March - Temple Israel
March - Temple Israel
March 2014 • Adar I & II 5774 Kol Yisra’el The Voice of Temple Israel T empl e I s r aE l Pre se nts Shabbat Services Services are conducted by Rabbi Steven Moskowitz, Cantor Marvin Finnley, and Organist David York Purim shpiel Masquerade Dinner Party Friday, March 7 7:00 p.m. Shabbat Across America Family Shabbat Service Saturday, March 15 Saturday, March 8 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service 6:30 p.m. British Invasion Buffet Friday, March 14 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service at Temple Israel Chai Roller $36 per person by March 10 Includes 1 drink ticket • First in line at the Buffet Premium reserved seating for the Purim Shpiel $18 (early bird by March 10) $20 (after March 10) Costume Contest: Come as your favorite Beatle, a costume that represents one of their songs, or the 60’s Era 8:00 p.m. Purim Shpiel Purim According to the Beatles Written by Norman Roth Directed by Barry Cogert Sahara Leon, 1968 Please RSVP with payment to the Temple Office; contact Jackie at (562) 434-0996 ext. 103 or email [email protected] Saturday, March 15 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Friday, March 21 6:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat 7:00 p.m. Ruach Shabbat Saturday, March 22 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Friday, March 28 7:00 p.m. Got Shabbat! Service Saturday, March 29 8:45 a.m. Torah Study with Daniel Matt 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Table of Contents Shabbat Services Cover President’s Message Page 3 Torah Center/ Early Childhood Page 4 Foundation / Passover Page 5 SisterhoodPage 6 Social ActionPage 7 SCIC / NCJW Page 8 Library/ Book Club/ PJ Library Page 9 Joys of Jewish Learning Page 10 Calander/ GalaPage 11 Mazel Tov/ Anniversaries Page 12 YahrzeitsPage 13 ContributionsPgs 14-16 SponsorsPgs 16-19 Professional Staff Rabbi Steven Moskowitz • Cantor Marvin Finnley • David York, Organist Eric J. Shatzkin, Executive Director • Sharon Amster Brown, Educator Our Mission Statement: To actively engage in a journey of Jewish spiritual, educational and social growth. Our Vision Statement A vibrant, caring Reform congregation of living Judaism that embraces the rich legacy of Jewish thought, practice and spirituality. Board of Directors 2013 - 2014 Jonathan Kass President Dawn Haldane VP Ritual Practices Deborah Lewis VP Ways and Means Gary Roberts VP Education Valerie Condon VP Membership Ed Green VP Programming Seth Goldman Secretary Steven Keiles Treasurer Amy Lipeles Past President Mark Beizer Foundation President Evan Braude, Martha De Young, Joyce Feldman, Joanne Levy, Dove Mayo, Barry Mitnick, Joel Perler, David Philips, David Tillman Kol Yisra’el is a monthly newsletter published August - June by Temple Israel (a member of the Union for Reform Judaism). The deadline for submission of all material for the newsletter is the 10th of the preceding month prior to publication. Save the Date Saturday May 10, 2014 2 President’s Message A Board Report By Jonathan Kass, Temple President The smell of Hamentashen is in the air, and with it, the annual opening of nominations for the Temple Israel board. Amy Lipeles, our immediate past president and head of our Nominating Committee, will be announcing the board nomination process in the near future. This seemed like a good time to deliver an update on some of the topics we’ve discussed at the board meetings this year. This month’s column is a bit of a potpourri, giving brief highlights of some of the many things going at the Temple. As you’ll recall, the board year began with an almost single minded focus on our first High Holidays ‘at home’. But we quickly moved on to a number of other initiatives and opportunities at our board meetings: yy We’ve evaluated and embarked on a pilot program with the Alpert Jewish Community Center to offer special memberships to new families who join the AJCC’s Early Childhood Education program. This pilot will allow new families with young children who are educating their children at the AJCC to connect with Temple Israel during those ECE years, and hopefully create lifelong bonds. yy Aligning with a key goal in our strategic plan, we chartered a group to begin thinking about new ways of defining ‘membership’, moving away from the somewhat transactional feeling we can sometimes have. They are researching practices from across North America through the URJ’s new Adult Learning Network. We’ll be sharing the learning this group is doing in the coming months as we strive to reimagine membership. yy Our experiments in live streaming services and events in our sanctuary have been quite successful – including most recently (as I write this), a bar mitzvah that was simulcast to the young man’s extended family in Israel. As Rabbi Moskowitz challenged us at high holidays this year, we at Temple Israel truly have begun extending ourselves far beyond our four walls. The board will be looking at policy guidelines to create more structure for how we offer streaming options now that we’ve clearly established both the capability and need. yy Our NFTY program is growing as our young leaders build their ranks, and plan events and activities to engage their peers. This is an exciting part of a national movement of young Jewish students working to define how Judaism plays a part in their very busy lives, and is another area where we receive support and guidance from URJ. yy Our Religious Practice Committee, in addition to their normal duties, has been hard at work planning our farewell event for our esteemed Cantor Finnley. Hopefully you’ve all marked the date of Saturday, June 14 in your calendars, it promises to be an evening to remember. In addition, as part of our strategic goals, they are working to create opportunities for congregants to become proficient leading minyans, Saturday services, and reading and chanting Hebrew. yy Speaking of evenings to remember, our Ways and Means committee is also very hard at work planning this year’s Temple Israel Gala. While this is certainly our ‘big’ fundraiser for spring, it is equally important to the committee and board to try to make