Embraer There is No Escape


Embraer There is No Escape
Embraer's Integrated
Solutions f o r Air Ground - Sea
Intelligence, Reconnaissance and Surveillance
System - When Supremacy is the result of
technological expertise and simplicity
Technological expertise and simplicity best summarize EMBRAER's
approach t o such a complex issue as an Air Force's m o s t
important asset in the 21 s t century: Information Dominance
The simplicity of an outstanding platform: the E M 6 145, a
spin-off f r o m the highly successful ERJ 145 Regional J e t , a
trendsetter in the commercial market of which more than
1,300 units have been ordered t o date.
A simplicity t h a t bears the stamp of EMBRAER's increasingly
advanced and refined technological expertise in providing
customers with innovative product solutions regarding mission
efficiency, acquisition and operational costs so as t o make
them affordable t o Armed Forces throughout the world.
A simplicity t h a t has led t o high levels of automation, data
fusion and situational awareness providing the required
supremacy in intelligence gathering missions through the
incorporation of cutting-edge improvements in cabin design
t h a t have revolutionized Human-Machine Interface and
ergonomics by rationalizing and increasing the crew's efficiency
on the one hand and reducing i t s workload on the other.
A simplicity t h a t has given EMBRAER's IRS [Intelligence Reconnaissance
Surveillance1 System the edge. Affordable.
Efficient and Innovative aircraft for the demanding requirements of
the information warfare. And i t is available and operational now.
If Something's up in
the Air, we Know
High Mission Efficiency
The E M B -1 4 5 AEWGC is the most advanced and affordable
Early Warning and Control aircraft available on the market. Quick
reaction times allow i t t o reach high operational altitudes very
swiftdy and to cover a wide area. A perfect blend of Embraer's proven,
reliable and economic ERJ 145 platform with a unique
high-performance multimode active phased-array Doppler radar
mission system t h a t includes onboard command & control and
advanced data-link suite.
The key asset of t h e EMB-145 AEWGC is a compact, stateof-the-art mission system mounted on a proven light twinjet
platform. This system is the Ericsson-built PS-890ERIEYE, an
intelligent sensor technology and user-friendly command and
control system capable of acquiring accurate and comprehensive
information very quickly. An outstanding radar system t h a t can
detect and tmck air and sea targets out to the horizon and beyond.
Instead of the conventional rotodome-type antenna of other
similar aircraft, the EMB-145 AEW&C operates with a dorsal
flat-plate antenna mounted downstream the airflow atop t h e
fuselage reducing aerodynamic drag b u t providing an exceptional
volumetric coverage from low t o high-altitude surveillance missions.
The electron~callyscanned radar beam overcomes the lim~tat~ons
of rotating antennas through quicker beam polntlng and longer
and selective dwell tlmes on multiple targets.
The EMB 145 AEW&C system can be deployed In a w~de
range of all-weather, sea-ground AEWBC mlsslons includ~ng
mll~taryalr trafflc control and s~tuatlonalawareness appl~catlons.
The a ~ r c r a f also
Incorporates a h~ghlyautomated, networked
Command & Control system for alr t r a f f ~ c area
mult~plef ~ g h t e rvectoring, data l~nk
management and
ELINT/COMINT Intercept correlat~on.Both the EMB 145 and
ERIEYE represent new generatlon designs. Long-term support
and growth are, therefore, secured.
Apart of belng operated w~th'nthe Braz~lianSWAM Program,
the EMB 145 AEW&C has also been ordered by the Greek
Government for the purpose of equlpplng the Hellenlc Alr Force
with an Early Warnlng and Control capabll~tywhhln the NATO
environment and by the Mex~canGovernment for ~ t border
Other negotlatlons are taklng place w ~ t h
Alr Forces throughout
of the
the world, whlch have acknowledged the concept val~d~ty
EMB 145 AEW&C and have become attracted by the
system's comblnat~onof low acqulsltlon and operatcng costs
wlth mlsslon effectiveness.
me latest
Eneye PS-880AEW redar
w*suree mieslpn efficiency
and m e i o n .
If Something's on or
under the Ground, We know
High Mission Performance
The EMB 145 RS/AGS is an advanced asset capable of providing
real-time and near real-time imagery and electronic intelligence
over ground objectives. I t is equipped with an extensive sensor
suite ranging f r o m high-performance Synthetic Aperture Radar
t o Electro-Optical and Multi-Spectral sensors, in addition t o
communications and electronic exploration systems. I t is capable
of reaching operating areas and altitudes in a very s h o r t time.
