1989 - Golf Manitoba
1989 - Golf Manitoba
Maybe you're playing clubs that are part of a game improvement fad. Maybe you want someliling better. 1200 Gear Effect. Still the most accurate clubs money can buy. It's been proven year after year, in tests against every game improvement iron that's hit the market. Ping, Spalding, Ram, MaCGregor. You name it, Gear Effect Is the most accurate of them all. The reason isn't just perimeter weighting, which Is common to all cavity-backed irons, but how the weight is distributed. The Gear Effect shifts the bulk of its weight well behind the clubface, moving the center of the rear and creatin!l the largest sweet features a wide radiUSsole [or better lOft OUI 01 n~ mll.s . And, unlike othercast clubs, it's Ilffered .J ' shl!ftjlexes and complete custom as closelY as possible toyour go!!swil18. unequalled accuracy and "forgiveness." ----1 Which simply means you'll play better with 1200 Gear Effect than any other club. So forget about the latest fad. If you want clubs designed ana proven to Improve your game, get the most forgiving clubs of all. Wllson 1200 Gear Effect. Available with matching Celebrating years as System 4S' metal woods. Try a demo set at your pro shop. Bmrul of!l/Ji Pros ',.._.1 ===!.-___ Wifoon. 1200 Gear Effect Clubs fClllme Colf J>rldc Victory. Grips rind Aldlli\- Shnlt•. C 1989 WIlSon Sponlng Goods Co, 75 Entertaining a client, or just taking a break from your hectic business day, there's always that important call you just can 't afford to miss. And you won 't ... with MTS CELLULAR . Because with MTS CELLULAR along, your calls can find you .. .on the courts, in the gym, even out on your bike or walking ... almost anywhere you go. And if you're not free to answer, MTS CELLULAR's Message Centre will answer for you and take a detailed message ... even mark it urgent. So you never have to be out of touch. At work or pl ay. MTS CELLULAR NA r I O NA! .~F~I/ICE ~ WITt l elllHlr ~ CA NADA CPGA PROFESSIONALS ~ Dc voled 10 prOmOling your enjoy· men I gol f Ihrough cxpe n instruc· tion and th e finest ill go lf equipment. CllSl om Iilling. repairs and Ihe laicsi in fa shi onable attire. or Contents TALK TO A QUALIFI ED GO LF PROFESSIONAL TODA Y. I· E \ It RES The MGA - servi ng gulfers provin iall y and nalionllll y ... .. .............. .. .. ...... .. .. ..... 6 Vo lunleers keep M G A flillclioning ...................... .... .. .. ..... ........... ........ .. .. ............. 13 K eeping up wilh rul e changes ............ ................ ... .. .... ....... ..... ........................ ... ... 16 Knud son lenvcs legacy of grea tn ess .... .. ... ,...... ........... ........ .. .. .. .. ,.. ......... .. ...... .. .... 19 Foundalion helps young go lfers 10 higher educQli o n ....... ...... ............................... 2 1 Dal e Goehring - ManilObu's Golfer o f Ihe Y ear ...... .. ........ .... ............ ....... ... ..... . 22 Barr caplures second slmighl O pen ... .................................... ............................... 26 Baker returns home to c laim Amateur crown ......... ... ..... ...... ... .... ... ..... ......... .. ... ... 30 Golf Qui z - Do yo u know Ihe answer ... .... ............... .... ....... ........ ............. .. ... ..... 32 Juniors shine at home and uwuy ., ...... ...... .. .. ......... ... ,......... .,.. ....... .... ,, .. ,...... ,........ 34 Forsy th rebo unds for convincing Senior w in ,." ......... " .... .... .. ..... .. ... ... ......... .... " ". 35 Gonow ay. Sanders, Croy and Wheal C il y lake rum l honors ................... ............. 36 Ileiper edges M ore in Jack Blair fin nl ... ... .... ............... .... .... ... .. ................... ... .. .. .. 4 1 Inl cr~c l ub ICflll1 S scule rivalri es "" ...... ........... .,.................. .... ..... .. ... .. " .. .... .. ... ... .... 44 ~ ~ I·rfl'~.'ilunlll Cwnlldhlll (juifers'li AII.\ l lClation of ftbnltnha For your personal ~ fillin g COllsullalion. visil Ihese CPGA gol( shops: ' ANDY I'ATERSON BREEZY BliND CC DAVE RH ODES BIiL A CRES CC JOliN ISAA TUXEDO GC .11M COL LI NS ST. CHA RLES CC President ' s message/M G A executi ve ............. .. .. ...... ............ .. .. .. ... ....... .. .. " .. .. .. .. .... 8 M essages from R GAlProv ince/MSF ..... ...... .................. ....... ....... .. ..................... 10 M G A Repo r! ............... ... .... .... ... ... .. ............ .... ............... ... ....... ..... ..... ...... .... .......... 12 19H91Ournmlleni schedule ... .... .. ................. .. ..... .. ......................... .. ....... ... .. .. ... ..... 14 Le adcrboard ( 1988 lournanlelll sco res) ............ .... .... ....... .. ........... ... ... ........... ... .. .. 48 M anilobll 's pust chnl1lpions .. ... ................ ...~ .... ............ ... ... ................ ...... .... ...... ... 50 Golf Course Dircc lory ..... .. ... .... ... ..... ............ ..... ..... ... ...................... ..... .... ... ... .... .. 5 1 Il ARRIE MC WHA SOUTHWOOD G & CC .JlM STEEP GLENDALECC GE RR Y MORRISEY ROSSMER ECC PETE R EWERT CA RMA NGC Bu y ing Ihe ri ghl c lubs ............................ ..... .. ............ .... .. .... ... ..... ..... .... ...... ..... ... ... 15 Kn ock sl ra kes off yo ur gume w i lh proper w arm up .... ...... .. ..... ............................ 20 Atiju sling for Ihe w ind .. ....... ...................................... .. ......... ... ........ ........... .... ..... . 24 K eys 10 success ful pUlling .......... .. .. " ....... .. .............. ........ ... .. ......... ........ .. ..... ....... . 28 TOUnl!lmenllips I help you come nul on 10 1' ... ... . ........... .... .... ... .... .. .. .... ............ . 46 'fhl' 1989 Munitoba Golf Jmll'/w / is I'lIhli,\,ltt'd I),)' The Mll ll it41bll Gotf AS!\41C114tlon 1495 SI. MlIllh~w s "\'enIlC Wi nn ipeg. MU ~3 <,: .11..\ 1204 )985·41157 Adl ·t',.! l.~ i,,8, sall',\'. fJllhlic{lf in" f1/(lIIfl8f1I1t: m , ('dilOrial. tlt'sign and /}/'(Jtl" c!ltm Crnig Kelrnlln & Assudnles LUI. 17·3119 UHry SIreel Winnipeg. MO 113.1 INI) (204)885· 77~8 Execut Ive Direc to r - Jeff Bnlliluk Tcdm icn l Dm:clUr 'I 'mid TCt)litskl Sccrciliry - Hrclld n Ingrum Journul Chnirman - Rick Thllill 4 Ecl ilnrlul - Jim K WU lson L>esigll . productiulI - " nne Ilchmgcr PhntngrupllY HII~h Atlan li EN SM IR NOV J OHN BLUMBE RG GC .11M SUTHERLAND WnDEWOOIJ GC PAT O'OONNELL I'I NERIDG I; GC JIMMY ROY ST. BONI/' ACE GC LARRY RO lli NSON STlil N BACII F I.Y· IN GC RI C HARD HULL TAURUS GOLF GARY C URT IS WINNIPEG CANOE CLUIJ ALAN SCOTT S /l· I.KIRK G & CC YOI"'~"lI e, [ormance mat ches. at all se rious about th e ve ry leas t you benefit ? Greale r co nsi in your swin g and in yo ur do ' ,.Hake cerla;,-/ your l 'lu i,pmerll fil s yo u." Ra m Wi za rd ~ Fillin g Centers offer the right equipment a nd co mbinmions LO fit yo ur gam e: th e rin est ga me-improve men t, in vestm ent cast iron a nd wood La ser X 2. Th e rin es l hand- club length , lie angle, grip size, and club weight. But, with Ram it's not enough to ju st mat ch a se t of club s to a ground class ic forged iro n Golden Ram Tour G l'ind ~ 'Ib ul' golfer. They a lso match each club Scri es™ Steelwoods™ and fin e, sysle m is ca lled Frequency oil-hardened Pers immon woods . Each of these club o ptions is fit to th e followi ng personal specifi- cati ons : sha ft Dex and shaft type. s hot-making. And , th a t mea pl ay ing belleI'. Sec th e professional ut auth orized Laser X2 s ho p for yo ur pe rsonal Ra m fittin g anal ys is. It's th e most co m pl ete fit in th e ga me. w ithin a set to each oth er. Th e M atching. Th e mos t precise man- u[a cturin g method used today. Eve ry compo nent of a Ram club is matched a nd weighed 10 Ihe narrow est tolerance of devi ation . A computer co nfirm s the match of each club 's frequ ency within a sct. Club to club the fce l ma lches. Club 1o club the ncx ma tches. Club 1.0 club Ihe pcr- There's a lot more to Custom Club Making than a bunch of lies ... that's why Laser®X2TM offers hundreds of fitting combinations. And, at no extra charge. 'Ibm Wa lso". A Ram uai! member; S',lCt 1975. The MGA - serving golfers provincially and nationally The golfi ng fraternity firs t organized itself through the establisluncnt of the Royn l Canadian Golf Associu.ion (ReGA) in IR96. Provincial ussochuions were also organi z.ed in their respective areas wit h the Manitobtl Go lf Association (MGA) acting as the governing aut hority in the province of Man itoba. All MGA member cl ubs also enjoy Inembcrship in the RCOA . Through club ufli li ation. approximat.ely 12.000 golfers in Munitoba have n vo ice in the governing of the MGA . Unpaid officers in th is democratic. non·prorit organil.ntion give generously ur their time lind talents by attcnding regular meetings lind by serv ing on committees. Eligible clubs and fees Any orgunj7,ed golf club in the jurisdi ction whic h has regul urly appointed orticers is eligible for membership in the associati on. McmOeI' clubs Pl.ly yea rl y dues to the MGA for each mule member 19 yenrs of age and older. One half of all membership dues n:ceived by the association is forwllrded to the R A. The MOA provides nfli li tltcd cl ubs wit h membership and huudicnp curds for their members. Competitions Competitive event s involving all plliyel' bruckels have long beell a prominent functi on of Ihe MGA. From the exec uti ve viewpo int they offer UI1 opponunity 10 di splay ski ll nt the gUllIe. encourage proficiency llnd provide eXC hange vi sits whic h do much to improve general playing stundurds. Course rating and handicaps The rdting of plnyers by the awarding of handicaps is the bu lal1cing facl,or which nll ows every golfer to participate on 1111 eq ual busls. In no other spon have cquuli zi ng methods been so sllccessful. The awarding of handicaps hns been an imponanl factor in bri nging enjoymenlto but h casual and expen pluyers in competi. tinn. The MGA pl'ovidcs fu ll pnnieulars on Ihe Ilationul hundicnppillg system throu gh hlllldi cap book lets and churt s. All golf courses arc si milarly rtllctlthrough Ihe 1I0tionai coursc rUling systcm. The MGA prov ides ti ll memher clubs wi th the offil..:inl course rating book let und is responsible 1'0 1' ruting go lf courses in Maniloba. As n resu ll . all courses and phlyers are rated in re lation to a ul, iform slUndord throughout CUlluda. fi Rules and etiquette The presenl rules of go lf represent the accumul nted expe rience of two ce nturies and wCl'e developed out of the play of the game. Golf can onl y thrive if a.1I players becomc rami liar with the letter of these luws as well as the spirit of the rules code. The MOA prov ides nuthorillltive and alert admi ni stration of ull phases of gOlf, a uni ronn code of Ru les of Golf. rules interpretati on und di stribution of Rules of Go lr book lelS. Junior development A large porti n of the MGA'S budget is nll otted to junior dcvelupment prognuns. TIII'ough competItion. the MOA selectS a four mun junior teum. lint! with the us~ist a nee of the R GA sponsors thcm annually in the Ca nadi an Junior Champi· onship. Numel'ous other competiti ons ilt the junior level nrc also orgnnized by the MOA. Group instruction programs nrc supported and similar progrnlll ~ carried on at Ihe club leve l arc enthu siasticall y en· dorsed by our association. Publicity The news med ill is supplied wi th infomHt· li on 011 all MGA organi zed competitions und other eventS of interest 10 the golfing fTll t ~rnil y . Posters and entry form s ure circulnted to nil member cl ubs well in . ud vu nce of scheduled competit ions. The MGA also produces nn unnu nl M allitoha Gulf J UllrtW/ as we ll us quart erl y news lct· tcrs. Technical assistance The MGA has a Technical Director who is responsible for man y of the assoc iation' s progrfl l11s. One of the lTlui n ohjeclives of the Technicul Director is to promute the gmne as we ll ilS plan and co·ord inatc basic fundm nclllal and rlJle~ clinics in rura l Manitoba where instnlction is nOI readil y avai lable. Avai lltb le to both juniors and adults. these clinics ~\re arranged through mcmber clubs and reg ional recreation assoc illt ions. Cl ubs which arc not mem· bers of the MGA I'!;ceive an initial clinic butllTC not eli gible for furt her dinies unl ess they become members of the MOA . The Technicill Director is IIlso invo lv ed in organizi ng jun ior camps which include tUl Elite Camp. il Y Camp and Rural Cllmp all aimed at help ing to develOp Manitoba~ s junior golfe rs. To coincidc wi th junior deve lopment , the MOA is also plnnning. designin g and co.ordinating programs 10 prov ide go lf expos ll r~ in the school systems (c lc m~nlary. junior high. hi gh school and universi ty ). AllOlher functi on of the Technicn l Direc tor is lhat of organizi ng special seminars such us Jun ior hairm llil. Rules. etc. As well. the MCiA is invo lved in udmini. wring.\ Video Library consisti ng of II variety of instructional tupcs which muy be borrowed at nny time. Finnlly, the MGA's Tec hni cul Director o ffers resource mnteri al in tlrens rongin g from food and bevcrngc management to tu rr grass infofll1tt ti oll. Manitoba Sports Federation/ Provincial Sport Directorate The MGA receives financial assistance from the Mani toba Spans Federation through the Manitoba LOlleries. These funds plirtiall y covcr udminiSlration costS und serv ices including office accommod~I · tion and relut ed office serv ices In the Ad· mini stration Cent re. as well as a substan· till l share of the Exec utive DireCtor and office secretary salaries. The Technic:'11 Director's position and programs are mude possib le by .he Mnni.ob. Spo'" Federa· tiOll. The associat ion also receives an annua l grilnt from thc Provincial Sport Directorate to assist in a wide variety of sport programmin g, The assoc iuti On report s to the (\(!I)artment at Ihe end or lhe season on the grant expe nditures. Manitoba Golf' Associlltion Foundation Inc. The Manitoba Golf Assochul on Found .. • tion Inc. is an officiul charity establi shed to provide periodic scholarships to young mule or femu le go lfers who reside in ManI toba. Turf consultation service In co-operation with the Golf ou rse Superintenden ts Associution of Manitoba . II consult ing service is available 10 clubs which may not have a full time superinten· dent. Por further informtttion on MGA mem· bel'ships or services please cOntact: MANITOBA GOLF ASSOCIATION 1495 St. Matthew. Avenue Winnipeg, Mil lUG 3W Telephone (204)985.4 162 GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Here's how you get there ... Kl n ~s wt"ld I' hlts.: One • Indicates Sold Lui (5 miles SOUlit of ,lte I'eri"",rrr 0 " Higltway 330.) You too can make Kings wood your home! • '89 Kin gswood l'ura deofH omes • Builders includ e Adolf Mei nzer , Ba r kman Constr uction, Dynasty Homes, Oak view Homes, Muller Homes a nd Castl ewood Homes • J acr e r iver a nd golf co urse lots ava ilable (full y ser viced) • Sewer. water, underground hydro, o rn a m e nt a lli ~ htin g, natura l gas 475-8390 DAVID DELEEUW HARRYENNS GOLF OPEN JUNE 1989 r---------------, I COMPLIMENTARY I : KINGSWOOD GOLF PASS: I I I • Pass good for 1 round in ' 89 I I • Limit l pass per foursome in '89 I : • 1989 daily green fees and : I _______________ golf memberships available ~I L Call Kingswood 943-6643 A message from the president This is the lel'llil yeur of publlcBti on of the Maw'wOO Golf AmllIal. now known us Ihe M Clll i lob!, Golj .loumal. A chan ge was Illude curly Lh is yeur to have thi s publicBtion deve loped by Craig Kelman nnd Associates Ltd. I [\111 sure you wi ll see muny chonges in the fonn al of thi s JoumBI and we hope you wi ll enjoy it. O Uf nssociution 11 l1d golfers tiC rOSs M anilobn owe a speci al thank s to Rnlph Hugley for his dcdicHti oll in pu blishing Ihis mllg81 ine si nce 1 9~O . Due to un extremely busy season covering curling lind skiing for the W;flll ipl'8 Free Press, Rulph hnd to wi thdraw his services, The Manitoba Go lf Assoc iati on (MGA) is "sain prcpu rillg fo r a vcry busy golf progrnm. Meetings have been conducted on nil phases of our tournument sc hedu le. The Mani tobu Open wi ll aHllin be held lit Sout hwood Go lf & OUnLry Clu b in Jul y. Th e steeri l1H commillcc has nn· noum;ed that the purse has been increased 10 $ 100,000.00 fo r 1989. Major sponsors arc Cu nndian Ai rlines IllIematiunul, ru nch' n Munch, I a Propane. MTS eHular and Xerox ullllda Inc. Assoc iate sponsors nrc BI::\ckwoocls Bevcruges Ltd. .tnd Labau's Manitoba Brewery. It was ul so announced Ihm Breezy Bend ountry Club will hosl thi s event for three year!' commencing in 199 1. Becau se of time factors and ava ilability of golf courses . •1 few changes in tOurn a· menI play and tcum trial s will tuke place thi s year. The Mflnitoba Mut Ch Piny Championshi p will be held over IHI eight .. dny period with the first and finnl rounds bdn8 played on a Sunday. The Juni or and Willingdon Cup Team tri ul ss will both be held on the lust weekend of July at Rossmcre. The R GA will ho ve a busy MunilOba sclu:dule thi s yeur. A th ree.day rules sem inar was conducted In the Spring by Stephen Ross and Jim Collins. Thc Cunadian lu b Champi on hampionship will he conducted 01 Niakw<I in ea rly July. The MGA dOillll cd $ I0,000.00 10 Ihe M ani tOba Golf FOlindDlion Inc. wi lh Olher funds to be donated Ialer. The Pound ation, as it grows, will be able 10 offer further schulorships to worthy SlUdent s and gu lrc:rs. Our jun ior program will conti nue to be developed through the effo rts of our Technical Director nnd volunteers. A proposed Pre·Elil. amp will help 10 develop future champions. This comp wil l be in additi on 10 the Juni or Elit e amp. M anitobans cun be proud of our young gol fers hav ing WOIl Ihe Wes tcm Canada Ju venile Chump ionship last yea r li nd Dale Goehring becomi ng a National Champion by winn ing th e Cunndian Ju venilc Championship. Mllll itoba Go lfcr or the Yea r und the Beatrice Male Youth award. The MOA prugram would not be successful without Ihe many volunt eers givin g of thei r time and alsu the mtllly golf cl ubs for allow ing our loumul1lcnt S 10 be played on their courses. We thunk nil of YOll . I-Inve a good Hollir1g sum mer. We wi ll look forward to seei ng you at the various events. Si ncerely, Dub Forcund • 1989 MGA EXECUTIVE President ZONEREPRESENTATfV.:S B ob Forcnnd. Bree2.Y Bend I)resldcnt Elecl tt'd Chop, Northern aire (ToumlUtl cnt Chairm ttn) Vice Prelildenls Oord Lentor" Pine Ridge (Official s ChulmlBII) D~lVc Mori son. Breez), Bend (J llil ior ChB i rmnn) BobGenoway. Morden (Rural Chai nn. n) Flnnnce C halrman Jim Scall an, Elmhu rRi Post President Rudy Boiv in, SOUlh wood Directors RlckThfl in, Winn ipeg Mun ici pal Courses (Coif Joumnl!Course R:ll ing) Moe. ohlmon. B lmhu r~ 1 (AssisHIlIt JuniorChairman) Brian Oi lhuly. Selkirk (Ass\SIIll1I Ru ra l Chnirmll n) 8 WfNNlI'£G Steve Bllnnatyne. 