Catalog - Kaizen Marketing Malaysia
BS 6675:1986 ISO 4144 : 2003 BS EN 12288 : 2010 NEW Lockable Valve Stainless Steel 304 Fitting Brass Gate Valve MS 1396:1996 BS EN 1213 : 2000 BS EN 1245-3 : 1998 Resilient Seat Gate Valve Improved Drill Bit Under Pressure Vertical Ferrule Brass Stop Cock P.A Pipe Fitting Tapping tool Catalog Price List Sirim Certificate Span Approved Letter ter KAIZEN MARKETING SDN. BHD (945718-V) 31A, Jalan Pinggir, Off Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-6731 7090 Fax: +603-4041 7090 H/P: 012-225 7733 H/P: 013-335 3983 Email: [email protected] Website: Chrome Stop Cock Content Page Catalog Under Pressure Vertical Ferrule Sirim 1 2-3 4-5 Brass Gate Valve Catalog 6-7 Sirim 8-9 10-11 Brass Stop Cock Chrome Stop Cock Catalog 12-14 Sirim 15-16 17-18 Lockable Valve Catalog 19-22 Sirim 23-24 25-26 Stainless Steel 304 Fitting Catalog 27-28 Sirim 29-31 32-33 Catalog P.A Pipe Fitting Sirim 34 35-38 39-40 Resilient Seat Gate Valve Catalog 41-42 Tapping tool Catalog 43-45 Products Price List 46-48 UNDER PRESSURE VERTICAL FERRULE Ferrule 01 Ferrule 02 Ferrule 03 Ferrule 04 Ferrule 05 BRASS GATE VALVE G.Valve 06 SIRIM CERTIFIED TO BS EN 12288 : 2010 CERTIFICATION NO. PC000284 BRASS GATE VALVE G.Valve 07 G.Valve 08 G.Valve 09 G.Valve 10 G.Valve 11 S.Cock 12 FULL BRASS CORE MAINTENANCE FREE !!! EAS Y T O OPERAT E RUST PROOF S.Cock 13 S.Cock 14 S.Cock 15 S.Cock 16 S.Cock 17 S.Cock 18 LOCKABLE VALVE Description Lockable Valve is a valve designed to be located at the water meter stand to shut off or control water sources from the water mains to consumer connection. Lockable Valve is a tamper proof valve which has a unique cap to control the water flow through the meter stand to consumer connection. Lockable Valve has a high pressure capability, tested up to 16 bars. L.B.V 19 *All information in this brochure was correct to the best of our knowledge when originally printed. N ENTERPRISE AND TRADING reserves the right to make changes without notice to product specifications and manufacture processes given the company’s policy of continual product improvement. L.B.V 20 Lockable valve has a high pressure capability, tested up to 16 bars. Lockable valve is a temper proof valve which has a unique cap to control the water flow through the meter stand to consumer connection. Lockable Valve is a valve designed to be located at the water meter stand to shut off or control water sources from the water mains to consumer connection. L.B.V 21 L.B.V 22 L.B.V 23 L.B.V 24 L.B.V 25 L.B.V 26 S/S304 27 S/S304 28 S/S304 29 S/S304 30 S/S304 31 S/S304 32 S/S304 33 P.A 34 P.A 35 P.A 36 P.A 37 P.A 38 P.A 39 P.A 40 RESILIENT SEAT GATE VALVE Advanced Coding Technology Can Only Open And Shut By Special Key Easy To Operate RSGV 41 Free Maintenance Anti Rust