integrity - Montgomery County Community Foundation


integrity - Montgomery County Community Foundation
Montgomery County Community Foundation
2012 Annual Report
Our Vision is to be a proactive leader facilitating strategic philanthropy
and inspiring creative collaboration in the community
Letter from Executive Director/Board President
Relationships/Donor Profile
Donor Gifts
Fund Information
Fund Profile
12-13 New Funds
Community/Grants introduction
Grant Profile
Community Engagement Grants Profile
Community Engagement Grants
21-25 Grant Awards
Scholarship Profile
27-28 Scholarship Recipients
Leadership/Volunteer of the Year
Denim and Diamonds Dinner Tour
Leadership Roles in the Community
32-36 Memorial Gifts
Honor Gifts
Financial Summary
Board of Directors/Staff
Check out our online giving at - just click the
Donate tab and follow the simple
Our Mission to build bridges to support the future
of Montgomery County takes us beyond the city
gates of Crawfordsville. From support for a master
park design at New Ross, to a mission serving the
underprivileged at Ladoga, or expanding a fire
station in Coal Creek Township, our grants reach far
and wide throughout Montgomery County.
There are excellent resources for planned
giving through our website. Please
check those out, or sign up for our free
e-newsletter, at
Our Values:
We promise integrity in all facets of our work
We provide leadership by engaging in our community
We promote relationships with our stakeholders
We place the community as our highest priority
Dear Friends,
Looking back over 2012, we are so blessed to be part of the many relationships that we have developed at MCCF.
Our relationships are varied and involve the nonprofits, donors, professional advisors, school counselors and even our
The grants that we provide in our community have led us to some unexpected and very special friendships. Staff
members, Paula and Cheryl, served as guardians on the trip to Washington DC with our Montgomery County
veterans to view the World War II Memorial. A couple of these veterans have become friends to all of us in our office
and they stop in to say hello and visit.
In 2012, we offered a professional advisors seminar to provide continuing education units to attorneys, financial
planners and accountants. It was held in our second floor meeting room and well attended by 20 professional
advisors from Montgomery County. Our goal was to help them gain important information that will assist them in
their profession, as well as to learn more about MCCF and how we work to strengthen our community.
Our nonprofits are our conduit to serving in our community. You’ll read more about how this works in our annual
report but here’s an example, MCCF did not hammer the nails for the Habitat for Humanity house, but our grant
enabled the organization to purchase the materials and recruit the volunteers to hammer the nails. Our relationships
with our nearly 60 nonprofit organizations in Montgomery County help us better understand the needs and work
together to make our community strong and vibrant.
Part of our mission and vision statements include supporting Montgomery County and to be a proactive leader. We
are only able to do this through our relationships with our many generous donors and by having our door open to
all who want to see our community thrive. We awarded over $1.3 million in grants and scholarships in 2012! These
grants go to human services organizations who serve those in need, to our historical and arts organizations who
provide our community with culture, and to organizations who work to improve education and to our youth as we
award college scholarships. This amount represents the most that has been granted in a year and we see these grants
as a lasting investment in our community.
In 2013, our focus is to deepen these relationships. With all of us working together, we can strengthen our
community and leave a lasting legacy for those who will follow. From our board and staff, we thank each of you for
your friendship, dedication and gifts to the community foundation.
John Tidd
MCCF Board President
Kelly Taylor
Executive Director
Board President John Tidd and Executive
Director Kelly Taylor meet with fund owners,
Marc and Helen Hudson
“As you get older, you start
thinking about ways that you can
give back to your community.
We can’t spend all that we have
accumulated and our kids are
successful in their own right so now
is the time to start paying back for
the blessings that we have been
given. Giving to the Foundation
is an opportune way to give to
the community without being
partial - we know that they are
better aware of the needs in the
community and trust that they will
give it to the people who need it
Alice and Chuck Harpel - in the background is one of the many lovely
paintings of poppies that Alice has painted.
Chuck’s brother, Jim Harpel
Chuck’s brother, Jim Harpel, passed away in 2010 and Jim’s wife, Bev, started the
Jim Harpel Basketball Scholarship Fund in his memory through the gifts of family
and friends. Chuck and Alice have set up recurring donations to this fund, faithfully
contributing in his memory. During Chuck’s career at R.R. Donnelleys, he worked
with Jim and they had so much fun together that they were not allowed to be in
the same meetings! Chuck says of Jim that “he was very giving and had a knack for
not taking things too personally. That’s what made him such a good manager and
people loved him.” The very first scholarship award went to a female athlete and
Chuck says that Jim would have felt good about that.
Chuck and Alice have lived in Crawfordsville since 1974 and raised two children. Alice had a satisfying
career in Education - she was instrumental in starting the Gifted and Talented program at North
Montgomery and then went to work for the Indiana Department of Education. After retiring, she pursued
her passion for painting and now devotes many hours in her studio and enjoys success as a talented artist.
After serving in the Navy, Chuck sold insurance for a few years and then went to work at Donnelleys where
he retired after 25 years. He now “works” as a day trader and spends several hours a day in his home
office. We truly appreciate Chuck and Alice and their support of the work we do in our community.
General Lew Wallace Society Gifts of $25,000 or more
Larry and Barbara Frye
Frances Gray Estate
John Isaacs
Montgomery County Medical Care
North Central Health Services
Ernest and Diana Rhoads Estate
Louise Winchell
Henry S. Lane Society - Gifts of
$10,000 - $24,999
First Christian Church
First United Methodist Church
William Degitz Trust
Joseph Smith
Bobbye Thompson
Founder’s Circle - Gifts of
$5,000 - $9,999
Bank Earnings Alliance Inc
Robert Beshaw
Cain’s Homelike Farms, Inc
First Christian Church/Boy Scouts 342
Rex and Sandy Henthorn
Dennis and Deanna Hohlbein
Charles and LaDonna Howard
Jerry and Betsy Johnson
Lilly Endowment INC
Keith and Marian Lindow
Paul and Mary Ludwig
Jim McBee
Samuel and Anna Milligan
Tom and Suanne Milligan
Tim and Sharon Milligan
Marian Morrison
Sugar Creek Kiwanis Club
Patron’s Circle - Gifts of
$1,000 - $4,999
American Legion Byron Cox Post 72
American Legion Riders Post 72
Jim and Chris Amidon
Charles and Isobel Arvin
Keith and Joyce Baird
Kenneth and Danielle Birk
Boots Brothers Oil Company, Inc
Preston, Anne and Emily Bost
Stephen Bowen
Alan and Sherry Buser
Capital Cities LLC
Crawfordsville Electric Light & Power
Central Indiana Rubber Products, Inc
Jonathan and Anne Dantzig
Hubert and Dorothy Danzebrink
Dave and Brenda Deckard
William and Becky Degitz
William and Nancy Doemel
Scott and Jamie Douglas
Robert and Sheila Evans
Ralph and Sue Fain
First Merchants Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Robert Foote and Cheryl Hughes
Friends and Family of Rebecca Lang
Gibson Commercial Construction, LLC
Mike and Terri Grant
David and Sheridan Hadley
Thomas and Mary Beth Harmon
Margaret Henthorn
Tobey and Peggy Herzog
Kurt and Carol Homann
Tom Hunt
Phillip and Diana Hunter
Joe and Pam Jeffries
Dan and Patty Kesler
Garold and Vicki Ketchum
Kirtley, Taylor, Sims, Chadd & Minnette
Main Source Bank
Joe and Ann Malott
Irmingard McKinney
Tom and Cynda Mellish
Philip and Judy Michal
Montgomery County Free Clinic
Montgomery County Medical Society
Robert Morris
Mutual Wealth Management
Nucor Steel Corp
Marvin and Gloria Oliver
Mike and Karen Patton
James and Amy Pearce
Kenneth and Marilee Pearson
David Phillips
Marion Powell
John and Kimberley Roberts
Les Robertson and Janet Rucker
Elton and Marge Ross
Richard and Candace Royer
Anita Rupar
Alan and Caroline Rush
Clark and Nancy Sennett
Harry and Suzanne Siamas
Andrew and Amy Smithka
Jon and Patty Sommer
John and Kathy Steele
John Taylor and Pat Lamphear
Dan and Kelly Taylor
Chris and Terri Thompson
Mark and Jane Truax
Beverley Turner
United Methodist Women
Jerry and Dorothy Vaughn
Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church
Wabash College
Stanley and Peggy Walker
Stuart and Carolyn Weliever
Pat and Chris White
Heath and Christi Wolf
John and Margie Zimmerman
Michael and Debra Zurawski
Friends of the Foundation - Gifts
of $500 - $999
Lowell and Eleanor Anderson
Andrew and Karen Biddle
Austin and Lucille Brooks
Patrick and Joyce Burnette
Bill and Nancy Carpenter
Michael and Marilyn Cohee
Lynn and Wendy Deaton
Mike and Patty Emmert
Farmers National Company
Fidelity Charitable
First Baptist Church
Andrew and Anne Ford
John and Katherine Fox
Franciscan St. Elizabeth Health
James and Kathleen Gary
Jake and Kelli Gibson
Herm and Kitty Haffner
James Harper
Conrad and Judith Harvey
George and Joy Hayashida
Jack and Rita Heuss
Hoosier Heartland State Bank
Marcus and Helen Hudson
Robert and Kathy Keck
Kiwanis Club
Jerry and Sharon Knecht
Lafayette Bank & Trust
Donald and Rebecca Lang
David and Virginia Maharry
Morris and Mary Ann Mills
James and Diana Morse
Tyler and Beverly Nannet
Morris and Barbara Odle
Pace Dairy Foods of Indiana
Dale and Linda Petrie
Malcolm and Gloria Petty
Michael and Julie Raters
Jane Rush
Security Abstract & Title Co
John and Laura Shondell
Jerry and Cindy Smith
Christopher Smithka and Haben
Richard Strawn
Peter and Michelle Thompson
John and Sandy Tidd
Tipmont REMC
Tri-County Bank & Trust Co
Andrew and Aimee Twarek
V. F. W. Charity
Barbara Veach
Wabash Women
Dick and Beth Walker
Dwight and Jamie Watson
Montgomery Friends - Gifts of
$1.00 - $499
Dewey Abney
Acme-Shuey, Hauck Real Estate
Stephen and Martha Akers
Arley and Pauline Alexander
Sarah Alexander
Frank and Jackie Allhands
Keith and Betty Allhands
Thomas and Carole Anderson
Russell and Anita Arnold
Art League - Department K
Art League - Needleworkers Dept F
Ronald and Donna Astin
Don and Janet Avery
Roger and Erin Azar
Shirley Bain
Denis and Cindy Bannon
Jerry and Beverly Bannon
Richard and Charlotte Bannon
George and Mary Barker
Shirl Barker
Todd Barton and Joan Champagne
Todd and Jamie Barton
Walter Bates
Peter and Carol Battistini
Martha Bausch
Donald and Phyllis Beckelhymer
Michael and Diane Beemer
J. Frank and Lucy Bell
Larry and Nancy Bennett
Berean Discussion Class
Daniel and Julie Bergfors
Marjorie Berry
Walter and Mary Berry
Jeffery and Deborah Birk
Jim and Nancy Bishop
Charles and Louisa Blaich
David Blix
Monte and Heidi Bogatz
Gary and Ronna Bohlander
William and Donna Bonifield
Phil and Faffy Boots
Joe and Phyllis Boswell
John and Lori Bottorff
Edith Botts Scholarship Trust
Darrell and Debra Bourff
Bowman-Cohee Construction, Inc
John and Dixie Boyles
Lindy Brady
Mark and Karen Branch
Brent and Christi Branstetter
David and Sandra Branstetter
Jim Branstetter
Luther and Beverly Branstetter
Brian Keim Lawn Service
Walter Bridgewater
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Kevin and Kelly Brock
William and Patricia Broshears
Donald and Martha Brown
James and Kathy Brown
Neil and LeAnne Brown
Paul and Catherine Brown
Susan Brown
Gregory and Janet Bryant
Roger Buck
Larry and Glenda Buff
Marvin and Lois Burkett
Garrett Busenbark
Patricia Busenbark
David and Janie Byers
Byron Christian Church
Jess and Melissa Cain
Kenneth and Marlene Cain
Seth Cain
Terry and Amy Cain
Zachary and Marie Cain
Linda Calvert
Phillip and Karen Campbell
William Campbell
Capehart Consulting LLC
John and Jill Capper
Cheryl Carlson
Harold and Linda Carpenter
Donald and Jan Carpenter
Mary Carpenter
Joe and Debbie Carter
Rusty and Kathy Carter
Ray and Anna Cedars
Denis and Heather Celleghin
Delmas and Jean Chadwick
Jane Christophersen
Kenn Clark