51 . Charles Rogcrlllllllchette. Wildewood Ll oyd Goodman. Pine Ridge Brian Toe ws. Transcona Ken Kovacs, Rossmere Ken Lal ley, Elmhurst Mike LinlOTl,S t. Boni fllce Bert Delbridge, Assin ibo ine Kay Benson, Breezy Ber\d Oordon Trider, SOllthwood Mike Mykytyn, Six Thi rty PelcrPerchaJ. Winni pegCa nocClub Syd Cohull ,Olendnl c Bob SUlfford , Ni akwa Rick Thain . Municipal Courses A I Gray. Charl es wood WelhUldWlll lll ms. Bel Acres WESTMAN Tom Bryan, hil o Bob KirbysoTl, Souri s CENTRAL Bob enowny, Morden Barrie Sa nders, Carman 0 011 J aekson. Portage EASTMAN Les Hcmbrorf, Pinawa Peter Guenther. Stei nbach fNTERl.AK)'; Brian Oilhul y, Selki rk Ken Stadnck, NOflhernaire I'ARKLANO .D al e Brown. Russell Juck Kullberg, WUlulgttmlng Dr, Gene Theodore. Swa n Ri ver NORMAN Murk Tess ier. Thompson N(lR'f'HWESTONTARIO 1·larry Barefoot. Kit,chen Creek Birks Wherrct, Dryden At Great-West Life, ! client satisfaction is par for the COurse. From the Manitoba Sports Federation On behalf of the MnnilObtl Spurts Fcdcnui on 8 08l'd of Directors. I c.lt lcnd greetin gs and offe r best wishes to the Mnnil oba Oolf Association lind its membe rs. Golf continues to be one of the muSt pOpu hu' spons in the provi nce. th anks in large part to the hard work lind dcdil,;ul ion of the volunteers and stuff of the M GA. Their effons make golfing in Manit oba a pleasure for a ll of us. The M SF is proud to be assoc iHtcd wi th th e Mnniloba Go lf Associut iun. Together with the assistance of vital fund ing prov ided by lott ery revenue and the priva te sector, we arc bui lding to be the best amateur spon community in Canada. W e wis h you cont inued sliccesS throughou t the 1989 selisOn. From the Royal Canadian Golf Association T .A. Sounders Chatnnan. MSF Board of Directors On behulr or the Royal unadian Golr Assochuioll, I nm pleased to extend sincere gree tings to the Manitobu Golf Associn lion and to all golfers in Manitoba. Manitoba can be proud of the many li ne go lfers in the provi nce llnd of the cxcell elll reputBtion that they have deservinglyeam ed. II is always an encouruging and rewardi ng experience to observe the hi gh cu libre of gol f played th roughuut M a n i ~ IObll. , wiSh 1.0 ex tend congrulUhtl iOlis also 10 the MRni10ba Golf Associatiull for their cont inued success in pu blishing th is Golf • Joornal. Dest wishes for a success ful sensonl G.K.(Kellh) Rever President. From the province On behalf of the Gove rnment of Man itoba, it is my pleasu re 10 CK lcnd warmest greetings to the Manitoba GOlf Association. It is gratifying to know that my dcpanmenl is work ing co- perativeiy wit h the Manitoba Golf Assoc iu tion und vllrious communiti es in providing golf oppon uni ties fo r people throughout Ihe prov ince. Golf is a ~pcc i a l game which draws people from all walks of life and provides fun nnd fell owship as well as the chall enge of athleti c profi ciency. May I pl.ly tri bute to the many voluntee rs who offer their time, energy and talent so others can enjoy this pleasant and rewardinK sport. I would nlso like to congratu late Dale Goehring of Breezy Bend on wi nn ing the 1988 Cu nudi ull Ju venile 0011' hampionship Ulld being nomed Manitoba's Male YouLh Ath lete of the Year. To the Munitobu Golf Association and the SOllth wood Golf and OUnlty Club, best wishes for ullother successful Manitoba Open in 19X9. Royn l Canad ian Gol f Assoc iation J.A . Ernst Minish:r Responsible fo r Spon ® New! ... Timing series mellil woods ... " .T. eye golr clubs • T NT !,;ulr ba gs & gloves "T N T" A n All Canadian Company Thanks Manitoba for making us one of Canada 's mOSt successful golf companies . See our exc iting lineup of go lf products ('or 1989 at your lo<.: a l go lf shop . • SEE DA V E BARR , TNT-PGA TOURING STAFF PROFESSIONAL, DEFEND HIS TITLE ATTH E MANITOBA OPE N. 10 Made in Canada by: TORKOS BROS. iN 14 Curil y /lve. Torol1lo. ON M4B IX7 (416)752-8166 Area Representative: MASTE RTON /lGENC IES (Bob Mast. rlon) 2 Pine Blurf Rotld Winni peg. MB R2J 2N5 (204)256-7204 COLUMBIA Pa,.Ca,.~ ParCar: For the Laidback Golfer ParCar: For The StancI,Up Crowd DE CONSOLIDATED TURF EQUIPMENT (1965) LTD. DISTRIBUTORS 972 POWELL AVENUE OF I POWERED AND RECREATIONAL WINNIPEQ, MANITOBA R3H OH6 I EQUIPMENT PHON E (204 ) 633· 7276 Call For A Free Demonstration MGAREPORT Kee ping pace with cha nge l11C MUlliioba Golf Association (MGA) is looking forward to another sliccessfu l year in 19K9 wi th u number of new program s be in g impl emented over the nex t yenr or two , One of the highlight s currentl y bei ng pl linned Is n major conference for M arch of 1990. The conference wi ll be " two-day affair with u num ber of seminars slated fur the Sat urday. II is our hope to :Iccom modate all the arcliS of golf in these seminars incl uding go lf nd mini slrttlion, cOlnpelili oll and turf nmnugclllcllI . Seminar topics which huve bee n discussed i ncl ude: slow piny, gol f course des ign. juni or programmi ng. ru les of golf. tournament prcpurati Oll for low and mid hund icu p players , computer upplicutio ns. conduct ing effecti ve meetin gs and green chllinn nn/g reen superintendent re htli OIlS. AI thi s lime, we do nOI h:lVc conlinnoti on on tt key note speaker, but several PGA tou r pl ayers have been upprouc hed and are be ing considered , The conference is be in g tnrgetecl for vo lunt eers. Illllllllgers. I>mfessionals. clu b chni nnen, supe rintendents and pl nyt r's, A program which had been successful in the PMt will be re-in troduced over the nex t yenr, In eo-opcru tion with the Go lf Course Superi ntendents Association o f Manit Oba. a consulting service is ava ilab le to clubs who may not have tI fu ll time superintendent. Hllle l'gency si tu ations which may arise such uS di sease, ferti li zation requi rementS and wimer protection lI1uy be suppon ed by thi s progrnm, W e look forw ard to work.ing with the Golf ourse S u pcrint e ll de n t.~ Assoc iati on on thi s valu able program, As fllr as toumamcntS ate concemed. the Juck Blair Memorial Championship hilS been re-nomed the Manitobll Match Play humpionship for the Jack Blair Trophy, This change rellects the fact thut the toul'munent is It Provinciul Match 1)lay Champi onship. The ro rmm of the; Ru ra l Zone CluHnpiollship will also differ from prt!vlOus yeor, , In 1989. rum! clubs will he abl e to send one teo mt o the toumamcnl in Shil o ra ther than one or two zone wi nners going to th e event. We fee l that thi s prov ides all rural cl ubs with It grcllt t r opportunit y for eompc titiull. Getting down to basics The Munitoba Golf Assoc iati on. through the Technicn l Di rector's Progrum. is involved in exposi ng all part icipants to the bask fund ament als of the game, Lust year the MGA was able LO introduce over SOO juniors and adults to the fund amentals of go lf and the upcoming year is ex pec ted to be even busier thi.\l1 the past campnign. The MOA will be impl emen ting u new deveiopmenw i camp as we ll. The PreElit e Golr I'rogram will se rve us u vehi cle· for the assoc iation to tll1uiyzc unll evulullt c up and coming athletes pl.lrlicipa ting in the junior program, TI,e CO IllP wi ll be held UI the Glendo lc Go lf and Country lub and wi ll run for two days , nu:se nthl ctes will be introd uced to ull aspec ts of the golf game whi ch prove necessary for maximizing development and s u ccc ~s OIl the golf course. Todd 'i'ClllilSkl , MGA, .letT Hn"Uuk, MGA, Techn ica l Director Execut ive Direc tor ~ O wncd and Ope rated by the Canadi an P.G,A. Resort and Golf Club .;'/~ ., >',/'~. r' ... ,/ \ ,. , '_..:- rfl "''''''"~ ~ ,'\ " S TAY AN D P LA y " WH ERE T H E PR OS P LAY .- .- -=-- f This mag nificent resOrt is a Go lfe r's Paradi se. The champi onship go lf eOursc ca n play fro m 5500 to 70m yard s. Afler golf, re la x. in the loun ge to live entertainment and enjoy din ing in the beuutiful st cdur Room . The re is a well ked Pro Shop and full prac tice facilities. • Titusville is 30 minut es cast. of O rl a ndo • 45 m in utes from Disney Worl d/Sen Wor ld • 15 minutes fro m Kenn ed y Space <':e nlre 2 t50 <.:O UNT R Y CLUB DRI VE · TITUSV ILLE, FL 327110 PHONE: (407)269.4500 FAX : (407)383· 9666 12 Volun teers ure lhe lifeline ol'muny organiZAtions and th e Manitoba Go lf Association is Volunteers keep MGAfunctioning Commifted 10 reCORf/iziflR rhe \'ol,mble contriburiolls of its VOflll/leers . 'he MGA 1"t't't'III/Y ho"ored Kl'i,II Arms/rOIl/( for his olltsf(UulillR effor,.f in or!({miziIlR 'he Mallitoba Ope" . Keit" is also (III MGA pasl preside"t alit! has .~e r\led 1(01/ i" Man itoba ill a Wlriny of clIpac:ities. no exception. The countless hours of donnled service allows us to co nduct u wide vuriety of pl'ograms as well as 15 provincial c hampionships Ihroughout the provi nce. "Wccannot measure or PUl a dollnrvalueon th e volunteers ' suppon ," says MOA exccu livedireclor Jeffl-lnnliuk. " However, without th em there would not be an MGA," While a full -time staff administers the MGA. volunteers do everyt h ing else. Thcc){eculivc board consists of 10 volunteers who meet monthl y IOSCI policy for topics such ase ligibi lilYrequirements nnd who 10 upproltch to host tournurncnt s. The bonrd also establis hes a yearly opera ting budget. Three time. a year, th e board meets with the MOA Council which co n,ists of 17 rcpresclllativcs from city golfc lubs, 15 representatives from six rurnl Manitoba regions and n Northwestern Onlariorcgion, 10 m c mbcrs~n t ~ large plus the post -president . During the council meetings, bourd deci sions are discussed and rotificd . Thcrcprcscntu~ tives also act as n liaiso n between their clubs or regions and the MOA. providing feedback and acting as local rcsources. Approximately 40 vo lunteers serve on eight co mmittees devoted 10 rurul de velop· ment,juniordcvelopment, tournaments, publ ic relnt ions, course ruting, offieiuls find rules, lhe Manitoba Open and personnel. At the club leve'I, u host of volunteers ulso provide the assi stance necessary to siage events. A four~ day event which CRn run daily from 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. requires H lot of help in Ihe form ofstorters. scorers , crowd control and nfficiois. "The Manitobn Open is agood cxamplcofvol untcerCollllnitment ." says I-Inntiuk . uThunks 10 Iheir help. the tournament is always successful ." While volunteers hnve ncommi lmcnt lO the MOA , the MOA al so has a commitment to its vo lunteers. "We feel we should provide them with development and training," says Hnatiuk. "This involves providingscminnrs for sUlrters and scorers nnd se ndin g officials to RCOA rules seminnrs.·' With approximately 13,000 male members "gc 19 and over and nn unde terminable numherof junior players, the MGA remains viable because of Its nrmy ofvnluillecrs thllt wanto to be involved and help the game grow.{::J Democratic. The Audi 90 Lea 'e price based on $2500.00 down O.A.C . St. James Volkswagen An Authorized (VWC Leasing) Dealer Madison & Ness, I block west of Polo Pnrk, Phone 888· 0260 13 Tournament schedules for 1989 24 11'1 , \ 01 \1 ' " Hilt \ MAY MAY 27 2M •• MlIl1itC)hu mmc h · pllly c hnlHpion.~ h i ps. llulllifying round . Sumh wood ·· M llI1iluh:IIll Rtch-phIY chlunpionships , llullllfyi nground. W, ldcwood 5·6 15 2Y J •• Jun ior illlcr·,:lub, Trllll<tcnnu/ OmocClub 4 6 • " " 2.1 10 JIII.Y • " - 16 17· 20 24-27 8 M IIIliloblll1111tch playc hump!onshil''I, 16 qUllncrl1nnls, Elmhurst 19 •• Mllni lobu nlIIICh-I)IIl),chullll, ion.. hip!i. quun e rr.nu l ~ , Elmhur)ol 26 7 semi -finn I!!. fl ln.hu rst Mllnltoha millch-pl rly chn rnp io n s h ip~. 13- 16 17 10- 14 -- Junior IIIler ·clull, Chnr1eswuodl A ~sl nibu il1\:: -- Jun ior ml er dub. Shil u -- I"ree Pre ll~ i Iller-club. RU~~lIl c rc 21 2R · AU(;UST 3-4 -- Rutu] JlHlior,Cnrmnn ." MunltohllOpen, Suuthwood Mnnitoba Amlltc tlt. SI. Churles! Pine Ridge IS- 1M 14-20 21 21 28-) 1 28 2910 • MlI llit obu Junior, Oree/Y Bendl Blumberg •• Lltbl1H'11 Pro· Am, Elmhu rs l •• J un lorteanl/W lJlingdon Cup Tna l ~, l (). ) I •. RurA l Amuleur/~e lllur , I-Icclt! I We, .e. II C':Ullldiun Ju ve li lle Champion!ih.p, Cutg:.r), Mllnit obn S.::uiU I', Re i Acres Mun itobll/M inne ,ot:. J UII lor MIItches, Minneopo li s, MN · · Juniorinh:r cluh,St. Uoni fuce .- North American Life, NmkwlI •. Sen ior In ter club, Stcinbul: h 3 • 10 1) · 15 16 22 24 S.:I,,..:MUl:K •• OO.'S !.ight Kurut Inte r· club, Shilu H.r, \ ' \1' 1 \ ' \11 \ ........ 111 1 \1 111 ' JUNE 19-25 •• RCUA Mid -Amllleur 'hmlll,ionship, Ilil1 sdl1ltl (101 f{'lub, Sic-T herese , PQ ·· 1l0th CanllcJi!!n Upen Oul f Chllmpion. sh.p, G lcn Abbe),OolfCluh, Oakvi llt: .I IJLY 4·7 · 4th Canadian lub Champions Chllmpiull'ihip . Niukwil Counlry Clllh, Winn ipe~, Mn .• H51h CUnudlull AmllleurChlllll l,ion. ship 17 · 1M •• ~7 th In lcr'j1fovincial 'I'CU III Mmches, OukfleldGolf & Cou ntryC1u b. Halifux 22· 2!1 _. 46th Caill.din n Junior Champloll!lhip 22·2!1 •• Clliladilln Ju venile IUllnpionship 22-23 · ~7 1h Inlerprovi ncifllTcll1ll Matches , Mill KlvcrGolf Clllh , () ' Le ury, PI SIWTEMUEK 1 !l .. Nill iollul LIII"IIIII ' ~ Ten m Pro· Am l'hu lllJ>l u n ~ h i p . Royal tolwood Gulf & Counl ry Clu b, Victoria. Be 13 1.'1 ·· 28 Ih IIlIadlan Senior olfChampion · StllP 11· 14 •• 131h Senior Imcrprov illclni Tea m MIt IC h c~, Kichd ic u VlIl1 cy (lolfClub. Sle, Ju lie De Ven:hcre ~, PQ Beloeit OnlfC'lub,Uelve Ll , ro 14 0111 Thomsun Pro Am, Sou th wuod ·· Grlllld Marnie rMuniloha I'GA hUlllp ionship , Breezy Be nd •• CanadiUII PGA Chumpionship, Clem.:oe •• Jim Collills Invitati onal . SI. h f.rl c .~ _. Budllss:.h Wi7.oIJro· Am , Glendale •• 'PG A Ouh Professiun.. 1C'hllmplon· I>hip. SI, Andrew!!, NO '-6 '-6 6-7 4 I~ 14 III III I~ 1 9 10 10 10 " 11· 12 12- 1l 12· 1J 1:\ 11 13 1J 15 11'1 19· 2U 19·20 2u 21 22 26· 27 2627 2(,· 27 21'1 C'POA Club P ruftls ~ iona l t'hllmpiu" ship.SI. Amlrew!l. NU Flllcon Luke I)ro A Ill , j:ulcon Luk e •• Kenorll Pro Am , Ke nora •• Amerl cull F.xpre!IA Filii PGA h:llllpioIiShip, UleruJule \ II , .... 11.1 II ' ' \ 11 , I .... ((18 rrll orrt>d w the M GA olf/rtl /)yM(lI"{"II 3/) .272M 2M ,I UNE J ·4 3-4 4 4 I) 11 10 II 10 11 10 " 14 IS 17· IK 17· l t:I 18 19 19 21 2425 24· 25 26 •• Men's Open, Boissev llin .- Molson Earl y Bini, Ki tchcn Creek •• Sprlng Open ,Carberry .• Big Moose TounuwlcnI , Dauphin Left / Righi Scrumble, Shilo Mell 'lI Amllteur, Charlellwood •• Grey Owl. Wastlguming ·· Men's l)Cn,Glcnboro •• Men '11 Ol>cn, MinnewusllI •• Men 's 0 1)(: 11 . Pinllw(, •• Jullior Open . Pinnw(1 _. Senior Men 'N Optl il . RAt Rive r ·· Senior Men ·1I Open , f'J ewwlU Volley •• S\)uth wes te rn Mlll c.: h Play. Mel ill. ,. Golden Fulcun, Fuh!on Bench Mcn 's Open.Cunll lln _. Edmondsun Se niorOpell , Purtagc •• Senior Men' II Open, Killurney •• SeniorMen's Open, Pin:lwlt _. Men 's Opc n, Rolllnd24· 25 •• M elr '~ Open, Oakvicw •• Men '8 0pen, Souri s ·· SeniorMcn'sOpe n, Ilrtwright n ,11)1. Y I 89 9 15 16 15 16 16 21 21 Me n 's Open, Riverv ie w •• Men 's Opell , MacG regor •• Men 's Open, Dell.hunt _. Men 's Amate ur,Se lki rk •• Tu rlle Dcrh)' Oren , Uo lsscvai n •. Men 's O,>CIl. Lundu r •• AIel!. Wnlsh Pro-Am . Uree.ty Re nd •• Men '~ Orcn , Steinbuc.: h .• Senior Me n'y O I>cn, Riverview •• Me n'sOjlCn,Cllnwnghl •• Rob Roy!! WeNlem Open , Orandon - Me n 's O pcn,'I' he Pas .- Men'lOpe n, Porlage •• Glenherry Classic, G lenhoro/Cllrberry Am· Am l'ourruune nt , Dauphin .~ Sc nior'!Open, M:rc(1rcgor •• Senior M e n '~Opcn, Plealia nt Vfllley . Jun iorOpen, lk lohunt •• J uniorOl)(::n, ChnrlcHwood •• Lvewc II Window JuniurOpt: II, Stcl nbnch •. M e l1 '~ Open,l)jne PuU s Men 'II t:lubClullllpinllllhip. Kiidonllll , Windlior, OlulIlbcrg ~. Kitchcn (t:ck Classic, KhchcnCreek ·· I.crt Bander 's Open, Ponage ·· QooseCountryOpcn.Lundnf ·· Oes tOall , Breel.y Ut:nd •• M e n '~ Ollen , Shi lo ·· JuniorOI)(:n,RaIK ive r ·· Juni orOpe n,Te ulon •• G,and Fina ls, K.ldoll:all .- JuniorOpen, MIK:Gregor Me n'lUpe n. Trun~co ll a · . SeniorM en· s OI>cn, Klll amey • Scni orOpen , Slei nhuch ·- Men '.Ope n.S nowLuke •• Me n'sOpcl\ , KII I!!mey •• Mell 'sOpen. Swan I{iver •• Se nlorOI>cn, Cannun ~m l 'TEM U £R 2·3 2 Lltho urDayC l u~~i c, ('ll rm an II •• lli8h I-Iulldleup , Fa lcon RCllc h ·· Open Championship. Plilcon Uellch •• ROlle Uowl. NcCI)IIW8 •• Senior Mcn '~ Open, Deluhullt •• Pro·Am , Ke:llorll ·· Me n's OI>cn,G lenboro •• LuSI Chance, Selkitk ·· Mcn's PallOpen , MllcG rcgor ·· r uIIOpcn ,Corbcrry .. FnI IOpen . Mel ltll ·· SeniorMen'sOpcn ,Carlwright MAY 30 •• Poursorne tournament , St . Uoniface 3 3-4 4 4 9-10 9· 1() 9· 10 9· IU MAY 1 , 1," 6-10 Rei Acres In vitational. Uel Acre ~ •• MIUlilObu Qlwn, Southwood Rob Muste rt un Pro-Junior. RosSnlcte •• CPOA tlnlorll Ch:unpions hlp, K I-8-EB, PQ •• Ale x Welsh Pro- I\I11 , Breezy Bend • Lllb'ltl '~ l.ife Pro-Alii , filcnhursl s.: IYn~ MnER l{u ~S l1le l\! AU(;US'I' 2·4 •• Mitsubi shi Pllck ge fourrlfI1llcm , He! Ac.: res •• BobTnte Pro· Lady. Southwood •• Au to il )' Pro· Am . ~telnl.ll\c h ·· Coerl olaClassic.Niakwa •• Fletche r· I-lohduy Pto· A ~!'lI, Hee lu JULY • . Mllil l tot)(l mUlch-piny c hflrnpioliNhip', I1nllls , c ltnhurst •• Mit ~ ubi s hi PIlc.: k.ilge ToumllnielH , Pine Ridlle ·· I" 'I)· President Day , Pine Kidge JUNE ,!lINE 4 , AUGUST Y· IO JUNE • 13 14 15 16 27 ·· llighcrhundi cliptounUtlnclII , Pinc Ridae - Colleen ,",utchi.on, Dcl Acre!! -- Collcen Hutchison, Tuxedo · · Colleen Ilutchison, Chnrle.wood •• Coll ce n I1 UIChi sol1 , Wlldewood I-ligher high hltl1d lc!lJl tournament , Kildonnn JULY 4 , 18 19 20 25 2' 29·3 1 ·· Ci ty lind O,slrict lou rnllmellt , Rosslllcre - CIIY and Dislrrcl tuumamellt. 8reezy Bend .