sure it is also a ‘friendraiser’ – an opportunity for our congregational community to come together, share an evening of food (bid on auction items!), and look back on our 90 year history. yy Also on the topic of “fun(d)raisers”, our annual Shaloch Manot Purim Bag assembly and delivery is well underway, and there are details elsewhere in the Kol Yisrael. As you read this, there may still be opportunities to help us in final assembly and delivery! yy Our revitalized Social Action Committee has been discussing numerous social justice topics this year – promoting issues of conscience for the board and community to consider. yy Our membership committee has been looking for ways to create connections throughout our community. Look for the imminent launch of “tilbConnect”, a new social website dedicated to our congregation, which will allow people to find congregants with similar interests and experiences, and create another entry point for new members, a priority in our strategic plan. There is so much going on! I have only touched on a few of the highlights from recent board meetings here. I hope this is helpful in both knowing what’s going on at the board, and having a taste for what board participation might be like if you’re interested. Chag Sameach, hope to see you all at the Purim Shpiel! Torah Study Saturday Mornings 8:45 - 10:00 a.m. Rabbi Moskowitz facilitates this participatory weekly Torah study. Each week, this enthusiastic group examines the parashat hashavuah (weekly Torah portion) and discusses its meaning and relevance through the use of traditional commentaries and personal reflection. This Torah study is for everyone. No previous background or knowledge of Hebrew is required. Come one time or every week! 3 Torah Center/ Early Childhood Programs 6th Grade Social Action Field Trip Early Childhood programs Friday, March 14 ~10:00 a.m. This program is designed for stay-at-home parents, or parents with flexible work schedules and their little ones. Newborns up to age 3 are invited, as well as older siblings, if they’re not in school. We will sing songs, play games, and enjoy some challah and juice together before Shabbat! This program is a great way to get to know other new parents in the Jewish community and have your kids play in a fun and cozy environment. All are welcome to attend! Free of charge. IT’s Back - Matzah Roca!! Friday, March 21 ~ 6:00 p.m. Led by Kelly Cooper Perler Help support Torah Center by purchasing boxes of these homemade treats for Passover Our Tot Shabbat is a fun, informal, child-centered Shabbat Service, designed especially for children, ages newborn to elementary school age and their loved ones. Through songs, prayers, stories, and Torah time, children will love this Service. Tot Shabbat Services will be followed by challah and grape juice. The best dessert in town for your Passover seder. $12 or $15 with nuts They also make a great hostess gift Pre-orders available in the Sisterhood Gift Shop. Services include a FREE pizza dinner Please RSVP by Wednesday, February 19 by calling Michelle (562) 434-0996, ext. 101 or email [email protected] All proceeds go to HUM Saturday, March 22 ~ 10:00a.m. Come join us for our next Shabbat ShaPARK Shalom! This gathering at Marina Vista Park is designed for families with young children, ages newborn – 4 years old. Come meet other parents and celebrate Shabbat with us at the playground. Kids can play. Parents can chat. Shabbat singing and challah too! 4 See you at the park! All are welcome to attend. Free of charge Foundation Message / Passover HAVE YOU CREATED A LEGACY GIFT FOR TEMPLE ISRAEL? Foundation Will Honor Donors on May 30 By Mark Beizer, Foundation President Many congregants have made arrangements in their Will or estate planning to leave a gift to the Temple Israel Foundation upon their deaths, as a legacy for our community. These gifts are confirmations of the importance they see in ensuring the continuity of the congregation and the Jewish people. The Donor Wall near the Loma entrance recognizes these generous donors. At this time, we want to verify that we know of all the gifts/arrangements that are “out there.”. Not everyone who has designated a bequest to the Temple Foundation has necessarily informed us. And that’s ok, we are comfortable with donors either remaining anonymous, or simply keeping their information confidential. However, if you are willing to share your intention – either with the congregation at large or limiting the information to the Foundation leadership or staff – we encourage you to let us know. This would both assist us with our long-term planning and enable us to recognize you in an appropriate manner. And, frankly, when people see that others are giving, they tend to be more generous as well (giving begets giving). So if you have made plans to recognize Temple Israel in your estate, we encourage you to tell us (but we won’t insist). We’d like to include your name on the Donor Wall (a minimum pledge of $5,000 is required for that honor), and also invite you to our annual Donor Recognition Dinner and Service. This year we’ll be honoring our donor community on May 30 with a lovely Shabbat dinner and during the following service. So if you do want to let us know, just contact Eric Shatzkin in the temple office, or me, or any of the Foundation Board members. I look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you at the dinner/service! Foundation Board of Trustees 2013-2014 Mark Beizer, Foundation President, Carol Beckerman Michael Brodsly, Clifford Corman, Jay Eiser, Donald Fike, Kenneth Gertz, Michael Rosen, Janet Schultz, Past Foundation Pres. Jonathan Kass Temple Pres., Rabbi Steven Moskowitz, Eric Shatzkin, Exec. Director Celebrate Passover with us P assover 2014-5774 Join our Temple Family and enjoy a wonderful Seder. Tuesday, April 15th ~ 6:30 p.m. Passover Songs, Family Friendly! Conducted by Rabbi Steven Moskowitz and Cantor Marvin Finnley The Seder dinner will be a traditional served Passover meal. Please fill out the form below and send to the Temple Office by Monday, April 7 Pricing: ___ Adults & Children over 13 @ $60.00 ea. ___ Children (12 yrs. & under) @ $30.00 ea. Children