’s advisor.
Shalabh Gupta will join the department in fall 2011 as an Assistant Professor in the area of systems. He
obtained his Ph.D. from Penn State University in August 2006. He holds two master’s degrees, one in
Electrical Engineering (2005) and one in Mechanical Engineering (2004), both from Penn State. His
research interests are wide-ranging and have many applications: cyber-physical Systems, autonomous
systems, distributed intelligent systems, sensor networks, swarm robotics, cooperative control, machine
learning, information perception, human-machine interface, self-healing networks, energy systems, complex
systems’ failures, and structural health monitoring.
John E. Ayers
“Annealing Induced Nanostructure and Photoluminescence Property Evolution in Solution-processed Mgalloyed ZnO Nanowires,” (with P. Shimpi, Y. Ding, E.N. Suarez and P.-X. Gao), Applied Physics Letters,
Vol. 97, pp. 103104-1-103104-3, September 2010.
“Equilibrium Strain and Dislocation Density in Exponentially Graded Si(1-x)Ge(x)/Si (001),” (with B.
Bertoli, D. Sidoti, S. Xhurxhi, T. Kujofsa, S. Cheruku, J. Reed, P.B. Rago, E.N. Suarez and F.C. Jain),
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 108, pp. 113525-1-113525-5, December 2010.
“Initial Misfit Dislocations in a Graded Heteroepitaxial Layer,” (with D. Sidoti, S. Xhurxhi, T. Kujofsa, S.
Cheruku, J.P. Correa, B. Bertoli, P.B. Rago, E.N. Suarez and F.C. Jain), Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.
109, pp. 023510-1-023510-5, January 2011.
Rajeev Bansal
“Principles, Applications, Risks and Benefits of Therapeutic Hyperthermia,” (with R. Habash, D. Krewski
and H.T. Alhafid), Frontiers in Bioscience, Vol. E3, pp. 1169-1181, June 1, 2011.
Yaakov Bar-Shalom
“Multi-step Look-ahead Policy for Autonomous Cooperative Surveillance by UAVs in Hostile
Environments,” (with X. Tian and K.R. Pattipati), Journal of Advances in Information Fusion, Vol. 5, No. 1,
pp. 3-17, July 2010.
“Projectile Identification and Impact Point Prediction,” (with V. Ravindra and P.K. Willett), IEEE
Transactions on Aerospace Electronic Systems, Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 2004-2021, October 2010.
“Feature-Aided Localization of Ground Vehicles Using Passive Acoustic Sensor Networks,” (with V.
Ravindra and T. Damarla), Journal of Advances in Information Fusion, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 88-107, December
“The Optimal Algorithm for Asynchronous Track-to-Track Fusion,” (with X. Tian), Journal of Advances in
Information Fusion, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 128-138, December 2010.
“Simplification of the Dynamic Cramer-Rao Bound for Target Tracking in Clutter,” (with P.K. Willett and
X. Zhang), IEEE Transactions on Aerospace Electronic Systems, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 1481-1482, April 2011.
“Tracking with Multisensor OOSM Measurements with Residual Biases,” (with S. Zhang and G. Watson),
Journal of Advances in Information Fusion, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 3-23, June 2011.
Steven A. Boggs
“Limits to the Performance and Design of High Voltage Metalized Film Capacitors,” (with S. Qin), IEEE
Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 1298-1306, August 2010.
“The Increasing Role of Modeling in HV and Materials Engineering,” IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine,
Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 8-22, September/October 2010.
“Derivation of Exact and Approximate Formulas for the Force on a Conducting Particle Standing on a
Ground Plane and Comparison with Finite Element Computations,” (with K. Zhou), IEEE Transactions on
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 1602-1606, October 2010.
“Design of Longitudinal Multisection Foil-film Capacitors,” (with S.C. Qin), IEEE Transactions on
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 1884-1887, December 2010.
“Effect of Cable Restoration Fluid on Inhibiting Water Tree Initiation,” (with W.E. Shu), IEEE Transactions
on Power Delivery, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 97-100, January 2011.
“Density Functional Theory Analysis of the Effect of Iodine in Polyethylene,” (with A. Huzayyin and R.
Ramprasad), IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 471-477, April
“Partial Discharge Magnitude Estimation with Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis,” (with J.J. Guo),
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, on-line at ieeexplore.ieee.org.
John A. Chandy
“Spatial Wavefunction Switched (SWS) InGaAs FETs with II-VI Gate Insulators,” (with B.I. Miller, E.N.
Suarez, P.-Y. Chan, S. Karmakar, F. Al-Amoody, M. Gogna, F.C. Jain and E. Heller), Journal of Electronic
Materials, Vol. 40, pp. 1717-1726, 2011.
“Proceedings of the Lester Eastman Conference on High Performance Devices,” (with F.C. Jain and E.
Heller), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, pp. 44-45, August 3-5, 2010. Also appeared in Journal
of High Speed Electronics, Vol. 20, 2011.
“Design of ADCs and DACs using 25nm Quantum Dot Gate FETs,” (with S. Karmakar and F.C. Jain),
International Journal of High Speed Electronics, Vol. 20, 2011.
Anthony J. DeMaria
“The CO2 Laser: The Work Horse of the Material Processing Industry,” (with T. Hennessey, Jr.), the
Professional Photonic Engineers Magazine of SPIE, January 2011.
Eric Donkor
“Passively Modelocked Laser with Tunable Pulse Repetition Frequency in a Semiconductor Optical
Amplifier,” (with P.D. Kumavor), IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 865-869, June
John D. Enderle
“A Portable, Inexpensive, Wireless Vital Signs Monitoring System,” (with D. Kaputa and D. Price),
Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology, pp. 75-78, July/August 2010.
“3D Dynamic Modeling of The Head-Neck Complex for Fast Eye and Head Oriented Movements Research,”
(with D. Sierra), Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Vol. 2011, Article ID 630506, 12 pages, doi:
10.1155/2011/630506, 2011.
Monty A. Escabi
“Neural Modulation Tuning Characteristics Scale to Efficiently Encode Natural Sound Statistics,” (with F.
A. Rodriguez, C. Chen and H.L. Read), Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 30, pp. 15969-15980, 2010.
“Specialization of Binaural Responses in Ventral Auditory Cortices,” (with N.C. Higgins, D.A. Storace and
H.L. Read), Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 30, pp. 14522-14532, 2010.
“Distinct Core Thalamocortical Pathways to Central and Dorsal Primary Auditory Cortex,” (with H.L. Read),
Hearing Research, 2011.
“Septotemporal Variation in Dynamics of Theta: Speed and Habitation,” (with J.R. Hinman, S.C. Penley,
L.L. Long and J.J. Chrobak), Journal of Neurophysiology, 2011.
Yunsi Fei
“Architectural Enhancement and System Software Support for Program Code Integrity Monitoring in
Application-specific Instruction Set Processors,” (with H. Lin, X. Guan and Z.J. Shi), IEEE Transactions of
VLSI, Vol. 18, No. 11, pp. 1519-1532, November 2010.
Ali Gokirmak
“Nanosecond Pulse Generation in a Silicon Microwire,” (with A. Cywar, G. Bakan and H. Silva), IEEE
Electron Device Letters, Vol. 31, No. 12, pp. 1362-1364, 2010.
“Self-heating of Silicon Microwires: Crystallization and Thermoelectric Effects,” (with G. Bakan, N. Khan,
A. Cywar, K. Cil, M.B. Akbulut and H. Silva), Journal of Materials Research, invited feature paper, Vol. 26,
pp. 1061-1071, 2011.
Jie Huang
“Iterative Sparse Channel Estimation and Decoding for Underwater MIMO-OFDM,” (with J.-Z. Huang, C.R.
Berger, S. Zhou and P.K. Willett), EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2010, Article
ID 460379, available at http://www.hindawi.com/journals/asp/2010/460379.html, doi: 10.1155/2010/460379,
“Large-Girth Nonbinary QC-LDPC Codes of Various Lengths,” (with L. Liu, W. Zhou and S. Zhou), IEEE
Transactions on Communications, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 3436-3447, December 2010.
Faquir C. Jain
“Technologies for Continuous Glucose Monitoring: Current Approaches and Future Promises,” (with S.
Vaddiraju, I. Tomasoz, D.J. Burgess and F. Papadimitrakopoulos), Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 1540-1562, 2010.
“Equilibrium Strain and Dislocation Density in Exponentially Graded Si(1-x)Ge(x)/Si (001),” (with B.
Bertoli, D. Sidoti, S. Xhurxhi, T. Kujofsa, S. Cheruku, J. Reed, P.B. Rago, E.N. Suarez and J.E. Ayers),
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 108, pp. 113525-1-113525-5, December 2010.
“Floating Quantum Dot Gate Indium Gallium Arsenide Non-Volatile Memory using II-VI Gate Insulators,”
(with P.-Y. Chan, M. Gogna, E.N. Suarez, F. Al-Amoody, S. Karmakar and B.I. Miller), Journal of
Electronic Materials, Vol. 40, pp. 1685-1688, 2011.
“Spatial Wavefunction Switched (SWS) InGaAs FETs with II-VI Gate Insulators,” (with B.I. Miller, E.N.
Suarez, P.-Y. Chan, S. Karmakar, F. Al-Amoody, M. Gogna, J.A. Chandy and E. Heller), Journal of
Electronic Materials, Vol. 40, pp. 1717-1726, 2011.
“Proceedings of the Lester Eastman Conference on High Performance Devices,” (with J.A. Chandy and E.
Heller), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, pp. 44-45, August 3-5, 2010. Also appeared in Journal
of High Speed Electronics, Vol. 20, 2011.
“Core-Shell ZnxCd1-xSe/ZnyCd1-ySe Quantum Dots for Nonvolatile Memory and Electroluminescent Device
Applications,” (with F. Al-Amoody, E.N. Suarez, A. Rodriguez, E. Heller and W. Huang), Journal of
Electronic Materials, Vol. 40, pp. 1699-1705, 2011.
“Nonvolatile Silicon Memory using GeOx-Cladded Ge Quantum Dots Self-Assembled on SiO2 and Latticematch II-VI Tunnel Insulator,” (with M. Gogna, E.N. Suarez, P.-Y. Chan, F. Al-Amoody and S. Karmakar),
Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 40, pp. 1769-1774, 2011.
“Design of ADCs and DACs using 25nm Quantum Dot Gate FETs,” (with S. Karmakar and J.A. Chandy),
International Journal of High Speed Electronics, Vol. 20, 2011.
“Quantum Dot Gate Three State FETs using ZnS-ZnMgS Lattice-matched Gate Insulator on Silicon,” (with
S. Karmakar, E.N. Suarez and M. Gogna), Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 40, pp. 1749-1756, 2011.
“Initial Misfit Dislocations in a Graded Heteroepitaxial Layer,” (with D. Sidoti, S. Xhurxhi, T. Kujofsa, S.
Cheruku, J.P. Correa, B. Bertoli, R.B. Rago, E.N. Suarez and J.E. Ayers), Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.
109, pp. 023510-1-023510-5, January 2011.
Bahram Javidi
“3D Integral Imaging Reconstruction of Occluded Objects using Independent Component Analysis Based Kmeans Clustering,” (with C. Do), IEEE Journal of Display Technology, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 257-262, July
“Single Exposure Super-resolution Compressive Imaging by Double Phase Encoding,” (with Y. Rivenson
and A. Stern), Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 14, pp. 15094-15103, July 2010.
“3D Integral Imaging using Sparse Sensors with Unknown Positions,” (with X. Xiao, M. Daneshpanah and
M. Cho), IEEE Journal of Display Technology, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2010.
“Recent Developments in 3-D Imaging Technologies,” (with J. Son, S. Yano and K. Choi), IEEE Journal of
Display Technology, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2010.
“Compressive Fresnel Holography,” (with Y. Rivenson and A. Stern), IEEE Journal of Display Technology,
Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2010.
“Phase-Shifting Gabor Holographic Microscopy,” (with V. Mico, J. Garcia and Z. Zalevsky), IEEE Journal
of Display Technology, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2010.
“Three-dimensional Visualization of Objects in Turbid Water using Integral Imaging,” (with M. Cho), IEEE
Journal of Display Technology, Vol. 6, No. 10, pp. 544-547, October 2010.
“Detection of Calcium Induced Morphological Changes in Living Cells Using Object Traps,” (with A.
Moradi, A. Katub, M. Daneshpanah and A. Anand), IEEE Journal of Photonics, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 775-783,
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2010.2068283, October 2010.
“A Fast Optimization Method for Extension of Depth-of-field in Three-dimensional Task-specific Imaging
Systems,” (with S. Bagheri, Z. Kavehvash and K. Mehrany), IEEE Journal of Display Technology, Vol. 6,
No. 10, October 2010.
“Three-dimensional Optical Microscopy using Axially Distributed Image Sensing,” (with D.H. Shin and M.
Cho), Optics Letters, cover, Vol. 35, No. 21, pp. 3646-3648, November 1, 2010.
“Optofluidic System for 3D Sensing and Identification of Micro-organisms with Digital Holographic
Microscopy,” (with D.H. Shin, M. Daneshpanah and A. Anand), Optics Letters, Vol. 35, No. 23, pp. 40664088, December 1, 2010.
“Compression of Digital Holograms via Adaptive-Sparse Representation,” (with P. Memmolo, M. Paturzo,
A. Pelagotti, A. Finizio and P. Ferraro), Optics Letters, Vo. 35, No. 23, pp. 3883-3885, December 1, 2010.
“Three Dimensional Object Recognition with Photon Counting Imagery in the Presence of Noise,” (with M.
Daneshpanah and E. Watson), Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 25, pp. 26450-26460, December 6, 2010,
published December 2, 2010.
“Information Authentification Using Photon Counting Double Random Phase Encrypted Images,” (with E.
Perez and M. Cho), Optics Letters, online, November 22, 2010 and Vol. 35, No. 24, December 15, 2010.
“Automatic Focusing in Digital Holography and Its Application to Stretched Holograms,” (with P.
Memmolo, C. Distante, M. Paturzo, A. Finizio and P. Ferraro), Optics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 10, pp. 19451947, 2011.
“3D Recognition and Classification of Red Blood Cells Using Digital Holographic Microscopy and Data
Clustering with Discriminant Analysis,” (with R. Liu, D.K. Dey, D. Boss and P. Marquet), Journal of
Optical Society of America A, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 1204-1210, 2011.
“Quantitative Cell Imaging using Single Beam Phase Retrieval Method,” (with A. Anand and V. Chhaniwal),
Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 060503:1-3, 2011.
“Three-dimensional Optical Microscopy Using Axially Distributed Image Sensing,” (with D.H. Shin and M.
http://www.opticsinfobase.org/VJBO/abstract.cfm?URI=ol-35-21-3646, January 3, 2011.
“Single-shot Color Digital Holography Based on the Fractional Talbot Effect,” (with M.A. Araiza-Esquivel,
L. Martinez-Leon, P. Andres, J. Lancais and E. Tajahuerce), Applied Optics, Vol. 50, No. 7, p. 1, March
“Axially Distributed Sensing for 3D Imaging with Unknown Sensor Positions,” (with X. Xiao), Optics
Letters, Vol. 36, No. 7, pp. 1086-1088, April 2011.
“Enhanced Geometrical Super Resolved Imaging with Moving Binary Random Mask,” (with A. Borowski,
E. Marom and Z. Zalevsky), Journal of Optical Society of America A, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 566-575, April
“Three-Dimensional Optical Sensing and Visualization Using Integral Imaging,” (with M. Cho, M.
Daneshpanah and I.K. Moon), Proceedings of the IEEE Journal, invited, Vol. 99, No. 4, pp. 556-575, April
“3D Visualization of Partially Occluded Objects Using Axially Distributed Sensing,” (with D.H. Shin),
IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 223-225, May 2011.
“Cell Identification with 3D Holographic Computational Microscopy,” (with I.K. Moon, M. Daneshpanah
and A. Anand), Optics and Photonics News Magazine, invited, cover feature, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 18-23, June
“Enhanced Geometrical Super Resolved Imaging with Moving Binary Random Mask,” (with A. Borowski,
E. Marom and Z. Zalevsky), Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 566-575, April
Also appeared in Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, Vol. 6, No. 5,
http://vjbo.osa.org/virtual_issue.cfm, June 2011.
“Imaging Embryonic Stem Cell Dynamics Using Quantitative 3D Digital Holographic Microscopy,” (with
A. Anand), IEEE Journal of Photonics, Vol. 3, pp. 546-554, June 2011.
“Real-time Digital Holographic Microscopy for Phase Contrast 3D Imaging of Dynamic Phenomena,” (with
A. Anand and V.K. Chhaniwal), IEEE Journal of Display Technology, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2010 and
Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, Vol. 6, No. 5, http://vjbo.osa.org/virtual_issue.cfm, June 1, 2011.
“Lensless 3D Digital Holographic Microscopic Imaging at Vacuum UV Wavelength,” (with U. Gopinathan,
G. Pedrini and W. Osten), Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, Vol. 6, No. 5,
http://vjbo.osa.org/virtual_issue.cfm, June 1, 2011.
“Phase-Shifting Gabor Holographic Microscopy,” (with V. Mico, J. Garcia and Z. Zalevsky), IEEE Journal
of Display Technology, Vol. 6, No. 10, pp. 484-489, October 2010 and Virtual Journal for Biomedical
Optics, Vol. 6, No. 5, http://vjbo.osa.org/virtual_issue.cfm, June 1, 2011.
“3D Holographic Imaging and Trapping for Non-Invasive Cell Identification and Tracking,” (with M.
Daneshpanah, S. Zwick, F. Schaal, M. Warber and W. Osten), IEEE Journal of Display Technology, Vol. 6,
No. 10, pp. 490-499, October 2010 and Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, Vol. 6, No. 5,
http://vjbo.osa.org/virtual_issue.cfm, June 1, 2011.
Krishna R. Pattipati
“Multi-step Look-ahead Policy for Autonomous Cooperative Surveillance by UAVs in Hostile
Environments,” (with X. Tian and Y. Bar-Shalom), Journal of Advances in Information Fusion, Vol. 5, No.
1, pp. 3-17, July 2010.
Helena Silva
“Nanosecond Pulse Generation in a Silicon Microwire,” (with A. Cywar, G. Bakan and A. Gokirmak), IEEE
Electron Device Letters, Vol. 31, No. 12, pp. 1362-1364, 2010.
“Self-heating of Silicon Microwires: Crystallization and Thermoelectric Effects,” (with G. Bakan, N. Khan,
A. Cywar, K. Cil, M.B. Akbulut and A. Gokirmak), Journal of Materials Research, invited feature paper,
Vol. 26, pp. 1061-1071, 2011.
Geoffrey W. Taylor
“An Integrated Photo Detector based on a Modulation Doped Heterostructure,” (with J. Yao, J. Cai and H.
Opper), IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 23, No. 10, pp. 633-635, 2011.
Mohammad Tehranipoor
“Adaption and Evaluation of the Output-Deviations Metric to Target Small-Delay Defects in Industrial
Circuits,” (with M. Yilmaz and K. Chakrabarty), IEEE Design and Test of Computers, 2010.
“Trustworthy Hardware: Identifying and Classifying Hardware Trojans,” (with R. Karri, J. Rajendran and K.
Rosenfeld), IEEE Computer Magazine, 2010.
“A Comprehensive Analysis of Transition Fault Coverage and Test Power Dissipation for LOS and LOC
Schemes,” (with F. Wu, L. Diliko, A. Bosio, P. Girard, S. Pravossoudovitch, A. Vivazel, X. Wen and N.
Ahmad), Journal of Low Power Electronics, 2010.
“A Novel Technique for Improving Hardware Trojan Detection and Reducing Trojan Activation Time,”
(with H. Salmani and J. Plusquellic), IEEE Transactions on VLSI, 2011.
“Trustworthy Hardware: Trojan Detection Solutions and Design-for-Trust Challenges,” (with H. Salmani, X.
Zhang, X. Wang, R. Karri, J. Rajendran and K. Rosenfeld), IEEE Computer Magazine, 2011.
Lei Wang
“An Information-theoretic Analysis of Quantum-dot Cellular Automata for Defect Tolerance,” (with J. Dai
and F. Lombardi), ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, Vol. 6, August 2010.
Peter K. Willett
“Iterative Sparse Channel Estimation and Decoding for Underwater MIMO-OFDM,” (with J.-Z. Huang, J.
Huang, C.R. Berger and S. Zhou), EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2010, Article
http://www.hindawi.com/journals/asp/2010/460379.html, 2010.
“A Repeated Significance Test with Applications to Sequential Detection in Sensor Networks,” (with M.
Guerriero, V. Pozdnyakov and J. Glaz), IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 58, No. 7, pp. 34263435, July 2010.
“Selective Measurement Transmission in Distributed Estimation with Data Association,” (with P. Braca, M.
Guerriero, S. Marano and V. Matta), IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 58, No. 8, pp. 43114321, August 2010.
“Reducing the Waveform Cross-correlation of MIMO Radar with Space Time Coding,” (with X. Song and S.
Zhou), IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 58, No. 8, pp. 4213-4224, August 2010.
“Gaussian Mixture Cardinalized PHD Filter for Ground Moving Target Tracking,” (with M. Ulmke and O.
Erdinc), IEEE Transactions of Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 1821-1833, October
“Projectile Identification and Impact Point Prediction,” (with V. Ravindra and Y. Bar-Shalom), IEEE
Transactions of Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 2004-2021, October 2010.
“Simplification of the Dynamic Cramer-Rao Bound for Target Tracking in Clutter,” (with Y. Bar-Shalom
and X. Zhang), IEEE Transactions on Aerospace Electronic Systems, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 1481-1482, April
Chen Xu
“The Potential Role of Optical Tomography with Ultrasound Localization in Assisting Ultrasound Diagnosis
of Early-Stage Invasive Breast Cancers,” (with Q. Zhu, P. Hegde, A. Ricci, M. Kane, C. Cronin, Y.
Ardeshirpour, A. Aguirre, S. Kurtzman, P. Deckers and S. Tannenbaum), Radiology, Vol. 256, No. 2, pp.
367-378, August 2010.
“Target Detection and Quantification using a Hybrid Hand-held Diffuse Optical Tomography and
Photoacoustic Tomography System,” (with P.D. Kumavor, A. Aguirre, J. Gamelin, Y. Ardeshirpour, B.
Tavakoli, S. Zanganeh, U. Alqasemi, Y. Yang and Q. Zhu), Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 16, No.
046010, pp. 1-12, doi: 10.1117/1.3563534, April 7, 2011.
Peng Zhang
“Shifted Frequency Analysis for EMTP Simulation of Power System Dynamics,” (with J.R. Marti and H.W.
Dommel), IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, Vol. 57, No. 9, pp. 2564-2574, September 2010.
“Shifting Window Average Method for Accurate Frequency Measurement in Power Systems,” (with H. Xue
and R. Yang), IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2011.2153430, June 16, 2011.
Shengli Zhou
“Reducing the Waveform Cross-correlation of MIMO Radar with Space Time Coding,” (with X. Song and
P.K. Willett), IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 58, No. 8, pp. 4213-4224, August 2010.
“Iterative Sparse Channel Estimation and Decoding for Underwater MIMO-OFDM,” (with J. Huang, J.-Z.
Huang, C.R. Berger and P.K. Willett), EURASIP Journal of Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2010,
http://www.hindawi.com/journals/asp/2010/460379.html, 2010.
“Application of Compressive Sensing to Sparse Channel Estimation,” (with C.R. Berger, Z.-H. Wang and J.Z. Huang), IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 48, No. 11, pp. 164-174, November 2010.
“Large-Girth Nonbinary QC-LDPC Codes of Various Lengths,” (with J. Huang, L. Liu and W. Zhou), IEEE
Transactions on Communications, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 3436-3447, December 2010.
Quing Zhu
“Effect of Ultrasound Transducer Face Reflectivity on the Light Fluence Inside a Turbid Medium in
Photoacoustic Imaging,” (with B. Tavakoli, P.D. Kumavor and A. Aguirre), Journal of Biomedical Optics,
Vol. 15(4), No. 046003, pp. 1-10, July/August 2010.
“Optical Tomography Method that Accounts for Tilted Chest Wall in Breast Imaging,” (with Y.
Ardeshirpour), Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 15(4), No. 041515, pp. 1-14, July/August 2010.
“Imaging Heterogeneous Absorption Distribution of Advanced Breast Cancer by Optical Tomography,”
(with X. Yan), Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 15(6), No. 066007, pp. 1-17, November/December 2010.
“Synthesis and Fluorescent Characteristics of Imidazole-Indocyanine Green Conjugates, Dyes and
Pigments,” (with C. Pavlik, N.C. Biswal, F.C. Gaenzler, M.D. Morton, L.T. Kuhn, K.P. Claffey and M.B.
Smith), Dyes and Pigments, Vol. 89, pp. 9-15, 2010/11.
“Potential Role of a Hybrid Intraoperative Probe based on OCT and Positron Detection for Ovarian Cancer
Detection and Characterization,” (with Y. Yang, N.C. Biswal, T. Wang, P.D. Kumavor, M. Karimeddini, J.
Vento, M. Sanders and M. Brewer), Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 2, No. 7, pp. 1918-1930, 2011.
“Potential Role of Co-registered Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Imaging in Ovarian Cancer Detection and
Characterization,” (with A. Aguirre, Y. Ardeshirpour, M. Sanders and M. Brewer), Translational Oncology,
Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 29-37, February 1, 2011.
“Fast, Limited-data Photoacoustic Imaging for Multiplexed Systems using a Frequency-domain Estimation
Technique,” (with J. Gamelin and A. Aguirre), Medical Physics, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 1-16, March 2011.
“Target Detection and Quantification using a Hybrid Hand-held Diffuse Optical Tomography and
Photoacoustic Tomography System,” (with P.D. Kumavor, C. Xu, A. Aguirre, J. Gamelin, Y. Ardeshirpour,
B. Tavakoli, S. Zanganeh, U. Alqasemi and Y. Yang), Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 16 (4), No.
046010, pp. 1-12, doi: 10.1117/1.3563534, April 7, 2011.
“Artifact Reduction Method in Ultrasound-guided Diffuse Optical Tomography using Exogenous Contrast
Agents,” (with Y. Ardeshirpour, N.C. Biswal and A. Aguirre), Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 16(4), No.
046015, pp. 1-11, April 2011.
“A Depth Correction Algorithm that Improves Optical Quantification of Large Breast Lesions Imaged by
Diffuse Optical Tomography,” (with B. Tavakoli), Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 16, No. 056002, pp. 111, May 2011.
“Imaging Tumor Hypoxia by Near-infrared Fluorescence Tomography,” (with N.C. Biswal, C. Pavlik, M.B.
Smith, A. Aguirre, Y. Xu, S. Zanganeh, L.T. Kuhn and K.P. Claffey), Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 16,
No. 6, pp. 1-8, June 2011.
“In Vivo Photoacoustic Tomography of Mouse Cerebral Edema Induced by Cold Injury,” (with Z. Xu and
L.V. Wang), Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 16, No. 066020, pp. 1-7, June 2011.
Yaakov Bar-Shalom
Tracking and Data Fusion: A Handbook of Algorithms, (with P.K. Willett and X. Tian), YBS Publishing,
John D. Enderle
National Science Foundation 2008 Engineering Senior Design Projects to Aid Persons with Disabilities,
(with B. Hallowell, ed.), Creative Learning Press, Inc., Mansfield Center, CT, 346 pages, available for
viewing at http://nsf-pad.bme.uconn.edu), 2011.
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, (with J.D. Bronzino), Elsevier, Amsterdam, Third Edition, 1253
pages, 2011.
Monty A. Escabi
“Biosignal Processing,” chapter in Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, (J.D. Enderle, S.M. Blanchard
and J. Bronzino, eds.), Academic Press, 2011.
Faquir C. Jain
“Information-Theoretic Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Behaviors in Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata”
(with L. Wang and F. Lombardi), chapter in Cellular Automata-Innovative Modeling for Science and
Engineering, (Alejandro Salcido, ed.), InTech, ISBN: 978-953-307-172-5, April 2011.
Bahram Javidi
Information Optics and Photonics: Algorithms, Systems and Applications, (with T. Fournel), Springer, New
York, NY, 2010.
“Novel Approaches in 3D Sensing, Imaging and Visualization,” (with R. Schulein, M. Daneshpanah and M.
Cho), chapter in Information Optics and Photonics: Algorithms, Systems and Applications, Springer, (with T.
Fournel, ed.), New York, NY, 2010.
“Parallel Phase-Shifting Digital Holography based on the Fractional Talbot Effect,” (with L. Martinez-Leon,
M. Araiza-E, P. Andres, V. Climent, J. Lancis and E. Tajahuerce), chapter in Information Optics and
Photonics: Algorithms, Systems and Applications, (with T. Fournel, ed.), Springer, New York, NY, 2010.
“Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Information Optics (WIO-10),” (with A. Djafari and T.
Fournel, eds.), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Institute of Physics, Helsinki, Finland, July 12-16,
“Coherent Microscope Configuration for Nano Metric 3-D Movement Monitoring,” (with Y. Beiderman, A.
Amsel, Y. Tzadka, D. Fixler, M. Teicher, V. Mico, J. Garcia and Z. Zalevsky), chapter in Coherent Light
Microscopy, (P. Ferraro, A. Wax and Z. Zalevsky, eds.), Springer Verlag, 2011.
Krishna R. Pattipati
“Diagnostics and Testability,” (with A. Patterson-Hine, G. Aaseng, G. Biswas and S. Narasimhan), chapter
16 in System Health Management with Aerospace Applications, (Stephen B. Johnson, ed.), Wiley, pp. 265277, 2010.
Mohammad Tehranipoor
“Faster-than-at-speed Test for Screening SDDs,” (with N. Ahmed), chapter in Testing for Small-Delay
Defects in Nanoscale CMOS Integrated Circuits, (S. Goel and K. Chakrabarty), Springer, 2010.
“Circuit Path-Grading Considering Layout, Process Variations and Crosstalk,” (with K. Peng and M.
Yilmaz), chapter in Testing for Small-Delay Defects in Nanoscale CMOS Integrated Circuits, (S. Goel and
K. Chakrabarty), Springer, 2010.
Introduction to Hardware Security and Trust, (with C. Wang), Springer, March 2011.
“Protecting IPs Against Scan-Based Side-Channel Attacks,” (with I. Lee), chapter in Introduction to
Hardware Security and Trust, Springer, March 2011.
“Introduction to VLSI Testing,” (with J. Ma), chapter in Introduction to Hardware Security and Trust,
Springer, March 2011.
“RSA: Implementation and Security,” (with N. Tuzzio), chapter in Introduction to Hardware Security and
Trust, Springer, March 2011.
Lei Wang
“Information-Theoretic Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Behaviors in Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata”
(with F.C. Jain and F. Lombardi), chapter in Cellular Automata-Innovative Modeling for Science and
Engineering, (Alejandro Salcido, ed.), InTech, ISBN: 978-953-307-172-5, April 2011.
Peter K. Willett
Tracking and Data Fusion: A Handbook of Algorithms, (with Y. Bar-Shalom and X. Tian), YBS Publishing,
Shengli Zhou
“Energy Efficient Communication with Random Node Cooperation,” (with Z. Zhou, J.-H. Cui and S. Cui),
chapter in Cooperative Communications for Improved Wireless Network Transmission: Frameworks for
Virtual Antenna Array Applications, (M. Uysal, ed.), IGI-Global, 2010.
Mehdi Anwar
“Strain Induced Active Layer Design of GaN-THz Quantum Cascade Lasers,” (with T. Manzur),
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Lester Eastman Conference, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, August 3-5,
“Nanostructure based EO/IR Focal Plane Arrays for Unattended Ground Sensor Applications,” (with A.K.
Sood, T. Manzur, N.K. Dhar and D.L. Polla), Proceedings of the SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing
Conference, Orlando, FL, April 24-29, 2011. Also (with A.K. Sood, Y.R. Puri, A. Richwine, T. Mansur,
N.K. Dhar and P.S. Wijewarnasuriya), Proceedings of the SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference,
Toulouse, France, September, 20-23, 2010.
“Room Temperature GaN-based THz Quantum Cascade Lasers for Manned and Unmanned Applications,”
(with T. Manzur), Proceedings of the SPIE Security and Defense Conference, Toulouse, France, September
20-23, 2010.
“Renewable Technologies to Address Energy Needs in Bangladesh,” Proceedings of the Daily Star
Leadership Colloquium on Alternative Energy, keynote talk, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 7, 2011.
“Energy Challenges for Bangladesh – A Roadmap for Sustainable Energy Solutions,” Proceedings of the
Bangladesh Power Development Board Conference, keynote talk, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 8, 2011.
“DNA-Based 2D Self-Replicating Microelectronics,” Proceedings of the NSF-EFRI Conference,
Washington, DC, January 11-12, 2011.
“Nanostructure-based EO/IR Sensor Development for Homeland Security Applications,” (with A.K. Sood,
T. Manzur, N.K. Dhar and D.L. Polla), Proceedings of the SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference,
Orlando, FL, April 24-29, 2011.
“Active Layer Design of GaN-based Quantum Cascade Lasers,” (with C.C. Hung and T. Manzur),
Proceedings of the SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Orlando, FL, April 24-29, 2011.
Rajeev Bansal
“AP-S Turnstile,” a contributed column in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 52: August,
October and December 2010; Vol. 53: February, April and June 2011.
“Microwave Surfing,” a contributed column in IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 11: August, October and
December 2010; Vol. 12: February, April and June 2011.
Yaakov Bar-Shalom
“Tracking with Multisensor OOSM Measurements with Residual Biases,” (with S. Zhang and G. Watson),
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Fusion, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2010.
“On Algorithms for Asynchronous Track-to-Track Fusion,” (with X. Tian), Proceedings of the 13th
International Conference on Information Fusion, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2010.
“A Novel Filtering Approach for the General Contact Lens Problem with Range Rate Measurements,” (with
X. Tian, G. Chen, E. Blasch and K. Pham), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information
Fusion, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2010.
“Interacting Multiple Model Approach for Very Short-Term Load Forecasting and Confidence Interval
Estimation,” (with C. Guan, P.B. Luh, L.D. Michel and P.B. Friedland), Proceedings of the 8th World
Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Jinan, China, July 6-9, 2010.
“Optimal Removal of Out-of-Sequence Measurements from Tracks Using the IF-equivalent Measurement,”
(with S. Zhang), Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, GA, December
“Profile-Free Launch Point Estimation for Ballistic Targets Using Passive Sensors,” (with R. Tharmarasa, T.
Kirubarajan and N. Nandakumaran), Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE/AIAA Aerospace Conference, Big Sky,
MT, March 2011.
“Track Splitting Technique for Tracking in a Cluttered Environment using PDAF,” (with X. Tian, E. Blasch,
K. Pham and G. Chen), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Sensors and Systems for Space Applications,
No. 8044-2, Orlando, FL, April 2011.
“Optimal Update with Multiple Out-of-Sequence Measurements,” (with S. Zhang), Proceedings of the SPIE
Conference on Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion and Target Recognition, No. 8050-14, Orlando, FL, April
“Statistical Efficiency of Composite Position Measurements from Passive Sensors,” (with R.W. Osborne,
III), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion and Target Recognition, No.
8050-07, Orlando, FL, April 2011.
“A Multiple IMM Approach with Unbiased Mixing for Thrusting Projectiles,” (with T. Yuan, P.K. Willett,
E. Mozeson, S. Pollak and D. Hardiman), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Signal Processing, Sensor
Fusion, and Target Recognition XX, No. 8050-5, doi: 10.1117/12.882841, Orlando, FL, April 25, 2011.
“Maximum Likelihood Probabilistic Multi-Hypothesis Tracker Applied to Multistatic Sonar Data Sets,”
(with S. Schoenecker and P.K. Willett), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Signal Processing, Sensor
Fusion, and Target Recognition XX, No. 8050-9, doi: 10.1117/12.884766, Orlando, FL, April 25, 2011.
“Generalizations of Blom and Bloem’s PDF Decomposition for Permutation-Invariant Estimation,” (with D.
F. Crouse and P.K. Willett), Proceedings of ICASSP 2011, pp. 22-27, E-ISBN: 978-1-4577-0537-3, Print
ISBN: 978-1-4577-0538-0, DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5947189, Prague, Czech Republic, May 22-27,
Steven A. Boggs
“The Influence of Impurity States on Dielectric Properties of Polyethylene,” (with A. Huzayyin and R.
Ramprasad), 2010 Annual Report of the Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, pp.
1-4, October 2010.
“Considerations and Approach to Mitigating Underground Cable Magnetic Fields,” (with E.C. Bascom, III,
R. Piteo, W. Banker, A.M. Regan and J.H. Cooper), Proceedings of the CIGRE – S.E.E. 2nd International
Conference on EMF-ELF, No. 32, Paris, France, March 2011.
John A. Chandy
“I/O Characterization on a Parallel File System,” (with S. Narayan), Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, pp. 133-140, July
“User Space Storage System Stack Modules with File Level Control,” (with S. Narayan and R.K. Mehta),
Proceedings of the Annual Linux Symposium, pp. 189-196, July 2010.
“Scaling the NetFPGA Switch Using Aurara over SATA,” (with A. Thamarakuzhi), Proceedings of the
NetFPGA Developers Workshop, August 2010.
“Design and Implementation of a Nonblocking 2-Dilated Flattened Butterfly Switching Network,” (with A.
Thamarakuzhi), Proceedings of the IEEE Latin American Conference on Communications, pp. 1-6,
September 2010.