- MllnitobaOpen , Oel Acre .. •• MnnilobllOpen, 81umberg •• Manitobll Open , Breezy Ue ncl . lnter·dubA , Trall ~con a · · Inlcr-clu b B, Ca rmon •• WesternCunad ill1l u.d ie~ In vi llli iollll i TeuO! ChA mpionship'" Ellllhut~ t AlJ(;UST I "16 2J BMW (Prov lnc.: IIII), St. Charles •• Rural Open, Selkirk • Crocu ~ .NI8kwu • Nlitlonal llllnd lcA jl, AlISin ibollle Severalfactors determine the right club selection Buying a SCI of golf cluh,Ii used to be a simple lask. You walked into the pro shop lind picked Out your clubs. Th e slightly malleable club heads were then adjusted to the appropriate lie. T oday , manufacturers offer a variety of club length s. lies. l11iuerial s and styles 10 morc accurately maleh each person'N huild and strengLh . Although there arc a number of faClnrs 10 consider when purchasing a new set of cl ubs, the task of finin g clubs can usuall y be completed in 15 minutes. suys Jim Steep. the club pro at Glendale Golf and ountry Club for 10 yeurs. Takin g the person to the dri ving range to see if the clubs ac tuall y suit them and if they like the feci can IlIke i-tn othcr 45 minutes. " Just l ike you would not buy a car with out takin g a lest dri ve, you should not buy a new se t of clubs without trying them," says the president of the Manitoba Professional Golfers Associati on. "I recommend trying different brands so the huyer can detenni ne which fee ls bes t. Thi s also requires going to the drivin g ran ge to see how the shots travel. Hitting the ball into a net means nothing." To obtain a good set of clubs, several fuctors have to be taken into considera tion. The first factor is club lie and there The lOp club shown by Gle"dale Go/f a"d Country Ch;I, go/f pm Jim Steep ha... a "player.. Made" while the bottom olle ha.f a "perifl/ f'ter weighted hlade ." The bOllol1/ club j,f morc forgiving. are as Illuny as eight availuhlc. A duh with the con ectli e will sit flllt on th e ground, Thi s measuremcnt is usually taken from II sH.II1dard g HU gC which determines hand height from the ground. This hcight in relation to your height also determines shaft length . A gain , a gauge is usually avail able to make thi s calculation . Nex t to consider is the club grip. In some cuses the diametcr of the grip is determined by your glove size. The ideal is to have your lingers wrap comfortabl y IIround the hllndle. " If th e grip is too big, you will generu lly hit the ball to th e ri ght and if the grip is too small . you w ill usuall y hook to the left. " says Steep. Shaft fl exibility is anoth er consid· • eration. "The shaft actuall y bends a great deal when you swing. The eluh head and hands hllve to be in the impact area at the same time to keep th e ball strai ghL," explains Steep. " The more club heud speed you generate (the stron ger you arc), the stiffer duh shaft you need." The standard shaft nex ibilities are: L - ladies; A - senior men; R men 's regular; S - men's stiff; und X - extra stiff. A new frcquency matching sys tem for club shafts uses II swing calibrator to tell exactly how fl ex ible your club shaft shou ld be, adds G lendale ass istant pro Rob G uthrie. Shafts al so come in a vari ety of weights and material. Making a comeback are Boron and graphite shafts whi ch are lighter nnd provide mo,'e club head feel. Torque (tw isting of the slUlft) problems of earl y models are now overcome, " The conect club weight is a personal fecling and highly subjecti ve," says Steep. " It is vari able through a c.; omhination of shaft weight and club·hend weight." A s a general rule, a heavier clubhead weight will give morc distance. However, says Steep, Lhis usually does not happen becau se the person cannnt swing the heavi er club at the smnc velocity . The final selec ti on fact rs all havc to do with the club head . There are two types of metals used to makc th e heads of irons - forged and investment enst. " Porged club heads are PRo POINTER slightly so fter lIletal which allows th e hall to stay on the face of the cl ub longer and thu s create beller club head feel." says Steep. " The hall jumps off the fnce of inves tm ent cast qu icker. However, tcdlllology is reaching the point where in ves tment cast cl uh heads give almosl the sam e fec i as forged head s." W eight of similar club head s ma y be the same but we ight di stributi on varies so one club will feel bener th an another. Again. it is a mailer of personal preference. says Steep. There are spec ific fllctors to consider (tboul weight di stributi on. A "plilyers blade" hilS th e we ight di strih. uted Lhroughout the club face lind pro· duces the bes t result when the ball meets the exac t centre of the club face. A " perim eter weighted bl ade" has the weight dist-ributcd arollnd th e I:>crim e· ter of the club face. It is more forgiving when thc ball is nOI hit with the exact centre of the club face. A club head with u wider nange is also more forgiving th:m one with a narrow flange as the ball will get airbom e easier on shots hit lower on th e cl ub face. Pickin g the ri ght combinati on of club length , lie, grip, shaft Ilex ibility and weight is not the end of choosing " set of clubs. There is u tendcncy towards eliminat i ng the hurder to hit long irons (one to four) and replace them with lofti er woods (fi ve to seven). " Approx imutely 80 per ce nt of golfers arc using n seven wood instead of a three or four iron," suys Steep. " With the lofted wood, it is easier to gel the bull up in the air 10 make the shot, especially from the rough." The cost of a set of lop· line Custom clubs (one, three and five woods and three to nine i ron plus wedge) start s at abollt $800. The inves tment w ill certainl y mnke a difference in your chequebook but it ean al so mukc II difference on your score card. p IS IJ)' 111lt! I' ost.,. Mr.A lililes Chairlllall (Takellfrolllthe 19/39 USCA Decisiolls (II/ the lillie.' of Go/[) Decision 2-4/9.5 Q - III a lIIateh l>etweell A + B. B has plnyed fOllr .w ·oke.l· olld his bolllies three fee t frolll the ho /t' . A, who has p/a)'N/ two strokes. plays a stroke out of th e IIIII/ker to the ee/ge of the hole. 8 ('O/wee/es the hole . II + B pi('k lip their /Jo /ls where upon A discovers that he has played a 11'1'0118 ball from the hunker bUI his i1/clII'f'ed 110 pel/"Ity for d(lillR so (Rille 15 ·2). What is tlte rliling ? A The concession srands - sec Rule 2-4. lasl paragraph " oncession of a stroke, hole or malch may nol be declined or wiLhdrawn ," Decision 4· 2/2 Q - Wltile play is slIspelldee/. a player ('ltallge., the lie offO llr c/ll hs . He reali: I',I· lte has hrokell Rille 4·2. If It(· rf>,\'Wrl!,'i Ihe lie of the fo"r club.\', Call he I'csuml' play with ,he", ? A - The player illcurs no penall y if he di scards the four clu bs. and assuming he sturted with 14 clubs. cun nnish the roulld with 10. It would he i1l1po sible for the player to exuctly restOre the four clubs to thei r ori ginal shape and if he played with the1l1 he wou ld be disq ualified. Decision 4-4u/6.5 Q- I'lay has beell SIISI)I' IIe/ed by tlte Commilll't'. Prior to resllmi"g play, a player is practising Oil th e practice groulld allcl breaks his SOlid wedge , ln slich c1l'cUl1I s(QIU'f' ,\', is the dub cOllsid· t'l'nl ({) become " 1IIt/it for play ;11 Ihe lIorlllal ('(Jllr." of"lay" Gild Ihe player would be aI/owed f() replacl! tile broken d ub ? A - Yes. Decision 1I ·2/2 Q Before or afrer playillg frolll a reeillR RrtJ/U1d, a player relocaled 011(> fel! marker or bOlh of lhelll. beca use ;1/ his view fh e lee markers W(fre too close together. f()o Jar back. efC. Is there a pel/alty /01' sudl all aClio,, ? A - Yes. The pi oyer should he di s· 4uulified under Rule 33·7 in either match or stroke play. Decision 13-2/4·5 Q - A player played a sI/·oke. /I e I'Pplllc(!s Gild press('s duwlI his divot (lnd OIh f'r divots nearby . He thell disf(wers h;s hall i ,\' /0.'11 or OUI of 16 hound,\' (O ,B ,) , fie must drop a ball (IS II ear as possible to ,lie spot ji'om which he hil the pre vious stroke. Is Ihe player iI/breach oJ Rule 1 3 ~ 2 which prohibit,\' impro ving area '" which hall is 10 be drOIJped? A - No. When the player pressed down Ihe divols ilC was unaware hi s ball was lost or O.B. Therefore, in equit y Rule 1-4 he is not penalized. Decision 13-4/S.5 rhe hal/ lalld.l· all the grass ballk of lite bllllker, Before the ball comes (0 res' , Ihe player swings his d uh and hits the SOlid. offer wltich Ih e "ali rolls IJock illlo rlr e bUllker. Rille 13·4" prohibils touchillg lite ground ill a ha: lIrd. Does lite player inr ur 1I 11cllalfy even fh oll/!, h fh e ball was outside the hllnker when 'he ~'a"d was IIot? A - Yes. Rule 13-4 app lies since the ball had nOt come to rest outside the hazard. Q - A player whose ball lies ill casual wafer in a bunker retrieve.\' the Decision 14/1.5 ball wi,II his ciuh ill order to proceed III1e/er lillie 25· 1 (ii). III tlte process , he to,,('he.\' the .wlld wilh his dub. Is th e pillye r ill breaclt of Rille 1J·4 ? A - No. Rule 13-4 should not he read Q so literall y 10 pre lude the touching of Ihe sand in slich c ircumstam.:es, Decision 13-4/35.5 Q - A pillyer plays [rOIll a Imllker alld Principal rule decisions for 1989 A player begins his dowlI.nvillg ",illt lite illtelllioll of slrikillR Ih e /wl/, bllt decides liltrin/-: Ihe downswing IIot /(I sO'ike the ball. The player is rll/ah/" 10 SlOP tlt e "'"b hefore il reaches lite ball. bUlls able to .nt/ing intentionally over lOp of Ihe hall. Is Ihe player deemed 10 have made a Jlrri ke ? A - No. The playe r has checked his downswing by voluntaril y altering the path of his downsw ing and missing the ball even thou gh the c\ubhead curried beyond the ball. However, any doubt in such a case must be resolved against the player, If. for example. the c\ubhead touched the ball . there wou ld be insufficient evidel/ e to support the claim the player had not intended to muke a stroke. Decision 11117.5 Q - A lifls his I){III Oil Ihe putlillg 8recn . I-It, tlten occidemolly drops the ball sIrikill1i B'" ball whit'h is ill play at rest Oil fh e gr een. What i.\' fh e mling? A - The ball which has been lifted and not in play is equipment. In Jllllli:h play, A incurs a penalty stroke and B must replace his ball (Rule 18-3b), In illll.kJl play. there is no penalt y und B must replace hi s ball (Rule I K-4). Decision 30-111 Q - A + Bare playillg C + D ill a fOllr ball malch . AI nile Iw le. A + B dro ve out of IIInl . C + D require that A abolldoll his balllllld replay ill correct order and ,hal 8 conlinue willt his ball. A + B mailllllill Ihal if A is ret/uired to drive agoifl. tlwn B mWil also do ,w . What is the ruling? A - Rule 10· 1c states in pan - "the opponent may immediately require the players to abandollthe ball so played", In thi s contex t "immediatel y" means before anyone else plays. Accord ingly , if A + B played ill that order, C + 0 could not require A to replay his stroke after B had played. but they co uld require B to replay. If A and B played in order B - A. A co uld be required to replay but not B. Revi., ed Decisiolls for 1989 Decision 14-3/13 Q - Is /I,e lise of a /:Q/f ball warmer Decision 30-3a/2 A - Use of a golf ball warmer is a breach of Rule 14-3. Use of a hand warm er is pemlissible. (new) Q - /I + 8 are to play C + D ill a [tm,. hall malch. A i.\' Uh.H! lIt when the match beRills. A arrives j ll.\'t aJief /J ~ C + D have teed off 0 11 the 3rd hole. Since A is prollihiu:l / from joining play durilll: the lIIatch ulllil the 4th hole . is il permissihle for II / 0 give advice / 0 8' A- Yes (new). Decision 33-7/4-5 Q - A competitor relflrns his scor e card and lite score/or ol/e hole is [ower than aCllIally /(Ike" dlle to failure to illelude a penalty of two s/rokes whic:h he did nol know he had incurred. The error is he/ore Ih e compelitioll is dosed. Would the comminee be j uslljied ill waiving Rule 33-7 or modifyin8 the penally of disqllalificatioll prescribed in Rille 6-6d? A - No. It is the responsi bility of the competitor to know the rul es and th eir interpretation as contai ned in the Deci .. sions on the Rules of Go lf. (new) or hand warmer during a roulld a breaclt of Rille 14-.1? Decision 15/6.5 15·115 in 1988) Q - A & 8 realize durill g play of a (was IIole tllat tlley are playillg balls witll identical markings . To avoid confusioll A lifted his I>all durillil play of fhe IIole. w lwifufed 0 1>,,11 witll differelll //larkillgs "lid played Ollt the IIole. Is tllis permissible ? A- A wa~ not proceeding under an app licabl e ru le. so the substituted ball was the wrong ball (see Definition " Ball in Play" and "Wrong Ball "). In IIIlUl;h play. A loses the hole. In ~ play. A incurs a penalty of two strokes (Rule 15-3) and must cort'ect • his error before playing from th e nex t teeing ground, otherwise he is disqualified. Furthermore.' in ~ play. the player incurs an additional penalty o f one stroke under Rule 18-28 for lifting his ball without authority. (Revised) p Golf Course Architecture DeSign and conslrucUon by DAVID WAGNER ASSOCIATES 452-2426 4-430 River Avenue Winnipeg. Manitoba R3LOC6 18 hole championship Larter Farms now under construction. LIQUID FERTILIZER EXPERTS Western Canadian supplier of N-Sure. The #1 liquid slow release nitrogen. • • • • • LIQUID FERTILIZER SPEC IALISTS CUSTOM FORMULATIONS & BLENDING PROGRAM CONSULTING CHEMICA LS & SUPPLIES C USTOM APPLICATION : GOLF COURSES, AT HL ET IC FIELDS, ACR.~AGES, NO AREA TOO LARGE OR SMALL. Liquid fertilizer is the only "solution" for all your turf requirements. I , IU - \ I \ II S I 1\ 1111· II. 110 \ .1.4 1I0\! \I '\ . \! II Rill. II\!II t ! II-t IS'/:- -711 7'/ \ 101111 I· : I ! II-t I'/-t 1-(1(17'/ ,., Knudson leaves legacy of'greatness Manitobans felt a real sense of loss last year wh en premier Canadian golfer George Knudson di ed aft er a battle with cance r, A talenled and dedica led golfer, Knud son 's m :..II1y accompli shments earned him a berth in the Canadian Sports Hall of Falne. J-Ie was indm: lcd inlo Ihe Maniloba Sport s Hall of Fame in 1988 bUI was unable 10 attend the ceremony due to his illness. From Ihe age o f 13, Ihe compeli tiv e youngster from Harcourt Street in Winnipeg honed his golf skill s at Ihe 51. Charles Coulllry C lub. lie won th e Manitoba Junior title in 1954-55 and carded a score in al gnry to win the Canadian title Ihat is <lilllhe be. 1. Allending th e laIC Bill Hamillon', " fini shing sch oQI " in T oront o. Knud son developed into a player eXlraordinaire. He joined the U.S. Tour as an amill eur, turned profes- sional und posted eight major Dahl tnuma~ Homes Ltd. I#~a. men I vi clories. H e finished lied for second ( wilh T om Wei skopf and Billy Casper) on e shol behind George Archer in Ihe 1969 MIISlers, added eighl PGA vicLQrics (Phoeni x and Tucson back -toback in 1968) and won olher inlernati onal event s in Mari caihll. Pue rt o RiCQ. Panama. CarHcas and Au stralia. In Canada. G eorge was a three ~timc Man itoba Open c hampion. fivc· tim c Ontario Open champion and five· timc Canadian Pro fessional Oolfers As sociat.ion champion . He was nine times a member of th e Canada Cup team in world competi tion . Gcorge was thc individual winner in Tok yo in 1966 "nd, wilh panner Al Balding. won Ihe 1~6K doubles lille in Rome . In hi s later career, Knudson becam e • a shot perfectionist - he would rather score a 72 whil e drawing and fadin g the ball as required Lhan score nn unorthodox 67, report s his brolh er John . After withdrawin g from competiti ve Gcorge Knudson IM l'fled to play golf at the St. Charles COllllfry CIIIIJ, Wi"lIipCR (lml w ellt Oil 10 /)(' (' o m (' (I worlrl-clw;s Mol/er . golf 10 spend more lime with his wife and Ihree sons in Will owdale, George dispensed his knowledge o f Ihe gume 8 S a teilchc r and author. H e wu s loo king forward to j oining his fri enus on Ihe PGA Senior Tour. George Knud son w as a wo rld-elliS< golfer and bri ghlcned Ihe golf scene wherever he played . Hi s presence will be missed. p DI<:SIGNER & BUILDER OF CUSTOM HOMES Helmut Dahl 661-8494 Visit our show home at 10 Dumbarton BouLevard (Tuxedo West) Opening JuLy. /989 TOP QUALITY SUPPLIERS TUB ijWi1' YOU EVUR SA. W ! 19 Knock strokes off your game with proper warm up lIolt/IIIR (/ Rolf clllb behi"d the back and r(lis;n/{ yo"r arms will help lubr/C(l/f! slum/del' joims and warm liP yo"r muscles. Stretches duriIJ8 (I warm "I) should o\'(}id bounci"s . D"rillg this lorso stretch, Pre-Fit Program stI/Jrrvi.finl' H iltnll Wood recommend,'i 1II,.";,,g as far as rom/ arraMe thell holdi"8 Ihe IJOs/tioll f Ol' 15 to 30 seconds. Use a bem:" or {:hair for thiJ' haftiJ'tr;'Jg stretch. A golf club held ;1/ 'he ()(IIer haml will help you mail/win ya,u' balance. Keep yU il l' fee/flat 0 11 'he gro"nd during litis calf stretch. 20 There is an easy way to knock strokes off your golf gil me - take 5-10 minutes to do a proper wann up before going to the fi rst tce. Approximately 75 per cent of golfers ignore a Warnl up and use the lirst live holes LOget inLo the swing of the game. In that timc you may have already carded needless strokes. An effecti ve wann up consists of "loco-motor movemen ts," stretches and sport specific practice, says Pre,Fit Program supervisor Hilton Wood who works at the Kinsmen Reh-FiL CenLre. The "loco-motor movements" wann up th e muscles nnd lubricate Lhe joints. A light walk around the putting green or ma{ching on the spot will wann the muscles. Gripping a club in both hands, then raising and lowering it above the head. then in and out from the torso will activate the shoulder and arnl musclc and joints. Another exercise is holding the club in fro nt of yo u wilh both hands and makingincreasingly larger circles. "The golf swing involves virtually every major joint ," says Wood. "Moving the joint lubricntes it and moving muscles increases the body temperatu re so the joint flui d fl ows better. It is similar to idling a car until the oil wanns up and fl ows better." A series of slow, easy static stre tches are then used to relax the muscles. "Do not stretch as far as you can," warns Wood. "StreICh to the point yo u feel comfortable tension then hold the posi tion for 15 to 30 seconds; the 10 11 gel' the better." With both the "loco-motor movements" and stretching. do onl y what feels good. "If something docs nOLfcel good, try another movement or stretch," says Wood. The final part of the wann up consisLs of sport specific practice. First, do some visualization to psyeh yourself up. Visualize hitting straight dri ves and sinking putts. Next, take some practice swings without a ball to get your rh ythm. As soon as yo u are well warmed up, go to task-oriented speed and hil 30 to 35 balls starting with the shorler clubs (wedge) and worki ng your way up to the driver. After fini shing a round, cool down with some slow easy stretches for the main muscle groups in the legs and torso. "A wann up and cool down helps allev iate muscle stiffness the next day," ays Wood. A good resource book is Stretching by Bob Ande rson or conLact the Reh-Fit entre for exercise suggestions, he adds. Wood points out golf will'lot improve yo ur card io-vascular Iltncss. "You have to walk continuously at a moderaLe pace for 30 to 45 minutes to improve this as pecl. However. golf does build activity inLo yo ur lifestyle and that is important. Carry ing your clubs and walking the 18 holes will expend energy and help reduce weight as long as the effon is not negated by havi ng more than LwO alcoholic drinks. " Next time you golf, try an adequate wann up. You may SUl rt cutting strokes off yo ur game alld playing beller which wi ll make the sport more enjoyable. p - Foundation assists young golfers Obtaining a higher education is an important goal in life unci the Manitoba Golf Associalion Found",ion Inc. wanls 10 help young go lfers reach Ihallarge!. . Formed in 1983, Ihe Foundation has provided 12 sc ho larships 10 young provincial go lfers so Ihey co uld allend posl-sccondury e<tucut ionnl institutions. "Our recent scholarships have been $400 each," rcporls Foundation presidenl Michael Averbach. "Our goal is 10 increase the fund 's capitullo $ 100.000 so we can make Ihe annual sc ho larships more meaningful." Inilial funding for Ihe Foundation was from friends of Ihe late Earl Slorey and il was malc hed by Ihe provincial governmen!. Since Ihen, Ihe Maniloba Golf Association provided a substanli al $10,000 donalion, lwo Jim Collins Invilalional golf tournaments at S!. Charles have contributed $13 ,000 and the Manitoba Ladies Golf Association has added its finan cial support annually. The Foundation is taking a more aggressive approach to increase its cupita!. This year, 'it is associated wi th the Maniloba Open where il will hold th e Iceofr luncheon und clinic. " We hope In raise $5,000 at Ihe lunc heon bUI, mo re importanlly, we wa nt to raise OUf pl'ofile," suys Av erbach. " Wilh II hi gher profile, we expecl Illore individual s wi lllllake lax-dedu ctible donut ions. In acjdilion. more young golfers will hell I' ab ul us and apply fo r scholarships." Applicants have to be affiliated with a club. Scholarships arc "warded on academic merit , some measurement of need and to those who nre not receiving financial support from olher golf organizations, The Foundation is run by a volunteer board comprised of' MGA and MLGA represcntutives, "We are plcased wi lh Ihe Foundati on's progress to date and now we want to speed up its growth," says Ave rbach. "This fiscal year, we wunt to double ouI' capital buse lind we expect 10 reach our $ 100,000 goal in Ihree to five years." p Beverage Services Ltd. is proud to be the oflicial sponsor of the C.P.G.A. of Manitoba "Player of the Year" awards. Coke is it! Trille Mil' AII9 lJOIh Coc. Col~ .nd C'nkr .re rrlll' ll'rt(l lI~du Hlllib ~h k h IdclIllfy unl y the pm!iu ci 01 ( 'r., ~ .