Description The valve is protected by advanced coding technology, which can only open and shut by using special key Safe And Secure Coding Head without the key remain free and unable to close or open the valve Easy To Operate Counter-Clockwise Clockwise Open Close This valve is a patented product which exclusively produced and distributed by N Enterprise And Trading. The valve is protected by advanced coding technology, which can only open and shut by using a special tool. This valve is extremely easy to operate and no maintenance is required. RESILIENT SEAT GATE VALVE RSGV 42 SIRIM UNDER PRESSURE MECHANICAL TAPPING TOOL $PHULFD 6WDQGDUG $OXPLQLXP &RSSHU 6WDLQOHVV6WHHO T.Tool 43 &REDOW6WHHO FULLSET 5HGXFHU 7DSSLQJ%RG\ 6SDQQHU ([WHQVLRQ5DWFKHW FOC +LJK6SHHG6WHHO'ULOO )RU06',3LSH &REDOW'ULOO%LW )RU06',3LSH 66'ULOO%LW)RU 839&$&+'3( 6RFNHW1XW KAIZEN MARKETING SDN. BHD. (945718-V) 31A, Jalan Pinggir, Off Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: +603-6731 7090 Fax: +603-4041 7090 HP: 012-225 7733 Email: [email protected] Website: INSTRUCTION Install the tapping tool ,QVWDOOWKHWDSSLQJWRRO DQGFRQQHFWWRWKH UHGXFHU Mounting the saddle )DVWHQWKHVDGGOHZLWKEROWVDQG QXWV)LWWKHµ1¶)HUUXOHRQWRWKH VDGGOH 23(1 T.Tool 44 Opening The 'N' Ferrule 0DNHVXUHWKHµ1¶IHUUXOHLV FRUUHFWO\RSHQDIWHUVHWWLQJ WKHGULOO &ORVH Drilling 7XUQWKHGULOOKDQGOHXQWLOWKHGULOOVDZ UHDFKWKHSLSHVXUIDFH6WDUWXVLQJ UDWFKHWWRGULOOLQFORFNZLVHGLUHFWLRQ $IWHUGULOOLQJUHYHUVHWKHKDQGOHWR UDLVH>(OHFWULFGULOOFDQDOVREHXVHGWR GRWKHGULOOLQJ@ Completion SIRIM $IWHUUDLVLQJWKHGULOOFORVHWKHµ1¶ IHUUXOHEHIRUHGLVFRQQHFWIURPWKH UHGXFHU ´18QGHU3UHVVXUH)HUUXOH&RFN PERINGATAN PRECAUTION Sila guna dua jari sahaja bila memusing badan tapping tool semasa penggerudian. Bit gerudi mungkin akan pecah akibat tekanan tinggi Please use only two finger to turn the tapping tool body when drilling. Drill bit might broken cause of high pressure Memusing dengan berhati-hati, ikut arah Jam Turn gently in clock wise KAIZEN MARKETING SDN. BHD. (945718-V) 31A, Jalan Pinggir, Off Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: +603-6731 7090 Fax: +603-4041 7090 HP: 012-225 7733 Email: [email protected] Website: T.Tool 45 KAIZEN MARKETING SDN. BHD. (945718-V) 31A, Jalan Pinggir, Off Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-6731 7090 H/P: 016-268 6942 Fax: 03-4041 7090 Website: Email: [email protected] ® Date: 01/04/15 B.S Brass Gate Valve (PN16) - BS EN 12288 : 2010 SIZE 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" ® Price (RM) 31.80 42.40 63.60 95.40 116.60 174.90 344.50 477.00 742.00 Dis Price (RM) 21.20 26.50 39.22 Dis PCS/CTN 100 60 40 Price (RM) 15.20 27.67 30.39 Dis SIZE PCS/CTN Price (RM) Dis 1/2" 3/4" 100 60 10.27 16.50 PCS/CTN 100 60 50 30 24 16 8 6 4 Light Duty Brass Gate Valve (PN16) - Italy SIZE 