Prospectus of MNI S.A PROSPECTUS FOR SERIES L ORDINARY BEARER SHARES (Public Offering addressed to existing Shareholders) registered office at ul. Żurawia 8, Warsaw, Poland 67,714,674 Series L Shares with a par value of PLN 1 per share will be offered to the Issuer’s existing Shareholders based on this Prospectus. The issue price of Series L Shares is PLN 1 (one) per share. Moreover, based on this Prospectus up to 67,714,674 Series L Shares and Rights to Shares will be sought to be admitted and introduced to trading on the main market of the WSE. 22,571,558 pre-emptive rights to acquire Series L Shares will be sought to be admitted and introduced to trading on a regulated market based on this Prospectus. The Issuer’s Shareholders will have pre-emptive rights to acquire a number of the Offered Shares equal to the number of the Issuer Shares they hold as at September 15th 2006 (the “Pre-Emptive Right Record Date”). Given the time needed for settling stock-exchange transactions at the Polish NDS, the investors who intend to acquire the Issuer Shares on the WSE must acquire them on or before September 12th 2006 in order to obtain the pre-emptive rights. Based on the number of new-issue Series L Shares, the holders of pre-emptive rights will be entitled to acquire three (3) Series L Shares for each one (1) pre-emptive right. If the number of Series L Shares to which a given shareholder is entitled under the pre-emptive rights is not an integer, it will be rounded down to the nearest integer. The Issuer’s Shareholders as at the Record Date will be entitled to submit Additional Subscription Orders for the Offered Shares in the subscription periods specified in Section 20.2.2 of this Prospectus. Those Offered Shares which are not subscribed for pursuant to Basic or Additional Subscription Orders will be allotted by the Management Board at its own discretion. Pre-emptive rights are to be traded within the period specified in Section 20.2.2 of this Prospectus. The Issue Price of the Offered Shares is PLN 1 per share. THIS PUBLIC OFFERING IS CONDUCTED EXCLUSIVELY WITHIN THE TERRITORY OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND. OUTSIDE POLAND, THIS PROSPECTUS MAY NOT BE TREATED AS AN OFFER OR INVITATION TO ACQUIRE ANY SECURITIES. NEITHER THIS PROSEPCTUS NOR THE SECURITIES OFFERED UNDER THIS PROSPECTUS HAVE BEEN THE SUBJECT OF REGISTRATION, APPROVAL OR NOTIFICATION IN ANY COUNTRY OTHER THAN THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND, INCLUDING IN PARTICULAR UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE EUROPEAN PROSPECTUS DIRECTIVE OR THE US SECURITIES ACT. THE SECURITIES COVERED BY THIS PROSPECTUS MAY NOT BE OFFERED OR SOLD OUTSIDE POLAND, UNLESS SUCH OFFERING OR SALE MAY BE CONDUCTED LEGALLY IN A GIVEN COUNTRY WITHOUT THE NECESSITY TO COMPLY WITH ANY ADDITIONAL LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. INVESTORS RESIDING OR HAVING THEIR REGISTERED OFFICE OUTSIDE POLAND SHOULD FAMILIARISE THEMSELVES WITH THE PROVISIONS OF POLISH LAW AND ANY LEGAL REGULATIONS OF OTHER COUNTRIES WHICH MAY BE APPLICABLE TO THEM. INVESTING IN THE SECURITIES OFFERED UNDER THIS PROSPECTUS INVOLVES RISKS TYPICAL OF CAPITAL MARKET INSTRUMENTS AND RISKS RELATED TO THE ISSUER’S BUSINESS AND THE ISSUER’S BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT. A DETAILED DISCUSSION OF THE RISK FACTORS THAT INVESTORS SHOULD CONSIDER IS PROVIDED IN SECTION 2 OF THIS PROSPECTUS. Offeror Financial Adviser Dom Inwestycyjny BRE Banku S.A. ul. Wspólna 47/49, 00-684 Warsaw, Poland BRE Corporate Finance S.A. ul. Wspólna 47/49, 00-684 Warsaw, Poland Prospectus Date: January 18th 2007 1 Prospectus of MNI S.A DISCLAIMER This Prospectus has been prepared in connection with the Public Offering of the Offered Shares within the territory of Poland and their admission to trading on a regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.). This Prospectus has been prepared in compliance with the provisions of the Commission Regulation (EC) No. 809/2004 and other laws regulating the capital market in Poland, in particular the Public Offering Act. This Prospectus was approved by the Financial Supervision Authority on January 18th 2007. Apart from the persons specified in this Prospectus, i.e. the members of the Company’s Management Board, no other person is authorised to make any public statements related to the Public Offering. Any public disclosure of such information requires the Management Board’s approval. This Prospectus has been prepared based on the best knowledge and with all due care, and the information contained herein is provided as at the Prospectus Date. As there may be changes in the Issuer’s situation after this Prospectus is published, the information contained herein should be treated as true as at the Prospectus Date, unless stated otherwise herein. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS WHERE IT DOES NOT RELATE TO HISTORICAL FACTS, THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS PROSPECTUS REPRESENTS FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS MAY RELATE IN PARTICULAR TO THE ISSUER’S STRATEGY, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, MARKET PROJECTIONS, PLANNED CAPITAL EXPENDITURE OR FUTURE REVENUES. SUCH STATEMENTS MAY BE IDENTIFIED BY THE USE OF EXPRESSIONS PERTAINING TO THE FUTURE, SUCH AS E.G. “BELIEVE”, “THINK”, “EXPECT”, “MAY”, “WILL”, „”SHOULD”, “IS EXPECTED”, “ASSUME”, AND ANY NEGATIONS AND GRAMMATICAL FORMS OF THESE EXPRESSIONS OR SIMILAR TERMS. THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS PROSPECTUS CONCERNING MATTERS WHICH ARE NOT HISTORICAL FACTS SHOULD BE TREATED ONLY AS PROJECTIONS SUBJECT TO RISK AND UNCERTAINTY. NO ASSURANCE CAN BE GIVEN THAT THE PROJECTIONS WILL BE MET, IN PARTICULAR GIVEN THE RISK FACTORS DISCUSSED IN THIS PROSPECTUS. Investment decisions made by investors regarding the Offered Shares should be based solely on their own conclusions and analyses related to the Issuer, as well as the terms and conditions of the Public Offering, with particular attention given to the risk factors. The Public Offering is conducted based on this Prospectus exclusively. Neither the Issuer nor the Offeror intends to take any action designed to stabilise the price of the securities offered under this Prospectus before, during or after the Public Offering. This Prospectus is valid for twelve months from the date when it was made available to the public. DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION This Prospectus together with its updates will be made available in electronic form on the websites of the Issuer ( and the Offeror ( as well as on the websites of the entities taking part in the subscription for the Offered Shares. Hard copies of this Prospectus will be available at: − − − − the the the the registered office of the Issuer – ul. Żurawia 8, 00-503 Warsaw, Poland; registered office of the Offeror – ul. Wspólna 47/49, Warsaw, Poland; Information Centre of the Financial Supervision Authority – pl. Powstańców Warszawy 1, Warsaw, Poland registered office of the Warsaw Stock Exchange – ul. Książęca 4, Warsaw, Poland. The non-consolidated financial statements of the Issuer for the financial years 2003-2005 (along with copies of auditor’s reports) and non-consolidated and consolidated financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 will be available for inspection at the Issuer’s registered office during the subscription period. 2 Prospectus of MNI S.A TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SUMMARY 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2. 8 PRINCIPAL AREAS AND TYPES OF THE ISSUER’S BUSINESS .........................................................................8 SALES REVENUE BY TYPE OF SERVICE .......................................................................................................9 FINANCIAL AND OPERATING REVIEW .......................................................................................................11 DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY .......................................................................................................................15 RISK FACTORS ..........................................................................................................................................17 PUBLIC OFFERING AND THE OFFERED SHARES .........................................................................................18 RISK FACTORS 19 2.1 RISK FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE MARKET ENVIRONMENT .............................................................19 2.1.1 Risk Connected with the Prevalent Social and Economic Conditions in Poland and in Europe 19 2.1.2 Risk Related to Changes of the Legal Environment 19 2.1.3 Competition Risk 19 2.1.4 Risk Inherent in Technological Progress 20 2.1.5 Risk Related to Possible Administrative Price Interventions on the Market of Universal Telecommunications Services 20 2.1.6 Risk Associated with the Customer Base 20 2.2 RISK FACTORS RELATED TO THE OPERATIONS OF THE ISSUER’S GROUP ..................................................21 2.2.1 Risk Related to Capex Investments 21 2.2.2 Risk Associated with Equipment Failures 21 2.2.3 Risk Related to Loss of Highly Qualified Staff 21 2.2.4 Risk Related to the Credit Facility Agreement with BRE Bank S.A. 21 2.2.5 Risk Arising from Pending Court and Administrative Proceedings 21 2.3 RISK FACTORS RELATED TO INVESTMENT IN THE OFFERED SHARES ........................................................22 2.3.1 Risk Related to Abandonment or Cancellation of the Public Offering by the Issuer 22 2.3.2 Risk of Unsuccessful Issue of the Offered Shares 22 2.3.3 Risk Related to Acquisition of Pre-Emptive Rights to the Offered Shares 22 2.3.4 Risk Related to the Listing of the Rights to Shares 22 2.3.5 Risk Related to Potential Non-Performance or Violation of Specific Obligations Provided for in the Regulations Governing the Regulated Market 23 3. REASONS FOR THE OFFERING, USE OF PROCEEDS AND COSTS OF THE OFFERING 24 3.1 3.2 REASONS FOR THE OFFERING AND USE OF PROCEEDS ..............................................................................24 COSTS OF THE ISSUE OR THE OFFERING ....................................................................................................24 4. DILUTION 25 5. SELECTED FINANCIAL INFORMATION 27 6. FINANCIAL FORECASTS 31 6.1 BASIC ASSUMPTIONS FOR THE GROUP’S FINANCIAL FORECASTS .............................................................31 6.2 REPORT OF AN INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT OR QUALIFIED AUDITOR ON THE CORRECTNESS OF FINANCIAL FORECASTS ........................................................................................................................................................31 6.3 COMPARABILITY OF FORECASTS WITH HISTORICAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION .......................................33 6.4 STATEMENT CONCERNING THE RELEVANCE OF THE FORECAST PUBLISHED IN THE PREVIOUS PROSPECTUS33 7. FINANCIAL AND OPERATING OVERVIEW 34 7.1 FINANCIAL STANDING ..............................................................................................................................34 7.1.1 Financial Standing 34 7.1.2 Operating Result 36 7.2 TRENDS ....................................................................................................................................................38 7.2.1 Key Trends in Sales, Inventories, Selling Costs and Prices, Prevailing in the Period from the End of the Last Financial Year to the Prospectus Date 38 7.2.2 Factors which Have a Material Bearing on the Group’s Growth Prospects until the End of the Current Financial Year 39 7.2.3 Other Factors 43 7.3 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THE FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC STANDING OF THE ISSUER AND ITS GROUP ..44 7.4 THE GROUP’S CAPITAL AND INDEBTEDNESS ..............................................................................................44 7.4.1 Capital 44 7.4.2 Statement on Working Capital 54 7.4.3 Capitalisation and Indebtedness 54 3 Prospectus of MNI S.A 7.5 8. PRESENTATION OF HISTORICAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION ......................................................................55 INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER 55 8.1 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ISSUER...........................................................................................56 8.1.1 Legal Name (specified in the Articles of Association) and Commercial Name of the Issuer 56 8.1.2 Place of the Issuer’s Registration and Its Registration Number 56 8.1.3 Date of the Issuer’s Incorporation and Period of Incorporation, Unless Such Period Is Unspecified 56 8.1.4 The Issuer’s Registered Office and Legal Form, Legal Basis for the Issuer’s Operations, Country of Domicile (Incorporation), Address and Telephone Number of the Issuer’s Registered Office Specified in the Articles of Association (or Principal Place of Business if Different) 56 8.1.5 Key Events in the Issuer’s History 56 8.2 THE ISSUER’S BUSINESS ...........................................................................................................................58 8.2.1 Core Business 58 8.2.2 Principal Areas of Business 65 8.2.3 Extraordinary Factors with a Bearing on the Group’s Business 74 8.2.4 Dependence on Patents or Licences, on Industrial, Commercial or Financial Agreements, or on New Production Processes 74 8.2.5 Sources of Information for the Issuer’s Statements, Representations and Communications Regarding Its Competitive Position 77 8.2.6 Development Strategy of the MNI Group 77 8.3 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, PATENTS AND LICENCES .......................................................................79 8.4 INVESTMENTS ...........................................................................................................................................79 8.4.1 Major Investments in the Period Covered by the Historical Financial Data 79 8.4.2 Current Investment Projects 83 8.4.3 Planned Investments 85 8.4.4 Expected Sources of Financing Required for the Implementation of Investment Projects 86 8.5 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT.........................................................................................................86 8.5.1 Material Property, Plant and Equipment (Existing and Planned), Including Leased Property, and Encumbrances 86 8.5.2 Environmental Protection Issues and Requirements Which May Affect the Issuer’s Use of Property, Plant and Equipment 87 8.6 MATERIAL AGREEMENTS .........................................................................................................................88 8.6.1 Financing-Related Agreements 88 8.6.2 Agreements on Acquisition of Shares in Companies or Interest in Such Companies’ Business 89 8.6.3 Insurance Agreements 90 8.6.4 Other Agreements 91 8.7 COURT AND ARBITRATION PROCEEDINGS ................................................................................................94 8.7.1 Court Proceedings Concerning Marek Dutka’s Claims 94 8.7.2 Court Proceedings against Tele-Pern Sp. z o.o. 94 8.7.3 Criminal Proceedings Concerning Acting to the Detriment of the Issuer 95 8.7.4 Arrangement Proceedings with the Issuer’s Creditors 95 8.8 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE.................................................................................................................96 8.8.1 Overview of the Group and the Issuer’s Place in the Group 96 8.8.2 List of Material Subsidiaries of the Issuer 96 8.9 SHAREHOLDINGS IN OTHER UNDERTAKINGS ............................................................................................98 9. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 10. MEMBERS OF MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISORY BODIES, EMPLOYEES 99 100 10.1 PRACTICES OF THE MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISORY BODIES ..............................................................100 10.1.1 Duration and Expiry Dates of Terms of Office 100 10.1.2 Agreements for Provision of Services between Members of Administrative, Management and Supervisory Bodies and the Issuer or any of Its Subsidiaries 100 10.1.3 Information on the Issuer’s Audit and Remuneration Committees 101 10.2 ADMINISTRATIVE, MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISORY BODIES AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT STAFF .......101 10.2.1 Information on Members of Administrative, Supervisory and Senior Management Staff 101 10.2.2 Conflicts of Interests within Administrative, Management and Supervisory Bodies and among Senior Management Personnel 107 10.3 REMUNERATION AND OTHER BENEFITS .................................................................................................109 10.3.1 Remuneration of Administrative, Supervisory and Senior Management Staff 109 10.3.2 Retirement, Pension and Related Benefits for Administrative, Supervisory and Senior Management Staff 109 4 Prospectus of MNI S.A 10.4 SHARES AND SHARE OPTIONS HELD BY ADMINISTRATIVE, SUPERVISORY AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT STAFF ..................................................................................................................................................................... 109 10.5 EMPLOYMENT .........................................................................................................................................110 10.5.1 Headcount at End of Period 110 10.5.2 Arrangements Concerning Employees’ Share in the Issuer’s Capital 110 11. MAIN SHAREHOLDERS 110 11.1 PERSONS OTHER THAN ADMINISTRATIVE, SUPERVISORY OR MANAGEMENT STAFF, HOLDING SHARES IN THE ISSUER OR VOTING RIGHTS AT GM .................................................................................................................111 11.2 OTHER VOTING RIGHTS HELD BY MAIN SHAREHOLDERS OF THE ISSUER...............................................111 11.3 EQUITY INTERESTS HELD IN THE ISSUER’S CAPITAL BY OTHER ENTITIES OR CONTROL EXERCISED OVER THE ISSUER BY OTHER ENTITIES, NATURE OF THE CONTROL AND MECHANISMS PREVENTING ITS ABUSE ............111 11.4 ARRANGEMENTS WHOSE EXECUTION MAY CAUSE FUTURE CHANGE OF CONTROL OVER THE ISSUER ..111 12. HOLDERS OF SECURITIES TO BE SOLD 111 12.1 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF RESIDENCE OR REGISTERED OFFICE OF THE ENTITIES OFFERING THE SECURITIES FOR SALE – POSITION, FUNCTION OR OTHER MATERIAL RELATIONS OF SELLING SHAREHOLDERS WITH THE ISSUER OF THE SECURITIES, ITS LEGAL PREDECESSORS OR RELATED ENTITIES OVER LAST THREE YEARS .....................112 12.2 NUMBER AND TYPE OF SECURITIES OFFERED BY EACH SELLING SHAREHOLDER ..................................112 12.3 LOCK-UP AGREEMENTS, PARTIES TO WHICH SUCH AGREEMENTS APPLY, TERMS OF SUCH AGREEMENTS AND EXCEPTIONS; LOCK-UP PERIOD.......................................................................................................................112 13. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 113 RELATED-PARTY TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN JANUARY 1ST 2006 AND THE PROSPECTUS DATE (PLN ‘000)113 TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED UNDERTAKINGS IN 2005 (PLN ‘000) ...................................................117 TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED UNDERTAKINGS IN 2004.......................................................................119 TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED UNDERTAKINGS IN 2003.......................................................................119 14. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 120 14.1 ISSUER’S BUSINESS PROFILE AND OBJECTIVES .......................................................................................120 14.2 SUMMARY OF ALL PROVISIONS OF THE ISSUER’S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION, BY-LAWS OR RULES OF PROCEDURE WHICH RELATE TO MEMBERS OF ITS ADMINISTRATIVE, MANAGEMENT OR SUPERVISORY BODIES120 14.2.1 Management Board 120 14.2.2 Supervisory Board 121 14.3 RIGHTS, PREFERENCES OR LIMITATIONS CONNECTED WITH EACH TYPE OF EXISTING SHARES .............122 14.4 ACTIONS NECESSARY TO CHANGE SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS ....................................................................122 14.5 RULES GOVERNING CONVOCATION OF ORDINARY GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETINGS AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETINGS .............................................................................................................123 14.6 PROVISIONS OF THE ISSUER’S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION, BY-LAWS OR RULES OF PROCEDURE WHICH COULD DELAY, POSTPONE OR RENDER IMPOSSIBLE CHANGE OF CONTROL OVER THE ISSUER....................................124 14.7 PROVISIONS OF THE ISSUER’S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION, BY-LAWS OR RULES OF PROCEDURE WHICH SPECIFY SHAREHOLDING THRESHOLDS WHICH, IF EXCEEDED, TRIGGER THE OBLIGATION TO DISCLOSE THE NUMBER OF SHARES HELD ..................................................................................................................................................124 14.8 TERMS AND CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY THE COMPANY’S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION, BY-LAWS OR RULES OF PROCEDURE, GOVERNING CHANGES OF SHARE CAPITAL IF SUCH TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE MORE STRINGENT THAN REQUIRED UNDER APPLICABLE LAWS....................................................................................................124 15. DIVIDEND POLICY 125 16. SHARE CAPITAL 126 16.1 VALUE OF ISSUED CAPITAL FOR EACH CLASS OF SHARE CAPITAL .........................................................126 16.1.1 Number of Shares in Authorised Share Capital 126 16.1.2 Number of Shares Issued and Paid Up in Full and Shares Issued and Not Paid Up in Full 126 16.1.3 Share Par Value or Information that Shares Do Not Have Par Value 126 16.1.4 Number of Shares Outstanding at the Beginning and End of Year. Information whether in the Period Covered by the Historical Financial Information more than 10% of the Share Capital Was Paid Up with Assets other than Cash 126 16.2 SHARES WHICH DO NOT REPRESENT SHARE CAPITAL ............................................................................127 16.3 ISSUER SHARES HELD BY THE ISSUER, OTHER PERSONS ON BEHALF OF THE ISSUER, OR BY THE ISSUER’S SUBSIDIARIES ..................................................................................................................................................127 16.4 NUMBER OF CONVERTIBLE SECURITIES, EXCHANGEABLE SECURITIES OR SECURITIES WITH WARRANTS AND THE RULES AND PROCEDURES GOVERNING THEIR CONVERSION, EXCHANGE OR SUBSCRIPTION....................127 5 Prospectus of MNI S.A 16.5 SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS WITH RESPECT TO SHARE CAPITAL AUTHORISED BUT NOT ISSUED OR COMMITMENTS TO INCREASE SHARE CAPITAL ................................................................................................127 16.6 INFORMATION ON SHARES IN ANY MEMBER OF THE ISSUER’S GROUP WHICH ARE COVERED BY AN OPTION OR CONDITIONAL OR UNCONDITIONAL ARRANGEMENT TO GRANT AN OPTION ...................................................127 16.7 HISTORICAL INFORMATION ON THE SHARE CAPITAL ..............................................................................128 17. CAPITAL MARKET REGULATIONS 129 17.1 RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFERABILITY OF SECURITIES.............................................................................129 17.1.1 Restrictions Provided for in the Articles of Association 129 17.1.2 Obligations and Restrictions Resulting from the Public Offering Act and the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments 129 17.1.3 Obligations and Restrictions Following from the Anti-Trust and Consumer Protection Act 135 17.2 TAKEOVER OFFERS OR SQUEEZE-OUT AND SELL-OUT PROCEDURES WITH RESPECT TO THE SECURITIES136 17.2.1 Squeeze Out Regulations 136 17.2.2 Sell Out Regulations 137 18. RULES GOVERNING TAXATION OF INCOME RELATED TO THE HOLDING OR SALE OF SECURITIES 138 19. INFORMATION OF THE SECURITIES 140 19.1 TYPE OF SECURITIES OFFERED OR ADMITTED TO TRADING ...................................................................141 19.2 LEGAL PROVISIONS ON THE BASIS OF WHICH THE SECURITIES WERE CREATED ....................................141 19.3 INFORMATION WHETHER THE SECURITIES ARE REGISTERED OR BEARER SECURITIES AND WHETHER THEY ARE DEMATERIALISED ............................................................................................................................................142 19.4 CURRENCY OF THE ISSUED SECURITIES ..................................................................................................142 19.5 RIGHTS ATTACHED TO THE SECURITIES, INCLUDING ANY RESTRICTIONS ON SUCH RIGHTS, AND THE PROCEDURES FOR THEIR EXERCISE ..................................................................................................................142 19.5.1 Commercial Companies Code 142 19.5.2 Act on Trading in Financial Instruments 144 19.5.3 Public Offering Act 144 19.5.4 Dividend Right 144 19.5.5 Date as of Which the Shares Confer Dividend Right 145 19.5.6 Deadline for Exercise of the Dividend Right and Persons Affected by Expiry of the Dividend Right 145 19.5.7 Dividend-Related Restrictions and Procedures Applicable to Non-Resident Shareholders 145 19.5.8 Dividend Rate or Manner of its Computation, Frequency of Payment, Cumulative or Non-Cumulative Dividend 145 19.5.9 Voting Rights 145 19.5.10 Pre-Emptive Rights 145 19.5.11 Right to Distributions from the Issuer’s Profit 146 19.5.12 Right to Participate in Assets Remaining after the Company Liquidation 146 19.5.13 Retirement of Shares 146 19.5.14 Share Conversion 146 19.6 RESOLUTIONS, PERMITS OR APPROVALS UNDER WHICH NEW SECURITIES HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE CREATED OR ISSUED .............................................................................................................................................................146 19.7 DATE OF THE SECURITIES ISSUE .............................................................................................................146 19.8 PUBLIC TENDER OFFERS WITH RESPECT TO THE ISSUER’S SHARES ANNOUNCED BY THIRD PARTIES IN THE PREVIOUS FINANCIAL YEAR AND CURRENT FINANCIAL YEAR ........................................................................146 20. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE OFFERING 20.1 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE PUBLIC OFFERING ..............................................................147 20.2 RULES GOVERNING DISTRIBUTION OF SHARES ......................................................................................147 20.2.1 Persons to Whom the Public Offering is Addressed 20.2.2 Public Offering Schedule 20.2.3 Issue Price 20.2.4 Rules Governing Placement of Subscription Orders 20.2.5 Payments for Offered Shares 20.2.6 Allotment Rules for the Offered Shares 20.2.7 Settlement of the Offering and Delivery of Rights to Shares and Offered Shares 20.2.8 Abandonment or Cancellation of the Public Offering 20.2.9 Intentions of Main Shareholders and Memebers of the Issuer’s Management, Supervisory Administrative Bodies Regarding Their Participation in the Subscription 146 147 148 148 148 149 150 150 151 and 151 6 Prospectus of MNI S.A 21. ADMISSION OF SECURITIES TO TRADING, AND TRADING TERMS AND CONDITIONS 151 22. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE OFFERING 152 22.1 SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITES OF ADVISERS INVOLVED IN THE ISSUE, IF SUCH ADVISERS ARE SPECIFIED IN THE OFFERING DOCUMENT .....................................................................................................................................153 22.1.1 Legal Adviser 153 22.1.2 Financial Adviser 153 22.1.3 The Offeror 153 22.1.4 The Auditor 153 22.2 OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE OFFERING DOCUMENT WHICH WAS AUDITED BY QUALIFIED AUDITORS AND WITH RESPECT TO WHICH QUALIFIED AUDITORS PREPARED A REPORT .................................153 22.3 IF THE OFFERING DOCUMENT CONTAINS A STATEMENT OR A REPORT BY A PERSON REFERRED TO AS AN EXPERT, PROVIDE THE PERSON’S FIRST NAME, SURNAME, BUSINESS ADDRESS, QUALIFICATIONS, AND INTERESTS HELD IN THE ISSUER, IF MATERIAL. IF THE REPORT WAS COMMISSIONED BY THE ISSUER: PROVIDE RELEVANT REPRESENTATION ON THE INCLUSION OF SUCH STATEMENT OR REPORT IN THE FORM AND CONTEXT IN WHICH IT WAS INCLUDED, WITH THE CONSENT OF THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROVING THAT PART OF THE OFFERING DOCUMENT ......................................................................................................................................................153 22.4 REPRESENTATION ON RELIABILITY OF INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THIRD PARTIES, ALONG WITH SOURCES OF SUCH INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................153 23. CONSOLIDATED FINACIAL STATEMENTS 155 23.1 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR 2005, INCLUDING THE AUDITOR’S OPINION AND REPORT155 23.2 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE MNI GROUP FOR H1 2006, PREPARED FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE PROSPECTUS .............................................................................................................................................223 23.3 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE MNI GROUP FOR Q3 2006 PREPARED FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE PROSPECTUS .............................................................................................................................................266 24. AUDITORS IN THE PERIOD COVERED BY HISTORICAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION 289 24.1 AUDITORS’ FIRST AND LAST NAMES, ADDRESSES AND REGISTERED OFFICES.......................................289 24.2 CHANGE OF AUDITORS ...........................................................................................................................289 25. PERSONS PROSPECTUS RESPONSIBLE FOR INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE ISSUE 290 26. DEFINITIONS 291 27. APPENDICES 297 27.1 ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION .....................................................................................................................297 27.2 EXCERPT FROM THE NATIONAL COURT REGISTER ...................................................................................304 27.3RESOLUTIONS ...........................................................................................................................................312 27.4 SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM ...................................................................................................................314 27.5LIST OF REFERENCES TO THE INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THIS PROSPECTUS BY REFERENCE ..................315 28 INTERESTS OF NATURAL AND LEGAL PERSONS INVOLVED IN THE ISSUE OR THE OFFERING 316 28.1 THE ISSUER ..............................................................................................................................................316 28.2 THE LEGAL ADVISER ...............................................................................................................................316 28.3 THE FINANCIAL ADVISER ........................................................................................................................316 28.4 THE OFFEROR ..........................................................................................................................................316 28.5 THE AUDITOR ..........................................................................................................................................316 7 Prospectus of MNI S.A 1. SUMMARY This summary should be read as an introduction to this Prospectus. Any decision to invest in the Issuer Shares offered pursuant to this Prospectus should be based on the consideration of this Prospectus as a whole. Any investor who files a claim relating to the contents of this Prospectus will bear the cost of any translation of this Prospectus required before the commencement of court proceedings. The persons preparing this summary, including any translation hereof, will be liable for an inflicted damage only if this summary is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent with other parts of this Prospectus. 1.1 Principal Areas and Types of the Issuer’s Business The MNI Group is a media and telecommunications operator providing three basic types of services: • value-added media services for the telecommunications market (MNI, Legion Polska Sp. z o.o.), • universal telecommunications services (MNI Telecom), • call center services (MNI). Media Services The media services provided by the MNI Group in the form of interactive services fall into: • value-added fixed-line services, • value-added mobile services. Value-Added Fixed-Line Services The MNI Group provides value-added fixed-line services through Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., a company acquired by the Issuer in August 2005. Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. is one of the oldest companies in the Polish market which provide value-added fixed-line services. The company operates IT platforms supporting connections with premium rate numbers (special information or entertainment numbers – 0-700xx, 0-701xx, 0-708x, 0-300xx or 0-400xx in fixed-line networks) and real-time connections between viewers/listeners and hosts of TV programmes, which are increasingly used in programmes broadcast by TV channels. Value-Added Mobile Services The value-added mobile services offered by the MNI Group include both voice (Voice Premium) and text (SMS Premium) media services, offered as part of an SMS, MMS, WAP or IVR service. Telecommunications Services The MNI Group offers advanced telecommunications services, including both telephone and data transmission services. Call Center Services As part of the call center services the Company offers IT infrastructure and a team of employees to perform tasks commissioned by the customer. These services differ from the value-added fixed-line services in that they are not fully automated but consist in an actual conversation of the operator with the caller. They are a source of cost efficiencies for companies, which do not need to arrange for their own information lines and can derive additional benefits proportionately to the market attractiveness of the infoline. Other Services Other services provided by the Issuer comprise lease of the telecommunications infrastructure not used by MNI S.A. 8 Prospectus of MNI S.A 1.2 Sales Revenue by Type of Service The tables below present changes in the sales revenue of the Issuer and the Group by type of service in 2003-2005 and in the first three quarters of 2006. Table: Structure of the Issuer’s sales revenue (PLN ‘000) Q1-Q3 2006 % share IFRS Q1-Q3 2005 % share % share 2005 IFRS PAS 2004 % share PAS 2003 % share PAS Sales revenue 75,414 100.0% 48,663 100.0% 69,491 100.0% 36,096 100.0% 18,593 100.0% Net revenue from sales of products 74,925 99.4% 48,653 100.0% 69,481 100.0% 36,087 100.0% 18,553 99.8% 25,073 33.2% 16,399 22,411 32.3% 17,527 17,874 96.1% - media services 44,764 59.4% 28,314 58.2% 41,316 59.5% 14,040 38.9% - call center services 3,922 5.2% 3,573 7.3% 5,085 7.3% 2,943 8.2% - other services 1,166 1.5% 367 0.8% 669 1.0% 1,577 4.4% 679 Net revenue from sales of 489 0.6% 10 0.0% 10 0.0% 9 0.0% 40 goods for resale and materials * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. 0.0% 0.0% 3.7% - telecommunications services 33.7% 48.6% 0.2% Table: Structure of the Group’s sales revenue (PLN ‘000) The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. Q1-Q3 2006 % share IFRS Q1-Q3 2005 % share IFRS 2005 % share IFRS 2004 % share IFRS Sales revenue 115,181 100.0% 53,491 100.0% 83,187 100.0% 43,752 100.0% Net revenue from sales of products 114,575 99.5% 53,415 99.9% 83,071 99.9% 43,743 100.0% 50,227 43.6% 19,650 36.7% 29,078 35.0% 17,118 48.6% - media services 59,004 51.2% 29,825 55.8% 48,239 58.0% 14,040 - call center services 3,922 3.4% 3,573 6.7% 5,085 6.1% 2,943 - other services 1,422 1.2% 367 0.7% 669 0.8% 9,642 Net revenue from sales of goods for 606 0.5% 76 0.1% 116 0.1% 9 resale and materials * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. 38.9% 8.2% 4.4% - telecommunications services 0.0% The dynamic growth of the Issuer’s and Group’s sales revenue confirms the effectiveness of the development strategy pursued by the MNI Management Board. In 2005 and 2004, the Issuer’s sales revenue rose by 92.5% and 94.1%, respectively, year on year, and in the first three quarters of 2006 – by 54.9% compared with the corresponding period of the previous year. At the Group level, the sales revenue growth dynamics amounted to 90.1% in 2005 and 114.5% in the first three quarters of 2006 relative to the corresponding periods of the previous years. Growth was seen in the sale of the telecommunications services, the media services and the call centre services. The increase in the value of sales of media services by 194.8% at the non-consolidated level and by 243.6% at the consolidated level in 2005, and by 58.1% at the non-consolidated level and 97.8% at the consolidated level in the first three quarters of 2006, compared with the corresponding period of the previous year, was attributable to the dynamic development of this segment of the Issuer’s business and the acquisition of Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. It was a derivative of a considerable increase in the range of services offered and the number of accounts served. Currently, telecommunications infrastructure tends to be perceived mainly as a platform for the provision of value-added services ordered by the customers, which in the case of the MNI Group means the value-added media services. The telecommunications services provided using the same infrastructure constitute in the case of the MNI Group a far smaller share of the product portfolio than the constantly growing media services. 9 Prospectus of MNI S.A In 2004, the revenue from sales of the telecommunications services provided by the Issuer was nearly flat year on year. In 2005, MNI’s revenue in this segment rose by 27.9%, and in the first three quarters of 2006 – by 53.9% relative to the same period of the previous year. At the consolidated level, the rate of growth of the revenue from telecommunications services amounted to 69.9% in 2005 and 155.6% in the first three quarters of 2006. The increase in the sales revenue from the traditional telecommunications services seen in 2005 and in the first three quarters of 2006 confirms the correctness of the implemented strategy of introduction by the Issuer of interconnect settlements with TP S.A. according to the RIO principle and abandonment of the „bill and keep” settlements system (which consisted in each of the operators keeping the entire amount due from a subscriber for the connections to other operator’s network). The increase of the sales revenue from the discussed business was also achieved thanks to the introduction of new services, including connections with the use of the network access number (the prefix) or broadband Internet access. The value of the consolidated revenue from sales of telecommunications services in 2005 was slightly influenced by the acquisition of MNI Telecom (formerly Pilicka Telefonia) completed at the end of that year, although the revenue increase achieved owing to this transaction became visible only in the results for the first three quarters of 2006. The high dynamics of growth of the revenue form the sale of the telecommunications services by the Issuer and by the Group in the first three quarters of 2006 was possible mainly owing to the growth of the wholesale of traditional telecommunications services and owing to dynamically growing sales of broadband Internet access. The growth of the Group’s revenue from sales of the call center services amounted to 72.8% in 2005 and 9.7% in the first three quarters of 2006 compared with the corresponding periods of the previous years. Currently call center services are provided using a modern IT system by Alcatel, which enables 220 employees to work from two locations. Given the fact that in 2003-2005 and in the first three quarters of 2006 there was a deep change of the product structure of the sales markets of the Issuer and the Issuer’s Group, the section below discusses the MNI Group’s offering in the analysed period. 2003 The Issuer’s business was limited to typical telecommunications services, including voice telephone and dial-up PSTN Internet access. The offering was addressed to a group of the Issuer’s own subscribers (households and businesses) located mainly in the province of Białystok. In that period the services offered by MNI included maintenance of the telecommunications network (subscription), voice telephone services (local, domestic long-distance and international connections, and connections to mobile networks), and dial-up and broadband Internet access. Other services included lease of ICT infrastructure (optical fibres and digital channels) to business customers. 2004 In addition to the services described above, the Issuer began to operate as a provider of value-added services for telecommunications, as part of its commenced integration with the business of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. The value-added services for the media sector appeared on MNI’s offer in the second part of the year, as the Issuer entered into an agreement on the acquisition of the entire business of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. and it had to ensure continuity of the services and efficiently incorporate the new business into its existing structures. The Issuer’s offering was broadened to include the call center services. Thanks to the larger service portfolio, the group of MNI’s customers increased sharply (subscribers of all fixed-line telephone and mobile networks in Poland became customers of MNI), causing a surge in the Company’s sales revenue (94.1%) compared with the previous year. 2005 In 2005, the MNI Group reported further growth of its sales revenue in the media and telecommunications segment on the back of organic development of the Issuer’s business and the acquisition of Legion Polska and MNI Telecom (formerly Pilicka Telefonia), which, apart from MNI, are the main entities making up the Issuer’s Group. Next to the typical telecommunications services provided to its own base of private and business subscribers, the MNI Group continued to pursue a line of business commenced in the previous year, namely value-added media services for the subscribers of all telecommunications networks in Poland and abroad. At the beginning of the year, the business of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. was fully integrated with the operating structures and the service offering of the Issuer. This enabled the MNI Group to commence operations as a media partner, whose task is to cooperate in the promotion of services and the arrangement of content, which constitutes the value added. The acquisition of the business of Media Net Interactive meant entering the market of services for the subscribers of mobile networks in Poland in the area of voice media services and the SMS/MMS/WAP multimedia services. In the second half of 2005, with the acquisition of Legion Polska, the activities of the MNI Group were extended to include value-added media services offered to fixedline telephone subscribers. The call center services were consistently developed based on newly built technological and organisational solutions. A new agreement on the exchange of telecommunications traffic with TP S.A. enabled the MNI Group to adapt the structure of its telecommunications offering to the needs of the market and to tangibly increase the level of revenue derived from this business segment. The extension of the offering with new products addressed to subscribers, such as broadband DSL Internet, translated into higher revenue and increasingly efficient utilisation of the 10 Prospectus of MNI S.A Group’s own telecommunications network. At the end of 2005, the Group embarked on efforts to widen the geographical reach of its telecommunications services and acquired Pilicka Telefonia, a telecommunications business operating in four numbering areas in the vicinity of Radom and serving almost 40 thousand subscribers. Thanks to these initiatives and the ongoing development, the Issuer considerably increased its sales revenue, both on the nonconsolidated (growth of 92.5%) and consolidated level (growth of 90.1%). 2006 In 2006, the Issuer and the Group successfully continued their operations in all existing lines of their business, and at the same time sought to optimally leverage the rapid expansion of the geographical area where they offered telecommunications services addressed to their own subscribers. As far as the media services are concerned, the MNI Group’s activity concentrated on expanding the business into new media and introducing new technologies and products, in line with the development of the market and technological progress. As a consequence of the steps which were taken, the value of the Issuer’s sales revenue increased by 54.9% on non-consolidated basis and by 115.3% on consolidated basis year on year. The very high rate of sales revenue growth at the Group level was also connected with the fact that the acquisition of MNI Telecom (formerly Pilicka Telefonia) was fully reflected at the consolidated level in Q1-Q3 2006. 1.3 Financial and Operating Review The historical financial information presented below was sourced from: • the Issuer’s non-consolidated financial statements for 2003-2005 and for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005); • the Group’s consolidated financial statements for 2005 (together with the comparable data for 2004) and for Q1-Q3 2006 (with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005). The Issuer’s non-consolidated financial statements for 2003-2005 are incorporated in this Prospectus by reference. The Group’s consolidated financial statements for 2005 (together with the comparable data for 2004) have been included in Section 23.1 hereof. In 2004, the Company qualified for the exemption from the requirement to prepare consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended December 31st 2004 provided for in Art. 56 of the Accountancy Act. Thus, the first consolidated financial statements of the Issuer are the financial statements of the Group for the financial year ended December 31st 2005. Chapter 23 of this Prospectus, “Consolidated Financial Statements”, contains the 2005 consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group prepared in accordance with the IFRS, together with the auditor’s opinion and report. These financial statements differ: with respect to the contents of the supplementary information, to which disclosures required under the International Financial Reporting Standards were added – from the consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group published in Current Report No. 43/2006 on October 10th 2006; with respect to the manner of presenting the data for 2004 and 2005, respectively, the adopted method of consolidating BIA-NET, and the contents of the supplementary information, to which disclosures required under the International Financial Reporting Standards were added – from the consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group published in the periodic report of June 1st 2006. The 2005 financial statements of the MNI Group contained in this Prospectus were prepared with a view to ensuring comparability of the 2004 data with the 2005 data. Additionally, the Issuer points out that: • the financial information of the MNI Group for H1 2006 prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards in the format ensuring its comparability with the financial information derived from the 2005 consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group published in Current Report No. 43/2006 has been included in Section 23.1 hereof. Concurrently, the Management Board explains that the aforesaid financial information differs from the information published in the periodic report of September 27th 2006 containing the H1 2006 consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group, for the reasons and to the extent specified in Current Report No. 43/2006 in relation to the 2005 consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group prepared by the Company for the purposes of this Prospectus. The differences concern primarily the MNI Group’s result of operations and equity; their inclusion is intended to ensure 11 Prospectus of MNI S.A comparability of the data published in the periodic report of September 27th 2006 with the data serving as the basis of this Prospectus. • the financial information of the MNI Group for Q1-Q3 2006 prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards in the format ensuring its comparability with the financial information sourced from the 2005 consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group published in Current Report No. 43/2006, in particular with respect to the balance-sheet data, has been included in Section 23.2 hereof. The Issuer’s non-consolidated financial statements for 2003, 2004 and 2005 were prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Accountancy Act, whereas the Group’s consolidated financial statements for 2005 (with the comparable data for 2004) are compliant with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The date of the Company’s transition to the IFRS was January 1st 2004. Concurrently, the form of presentation and preparation of the Group’s financial statements for 2005 is consistent with the form adopted for the Group’s financial statements for 2006, with due consideration for the accounting standards and principles as well as the legal provisions applicable to the Group’s annual financial statements for 2006. The non-consolidated financial statements for 2003-2005 and the consolidated financial statements for 2005 (with the comparable data for the previous year) were audited by qualified auditors, whereas the financial statements for Q1-Q3 2005 and for Q1-Q3 2006 were not subject to review or audit. The analysis of the MNI Group’s financial standing and financial performance in 2003-2005 takes into account the effect of the Group’s expanding its scope of business in 2004 to include media services and a significant change in its business scope which occurred in the period 2003-2005. As the Issuer acquired 100% of shares in MNI Telecom (formerly operating under the name Pilicka Telefonia) in December 2005, the financial results generated by that company in 2005 had a negligible impact on the Issuer’s consolidated income statement for the past financial year. Table: Selected historical financial highlights of the Issuer (PLN ‘000) Q1-Q3 2006* IFRS Net sales revenue Net revenue from sales of products Net revenue from sales of goods for resale and materials Q1-Q3 2005* IFRS 2005 2004 2003 PAS PAS PAS 75,414 48,663 69,491 36,096 18,593 74,925 48,653 69,481 36,087 18,553 489 10 10 9 40 Profit on sales 10,124 7,788 6,743 52 -2,801 EBITDA 19,096 19,120 23,903 12,083 3,496 EBIT 7,855 11,214 12,490 4,020 -3,418 Pre-tax profit 4,200 10,376 11,254 5,020 -4,287 Net profit 4,282 11,454 12,613 4,975 -4,410 Net cash provided by operating activities 8,929 13,436 17,237 5,528 4,737 -3,617 -16,984 -83,034 -8,700 760 Cash provided by investing activities 1,685 1,986 3,834 129 870 Cash used in investing activities 5,302 18,970 -86,868 -8,829 -110 -4,858 Net cash provided by/used in investing activities Net cash provided by/used in financing activities -6,626 3,729 66,862 2,770 Cash provided by financing activities 1,011 9,961 79,445 15,951 0 Cash used in financing activities 7,637 6,232 -12,583 -13,181 -4,858 12 Prospectus of MNI S.A Total assets Q1-Q3 2006* 2005 2004 IFRS PAS PAS 181,204 179,833 2003 PAS 89,099 84,612 Non-current assets 156,605 157,746 75,589 80,064 Current assets 24,599 22,087 13,510 4,548 Inventories 319 366 160 159 Receivables 23,972 19,383 11,945 3,305 Cash and current investments 308 1 596 672 894 107,896 111,270 33,149 53,491 Provisions for liabilities 4,767 4,723 2,793 1,701 Non-current liabilities 61,001 71,914 16,897 27,255 Liabilities and provisions for liabilities Non-current loans and debt securities Current liabilities Current loans and debt securities 57,353 68,397 5,058 6,448 42,128 32,748 12,708 21,645 15,708 9,798 2,027 1,830 Equity 73,308 68,563 55,950 35,717 Share capital 22,572 22,572 22,709 13,209 Number of shares 22,571,558 22,571,558** 22,708,558 13,308,558 Earnings per ordinary share (PLN) 0.19 0.56 0.35 -0.33 Dividend declared or paid per share (PLN) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. **The number of shares decreased following the retirement of 137,000 Series I bearer shares purchased by the Company on January 2nd 2003 and on June 6th 2003 with a view to retiring them upon the settlement of a firm-commitment underwriting agreement; the Shareholders did not receive any payments for those shares. Source: the Issuer. Table: Selected historical financial highlights of the Issuer’s Group (PLN ‘000) The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. Net sales revenue Net revenue from sales of products Net revenue from sales of goods for resale and materials Q1-Q3 2006* Q1-Q3 2005* 2005 2004 IFRS IFRS IFRS IFRS 115,181 53,491 83,187 43,752 114,575 53,415 83,071 43,743 606 76 116 9 Profit on sales 19,080 5,578 3,962 -6 EBITDA 31,234 16,634 22,135 12,713 EBIT 10,918 8,954 9,999 4,378 Pre-tax profit 7,553 8,088 8,588 5,236 Net profit 7,033 9,052 33,868 5,106 Net cash provided by operating activities Net cash used in investing activities Cash provided by investing activities Cash used in investing activities Net cash provided by/used in financing activities Cash provided by financing activities Cash used in financing activities 19,380 10,782 14,399 4,867 -27,513 -14,886 -81,281 -7,864 1,725 2,141 6,579 972 -29,238 -17,027 -87,860 -8,836 -8,156 19,425 67,764 2,583 14,890 11,883 85,333 16,659 -23,046 7,542 -17,569 -14,076 13 Prospectus of MNI S.A Q1-Q3 2006* 2005 2004 IFRS IFRS IFRS Total assets Non-current assets 225,281 215,634 90,283 173,249 163,631 77,038 Current assets 52,032 52,003 13,245 Inventories 311 375 160 39,227 33,453 12,631 Receivables Cash and current investments Liabilities and provisions for liabilities 12,494 18,175 454 121,848 125,468 33,985 Provisions for liabilities Non-current liabilities Non-current loans and debt securities Current liabilities Current loans and debt securities Equity 5,310 4,881 2,856 61,336 73,339 17,488 57,353 68,396 5,058 55,202 47,248 13,641 17,672 12,262 2,027 103,433 90,166 56,225 22,572 22,572 22,709 Share capital Q3 2006* Q3 2005* 2005 2004 IFRS IFRS IFRS IFRS Weighted average number of shares 22,571 ,558 22,585,889 22,645,005 14,276,707 Earnings per ordinary share (PLN) 0.31 0.40 1.50 0.40 Dividend declared or paid per share (PLN) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. Table: Profitability ratios and indicators of the Issuer Q1-Q3 2006* Sales revenue (PLN ‘000) Q1-Q3 2005* 2005 2004 2003 75,414 48,663 69,491 36,096 18,593 Sales margin 13.4% 16.0% 9.7% 0.1% -15.1% EBITDA margin 25.3% 39.3% 34.4% 33.5% 18.8% EBIT margin 10.4% 23.0% 18.0% 11.1% -18.4% Gross margin 5.6% 21.3% 16.2% 13.9% -23.1% Net margin 5.7% 23.5% 18.2% 13.8% -23.7% Return on assets (ROA) 2.4% 9.4% 5.7% -5.0% Return on equity (ROE) 6.0% 20.3% 10.9% -11.6% * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. Table: Profitability ratios and indicators of the Issuer’s Group The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. Q3 2006* IFRS Sales revenue (PLN ‘000) Q3 2005* 2005 2004 IFRS IFRS IFRS 115,181 53,491 83,187 Sales margin 16.6% 10.4% 4.8% 0.0% EBITDA margin 27.1% 31.1% 26.6% 29.1% EBIT margin 9.5% 16.7% 12.0% 10.0% Gross margin 6.6% 15.1% 10.3% 12.0% Net margin 6.1% 16.9% 40.7% 11.7% Return on assets (ROA) 3.2% Return on equity (ROE) 7.3% _ 43,752 22.1% 5.8% 46.3% 11.1% * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. 14 Prospectus of MNI S.A Formulas of the profitability ratios: • sales margin = profit on sales for the period/sales revenue for the period • EBITDA margin = EBITDA for the period/sales venue for the period • EBIT margin = EBIT for the period/sales revenue for the period • gross margin = pre-tax profit for the period/sales revenue for the period • net margin = net profit for the period/sales revenue for the period • return on assets = net profit for the period/average balance of assets in the period • return on equity = net profit/average balance of equity in the period Table: Debt ratios of the Issuer Q1-Q3 2006* Q1-Q3 2005 * Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2004 Dec 31 2003 IFRS IFRS PAS PAS PAS Total debt ratio 0.60 0.40 0.61 0.36 Debt-to-equity ratio 1.41 0.63 1.53 0.53 0.60 1.37 Long-term capital to non-current assets 0.86 0.94 0.89 0.96 0.79 Current debt ratio 0.23 0.16 0.18 0.14 0.26 Non-current debt ratio 0.34 - 0.40 0.19 0.32 Debt service coverage ratio 2.18 - 14.71 7.34 -1.05 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. Table: Debt ratios of the Issuer’s Group The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. Q1-Q3.2006* Q1-Q3 2005 * IFRS IFRS Dec 31 2005 IFRS Dec 31 2004 IFRS Total debt ratio 0.54 0.43 0.58 0.38 Debt-to-equity ratio 1.13 0.72 1.34 0.55 Long-term capital to non-current assets 0.95 0.93 1.00 0.96 Current debt ratio 0.25 0.20 0.22 0.15 Non-current debt ratio 0.27 - 0.34 0.19 Debt service coverage ratio 2.94 - 9.57 6.66 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. Formulas of the debt ratios: • total debt ratio = (non-current and current liabilities + provisions for liabilities)/ total equity and liabilities • debt-to-equity ratio = (non-current and current liabilities)/ equity • long-term capital to non-current assets = (equity + non-current liabilities)/ non-current assets • current debt ratio = current liabilities/total equity and liabilities • non-current debt ratio = non-current liabilities/total equity and liabilities • debt service coverage ratio = EBIT / interest expense 1.4 Development Strategy The MNI Group’s development strategy is focused on achieving shareholder value growth by increasing sales and profits through a dynamic development of the business, mainly in the media sector. The strategy assumes the construction of a strong media group working for the media and telecommunications markets. The main assumptions of the MNI Group’s development strategy relate to: • streamlining of the Group’s structure; • further development of the Group as an active media market operator. 15 Prospectus of MNI S.A Streamlining of the Group’s structure As at the Prospectus Date, the Management Board of MNI continues work on the streamlining of the Group’s structure, which is necessary for the Group to engage in new investments on a scale exceeding by several times the current scale. These initiatives consist in: change of the business profile (development of new technologies) of MNI Technology Development Sp. z o.o. (formerly Szeptel International), a subsidiary; sale by the MNI Group of MNI Mobile S.A. (formerly OSS S.A.), a subsidiary, to MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o.; MNI Mobile S.A. is to operate in the mobile telecommunications business as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO); transfer of the fixed-line telephone infrastructure from MNI S.A. directly to MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o.), an entity in which the entire traditional telecommunications business of the MNI Group is to be concentrated. The Issuer will continue its existing media, telecommunications and call centre activities, while Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. will remain responsible for the media services provided over the fixed-line telecommunications network. Further development of the Issuer’s Group as an active participant of the media market The development strategy of the MNI Group assumes in particular concentration of all efforts on developing the existing and building new technical, organisational and cooperational capabilities, which will allow the Group to: 1. Develop and commercialise a broader offering of mobile products addressed to the end users of media services, with respect to services provided over the Internet and mobile data transmission, 2. Introduce commercial services based on video formats for mobile phones, 3. Develop and commercialise an entire range of services for customers using the 3G networks, such as Mobil TV (television in a mobile phone), or VoD (TV programmes on demand), 4. Develop and commercialise an offering of mobile products based on new functionalities, such as handling of micropayments, etc., 5. Develop and commercialise solutions enabling the Group to target the product offering of MNI and its cooperators at the users of “new media”, such as Internet television and interactive digital cable television, i.e. media built on the traditional telecommunications infrastructure. This will involve in particular development of products which are analogous to those in the mobile offering but are addressed to customers with interactive receivers supported by cable TV or telecommunications operators. The objectives of the MNI Group’s development strategy will be pursued in particular through: 1. Launch of operations as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO), using one of the exisiting mobile networks; the operations would be conducted according to a few market models, 2. Development (and extension in terms of the offered content) of the multimedia offering for subscribers of mobile networks – on the basis of SMS, MMS and mobile data transmission solutions, and especially for 3G networks – on the basis of fast data transmission solutions, 3. Development of the existing interactive services platform to include solutions dedicated to digital cable television and Internet television networks, 4. Development of a new structure – the Content Production Centre, which will serve the needs of the Group and of the entire media services market. The Centre will offer Java games, polyphonic ringtones, music, wallpapers, video content, films, multi-player games, competitions, communications applications and entertainment services, 5. Development of the Group’s own distribution channels for electronic and traditional multimedia products and of specialised tools to be used in the channels that already exist, 6. Integration of modern interactive and mobile technologies to provide for quick development and implementation of advanced applications for media services, for the needs of the Group itself, the Group’s media partners, third parties operating in the telecommunications business (MVNO) and other external customers, 7. Extension of subscriber access infrastructure, including in particular with WiMax Internet access solutions, and further development of those projects towards the new areas of the Group’s operations, 8. Acquisitions of other entities from the media and telecommunications sector in Poland and abroad, if they offer full product synergy with the offering of MNI and generate free cash flows which are available for financing development projects appropriate to their needs; in the media sector the acquisition targets would include entities operating in the business of technology development as well as media content production and distribution; in the case of foreign entities, potential acquisition targets would be companies which enjoy a significant position on the developed mobile services markets in Western Europe, 9. Taking over from TP S.A. of local subscriber loops and launch of alternative (with respect to those of TP S.A.) voice and broadband Internet access services throughout Poland. These operations will be first conducted in those areas where the MNI Group already operates telecommunications networks, 10. Intensification of activity on foreign markets – from the supply of multimedia content, services and solutions, to development and implementation of turn-key interactive media solutions for local TV 16 Prospectus of MNI S.A channels and Internet portals (involving the supply of an application and technology, and connection to the local mobile or fixed-line network operators). The Group’s development strategy assumes a considerable broadening of the existing range of media services it offers, including through the introduction of new technologically advanced products for the mobile segment, namely services based on data transmission technology (WAP, WAP-Premium and Videocall for the 3G networks). Another element of the Group’s strategy is to develop and commercialise a product offering intended for the interactive digital television and interactive Internet television market, and also – in the form of dedicated applications – for public TV broadcasters and Internet portals. To effectively pursue the objectives of its strategy, the MNI Group will address its offering and activity to the subscribers of all other networks operating in Poland and abroad. As far as the Group’s own subscribers are concerned, the Group will seek to broaden its media and telecommunications offering based on the development of modern radio access systems, CDMA and WiMAX, extension of the xDSL broadband Internet access offering, and development of convergent telephony projects based on the Group’s proprietary mobile solutions (MVNO). The Group plans to launch its own development projects and purchase advanced technologies in Poland and abroad. The Group is devoting particular attention to the Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) model. It intends to operate as a MVNO under its own name and under a few other brands, already established in other areas of the media business. Furthermore, the Group’s strategy assumes a launch of the MVNO business in the Western European markets – the services would be addressed to the Polish population living there. The strategy for the call centre services assumes the use of a range of new technologies and products, including voice mailing (which relies on advanced IVR platforms and voice portals), and of mobile multimedia technologies. To finance implementation of the development strategy for the MNI Group, on June 30th 2006 the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of the Issuer adopted a resolution to increase the MNI’s share capital by PLN 67,714,674, by issuing 67,714,674 Series L Shares to be acquired by MNI’s existing shareholders in exercise of their pre-emptive rights, and set the issue price of one share at PLN 1. The issue of the Series L Shares will allow the Group to implement projects that will spur another sharp growth of the Group’s revenue and profits. The assumptions concerning the value of the Group’s consolidated net income in 20062008, which is to be earned by pursuing the development strategy, are presented in Section 6.2 of this Prospectus. 1.5 Risk Factors Prior to making a decision to acquire the Shares, investors should consider the risk factors presented below, notwithstanding any information contained in the other parts of this Prospectus. The description below does not purport to be an exhaustive discussion of all risk factors that may apply in the case of the Issuer’s Group and its business. In the future new risk factors may occur, which are hard to predict now, such as acts of God, and certain risk factors which are not material now may turn out to be material in the future. Investors should be aware that if any of the risk factors discussed below materialise, they may have a material adverse affect on the Group’s business, its financial standing and performance, as well as on the price of the Issuer shares. In addition to the risks described below, investing in the Shares entails also the risks which are typical of capital market instruments. The order of the risk factors discussed above was not intended to reflect the Issuer’s opinion on the probability of their occurrence or their materiality. Risk factors associated with the market environment of the Issuer’s Group: Risk connected with the prevalent social and economic conditions in Poland and in Europe; Risk related to changes of the legal environment; Competition risk; Risk inherent in technological progress; Risk related to possible administrative price interventions on the market of universal telecommunications services; Risk associated with the customer base; Risk factors related to the operations of the Issuer’s Group: Risk related to capex investments; Risk associated with equipment failures; Risk related to loss of highly qualified staff; Risk related to the Credit Facility Agreement with BRE Bank S.A.; Risk arising from pending court and administrative proceedings; 17 Prospectus of MNI S.A Risk factors related to investment in the Offered Shares: Risk related to abandonment or cancellation of the Public Offering by the Issuer; Risk of unsuccessful issue of the Offered Shares; Risk related to acquisition of pre-emptive rights to the Offered Shares; Risk related to the listing of the Rights to Shares; Risk related to potential non-performance or violation of specific obligations provided for in the regulations governing the regulated market. 1.6 Public Offering and the Offered Shares Issuer Public Offering Pre-Emptive Rights Basic Subscription Order Additional Subscription Order Issue Price Stabilisation Option Objectives of the Issue Planned Listing Market Payment for the Offered Shares Clearance of the Public Offering MNI Spółka Akcyjna of Warsaw As part of the Public Offering the Issuer will offer Series L ordinary bearer shares issued in a rights issue. In line with Resolution No. 8/2006 by the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI S.A. of June 30th 2006, the maximum number of the Offered Shares is 67,714,674 Series L Shares. Based on the number of the newly issued Series L Shares, each one (1) pre-emptive right entitles its holder to acquire 3 (three) Series L Shares. Shareholders will have one pre-emptive right for each share they hold on the Record Date, i.e. on September 15th 2006, close of the day. Given the time needed for settling stockexchange transactions at the Polish NDS, the investors who intend to acquire the Issuer Shares on the WSE must acquire them on or before September 12th 2006 in order to obtain the pre-emptive rights. Pre-emptive rights may be traded at the stock exchange. Preemptive rights are to be traded within the period specified in Section 20.2.2. of this Prospectus. Subscription Order for the Offered Shares placed in exercise of the pre-emptive rights, accepted on the terms specified in Section 20.2.4. of this Prospectus. Subscription Order for the Offered Shares not subscribed for in exercise of the pre-emptive rights, placed by investors who are Shareholders in the Issuer on the Record Date. Additional Subscription Orders will be accepted on the terms specified in Section 20.2.4. of this Prospectus. The Issue Price of the Offered Shares has been established at PLN 1. The Issuer does not plan to take any price stabilisation actions. A detailed description of the intended use of the issue proceeds is contained in Section 3 of this Prospectus. An application will be filed for the introduction of the Offered Shares to trading at the main market of the WSE. Rights to Shares will be traded until the Company’s share capital increase is registered. After the registration of the share capital increase, the Rights to Shares will be replaced by Series L Shares. Subscription orders placed as Basic and Additional Subscription Orders must be fully paid up no later than at the moment they are placed. Subscription orders for the Offered Shares not subscribed on the basis of the Basic and Additional Subscription Orders must be paid up no later than on the date of their acceptance. Payment for the Offered Shares must be equal to the product of the number of the Offered Shares subscribed for and their Issue Price. Payments for the Offered Shares may be made exclusively in the Polish złoty. The offering will be cleared by the Polish NDS. 18 Prospectus of MNI S.A 2. RISK FACTORS Prior to making a decision to acquire the Shares, investors should consider the risk factors presented below, notwithstanding any information contained in the other parts of this Prospectus. The description below does not purport to be an exhaustive discussion of all risk factors that may apply in the case of the Issuer’s Group and its business. In the future new risk factors may occur, which are hard to predict now, such as acts of God, and certain risk factors which are not material now may turn out to be material in the future. Investors should be aware that if any of the risk factors discussed below materialise, they may have a material adverse affect on the Group’s business, its financial standing and performance, as well as on the price of the Issuer shares. In addition to the risks described below, investing in the Shares entails also the risks which are typical of capital market instruments. The order of the risk factors discussed above was not intended to reflect the Issuer’s opinion on the probability of their occurrence or their materiality. 2.1 Risk Factors Associated with the Market Environment 2.1.1 Risk Connected with the Prevalent Social and Economic Conditions in Poland and in Europe As the MNI Group earns the most sizeable part of its revenues on the domestic market, its financial performance is contingent upon on a variety of factors related to the Polish macroeconomic environment, notably: the GDP growth rate, the growth in investments, the population’s private incomes, the inflation rate, the budget deficit, and the unemployment rate. While it is true that any adverse changes in the macroeconomic variables might be a potential source of risk for the MNI Group’s business, yet given the high degree of its segmentation, as it comprises both entertainment-related services (sale of content, competitions, voting polls) and non-entertainment information-driven services (such as telephone calls, Internet access, information hotlines and credit card payments), in the opinion of MNI’s Management Board, the potential cumulative impact on the MNI Group of adverse macroeconomic factors is lower than the risk level typically associated with the conduct of business activities. 2.1.2 Risk Related to Changes of the Legal Environment Frequent changes of the generally applicable laws, in particular the tax regime, pose a potential threat to all entrepreneurs operating on the Polish market. In the case of the Issuer, such changes may entail, for example, the risk of increased business-related expenses, the risk of profit loss or the risk of undermining or limiting the potential for dynamic growth. In particular, the ambiguous wording of a number of tax regulations, further compounded by a lack of uniform practice with respect to their construction and application, must be seen as a potential hotbed for disputes between the Issuer’s Group and the competent tax authorities. Although the Issuer seeks to mitigate the risk stemming from changes of the legal framework, it is unable to rule it out completely. 2.1.3 Competition Risk The MNI Group focuses its operations on two markets: the telecommunications market and the market of value-added media services for the telecommunications market, which – despite having some overlapping areas – are currently at different stages of development and carry different risks. Especially the MNI Group’s key-priority market, namely the market of telecommunications-based value-added media services, is characterised by the presence of a number of business startups having a relatively limited scope of operations. By comparison, the MNI Group is a larger company with a well-developed organisational structure, a strong market position and a more extensive base of telecommunications and data transmission infrastructure. Despite a lack of independent research into the Polish market of telecommunications-based value-added media services, the Company’s Management Board believes the competition risk on that market to be small as at the Prospectus Date. On the other hand, the Polish telecommunications market, due to its size and potential for future growth, combined with the high service pricing, ranks among the most attractive of the deregulated European markets. This involves the risk of growing pressures from entities engaged in activities competitive to the Group’s business. Compared to the rest of the EU, Poland’s telephone penetration rate remains rather low, and the customers have no access to the full spectrum of telecommunications services. The Internet and data transmission market has been experiencing a steady upward trend. The diffusion of mobile telephony coupled with the demonstrable, albeit slow, reduction in the prices of mobile services relative to fixed-line telephone services poses a potential risk to future growth of the Group’s revenues from voice calls via the fixed-line network. Trying to mitigate that risk, the Issuer’s Group is intensifying its activities in new, rapidly developing segments of the telecommunications market, including the VoIP services market. Additionally, the Issuer anticipates the arrival of new competitive entrants, as the process of the telecommunications market deregulation continues and the market of internet services develops. 19 Prospectus of MNI S.A Pursuant to the amended Telecommunications Law, any telecom operator entered in the Register of Telecom Entrepreneurs maintained by the President of the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) is free to operate on that market. The Company is unable to determine to what extent new market entrants will use the opportunity afforded by the amended laws, taking advantage of the lower costs of entry onto the market of broadly understood telecommunications services. However, it should be noted that, in the Issuer’s opinion, its extensive network infrastructure located in the key areas of the MNI Group’s operations and connected to TP S.A. the Polish Telecom’s infrastructure reduces the actual competition risks on the discussed market. 2.1.4 Risk Inherent in Technological Progress The MNI Group is a service provider operating in the sector in which the applied technologies are developing at a staggering rate. This may entail the risk of incurring by the MNI Group of significant unplanned expenditure on adapting its existing infrastructure to more advanced technological solutions (both on the software and hardware side) brought by the ongoing technological progress. 2.1.5 Risk Related to Possible Administrative Price Interventions on the Market of Universal Telecommunications Services The core business area of the Issuer’s Group is the provision of telecommunications-based value-added media services. The generally applicable Polish laws preclude the possibility that the Issuer’s activities in that market segment might be subject to any administrative price setting. In that sense the risk of administrative price control within the Issuer’s core business is non-existent. However, it needs to be noted that the Issuer’s business also includes the provision of telecom services on the retail market within the meaning of the Telecommunications Law of July 16th 2004. As part of that business, the Issuer or any of its subsidiaries which has the status of a telecom entrepreneur, may participate in tenders announced from time to time by the President of the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) for the provision of the so-called universal telecommunications services as defined in the Telecommunications Law. If the Issuer or its subsidiary, as the case may be, were awarded such tender, by virtue of a decision by the President of the UKE, they would become an undertaking designated to provide universal telecommunications services in a given area. The prices charged for such services, set forth in a tariff, are subject to control by the President of the UKE, pursuant to the provisions of the Telecommunications Law. An undertaking selected to provide universal telecommunications services sets the price rates independently, but it must take into account a variety of factors, such as correlation of the prices with reasonable costs and expenses related to the service provision, the maximum economic burden to the end users are able to withstand (e.g. through offering various price packages or differently tailored service plans) and the objectives behind the regulatory policymaking of the communications regulators (as defined in Art. 189.2 of the Telecommunication Law). Furthermore, a universal service provider is required to submit to the President of the UKE a draft tariff and its subsequent amendments within 30 days as from their effective date. If the President of the UKE, following review of the draft tariff, concludes that the prices charged for universal telecommunications services do not meet the conditions specified above, he may impose on the undertaking concerned the sanctions provided for in the Telecommunications Law, which include prohibiting that undertaking from setting inflated price rates or from granting unfair preferential treatment to certain end users. The President of the UKE is also authorised to cap the service prices or to establish the mandatory service price range based on the actual pricing levels on comparable markets of other EU member states. To date, neither the Issuer nor any of its subsidiaries has been designated a provider of universal telecommunications services in any area, however, this situation may change in the future. Accordingly, if the Issuer or any of its subsidiaries becomes a provider of universal telecommunications services, in practice they will be exposed to the risk of interventions from the governmental authorities regarding the prices for such service. 2.1.6 Risk Associated with the Customer Base The current organisational structure of value-added and media services relies on three major contracts concluded with mobile operators (Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa, PTK Centertel and Polkomtel) and one contract concluded with a fixedline network operator (Telekomunikacja Polska S.A., the Polish incumbent). Via these channels, the Issuer distributes over 90% of its media and value-added services. Within this model, the MNI Group’s services reach the subscriber base of the above-named operators through those operators’ intermediation. The services are also billed through those operators. Given the mutual dependence of the market participants as well as the coherence of the media and valueadded services offering, the Issuer’s Management Board considers the risk of any distribution channel becoming unavailable (e.g. due to any operator’s withdrawal from its contractual arrangements with MNI or a MNI Group company) to be negligible. In addition to that, the market Regulator has initiated efforts aimed at defining the position of a value-added service provider within the entire Telecommunications Market, which would ensure access to endcustomers, irrespective of the operator’s position. 20 Prospectus of MNI S.A 2.2 Risk Factors Related to the Operations of the Issuer’s Group 2.2.1 Risk Related to Capex Investments In line with the development strategy pursued by the Group, further reinforcement of its market position is to be achieved, inter alia, through acquisitions of companies active on the media and data transmission markets. However, the strategy designed along these lines may not deliver the anticipated economic benefits in the time horizon assumed by the Management Board, due to the typical risk factors inherent in capex investments. The execution of acquisition transactions, replacement of the acquiree’s management personnel and disparity between the organisational cultures of the companies may adversely impact both the Group’s and the acquiree’s business and financial results. Additionally, the target companies may be involved in various disputes or proceedings or may have other organisational, legal or financial problems which may adversely affect the Issuer’s and the Group’s post-acquisition operations. 2.2.2 Risk Associated with Equipment Failures The equipment used by the MNI Group in its data communications platforms which support value-added services and its telecommunications network, comes from the most renowned producers. Nevertheless, there can be no assurance that no unexpected equipment failures occur, leading to telecommunications systems stoppages. Any such failure may render the Company unable to provide services comprised in its offering. With a view to alleviating potential losses caused by equipment failures, the MNI Group has a number of emergency procedures in place, ensuring that it receives adequate technical support under its agreements with key solution vendors. The MNI Group has equipment which enables quick replacement of faulty hardware. On its own, the Group has also purchased special spare parts kits which allow it to keep the downtime caused by equipment failures to a minimum. Apart from that, The Group holds valid insurance policies covering a wide range of risks associated with its business. 2.2.3 Risk Related to Loss of Highly Qualified Staff The success of the MNI Group’s business and its future growth depend to a large extent upon the work contributed by its qualified staff and other key personnel. In order to mitigate the risk related to a possible adverse effect of losing certain members of its management staff and other key personnel, the Groups has implemented appropriate management and decision-making procedures. Moreover, according to the Company’s Management Board, its workforce recruitment process and well-developed in-house training system necessitated by the uniqueness of its technologies, justify the opinion that in the foreseeable time span the MNI Group will be able to employ sufficient workforce with appropriate expertise and qualifications. Nevertheless, in the light of certain industry-specific features of the Issuer’s Group, such risk cannot be completely dismissed. 2.2.4 Risk Related to the Credit Facility Agreement with BRE Bank S.A. In addition to other agreements specified elsewhere in this Prospectus, the Issuer is party to a significant credit facility agreement concluded with BRE Bank S.A. on August 11th 2005, concerning a long-term investment credit facility in the amount of PLN 81m, of which PLN 77.3m has been drawn to date. The amount outstanding under the facility as at the end of November 2006 amounted to PLN 69.6m. To secure repayment of the facility granted under the aforementioned agreement, the Issuer provided the collateral detailed in Section hereof, which includes in particular: registered pledges on assets constituting economic entities in the form of organised parts of the business of the Issuer and its two subsidiaries: MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia) and Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. The risk connected with those encumbrances consists in the possibility of the Bank’s enforcing its claims against the collateral, by selling or assuming ownership thereof, in the event of the Issuer’s default or inappropriate performance of its obligations under the credit facility agreement. The same applies also to the other types of collateral. It should be noted, however, that for the time being there exist no circumstances which hint at the possibility of the Issuer’s default or inappropriate performance of its obligations under the existing loan agreements. 2.2.5 Risk Arising from Pending Court and Administrative Proceedings The Issuer is involved in the court proceedings described in detail in Section 8.7 hereof. In the proceedings concerning claims pursued by Mr Marek Dutka, the Issuer is the defending party, whereas in the Tele-Pern Sp. z o.o proceedings, the action was brought by the Issuer. As regards the criminal proceedings against some former members of the Issuer’s Management Board who face, among other things, charges of malpractice detrimental to the Issuer’s business, the Issuer, apart from being the injured party, is also acting as an auxiliary prosecutor. As for now, the probability of the outcome of those proceedings being positive or negative for the Issuer cannot be conclusively determined. In the case of the proceedings related to Mr Marek Dutka’s claims, the Issuer created a provision for damages which the court may award to Mr Dutka, in accordance with the applicable legal requirements. The risk arising from the Issuer’s involvement in the above proceedings is related to uncertainty as to final decisions of the relevant courts and a possibility of their adverse effect on the Issuer’s financial results. Additionally, on December 13th 2006, the Issuer was notified that the Financial Supervision Authority had instigated ex-officio proceedings to determine whether MNI S.A. had duly performed its obligations under Art. 56 of the Act on 21 Prospectus of MNI S.A Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies, dated July 29th 2005. The proceedings concern the publication of Current Report No. 43/2006. According to Art. 96 of the said Act, non-compliance with the requirements set forth in Art. 56 of the Act entails the following sanctions: - exclusion of the securities from trading on a regulated market for a definite or indefinite period, or - a pecuniary fine of up to PLN 1,000,000.00. 2.3 Risk Factors Related to Investment in the Offered Shares 2.3.1 Risk Related to Abandonment or Cancellation of the Public Offering by the Issuer The investors should be aware that until the date of the first listing of pre-emptive rights to the Offered Shares, the Issuer’s Management Board may decide to cancel the Public Offering without being obliged to provide the reason for such decision. Following the opening of the Public Offering, until the allotment of the Offered Shares, the Issuer may decide to abandon the Public Offering only for a good reason. Such situation may take place if: Sudden and unexpected changes occur in the economic or political situation of Poland, the region or the world, which may have an adverse effect on financial markets, Polish economy or the Issuer’s business, sudden and unexpected changes occur in the Issuer’s situation, which have an adverse effect on the Issuer’s business, sudden and unexpected changes occur in the Issuer’s environment, which have a direct effect on the Issuer’s operating activities, other unexpected circumstances occur, which make the Public Offering and allotment of the Offered Shares impossible or detrimental to the Issuer’s interest. In the event of cancellation or abandonment of the Public Offering, the Issuer will publish a relevant decision as a supplement to this Prospectus, in accordance with Art. 51 of the Public Offering Act. In such case the amounts paid by investors will be returned within the timeframes and on the terms set forth in Section 20.2.7 hereof. The amounts will be returned without any interest or compensation. 2.3.2 Risk of Unsuccessful Issue of the Offered Shares The issue of the Offered Shares may be unsuccessful if: • no Offered Share is subscribed and duly paid for in line with the rules provided for in this Prospectus, • the Issuer’s Management Board does not file with the Registry Court the resolution on the share capital increase by way of the issue of the Offered Shares within six months of the Financial Supervision Authority’s approval of this Prospectus, • the Registry Court issues a decision not to register the share capital increase and the decision becomes final. The registration of the share capital increase by way of the issue of the Offered Shares is also contingent on the Management Board’s submission of a statement specifying the amount by which the share capital was increased, based on the number of the Offered Shares subscribed for under valid orders. The statement, submitted in accordance with Art. 310 of the Commercial Companies Code, in conjunction with Art. 431.7 of the Commercial Companies Code, should specify the amount of the share capital following the closing of the public subscription, within the limits set forth in the resolution on the share capital increase. If the Management Board fails to submit such a statement, the share capital increase cannot be registered, and consequently the issue of the Offered Shares will be unsuccessful. In the case of unsuccessful Public Offering, the amounts paid by investors will be returned within the timeframes and on the terms specified in Section 20.2.7 hereof. The amounts will be returned without any interest or compensation. 2.3.3 Risk Related to Acquisition of Pre-Emptive Rights to the Offered Shares The investors should be aware that the pre-emptive rights to the Offered Shares registered in their investment accounts will be listed in a continuous trading system on the Warsaw Stock Exchange during the period indicated in Section 20.2.2 of this Prospectus. Following the end of the listing period, the sale of the pre-emptive rights on the WSE will not be possible – it will only be possible to acquire the Offered Shares in exercise of the pre-emotive rights. The acquisition of the Offered Shares entails the requirement to pay for the Shares. The pre-emptive rights which are not exercised will expire. 2.3.4 Risk Related to the Listing of the Rights to Shares The introduction of the Rights to Shares to trading requires detailed arrangements to be made between the Issuer, the National Depository for Securities and the Warsaw Stock Exchange. There is a risk that due to the complexity of that process the Rights to Shares will not be introduced to trading. Failure to introduce the Rights to Shares to stock22 Prospectus of MNI S.A exchange trading may preclude investors from selling the allotted securities until the first day of listing of the Offered Shares on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Investors should be aware that if the issue is announced to be unsuccessful during the period of trading in the Rights to Shares, investors will be returned only the issue price of each Right to Shares held by them on the terms described in Section 20.2.7 of this Prospectus, without any interest or compensation. A loss may be incurred by investors who acquire the Rights to Shares on the Warsaw Stock Exchange at a price higher than the issue price of the Offered Shares. 2.3.5 Risk Related to Potential Non-Performance or Violation of Specific Obligations Provided for in the Regulations Governing the Regulated Market Powers of the Financial Supervision Authority If a public company fails to comply with the specific requirements set forth in Art. 157 and Art. 158 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, the Financial Supervision Authority may impose a financial penalty of up to PLN 1m on the entity which failed to comply with the requirements, or issue a decision excluding the company shares from trading on a regulated market, or apply both these sanctions. Furthermore, pursuant to Art. 20 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, if trading in specified securities is carried out in circumstances which indicate a possible threat to the proper functioning of the regulated market or the security of trading on such a market, or a possible compromise of investors’ interests, at the demand of the Financial Supervision Authority the Warsaw Stock Exchange will suspend trading in such securities or instruments for up to one month. At the request of the Authority, the Warsaw Stock Exchange will exclude from trading the securities indicated by the Authority if trading in such securities materially threatens the proper functioning of the regulated market or the security of trading on such a market, or compromises investors’ interests. There can be no assurance that such circumstances will not occur in the future with respect to the Shares. Powers of the Warsaw Stock Exchange According to the Rules of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the Management Board of the WSE may suspend trading in securities for up to three months: • at the issuer’s request, • if it determines that such suspension is necessary to protect the best interest and safety of market participants, • if the issuer violates the regulations governing the WSE. Additionally, in certain situations defined in the WSE Rules, the Management Board of the WSE may exclude securities from stock-exchange trading. In accordance with Par. 31.1 of the WSE Rules, the Management Board of the WSE may exclude financial instruments from stock-exchange trading: • if the transferability of the financial instruments becomes limited, • at the request of the Financial Supervision Authority made pursuant to the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments • if the financial instruments are no longer dematerialised, • if the financial instruments are excluded from trading on a regulated market by a competent regulatory body. Furthermore, the provisions of Par. 31.2 of the WSE Rules provide for the possibility of excluding financial instruments from stock-exchange trading by the WSE Management Board in the following circumstances: • if the financial instruments no longer meet the requirements for admission to stock-exchange trading other than those based on which the securities should be mandatorily excluded from stock-exchange trading, • if the issuer is persistently in breach of the regulations governing the WSE, • at the issuer’s request, • if the issuer’s bankruptcy is declared or the petition in bankruptcy is dismissed by the court on the grounds that the issuer’s assets are not sufficient to cover the costs of proceedings, • if the WSE Management Board determines that such exclusion is necessary to protect the best interest and safety of market participants, • following a decision on a merger of the issuer with another company, its demerger or transformation, • if in the last three months no stock-exchange transactions involving the given security were executed, • if the issuer engages in activities prohibited under applicable laws, • if the issuer is placed in liquidation. There can be no assurance that such circumstances will not occur in the future with respect to the Shares. 23 Prospectus of MNI S.A 3. REASONS FOR THE OFFERING, USE OF PROCEEDS AND COSTS OF THE OFFERING 3.1 Reasons for the Offering and Use of Proceeds The Issuer expects gross proceeds from the issue of Series L Shares of up to PLN 67.7m and net proceeds of up to PLN 67.3m. The proceeds of the issue of Series L Shares will be used by the Issuer to: acquire companies (both domestic and foreign) from the media and telecommunications sector and contribute additional capital (if required) to such companies; develop its own infrastructure (service platforms) facilitating the provision of media services, including MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) services and third-generation mobile network services (3G). The Management Board of the Issuer expects that the proceeds from the Public Offering will be used as follows: PLN 54m – acquisition of companies from the media and telecommunications sector in Poland and abroad, as described in Section 7.2.2 Internal Factors, including the acquisition of: 50 shares in MoCoHub Sp. z o.o., representing a 25% stake in its share capital, for PLN 1.5m, 57% shares in Breakpoint Sp. z o.o. for PLN 4.7m, an approx. 88% equity interest in Petrotel Sp. z o.o. and equity interests in other companies form the media and telecommunications sector, for PLN 47.8m, PLN 13m – investments in infrastructure – hardware solutions and software facilitating the provision of media services. In the media sector, the acquisition targets would include entities operating in the business of technology development as well as media content production and distribution. In the case of foreign entities, potential acquisition targets would be companies which enjoy a significant position on the developed mobile services markets in Western Europe. The above investment objectives, and the related use of the proceeds obtained by MNI from the Public Offering, will be implemented independently (simultaneously). The execution of the planned investments is scheduled for the years 2006–2007. The successful completion of the issue of Series L Shares will facilitate the execution of projects ensuring another sharp increase in revenue and profits achieved by the Group in line with the financial forecast presented to investors by the Management Board of MNI S.A. in Current Report No. 37/2006 of September 5th 2006 and contained in Section 6.2 of this Prospectus. In the Issuer’s opinion, if the proceeds of the issue of Series L Shares are in line with the expectations, they should be sufficient to finance all the above objectives. If the actual proceeds are lower than expected, the Issuer will additionally use, to the extent possible, debt financing or will make only selected acquisitions. Any potential additional debt financing would be obtained through bank loans or issue of debt securities. The amount of raised debt financing would depend on the Issuer’s creditworthiness and would represent a difference between the funds required to finance the investment objectives and the proceeds of the issue of Series L Shares allocated to finance such objectives. If the execution of one or more of the acquisitions and the related further investments (if any) turns out to be impossible or ineffective for any reason, the Issuer reserves the right not to execute such transaction. In such a case, the proceeds of the issue of Series L Shares not applied to execute the said transactions would be used to purchase treasury shares or increase the working capital. 24 Prospectus of MNI S.A 3.2 Costs of the Issue or the Offering The Issuer expects gross proceeds from the issue of Series L Shares of up to PLN 67.7m and net proceeds of up to PLN 67.3m. The Issuer estimates that the total costs of the preparation and execution of the Public Offering, assuming its gross proceeds at approx. PLN 67.7m, would be approx. PLN 0.4m. Table: Estimated costs of the Public Offering, assuming proceeds of PLN 67.7m Item Preparation of the Issue Prospectus, advisory services and offering Marketing of the Offering Underwriters’ fees Amount (PLN ‘000) 267 25 - Printing and distribution of the Prospectus, fees to the Financial Supervision Authority, WSE, Polish NDS, and other 110 TOTAL 402 Source: the Issuer. 25 Prospectus of MNI S.A 4. DILUTION The main Shareholders in the Company, i.e. com.Investment Sp. z o.o., Andrzej Piechocki, Caterham Financial Management LTD and Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o., declare their intention to participate in the planned issue of Series L Shares. However, if none of the existing shareholders acquired the offered Series L Shares, the absolute and percentage value of the dilution caused by the issue of Series L Shares would be as follows: Table: Dilution following the issue of 67,714,674 Series L Shares (acquisition of the Shares by new Shareholders) Number of votes at GM prior to the issue % of share capital com.Investment Sp. z o.o.* 7,357,590 7,357,590 32.60% 7,357,590 7,357,590 8.15% Andrzej Piechocki 1,398,812 1,398,812 6.20% 1,398,812 1,398,812 1.55% Caterham Financial Management LTD 1,250,000 1,250,000 5.54% 1,250,000 1,250,000 1.38% Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. Number of shares following the issue Number of votes at GM following the issue Number of shares prior to the issue % of share capital 704,264 704,264 3.12% 704,264 704,264 0.78% Other shareholders 11,860,892 11,887,270 52.55% 11,860,892 11,887,270 13.14% New shareholders 0,00 0,00 0.00% 67,714,674 67,714,674 75.00% 22,571,558 22,597,936 100.00% 90,286,232 90,312,610 100.00% TOTAL * Formerly MEDIA-NET INTERACTIVE Sp. z o.o. Source: the Issuer. 26 Prospectus of MNI S.A 5. SELECTED FINANCIAL INFORMATION The historical financial information presented below was sourced from: • the Issuer’s non-consolidated financial statements for 2003-2005 and for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005); • the Group’s consolidated financial statements for 2005 (together with the comparable data for 2004) and for Q1-Q3 2006 (with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005). The Issuer’s non-consolidated financial statements for 2003-2005 are incorporated in this Prospectus by reference. The Group’s consolidated financial statements for 2005 (together with the comparable data for 2004) have been included in Section 23.1 hereof. In 2004, the Company qualified for the exemption from the requirement to prepare consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended December 31st 2004 provided for in Art. 56 of the Accountancy Act. Thus, the first consolidated financial statements of the Issuer are the financial statements of the Group for the financial year ended December 31st 2005. Chapter 23 of this Prospectus, “Consolidated Financial Statements”, contains the 2005 consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group prepared in accordance with the IFRS, together with the auditor’s opinion and report. These financial statements differ: with respect to the contents of the supplementary information, to which disclosures required under the International Financial Reporting Standards were added – from the consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group published in Current Report No. 43/2006 on October 10th 2006; with respect to the manner of presenting the data for 2004 and 2005, respectively, the adopted method of consolidating BIA-NET, and the contents of the supplementary information, to which disclosures required under the International Financial Reporting Standards were added – from the consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group published in the periodic report of June 1st 2006. The 2005 financial statements of the MNI Group contained in this Prospectus were prepared with a view to ensuring comparability of the 2004 data with the 2005 data. Additionally, the Issuer points out that: • the financial information of the MNI Group for H1 2006 prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards in the format ensuring its comparability with the financial information derived from the 2005 consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group published in Current Report No. 43/2006 has been included in Section 23.1 hereof. Concurrently, the Management Board explains that the aforesaid financial information differs from the information published in the periodic report of September 27th 2006 containing the H1 2006 consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group, for the reasons and to the extent specified in Current Report No. 43/2006 in relation to the 2005 consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group prepared by the Company for the purposes of this Prospectus. The differences concern primarily the MNI Group’s result of operations and equity; their inclusion is intended to ensure comparability of the data published in the periodic report of September 27th 2006 with the data serving as the basis of this Prospectus. • the financial information of the MNI Group for Q1-Q3 2006 prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards in the format ensuring its comparability with the financial information sourced from the 2005 consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group published in Current Report No. 43/2006, in particular with respect to the balance-sheet data, has been included in Section 23.2 hereof. The Issuer’s non-consolidated financial statements for 2003, 2004 and 2005 were prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Accountancy Act, whereas the Group’s consolidated financial statements for 2005 (with the comparable data for 2004) are compliant with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The date of the Company’s transition to the IFRS was January 1st 2004. Concurrently, the form of presentation and preparation of the Group’s financial statements for 2005 is consistent with the form adopted for the Group’s financial statements for 2006, with due consideration for the accounting standards and principles as well as the legal provisions applicable to the Group’s annual financial statements for 2006. 