under 5 FREE Need-based Subsidy available upon request Name: ________________________________________ Family you would like to sit with: __________________ _______________________________________________ Main course choice of: ___Chicken or ___Beef Total enclosed: $ ________ 5 TI Sisterhood Elyse Gordon Nominated for VISIONS Award By Anne Gundry The Dalai Lama said, “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” He also observed, “In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.” These two quotes resonate with the life of Elyse Gordon. It is no wonder that she has been chosen to represent Temple Israel Sisterhood as our Nominee for the VISIONS Award. The Arlene Solomon VISIONS Event being held on March 6th is the annual celebration of Women’s Philanthropy in Long Beach and its main campaign event. The dozen nominees for this prestigious award come from other Jewish organizations and temples in our community. TI Sisterhood is so proud to have Elyse Gordon honored at this event. Elyse is a tireless volunteer, ready and willing to do whatever job is necessary. Elyse, one of the women who helped to re-launch TI Sisterhood, is currently on the Sisterhood Board, works in the Sisterhood Gift Shop every week, serves as a greeter at services and makes the best macaroons I’ve ever tasted. A retired teacher, Elyse gives of her time and love to provide foster care to babies. More than 100 children have been soothed and nurtured by this woman of endless energy. Unbelievably, Elyse finds time between babies and volunteering to knit beautiful blankets. Elyse has lived by her vision of helping others and repairing the world one project, one baby, and one macaroon at a time. She has given so much to so many. We are pleased and proud to honor her as a Visionary Woman who indeed believes in actions guided by a vision of tikkun olam. TI Sisterhood wants to extend a kol h’kavod to all of the VISIONS nominees this year. It is truly wonderful to be in the community of such amazing women. Sisterhood Gift Shop As if kvelling for Elyse is not enough, we have a very full spring ahead in Sisterhood. Here’s what’s happening: 1.March 24: Women’s Night Out – make your reservations now for another fun evening with Sisterhood! At 6:30 pm, we will meet at Mimi’s Café in Lakewood for dinner. See the ad on this page for further details. 2.Purim to Pesach: “Clean Out Your Cupboards” food drive will begin on March 16th and end April 13th. Bring your chametz to the temple so it can be given to those who may not have enough to eat. It’s a double mitzvah: feeding the hungry and searching for and removing chametz! 3.TI Sisterhood Gift Shop is ready for Passover! The shelves have been stocked with beautiful seder plates, cups for Elijah, matzah plates and covers, bowls for charoset, candlesticks, candles and don’t forget to stock up on PLAGUES! Plagues make great gifts for the young ones (in age or spirit). 4.Paid Up Member Brunch: Put May 18th on your calendar now so you can attend TIS annual brunch. A delightful and intriguing entertainment is planned. Temple Israel Sisterhood Invites you to Women’s Night Out Monday, March 24th at 6:30 p.m. Mimi’s Cafe • 4404 Candlewood St., Lakewood, CA Join your sisterhood friends for dinner and schmoozing! All women are welcome to attend, you do not need to be a sisterhood member Mark your calendar Dinner choices will be announced soon Passover is Coming! $20 cash-only covers it all Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Wedding & Anniversary Gifts, Israeli made products, Havdallah Sets, Candles & Candle Sticks, Beautiful Jewelry 14K gold and sterling silver RSVP Charmaine at [email protected] by March 17 Come by for all your Passover needs Bartons Kosher for Passover Candy now available. 6 But wait! There’s More! – Dinner, tax and gratuity If you need assistance with transportation to this event, please let the office know. Women’s Philanthropy The Arlene Solomon Women’s Philanthropy Kosher for Passover Candy Now available in our TI Sisterhood Gift Shop! Passover will be be here before you know it, stop by and order your candy today or call Judi Lentenzer to place your order (562) 420-3102 Thursday, March 6thSolomon at 5:30 pm The Arlene Featuring a performance by Jewish Women’s Theatre Women’s Philanthropy th Thursday, March at 5:30 pm Couvert $54 per6person The Arlene Solomon Featuring Philanthropy a performancePast by Presidents Event Chairs » Women’s Jewish Women’s Theatre RSVP BY 2/21/14 th Couvert per person RSVP: 562.426.7601 x1014$54 | [email protected] Thursday, March 6 at 5:30 pm Event Chairs » Women’s Philanthropy Past Presidents Featuring a performance TEMPLE ISRAEL by Jewish Women’s Theatre WOMEN RSVP OF VISION HONOREE BY 2/21/14 RSVP: 562.426.7601 x1014 | [email protected] Couvert $54 per person Elyse Gordon Event Chairs » Women’s Philanthropy TEMPLE ISRAELPast Presidents WOMEN OF VISION HONOREE Benefiting The Jewish Community Partnership Jewish Federation Jewish Community Foundation RSVP BY 2/21/14 RSVP: 562.426.7601 x1014 | [email protected] OF GREATER LONG BEACH & WEST ORANGE COUNTY Elyse Gordon TEMPLE ISRAEL WOMEN OF VISION HONOREE Benefiting The Jewish Community Partnership Jewish Federation Jewish Community Foundation OF GREATER LONG BEACH & WEST ORANGE COUNTY HUM Matzah Roca Pre-orders taken in the Gift Shop. All proceeds go to HUM SCIC Interfaith Greetings By Roni Love When we let God into ourselves we open our hearts to a world where we see others made like us in the common image of Divinity. The ancient Jews were told by their lawgiver Moses to remember the stranger; this was a challenge to them to build a future where nobody would be a stranger. (Rabbi Charles E. Shulman) This month I am focusing on immigration reform with Support Comprehensive Immigration Reform from the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism’s December 2013 website. Background:Today, we face the enormous challenges posed by our nation’s broken immigration system. Over 11 million undocumented immigrants live in the shadows of our communities across the country. Families face up to decades long backlogs in acquiring visas, workers are left without protections, and