Appendices Appendix A1 - Otago University Research Archive
Appendices Appendix A1 - Otago University Research Archive
Appendices Table of Contents Appendix A1 ............................................................................................ 3 Figure A1.1: .................................................................................................................... 3 Appendix A2 ............................................................................................ 9 Table A2.1: ..................................................................................................................... 9 Table A2.2: ................................................................................................................... 35 Appendix A3 .......................................................................................... 38 Table A3.1: ................................................................................................................... 38 Appendix B1 ........................................................................................... 40 Appendix B2 ........................................................................................... 64 Table B2.1: .................................................................................................................... 64 Table B2.2: .................................................................................................................... 67 Table B2.3: .................................................................................................................... 69 Table B2.4: .................................................................................................................... 72 Appendix B3 ........................................................................................... 74 Figure B3.1: .................................................................................................................. 74 Figure B3.2: .................................................................................................................. 75 Figure B3.3:................................................................................................................... 76 Figure B3.4: .................................................................................................................. 77 Figure B3.5: .................................................................................................................. 78 Figure B3.6: .................................................................................................................. 79 Appendix C1 .......................................................................................... 74 Figure C3.1: .................................................................................................................. 74 Appendix C2 .......................................................................................... 75 Table C2.1: .................................................................................................................... 75 Appendix D............................................................................................. 78 Table D1: ...................................................................................................................... 78 Table D2: ...................................................................................................................... 80 Table D3: ...................................................................................................................... 82 Appendix E ............................................................................................. 85 Table E1.1: .................................................................................................................... 85 Appendix F ........................................................................................... 100 Incidence of plastic fragments among burrow-nesting seabird colonies on offshore islands in northern New Zealand ............................................................................................ 100 F.1 Abstract ................................................................................................................. 100 F.2 Introduction........................................................................................................... 100 F.3 Methods ................................................................................................................ 102 F.4 Results................................................................................................................... 105 F.5 Discussion ............................................................................................................. 110 References ............................................................................................ 112 Appendix A1 Site-specific growth Metapopulation processes + rtNt(D+/D−)i + It Nt = NAt + NPrt + NJt NAt = (NAt-1 * SA) + NPrt = (NJt-AFR * SJ[AFR]) * Pret (NPrt-1 * SPr) It It α ft(D+/D−)e *Rt (D+/D−)i NJt = NAt * Ft ft = ΣNPrt/Ds R=H*C Ft = (1−Skipt) * BSt Figure A1.1: Generic model of seabird colony growth considering both site-specific parameters and metapopulation processes. rt – per capita growth rate, Nt – number of individuals in a colony, (D+/D−)i – intrinsic density dependence, It – immigration, NAt – number of adults, NPrt – number of pre-breeding birds, NJt – number of immature birds, SA – adult survival, SPr – pre-breeder survival, AFR – age at first return, Pret – probability of return (philopatry), SJ[AFR] – immature survival until age at first return, Ft – fecundity, Skipt – number of adults skipping breeding, BSt – breeding success per breeding adult, ft – number of immature birds prospecting a new colony, (D+/D−)e – extrinsic density dependence, R – probability of prospectors recruiting into a new colony, ΣNPrt – total pool of pre-breeding birds in a metapopulation, Ds – distance to natal colony, H – habitat quality, C – social cues. Generic colony growth model The rate of growth of a seabird colony depends on “intrinsic” or site-specific growth, influenced by the per capita growth rate, rt, at any moment in time, t, the number of individuals in the colony Nt, and positive or negative intrinsic (i) density-dependent effects (D+/D-)i; and “extrinsic” metapopulation dynamics, or the number of immigrants recruiting from other colonies It (Fig. A1). Colony growth = rtNt(D+/D-)i + It (1) Per-capita growth rate, rt depends on an interaction between species-specific life history strategies and environmental stochasticity moderated by density-dependence (D+/D-) i. Although mechanisms associated with density dependence are not well understood in seabird populations (Moller et al. 2009), negative density-dependence may occur as a result of limitations in breeding sites and food (Croxall and Rothery 1991, Baker and Wise 2005, Sandvik et al. 2012), while positive density dependence may be associated with coloniality (i.e. "safety in numbers" from predators, Lyver et al. 2000, Jones 2003). Even less is understood about seabird dispersal and immigration to new colonies (It), which are assumed to be regulated by negative density-dependent factors; however, social behaviour may over-ride their importance (Hunter et al. 2000, Kildaw et al. 2005, Kerbiriou et al. 2012). We predict that immigration will play a disproportionately large role in colony growth, considering the effects of seabirds’ characteristic long generation times and low rt values. To simplify the general model, we excluded dispersal by adults , as site fidelity is common among seabirds once breeding has been established (Dubois and Cézilly 2002). Intrinsic growth Seabird life histories are characterised by prolonged absences from breeding sites following fledging, and a number of years of attendance as “pre-breeders” before pair bonding and successful breeding. Thus, the number of individuals associated with a seabird colony in any given season (Nt) is made up of the number of breeding-age adults (NAt), the number of prebreeders (NPrt), and the number of immature birds (NJt; Fig. 1). Nt = NAt + NPrt + NJt (2) For most seabirds, as in other long-lived animals, the number of adults from the previous season (NAt-1) that survive, at a rate SA, to breed has the greatest influence on intrinsic population growth rate (Russell 1999, Saether and Bakke 2000, Igual et al. 2009). Variables affecting SA include natural (e.g. disease) and anthropogenic (e.g. fisheries bycatch; Burger and Gochfeld 1994) factors. The number of adults in a season (NAt) will also depend on the number (NPrt-1) and survival (SPrt-1) of pre-breeding birds from the previous season. NAt = (NAt-1 * SA) + (NPrt-1 * SPr) (3) The number of pre-breeders (NPrt) that return to the natal colony will depend on the number (NJt-AFR) and survival (SJ[AFR]) of immature birds until the species’ characteristic ‘age at first return’ to the colony (AFR), and the probability of return (Pret) to the natal site (i.e. philopatry). Although AFR can vary between individuals and with environmental stochasticity and Pret is generally considered to be high in seabirds (Warham 1990, Milot et al. 2008); each species is likely to have a characteristic values for these parameters (Ovenden et al. 1991, Mougin 2001, Aubry et al. 2009). Factors that are thought to influence immature survival include natural and anthropogenic variation in at sea conditions (e.g. sea surface temperature and oil spills; Votier et al. 2008). Immature birds often represent a significant proportion of a population and their dynamics can therefore potentially have large consequences for population growth (Hunter et al. 2000, Votier et al. 2008, Votier et al. 2011). However, seabirds cannot be easily monitored away from breeding areas, so the precise effects of factors affecting the survival (SJ) of immature birds on population growth are not well understood (Oro et al. 2006). NPrt = (NJt-AFR * SJ[AFR]) * Pret (4) The number of immature birds produced by a colony will depend on the number of breeding adults (NAt) and their fecundity (Ft). NJt = (NAt* Ft) (5) Short-term changes in fecundity (Ft) generally have little effect on long-term intrinsic population growth trajectories. Variation in reproductive success can be high, which serves to buffer populations from environmental stochasticity (Cairns 1989, Doherty et al. 2004). However, long-term decreases or increases in fecundity will eventually translate to changes in per capita population growth and one of the main causes of prolonged suppression of reproductive success is predation by alien mammals or humans (Muñoz Del Viejo et al. 2004). Fecundity is the product of breeding success (BSt; the number successfully reared fledglings per individual breeding attempt) and the number of adults attempting breeding (1-Skipt; Baker and Wise 2005, Pascoe et al. 2011). Intermittent breeding, or “skipping,” (Skipt) is a characteristic of seabirds that produce one offspring per year (i.e.procellariiformes; Cubaynes et al. 2011) and is considered to be a buffer against adverse environmental conditions (Erikstad et al. 1998). Ft = (1-Skipt) * BSt (6) Extrinsic processes Although seabirds exhibit high rates of philopatry, immigration of immature individuals (It) has been shown to be a significant factor in the dynamics of metapopulations (Inchausti and Weimerskirch 2002, Milot et al. 2008, Pascoe et al. 2011). We assume here that immigration rate is influenced by density-dependent processes, both at the source, affecting the size of the available pool of birds exploring a new colony (prospectors; NPrt), and locally, by the number of birds already breeding at that colony (Nt; Oro et al. 2006). It α ft(D+/D-)e * Rt (D+/D-)i (7) Where ft represents the number of immature birds available to prospect a new colony, mediated by extrinsic (e) density-dependence (D+/D-)e, and R is the probability that these prospectors recruit to the new colony, mediated by intrinsic density-dependence (D+/D-)i within the new colony. The number of birds prospecting a new colony depends on the size of the pool of prebreeding birds available to prospect (ΣNPrt) which, in turn, likely reflects density-dependence at the source colony (e.g. availability of breeding sites); and the distance between the prospective colony and the natal colony (Ds). ft = ΣNPrt /Ds (8) The probability of recruitment to a new colony depends on the interaction between habitat quality (H) at the new colony (Kildaw et al. 2005) and the strength of positively densitydependent social cues (C, i.e. social facilitation, Danchin et al. 2004, or Allee effects, Schippers et al. 2011). R=H*C (9) Appendix A2 Table A2.1: List of islands in New Zealand with all non-native predators removed and pre- and post-eradication information regarding breeding seabirds. Types of data include (N) none, (A) anecdotal, (O) observation of relative abundance, and (C) direct counts of birds or burrows. (U) = Unknown Island Area (ha) Raoul 2938 Invasive pred. removed Goat Cat Date introd. Date erad. 1836 1984 1836 2004 1921 2004 c. 1250 2004 Seabird species Wedge-tailed shearwater Kermadec little shearwater Norway rat Pacific rat Black-winged petrel White-naped petrel Kermadec petrel Red-tailed tropicbird Masked booby Sooty tern Colony size Type of Response pre-erad. data post-erad. 1 burrow in 1980s A 1 new colony Type of data Suspected Burrows found in 1910, none in 80s A None O Sources C. Gaskin pers. comm. (Veitch et al. 2004) A 3 new colonies C (Veitch et al. 2011) Suspected A O (Parkes 1984) None A None None None A A A None Small numbers now breeding Recolonization None Re- C O O O O colonization Macauley 236 Goat Pacific rat Manama Tawhi (Great Island) 300 Goat Pig c. 1836 1970 c. 1788 2008 1643 and 1869 1946 1946 Kermadec stormpetrel None Wedge-tailed shearwater ~40 000 pairs Kermadec little shearwater numerous' Black-winged 2–3 million petrel pairs White-naped petrel ~50 000 Kermadec petrel <50 pairs Kermadec stormpetrel Suspected White-bellied storm-petrel Suspected Red-tailed tropicbird 50–100 pairs Masked booby ~100 pairs Fluttering shearwater Common Common diving petrel Grey-faced petrel Red-billed gull Sooty shearwater Black-winged petrel Southern