27 Prospectus of MNI S.A The non-consolidated financial statements for 2003-2005 and the consolidated financial statements for 2005 (with the comparable data for the previous year) were audited by qualified auditors, whereas the financial statements for Q1-Q3 2005 and for Q1-Q3 2006 were not subject to review or audit. The analysis of the MNI Group’s financial standing and financial performance in 2003-2005 takes into account the effect of the Group’s expanding its scope of business in 2004 to include media services and a significant change in its business scope which occurred in the period 2003-2005. As the Issuer acquired 100% of shares in MNI Telecom (formerly operating under the name Pilicka Telefonia) in December 2005, the financial results generated by that company in 2005 had a negligible impact on the Issuer’s consolidated income statement for the past financial year. Table: Selected historical financial highlights of the Issuer (PLN ‘000) Q1-Q3 2006* Q1-Q3 2005* IFRS Net sales revenue Net revenue from sales of products IFRS 2005 2004 2003 PAS PAS PAS 75,414 48,663 69,491 36,096 18,593 74,925 48,653 69,481 36,087 18,553 489 10 10 9 40 -2,801 Net revenue from sales of goods for resale and materials Profit on sales 10,124 7,788 6,743 52 EBITDA 19,096 19,120 23,903 12,083 3,496 EBIT 7,855 11,214 12,490 4,020 -3,418 Pre-tax profit 4,200 10,376 11,254 5,020 -4,287 Net profit 4,282 11,454 12,613 4,975 -4,410 Net cash provided by operating activities 8,929 13,436 17,237 5,528 4,737 -3,617 -16,984 -83,034 -8,700 760 Cash provided by investing activities 1,685 1,986 3,834 129 870 Cash used in investing activities 5,302 18,970 -86,868 -8,829 -110 -4,858 Net cash provided by/used in investing activities Net cash provided by/used in financing activities -6,626 3,729 66,862 2,770 Cash provided by financing activities 1,011 9,961 79,445 15,951 0 Cash used in financing activities 7,637 6,232 -12,583 -13,181 -4,858 Total assets Q1-Q3 2006* 2005 2004 IFRS PAS PAS 181,204 179,833 89,099 2003 PAS 84,612 Non-current assets 156,605 157,746 75,589 80,064 Current assets 24,599 22,087 13,510 4,548 Inventories 319 366 160 159 Receivables 23,972 19,383 11,945 3,305 Cash and current investments 308 1 596 672 894 107,896 111,270 33,149 53,491 Provisions for liabilities 4,767 4,723 2,793 1,701 Non-current liabilities 61,001 71,914 16,897 27,255 57,353 68,397 5,058 6,448 42,128 32,748 12,708 21,645 15,708 9,798 2,027 1,830 Equity 73,308 68,563 55,950 35,717 Share capital 22,572 22,572 22,709 13,209 Liabilities and provisions for liabilities Non-current loans and debt securities Current liabilities Current loans and debt securities 28 Prospectus of MNI S.A Q1-Q3 2006 Q1-Q3 2005 IFRS Number of shares 2005 IFRS 2004 PAS 2003 PAS PAS 22,571,558 22,571,558 22,571,558** 22,708,558 13,308,558 Earnings per ordinary share (PLN) 0.19 0.51 0.56 0.35 -0.33 Dividend declared or paid per share (PLN) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. **The number of shares decreased following the retirement of 137,000 Series I bearer shares purchased by the Company on January 2nd 2003 and on June 6th 2003 with a view to retiring them upon the settlement of a firm-commitment underwriting agreement; the Shareholders did not receive any payments for those shares. Source: the Issuer. Table: Selected historical information of the Issuer’s Group (PLN ‘000) The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. Q1-Q3 2006* Q1-Q3 2005* 2005 2004 IFRS IFRS IFRS IFRS Net sales revenue 115,181 53,491 83,187 43,752 114,575 53,415 83,071 43,743 606 76 116 9 Profit on sales 19,080 5,578 3,962 -6 EBITDA 31,234 16,634 22,135 12,713 EBIT Net revenue from sales of products Net revenue from sales of goods for resale and materials 10,918 8,954 9,999 4,378 Pre-tax profit 7,553 8,088 8,588 5,236 Net profit 7,033 9,052 33,868 5,106 Net cash provided by operating activities Net cash used in investing activities Cash provided by investing activities Cash used in investing activities Net cash provided by/used in financing activities Cash provided by financing activities Cash used in financing activities Total assets 19,380 10,782 14,399 4,867 -27,513 -14,886 -81,281 -7,864 1,725 2,141 6,579 972 -29,238 -17,027 -87,860 -8,836 -8,156 19,425 67,764 2,583 14,890 11,883 85,333 16,659 -23,046 7,542 -17,569 -14,076 Q1-Q3 2006* 2005 2004 IFRS IFRS IFRS 225,281 215,634 90,283 173,249 163,631 77,038 Current assets 52,032 52,003 Inventories 311 375 160 39,227 33,453 12,631 Non-current assets Receivables Cash and current investments Liabilities and provisions for liabilities Provisions for liabilities Non-current liabilities Non-current loans and debt securities Current liabilities Current loans and debt securities Equity Share capital 13,245 12,494 18,175 454 121,848 125,468 33,985 5,310 4,881 2,856 61,336 73,339 17,488 57,353 68,396 5,058 55,202 47,248 13,641 17,672 12,262 2,027 103,433 90,166 56,225 22,572 22,572 22,709 29 Prospectus of MNI S.A Q3 2006 Q3 2005 IFRS Weighted average number of shares IFRS 22,571,558 22,585,889 Earnings per ordinary share (PLN) 0.31 Dividend declared or paid per share (PLN) 0.00 2005 2004 IFRS IFRS 22,645,005 14,276,707 0.40 1.50 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer 30 Prospectus of MNI S.A 6. FINANCIAL FORECASTS 6.1 Basic Assumptions for the Group’s Financial Forecasts The forecasts of the consolidated financial results for the MNI Group for 2006–2008 are based on an analysis of the current financial performance as well as forecasts and analyses of the development of individual market parameters prepared by such international research and consultancy companies as IDC, Research Pyramid, Instytut Gold Media, Yankee Group and the Polish research centre TNS OBOP. The forecasts are also based on the Issuer’s activities planned as part of its development strategy. Achievement of the forecast increases in financial results should be possible, in particular, thanks to the implementation of the following objectives: • Objectives dependent on the Issuer’s administrative, management and supervisory bodies: acquisition of other companies in the media and telecommunications sectors expansion of the Issuer’s own infrastructure supporting the provision of media services provision of services for 3G mobile networks • Objectives independent of the Issuer’s administrative, management and supervisory bodies: growth of the media services market, including in particular value-added services market, in line with the forecasts. Given the relatively long time span of the forecasts, the MNI Management Board has undertaken to assess the feasibility of meeting them on a quarterly basis. Such assessments will be published in current reports. 6.2 Report of an Independent Accountant or Qualified Auditor on the Correctness of Financial Forecasts MGI AKCEPT THE AUDITOR’S REPORT ON SELECTED ITEMS OF THE MNI GROUP’S ESTIMATED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR 2006 AND FORECAST FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR 2007–2008 To the Shareholders, Supervisory Board and Management Board of MNI Spółka Akcyjna We have examined the correctness of selected items of the MNI Group’s estimated financial results for 2006 and forecast financial results for 2007–2008, comprising forecasts, prepared in the form of a plan and based on significant estimates, of the following items of the income statement for 2006–2008. Table. Selected items of the MNI Group’s income statement for 2006–2008 (PLN ‘000) Item 2006 2007 Net sales revenue 160,000 180,000 EBITDA* 40,000 50,000 * EBITDA – earnings before income tax, depreciation and amortisation. 2008 225,000 65,000 The estimates and forecasts of consolidated financial results covered the results of the following undertakings: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ MNI S.A., as the Group’s Parent Undertaking (including the planned results of two media companies, assuming full-method consolidation), Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o.), and dataCOM S.A. of Warsaw (consolidated as of September 1st 2006). We would like to note that as at the date of this Report the two media companies are not subsidiaries of MNI S.A. or any other member of the MNI Group. The forecasts of the consolidated financial results have been prepared in order to be included in this Prospectus and presented to prospective investors. 31 Prospectus of MNI S.A The Management Board of MNI S.A. is responsible for the preparation of the consolidated prospective financial information, including the assumptions on which it is based. Our responsibility was to check the correctness of the MNI Group’s estimated financial results for 2006 and the MNI Group’s financial forecasts for 2007–2008 where such estimates and forecasts refer to the 20062008 income statement items specified above and are based on significant estimates. Our examination of the correctness of the consolidated estimates and forecasts was performed in accordance with the standards and guidelines included in the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE 3400), published by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). Under these standards and guidelines, we are obliged to examine the consolidated prospective financial information in such a manner as to achieve a moderate level of assurance that the consolidated financial estimates and forecasts are free of material misstatements. When examining the evidence underlying the consolidated prospective financial information prepared by the Management Board of MNI S.A. and the assumptions on which it is based, we did not identify anything suggesting that the evidence does not provide a reasonable basis for preparing the estimates of the MNI Group’s financial results for 2006 and its financial forecasts for 2007–2008. Therefore, we are not in a position to express an opinion as to whether the estimated and forecast consolidated financial results will be achieved. In our opinion, the MNI Group’s consolidated financial estimates and forecasts including the figures presented above have been correctly prepared based on the adopted assumptions, and presented in accordance with principles consistent with the accounting policies applied by the MNI Group in the preparation of financial statements in accordance with the IAS. The consolidated financial estimates and forecasts ensure comparability with the MNI Group’s historical financial information for 2005, prepared in accordance with the IAS. We would like to note that the forecasts of consolidated financial results were based on the assumption that the MNI Group acquires two media companies, which would allow it to consolidate these companies with the full method as of January 1st 2007. Should the MNI Group fail to acquire these companies or acquire them at other time, the actual financial results might differ from the forecasts. We would like to note that the MNI Group’s actual results are likely to be different from the forecasts since anticipated events frequently do not occur as expected and the difference could be material. Janusz Wisłowski Qualified Auditor Reg. No. 10727/7789 (illegible signature) Janusz Wisłowski Member of the Management Board of MGI Akcept Audyt Sp. z o.o. ul. Żelazna 54/5, 00-852 Warsaw, Poland Qualified auditor of financial statements, entered on the list of qualified auditors of financial statements under Reg. No. 2835 Qualified Auditor Reg. No. 10727/7789 (illegible signature) (Company’s address stamp) Warsaw, January 11th 2007 MGI AKCEPT AUDYT SP. Z O.O. UL. ŻELAZNA 54/5, 00-852 W ARSAW, POLAND PHONE NO. +48 22 654 91 05, FAX NO. +48 22 654 55 32 DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CAPITAL CITY OF W ARSAW, XII COMMERCIAL DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL COURT REGISTER, ENTRY NO. 0000172526 A member of the MGI, a worldwide association of independent auditing, accounting and consulting firms 32 Prospectus of MNI S.A 6.3 Comparability of Forecasts with Historical Financial Information The Issuer’s non-consolidated financial statements for the financial years 2003, 2004 and 2005, presented in this Prospectus, were prepared in accordance with the Accountancy Act, while the Group’s consolidated financial statements for 2005 (and the comparable data for 2004) were prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). January 1st 2004 is the date of transition to the IFRS. Moreover, the Group’s financial statements for 2005 were prepared and presented in the form consistent with the form to be adopted for the preparation of the Group’s financial statements for 2006, with due consideration of the accounting standards and policies, as well as legal provisions applicable to these annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group. The Group’s financial statements for 2005, audited by a qualified auditor, meet the requirements stipulated in Regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 July 2002 on the application of International Accounting Standards. The Group’s financial forecasts were prepared according to the principles ensuring the comparability of the forecasts with the principles applied in the preparation and presentation of the historical financial information for 2005. 6.4 Statement Concerning the Relevance of the Forecast Published in the Previous Prospectus The Issuer did not publish any financial forecasts in the previous Issue Prospectus. Accordingly, this Section applies neither to the Issuer nor its Group. 33 Prospectus of MNI S.A 7. FINANCIAL AND OPERATING OVERVIEW 7.1 Financial Standing 7.1.1 Financial Standing Table: Profitability ratios and indicators of the Issuer Sales revenue (PLN ‘000) Sales margin EBITDA margin EBIT margin Gross margin Net margin Return on assets (ROA) Q1-Q3 2006* 75,414 13.4% 25.3% 10.4% 5.6% 5.7% 2.4% Return on equity (ROE) Q1-Q3 2005* 48,663 16.0% 39.3% 23.0% 21.3% 23.5% 6.0% 2005 69,491 9.7% 34.4% 18.0% 16.2% 18.2% 9.4% 2004 36,096 0.1% 33.5% 11.1% 13.9% 13.8% 5.7% 2003 18,593 -15.1% 18.8% -18.4% -23.1% -23.7% -5.0% 20.3% 10.9% -11.6% * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. Table: Profitability ratios and indicators of the Issuer’s Group The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. Q3 2006 Q3 2005 IFRS Sales revenue (PLN ‘000) IFRS 2005 2004 IFRS IFRS 115,181 53,491 83,187 Sales margin 16.6% 10.4% 4.8% 0.0% EBITDA margin 27.1% 31.1% 26.6% 29.1% EBIT margin 9.5% 16.7% 12.0% 10.0% Gross margin 6.6% 15.1% 10.3% 12.0% Net margin 6.1% 16.9% 40.7% 11.7% Return on assets (ROA) 3.2% Return on equity (ROE) 7.3% _ 43,752 22.1% 5.8% 46.3% 11.1% * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. Formulas of the profitability ratios: sales margin = profit on sales for the period/sales revenue for the period EBITDA margin = EBITDA for the period/sales venue for the period EBIT margin = EBIT for the period/sales revenue for the period gross margin = pre-tax profit for the period/sales revenue for the period net margin = net profit for the period/sales revenue for the period return on assets = net profit for the period/average balance of assets in the period return on equity = net profit/average balance of equity in the period The financial and operating restructuring which the Issuer has been undergoing since 2003 is reflected in a significant increase in the non-consolidated and consolidated profitability ratios for 2003–2005. The restructuring efforts have primarily consisted in: • dynamic development of the MNI Group’s activity in the media sector (organic growth and acquisitions within the sector), which is characterised by higher growth dynamics, higher margins and lower capital intensity compared with the telecommunications sector; • debt restructuring commenced in 2003 and connected mainly with debt reduction under arrangement proceedings assumption, by the Company’s main Shareholders, of MNI’s debt towards Bank Pekao S.A. The extinguishment of 40% of debts owed to the creditors as a result of the court arrangement was reflected in an extraordinary gain of PLN 3.5m, disclosed in the Issuer’s 2003 financial statements; • stricter cost control resulting, in particular, from the cost budgeting procedure introduced in 2005. Thanks to dynamic expansion (in both media and telecommunications industries), the Issuer and its Group benefited from economies of scale, which was reflected in the improved profitability ratios for 2003–2005. The restructuring was necessitated by the difficult financial condition of the Issuer in 2003 (when a net loss was recorded), attributable in 34 Prospectus of MNI S.A particular to the capital-intensive investment programme for the construction of the Company’s own backbone network. The abandonment of that project and the sale of a portion of redundant assets (mainly telecommunications infrastructure) benefited the profit generated by the Issuer in 2005. Other factors contributing to the improvement of the 2004 and 2005 results included non-recurring transactions affecting the profit/loss on other operating activities and – in the case of extinguishment of debt interest – on the profit/loss on financing activities. The non-recurring events affecting the Issuer’s and the Group’s profitability ratios in the individual periods under analysis included: • Release of provisions related to valuation allowances on the Issuer’s assets, mainly connected with the unused backbone network, in the amount of PLN 1.4m in 2003, PLN 2.5m in 2004, PLN 5.1m in 2005 (including proceeds from the sale of a part of the backbone network in the amount of PLN 3.7m), PLN 0.8m in Q1–Q3 2005 and PLN 0.7m in Q1–Q3 2006. In 2002, the Issuer made valuation allowances on assets in the amount of PLN 32.4m, including PLN 23.7m relating to unused fibre-optic infrastructure. As at the end of Q3 2006, the valuation allowances on unused fibre-optic infrastructure totalled approximately PLN 17.2m. • The extinguishment of a PLN 4.0m debt in H1 2005, and the extinguishment, in 2004, of PLN 1.6m interest on the debt repurchased by MNI’s main Shareholders, that is com.Investment Sp. z o.o. (formerly Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o.), Towarzystwo Inwestycyjne Dedal Sp. z o.o., Caterham Financial Management Ltd and Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. The extinguished debt represented a portion the Issuer’s debt towards Bank Pekao S.A. repurchased by the aforementioned entities. These arrangements marked the end of MNI’s debt restructuring process with respect to the debt repurchased by the above entities. • Amortisation of telecommunication licence fees in 2004 (a PLN 2.1m increase in other operating income). • Creation of provision for liabilities under court proceedings (increase in other operating expenses by PLN 1.6m in H2 2005 and PLN 0.1m in Q1–Q3 2006). • Release of provision for rights of way and use of a fibre-optic line (increase in other operating income by PLN 1.5m in 2005, including PLN 0.5m in Q1–Q3 2005). • Expense on infrastructure analysis and advisory services (a PLN 1.3m increase in other operating expenses in H2 2005). • loss on the sale of non-current assets, including in particular a part of redundant telecommunications infrastructure (a PLN 0.9m increase in other operating expenses in 2003). Due to the above non-recurring events, MNI’s and the MNI Group’s EBIT margins in 2004 and 2005 were significantly higher than the sales margins. The Issuer’s and its Group’s profitability ratios in Q1–Q3 2006 were lower than in the same period of 2005 (with the exception of sales margins), because of the non-recurring events which took place in Q1–Q3 2005. The most important of them included the arrangements entered into by the Issuer in January 2005 with Towarzystwo Inwestycyjne Dedal Sp. z o.o., Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. and com.Investment Sp. z o.o. Under these arrangements, the total debt of PLN 6.1m was reduced by PLN 4.0m, which led to a non-recurring increase in other operating income. Another factor contributing to the Issuer’s and its Group’s lower profitability ratios in Q1–Q3 2006 was a significant increase in financial expenses attributable to interest on an investment loan contracted principally to finance the acquisition of MNI Telecom (formerly operating under the name of Pilicka Telefonia). It should also be noted that following the adjustment of the operating results in Q1–Q3 2006 and Q1–Q3 2005, both the Issuer’s and its Group’s EBIT grew significantly. Without the non-recurring events, MNI’s operating result would increase from PLN 4.1m in Q1–Q3 2005 to PLN 6.9m in Q1–Q3 2006, or by 67.2%, while the Group’s result would increase from PLN 1.8m in Q1–Q3 2005 to PLN 9.9m in Q1–Q3 2006. The increases in consolidated sales margins in Q1–Q3 2006, compared with the respective results for Q1–Q3 2005 were driven by multiple factors, including the Issuer’s acquisition of Pilicka Telefonia in December 2005, which, owing to the expansion of the subscriber base, enhanced the MNI Group’s growth potential. The expansion of the customer base contributed to an increase in the MNI Group’s sales revenue both in the media and telecommunications sectors. Moreover, the acquisition of MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (operating formerly under the name of Pilicka Telefonia) should benefit the Group’s profitability ratios in the telecommunications services sector thanks to economies of scale. The Issuer’s higher sales margins compared with the Group’s sales margins is attributable to the fact that media services, which are MNI’s main source of revenue, are characterised by margins higher than those achievable on services provided by other members of the Issuer’s Group, including telecommunications services. While analysing net consolidated profitability ratios, ROE and ROA, it should be taken into account that in 2005 70.5% of the Group’s net profit (PLN 23.9m) was related to the negative consolidation goodwill resulting from the acquisition of MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. for a price lower than its fair value. It should also be noted that upon the acquisition of MNI Telecom, the Issuer’s non-current assets increased significantly, which had a material impact on the level of ROA for Q1–Q3 2006. 35 Prospectus of MNI S.A 7.1.2 Operating Result Material Factors with a Bearing on EBIT Below, the structure of the Issuer’s and its Group’s EBIT in 2003–2005, Q1–Q3 2006 and Q1–Q3 2005 is presented by main business segments. Table: The Issuer’s EBIT structure (PLN ‘000) Q1–Q3 2006 Q1–Q3 2005 2005 2004 2003 IFRS IFRS PAS PAS PAS Fixed-line telephone services 2,035 5,111 3,666 1,910 -747 Media services 7,804 6,952 9,845 3,110 0 Call centre services 665 1,945 2,684 923 0 Other 573 309 449 1,508 621 11,077 14,317 16,644 7,451 -126 3,222 3,103 4,154 3,431 3,292 EBIT before unattributed costs Unattributed costs ** Total EBIT (as disclosed in financial statements) 11,214 12,490 4,020 -3,418 7,855 * The financial statements for Q1–Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1–Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. ** Selling costs and general and administrative expenses. Source: the Issuer. Table: The Group’s EBIT structure (PLN ‘000) The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. Q1–Q3 2006 Q1–Q3 2005 2005 2004 IFRS IFRS PAS PAS Fixed-line telephone services 4,526 4,941 3,406*** 1,910 Media services 8,420 4,934 7,816**** 3,110 Call centre services 665 1,945 2,684 923 Other 573 309 355 2,266 14,184 12,129 14,261 8,209 3,266 3,175 4,262 3,831 10,918 8,954 9,999 4,378 EBIT before unattributed costs Unattributed costs ** Total EBIT (as disclosed in financial statements) * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. ** Selling costs and general and administrative expenses, with the exception of MNI Telecom, where, given the company’s uniform business profile, these costs and expenses were attributed to fixed-line telephone services. *** The fact that the consolidated net result is lower than the non-consolidated net result is attributable to the negative EBIT recorded by MNI Telecom (formerly: Pilicka Telefonia) over the period under consolidation, i.e., since December 19th 2005; for the entire year 2005, MNI Telecom recorded a net profit of PLN 1.9m. **** Less consolidation adjustments relating to the Issuer’s purchase of intangible assets used in the media segment operations (PLN 2,191 thousand in 2005, including PLN 1,856 thousand in Q1–Q3 2005.) Source: the Issuer. In 2003–2005, the Issuer’s and its Group’s operating profit was growing dynamically on the back of improving operating results in individual business segments. The negative EBIT recorded in 2003 resulted from the loss reported by the fixed-line telephone business due to a costly investment programme related to the backbone network. The programme did not lead to achieving the sales revenue target, and the investment projects under the programme were concluded in 2003. A partial sale of redundant assets contributed to higher profitability in 2005. The expansion of the Issuer’s business with media and call centre services, following the acquisition of Media-Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. in November 2004, contributed to a dynamic increase in the Issuer’s EBIT and to a change in the EBIT structure in 2005. The share of telecommunications services in MNI’s EBIT (before unattributed costs) decreased from 25.6% in 2004 to 22.0% in 2005 and 18.4% in Q1–Q3 2006. On the other hand, the share of media services in MNI’s EBIT (before unattributed costs) increased from 41.7% in 2004 to 59.2% in 2005 and 70.5% in Q1–Q3 2006. This increase is attributable not only to the growing scale of operations in 36 Prospectus of MNI S.A this segment, but also to the profitability of media services being higher than that of telecommunications services. Another factors contributing to the Issuer’s growing EBIT generated by operations in the media and call centre segments were the introduction of the new services described in Section hereof and the development of technical and organisational resources of the call centre. The share of call centre services in EBIT (before unattributed costs) amounted to 12.4% in 2004, 16.1% in 2005 and 6.0% in Q1–Q3 2006. The decrease in Q1–Q3 2006, when compared with the same period of 2005, resulted from the following two factors: dynamic growth of sales in the other segments of the Issuer’s business and a decrease in the Group’s revenue from call centre services (the relatively high share of call centre services in the Group’s EBIT in 2005 was connected with contracts for the execution of large promotional campaigns related, inter alia, to parliamentary and presidential elections, as well as the promotion of a new press title; in Q3–Q4 2005, those events added PLN 1.3m to EBIT). Following the acquisition, as well as functional and technological integration of Legion Polska in H2 2005, the Group enhanced its existing offering with value-added services, addressed to fixed-line telephone subscribers, which contributed to a higher share of media services in the consolidated EBIT. It should be emphasised that the acquisition of Legion Polska had an effect not only on the Group’s financial statements. As part of the restructuring of the MNI Group, Legion Polska’s business was partially integrated into the Issuer’s organisational structure, which increased MNI’s revenue from sales of media services and EBIT in 2005. Following the elimination of non-recurring events described in Section 7.1.1, relating mostly to the reversal of valuation allowances for assets, partial extinguishment of debt by the Company’s main Shareholders, and amortisation of telecommunications licence fees, until the acquisition of MNI Telecom, the Issuer’s fixed-line telecommunications services generated an operating loss. This was attributable to high depreciation of assets used in providing such services. As a result of the acquisition of MNI Telecom in H2 2005, the necessary economies of scale were achieved, and thus a net operating profit was generated in Q1–Q3 2006, both by the Issuer (PLN 2.0m) and its Group (PLN 4.5m). The “Other” item relates to the operations outside the MNI Group’s main business activity. The significant value of the item in 2004 was attributable to the lease of fibre-optic network (PLN 0.7m) and other assets (PLN 0.8m). Key Factors Contributing to Changes in Sales Revenue Table: Impact of certain factors on changes in the Issuer’s sales revenue (PLN ‘000) Q1-Q3 2006* Q1-Q3 2005* 2005 2004 2003 IFRS IFRS PAS PAS PAS Sales revenue 75,414 48,663 69,491 36,096 18,593 Total effect of material events which have a bearing the value of sales revenue, including: 48,686 31,887 46,401 16,983 - Launch of new products: media services 44,764 28,314 41,316 14,040 - 3,922 3,573 5,085 2,943 - Launch of new products: call center services *The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. 37 Prospectus of MNI S.A Table: Impact of certain factors on material changes in sales revenue of the Issuer’s Group (PLN ‘000) The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. Sales revenue Q1-Q3 2006* Q1-Q3 2005* 2005 2004 IFRS IFRS IFRS IFRS 115,181 53,491 83,187 43,752 Total effect of material events which have a bearing the value of sales revenue, including: 81,599 31,887 56,577 16,983 Launch of new products: media services 59,004 28,314 48,239 14,040 3,922 3,573 5,085 2,943 27,517 - 3,253 - 3,112 - - - 200 - - - Launch of new products: call center services Acquisition of Pilicka Telefonia Acquisition of MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. Acquisition of DataCOM S.A. *The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. The factors that contributed the most to the increase in the MNI Group’s sales revenue included: • • • December 2004 – acquisition of the organised part of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o.’s business (currently operating under the name com.Investment Sp. z o.o.), which facilitated a dynamic development in the sector of media and call center services; H2 2005 – inclusion of Legion Polska in the MNI Group’s structure, which accounted for a surge in sales revenue of the Issuer and its Group in the media services sector; December 2005 – acquisition of Pilicka Telefonia (currently operating under the name MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o.), which enabled a significant expansion of operations in the telecommunications sector. Aspects of the Governmental, Political, Economic, Fiscal and Monetary Policies and Other Factors with a Bearing on the Issuer’s Operations The Issuer’s Group is not aware of any significant aspects of the governmental, political, economic, fiscal or monetary policies which would have a material bearing on its operations, other than the factors outlined in Section and Section 7.2.2. 7.2 7.2.1 Trends Key Trends in Sales, Inventories, Selling Costs and Prices, Prevailing in the Period from the End of the Last Financial Year to the Prospectus Date Given the nature of business operations conducted by the MNI Group (i.e. the sale of media and telecommunications services), the recently prevailing trends regarding: • sales, include: - trends observed in the media and telecommunications industry, - marketing trends, • inventories of the Issuer’s Group – not applicable, • cost of sales, include: - trends concerning the cost of purchased services, • prices, include: - trends concerning the price of services offered by the Group. Trends Prevailing in the Media and Telecommunications Industry The recently observed prominent tendencies in the media and telecommunications market pertain to the measures undertaken both by telecommunications operators and technology producers with a view to adapting the existing telecom infrastructure to new solutions, other than the traditional voice transmission. Those initiatives include in 38 Prospectus of MNI S.A particular upgrading data transmission capacity so that it can support the use of the Internet and interactive communication, which may involves sending and receiving multimedia content (including television). Simultaneously, the technologies developed worldwide increasingly facilitate leveraging the opportunities offered by broadly understood mobility. What is meant here is not only the mobility in telephone services, but also multimedia services, including interactive television. The abovementioned trends trigger off tendencies observed on the domestic media and telecommunications market, concerning the design and provision of services of a more complex structure, which rely either on Internet access based on fixed-line networks or its mobile version based on the WAP technology. As the third generation wireless technology (3G) gradually develops and proliferates, the next tendency will be a more pronounced shift towards multimedia solutions with moving image content (television content) or even television solutions. As for the traditional telecommunications services, a strong convergence of fixed-line and mobile telephone services is to be expected. It will also apply to Internet access modes. Marketing Trends In the period from the end of the last financial year to the Prospectus Date, there was a growing demand from advertisers for alternative channels of reaching the customer. This tendency is expected to gain strength with time. The Issuer expects a growth in the significance of such distribution channels as mobile phones with Internet access, which support interactive functions, or niche Internet websites. The Management Board of MNI S.A. also expects an increased importance and a more widespread use of niche television channels for advertising activities, including interactive internet television channels (IPTV). In this area MNI S.A. intends to become a major provider of content and solutions for commercial products. Trends Concerning the Cost of Purchased Services In parallel with the processes leading to a reduction of service prices, the cost of services purchased by the MNI Group is also falling. One of the contributing factors is the administrative actions taken by the telecommunications regulator, which aim at forcing Telekomunikacja Polska, enjoying a dominant position on the market, to reduce the rates quoted to its cooperating telecom providers. Another factor is a drop in the prices of wholesale internet access, continuing for a long time now and caused by intensive competition. All of the abovementioned recent trends concerning sales and the cost of purchased services of the Issuer’s Group, seen across various market segments, should have a positive impact on the financial performance of the Issuer’s Group. Trends Concerning Prices of the Services Offered by the Group A recent prominent tendency in the telecommunications market is the decrease in prices of both universal telecommunications services and Internet access services. The MNI Group seeks to offset the impact of this trend by expanding the scale of its operations. 7.2.2 Factors which Have a Material Bearing on the Group’s Growth Prospects until the End of the Current Financial Year External Factors Agreement between the Fixed-Line and Mobile Telephone Operators Concerning Mutual Access to Media Services The Issuer’s Management Board expects that if the fixed-line and mobile telephone operators reach an agreement concerning mutual access to media services, there will be a chance to promote those services under a simplified advertising model and with greater efficiency of reaching the target audience, which in the long run should enable the Group to achieve a significant increase in revenue, with a substantially unchanged level of advertising expenditure. Moreover, this model of cooperation will create a possibility of advertising products in many media which so for have been used for this purposes to a limited extent only, owing to the existing perception barriers (e.g. radio stations). Practical Possibility of Unrestricted Functioning on the MVNO Mobile Telephone Market Current expectations concerning the telecoms market include also an effective launch of mobile telecommunication in the MVNO model (Mobile Virtual Network Operator). Successful implementation of MVNO projects will be dependant on general cooperation terms between existing mobile telephone operators and potential virtual operators. With this end in view, on November 8th 2006, the Issuer and its subsidiary MNI Mobile S.A. (formerly operating under the name Ogólnopolska Sieć Szkieletowa) executed a letter of intent with Polska Telefonia Komórkowa Centertel Sp. z o.o., in which the parties expressed their intent to conclude a cooperation agreement concerning provision of MVNO mobile telephone services by MNI Mobile S.A. based on hosting services provided by PTK Centertel. Negotiations regarding the details of this agreement are in progress. 39 Prospectus of MNI S.A Even though no potential revenue from services provided under the MVNO model is taken into account, and thus there is no potential negative effect if the MVNO activities are not started, the Issuer attaches particular importance to this factor. Commercial Launch of IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) Multimedia Services in Fixed-Line Networks Given the launch of an IPTV project by Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. and an anticipated launch of analogous services by Dialog and a few other cable TV operators, the MNI Group may enter into a new area of operations as the provider of services, content, and solutions, by the end of this year. Commercial Launch of the Video Call Service in 3G Mobile Networks The increase in the number of subscribers of the 3G mobile network will go together with the development of the whole system of multimedia services. In Q4 2006, the Issuer’s Group made a full commercial launch of a package of services for customers of the 3G networks. This event is seen as vital for the success of the whole project, developed in a longer perspective of several years. Further Liberalisation of the Telecoms Market The most important external factor driving the growth of the MNI Group is the continuing liberalisation of the telecoms market and the resulting possibility of carrier pre-selection for local calls based on network access number. Another important effect of the liberalisation is the possibility of taking over the local loops from TP S.A. The decisions of the President of the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) concerning Telekomunikacja Polska S.A., dated July 4th 2006, impose a number of obligations on the incumbent operator, including lowering the rates for connections between TP S.A.’s and independent operators’s networks and unbundling the loops. Pursuant to those decisions, TP S.A. is obligated to present a framework offering of telecommunication access within three months. Thanks to those decisions the Group may acquire a significant number of new subscribers without the need to build the last-mile network infrastructure or incur the risk of subscriber migration between operators as a result of differences in their offerings. Moreover, the Group’s growth in this area will also be driven by rapid technological progress in voice and data transmission. This situation will boost the profitability of telecom services and will create an opportunity for independent operators to introduce lower call rates and prepare more competitive offerings for their subscribers. In Western Europe, market liberalisation (consisting in unbundling the local loop) contributed to increased popularity of broadband Internet services and lower prices of such services. After the unbundling of the local loop, number portability is also expected to gain importance on the fixed-line telephone market. The introduction of new interconnection rates will enable the Group to introduce a new attractively-priced offering for MNI Telecom subscribers. The Group will decide upon the amount of the reduction after it makes detailed analyses of how the prices may be affected by other market elements which are subject to liberalisation, such as the obligatory separation of Internet services from voice services in an operator’s offering. Greater Flexibility of Telecoms Operators The Issuer’s Group assumes that in line with the progress of liberalisation on the Polish telecom market, the Group’s main partners (telecom operators) may adopt a more partner-oriented approach in commercial relations with the MNI Group, in particular with respect to adopted settlement models and rates. The Issuer’s Group expects that the operators will adopt such terms and models as are in effect on more developed foreign markets. Development of Telecommunications Technologies The Issuer’s Group is constantly monitoring the introduction of new technologies on the telecoms markets. The MNI Group takes particular interest in solutions which are quickly standardised and are deemed compatible with previously applied solutions. Introduction of a New Service Settlement Model - MT SMS (Mobile Terminated SMS) In the opinion of the Issuer’s Management Board, the anticipated introduction in Poland of the MT SMS services, which enjoy high popularity in Western European countries, should translate into a sharp increase in the Group’s revenue from SMS services (for a detailed description of MT SMS see Section The MT SMS services will be implemented when their commercial version is launched and offered by mobile operators, which is scheduled for the first quarter of 2007. 40 Prospectus of MNI S.A Internal Factors Acquisition of dataCOM S.A. by MNI Telecom On July 13th 2006, MNI Telecom, a subsidiary formerly operating under the name of Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o., and JUPITER Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny S.A. of Warsaw executed a share purchase agreement concerning shares in dataCOM S.A. of Warsaw, which, upon fulfilment of the conditions precedent, was fully implemented on August 31st 2006. Under the Agreement MNI Telecom acquired 2,570,566 ordinary registered shares in dataCOM S.A., with a par value of PLN 7.00 per share, which represent 76.49% of the entire share capital of the company and the same proportion of votes at its general shareholders meeting, for a total price of PLN 19m. That price was to be paid in two instalments: first instalment of PLN 18m has already been paid, while the second instalment of PLN 1m will be paid by July 31st 2007 if the gross margin for the period June 2006–May 2007 is not lower than for the period June 2005–May 2006. The above price accounts for PLN 8.2m in cash, which dataCOM S.A. had in bank accounts on the transaction date. Given the excess of receivables over payables, this amount rises to at least than PLN 9.5m. Therefore, net of the cash acquired, the price for all the shares is PLN 12.5m. MNI Telecom assumes that the remaining 24% of the shares will be purchased from the minority shareholder at the same price as the price of the majority stake. dataCOM S.A. is the owner of a plot and an office building in the Ursus district of Warsaw (the company’s registered office). The plot covers an area of over 4,500 square metres, while the building comprises almost 2,500 square metres. As at the end of Q1 2006, the net book value of the building was close to PLN 11.8m. In the last year, the company posted sales revenue of over PLN 32m, while the sales figure for the first half of the current year was nearly PLN 15m. The acquisition of data.COM S.A. and its inclusion in the MNI Group is part of the MNI Group’s development strategy for the upcoming years. As regards the sector of telecommunications services, the strategy assumes acquisition of infrastructure providing direct access to customers – end users of services. Within Warsaw, dataCOM S.A. operates a fibre-optic bus of 60 km in length, which connects several office buildings and all major Warsaw telecommunications nodes, which are relevant in terms of telecommunications services, also in the international context. Additionally, dataCOM S.A. has a professional hosting centre connected to the entire telecommunications network via highperformance fibre-optic buses. These resources will help the Group to fully develop operations in the following areas: 1. 2. 3. Development of a range of convergent telephone services for a few dozen of large corporate customers connected to the Company’s own access infrastructure, Offering hosting services based on the Company’s own facilities to forerunners in the budding market of MVNO and VoIP operators; a wide offering of ancillary services, Continued development of the segment of wholesale telecommunications services, which will give advantage to the MNI Group companies, as the launch of a service offering differentiated in terms of prices is expected. Below are presented the benefits which the MNI Group expects to derive from the acquisition of dataCOM: 1. 2. 3. 4. Increased sales revenue of the segment of convergent telephone services (combination of the fixed-line and mobile telephone offerings), Reduced costs of collocating the Company’s servers, achieved through migration of servers to dataCOM S.A.’s hosting centre, and increased revenue from hosting services, Improved efficiency of telecommunications services as a result of handling higher volumes of traffic, Direct financial benefits, following from expansion of the offering of services provided to the existing dataCOM S.A. subscribers, with a focus on multimedia services. Acquisition of MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. by the MNI Group On August 24th 2006, the Issuer submitted to Mr Piotr Gruszecki and Mr Julian Kutrzeba an irrevocable offer to acquire a total of 200 shares in MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. of Kraków, which represent 100% of the company’s share capital. On September 15th 2006, final agreements concerning the sale of a total of 150 shares were signed. The shares represent 75% of the share capital of MoCoHub, and their price was set at PLN At the same time, initial agreements concerning the sale of the remaining 50 shares were executed. Following the transaction, the Issuer will become a sole shareholder in MoCoHub. The acquisition price of the 50 shares will depend on MoCoHub’s financial performance in 2006 and in the first six months of 2007, but it must fall in the range of PLN 1,000,000.00 and PLN 1,500,000.000.00. MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. has been developing its operations as a provider of content for mobile multimedia services to a considerable part of the domestic market. It now provides multimedia content to nearly 90% of the companies present 41 Prospectus of MNI S.A on the market. The acquisition of MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. is part of the strategy adopted by MNI’s Management Board, whereby the company is to effectively increase its market share through strengthening the area of multimedia content sales and developing an MVNO project. The acquisition of MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. brings the MNI Group closer to completing the task of launching a multi-tier centre for procuring and producing content for multimedia services, including mobile telephone, Internet television, the Internet and the traditional media. Strengthening and developing that part of the MNI Group is closely related to its plans regarding expansion into foreign markets in the near future. Acquisition of Breakpoint Sp. z o.o. by the MNI Group On October 26th 2006, the Issuer and Invidia Limited of Limassol, Cyprus, entered into a preliminary share purchase agreement concerning 57% of shares in Breakpoint, a company producing games for mobile phones. On December 19th 2006, MNI executed the final agreement, whereby it purchased the shares for PLN 4,664,000.00. The shares will be transferred to the Issuer upon payment of the price, which should occur on or before January 31st 2007. The acquisition will enable the Issuer to enter the international market of multimedia services, mainly in Western Europe. Breakpoint provides solutions to such companies as Vodafone, T-Mobile, Orange and mobile networks in the Far East and Brazil. Acquisition of Petrotel Sp. z o.o. by the MNI Group Currently, the Issuer is participating in a tender launched by PKN Orlen S.A. to select a buyer for PKN Orlen’s shareholding in Petrotel Sp. z o.o. (ca. 88%). MNI S.A. has been granted exclusivity in the next stage of negotiations on the final terms and conditions of the agreement. The execution of the final share purchase agreement will be subject to corporate approvals by MNI S.A. and PKN Orlen, clearance of the transaction by the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, a final due diligence and talks with Petrotel employees on a social security package for the transferred employees, if any. Acquisition of Companies in the Media and Telecommunications Segments As at the Prospectus Date, in addition to the foregoing, the Issuer continues its activities aimed at acquiring other companies in the media and telecommunications sectors. Their extent is currently limited to initial analyses and market research. These plans are part of the MNI Group’s growth strategy, whose goal is to develop a strong media group operating in the media and telecommunications market. As far as the media sector is concerned, the MNI Group will target companies in the segment of technology development and content production and distribution. In the case of foreign targets, potential acquisition targets will be companies with a significant market presence, which operate in the developed mobile services markets in Western Europe. New Product Offering Another internal factor material to the Group’s growth prospects until the end of the current financial year is the expansion of the existing product offering and launch of new products so as to fully utilise the Group‘s telecommunications infrastructure, its highly advanced call centre and unique solutions of state-of-the-art multimedia platforms. Numerous factors, which include the recent launch of 3G networks (the most innovative mobile communications technology) by mobile operators, the development and spreading of advanced multimedia services, further liberalization of the telecommunications market, and the commercial start of first interactive television projects prepared by CATVs and Internet networks, will, on the one hand, stimulate the demand for the services offered by the MNI Group and, on the other, will have impact on the development of its new services. In the near future, the Issuer’s Group intends to develop and commercialise a group of multimedia products for mobile customers and to prepare the ground for launching new projects next year. The most important of the products to be commercialised include: 1. Launch of services based on the WAP Premium model in the networks of all mobile operators, 2. Launch of the SMS MT model services, 3. Launch of VideoCall services in 3G networks and making the developed solutions available to business partners and providers of content for these services, 4. Launch of first commercially available WiMax installations, 5. Launch of first commercial projects involving multimedia services addressed to interactive IPTV customers, 6. Launch of mobile telecommunications services in the MVNO SP model. Detailed information on the plans of the Issuer and its Group concerning new products and technologies is set forth in Section and Section 8.2.6 hereof. 42 Prospectus of MNI S.A Restructuring of the MNI Group Initiated in 2003, the restructuring of the MNI Group (in the two areas described below) is a major internal factor which will continue to affect the Group’s growth prospects until the end of the current financial year. Change in the Group Structure In order to add further momentum to the growth of the MNI Group and create an efficient structure for its operations, the Issuer’s Management Board found it necessary to take steps to restructure the group of the Company’s subsidiaries. In line with the growth strategy adopted by the Issuer’s Group, MNI’s Management Board decided on the following division of business areas within the Group: • MNI S.A. – the existing media and telecommunications segments and call centre services; • MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Telefonia Pilicka Sp. z o.o.) – standard telecommunications services provided to subscribers in all numbering areas; • Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. – media services rendered over a fixed-line telecommunications network. Furthermore: • For over a year and a half, MNI Technology Development (formerly Szeptel International) Sp. z o.o. has concentrated on the operation of a call centre. Since the Issuer’s organisational structure includes now a call centre department of its own, continuing the operation of the MNI Technology Development’s call centre is not necessary. MNI Technology Development Sp. z o.o. will focus on technological solutions for mobile services and broadly understood IP segment, which will be provided to the companies of the Issuer’s Group and external customers. • MNI Mobile S.A. (formerly Ogólnopolska Sieć Szkieletowa S.A.), which was established in 2000 to develop a countrywide network, is not conducting any activities now, and the MNI Group does not have any plans concerning the construction of a wide-area backbone network. MNI Mobile S.A., which was sold to MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o., will develop MVNO operations. Sale of Redundant Assets The strategy of the Issuer’s Group with respect to its assets is centred on the best possible use of the Group’s existing telecommunications infrastructure. The MNI Group operates a fibre-optic network, which was originally designed to cover the entire territory of Poland in order to launch an operator which would be able to compete with TP SA. However, amendments to the telecommunications law eliminated the grounds for that concept, as a result of which further development of the network by the MNI Group was abandoned and certain sections of its fibre-optic network were sold in 2004 and 2005. A possible sale of other redundant sections of the fibre-optic network owned by the Issuer’s Group as at the Prospectus Date can bring about a one-off increase in the Group’s profits in the future. Increase in Sales Revenues Resulting From Capital Expenditure on Equipment and Network Resources in the Past Over the recent years, the Issuer’s Group has made considerable capital expenditure on developing its network and equipment assets. Since these resources have not been sufficiently exploited so far, the growth potential they offer will be gradually used to increase the MNI Group’s revenues and profits. 7.2.3 Other Factors Pursuant to the Public Notice of the President of the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) of September 13th 2006, on September 18th 2006, the Office launched a consultation process with respect to a draft decision of the UKE President concerning determination that there is no effective competition on the call termination market in the operating area of the Company’s public fixed-line telephone network, designation of MNI S.A. as a telecommunications company enjoying a significant position on that market, and imposition of regulatory obligations on the Issuer. The draft decision of the UKE President, including a statement of reasons, is available at the UKE’s web site ( On October 18th 2006, the Issuer sent a letter presenting its position on the draft decision of the UKE President. The Issuer believes that there are no grounds to state that there is no effective competition on the call termination market in the operating area of the Issuer’s public fixed-line telephone network, to designate the Issuer as a telecommunications company enjoying a significant position on that market or to impose regulatory obligations on the Issuer. The Issuer supported its position with relevant arguments contained in the letter. Given the status of the proceedings concerning the decision, held before the UKE President, it is impossible to estimate its impact on the Issuer’s Group until the UKE President issues his decision. Pursuant to the Public Notice of the UKE President of September 13th 2006, on September 18th 2006, the Office commenced a consultation process with respect to a draft decision of the UKE President concerning determination that there is no effective competition on the call termination market in the operating area of the public fixed-line telephone 43 Prospectus of MNI S.A network of MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (member of the MNI Group), designation of MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. as a telecommunications company enjoying a significant position on that market, and imposition of regulatory obligations on MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. The draft decision of the UKE President, including a statement of reasons, is available at the UKE’s web site ( On October 18th 2006, MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. sent a letter presenting its position on the draft decision of the UKE President. MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. believes that there are no grounds to state that there is no effective competition on the call termination market in the operating area of the public fixed-line telephone network of MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o., to designate MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. as a telecommunications company enjoying a significant position on that market, or to impose regulatory obligations on MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. supported its position with relevant arguments contained in the letter. Given the status of the proceedings concerning the decision, held before the UKE President, it is impossible to estimate its impact on the Issuer’s Group until the UKE President issues his decision. On November 15th 2006, the Issuer was notified that the UKE instituted administrative proceedings concerning the imposition of a financial penalty on MNI S.A. in connection with a breach of the provisions of Art. 172.1 of the Telecommunications Law. The Company questions the grounds of the charges filed against it. Consequently, it intends to use all its rights to protect its interests. However, under laws and regulations currently in effect, even if the UKE upholds its position on the matter and imposes an administrative penalty on the Company, its amount and the necessity to pay it will not affect the implementation of the Company’s growth objectives. Consequently, the proceedings are immaterial. As at his Prospectus Date, the Issuer is not aware of any uncertainties, demands, commitments or events that are reasonably likely to have a material effect on the prospects of the Issuer’s Group until the end of 2007 other than those disclosed above and in Section 7.2.2 hereof. 7.3 Significant Changes in the Financial and Economic Standing of the Issuer and its Group The Issuer and its Group recorded no significant changes in its financial and economic standing in the period from September 30th 2006 to the Prospectus Date. 7.4 The Group’s Capital and Indebtedness 7.4.1 Capital Sources of Capital Table: Sources of the Issuer’s capital (PLN ‘000) Q1-Q3 2006* Q1-Q3 2005* IFRS IFRS 2005 2004 2003 PAS PAS PAS Total long-term financing - - 68,396 15,258 - Increase in equity - - - 15,258 - Long-term bank loans - - 68,396 - - 11,625 25,383 32,120 6,350 5,607 Net cash provided by operating activities 8,929 13,436 17,237 5,528 4,737 Net cash provided by investing activities 1,685 1,986 3,834 129 870 984 9,781 10,869 693 - 27 180 180 - - 11,625 25,383 100,516 21,608 5,607 Total short-term financing Short-term bank loans Other Total sources of capital Current investments (as at beginning of period) Current investments (as at end of period) 1,596 672 672 894 238 308 646 1,596 672 894 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. 44 Prospectus of MNI S.A Table: Sources of the Issuer’s capital (PLN ‘000) The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. Q1-Q3 2006* Q1-Q3 2005* IFRS IFRS 2005 2004 IFRS IFRS Total long-term financing 20 - 68,396 15,258 Increase in equity 20 - - 15,258 - - 68,396 Total short-term financing 35,975 24,806 37,915 7,240 Net cash provided by operating activities 19,380 10,782 14,399 4,867 Long-term bank loans Net cash provided by investing activities Short-term bank loans Other 1,725 2,141 6,579 972 14,843 11,703 16,757 1,221 27 180 180 180 39,995 24,806 106,311 22,498 Current investments (as at beginning of period) 18,173 672 454 894 Current investments (as at end of period) 12,494 61 18,175 454 Total sources of capital * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. In the period 2003–2005 and Q1–Q3 2006, net cash provided by operating activities and proceeds from bank loans had the largest share in the sources of capital of both the Issuer and its Group. In 2003, net cash provided by operating activities, and net cash provided by investing activities comprising the sale of redundant assets were the main source of the Issuer’s capital. The principal source of financing in 2004 was provided by the proceeds from the issue of Series J Shares and Series K Shares. The Issuer issued 4m ordinary bearer Series J Shares worth PLN 2.5 per share. The shares were acquired for cash, which enabled MNI to reduce its indebtedness by PLN 10m. Although the issue was addressed to a qualified investor, Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. (the Issuer’s creditor, currently operating under the name of com.Investment Sp. z o.o.), the Prospectus permitted the acquisition of Series J Shares by any entities which would acquire from com.Investment Sp. z o.o. all or part of the claims against MNI under an agreement between MNI and Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o.. On these grounds, com.Investment Sp. z o.o. sold a part of the claims to the following entities: • Caterham Financial Management LTD (PLN 4.3m – 21% of the total claims amount); • Towarzystwo Inwestycyjne Dedal Sp. z o.o. (PLN 3.0 – 15% of the total claims amount); • Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. (PLN 1.8m – 9% of the total claims amount). The abovementioned companies concluded agreements with the Management Board of MNI, under which they agreed to acquire a relevant number of Series J Shares. The objective of the issue of 5.5m Series K ordinary bearer Shares, with a par value of PLN 1 per share, was to raise financing for the acquisition of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. for PLN 5.5m. In 2005, the key source of financing for the Issuer and its Group were bank loans, used mostly to finance the acquisition of Legion Polska and MNI Telecom (formerly operating under the name Pilicka Telefonia). The acquisitions contributed significantly to an increase in net cash provided by operating activities of the Issuer and its Group, due to expansion in the scope of business activities, and in particular, due to higher sales in the media services sector, which is characterised by higher margins than the telecommunications sector. In Q1-Q3 2006, net cash provided by operating activities and current bank loans (working-capital loans in current accounts) were the major sources of financing of the MNI Group’s operations. In comparison with the consolidated data, the share of net cash provided by operating activities in the non-consolidated financing structure was much lower, which was mainly attributable to the Issuer’s lower net profit as compared with the results reported by the Group. 45 Prospectus of MNI S.A Table: The Issuer’s equity and external capital (PLN ‘000) As at end of period Equity External capital Long-term external capital Provisions Non-current loans Other liabilities Short-term external capital Provisions Sep 30 2006 * Dec 31 2005 IFRS PAS Dec 31 2004 PAS Dec 31 2003 PAS 73,308 68,563 55,950 35,717 107,896 111,270 33,149 48,895 62,563 77,324 18,665 28,173 1,562 4,412 1,721 859 57,353 68,397 5,058 6,369 3,648 4,515 11,886 3,888 45,333 33,946 14,484 20,722 3,205 311 1,072 842 Current loans 15,708 8,798 2,027 1,821 Other liabilities 26,420 24,837 11,385 22,997 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. Table: The Group’s equity and external capital (PLN ‘000) The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. As at end of period Sep 30 2006 * Dec 31 2005 IFRS IFRS Dec 31 2004 IFRS Equity 103,433 90,166 56,298 External capital 121,848 125,468 33,985 62,898 74,901 17,497 1,562 1,562 9 57,353 68,396 5,058 Long-term external capital Provisions Non-current loans Other liabilities Short-term external capital Provisions 3,983 4,943 12,430 58,950 50,567 16,488 3,748 3,319 2,847 Current loans 17,672 12,262 2,027 Other liabilities 37,530 34,986 11,614 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. Except for the end of 2004, external capital, and in particular long-term external capital, was prevalent in the Issuer’s and its Group’s asset financing structure. A relatively high share (62.8%) of equity in the financing structure in 2004 resulted from the two aforementioned issues carried out by the Issuer, as well as restructuring of MNI’s debts in 2003. In 2005, the share of external capital in the financing structure grew: it amounted to 61.9% at the non-consolidated level and 58.2% at the consolidated level. The change was mainly attributable to an investment loan of PLN 77.3m, used to finance the acquisition of Legion Polska and Pilicka Telefonia. In Q1–Q3 2006, a slight increase in the share of internally generated funds in the financing structure was recorded, in the case of both the Issuer and its Group. It followed from an increase in equity, due to the net profit generated in that period. 46 Prospectus of MNI S.A Sources, Amounts and Description of Cash Flows Table: Structure of the Issuer’s cash flows (PLN ‘000) Q1–Q3 2006* Q1–Q3 2005* 2005 2004 2003 IFRS IFRS PAS PAS PAS Net cash provided by operating activities Net profit (loss) Total adjustments 8,929 13,436 17,237 5,528 4,737 4,282 11,454 12,613 4,975 -4,410 4647 1,982 4,624 553 9,147 Depreciation and amortisation 11,241 7,906 11,413 8,063 6,914 Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities -3,617 -16,984 -83,034 -8,700 760 1685 1986 3,834 129 870 -5,302 -18,970 -86,868 -8,829 -110 -6,626 3,729 66,862 2,770 -4,858 Cash provided by investing activities Cash used in investing activities Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities Cash provided by financing activities Cash used in financing activities 1011 9,961 79,445 15,951 0 -7,637 -6,232 -12,583 -13,181 -4,858 Dividend paid Total net cash flow - - - - - -1,314 181 1,065 -402 639 Cash at beginning of period Cash at end of period 1,520 455 455 857 218 206 621 1,520 455 857 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. Table: Structure of the Group’s cash flows (PLN ‘000) The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. Net cash provided by operating activities Net profit (loss) Total adjustments Depreciation and amortisation Net cash used in investing activities Cash provided by investing activities Cash used in investing activities Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities Cash provided by financing activities Cash used in financing activities Dividend paid Total net cash flow Cash at beginning of period Cash at end of period Q1–Q3 2006* Q1–Q3 2005* 2005 2004 IFRS IFRS IFRS IFRS 25,574 10,782 14,399 4,867 7,033 9,052 33,868 5,106 12,347 1,730 -19,469 -239 20,316 7,680 12,136 8,335 -27,513 -14,886 -81,281 -7,864 1725 2141 6,579 972 -29,238 -17,027 -87,860 -8,836 -8,156 4,341 67,764 2,583 14,890 11,883 85,333 16,659 -23,046 -7,542 -17,569 -14,076 - - - - -16,289 237 882 -414 17910**** -186*** 455 868 12,392 36 17,912** 454 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. **Cash as at the end of 2005 includes amounts resulting from the acquisition of Pilicka Telefonia in December 2005. *** The difference in the opening balances of cash between Q1–Q3 2005 and the year 2005 is attributable to the inclusion of two new undertakings in consolidation in 2005: MNI Technology Development Sp. z o.o. (formerly operating under the name of Szeptel International) and Media Personel Serwis Sp. z o.o. **** The difference between the closing balance of cash as at the end of 2005 and the opening balance of cash in the period Q1–Q3 is attributable to the opening balance of cash at BIA-NET, a company in liquidation, excluded from consolidation in Q1 2006. Source: the Issuer. Net cash provided by both operating and financing activities was the main source of financing of the operations of the Issuer (in 2003–2005 and Q1–Q3 2006) and its Group (in 2005 and Q1–Q3 2006). The cash was used to finance the Issuer’s investing activities, involving primarily investments in state-of-the-art technologies and the MNI Group’s expansion through acquisitions in the media and telecommunications industries. It should be stressed here that in the period under analysis the Group’s investments in property, plant and equipment were financed with internally generated funds (and, to a minor extent, through leases), while the Group’s equity investments were financed mostly with loans. Moreover, the MNI Group financed its current assets with short-term bank loans. The MNI Group companies did not hedge interest rate or currency risks. Given the low share of exports (mostly to the EU markets), currency risk was insignificant in the MNI Group’s business. 47 Prospectus of MNI S.A Owing to significant capital expenditure, in 2004–2005 and in Q1–Q3 2006, the Issuer and its Group recorded negative investing cash flows. In 2003, the Issuer’s net cash flow from investing activities was positive, as that year MNI commenced operational and financial restructuring, which limited the possible capital expenditure to the minimum. Moreover, in 2003–2005, the Issuer disposed of some property, plant and equipment, mostly relating to a part of fibreoptic infrastructure. The assets were deemed redundant given the current business profile of the MNI Group. These transactions contributed to cash provided by investing activities in 2003–2005 and to MNI’s and the Group’s increased profitability in 2005. Commencement of the financial restructuring required MNI to apply a significant proportion of cash towards the repayment of loans and borrowings. The steady growth of cash provided by operating activities in 2003–2005 reflected the increase in net profit generated by the Issuer and its Group. The steady growth of cash provided by financing activities in 2003–2005 resulted from: • two share issues carried out in 2004 (Series J and Series K Shares); • contracting a significant investment loan for financing acquisitions in the media and telecommunications sectors. Owing to the operational and financial restructuring of the Company performed by the MNI Management Board, and the recapitalisation of MNI in 2004, the Issuer’s borrowing capabilities improved significantly, which in turn contributed to the Issuer’s and its Group’s spectacular growth (both organic, through investing in state-of-the-art technologies, and driven by acquisitions in the media and telecommunications sectors). This situation was reflected in the dynamic growth of cash used in investing activities in 2003–2005. A loan totalling PLN 77.3m contracted in December 2005 enabled the MNI Group to make substantial investments in 2005, mostly connected with the acquisition of MNI Telecom (formerly: Pilicka Telefonia) and Legion Polska. These equity investments led to a strong increase in net cash provided by operating activities in 2005. Owing to the acquisition of Pilicka Telefonia, the MNI Group recorded a significant surplus of cash; the surplus is to be applied to partially finance the planned equity investments in the telecommunications and media sectors, as well as investments in property, plant and equipment. The decrease in the Issuer’s total net cash flow in Q1–Q3 2006, when compared with the respective figure for Q1–Q3 2005, is mainly attributable to a rise in trade receivables, connected with slight delays in payments due from MNI’s main customers. In Q1–Q3 2006, the consolidated total net cash flow decreased significantly due to capital expenditure. The significant increase in the adjustment for depreciation and amortisation, disclosed in the Group’s net cash provided by (used in) operating activities in Q1–Q3 2006, when compared with the respective figure for Q1–Q3 2005, was attributable, from December 2005, to the consolidation of Pilicka Telefonia. In Q1–Q3 2006, the MNI Group’s investment cash flows related mainly to investments in property, plant and equipment and the purchase of dataCOM S.A., while the financing cash flows related to bank loans contracted and repaid. Credit Needs and Financing Structure Table: Debt ratios of the Issuer Q1-Q3 2006* Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2004 Dec 31 2003 IFRS PAS PAS PAS Total debt ratio 0.60 0.61 0.36 0.60 Debt-to-equity ratio 1.41 1.53 0.53 1.37 Long-term capital to non-current assets 0.86 0.89 0.96 0.79 Current debt ratio 0.23 0.18 0.14 0.26 Non-current debt ratio 0.34 0.40 0.19 0.32 Debt service coverage ratio 2.18 14.71 7.34 -1.05 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. 48 Prospectus of MNI S.A Table: Debt ratios of the Issuer’s Group The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. Q1-Q3 2006* Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2004 IFRS IFRS IFRS Total debt ratio 0.54 0.58 0.38 Debt-to-equity ratio 1.13 1.34 0.55 Long-term capital to non-current assets 0.95 1.00 0.96 Current debt ratio 0.25 0.22 0.15 Non-current debt ratio 0.27 0.34 0.19 Debt service coverage ratio 2.94 9.57 6.66 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer Formulas of the debt ratios: • total debt ratio = (non-current and current liabilities + provisions for liabilities)/ total equity and liabilities • debt-to-equity ratio = (non-current and current liabilities)/ equity • long-term capital to non-current assets = (equity + non-current liabilities)/ non-current assets • current debt ratio = current liabilities/total equity and liabilities • non-current debt ratio = non-current liabilities/total equity and liabilities • debt service ratio = EBIT/interest expense With the exception of 2003, when the Issuer’s financial standing was poor, in 2004–2005 and in Q3 2006, MNI’s and the Group’s debt ratios reflected no threats to proper debt servicing. The significant improvement in debt ratios between 2003 and 2004 was attributable mainly to the following events: • increase in the operating margin due to the expansion of the Group’s business into the media sector, offering promising growth prospects and attractive margins; • arrangement reached with creditors in October 2003 (and approved in November 2003), under which a debt of approx. PLN 7m was reduced by 40%, and the repayment of the balance was prolonged and divided into 30 equal quarterly instalments; • two share issues in 2004 (Series J and Series K Shares) with a total value of PLN 15.5m. The increases in the Issuer’s and Group’s debt ratios between 2004 and 2005, as well as in Q1–Q3 2006, were attributable to the bank loan contracted by MNI in December 2005, totalling PLN 77.3m. The loan was partially used to finance MNI’s acquisition of Legion Polska and MNI Telecom (formerly: Pilicka Telefonia). As at the end of Q3 2006, the Issuer’s debt and the MNI Group’s debt were at levels similar to the respective figures as at the end of 2005. The decreases in debt service coverage ratio recorded in Q1–Q3 2006 and in 2005 followed from a significant increase in loans towards the end of 2005 and the resulting growth of interest expense, which was reflected in the figures for Q1–Q3 2006. In general, the undertakings acquired by MNI in 2005 have lower debt than the Issuer, which is reflected in the consolidated debt ratios being lower than the non-consolidated ratios. Table: The MNI Group’s non-current liabilities under contracted loans and borrowings, and financial instruments issued as at November 30th 2006 Bank Type of liability Outstanding amount (PLN ‘000) Currency (‘000) Interest Maturity date Instalments payable 1M WIBOR + bank’s margin Dec 20 2010 Equal monthly instalments Liabilities under loans MNI S.A. BRE BANK S.A. Investment and refinancing loan 57,353 PLN Source: the Issuer. The MNI Group’s non-current liabilities are exclusively liabilities of the Issuer. 49 Prospectus of MNI S.A Table: The MNI Group’s current liabilities under contracted loans and borrowings, and financial instruments issued as at November 30th 2006 Bank Type of liability Outstanding amount (PLN ‘000) Currency (‘000) Interest Maturity date Instalments payable Current liabilities under loans MNI S.A. BRE BANK S.A. Current portion of a long-term loan 12,270 PLN 1M WIBOR + bank’s margin Nov 30 2007 Equal monthly instalments BRE BANK S.A. Revolving loan 308 PLN 1M WIBOR + bank’s margin Jun 29 2007 One-off payment at maturity 3M WIBOR + bank’s margin Dec 31 2006 Equal monthly instalments MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. Investment loan Pekao S.A. 464 PLN Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. BRE BANK S.A. Revolving loan 750 PLN 1M WIBOR + bank’s margin Jul 30 2007 One-off payment at maturity BRE BANK S.A. Workingcapital loan in current account 638 PLN 1M WIBOR + bank’s margin Oct 27 2006 One-off payment at maturity Source: the Issuer. The MNI Group renews its short-term bank loans on an annual basis. The Issuer envisages this practice to continue in the future. Table: The Issuer’s current liabilities under contracted loans and borrowings, and financial instruments issued as at November 30th 2006 Bank Type of liability Outstanding amount (PLN ‘000) Currency (‘000) Interest Maturity date Instalments payable Current liabilities under loans BRE BANK S.A. Current portion of a long-term loan 12,270 PLN 1M WIBOR + bank’s margin Nov 30 2007 Equal monthly instalments BRE BANK S.A. Revolving loan 308 PLN 1M WIBOR + bank’s margin Jun 29 2007 One-off payment at maturity Source: the Issuer. 50 Prospectus of MNI S.A Table: The Issuer’s liquidity ratios Sep 30 2006* Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2004 Dec 31 2003 IFRS PAS PAS PAS Current ratio 0.58 0.67 1.06 0.21 Quick ratio 0.58 0.66 1.05 0.20 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. Table: The MNI Group’s liquidity ratios Sep 30 2006* Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2004 MSSF MSSF MSSF Current ratio 0.94 1.10 0.97 Quick ratio 0.94 1.09 0.96 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. Formulas of liquidity ratios: current ratio = current assets/current liabilities quick ratio = (current assets - inventories)/ current liabilities Following the financial and operational restructuring of MNI, the Issuer’s liquidity ratios improved remarkably in 2004 when compared with 2003. In 2005, a liquidity at the non-consolidated level declined, while the Group’s liquidity improved. The deterioration of the Issuer’s liquidity ratios in 2005 was driven primarily by an increase in current liabilities under bank loans (up by PLN 7.8m compared with the respective figure as at the end of December 2004), attributable to a long-term investment loan contracted at the end of 2005 and repayable in 2006. In the case of the MNI Group, the growth dynamics of current assets (292.6%) exceeded the growth dynamics for current liabilities (246.4%), driving up the liquidity ratios in 2005 relative to 2004. Current assets grew following a rise in current receivables (by PLN 20.8m), as well as in cash and current investments (by PLN 17.7m) when compared with the respective figures as at the end of December 2004. With the purchase of MNI Telecom, the Issuer acquired cash in the amount of PLN 17.5m, held by the acquired company in bank deposits as at the end of 2005. As at September 3rd 2006, liquidity ratios of both the Issuer and the Group were lower than as at the end of December 2005. Given the nature of the Group’s business (media and telecommunications services) and the resulting low inventories, current and quick ratios are close to each other, for both the Issuer and the Group. In Q1–Q3 2006, the MNI Group’s liquidity ratios were higher than the Issuer’s due to cash held by MNI Telecom at the time of its acquisition by the Issuer. 51 Prospectus of MNI S.A Table: Issuer’s working capital (PLN ‘000) 1. Current assets 2. Cash and other current investments 3. Sep 30 2006* Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2004 Dec 31 2003 IFRS PAS PAS PAS 24,599 22,087 13,510 308 1,596 672 4,548 894 Adjusted current assets (1-2) 24,291 20,491 12,838 3,654 4. Current liabilities 42,128 32,748 12,708 21,645 5. Current loans and debt securities 15,708 9,798 2,027 1,830 6. Adjusted current liabilities (4-5) 26,420 22,950 10,681 19,815 7. Working capital (1-4) -17,529 -10,661 802 -17,097 8. Working capital requirement (3-6) -2,129 -2,459 2,157 -16,161 9. Net balance of working capital (7-8) -15,400 -8,202 -1,355 -936 10. Share of own resources in financing current assets (7/1) -71.3% -48.3% 5.9% -375.9% * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. Table: Working capital of the Issuer’s Group (PLN ‘000) The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. Sep 30 2006* Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2004 IFRS IFRS IFRS 1. Current assets 52,032 52,003 2. Cash and other current investments 12,494 18,175 13,245 454 3. Adjusted current assets (1-2) 39,538 33,828 12,791 4. Current liabilities 55,202 47,248 13,641 5. Current loans and debt securities 17,672 12,262 2,027 6. Adjusted current liabilities (4-5) 37,530 34,986 11,614 7. Working capital (1-4) -3,170 4,755 -396 8. Working capital requirement (3-6) 2,008 -1,158 1,177 9. Net balance of working capital (7-8) -5,178 5,913 -1,573 10. Share of own resources in financing current assets (7/1) -6.1% 9.1% -3.0% * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. Because of MNI’s organic growth and acquisitions, MNI’s current assets and current liabilities increased, both on a non-consolidated and consolidated basis, in 2003 and 2005 and Q1-Q3 2006. Different trends were recorded in 2004, when the contribution of additional capital to MNI through two issues of shares with the total gross value of PLN 15.5m and a significant decrease in the value of interest expense following the arrangement concluded with creditors allowed the Issuer to reduce its current liabilities relative to the previous year. The cash financing of the acquisition of MNI Telecom (formerly Pilicka Telefonia) and Legion Polska significantly reduced the Issuer’s working capital in 2005, relative to 2004. However, the above acquisitions resulted in a substantial increase in consolidated working capital. The increase in the working capital deficit recorded by the Issuer and the Issuer’s Group in Q1-Q3 2006 was caused mainly by higher current liabilities. 52 Prospectus of MNI S.A Table: Issuer’s turnover ratios (in days) 1. Inventory cycle 2. Q1-Q3 2006* 2005 IFRS PAS 2004 2003 PAS PAS 0.9 1.5 1.6 2.8 Average collection period 51.7 81.1 76.0 66.6 3. Average payment period 68.1 96.5 152.3 224.1 4. Operating cycle (1+2) 52.7 82.7 77.6 69.4 5. Cash conversion cycle (4-3) -15.4 -13.8 -74.7 -154.7 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. Table: Turnover ratios of the Issuer’s Group (in days) The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. 1. Inventory cycle 2. Q1-Q3 2006* 2005 IFRS IFRS 2004 IFRS 0.6 1.2 1.3 Average collection period 56.8 99.7 65.6 3. Average payment period 67.9 105.9 129.3 4. Operating cycle (1+2) 57.4 100.9 66.9 5. Cash conversion cycle (4-3) -10.5 -4.9 -62.4 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. Formulas used in the calculation of ratios: • Inventory cycle = (average inventories/operating expenses)*days in the period • Average collection period = (average current receivables/sales revenue)*days in the period • Average payment period = (average current liabilities net of loans/operating costs)*days in the period Due to the nature of the Issuer’s and the Group’s operations (media and telecommunications services), inventories do not represent a significant item in the asset structure, and include mainly materials used in on-going repairs of the telecommunications infrastructure and investment projects in the telecommunications industry. In the years 2003-2005 and Q1-Q3 2006, there was a significant decrease in the inventory cycle, both on the non-consolidated and consolidated basis, caused chiefly by the dynamic growth of the operations in the media sector. In the periods 2003–2005 (non-consolidated data) and 2004–2005 (consolidated data), there was a steady lengthening of the average collection period. This was caused by a significantly higher share of the media sector in the structure of the Issuer’s and the Group’s sales revenue, as this industry is characterised by longer payment periods compared with the telecommunications industry. The shortening of the Group’s average collection period in Q1-Q3 2006 compared with 2005 is connected with the consolidation of MNI Telecom (formerly Pilicka Telefonia) since December 2005. The company imposes relatively short (14 days) payment periods for its trade receivables. The operational and financial restructuring carried out by the Issuer allowed it to reduce its debt and increase funds available for quicker payment of liabilities, which was reflected in a significant reduction of the average payment period in the years 2003–2005 and Q1-Q3 2006. Restrictions on the Use of Capital Resources Credit facility agreement No. 17/012/05/Z/IN of December 15th 2005, amended by Annex No. 1 of October 24th 2005, Annex No. 2 of December 15th 2005 and Annex No. 3 of July 18th 2006, under which BRE Bank S.A. of Warsaw advanced to the Issuer a long-term investment credit facility of PLN 77,292,296.47, provides for the following restrictions on the use of capital resources of the Issuer and its subsidiary undertakings: • the credit facility was made available to the Issuer in four tranches advanced to finance specific objectives, i.e. to refinance the Issuer’s existing bank debt, to acquire Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. and MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly operating as Pilicka Telefonia), and to finance the investment projects accepted by the lender. The Issuer agreed to use the loan proceeds only to finance the aforementioned objectives and the entire amount of the facility made available to the Issuer by BRE Bank S.A. was used for the above objectives in accordance with the facility agreement; 53 Prospectus of MNI S.A the Issuer will be required to make a mandatory prepayment of the loan if at the end of the financial year the Issuer has a surplus of free cash (defined as EBITDA less aggregated capital expenditure and taxes paid and due, plus or less any changes in the working capital, as computed by the Issuer for each full four calendar quarters) over the costs and expenditure related to the agreed and planned investment projects in the Issuer’s following financial year, which were to be financed with the accumulated free cash flows, with a proviso that any such prepayment does not exceed the debt service coverage ratio and the ratio of the Issuer’s net debt to EBITDA and that the amount of the prepayment is higher than PLN 500,000.00; within 14 days of taking any loan by the Issuer, the Issuer is obliged to conclude an agreement providing for subordination of the new loan to the credit facility advanced by BRE Bank S.A.; the Issuer is required to use its capital resources to maintain the debt service coverage ratio and the ratio of net debt to EBITA at the level specified in the credit facility agreement; without BRE Bank S.A.’s written consent and as long as any amount due under the loan facility remains outstanding, neither the Issuer nor any of its key subsidiary undertakings (i.e. Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly operating as Pilicka Telefonia), MNI Technology Development Sp. z o.o. (formerly operating as Szeptel International)) will assume any financial liabilities (defined as any liabilities under loans, liabilities accumulated under acceptance credit facilities, liabilities for funds obtained under discount bills or bonds, commercial paper, debt notes or similar securities, liabilities under lease agreements or hire purchase agreements, which are classified under accounting standards as financed or capital lease, sold or discounted claims, excluding claims sold without recourse, proceeds from any transactions, including forward sale or purchase agreements which have the commercial effect of a loan with the repayment period exceeding 180 days), excluding indebtedness to BRE Bank S.A. under the agreed limits for guarantees and/or transactions in derivatives and under short-term loans not secured on property, up to the total amount of PLN 1,000,000.00, contracted by the aforementioned key subsidiary undertakings of the Issuer; dispose of any shares in the member companies of the Issuer’s Group, invest in any tangible or financial non-current assets with a unit value exceeding PLN 100,000.00 or intangible assets with the value exceeding PLN 8,000,000.00 in the given financial year, advance a loan or assume liability for third-party obligations, excluding loans advanced to the key subsidiary undertakings of the Issuer (specified above), up to the amount of PLN 1,000,000.00 of the sum of liabilities disclosed in the Issuer’s balance sheet in each financial year. • • • • 7.4.2 Statement on Working Capital The Issuer hereby represents that - to the best of its knowledge - the projected value of its working capital, understood as the Issuer’s ability to obtain access to funds and other available liquid resources required for timely repayment of liabilities, should be sufficient to meet the Issuer’s needs in the ordinary course of business during the next 12 months. 7.4.3 Capitalisation and Indebtedness Table: Information on capitalisation and indebtedness (PLN ‘000) Nov 30 2006 No. Item Issuer I. Total current debt (I.A.+I.B+I.C) A. Guaranteed 47,828 B. Secured (bank loans) 12,270 C. Not guaranteed/not secured 35,558 II. Total non-current debt (net of the current portion of long-term debt) (II.A.+II.B+II.C) 60,964 - A. Guaranteed (description of guarantee types) B. Secured (description of secured assets) - C. Not guaranteed/not secured III. Equity 71,850 A. Share capital 22,572 B. Statutory reserves (reserve funds, capital reserves, etc.) 46,454 C. Other reserves (balance-sheet reserves) 57,353 3,611 2,824 Source: the Issuer. 54 Prospectus of MNI S.A Table: Information on net debt (PLN ‘000) Nov 30 2006 No. Item A. Cash B. Cash equivalents (itemised) C. Securities held for trading D. Liquidity (A+B+C) E. Current financial receivables F. Short-term bank loans G. Current portion of long-term debt Issuer 371 37 408 27,818 308 12,270 H. Other current financial liabilities 35,250 I. Current financial liabilities (F+G+H) 47,828 J. Net current financial liabilities (I-E-D) 19,602 K. Long-term bank loans 57,353 L. Bonds in issue M. Other non-current financial liabilities 3,611 N. Net non-current financial liabilities (K+L+M) 60,964 O. Net financial liabilities (J+N) 80,566 Source: the Issuer. Table: Information on contingent liabilities (PLN ‘000) Nov 30 2006 No. Item A. Bank and insurance guarantees B. Note guarantees (promissory notes under lease agreements) Issuer 4,121 Source: the Issuer. 7.5 Presentation of Historical Financial Information The Issuer’s historical financial information for 2003–2005, Q1-Q2 2006 and Q1-Q3 2006 has been incorporated herein by reference. The Group’s historical financial information for 2005 (with comparable data for 2004) has been included in Section 23.1 hereof. The Group’s historical financial information for H1 2006 and for Q3 2006 has been included in Section 23.2 and 23.3 hereof, respectively. Section 27.5 of this Prospectus contains more information on the data incorporated herein by reference. 55 Prospectus of MNI S.A 8. INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER 8.1 History and Development of the Issuer 8.1.1 Legal Name (specified in the Articles of Association) and Commercial Name of the Issuer Pursuant to Par. 1.1 of the Issuer’s Articles of Association, it operates under the name of MNI Spółka Akcyjna. The Issuer may also use the abbreviated name of MNI S.A. and a distinctive graphic logo. 8.1.2 Place of the Issuer’s Registration and Its Registration Number Originally, the Issuer was entered in the Commercial Register B maintained by the District Court of Łomża, by virtue of the decision issued on October 11th 1993, under entry No. RHB 248. Subsequently, when the Act on the National Court Register was enacted, on March 23rd 2001 the entry on the Issuer was transferred to the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register maintained by the District Court of Białystok, XII Commercial Division, and the Issuer was assigned a new entry number, KRS 0000003901. In connection with the resolution adopted by the Issuer’s General Shareholders Meeting to move the Issuer’s registered office from Szepietowo to Warsaw, on July 15th 2004 the District Court of Białystok, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register made a relevant change to the entry in the Register of Entrepreneurs to reflect the change in the Issuer’s details. The Issuer is entered in the national register of the entities of national economy under entry Number REGON 450085143. The Issuer has been assigned Tax Identification Number (NIP) 722-00-03-300. 8.1.3 Date of the Issuer’s Incorporation and Period of Incorporation, Unless Such Period Is Unspecified The Issuer originally operated as a limited liability company established by virtue of Resolution No 93/XIX by the Szepietowo Commune Council dated May 4th 1992, and then incorporated on the basis of a deed of incorporation (Notarial Deed No. Rep. A 75/93, dated September 30th 1993). On February 20th 1996, on the basis of a notarial deed (Rep. A No. 386/96, Notary Public Marzanna Grzejszczyk-Glińska), the Issuer was transformed from a limited liability company into a joint-stock company. 8.1.4 The Issuer’s Registered Office and Legal Form, Legal Basis for the Issuer’s Operations, Country of Domicile (Incorporation), Address and Telephone Number of the Issuer’s Registered Office Specified in the Articles of Association (or Principal Place of Business if Different) The Issuer’s registered office specified in Par. 1.2 of the Articles of Association is located in Warsaw. The Issuer’s country of domicile is Poland. The Issuer was incorporated and operates under the laws of Poland, in particular the Commercial Companies Code, the Telecommunications Law, and the Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies. The Issuer’s registered address is at ul. Żurawia 8 in Warsaw, postal code: 00-503, tel. no. (+ 48 22) 583 37 21, fax no. (+48 22) 627 09 14, website address: www:, e-mail address: [email protected]. 8.1.5 Key Events in the Issuer’s History List of significant events in the history of the Issuer’s business: September 1993 The Commune Sp. z o.o. of Szepietowo establishes Przedsiębiorstwo Telekomunikacyjne February 1994 The Issuer obtains a licence to provide telecommunications services. February 1996 The Issuer is transformed from a limited liability company into a joint-stock company. October 1997 PT Szeptel S.A.’s first listing on over-the-counter-market (CeTO). April 1999 The Issuer’s first listing on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Szeptel 56 Prospectus of MNI S.A March 2000 The Issuer obtains a licence for the construction of a nationwide telecommunications network and for the provision of services related to domestic and international data transmission. September 2000 The Issuer is allocated a spectrum in the 28 GHz frequency band for the provision of access services in Poland’s 9 largest cities. July 2003 The Issuer and Telefonia Dialog conclude an agreement on networks interconnection and traffic interchange. October 2003 The Issuer’s creditors accept the scheme of arrangement in arrangement proceedings. June 2004 The Issuer has mobilised all resources necessary to fully implement the projects related to the integration of value-added telecommunications services in the territories of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. September 2004 The Issuer concludes an inter-operator framework agreement on networks interconnection with Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. on the basis of the so-called RIO rates approved by the President of the Telecommunications and Post Regulatory Authority. October 2004 Acquisition from Mediaholding S.A. of 100% of shares in Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o., a company specialising in the production and support of multimedia services. November 2004 Acquisition for PLN 5.5m of the business of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw constituting an organised body of intangible and tangible assets used to conduct business activities involving, in particular, the provision of broadly understood value-added telecommunications services to subscribers of all mobile operators. December 2004 The Company’s name is changed from Przedsiębiorstwo Telekomunikacyjne SZEPTEL Spółka Akcyjna to MNI Spółka Akcyjna. March 2005 The Issuer and Austrian VASCON Telekomunikationsdienstleistungs GmbH conclude an agreement concerning the launch of the Issuer’s value-added services on the Swiss market – the fifth international market after the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Germany, where the Issuer launched value-added services offered to telecommunications networks subscribers. July 2005 Following a tender procedure, the Issuer and Telewizja Polska S.A. conclude an agreement on integration by the Issuer of its value-added multimedia services provided to Mobile Operators and used by all Public Television stations. August 2005 Acquisition from Polina Trading Limited of 100% of shares in Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. August 2005 Conclusion of credit facility agreement No. 17/012/05/Z/IN with BRE Bank S.A. of Warsaw, whereby BRE Bank S.A. granted to the Issuer a credit facility in the aggregate amount of PLN 26,000,000.00, September 2005 Conclusion of an agreement with Centrum Elektronicznych Usług Płatniczych eService S.A. on the organisation and support by the Issuer of telecommunications-based authorisation and settlement traffic pertaining to payment card transactions and originating at eService’s POS terminals. Following this agreement, the Issuer will provide its services to companies which in aggregate account for more than two-thirds of the Polish market of such transactions. December 2005 Execution of Annex No. 2 to credit facility agreement No. 17/012/05/Z/IN concluded between the Issuer and BRE Bank S.A. of Warsaw. In accordance with the terms and conditions stated in the Annex and the credit facility agreement, BRE Bank S.A. increased the credit facility granted to the Issuer to the aggregate amount of PLN 81,000,000. December 2005 Acquisition of 100% of shares in MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly operating under the name Pilicka Telefonia). June 2006 The Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange announces the Issuer’s reclassification from the telecommunications sector to the media sector as of June 9th 2006. 57 Prospectus of MNI S.A June 2006 The general shareholders meeting of Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o., the Issuer’s subsidiary, resolves to change the company’s name to MNI Telecom. June 2006 The Issuer’s Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting adopts a resolution on increasing the Issuer’s share capital by way of an issue of Series L Shares. July 2006 MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. and Jupiter Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny S.A. conclude a conditional share purchase agreement concerning shares in dataCOM S.A. of Warsaw. August 2006 Finalisation of the acquisition by MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia), the Issuer’s subsidiary, of shares in data.COM S.A. representing 76.49% of that company’s share capital. August 2006 Disposal of 100% of shares in Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o. September 2006 Acquisition of 75% of shares in MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw; execution of preliminary agreements for acquisition of the remaining 25% of the company’s shares. October 2006 Conclusion of a preliminary share purchase agreement concerning 57% of shares in Breakpoint Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw. November 2006 The Issuer and its subsidiary MNI Mobile S.A. on the one side, and Polska Telefonia Komórkowa Centertel Sp. z o.o. on the other side sign a letter of intent stating the parties’ intention to enter into a cooperation agreement related to the provision by MNI Mobile S.A. (as a MVNO) of mobile telephone services based on PTK Centertel’s hosting services. December 2006 Conclusion of a final share purchase agreement concerning 57% of shares in Breakpoint Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw. 8.2 The Issuer’s Business 8.2.1 Core Business Principal Areas and Types of the Issuer’s Business The MNI Group is a media and telecommunications operator providing three basic types of services: • telecommunications-based value-added media services (MNI, Legion Polska Sp. z o.o.), • universal telecommunications services (MNI Telecom), • call center services (MNI). The Issuer and its Group are dynamically expanding their media-related business., which, as a consequence, currently represents the principal source of sales revenue, and in the first three quarters of 2006 accounted for 59.4% of net sales revenue at the non-consolidated level, and 51.2% at the consolidated level. Despite increased exposure to the traditional telecom services segment, MNI is consistently transforming from a telecommunications company into a media and telecommunications company. The sustained significant predominance of the media segment in the Company’s operations and sales results was the reason why on June 9th 2006 the Warsaw Stock Exchange reclassified MNI from the “Telecommunications” category to the “Media” category. As the media segment is developing rapidly, it will continue as the most important growth-driver for the value of sales, revenue and net profit of the Issuer and its Group. The Issuer expanded into the media services sector after com.Investment Sp. z o.o. (formerly Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o.) became an investor in MNI in 2004, which was connected with the acquisition of an organised part of business of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. by the former Szeptel, as a result of which the scope of the company’s operations came to include media and call center services. Media Services The media services provided by the MNI Group in the form of interactive services fall into: • value-added fixed-line services, • value-added mobile services. Value-added media services form a group of premium-rate telecommunications services (voice connections, SMS and MMS services). In addition to the connection charge, the end user of such services pays for the content received by means of the connection, such as access to information (content), participation in competitions, or making payments. 58 Prospectus of MNI S.A Media services involve providing ICT infrastructure and/or content, creating marketing solutions supported by mobile and fixed-line technologies, and handling micropayments, for the media or other customers. Customers interested in conducting promotion and marketing campaigns are offered an integrated and customised product. The media services offered by the MNI Group are targeted at television viewers, radio listeners, readers of periodicals and dailies, participants of customer loyalty programmes and marketing campaigns, Internet users, subscribers of specialised interactive SMS/MMS services, target recipients of direct marketing campaigns, bank customers, airline and coach line passengers, persons applying for a visa, etc. As at the Prospectus Date, the customers to whom the MNI Group provided or is providing media services include: • Telewizja Polska S.A. (Polish Television) • Polskie Radio (Polish Radio) • Radio Zet • regional radio stations • Agora S.A. (media company) • Edipresse ( publishing house) • Media Express (publishing house) • Bertellsman Media • Te-Jot (publishing house) • Bauer (publishing house) The MNI Group also executes media projects, which in 2004–2005 included: • • • • • • • Viewer voting part of the 2005 Sopot International Music Festival Viewer voting part of the Miss Polonia 2005 beauty contest “Czułe granie” – Radio Zet “Tylko wielkie przeboje” – Radio Zet “Intuicja” – the First Programme of the Polish Radio “Załóż się” – the Polish Television “M jak miłość” – competitions run by the Polish Television. Under agreements concluded with telecommunications operators, MNI collects a contractually agreed portion of revenue from each connection or SMS, and, upon deducting the costs it has incurred, shares the income with the customer. The benefit of such an arrangement is the possibility of gaining profit on advertising campaigns or infolines by their organisers, which is not possible if the competition or infoline is arranged by the organiser based on its own resources. Value-Added Fixed-Line Services The MNI Group provides value-added services for fixed-line telephony through Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., a company acquired by the Issuer in August 2005. Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. is one of the oldest companies in Poland which provide value-added fixed-line services. The company operates IT platforms supporting connections with premium rate numbers (special information or entertainment numbers – 0-700xx, 0-701xx, 0-708x, 0-300xx or 0-400xx in fixed-line networks) and real-time connections between viewers/listeners and hosts of TV programmes, which are increasingly used in programmes broadcast by TV channels. Selected information services operated by Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. include: - information line of the United States Embassy, - information line of PPKS (the Public Automobile Communication Enterprise) for timetable information, - information line of PKP (the Polish Railways) for timetable information. Additionally, Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. offers low-cost international connections. The Legion brand is recognisable on global markets, which facilitates the MNI Group’s expansion outside Poland. The acquisition of Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. created an opportunity to broaden the product range to include value-added fixed-line services, while the integration of the technological infrastructure into a single multimedia platform strengthens the competitive advantage of the MNI Group. Subsequent to the acquisition, MNI automatically took over responsibility for relations with all customers and partners of Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., for performing any media-related contracts concerning integration of interactive communication services as well as for promoting own services. For the MNI Group this means an opportunity to provide – apart from the information services – an entire spectrum of entertainment services for the 59 Prospectus of MNI S.A media market and a possibility of offering to its existing and new customers a number of new solutions, which contribute to higher efficiency of the services provided. Value-Added Mobile Services The value-added services for mobile telephony offered by the MNI Group include both voice (Voice Premium) and text (SMS Premium) media services, offered as part of an SMS, MMS, WAP or IVR service. They fall into the following categories: • mobile marketing: competitions, quiz shows, lotteries, and massive-sending marketing campaigns (i.e. sending marketing messages to precisely defined large groups of mobile users), • information services: theme services (as part of which mobile users are updated on events which fall within areas of their interest), and phone personalisation products, such as mono- and polyphonic ringtones and logos, • entertainment: wallpapers, screen savers, games (including Java games), etc., • micropayments: SMS messages used in making petty payments for Internet services, such as access to paid website content. Telecommunications Services The MNI Group offers advanced telecommunications services, including both telephone and data transmission services. The telecommunications services portfolio comprises the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Basic voice services – based both on traditional circuit-switched and VoIP technology, Internet access for retail and business subscribers – comprising both dial-up service (narrow band) and broadband access relying on DSL technology; Data transmission services and lease of infrastructure – fibre optic and digital channels (offered to institutional customers); Wholesale voice traffic exchange based on the partners’ network infrastructure (offered to institutional customers, such as telecommunications operators). The MNI Group has a customer base of 60 thousand retail and business subscribers (including 4.5 thousand of broadband Internet users), and provides services in seven numbering areas, using the MNI S.A.’s network (former Szeptel’s network) and the acquired Pilicka Telefonia’s network, which makes the Group the fourth-largest independent operator in the Polish market (according to the data sourced from the 2005 annual report of UKE). At present telecommunications services are offered by the following MNI Group’s companies: • MNI S.A. – 20 thousand subscribers in the Warsaw, Białystok and Łomża numbering areas; • MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o.) – 40 thousand subscribers in the numbering areas of former Provinces of Radom, Łódź, Piotrków Trybunalski and Tarnobrzeg. The MNI Group also provides services to TP S.A.’s subscribers based on network access number (1042 in the case of the Szeptel’s network and 1043 in the case of the Telefonia Pilicka’s network). MNI is expanding its traditional telephone services in the Provinces of Białystok and Warsaw by way of acquiring new retail subscribers from the small and medium-size enterprise sector. Based on the Białystok-Warsaw network constructed by MNI, the Issuer provides access to the public internet and telephone network, radio access and lease of lines for fixed connections and data transmission services. As the Issuer does not have extensive ICT infrastructure on the Warsaw market, as at the Prospectus Date the Issuer’s services in this area are provided solely to business customers in the case of which the size of prospective revenue justifies investment. Data transmission is a strategic element of the traditional telecommunications services, hence the MNI Group gradually increases availability of broadband Internet access to its customers. In terms of connection quality, the Group’s offering is based on connections with networks of recognised Internet providers, such as Telia or Teleglobe. In December 2005, the Issuer acquired 100% of shares in Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o. (currently MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o.). The rationale behind the transaction was to obtain cost synergies, including economies of scale, and the integration of the technological infrastructures of both entities into a single telecommunications network was expected to enhance the MNI Group’s competitive advantage on the market. Ultimately the entire traditional telecommunications business segment of the MNI Group is to be concentrated in MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. It will provide comprehensive ICT solutions for both retail and business customers, and offer broadband Internet access, low-cost VoIP voice connections and hosting services. 60 Prospectus of MNI S.A Call Center Services As part of the call center services the Company offers IT infrastructure and a team of employees to perform tasks commissioned by the customer. These services differ from the value-added fixed-line services in that they are not fully automated but consist in an actual conversation of the operator with the caller. They are a source of cost efficiencies for companies, which do not need to arrange for their own information lines and can derive additional benefits proportionately to the market attractiveness of the infoline. The MNI Group provides this type of services based on its own call centre, equipped with state-of-the-art Alcatel technologies, modern Internet technologies, SMS messages and monitoring tools, as well as a cutting-edge multimedia platform and IVR platform for massive sending services, such as voice mailing. The MNI Group’s call centre has 220 work stations, at two locations: in Warsaw and Szepietowo. The Group is consistently developing the call center services segment, perceiving it as a business area which offers good prospects. The services involve the execution of specific sale or information requests by a team of employees, automatic IVR systems or voice portals. The customers using the MNI Group’s call center services include: • telecommunications companies, • renowned publishing companies, such as Verlag Dashofer, Bertelsman, Bauer or Wiedza i Praktyka, • press publishers, such as AGORA or Media Express, • advertising agencies, such as Corporates Profile, • companies operating in the FMCG market, such as Philip Morris, Fritto Lay, or Bahlsen, • election committees of political parties. Quarter by quarter, the MNI Group is recording a fast growth dynamics with respect to call center services, which significantly exceeds the average growth dynamics of such services in Poland. In 2007 a significant emphasis is to be put on the development of a new massive product (voice mailing) on the basis of advanced IVR platforms. Other Services Other services provided by the Issuer include lease of the telecommunications infrastructure not used by MNI S.A. Other Activities In 2003–2006, other activities consisted mainly of ancillary services provided by companies wholly-owned by the Issuer, including: • Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw – development of system and application software to facilitate the management of the content and functioning of the ICT service platforms in the area of Voice/Data/SMS/MMS services, and specialised personnel management, • MNI Technology Development (formerly conducting business under the name Szeptel International) Sp. z o.o. of Szepietowo – management of human resources and logistics at the Szepietowo call centre (a 100 % interest). The Issuer is in the course of disposing of the subsidiary undertakings performing auxiliary services solely to MNI S.A. and not generating income for the Issuer’s Group. On August 1st 2006, the Issuer sold 100% of its interest in Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o. to a natural person. Information on business areas and core services for the periods covered by the historical financial data, pursuant to Section 6.1.1 of Annex 1 to Regulation No. 809/2004, is presented in Section of this Prospectus (Sales Revenue by Type of Services). New products and Services In 2003, MNI did not introduce any new services. New services launched by the Issuer in 2004 included: • Value-added media services for the subscribers of mobile networks in Poland and fixed-line networks abroad. • Call center services for institutional customers. Those services were included in the Group’s offering as a result of cooperation with Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o., which was started in 2004. In November 2004, the Issuer acquired an organised part of the business of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. and at the beginning of 2005 the MNI Group started to offer value-added media services to 61 Prospectus of MNI S.A subscribers of all mobile networks in Poland as the Group’s own products. This enhancement of the service mix enabled the Issuer’s Group to win many new customers and exponentially increase its sales revenue. New services introduced by the Issuer and its Group in 2005 included: • Call centre services – the services were included in the offering after the Group’s call centre was expanded by implementing new infrastructure. • Value-added media services for fixed-line telephony – following the acquisition of Legion Polska, the MNI Group’s offering includes a full range of value-added media services which are available to all domestic subscribers; existing forms of cooperation with the media market are based on the complementariness of the offering; • Broadband Internet services based on DSL solutions; • Enlarging the offering of basic telecommunications services to include domestic long-distance calls, international calls and calls to mobile networks based on the so-called preselection (using a routing prefix); this service is addressed to TP S.A. subscribers. All those actions led to a further increase in revenue from sales of services and strengthened the MNI Group’s advantage over its competitors, especially in the media sector. In 2006, MNI launched WAP Premium service (for details of the service see the description of new product and service development below). Current Work on Development of New Products and Services Media Services The MNI Group’s development work on new services for the media sector concerns the following solutions: 1. WAP Premium As at the Prospectus Date, the Issuer’s Group is very advanced in work on the implementation of first commercial projects based on WAP Premium solutions. WAP Premium is the equivalent of SMS Premium for WAP services provided to mobile telephone users. In particular, this service enables the user to accept a message displayed on a website accessed with a mobile phone using WAP connection, to enter a paid Internet zone, or to buy a product or service in this way. The MNI Group has prepared detailed plans concerning the launch of WAP Premium-based services, which are to be implemented from the Prospectus Date until the middle of this year. The process of implementing WAP Premium services will gain in intensity after those services are commercially launched in all mobile operator networks (currently the service is not available in the PLUS network). In view of the commercial WAP Premium-based projects, MNI is expects a growth of revenue from sales of multimedia services relative to the revenue generated under the existing model. 2. MT SMS (Mobile Terminated SMS) The MT SMS model, which enjoys great popularity in Western European countries, will be a novelty in Poland. The model offers a different method of billing Premium SMS/MMS/WAP services. In essence, the mechanism of this type of billing involves activating a given service (e.g. by an SMS) and using the service until another SMS is sent to deactivate it. This model is more flexible than those used currently, and it enables the users to precisely define and adjust the moment the service is started and terminated, and to activate and deactivate the service many times. As part of the MT SMS project, the Issuer’s Group is currently working on logistic solutions related to using new products and on developing interfaces with its existing multimedia services platforms. Moreover, the Group conducts research into various global solutions related to development of MT SMS-based services. The services are to be rolled out when their commercial version is launched and offered by mobile operators. Based on the experience of other foreign markets, the Issuer’s Group estimates that there will be a rapid increase in the revenue generated by SMS services. 3. 3G VideoCall 3G VideoCall service pertains to video calls (e.g. calls, video messages) made by users of UMTS-enabled (3G) mobile phones. As at the Prospectus Date, the MNI Group has performed a business analysis of the new services, prepared detailed schedules for their implementation, and selected the access platform for providing such services. Moreover, new 62 Prospectus of MNI S.A divisions have been created within the Group’s existing structure, dedicated to implementing and operating new services based on the 3G VideoCall platform. Although the 3G VideoCall services were launched commercially in the fourth quarter of 2006, their penetration will be closely related to the rate of growth of the 3G network subscriber base. Introduction of these services is advantageous not only because it significantly enhances the Groups’ service offering, but also because of the financial benefits it offers, which – on account of the size of the targeted subscriber base – should become visible by the end of this year. 4. IPTV (IP Television) IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television and refers to a service which enables broadband Internet subscribers to access TV programmes or video-on-demand using a set top box. As at the Prospectus Date, the MNI Group is analysing IPTV models and solutions employed worldwide from two perspectives: • as the provider of interactive services for its own IPTV platform and other platforms; • as a telecommunication operator obliged to provide those services to its subscribers. The Group expects that the tender process held to select a provider of IPTV solutions for the Telefonia Pilicka and Szeptel networks will be completed in the first quarter of 2007. By the end of 2007, the MNI Group should finish the work on developing its interfaces with other operators’ platforms. When the IPTV service will be launched depends on the execution of agreements with operators who have already introduced such services (TP, Dialog, Netia). The introduction of the IPTV service should be reflected in the Group’s results when more than 100 thousand subscribers enrol for this service. 5. Integrated Platform for Interactive Services for Mobile and Fixed-Line Telephony As at the Prospectus Date, the Issuer’s Group is engaged in IT work to combine various individual elements into an integrated service platform. The work will be completed with the commercial launch of IPTV and 3G Video Call services. The commercial launch of services provided on the basis of the integrated platform is scheduled for the beginning of 2007. The new solutions will bring benefits in the form of optimised costs of service provision and greater flexibility in service implementation. The Issuer’s Group estimates that the integrated platform for interactive services for mobile and fixed-line telephony will increase revenue from sales of multimedia services over the next two years. Telecommunications Services As at the Prospectus Date, the MNI Group’s development work on new services in the telecoms sector concerns the following solutions: 1. WiMax State-of-the-art WiMax systems offer the Group a possibility of expanding the product offering for subscribers of the MNI Telecom network (operator of Telefonia Pilicka and Szeptel networks) with broadband Internet and related advanced interactive products, ranging from internet TV to VoIP telephone solutions. The solutions are expected to be a tool in increasing the retail subscribers base and winning many new business subscribers, which will translate into greater sales revenue of the Group. What will help attract new customers is the fact that broadband Internet and VoIP services provided via a wireless WiMax network would be significantly cheaper than such services offered based on traditional cable technology. The following work has been conducted on the WiMax project so far: - installation tests, - preparation of implementation plans and schedules, - preparation of financial simulations and business plans, - obtaining required frequencies in six numbering areas. As at the Prospectus Date, the MNI Group is in the process of acquiring the first WiMax base stations and terminals. The time of WiMax roll-out will be contingent upon obtaining information on the technology’s development and standardisation as well as on a decrease in subassembly prices. Nevertheless, the MNI Group is planning a pilot implementation of the system in two numbering areas in the first quarter of 2007. 63 Prospectus of MNI S.A 2. WRL (Wholesale Line Rental) As at the Prospectus Date, the MNI Group is assessing the profitability of using the infrastructure and wholesale access to TP S.A. network. This research is connected with a decision of the President of the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) and a framework offering prepared for the WRL service. If the service is launched, the MNI Group will be able to offer its products to approx. 1.5m of TP S.A. subscribers without the necessity to construct its own access infrastructure. 3. WCDMA – mobile access to the Internet As at the Prospectus Date, the Issuer’s Group has plans concerning implementation of services based on wireless WCDMA network. These services comprise voice telephony and broadband wireless Internet access. Thanks to its CDMA network, the MNI Group has the required network infrastructure and access to a sufficient number of aerial masts. The implementation date of the WCDMA services depends on when potential suppliers deliver the required certificates for the equipment used in the project. The main benefits offered by the solution include the possibility of providing the existing subscribers with access to more advanced services and an opportunity to increase the number of subscribers potentially covered by the existing base stations to approximately 30 thousand. This may raise sales revenue by a few hundred percent compared with the revenue currently earned by that part of the network. 5. Convergent services: integration of broadband Internet access and voice services In June 2006, the MNI Group started working on a product which will provide users of broadband Internet with the possibility of making free voice calls. A technical analysis of the capacities of access systems operated by the MNI Group companies was performed, and the demand for a product of this type was gauged. The service is planned to be included in the operator’s offering in Q1 2007. 6. Technical convergence of fixed-line and mobile telephone services The MNI Group intends to offer its customers a convergent service comprising fixed-line and mobile telephone services integrated in a single handset. A technology which supports such a solution already exists, and it is a very likely direction in which the telecommunications sector will develop. The Issuer’s Group is considering various technology solutions for combining mobile and fixed-line telephone services. An optimum model can be adopted when the mobile operator presents a final proposal of the terms of using its wireless network for the provision of mobile services by the MNI Group. The Issuer will be able to offer this service once it starts to operate as an MVNO. The MNI Group expects that introducing technological convergence of fixed-line and mobile telephone services will increase loyalty of its existing subscribers and will make it possible to offer a wider range of services to the existing customers using telecommunications services. 7. “Triple play” services As at the Prospectus Date, the MNI Group companies are actively developing cooperation with CATV operators involving wholesale of minutes and broadband Internet access. After the installation of first WiMax stations, the system will be tested to assess its suitability for offering video-on-demand services to subscribers of Pilicka and Szeptel networks. 8. VoIP platform As at the Prospectus Date, the MNI Group is conducting work on launching a module based on a VoIP platform to support entities interested in selling VoIP services offered by MNI Telecom. The VoIP platform would enable the operator’s partners to create individual tariff plans tailored to subscribers’ needs, and would facilitate billing and collection of overdue payments. The MNI Group expects that the implementation of that service will increase sales revenue and the business reach of the Issuer’s Group. Preceded by a testing stage, the module is planned to be commercially launched in Q1 2007. 9. MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) MNI sees another opportunity for increasing revenues in improving its competitiveness on the mobile market. This is why the Issuer’s Group is interested in entering the MVNO segment. The MNI Group believes that if virtual operators gain access to the infrastructure of the existing mobile operators, many companies will be willing to provide MVNO services. The Issuer’s Group is of the opinion that its ability to provide multimedia services will come as a competitive advantage, as it will allow it to offer packaged media services as part of the subscription or provide its customers with content on preferential terms, Additionally, the MNI Group would not have to incur large marketing expenditure, which will be necessary in the case of companies providing only traditional mobile services. As at the Prospectus Data, the Issuer’s Group is holding talks and formal negotiations in connection with the planned launch of wireless MVNO services. On November 8th 2006, a letter of intent was signed with Polska Telefonia Komórkowa Centertel Sp. z o.o., concerning cooperation in establishing a MVNO operator. Under the letter in intent, 64 Prospectus of MNI S.A the parties undertook to continue negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of the agreement. The negotiations will be held on exclusivity basis, therefore any talks with the other operators will be terminated. The parties undertook to execute the agreement within three months from the date of the letter of intent, and then to commence operations within five months from the agreement date. 8.2.2 Principal Areas of Business Sales Revenue by Type of Services The tables below present changes in the sales revenue of the Issuer and the Group by type of service in 2003-2005 and in the first three quarters of 2006. Table: Structure of the Issuer’s sales revenue (PLN ‘000) Q1-Q3 2006 % share % share Q1-Q3 2005 2005 % share 2004 % share IFRS IFRS PAS PAS Sales revenue 75,414 100.0% 48,663 100.0% 69,491 100.0% 36,096 100.0% Net revenue from sales of products 74,925 99.4% 48,653 100.0% 69,481 100.0% 36,087 100.0% - telecommunications services 25,073 33.2% 16,399 33.7% 22,411 32.3% 17,527 48.6% - media services 44,764 59.4% 28,314 58.2% 41,316 59.5% 14,040 38.9% - call center services 3,922 5.2% 3,573 7.3% 5,085 7.3% 2,943 8.2% - other services 1,166 1.5% 367 0.8% 669 1.0% 1,577 4.4% Net revenue from sales of goods for resale and materials 489 0.6% 10 0.0% 10 0.0% 9 0.0% * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer 2003 PAS 18,593 100,0% 18,553 17,874 679 99,8% 96,1% 0,0% 0,0% 3,7% 40 0,2% Table: Structure of the Group’s sales revenue (PLN ‘000) The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. Sales revenue Net revenue from sales of products - telecommunications services Q1-Q3 2006 IFRS 115,181 114,575 % share 100.0% 99.5% Q1-Q3 2005 IFRS 53,491 % share 100.0% 53,415 50,227 43.6% 19,650 - media services 59,004 51.2% 29,825 - call center services 3,922 3.4% 3,573 - other services 1,422 1.2% 367 Net revenue from sales of goods for resale and materials 606 0.5% 76 * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable by auditors. Source: the Issuer 99.9% 36.7% 55.8% 6.7% 0.7% 2005 % share 2004 % share IFRS 83,187 100.0% IFRS 43,752 100.0% 83,071 99.9% 43,743 100.0% 29,078 35.0% 17,118 48.6% 48,239 5,085 669 58.0% 6.1% 0.8% 14,040 2,943 9,642 38.9% 8.2% 4.4% % share 116 0.1% 9 0.0% 0.1% data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed The dynamic growth of the Issuer’s and Group’s sales revenue confirms the effectiveness of the development strategy pursued by the MNI Management Board. In 2005 and 2004, the Issuer’s sales revenue rose by 92.5% and 94.1%, respectively, year on year, and in the first three quarters of 2006 – by 54.9% compared with the corresponding period of the previous year. At the Group level, the sales revenue growth dynamics amounted to 90.1% in 2005 and 114.5% in the first three quarters of 2006 relative to the corresponding periods of the previous years. Growth was seen in the sale of the telecommunications services, the media services and the call centre services. The increase in the value of sales of media services by 194.8% at the non-consolidated level and by 243.6% at the consolidated level in 2005, and by 58.1% at the non-consolidated level and 97.8% at the consolidated level in the first three quarters of 2006, compared with the corresponding period of the previous year, was attributable to the dynamic development of this segment of the Issuer’s business and the acquisition of Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. It was a derivative of a considerable increase in the range of services offered and the number of accounts served. Currently, telecommunications infrastructure tends to be perceived mainly as a platform for the provision of value-added services ordered by the customers, which in the case of the MNI Group means the value-added media services. The 65 Prospectus of MNI S.A telecommunications services provided using the same infrastructure constitute in the case of the MNI Group a far smaller share of the product portfolio than the constantly growing media services. In 2004, the revenue from sales of the telecommunications services provided by the Issuer was nearly flat year on year. In 2005, MNI’s revenue in this segment rose by 27.9%, and in the first three quarters of 2006 – by 53.9% relative to the same period of the previous year. At the consolidated level, the rate of growth of the revenue from telecommunications services amounted to 69.9% in 2005 and 155.6% in the first three quarters of 2006. The increase in the sales revenue from the traditional telecommunications services seen in 2005 and in the first three quarters of 2006 confirms the correctness of the implemented strategy of introduction by the Issuer of interconnect settlements with TP S.A. according to the RIO principle and abandonment of the „bill and keep” settlements system (which consisted in each of the operators keeping the entire amount due from a subscriber for the connections to other operator’s network). The increase of the sales revenue from the discussed business was also achieved thanks to the introduction of new services, including connections with the use of the network access number (the prefix) or broadband Internet access. The value of the consolidated revenue from sales of telecommunications services in 2005 was slightly influenced by the acquisition of MNI Telecom (formerly Pilicka Telefonia) completed at the end of that year, although the revenue increase achieved owing to this transaction became visible only in the results for the first three quarters of 2006. The high dynamics of growth of the revenue form the sale of the telecommunications services by the Issuer and by the Group in the first three quarters of 2006 was possible mainly owing to the growth of the wholesale of traditional telecommunications services and owing to dynamically growing sales of broadband Internet access. The growth of the Group’s revenue from sales of the call center services amounted to 72.8% in 2005 and 9.7% in the first three quarters of 2006 compared with the corresponding periods of the previous years. Currently call center services are provided using a modern IT system by Alcatel, which enables 220 employees to work from two locations. Given the fact that in 2003-2005 and in the first three quarters of 2006 there was a deep change of the product structure of the sales markets of the Issuer and the Issuer’s Group, the section below discusses the MNI Group’s offering in the analysed period. 2003 The Issuer’s business was limited to typical telecommunications services, including voice telephone and dial-up PSTN Internet access. The offering was addressed to a group of the Issuer’s own subscribers (households and businesses) located mainly in the province of Białystok. In that period the services offered by MNI included maintenance of the telecommunications network (subscription), voice telephone services (local, domestic long-distance and international connections, and connections to mobile networks), and dial-up and broadband Internet access. Other services included lease of ICT infrastructure (optical fibres and digital channels) to business customers. 2004 In addition to the services described above, the Issuer began to operate as a provider of value-added services for telecommunications, as part of its commenced integration with the business of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. The value-added services for the media sector appeared on MNI’s offer in the second part of the year, as the Issuer entered into an agreement on the acquisition of the entire business of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. and it had to ensure continuity of the services and efficiently incorporate the new business into its existing structures. The Issuer’s offering was broadened to include the call center services. Thanks to the larger service portfolio, the group of MNI’s customers increased sharply (subscribers of all fixed-line and mobile networks in Poland became customers of MNI), causing a surge in the Company’s sales revenue (94.1%) compared with the previous year. 2005 In 2005, the MNI Group reported further growth of its sales revenue in the media and telecommunications segment on the back of organic development of the Issuer’s business and the acquisition of Legion Polska and MNI Telecom (formerly Pilicka Telefonia), which, apart from MNI, are the main entities making up the Issuer’s Group. Next to the typical telecommunications services provided to its own base of private and business subscribers, the MNI Group continued to pursue a line of business commenced in the previous year, namely value-added media services for the subscribers of all telecommunications networks in Poland and abroad. At the beginning of the year, the business of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. was fully integrated with the operating structures and the service offering of the Issuer. This enabled the MNI Group to commence operations as a media partner, whose task is to cooperate in the promotion of services and the arrangement of content, which constitutes the value added. The acquisition of the business of Media Net Interactive meant entering the market of services for the subscribers of mobile networks in Poland in the area of voice media services and the SMS/MMS/WAP multimedia services. In the second half of 2005, with the acquisition of Legion Polska, the activities of the MNI Group were extended to include value-added media services offered to fixedline telephone subscribers. The call center services were consistently developed based on newly built technological and organisational solutions. A new agreement on the exchange of telecommunications traffic with TP S.A. enabled the 66 Prospectus of MNI S.A MNI Group to adapt the structure of its telecommunications offering to the needs of the market and to tangibly increase the level of revenue derived from this business segment. The extension of the offering with new products addressed to subscribers, such as broadband DSL Internet, translated into higher revenue and increasingly efficient utilisation of the Group’s own telecommunications network. At the end of 2005, the Group embarked on efforts to widen the geographical reach of its telecommunications services and acquired Pilicka Telefonia, a telecommunications business operating in four numbering areas in the vicinity of Radom and serving almost 40 thousand subscribers. Thanks to these initiatives and the ongoing development, the Issuer considerably increased its sales revenue, both on the nonconsolidated (growth of 92.5%) and consolidated level (growth of 90.1%). 2006 and the period from January 1st to the Prospectus Date In 2006 and in the period from January 1st 2007 to the Prospecuts Date, the Issuer and the Group successfully continued their operations in all existing lines of their business, and at the same time sought to optimally leverage the rapid expansion of the geographical area where they offered telecommunications services addressed to their own subscribers. As far as the media services are concerned, the MNI Group’s activity concentrated on expanding the business into new media and introducing new technologies and products, in line with the development of the market and technological progress. As a consequence of the steps which were taken, the value of the Issuer’s sales revenue increased by 66.3% on non-consolidated basis and by 135.6% on consolidated basis year on year. The very high rate of sales revenue growth at the Group level was also connected with the fact that the acquisition of MNI Telecom (formerly Pilicka Telefonia) was fully reflected at the consolidated level in the first half of 2006. Geographical Structure of the Sales Markets Until 2004, the MNI Group operated exclusively on the Polish market, offering basic telecommunications services. In 2004 and 2005 the Issuer generated revenue from sales of services primarily on the EU markets. An analysis of the geographical structure of the sales revenue in the entire period between 2003 and 2005 and in Q1-Q3 2006 shows that the MNI Group’s operations are focused in the Polish market. Table: Structure of the Issuer’s sales revenue, broken into domestic and export sales (PLN ‘000) Q1-Q3 2006 % share IFRS Q1-Q3 2005 % share IFRS 2005 % share PAS % share 2004 % share 2003 PAS PAS Sales revenue 75,414 100.0% 48,663 100.0% 69,491 100.0% 36,096 100.0% 18,593 100.0% Net revenue from sales of products – domestic sales 73,214 97.1% 46,718 96.0% 66,005 95.0% 32,308 89.5% 18,553 99.8% Net revenue from sales of products – exports 1,711 2.3% 1935 4.0% 3,476 5.0% 3,779 10.5% - 0.0% 489 0.6% 10 0.0% 10 0.0% 9 0.0% 40 0.2% Net revenue from sales of goods for resale and materials – domestic sales * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer Table: Structure of the Group’s sales revenue, broken into domestic and export sales (PLN ‘000). The first consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer’s Group (including a presentation of comparable data) were the financial statements for 2005. Q1-Q3 2006 % share IFRS Q1-Q3 2005 % share IFRS 2005 % share IFRS 2004 % share IFRS Sales revenue 115,181 100.0% 53,491 100.0% 83,187 100.0% 43,761 100.0% Net revenue from sales of products – domestic sales 112,779 97.9% 51,480 96.2% 79,523 95.6% 39,973 91.3% Net revenue from sales of products – exports 1,796 1.6% 1,935 3.6% 3,548 4.3% 3,779 8.6% Net revenue from sales of goods for resale and materials – domestic sales 606 0.5% 76 0.1% 116 0.1% 9 0.0% * The financial statements for Q1-Q3 2006 (together with the comparable data for Q1-Q3 2005) were not audited or reviewed by auditors. Source: the Issuer. The Issuer’s Group provides services in the media and telecommunications sector to individuals and businesses, using both its own infrastructure and the infrastructure of other operators, including in particular mobile telephone operators and – to a lesser extent – TP S.A. 67 Prospectus of MNI S.A Following the acquisition of MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o.), the MNI Group offers a full range of telecommunications services for fixed-line telephone subscribers in seven numbering zones, in the area of the Warsaw, Białystok, Kielce and Łódź provinces. The media and the call center services are offered by the Group countrywide, and the revenue from their sale cannot be ascribed to any particular province. Description of the Markets on which the Issuer Operates The Issuer operates in two related markets: the market of value-added media services for the telecommunications market, and the telecommunications market. For the purposes of this Prospectus it was assumed that the market of telecommunications-based value-added services includes the segments of media services for fixed-line telephone and media services for mobile telephony. On the other hand, the telecommunications market comprises the segments of voice services for fixed-line telephony, Internet access services and call centre services. Media Services Market The market of media services is characterised by good growth prospects, which should find a reflection in the dynamics of the Group’s sales revenue growth. On the other hand, the MNI Group itself influences the development of the market, by offering new specialised and thus very effective marketing tools to companies which have not use such services to date. The MNI Group makes its services available to new customers, offering them a range of customtailored products that are suited to their needs and appropriate for each target group. Given that the market of media services is relatively young, there is no strong competition which would materially limit the sales revenue dynamics. The media services offered via telecommunications tools enjoy excellent growth prospects, because they require no costly investments in the infrastructure needed to deliver the service to the end customer. Growth of the business scale on the media services market is being achieved by upgrading the data processing capacities of IT systems and employment of professional staff. Market of Value-Added Mobile Services Research reports published by international consultancies such as IDC and Com MN SM Market Assessment point to a dynamic growth and good development prospects of multimedia services in Western Europe, as well as in Central and Eastern Europe. According to Com MN SM Market Assessment, in 2003–2005 the mobile marketing market in Western Europe doubled in value terms, and is forecast to grow by another 70% in 2006–2008. Taking into consideration the possibilities offered by the development of the third generation mobile telephony, in 2008–2010 this market may expand by another 50%. The charts below present the forecast and historic growth of numbers of SMS and MMS users in Central and Eastern Europe. Liczba użytkowników Number of MMS usersMMS in CEE w Europie Środkowo - Wschodniej Liczba użytkowników Number of SMS users SMS in CEE w Europie Środkowo - Wschodniej )ml n ( mln mln )ml n ( 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2003 2004 Republika Czech Republic Czeska Republika Czech Republic Czeska Węgry Hungary Węgry Hungary Polska Poland Polska Poland Rumunia Romania Rumunia Romania Pozostałe Other Pozostałe Other 2005 2006 2007 2008 Source : IDC, 2004. 68 Prospectus of MNI S.A According to the information provided by operators and service providers, cited by the Value-Added Services Committee at the Polish Chamber of IT and Telecommunications, the value of the Polish mobile market will increase from PLN 580m in 2006 to PLN 730m in 2007, and the number of users of Premium mobile multimedia services will grow from 9.5m to 11.2m. Furthermore, according to the data by TSN OBOP, 66% of the Polish Internet users use the Premium Rate mobile multimedia services. 66% of those using multimedia services spend on them less than PLN 5 a month, and 3% - more than PLN 50 a month. The tendency seen in the media services market to offer increasing numbers of commonly accepted interactive services provided on the basis of the SMS and voice services, fuel a further development of that market. According to the Issuer’s Management, by offering media services based on high-margin telecommunications products, such as SMS Premium and Voice Premium, the MNI Group is able to achieve double-digit growth in these market segments in a very short time. This implies that the media-oriented focus of the Group’s activity will continue to be the most important driver of sales revenue and net profit. Furthermore, the ever widespread use of the GPRS, EDGE and UMTS services offers additional potential for developing multimedia services and increasing the related revenue. According to the Company’s Management Board, the 3G standard will offer the MNI Group the widest business possibilities with respect to all value-added services it offers and a considerable growth of the value of the services sold. The potential for the development of multimedia services is largely attributable to the relatively low saturation of the mobile market in Poland compared with Western Europe, and also certain other countries of CEE. According to the Office of Electronic Communications, which cites European Commission data, in 2005 the penetration of the mobile telephone market in Poland amounted to 76.4%, whereas the European average has already exceeded 91%. According to estimates by PMR, a consulting firm, the saturation of the mobile telephone market in Poland was 74% in 2005, and will reach 100% in 2008. The development of value-added mobile services will also be fostered by the larger functionality of mobile telephone compared with fixed-line telephone, the growing array of handset functionalities and value-added services, and price reductions resulting from competition among the operators, which will make the market accessible to lower income bracket customers. In particular, the development of this market should be promoted by the entry of Mobile Virtual Network Operators, which gain more loyal customers and generate higher APRUs than the traditional mobile network operators. This may be attributed to the fact that their product offerings are better suited to customer needs. Virtual operators buy wholesale services from the non-virtual operators and sell them to their retail customers. According to Pyramid Research, virtual operators have already won 63m customers, i.e. 2.75% of the total number of mobile telephone users. Pyramid Research analysts expect that by 2010 this percentage will grow to 3.3%, and virtual operators will have over 100m customers. 69 Prospectus of MNI S.A Mobile telephony market in Western Europe EUR 50,00 40,00 Data and multimedia 30,00 20,00 Transmission of: Voice 10,00 data multimedia voice 0,00 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: Com MN SM Market Assessment, March 2005. Source: COM MN SM Market Assessment, March 2005. Forecasts for the mobile market in Western Europe assume a growth of the revenue from sales of value-added services and data transmission. Media services will constitute the most important element of the growth of APRU in the case of mobile subscribers. This tendency should also find its reflection in the developments on the Polish market. Market of Fixed-Line Value-Added Services The market of value-added services for fixed-line telephony is the segment of the market of value-added services that has developed earliest, both in Poland and in the world. In Poland, the beginnings of the market of value-added services date back to mid 1990s and are associated with Legion Polska. The company has been present on the domestic market since 1995, when it was launched as a branch of the international Lagerdere concern. The largest growth in demand for services of this type was seen at the end of the 1990s, when their mobile equivalent, in particular services based on the SMS Premium model, was not available. According to the Management Board of MNI, as at the Prospectus Date, a revived interest in this kind of services has been growing for about 1.5 year. The value-added fixed-line services may include voice connections to automatic IVR systems, voice connections to specialised call centres and pay-per-call micropayments. The value-added services may be also provided in the pay–perminute model. Assigning particular numbers to each type of services (e.g. information, service, pay-per-call) made them much to the end users. The value-added services for fixed-line telephony are used for large-scale, all-Poland polls (voting), TV contests and quiz shows, as well as for all kinds of entertainment services such as, for example, party-line. A new category of services includes information services, e.g. access to information on transport or visas. The M2M (machine-to-machine) services related to authorisation of payment card transactions, are an absolute novelty. As at the Prospectus Date, in comparison with value-added mobile services, the value-added services for fixed-line telephony are much more mature in terms of the product range and procedures for settlements with service providers, and they resemble to a greater extent the model employed in the western European countries. However, it should be emphasised that in view of the dominant position of Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. on the Polish market, the interconnect system between TP S.A. and alternative operators for value-added services has been introduced relatively late. As at the Prospectus Date, full exchange of traffic between operators with respect to all services has not been introduced yet. Moreover, the relations between mobile and fixed-line telephone operators remain an open issue. As at the Prospectus Date, no agreement has been reached on joint access to services from networks of various operators. In Poland, the demand for value-added services for fixed-line telephone networks has been growing, as the application of value-added services in new products, developed in response to the needs of particular customer groups, is gaining 70 Prospectus of MNI S.A popularity, and new type of services in question, such as for example mass calling, are being introduced. This type of services is becoming more and more popular as compared with the SMS services. In particular, the well-functioning market of data transmission, which has application in M2M services, shows a steady growth in the telecommunication traffic volume. The value of the value-added services market should be assessed, as is the case with other parts of the market, in terms of annual sales. As at the Prospectus Date, the Management Board of MNI estimates the market value at PLN 200– 250m, and its annual growth rate at no less than 8–12%. As at the Prospectus Date, there were a few large service providers active on the value-added services market, and a group of new entrants. Apart from Legion Polska, the larger companies include Audiotex Polska, GTS, TVN, Phonesat and Hallo Info. The volumes of telecommunication traffic handled by these companies range from a few million to less than twenty million minutes/connections per month, and display a constant growing tendency. As at the Prospectus Date, the development prospects for this market appear to be good, which is attributable to the present market situation and the factors described below. Firstly, a number of obstacles to a faster development of the value-added services market are likely to be removed. These include: • lack of access to value-added services from mobile telephone networks, which have three times as many subscribers as fixed-line networks; • lack of uniform access numbers to the services (which requires communicating the numbers in different ways when advertising the services – separately for fixed-line networks and separately for mobile networks); • different rates applied by fixed-line and mobile operators for access to the same category of services; • delay in the implementation of a system for blocking access to various categories of value-added services. The Issuer’s Management Board expects that these obstacles should be removed within about 12 months from the Prospectus Date, assuming that the market regulator, i.e. the Office of Electronic Communications, will remove them by way of administrative measures. Other growth drivers of the market will appear as it develops in the directions described in the strategy for the Issuer’s Group, in particular through introducing IPTV and IPTV-related services into fixed-line networks. The IP billing solutions to be launched by a majority of fixed-line operators, along with the new multimedia offering, will give rise to new opportunities for creating and providing value-added fixed-line services, which will be closer to the model currently seen in the mobile telephony. However, given the much greater possibilities related to the IPTV offering, the expected growth in the value of services provided in fixed-line networks should be comparable to that of the much larger mobile networks. Based on the forecasts of research centres, the Issuer’s Management Board estimates that after the market is saturated with interactive IP-based multimedia services, its value will increase to 150% of the current figure. Furthermore, the elimination of development barriers may result in very rapid growth, by at least 35-45%. Telecommunications Services Market Contemporary telecommunications and means of communication are subject to profound and rapid changes related to intense technological development and the expected abolishment of the market monopolies within a few years. The condition of the telecommunications sector is constantly improving, primarily due to the continuing good situation on the mobile market, as well as dynamic development of the data transmission and Internet access segment. The growth of traditional voice telephony is driven by the Internet telephony based on the VoIP technology. The mobile market is migrating from 2G to 3G, i.e. from narrowband to broadband access. The Polish telecommunications operators follow the example of more developed countries, where the focus is on increasing the number of broadband lines. The high rate of broadband Internet penetration encourages demand for services provided based on broadband technology. While the telecommunications markets of the developed countries are considered to be mature, with limited growth potential, the Central and Eastern European countries, where the market saturation is lower, still offer considerable growth prospects. The chart below presents information prepared by PMR Consulting on the mobile telephony, fixedline telephony and Internet penetration rates in Poland. 71 Prospectus of MNI S.A Mobile telephony, fixed-line telephony and Internet penetration rates in Poland in 2001–2006 (forecast) 74% 83% 61% 46% 36% 30% 26% 16% 2001 26% 23% 19% 2002 33% 32% 31% 2003 fixed telephony 2004 mobile telephony 33% 34% 33% 30% 2005e 2006f Internet Mobile telephony, fixed-line telephony and Internet penetration rates in Poland in 2001–2006 (forecast) According to PMR, an estimated value of the Polish market of telecommunications services, which includes mobile telephony, fixed-line telephony, as well as data transmission and Internet services provision, amounted to approx. PLN 38bn in 2005, and the forecast annual growth rate for the period 2006–2008 is approx. 4%. In this period, the segment with the highest growth dynamics, of 11% annually, will be data transmission, lease of lines and Internet services provision (DLISP). The value of the segment at the end of 2008 is forecast to reach PLN 4.4bn. PMR believes that the high growth dynamics of the DLISP market will be driven primarily by rapid development of broadband Internet market, which is expected to grow by 27% annually in 2006–2008, to reach PLN 2.3bn at the end of this period. In Poland, the broadband internet market will grow on the back of a strong expansion of DSL services (Source: PMR, “Telecommunications Market in Poland 2005 –2008” report). The broadband Internet penetration rate in Poland is one of the lowest in Europe, and is three times lower than the average for the EU (Source: the Ministry of Transport, “Regulatory Strategy 2006–2007”). Number of broadband Internet subscribers in Poland in 2001–2008 (forecast), in thousand 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 5,040 123% 0,0015 4,040 62% 2,040 50% 210 470 2001 2002 710 0,001 2,960 77% 0,0005 1,260 44% 37% 25% 2003 2004 2005 Number of subscribers 2006f 2007f 0 2008f Growth rate e – estimate f – forecast Source: PMR, “Telecommunications Market in Poland 2005 –2008” Report The fixed-line telephony market may be characterised by low penetration rate and lack of significant growth. As regards fixed-line telephony, a moderate sales revenue growth may be recorded by those alternative operators who will engage in market consolidation, leverage economies of scale and quickly launch new products and charging structures. Research carried out in the second half of 2005 by PMR among 200 largest Polish telecommunications companies, shows that the most serious obstacles to the development of the domestic telecommunications market are problems with enforcement of regulations, low effectiveness of the market regulators’ actions, and the monopolistic position of TP 72 Prospectus of MNI S.A S.A. (Source: PMR, “Telecommunications Market in Poland 2005 –2008” report). TP S.A. has a particularly strong position on the fixed-line telephony market; however, alternative operators are gradually increasing their shares in sales revenue in this segment, from 8.5% in 2001 to 15.2% in 2005 (Source: the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE)). The high cost of telecommunications services, which is to a great extent related to the monopoly of TP S.A., is for many Poles still the greatest obstacle, preventing their access to fixed-line telephony, mobile telephony and broadband Internet services on a daily basis. The activities aimed at liberalisation of the market, described in Section 7.2.2 of this Prospectus, should enhance availability of telecommunications services and their rapid development. Call Center Services Market According to Datamonitor, a market research company, there are about 770 call centers in Poland, which employ approximately 30 thousand staff. According to market growth forecast for 2006-2009 presented by Datamonitor, the number of call center companies will increase by over 100% and number of their employees will grow to over 50 thousand. According to various estimates, depending on the adopted methodology, the value of the Polish call center market may be in the range of PLN 250m to 350m. According to Dataquest estimates, the value of the Polish call center market will double by 2009. An impulse that spurred the growth of the call center market in Poland was an amendment to the banking law, which allowed this delivery channel to be used to reach the customers in order to offer them products, financial instruments and derivatives. Thus, the call centre market enjoys good growth prospects, partly attributable to the fact that the role of the telephone as the means to reach the customer is growing as penetration of the mobile telephony market deepens. Companies are able to organise advertising campaigns which quickly reach a wide group of people and are cost-efficient as compared with other advertising media. The potential for development of the new-generation mobile technologies (the so-called 2.5G and the 3G) should translate into a possible steep growth of the MNI revenue in line with the growth of the data transmission capacities and prices. Attention should also be drawn to the fact that the development of the Polish call center market will be fostered by the fact that Poland is a highly attractive market for large international corporations, which seek to locate here their service centres. Competitive Position of the Issuer and the Group Currently, the MNI Group has no direct competitor on the Polish market that would operate in all the same business segments as the Group. The Group has competitors in the particular segments: the segment of value-added services for fixed-line and mobile telephony, the segment of traditional fixed-line telephone services and the segment of call center services. Competitive Position in the Sector of Value-Added Media Services for Fixed-Line and Mobile Telephony As far as entertainment services are concerned, the MNI Group enjoys the leading market position. The Group’s share in the market of voice value-added services is estimated by the MNI Management at approximately 25-30% in terms of the volume of the voice traffic handled. The value of the entire market in gross terms (i.e. based on the retail prices of the services) is estimated at approximately PLN 200m – 250m. The main market operators which compete with the MNI Group on the market of value-added fixed-line services include Hallo Info, Phonesat, Audiotex Polska, Teleaudio and TVN. However, none of these companies offers the full range of voice information and data transmission services or the full market range of products. Similarly, in the segment of value-added mobile services the MNI Group offers the widest range of its own products and solutions for the broad mobile marketing market from among all the companies operating on this market. The Group’s competitors in the area of the SMS/MMS services include One-2-One, Telekom Media, Avantis, Audiotex, Matrix and Creative Team. The estimated market share of MNI in the SMS/MMS services market, valued at approx. PLN 360m in gross terms, is about 20-25%. Although the market on which the MNI Group operates is attractive and highly prospective, no companies have emerged yet which would pose a serious threat to its competitive position on the value-added services market. However, there is a risk that competition from existing and new operators on the market of value-added fixed-line and mobile services will intensify. Nonetheless, given the strong position of the MNI Group compared with other companies from the sector and the much larger IT infrastructure owned by the Group, as at the Prospectus Date the Company’s Management Board estimates the competition risk in the media sector to be small. Competitive Position in the Telecommunications Services Sector The acquisition by the Issuer of MNI Telecom (formerly Telefonia Pilicka) considerably strengthened the competitive position of the MNI Group. As at the date of this Prospectus, the market of fixed-line telephony in Poland is undergoing a consolidation process (smaller operators merge or are acquired by larger ones, because increased revenue scale allows companies to achieve higher profitability). The MNI Group is the fourth independent traditional fixed-line operator on 73 Prospectus of MNI S.A the Polish market (after Dialog, Netia and Multimedia Polska), with a market share of approx. 5% (as estimated by the Issuer on the basis of the number of subscribers; these statistics do not account for the subscribers of TP S.A.). In the area of data transmission, the MNI Group competes both with telecommunications operators and with cable televisions, and in the case of Internet telephony – also with Internet portals such as Skype. The development of these segments of the telecommunications market is connected with the popularisation of the broadband Internet access. The MNI Group has a 0.1% share in the entire Polish market of broadband Internet access, as measured by subscriber numbers. This estimate is based on the 2005 annual report of the Office of Electronic Communications. Competition forces the companies operating on the mobile and fixed-line markets to invest in new technologies in order to reduce costs and expand their activities on the integrated services market. Given the progressive liberalisation of the telecommunications market in Poland, it can be expected that the competitive position of the MNI Group should further improve as the Group is able to increase the number of subscribers without the need to incur significant investment expenditure on network infrastructure. Competitive Position in the Call Center Sector The MNI Group enjoys a competitive advantage in the call center sector due to the following factors: • the Group does not have to rely on telecommunications services of a third-party provider, • the Group has built and equipped a modern centre where 220 employees can work simultaneously on commissioned projects only. Another 100 work posts are used on an ongoing basis for the Group’s own projects, • the Group has a team of highly qualified managers and operating staff, • the Group has access to the most modern IT technologies and product solutions. 8.2.3 Extraordinary Factors with a Bearing on the Group’s Business Over the last few years the Issuer’s Group went through a phase of far-reaching equity and operational transformations, which found a reflection in the considerable improvement of the financial performance in 2003–2005 both at the nonconsolidated and consolidated level. The factors and events which had a bearing on the reported results were connected primarily with the fact that in 2004 com.Investment Sp. z o.o. (formerly Media Net Interactive Sp. z o. o.) became an investor in the Company (it currently holds 32.6% of the Issuer shares). Its involvement was the effect of acquisition by the Issuer in late 2004 of an organised part of the business of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o. o., and allowed the MNI Group to expand its activity in the media services sector, which is now the main source of the Group’s revenue. The considerable improvement of the financial performance of the MNI Group is also attributable to the debt restructuring process commenced in 2003. Another event with a considerable impact on the scale and scope of the MNI Group’s business was the acquisition by the Issuer of Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. in August 2005 and of MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o.) in December 2005. With the acquisition of 100% of shares in Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., the MNI Group gained the possibility of expanding its business into value-added services for fixed-line subscribers. The acquisition also allowed the Group to considerably broaden its product offering addressed to mobile subscribers. On the other hand, the incorporation of MNI Telecom into the MNI Group enabled the Group to considerably reduce the costs of its telecommunications products, optimise a number of processes, and enhance the competitiveness of its offering. 8.2.4 Dependence on Patents or Licences, on Industrial, Commercial or Financial Agreements, or on New Production Processes Dependence on Patents and Licences The Issuer’s business is not dependent on any patents or licences. Dependence on Licences Granted by Administrative Bodies Prior to the implementation of the new Telecommunications Law of July 16th 2004, when the formerly applicable Telecommunications Law of July 21st 2000 was still in effect, the Issuer conducted its telecommunications operations under the following licences: (i) Licence No. 90/96 of July 24th 1996, (ii) Licence No. 296/97 of October 14th 1997, (iii) Licence No. 396/98 of October 6th 1998, (iv) Licence No. 543/00/TI of January 31st 2000, (v) Telecommunications Licence No. 10/2002/Z of June 19th 2002, granted by President of the Telecommunications and Post Regulatory Authority. 74 Prospectus of MNI S.A The Telecommunications Law of July 16th 2004, which was carried into effect on September 3rd 2004, has introduced a different regulatory model for telecommunications operations, defined as so-called regulated operations, which includes the obligation to make a relevant entry in the Register of Telecom Entrepreneurs (Art. 10.1 of the Telecommunications Law). According to the amended Telecommunications Law, the Issuer as a holder of licences under the former Telecommunications Law was authorised, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the amended regulations, to conduct telecommunications operations within the scope defined in its telecommunications licence or in the notification of telecommunications activities, which remained fully valid until the relevant entry was made in the Register. The entry was made ex officio by the President of the Telecommunications and Post Regulatory Authority (current name – Office of Electronic Communications), who issued a certificate of the Issuer’s registration in the Register of Telecom Entrepreneurs. The certificate, issued on October 11th 2004, states that the Issuer was entered in the Register of Telecom Entrepreneurs on October 4th 2004. Trademarks On June 12th 2006, the Issuer filed a request with the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland to be awarded protection rights to the text and graphic trademarks “MNI” (the Issuer’s logo) and “Szeptel” (logo identifying the Szeptel telecommunications network operated by the Issuer). The Issuer’s subsidiary, MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly operating under the name Pilicka Telefonia) was awarded, by virtue of a decision issued by the Patent Office of the Republic on Poland on May 22nd 2006, protection rights to the text and graphic trademark “Pilicka TELEFONIA” (Reg. No. Z-260954) and the text and graphic trademark “InterNeo”. On July 24th 2006, MNI Telecom Sp z o.o. filed two further requests with the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland for registration of two text and graphic trademarks based on the company name “MNI Telecom” and a distinctive graphic logo. MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o.’s subsidiary, dataCOM S.A. holds protection rights, awarded by virtue of a decision issued by the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland on September 29th 2003, to the trademark “dataCOM” (Reg. No. 148182). The Issuer’s subsidiary, Legion Polska Sp z.o.o. holds protection rights, awarded by virtue of a decision issued by the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland on October 23rd 2001, to the text and graphic trademark “Legion” (Reg. No. 187807). Dependence on Financial Agreements The Issuer is party to credit facility agreement No. 17/012/05/Z/IN dated August 11th 2005, concluded between the Issuer and BRE Bank S.A. of Warsaw, amended by Annex 1 of October 24th 2005, Annex 2 of December 15th 2005 and Annex 3 of July 18th 2006. Under the agreement the Issuer was granted a long-term investment credit facility in the aggregate amount of PLN 77,292,296.47. Interest on the borrowed funds accrues on a monthly basis at the rate equal to current WIBOR rate plus a margin of 1.8%. The Issuer provided the following forms of collateral to secure repayment of the credit facility: • a registered pledge on assets of MNI S.A. constituting an economic entity, • a registered pledge on all shares in Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., • a registered pledge on assets of Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. constituting an economic entity, • powers of attorney for BRE Bank S.A. with respect to all bank accounts of the Issuer held with BRE, • powers of attorney for BRE Bank S.A. with respect to the other bank accounts of the Issuer, • the Issuer’s declaration on voluntary submission to enforcement under Art. 96 and Art. 97 of the Banking Law, up to the amount of PLN 121,500,000.00 (one hundred and twenty-one million, five hundred thousand złoty), with the right of BRE Bank S.A. to motion for endorsing the execution writ with an enforcement clause until December 20th 2011, • assignment to BRE Bank S.A. of rights under the insurance policies for the Issuer’s property and business, • assignment to BRE Bank S.A. of rights under the insurance policies for the property and business of Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., • a surety agreement guaranteeing repayment of the loan granted by Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. , together with a declaration on voluntary submission to enforcement under Art. 96 and Art. 97 of the Banking Law, and powers of attorney with respect to the company’s bank accounts, • a registered pledge on all shares in MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly operating under the name Pilicka Telefonia), • a registered pledge on assets of MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly operating under the name Pilicka Telefonia) constituting an economic entity, • assignment to BRE Bank S.A. of rights under the insurance policies for the property and business of MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. 75 Prospectus of MNI S.A Pursuant to Annex 3 of July 18th 2006, MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. acceded to the Issuer’s debt under the aforesaid credit facility agreement as a joint and several debtor, providing in this connection the following forms of additional collateral to secure repayment of the contracted facility: • powers of attorney for BRE Bank S.A. with respect to MNI Telecom’s current account held with BRE Bank S.A., • powers of attorney for BRE Bank S.A. with respect to the other bank accounts of MNI Telecom, exercisable by the Bank in the event of termination of the credit facility agreement, • a declaration on voluntary submission to enforcement under Art. 96 and Art. 97 of the Banking Law, up to the amount of PLN 121,500,000.00, with the right of BRE Bank S.A. to motion for endorsing the execution writ with an enforcement clause until December 20th 2011, • a registered pledge on accounts receivable credited to MNI Telecom’s current account held with BRE Bank S.A., • assignment to BRE Bank S.A. of accounts receivable credited to MNI Telecom’s current account held with the Bank. The Issuer’s subsidiary, MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly operating under the name Pilicka Telefonia) is party to investment loan agreement No. 170/2003 concluded on December 15th 2003 with PKO S.A. I Radom Branch. Under the agreement MNI Telecom was granted an investment loan in the amount of PLN 4,350,000.00. Interest under the loan accrues on a three-monthly basis at the rate equal to 3M WIBOR plus the Bank’s margin of 3.0%. With a view to securing repayment of the loan, MNI Telecom provided the following forms of collateral: • transfer of ownership rights to MNI Telecom’s assets of specified identity, • assignment of rights under the insurance policies for assets of specified identity whose ownership was transferred by way of security, • a registered pledge on significant items of MNI Telecom’s property, plant and equipment consisting of the Ostrówek circuit switching network, • assignment of rights under the insurance policies covering the Ostrówek circuit switching network, • powers of attorney with respect to MNI Telecom’s bank account held with PKO S.A. I Radom Branch, • powers of attorney with respect to MNI Telecom’s bank account held with Bank Handlowy of Warsaw, Radom Branch, • powers of attorney with respect to MNI Telecom’s bank account held with Bank Pocztowy S.A., Lublin Branch, Customer Service Point in Radom. Dependence on Industrial and Commercial Agreements The Issuer is party to an agreement on networks interconnection concluded on September 1st 2004 with Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. The agreement defines the terms and conditions for cooperation between the parties related to interconnection of their respective fixed-line public telephone networks for the purposes of providing telecommunications services, including technical conditions for setting up and maintaining the interconnection, as well as the settlement terms. The agreement was concluded for the period corresponding to the validity periods of the telecommunications licences held by the parties. The agreement is subject to termination without notice or with observing specified notice periods in the cases provided for therein. The Issuer is party to framework cooperation agreement No. 04/10 concerning support for multimedia services, concluded on June 30th 2004 with Polska Telefonia Komórkowa – Centertel Sp. z o.o. Under the agreement the Issuer supplies content for the SMS, IVR and WAP multimedia services offered by PTK Centertel to its subscribers, and provides other services related to the launch and technical support of such services. The agreement was concluded for a definite period of time until January 31st 2005, but it is automatically extended for subsequent annual periods, unless either party serves a prior termination notice. Irrespective of the above, each party may terminate the agreement at a sixmonths’ notice. On the basis of agreement No. 200401037 (dated September 30th 2004) on assignment of rights and liabilities under framework agreement No. 200100970 (dated October 13th 2001), concluded between com.Investment Sp. z o.o. (formerly operating under the name of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o.), Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o. and the Issuer, the Issuer provides PTC with services related to the creation and supply of content fed into multimedia services offered by PTC to its subscribers, as well as other related technical support services. The agreement was concluded for an indefinite period of time and may be terminated by either party subject to a one-month’s notice with effect from the end of a given calendar month. Additionally, each party may terminate the agreement with immediate effect in the event that the other party commits a gross breach of thereunder. Furthermore, PTC has the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect at any time, in the event that the competent administrative authorities revoke or limit the scope of licence under which PTC operates, and in the event that such administrative authorities impose a ban or a limitation on the activities specified in the agreement. 76 Prospectus of MNI S.A On the basis of the agreement (dated September 15th 2004) on assignment of rights and liabilities under the agreement on the provision of audiotext, information and SMS Premium services (dated December 1st 2001), concluded between com.Investment Sp. z o.o. (formerly operating under the name of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o.) and the Issuer, the Issuer provides Polkomtel S.A. with audiotext and information services which then become part of Polkomtel’s own service offering. The agreement was concluded for an indefinite period of time. Each party has the right to terminate the agreement by giving a six-months’ notice. Additionally, Polkomtel may terminate the agreement without notice in the event that the Issuer commits a gross breach of its provisions or in the event that, despite the lapse of any additional period conceded by Polkomtel, the Issuer fails to remedy or discontinue the breach. 8.2.5 Sources of Information for the Issuer’s Statements, Representations and Communications Regarding Its Competitive Position The Management Board of MNI S.A. hereby represents that all estimates and data contained in this Prospectus, as well as all market data referred to in this Prospectus, pertaining to the market of value-added media services or the telecommunications market, were sourced from materials believed by the Management Board to be reliable, while all comparisons or approximations were made with due professional care, taking into account the Management Board’s best knowledge as at the Prospectus Date. 8.2.6 Development Strategy of the MNI Group The MNI Group’s development strategy is focused on achieving shareholder value growth by increasing sales and profits through a dynamic development of the business, mainly in the media sector. The strategy assumes the construction of a strong media group working for the media and telecommunications markets. The main assumptions of the MNI Group’s development strategy relate to: • streamlining of the Group’s structure; • further development of the Group as an active media market operator. Streamlining of the Group’s structure As at the Prospectus Date, the Management Board of MNI continues work on the streamlining of the Group’s structure, which is necessary for the Group to engage in new investments on a scale exceeding by several times the current scale. These initiatives consist in: change of the business profile (development of new technologies) of MNI Technology Development Sp. z o.o. (formerly Szeptel International), a subsidiary; sale by the MNI Group of MNI Mobile S.A. (formerly OSS S.A.), a subsidiary, to MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o.; MNI Mobile S.A. is to operate in the mobile telecommunications business as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO); transfer of the fixed-line telephone infrastructure from MNI S.A. directly to MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o.), an entity in which the entire traditional telecommunications business of the MNI Group is to be concentrated. The Issuer will continue its existing media, telecommunications and call centre activities, while Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. will remain responsible for the media services provided over the fixed-line telecommunications network. Further development of the Issuer’s Group as an active participant of the media market The development strategy of the MNI Group assumes in particular concentration of all efforts on developing the existing and building new technical, organisational and cooperational capabilities, which will allow the Group to: 1. Develop and commercialise a broader offering of mobile products addressed to the end users of media services, with respect to services provided over the Internet and mobile data transmission, 2. Introduce commercial services based on video formats for mobile phones, 3. Develop and commercialise an entire range of services for customers using the 3G networks, such as Mobil TV (television in a mobile phone), or VoD (TV programmes on demand), 4. Develop and commercialise an offering of mobile products based on new functionalities, such as handling of micropayments, etc., 5. Develop and commercialise solutions enabling the Group to target the product offering of MNI and its cooperators at the users of “new media”, such as Internet television and interactive digital cable television, i.e. media built on the traditional telecommunications infrastructure. This will involve in particular development of products which are analogous to those in the mobile offering but are addressed to customers with interactive receivers supported by cable TV or telecommunications operators. The objectives of the MNI Group’s development strategy will be pursued in particular through: 1. Launch of operations as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO), using one of the exisiting mobile networks; the operations would be conducted according to a few market models, 77 Prospectus of MNI S.A 2. Development (and extension in terms of the offered content) of the multimedia offering for subscribers of mobile networks – on the basis of SMS, MMS and mobile data transmission solutions, and especially for 3G networks – on the basis of fast data transmission solutions, 3. Development of the existing interactive services platform to include solutions dedicated to digital cable television and Internet television networks, 4. Development of a new structure – the Content Production Centre, which will serve the needs of the Group and of the entire media services market. The Centre will offer Java games, polyphonic ringtones, music, wallpapers, video content, films, multi-player games, competitions, communications applications and entertainment services, 5. Development of the Group’s own distribution channels for electronic and traditional multimedia products and of specialised tools to be used in the channels that already exist, 6. Integration of modern interactive and mobile technologies to provide for quick development and implementation of advanced applications for media services, for the needs of the Group itself, the Group’s media partners, third parties operating in the telecommunications business (MVNO) and other external customers, 7. Extension of subscriber access infrastructure, including in particular with WiMax Internet access solutions, and further development of those projects towards the new areas of the Group’s operations, 8. Acquisitions of other entities from the media and telecommunications sector in Poland and abroad, if they offer full product synergy with the offering of MNI and generate free cash flows which are available for financing development projects appropriate to their needs; in the media sector the acquisition targets would include entities operating in the business of technology development as well as media content production and distribution; in the case of foreign entities, potential acquisition targets would be companies which enjoy a significant position on the developed mobile services markets in Western Europe, 9. Taking over from TP S.A. of local subscriber loops and launch of alternative (with respect to those of TP S.A.) voice and broadband Internet access services throughout Poland. These operations will be first conducted in those areas where the MNI Group already operates telecommunications networks, 10. Intensification of activity on foreign markets – from the supply of multimedia content, services and solutions, to development and implementation of turn-key interactive media solutions for local TV channels and Internet portals (involving the supply of an application and technology, and connection to the local mobile or fixed-line network operators). The Group’s development strategy assumes a considerable broadening of the existing range of media services it offers, including through the introduction of new technologically advanced products for the mobile segment, namely services based on data transmission technology (WAP, WAP-Premium and Videocall for the 3G networks). Another element of the Group’s strategy is to develop and commercialise a product offering intended for the interactive digital television and interactive Internet television market, and also – in the form of dedicated applications – for public TV broadcasters and Internet portals. To effectively pursue the objectives of its strategy, the MNI Group will address its offering and activity to the subscribers of all other networks operating in Poland and abroad. As far as the Group’s own subscribers are concerned, the Group will seek to broaden its media and telecommunications offering based on the development of modern radio access systems, CDMA and WiMAX, extension of the xDSL broadband Internet access offering, and development of convergent telephony projects based on the Group’s proprietary mobile solutions (MVNO). The Group plans to launch its own development projects and purchase advanced technologies in Poland and abroad. The Group is devoting particular attention to the Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) model. It intends to operate as a MVNO under its own name and under a few other brands, already established in other areas of the media business. Furthermore, the Group’s strategy assumes a launch of the MVNO business in the Western European markets – the services would be addressed to the Polish population living there. The strategy for the call centre services assumes the use of a range of new technologies and products, including voice mailing (which relies on advanced IVR platforms and voice portals), and of mobile multimedia technologies. To finance implementation of the development strategy for the MNI Group, on June 30th 2006 the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of the Issuer adopted a resolution to increase the MNI’s share capital by PLN 67,714,674, by issuing 67,714,674 Series L Shares to be acquired by MNI’s existing shareholders in exercise of their pre-emptive rights, and set the issue price of one share at PLN 1. The issue of the Series L Shares will allow the Group to implement projects that will spur another sharp growth of the Group’s revenue and profits. The assumptions concerning the value of the Group’s consolidated net income in 20062008, which is to be earned by pursuing the development strategy, are presented in Section 6.2 of this Prospectus. . 78 Prospectus of MNI S.A 8.3 Research and Development, Patents and Licences The research and development strategy of the Issuer’s Group relates to the media sector’s technology, products and services. The main objectives set as part of the strategy include: 1. creation of new interactive products, in terms of technology, and application management tools; 2. development of monitoring tools as well as methods and procedures for verifying the effectiveness of sales campaigns; 3. development of new interactive products in terms of content of services, as well as methods and tools used in communication with the end user. Table: Completed research and implementation projects carried out in 2003–2006 and in the period from January 1st 2007 to the Prospectus Date and the amounts of expenditure incurred on the projects (PLN ‘000): Jan 1 2007 – Prospectus Date 2006 2005 2004 2003 Performance of research related to and development of a commercial platform for voice mailing services together with management systems and online monitoring systems - - 2,320 460 - Performance of functionality studies on adaptation of the SMS platform to support mass SMS traffic accumulated in short periods of time, to support mass projects in electronic media - 2,124 8,457 842 - WAP/SMS service platform combining the two functionalities in the same service - 755 - - - Management of content on the 3G service platform, for the VideoCall services - 161 - - - Source: the Issuer. 8.4 Investments 8.4.1 Major Investments in the Period Covered by the Historical Financial Data Table: The Issuer’s investment projects completed by the Prospectus Date (PLN ‘000) Investment project (domestic/foreign) Intangible assets Dec 1 2007 – Prospectus Date 2006 2005 2004 2003 0 4,472 11,025 5,995 Goodwill - - - 4,633** - Acquired permits, patents, licences and similar assets - 4,472 11,025 1,362 6 104 Property, plant and equipment 6 0 2,115 3,797 2,683 Buildings and structures - 58 127 51 31 Plant and equipment - 2,038 3,199 2,395 73 Vehicles - 2 420 185 - Other tangible assets - 17 51 52 - Financial assets 0 3,056 72,046 151 - MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. * - - 55,343 - - Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. - - 16,669 - - MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. - 3,036 Other - 20 34 151 0 9,643 86,868 8,829 Total 110 *Formerly Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o. **Relates to the acquisition of an organised part of business owned by com.Investment (formerly operating as Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o.). Source: the Issuer. 79 Prospectus of MNI S.A Table: Investment projects of the Issuer’s Group completed by the Prospectus Date (PLN ‘000) Investment project (domestic/foreign) Jan 1 2007 – Prospectus Dated Intangible assets 2006 2005 2004 0 6,297 12,017 5,995 Goodwill - - - 4,633** Acquired permits, patents, licences and similar assets - 6,297 12,017 1,362 Other - - - 2,683 Property, plant and equipment 0 8,145 3,797 Buildings and structures - 351 127 51 Plant and equipment - 7,030, 3,199 2,395 Vehicles - 698 420 185 51 52 Other tangible assets Financial assets - 66 0 21,252 72,046 151 MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. * - - 55,343 - Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. - - 16,669 - MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. - 3,036 - - dataCOM S.A. - 18,196 - - Other - 20 34 151 Total 0 35,694 87,860 8,829 Consolidation exclusions (purchase of shares in companies comprising the Issuer’s Group) - 21,252 72,046 151 Total 0 14,442 15,814 8,678 * Formerly Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o. ** Relates to the acquisition of an organised part of business owned by com.Investment (formerly operating as MNI Sp. z o.o.). Source: the Issuer. MNI Group’s investments in property, plant and equipment In 2003-2006 and in the period from January 1st 2007 to the Prospectus Date, MNI Group’s investments in property, plant and equipment focused on the modernisation and extension of the infrastructure with a view to providing new types of media services, both as part of the core telecommunications services and the value-added services for the subscribers of fixed and mobile telecommunications networks. Issuer’s investments in intangible assets In 2003, the Issuer almost completely reduced its capital expenditure as a result of the implementation and performance of its operational and financial restructuring plan. The investments in intangible assets made by the Issuer in 2003 involved only the office software necessary to ensure the proper functioning and security of the Company’s day-to-day operations. The main capital expenditure on intangible assets made by the Issuer in 2004–2006 included: 1. purchase in 2004 of the software and licence for the voice service platform, which facilitated the development of value-added voice services offered to mobile network subscribers; 2. purchase in 2004 of the software and licence to support the SMS/MMS platform, allowing the Company to increase its activity in the area of SMS/MMS multimedia services, which are the basis of the Company’s operations in that area; 3. purchase in 2004 of the licence and software to support the advanced billing system for the subscribers of the SZEPTEL telecommunications network, facilitating an expansion of the offering addressed to subscribers and improvement of the customer relationship processes; 4. purchase in 2005 of the licence and software to support and manage the voice platform, facilitating the development of more advanced voice service projects; 5. purchase in 2005 of the licence and software to support voice services involving the transfer of calls from the Premium Rate platform to domestic and international long-distance lines for all subscribers of the fixed-line networks in Poland; 6. purchase in 2005 of the licence and specialist software supplementary to the voice service platform, supporting the provision of voice mailing mass services; 7. purchase of the licence and software for database servers, which are the peripheral devices of the IVR/SMS platform; 8. purchase in 2005 of the rights, licence and software for the creation and management of web pages developed for the Company’s purposes and commercial projects; 80 Prospectus of MNI S.A 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. purchase in 2005 of the rights, licence and software for the commercial content services, facilitating the development of many services offered to end users and the media; purchase in 2005 of the rights and licence for the creation and development of SMS Chat services (provided in cooperation with Russian mobile operators) – project designed to promote the services on international markets; purchase in 2005 of the licence and rights to the software supporting the processes and solutions for the development and management of services; purchase in 2006 of the rights and licence to the content of voice and SMS/MMS services for the purpose of the development and operation of the Premium Rate services; purchase in 2006 of the rights, licence and software for supporting teletext pages, under the agreement concluded with 4FUN TV; purchase in 2006 of various licences and software for graphic workstations and monitoring of services. Issuer’s investments in property, plant and equipment The investments in property, plant and equipment carried out by the Issuer in 2003 were mainly connected with the completion of construction work on the following sections of the fibre-optic network: 1. Warsaw – Ostrołęka – Łomża – Białystok, with the Łomża – Szepietowo branch line. 2. Cieszyn – Dwory and a section in Będzin; 3. Wólka Dobryńska – Biała Podlaska. The section specified in item 1 is the backbone of the MNI S.A.’s fibre-optic network and was used to provide all the telecommunications service offered in the Szeptel network. The interconnection points of the MNI S.A.’s network with TP S.A.’s network were built based on that section. As the section terminates in Warsaw at the LIM facility, the Company was able to build interconnection points with other independent telecommunications operators. The sections specified in items 2 and 3 were not placed in service as part of the MNI S.A.’s network. The Company took steps to sell those assets, considering them redundant. In particular, in July 2005 the Issuer sold to Tele-PERN Sp. z o.o. a section of the fibre-optic bus situated in the south of Poland, comprising the transborder connection between Poland and the Czech Republic in the Cieszyn area. The major capital expenditure on property, plant and equipment made by the Issuer in 2004–2006 included: • purchase of equipment and construction of connections for new business subscribers (such as Białystok Municipal Office, Medical University of Białystok, Warsaw Tax Supervisory Authority, Białystok University, Białystok LOT Tax Office, CATV operators in Białystok), • purchase of IT, data transmission and switching equipment, • construction of a broadband Internet access system (DSL) and extension of the Internet nodes, • extension of existing and construction of new ADSL and WiFi broadband Internet access nodes; • purchase of equipment and fittings for a call centre in Warsaw. The expenditure incurred by MNI in 2004 helped the Company to increase its capacity to connect new subscribers for the core service and prepare the technical infrastructure for new services based on the network access number (the prefix), and provided the infrastructure and software necessary to offer the ADSL broadband Internet access service to the FIX network users. The investment expenditure incurred by the Issuer in 2005 was to a large extent the continuation of the investment projects launched in the previous year. The investments’ objective was to further increase the accessibility of the existing and new services. The purchase of equipment for the construction and extension of further ADSL nodes allowed MNI to expand the provision and sale of the broadband Internet service to the FIX network users. The Issuer also purchased equipment necessary to continue the extension of the call centre’s technical and organisational resources, in particular to extend the call centre resources in Warsaw and build a new call centre in Szepietowo. In order to extend the existing and build new systems for the provision of multimedia services in Warsaw, the necessary equipment, software and licences were purchased. MNI also undertook projects aimed at providing the carrier preselection service. The extension and modernisation of the telecommunications infrastructure allowed the Issuer to broaden its service offering addressed to institutional customers and win several prestigious contracts, such as the contracts with PLL LOT of Warsaw (Polish airlines) and the Białystok Municipal Office. The main benefit of the investments in property, plant and equipment made by the Issuer in 2006, which were mainly connected with the extension of the telecommunications and data transmission systems to deliver and promote media services (the teletext system for 4FUN TV) is the increase in the distribution capacities and the capacity to support and promote SMS services. In a longer term, this will be reflected in the Issuer’s higher revenue growth rate and MNI’s greater growth potential in the areas with high sales margins. 81 Prospectus of MNI S.A In the years 2003–2006, the Issuer will make investments in property, plant and equipment using almost entirely internally generated funds and, to a minimum extent, financed lease. Investments in property, plant and equipment of other members of the MNI Group In addition to the expenses incurred by the Issuer, the investments of MNI Telecom (formerly Pilicka Telefonia) are also a significant driver of the MNI Group’s capital expenditure on property, plant and equipment. The major capital expenditure on intangible assets incurred by MNI Telecom in 2005–2006 included: • purchase of software in 2005 and purchase of new solutions for the billing system used at the Company, purchase of additional software modules, such as traffic statistics and customer service; • purchase of an integrated financial and accounting system, purchase of software used at the Company and further extension of the billing system with the accounts receivable collection module. The main capital expenditure on property, plant and equipment incurred by MNI Telecom in 2005 included: • construction of additional connections for the existing copper networks to connect new subscribers in rural areas and new key customers (Radom Waterworks, Ball Packaging of Radomsko, Police 11 Listopada Radom, County Governor's Office of Sandomierz, Stalowa Wola Steelworks, Ceramika Paradyż 2 of Tomaszów, Zbyszko Company of Radom, State Forest Agency of Radom, Sandomierz Hospital, Dakot Radom); • construction of copper telecommunications networks (cable ducts and telecommunications cables) in Sandomierz, Radom and Piotrków; • construction of a low-voltage power line in Radom; • construction of a fibre-optic network and extension of the existing cable ducts in Radom; • extension of the existing fibre-optic networks; • construction of new Wipll base stations in Kozienice, Pionki, Tarnobrzeg, Tomaszów, Machów, Małęczyn, Sandomierz and new Nortel base stations in Piotrków Trybunalski - EC; • extension of the existing Wipll, Nortel and NEC base stations; • installation of new or extension of existing Nortel, SAT, Nortel, Wipll, AS 4020, DSLAM, NEC subscriber terminals; • modernisation and extension of the switching systems (Potkanów, Piotrków, Sandomierz); • extension and modernisation of data transmission and wire transmission equipment at the existing base stations; • purchase of Dell servers, Dell PCs and laptops; • purchase of a NCT Clip exchange for Yuko in Piotrków. The main capital expenditure on property, plant and equipment incurred by MNI Telecom in 2006 included: • construction of additional connections for the existing copper cable networks to connect new subscribers, including such key customers as (Iłża Hospital, Alurad, TVN, Fameg Radomsko, Deutsche Bank Radom); • extension of the existing base stations operating the Wipll, Nortel, AS 4020 radio access systems; • installation of new and extension of existing SAT, Nortel, Wipll, AS 4020, DSLAM, NEC subscriber terminals; • upgrade and extension of the switching systems (implementation of number portability – Potkanów, Piotrków, Sandomierz, Stalowa Wola, Tuszyn, SKB, Zure, Energo - Asekuracja); • construction of interconnection points with MNI S.A. (Radom, Warsaw, Stalowa Wola); • extension and modernisation of data transmission and wire transmission equipment at the existing base stations. The direct benefit of the capital expenditure discussed above is an increase in the Group’s capabilities in the area of telecommunications services, both in the product group connected with the investments in the switching infrastructure (upgrade of exchanges) and in the access infrastructure, which translates directly into higher capacity for connecting new customers or providing the existing ones with new services (Internet). The implementation of the above investments translated into higher sales revenue and profitability of the Issuer’s Group. The investments of the MNI Group members other than the Issuer were financed with their own funds. Equity Investments of the MNI Group The equity investments of the MNI Group in 2004–2006 were primarily connected with the creation of a media group and the development of telecommunications infrastructure promoting benefits of scale in the telecommunications sector, as well as the expansion of media services based on the telecommunications subscriber base. Equity investments of the MNI Group in 2004–2006 were executed exclusively by the Issuer. 82 Prospectus of MNI S.A Following the transactions carried out in January 2004 and May 2005, the Issuer acquired 53.9% of shares in Bia-Net Sp. z o.o. of Białystok, Poland. The Issuer’s strategy for the cooperation with Bia-Net provided for a gradual transfer of the latter’s business activity to MNI. The transfer was effected through the sale of Bia-Net’s telecommunications infrastructure to MNI. Similarly, Bia-Net’s agreements with subscribers and business partners were transferred onto MNI. Such solution was selected in order to cut costs and avoid competition between the Issuer and its subsidiary, consisting in the offering of the same telecommunications products in the Province of Białystok. Following the completion of these integration processes, there was no purpose – from the perspective of the Issuer’s interests – in Bia-Net Sp. z o.o. continuing its operations. Therefore, in January 2006 a resolution was adopted concerning the liquidation of Bia-Net and its subsequent windup. In September 2004, MNI and Media Net Interactive (currently com.Investment) concluded an agreement on the purchase of the latter’s business. As a result of the transaction, MNI acquired assets supporting the provision of valueadded services for Premium Rate mobile subscribers. The acquisition of Media Net Interactive’s assets marked the first phase of the establishment of a group operating in the sector of value-added services for fixed-line and mobile telephony. It enabled MNI to enhance its business beyond the profile of a traditional telecommunications operator and record high growth dynamics through the provision of value-added services to all domestic mobile operators. In July 2005, MNI finalised the acquisition of 100 shares in Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. (representing 100% of the share capital and 100% of the total vote at the General Shareholders Meeting). The preliminary agreement was signed on May 5th 2005, and July 15th 2005 saw the start of integration of the operating activities, offerings and product and sales strategies of both entities. The integration enabled MNI to add fixed-line services to its business, while the integration of technological infrastructure in a single multimedia platform helped to strengthen MNI’s competitive edge. Following the acquisition, MNI took over the provision of services to all customers and business partners of Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., as well as all media contracts concerning the integration of interactive communication services and promotion of own services. Following the acquisition of Legion Polska, the process of establishing MNI as a provider of value-added services for all domestic mobile operators was completed. This enabled the Company to extend its offering to all users of fixed-line and mobile networks in Poland. MNI is able to provide a full range of entertainment and information services for the media market. In December 2005, MNI S.A. acquired 226,491 shares (representing 100% of share capital and 100% of the total vote at the General Shareholders Meeting) in Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o. of Radom, Poland. The acquisition of Pilicka Telefonia enabled MNI not only to significantly increase its share in the market of traditional services for fixed-line telephony, but also to achieve synergy benefits. The integration of telecommunications infrastructure of both entities into a single telecommunications network strengthened the MNI Group’s competitive edge on the market, enhanced the competitiveness of the Group’s offering and enabled it to benefit from effects of scale, as well as to reach a broader subscriber base with its media services offering. On July 13th 2006, MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (a subsidiary of MNI, formerly operating under the name of Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o.) signed an agreement under which MNI Telecom acquired 2,570,566 ordinary registered shares in dataCOM S.A., with a par value of PLN 7.00 per share, which represent 76.49% of the entire share capital of the company and the same proportion of votes at its general shareholders meeting, for a total price of PLN 19m. That price was to be paid in two instalments: first instalment of PLN 18m has already been paid, while the second instalment of PLN 1m will be paid by July 31st 2007 if the gross margin for the period June 2006–May 2007 is not lower than for the period June 2005–May 2006. MNI Telecom financed the purchase of the shares from internally generated funds. The main benefits of incorporating dataCOM S.A. into the MNI Group include access to new customers, as well as the acquisition of new necessary telecommunications infrastructure and resources supporting the provision of colocation services. On August 24th 2006, the Issuer submitted to Mr Piotr Gruszecki and Mr Julian Kutrzeba an irrevocable offer to acquire a total of 200 shares in MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. of Kraków, representing 100% of the company’s share capital. On September 15th 2006, final agreements concerning the sale of a total of 150 shares were signed. The shares represent 75% of the share capital of MoCoHub, and their price was set at PLN At the same time, preliminary agreements concerning the sale of the remaining 50 shares were executed. Following the transaction, the Issuer will become a sole shareholder in MoCoHub. The acquisition price of the 50 shares will depend on MoCoHub’s financial performance in 2006 and in the first six months of 2007, but it must fall in the range of PLN 1,000,000.00 and PLN 1,500,000.000.00. 