“Parallel Data Sort using Networked FPGAs,” (with J. Singaraju), Proceedings of the International
Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs, pp. 214-219, December 2010.
“Active Storage Networks for Accelerating K-Means Data Clustering,” (with J. Singaraju), Proceedings of
the International Symposium on Applied ReConFigurable Computing, pp. 102-109, March 2011.
Eric Donkor
“All-optical Flip-flop Memory for Quantum Computing,” Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 8057, p.
80570A-1, April 2011.
“Quantum Computing with Induced Dipole-dipole Forbidden Transitions,” Proceedings of the SPIE
Conference, Vol. 8057, p. 805700-1, April 2011.
“A Passively Modelocked SOA Laser with Tunable Pulse-repetition Frequency Based on Normal Splitting of
the SOA Amplified Spontaneous Emission Spectrum,” Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 8054, p.
150, April 2011.
Yunsi Fei
“An Adaptive and Energy-efficient Routing Protocol based on Machine Learning for Underwater Delay
Tolerant Networks,” (with T. Hu), Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling
Analysis and Simulation of Computer & Telecommunication Systems, August 2010.
“Exploring Custom Instruction Synthesis for Application-specific Instruction Set Processors with Multiple
Design Objectives,” (with H. Lin), Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Low Power
Electronics & Design, August 2010.
“Algorithmic Collision Analysis of Evaluating Cryptographic Systems and Side-channel Attacks,” (with Q.
Luo), Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security & Trust, June
Jie Huang
“Acoustic Channel Tracking with the Cardinalized Probability Hypothesis Density Filter and the Multiple
Hypothesis Tracker,” (with R. Georgescu, P.K. Willett, D. Crouse, S. Choi and S. Zhou), Proceedings of the
10th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2010.
“Progressive Inter-carrier Interference Equalization for OFDM Transmission over Time-varying Underwater
Acoustic Channels,” (with P.K. Willett, S. Zhou and C.R. Berger), Proceedings of OCEANS 2010, Seattle,
WA, September 2010.
“A Factor-Graph based ZP-OFDM Receiver for Deep Water Acoustic Channels,” (with Z.-H. Wang, S. Zhou
and J. Catipovic), Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference, Seattle, WA, September 20-23, 2010.
“Blind Channel Shortening for Zero-Padded OFDM,” (with W. Chen, Z.-H. Wang and S. Zhou),
Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference, Seattle, WA, September 20-23, 2010.
“OFDM in Deep Water Acoustic Channels with Extremely Long Delay Spread,” (with Z.-H. Wang, S. Zhou
and J. Catipovic), Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks, Woods Hole,
MA, September 30, 2010.
“Progressive MIMO-OFDM Reception over Time-Varying Underwater Acoustic Channels,” (with J.-Z.
Huang, S. Zhou, J. Preisig, L. Freitag and P.K. Willett), Proceedings of the 44th Asilomar Conference on
Signals, Systems and Computers, invited paper, Pacific Grove, CA, November 7-10, 2010.
“Frequency-Domain Oversampling for Zero-Padded OFDM in Underwater Acoustic Communications,”
(with Z.-H. Wang, S. Zhou, G.B. Giannakis and C.R. Berger), Proceedings of the Global Communications
Conference, Miami, FL, December 6-10, 2010.
“Nonbinary LDPC Decoding by Min-Sum with Adaptive Message Control,” (with W. Tang, S. Zhou and L.
Wang), Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp.
10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946693, Prague, Czech Republic, May 22-27, 2011.
“Turbo Equalization for OFDM Modulated Physical Layer Network Coding,” (with Z.-H. Wang, S. Zhou
and Z. Wang), Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE 12th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in
Wireless Communications, pp. 291-295, San Francisco, CA, June 26-29, 2011.
Bahram Javidi
“Three-dimensional Visualization and Identification of Objects in Photon Starved Scenes using Statistical
Estimation,” (with J. Jung, D. Dey and M. Cho), Proceedings of the AIP Conference, Vol. 1305, pp. 287294, 2010 and Proceedings of the MaxEnt2010 Conference, Chamonix-Mont Blanc, July 4-9, 2010.
“Compressive Imaging for Super Resolution from a Single Exposure,” (with A. Stern and Y. Rivenson),
Proceedings of the 2010 9th Euro-American Workshop on Information Optics, pp. 1-2, Print ISBN: 978-14244-8226-9, DOI: 10.1109/WIO.2010.5582488, Helsinki, Finland, July 12-16, 2010.
“Application of Optical Trapping for Detection of Calcium Induced Morphological Changes of Red Blood
Cells,” (with A. Moradi, M.K. Ali, M. Daneshpanah and A. Anand), Proceedings of the 2010 9th EuroAmerican Workshop on Information Optics, pp. 1-3, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-8226-9, DOI:
10.1109/WIO.2010.5582510, Helsinki, Finland, July 12-16, 2010.
“Efficient Compressive Fresnel Holography,” (with A. Stern and Y. Rivenson), Proceedings of the 2010 9th
Euro-American Workshop on Information Optics, Helsinki, Finland, pp. 1-2, DOI:
10.1109/WIO.2010.5582507, July 12-16, 2010.
“Detection, Identification and Tracking of Biological Micro/Nano Organisms by 3D Optical Imaging,” (with
I.K. Moon and M. Daneshpanah), Biosensing III, Proceedings of the SPIE Annual Meeting, invited paper,
Vol. 7759, San Diego, CA, August 2010.
“Digital Holographic Interference Microscopy for Investigation of Dynamic Phenomena in Biological
Objects,” (with N.R. Patel, V. Sinha, V.K. Patel, M.M. Patel, V.K. Chhaniwal and A. Anand), Proceedings
of the National Laser Symposium, Indore, India, December 1-4, 2010.
“Digital Holographic Tomography Using Thermal Stressing,” (with M. Patel, K. Chhaniwal and A. Anand),
Proceedings of the Photonics 2010: International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, IIT Guwahati,
India, December 11-15, 2010.
“Three Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display,” (with F. Okano and J.Y. Son, eds.), Proceedings
of the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Vol. 10261, Bellingham, WA and Orlando, FL, April 2011.
“Axial Segmentation of 3D Images through Syntetic-Apodization Integral-Imaging Microscopy,” (with H.
Navarro, M. Martinez-Corral, E. Sanchez-Ortiga, A. Doblas and G. Saavedra), Proceedings of the Focus on
Microscopy Conference, p. 23, University of Konstanz, University of Amsterdam, Konstanz, Germany, April
17-20, 2011.
“Fully Programmable Display Parameters in Integral Imaging by Smart Pseudoscopic-to-Orthoscopic
Conversion,” Proceedings of the SPIE Conference entitled Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization and
Display 2011, invited paper, Vol. 8043, Orlando, FL, April 25-29, 2011.
“3D Integral Imaging with Unknown Sensor Positions,” (with X. Xiao, M. Daneshpanah and M. Cho),
Proceedings of the SPIE Conference entitled Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization and Display 2011,
Vol. 8043, Orlando, FL, April 25-29, 2011.
“3D Sensing and Visualization of Micro-objects using Axially Distributed Image Capture,” (with D.H. Shin
and M. Cho), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference entitled Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization and
Display 2011, Vol. 8043, Orlando, FL, April 25-29, 2011.
“Three-dimensional Imaging of Objects in Scattering Medium by using Statistical Image Processing,” (with
M. Cho), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference entitled Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization and
Display 2011, Vol. 8043, Orlando, FL, April 25-29, 2011.
“Three-dimensional Imaging of Dynamic Phenomena in Micro-objects using Phase Contrast Digital
Holographic Interference Microscopy,” (with A. Anand, V. Chhaniwal and M. Sayajirao), Proceedings of the
SPIE Conference entitled Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization and Display 2011, invited paper, Vol.
8043, Orlando, FL, April 25-29, 2011.
“Digital Holographic Microscopy of Optically Trapped Three-dimensional Microstructures,” (with A.
Moradi, M.K. Ali, M. Daneshpanah and A. Anand), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference entitled ThreeDimensional Imaging, Visualization and Display 2011, Vol. 8043, Orlando, FL, April 25-29, 2011.
“Three-dimensional Speckle-noise Reduction by Using Computational Integral Imaging and Statistical Point
Estimator,” (with I.K. Moon), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference entitled Three-Dimensional Imaging,
Visualization and Display 2011, Vol. 8043, Orlando, FL, April 25-29, 2011.
“Microscopic and Macroscopic 3D Imaging and Display by Integral Imaging,” (with M. Martinez-Corral, H.
Navarro and G. Saavedra), Proceedings of the 3D TV Conference, keynote address, WOW Topkapi Palace,
Antalya, Turkey, May 16-18, 2011.
“New High Compression Method for Digital Hologram Recorded in Microscope Configuration, Modeling
Aspects in Optical Metrology,” (with P. Memmolo, M. Paturzo, A. Pelagotti, A. Finizio and P. Ferraro),
Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 8083, International Conference Centre, Munich, Germany, May
22-26, 2011.
“Single Beam Quantitative Phase Contrast 3D Microscopy of Cells,” (with V. Chhaniwal, A. Anand, A.
Faridian, G. Pedrini and W. Osten), Proceedings of the European Conferences on Biomedical Optics,
International Conference Centre, Munich, Germany, May 22-26, 2011.
“Quantitative Phase Contrast Imaging of Red Blood Cells Using Digital Holographic Microscopy,” (with N.
Patel, V. Sinha, V. Chhaniwal, A. Anand, G. Pedrini and W. Osten), Proceedings of the European
Conferences on Biomedical Optics, International Conference Centre, Munich, Germany, May 22-26, 2011.
Peter B. Luh
“The Subgradient-Simplex Based Cutting Plane Method for Convex Hull Pricing,” (with C. Wang, P. Gribik,
L. Zhang, and T. Peng), Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society 2010 General Meeting,
Minneapolis, MN, July 2010.
“Hybrid Kalman Algorithms for Very Short-term Load Forecasting and Confidence Interval Estimation,”
(with C. Guan, L.D. Michel, M.A. Coolberth and P.B. Friedland), Proceedings of the IEEE Power and
Energy Society 2010 General Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 2010.
“Payment Cost Minimization with Transmission Capacity Constraints and Losses Using the Objective
Switching Method,” (with X. Han, J.H. Yan and G.A. Stern), Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy
Society 2010 General Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 2010.
“Load Forecasting and Demand Response,” (with L.D. Michel, P. Friedland, C. Guan and Y. Wang),
Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society 2010 General Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 2010.
“Interacting Multiple Model Approach for Very Short-Term Load Forecasting and Confidence Interval
Estimation,” (with C. Guan, Y. Bar-Shalom, L.D. Michel and P.B. Friedland), Proceedings of the 8th World
Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Jinan, China, July 6-9, 2010.
“An Integrated Control of Shading Blinds, Natural Ventilation, and HVAC Systems for Energy Saving and
Human Comfort,” (with B. Sun, Q.S. Jia, Z. Jiang, F. Wang and C. Song), Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE
Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Toronto, Canada, pp. 7-14, August 2010.
“Scheduling of Steel-making and Continuous Casting System Using the Surrogate Subgradient Algorithm for
Lagrangian Relaxation,” (with L. Sun and T. Chai), Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Conference on
Automation Science and Engineering, Toronto, Canada, pp. 885-890, August 2010.
“Crowd Fluid Dynamics under Stress of Emergency Egress,” (with P. Wang, V. Kant and K.L. Marsh),
Proceedings of the 2011 NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, GA,
January 2011.
“Analysis and Simulation of Payment Cost Minimization and Bid Cost Minimization with Strategic
Bidders,” (with D.P. Ghosh), Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE PES Power Systems Conference and Exhibition,
Phoenix, AZ, March 2011.
“Short-term Wind Generation Forecasting and Confidence Interval Estimation Based on Neural Networks
Trained by Extended Kalman Particle Filter,” (with C. Guan and W. Cao), Proceedings of the World
Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, June, 2011.
“Efficient Dual-armed Cluster Tool Performance via Branch and Cut Optimization Algorithm,” (with L. Sun,
S.C. Chiou, S.C. Chang, J.H. Ho, J.L. Chen and J. Chang), Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent
Control and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, June, 2011.
Sung-Yeul Park
“An Easy, Simple, and Flexible Control Scheme for a Three-Phase Grid-Tie Inverter System,” Proceedings
of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, September 12-16, 2010.
“Dynamic Response Improvement of DC-DC Converter Adding Supercapacitor for Direct Borohydride Fuel
Cell Power Conditioning System,” Proceedings of the IEEE 8th International Conference on Power
Electronics-ECCE Asia, Jeju, Korea, May 30-June 3, 2011.
“Design and Operation of an Autonomous Fuel Cell Supercapacitor Power System for Portable
Applications,” Proceedings of the IEEE 8th International Conference on Power Electronics-ECCE Asia, Jeju,
Korea, May 30-June 3, 2011.
Krishna R. Pattipati
“Quantifying the Impact of Information and Communication Structures via Distributed Auction Algorithm,”
(with C. Park, W. An and D.L. Kleinman), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on SMC,
Istanbul, Turkey, October 2010.
“Role of Information and Organization Structures on Distributed Auction Algorithms: Point-to-Point
Communication Architecture,” (with C. Park and D.L. Kleinman), Proceedings of NATO HFM-202
Symposium on Human Modeling for Military Application, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2010.
“Adaptive Automated Opposing Forces for Urban Operations Training,” (with G. Levchuk and J.-C.
Romano), Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference 2010,
Orlando, FL, November 28-December 1, 2010.
“Cost of Not Having a Sensor,” (with S. Deb, S. Ghoshal, M. Azam and V. Malepati), Proceedings of the
Infotech@Aerospace 2011, St. Louis, MO, March 2011.
“An Optimization-based Multi-level Asset Allocation Model for Collaborative Planning,” (with X. Han, S.
Mandal, H. Bui, D.F. Martinez Ayala, D. Sidoti and D.L. Kleinman), Proceedings of the 16th International
Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, Quebec City, Canada, June 2011.
“A Prognostic Framework for Health Management of Coupled Systems,” (with C. Sankavaram, A. Kodali
and B. Wang), Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health
Management, Denver, CO, June 20-23, 2011.
Geoffrey W. Taylor
“GaAs based Monolithic Optoelectronic Device Integration Technology,” (with J. Cai, H. Opper, R. Basilica
and B. Garber), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 7817, August 2010.
“Intersubband Absorption based upon Modulation Doped Transistor Heterostructures,” (with J. Yao, W.
Zheng, H. Opper and J. Cai), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 7817, August 2010.
“Transistor Based Quantum Well Optical Modulator and its Performance in RF Links,” (with Y. Zhang and
T.A. Vang), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 7817, August 2010.
Mohammad Tehranipoor
“Analysis of Power Consumption and Transition Fault Coverage for LOS and LOC Testing Schemes,” (with
F. Wu, L. Dilillo, A. Bosio, P. Girard, S. Pravossoudovitch and A. Virazel), Proceedings of DDECS, 2010.
“Identification of IR-drop Hot-spots in Defective Power Distribution Network Using TDF ATPG,” (with J.
Ma, O. Sinanoglu and S. Almukhaizim), Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Design and
Test, pp. 122-127 Abu Dhabi, 2010.
“A Layout-Aware Approach for Improving Localized Switching to Detect Hardware Trojans in Integrated
Circuits,” (with H. Salmani and J. Plusquellic), Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on
Information Forensics and Security, 2010.
“Power-Safe Application of Transition Delay Fault Patterns Considering Current Limit during Wafer Test,”
(with W. Zhao, J. Ma and S. Chakrabarty), Proceedings of the IEEE Asian Test Symposium, pp. 301-306,
“A Noise-Aware Hybrid Method for SDD Pattern Grading and Selection,” (with K. Peng, M. Yilmaz and K.
Chakrabarty), Proceedings of the IEEE Asian Test Symposium, pp. 331-336, 2010.
“Circuit Topology-Based Test Pattern Generation for Small-Delay Defects,” (with S. Goel, K. Chakrabarty,
M. Yilmaz and K. Peng), Proceedings of the IEEE Asian Test Symposium, pp. 307-312, 2010.
“A Low-Cost Diagnostic Procedure for Parametric Failures Caused by Pattern-Induced Noises,” (with J.
Ma), Proceedings of SRC TECHCON, 2010.
“Critical Fault-Based Pattern Generation for Screening Small Delay Defects,” (with F. Bao, K. Peng, M.
Yilmaz and K. Chakrabarty), Proceedings of the European Test Symposium, pp. 177-182, 2011.
“RON: An On-chip Ring Oscillator Network for Hardware Trojan Detection,” (with X. Zhang), Proceedings
of Design, Automation and Test in Europe, pp. 1-6, 2011.
“Power Reduction Through X-filling of Transition Fault Test Vectors for LOS Testing,” (with F. Wu, L.
Dilillo, A. Bosio, P. Girard, S. Pravossoudovitch and A. Virazel), Proceedings of Design and Technology of
Integrated Systems, pp. 1-6, 2011.
“Power-Safe Test Application Using An Effective Gating Approach Considering Current Limits,” (with W.
Zhao and S. Chakrabarty), Proceedings of the IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, pp. 160-165, 2011.
“Case Study: Efficient SDD Test Generation for Very Large Integrated Circuits,” (with K. Peng, F. Bao, G.
Shofner and L. Winemberg), Proceedings of the IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, 2011.
“Low-Cost Diagnostic Pattern Generation and Evaluation Procedures for Noise-Related Failures,” (with J.
Ma and N. Ahmed), Proceedings of the IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, pp. 78-83, 2011.
“Power-Aware Test Generation with Guaranteed Launch Safety for At-Speed Scan Testing,” (with X. Wen,
K. Enokimoto, K. Miyase, Y. Yamato, M. Kochte, S. Kajihara and P. Girard), Proceedings of the IEEE VLSI
Test Symposium, pp. 166-171, 2011.
”Verifying Trustworthiness of Integrated Circuits,” (with X. Zhang), Proceedings of GOMACTech, invited,
Orlando, FL, 2011.
“A Framework for Fast and Accurate Critical-Reliability Paths Identification,” (with J. Chen, S. Wang and
N. Bidokhti), Proceedings of the IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop, 2011.
“Increasing SDD Coverage without Increasing Pattern Count,” (with F. Bao, K. Peng, K. Charabarty and L.
Winemberg), Proceedings of the IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop, 2011.
“Experimental Analysis for Aging in Integrated Circuits,” (with N. Reddy, S. Wang and L. Winemberg),
Proceedings of the IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop, 2011.
Lei Wang
“Data Rate Maximization by Adaptive Thresholding RF Power Management under Renewable Energy,”
(with W. Tang), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, October 2010.
“Design and Modeling of an Underwater Energy Harvesting System,” (with J. Dai, X. Li and B. Li),
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2011.
“Manufacturing Yield of QCA Circuits by Synthesized DNA Self-assembled Templates,” (with X. Ma, M.
Hashempour and F. Lombardi), Proceedings of the ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, May 2011.
“Nonbinary LDPC Decoding by Min-Sum with Adaptive Message Control,” (with W. Tang, S. Zhou and J.
Huang), Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp.
10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946693, Prague, Czech Republic, May 22-27, 2011.
Peter K. Willett
“From the Editor in Chief,” (editorial), IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 46,
No. 3, July 2010.
“Acoustic Channel Tracking with the Cardinalized Probability Hypothesis Density Filter and the Multiple
Hypothesis Tracker,” (with R. Georgescu, J. Huang, D. Crouse, S. Choi and S. Zhou), Proceedings of the
10th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2010.
“Analysis of AIS Intermittency and Vessel Characterization using a Hidden Markov Model,” (with M.
Guerriero, S. Coraluppi and C. Carthel), Proceedings of INFORMATIK 2010: Service Science – Neue
Perspektiven fur die Informatik, Leipzig, Germany, September 2010.
“Progressive Inter-carrier Interference Equalization for OFDM Transmission over Time-varying Underwater
Acoustic Channels,” (with J. Huang, S. Zhou and C.R. Berger), Proceedings of OCEANS 2010, Seattle, WA,
September 2010.
“Underwater Localization Based on Multicarrier Waveforms,” (with P. Carroll, H. Zhou, J.-H. Cui and S.
Zhou), Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference, pdf, Seattle, WA, September 20-23, 2010.
“From the Editor in Chief,” (editorial), IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 46,
No. 4, October 2010.
“Progressive MIMO-OFDM Reception over Time-Varying Underwater Acoustic Channels,” (with J.-Z.
Huang, S. Zhou, J. Preisig, L. Freitag and J. Huang), Proceedings of the 44th Asilomar Conference on
Signals, Systems and Computers, invited paper, Pacific Grove, CA, November 7-10, 2010.
“From the Editor in Chief,” (editorial), IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 47,
No. 1, January 2011.
“The Set IMMJPDA Filter for Multitarget Tracking,” (with D. Svensson, L. Svensson, D. Crouse and M.
Guerriero), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target
Recognition XX (Conference DS122), Orlando, FL, April 2011.
“The Multitarget Set JPDA Filter with Target Identity,” (with D. Svensson, L. Svensson, M. Guerriero and
D. Crouse), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target
Recognition XX (Conference DS122), Orlando, FL, April 2011.
“From the Editor in Chief,” (editorial), IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 47,
No. 2, April 2011.
“Maximum Likelihood Probabilistic Multi-Hypothesis Tracker Applied to Multistatic Sonar Data Sets,”
(with S. Schoenecker and Y. Bar-Shalom), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Signal Processing,
Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XX, No. 8050-9, doi: 10.1117/12.884766, Orlando, FL, April 25,
“A Multiple IMM Approach with Unbiased Mixing for Thrusting Projectiles,” (with T. Yuan, Y. BarShalom, E. Mozeson, S. Pollak and D. Hardiman), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Signal
Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XX, No. 8050-5, doi: 10.1117/12.882841, Orlando, FL,
April 25, 2011.
“PDF Manipulations for Improved Track Accuracy,” (with D. Crouse), Proceedings of 2011 International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011.
“An Approximate Minimum MOSPA Estimator,” (with D. Crouse, M. Guerriero and L. Svensson),
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011.
“Target Localization with NLOS Circularly Reflected AOAs,” (with X. Song and S. Zhou), Proceedings of
the 36th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 2472-2475, E-ISBN: 9781-4577-0537-3, Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-0538-0, DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946985, Prague, Czech
Republic, May 22-27, 2011.
“Generalizations of Blom and Bloem’s PDF Decomposition for Permutation-Invariant Estimation,” (with D.
F. Crouse and Y. Bar-Shalom), Proceedings of ICASSP 2011, pp. 22-27, E-ISBN: 978-1-4577-0537-3, Print
ISBN: 978-1-4577-0538-0, DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5947189, Prague, Czech Republic, May 22-27,
“Detection Performance for Statistical MIMO Radar with Identical and Orthogonal Waveforms,” (with X.
Song and S. Zhou), Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference, Kansas City, MO, May 23-27, 2011.
Chen Xu
“Investigation of a Diffuse Optical Tomography-assisted Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography in
Reflection Geometry,” (with Q. Zhu, P.D. Kumavor and A. Aguirre), Proceedings of the SPIE Photons Plus
Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2011 Conference, Vol. 7899, No. 78990U, pp. 1-6, doi:
10.1117/12.877074, San Francisco, CA, January, 2011.
“Clustered Target Imaged by Multizone Optical Tomography Reconstruction Method,” (with Y. Xu and Q.
Zhu), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 7896, No. 789617, pp. 1-6, San Francisco, CA, January 2426, 2011.
“Target Detection and Characterization using a Hybrid Handheld Diffuse Optical Tomography and
Photoacoustic Tomography System,” (with P.D. Kumavor, A. Aguirre, Q. Zhu, J. Gamelin, Y. Ardeshirpour,
B. Tavakoli, S. Zanganeh and U. Alqasemi), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 7896, No. 789614,
pp. 1-6, San Francisco, CA, January 24-26, 2011.
Peng Zhang
“Distributed Scheduling in Smart Grid Communications with Dynamic Power Demands and Intermittent
Renewable Energy Resources,” (with S. Bu, R. Yu and P. Liu), Proceedings of the IEEE ICC 2011
Workshop on Smart Grid Communications, Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
Shengli Zhou
“Acoustic Channel Tracking with the Cardinalized Probability Hypothesis Density Filter and the Multiple
Hypothesis Tracker,” (with R. Georgescu, J. Huang, D. Crouse, S. Choi and P.K. Willett), Proceedings of the
10th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2010.
“Progressive Inter-carrier Interference Equalization for OFDM Transmission over Time-varying Underwater
Acoustic Channels,” (with J. Huang, P.K. Willett and C.R. Berger), Proceedings of OCEANS 2010, Seattle,
WA, September 2010.
“Underwater Localization Based on Multicarrier Waveforms,” (with P. Carroll, H. Zhou, J.-H. Cui and P.K.
Willett), Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference, pdf, Seattle, WA, September 20-23, 2010.
“A Factor-Graph based ZP-OFDM Receiver for Deep Water Acoustic Channels,” (with Z.-H. Wang, J.
Catipovic and J. Huang), Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference, Seattle, WA, September 2023, 2010.
“Blind Channel Shortening for Zero-Padded OFDM,” (with W. Chen, J. Huang and Z.-H. Wang),
Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference, Seattle, WA, September 20-23, 2010.
“OFDM in Deep Water Acoustic Channels with Extremely Long Delay Spread,” (with Z.-H. Wang, J.
Catipovic and J. Huang), Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks, Woods
Hole, MA, September 30, 2010.
“Progressive MIMO-OFDM Reception over Time-Varying Underwater Acoustic Channels,” (with J.-Z.
Huang, P.K. Willett, J. Preisig, L. Freitag and J. Huang), Proceedings of the 44th Asilomar Conference on
Signals, Systems and Computers, invited paper, Pacific Grove, CA, November 7-10, 2010.
“Frequency-Domain Oversampling for Zero-Padded OFDM in Underwater Acoustic Communications,”
(with Z.-H. Wang, G.B. Giannakis, C.R. Berger and J. Huang), Proceedings of the Global Communications
Conference, Miami, FL, December 6-10, 2010.
“Nonbinary LDPC Decoding by Min-Sum with Adaptive Message Control,” (with W. Tang, J. Huang and L.
Wang), Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp.
10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946693, Prague, Czech Republic, May 22-27, 2011.
“Target Localization with NLOS Circularly Reflected AOAs,” (with X. Song and P.K. Willett), Proceedings
of the 36th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 2472-2475, E-ISBN:
978-1-4577-0537-3, Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-0538-0, DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946985, Prague, Czech
Republic, May 22-27, 2011.
“Detection Performance for Statistical MIMO Radar with Identical and Orthogonal Waveforms,” (with X.
Song and P.K. Willett), Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference, Kansas City, MO, May 23-27, 2011.
“Turbo Equalization for OFDM Modulated Physical Layer Network Coding,” (with Z.-H. Wang, J. Wang
and Z. Wang), Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE 12th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in
Wireless Communications, pp. 291-295, San Francisco, CA, June 26-29, 2011.
Quing Zhu
“Investigation of a Diffuse Optical Tomography-assisted Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography in
Reflection Geometry,” (with C. Xu, P.D. Kumavor and A. Aguirre), Proceedings of the SPIE Photons Plus
Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2011 Conference, Vol. 7899, No. 78990U, pp. 1-6, doi:
10.1117/12.877074, San Francisco, CA, January, 2011.
“Toward In-vivo Photoacoustic Imaging of Human Ovarian Tissue for Cancer Detection,” (with A. Aguirre,
P.D. Kumavor, Y. Ardeshirpour, M. Sanders and M. Brewer), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol.
7899, No. 08, pp. 1-6, San Francisco, CA, January 24-26, 2011.
“Improving Light Quantification of Large Breast Lesions Imaged by Diffuse Optical Tomography,” (with B.
Tavakoli), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 7899, No. 789618, pp. 1-6, San Francisco, CA, January
24-26, 2011.
“A Hybrid Positron and OCT Intraoperative Probe for Ovarian Cancer Detection and Characterization,”
(with Y. Yang, N.C. Biswal, T. Wang, P.D. Kumavor, M. Karemeddini, M. Sounders and M. Brewer),
Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 7892, No. 78920Y, pp. 1-8, San Francisco, CA, January 24-26, 2011.
“Breast Tumor Hypoxia Mapping using Ultrasound Guided Diffuse Optical Tomography,” (with N.C.
Biswal and Y. Xu), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 7896, No. 78962N, pp. 1-6, San Francisco,
CA, January 24-26, 2011.
“Tumor Hypoxia Fluorescence Imaging using 2-Nitromidazole Bis-carboxylic Acid Indocyanine Dye
Conjugate,” (with N.C. Biswal, C. Pavlik, M. Smith, A. Aguirre, S. Zanganeh, Y. Xu, L. Kuhn and K.
Claffey), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 7896, No. 78962R, pp. 1-6, San Francisco, CA, January
24-26, 2011.
“Clustered Target Imaged by Multizone Optical Tomography Reconstruction Method,” (with Y. Xu and C.
Xu), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 7896, No. 789617, pp. 1-6, San Francisco, CA, January 2426, 2011.
“Target Detection and Characterization using a Hybrid Handheld Diffuse Optical Tomography and
Photoacoustic Tomography System,” (with P.D. Kumavor, A. Aguirre, C. Xu, J. Gamelin, Y. Ardeshirpour,
B. Tavakoli, S. Zanganeh and U. Alqasemi), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 7896, No. 789614,
pp. 1-6, San Francisco, CA, January 24-26, 2011.
“3D Imaging of Dental Hard Tissues with Fourier Domain Optical Coherence Tomography,” (with Y. Chen,
Y. Yang, J. Ma, J. Yan, Y. Shou, T. Wang, A. Ramesh and J. Zhao), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference,
Vol. 7883, No. 78834O, pp. 1-6, San Francisco, CA, January 24-26, 2011.
“A Low Cost Multi-wavelength Tomography System based on LED Sources,” (with A. Chen, Y. Yang, U.
Alqasemi and A. Aguirre), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 7896, No. 789613, pp. 1-6, San
Francisco, CA, January 24-26, 2011.
“Real-time Co-registered Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging System based on FPGA and DSP
Architecture,” (with U. Alqasemi, H. Li and A. Aguirre), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 7899,
No. 7899138, pp. 1-6, San Francisco, CA, January 24-26, 2011.
“A Combined Photoacoustic, Pulse Echo Ultrasound and Optical Coherence Tomography Endoscopy,” (with
Y. Yang, X. Li, T. Wang, P.D. Kumavor and Q. Zhou), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, Vol. 7899, No.
78994C, pp. 1-6, San Francisco, CA, January 24-26, 2011.
“Hypoxia Targeted Carbon Nanotubes as a Sensitive Contrast Agent for Photoacoustic Imaging of Tumors,”
(with S. Zanganeh, A. Aguirre, N.C. Biswal, C. Pavlik and M. Smith), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference,
Vol. 7899, No. 789963, pp. 1-6, San Francisco, CA, January 24-26, 2011.
* ($) indicate expenditures for 2010-11
Mehdi Anwar
“Develop Laser Improvements,” Naval Undersea Warfare Center, December 8, 2008 – December 31, 2010,
$55,000 ($33,798).
“Collaborative Research: I/UCRC for Fuel Cell Research,” National Science Foundation, March 1, 2009 –
February 28, 2014, $50,000 ($10,274).
“Collaborative Research: I/UCRC for Fuel Cell Research – Research Experience for Undergraduates,”
National Science Foundation, July 1, 2009 – February 29, 2012, $50,000 ($384).
“Design and Development of ZnO Nanowire Based UV/IR Sensors for Threat Detection and Threat Warning
Applications,” Magnolia Optical Technologies, Inc., September 24, 2010 – March 23, 2012, $100,000
Rajeev Bansal
“School of Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Design Project,” Mixed Sources,
September 1, 2005 – December 31, 2012, $115,141 ($10,424).
Yaakov Bar-Shalom
“Network Level Association and Fusion of Kinematic and Attribute Information,” U.S. Army, October 1,
2006 – September 30, 2010, $324,413 ($80,191).
“Advanced Ballistic Missile Tracking and Fusion Algorithms,” Missile Defense Agency, October 1, 2008 –
September 30, 2011, $420,000, ($177,528).
“Advanced Sensor Data Fusion,” Missile Defense Agency, October 24, 2008 – August 26, 2011, $265,000
“Information Extraction and Fusion,” Office of Naval Research, February 1, 2010 – September 30, 2012,
$308,000 ($82,381).
“Data Association and Consistent Multisensor Tracking, Phase II,” Missile Defense Agency/Technology
Service Corporation, November 30, 2008 – September 30, 2010, $268,000 ($135,104).
“Fusion of Data and Tracks in Sensor Networks,” U.S. Department of Defense/Army, August 5, 2010 –
December 4, 2011, $130,000 ($15,183).
“Impact Point Prediction for Short and Medium Range Thrusting Objects,” Ministry of Defense (Israel),
January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011, $100,000 ($1,391).
Steven A. Boggs
“Research in High Energy Density Capacitor Technology,” U.S. Department of Defense/Army Research
Lab, September 4, 2008 – September 3, 2010, $120,000 ($7,410).
“Partial Discharge Detection and the Effect thereof on Insulation Materials,” LDIC/GMBH, January 1, 2009
– December 31, 2012, $280,000 ($43,087).
“Optomization of PD Data Acquisition and Analysis,” UtilX Corporation, August 1, 2008 – November 1,
2010, ($19,823).
“Research into New Approaches to Partial Discharge Detection and Analysis for Shielded Power Cable,”
UtilX Corporation, August 1, 2008 – November 1, 2010, ($$21,794.)
“Renewable Energy Surge Analysis in Hybrid System of Renewable Energy,” Vietnam Education
Foundation, August 30, 2009 – September 1, 2010, $31,200 ($7,018).
“Research in High Energy Density Capacitor Technology,” U.S. Department of Defense/Army Research
Lab, June 3, 2010 – June 2, 2013, ($44,113).
“Promotion of EPR Cable Technology,” Electronic Cable, November 1, 1998 – December 31, 2012,
“Effect of Silicone Rejuvenation on the Resistivity of Water Trees,” UTILX Corporation, September 23,
2009 – October 31, 2010, $45,000 ($7,096).
“Effect of Silicone Rejuvenation on Cable Properties Relevant to Diagnostic Tests,” UTILX Corporation,
September 23, 2009 – January 15, 2011, $45,000 ($34,628).
“Analytical Methods for Application of External Gapped Line Surge Arresters,” Nonlinear Systems, Inc.,
December 1, 2009 – August 31, 2010, $12,000 ($2,221).
“Manhole Event Effect of Air Flow Restriction on Manhole Event Evolution and Severity,” Consolidated
Edison Company of New York, Inc., December 4, 2009 – September 30, 2010, $60,000 ($25,425).
“Influence of the Chemical Composition of Aged Oil on Partial Discharge Characteristics,” BAUR Pruf-ung
Messtechnik GmbH, January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2012, ($14,850).
John Chandy
“High End Computing: Active Storage Networks for High End Computing,” National Science Foundation,
September 1, 2006 – August 31, 2010, $538,089 ($25,939).
“CI-ADDO-NEW: Storage System Trace Collection,” National Science Foundation, August 1, 2009 – July
31, 2012, $86,284 ($18,131).
“Graduate Assistants in Areas of National Need: Computer Security,” (with co-PIs: Y. Fei (13%), A. Kiayias
(13%), Z. Shi (13%), A. Shvartsman (12%), M. Tehranipoor (12%), B. Wang (12%) and L. Wang (12%)),
U.S. Department of Education, August 15, 2009 – August 14, 2012, $174,208 ($216,214).
“Active Object Storage to Enable Scalable and Reliable Parallel File Systems,” National Science Foundation,
August 15, 2009 – July 31, 2012, $525,000 ($113,819).
“REU Site: Trustable Computing Systems Security Research and Education,” National Science Foundation,
February 15, 2011 – January 31, 2012, $106,650 ($50,944).
“Bistable Quantum Dot Gate Field Effect Transistors Exhibiting Multi-State Operation: A Novel Approach
to Reduce Device Count in ICs,” (with PI: F. Jain (34%) and co-PI: F.. Papadimitrakopoulos (33%)),
National Science Foundation, September 1, 2006 – August 31, 2011, $240,000 ($61,637).
Eric Donkor
“Fast Speed Three Channel Photonic Time Delay Unit,” U.S. Department of Defense/Missile Defense
Agency, October 19, 2010 – September 18, 2011, $165,485 ($3,431).
John D. Enderle
“An Annual Review of Engineering Senior Design Projects to Aid Persons with Disabilities,” National
Science Foundation, March 15, 2010 – February 28, 2015, $196,404 ($36,963).
“Engineering Senior Design Projects to Aid Persons with Disabilities,” National Science Foundation, May 1,
2005 – April 30, 2011, $84,460 ($10,603).
“Clinical Engineering Internship Program at West Haven VA Hospital,” Providence VA Hospital, August
23, 2009 – September 30, 2011, $127,143 ($101,750).
“Clinical Engineering Internship Program at the Boston VA Hospital,” Boston VA Hospital, August 23,
2009 – August 12, 2011, $40,160 ($29,269).
“Clinical Engineering Internship Program at Providence VA Hospital,” Providence VA Hospital, August 23,
2010 – August 10, 2011, $40,696 ($29,057).
“Clinical Engineering Internship Program at Hartford Hospital,” Hartford Hospital, August 23, 1997 –
August 22, 2012, $397,148 ($63,541).