Clark Truck Equipment Co, Inc
Clifton and Quigg
Gerry and Donna Coats
Gerry Coffenberry
Dale and Bonnie Cohee
James Collier
Freda Collings
Phil and Sharon Comingore
Dan and Ronica Comingore
Glenn and Darlene Conrad
Gregory and Alice Conrad
Howard Cook
John Cook
Roger and Barbara Cook
Mary Angela Cooley
Charles and Terry Coons
Dennis and Sally Coons
Matthew and Amy Cooper
Evan Cork
Ron Cornett
Tony and Cindy Cosenza
Kenneth and Dorothy Coudret
Stan and Mary Jo Covey
Bernard and Beverly Craft
Kenneth and Virginia Crawford
Crawfordsville Professional Firefighters
Charity Fund
Crawfordsville Rotary Club
Crawfordsville Work Force Inc
Susan Cronkhite
Alma Crowder
John and Betty Culley
Arena Cummings
Brock and Janine Cummings
James Curry
Julia Dake
Gary Dale
Davidson Greenhouse & Nursery, Inc
James and Sandra Davis
Christopher and Carly Day
Larry and Margaret Degenhart
Fred Dennison and Heather PerkinsDennison
Dayne and Darla Dickerson
Ronald and Trudy Dickerson
Peter and Constance Dickinson
Raymond and Donna Doherty
Elinor Dolph
Maxine Dreyer
Samuel and Barbara Dunbar
Robert and Deanna Durrett
Dutcher Trenching, Inc
Edge Information Technologies
Erika Edwards
Earl and Ruby Elliott
Dean and Janice Emmert
Sarah Enright
Terry and Rebecca Ernst
Estep Burkey Simmons, CPA
Etter Ford
Sidney and Carole Faulkner
William Fell
Robert and Barbara Ferling
Charles and Karen Fiedler
David Finch
Morris and Sandy Finch
Samuel and Carolyn Fisher
Nancy Fishero
Sarah Fishero
Lyle and Dorothy Fogel
Sue Ann Ford
Edwin Foss
Steve and Glenda Frees
Troy and Marchel French
John and Lori Frey
Rick and Janet Fyffe
Michael Gaby
Todd and Heidi Gambrel
Robin Garman
Ronald Gibson
James and Nancy Gineris
James and Charlene Gobble
Goff Electric, Inc
Don Golliher
Bradley Gonso
Phillip and Karen Goode
Michelle Goodin
Gould Body & Paint, Inc
Suzanne Goulet
Tom and June Gourley
Craig and Diana Green
Pierce Green
Larry and Sue Griffith
Jack and Joyce Grimble
Randy Gritten
Janet Grubbs
Tim Guard and Sue Harmon
Melody Gulman
Karen Gunther
Karen Hall
Don and Ruth Ellen Hallett
Lowell and Virginia Harbison
Chuck and Alice Harpel
Christopher Harpel
J. Lamont and Sherry Harris
Terry and Mary Lynn Harris
Harris, Harvey, Boggess & Peebles
Karen Harshbarger
Jeremy Hartnett and Jill Lamberton
Hay-Bush Mechanical, LLC
Marty Heinold
Randall and Donna Hendrickson
Doug and Kelly Henthorn
Eleanor Herr
William and Elizabeth Herrin
Paul and Johanna Herring
Chad and Julie Hess
Ronald and Frances Hess
Charles and Anna Hesselbein
Cynthia Hicks
High Street Bar & Grill
Roger and Judy Hildebrand
Samuel and Susie Hildebrand
Mike and Mitzi Hinton
Maxine Hockersmith
Ed and Tonia Hoffa
Gerald and Kathi Hole
Timothy and Beth Hollabaugh
Virginia Hood
Horner Buick/GMC Truck
John Horner
Eugene and Ethel Hostetter
Stephen and Judith House
Esther Houston
Jo Anne Howard
J R Howerton
Frank Howland and Elizabeth Justice
HudsonAlpha Institute for
Gordon and Lucinda Huffaker
Dick and Judith Hunsicker
David and Karen Hunt
Brad and Becky Hurt
Larry and Annette Hutchison
Indiana Historical Society
Richard and Nancy Inskeep
Gary and Dee Isenberg
Ivy Tech Foundation
Mildred James
Kenneth and Joyce Jeffries
Patricia Jeffries
Bernard and Jane Johnson
Doug Johnson
Fred Johnson
John and Patti Johnson
Nick and Mandy Johnson
Bob and Lynn Johnston
Dale Jones
Lora Jones
Tom Jones
Sandra Karle
Raymond Keck
Tom and Sharon Keedy
Dennis Keefer
Keenagers First Baptist Church
John and Terri Keffer
Brian and Cheryl Keim
Terry and Deborah Keller
Cathy Kelsey
Rex and Nancy Kelsey
Ken’s Liquor Store
Mark Kessler
Wayne and Mari Ann Kessler
Robert and Patricia Kincaid
Mary King
Terry and Deann King
Robert and Janet Kinstle
Steve and Anita Klein
Michael and Kristina Klewicki
Kurt and Janis Knecht
Geoff and Tiffani Knowles
John and Ann Kohler
Joseph and Mary Kraynak
Diane Kreisher
Larry and Karen Krout
Kwik-Kopy Printing
John Lacy
Dora Larew
Richard and Deborah Larew
James and Donna Lasley
Chris and Wendi Lauks
Paul and Carol Laursen
Vera Lear
Gren and Mary Lefebvre
Lew Wallace Study Preservation
Society Inc
Chris and Candace Lewellyn
Jack and Wilma Lewellen
Gary Lewis
Joan Lewis
William and Martha Leyda
Joyce Lidikay
Phil and Matha Littell
Troy and Kim Little
Don and Jane Livingston
David and Brenda Lovold
Steve and Jackie Loy
Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #6
Jeffrey and Susan Lucas
Dave and Susan Lunsford
Theodore MacVeagh and Katherine
Peter and Sarah Malanchuk
Chris and Amy Malott
Kevin and Susan Malott
Bill and Vicki Martin
Keith and Rebekah Mason
Eileen Matricia
Joseph Matrisian and Maria Vannice
Kenneth and Beverly Mattocks
Beverly Maxwell
Brad and Angela Maxwell
Dan and Denise Maxwell
Barbara McBee
Jerry and Nancy McBee
Walter and Betty McBee
David and Margaret McCafferty
Guy McCance
Michael and Sheila McCormick
McCormick-Metsker Agency, Inc
Eldon McCoskey
Edward and Patricia McDeavitt
Dallas and Karen McDonald
Gordon and Jane McDonald
Donna McGrady
Dan and Martha McIlrath
Steve and Diana McLaughlin
Maria McLean
Robert and Corenia McLean
Charles McMurry
Gary and Connie Meek
Mary Ann Meek
Troy and Courtney Melstrom
Donna Mercer
Carole Meyer
Louis and Sue Meyer
Mildred Meyer
Dean and Donna Miller
Jim Miller
John and Patricia Miller
Margery Miller
Roy and Deborah Miller
Carrie Milligan
Dale and Clara Lou Milligan
Doug and Nancy Mills
Don and Mary Mills
Ronald and Verda Mills
Michael and Rhonda Mitchell
Paul and Sue Moehling
Scott Molin and Sally Evans
Montgomery County Farm Bureau, Inc
Bradley and Kathy Moore
Ernest and Joanne Moore
Paul and Becky Moore
Gregory and Nancy Morrison
Larry and Connie Motz
Richard and Betty Munro
Everett and Carol Murch
Ellen Murdock
Jim and Janeane Murphy
Murphy Trailer Sales, Inc
Bryan and Karen Nannet
Tim and Kay Nannet
John Naylor
Bradley and Elizabeth Neibert
Victor and Lois Neufeld
Kenneth and Ruth Ann Newnum
North Montgomery Community School
Misty Nuckols
William and Jennifer Oates
Charles and Hulah O’Dell
Shirley O’Neall
Open Door Class - First Baptist Church
Tom and Sue Oppy
Elmer and Sharon Overfelt
Jon and Andrea Pactor
Patricia Parry
Theodore Pearson
Tim and Kathy Pearson
Tom Pearson and Lilly Pinkerton
Robert and Gail Pebworth
Barbara Penney
Maxine Perkins
Patricia Perkins
Bob and Tracy Peterman
Carol Peterson
Mary Philpott
Adam and Sarah Pilli
Evelyn Pirtle
Michael and Carol Plant
Marty Pool
Robert and Mary Jane Porter
John and Leisa Prasser
John and Lana Presslor
Linda Profitt
Puritan Water Conditioning Inc
Larry and Joyce Pyle
Hope Qualio
R & E Herr Enterprises, Inc
Holly Ralston
Ted and Betty Ratcliff
Raybestos Powertrain LLC
RB Machine Company
Preston and Beverly Reckers
William and Georgia Redden
Terry and Paula Reed
Barbara Reisner
Roxie Remley
Mary Lou Rewerts
Barry and Marcia Rhoads
Terry and Becky Rhoads
Donald and Marilyn Richardson
William and Linda Richmond
Dave Riggs
Dennis and Carol Roberts
Marc and Chelsea Roberts
Ida Robertson
Stephen and Joan Robinson
Larry and Lynn Robison
Rocky Ridge Golf Friends
Victor and Jill Rogers
Robert and Nancy Rogers
Walt and Pauline Romanowski
Greg Rosemeyer
Susan Rosen
Gaylon and Kristen Ross
Gary and Sherry Ross
Russell and Sandra Ruby
David and Maxine Rush
Wayne and Vicki Rush
Errol and Berenice Rushovich
Dennis and Amber Rusk
Fred Sabens
Floyd and Jane Sabens
Joshua and Tiffany Sabens
Robert and Linda Sabol
Lyle and Amy Sanders
Tim and Jenny Sayler
Richard and Debbie Schavietello
Rodney and Connie Schenck
Shad and Sara Schenck
Carl and Patricia Seale
Joseph and Catherine Seward
Jim and Anne Sexton
Tom and Betty Sheets
Max and Donna Sheets
Charles Shelby
Dave and Jeanette Shelton
Christopher and Rebekah Short
John and Georgia Siamas
Donald and Darlene Sicks
Dick and Marlene Simonds
Bettie Simpson
Gerald and Carolyn Simpson
Deborah Sinatra
John and Ann Skomp
Kathy Small
David Smith
Lewis and Eva Smith
Lucy Smith
Marilyn Smith
Mark and Susan Smith
Robert and Carolyn Snyder
Scott Sommer
Michael and Sonya Sosbe
Marilyn Spear
Brett and Linda Spencer
George and Judith Spencer
Parke and Sydney Spencer
Donald and Dorothy Sperry
Leo and Molly Spillane
Darren and Kristy Spivey
St. Clare Medical Center Auxiliary
Tim and Kelly Stanley
Robert and Anita Stephenson
Jonathan and Holly Stern
David and Mary Stevenson
Doris Stevenson
Ron and Linda Stewart
William and Ellie Stieg
Lowell and Donna Stockdale
Tom and Marie Stocks
Gary and Jeanne Stoner
Mike and Bonnie Storer
Donna Strand
Gary and Pat Stull
Richard and Rosemary Stutzman
Sugar Creek Animal Hospital
Sugar Creek Players
Surbs Tire Inc
Paul and Connie Surface
Bradley and Jennifer Tandy
Susan Tandy
Tim and Tina Tanselle
Russell Tartock
James and Barbara Taylor
Richard and Barbara Taylor
Teacher’s Credit Union
Byron and Karen Thada
Alexandra Thomas
Henry and Carolyn Thomas
Darrell and Mary Ann Thompson
Thomas and Shirley Thompson
Thomas and Clara Thompson
Beverly Timmons
Paul Tinsley
Robert and Carol Titus
Gilbert Tobias
Aaron and Tina Townsend
Trinity Methodist Church
Richard and Elaine Trout
Kelly Trusty
John and Rosemary Turchi
Thomas Twarek and Ellen Ball
Unique Signs
Pete and Bronna Utterback
Gary and Maribeth Van Gorden
Melvin and Lois Vance
Joanne Vancleave
Robert and Diane Vanderkolk
Mark and Karla Vaught
George and Karen Venis
Ryan and Andrea Venis
Shirley Via
Vogue Beauty Salon
Jack and Donna Walton
Fred and Barbara Warbinton
Anthony and Jacqueline Ward
Rick and Kerri Warner
Charles and Leslie Warren
Greg Warren
Terry and Kathy Wear
Mary Lou Weliever
Nancy Weliever
Robert and Cathy Weliever
James and Juliet Wells
Mary Wernle
Chad and Amy Westphal
Stan and LeAnn Wethington
Gerald and Susan Whalen
Bruce White
Fred and Reta White
James and Ann White
Kealoha Widdows
David and Virginia Wilcox
Mary Wilkins
Jean Williams
Stephen and Sandra Williams
William and Judith Williams
Williamsburg Health Care
Stephen and Ruthanna Williamson
Tim and June Wilson
Max and Jean Wolverton
Tom and Helen Wooten
Al Wray
Phil and Evelyn Wray
J.W. and Sharon Wright
John and Beverly Wyatt
William Wythe
David and Jerilyn Yerkes
Marc and Carolyn Yesnik
Robert and Eleanor Young
Thomas and Carole Young
Youngs Chapel Church Ladies Aid
Youngs Chapel Missions
Janice Yund
Jeff Zachary
The Montgomery County Community Foundation would not exist to serve in
our community without the generosity and goodwill of our donors.
Thank you!
Investing in Montgomery County
There are SIX types of funds that a donor may choose
when endowing a named fund:
Investing in your community has never been more
exciting! MCCF offers a range of options to help you
personalize your gift to your community. We know
that every individual or family places value on different
charitable achievements, and we are here to help ensure
that you can enjoy the satisfaction of seeing your dreams
realized. Below you will find brief descriptions of some
of the ways you can contribute to MCCF. In addition,
you can remember the Foundation in your estate plan.
Establishing a Pathway Plan
A gift to the Community Fund
An unrestricted fund enables the Board of Directors to
choose the most worthy and needy recipients of your
fund’s distribution over time according to the current
needs of the community. The flexibility of the fund
makes it particularly valuable to the community.
Gifts to the Community Fund are pooled together in
order to meet the changing needs of our community.
A gift to a specific existing Fund
MCCF holds funds dedicated to specific purposes and
organizations. You can add to any of these funds to
further the work that they do in our community or start
a new fund to address the needs about which you feel
A Note About Named Funds
The donor may choose the name by which the fund
will be known as well as its purpose with a minimum
contribution of $5,000 ($10,000 for scholarships).
Anyone may add to the principal amount of the gift
at any time, but the original directives of the donor
remain unchanged. Once established, it is pooled
together with other funds for the purpose of maximizing
the investment returns of all funds. The earnings are
ultimately separated from the others and are distributed
by the MCCF Board according to the wishes of the
Jack Wyatt, donor, stopping by the office for a visit
A Pathway Plan is a planned giving agreement that
allows you to build a named fund over five years. In
the past, a minimum gift of $5,000 was required to
establish a fund. With the Pathway Plan, you may now
establish the fund immediately with a minimum of
$1,000 and add to it over the years.