children are left behind as parents are deported. We can no longer delay comprehensive reform…based on streamlined processing, a commitment to obey the rule of law, payment of taxes owed, family reunification, and a path to citizenship. Elyse Gordon Benefiting The Jewish Community Partnership Jewish Federation Jewish Community Foundation OF GREATER LONG BEACH & WEST ORANGE COUNTY Jewish Values: Jewish tradition is clear on the treatment of immigrants. Our faith demands of us concern for the stranger in our midst. This principle permeates Jewish tradition and is echoed 35 times in the Torah – the most repeated of any commandment. Our own people’s history as “strangers” reminds us of the many struggles faced by immigrants today, and we affirm our commitment to create the same opportunities for today’s immigrants that were so valuable to our own community not so many years ago. It is essential that legislation that moves through the House of Representatives contains similar protections and provisions. Take Action: Urge your Representatives to support immigration reform that is truly comprehensive and that reflects our values as Americans and as Reform Jews. The Capitol Switchboard can be reached at (202)224-3121, or you can send an email. For more information, please contact Eisendrath Legislative Assistant Charlie Arnowitz at (202)387-2800. …shalom, salaam, shanti, her ping, mir, achukma, frieden, paz, peace… 7 Social Action Committee Report Men’s Philanthropy Jewish and Cambodian Neighbors: Sharing Approaches to Healing From Trauma By Kate Sachnoff Long Beach is home to the largest Cambodian population in the U.S. Almost all of these neighbors are survivors of, or children of survivors of, the Killing Fields genocide. There is a new generation of children of survivors here, many growing up without understanding of, or information about, what happened to their elders. This community also suffers disproportionately from depression, PTSD, chronic disease, and a number of other challenges. Wednesday, March 19th at 6:00 pm An educational panel discussion hosted by the Social Action Committee will be held at Temple Israel to assist the Cambodian community deal with its horrific experiences related to the infamous Pol Pot, his Khmer Rouge regime and the Killing Fields beginning in 1975 will be held on Thursday, March 20 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Couvert $54 per person At a private location. Address provided upon RSVP. Dress Code: Business Casual. RSVP BY: 3/10/14 The conversation between Long Beach Jews and Cambodians will address the impact of past atrocities and genocide on mental health, families and communities. Last year the Social Action Committee initiated a Cambodian outreach effort with the following goals: 1) share experiences and resources around healing from genocidal experiences and their intergenerational impacts, 2) raise awareness of the continued tragedy of genocide in our world, and 3) create bonds between neighbors-- Long Beach area Jews and Long Beach Cambodians. The March 20 event will focus particularly on the health and mental health status of Cambodian survivor families and what can be done both personally and from a public policy standpoint to support wellness. It is being hosted by the Social Action and Joys of Jewish Learning Committees. An Inaugural Campaign Event Featuring a Classic Car Collection & Sidney Friedman and his Mind Power Show RSVP: 562.426.7601 x1014 | [email protected] TEMPLE ISRAEL HONOREE Benefiting The Jewish Community Partnership OF GREATER LONG BEACH & WEST ORANGE COUNTY 2014 ncJW Adie holzman MInI conFerence Sunday, March 30 9:45 am - 2:00 pm AMerIcA- • Judy Green, LCSW, who has worked with Long Beach Cambodian refugees as a medical social worker, and is trained to counsel children of Holocaust survivors. Her own perspective as a child of a Holocaust survivor and her own family’s experience of facing their difficult history informs her outreach to our neighbors. She is on the faculty of CSULB School of Social Work and is a 2014 Women of VISION honoree. Judy is also a long-time Temple Israel member. THE GOLDEN LAND can We Still Achieve the dream? Alan lowenthal U.S. Representative, Calif 47th District Chris steinhauser Superintendent, LB Unified School District • Sara Pol Lim, MS, has been the Executive Director of Madeline Shepherd United Cambodian Community for seven years. As a youth survivor of the Khmer Rouge killing fields, Ms. Pol-Lim lost her father, three brothers, and many other relatives. NCJW Legislative Associate, Washington DC Alpert Jewish Community Center • Lian Cheun is the Executive Director of Khmer Girls (and 3801 E Willow St, Long Beach, CA Guys) in Action (KGA)( She is a generation 1.5 refugee who lived for three years in a refugee camp in Thailand before arriving in California. She works to develop leadership among SouthEast Asian youth in Long Beach. 8 Temple Israel Men’s Club Jewish Federation Jewish Community Foundation The event will feature a panel of speakers including: Temple members who are interested in assisting with this event are invited to contact Kate Sachnoff, event chair (AdvoKateConsult@, or Myron Wollin, Social Action Committee Chair ([email protected]) All congregants are welcome to attend this free educational forum. WAYNE SLAVITT $30 Admission includes lunch and continental Breakfast To reserve space mail $30 check by March 25 to: Diane Fike 460 Linares Avenue Long Beach, CA 90803 Provocative... Informative... enlightening... National Council of Jewish Women Long Beach Section News from the Library Women’s Book Club Spring is coming bringing our two holidays of Purim and Passover. Purim comes on March 16 this year and here are some books to help you learn more about this holiday. “Second Person Singular” by Sayed Qashu By Joan Leb Wednesday,March 12 ~ 7:30 p.m. The Purim Anthology by Philip Goodman. 249.5 GOO Along with history and observance, this compilation discusses Purim in music, art and literature. Purim, or the Feast of Esther.249 DON History and celebration. The Queen You Thought You Knew, by Rabbi David Fohrman. 