83 Prospectus of MNI S.A 8.4.2 Current Investment Projects MNI Group’s Investments in Property, Plant and Equipment, and in Intangible Assets As at the Prospectus Date, the MNI Group has not incurred any expenditure relating to current investment projects which would be disclosed in the accounting books. However, the MNI Group has set individual investment tasks and established work teams to execute the following investment projects related to property, plant and equipment, as well as intangible assets: a) access infrastructure for telecommunications services, including: extension of transmission platforms, extension of the Internet access network, subscriber telecommunications infrastructure (designed to connect business customers), construction of subscriber access following local loop unbundling; b) subscriber access systems, including: extension of local WiFi systems, construction of the Białystok and Łomża WiMax systems, upgrade of the CDMA IS95 system to CDMA2000; c) other. The above investments of the Group are designed to: • increase the capacity and extend the existing infrastructure of the Internet access network, • create resources and facilities to provide services to both retail and business customers who are currently not accessed by the Group’s existing telecommunications infrastructure, • improve the quality of telecommunications services, • take advantage of the opportunities brought by the liberalisation of the telecommunications market (local loop unbundling), • replacement of IT hardware used in day-to-day operations. Given the special nature of the investment tasks and contractual provisions in accordance with which payments for the performance under the agreements will be made after the Prospectus Date, the amounts of the Group’s necessary capital expenditure on the execution of these tasks are presented in Section 8.4.3. Equity Investments of the Group Acquisition of Breakpoint Sp. z o.o. by the MNI Group On October 26th 2006, the Issuer and Invidia Limited of Limassol, Cyprus, entered into a preliminary share purchase agreement concerning 57% of shares in Breakpoint, a company producing games for mobile phones. On December 19th 2006, MNI executed the final agreement, whereby it purchased the shares for PLN 4,664,000.00. The acquisition will enable the Issuer to enter the international market of multimedia services, mainly in Western Europe. Breakpoint provides solutions to such companies as Vodafone, T-Mobile, Orange and mobile networks in the Far East and Brazil. The MNI Group’s investment projects conducted as at the Prospectus Date are carried exclusively in the territory of Poland and financed with internally generated funds. 84 Prospectus of MNI S.A 8.4.3 Planned Investments Table: Investment Project Schedule of the Issuer (PLN ‘000) Project (domestic/foreign) Intangible assets Software supporting management platform for telecommunications services (MVNO) Q1 2007 1,021 1,000 Other Property, plant and equipment Management platform for telecommunications services (MVNO) 21 1,719 1,000 Development and extension of customer access channels and development of technological layer Financial assets Management and development platform for content for media and value-added services 719 15,000 15,000 Development of customer access channels and development of technological layer (Wimax, WiFi and WCDMA) Total 17,740 Source: The issuer. Table: Investment Project Schedule of the Group (PLN ‘000) Project (domestic/foreign) Intangible assets Q1 2007 3,536 Software supporting management platform for telecommunications services (MVNO) 1,000 Management platform for content of value-added services 1,000 Management subsystems for content, customer relations and services monitoring 1,500 Other Property, plant and equipment Management platform for telecommunications services (MVNO) 36 5,587 1,000 Management platform for content of value-added services 500 Management subsystems for content, customer relations and services monitoring 750 Development of customer access channels and development of technological layer (Wimax, WiFi and WCDMA) Financial assets * Management and development platform for content of services Development of customer access channels and development of technological layer (Wimax, WiFi and WCDMA) Total 3,337 15,000 15,000 24,123 Source: The issuer. * The expenditure on financial assets planned for Q1 2007 does not include expenditure of PLN 18m on acquisition by MNI Telecom of 76.49% of shares in data.COM incurred in August 2006 and presented in Section 8.4.2 hereof. The investments in intangible assets planned by the Issuer and its Group include: • Content management platform for value-added services – this investment is necessary given the technological progress and the Company’s need to adapt its assets to new requirements. Media services form the core of the Company’s business, therefore this investment is particularly important and indispensable to achieve a large proportion of the planned increases in sales and profit. • Management platform for MVNO services – the planned enhancement of the Group’s business profile with the MVNO services will require investments in new software and licences for the use of service management applications in a longer term, given the natural development of the project as well as the growing subscriber and business partner bases. • Investments in other product areas, connected with content management, management systems for customer relations, monitoring systems etc. • Other – including mainly software for a new billing system, radio telecommunications technologies for accessing a customer (Wimax, WiFi, WCDMA) etc. 85 Prospectus of MNI S.A The Issuer’s and the MNI Group’s investments in property, plant and equipment will involve the execution of investment projects presented in the tables above. These projects will be connected with the purchase and development of hardware systems for the installations described above. It will in particular include the purchase of: • servers, • drive arrays, • network hardware supporting the development of Internet access network, • hardware for the construction of WiMax radio systems, • hardware for the CDMA2000 radio system, • hardware for the VoIP system, • power supply and uninterrupted power supply systems, • network routers, • transmission hardware and subscriber equipment, • other ICT equipment and installations. The Group intends to acquire and integrate several media or telecommunications companies. In the media sector, the acquisition targets would include entities operating in the business of technology development as well as media content production and distribution. In the case of foreign entities, potential acquisition targets would be companies which enjoy a significant position on the developed mobile services markets in Western Europe. As at the Prospectus Date, the MNI Group has made no binding commitments connected with the acquisition of media or telecommunications companies. 8.4.4 Expected Sources of Financing Required for the Implementation of Investment Projects The Group expects to finance the planned investment projects, executed mostly in the territory of Poland, with internally generated funds, including in particular the proceeds from the issue of Series L Shares. Certain equity investments may also be made on foreign markets. Also these investments are to be financed with internally generated funds, including the proceeds from the issue of Series L Shares. The Group does not rule out raising external financing for its investment projects, including under bank loans and lease agreements. 8.5 Property, Plant and Equipment 8.5.1 Material Property, Plant and Equipment (Existing and Planned), Including Leased Property, and Encumbrances Existing Material Property, Plant and Equipment As at November 30th 2006 the value of Group’s property, plant and equipment amounted to PLN 131,044,615.95 (including the Issuer’s property, plant and equipment, worth PLN 39,937,125.51). The Group has property rights to 99% of its property, plant and equipment. Leased assets represent 1% of the Company’s assets. The aforementioned amount comprises: • land – PLN 99,198.67, • buildings and structures (including telecommunications and fibre-optic networks) – PLN 53,605,573.28, • plant and equipment – PLN 63,102,933.46, • vehicles – PLN 1,215,606.56, • tangible assets under construction – PLN 12,648,361.78, • prepayments for tangible assets under construction – PLN 50,963.00, • other property, plant and equipment – PLN 321,989.20. The Group owns the following material property, plant and equipment: Real estate situated at ul. Sienkiewicza 52, Szepietowo, Poland The Issuer is the owner of real property with the area of 1,359.66 m2, situated in Szepietowo at ul. Sienkiewicza 52, entered in the Land and Mortgage Register maintained by the District Court of Wysokie Mazowieckie, under No. 31370. The property is free from any encumbrances. Real estate situated at ul. Ostrówek 3, Sandomierz, Poland The Issuer’s subsidiary, MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia) is the owner of land with the area of 2,150m2, situated in Sandomierz at ul. Ostrówek 3, entered in the Land and Mortgage Register maintained by the District Court of Sandomierz, under No. 71296. The property is free from any encumbrances. 86 Prospectus of MNI S.A Material property, plant and equipment owned by the Issuer include: • Ostrołęka-Kawęczyn-Warsaw fibre-optic network section – PLN 2,038,000.05. • Szepietowo-Łomża and Ostrołęka-Białystok fibre-optic network sctions – PLN 2,797,326.91. • host telephone exchange – PLN 4,785,550.89. • WAM system in Szepietowo – PLN 3,962,635.53. Material items of property, plant and equipment owned by MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o (formerly Pilicka Telefonia), the Issuer’s subsidiary, include: • set of devices for call switching and recording call parameters, designated as Potkanów Switching Centre – PLN 4,647,259.65. • set of devices for call switching and recording call parameters, designated as Sulejów Switching Centre – PLN 4,027,218.98. • set of devices for call switching and recording call parameters, designated as Ostrówek Switching Centre – PLN 2,873,805.53. Sale of Material Property, Plant and Equipment On 1st June 2006, the Issuer and its subsidiary, MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia), entered into a framework agreement providing for, among other things, the sale of the Issuer’s assets used for the provision of fixedline services, for the benefit of MNI Telecom, and takeover by MNI Telecom of a part of the employees operating the assets. Until the Prospectus Date, in performance of the framework agreement, the Issuer and MNI Telecom concluded four separate have agreements for the sale of particular assets. The acquisition of all assets by MNI Telecom is to be carried out by June 30th 2007. The selling prices of the assets correspond to their market value as at the date of sale. Encumbrances on Material Property, Plant and Equipment A set of the Issuer’s movables and property rights, constituting an economic entity in the form of the Issuer’s business, is encumbered with a registered pledge established to secure BRE Bank S.A.’s claims arising under Credit Facility Agreement No. 17/012/05/Z/IN of August 11th 2005. A set of movables and property rights held by Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., the Issuer’s subsidiary, constituting an economic entity in the form of Legion Polska Sp. z o.o.’s business, is encumbered with a registered pledge established to secure BRE Bank S.A.’s claims arising under Credit Facility Agreement No. 17/012/05/Z/IN of August 11th 2005. A set of movables and property rights held by MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia), the Issuer’s subsidiary, constituting an economic entity in the form of Legion Polska Sp. z o.o.’s business, is encumbered with a registered pledge established to secure BRE Bank S.A.’s claims arising under Credit Facility Agreement No. 17/012/05/Z/IN of August 11th 2005. Pursuant to Agreement No. 12/2005, the Ostrówek Switching Centre, owned by MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia) is encumbered with a registered pledge (No. 1113974) established to secure the claims of PKO S.A., I Radom Branch, under a PLN 4,350,000.00 loan advanced to MNI Telecom on the basis of Agreement No. 170/2003 of December 15th 2003. Under the agreement of December 15th 2003, the ownership right to the Potkanów Switching Centre and Sulejów Switching Centre, owned by MNI Telecom, was assigned to PKO S.A., I Radom Branch, to secure the bank’s claims under the PLN 4,350,000.00 loan advanced to MNI Telecom on the basis of Agreement No. 170/2003 of December 15th 2003. 8.5.2 Environmental Protection Issues and Requirements Which May Affect the Issuer’s Use of Property, Plant and Equipment The following factors, which may have effect on the environment, are related to the Szeptel network, operated by the Issuer: • emission of electromagnetic radiation • waste management. With respect to the issues presented above, the Issuer observes the standards applicable to environmental protection, use of the natural environment and waste management, as specified in the Environmental Protection Act and Waste Management Act of April 27th 2001, and related secondary legislation. 87 Prospectus of MNI S.A Emission of Electromagnetic Radiation The Szeptel network comprises 13 base stations which are sources of electromagnetic radiation and as such they are subject to the Environmental Protection Act. For this reason: • in all the stations, measurements of electromagnetic fields are taken immediately upon placing the station in service and after each installation replacement. The results of radiation measurements in 1999–2006 did not indicate the existence, in any of the base stations, of any electromagnetic radiation which would be classified as harmful to the environment, • pursuant to Par. 2.1.7 and Par. 3.1.8 of the Regulation of the Polish Council of Ministers on projects with potentially significant environmental impact, dated November 9th 2004, Environmental Impact Reports were prepared for all of the base stations, • environmental impact in the extent specified above does not require submission of combined information on the use of the natural environment or any environmental charges, • all base stations of the Szeptel network are unmanned facilities which do not produce noise, waste or any other pollution or require water supplies. Waste Management The Szeptel network is subject to the regulations following from the Waste Management Act of April 27th 2001 due to the common use of accumulator batteries as a power source at the base stations and use of electronic equipment. In the Szeptel network, accumulator batteries are used as an emergency power source. After they are exhausted, such batteries become hazardous waste and have to be utilised by competent companies. Therefore, following the end of the batteries’ life, the Company is obliged to submit the equipment for utilisation and pay the related costs. Pursuant to the Act on Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment, the Issuer, as the owner, is responsible for the utilisation of waste electronic equipment. For this reason, after such equipment’s useful life ends, the Company is obliged to submit it for utilisation and pay the related costs. The Issuer concluded an agreement with a company holding appropriate permits for acceptance and utilisation of waste, such as accumulators, batteries and fluorescent lamps. 8.6 Material Agreements Besides the agreements concluded in the ordinary course of business, during the two years preceding the date of this Prospectus the Issuer entered into the following agreements which are classified as material based on their scope or value of related liabilities. 8.6.1 Financing-Related Agreements On October 22nd 2004, the Issuer entered into agreements on cancellation of interest. The agreements were signed with the Issuer’s creditors, including com.Investment Sp. z o.o. (formerly Media Net Interactive), Towarzystwo Inwestycyjne Dedal Sp. z o.o., Caterham Financial Management Ltd. and Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o., in compliance with the provisions of Par. 2.2.2.c of the agreements entered into by these creditors and the Issuer on June 23rd 2004 and the annexes to these agreements, respectively of September 15th 2003 in the case of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. and of January 27th 2004 in the case of the other creditors. As a result of the agreements, PLN 1,567,259.30 of the total interest of PLN 2,567,259.30 payable by the Issuer on its debt that the creditors purchased from Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A. of Warsaw, was cancelled. The cancellation became effective upon the execution of the agreement. On January 19th 2005, the Issuer and Towarzystwo Inwestycyjne Dedal Sp. z o.o. entered into an agreement concerning debt reduction and repayment schedule. Under the agreement, the parties decided to cancel PLN 814,109.29 of the total debt of PLN 1,164,109.29 representing a portion of Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A.’s claim towards the Issuer that was purchased by Towarzystwo Inwestycyjne Dedal Sp. z o.o. The balance of the debt, i.e. PLN 350,000.00 was repaid by the Issuer by July 30th 2005. The debt covered by the arrangement, in the amount of PLN 446,706.24, whose payment was suspended under earlier agreements, will be paid by the Issuer in full, in compliance with the terms of the arrangement. Performance of the discussed agreement ended all the settlements between the parties relating to the debts referred to above and thus each of the parties waived any future claims in relation to these debts. On January 31st 2005, the Issuer entered into agreements with Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. and com.Investment Sp. z o.o. concerning debt reduction and repayment schedule, under which the Issuer’s liabilities towards these creditors were reduced: • of the total debt of PLN 698,465.58, representing the portion of Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A.’s claim towards the Issuer that was purchased by Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o., PLN 488,465.58 was cancelled under the agreement made with Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. The balance of the debt, i.e. PLN 210,000.00 was paid by the 88 Prospectus of MNI S.A Issuer by July 30th 2005. The debt covered by the arrangement, in the amount of PLN 268,023.74, whose repayment was suspended under earlier agreements, will be paid by the Issuer in full, in compliance with the terms of the arrangement; • of the total debt of PLN 4,268,400.74, representing the portion of Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A.’s claim towards the Issuer that was purchased by com.Investment Sp. z o.o., PLN 2,718,400.74 was cancelled under the agreement made with com.Investment Sp. z o.o. The balance of the debt, i.e. PLN 1,550,000 was repaid by the Issuer by July 30th 2005. The debt covered by the arrangement, in the amount of PLN 365,264.41, whose payment was suspended under earlier agreements, will be paid by the Issuer in full, in compliance with the terms of the arrangement. As a result of these agreements, of the total debt of PLN 6,130,975.61, representing the portion of the Issuer’s liabilities towards Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A. that were purchased by the creditors, PLN 4,020,975.61 was cancelled. The agreements marked the completion of the restructuring process concerning the debt contracted by the Issuer in the previous years. Based on the debt to equity swap agreement of July 12th 2006, made with Caterham Financial Management Ltd. of Malaysia, Polina Trading Limited of London, a company under British law, holds, under the agreement of January 27th 2004 (amended by virtue of Annex No. 1 of June 23rd 2004 and Annex No. 2 of June 1st 2006), MNI S.A.’s debt of PLN 1,629,753.01, which is to be swapped for MNI shares of subsequent issues, and the price for which Polina Trading Limited will purchase the shares may not be lower than PLN 4.50, which means that Polina Trading Limited will be allocated no more than 362,167 shares. In view of the above, Polina Trading Limited undertook not to demand repayment of the debt from MNI until December 31st 2006. Under Credit Facility Agreement No. 17/012/05/Z/IN of August 11th 2005, amended by virtue of Annex No. 1 of October 24th 2005, Annex No. 2 of December 15th 2005, and Annex No. 3 of July 18th 2006, concluded between the Issuer and BRE Bank S.A. of Warsaw, the Issuer contracted a long-term investment credit facility in the total amount of PLN 77,292,296.47. The agreement is described in detail above. 8.6.2 Agreements on Acquisition of Shares in Companies or Interest in Such Companies’ Business January 9th 2004 Agreement on the acquisition of 26% of shares in Bia - Net Sp. z o.o. of Białystok. September 27th 2004 Conditional agreement with Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. on sale of business (as defined in Art. 551 of the Civil Code) of Media Net Interactive. October 27th 2004 Conditional agreement with Mediaholding S.A., on sale of 100 % of shares in Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o. November 4th 2004 Final agreement on the acquisition of the business of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw for the price of PLN 5,500,000.00. The agreement provided for the acquisition of a business, as defined in Art. 551 of the Civil Code, in the form of an organised set of intangible and tangible assets used for the purposes of business activities consisting in particular in the provision of broadly understood value-added telecommunications services to mobile subscribers. The transfer of all the rights and obligations arising from and connected with the business onto the Issuer was effected on the date of delivery of the business, i.e. December 31st 2004. All the benefits and burdens related to the business were also transferred onto the Issuer on the same date. May 4th 2005 Preliminary agreement with Polina Trading Limited of London, a British company, on the purchase by the Issuer of 100% of shares in Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. May 11th 2005 Agreement on the purchase from com.Investment Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw of 1,167 shares in Bia-Net Sp. z o.o., with the par value of PLN 500.00 per share, for the price of PLN 208,818.75. August 10th 2005 Final agreement on the purchase of 100% of shares in Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. for the price of PLN 16,500,000.00. November 14th 2005 Preliminary agreement on the purchase of 100% of shares in MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia). December 19th 2005 Final agreement on the purchase of 100% of shares in MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. formerly Pilicka Telefonia) for the PLN equivalent of USD 16,834,606.00. 89 Prospectus of MNI S.A July 13th 2006 Conditional agreement on the acquisition by MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. of 2,570,566 ordinary registered shares with the par value of PLN 7.00 per share in data.COM Spółka Akcyjna, representing 76.49 % of the company’s share capital and 76.49% of the total vote at its general shareholders meeting. The total purchase price of the shares was agreed at PLN 19,000,000.00. As at the Prospectus Date, all the conditions precedent to the acquisition by MNI Telecom of shares in data.COM S.A., described in the share purchase agreement of July 13th 2006, have been fulfilled, and MNI Telecom finally acquired the shares. August 1st 2006 Agreement on the sale of 100% of shares in Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o. August 24th 2006 The Issuer submitted to Mr Piotr Gruszecki and Mr Julian Kutrzeba an irrevocable offer to acquire a total of 200 shares in MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. of Kraków, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court of Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, Division XI of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000157543, representing 100% of the company’s share capital. The offer was accepted. Concurrently, the Issuer received from Messrs Piotr Gruszecki and Julian Kutrzeba a reciprocal irrevocable offer to sell to the Issuer all the shares referred to above. The offer was accepted. The shares will be acquired by the Issuer or a subsidiary of the Issuer from the existing shareholders of MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. on the date of execution of the sale agreements attached to the aforesaid offers as their integral parts. The execution of the agreements is conditional on the Issuer conducting the financial and legal due diligence of MoCoHub and confirming the truthfulness and accuracy of the warranties made by the sellers with regard to the standing of MoCoHub and its business. The share purchase transaction will be executed in two stages: - stage I – by September 11th 2006 – purchase of 75 (seventy five) shares from each of the shareholders, jointly 150 (one hundred and fifty) non-preference shares in MoCoHub Sp. z o.o., with the par value of PLN 500 (five hundred złoty) per share, representing 75% of the company’s share capital, for the price of PLN 1,500,000.00 to each seller, i.e. jointly PLN 3,000,000.00, payable within 21 days from the agreement execution date; - stage II – within seven days from the date of approval by the Shareholders Meeting of MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. of its financial documentation for 2006 – purchase of the remaining 50 (fifty) shares, i.e. 25 (twenty five) shares from each of the sellers, representing jointly 25% of the company’s share capital, at a price which is to be determined no later than on the date of execution of the share purchase agreement as “EBITDA x 8” for each block of 25 shares, subject to the reservation that it may not be lower than PLN 500,000.00 or higher than PLN 750,000.00. September 15th 2006 Execution of the final share purchase agreements between Messrs Piotr Gruszecki and Julian Kutrzeba as the sellers and MNI S.A. as the buyer, concerning a total of 150 shares in the share capital of MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. of Kraków. These shares represent 75% of the share capital of MoCoHub. The price for the 150 shares in MoCoHub was set at PLN 3,000,000.00 and is payable within 21 days from the agreements’ execution date. Concurrently with the agreements on the purchase of 150 shares in MoCoHub, preliminary agreements were concluded, concerning the purchase of the remaining 50 shares in MoCoHub, following which MNI S.A. would become the sole shareholder in MoCoHub. The purchase price for the 50 shares depends on the financial performance of MoCoHub in 2006 and the first six months of 2007, but may not be higher than PLN 1,500,000.00 or lower than PLN 1,000,000.00. October 26th 2006 Execution of a preliminary agreement with Invidia Limited of Limassol, Cyprus, concerning the purchase of 57% of shares in Breakpoint Sp. z o.o. December 19th 2006 Execution of the final agreement on the purchase of the aforementioned shares, at the price of PLN 4,664,000.00. 8.6.3 Insurance Agreements The Issuer holds insurance policies for its telecommunications structures and equipment taken out with Polskie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeniowe AIG S.A. and ERGO HESTIA S.A. In addition, the Issuer holds third-party liability insurance and all-loss car insurance covering its entire fleet of vehicles. 90 Prospectus of MNI S.A 8.6.4 Other Agreements January 22nd 2004 agreement on mutual cooperation in the field of telecommunications services, concluded with TELEGLOBE, an international telecommunications operator. The conclusion of the agreement enabled the Issuer to enhance its international telecommunications offering with respect to voice calls and data transmission; March 22nd 2004 agreement concluded with Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. whereby the Issuer formally took possession of the technical and formal/legal infrastructure related to the interconnection point of the SZEPTEL and TP S.A. networks and telecommunications traffic exchange within the Numbering Area 85 /Białystok/. The above arrangement enabled direct traffic exchange between TP S.A. and the Issuer; May 17th 2004 agreements for the construction and operation of teletext broadcasting systems for Tele 5 and Polonia 1 TV channels, concluded with Fincast. On the basis of the agreements, the Issuer constructed the technical infrastructure and integrated it with other operators’ telecommunications systems to enable the use of Premium Rate services to create commercial solutions for teletext; May 27th 2004 agreement concluded with DGT, a well-known producer of telecommunications hardware and software, whereby DGT delivered the software powering the Traffic and Tariff Calculation System and integrated it with the SZEPTEL telecommunications system. The state-of-the-art software tool has streamlined the interoperator tariff-setting, invoicing and settlement processes, enabled access to subscriber billing data in real-time and helped develop new telecommunications products for subscribers; June 28th 2004 agreement on networks interconnection and telecommunications traffic exchange, concluded with PL- NET of Gdynia, a Telecommunications Operator offering its services within Numbering Areas SN 58 and SN 22. Thanks to the agreement, the Issuer was able to further complement its offering with respect to access to other operators’ networks, enhance its offering for own subscribers and establish equal-footing cooperation in the access of PLNET subscribers to Numbering Areas SN 85 and SN 86; June 29th 2004 agreement with Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o., the ERA network operator, defining the terms and conditions for the provision of PTC with services consisting in the development, integration and supply of content for multimedia services, as well as the technical conditions for its supply; June 29th 2004 agreements with Nextira One Polska Sp. z o.o. for the delivery and implementation in the SZEPTEL telecommunications system of the infrastructure and necessary software tool for the provision of broadband access based on the ADSL technology for the residents of the Podlasie region; June 30th 2004 agreement concluded with Polska Telefonia Komórkowa CENTERTEL Sp. z o.o., operator of the IDEA mobile network, defining the terms and conditions for the provision to PTK of services consisting in the development, integration and supply of content for multimedia services, as well as the technical conditions for its supply. The agreement concerns voice and SMS services using Premium Rate numbers; July 2nd 2004 agreements with PLL LOT for the pilot run of the solution involving the launch of an international access number for PLL LOT’s Foreign Customer Service Offices, including the possibility of call reception by the Warsaw-based PLL LOT Call Center. Thanks to the newly implemented solution, PLL LOT is also able to access the Issuer’s international call offer. In the initial test phase the solution is to be deployed on the French market only, but later it will also be implemented in the other countries in which PLL LOT has its offices; September 3rd 2004 agreement with Austria’s VASCON Telekommunikationsdienst-leistungs GmbH concerning the integration and deployment of a package of value-added services for customers of Austrian telecom operators; September 23rd 2004 framework agreement with Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. on networks interconnection and telecommunications traffic exchange based on the RIO rates approved this year by the 91 Prospectus of MNI S.A President of the Telecommunications and Post Regulatory Authority (currently the Office of Electronic Communications); September 23rd 2004 agreement on interconnection of the IP network with the telecom operator TeliaSonera International Carrier Poland Sp. z o.o. The conclusion of the agreement made it possible to develop and offer world-class quality telecommunications services both to own subscribers and, under interconnection agreements, to customers of other operators; September 30th 2004 agreement for the provision of multimedia services to Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o., operator of the ERA GSM network; October 20th 2004 agreement with Austria’s VASCON Telekomunikationsdienst–leistungs GmbH concerning the launch of the Issuer’s value-added services on the German market; October 20th 2004 agreement for the provision of multimedia services to the PLUS GSM network operator (Polkomtel S.A.); November 17th 2004 agreement concluded with ELPOS Sp. z o.o., the second largest cable television operator in the Białystok urban area, concerning the construction and operation of the VoIP solutions for the network subscribers based on the cable operator’s access infrastructure and “last mile” connection. Thanks to this agreement and the agreements concluded in April 2004 with two other cable television operators – DIPOL and SAV – the Issuer secured direct access to 50 thousand potential customers; November 29th 2004 agreement with PLL LOT for the construction and operation of the interactive SMS-based customer information system for passengers and customers of the airline. During the initial phase of their deployment, the interactive services are to provide access to information on arrivals and departures of scheduled flights; January 17th 2005 agreement concluded with Radio Zet Sp. z o.o., a nationwide radio station, concerning the construction, maintenance and operation of commercial services available on the stations’s website at As soon as the agreement took effect, the website was hosted on the Issuer’s servers; January 31st 2005 agreement with PLL LOT for the provision of fixed-line telephone services to all PLL LOT organisational units. The services rendered by the Issuer involve local, domestic longdistance and international calls for PLL LOT. Concurrently, the Issuer is already providing PLL LOT with the service consisting in the transfer of local telephone calls from selected European countries to the Warsaw-based PLL LOT Call Center; March 21st 2005 annex to the framework agreement on networks interconnection concluded with TP S.A., whereby local calls may be placed by dialing the 1042 prefix, which had so far been used by the company. Subject to the terms and conditions set out in the framework RIO agreement, the annex allowed the Issuer to offer basic telecommunications services to TP S.A. subscribers, including local calls at the lowest price rates compared to the existing market offers. The new services were first deployed in the Podlasie region, where the Issuer holds the second largest market share, outdistanced only by TP S.A.; March 24th 2005 agreement with Austria’s VASCON Telekomunikationsdienstleistungs GmbH concerning the launch of the Issuer’s value-added services on the Swiss market, the fifth international market after the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Germany, where the Issuer has rolled out its value-added services for subscribers of telecommunications networks; April 18th 2005 consortium agreement entered into with Tele-PERN Sp. z o.o. with the strategic objective of collaborating in the implementation of projects involving the use of existing fibre-optic bus resources to develop and provide data transmission services in international connections; July 8th 2005 sale agreement whereby the Issuer sold to Tele-PERN Sp. z o.o. the section of its fibre-optic bus located in southern Poland with a trans-border connection with the Czech Republic located in the vicinity of Cieszyn; 92 Prospectus of MNI S.A July 15th 2005 agreement entered into with Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., providing a basis for the launch of integration processes involving the two entities’ operating activities, as well as a common market offer based on a common product and marketing strategy with respect to value-added products. As part of the efforts, selected services comprising Legion Polska’ offering have been migrated to the Issuer’s mobile platform, which represents a better solution from the point of view of sale processes; July 28th 2005 agreement concluded with Telewizja Polska S.A., whereby the Issuer integrated its valueadded multimedia services provided to mobile operators and used by all Public Television stations; September 27th 2005 agreement concluded with Centrum Elektronicznych Usług Płatniczych eService S.A., a specialised subsidiary of Bank PKO BP, on the organisation and support by the Issuer of telecommunications-based authorisation and settlement traffic pertaining to payment card transactions and originating from eService’s POS terminals. Under the agreement, the Issuer is able to integrate its corporate services (including services provided to PolCard S.A. and CardPoint S.A.), which account for more than two-thirds of the Polish market of such services, October 11th 2005 sale agreement whereby the Issuer sold to Tele-PERN Sp. z o.o. a second section of the fibreoptic bus located in southern Poland, which constitutes a whole together with the trans-border connection to the Czech Republic located in the vicinity of Cieszyn and sold on July 11th 2005. Along with the sale of the second section of the fibre-optic bus, the Issuer assigned, for the benefit of Tele-PERN Sp. z o.o., the agreements concerning lease of the rights of way within that area of Poland and the Czech Republic; April 18th 2006 agreement concluded with Biuro Miss Polonia Sp. z o.o., organiser of the world finals of the Miss World 2006 beauty contest scheduled for September 2006, which are to be hosted by Poland. The agreement covers a whole range of projects related to the use of interactive tools and services which will support the competitions, voting and polls and offer a complete suite of multimedia products associated with the finals of the Miss World 2006 contest to both Internet, mobile and fixed phone users; June 1st 2006 framework agreement with the Issuer’s subsidiary, MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia) whereby the Issuer sold to MNI Telecom its assets supporting the provision of fixed-line services and transferred to MNI Telecom some of its staff operating the above assets. Under the agreement, MNI Telecom is to serve the Issuer’s customers and accede to the Issuer’s debt under the credit facility granted by BRE Bank S.A. on the basis of Credit Facility Agreement No. 17/012/05/Z/IN of August 11th 2005, as amended; January 9th 2007 Framework Cooperation Agreement concluded between Radio ZET Sp. z o.o. and MNI S.A. Under the agreement, concluded for an indefinite period of time, MNI is to provide interactive mobile services via SMS channels used in Radio ZET’s on-air commercial projects. 93 Prospectus of MNI S.A 8.7 Court and Arbitration Proceedings 8.7.1 Court Proceedings Concerning Marek Dutka’s Claims On July 6th 2005, the Court of Arbitration at the National Chamber of Commerce issued a ruling in the proceedings instigated against the Issuer by Marek Dutka. By virtue of the ruling, Marek Dutka was awarded PLN 1,500,000.00, along with interest accrued from April 1st 2001 to the date of payment, return of the cost of proceedings and the cost of representation in proceedings at law. Marek Dutka acquired the claims held against the Issuer by Janusz Dutka, Barbara Dutka, Wojciech Dutka and Łukasz Dutka, arising under the agreement on the sale of shares in D&D InterCom Spółka z o.o. of Kraków, dated April 5th 2000, concluded by each of the above persons with the Issuer. In return for the sold shares, the members of the Dutka family were granted the right to purchase a specific number of newly issued shares at the issue price. The claims sought in the proceedings arose in relation to the Issuer’s obligation to pay contractual penalties resulting from unsuccessful issue of Series I Shares, which under the agreement was to be carried out until March 15th 2001. By virtue of the ruling of July 6th 2005, the Court of Arbitration acknowledged the plaintiff’s claims and reduced the amount of the contractual penalty by 50%, considering it excessive. However, on August 5th 2005 the Issuer lodged a complaint to the District Court of Warsaw, I Civil Division, and motioned for a full reversal of the ruling and for arrest of judgment. The Issuer regards the ruling of the Court of Arbitration as incoherent and unclear, and claims that the ruling does not settle all the contentious issues between the parties, and – in the first place – it does not address the objection made by the Issuer in the proceedings under Art. 67.1 of the Arrangement Proceedings Act. In relation to the arrangement between the Issuer and the Company’s creditors, concluded on November 5th 2003 and approved by the Regional Court of Łomża, the claims which are the subject of the proceedings, should be reduced by 40% and spread into 30 fixed quarterly instalments. Given that the Court of Arbitration did not issue any decision on such reduction, the Issuer initiated proceedings in this respect before the District Court of Warsaw. Moreover, the Issuer applied to the Court of Arbitration for supplementary decision in this case in view of the fact that the court before which the claims are sought and which were to be recorded in the list of claims covered by arrangement is obliged, given the existing, final court decision on approval of the arrangement, to assessed whether the terms of the arrangement bind the plaintiff in relation to the claims sought in the proceedings. By virtue of the decision of September 1st 2005, the Court of Arbitration at the National Chamber of Commerce did not grant the Issuer’s motion to supplement the ruling of July 6th 2005. On February 15th 2006, the District Court of Warsaw (File II C 120/06) dismissed the Issuer’s complaint and the decision was upheld by virtue of the decision issued by the Court of Appeals of Warsaw, dated November 29th 2006. The Issuer applied for the preparation of a statement of grounds for the decision and for the delivery of the decision and the statement of grounds in order to be able to decide whether to file a last resort appeal against the decision of the Court of Appeals. Furthermore, in relation to the decision of the Court of Appeals, the District Court of Warsaw issued a decision declaring it enforceable and endorsed it with an enforcement clause. However, the decision was reversed following a complaint. Notwithstanding the above, in view of the decision unfavourable for the Issuer, i.e. the final ruling of the Court of Arbitration at the National Chamber of Commerce of July 6th 2005 and the decision of the District Court of Warsaw of February 15th 2006, the Issuer’s Management Board considered it advisable and justified, in the light of Art. 35.d.1.1 of the Accountancy Act of September 29th 1994, to create a provision to cover the liability arising under the ruling of the Court of Arbitration at the National Chamber of Commerce of July 6th 2005. The provision will enable the Issuer to substantially satisfy Marek Dutka’s claims if the actions undertaken by the Issuer with a view to reversing the ruling issued by the Court of Arbitration at the National Chamber of Commerce prove unsuccessful. The provision covers the PLN 1,500,000.00 awarded by the Court of Arbitration at the National Chamber of Commerce, the cost of arbitration proceedings and the cost of representation in proceedings at law. Moreover, in view of the decision issued by the Court of Appeals of Warsaw, the Management Board resolved to increase the provision to PLN 3,000,000.00 with a view to covering all Marek Dutka’s claims. 8.7.2 Court Proceedings against Tele-Pern Sp. z o.o. Court proceedings initiated by the Issuer against Tele-Pern Sp. z o.o. are pending before the Regional Court of Warsaw, XX Commercial Division, File Sign. XX GNc 872/05. The Issuer’s statement of claim includes a demand for payment of a total amount of PLN 628,164.26 and for awarding statutory interest on this amount for the period from the lodging of the claim to the payment date, cost of proceedings and cost of representation in proceedings at law. On December 12th 2005, the Issuer brought, before the Regional Court of Warsaw, XX Commercial Division, a suit in proceedings by writ of payment against Tele-Pern Sp. z o.o., claiming payment of monetary claims and interest under commercial transactions. On December 23rd 2005, in case No. XX GNc 872/05, the Regional Court of Warsaw, XX Commercial Division, issued against the debtor, Tele-Pern Sp. z o.o., an order for payment in proceedings by writ of payment, as motioned in the Issuer’s statement of claim. In its judgement, the Court declared that Tele-Pern Sp. z o.o. was obliged to pay to the Issuer an amount of PLN 617,241.38 plus accrued statutory interest for the period from December 12th 2005 to the payment date, in the amount of PLN 10,922.88 and the cost of proceedings in the amount of PLN 7,215.00. On January 5th 2006, the Issuer submitted, to the Court Enforcement Officer of the Second Area at the District Court of Płock, a motion for securing the claim awarded to the Issuer under the order of payment issued by the Regional Court of 94 Prospectus of MNI S.A Warsaw, XX Commercial Division, in case No. XX GNc 872/05. To date, the Court Enforcement Officer has issued no decision on securing the Issuer’s claim. On January 13th 2006, Tele-Pern Sp. z o.o. submitted defence against the order of payment and a petition for exemption from costs of court proceedings. The Court did not grant the petition and obliged Tele-Pern Sp. z o.o. to cover the costs of pending court proceedings. Upon payment of the cost of defence against the order of payment, on May 15th 2006 the Court delivered to the Issuer’s legal representative a copy of Tele-Pern Sp. z o.o.’s defence against the order of payment. On May 29th 2006, the Issuer’s legal representative submitted a letter presenting the Issuer’s position on the objections raised by Tele-Pern Sp. z o.o. The letter was submitted by the date designated by the Court. It is not currently possible to predict the outcome of the discussed proceedings and their effect on the Issuer. 8.7.3 Criminal Proceedings Concerning Acting to the Detriment of the Issuer On July 29th 2005, the Issuer was notified that the Office of District Prosecutor for Warszawa Śródmieście filed with the District Court for Warszawa Śródmieście, VII Criminal Division, an indictment in the case against Michał Skolimowski, Andrzej Wyszyński and Maciej Wąż, charged with acting to the Issuer’s detriment, causing it to incur a loss of over PLN 6m. The proceedings are still pending before the court of first instance (File Sign. VII K 1181/05). On August 8th 2005, the Company received from the District Court for Warszawa Śródmieście, VII Criminal Division, a notification that the Łomża Regional Prosecutor’s Office submitted an indictment against Andrzej Wyszyński, former Vice-President of the Issuer’s Management Board, charged with offences under Art. 296.1–3, in concurrence with Art. 585.1 of the Commercial Companies Code, in concurrence with Art. 12 of the Criminal Code, against Dariusz Zych, the Issuer’s former commercial proxy, charged with offences under Art. 296.1–3, in concurrence with Art. 585.1 of the Commercial Companies Code, in concurrence with Art. 18.2 of the Criminal Code, in conjunction with Art. 12 of the Criminal Code, and against Stanisław Gasinowicz, a shareholder of the Issuer, charged with offences under Art. 18.2 of the Criminal Code, in conjunction with Art. 296.1–3, in concurrence with Art 585.1 of the Commercial Companies Code, in conjunction with Art. 12 of the Criminal Code. These persons are charged with acting to the detriment of the Issuer, causing it to incur a loss of PLN 8,940,944.20. The proceedings are still pending before the court of first instance (File Sign. VII K 1199/04). The actions undertaken by the Prosecutors’ Offices based on the documentation delivered by the Issuer are designed to identify and investigate all abuses, as well as to redress damage inflicted upon the Issuer in 2001–2002 by its management staff. 8.7.4 Arrangement Proceedings with the Issuer’s Creditors In its decision issued on November 5th 2003 under Art. 63.2 of the Arrangement Proceedings Act, dated October 24th 1934, the District Court of Łomża approved the arrangement reached on October 15th 2003 in arrangement proceedings between the Issuer and its creditors. The decision became final on November 13th 2003. Under the arrangement approved by the District Court of Łomża, the Issuer was obliged to: 1) repay in full individual claims of up to PLN 10,000.00, with a total amount of PLN 168,171.31 within three months from the end of the quarter in which the decision approving the arrangement became final, that is in the first quarter of 2004. The Issuer performed this obligation. 2) repay the other creditors’ claims reduced by 40%, in a total amount of PLN 5,319,389.10, in the form of 30 quarterly instalments, each amounting to PLN 177,312.97, payable as follows: a. first instalment – within six months from the end of the quarter in which the decision approving the arrangement became final, that is in the second quarter of 2004. The Issuer made this payment within the prescribed time. b. the other instalments – in subsequent quarters, by the end of each quarter. To date, the Issuer has paid a portion of the claims covered by the arrangement in a total amount of PLN 1,573,058.02. The balance of the claims to be repaid under the arrangement in the future stands at PLN 3,914,502.39. The Issuer has been performing its obligations under the arrangement in a correct and timely manner. As at the Prospectus Date, no proceedings concerning the annulment of the arrangement are pending. Under the decision issued by the District Court of Łomża, from the opening date of the arrangement proceedings no interest will be charged on the claims covered by the arrangement. 95 Prospectus of MNI S.A 8.8 Organisational Structure 8.8.1 Overview of the Group and the Issuer’s Place in the Group The Issuer’s Group comprises the Issuer and its subsidiaries enumerated in Section 8.8.2 below. As at the date of acquisition (control assumption), the assets and liabilities of an acquired subsidiary are measured at fair value. The excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of the acquired subsidiary’s identifiable assets is recognised in the balance sheet as goodwill. If the acquisition cost is lower than the fair value of the identifiable net assets of an acquired subsidiary, the difference is disclosed as profit in the income statement for the period in which the assets were acquired. Minority interests are accounted for at fair value of the net assets attributable to minority interests. In the following periods, losses attributable to minority interests which exceed the minority shareholders’ investment in a subsidiary reduce the consolidated profit or increase the consolidated loss. Subsidiaries sold in a financial year are included in the consolidation from the beginning of a given financial year until the date on which they are sold. The net profit/(loss) of subsidiaries acquired in a financial year is disclosed in the financial statements from the moment when a given subsidiary is acquired. Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiary undertakings to bring the accounting policies applied by a given subsidiary in line with those applied by the Parent Undertaking (transition from the Accountancy Act to the IFRS). Subsidiary undertakings are consolidated with the full method – the consolidated financial statements are prepared in such a manner as if the entire Group constituted a single business. Consequently, all transactions, balances, income and expenses between the related undertakings included in the consolidation are eliminated from the consolidated financial statements. The net profit/(loss) of subsidiary undertakings is disclosed as the net profit/(loss) of the Group in proportion to the equity interests held in subsidiary undertakings. The remaining portion is reported under profit/(loss) attributable to minority interests. The financial statements of subsidiary undertakings are prepared for the same reporting period as those of the Parent Undertaking. The consolidated cash-flow statement is prepared by aggregating certain items of the cash-flow statements of individual undertakings consolidated with the full method and by making consolidation adjustments to the aggregated amounts. The statement of changes in consolidated equity is prepared on the basis of the consolidated balance sheet and statements of changes in non-consolidated equity. The consolidation documentation contains data aggregated across multiple reporting periods, which include: - changes in equity, and - consolidation goodwill, as well as disclosures relating to the period covered by the consolidated financial statements. 8.8.2 List of Material Subsidiaries of the Issuer The Issuer’s Subsidiaries 96 Prospectus of MNI S.A consolidation method applied (valuation with equity method or indication that a subsidiary is not subject to consolidation / valuation with equity method) Control/joint control/significant influence exercised since Shares at cost Total valuation allowances 75 No. Company name and form of incorporation Registered address Business profile Nature of capital link (subsidiary, jointlycontrolled, or associated undertaking, direct or indirect) 1 Szeptel Internet Sp z o.o. 360-126 Kraków ul. G.Zapolskiej 3 Internet services subsidiary undertaking not consolidated Apr 5 2000 75 18-210 Szepietowo ul. Sienkiewicza 52 telecommunications, call center projects subsidiary undertaking consolidated Jun 7 2000 101 18-210 Szepietowo ul. Sienkiewicza 52 web page service subsidiary undertaking not consolidated Sep 5 2000 101 2 3 MNI Technology Development (formerly Szeptel International) Sp. z o.o.1 E.PL S.A. in liquidation 2 Carrying value of shares 101 101 4 Media Personel Serwis Sp. z o.o.3 00-503 Warsaw ul. Żurawia 8 software services, human resources management subsidiary undertaking consolidated Dec 20 2004 50 6 Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. 00-503 Warsaw ul. Żurawia 8 telecommunications services subsidiary undertaking consolidated Aug 10 2005 16,669 0 16,669 7 MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Telefonia Pilicka Sp. z o.o.) 26-600 Radom ul.Potkanowska 54a telecommunications services subsidiary undertaking consolidated Dec 19 2005 55,343 0 55,343 8 MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. 31-128 Kraków ul. Karmelicka 45/8 telecommunications services subsidiary undertaking consolidated Sep 15 2006 3,030 0 3,030 50 1 On September 29th 2006, the Management Board of MNI Technology Development Sp. z o.o. resolved to adopt the plan of the company’s transformation into a joint-stock company. By virtue of a decision issued by the District Court of Białystok, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, on September 11th 2006, E. PL. S.A. was deleted from the National Court Register following the completion of the liquidation proceedings. 3 Based on the sale agreement concluded between the Issuer and a natural person on August 1st 2006, 1,000 shares in Media Personel Serwis Sp. z o.o, representing 100% of the company’s share capital, were disposed of. 2 97 Prospectus of MNI S.A Subsidiaries of MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia) Company name Registered address Business profile % of share capital held % of total vote at GM Share capital (PLN ‘000) MNI Mobile (formerly Ogólnopolska Sieć Szkieletowa) S.A ul. Sienkiewicza 52 18-210 Szepietowo construction of nationwide fibre-optic network 100% 100% 1.000 telecommunications activities in Warsaw 76.49% 76.49% 23,523.962 Data.Com S.A 8.9 Plac Czerwca 1976 r. nr 4 02-495 Warsaw Shareholdings in Other Undertakings Other undertakings in which the Issuer holds equity interests are enumerated in Section 8.8.2 hereof. 98 Prospectus of MNI S.A 9. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Statement on the Issuer’s Compliance with Corporate Governance Rules The Issuer observes the corporate governance standards as stipulated by the Polish law and the provisions of Par. 29 of the WSE Rules. Additionally, it complies with the entire body of corporate governance rules set forth in the document entitled “Best Practices in Public Companies”. The most recent statement on the Issuer’s compliance with the corporate governance rules was published in Current Report No. 27/2006. 99 Prospectus of MNI S.A 10. MEMBERS OF MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISORY BODIES, EMPLOYEES 10.1 Practices of the Management and Supervisory Bodies 10.1.1 Duration and Expiry Dates of Terms of Office Management Board As stated in Par. 6.2 of the Issuer’s Articles of Association, the Management Board’s term of office runs for three years. Members of the Management Board are appointed for a joint term of office. The table below shows the terms of office of the Issuer’s Management Board in the previous financial year: First name and surname Position Appointment date Expiry date Mariusz Pilewski President Apr 14 2003 Jun 30 2006 Leszek Kułak Vice-President Sep 25 2003 Jun 30 2006 Zdzisław Wójcik Member Sep 28 2005 Jun 30 2006 The table below shows the term of office of the current Management Board: First name and surname Position Appointment date Piotr König President Jun 30 2006 Mariusz Pilewski Member Leszek Kułak Member Term of office 3 years Supervisory Board As stated in Par. 11.2 of the Issuer’s Articles of Association, the Supervisory Board’s term of office runs for three years. Members of the Supervisory Board are appointed for a joint term of office. The table below shows the terms of office of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board in the previous financial year: First name and surname Position Appointment date Expiry date Andrzej Piechocki Chairman Apr 14 2003 Jun 30 2006 Tomasz Swadkowski Deputy Chairman Dec 20 2004 Jun 30 2006 Barbara Dąbrowska Member Apr 14 2003 Jun 30 2006 Piotr König Member Apr 14 2003 Jun 30 2006 Stanisław Widera Member Apr 14 2003 Jun 30 2006 Nov 4 2005 Krzysztof Radziszewski Member Apr 14 2003 (resignation) The table below shows the term of office of the current Supervisory Board: First name and surname Position Appointment date Andrzej Piechocki Chairman Robert Gwiazdowski Deputy Chairman Jun 30 2006 Michał Tomczak Secretary Tomasz Karasiński Member Stanisław Widera Member Term of office 3 years 10.1.2 Agreements for Provision of Services between Members of Administrative, Management and Supervisory Bodies and the Issuer or any of Its Subsidiaries Mr Michał Tomczak, who sits on the Issuer’s Supervisory Board, as a partner in the law firm Spółka Adwokacka Tomczak i Partnerzy of Warsaw is party to the agreement concluded on June 28th 2006 between the Issuer and Spółka Adwokacka Tomczak i Partnerzy, whereby the latter is to provide legal advice on all matters connected with the issue of Series L Shares by the Issuer. The agreement was concluded on market terms. 100 Prospectus of MNI S.A 10.1.3 Information on the Issuer’s Audit and Remuneration Committees The audit committee consists of the following members: Robert Gwiazdowski, Tomasz Karasiński, Michał Tomczak The remuneration committee consists of the following members: Andrzej Piechocki, Stanisław Widera Rules of Procedure of the Audit and Remuneration Committees Pursuant to Par. 32 of the Rules of Procedure of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board, the audit and remuneration committees are set up within the Supervisory Board. The audit committee is composed of at least two independent members and at least one member qualified and experienced in the field of accounting and finances. The audit committee has the following responsibilities: supervise, on an ongoing basis, the Issuer’s finances, review the Directors’ Report on the Company’s Operations and the financial statements for the previous financial year for their consistency with the accounting books and documents, as well as the actual state of affairs, review the Management Board’s motions concerning distribution of profit or coverage of loss, submit to the Supervisory Board a report on the reviews referred to above so that it may adopt appropriate resolutions, and take any other steps necessary for the assessment of the Issuer’s financial standing. The scope of responsibilities of the remuneration committee includes: development of the remuneration policy for the Issuer’s employees, taking into account the rules for and actual possibilities of bonus payments, as well as supervision, on an ongoing basis, of how the remuneration policy for the Issuer’s employees and members of its governing bodies is implemented. The remuneration committee may motion with the Issuer’s Management Board for award of a bonus payment to a particular employee, accompanying each motion with a written justification. The audit and remuneration committees should submit to the Supervisory Board annual reports on their activities. Such reports, together with the materials prepared for the purposes of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting convened in a given financial year, are made available to the shareholders. 10.2 Administrative, Management and Supervisory Bodies and Senior Management Staff 10.2.1 Information on Members of Administrative, Supervisory and Senior Management Staff Management Board Piotr König Position: President of the Management Board Place of work: Issuer’s registered office at ul. Żurawia 8, Warsaw, Poland Professional experience: Piotr König graduated from the Department of Fine Mechanics of the Technical University of Warsaw. Following graduation, he worked for private companies specialising in the distribution of computer hardware and consumer electronics. From 1999 he was employed at Nieruchomości i Kapitał S.A., a company specialising in real-estate investment and development projects, where he was subsequently appointed President of the Management Board. In 2001, he co-founded Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o. (current name com.Investment Sp. z o.o.) and then became President of its Management Board. Soon afterwards, the company became the leading player on the market of value-added services for fixed-line and mobile operators. The company, which is the Issuer’s largest shareholder, contributed significantly to the Issuer’s current market position. From April 2003 to June 2006, Mr König was member of the company’s Supervisory Board. Names of all incorporated companies and partnerships in which Piotr König has served as member of their administrative, management or supervisory bodies or partner/shareholder at any time in the past five years: member of the Management Board of Nieruchomości i Kapitał S.A., member of the Management Board of com.Investment Sp. z o.o., until July 6th 2006 – member of the 101 Prospectus of MNI S.A Management Board of Mediaholding S.A., until July 19th 2006 – member of the Management Board of Telestar Sp. z o.o., until June 30th 2006 – member of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board, shareholder in Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. Furthermore, Piotr König represented that in the past five years: • • • • no final court judgment has been passed convicting him on fraud charges, he has not served as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of any entity declared bankrupt, placed under administration or in liquidation during his term of office, no court order has been issued barring him from serving as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of any public company or from participating in the management or conduct of the affairs of any public company, no statutory or regulatory body (including professional organisations) has made any official public charges or imposed any sanctions on Piotr König. There exist no family ties between Piotr König and the other members of the Issuer’s management, supervisory or administrative bodies. Mariusz Pilewski Position: Member of the Management Board Place of work: Issuer’s registered office at ul. Żurawia 8, Warsaw, Poland Professional experience: Mariusz Pilewski graduated from the Department of Fine Mechanics of the Warsaw University of Technology. Mr Pilewski began his professional career in 1987 at ZPC Ursus. In 1990-1995, he worked for private companies specialising in the sale of telecommunications equipment and satellite receivers. In late 1990’s, he held the position of President of a joint-stock company engaged in real-estate investments. Since 1999, he has been President of the Management Board of Inwest Logistics, a consultancy offering advisory services in the area of asset management and project financing to legal persons. Since 2002, Mr Pilewski has been President of the Management Board of Telestar, established to broadcast the interactive television channel iTV under the licence awarded by the National Radio and Television Broadcasting Board. From April 2003 to June 2006, Mr Pilewski was President of the Issuer’s Management Board. Names of all incorporated companies and partnerships in which Mariusz Pilewski has served as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies or partner/shareholder at any time in the past five years: President of the Management Board and shareholder in Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o., President of the Management Board and shareholder of Marengo Sp. z o.o., President of the Management Board of Telestar Sp. z o.o., President of the Management Board of Ogólnopolska Sieć Szkieletowa S.A., President of the Management Board of MNI Technology Development (formerly Szeptel International) Sp. z o.o., member of the Supervisory Board and shareholder of Nieruchomości i Kapitał S.A. Furthermore, Mariusz Pilewski represented that in the past five years: • • • • no final court judgment has been passed convicting him on fraud charges, he has not served as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of any entity declared bankrupt, placed under administration or in liquidation during his term of office, no court order has been issued barring him from serving as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of any public company or from participating in the management or conduct of the affairs of any public company, no statutory or regulatory body (including professional organisations) has made any official public charges or imposed any sanctions on Mariusz Pilewski. 102 Prospectus of MNI S.A There exist no family ties between Mariusz Pilewski and the other members of the Issuer’s management, supervisory or administrative bodies. Leszek Kułak Position: Member of the Management Board Place of work: Issuer’s registered office at ul. Żurawia 8, Warsaw, Poland Professional experience: Leszek Kułak holds a diploma from the Electronics Department of the Warsaw University of Technology, with a major in telecommunications. From the end of 1980’s he worked for private companies specialising in the distribution of electronic and telecommunications equipment and provision of related services. In 1995–2001, he was member of the Management Board of Telemedia Sp. z o.o. Since 1995, Mr Kułak has worked for companies providing value-added services for telecommunications operators In 2001-2005, Mr Kułak was member of the Management Board of Media Net Interactive Sp. z o.o., specialising in the provision of value-added services for fixed-line and mobile operators. From September 2003 to June 2006, Mr Kułak served as Vice-President of the Issuer’s Management Board. Names of all incorporated companies and partnerships in which Leszek Kułak served as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies or partner/shareholder at any time in the past five years: Member of the Management Board and shareholder in Net Interactive Sp. z o.o., member of the Management Board of Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. Furthermore, Leszek Kułak represented that in the past five years: • • • • no final court judgment has been passed convicting him on fraud charges, he has not served as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of any entity declared bankrupt, placed under administration or in liquidation during his term of office, no court order has been issued barring him from serving as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of any public company or from participating in the management or conduct of the affairs of any public company, no statutory or regulatory body (including professional organisations) has made any official public charges or imposed any sanctions on Leszek Kułak. There exist no family ties between Leszek Kułak and the other members of the Issuer’s management, supervisory or administrative bodies. Supervisory Board Andrzej Piechocki Position: Chairman of the Supervisory Board Professional experience: Andrzej Piechocki graduated from the Department of Fine Mechanics of the Warsaw University of Technology. In 1989–1993, he served on management boards of private companies as their president. In the years 1993–1997, Andrzej Piechocki was an adviser to a minister of the Polish government. From 1992 through 2001, he conducted business as a sole trader under the name of Andrzej Piechocki Doradztwo Finansowe, specialising in finance, tax and investment consultancy services. In 2001– 2002, Mr Piechocki worked for the government administration. Since 2003, he has been Chairman of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board. Names of all incorporated companies and partnerships in which Andrzej Piechocki served as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies or partner/shareholder at any time in the past five years: 103 Prospectus of MNI S.A member of the Supervisory Board of Zespół Elektrowni PAK S.A., President of the Management Board of Towarzystwo Inwestycyjne Dedal Sp. z o.o., President of the Management Board of Dedal Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. Furthermore, Andrzej Piechocki represented that in the past five years: • • • • no final court judgment has been passed convicting him on fraud charges, he has not served as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of any entity declared bankrupt, placed under administration or in liquidation during his term of office, no court order has been issued barring him from serving as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of any public company or from participating in the management or conduct of the affairs of any public company, no statutory or regulatory body (including professional organisations) has made any official public charges or imposed any sanctions on Andrzej Piechocki. There exist no family ties between Andrzej Piechocki and the other members of the Issuer’s management, supervisory or administrative bodies. Robert Gwiazdowski Position: Member of the Supervisory Board Professional experience: Robert Gwiazdowski holds a PhD in law. He is a tax adviser and a reader at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Warsaw University. Mr Gwiazdowski is the President of Adam Smith Centre and Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych (the Social Security Authority) Names of all incorporated companies and partnerships in which Robert Gwiazdowski served as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies or partner/shareholder at any time in the past five years: shareholder in Capital Investments Sp. z o.o., general partner and a shareholder in Gwiazdowski + Capital Investments SKA, shareholder in RG Service Sp. z o.o., general partner at RG Service Sp. z o.o. SK, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Gemius S.A., member of the Supervisory Board of Interia S.A., Chairman of the Supervisory Board of IX Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny E. Kwiatkowskiego S.A., member of the Supervisory Board of Nafta Polska S.A., and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of FK Partners Sp. z o.o. Furthermore, Robert Gwiazdowski represented that in the past five years: • • • • no final court judgment has been passed convicting him on fraud charges, he has not served as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of any entity declared bankrupt, placed under administration or in liquidation during his term of office, no court order has been issued barring him from serving as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of any public company or from participating in the management or conduct of the affairs of any public company, no statutory or regulatory body (including professional organisations) has made any official public charges or imposed any sanctions on Robert Gwiazdowski. There exist no family ties between Robert Gwiazdowski and the other members of the Issuer’s management, supervisory or administrative bodies. 104 Prospectus of MNI S.A Michał Tomczak Position: Secretary of the Supervisory Board Professional experience: Michał Tomczak graduated from the Faculty of Law at Warsaw University. In 1984, he completed the legal training programme for judges, and in 1988 – the legal training programme for attorneys at the District Bar Council in Płock. He was entered in the list of attorneys maintained by the District Bar Council in 1989. In 1991, he established his own law firm. From 1993 through 1994 Michał Tomczak was a partner at Kancelaria Prawnicza Banku Handlowego i Partnerzy, the other partners being Marek Furtek and Józef Palinka. In 1995, he resumed his own practice and is currently running a partnership under the name of Tomczak i Partnerzy Spółka Adwokacka. Names of all incorporated companies and partnerships in which Michał Tomczak served as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies or partner/shareholder at any time in the past five years: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ekstraklasa S.A. of Warsaw Tajro Spółka z o.o. of Warsaw Noiro Spółka z o.o. (Lumene Spółka z o.o.) of Warsaw ttsp/HWP Spółka z o.o. of Warsaw MTKA 0199 Spółka z o.o. of Warsaw (also a shareholder) MT Operations Spółka z o.o. of Warsaw (also a shareholder) DPM Spółka z o.o. of Warsaw HGC S.A. of Warsaw HPO Spółka z o.o. of Warsaw HPA Spółka z o.o. of Warsaw Towarzystwo Inwestycyjne Platan Spółka z o.o. of Warsaw Mediaholding S.A. of Warsaw Reba S.A. of Warsaw Munksjö Packaging Spółka z o.o. of Warsaw MTKA 0299 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw MTKA 10 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw MTKA 11 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw MTKA 12 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw MTKA 13 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw MTKA 14 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw MTKA 15 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw MTKA 16 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw MTKA 17 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw MTKA 18 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw MTKA 19 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 1 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 2 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 3 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 4 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 5 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 6 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 7 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 8 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 9 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 10 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 11 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 12 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 13 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 14 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 15 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 16 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 17 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 18 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw QSJ 19 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 1 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw 105 Prospectus of MNI S.A • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TPK 2 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 3 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 4 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 5 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 6 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 7 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 8 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 9 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 10 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 15 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 16 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 17 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 18 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 19 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 20 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 21 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 22 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 23 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 24 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw TPK 25 Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw Furthermore, Michał Tomczak represented that in the past five years: • • • • no final court judgment has been passed convicting him on fraud charges, served as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of entities declared bankrupt, placed under administration or in liquidation during his term of office: Noiro Spółka z o.o. (Lumene Spółka z o.o.) of Warsaw Munksjö Packaging Spółka z o.o of Warsaw no court order has been issued barring him from serving as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of any public company or from participating in the management or conduct of the affairs of any public company, no statutory or regulatory body (including professional organisations) has made any official public charges or imposed any sanctions on Michał Tomczak. There exist no family ties between Michał Tomczak and the other members of the Issuer’s management, supervisory or administrative bodies. Tomasz Karasiński Position: Member of the Supervisory Board Professional experience: Tomasz Karasiński holds a degree in Banking and Finance from the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Łódź. For six years, he was employed with PriceWaterhouseCoopers as an auditor, and afterwards he worked for three years as the financial director at @ Entertainment, Inc and Polska Telewizja Kablowa. He was financial director and a member of the Management Board of Eurozet Sp. z o.o. for five years. Since September 2005, he has been a consultant for the media and telecommunications sectors. Names of all incorporated companies and partnerships in which Tomasz Karasiński served as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies or partner/shareholder at any time in the past five years: Member of the Management Board of Eurozet Sp. z o.o. between June 2001 and September 2005, member of the Management Board and a shareholder in KMT Investment Sp. z o.o. since November 2005. Furthermore, Tomasz Karasiński represented that in the past five years: • no final court judgment has been passed convicting him on fraud charges, 106 Prospectus of MNI S.A • • • he has not served as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of any entity declared bankrupt, placed under administration or in liquidation during his term of office, no court order has been issued barring him from serving as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of any public company or from participating in the management or conduct of the affairs of any public company, no statutory or regulatory body (including professional organisations) has made any official public charges or imposed any sanctions on Tomasz Karasiński. There exist no family ties between Tomasz Karasiński and the other members of the Issuer’s management, supervisory or administrative bodies. Stanisław Widera Position: Member of the Supervisory Board Professional experience: Stanisław Widera completed higher technical studies with a major in electrical power engineering. Within the period covered by this information, Stanisław Widera has conducted business activities involving investment consultancy, particularly in the power sector. Names of all incorporated companies and partnerships in which Stanisław Widera served as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies or partner/shareholder at any time in the past five years: Shareholder in and member of the Management Board of Temar Sp. z o.o., in 2001– 2004 – member of the Management Board of Towarzystwo Elektrowni Gazowych Sp. z o.o., member of the Supervisory Board of Famak S.A. Furthermore, Stanisław Widera represented that in the past five years: • • • • no final court judgment has been passed convicting him on fraud charges, he has not served as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of any entity declared bankrupt, placed under administration or in liquidation during his term of office, no court order has been issued barring him from serving as member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of any public company or from participating in the management or conduct of the affairs of any public company, no statutory or regulatory body (including professional organisations) has made any official public charges or imposed any sanctions on Stanisław Widera. There exist no family ties between Stanisław Widera and the other members of the Issuer’s management, supervisory or administrative bodies. 10.2.2 Conflicts of Interests within Administrative, Management and Supervisory Bodies and among Senior Management Personnel Piotr König A potential conflict of interests exists with respect to Piotr König as he acts both as President of the Management Board of com. Investment Sp. z o.o., which is the Issuer’s shareholder, and President of the Issuer’s Management Board. As stated above, the conflict is of a potential nature only and arises from the fact that Piotr König, as President of the Issuer’s Management Board, has direct access to inside information on the Issuer’s business operations, which may directly influence his investment decisions and the manner of exercising rights attached to the shares held by com. Investment. However, since the Issuer fulfils the requirements set forth in relevant regulations on possession and use of inside information, the conflict is of a potential nature only. No agreements with significant shareholders, customers, suppliers or other persons exist, under which Piotr König would be appointed President of the Issuer’s Management Board. There are no restrictions agreed to by Mr Piotr König with respect to the time of selling the Issuer securities held by him. 107 Prospectus of MNI S.A Mariusz Pilewski No conflict of interest exists between the Issuer and Mariusz Pilewski. Mariusz Pilewski ceased to perform the function of President of the Management Board of Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. No agreements with significant shareholders, customers, suppliers or other persons exist, under which Mariusz Pilewski would be appointed Member of the Issuer’s Management Board. There are no restrictions agreed to by Mr Mariusz Pilewski with respect to the time of selling the Issuer securities held by him. Leszek Kułak No conflict of interest exists between the Issuer and Leszek Kułak. No agreements with significant shareholders, customers, suppliers or other persons exist, under which Leszek Kułak would be appointed Member of the Issuer’s Management Board. There are no restrictions agreed to by Mr Leszek Kułak with respect to the time of selling the Issuer securities held by him. Andrzej Piechocki A potential conflict of interests arises with regard to Andrzej Piechocki as he acts both as President of the Management Board of Dedal Inwestycje Sp. z o.o., which is the Issuer’s shareholder, and as Chairman of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board. As stated above, the conflict is of a potential nature only and arises from the fact that Andrzej Piechocki, as Chairman of the Supervisory Board, may have direct access to certain inside information on the Issuer’s business operations, which may directly influence his investment decisions and the manner of exercising rights attached to the shares held by Dedal Inwestycje. However, since the Issuer fulfils the requirements set forth in relevant regulations on possession and use of inside information, the conflict is of a potential nature only. No agreements with significant shareholders, customers, suppliers or other persons exist, under which Andrzej Piechocki would be appointed Chairman of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board. The shares held by Andrzej Piechocki are pledged as collateral for claims under a bank loan. Robert Gwiazdowski No conflict of interest exists between the Issuer and Robert Gwiazdowski. No agreements with significant shareholders, customers, suppliers or other persons exist, under which Robert Gwiazdowski would be appointed Member of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board. There are no restrictions agreed to by Mr Robert Gwiazdowski with respect to the time of selling the Issuer securities held by him. Michał Tomczak No conflict of interest exists between the Issuer and Michał Tomczak. No agreements with significant shareholders, customers, suppliers or other persons exist, under which Michał Tomczak would be appointed Secretary of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board. There are no restrictions agreed to by Mr Michał Tomczak with respect to the time of selling the Issuer securities held by him. Tomasz Karasiński No conflict of interest exists between the Issuer and Tomasz Karasiński. No agreements with significant shareholders, customers, suppliers or other persons exist, under which Tomasz Karasiński would be appointed Member of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board. There are no restrictions agreed to by Mr Tomasz Karasiński with respect to the time of selling the Issuer securities held by him. Stanisław Widera No conflict of interest exists between the Issuer and Stanisław Widera. No agreements with significant shareholders, customers, suppliers or other persons exist, under which Stanisław Widera would be appointed Member of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board. There are no restrictions agreed to by Mr Stanisław Widera with respect to the time of selling the Issuer securities held by him. 108 Prospectus of MNI S.A 10.3 Remuneration and Other Benefits 10.3.1 Remuneration of Administrative, Supervisory and Senior Management Staff First name and surname Remuneration paid and in-kind benefits awarded by the Issuer and its subsidiaries for any services provided by the person to the Company or its subsidiaries in 2006 Piotr König, President of MNI S.A. Management Board PLN 66 thousand under a management contract with MNI S.A. Mariusz Pilewski, Member of the Management Board and Leszek Kułak, Member of the Management Board PLN 378 thousand (under a management contract concluded by the Issuer with Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o.) Zdzisław Wójcik PLN 147 thousand Andrzej Piechocki, Chairman of the Supervisory Board Robert Gwiazdowski, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board Michał Jakub Tomczak, Secretary of the Supervisory Board Tomasz Karasiński, Member of the Supervisory Board Stanisław Widera, Member of the Supervisory Board PLN 37 thousand 10.3.2 Retirement, Pension and Related Benefits for Administrative, Supervisory and Senior Management Staff As at November 30th 2006, the Issuer created provisions for: • unused holidays in the amount of PLN 591,297.02, • retirement severance pays in the amount of PLN 9,208.64. 10.4 Shares and Share Options Held by Supervisory and Senior Management Staff First name and surname Piotr König, President of the Management Board Mariusz Pilewski, Member of the Management Board Leszek Kułak, Member of the Management Board Andrzej Piechocki, Chairman of the Supervisory Board Robert Gwiazdowski, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board Michał Tomczak, Secretary of the Supervisory Board Tomasz Karasiński, Member of the Supervisory Board Stanisław Widera, Member of the Supervisory Board Administrative, Issuer shares and share options held Indirectly, as the President of the Management Board of com.Investment Sp. z o.o., Mr König holds 7,357,590 Issuer shares, representing 32.60% of the Issuer share capital NA NA 1,398,812 Issuer shares, representing 6.20% of the Issuer’s share capital NA NA NA NA 109 Prospectus of MNI S.A 10.5 Employment 10.5.1 Headcount at End of Period Job type Administration Sales Technology Average headcount, including: Province of Białystok Warsaw As at Prospectus Date 7 38 14 Dec 31 2006 7 38 14 Jun 30 2006 11 39 45 Dec 31 2005 15 31 48 Dec 31 2004 12 15 34 Dec 31 2003 14 14 38 76 76 95 94 61 66 31 31 47 42 53 58 45 45 48 52 8 8 As at the Prospectus Date, the employee headcount was 59. 10.5.2 Arrangements Concerning Employees’ Share in the Issuer’s Capital There exist no arrangements concerning employees’ share in the Issuer’s capital. 110 Prospectus of MNI S.A 11. MAIN SHAREHOLDERS 11.1 Persons Other than Administrative, Supervisory or Management Staff, Holding Shares in the Issuer or Voting Rights at GM Based on the information provided to the Issuer, the following entities held significant blocks of Issuer shares as at the Prospectus Date: No. Shareholder 1. 2. com.Investment Sp. z o.o. Andrzej Piechocki CATERHAM FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Ltd. 4. 11.2 Number of shares % share Number of votes at GM % share 7,357,590 1,398,812 32.60 6.20 7,357,590 1,398,812 32.56 6.19 1,250,000 5.54 1,250,000 5.53 Other Voting Rights Held by Main Shareholders of the Issuer Pursuant to Par. 2.2 of the Issuer’s Articles of Association, Series A registered Shares carry voting preference. One preference share confers the right to three votes at the General Shareholders Meeting, with the proviso that Series A preference Shares disposed of in transactions between the founders of the Company or to the spouse or a child retain their preferred status, while preference shares disposed otherwise lose their preferred status, although they may, by way of exception, retain the preferred status at the Management Board’s motion approved by the Supervisory Board. The other Issuer shares are ordinary bearer shares. As at the date of the Prospectus approval, the Issuer shares confer no other preferences. The Articles of Association grant no personal rights to the shareholders. 11.3 Equity Interests Held in the Issuer’s Capital by Other Entities or Control Exercised over the Issuer by Other Entities, Nature of the Control and Mechanisms Preventing Its Abuse Within the meaning of Art. 4.16 and Art. 4.14–15 of the Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies, dated July 29th 2005 (Dz.U. No. 184, item 1539), the Issuer is not a subsidiary of any other entity. 11.4 Arrangements Whose Execution May Cause Future Change of Control over the Issuer As at the Prospectus Date, the Issuer has no knowledge of the existence of any arrangements or agreements whose execution might cause change of control over the Issuer in the future. 111 Prospectus of MNI S.A 12. HOLDERS OF SECURITIES TO BE SOLD 12.1 Names and Addresses of Residence or Registered Office of the Entities Offering the Securities for Sale – Position, Function or Other Material Relations of Selling Shareholders with the Issuer of the Securities, Its Legal Predecessors or Related Entities over Last Three Years This Prospectus is the basis for the Offering of exclusively new issue shares, therefore there exist no selling shareholders of those shares. Under this Prospectus, the Issuer’s existing shareholders are not selling any Issuer shares held by them. 12.2 Number and Type of Securities Offered by Each Selling Shareholder There exist no such shareholders. 12.3 Lock-Up Agreements, Parties to which Such Agreements Apply, Terms of Such Agreements and Exceptions; Lock-Up Period No lock-up agreements which would concern the Issuer shares have been concluded. 112 Prospectus of MNI S.A 13. RELATED-PARTY TRANSACTIONS Within the period from January 1st 2003 to the Prospectus Date, the Issuer concluded with related parties a number of arms’ length agreements. The nature and terms of those agreements were connected with the Issuer’s and its related entities’ day-to-day operations. The Issuer’s related entities were selected for the purposes of this section in accordance with the definition stipulated in Regulation (EC) 1606/2002. 13.1 Transactions with Related Undertakings between January 1st 2006 and the Prospectus Date (PLN ‘000) The financial data disclosed in this section (with the exception of the data concerning the remuneration of the MNI Group’s Management and Supervisory Boards, presented for the entire year 2006) show actual balances as at November 30th 2006. The information disclosed below is the most recent information the Issuer is able to furnish as at the Prospectus Date. Revenue Revenue Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o. MNI Technology Development Sp. z o.o. (formerly: Szeptel International) Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. 2,422 1,513 281 - - - - - 54 7 Issuer Telecommunications services Property, plant and equipment 9,740 14,340 Interest Telecommunications services Costs and expenses Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Interest 6,298 dataCOM S.A. 1,572 MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. Total 562 9 16,099 - - - 14,340 - 30 - - 30 - 3,055 6,030 94 2 15,479 - - 214 14,340 - - 14,608 - - - - - - 7 - - - - - 30 - - 345 - - 345 - 30 Materials MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. - Revenue Sales of telecommunications services market prices transactions with Legion Polska z Sp. z o.o. MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. dataCOM Sp. z o.o. MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. PLN 3,055 thousand PLN 6,030 thousand PLN 94 thousand PLN 2 thousand Sales of property, plant and equipment market prices transactions with MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. PLN 14,340 thousand PLN 214 thousand Sales of materials transactions with MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. PLN 345 thousand 113 Prospectus of MNI S.A Costs and expenses - purchase of telecommunications services PLN 6 298 thousand market prices transactions with Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. PLN 281 thousand MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. PLN 1,572 thousand MPS Sp. z o.o. PLN 2,422 thousand MNI Technology Development Sp. z o.o. PLN 1,452 thousand dataCOM S.A. PLN 562 thousand MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. PLN 9 thousand - purchase of property, plant and equipment (market prices) PLN 54 thousand transactions with MNI Technology Development Sp. z o.o. (formerly Szeptel International Sp. z o.o.) - purchase of intangible assets (market prices) PLN 7 thousand transactions with MNI Technology Development Sp. z o.o. (formerly Szeptel International Sp. z o.o.) The Issuer’s financial expenses – interest on a loan (as per the agreement) Transaction with MNI Telecom Sp. z. o.o. PLN 30 thousand Balance of unsettled transactions with related undertakings as at November 30th 2006: - current receivables PLN 1,598 thousand - non- current receivables PLN 12,968 thousand - current liabilities PLN 704 thousand In the period from January 1st 2006 to November 30th 2006, the value of the Issuer’s transactions with related undertakings was as follows: - revenue: PLN 24,080 thousand, or 23.4% of the Issuer’s total revenue, - costs and expenses: PLN 6,389 thousand, or 6.3% of the Issuer’s total costs and expenses. Transactions with members of the management and supervisory staff, their spouses, blood relatives, direct in-laws up to the second degree and persons related through adoption, custody or guardianship to members of the management or supervisory staff of those undertakings or Companies in which they are significant shareholders or their spouses Transactions Management contract concluded with Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. As at November 30th 2006, the turnover under the agreement amounted to PLN 246 thousand. Piotr König, President of the Issuer’s Management Board, holds 15.9% of shares in Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. Mariusz Pilewski, Member of the Issuer’s Management Board, held 50.2% of shares in Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. Mariusz Pilewski disposed all of the shares held on July 24th 2006. Management agreement with DORKOM-Piotr König. As at November 30th 2006, the turnover under the agreement amounted to PLN 0 thousand. Loans and Advances No loans or advances were recorded. 114 Prospectus of MNI S.A Remuneration of the Members of the MNI Group’s Management and Supervisory Boards The Issuer First name and surname Remuneration paid and in-kind benefits awarded by the Issuer and its subsidiaries for any services provided by the person to the Company or its subsidiaries in 2006 Piotr König, President of MNI S.A. Management Board PLN 66 thousand under a management contract with MNI S.A. Mariusz Pilewski, Member of the Management Board and Leszek Kułak, Member of the Management Board PLN 378 thousand (under a management contract concluded by the Issuer with Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o.) Zdzisław Wójcik PLN 147 thousand Andrzej Piechocki, Chairman of the Supervisory Board Robert Gwiazdowski, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board Michał Jakub Tomczak, Secretary of the Supervisory Board Tomasz Karasiński, Member of the Supervisory Board Stanisław Widera, Member of the Supervisory Board PLN 37 thousand MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o.) Remuneration paid and in-kind benefits awarded by the Issuer and its First name and surname subsidiaries for any services provided by the person to the Company or its subsidiaries in 2006 Marek Południkiewicz President of the Management Board, Janusz Sutkowski Member of the Management Board Andrzej Piechocki Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Piotr König Member of the Supervisory Board, Wiktor Fonfara Member of the Supervisory Board, Piotr Majchrzak Member of the Supervisory Board PLN 181 thousand PLN 215 thousand Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. First name and surname Remuneration paid and in-kind benefits awarded by the Issuer and its subsidiaries for any services provided by the person to the Company or its subsidiaries in 2006 Tomasz Dąbrowa President of the Management Board PLN 84 thousand (under an employment contract) 115 Prospectus of MNI S.A MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. First name and surname Piotr Gruszecki President of the Management Board Remuneration paid and in-kind benefits awarded by the Issuer and its subsidiaries for any services provided by the person to the Company or its subsidiaries in 2006 January 1st– March 31st 2006: PLN 31 thousand April 1st – December 31st 2006: PLN 94 thousand Form of agreement: Resolution of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting dataCOM S.A. First name and surname, position Mieczysław Kijek President of the Management Board Remuneration paid and in-kind benefits awarded by the Issuer and its subsidiaries for any services provided by the person to the Company or its subsidiaries in the period from January 1st 2006 to the Prospectus Date PLN 545 thousand under an employment contract Witold Pytlik, Vice-President of the Management Board PLN 461 thousand under an employment contract Marek Południkiewicz President of the Management Board Janusz Sutkowski Member of the Management Board 0 0 Janusz Koczyk Chairman of the Supervisory Board PLN 38 thousand Appointed by GM Zbigniew Niesiobędzki Member of the Supervisory Board PLN 18 thousand Appointed by GM Tomasz Radwański Member of the Supervisory Board PLN 16 thousand Appointed by GM Tadeusz Roczniak Member of the Supervisory Board PLN 9 thousand Appointed by GM Andrzej Piechocki Chairman of the Supervisory Board PLN 7 thousand Appointed by GM Piotr König Member of the Supervisory Board PLN 5 thousand Appointed by GM Piotr Majchrzak Member of the Supervisory Board PLN 5 thousand Appointed by GM In the other entities of the Issuer’s Group, the members of the Management and Supervisory Boards were not paid any remuneration. 116 Prospectus of MNI S.A 13.2 Transactions with Related Undertakings in 2005 (PLN ‘000) Issuer Revenue Costs and expenses MNI MPS Technology Sp. Development z o.o. Sp. z o.o. Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. Total Telecommunications services 833 92 3,479 824 199 5,427 Telecommunications services 2,463 793 - - - 3,256 61 40 - - - 101 2,070 - - - - 2,070 Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Revenue - Sales of telecommunications services market prices transactions with Legion Polska z Sp. z o.o. PLN 833 thousand PLN 833 thousand Costs and expenses - Purchase of telecommunications services market prices PLN 2,463 thousand transactions with Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. PLN 92 thousand transactions with MPS Sp. z o.o. PLN 1,409 thousand transactions with MNI Technology Development Sp. z o.o. PLN 763 thousand transactions with BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. PLN 199 thousand - Purchase of property, plant and equipment (market prices) PLN 61 thousand transactions with MNI Technology Development Sp. z o.o. - Purchase of intangible assets (market prices) transactions with MPS Sp. z o.o. PLN 2,070 thousand Loans - loan advanced to the Issuer by MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o.) – under an agreement of December 21st 2005 Undertaking Loan amount Outstanding amount Maturity date Interest rate Collateral MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. 1,000 1,000 Jul 31 2006 4% p.a. Assignment of assets Balance of unsettled transactions with related undertakings as at December 31st 2005 - current receivables PLN 1,041 thousand - current liabilities PLN 1,495 thousand - loan PLN 1,000 thousand Transactions with members of the management and supervisory staff, their spouses, blood relatives, direct in-laws up to the second degree and persons related through adoption, custody or guardianship to members of the management or supervisory staff of those undertakings or Companies in which they are significant shareholders or their spouses 117 Prospectus of MNI S.A Transactions Management contract with Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. Within the discussed period, the turnover under the contract amounted to PLN 360 thousand. Piotr König, Member of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board, holds 15.9% of shares in Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. Until July 24th 2006, Mariusz Pilewski, President of the Issuer’s Management Board, held 50.2% of shares in Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. Financial advisory agreement with PM Piotr Majchrzak. Within the period discussed, the turnover under the agreement amounted to PLN 874 thousand. • Piotr Majchrzak, President of the Management Board of MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o.) Loans and Advances No loans or advances were recorded. Remuneration of the Members of the MNI Group’s Management and Supervisory Boards The Issuer First name and surname Mariusz Pilewski President of the Management Board Leszek Kułak Vice-President of the Management Board Zdzisław Wójcik Member of the Management Board Andrzej Piechocki Chairman of the Supervisory Board Tomasz Swadkowski Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board Barbara Dąbrowska, Member of the Supervisory Board Piotr König, Member of the Supervisory Board Stanisław Widera, Member of the Supervisory Board Krzysztof Radziszewski, Member of the Supervisory Board Remuneration paid and in-kind benefits awarded by the Issuer and its subsidiaries for any services provided by the person to the Company or its subsidiaries in period January 1st – December 31st 2005 PLN 360 thousand (under a management contract with Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o.) PLN 42 thousand PLN 4 thousand MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o.) Remuneration paid and in-kind benefits awarded by the Issuer and its subsidiaries for any services provided by the First name and surname person to the Company or its subsidiaries in period January 1st – December 31st 2005 Piotr Majchrzak President of the Management Board, PLN 998 thousand Zdzisław Wójcik Vice- President of the Management Board Andrzej Piechocki Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Piotr König, Member of the Supervisory Board, PLN 4 thousand Wiktor Fonfara, Member of the Supervisory Board, Piotr Majchrzak, Member of the Supervisory Board 118 Prospectus of MNI S.A Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. First name and surname Remuneration paid and in-kind benefits awarded by the Issuer and its subsidiaries for any services provided by the person to the Company or its subsidiaries in period January 1st – December 31st 2005 Tomasz Dąbrowa President of the Management Board PLN 59 thousand (under an employment contract) Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o. First name and surname Remuneration paid and in-kind benefits awarded by the Issuer and its subsidiaries for any services provided by the person to the Company or its subsidiaries in period January 1st – December 31st 2005 Wiesław Kułak President of the Management Board PLN 30 thousand (under an employment contract) 13.3 Transactions with Related Undertakings in 2004 As at December 31st 2004, the revenue from transactions with related undertakings amounted to PLN 85,000.00, while the costs and expenses reached PLN 195,000.00. 13.4 Transactions with Related Undertakings in 2003 No transactions with related undertakings were recorded in 2003. 119 Prospectus of MNI S.A 14. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 14.1 Issuer’s Business Profile and Objectives In accordance with Par.1.3 of the Issuer’s Articles of Association, the Issuer’s business comprises telecommunications activities (Polish Classification of Business Activities No. 64.20). 