Establishing an Unrestricted Fund
Establishing a Restricted Fund
A Restricted Fund allows you to choose specifically the
charity, or charities, that you wish to support.
Establishing a Donor Advised Fund
A Donor-Advised Fund allows you to make non-binding
recommendations to the Board of Directors, thus
allowing you more interaction with your fund.
Establishing a Field-of-Interest Fund
Field-of-Interest Funds allow you to choose a particular
area of charitable interest that you would like to support.
The Board of Directors then identifies the most qualified
local charities which work to support your area of
Establishing a Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Funds provide assistance to Montgomery
County students. Scholarship criteria may be broadly
or narrowly defined, as you choose. Please note that
for administrative reasons, scholarship funds require a
minimum contribution of $10,000.
Several new funds were established in 2012 and I have been fortunate to
meet and get to know some very special people in our community. There
are many different reasons and situations that bring someone to us to
establish a fund. Many times we are working with families who have
lost loved ones and they want to remember that special someone and
direct memorials through a named fund. And I hope these families feel
that we have brought them some comfort while developing some lasting
relationships. I like to remind the donors that I meet with that they are
always welcome to stop by our office and I’ll do that again—please feel
free to stop by 119 East Main Street—our doors are open and we love
having visitors. - Kelly Taylor, Executive Director
We didn’t write Nadja’s
book - but thanks to
Jack and Dene Roberts,
we put the book in the
hands of every student
at Tuttle Middle School.
“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all the children of
the world walked to school singing? If only the
adults could become children. There would be
no wars, no suffering and slaughter.” - Nadja,
December 1992
Nadja Halilbegovich grew up in the beautiful city of Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. Her family spent idyllic weekends
at a cottage they owned in the country where Nadja and her brother experienced the peace and tranquility of a
happy childhood. That world was shattered in April of 1992 when war broke out in Sarajevo.
In her book, My Childhood Under Fire, Nadja describes what life was like as a young teenager during those three
war-torn years. Living with the constant sounds of bombs exploding around her, watching her city destroyed and
seeing fellow citizens, many of them children, killed or wounded, she began to write. Often taking refuge in a dingy
basement, her diary became a friend to her as she expressed feelings of hurt, confusion and fear, weaving some of
the stories into insightful poetry and songs. Today her diary remains her most valuable possession.
Nadja makes it her mission in life to talk to kids who are the same age as she was during the
war, encouraging them that they too can overcome obstacles. She recently made a visit to
Tuttle Middle School where Nadja talked with students about her experiences. Prior to her
visit, all middle school students were given a copy of her book to read and discuss; those
books were made possible through funding from the Jack and Dene Roberts Remedial
Reading Fund at the Montgomery County Community Foundation.
Sue Streetman, Tuttle Middle School teacher, spearheaded this event
and commented how exciting it was to see all the students in the
Nadja speaking at Tuttle
school carrying around the same book, as well as the unity that came
Middle School
from them reading it together. The students were very excited that
Nadja cared enough to come to their school and for many, it was an emotional moment as
they listened to her tell how she overcame far worse situations than their own. She shared
openly and honestly about her struggles and sadness during those difficult years, but also
about the windows of joy that opened for her in unexpected ways. Nadja asked the students
to consider that they have a choice to make a difference, rather than view themselves as
victims of circumstances.
“The most
important thing that
Nadja would like us
to remember is to not
look back on the bad
things but look ahead
to the good things that
might happen.” - Tuttle
Middle School student
The students completed writing assignments about Nadja’s presentation in diary form, just like her book. It is
apparent in these writings that her words, both written and oral, left a lasting impression on them. One student
wrote, “At times I felt like I was on the verge of tears because when Nadja spoke, it was so moving. I feel really blessed
to be living in a country where I don’t
have to be worried about war and
loss. It helped that I read the book to
understand what she was saying.” And
thanks to Jack and Dene Roberts,
who believed in the value of reading
and established a fund to support
those efforts, the eyes of these
middle school students were opened
to personal discoveries and to the
testimony of the human spirit.
Nadja Halilbegovich with Tuttle students
Brian Bowman Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established as a
Pathway Plan by family and
friends in memory of Specialist
Brian Bowman who was a medic
in the U.S. Army. While serving
in Afghanistan, his unit was
attacked by insurgents and Brian
was killed as he was giving aid
to a wounded soldier. Since his untimely death in
January of 2010, donations from friends and family,
along with proceeds from the American Legion Post
72’s Annual Brian Bowman Ride, have enabled the
Pathway Plan to become a fully endowed fund.
Brian left behind a young wife, Casie, who has since
returned to Montgomery County and teaches in the
South Montgomery school district.
Barbara and Larry Frye Fund
Established by Larry
and Barbara Frye, this
designated fund will
support Habitat for
Humanity. For many years
the Fryes have dedicated
themselves to serving
and supporting our local
Habitat organization. They wholeheartedly believe
in its Biblical mission to helping the poor obtain safe
and adequate housing without a usury fee.
Keith Hester Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by
anonymous donors in memory of
Keith who passed away in 2012.
The scholarship will be awarded
to a Southmont graduating senior
attending Purdue University to
study agriculture. Keith and his
family have farmed in the South
Montgomery area for more than
60 years making this scholarship a very fitting
tribute to his life.
Dennis and Dee Hohlbein Fund
Dennis and Dee Hohlbein expressed
their desire to give back to their
community with Executive Director,
Kelly Taylor. After discussing various
options, the Hohlbein’s established
this unrestricted fund, which will
allow MCCF to address areas of
greatest need. Dennis is a volunteer who serves on
our Investment Committee.
Montgomery County Free Clinic Fund
Another fund that began as a pathway plan, this
will support operations of the Dr. Mary Ludwig
Free Clinic. The clinic will provide health and
dental care to the uninsured in Montgomery
County. In the 1960’s, Dr. Ludwig provided health
care for those unable to afford it. A large group of
dedicated volunteers have followed her example by
establishing this clinic and naming it in her honor.
David and Sheridan Hadley Fund
Joe and Clara Smith Scholarship Fund
Montgomery County residents David and Sheridan
Hadley, created a Pathway Plan and faithfully
contributed to it over time and in 2012, it became a
full fund. Their fund is a Field of Interest Fund and
they chose to support the areas of health, wellness,
fitness and recreation. The Hadley’s consider the
role of a healthy lifestyle, not only for the individual,
but also for the community as a whole, to be very
important. David is a retired professor and Sheridan
is a retired school administrator.
As a farmer, Joe understands
the importance of hard work
and the integrity one needs
to build a good life. He
desired to direct a scholarship
award, based on character
and citizenship, that will
honor a student who exhibits
those same characteristics. Joe established this fund
in memory of his beloved wife, Clara. Together, they
raised their family with the belief that faith, family
and education was of highest value.
Dr. Claude Thompson Fund
Mag & Lil Fund
Dr. Thompson was a highly
respected doctor who practiced
medicine in Waynetown and
the surrounding area for 35
years. This fund, established
in his memory by family and
friends, and in honor of his life
and career, will provide support
for the operation of the Dr. Mary Ludwig Free Clinic.
For someone who devoted his life to the health and
welfare of others, this fund is a lasting legacy of the
impact Dr. Thompson made in our community.
This will be a Donor Advised
Fund and was established
by Dan and Kelly Taylor
on behalf of their children,
Maggie and Lillie Taylor. The
Taylors believe it is important
that children learn about
philanthropy and this fund
will be a tool to teach them about giving. As a
Donor Advised fund, Maggie and Lillie can make
recommendations for the awards.
Gloria and Marvin Oliver Fund
Leonard and Louise Winchell Fund
Louise and her late husband,
Leonard, owned and operated
Winchell’s Jewelry Store in
downtown Crawfordsville for
many years. They were very
grateful for the support from
the community during their
years as business owners and
Louise wanted to give back in
some measurable way. She chose to establish this
unrestricted fund as a way of saying thanks and as a
way to benefit the community as a whole.
Marvin works at MCCF as
the Financial Coordinator,
and his wife, Gloria, is a
volunteer and in these
roles, they recognize the
impact the Foundation
has on our community.
Understanding the
importance of having funds that offer some latitude
in how they are used, Marvin and Gloria decided to
establish an unrestricted fund.
Pass Through Funds
Pathway Funds
Darlington Community Center Pass
Through Fund
Raelyn L. Earley Memorial Fund
Established to enhance the Darlington Community
Center. Donations are currently being accepted for
replacing windows in the center.
Raelyn was a North Montgomery
High School junior who lost her
life in the spring of 2012 in a
car accident and this fund was
established by her family as a
lasting tribute to her. Raelyn was
a member of the softball team
and her family hopes the fund
can either provide scholarships to
NMHS graduates who are also softball players, or in
some way benefit the school’s softball program.
Hoosier Heartland Scholarship Pass
Through Fund
Established by Hoosier Heartland State Bank, a
local community bank, to recognize a student who
is majoring in business, finance or marketing. The
scholarship will provide support toward tuition
and fees for one student from each of the public
Montgomery County High Schools who will attend
an accredited college or university.
The Harriet Taylor Allen Scholarship Fund - To provide scholarships
to Crawfordsville High School students
The Dorothy & Kenneth Coudret Fund - To benefit the Montgomery
County Educational Foundation
The Art League Fund - To provide scholarships to students with
artistic ability
The Crawfordsville District Public Library Agency Fund - To benefit
the Crawfordsville District Public Library
The Arvin-McCord Scholarship Fund - To provide a four-year
scholarship to a student planning to become an elementary school
The Dr. Fred and Elizabeth Daugherty Trust Fund - Unrestricted
fund to benefit the Montgomery County community
The Linda Beshaw Memorial Scholarship Fund - To provide
support to the Sunshine Society of Crawfordsville High School for
The Samuel L. and Fern Boots Fund - Unrestricted fund for the
benefit of the Montgomery County community
The Edith Botts Scholarship Fund - To provide renewable
scholarships to women in Montgomery County majoring in nursing or
a medically related field
The Sibyl V. Davis Memorial Endowment Fund - A gift from Herman
Davis in memory of his beloved wife of seventy-three years for the
benefit of Historic Ladoga
The Irwin Lee Detchon Fund - Unrestricted fund to benefit the
Montgomery County community
The Margaret Evans DeVore Memorial Fund - To provide support to
the Crawfordsville, IN Chapter of the Tri Kappa Sorority to carry out its
role of awarding scholarships
The Brian Bowman Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Herman Dicks Fund - To provide financial assistance to
Montgomery County residents age 65 and older
The Boys and Girls Club of Montgomery County Agency Fund - To
benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Montgomery County
The Directors Fund - Unrestricted funds to benefit the Montgomery
County community
The Boys and Girls Club of Montgomery County Scholarship Fund To provide scholarships for higher education
The Maude Dockins Trust Fund - To provide educational
opportunities to children in Montgomery County with cognitive and
orthopedic impairments
The Luella Brake Trust Fund - To benefit the blind and visually
impaired of Montgomery County and the prevention of blindness
The Walter C. Bridgewater Memorial Scholarship Fund - To provide
scholarships for seniors at North Montgomery and Crawfordsville
High Schools
The Marie Canine Fund - To benefit the revitalization of downtown
The Dr. Mark and Barbara Caress Education Fund - To benefit the
Montgomery County Educational Foundation
The Dr. William and Ms. Nancy Doemel Fund - Unrestricted fund to
benefit the Montgomery County community
The William H. Earley Trust Scholarship Fund - To provide an
educational scholarship for a student from the South Montgomery
school district
The Madonna Everhart and Betty Howard Nursing Scholarship
Fund - To provide scholarships to Southmont High School students
majoring in nursing
The Chase Fund - Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the
Montgomery County community
The Family Crisis Shelter Sumption Agency Fund - To benefit the
Family Crisis Shelter in its services for victims of domestic violence
and sexual assault
The Christian Nursing Service Fund - To benefit Christian Nursing
The First Merchants Charitable Foundation Fund - Unrestricted fund
for the benefit of the Montgomery County community
The Christian Union Ladies Aid Fund - To benefit the Women’s
Resource Center and the Edith V. Botts Scholarship Fund
The Christmas Lights Fund - To provide prizes and awards annually
for the best exterior Christmas displays in Montgomery County
The Fred L. and Ina Clark Scholarship Fund - To provide renewable
four-year scholarships to graduating seniors of Montgomery County
High Schools
The Community Fund - Unrestricted funds to benefit the
Montgomery County community
The Barbara and Larry Frye Habitat for Humanity Fund - To provide
support for Habitat for Humanity
The Nancy Gibson Memorial Scholarship Fund - To provide
scholarships to graduates from North Montgomery High School who
are pursuing a degree in education
The Frances E. Gray Family Scholarship Fund - To provide
scholarships to high school students who are residents of
Montgomery County
The Community House for Women and Girls Fund - To provide
educational grants to Crawfordsville High School women who have
financial need
The David and Sheridan Hadley Health and Wellness Fund - To
provide support for nonprofit organizations promoting health and
wellness, fitness and recreational activities within Montgomery
The Pauline Conover Fund - To provide four-year renewable
scholarships to seniors of Montgomery County High Schools
The Thomas and Mary Beth Harmon Fund - Unrestricted fund to
benefit the Montgomery County community
The Cornerstone Fund - Provides general support for the
Montgomery County Community Foundation
Virginia H. Hays and Will H. Hays Jr. Fund - To provide support to
the James Whitcomb Riley Memorial Association to be used in the
area of patient care for Montgomery County residents
The Carl F. and Margaret Henthorn Fund - Unrestricted fund to
benefit the Montgomery County community
The Rex and Sandra Henthorn Fund
The Peggy Herzog Youth Volunteer Fund - To provide an award
to the nonprofit Montgomery County organization nominating the
youth volunteer of the year recipient
The Keith Hester Scholarship Fund - To provide scholarships to
graduates of Southmont high school attending Purdue University
pursuing study in Agriculture
The Michael D. and Sally A. Hinkle Fund - Unrestricted fund to
benefit the Montgomery County community
The Dennis and Dee Hohlbein Fund - Unrestricted fund to benefit
the Montgomery County community
The Connie Horner Fund - To benefit Christian Nursing Service
The Ian Geoffrey Hudson Scholarship Fund - To provide scholarships
for students of Crawfordsville High School
The Ora Hudson Trust Fund - To benefit Well Baby Clinic,
Tuberculosis Foundation and agencies like Even Start
The Walter Hulet Fund - To provide for charitable and benevolent
purposes throughout the city of Crawfordsville and Montgomery
County, Indiana
The John and Ruth Isaacs Family Scholarship Fund - To provide a
scholarship for Montgomery County students
Max W. Johnson Scholarship Fund - To provide scholarships for
Montgomery County, Indiana students in the Purdue University
School of Agriculture
The Montgomery County 4-H, Inc Fund - To benefit Montgomery
County 4-H, Inc. in its services to Montgomery County 4-H youth
The Montgomery County Free Clinic Fund - To provide support to
the Montgomery County Free Clinic
The Montgomery County Physicians Fund - Unrestricted fund for
the benefit of the Montgomery County community, established and
funded by Montgomery County physicians
The Montgomery United Fund For You Fund - To benefit MUFFY
The James Moore Animal Welfare League Fund - To provide support
to the Animal Welfare League of Montgomery County
The Herbert and Genevieve Morrison Fund- To benefit the
Montgomery County chapter of the American Red Cross
The Marian J. Morrison Crawfordsville District Public Library Fund To provide support to the Crawfordsville District Public Library to be
used for children and/or the visually impaired
The Marian J. Morrison Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church Fund To benefit Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church
The Bradley and Suzanne Deur Mullendore Fund - To benefit
individuals with neurological injuries and illnesses
The Muttgomery Pet Paws Fund - To provide support to the Animal
Welfare League of Montgomery County
The New Richmond Community Fund - To provide support to the
town of New Richmond
The Thelma Biddle Nolte Scholarship Fund - To provide funding for
scholarships to North Montgomery, Southmont and Crawfordsville
High Schools
Max W. Johnson Fund to honor Mary Francis “Fran” Johnson Unrestricted fund to benefit the residents of the Montgomery County
The Myron and Patsy Pattison Scholarship Fund - To provide
scholarships for county students for the sophomore year in college
The Jessica Keller Fund - For the James Whitcomb Riley Memorial
Association to benefit Riley Hospital patients preferably from
Montgomery County
The James G. and Patti J. Pearson Scholarship Fund - To provide
funding for scholarships to Southmont graduates pursuing a college
degree in elementary education
The Lester B. Sommer Landscape Fund - To provide Lester B.