Ground surveillance and environmental protection activit~es
over Brazil's vast Amazon basin will be t h e attributions of t h e
EMB-145 RS, t h e most advanced remote sensing asset
The a~rcraft'sSAR
- Synthetic Aperture Radar -
day/night and all-weather imagery over vast ground areas.
T h ~ sImagery can be analyzed either aboard the aircraft o r be
transmitted in near real-time t o ground statlons throughout
the Amazon Region.
The EMB-145 RS also incorporates cutting-edge electro-optical
sensors and multi-spectral scanners. The severe environmental
conditions and their impact on system design and reliability
were taken into account by EMBRAER on developing the
EMB-145 RS f o r the SWAM program.
The characterlstlcal
redorne allowe to house
a w~devariety of radar
types and brands, w l t h w t
antenna elze i~mltet~ons,
maklng the REVAGS very
efflcant and as flexible es
requlred by each customer
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If Something's on o r
under t h e Water, We know
High Mission Value
The EM6 145 MP/ASW is a new generation aircraft for missions
ranging from Maritime Patrol up t o complex and demanding
Anti-Surface/Submarine operations, which require the capability
t o employ an extensive array of smart/conventional weapons.
I t provides quick reaction times and comes equipped with latest
generation mission systems for easy and precise collection and
analysis of intelligence data in real time at high operational altitudes.
covering a wide area in a noiseless operational environment.
The crew takes advantage of a cabin design featuring outstanding
human-machine interface that ensures outstanding mission
The aircraft's platform has received worldwide acclaim for its
remarkable speed, range and payload capability. There are no
maneuvering restrictions, radius of turn I~mitations.
high angles a t maximum endurance speeds, thus allowing excellent
fields of view and ensuring the crew's operational effectiveness.
The E M 6 145 MP/ASW [PSSI has been designed t o deal with
the full end wide mission scope of a modern maritime patrol
aircraft including:
Anti-Surface Vessel Warfare C A S W
Anti-Submarine Warfare CASWI
Drug Interdiction
Illegal Immigration
Peacekeeping surveillance and monitoring
Territorial water and fishery patrol
Special Operations Cincluding electronic reconnaissancel
Designed t o fulfill the role of an airborne C41 post with the
capability of coordinating naval, air and ground surveillance and
communication operations with strike direction and intelligence
gathering, the EMB 145 MP/ASW CPSSI makes extensive use
of new systems providing long-range surface imaging and standoff
capabilities [including two underwing hard points capable of launching
a wide variety of anti-ship missiles, last generation torpedoes,
etc.1 in addition t o a SATCOM and Data-Link suite.
As predicted, naval warfare is increasingly focused on inshore
operations for the containment of rogue nation threats.
through the employment of so-called asymmetric strategies that
deny foes the command of sea and air. Air and sea theater dominance
is crucial t o the success of such operations. Shrunken operational
theaters call not only for swifter reaction times but also for new
technologies capable of effectively detecting shallow water and
onshore threats. Real-time data links, synthetic aperture radar
imaging [SARI, inverse SAR CISARI, lasers, long-range electm-optical
systems and hyperspectral imaging are some of the required
technologies that have already been incorporated t o the
A versatile seneor sulte
bhat includes FUR and a
customl&d rnerhlrne
survaillence redar ere the
key elements for t h ~ s
The Amazon Birthplace of Embraer's
IRS System
The Amazon region represents an area of 5 . 2 mi ion square
kilometers [2million square miles1 of re nforesc. Ic comprises
approximately one-third of the globe's rahforest and 60010 of
the Brazilian territory. Its drainage basin is the world's largest.
Operational since July, 2002,the objective of the Brezilian
Government's SWAM Sistema de Vigildncia da Arnaz8nia CAmazon
Surveillance System1 Program - is to pmvide protection for the
sustained development of mis region. The main tasks of this deunting
errterprise include Surveillance and T&c
Control; Border Surveillance:
Prevention of Illegal Activities; and Environmental Monitoring.
As a result, the first two special versions of the EMB 1 4 5
were ordered by and developed for the Brazilian Air Force: the
EMB 1 4 5 SA [Surveillance Aircraft], a special AEWBC aircraft
equipped with a mission system designed t o meet SWAM air
traffic monitoring requirements and the EMB 1 4 5 RS [Remote
Sensing1 aircraft, which incorporates advanced mission equipment,
such as the Synthetic Aperture Radar [SARI for day/night and
all-weether ground imagery over extensive areas in addition t o
other sophisticated sensors that allow i t to fly gmund surveillance
and environmental protection missions.