14.2 Summary of All Provisions of the Issuer’s Articles of Association, By-Laws or Rules of Procedure which Relate to Members of Its Administrative, Management or Supervisory Bodies 14.2.1 Management Board The Management Board operates on the basis of the Commercial Companies Code and the Articles of Association. The Company’s Articles of Association regulate issues related to the operation of the Management Board as described below. All issues not provided for in the Articles of Association are governed by the provisions of the Commercial Companies Code. The Management Board manages the Issuer’s affairs and represents the Issuer in all actions in or out of court. Any matters not reserved for the General Shareholders Meeting or the Supervisory Board by the law or the Articles of Association fall within the powers of the Management Board. If the Management Board is comprised of more than one person, any representations on behalf of the Issuer must be made jointly by two members of the Management Board or one member of the Management Board acting jointly with a proxy. If the Management Board is comprised of one person, the Issuer is represented by one Management Board member. A proxy may be appointed by a unanimous decision of all Management Board members. A power of proxy may be revoked by any Management Board member. The operating procedures for a Management Board comprising more than one member are defined in detail in the Rules of Procedure of the Management Board, adopted by the Management Board and approved by the Supervisory Board. The Management Board adopts resolutions by an absolute majority of votes, and in the event of a voting tie the President has the casting vote. Management Board’s resolutions are required in any matters which fall beyond the ordinary scope the Company’s activities. In particular, resolutions of the Management Board are required for: • approval of the Rules of Procedure of the Management Board, • approval of the Company Organisational Rules, • establishment and closing of branches, • appointment of a proxy, • contracting loans and borrowings, • approval of annual budgets and strategic long-term plans, • assuming contingent liabilities, including issuance of guarantees, sureties or promissory notes, • disposal and acquisition of non-current assets with the value of PLN 2,000,000 or more, • any matters which the Management Board submits for resolution to the Supervisory Board. The Management Board is composed of one to three persons. Members of the Management Board are appointed for a joint three-year term of office. Each member of the Management Board may by removed from office or suspended also by the General Shareholders Meeting. In agreements between the Issuer and members of the Management Board, the Issuer is represented by the Supervisory Board, and specifically by its Chairman or another member delegated by virtue of a Supervisory Board’s resolution, acting on behalf of the Supervisory Board. This applies in particular to employment contracts and performance of other actions connected with the employment of members of the Management Board. 120 Prospectus of MNI S.A 14.2.2 Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board operates on the basis of the Commercial Companies Code and the Articles of Association. The Company’s Articles of Association regulate issues related to the operation of the Supervisory Board as described below. Any issues not provided for in the Articles of Association are governed by the applicable provisions of the Commercial Companies Code. The Supervisory Board exercises ongoing supervision over the Company’s business. Its powers comprise: • assessment of the Directors’ Report and the financial statements for the previous financial year in terms of their consistency with the accounting books, documentation and the actual state of affairs; • assessment of the Management Board’s motions concerning distribution of profit or coverage of loss; • submission to the General Shareholders Meeting of a written report on the results of the assessments referred to in the preceding two items; • selection of an auditor to audit the financial statements; • issuance of opinions on long-term strategic plans; • issuance of opinions on annual budgets; • approval of the consolidated text of the Issuer’s Articles of Association prepared by the Management Board; • approval of the Rules of Procedure of the Management Board; • approval of the Company Organisational Rules; • appointment and removal of members of the Management Board; • establishment of rules of remuneration for the Management Board members and determination of the remuneration amounts; • suspension of Management Board members for important reasons; • delegation of Supervisory Board members to temporarily replace the Management Board members who are unable to perform their duties; • approval of establishment of the Company’s foreign branches. Powers of the Supervisory Board include also authorising the Management Board to: • acquire or dispose of real estate or an interest in real estate; • acquire or dispose of non-current assets other than real estate if their value exceeds PLN 2,000,000.00; • assume contingent liabilities, including through the issuance of guarantees or sureties in excess of PLN 2,000,000.00 or promissory notes as security for liabilities in excess of PLN 2,000,000.00. • acquire or dispose of more than 50% of shares in another company under commercial law. The Supervisory Board must justify a refusal to grant authorisation to the Management Board with respect to any of the matters enumerated above or with respect to the establishment of a foreign branch. For important reasons, the Supervisory Board may delegate its members to individually exercise certain supervisory duties for a specified period of time. A Supervisory Board member so delegated has the duty to provide the Supervisory Board with a written report on his or her activities. The Supervisory Board is composed of five to eight members appointed by the General Shareholders Meeting. Members of the Supervisory Board are appointed for a joint term of office of three years. A Supervisory Board member may be removed from office by the General Shareholders Meeting at any time. Members of the Supervisory Board submit written resignations to the Management Board, with a copy to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Details relating to the organisation and manner of procedure of the Supervisory Board are specified in the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board, which are adopted by virtue of a resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting. The Supervisory Board meets at least once every two months. Unless the General Shareholders Meeting’s resolution provides otherwise, the first meeting of the Supervisory Board of a new term of office is convened by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the previous term of office within one month from the date of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting. If the meeting fails to be convened in line with this procedure, it is convened by the Management Board. Supervisory Board meetings are convened by the Chairman or Deputy-Chairman of the Supervisory Board, who proposes the agenda. A meeting of the Supervisory Board should be convened at the request of any member of the Supervisory Board or at the request of the Management Board. If such a request is made and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board fails to convene the meeting, it may 121 Prospectus of MNI S.A be convened by the requesting party. Minutes are taken of every Supervisory Board meeting. For a Supervisory Board meeting to be convened, all members of the Supervisory Board must be invited to the meeting in writing at least seven days prior to the planned date of the meeting. For important reasons, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board may shorten this time to two days, specifying the date by which the invitation must be delivered. In an invitation to a Supervisory Board meeting the Chairman specifies the time, venue and proposed agenda of the meeting. The Supervisory Board adopts resolutions if at least half of its members are present at the meeting and all Supervisory Board members have been invited. The Supervisory Board may also adopt resolutions without a formal convocation of a meeting if all its members are present and none of them objects to inclusion of any particular matter on the agenda. The Supervisory Board adopts resolutions in an open vote. A secret ballot may be ordered at the request of a Supervisory Board member or if the voting concerns a personnel matter. The Supervisory Board may adopt resolutions by voting in writing or using means of remote communication, subject to Art. 388.4 of the Commercial Companies Code. Reasons must be given if any resolution is to be adopted by voting in writing or using means of remote communication and a draft resolution must earlier be presented to all members of the Supervisory Board. Members of the Supervisory Board may participate in a Supervisory Board meeting by casting their vote in writing through the intermediation of another Supervisory Board member. All resolutions adopted in line with these procedures must be presented at the next Supervisory Board meeting, along with the result of the voting. In the case of a secret ballot, these special ways of adopting resolutions do not apply. Members of the Supervisory Board are entitled to receive monthly remuneration in the amounts specified in a resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting. Pursuant to Resolution No. 9/2006 of Issuer’s General Shareholders Meeting of June 30th 2006, two new provisions were added to the rules governing the operation of the Supervisory Board. The new provisions stipulate that: • A member of the Supervisory Board should have appropriate education, professional and life experience and be a person of undisputed integrity, as well as be able to devote a sufficient amount of time to allow him/her to properly exercise his or her duties as member of the Supervisory Board. Candidates for Supervisory Board members should be nominated and their candidacies justified in detail in such a manner so as to enable those voting on the candidates to make an informed choice. • At least half of the Supervisory Board members should be independent members. Independent members of the Supervisory Board should not have any connections with the Company, its shareholders or its employees which could materially affect an independent member’s ability to make impartial decisions. 14.3 Rights, Preferences or Limitations Connected with Each Type of Existing Shares Pursuant to Par. 2.2 of the Issuer’s Articles of Association, Series A registered Shares carry voting preference. One preference share confers the right to three votes at the General Shareholders Meeting, with the proviso that Series A preference Shares disposed of in transactions between the founders of the Company or to the spouse or a child retain their preferred status, while preference shares disposed otherwise lose their preferred status, although they may, by way of exception, retain the preferred status at the Management Board’s motion approved by the Supervisory Board. Shares of all other Series are ordinary bearer shares. 14.4 Actions Necessary to Change Shareholder Rights Series A shares are registered shares. All the other Issuer shares are bearer shares. Pursuant to Par. 2.4 of the Articles of Association, conversion of bearer shares into registered shares requires a resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting, adopted with the majority of votes required to amend the Articles of Association. 122 Prospectus of MNI S.A 14.5 Rules Governing Convocation Shareholders Meetings and Shareholders Meetings of Ordinary Extraordinary General General The Company’s Articles of Association regulate the issues related to the convocation of General Shareholders Meetings, including participation in such meetings, as described below. All other issues are governed by the applicable provisions of the Commercial Companies Code. General Shareholders Meetings may be ordinary or extraordinary. General Shareholders Meetings are held at the Company’s registered office or in another place in Poland, as specified in the announcement convening a General Shareholders Meeting. The agenda is proposed by the Company’s Management Board or another entity convening the General Shareholders Meeting. Without the General Shareholders Meeting’s consent, its Chairman may not remove any issues from the agenda or change the order of the issues on the agenda. This last rule, however, was modified pursuant to Resolution No. 9/2006 of the Issuer’s General Shareholders Meeting of June 30th 2006, which stipulates that removal of an issue from the agenda or change of the order of issues on the agenda requires ¾ of the total vote at the General Shareholders Meeting. The debates of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting relate in particular to: • consideration and approval of the Director’s Report and the financial statements for the previous financial year; • approval of performance of duties by members of the Company’s governing bodies; • adoption of the resolution on distribution of profit or coverage of loss; • setting the dividend record and payment dates. A General Shareholders Meeting’s resolution is required: • to appoint and remove members of the Supervisory Board and determine their remuneration; • to dispose of or lease the Company’s business or its organised part or to encumber such business or its organised part with limited property rights; • for the Company to enter into a credit facility, loan, surety or any other similar agreement with, or for the benefit of, a member of the Management or the Supervisory Board, a proxy or a liquidator; • to increase or reduce the Company’s share capital; • to issue bonds of any kind; • to create and liquidate capital reserves and determine their application; • to use reserve funds; • to take decisions regarding claims for redress of any damage inflicted during the establishment of the Company or exercise of management or supervision; • for any merger, transformation or demerger of the Company; • for any change to the Company’s business; • for any other changes to the Articles of Association; • to dissolve and wind up the Company; • in any other issues which fall within the scope of the General Shareholders Meeting’s powers pursuant to the Articles of Association or applicable laws. A General Shareholders Meeting’s resolution is not required for purchase or sale of real estate or an interest in real estate. The Supervisory Board must issue its opinion on the agenda of a General Shareholders Meeting as well as on any motions relating to issues placed on the agenda. Any such motions should be presented along with a justification. A Supervisory Board’s opinion is not required with respect to motions which pertain to members of the Supervisory Board, including in particular to their removal or appointment, or approval of performance of duties by them, or which pertain to the Management Board’s request for authorisation of a planned action which the Supervisory Board refused to authorise. Once a year, the Supervisory Board presents to the General Shareholders Meeting a concise assessment of the Company’s standing. Such an assessment should be included in the Company’s annual report, made available to all the shareholders at such time that they are able to familiarise themselves with its contents before the General Shareholders Meeting. 123 Prospectus of MNI S.A 14.6 Provisions of the Issuer’s Articles of Association, By-Laws or Rules of Procedure which Could Delay, Postpone or Render Impossible Change of Control over the Issuer The Issuer’s Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure currently in force do not contain any provisions which could delay, postpone or render impossible a change of control over the Issuer. 14.7 Provisions of the Issuer’s Articles of Association, By-Laws or Rules of Procedure which Specify Shareholding Thresholds Which, If Exceeded, Trigger the Obligation to Disclose the Number of Shares Held The Issuer’s Articles of Association do not contain any provisions specifying shareholding thresholds which, if exceeded, trigger the obligation to disclose the number of shares held by a shareholder. This issue is governed only by generally applicable laws. 14.8 Terms and Conditions Imposed by the Company’s Articles of Association, By-Laws or Rules of Procedure, Governing Changes of Share Capital if such Terms and Conditions are More Stringent than Required under Applicable Laws The Articles of Association do not specify any conditions governing changes in the share capital which would be more stringent than required under the Commercial Companies Code. 124 Prospectus of MNI S.A 15. DIVIDEND POLICY Pursuant to Resolution No. 4/2004 adopted by the Issuer’s Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of June 30th 2004, concerning distribution of the Issuer’s profit earned in the previous years, the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting decided to allocate the entire profit earned in the previous years, in the amount of PLN 774,263.36, to reserve funds. Pursuant to Resolution No. 3/2005 adopted by the Issuer’s Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of June 20th 2005, concerning distribution of the Issuer’s profit earned in 2004, the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting decided to allocate the entire profit earned in 2004, in the amount of PLN 4,975,639.29, to reserve funds. Pursuant to Resolution No. 3/C/2006 adopted by the Issuer’s Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of June 30th 2006, concerning distribution of the Issuer’s profit earned in 2005, the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting decided to allocate the entire net profit earned in 2005, in the amount of PLN 12,612,887.68, to reserve funds. In the period covered by the historical financial information, dividend was not paid. Given the fact that the proceeds from the issue of Series L shares contemplated by this Prospectus fully secure financial resources necessary to implement the Company’s development strategy, the Management Board does not rule out that if in the next few years the Company earns a profit and funds will be secured for the implementation of planned investments, the Management Board will apply to the Supervisory Board and ultimately to the General Shareholders Meeting for distribution of the profit and payment of dividend to the shareholders. Notwithstanding the above, the Management Board declares that the Company currently does not have in place any dividend policy which would determine any decisions in this respect in the future. Decisions on dividend payment will be made ad hoc with respect to every financial year on the basis of financial performance in a given year and current investment needs of the Company, by its relevant bodies. 125 Prospectus of MNI S.A 16. SHARE CAPITAL 16.1 Value of Issued Capital for Each Class of Share Capital 16.1.1 Number of Shares in Authorised Share Capital Pursuant to the Articles of Association, the Issuer’s Management Board was entitled to increase the share capital by up to PLN 7,950,000.00 in the period until June 1st 2002. The Issuer’s Management Board was authorised, subject to approval by the Supervisory Board, to exclude or limit pre-emptive rights with respect to each share capital increase up to the maximum allowed by the authorised capital. Moreover, in the period until June 1st 2006 the Issuer’s Management Board was authorised to increase the share capital by up to PLN 9,500,000.00. By the date and within the limits specified in the above sentence, the Management Board could carry out one or several share capital increases and issue shares in exchange for cash or in-kind contributions, it was authorised, subject to approval by the Supervisory Board, to exclude or limit preemptive rights with respect to each of the share capital increases up to the maximum allowed by the authorised capital and to determine, subject to approval by the Supervisory Board, the issue price of the shares, issued up to the maximum allowed by the authorised capital. The Issuer’s Articles of Association preclude the possibility of increasing the Issuer’s share capital up to the maximum allowed by the authorised capital after June 1st 2006. Pursuant to Resolution No. 8/2006, the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting resolved to increase the Issuer’s share capital from PLN 22,571,558.00 to PLN 90,286,232.00 by way of an issue of up to 67,714,674 Series L shares. 16.1.2 Number of Shares Issued and Paid Up in Full and Shares Issued and Not Paid Up in Full The Issuer’s share capital comprises 22,571,558 shares with a par value of PLN 1 per share, i.e.: • 931,900 Series A shares, issued to the founders as registered preference shares following the transformation of Szeptel Spółka z o.o. of Szepietowo into a joint-stock company; • 163,110 Series B shares, 136,590 Series C shares, 763,410 Series D shares, 4,420,000 Series E shares acquired in exchange for cash contributions in a private placement, • 3,566,004 Series F shares, 118,986 Series G shares, • 363,000 Series I shares, • 2,608,558 Series H shares, • 4,000,000 Series J shares, • 5,500,000 Series K shares, All the shares comprising the Issuer’s share capital have been paid up in full. 16.1.3 Share Par Value or Information that Shares Do Not Have Par Value The par value of each Issuer share is PLN 1.00. 16.1.4 Number of Shares Outstanding at the Beginning and End of Year. Information whether in the Period Covered by the Historical Financial Information more than 10% of the Share Capital Was Paid Up with Assets other than Cash As at January 1st 2005, 17,208,558 shares were publicly traded. 5,500,000 Series K shares are not admitted to stock-exchange trading pursuant to the provisions of Par. 18 of the WSE Rules, in conjunction with the “Joint position of the Supervisory and Management Boards of the Warsaw Stock Exchange on the public nature of new share issues, dated June 4th 2003”. The legal basis specified above (“Joint Position...”) was repealed pursuant to Par. 35.1 of the WSE Rules by the Supervisory and Management Boards of the WSE on February 15th 2006. The Issuer has recently undertaken steps to assimilate Series K shares and admit them to stock-exchange trading. 126 Prospectus of MNI S.A By virtue of a resolution of the Issuer’s Management Board of June 20th 2005, 137,000 Series I shares owned by the Issuer were retired and the Issuer’s share capital was reduced by PLN 137,000.00, i.e. to PLN 22,571,558.00, pursuant to Art. 363.5 of the Commercial Companies Code. As at December 31st 2005, 17,071,558 shares were traded on the stock exchange. 16.2 Shares which Do Not Represent Share Capital No such shares exist. 16.3 Issuer Shares Held by the Issuer, Other Persons on Behalf of the Issuer, or by the Issuer’s Subsidiaries Neither the Issuer, nor any other persons on behalf of the Issuer, nor the Issuer’s subsidiaries hold any Issuer shares. 16.4 Number of Convertible Securities, Exchangeable Securities or Securities with Warrants and the Rules and Procedures Governing Their Conversion, Exchange or Subscription None of the above types of securities have been issued. 16.5 Subscription Rights and Obligations with Respect to Share Capital Authorised but Not Issued or Commitments to Increase Share Capital The Issuer’s Articles of Association do not provide for any authorisation to increase the Issuer’s share capital up to the maximum allowed by the authorised capital (reference to Section I.21.1.1. above). MNI S.A. owes PLN 1,629,753.01 to Polina Trading Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of England with registered office in London, UK The debt is be converted into new shares to be issued by the Issuer. The price at which Polina Trading Limited is to subscribe for the shares may not be lower than PLN 4.50, which means that Polina Trading Limited is to be allotted no more than 362,167 shares. 16.6 Information on Shares in any Member of the Issuer’s Group Which Are Covered by an Option or Conditional or Unconditional Arrangement to Grant an Option No shares in any member of the Issuer’s Group are covered by an option. 127 Prospectus of MNI S.A 16.7 Historical Information on the Share Capital Description GM’s date Issue (number of shares (‘000) / value (PLN ‘000) Price nominal issue Share capital following the issue (number of shares (‘000) / value (PLN ‘000) Date of entry in the National Court Register (KRS) Series A – transformation of a limited liability company into a joint-stock company Sep 30 1993 93,190 931,900.00 10.00 10.00 93,190 931,900.00 KRS: Aug 7 1996 Series B – subscribers Jun 17 1996 16,311 163,110.00 10.00 10.00 109,501 1,095,010.00 KRS: Aug 7 1996 Series C - one municipality, subscribers from two municipalities Oct 15 1996 76,341 763,410.00 10.00 10.00 123,160 1,231,600.00 KRS: Feb 20 1997 Series D - three municipalities and new subscribers Oct 15 1996 381,705 4,752,227.25 10.00 12.45 199,501 1,995,010.00 KRS: Feb 20 1997 split (1:5) Feb 27 1997 - 2.00 - 997,505 1,995,010.00 KRS: Jul 29 1997 Series E – selected investors Feb 27 1997 2,210,000 5,525,000.00 2.00 2.50 3,207,505 6,415,010.00 KRS: May 14 1997 Series F – pre-emptive right (5:2), selected investors Jun 13 1998 1,783,002 17,830,020.00 2.00 10.00 4,990,507 9,981,014.00 KRS: Nov 19 1998 Series G – Management Board, employees Jun 13 1998 59,493 297,465.00 2.00 5.00 5,050,000 10,100,000.00 KRS: Nov 19 1998 split (1:2) Apr 10 1999 - 1.00 10,100,000 10,100,000.00 KRS: - Series I – management offering Mar 18 2000 500,000 500,000.00 1.00 1.00 10,600,000 10,600,000.00 KRS: Mar 23 2001 Series H – public subscription (issue unsuccessful) Mar 18 2000 10,500,000 357,000,000.00 1.00 34.00 - KRS: Jul 27 2001 Series H - public subscription Jun 13 2001 2,608,558 78,256,740.00 1.00 30.00 13,208,558 13,208,558.00 KRS: Jul 27 2001 Sep 14 2001 Series J – creditors (issue not registered) Sep 15 2003 4,000,000 10,000,000.00 1.00 2.50 0 0.00 - - Series J – creditors (Management Board resolution) Apr 28 2004 4,000,000 10,000,000.00 1.00 2.50 17,208,558 17,208,558.00 KRS: Sep 16 2004 Series K - Media Net Interactive sp. z o.o. (authorised capital) Oct 22 2004 5,500,000 5,500,000.00 1.00 1.00 22,708,558 22,708,558.00 KRS: Dec 31 2004 Retirement of shares Jun 20 2005 137,000 0.00 1.00 0.00 22,571,558 22,571,558.00 KRS: Jul 14 2005 128 Prospectus of MNI S.A 17. CAPITAL MARKET REGULATIONS 17.1 Restrictions on Transferability of Securities 17.1.1 Restrictions Provided for in the Articles of Association Pursuant to Par. 2.3 of the Articles of Association, Series A registered shares are shares with a voting preference. A total of 931,900 Series A preference registered shares have been issued. The shares were delivered to the founders of the Issuer following transformation of the Issuer from a limited liability company into a joint-stock company. One preference share confers the right to three votes at the General Shareholders Meeting, with the proviso that Series A preference Shares disposed of in transactions between the founders of the Company or to the spouse or a child retain their preferred status, while preference shares disposed otherwise lose their preferred status, although they may, by way of exception, retain the preferred status at the Management Board’s motion approved by the Supervisory Board. The other shares are ordinary bearer shares and the Articles of Association do not provide any restrictions on their transferability. Any conversion of bearer shares into registered shares requires a resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting, adopted by the majority of votes required to amend the Articles of Association. 17.1.2 Obligations and Restrictions Resulting from the Public Offering Act and the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments Trading in shares of public companies is subject to restrictions specified in the Public Offering Act and the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments. Securities covered by an approved issue prospectus may be traded on the regulated market only after they have been admitted to trading on such a market (Art. 19 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments). Intermediation of an investment firm is required for public offerings of or trading in securities on the regulated market in the Republic of Poland (Art. 19 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments). During a restricted period, the members of the management board, supervisory board, proxies or attorneys-infact of the issuer, its employees, qualified auditors or other persons related to the issuer under any mandate contract or any legal relation of a similar nature may not acquire or dispose of, for their own account or for the account of a third party, any of the issuer shares, derivative rights attached thereto or other financial instruments related to such shares, and may not take for their own account or for the account of a third party any other legal transactions which lead or might lead to the disposal of such financial instruments (Art. 159 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments). The restricted period is understood as: a) the period between the time when such a person gains inside information concerning the issuer or the financial instruments and the time when such information is made public; b) in the case of an annual report – the period of two months preceding the publication of such report or, if shorter, the period between the end of a given financial year and the publication of such report, unless such a person had no access to the financial data on the basis of which such report was prepared; c) in the case of a semi-annual report – the period of one month preceding the publication of such report or, if shorter, the period between the end of a given half year and the publication of such report, unless such a person had no access to the financial data on the basis of which such report was prepared; d) in the case of a quarterly report – the period of two weeks preceding the publication of such report or, if shorter, the period between the end of a given quarter and the publication of such report, unless such a person had no access to the financial data on the basis of which such report was prepared. Apart from the above restrictions, the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments and the Public Offering Act provide for a number of other obligations and prohibitions specified below, applying to shareholders executing transactions in shares or financial instruments related to shares. Persons who are members of the issuer’s management bodies or who are issuer’s proxies as well as other persons who hold management posts in the organisational structure of the issuer and who have permanent access to inside information, related, whether directly or indirectly, to the issuer, and are authorised to make decisions concerning the issuer’s development and economic prospects will notify the Financial Supervision Authority of any transactions executed by them or by persons related to them (as defined in Art. 160.2 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments: immediate relatives and persons actually related, as well as any entities related to such a person and to the immediate relatives) for their own account, whereby they acquire or dispose of any issuer 129 Prospectus of MNI S.A shares, derivative rights attached thereto and other financial instruments related to the issuer shares, admitted or sought to be admitted to trading on a regulated market (Art. 160 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments). The Public Offering Act (Art. 69) requires that the Financial Supervision Authority and the Company be notified if specific thresholds are exceeded or specific changes occur in the structure of votes. The above requirement applies to a shareholder who: a) has reached or exceeded 5%, 10%, 20%, 25%, 33%, 50% or 75% of the total vote in a company; b) held at least 5%, 10%, 20%, 25%, 33%, 50% or 75% of the total vote in a company, and as a result of a reduction of its equity interest, holds 5%, 10%, 20%, 25%, 33%, 50% or 75% or less of the total vote, respectively; c) held over 10% of the total vote and this share has changed by at least 2% of the total vote – in the case of a public company whose shares have been admitted to trading on the official stock-exchange listing market, or by at least 5% of the total vote – in the case of a public company whose shares have been admitted to trading on other regulated market; d) held over 33% of the total vote and this share has changed by at least 1%. The notification requirement does not apply if upon the settlement in the depository of securities of a few transactions executed on the regulated market on a single day, the change of a shareholder’s share in the total vote in a public company as at the end of the settlement day does not result in reaching or exceeding any threshold which triggers the notification requirement The notification should include the information on the date and type of event which led to a change in the share in the total vote which is the subject of the notification, number of shares held prior to the change and their percentage share in the company’s share capital, and the number of votes attached to these shares and their percentage share in the total vote, and number of shares currently held and their percentage share in the company’s share capital, and the number of votes attached to these shares and their percentage share in the total vote. The notification should also include information on any intention to further increase the shareholder’s share in the total vote within 12 months from the notification date, and on the purpose of such increase – in the case of a notification submitted in connection with reaching or exceeding 10% of the total vote. The shareholder submitting the notification is also required to notify the Financial Supervision Authority and the company of any change in the declared intention or purpose, within three days of such a change. The Public Offering Act also provides for an additional requirement according to which: a) a shareholder whose share in the total vote at the company is less than 33% may acquire a number of shares in a public company which increases the shareholder’s share in the total vote by more than 10% within a period shorter than 60 days only by way of a tender offer to acquire or exchange the shares (Art. 72.1); b) a shareholder holding 33% or more of the total vote at the company may acquire a number of shares in a public company which increases the shareholder’s share in the total vote by more than 5% within a period shorter than 12 months only by way of a tender offer to acquire or exchange the shares (Art. 72.1); c) If a shareholder’s share in the total vote increases by more than 10% or 5% as a result of a legal event other than a legal action, the shareholder is required, within three months from the occurrence of the legal event, to dispose of such a number of shares as to ensure that such shareholder’s share in the total vote does not increase in the period by more than 10% or 5%, respectively (Art. 72.2). d) Pursuant to Art. 75.1-3, the above obligations do not apply if the shareholder acquires shares in primary trading, through a non-cash contribution or as a result of a merger or demerger of a company. The obligations also do not apply if the shareholder acquires shares from the State Treasury through an initial public offering and within three years from the closing of the sale of the shares by the State Treasury through an initial public offering. Furthermore, the obligations do not apply if the shareholder acquires shares: • which have been introduced to an alternative trading system, and in respect of which no application for admission to trading on a regulated market has been filed or which have not been admitted to trading on a regulated market; • from a member of the same group; • by way of a procedure provided for in bankruptcy and recovery regulations, or in enforcement proceedings; • under an agreement on the creation of financial collateral between qualifying entities, concluded on the terms and conditions defined in the Act on Certain Types of Financial Collateral of April 2nd 2004 (Dz.U. No. 91, item 871; Dz.U. of 2005, No. 83, item 719, and No. 183, item 1538); 130 Prospectus of MNI S.A • • encumbered with a pledge in order to satisfy a pledgee entitled, under other statutes, to satisfy its claims by foreclosure of the pledged asset; by inheritance. Moreover, pursuant to the Public Offering Act: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) • • • • • a shareholder may exceed 33% of the total vote in a public company only as a result of a tender offer to acquire or exchange shares in such company, concerning a number of shares which confers the right to at least 66% of the total vote (Art. 73.1); a shareholder may exceed 66% of the total vote in a public company only as a result of a tender offer to acquire or exchange the remaining shares in the company (Art. 74.1); If a shareholder exceeds the 33% (66%) threshold as a result of an acquisition of shares in a public offering, a non-cash contribution to the company, merger or demerger of the company, introduction of amendments to the company’s articles of association, expiry of preference rights attached to shares, or otherwise as a result of a legal event other than a legal action, the shareholder is obliged, within three months from exceeding the 33% threshold: announce a tender offer to acquire or exchange the company shares, concerning a number of shares conferring the right to at least 66% of the total vote (acquisition of the remaining shares), or dispose of a sufficient number of shares as to hold shares conferring the right to not more than 33% (66%) of the total vote, unless within that period such shareholders’ share in the total vote decreases below 33% (66%) as a result of a share capital increase, introduction of amendments to the company’s articles of association, or expiry of preference rights attached to shares (Art. 73.2 and Art. 74.2); If a shareholder exceeds the 33% (66%) threshold as a result of inheritance, then the obligation referred to in item c) applies only if following such an acquisition the shareholder’s share in the total vote increases further; the time for the performance of the obligation is counted from the day of the event leading to an increase in the shareholder’s share in the total vote (Art. 73.3 and Art. 74.5); If within six months from a tender offer referred to in item b) a shareholder acquires further shares in the company at a price higher than the price set in the tender offer otherwise than by way of a tender offer, then the shareholder is obliged, within a month from the acquisition, to pay the difference in the share price to all persons who sold the shares by accepting the tender offer, except for those from whom the shares were acquired at a reduced price as specified in Art. 79.4; The obligation to acquire shares in a number resulting in exceeding 33% of the total vote in a public company only in a tender offer to acquire or exchange shares in such company (referred to in Art. 73.1, and described in item a) above) does not apply if the shareholder acquires shares from the State Treasury through an initial public offering and for three years from the closing of the sale of the shares by the State Treasury through an initial public offering (Art. 75.2); The obligation to acquire shares in a number resulting in exceeding 33% and 66% of the total vote in a public company only in a tender offer to acquire or exchange shares in such company (referred to in Art. 73.1 and Art. 74.1, and described in item a) and b) above) does not apply if the shareholder acquires shares (Art. 75.3): which have been introduced to an alternative trading system, and in respect of which no application for admission to trading on a regulated market has been filed or which have not been admitted to trading on a regulated market; from a member of the same group; by way of a procedure provided for in bankruptcy and recovery regulations, or in enforcement proceedings; under an agreement on the creation of financial collateral between qualifying entities, concluded on the terms and conditions defined in the Act on Certain Types of Financial Collateral of April 2nd 2004 (Dz.U. No. 91, item 871; and Dz.U. of 2005, No. 83, item 719, and No. 183, item 1538); encumbered with a pledge in order to satisfy a pledgee entitled, under other statutes, to satisfy its claims by foreclosure of the pledged asset. 131 Prospectus of MNI S.A In tender offers required under Art. 72–74 of the Act on Public Offering: a) b) c) d) e) if any shares in the company are traded on a regulated market, the share price may not be lower than the average market price from the six months preceding the announcement of the tender offer during which the shares were traded on the main market, or the average market price from a shorter period if the shares were traded on the main market for a period shorter than six months (Art. 79.1); if the price cannot be determined in the manner specified above, or in the case of a company in relation to which arrangement or bankruptcy proceedings have been instigated, the price may not be lower than the fair value of the shares (Art. 79.1); the share price may not be lower than the highest price paid for the shares tendered in the tender offer by the entity obligated to announce the tender offer, its subsidiary or parent entity, or an entity with which it concluded the agreement referred to in Art. 87.1.5 of the Act on Public Offering, within 12 months preceding the announcement of the tender offer, or the highest value of assets or rights which the entity obligated to announce the tender offer or entities referred to in Art. 79.2.1 delivered in exchange for the shares tendered in the tender offer, within 12 months preceding the announcement of the tender offer (Art. 79.2); the share price may be lower than the price determined in the manner specified in Art. 79.1–2 of the Act on Public Offering for shares comprising at least 5% of all company shares to be acquired in the tender offer from a specific person accepting such tender offer if the entity obligated to announce the tender offer and such person have so decided (Art. 79.4) if a tender offer is connected with an intention to exceed 66% of the total vote, as referred to in Art. 74 of the Act on Public Offering, the offered share price may not be lower than the average market price from the three months of trade in the shares on a regulated market preceding the announcement of the tender offer (Art. 79.3). Until the pledge expires, the encumbered shares cannot be traded, with the exception of their acquisition in performance of an agreement on the creation of financial collateral within the meaning of the Act on Certain Types of Financial Collateral of April 2nd 2004 (Art. 75.4 of the Act on Public Offering). Only the following financial instruments may be acquired in exchange for shares tendered in a tender offer to exchange shares: dematerialised shares in another company, depository receipts and mortgage bonds. Treasury bonds may also be acquired (Art. 76.1 of the Act on Public Offering). If the tender offer is made for the remaining shares in a company, the terms of the tender offer must include an option for the shareholders accepting the offer to sell the shares at a price defined in accordance with Art. 79.1–3 (Art. 76.2 of the Act on Public Offering). A tender offer is announced after collateral is created for not less than 100% of the value of the shares covered by the tender offer. The collateral should be documented with a certificate issued by a bank or another financial institution which granted, or intermediated in the granting of, the collateral. A tender offer should be announced and carried out through the agency of an entity conducting brokerage activities in the Republic of Poland, which is obligated to simultaneously notify, within seven business days before the opening of the subscription period, the Financial Supervision Authority and the company operating the regulated market on which given shares are listed, of the intent to announce the tender offer. A copy of the tender offer should be attached to the notification. A tender offer may not be abandoned, unless another entity announces a tender offer for the same shares after the first tender offer is announced. A tender offer for the remaining shares in a company may be abandoned only if another entity announces a tender offer for all the remaining shares in the company at a price not lower than the price of the first tender offer. In the period between the notification’s delivery to the Financial Supervision Authority and the company and the closing of the tender offer, the entity obligated to announce the tender offer, its subsidiary or parent entities, or an entity with which it concluded the agreement referred to in Art. 87.1.5 of the Act on Public Offering, may acquire shares in the company whose shares are covered by the tender offer only as part of the tender offer and in a manner defined therein, and may not dispose of shares in the company whose shares are covered by the tender offer, or enter into any agreement under which they would be obligated to dispose of the shares, during the tender offer. After the tender offer is announced, the entity obligated to announce the tender offer and the management board of the company whose shares are covered by the tender offer are obliged to provide information on the tender offer, including its wording, to the representatives of employee associations active at the company, and if there are no such associations at the company – directly to employees (Art. 77 of the Act on Public Offering). 132 Prospectus of MNI S.A The obligations under Art. 69–86 also rest on (Art. 87 of the Act on Public Offering): a) any shareholder who reaches or exceeds a threshold of the total vote defined in the Act as a result of the occurrence of a legal event other than a legal action; acquisition or disposal of bonds convertible into shares in a public company, depository receipts issued in connection with shares in such a company, as well as other securities conferring the right or obligation to acquire shares in the company; becoming the parent entity of an incorporated company or another legal person holding shares in a public company, or of a different incorporated company or a different legal person, which is the parent entity of the public company; and performance of a legal action by a subsidiary company or the occurrence of another legal event in relation to the subsidiary company; b) an investment fund – also if it reaches or exceeds a given threshold of the total vote defined in the cited provisions in connection with shares held jointly by other investment funds managed by the same management company, and other investment funds established outside of the territory of the Republic of Poland, managed by the same company; c) a shareholder who reaches or exceeds a given threshold of the total vote defined in the cited provisions, in connection with shares held by a third party on its own behalf, but upon instruction or for the benefit of the shareholder, except shares acquired in performance of the actions referred to in Art. 69.2.2 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments (execution of orders, within the scope of brokerage activities, for account of the party placing the order); in performance of the actions referred to in Art. 69.2.4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments (management of portfolios comprising one or more brokertraded financial instruments) – in relation to shares in a managed securities portfolio, under which the shareholder, as the manager, may exercise voting rights at the general shareholders meeting on behalf of the principals; and by a third party with which the shareholder entered into an agreement on the transfer of right to exercise voting rights; d) an entity conducting brokerage activities in the Republic of Poland, which, in its capacity as a representative of security holders in relations with issuers of such securities, exercises upon instruction by a third party the voting rights conferred by shares in a public company, unless the third party provided a binding instruction on how the entity is to vote; e) jointly on all entities bound by a written or oral agreement on acquisition of shares in a public company or on voting in concert at the general shareholders meeting on issues material to the company, even if only one of the entities has taken or has intended to take actions giving rise to such obligations. The existence of such an agreement is presumed if the said actions are undertaken by spouses, their ascendants, descendants, siblings or persons related through marriage in the same line or degree of kinship, or relatives under adoption, custody or guardianship, persons living in the same household, principal or its proxy other than an investment company, authorised to dispose of or acquire shares on the securities account, and related undertakings as defined in the Accountancy Act of September 29th 1994; f) entities which enter into the agreement referred to above, holding shares in a public company whose aggregate number confers the right to such a number of votes which results in reaching or exceeding a given threshold of the total vote defined in the cited provisions. Pursuant to Art. 87.2 of the Public Offering Act, the above obligations arise also if the voting rights are attached to securities comprising collateral; unless the entity for the benefit of which the collateral is established has the right to exercise the voting rights and has declared its intention to do so, in which case the voting rights are deemed to be held by the entity for the benefit of which the collateral was established; and to shares which confer the voting rights on a given entity personally and for life; as well as to securities deposited or registered with an entity which may dispose of them at own discretion. In calculating the number of votes which gives rise to the above obligations, the following votes are included: a) on part of the parent entity – the number of votes held by its subsidiaries; b) on part of an entity conducting brokerage activities in the Republic of Poland, which exercises upon instruction by a third party voting rights conferred by shares in a public company – the number of votes conferred by shares covered by an instruction given by a third party; c) the number of votes conferred by all shares, even if the exercise of voting rights thereunder is restricted or excluded under the articles of association or the applicable laws and regulations. Bonds convertible into shares in a public company, depository receipts issued in connection with shares in such a company as well as other securities, which confer the right or obligation to acquire shares in a public company, are deemed securities conferring the right to such a share in the total vote as their holder may come to hold upon their conversion into shares (Art. 88 of the Public Offering Act). 133 Prospectus of MNI S.A Art. 90 contains exclusions to the application of the provisions of Chapter 4 of the Public Offering Act, except Art. 69 and Art. 70, and Art. 89 to the extent it relates to the provisions of Art. 69. These provisions do not apply to shares acquired: a) by way of the procedure and on the terms and conditions defined in regulations issued under Art. 94.1.3 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments; b) by an investment company, in performance of its tasks relating to the organisation of a regulated market, defined in the rules referred to in Art. 28.1 and Art. 37.1 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments; as part of a settlement liquidity guarantee system, on the terms defined by the National Depository for Securities in the rules referred to in Art. 50 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments. c) The provisions of Chapter 4 of the Public Offering Act, except Art. 69, Art. 70 and Art. 87.1.6, and Art. 89.1.1 to the extent it relates to the provisions of Art. 69, do not apply to the agreements referred to in Art. 87.1.5 concluded to protect the rights of minority shareholders so that they may jointly exercise their rights defined in Art. 84 and 85 and in Art. 385.3, Art. 400.1, Art. 422, Art. 425, and Art. 429.1 of the Commercial Companies Code. The liability arising in the event of failure to perform the above obligations is specified both in the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments and in the Act on Public Offering. The Financial Supervision Authority may impose, by way of a decision, a pecuniary penalty of up to PLN 200,000 for breach of the regulations concerning the restricted period, referred to in Art. 159.1, in conjunction with Art. 156.1.1a of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments. The penalty may not be imposed if the person has the securities portfolio managed by an entity conducting brokerage activities, in a way that excludes the person’s influence on the decisions made on the person’s behalf (Art. 174.1 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments). The Financial Supervision Authority may impose, by way of a decision, a pecuniary penalty of up to PLN 100,000 on a person who fails to perform or properly perform the obligation to notify the Financial Supervision Authority, arising under Art. 160 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, unless the person has the securities portfolio managed by an entity conducting brokerage activities in a way that excludes the person’s knowledge of the transactions carried out as part of this service, or did not or could not know, despite exercising due care, of the execution of the transaction, (Art. 175.1 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments). A pecuniary penalty is also provided for in the Public Offering Act. Pursuant to Art. 97 thereof, the Financial Supervision Authority may impose, by way of a decision, a pecuniary penalty of up to PLN 1,000,000 (numbers of articles as in the Public Offering Act) on anyone who: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) acquires or disposes of securities in breach of the proscription referred to in Art. 67, fails to make a notification referred to in Art. 69 within the time prescribed or makes such a notification in breach of the provisions of Art. 69, exceeds the defined threshold of the total vote in breach of the conditions referred to in Art. 72 through Art. 74, fails to meet the conditions referred to in Art. 76 or Art. 77, fails to announce or carry out a tender offer within the time prescribed, or dispose of shares within the time prescribed in the events referred to in Art. 72.2, Art. 73.2 and 73.3, Art. 74.2 and 74.5, discloses to the public the information on his intent to announce a tender offer prior to the notification referred to in Art. 77.2, despite receiving the request referred to in Art. 78, fails to introduce necessary changes in or supplements to the contents of the tender offer or fails to deliver explanations concerning the contents within the time prescribed, in the case specified in Art. 74.3, fails to pay a difference in the share price within the time prescribed; in the tender offer referred to in Art. 72 through Art. 74 or Art. 91.6, proposes a price lower than a price determined under Art. 79, acquires his own shares in breach of the procedures, dates and conditions specified in Art. 72 through Art. 74, Art. 79 or Art. 91.6, despite the obligation specified in Art. 86.1, fails to make documents available to the special-purpose auditor or furnish explanations to him, 134 Prospectus of MNI S.A l) commits the acts specified in Art. 97.1.1-11, while acting on behalf or in the interest of a legal person or an organisational unit without legal personality. and, the pecuniary penalty may be imposed separately for each act and on each entity bound by the agreement on acquisition of shares in a public company or on voting in concert at the general shareholders meeting on issues material to the company. In the decision imposing a penalty, the Financial Supervision Authority may determine a deadline for the repeated performance of the obligation or act which is required under applicable regulations and the breach of which was the reason for imposing the pecuniary penalty. If the obligation or act is not performed by such deadline, the Financial Supervision Authority may again, by way of a decision, impose a pecuniary penalty. Moreover, the Public Offering Act provides for the loss of the right to exercise voting rights attached to (Art. 89 of the Public Offering Act): a) b) shares in a public company, which are the subject of a legal action or other legal event as a result of which the shareholder will reach or exceed a given threshold of the total vote in breach of the obligations defined in Art. 69, Art. 72.1 or Art. 73.1, respectively; all shares in a public company, if the shareholder exceeded the 66% share in the total vote in breach of the obligations defined in Art. 74.1; c) shares in a public company acquired as part of a tender offer at a price determined in breach of Art. 79. d) Furthermore, a shareholder whose share in the total vote giving rise to the obligation referred to in Art. 72.1, Art. 73.1 or Art. 74.1 changes as a result of the events referred to in Art. 72.2, Art. 73.2-3 or Art. 74.2-3, respectively, may not exercise the voting rights conferred by all shares held in the public company until the shareholder performs the obligations defined therein. If the right to vote conferred by shares in a public company is exercised in breach of these proscriptions, it is not be counted when establishing the result of a vote on a resolution of the general shareholders meeting, subject to the provisions of other statutes. 17.1.3 Obligations and Restrictions Following from the Anti-Trust and Consumer Protection Act Under the Anti-Trust and Consumer Protection Act, an undertaking is obliged to report an intended concentration if the combined turnover of the undertakings participating in the concentration exceeds, in the financial year preceding the year in which the concentration notification is filed, the equivalent of EUR 50,000,000 (Art. 12 of the Anti-Trust and Consumer Protection Act). Within the meaning of the cited article, concentration is understood as: a) merger of two or more independent undertakings; b) takeover – through acquisition of or subscription for shares, other securities, all or part of assets, or in any other manner – of direct or indirect control over one or more undertakings or a part thereof by one or more undertakings; c) creation of a single undertaking by the undertakings; d) acquisition of or subscription for shares in another undertaking that results in achieving at least 25% of votes at the General Shareholders Meeting; e) assumption by the same person of membership on management or supervisory bodies of competing undertakings; f) starting to exercise rights attached to shares acquired or subscribed for without prior notification pursuant to Art. 13.3–4 of the Anti-Trust and Consumer Protection Act. Pursuant to Art. 13.1 of the Anti-Trust and Consumer Protection Act, the obligation to notify an intended concentration does not apply in the case of acquisition, takeover or start of exercising rights attached to shares in an undertaking whose turnover in Poland did not exceed the equivalent of EUR 10,000,000 in either of the two financial years preceding the notification of intended concentration (the exemption does not apply in the case of concentrations resulting in the establishment or consolidation of a dominant position on the market where the concentration takes place, as stipulated in Art. 13a). The obligation to notify an intended concentration does not apply: a) to a financial institution acquiring or subscribing for shares, on a temporary basis, with a view to reselling them if such institution’s business includes investing in shares of other undertakings for its own or third party account, provided that such resale takes place within one year of the acquisition, that 135 Prospectus of MNI S.A b) c) d) such institution does not exercise rights attached to such shares, except for the dividend right, and that such institution exercises the rights solely with a view to preparing the whole or part of the undertaking, its assets or such shares for resale; to an undertaking acquiring shares on a temporary basis with a view to securing debts, provided that such an undertaking does not exercise the rights attached to such shares, except for the right to sell them; to a concentration effected as a result of bankruptcy proceedings, except for cases when control is to be taken over a competitor or a member of the group that includes competitors of the undertaking which is to be acquired; to an undertaking belonging to the same group. Art. 14–15 of the Anti-Trust and Consumer Protection Act contain more detailed provisions regarding the abovementioned restrictions and stipulate that concentration effected by a subsidiary undertaking is considered concentration by the parent undertaking (Art. 14), and the amount of the turnover, mentioned above, is established taking into account both the turnover of the undertakings directly participating in the concentration and the turnover of other member undertakings of the groups to which the undertakings directly participating in the concentration belong. Concentration clearance is granted in the form of a decision issued by the President of Anti-Trust and Consumer Protection Office. The President: a) approves a concentration which will not significantly restrict market competition, in particular through creation or strengthening of a dominant market position; b) approves a concentration which will not significantly restrict market competition, in particular through the creation or strengthening of a dominant market position, subject to the fulfilment of an obligation imposed by virtue of the President’s decision, which in particular may consist in the disposal of all or some of the assets of one or more undertakings; giving up control over a given undertaking or undertakings, particularly through disposal of a block of shares, or removal of a member of management or supervisory bodies of one or several undertakings; grant of an exclusivity licence to a competitor. Simultaneously, in its decision the President imposes on an undertaking(s) the requirement to provide information on fulfilment of the said obligations within a period specified in the decision; c) approves a concentration which will significantly restrict market competition, in particular through the creation or strengthening of a dominant market position, if there is rationale for refraining from prohibiting such a concentration, and particularly if it contributes to economic growth and technical development; and if it may have favourable effect on the national economy. The President of the Anti-Trust and Consumer Protection Office refuses to approve a concentration which will significantly restrict market competition, in particular through the creation or strengthening of a dominant market position. Decisions approving a concentration expire if the concentration is not effected within two years from the decision date. 17.2 Takeover Offers or Squeeze-Out and Sell-Out Procedures with respect to the Securities Regulations governing mandatory takeover offers are discussed in “Obligations and Restrictions resulting from the Public Offering Act and the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments”. 17.2.1 Squeeze Out Regulations Pursuant to Par. 4.418 of the Commercial Companies Code, squeeze out regulations do not apply to public companies. Pursuant to Art. 82 of the Public Offering Act, a shareholder in a public company who, individually or jointly with its subsidiaries, parent companies, or entities with which the shareholder has concluded the agreement referred to in Art. 87.1.5 of the Public Offering Act, reaches or exceeds 90% of the total vote in the company has the right to demand that the other shareholders sell all the shares held in the company. The share price in a squeeze out is determined pursuant to Art. 79.1-79.3 of the Public Offering Act. Acquisition of shares in a squeeze out does not require the consent of the shareholder to whom the demand is addressed. A 136 Prospectus of MNI S.A squeeze out is announced after collateral is created for not less than 100% of the value of the shares covered by the squeeze out. The collateral should be documented with a certificate issued by a bank or another financial institution which granted, or intermediated in the granting of, the collateral. A squeeze out is announced and carried out through the agency of an entity conducting brokerage activities in Poland, which is obligated, not later than 14 business days prior to the commencement of the squeeze out, to simultaneously notify the Financial Supervision Authority and the company operating the regulated market on which given shares are listed, or if the company shares are listed on more than one regulated market – all such companies, of the intention to announce the squeeze out. Information on the squeeze out is to be attached to the notification. An announced squeeze out may not be abandoned. The obligations concerning tender offers to acquire shares also rest on entities specified in Art. 87 of the Public Offering Act. 17.2.2 Sell Out Regulations The Commercial Companies Code contains no provisions regulating the right of minority shareholders in public companies to demand that their shares be acquired by majority shareholders. Pursuant to Art. 83 of the Public Offering Act, a shareholder in a public company has the right to demand that his shares be acquired by another shareholder who reaches or exceeds 90% of the total vote in the company. Such a demand must be made in writing. The obligation to fulfil the demand, within 30 days from the date of the demand, rests jointly and severally on the shareholder who reaches or exceeds 90% of the total vote, its subsidiaries and parent companies. The obligation to acquire the shares from the shareholder rests also jointly and severally on every party to the agreement referred to in Art. 87.1.5 of the Public Offering Act if the parties to the agreement hold, together with subsidiaries and parent companies, at least 90% of the total vote. The shareholder who demands that his shares be acquired has the right to receive a price not lower than the price determined pursuant to Art. 79.1-79.3 of the Public Offering Act. 137 Prospectus of MNI S.A 18. RULES GOVERNING RELATED TO THE SECURITIES TAXATION OF INCOME HOLDING OR SALE OF Income Tax – Dividends Personal income tax: • Pursuant to Art. 30a.1.4 of the Personal Income Tax Act, dividend income and other income from profit distributions made by legal persons are subject to income tax at a flat rate of 19%; the flat-rate tax is calculated without deducting from the amount of income the costs incurred to earn it. Dividend income and other income from profit distributions is not aggregated with income taxed under general rules; the regulations are applied taking into account double tax treaties to which the Republic of Poland is a party. • the flat-rate personal income tax on dividend is remitted by the brokerage office which pays out the dividend. Corporate income tax: • • • Pursuant to Art. 22.1 of the Corporate Income Tax Act, income tax on dividend income and other income from profit distributions made by legal persons with registered office in the Republic of Poland is charged at the rate of 19% of the income earned, unless the applicable double tax treaty signed by the Republic of Poland provides otherwise. The tax paid on received dividends and other income from profit distributions made by legal persons with registered offices in the Republic of Poland is deducted from the tax computed in accordance with the general rules set forth in Art. 23.1. The tax is remitted by the issuer of shares, who is required to withhold the tax due on dividend payments (Art. 26.1). However, pursuant to Art. 22.4 of the Corporate Income Tax Act, income (gains) from dividend and other income from profit distributions made by legal persons are exempt from income tax, provided that all of the following conditions are satisfied: 1) dividend or other profit distributions are paid out by a company that is a corporate income tax payer with registered office or management in the Republic of Poland, 2) income (gains) from dividend or other profit distributions is earned by a company that is subject to taxation with corporate income tax on its entire income, regardless of where such income is earned, in an European Union member state other than the Republic of Poland, 3) the company that is the recipient of the dividend holds directly not less than 10% of shares in the share capital of the company referred to in item 1 (from January 1st 2005 to December 31st 2006, to become eligible for the exemption, such company must hold at least 20% of shares, from January 1st 2007 to December 31st 2008 the threshold stands at 15%, and from January 1st 2009 the threshold is 10%). 4) income (gains) from dividends or other profit distributions is received by: a) the company referred to in item 2, or b) a foreign branch of the company referred to in item 2, located outside of Poland, if the income (gains) earned is subject to taxation in the European Union member state in which such foreign branch is located. The exemption referred to in Art. 22.4 of the Corporate Income Tax Act is applied if a company deriving income (gains) from dividends and other profit distributions made by a legal person holds shares in the company that makes the distribution for an uninterrupted period of two years. Such exemption also applies if the uninterrupted period of two years for which the company earning the income has continuously held shares in the amount specified in Art. 22.4.3 of the Corporate Income Tax Act expires after the date such income has been earned. Taxation on Income (Gains) Earned by Foreign Persons The issuer is obliged to withhold 19% tax on distributions to shareholders if, pursuant to Art. 3.2 of the Corporate Income Tax Act and Art. 3.2a of the Personal Income Tax Act, the amounts related to profit distributions made by legal persons are paid to foreign investors who are subject to a limited tax obligation in Poland, namely legal entities whose registered office or management is outside of the Republic of Poland and natural persons whose place of residence is outside of the Republic of Poland. 138 Prospectus of MNI S.A However, in the event that a double-tax treaty modifies the rules governing taxation of income earned by such persons from profit distributions by legal entities, the provisions of such a treaty will prevail and exclude the application of the aforementioned provisions of the Polish tax acts. Pursuant to Art. 26.1 of the Corporate Income Tax Act, it is possible to apply the tax rate specified in the appropriate double-tax treaty or refrain from collecting the tax in accordance with the treaty only if the taxpayer confirms its place of residence for tax purposes by delivering a certificate (tax residence certificate) issued by the relevant tax authority. In the case of natural persons, pursuant to Art. 30a.2 of the Personal Income Tax Act, it is possible to apply the tax rate specified in the appropriate double-tax treaty or refrain from collecting the tax only if the taxpayer has provided a tax residence certificate. The Issuer is responsible for withholding the tax if, in accordance with the applicable regulations, including double-tax treaties, dividends and other profit distributions paid to foreign investors by the Issuer are subject to taxation in Poland. Duty on Actions under the Civil Law (Polish Transfer Tax) – Sale of Shares • Pursuant to Art. 9.9 of the Act on Duty on Actions under the Civil Law, sale of securities to brokerage houses and banks conducting brokerage activities, as well as the sale of securities performed through the agency of brokerage houses or banks conducting brokerage activities, is exempt from duty on actions under the civil law. Income on Sale of Shares and Rights to Shares Offered in a Public Offering Taxation on Income (Gains) Earned by Natural Persons on Sale of Shares Pursuant to Art. 30b.1 of the Personal Income Tax Act, any income earned in the Republic of Poland from disposal of securities against consideration is subject to taxation at the rate of 19%. This rule is qualified by double-tax treaties signed by the Republic of Poland. It is possible to apply the tax rate specified in the appropriate double-tax treaty or refrain from collecting the tax only if the taxpayer has provided a tax residence certificate. Gains referred to in Art. 30b.1 of the Personal Income Tax Act represent the difference between the sum of income earned on disposal of securities against consideration and the cost incurred to earn such income as defined in the Personal Income Tax Act. Gains from disposal of shares are not aggregated with other income subject to taxation in accordance with general rules. An exception to the above rule is disposal of securities against consideration performed as part of the disposing entity’s business activities. Pursuant to Art. 30b.6 of the Personal Income Tax Act, following the end of each fiscal year, the taxpayer must declare in an annual tax return, referred to in Art. 45.1a.1 of the Personal Income Tax Act, the gains on disposal of securities against consideration obtained in the fiscal year, and compute and pay the income tax due. Taxation on Income (Gains) Earned by Legal Persons on Sale of Shares Pursuant to Art. 19.1 of the Corporate Income Tax Act, any income earned by legal persons in the Republic of Poland from sale of securities is subject to taxation with corporate income tax at the rate of 19%. This rule is qualified by double-tax treaties signed by the Republic of Poland. It is possible to apply the tax rate specified in the appropriate double-tax treaty or refrain from collecting the tax only if the taxpayer has provided a tax residence certificate. The tax is assessed on the gains representing the difference between the income, i.e. the amount received in connection with the sale of shares, and the cost incurred to earn the income, that is the cost of acquisition of the shares, as stipulated in the Corporate Income Tax Act. Gains earned on sale of shares are aggregated with other income and are subject to taxation in accordance with general rules. Pursuant to Art. 25 of the Corporate Income Tax Act, legal persons which have sold shares are required to report gains earned on this account in their monthly tax returns specifying the amount of profit earned or loss incurred since the beginning of the fiscal year, and to pay tax on the aggregate amount of taxable income earned since the beginning of the fiscal year to the account of the appropriate Tax Office. The tax amount is calculated as the difference between the tax due on income earned since the beginning of the fiscal year and the sum of tax paid in the previous months of a given year. 139 Prospectus of MNI S.A Taxation of Inheritances and Donations Pursuant to the Act on Inheritances and Donations, the acquisition by natural persons of property rights through inheritance or donation, including rights related to the holding of shares, is subject to taxation if: a) at the time of opening of the inheritance or conclusion of the donation agreement the heir or donee was a Polish citizen or was permanently domiciled in Poland, or b) the property rights related to the shares are exercised in the territory of Poland. The rates of the tax on inheritances and donations vary depending on the degree of blood relationship or another type of personal relationship between the testator and the heir or between the donor and the donee. Tax Remitter’s Liability Pursuant to Art. 30.1 of the Tax Legislation Act of August 29th 1997 (consolidated text in Dz.U. of 2005, No. 8, item 60, as amended), an entity that fails to fulfil its duty to compute and withhold tax from a taxpayer and to pay such tax to the tax authority in the appropriate timeframe, is liable for the tax that has not been withheld or has been withheld but not paid. The remitter is liable up to the full value of its assets and this liability arises irrespective of the tax remitter’s will to pay the tax. The rules concerning the tax remitter’s liability do not apply only if other regulations provide otherwise or if the tax was not withheld for reasons attributable to the taxpayer. 140 Prospectus of MNI S.A 19. INFORMATION OF THE SECURITIES 19.1 Type of Securities Offered or Admitted to Trading The following securities are offered on the basis of this Prospectus: Type and series of securities 1. 2. 3. Series L ordinary bearer shares Rights to Series L shares Pre-emptive rights to acquire Series L shares Number of securities Par value Issue price 67,714,674 PLN 1 PLN 1 - - - - Up to 67,714,674 22,571,558 Name of the regulated market Public offering / introduction to regulated trading Applicable/ Applicable Warsaw Stock Exchange - / Applicable - / Applicable Appropriate ISIN codes will be assigned to the Series L shares by the Polish NDS upon their dematerialisation, which will be effected at the moment of their registration at the Polish NDS pursuant to an agreement concluded by the Issuer with the Polish NDS. 19.2 Legal Provisions on the Basis of Which the Securities Were Created Series L shares were created on the basis of Resolution No. 8/2006 of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of the Issuer, dated June 30th 2006 (notarial deed executed by Notary Public Maria Kokoszczyńska, No. A 2855/2006): Resolution No. 8/2006 of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI S.A. Acting on the basis of Art. 430, Art. 431, and Art. 431.7 in conjunction with Art. 310.2 of the Commercial Companies Code, as well as on the basis of Par. 16.2d) and k) of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI S.A. resolves as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Par. 1 The Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI Spółka Akcyjna of Warsaw resolves to increase the Company’s share capital from PLN 22,571,558 (twenty-two million five hundred and seventy-one thousand five hundred and fifty-eight złoty) to PLN 90,286,232 (ninety million two hundred and eightysix thousand two hundred and thirty-two złoty), through the issue of up to 67,714,674 (sixty-seven million seven hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred and seventy-four) Series L ordinary bearer shares with the par value of PLN 1 (one złoty) per share, i.e. by an amount not higher than PLN 67,714,674 (sixty-seven million seven hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred and seventyfour złoty), with the existing shareholders’ pre-emptive rights retained. The share capital increase shall be effected irrespective of the number of the Series L shares acquired within the limit specified in Par.1.1 of this Resolution, by an amount corresponding to the number of shares acquired. The Management Board is hereby authorised and obligated to make a statement, in the form of a notarial deed, on the amount of the share capital acquired as part of the share capital increase, and on the specification of the final amount of the share capital increase in the Articles of Association, prior to applying to the registry court for its registration. Series L shares shall carry no special preferences or obligations apart from those which result from the provisions of the law, and in particular the Commercial Companies Code. The issue price of one share shall be PLN 1 (one złoty). 141 Prospectus of MNI S.A 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The shares shall be issued exclusively in exchange for cash contributions, paid up in full prior to the registration of the share capital increase. The shares shall carry the right to dividend from the distribution of profit for 2006 (two thousand six). The pre-emptive right record date i.e. the date as at which the shareholders holding pre-emptive rights to acquire Series L shares shall be determined, shall be September 15 (fifteenth) 2006 (two thousand six). Existing shareholders shall receive 3 (three) Series L shares per each 1 (one) share already held. The Supervisory Board is hereby authorised to determine the detailed terms and conditions of the issue of Series L shares, including: • the date of opening and closing of the subscription period for Series L shares; • the time when the pre-emptive right to acquire Series L shares may be exercised; • the detailed terms of allotment of Series L shares, in compliance with the provisions of Art. 436 of the Commercial Companies Code. The Company’s Management Board shall be responsible for the implementation of this Resolution, and in particular the performance of any other organisational or legal actions connected with the implementation of this Resolution. In particular, the Management Board is authorised to: i. allot the shares as provided for in Art. 436.4 of the Commercial Companies Code; ii. conclude the agreement referred to in Art. 5 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments with the Polish NDS. Par. 2 The Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI Spółka Akcyjna of Warsaw hereby resolves to introduce the Series L shares, the pre-emptive rights to acquire Series L shares and the rights to Series L shares to trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, decides that the Series L shares and the rights to Series L shares shall be dematerialised, and accordingly authorises the Management Board to take all steps required by law for the admission and introduction of these securities to trading on the regulated market and their dematerialisation. Par. 3 This Resolution shall come into force on the date of its adoption, except that the amendment to the Articles of Association made pursuant to this Resolution shall become effective upon its registration by the court. The Chairman concluded that the resolution was adopted in a secret ballot with 11,435,749 (eleven million four hundred and thirty-five thousand seven hundred and forty-nine) votes cast in favour, and no votes against or abstaining. 19.3 Information Whether the Securities are Registered or Bearer Securities and Whether They Are Dematerialised Series L Shares are ordinary bearer shares. From the moment of their dematerialisation at the Polish NDS, they will no longer exist in the certificated form. The shares will be dematerialised upon their registration on the basis of the agreement between the Issuer and the Polish NDS, referred to in Art. 5.4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments. 19.4 Currency of the Issued Securities The par value of the Issuer Shares is expressed in the złoty. 19.5 Rights Attached to the Securities, Including Any Restrictions on Such Rights, and the Procedures for their Exercise 19.5.1 Commercial Companies Code The Commercial Companies Code vests shareholders with certain rights which are traditionally classified into two main groups: property rights and corporate rights. The property rights include: 142 Prospectus of MNI S.A • • • the right to share in the company’s profit (Art. 347.1 of the Commercial Companies Code) (right to dividend); the pre-emptive right to acquire new shares (Art. 433.1 of the Commercial Companies Code); this right inures to the benefit of all the Company shareholders proportionately to the number of shares they already hold, and may be waived by a resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting adopted with the majority of at least four fifths of the total vote, provided that the resolution was on the agenda for the General Shareholders Meeting; the right to participate in the distribution of the Company’s assets in the event of its liquidation (Art. 474.2 of the Commercial Companies Code) – proportionately to the contributions to the share capital made by the shareholders; the distribution may not be made earlier than a year after the opening of the liquidation. The corporate rights include collective rights and rights which are vested in each shareholder individually: Rights provided for in the Commercial Companies Code: Art. 6 the right to demand that a company which is a shareholder of the Issuer provides written information on whether it is a parent or a subsidiary company, as defined in Art. 4.1.4) of the Commercial Companies Code, of a specific company or cooperative which is an Issuer’s shareholder. The shareholder entitled to make the demand referred to above may also demand the disclosure of the number of the Issuer shares or the percentage of the total vote at the General Shareholders Meeting of the Issuer held by such company, including as a pledgee, usufructuary or under agreements with other persons; Art. 34 the right to inspect the share register and to demand an official copy of or excerpt from the share register; Art. 385 the right to demand block voting for the appointment of the Supervisory Board; Art. 395 the right to receive official copies of the directors’ report on the Issuer’s operations and the Issuer’s financial statements, together with official copies of the Supervisory Board’s report and auditor’s opinion; Art. 400 the right (accruing to shareholders with at least a tenth of the company’s share capital) to demand that a General Shareholders Meeting be convened or a particular issue be placed on the agenda of the next General Shareholders Meeting; Art. 401 the right to apply to the Issuer’s registry court for an authorisation to convene a General Shareholders Meeting, if the General Shareholders Meeting is not convened by the Management Board within two weeks following the submission of the demand referred to in Art. 400 of the Commercial Companies Code; Art. 406 the right to participate in the General Shareholders Meeting; Art. 407 the right to inspect the list of shareholders at the Company’s offices, the right to demand that an official copy of the list of shareholders entitled to participate in the General Shareholders Meeting be prepared, the right to demand official copies of motions concerning issues placed on the agenda of the General Shareholders Meeting; Art. 410 the right of shareholders holding a tenth of the share capital represented at the General Shareholders Meeting to demand that the attendance list of the General Shareholders Meeting be checked by a committee appointed for that purpose and composed of at least three persons, including one person appointed by the parties making the demand; Art. 411 the right to vote at the General Shareholders Meeting; Art. 416 the right of minority shareholders who voted against a material change of the Issuer’s business profile to have their shares bought out. In accordance with Par. 18 of the Issuer’s Articles of Association, a resolution concerning a material change of the Issuer’s business profile may be adopted without the ensuing obligation to buy out the minority shares, provided that the conditions specified in Art. 417.4 of the Commercial Companies Code are met; Art. 421 the right to inspect the book of minutes of the General Shareholders Meetings and to receive copies of resolutions authenticated by the Management Board; Art. 422 the right to appeal against a resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting which is in conflict with the Articles of Association or good practice, and is harmful to the Issuer’s interests or intended to harm a shareholder – by instituting an action against the Issuer for repeal of the resolution; Art. 425 the right to institute an action against the Company for declaration of invalidity of a resolution which is in conflict with statutory provisions; Art. 428.1 the right to demand that the Management Board disclose specific information on the Issuer at the General Shareholders Meeting, if such disclosure is relevant for the assessment of an issue included in the agenda; 143 Prospectus of MNI S.A Art. 429 the right to submit a petition to the registry court to oblige the Management Board to provide the information referred to in Art. 428.1 of the Commercial Companies Code or to oblige the Issuer to publish the information disclosed to another shareholder outside the General Shareholders Meeting on the basis of Art. 428.4 of the Commercial Companies Code; Art. 463 the right (accruing to shareholders representing at least a tenth of the share capital) to submit a petition requesting that the number of the Issuer’s liquidators be supplemented; Arts. 486, the right to institute an action against members of the Issuer’s governing bodies or other persons 487 who harmed the Issuer; Arts. 505, right to inspect documents related to the merger, demerger or transformation of the Issuer. 540, 561 19.5.2 Act on Trading in Financial Instruments Pursuant to the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, participation in the general shareholders meeting of a public company is conditional upon submission at the registered office of such a company of a certificate confirming the right of the holder of dematerialised shares to participate in the general shareholders meeting not later than one week prior to the date of the meeting (Art. 9 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments). For the duration of the certificate validity, the issuer of the certificate blocks trading in such securities (Art. 11 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments). 19.5.3 Public Offering Act The Public Offering Act grants shareholders in public companies certain rights additional to those provided for in the Commercial Companies Code: • a shareholder who, individually or jointly with its subsidiaries, parent companies, or entities with which the shareholder has concluded an agreement on voting at the general shareholders meeting or purchasing shares, reaches or exceeds 90% of the total vote in the company, has the right to demand that the other shareholders sell all the shares held in the company (the so-called mandatory buyout or squeeze-out, Art. 82 of the Public Offering Act); • a minority shareholder in a public company has the right to demand that his shares be acquired by another shareholder who has reached or exceeded 90% of the total vote in the company (Art. 83 of the Public Offering Act); • a shareholder or shareholders in a public company holding at least 5% of the total vote may request the general shareholders meeting to adopt a resolution to mandate an auditor to review, at the company’s expense, a specific issue related to the company’s incorporation or the conduct of its business (specialpurpose auditor). To this end, the shareholders may also request that an extraordinary general shareholders meeting be convened or the adoption of such a resolution be placed on the agenda of the next general shareholders meeting (Art. 84 of the Public Offering Act). If such a resolution is not adopted, the shareholders may apply to the court and request it to appoint a special-purpose auditor (Art. 85 of the Public Offering Act). 19.5.4 Dividend Right The Issuer’s Articles of Association do not provide for any dividend regulations other than those contained in the Commercial Companies Code. The Articles of Association do not provide for any preference attached to the Issuer shares in terms of dividend distributions. Consequently, the Issuer shareholders have the right to a share in the profit disclosed in the financial statements and allocated by the General Shareholders Meeting for distribution to the shareholders. The terms and conditions of the dividend payment will be defined by the Management Board in consultation with the Polish NDS. Pursuant to Par. 91 of the Detailed Rules of the Polish NDS (appendix to Resolution No. 79/98 of the Management Board of the Polish NDS, dated January 29th 1998, as amended), the Issuer should promptly, but no later than ten days before the dividend record date, notify the Polish NDS of the dividend amount, dividend record date and dividend payment date by submitting a relevant resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting. At least ten days must elapse between the dividend record date and the dividend payment date (pursuant to Par. 5.1 of the Rules of the Polish NDS, periods determined in days will not include Saturdays and days which are non-business days under applicable regulations). 144 Prospectus of MNI S.A 19.5.5 Date as of Which the Shares Confer Dividend Right Pursuant to Par. 1.6 of Resolution No. 8/2006 of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of June 30th 2006, Series L shares confer the right to dividend for the 2006 financial year. 19.5.6 Deadline for Exercise of the Dividend Right and Persons Affected by Expiry of the Dividend Right The claim for dividend payment expires ten years from the date of adoption by the General Shareholders Meeting of a resolution on allocation of profit for distribution to shareholders. 19.5.7 Dividend-Related Shareholders Restrictions and Procedures Applicable to Non-Resident Dividend-related restrictions are discussed in Chapter 18 on taxation of non-residents. 19.5.8 Dividend Rate or Manner of its Computation, Frequency of Payment, Cumulative or Non-Cumulative Dividend The dividend rate and the manner of its computation will be set in a resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting on allocation of profit for distribution to shareholders. Because the shares do not confer any preference with respect to dividend, the profit allocated for distribution is divided among shareholders pro rata to the number of shares held by them. The amount of dividend to be distributed to shareholders may not exceed the profit reported for the last financial year, increased by retained profit brought forward and by the amounts transferred from capital reserves and reserve funds that are created from the profit and may be applied for dividend payment. This amount should be reduced by uncovered losses, value of treasury shares, and by the amounts which pursuant to the Act or the Articles of Association should be distributed from last year’s profit to reserve funds or capital reserves. Dividend is payable to shareholders once a year after the end of the financial year, pursuant to a resolution of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting on allocation of profit for distribution to shareholders. A resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting on dividend payment may stipulate that the amount to be distributed to shareholders will include retained profit brought forward and the amounts transferred from capital reserves and reserve funds that are created from the profit and may be applied for dividend payment. 19.5.9 Voting Rights Each Series L share entitles a holder of the Issuer shares to one vote at the General Shareholders Meeting. Pursuant to the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, participation in the general shareholders meeting of a public company is conditional upon submission at the registered office of such a company of a certificate confirming the right of the holder of dematerialised shares to participate in the general shareholders meeting not later than one week prior to the date of the meeting (Art. 9 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments). For the duration of the certificate validity, the issuer of the certificate blocks trading in such securities (Art. 11 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments). A shareholder may participate in the Issuer’s General Shareholders Meeting and exercise voting rights in person or by proxy. The powers of proxy should be granted in writing under pain of nullity. Neither a Management Board member nor an employee of the Issuer may act as a proxy at the General Shareholders Meeting (Art. 412 of the Commercial Companies Code). A shareholder may not vote, either in person, by proxy or as a proxy, on resolutions concerning any liability of the shareholder towards the Company, including approval of performance of duties by the shareholder, release from an obligation towards the Company, and a dispute between the shareholder and the Company (Art. 413 of the Commercial Companies Code). 19.5.10 Pre-Emptive Rights The Issuer’s shareholders have the pre-emptive right to subscribe for new shares pro rata to the number of shares already held by them (pre-emptive right). In the Issuer’s interest, the pre-emptive right may be waived, in 145 Prospectus of MNI S.A full or in part, by virtue of a resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting adopted by the majority of at least four-fifths of votes. Shareholders’ pre-emptive rights may be waived if such a waiver was included in the agenda of the General Shareholders Meeting. In such a case, the Management Board presents to the General Shareholders Meeting a written opinion specifying the rationale for the waiver of the pre-emptive rights and the proposed issue price or the manner of its establishment. The pre-emptive right record date, i.e. the date as at which the list of shareholders holding the pre-emptive right to Series L shares is determined, is set at September 15th 2006. The existing shareholders will be entitled to acquire three Series L shares for one existing share held by them. 19.5.11 Right to Distributions from the Issuer’s Profit The Issuer’s shareholders are entitled to distributions from the Issuer’s profit as disclosed in the audited financial statements and allocated by the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting for distribution to the shareholders. The profit is distributed pro rata to the number of Issuer shares. No Issuer shares confer any preference with respect to profit distribution. 19.5.12 Right to Participate in Assets Remaining after the Company Liquidation In the event of liquidation, the Issuer’s assets are divided among the shareholders in proportion to their payments made for the share capital. The Articles of Association do not define any rules of distribution of the Issuer’s assets in the event of liquidation other than those contained in the Commercial Companies Code. No Issuer shares give any priority in the distribution of the Issuer’s assets in the event of liquidation. 19.5.13 Retirement of Shares Pursuant to Par. 2.6 of the Issuer’s Articles of Association, the shares may be retired upon a shareholder’s consent, following their acquisition by the Issuer. 19.5.14 Share Conversion Pursuant to Par. 2.4 of the Articles of Association, conversion of bearer shares into registered shares requires a resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting, adopted by the majority of votes required to amend the Articles of Association. 19.6 Resolutions, Permits or Approvals under Which Securities Have Been or Will Be Created or Issued New Series L Shares were created under Resolution No. 8/2006 adopted by the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting held on June 30th 2006. 19.7 Date of the Securities Issue The Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting held on June 30th 2006 adopted a resolution on issue of shares. The shares will be allotted within 14 days from the subscription closing date. 19.8 Public Tender Offers with respect to the Issuer’s Shares Announced by Third Parties in the Previous Financial Year and Current Financial Year In the previous financial year and current financial year, no public tender offers with respect to the Issuer shares have been announced. 146 Prospectus of MNI S.A 20. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE OFFERING 20.1 General Terms and Conditions of the Public Offering 67,714,674 Series L Shares with a par value of PLN 1 per share will be offered to the Issuer’s existing Shareholders based on this Prospectus. The issue price of Series L Shares is PLN 1 (one) per share. Moreover, based on this Prospectus up to 67,714,674 Series L Shares and Rights to Shares will be sought to be admitted and introduced to trading on the main market of the WSE. The Issuer’s Shareholders will have pre-emptive rights to acquire a number of the Offered Shares equal to the number of the Issuer Shares they hold as at September 15th 2006 (the “Record Date”). Given the time needed for settling stock-exchange transactions at the Polish NDS, the investors who intend to acquire the Issuer Shares on the WSE must acquire them on or before September 12th 2006 in order to obtain the pre-emptive rights. Based on the number of new-issue Series L Shares, the holders of pre-emptive rights will be entitled to acquire three (3) Series L Shares for each one (1) pre-emptive right. An investor may place a subscription order for a number of shares lower than the number to which the investor is entitled under his/her pre-emptive rights. If the number of Series L Shares to which a given shareholder is entitled under the pre-emptive rights is not an integer, it will be rounded down to the nearest integer. Trade in the pre-emptive rights on the WSE is planned for the period January 24th – January 30th 2007. Pursuant to the provisions of Art. 436.1 of the Commercial Companies Code, pre-emptive rights to shares in a public company have to be exercised on the same day, on which both Basic and Additional Subscription Orders are submitted. Pursuant to the provisions of Art. 436.4 of the Commercial Companies Code, Series L Shares which are not covered by subscription orders submitted in exercise of the pre-emptive rights (both Basic and Additional Subscription Orders) will be offered and allotted by the Management Board in accordance with the rules described in Sections 20.2.4., 20.2.5 and 20.2.6. A detailed schedule of the Public Offering is set forth in Section 20.2.2. Information on the results of the Public Offering will be published within 14 days from the subscription closing date, in accordance with Par. 33 of the Regulation on current and periodic information. The Issuer does not intend to execute an underwriting agreement with respect to the Offering. The Polish NDS is the entity providing depository services in Poland. 20.2 Rules Governing Distribution of Shares 20.2.1 Persons to Whom the Public Offering is Addressed The Offering of the Offered Shares is addressed to the Issuer’s existing Shareholders. Persons entitled to submit subscription orders for the Offered Shares in exercise of the pre-emptive rights (Basic Subscription Orders) are persons who are the Issuer’s Shareholders as at the end of the day on the Record Date and did not dispose of their pre-emptive rights prior to the submission of a subscription order for the Offered Shares, and persons who acquired pre-emptive rights and did not dispose of them prior to the submission of a subscription order for the Offered Shares. Persons entitled to submit Additional Subscription Orders for the Offered Shares are persons who are the Issuer’s Shareholders as at the end of the day on the Record Date. 147 Prospectus of MNI S.A If the submitted Basic and Additional Subscription Orders do not cover all of the Offered Shares, persons entitled to submit subscription orders for such remaining Offered Shares will be investors designated by the Management Board. 20.2.2 Public Offering Schedule September 15th 2006 - Record Date January 24th–30th 2007 - Trading in pre-emptive rights on the WSE January 25th–February 2nd 2007 - February 14th 2007 - Within 14 days from the subscription closing date - Acceptance of Basic Subscription Orders and Additional Subscription Orders for the Offered Shares Acceptance of subscription orders not covered by Basic and Additional Subscription Orders Planned period for allotment of the Offered Shares The Supervisory Board may decide to change the subscription opening and closing dates, as well as the dates for acceptance of subscription orders for the Offered Shares. Information on change of the subscription opening date and the opening date for acceptance of subscription orders will be published in the form of a Supplement to the Prospectus prior to the subscription opening date or the opening date for acceptance of subscription orders, respectively. Information on any change in the closing dates will be published in the form of a Supplement to the Prospectus on or before the subscription closing date or the closing date for the acceptance of subscription orders, respectively. 