Sommer Elementary School and Wabash College with funds to plant
flowering plants, shrubs, and replacement trees
The Gail Moll Pebworth Fund - To provide funding to support the
Sugar Creek Swim Club
The Prudence Kimball Phillips Fund - To provide funding to support
the Prudence Kimball Phillips Chemistry Award at Crawfordsville High
The Harold and Doris Larsen Fund - To benefit the speech and
hearing impaired of Montgomery County
The Grace Divine Law Trust Fund - To benefit Wesley Manor, Inc
The Dr. Byron N. and Vera Spencer Lingeman Fund - To benefit
those who need medical help through Christian Nursing Service
The Ford Purdue Penn Trust Fund - To benefit MUFFY
The A.F. Ramsey Trust Fund - To provide care for the poor of
The Drs. Paul and Mary Ludwig Fund - To provide assistance to
indigent families of Montgomery County needing medical assistance
The Ernest and Diana Rhoads Scholarship Fund - To provide
scholarships to Montgomery County high school graduates who
demonstrate financial need
The Mace Veterans Memorial Fund - To provide support to Mace
Cemetery Association for lighting of the American flag
The Charles M. and Clella A. King Fund for Rice Cemetery - To
provide funding for the care and maintenance of Rice Cemetery
The Joseph and L. Ann Malott Fund
To provide operating support for the Montgomery County
Community Foundation
The Jack and Dene Roberts Montgomery County Remedial Reading
Fund - To promote competency in reading for elementary school
The Hubert and Martha Massing Fund - Unrestricted fund for the
benefit of the Montgomery County community
The Amy C. Robinson Trust Fund - To benefit children in
Montgomery County with cognitive disabilities
The Joe Robinson Trust Scholarship Fund - To assist an outstanding
black youth, or youths, to continue graduate work in medicine or
The Martha Fudge Vance Trust Scholarship Fund - To provide an
award to a Crawfordsville High School senior for outstanding work in
English composition
The William and Amy Roth Fund - Unrestricted funds to benefit the
Montgomery County community
The Jerry and Dorothy Servies Vaughn Scholarship Fund - To provide
scholarships to graduating seniors of Southmont High School
The Faye O. and Anna Winter Schenck Fund - To benefit
Montgomery County citizens needing medical services
The Homer C. Warren Family Trust Scholarship Fund - To provide
two renewable four-year scholarships each year to North Montgomery
High School students
The Waveland Fund - To benefit the town of Waveland
The Florence Schultz Trust Fund - To benefit non-specific
charitable, religious, and educational entities in and around the city of
The Florence and Lee Servies Scholarship Trust Fund - To provide
scholarships for graduates of South Montgomery High School
pursuing college degrees in the field of teaching
The Virginia and John Sinclair Fund - To provide general support for
the Montgomery County Community Foundation
The James G. and Susan Smith Fund - To provide seed capital to
enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Montgomery County
The Joseph D. Smith Trust Fund - To benefit the poor through the
Montgomery County Medical Society
The Joseph and Clara Smith Scholarship Fund - To provide
scholarships to Montgomery County high school graduates who
demonstrate good character and excellent citizenship
The Don and Emma Lou Weliever Fund - To provide support for
Darlington Forever, Inc. which benefits the town of Darlington
The David Wells Scholarship Fund - To provide a scholarship to a
qualified senior science student at Crawfordsville High School
The Robert and Mary C. Wernle Fund - To benefit the Montgomery
County Historical Society
The Libby Whitecotton Fund - To assist Montgomery County families
who have children with disabilities
The Leonard and Louise Winchell Fund - Unrestricted fund to
benefit the Montgomery County community
The Wingate Community Fund - To benefit the town of Wingate
The Women’s Legacy Fund - To provide support for non-profit
The Wilma S. and George M. Spencer Presbyterian Fund - To provide agencies which provide services to women and children of
support to the Wabash Avenue Presbyterian pre-school
Montgomery County
St. Gonzaga Catholic Youth Fund - To provide support to the youth of The Damon C. and Bernice Seaman Wray Fund - Unrestricted fund
St. Bernard’s Catholic Church wishing to attend faith-based camps
for the benefit of the Montgomery County community
The Kathleen and John Steele Fund - To benefit the Crawfordsville
Community School Corporation
The Youth as Resources Fund - A program of the Youth Service
Bureau to provide support for youth driven service projects within the
Montgomery County community
The Fred D. and Anna Faye Stevenson Scholarship Fund - To provide
scholarships for a North Montgomery High School senior golf team
The Youth Service Bureau Fund - To provide support to the
member, a Montgomery County senior attending the First Christian
Montgomery County Youth Service Bureau
Church of Crawfordsville and a Montgomery County Senior attending
the First Baptist Church of Crawfordsville, IN
The Sugar Creek Players Fund - To benefit the Vanity Theater
The Bob J. Tandy Scholarship Fund - To provide a scholarship for a
Southmont High School senior pursuing a college degree in the field
of education
The Max K. Tannenbaum Trust Fund - To benefit the Montgomery
County Historical Society and the Montgomery County Cultural
Foundation. A portion of the fund is unrestricted to benefit the
Montgomery County community
The Harold B. Taylor Memorial Fund - To provide support to the
Montgomery County 4-H, Inc. to benefit the youth attending the 4-H
camp program
The Clyde Thomas Trust Fund - To provide cemetery arrangements
for the graves of the Thomas family
The Dr. Claude Thompson Fund - To provide support for the
Montgomery County Free Clinic
The Beverley J. Turner Fund in memory of John C. White Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community
A Pathway Plan is a planned giving agreement that allows you
to build a named fund over five years. In the past, an up front
minimum gift of $5,000 ($10,000 scholarships) was required
to establish a fund. With the Pathway Plan, you now can
establish the fund immediately with less than $5,000 adding
to it over time.
Abilities Services Agency Pathway Plan
Aaron C. Kesler Future Firefighter Pathway Plan
Jim Harpel Basketball Scholarship Pathway Plan
M. Gaildene and Stan Hamilton Pathway Plan
Raelyn L. Earley Memorial Pathway Plan
Cory Knecht Memorial Scholarship Pathway Plan
Mag & Lil Pathway Plan
Pearl Livingston Scholarship Pathway Plan
Gloria and Marvin Oliver Pathway Plan
Dr. Mary Ludwig Pass Through Fund
Darlington Community Center Pass Through Fund
Hoosier Heartland State Bank Scholarship Pass Through Fund
Montgomery County Community Foundation
Granting 1991-2012: $13,352,657
Community Development
Human Services
Arts & Culture
The numbers can be overwhelming in size, yet sometimes almost meaningless. But think about this: A
modest grant of $5,702 is making a big difference in the lives of our middle school and high school youth.
PEERS (Peers Educating and Encouraging Relationship Skills) Project of Indiana is a statewide organization
which promotes through peer role models, avoidance of sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco and other risky behaviors
so that life goals are not sidetracked. After being well received in the North Montgomery School Corporation,
there was a desire to expand to the Crawfordsville and South Montgomery School Corporations and this
money will help make that happen.
A senior girl at NMHS said this about PEERS, “The PEERS lesson my sophomore year presented by two high
school guys had great impact on me and helped me get out of a bad relationship.” A classmate said that for
him, “PEERS is a good way to keep us accountable to our peer mentors and enables us to reach out in our
communities and influence younger students in a positive manner.” Another said, “PEERS has helped me
with my speaking ability and taught me more as I am doing the teaching.” With substance abuse, bullying and
teen pregnancies presenting such serious problems in our community, we’re pleased to see this tool being
used so effectively. These young people now stand a better chance of making it out of high school without
the interruptions and even road blocks that poor decisions can cause. What price tag would you place on that
kind of benefit?
Kaden Patton playing Biddy Ball at the Boys and Girls Club
Another big investment we were able to make
in our youth was through the Boys & Girls Club.
They stepped out on a limb and requested their
grant be based on a match which they would
raise themselves. By the end of the year, they
had successfully raised $30,000 which we then
matched with $30,000. Executive Director Craig
Reeves credits the match as a key factor in that
success, saying, “We had many donors express
their desire to give knowing that their gift would
basically double.” The Club is an important
member of the “village” it takes to raise our kids.
We didn’t fly the plane
- but through our grant
to Indiana Gold Star
Mothers, a group of
local veterans took a trip
to the WWII Memorial in
Washington D.C.
“We can’t thank the Community Foundation
enough for their great support of the Gold Star
Mothers Honor Flight project. It is only with
support from such generous donors that we are
able to provide these flights to our Honored
Veterans.” - Dana Vann, Indiana Gold Star
The plane left the Purdue airport early on September 24, 2012. As it rose through the clouds, so did the level of
excitement and anticipation of the 80 veterans and their guardians. It was a day of remembering for the veterans
as they visited the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. on an all-expense paid trip sponsored by Indiana Gold
Star Mothers in conjunction with the Honor Flight network. This particular trip was made possible through a $10,000
unrestricted grant from the Montgomery County Community Foundation through the Irwin Lee Detchon, Thomas
and Mary Beth Harmon, Carl F. and Margaret Henthorn, and Michael D. and Sally A. Hinkle Funds.
Some of the time was spent in quiet reflection as the veterans moved throughout the memorial, observing the rich
symbolic details and bronze etchings depicting actual scenes from the war. Many stood silently at Freedom Wall,
where the 4,000 gold stars represent the more than 400,000 lives that were lost during WWII and serves as a stark
reminder of the harsh realities of war.
But in spite of the solemn, yet beautiful, surroundings, these aged and worn men and women had a twinkle in their
eye as they shared jokes, or memories about a bygone era. The shared experiences of war and the common bond of
serving our country made for instant camaraderie among them.
For many of the veterans, it was their first time on a plane or to even visit the nation’s capital. On this trip they were
also given the opportunity to see the Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam War Memorial, and Korean War Memorial. Lastly, a
visit was made to Arlington Cemetery where they could see the Changing of the Guard ceremony.
All too quickly, the shadows lengthened and the day came to a close. Most were ready for a respite from the day’s
activities and yet, guardians and veterans alike were invigorated and inspired as they recounted their stories of this
day. While the guardians felt privileged to spend the day with true heroes, the veterans did not see themselves as
such. Humility spilled over in their attitude and sincere appreciation flowed from their lips for this opportunity to see
their war memorial, built as a lasting tribute to all the men and women who sacrificed for our freedom.
Veterans salute as they gather for a photo at the WWII Memorial
A moment of reflection
for WWII veteran, Jesse
Caldwell and his guardian
Veterans William Campbell
and Jesse Irving sharing one
of many jokes!
Park & Rec
Splash Pad
County Free
C o m m u n i t y
Engagement Grants
Food Finders
Mobile Food
In 2012, the Board Community Engagement
Grants were initiated as a tool for our board members
to fulfill our vision of being proactive leaders in our
community. Each board member chose an organization to
receive a $1,000 grant - the grants ranged from Tom Mellish
awarding a grant to the Darlington Community Center and
participating in the local parade, to Nancy Sennett’s grant
that helped MUFFY sponsor two mobile food pantries. I think
I can speak for the board when I say that what probably
meant the most to us was the opportunity to interact with
the nonprofits during this process. This led on several
occasions to our board members volunteering to
help these organizations execute the grant
within our community.