blackbacked gull A None O O U N A U N O U N O O U U N N A U N A U N O O U U N N O Rare Common Common Rare O O O O Unown, rare O None Increase in relative abundance U U U Breeding, now moderately common Breeding O U O N A N N N A (Tennyson et al. 1998) (Tennyson et al. 2003) (Veitch et al. 2004) (Tennyson and Taylor 1990) (Ramsay and Watt 1971) (Powlesland 1990) (Richie 1998) Motuopao Aorangi Taranga 30 110 718 Pacific rat Pig Pacific rat 1879 c. 1820 U Generally 1989 Little blue penguin distributed Sooty shearwater <20 burrows Fluttering shearwater 1 burrow Small Common diving scattered petrel colonies Small number Grey-faced petrel of burrrows Black-winged ~800-1000 petrel pairs White-faced storm-petrel ~20 Small scattered 1936 Buller's shearwater colonies Fluttering shearwater Common A. Booth pers. comm. (Pierce and Parrish 1993) O U N O U N O N O U Increase in % cover of island O U N O U Increase in numbers 200 000 breeding pairs N None Increase in numbers after eradication, decrease recently None A G. Taylor pers. comm. (Hamilton 1925) A A (Buddle 1941) (Harper 1983) None None Too soon after eradication A A (Harper 1976) O O O Grey-faced petrel Pycroft’s petrel Common diving petrel Fairy prion Common Rare O O Rare Common O O 2011 Little blue penguin Common O A N C (Skegg 1964) (Hen Island) Coppermine 80 Pacific rat U Flesh-footed Last seen in shearwater 1954 Sooty shearwater 1–10 pairs Fluttering shearwater Common Little shearwater ~100s Grey-faced petrel Common Pycroft’s petrel Common Southern blackbacked gull 3–4 pairs White-fronted tern A few pairs Pied shag 3–33 pairs Moderate 1997 Little blue penguin numbers Grey-faced petrel Scattered Pycroft’s petrel Flesh-footed shearwater Little shearwater Southern blackbacked gull White-fronted tern Lady Alice 155 Pacific rat c. 1800 1994 Little blue penguin Grey-faced petrel Pycroft’s petrel O O O O O O O O O O O U U Increase in breeding success N N N Moderate numbers Tens of thousands O Rare C U Increase in breeding success One pair Breeding Moderate numbers Scattered O O U U N N O O U U Increase in breeding success C N Small numbers C C (McCallum et al. 1984) (Pierce 2002) C C C (McCallum et al. 1984) (Pierce 2002) Flesh-footed shearwater Sooty shearwater Whatupuke Urupukapuka 102 102 Pacific rat Stoat U Thousands Hundreds Little shearwater Rare Southern blackbacked gull Several pairs White-fronted tern Breeding Moderate 1997 Little blue penguin numbers Grey-faced petrel Scattered Small Pycroft’s petrel numbers Flesh-footed shearwater U Fluttering shearwater One only Southern blackbacked gull Four pairs U 2009 Pied shag Common U 2009 Little shag Few U 2009 O O N N C U U Increase in breeding success O O U U N N C O O U U N N O U N O U N O U N O U N O U N U N (McCallum et al. 1984) (Pierce 2002) (Hitchmough and McCallum 1980) Norway rat Ship rat Waewaetorea 52 Stoat Norway U 2009 U 2009 Southern blackbacked Gull Few O U N (Hitchmough and McCallum 1980) rat Ship rat Okahu 21 Stoat U 2009 U 2009 U 2009 U 2009 Southern blackbacked Gull Few O U N (Hitchmough and McCallum 1980) N (Hitchmough and McCallum 1980) N (Hitchmough and McCallum 1980) N (Hitchmough and McCallum 1980) Norway rat Ship rat Motukiekie 29 Stoat U 2009 Little blue penguin U 2009 U 2009 Breeding O U Norway rat Ship rat Moturua 135 Stoat U 2009 Little blue penguin U 2009 U 2009 U 2009 Rare O U Norway rat Ship rat Pacific rat Motuarohia 50 Stoat U 2009 U 2009 Norway rat Red-billed gull Southern blackbacked gull Breeding Common U O U Ship rat Stoat Poroporo U U 2009 2009 Red-billed gull Common O U N U 2009 Southern blackbacked gull Common U 2009 U 2004 Little blue penguin breeding O A none A U Recolonization U 2004 U 2004 U 2004 U 2004 U 2004 U 2004 U 1973 Little blue penguin O U N U 1991 O U Population increase Recolonization Re- N (Hitchmough and McCallum 1980) Norway rat Ship rat Common brushtail Tawharanui 588 possum Ship rat Stoat Cat Grey-faced petrel C. Gaskin pers. comm. (Lovegrove and Ritchie 2005) Norway rat Weasel Ferret Pokohinu (Burgess) 56 Goat Pacific rat Breeding Significant Grey-faced petrel concentrations' Common diving petrel Breeding White-faced storm-petrel None Little shearwater None O A A A A A C. Gaskin pers. comm. (McCallum 1980) Lizard Mokohinau islets Atihau 1 10 16 Pacific rat Pacific rat Pacific rat 1970s U U 1978 Horomea 11 U 1991 1991 (Maori Bay) Motukino (Fanal) 79 Pacific rat U None A Black petrel None A Cook’s petrel Fluttering shearwater Breeding A Low numbers O Little shearwater Low numbers White-faced storm-petrel Common Common diving petrel Breeding O O A 1997 A A A U Population increase N None Population increase A 1991 (Trig) Pacific rat Fluttering shearwater colonization Recolonization Recolonization Colony expansion A A N Fluttering shearwater Low numbers Significant Grey-faced petrel concentrations' Diving petrel Breeding Sooty shearwater Breeding Fluttering shearwater Low numbers Significant Grey-faced petrel concentrations' Diving petrel Breeding Significant Grey-faced petrel concentrations' Diving petrel Breeding C. Gaskin pers. comm. (McCallum 1980) O U N O A U U N N A U N O U N O A U U N N O U N A U N (McCallum 1980) C. Gaskin pers. comm. (McCallum 1980) C. Gaskin pers. comm. (McCallum 1980) C. Gaskin pers. comm. (McCallum 1980) Hauturu 2817 Pacific rat Cat (Little Barrier) U <1870 2004 Little blue penguin 1980 Common O U Increase in breeding success Population increase Recolonization Increase in breeding success Recolonization N Cook's petrel Est. 50 000 pairs O Black petrel Breeding A Diving petrel None A Fluttering shearwater Breeding A Grey-faced petrel None A Grey-faced petrel ~5–15 burrows C None O ~5–15 burrows C None O Breeding Breeding Breeding C C C U U U N N N O G. Taylor pers. comm. (McKenzie 1950) (Imber et al. 2003b) O (Rayner et al. 2009) O O A House Te Haupa 6 mouse U 2010 (Tennyson and Taylor 1999) Norway rat Tiritiri Matangi 196 Cat Pacific rat <1981 <1984 U 1989 Little blue penguin Southern blackbacked gull Red-billed gull White-fronted tern 1970s Little blue penguin Breeding A 1993 Breeding A None A Rare A Grey-faced petrel Common diving petrel Fluttering shearwater U Colony expansion Recolonization Increase in breeding success N A A A C. Gaskin pers. comm. Tiritiri Matangi Project (Tennyson and Taylor 1999) Southern blackbacked gull Red-billed gull White-fronted tern Breeding Breeding Breeding A A A U U U N N N Southern blackbacked gull Breeding A U N Norway Motuihe 195 rat 1997 1997 (Stubbs 1996) >1987 1997 Little blue penguin Breeding A U N (Veitch 2002b) c. 1984 2004 White-fronted tern Breeding A U N (Hawley 2005) 2005 Breeding Breeding Breeding Breeding None A A A A A U U U U None N N N N O None A None O None A None O None U N None U N House mouse Cat European rabbit U Caspian tern Pied shag Little shag Red-billed gull Grey-faced petrel Common diving petrel Fluttering shearwater European Motukorea 58 rabbit c. 1975 1991 1980s 1995 U 1995 U 2009 Little blue penguin Norway rat (Browns) House mouse Rangitoto- 2300– Cat U P. Brown pers. Motutapu 1500 Stoat U 2009 Southern blackbacked gull U 2009 Red-billed gull U 2009 White-fronted tern U 2009 U 2009 U 2009 1868 1997 1868 2000 1920– 1972 2004 c. 1998 2002 Comm. (Miller et al. 1994) U U N U U N U U N None A None A None U N A Population increase A G. Taylor pers. comm. N (Cameron et al. 2007) Norway rat Ship rat House mouse Hedgehog Common diving petrel Fluttering shearwater European rabbit Common brushtail possum Brushtailed rock wallaby Norway Rakino 148 rat Norway Tarahiki 5 rat Grey-faced petrel ~200 pairs Norway Pakatoa 29 rat U 1997 None U Kauwahaia 0.7 Ship rat U 1989 Grey-faced petrel Common Sooty shearwater Common Flesh-footed shearwater Less common Common diving petrel Less common O O U U N N O U N O U N (Taylor and Cameron 1990) Norway Otata 22 rat Stoat 1956 1980– 2002 Little blue penguin 1948 1955 U 1945 Breeding Grey-faced petrel 150 burrows A U N O New colonies A C Recolonization A G. Taylor pers. comm. (Cunningham and Moors 1985) European rabbit Spotted shag None Norway Maria 1 rat 1959 1960 Little blue penguin Grey-faced petrel White-faced storm-petrel Southern blackbacked gull Breeding A U N U A N Breeding A U Population increase 10 nests C U N A Norway Motuhoropapa 9 rat <1962 1981– 2002 Little blue penguin Grey-faced petrel David Rocks 1 Norway 1960 1964 Little blue penguin G. Taylor pers. comm. (Cunningham and Moors 1985) Breeding O U N 75 burrows C None O Breeding A U N (Cunningham and Moors 1985) (MacKay et al. 2007) (Cunningham and Moors 1985) rat White-faced storm-petrel Cuvier 181 Goat Cat Pacific rat O U N O C U U N N c. 1889 Few burrows 50 birds in Spotted shag nests White-fronted tern 12 nests Little Blue 1960 penguin few Moderate 1964 Grey-faced petrel numbers <1827 1993 A 1890 Sooty shearwater None Pied shag 6 pairs 400 pairs on Red-billed gull monument 5-10 pairs on White-fronted tern monument Fluttering shearwater None Common diving petrel None Pycroft’s petrel None Little shearwater None Moturehu (Double) 32 Pacific rat c. 1900 1989 Grey-faced petrel Common Common diving petrel Less common Fluttering shearwater Less common Sooty shearwater Few Flesh-footed Few O O C O O A A A A U Population increase Recolonization Population increase Decrease in numbers N U Recolonization Recolonization None None N A A G. Taylor pers. comm. (Blackburn 1967) (Bellingham et al. 1981) O O A A N N A None A A U N A A A U U U N N N G. Taylor pers. Comm. (McFadden 1992) shearwater Pycroft’s petrel Korapuki 18 Pacific rat c. 1900 1986 Little blue penguin Rare A Population increase Breeding O U N 600–700 C Population increase O None 1 breeding female C U N C U N Common Moderate numbers 3 birds O U N O C N N Localized O U U Population increase O U N Around perimeter O N Breeding O U Population increase U A U N U Breeding A O U U N N None 8 nests A O None U N N A (Hicks et al. 1975) European rabbit c. 1900 1987 Grey-faced petrel Fluttering shearwater Sooty shearwater Fluttering shearwater Little shearwater Pycroft’s petrel Common diving petrel Whakau (Red Mercury) 225 Pacific rat U 1992 Little blue penguin Grey-faced petrel Pycroft’s petrel Flesh-footed shearwater Fluttering shearwater Little shearwater Common diving petrel Pied shag (Towns 2002) (Towns and Atkinson 2004) A A G. Taylor pers. Comm. (Fogarty and Douglas 1972) Kawhitu 100 Pacific rat <1900 1991 Little blue penguin c1900 1991 Common O U N Rare Common O O None A breeding 4–28 nests O C Population increase U Recolonization Population increase U 12 nests C U N Breeding A N Breeding O U Population increase Breeding Small numbers Small numbers O N O U Population increase O U N Breeding O U N Breeding A U N A U N A A U U N N G. Taylor pers. Comm. European rabbit (Stanley) Fluttering shearwater Grey-faced petrel Common diving Petrel Pycroft’s petrel Pied shag Southern blackbacked gull A N A (Edgar 1962) (Skegg 1963) (Thoresen 1967) A N European Ohinau 45 rabbit Pacific rat U U 2005 Little blue penguin Flesh-footed 2005 shearwater Fluttering shearwater Grey-faced petrel Common diving petrel Southern blackbacked gull Middle Chain 23 Pacific rat U 1994 Grey-faced petrel Little blue penguin Breeding Fluttering Breeding in shearwater 1920s Common diving Breeding in (Skegg 1963) A A (Sladden and Falla 1928) (Fogarty and Douglas 1973) petrel 1920s Norway Whenuakura 3 rat c. 1982 1984 c. 1980 1984 c. 1900 1915 None U N (Moore 1976) A Population increase A G. Taylor pers. Comm. Breeding A U N 16 nests C N none A U Recolonization None U N House mouse (Donut) Mahurangi 23 Goat Grey-faced petrel A few burrows Norway rat (Goat) Tuhua 1311 Pig Pacific rat (Mayor) Cat Rurima Moutohora 4 173 Pacific rat Goat U U <1993 Little blue penguin White-throated 2002 shag U 2002 U 2002 U 1984 Grey-faced petrel c. 1890 1977 Little blue penguin c. 1920 1987 1968 1987 A (Edwards 1954) C U N (Croxall and Millener 1971) C Population increase C (Butts and Porter 1993) ~10 pairs O U N (Imber et al. 2000) ~10 pairs Breeding O A U U N N None None A A None None C C 15 nests Norway (Whale) rat Several Grey-faced petrel hundred pairs European rabbit Pied shag Southern blackbacked gull White-fronted tern Fluttering shearwater Common diving petrel Pycroft’s petrel Little shearwater None None A A None None C C None U N None U N Norway Mokoia 135 rat <1839 1989 U c. 1965 2001 1906 1968 U 1997 House mouse Whangaokena 13 Goat Pacific rat (East) U (Moors 1980) Norway Motu-o-Kura 14 rat c. 1936 1991 Little blue penguin (Bare) Kapiti 1970 Cattle Goat Cat c. 1837 1906 c. 1830 1928 c. 1900 1934 1893 1987 <1850 1998 Common brushtail possum Norway Common O U N (Walls 1998) Sooty shearwater Fluttering shearwater Common diving Petrel ~ 20 pairs O None C (Walls 1988) None A None C None A C Spotted shag None A None Recolonization C (Miskelly 2000) rat Pacific rat Sheep <1850 1998 1850s 1930 U None U N <1850 1998 U None U N <1850 1998 U None U N 1800s 1991 Little blue penguin Breeding None U N Sooty shearwater White-fronted tern Breeding Breeding None None U U N N Red-billed gull Breeding None Common diving petrel None Fluttering shearwater None Norway Tahoramaurea 1 rat Norway Motungara 3 rat House Mana Matiu/Somes 217 27 mouse Ship rat c. 1961 1990 Pied shag Fairy prion Southern blackbacked gull None None Breeding Spotted shag Breeding U Recolonization after active A restoration Recolonization after active A restoration ReA colonization A None Population None increase Population None increase N (Miskelly and Taylor 2004) (Townsend 1994) (Miskelly 1999) (Miskelly et al. 2004) C C C C A A S. Cotter pers. comm. Fluttering shearwater Mokopuna (Leper) 0.5 Takapouera 150 Ship rat 1990 U A None A None U N (Parrish 1984) Cat Sheep (Stephens) Cattle Te Hoiere c. 1961 None 309 Pig Goat (Maud) 1925 1984 Fairy prion 1 million pairs O None A U U Sooty shearwater U O U N U U c1870 1970 c1870 1970s <1955 1975 c1948 1953 U None U A A (Harper 1985) (Markwell 1997) (Campbell 1967) P. Gaze pers. comm. (Bell et al. 2005) (Gaze and Cash 2008) Norway Titi 32 rat Pig Fluttering shearwater Common diving petrel Sooty shearwater Flesh-footed shearwater Little blue penguin Motuara 59 Pig Pacific rat Kokomohua (Long) 142 Pacific rat Breeding None U N (Gaze 2000) Breeding None U N (Bell 1969) Breeding A None C (Gaze 1982) Breeding Breeding A None None U C N c1840 1950s Sooty shearwater Breeding A U N U 