“Clinical Engineering Internship Program at the UMass Memorial Medical Center,” UMass Memorial
Medical Center, August 23, 2003 – August 22, 2012, $232,361 ($50,890).
“Clinical Engineering Internship Program at the Middlesex Memorial Hospital, Inc.,” Middlesex Memorial
Hospital, Inc., June 16, 2006 – June 15, 2012, $102,255 ($26,879).
“Clinical Engineering Internship Program at UConn Health Center,” UConn Health Center, August 23, 2009
– August 22, 2011, $102,837 ($56,537).
“Clinical Engineering Internship Program at Baystate Medical Center,” Baystate Medical Center, LLC,
August 23, 2006 – August 22, 2011, $48,300 ($49,234).
“BME Internship: Clinical Engineering with Massachusetts General Hospital,” Massachusetts General
Hospital, August 23, 2009 – August 22, 2014, $27,301($31,782).
“Clinical Engineering Internship Program at Brigham and Woman’s Hospital,” Brigham and Women’s
Hospital, August 23, 2010 – August 22, 2015, $93,774 ($27,143).
“REU Supplement for Engineering Senior Design Projects for the Disabled,” National Science Foundation,
May 1, 2005 – April 30, 2011, $18,000 ($4,258).
Monty Escabi
“Spectro-Temporal and Binaural Response Properties,” (with co-PI: H. Read (10%)) National Institution on
Deafness and Communication Disorders, July 15, 2004 – May 31, 2011, $1,246,880 ($15,288).
Yunsi Fei
“A Multi-Level/Multi-Faceted Framework for Energy-Efficient Application-Specific Instruction Set
Processor Synthesis,” National Science Foundation, CCF Foundations of Computing Processes and Artifacts
Program, April 1, 2006 – March 31, 2011, $275,000 ($66,926).
“CAREER: Architectural Enhancement and Design Methodologies for Secure Processing in Embedded
Systems,” National Science Foundation, September 1, 2009 – August 31, 2014, $405,000 ($21,594).
“ARTS: Adaptive, RobusT and Sustainable Networking for Undersea Distributed Systems,” Office of Naval
Research, June 1, 2010 – May 13, 2012, $290,529 (105,309).
“Collaborative Research: Developing a Novel Infrastructure for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks,”
(with PI: J.H. Cui (19%) and co-PIs: S. Rajasekaran (9%), Z. Shi (9%), P. Willett (9%), S. Zhou (9%)),
(Affiliations: UMass, WHOI), National Science Foundation – Computer & Information Science &
Engineering, August 1, 2007 – July 31, 2010, $320,000.
“MRI: Development of Instrumentation for an Autonomous UW Sensor Network,” (with PI: J.H. Cui (18%)
and co-PIs: I. Babb (8%), Z. Shi (8%), T. Torgerson (8%), S. Zhou (8%), and Senior Personnel: R.A. Ammar
(5%), A. Bagtzoglou (5%), Y. Lei (5%), L. Lui (5%), S. Rajasekaran (5%), E. Shultz (5%), L. Wang (5%),
B. Wang (5%) and P. Willett (5%)), National Science Foundation – Computer and Information Science and
Engineering, August 1, 2008 – July 31, 2011, $500,000.
“Graduate Assistants in Areas of National Need: Computer Security,” (with PI: J. Chandy (13%) and co-PIs:
A. Kiayias (13%), Z. Shi (13%), A. Shvartsman (12%), M. Tehranipoor (12%), B. Wang (12%) and L. Wang
(12%)), U.S. Department of Education, August 15, 2009 – August 14, 2012, $174,208 ($44,748).
Ali Gokirmak
“GOALI: Side Gated Ultra Narrow Channel Silicon MOSFETs and Transport Studies at Nanometer Scale,”
National Science Foundation, August 1, 2008 – July 31, 2012, $199,644 ($73,790).
“REU: GOALI: Side Gated Ultra Narrow Channel Silicon MOSFETs and Transport Studies at Nanometer
Scale,” National Science Foundation, August 1, 2008 – July 31, 2012, $12,000 ($11,966).
“Graduate Student Supplement for GOALI: Side Gated Ultra Narrow Channel Silicon MOSFETs and
Transport Studies at Nanometer Scale,” National Science Foundation, August 1, 2008 – July 31, 2012,
$31,831 ($7,501).
“Crystalization and Thermoelectric Transport in Silicon Nanostructures under Extreme Electrical Stress,”
U.S. Department of Energy, September 1, 2010 – August 31, 2012, $384,000 ($21,903).
“Tunable Photonic Nanostructures Exhibiting Plasmonic and Leaky-Mode Resonances,” (with PI: R.
Magnusson (50%)), National Science Foundation/ENG ECCS, May 15, 2007 – April 30, 2011, $300,000
“EXP-LA: Realtime, Compact and Ultrasensitive Sensor Arrays for Explosives Vapor Detection,” (with PI:
Y. Lei and co-PIs: C. Brueckner and Y. Yan), National Science Foundation – Explosives and RLTD
Threats, September 1, 2007 – August 31, 2010, $780,404.
Faquir C. Jain
“Bistable Quantum Dot Gate Field Effect Transistors Exhibiting Multi-State Operation: A Novel Approach
to Reduce Device Count in ICs,” (with co-PIs: F. Papadimitrakopoulos (33%) and J. Chandy (33%)),
National Science Foundation, September 1, 2006 – August 31, 2011, $240,000 ($15,410).
“Imaging Laser Radar and Optical Processor for Underwater Target Recognition Tracking,” Office of Naval
Research, October 29, 2007 – October 28, 2011, $128,000 ($64,235).
“Device Processing Under the TB33 Program,” Naval Undersea Warfare Center, September 18, 2009 –
September 18, 2010, $10,872 ($247).
“Tunable Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Receiver CMUS Array,” Department of Defense/Naval
Undersea Warfare Center, September 29, 2010 – September 29, 2011, $29,650 ($12,478).
“Needle Implantable and Wireless Multi Sensor for Continuous Glucose Monitoring,” (with PI: D. Burgess
and co-PI: F. Papadimitrakopoulos), National Institutes of Health, September 20, 2009 – August 31, 2011,
“Tracking the Health of Soldiers with Advanced Implantable Biosensors,” (with PI: F. Papadimitrakopoulos
and co-PI: D. Burgess), U.S. Army Medical Research and Material Command, September 11, 2009 – April
15, 2011, $1,000,000.
Bahram Javidi
“Three-Dimensional Passive Sensing, Detection and Recognition of Objects Occluded by Clouds,” DARPA,
September 27, 2007 – August 31, 2011, $280,000 ($56,582).
“New Imaging Paradigm Using Quantum Optics for Three Dimensional Visualization, Optical Compression
and ATR,” U.S. Department of Defense/Air Force, May 13, 2009 – June 30, 2012, $300,000 ($145,016).
“Automated 3D Target Reconstruction and Classification Using Distributed Passive Sensors for Persistent
Surveillance,” Office of Naval Research through Lockheed Martin Corporation, January 1, 2007 –
September 30, 2011, $93,948 ($15,288).
Peter B. Luh
“Start-up and No-Load Pricing for Electricity Markets, Phases II and III,” ISO New England Inc., August 22,
2008 – August 21, 2010, $88,355 ($28,025).
“Electricity Auction with Intermittent Renewable Generation,” ISO New England Inc., August 22, 2008 –
December 31, 2012, $178,363 ($11,570).
“Simultaneous Optimal Auction and Unit Commitment for Deregulated Electricity Markets, Phase VI,”
Southern California Edison Company, May 15, 2003 – December 31, 2012, $482,170 ($60,116).
“Electricity Auction: Optimization, Market Behaviors, and Comparative Studies,” National Science
Foundation, September 1, 2006 – August 31, 2011, $239,999 ($148,588).
“Effective Methods to Solve the Dual Problem for Convex Hull Pricing of Electricity Markets,” Midwest
ISO, October 1, 2009 – September 30, 2010, $56,230 ($8,757).
“Power Plant Boiler Modeling and Optimization, Phase IX,” Alstom Power Corporation, August 15, 2009 –
August 22, 2010, $42,981 ($930).
“Power Plant Boiler Modeling and Optimization Support,” Alstom Power Corporation, August 23, 2010 –
August 31, 2011, $40,085 ($33,171).
“Building Emergency Evacuation: Innovative Modeling and Optimization,” National Science Foundation,
June 1, 2010 – May 31, 2013, $498,504 ($53,390).
“Participant Support: Building Emergency Evacuation: Innovative Modeling and Optimization,” National
Science Foundation, June 1, 2010 – May 31, 2013, $7,500.
“Efficient and Robust Electricity Markets with Intermittent Renewable Generation and Smart Metering
Infrastructure,” National Science Foundation, August 1, 2010 – July 31, 2013, $352,286 ($1,877).
“Short Term Load Forecasting in the Era of Smart Grid,” Areva T&D Inc., September 1, 2010 – January 5,
2012, $114,467 ($33,506).
“Extended Locational Marginal Pricing for Electricity Markets: Effective Cutting Plane Methods for
Practical Problems,” Midwest ISO, October 1, 2010 – January 5, 2012, $60,180 ($1,823).
Sung-Yeul Park
“Development of Power Converter and Communications for the Distributed Power System,” U.S.
Department of Defense, March 10, 2010 – April 20, 2011, $14,000 ($12,574).
“Participating in a Consortium for the Power Electronics Laboratory,” U.S. Department of Energy, July 30,
2010 – July 29, 2012, ($1,375).
“Integration of the Distributed Power Systems,” U.S. Department of Energy, July 30, 2010 – July 29, 2012,
Krishna R. Pattipati
“Algorithms for Organizational Identification and Automated Development of Action Plans for Adaptive
Forces,” Aptima, Inc./DARPA, August 27, 2008 – August 26, 2010, $50,000 ($2,225).
“Modeling and Analysis of Agile C2 Organizations for MHQ with MOC,” Office of Naval Research, October
1, 2008 – March 15, 2012, $479,999 ($231,186).
“CPS: Small: Collaborative Research: Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis in a Network of Embedded Systems in
Automotive Vehicles,” National Science Foundation, September 1, 2009 – August 31, 2012, $550,000
“Impact of Oceanographic Environment on ASW Mission Planning and Risk Assessment,” Aptima, Inc.,
January 2, 2010 – January 31, 2012, $125,000 ($92,413).
“Diagnosis and Prognosis of Automotive Chassis Systems,” National Science Foundation, September 15,
2010 – August 31, 2013, $349,995 ($10,643).
“Coordination Mechanisms for ISR and MHQ/MOC,” Naval Postgraduate School, August 1, 2008 – August
31, 2009, $104,813 ($8,317).
“Event-Driven Data Mining Techniques for Test Fleet Fault Diagnosis,” General Motors Corporation, May
5, 2010 – February 5, 2011, $45,028 ($45,027).
“Learning and Tracking Adaptive Networks,” Aptima, Inc., May 11, 2009 – May 1, 2011, $25,000
Helena Silva
“Fundamentals and Applications of Thermoelectric Transport in Nanometer Scale Phase Change Bridge
Memory Devices,” National Science Foundation, September 15, 2009 – August 31, 2012, $302,079
“REU: Fundamentals and Applications of Thermoelectric Transport in Nanometer Scale Phase Change
Bridge Memory Devices,” National Science Foundation, September 15, 2009 – August 31, 2012, $12,000
Geoff Taylor
“Optoelectronic Directional Couplers for Optical Switching Fabrics,” U.S. Department of Defense, January
27, 2010 – January 26, 2012, $420,000 ($186,831).
“Development of Infrared Detectors,” Opel, Inc., January 1, 2008 – January 1, 2011, $370,000 ($12,187).
Mohammad Tehranipoor
“Collaborative Research: Detection and Isolation of Malicious Inclusions in Secure Hardware (DIMINISH),”
National Science Foundation, August 1, 2007 – July 31, 2011, $150,000 ($17,890).
“CPA-DA: Dealing with Voltage Variations and Supply Noise During Performance Verification in
Nanometer Technology Designs,” National Science Foundation, September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2012,
$250,000 ($22,841).
“GOALI (Industry University Collaborative Project): Collaborative Research: Scalable Techniques for
Detecting Small-Delay Defects in Nanometer Integrated Circuits,” National Science Foundation, September
1, 2008 – August 31, 2012, $164,659 ($21,244).
“CAREER: Novel Techniques for Detecting and Localizing Hardware Trojans in Integrated Circuits,”
National Science Foundation, June 1, 2009 – May 31, 2014, $400,000 ($7,962).
“ARO Special Workshop on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust,” U.S. Department of Defense/Army
Research Laboratory, June 12, 2009 – June 22, 2011, $25,000 ($12,166).
“Collaborative Research CI-ADDO-NEW Trust-HUB: Design of Trust Benchmarks,” National Science
Foundation, June 1, 2010 – May 31, 2012, $40,000 ($40,000).
“Timing-Aware ATPG for Maximizing Crosstalk/Signal Integrity on SOCs,” Semiconductor Research
Corporation, April 1, 2007 – August 31, 2010, $282,000 ($21,339).
“Root Cause of Timing Defects,” Mentor Graphics, January 30, 2009 – January 30, 2011, $43,000 ($21,133).
“High Quality Delay Test for Nanometer Technology Designs,” LSI Logics, May 15, 2009 – May 14, 2012,
$150,000 ($30,838).
“Reliable Systems Design at Below 45nm Technologies,” Semiconductor Research Corporation, October 1,
2009 – December 31, 2011, $165,000 ($50,536).
“Silicon Design Authentication and Malicious Alteration Detection in Integrated Circuits Using Delay
Analysis,” UConn Research Foundation, June 1, 2008 – May 31, 2010, $23,371 ($8,600).
“Graduate Assistants in Areas of National Need: Energy,” (with PI: J. Chandy (13%) and co-PIs: Y. Fei
(13%), A. Kiayias (13%), Z. Shi (13%), A. Shvartsman (12%), B. Wang (12%) and L. Wang (12%)), U.S.
Department of Education, August 15, 2009 – August 14, 2012, $174,208 ($44,748).
“Test and Analysis for Critical Reliability and Variability Paths for Improving Yield, Product Quality and
Reliability,” Semiconductor Research Corporation, September 1, 2010 – November 30, 2012, $190,277
Lei Wang
“Information Theoretic Foundation of Molecular Computing: Performance Limits and Design Optimization,”
(with co-PI: F. Jain (10%)), National Science Foundation – CCF-0621947, September 1, 2006 – August 31,
2010, $275,000 ($499).
“CAREER: Embedded DSP with Alrernative Energy: Towards Sustainability for Cyber Physical
Exploration,” National Science Foundation, March 1, 2010 – May 27, 2015, $181,153 ($39,551).
“Developing Embedded DSP Systems Powered by Renewable Underwater Energy Sources,” University of
Connecticut Research Foundation, December 16, 2009 – December 31, 2010, $23,494 ($12,280).
“MRI: Development of Instrumentation for an Autonomous UW Sensor Network,” (with PI: J.H. Cui (18%)
and co-PIs: I. Babb (8%), Z. Shi (8%), T. Torgerson (8%), S. Zhou (8%), Senior Personnel: R.A. Ammar
(5%), A. Bagtzoglou (5%), Y. Fei (5%), Y. Lei (5%), L. Lui (5%), S. Rajasekaran (5%), E. Shultz (5%), B.
Wang (5%) and P. Willett (5%)), National Science Foundation – Computer and Information Science and
Engineering, August 1, 2008 – July 31, 2011, $500,000.
“Graduate Assistants in Areas of National Need: Energy,” (with PI: J. Chandy (13%) and co-PIs: Y. Fei
(13%), A. Kiayias (13%), Z. Shi (13%), A. Shvartsman (12%), M. Tehranipoor (12%) and B. Wang (12%)),
U.S. Department of Education, August 15, 2009 – August 14, 2012, $174,208 ($44,748).
Peter K. Willett
“Sensor Networks for Multiple Target Tracking,” (with co-PI: S. Zhou (33.3%)), Office of Naval Research,
January 16, 2007 – September 30, 2011, $534,006 ($91,499).
“MIMO Radar: Tracking, Compressed Sensing and OFDM,” Office of Naval Research, April 1, 2009 –
March 31, 2012, $231,142 ($88,320).
“Data Reduction Techniques for Real Time Fault Detection and Diagnosis,” Qualitech Systems, Inc.,
December 14, 2009 – August 31, 2011, $180,000 ($24,835)>
“Novel Approaches to Active Multi Static Target Tracking,” Office of Naval Research, January 1, 2010 –
December 31, 2012, $75,000 ($19,078).
“Probabilistic Inference Models for Graph Understanding, Analysis and Matching,” Air Force Research Lab/
U.S. Department of Defense, September 14, 2010 – February 28, 2012, $113,500 ($57,588).
“MRI: Development of Instrumentation for an Autonomous UW Sensor Network,” (with PI: J.H. Cui (18%)
and co-PIs: I. Babb (8%), Z. Shi (8%), T. Torgerson (8%), S. Zhou (8%), Senior Personnel: R.A. Ammar
(5%), A. Bagtzoglou (5%), Y. Fei (5%), Y. Lei (5%), L. Lui (5%), S. Rajasekaran (5%), E. Shultz (5%), L.
Wang (5%) and B. Wang (5%)), National Science Foundation – Computer and Information Science and
Engineering, August 1, 2008 – July 31, 2011, $500,000.
Peng Zhang
“Critical Techniques for Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles,” U.S. Department of Transportation, February
1, 2011 – July 31, 2011, ($5,306).
Shengli Zhou
“A Multicarrier Underwater Acoustic Modem with Precise-Ranging Capability,” National Science
Foundation, September 1, 2007 – August 31, 2009, $274,026 ($48,398).
“NeTS-NOSS Collaborative Research: SEA-Swarm: A Rapidly Deployable Underwater Sensor Network,”
(with co-PI: J.H. Cui (50%)), National Science Foundation September 1, 2007 – August 31, 2010, $200,000
“REU: NeTS-NOSS Collaborative Research: SEA-Swarm: A Rapidly Deployable Underwater Sensor
Network,” (with co-PI: J.H. Cui (50%)), National Science Foundation July 15, 2009 – August 31, 2010,
$16,000 ($3,332).
“Advancing Underwater Acoustic Communication for Autonomous Distributed Networks via Sparse
Channel Sensing, Coding, and Navigation Support,” Office of Naval Research, April 1, 2009 – March 30,
2014, $999,998 ($293,033).
“Collaborative Research: Developing a Novel Infrastructure for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks,”
(with PI: J. H. Cui (19%) and co-PIs: Y. Fei (9%), S. Rajasekaran (9%), Z. Shi (9%) and P. Willett (9%)),
(Affiliations: UMass, WHOI), National Science Foundation – Computer & Information Science &
Engineering, August 1, 2007 – July 31, 2010, $320,000.
“MRI: Development of Instrumentation for an Autonomous UW Sensor Network,” (with PI: J.H. Cui (18%)
and co-PI: I. Babb (8%), Z. Shi (8%), T. Torgerson (8%), Senior Personnel: R.A. Ammar (5%), A.
Bagtzoglou (5%), Y. Fei (5%), Y. Lei (5%), L. Lui (5%), S. Rajasekaran (5%), E. Shultz (5%), L. Wang
(5%), B. Wang (5%) and P. Willett (5%)), National Science Foundation – Computer and Information Science
and Engineering, August 1, 2008 – July 31, 2011, $500,000.
“Sensor Networks for Multiple Target Tracking,” (with PI: P. Willett (66.7%)), Office of Naval Research,
January 16, 2007 – March 31, 2011, $534,006 ($32,093).
Quing Zhu
“Near Infrared Diffusive Light Imaging with Ultrasound Guidance,” National Institutes of Health, September
1, 2002 – February 28, 2012, $1,840,554 ($198,016).
“Photoacoustic-Guided Diffuse Optical Tomography for Breast Cancer Detection and Diagnosis,” (with C.
Xu (Post Doctorate Training Award)) U.S. Department of Defense/Army Medical Research and Material
Command, June 1, 2009 – September 20, 2012, $293,570 ($61,527).
“Novel Imaging Devices for Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancers,” Donaghue Medical Research
Foundation, Achievement Award, January 1, 2007 – December 31, 2012, $595,791 ($110,136).
“Hybrid Scintigraphy/OCT Intraoperative Probe for Ovarian Cancer Detection and Surgical Intervention,”
Connecticut Public Health, July 1, 2007 – October 1, 2010, $308,292 ($7,495).
“Photoacoustic Tomography for Breast Cancer Staging,” Connecticut Breast Cancer Initiative, February 1,
2009 – September 30, 2010, $35,000 ($2,075).
“Mapping Breast Tumor Hypoxia using a Novel Dye Imidazole Hypoxia Probe: Preclinical Investigation,”
Connecticut Department of Public Health, September 1, 2010 – April 30, 2012, $244,897 ($62,585).
Yaakov Bar-Shalom
2010 Faculty Excellence in Research Award, UConn Alumni Association, October 2010.
John A. Chandy
“Adaptive Load Balanced Routing for 2-Dilated Flattened Butterfly Switching Network,” (with A.
Thamarakuzhi), Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Networks, Best Paper Award, pp. 139144, January 2011.
Faquir C. Jain
Governor’s Recognition for Outstanding Service to the State of Connecticut by Immigrants/Citizens, CT
State Capitol, Hartford, CT, April 14, 2011.
Bahram Javidi
Named Fellow, European Optical Society, 2010.
“Single Beam Computational 3D Microscopy,” (with A. Anand), Proceedings of the Information Optics 9th
Euro-American Workshop on Information Optics, IEEE Photonics Society, Best Paper Award, invited, DOI:
10.1109/WIO.2010.5582508, Helsinki, Finland, July 12-16, 2010.
Geoffrey W. Taylor
“Method of Fabricating Semiconducting Devices Employing at Least One MD Quantum Well Structure,”
OPE-022D1, U.S. Patent No. 7,776,753, August 17, 2010.
Mohammad Tehranipoor
“Low-Cost On-Chip Structures for Measuring NBTI Effects, Variations, Path Delay, and Noise,” (with X.
Wang), SRC TECHCON, Best in Session Award, 2010.
Peter K. Willett
“Shooting Two Birds with Two Bullets: How to Find Minimum Mean OSPA Estimates,” (with M.
Guerriero, L. Svensson and D. Svensson), ISIF Fusion Conference Best Paper Award, July 2010.
“Trellis-Based Feedback Reduction for Multiple Input Multiple Output Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM),” (with B. Li and S. Zhou), U.S. Patent No. 7,782,573, August 24, 2010.
“Apparatus, Systems and Methods for Enhanced Multi-Carrier Based Underwater Acoustic
Communications,” (with B. Li, S. Zhou, M. Stojanovic and L. Freitag), U.S. Patent No. 7,859,944,
December 28, 2010.
Shengli Zhou
“Trellis-Based Feedback Reduction for Multiple Input Multiple Output Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM),” (with B. Li and P.K. Willett), U.S. Patent No. 7,782,573, August 24, 2010.
“Apparatus, Systems and Methods for Enhanced Multi-Carrier Based Underwater Acoustic
Communications,” (with B. Li, P.K. Willett, M. Stojanovic and L. Freitag), U.S. Patent No. 7,859,944,
December 28, 2010.
Quing Zhu
Elected Senior Member, Optical Society of America, 2011.
Named Fellow, SPIE, January 2011.
Mehdi Anwar
Conference Chair, Terahertz Physics, Devices and Systems: Advanced Applications in Industry and Defense,
Orlando World Center Marriott Resort and Convention Center, Orlando, FL, April 2010.
Chair, NSF/UCRC Workshop, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, October 2010 and March 2011.
Member, Program Committee, SPIE Europe: Security and Defense Conference, Toulouse, France,
September 2010.
Member, Program Committee, Nanostructure Integration Techniques for Manufacturable Devices, Circuits,
and Systems: Interfaces, Interconnects, and Nanosystems, DSS, Orlando, FL, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, Nanosensing Materials and Devices, DSS, Orlando, 2011.
“Renewable Technologies to Address Energy Needs in Bangladesh,” keynote talk, Daily Star Leadership
Colloquium on Alternative Energy, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 7, 2011.
“Energy Challenges for Bangladesh – A Roadmap for Sustainable Energy Solutions,” keynote talk,
Bangladesh Power Development Board, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 8, 2011.
“DNA-Based 2D Self-Replicating Microelectronics,” NSF-EFRI Conference, Washington, DC, January
11-12, 2011.
John E. Ayers
Session Chair, Materials Science and Technology Conference 2011, “Semiconductor Heterostructures:
Theory, Growth, Characterization, and Device Applications.
Member, National Science Foundation Electronic and Magnetic Materials SBIR/STTR Phase I Committee.
Aetna Chair, University Writing Advisory Board.
Member, University General Education Oversight Committee.
Co-Chair, University GEOC Science and Technology Subcommittee.
Member, University Institute for Teaching and Learning Advisory Board.
Member, Advisory Board, University International Teaching Assistant Programs.
Member, University W Task Force.
“Embedded ZnCdSe Cladded Quantum Dots Device with Electroluminescent Electrical Characteristics,”
(with F. Al-Amoody, E.N. Suarez, A. Rodriguez, W. Huang and F.C. Jain), U.S. Workshop on the
Physics and Chemistry of II-VI Compounds, New Orleans, LA, October 26-28, 2010.
“Radiation Hardened Quantum Dot Nonvolatile Memory using ZnS/ZnMgS/ZnS Tunneling Gate
Insulator,” (with E.N. Suarez, M. Gogna, F. Al-Amoody, S. Karmakar, E. Heller and F.C. Jain), U.S.
Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of II-VI Compounds, New Orleans, LA, October 26-28, 2010.
“Indium Gallium Aresenide based Non-volatile Memory Devices with Site-specific Self-assembled
Germanium Quantum Dot Gate,” (with P.-Y. Chan, M. Gogna, E.N. Suarez, F. Al-Amoody, S.
Karmakar, B.I. Miller and F.C. Jain), short paper, Material Research Society Symposium, Vol. 1250, p.
35, Boston, MA, November 2010.
“Lattice Relaxation by Plastic Flow in ZnSe/GaAs (001),” (with T. Kujofsa, S. Cheruku, D. Sidoti, S.
Xhurxhi, F. Obst, J.P. Correa, B. Bertoli, P.B. Rago, E.N. Suarez, X. Zhang, P. Li and F.C. Jain), 20th
Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, Yale University, New Haven, CT,
March 16, 2011.
“S-Graded Buffer Layers for Semiconductor Devices,” (with S. Xhurxhi, F. Obst, D. Sidoti, B. Bertoli,
T. Kujofsa, S. Cheruku, J.P. Correa, P.B. Rago, E.N. Suarez and F. C. Jain), short paper, 20th
Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, pp. 61-63, Yale University, New
Haven, CT, March 16, 2011.
“Quantum Dot Nonvolatile Memory Using ZnS/ZnMgS/ZnS Tunneling Gate Insulator on SOI
Substrates,” (with E.N. Suarez, M. Gogna, F. Al-Amoody, S. Karmakar, E. Heller and F.C. Jain), short
paper, 20th Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, pp. 67-68, Yale
University, New Haven, CT, March 16, 2011.
Rajeev Bansal
Associate Editor, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 1987-present.
Associate Editor, IEEE Microwave Magazine, 2000-present.
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of RF & Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2004present.
Member, Editorial Board, IETE Technical Review, 2008-present.
Member, Technical Coordinating Committee, MTT-10 of the IEEE.
MTT-S Delegate, IEEE-USA Medical Technology Policy Committee, 2002-present.
IEEE AP-S Liaison, COMAR, 2001-present.
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.
Fellow, Electromagnetics Academy.
Chair, University Senate Budget Committee.
Member, University of Connecticut: Strategic Redesign Initiative Steering Committee, Board of Trustees
Financial Affairs Committee, Graduate Dean Search Committee, Research Foundation Large Grant Review
Panel, Research Foundation Major Equipment Grant Review Panel, Research Foundation IGERT Program
Internal Review Panel, Global Citizenship Curriculum Committee, CPPAC Committee.
Member, Graduate Faculty Council.
School of Engineering Liaison, University Assessment Planning Committee.
Treasurer, University AAUP-PAC.
Yaakov Bar-Shalom
Fellow, IEEE, 1984-present.
Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2002-present.
Marianne E. Klewin Endowed Professor in Engineering, 2004-present.
School of Engineering Distinguished Professor, 1998-present.
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, 2002-present.
Vice-President for Publications, The International Society of Information Fusion, 2004-present.
Session Chair and Organizer, IEEE/AIAA Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, March 2011.
Session Chair, 13th International Conference on Information Fusion, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2010.
Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, 1995-present.
Tutorial Workshop at the International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2010.
“The Information Limit in Clutter: CRLB in the Presence of False Measurements and the ML-PDA
Estimator,” plenary, IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Conference, Nice, France, June 2011. Also,
presented as an IEEE Distinguished Lecture at the Statistics Department Seminar, February 2011.
“A Radar Power Multiplier Algorithm for Acquisition of LO Ballistic Missiles Using an ESA Radar,”
(with S. Sivananthan and T. Kirubarajan), Office of Naval Research, March 2011.
“Tracking with Classification-Aided Multiframe Data Association,” (with T. Kirubarajan and C.
Gokberk), Office of Naval Research, March 2011.
“Target Tracking: How to Get the Most Out of Your Sensors,” IEEE Distinguished Lecture, IEEE
Providence, RI Section, April 2011. Also, presented as an IEEE Distinguished Lecture at the Computer
Science and Engineering Seminar, April 2011.
“A Simplification of the Dynamic Cramer-Rao Bound for Target Tracking in Clutter,” (with P.K. Willett
and X. Zhang), short paper, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 47, No. 2,
pp. 1481-1482, April 2011.
“Asynchronous Track-to-Track Fusion Configurations,” (with X. Tian), Office of Naval Research, June
“Unbiased Mixing for IMM,” (with T. Yuan and P.K. Willett), Office of Naval Research, June 2011.
John A. Chandy
Individual Submissions Editor, ACM Operating Systems Review.
Member, Review Panel, NSF CISE.
Member, University International Teaching Assistant Program Advisory Board.
Member, University Internship Council.
Member, Program Committee, 2011 Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education.
“Spatial Wavefunction Switched (SWS)-FET: A Novel Device to Process Multiple Bits
Simultaneously,” (with F.C. Jain and E. Heller), Lester Eastman Biennial Conference on High
Performance Devices, August 2010.
“Design of ADCs and DACs using 25nm Quantum Dot Gate FETs,” (with S. Karmakar and F.C. Jain),
Lester Eastman Biennial Conference on High Performance Devices, August 2010.
“Spatial Wavefunction Switched (SWS) InGaAs FETs with II-VI Gate Insulators,” (with F.C. Jain, B.
Miller, E. Miller, P.-Y. Chan, S. Karmaker, F. Al-Amoody and E. Heller), U.S. Workshop on the Physics
and Chemistry of II-VI Materials, October 2010.
“Accelerating K-min/K-max using FPGA-based Intelligent Network Switches,” (with J. Singaraju), short
paper, Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, pp. 82-83, March 2011.
“Design of Four Bit ADC using Three State Quantum Dot Gate FETs,” (with S. Karmakar and F.C.
Jain), short paper, 20th Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, pp. 53-54,
Yale University, New Haven, CT, March 16, 2011.
Anthony J. DeMaria
Member, Laser-Fest Committee, Optical Society of America, the American Physical Society, SPIE and the
IEEE Photonic Society 2010-2011.
Member, Annual Prism Awards Committee, Society of Photography and Instrumentation Engineers and
Lauren Publication, Inc., 2010-2011.
Honorary Member, Election Committee, Optical Society of America, 2010-present.
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.
Member, SPIE/IEEE ABET Committee to establish a course list for a B.S. in Photonic Engineering, 2011.
Member, University of Central Florida’s Committee to establish a course list for an Associate’s Degree in
Photonic Engineering, 2010-2011.
Eric Donkor
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2007-present.
Program Chair and Proceedings Editor, SPIE Conference on Quantum Information and Computation IX, No.
8057, Orlando, FL, April 2011.
Program Chair, SPIE Conference on Enabling Photonics Technologies for Defense, Security and Aerospace
VII, No. 8054, Orlando, FL, April 2011.
Session Chair, SPIE Conference on Quantum Information and Computation IX, No. 8057, Session 5,
Orlando, FL, April 2011.
Session Chair, SPIE Conference on Enabling Photonics Technologies for Defense, Security and Aerospace
Applications VII, Conference 8054, Session 5, April 2011.
Member, Review Panel, National Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research, 2010-present.
Member University Interdisciplinary Courses Committee, 2010-2011.
Member, University Undergraduate Scholarships Committee, 2010-2011.
Member, Planning Committee, SPIE Symposium, April 2011.
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, 2008-present.
“Impact of the Peace Corps Volunteer on My Professional Career Path,” 50th Anniversary Celebration of
the Peace Corps, Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut, March 2011.
John D. Enderle
Editor, Biomedical Engineering Book Series, Morgan & Claypool Publishing.
Member, Editorial Board, Academic Press Biomedical Engineering Book Series.
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of Neural Systems.
Associate Editor, Automatic Control of Physiological State and Function.
Fellow, American Society of Engineering Educators, 2008-present.
Fellow, Biomedical Engineering Society, 2005-present.
Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, 1998-present.
Fellow, IEEE, 1994-present.
Fellow, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Alumni Association, 1996-present.
Member, IEEE-EMBS International Committee of the EMBC 2011 Conference.
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, 2003-present.
Member, University Centers and Institutes Committee.
2011 Regional Engineering Education Summit, Boston, MA, May 19, 2011.
Monty A. Escabi
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.
“Functional Transformation between Brainstem Inputs and Target Inferior Colliculus Neurons,” (with C.
Chen and H.L. Read), Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Vol. 671, p. 18, November 2010.
“Distinct Integration and Encoding Time-scales Lead to a Sparse Temporal Code for Elementary
Spectral and Temporal Sound Features,” (with C. Chen, E.P. Flynn and H.L. Read), Society for
Neuroscience Abstracts, Vol. 671, p. 13, November 2010.
“Theta and Gamma Oscillations in the Hippocampus, Striatum and Prefrontal Cortex during a Place and
Response Task,” (with B. Schmidt, L. Forgette and E. Markus), Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Vol.
203, p. 14, November 2010.
“Septotemporal Variation in the Effects of Speed on the Theta Rhythm,” (with J.R. Hinman, S.C. Penley,
L.L. Long and J.J. Chrobak), Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Vol. 203, p. 2, November 2010.
“Theta/gamma Cross Frequency Coupling Across the Septotemporal Axis of the Hippocampus and the
Effects of Ketamine,” (with L.L. Long, J.R. Hinman, S.C. Penley and J.J. Chrobak), Society for
Neuroscience Abstracts, Vol. 203, p. 1, November 2010.
“Enhanced Binaural Spike Rate Tuning to Midline Sound Positions in Ventral Belt Cortex,” (with N.
Higgins and H.L. Read), Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Vol. 18, p. 13, November 2010.
“Specialization of Binaural Responses in Ventral Auditory Cortices,” (with N. Higgins, D. Storace and
H.L. Read), Association for Research in Otolaryngology, No. 174, p. 59, February 2011.
“Distinct Integration and Encoding Time-Scales Lead to a Sparse Temporal Code for Elementary
Spectro-Temporal Features,” (with C. Chen and H.L. Read), Association for Research in
Otolaryngology, No. 892, p. 299, February 2011.
Yunsi Fei
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Low Power Electronics.
“QELAR,” Software Package, Long, 2010.
“Hardware/Software Co-design Approach for Dynamic Information Flow Tracking,” Army Research
Office Special Workshop on Hardware Assurance, invited, April 11-12, 2011. Also, presented at a
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar, Worcester Polytechnic University, April
29, 2011.
Ali Gokirmak
“Optical Observations of Thermoelectric Effects on Self-heated Nanocrystalline Microwires,” (with N.
Khan, G. Bakan and H. Silva), Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Vol. AA12.5, 2010.
“Benedicks Effect on Multi-Contact Nanocrystalline Microstructures Heated through Alternating
Electrical Signals,” (with N.E. Williams and H. Silva), Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Vol.
LL10.6, 2010.
“Electromigration of Silicon in Molten and Crystalline Silicon Microwires Under Electrical Stress,”
(with A. Cywar, G. Bakan and H. Silva), Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Vol. AA17.54, 2010.
“Temperature Dependence of Electrical Resistivity of Highly Doped Nanocrystalline and Amorphous
Silicon Thin Films,” (with K. Cil, G. Bakan and H. Silva), Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Vol.
AA17.65, 2010.
“Optical Observations and Numerical Modeling of the Thermoelectric Thomson Effect on Self-heating
Silicon Microwires,” (with G. Bakan, N. Khan and H. Silva), Materials Research Society Fall Meeting,
Vol. LL8.2, 2010.
“Finite Element Simulation of Filamentation in Nanocrystalline Silicon Films Under Electrical Stress,”
(with S. Ayas, G. Bakan, N.E. Williams and H. Silva), Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Vol.
AA17.64, 2010.
“Pentagate Si MOSFETs with Spacer-like Side-gate Structures,” (with M.B. Akbulut, F. Dirisaglik and
H. Silva), Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Vol. G11.49, 2010.
Worcester Polytechnic University, Worcester, MA, October 2010.
“Two-dimensional Numerical Modeling of Nanocrystalline Silicon Structures Generating Randomly
Distributed Circular Crystalline Domains in an Amorphous Matrix,” (with C. Osorio, G. Bakan and H.