- Board President, John Tidd
Habitat for
Public Library
Abilities Services
Board Member
Amy Cooper
HUB/Friendship Kitchen
Assist families in need
Tony Cosenza
Red Cross
Support for local crews providing aid to victims of
Superstorm Sandy
Phil Littell
Women’s Resource
Emergency needs of expectant women and infants in
situations such as house fires, working with Red Cross
Steve McLaughlin
CHS Athenas/Tuttle Man Personal development programs for youth
Up Program
Tom Mellish
Darlington Forever, Inc
Kick-off fundraising for Community Center improvements
Morris Mills
Mountie Mission
School clothing for children
Sharon O’Dell-Keedy
Pam’s Promise
Mattress and dryer
Heather Perkins
Animal Welfare
Medicine for the animals
Dale Petrie
Parks & Rec Dept.
Independence Day Fireworks/Splash Pad amenities
Janet Rucker
MCFree Clinic
Remodeling/construction of free clinic
Anita Rupar
Carnegie Museum
Educational programs including Title IX
Nancy Sennett
Funding for two mobile food pantries in the county
Susan Smith
Recovery at the Rock, Inc
Tables and chairs
John Tidd
Character Counts!
Banners featuring high school athletes exhibiting
outstanding character to hang in middle schools
Chris White
Athens Art Gallery
To convert studio space into a meeting/workshop space
Abilities Services
Therapeutic/recreational activities, arts and crafts
AHEAD Coalition
Promotion of prescription Medicine Take Back boxes
located at city and county police departments
Youth Service Bureau
Habitat for Humanity
Funds to match financial donations to be used to purchase
building materials and supplies
Sustainable Indiana
To publish the Green Directory, an online local food guide
and to promote community recycling events
June Family Float trip down Sugar Creek
Purdue Extension/MC
Back to School backpack project
Family Nutrition Program
Community Chorus
Accompanists for concerts
Community Action
Energy efficient light bulbs for seniors
FAITH Alliance
Educational materials about breast cancer
Town of New Ross
Master plan for new park
Darlington Library
Display cases for local historical memorabilia
A.H.E.A.D. Coalition
“Shatter the Myths of Prescription Drugs” program
reaching 1,800 youth in Montgomery County schools
Community Fund
Animal Welfare League of
Montgomery County
Shade shelter, refrigeration system for cooler and
building repairs
Community Fund
Animal Welfare League of
Montgomery County
Designated fund to benefit Animal Welfare League
James Moore Animal
Welfare League Fund
Animal Welfare League of
Montgomery County
Designated fund to benefit Animal Welfare League
Muttgomery Pet Paws
Art League
Designated funds to benefit Art League
Art League Fund
Athens Arts
Autumn Art Salon, laptop computer and web design
Community Fund
Boys and Girls Club
Funds for a 1:1 operational campaign fund match for
which the goal was met
Hubert and Martha
Massing Fund
Boys and Girls Club
Youth Volunteer of the Year
Community Fund and
Peggy Herzog Fund
Boys and Girls Club
Women’s Legacy Grant for SMART Girls program
Women’s Legacy Fund
Boys and Girls Club
Agency Fund for the benefit of Boys & Girls Club
Boys and Girls Club
Agency Fund
Boys and Girls Club
Agency Fund to provide scholarships to members
Boys and Girls Club
Scholarship Fund
Carmegie Museum of
Montgomery County
Software upgrade and archival supplies
Dr. Fred and Elizabeth
Daugherty Trust Fund
Christian Nursing
To sustain the operation of CNS as they transition into
Montgomery Co. Free Clinic
Faye O. and Anna Winter $30,000.00
Schenck Fund and Drs.
Paul and Mary Ludwig
Christian Nursing
Designated funds to benefit Christian Nursing
Christian Nursing Service
Fund, Connie Horner
Fund, Ora Hudson Trust
Fund, Dr. Byron and Vera
Spencer Lingeman Fund
Crawfordsville Community Assistive technology to benefit speech and language
School Corporation
development at Developmental Preschool
Maude Docken’s Trust
Fund, Harold and Doris
Larsen Fund, William and
Amy C. Robinson Fund
Crawfordsville Community Supplement salaries for preschool classroom aides
School Corporation
Community Fund
Crawfordsville Community iPad for promoting speech development
School Corporation
Bradley and Suzanne
Deur Mullendore Fund
Crawfordsville Community For Tuttle recycling program, in honor of Cali Saunders, Community Fund
School Corporation
Philanthropy Essay Contest Winner
Crawfordsville Community Womens Legacy Grants to support Athenas Club
School Corporation
Women’s Legacy Fund
Crawfordsville Community Health & Welfare Fund for students with health needs
School Corporation
Faye O. and Anna Winter
Schenck Fund
Crawfordsville Community Designated fund to promote grade level reading
School Corporation
Roberts Remedial
Reading Fund
Crawfordsville Community Designated fund for the benefit of CCSC
School Corporation
Kathleen and John Steele
Crawfordsville District
Public Library
Designated fund to benefit the Crawfordsville District
Public Library
Marian J. Morrison
Crawfordsville District
Public Library Fund
Crawfordsville Main Street
Designated fund to benefit revitalization of
downtown Crawfordsville
Marie Canine Fund
Crawfordsville Main Street
Workshops for entrepreneurs; landscaping and plaza
Dr. Fred and Elizabeth
Daugherty Trust Fund
Montgomery County
Cultural Foundation
Roof replacement/chimney repair at the Rotary Jail
Walter Hulet Fund
Montgomery County
Cultural Foundation
Designated funds to benefit Montgomery County
Cultural Foundation
Max K. Tannenbaum Fund $50,000.00
Montgomery County
Cultural Foundation
Summer Art Camp for Girls at the Tannenbaum
Cultural Center
Women’s Legacy Fund
Darlington Forever, Inc.
Purchase and install two stair lifts in Darlington
Community Center
Damon C. And Bernice
Seaman Wray Fund and
Irwin Lee Detchon Fund
Darlington Forever, Inc.
Pass through distributions for Darlington Community
Center renovations
Darlington Community
Center Fund
Darlington Forever, Inc.
Designated funds to benefit Darlington Forever, Inc.
Don and Emma Lou
Weliever Fund
Montgomery County
Educational Foundation
Grants to teachers for special classroom projects
Samuel L. and Fern Boots
Fund, Chase Fund, Irwin
Lee Detchon Fund,
Hubert and Martha
Massing Fund
Montgomery County
Educational Foundation
Designated funds to benefit the Montgomery County
Educational Foundation
Dr. Mark and Barbara
Caress Education Fund,
Dorothy and Kenneth
Coudret Fund
Even Start
Designated funds to benefit at risk preschool children
Ora Hudson Trust Fund
Faith Alliance, Inc.
Directed by Sarah Marnell, Northridge Middle School
student, runner up in Philanthropy Essay Contest
Community Fund
Family Crisis Shelter
Advocates for victims of sexual assault
Community Fund
Family Crisis Shelter
Directed by Cali Saunders, Tuttle Middle School
student, winner of Philanthropy Essay Contest
Community Fund
Family Crisis Shelter
Designated funds to benefit Family Crisis Shelter
Family Crisis Shelter
Sumption Fund
Financial ministry to help those in need
Irwin Lee Detchon Fund
Food for Fairview
Provide food for those in need
Drew and Maggie Butcher
Pass Through Fund
Habitat for Humanity
Funding for part time employee responsible for
creating awareness and increase fundraising
Hubert and Martha
Massing Fund
Historic Ladoga, Inc.
Window replacements in Old Normal School
Walter Hulet Fund
Historic Ladoga, Inc.
Designated funds to benefit Historic Ladoga
Sybil V. Davis Agency and
Endowment Funds
HUB Ministry
Emergency assistance to families/ items for soup
Irwin Lee Detchon Fund
HUB Ministry
In honor of Jan Sears, MCCF Volunteer of the Year
Community Fund
Indiana Gold Star Mothers
Provided funding for 19 Montgomery County veterans
to go on Honor Flight to Washington DC
Irwin Lee Detchon Fund,
Thomas and Mary Beth
Harmon Fund, Carl F.
and Margaret Henthorn
Fund, Michael D. and
Sally A. Hinkle Fund
James Whitcomb Riley
Memorial Association
Designated funds to benefit Montgomery County families
of Riley Hospital patients
Virginia H. Hays and Will
H. Hays Jr. Fund, Jessica
Keller Fund
Journal Review
To conduct and provide prizes for the Annual
Christmas Lights Contest
Christmas Lights Fund
Lew Wallace Preservation
To fund educational programs such as Civil War
Encampment, Civil War Lecture Series, Youth
Academy, and Bohumir Kryl Program
First Merchants
Charitable Foundation
Fund, William and Amy
Roth Fund
Mace Cemetery
Designated funds for the Mace Cemetery Assoc. to
provide lighting for the American flag
Mace Veterans Memorial
Milligan’s Flowers
Designated fund for cemetery flowers
Florence Shultz Fund
Milligan’s Flowers
Designated fund for cemetery flowers
Clyde Thomas Trust
Montgomery County 4-H
Designated funds to support annual 4-H Camp
Harold B. Taylor
Memorial Fund
Montgomery County 4-H
Designated funds for the benefit of Montgomery County
Montgomery County
4-H Agency and
Endowment Funds
Montgomery County Free
Construction funds for Montgomery County Free
Faye O. and Anna Winter $20,000.00
Schenck Fund
Montgomery County Free
Pass through distributions for the construction of the
Dr. Mary Ludwig Free Clinic. All gifts to this fund were
matched 3:1 by North Central Health Services
Mary Ludwig Pass
Through Building Fund
Montgomery County
Historical Society
Office technology infrastructure and laptop computers Walter Hulet Fund
Montgomery County
Historical Society
Designated funds for the benefit of Montgomery County
Historical Society
Max K. Tannenbaum
Fund (Restricted)
Montgomery County
Historical Society
Designated funds to benefit Montgomery County
Historical Society
Robert and Mary C.
Wernle Fund
Montgomery United Fund
for You
To fund 2012 Campaign materials and promotion
Irwin Lee Detchon Fund,
Director’s Fund, Beverley
Turner Fund in memory
of John C. White, Max W.
Johnson Fund to honor
Mary Francis Johnson
Montgomery United Fund
for You
Designated funds to benefit MUFFY
MUFFY Agency and
Endowment Funds and
Ford Purdue Penn Trust
New Richmond Parks
Designated funds for the benefit of New Richmond Parks New Richmond
Community Fund
North Montgomery
Community School Corp
Health & Welfare Fund for students with health needs Faye O. and Anna Winter
Schenck Fund
Crawfordsville Park and
Recreation Dept.
Amenities for splash pad such as fencing, signage and Max K. Tannenbaum Fund
Crawfordsville Park and
Recreation Dept.
Camp Things with Wings - inclusive of children with
special needs
Libby Whitecotton Fund
and Walter Hulet Fund
PEERS Project Montgomery County
Funding for PEERS programs in county high schools
Max K. Tannenbaum
Red Cross
Financial assistance to victims of home fires and
funding for Disaster Services Manager position
Irwin Lee Detchon
Red Cross
Designated funds for the benefit of Montgomery County
Red Cross
Herbert and Genevieve
Morrison Fund
Sommer Elementary
Designated funds for the landscaping at Sommer
Elementary School
Lester B. Sommer
Landscape Fund
South Montgomery School Health & Welfare Fund for students with health needs Walter Hulet Fund, A.F.
Ramsey Trust Fund, Faye
O. and Anna Winter
Schenck Fund
Sugar Creek Swim Club
Designated funds to benefit Sugar Creek Swim Club
Gail Moll Pebworth Fund
Sugar Creek Township
Designated funds to provide for the care and
maintenance of Rice Cemetery
Charles M. and Ciella A.
King Fund for Rice
Sunshine Vans
New radios for vans to comply with new FCC
Luella Brake Trust Fund
and Herman Dicks Fund
Tri Kappa Sorority
Designated funds for scholarships provided by Tri Kappa Margaret Evans DeVore
Memorial Fund
Tuberculosis Foundation
Designated funds to benefit the Tuberculosis
Ora Hudson Trust Fund
Tuttle Middle School
Heart rate monitors for physical education classes
Walter Hulet Fund and
Montgomery County
Physicians Fund
Wabash Avenue
Presbyterian Church
Designated funds for the benefit of WAPC
Marian J. Morrison
Wabash Avenue
Presbyterian Church Fund
Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church Preschool
Designated funds for the benefit of WAPC Preschool
Wilma S. and George M.
Spencer Presbyterian
Wabash College
Designated funds for landscaping at Wabash College
Lester B. Sommer
Landscape Fund
Wabash College
Pass Through funds for the benefit of Wabash College Drew and Maggie Butcher
Pass Through Fund
Wesley Manor
Designated funds for the benefit of Wesley Manor
Grace Divine Law Trust
Wingate Parks Dept
Designated funds for the benefit of the town of Wingate,
Wingate Community
Women’s Legacy Fund
Pass through funds for the operation of the WLF
Women's Legacy
Women’s Resource Center
Designated funds for the benefit of WRC
Christian Union Ladies
Women's Resource Center
Baby items, client needs and ultra sounds
Florence Schultz Trust
Youth Service Bureau
Funding for Teen Court and CASA programs
Walter Hulet Fund
Youth Service Bureau
Designated funds to benefit the Youth Service Bureau and Youth Service Bureau
its Youth as Resources program
Agency and Youth
Service Bureau Youth
as Resources Funds
Engagement Grants
“Thank you for the support you extended to NICHES and
Friends of Sugar Creek to sponsor our Family Friendly
Float Trip. Through such support that MCCF offers, our
community thrives.” - Marc Hudson, Board member,
Friends of Sugar Creek
Photos by Maggie Taylor
Our June Community Engagement Grant was awarded to NICHES (Northern Indiana Citizens Helping
Ecosystems Survive) for a Family Float Trip excursion. Sixty canoeists and kayakers, many first timers
and families, made this leisurely float down Sugar Creek which was co-hosted by Friends of Sugar
Creek. By days end, new friends were made and appreciation of our natural resources grew deeper.