1991 Little blue penguin U A U N U 1997 Sooty shearwater Fluttering Breeding Breeding A A U Population N A P. Gaze pers. comm. P. Gaze pers. comm. M. Bell pers. shearwater increase comm. House Pickersgill 103 mouse Pig U 2007 U None U N c. 1840 1950s House Blumine 377 mouse Pig U 2007 c. 1840 1980 <1980 1982 c. 1900 1989 None A U N U None U N P. Gaze pers. comm. Common brushtail Allports 16 possum House mouse Nukuwaiata (Inner Chetwode) 195 Pig Goat Pacific rat Weka Te Kakaho (Outer Chetwode) 83 Weka c. 1900 1963 Fluttering shearwater U 1993 Sooty shearwater U None None A U 1994 c. 1920 1994 c. 1920 1994 Sooty shearwater Common diving petrel Breeding A U N U A U N Breeding A None A C. Miskelly pers. Comm. P. Gaze pers. comm. (Walls et al. 1984) P. Gaze pers. comm. Norway WhakaterePapanui 74 rat Pacific rat U 1999 Sooty shearwater Breeding A None A (Millar and Gaze 1997) U 1999 Fluttering U None None A (Markwell and shearwater Daugherty 2003) P. Gaze pers. comm. Norway Tinui 95 rat U 1999 Sooty shearwater U A U N P. Gaze pers. comm. U 1999 Sooty shearwater Breeding A U N P. Gaze pers. comm. U 1989 U 2007 Sooty shearwater 5 active burrows A None A U 2007 Sooty shearwater None A None A (Taylor and Tilley 1984) 1977 2003 Norway Puangiangi 69 rat House Motutapu 2 mouse None N House Tonga 8 mouse (Golding 2010) C. Golding pers. comm. House Adele 87 mouse Stoat House Fisherman 4 mouse U 2007 U ~1775 1988 Fiordland crested penguin ~1775 1986 U A U N (Taylor and Tilley 1984) O None C (McLean et al. 1993) None U N None None A Norway Breaksea 170 rat Breeding Norway Hawea 9 Anchor 1130 rat Stoat U 2001 Broad-billed prion U G. Taylor pers. Comm. R. Moorhouse pers. comm. Red Deer Chalky Rarotoka (Centre) Pomona 514 88 262 Stoat Pacific rat Red deer U U 2004 2001 Fiordland crested penguin 3 nests A None A Sooty shearwater U None None A H. Edmonds pers. comm. (McLean et al. 1993) U 1997 U None U N U 2007 U None U N U 2007 U 2007 U 2007 U 2007 U 2007 U None U N U 2007 U 1985 Near extinction C Population increase C G. Taylor pers. Comm. Breeding colony on north coast A U N (Dell 1950) Common Common O O None U O N (West 1990) (Imber 1996) Common brushtail possum Ship rat Stoat House mouse Rona 60 Stoat House mouse Whenua Hou 1396 Weka Cook's petrel Common brushtail (Codfish) possum Pacific rat <1925 U Fiordland crested penguin Yellow-eyed 1997 penguin Little blue penguin 1987 Common diving Small colony petrel (Sealers Bay) South-Georgian diving petrel U Small Sooty shearwater numbers Mottled petrel Breeding Pied shag 3 nests Red-billed gull Breeding Broad-billed prion None O A O A C O A Population increase Population increase None none U U Recolonization A A A A N N (Imber et al. 2003) (Darby 2003) (Scott et al. 2009) A Norway Ulva Mokinui Putauhinu 270 86 141 rat Pacific rat 30 Pukeweka 3 Taukihepa 939 (Big South Cape) 1997 Sooty shearwater None A None A U 2006 Sooty shearwater Common A U N (Flack 1976) Breeding C None A U Recolonization A U 1960s Sooty shearwater Common diving 1997 petrel Mottled petrel U None None (Flack 1976) (Bragg et al. 2009) (Moller et al. 2009) (McClelland et al. 2011) (McClelland et al. 2011) Cat Pacific rat Rerewhakaupoko (Solomon) U B. Masuda pers. comm. Ship rat Ship rat Ship rat A c. 1960 2006 Sooty shearwater Breeding C U N c. 1960 2006 Sooty shearwater Breeding C U N c. 1960 2006 Sooty shearwater Breeding C None A (Bell 1962) (Scott et al. 2005) (Newman et al. 2008) (Moller et al. 2009) Campbell 11331 Cattle Sheep 1902 1984 1895 1991 Yellow-eyed penguin Rock-hopper penguin 490-600 breeding pairs O U N Breeding O U N P. McClelland pers. comm. (Westerskow 1960) Breeding O U N (Kinsky 1969) Rare C U N (Moore 1992) ~2300 C U N ~1000 A U N Thousands O U N Common Common Thousands O O O N N A U O U Common O O U U None Recolonization Recolonization U Common O U N Rare Rare O O N N O G. Taylor pers. comm. N (Bell 1955) Norway rat Mangere 113 Sheep Cattle c1810 2001 Erect-crested penguin Wandering albatross Southern royal albatross Black-browed albatross Grey-headed albatross Light-mantled albatross Giant petrel Sooty shearwater Grey-backed storm-petrel White-chinned petrel Antarctic tern Campbell Island shag Southern blackbacked gull Red-billed gull <1892 1968 Sooty shearwater Breeding O U U Population increase U U Fairy prion Breeding O U A A N European rabbit Cat <1892 ~1892 Broad-billed prion Black-winged ~1892 1950 petrel White-faced storm-petrel Breeding O Breeding O Breeding O Population increase Population increase Recolonization Litlle blue penguin Pied shag Breeding Breeding O O U U Brown skua Red-billed Gull White-fronted tern Rangatira (South East) 218 Sheep Cattle Pig Goat 1841 1961 1880 1961 1800 1839 Breeding Breeding Breeding Sooty shearwater ~17 000 nests C C C N N (Dawson 1955) (Tennyson 1991) (Imber 1994) (Bell and Bell 2003) (Tennyson and Millener 1994) O O O U U U N N N O None O G. Taylor pers. comm. Common A None O (Bell 1955) 1961 Diving petrel White-faced storm-petrel Common A None O (Dawson 1955) 1961 Fairy prion U A O Broad-billed prion Black-winged petrel Yellow-eyed penguin Little blue penguin Pied shag Southern blackbacked gull Red-billed gull Common A Breeding A U Population increase Population increase (Imber 1994) (Nilsson et al. 1994) (Roberts et al. 2007) U Breeding U A A A U U U N N N ~30 pairs Rare O A U U N N O O Brown skua Red-billed gull White-fronted tern Chatham Island petrel Grey-backed storm-petrel Chatham albatross Little shearwater Breeding Breeding Breeding A A A Rare A None None None A A A U U U Population increase Recolonization None None N N N O O C A Table A2.2: Common and scientific species names of seabirds and non-native predators presented in Table A2.1. Seabird species Scientific name Non-native species Scientific name Antarctic tern Sterna vittata Brush-tailed rock wallaby Petrogale penicillata Black petrel Procellaria parkinsoni Cat Felis catus Black-browed albatross Thalassarche melanophrys Cattle Bos taurus Black-winged petrel Pterodroma nigripennis Brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula Broad-billed prion Pachyptila vittata European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus Brown skua Stercorarius antarcticus Ferret Mustela furo Buller’s shearwater Puffinus bulleri Goat Capra hircus Campbell Island shag Phalacrocorax campbelli European hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus Caspian tern Hydroprogne caspia Mouse Mus musculus Chatham albatross Thalassarche eremita Norway rat Rattus norvegicus Chatham Island petrel Pterodroma axillaris Pacific rat Rattus exulans Common diving petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix Pig Sus scrofa Cook’s petrel Pterodroma cookii Red deer Cervus elaphus scoticus Erect-crested penguin Eudyptes sclateri Sheep Ovis aries Fairy prion Pachyptila turtur Ship rat Rattus rattus Fiordland crested penguin Eudyptes pachyrhynchus Stoat Mustela erminea Flesh-footed shearwater Puffinus carneipes Weasel Mustela nivalis vulgaris Fluttering shearwater Puffinus gavia Weka Gallirallus australis Grey-backed storm-petrel Garrodia nereis Grey-faced petrel Pterodroma macroptera gouldii Grey-headed albatross Thalassarche chrysostoma Puffinus assimilus Kermadec little shearwater kermadecensis Kermadec petrel Pterodroma neglecta Kermadec storm-petrel Pelagodroma marina albiclunis Light-mantled albatross Phoebetria palpebrata Little blue penguin Eudyptula minor Little shag Microcarbo melanoleucos Little shearwater Puffinus assimilus Masked booby Sula dactylatra Mottled petrel Pterodroma inexpectata Pied shag Phalacrocorax varius Pycroft’s petrel Pterodroma pycrofti Red-billed gull Chroicocephalus scopulinus Red-tailed tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda Rock-hopper penguin Eudyptes chrysocome Sooty shearwater Puffinus griseus Sooty tern Onychoprion fuscatus Southern black-backed gull Larus dominicanus Southern giant petrel Macronectes giganteus Southern royal albatross Diomedea epomophora South-Georgian diving petrel Pelecanoides georgicus Spotted shag Phalacrocorax punctatus Wandering albatross Diomedea exulans Wedge-tailed shearwater Puffinus pacificus White-bellied storm-petrel Fregetta grallaria White-chinned petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis White-faced storm-petrel Pelagodroma marina White-fronted tern Sterna striata White-naped petrel Pterodroma cervicalis White-throated shag Microcarbo melanoleucos brevirostris Yellow-eyed penguin Megadyptes antipodes Appendix A3 Table A3.1: Summary of top 5 candidate models investigating the effects of a range of key environmental variables on the probability of detecting a seabird population response (all responses; colony growth; recolonization) after predator removal on islands, controlled for island and species. Models were ranked by Akaike weights (wi) based on comparisons of AIC values corrected for small sample size (Δ QAICc). Model ΔQAICc wi All seabird responses (colony growth, re-colonization combined) n = 96 Distance to source 0.00 0.20 Population size + Distance to source + Population status 0.25 0.17 Population size + Distance to source + Population status + Number of other spp. breeding 0.88 0.13 Age at first breeding + Population size + Distance to source + Population status 1.00 0.12 Distance to source + Population status 1.26 0.11 Population size + Population status 0.00 0.13 Intercept 0.05 0.13 Distance to source 0.05 0.13 Colony growth n = 47 Population size + Population status + Years since eradication 0.43 0.11 Population size + Population status + Habitat modification 0.88 0.09 Years since eradication + Distance to source + Number of other spp. breeding 0.00 0.58 Years since eradication + Distance to source + Population status + Number of other spp. breeding 1.48 0.28 Years since eradication + Habitat modification + Number of other spp. breeding 5.77 0.03 Years since eradication + Distance to source + Competition + Age at first breeding + Population status 6.45 0.02 Distance to source + Habitat modification + Competition + Age at first breeding + Population status 7.32 0.01 Re-colonization n = 50 Appendix B1 Two-state zero-inflated Poisson Bayesian hierarchical model code for R version 2.14.2 (R Development Core Team 2012) library(MASS) library(mvtnorm) ########### Functions ################# logit <- function(x){log(x/(1-x))} invlogit <- function(x){1/(1 + exp(-x))} probY_FX <- function(y, phi, delta, lambda) { LogProbY <- log((phi*delta) + (1-phi)*(lambda^y)*exp(lambda)/(gamma(y+1))) return(LogProbY) } dicFX <- function(y, delta, mu_phi, mu_lambda, gammaVect, Mu_gammaVect, sigma_gammaVect, betaVect, Mu_betaVect, sigma_betaVect, bigMuPriorMean, bigMuPriorVar) { dev <- sum(probY_FX(y, invlogit(mu_phi), delta, exp(mu_lambda))) + sum(dnorm(gammaVect, Mu_gammaVect, sqrt(sigma_gammaVect), log = T)) + sum(dnorm(betaVect, Mu_betaVect, sqrt(sigma_betaVect), log = T)) + sum(dnorm(Mu_gammaVect, bigMuPriorMean, sqrt(bigMuPriorVar), log = T)) + sum(dnorm(Mu_betaVect, bigMuPriorMean, sqrt(bigMuPriorVar), log = T)) dev <- -2*dev return(dev) } residFX <- function(delta, Yjk, meanPhi, meanLambda) { residPhi <- (delta - invlogit(meanPhi)) / sqrt(invlogit(meanPhi) * (1 - invlogit(meanPhi))) residLambda <- (Yjk - exp(meanLambda)) / sqrt(exp(meanLambda)) residList <- list(residPhi, residLambda) return(residList) } dicCalcFX <- function(outpar, nGammaCov, nBetaCov, Wphi, Wlambda, nIslands, island, nBigMuGamma, nBigMuBeta, ndat, keep, delta, Yjk) { muPhiPred <- rep(0,ndat) muLambdaPred <- rep(0,ndat) idGamma <- rep(1:nIslands, nBigMuGamma) medGamma <- outpar[1:nGammaCov,1] idBeta <- rep(1:nIslands, nBigMuBeta) medBeta <- outpar[(nGammaCov + 1) : (nGammaCov + nBetaCov), 1] for(i in 1:nIslands) { gammaIsland <- medGamma[idGamma == i] wIslandPhi <- Wphi[island == i, ] muPhiPred[island == i] <- wIslandPhi %*% gammaIsland betaIsland <- medBeta[idBeta == i] wIslandLambda <- Wlambda[island == i, ] muLambdaPred[island == i] <- wIslandLambda %*% betaIsland } Mu_gammaVect <- rep(outpar[(nGammaCov + nBetaCov + 1) : (nGammaCov + nBetaCov + nBigMuGamma), 1], each=nIslands) Mu_betaVect <- rep(outpar[(nGammaCov + nBetaCov + nBigMuGamma +1) : (nGammaCov + nBetaCov + nBigMuGamma + nBigMuBeta), 1], each=nIslands) sigma_gammaVect <- rep(outpar[(dim(outpar)[1] + 1 - nBigMuGamma - nBigMuBeta) : (dim(outpar)[1] - nBigMuBeta),1],each=nIslands) sigma_betaVect <- rep(outpar[(dim(outpar)[1] + 1 - nBigMuBeta) : (dim(outpar)[1]), 1],each=nIslands) postdev <- dicFX(Yjk, delta, muPhiPred, muLambdaPred, medGamma, Mu_gammaVect, sigma_gammaVect, medBeta, Mu_betaVect, sigma_betaVect, bigMuPriorMean,bigMuPriorVar) residList <- residFX(delta, Yjk, muPhiPred, muLambdaPred) postdevList <- list(postdev, residList[[1]], residList[[2]], muPhiPred, muLambdaPred) return(postdevList) } #### # updata gamma parameters# gammaUpdate <- function(y, x, mu_phi, mu_lambda, priorMean, priorVar, nIslands, island, gamma, delta) { nPara <- dim(x)[2] for(i in 1:nIslands) { x_s <- x[island==i,] y_s <- y[island==i] d_s <- delta[island==i] IVmu_phiI <- invlogit(mu_phi[island == i]) Emu_lambdaI <- exp(mu_lambda[island==i]) for(j in 1:nPara) { g_s <- gamma[i,] g_s[j] <- rnorm(1, gamma[i,j], 0.2) IVmu_s <- invlogit(x_s %*% g_s) pnow <- sum(probY_FX(y_s, IVmu_phiI, d_s, Emu_lambdaI)) + dnorm(gamma[i,j], priorMean[j], sqrt(priorVar[j]), log = T) pnew <- sum(probY_FX(y_s, IVmu_s, d_s, Emu_lambdaI)) + dnorm(g_s[j], priorMean[j], sqrt(priorVar[j]), log = T) r <- exp(pnew - pnow) z <- runif(1,0,1) if(r>z) { gamma[i,j] <- g_s[j] IVmu_phiI <- IVmu_s mu_phi[island == i] <- logit(IVmu_s) } } } gammaList <- list(gamma, mu_phi) return(gammaList) } ########### # updata sigma_alpha, beta and gamma #### # use full conditionals - conjugate priors # sigmaParaUpdate <- function(ParaMat, bigMu, s1, s2, nIslands) { sigmaVector <- rep(0,dim(ParaMat)[2]) for(i in 1:length(sigmaVector)) { diffPredict <- ParaMat[,i] - bigMu[i] sx <- crossprod(diffPredict) u1 <- s1 + .5*nIslands u2 <- s2 + .5*sx sigmaVector[i] <- (1/rgamma(1,u1,u2)) } return(sigmaVector) } ########### #### # updata big Mu # use full conditionals - conjugate priors # bigMuUpdate <- function(ParaMat, sigmaPara, bigMuPriorVar, bigMuPriorMean, nIslands) { nPara <- dim(ParaMat)[2] xx <- rep(1,nIslands) bigMuVector <- rep(0,nPara) vinvert <- 1/bigMuPriorVar ppart <- vinvert %*% bigMuPriorMean for(i in 1:nPara) { sx <- crossprod(xx)/sigmaPara[i] sy <- crossprod(xx,ParaMat[,i])/sigmaPara[i] bigv <- solve(sx + vinvert) # solve means inverse smallv <- sy + ppart bigMuVector[i] <- t(rmvnorm(1,bigv%*%smallv,bigv)) } return(bigMuVector) } ############# # beta update using Metropolis algorithm# betaUpdate <- function(y, x, mu_phi, mu_lambda, priorMean, priorVar, nIslands, island, beta, delta) { nPara <- dim(x)[2] for(i in 1:nIslands) { x_s <- x[island==i,] y_s <- y[island==i] d_s <- delta[island==i] IVmu_phiI <- invlogit(mu_phi[island == i]) Emu_lambdaI <- exp(mu_lambda[island==i]) for(j in 1:nPara) { g_s <- beta[i,] g_s[j] <- rnorm(1, beta[i,j], 0.1) Emu_s <- exp(x_s %*% g_s) pnow <- sum(probY_FX(y_s, IVmu_phiI, d_s, Emu_lambdaI)) + dnorm(beta[i,j], priorMean[j], sqrt(priorVar[j]), log = T) pnew <- sum(probY_FX(y_s, IVmu_phiI, d_s, Emu_s)) + dnorm(g_s[j], priorMean[j], sqrt(priorVar[j]), log = T) r <- exp(pnew - pnow) z <- runif(1,0,1) if(r>z) { beta[i,j] <- g_s[j] Emu_lambdaI <- Emu_s mu_lambda[island == i] <- log(Emu_s) } } } betaList <- list(beta, mu_lambda) return(betaList) } # read data nest <- read.table("burrows.csv", sep=",", header=T) island <- as.numeric(as.factor(nest$Island)) ndat <- dim(nest)[1] # read in data # id islands as numbers # number of plots nIslands <- 6 # inital values Yjk <- nest$burrows delta <- ifelse(nest$burrows_pa == 0, 1, 0) ############################# # Presence initial values#### Wphi <- cbind(rep(1,ndat), scale(nest$W), scale(nest$Slope), scale(nest$S_Depth), scale(nest$Rock), scale(nest$MahoeS), scale(nest$KaramuS)) # covariates for presence Mu_gamma <- c(.2, -.1, .2, -.1, .2, -.1, .2) # big Mu gamma nBigMuGamma <- length(Mu_gamma) sigma_gamma <- rep(.1, nBigMuGamma) # initial sigma_gamma: gamma <- matrix(0, nIslands, nBigMuGamma) # initial gamma for each island gammaExpand <- matrix(0, ndat, nBigMuGamma) for(i in 1:nBigMuGamma) { gamma[,i] <- rnorm(nIslands, Mu_gamma[i], .1) # initial gamma for each island gammaExpand[,i] <- gamma[island, i] # expand the gamma for each plot for # the corresponding island } mu_phi <- apply(Wphi*gammaExpand,1,sum) # initial mu_phi: nGammaCov <- nBigMuGamma * nIslands ############################## Poisson lambda initial values#### Wlambda <- cbind(rep(1,ndat), scale(nest$S), scale(nest$W), scale(nest$Slope), scale(nest$S_Depth), scale(nest$Rock), scale(nest$Total_large_stem), scale(nest$MahoeS), scale(nest$KaramuS)) #covariates for counts Mu_beta <- c(-.1, .2, -.1, -.1, .2, -.1, .2, -.1, .2) # big Mu lambda nBigMuBeta <- length(Mu_beta) sigma_beta <- rep(.1, nBigMuBeta) # initial sigma_beta: beta <- matrix(0, nIslands, nBigMuBeta) # initial beta for each island betaExpand <- matrix(0, ndat, nBigMuBeta) for(i in 1:nBigMuBeta) { beta[,i] <- rnorm(nIslands, Mu_beta[i], .1) # initial beta for each island betaExpand[,i] <- beta[island, i] } # expand the beta for each plot for the # corresponding island mu_lambda <- apply(Wlambda*betaExpand,1,sum) # initial mu_lambda: nBetaCov <- nBigMuBeta * nIslands # Priors## s1 <- .1 # variance inverse gamma prior s2 <- .1 # variance inverse gamma prior bigMuPriorVar <- 100 # variance prior for big Mu bigMuPriorMean <- 0 # mean prior for big Mu #### ngibbs <- 2500 # number of samples to keep ggibbs <- matrix(0,ngibbs,nGammaCov) # gamma regression parameters bigMuGamma_gibbs <- matrix(0,ngibbs, nBigMuGamma) # Big Mu parameters sigGamma_gibbs <- matrix(0,ngibbs, nBigMuGamma) bgibbs <- matrix(0,ngibbs,nBetaCov) bigMuBeta_gibbs <- matrix(0,ngibbs, nBigMuBeta) sigBeta_gibbs <- matrix(0,ngibbs, nBigMuBeta) residPhi_gibbs <- rep(0,ndat) dicgibbs <- 0 thinrate<- 40 # thin rate burnin <- 10000 # number of burnin iterations keepseq <- seq((burnin+1),ngibbs*thinrate + burnin,by=thinrate) # iteration numbers to keep ### MCMC### cc <- 1 for(g in 1:(ngibbs*thinrate+burnin)) { gammaList <- gammaUpdate(Yjk, Wphi, mu_phi, mu_lambda, Mu_gamma, sigma_gamma, nIslands, island, gamma, delta) gamma <- gammaList[[1]] mu_phi <- gammaList[[2]] Mu_gamma <- bigMuUpdate(gamma, sigma_gamma, bigMuPriorVar, bigMuPriorMean, nIslands) sigma_gamma <- sigmaParaUpdate(gamma, Mu_gamma, s1, s2, nIslands) betaList <- betaUpdate(Yjk, Wlambda, mu_phi, mu_lambda, Mu_beta, sigma_beta, nIslands, island, beta, delta) beta <- betaList[[1]] mu_lambda <- betaList[[2]] Mu_beta <- bigMuUpdate(beta, sigma_beta, bigMuPriorVar, bigMuPriorMean, nIslands) sigma_beta <- sigmaParaUpdate(beta, Mu_beta, s1, s2, nIslands) if(g%in%keepseq) { gammaVect <- as.vector(gamma) ggibbs[cc,] <- gammaVect bigMuGamma_gibbs[cc,] <- Mu_gamma sigGamma_gibbs[cc,] <- sigma_gamma betaVect <- as.vector(beta) bgibbs[cc,] <- betaVect bigMuBeta_gibbs[cc,] <- Mu_beta sigBeta_gibbs[cc,] <- sigma_beta Mu_gammaVect <- rep(Mu_gamma, each=nIslands) # expected dic calculations sigma_gammaVect <- rep(sigma_gamma, each=nIslands) Mu_betaVect <- rep(Mu_beta, each=nIslands) sigma_betaVect <- rep(sigma_beta, each=nIslands) dicPre <- dicFX(Yjk, delta, mu_phi, mu_lambda, gammaVect, Mu_gammaVect, sigma_gammaVect, betaVect, Mu_betaVect, sigma_betaVect, bigMuPriorMean, bigMuPriorVar) dicgibbs <- dicgibbs + dicPre cc <- cc+1 } } ############## ##### End MCMC keep <- seq(1,(cc-1),by=1) #thin predictions #meanResidPhi <- residPhi_gibbs/ngibbs # Mean residual ### make results table outpar <- matrix(NA,nrow = nGammaCov + nBetaCov + (nBigMuGamma*2) + (nBigMuBeta*2), ncol=3) for(i in 1:nGammaCov) { outpar[i,1:3]<-c(quantile(ggibbs[keep,i],c(0.5,.05,.95))) } for(i in 1:nBetaCov) { outpar[i + nGammaCov,1:3]<-c(quantile(bgibbs[keep,i],c(0.5,.05,.95))) } for(i in 1:nBigMuGamma) { outpar[i+nGammaCov + nBetaCov,1:3]<c(quantile(bigMuGamma_gibbs[keep,i],c(0.5,.05,.95))) } for(i in 1:nBigMuBeta) { outpar[i+nGammaCov + nBetaCov + nBigMuGamma,1:3]<c(quantile(bigMuBeta_gibbs[keep,i],c(0.5,.05,.95))) } for(i in 1:nBigMuGamma) { outpar[i+nGammaCov + nBetaCov + nBigMuGamma + nBigMuBeta, 1:3]<c(quantile(sigGamma_gibbs[keep,i],c(0.5,.05,.95))) } for(i in 1:nBigMuBeta) { outpar[i+nGammaCov + nBetaCov + (nBigMuGamma*2) + nBigMuBeta, 1:3]<c(quantile(sigBeta_gibbs[keep,i],c(0.5,.05,.95))) } dimnames(outpar)[2] <- list(c("Median","5%","95%")) dimnames(outpar)[1] <list(c("pa0_Korapuki","pa0_Mauitaha","pa0_Ohinau","pa0_Stanley","pa0_Taranga", "pa0_Nui", "paW_Korapuki","paW_Mauitaha","paW_Ohinau","paW_Stanley", "paW_Taranga", "paW_Nui", "paSlope_Korapuki","paSlope_Mauitaha","paSlope_Ohinau","paSlope_Stanley", "paSlope_Taranga", "paSlope_Nui", "paSDepth_Korapuki","paSDepth_Mauitaha","paSDepth_Ohinau","paSDepth_Stanley", "paSDepth_Taranga", "paSDepth_Nui", "paRock_Korapuki","paRock_Mauitaha","paRock_Ohinau","paRock_Stanley", "paRock_Taranga", "paRock_Nui", "paMahoeS_Korapuki","paMahoeS_Mauitaha","paMahoeS_Ohinau","paMahoeS_Stanley", "paMahoeS_Taranga", "paMahoeS_Nui", "paCopmacS_Korapuki","paCopmacS_Mauitaha","paCopmacS_Ohinau","paCopmacS_Stanley" , "paCopmacS_Taranga", "paCopmacS_Nui", "count0_Korapuki","count0_Mauitaha","count0_Ohinau","count0_Stanley","count0_Taranga", "count0_Nui", "countS_Korapuki","countS_Mauitaha","countS_Ohinau","countS_Stanley", "countS_Taranga", "countS_Nui", "countW_Korapuki","countW_Mauitaha","countW_Ohinau","countW_Stanley", "countW_Taranga", "countW_Nui", "countSlope_Korapuki","countSlope_Mauitaha","countSlope_Ohinau","countSlope_Stanley", "countSlope_Taranga", "countSlope_Nui", "countSDepth_Korapuki","countSDepth_Mauitaha","countSDepth_Ohinau","countSDepth_Stan ley", "countSDepth_Taranga", "countSDepth_Nui", "countRock_Korapuki","countRock_Mauitaha","countRock_Ohinau","countRock_Stanley", "countRock_Taranga", "countRock_Nui", "countTotallgstem_Korapuki","countTotallgstem_Mauitaha","countTotallgstem_Ohinau","count Totallgstem_Stanley", "countTotalsmstem_Taranga", "countTotalsmstem_Nui", "countMahoeS_Korapuki","countMahoeS_Mauitaha","countMahoeS_Ohinau","countMahoeS_S tanley", "countMahoeS_Taranga", "countMahoeS_Nui", "countCopmacS_Korapuki","countCopmacS_Mauitaha","countCopmacS_Ohinau","countCopm acS_Stanley", "countCopmacS_Taranga", "countCopmacS_Nui", "bigMuGamma0", "bigMuGamma1", "bigMuGamma2", "bigMuGamma3", "bigMuGamma4", "bigMuGamma5", "bigMuGamma6", "bigMuBeta0", "bigMuBeta1", "bigMuBeta2", "bigMuBeta3", "bigMuBeta4", "bigMuBeta5", "bigMuBeta6", "bigMuBeta7", "bigMuBeta8", "sigGamma0", "sigGamma1", "sigGamma2", "sigGamma3", "sigGamma4", "sigGamma5", "sigGamma6", "sigBeta0", "sigBeta1", "sigBeta2", "sigBeta3", "sigBeta4", "sigBeta5", "sigBeta6", "sigBeta7", "sigBeta8")) signif(outpar,3) ########## 64 – R. Buxton et al. Appendix B2 Table B2.1: Median values and 95% credible intervals from the posterior distribution of parameter estimates from univariate zero-inflated Poisson models. Each model had two components: probability of a burrow being absent ( ) and the zero-inflated burrow count ( ). Each habitat variable (Hab var) was run in a separate model; median results are displayed for each island and among islands ( and ), as well as a deviance information criterion (DIC) value for each model. † indicates a 95% credible interval that did not overlap 0. Burrow presence/absence ( ) Hab var Mauitaha Taranga Ohinau Stanley Korapuki Nui Mauitaha Taranga Median −1.02† −0.19 −0.8† −0.43 −0.55† −0.17 −0.63† 0.03 0.05 5% −2.00 −0.75 −1.47 −0.89 −1.12 −0.49 −1.27 −0.24 −0.10 Soil depth 95% −0.36 0.28 −0.32 0.01 −0.02 0.15 −0.09 0.29 0.19 Median −0.66† −0.35 −0.55† −0.29 −0.68† −0.23† −0.47† 0.04 −0.03 5% −1.58 −1.02 −0.98 −0.62 −1.21 −0.67 −0.91 −0.31 −0.29 Māhoe stem 95% −0.06 0.26 −0.19 0.03 −0.30 0.22 −0.06 0.36 0.19 Median −0.81† −0.89† −0.82† −0.95† −0.50† −0.57† −0.76† −0.14 0.07 5% −1.41 −1.48 −1.34 −1.38 −0.90 −1.09 −1.17 −0.44 −0.09 Rock 95% −0.24 −0.45 −0.40 −0.59 −0.08 −0.04 −0.37 0.14 0.22 Median 0.05 5% −0.41 Karamū stem 95% 0.48 0.27 −0.28 −0.14 −1.09 0.68 0.26 −0.24 −0.64 0.09 0.41† 0.01 0.77 −0.37 −1.19 0.16 −0.03 −0.55 0.39 0.00 −0.22 0.22 Burrow count ( Ohinau StanleyKorapuki 0.27† 0.09 0.39† 0.13 −0.04 0.24 0.40 0.21 0.54 −0.08 0.29† −0.06 −0.22 0.19 −0.16 0.07 0.38 0.05 −0.03 −0.05 0.31† −0.18 −0.16 0.20 0.12 0.06 0.42 0.06 0.15 −0.19† −0.08 −0.03 −0.30 0.20 0.33 −0.08 −0.13 −0.28 0.01 ) Nui 0.08† 0.03 0.13 −0.31† −0.39 −0.24 −0.04 −0.13 0.05 DIC 0.13 2522.0 −0.09 0.35 −0.03 2527.4 −0.27 0.22 0.02 2543.0 −0.21 0.25 0.32† 0.04 2548.0 0.24 −0.20 0.39 0.27 65 – R. Buxton et al. Burrow presence/absence ( ) Hab var Mauitaha Taranga Ohinau Stanley Korapuki Nui Mauitaha Taranga Median −0.58† −0.77† −0.78† −0.85† −0.49† −0.65† −0.72† 0.13 0.13 5% −1.11 −1.29 −1.28 −1.28 −0.91 −1.05 −1.14 −0.14 −0.02 Slope 95% −0.01 −0.33 −0.35 −0.48 −0.04 −0.24 −0.32 0.42 0.28 −0.09 0.53† 0.90† −0.28 0.05 0.15 −0.23 0.05 Small Median −0.08 5% −0.69 −0.60 0.12 0.49 −0.95 −0.40 −0.36 −0.49 −0.07 stem count 95% 0.45 0.30 0.95 1.36 0.20 0.45 0.62 0.02 0.14 Median 0.19 −0.16 −0.08 −0.17 0.00 −0.41 −0.12 −0.04 −0.14† 5% −0.28 −0.69 −0.56 −0.48 −0.48 −1.12 −0.54 −0.29 −0.28 S aspect 95% 0.69 0.21 0.33 0.13 0.43 0.06 0.25 0.20 −0.01 Median −0.73 −0.38 −0.64† −0.36† −0.74† 0.02 −0.47† 0.11 0.06 5% −1.74 −1.06 −1.11 −0.69 −1.20 −0.45 −0.97 −0.37 −0.12 Māhoe canopy 95% 0.03 0.18 −0.25 −0.04 −0.36 0.58 −0.02 0.73 0.23 Median 0.29 −0.51 0.79† 0.53† 0.76† 0.69 0.43 0.04 −0.05 5% −0.13 −1.50 0.38 0.24 0.06 −0.41 −0.18 −0.18 −0.21 Māpou stem 95% 0.70 0.12 1.21 0.82 1.36 2.06 1.05 0.24 0.10 Median 0.16 −0.01 0.66† 0.40† 0.21 0.49 0.32 −0.13 0.10 5% −1.86 −0.81 0.31 0.15 −0.77 −0.47 −0.46 −0.97 −0.06 Māpou canopy 95% 1.06 0.46 1.03 0.64 0.74 1.82 0.84 0.92 0.25 Median −0.10 0.02 −0.16 −0.01 −0.31 0.06 −0.10 0.10 0.06 5% −0.54 −0.39 −0.64 −0.42 −0.81 −0.50 −0.46 −0.11 −0.06 N aspect 95% 0.28 0.36 0.20 0.36 0.06 0.61 0.25 0.32 0.19 Median −0.80 −0.44 −0.56† −0.53† 0.03 0.11 0.02 0.12 0.07 5% −2.18 −1.18 −1.31 −1.06 −0.30 −0.34 −0.20 −0.23 −0.07 W aspect 95% 0.04 0.06 −0.08 −0.16 0.39 0.58 0.22 0.46 0.20 Total Median −0.21 0.16 −0.24 −0.34 0.00 −0.23 −0.16 0.31 −0.08 large 5% −1.04 −0.32 −0.96 −0.89 −0.41 −0.72 −0.61 −0.01 −0.27 stem count 95% 0.30 0.63 0.23 0.10 0.41 0.12 0.21 0.59 0.09 Burrow count ( Ohinau StanleyKorapuki −0.03 0.13 0.23† −0.21 −0.01 0.08 0.14 0.27 0.39 −0.05 −0.18† −0.18† −0.22 −0.31 −0.33 0.11 −0.04 −0.02 0.08 0.06 −0.10 −0.08 −0.04 −0.26 0.24 0.16 0.05 0.04 0.16† 0.10 −0.10 0.06 −0.01 0.19 0.26 0.22 −0.05 −0.17† −0.31† −0.30 −0.32 −0.74 0.15 −0.05 −0.01 0.01 −0.16† −0.35† −0.19 −0.27 −0.67 0.19 −0.06 −0.09 −0.11 −0.12 0.14 −0.25 −0.28 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.24 0.04 −0.06 0.07 −0.09 −0.16 −0.03 0.17 0.04 0.17 −0.13 −0.02 −0.09 −0.32 −0.18 −0.23 0.06 0.15 0.05 ) Nui −0.07 −0.14 0.01 −0.22† −0.31 −0.13 0.28 0.21 0.36 −0.16† −0.24 −0.08 −0.38 −1.79 0.27 −0.34 −2.02 0.34 −0.39† −0.59 −0.22 −0.16† −0.24 −0.08 −0.17† −0.25 −0.09 DIC 0.09 2557.6 −0.12 0.31 −0.13 2561.4 −0.35 0.07 0.03 2562.4 −0.21 0.25 0.05 2566.5 −0.17 0.29 −0.16 2566.5 −0.57 0.14 −0.14 2579.7 −0.68 0.23 −0.05 2581.7 −0.32 0.19 0.30† 2583.6 0.07 1.71 −0.03 2584.0 −0.28 0.21 66 – R. Buxton et al. Hab var Total canopy cover Pōhutukawa canopy E aspect Kanuka canopy Ridge topography Burrow presence/absence ( ) Mauitaha Taranga Ohinau Stanley Korapuki Nui Mauitaha Taranga Median −0.12 −0.23 0.18 −0.27 −0.24 0.23 −0.07 −0.11 0.03 5% −0.63 −0.75 −0.29 −0.71 −0.73 −0.21 −0.47 −0.41 −0.13 95% 0.44 0.21 0.72 0.14 0.21 0.77 0.34 0.17 0.20 Median −0.45 −0.48† −0.37 −0.26 0.14 −0.41† −0.32 −0.04 0.00 5% −1.63 −1.31 −1.29 −0.64 −0.21 −0.94 −0.88 −0.33 −0.14 95% 0.14 −0.02 0.14 0.06 0.46 −0.01 0.06 0.23 0.14 Median −0.15 0.15 0.09 0.12 −0.11 −0.09 −0.01 −0.14 −0.08 5% −1.23 −0.50 −0.37 −0.14 −0.77 −0.61 −0.49 −0.44 −0.31 95% 0.37 0.62 0.43 0.37 0.27 0.31 0.33 0.12 0.13 Median 0.57† 0.33† 0.48 0.43 0.78 0.72 0.56 0.01 0.13† 5% 0.24 0.02 −1.08 −1.00 −0.28 −0.32 −0.25 −0.23 0.02 95% 0.94 0.62 1.84 1.66 2.35 2.76 1.50 0.19 0.24 Median −2.45† −1.28 −1.22 −1.72 −1.27† −1.10 −1.40 −0.20 −0.06 5% −12.20 −10.90 −11.00 −11.00 −10.90 −10.40 −11.00 −0.41 −0.17 95% −0.04 0.12 0.14 0.05 −0.01 1.25 0.08 0.00 0.06 Burrow count ( Ohinau StanleyKorapuki −0.09 −0.05 −0.06 −0.27 −0.20 −0.20 0.10 0.09 0.10 −0.25 −0.03 −0.05 −0.46 −0.13 −0.15 −0.05 0.07 0.05 −0.11 0.09 −0.21† −0.26 −0.01 −0.35 0.04 0.18 −0.08 −0.07 −0.18 −0.39 −2.12 −2.34 −2.81 1.23 1.18 0.97 −0.05 −0.27† 0.03 −0.17 −0.53 −0.06 0.09 −0.07 0.13 ) Nui −0.22† −0.31 −0.14 0.15† 0.08 0.21 −0.01 −0.09 0.07 −0.46 −4.88 0.73 −0.22 −1.02 0.35 DIC −0.08 2587.9 −0.30 0.13 −0.03 2588.0 −0.26 0.18 −0.08 2596.5 −0.31 0.13 −0.15 2598.5 −1.86 0.57 −0.13 2611.7 −0.43 0.13 67 – R. Buxton et al. Table B2.2: Median values and 95% credible intervals from the posterior distribution of parameter estimates from observed burrow occupancy models (ψjk). Each habitat variable (Hab var) was run in a separate model; median results are displayed for each island and among islands ( ψjk), as well as a deviance information criterion (DIC) value for each model. † indicates a 95% credible interval that did not overlap 0. Hab mod Mauitaha Taranga Ohinau Stanley Korapuki Median 0.31 0.39† 0.03 0.40† 0.14 5% −0.15 0.15 −0.28 0.18 −0.15 Soil depth 95% 0.78 0.65 0.34 0.62 0.41 Median 0.20 −0.53† −0.36 −0.28† 0.50 5% −0.09 −1.01 −1.33 −0.57 −0.02 Māpou stem 95% 0.50 −0.20 0.17 −0.03 1.16 Median −0.01 −0.22 0.37 0.02 −0.25† 5% −0.83 −0.56 −0.02 −0.18 −0.48 Māhoe canopy 95% 0.81 0.11 0.88 0.23 0.00 Median −0.34 −0.21 −0.11 −0.15 −0.01 5% −0.81 −0.50 −0.46 −0.42 −0.30 Total small stem count 95% 0.06 0.02 0.23 0.11 0.29 Median −0.03 0.08 −0.12 −0.32† −0.01 5% −0.59 −0.17 −0.49 −0.55 −0.22 W aspect 95% 0.56 0.33 0.23 −0.11 0.21 Median 0.08 −0.06 0.28 −0.09 0.10 5% −0.27 −0.28 −0.04 −0.39 −0.13 N aspect 95% 0.42 0.15 0.61 0.20 0.32 Median 0.12 0.32† −0.25 0.24† 0.06 5% −0.27 0.01 −0.78 0.04 −0.37 Soil strength 95% 0.54 0.68 0.23 0.44 0.46 Median 0.22 −0.11 0.44† 0.18 0.13 5% −0.21 −0.37 0.01 −0.08 −0.18 Total canopy cover 95% 0.68 0.14 0.97 0.46 0.45 ψjk 0.25 −0.11 0.60 −0.11 −0.68 0.47 −0.02 −0.45 0.44 −0.17 −0.51 0.17 −0.08 −0.45 0.27 0.06 −0.25 0.38 0.10 −0.31 0.48 0.17 −0.21 0.57 DIC 733.77 735.69 737.61 737.65 738.27 739.06 739.84 741.08 68 – R. Buxton et al. Hab mod Mauitaha Taranga Ohinau Stanley Korapuki Median −0.14 −0.02 −0.19 −0.14 0.01 5% −0.50 −0.25 −0.67 −0.34 −0.26 Karamū stem 95% 0.19 0.21 0.21 0.05 0.28 Median −0.01 −0.09 −0.18 0.17 −0.04 5% −0.39 −0.31 −0.62 −0.02 −0.35 S aspect 95% 0.35 0.13 0.17 0.37 0.27 Median −0.28 0.24 −0.23 0.16 −0.15 5% −1.32 −0.11 −0.75 −0.01 −0.46 E aspect 95% 0.28 0.64 0.15 0.33 0.14 Median −0.08 0.09 0.03 0.20 0.06 5% −0.54 −0.12 −0.27 −0.19 −0.15 Ridge topography 95% 0.29 0.30 0.29 0.69 0.27 Median 0.06 0.19 0.34 0.19 0.07 5% −0.50 −0.22 −0.02 −0.01 −0.15 Māhoe stem 95% 0.56 0.60 0.81 0.39 0.31 Median −0.04 −0.10 −0.38 0.06 0.34 5% −1.19 −0.34 −1.41 −0.12 −0.06 Māpou canopy 95% 1.00 0.14 0.10 0.23 0.79 Median 0.14 −0.10 −0.14 0.13 −0.15 5% −0.32 −0.34 −0.54 −0.10 −0.46 Slope 95% 0.68 0.11 0.22 0.34 0.15 Median 0.69 0.05 0.82 0.33 0.47 5% −0.23 −0.14 −0.06 −0.18 −0.20 Elevation 95% 2.33 0.25 2.14 0.87 1.24 Median −0.14 0.08 0.05 0.06 −0.23 5% −0.58 −0.15 −0.30 −0.20 −0.52 Total large stem count 95% 0.22 0.31 0.37 0.32 0.01 Median −0.15 0.04 −0.40† 0.11 −0.11 5% −0.64 −0.23 −0.90 −0.10 −0.35 Rock 95% 0.31 0.32 −0.03 0.31 0.13 Median −0.14 0.20 −0.08 −0.12 0.14 5% −0.69 −0.05 −0.60 −0.33 −0.06 Pōhutukawa canopy 95% 0.30 0.46 0.33 0.06 0.35 Median −0.10 −0.16† 0.01 −0.15 −0.04 5% −0.44 −0.32 −1.34 −2.14 −1.63 Kanuka canopy 95% 0.15 −0.01 4.55 1.75 2.47 ψjk −0.09 −0.42 0.22 −0.03 −0.38 0.29 −0.05 −0.58 0.36 0.06 −0.28 0.39 0.17 −0.17 0.55 −0.02 −0.64 0.53 −0.03 −0.35 0.32 0.45 −0.15 1.37 −0.04 −0.39 0.28 −0.10 −0.50 0.24 0.00 −0.40 0.33 −0.08 −1.09 1.73 DIC 742.11 742.42 743.11 743.55 743.71 743.84 744.14 745.08 745.72 745.83 746.06 747.21 69 – R. Buxton et al. Table B2.3: Multivariate zero-inflated Poisson models constructed using habitat variables (Wkl) from univariate models with the smallest deviance information criterion (DIC) and 95% credible intervals not overlapping 0. Each model had two components: probability of a burrow being absent ( ) and the zero-inflated burrow count ( ). S indicates species categories from stem counts and C indicates species categories from canopy cover. * indicates a variable whose 95% credible intervals overlapped 0. Italicized model indicates the final multivariate model selected, based on the smallest DIC, best diagnostic plots, and no variables whose 95% credible intervals overlapped 0. N, S, E, W indicates north, south, east, and west aspect respectively. Wkl φ (parameters for burrow presence/absence model) Wkl λ (parameters for burrow count model) Total variables DIC Slope + Soil depth Slope + Soil depth 4 2607.61 W + Rock W + Rock 4 2619.02 Soil depth + Rock + MāhoeS W + Soil depth + Totalsmstem 6 2665.81 Slope + Soil depth + Rock Slope + Soil depth + Rock 6 2671.35 Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāhoeS W + Slope* + Soil depth + Totalsmstem 8 2740.81 13 2900.29 13 2902.73 14 2913.90 S + Soil depth + Rock + MāhoeC + MāhoeS + W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāhoeS + KaramūS KaramūS + MāpouS Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāhoeC* + W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāhoeS + KaramūS MāhoeS + KaramūS + MāpouS S + W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāhoeS + KaramūS Totallgstem + MāhoeS + KaramūS 70 – R. Buxton et al. Wkl φ (parameters for burrow presence/absence model) Wkl λ (parameters for burrow count model) Total variables DIC 13 2913.97 14 2928.86 13 2944.91 14 2951.69 15 2957.21 15 2985.03 16 3007.29 20 3061.37 17 3137.59 20 3213.05 W* + Soil depth + Rock + MāhoeC + MāhoeS + W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāhoeS + KaramūS KaramūS + MāpouS W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāpouC + KaramūS S + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāhoeC + + MāpouS MāhoeS + KaramūS S + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + Totallgstem + W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāpouC + KaramūS MāhoeC + KaramūS W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāpouC + KaramūS S + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + Totalsmstem* + MāpouS + MāhoeC + KaramūS S + W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāhoeS + KaramūS Totallgstem + MāhoeC + MāhoeS + KaramūS W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāpouC + MāhoeS S + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāhoeC + * + KaramūS + MāpouS MāhoeS + KaramūS W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāpouC + MāhoeS S + W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + + KaramūS Totallgstem + MāhoeC + MāhoeS + KaramūS W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāpouC + S + W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāhoeC* + MāhoeS + KaramūS* Totallgstem + MāhoeC + MāhoeS + KaramūS W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāpouC * + S + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāhoeC* + MāhoeC * + MāhoeS* + KaramūS MāhoeC + MāhoeS + KaramūS + MāpouS* S + W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + MāpouC + MāhoeC Canopycover* + Totallgstem + MāhoeC + * + MāhoeS* + KaramūS* + MāpouS* MāhoeS + KaramūS + MāpouS* 71 – R. Buxton et al. Wkl φ (parameters for burrow presence/absence model) Wkl λ (parameters for burrow count model) W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + Totalsmstem* + S + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + Totalsmstem* MāpouC* + MāhoeC* + MāhoeS* + KaramūS* + + MāpouC + MāhoeC + MāhoeS + KaramūS + MāpouS MāpouS* Total variables DIC 20 3240.67 26 3560.20 N* + S + W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + W + Slope + Soil depth + Rock + Totalsmstem* + Canopycover* + Totalsmstem* + Totallgstem + PōhutukawaC* + MāpouC* + MāhoeC* + MāhoeS* + PōhutukawaC* + MāpouC* + MāhoeC* + KaramūS + MāpouS* MāhoeS + KaramūS + MāpouS* 72 – R. Buxton et al. Table B2.4: Multivariate observed burrow occupancy Bernoulli models constructed using habitat variables (Wkl) from univariate models with the smallest deviance information criterion (DIC) and 95% credible intervals not overlapping 0. * indicates a variable whose 95% credible intervals overlapped 0. S indicates species categories from stem counts and C indicates species categories from canopy cover. Italicized model indicates the final multivariate model selected, based on the smallest DIC, best diagnostic plots, and no variables whose 95% credible intervals overlapped 0. N, S, W indicates north, south, and west aspect respectively. Number of Model variables: variables DIC W + Soil depth 2 764.76 Soil depth + Soil strength* 2 767.05 W + Soil depth + Rock + MāpouS 4 839.73 Soil depth + Canopycover + MāhoeC + MāpouS 4 841.77 W + Soil depth + Rock + KanukaC + MāpouS 5 871.91 Soil depth + Rock + Canopycover*+ MāhoeC + MāpouS 5 879.55 W + Soil depth +Rock + MāhoeC + MāpouS 5 881.30 W + Soil depth + Rock + Totalsmstem* + MāpouS 5 883.85 W + Soil depth + Sstrength* + PōhutukawaC* + MāpouS 5 888.74 W + Soil depth + Rock +Totalcanopy* + MāhoeC* + MāpouS 6 912.75 W + Soil depth + Rock + KanukaC + MāhoeC + MāpouS 6 919.91 W + Soil depth + Sstrength* + Rock + MāhoeC* + MāpouS 6 920.30 W + Soil depth + Sstrength* +Totalcanopy* + MāhoeC + MāpouS 6 924.95 W + Soil depth + Sstrength* + Rock + MāhoeS* + MāpouS 6 929.06 W + Soil depth + Sstrength* + Rock + Canopycover* + MāhoeC* + MāpouS 7 961.34 10 1087.74 N* + S* + W* + Soil depth + Soil strength* + Canopycover + Totalsmstem* + MāhoeC + KaramūS* + MāpouS 74 – R. Buxton et al. Appendix B3 Figure B3.1: Semivariogram values versus lag distance for residual values of φ (probability of burrow absence in a plot), from the top multivariate zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) model. Mauitaha still has Pacific rats present, Ruamaahuanui never had rats introduced, and other islands are arranged with increasing time since Pacific rat eradication. 75 – R. Buxton et al. Figure B3.2: Moran’s I values versus neighborhood size for residual values of φ (probability of burrow absence in a plot), from the best multivariate ZIP model. Black dots indicate Moran’s I values significantly different from 0. Mauitaha still has Pacific rats present, Ruamaahuanui never had rats introduced, and other islands are arranged with increasing time since Pacific rat eradication. 76 – R. Buxton et al. Figure B3.3: Semivariogram values versus lag distance for residual values of λ (zero-inflated burrow counts in a plot), from the best multivariate ZIP model. Mauitaha still has Pacific rats present, Ruamaahuanui never had rats introduced, and other islands are arranged with increasing time since Pacific rat eradication. 77 – R. Buxton et al. Figure B3.4: Moran’s I values versus neighborhood size for residual values of λ (zero-inflated burrow counts in a plot), from the best multivariate ZIP model. Black dots indicate Moran’s I values significantly different from 0. Mauitaha still has Pacific rats present, Ruamaahuanui never had rats introduced, and other islands are arranged with increasing time since Pacific rat eradication. 78 – R. Buxton et al. Figure B3.5: Semivariogram values versus lag distance for residual values of ψ (observed occupancy of a burrow in a plot), from the best multivariate binomial model. Mauitaha still has Pacific rats present, Ruamaahuanui never had rats introduced, and other islands are arranged with increasing time since Pacific rat eradication. 79 – R. Buxton et al. Figure B3.6: Moran’s I values versus neighborhood size for residual values of ψ (observed occupancy of a burrow in a plot), from the best multivariate binomial model. Black dots indicate Moran’s I values significantly different from 0. Mauitaha still has Pacific rats present, Ruamaahuanui never had rats introduced, and other islands are arranged with increasing time since Pacific rat eradication. 74 – R. Buxton et al. Appendix C1 Figure C3.1: Semivariogram values versus lag distance for residuals from top ranked habitat models (assessed using Akaike’s information criterion for small sample sizes –AICc) for: FFSH – Flesh-footed shearwater; GFPE –Grey-faced petrel; FLSH – Fluttering shearwater; LISH – Little shearwater; PYPE – Pycroft’s petrel; and CODI – Common diving petrel. I assumed if an asymptotes (sill) was reached at a distance of ≤30 m, there was no statistically significant spatial autocorrelation. 75 – R. Buxton et al. Appendix C2 Table C2.1: Observed (Obs) and unconstrained (Un) and constrained (Cn) simulated co-occurrence indices (C-scores) of each pair of six burrownesting petrel species on six islands off the north-east coast of New Zealand’s North Island with different time since Pacific rat eradication. Mauitaha is still inhabited by Pacific rats; Ruamaahuanui never had mammals introduced and all other islands ordered from bottom to top by increasing time since eradication. All values are normalized by *10-2. FFSH GFPE Obs CScore Un C- Cn CScore Score FFSH GFPE n/a n/a n/a n/a FLSH n/a n/a FLSH Obs CScore Un CScore Cn CScore n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a 2.49 ± 2.21 Obs CUn CScore Score Ruamaahuanui n/a n/a n/a 9 LISH n/a n/a n/a 11 3.95 ± 0.75 PYPE n/a n/a n/a 0 0.91 ± 0.25 n/a 0 DIPE n/a n/a n/a 0 4.07 ± 0.82 n/a 0 n/a 9.75 ± 1.21 2.26 ± 0.44 10.69 ± 1.42 LISH Cn CScore PYPE Obs CScore Un CScore Cn CScore Obs CScore Un CScore Cn CScore n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 4.02 ± 1.42 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6 16.95 ± 2.11 n/a 0 4.22 ± 1.23 n/a n/a 76 – R. Buxton et al. Korapuki FFSH GFPE FLSH n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a LISH n/a n/a n/a 7.32 PYPE n/a n/a n/a DIPE n/a n/a FFSH GFPE FLSH n/a n/a n/a LISH n/a n/a 4.79 ± 0.32 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.26 n/a n/a 4.78 ± 0.32 1.95 ± 0.21 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.09 1.92 ± 0.21 2.42 ± 0.27 n/a n/a Stanley n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.11 n/a n/a n/a n/a PYPE n/a n/a n/a 4.11 n/a n/a n/a 0.21 DIPE n/a n/a n/a 1.12 n/a n/a 0.64 ± 0.12 4.22 ± 0.30 0.67 ± 0.12 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.61 ± 0.11 3.89 ± 0.27 0.60 ± 0.11 n/a n/a Ohinau n/a FFSH n/a 1.93 ± 0.37 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.45 ± 0.31 n/a 1.43 n/a 1.26 ± 0.12 n/a 1.52 ± 0.15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a GFPE FLSH LISH PYPE n/a 1.96 ± 2.46 0.39 n/a n/a 0.41 ± 0.49 0.23 n/a n/a 0.97 n/a 0.83 ± 0.40 n/a 0.84 ± 0.40 n/a n/a n/a 0.97 0.83 ± 0.40 0.81 ± 0.38 0.36 0.34 ± 0.56 0. 34 ± 0.55 0. 029 n/a 0.19 ± 0.33 0. 