Silva), Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Vol. A8.8, 2011.
“Numerical Modeling of the Thermoelectric Effects on Self-heated GST Bridge Structures,” (with F.
Dirisaglik, G. Bakan and H. Silva), Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Vol. R1.9, 2011.
“Finite Element Analysis of Micro/Nano Thermoelectric Generators,” (with N.E. Williams and H. Silva),
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Vol. 13.4, 2011.
Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2011.
Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2011.
Faquir C. Jain
Proceedings Editor, Coordinator and Member, Executive Program Committee, 20th Annual Connecticut
Microelectronics and Optoelectronics Consortium Symposium, Yale University, New Haven, CT, March 16,
Member, National Institutes of Health Review Committee, Cancer Biomarkers, March 29, 2011.
Member, National Science Foundation Review Panel, Bioinstrumentation, March 9, 2011.
Member, University of Connecticut Committee on Major Research Centers, Board of Trustees Distinguished
Professor Committee.
Chair, AAUP Excellence Award Committee.
Member, Capital Campaign Steering Committee, University of Connecticut Foundation.
Member, India Studies Program Committee, University Office of International Programs.
Member, University Senate.
Member, IEEE and IEEE Nanotechnology Council.
Member, Optical Society of America.
Member, SPIE – The International Society for Optics and Photonics.
Member, International Microelectronics and Packaging Society.
Member, Materials Research Society.
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.
Member, Surface Mount Technology Association.
Member, American Physical Society.
Member, Advisory Board, University of New Haven, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science &
Engineering Department, New Haven, CT.
Co-Chair, Connecticut Council for Interrel Understanding, Hartford, CT.
“Glucowizzard™: A Splinter-sized Continuous Glucose Monitoring Device,” (with S. Vaddiraju, I.
Tomazos, D.J. Burgess and F. Papadimitrakopoulos), 10th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting,
Bethesda, MD, 2010.
“Spatial Wavefunction Switched (SWS)-FET: A Novel Device to Process Multiple Bits
Simultaneously,” (with E. Heller), Lester Eastman Biennial Conference on High Performance Devices,
August 2010.
“Design of ADCs and DACs using 25nm Quantum Dot Gate FETs,” (with S. Karmakar), Lester Eastman
Biennial Conference on High Performance Devices, August 2010.
“2010 High Performance ADC’s using Spatial Wavefunction-switched FETs,” DARPA, September 8,
“Spatial Wavefunction Switched (SWS) InGaAs FETs with II-VI Gate Insulators,” (with B. Miller, E.
Miller, P.-Y. Chan, S. Karmaker, F. Al-Amoody and E. Heller), U.S. Workshop on the Physics and
Chemistry of II-VI Materials, October 2010.
“Embedded ZnCdSe Cladded Quantum Dots Device with Electroluminescent Electrical Characteristics,”
(with F. Al-Amoody, E.N. Suarez, A. Rodriguez, W. Huang and J.E. Ayers), U.S. Workshop on the
Physics and Chemistry of II-VI Compounds, New Orleans, LA, October 26-28, 2010.
“Radiation Hardened Quantum Dot Nonvolatile Memory using ZnS/ZnMgS/ZnS Tunneling Gate
Insulator,” (with E.N. Suarez, M. Gogna, F. Al-Amoody, S. Karmakar, E. Heller and J.E. Ayers), U.S.
Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of II-VI Compounds, New Orleans, LA, October 26-28, 2010.
“Indium Gallium Aresenide based Non-volatile Memory Devices with Site-specific Self-assembled
Germanium Quantum Dot Gate,” (with P.-Y. Chan, M. Gogna, E.N. Suarez, F. Al-Amoody, S.
Karmakar, B.I. Miller and J.E. Ayers), short paper, Proceedings of the Material Research Society
Symposium, Vol. 1250, p. 35, Boston, MA, November 2010.
“Nanotechnology for Devices and Systems: Education and Research at The University of Connecticut
(UConn) - Quantum Dot Gate Devices,” KAU’s Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Jeddah, Saudi
Arabia, January 9, 2011.
“Multi-state FETs,” Intel, Hudson, MA, February 16, 2011.
“ZnSzTe/CdTe-on-Si Technology,” DARPA, March 8, 2011.
“Multi-channel Multi-bit Processing Quantum Dot Channel (QDC)/SWS FETs,” DARPA, March 8,
“Lattice Relaxation by Plastic Flow in ZnSe/GaAs (001),” (with T. Kujofsa, S. Cheruku, D. Sidoti, S.
Xhurxhi, F. Obst, J.P. Correa, B. Bertoli, P.B. Rago, E.N. Suarez, X. Zhang, P. Li and J.E. Ayers), 20th
Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, Yale University, New Haven, CT,
March 16, 2011.
“Finite-state Machine Architecture for Implantable Biosensor Platform using Optical Communication,”
(with R. Croce, Jr., P. Gogna, M. Gogna, A. Islam, L. Zuo, K. Zhu, M. Roknshariki, V. Sagar, F.
Papadimitrakopoulos and S. Islam), 20th Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and
Optoelectronics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, March 16, 2011.
“Design of Four Bit ADC using Three State Quantum Dot Gate FETs,” (with S. Karmakar and J.A.
Chandy), short paper, 20th Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, pp. 53-54,
Yale University, New Haven, CT, March 16, 2011.
“II-VI Cladded Quantum Dots for Nonvolatile Memory Applications,” (with F. Al-Amoody, E.N.
Suarez, E. Heller and W. Huang), short paper, 20th Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and
Optoelectronics, pp. 55-56, Yale University, New Haven, CT, March 16, 2011.
“S-Graded Buffer Layers for Semiconductor Devices,” (with S. Xhurxhi, F. Obst, D. Sidoti, B. Bertoli,
T. Kujofsa, S. Cheruku, J.P. Correa, P.B. Rago, E.N. Suarez and J.E. Ayers), short paper, 20th
Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, pp. 61-63, Yale University, New
Haven, CT, March 16, 2011.
“Quantum Dot Nonvolatile Memory using ZnS/ZnMgS/ZnS Tunneling Gate Insulator on SOI
Substrates,” (with E.N. Suarez, M. Gogna, F. Al-Amoody, S. Kumar, J.E. Ayers and E. Heller), short
paper, 20th Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, pp. 67-68, Yale
University, New Haven, CT, March 16, 2011.
“N-MOS Inverters using Quantum Dot Gate (QDG) FETs,” (with B. Outlaw, A. Mirza, M. Khokhar, R.
Croce, S. Karmakar and M. Gogna), short paper, 20th Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and
Optoelectronics, pp. 75-77, Yale University, New Haven, CT, March 16, 2011.
“Site Specific Si/Ge/Si-Ge Dots Cladded with Oxide,” (with K. Baskar, M. Gogna, S. Karmakar and F.
Papadimitrakopoulos), short paper, 20th Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and
Optoelectronics, p. 78, Yale University, New Haven, CT, March 16, 2011.
“Si and InGaAs Quantum Dot Gate FETs Exhibiting Three-State Transfer Characteristics,” IBM’s
Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, May 10, 2011.
“Electronic-Photonic Integration,” Alcatel-Lucent, Holmdel, NJ, May 23, 2011.
“Novel Integration of Far-IR and Mid-IR Technologies on Si,” DARPA, June 8, 2011.
Granted access to: Cornell Nanotechnology Center; MIT Systems Laboratory; Harvard University
Nanoscience Center; and Yale Microelectronic Material Center.
Bahram Javidi
Editor-in-Chief, Springer-Verlag Series on Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security, 2003-present.
Member, Editorial Board, IEEE Journal of Display, 2004-2011.
Member, Editorial Board, Proceedings of the IEEE Journal, 2007-present.
Member, Editorial Board, “Three Dimensional Imaging, Visualization and Display Conference,” SPIE
International Symposium on Security and Defense, Orlando, FL, April 2011.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of SPIE Reviews, 2008-present.
Co-Chairperson, IEEE Information Optics Workshop 2010.
Visiting Professor, University of Stuttgart, Germany, May 2011.
Member, IEEE.
Member, SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics.
Member, Optical Society of America.
Institute of Photonics Sciences Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain, June 2011.
Peter B. Luh
Associate Editor, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 1999-present.
Associate Editor, ACTA Automatica Sinica, 2005-present.
Chair, Steering Committee, IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2006-present.
Chair, Management Committee, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2007-present.
Member, Advisory Board, IEEE Systems Journal, 2006-present.
Member, Senior Editors Panel and Advisory Committee, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and
Member, Senior Editors Panel, IEEE Transactions on Robotics.
Member, Advisory Board, International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, 2007-present.
Member, Advisory Board, International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications, 2006-present.
Member, Steering Committee, IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Toronto, Canada,
August 2010.
Member, International Program Committee, International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Berlin,
Germany, August 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, Hong
Kong and Macau, China, August 2010.
Member, Program Committee, 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,
Taipei, Taiwan, October 2010.
Member, International Advisory Committee, Second International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and
Applications, Shanghai, China, November 10-12, 2010.
Chair, Automation Forum and Co-Chair, Workshop and Tutorial Committee, 2011 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, Shanghai, China, May 2011.
Vice-President for Publication Activities, Member, Financial Activities Board, Long Range Planning
Committee, Electronic Products & Service Board and IEEE Liaison, TAB Periodicals Packages Committee,
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, 2008-2011.
Member, IEEE Periodical Committee.
Member, Best Paper Committee, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, February
Member, Googol Best Application Paper Committee, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and
Engineering, February 2010.
Fellow, IEEE.
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.
SNET Professor of Communications & Information Technologies, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Fellow, University of Connecticut Academy of Global Economic Advancement.
Visiting Professor, Tsinghua University, Department of Automation, 2001-present.
Visiting Professor, Dalian University of Technology, 2006-present.
Visiting Fellow, United Technologies Research Center, 2010.
Software Packages (Long):
“UConn Short Term Load Forecasting Method,” developed for and provided to Alstom Grid.
“UConn Cutting Plane Methods for Extended Locational Marginal Pricing,” developed for and provided
to Midwest ISO.
“UConn Semiconductor Machine Allocation Optimization,” developed for and provided to Inotera
Memories, Inc.
“Smart Building Grid and HVAC Fault Detection /Diagnosis,” Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, invited, Wuhan, China, May 23, 2011.
“Smart Building Smart Grid and How to Conduct High Impact Research,” Beihang University, invited,
Beijing, China, June 1, 2011.
“How to Publish Papers in International Journals,” Beihang University, invited, Beijing, China, June 1,
Sung-Yeul Park
Session Chair, United Korea Conference, 2010.
Session Chair, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, 2011.
Session Chair, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics - ECCE AISA, 2011.
“Power Flow Improvement by Adding Stabilizer at the Solid State Transformer in the Micro Grid
Application,” poster, Seattle, WA, August 13, 2010.
Krishna R. Pattipati
Member, Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Istanbul,
Turkey, October 2010.
Member, Review Committee, Connecticut Academy of Sciences Energy Assurance and Planning Project
Committee and Working Group, 2010.
Member, University Conflict of Interest Committee, 2009-present.
Member, Board of Directors, Aptima, Inc., Woburn, MA, 1995-present.
Naval Meteorological and Oceanographic Center, Bay St., St. Louis, MO September 2010.
General Motors India Science Lab, January 2011.
Indian Institute of Science, January 2011.
Office of Naval Research Review Meeting, June 2011.
Granted access to: Naval Meteorological and Oceanographic Center, Bay St. Louis, MS, 2009-2011; Naval
Research Labs, Washington, DC, 2009-2011; General Motors Research & Development, India Science Lab,
Bangalore, India, 2009-2011; and General Motors Research and Development, Warren, MO, 2009-2012.
Helena Silva
“Optical Observations of Thermoelectric Effects on Self-heated Nanocrystalline Microwires,” (with N.
Khan, G. Bakan and A. Gokirmak), Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Vol. AA12.5, 2010.
“Benedicks Effect on Multi-Contact Nanocrystalline Microstructures Heated through Alternating
Electrical Signals,” (with N.E. Williams and A. Gokirmak), Materials Research Society Fall Meeting,
Vol. LL10.6, 2010.
“Electromigration of Silicon in Molten and Crystalline Silicon Microwires Under Electrical Stress,”
(with A. Cywar, G. Bakan and A. Gokirmak), Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Vol. AA17.54,
“Temperature Dependence of Electrical Resistivity of Highly Doped Nanocrystalline and Amorphous
Silicon Thin Films,” (with K. Cil, G. Bakan and A. Gokirmak), Materials Research Society Fall Meeting,
Vol. AA17.65, 2010.
“Optical Observations and Numerical Modeling of the Thermoelectric Thomson Effect on Self-heating
Silicon Microwires,” (with G. Bakan, N. Khan and A. Gokirmak), Materials Research Society Fall
Meeting, Vol. LL8.2, 2010.
“Finite Element Simulation of Filamentation in Nanocrystalline Silicon Films Under Electrical Stress,”
(with S. Ayas, G. Bakan, N.E. Williams and A. Gokirmak), Materials Research Society Fall Meeting,
Vol. AA17.64, 2010.
“Pentagate Si MOSFETs with Spacer-like Side-gate Structures,” (with M.B. Akbulut, F. Dirisaglik and
A. Gokirmak), Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Vol. G11.49, 2010.
Mentor Connection – Summer 2010.
“Two-dimensional Numerical Modeling of Nanocrystalline Silicon Structures Generating Randomly
Distributed Circular Crystalline Domains in an Amorphous Matrix,” (with C. Osorio, G. Bakan and A.
Gokirmak), Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Vol. A8.8, 2011.
“Numerical Modeling of the Thermoelectric Effects on Self-heated GST Bridge Structures,” (with F.
Dirisaglik, G. Bakan and A. Gokirmak), Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Vol. R1.9, 2011.
“Finite Element Analysis of Micro/Nano Thermoelectric Generators,” (with N.E. Williams and A.
Gokirmak), Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Vol. 13.4, 2011.
CT Science Olympiad, April 2, 2011.
Multiply Your Options – A Conference for 8th Grade Girls, April 7, 2011.
Eric P. Soulsby
Chair, University of Connecticut Academic Adjustments Committee.
Chair, University Academic Affairs IT Web Services Work Group.
Chair, University Assessment Liaisons.
Chair, University Registration Scheduling Team.
Member, University of Connecticut Academic Affairs IT Council, Academic Affairs IT Information and
Data Services Work Group, Articulation Policy Committee, Office of Early College Programs/Early College
Experience Advisory Board, General Education Assessment Committee, Litigation Hold Committee,
NEASC 5th Year Report Committee, Service Learning Advisory Board, UE&I Associate Deans Group,
Undergraduate Advising Council, Information Technology Services Document Management System Task
Force, Information Technology Services Technology Planning Committee.
Mohammad Tehranipoor
Guest Editor, IEEE Computer Society Computing Now, 2010.
Chair, Steering Committee, IEEE Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust, 2008-present.
Program Chair, 2011 ARO Workshop on Hardware Assurance, April 2011.
Vice-General Chair and Member, Program Committee, North Atlantic Test Workshop, 2010-2011.
Associate Editor, Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, 2007-present.
Associate Editor, Journal of Low Power Electronics, 2009-present.
Associate and Guest Editor, IEEE Design and Test of Computers Magazine, 2009-present.
Member, Program Committee, Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust, 2010-2011.
Member, Program Committee and Session Organizer, International Test Conference, 2011.
Member, Program Committee, Asian Test Symposium, 2010-2011.
Member, Program Committee, European Test Symposium, 2010-2011.
Member, Program Committee, VLSI Test Symposium, 2010-2011.
Member, Program Committee, Design Automation Conference Ph.D. Student Forum, 2010-2011.
Member, Program Committee, Great Lake Symposium on VLSI, 2010-2011.
Member, Program Committee, DFTS 2010-2011.
Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Telecommunications, 2010-2011.
Member, Program Committee, International Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies, 2011.
Member, Review Panel, National Science Foundation, 2010.
Senior Member and Distinguished Speaker, IEEE.
Member and Distinguished Speaker, ACM and ACM SIGDA.
Interviewed by The Economist.
“Testing Low-Power Integrated Circuits: Challenges, Solutions, and Industry Practices,” (with S. Ravi
(Texas Instruments) and R. Kapur (Synopsys)), International Test Conference, tutorial, 2010.
“High-Quality and Low-Cost Delay Testing for VDSM Designs: Challenges & Solutions,” (with K.
Chakrabarty (Duke University) and J. Rearick (AMD)), International Test Conference, tutorial, 2010.
NYU-Poly, invited, New York, NY, August 2010.
Qualcomm, invited, San Diego, CA, August 2010.
Texas Instruments, invited, Dallas, TX, September 2010.
“Design for Hardware Security and Trust,” University of Texas at Arlington, invited, September 2010.
Also presented at Brown University, Providence, RI, October 2010.
“New Threats to Hardware: Detection and Prevention Challenges,” Cisco, invited, October 2010.
MediaTek, invited, Boston, November 2010.
Freescale, invited, Austin, TX, November 2010.
Air Force Research Lab, invited, November 2010.
Panelist, International Test Conference, November 2010.
“Aging Measurement and Calibration for Nanoscale VLSI Circuit,” (with S. Wang), Connecticut
Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, invited, 2011.
“Timing Analysis for Nanometer VLSI Designs Considering Aging Effects,” (with J. Chen), Connecticut
Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, invited poster, 2011.
University of Wisconsin, invited, Madison, WI, February 2011.
University of South Florida, invited, IEEE CS Tampa Chapter, IEEE DVP Program, March 2011.
“On-chip Measurement Structures: Opportunities and Challenges,” LSI, invited, March 4, 2011.
“Detection of SDDs in Nanometer Technology Designs,” LSI, invited, March 10, 2011.
NYU-Abu Dhabi Workshop on Test, invited, New York, NY, April 2011.
University of Maryland, invited, April 2011.
ARO Workshop on Hardware Assurance, invited, Washington, DC, April 2011.
Virginia Tech, invited, April 22, 2011.
Cisco, invited, May 2011.
IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, invited, Dana Point, CA, May 2011.
Moderator, Special Session on Smart Silicon, IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, May 2011.
Panel Moderator, “Low Power Testing,” IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, May 2011.
Lei Wang
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Computers.
Track Chair, VLSI Circuits and Member, Technical Program Committee, ACM Great Lakes Symposium on
VLSI, 2010.
Member, Technical Committee on Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems, IEEE Signal
Processing Society.
Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in
VLSI Systems.
Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE International SOC Conference.
Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Computer Design.
Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures.
Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Symposium on Quality Electronic System
Member, Technical Program Committee, International Symposium on Electronic System Design.
Member, Technical Program Committee, International Congress on Image and Signal Processing.
Member, Technical Program Committee, International Workshop on Unique Chips and Systems.
Member, Review Committee, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems.
Member, IEEE.
Peter K. Willett
Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, January 2006-present.
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 2000-present.
Associate Editor, International Society for Information Fusion, Journal of Advances in Information Fusion,
General Co-Chair Emeritus, International Society for Information Fusion, “FUSION 2008” Conference,
Chicago, IL, July 2011.
Member, Editorial Board, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
Member, Program Committee, Fusion 2010 Conference.
Member, Program Committee and Session Chair: “SAM-P5-Detection and Estimation,” International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Prague, Czech Republic, 2011.
Program Committee, OCEANS 2011.
Session Organizer, 2010 IEEE Aerospace Conference.
Member, Board of Governors, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, 2004-2009 and 2011present.
Member, Board of Governors, International Society for Information Fusion, 2010-present.
Technical Committee Member and Webmaster, IEEE Signal Processing Society’s “Sensor Array and
UConn Representative, AFRL “Information Institute”.
Fellow, IEEE.
“A Simplification of the Dynamic Cramer-Rao Bound for Target Tracking in Clutter,” (with Y. BarShalom and X. Zhang), short paper, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 47,
No. 2, pp. 1481-1482, April 2011.
“Various Approaches to Data Association,” NATO Lecture Series, Porto, Portugal, Paris, France and
Ankara, Turkey, June 2011.
“Issues in Target Tracking,” NATO Lecture Series, Porto, Portugal, Paris, France and Ankara, Turkey,
June 2011.
“Unbiased Mixing for IMM,” (with T. Yuan and P.K. Willett), Office of Naval Research, June 2011.
Peng Zhang
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, 2008-present.
Member, Technical Committee, IEEE INFOCOM 2011 Workshop on Green Communications and
Member, Technical Committee, 2010 CIGRE Canada Conference on Power Systems.
Member, Technical Committee, 2011 CIGRE Canada Conference on Power Systems.
Senior Member, IEEE.
Member, IEEE Power and Energy Society Region One Scholarship Plus Initiative Committee.
Registered Professional Engineer, British Columbia, Canada.
Shengli Zhou
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, October 2008-present.
Associate Editor, IEEE Journal on Oceanic Engineering, May 2010-present.
UTC Associate Professorship in Engineering Innovation, 2008-2011.
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, May 2010-present.
Technical Co-Chair and Session Chair, The Fifth ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks,
September 30-October 1, 2010.
Member, Technical Program Committee, The Twelfth IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing
Advances in Wireless Communications, San Francisco, CA, June 26-June 29, 2011.
Invited Reviewer, The 36th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Prague,
Czech Republic, May 22-27, 2011.
Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE Global Communications Conference, Miami, FL, December
6-10, 2010.
Recipient, 2007 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, April 1, 2009-March 31,
Member, Broadband Strategic Plan Guidelines Study Committee, Connecticut Academy of Science and
Engineering, September 2010-June 2011.
“Aqua-fModem: A Stand-alone Underwater Acoustic Modem Based on OFDM Technology,” (with L.
Wan, P. Carroll, Z. Shi and J.-H. Cui), Fifth ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks,
demonstration and poster, November 30, 2010.
“Progressive Inter-carrier Interference Equalization for OFDM Transmissions over Time-varying
Underwater Acoustic Channels,” invited colloquia, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA,
November 5, 2010 and University of Delaware, March 11, 2011.
“A Progressive OFDM Receiver over Time-varying Underwater Acoustic Channels,” Office of Naval
Research ACOMMS Program Review, invited, May 10, 2011.
Quing Zhu
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions of Systems, Man and Cybernetics.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Biomedical Optics.
Member, Editorial Board, The Open Breast Cancer Journal, www.bentham.org/open/tobcanj.
Member, SPIE Photons Plus Ultrasound Committee, Photonics West BIOS, San Francisco, CA, January
Member, SPIE Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy Committee, Photonics West BIOS, San Francisco,
CA, January 2011.
Member, Review Committee, National Institutes of Health, June 1-3, 2011.
Member, SPIE, 1998-present.
Member, Optical Society of America, 1998-present.
Member, IEEE, 1992-present (Senior Member, 2001-present).
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, 2007-present.
“Monitoring Neo-adjuvant Chemotherapy Response Using Optical Tomography Guided by Ultrasound,”
invited, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2011.
“Potential Role of Optical Tomography with Ultrasound Localization in Assisting Ultrasound Diagnosis
of Early-Stage Invasive Breast Cancers and in Monitoring Tumor Response to Neoadjuvant
Chemotherapy,” invited, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, New York, March 2011.
The performance of the department over the last four academic years is summarized in the table below. The
2010–2011 academic year was highly productive. Currently, the Mechanical Engineering department is
home to 23 tenured/tenure-track faculty members and three professors in residence. The department’s
research portfolio has a total value of $28.4 million in research projects, with research expenditures of $5.1
million through March 2011. Between July 2010 and June 2011, faculty received new research grants and
contracts with a total value of $9.1 million. In this same period the Mechanical Engineering faculty
published 113 journal articles and 1 monograph, and contributed 148 conference publications or
presentations. Faculty members were inventors on 2 patents, and served on the editorial boards of 20 major
journals and on 27 conference organizing committees. Highlights of the year’s activities and
accomplishments follow.
Academic Year
Tenured/tenure track
- Enrollment
- Graduates
- Number of classes offered
- Enrollment M.S. / Ph.D.
- Graduates: M.S. / Ph.D.
- Number of classes offered
- Number of MENG classes offered
Research/ Scholarship
- Journal articles
- Conference papers
- Total active research grants
- New grants
- Research expenditures
34 / 33
11 / 5
59 / 63
12 / 2
54 / 61
17 / 5
74 / 68
15 / 7
The department’s undergraduate enrollment stood at 458 students. A total of 97 bachelor’s degrees were
conferred in Mechanical Engineering between July 2010 and June 2011. The capstone Major Design
Experience courses featured 41 senior design projects sponsored by 28 different companies. Four projects
were selected by a panel of judges and received cash awards ranging from $500 to $1,500. Last year’s
project titled “CGS Shearing Interferometry Adapted to the Nano-World” by Maxim Budyansky and
Christopher Modorno won the first place in the regional and national ASME Old Guard competitions after
receiving the Professors’ choice award in the senior design competition. Information on the year’s senior
design activities may be viewed at http://www.engr.uconn.edu/me/cms/publications. This year the D.E.
Crow Innovation Prize was established in the department. Seven undergraduate student teams competed for
this $10,000 Mechanical Engineering innovation award. The first prize of $6,000 was awarded to Nishang
Gupta for the design and marketing of an inexpensive voltage regulator for farmers in the developing world.
Two additional teams were awarded runner-up prizes of $2,000 each. In conjunction with the School’s
overall outreach and student recruitment efforts, the department participated in Explore Engineering, a oneweek residential program that engages high school students in engineering, as well as the da Vinci Project,
designed to help math and science teachers in grades 7 to 12 learn more about the engineering opportunities
available to their students.
The department continues its efforts to engage undergraduate students in summer research. This year the
department received a National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF REU)
grant that, paired with matching funds from the department, will support nine students engaged in sustainable
energy research in various department laboratories. This program allows students to gain research
experience and provides an introduction to graduate work. Two required undergraduate laboratory courses
were completely overhauled to enable better integration and coordination of the laboratory experience for our
students. Among the improvements were the purchase of state-of-the-art experimental modules for internal
combustion engines, flow visualization and velocity measurements, wind energy, mechatronics and gas
turbine engines.
Thirty-six new students joined our graduate program out of 185 applicants. A total of 142 students were
enrolled in the graduate program, of whom 68 are Ph.D. students. Nearly 40 percent of the graduate student
body are U.S. citizens. The department’s faculty served as major advisors to 14 graduating master’s students
and seven graduating Ph.D. students. Twenty-two graduate classes were taught by the department faculty,
including six on-site at UTC Pratt & Whitney. This year’s graduate research competition involved 12
graduate students presenting their research in a short seminar format to an audience of faculty, students, and
a panel of judges. Four students (Hafez Bahrami, Edward Moore, Eric Sirois and Timothy Kurp) received
cash awards ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 for their top performances in the competition. Twelve of our 36
new graduate students were co-sponsored by a department initiative that matches faculty member funding of
new research assistants.
The department’s research portfolio has grown, with active grants and contracts totaling $28.4 million from
highly diverse federal and industrial funding sources. The yearly research expenditures have grown to $5.1
million. In this reporting period, faculty brought in research grants and contracts worth $9.1 million. UTC
Pratt & Whitney and Hamilton Sundstrand continue to fund projects under the Center of Excellence
established at UConn.
One faculty member, Dr. Shiva Kotha, left the University during this academic year to start another position.
The department opened three faculty searches in the areas of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), design
and biomechanics. Dr. Zhuyin Ren (Ph.D., Cornell University) and Dr. Ikjin Lee (Ph.D., University of Iowa)
will join our department in the areas of CFD and design, respectively, at the beginning of the coming
academic year. The biomechanics faculty search is currently ongoing. With these hires, the department will
be home to 26 tenured and tenure-track faculty and three professors-in-residence.
Drs. Chih-Jen (Jackie) Sung and Hanchen Huang were elected to membership in the Connecticut Academy of
Science and Engineering. The Mechanical Engineering department’s teaching and research excellence
awards were granted to Drs. Ugur Pasaogullari and Jiong Tang, respectively. Drs. Jiong Tang and Michael
Renfro were appointed as United Technologies Professors in Engineering Innovation in successive two-year
terms. Dr. Eric Jordan was named the United Technologies Professor of Advanced Materials Processing. Dr.
Baki Cetegen was named the United Technologies Chair Professor in Thermal-Fluids Engineering.
The department’s external advisory board met May 18, 2011 to discuss the department’s progress in
education, research and outreach. Mr. Raymond Williams, former director of Naval Architecture at General
Dynamics Electric Boat, joined the advisory board. The board currently consists of nine leaders from
industry and academia representing a broad spectrum of industries and perspectives. During the latest
meeting, the board was presented with the department’s preliminary strategic plan and a subcommittee was
formed for fundraising activities.
Theodore L. Bergman
“Numerical Modeling of Alternate Melting and Solidification,” (with S. Wang and A. Faghri), Numerical
Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 393-418, 2010.
“Enhancement of Latent Heat Energy Storage Unit Using Embedded Heat Pipes,” (with C.W. Robak and A.
Faghri), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 54, No. 15-16, pp. 3476-3484, 2011.
“Design and Characterization of a Laminar Flow-through Dissolution Apparatus: Comparison of
Hydrodynamic Conditions to Those of Common Dissolution Techniques,” (with K. Greco and R. Bogner),
Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 75-87, 2011.
Chengyu Cao
“QoS-aware Fair Packet Scheduling in IEEE 802.16 Wireless Mesh Networks,” (with Y. Li, Y. Yang, L.
Zhou and A. Wei), International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 23, No. 6-7, pp. 901-917, 2010.
Brice Cassenti
“Combined Rate-independent Plasticity and Creep Model for Single Crystal,” (with A. Staroselsky),
Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 42, pp. 945-959, 2010.
Baki M. Cetegen
“Blowoff Mechanism of Two Dimensional Bluff-Body Stabilized Turbulent Premixed Flames in a
Prototypical Combustor,” (with S. Chaudhuri, S. Kostka, S.G. Tuttle and M.W. Renfro), Combustion and
Flame, Vol. 158, pp. 1358-1371, 2011.
“Heat Transfer in an Evaporating Liquid Film Flowing over a Rotating Disk,” (with G. Quinn), Experimental
Heat Transfer, Vol. 24, pp. 88-107, 2011.
“Modeling of Ceramic Particle Heating and Melting in a Microwave Excited Plasma,” (with K. Saha and S.
Chaudhuri), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 133, No. 3, pp. 031002-1-10, 2011.
Wilson K. S. Chiu
“Direct Internal Reformation and Mass Transport in the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode: A Pore-Scale Lattice
Boltzmann Study with Detailed Reaction Kinetics,” (with K.N. Grew and A.S. Joshi), Fuel Cells, Vol. 10,
pp. 1143-1156, 2010.
“Calculation of Water Diffusion Coefficients in an Anion Exchange Membrane,” (with T.D. Myles, A.M.
Kiss, K.N. Grew, A.A. Peracchio and G.J. Nelson), Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 158, No. 7,
pp. B790-796, 2011.
“Three Dimensional Mapping of Nickel Oxidation States Using Full Field X-ray Absorption Near Edge
Structure Tomography,” (with G.J. Nelson, W.M. Harris, J.R. Izzo, Jr., K.N. Grew, Y.S. Chu, J. Yi, J.C.
Andrews, Y. Liu and P. Pianetta), Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 98, pp. 173109-1 - 173109-3, 2011.
“Comparison of SOFC Cathode Microstructure Quantified Using X-ray Nanotomography and Focused Ion
Beam – Scanning Electron Microscopy,” (with G.J. Nelson, W.M. Harris, J.J. Lombardo, J.R. Izzo, Jr., P.
Tanasini, M. Cantoni, J. Van herle, C. Comninellis, J.C. Andrews, Y. Liu, P. Pianetta and Y.S. Chu),
Electrochemistry Communications, Vol. 13, pp. 586-589, 2011.
“Reactor Scale Modeling of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube Growth,” (with J.J. Lombardo), Applied Surface
Science, Vol. 257, pp. 5931-5937, 2011.
“Analytical Investigations of Varying Cross Section Microstructures on Charge Transfer in Solid Oxide Fuel
Cell Electrodes,” (with G.J. Nelson and A.A. Peracchio), Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 196, pp. 46954704, 2011.
“Characterization and Quantification of Electronic and Ionic Ohmic Overpotential and Heat Generation in a
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode,” (with K.N. Grew and J.R. Izzo, Jr.), ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and
Technology, Vol. 8, pp. 031001-1 - 031001-12, 2011.
Amir Faghri
“Effect of the Capillary Property of Porous Media on the Water Transport Characteristics in a Passive
Liquid-Feed Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC),” (with C. Xu), ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and
Technology, Vol. 7, pp. 061007-14, 2010.
“Water Management of the DMFC Passively Fed with Highly Concentrated Methanol Solution,” (with X.L.
Li and C. Xu), International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 35, pp. 8690-8698, 2010.
“Development of a High Performance Passive Vapor Feed DMFC Fed with Neat Methanol,” (with C. Xu
and X. Li), Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 157, No. 8, pp. B1109-B1117, 2010.
“Transient Modeling of a Passive Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Using Pure Methanol,” (with H. Bahrami),
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 157, No. 12, pp. B1762-B1776, 2010.
“Structural Optimization of the DFMC Passively Fed with High-concentrated Methanol Solution,” (with X.
Li and C. Xu), Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 195, No. 24, pp. 8202-8208, 2010.
“Mass Transport Analysis of a Passive Vapor Feed Direct Methanol Fuel Cell,” (with C. Xu), Journal of
Power Sources, Vol. 195, No. 20, pp. 7011-7024, 2010.
“Numerical Modeling of Alternate Melting and Solidification,” (with S. Wang and T.L. Bergman),
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 393-418, 2010.
“Exergy Analysis of a Complete Passive Direct Methanol Fuel Cell,” (with H. Bahrami), Journal of Power
Sources, Vol. 196, No. 3, pp. 1191-1204, 2011.
“Local Entropy Generation Analysis on Passive High-concentration DMFCs with Different Cell Structures,”
(with X. Li), Energy, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 403-414, 2011.
“Water Management in a Passive DMFC Using Highly Concentrated Methanol Solution,” (with H.
Bahrami), ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 021011-1 - 15, 2011.
“Enhancement of Latent Heat Energy Storage Unit Using Embedded Heat Pipes,” (with C.W. Robak and
T.L. Bergman), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 54, No. 15-16, pp. 3476-3484, 2011.
Tai-Hsi Fan
“Visual Feedback Automation for ICSI with Rotationally Oscillating Drill (Ros-Drill©),” (with J. Diaz, M.
Karzar-Jedi and N. Olgac), ASME Journal of Medical Devices, Vol. 4, No. 2, Paper No. 024502, 4 pages,
“Geometric Characterization of Cell Membrane of Mouse Oocytes for ICSI,” (with J. Diaz, M. Karzar-Jeddi,
N. Olgac and A.F. Ergenc), ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 132, No. 12, Paper No.
121002, 6 pages, doi:10.1115/1.4002701, 2010.
“Thermal Softening of Superswollen Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules,” (with B.-S. Kim and O.I.
Vinogradova), Soft Matter, Vol. 7, pp. 2705-2708, 2011.
Robert X. Gao
“On-line Measurement of Contact Pressure Distribution at Tool-workpiece Interfaces in Manufacturing
Operations,” (with S. Sah and N. Mahayotsanun), CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 59, No. 1,
pp. 399-402, 2010.
“Experimental Investigation of Efficient Ultrasonic Focusing in Attenuative Solids,” (with A. Ganguli, K.
Liang, J. Jundt and A. Ordonez), IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 59, No. 9,
pp. 2261-2271, 2010.
“A Comparison of Seven Filling to Packing Switchover Methods for Injection Molding,” (with D. Kazmer,
S. Velusamy, S. Westerdale and S. Johnston), Journal of Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 50, No. 10,
pp. 2031-2043, 2010.
“Feasibility Analysis of an In-mold Multivariate Sensor,” (with D. Kazmer, S. Johnston and Z. Fan), Journal
of International Polymer Processing, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 63-72, 2010.
“Wavelet Domain Principal Feature Analysis for Spindle Health Diagnosis,” (with R. Yan), Structural
Health Monitoring, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1-12, 2011.
“Prognosis of Defect Propagation Based on Recurrent Neural Networks,” (with A. Malhi and R. Yan), IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 703-711, 2011.
“Enhancement of Measurement Efficiency for Electrical Capacitance Tomography,” (with Z. Fan), IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 60, No. 5, pp. 1699-1708, 2011.
“An Experimental Study of Contact Pressure Distribution in Panel Stamping Operations,” (with S. Sah),
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 55, pp. 121-132, 2011.
Yen-Lin Han
“Performance Analysis of the Continuous Trace Gas Preconcentrator,” (with E.P. Muntz), Physics of Fluids,
Vol. 23, Paper No. 030605, doi:10.1063/1.3558881, 6 pages, 2011.
Hanchen Huang
“Anomaly in Dependence of Radiation-induced Vacancy Accumulation on Grain Size,” (with Y. Yang and
S.J. Zinkle), Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 405, No. 3, pp. 261-265, 2010.
“Controllable Introduction of Twin Boundaries into Nanowires,” (with Y.F. Zhang), Journal of Applied
Physics, Vol. 108, No. 10, pp. 103507-103507-4, doi: 10.1063/1.3511366, 2010.
“Another Kinetic Mechanism of Stabilizing Multiple-layer Surface Steps,” (with R.X. Zhang), Applied
Physics Letters, Vol. 98, No. 22, pp. 221903-221903-3, 2011.