( 'UIM I 11,1 ?I GOLFER OF THE YEAR Goehring savours successful 1988 room that Manitoba's 1988 Golfer of Invitational Gol f Toumament in Texas. Unfortunately, the twO events arc held the Year takes his sport seri ously. concurrentl y. Dale plans to attend the Trophies stand li ke sent inels on several shelves. plaques proud ly line the wall and framed newspaper photogruphs Open and hope full y meet his favourite (t is obv ious when first enterin g the rcc golfer Curti s Strange. Practice makes perfect taken during vari ous tournaments show the concentnJlion necessary to wi n. Dale's l!llent as a golfer is understandable, since he is dedica ted and continu- Almost out of place is the young man in the phOtographs, Dale Goehring. Soft spoken, this personable I7-yea r-old talks wi th an air of calm and almost disbel ief about his man y accom plishments during 1988. " I was really surprised to be nOminated." says Dnle who learned abo ut all y practices. Employed last summer at Breezy Bend. he either played 18 holes before or afler work each day. On top of spending I 2-hour days at the course. he would practice at the driving range. hit pla sti c balls at a school yard near his St. Jame -Ass iniboia home, perfect hi s the llomil1:.tlion at hi s horne course, Breezy Bend. when shown a newspaper story. ""0 beat my long-time golf rivals Scott Parker!lnd Garth Collings was unexpected but thrilling." Subsequentl y, Dale was named the 1988 Manitoba Male Youth Athlete of th e Ycur and was nominated for Manitob" Male Athlete of the Year along with boxer Donny Lu londe, Blue Bomber Bob ameron and figure skmer Lyndon Johnston. Da le's ex traordinary 1988 golf accomplishments include winning the indi vid ual Manitoba and Canadian swin g in hi s back yard or give the putting muchine in his room a wo rk out. Dale Goehri1lR proudly h o ld~' the / 9HH Golfer of the Year trophy. nuw reli cs On being good uround the for first. Dale started the final round with three bogies but was on ly one stroke back after nine holes. He fini shed one over par to win by two . ""he last 15 holes were the best I ever played. I lTlade everything to the Juvenile Golf ChalTlpionsh ips. eaming a spot (for the third time) on the Pro- greens and my puning was on," he says. vincial Juvenile Teuln which won the WcstCI11 Canad ian Juvenile team ciltegory and fini shing second individu- out the entire seuson fell into pluce aft er sinking a 25 footer on the 16th hole at all y, being low Manitoban at the Manitoba Provincial Junior Team. '" was battling for fourth spot on the team. C:madian Junior championships, tying both hi s matches in th e annual M anitoba and Minnesota Team M utches and qualifying for the Jack Blair Match Play Tournament nt Niak w<.l. He mi ssed qualifying for the Manitoba Open by one stroke. His rc(;ognitiOIl as a top athlete docs no t rcst entirely on golf. Da le was the second on the 1988 Manitoba Junior Men's Provincial Curling Team which fini shed in the middle of the pac k this spring at the Canadian Junior Final s held in Winni peg. His rink fini shed second in the Free Press Event of the Manitoba School Boys' Bonspiel. . Winning th e anadian Juvenile titl e at Kelowna. BC was the lTlost exciting highlight for Dale. Eleventh after two rounds, he finished the third day ti ed 22 Add to this countless lessons with Breezy Bend pro Sandy Paterson and the fact he started the game at age four and it is easy to fathom why Dale could earn the Golfer of the Year award. Dale is improving his game which • Looking back on 1988, Dale points Pine Ridge during tOUln trials for the After five rounds and 15 holes. I was tied for the Jlnnl berth . That 25-foot birdie combined with my opponent 's bogey gave me a two shot lead. I eventuall y won by two shots and it cSlabli hed the whole year." Dul e ullributes hi ~ success ful Wes tern Cmmda trip to advice given him by three-time Manitoba Amateur Champion Billy Parker. "We played a prac tice round before I left and Billy rec(nmnended I become more "ggressive. I took his advice and it paid off." Dale's 1988 exploits are also having i.I carryover to thi s year. lie was invited by the Roya l Canadian Golf Association to playa practice round with the proFessionals at the Cunadian Open and he was asked to attend the Doug Sanders green and putting. "A t a wi nter golf school I worked at shortening my swing and muking it more compact so I can hit the ball further," he says. adding, " I still w,mt to maintain my accuracy." The next goal for Dale is to do well at the Manitoha Junior Championship which is being held on his horne course . A top-four placing wou ld send him to th e Canadian championship. Completing Grade 12 at Westwood Collegiate. Dale wants to further his ed ucation studying engineering at the Uni versity of Manitoba. " I considered applying for a go lf scholarship in the United States but decided against it because tOO much elTlphasis is on golf and not enough on schooling. I want to gcl a g () OU edUCation," he says. Although he would rather work 9 to 5 than slug it Out on the tour, Dale has two golf drealTls he wo uld like 10 fulfil. " Maybe I will take a year ol'f to compete on a U.S. mini-tour or CanudiHn tour just. to sati sfy one dream . The Masters is my fa vourite lOUnlarnent and playing Augusta (National Golf Club) would fulfil another dream ." No maller what the futu re holds for Dale. he says the lure 01' golf will always be there and he will play the game forever. p Need more distance? Call the Doctor. The Doctor. The MD. The MaxHi* Thu r Limited MD.'· It's out there. A pond. To clear it means hitting it big. Instead of reaching for your driver, you wish you had a howitzer. Suddenly, you experience the classic symptoms. Your face is flushed. A little sweat trickles down your brow. Your heart beats a bit faster. You need The Doctor. The MD. The Maxfli MD. The Doctor of Distance. The MD is The Doctor of Distance because of Max Ai's unique Icosidodecahedral dimple pattem with varying dimple sizes which makes the MD fly farther and truer. It's just what The Doctor ordered when you've got to make it over that water and get yourself a nice healthy par. And The MaxAi MD stays healthy because it has a tough-tocut SurlynOcover. Next weekend, call The Doctor. Becallse there's nothing like some extra distance to make you feel • whole lot better about your game. Maxfli: Go For The Max:" " Mull l II a r(&I~l rrtd tradr mark of Dunlop Slut'ngrf Corporation ill Sl,I rl y ll 1\ M rcgmcrcd trademark fo r Du Pam 'l umo mer rtill! . DUNWP SPORTS 9l Northline Road , Toronto, Canada M4B lE9 (41 6) 7S1 ·0Sl0 Adjustingfor the wind There is a fact of life that Manitoba golfers have 10 conlinually face when Ihey go Out 0 11 the course - thi s is a windy prov ince. While II breeze of 16 kil ometres per hour (kmh)/I 0 miles pe r hour (mph) shoul d nOI affeci your ga me, a 32 10 48 kmh/20 10 30 mph wind wi ll definil ely make a difference on Ihe final score. Ilowevcf, there are sOlne techniques Ihnl CHn be used to offset mi verse wind conditions. "Be it wind or rain , a playe r who accepls adverse condilio ns and adj usls scoring expectations accordingly will usua ll y do beller th lln a player who complains and worries about the situ· Ul ion." says St. hurles Country lub golf pro Jim Collins. T here 8fC three basic situations to consider when playing under windy conditions: going wit h the wi nd; aga inst the w ind; cross wi nd. One thin g remains constnnt w luHever the wind conditio n - t.h e greens 3rc usuall y drier and il is mllre dirtieult to make th e ball bi le inlo Ihem '0 specific compensaI ion hus to be made under each si tumion. DRG GLOBE ENVELOPES " 12211nkstor Blvd. Winni peg, MIl R2X IP4 ph. (204)633·2580 Manufacturers and Printers of Fine Quality Envelopes DRG "The good idea company" GORDLENTON Divi sion Manager PINE RIDGE/SELKIRK 24 M~MB~\{ PRo Shooting wi th the wi nd appears Ihe easiest. "The thin g to remember is there wi ll be morc roll on Ihe ball so it won't stop as quickly," says Collins. A rule of thumb when hitting with the wind is to use one club less for each 16 kmh/lO mph wi nd. For example. POINTER ir under nonnal ci rcum- stunces n six iron is requi red, with ft 16 kmh/lO mph wi nd use a seven iron, with a 32 kmh/20 mph wind use an eighl iron and so o n. When using an iron to get onto Ihe gree n, ollins al so recommends hilting harder wilh the loflier club. " Hitting harder will PUI more back spin on Ihe ball . This. combined with the natural tendency or Ihe lortier club to make the ball drop more verti cally. will make the ball bite into the green better and not roll as much," The reverse mle of thumb for club selecti on is lIsed when hitting into the wind. For each 16 kmh/l 0 mph of wind , use one club extra. " As yo u cun sec," says Collins. " from a six iron lie on a ca lm da y, YOli mny require a nine iron w hen shootin g with a 48 kmh/30 mph wind or a Ihree iron when shootin g into that force of wi nd." A common mistake mude when play ing into the wind is using ma re power. " Hilting the ba ll harde r creates mo re back spin which causes the baJJ 16 go hi gher res ult ing in less distance and more bite when the ball hits. There is also a lendency for a ball with mOre back spin to l;lic.:c," expluins Collins. The combination of using an ex tra club wi th 8 more verti cal face and not 3S much power wi II keep the ball lower and produce less backspin, resu lting in morc distan ce uguinst th e wi nd. " Hooki ng your tee shot. also tends 10 keep Ihe ball lower and create more ro ll ," says Collins. He adds th ere is a myth th at recommends teei ng the ball lower when hittin g into the wind. "Th is will cause a golfer 10 hil down on Ihe bnll which creates more backspin and subsequenll y the ball wi ll go hi gher." There are IwO ways 10 play when faced with a crosswind, says Collins. For n lefl-t.o-ri ghl wind. by playing wi lh it (hilling the sholleft to ri ghl) Ihe ball wi ll roll further and you will get more distance. Or you can hook th e balllhe right amo unl and il wi ll go sIrnight. "The second method requires u high level of skill ," warns Collins. " However, it allows yo u LO put more spin on the ball which helps it bite into Ihe grass. This is a useful technique when hitting to a small turgel area or green." A rul e of thumb when hilting 10 a green wi th a crosswind is to aim five yards to th e appro priate side of Ihe pin for every 16 kmh/ I 0 mph of wind . For pitching to the gree n rrom 25 yards, o llins suggests using a sand wedge when going wilh Ihe wi nd to make the ball hold belter. Against the wi nd, he ~wggesls an eight iron to provide better ball control. Some allowance also has to be made when pUlling durin g wind y days, espec iall y if the greens are fas t. A final windy-day sugges tion from Collins is to use a wider stance for more stabilily. This is most im portanl On Ihe short shots. Remember, windy cond itions are going LO afrecl yo ur game. Adjust your expectatio ns accordi ngly and you wi ll enjoy the round much better. p Accept the fact 'he wi"d ;"; RoiflR 10 affecl your g{Jme {Jilt! you will ha ve (J milch· bell(lr oliling, :iays SI . Charles COIif/try Clnh pro Jim COl/ill:i' , r(!cemly Illlmed Ihe /9R9 CPGA "Club Pro of ,lie Yellr" for Ihe secol/d time , Jim is the Dilly pro 10 receive this award more tha" once. [ L I ... the perfect anytime, anywhere snack. .~ Buttery toffee, maple-flavoured and caramel ... three delicious varieties of caramel glaze poured generously over whole, crunchy peanuts and huge, fluffy kern els of fresh popcorn . Your whole family will enjoy CRUNCH 'n MUNCH. eI·uneh -n .Muneh* BUTTERY TOFFEE POPCORN WITH PEANUfS • 'J I Proud sponsor ofthe Manitoba Open Barr captures Open T he 1988 M anitoba Open at ollthwood Golf & Country lub, Jul y 7- 10. proved to be anOLher unqualified success. Large gilllcrics over each of th e four days were Lreated to excellent sholmaking. culminating in an exciting fini sh on Sunday. Dave Bnrr, unquesti onabl y anudu's top professional golfer, emerged as th e 1988 Open champion - his second in a row. Barr fired rounds of 69-69-66-66 for a four ~ 1?~J-l~(!tt PROUD HOME of round 10 under par 10Lai of 270 10 caplure Ihe lOp pri ze o f $ 15,000. The runners-up were Brinn Hutton of T hunder Bay, w ho fini shed one stroke buck aL 27 1, followed by first ycartour player Mike Grob of Billings, M onLana, at 272. The leuding amateur, and winller o f the Harold Eidsv ig Troph y, was Todd Funning of SouLhwood, who completed th e 72 holes at LwO over par 2H2 with ro unds of75-67-68-72. Fanning fini shed in a Lie for 281h. A 10Lai o f fi ve amateurs made Ihe cut. The others were Glen Hnatiuk o f Pine Ridge, Garth Collings of Breezy Bend, G lefln Collins of St. Charles and Bruce North o f Carm an. The lone Manitoba professional to make the 36-holo cut was Stan Homenuik of Dauphi n who fi ni shed in a ti c for 50th place wiLh a 72-hole total of 290. {:J D ave Dar r eamed his second sim/gill Opell ,i,le. Todd Fann ing amateur. W(u the /('(U/illj( the Manitoba Open '91, '92, '93 Come join us ... For member ship informa tion CALL 895·7205 One o f Winnipeg's Fine Private lubs AS the p llf.ve am/lew!/ Of compelition increases. sn ton does ' he Spt!('ICIIOl' offemloJlce. Enjoy a superbly conditioned 18 hole golf course. A variety of social activities and a convenient suburban location. Host Club for the Manitoba Open For Membership infonnation please contact Established in t923 26 Barrie McWha Director of Golf' 269·7867 Eyelevel Videos c/o Craig Kelman & Associates Ltd. 17-399 Berry Street, Winnipeg R3J 1N6 Please send me _ _ video cassettes @ plus $3.50 per copy for shipping. Add 7% provincial sales tax. Cheque 0 MO 0 Please specify VHS 0 BETA 0 MC 0 Visa 0 Programls) Namels) cu •• rev.". , Ide If "« .... ry) Yes! Expiry date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Signature Street Postal Code Keys to successful putting " You cannot be II good golfer without being a good putter," says Hllrbour V iew pro Michel Pi lon, " If you putt well , it affects your wh ole round because th ere is less pressure on the fairway shots." A pro for 17 yea rs, Michel has carefully studi ed putting and come up with three basic concepts to improve thi s skill. "Distance is the most important factor," says the 1984 M anitoba PGA champion. "Having the ri ght distan ce prod uces consistent tap ins of eight or nine inches. If your distuncc is wrong, you wi ll have numerous three putts." The key to obtaining the ri ght di slllllCC duy lifter day is mUlching the amount of stroke to the distllnce. " Th e idea is to usc the force of gravity to create the putter 's momentum . For u longer putt , use a longer buckstroke. Gravit y will pull the club through faster whi ch then hit s th e hall harder and makes it go further." If you use the same backstroke for di fferent length putts and use muscular strength to hit the ball furth er, the di stance Il'nvelled will change each Lime depending on how tense you arc or how you feel on thut particular day. " Rel y on gravity to power your putter," says Michel. "It is u consistent force. even under pressure situations." T o practi ce matching th e length of stroke with a distance, Michel suggests plucing a Ice on n putting surface about th e length you usua ll y end up from the hole. Place another tee five fee t before it and another fi ve feet past it. Paying attention to the ba k-swin g, hit three ball s to each tee. With practice, you will match a certnin length of putt to a certain amount of back-swin g. Ncx tlO distance. preci sion is the most important part of putting. To hit th o ball stmi ght , Michel believes a light grip is absolutel y necessary. "By hliving a light grip there is less chance to pu sh or pull the putt ," he says. " Th e putter is designed to go strui ght. You do nOI have 10 guide it. With a soft grip and wri sts locked in position , j ust let gravit y pull the putter through." The Lhird factor in good putting is settin g the pendulum of the stroke on a solid base. " You need a solid foundation on which to putt," says the animated pro. " I f your legs or hips are shaky, everythin g else will be shaky. There should be no movement from th e wai st down when putting i f you wanllO be consistent." Michel has a recipe for good putting - 90 per cent weight (length of buck stroke) and I 0 per cent lining up the putt. "Unfortunately, 99 per cent of beginner and avera ge golfers lhink about line or precision rather than distance. A good line does not matter if you are 10 fee t short or long of th e hole." ~ f(arbollr View Golfe /lib pro M ichel Pilon says malc:hilll< IJackslrnke 10 dl,\'ulIU'e . hold;nl< fhe d llb ligh,'y alld kc£'piIlR 'he lower body solid ar,' necessary to impf{)\'f! putli,,).: . GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ' ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA sponsors 01 the Annual Manitoba Turf Grass Research Tournament Held 1II Bel Acres Al/gl/sTl 8, 1989 President - MR . WRAY TAYLOR Secretary - MR. DO UG McEWEN For membership contact secretary, c/ o Even-Spray & Chemicals Ltd. Bay # 2 - 851 Laglmodlere Blvd., Wpg., Manitoba R2J 3K4. To encourafJe and promote research and the interchang e 01 SCientific and practical knowledge re/atmg to the maintenance 01 goll courses in order to assist interested members. 