028 ± 0.07 n/a 0.19 ± 0.32 0.029 ± 0.08 0.21 n/a 0.19 ± 0.32 n/a 0.19 ± 0.37 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 77 – R. Buxton et al. DIPE n/a Taranga FFSH n/a GFPE n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a FLSH n/a n/a 1.43 n/a 1.32 ± 0.13 n/a 1.64 ± 0.16 n/a 1.52 ± 0.15 n/a n/a 0.12 ± 0.13 0.52 0.065 ± 0.066 0.78 n/a n/a Mauitaha LISH n/a n/a n/a 1.43 1.26 ± 0.12 PYPE DIPE n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a 0.63 ± 0.09 n/a 0.70 ± 0.09 n/a FFSH n/a n/a 3.08 ± 0.22 0.57 ± 0.36 1.10 ± 0.34 0.57 ± 0.37 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.57 ± 0.35 2.15 1.57 ± 0.16 1.58 ± 0.16 n/a 1.12 ± 0.37 4.31 3.05 ± 0.22 3.04 ± 0.22 0.62 2.15 n/a 1.56 ± 0.16 n/a 1.62 ± 0.16 n/a GFPE 4.31 FLSH 0.62 LISH 1.23 PYPE DIPE 0.62 n/a 3.08 ± 0.22 0.57 ± 0.35 n/a n/a 0.31 n/a n/a 0.57 ± 0.35 0.29 ± 0.51 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.12 ± 0.42 n/a n/a n/a 0.064 ± 0.53 n/a 0.066 n/a 0.065 ± 0.57 n/a 0.063 ± 0.49 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.56 ± 0.33 n/a 0.56 ± 0.33 n/a 0.62 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.57 ± 0.34 0.29 ± 0.42 n/a 78 Appendix D Table D1: Median effect sizes and 95% credibility intervals (CI) of habitat covariates and time since Pacific rat eradication from a multivariate model predicting petrel burrow density on six islands in northeastern New Zealand. Mauitaha is still inhabited by Pacific rats; Ruamaahuanui (Nui) never had mammals introduced and all other islands are ordered from top to bottom by increasing time since eradication. Habitat variables were selected based on Buxton et al. in review. Italicized median values do not overlap 0. Parameter Island Time since eradication Median 5% CI 95% CI 0.063 0.047 0.079 Soil depth Mauitaha 0.018 0.008 0.040 Soil depth Taranga 0.009 0.008 0.025 Soil depth Ohinau 0.024 -0.008 0.043 Soil depth Kawhitu 0.015 -0.005 0.033 Soil depth Korapuki 0.033 0.012 0.061 Soil depth Nui 0.024 0.010 0.039 Slope Mauitaha 0.010 0.012 0.033 Slope Taranga 0.013 0.002 0.028 Slope Ohinau 0.002 -0.021 0.022 Slope Kawhitu 0.019 0.001 0.039 Slope Korapuki 0.015 -0.004 0.037 Slope Nui -0.010 -0.035 1.251 Rock cover Mauitaha 0.001 -0.027 0.022 Rock cover Taranga 0.010 0.005 0.027 Rock cover Ohinau 0.006 0.014 0.023 Rock cover Kawhitu 0.007 -0.007 0.022 Rock cover Korapuki 0.018 0.002 0.038 79 Rock cover Nui -0.007 -0.044 0.017 Southern aspect Mauitaha -0.004 -0.025 0.017 Southern aspect Taranga -0.005 -0.020 0.011 Southern aspect Ohinau 0.008 -0.013 0.029 Southern aspect Kawhitu 0.004 -0.013 0.021 Southern aspect Korapuki 0.001 -0.022 0.024 Southern aspect Nui 0.068 0.037 0.097 Western aspect Mauitaha 0.008 -0.011 0.028 Western aspect Taranga 0.008 -0.005 0.021 Western aspect Ohinau 0.006 -0.009 0.019 Western aspect Kawhitu 0.007 -0.005 0.020 Western aspect Korapuki 0.006 -0.007 0.017 Western aspect Nui 0.008 -0.006 0.026 Total small stem count Mauitaha -0.002 -0.015 0.020 Total small stem count Taranga -0.006 -0.019 5.972 Total small stem count Ohinau -0.005 -0.018 8.337 Total small stem count Kawhitu -0.003 -0.017 0.014 Total small stem count Korapuki -0.007 -0.023 5.884 Total small stem count Nui -0.008 -0.021 2.339 Mahoe stem count Mauitaha 0.007 -0.028 0.045 Mahoe stem count Taranga 0.003 -0.022 0.028 Mahoe stem count Ohinau 0.007 -0.010 0.024 Mahoe stem count Kawhitu 0.028 0.009 0.047 Mahoe stem count Korapuki -0.006 -0.025 0.013 Mahoe stem count Nui -0.024 -0.055 4.751 Mahoe stem count Mauitaha 0.006 -0.015 0.026 Karamu stem count Taranga -0.003 -0.020 0.014 Karamu stem count Ohinau 0.019 -0.012 0.052 Karamu stem count Kawhitu 0.005 -0.012 0.022 Karamu stem count Korapuki -0.015 -0.035 4.742 Karamu stem count Nui 0.089 0.051 0.127 80 Table D2: Multivariate varying intercept models investigating the effects of habitat covariates on the probability of petrel burrows being present in plots among islands off the north-eastern coast of New Zealand’s North Island. The model with the best fit (largest AUC - area under Receiver Operating Characteristic curves - and smallest DIC - deviance information criterion) is indicated in red. Model AUC ± SD DIC 0.79 ± 0.02 1289.9 0.79 ± 0.02 1753.5 0.77 ± 0.02 1229.0 0.77 ± 0.02 1241.3 Slope +N + S + E + W + Elevation 0.76 ± 0.02 1028.3 Slope +N + S + E + W + Elevation + Slope*Elevation 0.76 ± 0.02 1068.8 0.76 ± 0.02 1351.2 0.73 ± 0.02 764.3 0.71 ± 0.02 1160.2 Slope + S + W + Elevation + Slope*Elevation + Slope*S +Slope*W + Elevation*S +Elevation*W + Slope*Elevation*S + Slope*Elevation*W Slope +N + S + E + W + Elevation + Slope*Elevation + Slope*N + Slope*S + Slope*E + Slope*W + Elevation*N + Elevation*S + Elevation*E + Elevation*W + Slope*Elevation*N +Slope*Elevation*S + Slope*Elevation*E + Slope*Elevation*W Slope +N + S + E + W + Elevation + Slope*N + Slope*S + Slope*E + Slope*W Slope +N + S + E + W + Elevation + Slope*Elevation*N +Slope*Elevation*S + Slope*Elevation*E + Slope*Elevation*W Slope +N + S + E + W + Elevation + Slope*Elevation + Elevation*N + Elevation*S + Elevation*E + Elevation*W Slope Slope + N + E + Elevation + Slope*Elevation + Slope*N +Slope*E + Elevation*N +Elevation*E + Slope*Elevation*N + Slope*Elevation*E 81 N 0.70 ± 0.02 785.4 Slope*Elevation*N +Slope*Elevation*S + Slope*Elevation*E + Slope*Elevation*W 0.70 ± 0.02 960.3 0.70 ± 0.02 1515.9 Elevation 0.67 ± 0.02 804 W 0.65 ± 0.02 798.3 E 0.65 ± 0.02 799.8 S 0.65 ± 0.02 800.4 Slope +N + S + E + W + Elevation + Slope*Elevation + Slope*N + Slope*S + Slope*E + Slope*W + Elevation*N + Elevation*S + Elevation*E + Elevation*W 82 Table D3: Median effect sizes and 95% credibility intervals (CI) from the top multivariate model predicting petrel burrow presence/absence (Table D2). Median values among islands were generated from varying intercept models, while median values for each island were generated from varying slope, varying intercept models. Islands are off the northeastern coast of New Zealand’s North Island. Mauitaha is still inhabited by Pacific rats; Ruamaahuanui (Nui) never had mammals introduced and all other islands are ordered from top to bottom by increasing time since eradication. Italicized median values do not overlap 0. Parameter Island Intercept Mauitaha -0.103 -0.846 0.748 Intercept Taranga 0.821 0.404 1.25 Intercept Ohinau 4.12 2.04 8.52 Intercept Kawhitu 1.08 0.421 1.77 Intercept Korapuki 0.302 -1.29 1.29 Intercept Ruammahuanui 0.356 -0.209 0.932 0.709 0.297 1.13 N 0.31 -4.5 5.07 S 0.338 -4.31 4.95 E 0.195 -3.49 3.84 W 0.639 -3.93 5.24 Elevation -0.322 -1.26 0.369 Slope*N -1.11 -7.88 5.96 Slope*S -1.11 -7.67 5.77 Slope*E -0.978 -6.15 4.36 Slope*W -0.903 -7.38 5.85 All islands (see Median 5% CI 95% CI , Eq. 3 in text) Slope Individual islands (see , Eq. 6 in text) 83 Slope Mauitaha 0.665 0.0364 1.25 Slope Taranga 0.772 0.372 1.2 Slope Ohinau 0.815 0.155 1.64 Slope Kawhitu 0.682 0.207 1.15 Slope Korapuki 0.553 0.0571 1.02 Slope Ruammahuanui 0.754 0.378 1.16 N Mauitaha 0.153 -4.62 4.98 N Taranga 0.28 -4.52 5.04 N Ohinau 0.2 -4.58 5.05 N Kawhitu 0.377 -4.45 5.11 N Korapuki 0.481 -4.29 5.27 N Ruammahuanui 0.283 -4.54 5.07 S Mauitaha 0.139 -4.51 4.78 S Taranga 0.415 -4.22 5.01 S Ohinau 0.308 -4.32 5.01 S Kawhitu 0.414 -4.25 5.04 S Korapuki 0.247 -4.33 4.91 S Ruammahuanui 0.357 -4.29 4.96 E Mauitaha 0.357 -3.21 4.1 E Taranga 0.138 -3.51 3.78 E Ohinau 0.217 -3.46 3.94 E Kawhitu 0.0659 -3.58 3.68 E Korapuki 0.223 -3.41 3.86 E Ruammahuanui 0.0259 -3.67 3.69 W Mauitaha 0.875 -3.7 5.77 W Taranga 0.598 -3.98 5.22 W Ohinau 0.558 -3.96 5.3 W Kawhitu 0.513 -4.1 5.1 W Korapuki 0.351 -4.23 4.94 W Ruammahuanui 0.81 -3.8 5.43 Elevation Mauitaha -0.167 -1.16 0.857 84 Elevation Taranga -0.509 -1.48 0.254 Elevation Ohinau -0.334 -2.02 0.889 Elevation Kawhitu -0.0875 -1.01 0.885 Elevation Korapuki -0.936 -2.81 0.0974 Elevation Ruammahuanui 0.0951 -0.204 0.407 Slope*N Mauitaha -0.971 -7.8 6.05 Slope*N Taranga -1.3 -8.02 5.78 Slope*N Ohinau -1.11 -7.91 6.02 Slope*N Kawhitu -0.91 -7.68 6.18 Slope*N Korapuki -1.2 -7.98 5.87 Slope*N Ruammahuanui -1.14 -7.93 5.88 Slope*S Mauitaha -1.08 -7.7 5.73 Slope*S Taranga -1.03 -7.57 5.84 Slope*S Ohinau -1.13 -7.72 5.74 Slope*S Kawhitu -1.24 -7.82 5.66 Slope*S Korapuki -1.06 -7.65 5.8 Slope*S Ruammahuanui -1.03 -7.61 5.8 Slope*E Mauitaha -1.22 -6.48 4.12 Slope*E Taranga -0.76 -5.92 4.61 Slope*E Ohinau -0.907 -6.1 4.4 Slope*E Kawhitu -0.716 -5.87 4.66 Slope*E Korapuki -0.992 -6.18 4.36 Slope*E Ruammahuanui -1.3 -6.47 4.01 Slope*W Mauitaha -0.906 -7.44 5.82 Slope*W Taranga -1.01 -7.48 5.77 Slope*W Ohinau -0.921 -7.43 5.86 Slope*W Kawhitu -1.14 -7.65 5.64 Slope*W Korapuki -0.767 -7.27 5.99 Slope*W Ruammahuanui -0.672 -7.19 6.04 85 Appendix E Table E1.1: List of monitoring strategies on islands in New Zealand with all non-native predators removed. Monitoring programmes, the species group targeted, and the institution performing the monitoring were identified the published or unpublished literature or by interviewing island researchers. DOC = Department of Conservation and OSNZ = Ornithological Society of New Zealand. Island Raoul Macauley Manama Tawhi (Great Island) Motuopao Date Time Area predators Dates Frequency spent on (ha) eradicated visited of visits island Survey activity 2938 2004 1967-2008 Annually 3 hrs Point counts General island surveys, presence/absence noted during 2004-2006 Annually weeding 236 2008 1946, 1951, 2 plots of 15 by 15, 300 1946 1963, 2003 Annually 1 plot 40 by 40 General mapping surveys and 8 1995-1999, random quadrats of 2001 Annually 10 m2 1.5 hr-34 1887-1989 Eight times days Inventory 30 1989 Twice annually Wildlife targeted Birds Institution DOC Source (Veitch et al. 2011) Seabirds DOC (Veitch et al. 2011) Plants DOC (Bellingham et al. 2010) Land snails Birds and lizards DOC (Brook 2002, 2003) “Fauna monitoring” Flax Snail DOC (Powlesland 1990) DOC and Te Ahu Heritage Museum 86 1981-1992 Aorangi Taranga (Hen Island) Coppermine 110 1936 470 2011 80 1997 2011, 2013 1992-2000 1997-2010 Lady Alice 155 1994 2007-2014 1997-2010 Whatupuke Urupukapuka Waewaetorea 102 102 52 1997 2009 2009 1997-2010 2009-2014 2009-2014 Inventory/ distribution, 1 quadrat in Blackwinged Petrel colony Birds Occupancy and burrow counts, 30*10 m fixed plots and 3 m radius circular plots on Bullers transect lines Shearwater 5 times Annually 2-4 visits annually Twice annually 1-4 visit annually, 1 visit annually 2012-2014 Twice annually Twice annually Weeding every 2 weeks, planting annually Weeding DOC (Pierce and Parrish 1993) DOC G. Taylor pers. comm. Pycroft's and 10-29 permanently little marked burrows shearwaters DOC Post-release monitoring Lizards DOC 9-68 transect of 2 m wide through Te Papa colonies, burrow Tongarewa density and Flesh-footed museum and 4-10 days occupancy shearwater Latitude 42 Post-release monitoring Lizards DOC Post-release monitoring Lizards DOC 1 day 1 day Trap, tracking card, and tracking tunnel grids Trap, tracking card, Invasive predators and plants Invasive (Pierce 2002) (Parrish 2010) (Baker et al. 2010, Waugh and Taylor 2012) (Parrish 2010) (Parrish 2010) Project Island Song (DOC and local www.project Maori) Project Island www.project 87 every 2 weeks, planting annually 2009-2014 Okahu Motukiekie Moturua Motuarohia Poroporo Pokohinu (Burgess) Lizard 21 29 135 50 56 1 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 1991 1978 2009-2014 2009-2014 2009-2014 2009-2014 2009 Weeding every 2 weeks, planting annually Weeding every 2 weeks, planting annually Weeding every 2 weeks, planting annually Weeding every 2 weeks, planting annually and tracking tunnel predators grids and plants Several plots established Plants Song (DOC and local Maori) DOC (Young 2009) 1 day Trap, tracking card, Invasive and tracking tunnel predators grids and plants Project Island Song (DOC and local www.project Maori) 1 day Trap, tracking card, Invasive and tracking tunnel predators grids and plants Project Island Song (DOC and local www.project Maori) 1 day Trap, tracking card, Invasive and tracking tunnel predators grids and plants Project Island Song (DOC and local www.project Maori) Trap, tracking card, Invasive and tracking tunnel predators grids and plants Project Island Song (DOC and local www.project Maori) Transects, 50 by 50 m plots, 10 by 10 m plots Seabirds Petrels Sandager Pokohinu Research and Conservation (Gaskin and HeissTrust Dunlop 2010) DOC Taylor unpubl. Data 1 day 88 Mokohinau islets Atihau (Trig) Horomea (Maori Bay) 10 16 1991 1991 11 1991 Motukino (Fanal) 79 1997 Kauwahaia Island 0.7 Hauturu (Little Barrier) 2817 1994 1989 2004 9 days Annually 1975-1989 Annually Inventory, 3 semipermanent quadrats Vegetation BurrowBurrow occupancy nesting of entire island seabirds 1 week (each transect counted 8-12 500 m by 20 m times) transects Transects Recommended: 75 random 3-mcircular plots 2-3 times annually Te Haupa (Saddle Island) 6 Tiritiri Matangi 196 Annually 2010 2004-2005 1987-1990, 1997 Annually 1 day 1993 1987-2010 Annually 2 days 194 circular plots of 3-m-radius Entire island searched Point counts along transects (de Lange et al. 1995) DOC G. Taylor pers. comm. Birds DOC (Girardet et al. 2001) Reptiles, Little Barrier invasive Island species, Supporters www.little birds, plants Trust Weta Kakapo Cook's Petrel Flora and fauna Birds DOC DOC, Forest and Bird, NZ Aluminium Smelters Ltd. Auckland University (Mckenzie 2003) www.kakapo DOC (Rayner et al. 2007) (Tennyson and Taylor 1999) OSNZ (Graham et al. 2013) 89 1992-2013 Motuihe Motukorea (Browns) RangitotoMotutapu 195 2004 58 1995 23001500 148 Tarahiki 5 Pakatoa 29 Otata Maria 22 1 Motuhoropapa David Rocks Cuvier 9 1 181 Band resighting 2009 Invasive predators 1990-1991 Rakino Robin and hihi Birds, insects, Monitoring stations plants Invasive Bait stations predators Annually Every six weeks 1 day Bird counts along main path Birds DOC, Auckland Regional Council, Graduate students (Armstrong and Ewen 2013) Motuihe Trust / (Veitch 2002a) Motutapu Restoration Trust DOC, University of Auckland z/ (Miller and Anderson 1992) 2004 1988, 1994, 2007 Annually 1-2 days 1-4 visits 1997 1996-2001 annually Every six 1980-2002 months 1960 2002 1985, 2004, 1981-2002 2006 1964 1993 1968-1985 1974-1980 Opportunistic surveys Counts in 4 island regions Surveys Survival estimates Observations Plants North Island weka Invasive predators Birds Saddlebacks Birds DOC (Cameron et al. 2007) (Beauchamp et al. 2009) DOC (Moors 1985b) University of Auckland, Auckland Botanical Club (MacKay et al. 2007) DOC Auckland Jenkins et al. unpubl. data (Bellingham et al. 