249 FOH A revisionist history of Esther and Mordechai that will change your ideas about them forever. A Purim Play, by Roni Schotter. PB SCh Fannie’s cousins are sick and can’t come for the annual Purim play. An old lady is going to play Hamen! The Purim Superhero by Elisabeth Kushner. PB KUS Nate wants to be an alien for the Purim celebration but all his friends are going to be superheroes. His daddy and abba convince him to be true to his convictions. From one of the most important contemporary voices to emerge from the Middle East comes a gripping tale of love and betrayal, honesty and artifice, which asks whether it is possible to truly reinvent ourselves, to shed our old skin and start anew. Second Person Singular follows two men, a successful Arab criminal attorney and a social worker-turnedArtist, whose lives intersect under the most curious of circumstances. In the process of dredging up old ghosts and secrets, the lawyer tears the string that holds their lives together. Second Person Singular is a deliciously complex psychological mystery and a searing dissection of the individuals that comprise a divided society. Facilitator: Rosecarrie Brooks Sammy Spider’s First Purim, by Sylvia Rouss. PB ROU Sammy wants to participate in the family’s preparations for Purim, but he gets caught in a grogger! Goldie’s Purim, by Jane Breskin Zalben. PB ZAL Goldie is scared to be in the Purim play, but she gets over her stage fright in time to play Queen Esther. Cakes and Miracles, by Barbara Diamond Goldin. YR GOL Although Hershel is blind, he discovers special gifts to help his mother prepare for Purim. The Haunted Shul, by Carol Korb Hubner. Devorah Doresh, a rabbi’s daughter, solves crimes. YR HUB The Uninvited Guest by Nina Jaffe. YR JAF In this book of stories for many Jewish holidays, you can celebrate Purim with Yankela of Chelm. Hamentaschen Palooza Friday, March 7 from 3 - 4:30 p.m. at Temple Israel We’ll beyy making hamantaschen yy making Purim crafts yy reading Purim books Enjoy! Please RSVP to the Temple Office (562) 434-0996 * “PJ Library” and “PJ Library logo” are registered trademarks of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. All rights reserved. 9 Bagels: Myth, Meaning & Magic Sunday, March 2 ~10:00 a.m. What is the bagel’s role in Jewish history and culture both past and present? What do the bagel, the croissant, and the pretzel have in common? How easy is it to make bagels? These and many other questions will be answered during this workshop which will include a lunch, featuring your own bagel. Traditional accompaniments and side dishes will also be provided. Limited to 16 adults due to space restrictions. Mediterranean Cooking: Salads & Desserts Tuesday, March 18 ~ 7:00 p.m. Join local restaurateur and chef Sagi Rochmann, owner of Long Beach restaurant and lounge Sababa, for an evening of delectable fun. We will learn about the cooking traditions and Jewish cuisine of Israel, Europe, and the Middle East. Participants will get hands-on cooking experience, be able to enjoy the delicious creations of the evening, and leave with tips on how to prepare these delicious treats at home. Instructor: Sagi Rochmann Cost: $12/session Please RSVP to Charmaine at [email protected] Teacher: Paul Levitt Cost: $10 For location and to RSVP contact Charmaine at [email protected] Studying Kohelet Tuesday, March 4, 11 and April 1 ~ 7:00 p.m. The book of Ecclesiastes, or Kohelet in Hebrew, is one of the five scrolls (megillot), each of which is read on a different holiday. Ecclesiastes is read on the festival of Sukkot, the festival of joy; an odd choice at first glance, for a book that seems to question life’s values. However, the interpretation holds true that the philosophical probings of the book do not lead ultimately to nonbelief but, on the contrary, to an appreciation of the higher values which promote true happiness. For this reason, the book is, in a sense, the earliest encounter between faith and reason. Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking study of this important Jewish text. Instructor: Rabbi Drew Kaplan Cost: None Non-Jewish Parents Raising Jewish Children Panel and Discussion Group Sunday, March 9 ~ 9:30 a.m. Join other parents who are in interfaith relationships, as we explore the many issues of faith and family. We will discuss holiday ritual, family concerns and share ways to help navigate these issues with our children. Amy Lipeles, a clinical social worker with four children, who was herself raised in an interfaith family, and Sharon Brown, our Educator, will be facilitating this discussion. Facilitators: Amy Lipeles and Sharon Amster Brown Cost: None, breakfast will be served 10 Movie & Havdallah Screening of Oma & Bella Saturday, March 22, 7:00 p.m. Oma & Bella is an intimate glimpse into the world of Regina Karolinski (Oma) and Bella Katz, two friends who live together in Berlin. Having survived the Holocaust and then stayed in Germany after the war, it is the food they cook together that they remember their childhoods, maintain a bond to each other and answer questions of heritage, memory and identity. As the film follows them through their daily lives, a portrait emerges of two women with a light sense of humor, vivid stories, and a deep fondness for good food. Created by Oma’s granddaughter Alexa, the film captures their ongoing struggle to retain a part of their past while remaining very much engaged in the present. Cost: None From Jewish Life Chamber Music that Celebrates the Soul of the Shtetl Sounds Spaces Temple Israel March 23, 2014 – 4:00pm Open to the Public Long Beach Symphony Sounds & Spaces celebrates Temple Israel’s beautiful new facility with music influenced and inspired by 1000 years of Jewish life in Eastern Europe. David Schiff “Divertimento from Gimpel the Fool” for Violin, Clarinet, Cello and Piano. Paul Schoenfield “Trio” for Violin, Clarinet and Piano. Ernst Bloch “From Jewish Life” for Cello and Piano Violin Roger Wilkie Cello Cécilia Tsan Clarinet Gary Bovyer Piano Bryan Pezzone 11 To Dodie Robbins on the birth of her great-granddaughter, Mollie Sadie Robbins-Regansteif born on January 22, 2014 wieghing 6 lbs 10 oz. Thank you to our Joys of Jewish Learning Partons Seymour & Reva Alban