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" ® PCS/CTN 100 80 40 B.S Brass Stop Cock - BS EN 1213 : 2000 SIZE 1/2" 3/4" 1" ® ® Light Duty Brass Stop Cock M.S Under Pressure Vertical Ferrule - MS 1396 : 1996 Outside / Inside Diameter PCS/CTN Price (RM) 25mm / 20mm 25mm / 25mm 60 40 42.40 69.96 Dis Tapping Tools Set & Accessories MODEL PRODUCT PRICE (RM) Tapping Tools Set which included a Tapping Body, Reducer, Extension Ratchet and Spanner. FOC for Socket Nut, SS316 Drill Bit for UPVC, Cobalt Drill Bit & High Speed Steel Drill for M.S / D.I Pipe. MODEL PRODUCT SS316 Drill Bit for UPVC / AC Cobalt Hole Saw for M.S Pipe Drill Bit - M.S / D.I Hole Saw Adapter Drill Machine Adapter For Inside Diameter 20mm ----- Remark: (1) Prices are subject to changes without any prior notice. (2) Prices inclusive GST. 3,180.00 PRICE (RM) 212.00 636.00 106.00 106.00 31.80 KAIZEN MARKETING SDN. BHD. (945718-V) 31A, Jalan Pinggir, Off Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-6731 7090 H/P: 016-268 6942 Fax: 03-4041 7090 Website: Email: [email protected] Date: 01/04/15 ® Polyethylene Aluminium Composite Pipe Brass Fitting SOCKET MALE SOCKET FEMALE SOCKET REDUCING SOCKET SIZE RM SIZE RM SIZE RM SIZE RM 16mm 7.00 16 x 1/2" 5.30 16 x 1/2" 5.83 20 x 16 9.54 20mm 10.39 16 x 3/4" 7.42 16 x 3/4" 5.83 25 x 16 13.78 25mm 15.37 16 x 1" 7.42 16 x 1" 7.95 25 x 20 13.78 32mm 26.50 20 x 1/2" 7.42 20 x 1/2" 7.95 32 x 16 21.20 20 x 3/4" 8.48 20 x 3/4" 9.01 32 x 20 21.20 20 x 1" 11.66 20 x 1" 11.66 32 x 25 21.20 25 x 1/2" 10.60 25 x 1/2" 11.13 25 x 3/4" 10.60 25 x 3/4" 11.13 25 x 1" 14.63 25 x 1" 14.63 32 x 1/2" 16.96 32 x 1/2" 16.96 32 x 3/4" 16.96 32 x 3/4" 16.96 32 x 1" 16.96 32 x 1" 18.02 ELBOW MALE ELBOW FEMALE ELBOW REDUCING ELBOW SIZE RM SIZE RM SIZE RM SIZE RM 16mm 7.95 16 x 1/2" 7.95 16 x 1/2" 7.42 20 x 16 10.60 20mm 11.45 16 x 3/4" 8.27 16 x 3/4" 11.66 25 x 16 15.90 25mm 16.43 16 x 1" 12.51 16 x 1" 14.84 25 x 20 15.90 32mm 26.50 20 x 1/2" 9.54 20 x 1/2" 10.39 32 x 16 23.32 20 x 3/4" 9.86 20 x 3/4" 10.39 32 x 20 23.32 20 x 1" 12.72 20 x 1" 15.37 32 x 25 25.44 25 x 1/2" 12.19 25 x 1/2" 12.72 25 x 3/4" 12.19 25 x 3/4" 12.72 25 x 1" 15.37 25 x 1" 16.43 32 x 1/2" 21.20 32 x 1/2" 21.20 32 x 3/4" 21.20 32 x 3/4" 21.20 32 x 1" 22.26 32 x 1" 22.26 Remark: (1) Prices offer are subject to changes without any prior notice. (2) Prices offer are inclusive GST. 1 of 2 KAIZEN MARKETING SDN. BHD. (945718-V) 31A, Jalan Pinggir, Off Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-6731 7090 H/P: 016-268 6942 Fax: 03-4041 7090 Website: Email: [email protected] Date: 01/04/15 ® Polyethylene Aluminium Composite Pipe Brass Fitting EQUAL TEE MALE TEE FEMALE TEE REDUCING TEE SIZE RM SIZE RM SIZE RM SIZE RM 16mm 11.13 16 x 1/2 x 16 9.54 16 x 1/2 x 16 10.07 16 x 20 x 16 15.90 