The development of a third version ensued from the Mexican
Air Force's request for a highly
efficient Maritime Patrol aircraft, which took the design of the
Remote Sensing version into account.
Additional surveys and market trend analyses have given rise
t o the current development of a fourth version based on the
MP/ASW [Maritime Patrol and Anti-Submarine Warfarel aircraft,
dubbed P-99.
Further versions designed t o blend the EMB-145 platform with
EMBRAER expertise and cutting-edge technology are being
envisaged as a result of the company's supremacy through
simplicity philosophy.
SIVlUvTs ~nfo-etlan
network archrtenure
nnclude smund. mobole and
elhome surveillance
High Milssion Efficiency
High Mission Performance
High Mission value
From Succeosful Commercial A i r c r a f t t o Cost-Effective
Defmse Systems, the mnefarrnation of a successhl platform, tike
the EFld 145,inim a military aircraft equipped with sensors capable
05.d m t i n g and inqerpreting %wets", such as eimraft. rniasiles,
boats, vehicles, gmund facilit;ies, ell types of electmmegnetle
redletion and natural resources requifes sizable investments
and demanding technoIogy, which often affect the basic aimraft
itself. This ia whers EMBRAER's technology and expertise
come into play.
The perfect combihecion of modern equipment, advanced
technology, low downtlme levels coupled ra degree of readiness
the direct result of a platform concept intended fsr the
campetitive regionel merket - has led to an incresse in
pmfiwbility via a cutbeck in inspection frequencies and gmunding
times enabling these aircraft t o fly over 3.000FH a yser.
The beseseller Rugimal
J& ,PltatPorm, end t h m
l a t ~ ganeratlon
syaterna, became the long
awaited roluclon f o r t k i m
kind of aagests, cseeble
af f e c i r ~the chmllanging
information warfurs w e .
The Embraer IRS
System - Essential for
Operational Supremacy
Affnrdabls, efFicient end innpv~stivefor the demanding r e q u i m e r h s
of the information warfere, the System's airweft are scheduld
to fly inbzltigence, raconnaisance and surveillance missions.
T h e y are capable of rsceivlng and tmnsmltting data through
thelr embedded, stem-of-me-art dam-Ilnk systems. Sensor
i m a g ~including
target datm, ere readily r e c e i v d from or
mbyed ta Command and Control Stations on the around or in
the air end to other aircraft in their operatjonal theaer.
IThe s y s m preclsion.
ef;Fectiveness and flexibiliw of d - e s ~
are far end @wayabove requirements, ensuring opsrationsl
capabilities and a c c u w durin~
their entire service Hfs. Their
cost-effectivenesa, affordability and readine~st
m assume
aperational supremacy m ~ k e
them ehe ideal choice of any Air
Farce throuphoue the world.
Thy bm-6 senno= rvailable
have h9.n IntwgrpCW by
and Indmtrlal ~xpsWJ8U
m an ouc=wrdine end
pFqMn m l n c f u r m .
Clients Are
Entitled to the Service
They Require
Communalicy, vereatility.
efficiency and gl~bul
an -lee
eue txle w
major cammitmem .
It boils down GO a simple equation: less time on the Oround
mean= more time in the air, mare missions flown and fewer
eikraft aidelined for maintenance during critical moments.
To help our militery and cammercial clients maximize fleet
utilization; we h a v e adapted a highly praectlve approach with
regard to service and support.
Today, we have more than 5.000 eircraft in service with
rnilimry snd comrnemial customers worldwide. To provide
support, technical end aher-sales assismnce to thia fleet. our
customer service is avstlabte 24 hours a day, oeven days a
week from the company's service. technical support and spare
parts distribution centers l o c a d in Brazil, the United S t a t e s ,
France and Australia. A computer-based communication
s y m m , equlpped with web infrastruaure, inwrconnects all
spere part8 distribution and service outlecs, end helps
customize and speed up services.
We also provide e full array af training progrsms for pilots,
mechanics and ground crews. by means of full-flight simulators
and cornpumr-based, interactive c l s s ~ r o o minstruction. Last
but not least, our training provides maintenance crswe with
the expertlse required t o keep fleets flying a t peak reliability
and assures thet flight crews know how t o cake adventage of
every EMBRAER feature t o enhance the efflclency and
effectiveness of their missions.