Beverly August Garth Begler & Laura Snyder Michael & Elena Belkin Jack & Binnie Berro James & Peggy Brady Alan & Rosecarrie Brooks Fernando & Linda Calderón Marc Coleman & Shelly Spiegel-Coleman Bruce Dahl Bill & Wynndi Dahlin Joe & Laurie Dempsey Mark Dressner & Matthew Davis Jean Feldman Donald Fike John & Joy Fisher Helga Fultheim Burton & Michelle Goldstein Anne Gundry Dawn Haldane & Art Lim Judith Hardaker C.J. Harmatz Alain & Tari Hirsch 12 Irene Hirschland Paddy Kaller Joan Leb & Ted Van Boemel David & Irene Leib Mark Levinstein Arla Lewis Alan & Robin Lilien Fred Masback Carol Masters Marc & Diane Merrick Barry & Donna Mitnick David & Susan Philips Daryl & Sandy Phillips Dodie Robbins Shirlee Sappell Burton Schild Harold & Gerda Seifer Gail Sherain Martin & Gloria Simon Renee Simon & Jack Blecher Arlene Solomon Mark & Nancy Speizer Natalie Swit Elaine Warren Libby Wilson Barbara Wolfe 1 Ray & Barbara Alpert - 61 years David & Susan Philips - 34 years 2 Brent & Erika Eastep - 5 years 4 Bruce & Michelle Baral - 26 years 5 Herman & June Rubin - 65 years 6 Fritz Howe & Basha Yonis - 26 years 7 Marc & Anita Newman - 34 years 12 Greg & Debbie Naiman - 20 years 17 Dave & Judy Ross - 46 years Loren Zimmerman & Julia Colangelo - 19 years 18 Patrick Madden & Lillian Salinger - 13 years 21 Dylan Cherin & Paula Jamison - 17 years 22 Al & Ruth Rudis - 45 years 23 Marvin Zamost & Linda Haley - 18 years 24 David & Irene Leib - 37 years Marty & Gloria Simon - 58 years Sheryl Stahl & Jane Withrow-Stahl - 30 years 26 Dawn Haldane & Art Lim - 19 years Jerry & Ada Rosenbaum - 53 years 29 Russell Berman & Linda Ackermann-Berman - 16 years Josh & Dorothy Kaye - 61 years 31 Claude & Nancy Friedmann - 40 years To Mikaila Baumel, who entered the Middle School PTA Reflections competition with a musical composition. She won 1st place in Long Beach district and went on to the Southern California competition where she placed 3rd in PTA District 33, which covers Long Beach, La Mirada, Downey, and up to Santa Monica and Malibu. Thank you to our Oneg Shabbat Sponsors Through February 22 Paul & Vianey Gurewitz in honor of their daughter, Helene’s Bat Mitzvah Meir & Melodee Levy in honor of their son, Joshua’s Bar Mitzvah Y ahrzeit O bservance “Zecher Tzadik Livracha” March 5-11 Lillian Alpert* Rose Antignas Leo Avirom Louis Ball* Bill Baral Leo Barth Jennie Blumberg Johanna Brady Clara Hartstein Budnick* Stan Butler Jack Chinski Doris Clark Samuel Cohen* Roslyn Collender* Ruth Comarr* Joseph Dubowy Joseph Finnley May Gainsboro* Tobe Gaster Ethel Gould Sophie Goziker Erwin Greenblatt Richard (Dick) Hale Fanny Harris Florence Hartmann* Jocheved Held* Fred Horowitz* Sara Indes* Ben Jones Anna Kelber* Max Kelber* Leonard Koppel* Edward Levy Jerome Lichtig* Henry Liss Leona Long Bertha Lowenthal Ethel Markowitz Sarah Mayer* Ida Rosenberg* Sam Rotman Dora Shapiro* Robin Schwartz Elsie Siegel* Martin Siegel Gertrude Singer Max Sogolow Gertrude Spears* Rebecca Statman Geralda Tosta Sidney Vogel The memory of the righteous are a blessing March 12-18 Jake Addis Sigmund Appel Laura Beryl Beers Golda Berman Bernard Bernstein* Al Brchan Creson Briggs Jenny Bukoff Evelyn Diamond Morris Forman* Leo Frankel Harold Golden Ruby Goldstein Zoreene Green Albert Gurewitz John Haddow Sandra Lee Hirschland Paula Hoffman* Edith Jones Tess Kampelman Sarah Kull David Lentzner* Dorothy Lerner* Milton Levey Albert Levine Joseph Lichter* Marvin Merrick Henry Orenstein Eleanor Prell Myron Raftenberg* Tiby Roller Anne Roth* Robert Salusky Paul Schindler Alan Schneider Lawrence Singer Norma Slavitt William Stein Beatrice Stotland Jack Wecker Harry Wolowitz Miklos Zimmermann March 19-25 Ziggy Angress* Marianne Bowen Lafayette Briggs, Sr. Rose Brodsky David Clark Harry Cohn* Walter Cohn* Barbara Curtis* Mary Eisenberg* Betty Fimberg* Irene Gertler* June Greenbaum Jean Hallwerck Judith Jacobson* Jeannie Joffe Arther Kaiser Harry Levin* Abraham Levinstein Mel Morelli Ulrich Neukirk Anne Parker Sam Pollach* Alfred Pollack Robert Reitzes Jack Rosenbloom* Isaac Rubin* Moises Sanft* Betty Schwartz Paul Schwartz Mary Shaffer Wayne Shilkret Joseph Shykin* Maxwll Singer Marian Snyder Nathan Sogolow Ruth Rayfield Speck* Isaac Sukman* Harriette Weiss Minna Weiss* Beverly Wilcox Regina Zamost Charles Zatlin* March 26 - April 1 Rhoda Alban* Gladys Alpert* Mary Alpert Harold Ash Sadie Baylis Sylvia Beach Edward Bergman* Sarah Berman Lester Blatt Hyman Cohen* Lilly Dicker Robert Dorfman* Genevieve Fried Robert Fried Evelyn Goldberg Jack Grand* Rudy Greenwald Siegfried Guggenheim* Samuel Karabenick Suzie Kornblum Samuel Leigh Willam Lerner* Joseph Kopel Lutig Fannie Rosenbaum* Irving Saltman Esther Salzman* Lenny Schneidman Theodore Schnipper Sam Silverman Adeline Sirken Jacob Statman Henry Sterling Barbara Strickland Robert Wright * These names will be permanently inscribed on Memorial plaques and are to be read in perpetuity. Our Condolences To... Irving Bragin on the death of his wife, Beatrice Bragin The Cowan Family on the death of Libby Cowan Basha Haber on the death of her daughter, Linda Mendelson Joanne, Gerald, Gabrielle and Benjamin Levy on the death of mother and grandmother, Shirley Schnee Elizabeth, Mark, Charles, and Carolyn Sharzer on the death of mother and grandmother, Marilyn Gale The Sinow Family on the death of Pauline Sinow Joseph Ribakoff & Susan Solomon, Samuel and Shira Ribakoff on the death of father and grandfather, Robert Ribakoff 13 Temple Israel Recognizes Our Sustaining Members Life Members Reva & Seymour Alban Ray & Barbara Alpert Helen Barrad Binnie & Jack Berro Jean Feldman Sylvia & Ron Hartman Fred Masback Sidney Schulman Nancy & Mark Speizer Karen Zoller & David Tillman Honorary Life Members Merv Lemmerman Shirley Loeb Minyan Circle Arlene Solomon Temple Dome Elaine & Howard Davis Howard & Nancy Epstein Alain & Tari Hirsch Alan & Robin Lilien Richard & Amy Lipeles Martin & Gloria Simon Double Chai Cathe & Mark Beizer Michele Berro Harry Cohn Marc Coleman & Shelly Spiegel-Coleman Gary & Judy Cooper Hank & Joyce Feldman Seth & Amy Goldman Carl & Elise Hartman Jonathan & Lynne Kass Steven & Julie Kinsbursky Seth & Vicki Kogan Alan & Kathy Kreida