28 • Baker returns home to claim Amateur crown Twent y-one year old form er Winni pegger Keyln Baker. tI University of Ho uSton graduate now Ii Ying in Toron to. returned home to capture the 1988 Manitoba Amateur Championship and the Free Press Trophy ove r a fi eld of 288 golfers. With round~ of 72-75-68-7 1 for a 286 total Kevi n fini ~ hed a convincing six strokes ahead of his nearest challenger, Breezy Bend 's Ron Wilso n. Wilson's club mate and defending champ ion Garth Collings was one shot back at 293 while rising stars J efl' Loiley of Elmh urst and JeIT Helper of Glendale required 294 strokes. The tournament was much closer after the ini tial two quali fyi ng rounds at Bel Acres and Elmhurst with Jim Doyle leading the pack at 143. The race was sO close in fac t th at ten golfers were wi th in five strokes of the Sandy Hook veteran. AU that changed in round three when Baker opened up a three shot lead by firing a sizzling 68 - the lowest round of the entire competition. His steady 16-par round of 7 1 was more than eno ugh to fend off any fi nal day challcnges. Match play While 58 golfers qualified at 155 or beller for the final two rounds of the AmtllCur. anoth er 64 wi th scores up to Amateur champ Kevin 162 qualified for match play in four nights of 16. When all was said and done, Gil Verrier of Transcona had defeated Dave Anderson of Breezy Bend, 4 and 3. to capture the first night. Stunrt Nauss of Tculon defeated Grant Coulter of Brandon, 5 and 4. in the second fli ght. T hird fli ght honors went to Lorne JlImison of Elmhurst who 8ak~r I" In competitive testing conducted by ' IRON BYRON' Golf Indu stries accuracy testing machine, 1200 - GEAR EFFECT IRONS proved more accurate than the fo llowing clubs: W in With WII6on. 32% 47 % 50 % 51 % better beller beUer better than than th a n thun Ping Eye II. Hogan Radial. Acushnet Pinnacle. Hogan Apex. 30 % 66% 41 % 35 % bettcr than better than better than betlcr thun Spalding Executi ve. Tilleist Tour. Spalding Cannon . Hoga n Magnum. 1200· GEAR EFFECT IRONS • wide radius sole designed to hit the ball out of all lies • maximum offset for superior hand positi nin g • legal boxed grooves for more spi n and control 30 • perimeter weighting for solid hits off the toe and heel nrens • Wilson's exc lusive L 16 light weight shaft defeated Edmonton 's Martie Moss, I up. In the fo ul1h night , Elmhurst's IliIl Kenrns defeat ed Rich Sobkowich of Rossmere, I up Willingdon C Up Malch play j 1lM},' winn ers il/duded (L-R) Gil Verrier, first j1ig/lI " Lome Jamisoll , third j1ig JII " wId Bill Kearns./ollrlh j1igJIl . M is.ving i.~ second flig ht winm!r Swart Naus.Ii. • Two days aftcr the Ama teur, the top 20 scorers (less Champion Kevin Baker who was not e ligible for the teum trial s bccuusc hc lives in Toron to) trav elled to Pine Ridge where th ey attempted to qualify for Munitobu 's Willingdon up Team. With an impressive 69 and 70 added to his Amateur total of 294, G lenda le ' s .JelT Helper was the IlUlllber one qunliticr for the fourmember team . Ilis total of 433 left hi m one stroke ahead of Breezy Bend 's Garth Collings while the linal two bel1hs went to G lenn Collins of St. Charles and J on' LnUey of Elmh urst who both shot 438 . Missing by one stroke was Jim Doyle at 439. {:J Th e Willillgdoll up fCl"" ('ons/steel of (L-R) lIoll -playing captain Rudy Ilo/v;'l , Jei! Loilt·y. Oarth Colll,,~s , Jeff lie/per (I"d GIt'II11 Collim. LUXURY YAMAHA Better in the long run , -. -- ~ RELIABILITY . , .IIJIL ..... SUN CLASSIC GAS MODEL 3-Vear Power Train Warranty QUALITY Gl·A GAS CAR G2· AGA CAR Purchase, Rent or Lease To Own The Best Buy in a 4· Wheel Golf Car Today. IPMENT LIMITED PH , 775·8988 11 MAUDE ST ., WINNIPEG , MANITOBA, CANADA R3E 3J8 FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE PHON EWAYNE HUOSON OR SYD PARSONS 11 Go(f Quiz I. In n slroke play lournament, a competitor 's cnddic J.;oes out before Ihe slarl or play a nd pructices on lind lest.s the slI rface of some or Ihe greens. A. The playe r is disqllnlilied for Ihe o fic ti ons of his caddie. o B. There is no penalty. 2. A bull pull ed frO Ill off the green comes 10 rest agni nst the Illlgstick, hul it is nol holed beca use all 01' it Is not below the level of I.he lip of Ihe hole. T he player, believi ng his hall do you know the answer? holed, picks It up. o A. The ba ll Ill USI be placed on the lip 01' the hole wilhoul penal ty. o B. The ball must be placed on the lip of the hole. blli lhe player illcurs a one-stroke penally. The ball lllust be replaced against tile nagSl ick and Ihe playe r incurs n one-slroke penally. 3. A 1,Iuye r rotales his bull on the putting green to line up Ihe trademark with the hole. He did nol lift o . THE CLEAN CUT the ball, mark its position or change its position . A. The player proceeded properly and Ihere is no penalty. B. The player incurs U one-slroke penally. D c. The player incurs a Iwo-slroke penalty. 4. In a match, a player pre paring to chip from off the green, find s the nugstick lea ning away from his ball tu his adva nt age. He wishes the nagstick left us it is, hut his opponent wishes to have it centered so thut the player docs not have an ad va ntage. A. ·the player has Ihe righllo leave Ihe nagslick as he linds il. 013. The opponenl has Ihe righl 10 have Ihe nagsli ck cenlered. S. In slroke piny, 11 pluyer starts his downswing for a stro ke and his c1ubhend is slopped by gelling langled in Ihe bra nches of a tree. A. The siroke docs nOI COUIll because Ihe elubhead did nOI reach the ball. DB. The player is deemed to have o o o I I o made a stroke. 6. In slroke play, a playe r played out of turn frum a leeing gro und . When he was informed of his error , he abunduned Ihe ball and played anolher ball in proper order. A. The player proceeded properl y and incurs nu pcnulty. B. The second bull is in play undcr penalty of m oke aod distance. o o Answers The unique Accu/arm compll'fr~cOn l rolled culler culS V-grnoves into an Accu/orm iron. At Accufo rm Oolf, we are dedicated to making the most precise golf ciubs in Ihe world . Every ciean cut we make gives your game unprecedented control and consistency. Each c1ubface is maChined perfectl y nat a nd each V-groove is cut to maximum allowa ble specifications using our computer-controlled cutters. O ther companies taik a bout q uality and precision. T his gives US the most accunite groove a nd clubrace in golf. At Accuform, we achieve it. ACCUFeRm The Feel of Precision Watch fo r Accujorm Staff Players Dan Halldorson. Joey Sindelar, and Davis Love III. For our informative brochure please call J-800-668-7873 'hlluu:Kl 1n041!M lIeq ISJ!J 041 41!M hUld ponu!! -uoo Ohll4 Plno4s JO,(llld ' 4.L '0 '9 'lIuq 041 lIU!hOW pUU8U!~!JIS h\J!Uj j O uOi lUalU! 041 411'" qn l ~ 041 JO lUOW'hOW pJUMJOJ ' 41 s! 0~0J1S U 'uo!J!u!Jop h8 '0 " ' p~J~lU ~:> 1! ~" u4 JO 1! spu!J ' 4 se ~O !lsllr.lI 341 ' '''01 hllW hUla Olllloqu " hUld "'II hlUO ' V 'v 'P' IUIOJ puu p '4 ~ n o l SUM I! OJopq p' ~J"W UO;>q IOU PU4 lIuq ' 41 j O uO!I!sod 04.L '0 .£ 'P' 104 SUM I! OJOjoq lIeq S!4 lIU!!J!1 JOJ hlluu:Kl a ~oJ:l -auo" sJn ~u! "AU ld .:> '0 'punOJ u SU!Jnp hlUOa!ppu~ S!4 JO SUO!!," ' 41 JOj olq!suodsoJ S! JOI!l:Klwo~ V '0 ' 1 J This is about winning. "Winning isn't e verything. It's the only thing'.' "It isn't whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game'.' "llYoU don't win, you lose"...and on ~nd on and on. Ask a dozen people today wh at it means to win or what it takes to be a winn el~ a nd c hances are you'll come up wi th a dozen or more answers. At Xerox, we have our own ideas a bout winn ing a nd winners. To begin with, we believe winning is a tea m effo rt. Maybe that's because we've never met a winner who in some way hasn't been trained, coached , encouraged or just plain inf lue nced by a nother man being. We also believe that winning is fundamentally a by -product of character. To win at anything of value requires the nVf'r{',nming of obstacles. Often, th e v "L,v'" of th ese obstacles is a wavering faith in our own pote ntial. To win , in o ur opinion, is to go the distan ce. It is the ability to e ndure a nd persevere. Winning, as fa r as we're concerned , is the ability to stretch oneself and be bette r fo r the effort. In the fin al analysis, winning is anything but easy. It is, however, the ultimate recognjtion of our struggle. [TeamXero)c XE ROX I. a rCalSlcred Irademark or XE ROX CORPORATION used by XBROX CANADA. INC, as iii rCliSlcred U5(:r. J""ior r hamp SCOff Parker The pro viI/rial j",,;or team co" sis/ed o/(L.R) " ol/-playing captain Dave M ori.w lI . olin Dre'H'e. Dale Guellr;lIg. SrO Il Parker a"d Rich Sobkowh'h. Juniors shine at home and away Junior Championship For th e firs1time in severo l years two golf courses were used 10 Accommodate th e 180 go lfe rs e nt ered in the 1988 Junior Championship. Se lkirk Go lf & ountry lu b and R ss mere Country C lub hosted the e vent, July 11 - 14 .wilh Rossme re the site for the finnltwo rounds. An exciting fi nish saw Scott IJurker of th e host course reguin Ihe champi onshi p he won in 1986 by CO/n pi i menIs of shoo ting a 299 and edging <.:olin Drewe of South wood by one shot on the 72 nd hole. The age group winners were Oule Goehring, Breezy Bend ( 15- 16 age group) • .IelT C iecko. Southwood ( 1314 age group). and Rob M cMillan . Ros. me,'O (1 2 and under). .Junior Team Trials Pine Ridge Golf & Coun try lub hosted the 17 players who qualifi ed fort he 1988 trials. July 16 and 17. After the two rounds, Scott Parker, Colin Drewe, Dule Goehring and Rich Sobkowich had succeeded in earning berths on our provincial junior team. As well. four juvenile golfers qu!l lificd for sponsorship to the anadian championship. These were .JelT Lalley of Elmhurst. Dllrren McMillnn of Rossme re, Andy NemirolT of Southwood and Shane McCartney of Ca,man. R.J. (Bob) FORCAND T he Ca nadian Cha mpionship PRESIDENT It turned out to be an exciting year for Manitoba at lhe Kelowna Go lf & Coun try lub in BC, Au g. 9- 12. Dale Goehring of Breezy Bend won the Canadian juveni le golf c hampi onship with a 298 score and was ti ed for 8th in the overa ll junior championship. Scott Parker at 300 tied for 13th whil e Rich Sobkowlch required 31 7 Winnipeg Valve & Fitting Ltd. 341 B dson Street, WiImipeg, R3K lR2 (204)837-7879 Dn..'Cz Bend Member strokes. In team play held th e first two days. the Manitoba team earned a creditable tie fo r 4 th wi th a 452 score. Urnd Ncwmun-BenneU of BC won the championship wi th u 289 score. while the BC team won wi th a 43 I sco re. Manitoba-Minnesota Matches Elmh urst Go lf & o untry Club hosted these 3nllual matches. Aug. 25-26. The Manitoba team consisted of our four pro vincial team members plus .Jon Braun of Niakwa. Brad Poleschuk of Thompson. I)arryl Enns of Ross mere and .JefT LUiley. The Manitoba team lost 61 /2 I 1/2 in th e indi vidual mUlches and lost 5 to 3 in the team matches. '0 Western Canada Juvenile Team Matches These mat ches we re played at the Shaughnessy Go lf & ountry lub in Van cou ve r, Aug. 3-5. with Manitoba being represent ed by Dale Goehring, .IelT Lalley, Darren McMiliun and Andy NemirolT. Afte r three days of competition , th e Manitoba team emerged the winn er with a narrow 724 to 729 margin ove r the BC team. In individual competition, C urtis Thompson of B edged Dale Goehring with a 234 tota l to Dale 's 239 tota l. P Our juvenile team of(L-R) Andy Nemiroff. Dale Goehrinx. Jl1J Lailey (l ilt! /)ar,I''' M r'Millall captu red the Western C(lIIat/iall CluUllpiof/ ,*illip 34 Max Deslwh,iers earntd honors I" the 60·64 Ulte category. fOp Barrie Sallders fi nished all top ill the 65·69 group . Smiley Merollek was Iwmhi'r one for those 70 years and o\'er. Forsyth reboundsfor convincing Senior win After an ol>cning round 77 in the Manitoba Senior Men's Championship, Don Forsyth of Breezy Bend parl ayed his home co urse knowledge to ro unds of 72 and 7 1 for a Convinci ng three shot victory in the 54-ho le evenI. Forsyth 's final 7 1, the only sub-par round of the tournament, enabled him 10 move past first and second round co- leaders Alan Mahon of Breezy Bend and Jim Doyle of Sand y Hook . While Mahon slipped to an 82 to fini sh 10 stukes back. Doyle' s 75 kept him wi thin three of the leade r. Niakwa's Ron Casleluine. himself a first round co-leader at 76. also fini shed 10 shots back at 230 and ti ed for third with Mahon and SI. Charl es' miley Meronek. While Forsyth and Doyle fini shed one-two in the 55-59 0011 FOl's)" h 1988 Se"ior Me,,' .~ IllImpi()fI Desaulniers carded 76-75-72 for a 223 to tnl while Lenton. 19B7 Seniors c!hamp, fi nished 80-72-7 226. In the 65-69 age group. anman's Bllrric Sanders shot 79-77-77- 235 for n three stroke adva ntage over Russ Jones of SI. Boniface. The 70 plus age cat egory consisted of 36 ho les and was captured by Smiley Meronek of SI. harles whose 76-75 posted a convincing 10 shot victory over South wood's six time Manitoba Seni ors champ Harry Critchley. P age group of the Seniors compeLition, th eir scores also qualified them' for Mani lobu's leHI1l in the Canadian Seniors at Dartmouth . NS. Other team members included Max Desaulniers of Elmhurst and Gord Lenlon of Pine Ridge who fini shed one-two in me toumament's 60-64 age group. golf clothing provincial sellior team consisted 01 (L·R) Marty Ma/covish Max f)(',fllo/llll ierl' who was ""alJie to allelld), Cord Lemon , Don FOI'.~yrh (Jlld Jim noy/e . aliI' (rep/a cing disl.ribuled in Canada by: Flelcher Leisure Group R450 Damley Monlrea l, PQ H4T I M4 Bob Ge" oway (R) rerril'l'" "',~ Hural Amatcur trophy from MGA rep Ted Chap . MGII I:.;xerutive Director J eff /-/lIatill k (L ) pn'seIllNl llarr/(' SOI/dus his RI/ ral Sl'lIior Mulson Trophy . wi,,, Genoway, Sanders, Croyand Wheat City take rural honors Coif Course M~s l er Planning and Dellign Resort ;md U ndll(il l)C 1)lllnning Irriga tion System Des ig" Cu ul'8e Rc novillionJ Feasibility S tudic ~ Rural Amateur The rural golf season began with the eleventh annual Rural Amateur ham pionship on August 7 and 8 at Ilec ia Ishmd. Fom,er champ Bob Gonoway of Morden led the fi eld of 140 competitors wi lh two steady rounds of 75 and 74. His 149 total narrowly edged out Carman's Hill North and Selkirk 's Kevin BlIuer whose i~e nti ca l 758 gave them even 150s. First round leaders IIruce North and his 15year-old nephew Denn Nort h, both of Carman . lost their chances for victory when they followed lheir opening 72s with scores of 80 and H2 respectively. In the Senior division, narrl. Sanders of Carman and Mervyn Minish of Swan Ri ver opened wi th fine rou nds of 76 to lead the field of 20 players, Barrie Sanders won his eighth consecuti ve title in the Senior champiunship when he fini shed with an 83 and 159 total to runner-up Minish's 85 - 16 1. Mervyn did not go home empl y handed, however, as his score caplured lOp honors in the 65 and over di vision . Rural Junior Hilderman Witty Crosby Hanna Associates & WINNIPEG Landscape Architects & Plan ners SASKATOON 500-11 5 Bannatyne Avenue East, Winnipeg. MB R38 OR3 944-9907 36 At the Rural Junior itnmpionship. held at the Teulon O<llf Club, 14-yea r-old ameron Croy of the host club edged out Derek Ingram of Sandy H ook in a one hole playoff after both carded I H-hole scores of 79. Narrowly missi ng the playul'" was Brandon Wheat City 'S Jason Sweeney with ito 80. roy in the 14- 15 age bracket and Ingram in the 17- 1Ryear olds ~I so won their respecti ve lIge categories. Other win ners were John Ilrus, of Haicrow Lake in the 12 and under class lind Jusun Hrynklw of Dauphin in the 15- 16 IIge group. Rural Team Championship The oOrS Lite Rural Team Championship was held again at the Shilo Golf Club with 13 rural tcams competing. The Wheat Ci ty team of Run Sukolowskl , Chris Kading. Ken Chrisli. and Ron Panchuk beat out the Shilo #1 tea m by nine st rokes to win the championship. f::J Now's the time to catch the bright, refres hing taste of Coors Li ght - Canada's most popular li ght beer, THE RIGHT BEER NOW It's all in the family T he SI. Boni face Gol f lu b was Ihe selling on T uesday. Augusl 30 for Ihe increasingly popul a r alle rna le shOi Non h Ameri can Life Famil y Golf Classic. Ju dging by Ihe shOllTluk ing and the scort:s. it IS o bvio us thut. for some. go lfing abil il Y is defin ile ly a ll in Ihe fami ly. In the fa ther and son seclion of the "8 Rl'oss" " O flO".~ wen' tv Les and Leslie Marfe l/ ,~ . lo urname nl . MGA techni al direc tor Todd Tcplitski and dad Carllurned in a solid 75 to ca pture "A gross" honors over three time champi ons und 1987 runncrsaup, Jim and Pat Doyle. With hand icaps laken into a count. Don Hnd Tim Stone rang up a 68 1/2 to edge the Rulhwells (Cord and Gord ) by I 1/2. T he lO B gross" titl e wen I to Th e "A gross" trophy was captured by!athu and son Carl Les and Leslie Marte ns mill Todd TCfJlilSki, Their award was presr" ted by (L) MGA whose 88 won on a Prrsi{/ellf Rudy 8 0il/;" a" d (RJ Paul Kelly of North Amer;('(m co unt back with Pat and 14<· Tim Coughlin. Bob and Brian Davies ea rned " B net" honors with a 72 . In Ihe pare nt and c hild calegory. Ed and Angela Martells fas hioned 82 to edge out Art Smith a nd da ughte r Lynda Palahniuk by one stroke. The sam e margin of victory earn ed Put and .Jim Mala zdrewicz the net titl e. In the mother and daughl er div ision. Mc r lene and Robyn Netterfield fini shed on to p while Mary Styles and Joan Todd were runners-up. P CPGA PROFESSIONALS A"gela and Ed Martell.f jinished in lhe paretlilchiid eve",. UII Devoted to pro moting your enjoyment of golf thro ugh expert instruction and the finest in golf equipment, custom fitting, re pairs and the latest in fas hionable attire. TALK TO A QUALIFiED GOLF PROFESSIONAL TODAY . ~ 38 Ca nadian Professiona l G olfers' Associa tion of Manitoba Merlellt! and Robyn Nellerjield weI'" viC:lorinu.f ill Ihe mOlherldclURhler C:{JU! l?ory. top fMlILY GOLf C~IC Tuesday, August 22nd, Niakwa Country Club, Winnipeg • It takes a combination of talent, knowledge, communication and teamwork for golfers to succeed at tournament play. For North American Life, the Family Golf Classic has a special meaning. Because it is the same combination of qualities - talent, knowledge, communication and teamwork - that create solid relationships with our customers. For years we've worked hard to achieve these relationships. So we know how hard it can be. And just how good it feels to succeed. North American Life is proud to sponsor the Family Golf Classic. North American . . . For Life. NORTH AMERICAN LIFE For more information contact our North American Life Offices in Winnipeg: Glen Dodd 943-1526 Leveme Fyke 947-6m GeO'8" Medway 944·8762 Or. contact the Manitoba Golf Association 985-4057 SHOWASIGN OF SUCCESS. ~ (iIIjiiJtI. 