EMBRAER'a logistical support includes:
Maintenance engineering
Reliability Programs
Authorized repair shops availabilit;y
Spare part6
Technical publications
Warranty administration
Component repalr management
lnitiel provisioning recommendations
Ground schools
Simulator training
Dverheul shop for aircraft and components in Brazil
Familiarization for mechanics and flight; crews
Staying on Course
gl&d e s i m m w r u f a & m bp f'mwing
M mpeMj0 mke saagmame wkh h h
~FOWWIm C i d in -id,
m l i ,
adapt w r m U dmm%p ~ u r m and
i d - s l y innew t u c h a h g y
whemww it or-v z h ?by
~ loWw
aka mede l-eadway in-
a e d w k i m prioe, m d m k t ~
buainwWion m e Bzmac.4 on
au&zsa, car delvet&tga hbtres~r&iebilky,
the wavm ERJ 4 3 5 p W o r m , d-m m w
a d safety. As s W I W ~ our
Le#a&y M s r s b w a mabh v ~ l atr
stirwaft pm1& d m -t g
mkk&ed WE#,h
m dispatch r~1lid3liw,
with day+ md --out
m W W . in
m d b w d m ! & ~ ~ G u s t e - m
a d d m to b m i ~
t;o ac~uim
t h a k prclmitf&E%s
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imd 0 0 6 b M k m b h -to q x a m t m
~ nd m
the cmwmw's -m
d-cmfb divirion.
Equdy impommL w
0 WJfmt-ipr
B e m d in G&a 3& dos ~~,
E M B R A E R - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B s ~
&mr& a h - for pm,
and m&nW mstsktancm.
h 4
M A E W n~
e m
W of
~ ovw I
d m k k e t % pki t m c m eha
P o u r -I
d t m g p r n . Br&llm irrtprertaa
h l eworld.
~angbomwalmCia. 6
Tks EMJ 145 t 4 - m m n N U ~k
o p m lm
n - l m r k m in the 50-
c ~ B Q % o f t h o r o t r - n g ~ .
ded-iwar;h, *e
A b&lckmg grQq3of E u m a
@ERJ 1 3 5 , a
G4-e need f o r m
compm*hz- &
Avkiorl. EAD&,
S n m e , ewld
jointly ~ w machar
mhr in eRe m-EO M - m
~ . P B n d d l e l ~ 4 ~ f l ~ i n t m
h ee * ~. m
P h6ftnmt
niche. ~ m E t v l s R A E W1773'1@a
f d l y wiR e
the c a - & m d
tind-mmnd praductg in tiadditdm m
of our line of c ~ m m e m 4 d
dmnahg E N I ~ A E R Q
o w &W in
w ? w M marklam.
m o r y , whlk i-
ERJ 73s
Emprsro Hraallolra de Aaron6utlca B.A.
A v Rrnr;nrldnrn F a r l a Llrrld 2 1 7 U
l Z S 2 7 9131
5 3 0 J o s e dos Campon
276 S.W. 3 4 'Street
F o r t Leuderdalc, FL 3391 5
U.S A.
Phone [I9541 359.3780
OX' !I 9541 ,351.~
I 70
Raneacl P e r ~ sNord 2
PF! A v e r v o des N s t l u n e
R r l 50358 V~ltopbnte
g5QQg R O I S ~C
YO G C B ~ P X
P N ~ ~ (
W 3 3 1 1 a s 38 4 4
F a x I Y 3 1 1 U Q 38 4 4 01
1 3 - 13 Mmlrmre CDUPZ
Tullmmmrlrlr, Molbuurne
V l c t o r ~ o304?
Phone LB? 3 1 FIS33.F3300
F a x 1 6 1 31 R 3 - + 5 - C 9 0 0
1 . dla I Gun M e n WOI &venue
S u r e 3617 C n l n n World T u w e r 1
Chaoyong D ~ s t r l c t
W ~ o u l e ' sAcoubllc of Cn~me
Phony [ E 6 1 0 1 6509-50.45
Pox I08 1 0 1 6 5 0 5 - 3 D 4 P
391 F;I n r e h a r d Road r 15 0 1
NUL:I' Ann City
Tower B
S l n n n n n r ~239874
I G J I 5734-4321
ax (551 ~ i 7 3 n - ~ a 5 5
Cmbraar A l r a r a f t Malntenenos Bmrvloes
1 C . A r w n v n Rlv
N a s h v ~ l l e T N 3721 7
( 1 B 1 5 1 387-210 0
[ I 8 1 51 3R7-4377
Embrser Llsbhsrr Eiaul~amentoedo B r r u l l
I i u a Itaba8ana. 4 0
1 2 2 3 7 - 5 4 0 - S a 4 Joue U o s Csrnpos - SF
PClnne (55 1 2 1 3933 ?SF9I
T o r !55 + 2 1 3 9 7 7 - 7 R T l l

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