“I would like to thank the Montgomery County Community
Foundation for helping us make this year’s float the event
that it was. I personally had an amazing time and we could
not have done it without your support.” - Mary Kate DufairMcKenna, NICHES
“I was fortunate to receive two
Foundation scholarships - the
Fred and Ina Clark Scholarship
and the Florence and Lee Servies
Scholarship. These awards were
unbelievably valuable to me and
helped answer the question, ‘Am I
going to be able to afford college?’
After graduating from Wabash
College, I wanted to stay in this
area because it was through this
community of caring and giving
people that I was given the money
that alleviated so much of the financial pressure of attending
college. On a personal level, for my wife and I, we also decided
to plant roots in this community because the people that loved us
first and love us most will always be in this area.”
Michael is getting ready to grade
some of the never-ending papers
on his desk. At least he seems to be
enjoying the task!
Michael Myers and Maggie Blaich have known each other since
kindergarten but didn’t start dating until their college years. After
Maggie graduated from high school, she was fairly certain she did
not want to come back to this area; however, time and perspective
changed all that and she is delighted to build a life in this community
with Michael. She says, “This whole county is filled with people who
care so much and I wish others could see how important it is to stay here
and make a difference.” Maggie is currently in graduate school working
on her Masters in Social Work and her desire is to work with women
and families. One way she is already making an impact in that area
Athenas - Halloween party
is through her volunteer work with the Athenas, an after-school program for teenage
girls funded in part through the Montgomery County Community Foundation and the
Women’s Legacy Fund. The Athenas is a mentoring program designed to teach at-risk
teen girls how to make healthy choices about food and relationships, to offer a safe
venue to talk about problems and issues, and to encourage physical activity - all the
while boosting the self-confidence many of these girls struggle to maintain.
Michael’s teaching career also involves a lot of social work - he has learned to discern
the signals from students that indicate there are problems at home. However, he is
enthusiastic about teaching and couldn’t think of a better job in the world. Michael and
Maggie Myers are helping to shape our community in positive ways.
“I wish more people knew and understood all the ways the MCCF touches people. It’s crazy to
think about where the community would be without the Foundation.” - Michael and Maggie
Michael and Maggie Myers
Harriet Taylor Allen Scholarship
Morgan McCance
Clancy Wolf
Elizabeth Zachary
Danielle Zadai
Arvin - McCord Scholarship
Shannon Joyce
Walter C. Bridgewater Scholarship
Mackenzie Carpenter
Linda Beshaw Memorial Scholarship
Hannah Rogers
Fred and Ina Clark Scholarship
Sarah Barr
Kierstan Basey
Tori Bowerman
Kelsey Bowman
Cassandra Brainard
Craig Brainard
Shane Brown
Victoria Burkhart
Taylor Cable
Brian Caraher
Ethan Cating
Cole Chapman
Jessica Claycomb
Camille Cook
Madeline Demeter
Dustin Demoret
Kara Fulwider
Kathleen Grimble
Lauren Haffner
Shelby Hall
Kyle Harrison
Elizabeth Horcajo
Nathan Keck
Hannah Keedy
Heather Keiser
Lindsay Leech
Megan Leech
Christopher Lewis
Ian Line
Ryan Mason
Mica Mathison
Katelyn Mathison
Levi McAnulty
Morgan McCance
Cara McCauley
Kelly Menzel
Jacob Merriman
Lauren Mesaros
Wade Miller
Hilary Mishler
Brianna Mullen
Becka Murphy
Edith V. Botts Nursing Scholarship
Sarah Barr
Adrienne Barton
Kiera Bonebrake
Emily Bowman
Shanna Brown
Sarah Bumgardner
Mackenzie Carpenter
Shelby Cope
Kailyn Cox
Darcy Fitzpatrick
Madison Fouty
Morgan Fouty
Alexis Gephart
Holly Hampton
Erin Harper
Brooklyn Hollis
Aissa Leatherman
Brittany McKinney
Elizabeth McVay
Lauren Mesaros
Brianna Mullen
Becka Murphy
Kay Nannet
Rebecca Priebe
Amber Redmon
Rachel Rippy
Hannah Rogers
Stephanie Ross
Abigail Servies
Kelsie Shillings
Kendal Shorter
Laci Simpson
Lydia Smith
Shelby Snellenbarger
Lauren Starlin
Samantha Storms
Alli Thompson
Leigha Thompson
Shelby Williams
Adrianna Myers
Quinton Nannet
Cassie Parker
Cody Philpott
Anna Redmaster
Nicholas Reese
Hannah Reffett
Rachel Rippy
Gerard Salter
Peter Santa Maria
Laci Simpson
Joshua Smith
Nicholas Sommer
Lauren Starlin
Ezri Stewart
Hannah Surber
Kelly Thompson
Leigha Thompson
Rachel Thompson
Kelly Thompson
John Walker
Susan Ward
Michael Warner
Jessika Zachary
Clayton Zink
Community House for Women and
Girls Scholarship
Lauren Mesaros
Hannah Rogers
Pauline W. Conover Scholarship
Brooke Abney
Hannah Anderson
Coriann Arts
Jessie Barton
Ryan Bean
Morgan Berninger
Ethan Cating
Autum Clark
Angel Corado
Bailey Davis
Calli Deedrick
Melissa Dye
Elizabeth Guinter
Lauren Haffner
Mason Harpham
Jacob Hemphill
Rebecca Howland
Megan Huckstep
Brock Jahnke
Shannon Joyce
Kylie Justus
Katie Kelp
Malcolm Keyes
Hope Knowling
Jessica Leaman
Tyler Light
Brett Linn
Levi McAnulty
Megan McGrath
Theron McIntire
Brett McKinney
Kyle McLaughlin
Isaac Miller
Cody Philpott
Kyle Potter
Kacie Powers
Mitchell Reeves
Andrea Reynolds
Clayton Servies
Hilary Sheets
Meredith Simpson
Luke Wren
Elizabeth Zachary
Jessika Zachary
William H. Earley Scholarship
Jessika Zachary
Madonna Everhart and Betty
Howard Nursing Scholarship
Madison Fouty
Lauren Starlin
John and Ruth Isaacs Family
Shane Brown
Jacob Merriman
Max W. Johnson Scholarship
Robert Aaron Wheeler
Aaron C. Kesler Future Firefighters
Kyle Hunt
Lilly Endowment Community
Kevin Amstutz
Sarah Robertson
Aubri Rush
Grace Shelton
Krista Stump
Samuel Vaught
MCCF Initiative Scholarship
Jana Amstutz
Megan Leech
Nathaniel Davis
Thelma B. Nolte Scholarship
Adrienne Barton
Emily Bedwell
Victoria Burkhart
Chastain Hunter
Shelby Hall
Hannah Rogers
Samantha Storms
Sarah Storms
Clancy Wolf
Jessika Zachary
Nancy Gibson Memorial Scholarship
Rebekah Riley
Myron and Patsy Pattison
Frances E. Gray Family Scholarship Rachel Rippy
Jana Amstutz
Shelby Hall
James G. and Patti J. Pearson
Jared McKinney
Jacob Merriman
Victoria Burkhart
Hannah Rogers
Ezri Stewart
Prudence Kimball Phillips
Chemistry Award
Jim Harpel Basketball Scholarship
Amit Nag
Olivia Stevens
Ernest and Diana Rhoads Scholarship
Courtney Redenbaugh
Florence and Lee Servies Scholarship
Coriann Arts
Morgan Berninger
Victoria Burkhart
Calli Deedrick
Lauren Haffner
Ian Line
Fred D. and Anna Faye Stevenson
Brady Rogers
Lillyanne LaMaster
Emily Ann Overpeck
Bob J. Tandy Scholarship
Victoria Burkhart
Martha Fudge Vance Award
Nathaniel Davis
Jerry and Dorothy Servies Vaughn
Lauren Starlin
Homer C. Warren Family Scholarship
Mackenzie Carpenter
Alexis Gephart
David Odle
Clayton Randolph
Erin Redmaster
Lauren Simpson
Codie Snyder
Drew Young
David Wells Scholarship Award
Cole Chapman
Shannon Joyce, scholarship recipient,
with Isobel Arvin, fund owner
“A community is more than just a town on a map. A community is a place where one is born, raised,
nurtured, taught, and loved. It is a place where the most beautiful memories are created and where the
most tragic events occur. A community is like a colorful woven basket; weaved with all types of people,
places, and things.” – Cali Saunders
MCCF sponsored a Youth Essay Contest in honor of
Community Foundation Week. We invited 8th grade students
from all three county schools to participate and write an essay
that incorporated the themes of why it is important to give
back to the community and what have they done to make a
Cali Saunders with
Andy Ford from the
Family Crisis Shelter
Volunteers play a vital role in the success of our local nonprofits
and we’re happy to recognize one individual as our MCCF
Volunteer of the Year. Jan Sears has devoted nearly thirty years
of her life to serving others and was honored as the 17th Annual
MCCF Volunteer of the Year for her service to HUB Ministries.
HUB is housed at the New Bethel Church and strives to be the
connector between those in need and the resources they lack.
Volunteer of the Year Jan Sears receives her
award from Board President, John Tidd
A check in the amount of $1,000 was presented to HUB
Ministry in honor of Jan’s volunteer service.
The 2nd Annual Peggy Herzog Youth Volunteer of the
Year was awarded to Allen Johnson for his work at the
Boys & Girls Club of Montgomery County. As a high
school student Allen now volunteers his time at the club
to help mentor and tutor the younger members as well as
help out with cleaning tasks.
The club received $500 in honor of Allen’s service.
Youth Volunteer of the Year Allen Johnson with Board
President John Tidd and fund owner, Peggy Herzog
Sarah Marnell with
Deb Schavietello
from Faith Alliance
The winner was Cali Saunders, 8th grade Tuttle Middle School
student and our runner-up was Sarah Marnell, 8th grade
Northridge student. Tuttle received a $250 MCCF grant award
and Cali was given a $100 MCCF grant that she could award
to a local nonprofit agency of her choice and she chose the
Family Crisis Shelter. As runner-up, Sarah was given a $50
MCCF grant that she could direct to a local nonprofit, and she
chose Faith Alliance as her recipient. To read the full story, and
their essays, visit our website at on the News
& Events page!
Denim & Diamonds Dinner Tour -
a celebration
of “Ag ‘n Culture” in Montgomery County
Laughter bubbled over and spilled out onto the streets of downtown
Crawfordsville during our fourth annual Denim & Diamonds event! Cheerful
chatter and lively banter continued to flow easily throughout the evening
as new faces mingled with familiar friends. The ingenuity and originality
displayed on many of the decorated t-shirts worn at the event only added to
the fun and festive atmosphere.
The real “diamonds” of the evening were our nonprofit agencies who were
gracious hosts for this event. The crisp, autumn air was a perfect backdrop
as nearly 160 guests gathered at the Crawfordsville District Public Library’s
new Pavillion and began the evening with scrumptious appetizers served by
Bon Appetit. From there we traversed the city streets to celebrate Ag&Culture
in our community. A treasure trove of local history was discovered at
the Carnegie Museum and guests enjoyed the exhibit, “Agriculture: The
Cultivation of Montgomery County.” The flavor and creativity of local artisans
was on display at the Athens Art Gallery; and fun photo opportunities were
held at the Marie Canine Plaza.
Later in the evening guests were treated to a succulent dinner at the
Country Club prepared by Chef Jeff. Mouths were watering as the savory
dishes, served family style, arrived at individual tables. And the apple
streusel filled cupcakes were a perfect ending to such a delicious and
delightful meal! All guests were given t-shirts and encouraged to
bedazzle them - and many did with spectacular results! Those winning
prizes for their efforts were: Suanne Milligan, Marie Stocks, Sally Evans,
Dee and Dennis Hohlbein, Mike Raters and Tobey Herzog. Sugar Creek
Players generously donated show tickets for prizes.
Our deepest gratitude goes to all of our generous sponsors, without whom
this event would not be possible: Wabash College, Bon Appetit, Capital
Cities, Nucor, Sodexo,
MutualWealth, Sennett
Cattle, Kirtley, Taylor, Sims,
Chadd & Minnette Law offices,
Franciscan St. Elizabeth
Health, Tipmont REMC,
Farmers National Company,
Pace Dairy, Lafayette Bank &
Trust, Crawfordsville Country
Club, Tri-County Bank & Trust,
Teachers Credit Union, Estep
Burkey Simmons, LLC, Puritan
Water Conditioning, Brian
Keim’s Lawn Service, Amy and
Lyle Sanders, and Davidson
Greenhouse & Nursery.
Photo op at the Country Club
Touring Athens Art
Music by Ethan Carpenter
MCCF Board Member
Chris White with
husband, Pat,
“posing” for the
photographer at the
Marie Canine Plaza
Touring the Carnegie Museum
Leadership roles in our Community
Agency Meetings
Twice each year we gather local agencies for a time of sharing
information about resources and upcoming grant cycles and they
share news from their organizations with us. It is an enjoyable time as
we learn about the great things going on in our community and it is a
time of encouragement. At the spring meeting, we unveiled the Nancy
Doemel Nonprofit Library. During her career as Senior Advancement
Officer at Wabash College, Nancy acquired quite a collection of books.
Upon her retirement she donated them to us and they are now in
a library bearing her name on the second floor of our building. Our
library also has a computer for nonprofit leaders to use in their search
for grant possibilities beyond MCCF by accessing our online database
of grantmakers.