Horea Ilies
“A Comparison of Sampling Strategies for Computing General Sweeps,” (with H. Erdim), Computer Aided
Design, Vol. 42, No. 8, pp. 657-669, 2010.
“Jaw Bite Force Measurement Device,” (with D. Flanagan, B. O’Brien, A. McManus and B. Larrow),
Journal of Oral Implantology, Paper No. PMID20822470, 2010.
“Shaping with Deformations,” (with N. Wu), Computer Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp.
249-268, 2011.
“Curve Skeletons of Planar Domains,” (with A. Eftekharian), Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol.
8, No. 1, pp. 87-97, 2011.
Eric H. Jordan
“Effects of Precursor Chemistry on the Structural Characteristics of Y2O3-MgO Nanocomposites Synthesized
by a Combined Sol-Gel/Thermal Decomposition Route,” (with C.K. Muoto, M. Gell and M. Aindow),
Journal of American Ceramics Society, Vol. 94, No. 2, pp. 372-381, 2011.
“A Foaming Esterification Sol-Gel Route for the Synthesis of Yttria-Magnesia Nanocomposties,” (with C.H. Chen, J.K.M. Garofano, C.K. Muoto, A.L. Mercando, S. Suib, M. Aindow and M. Gell), Journal of
American Ceramics Society, Vol. 94, No. 2, pp. 367-371, 2011.
“Identification of Desirable Precursor Properties for Solution Precursor Plasma Spray,” (with C.K. Muoto,
M. Gell and M. Aindow), Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 802-816, 2011.
“Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Contamination Removal on Engine-run Thermal Barrier
Coatings,” (with M.S. Majewski, C. Kelley, W. Hassan, W. Brindley and M.W. Renfro), Surface and
Coatings Technology, Vol. 205, pp. 4614-4619, 2011.
Tianfeng Lu
“A Reduced Mechanism for High Temperature Oxidation of Biodiesel Surrogates,” (with Z. Luo, M.J.
Maciaszek, S. Som and D.E. Longman), Energy & Fuels, Vol. 24, No. 12, pp. 6283-6293, 2010.
“An Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Methyl Decanoate Combustion,” (S.M. Sarathy, W.J. Pitz
and M.J. Thomson), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 399-405, 2011.
“A Reduced Mechanism for Ethylene/Methane Mixtures with Excessive NO Enrichment,” (Z. Luo and J.
Liu), Combustion and Flame, Vol. 158, No. 7, pp. 1245-1254, 2011.
George Lykotrafitis
“Microelasticity of Red Blood Cells in Sickle Cell Disease,” (with J. Maciaszek and B. Andemariam),
Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, doi: 10.1177/0309324711398809, 12 pages, 2011.
“Coherent Gradient Sensing Microscopy (Micro-CGS): a Microscale Curvature Detection Technique,” (with
M. Budyansky, C. Madormo and J. Maciaszek), Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 49, pp. 874-879,
“Sickle Cell Trait Human Erythrocytes are Significantly Stiffer than Normal,” (with J. Maciaszek), Journal
of Biomechanics, Vol. 44, pp. 657-661, 2011.
“A Coarse-grain Molecular Dynamics Model for Sickle Hemoglobin Fibers,” Journal of the Mechanical
Behavior of Biomedical Materials, (with H. Li), Vol. 4, pp. 162-173, 2011.
“One-particle-thick, Solvent-free, Coarse-grained Model for Biological and Biomimetic Fluid Membranes,”
(with H. Yuan, C. Huang, J. Li and S. Zhang), Physical Review E, Vol. 82, Paper No. 011905-1-011905-8,
Kevin D. Murphy
“Bayesian Identification of a Cracked Plate Using Population-Based Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method,”
(with E.Z. Moore and J.M. Nichols), Computers and Structures, Vol. 89, No. 13, pp. 1323-1332, 2011.
“Crack Identification in a Freely Vibrating Plate Using Bayesian Parameter Estimation,” (with E.Z. Moore
and J.M. Nichols), Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 25, pp. 2125-2134, 2011.
Nejat Olgac
“Visual Feedback Automation for ICSI with Rotationally Oscillating Drill (Ros-Drill©),” (with J. Diaz, M.
Karzar-Jedi and T-H. Fan), ASME Journal of Medical Devices, Vol. 4, No. 2, Paper No. 024502, 4 pages,
June 2010.
“Geometric Characterization of Cell Membrane of Mouse Oocytes for ICSI,” (with J. Diaz, M. Karzar-Jeddi,
T-H. Fan and A.F. Ergenc), ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 132, No. 12, Paper No.
121002, 6 pages, doi:10.1115/1.4002701, 2010.
“A Stability Study on First Order Neutral Systems with Three Rationally Independent Time Delays,” (with
R. Sipahi and D. Breda), International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 41, No. 12, pp. 1445-1455, 2010.
“A Lyapunov Treatment of Swarm Coordination under Conflict,” (with P. McCullough, M. Bacon, D.A.
Sierra and R. Cepeda-Gomez), Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 641-650, 2011.
“Swarm Coordination under Conflict and Use of Enhanced Lyapunov Control,” (with D.A. Sierra, P.
McCullough and E. Adams), ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurements and Control, Vol. 133, No.
2, Paper No. 021004, 8 pages, 2011.
“Full State Feedback Control Design with Delay Scheduling for Cart-Pendulum Dynamics,” (with E.M.
Cavdaroglu), Mechatronics, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 38-47, 2011.
Ugur Pasaogullari
“Modeling the Cation Transport in an Operating Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell (PEFC),” (with M.F. Serincan
and T. Molter), International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 5539-5551, 2010.
“Effect of Gas Diffusion Layer Anisotropy on Mechanical Stresses in a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane,”
(with M.F. Serincan), Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 196, No. 3, pp. 1314-1320, 2011.
“Mechanical Behavior of the Membrane during the Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Operation,” (with M.F.
Serincan), Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 196, No. 3, pp. 1303-1313, 2011.
“Consideration of the Role of Micro-porous Layer on Liquid Water Distribution in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel
Cells,” (with J.S. Preston, R.S. Fu, D.S. Hussey and D.L. Jacobson), Journal of the Electrochemical Society,
Vol. 158, No. 2, pp. B239-B246, 2011.
“Water Transport across a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane under Thermal Gradients,” (with J.S. Preston, R.S.
Fu, T. Shiomi, S. Miyazaki, Y. Tabuchi, D.S. Hussey and D.L. Jacobson), Journal of the Electrochemical
Society, Vol. 158, No. 3, pp. B303-B312, 2011.
Michael W. Renfro
“Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Contamination Removal on Engine-Run Thermal Barrier
Coatings,” (with M.S. Majewski, C. Kelley, W. Hassan, W. Brindley and E.H. Jordan), Surface and Coatings
Technology, Vol. 205, pp. 4614-4619, 2011.
“Blowoff Mechanism of Two Dimensional Bluff-Body Stabilized Turbulent Premixed Flames in a
Prototypical Combustor,” (with S. Chaudhuri, S. Kostka, S.G. Tuttle and B.M. Cetegen), Combustion and
Flame, Vol. 158, pp. 1358-1371, 2011.
Wei Sun
“Computational Evaluation of Platelet Activation Induced by a Bioprosthetic Heart Valve,” (with E. Sirois),
Artificial Organs, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 157-165, 2010.
“Simulated Elliptical Bioprosthetic Valve Deformation: Implications for Asymmetric Transcatheter Valve
Deployment,” (with K. Li and E. Sirois), Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 43, No. 16, pp. 3085-3090, 2010.
“Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Coronary Sinus for Percutaneous Transveneous Mitral
Annuloplasty,” (with T. Pham), Acta Biomaterialia, Vol. 6, No. 11, pp. 4336-4344, 2010.
“Significant Differences in the Material Properties between Aged Human and Porcine Aortic Tissues,” (with
C. Martin and T. Pham), European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 28-34, doi:
10.1016/j.ejcts.2010.08.056, 2010.
“Fluid Simulation of a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Deployment into a Patient-specific Aortic Root,” (with E.
Sirois and Q. Wang), Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology, 10 pages, doi: 10.1007/s13239-0110037-7, 2011.
Chih-Jen Sung
“CFD Modeling of Two-Stage Ignition in a Rapid Compression Machine: Assessment of Zero-Dimensional
Approach,” (with G. Mittal and M.P. Raju), Combustion and Flame, Vol. 157, No. 7, pp. 1316-1324, 2010.
“Flame Propagation and Extinction Characteristics of Neat Surrogate Fuel Components,” (with K. Kumar),
Energy and Fuels, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 3840-3849, 2010.
“Skeletal Mechanism Generation for Surrogate Fuels Using Directed Relation Graph with Error Propagation
and Sensitivity Analysis,” (with K.E. Niemeyer and M.P. Raju), Combustion and Flame, Vol. 157, No. 9, pp.
1760-1770, 2010.
“A Comparative Experimental Study of the Autoignition Characteristics of Alternative and Conventional Jet
Fuel/Oxidizer Mixtures,” (with K. Kumar), Fuel, Vol. 89, No. 10, pp. 2853-2863, 2010.
“Performance of Supersonic Model Combustors with Staged Injections of Supercritical Aviation Kerosene,”
(with F.Q. Zhong, X.J. Fan, G. Yu and J.G. Li), Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 661-668, 2010.
“Ignition Propensity of Hydrogen/Air Mixtures Impinging on a Platinum Stagnation Surface,” (with K.B.
Brady and J.S. T’ien), International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 35, No. 20, pp. 11412-11423, 2010.
“A Jet Fuel Surrogate Formulated by Real Fuel Properties,” (with S. Dooley, S.H. Won, M. Chaos, J. Heyne,
Y. Ju, F.L. Dryer, K. Kamal, H. Wang, M.A. Oehlschlaeger, R.J. Santoro and T.A. Litzinger), Combustion
and Flame, Vol. 157, No. 12, pp. 2333-2339, 2010.
“On the Importance of Graph Search Algorithms for DRGEP-based Mechanism Reduction Methods,” (with
doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2010.12.010, 2011.
“An Aerosol Rapid Compression Machine for Studying Energetic-Nanoparticle-Enhanced Combustion of
Liquid Fuels,” (with C. Allen, G. Mittal, E. Toulson and T. Lee), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,
Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 3367-3374, 2011.
“Laminar Flame Speeds of Moist Syngas Mixtures,” (with A.K. Das and K. Kumar), Combustion and Flame,
Vol. 158, No. 2, pp. 345-353, 2011.
“Laminar Flame Speeds and Extinction Limits of Conventional and Alternative Jet Fuels,” (with K. Kumar
and X. Hui), Fuel, Vol. 90, No. 3, pp. 1004-1011, 2011.
“Autoignition of n-Butanol at Elevated Pressure and Low to Intermediate Temperature,” (with B.W. Weber,
K. Kumar and Y. Zhang), Combustion and Flame, Vol. 158, No. 5, pp. 809-819, 2011.
“Autoignition of Methanol: Experiments and Computations,” (with K. Kumar), International Journal of
Chemical Kinetics, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 175-184, 2011.
Jiong Tang
“Damping Reduction in Structures Using Piezoelectric Circuitry with Negative Resistance,” (with J. Zhao
and X. Wang), ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 133, No. 4, pp. 041009-041018, 2011.
“Structural Damage Detection Using Magnetic Impedance Approach with Circuitry Integration,” (with X.
Wang), Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 035022-035034, 2011.
“Characterization of Damping in Carbon Nanotube Filled Fiberglass Reinforced Thermosetting-matrix
Composites,” (with R. Johnson and R. Pitchumani), Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 46, No. 13, pp. 45454554, 2011.
Bi Zhang
“Wear Performance of Ground Nanostructured Ceramic Coatings,” (with X.M Cheng), Journal of
Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, Vol. 8, pp. 475-483, 2010.
“An Experimental Study on a Novel Diamond Whisker Wheel,” (with G.F. Zhang, Z.H. Deng and Y.Q.
Tan), Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 355-360, 2010.
Theodore L. Bergman
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 6th edition (with A.S. Lavine, F.P. Incropera and D.P. DeWitt),
John Wiley & Sons, 1048 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0471457282, 2011.
Introduction to Heat Transfer, 6th edition (with A.S. Lavine, F.P. Incropera and D.P. DeWitt), John Wiley &
Sons, 960 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0471457275, 2011.
Chengyu Cao
L1 Adaptive Control Theory: Guaranteed Robustness with Fast Adaptation, (with N. Hovakimyan), Society
for Industrial & Applied Mathematics, 340 pages, ISBN: 978-0-898717-04-4, 2010.
Wilson K. S. Chiu
“Special Issue on Advanced Thermal Processing,” (with C.P. Grigoropoulos and B.Q. Li), ASME Journal of
Heat Transfer, Vol. 133, No. 3, 124 pages, 2011.
Robert Gao
Wavelet: Theory and Application for Manufacturing, (with R. Yan), Springer Heidelberg, 238 pages, ISBN
978-1-4419-1544-3, 2011.
Horea Ilies
“A Kinematic Observation and Conjecture for Stable Construct of a Peptide Nanoparticle,” (with Z.
Shahbazi, T.A.P.F. Pimentel, K. Kazerounian and P. Burkhard), Advances in Robot Kinematics, Motion in
Man and Machine, Springer, pp. 203-210, ISBN-13: 978-9048192618, 2010.
Kazem Kazerounian
“A Kinematic Observation and Conjecture for Stable Construct of a Peptide Nanoparticle,” (with Z.
Shahbazi, T.A.P.F. Pimentel, H. Ilies and P. Burkhard), Advances in Robot Kinematics, Motion in Man and
Machine, Springer, pp. 203-210, ISBN-13: 978-9048192618, 2010.
Nejat Olgac
“A New Methodology for Chatter Stability Analysis in Simultaneous Machining,” (with R. Sipahi), Control
and Mechatronics / Industrial Engineering Handbook, CRC Press, pp. 7.1-7.22, ISBN-13: 978-1439802878,
Ugur Pasaogullari
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry - Modeling and Diagnostics of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells, (with
C.Y. Wang), Springer, 394 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0387980676, 2010.
Theodore L. Bergman
Solutions Manual, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, (with A.S. Lavine, F.P. Incropera and D.P.
DeWitt), 2631 pages, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Thomas J. Barber
“Thermodynamic Modeling of a Rotating Detonation Engine,” (with C.A. Nordeen, D. Schwer, F. Schauer,
J. Hoke and B.M. Cetegen), Proceedings of the 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Paper
No. AIAA-2011-0803, January 4-7, 2011.
“Inlet Effects on the Thermodynamics of a Rotating Detonation Engine,” (with C.A. Nordeen, D. Schwer, F.
Schauer, J. Hoke and B.M. Cetegen), Proceedings of the 2011 7th US National Combustion Meeting,
Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 2F10, March 20-23, 2011.
Chengyu Cao
“L1 Adaptive Controller for a Nonlinear Boiler-Turbine System,” (with J. Luo and L. Pan), Proceedings of
the 54th Annual Power Industry Division (ISA POWID) Conference, Charlotte, NC, Vol. 54, June 6-11, 2010.
“Flight Test of an L1 Adaptive Controller on the NASA AirSTAR Flight Test Vehicle,” (with I. Gregory, E.
Xargay and N. Hovakimyan), Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference,
Toronto, Ontario, Paper No. AIAA-2010-8015, August 2-5, 2010.
“L1 Adaptive Control under Anomaly: Flying Qualities and Adverse Pilot Interaction,” (with R. Choe, E.
Xargay, N. Hovakimyan and I. Gregory), Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control
Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Paper No. AIAA-2010-7775, August 2-5, 2010.
“L1 Adaptive Flight Control System: Systematic Design and Verification and Validation of Control
Metrics,” (with E. Xargay, N. Hovakimyan, V. Dobrokhodov, R. Statnikov, I. Kaminer and I. Gregory),
Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Paper No.
AIAA-2010-8015, August 2-5, 2010.
“Positive Invariance Set of L1 Adaptive Controller in the Presence of Input Saturation,” (with D. Li and N.
Hovakimyan), Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Toronto, Ontario,
Paper No. AIAA-2010-8015, August 2-5, 2010.
“Adaptive Engine Control with Multiple Constraints,” (with R. Sharifi and J. Hacker), Proceedings of the
AIAA Infotech@Aerospace 2011 Conference, St. Louis, MO, Paper No. AIAA-2011-1592, March 29-31,
“L1 Adaptive Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems in the Presence of Output Limits,” (with C. Wang and
R. Sharifi), Proceedings of the AIAA Infotech@Aerospace 2011 Conference, St. Louis, MO, Paper No.
AIAA-2011-1400, March 29-31, 2011.
“L1 Adaptive Controller and its Application to Main Steam Temperature Process Control,” (with C. Wang,
S. Yang, X. Lou and C. Neuschaefer), Proceedings of the 54th Annual Power Industry Division (ISA POWID)
Conference, Charlotte, NC, Vol. 54, June 5-10, 2011.
Brice Cassenti
“Analytical Models for SOFC Electrodes with Variable Cross-Section Microstructures,” (with G.J. Nelson,
A.A. Peracchio and W.K.S. Chiu), ECS Transactions: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium
on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XII) 219th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada, Vol.
35, No. 1, Paper No. 1802, pp. 913-921, May 1-8, 2011.
“The Use of Statistical Mechanics for Hydroxyl Ion Transport in an Alkaline Anion-Exchange Membrane,”
(with W.K.S. Chiu and K.N. Grew), ECS Transactions: Proceedings of the 218th ECS Meeting, Las Vegas,
NV, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 1875-1887, Paper No. 795, October 10-15, 2010.
Baki M. Cetegen
“Inlet Effects on the Thermodynamics of a Rotating Detonation Engine,” (with C.A. Nordeen, D. Schwer, D.
Schauer, J. Hoke and T.J. Barber), Proceedings of the 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, The
Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 2F10, March 20-23, 2011.
“High-speed Imaging of Near-blowoff Behavior of Bluff Body Stabilized Flames in Vitiated Flow with
Stratified Fueling,” (with T.R. Jensen, K.M. Kopp-Vaughan, S. Biswas and M.W. Renfro), Proceedings of
the 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, The Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 3B08, March
20-23, 2011.
“Blowoff Dynamics and Time Series Analysis of Stratified Bluff Body Flames,” (with K.M. Kopp-Vaughan,
T.R. Jensen, M.W. Renfro, D.W. Davis and J.M. Cohen), Proceedings of the 7th U.S. National Combustion
Meeting, The Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 3B07, March 20-23, 2011.
“On Scalar Mixing in the Field of Closely Interacting Vortex Pairs and Couples,” (with S. Chaudhuri, S.
Basu, A. Saha and S. Biswas), Proceedings of the 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, The Combustion
Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 2D05, March 20-23, 2011.
“Thermodynamic Modeling of a Rotating Detonation Engine,” (with C.A. Nordeen, D. Schwer, F. Schauer,
J. Hoke and T.J. Barber), Proceedings of the 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Paper No.
AIAA-2011-0803, January 4-7, 2011.
“Blowoff Dynamics of Asymmetrically-Fueled Bluffbody Flames,” (with S.G. Tuttle, S. Chaudhuri, K.M.
Kopp-Vaughan, T.R. Jenson, M.W. Renfro and J.M. Cohen), 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting,
Orlando, FL, Paper No. AIAA-2011-0235, January 4-7, 2011.
Wilson K. S. Chiu
“Elemental Mapping and Analysis of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by Transmission X-ray Microscopy,” (K.N.
Grew, Y.S. Chu, J. Yi, A.A. Peracchio, J.R. Izzo, Jr., F. De Carlo and Y. Hwu), XRM2010: 10th International
Conference on X-Ray Microscopy, Chicago, IL, Aug. 15-20, 2010.
“Numerical Simulation of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Growth in a Tube Flow Chemical Vapor
Deposition Reactor,” (with J.J. Lombardo), Proceedings of the 14th International Heat Transfer Conference,
Washington, DC, Paper No. IHTC14-22605, pp. 381-385, doi: 10.1115/IHTC14-22605, August 8-13, 2010.
“The Use of Statistical Mechanics for Hydroxyl Ion Transport in an Alkaline Anion-Exchange Membrane,”
(with B.N. Cassenti and K.N. Grew), ECS Transactions: Proceedings of the 218th ECS Meeting, Las Vegas,
NV, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 1875-1887, Paper No. 795, October 10-15, 2010.
“Backing Out Diffusion Coefficients in Alkaline Anion Exchange Membranes,” (with T.D. Myles, A.M.
Kiss, K.N. Grew and A.A. Peracchio), ECS Transactions: Proceedings of the 218th ECS Meeting, Las Vegas,
NV, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 1923-1933, Paper No. 911, October 10-15, 2010.
“Nondestructive Imaging and Analysis of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes,” (with G.J. Nelson, K.N. Grew,
A.A. Peracchio and J.R. Izzo, Jr.), Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering
Congress & Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Paper No. IMECE2010-39338, November
12-18, 2010.
“Transport Phenomena in the Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cell,” (with K.N. Grew and D. Chu), Proceedings of
the 27th Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, Paper No. HP-09, 8 pages, November 29-December 2, 2010.
“Analytical Models for SOFC Electrodes with Variable Cross-Section Microstructures,” (with G.J. Nelson,
A.A. Peracchio and B.N. Cassenti) ECS Transactions: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium
on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XII) 219th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada, Vol.
35, No. 1, Paper No. 1802, pp. 913-921, May 1-8, 2011.
“X-ray Imaging and Analysis of 3D Microstructural Changes in Aged Ni-YSZ Anodes,” (with G.J. Nelson,
J.R. Izzo, Jr., J.J. Lombardo, W.M. Harris, A.P. Cocco, K.N. Grew, A. Faes, A. Hessler-Wyser, J. Van Herle,
Y.S. Chu and S. Wang), ECS Transactions: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Solid
Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XII) 219th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada, Paper No.
1850, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 1323-1327, May 1-8, 2011.
“3D Imaging of Nickel Oxidation States using Full Field X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure
Nanotomography,” (with G.J. Nelson, W.M. Harris, J.R. Izzo, Jr., K.N. Grew, Y.S. Chu, J. Yi, J.C. Andrews,
Y. Liu and P. Pianetta), ECS Transactions: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Solid
Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XII) 219th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada, Vol. 35, No. 1,
Paper No. 1866, pp. 1315-1321, May 1-8, 2011.
“Comparison of X-ray Nanotomography and FIB-SEM in Quantifying the Composite LSM/YSZ SOFC
Cathode Microstructure,” (with G.J. Nelson, W.M. Harris, J.J. Lombardo, J.R. Izzo, Jr., P. Tanasini, M.
Cantoni, J. Van Herle, C. Comninellis, J.C. Andrews, Y. Liu, P. Pianetta and Y.S. Chu), ECS Transactions:
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XII) 219th
Electrochemical Society Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada, Vol. 35, No. 1, Paper No. 1828, pp. 2417-2421,
May 1-8, 2011.
Mun Y. Choi
“New Observations of Sooting Behavior of Isolated Droplets of n-Heptane in Microgravity Conditions,”
(with H.K. Suh and P.V. Ferkul), Proceedings of the 2011 7th US National Combustion Meeting, Eastern
States Section of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No: 2H06, March 20-23, 2011.
Amir Faghri
“Methanol and Water Transfer Characteristics in a Passive DMFC using Highly Concentrated Methanol
Solution,” (with H. Bahrami), Proceedings of the International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-14,
Washington, DC, Paper No. IHTC14 # 23078, August 8-13, 2010.
“Recent Advances in Passive and Semi-Passive Direct Methanol Fuel Cells,” (keynote) (with X.L. Li and H.
Bahrami), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Thermal and Materials Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology, TMNN-2011, Antalya, Turkey, Paper No. TMNN-2011 # 079, May 29-June 3, 2011.
Tai-Hsi Fan
“Automated ICSI with Rotationally Oscillating Drill (Ros-Drill©) Using Visual Feedback,” (with J. Diaz,
M-K. Jeddi and N. Olgac), Proceedings of the 3rd American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dynamic
Systems and Control Conference, Cambridge, MA, Paper No. TuCT2.2, September 13-15, 2010.
Robert Gao
“Design of a Wearable Multi-sensor System for Physical Activity Assessment,” (with S. Liu, R. Gao and P.
Freedson), Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent
Mechantronics (AIM), Montreal, Canada, pp. 254-259, July 6-9, 2010.
“Design of a Self-energized Wireless Sensor for Simultaneous Pressure and Temperature Measurement,” (with
Z. Fan, R. Gao and D. Kazmer), Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on
Advanced Intelligent Mechantronics (AIM), Montreal, Canada, pp. 1168-1173, July 6-9, 2010.
“3D Interpolation Techniques for Analysis of Contact Pressure on Tool-workpiece Interfaces,” (with S. Sah),
Proceedings of the 2010 ASME International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA), Tokyo, Japan,
Paper No. UPL-2506, July 12-14, 2010.
“A Nonlinear Time Series Analysis Method for Health Monitoring of Rolling Bearings,” (with Y. Liu and R.
Yan), Proceedings of the ASME 3rd Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Cambridge, MA, pp.
277-283, September 13-15, 2010.
“Spatial Blending Functions for Improved Estimation of Contact Pressure Distribution at the Tool-workpiece
Interface,” (with S. Sah and T. Kurp), Proceedings of the 2010 ASME International Manufacturing Science
and Engineering Conference, Erie, PA, Paper No. MSEC2010-34107, October 12-15, 2010.
“Impact of Wavelet Basis on Vibration Analysis for Rolling Bearing Defect Diagnosis,” (with R. Yan),
Proceedings of the IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Zhejiang,
China, pp. 393-396, May 10-12, 2011.
“Rolling Bearing Defect Severity Evaluation Using Recurrence Plot Entropy,” (with R. Yan, Y. Qian and Z.
Huang), Proceedings of the IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference,
Zhejiang, China, pp. 150-153, May 10-12, 2011.
“Event-driven Sensing for Energy Efficient Manufacturing Systems and Process Monitoring,” (with T. Kurp
and S. Sah), Proceedings of the 44th CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Madison,
WI, Paper No. 2221, June 1-3, 2011.
“A Hybrid Approach to Defect Diagnosis in Rotary Machines,” (with J. Wang and R. Yan), Proceedings of
the 44th CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Madison, WI, Paper No. 2240, June 1-3,
“Model-augmented Methods for Estimation of Contact Pressure Distribution,” (with S. Sah and T. Kurp),
Proceedings of the 39th North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRI), Corvallis, OR, Paper
No. 4789, June 13-17, 2011.
Eric Jordan
“Plasma Spray of Nano Composite Ceramics Using Solution Precursors and Combustion Synthesized Nano
Powders,” (with C.K. Muoto, M. Gell and M. Aindow), Material Resources Society Symposium Proceedings,
Boston, MA, Vol. 1195, pp. 299-304, November 29 – December 3, 2010.
“Deposition of Gas Turbine Thermal Barrier Coatings with Thermographic Phosphors Used for Temperature
Measurement,” (with M.W. Renfro, C. Kelley and M.S. Majewski), 35th International Conference and
Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, FL, Paper No. ICACC-S2-038-2011,
January 23-28, 2011.
Kazem Kazerounian
“A Kinematic Observation and Conjecture for Stable Construct of a Peptide Nanoparticle,” (with Z.
Shahbazi, T.A.P.F. Pimentel and P. Burkhard), Proceedings of the International Federation for the
Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science - 12th International Symposium on Advances in Robot
Kinematics, Piran-Portorož, Slovenia, June 27-July 1, 2010.
Tianfeng Lu
“Numerical Study on Combustion Characteristics of Biodiesel Using a New Reduced Mechanism for Methyl
Decanoate as Surrogate,” (with Z. Luo, S. Som and D.E. Longman), Proceedings of the 2010 ASME Internal
Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, San Antonio, TX, Paper No. ICEF2010-35198,
September 12-15, 2010.
“Directed Relation Graph with Expert Knowledge for Skeletal Mechanism Reduction,” (with M. Plomer, Z.
Luo, S.M. Sarathy, W.J. Pitz, S. Som and D.E. Longman), Proceedings of the 2011 7th U.S. National
Combustion Meeting, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 1A03,
March 20-23, 2011.
“Identifying Ignition and Extinction in Perfectly Stirred Reactors with Jacobian Analysis,” (R. Shan),
Proceedings of the 2011 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Eastern States Section of the Combustion
Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 1A04, March 20-23, 2011.
“A Reduced Mechanism for Biodiesel Surrogates with Low Temperature Chemistry,” (Z. Luo, M. Plomer,
T.F. Lu, S. Som and D.E. Longman), Proceedings of the 2011 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting,
Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 2G02, March 20-23, 2011.
“Comprehensive Chemical Kinetic Modeling of the Oxidation of C8 and Larger Nalkanes and 2methylalkanes,” (with S.M. Sarathy, C.K. Westbrook, M. Mehl, W.J. Pitz, C. Togbe, P. Dagaut, H. Wang,
M.A. Oehlschlaeger, U. Niemann, K. Seshadri, P.S. Veloo, C. Ji and F. Egolfopoulos), Proceedings of the
2011 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA,
Paper No. 2A17, March 20-23, 2011.
“Direct Numerical Simulation of Temporally Evolving Luminous Jet Flames with Detailed Fuel and Soot
Chemistry,” (P.G. Arias, V.R. Lecoustre, S. Roy, W. Wang, Z. Luo, D.C. Haworth, H.G. Im, K.L. Ma, R.
Sankaran and A. Trouvé), Proceedings of the 2011 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Eastern States
Section of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 1C01, March 20-23, 2011.
George Lykotrafitis
“Modeling Sickle Hemoglobin Fibers as One Chain of Coarse-grained Particles,” (with H. Li and V. Ha),
Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Mechanics Conference & Exposition on Experimental and
Applied Mechanics, Uncasville, CT, Paper No. 79, June 13-16, 2011.
“Epinephrine Upregulates Sickle Cell Trait Erythrocyte Adhesion to Laminin and Integrins,” (with J.
Maciaszek and B. Andemariam), Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Mechanics Conference &
Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Uncasville, CT, Paper No. 80, June 13-16, 2011.
“Characterization of Erythrocytes in Sickle Cell Trait,” (with J. Maciaszek), Proceedings of the Materials
Research Society 2010 Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, Paper No. 912984, November 29-December 2, 2010.
“A Coarse-Grain Molecular Dynamics Model for Sickle Hemoglobin Fibers,” (with H. Li), Proceedings of
the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Vancouver, Canada, Paper
No. IMECE2010-37980, November 12-18, 2010.
“Sickle Cell Trait Erythrocytes are Thrice as Stiff as Healthy Erythrocytes,” (with J. Maciaszek),
Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Vancouver,
Canada, Paper No. 37779, November 12-18, 2010.
Kevin D. Murphy
“Crack Detection in a Freely Vibrating Plate Using Bayesian Parameter Estimation,” (with E.Z. Moore and
J.M. Nichols), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics,
Southampton, U.K., pp. 1-6, July 12-14, 2010.
Nejat Olgac
“Stability Analysis for a Consensus System of a Group of Second Order Dynamics with Time Delays,” (with
R.C. Gomez), Proceedings of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Workshop on Time
Delay Systems, TDS 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, Paper No. FP-GR-820, doi: 10.3182/20100607-3-CZ4010.00024, June 7-9, 2010.
“Stability of the Consensus of a Group of Second Order Agents with Time Delayed Communications,” (with
R.C. Gomez), Proceedings of the 3rd American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dynamic Systems and
Control Conference, Cambridge, MA, pp. 361-368. doi: 10.1115/DSCC2010-4008, September 13-15, 2010.
“Automated ICSI with Rotationally Oscillating Drill (Ros-Drill©) Using Visual Feedback,” (with J. Diaz,
M.-K. Jeddi and T.-H. Fan), Proceedings of the 3rd American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dynamic
Systems and Control Conference, Cambridge, MA, Paper No. TuCT2.2, September 13-15, 2010.
“Robust Region-tracking Method for Multi-agent Systems Using Sliding Mode Control,” (with M. Bacon),
Proceedings of the 3rd American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dynamic Systems and Control
Conference, Cambridge, MA, Paper No. TuBT3.1, September 13-15, 2010.
“Application of Sliding Mode Control to Swarms under Conflict,” (with R.C. Gomez and D.S. Bueno),
Proceedings of the 3rd American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dynamic Systems and Control
Conference, Cambridge, MA, pp. 615-622, doi: 10.1115/DSCC2010-4034, September 13-15, 2010.
Michael W. Renfro
“High-Speed Imaging of Near Blowoff Behavior for Bluff-Body Stabilized Flames in Vitiated Flow with
Uniform and Stratified Fueling,” (with T.R. Jensen, K.M. Kopp-Vaughan, S.G. Tuttle, S. Biswas and B.M.
Cetegen), Proceedings of the 2011 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Eastern States Section of the
Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 3B08, March 20-23, 2011.
“Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Chemiluminescence Images with a Maximum Entropy
Deconvolution Algorithm,” (with K.R. Gosselin), Proceedings of the 2011 7th U.S. National Combustion
Meeting, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 3D01, March 20-23,
“Blow Off Dynamics and Time Series Analysis of Stratified Bluff Body Flames,” (with K.M. KoppVaughan, T.R. Jensen, B.M. Cetegen, D.W. Davis and J.M. Cohen), Proceedings of the 2011 7th U.S.
National Combustion Meeting, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No.
3B07, March 20-23, 2011.
“Deposition of Gas Turbine Thermal Barrier Coatings with Thermographic Phosphors Used for Temperature
Measurement,” (with E.H. Jordan, C. Kelley and M.S. Majewski), Proceedings of the 35th International
Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, FL, Paper No. ICACCS2-038-2011, January 23-28, 2011.
“Blowoff Dynamics of Asymmetrically-Fueled Bluffbody Flames,” (with S.G. Tuttle, S. Chaudhuri, K.M.
Kopp-Vaughan, T.R. Jenson, B.M. Cetegen and J.M. Cohen), 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting,
Orlando, FL, Paper No. AIAA-2011-0235, January 4-7, 2011.
Wei Sun
“Simulation of a Percutaneous Aortic Valve Deployment into a Patient-specific Aortic Root,” (with E.
Sirois), Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Providence, RI,
Paper No. 512, August 18-21, 2010.
“Analysis and Simulation of PTMA Device Deployment into the Coronary Sinus,” (with T. Pham and M.
DeHerrera), Proceedings of the 2011 Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference, Uncasville,
CT, Paper No. 226, June 13-15, 2011.
“Fatigue Modeling of Collagenous Soft Tissues,” (with C. Martin), Proceedings of the 2011 Society for
Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference, Uncasville, CT, Paper No. 199, June 13-15, 2011.
“Impacts of Leaflet Properties on Bio-prosthetic Heart Valve Stress Distribution,” (with C. Martin),
Proceedings of the 2011 Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference, Uncasville, CT, Paper No.
200, June 13-15, 2011.
“Simulated Deployment of Percutaneous Transvenous Mitral Annuloplasty Device into Human Coronary
Sinus Vessel,” (with T.M. Pham, Q. Wang and M. DeHerrera), Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Summer
Bioengineering Conference, Farmington, PA, Paper No. SBC2011-53851, June 22-25, 2011.
“Fluid Study of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Deployment into Patients with Varying Coronary Ostia
Position,” (with E. Sirois, Q. Wang and S. Kodali), Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering
Conference, Farmington, PA, Paper No. SBC2011- 53891, June 22-25, 2011.
“Modeling of Tissue Fatigue Damage in Bio-prosthetic Heart Valve,” (with C. Martin), Proceedings of the
ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Farmington, PA, Paper No. SBC2011- 53888, June 22-25,
Chih-Jen Sung
“DRGEP-based Mechanism Reduction Strategies: Graph Search Algorithms and Skeletal Primary Reference
Fuel Mechanisms,” (with K.E. Niemeyer), Proceedings of the 49th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper
No. 2011-508, January 4-7, 2011.
“Autoignition of Butanol Isomers at Low to Intermediate Temperature and Elevated Pressure,” (with B.W.
Weber and K. Kumar), Proceedings of the 49th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper No. 2011-316,
January 4-7, 2011.
“Autoignition, Flame Propagation, and Extinction of Binary Fuel Blends of n-Decane/Ethylene and nDecane/Methane,” (with K. Kumar, X. Hui and A.K. Das), Proceedings of the 49th Aerospace Sciences
Meeting, AIAA Paper No. 2011-315, January 4-7, 2011.
“Laminar Flame Speeds and Extinction Stretch Rates of Selected Aromatic Hydrocarbons,” (with X. Hui, A.
K. Das and K. Kumar), Proceedings of the 49th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper No. 2011-241,
January 4-7, 2011.
“Autoignition of Binary Fuel Blends of n-Butanol and n-Heptane in a Rapid Compression Machine,” (with
Y. Zhang and K. Kumar), Proceedings of the 49th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper No. 2011-92,
January 4-7, 2011.
“Ignition Delay Study of Moist Syngas/Oxidizer and Hydrogen/Oxidizer Mixtures Using a Rapid
Compression Machine,” (with A.K. Das), Proceedings of the 49th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper
No. 2011-91, January 4-7, 2011.
“A Mechanistic Study of Soret Diffusion in n-Heptane/Air Flames,” (with Y.X. Xin and C.K. Law),
Proceedings of the 2011 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Eastern States Section of the Combustion
Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 1E18, March 20-23, 2011.
