Osteochondrosis Diseccans (OCD)
Osteochondrosis Diseccans (OCD)
Fact Sheet Osteochondrosis Diseccans (OCD) OCD is the most important joint disorder of the growing horse. The disease processes are still not completely clear, although numerous factors can play a role in the condition. These include a genetic predisposition, excesses or imbalances in nutrition, endocrine factors and biomechanical forces including trauma. In healthy joints the bones are covered with cartilage. In horses with OCD this cartilage is weakened and can lead to cartilage damage. This may repair or lead to the formation of loose cartilage flaps, loose bone fragments or cysts within the joint. A TYPICAL STIFLE OCD RESULTING IN A ROUGHENED DEFECT IN THE NORMALLY SMOOTH SURFACE OF THE JOINT Diagnosis A diagnosis of OCD is usually made using x-rays. Paired joints should be checked for symmetrical lesions e.g. both hocks/stifles. Ultrasonography can be used to help determine the extent of an OCD lesion, which may be underestimated on x-ray. Clinical signs Horses with OCD usually present with clinical symptoms between the ages of four months and two years, although they can be older. More severely affected cases may present as younger animals. The first visible signs are normally joint swelling and mild to moderate lameness. Multiple, paired joints can be affected, most frequently involving hocks, stifles or fetlocks. Above image – the hock joint of a four year old Warmblood with OCD.The increased fluid within the joint causes bulging of the joint capsule (arrow). The patient also had mild lameness and stiffness during ridden exercise. XLEquine - Better Together Above image – a large hock OCD fragment (arrow) is visible.The hock joint was enlarged with mild lameness present. Key points: • • clinical signs from an early age; • treatment and outcome depends on the number and severity of joints affected; • treatment of choice is arthroscopic (keyhole) surgery to remove loose cartilage / bone fragments; • prognosis can be good provided the disease is detected early to avoid further damage to the joint. joint swelling and/or lameness are the most common clinical signs; XLEquine Osteochondrosis Diseccans (OCD) Treatment/Prevention The treatment of choice is keyhole surgical removal of diseased cartilage/bone under general anaesthesia (GA). Complication rates are low, and are mostly associated with the normal risks of a GA. Horses are normally hospitalised for two to three days, before returning home where sutures are removed at ten to fourteen days after surgery. Further rest and rehabilitation will depend on the severity of the lesion(s). Lameness L BONE CYSTS These are a form of OCD resulting in collapse of the supporting bone adjacent to a joint. Treatment involves either injecting cortisone into the cyst or surgically removing the abnormal cyst contents. Research has shown that the risk of OCD can be reduced by ensuring foals are not fed excessive dietary energy/carbohydrates, thereby avoiding rapid growth. The diet should be balanced to include enough copper, zinc, calcium and phosphorus. Excessive exercise should be avoided in early life and a balanced training schedule should be designed to avoid joint damage. Above image – A large hole is visible in the stifle joint bone (arrows), causing pain and lameness. A defect in the cartilage and bone can be seen on the ultrasound image below. For further information contact your local XLEquine practice: XLEquine is a novel and exciting initiative conceived from within the veterinary profession made up of independently owned, progressive veterinary practices located throughout the United Kingdom, members of XLEquine are committed to working together for the benefit of all their clients. © XLVet UK Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of the publisher. www.xlequine.co.uk XLVets Equine - Better Together. to www.xlvets.co.uk XLEquine - Better Together. GoGo to www.xlequine.co.uk XLVets Equine - Better Together. Go to www.xlvets.co.uk
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