MCCF Executive Director, Kelly
Taylor (left) presents a Certificate of
Appreciation to Nancy Doemel (right)
for her contribution of books to our new
library, appropriately named the Nancy
Doemel Nonprofit Library.
Professional Advisors Seminar
Professional advisors are positioned to play a critical role in helping their clients
achieve their charitable goals. We hosted a Professional Advisors Workshop
in September for local attorneys, accountants and financial planners. The
speaker was Phil Purcell, J.D. and Vice-President of Planned Giving for Ball State
University Foundation. Phil helped them to see that a Community Foundation
can be a versatile and effective tool for donors to use in their gift planning.
Ivy Tech Forum
In August 2011 our Board discussed their role in the possibility of an
expanded presence of Ivy Tech Community College in our county. With
uncertainties whirling, the board unanimously agreed that the venture
was critical to the educational, and consequently, the economic health of
our community and that it was important for MCCF to speak up about it.
Together with the League of Women Voters of Montgomery County and
Farm Bureau, Inc., we co-hosted a forum on the topic February 2, 2012.
By inviting key game players we were able to present all the facts available
by those most knowledgeable about them to the public. We’re happy to
say that less than one year later, the facility opened for classes.
2012 Nonprofit Learning Series
Our community is blessed with many hard working nonprofit agencies
and we want to support them in ways that go beyond a grant check. By
providing them with the tools to strengthen themselves, we believe
their good works will be sustained for the long haul. One way to do this
is to provide educational opportunities for both staff and volunteers.
By partnering with the Putnam County Community Foundation and
the Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network, we offered eight top quality
workshops last year with topics ranging from Financial Accountability to
the use of Social Media. Nearly 300 people attended the 2012 series.
In Memory of Dr. Frank Allhands
Frank and Jackie Allhands
Keith Allhands
Bryan and Karen Nannet
Tim and Kay Nannet
Tyler and Beverly Nannet
In Memory of Deborah Coffing
Chuck Harpel
Tom Hunt
In Memory of Linda Beshaw
Robert Beshaw
In Memory of Anna Marie Day
Doug and Kelly Henthorn
Chris and Amy Malott
Kevin and Susan Malott
Gaylon and Kristie Ross
Scott Sommer
In Memory of Samuel and Fern
Boots Brothers Oil Company, Inc
In Memory of Brian Bowman
Dewey Abney
American Legion Riders of Post 72
Byron Cox Poxt 72
Joe and Debbie Carter
Clark Truck Equipment Co, Inc
Clifton and Quigg
Davidson Greenhouse and Nursery
Dutcher Trenching Inc
Hay-Bush Mechanical, LLC
High Street Bar and Grill
Hoosier Heartland State Bank
Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #6
Murphy Trailer Sales, Inc
Tom and Sue Oppy and family
John and Lana Presslor
RB Machine Company
Raybestos Powertrain LLC
Marc and Chelsea Roberts
Tim and Jenny Sayler
Sugar Creek Animal Hospital
TJMW & Associates
Tri-County Bank and Trust Co
V.F.W. Charity
In Memory of Bill Broshears
Dick and Marlene Simonds
In Memory of Drew and Maggie
Bill Butcher
In Memory of Lloyd and Mary Helen
Joe and Debbie Carter and family
Tom and Sue Oppy and family
In Memory of Vivian Claypool
Marty Pool
In Memory of Hazel Cord
Kenneth and Ruth Ann Newnum
In Memory of William Degitz
Jim and Chris Amidon
Andy and Karen Biddle
Harold and Linda Carpenter
Alma Crowder
William and Nancy Doemel
Michael and Terri Grant
Herm and Kitty Haffner
Karen Harshbarger
Rex and Sandy Henthorn
Eleanor Herr
Sam and Susie Hildebrand
Joe and Ann Malott
Tom and Cynda Mellish
Dale and Clara Lou Milligan
Marian Morrison
Kenneth and Ruth Ann Newnum
Marvin and Gloria Oliver
Marty Pool
Marion Powell
Roxie Remley
Walt and Pauline Romanowski
John and Ann Skomp
Lucy Smith
Mark and Susan Smith
Jon and Patty Sommer
Don and Dottie Sperry
Richard Strawn
Dan, Kelly, Maggie and Lillie Taylor
Mary Wernle
Pat and Chris White
Robert and Eleanor Young
In Memory of Mary Doemel
William and Nancy Doemel
In Memory of Raelyn Earley
Donald and Phyllis Beckelhymer
Marjorie Berry and family
Gary and Ronna Bohlander
Byron Christian Church
Mary Carpenter
John and Lucinda Cook
Evan Cork
Arena Cummings
Brock and Janine Cummings
Andy and Wendy Deaton
Erika Edwards
Chris, Candy, Mara and Maddie
Jack and Wilma Lewellyn
Brad and Elizabeth Neibert
Tim and Kathy Pearson
Kallie Peterman/Unique Signs
Barry and Marcia Rhoads
Floyd and Jane Sabens
Fred and Donna Sabens
Josh, Tiffany, Marin and Stella Sabens
Mike and Jane Sabens
Bettie Simpson
Lewis and Eva Smith
Gary and Jeanne Stoner
Paul and Connie Surface
Aaron and Tina Townsend and family
Tri-County Bank and Trust Co
Joanne Van Cleave
Shirley Via
Tony, Jackie and Torrie Ward
Bruce White and family
Christi Wolf
William Wythe
In Memory of John and Ardell Etter
Etter Ford
In Memory of Bill Gaboney
Charles and Isobel Arvin
In Memory of Nancy Gibson
Jake and Kelli Gibson
Patricia Perkins
Carolyn Fisher
Gibson Commercial Construction, LLC
Ronald Gibson
Marilyn Spear
In Memory of Gus and Nola Gineris
Jim and Nancy Gineris
In Memory of Mary Rose Goff
William Campbell
In Memory of Joan Gray
Charlie and Leslie Warren
In Memory of Gaildene Hamilton
Kenneth and Danielle Birk
In Memory of Ian Hudson
Andrew and Aimee Twarek
In Memory of James Harpel
Roger and Erin Azar
Neil and LeAnne Brown
Greg and Alice Conrad
Chris Harpel
Chuck and Alice Harpel
George and Joy Hayashida
Max and Donna Sheets
Richard Trout
Terry and Kathy Wear
In Memory of Cora Hunt
Tom Hunt
In Memory of Virginia Hays
John and Katherine Fox
Craig and Diane Green
In Memory of Terri Keffer
David and Jeanette Shelton
In Memory of Will Hays
John and Katherine Fox
Jack and Beverly Wyatt
In Memory of Eleanor Herr
Denis and Cindy Bannon
Walter and Mary Berry
Roger and Barbara Cook
Hubert and Dorothy Danzebrink
Suzanne Goulet
Tom and Mary Beth Harmon
Eugene and Ethel Hostetter
Wayne and Mari Ann Kessler
Mark Kessler
Don and Jane Livingston
Tom and Suanne Milligan
Robert and Beth Musgrave
Marty Pool
James and Ann White
Thomas and Helen Wooten
Mike and Deb Zurawski
In Memory of Keith Hester
Dan and Denise Maxwell
In Memory of Fritz Holzgrefe
Bob and Nancy Rogers
In Memory of James Hood
Virginia Hood
In Memory of Marge Hopkins
Dan, Kelly, Maggie and Lillie Taylor
In Memory of Connie Horner
Mike and Diane Beemer
In Memory of Laura Hunt
Tom Hunt
Marty Pool
Dick and Marlene Simonds
In Memory of Ruth Isaacs
John Isaacs
In Memory of Jessica Keller
Jon and Patty Sommer
In Memory of Aaron Kesler
Dan and Patty Kesler
In Memory of Cory Knecht
Monte and Heidi Bogatz
Sabrina Bogatz
Kevin and Kelly Brock
Susan Brown
Charles and Terry Coons
Crawfordsville Professional Firefighters
Crawfordsville Work Force Inc
Chris and Carly Day
Sarah Enright
Etter Ford
Phillip and Karen Goode
Gould Body and Paint, Inc
Horner Buick, GMC Truck
Dick and Judith Hunsicker
Rex and Nancy Kelsey
Jerry and Sharon Knecht
Kurt and Janis Knecht
Adam and Sarah Pilli
Hope Qualio
Charles Shelby
Surbs Tire, Inc
In Memory of Gil and Betty Krohn
Chuck and Alice Harpel
Larry and Connie Motz
In Memory of Una Larew
Arley and Pauline Alexander
Andy and Karen Biddle
Jim and Nancy Bishop
Paula Boots
Darrell and Debra Bourff
Patricia Busenbark
Phil and Karen Campbell
Bill and Nancy Carpenter
Ray and Anna Cedars
Phil and Sharon Comingore
Dan and Ronica Comingore and Sons
Sidney and Carole Faulkner
David Finch
Morris and Sandy Finch
Robert and Sue Fisher
Rick and Janet Fyffe
Alan and Belinda Grimble and family
Bonnie Grimble
Jack and Joyce Grimble and family
Chuck and Alice Harpel
Linda Harrell
Mike and Mitzi Hinton
Mildred James
Jim and Sandy Jeffers
Mary Jane King
Richard and Debbie Larew
Chris and Wendi Lauks
Gren and Mary Lefebvre
Don and Jane Livingston and family
Jerry and Nancy McBee
Donna McGrady
Charles McMurry and family
Donna Mercer
Carole Meyer
Misty Nuckols and family
Marty Pool
Stephen and Joan Robinson
David and Maxine Rush
Wayne and Vicki Rush
Dennis and Amber Rusk
Rodney and Connie Schenck
Don and Brenda Schenck
Ray and Pat Seale
Lowell and Donna Stockdale
Byron and Karen Thada
Gary and Maribeth Van Gorden
Lois Vance
Sandy Williams
Mike and Connie Williams
Rusty and Antionette Williams
Steve and Angie Williams
Tim and June Wilson and family
In Memory of Byron and Vera
Byron and Suzanne Lingeman
In Memory of Pearl Livingston
Arley and Pauline Alexander
Charlotte and Nancy Bannon
Patricia Busenbark
Phillip and Karen Campbell
Cheryl Carlson
William and Nancy Doemel
Sarah Fishero
Michelle and Kayla Goodin
Janet Grubbs
Tim Guard and Sue Harmon
Chuck and Alice Harpel
Rex and Sandy Henthorn
R & E Herr Enterprises
Maxine Hockersmith
Kenneth and Joyce Jeffries
Robert and Patricia Kincaid
Mary Jane King
Terry and Deann King
Dora Lee Larew
Joe and Ann Malott
Donna McGrady
John and Patty Miller
Ernest and Joanne Moore
Kenneth and Ruth Ann Newnum
Morris and Barbara Odle
Carol Peterson
Marty Pool
Wayne and Vicki Rush
Amber Rusk
St. Clare Medical Center Auxiliary
David and Mary Stevenson
Mel and Lois Vance
In Memory of Nella Marie Luster
Linda Calvert
Tom Hunt
Barbara Taylor
Bill and Judy Williams
In Memory of Jerry Matricia
Eileen Matricia
In Memory of Margaret Matrisian
Maria Vannice and Joseph Matrisian
In Memory of Kim McBee
Sarah Alexander
Lori Barker
Gary and Ronna Bohlander
Harold and Linda Carpenter
Rusty and Kathy Carter
Michael and Marilyn Cohee
Gary Dale
Gerald and Kathi Hole
Jim McBee
Tom and Cynda Mellish
Bradley and Kathy Moore
John and Patty Parry
Mike and Carol Plant
Donald and Marilyn Richardson
Jeff, Jon and Marsha Ryker
Joseph and Catherine Seward
David and Jeanette Shelton
Don and Darlene Sicks
Kathy Small
Beverly Timmons
Nancy Weliever
Bruce White and family
Fred and Reta White
Mark White and family
In Memory of Mary Alice McCoskey
Eldon McCoskey
In Memory of Sue McGaughey
Dept. F Needleworkers of the Art
Kenneth and Ruth Ann Newnum
Anita Rupar
In Memory of Paul McKinney
Austin and Lucy Brooks
In Memory of Maria McLean
William and Nancy Doemel
Thomas and Suanne Milligan
Carole Meyer
In Memory of John Meek
Kenneth and Ruth Ann Newnum
Marty Pool
Bob and Nancy Rogers
In Memory of Mildred Mellott
Steve and Joan Robinson
In Memory of Katherine Boling
Peter and Sarah Malanchuk
Carrie Milligan
Samuel and Anna Milligan
Tim, Sharon, Josh and Sarah Milligan
Tom and Suanne Milligan
Andrew, Amy and Paige Smithka
Christopher Smithka and Haben
Jerry and Betsy Johnson
Katherine Milligan
In Memory of James Moore
Walter and Mary Jo Bates
Jim Branstetter
Wayne and Sandy Branstetter
Roger Buck
Don and Jan Carpenter
Garry Coffenberry
Dale and Bonnie Cohee
Ron Cornett
Stan and Mary Jo Covey
James Curry
Gary Dale
James and Sandra Davis
Heather Perkins-Dennison
Earl and Ruby Elliott
Terry and Rebecca Ernst
Nancy Fishero
Jim and Nancy Gineris
Randy Gritten
Tim Guard and Sue Harmon
Melody Gulman
Gerald Hole
Jo Anne Howard
J. R. Howerton
Doug Johnson
Fred Johnson
Nick and Mandy Johnson
Tom Jones
Dennis Keefer
John and Terri Keffer
Kurt Knecht
Joseph and Mary Kraynak
Guy McCance
Troy and Courtney Melstrom
Dean and Donna Miller
Jim Miller
Paul and Becky Moore
Greg and Nancy Morrison