90 Moturehu (Double) Korapuki Whakau (Red Mercury) 32 18 1989 1986 225 1992 Kawhitu (Stanley) 100 1991 Ohinau Middle Chain Whenuakura (Donut) Mahurangi (Goat) Tuhua (Mayor) 45 23 2005 1994 3 1984 23 1311 <1993 2002 (Waugh et al. 2013) Lizards DOC Landcare Research, Otago University DOC and Landcare Research Pycroft's petrel DOC Taylor unpubl. Data Petrels DOC Taylor unpubl. Data 14 plots of 10 by 10 Burrowm and 19 plots of 5- nesting 4-7 days m-radius seabirds 2010, 2012, 2013 80 pitfall traps 1986-1995 Biannually along 4 m transects Banding, searching all burrows in three 1998, 2009 colonies near camp Burrow occupancy 1993, 1998, in 3 plots 20 by 20 2003 m 9-68 transect of 2 m wide through colonies, burrow 2007-2010, 1-4 visit density and 2012-2014 annually 4-10 days occupancy 1993-2012 1981) Flesh-footed Shearwater 1988-1990 2005-2011 University 10 transects of 25 by 5 m Annually Annually two weeks Te Papa Tongarewa Flesh-footed museum and shearwater Latitude 42 Fish and lobster Marine fauna Coastal and Aquatic systems Ltd. And DOC Lyver unpubl. data, this study (Monks et al. 2014) (Baker et al. 2010, Waugh and Taylor 2012) (Haggitt 2011) www.boppoly. Bay of Plenty reserve-monitoringPolytechnic tuhuawedand DOC 14032012-1200am 91 1996present Rurima Moutohora (Whale) 4 1984 173 1987 Tuatara 1999-2002 2007-2010 1998-2000 Whangaokena (East) Motu-o-Kura (Bare) Kapiti Tahoramaurea Motungara (Kapiti) 13 14 "Ad-hoc" Translocation of Orange-fronted Fauna Parakeet and Recovery New Brown Teal Birds Zealand Post-release Brown Teal, North Island monitoring Robin, Tuatara "Walk through in conjunction with rodent inspections" Vegetation DOC Annually Twice annually Annually 33 island sections photographed from 15 photopoints Burrow scoping 27 plots of 10 by 10 Burrow counts 78172 circular plots of 2 m radius per 16 island sections 1997 1991 1970 1 1998 1998 3 1998 vegetation Grey-faced petrel Grey-faced petrel Grey-faced petrel 1991-1992, 1995 1990-1991, 1994, 1995, 1998 1-3 visits 1-2 days 30 pitfall traps set for 41-70 days Invertebrates 2 plots of 20 by 5, 4 plots of 1 by 1m, 9 photopoints Plants 1999, 2000, 2001 Searches using dogs Brown Teal DOC DOC Landcare Research DOC http://fauna J. Heaphy pers. comm. (Shaw 2000) (Towns 2005) (Shaw et al. 2003) (Whitehead et al. 2014) (Imber et al. 2003a) DOC DOC (Walls 1998) DOC (Walls 1998) http://brown DOC 92 Mana Matiu/Somes 217 27 1991 1999-2014 1-3 visits annually 1986-1993 3-11 visits 2-4 nights annually per visit Trap setting 1990 2002-2005 Mokopuna (Leper) Takapouera (Stephens) 0.5 150 Te Hoiere (Maud) 309 3-5 visits annually 2 day surveys Counts along 3 transects Sooty Shearwater, Diving Petrel and Fairy Prion McGregor's Skink, lizards Tuatara, fluttering shearwater, little blue penguin Birds Te Papa Tongarewa museum and DOC DOC (C. Miskelly pers. comm., Miskelly 1999) (Newman 1994) Matiu/Somes Island Cheritable http://matiusomes Trust J. Greenman and E. Dunning pers. OSNZ comm.. 1990 1924 1993 1995, 2002, 16 pitfall traps in 2003 Annually 2-7 days each of 8 grids 1991-2014 Annually 1983-2014 Annually *2013 mice discovered 5 days Re-survey 16 years after release 2008-2010 Annually Skinks Hamilton's Frog Victoria University DOC Transects, 12 by 12 m study grids, occupancy Victoria modelling Frogs University Cook Post-release Straight monitoring Giant Weta DOC Color band reading Malherbe's and parakeet (Stephens 2004) P. Gaze pers. comm. (Bell et al. 2004, Le Roux 2008) (Meads and Notman 1992) Massey University 93 habitat use in transects along main track 2007-2013 1990spresent Titi 32 1975 2007-2010, 2012-2014 Annually Annually 1-4 visit annually 1998, 2000, 2006 Annually 1987-1998 Motuara 59 Annually 1991 1994, 2001, 2002, 2005 Annually Kokomohua 142 1997 1973-1999 2005-2007 5 minute bird counts Post-translocation productivity 9-68 transect of 2 m wide through colonies, burrow density and 4-10 days occupancy 185 person Post-release hours monitoring Burrow counts 10 plots of 100 m2 Post-release monitoring Post-release monitoring Nest boxes, no formal monitoring Reproductive Twice success Annually ~13 days Post-release Birds Fluttering shearwater DOC DOC (Ortiz-Catedral) C. Birmingham pers. comm. Te Papa Tongarewa Flesh-footed museum and Shearwater Latitude 42 C. Birmingham pers. comm. Tuatara Flesh-footed shearwater and Sooty shearwater (Miller et al. 2010) Frogs DOC DOC DOC and University of Saddlebacks Canterbury Little blue Otago penguin University Lincoln University and South Island University of Robin Canterbury Saddlebacks DOC and (Gaze 2000) (Pledger 1999) (Hale 2008) (Byrne 1999) 94 (Long) monitoring and monitoring for avian malaria and avian pox Size, density, behaviour in transects at 5 reserve sites and 4 1992-2001 Annually control sites Radio tagging and demography of 2011-2013 Annually entire population All burrows inspected with 2008-2009 One season 7-30 days burrow scope Pickersgill 103 2007 2007-2014 Blumine 377 2007 2002-2013 Weekly 3 visits annually 2007-2014 Allports 16 Nukuwaiata (Inner Chetwode) 195 Trap checks 1989 1994 Trap checks University of Canterbury DOC and Davidson Environmental Blue Cod Ltd. Little Victoria Spotted University and Kiwi Cougar Line Victoria Sooty University and Shearwater DOC Invasive predators DOC Snail, birds, weta Invasive predators DOC South Island University of Saddleback Canterbury Annually 2001-2007 Mohua Annually 2004-2010 Hamilton's Frog Annually Gallery occupancy 1994-1998 4 nights in 4 plots of 625 m2 Tree Weta 1998 Kakapo DOC DOC and University of Otago University of Otago and Canterbury DOC (Hale 2008) (Davidson 2001, Willis 2013) H. Taylor unpubl. data (Geary et al. 2014) P. Clarke pers. comm P. Clarke pers. comm (Byrne 1999) (Gaze and Cash 2008) (Bell et al. 2010) (Merton 1999, Rufaut and Gibbs 95 2003) Te Kakaho (Outer Chetwode) 83 1994 WhakaterePapanui 74 1999 Tinui 95 1999 Puangiangi 69 1999 Surveys Post-release monitoring 2002-2004 Monitoring plots set up 2013 1 week per 2012-2013 month Motutapu Tonga 2 8 87 4 Vegetation Monitoring of shearwater burrows Petrels 1989 2007 2007 2007 Counts and size measurements in 2 by 2 by 30 m transects, benthic quadrats 1993-2013 2007-2009 Adele Fisherman Weka Green geckos, Cook Straight giant weta, tuatara 2007-2009 2007-2009 Every 3 months Every 3 months Every 3 Marine fauna Invasive Tracking tunnels, House chew tags, rat dogs Mouse Fluttering Social attraction and sooty with speakers shearwater Invasive Tracking tunnels, House chew tags, rat dogs Mouse Tracking tunnels, Invasive DOC University of Wellington, DOC and Alan Wilson Center Beauchamp and Butler 1999 (Beauchamp and Butler 1999) (Alan Wilson Center report, Hoare 2006) Fauna Recovery NZ Trust Fauna Recovery NZ Trust Walls Unpubl. data P. Gaze pers. comm.. DOC and Davidson Environemental Ltd. DOC DOC and Project Janszoon DOC DOC (Davidson and Richards 2013) (Golding 2010) http://www.janszoon .org/ (Golding 2010) 96 months Breaksea 170 1988 2011 1994-2014 1988-1993 Hawea 9 1986 Anchor 1130 2001 2005-2014 2001, 2005 2001-2014 Chalky 514 Rarotoka (Centre) 88 Whenua Hou (Codfish) 1396 Annually Twice annually 3 days chew tags, rat dogs House Mouse Territory boundaries, nesting South Island University of success saddlebacks Otago South Island Robin, weevils, Mohua, Fiordland Landcare skink Research Fiordland crested penguin DOC Seedling counts DOC and in20 plots of 25 m2, Landcare 19 plots of 100 m2 Vegetation Research Fiordland Landcare skink Research Radio transmitters on each bird Kakapo DOC and Post-release University of monitoring Rock wren Otago 5 minute counts All birds DOC Stoats and Trapping lines Deer DOC 2001 1997 1997 1996-97 to 2004-2005 Annually Burrow occupancy in 50 study burrows Burrow density and occupancy in 3 Cook's Petrel Sooty Shearwater (Golding 2010) (Hooson and Jamieson 2003) (Thomas 2002) (Allen et al. 1994) (Thomas 2002) http://kakapo Weston pers. comm A. Smart pers. comm. (Edmonds 2002) University of Otago (Imber et al. 2003b) 97 plots of 513–2226 m2 and 15 transects 2m by "20 burrows" Ulva 270 1997 2008-2014 >Once Annually Mokinui 86 2006 2011-2013 Annually Putauhinu 141 1997 1996-97 to 2004-2005 1-3 times annually Rerewhakaupoko (Solomon) 30 2006 2012-2014 Annually Pukeweka Taukihepa (Big 3 939 2006 2006 2011-2013 2011-2013 Annually Annually Reintroduced birds: saddleback, Yellowhead, Stewart Island robin, Riffleman Plots Burrow density and occupancy in 70 transects 1m by "20 burrows" Opportunistic monitoring by muttonbirders (McKechnie et al. 2009) Sooty Shearwater DOC Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge, DOC, and University of Otago Sooty Shearwater (McClelland et al. University of 2011, Nevins and Otago Hester 2011) DOC and (McKechnie et al. Saddlebacks Rakiura Maori 2009) Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge, DOC, Burrow density and Sooty University of occupancy in plots Shearwater Otago Burrow density and Sooty Oikonos (McClelland et al. 98 South Cape) occupancy in plots 2006, 2008, 2010 Campbell 11331 2001 2004-2008 1985-1986 Mangere Rangatira (South East) 113 218 Bird counts in 35 1-3 days plots of 10 m radius Nest mapping, 50-60 collecting banding Annually days data 128 plots of 3 m radius along transect in 6 colonies, 45 plots Annually 2.5 by 2.5 m Anually Shearwater Birds Southern Royal Albatross Rockhopper penguins 1950 1961 1999-2010 Annually 1990-2003 Twice 2000-2010 Twice 3 days Ecosystem Knowledge, DOC, and University of Otago Ka Mate Nga Kiore Incorporated Society and Command Trustee Council 2011, Nevins and Hester 2011) (McClelland et al. 2011, Nevins and Hester 2011) DOC (Harper 2010) DOC (Moore et al. 2012) (Moors 1985a, Cunningham and Moors 1994) Chatham Islands Mollymawk Nests counted Vegetation surveys and photo-points in 62-96 10 by 10 m plots checked Vegetation Chatham Island Taiko (Robertson and Scofield 2003) (Urlich and Brown 2005) (Rayner et al. 2012) 99 OTHER SEABIRD MONITORING PROGRAMS Island Punakaiki 20022005 Annually 19972009 Annually Antipodes Island, Archway Island,Windward 1978Islands 2011 4 counts Mount Maunganui and Motuotau Island 19912000 Annually Great Barrier Island 19952013 Annually Dates Time spent Survey visited Frequency of visits on island activity Wildlife targeted 0.5-40 search Colony limits hours per person defined and Westland per colony burrows counted Petrel DOC (Wood and Otley 2013) 150 burrows checked for occupancy in Westland 50*10m plot Petrel DOC DOC Unpubl. Data Erect-crested and 16 days to survey Repeatable nest Rockhoper all islands counts Penguins DOC (Hiscock 2013) Landcare Research, Ornithological 8-34 nights of Grey-faced Society of New banding per season Banding Petrel Zealand (Jones et al. 2011) 9 census grids (40*40 m), 10-26 transects (400*4 m), nests counted, occupancy assessed, 41-47 days over 3 banding, trips geolocators Black Petrel DOC (Bell et al. 2013) Appendix F Incidence of plastic fragments among burrow-nesting seabird colonies on offshore islands in northern New Zealand Rachel T. Buxton, Caitlin A. Currey, Philip O’B. Lyver, and Christopher J. Jones Published in Marine Pollution Bulletin F.1 Abstract Marine plastic pollution is ubiquitous throughout the world’s oceans, and has been found in high concentrations in oceanic gyres of both the northern and southern hemispheres. The number of studies demonstrating plastic debris at seabird colonies and plastic ingestion by adult seabirds has increased over the past few decades. Despite the recent discovery of a large aggregation of plastic debris in the South Pacific subtropical gyre, the incidence of plastics at seabird colonies in New Zealand is unknown. Between 2011 and 2012 we surveyed six offshore islands on the northeast coast of New Zealand’s North Island for burrow-nesting seabird colonies and the presence of plastic fragments. We found non-research related plastic fragments (0.031 pieces/m2) on one island only, Ohinau, within dense flesh-footed shearwater (Puffinus carneipes) colonies. On Ohinau, we found a linear relationship between burrow density and plastic density, with 3.5 times more breeding burrows in areas with plastic fragments found. From these data we conclude that plastic ingestion is a potentially a serious issue for flesh-footed shearwaters in New Zealand. Although these results do not rule out plastic ingestion by other species, they suggest the need for further research on the relationship between New Zealand’s pelagic seabirds and marine plastic pollution. F.2 Introduction Rates of plastic production and pollution into marine systems have increased steadily since the 1950s (Barnes et al. 2009). Plastics constitute the majority of anthropogenic debris occurring throughout the global marine environment (Derraik 2002). Among the many negative impacts of plastic pollution is the endangerment of marine wildlife through entanglement or ingestion (Mattlin and Cawthorn 1986, Gregory 2009). Ingestion of plastic by adult seabirds and offloading to chicks has been widely documented from the high Arctic and northern Pacific Ocean (Provencher et al. 2010, Van Franeker et al. 2011) to the sub- and continental Antarctic (Furness 1985, Van Franeker and Bell 1988) and most places in-between (Laist 1997). The potential effects of plastic consumption on seabirds include: internal and external wounds, blockage of the digestive tract, impairment of feeding capacity, reduction in reproductive capacity, and poisoning from the absorption of toxic compounds (Gregory 2009). Due to the regurgitation of plastic to chicks, the death of chicks or fledglings with large loads of plastic in their stomach, and the regurgitation of large indigestible materials (i.e. plastic) by chicks, seabirds can act as vectors, introducing plastic fragments to their breeding grounds (Huin and Croxall 1996). The New Zealand archipelago has the highest diversity of seabird species’ in the world, dominated by burrow-nesting procellariiforms (Taylor 2000). They are however, threatened by human disturbance, habitat alteration, and introduced predators, which have resulted in the extirpation of most species from the mainland (Taylor 2000, Holdaway et al. 2001). The impact of plastic pollution on the conservation status of New Zealand’s seabirds and the amount of plastic deposited at their breeding grounds are currently unknown. Plastic debris and pellets wash