1!IJ,. Canada's#l realtor. An intemaUonal nctworkofindcpendent member broke.... l i" Helper edges More in lack Blair final After winning the provincial amateur chumpionship 2 1 YCilrs ago. Elmhurst's Terry More made anoth er run HI a major golf event but fell just short when mntch play was completed in the Jack Blair Memorial Chumpionship tit Niukwu Country lub. Huving emerged as the medali st in two rou nds of quali fying play at 51. harles and Wildewood , More wa defeated 3 and 2 by Glendale's Jell' Helper in the champions hi p final. For Helper it was the third time he had played in the Blair event and it proved to be three times lucky , After shooting 72-79- 15 1 in the qualifying rounds tll trail More's 75-70145 by a healthy six strokes, he really got his game going in the 16-player match play segment of the champions hip, In the quaner tinals, Helper dcfcutcd medalist runl1 e r~ up Rob Oliphant of Rossmere, More defeated Bl'eezy Bend 's Dave Anderson, Duve Lllvallee of Pine Rid ge bested Niakwa 's Bob Brnun . and Southwood' s Colin Drewe came out on lOP in his match wi th Rossmcre ' s Carl Lechman . In the semi-final s, More defented Lavallee while He lper defeated Colin Drewe, p Jeff ' -Ielper jifl i.\'hed on tup ill match play . f.. Z~ Nobod y huUt!, Ihem MUU. E~GC'jif:ti l{.':1 II "" -~- '" Phone (204)694-4574 Sold & serviced by : Central :Jur!.Jnc. ,...,ua TaIIr _ ' 11 ftIU c:nnNG. 112 PARAMOUNT ROAD, WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R2X 2W3 Groundsmaster® 580-D Go ing around a go lf course has never bee n easier. E ~ Z- GO 's new gas golrcnr is SUhslDllI in ll y quieter, smoo ther [lnd Illore powcrflilthan eve r before. II 's Ihe perfec t compl ement to Ihe world 'S lead in g electric Kt)lf cltr. The first large-scale rotary mower that combines the productivity of a 16-foot machine with the handling ease 01' a trim mower. 41 DOU8 Frail! oj Labau' s (L) alld TOllmamem Co-()rdillatvr Allan Maxwell (R) presented the !it,,~t Laba n ',~ Pro-Am Team Champioll.fhip award 10 Pilla wa's te{lm ()f (middle L-R) pro Jolll1 Bowell , D ell"i,~ Smilh , Te rry Wa rdrop alld 11ill /Joivin , manltobo'$' renewoble energy source ' " 42 Pinawa winsfirst Labatt's Pro-Am With Labau 'S spon sorin g its first ProAm team champi onship. August 2 at Niakwa. it wa s fitting that th e event (form erly the rown Life Pro-Am ) was captured by a first time winner. Utili zing the Stablefo rd System where points are earned for bogeys, pars. birdies. etc., th e team from the Pinawa Golf Club linished on top with a total of 159 points. Th e team consisted of amateurs Bill Boivin , Dennis Smith . Terry Wardrop and pro John Bowen. First runner-up was the 1987 Manitoba and national pro-am team champions from Tu xedo Golf Course at 150 points while third pl ace went tn th e team from the K enora Golf and Country lub with a total of 145 points. At the national final held September X and 9 at the SI. Charles Count ry Club in Winnipeg. Man itoba's Pinawa team fini shed se venth behind champion New foundland. p InterSl't/ior illler·d ub hOllol's well' ' 0 Elm/lllr,flil J' of (L·R) M ax D esaulniers, Prank Hnro w,fki a"d Nick Mickoski, club teams settle rivalries Free Press Inter-Club Rurl,' ;"uu'·club ('homps w('re (L-R) Bruce North , 80rri(' SOllder.~ and Rick 81i1-('" oj Carmaff , Fr ee Pre,~s city i"fer·d "b t'ltam{Jiolls w('re (L·R) D(II'('Y Fur ber. Gle" fI"lIfillk and Dm'c Ltl vallee of Pille Ri(J.'-:f! # I , 44 Friendly rivalri es bel ween clubs arc good for a ny SPOI'I, par1iclilarly wh en Ihcy bring Oul Ihe besl in compelilion. Where Ihe Free Press Inter-C lu b wa.' concerned , lhe beSI was definilely brollghl oul in Ihe !'ine Kidge #1 and Carman #1 learns whi ch cunvincingly captured top honors In Iheir respeclive ci ly and rural divisions. For cily c hampi on Pine Ridge #1 , Ihe enlire Ihrcc-man team of Dave Lavallee (70), Glen Hnatluk (7 1) and Darcy Furber (72) all shol par or beller al SI. harl cs ounlry C lub. Their 2 13 10lal was nine strokes better Lhan runner· up SI. harl es #1 whose leam of Gilvin Spiers (73), Dob Dunbar (73) and Glenn Collins (76) shol 222 on their home course. 11 was Pine Ridge's second consecutive Free Press championship. , In Ihe rural competitioll, Bruce Norlh carded a Ihree-linde r-par 69 10 lead hi s Ca rman #1 team 10 a three shol viclOry ovcr Selkirk #1. Dacking Norlh 's supe r round were Rick Blighl (74) and Darrie Sanders (82) for a 225 10lal. Selkirk's 228 consiSled o f Tim Cro marl y's impress ive 70, Hob Hingham 's 79 and Ken Grove's 79. Senior Inter-Club Thirty·one teams of lhree players competed for the Manitoba Seni or Inter·Clu b Champi nship at Selkirk Go lf C lub, Augus t 26. When all was said and done, low gross honors went to the Elmhurst #lteam of Max . Desaulniers, Frank Horowskl and Nick Mlckoskl whose tOlal of 227 was fo ur beller th an Hreezy Hend 's lhreesome of Alan Mahon, Don Forsyth and C al Finch. Leading the way for victorious Elmhurst was Nick Mickoski with a solid round of 7 1. In the ne t category, St, C harles #2 and SI. Honiface tied for low sco re wi th 2 12 totals, however, SI. Churl es came QUi on top in a cou nt back. Team me mbers were Ke n MeC harles, Don Bromwell and John Garwood . HO.'1smere's team of(I.. -R) SCOIf Parker, I?ob McMillan, Da,.,.yl E"II.~ alld Rich Sobkowi(,/, caplllred the d ty junior inler-d ub title, Junior Inter-Club At Bel Ac res on August 3. 14 city and eight rural teams did battle for the Junior Inter· C lub Championship. In the ci ty div ision, Ross mere captured top honors wi th a 335 tOlal while IIreezy Bend finished second at 339. Winning team members were Scott Parker, Rob McMillan, Darryl Enns and Rich Sobkowich. In lhe rural category, Wheat City's team of Dean Oakdean, Jason Sween ey, Jaso n Thorpe and Jody C hudley finis hed six strokes ahead of runner· up Dauphin, Low ind ividua l scores in the I.ournament went to Sa nd y Hook 's De rek Ingram at 75 and Steinbach's Tim Ramsey at 77. p 'I' M KEU. BAveo' Golf Course Accessories Rural jllllior ;flfer·c/ul) lilleistJ' were Bronc/Oil Wheat City's Dean OokdetU/. jwwII Swalley. Jason Thorpe (Ind Jody Chu(J/ey. • BALL WAS HERS • HOLE CUTTERS • G REEN CUPS • WAT ER COOLERS • TEE MARKERS • GREENS SPEEDMETERS • SIGNS • AND MORE An All -Canadian made line of golf course accessories now be ing manufactured in Winnipeg, Manitoba. BA Y BRONZE INDUSTRIES LTD. 200 Logan Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba TEL: (204)633-5650 FAX: (204)633-6119 45 Tournament tips for finishing first When successful golfers slep up 10 Ihe flrsl Icc in ~m impol1:anl match or toumsmcnl, Ihey will have already played Ihe mOSI crilical rounds - the pructiee sessions. The clubs to use from each tee nnd the subsequenl shOIS huve been meliculously delelmined during Ihe practice rounds each golfer lukes. 1110 match or tounlUmcnl is merely n mUlier of executing lhol predelennined game plnn. For local golf professionals Pat O'Oonnellllnd J im ollins, pacing Ihe course is the mosl imponanl USpecl ofthe pl1lclice rounds, ",ls involves dClcmlining th. distance to Ihe fronl oflh. green from their tee shot tUld vari ous landmarks. 1l1is infonnation is written in a log book which slllys wilh Ihem du ri ng the golfers check the bounds markers. While O' Donnell does not want 10 know whal is beyond the markers (" h could make me fearful in a JX.llcntiaJ situalion and cause me to get ncrvou . . I need to be relaxed at nil times."), Coll ins likes 10 know because il helps him delennine whelhcror nOlto use aclub which may bea linle riskier. On un unfamiliar collrse. practi ce rounds help detennine whether il is belter 10 include additional woodsor irons among Ihe 14 clubs allowed (a shoner a pr..lclice round on the coursen week course means more irons. especially when combined wi th narrow fairways whi ch earlier so he can plan hi' play. " II'I requi re Ihe accuracy of irons); whelhcrthe location of bunkers aJ'l'eels club selection; and whelhenhe greens are large or small. After pacing the tee and second shors, tOllnlwnc nt . the men puce the greens to dClcnnine their " I know wilhin three or four yards how far Ihe ball will go with each club," says O' Oonnell, the Maniloba PGA Player of the Vear for flveoflhe lasl six years. During Ihe pruclice rounds, I delemline if I deplh. This is crilical in helping dClennine the approach shol. A quick check of surrounding bunkers is made and infomlalion written in Ihe log book. " Iflhcgreens are slow, il docs nOt mailer where I hillhe ball on them," states O' Donnell . "Iflhey are fasl, then I have to be below the hole." ollins poinrs oUllhat Ihe pin placementsduring a tournament can often be in moredifficull SPOIS than during the am over-driving with u pUl1icuinrclub. whelher I will go 10 ,mother one, and if it Is wonh taking chances by using one club mther than another," For three-lime Manit ba PGA winner ollins, pacing isimpoT1tmt because the varied size greens, especially the smallcr ones, make il hard 10 judge dislllnee and scleetthe righl club. "I mighl hil,driver and an iron lUld then sec what my position from the green is 10 delennine which gives me a bellersccolld shol. I will only change Illy tee shot club during the toum"lmelll if condilionschange." During the practice rounds, bout He only likes one practi ce r lind and the Pro Am evenl before competing. Onlhe other hand, ollins IikeSio play practice sessions. '" hit PUliS 10 ull four c11mers of the green from Ihe centre l<¥Jking for tricky rolls. Somelimes thcre is grain on Ihe green and the ball rolls quicker in Ihat direction, so I mark that in my yardage booklel." O' Oonnell will sian a month berore a loun1lunenll0 "practice 10 my potential" by hilling onc (Jrtwo bags ofbaUs four limes a week and pillYthree time, a week . dis(;()Vcrlhecolirse requircsn 101ora pan iell lar Iype of sll 1, 1will practice thai shol nliltlc more than usual during the nex t week. Olherwise,l follow a bulanced practice schedule." Once Ihe praclice rounds are over, bOlh g Ifers have, rouline bel..", leeingofffor a tournament. O'Oonnelilikes to be alone, cal breakflL" and read a newspaper before n!U(;hing the first lec. " ~ I don't want tOlalk golf." " I visualize Ihe game before I even go Ihere - what clubs I will use and how Ihe shots wi II go," repons 0 11 ins. " II ike 10 be allhe course 60 minules before ICC time. "I psych rnysclrupduring Ihis lime. I like 10 pmclice chipping and pUlting. 'The putting green is a confidence building lime and I sink easy PUliS10 accomplish this. I Ihen praelice my fi rsl shol oflhc day and, as soon as I hil one thai is perfeel, I SlOp. ForO' Oonnell and Collins try ing Iheir best to win meanscare ful prcparutioll whicll consisl'\ of plent y of practice and mak ing good use or Ihe practice rounds. ~ B.W. Stapleton & Son Ltd. Excavating - Levelling - Loading Landscape Shaping. Specializing in Golf Courses WORKING TO ANY DI1:SIGN, VOURS OR MINE ' TO BUILD A NEW COMPLETE COURSE OI-nO UPDATE THE OLDER ONi': CALL - DON STAPLETON Phone 832-1713 221 Wallasey 46 st. - Wlnnip g, Man, R3J 3C2 OVER LOOKING NIAKAWA GOLF CLUB the astle on the Seine Enjoy gracious tranquil living in one of Winnipeg's mma prestigious buildings. SUUlding at the marbled Cl1lrance, it is easy to imagine that you have been transported back in time. THE CASTLE is truly an addrc" of distinction, why not make it you",! For appointment Monday to Friday, caJI 338-037 1. After 5 and weekends c.II 668-55 18 oI' 256-8R62. r& . energy effioen ' t "Elcclrlclly. Yoorramllydesemsohei>es'''. Edison Rental A gency 111 0 Henderson H wy. 338-037 1 ' - - - - -- ~ L E A D E R B I'IXX \I \'\11011 \ 01'1'\ Mn1c h play tinals (Flrsl nlg hl) 72 hull's. Sourhwoo{/ Gol/ and COllI/try Cillb , .lilly 7· 10, 1988 , Dnve IlnlT Brian HUllon Mike Grub Dnve Peege Gordon Smith Ge ne Elliull Chip John sun Jack Kay Jr, Corlus Espinu", Adnm Kilsc Keith Pnl'ker Dllvitl Tentis Phillip IIntchen Gi l Verri er. Transcontlllcfcat cd Dave 69·69·66·66 •. 270 6M·67·6M·68 .. 27 1 70·64·67·71 ·· 272 71·68·68·67 •• 274 67·68·69·7 1 ·· 275 71·67·68·69 ·· 275 70·65·68· 72 ·· 275 71·67·70·67 ··275 68· 71·69·67 ·· 275 70·68·70·69 ·· 277 68·67·72·70 ·· 277 66·70·7 1·70 ·· 277 68·69·69·7 1 ·· 277 (A mAteurs) Todd Funning G len I i nalilik Garlh Coll ings Glenn Co llins B ruce North 75·67-68·72 •• 71·69·72·71 ·· 74·68·71 ·71 ·· 71·69·77·73 ·· 70· 70·77·77 ·· 282 283 284 290 294 I ,/xX \I \ '\ I I 0 II \ \ \I \I I I I{ Anderson, Breezy Bend. 4 lind 3. (Seco nd nigh I) StulU'1 NUliss. Tculon dcfcutcd Grant Couller. Bnmdon. 5 nnd 4, (Third IlI ghl) Lom e Jami son. Elm hurst defeated Mo rt MOss. Edmon ton. I up . (Fourlh IlIgh l) Ui ll Keams, Elmhurst defeated Ri ch Sobkowich. Rossmcrc. I lip. Wlllin gdon Cup Tcu fIl Trittls I'ille Ridxe, Jllly 23·24,'1988 , I llc/Ildes 72 hole 10W /Sfrom M(lfIilObo Anlllleur (* I/tlmed 10 Witli"gdofl CliP team) • Jeff Helper, Glend"le 294·69·70 •• 433 "'Gllrlh Coll ings. Breezy Bend 293· 71·70 ·· 434 "'Glenn Collins. 51. C harles 296· 73·69 •• 438 · JeIT Llliley, Elmhurst 294· 72· 72 ·· 438 Jim Doy le. Sandy Hook 295·73· 71 ·· 439 Ouve McMi llan, Rossmcrc 295·73·75 •• 443 72 holes, Bel Ac,.es Golf and Countty CI"blElmhurst Golf and COIlIlf l'y Cillb. Ron Wilson, Breezy Bend .llIlv 18·2 1, 1988, MOil Poleschuk, Elmhurst 292·72·80 .• 444 . C homp lonshlp nl ghl *Kcvin Buker. St. harles 72·75·68·7 1 ·· 286 ROil Wilson, BreelY Bend 72· 73· 73· 74 •• 292 Gatlh Collings. Breezy Bend 77·72·72·72 ·· 293 Jeff Lailey. Elmhurst 75· 76·69·74 ·· 294 Jim Doyle. Sundy Hook 73·70·77·75 ·· 295 Dave McMi ll an, Ross merc 75· 72·71·77 ·· 295 O lelln Coll ins. 51. ctmrlcs 76· 71·77·72··296 MUll Polcsc huk. Elmhurst 77· 72·76·73 ·· 298 DUn Scunlun. John Blumberg 72·72·79· 76 ·· 299 Cnrl Lechmlln. Rossmcrc 75·74·76·75 ·· 300 DOll o 29M·72·76 •• 446 Don Loewen, Rossmcre 30 1·76·73 . • 450 Scott Porker, Rossmore 30 1·75·74 •• 450 Carl Lechman. Rosslllcre TelTY More, Elmhurst 300·78·73 .. 451 303·73·75 .• 451 Dan Scan lan. John B l umberg 299·76·76 •• 45 1 Rob Oliphont, Rossmore 303·75·75 ·· 453 Totid Teplitski. Pine Ridge 303·79·76 •• 458 Wurren SCOII. St. Boniruce 303·79·77 .• 459 Todd Funning. Southwood 302·83·75 ·· 460 Rob MacDona ld, mm hursl 303·82·77 •• 462 Rob Tod. Rossmere 302·80·85 ·· 467 I'IXN \1\'\11011 \ 1\ '\IOll Loewen. Ross more 75· 76·76·74 ·· 301 Sc.:Otl Parker. Rossmcre 76·72·77·76 ·· Tudd Funning. South wood 75· 75· 75· 77 •• Rub Too, Rossmcre 74· 70·78·80 ·· Rob MllcDonuld. Elmhurst 79· 75·76·73 •• Rub OlipiHUli. Rossmc re 8 1· 73·75·74 ·· 30 1 302 302 303 303 72 holes, Selkirk Golf mid COlillfry C/IlI!i Rossmere Cowury Club . July 11 · 14 . 1988 . SCOIl Parker. Rossmcre 75·74·76·74 ·· 299 Colin Drcwc. Sou thwood 74·73·75·78 •• 300 Rich Sobkowich. Russl11crc 69·79·77· 77 .• 302 Dule Goehring. Breezy Bend 70· 80·78· 77 .. 305 W arren SCOIl. 51. Bon iface Ru ss Romllniuk. Elmhurst 77· 74·77-75 ·· 303 Todd TeplilSki. Pine Rid ge 80· 72· 74· 77 •• 303 Terry More, Elmhursl 74· 73·74·82 ·· 303 74· 76·80· 78 •• 308 Darren McMillun. Rossmcre 73·78·78· 80 •• 309 Jun Braun, Ninkwa 78·77.81 · 74 ·· 310 * 110 1 eliRible for t('am trials 48 A R D Darryl Enns, Ros. mcre 79·76·81 ·76 ·· 311 Andy Nemirorr, SOUlhwood 72·82·79· 7'1 .. 312 BTUd Polesc huk. 'rhompson 78·73-80·82 .. 3 J3 Jeff Lai ley, Elmhurst 7~ · 79- M4-76 · · 314 Shune McCanney, Cannan 75·~3·~ 1 ·75·· 314 Bruce McDonald, Summcrlell. PQ 78·79·80·78 .• 3 15 Jason Sweeney, Wheat ity 76·79·81)·79 .• 3 15 Gurden Lee, Kitchen Creek 70 •. 316 Rob McMillan, Rossmere 79 _. 3 17 Greg Solmundson. Charleswood 77-84·8 1·78 .. 320 Ni gel W yer, Thompson 79·82· 78·MI ··320 Geoff Bumstead , Southwood 76 ·· 32 1 Rob Doucette, Dnuphin 77-8 1·85·79 ·· 322 Junior Team Trials Pille Ridge, Jilly 16· 17 , 1988 , Incilides 72 hole totals/min Manitoba JUI/ ;or . (,* juveniles 16 and IIndt'r) (a named tn j,,";nr l('Om) (h namcd 10 jl,,'cl/ile leam) (c spol/sored j uvenile.1f 10 Calladiall JIIII ;or Clwmpioll!lliip) (d flamed to team/or Maniwha -Min nesotu m(ltches.) lid - Scott Parker. Ross mere 299·78·72 •. 449 u d • Colin Drewe. SOUlhwood 300·76·73 ·· 449 ad · Ri ch Sobkowich, Rossmere 302·75·75 .• 452 '* 11 b d - Dale Goehring , Breezy Bend 305·80·75 ·· 460 d · Jon Hmun, Niakwn 310· 73·79·· 462 d • Brad Polescl uk . Thompson 313·80·74 ·· 467 d • Russ Romaniuk , Elmhurst 308· 79-K3 .. 470 ... a b d • Jerf Lailey, Elmhurst 314-H I·76 ·· 471 D"rry l Enns. Rossmere 311·RI·SI · - 473 ... h c - Andy Nemiru fr. South woOO 312·M4·78 ·· 474 ... be · Darren McMill an. Rnssmere 309·87·79 ·· 475 Jason Sweeney, Wheat City 315·8 I·MI ·· 477 I"XX \1 \ ,\111111 \ ~I '\lllll 54 holes. Breezy Bend Cnlllltry Cluh . AIIRII.I" 9· 11 , 1988. (55.59 age grllu p) x- D on Fursy th. Breezy Bend 77-72· 71 ·· 220 x·Jim Doy le. Sandy Hoo k 76· 72· 75 -· 223 Alan Mahon. Breezy Bend 76· 72· M2 •• 230 Ron Castelane, Niakwa 76·76·7M ·· 230 Smiley M eronek, SI. Charles A lben Olson. Breezy Bend 82-74-77 -- 233 Pete Perrick, T rnmCOll 1l 78-79·77 -- 234 Ben Pellac k. Pine Ridge 82-73·80 -- 235 (60-64 nge MrouP) It -M alt Desaulni ers, Ehnhurst 76-75-72 -- 223 It -Gord Lenl on, Pine Ridge 80-72-74 -- 226 X-Marty Malcov ish. Blumbe rg . 80-73-74 -- 227 Orvul Fumugh, Nink wn 82-77-78 -- 237 Bill Hornel·. Brec 7.Y Bend 87-74-77 -- 238 Mike Li nl 11,51. Ronifllce H2 -79-77 -- 238 ( 65 - 6~ oge group) Barrie Sanders. Carman 79-77-77 ·- 235 Ru ~s Jones. SI. Boni fucc M5-76-77 -- 23K Bud Meckl ing, Be l Acres 8 1-78-8 1 -- 240 Jim I, aae, 51. horle, 77-86-77 -- 240 Cec Durnin, Breezy Bend 85-78-78 -- 241 (70 1)lus - 36 holes) Smiley Meronek. SI. Churles 76-75 .. 15 1 Ha rry Crilehley. Soulh wood 83-78 -- 16 1 Lyle Bishor . Tue,un . Ari z. 82-84 -- 166 Jac k Bolander. Soulhwuud 86-86 -- 172 Duh Munde ll. Whenl Cil Y 87-85 -- 172 ()' -qlwliji('d lor Mcw itomlteam at C(Uwdhlll Seniors. OCll'tmolllh . NS) I')XX.I \I I, III \11{ \11 \101(1 \1 \I\I( 111'1" (II\\II'U"SIIII' 36 hnle qualifying. St. Charln Cowwy CI" b/Wiltl ,",,,nd GoIf CI"h. May 28-29. /98R . Malch play iillals Niakwa COllI/ frY CI"b. JIIIII' 9· /6. 1988. (Quollrylng rounds) 75-70 Terry More. Elrnhu rsl Rob Oliphonl . Rossmere 73-73 Da ve l..IIv nllee. Pine Ridge 73-75 Colin Drewe. Southwood 73-75 Kev in Ni chol son, Bel Acres Seotl Parker. Rossmere ..--- 145 146 14R Gera ld M orrissey. Rossmcrc 75 -76 -- 151 Je lT lI elper. Glendale 72-79 -- 15 1 C::a rl Lec hmun. Rossmcrc 79-74 -- 153 Bob Brnun . Niuk wu 76-77 -Darcy Furbe r. Pine Ridge 73-80 -Michnel Ban ville. SI. Charles 77-77 -Dale Goehring. Bree7.Y Bend 77-77 -Rob Loewen. Rossmere 70-84 -(Failed til qualify) Mark All en. SOluhwuod 80-76 -Dllv i<l Klowuk. Windsor 7 1-85 -Bl nir Neu l. Kildonun R2-75 -Mall Polesc huk . Ell11hu rsl 7H-79 -Dun McNeill. Niak wa 82-76 -Olin SC linl on. Blu mberg 77-8 1 -KC!11 Wurwick. Niakwa 83-76 -- 153 153 154 154 154 156 156 157 157 158 158 159 159 159 159 Curl Te plilski. Pine Ridge 82-77 -I n>on Grus hak. Selkirk 79-80 -Dcll n SlOwe li. 51. Boniface 79-80 -(Moteh 1)loy nnol) Jeff He lper. Glendal e defelll ed Terry More. Elmhurst. 3 und 2. / 8 hole altrma/r ,1thot, St. OO"iface Golf (Runner -up) CII/h . A"8I/s, 30. 