20mm 15.90 20 x 1/2 x 20 18.02 16 x 3/4 x 16 13.78 16 x 25 x 16 15.90 25mm 24.38 20 x 3/4 x 20 18.02 16 x 1/2 x 20 13.78 20 x 16 x 16 15.90 32mm 30.74 20 x 1 x 20 20.14 16 x 1/2 x 25 13.78 20 x 16 x 20 15.90 25 x 1/2 x 25 20.14 20 x 1/2 x 20 18.02 20 x 20 x 16 15.90 25 x 3/4 x 25 20.14 20 x 3/4 x 20 18.02 20 x 25 x 20 20.14 25 x 1 x 25 20.14 20 x 1/2 x 25 18.02 25 x 16 x 25 20.14 32 x 1/2 x 32 24.38 25 x 1/2 x 25 20.14 25 x 20 x 20 20.14 32 x 3/4 x 32 24.38 25 x 3/4 x 25 20.14 25 x 20 x 25 20.14 32 x 1 x 32 24.38 25 x 1 x 25 20.14 25 x 25 x16 20.14 32 x 1/2 x 32 24.38 25 x 25 x 20 20.14 32 x 3/4 x 32 24.38 25 x 32 x 25 29.68 32 x 1 x 32 24.38 32 x 16 x 25 29.68 32 x 16 x 32 29.68 32 x 20 x 20 29.68 32 x 20 x 32 31.80 32 x 25 x 25 31.80 32 x 25 x 32 31.80 Remark: (1) Prices offer are subject to changes without any prior notice. (2) Prices offer are inclusive GST. 2 of 2 KAIZEN MARKETING SDN. BHD. (945718-V) 31A, Jalan Pinggir, Off Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-6731 7090 H/P: 016-268 6942 Fax: 03-4041 7090 Website: Email: [email protected] ® Date : 01/04/15 STAINLESS STEEL FITTING (Type 304) - ISO 4144 : 2003 SIZE NO DESCRIPTION 1 45 DEG. ELBOW 2 90 DEG. ELBOW 3 CONICAL UNION 4 COUPLING 5 EQUAL SOCKET 6 HEX BUSHING 7 HEX NIPPLE 8 HOSE NIPPLE 9 RED ELBOW 10 RED NIPPLE 11 RED SOCKET 12 RED TEE 13 ROUND CAP 14 SOCKET M&F 15 SQUARE PLUG 16 STREET ELBOW 17 TEE 1/2" 15mm 6.04 5.94 16.75 5.83 5.83 5.72 5.51 10.60 8.27 7.74 6.57 13.99 4.03 6.57 3.18 6.89 9.01 3/4" 20mm 9.22 10.07 22.79 7.21 7.21 8.48 8.16 13.25 12.19 10.60 9.12 13.99 4.66 10.07 4.88 9.86 13.46 1" 25mm 16.22 16.22 29.95 13.14 13.14 12.72 12.19 22.26 13.78 14.10 12.93 20.88 8.48 13.99 7.00 16.96 21.84 1 1/4" 32mm 22.79 24.70 50.35 19.61 19.61 15.05 18.13 27.56 23.85 21.41 18.02 33.39 12.72 20.99 10.81 27.56 31.48 1 1/2" 40mm 30.74 33.07 59.36 24.59 24.59 19.61 22.47 32.86 30.95 25.23 23.85 42.93 19.08 28.62 13.57 36.89 44.31 2" 50mm 43.99 46.22 95.93 36.36 34.66 32.33 31.80 54.06 46.64 38.16 37.74 60.00 28.62 47.70 18.55 60.42 63.07 2 1/2" 65mm 91.69 93.28 150.52 62.54 62.54 62.54 72.40 122.96 3" 4" 80mm 100mm 145.22 228.96 147.34 253.34 189.74 305.28 104.41 170.13 104.41 170.13 93.28 156.35 98.05 139.39 134.62 209.88 66.78 121.90 49.82 72.08 34.98 103.35 120.84 104.41 187.62 78.44 95.40 50.88 173.31 191.86 162.71 339.20 143.10 162.18 92.75 294.68 348.74 (1) 45 DEG. ELBOW (2) 90 DEG. ELBOW (3) CONICAL UNION (16) STREET ELBOW (14) SOCKET M&F (12) RED TEE (10) RED NIPPLE (8) HOSE NIPPLE (6) HEX BUSHING (4) COUPLING (17) TEE (15) SQUARE PLUG (13) ROUND CAP (11) RED SOCKET (9) RED ELBOW (7) HEX NIPPLE (5) EQUAL SOCKET Remark: (1) Prices offer are subject to changes without any prior notice. (2) Prices offer are inclusive GST.
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