Maxine Perkins
Patricia Perkins
Evelyn Pirtle
Marty Pool
Dave Riggs
Greg Rosemeyer
David Smith
Parke and Sydney Spencer
Mel and Lois Vance
Ryan and Andrea Venis
George and Karen Venis
Jack and Donna Walton
Greg Warren
Al Wray
Jeff Zachary
In Memory of James Myers
Thomas Twarek and Ellen Ball
In Memory of William Placher
William and Nancy Doemel
In Memory of James and Patti
Theodore Pearson
In Memory of Victor Powell
Pat and Chris White
In Memory of Donald Peterson
Carol Peterson
In Memory of Prudence Phillips
Austin and Lucy Brooks
John and Betty Culley
Phillip and Diana Hunter
Brad and Angela Maxwell
David Phillips
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
In Memory of Mae Pinkstaff
Jim and Chris Amidon
Mike and Diane Beemer
J. Frank and Lucy Bell
Austin and Lucy Brooks
Amy Cooper
Rebecca Degitz
Peter and Constance Dickinson
William and Nancy Doemel
Chuck and Alice Harpel
Monte and Sherry Harris
Marty Heinold
Margaret Henthorn
Rex and Sandy Henthorn
Eleanor Herr
Johanna Herring
Jack and Rita Heuss
Brad and Becky Hurt
Bob and Lynn Johnston
Don and Jane Livingston
Joe and Ann Malott
Beverly Maxwell
Gordon and Jane McDonald
Irmingard McKinney
Margery Miller
Marian Morrison
Victor and Lois Neufeld
Kenneth and Ruth Ann Newnum
Marty Pool
Errol and Berenice Rushovich
Harry and Suzanne Siamas
Jon and Patty Sommer
Don and Dottie Sperry
John and Rosemary Turchi
Steve and Ruthanna Williamson
In Memory of Tom Prince
Dick and Marlene Simonds
In Memory of Ernest and Diana
Raymond Keck and family
Terry and Paula Reed
Barry and Marcia Rhoads
Terry and Becky Rhoads
John and Sandy Tidd
In Memory of John “Jack” Roberts
Charles and Isobel Arvin
William and Nancy Doemel
Rex and Sandy Henthorn
Joe and Ann Malott
Anita Rupar
Jean Williams
In Memory of James and Virginia
Maria Vannice and Joseph Matrisian
In Memory of Robert Royal
In Memory of Gene Rush
Jane Rush
In Memory of Frances Sanders
Mike and Sonya Sosbe
In Memory of Aaron Shelton
Harold and Linda Carpenter
In Memory of Clara Smith
Joe Smith
Mark and Susan Smith
In Memory of Franklin Smith
Art League - Dept K
William and Nancy Doemel
Lyle and Dorothy Fogel
John and Kathy Steele
Gary and Pat Stull
In Memory of George M. and Wilma
S. Spencer
William and Martha Leyda
George and Judith Spencer
In Memory of Fred and Anna Faye
James Collier
Alan and Caroline Rush
Jane Rush
In Memory of Bruce and Edna Stultz
Jack and Donna Walton
In Memory of Alice Swingle
Kenneth and Ruth Ann Newnum
Marty Heinold
In Memory of Bob Tandy
Marvin and Lois Burkett
Lowell and Virginia Harbison
Brad, Jennifer, Eric and Emily Tandy
Susan Tandy
In Memory of Dr. Claude Thompson
Arley and Pauline Alexander family
Jim, Chris and Sammie Amidon
Charles and Isobel Arvin
George and Mary Barker
Martha Bausch
Andrew and Karen Biddle
Brent, Christi, Daniel and Olivia
Luther and Beverly Branstetter
Don and Martha Brown
Paul Brown and family
Larry and Glenda Buff
David and Janie Byers
Jess and Melissa Cain
Kenny and Marlene Cain
Seth Cain
Terry and Amy Cain
Zach and Marie Cain
James Capehart
John and Jill Capper
James Carter and Juliet Wells
Rusty and Kathy Carter
Freda Collings
Tony and Cindy Cosenza
Bernard and Beverly Craft
Hubert and Dorothy Danzebrink
Larry and Margaret Degenhart
Dayne and Darla Dickerson
Raymond and Donna Doherty
In Memory of Dr. Claude Thompson
Earl and Ruby Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Emmert
Dean and Janice Emmert
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Emmert
Melinda Emmert
Bob and Barbara Ferling
Daryl Fry
Dan and Martha Goff
Brad Gonso
Chuck and Alice Harpel
Terry and Mary Lynn Harris
Conrad and Judith Harvey
Les and Pat Hearson
Rex and Sandy Henthorn
William and Elizabeth Herrin
Tobey and Peggy Herzog
Charles and Ann Hesselbein
Sam and Susie Hildebrand
Kurt and Carol Homann
John Horner
HudsonAlpha Institute for
David and Karen Hunt
Bernard and Jane Johnson
Lora Jones
Sandra Karle
Cathy Johnson Kelsey
Bob and Janet Kinstle
Vera Lear
Joyce Lidikay
Steve and Jacki Loy
Paul and Mary Ludwig
Joe and Ann Malott
William and Vicki Martin
Tom and Cynda Mellish
Carole Meyer
Sonny and Sue Meyer
Tom and Suanne Milligan
Paul and Susie Moehling
Montgomery County Medical Society
Larry and Connie Motz
Everett and Carol Murch
Rob O’Dell
Morris and Barbara Odle
Marty Pool
Linda Proffitt
Holly Ralston
Preston and Beverly Reckers
Bob and Nancy Rogers
Gaylon and Kristen Ross
Anita Rupar
Dennis and Amber Rusk
Shad and Sara Schenck
Carl and Pat Seale
Clark and Nancy Sennett
Alex and Emily Sierko
Steve and Judy Sierko
Deborah Sinatra
Jon and Patty Sommer
Tim and Kelly Stanley
Robert and Anita Stephenson
Doris Stevenson
Ron and Linda Stewart
Mike and Bonnie Storer
Richard and Rosemary Stutzman
Dan, Kelly, Maggie and Lillie Taylor
Byron and Karen Thada
Henry and Carolyn Thomas
Darrell and Mary Ann Thompson
Thomas and Clara Thompson
Thomas and Shirley Thompson
Thompson Reunion
Paul Tinsley and family
John and Rosemary Turchi
Ken Turchi
Mel and Lois Vance
Mark and Karla Vaught
Fred and Barbara Warbinton
Stu and Carolyn Weliever
James Carter and Juliet Wells
Stan and LeAnn Wethington
Williamsburg Health Care
Max and Jean Wolverton
Mike and Deb Zurawski
Tom and Suanne Milligan
Robin and Gail Pebworth
Marty Pool
Thomas and Carole Young
In Memory of Eleanor Timmons
Marty Pool
Jon and Patty Sommer
In Memory of Robert Zurawski
Mike and Deb Zurawski
In Memory of Richard Ward
William and Nancy Doemel
Joe and Ann Malott
Jack and Beverly Wyatt
In Memory of Susan Titus Watt
Robert and Carol Titus
In Memory of Don and Emma Lou
Mary Lou Weliever
Stu and Carolyn Weliever
In Memory of Robert Wernle
Mary Wernle
In Memory of Martha Williams
Esther Houston
In Memory of Helen Wynne
Marian Morrison
Kenneth and Ruth Ann Newnum
Mary Isabel Wilkins
In Memory of Ron Yund
Janice Yund
In Memory of Joe Timmons
John and Beverly Wyatt
In Memory of Dale Walcutt
Austin and Lucille Brooks
William and Nancy Doemel
Tobey and Peggy Herzog
Joe and Ann Malott
Marty Pool
Jon and Patty Sommer
In Memory of Irene Walcutt
Austin and Lucille Brooks
William and Nancy Doemel
David and Sheridan Hadley
Tobey and Peggy Herzog
David and Virginia Maharry
Joe and Ann Malott
The Mace Veterans Memorial Fund provides
support for lighting and maintenance of the flag
at Mace Cemetery
In Honor of Chris Amidon
Thomas and Carole Anderson
In Honor of Tom and Kim Hevalty
Jim and Anne Sexton
In Honor of Joe and Caitlyn Procinsky
Jim and Anne Sexton
In Honor of Charles and Isobel Arvin
John and Betty Culley
In Honor of Virginia Hood
Deanna Durrett
In Honor of Isobel Arvin
Kelly Trusty
In Honor of Ted and Julie Hunt
Geoff and Tiffani Knowles
In Honor of Gaylon, Kristie and Sam
Marty Pool
In Honor of Dr. Keith Baird
Mark and Jane Truax
In Honor of Gary and Dee Isenberg
Tom and Sharon Keedy
In Honor of Nancy Beach
Dale and Linda Petrie
In Honor of Tom and Sharon Keedy
Charles and Hulah O’Dell
In Honor of Bill and Connie Bradley
Patricia Jeffries
In Honor of Cheryl Keim
Indiana Historical Society
In Honor of Natalie Brown
Lillie Taylor
In Honor of Joan Lewis
Marty Pool
In Honor of Kym Bushong
Don Golliher
In Honor of the Lindley Family
Robert and Sheila Evans
In Honor of Harold and Linda
Dan, Kelly, Maggie and Lillie Taylor
In Honor of Dr. Mary Ludwig
Dan and Julie Bergfors
Michael, Madeline and Maria
In Honor of Nancy Doemel
John and Ann Kohler
In Honor of Daryl Fry
Heather Perkins-Dennison
In Honor of David and Sheridan
Mr. and Mrs. Claus
In Honor of Lowell and Virginia
Tim, Beth, Tyler and Jacob
In Honor of Janet Rucker
Steve and Martha Akers
Terry and Amy Cain
Troy and Marchel French
Todd and Heidi Gambrel
Michael and Kristina Klewicki
Troy and Kim Little
Bradley and Elizabeth Neibert
Bob and Tracy Peterman
Darren and Kristy Spivey
In Honor of Gary and Christina
Jim and Anne Sexton
In Honor of Randy and Jenny Sexton
Jim and Anne Sexton
In Honor of Jim and Susan Smith
Mike and Julie Raters
In Honor of Nestor Matthews
Karen Gunther
In Honor of Joe Smith
Mark and Susan Smith
In Honor of Sonny and Sue Meyer
Jon and Patty Sommer
In Honor of John Van Nuys
Roger and Judy Hildebrand
Marty Pool
In Honor of Suanne Milligan
Hillary Bates
Jim and Anne Sexton
In Honor of Christi Wolf
Floyd and Jane Sabens
In Honor of Marty Pool
Joan Lewis
“I have been blessed to work for the most amazing and
selfless boss over the last twenty-two years. So it really came
as no surprise when Dr. Rucker asked all of us at the office to
consider donating to the Dr. Mary Ludwig Free Clinic rather
than getting her any gifts last year. Little did we know how
close this project really was to her heart. So, for each holiday,
we donated an amount in her honor. Dr. Rucker was always
overwhelmed by our support, often getting choked up as she
thanked us. It was really a joy to give back to my community
in honor of such an amazing and selfless individual as my
boss: Dr Janet L. Rucker.”
- Marchel French
Staff: Martha Akers, Amy Cain, Marchel French, Heidi
Gambrel, Krissy Klewicki, Kim Little, Libby Neibert, Tracy
Peterman and Kristy Spivey. (Dr. Rucker is seated 2nd from
left on front row.)
MCCF By the Numbers in 2012
Number of nonprofits that received grant funds
$1.3 million
Amount of grants and scholarships awarded
$33.8 million
Amount of funds endowed at MCCF
Total number of donors who gave to MCCF
Total number of new donors
Investment Performance
Montgomery County Community Foundation
Statement of Financial Position
December 31, 2012 and 2011
Current Assets
$ 3,194,707
$ 2,097,822
Investments$ 29,154,391$ 27,071,038
Property and Equipment
Other Assets
$ 2,184,930 $
$ 2,323,986
TOTAL ASSETS$ 34,574,815$ 31,535,804
Current Liabilities including Agency
and Trust Endowed Funds
Long-Term Obligations
$ 2,065,036
$ 2,065,036
$ 1,908,851
$ 1,908,851
TOTAL NET ASSETS$ 32,509,779$ 29,626,953
$ 34,574,815
$ 31,535,804
Note: The 2011 information is an excerpt of the audited financial statements. The 2012
information is currently under audit and is subject to change. Complete financial statements are
available for inspection in our office at 119 East Main Street, Crawfordsville, Indiana.
Board members pictured L-R: Morris Mills, Nancy Sennett, Tony Cosenza, Janet Rucker, Larry Griffith, Chris White,
Sharon O’Dell-Keedy, Phil Littell, Anita Rupar, Tom Mellish, Amy Cooper, Dale Petrie, Heather Perkins-Dennison,
John Tidd (Not pictured: Steve McLaughlin)
John Tidd – President
Steve McLaughlin - Vice President
Heather Perkins – Secretary
Dale Petrie – Treasurer
Amy Cooper – At Large
Steve McLaughlin– Chair
Chris White
Janet Rucker
Tom Mellish
Sharon O’Dell-Keedy
Julie Hess*
Mary Scheidler*
Peggy Burkett*
Phil Littell – Chair
John Tidd
Steve McLaughlin
Dale Petrie
Morris Mills
Larry Griffith
Steve Loy*
Dennis Hohlbein*
Chris White – Chair
Heather Perkins
Nancy Sennett
Amy Cooper
Anita Klein*
Amy Sanders*
Dale Petrie – Chair (Treasurer)
Tony Cosenza
Phil Littell
*Non-board member
Amy Cooper – Chair
Anita Rupar
Tony Cosenza
Susan Smith
Alyssa Powell*
Dorothy Fogel*
Staff photo
taken at Denim
and Diamonds
Dinner Tour:
Kelly Taylor,
Paula Reed,
Marty Pool,
Cheryl Keim,
Marvin Oliver
Our Mission is to build
bridges to support the future of
Montgomery County
Montgomery County Community Foundation
119 E Main
PO Box 334
Crawfordsville, IN 47933
Phone: 765-362-1267