19fifi. (Futher ond sa o) "A" Gross I. Cnrl and Todd TeplilSki 75 2. Jim and POI Doyle 79 I. Don and Tim Slone 68 1/2 Net 2. Gord and ronl Rnth we ll 70 " B" G ross I. LeI' and Les li e Martens 88 2. Pat and Tim Coughlin 88 Net I . Bob an(\ Brinll Dltvis 72 2. Howie an(\ Ilowil; Mc Ni eoll 72 1/2 (I")nrent Rnd child) J. Ed and An gela Mar1 t! ns 82 G ross Molnzdrewi cz G ross M erlene lind Robyn Nellerri C!ld Nel MLlfg Styles and JOlln Todd 73 1/2 93 Kun Geree ke K3 Brad Shorlen 88 DUllne Shnrpc RX (Olher Icnm scores) Pine Ridge 346 50ulhwood 34K Ninkw n 349 51. Hnnifllce 352 Chnrleswood 356 G lendal e 36 1 St. ChorlC!s 366 Ass ini boi ne 367 13e l Acres 378 F.lmhu rsl 3KO Pro John Bower AJ'I'latcurs - Bill Boivi n l)e nni s Smith T erry W ardrop (Rurul ehnmplon) Wh en t C ity 334 (First runner-ul) Tu ltcd o Gol f Co urse 150 points (Second runn er-III) K cnora Golf & Cou nlry Iub 145 points Jody Biloll s 87 1988 . Bob Gcnoway, MinnCwllstll 75-74 -- 149 Bill NOrlh . Cnrman Kevin Bnuer. Se lk irk Jamie Stone, Minnedosn 75-75 -- 150 75-75 -- 150 orlll i1n 75-76 -- 15 1 79-73 -- 152 ----- 152 153 153 154 82 -72 -- 154 (Seniors' <Il vlslon ) Barrie Sanders, Cann on 83 -76 -- 159 M erv yn Mini sh. Swan Ri ver R5 -76 -- 16 1 Roy M in ish. SWIIJ1 River 80-H3 -- 163 Ray Rempe l. Sie in blich Frank LilY. Se lkirk 87-83 -- 170 87-84 -- 17 1 I')XX Illl I I'lll SS I'lIll ·( 1111 1\11 'SI 18 hole.\'. St. Charles COlllltry CIII/} .fllne 2~. /98H . ' Juson Sweeney 79 hud ley 90 Jnson Yat es 85 Jason II rynk iw ~1I (Oth er team scurcs) Su ndy H ook )5 1 Cunnnn 357 36 holes. llee/a GoIIC(J Ilr.rie. August 7-8. 80-72 76-77 76-77 80-74 Dell n Ou kdcn 79 Jus"n Thorpe 86 Jody (Runner -up ) I)nuphln 340 Rob Doucett e 7R I')XX \1 \ " I()II \ I{I I{ \1 \\1 \ II I Il ~I "Oil ( II \\II'I()'SIIII' Dean Nonh. (C it y el11l1l1plulI) Ross mere 335 Seoll PMker 79 Rob M cMillan RI Darryl Enns t<6 Rich obkowich X9 ( Runn er -UI) Tom Prntt 80 (C hompion) l'inawlI Golr C lub 159 poln(s Bruce North. Cannan Robert Corne ll. Wasngnming Daniel RacicOi. Se lkirk Ken Grove. Se lkirk 79 Breezy Bend 339 18 holes. (Stahleford System) /II;flkw" COIII/,ry CII/b. AI/R'W 2. 19fi8. aml fln Tim Crom nrty - 70 Dob Bingham Ken G rove - 79 /8 h (J le.~ . IJt>1 A('f'('s Golf atld COllllfry Cluh , Augllsl 3, 1988. I \11\ I I 'S II \\ll'llO · \\1 Bmd Reimer. Selkirk #1 22H 72 1/2 2. Gerry und G loria Allfor<l (Mother Dod I)oughter) (Rural chaml)i on) C arman # 1 225 Bruce North - 69 Rie l Blight - 74 Barrie Sonders - 82 (Runner-up) I'IXX \I \ " I()II \ II "()Il I'llll ·( 1111 Pnl ahniuk I . Pat and Jim Nel SI. Charles # t 222 Cavi n Spiers - 73 Bob Dunbar - 7~ Ulenn Co ll ins - 76 83 2 . Art Sl11i lh and Lynda 14R 75 -74 -- 149 71-7R -- 149 G le nn Collins. SI. Churles 7R -72 -- I ~O Dave Anderson. Breezy Bend 76-74 _. 150 (CUy ctlllllll)ion) Pine Ridge #1 2U Duve Luvullcc - 70 G len Iin utiu k - 7 1 Darcy Furber - 72 'Ollill \\IIIW \ , 1111 1\\111 \ ( II \\II'IC"SIIII' 79-76-75 -- 230 Pine Falls 365 Thompson 3R6 Sie inbuch 368 Se lki rk 387 I')XX \1 \ " 101\ \ SI "Oil I'll Il · C I I II / 8 holes . Selkirk Golf and en/l",,.V Cluh AI/HI/Sf 26. 1988 .' (Luw gross chumpion) Elmhurs( # I 227 Mult Desall iniers 78 Frank Borowski 7H Nick M ickoski 7 1 (Luw gross runner-III) Hr.ezy Bend 23 1 Alan Mlihon 75 0 0 11 Forsy th 76 en l Finch 80 ("ow nel chnrnplun) St. Churles #2 2 12 K en M cWill imns 69 Don Browne ll 71 Johrl Gurwoud 72 (Low net r unn er-up) St. !loolfnee 2 12 Dn ve Keep 67 Mike Linton 7 1 Illude Ilissonncl\ c 74 49 Past Manitoba Champions MANITOBA OPEN 19J I ~ Uric HUll uislcr, St. Charl es 1932 R,J. Reith. Ass ini hoinc 1933 · Hu d Donovan . NinkwtI 1914 R,J. Reith , ASNi niboi nc 19 1~ · R.J. Re ilh , Alisiniboinc I t) ] 6 · Kasrn i r Zubowski , Pine Kidgl! 1\) .n · A rthur Lll nd . 51. hll rk s 193K - Klllllll ir Zubowsk l, Pi lle Ridge 1\}]\) - Knsmir Zubowski. PI IICRidge 11)40 - Art Lund, SI. ('hfld e!! 1941 · Al lIIn DoclI, South w ood 1942 - GCl'lmrd Kclltlccl y. SI. Charles 1943 - A ll an Rncs , Sou th wood 1944 · A llan Boell, South wood 1 94 ~ ('Illude Shockcll . St. Bon ifnce 1946 - Joc Tnchun , Elmhurs t 1947 - Hnrold Eid svig. Pine Kidgc 11}4H - A ll IIn !J oel!, Sout hw ood 11)41) - ii nroid IJi dsv ig. Pine Ridge I1J50 - R.J. Keit h, A ssl niboinc 11)5 1- Jue Tudml1 , EhnlHII'sl 19.5 2 - Hum id Eidsv ig. Nh,kw!\ 1953 - Len ]tum:y. SI. C li lll'lc,~ 1954 Lcn lhu'Yc ),. Ass lnihoine: 1955 · !-I nrol d E id ~ v i g. Pine R idge 19S6 · Ey Stuatl , Duluth I Q~ 7 · J oe Tnchun. Elmhu rst 195H- Ge:orge Knudson. Toront o 19.W - (icorl;c KnudsulJ . Turul1 li) 196U - Gcorge KIIIHJson. Toronto 1\)6 1 - Wl lrJ lOll1cl1u ik , Olelldu le 1962 A l vic ThompsOIl . To ronto 1963 - Du)' !un 0 111011 . Mill ilcapo lis 19M A l vle Thompson. Toron to 1965 · M oe Norman . Toront o 1966 · M oe Normti li . Toron to 1967 Moe Norman . Toronto 1968 · A lyie Thompson. Toron to I 9ti9 - Mi ke Reasor. Cnlifumln 1~7 U - Gllr)' Pitchford . Toronto 197 1- Jo hn Ell iut. Jr. , Flurld!! 1972 · Wilf llolllt:I1U ik, Whw il}t!tI, I 97J - Onr Il lI mllt ol) , TurUII!O 1974 - Bill Tupe. Kitchener 1\)75 - Bd U)'nuHI . Mcxi(.;u 11)76 - Klchard EhuHllllllrn ut , SI. Pll ul 1977 · Dan f 11I11"OI'sl)n . OouSlus. MB 197K· Dan Halldoflion, Shi lo. M U I 979 - Jc rr)' Anderson . Scarborough. ON I IJKO - Hob Cox , Kk hmolllJ , DC 19H I - DUn Croonqui st. SI. Puul 1YH 2 - K ell )' Murru)'. VIII1C(lUVer I Y8 3 · Dunll (llldorsul1 , Orlilidon 19R4 - Dun Hli li durson, Brandon 1985 - Kobbic Ph ill ips, J;II.: ksul1 ·s rt.. ON 1986 · Dul> Punas lk . Windsor, ON 1987 · Oli ve IliIrr. KIHHHHUk is, A A 1988 DAve B arr. K n n ll n as ki ~. A B MANITOBA A MATEUR 1922 - A,J. Wi lson. Pine Ridge 1923 · J.T . C Ulh hcl'l , Winn ipeg 1924 - F.F. Tribe . Norwood 1925 · J.T. Cuthhert . Norwood 192(i - C, R os~. Somme rville. London . ON 1927 - C.L. ll uglllulI . Ntllkwa I nH · A.C. MucW ill1 uT1Is , C!i mhursl 11)29 - A .C. M UI.:Wl lli uJUs, El mhu rst 1930 - D,N. A rnuu . Assiniboinc 193 1 - D.N. ArnoH. Assinl bulnc 1932 - R,J, Rei th . Assiniboinc 1933 · R,J. Reith . Ass inihoh' e 1934 - A.A. (Sandy) Weir. W l nn lp~l!I Beach 1935 - RJ . Reith . A s~ in ihoi n e 191ti - RJ . Reith , Ass ini boine 1Y37 - R.J. Reith , Ass inihoi nc 193M- Ernie Pulmer. South wood 1939 - Ern ie Pulmcr. South wood 1940 - J luwunillullllcll . SU Lltll wood 194 1 - Ali nn LJ oes. South wood 1942 · lI uwurd OCI1I1 CIl , South WOOd 1943 · A ll ;iTl Does. SOuth wood 1944 · Allan Docs, Sou th wood 1945 · CllIIrlie Woods. Ni:lk wli 1946 · ll arold Eids 'l ig. Pine Ridgo 1947 · !-Iliroi d E id svl g. Pine Ridge 194M · All ull Hoes, South wood 1949 · Mi ke Pldl aski .St. Boniface 1 1,) ,~ O - Mike Pidla,ki . SI. Uoniface I t)5 1- Bill Budd. k Ilonifuee 1952 - M el'v Moxley . Niakwa 195 3 - Ro), Kepron. Elmhu rst I Y54 - Jnck Jueobs. Turunto 1955 - Rod McCull{K h. AssinilJoinc 1956 · Wilf Homcnu lk . e. lmhu rst 19S7 - Wi lf11 ulllullu lk . Elmhu rst 1958 · DOn Oardlle r. Ninkwa 1959 · Ron Piddle r, St, Roni fa ce 1960 · Bill Pjell nskl . Elmh urst 1')6 1 - 'I'ed Il ulTltm uik . Ru::;~ n l\: rc 1962 - Ron ridd le r, I2ll11h urst 1963 · Uill Pidl liSki , Bl lIlh ul'st 1964 . Don Ale,ll IHlde r. Nlukwu 1965 - B IlI'r)' M cK enzie, Ross mere 1966 · Nick Mick nsk i, F. l m hu r~ t \9(,7 . Te rr)' More . Sout hwood 196R · Barr), C hipka, ROSN llle re 1969 - Tedl-Iome nui k. Ehl1hurst 1970 - David Krucik , Elmhu rst 197 1- Gary Kullmnn , Kossmcre I'J72 - S te ve IJrinnutync . Russllu:n: 1973 · Gur), Kullm llll . I{ussnlcte 1\); 4 - Steve OIUHl III ),II'!, Rossltlcre 1975 Jl ln Do)' le. Elmhurst 1976 - Oar), Kulln1 lln. Rossmere 1971 · Ted Il ome nul k. Elmh urst 1978 - Bill Purker. Elmh urst 1979 - Bill Pllrker. Blmhu rst 19HO- C rllig D eurden. Glendale Il)X I - Dan SCllnl on . lIter z), Ucnd 19X2 - Bill Purker. Urccz)' lIc nd 11} !! 3 - I-'Ul D o)' I ~ . Sll nd y Il ook I 9X4 - Todd Fllnn i ng. South wood II)M5 - Te rr), IlushirnolO. SI. Churlcs 1986 - 0 1en l lllll li uk, Pi nc Ri(l ge 19M7 - Gurth Coll ings. IJ reez)' Be nd 1988 - Keyi n a uk-cr, St, Charles MANI T OBA SENIOR 1966 - Jim M cK end ry . Niukwu 11)67 · Pred Adums. St. Boniface 1968 · /1. 111111 Ooes. South wood 1969 - Lcs EVUIIS , ROSSlm: rc 1970 0 111 Pinnigcr. F.1 mhu rst 197 1 • JIlck Qardner. Pine Ridge: 19 72 - H urr)' Critchley. Breez)' Bend 1973 · 1-I:II'r), Critchley . Rreez)' Bend 1974 - HarryC rite hley. Bree z)' Bend 1975 - HurryCri tchle y. Ureez)' Bcnd 1976 - Frcd On o, St. Charles 1977 - Bill Pidl aski. J:;l mhurst 197M - Uill Pid laskLl2lrll hurst 1979 - Hurr), Crl t(.;h le)"Sou th wood 19RO· Harr), C ritehl c), . Sou th wood 19K I - Sm i ley Merunt: k. St, Churlcs 1982 - Oord Lent un, Pi ne Ridge/Se lkirk 1983 · Nl (.;k Mickoskl. El lI\h ur~ t 1984 . Smile)' Mcrnnck, St. Charles 1985 · Rarrie Snn d e r ~ . CnrnHlII 1986 - Don McNeill , Ni nkwa I 9R7 - Oord Le nt on. Pi nc Ridge 1988 0 011 Pors),lh . Rrce/)' Rcnd MANITOBA JUN I OR 1942 - l2mll Uc uul;he mln 194 3 - Di ll Brown 1944 - Cu1TIM il lcr 194 5 · Bill )' Ru)' 194 6 0 0 11 Oatdncr 1947 Oill )' Ro)' 1948 - Do n I·Iowe: 194'1 - OM Gtl rdne r 19;'iU - K en Toland 195 1- JimDo)' le I \)52 - Tom McDougll l1 1953 - Alun Pullcnsun 1\)54 - O eorge K nudson 1955 - Ocurt,le Knudsun 1956 Dun Atk;n sun 1957 • Don Boes 1958 DOII Atkln"ol1 I9;'l Q· l1 oh Ounhar. Niuk wa 1% 0 - Pctcr Bnll . South wood 196 1 Je rr)' Moore, ~ou th wood 1962 - Jerr)' Moore:. South wood 1963 - Je rr)' Hanovich, Pine Ridge 1964 - Terr), M ore. So uth WOOd I Y65 - David Hill . South wood 1966 - Duyjd Il ill , Suu thwood 1967 - Duvid I l ill , South wuod 1968 - M . Drn o vue. Thunder BII)' 1969 - Murk Shushrick , Thulldcr Rn)' 1970 · Dan Hll ll dorson. Brandon 197 1- JohIlK ropp, Niakwll 1972 - Craig Dcarden . Elmhu n t I ()73 - Durrell McDonold. Niukwa 1974 - 11111 Purke r, Nl ll kwil 1975 · Durrel l M cDoIIUld , NiakwlI 11)76 - Doug Il oweli. John Blum berg 1977 - Pete r Ilu)'es. Rossme re ]978 - Pcter Ilu),cs. RO!lslllcre 1979 · Todd TCJllltski , Pille Ridsc 1980 Brill nB aeft, St, Aolli rncc 198 1 - Murc Chumbcrl llnd. Brceq Rent! 1982 - Cralg Kinci rnt, Selkirk l i)l:I3 - D llyid Wh ite. Sout hwood 19M · Todd Funni ng. South wood I 9K ~ - Todd Fun ning. South wood 1'.186 - Scot! Pnrke r. Kossmere 19K7 - Jeffl·lelper. Glenda le 198M- Scutt Purke r. Russntcrc Computelland·, the official,supplier of computer hardware and software to the Manitoba Golf ASSOCiation, extends best wishes for a successful season, to all Manitoba golfers. 50 \ \ \ Tile/allowing pages repres eIH alpilabetiCallisti/1~ a/ tile 80 golf courses ill Manitoba a Nortllwestern Ontario wilicli currelltly members of tlie Manitoba Goi/Associatio complete with course descrip in terms 0/ lenlltli , par, rati and 10catio/1 , we tfllst our Dir will be all ideal guide as you your excursions around our provincial golfing para ASB"RN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 9 holes CA RTWR IGBT GOLF CLUIl COTTONWOOI> GOLI' CLU O () hn les Dis tances: 2H4l,l Yllrrl ~ ( Blue) 2619 Yllrdll ( While) Par : 36 (M en) :\6 (Ludics) Uistnncc: 27IXI yurds 9 holes Ol 'l tlllu~ c : 27 ho les Pur : 33 ( Men) 37 (Ladies) Roling : 65 .5 (Mon) 68 (Lad le,) n ux 1l22. Uuisscyulll, Mn ROK OEO 534·2365 Uux .tt? Ashern. MB ROC O~O 768·.1 137 / ,(), '(lff'(J OIl Prm'hwlal JIIRltwU)' I/O , 18() "111 801SSEVAIN GOLf' CLU U /...0<,>,,(('(/24 Am lIorlh 0/ USICa/uula hordn all Pmv'",:,al Highway 1110. 264 kill sOIll/tw('sr of Wif/l/ i,u' ~ ' /If"" }, (JfWit"' i')t·~,jm( ,w mlfl 0/ Asherl/ , BREEZY IlEND COUNTRY CLU Il ASS INIIlOI E GOLF CLUB 18 h ole.~ IJlslllnces: l) hillel! Ol'ilnnce: 3 131 )'urds Pur : 36 (Men) 38 (Lud ics) RlIlIlI~ : 69 ( M ~ II ) 73 (l.ndiclI) nOli: 216, SI. JlJlllts P.O. Winnipeg. M8 R3.1 3R4 889·6225 80x 32. R.R.#2 Winnipeg. MB R3C 2E6 632·1134 1 I..oc(I(I'(/4 .8 km 1101',11 (}/Willll'rU'N'X Perimt!lerlllHhway Oil SIt/ rgeon Rouli (NUl'St''') , Rating: Ruli ng: 6ft (Men) 70 (Ludie)o) CARMAN GOLF CLUB 18 holes lJlstonce: 5~5H ynrds liar: 70 (Men) 72 ( Ludles) Rolin" : 67 (Men) 7 1.S (Ll,di es) Uux 11 11 , Ctrnmn, Mil ROG OJO 745· 2366 wc:a/ft/ 80 km sowl/west of Whmilu'g 011 Prnvim:iallllghwclY #.1 . ~ ~=~ ~ CB ARLESWOOI) GOLF LUll Dista nce: 3034 yards I'nr: 35 (Men) 38 (Ladl es) III Ht!lIlU"NIt!y. Blue · 72 (Mell) 75 (Ladies) H('{/ (,Oil/'S,' u!C" I',wrfg llt wI/it'll is 180 J.m (If til(' j llflf' lirm of Iligllwo),.\- 1I3 (ImI 1l5 . '-ur: Whil e - 12 (Mtm) 73 (Ladles) of Willl/IIJeR' ,\' Perimell'r HiHhway 6482 yurds (While) Pur: White · 72 (Men) 73 (Lnd ies) Rilling : While · 7 1 ( Men) 72 (Lndics) wt'.\'/ sO/l(II11'('sI of Winllipt'g. Y holes DlslullccS: Oi~ t llnccs : nhn' nmr~'e ,3164 Yflrds( Blue) · 3043 ynrd!> (White) Whllt' W/jI'M~ ·31M6 yards ( Blue) -3033 yards (White) 6272 ynrds (White) 18 holes 674 1 yurds (Blue) ROK OLO 529· 2260 Lnr(lfrt/ OI"lixhway #3. 2.5 k", 6506 yards (Blue) While - 1 1 (Mtm) 73 (Ludies) Blue - 72 (Men) 76 (Ladies) Mox 193. RR#I 1-lcudln~ley. MIJ ROB 0.10 ~~ 5 · 7206 Locmed 01/ Roblin /J r}llIt'I'ard wt',", DEL ACRES GOLF & COUNTRY CLUII 2295 )'lIrds 11ur: 35 (Men) 35 (Ludies) <':lIrl wrlghl, Mil 3 10 Haney Street Uux II Wlnnlpc", Mil - :l04~ yards (B lue) ·2894 yards (White) I'ur: 7 1 ( Mcn) 7 \ (Lud ic,,,) Rut in", : 6f! (Men) Hox 43 SI. AJlllt,MU ROA 1"0 422·5540 UI('lItfd 25 m;/II/1('l ('lIl/oj WblllipeR 01/ Tralls ·Cana(/a J-/ill llll'(lf III , R3R OY6 888·0484 COMMUNITY RECRF.ATION & SPORTS CENTRE - URANI>ON CRESCENT DRIVE GOLF COURSE I) hule" I)iShIIlCl'S: J 376 yards (Whi tc) 18 holes 27 ( Men) 27 (Llldie ~ ) OI."tUIICC: Pur: Rating : 69 (M en) 70 (Lildies) Hating : 49 (Men) 781 t.:rescent Dri ve 601f! yards Pur: 7 1 (Men) 74 (Ladies) Do. 960 34t h St reet & Mcl)onil id Aven ue Ilr ll ndun, Mil R7A 6A2 Fori Gurry Winnipeg. Mil RJT IX) 45J· 4H75 725·0944 THE CITY OF WINNIPEG PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • MUlllCIPAl BalF CaURSES Klldonan Park Golf Course 334 · 0452 Crescent Drive Golf Course 453 · 4875 Windsor Park Golf Course 257-1264 John Blumberg Golf Cour.e 888 ' 8860 Harbour View Golf Course 1867 Springfield Road 222-2751 VI." ou, fully .'ocked fIOIf Mop. Fo, .11 you, "oIf1n" ne.d. ENJOY A GAME WITH US THIS WEEK 52 IJA UI' IIiN COUNT KY C LUII DELA HUNT GOLF & COUNTRY C LUB 18 ho les f)ishlnces: 6 111 yard!> (Glue) .51)24 yards (Wh ile) 5670 yard" (Ked) IJar : 70 (Men) RlIIlu" : White - 68,S (Men) 73 (Ludics) 9 hulcs Distance: 3260 yards 1)lI r : 36 ( Men) 3h(Ludies) Ra llng: 68.5 (Men) 69 (Lndit:s) Uox 149 Treherne. MIJ ROG 2VO 723·2502 Ln('mtd .J km f ost o/Trrh ern(' which i.f /04 kill I1'f,f l oj Wif",ipfg Oil !-lig /pmy 112, 110.478 DELORAINE (;OLF C LUII Olluphln , MU K7N 2VJ 9 holes Hls1ance : 2575 ynrd s Pur: 36 ( Men) 34 ( Llldles) 638·9400 UJ/'llM/ OIl Jll'llhl1'ay H20, /fJ km ;>(1\'1 of Dal/phlll which j~. J25 km R"lIn~ : #/0. Blue - 7 1 ( Men) 63 (Lftdies) White - 68 (Men) 63 (Ludit!s) Deloralne. MIJ KOM OMO 747· 24 11 wl'llted 5 km ca.rt and J km .wlllil of DEER RIDGE GOLF COU RSE Dl'Iol'llillt' which is about ]00 km .w utIJI1't'.fr of Witmit't'll nil Nighway 9 holes #3 . IIfJrthwf'.\ t o/ Witm ipl'R 1m l fill''"'''y Disiunce: 27ft7 ylml ~ Pur: Blue 36 (Men) White - 35 (Men) Rall n!: : White - M (Men) r ALL GOLFERS WELCOME AT Charleswood Golf Club (1976) Inc. Best wishes to the MGA in '89 MANITOBA'S OLDEST GOLF COURSE 310 Haney Street DRYDEN GOLF & CU RLING C LUB PRESIDENT 9 ho les Dlstunce: 3329 yurtls Pur : 36 (Men) 37 (Ladies) Rating : 7 1 (Men) 73 (Ludics) Uox 279, Uryd en, ON Uux 1424 Urundc)U.M H K7A 6N2 .Wayne Hnydiuk GOLF PROFESSIONAL Bob McVicar I'~N 2Y~ (807) 223·42 18 Welcome to Carman (THE FRIENDLY CLUB) • We now have a beautiful 18 hole course where you can relax and enjoy the unhurried pace with no crowds or line-ups. • Just one hour from Winnipeg. • Golf for the day, the weekend or a week. Bring the family along and enjoy s rviced ca mpground s, supervised swim ming pool, tennis courts and child 's playground all wi thin walking distance of the golf course. • Clubhouse offers licensed facilities, excell ent food, pro shop, club rentals, cart rentals, (pu ll or drive) . • We book company or group tournaments with reserved tee times. TOWN OF CARMAN li *- L'C'C·l CENTRE AV E. - RAILWAY / ill CARMAN GOLF CLUB I~ t i ~l ~. ! C.P.G.A. PRO - PETER EWERT For bookings, call us at 1-745-2366 ~ -) Iii MMOTEL ! ~II ~t CARMAN GOLF LUB 53 Dauphin Golf Club A challenging 18 holes ELM HURST GOlf' & OUNTRY CLUD G ILB ERT PLAI NS CO UNTRY CLUD IR holts 9 holes OISUll1ces: Oisla nce: 3 11 9 )'nrd~ Par: 35 (Men) 37 (Ladie.) 6454 )'lIrds( Uluc) 6354 YlIfd,(Whlte) I' ur: 7 1 (Men) 74 (Ludies) .btlul!!. : FOI'ward • 69 ( M en) GREEN FEE PLA YE RS WELCOME - 18 HOLE RATE $ 12.00 Two Day Advance Booking Privileges Driving Range and Private Lessons avai lable from one of Man itoba's top golf pros. Mlddle • 7 1 (Men) 73.5 (Lad ies) B~c k • 72 (Men) 75 ( Ladies) R.R.#5 Winnipeg, MU M2C 2Z2 222·5511 Located 4 km enst 0/ Nighway #59 011 0'01'1'1''' Hood. Rainbow Beach and camping facilities close by . A scenic 45 minute drive from Clear Lake. Club & company tournaments welcome. FALCON !lEAC H C;OLF COU RSE 18 holes Dlslunces: 7020 )'urds (B lue) 6760 yards (While) 6258 yO/d, (Red) Pur: 72 (Men) 72 (Ludics) Ruli ng: Blue · 73.5 (Men) 7S (Ladies) White - 7 1.5 (Men) "!l leon Hellch, Mil P RO STAN H OMENIUK Pro Shop -- 638-9400 17 km east of Dauphin on Hwy. 20 E. ROE [RO • PRIVATE U '.ssONS • BANQUETS • l iULFCA k T &I • LU b IU:NTALS U CENSt: D Dl NIN(j 349· 2554 LoclIted in (h e Wlliteshl'lI ofWblt i"eg on Killi ng: MI (Men) 72 (Ll.ldies) Ilox 4, Gllberll' lulns, Mil MOL OXO 5411· 211 H w rated 320 km lIortl/'tI,'Cl't of Wln"ipeg 0 11 Iligltw(lY 11$ , ht'twt't!" Dauphin and (irtmdll;('w. GLADSTONE C OL.' & COUNTRY CLUII 9 holes DISlunces: 3 14M ynrds ( Blue) 2954 Yl.lrcJs (White) ror: 36 (Men) 39 (Ludic.) Kuling : Blue - 70 (Men) White · 68 (Men) 68 (Ladies) nux 9 l , G llId.slune, M8 ROJ OTO 385·l750 Located 01/ HigllK'oy 1134 , ,I km s()Ulh n!Ciludl,trme whlc:h Is /35 kill wes, "lid I/o,.,h o/Winnlpeg Oil I-I'8"way 111 6, GLEN-LEA GOLF CLUB 18 holes UI.stance : S64S )'I&rds r or: 69 (Men) 7 1 (Ladies) Kaling : 66 (Men) 66 (Ladie~) 1002 · 2nd Slrctt. Brandon. MO l)rovl"d,,1 Park, about/55 kill R7A 3M r Canada . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::::~~.;:. taSI Highway # I T"lJIu - Cottonwood Golf Course "A NEW CHALLENGE JUST OUTSIDE OF WINNIPEG" Dial 1-422-5540 27 HOL ' , PROSUOP. BAR & LOUNGE, SNA K BAR. GAS CARTS. CLU B RENTALS 25 minutes east of Wpg. on Trans- allada Hwy. 54 721!.!1090 GLEN BOIH) GOLF & CO UNTRY C LUII HALC ROW LAKE GOLF CLUII 9 huh:'i t) I)lsiUlICtl: 2954 yurds Pur: JS (Men) 311 (I.-oldies) Ratln ",: 67 .5 (Men) 7 1 (I .tldies) nux 70. Glenburo, MH Oistlillce: 3026 )'urd'i I'ar : h9 (Men) 36 (LUlJles) l A r a/ttl thUng: 68.S ( Men) 70 ( Lndics) nox 2606. The Il ll S, M I~ R9A IM9 623· 755 1 KOK OXO lAm ,,.fJ J 112 kill 827·285(, RiW.'I'Road. T he Pm; Is (t!Jout 730 kill 1I00" hWf's t of Willll jp tg Oil J km w t>SI aml l km IInr/h o/GIl'IdulI'Q which ,-,f I S() kill wt!.~1 Q! Wjnflllu'H o/l ll iR hll'lIy 112. GLEN J)ALE COU NTRY LUll 1Mholes Oistllnces: 6435 yards (Blue) 6 194 yards (While) (.Qr : holes 69 (Men) 74 (I~"di es) R"tlng : Rlue • 69 .5 (M en) 72 (.... dies) White · (lX.S (Men) 400 Au gler Avenu e Winnipeg. MU K3K I S4 837. 