“The Formulation of Surrogate Fuels to Emulate the Combustion Behavior of Real Jet Aviation Fuels,” (with
S. Dooley, S.H. Won, J. Heyne, Y. Ju, F.L. Dryer, K. Kumar, H. Wang, M.A. Oehlschlaeger, T.A. Litzinger
and R.J. Santoro), Proceedings of the 2011 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Eastern States Section of
the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 1A17, March 20-23, 2011.
“Mechanism Reduction Strategies for Multicomponent Gasoline Surrogate Fuels,” (with K.E. Niemeyer),
Proceedings of the 2011 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Eastern States Section of the Combustion
Institute, Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 1A15, March 20-23, 2011.
“A Rapid Compression Study of the Butanol Isomers at Elevated Pressure,” (with B.W. Weber), Proceedings
of the 2011 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute,
Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 1B13, March 20-23, 2011.
“Catalytic Ignition of Hydrogen Leaks within Enclosed Spaces,” (K.B. Brady and J.S. T’ien), Proceedings of
the 2011 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta,
GA, Paper No. 1F11, March 20-23, 2011.
“Experimental Characterization of Fuel-Air Mixing in a Multi-Hole Tube,” (with C. Zhang, J. Zhu, Y.X.
Yuan, Q.H. Xu and Y.Z. Lin), Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2011, Vancouver, Canada, ASME
Paper No. GT2011-45793, June 6-10, 2011.
“Experimental Investigation on Ignition Performance of LESS Combustor,” (with Z.B. Fu, J.B. Li and Y.Z.
Lin), Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2011, Vancouver, Canada, ASME Paper No. GT2011-45786,
June 6-10, 2011.
“Injection of Subcritical and Supercritical Aviation Kerosene into a High-Temperature and High-Pressure
Crossflow,” (with X. Xue, W. Gao, Q.H. Xu and Y.Z. Lin), Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2011,
Vancouver, Canada, ASME Paper No. GT2011-45773, June 6-10, 2011.
Jiong Tang
“Damping Reduction in Structures Using Piezoelectric Circuitry with Negative Resistance,” (with J. Zhao
and X. Wang), Proceedings of American Society of Mechanical Engineering International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences, Montreal, Canada, Paper No. IDETC2010-29204, 2010.
“Wind Turbine Gearbox Health Monitoring Using Time-frequency Features from Multiple Sensors,” (with
Y. Lu), Proceedings of SPIE, Smart Structures / NDE, San Diego, CA, Paper No. V7981-121, March 6-10,
Thomas J. Barber
“Senior Design Projects,” (with all department faculty), various corporate supporters (ongoing), $254,000.
Theodore L. Bergman
“Novel Thermal Energy Storage for Concentrating Solar Power,” (with A. Faghri (40%) and R. Pitchumani
(20%)), Department of Energy, 09/30/09-06/30/12, $1,290,362.
Chengyu Cao
“Adaptive Control Logic for Turbo-Fan Engines,” Pratt & Whitney, 01/01/11-12/31/11, $56,600.
“Pilot Induced Oscillation Suppression under Off-Nominal Conditions Using L1 Adaptive Control,” NASA/
ZONA Technology Inc., 02/01/11-08/31/11, $20,000.
“Adaptive Control for Air Management Systems,” (with J. Tang (50%)), Hamilton Sundstrand, $91,691,
“Application of Adaptive and Model Based Controls in New Generation Power Plants,” Alstom Power
Corporation, 09/01/10-05/31/11, $37,044.
“Adaptive Control Logic for Turbo-Fan Engines,” Pratt & Whitney, 04/15/10-12/31/10, $132,763.
“Adaptive Control for Fast Engine Response,” NASA/ Pratt & Whitney, 02/01/10-12/31/2010, $58,742.
“Adaptive Augmentation of Existing Servo-System,” Hermes Microvision, Inc, 10/15/09-11/30/10, $20,000.
“Adaptive Control with a priori Guaranteed Performance Bounds and Robustness/Stability Margins,”
NASA/University of Illinois, 09/01/08-09/30/11, $288,369.
Brice Cassenti
“Single Crystal Theoretical Development of Phase Field,” U.S. Department of Defense/United Technologies
- Pratt & Whitney, 01/01/11-12/31/12, $30,662.
“Computational Framework for Phase Field Prediction of SX Cracking,” United Technologies - Pratt &
Whitney, 01/01/2011-12/31/2012, $30,662.
Baki M. Cetegen
“Ignition Studies of Premixed Hydrocarbon and Vitiated Gas Mixtures at Atmospheric and Low Pressure,”
(with M.W. Renfro (50%)), Innovative Scientific Solutions, Inc., 07/01/10-12/31/11, $90,000.
“Bluff Body Stabilized Flame Dynamics and Blowoff Studies,” (with M.W. Renfro (50%)), Pratt & Whitney,
01/01/11-12/31/11, $50,000.
“Partially-Premixed Bluff-Body Flame Dynamics and Acoustic Coupling in Vitiated Flows,” (with M.W.
Renfro (50%)), National Science Foundation, 06/01/10-05/31/13, $325,000.
“Assessment of Reduced Order Modeling of Flame Extinction in Bluff Body Flames,” (with M.W. Renfro
(50%)), Pratt & Whitney, 08/15/10-6/30/11, $40,000.
“Dynamics of Bluff-Body Stabilized Premixed and Partially-Premixed Flames near Blowoff,” (with M.W.
Renfro (50%)), Pratt & Whitney, 01/01/10-12/31/10, $60,000.
“Innovative Optical Diagnostic Tools for Fuel Cell Development and Operation Control,” (with M.W.
Renfro (33%) and T. Molter (33%)), Connecticut Innovations and UTC Power, 08/01/07-08/31/10,
“Thermodynamic Modeling of a Rotating Detonation Engine,” AFRL – Innovative Scientific Solutions Inc.,
9/01/10-12/31/12, $120,778.
“Investigations of Continuous Rotating Detonations for Propulsions Applications.” AFRL – Innovative
Scientific Solutions, Inc., 09/01/09-12/01/10, $57,228.
Wilson K. S. Chiu
“EFRC: Science Based Nano-Structure Design and Synthesis of Heterogeneous Functional Materials for
Energy Systems,” U.S. Department of Energy/University of South Carolina, 08/01/09-07/31/14, $929,279.
“High Pressure Electrolyzer Membrane Mass Transport,” United Technologies - Hamilton Sunstrand,
01/01/10-12/31/12, $75,635.
“GOALI: Pore-Scale Understanding of Ohmic Polarization in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes,” (with A.A.
Crumm (0%)), National Science Foundation, 10/01/08-09/30/11, $102,000.
“Carbon Nanotube Synthesis by Open-Air Laser-Induced Chemical Vapor Deposition,” National Science
Foundation, 09/15/07-08/31/12, $387,084.
“Fuel Cell Performance Using Hydrogen Peroxide Reformate as the Oxidant,” Office of Naval Research,
03/01/10-03/28/11, $50,000.
“Effects of Impurities on Fuel Cell Performance and Durability,” (T.M. Molter (79%), S. Suib (8%), M.
Aindow (5%) and U. Pasaogullari (3%)), U.S. Department of Energy, 11/01/05-10/31/10, $1,900,000.
“Carbon Film Coating Thickness Measurement,” OFS Specialty Photonics Division, 03/07/11-04/08/11,
Mun Y. Choi
“FLEX Droplet Combustion Experiments in Microgravity,” NASA, 01/01/08-01/31/13, $550,000.
“GAANN in Sustainable Energy,” U.S. Department of Education, 07/01/09-07/31/12, $522,624.
“FIPSE/Atlantis Program on Engineers as Global Leaders for Energy Sustainability,” U.S. Department of
Education, 09/01/10-08/31/14, $208,000.
Amir Faghri
“Novel Thermal Energy Storage for Concentrating Solar Power,” (with T. Bergman (40%) and R.
Pitchumani (20%)), U.S. Department of Energy, 09/30/09-06/30/12, $1,290,362.
“Transport Phenomena in Micro-Miniature Passive Feed Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells,” National Science
Foundation, 09/01/07-08/30/11, $300,342.
“Graduate Fellowship in Alternative/Renewable Energy Conversion Technologies,” 08/15/07-08/15/11, U.S.
Department of Education, Gannon Program, $383,643.
“Fuel Cell Heat Transmission and Storage,” Boeing Company, 02/25/11-12/31/11, $120,000.
Tai-Hsi Fan
“Controlling Protein Release via Intermolecular Hybridization,” (with Y. Wang (80%)), National Science
Foundation, 07/01/10-06/30/13, $316,839.
“CAREER: The Role of Mobility in Antibody Aggregation,” National Science Foundation, 02/01/1001/31/15, $400,000.
“New Concepts in Fluidics and Cellular Mechanics for Controlled Microinjection,” (with N. Olgac (50%)),
National Science Foundation, 08/15/08-07/31/11, $200,000.
Robert Gao
“GOALI/Collaborative Research: Electrically-Enhanced
Foundation, 04/01/11-03/31/14, $268,022.
“Collaborative Research: Multivariate Remote Process Sensing for Improved Observability in Injection
Molding,” National Science Foundation, 09/01/10-08/31/13, $362,779.
“Workshop/Collaborative Research: 2011 NSF CAREER Proposal Writing Workshop,” National Science
Foundation, 02/15/11-02/14/12, $8,500.
“EFRI: Event Driven Sensing for Enterprise Reconfigurability and Optimization,” National Science
Foundation, 08/23/08-10/31/12, $400,102.
“GOALI: Integrated Sensing for Stamping Monitoring,” National Science Foundation, 12/01/08-08/31/11,
“GEI: Development of an Integrated Measurement System to Assess Physical Activity,” National Institute of
Health, 08/23/08-07/31/11, $450,757.
“Active Tool Wave Cancellation in LWD Acoustic Tools,” Schlumberger-Doll Research Center, 07/01/1006/30/12, $296,156.
“Health Diagnosis and Prognosis of Drilling Equipment,” Canrig Drilling Technology Ltd., 09/01/08-12/31/11,
“Enhanced Electrical Capacitance Tomography for Combustion Visualization,” Pratt & Whitney, 07/13/0912/31/11, $156,500.
“Electrical Capacitance Tomography for Combustion Visualization,” Pratt & Whitney, 01/01/10-12/31/10,
Yen-Lin Han
“Availability Analysis Methodology for Competitive Assessments of GTE Applications,” (with J. Tang
(50%)), Pratt & Whitney, 08/01/10-12/31/10, FRS # 635449.
Hanchen Huang
“Characteristic Length Scales of Growing Nanorods,” U.S. Department of Energy, 04/01/11-03/31/14,
“Control of New Kinetic Barriers and Design of Nanorods,” U.S. Department of Energy, 4/1/08-3/31/11,
“Atomistic Mechanisms of Stabilizing Oxide Nanoparticles in Oxide-dispersion Strengthened Structural
Materials,” (with J. Lian (55%)), National Science Foundation, 01/01/09-07/31/12, $497,000.
“A New Characteristic Length Scale on Surfaces,” National Science Foundation, 07/01/09-06/31/12,
“A Self-Consistent Multiscale Method for Modeling the Effects of Neutron Irradiation on the Mechanical
Properties of BCC and FCC Metals,” (with S. De (53%)), U.S. Department of Defense, 4/1/09-3/31/12,
Horea Ilies
“MRI: Development of a Gesture Based Virtual Reality System for Research in Virtual Worlds,” National
Science Foundation - Computer and Information Science and Engineering, 7/15/09-7/14/12, $782,039.
“Geometric Skeletons for Topologically Evolving Domains,” National Science Foundation - Civil,
Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation, Engineering Design and Innovation Program, 08/01/09-07/31/12,
“CAREER: Geometric Singularities in Engineering Design and Manufacturing: a Generic Spacetime
Approach,” National Science Foundation – Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation, Engineering
Design Program, 08/01/07-07/31/12, $400,000.
“GOALI: MRI: Development of a Gesture Based Virtual Reality System for Research,” (with T.J. Peters
(80%) and K. Kazerounian (10%)), 07/15/09-07/14/12.
“EAGER: Visualization of Protein Folding for Nano-Machine Design,” National Science Foundation CMMI, EDI, $55,896, 08/01/10-01/31/11.
Eric H. Jordan
“Thin, Dense Ceramic Layers to Improve Thermal Barrier Coating Performance, Durability and Reliability,”
(with M. Gell (30%)), Office of Naval Research, 04/15/09-07/14/11, $50,000.
“Engineered Nano-Composite Oxides for High Durability Missile Domes Phase II,” (with M. Gell (20%)),
U.S. Department of Defense / Department of Naval Research, 07/16/09-07/15/10, $580,000.
“Introduction of Composite Materials to New Products,” Hamilton Sundstrand Co., 01/01/11-12/31/11,
“Deposition of Thermographic Thermal Barrier Coatings,” Ohio Aerospace Institute, 04/15/10-04/14/2012,
“Life Prediction for Ceramic Coatings,” Pratt & Whitney, 01/01/11-12/31/11, $60,000.
“TRAC: Prototype Instrument Development for Laser Cleaning and Durability Measurements of Thermal
Barrier Coatings,” (with M. Renfro (50%)), National Science Foundation, 10/01/10-09/30/12, $200,000.
“NDE of Thermal Barrier Coatings,” National Science Foundation (subcontracted by Southwest Sciences),
08/14/10-08/15/12, $99,768.
“Composite Technologies,” United Technologies-Hamilton Sundstrand, 01/01/10-03/31/11, $83,085.
Kazem Kazerounian
“New GK-12: Ingenuity Incubators Develop NSF Fellow Potential and Prepare Tech Students for
Engineering,” (with D. Cooper (40%), M.Y. Choi (15%) and R. Washington (5%)), National Science
Foundation, 03/15/10-02/28/15, $2,721,405.
“A Mechanics Framework for the Analysis and Design of Protein Based Nano Machines,” (with H. Ilies
(40%), A. Anderson (10%) and P. Burkhard (10%)), National Science Foundation, 08/01/09-07/31/12,
“Developing a Robotic Conformance Grinding System,” New Dimension Technologies Corporation,
12/15/06-01/06/11, $281,918.
“Development of a Knowledge Based Expert System for Robotic Grinding,” New Dimension Technologies
Corporation, 08/01/09-07/31/14, $257,030.
“MRI: Development of a Gesture-Based Virtual Reality System for Research in Virtual Worlds,” (with H.
Ilies (60%), A. Anderson (10%), K. Nowak (10%) and K. Marsh (10%)), National Science Foundation,
07/15/09-09/30/12, $782,039.
“RET Site: The Joule Fellows – Teachers in Sustainable Energies Research Laboratories,” (with M. Wood),
National Science Foundation, 05/15/09-04/30/12, $450,000.
“Design and Development of a New Massage Chair System,” OSIM International, 07/01/07-06/30/10,
Tianfeng Lu
“Collaborative Research: Petascale Computing, Visualization, and Science Discovery of Turbulent Sooting
Flames,” National Science Foundation, 09/01/09-08/31/12, $262,437.
“Automated Mechanism Reduction for Alternative Fuels,” United Technologies – Pratt & Whitney,
06/03/09-03/31/11, $61,004.
“Reduction of Detailed Mechanisms for Surrogate Fuels,” Princeton University/AFOSR, 11/01/08/-11/30/10,
Kevin D. Murphy
“Collaborative Research: Improving MEMS Performance by Structural Vibrations,” National Science
Foundation, 05/01/09-08/31/11, $50,000.
“Predicting Structural Integrity of Naval Vessels Using a Bayesian Approach: Modeling and Practical
Implementations,” Office of Naval Research, 05/01/09-08/31/11, $159,967.
“REU Site: Engineering Next Generation Energy Processes and Systems,” (with M.W. Renfro (50%)),
National Science Foundation, 03/01/11-02/28/14, $299,242.
Nejat Olgac
“The Development of Control for Hybrid Projectiles,” U.S. Department of Defense/Association of Research
Libraries/University of Hartford, 06/01/10-12/31/10, $40,000.
“New Concepts in Fluidics and Cellular Mechanics for Controlled Microinjection,” (with T.H. Fan (50%)),
National Science Foundation, 08/15/07-07/31/11, $200,000.
“Fully Automated Micro-injection Procedures for ICSI,” National Institutes of Health, Harvard Medical
School and UC Davis, 06/15/05-04/30/12, $347,000.
“Swarm Behavior During Conflicts: From Biological to Engineered Systems,” (with E. Adams (33%)),
Army Research Office, 08/01/07-07/31/11, $271,000.
Ugur Pasaogullari
“The Effect of Airborne Contaminants on Fuel Cell Performance and Durability,” (with T. Molter, et al.
(75%)), University of Hawaii/U.S. Department of Energy, 01/01/11-05/22/13, $1,710,676.
“Performance Testing of Axiome Advisors’ Fuel Cell with Conventional Gaseous Fuel,” Axiome
Advisors/National Science Foundation, 10/01/10-01/31/11, $20,000.
“Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells for Air Independent Portable Power,” (with P. Singh (60%) and S.-Y. Park
(20%)), Northrop-Grumman, 09/10/10-03/15/11, $25,000.
“Trade-Off Analysis of Emergency Backup Power Source,” Mystic Innovations Group/Office of Naval
Research, 03/19/10-09/30/10, $15,000.
“Transient Dynamics of Two-Phase Transport in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells,” NISSAN Motor Co.,
02/01/10-01/31/11, $78,170.
“Electrochemical H2 Reclamation,” Sustainable Innovations/NASA, 01/29/10-01/28/11, $30,152.
“Direct Boron Fuel Cell Feasibility,” (with P. Singh (50%)), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory/U.S.
Army, 03/11/09-08/31/11, $52,918.
“CAREER: Role of Interfaces on Transport Phenomena in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell,” National Science
Foundation, 02/01/08-01/31/13, $400,000.
“Effects of Impurities on Fuel Cell Performance and Durability,” (with T. Molter et al (80%)), U.S.
Department of Energy, 03/01/07-08/31/11, $1,900,000.
Michael W. Renfro
“REU Site: Engineering Next Generation Energy Processes and Systems,” (with K.D. Murphy (50%)),
National Science Foundation, 03/01/11-02/28/14, $299,242.
“Ignition Studies of Premixed Hydrocarbon and Vitiated Gas Mixtures at Atmospheric and Low Pressure,”
(with B.M. Cetegen (50%)), Innovative Scientific Solutions, Inc., 07/01/10-12/31/11, $90,000.
“TRAC: Prototype Instrument Development for Laser Cleaning and Durability Measurements of Thermal
Barrier Coatings,” (with E.H. Jordan (50%)), National Science Foundation, 09/01/10-08/31/12, $200,000.
“Bluff Body Stabilized Flame Dynamics and Blowoff Studies,” (with B.M. Cetegen (50%)), Pratt &
Whitney, 01/01/11-12/31/11, $50,000.
“Partially-Premixed Bluff-Body Flame Dynamics and Acoustic Coupling in Vitiated Flows,” (with B.M.
Cetegen (50%)), National Science Foundation, 06/01/10-05/31/13, $325,000.
“Assessment of Reduced Order Modeling of Flame Extinction in Bluff Body Flames,” (with B.M. Cetegen
(50%)), Pratt & Whitney, 08/15/10-6/30/11, $40,000.
“Dynamics of Bluff-Body Stabilized Premixed and Partially-Premixed Flames near Blowoff,” (with B.M.
Cetegen (50%)), Pratt & Whitney, 01/01/10-12/31/10, $60,000.
“GOALI: Development of Temperature Sensing Doped Particles for Plasma Deposition Diagnostics,” (with
E.H. Jordan (50%)), National Science Foundation, 09/15/06-08/31/10, $349,850.
“Innovative Optical Diagnostic Tools for Fuel Cell Development and Operation Control,” (with B.M.
Cetegen (33%) and T. Molter (33%)), Connecticut Innovations and UTC Power, 08/01/07-08/31/10,
Wei Sun
“Development of Biomechanical Models for Analyzing Percutaneous Transvenous Mitral Annuloplasty,”
American Heart Association – Scientist Development Grant, 01/01/09-12/31/12, $308,000.
“Biomechanical Study to Host Tissue-Implant Interactions in Minimally Invasive Aortic Valve
Replacements,” Connecticut Department of Public Health, 07/01/09-02/28/11, $290,304.
“Role of Animal Models in Transcatheter Valve Intervention: A Mechanistic, Age-dependent Study,”
National Institute of Health/National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, 05/01/11-04/30/13, $413,826.
“High Resolution XRadia X-ray Micro-computed Tomography System,” University of Connecticut Provost’s
Major Equipment Award, 07/01/10-06/30/11, $450,000.
“Engineering Analysis of Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Repair (Pre-doctoral Fellowship for Thuy
Pham),” National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 08/01/09-09/30/13,
“Hemodynamic Investigation of Percutaneous Aortic Valve Deployment,” (Pre-doctoral Fellowship for Eric
Sirois), National Science Foundation/Graduate Research Fellowship Program, 08/01/10-09/30/13, $122,500.
Chih-Jen Sung
“Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics of Conventional and Alternative Jet Fuels for Aeropropulsion
Combustion Modeling,” NASA, 11/01/09-11/30/10, $105,000.
“MURI: Generation of Comprehensive Surrogate Kinetic Models and Validation Database for Simulating
Large Molecular Weight Hydrocarbon Fuels,” U.S. Department of Defense/AFOSR, 08/01/09-04/30/12,
“Energy Frontier Research Center for Combustion Science,” U.S. Department of Energy, 08/01/09-07/31/14,
“Autoignition Chemistry of Gasoline Surrogates Relevant to HCCI Operating Conditions,” National Science
Foundation, 09/01/09-08/31/12, $299,999.
“Microchannel Thermo-Catalytic Ignition for Advanced Mono- and Bipropellants,” NASA/Plasma
Processes, Inc., 01/15/10-01/14/11, $40,000.
“Chemical Reactor Networks for Jet-Stirred Reactor Modeling,” Beihang University, 05/01/11-12/31/12,
Jiong Tang
“Efficient Probabilistic Approach Using Order Reduction and Hybrid Models – A New Paradigm for
Structural Dynamic Analysis,” National Science Foundation, 09/01/09-08/31/12, $200,000.
“GOALI: Understanding and Controlling Variation Propagation in Periodic Structures: From Geometry to
Dynamic Response,” National Science Foundation, 06/01/09-05/31/12, $143,333.
“DDDAS: A Framework for the Dynamic Data-driven Fault Diagnosis of Wind Turbine Systems,” National
Science Foundation, 06/01/06-05/31/11, $212,250.
“Multifunctional Adaptive Piezoelectric Sensory System for Structural Damage Detection,” National Science
Foundation, 08/15/05-07/31/10, $117,000.
“Dynamic Analysis of IBR Type Structures,” (with R. Gao (50%)), Pratt & Whitney, 11/01/10-12/31/10,
“Rapid and Robust Evaluation of Bridge Load Carrying Capacity after Damaging Events,” (with R.
Christenson (50%)), Department of Homeland Security National Transportation Security Center of
Excellence (NTSCOE), 07/01/10-06/30/12, $200,000.
“Adaptive Control for Air Management Systems,” (with C. Cao (50%)), Hamilton Sundstrand, 01/01/1012/31/10, $91,691.
“Availability Analysis Methodology for Competitive Assessments of GTE Applications,” (with Y.-L. Han
(50%)), Pratt & Whitney, 08/01/10-12/31/2010, $35,532.
Thomas J. Barber
Teaching Scholar Award, Institute for Teaching and Learning (ITL), 2011.
Theodore Bergman
“Flow-through Apparatus for Microscopic Investigation of Dissolution of Pharmaceutical Solids,” (with R.H.
Bogner, K. Greco, D.J. Michaels and S.J. Chawarski), U.S. Patent No. 7,892,492, February 22, 2011.
Baki M. Cetegen
United Technologies Chair Professor in Thermal Fluid Engineering, 2011.
Amir Faghri
“Thermal-Fluids Management System for Small Direct Methanol Fuel Cells,” (with Z. Guo), U.S. Patent No.
7,829,211, November 9, 2010.
Robert Gao
Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Electron Devices Society, 2008-present.
Hanchen Huang
Visiting Professorship, Royal Society of London KTP, 2010.
Elected Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, 2011.
Chih-Jen Sung
Elected Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, 2011.
Bi Zhang
Fellow, International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), 2011.
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2011.
Thomas J. Barber
ABET Reviewer, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
ABET Reviewer, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
Member, ASME Computational Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee.
Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Professional Education Technical
Organizer, 3rd International Capstone Design Conference, Champagne-Urbana, IL, May 2012.
Organizer, ISTEC 2011: Workshop on Simulation in Engineering Curricula.
Consultant, MysticMD Inc., 2010-2011.
Member, AFOSR Hypersonics and Turbulence FY11 Proposal Review Panel.
Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
Theodore L. Bergman
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer.
Member, Scientific Council, International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer.
Zbigniew M. Bzymek
Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Associate Member, Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Science.
Member, Pi Tau Sigma Honorary Society.
Member, New York Academy of Sciences.
Session Organizer, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) 2010.
Panel Moderator, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) 2010.
“Solving Problems with Complexity – The Challenge of 21st Century Engineering Education and
Practice,” International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) 2010, Vancouver,
Canada, November 14-17, 2010.
“Reliability, Uncertainties, Probabilities Education and Delays,” International Mechanical Engineering
Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Vancouver, Canada, November 14-17, 2010.
“Effective Approach to Solving Problems with Contradictions in Engineering Design and Practice,”
(invited), Warsaw Institute of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, March 10, 2011.
Chengyu Cao
Associate Editor, IEEE Control System Society Conference Board.
Associate Editor, Proceedings of the ASME Dynamics Systems and Control Conference 2011.
Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Brice Cassenti
Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Nuclear & Future Flight Propulsions
Technical Committee.
Organizer, 47th American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) / American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME) / Society for Automotive Engineers (SAE) / American Society for
Engineering Education (ASEE) Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit.
Baki M. Cetegen
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Elected Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE).
Chairman, Executive Board, Combustion Institute Eastern States Section.
Member, American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE).
“Measurements of Blowoff Dynamics in Stratified, Vitiated Bluff-Body Flames,” (with S.G. Tuttle, S.
Chaudhuri, S. Kostka, K.M. Kopp-Vaughan and M.W. Renfro), Tenth International Workshop on
Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames, Beijing, China, July 30, 2010.
“Blowoff Behavior of Bluff body Flames in Vitiated and Stratified Flows,” (with S.G. Tuttle, S.
Chaudhuri, K.M. Kopp-Vaughan, T.R. Jensen and M.W. Renfro), Augmentor Design Systems
Conference, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, March 17, 2011.
Wilson K. S. Chiu
Guest Editor, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 2009-2011.
Associate Editor, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2007-present.
Member, Editorial Board, Reports in Electrochemistry, 2011-present.
Member, Editorial Board, The Open Energy and Fuels Journal, 2007-present.
Member, Editorial Board, The Open Renewable Energy Journal, 2008-present.
Chair, ASME Heat Transfer Division K-15 Technical Committee on Transport Phenomena in Manufacturing
and Materials Processing, 2009-present.
Vice Chair, ASME Advanced Energy Systems Division Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Technical
Committee, 2008-present.
Member, ASME Advanced Energy Systems Division Executive Committee, 2009-present.
Representative, Advanced Energy Systems Division, ASME Energy Conversion Group, 2010-2011.
Member, Executive Committee, ASME International Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology
Conference, 2009-present.
Member, ASME Heat Transfer Division K-15 Technical Committee on Transport Phenomena in
Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 1999-present.
Member, ASME Advanced Energy Systems Division Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Technical Committee,
Member, ASME Advanced Energy Systems Division Systems Analysis and Fuel Cell Technical Committee,
Member, Electrochemical Society (ECS) Energy Technology Division, 2008-present.
Topic Organizer, Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Energy, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress
and Exposition, 2011.
Symposium Co-Chair, Nanostructured Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion, 219th Electrochemical
Society Meeting, 2011.
Representative, Heat Transfer Division K-15 Technical Committee (KCR), ASME-Japan Society
Mechanical Engineering (JSME) Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, 2011.
Track Organizer, Energy Systems: Analysis, Thermodynamics and Sustainability, ASME International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2010.
Conference Co-Organizer, 8th ASME International Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology
Conference, 2010.
Representative, Heat Transfer Division K-15 Technical Committee, AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and
Heat Transfer Conference, 2010.
Session Chair, SOFC Modelling, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells XII (SOFC-XII), 219th Electrochemical Society
Meeting, 2011.
Session Chair, Supercapacitors-2, Symposium B6 - Nanostructured Materials for Energy Storage and
Conversion, 219th Electrochemical Society Meeting, 2011.
Session Co-Chair, 14th International Heat Transfer Conference, 2010.
Member, X-ray Imaging Beamline Advisory Team, National Synchrotron Light Source II, Brookhaven
National Laboratory, NY, 2011- present.
“Meso-scale Imaging and Modeling of Nanostructured Heterogeneous Functional Materials
(HeteroFoaMs) for Energy Systems,” Invited Speaker, ARL Multi-Scale Multi-Disciplinary Modeling of
Electronic Materials Workshop, Fairfax, VA, September 1-2, 2010.
Mun Y. Choi
Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Member, American Society of Engineering Educators (ASEE).
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE).
Member, The Combustion Institute.
President, International Pi Tau Sigma Mechanical Engineering Honor Society.
Member, Board of Directors for the CT Clean Energy Fund.
Program Chair, U.S.-Korea Summit on Science and Engineering (UKC 2011).
Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies (Oxford University Press).
Amir Faghri
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE).
Honorary Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.
Executive Editor, Heat Transfer Engineering Journal (Thermal Storage & Heat Pipes).
Editor-in-Chief, Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer.
Editor-in-Chief, Frontiers in Heat Pipes.
Honorary Member, Editorial Advisory Board, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Heat Transfer Research.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering.
North American Editor, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer.
Member, Council of Advisors, College of Engineering, University of California, Riverside.
Member, Board of Directors, Roller Bearings of America, Co.
Member, International Scientific Committee, International Symposium on Thermal and Materials
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Antalya, Turkey, May 29-June 3, 2011.
Tai-Hsi Fan
Panelist, Proposal Review Panel, CMMI Biomechanics and Mechanobiology Program, National Science
Foundation, January 2011.
Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Member, American Physical Society (APS).
“Sustained Protein Release from Novel Aptamer-Functionalized Hydrogels,” (with B. Soontornworajit,
J. Zhou, M.T. Shaw and Y. Wang), BMES Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, October 6-9, 2010.
“Modeling of Sustained Protein Release from an Aptamer Functionalized Hydrogel,” (with B.
Soontornworajit, M. Karzar-Jeddi and Y. Wang), BMES Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, October 6-9,
“Aptamer-Decorated Hydrogels for Sustained Protein Release,” (with B. Soontornworajit, J. Zhou, M.T.
Shaw and Y. Wang), AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 7-12, 2010.
“The Role of Mobility in Protein-Protein Interactions,” NSF CMMI Research and Innovation
Conference, Atlanta, GA, January 4-7, 2011.
“Near-Net-Shape Hot Die Forging Design for Jet Engine Rotating Parts,” invited, Lean and Green: Next
Generation Careers in Technology Expo, Manchester, CT, February 11, 2011.
“Convective Effects on Polymer Redistribution around a Spherical Colloid,” (with T. Taniguchi and R.
Tuinier), Colloids and Materials 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 8-11, 2011.
“Modeling of Sustained Protein Release from Aptamer-Modified Hydrogel,” (with B. Soontornworajit,
M. Karzar-Jeddi and Y. Wang), Colloids and Materials 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 8-11,
“Change of Polymer Depletion near Solvent Permeable Walls by Hydrodynamic Flow,” (with T.
Taniguchi, Y. Arai and R. Tuinier), Colloids and Materials 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 811, 2011.
Robert X. Gao
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions of Instrumentation and Measurement, 2010-present.
Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2009-present.
Associate Editor, Journal of Mechatronics, International Federation of Automatic Control, 2008-present.
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE).
Associate Member, International Academy of Production Engineering (CIRP).
Senior Member, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME).
Best Paper Award, Finalist, International Symposium on Flexible Automation, Japan, July 2010.
Committee Chair, Technical Committee on Built-in-Test and Self-Test, IEEE Instrumentation and
Measurement Society.
Co-Chair, NSF CAREER Proposal Writing Workshop, Hartford, CT, April 2011.
Member, SPIE Conference Program Committee, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil,
Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, San Diego, CA, March 2011.
Symposium Organizer and Session Chair, ASME International Manufacturing Science & Engineering
Conference, Corvallis, OR, June 2011.
Member, International Program Committee and Session Chair: CIRP International Conference on
Manufacturing Systems, Madison, WI, June 2011.
Member, International Program Committee, Journal of Metrology and Measurement Systems, Polish Academy
of Sciences.
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 2006-present.
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering.
Member, Scientific Committee, North American Manufacturing Research Institute, Society of Manufacturing
Engineers 2008-2010.
“Mechatronic Design and Modeling for Improved Observability of Dynamic Processes,” distinguished
lecture, IEEE Society for Electron Devices, Nanjing Chapter, China, July 2010.
“Multivariate Sensing and Non-Destructive Evaluation for Dynamic Systems Monitoring and Diagnostics,”
invited, School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, July 2010.
“Multivariate Sensing and Signal Processing for Process Monitoring and Diagnostics,” invited, Department
of Precision Engineering and Mechanology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, July 2010.
“Sustainable Manufacturing System Monitoring through Reconfigurable Sensing,” (with T. Kurp), 2011
INFORMS Northeast Regional Conference, Amherst, MA, May 2011.
“A Novel Method to Predict Activity Type and Intensity Using a Multi-sensor Device,” (invited), (with J.
Sasaki, S. Liu, D. John, J. Staudenmayer and P. Freedson), 2nd International Conference on Ambulatory
Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement, Glasgow, Scotland, May 24-27, 2011.
“Breathing Frequency and Volume Estimations Using a Multi-sensor Integrated Measurement System,”
(with D. John, S. Liu, J. Sasaki, J. Staudenmayer and P. Freedson), 2nd International Conference on
Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement, Glasgow, Scotland, May 24-27, 2011.
“Design of a Wearable Multi-sensory System for Physical Activity Assessment,” (with S. Liu and P.
Freedson), 2nd International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement,
Glasgow, Scotland, May 24-27, 2011.
“Predicting Physical Activity Type and Intensity Using Accelerometry and Ventilation Signals from the
Integrated Measurement System,” (with J. Sasaki, S. Liu, D. John, J. Staudenmayer and P. Freedson),
58th Annual Conference of the American College of Sports Medicine and 2nd World Congress on
Exercise is Medicine, Denver, CO, May 31-June 3, 2011.
“Ventilation Estimates Using a Single Piezoelectric Respiration Sensor in the Indigenous Multi-sensor
Integrated Measurement System,” (with D. John, S. Liu, J. Sasaki, J. Staudenmayer and P. Freedson),
58th Annual Conference of the American College of Sports Medicine and 2nd World Congress on
Exercise is Medicine, Denver, CO, May 31-June 3, 2011.
Hanchen Huang
Associate Editor, Journal of Engineering Materials Technology.
Member, Nanoengineering for Energy and Sustainability Steering Committee, ASME.
Track Co-organizer, Topic Organizer, ASME Annual International Mechanical Engineering Congress and
Exposition (IMECE) 2011, Denver, CO, Nov. 11-17, 2011.
Member, Scientific Committee, 3rd International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics,
Shanghai, China, 2011.
Member, Materials Research Society Meetings Quality Subcommittee, 2010-present.
Member, Materials Research Society Membership Committee, 2009-present.
Chair, Atomistic Interfaces Network Executive Committee, 2008-present.
Scientific Advisory Board, the Third International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM III) in
conjunction with the Second Symposium on Computational Structural Engineering (CSE II), Taipei, Taiwan,
December 5-7, 2011.
Scientific Committee, Third International Conference of Heterogeneous Materials Mechanics, Shanghai,
China, May 22-26, 2011.
Member, Nuclear Energy Committee, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.
Chair of Review Committee, Laboratory Directed Research and Development program at Los Alamos
National Laboratory, April 2010.
Member, Editorial Board, Advances in Applied Plasma Science (IAP, Japan), 2001-present.
“Twin Boundaries in Nanowires: Knowledge-based Fabrication & Mechanics,” invited, Symposium on
Mechanical Behavior of Low Dimensional Materials. Materials Science and Technology Conference,
Houston, TX, October 17-21, 2010.
“Twin Boundaries in Nanowires - Design for Mechanics,” keynote, Symposium on Multiphysics
Simulations and Experiments for Solids, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and
Exposition, Vancouver, Canada, November 12-18, 2010.
“Twin Boundaries in Nanowires: Knowledge-based Fabrication & Mechanics,” invited, The 3rd
International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, Shanghai, China, May 22-26, 2011.
“Deformation of Nanowires: How They Deform and How We Want Them to Deform,” keynote, The
2011 Annual Conference of the Society of Experimental Mechanics, Uncasville, CT, June 13-16, 2011.
Horea Ilies
Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
Member, Editorial Board, Computer Aided Design and Applications, 2010-present.
Panel Reviewer, National Science Foundation - Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI),
Executive Committee Member, International Design Engineering Technical (IDETC) / Design Automation
Conference, 2010-present.
Member, Special Interest Activity Group on Geometric Design (SIAM) and Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM) Geometric and Physical Modeling Program Committee, 2009-2011.
Member, International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED) Program Committee, 2009-2011.
Member, IMProVE Program Committee, 2011.
Member, Design 2012 Program Committee, 2012.
Design Automation Conference, ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2004-present.
