Orvego Duo
Orvego Duo
Recommendations and field performance of INITIUM® based products against Phytophthora infestans in potatoes E. Kiers1, M. Kruts1, A. Murray2, T. Erven3, V. Tegge3 1 BASF Nederland B.V., Arnhem 2 BASF plc, Cheadle 3 BASF SE, Limburgerhof 13th EuroBlight Workshop, St. Petersburg, Russia, October 11th, 2011 ® = registered trademark of BASF Initium® – key benefits of the new active ingredient • new active ingredient • high intrinsic efficacy against different infectious stages of peronosporomycetes • strong adsorption to the wax layer (due to molecule structure, low water solubility high log Pow) • very good rainfastness • redistribution on the leaf under the influence of moisture • excellent crop selectivity • very favourable regulatory profile 2 ® = registered trademark of BASF Orvego Duo® and Orvego® - Initium products for the potato segment Tradenames Orvego Duo® (Decabane® (UK)) Orvego® (Resplend® (UK)) Active ingredients Initium® + mancozeb Initium® + dimethomorph Complex III inhibitor + Multi-site Complex III inhibitor + Inhibition of phospholipid biosynthesis and interference with cell wall 80 + 480 g/kg WG 300 + 225 g/l SC 2.5 kg/ha 0.8 l/ha (= 200 + 1200 gai/ha) (= 240 + 180 gai/ha) Mode of action Formulation Target dose rate (potato)* Target disease (potato)* Launched (in EU) Phytophthora infestans & side effect: Alternaria spp. DE, UK * General information; the country-specific labels must be considered 3 Phytophthora infestans NL, UK ® = registered trademark of BASF Orvego Duo® - Mode of action and key benefits MZ MZ MZ • excellent preventive efficacy against Phytophthora infestans • side effects against Alternaria spp. • excellent rainfastness • built-in anti-resistance management with mancozeb as a multi-site a.i. • flexible use possibilities in sprayprogrammes 4 Orvego® - Mode of action and key benefits DMM DMM DMM DMM DMM DMM • very good control of several stages in the life cycle of Phytophthora infestans • combination product for preventive, curative and antisporulant efficacy • user-friendly liquid formulation with low active ingredient input per hectare • EBDC-free product with a very favourable regulatory profile 5 Protection of new growth with Orvego® and Orvego Duo® Combined field/lab study conducted by PPO Lelystad, 2010 Test 1 % PHYTIN disease attack 100 Test 2 90 Test 3 80 Average (n=3) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Untreated Untreated ® Orvego, 0.8®l/ha Orvego Mandipropamid, Orvego OrvegoDuo, Duo2.5 mandipropamid Fluazinam, fluazinam0.4 0.8 l/ha 2.5 kg/ha kg/ha 0.6 l/ha l/ha Additional internal and external results confirm very good protection of new growing plant material 6 Positioning of Orvego® in the Netherlands (target disease: Phytophthora infestans) e.g. Acrobat® (dimethomorph + mancozeb) 2,0 kg/ha Orvego® (Initium® + dimethomorph) 5 x 0,8 l/ha ® = registered trademark of BASF Growth stage germination BBCH 0 - 09 leaf development 10 - 15 - 19 shoot development bud develop. & flowering start of tuber development 20 - 39 40 – 59 7 fruit and tuber development 70 – 89 senescence 91 - 99 Positioning of Orvego® in the Netherlands PHYTIN - % Intensity of leaf attack Statistical analysis: SNK test, =0.05,. 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Trt. # 2010 (n=4) 2011 (n=6) 39.3 Assessment dates: end of July / beginning of August 26.2 a a b b b 0.3 0.4 0.4 b 0.3 b 0.4 b 0.8 1 2 3 4 (2010) 4 (2011) Early block UTC Orvego® mandipropamid fluazinam (only 2010) cymoxanil + mancozeb (only 2011) Second block UTC Acrobat® Acrobat® Acrobat® Acrobat® Third block UTC cyazofamid cyazofamid cyazofamid cyazofamid Conclusion: The summary over the two seasons shows that Orvego® provides similar levels of excellent control as mandipropamid when it is positioned in the early block 8 Positioning of Orvego® in the Netherlands Statistical analysis: SNK test, =0.05. 75.0 PHYTIN % Intensity of leaf attack 70 Artificial inoculation (spreader rows): 23.06 60 First symptoms: beginning of July 50 Assessment: 25.07 40 30 c c b 1.5 1.8 4.0 1 2 3 4 Early block 15.06, 23.06, 01.07, 08.07, 15.07 UTC Orvego® mandipropamid cymoxanil + mancozeb Second block 22.07, 27.07 03.08, 11.08 UTC Acrobat® Acrobat® Acrobat® Third block UTC cyazofamid cyazofamid cyazofamid 20 a 10 0 Trt. # Conclusion: Under conditions with early high disease attack, Orvego® shows very good efficacy comparable to mandipropamid and significantly better than cymoxanil and 9 mancozeb. Positioning of Orvego Duo® in Germany (target disease: Phytophthora infestans) Acrobat Plus® (dimethomorph + mancozeb) Orvego Duo® 6 x 2,0 kg/ha (Initium + mancozeb) 4 x 2,5 kg/ha ® = registered trademark of BASF Growth stage germination BBCH 0 - 09 leaf development 10 - 15 - 19 shoot development bud develop. & flowering start of tuber development 20 - 39 40 – 59 10 fruit and tuber development 70 – 89 senescence 91 - 99 Season-long sprayed trials from Germany Summary of 14 trials from 2009-2011 Statistical analysis: SNK test, =0.05. PHYTIN – %% PHYTIN disease attack Intensity of leaf attack 100 90 89.1 80 70 60 50 40 30 23.1 20 13.6 12.6 10 0 a Untreated Untreated c b c Orvego Duo Duo® Orvego 2.5 kg/ha Fluazinam fluazinam 0.4 l/ha Mandipropamid, 0.6 mandipropamid 0.6 l/ha l/ha Conclusion: Orvego Duo® provides excellent efficacy levels. 11 Positioning of Resplend® and Decabane® in the United Kingdom Invader® (dimethomorph + mancozeb) 2,4 kg/ha Resplend® Resplend® (Initium® + dimethomorph) 4 x 0.8 l/ha 4 x 0.8 l/ha Decabane® (Initium® + mancozeb) 4 x 2,5 kg/ha Growth stage germination BBCH 0 - 09 leaf development 10 - 15 - 19 shoot development bud develop. & flowering start of tuber development 20 - 39 40 – 59 12 fruit and tuber development 70 – 89 senescence 91 - 99 Summary of Experiences 2010/2011 with Orvego and Orvego Duo • Orvego and Orvego Duo provide very good efficacy in Phytophthora infestans spray programmes. • Orvego and Orvego Duo can be used without problems in mixtures with other plant protection products, mineral oils and fertilizers. • Orvego can be positioned flexibly in the spray program: In the period of active plant growth as well as in the period of stable canopy very good disease control is ensured. Furthermore dimethomorph ensures beside preventive efficacy also curative and antisporulant efficacy. Farmers using Orvego appreciate the easy-to-use liquid formulation. • Orvego Duo controls Phytophthora infestans before the infection can establish. Due to its excellent rainfastness the product ensures long-lasting protection of the crop. Farmers using Orvego Duo appreciate the 13side effect against Alternaria spp.