up frequently onto beaches around New Zealand (Gregory 1977, 1999); furthermore, plastic pellets have been documented in the stomachs of prions (Pachyptila spp.) found wrecked around New Zealand as early as 1960 (Harper and Fowler 1987). Given the large populations of procellariiform seabirds found in New Zealand, as well as the tendency for birds of this order to ingest more plastic than others (Azzarelo and Van Vleet 1987), the potential for plastic affecting seabirds in New Zealand is likely to be high. While surveying burrow-nesting seabird colonies on islands with ‘nature reserve’ status in northern New Zealand, we noted the presence of non-research related plastic fragments. We therefore recorded the presence/absence and number of fragments in all surveyed colonies. We then compared the distribution of plastic fragments with the presence, local density, and occupancy of breeding burrows in order to test whether plastic was associated with seabird colonies. F.3 Methods Study area and search method We surveyed burrow-nesting seabird colonies on six islands located in the Hauraki Gulf, off the northeastern coast of the North Island of New Zealand: Taranga, Mauitaha, Ruamaahuanui, Ohinau, Korapuki, and Kawhitu (Fig. 1). All study islands had long histories of human occupation and modification through burning and terracing, and/or the introduction of Pacific rats (Rattus exulans) by Māori (Skegg 1963, 1964, Atkinson 2004), but have been protected as nature reserves and have remained undisturbed since the mid-19th Century. We visited the islands between September and December in 2011 and 2012. This period represented the pre-breeding to egg hatching stages of the breeding cycles of burrow-nesting seabirds present on our study islands. Those species included grey-faced petrel (Pterodroma macroptera gouldi), flesh-footed shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes), common diving petrels (Pelecanoides urinatrix), fluttering shearwaters (Puffinus gavia), little shearwater (Puffinus assimilis), Pycroft’s petrel (Pterodroma pycrofti), sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus), and little blue penguin (Eudyptula minor). In order to survey the seabird colonies and the distributions of colony-associated plastic fragments, we spread colony survey plots along evenly-spaced transects which ran from coast to coast, parallel to the short edge of each island. Approximately 35 transects per island resulted in distances of 10-40 m between transects, depending on island size (Table 1). The transect method was not employed on two islands: Ruamaahuanui, due to high burrow density and thus high risk of burrow collapse; and Taranga, due to hazardous terrain. Instead, previously selected, randomly generated GPS (Global Positioning System) points were used on Ruamaahuanui; and modified transects constrained by proximity to existing tracks, were employed on Taranga. Depending on the transect length, one to six random distances (chosen from a random numbers table) were measured from the transect start. This distance was measured using a handheld GPS (Garmin 60CSx). At each random distance, the centre of a 3 m radius circular plot was marked with a metal stake. Within the 28.27 m2 we counted all seabird burrows whose entrances fell more than halfway inside the plot limits. The contents of each burrow were assessed using an infrared burrow camera (Taupe professional ‘burrowscope’, Sextant Technology Ltd.). Figure 1: Location of study islands which were surveyed between September to December in 2011 and 2012. The main map is of the North Island of New Zealand. Table 1: Details of transects and plots surveyed on islands in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Taranga1 Mauitaha Ohinau Kawhitu Korapuki Ruamaahuanui2 Number of transects 61 31 33 33 38 n/a Number of plots 120 68 100 132 101 76 Area searched (m ) 3392.4 1922.4 2827 3731.6 2855.3 2148.5 % Island searched 0.072 0.961 0.883 0.373 1.586 1.023 2 1 A modified transect method, constrained by proximity to existing tracks, was employed on Taranga. 2 Randomly positioned points were used to survey burrow density and occupancy and plastic occurrence on Ruamaahuanui. Generally, different petrel species do not use the same burrow during the same breeding season, thus we assumed that burrow occupancy by a species was indicative of seasonal occupancy. While surveying a plot, RTB performed a visual search for the presence of plastic fragments (no leaf litter or other natural debris were displaced). Equal search effort (< 5 mins) was made within each plot on each island. Any fragments found were counted and collected. Statistical analysis To determine if more plastic fragments were observed in plots with seabird burrows present we used a general linear model (GLM) with a binomial error structure and logit link. To determine if areas with plastic had a higher burrow density than areas with no plastic we used a GLM with a Poisson error structure and log link. Finally, to examine the relationship between burrow density and plastic density we used a GLM with a Gaussian error structure and an identity link. Analyses were performed in R version 2.11.1 (R Development Core Team 2010), statistical significance is assumed at α < 0.5, and unless specified, all data are presented as mean ± SE. F.4 Results The most common species, found nesting on all islands, were grey-faced petrel and little shearwater. Also common were little blue penguin and Pycroft’s petrel (Table 2). The majority of plastic fragments that we detected were found were on Ohinau (Table 2; Fig 2). We observed three plastic fragments on Kawhitu (0.0008 pieces/m2) and ten on Korapuki (0.0035 pieces/ m2), all of which appeared to have been associated with previous research-related activities (e.g. small pieces of flagging tape or plot markers). No plastic fragments were found on Taranga, Mauitaha, and Ruamaahuanui. On Ohinau, we found 89 plastic fragments (0.031 pieces/m2), all but two of which were found in plots with burrows (Z = 2.154, P = 0.0312). There was a significantly higher density of burrows in plots with plastic observed than in plots without plastic (Z = 7.346, P < 0.001), and a positive relationship between burrow density and plastic density (T = 2.795, P < 0.006; Fig. 3). Although burrow occupancy was low on Ohinau (7.4%), flesh-footed shearwaters were the most commonly detected species found within burrows (67% of birds detected; Table 3). Table 2: Burrow density, plastic density, and burrow-nesting seabird species found within plots in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Y = species was present (GFPE-grey-faced petrel, LISH-little shearwater, PYPE-Pycroft's petrel, LBPE-little blue penguin, FLSHfluttering shearwater, CDPE-common diving petrel, FFSH-flesh-footed shearwater, SOSH-sooty shearwater) Species present Island Mean burrow Mean Plastic density (m-2) density (m-2) GFPE LISH PYPE LBPE FLSH Taranga 0.053±0.005 0 Y Y Y Y Y Mauitaha 0.034±0.006 0 Y Y Y Ohinau 0.058±0.006 0.031±0.001 Y Y Kawhitu 0.075±0.008 0.001±0.001 Y Y Y Y Y Korapuki 0.088±0.010 0.004±0.002 Y Y Y Y Y 0 Y Y Y Y Ruamaahuanui 0.229±0.031 CDPE Y FFSH SOSH Y Y Y Y Y Figure 2: Plastic fragments found on the island of Ohinau. The two plastic fragments on the left were observed in survey plots with no burrows; plastic fragments on the right were observed in plots containing flesh-footed shearwater (Puffinus carneipes) burrows. Figure 3: The linear regression line shows a positive relationship between the density of burrow entrances (of all species) and the density of plastic fragments within 3 m circular plots on Ohinau in northern New Zealand. Table 3: The total number of burrows occupied (N occ.) and percent occupancy (% occ.) by species on each study islands in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand in 2011 and 2012. (GFPE-grey-faced petrel, LISH-little shearwater, PYPE-Pycroft's petrel, LBPE-little blue penguin, FLSH-fluttering shearwater, CDPE-common diving petrel, FFSH-flesh-footed shearwater, SOSH-sooty shearwater) Mauitaha Taranga Ohinau Kawhitu Korapuki Ruamaahuanui N occ. % occ N occ. % occ N occ. % occ N occ. % occ N occ. % occ N occ. % occ GFPE 10 18.18 64 36.78 5 3.09 69 30.40 40 15.81 68 16.83 LISH 3 5.45 2 1.15 1 0.62 1 0.44 9 3.56 8 1.98 LBPE 0 0 2 1.15 0 0 2 0.88 3 1.19 1 0.25 PYPE 1 1.82 1 0.57 0 0 8 3.52 3 1.19 1 0.25 FLSH 1 1.82 2 1.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 8.91 CDPE 0 0 1 0.57 0 0 0 0 4 1.58 19 4.70 FFSH 2 3.64 0 0 12 7.41 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOSH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.79 0 0 Unknown 1 1.82 1 0.57 0 0 5 2.20 2 0.79 7 1.73 Most plastic fragments were too damaged to be identifiable. Of the pieces whose source was recognizable however, two appeared to be fragmented rope, several were fragments of bottle caps, and two were fragments of coffee lids (Fig. 2). F.5 Discussion We found little evidence of plastic fragments on most of the islands we surveyed in northeastern New Zealand. Plastic was common on one island only: in a relatively large fleshfooted shearwater colony on Ohinau. Flesh-footed shearwaters are known to ingest large amounts of plastic (Reid et al. 2013). For example, on Lord Howe Island, 96% of breeding flesh-footed shearwaters were found to have ingested plastic (J. Lavers unpub. data). In a study by Hutton et al. (2008), plastic fragments made up at least 31% of the volume of proventricular cavities of all failed flesh-footed shearwater fledglings on Lord Howe Island. Furthermore, plastics were found in 79% of the proventricular cavities of near-fledged chicks, in volumes of up to 15%. We found large numbers of plastic fragments in flesh-footed shearwater colonies on Ohinau, but not on Mauitaha, despite the presence of flesh-footed shearwaters on both islands. One possible explanation for the difference between islands is the higher burrow density and occupancy of flesh-footed shearwaters on Ohinau (Table 3). Our occupancy estimates on Ohinau were likely lower because we surveyed burrows during the pre-breeding season (October), rather than during incubation (Baker et al. 2010). However, previous surveys during incubation and chick rearing (January) confirm very few flesh-footed shearwaters on Mauitaha and much larger and denser colonies of this species on Ohinau (Baker et al. 2010). Possible explanations for the lack of plastics found in other procellariiform species’ colonies could be: 1) inter-specific differences in plastic ingestion due to different concentrations of plastic at respective foraging grounds, 2) differences in each species ability to regurgitate plastic to chicks, and thus for plastic to accumulate at nesting sites; and 3) different detectability of plastics by visual survey because of, e.g. different patterns in plastic deposition from inside a burrow to the areas surrounding a burrow. Evidence suggests that plastic loads often differ between species of seabird breeding at the same colony. On Lord Howe Island, plastic levels were significantly lower in wedge-tailed shearwater stomachs than flesh-footed shearwater stomachs, possibly due to different densities of plastic within foraging locations (Hutton et al. 2008) and differences in foraging behavior (Young et al. 2009). Foraging ranges differ between the species’ present on our study islands. Common diving petrels, fluttering shearwaters, little shearwaters, and little blue penguins feed mostly within the inshore region, while, grey-faced petrels, flesh-footed shearwaters, and sooty shearwaters forage far offshore over a much wider area (Marchant and Higgins 1990). A large aggregation of plastic has been located in the southern pacific gyre, with the centre approximately 450 km southeast of Easter Island spreading west to Pitcairn Island (Eriksen et al. 2013). The fact that plastic was only found in flesh-footed shearwater colonies may reflect a wider foraging strategy, where birds are feeding closer to this south-eastern gyre. In seabirds, the regurgitation of plastic is restricted by the size of the constriction between the proventriculus and gizzard. There is a tendency for procellariiforms to retain hard indigestible objects, due to the size limitation of this constriction (Azzarelo and Van Vleet 1987). Thus, the lack of plastic fragments found at other species colonies could reflect different sizes of constriction, rather than a true lack of plastic. The large amount of plastic found strewn about a forested, rarely visited nature reserve in this study suggests the need for more research into plastic ingestion by New Zealand’s seabirds. Seabirds throughout the New Zealand archipelago are benefitting from large-scale predator removal projects (Towns et al. 2006), but the impact of other factors, such as plastic ingestion, may put hitherto unaccounted for constraints on the recovery of seabird populations. References Allen, R. B., W. G. Lee, and B. D. Rance. 1994. Regeneration in indigenous forest after eradication of Norway rats, Breaksea Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 32:429-439. Armstrong, D. P., and J. G. Ewen. 2013. Consistency, continuity and creativity: long-term studies of population dynamics on Tiritiri Matangi Island. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 37:288-297. Atkinson, I. A. E. 2004. Successional processes induced by fires on the northern offshore islands of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 28:181-193. Aubry, L. M., E. Cam, and J.-Y. Monnat. 2009. Habitat selection, age-specific recruitment and reproductive success in a long-lived seabird. Pages 365-392 in Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations (D. L. Thomson, E. G. Cooch, and M. J. Conroy, Eds.). Springer, Berlin, Germany. Azzarelo, M. Y., and E. S. Van Vleet. 1987. Marine birds and plastic pollution. Marine Ecological Progress Series 37:295-303. Baker, B., G. Hedley, and R. Cunningham. 2010. Data collection of demographic, distributional, and trophic information on the flesh-footed shearwater to allow estimation of effects of fishing on population viability: 2009― 10 Field Season. Latitude 42, Report prepared for the Ministry of Fisheries (PRO2006-01). Baker, G. B., and B. S. Wise. 2005. 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