Member, Journal of Endodontics Scientific Advisory Board.
Member, American Association of Endodontists Scientific Advisory Board.
Paper Review Coordinator, ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2002-present.
Session Chair/co-Chair Design Automation Conference, 2002-present.
“Fun with Geometry in an Engineering Sense,” invited, University of Rhode Island, Providence, RI,
February 25, 2011.
“Recent Advances in Computational Design,” Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, June 7, 2011.
Eric H. Jordan
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Member, American Ceramic Society (ACERS).
Member, American Society for Microbiology (AMS).
Member, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS).
Organizer, Solution and Suspension Thermal Spray Symposium, ASM International Conference on Thermal
Spray, Houston, TX, May 21-24, 2012.
Session Chair, 35th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites,
January 28, 2011.
Tianfeng Lu
Member, The Combustion Institute.
Senior Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
Session Chair, 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA, 2011.
Session Chair, 33rd International Symposium on Combustion, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2010.
“Accommodating Complex Chemical Kinetics of Biodiesel in Flame Simulations,” Bridging the Gap
Seminar Series, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, August 18, 2010.
“Chemical Explosive Mode Analysis for Computational Flame Diagnostics,” Multi-Agency
Coordinating Committee on Combustion Research (MACCCR) Third Annual Fuels Summit, Princeton,
NJ, September 20-23, 2010.
George Lykotrafitis
Symposium Organizer and Sessions Chair, 2011 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental
and Applied Mechanics, Uncasville, CT, June 13-16, 2011.
Session Chair, ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 2010.
Session Chair, 47th Annual Technical Meeting of Society of Engineering Science, October 2010.
Nejat Olgac
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE), 2007-present.
Senior Member, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering).
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2005-present.
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, 2006-present.
General Chair, International Federation of Automatic Control – Time Delay Systems Workshop, Boston,
MA, June 22-24, 2012.
General Chair, American Society of Mechanical Engineering – Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
(ASME-DSCC 2013), 2013.
Member, International Program Committee, International Federation of Automatic Control – Time Delay
Systems Workshop 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2010.
Member, Program Committee, Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2010.
Member, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division Advisory Committee, 2007-2010.
Member, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division Conferences Committee, 2007-2010.
Elected Member, ASME-Conference of Divisions (COD) Technical Publications, 2008-2011.
Member, ASME Systems and Design Group Operating Board, 2009-2012.
Member, International Federation of Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (IFToMM) Mechatronics
Member, International Federation on Automatic Control (IFAC) Linear Systems Technical Committee.
Member, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division Mechatronics Technical Committee.
Member, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division Intelligent Systems Committee.
Member, National Science Foundation Peer Review Committee.
Member, Army Research Office Peer Review Committee.
Proposal Reviewer, Czech Science Foundation.
Reviewer, Promotion Tenure and Review, Kuwait University.
External Reviewer, Promotion Tenure and Review, Rice University.
Member, Louisiana Board of Regents Proposal Review Committee.
Proposal Reviewer, King Fahd University.
Ugur Pasaogullari
Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Member, The Electrochemical Society.
Michael W. Renfro
Executive Board Member, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute.
Member, Combustion Institute.
Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
Session Chair, Seventh Joint U.S. Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute
“Measurements of Blowoff Dynamics in Stratified, Vitiated Bluff-Body Flames,” (with S.G. Tuttle, S.
Chaudhuri, S. Kostka, K.M. Kopp-Vaughan and B.M. Cetegen), Tenth International Workshop on
Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames, Beijing, China, July 30, 2010.
“Blowoff Behavior of Bluff-body Flames in Vitiated and Stratified Flows,” (with S.G. Tuttle, S.
Chaudhuri, K.M. Kopp-Vaughan, T.R. Jensen and B.M. Cetegen), Augmentor Design Systems, Ponte
Vedra Beach, FL, March 17, 2011.
Wei Sun
Member, American Heart Association (AHA) Clinical Bioengineering Grant Peer Review Committee, 2009present.
Chair, Methods in Experimental Biomechanics Session, Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Annual
Conference, 2011.
Session Organizer, Heart Valve Structure and Function, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual
Conference, 2011.
Ad hoc Proposal Reviewer, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, 2011.
Member, American Heart Association (AHA).
Member, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES).
Member, American Society of Biomechanics (ASB).
Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineer (ASME).
“Characteristic Responses of Porcine Ascending Aorta to Cutting,” (with B. Zhang and Z. Hu), 9th
International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Changsha, China, July 17-19, 2010.
“Responses of Porcine Ascending Aorta to Scalpel Cutting,” (with Z.W. Hu and B. Zhang), 2010
International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) General Assembly, Pisa, Italy, August 22-28,
Chih-Jen Sung
Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Member, Combustion Institute.
“Rapid Compression Machine Studies on Autoignition of Next Generation Fuels,” invited, Argonne
National Laboratory, Washington, DC, August 24, 2010.
“Autoignition, Flame Propagation, and Extinction of Alternative and Conventional Jet Fuels,” invited,
Session on Assessment of Alternative Fuel Fundamental Combustion Properties from Test and Analysis,
Forty-Ninth Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, January 4, 2011.
“Combustion of Next Generation Fuels,” invited, Indo‐US Workshop on Biofuel Combustion and Sprays,
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, June 22, 2011.
Jiong Tang
Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2009-present.
Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2011-present.
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2009-present.
Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Engineering under Uncertainty, 2009-present.
Member, Conference Editorial Board, Annual ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2010 and
Member, Conference Editorial Board, Annual American Control Conference, 2010 and 2011.
Chair, Technical Committee on Vibration and Control of Smart Structures (previously the Vibration and
Control Panel), Dynamic Systems and Control Division, ASME.
Ad hoc Reviewer, Hong Kong SAR Research Grants Council.
Bi Zhang
Fellow, International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), 1997-present.
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 1993-present.
Member, American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE), 1993-present.
Member, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), 1992-present.
Member, Japan Society for Precision Engineering (JSPE), 1987-present.
“Characteristic Responses of Porcine Ascending Aorta to Cutting,” (with W. Sun and Z. Hu), 9th
International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Changsha, China, July 17-19, 2010.
“Responses of Porcine Ascending Aorta to Scalpel Cutting,” (with Z.W. Hu and W. Sun), 2010
International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) General Assembly, Pisa, Italy, August 22-28,
The Center’s theme is High Performance Computation and its Applications. Its mission is to enable research,
development and outreach aligned with this theme. BECAT recognizes the rapid rate of technological change
and the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of research, and hence promotes and supports collaboration
within and beyond the University. BECAT provides opportunities for interdisciplinary high performance
computing research among faculty and students by providing shared facilities and software, and offering
algorithmic, technical and administrative support.
BECAT continued to remain very active in writing large multidisciplinary proposals this year. For example,
BECAT participated in proposals submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) for a Major Research
Instrumentation grant, to the National Institute of Science & Technology (NIST) for a new interdisciplinary
building, and to the National Institutes of Health’s Research Project Grant (R01) program.
The multi-institutional NSF MRI proposal was for the acquisition of a GPU cluster for research and training
at a consortium of New England universities, aimed at large scale modeling and simulations. Partnering on
the proposal were UConn, Yale University, Dartmouth College, Eastern Connecticut State University and
others. Modeling and simulations are pervasive in all areas of science and engineering, with simulations
built in industry and academia targeting specific application domains. The proposal is still pending.
The NIST proposal entailed the construction of a 19.5k sq. ft. (approx.) stand-alone facility, which was to be
located among existing buildings at the UConn Storrs campus, for the Center for Precision Measurement &
Multi-scale Computation (CPMMC). NIST cancelled the building construction grant competition shortly
after the proposal submission date due to the elimination of federal funding for the program. The proposal to
NIH, on efficient algorithms for motif searching, was funded for a total of $1.5 million for four years. The
main goal of this project is to devise efficient algorithms for motif searching, an important problem in
BECAT is a collaborator in the recent resubmission of a proposal for a Clinical & Translational Science
Awards (CTSA) program in which BECAT will help in such crucial areas as super- and grid computing, data
warehousing, data mining and other areas. BECAT’s Director, Dr. Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, will serve as
an Assistant Director of BMI. BECAT personnel are also collaborators on two other significant proposals,
one submitted to NSF by Dr. Peter Luh (the SNET Professor of Communications and Information
Technologies) on smart-grid smart-buildings, and one submitted to NSF on the subject of human disease
phenotypic subtyping - quantitative subtyping of clinically relevant phenotypes for genetic analysis.
BECAT, the School of Engineering and University Information Technology Services (UITS) – with strong
support from Senior Vice Provost and Vice President for Research Suman Singha – purchased a new high
performance computing (HPC) system. BECAT member faculty and graduate students, along with other
researchers from the Storrs and UConn Health Center campuses, will use the system, which is built by the
industry-leading HPC vendor, HP. It will replace the current SGI Altix system and offer significantly
enhanced capabilities, including:
768 Intel Xeon X5650 Westmere cores on 64 compute nodes
48GB of RAM per compute node
32 NVIDIA Tesla M2050 GPUs
QDR InfiniBand fabric
Platform Computing HPC management software, including LSF scheduler
500GB of storage per compute node, plus 24TB of temporary storage available
Academic Partnership with NVIDIA received donation of (10)NVIDIA GTX480 GPUs to be
incorporated into a HPC system
BECAT currently operates an Altix 3700 BX2 server with 64 nodes and 64GB of memory. The capacity of
this system has been eclipsed by the growing faculty demand for high performance computing. The new
HPC system, with speed and storage that exceed 20 times that of the Altix system, will enable and
dramatically advance the research of BECAT members in areas characterized by complexity and data
intensiveness, such as:
nanostructures and advanced materials
environmental engineering and science
biological cells and biomedical systems
protein folding and biomedical imaging
homeland and transportation security
bio-informatics, biomedical informatics and motif search
systems analysis and sensor networks
The system was designed collaboratively by researchers and personnel associated with BECAT, the
Computer Science & Engineering Department, Engineering Technical Services, the Center for Clean Energy
Engineering, and UITS. The system is expected to be operational by the summer of 2011. Additional details
regarding the transition from the Altix to the HP system, installation of specific software and scheduling of
use, will be provided to the BECAT members in the coming months.
A major focus of BECAT this year was to assist faculty in coordinating research groups and seminars that
promote cross disciplinary research. These included a Multiscale Computational Science and Engineering
Working Group, Smart Building Smart Grid, and various HPC collaboration meetings.
BECAT continued to provide pre- and post-award services to its members.
During the reporting period, the Center for Clean Energy Engineering (C2E2) continued to develop and
implement its expanded mission and vision for a broader research and development thrust encompassing the
transformation of “science to systems” in fields ranging from advanced energy conversion systems to the
efficient utilization of fuels and power management and delivery. The center’s efforts are geared toward
catalyzing the development of a global “sustainable energy economy” through academic basic and applied
research, systems engineering, prototype development and demonstration as well as providing cost-effective
solutions to current and emerging technologies. Advanced energy conversion technologies, fuels and fuel
processing, energy storage, power management and smart grid and conservation of natural resources with a
focus on water are part of center’s continuing research and educational portfolio. This vision is enhanced by
the multidisciplinary faculty hired through the Sustainable Energy Initiative, whose expansive skills and
knowledge better equip the center to provide timely solutions to global energy and environmental challenges.
The ongoing Eminent Faculty Initiative in Sustainable Energy continues to be supported by a permanent $2
million annual sum from the Connecticut General Assembly, paired with matching support from three
industrial partners during the first year of operation: FuelCell Energy of Danbury, CT, the Northeast Utilities
Foundation, and UTC Power of South Windsor, CT. The Initiative seeks to establish a program aimed at
advanced research, education and training in sustainable “green” energy.
Building on an established core of energy faculty, four new core researchers were hired during the year. They
bring key experience in diverse energy areas such as nanomaterials processing, advanced functional
materials development, catalysis, fuel processing and renewable energy and power system management.
Three of the new faculty have as their home department the Chemical, Materials & Biomolecular
Engineering (CMBE) Department, while the fourth joined the Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE)
Department. They are:
• Radenka Maric (Ph.D. University of Kyoto, Japan), School of Engineering Named Professor in
Sustainable Energy, CMBE. Dr. Marichas research expertise in the areas of fuel cells and batteries,
hydrogen generation, nanomaterials and thin film coating and ceramic processing.
• Chris Cornelius (Ph.D. Virginia Polytechnic Institute), Associate Professor, CMBE. Dr. Cornelius’
research interests include the development and understanding of transport and physical properties of
polymers, ionomers, hybrid organic-inorganic materials, sol-gel chemistry and organically template solgel “self-assembled” materials.
• Ashish Mhadeshwar (Ph.D. University of Delaware), Assistant Professor, CMBE. Dr. Mhadeshwar has
research interests in heterogeneous catalysis, kinetic modeling, emissions reduction and energy
production (specifically hydrogen production for fuel cells).
• Peng Zhang (Ph.D. University of British Columbia), Assistant Professor, ECE. Dr. Zhang’s research
interests include the smart grid, renewable energy, grid integration of wind and solar energy, energy
conversion, power system reliability and optimization and power system planning.
In recent years, 13 new tenure track faculty and three non-tenure track faculty have been added to the School
of Engineering and C2E2. These faculty will help to increase the center’s expanded expertise in the
following areas:
Advanced Energy Materials, Processes and Systems - Improving the efficiency and durability while
reducing the cost of high- and low- temperature fuel cells and other power conversions devices.
Combustion Science and Technology – Creating novel techniques for chemical conversion of fuels;
improving the quality of emissions and increasing the efficiency of existing methods of conversion.
Energy Storage and Power Management - The storage and conversion of energy obtained from fossil
fuels, biofuels, fuel cells, solar, wind, and hydroelectric sources for distributed generation applications
through the development of enabling technologies for the “smart grid.”
Fuels and Fuel Processing - Improving hydrogen production, catalysis, and heat integration for fuel
reformation; improving waste heat recovery and reducing CO2 emissions in coal refineries; thermochemical and hybrid cycles; gasification and extracting energy from sources of organic material such as
coal, petroleum, bio-fuel and biomass.
Renewable Energy and Resources – Developing innovative technologies behind solar photo-catalysis,
wind and electrochemical conversion; hydroelectric and water filtration systems.
C2E2 serves as the major hub for activities associated with the sustainable energy initiative, pioneering new
clean and efficient energy conversion technologies, training of the energy workforce, and fostering
innovative spinoff opportunities. The center is committed to its mission to promote fundamental and applied
research in sustainable energy in collaboration with Connecticut and national academic and industrial
partners, with funding from diverse private and federal entities. Since its inception, research expenditures for
the C2E2 total over $16 million. For the fiscal period 2010-11, the C2E2 forecasts expenditures of
approximately $2.1 million. The center’s expenditures reflect approximately 80% from federal sources and
20% from industrial funding. Our federal partners include the National Science Foundation (NSF), the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE), the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), NASA, Office of Naval Research,
Pacific Northwest National Labs/Battelle Memorial Institute and Idaho National Laboratory. Our regional,
state and industrial partners include Connecticut Innovations, the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund, UTC
Power, FuelCell Energy, the UTC Research Center, Rolls Royce, W.R. Grace & Co., Oasys Water,
Advanced Power Systems Inc., Northrop Grumman, Conoco Phillip, NzymSys, NanoCell Systems, Siemens
Power, Northeast Utilities and others. Research highlights from a few of the major programs are as follows:
“Improving Fuel Cell Durability and Reliability Initiative” – PI: Dr. Prabhakar Singh
The objective of this U.S. Department of Energy-funded, Congressionally directed program is to develop
an understanding of the degradation processes in advanced electrochemical energy conversion systems.
The overall research will focus on the development of novel cutting-edge materials and processes,
optimized systems design capable of utilizing a variety of fuels, from hydrogen to hydrocarbons, and
efficient balance of plant configurations that enable cost reduction and accelerate market implementation
in the distributed, mobile and portable market segments. Using a novel internal solicitation approach,
through which UConn faculty submit proposals to C2E2, we seek to develop collaborative research
programs with industries to improve the performance stability and long-term reliability of advanced fuel
cells and other power generation systems. During the past year this has resulted in the following
programs being funded:
“Evaluation of Enzyme-based Sulfur Removal Technology for Gas Cleanup” – PI: Dr. Ashish
Mhadeshwar, Industry Partner: nzymSys. The objective of this project is to evaluate the commercial
feasibility of an enzyme-based sulfur removal technology, developed by industry partner nzymSys. As
part of this effort the team will explore desulfurization or clean-up of biogas and landfill gas pushing
forward its application as an environmentally friendly renewable energy source.
“Modeling resin flow in PAFCs Gas Diffusion Layers” – PI: Dr. Rajeswari Kasi, Industry Partner: UTC
Power. Objective: UTC Power (UTCP) is interested in attaining stable graphitized gas diffusion layers
(GDLs) that are used in phosphoric acid fuel cells. This program will attempt to improve GDL stability
by 1) modeling the resin flow during GDL impregnation and lamination, 2) investigating the properties
of GDLs at each experimental step, and 3) improving substrate manufacturing efficiency based on the
model developed and properties of the GDLs.
“Matrix Stability Understanding Investigation” – PI: Dr. Prabhakar Singh, Industry Partner: FuelCell
Energy. The overall objective of this research effort is to 1) develop an understanding of the electrolyte
matrix coarsening mechanism for the state-of-the-art LiAlO2 matrix material, 2) quantify the coarsening
and structural changes occurring in the state of the art matrix structure (tape cast matrix containing a
mixture of molten carbonate electrolyte and LiAlO2 ceramic), and 3) identify, test and validate advanced
matrix materials with reduced coarsening leading to enhance the overall life of the system (> 60,000 –
80,000 hrs.).
“Waste to Energy: Biogas Cleanup (Desulfurization) for Energy Generation” – PI: Dr. Steve Suib,
Industry Partner: FuelCell Energy. The project hypothesis is that development of novel adsorbents,
catalysts, and mixed adsorbents will lead to more efficient cleanup of anaerobic digested gas (ADG).
Mixed adsorbents are likely to be needed to efficiently getter all sulfur species in ADG. Specific goals
include: 1) synthesize novel adsorbents and catalysts for trace sulfur species from anaerobic digested gas,
2) characterize the adsorbents, catalysts, and breakthrough curves, 3) study the effects of co-adsorbed
species, temperature, and pressure, and 4) perform studies of mixed adsorbents and catalysts.
“Waste Heat Recovery and Utilization Using the Osmotic Heat Engine” – PI: Dr. Jeff McCutcheon,
Industry Partner: Oasys Water. The objective of this program is to systematically design, fabricate,
characterize, and evaluate a novel thin film composite membrane specifically tailored for engineered
osmosis applications related specifically to power generation. In particular, membranes will be designed
for the NH3-CO2 Osmotic Heat Engine (OHE), a specific technology included in the Engineered
Osmosis™ (EO) platform and currently under development at Oasys.
“Fuel Reforming Catalysts for Efficient Energy Usage” – PI: Dr. Steve Suib, Industry Partner: APSI,
Inc. The hypothesis of this project is that the development of next generation high surface area fuel
reforming catalysts and determination of mechanisms of reaction will lead to enhanced efficiency,
activity, and stability of these materials. The project goals include the: 1) preparation of next- generation
fuel reforming catalysts, 2) characterization and modeling of the catalysts and reactions, 3) testing of fuel
reforming catalysts with biodiesel and lignin feeds, and 4) measurement of the effects of Fitch® fuel
catalysts on emissions and burner efficiency.
“Stannate-based Semiconductor Nanocomposites for Solar Energy Utilization” – PI: Dr. Pu-Xian Gao,
Industry Partner: United Technologies Research Center. The overall research objective of this project
is to build a unique family of ternary metal oxide semiconductor nanocomposites with graded
semiconductor composition which could enable advanced applications in energy, environment and high
temperature sensor technologies.
“Optimization of FCC Selectivity through Detailed Modeling of Catalyst Evaluation Experiments and the
Contributions of Catalyst Components” – PI: Dr. George Bollas, Industrial Partner: W.R. Grace & Co.
This research project seeks to develop detailed models of state-of-the-art catalyst evaluation procedures
for the fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) process. The key properties desired of the proposed models are that
they can be practically implemented in everyday catalyst evaluation procedures, that they use the same
reaction kinetics network and catalyst deactivation function(s) for different catalyst testing reactors
(SCT-MAT, ACE unit, DCR unit, etc.), and that they can provide theoretical insights to decoupling the
effects of matrix type and zeolite diffusional properties on catalyst selectivity.
“Evaluation of the Performance of Rapidly Quenched YSZ Electrolyte in a SOFC and its Comparison
with Conventional SOFC architecture” – PI: Dr. Radenka Maric, Industry Partner: NanoCell Systems
The objective of this program project is to demonstrate the feasibility of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs),
which incorporate NanoCell Systems’ materials technology. The goal is to examine the role of rapidly
quenched YSZ in intermediate to low temperature SOFCs. Conceptually, the production of metastable
nanostructured powders involves pyrolytic melting or vaporization of an aerosol-solution precursor in a
DC-arc plasma, followed by rapid quenching. It is hypothesized that the unique surface chemistry and
structure of rapidly quenched (water quenched) YSZ may influence oxygen ion transport during the
operation SOFCs at ≤ 600oC.
ConocoPhillips: “Evaluation of Degradation Processes in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC) – PI:
Dr. Prabhakar Singh, Co-PIs: Drs. Steve Suib and Atul Verma
The objective of this program is to develop fundamental understanding of the key technical issues related
to the electrical performance and performance stability of the solid oxide electrolysis cells. The specific
program objectives are to: 1) identify technology gaps for current SOECs, 2) understand the surface,
interface and bulk processes influencing long term electrochemical, chemical and structural stability, 3)
experimentally validate operating degradation mechanisms and 4) develop mitigation strategies.
NSF IUCRC/Northeast Utilities Program: “A Wide Range and Precise Active and Reactive Power
Flow Controller for Fuel Cell Power Condition Systems” - PI: Dr. Sung-Yeul Park
The objective of this project is to design a power conditioning system for a 5-cell direct borohydride fuel
cell (DBFC). The output voltage of the 5-cell 40W direct borohydride fuel cell (DBFC) is 4~8V with
respect to the load conditions. Because the fixed 5V or 12V levels are dominant in real applications, we
need to add a small power conversion system, which can regulate the output voltage of DBFC. The first
prototype control board was built and tested, and the data was presented at the ASME Fuel Cell
Conference in June 2010. The preliminary design has been completed and tested, and we are now
including improvements for improving dynamic response, providing initial power, and increasing total
NSF CAREER: “Role of Interfaces on Transport Phenomena in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells” – PI:
Dr. Ugur Pasaogullari
This project deals with micro- and nano-scale interfaces and their role on transport phenomena in
polymer electrolyte fuel cells. Utilizing neutron radiography imaging facilities at NIST’s Center for
Neutron Research, along with computational models, the research team discovered that micro-scale
interfaces in polymer electrolyte fuel cells greatly differ from models, and the treatment of interfaces in
numerical models significantly impacts the results.
U.S. DOE - BES: “Understanding the Effects of Chemistry and Microstructure on the Activity of Pt
Electrocatalysts on Non-Carbon Supports” – PI: Dr. William Mustain
The objective of this proposal is to elucidate the effects of the chemical composition and microstructure
of the electrocatalyst support on the activity and utilization of supported Pt clusters. This will be attained
by testing the following hypotheses: 1) the electrocatalytic activity of nano-sized Pt clusters can be
enhanced by tailoring the metal-support interaction between the Pt catalyst and the catalyst support
material, 2) increasing the interaction between the nano-sized Pt clusters and the support material will
increase Pt cluster stability, 3) the microstructure of non-carbon catalyst supports can be tailored to
increase both the electrochemically active area and reactant mass transport, and 4) an electrochemically
modified Thiele modulus can be used as a predictive design tool for supported Pt electrocatalysts.
Northrop Grumman: “Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells for Air Independent Portable Power” – PI: Dr.
Ugur Pasaogullari
In collaboration with Northrop Grumman, we have developed a novel reactant management system in
direct borohydride fuel cells that enables storage of concentrated reactants and eliminates storage of
sodium hydroxide and water as additional reactants. This results in an air independent portable power
concept that provides system energy density >750 Whr/kg and does not depend on potentially
contaminated ambient air as the oxidant source. Efforts are underway to develop a prototype and
improve materials to further increase the system efficiency and energy/power density.
U.S. DOE/University of Hawaii and the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute: “ The Effect of Airborne
Contaminants on Fuel Cell Performance and Durability” – PI: Dr. Trent Molter
The objective of the C2E2 portion of the program is to conduct laboratory testing of airborne roadside
contaminants that can negatively affect fuel cell performance. The center’s efforts will focus on: 1)
identification of critical roadside contaminants, 2) characterization of the effects of these impurities on
cell performance through laboratory testing and modeling, and 3) preliminary investigation of mitigation
strategies. Our activities utilize 25 cm2 laboratory cells tested using standard test protocols codeveloped with the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute. Performance effects and mechanisms will be
summarized in both empirical and mechanistic models. These models will be leveraged to conduct a
preliminary investigation of mitigation strategies.
During the reporting period, C2E2 made great strides in advancing its “Green Campus Initiative” at the
Depot Campus. The Green Campus concept is intended to integrate new energy technologies on the campus
to foster the idea of a sustainable community. Specifically, the following activities were initiated:
In conjunction with the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund and UTC Power, the university is negotiating an
Energy Service Agreement for the installation and 10 year operation of a 400 kW fuel cell system. The
unit will be installed on the campus and will provide electricity to the whole Depot Campus. In addition,
the unit will provide heat to the Longley Building and C2E2 high bay areas and cooling in the summer
months for the C2E2 high bays. The expected date of operation for this unit is April 2012.
A bench-scale Intelligent Universal Transformer (IUT) supplied in collaboration with Northeast Utilities
and EPRI is being planned for installation during the summer of 2011. This unit will allow our faculty in
power management to gain valuable operational performance data for this solid state next generation
transformer technology.
LED lights will be installed during the summer of 2011 in collaboration with Northeast Utilities. These
new light fixtures will be provided for the external parking lot at C2E2 and for a portion of the lights on
a parking lot on the main campus.
To meet the needs of the expanded research and development activities in the field of energy, the center has
continued to enhance its technical expertise by adding additional laboratory space and equipment.
Specifically, 6,500 sq. ft. of space in the Longley Building has been allocated for C2E2, toinclude wet
chemistry labs, electrical and power management labs, student rooms and space for high speed computing.
In addition, the center acquired an Xradia Micro-XCT 400 which is an all-purpose, high resolution, nondestructive 3D X-ray imaging system. It is equipped with up to 90 KV X-ray source and multiple lens (up to
40X) detectors. The machine provides X-ray microscopes for high resolution imaging (0.56µm pixel size) of
the 3D internal structures in a large variety of samples for industrial and research applications, such as
materials failure analysis, coating interface imaging, pre-clinical life science and biomedical studies,
semiconductor package failure analysis, high and low absorption advanced material imaging, pore
connectivity and microstructure modeling etc. The 3D imaging ability allows analysis and visualization of
internal fine 3D structures in intact samples, which is not possible with typical surface analysis tools such as
the atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or conventional CT systems.
The addition of the above equipment greatly enhances the resources available for energy researchers and
complements capabilities already present on the campus. These additional unique capabilities will allow the
center and the University of Connecticut to further develop and expand collaborations with industry, state
and federal entities, academia and national laboratories as our focus broadens to one of expanded energy
C2E2 hosted numerous visitors throughout the year, including officials from state, national and international
organizations, and groups from various academic institutions. Several visitors presented seminars
highlighting respective research activities and scientific scope of work to facilitate near and long term
collaboration leading to a broader understanding of on-going research within the technical community.
These included:
o State: President Pro Tempore and Senator Donald Williams; Representative Gregg Haddad; State
of Connecticut Governor’s Office representatives; and officials from the Connecticut Clean
Energy Fund and Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology (CCAT)
o International: Canadian Consulate; DRDO, India
o Industrial: Baril Company, UTC Power, SolarChange, FuelCell Energy, NissanMotor Co., Gas
Technology Institute, Advanced Energy Systems Group, Precision Combustion, PRIMA North
America, Proton Energy Systems, MFD Industries, Advanced Power Systems, Northeast Utilities,
Connecticut Light & Power, Trenergy Corp., Nexterra, Mystic Innovation, nzymSys, Boeing,
Sustainable Innovations Inc., American Unmanned Systems, ConocoPhillips, Northrop Grumman
Corp., Pratt & Whitney, Sky Train Corp., 10Angstroms, Hysitron, NanoCell Systems, Corning,
SiEnergy Systems LLC, Advanced Education Technologies, LLC, Lab-Volt Systems, Inc., KTI,
Inc., Faraday Technology, Inc., Saint-Gobain, Axiome Advisors, Jennings Consulting LLC,
General Dynamics, and others
o Federal: NSF, NSF IUCRC, Office of Naval Research, US Dept. of Energy, US Army, Naval
Undersea warfare Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
and Savannah River National Laboratory
o Academic: UConn, Law School Center for Energy and Environmental Law, Trinity College,
UConn Law School, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Eastern
Connecticut State College, CPRI-Greece (Prof. Vasiliev), University of South Carolina, MIT,
Kyushu University (Japan), Rutgers University, St. Andrews University, W. Virginia University,
KIST, and the University of Washington
Various center personnel actively participated in the planning for the 9th International Conference on
Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, to be held August 7-10, 2011 in Washington, DC. The
conference is sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Dr. Singh is the conference
general chair, with Ms. Patricia Bergman serving as a conference co-chair.
The center initiated a Center for Clean Energy Engineering Distinguished Energy Lecture Speaker
Series. These presentations were open to all of our industrial and regional academic partners as well as
the University of Connecticut. The speakers included:
October 28, 2010: Dr. William J. Pitz, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
November 4, 2010: Prof. Saifur Rahman, Virginia Tech
November 11, 2010: Prof. Michael Bernitsas, University of Michigan
November 18, 2010: Prof. Peter Pintauro, Vanderbilt University
December 9, 2010: Dr. George Arnold, NIST
March 24, 2011: Dr. Michael Nastasi, Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Center hosted the Innovation Connection event on September 16, 2010.
This event included
faculty for the School of Engineering and representatives from over 30 companies and state
organizations. Tours of the facility were offered to all networking event participants.
Education and outreach activities – The center continued its active involvement in outreach activities at
local community as well as middle and high school students and teachers in Connecticut and
Massachusetts. During the past year, the center was visited by Windsor Technical High School (20
students), Trinity College (30 students), Hampden Charter School Chicopee, MA (25 students),
Longmeadow High School AP Physics Club (10 students), Pioneer Technical High School (30 students),
the CT Kids Fueling the Future program for middle schools (85 students), and Xavier High School. In
addition, the center participated in UConn’s Earth Day Event and the Mansfield Town Fair.
During the past year, the Connecticut Transportation Institute (CTI) has been very active in its mission to
conduct transportation related research, outreach and technology transfer. CTI personnel and affiliated
faculty members have continued to serve on national, regional and state committees that have increased
CTI’s prominence at all levels.
During the past year, the Connecticut Advanced Pavement Laboratory (CAP Lab) completed its move to the
Longley Building. This relocation has allowed CTI to consolidate all of its operations into one building.
CTI serves as a focal point for transportation research in Connecticut. Throughout the past year there have
been discussions and meetings among CTI and UConn personnel and officials from various departments
within the State of Connecticut to increase awareness of CTI/UConn’s capabilities. These meeting have
included the Commissioners of the Department of Transportation and the Department of Emergency
Management and Homeland Security. CTI’s continued success and growth are indicative of the important
mission CTI plays in meeting the transportation needs of Connecticut and the nation.
The following continuing programs operate within the institute: the Connecticut Advanced Pavement
Laboratory, the Connecticut Technology Transfer Center, and the Connecticut Cooperative
Transportation Research Program.
Current research and educational projects at CTI are funded by a diverse set of agencies: the Connecticut
Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Transportation – including the Federal Highway
Administration, the New England University Transportation Center, North East Transportation Technician
Certification Program and the six New England states through the New England Transportation Consortium.
CTI has continued to enjoy strong partnerships with industry, non-profit and government agencies while at
the same time developing new strategic partnerships whenever possible. CTI’s main programs include
strong advisory committees that ensure the programs are fulfilling each program’s mission.
Connecticut Technology Transfer (T2) Center
Provided 74 training programs and special events to over 3,000 participants in the areas of safety,
infrastructure management and workforce development
• Developed and implemented the first Connecticut Transportation Leadership Program for Public
Works Professionals
• Honored a group of 87 transportation professionals who have completed the Connecticut Road
Master, Road Scholar, Legal Traffic Authority Certificate Programs and the new Public Works
• Received the 2011 Business Partnership with Public Works Award
• Partnered with the Connecticut Department of Transportation to develop a series of training
programs via streaming media
• Connecticut Creative Solution Awards were presented to the Town of Simsbury, Town of East
Hartford and the City of New London
• Mary McCarthy, T2 Training Specialist, was honored with an Award of Excellence from the
Connecticut Training and Development Network
• T2 staff served on many state, regional and national committees, including the Federal Highway
Administration LTAP/TTAP Strategic Planning Committee
• Partnered with the Connecticut Highway Street Supervisors Association (CHSSA) to host the
Technology Transfer Expo with more than 60 vendors and 500 participants
Coordinated educational sessions for the Connecticut Association of State Highway Officials
(CASHO) for their 2011 Equipment and Technical Show
Introduced the first Connecticut Roadway Safety Poster Contest for school children
Actively participated on the Connecticut Work Zone Highway Safety Council
Assisted the Center for Resilient Transportation Infrastructure (CRTI) in the development of the
National Transportation Security Center for Excellence (NTSCOE) strategic plan
Connecticut Advanced Pavement Laboratory (CAP Lab)
Presented certificate and educational programs to transportation technicians and consultants from
throughout the United States and Canada.
• Continued studies with the Connecticut Department of Transportation to improve the long-term
performance of construction materials. These studies included:
o Reducing the placement temperature for asphalt mixtures to reduce emissions during
production and placement
o Development of a high tire/pavement friction asphalt wearing surface to improve safety
• Completed two studies for the New England Transportation Consortium. These studies included:
o The effect of using recycled asphalt products with polymer modified asphalts
o Establishing default dynamic modulus values for typical asphalt pavements in New England
to used in the new pavement design guide
Connecticut Cooperative Transportation Research Program (CCTRP)
• Completed work and submitted final reports for one project: Improving Surveying Accuracy and
Efficiency in Connecticut: An Accuracy Assessment of GEOID03
• Funded work on four continuing projects: (1) Structure and Properties of Ionomer Modified Asphalt;
(2) Assessing and Quantifying Public Transportation Access; (3) Experimental Testing of
Controllable Damping Devices toward Extending the Lifespan of Existing Highway Bridges; and, (4)
Incorporating Wet Pavement Friction into Traffic Safety Analysis
The Center for Resilient Transportation Infrastructure (CRTI) is part of the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) National Transportation Security Center of Excellence (NTSCOE). CRTI was established in
the School of Engineering (SOE) in July 2008 and is currently nearing completion of its third program year.
The mission of the center is to provide research, education and outreach programs that address DHS needs in
the area of transportation infrastructure protection and security. The focus of UConn’s efforts within the
NTSCOE has been on modeling and simulation of risk and resiliency in complex transportation networks;
development of advanced materials for protection of infrastructure subjected to extreme events; modeling
and simulation of infrastructure under extreme loads; and development of sensor networks to monitor the
behavior of structures.
Dr. Michael Accorsi (Civil & Environmental Engineering) served as Director of CRTI during the past year
and Amy Smith served as the center’s Administrative Services Specialist to assist with proposal
development, budgeting and education and outreach activities.
During the third program year, 15 faculty members, 23 graduate students (full and part time) and 11
undergraduate students associated with all five of UConn’s engineering departments performed research on
five DHS projects supported by approximately $1 million in DHS funding. The project areas included:
Advanced Composite Materials for Blast and Fire Resistance (R. Hebert, B. Huey, G. Rossetti, J.H. Kim
of UConn; R. Riman - Rutgers University; and A. Shukla - University of Rhode Island)
Rapid and Robust Evaluation of Bridge Load Carrying Capacity after Damaging Events (R. Christenson
and J. Tang)
RISK, Resilience and Response Models with Applications to High-Speed Rail Transportation Corridors
(N. Lownes, R. Ammar, S. Rajasekaran and J. Ivan)
Advanced Concrete and Geo-Materials for Resilient Transportation Infrastructure (D. Basu, M.
Chrysochoou, A. Zofka and K. Wille)
Modeling Systemic Vulnerabilities in Freight Rail Commodity Networks (N. Lownes)
In addition to these core research projects, CRTI conducted a variety of special activities to further
strengthen its impact to the DHS mission.
Conferences and Workshops
Dr. Accorsi was a co-organizer of the DHS Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Workshop held at
Columbia University on January 11-12, 2011. This international workshop attracted approximately 80
participants from eight different countries. The purpose of the workshop was to identify impediments
restricting UHPC usage in the U.S. and to outline research needed to bring UHPC into the mainstream of
U.S. construction. The outcome of the workshop was a roadmap of critical tasks and activities required to
expedite the use of UHPC in the U.S. construction market. The roadmap was delivered to DHS in May 2011.