Michael & Cheryl Laven David & Irene Leib Daryl & Sandy Phillips Jeffrey & Nancy Schwartz Mark & Liz Sharzer Leon & Barbara Shoag Jan & Norma Stein Menorah Circle Beverly August Michelle & Bruce Baral J. Garth Begler & Laura Snyder Michael & Elena Belkin Thomas & Jacqueline Besley John & Marcie Blumberg James & Peggy Brady Michael & Susanne Brodsly Alan & Rosecarrie Brooks John Burkholder & Barbara Pollack Richard & Linda Burney Fernando & Linda CalderÒn Clifford & Deborah Corman Bill & Wynndi Dahlin Mark Dressner & Matthew Davis Brent & Erika Eastep Cary Feibleman & Kim Savage David & Joanne Feldman Gary & Lindsey Fields Donald & Diane Fike John & Joy Fisher Richard & Arlene Freeman Daniel & Felicia Gilboa William Giser & Margaret Locke Steve & Michelle Gordon Jonathan & Cindy Gotz Dawn Haldane & Art Lim Daniel Hart & Sheila Carter-Hart Paul & Arline Hillinger Ruth Padway Kaller Steven & Pamela Keiles Adam & Jodi Leiter Eugene & Ann Lentzner Gordon & Judith Lentzner Mark Levinstein Gerald & Joanne Levy James & Nancy Linden John & Joanne Lopez Carol Masters Marc & Diane Merrick Arthur & Barbara Miller Bob Nakamura David & Susan Philips Alexander & Ellen Polsky Dave & Judy Ross Carl & Janet Schultz Cindy Shilkret Wayne Slavitt & Joanne Ratner Matthew & Sharon Sloan Keith & Leticia Somers Morton & Susan Stuhlbarg Howard & Ava Weiss Libby Wilson Barbara Wolfe Contributions Through February 10 We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support Temple Israel by remembering and honoring their friends and loved ones through generous contributions IN LOVING MEMORY Esther Albert in loving memory of her mother-in-law, Mae Albert. Bruce & Michelle Baral in loving memory of Bruce’s mother, Irene Baral. Michele Berro, Aaron, Nathan & Miriam Berro in memory of beloved grandmother, Mathilda Berro. Michele Berro, Aaron, Nathan & Miriam Berro in memory of beloved grandfather & great-grandfather, Harold Spellens. Jackie & Tom Besley in memory of Harold Spellens, beloved father-in-law. Linda & Richard Burney in loving memory of Linda’s grandmother, Julika Kelen. Cecelia & Danny Danziger in loving memory of Cecelia’s father, Edward Cameron. Howard & Elaine Davis in loving memory of Howard’s father, Maurice Davis. Lyn & Joel Epstein in memory of Emily Stuhlbarg, beloved sister-inlaw of Mort & Susan Stuhlbarg. Jean Feldman in loving memory of her dear friend, Maureen Klein. Brian & Laurie Garabedian in loving memory of Brian’s mother, Virginia Garabedian. David & Cathy Gordon in loving memory of David’s mother, Natalie Gordon. Elyse Gordon in loving memory of her mother, Ruth Gordon. Basha Haber in loving memory of her father, Hertzel Aiolo. Paul & Dorothy Hartstein in loving memory of Paul’s father, Simon Hartstein. Robert & Eva Hirschhorn in loving memory of Robert’s mother, Esther Hirschhorn. Gerald & Sandra Joffe in loving memory of Gerald’s father, Charles Joffe. Yevgenia & Simon Kairo in loving memory of Yevgenia’s father, Iona Alpert. Judith Leff in loving memory of her father, Hyman Wisotsky. Judith Leff in loving memory of her husband, Richard Leff. 14 Marc & Diane Merrick in loving memory of Marc’s mother, Lorraine Merrick. Bethlaine Moreno in loving memory of her mother, Ethel Shefrin Singer. Daryl & Sandy Phillips in loving memory of Daryl’s uncle, Harold Spellens. Sandy & Daryl Phillips in loving memory of Sandy’s father, Max Levin. Daryl & Sandy Phillips in loving memory of Daryl’s grandfather, Paul Phillips. Norman & Sheila Pokras in loving memory of Norman’s father, Harry Pokras. Harold & Gerda Seifer in loving memory of Harold’s father, Joseph Seifer. Arlene Solomon in loving memory of her son, Steven Solomon. Sheryl & Jeffrey Stewart in loving memory of Sheryl’s father, Michael E. Musicant. David Tillman & Karen Zoller in loving memory of David’s mother, Mildred Tillman. David Tillman & Karen Zoller in loving memory of David’s father, Aaron Tillman. Gail Webster & Norman Slomann in loving memory of Gail’s dad, Joseph Webster. GENERAL FUND Helene Ansel & Andy Kincaid in memory of Bernard Gasman, beloved father of Ronni Kaplan. Cheryl & Jay Eiser in memory of Shirley Schnee, beloved mother of Joanne Levy. Linda R. Fox in memory of Shirley Schnee, beloved mother of Joanne Levy. Steve & Michelle Gordon. Bill Giser & Margaret Locke sends their wishes for a speedy recovery to Victor Di Benedetto. Bill Giser & Margaret Locke sends their wishes for a speedy recovery to Paul Bracy. RABBI STEVEN MOSKOWITZ DISCRETIONARY FUND Sy & Reva Alban in memory of Pauline Sinow, beloved mother of Elisabeth Hutchinson. Sy & Reva Alban in honor of the birth of Maru Raquel Micaiah, great-granddaughter of Paddy Kaller. Ronald & Adele Banner. Bobbie & Jim Beller in memory of Bernard Gasman, beloved father of Ronni Kaplan, beloved husband of Marilyn Gasman. Binnie & Jack Berro in memory of Shirley Schnee, beloved mother of Joanne Levy. Peggy & Jim Brady in memory of Shirley Schnee, beloved mother of Joanne Levy. Peggy & Jim Brady in honor of Charmaine Weiner on her 25 years of service to Temple Israel. Peggy & Jim Brady in memory of Nellie Goldin, beloved aunt of Alan, Robin, Isaac & Noah Lilien. Edie & Joel Brodsky in memory of Buddy Gasman, beloved father of Ronni Kaplan. Ken Brown. Doris Chesler in memory of Bernard Gasman, beloved husband of Marilyn Gasman. William Cousin in honor of Rabbi Moskowitz. Jean Feldman in loving memory of Pauline Sinow, a dear friend and beloved mother of Elisabeth Hutchinson. Jean Feldman in loving memory of her husband, Julius W. Feldman. Laurie & Brian Garabedian in honor of Amy Lipeles on her 60th Birthday. Marilyn Gasman in appreciation of Rabbi Moskowitz for his kindness and assistance to her family. Sylvia & Ron Hartman in memory of Pauline Sinow, beloved mother of Elisabeth Hutchinson. Irene Hirschland in memory of Buddy Gasman, beloved father of Ronni Kaplan. Paddy Kaller in loving memory of her husband, Robert Kaller. Paddy Kaller in memory of Pauline Sinow, beloved mother of Elisabeth Hutchinson. Rich & Amy Lipeles in memory of Buddy Gasman, beloved father of Ronni Kaplan. Bonnie Lowenthal & Evan Braude in memory of Bernard Gasman, beloved father of Ronni Kaplan. Nell