8383 Wt'.H n/C(l r ro/ (1i!:IIII'lIY 11 /0 . HARIIO UR VIEW GOL F C O URSE 9 holes Oistnm.'e : 1242 yards Jlnr: 27 ( Men) 27 ( La(Ji c .~ ) Ril ling: 49 (Men) 44 (Llldles) IR67 Sprlngneld Ruud North Klldon8,. Wll1nlpe~, Mn 222· 275 1 Glendale Country Club Membership enquiries welcome Our facilities a f C avail able for non-member tournaments and ocial evenl '. I·IEC LA GOLF CO URSE 18 holes Illsttlnce: 6585 y urd ,~ lia r: 72 (Men) 72 (Ladies) Rating: Blulj • 71 (Men) 69.5 (....di") Red · M .5 (M en) 69.S (.... dk') Dux 70,IUve rto n, Mil For infomtl1lion call Keith Archer - 832-1306 ROC 2RO 432·5272 u U'(JI('(J (It Ih e north (''''/ of Hec/a Islutld, (joll(Jw Highway 118 1I0 rth IIIi'll Rood 233 ea.~') which is 175 kill lIorih oj WitIllIJ)('N , Elmhurst GOLF & COUNTR Y CLUB WE WISH TO EXTEND OUR CONGRATULATIONS TO THE Manitoba Golf Association For its production o f the "Golf Journal" All golf enthu s i a~ts will find this a most interesting publication. ELMHURST OFFERS • A well -groomed 18 hole championship golf course • Facilities tn fit the needs of 1111 membership requirements • Excellent instruction availllble from club professionals • Located within easy driving distllnce from 1111 points in Winnipeg For info rmation telephone: 224-2244 55 JOHN BLUMBERG GOLF CO URSE KILl)ONA N PARK GOLF C O URSE 9 holes, I g holes 1Mhole.. J)lsiance: 5495 yllrd'\ OisIIIIICe.'1: ~ • AA niB C 0 U N TRY wa C L U B 6343 yards ( I M • Blic k) I'nr : 69 (Men) 72 5H44 yurds ( 18 · FrOllt ) Kllting : 66 ( Men) 69 (Ladie .. ) 202 1 Muin Street Wlnni,)c" , MU R2V 21.\9 2739 yards (9) Jlur : 7 1 (M en · 1R Wh ite) 73 (Ladies · 18 Wh ile) 9 While 34 (Men - 9) Kuling: I ~ Olul:: - 70 (Men) 73.5 (Ludic!\) I K White - 69 (M en) 70.5 (Ladle .. ) 67 (Lud ies • 9) 4540 Porlnge Avenue IIcudingley, Mil ROll OJ!) RRR·8860 Lm:lIlt'd 2 kill Wtst n/ WillllifJt!f/ ,f CONGRATULATIONS to the Manitoba Golf Association 60Lf 01\ TIIR I n 60Lf Perimeter " ",y. O il POrfllKI! (Ludi e ~) 334·0452 KILLARNEY I.AKESID E GOLFCLUIl 9 holes Ulstullcc: 2870 Yl.lrds Iln r: 36 (Mcn) 36 (Lmllcs) R.ulinr.t: 66 (Mcn) 67 (Llldic!;) Uox 11141 Kl11urllcy. MU ROK 1(;0 523.8277 A I't', LoNltFt! J km Wl',I/ uI Killmlll','Y ",hll'h II (j1H.Jllt 120 km ,wllthwf:Jt oJWillll ipi!/oI 011 ' " Xh ll'('.'Y II/X KENORA GOLF & O UNTRY C LUU I Mholes Distances: 63 10 ynrds ( Blue) 6 100 yurds (Wh ite) I'lIr: Hlue' 7 1 (Men) White .. 7 1 (Men) KUling : KITUIEN C REEK GOLI' & CO UNTRY C I. UU I tS hules I>l slllllce: 6407 yard'! I' ;lr: 72 ( Men) Dlue .. 70.5 (Men) Roling: 70 (Mcn) 74 , ~ (Ludb) 72 (Lu(liclIl) UUI( 3M1 White .. 69 (Mell) Furl Frnnces. ON Hux 4SS Kenoro , ON I'7N 3X5 (K07) 468·79951468·3597 Sh.... I~A 3M7 (807) 274·3587 UJ('ot"" 97~", west ol l/i/olhwlIY nt. NO T TO SC ALI c.".(ll.n 116< " j)/I . nl .. ..d '0 ' how H ,.. I • t• • ~:~" Sunset CoI.lnlry !I! i l; il lD I(EI\ORII Kenora Golf & Country Club Offers: • NEWLY DEVELOPED 18 HOLE COURSE • Pro Shop • rull restaurant & lounge facil ilics • Easy dri ve from Winnipeg '.'()r ill/ormatioll call 807468·7995 & 468·3597 Green Fees Welcomed 56 MANITOU'mWN & COUNI1lYCLUIl LI TTLE FALLS GOLF CL UIl Q 9 hnlc'i h u l t:~ Distance: 27.50 yards Dlslllltcc: 3083 yurd" Par : 34 (Men) 35 (Lndics) nux 566 Mnnltou, MU HOC 1(;0 Pllr : 16 ( Men) RIltlll),t: 69 (Mcm) 69 . ~ ( Ludle .. ) lJox 729. A l lk okQu , O N J'OT ICO (N07) 5~ 7 · 1I06 242.2287 I .Of'flff'{J 140 kill ~'OII'h""'('SI of Wbm lf}l!1oI (JlI l/iRhw"y 113. l UNI)AK GOLF & COUNTKV CL UII l) 1)lstll"('c : 1053 y(trds " !lr: 36 (Me n) 36 (Ludics) Melll ll.MIl WOM ILO 522· 3624 U)('lI/nJ til Iht' j lWl'firJII of I/'XhWClY,f N" fU,d 11419 . Lllndol'is 100 klll//(jI'I" uf WUllllpejt Oil Wl'Uled 3 19 1..111 ,rtmtl'"'t',~ 1 of Willnipeg at Ihe j lll/c,io,/ of Ilighll'llY,f IIJ W/fJ IIXJ , ' ltghll'ay IIh, MACC; KEGOK TOW & CO NT K Y (;()I .F CI.UII MINNEDOSA GOL .. CL UII 'J hules 9 hole .. Distance: 3077 yards 1'111' : 36 (Men) 36 (I ..Ild ics) Rallna : fiR ( Men) 69 ( Lad le<.) 110x 11 91 Mi nnednsli. M il Dlsta llce: 2907 yards 1' 111': 1~ (Men) 38 (Lad ie...) RAllnJ,: : 67 ( Men) 70 (Ladies) Uox 464. Muc(;rcJ,tur, M il Willi OWO 685·2585 Ihe i"ler,li!t: l lolI of /'I'fJl'im'/fI/ Hoo,1 (111(/ l llgltway ,no II I , M fll'GI'(' NOl'is 106 k", "" '.\'1 of WIIIII;/JI'~ (III till' n '(mS,COl/luft, lI ig hll'flY III , ROJ l EO K67·31 5 1 UJl.'Cllct/ 2 17 k", l/orl/m 'I',\" of Willlllpl'g, 11('(11' ,h(' jIlIlCl/O/l of lIig hll'fly.f l//fJ (/I/d 1110, NI AKWA OUNTKV CL UII IS holes Olllhmcc: fi2116 yllrds I'ar : 72 (Men) 74 (LIII.liC=!I) RUl ing: Alue - 7 1.5 (Me n) White - 70.5 ( M en) Ulllck - 72 (Men) Rille - 7() ( Men) 73 (uldie .. ) 620 NlukwlI Rnad Wlnll l p e~ . MU R2J l X) Ret! - 68 (Men) 73 (L1d ies) 256 · 201.1 Dox 68 Murd en. MB ROC; 1]0 holes I)l s l ~ n ce: 2975 yurds Pur: 35 (Men) 37 (Lud ics) R8tlll~ : 68,5 (Men) Itox 665 lIox 175. Lundnr, MU WOC IYO 762 ·5877 (If \) holes Dista llce: 3003 yu rcl ~ liar : 72 (Men) 36 (Ladies) Rllting: MELITA (;OLF CI.UII 9 hules /.,(Jc(lfnl MINNEWASTA GOLF & COUNT KY CL UII K22·4992 L O(,/I/('fl Oil RU{I(/1I432, f k ill ,I'rmllr o/ M ol'dl'lI wltirl/ j,f 12() kill SOlllhll'('M o/ W/nn/pe,t.: Oil I-/ighway " 3 , NEEI'AWA GOLF & COUNTKY CL UIl 9 ho les Oh.tuncc: 324 1 Yllrd" Ilar: 36 (Men) 37 (LmJit!s) IhUng: 70,5 (Men) 73 (Ladies) 1101' 1119 Noopawn" M II ROJ InO 476·57 11 UJ(,a/(,(/ J kml'{1l'1 wlth'h iJ /90 km \villl/l,JI'g . vf N(' ~"}(I\I 'lI IWI'fI!I\ 'fSI of NORTHERNA IK E (;OI ,F CL UII y h nlc.~ Dista nce: :\ 100 yanls 1'111': 36 (Melt) 37 (Lildics) R jl t l n~ : b~ (Men) lIox 11 3. Glmll. Mlt WIIC 1110 642·7776 UU '(I/('t/ I/ r(11' ,11(' toll'lI O), AI"fI("f It'h/clt is IX J..", 11011" ofGl'mll 0/1 I/(HltW{J V IIR, (iimli is 97 km I/o,.,h of \V/II/IIfJeg fm lI/ghwlI)' 118 01'119 , OAKYIEW GOLF & COUNTRY CL UII 9 hole) nt .. hll1l' C: 1226 yurds Pllr: )0 ( Mcn) Rating: 69 (Mt:n) 67 (Llldlcs) IInx 4'72. Alt onn. Mil RII( ; 11110 .127·5590 /.n('m('(1 1,5 ~m IIMflr ofGr('llw (lml / kill Wi',\'! (;1'('11/(/ is \villllip l'~ (If Iltl' lti~ h \I'(I\" II / ~I/I ,\011111 oj 01/ lIighll'lIY flJO. Congratulations to the MANITOBA GOLF ASSOCIATION Congratulations to the Manitoba Golf Association from PINE RIDGE GOLF COURSE Winnipeg's most scenic golf course 57 OJIBWAY GOLF & CU RLING CLUB PINE FALLS GOLF C LUB INC. PL EASANT VALLEY GOLF CLU II Y holes 9 hu lcs Distance: 3007 yords IJll r : 35 (Men) 36 (LmJies) Ruling : 6() ( Men) 7() (Ludies) DOli: 298 .'Ine Fall)ri. Mil ROE IMO 367·8463 9 holes Uislllncc : 2ij7l:1 yards 1'lI r : 36 (Men) IJISlullce: 21)45 yards I'pr: 35 ( Me n) RIIIIII~ : 68 ( Mt!Il) lIo'\: 1)t)4 Sinux LIH.kuut . ON I'U V 2'1'0 (807) 7J7·IHOO I'IIA NTOM LAKIl GOLI' C I. UII 9 holcl> lJi'it:mcc: 2\)1,14 ),urth Pur :.16 ( Me n) 37 (L:ldics) I{lJtllI~ : MI (Mcn) 7 1 (LIII.I;cs) Uus 128 "'lIn Finn. Mil R8A I 17 687·3355 Locllft'(12 kill of FUll Firm ,W.,'" .....III {' }, 1.\' 770 Am IIQl'lIrwf!M of IVllllli/wl-: Oil II i8, III1'(I)' 1110, PINE KIDG E (;OLF LUB I X holes DlstIlIlC('S: 65 11 yurcls (Blue) 630 1 yurdl> (While) I'ur : Ulue - Ochntllll , M8 ROKOC O 537.262R Lom/eci ()II Road 11340, 15 km SU IiIIs of Ot'llll()'" wlsich I~' H:JS km .l'OllIh · WI'Sf of Wimlipl'j: (}Il lIif.llrwuy #23. l'ORTAGIl LA PR AIRIF. GOLI' C1 .UII 9 holes DISlnnces: 3225 yards (Blue) 3 134 yard.~ (While) Jlar: 36 (Men) 37 (L.1dics ) Kllti ng: 70 ..1 (Men) 73 ( l.ud ic!I) I'INA WA GO I>I' C LUIl Dox 71S 857·6177 J...oc(lft'(1 Oflls/a lld Pa rk;1/ P"rro[:f' . R.R.#S 9 holes OiSfltnl'e: 2~52 yards I'ur: 70 (Men) 7 1 (Ladies) Rallng: 67 (Men) 70 (Lndics) nux 263 Winnipeg, MU Klt: 2Z2 222· 1573 Lm'lJIed 4.1:1 km west of Nigl/way fl5CJ Plnnwll. Mit (m GW'\'f'tI Hoad. RAT RIV ER GOLF C L II 9 holes Uislllnce: 2505 Yllrds P,ljr: 3.1 (Men ) Dbtalll.:e: 2680 yunJs I'M : 34 (Men) 36 (Ladies) kulill/.:: 64 (Men) Keston. Mil KOM I XO 877·3692 /..fl('oft'd I kill Wi'Sf oj Ht'ftofl whir h 260 kill » 'f',f! n{ \v;""il't'R 011 fliXhw(/)' 112 . RIV EllVlEW GOLF & COUNTKY CLU II 9 holes Oisllll1c~: 2776 Yll rd s Pur: 35 (Me n) Kuting: 66 ( Me n) 6M (t.udies) nox 667 Morris, Mil "ox 3 11 RO( ; IKO St. Pler re-Jolys, MU ROF. 11.0 753· 2760 Lncaft't/ I ()() RESTON GOLF C LUIl () holes if Portage La .. rllirlc. Mil RIN 3C2 n ( M tm) 76 .5 (L;.\dies) While - 7 1 (Men) 74 (I.ndics) hu les Distance: 2665 yards 1':lr: Hlue - 70 (Men) Wh ite · 68,S (Men) 72 (Ladies) Rlltlng : 63 . ~ (Men) fl7 (Ladies) Balmertown. ON ~OV I C O (H07) 735. 269" I} Roling: 67.5 (Men) Blue· 72 (Men) Whi le · 7 1 (Men) 76 (Ladies) Hllting: REI) I.AKE A R EA GOLt· & COUNTRY CLU B ROA I VO Am "OI'lI/I;'(1$f fY 433·7 177 Lt)('ulecl 0 11 IIIMI/wuy 1159, 50 kill o/ Wimlil,eg. Will/li/u'N · ~'u llih 746· 2027 wmll'd 112 Am ",(lSI 0/11It' I"il/gt' (If the norllt end of M orr;.'r which i., 65 km sOlllh o/ Wirmll't'8 (III N lI'y. st. Boniface Golf Club 100 You ville St., Wpg. Home of the Original Labour Day Alternate Shot Classic ST. CHARLES COUNTRY CLUB Hosting the September 2-3, 1989 1989 Manitoba Amateur. For information. telephone: JOIN US JULY 17 TO 20. 233-4276 233-2497 ROBLIN GOLF & O UNTRY CL UIl RUSSE LL GOLF & C OUNT RY CLUB 9 holcij 9 hnlc'i J)ls lullcc: 2R64 yllrds Dlslonce: 3030 yurd" 1'lIr: 1':lr : 7 1 ( Me n) 36 ( 1....ld ies) RUl ing: 70 ( M en) 70(Ludies} Blue 70 (Men) While · bts.!'\ (Me n) 72 (Ludies) lIox 3 1, Noblin . Mil ROL 11'0 937-4774 l.AJ('art'd I J12 kill tWrth w uJ J k", pal" of Hobll" whir }, j ,f ,192 kill IIol'lhw{!SI uj Wi"" ipt'R (If fh ~ j ill/ohm of 1IiS" .....(ly 115 Cllld #83 , /..cC(I/('ti UII Rl4sull which is 350 kll/ 1/00'll/wesl O/ WPR . 0"111£' ~c ll() wl/{!(/(J H Ollf,. , SANOH ILI.S GOLF & COUNTRY CLU Il Distance: 32MI y llrd.~ Pnr: 36 (Men) 35 (Ludic:s) lbtln g: 72 (Mcn) Dls IIHlCes: 641 5 yurus ( Blue) 6204 yurds (White) IlJlr: White - 7U(Me n) 73 (Ladies) IA('(If(' d ,.sO kill 1" fSt of ) /111('11011 1/ i.~ //)\'ay SELKIRK GOLF & COUNTRY CLlm SOURIS/GLENWOOD GOI.I' C OURSE I ~ hQlcs Distance: 6148 yurus Pur : 7 1 ( Men) 73 (Ladi es) Ratlna : 70 (Me n) 72 (Ludi es) 9 holes L>lstllncc: 3131 ynrds Par : 35 (Me n) 36 (Ladies) Rilling : 7 1 (M en) 69 (Ludics) SANDY HOOK GOLF CLU Il 1Mholes Dls lunce : 6096 yurtls Pl.r: 7 1 (Men) 73 ( Ludies) RU l ing: 69 ( Men) Oox: 10, Su ndy II(HJk, Mll !lux 9~S Souris. MU ROK 2eO 100 Su therlund Avenue Selkirk. MIJ RIA 21lt 4K2-S911 Locafl!lJ ea ,~t of Main SII't'f'l ill Sd ki,.k which is 35 km IIurlll uf Whmlpt'll on !lig hway III.). 483-2956 w('m ell l ,6 Am l'Olllh of SUli m 011 lIiJ.:hll'lIY 1112 (Illd tll ,,/1 I km (,(Ht Slmr is i.\ 240 Am 1I't"'\/ o! WifllllIWK (HI I f( holes Distance: 6 18 1 yurtls I'ar: 7 1 (Men) 7 1 (Ladies) Ruti nlo: : 69 (Men) 7 1.5 (Llldiell) Box IS SOUT H INTERLAKE GOLF & CO UNT R Y C LiJIl 9 holes Dis tance: 3257 yunts Pur: 35 ( Men) 36 (Ladies) C_ f'.Il.Srtllo. M8 ROK 2AO 389-5466 Lum/ed 011 Fir,l't A ve .. Salldy I/ ook, hetwf('11 Nwys, ff9&X (lIId J kill north ofWi""ipt!~ 111'(11:11. Sandy /-I uok is abolll lJO kill IIlmh o/ W,JH, llip,h'H'(I\' 112 . SH ILO GOLF C L UIl ROC 2WO Blue - 7 1 (Me n) 73.5 (Ladies) While · 70 (Men) 7U ( Ladi es) 925 Willi Stree l Winnipeg, MU R2K 2T4 MK-KS I I J58-2744 #2 wid 11 13 , Oox 15. Uox 160. Carberry. Mil ROK 0110 K34-3349 1.1)('Ofed nil II wy. IIS. 5 km SOIlIII of Car/)l!rr), ....,lIk " i.\' 158 kill 11 '1',1'1 of WPR.. j llSf sOllill of tltr TrailSCanat/a lliRllwtly , RUlln~: Uux K,,2 Snow Luke, Mil ROil IMO 436-2600 f/wy. 1145.5 k", t'(w of 9 holes J)ls!lWcc: 2491) yurds " !lr: 33 ( Men) 33 (Ladies) Rutlll~ : 62 ( Mt!n) M (Ludies) Dox 225. Rulund , MIJ ROG ITO 343-2409 uU'ull'd I k", W' ,f l ami J km IIorrh of Holtmd which I.f t OO k", ,\'(Jill}' · I H ho l e~ 9 hu lt!s lJlsta llce: 2450 yurds liar : 33 Elm Cr eek. MU ROG ONO 773·2tJfII) 9 holes ROSSMERE GOLF & CO UN TIlY CLU II SNO W LAKE GOLF c um 9 ho les OIsHmce: 29 1I yards Pur: 35 (Me n) Box 961, Russell. M11 ROJ 1WO ROLAN II (;01 .... C I. UII Wl'ff n! Willlll/Jt'1l nil !-lighw(lY 1123. SCOTSWOOl) LINKS J89-J77t 765-212K I .orflled so1ll1l of Ihe Trrms·Ctu/{I(/(1 I/lxhVl'tly on ROlld 11304 , it ;,1' fUm 0/ tll(' Camp Shifo Ar mcd F o" ct.f /Jasc, nux IMI Wllrrcll, MH ROE _lEO 322-5JJ5 lo('m ('d 176 km ",('Sf o! Wiml ip rg . I1Wa , ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _'_ " '_r_ I i..... 8 Y IlrVi~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1) Sandhills Golf &Country Club 6ELKIQK C ol[' and ounLry ILlb Carberry, Manitoba ROK OHO on Hwy. #5, • Located 6 milcs south of#1 Hwy _ • 9-holcs, course rating 72 Fully irrigated wilh grass greens Close to Spmcc Woods Prov incial Park • Green fee players welcome • • For information and bookings, please call : 834-2325 Off Season 834-3349 Vi sitors Welcome Tee limes available Call 1-482-S9 11 Transcona Golf Club (1982) Inc. in vites you. to play in the 24 hours ill udvunt.:c Box 100 Sutherland Ave. 15, Selkirk. MB RIA 28 1 18 HOLES LICENSED CLUB HOUSE PRO SHOP URI VING RANGE ~ TRANSCONA O PEN UNDAY, AUGUST 20, 1989 for details 1'110116 Pro Shop at 222-6171 59 SO UT HWOO D GOLF & COUNTRY C Lu n ST EINIIA C H I-LY· IN GOLF CL UB TE ULON GOLF & COUNTRY C LUB I K h() l e~ 1Mholes DlsHmce: 6064 yurds Oistunccs: 6453 ynrds (Rlue) 6064 yurds (White) holes Dista nce: 6402 yards Pnr: 72 (Men) 72 (Ladies) R u lln~ : 7 1 (Men) 69 (Ladies) nox 53. Tculon , MD Pllr : 70 (Me n) 72 (Lndit:lI) Rutin ,,: Blue · 70 ( MclI) Whil!: · 69 (M en) 74 (t .•'1dics) n o~ (,02. Wl n"l pcJ:, MIJ RJC 2K J 269·73 15 I t( Pa r : 12 (Me n) 73 (Ll1dics) Rilling: Bluc • 70 (Men) 7 1 (I....udics) While · 68 ( M en) . T. nON IFACEGOLFCLU li 1Mholc'\ n \.. hmccs: 621 K yurds (D luC) 6 146 )'nrd:\ (White) Pur: 72 (Men) 74 (Llldies) ROlh,,,,: Whi te · 6\1 ..5 ( Men ) 74 (Ladies) Uux 44. Norwood Grnvc W lnn l l'c~, Mil R211 311K 233·4276 ST. C.I ARLES COUNTRY CLU B 1.7 holc\ Db,IUllces: NS · 6413 yards (Rlue) - 6 174 yurd~ (While) SW 6436 yurd.. ( Blue) - 6 146 yards (While) NW · 6401 yurds (Blue) · 6092 ynrds (Wh ile) IJar : n (Men) 74 (Lndics) Ru tin!.: : Rlue · 7 1 (Me n) 76 (Ladies) White · 70 (M en) 73.5 ( LlIdic .~) 100 Country Cluh ROAd Winnipeg. Mil R3K I Z3 Dox 421 Slclnbuch. MU ROC3 BO l1li6·2639 Loc(lted " nr tll njTcll /un which is OMIII.50 km norlh 0! Wiml ipf.'8 0" llilo(lrll'ay n , ROA 2AO THOMI'SON GOLF C LUB 3UI·(,8 13 I.) Loct1/ed 0 11 the n u t .~hh' oJ Ilu' Irigl/way.jll:'" norlh n/ Srf'i1l/lm: h w/r iell is 4H km .wu/hea.\·1 oJ W i1lIl ;P f'~ , o n l-fig"W(IY 1/ 12 . SWAN RI VE R GOLF & COUNTRY C LUIl 9 holes Dislum.: i! : 30S3 yards Pa r : 36 (Men) 36 (Lmlics) Rating: 69 (Men) bY,S (LUlJics) Dox 423. Sw:tn River , MU ROL IZO 734·3935 wcmr!(/4 km ",".n (JJ SWOII Niw'r whidr is 4R5 km I/or(lrll'f'.f t nf Win" ipeg Oil Highway II to. holes Distnnce: 32 16 yLl rd ~ Pur: 37 (Men) 37 (Ladies) RUling : Rlue • 72 (Men) While · 70.5 (Men) 74 (Llldici\) P.O. nux R42, Mook Roo d Thompson, M H T UXE DO C;OL F CLUli 1Mholes Dlsla nce: .592S yards 1'lI r : 7 1 (Men) 72 (Lutlic.. ) N.Htl ng: 67 ..5 (Men)1 1 (Llldies) 95 Woodneld OilY Winnipeg, MD R3R 2Z 1 KKK·2M 7 VIRD EN W ELI.VIF.W GOLF C LUII 9 holes lJistllm;e: 3136 yurtlti I'ur: 36 (Men) 38 (Ladi ) Ruling: 69.5 (Men) 70 (Ladie,) 8 0x 391. Virden. MD ROM 2eO 748· 172 1 uJI.:(ltcd I kill wrSI of Ihe 10WII ot Ihe j llll ct io ll of I-ligJl'woy 1183 (1m/ RO(ld 112$7. Virdf'll i.f 291 km Wf!.~' of WpH, Ullllrr Trat/s-Cal/ada Hwy. R8N IN6 U Jcated 0 11 Roml1l391, 3 kill /forth oj Thoml)S(m whir" i s 1.M km north of Wimripl'g mr Road 11391. TRA NSC O NA GOLF C LUB 18 holes Dhstullce: SR33 yllrds Pur: 7 1 (Men) 72 (Ladies) RAting: 67 (Men) 70..5 (LIldie.;;o) Dox 146. 2120 Dugald N.oad Wlnnlpe~, M8 R2C 2Z5 222·61 7 1 KKR·H229 Steinbach " The Automobile City" . TIlE HOME OF THE AUTO·C ITY I'RO· AM WASAGA MI NG GOLF LU B IWholes 1>I~ la ll ec : 6270 Yllrds 1':lr: 72 (Men) 7b (Ladic!;) RUling: 69 (Mell) 73 (Ladies) lJox 52 WHSlIJ,::lImlnK, M 8 ROJ 2HO R4R·7445 WILlJ EWC)()1) <; LUII holes DiSlunce: 3035 yanls Pll r : 36 (Men) 36 (Ladies) R u tln ~: 69 (Men) 73 ,5 (Llld ies) 76 1 Nor th Dr ive WlnnlpcK. MD t} R3TOA J 284·7385 WI NDSOR PARK GOLF CO URSE 1Mholes Dlstnnce: .5201 yards Por: 68 (Men) 69 (LAdies) Rotlng: 64 (Men) 67 .5 (Ladies) lODes Meurons Winnipeg, MU R2M 2X6 257. 1264 WINKLER GOLI' C Lu n 9 holes Dlstunct: 30 17 yards 1'lI r : 36 (Men) :l1 (Ludies) Rlltlng: 69 (Men) 67 (Lad ics) Box 940. Winkler , Mll ROG 2X O 325·75K2 w(.·utt·d Oil 151h SIIUI it/llIl' w('SI sirll' njWinklf' r HlhlCh r'.f 130 km ,\'0111" oJ WlllflifJ f8 on Hwy. 1114 , WI NN IP EG CANOE C LUU 9 holes Distance: 2ij(M) yards I)ur: 34 (Men) 36 (Ludlefl) RUlin g: 67 (Men) 69.S (Ladie.. ) 47 Dunk irk Ploce Winn ipeg. MU R2M OV2 60 233· 1105 ~IO NiJOIIour jNcMde IOUIId prodDctI iIr eMIr 110,..... 0lIl QldIe tap I2li1lk ,7_. IIfMardlAllllrica. Tbllt .......... IIIiIIility IIId CIIqIIIdIe 10 ..., )'OU fined.. pme. .. r.~ .-. -: ..•• .. ,. . . ... ~ . - " J .• ." . ~. -. GO WITH THE MANUFACTURERS! The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company La Compagnie d'Assurance-Vie Manu fac turers Island Golf Resort Just 2 1/2 Hours North Of Winnipeg $gg~5 Double Occupancy INCLUDES: • Accommodation & Daily Round of Golf For Two Present th is ad at check-in. Limited availability based on advance reservation . Sunday to Tlwrsdayonly. • Explore miles of Hecla Island Wilderness Trails • Comfortable Accommodations • Restaurant, Outdoor BBQ's, and Bar • Ful l Conference/Meeting Facilities • Indoor Pool , Sauna and Whirlpool • Superb Golfing • Sandy Beaches • Free In-Room Movies • Tennis Call The Resort Direct: 475-2354 (jull~ Harbour Resort and Conference Centre , Hecla Island, Hecla Provincial Park. WeWngton Homes • • • •• Design services and cu tom building (Modt" Homes) 26 R/\'er Po;",,. fJ". 2 4·692 1 353 Lindenwood Dr. WI'," 488·2330 WeWngton an innovative builder of quality homes. FEATURES: W.Wngton Hom•• Design services and custom building NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM OF MANITOBA Murketed exclusivel y by PAKK KOYAL PROPERTIES INC. - Master bedroom ensuite with whirlpool hot tub, skylight , neo-ang le glass corner shower, walk-in closet. • Traditional oak kitchen and oak interior finishing - Insulation levels exceed EE standards - Triple-pane wood frame windows - Insu lated metal doors EE firep lace wi th glass doors, fresh-air intake, heat return and masonry facing, ~~ II> NO IIOi\U: SIIOUU) In~ WITHOUT IT When golfers gctthcir fU1illook at the Stabilizc~ Etonic's revolutionary gamc improvement shoe, they usually say: "It makCll scnse. You WUnt your fcct to provide a base of stability for your golf swing. But, does it really work?" Well, all of Etonic's 'lour pros arc wearing the In fact, Tom Sieckmann and Morris won OIl'lour in 1988 in Stabilizers. sure thm St3bilizds unusual turf biomechanical spike placev'r I, ,rr" """. L'dgC. Available in men's left-handed and women's models. Distributed in \unuda by: Jim Morrison Limited, 42 Cnrdico Drive. Gormley. ON LOll 100