UConn faculty and students were well represented at the Fifth Annual DHS Science Conference, which was
held March 30 to April 1, 2011 in Washington, DC. The theme of this year’s summit was Catastrophes and
Complex Systems: Transportation. Dr. Nicholas Lownes (Civil & Environmental Engineering - CEE)
presented his work with Drs. Reda Ammar and Sanguthevar Rajasekaran (Computer Science & Engineering)
on network vulnerability and high-speed rail. Their graduate students, Lance Fiondella and Qixing Wang,
were also invited to present their work as part of the summit’s Student Day. Dr. Richard Christenson (CEE)
presented his work with Dr. Jiong Tang (Mechanical Engineering - ME) on rapid evaluation of bridge
integrity following a disaster.
Educational Initiatives
Two interdisciplinary senior design projects were sponsored by CRTI during the past year. The first project
titled “The High-Fidelity Multi-Scale Power Efficient Sensor Board” was conducted by three seniors in the
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE), with Dr. Rajeev Bansal (ECE) and Dr. Shinae
Jang (CEE) as project advisors. The second project, titled “Design and Setup of a Split Hopkinson Pressure
Bar,” was conducted by two ME seniors, with Dr. Robert Jeffers (ME) and Dr. Kay Wille (CEE) as project
A team of three researchers from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez – Professor Luis Montejo and
his two students, Luis Velazquez and Ricardo Ramirez – will work with Dr. Christenson (CEE) during the
summer as part of the DHS Summer Research Team Program for Minority Serving Institutions. The focus of
the team’s effort will be on signal processing based damage detection methodologies for structures.
Other Activities
A group of UConn faculty who are actively involved with ongoing CRTI research received support under the
2010 Intermediate Research Equipment Competition to acquire an ultra-high speed camera system. The
camera system will be used to visualize and analyze the behavior and failure of a variety of materials under
very high speed loading. This laboratory testing capability will support CRTI’s focus on the development of
advanced materials for transportation infrastructure.
In the coming year, CRTI will continue to perform innovative research to address DHS needs in
transportation infrastructure security and will strengthen transition of its research products to practical
application. The Center will focus on leveraging DHS support for transportation security research by
pursuing additional external support from other agencies. New initiatives to link the private sector with CRTI
activities will also be created.
2010 - 2011
The Center for Transportation and Livable Systems (CTLS) was established in 2005 as a federal University
Transportation Center (UTC). CTLS supports research, education and outreach activities that fall under its
thematic focus “Sustainable and Livable Transportation Systems for Smart Growth.” The CTLS theme
engages multi-disciplinary engineering and planning activities that promote a sustainable transportation
system and livable communities connected by this system. The following Sustainability and Livability
Principles jointly developed by U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), Environmental Protection
Agency, and HUD are represented in the research activities of CTLS:
1. Provide more transportation choices.
2. Promote equitable, affordable housing.
3. Increase economic competitiveness.
4. Support existing communities.
5. Leverage federal investment.
6. Value communities and neighborhoods.
CTLS pursues an innovative, integrative, and multi-disciplinary vision of sustainable transportation systems
under the direction of Dr. Nicholas Lownes (Civil & Environmental Engineering). In addition to the previous
principles, sustainable transportation systems harness and integrate advanced technology for
communications, sensing and monitoring. Sustainable transportation systems will be less dependent on fossil
fuels, and as such will utilize alternative fuels and will require supportive infrastructure and policy—all
guided by cutting-edge research and outreach.
During the fourth program year, over a dozen faculty members and two dozen graduate and undergraduate
students associated with five departments (Civil & Environmental Engineering; Electrical & Computer
Engineering; Economics; Geography; and Landscape Architecture) performed research on four CTLS
projects supported by approximately $260,000 in U.S. Department of Transportation and matching funding.
The project areas included:
Quantifying Transit‐Oriented Development’s Potential Contribution to Federal Policy Objectives on
Transportation‐Housing‐Energy Interactions (PI: C. Atkinson-Palombo)
Effect of Low‐Impact Sustainable Transportation Design as a Strategy for Alleviating Stormwater
Runoff and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (PI: J. Bushey)
Assessing the Relationship between Transportation Mode Choice and Transportation Land
Consumption (PI: N. Garrick)
Developing an Index for Comparing Sustainability of Statewide Transportation Systems (PI: N.
Transportation System Sustainability and Adaptation Using Physarum Polycephalum (PI: N.
This involvement also included continued efforts on third program year projects, including:
Assessing the Impact of Light Rail Transit on Land Values and Tax Revenues (PI: C. AtkinsonPalombo)
Green Modes of Transportation for Connecticut’s Mixed Use Developments (PI: P. Miniutti)
Public Transit Design for Smart Growth: Using Choice Experiments to Quantify Tradeoffs, Values
and Funding Implications (PI: N. Lownes)
Reversing Urban Sprawl: A Reclaimability Index Approach for Reviving Downtown Brownfields (PI:
M. Chrysochoou)
2010-11 saw many impactful publications and presentations across the country resulting from CTLS
projects. CTLS chose graduate student Jason Zheng as Student of the Year, for which he was formally
recognized at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) annual meeting. Enhancements to our dynamic
transportation laboratory offer visitors a prime view of exciting hands-on research and also demonstrate its
use as a high-tech classroom, giving transportation faculty the opportunity to introduce software and
interactive content into their courses.
New research projects for the fifth program year were announced by CTLS in April 2011 following a
competitive external review by the CTLS Research Advisory Panel. The three new UConn projects are:
Investigation of Curb Management Strategies to Minimize Freight/Cyclist Conflicts in the Urban
Core (PI: N. Lownes)
The Impact of Infrastructure and Mobility Patterns on the Variation of Traffic Fatality Rates in
Industrialized Countries (PI: N. Garrick)
Evaluation of Surrogate Measures for Pedestrian Safety in Various Road and Roadside
Environments (PI: J. Ivan)
CTLS also selected the inaugural class of Transportation Undergraduate Research Fellowship (TURF)
winners in May 2011.
These undergraduates competed for fellowships supporting independent
transportation research projects under the guidance of CTLS-affiliated faculty at UConn. The five TURF
winners were:
Bryan Blanc (Advisor: N. Garrick): “How Parking Affects Sustainable Transportation Decision
Nathan A. Bruce (Advisor: C. Atkinson-Palombo): “Spacio-Temporal Analysis of Land Cover
Change and Its Impact on Flooding Upstream of Hartford Connecticut”
Corey Hollmann (Advisor: J. Ivan): “Locating and Evaluating Location with Certain Roadway and
Roadside Characteristics”
Nicholas Rizner (Advisor: N. Garrick): “How Mode Choice Has Affected the Sustainability of the
World We Live In: A Case Study of Lowell, MA”
Jonathon Seery (Advisor: N. Lownes): “Transit System Information Flow and Distribution to
CTLS will pursue many useful, interesting and engaging activities in the coming year seeking to grow
existing and build new partnerships across the state, region and nation. A variety of workshops, presentations
and other opportunities will also be conducted to engage and appeal to a broad array of stakeholders. The
exciting and diverse challenges within transportation systems and community development will provide
excellent opportunities to showcase the research and educational excellence of CTLS and UConn researchers
in the years to come. For detailed information on CTLS activities, be sure to visit www.ctls.uconn.edu.
Biomedical Engineering (BME) activities at UConn have had a rich history of success and accomplishment
for more than 45 years. The BME Program in the School of Engineering offers B.S., M.S. (Plan A and B)
and Ph.D. degrees in BME and is primarily located on the main campus in Storrs. Its undergraduate
curriculum offers students the opportunity to focus on various aspects of BME through tracks in biochemical
engineering, bioinformatics, bioinstrumentation, biomaterials, and biomechanics. In addition to core science
and math coursework, undergraduate students are immersed in a variety of biomedical design and
measurement courses and, by combining studies of engineering science and design with some of the core
courses offered in other engineering departments and programs, the BME B.S. degree program ensures that
graduates are well prepared for a team-centered workplace or for graduate studies in engineering and/or
The BME Program has a strong presence at the UConn Health Center (UCHC) in Farmington through its
cross-campus collaborative relationships with several UCHC faculty who offer BME courses and research
opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students. In addition, the BME Program participates in a
combined B.S. and MD, or DMD, degree program in conjunction with the Schools of Medicine and Dental
Medicine, where selected students are guaranteed admission providing that 1) all academic standards and
contingencies, including maintaining a 3.2 GPA throughout the undergraduate years, are fulfilled to the
satisfaction of either Medical or Dental Schools and 2) the student successfully completes the B.S. degree in
BME. Students must apply to this program when they apply for admission to the University and the School
of Engineering.
For the 2010-2011 academic year, Dr. Donald R. Peterson was appointed as the Interim Director of the BME
Program. Dr. Peterson previously served as the BME Graduate Program Director and has been offering BME
courses and advising BME students for over 12 years. Dr. Peterson now serves as the academic advisor for
more than 85 undergraduate students in the University Honors Program. More than 50 faculty members
contribute to the interdisciplinary BME Program, representing engineering, biomedical science, material
science, chemistry, physics, medicine, and dental medicine. The BME faculty are leaders in their fields,
have published widely in scholarly journals and proceedings, are significantly involved in their professional
societies, and continue to receive substantial financial support from industry, foundations and government
funding agencies, including the NIH, NSF, DoD, and NASA. Details on publications, service, and external
research support appear in departmental submissions of academic accomplishments.
Dr. Peterson was recently invited to be the vice-chair of the annual Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
meeting, to be held in Hartford, CT, in October of 2011, with UConn and Brown University serving as cohosts (see http://www.bmes.org/aws/BMES/pt/sp/meetings). This annual meeting is considered to be the
premiere Biomedical Engineering meeting and it is a tremendous opportunity for UConn to demonstrate its
commitment to advancing the discipline to the state, the region, and the nation.
This past academic year, Courses and Curriculum Committees (CCC) were officially established for the
undergraduate and graduate programs in BME. Dr. Monty Escabi serves as the Undergraduate BME CCC
chair and Dr. Peterson serves as the Graduate BME CCC chair. Through regular meeting deliberations, the
BME CCCs will be responsible for recommending changes to the BME courses and curriculum as an
ongoing effort to develop and enhance the BME Program and to provide the best BME education that UConn
has to offer.
BME Graduate Program
As of the academic year 2010-2011, the BME graduate program had 56 M.S. students and 25 Ph.D.
candidates, where 81.5% of the graduate students were registered as full-time and 74.2% of those full-time
students were supported by a graduate assistantship. The BME graduate program proudly graduated three
Ph.D. and 27 M.S. degree students.
To support the undergraduate BME Program during the fall 2010 semester, nine BME graduate students
were hired as Teaching Assistants, while seven graduate students were hired for support during the spring
2011 semester. In addition, several graduate students were also hired as Graduate Assistants in research on
BME faculty grants in Storrs and in Farmington.
Since the 2008-2009 academic year, BME graduate students must work with their advisor and/or advisory
committee to select their core courses for their chosen BME track. The core courses, which include three
engineering and two life science courses, can be selected from the BME offerings or from other departments
and programs throughout the University, including the School of Medicine and the Biomedical Sciences
Graduate Program at UCHC. This provides the opportunity for the student and advisor to structure the BME
educational experience into a conduit for strong mentorship and practical-based learning while building and
maintaining overall competency in a specific BME track.
The BME program offers students an opportunity to secure a B.S. degree and a Plan B M.S. degree within
five years. To accomplish this, students are encouraged to take, at most, two graduate courses during their
undergraduate curriculum (typically in the senior year), which transfers to the M.S. degree providing that the
student is accepted into the BME Graduate Program. This option offers a structured plan for an accelerated
course-based M.S. degree and is typically available to all UConn undergraduate engineering students.
BME Undergraduate Program
The undergraduate BME Program saw an enrollment of 316 B.S. degree students, including 94 University
Honors Program students (~ 30%), and proudly graduated 70 B.S. degree students, 20 of whom were in the
Honors Program. Of the graduates, nine received jobs, 34 are continuing on to graduate school in BME,
three are entering Medical or Dental School, and 24 have not shared their post-graduation plans as of yet.
During the 2010-2011 academic year, Solomiya Teterichko was the sole recipient of the 2010-2011
Deligeorges Family Scholarship for the amount of $1,500. Four BME students received Summer
Undergraduate Research Fellow (SURF) awards over the 2010 summer break, while one BME student
received a Travel to Conduct Research award and one BME student received a Travel to Present Research
award. Five paired faculty and students from BME participated in the Frontiers in Undergraduate Research
Symposium, which is an annual poster exhibition of student research, scholarship, and creative projects.
The BME program continues to train global leaders in science and engineering by encouraging students to
consider studying abroad. Currently, the BME Program has 14 Study Abroad agreements with BME
programs around the world and several others are being negotiated. In addition, in partnership with the
Department of Modern and Classical Languages at UConn, the BME Program continues to offer a dual
degree in BME and in French, German, Spanish, or Italian, which further supports the efforts to prepare
global leaders in BME. During the 2010-2011 academic year and including the 2010 summer, eight BME
undergraduate students took full advantage of the Study Abroad Programs. Four students availed themselves
of a Summer Study Abroad experience: one each in Florence, Italy and in Toulouse, France, and two at sea.
One student went to Favaloro University in Argentina during the fall 2010 semester, while three students
participated during the spring 2011 semester: two at the University of South Wales, Australia, and one at the
National University of Singapore. The University of South Wales and the National University of Singapore
are members of the Universitas 21 network, which is an international network of leading research-intensive
universities in 13 countries; UConn is only the second U.S. university invited into the network.
Due to the change in leadership over the 2010-2011 academic year, the UConn chapter of the National
Biomedical Engineering Honor Society (Alpha Eta Mu Beta) has been temporarily inactive, with chapter
activities resuming for the 2011-2012 year. This includes the BME Mentoring Program, which is a service
organized by the Society members in which freshmen and sophomores are paired with upper-classmen who
serve as academic mentors. Regardless of Honor Society membership, some undergraduate upper-classmen
serve as undergraduate Teaching Assistants in the BME courses and laboratories.
For the first time, this past academic year the BME Career Fair was integrated into the all-school Career Fair.
This venue brings together exhibitors from industry, professional degree programs, government, health care
providers and other arenas, where representatives meet with engineering candidates to discuss for the full
spectrum of positions, from full-time employment to internships and co-ops.
All undergraduate BME labs, except for the senior design lab in the Castleman Building, are located in two
large laboratories in the Bronwell Building, where the Biomechanics and Biomaterials activities are held in
room 215 and the Biomeasurements, Biosystem Analysis, and Freshman Biomedical Engineering activities
are held in room 212. One other lab, in LabVIEW, is offered in the Engineering Computer Cluster. To date,
nearly all of the undergraduate labs are based on virtual instruments using National Instruments hardware
and LabVIEW and, with the LabVIEW course and the BME laboratories, BME students are exposed to
complex biomedical measurements using sophisticated industry-standard equipment before they graduate.
Finally, a substantial financial investment into the BME Program made by Dean Mun Y. Choi, which has led
to the immediate expansion and enhancement of the BME education infrastructure. More specifically, the
investment has led to an additional faculty member for the program (see below) and to the increase in lab
stations, including space and the purchase of state-of-the-art equipment, for experiments in, biomechanics,
biomaterials, and bioinstrumentation and physiological measurements.
A new Assistant Professor in Residence was hired this past academic year, with expertise in Materials
Science, for a nine-month appointment. Dr. Theresa Hennessey, who received her Ph.D. in Materials
Science at UConn, joined our program and taught several courses with topics on biomechanics, biomaterials,
and biomedical measurements.
Ms. Kerrie Wenzler was hired as an administrative specialist to assist the new Interim Director with the
operation and facilitation of the BME Graduate Program.
The Environmental Engineering (ENVE) Program has 16 M.S. and 22 Ph.D. graduate students and 76
undergraduate ENVE majors. Several other undergraduates from the School of Engineering and other
colleges pursue a minor in ENVE. The vast majority of graduate students are full-time and financially
supported. During the year, the ENVE Program graduated six M.S., two Ph.D., and 11 undergraduate
students. For the fall 2011 term, the ENVE Program received 67 full graduate applications. Of these, 41
applicants were offered admission into the program and 15 have accepted admission, bringing our projected
total to 53 graduate students for fall 2011. In addition, three post-doctoral researchers are associated with the
ENVE Program.
Detailed activities of the ENVE faculty can be found in the annual reports of their home departments.
However, as an indicator of their high level of collective scholarly activity it can be mentioned that the core
of the ENVE faculty (i.e., those with primary appointment in the Department of Civil & Environmental
Engineering) published 33 journal articles, one book, and five book chapters; authored 18 full-paper
conference proceedings; and made 40 presentations during this past year.
Dr. Thomas Torgersen (Marine Science) is on leave, serving as the Director of the Hydrological Science
Program at NSF. Dr. Nelly Abboud (CEE) is on long-term disability leave. Also in CEE, Dr. Mekonnen
Gebremichael was selected an Al Geib Term Professor in Environmental Engineering Research and
Education, and Dr. Guiling Wang continued her appointment as an Al Geib Term Professor in Environmental
Engineering Research and Education. Dr. Emmanouil Anagnostou (CEE) holds the Northeast Utilities
Foundation Endowed Chair in Environmental Engineering. Dr. Gebremichael and Dr. Baikun Li (CEE) were
promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
Across the program, external funding for core ENVE faculty continues to be strong, with over $910,000 in
research expenditure and more than 39 active intramural and extramural grants totaling more than $4 million,
including prestigious national research awards such as the NASA New Investigator Program (NIP) Award.
Our ENVE faculty members hold many positions of administrative authority. Dr. Kenneth Noll of Molecular
& Cellular Biology (MCB) is Chair of the graduate program in Microbiology. Dr. Glenn Warner (NRME) is
the Director of the Connecticut Institute of Water Resources. Dr. Michael Willig (EEB) is the Director of the
Center of Environmental Sciences & Engineering. Dr. Amvrossios Bagtzoglou (CEE) is Head of the Civil &
Environmental Engineering Department. Dr. Wang (CEE) is the Director of the Environmental Engineering
Program. Drs. Anagnostou and Bagtzoglou are members of the Connecticut Academy of Sciences and
Engineering; and Dr. Bagtzoglou is also a Member of the New York State Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Anagnostou serves on the AGU Precipitation Committee, EGU Hydrological Science Committee, and
AMS Hydrology Committee, and is a member of NASA’s Precipitation Science Team. Dr. Gebremichael is a
member of NASA’s Precipitation Science Team and of the AGU Precipitation Committee. Dr. Bagtzoglou is
a member of the AGU Hydrology Section Groundwater Technical Committee, the ASCE Groundwater
Hydrology Committee, the IAEG Commission 14 (Underground Disposal of Waste), and the Science and
Technical Advisory Committee for the EPA Long Island Sound Study. Dr. Baikun Li (CEE) is an Editorial
Board member for Water Journal and Clean-Water, Soil, Air; Dr. Gebremichael is an Editorial Board
member for Remote Sensing; and Dr. Bagtzoglou is an Editorial Board member for Environmental Forensics,
The Open Civil Engineering Journal, The Open Environmental Engineering Journal and Stochastic
Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. Drs. Anagnostou, Bagtzoglou, Gebremichael, and Dr. Lanbo
Liu (all of CEE) serve as Associate Editors for the Journal of Hydrology, the Open Environmental
Engineering Journal, Atmospheric Research, and the Journal of Environmental and Engineering
Geophysics, respectively. Dr. Xiusheng Yang (NRME) serves as Editor-in-Chief for Advances in
Agricultural Science and Technology. Dr. Gebremichael serves as UConn’s representative to the Consortium
of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science (CUAHSI).
At the international level, Dr. Anagnostou is Leader of a European Union Marie Curie Excellence Team at
the Hellenic Center for Marine Research, and he is a member of the International Committee on Earth
Observation Satellites (CEOS) and the International Science Steering Committee of HyMEX Project. Dr.
Gebremichael is a member of the Statistical Hydrology Working Group (STAHY) of International
Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS). As in previous years, the ENVE faculty had significant
involvement in international conferences, including the AGU fall and spring meetings and numerous other
international conferences. In addition to more than 46 multi-disciplinary proposals submitted this year, our
faculty continued to develop several new international research proposals with colleagues from Denmark,
Israel, Greece, France, Italy, Ethiopia, China and the United Kingdom. ENVE faculty members (Drs.
Gebremichael, Wang, Anagnostou and Bagtzoglou), with colleagues at UConn, Alabama A&M, and various
Ethiopian universities, launched a major 10-year international high education development project funded on
the USAID-HED, the “Ethiopian-U.S. Partnership in Sustainable Water Resources.”
ENVE faculty participated in many outreach activities and events for the undergraduate program. These
activities included school career fairs, the Explore Engineering summer program, the ENGR 1000
environmental workshop, the Northeast Regional Science Bowl, the Connecticut Invention Convention, and
visits to high schools throughout the state. The program was well represented at the fall and spring open
houses. Drs. Gebremichael and Bagtzoglou worked closely with members of the UConn chapter of Engineers
Without Borders (EWB), serving as primary and secondary faculty advisors, respectively.
The ENVE program participated in a variety of important activities at the University and School levels: the
National Research Council survey, high-profile fundraising events (e.g., IBM, Hamilton Sundstrand,
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, XEROX, U.S. Department of Homeland Security), the
Provost’s Academic Plan Committee, and the INTD Courses & Curriculum Committee. The weekly seminar
series continues to be a success, as evidenced by high and steady attendance. It is a forum that fosters
interactions and enhances visibility.
The ENVE graduate program has been ranked by the UConn Committee for Excellence in Graduate and
Professional Program to have the potential to achieve national distinction. This evaluation was based on
externally derived data for our program’s quality and performance. It is one of only two graduate programs
in the School of Engineering, and one of just 8 graduate programs at UConn (out of almost 70) to receive this
distinction. ENVE received the highest rank (79th percentile) among these programs. Moreover, it was highly
ranked in journal publications per faculty, and median time to degree.
Significant participation of ENVE faculty and students in national and international conferences, high-profile
publications in archival journals and book chapters, professional accreditation, and involvement in seminars
and collaborative research continue to offer the ENVE Program national recognition and respect.
The Management & Engineering for Manufacturing (MEM) program continued its development during the
year. With a program requiring 139 credits of coursework for the degree, the MEM program is the most
demanding undergraduate program.
This year’s seven senior design projects were again sponsored by Connecticut industry. Most had two
students working on the project. Sponsors included Dymax, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, Sikorsky Aircraft,
Frito Lay and DRS.
Enrollment remains stable over the four years. The freshman class had 27 students for the spring semester.
As with other engineering degree programs, the MEM program experiences some attrition between the
freshman and sophomore years. There were 13 graduates in May 2011.
An alumni dinner held in Stamford for graduates of the MEM program was attended by approximately 20
alumni. The entire MEM faculty attended, along with Dean of Business Christopher Earley and Assistant
Dean of Undergraduate Education & Diversity (School of Engineering) Marty Wood.
The MEM Society once again provided help for the two University Open Houses. It also held the annual
spring banquet with current students and many alumni in attendance.
Employment opportunities were again strong both for graduates and students seeking summer internships.
The faculty adopted a change in the program courses to accommodate changes made by the Mechanical
Engineering Department in their lab courses. A new course is now offered on sensor technology and will be
taken in the first semester of the senior year.
During the 2010-2011 academic year, the School of Engineering Undergraduate Program continued to grow
at a rate greater than the national growth rate for engineering programs. The fall 2010 entering class of 468
students represented a slight decrease of 5% compared with the fall 2008 entering class of 492. The
undergraduate student body has increased to 1983; an 8% increase compared to the fall 2008. Enrollments in
our Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering programs continue to show the largest growth.
The academic quality of the entering engineering students continues to improve, due in part to our
challenging programs. The average SAT score of entering freshman students was 1274, which is
approximately 80 points higher than the average SAT score of freshman students entering UConn’s other
programs. The School of Engineering’s first-year promotion rate was approximately 86%. Additionally, the
School of Engineering is promoting the experiential learning achieved through Cooperative Education-Work
Program (CO-OP) and global engineers by making the study abroad opportunity more available by joining,
Global Engineering Educational Exchange (GE3).
The School of Engineering’s undergraduate student population is 82% male and 18% female. Female
enrollment has increased by 17% since fall 2008. Over the same period of time the ethnic diversity of the
School’s undergraduate population has experienced a similar change. The African American student
enrollment has increased by 16%. The number of students in the category labeled ‘other ethnicity/no
indication’ has decreased from 346 students in fall 2008 to 304 in fall 2010 since the university has added a
new category of 2 or more ethnicities. Fifty-seven students have identified themselves as having 2 or more
ethnicities for fall 2010.
The University of Connecticut has an excellent Honors Program that enriches the undergraduate experience
for qualifying students throughout the four-year curriculum. The School of Engineering continues to have
the highest percentage of Honors Students among the 8 schools and colleges at the University. The average
percentage of honors students in each unit is 8.3%; in contrast, the percentage of undergraduate engineering
students enrolled in the Honors Program is 14%. The Assistant Dean’s involvement as a member of the
College of Technology advisory board has resulted in a significant increase of transfer students from this 12campus state system. The number of enrolled internal and external transfer students continues to grow in
number due to outreach efforts at the state’s 12 community and technical colleges and to the Academic
Center for Exploratory Students. This is just one indication of our strong academic and outreach programs.
Our Director of Advising teaches a 1 credit seminar course geared towards external transfer students and
campus change students which has increased the persistence of this population. The graduation rate from the
School of Engineering is approximately 57% compared with the University’s graduation rate of
approximately 81% over a six-year span. This year 418 students graduated. The graduation rate from the
School of Engineering is approximately 50% compared with the University’s graduation rate of
approximately 74% over a six-year span. This year 418 students graduated. In spring 2011, the School of
Engineering awarded more than $393,254 in scholarships to 238 continuing students.
The School of Engineering continues to support various outreach/recruiting initiatives throughout the year.
In addition to the highly successful fall Open House and spring Visitation Day involving faculty, students
and staff, the School of Engineering conducts outreach to students and teachers in middle and high schools
throughout the State and region. Our largest event to host this year was the Connecticut Invention
Convention, this was our 12th year. Over 750 K-8th grade students representing 115 schools brought their
inventions to Gampel Pavilion to be judged by more than 180 professionals and to be seen by more than
4,000 spectators.
The link between skillful chess play and a student’s proficiency in engineering and math is generally
acknowledged within the educational community. This relationship is at the heart of a novel effort by the
School of Engineering to attract more students who are keen competitors in the chess world. The School
continued to host regional chess tournaments and hosted the State Championship this year where over 150 K
through 12th grade students competed for top honors.
The School of Engineering hosted its first school-wide Senior Design Demonstration day at Gampel
Pavilion. The senior design teams from each program came together to present their year-long design
projects. Some departments held competitions and selected winners based on specific criteria. The projects
were open to the public for viewing from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The event was well attended and gave the
corporate team sponsors and the student teams an opportunity to showcase the accumulation of a year of
research and design into a final product.
As an outreach activity focused on bringing talented high school students to the School of Engineering, for
the sixth consecutive year the School of Engineering organized, sponsored and hosted the 2011 Northeast
Science Bowl regional championship (NESB) for high school students. The NESB drew 36 science bowl
teams and 9 fuel cell car teams from across Connecticut as well as New York, Rhode Island and New
Hampshire. Our 2011 NESB champion, Hunter College High School from Manhattan, NY represented our
region at the Department of Energy’s National Science Bowl tournament, which took place in Washington,
D.C. Hunter College High School placed 4th out of the 69 U.S. regional winners at nationals.
The da Vinci Project, now in its 11th year, is a one-week residential summer program which introduces
middle and high school science, mathematics, and technology teachers to engineering. It continues to be
highly regarded by attendees. In July 2010, 8 teachers attended this program and participated in a variety of
research areas such as biofuels, fuel cell technology, and biomaterials.
In 2009, the School of Engineering introduced the Joule Fellows Program, an NSF-funded Research for
Teachers (RET) program. During the summer of 2010 this 6-week summer program hosted 12 Connecticut
middle and high school science, math and technology teachers. During this program each teacher, with
faculty and graduate student mentorship, participated in a series of workshops, facility tours, and guided
research in a lab whose research is focused on sustainable energy.
Our one-week Explore Engineering residential program—which introduces participating high school juniors
and seniors to engineering disciplines via a variety of hands-on experiments and allows them to focus in a
particular engineering discipline—continues to be popular. Attendees are nominated by their high school
math and science teachers. In summer 2010, 104 students from eight states attended this residential program.
Twenty nine percent of our high school participants were female, which has helped to increase the number of
undergraduate women in engineering to 18%.
In fall 2010, SoE initiated a new student outreach program called Engineering Ambassadors. This program
partners with Penn State University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute
and an industry partner, United Technologies Corporation to provide engineering activities to local schools
and communities near each university. UConn Engineering Ambassadors consists of around 80
undergraduate students and 10 graduate mentors. This group provides on-campus tours to local school
groups, takes hands-on activities to local schools and supports community events at The New England Air
Museum. For the 2010-2011 academic year, the group hosted more than 250 middle and high school
students on campus and presented to more than 200 students in their classrooms. A subset of Engineering
Ambassadors, UTC Engineering Ambassadors, participated in a training workshop at Penn State University
and has begun to build and give presentations with a specific engineering message based on findings from
“Changing the Conversation: Messages for Improving Public Understanding of Engineering,” a report from
The National Academy of Engineering. This program and its presentations will strengthen the relationships
that the School of Engineering forms with neighboring K-12 schools through our other programs. A major
focus for Engineering Ambassadors is to increase the number of underrepresented students in engineering
and to better educate the public about engineering. Another benefit is to the participating Ambassadors, who
will gain and practice communication, networking, organizational and leadership skills that will better
prepare them for positions of leadership in their future careers.
Our Director of Advising participated once again in the Middlesex County Career Expo held at Wesleyan
University on April 28, 2011. This expo was attended by 800 diverse high school students from 10 high
schools in Middlesex County.
The First in Family S-STEM program, funded through the NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) program, provides scholarships to students from the Connecticut
Technical High School System who are interested in careers in energy engineering. This program funds 20
scholarships of up to $6,500 for students from economically disadvantaged families, with a particular focus
on those who will be the first in their families to attend college. The First in Family Energy (FIFE)
scholarship program at UConn started in September 2010 and completed its first year in May 2011. The
tables below summarize the graduate student/FIFE Scholar teams and participating Tech Schools.
2- Graduate Fellows Mentors and FIFE Scholars (table 1)
Year in
Research Topic
Student Mentee
Applications of
Evolutionary Algorithms
in Systems Biology
Nanomaterials: Field
Emission of ZnO
nanorods, ZnSn(OH)6
synthesis and applications
Deidre Herdman
Bruno Chima
Management &
Engineering for
Electrical &
3rd year
in PhD
1st year
Science &
2nd year
1st year
Science &
Biomaterials, cellular and
tissue engineering
Damon Soto
1st year
systems for energy
Lauren Bradley
3- Organizational Partners (table 2)
2008-2009 Statistics of First Schools in this Project
Tech School / Town
# of Students
Windham/Willimantic urban
URM (%)
Attending College (%)
B. Project summary:
Engineering disciplines – often requiring intensive study in mathematics, computing, physics and chemistry
along with engineering coursework – are widely acknowledged as among the most rigorous courses of
academic study. One result is that engineering programs nationwide exhibit relatively low retention rates
from the freshman to senior years. Some studies suggest inadequate STEM preparation, lack of community,
and insufficient support networks contribute to lower retention rates across the four year curriculum. To
enhance the success and retention of FIFE Scholars, the School of Engineering has applied a series of
integrated measures aimed at building a sense of “community,” fostering a strong support network, providing
learning tools and academic help.
One of the first steps to prepare new admitted technical students to engineering is to invite them to
participate in five-week residential BRIDGE Program at UConn the summer before matriculation. This 21year old program provides intensive instruction in math, science and computing to qualifying students.
BRIDGE currently serves members of groups traditionally underrepresented in engineering, including
women and minority students and now they will serve every FIFE Scholar. Four of the five students in this
first cohort participated in the BRIDGE Program in summer of 2010. The fifth student was not in need of the
additional, sustained BRIDGE Program training and did not participate in the program.
As a cohort, the FIFE Scholars have been advised by Aida Ghiaei, who serves as a resource person and
liaison with faculty and other engineering constituencies; and by staff from the Engineering Undergraduate
Office, who help to cultivate an academically/socially successful environment. Ms. Ghiaei has been working
with the Undergraduate Office to encourage FIFE Scholars to participate in various activities such as the
Engineering Ambassadors program, National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Society of Hispanic
Engineers (SHPE) and Society of Women Engineers (SWE). All of our FIFE Scholars are active in at least
one of the mentioned programs.
Recruitment of ethnically, culturally and gender-diverse populations of faculty, staff and students is critical
to a successful academic program. The School’s Diversity Director, Kevin McLaughlin, is the primary
contact and coordinator of all Engineering Diversity Program (EDP) activities. Our fall and spring semester
Saturday morning Pre-Engineering Program (PEP) for underrepresented students in grades 7-9 – targeting
primarily urban school districts – remains stable at 45–55 students. In 2010-11, PEP relied upon 15
engineering undergraduate student mentors who guided the PEP students with their hands-on projects each
week and served as the younger students mentor, role model and confidant. Our 17th annual all-day Multiply
Your Options (MYO) Conference for 8th grade girls, which featured 24 different workshops/panel
discussions, was attended by over 220 students and their teachers. Each workshop presenter was a female
engineering undergraduate or a professional from an area of engineering, math or science.
The School of Engineering’s Diversity Program conducted its BRIDGE program, a five-week residential
summer program for newly admitted freshmen from underrepresented populations; these include women and
traditional minorities. The program “primes” the students for the demands of the engineering curriculum
through classes in calculus, chemistry, physics and programming, and includes study sessions, group
activities and on-site industry visits. Fifty-two students completed last year’s 23rd annual BRIDGE program.
A number of our professional student chapters remained active and committed to the recruitment and
retention efforts of the EDP. The NSBE, SHPE and student chapters have continued their recruiting
activities in Hartford, East Hartford, Middletown, Bridgeport and Bloomfield. Members of the NSBE
student chapter sponsored weekly study sessions, conducted biweekly technical seminars and current event
discussions for all students, raised scholarship funds and hosted an annual NSBE awards banquet. During the
2010 fall semester, the leadership of SHPE applied for and was awarded the honor of hosting NASA’s
National Space Science Day (NSSD) in October 2011. In January 2011 members visited the University of
Texas, Brownsville to observe and train for the upcoming conference. The School of Engineering and SHPE
will host 600+ Connecticut middle school students and their teachers during the two-day conference. The
organizational efforts and participation of the SWE membership were instrumental in the success of this
year’s Multiply Your Options conference for 200+ eighth grade girls.
In the spring of 2011 the School offered a new course, Engineering for Impact. This class was the result of a
presentation made to our students in February 2010 by alumnus Scott Case. During this presentation, based
on his conversations with the student leadership of UConn’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB),
Mr. Case challenged Engineering Dean Mun Y. Choi to consider offering a class that would help engineering
student organizations and their leadership not only enhance recruiting and retention success of members, but
also help them to become more effective leaders. He also recommended that this class allow organizations
time to progress with the missions and goals of their individual organizations. The inaugural class had 44
students, including the majority of the executive boards of EWB, NSBE, SHPE, SWE and Engineering
Ambassadors (EA). Student feedback was overwhelmingly positive in terms of the value of the class to
themselves and to their organizations.
The School of Engineering continues to offer 84+ hours of peer tutoring weekly for lower division courses in
mathematics, chemistry, computer programming and physics. Additionally these tutoring resources also
tutor in upper division engineering courses. These academic resources have maintained our freshmen
promotion rate between 86% and 92%. Thanks to a sustaining grant from an anonymous alumnus, we have
been able to expand our tutoring to include upper division courses in the junior year of many majors.
Additionally, the School’s Professional Honor Societies conducts and schedules tutoring unique to their
respective major.
The Undergraduate Program’s office has instituted a Living Learning Community (LLC) for the Eurotech
Program in the same residence hall as Global House. This LLC has grown in size this past year to 20
residences on the floor. This community has served as a great academic resource for these students as they
study both engineering and German. Our Director of Advising has been intimately involved in the Eurotech
LLC in the fall semester and will continue into next year.
For the fall 2011 semester, we are opening a New Engineering LLC for 80 incoming freshmen. This
community of scholars will aid in the first year transition and will provide academic support for these
students. We have selected two engineering Residence Assistants to provide additional support for the
Engineering LLC. This community will utilize our Engineering Ambassadors as mentors and support for the
first year.
As the demand for well-educated engineers, the School has created two new minors that respond directly to
corporate expectations. They are: Electronics & Systems and Engineering Management, offered jointly with
the School of Business. As new faculty members are hired under the Eminent Faculty Initiative, the School
is able to offer certificates and concentrations in emerging energy fields. As previously stated, the School
continues to encourage students to become engaged in exceptional learning opportunities afforded by
internships, co-ops and Study Abroad programs such as the GE3 program.
For the academic year 2010-11, we admitted 35 valedictorians and salutatorians to the School of
Engineering. At our annual awards banquet in February 2011, 238 continuing students were awarded
$393,254 in scholarships. Forty-six students are members of the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society,
and 134 undergraduates are members of the individual major honor societies. The Dean’s List acknowledged
455 continuing students with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.540 in the fall ‘10 and 440
continuing students in the spring ‘11 with a CGPA of 3.588. Twelve graduating engineering students
received Latin Honors (magna, summa and cum laude).