Moskowitz in honor of Ruth Padway Kaller for her 66 years of ardent, wise support of Temple Israel. Gayle Nachlis in memory of Buddy Gasman, beloved father of Ronni & Bob Kaplan. Steve & Vicki Rochkind in memory of Bernard Gasman, beloved father of Ronni Kaplan. Al & Ruth Rudis in memory of Bernard Gasman, beloved father of Ronni Kaplan. Bernard & Lillian Sachs in loving memory of Bernard’s sister, Natalie Shemin. David & Sadie Sacks in memory of Shirley Schnee, beloved mother of Joanne Levy. Cheryl Schuenemann in honor of Rabbi Moskowitz. Sidney Schulman. Cindy Shilkret in loving memory of her mother, Margaret Josephson. Nancy & Mark Speizer in memory of Buddy Gasman, beloved husband of Marilyn Gasman. Margaret & Tom Stavros in memory of Buddy Gasman, beloved father of Ronni Kaplan. Judy Murphy Widelitz in memory of Bernard Gasman, beloved father of Ronni & Bob Kaplan. Phyllis Wolfe in honor of Marian Lerner’s Special Birthday. 15 EDUCATION FUND Melanie & Dan Spellens in memory of Harold Spellens, beloved father of Dan. Melanie & Dan Spellens in loving memory of Mazaltov Berro. Melanie & Dan Spellens to congratulate Wayne Slavitt on being an Above & Beyond Honoree. CARING COMMUNITY FUND Jean Feldman in loving memory of her sister, Frances Gross. Jean Feldman in loving memory of her dear friend, Betsy Kanarek. Roni Love sends her congratulations to Paddy Kaller. Roni Love, Tontra, Sushila & Nat Love in loving memory of their Tia Tula, Gertrudis Rios. Helen Nagel Rosen in memory of her beloved father, Adolph Nagel. HOMELESS ASSISTANCE FUND David & Sadie Sacks in honor of the birth of Leah Yosefa Sterling, granddaughter of Jay & Cheryl Eiser. JEWISH CAMPERSHIP FUND Binnie & Jack Berro in loving memory of grandfather Paul Phillips. Binnie & Jack Berro in loving memory of mother Matilda Berro. Binnie & Jack Berro in loving memory of grandmother Mazaltov Berro. Binnie & Jack Berro in loving memory of father Harold Spellens. Binnie & Jack Berro in loving memory of aunt Bea Rubin. Glenn & Chana Ham-Rosebrock in memory of Shirley Schnee, beloved mother of Joanne Levy. Leon Neumann & Janice Wood in honor of the David & Joanne Feldman Family. Leon Neumann & Janice Wood in memory of Yaffa Wacht, beloved mother of Avi & Sarah, grandmother of Michael & Jordan & greatgrandmother of Oren Theodore & Rafael Wacht. JOYS OF JEWISH LEARNING FUND Carol Beckerman in loving memory of her father, Joseph Beckerman. Sheila & Norman Pokras in appreciation of Temple Israel’s Joys of Jewish Learning program. RABBI WOLLI KAELTER ANNUAL MUSIC FESTIVAL FUND Paul & Dorothy Hartstein in memory of Shim Tesser, beloved husband of Ethel Tesser. SYD LEMMERMAN JEWISH CAMPING AND YOUTH FUND Merv Lemmerman in loving memory of his wife, Sydelle Lemmerman. LIBRARY FUND Paul & Dorothy Hartstein in memory of Mildred Stark, beloved mother of Charla Howard. Dodie Robbins in loving memory of her husband, Jules Robbins. Dodie Robbins in loving memory of her sister-in-law, Althea G. Horner. MISHKAN T’FILLAH SIDDUR PRAYER BOOKS Judi & Gordon Lentzner in memory of Bernard Gasman, beloved husband of Marilyn Gasman, father of Ronni Kaplan. Judi & Gordon Lentzner in memory of Shirley Schnee, beloved mother of Joanne Levy. MUSIC PATRONS FUND Marcie & John Blumberg in loving memory of Marcie’s father, Joseph Ross. Joyce & Phil Palbaum in loving memory of Joyce’s mother, Eva Leigh. ORGAN REFURBISHMENT FUND Cheryl Avirom. Sadie & David Sacks in loving memory of Sadie’s mother, Cathenia Kinslow Briggs. Sadie & David Sacks in loving memory of Sadie’s brother, Creson Briggs. Sadie & David Sacks in loving memory of Sadie’s brother, Lafayette Briggs. SABBATH FELLOWSHIP FUND Beverly Brown in honor of Marian Lerner on her 90th Birthday. Jeanette Kull in loving memory of her nephew, Fred Horn. Dodie Robbins in loving memory of her mother, Ruth Neuman Horner. Dodie Robbins in loving memory of her husband, Jules Robbins. Dodie Robbins-Congratulations to Barbara & Lee Shoag on their 50th Wedding Anniversary and on their Birthdays. Dodie Robbins-Congratulations to Nancy Barrad on her special Birthday. TORAH CENTER FUND Sy & Reva Alban in memory of Shim Tesser, beloved father of Ross Tesser. TORAH CENTER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Sy & Reva Alban in memory of Emily Stuhlbarg, beloved sister-inlaw of Mort & Susan Stuhlbarg. Brian & Laurie Garabedian in memory of Shim Tesser, beloved father of Ross Tesser. Get Well Wishes To... Margot Benardo Thelma Conway Cheryl Eiser Amy Goldman Dawn Haldane Emily Magilnick Rose Zikrout We’re Praying for You At services each Shabbat, we offer a Mi Shebeirach prayer for all who are ill. If you would like to have a prayer offered for yourself, a member of your family, or a friend, please contact Charmaine Weiner in the synagogue office (562) 434-0996. Please remember to let us know when the person has recovered sufficiently to have his/her name removed from the list. Please Support our Sponsors 526.400.8075 16 Please Support our Sponsors Maple Moriji, MA, MFTI IMF 70715 Therapy for Individuals and Couples Supervised by Kathy Remeika, MFT License No. MFC 40877 295 Redondo Avenue #101 Long Beach, CA 90803 Phone 562-987-4720 ext. 2# Please Support our Sponsors Give your child the summer of a lifetime! FEATURING: 11 Acre Campus Arts and Crafts Drama and Judaics Field Trips Onsite Laser Tag Hamster Balls Outdoor Athletic Fields Spacious Swimming Pool Experienced, Spirited Counselors Shabbatons Freeway Close Sun Shielded Toddler Pool And much, much more! 1 week sessions Programs for ages 2-15 Transportation available from most areas The best camp for your child! OVER 4 DECADES OF EXPERIENCE. 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Services Shekhinah - The Feminine Half of God Saturday, March 29 8:45 a.m.Torah Study How the Zohar Reimagines Torah Sunday, March 30 9:45 a.m. Learning & Discussion Raising the Sparks: Finding God in the Material World Everyone welcome to attend Please RSVP for the Shabbat Dinner by March 21 (562) 434-0996 Underwritten through the generosity of Temple Israel Foundation’s Lapid-Shapiro Lectureship Fund Permit No. 180 Long Beach, CA
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