20.2.3 Issue Price Pursuant to Resolution No. 8/2006 adopted by the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI S.A. held on June 30th 2006, the issue price of the Offered Shares is set at PLN 1 (one) per share. No additional charges are connected with the submission of a subscription order for the Offered Shares. However, investors should take into consideration that they may have to incur certain other costs indirectly connected with subscribing for the Offered Shares, including in particular the cost of opening and/or maintaining an investment account, banking costs related to payment for the subscribed Offered Shares, possible costs of exchanging foreign currencies into the Polish złoty, stamp duty due in the event of submitting a subscription order through a proxy, as well as possible costs of acquiring pre-emptive rights. Investors are also advised that payments for the Offered Shares bear no interest. Accordingly, whenever an overpaid amount is returned, investors are not entitled to any interest or compensation. The Offered Shares are not intended for and will not be used in any management or employee stock option plan. 20.2.4 Rules Governing Placement of Subscription Orders An investor may place a Basic Subscription Order for the maximum number of the Offered Shares resulting from the shareholder’s pre-emptive rights. Based on the number of new-issue Series L Shares, the holders of preemptive rights will be entitled to acquire three (3) Series L Shares for each one (1) pre-emptive right. An investor may place a subscription order for a number of shares lower than the number to which the investor is entitled under his/her pre-emptive rights. Basic Subscription Orders for the Offered Shares will be placed with the entity maintaining the investment account in which the underlying pre-emptive rights are recorded. If an investor’s pre-emptive rights are recorded in the Issue Sponsor’s account, such an investor should place the Basic Subscription Order with the entity maintaining that account. If an investor’s pre-emptive rights are recorded in a securities account maintained by depository banks, such an investor should place the Basic Subscription Order for the Offered Shares with the brokerage house executing orders issued by the customers of a given depository bank. As at the Prospectus Date, the entity maintaining the issue sponsor register for the Issuer Shares is the Brokerage House of Bank BPH S.A. 148 Prospectus of MNI S.A An investor who as at the Record Date was a Shareholder in the Issuer may place an Additional Subscription Order for up to the maximum number of the Offered Shares covered by the Public Offering. A subscription order for a larger number of the Offered Shares will be deemed an order for the maximum number of the Offered Shares covered by the Public Offering. An investor invited by the Management Board to place a subscription order for the Offered Shares not acquired under the Basic and Additional Subscription Orders may place an order for the number of Offered Shares indicated in the relevant invitation. Such an investor should place his/her order at the Offeror’s registered office, that is at Dom Inwestycyjny BRE Banku S.A., ul. Wspólna 47/49, 00-684 Warsaw, Poland. The scope and form of documents necessary to place a subscription order, as well as the rules for acting through a proxy are regulated by the procedures effective at the entity with which an order is placed. Relevant information is available at the Customer Service Point of the entity with which an investor intends to place the order. An investor may place the subscription order via means of remote communication if the regulations effective at the entity accepting the order permit such means of submission and the investor and the entity have signed an agreement authorising the brokerage house to place the order on the investor’s behalf. Each subscription order for the Offered Shares is irrevocable, unconditional and subject to no reservations. However, pursuant to Art. 51.5 of the Act, if following the opening of subscription a Supplement to the Prospectus is published concerning an event or circumstance which has occurred prior to the allotment of securities and of which the Issuer became aware prior to the allotment, an investor who placed an order prior to the publication of the Supplement may avoid legal consequences of the order placement if the investor submits, within two business days from the publication of the Supplement, a relevant statement in writing to the investment firm offering Series L Shares. Each investor placing a subscription order for the Offered Shares represents that he has read this Issue Prospectus and accepts the terms and conditions of the Public Offering, is familiar with the Issuer’s Articles of Association and accepts their provisions. Subscription orders for the Offered Shares must be submitted on the subscription order forms shown in Section 25.4 of this Prospectus. A subscription order must be placed in three (3) copies. A Basic Subscription Order and Additional Subscription Order are to be placed on separate subscription order forms. The investor bears all consequences of incorrect completion of the subscription order form. 20.2.5 Payments for Offered Shares Basic and Additional Subscription Orders must be paid up in full at or before the time of placement. Subscription orders for the Offered Shares not acquired under Basic and Additional Subscription Orders must be paid up on or before the date on which they are accepted. Payment for the Offered Shares must be equal to the product of the number of Offered Shares subscribed for and the Issue Price. In the case of Basic Subscription Orders, if an investor fails to make a full payment for the Shares subscribed for, the order will be deemed invalid. In the case of Additional Subscription Orders and orders for the Offered Shares not acquired under Basic and Additional Subscription Orders, if an investor fails to make a full payment, such an investor may be allotted no Offered Shares or an arbitrary number of Offered Shares, but not larger than the number covered by the payment made. Payment for the Offered Shares may be made only in Polish złoty, in cash or by bank transfer. Payment will be deemed to be effectively made when the funds are credited to the bank account of the entity accepting the subscription order. Where an investor intends to make a payment by a bank transfer, the investor should contact the entity with which he/she intends to place the subscription order in order to obtain the relevant bank account number and transfer description to appear on the transfer form. When making payment by bank transfer, investors should allow for the time required for the execution of the transfer. The investor bears sole responsibility for any delay in due payment for the Offered Shares. 149 Prospectus of MNI S.A 20.2.6 Allotment Rules for the Offered Shares The Offered Shares will be allotted within 14 days from the closing of subscription. In the case of Basic Subscription Orders, the Offered Shares will be allotted in accordance with subscription orders placed. Should any Offered Shares remain unsubscribed for under Basic Subscription Orders, they will be allocated for subscription under Additional Subscription Orders. If the number of Offered Shares covered by Additional Subscription Orders exceeds the number of shares remaining unsubscribed for under Basic Subscription Orders, the Offered Shares will be allotted to investors who placed Additional Subscription Orders in accordance with the principle of proportional reduction. Fractional parts of shares will not be allotted. If as a result of proportional reduction some of the Offered Shares remain unsubscribed, they will be allotted successively to those investors who placed Additional Subscription Orders for the highest number of the Offered Shares. In the case of subscription orders for the same number of shares, the allotment will be made by a draw. The shares unsubscribed for under Basic Subscription Orders or Additional Subscription Orders will be allotted by the Company’s Management Board, at its sole discretion, to investors who place subscription orders for the Offered Shares at the Company’s invitation. The Offered Shares will be allotted to them at a price not lower than the final Issue Price of the Offered Shares. Investors will be notified of the allotment of the Offered Shares in accordance with the regulations effective at a given brokerage house accepting subscription orders. Investors are advised that the start of trading in the Rights to Shares and Offered Shares is not contingent upon prior notification of the investor of the number of allotted shares. 20.2.7 Settlement of the Offering and Delivery of Rights to Shares and Offered Shares Settlement of the Offering will be made through the Polish NDS. Overpayments and payments made by investors who are not allotted any Offered Shares or whose orders are reduced will be returned to the investors’ accounts indicated in the subscription order forms within 14 days from the date of allotment of the Offered Shares. Should the issue of the Offered Shares prove unsuccessful, the payments will be returned to the investors’ accounts indicated in the subscription order forms within 14 days from the announcement of unsuccessful issue of the Offered Shares. The information on the results of the Offering, including unsuccessful issue of the Offered Shares, will be published in a current report within 14 days from the closing of public subscription for Series L Shares. Investors are also advised that payments for the Offered Shares bear no interest. Funds will be returned without any interest, compensation or costs incurred by the subscriber. Immediately after the allotment of the Offered Shares, the Management Board will take steps to register the Rights to Shares with the Polish NDS and in the investors’ securities accounts, and arrange for the Rights to Shares to become listed on the WSE. Immediately after the allotment of the Offered Shares, the Management Board will apply to the registry court for the registration a share capital increase at of the Company. If the issue proves unsuccessful after the Rights to Shares have been admitted to stock-exchange trading, payments for the Offered Shares will be returned to the investors in whose accounts the Rights to Shares are registered on the date of settling the transactions executed on the last day of trading in the Rights to Shares. The amount of returned payments for one Right to Share will be equal to the Issue Price of the Offered Shares. Upon registration of the share capital increase at the Company by in the registry court, the Management Board will apply to the Polish NDS for registration of the Offered Shares. 150 Prospectus of MNI S.A Following registration of the Offered Shares with the Polish NDS, they will be registered in the securities accounts of those investors who hold Rights to Shares. Each Right to Share entitles its holder to one Series L Share. The day on which the Rights to Shares expire will be the last day of trading in the Rights to Shares. As of the next trading day, the Offered Shares will be listed. 20.2.8 Abandonment or Cancellation of the Public Offering From the date of the first listing of pre-emptive rights to Offered Shares, the Issuer’s Management Board may resolve to cancel the Public Offering without disclosing the reasons for its decision. Following the opening of the Public Offering, until the allotment of the Offered Shares, the Issuer may decide to abandon the Public Offering only for a good reason. Such situation may take place if: • • • • sudden and unexpected changes occur in the economic or political situation of Poland, the region or the world, which may have an adverse effect on financial markets, Polish economy or the Issuer’s business, sudden and unexpected changes occur in the Issuer’s situation, which have an adverse effect on the Issuer’s business, sudden and unexpected changes occur in the Issuer’s environment, which have a direct effect on the Issuer’s operating activities, other unexpected circumstances occur, which make the Public Offering and allotment of the Offered Shares impossible or detrimental to the Issuer’s interest. In the event of cancellation or abandonment of the Public Offering, the Issuer will publish a relevant decision in a supplement to this Prospectus, in accordance with Art. 51 of the Public Offering Act. In such a case, the amounts paid by investors will be returned within the timeframes and on the terms set forth in Section 20.2.7 hereof. The amounts will be returned without any interest or compensation. 20.2.9 Intentions of Main Shareholders and Members of the Issuer’s Management, Supervisory and Administrative Bodies Regarding Their Participation in the Subscription Intentions of the Company’s main shareholders and Members of the Management and Supervisory Boards as well as members of other administrative bodies with regard to their participation in the subscription for Series L Shares are as set forth in the table below: ENTITY Intention to participate in subscription for Series L Shares Intention to acquire over 5% of the Offered Shares as part of subscription for Series L Shares Main shareholders com.Investment Sp. z o.o. YES YES Andrzej Piechocki and Dedal Inwestycje Sp. z o.o.** YES YES Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. YES NO Members of the Management Board Piotr König NO NO Mariusz Piotr Pilewski NO NO Leszek Wojciech Kułak NO NO Members of the Supervisory Board Andrzej Piechocki * * Robert Gwiazdowski NO NO Michał Tomczak NO NO Tomasz Karasiński NO NO Stanisław Widera NO NO * The intentions of Mr Andrzej Piechocki, acting together with Dedal Inwestycje Sp. z o.o., are presented in the above line under the heading “Main Shareholders” ** On October 25th 2006, Dedal Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. disposed of all its shares in the Issuer, however, it intends to exercise all its preemptive rights to Series L Shares. 151 Prospectus of MNI S.A 21. ADMISSION OF SECURITIES TO TRADING, AND TRADING TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Issuer will file relevant applications with the Polish NDS for the registration of the Rights to Shares and for the admission and introduction of the Rights to Shares to trading on the WSE. The Issuer’s intention is to commence trading in the Rights to Shares as soon as reasonably practicable following the allotment of the Offered Shares. Upon allotment of the Offered Shares, the Issuer will additionally submit an application to the registry court for the registration of a share capital increase at the Company. After the application is approved by the registry court, the Issuer will immediately submit applications for registration of the Offered Shares with the Polish NDS and for admission and introduction of the Offered Shares to trading on the WSE. The Offered Shares will be registered in the investors’ accounts in place of the Rights to Shares held by such investors. One Right to Shares entitles its holder to one Series L Share. The day on which the Rights to Shares expire will be the last day of trading in the Rights to Shares. As of the next trading day, the Offered Shares will be listed. The Issuer’s Shares of the previous issues are currently listed on the WSE. On November 8th 2005, the Issuer entered into an agreement with PKO BP S.A. Bankowy Dom Maklerski on the performance of market-making services for the benefit of the Issuer. The Issuer does not intend to execute an underwriting agreement. 152 Prospectus of MNI S.A 22. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE OFFERING 22.1 Scope of Responsibilities of Advisers Involved in the Issue, If Such Advisers Are Specified in the Offering Document 22.1.1 Legal Adviser The Legal Adviser is a party related to the Issuer to the extent following from the agreement on provision of advisory services to the Issuer in connection with the public offering of Series L Shares. Additionally, the Legal Adviser provides the Issuer with legal advisory services on an ongoing basis. 22.1.2 Financial Adviser The Financial Adviser is a party related to the Issuer to the extent following from the agreement on provision of advisory services to the Issuer in connection with the public offering of Series L Shares, consisting in particular in preparation of the Issuer for the Public Offering and preparation and execution of the Public Offering. 22.1.3 The Offeror The Offeror is a party related to the Issuer to the extent following from the agreement on provision of advisory services to the Issuer in connection with the public offering of Series L Shares, consisting in particular in preparation of the Issuer for the Public Offering and preparation and execution of the Public Offering. 22.1.4 The Auditor The Auditor is a party related to the Issuer to the extent following from the agreement mandating the auditor to audit the financial statements of the Issuer and its Group. The tasks performed by the Auditor included audit of the financial statements of the Issuer and its Group for 2005 and issuance of an opinion on the forecasts contained in this Prospectus. 22.2 Other Information Contained in the Offering Document Which Was Audited by Qualified Auditors and with Respect to Which Qualified Auditors Prepared a Report Section 6 of this Prospectus contains a forecast of the Group’s financial performance and the auditor’s report on the examination of selected items of the prospective financial information of the MNI Group prepared for 2006– 2008. Section 23 of this Prospectus contains the consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group for 2005 (prepared in accordance with the IFRS), which were audited by the Auditor. 22.3 If the Offering Document Contains a Statement or a Report by a Person Referred to as an Expert, Provide the Person’s First Name, Surname, Business Address, Qualifications, and Interests Held in the Issuer, if Material. If the Report Was Commissioned by the Issuer: Provide Relevant Representation on the Inclusion of Such Statement or Report in the Form and Context in Which It Was Included, with the Consent of the Person Responsible for Approving that Part of the Offering Document The Issuer’s Prospectus does not include any statements or reports delivered by a person referred to as an expert. 153 Prospectus of MNI S.A 22.4 Representation on Reliability of Information Provided by Third Parties, Along with Sources of Such Information The Issuer confirms that all the information obtained from third parties, contained in this Prospectus and related to the markets on which the Issuer operates, has been accurately reproduced and – as far as the Issuer is aware and has been able to ascertain based on the information published by a third party – no facts have been omitted which would render the information reproduced inaccurate or misleading. The information obtained from third parties is sourced from the following: • PMR Report “Telecommunications market in Poland 2005-2008”; • Research report by Com MN SM Market Assessment (March 2005); • Research report by IDC (2004); • Pyramid Research data; • Datamonitor data; • Dataquest data. 154 Prospectus of MNI S.A 23. CONSOLIDATED FINACIAL STATEMENTS 23.1 Consolidated Financial Statements for 2005, including the Auditor’s Opinion and Report Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for 2005 prepared for the purposes of the MNI S.A. Prospectus, in accordance with the regulations governing the preparation of prospectuses to be published when securities are issued, in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No. 809/2004 and other regulations applicable to the Polish capital market, including the Public Offering Act Date prepared: Dec 6 2006 Contents: 1. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 2. BALANCE SHEET 3. INCOME STATEMENT 4. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 5. CASH-FLOW STATEMENT 6. NOTES 1. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS PLN '000 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 EUR '000 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2004 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2004 I. Net sales revenue 83,187 43,752 20,666 II. Operating profit (loss) 33,945 4,389 8,433 971 III. Pre-tax profit (loss) 32,534 5,236 8,082 1,159 IV. Net profit (loss) 33,868 5,106 8,414 1,130 V. Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 14,399 4,867 3,577 1,077 VI. Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 81,281 -7,864 20,192 -1,741 VII. Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 67,764 2,583 16,834 572 882 -414 219 -92 IX. Total assets 215,634 90,283 55,867 22,134 X. Liabilities and provisions for liabilities 125,468 33,985 32,506 8,332 XI. Non-current liabilities 73,339 17,488 19,001 4,287 XII. Current liabilities 47,248 13,641 12,241 3,344 XIII. Equity 90,166 56,298 23,360 13,802 VIII. Total net cash flow 9,684 22,572 22,709 5,848 5,567 22,645,005 14,276,707 22,645,005 14,276,707 XVII. Earnings (loss) per ordinary share (PLN/EUR) 1.50 0.40 0.37 0.09 XVIII. Book value per ordinary share (PLN/EUR) 3.99 2.48 1.03 0.61 XV. Share capital XVI. Weighted average number of shares 155 Prospectus of MNI S.A 2. BALANCE SHEET BALANCE SHEET Note PLN '000 Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2004 ASSETS I. Non-current assets 163,631 77,038 1A,B 10,921 2,769 1C 20,828 4,633 3. Property, plant and equipment 2 122,148 66,243 4. Non-current receivables 3 6,421 2,368 6,421 2,368 1. Intangible assets 2. Goodwill 4.1. From other undertakings 5. Non-current investments 4 210 5.1. Non-current financial assets 210 a) in other undertakings 210 6. Deferred tax asset 5 II. Current assets 3,313 815 52,003 13,245 1. Inventories 6 375 160 2. Current receivables 7 33,453 12,631 2.1. From other undertakings 33,453 12,631 a) trade receivables 32,625 11,829 b) other receivables 3. Current investments 3.1. Current financial assets 8 a) in other undertakings 828 802 18,175 454 18,175 454 263 b) cash and cash equivalents Total assets 17,912 454 215,634 90,283 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 90,166 56,298 9 22,572 22,709 3. Statutory reserve funds 10 32,572 27,251 4. Revaluation capital reserve 11 125 125 5. Other capital reserves 12 1,047 1,047 I. Equity 1. Share capital 2. Treasury shares (negative value) -137 6. Retained profit (deficit) 7. Net profit (loss) 8. Minority interests -18 124 33,868 5,106 125,468 33,985 4,881 2,856 2,850 1,712 320 196 12A II. Liabilities and provisions for liabilities 1. Provisions for liabilities 13 1.1. Deferred tax liability 1.2. Provision for retirement and related benefits, including: a) non-current b) current 1.3. Other provisions a) non-current 73 9 9 311 187 1,711 948 1,553 b) current 158 948 73,339 17,488 2.1. To other undertakings 73,339 17,488 a) loans and borrowings 68,396 5,058 4,943 12,430 2. Non-current liabilities 14 b) other 3. Current liabilities 47,248 13,641 3.1. To other undertakings 47,248 13,641 a) loans and borrowings 12,262 2,027 15 156 Prospectus of MNI S.A b) trade payables 27,783 c) other Total equity and liabilities 3. 10,823 7,203 791 215,634 90,283 INCOME STATEMENT INCOME STATEMENT Note I. Net sales revenue 1. Net revenue from sales of products 16 2. Net revenue from sales of goods for resale and materials 17 II. Cost of sales, including: 1. Cost of products sold 18 2. Cost of goods for resale and materials sold PLN '000 Jan 1 - Dec 31 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 2004 83,187 43,752 83,071 43,743 116 9 72,974 39,927 72,860 39,919 114 8 10,213 3,825 IV. Selling costs 2,055 1,652 V. General and administrative expenses 4,196 2,179 VI. Profit (loss) on sales (III-IV-V) 3,962 -6 35,629 6,021 III. Gross profit (loss) on sales (I-II) VII. Other operating income 19 1. Gain on disposal of non-current non-financial assets 24 24 2. Other operating income 11,659 5,997 3. Excess of share in fair value of net identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of acquired undertaking over acquisition cost 23,946 VIII. Other operating expenses 5,646 1,626 1. Loss on disposal of non-current non-financial assets 181 296 2. Revaluation of non-financial assets 344 233 5,121 1,097 33,945 4,389 458 1,753 423 22 20 3. Other operating expenses IX. Operating profit (loss) (VI+VII-VIII) X. Financial income 21 1. Interest, including: 2. Other XI. Financial expenses 22 1. Interest, including: 35 1,731 1,869 906 1,045 657 2. Revaluation of investments 446 , 3. Other 378 249 XII. Profit (loss) before extraordinary items (IX+X-XI) 32,534 5,236 XIII. Pre-tax profit (loss) (XII+/-XIII) 32,534 5,236 -1,334 130 25 85 XIV. Corporate income tax 23 a) current b) deferred -1,359 45 XV. Net profit (loss) (XIV-XV+XVI+/-XVII) 33,868 5,106 - net profit (loss) attributable to equity holders of the parent 34,021 -153 5,675 -569 22,645,005 14,276,707 1.50 0.40 - net profit (loss) attributable to minority interests Weighted average number of ordinary shares Earnings (loss) per ordinary share (PLN) 24 157 Prospectus of MNI S.A 4. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY PLN '000 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2004 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY I. Balance of equity at beginning of period (opening balance) 56,298 36,133 I.a. Balance of equity at beginning of period (opening balance), after reconciliation to comparable data 56,298 36,133 1. Balance of share capital at beginning of period 22,709 13,209 -137 9,500 1.1. Changes in share capital 9,500 a) increase, including: 9,500 - shares issued 137 b) decrease, including: 137 - shares retired 1.2. Balance of share capital at end of period 2. Treasury shares at beginning of period 22,572 22,709 -137 -137 2.1. Changes in treasury shares 137 a) decrease, including: 137 - shares retired 137 -137 2.2. Treasury shares at end of period 27,251 25,129 3.1. Changes in statutory reserve funds 5,321 2,122 a) increase, including: 5,321 6,532 3. Statutory reserve funds at beginning of period 5,758 - share premium account 73 - distribution of profit (statutory) 774 5,248 - reclassification of retained profit 4,410 b) decrease, including: 4,410 - covered loss 3.2. Statutory reserve funds at end of period 4. Revaluation capital reserve at beginning of period 32,572 27,251 125 125 4.1. Changes in revaluation capital reserve 4.2. Revaluation capital reserve at end of period 5. Other capital reserves at beginning of period 125 125 1,047 1,047 5.1. Changes in other capital reserves 5.2. Other capital reserves at end of period 1,047 1,047 6. Retained profit (deficit) at beginning of period 5,230 -3,240 6.1. Retained profit at beginning of period 5,248 1,170 73 -254 6.2. Retained profit at beginning of period, after reconciliation to comparable data 5,321 916 a) decrease, including: 5,321 774 - transfer of profit to statutory reserve funds 5,321 774 18 4,410 a) other adjustments at beginning of period 142 6.3. Retained profit at end of period 6.4. Retained deficit at beginning of period 18 a) other adjustments at beginning of period b) correction of fundamental errors 6.5. Retained deficit at beginning of period, after reconciliation to comparable data 4,428 a) increase, including: - transfer of retained deficit to be covered b) decrease, including: 4,410 - loss covered from statutory reserve funds 4,410 6.6. Retained deficit at end of period 6.7. Retained profit (deficit) at end of period 158 18 18 -18 124 Prospectus of MNI S.A 33,868 7. Net profit (loss) 5,106 73 8. Minority interests at beginning of period 73 a) increase 73 b) decrease 73 8.1. Minority interests at end of period 90,166 II. Equity at end of period (closing balance ) 159 56,298 Prospectus of MNI S.A 5. CASH-FLOW STATEMENT PLN '000 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2004 CASH-FLOW STATEMENT A. Cash flows from operating activities - indirect method 33,868 I. Net profit (loss) II. Total adjustments 1. Depreciation and amortisation 5,106 -19,469 -239 12,136 8,335 2. Foreign exchange (gains) losses 25 -44 3. (Gain)/loss on investing activities 322 -273 3,077 340 5. Change in inventories -96 -2 6. Change in receivables 4. Change in provisions -37,399 -16,653 7. Change in current liabilities (net of loans and borrowings) 37,130 12,101 8. Change in accruals and deferrals -1,196 9. Income tax paid 10. Other adjustments III. Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities (I+/-II) -19 -7 -33,449 -4,309 14,399 4,867 6,579 972 B. Cash flows from investing activities I. Cash provided by investing activities 6,579 972 II. Cash used in investing activities 87,860 8,836 1. Acquisition of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 15,814 8,685 2. Expenditure on financial assets, including: 72,046 151 a) in related undertakings 71,962 - acquisition of financial assets 71,962 1. Sale of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment b) in other undertakings 84 - acquisition of financial assets 84 151 -81,281 -7,864 85,333 16,659 III. Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (I-II) C. Cash flows from financing activities I. Cash provided by financing activities 1. Net proceeds from issue of shares, other equity instruments and additional contributions to equity 15,258 85,153 2. Increase in loans and borrowings 151 1,221 180 180 II. Cash used in financing activities 17,569 14,076 1. Repayment of loans and borrowings 13,122 2,716 2,150 10,000 958 344 3. Other cash provided by financing activities 2. Other financial liabilities 3. Decrease in financed lease liabilities 70 16 5. Licence fee instalments paid 354 412 6.Arrangement instalments paid 853 408 4. Interest paid 7. Other cash used in financing activities III. Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (I-II) D. Total net cash flow (A.III+/-B.III+/-C.III) E. Balance-sheet change in cash, including: F. Cash at beginning of period G. Cash at end of period (F+/- D) 160 62 180 67,764 2,583 882 -414 17,458 -12 454 868 17,912 454 Prospectus of MNI S.A 6. NOTES Note 1A Dec 31 2005 PLN ‘000 Dec 31 2004 10,921 2,708 10,921 2,769 Dec 31 2005 PLN ‘000 Dec 31 2004 a) owned b) used under lease and rental agreements, including financed lease agreements 10,921 2,769 Total intangible assets 10,921 2,769 Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2004 a) goodwill 20,828 4,633 Goodwill 20,828 4,633 INTANGIBLE ASSETS a) acquired permits, patents, licences and similar assets, including: b) prepayments for intangible assets 61 Total intangible assets Note 1B INTANGIBLE ASSETS (by ownership) 0 Note 1C 0 PLN ‘000 GOODWILL In 2004, following the acquisition of an organised part of business by the parent undertaking, goodwill was recognised. In accordance with the IFRS, the goodwill is tested for impairment on an annual basis. - acquisition price PLN 5,562 thousand - net assets as at date of control take-over PLN 930 thousand goodwill PLN 4,633 thousand No material merger costs were incurred other than the contractual acquisition price. In 2005, following the purchase of shares in Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., an excess of the shares value over the corresponding portion of the acquired company’s net assets was recognised: - acquisition price PLN 16,669 thousand - net assets as at date of control take-over PLN 474 thousand goodwill PLN 16,195 thousand No material merger costs were incurred other than the contractual acquisition price. Note 2A PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT a) tangible assets, including: - land (including perpetual usufruct rights) Dec 31 2005 PLN ‘000 Dec 31 2004 114,552 63,223 99 99 - buildings and structures 44,497 32,585 - plant and equipment 68,762 30,281 - vehicles 758 129 - other tangible assets 436 129 b) assets under construction Total property, plant and equipment 161 7,596 3,020 122,148 66,243 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 2B ON-BALANCE-SHEET TANGIBLE ASSETS (by ownership) a) owned b) used under lease and rental agreements, including financed lease agreements: Dec 31 2005 PLN ‘000 Dec 31 2004 120,511 65,312 1,637 931 1,637 931 122,148 66,243 Dec 31 2005 PLN’ 000 Dec 31 2004 Net non-current receivables 6,421 2,368 Gross non-current receivables 6,421 2,368 Dec 31 2005 PLN ‘000 Dec 31 2004 financed lease agreements Total on-balance-sheet tangible assets Note 3 NON-CURRENT RECEIVABLES Note 4A NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS a) in other undertakings 210 shares 210 Total non-current financial assets 210 Note 4B Dec 31 2005 NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS PLN ‘000 Dec 31 2004 A. Freely marketable, listed (carrying value) 210 a) shares (carrying value) 210 fair value 210 Note 4C PLN ‘000 Dec 31 2005 NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS (BY CURRENCY) Dec 31 2004 a) in Polish currency 210 Total securities, equity interests and other financial assets 210 Note 4D PLN ‘000 CHANGE IN NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS (BY TYPE) a) balance at beginning of period Jan 1 – Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 – Dec 31 2004 210 101 210 101 - shares in related undertakings - shares in other undertakings 109 b) increase, including: - shares in related undertakings 109 - shares in other undertakings c) decrease, including: 210 - shares in related undertakings - disposal of shares in other undertakings 210 c) balance at end of period 0 162 210 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 1D MOVEMENTS IN INTANGIBLE ASSETS (BY TYPE) a b acquired permits, patents, licences and similar assets including: computer software a) gross intangible assets at beginning of period other intangible assets Total intangible assets 2,998 2,998 2,998 10,673 10,673 10,673 - purchase 8,955 8,955 8,955 - other 1,718 1,718 1,718 c) decrease, including: 26 26 87 - liquidation 26 26 87 13,645 13,645 13,645 290 290 290 f) amortisation for period, including: 2,460 2,460 2,460 - annual amortisation 1,961 1,961 1,961 499 499 499 decrease, including: 26 26 26 - liquidation 26 26 26 2,724 2,724 2,724 10,921 10,921 10,921 b) increase, including: d) gross intangible assets at end of period e) accumulated amortisation at beginning of period - other g) accumulated amortisation at end of period h) net intangible assets at end of period 163 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 2C MOVEMENTS IN TANGIBLE ASSETS (BY TYPE) owned land (including perpetual usufruct rights) a) gross tangible assets at beginning of period 99 buildings and structures plant and equipment vehicles other tangible assets Total tangible assets 64,563 52,714 766 256 118,398 20,524 96,688 1,636 2,156 121,004 104 3,388 420 48 3,960 23 871 20,397 92,429 c) decrease, including: 4,366 1,804 - disposal 4,135 b) increase, including: - purchase - transfer from warehouse - other - liquidation - other d) gross tangible assets at end of period 99 3 897 1,216 2,105 116,147 208 23 6,401 28 1 4,164 93 109 138 1,695 180 22 2,035 202 80,721 147,598 2,194 2,389 233,001 e) accumulated depreciation at beginning of period 9,316 22,433 637 127 32,513 f) depreciation for period, including: 9,501 57,381 1,005 1,845 69,732 - annual depreciation 2,706 7,130 280 59 10,175 - other 6,795 50,251 725 1,786 59,557 424 1,246 206 19 1,895 21 38 g) decrease, including: - liquidation - disposal 318 - other 59 28 346 85 1,208 178 19 1,490 g) accumulated depreciation at end of period 18,817 79,814 1,611 108 100,350 h) impairment charges at beginning of period 22,662 - increase 22,662 268 - decrease 268 4,831 i) impairment charges at end of period 4,831 17,831 268 j) net tangible assets at end of period 99 44,497 68,762 758 436 18,099 k) net tangible assets at beginning of period 99 32585 30,281 129 129 114,552 63,223 114,552 l) tangible assets at end of period 164 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 9 PLN ‘000 SHARE CAPITAL (STRUCTURE) - December 31st 2005 Series/issue Type of shares Preference A registered 3:1 voting preference A B Type of limitation of rights to shares Number of shares Value of series/issue at par value Covered with Registration date Rights to dividend from 13,189 13,189 contribution in kind 1996-08-07 1997-01-01 ordinary 918,711 918,711 contribution in kind 1996-08-07 1997-01-01 ordinary 163,110 163,110 cash 1996-08-07 1997-01-01 C ordinary 136,590 136,590 cash 1997-02-20 1997-01-01 D ordinary 763,410 763,410 cash 1997-02-20 1997-01-01 E ordinary 4,420,000 4,420,000 cash 1997-05-14 1997-01-01 F ordinary 3,566,004 3,566,004 cash 1998-11-19 1998-01-01 G ordinary 118,986 118,986 cash 1998-11-19 1998-01-01 H ordinary 2,608,558 2,608,558 cash 2001-07-27 2001-01-01 I ordinary 363,000 363,000 cash 2001-03-23 2001-01-01 J ordinary 4,000,000 4,000,000 cash 2004-09-16 2003-01-01 K ordinary 5,500,000 5,500,000 cash 2004-12-31 2005-01-01 Total number of shares 22,571,558 Total share capital 22,571,558 Par value of one share – PLN 1 As at December 31st 2005 the share capital of MNI S.A. amounted to PLN 22,571,558 and was divided into 22,571,558 Series A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K shares with the par value of PLN 1 per share. Shareholders of MNI S.A. holding over 5% of the shares or of the total vote at the General Shareholders Meeting of MNI S.A. No. Shareholder PLN Number of shares % of total shares Number of votes % of total vote 1 COM INVESTMENT Sp. z o.o. (formerly MEDIA-NET INTERACTIVE Sp. z o.o.) 9,191,590 40.48 9,191,590 40.48 2 Andrzej Piechocki together with Dedal Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. 3,313,144 14.68 3,313,144 14.66 3 Caterham Financial Menagement Ltd. 1,250,000 5.51 1,250,000 5.5 In the reporting period, the par value of the shares did not change and there were no changes in the rights attached to the shares. 165 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 5 PLN '000 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 CHANGE IN DEFERRED TAX ASSET 1. Deferred tax asset at beginning of period, including: Jan 1 - Dec 31 2004 815 a) recognised in net profit or loss 815 2. Increase 9,796 815 a) recognised in net profit or loss for the period in connection with deductible temporary differences, including: 9,796 815 deferred tax on costs invoiced after the closing of financial period 5,036 815 deferred tax relating to tax loss for previous years 4,760 3. Decrease 7,298 a) recognised in net profit or loss for the period in connection with deductible temporary differences, including: 7,298 deferred tax on costs invoiced after the closing of financial period 4,386 deferred tax relating to tax loss for previous years 2,912 4. Total deferred tax asset at end of period, including: 3,313 815 a) recognised in net profit or loss 3,313 815 Note 6 Dec 31 2005 INVENTORIES PLN '000 Dec 31 2004 a) materials 375 160 Total inventories 375 160 - there are no restrictions on disposal of the inventories - the value of the inventories recognised as costs in the period amounted to: 114 - value of materials sold 111 - general administrative expenses and selling costs (value of advertising materials charged to costs) Note 7A CURRENT RECEIVABLES Dec 31 2005 PLN' 000 Dec 31 2004 a) receivables from other undertakings trade receivables, maturing in: 33,453 12,631 32,625 11,829 up to 12 months 31,839 11,735 over 12 months 786 94 other 828 802 33,453 12,631 Total current receivables, net b) valuation allowance for receivables Total current receivables, gross 166 5,652 1,911 39,105 14,542 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 7B PLN '000 CHANGE IN VALUATION ALLOWANCES FOR CURRENT RECEIVABLES Jan 1 -Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 -Dec 31 2004 Balance at beginning of period 1,911 2,206 a) increase 4,465 198 - valuation allowances for receivables from customers 1,167 198 - other 3,298 b) decrease 724 493 - valuation allowances for receivables from customers 574 430 - other 200 - valuation allowances for interest 39 - valuation allowances for court costs 24 Balance of valuation allowances for current receivables at end of period 5,652 1,911 Dec 31 2005 PLN '000 Dec 31 2004 38,426 13,767 679 775 Note 7C CURRENT RECEIVABLES, BY CURRENCY a) in Polish currency b) in foreign currencies (in foreign currency and restated in PLN) b1. unit/currency USD 18 6 PLN '000 60 37 1,552 2,618 b2. unit/currency CZK 206 367 3,478 2,492 355 275 b4. unit/currency EUR 15 24 PLN '000 58 96 39,105 14,542 PLN '000 b3. unit/currency SKK PLN '000 Total current receivables, gross Note 7D PLN'000 TRADE RECEIVABLES (GROSS), BY MATURITY AS FROM THE BALANCE-SHEET DATE Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2004 23,578 10,303 Trade receivables maturing in: a) up to 1 month b) more than 1 month – up to 3 months 19 10 6,509 450 d) more than 6 months – up to 1 year 191 51 e) more than 1 year 595 94 7,385 1,204 38,277 12,112 5,652 283 32,625 11,829 c) more than 3 months – up to 6 months f) past due Total trade receivables (gross) g) valuation allowances for trade receivables Total trade receivables (net) 167 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 7E PLN '000 PAST-DUE TRADE RECEIVABLES (GROSS), BY PERIOD OF DELAY a) delayed by up to 1 month Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2004 551 523 1,252 253 c) delayed by more than 3 months – up to 6 months 407 130 d) delayed by more than 6 months – up to 1 year 598 154 b) delayed by more than 1 month – up to 3 months e) delayed by more than 1 year 4,577 144 Total past-due trade receivables (gross) 7,385 1,204 f) valuation allowances for trade receivables 5,652 283 Total past-due trade receivables (net) 1,733 921 The difference between notes 7E and 7B concerning the valuation allowances for trade receivables in 2004 results from the fact that note 7B discloses valuation allowances for all receivables while note 7E shows valuation receivables for trade receivables only. Note 8A CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS Dec 31 2005 a) in other undertakings 263 shares 237 loans advanced PLN '000 Dec 31 2004 26 b) cash and cash equivalents 17,912 454 cash in hand and cash at banks 17,106 454 806 other cash Total current financial assets 18,175 Note 8B 454 PLN '000 SECURITIES, EQUITY INTERESTS AND OTHER CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS, BY CURRENCY Dec 31 2005 a) in Polish currency 237 Total securities, equity interests and other current financial assets 237 Note 8C Dec 31 2004 PLN '000 SECURITIES, EQUITY INTERESTS AND OTHER CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS, BY TRANSFERABILITY Dec 31 2005 A. Freely transferable, listed (carrying value) 237 a) shares (carrying value) 237 Total value at beginning of period 237 Total carrying value 237 Note 8D CURRENT LOANS ADVANCED, BY CURRENCY Dec 31 2005 a) in Polish currency 26 Total current loans advanced 26 Note 8E CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BY CURRENCY Dec 31 2004 PLN '000 Dec 31 2004 Dec 31 2005 PLN '000 Dec 31 2004 a) in Polish currency 17,912 454 Total cash and cash equivalents 17,912 454 168 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 10 STATUTORY RESERVE FUNDS Dec 31 2005 PLN '000 Dec 31 2004 a) other (by type) 32 572 27 251 Total statutory reserve funds 32 572 27 251 There were no additional contributions. Statutory reserve funds are created from profit distributions and are maintained to cover potential future losses. Note 11 REVALUATION CAPITAL RESERVE Dec 31 2005 PLN '000 Dec 31 2004 a) from revaluation of tangible assets 125 125 Total revaluation capital reserve 125 125 Revaluation of tangible assets in compliance with the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 1995. Note 12 OTHER CAPITAL RESERVES, BY PURPOSE - created from profit distributions Dec 31 2005 PLN '000 Dec 31 2004 1,047 1,047 Total other capital reserves 1,047 1,047 The capital reserves were created from the net profit for 1994 – PLN 36.7 thousand, for 1996 – PLN 228.6 thousand, for 1997 – PLN 781.6 thousand, in total: PLN 1,046.9 thousand. The capital reserves were created for coverage of future net losses. Note 12A MINORITY INTERESTS - minority interests Dec 31 2005 PLN '000 Dec 31 2004 0 73 Minority interests 0 73 Minority interests in 2005 were disclosed as zero, because their value was negative, at -PLN 106 thousand, and were settled against the Group's equity. Note 13A Jan 1 – Dec 31 2005 CHANGE IN DEFERRED TAX LIABILITY PLN ‘000 Jan 1 – Dec 31 2004 1. Deferred tax liability at beginning of period 1,712 851 2. Increase 7,642 1,196 a) recognised in net profit or loss for the period due to taxable temporary differences, including: 7,642 1,196 - revenue not invoiced 7,565 1,196 - balance sheet valuation – foreign exchange gains/losses 16 - employee benefits – retirement severance pays 2 - provision for unused holidays 59 3. Decrease 6,504 335 a) recognised in net profit or loss for the period due to taxable temporary differences, including: 6,504 323 - revenue not invoiced 6,423 - amortisation charges relating to a licence 81 - amortisation of a licence 81 242 b) depreciation of tangible assets covered by an investment tax credit 4. Total deferred tax liability at end of period 12 2,850 1,712 PLN ‘000 169 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 13B CHANGE IN NON-CURRENT PROVISION FOR RETIREMENT AND SIMILAR BENEFITS, BY CATEGORY Jan 1 –Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 – Dec 31 2004 a) balance at beginning of period 9 8 b) increase, including: 2 1 provision created 2 1 c) release, including: 2 - adjustment to provision balance 2 d) balance at end of period 9 Note 13C CHANGE IN CURRENT PROVISION FOR RETIREMENT AND SIMILAR BENEFITS, BY CATEGORY Jan 1 –Dec 31 2005 9 PLN ‘000 Jan 1 – Dec 31 2004 a) balance at beginning of period 196 158 b) increase, including: 176 75 - accrual of cash equivalent for unused holidays 176 75 c) use, including: 52 37 - payment of cash equivalent for unused holidays 52 37 320 196 Dec 31 2005 PLN ‘000 Dec 31 2004 73,339 17,488 d) balance at end of period Note 14A NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES a) to other undertakings - loans and borrowings - other Total curent liabilities 68,396 5,058 4,943 12,430 73,339 17,488 Note 14B NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES, BALANCE-SHEET DATE PLN ‘000 BY MATURITY AS FROM THE Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2004 Liabilities maturing in: a) more than 1 year – up to 3 years 42,883 5,647 b) more than 3 years – up to 5 years 28,778 10,601 1,678 1,240 73,339 17,488 Dec 31 2005 PLN ‘000 Dec 31 2004 73,339 16,997 c) more than 5 years Total non-current liabilities Note 14C NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES, BY CURRENCY a) in Polish currency b) in foreign currencies (in foreign currency and restated in PLN) 491 b1. unit/currency EUR ‘000 119 PLN ‘000 491 73,339 17,488 Dec 31 2005 PLN ‘000 Dec 31 2004 a) to other undertakings - loans and borrowings 47,248 13,641 12,262 2,027 - trade payables 27,783 10,823 Total non-current liabilities Note 15A CURRENT LIABILITIES - other Total current liabilities 7,203 791 47,248 13,641 PLN '000 170 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 15B Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2004 47,175 13,069 b) in foreign currencies (in foreign currency and restated in PLN) 73 572 b1. unit/currency EUR '000 19 140 PLN '000 73 572 47,248 13,641 CURRENT LIABILITIES, BY CURRENCY a) in Polish currency Total current liabilities 171 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 14D Name PLN '000 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES UNDER LOANS AND BORROWINGS - DEC 31 2005 Company name Registered Amount of loan/borrowing as Amount outstanding and legal form office in per agreement PLN '000 currency PLN '000 currency 81,000 PLN 68,396 PLN Interest Repayment date MNI S.A. BRE BANK S.A. Warsaw 1M WIBOR +1.8PA 20.12.2010 Collateral assignment by way of security Note 15C PLN '000 CURRENT LIABILITIES UNDER LOANS AND BORROWINGS - DEC 31 2005 Amount of loan/borrowing as Amount outstanding Company name Registered per agreement and legal form office in PLN '000 currency PLN '000 currency Interest Repayment date MNI S.A. BRE BANK S.A. Collateral * PLN 8,798 PLN 1M WIBOR +1.8PA 31.12.2006 MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Telefonia PKO S.A. Pilicka Sp. z o.o.) Radom 3,964 PLN 1,964 PLN 3M WIBOR + 3 31.12.2006 Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. Warsaw 750 PLN 750 PLN 1M WIBOR + 1.2 revolving loan, agreement valid until Jul 30 2007 assignment of receivables under issued invoices 1M WIBOR + 1.2 revolving loan, agreement valid until Oct 27 2007 assignment of receivables under issued invoices BRE BANK S.A. BRE BANK S.A. Warsaw 750 PLN 750 PLN Other assignment by way of security Warsaw Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. Other assignment by way of security In accordance with the loan agreement of August 11th 2005, the contracted loan of PLN 81,000 thousand was presented in the balance sheet under two different items depending on the maturity of a particular portion of the loan: - the PLN 8,798 thousand maturing within one year was presented under current liabilities under loans and borrowings, - the PLN 68,396 thousand maturing after more than one year was presented under no-current liabilities under loans and borrowings, The Group revalued the non-current portion of the loan at amortised cost (in line with the Group's accounting policies). 172 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 16A PLN '000 NET REVENUE FROM SALES OF PRODUCTS, BY TYPE OF ACTIVITY Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 -Dec 31 2004 - telecommunications services 29,078 17,118 - media services 48,239 14,040 5,085 2,943 669 9,642 83,071 43,743 - call centre services - other services Total net revenue from sales of products Note 16B NET REVENUE FROM SALES (GEOGRAPHICAL STRUCTURE) PLN '000 OF PRODUCTS Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 a) domestic sales b) exports Total net revenue from sales of products 79,523 39,971 3,548 3,772 83,071 43,743 Note 17A NET REVENUE FROM SALES OF GOODS FOR RESALE AND MATERIALS, BY TYPE OF ACTIVITY Jan 1 -Dec 31 2004 PLN '000 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 -Dec 31 2004 revenue from sales of materials 116 9 Total net revenue from sales of goods for resale and materials 116 9 Note 17B NET REVENUE FROM SALES OF GOODS FOR RESALE AND MATERIALS (GEOGRAPHICAL STRUCTURE) PLN '000 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 a) domestic sales Jan 1 -Dec 31 2004 116 9 116 9 b) exports Total net revenue from sales of goods for resale and materials Note 18 COSTS BY TYPE PLN '000 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 –Dec 31 2004 a) amortisation and depreciation 12,136 8,335 b) raw materials and energy used 1,524 756 c) contracted services 48,840 26,482 d) taxes and charges 1,640 1,247 e) salaries and wages 11,404 5,495 f) social security and other benefits 2,213 622 g) other costs by type 1,354 813 Total costs by type 79,111 43,750 selling costs (negative value) -2,055 -1,652 general and administrative expenses (negative value) -4,196 -2,179 Cost of products sold 72,860 39,919 PLN '000 173 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 19 OTHER OPERATING INCOME Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 1. gain on disposal of non-current non-financial assets 2. other operating income a) provisions released, including: Jan 1 -Dec 31 2004 24 24 11,659 5,997 1,651 169 148 163 - provision for holiday leaves 6 - provision for liabilities - provision for rights of way and use of lines 1,503 b) other, including: - valuation allowances 10,008 5,625 return of costs from court enforcement officer 38 - VAT 5,828 2,900 1 1 - compensation received under insurance policies 17 - adjustment to previous years' costs 2,051 11 - cancelled debt 4,021 - other 307 864 3. Excess of share in fair value of net identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of acquired undertaking over acquisition cost 23,946 Total other operating income 35,629 6,021 In 2005, the parent undertaking acquired shares MNI Telekom (formerly Telefonia Pilicka) Sp. z o.o. - acquisition cost PLN 55,343 thousand - value of acquired assets PLN 79,289 thousand - excess of share in the net fair value of identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the acquired entity over the acquisition cost (negative goodwill) PLN 23,946 thousand Acquisition-related costs of PLN 560 thousand (foreign exchange losses) and PLN 550 thousand (PCC) were included in the acquisition cost, reducing the value of the negative goodwill which was recognised in the net profit for the period. Note 20 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES PLN '000 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 -Dec 31 2004 1. loss on disposal of non-current non-financial assets 181 296 2. revaluation of non-financial assets 344 233 3. other operating expenses 5,121 1,097 a) provisions created, including 1,677 213 - for retirement severance pays - for disputed claims - for unused holidays 2 12 1,553 140 122 61 b) other, including: 3,444 884 - valuation allowances 1,437 233 - court fees 137 68 - receivables written-off 123 448 1 2 - donations - previous years' costs 177 3 - other 228 130 - cost of analyses of infrastructure 1,341 Total other operating expenses 5,646 1,626 PLN '000 174 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 21A FINANCIAL INCOME - INTEREST INCOME Jan 1 – Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 -Dec 31 2004 a) other interest 423 22 from other undertakings 423 22 Total interest income 423 22 Note 21B OTHER FINANCIAL INCOME PLN '000 Jan 1 – Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 -Dec 31 2004 a) foreign exchange gains 35 realised 15 4 unrealised 20 160 b) other, including: 1,567 - cancelled interest 1,567 Total other financial income 35 Note 22A FINANCIAL EXPENSES - INTEREST EXPENSE 164 1,731 PLN '000 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 -Dec 31 2004 a) interest on loans and borrowings 583 486 to other undertakings 583 486 b) other interest 462 171 to other undertakings 462 171 Total interest expense 1,045 657 Note 22B REVALUATION PLN '000 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 a) valuation allowances, including: 446 - investment revaluation 446 Jan 1 -Dec 31 2004 This refers to a valuation allowance for shares in BIA-NET Sp. z o.o., a consolidated undertaking. To eliminate the value of the shares in preparing the consolidated financial statements, the allowance was reversed, increasing retained profit/deficit. Note 22c OTHER FINANCIAL EXPENSES PLN '000 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 -Dec 31 2004 a) foreign exchange losses, including: 64 76 realised 63 65 unrealised 1 11 b) other 314 173 Total other financial expenses 378 249 Note 23A CURRENT INCOME TAX PLN '000 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 -Dec 31 2004 1. Current income tax shown in the tax return for the period 25 85 shown in the income statement 25 85 175 Prospectus of MNI S.A Explanatory note to income statement, item XV - Income tax, a) current portion In 2004, taxable income was recognised by the following undertakings: 1. Media Personel Serwis Sp. z o.o. - tax base : PLN 374 thousand - income tax at 19% rate: PLN 71 thousand 2. Szeptel International Sp. z o.o. - tax base: PLN 74 thousand - income tax at 19% rate: PLN 14 thousand In 2005, taxable income was recognised by: 1. Szeptel International Sp. z o.o. - tax base: PLN 134 thousand - income tax at 19% rate: PLN 25 thousand Note 23B CURRENT INCOME TAX * PLN ‘000 Jan 1 – Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 –Dec 31 2004 11,254 5,020 2. Differences between pre-tax profit (loss) and tax base, including: 7,425 8,523 - costs permanently non-tax-deductible 3,141 944 - costs permanently increasing tax-deductible costs 2,200 1,314 6,490 6,090 - costs temporarily non-tax-deductible 3,363 5,366 - other periods’ costs increasing tax-deductible costs 1,050 547 13,639 6,882 3,829 -3,503 1. Pre-tax profit/(loss) - revenue permanently not classified as taxable revenue - revenue not recognised as taxable revenue - revenue permanently increasing taxable revenue 3. Income tax base 4. Income tax at 19% rate 5. Tax assessment or abatement, tax credits, deductions 3,829 and reductions Reconciliation of net profit (loss) to the taxable income reported for the parent undertaking. − Note 23C DEFERRED INCOME TAX RECOGNISED IN THE INCOME STATEMENT PLN ‘000 Jan 1 – Dec 31 2005 decrease (increase) due to emergence and reversal of temporary differences, including: -1,359 - increase in deferred tax assets -2,497 Jan 1 –Dec 31 2004 45 1,138 - increase in deferred tax liability -1,359 Total deferred income tax 45 NOTE 24 Net earnings per share were calculated by dividing net profit (attributable to equity holders of the parent) by the number of shares. In 2005, the net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent amounted to PLN 34,021 thousand. Weighted average number of shares: 22,645,005 shares. Earnings per share: PLN 1.50. Weighted average number of shares of MNI S.A. in 2005 change in shares Jan 1st 2005 - Jul 13th 2005 Jul 14th 2005 - Dec 31st 2005 -137,000 Calculation (22,708,558 x 193 / 360 ) + (22,571,558 x 167 / 360 ) = 22,645,005 176 balance number of days in the period 22,708,558 193 22,571,558 167 Prospectus of MNI S.A In 2005, the weighted average number of shares amounted to 22,645,005 shares. NOTES TO THE CASH-FLOW STATEMENT 1. The cash disclosed in the cash-flow statement comprised (PLN '000): Dec 31 2005 Cash in hand Cash at banks Dec 31 2004 31 115 17,881 339 17,912 454 Other cash TOTAL 2. Item A.I.3 The amount of PLN 322 thousand in 2005 comprises the gains on sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets of: MNI S.A PLN 126 thousand BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. PLN 41 thousand MNI Telekom (formerly Telefonia Pilicka) Sp. z o.o. PLN 155 thousand 3. Item A.I.10 The amount of - PLN 33,449 thousand in 2005 comprises the following non-cash adjustments to the net profit: a) negative goodwill on the acquisition of MNI Telekom (formerly Telefonia Pilicka) Sp. z o.o., recognised in the net profit for 2005 acquisition cost PLN 55,343 thousand value of acquired net assets PLN 79,289 thousand negative goodwill PLN 23,946 thousand b) cancellation of liabilities in connection with arrangement proceedings, in the amount of PLN 4,021 thousand c) valuation allowance for property, plant and equipment, in the amount of PLN 4,833 thousand d) other, in the amount of PLN 649 thousand 4. Item B.II.2.a) The amount of PLN 72,046 thousand in 2005 represents the expenditure on the acquisition of shares in MNI Telekom (formerly Telefonia Pilicka) Sp. z o.o. and Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., worth PLN 72,305 thousand, for which PLN 72,046 thousand was paid. 5. Item E The balance-sheet change in cash of PLN 17,458 thousand comprises: net cash flow (item D) of PLN 882 thousand cash acquired in 2005 from MNI Telekom (formerly Telefonia Pilicka) Sp. o.o. of PLN 16,564 thousand cash acquired in 2005 from Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. of PLN 12 thousand 6. Information on the value of assets and equity and liabilities of consolidated subsidiaries, grouped into major categories, is presented in supplementary information to the consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group for 2005, under "Information on the Group". 177 Prospectus of MNI S.A NOTES REGARDING IFRS 3, paragraph 70 Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. revenue in the period January 1st - August 9th 2005 net profit in the period January 1st - August 9th 2005 PLN 9,608 thousand PLN 1,214 thousand revenue in the period August 10th - December 31st 2005 net profit in the period August 10th - December 31st 2005 PLN 7,015 thousand PLN 553 thousand MNI Telekom (formerly Telefonia Pilicka) Sp. z o.o. revenue in the period January 1st - December 18th 2005 net profit in the period January 1st - December 18th 2005 PLN 36,346 thousand PLN 2,657 thousand revenue in the period December 19th - December 31st 2005 net profit in the period December 19th - December 31st 2005 PLN 3,253 thousand PLN 1,945 thousand If control of Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. and MNI Telekom Sp. z o.o. had been taken over at the beginning of the period, the revenue would have amounted to PLN 142,614 thousand, and the net profit would have been PLN 58,830 thousand. Note 25 PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED INTO FOUR CATEGORIES PLN '000 FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT OR LOSS Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2004 a) in other undertakings 237 0 shares listed on the WSE - ENERGO-PŁD 237 0 Total financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 237 0 PLN '000 Dec 31 2004 Dec 31 2005 FINANCIAL ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR SALE a) in other undertakings 210 Total financial assets available for sale 210 LOANS ADVANCED PLN '000 Dec 31 2004 Dec 31 2005 a) current loans 26 Total current loans 26 INVESTMENTS HELD TO MATURITY a) non-current loans - see note 14A b) current loans - see note 15A 178 Prospectus of MNI S.A Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for 2005 prepared for the purposes of the MNI Prospectus, in accordance with the regulations governing the preparation of prospectuses to be published when securities are issued, in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No. 809/2004 and other regulations applicable to the Polish capital market, including the Public Offering Act I. INFORMATION ON THE GROUP The parent undertaking of the Group is MNI Spółka Akcyjna, registered office at ul. Żurawia 8, Warsaw, Poland. The Company is entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court of Białystok, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under No. KRS 0000003901. The Company’s business is provision of telecommunications services (PKD 6420). The Company is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The MNI Group is composed of the following entities: Subsidiary undertakings included in the consolidated financial statements: 1. 2. MNI Telekom (formerly: Telefonia Pilicka) Sp. z o.o. of Radom – telecommunications services – 100% equity interest; Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw – telecommunications services – 100% equity interest; 3. Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw – auxiliary company; development of system and application software for content and functionality management of data communication service platforms with respect to Voice/Data/SMS/MMS services, and specialist personnel management – 100% equity interest; 4. Szeptel International Sp. z o.o. of Szepietowo – auxiliary company; human resources and logistics management for the Contact Centre in Szepietowo – 100% equity interest; 5. OSS S.A. of Szepietowo – telecommunications infrastructure development – 100% equity interest; 6. BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. of Białystok – telecommunications, IT – 53.9% equity interest. 179 Prospectus of MNI S.A CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARY UNDERTAKINGS AS AT DECEMBER 31ST 2005 a No Company name and form of incorporation b Registered office c d f g h i j k Business profile Nature of capital link (subsidiary, jointlycontrolled, or associated undertaking, direct or indirect) Control/ joint control/ significant influence exercised since: Shares at cost (PLN ‘000) Total valuation allowances (PLN ‘000) Carrying value of shares (PLN ‘000) % of share capital held % of the total vote at the General Shareholders Meeting 1 Szeptel International Sp. z o.o. Szepietowo telecommunications, call centre projects subsidiary undertaking Jun 7 2000 101 0 101 100.00 100.00 2 OSS S.A. Szepietowo telecommunications infrastructure development subsidiary undertaking Aug 24 2000 1,257 1,257 0 100.00 100.00 3 Media Personel Serwis Sp. z o.o. Warsaw software services, human resources management subsidiary undertaking Dec 20 2004 30 0 30 100.00 100.00 May 11 2005 446 446 0 53.90 53.90 Aug 10 2005 16,669 0 16,669 100.00 100.00 Dec 19 2005 55,343 0 55,343 100.00 100.00 BIA NET Sp. subsidiary Białystok Lease of infrastructure z o.o. undertaking Legion telecommunications subsidiary 5 Polska Warsaw services undertaking Sp. z o.o. MNI Telekom (formerly: telecommunications subsidiary 6 Telefonia Radom services undertaking Pilicka) Sp. z o.o. NON-CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARY UNDERTAKINGS AS AT DECEMBER 31ST 2005 4 a No Company name and form of incorporation b Registered office c d f g h i j k Business profile Nature of capital link (subsidiary, jointlycontrolled, or associated undertaking, direct or indirect) Control/ joint control/ significant influence exercised since: Shares at cost (PLN ‘000) Total valuation allowances (PLN ‘000) Carrying value of shares (PLN ‘000) % of share capital held % of the total vote at the General Shareholders Meeting 1 Szeptel Internet Sp z o.o. Kraków Internet services subsidiary undertaking Apr 5 2000 75 75 0 100.00 100.00 2 EPL S.A. Szepietowo Web page services subsidiary undertaking Sep 5 2000 101 101 0 100.00 100.00 180 Prospectus of MNI S.A Non-consolidated subsidiary undertakings – loss of control – companies placed in liquidation: 1. Szeptel Internet Sp. z o.o. of Kraków 2. EPL Sp. z o.o. of Szepietowo Undertakings included in consolidation in the period from December 2004: 1. 2. 3. MNI Telekom (formerly: Telefonia Pilicka) Sp. z o.o., which in 2005 reported a profit of PLN 1,945 thousand and whose balance-sheet total as at December 31st 2005 was PLN 85,577 thousand, representing 39.69% of the balance-sheet total of the MNI Group as at December 31st 2005. Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., which reported a profit of PLN 553 thousand and whose balance-sheet total as at December 31st 2005 was PLN 7,755 thousand, representing 3.6% of the balance-sheet total of the MNI Group as at December 31st 2005. In 2005, MNI S.A. acquired shares in BIA-NET Sp. z o.o., thus increasing its holding in the company’s share capital by 24.82%. The acquisition price was PLN 209 thousand. As at December 31st 2005, MNI S.A. holds 53.9% of the share capital of BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. In 2005, BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. reported a loss of PLN 332 thousand and its balance-sheet total as at December 31st 2005 was PLN 952 thousand, which accounts for 0.44% of the balance-sheet total of the MNI Group as at December 31st 2005. 181 Prospectus of MNI S.A Information on the value of assets and equity and liabilities of subsidiary undertakings included in consolidation in 2005 (summarised by each major category) PLN ‘000 As at Dec 31 2005 Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. I. Non-current assets 1. Intangible assets 2. Property, plant and equipment 3. Non-current receivables 4. Non-current investments 5. Deferred tax assets II. Current assets 1. Inventories 2. Current receivables 3. Current investments 3.1. Current financial assets a) in related undertakings b) in other undertakings c) cash and cash equivalents * 3.2. Other current investments 4. Current prepayments and accrued income Total assets I. Equity 1. Share capital 2. Called-up share capital not paid (negative value) 3. Treasury shares (negative value) 4. Statutory reserve funds 5. Revaluation capital reserve 6. Other capital reserves 7. Retained profit/(deficit) 8. Current year net profit/(loss) II. Liabilities and provisions for liabilities 1. Provisions for liabilities 2. Non-current liabilities 3. Current liabilities 4. Current provisions Revenue for Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 MNI Telekom (formerly Telefonia Pilicka) Sp. z o.o. 1,209 1,080 129 0 0 0 6,546 0 6,324 222 222 0 200 22 0 0 7,755 603 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 553 7,152 0 0 7,152 0 61,536 259 61,277 0 0 0 24,041 9 6,893 17,139 17,139 1,000 0 16,139 0 0 85,577 78,577 113,246 0 0 132,816 0 0 -169,430 1,945 7,000 0 0 7,000 0 16,623 39,599 * Cash and cash equivalents include cash in bank accounts and cash in hand. 182 Prospectus of MNI S.A PLN ‘000 As at Dec 31 2005 MPS Sp. z o.o. OSS Sp. z o.o. Szeptel International Sp. z o.o. Bia-Net Sp. z o.o. ASSETS I. Non-current assets 0 1. Intangible assets 0 0 0 2. Property, plant and equipment 0 4 906 3. Non-current receivables II. Current assets 0 4 912 0 0 0 6 2,106 189 233 40 1. Inventories 0 0 2. Current receivables 2,035 0 38 229 35 3. Current investments 71 151 4 5 3.1. Current financial assets 71 151 4 5 71 151 4 5 2,106 189 237 952 I. Equity 1. Share capital 340 -34 123 -230 30 1,000 100 2,351 2. Statutory reserve funds 272 3. Retained profit/(deficit) 0 a) cash and cash equivalents * Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITES 4. Current year net profit/(loss) II. Liabilities and provisions for liabilities -1,000 94 0 -119 -2,249 38 -34 48 -332 1,766 223 114 1,182 1. Provisions for liabilities 0 0 0 158 2. Non-current liabilities 0 100 0 327 1,766 123 114 697 Total equity and liabilities 2,106 189 * Cash and cash equivalents include cash in bank accounts and cash in hand. 237 952 3. Current liabilities II. KEY RULES GOVERNING PREPARATION OF THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE MNI GROUP The key accounting policies applied in the preparation of the attached consolidated financial statements are presented below: BASIS OF ACCOUNTING The MNI Group prepared the attached consolidated financial statements in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) and related interpretations published in the form of the European Commission regulations, in force as at December 31st 2005. The consolidated financial statements were prepared to cover the period from January 1st 2005 to December 31st 2005. Comparable data cover the corresponding reporting period of 2004, i.e. the period from January 1st 2004 to December 31st 2004. The consolidated financial statements were prepared on a historic cost basis, with the exception of derivative financial instruments and financial assets available for sale, which are measured at fair value. Certain comparable data were restated to adjust them the presentation format adopted for the current period. Detailed information on those restated data is presented in the relevant Notes to the financial statements. 183 Prospectus of MNI S.A CHANGES IN APPLIED ACCOUNTING POLICIES In the year commenced January 1st 2005, no amendments were made to the International Financial Reporting Standards which could have a bearing on the Group’s accounting policies, except for those listed below. In December 2003, the International Accounting Standards Board revised thirteen International Accounting Standards. The revised standards apply to annual periods beginning after January 1st 2005. In February 2004, the International Accounting Standards Board issued IFRS 2 – Share-Based Payments (“IFRS 2”). The new standard applies to annual periods beginning on or after January 1st 2005, and retrospectively to securities issues effected after November 2002 where the instrument had not vested as at January 1st 2005. The MNI Group companies did not issue such instruments as management stock options. In 2004 and in H1 2005, the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee published several interpretations, which should apply to annual periods beginning on or after January 1st 2006. The Group analysed the potential impact of the said amendments on its financial statements and found it to be immaterial. REPORTING CURRENCY The financial data contained in the attached consolidated financial statements are reported in the Polish złoty (PLN), which is the currency used by the Group for the valuation and presentation purposes. The data presented in the consolidated financial statements are rounded off to the nearest thousand. CONSOLIDATION PRINCIPLES Subsidiary Undertakings Subsidiary undertakings of the MNI Group (i.e. undertakings in which the Group holds more than 50% of the total vote at the general shareholders meeting or directs their financial or operating policies on some other basis) are consolidated. In assessing whether the Group exerts control over a given undertaking, potential voting rights exercisable at such undertaking’s general shareholders meeting, as well as their impact, are also taken into account. The subsidiary undertakings are consolidated from the date on which control is assumed by the Group to the date it is lost. The acquisition of subsidiary undertakings is accounted for with the acquisition method. The acquisition cost comprises the acquired company’s assets measured at fair value, shares issued or liabilities contracted as at the acquisition date, and costs directly related to the acquisition. The excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of the acquired subsidiary’s assets is recognised as goodwill. Intra-Group transactions, balances and unrealised profits/losses on intra-Group transactions are eliminated during consolidation. If required, accounting policies of the subsidiary undertakings are modified to comply with the accounting policies applied by the Group. In the case of non-consolidated financial statements, financial interests in subsidiary undertakings are valued at cost, while in consolidated financial statements investments in subsidiary undertakings are eliminated. The excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of the identifiable net assets of a subsidiary undertaking as at the acquisition date is disclosed as consolidation goodwill and is tested for impairment. If the acquisition cost is lower than the fair value of the identifiable net assets of a subsidiary undertaking as at the acquisition date, the difference is disclosed as profit in the income statement. Goodwill Goodwill arising on acquisition represents the excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of the Group’s share in identifiable net assets of the acquired subsidiary as at the acquisition date. The goodwill relating to acquisition of subsidiary undertakings is disclosed under intangible assets as a separate item. The Company’s goodwill resulting from the purchase transactions executed after March 31st 2004 is not amortised in accordance with IFRS 3 – Business Combinations. Consolidation goodwill which arose before March 31st 2004 is not amortised after January 1st 2005. 184 Prospectus of MNI S.A As at the date of acquisition, goodwill is allocated to each cash-generating unit. The Company calculates impairment losses by estimating the recoverable value of the cash-generating unit to which the goodwill pertains. The Company recognises impairment losses if the recoverable value of a cash-generating unit is lower than its carrying value. If goodwill comprises a part of a cash-generating unit and the Company sells a part of the cashgenerating unit’s business, the goodwill pertaining to the sold business is included in the carrying value that is taken into account in calculating gains or losses on the disposal of the business. Goodwill sold in this way is valued on the basis of the relative value of the sold business and the value of the retained part of the cashgenerating unit. Goodwill is tested for impairment at least once a year. Impairment losses are charged against other operating expenses. If the share in acquired assets, equity and liabilities and off-balance sheet liabilities of a subsidiary exceeds the cost of acquisition of the subsidiary, the Group: • • carries out revaluation of the identifiable assets, equity and liabilities, off-balance sheet liabilities and the acquisition cost; recognises the excess remaining after the revaluation in the income statement. Sale of Subsidiaries Profit/loss on sale of a subsidiary includes the carrying value of the sold subsidiary’s goodwill. Any profits/losses arising from the dilution of shares in subsidiaries are disclosed in the income statement for the period in which the sale was effected. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT a) Owned property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment are carried at cost less depreciation charges and impairment losses (except land). After initial recognition, any increases in property, plant and equipment are recognised at cost. In 2005, there were no revaluations of property, plant and equipment. Costs incurred after an item of property, plant and equipment is placed in service, such as costs of repair or maintenance, affect the profit or loss for the reporting period in which they were incurred, except for the situation where the acquisition or production cost of a component of an item of property, plant and equipment is material relative to the acquisition or production cost of the entire item. In such cases, the cost amount increases the value of the item and is subject to depreciation. b) Depreciation Items of property, plant and equipment, or their material or separable components, are depreciated using the straight line method over their economic useful lives. Land is not depreciated. The MNI Group applies the following depreciation rates: Asset Depreciation rate Vehicles 20% and 33% Computers 30% Investments in third-party facilities 10% Buildings 10% Structures 4 and 4.5% Road machinery 17% and 20% Equipment (group 6) 10% Office equipment 20% 185 Prospectus of MNI S.A c) Property, plant and equipment used under lease agreements Lease agreements which transfer substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to ownership of items of property, plant and equipment to the Company, are classified as financed lease. Assets held under financed lease agreements are initially recognised at the lower of their fair value or the present value of the minimum lease payments, which are then reduced by depreciation charges and impairment losses. Property, plant and equipment held under financed lease agreements are depreciated throughout the lease term. Payments made under operating lease agreements concluded by the Group member companies are charged to the income statement throughout the lease term. d) Tangible assets under construction Tangible assets under construction are measured at the total of the costs directly attributable to their acquisition or production, less impairment losses. Tangible assets under construction include also investment materials. Tangible assets under construction are not depreciated until their completion and placement in service. If any events or circumstances have occurred which give grounds to believe that the carrying value of an asset may not be recoverable, such assets are tested for possible impairment of their value. Impairment losses are recognised when the carrying value of an asset exceeds its recoverable value, which corresponds to the higher of the asset’s net selling price or value in use. In order to determine whether an impairment of value has occurred, assets are classified down to the lowest level for which separate cash flows can be identified. Any gain/loss on the sale of an asset is determined by comparing the sale proceeds with the carrying value of such asset, and recognised in operating profit. INTANGIBLE ASSETS After initial recognition, intangible assets are carried at the acquisition or production cost less amortisation and impairment charges. Intangible assets are amortised on a straight-line basis over their estimated economic useful lives. Tax amortisation rates are used for amortisation only if they correspond to the economic useful life of an asset. The appropriateness of the applied amortisation periods and rates is reviewed periodically, but not less frequently that at the end of each financial year, and the adjustments to the amortisation charges, if any, are made in the following periods. If any events or circumstances have occurred which give grounds to believe that the carrying value of an intangible asset may not be recoverable, such an asset is tested for impairment. Impairment losses are recognised when the carrying value of an asset exceeds its recoverable value, which corresponds to the higher of the net selling price or value in use of such asset. a) Research and development expense Expenses on research work are charged to costs as they are incurred. Costs of completed development work conducted for the Group’s own needs which were incurred prior to the launch of production or application of new technological solutions are classified as intangible assets if the Group is able to demonstrate: the technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it is fit to be used or sold, its intention to complete and to use or sell the intangible asset, its ability to use or sell the intangible asset, the manner in which the intangible asset will generate probable economic benefits. Amongst other things, the Group should prove the existence of a market for the products which come into existence thanks to the intangible asset or for the intangible asset itself, or – if the asset is to be used by the Group itself – its usefulness, the availability of appropriate technical, financial and other means which are necessary to complete the development work and to use or sell the intangible asset, the feasibility of a reliable determination of the expenditure incurred in the course of the development work which may be allocated to the intangible asset. Any costs of development work which fail to meet these criteria are charged to the income statement in the period in which they were incurred. The amortisation periods applied to development expenses do not exceed five years. In 2005, the Group did not record any research and development work. 186 Prospectus of MNI S.A b) Software Costs incurred in connection with the purchase of licences and software are capitalised. c) Amortisation The typical amortisation rates applied to intangible assets are: Amortisation rate Purchased licences and software 50% Other intangible assets 20% Intangible assets are not subject to revaluation. The Group holds no assets of considerable value whose useful life is indefinite. GOODWILL Goodwill represents the excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of a Group’s share in identifiable net assets of an acquired subsidiary on the acquisition date. Goodwill arising on the acquisition of subsidiaries is recognised in the balance sheet under non-current assets as a separate item. Goodwill is tested annually for impairment and shown in the balance sheet at cost less cumulated impairment charges. Any gains or losses on disposal of an undertaking are recognised net of the carrying value of the goodwill pertaining to the sold undertaking. INVESTMENT PROPERTY The Group recorded no investment property. FINANCIAL ASSETS The MNI Group classifies its financial assets into the following four categories: 1. financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, 2. investments held to maturity, 3. financial assets available for sale, 4. loans and receivables. Investments which were acquired to derive economic benefits from short-term price fluctuations are classified as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and presented in the balance sheet under current assets. Assets with specified maturities that the Group has the intention and the capacity to hold to maturity are classified as investments held to maturity and presented in the balance sheet under non-current assets, unless their maturity date falls within 12 months from the balance-sheet date. Assets with unspecified maturities which can be disposed of if cash is needed or in response to changes of interest rates, are classified as available for sale. The Group presents them in the balance sheet as non-current assets, unless the management has expressed an intention to hold them for a period shorter than 12 months from the balance-sheet date or they are to be liquidated in order to raise working capital, in which case they are presented as current assets. Financial assets arising as a result of delivery of cash, goods or services to the other party, and not intended to be resold in a short time, are classified as loans and receivables and presented under non-current assets. The management assigns each particular financial asset to a relevant category upon its acquisition. Purchase and sale of financial assets is recognised at the transaction date, i.e. the date on which the Group assumes the obligation to purchase or sell the assets. The acquisition cost comprises the transaction-related fees. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and financial assets available for sale are carried at fair value. Investments held to maturity are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. Realised and unrealised gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of assets at fair value through profit or loss are recognised in the income statement, and those arising from changes in the fair value of assets available for sale – directly in equity for the period in which they arose. Fair value of investments is determined by reference to buy prices quoted on the stock exchange or on the basis of forecast cash flows. Fair value of equity securities of private companies is estimated on the basis of relevant Price/Earnings and Price/Cash Flows ratios which are 187 Prospectus of MNI S.A appropriate for a given instrument, or determined using other valuation models. Equity instruments whose value cannot be reliably measured are carried at cost less impairment losses, if any. LEASING Lease agreements which transfer to the Group substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to ownership of items of property, plant and equipment, are classified as financed lease. Financed lease is disclosed in the accounting books at the amount of the fair value of the leased asset, as determined at the inception of the lease, or, if lower, at the present value of minimum lease payments. Lease payments are apportioned between financial expenses and reduction of the outstanding lease liability so as to achieve a constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. Liabilities under lease payments, less the interest expense component, are presented under non-current liabilities. The interest expense component of financial expenses is disclosed in the income statement over the lease term. Tangible assets used under financed lease agreements are depreciated over the shorter of: their useful economic life or the lease term. Leases where the lessor retains substantially all the risks and benefits of ownership of the asset are classified by the Group as operating leases. Operating lease payments made by the Group under such arrangements are recognised in the income statement over the lease term (net of discounts, if any, offered by the lessor). INVENTORIES Inventories are disclosed at acquisition or production cost. The selling cost of a single unit of inventories is determined using the FIFO method. All inventories are subject to regular review in terms of their usefulness and market value. If it is found that inventories require revaluation, a valuation allowance of an appropriate amount is made. TRADE RECEIVABLES Current trade and other receivables are carried at amounts due, unless the impact of accrued interest is substantial. Otherwise, receivables are initially disclosed at fair value and then at amortised cost using the effective interest rate. According to the rule adopted by the Group, receivables maturing in over 180 days are discounted. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, RESTRICTED CASH Cash and cash equivalents are carried in the balance sheet at cost. For the purpose of the cash-flow statement, cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, bank deposits payable on demand and other highly liquid instruments. For the purpose of cash-flow statement, the Group decided not to disclose current-account loans and restricted cash under cash and cash equivalents; consequently, these are presented as a separate balance-sheet item. TRANSACTIONS IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES Transactions in foreign currencies are settled at the mid-exchange rate quoted by the National Bank of Poland for the transaction date. As at the balance-sheet date, monetary assets and liabilities are valued at the mid-exchange rate quoted for a given currency by the National Bank of Poland for that date. DEFERRED INCOME TAX Deferred tax liability is created using the balance-sheet liability method in relation to all temporary differences existing as at the balance-sheet date between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying value as disclosed in the financial statements. The main temporary differences arise from revaluation of certain noncurrent assets, current assets, derivative financial instruments, provisions, accruals and deferred income and tax losses brought forward. Deferred tax asset and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that, in the Management Board’s opinion, are expected to apply on the day when the asset is realised or the liability is settled. A deferred tax asset is disclosed for all deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is likely that taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised. 188 Prospectus of MNI S.A An asset is recognised only where its carrying amount can be realised in the form of economic benefits to the Group in future periods. When the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its tax value, the amount of taxable economic benefits will be higher that the amount which will be allowed as tax-deductible costs. This difference is a taxable temporary difference, and the obligation to pay the resulting income taxes in future periods is reflected in the deferred tax liability. After the Group realises the carrying amount of the asset, the taxable temporary difference reverses, the Group reports taxable profit, and this creates probability of an outflow of economic benefits from the Group in the form of tax payments. EQUITY Equity is the capital and funds created in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, applicable statutes and the articles of association. Equity also includes retained profits and accumulated losses brought forward. Equity is carried in the accounting books at par value by type and in compliance with the provisions of law or articles of association. The share capital of an incorporated company is disclosed in the amount specified in its articles of association and entered in the court register. Contributions to equity that have been declared but not paid are disclosed as called-up share capital not paid. Ordinary shares are presented as share capital. Proceeds from issues of new shares are disclosed under equity. No adjustment is made in connection with a difference, if any, between the issue price and the market value of the issued shares. External costs directly related to a new share issue are disclosed as a component of the acquisition cost. The statutory reserve funds are created from profit distributions or by transfers from the revaluation capital reserve. The statutory reserve funds include a fund created from profit distributions which is used to cover balance-sheet losses. Treasury shares are valued at acquisition cost and disclosed at negative value under equity. The following are charged to the revaluation capital reserve: • differences on revaluation of financial assets available for sale, • deferred tax, • effects of revaluation of property, plant and equipment, • deferred tax connected with temporary differences in the balance-sheet and tax value of revalued assets. In the event of sale or liquidation of an asset, a relevant part of the revaluation capital reserve is transferred to the statutory reserve funds. Impairment charges for non-current assets which were earlier revalued, decrease the revaluation capital reserve by up to the value of the portion of the reserve which relates to a given asset. The revaluation capital reserve is not distributable. The share capital of the Group is the share capital of the parent undertaking. Items of subsidiary undertakings’ equity other than the part of the share capital corresponding to the parent undertaking’s equity interest in a given subsidiary are added to the relevant items of the parent undertaking’s equity. The Group’s equity includes only those parts of the subsidiary undertakings’ equity which were created after the acquisition of their shares by the parent undertaking. This includes in particular any increases in their capital attributable to net profit or revaluation. The consolidated net profit (loss) of the consolidated members of the Group comprises the net profit (loss) of the parent undertaking and the net profits (losses) of subsidiary undertakings in the amounts corresponding to the parent undertaking’s equity interests in such undertakings. The consolidated net profit (loss) comprises: • • • • • operating profit (loss), including net other operating income (expenses), net financial income (expenses), write-off of subordinated undertakings’ goodwill, write-off of subordinated undertakings’ negative goodwill, mandatory decrease of the net profit (increase of loss), including corporate income tax, 189 Prospectus of MNI S.A • profit (loss) attributable to minority interests. MINORITY INTERESTS Minority interests are disclosed at the total of equity of subsidiary undertakings consolidated with the full method held by companies other than members of the Group. The part of the net profit (loss) of subsidiary undertakings held by minority shareholders other than members of the Group represents the profit (loss) attributable to minority interests. Equity and capitals also include net profit pending approval, less planned dividend and dividend declared but not paid. The net profit (loss) for the financial year is the result disclosed in the income statement for the current year adjusted for the corporate income tax charge. Contributions to equity that have been declared but not paid are disclosed as called-up share capital not paid. BANK LOANS, BORROWINGS AND DEBT SECURITIES IN ISSUE Long- and short-term bank loans and borrowings are initially disclosed at the net value of received funds. i.e. less the costs of obtaining them. After the initial disclosure, all bank loans, debt securities and loans are valued at the adjusted acquisition cost (amortised cost) using the effective interest rate. The difference between the received net cash (less the costs of obtaining the funds) and the amount to be repaid is disclosed in the income statement over the loan term. All external financing costs are charged to the income statement of the period to which they pertain. The Group applies the standard approach in this respect. PROVISIONS Provisions are recognised if the Group has an obligation (legal or following from commercial practice) resulting from past events, and if it is probable that the discharge of that obligation will cause an outflow of funds, assuming that the amount of such outflow can be reliably estimated. The Group also creates provisions for contracts that give rise to obligations on its part if it expects the costs which must be incurred in connection with performance of such contracts to exceed future benefits thereunder. When preparing the IFRS-compliant consolidated financial statements, the Management Board is required to make judgments, estimates and assumptions, which affect the adopted accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses. The estimates and underlying assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors deemed relevant under the circumstances, and their results provide the basis for making judgment about the carrying values of assets and liabilities which cannot be established on the basis of other sources. Actual results may differ from such estimates. The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions of accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised. Provisions for retirement benefits, unused holidays and related benefits are valued at estimated amounts determined by the companies’ management boards with the use of actuarial methods. REVENUE Sales revenue is recognised at the value of payments received or due, less value added tax. Sales revenue is recognised if: - its amount can be reliably estimated - the company is likely to obtain economic benefits - the completion status of the transaction as at the balance-sheet date can be measured reliably - the costs incurred in connection with the transaction and the costs of its completion can be measured reliably. Interest income is recognised as the interest accrues throughout the agreement term, on the basis of the outstanding amounts receivable and the effective interest rate in the period to maturity, after the income due to the Group has been determined. 190 Prospectus of MNI S.A OPERATING EXPENSES The Group undertakings record their expenditures by type and by function. The costs of goods for resale, products and services sold are the costs directly attributable to the production or acquisition of goods for resale and services sold. The selling costs comprise commercial costs and costs of advertising and entertainment. The general administrative expenses comprise the costs associated with the Group undertakings’ management and the costs of administration and entertainment. Other factors with a bearing on the Group’s net profit/(loss) include: • Other operating income and expenses indirectly related to the Group’s activities, including gains and losses on disposal of non-current non-financial assets, revaluation of non-financial assets, creation and release of provisions for future risk, penalties, fines, compensation, as well as donations received or granted, • Financial income related to dividends (distributions from profit), interest, gains on disposal of investments, revaluation of investments and an excess of foreign exchange gains over foreign exchange losses, • Financial expenses related to interest, losses on disposal of investments, revaluation of investments and an excess of foreign exchange losses over foreign exchange gains, • Extraordinary gains and losses resulting from events which are difficult to predict and which are not related to the general business risk. The costs of external financing related directly to the acquisition or production of an item of property, plant and equipment which requires a longer time to become fit for use or resale, increase the production costs of a given asset, until the date of its placement in service. Any income generated from short-term investments of proceeds from external financing, which is connected with the production of assets, decreases the capitalised costs of external financing. The remaining costs of external financing are charged directly against the income statement in the reporting period in which they are incurred. SEGMENT REPORTING A business segment is a distinguishable component of the Group that is engaged in providing products or services and that is subject to risks and returns that are different from those of other business segments. The services provided by the Group are uniform. The information disclosed in the consolidated financial statements at the Group level is consistent with the information relating to a particular business segment. The Group does not report its financial information by geographical segments, as it is not engaged in the distribution of goods or provision of services in different economic environments which are subject to different risks and different returns. The Group’s home country is Poland. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES Financial Risk Factors The Group’s operations are exposed to various financial risks, including the risk of volatile market prices of debt and equity instruments as well as fluctuations in exchange rates and interest rates. The Group’s overall risk management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and is designed to minimise potential adverse effects of the risks on the Group’s financial performance. Credit Risk The Group’s financial assets exposed to credit risk concentration are settlements with related undertakings and trade receivables. Trade receivables are presented in the financial statements net of valuation allowances and reflect the nature of the Group’s operations. The Group applies a trade credit policy under which it sells its products and provides services and financing only to customers with proven credit records and high credit ratings. In the opinion of the Management Board, the Group’s credit risk exposure has been assessed correctly. The credit risk is reflected in the accounting books by making relevant allowances for receivables. 191 Prospectus of MNI S.A Foreign Exchange Risk The Group is not engaged in any activities which would require hedging against the risk of exchange rate fluctuations. Interest Rate Risk The Group’s profits and operating cash flows are to a certain extent exposed to changes in interest rates, as most of the Group’s loans and borrowings bear interest at variable rates. Moreover, a significant portion of the Group’s assets is comprised of corporate debt securities held to maturity with fixed interest rates, purchased from related undertakings. Although the maturity dates of the individual debt securities do not exceed 12 months, the tranches redeemed are usually replaced with the subsequent issues of securities and, consequently, such securities are classified as non-current assets. The Group also holds equity instruments, which are not exposed to interest rate risk. The loans advanced to non-related undertakings bear interest at fixed or variable rates. The loans with variable interest rates are exposed to the risk of interest rate reductions. The Management Board of the Company believes that the use of hedging instruments or other similar measures aimed at mitigating the interest rate risk would not be cost effective. Liquidity Risk The principles of prudent management of liquidity risk require that the Group maintain sufficient balances of cash and marketable securities, and secure the necessary financing in the form of credit facilities. Considering its dynamic expansion, the Group’s objective is to ensure it has access to flexible financing, such as bank credit facilities. Disclosure of Financial Derivatives Financial derivatives are initially recognised at acquisition cost, to be later measured at fair value. Any changes in the fair value of financial derivatives are promptly charged to the income statement, as the Group does not use any financial derivatives meeting the criteria of the hedging accounting under IAS 39. Derivatives are presented in the balance sheet as financial assets or liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss. Fair Value The fair value of publicly traded financial instruments is determined based on listed market prices as at the balance-sheet date. The fair value of forward currency contracts is determined based on the market forward rates of the individual currencies as at the balance-sheet date. To estimate the fair value of derivatives which are not publicly traded and other financial instruments, the Group applies various methods and assumptions based on the market conditions prevailing as at each balance-sheet date. The Group usually uses market or dealers’ quotations for given or similar instruments. In the case of other instruments, the fair value is established using other techniques, such as option valuation models or the DCF method. With respect to certain embedded financial derivatives (forward currency contracts) for which no forward exchange rates are listed due to the distant maturity dates of the contracts, the Group calculates forward rates using the interest rate relation model. In the case of options for securities for which no active market exists, the fair value is usually determined using the Black-Scholes option valuation model. It is assumed that the nominal values (net of any potential credit adjustments) of financial assets and liabilities maturing in less than one year, reflect the fair values of such assets and liabilities. For the purposes of disclosure in the financial statements, the fair value of financial liabilities is estimated by discounting the expected contractual cash flows with an interest rate currently applied by the Group to similar financial instruments. 192 Prospectus of MNI S.A The Group does not hold any financial assets or liabilities whose fair value would differ from the book value as at December 31st 2005 and December 31st 2004. Financial Instruments Purchased on Regulated Markets Financial instruments purchased on regulated markets are recognised at acquisition cost, to be later measured at fair value. The fair value of publicly traded financial instruments is determined based on listed market prices as at the balance-sheet date. III. DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS During the reporting period, neither the parent undertaking nor any of its subsidiary undertakings discontinued any types of their operations and they do not plan to discontinue any of their existing operations. IV. COMPOSITION OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARDS AND SUPERVISORY BOARDS OF THE MEMBER COMPANIES OF THE MNI GROUP a) MNI S.A., Parent Undertaking as at December 31st 2005 Supervisory Board: I. Andrzej Piechocki – Chairman of the Supervisory Board II. Tomasz Swadkowski – Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board III. Barbara Dąbrowska – Member of the Supervisory Board IV. Piotr König – Member of the Supervisory Board V. Stanisław Marian Widera – Member of the Supervisory Board Management Board: 1. Mariusz Pilewski – President of the Management Board 2. Leszek Kułak – Vice-President of the Management Board 3. Zdzisław Wójcik – Member of the Management Board b) MNI Telekom (formerly Telefonia Pilicka) Sp. z o.o. as at December 31st 2005 Management Board: 1. 2. Piotr Majchrzak Zdzisław Wójcik – President of the Management Board – Vice-President of the Management Board 193 Prospectus of MNI S.A Supervisory Board: 1. 2. 3. 4. Andrzej Piechocki Piotr König Wiktoria Fontara Piotr Majchrzak – Chairman of the Supervisory Board – Member of the Supervisory Board – Member of the Supervisory Board – Member of the Supervisory Board c) Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. as at December 31st 2005 1. Tomasz Dąbrowa – President of the Management Board d) Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o. as at December 31st 2005 1. Wiesław Kułaka e) – President of the Management Board Szeptel Internatonal Sp. z o.o. as at December 31st 2005 1. Mariusz Pilewski – President of the Management Board f) BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. as at December 31st 2005 1. Sławomir Januszczyk – President of the Management Board g) OSS S.A as at December 31st 2005 1. Mariusz Pilewski – President of the Management Board 194 Prospectus of MNI S.A V. EVENTS SUBSEQUENT TO THE BALANCE-SHEET DATE There were no significant events subsequent to the balance-sheet date which could affect the financial standing and assets of the MNI Group. VI. TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED UNDERTAKINGS Transactions with related undertakings in 2005 (PLN ‘000) Revenue Costs Szeptel MPS International Sp.z o.o. Sp z o.o. BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. Issuer Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. Telecommunications services 833 92 3,479 824 Telecommunications services 2,463 793 - - - Property, plant and equipment 61 40 - - - Intangible assets 2,070 - - - - Revenue: sales of telecommunications services by MNI S.A transactions with Legion Polska z Sp. z o.o. transactions with MPS Sp. z o.o. transactions with Szeptel International z Sp. z o.o. transactions with BIA-NET z Sp. z o.o. 199 Total 5,427 3,256 101 2,070 PLN 833 thousand PLN 92 thousand PLN 3,479 thousand PLN 824 thousand PLN 199 thousand Costs: purchases of telecommunications services by MNI S.A. PLN 2,463 thousand transactions with Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. PLN 793 thousand purchase of property, plant and equipment by MNI S.A. (market prices) PLN 61 thousand purchase of intangible assets (market prices) PLN 2,070 thousand transactions with Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. PLN 40 thousand Loans: loan advance by MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Telefonia Pilicka Sp. z.o.o.). to the Issuer – under the agreement of December 21st 2005 PLN ‘000 Company Loan amount as per agreement Amount outstanding Maturity date Interest Collateral MNI Telecom Sp.z o.o. (formerly Telefonia Pilicka) 1,000 1,000 Jul 31 2006 4% per annum Assignment of assets by way of security Balance of unsettled transactions with related undertakings as at December 31st 2005: - current receivables PLN 1,469 thousand - current liabilities PLN 2,493 thousand - a loan PLN 1,024 thousand 195 Prospectus of MNI S.A VII. TRANSACTIONS WITH MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISORY STAFF, THEIR SPOUSES, BLOOD RELATIVES, DIRECT IN-LAWS UP TO THE SECOND DEGREE AND PERSONS RELATED THROUGH ADOPTION, CUSTODY OR GUARDIANSHIP TO MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT OR SUPERVISORY STAFF OF THOSE UNDERTAKINGS OR COMPANIES IN WHICH THEY ARE SIGNIFICANT SHAREHOLDERS OR THEIR SPOUSES a. Transactions - Management contract concluded with Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. In the reporting period, the turnover under the agreement amounted to PLN 360 thousand. The following persons have equity interests in Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o.: • Mr Piotr König, Member of the Supervisory Board of MNI S.A. – 15.9% • Mr Mariusz Pilewski, President of the Management Board of MNI S.A. – 50.2% - Financial advisory agreement concluded with PM Piotr Majchrzak. In the reporting period, the turnover under the agreement amounted to PLN 874 thousand. • Mr Piotr Majchrzak is the President of the Management Board of MNI Telekom (formerly Telefonia Pilicka) Sp. z o.o. b. Balance of Unsettled Receivables and Liabilities - as at December 31st 2005, liabilities to Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. amounted to PLN 73 thousand. c. Loans and Advances None. 196 Prospectus of MNI S.A VIII. REMUNERATION OF THE MANAGEMENT SUPERVISORY BOARD OF THE MNI GROUP BOARD AND a) Parent Undertaking First name and surname Remuneration paid and in-kind benefits provided to the management and supervisory staff by the Issuer and its subsidiary undertakings for any types of services rendered by them to the Company or the subsidiary undertakings in the period January 1st 2005 – December 31st 2005 Mariusz Pilewski, President of the Management Board Leszek Kułak, Vice-President of the PLN 360 thousand (under the management contract concluded with Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o.) Management Board Zdzisław Wójcik, Member of the PLN 42 thousand Management Board Andrzej Piechocki, Chairman of the Supervisory Board Tomasz Swadkowski, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board Barbara Dąbrowska, Member of the Supervisory Board PLN 24 thousand Piotr König, Member of the Supervisory Board Stanisław Widera, Member of the Supervisory Board Krzysztof Radziszewski, Member 197 Prospectus of MNI S.A b) MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Telefonia Pilicka) Management Board January 1st 2005 – December 31st 2005 PLN 165 thousand Jarosław Bartosiak (employment contract) PLN 180 thousand Krzysztof Lato (employment contract) PLN 293 thousand Brian Bode (employment contract) PLN 360 thousand Jon G. Tesmer (employment contract) Supervisory Board c) PLN 4 thousand Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. Management Board January 1st 2005 – December 31st 2005 Tomasz Dąbrowa, President of the PLN 59 thousand Management Board (employment contract) d) Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o. Management Board January 1st 2005 – December 31st 2005 Wiesław Kułak, President of the PLN 30 thousand Management Board (employment contract) IX. KEY MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL OF THE COMPANIES The Key Management Staff of the Companies comprise the Members of the Management and Supervisory Boards. The members of the Key Management Staff have direct or indirect influence on the planning, managing and controlling of the companies’ operations. The other persons holding managerial positions only execute the decisions of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. X. AVERAGE EMPLOYMENT In 2005, the average employment at the MNI Group was 312 persons. The average employment at the MNI Group S.A. by employment categories: – administration staff – 64 persons – technical staff – 101 persons – sales staff – 147 persons 198 Prospectus of MNI S.A XI. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AS AT DECEMBER 31ST 2005 • • promissory notes (blank promissory notes with promissory note declarations) PLN 4,121 thousand list of liabilities secured on the Group’s assets Type of liability Creditor Liabilities under a loan Bank advancing the loan 1. Assignment of assets of specified identity – Telefonia Pilicka Sp. z o.o. 2. Registered pledge on movables – Telefonia Pilicka Sp z o.o. 3. Assignment of assets of specified identity 4. Assignment of receivables under issued invoices – Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. Type of secured assets Value of secured assets as at December 31st 2005 (PLN ‘000) Property, plant and equipment 4,697 Property, plant and equipment 5,097 Property, plant and equipment 81,000 1,500 XII. CONTINGENT RECEIVABLES The Group recorded no contingent receivables. XIII. ASSETS HELD FOR SALE The Group recorded no assets held for sale. XIV. EURO EXCHANGE RATES USED IN THE VALUATION OF BALANCE-SHEET AND INCOME-STATEMENT ITEMS DENOMINATED IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES EUR mid-exchange rate in: 2005 2004 PLN 4.0254 PLN 4.5182 Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2004 PLN 3.8598 PLN 4.0790 EUR mid-exchange rate as at: 199 Prospectus of MNI S.A XV. COSTS OF EXTERNAL FINANCING The costs of external financing are disclosed as costs in the period in which they were incurred. The Group applies the standard approach. XVI. RESTATEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH IFRS 1 Effect of Transition to IFRS on Equity (PLN ‘000) Balance-sheet items as at Jan 1 2004 Under PAS Effect of transition Under IFRS ASSETS I. Non-current assets 1. Intangible assets 2. Property, plant and equipment 3. Non-current receivables 4. Non-current prepayments and accrued income II. Current assets 1. Inventories 2. Current receivables 3. Current investments 4. Current prepayments and accrued income Total assets 82,893 37 70,266 0 12,590 5,190 419 3,588 899 284 88,083 0 0 0 12,590 -12,590 -49 0 -43 278 -284 -49 82,893 37 70,266 12,590 0 5,141 419 3,545 1,177 0 88,034 III. Liabilities and provisions for liabilities 1. Provisions for liabilities 2. Non-current liabilities 3. Current liabilities 4. Accruals and deferred income 51,950 1,813 22,969 24,144 3,024 -49 0 156 2,819 -3,024 51,901 1,813 23,125 26,963 0 36,133 36,133 13,209 -137 25,129 125 1,047 -454 -2,786 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36,133 36,133 13,209 -137 25,129 125 1,047 -454 -2,786 Total assets plus total liabilities I. Equity 1. Share capital 2. Treasury shares (negative value) 3. Statutory reserve funds 4. Revaluation capital reserve 5. Other capital reserves 6. Retained profit/(deficit) 7. Current year net profit/(loss) Adjustments 1 - Disclosure of non-current prepayments and accrued income as non-current receivables 2 - Disclosure of current prepayments and accrued income as current receivables 3 - Elimination of receivables under loans advanced from the Social Benefits Fund (ZFŚS) from other receivables in correspondence with special accounts 4 – Elimination of cash in correspondence with a special account comprising cash of the Social Benefits Fund (ZFŚS) 5 – Disclosure of accruals and deferred income as other current provisions As a result of the effects of transition to IFRS: - the MNI Group’s financial standing deteriorated by approx. PLN 49 thousand - the MNI Group’s net profit/(loss) did not change jk - cash decreased by PLN 6 thousand 200 Prospectus of MNI S.A - no change in equity occurred Effect of Transition to IFRS on Equity (PLN ‘000) Balance-sheet items as at Dec 31 2004 Under PAS Effect of transition Under IFRS ASSETS I. Non-current assets 77,038 0 0 77,038 7,402 66,243 0 66,243 3. Non-current receivables 0 2,368 2,368 4. Non-current investments 210 0 210 3,183 -2,368 815 13,312 13,245 1. Intangible assets 2. Property, plant and equipment 5. Non-current prepayments and accrued income II. Current assets 7,402 160 -67 0 2. Current receivables 11,948 683 12,631 3. Current investments 467 -13 454 4. Current prepayments and accrued income 737 -737 0 Total assets 90,350 -67 90,283 III. Liabilities and provisions for liabilities 34,052 -67 33,985 2,856 0 2,856 17,333 155 17,488 12,537 1,104 13,641 1,326 -1,326 0 1. Inventories 1. Provisions for liabilities 2. Non-current liabilities 3. Current liabilities 4. Accruals and deferred income 160 Total assets less total liabilities 56,298 56,298 I. Equity 1. Share capital 56,298 2. Treasury shares (negative value) 3. Statutory reserve funds 4. Revaluation capital reserve 5. Other capital reserves 6. Retained profit/(deficit) 7. Current year net profit/(loss) II. Minority interests 22,709 0 0 56,298 -137 0 -137 27,251 0 27,251 125 0 125 1,047 0 1,047 22,709 124 0 124 5,106 0 5,106 73 0 73 Adjustments 1 - Disclosure of non-current prepayments and accrued income as non-current receivables 2 - Disclosure of current prepayments and accrued income as current receivables 3 - Elimination of receivables under loans advanced from the Social Benefits Fund (ZFŚS) from other receivables in correspondence with special accounts 4 – Elimination of cash in correspondence with a special account comprising cash of the Social Benefits Fund (ZFŚS) 5 – Disclosure of accruals and deferred income as other current provisions As a result of the effects of transition to IFRS: - the MNI Group’s financial standing deteriorated by approx. PLN 67 thousand - the MNI Group’s net profit (loss) did not change jk - cash decreased by PLN 13 thousand - no change in equity occurred 201 Prospectus of MNI S.A As at January 1st 2004 and December 31st 2004, the effects of transition did not influence equity. The major differences between the accounting policies under the Polish Accounting Standards and the International Accounting Standards concerned disclosure of assets and equity and liabilities, and elimination from the consolidated financial statements of assets and liabilities related to the Social Benefits Fund. The Social Benefits Fund is created by the Company in accordance with the International Accounting Standards. The Company has no effective control over the Fund’s assets, and the liabilities of the Fund do not represent the Company’s actual liabilities. The differences do not have any effect on the value of equity or net profit (loss). (PLN ‘000) Balance- sheet items as at Dec 31 2005 Under PAS Effect of transition Under IFRS ASSETS I. Non-current assets 1. Intangible assets 2. Property, plant and equipment 3. Non-current receivables 4. Non-current prepayments and accrued income II. Current assets 1. Inventories 2. Current receivables 3. Current investments 4. Current prepayments and accrued income Total assets 163,168 31,286 122,148 3,580 6,154 52,091 375 32,711 13,113 5,892 215,259 III. Liabilities and provisions for liabilities 1. Provisions for liabilities 2. Non-current liabilities 742 5,062 -5,892 375 163,631 31,749 122,148 6,421 3,313 52,003 375 33,453 18,175 0 215,634 125,556 4,881 72,341 -88 0 998 125,468 4,881 73,339 4. Other accruals and deferred income 43,130 5,204 4,118 -5,204 47,248 0 IV. Negative undertakings 23,946 -23,946 0 3. Current liabilities goodwill of 463 463 2,841 -2,841 -88 subordinated Total assets less total liabilities I. Equity 1. Share capital 2. Statutory reserve funds 3. Revaluation capital reserve 4. Other capital reserves 5. Retained profit/(deficit) 6. Current year net profit/(loss) 65,757 65,757 22,572 32,572 125 1,047 -18 9,459 24,409 24,409 90,166 90,166 22,572 32,572 125 1,047 -18 33,868 Adjustments 1 - Disclosure of non-current prepayments and accrued income as non-current receivables 2 - Disclosure of current prepayments and accrued income as current receivables 3 - Elimination of receivables under loans advanced from the Social Benefits Fund (ZFŚS) from other receivables in correspondence with special accounts 4 – Elimination of cash in correspondence with a special account comprising cash of the Social Benefits Fund (ZFŚS) 5 – Transfer of accruals and deferred income to current and non-current liabilities As a result of the effects of transition to IFRS: - the MNI Group’s financial standing improved by approx. PLN 67 thousand - the MNI Group’s net profit (loss) changed by PLN 24,409 thousand Negative goodwill of PLN 23,946 thousand increased the MNI Group’s net profit Net profit increased by PLN 463 thousand as a result of discontinued goodwill amortisation 202 Prospectus of MNI S.A - cash decreased by PLN 38 thousand - change in equity of PLN 24,409 thousand occurred XVII. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PREPARED FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS PROSPECTUS AND THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2005, ON WHICH THE AUDITOR ISSUED AN UNQUALIFIED OPINION ON MAY 29TH 2006 1. 2. Notes (Nos. 01-25). Comparable data for 2004 balance-sheet total: previous figure: PLN 89,045 thousand current figure: PLN 90,283 thousand difference: PLN 1,238 thousand - net profit/(loss) previous figure: PLN 4,975 thousand current figure: PLN 5,106 thousand difference: PLN 131 thousand - equity previous figure: PLN 55,950 thousand current figure: PLN 56,298 thousand difference: PLN 348 thousand 3. Full-method consolidation of subsidiary undertakings (consolidation of 100% of BIA-NET) Effects of consolidation of 100% of BIA-NET 53.9% 100% - BIA-NET’s balance-sheet total % share in the Group’s total PLN 513 ths 0.18% PLN 952 ths 0.34% - BIA-NET’s net profit/(loss) % share in the Group’s total PLN -179 ths 1.46% PLN -332 ths 2.72% Impact on the 2005 financial statements - balance-sheet total: previous figure: PLN 215,206 thousand current figure: PLN 215,634 thousand difference: PLN 428 thousand - net profit/(loss) previous figure: PLN 34,021 thousand current figure: PLN 33,868 thousand difference: PLN 153 thousand - equity 203 Prospectus of MNI S.A previous figure: PLN 90,272 thousand current figure: PLN 90,166 thousand difference: PLN 106 thousand 4. Supplementary Information to the Notes: - supplementary information on the rules governing the preparation of consolidated financial statements - revenue structure - discontinued operations - information on the composition of the Management and Supervisory Boards of the MNI Group companies - events subsequent to the balance-sheet date - transactions with related undertakings - transactions with members of the management and supervisory staff, their spouses, blood relatives, direct in-laws up to the second degree and persons related through adoption, custody or guardianship to members of the management or supervisory staff of those undertakings or Companies in which they are significant shareholders or their spouses - remuneration of the MNI Group’s Management and Supervisory Board members - Key Management Personnel of the Group companies - average headcount - average headcount by employee categories - contingent liabilities - contingent receivables - assets held for sale - costs of external financing - restatement of the financial statements to ensure compliance with IFRS 1. 204 Prospectus of MNI S.A THE MNI GROUP AUDITOR’S OPINION AND REPORT ON THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE MNI GROUP FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1ST – DECEMBER 31ST 2005 PREPARED FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE MNI S.A. PROSPECTUS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE PREPARATION OF PROSPECTUSES TO BE PUBLISHED WHEN SECURITIES ARE ISSUED, IN ACCORDANCE WITH COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) NO. 809/2004, AND OTHER REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE POLISH CAPITAL MARKET, INCLUDING THE PUBLIC OFFERING ACT Warsaw, November 2006 205 Prospectus of MNI S.A AUDITOR’S OPINION To the General Shareholders Meeting and the Supervisory Board of MNI S.A.: We have audited the attached consolidated financial statements for 2005 prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus of the Group whose parent undertaking is MNI S.A., registered office at. ul. Żurawia 8 in Warsaw, including: consolidated balance sheet as at December 31st 2005, showing a balance-sheet total of PLN 215,634 thousand consolidated income statement for the financial year January 1st – December 31st 2005, showing a net profit of PLN 33,868 thousand statement of changes in consolidated equity for the financial year January 1st – December 31st 2005, showing an increase in equity of PLN 33,868 thousand consolidated cash-flow statement for the financial year January 1st – December 31st 2005, showing a net increase in cash of PLN 17,458 thousand notes to the consolidated financial statements The following changes were introduced to the financial statements prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus relative to the consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2005 on which the auditor issued an unqualified opinion on May 29th 2006: the consolidated financial statements containing comparable data of the MNI Group for 2004 are presented as comparable data, which include the accounts of the undertakings controlled by MNI S.A. as at December 31st 2004, and BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. was consolidated with the full method. 1. Additionally, Notes 1-24 were added to the financial statements of the MNI Group prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus. 2. The following changes were introduced to the comparable data for 2004: 2004 - balance-sheet total - net profit - equity 3. previous figure (PLN ‘000) current figure (PLN ‘000) difference % change (PLN ‘000) 89,045 90,283 1,238 1.39 4,975 5,106 131 2.63 55,950 56,298 348 0.62 The effect of changes in the comparable data for 2004 on the financial statements for 2005: 2005 - balance-sheet total previous figure (PLN ‘000) current figure (PLN ‘000) difference % change (PLN ‘000) 215,206 215,634 428 0.20 - net profit 34,021 33,868 (-) 153 0.45 - equity 90,272 90,166 (-) 106 0.12 206 Prospectus of MNI S.A 4. Consolidation of subsidiary undertakings with the full method (consolidation of 100% of BIA-NET Sp. z o.o.) Effects of consolidation of 100% of BIA-NET Sp. z o.o.: -BIA-NET Sp z o.o.’s balancesheet total % share in the Group’s total -BIA-NET Sp z o.o.’s net loss % share in the Group’s total 5. 53.9% 100% PLN 513 thousand PLN 952 thousand 0.18% 0.34% - PLN 179 thousand - PLN 332 thousand 1.46% 2.72% The following disclosures were also added to the consolidated financial statements: - - supplementary information on the rules governing the preparation of consolidated financial statements revenue structure discontinued operations information on the composition of the Management Board and the Supervisory Boards of the MNI Group companies events subsequent to the balance-sheet date transactions with related undertakings transactions with members of the management and supervisory staff, their spouses, blood relatives, direct in-laws up to the second degree and persons related through adoption, custody or guardianship to members of the management or supervisory staff of those undertakings or Companies in which they are significant shareholders or their spouses remuneration of the MNI Group’s Management and Supervisory Board members key management personnel of the Group companies average headcount average headcount by employee categories contingent receivables contingent liabilities assets held for sale costs of external financing restatement of the financial statements to ensure compliance with IFRS 1. The consolidated financial statements were prepared using the full method. The Management Board of the parent undertaking is responsible for the reliability, accuracy and clarity of the consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the IFRS and related interpretations introduced by way of the European Commission’s regulations. Our responsibility was to audit those financial statements and to issue an opinion as to their reliability, accuracy and clarity. In performing the audit we complied with the International Auditing Standard, as well as the provisions of the Accountancy Act and the professional auditing standards laid down by the National Board of Statutory Auditors in Poland. The aforementioned standards require that we plan and perform our audit in such a manner as to obtain reasonable assurance that the consolidated financial statements are free from any material misstatements. We planned and performed our audit of the consolidated financial statements in such a manner as to obtain reasonably sufficient evidence to issue an opinion thereon. In particular, the audit included checking the correctness of the accounting policies adopted by the related undertakings and examining – largely on a test basis – of source documents relevant to the amounts and disclosures contained in the consolidated financial statements, as well as a global assessment of the consolidated financial statements. In our view, the consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus, including figures and explanations, reflect reliably and clearly all information material for the 207 Prospectus of MNI S.A assessment of the Group’s assets and financial standing as at December 31st 2005, as well as its net profit (loss) for the financial year January 1st – December 31st 2005. The consolidated financial statements are in all material respects compliant with the EU-endorsed International Financial Reporting Standards and – where the International Financial Reporting Standards lack specific regulations – with the provisions of the Accountancy Act of September 29th 1994, together with the secondary legislation thereunder, as well as the regulations applicable to issuers of securities admitted or sought to be admitted to trading on an official listing market. Furthermore, the financial statements comply with the legal provisions applicable to consolidated financial statements of a group of companies. Without raising any qualifications, we note that the financial statements of the following subsidiaries: Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., Media Personel Serwis Sp. z o.o., Szeptel International Sp. z o.o., BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. and OSS S.A., whose joint balance-sheet total represents 4.06% of the consolidated balance-sheet total, were not audited, whereas the financial statements of MNI Telekom (formerly Pilicka Telefonia) Sp. z o.o. were audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers Sp. z o.o., which issued an unqualified opinion thereon. Janusz Wisłowski Janusz Wisłowski Qualified Auditor Reg. No. 10727/7789 Member of the Management Board of MGI Akcept Audyt Sp. z o.o. ul. Żelazna 54/5, 00-852 Warsaw, an auditing firm entered in the list of qualified auditors of financial statements maintained by the National Board of Statutory Auditors, under entry No. 2855 Qualified Auditor Reg. No. 10727/7789 Warsaw, November 15th 2006 208 Prospectus of MNI S.A REPORT SUPPLEMENTING AUDITOR’S OPINION ON THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE MNI GROUP FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1ST – DECEMBER 31ST 2005 PREPARED FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE MNI S.A. PROSPECTUS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE PREPARATION OF PROSPECTUSES TO BE PUBLISHED WHEN SECURITIES ARE ISSUED, IN ACCORDANCE WITH COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) NO. 809/2004, AND OTHER REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE POLISH CAPITAL MARKET, INCLUDING THE PUBLIC OFFERING ACT Warsaw, November 2006 209 Prospectus of MNI S.A TABLE OF CONTENTS A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. INFORMATION ON THE MNI GROUP .......................................................................................................211 1.1 Parent Undertaking 1.2 Subsidiary Undertakings INFORMATION ON THE PREVIOUS YEAR’S CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ............................212 THE AUDITOR .........................................................................................................................................212 LEGAL BASIS FOR THE AUDIT .................................................................................................................213 SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITY AND AIM OF THE AUDIT ...............................................................................213 INFORMATION ON THE AUDITED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE MNI GROUP ..........214 ANALYTICAL INFORMATION B. 1. 2. 3. C. 211 211 212 214 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................214 OVERVIEW OF THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ................................................................215 SELECTED ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL RATIOS AND THEIR ASSESSMENT ..............................................218 DETAILED INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 218 ACCOUNTING POLICIES ..........................................................................................................................218 BASIS FOR PREPARATION OF THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS..........................................219 CONSOLIDATION METHODOLOGY ..........................................................................................................219 CONSOLIDATION GOODWILL AND THE METHOD OF ACCOUNTING FOR CONSOLIDATION GOODWILL.....219 EQUITY CONSOLIDATION AND MINORITY INTERESTS .............................................................................219 CONSOLIDATION ELIMINATIONS.............................................................................................................219 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION AND NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ...........220 THE PARENT UNDERTAKING’S DIRECTORS’ REPORT ON THE OPERATIONS OF THE MNI GROUP ...........220 INFORMATION ON THE AUDITOR’S OPINION ...........................................................................................220 EVENTS SUBSEQUENT TO THE BALANCE-SHEET DATE ...........................................................................220 210 Prospectus of MNI S.A A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Information on the MNI Group 1.1 Parent Undertaking The MNI Group’s parent undertaking is the company operating under the name of MNI Spółka Akcyjna, registered office at ul. Żurawia 8 in Warsaw. The Company in its present form is the result of a series of transformations of a company established by virtue of resolution No. 93/XIX issued by the Szepietowo Commune Council on May 4th 1992, and incorporated on the basis of a deed of incorporation prepared in the form of notarial deed No. Rep. A 75/93 of September 30th 1993. The Company is entered in the National Register of Entrepreneurs under entry No. KRS 0000003901, which was assigned on March 23rd 2001. The Company has been assigned Tax Identification Number (NIP) 722-00-03-300 by Head of the Second Tax Office for Warszawa-Śródmieście, and Industry Identification Number (REGON) 450085143. Furthermore, the Company is a registered EU VAT payer assigned No. PL7220003300. As stated in the deed of incorporation, the Company’s core business is the provision of telecommunications services (PKD 64.20). The Company is entered in the Register of Telecom Entrepreneurs under entry No. 8. As at December 31st 2005, the Company’s share capital amounted to PLN 22,572 thousand and was divided into 22,571,558 equal shares with a par value of PLN 1.00 per share. According to the shareholder register, as at December 31st 2005 the following shareholders held more that 5% of the total vote at the Company’s General Shareholders Meeting. Shareholder Com. Investment Sp. z o.o. Andrzej Piechocki and DEDAL Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. Caterham Financial Management Ltd Number of shares Number of votes at Par value of shares % of share capital held GM 9,191,590 9,191,590 PLN 1.00 40.48% 3,313,144 3,313,144 PLN 1.00 14.68% 1,250,000 1,250,000 PLN 1.00 5.51% In the period covered by the audit, the Company’s share capital was reduced by PLN 137,000.00 following retirement of treasury shares, which was registered by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XIX Commercial Division of the National Court Register on July 14th 2005. As at December 31st 2005, the Company’s Management Board was composed of the following persons: Mariusz Piotr Pilewski Leszek Kułak Zdzisław Wójcik – – – President of the Management Board Vice-President of the Management Board Member of the Management Board In the financial year 2005, Mr Zdzisław Wójcik was appointed to the Management Board with effect from September 28th 2005, by virtue of Resolution No. 23 adopted by the Supervisory Board on the same date. 211 Prospectus of MNI S.A 1.2 Subsidiary Undertakings As at December 31st 2005, the MNI Group included the following subsidiary undertakings which were consolidated with the full method: No. 1. Company MNI Telekom (formerly Pilicka Telefonia) Sp.z o.o. Business profile telecommunications services, construction, installation, maintenance and operation of a telecommunications network 2. Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. telecommunications services 3. Media Personel Serwis Sp.z o.o. software and HR management services 4. Szeptel International Sp.z o.o. telecommunications services, Call Center projects 5. BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. lease of infrastructure 6. OSS S.A. construction of telecommunications infrastructure As at December 31st 2005, the parent undertaking held 100% of share capital in all of its subsidiary undertakings except BIA-NET Sp. z o.o., in which it held 53.9% of the total share capital. All the subsidiary undertakings were consolidated for the first time, due to the fact that the parent undertaking prepared its first consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended December 31st 2005. The Group’s subsidiary undertakings listed below were not included in consolidation due to loss of control by the parent undertaking: 1. Szeptel Internet Sp. z o.o. 2. EPL S.A. The MNI Group’s average headcount in 2005 was 312. 2. Information on the Previous Year’s Consolidated Financial Statements The parent undertaking did not prepare consolidated financial statements for the previous financial year ended December 31st 2004, as it considered itself eligible for the exemption provided for in Art. 56 of the Accountancy Act. The consolidated financial statements for the previous year were prepared solely for the purpose of presenting the 2004 comparable data in the MNI Group’s consolidated financial statements for 2005 prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus. The consolidated financial statements for 2004 include the accounts of the undertakings controlled by MNI S.A. as at December 31st 2004. 3. The Auditor MGI Akcept Audyt Sp. z o.o., registered office at ul. Żelazna 54 in Warsaw, is a qualified auditor of financial statements entered in the relevant list maintained by the National Board of Statutory Auditors under Reg. No. 2835. The audit was performed on its behalf by Mr Janusz Wisłowski, qualified auditor Reg. No. 10727/7789. The consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2005 prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus were audited on the basis of the agreement concluded with the parent undertaking’s Management Board on October 3rd 2006. MGI Akcept Audyt Sp. z o.o. and the qualified auditor performing the audit on its behalf represent that they meet the criteria of impartiality and independence from the MNI Group’s undertakings within the meaning of Art. 66.2 of the Accountancy Act of September 29th 1994 (Dz.U. of 2002, No. 76, item 694, as amended). 212 Prospectus of MNI S.A 4. Legal Basis for the Audit Legal basis for the audit of the MNI Group’s consolidated financial statements: 1. 2. 3. International Auditing Standards, provisions of the Accountancy Act of September 29th 1994 (Dz.U. of 2002, No. 76, item 694, as amended), professional auditing standards laid down by the National Board of Statutory Auditors in Poland. 5. Scope of Responsibility and Aim of the Audit The Management Board of the parent undertaking is responsible for the reliability and clarity of the consolidated financial statements prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus (in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No. 809/2004 and other regulations applicable to the Polish capital market, including the Public Offering Act) in accordance with the EU-endorsed International Financial Reporting Standards. Our responsibility was to issue, based on the audit findings, an opinion, together with a report supplementing the opinion, on the aforesaid consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group. The consolidated financial statements prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus were signed by members of the parent undertaking’s Management Board appointed on June 30th 2006 and composed of: Piotr König – President of the Management Board, Mariusz Piotr Pilewski – Member of the Management Board and Leszek Wojciech Kułak – Member of the Management Board. On October 5th 2006, the parent undertaking’s Management Board made a representation to the effect that the data contained in the consolidated financial statements prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus and presented for audit was clear and reliable and that as at the audit completion date no events occurred which could have a material effect on the amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements for the year covered by the audit. During the audit of the consolidated financial statements prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus, the parent undertaking’s Management Board made available the consolidation documents together with all information requested in the course of the audit, and provided explanations and representations necessary to assess formal and legal compliance as well as the substance of the MNI Group’s consolidated financial statements prepared as at December 31st 2005. 213 Prospectus of MNI S.A 6. Information on the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group Differences between the consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group prepared by the parent undertaking as at December 31st 2005 for the purposes of the Prospectus and the consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2005 on which the auditor issued an unqualified opinion on May 29th 2006: PLN ‘000 Financial statements for the financial year 2005 on which the auditor issued an unqualified opinion on May 29th 2006 consolidated balance sheet as at January 31st 2005, showing a balance-sheet total of: consolidated income statement for the financial year January 1st – December 31st 2005, showing a net profit of: consolidated cash-flow statement for the financial year January 1st – December 31st 2005, showing a net increase in cash of: statement of changes in consolidated equity for the financial year January 1st – December 31st 2005, showing an increase in equity of: Audited financial statements for the financial year 2005 prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus Difference % change 215,206 215,634 428 0.20 34,021 33,868 (-) 153 0.45 17,455 17,458 3 0.02 33,890 33,868 (-) 22 0.07 All the undertakings comprising the MNI Group have the same accounting periods and all of them prepared their financial statements as at December 31st 2005. The financial statements of the following MNI Group companies were subject to audit: Company Auditor 1. MNI S.A. MGI Akcept Audyt Sp z o.o. 2. MNI Telekom ( formerly Pilicka PricewaterhouseCoopers Sp. z o.o. Telefonia) Sp. z o.o. Opinion unqualified unqualified As at the audit completion date, the remaining undertakings of the MNI Group, whose balance-sheet totals jointly represent 4.06% of the balance-sheet total disclosed in the consolidated financial statements prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus, did not have their financial statements for the financial year 2005 audited. B. ANALYTICAL INFORMATION 1. Preliminary Information This part of the report contains a concise presentation and assessment of the MNI Group’s assets and financial standing in 2005, based on the financial information disclosed in the financial statements for the period January 1st – December 31st 2005 prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus, which were audited by our firm. Given that the audited consolidated financial statements are the first consolidated financial statements prepared by the MNI Group and that, for the purposes of the Prospectus, these statements contain comparable data sourced from the MNI Group’s consolidated financial statements for 2004, which include the accounts of the undertakings controlled by MNI S.A. as at December 31st 2004. 214 Prospectus of MNI S.A 2. Overview of the Consolidated Financial Statements No. balance-sheet item 1 2 Non-current assets A. Intangible assets 2. Property, plant and equipment Non-current receivables Non-current investments Turnover tax assets Current assets Inventories Current receivables 4. 5. B. 1. 2. 3. As at Dec 31 2004 as disclosed in the consolidated financial statements including comparable data, prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus 4 As at Dec 31 2005 as disclosed in the consolidated financial statements on which the auditor issued an unqualified opinion on May 29th 2006 As at Dec 31 2005 as disclosed in the audited consolidated financial statements prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus 5 6 77,038 163,210 163,631 75.88 7,402 31,749 31,749 14.72 64,672 66,243 121,730 122,148 56.64 2,359 2,368 6,418 6,421 2.98 341 815 13,456 160 210 815 13,245 160 0 3,313 51,996 375 0 3,313 52,003 375 0 1.54 24.12 0.17 33,448 18,173 215,206 33,453 18,175 215,634 15.52 8.43 100% 3 75,589 1. 3. As at Dec 31 2004 as disclosed in the parent undertaking’s financial statements Current investments Total assets 7,402 12,624 672 89,045 12,631 454 90,283 The structure of the Company’s assets is appropriate to its business. 215 Structure assets in (refers column 6) of % to 7 Prospectus of MNI S.A No. balance-sheet item 1 A. As at Dec 31 2004 as disclosed in the parent undertaking’s financial statements 2 Treasury shares (negative value) Statutory reserve funds Revaluation capital reserve Other capital reserves Retained profit (deficit) Net profit (loss) Minority interests Liabilities and provisions for liabilities Provisions for liabilities Non-current liabilities 3. 5 6 56,298 90,272 90,166 41.82 22,709 22,572 22,572 10.46 137 27,231 137 27,251 0 32,572 0 32,572 0.00 15.10 125 1,047 0 4,975 0 125 1,047 124 5,106 73 125 1,047 (-) 65 34,021 0 125 1,047 (-) 18 33,868 0 0.06 0.48 0.01 15.71 0 33,095 2,793 33,985 2,856 124,934 4,808 125,468 4,881 58.18 2.26 13,641 73,189 46,937 73,339 47,248 34.01 21.91 90,283 215,206 215,634 100% 55,950 2. 1. 2. As at Dec 31 2005 as disclosed in the audited consolidated financial statements prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus 3 Share capital 5. 6. 7. 8. B. As at Dec 31 2005 as disclosed in the consolidated financial statements on which the auditor issued an unqualified opinion on May 29th 2006 Structure assets in (refers column 6) of % to 7 Equity 1. 3. 4. As at Dec 31 2004 as disclosed in the consolidated financial statements including comparable data, prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus 4 Current liabilities Total equity liabilities 22,709 16,944 13,358 17,488 and 89,045 The Company’s equity and liabilities, which are sources of financing for the Company’s assets, include: 1. 2. equity, which accounts for 41.82% of total equity and liabilities, and which improved significantly due to the negative consolidation goodwill written off through the 2005 profit/(loss); external capital, which accounts for 58.18% of total equity and liabilities and which increased substantially in the financial year covered by the audit as a result of a bank loan contracted by MNI S.A.’s to finance the acquisition of non-current investments. 216 Prospectus of MNI S.A Income based on synthetic income statement (PLN’000) Income statement item No. A. Net sales revenue and equivalents B. Cost of sales C. Gross profit (loss) on sales (A-B) D. Selling costs E. General and administrative expenses F. Profit (loss) on sales (C-DE) G. Other operating income H. Other operating expenses I. Operating profit (loss) (F+G-H) J. Financial income K. Financial expenses L. Profit (loss) before extraordinary items (I+JK) M. Result on extraordinary items N. Profit (loss) before tax (L+M) O. Other increase of profit P. Corporate income tax Q. Net profit (loss) (N+O-P) R. Net profit (loss) attributable to equity holders of the parent S. Net profit (loss) attributable to minority interests As at Dec 31 2004 as disclosed in the parent undertaking’s financial statements As at Dec 31 2004 as disclosed in the consolidated financial statements including comparable data, prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus As at Dec 31 2005 as disclosed in the consolidated financial statements on which the auditor issued an unqualified opinion on May 29th 2006 As at Dec 31 2005 as disclosed in the audited consolidated financial statements prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus 36,096 43,752 83,187 83,187 32,613 3,483 39,927 3,825 72,992 10,195 72,974 10,213 1,542 1,889 1,652 2,179 2,055 4,160 2,055 4,196 52 (-)6 3,980 3,962 5,251 1,283 4,020 6,021 1,626 4,389 11,676 5,563 10,093 35,629 5,646 33,945 1,743 754 5,009 1,753 906 5,236 458 1,810 8,741 458 1,869 32,534 11 0 0 0 5,020 5,236 8,741 32,534 0 45 4,975 0 130 5,106 5,675 23,946 (-)1,334 34,021 0 (-)1,334 33,868 34,021 (-)569 (-)153 The sales revenue increased considerably in 2005 as a result of expansion of the Company’s scope of business to include audiotext services. The net profit (loss) reflects a negative consolidation goodwill written off in the amount of PLN 23,946 thousand, which accounts for 70.7% of the net profit (loss). 217 Prospectus of MNI S.A 3. Selected Economic and Financial Ratios and Their Assessment No. Ratio 1. 2. Net sales margin Return on equity 3. 4. Equity to assets ratio Debt ratio 5. 6. Quick ratio Current ratio Formula Net profit (loss) x 100/net sales revenue Net profit (loss) x 100/equity (-) net profit (loss) Equity/total assets Liabilities (non-current + current)/total assets Current investments/current liabilities Current assets/current liabilities 2004 2005 including comparable data Prospectus 11.67% 9.98% 40.7% 60.2% 0.63 0.34 0.42 0.56 0.03 0.97 0.39 1.11 The profitability ratios reflect the relation of net profit to sales revenue, assets and equity. They describe profitability of sales and the rate of return on assets and equity. The strong and growing profitability ratios attest to the Company’s operating efficiency and a promising development potential. However, it should be noted that 70.7% of the net profit is attributable to the negative consolidation goodwill. Financial liquidity ratios serve to assess the Company’s capability to timely discharge its current liabilities. In practice, specific values of the said ratios have been established which are deemed as model. In the case of the current ratio, these fall within the range of 1.2 – 2.0, and in the case of the quick ratio III, the desirable value stands at 0.2. Financing ratios provide information on asset financing sources and are relevant to the assessment of the Company’s debt level and its ability to service it. Based on the data presented above, we state that there is no threat to the MNI Group’s continuation as a going concern in the year following the audit. C. DETAILED INFORMATION 1. Accounting Policies The parent undertaking has up-to-date documentation describing the accounting policies it applies. The policies are presented in the supplementary information to the consolidated financial statements drawn up for the purposes of the Prospectus within the scope required under the International Financial Reporting Standards. In 2005, all members of the MNI Group kept their accounting books and prepared their financial statements in compliance with the Accountancy Act. For the purpose of preparing the consolidated financial statements for the 2005 financial year and consolidated financial statements to be included in the Prospectus, all the financial statements were restated to comply with the IFRS/IAS by introducing relevant adjustments. Furthermore, the non-consolidated 2004 financial statements of the companies controlled by MNI S.A. were also restated with a view to their including as comparable data in the consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group for the 2005 financial year prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus. Since January 1st 2006, MNI S.A. has been preparing its financial statements in accordance with IFRS/IAS. The data contained in the MNI Group’s financial statements are presented in thousands of Polish złotys. All of the MNI Group companies have the same financial year, ending December 31st, and apply uniform accounting policies. 218 Prospectus of MNI S.A 2. Basis for Preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements The consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group drawn up for the purposes of the Prospectus were prepared in compliance with the EU-endorsed International Financial Reporting Standards and – where the International Financial Reporting Standards lack specific regulations – with the provisions of the Accountancy Act of September 29th 1994, together with the secondary legislation thereunder, as well as the regulations applicable to issuers of securities admitted or sought to be admitted to trading on an official listing market. The consolidated financial statements prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus were drawn up on the basis of the consolidation documentation, including in particular: 1) non-consolidated financial statements of the parent undertaking and subsidiary undertakings, 2) consolidation notes, 3) consolidation adjustments and eliminations, 4) computation of the consolidation goodwill and the method of accounting for the consolidation goodwill, 5) equity consolidation and determination of minority interests, 6) auditor’s opinions and reports concerning non-consolidated financial statements of the companies subject to consolidation. 3. Consolidation Methodology The consolidated financial statements drawn up for the purposes of the Prospectus were prepared using full consolidation method, which consists in aggregating line-by-line the corresponding items – at their full value – of individual non-consolidated financial statements of the Group members, and making relevant eliminations and other adjustments, as stipulated in IAS 27 and Art. 60 of the Accountancy Act. The consolidation principles are applied in such a manner as to ensure that the consolidated financial statements reflect the financial standing and assets of the MNI Group as if the Group members constituted a single economic entity. 4. Consolidation Goodwill and the Method of Accounting for Consolidation Goodwill The method used to compute and account for the consolidation goodwill is presented in the supplementary information to the consolidated financial statements prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus and relates to the following: - positive goodwill which arose upon the acquisition of shares in Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. and is disclosed under assets in the consolidated balance sheet in the amount of PLN 16,195 thousand; at the end of each financial year, the goodwill is tested for impairment; - negative goodwill in the amount of PLN 23,946 thousand, which arose upon the acquisition of shares in MNI Telecom (former Pilicka Telefonia) Sp. z o.o. and was written off through the consolidated net profit. 5. Equity Consolidation and Minority Interests The Group’s share capital is represented by the share capital of the parent undertaking. In order to calculate the other components of the Group’s equity, each of the components of the parent undertaking’s equity was aggregated with the corresponding equity components of the consolidated subsidiary undertakings, representing the percentage share of the parent undertaking in the equity of the subsidiary undertakings as at the balance-sheet date, that is December 31st 2005. Only those components were included into the Group’s equity which originated after the date of control takeover by the parent undertaking. 6. Consolidation Eliminations The following consolidation eliminations were made: 1. 2. 3. shares in and equity of subsidiary undertakings mutual settlements results of intragroup transactions (revenue, expenses, unrealised gains) 219 Prospectus of MNI S.A Eliminations were made based on the data sourced from accounting books of MNI S.A. and reconciled with the information obtained from the subsidiary undertakings. 7. Supplementary Information and Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements The data contained in the supplementary information and notes to the consolidated financial statements prepared for the purposes of the Prospectus are accurate and complete within the meaning of the International Financial Reporting Standards. The data constitute an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. 8. The Parent Undertaking’s Directors’ Report on the Operations of the MNI Group Directors’ report on the operations of the parent undertaking was prepared for the purposes of the 2005 financial statements. There was no requirement to redraft the directors’ report for the purposes of the audited 2005 consolidated financial statements to be included in the Prospectus. 9. Information on the Auditor’s Opinion Based on the audit of the consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group prepared as at December 31st 2005 for the purposes of the Prospectus, we issued an unqualified opinion thereon. 10. Events Subsequent to the Balance-Sheet Date On February 9th 2006 BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. was placed in liquidation, and on April 24th 2006 an agreement was executed whereby MNI S.A. sold its shares in OSS S.A. to MNI Telecom (former Pilicka Telefonia) Sp. z o.o. This report contains 15 numbered pages, initialled by the qualified auditor. Janusz Wisłowski Janusz Wisłowski Qualified Auditor Member of the Management Board Reg. No. 10727/7789 of MGI Akcept Audyt Sp. z o.o. ul. Żelazna 54/5, 00-852 Warsaw, an auditing firm entered in the list of qualified auditors of financial statements, under entry No. 2835 Qualified Auditor Reg. No. 10727/7789 Warsaw, November 15th 2006 220 Prospectus of MNI S.A AUDITOR’S REPORT on the review of consolidated financial statements, including comparable data, of the MNI Group whose parent undertaking is MNI S.A., covering the period from January 1st 2004 to December 31st 2004, prepared for the purposes of the MNI S.A. Prospectus We have audited the attached consolidated financial statements of the Group whose parent undertaking is MNI S.A., registered office at. ul. Żurawia 8 in Warsaw, prepared for presentation in the Prospectus, including: 1) consolidated balance sheet as at December 31st 2004, showing a balance-sheet total of PLN 90,283 thousand 2) consolidated income statement for the period from January 1st to December 31st 2004, showing a net profit of PLN 5,106 thousand 3) statement of changes in consolidated equity for the period from January 1st to December 31st 2004, showing an increase in equity of PLN 20,165 thousand 4) consolidated cash-flow statement for the period from January 1st to December 31st 2004, showing a decrease in cash of PLN 12 thousand The financial statements were prepared using the full method. The 2004 consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group were prepared for the purpose of presenting comparable data for 2004 in the MNI Group’s consolidated financial statements for 2005 included in the Prospectus. Pursuant to the provisions of the Accountancy Act, the parent undertaking did not prepare consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended December 31st 2004, as it considered itself eligible for the exemption provided for in Art. 56 of the Accountancy Act. The consolidated financial statements for 2004 include the accounts of the undertakings controlled by MNI S.A. as at December 31st 2004, including: • MNI S.A. • Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o. • Ogólna Sieć Szkieletowa – OSS Spółka Akcyjna • Szeptel International Sp. z o.o. • BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. The Management Board of MNI S.A., the parent undertaking, is responsible for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements. Our responsibility was to review these financial statements. 221 Prospectus of MNI S.A In performing the review we complied with the International Auditing Standard, as well as the provisions of the Accountancy Act and the professional auditing standards laid down by the National Board of Statutory Auditors in Poland. The aforementioned standards require that we plan and perform our review in such a manner as to obtain reasonable assurance that the consolidated financial statements are free from any material misstatements. We performed the review mainly by analysing the data disclosed in the non-consolidated financial statements of members of the MNI Group, inspecting the consolidation documents and using the information obtained from the management of MNI S.A., the parent undertaking. A review of consolidated financial statements differs materially in terms of the scope and methodology from an audit which is the basis for an opinion on the accuracy and clarity of consolidated annual financial statements, therefore we cannot issue such an opinion on the attached consolidated financial statements. Our review did not reveal anything which would indicate a material distortion of the view of the MNI Group’s assets and financial standing as at December 31st 2004 and its net profit (loss) for the period from January 1st to December 31st 2004, as disclosed in the attached consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group, prepared in accordance with the IFRS and related interpretations introduced by way of the European Commission’s regulations, and the Minister of Finance’s Regulation on current and periodic information to be published by issuers of securities of October 16th 2001 (Dz.U. No. 139 of 2001, item 1569). This report contains 3 numbered pages, initialled by the qualified auditor. Janusz Wisłowski Janusz Wisłowski Qualified Auditor Member of the Management Board Reg. No. 10727/7789 of MGI Akcept Audyt Sp. z o.o. ul. Żelazna 54/5, 00-852 Warsaw, an auditing firm entered in the list of qualified auditors of financial statements, under entry No. 2835 Qualified Auditor Reg. No. 10727/7789 Warsaw, November 15th 2006 222 Prospectus of MNI S.A 23.2 Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for H1 2006, Prepared for the Purposes of the Prospectus Consolidated Financial Statements of MNI S.A. for H1 2006 MNI S.A. ul. Żurawia 8 00-503 Warsaw Consolidated Financial Statements of MNI S.A. Date prepared: Dec 20 2006 Contents: 1. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 2. BALANCE SHEET 3. INCOME STATEMENT 4. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 5. CASH-FLOW STATEMENT 6. NOTES 1. Financial Highlights PLN '000 H1 2006 H1 2005 Jan 1 – Jan 1 – Jun 30 2006 Jun 30 2005 76,958 32,659 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS I. Net sales revenue EUR '000 H1 2006 H1 2005 Jan 1 – Jan 1 – Jun 30 2006 Jun 30 2005 19,798 8,004 II. Operating profit (loss) 8,271 4,466 2,128 III. Pre-tax profit (loss) 6,099 3,975 1,569 974 IV. Net profit (loss) 5,573 5,378 1,434 1,318 V. Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 11,792 8,235 3,034 2,018 VI. Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities -7,230 4,495 -1,860 -1,102 VII. Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities -2,802 -3,543 -721 -868 1,760 197 453 48 IX. Total assets 213,485 93,205 52,798 23,070 X. Liabilities and provisions for liabilities 117,484 31,838 29,056 7,881 2,019 VIII. Total net cash flow 1,095 XI. Non-current liabilities 65,257 8,158 16,139 XII. Current liabilities 46,921 18,022 11,604 4,461 XIII. Equity 96,001 61,367 23,743 15,189 22,572 22,709 5,582 5,621 22,571,558 22,708,558 22,571,558 22,708,558 XVI. Earnings (loss) per ordinary share (PLN/EUR) 0.25 0.24 0.06 0.06 XVIII. Book value per ordinary share (PLN/EUR) 4.25 2.70 1.05 0.67 XIV. Share capital XV. Weighted average number of ordinary shares 223 Prospectus of MNI S.A 2. Balance Sheet PLN '000 BALANCE SHEET Note Dec 31 2005 Jun 30 2006 end of end of H1 previous year / 2006 2005 Jun 30 2005 end of H1 2005 ASSETS I. Non-current assets 157,525 163,631 77,151 1 11,047 10,921 4,570 20,828 20,828 4,633 3. Property, plant and equipment 2 115,451 122,148 62,886 4. Non-current receivables 3 6,350 6,421 2,403 6,350 6,421 2,403 1. Intangible assets 2. Goodwill 4.1. From other undertakings 5. Non-current investments 4 5.1. Non-current financial assets a) in other undertakings 6. Deferred tax asset 5 II. Current assets 3,849 3,313 2,659 55,960 52,003 16,054 1. Inventories 6 457 375 197 2. Current receivables 7 35,766 33,453 15,177 2.1. From other undertakings 35,766 33,453 15,177 a) trade receivables 35,527 32,625 14,693 b) other receivables 239 828 484 19,737 18,175 680 19,737 18,175 680 221 263 20 19,516 17,912 660 213,485 215,634 93,205 3. Current investments 3.1. Current financial assets 8 a) in other undertakings b) cash and cash equivalents Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 96,001 90,166 61,367 9 22,572 22,572 22,709 3. Statutory reserve funds 10 32,572 32,572 32,299 4. Revaluation capital reserve 11 125 125 125 5. Other capital reserves 12 1,047 1,047 1,047 34,112 -18 -54 I. Equity 1. Share capital 2. Treasury shares (negative value) -137 6. Retained profit (deficit) 7. Net profit (loss) III. Liabilities and provisions for liabilities 1. Provisions for liabilities 5,573 33,868 5,378 117,484 125,468 31,838 5,306 4,881 4,007 3,508 2,850 2,136 245 320 334 9 9 12 236 311 322 1,553 1,711 1,537 1,553 1,553 158 1,537 65,257 73,339 8,158 2.1. To other undertakings 65,257 73,339 8,158 a) loans and borrowings 61,034 68,396 5,598 4,223 4,943 2,560 46,921 47,248 18,022 46,921 47,248 18,022 13 1.1. Deferred tax liability 1.2. Provision for retirement and related benefits, including: a) non-current b) current 1.3. Other provisions a) non-current b) current 2. Non-current liabilities 14 b) other 3. Current liabilities 15 3.1 To related undertakings 3.2. To other undertakings 224 Prospectus of MNI S.A a) loans and borrowings 17,784 12,262 597 b) trade payables 22,191 27,783 16,382 6,946 7,203 1,043 213,485 215,634 93,205 c) other 4. Current provisions 1,651 Total equity and liabilities 225 Prospectus of MNI S.A 3. Income Statement INCOME STATEMENT Note I. Net sales revenue PLN '000 H1 2006 H1 2005 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2006 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2005 76,958 32,659 32,602 1. Net revenue from sales of products 16 76,709 2. Net revenue from sales of materials 17 249 57 62,469 30,385 62,220 30,329 II. Cost of sales, including: 1. Cost of products sold 18 2. Cost of materials sold III. Gross profit (loss) on sales (I-II) 249 56 14,489 2,274 IV. Selling costs 3,493 772 V. General and administrative expenses 3,578 1,425 VI. Profit (loss) on sales (III-IV-V) VII. Other operating income 19 1. Gain on disposal of non-current non-financial assets 3. Other operating income VIII. Other operating expenses 20 7,418 77 2,188 5,543 5 17 2,183 5,526 1,335 1,154 1. Loss on disposal of non-current non-financial assets 1 2. Revaluation of non-financial assets 268 3. Other operating expenses 1,335 885 IX. Operating profit (loss) (VI+VII-VIII) 8,271 4,466 1,760 43 380 16 X. Financial income 21 2. Interest, including: 5. Other 1,380 27 3,932 534 1. Interest, including: 2,529 263 2. Loss on disposal of investments 1,257 186 XI. Financial expenses 22 4. Other XII. Profit (loss) before extraordinary items (IX+X-XI) XIV. Pre-tax profit (loss) (XII+/-XIII) XV. Corporate income tax 23 146 85 6,099 3,975 6,099 3,975 526 -1,403 a) current 403 16 b) deferred 123 -1,419 5,573 5,378 22,571,558 22,708,558 0.25 0.24 XVIII. Net profit (loss) (XIV-XV-XVI+/-XVII) Weighted average number of ordinary shares Earnings (loss) per ordinary share (PLN) 24 226 Prospectus of MNI S.A 4. Statement of Changes in Equity H1 2006 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2006 90,166 PLN '000 2005 Jan 1 – Dec 31 2005 56,298 H1 2005 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2005 56,298 I.a. Balance of equity at beginning of period (opening balance), after reconciliation to comparable data 90,166 56,298 56,298 1. Balance of share capital at beginning of period 22,572 22,709 22,709 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY I. Balance of equity at beginning of period (opening balance) a) changes to adopted accounting policies -137 1.1. Changes in share capital 137 b) decrease, including: 137 - shares retired 22,572 1.2. Balance of share capital at end of period 3. Treasury shares at beginning of period 22,572 22,709 137 137 -137 3.1. Changes in treasury shares b) decrease, including: 137 - shares retired 137 137 3.2. Treasury shares at end of period 27,251 27,251 4.1. Changes in statutory reserve funds 5,321 5,048 a) increase, including: 5,321 5,048 73 5,048 32,572 4. Statutory reserve funds at beginning of period - distribution of profit (statutory) 5,248 - reclassification of retained profit 32,572 32,572 32,299 5. Revaluation capital reserve at beginning of period 125 125 125 5.2. Revaluation capital reserve at end of period 125 125 125 6. Other capital reserves at beginning of period 1,047 1,047 1,047 6.2. Other capital reserves at end of period 1,047 1,047 1,047 7. Retained profit (deficit) at beginning of period 33,850 5,230 5,230 7.1. Retained profit at beginning of period 33,868 5,248 5,248 262 73 73 34,130 5,321 5,321 a) decrease, including: 5,321 5,048 - transfer of profit to statutory reserve funds 5,321 5,048 4.2. Statutory reserve funds at end of period a) other adjustments at beginning of period 7.2. Retained profit at beginning of period, after reconciliation to comparable data 273 34,130 7.3. Retained profit at end of period 18 7.4. Retained deficit at beginning of period 18 18 309 a) other adjustments 7.5. Retained deficit at beginning of period, after reconciliation to comparable data a) increase, including: - transfer of retained deficit to be covered b) decrease, including: - loss covered from statutory reserve funds 7.6. Retained deficit at end of period 7.7. Retained profit (deficit) at end of period 8. Net profit (loss) 18 18 34,112 -18 -54 5,573 33,868 5,378 73 73 73 73 90,166 61,367 8. Minority interests at beginning of period 327 a) increase b) decrease 8.1. Minority interests at end of period 96,001 II. Equity at end of period (closing balance ) 227 Prospectus of MNI S.A 5. Cash-Flow Statement PLN '000 H1 2006 H1 2005 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2006 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2005 CASH-FLOW STATEMENT A. Cash flows from operating activities – indirect method I. Net profit (loss) 5,573 5,378 II. Total adjustments 6,219 2,857 12,950 4,904 1. Depreciation and amortisation 2. Foreign exchange (gains) losses 20 7 3. (Gain)/loss on investing activities 102 -17 4. Change in provisions 585 722 5. Change in inventories -118 -37 6. Change in receivables -16,992 -9,802 10,449 12,187 7. Change in current liabilities (net of loans and borrowings) -601 8. Change in accruals and deferrals 9. Income tax paid -403 -16 10. Other adjustments III. Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities (I+/-II) -374 -4,490 11,792 8,235 I. Cash provided by investing activities 385 164 1. Sale of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 385 164 II. Cash used in investing activities 7,615 4,659 1. Acquisition of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 7,445 4,575 170 84 B. Cash flows from investing activities 2. Expenditure on financial assets, including: a) in related undertakings 20 - acquisition of financial assets 20 - valuation allowances for shares in subsidiary undertakings b) in other undertakings 150 - acquisition of financial assets 150 84 III. Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (I-II) C. Cash flows from financing activities -7,230 -4,495 I. Cash provided by financing activities 10,161 1,749 1. Net proceeds from issue of shares, other equity instruments and additional contributions to equity 20 10,114 2. Increase in loans and borrowings 84 1,569 27 180 II. Cash used in financing activities 12,963 5,292 1. Repayment of loans and borrowings 11,953 2,113 2. Other financial liabilities 148 1,900 3. Decrease in financed lease liabilities 461 298 3. Other cash provided by financing activities 18 4. Interest paid 41 354 5. Licence fee instalments paid 312 6. Arrangement instalments paid 566 71 20 -2,802 -3,543 D. Total net cash flow (A.III+/-B.III+/-C.III) 1,760 197 E. Balance-sheet change in cash, including: 1,760 197 F. Cash at beginning of period 17,756 467 G. Cash at end of period (F+/- D) 19,516 660 7. Other cash used in financing activities III. Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (I-II) -4 - change in cash resulting from foreign exchange gains/(losses) 228 Prospectus of MNI S.A 6. Notes Note 1A Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 PLN ‘000 Jun 30 2005 a) acquired permits, patents, licences and similar assets, including: 11,047 10,921 4,570 Total intangible assets 11,047 10,921 4,570 Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 a) owned 11,047 10,921 Jun 30 2005 4,570 Total intangible assets 11,047 10,921 4,570 Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 a) goodwill 20,828 20,828 4,633 Goodwill 20,828 20,828 4,633 INTANGIBLE ASSETS Note 1B PLN ‘000 INTANGIBLE ASSETS (by ownership) Note 1C PLN ‘000 GOODWILL Jun 30 2005 In 2004, following the acquisition of an organised part of business by the parent undertaking, goodwill was recognised. In accordance with the IFRS, the goodwill is tested for impairment on an annual basis. - acquisition price PLN 5,562 thousand - net assets as at date of control take-over PLN 930 thousand goodwill PLN 4,633 thousand No material merger costs were incurred other than the contractual acquisition price. In 2005, following the purchase of shares in Legion Polska Sp. z o.o., an excess of the shares value over the corresponding portion of the acquired company’s net assets was recognised: - acquisition price PLN 16,669 thousand - net assets as at date of control take-over PLN 474 thousand goodwill PLN 16,195 thousand No material merger costs were incurred other than the contractual acquisition price. Note 2A Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 PLN ‘000 Jun 30 2005 114,241 114,552 61,734 99 99 72 - buildings and structures 43,106 44,497 31,853 - plant and equipment 29,602 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT a) tangible assets, including: - land (including perpetual usufruct rights) 64,017 68,762 - vehicles 1,026 758 71 - other tangible assets 5,993 436 136 b) assets under construction Total property, plant and equipment 1,210 7,596 1,152 115,451 122,148 62,886 Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 PLN ‘000 Jun 30 2005 113,524 120,511 62,000 1,927 1,637 886 Note 2B ON-BALANCE-SHEET TANGIBLE ASSETS (by ownership) a) owned b) used under lease and rental agreements, including financed lease agreements: financed lease agreements Total on-balance-sheet tangible assets 229 1,927 1,637 115,451 122,148 62,886 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 3 Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 PLN’ 000 Jun 30 2005 Net non-current receivables 6,350 6,421 2,403 Gross non-current receivables 6,350 6,421 2,403 Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 Jun 30 2005 a) balance at beginning of period 210 210 - shares in related undertakings 210 210 - shares in other undertakings 210 210 0 0 NON-CURRENT RECEIVABLES Note 4 PLN ‘000 CHANGE IN NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS (BY TYPE) d) balance at end of period 230 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 1D PLN ‘000 a acquired permits, patents, licences and similar assets including: c prepayments for intangible assets other intangible assets computer software a) gross intangible assets at beginning of period b Total intangible assets 13,645 13,645 13,645 b) increase, including: 2,685 2,685 2,685 - purchase 2,685 2,685 - other 2,685 378 378 c) decrease, including: 26 26 - liquidation 26 26 16,304 16,304 e) accumulated amortisation at beginning of period 2,724 2,724 2,724 f) amortisation for period, including: d) gross intangible assets at end of period 26 26 378 16,682 2,937 2,937 2,937 decrease, including: 26 26 26 - liquidation 26 26 26 5,635 5,627 5,635 10,669 10,669 g) accumulated amortisation at end of period h) net intangible assets at end of period 231 378 11,047 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 2C MOVEMENTS IN TANGIBLE ASSETS (BY TYPE) PLN ‘000 owned land (including perpetual usufruct rights) a) gross tangible assets at beginning of period 99 buildings and structures plant and equipment vehicles other tangible assets Total tangible assets 80,721 147,598 2,194 2,389 233,001 b) increase, including: 57 3,331 459 5,668 9,515 - purchase 28 1,620 459 5,668 - transfer from warehouse 29 1,711 c) decrease, including: - disposal - liquidation d) gross tangible assets at end of period 322 86 18 426 7 86 15 108 315 99 e) accumulated depreciation at beginning of period 7,775 1,737 3 318 80,778 150,607 2,567 8,039 242,090 18,393 78,568 1,436 1,953 100,350 f) depreciation for period, including: 1,891 7,828 184 110 10,013 - annual depreciation 1,891 7,828 184 110 10,013 g) decrease, including: 74 79 17 170 - liquidation 71 2 73 - disposal 3 79 15 97 1,541 2,046 110,193 g) accumulated depreciation at end of period 20,284 86,322 h) impairment charges at beginning of period 17,831 268 18,099 17,388 268 17,656 - decrease 443 i) impairment charges at end of period 443 j) net tangible assets at end of period 99 43,106 64,017 1,026 5,993 k) net tangible assets at beginning of period 99 44,497 68,762 758 436 l) tangible assets at end of period 114,241 114,552 114,241 232 Prospectus of MNI S.A 233 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 5 PLN '000 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2006 CHANGE IN DEFERRED TAX ASSET Jan 1 – Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2005 1. Deferred tax asset at beginning of period, including: 3,313 815 815 a) recognised in net profit or loss 3,313 815 815 2. Increase 8,407 9,796 4,100 a) recognised in net profit or loss for the period in connection with deductible temporary differences, including: 8,407 9,796 2,520 deferred tax on costs invoiced after the closing of financial period 5,036 deferred tax relating to tax loss for previous years b) recognised in net profit or loss for the period in connection with tax loss (including): 3. Decrease 4,760 1,580 a) recognised in net profit or loss for the period in connection with deductible temporary differences, including: 7,871 7,298 2,256 7,871 7,298 2,256 deferred tax on costs invoiced after the closing of financial period 4,386 deferred tax relating to tax loss for previous years 2,912 4. Total deferred tax asset at end of period, including: 3,849 3,849 a) recognised in net profit or loss 3,313 2,659 3,313 2,659 Note 6 Jun 30 2006 INVENTORIES PLN '000 Jun 30 2005 Dec 31 2005 a) materials 457 375 197 Total inventories 457 375 197 - there are no restrictions on disposal of the inventories - the value of the inventories recognised as costs in the period amounted to: PLN 20 thousand - value of materials sold PLN 40 thousand - general administrative expenses and selling costs (value of advertising materials charged to costs) Note 7A CURRENT RECEIVABLES Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 PLN' 000 Jun 30 2005 a) receivables from other undertakings trade receivables, maturing in: 35,766 33,453 15,177 35,527 32,625 14,693 up to 12 months 25,255 31,839 14,693 over 12 months 272 786 other 239 828 484 35,766 33,453 15,177 Total current receivables, net b) valuation allowance for receivables Total current receivables, gross 1,895 5,652 1,934 37,661 39,105 17,111 Note 7B PLN '000 CHANGE IN VALUATION ALLOWANCES FOR CURRENT RECEIVABLES Balance at beginning of period Jan 1 – Jun 30 2006 Jan 1 – Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2005 5,652 1,911 1,911 a) increase 136 4,465 373 - valuation allowances for receivables from customers 136 1,167 373 - other 3,298 b) decrease 795 724 350 - valuation allowances for receivables from customers 795 574 350 - other 3,090 200 Balance of valuation allowances for current receivables at end of period 1,895 5,652 234 1,934 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 7C CURRENT RECEIVABLES, BY CURRENCY a) in Polish currency b) in foreign currencies (in foreign currency and restated in PLN) b1. unit/currency USD PLN '000 Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 PLN '000 Jun 30 2005 37,314 38,426 16,900 347 679 211 32 18 20 102 60 65 1,552 29 b2. unit/currency CZK 206 4 493 3,478 92 PLN '000 52 355 10 b4. unit/currency EUR 13 15 33 53 58 132 39,105 17,111 PLN '000 b3. unit/currency SKK PLN '000 1,227 b5. unit/currency HUF 140 PLN '000 37,661 Total current receivables, gross Note 7D PLN'000 TRADE RECEIVABLES (GROSS), BY MATURITY AS FROM THE BALANCE-SHEET DATE a) up to 1 month b) more than 1 month – up to 3 months c) more than 3 months – up to 6 months d) more than 6 months – up to 1 year e) more than 1 year f) past due Total trade receivables (gross) g) valuation allowances for trade receivables Total trade receivables (net) Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 Jun 30 2005 23,007 23,578 10,567 3,026 19 1,390 799 6,509 1,294 5,829 191 133 272 595 164 4,489 7,385 3,079 37,422 38,277 16,627 1,895 5,652 1,934 35,527 32,625 14,693 Note 7E PLN '000 PAST-DUE TRADE RECEIVABLES (GROSS), BY PERIOD OF DELAY a) delayed by up to 1 month b) delayed by more than 1 month – up to 3 months c) delayed by more than 3 months – up to 6 months d) delayed by more than 6 months – up to 1 year Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 Jun 30 2005 371 551 720 1,131 1,252 308 657 407 117 752 598 181 e) delayed by more than 1 year 2,233 4,577 1,753 Total past-due trade receivables (gross) 4,489 7,385 3,079 f) valuation allowances for trade receivables 1,895 5,652 1,934 Total past-due trade receivables (net) 2,594 1,733 1,145 Note 8A CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 a) in other undertakings 221 263 shares 156 237 loans advanced PLN '000 Jun 30 2005 20 65 26 20 b) cash and cash equivalents 19,516 17,912 660 cash in hand and cash at banks 19,496 17,106 596 20 806 64 19,737 18,175 680 other cash Total current financial assets 235 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 8B PLN '000 SECURITIES, EQUITY INTERESTS AND OTHER CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS, BY CURRENCY Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 a) in Polish currency 156 237 Total securities, equity interests and other current financial assets 156 237 Jun 30 2005 Note 8C PLN '000 SECURITIES, EQUITY INTERESTS AND OTHER CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS, BY TRANSFERABILITY Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 A. Freely transferable, listed (carrying value) 156 237 a) shares (carrying value) 156 237 Total carrying value 156 237 Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 PLN '000 Jun 30 2005 a) in Polish currency 65 26 20 Total current loans advanced 65 26 20 Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 PLN '000 Jun 30 2005 a) in Polish currency 19,516 17,912 660 Total cash and cash equivalents 19,516 17,912 660 Value of series/issue at par value Covered with Note 8D CURRENT LOANS ADVANCED, BY CURRENCY Note 8E CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BY CURRENCY Jun 30 2005 Note 9 PLN ‘000 SHARE CAPITAL (STRUCTURE) Series/issue Type of shares Preference A registered 3:1 voting preference A ordinary Type of limitation of rights to shares Number of shares Registration date Rights to dividend from 1996-08-07 1997-01-01 1996-08-07 1997-01-01 B ordinary 163,110 163,110 contribution in kind contribution in kind cash 1996-08-07 1997-01-01 C ordinary 136,590 136,590 cash 1997-02-20 1997-01-01 D ordinary 763,410 763,410 cash 1997-02-20 1997-01-01 E ordinary 4,420,000 4,420,000 cash 1997-05-14 1997-01-01 F ordinary 3,566,004 3,566,004 cash 1998-11-19 1998-01-01 G ordinary 118,986 118,986 cash 1998-11-19 1998-01-01 H ordinary 2,608,558 2,608,558 cash 2001-07-27 2001-01-01 I ordinary 363,000 363,000 cash 2001-03-23 2001-01-01 J ordinary 4,000,000 4,000,000 cash 2004-09-16 2003-01-01 K ordinary 5,500,000 5,500,000 cash 2004-12-31 2005-01-01 Total number of shares 13,189 13,189 918,711 918,711 22,571,558 Total share capital 22,571,558 Par value of one share – PLN 1 As at June 30th 2006 the share capital of MNI S.A. amounted to PLN 22,571,558 and was divided into 22,571,558 Series A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K shares with the par value of PLN 1 per share. 236 Prospectus of MNI S.A Shareholders of MNI S.A. holding over 5% of the shares or of the total vote at the General Shareholders Meeting of MNI S.A. No. Shareholder PLN Number of shares % of total shares Number of votes 1 COM INVESTMENT Sp. z o.o. (formerly MEDIA-NET INTERACTIVE Sp. z o.o.) 8,607,590 38.13 8,607,590 38.09 2 Andrzej Piechocki together with Dedal Inwestycje Sp. Z o.o. 3,063,144 13.57 3,063,144 13.55 3 Caterham Financial Management Ltd. 1,250,000 5.54 1,250,000 5.53 In the reporting period, the par value of the shares did not change and there were no changes in the rights attached to the shares. 237 % of total vote Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 10 STATUTORY RESERVE FUNDS Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 PLN '000 Dec 31 2005 a) other (by type) 32,572 32,572 32,299 Total statutory reserve funds 32,572 32,572 32,299 There were no additional contributions. Statutory reserve funds are created from profit distributions and are maintained to cover potential future losses. Note 11 REVALUATION CAPITAL RESERVE Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 PLN '000 Dec 31 2005 a) from revaluation of tangible assets 125 125 125 Total revaluation capital reserve 125 125 125 Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 PLN '000 Dec 31 2005 1,047 1,047 1,047 Revaluation of tangible assets in compliance with the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 1995. Note 12 OTHER CAPITAL RESERVES, BY PURPOSE - created from profit distributions Total other capital reserves 1,047 1,047 1,047 The capital reserves were created from the net profit for 1994 – PLN 36.7 thousand, for 1996 – PLN 228.6 thousand, for 1997 – PLN 781.6 thousand, in total: PLN 1,046.9 thousand. The capital reserves were created for coverage of future net losses. Note 13A Jan 1 - Jun 30 2006 CHANGE IN DEFERRED TAX LIABILITY 1. Deferred tax liability at beginning of period Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 PLN ‘000 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2005 2,850 1,712 2. Increase 6,100 7,642 a) recognised in net profit or loss for the period due to taxable temporary differences, including: 6,100 7,642 - revenue not invoiced 5,373 7,565 3,488 16 8 a) recognised in net profit or loss 1,712 1,712 - foreign exchange gains/losses - employee benefits – retirement severance pays 3,496 2 - provision for unused holidays 59 3. Decrease 5,442 6,504 3,072 a) recognised in net profit or loss for the period due to taxable temporary differences, including: 5,442 6,504 44 41 81 - revenue not invoiced - amortisation charges relating to a licence 23 - foreign exchange gains/losses 21 b) recognised in equity due to taxable temporary differences, including: 3,028 - depreciation of tangible assets covered by an investment tax credit 2 - settlement of income for 2004 3,026 4. Total deferred tax liability at end of period 3,508 a) recognised in net profit or loss 2,850 2,136 2,134 b) recognised in equity 2 PLN ‘000 238 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 13B CHANGE IN NON-CURRENT PROVISION FOR RETIREMENT AND SIMILAR BENEFITS, BY CATEGORY a) balance at beginning of period Jan 1 – Jun 30 2006 9 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2005 9 9 b) increase, including: 2 3 provision created 2 3 c) release, including: 2 - adjustment to provision balance 2 d) balance at end of period 9 Note 13C CHANGE IN CURRENT PROVISION FOR RETIREMENT AND SIMILAR BENEFITS, BY CATEGORY a) balance at beginning of period Jan 1 – Jun 30 2006 9 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2005 12 PLN ‘000 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2005 311 187 187 b) increase, including: 38 176 135 - accrual of cash equivalent for unused holidays 38 176 135 c) use, including: 52 - payment of cash equivalent for unused holidays 52 d) release, including: 113 e) balance at end of period 236 311 322 Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 PLN ‘000 Jun 30 2005 65,257 73,339 8,158 61,034 68,397 5,598 4,223 4,943 2,560 65,257 73,339 8,158 Note 14A NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES a) to other undertakings - loans and borrowings - other (by type) Total non-current liabilities Note 14B NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES, BALANCE-SHEET DATE PLN ‘000 BY MATURITY AS FROM a) more than 1 year – up to 3 years b) more than 3 years – up to 5 years c) more than 5 years Total non-current liabilities THE Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 Jun 30 2005 32,075 42,883 4,354 33,005 28,778 2,917 177 1,678 887 65,257 73,339 8,158 Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 PLN ‘000 Jun 30 2005 65,257 73,339 7,782 Note 14C NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES, BY CURRENCY a) in Polish currency 376 b) in foreign currencies (in foreign currency and restated in PLN) 93 b1. unit/currency EUR ‘000 376 PLN ‘000 65,257 73,339 8,158 Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 PLN ‘000 Jun 30 2005 a) to other undertakings - loans and borrowings 46,921 47,248 18,022 17,784 12,262 597 - trade payables 22,191 27,783 16,382 6,946 7,203 1,043 46,921 47,248 18,022 Total non-current liabilities Note 15A CURRENT LIABILITIES - other Total current liabilities 239 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 15B CURRENT LIABILITIES, BY CURRENCY a) in Polish currency b) in foreign currencies (in foreign currency and restated in PLN) Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 PLN '000 Jun 30 2005 46,881 47,175 17,824 40 73 198 b1. unit/currency EUR '000 19 46 PLN '000 73 192 b2. unit/currency USD '000 1 2 PLN ‘000 2 4 2,638 B3. unit/currency HUF '000 38 PLN ‘000 46,921 Total current liabilities 240 47,248 18,022 Prospectus of MNI S.A Note 14D Name PLN '000 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES UNDER LOANS AND BORROWINGS Company name Registered Amount of loan/borrowing as Amount outstanding and legal form office in per agreement PLN '000 currency PLN '000 currency 81,000 PLN 61,034 PLN Interest Repayment date MNI S.A. BRE BANK S.A. Warsaw 1M WIBOR +1.8PA 20.12.2010 Collateral assignment by way of security Note 15C PLN '000 CURRENT LIABILITIES UNDER LOANS AND BORROWINGS Amount of loan/borrowing as Company name Registered per agreement and legal form office in PLN '000 currency Amount outstanding PLN '000 Interest Repayment date Collateral 30.06.2007 assignment by way of security currency MNI S.A. BRE BANK S.A. Warsaw * PLN 14,724 BRE BANK S.A. Warsaw 1,000 PLN 634 PLN 1M WIBOR 29.06.2007 MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Telefonia PKO S.A. Pilicka Sp. z o.o.) Radom 3,964 PLN 964 PLN 3M WIBOR + 3 31.12.2006 Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. Warsaw 750 PLN 712 PLN 1M WIBOR + 1.2 revolving loan, agreement valid until Jul 30 2007 assignment of receivables under issued invoices 1M WIBOR + 1.2 revolving loan, agreement valid until Oct 27 2007 assignment of receivables under issued invoices MNI S.A. Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. Other BRE BANK S.A. BRE BANK S.A. Warsaw 750 PLN 750 1M WIBOR +1.8PA PLN assignment of receivables under issued invoices assignment by way of security In accordance with the loan agreement of August 11th 2005, the contracted loan of PLN 81,000,000 was presented in the balance sheet under different items depending on the maturity: - the amount of PLN 14,724 thousand, maturing within one year, was presented under current liabilities under loans and borrowings, - the amount of PLN 61,034 thousand, maturing after more than one year, was presented under non-current liabilities under loans and borrowings. 241 Other Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for the period from January 1st 2006 to June 30th 2006 Note 16A PLN '000 NET REVENUE FROM SALES OF PRODUCTS, BY TYPE OF ACTIVITY Jan 1 – Jun 30 2006 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2005 - telecommunications services 31,220 12,030 - media services 42,090 19,187 2,773 1,290 626 95 76,709 32,602 - call centre services - other services Total net revenue from sales of products Note 16B NET REVENUE FROM SALES (GEOGRAPHICAL STRUCTURE) PLN '000 OF PRODUCTS Jan 1 – Jun 30 2006 a) domestic sales b) exports Total net revenue from sales of products 75,386 31,158 1,323 1,444 76,709 32,602 Note 17A NET REVENUE FROM SALES OF GOODS FOR RESALE AND MATERIALS, BY TYPE OF ACTIVITY Jan 1 – Jun 30 2005 PLN '000 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2006 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2005 revenue from sales of materials 249 57 Total net revenue from sales of goods for resale and materials 249 57 Note 17B NET REVENUE FROM SALES OF GOODS FOR RESALE AND MATERIALS (GEOGRAPHICAL STRUCTURE) PLN '000 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2006 a) domestic sales Jan 1 – Jun 30 2005 249 57 249 57 b) exports Total net revenue from sales of goods for resale and materials Note 18 COSTS BY TYPE PLN '000 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2006 12,950 a) amortisation and depreciation b) raw materials and energy used c) contracted services Jan 1 – Jun 30 2005 4,904 474 537 43,452 20,562 d) taxes and charges 1,165 839 e) salaries and wages 10,033 5,185 f) social security and other benefits 484 472 g) other costs by type 733 27 Total costs by type 69,291 32,526 selling costs (negative value) -3,493 -772 general and administrative expenses (negative value) -3,578 -1,425 Cost of products sold 62,220 30,329 242 Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for the period from January 1st 2006 to June 30th 2006 Note 19 OTHER OPERATING INCOME PLN '000 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2006 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2005 a) provisions released, including: 909 1,395 - provision for receivables 795 350 - provision for holiday leaves 113 1,045 - provision for liabilities 1 - provision for materials at warehouse 1,279 b) other, including: - valuation allowances 553 - return of costs from court enforcement officer - VAT 28 293 13 - compensation received under insurance policies 1 - adjustment to previous years’ costs 386 - other Total other operating income 4,131 5 17 2,188 5,543 - gain on disposal of non-financial non-current assets Note 20 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 4,148 PLN '000 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2006 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2005 a) provisions created, including: 174 512 - for receivables 136 374 38 136 1,161 642 - valuation allowances 14 268 - court fees 80 9 861 75 - for unused holidays - for retirement severance pays 2 b) other, including: - receivables written-off - donations 33 - previous years' costs 150 - contributions to organisations 8 - other 124 - destroyed and damaged materials 48 - audit of the Company 21 - severance pay 5 - identified past due payables 107 Total other operating expenses 1,335 Note 21A FINANCIAL INCOME - INTEREST INCOME 1,154 PLN '000 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2006 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2005 b) other interest 380 16 from other undertakings 380 16 Total interest income 380 16 PLN '000 243 Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for the period from January 1st 2006 to June 30th 2006 Note 21B OTHER FINANCIAL INCOME Jan 1 - Jun 30 2006 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2005 a) foreign exchange gains 5 realised 2 7 unrealised 3 20 c) other, including: 1,375 - disposal of shares 1,257 - valuation of shares 118 Total other financial income 1,380 Note 22A FINANCIAL EXPENSES - INTEREST EXPENSE 27 27 PLN '000 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2006 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2005 a) interest on loans and borrowings 2,350 189 to other undertakings 2,350 189 b) other interest 179 74 to other undertakings 179 74 Total interest expense 2,529 263 Note 22B OTHER FINANCIAL EXPENSES PLN '000 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2006 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2005 a) foreign exchange losses, including: 33 44 realised 32 39 1 5 unrealised b) created provisions, including: 186 revaluation of investments 186 c) other, including: 1,370 loss on disposal of non-current financial assets 1,257 commissions on loans and guarantees 61 annex to agreement with BRE 25 cancelled loan 27 Total other financial expenses 1,403 Note 23A CURRENT INCOME TAX 41 271 PLN '000 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2006 1. Current income tax shown in the tax return for the period 403 shown in the income statement Current income tax 403 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2005 16 16 PLN ‘000 244 Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for the period from January 1st 2006 to June 30th 2006 Note 23B CURRENT INCOME TAX * Jan 1 - Jun 30 2006 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2005 1. Pre-tax profit/(loss) 3,649 5,644 2. Differences between pre-tax profit (loss) and tax base, including: 3,711 2,153 811 845 1,345 5,310 2,840 7,399 11,031 6,607 - costs permanently non-tax-deductible - costs permanently increasing tax-deductible costs - revenue permanently not classified as taxable revenue - costs temporarily non-tax-deductible 7,711 392 - revenue not recognised as taxable revenue 15,966 9,098 - revenue permanently increasing taxable revenue 12,309 - other periods’ costs increasing tax-deductible costs -62 3. Income tax base 3,491 4. Income tax at 19% rate 5. Tax assessment or abatement, tax credits, deductions -62 3,491 and reductions * Reconciliation of net profit (loss) to the taxable income reported for the parent undertaking. Note 23C DEFERRED INCOME TAX RECOGNISED IN THE INCOME STATEMENT PLN ‘000 Jan 1 – Jun 30 2006 decrease (increase) due to emergence and reversal of temporary differences, including: Jan 1 – Jun 30 2005 123 -1,419 - increase in deferred tax assets -535 -1,844 - increase in deferred tax liability 658 425 123 -1,419 Total deferred income tax Explanatory note to income statement, item XV - Income tax, a) current portion – period from January 1st to June 30th 2006 In the period from January 1st to June 30th 2006, taxable income was posted by the following subsidiary undertakings: 1. Szeptel International Sp. z o.o. - tax base : PLN 95 thousand - income tax at 19% rate: PLN 18 thousand 1. Media Personel Serwis Sp. z o.o. - tax base : PLN 247 thousand - income tax at 19% rate: PLN 47 thousand 1. Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. - tax base: PLN 1,779 thousand - income tax at 19% rate: PLN 338 thousand NOTE 24 Net earnings per share were calculated by dividing net profit by the weighted average number of shares. The net profit for the first half of 2006 amounted to PLN 5,573 thousand. Weighted average number of shares: 22,571,558 shares. Earnings per share: PLN 0.49. 245 Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for the period from January 1st 2006 to June 30th 2006 NOTES TO THE CASH-FLOW STATEMENT 1. The cash disclosed in the cash-flow statement comprised (PLN '000): Jun 30 2006 Cash at banks Other cash TOTAL Dec 31 2005 19,496 17,106 20 806 19,516 17,912 Jun 30 2005 660 660 2. Item A.I.3 The amount of PLN 102 thousand in the period January 1st – June 30th 2006 comprises the gains on sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets of: MNI Telecom (formerly Telefonia Pilicka) Sp. z o.o.: PLN 102 thousand. Note 25 PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED INTO FOUR CATEGORIES PLN '000 FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT OR LOSS Jun 30 2006 Dec 31 2005 Jun 30 2005 a) in other undertakings 156 237 0 shares listed on the WSE - ENERGO-PŁD 156 237 0 Total financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 156 237 0 Jun 30 2006 LOANS ADVANCED PLN '000 Jun 30 2005 Dec 31 2005 a) current loans 65 26 20 Total current loans 65 26 20 INVESTMENTS HELD TO MATURITY a) non-current loans - see note 14A b) current loans - see note 15A NOTES REGARDING IFRS 3 In the reporting period, the following undertakings were excluded from consolidation: - BIA-NET, which was placed in liquidation, and - OSS, which was sold at a selling price of PLN 1.00. The information on the value of main categories of assets and liabilities of subsidiary undertakings excluded from consolidation was presented in the supplementary information to the consolidated financial statements of the MNI Group for the first half of 2006, Section “Information on the Group”. 246 Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for the period from January 1st 2006 to June 30th 2006 Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for the period from January 1st 2006 to June 30th 2006 I. INFORMATION ON THE GROUP The parent undertaking of the Group is MNI Spółka Akcyjna, registered office at ul. Żurawia 8, Warsaw, Poland. The Company is entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court of Białystok, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under No. KRS 0000003901. The Company’s business is provision of telecommunications services (PKD 6420). The Company is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The MNI Group is composed of the following entities: Subsidiary undertakings included in the consolidated financial statements: 1. MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Telefonia Pilicka Sp. z o.o.) of Radom – telecommunications services – 100% equity interest. As at June 30th 2006, the company posted a balance-sheet total of PLN 85,960 thousand and a net profit of PLN 1,927 thousand. 2. Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw – telecommunications services – 100% equity interest. As at June 30th 2006, the company posted a balance-sheet total of PLN 7,162 thousand and a net profit of PLN 305 thousand. 3. Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw – auxiliary company; development of system and application software for content and functionality management of data communication service platforms with respect to Voice/Data/SMS/MMS services, and specialist personnel management – 100% equity interest; As at June 30th 2006, the company posted a balance-sheet total of PLN 1,293 thousand and a net profit of PLN 25 thousand. 4. Szeptel International Sp. z o.o. of Szepietowo – auxiliary company; human resources and logistics management for the Contact Centre in Szepietowo – 100% equity interest. As at June 30th 2006, the company posted a balance-sheet total of PLN 312 thousand and a net profit of PLN 61 thousand. Undertakings excluded from consolidation after December 31st 2005: 1. OSS S.A., which posted a loss of PLN 34 thousand for the 2005 financial year and had a balance-sheet total of PLN 189 thousand as at December 31st 2005. OSS S.A. did not conduct any activities in the past two years. On April 1st 2006, MNI S.A., the parent undertaking, sold its equity interest in OSS S.A. to the subsidiary MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o., which intends to resume the activities of OSS S.A. The loss on the sale of the shares in OSS S.A. was PLN 1,256 thousand. 2. Placed in liquidation, BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. reported a loss of PLN 179 thousand for the 2005 financial year and posted a balance-sheet total of PLN 513 thousand as at December 31st 2005. These figures represented, respectively, 0.25% of the aggregated balance-sheet totals, 0.33% of the balance-sheet total disclosed in the consolidated balance sheet as at December 31st 2005, 1.7% of the total net profit/loss, and 0.63% of the consolidated income statement for the 2005 financial year. 247 Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for the period from January 1st 2006 to June 30th 2006 Non-consolidated subsidiary undertakings – loss of control – companies placed in liquidation: 1. Szeptel Internet Sp. z o.o. of Kraków 2. EPL Sp. z o.o. of Szepietowo 3. BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. of Białystok 248 Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for the period from January 1st 2006 to June 30th 2006 CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARY UNDERTAKINGS AS AT JUNE 30TH 2006 a Company name and form of incorporation b Registered office c d f g h i Business profile j k Nature of capital link (subsidiary, jointlycontrolled, or associated undertaking, direct or indirect) Control/ joint control/ significant influence exercised since: Shares at cost (PLN ‘000) Total valuation allowances (PLN ‘000) Carrying value of shares (PLN ‘000) % of share capital held % of the total vote at the General Shareholders Meeting Szeptel International Sp. z o.o. Szepietowo telecommunications, call centre projects subsidiary undertaking Jun 7 2000 101 0 101 100.00 100.00 Media Personel Serwis Sp. z o.o. Warsaw software services, human resources management subsidiary undertaking Dec 20 2004 30 0 30 100.00 100.00 telecommunications services subsidiary undertaking Aug 10 2005 16,669 0 16,669 100.00 100.00 telecommunications services subsidiary undertaking Dec 19 2005 55,343 0 55,343 100.00 100.00 Legion Warsaw Polska Sp. z o.o. MNI Telekom (formerly: Telefonia Radom Pilicka) Sp. z o.o. NON-CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARY UNDERTAKINGS AS AT JUNE 30TH 2006 a Company name and form of incorporation b Registered office c d f g h i j k Business profile Nature of capital link (subsidiary, jointlycontrolled, or associated undertaking, direct or indirect) Control/ joint control/ significant influence exercised since: Shares at cost (PLN ‘000) Total valuation allowances (PLN ‘000) Carrying value of shares (PLN ‘000) % of share capital held % of the total vote at the General Shareholders Meeting subsidiary undertaking Apr 5 2000 75 75 0 100.00 100.00 Sep 5 2000 101 101 0 100.00 100.00 May 11 2005 446 446 0 53.90 53.90 Szeptel Internet Sp z o.o. Kraków Internet services EPL S.A. Szepietowo Web page services BIA NET Sp. Białystok z o.o. Lease of infrastructure subsidiary undertaking subsidiary undertaking 249 Information on the value of assets and equity and liabilities of subsidiary undertakings excluded from consolidation in 2006 (summarised by each major category) As at Dec 31 2005 OSS Sp. z o.o. Bia-Net Sp. z o.o. ASSETS I. Non-current assets 0 1. Intangible assets 0 2. Property, plant and equipment 3. Non-current receivables 912 906 0 6 189 40 2. Current receivables 38 35 3. Current investments 151 5 3.1. Current financial assets 151 5 II. Current assets 1. Inventories 0 a) cash and cash equivalents * Total assets 151 5 189 952 LIABILITIES I. Equity 1. Share capital -34 -230 1,000 2,351 -1,000 -2,249 2. Statutory reserve funds 3. Retained profit/(deficit) 0 4. Current year net profit/(loss) -34 -332 II. Liabilities and provisions for liabilities 223 1,182 1. Provisions for liabilities 0 158 2. Non-current liabilities 100 327 3. Current liabilities 123 697 Total equity and liabilities 189 952 * Cash and cash equivalents include cash in bank accounts and cash in hand. The consolidated financial statements were prepared for the period January 1st – June 30th 2006. The comparable data cover the corresponding reporting period of 2005. The consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the interpretations adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IAS). The data included in the consolidated financial statements are expressed in the Polish złoty (PLN) and rounded off to the nearest thousand. 250 II. KEY RULES GOVERNING PREPARATION OF THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE MNI GROUP The key accounting policies applied in the preparation of the attached consolidated financial statements are presented below: BASIS OF ACCOUNTING The MNI Group prepared the attached consolidated financial statements in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) and related interpretations published in the form of the European Commission regulations, in force as at June 30th 2006. The consolidated financial statements were prepared for the period from January 1st to June 30th 2006. Comparable data cover the corresponding reporting period of 2005, i.e. the period from January 1st to June 30th 2005. The consolidated financial statements were prepared on a historic cost basis, with the exception of derivative financial instruments and financial assets available for sale, which are measured at fair value. No financial assets available for sale were disclosed in the reporting period. CHANGES IN APPLIED ACCOUNTING POLICIES In the reporting year, i.e. from January 1st to June 30th 2006, no amendments were made to the International Financial Reporting Standards which could have a bearing on the MNI Group’s accounting policies. REPORTING CURRENCY The financial data contained in the attached consolidated financial statements are reported in the Polish złoty (PLN), which is the currency used by the Group for the valuation and presentation purposes. The data presented in the consolidated financial statements are rounded off to the nearest thousand. CONSOLIDATION PRINCIPLES Subsidiary Undertakings Subsidiary undertakings of the MNI Group (i.e. undertakings in which the Group holds more than 50% of the total vote at the general shareholders meeting or directs their financial or operating policies on some other basis) are consolidated. In assessing whether the Group exerts control over a given undertaking, potential voting rights exercisable at such undertaking’s general shareholders meeting, as well as their impact, are also taken into account. The subsidiary undertakings are consolidated from the date on which control is assumed by the Group to the date it is lost. The acquisition of subsidiary undertakings is accounted for with the acquisition method. The acquisition cost comprises the acquired company’s assets measured at fair value, shares issued or liabilities contracted as at the acquisition date, and costs directly related to the acquisition. The excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of the acquired subsidiary’s assets is recognised as goodwill. Intra-Group transactions, balances and unrealised profits/losses on intra-Group transactions are eliminated during consolidation. If required, accounting policies of the subsidiary undertakings are modified to comply with the accounting policies applied by the Group. In the case of non-consolidated financial statements, financial interests in subsidiary undertakings are valued at cost, while in consolidated financial statements investments in subsidiary undertakings are eliminated. The excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of the identifiable net assets of a subsidiary undertaking as at the acquisition date is disclosed as consolidation goodwill and is tested for impairment. If the acquisition cost is lower than the fair value of the identifiable net assets of a subsidiary undertaking as at the acquisition date, the difference is disclosed as profit in the income statement. 251 Goodwill Goodwill arising on acquisition represents the excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of the Group’s share in identifiable net assets of the acquired subsidiary as at the acquisition date. The goodwill relating to acquisition of subsidiary undertakings is disclosed under intangible assets as a separate item. The Company’s goodwill resulting from the purchase transactions executed after March 31st 2004 is not amortised in accordance with IFRS 3 – Business Combinations. Consolidation goodwill which arose before March 31st 2004 is not amortised after January 1st 2005. As at the date of acquisition, goodwill is allocated to each cash-generating unit. The Company calculates impairment losses by estimating the recoverable value of the cash-generating unit to which the goodwill pertains. The Company recognises impairment losses if the recoverable value of a cash-generating unit is lower than its carrying value. If goodwill comprises a part of a cash-generating unit and the Company sells a part of the cash-generating unit’s business, the goodwill pertaining to the sold business is included in the carrying value that is taken into account in calculating gains or losses on the disposal of the business. Goodwill sold in this way is valued on the basis of the relative value of the sold business and the value of the retained part of the cash-generating unit. Goodwill is tested for impairment at least once a year. Impairment losses are charged against other operating expenses. If the share in acquired assets, equity and liabilities and off-balance sheet liabilities of a subsidiary exceeds the cost of acquisition of the subsidiary, the Group: • • carries out revaluation of the identifiable assets, equity and liabilities, off-balance sheet liabilities and the acquisition cost; recognises the excess remaining after the revaluation in the income statement. Sale of Subsidiaries Profit/loss on sale of a subsidiary includes the carrying value of the sold subsidiary’s goodwill. Any profits/losses arising from the dilution of shares in subsidiaries are disclosed in the income statement for the period in which the sale was effected. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT a) Owned property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment are carried at cost less depreciation charges and impairment losses (except land). After initial recognition, any increases in property, plant and equipment are recognised at cost. In 2006, there were no revaluations of property, plant and equipment. Costs incurred after an item of property, plant and equipment is placed in service, such as costs of repair or maintenance, affect the profit or loss for the reporting period in which they were incurred, except for the situation where the acquisition or production cost of a component of an item of property, plant and equipment is material relative to the acquisition or production cost of the entire item. In such cases, the cost amount increases the value of the item and is subject to depreciation. b) Depreciation Items of property, plant and equipment, or their material or separable components, are depreciated using the straight line method over their economic useful lives. Land is not depreciated. The MNI Group applies the following depreciation rates: Asset Depreciation rate Vehicles 20% and 33% Computers 30% Investments in third-party facilities 10% Buildings 10% 252 Structures 4 and 4.5% Road machinery 17% and 20% Equipment (group 6) 10% Office equipment 20% c) Property, plant and equipment used under lease agreements Lease agreements which transfer substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to ownership of items of property, plant and equipment to the Company, are classified as financed lease. Assets held under financed lease agreements are initially recognised at the lower of their fair value or the present value of the minimum lease payments, which are then reduced by depreciation charges and impairment losses. Property, plant and equipment held under financed lease agreements are depreciated throughout the lease term. Payments made under operating lease agreements concluded by the Group member companies are charged to the income statement throughout the lease term. d) Tangible assets under construction Tangible assets under construction are measured at the total of the costs directly attributable to their acquisition or production, less impairment losses. Tangible assets under construction include also investment materials. Tangible assets under construction are not depreciated until their completion and placement in service. If any events or circumstances have occurred which give grounds to believe that the carrying value of an asset may not be recoverable, such assets are tested for possible impairment of their value. Impairment losses are recognised when the carrying value of an asset exceeds its recoverable value, which corresponds to the higher of the asset’s net selling price or value in use. In order to determine whether an impairment of value has occurred, assets are classified down to the lowest level for which separate cash flows can be identified. Any gain/loss on the sale of an asset is determined by comparing the sale proceeds with the carrying value of such asset, and recognised in operating profit. INTANGIBLE ASSETS After initial recognition, intangible assets are carried at the acquisition or production cost less amortisation and impairment charges. Intangible assets are amortised on a straight-line basis over their estimated economic useful lives. Tax amortisation rates are used for amortisation only if they correspond to the economic useful life of an asset. The appropriateness of the applied amortisation periods and rates is reviewed periodically, but not less frequently that at the end of each financial year, and the adjustments to the amortisation charges, if any, are made in the following periods. If any events or circumstances have occurred which give grounds to believe that the carrying value of an intangible asset may not be recoverable, such an asset is tested for impairment. Impairment losses are recognised when the carrying value of an asset exceeds its recoverable value, which corresponds to the higher of the net selling price or value in use of such asset. a) Research and development expense Expenses on research work are charged to costs as they are incurred. Costs of completed development work conducted for the Group’s own needs which were incurred prior to the launch of production or application of new technological solutions are classified as intangible assets if the Group is able to demonstrate: the technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it is fit to be used or sold, its intention to complete and to use or sell the intangible asset, its ability to use or sell the intangible asset, the manner in which the intangible asset will generate probable economic benefits. Amongst other things, the Group should prove the existence of a market for the products which come into existence thanks to the intangible asset or for the intangible asset itself, or – if the asset is to be used by the Group itself – its usefulness, the availability of appropriate technical, financial and other means which are necessary to complete the development work and to use or sell the intangible asset, the feasibility of a reliable determination of the expenditure incurred in the course of the development work which may be allocated to the intangible asset. Any costs of development work which fail to meet these criteria are charged to the income statement in the period in which they were incurred. 253 The amortisation periods applied to development expenses do not exceed five years. In 2006, the Group did not record any research and development work. b) Software Costs incurred in connection with the purchase of licences and software are capitalised. c) Amortisation The typical amortisation rates applied to intangible assets are: Amortisation rate Purchased licences and software 50% Other intangible assets 20% Intangible assets are not subject to revaluation. The Group holds no assets of considerable value whose useful life is indefinite. GOODWILL Goodwill represents the excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of a Group’s share in identifiable net assets of an acquired subsidiary on the acquisition date. Goodwill arising on the acquisition of subsidiaries is recognised in the balance sheet under non-current assets as a separate item. Goodwill is tested annually for impairment and shown in the balance sheet at cost less cumulated impairment charges. Any gains or losses on disposal of an undertaking are recognised net of the carrying value of the goodwill pertaining to the sold undertaking. INVESTMENT PROPERTY The Group recorded no investment property. FINANCIAL ASSETS The MNI Group classifies its financial assets into the following four categories: 1. financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, 2. investments held to maturity, 3. financial assets available for sale (no such assets were recognised in the reporting period), 4. loans and receivables. Investments which were acquired to derive economic benefits from short-term price fluctuations are classified as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and presented in the balance sheet under current assets. Assets with specified maturities that the Group has the intention and the capacity to hold to maturity are classified as investments held to maturity and presented in the balance sheet under non-current assets, unless their maturity date falls within 12 months from the balance-sheet date. Assets with unspecified maturities which can be disposed of if cash is needed or in response to changes of interest rates, are classified as available for sale. The Group presents them in the balance sheet as non-current assets, unless the management has expressed an intention to hold them for a period shorter than 12 months from the balance-sheet date or they are to be liquidated in order to raise working capital, in which case they are presented as current assets. Financial assets arising as a result of delivery of cash, goods or services to the other party, and not intended to be resold in a short time, are classified as loans and receivables and presented under non-current assets. The management assigns each particular financial asset to a relevant category upon its acquisition. Purchase and sale of financial assets is recognised at the transaction date, i.e. the date on which the Group assumes the obligation to purchase or sell the assets. The acquisition cost comprises the transaction-related fees. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and financial assets available for sale are carried at fair value. Investments held to maturity are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. Realised and unrealised gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of assets at fair value through profit or loss are recognised in the income statement, and those arising from changes in the fair value of assets available for sale – directly in equity for the period in which they arose. Fair value of investments is determined by reference to buy prices quoted on the stock exchange or on the basis of forecast cash flows. Fair value of equity securities of private companies is estimated on the basis of 254 relevant Price/Earnings and Price/Cash Flows ratios which are appropriate for a given instrument, or determined using other valuation models. Equity instruments whose value cannot be reliably measured are carried at cost less impairment losses, if any. LEASING Lease agreements which transfer to the Group substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to ownership of items of property, plant and equipment, are classified as financed lease. Financed lease is disclosed in the accounting books at the amount of the fair value of the leased asset, as determined at the inception of the lease, or, if lower, at the present value of minimum lease payments. Lease payments are apportioned between financial expenses and reduction of the outstanding lease liability so as to achieve a constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. Liabilities under lease payments, less the interest expense component, are presented under non-current liabilities. The interest expense component of financial expenses is disclosed in the income statement over the lease term. Tangible assets used under financed lease agreements are depreciated over the shorter of: their useful economic life or the lease term. Leases where the lessor retains substantially all the risks and benefits of ownership of the asset are classified by the Group as operating leases. Operating lease payments made by the Group under such arrangements are recognised in the income statement over the lease term (net of discounts, if any, offered by the lessor). INVENTORIES Inventories are disclosed at acquisition or production cost. The selling cost of a single unit of inventories is determined using the FIFO method. All inventories are subject to regular review in terms of their usefulness and market value. If it is found that inventories require revaluation, a valuation allowance of an appropriate amount is made. TRADE RECEIVABLES Current trade and other receivables are carried at amounts due, unless the impact of accrued interest is substantial. Otherwise, receivables are initially disclosed at fair value and then at amortised cost using the effective interest rate. According to the rule adopted by the Group, receivables maturing in over 180 days are discounted. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, RESTRICTED CASH Cash and cash equivalents are carried in the balance sheet at cost. For the purpose of the cash-flow statement, cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, bank deposits payable on demand and other highly liquid instruments. For the purpose of cash-flow statement, the Group decided not to disclose current-account loans and restricted cash under cash and cash equivalents; consequently, these are presented as a separate balance-sheet item. TRANSACTIONS IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES Transactions in foreign currencies are settled at the mid-exchange rate quoted by the National Bank of Poland for the transaction date. As at the balance-sheet date, monetary assets and liabilities are valued at the mid-exchange rate quoted for a given currency by the National Bank of Poland for that date. DEFERRED INCOME TAX Deferred tax liability is created using the balance-sheet liability method in relation to all temporary differences existing as at the balance-sheet date between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying value as disclosed in the financial statements. The main temporary differences arise from revaluation of certain non-current assets, current assets, derivative financial instruments, provisions, accruals and deferred income and tax losses brought forward. Deferred tax asset and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that, in the Management Board’s opinion, are expected to apply on the day when the asset is realised or the liability is settled. A deferred tax asset is disclosed for all deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is likely that taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised. An asset is recognised only where its carrying amount can be realised in the form of economic benefits to the Group in future periods. When the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its tax value, the amount of taxable economic benefits will be higher that the amount which will be allowed as tax-deductible costs. This difference is a taxable temporary difference, and the obligation to pay the resulting income taxes in future periods is reflected in the deferred tax liability. 255 After the Group realises the carrying amount of the asset, the taxable temporary difference reverses, the Group reports taxable profit, and this creates probability of an outflow of economic benefits from the Group in the form of tax payments. EQUITY Equity is the capital and funds created in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, applicable statutes and the articles of association. Equity also includes retained profits and accumulated losses brought forward. Equity is carried in the accounting books at par value by type and in compliance with the provisions of law or articles of association. The share capital of an incorporated company is disclosed in the amount specified in its articles of association and entered in the court register. Contributions to equity that have been declared but not paid are disclosed as called-up share capital not paid. Ordinary shares are presented as share capital. Proceeds from issues of new shares are disclosed under equity. No adjustment is made in connection with a difference, if any, between the issue price and the market value of the issued shares. External costs directly related to a new share issue are disclosed as a component of the acquisition cost. The statutory reserve funds are created from profit distributions or by transfers from the revaluation capital reserve. The statutory reserve funds include a fund created from profit distributions which is used to cover balance-sheet losses. Treasury shares are valued at acquisition cost and disclosed at negative value under equity. The following are charged to the revaluation capital reserve: • differences on revaluation of financial assets available for sale, • deferred tax, • effects of revaluation of property, plant and equipment, • deferred tax connected with temporary differences in the balance-sheet and tax value of revalued assets. In the event of sale or liquidation of an asset, a relevant part of the revaluation capital reserve is transferred to the statutory reserve funds. Impairment charges for non-current assets which were earlier revalued, decrease the revaluation capital reserve by up to the value of the portion of the reserve which relates to a given asset. The revaluation capital reserve is not distributable. The share capital of the Group is the share capital of the parent undertaking. Items of subsidiary undertakings’ equity other than the part of the share capital corresponding to the parent undertaking’s equity interest in a given subsidiary are added to the relevant items of the parent undertaking’s equity. The Group’s equity includes only those parts of the subsidiary undertakings’ equity which were created after the acquisition of their shares by the parent undertaking. This includes in particular any increases in their capital attributable to net profit or revaluation. The consolidated net profit (loss) of the consolidated members of the Group comprises the net profit (loss) of the parent undertaking and the net profits (losses) of subsidiary undertakings in the amounts corresponding to the parent undertaking’s equity interests in such undertakings. The consolidated net profit (loss) comprises: • • • • • • operating profit (loss), including net other operating income (expenses), net financial income (expenses), write-off of subordinated undertakings’ goodwill, write-off of subordinated undertakings’ negative goodwill, mandatory decrease of the net profit (increase of loss), including corporate income tax, profit (loss) attributable to minority interests. 256 MINORITY INTERESTS Minority interests are disclosed at the total of equity of subsidiary undertakings consolidated with the full method held by companies other than members of the Group. The part of the net profit (loss) of subsidiary undertakings held by minority shareholders other than members of the Group represents the profit (loss) attributable to minority interests. Equity and capitals also include net profit pending approval, less planned dividend and dividend declared but not paid. The net profit (loss) for the financial year is the result disclosed in the income statement for the current year adjusted for the corporate income tax charge. Contributions to equity that have been declared but not paid are disclosed as called-up share capital not paid. BANK LOANS, BORROWINGS AND DEBT SECURITIES IN ISSUE Long- and short-term bank loans and borrowings are initially disclosed at the net value of received funds. i.e. less the costs of obtaining them. After the initial disclosure, all bank loans, debt securities and loans are valued at the adjusted acquisition cost (amortised cost) using the effective interest rate. The difference between the received net cash (less the costs of obtaining the funds) and the amount to be repaid is disclosed in the income statement over the loan term. All external financing costs are charged to the income statement of the period to which they pertain. The Group applies the standard approach in this respect. PROVISIONS Provisions are recognised if the Group has an obligation (legal or following from commercial practice) resulting from past events, and if it is probable that the discharge of that obligation will cause an outflow of funds, assuming that the amount of such outflow can be reliably estimated. The Group also creates provisions for contracts that give rise to obligations on its part if it expects the costs which must be incurred in connection with performance of such contracts to exceed future benefits thereunder. When preparing the IFRS-compliant consolidated financial statements, the Management Board is required to make judgments, estimates and assumptions, which affect the adopted accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses. The estimates and underlying assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors deemed relevant under the circumstances, and their results provide the basis for making judgment about the carrying values of assets and liabilities which cannot be established on the basis of other sources. Actual results may differ from such estimates. The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions of accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised. Provisions for retirement benefits, unused holidays and related benefits are valued at estimated amounts determined by the companies’ management boards with the use of actuarial methods. REVENUE Sales revenue is recognised at the value of payments received or due, less value added tax. Sales revenue is recognised if: - its amount can be reliably estimated - the company is likely to obtain economic benefits - the completion status of the transaction as at the balance-sheet date can be measured reliably - the costs incurred in connection with the transaction and the costs of its completion can be measured reliably. Interest income is recognised as the interest accrues throughout the agreement term, on the basis of the outstanding amounts receivable and the effective interest rate in the period to maturity, after the income due to the Group has been determined. OPERATING EXPENSES The Group undertakings record their expenditures by type and by function. The costs of goods for resale, products and services sold are the costs directly attributable to the production or acquisition of goods for resale and services sold. The selling costs comprise commercial costs and costs of advertising and entertainment. The general administrative expenses comprise the costs associated with the Group undertakings’ management and the costs of administration and entertainment. Other factors with a bearing on the Group’s net profit/(loss) include: 257 • • • • Other operating income and expenses indirectly related to the Group’s activities, including gains and losses on disposal of non-current non-financial assets, revaluation of non-financial assets, creation and release of provisions for future risk, penalties, fines, compensation, as well as donations received or granted, Financial income related to dividends (distributions from profit), interest, gains on disposal of investments, revaluation of investments and an excess of foreign exchange gains over foreign exchange losses, Financial expenses related to interest, losses on disposal of investments, revaluation of investments and an excess of foreign exchange losses over foreign exchange gains, Extraordinary gains and losses resulting from events which are difficult to predict and which are not related to the general business risk. The costs of external financing related directly to the acquisition or production of an item of property, plant and equipment which requires a longer time to become fit for use or resale, increase the production costs of a given asset, until the date of its placement in service. Any income generated from short-term investments of proceeds from external financing, which is connected with the production of assets, decreases the capitalised costs of external financing. The remaining costs of external financing are charged directly against the income statement in the reporting period in which they are incurred. SEGMENT REPORTING A business segment is a distinguishable component of the Group that is engaged in providing products or services and that is subject to risks and returns that are different from those of other business segments. The services provided by the Group are uniform. The information disclosed in the consolidated financial statements at the Group level is consistent with the information relating to a particular business segment. The Group does not report its financial information by geographical segments, as it is not engaged in the distribution of goods or provision of services in different economic environments which are subject to different risks and different returns. The Group’s home country is Poland. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES Financial Risk Factors The Group’s operations are exposed to various financial risks, including the risk of volatile market prices of debt and equity instruments as well as fluctuations in exchange rates and interest rates. The Group’s overall risk management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and is designed to minimise potential adverse effects of the risks on the Group’s financial performance. Credit Risk The Group’s financial assets exposed to credit risk concentration are settlements with related undertakings and trade receivables. Trade receivables are presented in the financial statements net of valuation allowances and reflect the nature of the Group’s operations. The Group applies a trade credit policy under which it sells its products and provides services and financing only to customers with proven credit records and high credit ratings. In the opinion of the Management Board, the Group’s credit risk exposure has been assessed correctly. The credit risk is reflected in the accounting books by making relevant allowances for receivables. Foreign Exchange Risk The Group is not engaged in any activities which would require hedging against the risk of exchange rate fluctuations. Interest Rate Risk The Group’s profits and operating cash flows are to a certain extent exposed to changes in interest rates, as most of the Group’s loans and borrowings bear interest at variable rates. 258 Moreover, a significant portion of the Group’s assets is comprised of corporate debt securities held to maturity with fixed interest rates, purchased from related undertakings. Although the maturity dates of the individual debt securities do not exceed 12 months, the tranches redeemed are usually replaced with the subsequent issues of securities and, consequently, such securities are classified as non-current assets. The Group also holds equity instruments, which are not exposed to interest rate risk. The loans advanced to non-related undertakings bear interest at fixed or variable rates. The loans with variable interest rates are exposed to the risk of interest rate reductions. The Management Board of the Company believes that the use of hedging instruments or other similar measures aimed at mitigating the interest rate risk would not be cost effective. Liquidity Risk The principles of prudent management of liquidity risk require that the Group maintain sufficient balances of cash and marketable securities, and secure the necessary financing in the form of credit facilities. Considering its dynamic expansion, the Group’s objective is to ensure it has access to flexible financing, such as bank credit facilities. Disclosure of Financial Derivatives Financial derivatives are initially recognised at acquisition cost, to be later measured at fair value. Any changes in the fair value of financial derivatives are promptly charged to the income statement, as the Group does not use any financial derivatives meeting the criteria of the hedging accounting under IAS 39. Derivatives are presented in the balance sheet as financial assets or liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss. Fair Value The fair value of publicly traded financial instruments is determined based on listed market prices as at the balancesheet date. The fair value of forward currency contracts is determined based on the market forward rates of the individual currencies as at the balance-sheet date. To estimate the fair value of derivatives which are not publicly traded and other financial instruments, the Group applies various methods and assumptions based on the market conditions prevailing as at each balance-sheet date. The Group usually uses market or dealers’ quotations for given or similar instruments. In the case of other instruments, the fair value is established using other techniques, such as option valuation models or the DCF method. With respect to certain embedded financial derivatives (forward currency contracts) for which no forward exchange rates are listed due to the distant maturity dates of the contracts, the Group calculates forward rates using the interest rate relation model. In the case of options for securities for which no active market exists, the fair value is usually determined using the Black-Scholes option valuation model. It is assumed that the nominal values (net of any potential credit adjustments) of financial assets and liabilities maturing in less than one year, reflect the fair values of such assets and liabilities. For the purposes of disclosure in the financial statements, the fair value of financial liabilities is estimated by discounting the expected contractual cash flows with an interest rate currently applied by the Group to similar financial instruments. The Group does not hold any financial assets or liabilities whose fair value would differ from the book value as at December 31st 2005 and December 31st 2004. Financial Instruments Purchased on Regulated Markets Financial instruments purchased on regulated markets are recognised at acquisition cost, to be later measured at fair value. The fair value of publicly traded financial instruments is determined based on listed market prices as at the balance-sheet date. 259 III. DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS During the reporting period, neither the parent undertaking nor any of its subsidiary undertakings discontinued any types of their operations and they do not plan to discontinue any of their existing operations. IV. COMPOSITION OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARDS AND SUPERVISORY BOARDS OF THE MEMBER COMPANIES OF THE MNI GROUP a) MNI S.A., Parent Undertaking On June 30th 2006, the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI S.A. appointed the Supervisory Board of the following composition: 1. Robert Gwiazdowski, 2. Tomasz Karasiński, 3. Andrzej Jerzy Piechocki, 4. Michał Jakub Tomczak, 5. Stanisław Marian Widera On June 30th 2006, the Supervisory Board of MNI S.A. appointed the Company’s Management Board of the following composition: 1. Piotr König – President of the Management Board 2. Mariusz Piotr Pilewski – Member of the Management Board 3. Leszek Wojciech Kułak – Member of the Management Board b) MNI Telecom 1. Marek Południkiewicz – President of the Management Board 2. Zdzisław Wójcik – Vice-President of the Management Board 3. Janusz Sutkowski – Member of the Management Board The Supervisory Board of MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. 1. Andrzej Piechocki – Chairman of the Supervisory Board 2. Piotr König – Member of the Supervisory Board 3. Wiktoria Fontara – Member of the Supervisory Board 4. Piotr Majchrzak – Member of the Supervisory Board c) 1. Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. Tomasz Dąbrowa – President of the Management Board d) Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o. 1. Wiesław Kułaka – President of the Management Board 260 e) Szeptel International Sp. z o.o. 1. Mariusz Pilewski – President of the Management Board f) BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. 1. Sławomir Januszczyk – President of the Management Board V. EVENTS SUBSEQUENT TO THE BALANCE-SHEET DATE There were no significant events subsequent to the balance-sheet date which could affect the financial standing of the entity. VI. TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED UNDERTAKINGS Transactions with related undertakings as at June 30th 2006 (PLN ‘000) Issuer Media Personel Service Sp. z o. o. Szeptel International Sp. z o. o. Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. Total Revenue telecommuni cations services 5,015 1,904 968 168 290 8,345 Costs telecommuni cations services 3,273 - - 2,338 2,463 8,074 property, plant and equipment intangible assets 50 - - 214 - 264 7 - - - - 7 Revenue: – Sales of telecommunications services market prices transactions with Legion Polska z Sp. z o.o. transactions with MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. PLN 5,015 thousand PLN 2,338 thousand PLN 2,463 thousand – Sales of property, plant and equipment market prices transactions with Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. PLN 214 thousand Costs: – purchases of telecommunications services market prices transactions with Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. transactions with MNI Telecom Sp. z o. o. transactions with MPS Sp. z o.o. transactions with Szeptel International Sp. z o. o. – purchase of property, plant and equipment (market prices) transactions with Szeptel International Sp. z o.o. – purchase of intangible assets (market prices) transactions with MPS Sp. z o.o. PLN 3,273 thousand PLN 168 thousand PLN 290 thousand PLN 1,904 thousand PLN 911 thousand PLN 50 thousand PLN 7 thousand 261 Balance of unsettled transactions with related undertakings as at June 30th 2006: - current receivables - current liabilities - a loan PLN 2,439 thousand PLN 2,135 thousand PLN 1,000 thousand VII. TRANSACTIONS WITH MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISORY STAFF, THEIR SPOUSES, BLOOD RELATIVES, DIRECT INLAWS UP TO THE SECOND DEGREE AND PERSONS RELATED THROUGH ADOPTION, CUSTODY OR GUARDIANSHIP TO MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT OR SUPERVISORY STAFF OF THOSE UNDERTAKINGS OR COMPANIES IN WHICH THEY ARE SIGNIFICANT SHAREHOLDERS OR THEIR SPOUSES a. Transactions - Management contract concluded with Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. In the reporting period, the turnover under the agreement amounted to PLN 180 thousand. Mr Piotr König, President of the Management Board of MNI S.A., holds an equity interest in Inwest Logistics Sp. z o.o. (15.9%). b. Loans and Advances None. VIII. REMUNERATION OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD AND SUPERVISORY BOARD OF THE MNI GROUP a) Parent Undertaking First name and surname Remuneration paid and in-kind benefits provided to the management and supervisory staff by the Issuer and its subsidiary undertakings for any types of services rendered by them to the Company or the subsidiary undertakings in the period January 1st – June 30th 2006 Mariusz Pilewski, President of the PLN 180 thousand Management Board (under the management contract concluded with Inwest Leszek Kułak, Vice-President of the Logistics Sp. z o.o.) Management Board Zdzisław Wójcik, Member of the PLN 84 thousand Management Board Andrzej Piechocki, Chairman of the PLN 15 thousand Supervisory Board Tomasz Swadkowski, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board Barbara Dąbrowska, Member of the Supervisory Board 262 Piotr König, Member of the Supervisory Board Stanisław Widera, Member of the Supervisory Board Krzysztof Radziszewski, Member b) MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. First name and surname Remuneration paid and in-kind benefits provided to the management and supervisory staff by the Issuer and its subsidiary undertakings for any types of services rendered by them to the Company or the subsidiary undertakings in the period January 1st – June 30th 2006 Marek Południkiewicz, President of PLN 5 thousand the Management Board Zdzisław Wójcik, Vice-President of PLN 60 thousand the Management Board Janusz Sutkowski PLN 55.5 thousand Member of the Management Board Andrzej Piechocki, Chairman of the PLN 32 thousand Supervisory Board Piotr König, Member of the PLN 32 thousand Supervisory Board Wiktor Fontara, Member of the PLN 32 thousand Supervisory Board Piotr Majchrzak, Member of the PLN 25 thousand Supervisory Board c) Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. First name and surname Remuneration paid and in-kind benefits provided to the management and supervisory staff by the Issuer and its subsidiary undertakings for any types of services rendered by them to the Company or the subsidiary undertakings in the period January 1st – June 30th 2006 Tomasz Dąbrowa, President of the PLN 42 thousand Management Board (employment contract) d) Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o. First name and surname Remuneration paid and in-kind benefits provided to the management and supervisory staff by the Issuer and its subsidiary undertakings for any types of services rendered by them to the Company or the subsidiary undertakings in the period January 1st – June 30th 2006 Wiesław Kułak, President of the PLN 15 thousand Management Board (employment contract) 263 IX. KEY MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL OF THE COMPANIES The Key Management Staff of the Companies comprise the Members of the Management and Supervisory Boards. The members of the Key Management Staff have direct or indirect influence on the planning, managing and controlling of the companies’ operations. The other persons holding managerial positions only execute the decisions of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. X. AVERAGE EMPLOYMENT The average employment at the MNI Group was 312 persons. The average employment at the MNI Group S.A. by employment categories: – administration staff – 64 persons – technical staff – 101 persons – sales staff – 147 persons XI. PROVISIONS Other provisions were created for known risks, including provisions for disputes, amounting to PLN 1,553 thousand. XII. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES • • promissory notes (blank promissory notes with promissory note declarations) PLN 4,121 thousand list of liabilities secured on the Group’s assets Type of liability Liabilities under a loan 1. Assignment of assets of specified identity – MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. 2. Registered pledge on movables – Telefonia Pilicka Sp z o.o. 3. Assignment of assets of specified identity 4. Assignment of receivables under issued invoices – Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. Creditor Type of secured assets Value of secured assets as at June 30th 2006 (PLN ‘000) Bank advancing the loan Property, plant and equipment 4,697 Property, plant and equipment 5,097 Property, plant and equipment 81,000 1,500 XIII. CONTINGENT RECEIVABLES The Group recorded no contingent receivables. XIV. ASSETS HELD FOR SALE The Group recorded no assets held for sale. 264 XV. EUR EXCHANGE RATES USED IN THE VALUATION OF BALANCESHEET AND INCOME-STATEMENT ITEMS DENOMINATED IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES EUR mid-exchange rate in: H1 2006 H1 2005 PLN 3.8872 PLN 4.0801 Jun 30 2006 Jun 30 2005 PLN 4.0434 PLN 4.0401 EUR mid-exchange rate as at: XVI. COSTS OF EXTERNAL FINANCING The costs of external financing are disclosed as costs in the period in which they were incurred. The Group applies the standard approach. 265 23.3 Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for Q3 2006 Prepared for the Purposes of the Prospectus MNI S.A. ul. Żurawia 8 00-503 Warsaw Consolidated Financial Statements of MNI S.A. for Q3 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements of MNI S.A. Date prepared: Dec 21 2006 Contents: 1. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 2. BALANCE SHEET 3. INCOME STATEMENT 4. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 5. CASH-FLOW STATEMENT 1. Financial Highlights FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS I. Net sales revenue PLN '000 three quarters three quarters cumulative/ cumulative/ 2006 2005 Jan 1 - Sep 30 Jan 1 - Sep 30 2006 2005 115,181 53,491 EUR '000 three quarters three quarters cumulative/ cumulative/ 2006 2005 Jan 1 - Sep 30 Jan 1 - Sep 30 2006 2005 29,405 13,173 10,918 8,954 2,787 2,205 III. Pre-tax profit (loss) 7,553 8,088 1,928 1,992 IV. Net profit (loss) 7,033 9,052 1,795 2,229 V. Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 19,380 10,571 4,948 2,603 VI. Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities -27,513 -14,675 -7,024 -3,614 1,069 II. Operating profit (loss) -8,156 4,341 -2,082 VIII. Total net cash flow -16,289 237 -4,158 58 IX. Total assets 225,281 118,345 56,554 30,216 X. Liabilities and provisions for liabilities VII. Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 121,848 52,708 30,588 13,458 XI. Non-current liabilities 61,336 24,062 15,398 6,144 XII. Current liabilities 55,202 23,410 13,858 5,977 103,433 65,637 25,965 16,759 97,151 65,042 24,388 16,607 XIII. Equity - attributable to equity holders of the parent - attributable to minority interests XIV. Share capital XV. Weighted average number of ordinary shares XVI. Earnings (loss) per ordinary share (PLN/EUR) XVII. Book value per share (PLN/EUR) 6,282 595 1,577 152 22,572 22,572 5,666 5,763 22,571,558 0.31 22,669,488 0.40 22,571,558 0.08 22,669,488 0.10 4.30 2.87 1.08 0.73 266 2. Balance Sheet BALANCE SHEET PLN '000 Jun 30 2006 end of previous quarter/ 2006 Sep 30 2006 end of Q3/ 2006 Dec 31 2005 end of previous year/ 2005 ASSETS I. Non-current assets 173,249 157,525 163,631 1. Intangible assets 11,833 11,047 10,921 2. Goodwill 23,578 20,828 20,828 126,961 115,451 122,148 4. Non-current receivables 7,158 6,350 6,421 4.1. From other undertakings 7,158 6,350 6,421 3. Property, plant and equipment 5. Deferred tax assets II. Current assets 1. Inventories 3,719 3,849 3,313 52,032 55,960 52,003 311 457 375 2. Current receivables 39,227 35,766 33,453 2.1. From other undertakings 39,227 35,766 33,453 a) trade receivables 37,993 35,527 32,625 b) other receivables 1,234 239 828 3. Current investments 12,494 19,737 18,175 3.1. Current financial assets 12,494 19,737 18,175 102 221 263 a) in other undertakings b) cash and cash equivalents 12,392 19,516 17,912 225,281 213,485 215,634 103,433 96,001 90,166 22,572 22,572 22,572 32,900 32,572 32,572 125 125 125 4. Other capital reserves 1,047 1,047 1,047 5. Retained profit (deficit) 33,474 34,112 -18 7,033 5,573 33,868 121,848 117,484 125,468 1. Provisions for liabilities 5,310 5,306 4,881 1.1. Deferred tax liability 3,528 3,508 2,850 219 245 320 9 9 9 210 236 311 1,563 1,553 1,711 1,553 1,553 1,553 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES I. Equity 1. Share capital 2. Statutory reserve funds 3. Revaluation capital reserve 6. Net profit (loss) 7. Minority interests II. Liabilities and provisions for liabilities 1.2. Provision for retirement and related benefits, including: a) non-current b) current 1.3. Other provisions a) non-current b) current 6,282 10 158 2. Non-current liabilities 61,336 65,257 73,339 2.1. To other undertakings 61,336 65,257 73,339 a) loans and borrowings 57,353 61,034 68,396 3,983 4,223 4,943 3. Current liabilities 55,202 46,921 47,248 3.1. To other undertakings 55,202 46,921 47,248 a) loans and borrowings 17,672 17,784 12,262 b) trade payables 23,985 22,191 27,783 c) other 13,545 6,946 7,203 225,281 213,485 215,634 b) other 4. Current provisions Total equity and liabilities 267 3. Income Statement INCOME STATEMENT Q3/ 2006 Jul 1- Sep 30 2006 PLN '000 three quarters Q3/ 2005 cumulative/ Jul 1 - Sep 2006 30 2005 Jan 1 - Sep 30 2006 115,181 20,832 three quarters cumulative/ 2005 Jan 1 - Sep 30 2005 53,491 I. Net sales revenue, including: 37,361 1. Net revenue from sales of products 37,004 114,575 20,813 2. Net revenue from sales of materials 357 606 19 76 II. Cost of sales, including: 32,770 96,101 17,528 47,913 1. Cost of products sold 32,410 95,492 17,509 47,838 2. Cost of materials sold 360 609 19 75 4,591 19,080 3,304 5,578 III. Gross profit (loss) on sales (I-II) IV. Selling costs 53,415 410 3,903 366 1,138 V. General and administrative expenses 2,507 6,085 612 2,037 VI. Profit (loss) on sales (III-IV-V) 1,674 9,092 2,326 2,403 VII. Other operating income 1,673 3,751 2,547 8,090 23 28 809 809 3. Other operating income 841 2,914 2,547 8,073 VIII. Other operating expenses 700 1,925 385 1,539 34 34 87 1. Gain on disposal of non-current non-financial assets 2. Excess of share in fair value of net identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of acquired undertaking over acquisition cost 1. Loss on disposal of non-current non-financial assets 2. Revaluation of non-financial assets 3. Other operating expenses 17 110 88 268 556 1,891 298 1,183 2,647 10,918 4,488 8,954 X. Financial income 298 2,058 5 48 1. Interest, including: 199 579 3 19 30 30 IX. Operating profit (loss) (VI+VII-VIII) 2. Gain on disposal of investment 3. Other 69 1,449 2 29 XI. Financial expenses 1,489 5,423 380 914 1. Interest, including: 1,189 3,719 137 400 2. Loss on disposal of investment 3. Other 1,257 186 300 447 243 328 XII. Profit (loss) before extraordinary items (IX+X-XI) 1,456 7,553 4,113 8,088 XIII. Pre-tax profit (loss) (XII+/-XIII) 1,456 7,553 4,113 8,088 -4 520 439 -964 185 587 98 114 -189 -67 341 -1,078 XV. Net profit (loss) (XIV-XV-XVI+/-XVII) 1,460 7,033 3,674 9,052 - net profit (loss) attributable to equity holders of the parent 1,420 6,993 3,674 9,052 40 22,571,558 40 22,571,558 22,591,347 22,669,488 0.06 0.31 0,16 0,40 XIV. Corporate income tax a) current b) deferred - net profit (loss) attributable to minority interests Weighted average number of ordinary shares Earnings (loss) per ordinary share (PLN) 268 4. Statement of Changes in Equity STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY Q3/ 2006 Jul 1- Sep 30 2006 PLN '000 three quarters Q3/ 2005 cumulative/ Jul 1 - Sep 2006 30 2005 Jan 1 - Sep 30 2006 three quarters cumulative/ 2005 Jan 1 - Sep 30 2005 I. Balance of equity at beginning of period (opening balance) 96,001 90,166 61,367 56,298 I.a. Balance of equity at beginning of period (opening balance), after reconciliation to comparable data 96,001 90,166 61,367 56,298 1. Balance of share capital at beginning of period 22,572 22,572 22,709 22,709 -137 -137 a) decrease, including: 137 137 - shares retired 137 137 22,572 22,572 1.1. Changes in share capital 1.2. Balance of share capital at end of period 22,572 22,572 137 137 -137 -137 a) decrease, including: 137 137 - shares retired 137 137 32,299 27,251 2. Treasury shares at beginning of period 2.1. Changes in treasury shares 2.2. Treasury shares at end of period 32,572 32,572 3.1. Changes in statutory reserve funds 328 328 5,048 a) increase, including: 600 600 5,048 - reclassification of retained profit 600 600 5,048 3. Statutory reserve funds at beginning of period 272 272 32,900 32,900 32,299 32,299 4. Revaluation capital reserve at beginning of period 125 125 125 125 4.1. Revaluation capital reserve at end of period 125 125 125 125 1,047 1,047 1,047 1,047 b) decrease, including: 3.2. Statutory reserve funds at end of period 5. Other capital reserves at beginning of period 1,047 1,047 1,047 1,047 6. Retained profit (deficit) at beginning of period 34,112 33,850 -54 5,230 6.1. Retained profit at beginning of period 34,112 33,915 273 5,248 34,112 34,021 273 5,321 5.1. Other capital reserves at end of period a) other adjustments at beginning of period 6.2. Retained profit at beginning of period, after reconciliation to comparable data 106 73 91 a) increase b) decrease, including: 638 638 - transfer of profit to statutory reserve funds 638 638 33,474 33,474 273 65 327 6.3. Retained profit at end of period 6.4. Retained deficit at beginning of period 5,048 5,048 273 18 309 a) other adjustments 6.5. Retained deficit at beginning of period, after reconciliation to comparable data 65 a) decrease, including: 65 - loss covered from statutory reserve funds 65 327 6.6. Retained deficit at end of period 327 33,474 33,474 -54 -54 7. Net profit (loss) 1,460 7,033 3,675 9,052 a) net profit 1,660 7,033 3,984 9,171 309 119 6.7. Retained profit (deficit) at end of period b) net loss 200 8. Minority interests at beginning of period a) increase II. Equity at end of period (closing balance ) 73 595 6,282 6,282 595 73 73 6,282 6,282 595 595 103,433 103,433 65,637 65,637 b) decrease 8.1. Minority interests at end of period 73 269 5. Cash-Flow Statement CASH-FLOW STATEMENT Q3/ 2006 Jul 1- Sep 30 2006 PLN '000 three quarters Q3/ 2005 cumulative/ Jul 1 - Sep 2006 30 2005 Jan 1 - Sep 30 2006 three quarters cumulative/ 2005 Jan 1 - Sep 30 2005 A. Cash flows from operating activities - indirect method I. Net profit (loss) 1,460 7,033 3,674 9,052 II. Total adjustments 6,007 12,347 -1,338 1,519 1. Depreciation and amortisation 7,134 20,316 2,776 7,680 2. Foreign exchange (gains) losses 15 35 11 18 3. (Gain)/loss on investing activities 91 194 87 70 -564 21 6 728 4. Change in provisions 5. Change in inventories 16 -102 -14 -51 6. Change in receivables -4,333 -11,525 -8,461 -18,263 4,113 5,167 5,461 17,648 , -403 1,083 482 -185 -587 -98 -114 7. Change in current liabilities (net of loans and borrowings) 8. Change in accruals and deferrals 9. Income tax paid 10. Other adjustments III. Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities (I+/-II) -280 -769 -2,189 -6,679 7,467 19,380 2,336 10,571 1,610 1,725 1,977 2,141 B. Cash flows from investing activities I. Cash provided by investing activities 1,610 1,725 1,977 2,141 II. Cash used in investing activities 1. Acquisition of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 21,773 29,238 12,157 16,816 3,447 10,892 3,988 8,563 2. Expenditure on financial assets, including: 18,326 18,346 8,169 8,253 a) in related undertakings 18,326 18,346 8,169 8,169 - acquisition of financial assets 18,326 18,346 8,169 8,169 1. Sale of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 84 b) in other undertakings 84 - acquisition of financial assets III. Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (I-II) C. Cash flows from financing activities I. Cash provided by financing activities -20,163 -27,513 -10,180 -14,675 4,730 14,890 10,134 11,883 10,134 11,703 1. Net proceeds from issue of shares, other equity instruments and additional contributions to equity 2. Increase in loans and borrowings 20 4,730 II. Cash used in financing activities 1. Repayment of loans and borrowings 4. Interest paid 180 10,083 23,046 2,250 7,542 9,573 21,526 1,714 3,827 148 250 2,150 336 797 131 429 7 25 19 2. Other financial liabilities 3. Decrease in financed lease liabilities 14,843 27 3. Other cash provided by financing activities 5. Licence fee instalments paid 6. Arrangement instalments paid 7. Other cash used in financing activities III. Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (I-II) D. Total net cash flow (A.III+/-B.III+/-C.III) E. Balance-sheet change in cash, including: 60 354 156 468 131 697 11 82 5 25 -5,353 -8,156 7,884 4,341 -18,049 -16,289 40 237 -7,124 -5,518 -11 -15 - change in cash resulting from foreign exchange gains/(losses) -11 -15 F. Cash at beginning of period 19,516 17,910 7 -186 G. Cash at end of period (F+/- D) 12,392 12,392 36 36 Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for Q3 2006 270 Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the MNI Group for Q3 2006 (prepared as at September 30th 2006) 1. PRINCIPLES FOLLOWED IN THE PREPARATION OF THE REPORT 1. The consolidated quarterly financial statements for the period ended September 30th 2006 were prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). 2. The items of the consolidated quarterly report were measured in accordance with the applicable rules governing the valuation of assets, equity and liabilities and measurement of the net profit (loss) effective as at the balancesheet date, in accordance with the conservative valuation principle, and they reflect the actual assets of the MNI Group. 3. In accordance with the applicable regulations, since 2005 MNI S.A. has been preparing its consolidated financial statements in accordance with the International Accounting Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards, and related interpretations published in the form of the European Commission regulations. 4. Accounting policies applied by the MNI Group in 2006. The key accounting policies applied in the preparation of the attached consolidated financial statements are presented below: BASIS OF ACCOUNTING The MNI Group prepared the attached consolidated financial statements in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) and related interpretations published in the form of the European Commission regulations. The consolidated financial statements were prepared on a historic cost basis, with the exception of derivative financial instruments and financial assets available for sale, which are measured at fair value. No financial assets available for sale were recorded in the reporting period. CHANGES IN APPLIED ACCOUNTING POLICIES In the reporting period, i.e. from January 1st 2006 to September 30th 2006, no amendments were made to the International Financial Reporting Standards which could have a bearing on the accounting policies of the MNI Group. REPORTING CURRENCY The financial data contained in the attached consolidated financial statements are reported in the Polish złoty (PLN), which is the currency used by the Group for the valuation and presentation purposes. The data presented in the consolidated financial statements are rounded off to the nearest thousand. CONSOLIDATION PRINCIPLES Subsidiary Undertakings Subsidiary undertakings of the MNI Group (i.e. undertakings in which the Group holds more than 50% of the total vote at the general shareholders meeting or directs their financial or operating policies on some other basis) are consolidated. 271 In assessing whether the Group exerts control over a given undertaking, potential voting rights exercisable at such undertaking’s general shareholders meeting, as well as their impact, are also taken into account. The subsidiary undertakings are consolidated from the date on which control is assumed by the Group to the date it is lost. The acquisition of subsidiary undertakings is accounted for with the acquisition method. The acquisition cost comprises the acquired company’s assets measured at fair value, shares issued or liabilities contracted as at the acquisition date, and costs directly related to the acquisition. The excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of the acquired subsidiary’s assets is recognised as goodwill. Intra-Group transactions, balances and unrealised profits/losses on intra-Group transactions are eliminated during consolidation. If required, accounting policies of the subsidiary undertakings are modified to comply with the accounting policies applied by the Group. In the case of non-consolidated financial statements, financial interests in subsidiary undertakings are valued at cost, while in consolidated financial statements investments in subsidiary undertakings are eliminated. The excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of the identifiable net assets of a subsidiary undertaking as at the acquisition date is disclosed as consolidation goodwill and is tested for impairment. If the acquisition cost is lower than the fair value of the identifiable net assets of a subsidiary undertaking as at the acquisition date, the difference is disclosed as profit in the income statement. Goodwill Goodwill arising on acquisition represents the excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of the Group’s share in identifiable net assets of the acquired subsidiary as at the acquisition date. The goodwill relating to acquisition of subsidiary undertakings is disclosed under intangible assets as a separate item. The Company’s goodwill resulting from the purchase transactions executed after March 31st 2004 is not amortised in accordance with IFRS 3 – Business Combinations. Consolidation goodwill which arose before March 31st 2004 is not amortised after January 1st 2005. As at the date of acquisition, goodwill is allocated to each cash-generating unit. The Company calculates impairment losses by estimating the recoverable value of the cash-generating unit to which the goodwill pertains. The Company recognises impairment losses if the recoverable value of a cash-generating unit is lower than its carrying value. If goodwill comprises a part of a cash-generating unit and the Company sells a part of the cash-generating unit’s business, the goodwill pertaining to the sold business is included in the carrying value that is taken into account in calculating gains or losses on the disposal of the business. Goodwill sold in this way is valued on the basis of the relative value of the sold business and the value of the retained part of the cash-generating unit. Goodwill is tested for impairment at least once a year. Impairment losses are charged against other operating expenses. If the share in acquired assets, equity and liabilities and off-balance sheet liabilities of a subsidiary exceeds the cost of acquisition of the subsidiary, the Group: • • carries out revaluation of the identifiable assets, equity and liabilities, off-balance sheet liabilities and the acquisition cost; recognises the excess remaining after the revaluation in the income statement. Sale of Subsidiaries Profit/loss on sale of a subsidiary includes the carrying value of the sold subsidiary’s goodwill. Any profits/losses arising from the dilution of shares in subsidiaries are disclosed in the income statement for the period in which the sale was effected. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT a) Owned property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment are carried at cost less depreciation charges and impairment losses (except land). After initial recognition, any increases in property, plant and equipment are recognised at cost. In 2006, there were no revaluations of property, plant and equipment. 272 Costs incurred after an item of property, plant and equipment is placed in service, such as costs of repair or maintenance, affect the profit or loss for the reporting period in which they were incurred, except for the situation where the acquisition or production cost of a component of an item of property, plant and equipment is material relative to the acquisition or production cost of the entire item. In such cases, the cost amount increases the value of the item and is subject to depreciation. b) Depreciation Items of property, plant and equipment, or their material or separable components, are depreciated using the straight line method over their economic useful lives. Land is not depreciated. The MNI Group applies the following depreciation rates: Asset Depreciation rate Vehicles 20% and 33% Computers 30% Investments in third-party facilities 10% Buildings 10% Structures 4 and 4.5% Road machinery 17% and 20% Equipment (group 6) 10% Office equipment 20% c) Property, plant and equipment used under lease agreements Lease agreements which transfer substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to ownership of items of property, plant and equipment to the Company, are classified as financed lease. Assets held under financed lease agreements are initially recognised at the lower of their fair value or the present value of the minimum lease payments, which are then reduced by depreciation charges and impairment losses. Property, plant and equipment held under financed lease agreements are depreciated throughout the lease term. Payments made under operating lease agreements concluded by the Group member companies are charged to the income statement throughout the lease term. d) Tangible assets under construction Tangible assets under construction are measured at the total of the costs directly attributable to their acquisition or production, less impairment losses. Tangible assets under construction include also investment materials. Tangible assets under construction are not depreciated until their completion and placement in service. If any events or circumstances have occurred which give grounds to believe that the carrying value of an asset may not be recoverable, such assets are tested for possible impairment of their value. Impairment losses are recognised when the carrying value of an asset exceeds its recoverable value, which corresponds to the higher of the asset’s net selling price or value in use. In order to determine whether an impairment of value has occurred, assets are classified down to the lowest level for which separate cash flows can be identified. Any gain/loss on the sale of an asset is determined by comparing the sale proceeds with the carrying value of such asset, and recognised in operating profit. INTANGIBLE ASSETS After initial recognition, intangible assets are carried at the acquisition or production cost less amortisation and impairment charges. Intangible assets are amortised on a straight-line basis over their estimated economic useful lives. Tax amortisation rates are used for amortisation only if they correspond to the economic useful life of an asset. The appropriateness of the applied amortisation periods and rates is reviewed periodically, but not less frequently that at the end of each financial year, and the adjustments to the amortisation charges, if any, are made in the following periods. If any events or circumstances have occurred which give grounds to believe that the carrying value of an intangible asset may not be recoverable, such an asset is tested for impairment. Impairment losses are recognised when the 273 carrying value of an asset exceeds its recoverable value, which corresponds to the higher of the net selling price or value in use of such asset. a) Research and development expense Expenses on research work are charged to costs as they are incurred. Costs of completed development work conducted for the Group’s own needs which were incurred prior to the launch of production or application of new technological solutions are classified as intangible assets if the Group is able to demonstrate: the technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it is fit to be used or sold, its intention to complete and to use or sell the intangible asset, its ability to use or sell the intangible asset, the manner in which the intangible asset will generate probable economic benefits. Amongst other things, the Group should prove the existence of a market for the products which come into existence thanks to the intangible asset or for the intangible asset itself, or – if the asset is to be used by the Group itself – its usefulness, the availability of appropriate technical, financial and other means which are necessary to complete the development work and to use or sell the intangible asset, the feasibility of a reliable determination of the expenditure incurred in the course of the development work which may be allocated to the intangible asset. Any costs of development work which fail to meet these criteria are charged to the income statement in the period in which they were incurred. The amortisation periods applied to development expenses do not exceed five years. In 2006, the Group did not record any research and development work. b) Software Costs incurred in connection with the purchase of licences and software are capitalised. c) Amortisation The typical amortisation rates applied to intangible assets are: Amortisation rate Purchased licences and software 50% Other intangible assets 20% Intangible assets are not subject to revaluation. The Group holds no assets of considerable value whose useful life is indefinite. GOODWILL Goodwill represents the excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of a Group’s share in identifiable net assets of an acquired subsidiary on the acquisition date. Goodwill arising on the acquisition of subsidiaries is recognised in the balance sheet under non-current assets as a separate item. Goodwill is tested annually for impairment and shown in the balance sheet at cost less cumulated impairment charges. Any gains or losses on disposal of an undertaking are recognised net of the carrying value of the goodwill pertaining to the sold undertaking. INVESTMENT PROPERTY The Group recorded no investment property. FINANCIAL ASSETS The MNI Group classifies its financial assets into the following four categories: 1. financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, 2. investments held to maturity, 3. financial assets available for sale – no such assets were recorded in the reporting period, 274 4. loans and receivables. Investments which were acquired to derive economic benefits from short-term price fluctuations are classified as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and presented in the balance sheet under current assets. Assets with specified maturities that the Group has the intention and the capacity to hold to maturity are classified as investments held to maturity and presented in the balance sheet under non-current assets, unless their maturity date falls within 12 months from the balance-sheet date. Assets with unspecified maturities which can be disposed of if cash is needed or in response to changes of interest rates, are classified as available for sale. The Group presents them in the balance sheet as non-current assets, unless the management has expressed an intention to hold them for a period shorter than 12 months from the balance-sheet date or they are to be liquidated in order to raise working capital, in which case they are presented as current assets. Financial assets arising as a result of delivery of cash, goods or services to the other party, and not intended to be resold in a short time, are classified as loans and receivables and presented under non-current assets. The management assigns each particular financial asset to a relevant category upon its acquisition. Purchase and sale of financial assets is recognised at the transaction date, i.e. the date on which the Group assumes the obligation to purchase or sell the assets. The acquisition cost comprises the transaction-related fees. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and financial assets available for sale are carried at fair value. Investments held to maturity are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. Realised and unrealised gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of assets at fair value through profit or loss are recognised in the income statement, and those arising from changes in the fair value of assets available for sale – directly in equity for the period in which they arose. Fair value of investments is determined by reference to buy prices quoted on the stock exchange or on the basis of forecast cash flows. Fair value of equity securities of private companies is estimated on the basis of relevant Price/Earnings and Price/Cash Flows ratios which are appropriate for a given instrument, or determined using other valuation models. Equity instruments whose value cannot be reliably measured are carried at cost less impairment losses, if any. LEASING Lease agreements which transfer to the Group substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to ownership of items of property, plant and equipment, are classified as financed lease. Financed lease is disclosed in the accounting books at the amount of the fair value of the leased asset, as determined at the inception of the lease, or, if lower, at the present value of minimum lease payments. Lease payments are apportioned between financial expenses and reduction of the outstanding lease liability so as to achieve a constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. Liabilities under lease payments, less the interest expense component, are presented under non-current liabilities. The interest expense component of financial expenses is disclosed in the income statement over the lease term. Tangible assets used under financed lease agreements are depreciated over the shorter of: their useful economic life or the lease term. Leases where the lessor retains substantially all the risks and benefits of ownership of the asset are classified by the Group as operating leases. Operating lease payments made by the Group under such arrangements are recognised in the income statement over the lease term (net of discounts, if any, offered by the lessor). INVENTORIES Inventories are disclosed at acquisition or production cost. The selling cost of a single unit of inventories is determined using the FIFO method. All inventories are subject to regular review in terms of their usefulness and market value. If it is found that inventories require revaluation, a valuation allowance of an appropriate amount is made. TRADE RECEIVABLES Current trade and other receivables are carried at amounts due, unless the impact of accrued interest is substantial. Otherwise, receivables are initially disclosed at fair value and then at amortised cost using the effective interest rate. According to the rule adopted by the Group, receivables maturing in over 180 days are discounted. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, RESTRICTED CASH Cash and cash equivalents are carried in the balance sheet at cost. For the purpose of the cash-flow statement, cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, bank deposits payable on demand and other highly liquid instruments. For the purpose of cash-flow statement, the Group decided not to disclose current-account loans and restricted cash under cash and cash equivalents; consequently, these are presented as a separate balance-sheet item. 275 TRANSACTIONS IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES Transactions in foreign currencies are settled at the mid-exchange rate quoted by the National Bank of Poland for the transaction date. As at the balance-sheet date, monetary assets and liabilities are valued at the mid-exchange rate quoted for a given currency by the National Bank of Poland for that date. DEFERRED INCOME TAX Deferred tax liability is created using the balance-sheet liability method in relation to all temporary differences existing as at the balance-sheet date between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying value as disclosed in the financial statements. The main temporary differences arise from revaluation of certain non-current assets, current assets, derivative financial instruments, provisions, accruals and deferred income and tax losses brought forward. Deferred tax asset and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that, in the Management Board’s opinion, are expected to apply on the day when the asset is realised or the liability is settled. A deferred tax asset is disclosed for all deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is likely that taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised. An asset is recognised only where its carrying amount can be realised in the form of economic benefits to the Group in future periods. When the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its tax value, the amount of taxable economic benefits will be higher that the amount which will be allowed as tax-deductible costs. This difference is a taxable temporary difference, and the obligation to pay the resulting income taxes in future periods is reflected in the deferred tax liability. After the Group realises the carrying amount of the asset, the taxable temporary difference reverses, the Group reports taxable profit, and this creates probability of an outflow of economic benefits from the Group in the form of tax payments. EQUITY Equity is the capital and funds created in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, applicable statutes and the articles of association. Equity also includes retained profits and accumulated losses brought forward. Equity is carried in the accounting books at par value by type and in compliance with the provisions of law or articles of association. The share capital of an incorporated company is disclosed in the amount specified in its articles of association and entered in the court register. Contributions to equity that have been declared but not paid are disclosed as called-up share capital not paid. Ordinary shares are presented as share capital. Proceeds from issues of new shares are disclosed under equity. No adjustment is made in connection with a difference, if any, between the issue price and the market value of the issued shares. External costs directly related to a new share issue are disclosed as a component of the acquisition cost. The statutory reserve funds are created from profit distributions or by transfers from the revaluation capital reserve. The statutory reserve funds include a fund created from profit distributions which is used to cover balance-sheet losses. Treasury shares are valued at acquisition cost and disclosed at negative value under equity. The following are charged to the revaluation capital reserve: • differences on revaluation of financial assets available for sale, • deferred tax, • effects of revaluation of property, plant and equipment, • deferred tax connected with temporary differences in the balance-sheet and tax value of revalued assets. In the event of sale or liquidation of an asset, a relevant part of the revaluation capital reserve is transferred to the statutory reserve funds. Impairment charges for non-current assets which were earlier revalued, decrease the revaluation capital reserve by up to the value of the portion of the reserve which relates to a given asset. The revaluation capital reserve is not distributable. The share capital of the Group is the share capital of the parent undertaking. Items of subsidiary undertakings’ equity other than the part of the share capital corresponding to the parent undertaking’s equity interest in a given subsidiary are added to the relevant items of the parent undertaking’s equity. 276 The Group’s equity includes only those parts of the subsidiary undertakings’ equity which were created after the acquisition of their shares by the parent undertaking. This includes in particular any increases in their capital attributable to net profit or revaluation. The consolidated net profit (loss) of the consolidated members of the Group comprises the net profit (loss) of the parent undertaking and the net profits (losses) of subsidiary undertakings in the amounts corresponding to the parent undertaking’s equity interests in such undertakings. The consolidated net profit (loss) comprises: • • • • • • operating profit (loss), including net other operating income (expenses), net financial income (expenses), write-off of subordinated undertakings’ goodwill, write-off of subordinated undertakings’ negative goodwill, mandatory decrease of the net profit (increase of loss), including corporate income tax, profit (loss) attributable to minority interests. MINORITY INTERESTS Minority interests are disclosed at the total of equity of subsidiary undertakings consolidated with the full method held by companies other than members of the Group. The part of the net profit (loss) of subsidiary undertakings held by minority shareholders other than members of the Group represents the profit (loss) attributable to minority interests. Equity and capitals also include net profit pending approval, less planned dividend and dividend declared but not paid. The net profit (loss) for the financial year is the result disclosed in the income statement for the current year adjusted for the corporate income tax charge. Contributions to equity that have been declared but not paid are disclosed as called-up share capital not paid. BANK LOANS, BORROWINGS AND DEBT SECURITIES IN ISSUE Long- and short-term bank loans and borrowings are initially disclosed at the net value of received funds. i.e. less the costs of obtaining them. After the initial disclosure, all bank loans, debt securities and loans are valued at the adjusted acquisition cost (amortised cost) using the effective interest rate. The difference between the received net cash (less the costs of obtaining the funds) and the amount to be repaid is disclosed in the income statement over the loan term. All external financing costs are charged to the income statement of the period to which they pertain. The Group applies the standard approach in this respect. PROVISIONS Provisions are recognised if the Group has an obligation (legal or following from commercial practice) resulting from past events, and if it is probable that the discharge of that obligation will cause an outflow of funds, assuming that the amount of such outflow can be reliably estimated. The Group also creates provisions for contracts that give rise to obligations on its part if it expects the costs which must be incurred in connection with performance of such contracts to exceed future benefits thereunder. When preparing the IFRS-compliant consolidated financial statements, the Management Board is required to make judgments, estimates and assumptions, which affect the adopted accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses. The estimates and underlying assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors deemed relevant under the circumstances, and their results provide the basis for making judgment about the carrying values of assets and liabilities which cannot be established on the basis of other sources. Actual results may differ from such estimates. The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions of accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised. Provisions for retirement benefits, unused holidays and related benefits are valued at estimated amounts determined by the companies’ management boards with the use of actuarial methods. 277 REVENUE Sales revenue is recognised at the value of payments received or due, less value added tax. Sales revenue is recognised if: - its amount can be reliably estimated - the company is likely to obtain economic benefits - the completion status of the transaction as at the balance-sheet date can be measured reliably - the costs incurred in connection with the transaction and the costs of its completion can be measured reliably. Interest income is recognised as the interest accrues throughout the agreement term, on the basis of the outstanding amounts receivable and the effective interest rate in the period to maturity, after the income due to the Group has been determined. OPERATING EXPENSES The Group undertakings record their expenditures by type and by function. The costs of goods for resale, products and services sold are the costs directly attributable to the production or acquisition of goods for resale and services sold. The selling costs comprise commercial costs and costs of advertising and entertainment. The general administrative expenses comprise the costs associated with the Group undertakings’ management and the costs of administration and entertainment. Other factors with a bearing on the Group’s net profit/(loss) include: • Other operating income and expenses indirectly related to the Group’s activities, including gains and losses on disposal of non-current non-financial assets, revaluation of non-financial assets, creation and release of provisions for future risk, penalties, fines, compensation, as well as donations received or granted, • Financial income related to dividends (distributions from profit), interest, gains on disposal of investments, revaluation of investments and an excess of foreign exchange gains over foreign exchange losses, • Financial expenses related to interest, losses on disposal of investments, revaluation of investments and an excess of foreign exchange losses over foreign exchange gains, • Extraordinary gains and losses resulting from events which are difficult to predict and which are not related to the general business risk. The costs of external financing related directly to the acquisition or production of an item of property, plant and equipment which requires a longer time to become fit for use or resale, increase the production costs of a given asset, until the date of its placement in service. Any income generated from short-term investments of proceeds from external financing, which is connected with the production of assets, decreases the capitalised costs of external financing. The remaining costs of external financing are charged directly against the income statement in the reporting period in which they are incurred. SEGMENT REPORTING A business segment is a distinguishable component of the Group that is engaged in providing products or services and that is subject to risks and returns that are different from those of other business segments. The services provided by the Group are uniform. The information disclosed in the consolidated financial statements at the Group level is consistent with the information relating to a particular business segment. The Group does not report its financial information by geographical segments, as it is not engaged in the distribution of goods or provision of services in different economic environments which are subject to different risks and different returns. The Group’s home country is Poland. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES Financial Risk Factors The Group’s operations are exposed to various financial risks, including the risk of volatile market prices of debt and equity instruments as well as fluctuations in exchange rates and interest rates. The Group’s overall risk management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and is designed to minimise potential adverse effects of the risks on the Group’s financial performance. 278 Credit Risk The Group’s financial assets exposed to credit risk concentration are settlements with related undertakings and trade receivables. Trade receivables are presented in the financial statements net of valuation allowances and reflect the nature of the Group’s operations. The Group applies a trade credit policy under which it sells its products and provides services and financing only to customers with proven credit records and high credit ratings. In the opinion of the Management Board, the Group’s credit risk exposure has been assessed correctly. The credit risk is reflected in the accounting books by making relevant allowances for receivables. Foreign Exchange Risk The Group is not engaged in any activities which would require hedging against the risk of exchange rate fluctuations. Interest Rate Risk The Group’s profits and operating cash flows are to a certain extent exposed to changes in interest rates, as most of the Group’s loans and borrowings bear interest at variable rates. Moreover, a significant portion of the Group’s assets is comprised of corporate debt securities held to maturity with fixed interest rates, purchased from related undertakings. Although the maturity dates of the individual debt securities do not exceed 12 months, the tranches redeemed are usually replaced with the subsequent issues of securities and, consequently, such securities are classified as non-current assets. The Group also holds equity instruments, which are not exposed to interest rate risk. The loans advanced to non-related undertakings bear interest at fixed or variable rates. The loans with variable interest rates are exposed to the risk of interest rate reductions. The Management Board of the Company believes that the use of hedging instruments or other similar measures aimed at mitigating the interest rate risk would not be cost effective. Liquidity Risk The principles of prudent management of liquidity risk require that the Group maintain sufficient balances of cash and marketable securities, and secure the necessary financing in the form of credit facilities. Considering its dynamic expansion, the Group’s objective is to ensure it has access to flexible financing, such as bank credit facilities. Disclosure of Financial Derivatives Financial derivatives are initially recognised at acquisition cost, to be later measured at fair value. Any changes in the fair value of financial derivatives are promptly charged to the income statement, as the Group does not use any financial derivatives meeting the criteria of the hedging accounting under IAS 39. Derivatives are presented in the balance sheet as financial assets or liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss. Fair Value The fair value of publicly traded financial instruments is determined based on listed market prices as at the balancesheet date. The fair value of forward currency contracts is determined based on the market forward rates of the individual currencies as at the balance-sheet date. To estimate the fair value of derivatives which are not publicly traded and other financial instruments, the Group applies various methods and assumptions based on the market conditions prevailing as at each balance-sheet date. The Group usually uses market or dealers’ quotations for given or similar instruments. In the case of other instruments, the fair value is established using other techniques, such as option valuation models or the DCF method. With respect to certain embedded financial derivatives (forward currency contracts) for which no forward exchange rates are listed due to the distant maturity dates of the contracts, the Group calculates forward rates using the interest rate relation model. 279 In the case of options for securities for which no active market exists, the fair value is usually determined using the Black-Scholes option valuation model. It is assumed that the nominal values (net of any potential credit adjustments) of financial assets and liabilities maturing in less than one year, reflect the fair values of such assets and liabilities. For the purposes of disclosure in the financial statements, the fair value of financial liabilities is estimated by discounting the expected contractual cash flows with an interest rate currently applied by the Group to similar financial instruments. The Group does not hold any financial assets or liabilities whose fair value would differ from the book value as at December 31st 2005 and December 31st 2004. Financial Instruments Purchased on Regulated Markets Financial instruments purchased on regulated markets are recognised at acquisition cost, to be later measured at fair value. The fair value of publicly traded financial instruments is determined based on listed market prices as at the balance-sheet date. 5. The consolidated quarterly financial statements contain comparable data for the corresponding period of the previous year. 6. Pursuant to the adopted accounting policies, in Q3 the Group recognised deferred tax liability totalling PLN 20 thousand. The Group also adjusted the deferred tax asset by a total of PLN 130 thousand. 7. In the period covered by these financial statements: - the Group’s business was not subject to any seasonality or cyclicality, - no debt or equity securities were issued, redeemed or repaid, - no events occurred after September 30th 2006 which have not been disclosed in the consolidated quarterly financial statements and which might have a significant effect on the financial performance of the MNI Group in the future, - in comparison with the previous quarter, the following undertakings were incorporated into the Group in Q3 2006: • MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. of Kraków, whose business consists in telecommunications and media services. MNI S.A. holds a 75% equity interest in the company’s share capital. The share capital of the acquired company amounts to PLN 100 thousand and is divided into 200 shares. As at the acquisition date, the company had a balance-sheet total of PLN 566 thousand and reported a net profit of PLN 123 thousand. The acquisition cost of the shares was PLN 3,000 thousand. • DataCOM S.A. of Ursus, whose business consists in telecommunications services. MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. acquired 2,570,566 shares in DataCOM S.A., representing 76.49% of the share capital and of the total vote at the General Shareholders Meeting. The acquisition cost was PLN 19,000 thousand. As at the acquisition date, the company had assets of PLN 33,148 thousand and reported a net profit of PLN 2,208 thousand. 280 - in Q3 2006, MNI S.A. disposed of its 100% equity interest in Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o., a member of the MNI Group. The company’s share capital amounted to PLN 50 thousand and was divided into 1,000 shares. The selling price was PLN 80 thousand. The balance-sheet total of the sold company stood at PLN 435 thousand and the Q3 net profit was PLN 75 thousand. 2. SUBSIDIARY UNDERTAKINGS STATEMENTS: 1. OF THE MNI GROUP INCLUDED IN THE CONSOLIDATED QUARTERLY FINANCIAL MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly: Telefonia Pilicka Sp. z o.o.) of Radom – telecommunications services –100% equity interest; 2. Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw – telecommunications services – 100% equity interest; 3. MNI Technology Development Sp. z o.o. (formerly: Szeptel International Sp. z o.o.) of Szepietowo – auxiliary company; human resources and logistics management for the Call Centre in Szepietowo, 100% equity interest; after the change of the company’s name and function within the MNI Group, it became the Content Production Centre for mobile telephone services; 4. MoCoHub Sp. z o.o. of Kraków – telecommunications and media services – 75% equity interest. 5. DataCOM S.A. of Ursus – telecommunications services – MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. holds 2,570,566 shares in the company, representing 76.49% of its share capital and total vote at the General Shareholders Meeting. 3. NON-CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARY UNDERTAKINGS 1. Szeptel Internet Sp. z o.o. of Kraków – (placed in liquidation) – no business conducted; 2. EPL Sp. z o.o. of Szepietowo – (placed in liquidation) – no business conducted; 3. BIA-NET Sp. z o.o. of Białystok – (placed in liquidation) – no business conducted. 4. COURT AND OTHER PROCEEDINGS The Company reports that no proceedings are pending before any court or public administration authority concerning liabilities or claims of the Company or its subsidiary undertakings, whose value would represent 10% or more of the Company’s equity. 281 5. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES OF THE MNI GROUP AS AT SEPTEMBER 30TH 2006 • promissory notes (blank promissory notes with promissory note declarations) PLN 4,661 thousand, • list of liabilities secured on the Group’s assets Type of liability Liabilities under a loan 1. Assignment of assets of specified identity – MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. 2. Registered pledge on movables – MNI Telecom Sp z o.o. 3. Assignment of assets of specified identity – MNI S.A. 4. Assignment of receivables under issued invoices – Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. Type of secured assets Creditor Bank advancing the loan PKO S.A. Value of secured assets as at Sep 30 2006 (PLN ‘000) Property, plant and equipment 4,697 PKO S.A. Property, plant and equipment 5,097 BRE BANK Property, plant and equipment 81,000 BRE BANK 1,500 6. SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENTS AND FAILURES IN THE REPORTING PERIOD In line with the adopted strategy, the MNI Group companies consistently develop their operations in the media and telecommunications segment (value-added media services (including call centre) and universal telecommunications services). Thanks to the dynamic growth of operations in the media sector, this area of business is currently one of the main drivers of the Group’s sales revenue, accounting for nearly 48.34% of net sales revenue in Q3 2006. Given the sustained significant predominance of the media segment in the Company’s operations and sales results, on June 9th 2006 the Warsaw Stock Exchange reclassified MNI from the “Telecommunications” category to the “Media” category. In Q3 2006, the MNI Group reported sales revenue of PLN 37,361 thousand, which represents an increase of nearly 80% relative to the revenue generated in the corresponding period of 2005 (PLN 20,832 thousand). Significant changes in the sales structure, revenue and EBITDA of the MNI Group in Q3 2006 vs. Q3 2005 are presented in the table and graphs below: Table: Sales revenue structure of the MNI Group (PLN ‘000) Q3 2005 % share Q3 2006 % share Change (%) Total revenue 20,832 100.0% 37,361 100.0% + 79.34 % - media and call centre services - telecommunications services - other 11,410 7,620 1,802 54.77% 36.58% 8.65% 18,063 18,145 1,153 48.34% 48.57% 3.09% + 58.31 % + 138.12 % - 36.02 % 282 Sales structure in Q3 2005 Sales structure in Q3 2006 8.65% 3.09% 36.58% Media and call center services 54.77% Telecomm. services 48.34% 48.57% Other services Media and call center services Sales revenue (PLN ‘000) Telecomm. services Other services EBITDA (PLN ‘000) 9,781 37,361 7,264 40,000 35,000 10,000 20,832 8,000 30,000 25,000 6,000 20,000 4,000 15,000 10,000 2,000 5,000 0 0 Q3 2005 Q3 2006 Q3 2005 Q3 2006 The Company’s comment on the results presents above: • The largest item in the Group’s revenue structure in Q3 2006 in terms of value is sales of telecommunications services (PLN 18,145m). • The increase in the value of media and call centre services by over 58% in comparison with the corresponding period of 2005 is related to the acquisition of entities applying premium rate telecommunication tariffs (Legion Polska) (in 2005) and their further development within the Group, as well as the growth of the media services market in Poland and consistent implementation of the Group’s development strategy. • The growth of over 138% recorded in sales of traditional communications services confirms the effectiveness of the telecommunications strategy pursued by the Group. Such a high growth rate is attributable primarily to consistent implementation of the strategy adopted for this segment of the Group’s business: acquisitions (incorporation of MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. into the Group), interconnect settlements with TP SA according to the RIO principle, broadband Internet access, increase in the number of subscribers, lower costs and – the key driver of this growth – increase in the volume of wholesale exchange of telecommunications traffic. • The aggregate increase of nearly 80% in the value of sales of services in Q3 2006 relative to Q3 2005 confirms correctness of the MNI Group’s strategy and of the decision to pursue acquisitions. 6.1) Significant Events in the MNI Group in the Reporting Period: 1. July 13th 2006 – execution of a conditional share purchase agreement, whereby MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. (formerly Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o.), a subsidiary, acquired shares in dataCOM S.A. of Warsaw from JUPITER Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny S.A. of Warsaw. 283 2. August 1st 2006 – execution of an agreement whereby MNI S.A. disposed of a 100% equity interest in the share capital of Media Personel Service Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw. 3. Commencement of activities aimed at preparing the Group’s structure logistically for technological development, focused on achieving the following objectives: a. Development of Content Production Centre, which will serve the needs of the Group itself and the entire media services market (Java games, polyphonic ringtones, music, wallpapers, video content, films, multiplayer games, competitions, communications applications and entertainment services, etc). b. Development of the offering of universal services and content for customers using mobile services and for the Internet television and interactive digital television market, and also – in the form of dedicated applications – for public TV broadcasters and Internet portals. c. Development of the Group’s own distribution channels for electronic and traditional multimedia products and of specialised tools to be used in the channels that already exist. d. Integration of modern interactive and mobile technologies to provide for quick development and implementation of advanced applications for media services, for the needs of the Group itself, the Group’s media partners, third parties operating in the telecommunications business (MVNO) and other external customers. e. Intensification of activity on foreign markets – from the supply of multimedia content, services and solutions, to development and implementation of turn-key interactive media solutions for local TV channels and Internet portals (involving the supply of an application and technology, and connection to the local mobile or fixed-line network operators). 4. August 11th 2006 – the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange publishes a quarterly review of the list of companies to be included in the WIG 20 and MIDWIG indices after the September 15th session, according to which the parent undertaking MNI S.A. is to be added to the MIDWIG index. 5. August 11th 2006 – submission of the issue for series L shares in the parent undertaking MNI S.A. to the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission in Warsaw. 6. August 22nd 2006 – MNI S.A. and POLKOMTEL S.A. execute an Agreement on Entering into Negotiations with a view to MNI S.A. commencing provision of mobile telecommunications services based on public mobile telecommunication network of POLKOMTEL, under the MVNO SP (Virtual Operator) model. 7. August 29th 2006 – finalisation of the acquisition by MNI Telecom Sp. o.o. of Radom, a subsidiary, of shares in DataCOM S.A. of Warsaw from JUPITER Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny S.A. of Warsaw. 8. August 31st 2006 – execution of an agreement on negotiations concerning the purchase of a 51% equity interest in Breakpoint Sp. z o.o., an experienced producer of Java games for the mobile market (approx. 60 unique game applications used in networks of dozens of mobile operators worldwide – in Europe, Brazil, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, and China). The company also has entered into contracts for distribution of its games in the 284 American market. Breakpoint’s distribution network consists of 16 distributors in Poland and 60 distributors abroad. 90% of the company’s revenue is generated outside Poland. 9. September 15th 2006 – execution of final agreements on the sale of 150 shares (75%) in MoCoHub of Kraków, a limited liability company, and two preliminary agreements on the purchase of the remaining 50 shares (25%). MoCoHub has been building its operations for several years as the provider of content for mobile multimedia services for a large portion of the Polish market (nearly 90% of the market participants). As part of the Group’s strategy aimed at organising the Group’s activities in focused areas of competence, MoCoHub will integrate the entire area of obtaining, localising and providing content for multimedia services (games for mobile phones, music, films, other multimedia content), for the purposes of MNI and the Group companies and for external customers. 10. September 26th 2006 – publication of consolidated semi-annual report for H1 2006. 6.2) Events Subsequent to September 30th 2006 which May Significantly Affect Future Financial Performance of the MNI Group 1. October 11th 2006 – publication of the date of the Company’s Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting (November 15th 2006) convened to revise MNI S.A.’s corporate documents so as to make them compliant with the law and suggestions put forward by the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission in connection with preparing the prospectus for series L shares. 2. October 30th 2006 – execution of a preliminary share purchase agreement for 57% of shares in Breakpoint Sp. z o.o. by MNI S.A. 3. November 6th 2006 – MNI S.A. is granted exclusivity in the negotiations to select a buyer for PKN Orlen S.A.’s 75% equity interest in Petrotel. 4. November 8th 2006 – MNI S.A. and its subsidiary MNI Mobile S.A. on the one part, and Polska Telefonia Komórkowa Centertel Sp. z o.o. on the other part, signed a Memorandum Concluding Negotiations (a Letter of Intent) concerning cooperation in establishing an MVNO operator. Under the Letter of Intent, the parties undertook to continue negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of the agreement. The negotiations will be held by MNI and MNI Mobile on exclusivity basis. The parties undertook to make every effort to execute the agreement on the provision of services within three months from the date of the Letter of Intent, and to commence provision of services by MNI Mobile to end users on a commercial basis within five months from the agreement date. The Management Board of MNI S.A. made an assessment of the project’s maturity and progress and the possibility of achieving the set objective. Based on the findings of the assessment, the Management Board of MNI S.A. decided to continue the work on the MVNO project with PTK Centertel. As a consequence, MNI S.A. terminated its negotiations with other mobile operators in Poland, including in particular POLKOMTEL S.A. 285 7. FINANCIAL FORECAST On September 4th 2006, the Company revised and published an updated financial forecast for the Group’s consolidated net profit in 2006-2008. The new forecast accounts for the full-method consolidation of DataCom S.A. from September 1st 2006: 2006 2007 2008 Value of services sold (PLN ‘000) 160,000 180,000 225,000 EBITDA (PLN ‘000) 40,000 50,000 65,000 The forecast presented above is based on the analysis of H1 2006 results, agreements concerning acquisition of companies in the media and telecommunications services sector executed to date, and the forecast of the development of the media and telecommunications services market at the end of 2006 and in 2007 and 2008. 8. PARENT UNDERTAKING SHAREHOLDERS As at this report date, the following shareholders held more than 5% of shares or more than 5% of the total vote at the General Shareholders Meeting of MNI S.A. No. Shareholder Number of shares % of shares Number of votes % of the total vote 1. com.Investment Sp. z o.o. 7,357,590 32.60 7,357,590 32.56 2. Andrzej Piechocki 1,398,812 6.20 1,398,812 6.19 3. CATERHAM MANAGEMENT Ltd. 1,250,000 5.54 1,250,000 5.53 FINANCIAL 9. CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF PARENT UNDERTAKING SHARES MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL • AND SHARE-RELATED RIGHTS HELD BY THE On July 10th 2006, the Company received a notification from Piotr König, President of the Management Board of MNI S.A., also serving as a Member of the Management Board of com.Investment. Sp. z o.o., to the effect that com.Investment Sp. z o.o. disposed of 1,250,000 shares in MNI S.A. (Current Report No. 26/2006). • On October 20th 2006, the Company received a notification from Andrzej Piechocki, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of MNI S.A., to the effect that Dedal Inwestycje Spółka z o.o. of Warsaw, in which Andrzej Piechocki serves as a Member of the Management Board, sold 1,310,000 shares in MNI S.A. and Andrzej Piechocki acquired directly 170,000 MNI S.A. shares (Current Report No. 47/2006). • On October 27th 2006, the Company received a notification from Andrzej Piechocki, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of MNI S.A., stating that Dedal Inwestycje Spółka z o.o. of Warsaw, in which Andrzej Piechocki serves as a Member of the Management Board, disposed of 524,332 shares in MNI S.A. 286 To the Company’s knowledge, the ownership of MNI S.A. shares by the Company’s Management and Supervisory personnel as at this report date is as follows: Supervisory Board • Andrzej Piechocki, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, is a direct holder of 1,398,812 shares. • Other Members of the Supervisory Board do not hold any shares in MNI S.A. Management Board • Piotr König, President of the Management Board, holds indirectly, as a Management Board Member of com.Investment Sp. z o.o., 7,357,590 shares in MNI S.A., representing 32.60% of the company’s share capital. • Other Members of the Management Board do not hold any shares in MNI S.A. 10. RELATED-PARTY TRANSACTIONS, SURETIES AND LOANS In the reporting period, the parent undertaking MNI S.A. concluded arms’ length transactions with MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o., a subsidiary, concerning the sale of property, plant and equipment and sale of telecommunications services. The value of the transactions made in the reporting period amounted to PLN 9,171 thousand. The Company and its subsidiaries did not grant credit sureties or guarantees to any single entity or its subsidiary, whose aggregate value exceeds 10% of the Issuer’s equity. 11. OTHER INFORMATION In Q3 2006, the Group companies timely paid all amounts due under loans, taxes, and social security contributions, amounts arising out of approved arrangement proceedings of the parent undertaking, and amounts payable to suppliers. 12. COMPOSITION OF THE MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISORY BODIES OF THE PARENT UNDERTAKING (MNI S.A.) Supervisory Board – appointed on June 30th 2006 by the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of the Company: • Mr Robert Gwiazdowski – Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board • Mr Tomasz Karasiński – Member of the Supervisory Board • Mr Andrzej Jerzy Piechocki – Chairman of the Supervisory Board • Mr Michał Jakub Tomczak – Secretary of the Supervisory Board • Mr Stanisław Marian Widera – Member of the Supervisory Board 287 Management Board – appointed on June 30th 2006 by the Supervisory Board of the Company: • Mr Piotr König – President of the Management Board • Mr Mariusz Piotr Pilewski – Member of the Management Board • Mr Leszek Wojciech Kułak – Member of the Management Board 13. EXCHANGE RATES APPLIED The method of translating the złoty into the euro is specified in Par. 89.2 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of October 19th 2005 as follows: - individual items of the balance sheet are translated into the złoty and the euro at the mid exchange rate quoted by the National Bank of Poland for a given currency for a given balance-sheet date – in the case of the data for Q3 2006 the Group applied the euro exchange rate in effect on September 29th – 3.9835, and in the case of the data for Q3 2005 – the exchange rate of 3.966; - individual items of the income statement are translated into the złoty and the euro at the rate equal to the arithmetic mean of mid exchange rates quoted by the National Bank of Poland for the currency in which the financial information to be translated was originally prepared, quoted for the last day of each full month of the financial year – the following euro exchange rates were used to translate the Q3 2006 data: the exchange rate in effect on July 31st (3.9321), August 31st (3.9369) and September 29th (3.9835); the mid exchange rate for January 1st–September 30th 2006 was 3.9171 and the mid exchange rate for January 1st–September 30th 2005 was 4.067. 288 24. AUDITORS IN THE PERIOD COVERED BY HISTORICAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION 24.1 Auditors’ First and Last Names, Addresses and Registered Offices 2003 Non-Consolidated Financial Statements Zespół Biegłych Rewidentów AUDYTOR Sp. z o.o., registered office at ul. Zwycięstwa 8, 15-703 Białystok, Poland, an auditing firm entered in the list of qualified auditors of financial statements, maintained by the National Chamber of Qualified Auditors, under Reg. No. 1224. Eugeniusz Jaszczuk – qualified auditor, Reg. No. 1407/2847 Stanisław Kuliś – qualified auditor, Reg. No. 2047/4910 2004 Non-Consolidated Financial Statements Misters Audytor Sp. z o.o., registered office at ul. Migdałowa 4, room 28, 02-796 Warsaw, Poland, an auditing firm entered in the list of qualified auditors of financial statements, maintained by the National Chamber of Statutory Auditors, under Reg. No. 63. Barbara Sieradzka – qualified auditor, Reg. No. 8343/2743 Barbara Misterska-Dragan – qualified auditor, Reg. No. 2581/117 2005 Non-Consolidated and Consolidated Financial Statements MGI AKCEPT AUDYT Sp. z o.o., registered office at ul. Żelazna 54, room 5, 00-852 Warsaw, Poland, an auditing firm entered in the list of qualified auditors of financial statements, maintained by the National Chamber of Statutory Auditors, under Reg. No. 2835. Maria Janiak – qualified auditor, Reg. No. 7763/2281 Janusz Wisłowski – qualified auditor, Reg. No. 10727/7789 24.2 Change of Auditors The change of auditors follows from a change in the scope of services provided by the Company in the last three years, which resulted in the Company’s reclassification by the WSE from the telecommunications sector to the media sector. Therefore, the Company took steps to find an auditor having experience in providing audit services with respect to the type of business conducted by the Company, with a view to increasing efficiency of the work related to audits. 289 25. PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE ISSUE PROSPECTUS REPRESENTATION COMPLIANT WITH COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) NO. 809/2004 of April 29th 2004 MNI Spółka Akcyjna of Warsaw, responsible for information contained in this Prospectus, hereby represents, having made every effort to ensure that such is the case, that to the best of its knowledge the information contained in this Prospectus is true, correct and accurate and nothing that could have a bearing on its content has been omitted. MNI Spółka Akcyjna Leszek Wojciech Kułak Member of Management Board Mariusz Piotr Pilewski Member of Management Board Piotr König President of Management Board 290 26. DEFINITIONS Shares Offered Shares Series L Shares Shareholder Supplement Auditor Issue Price CeTo Prospectus Date Financial Adviser Legal Adviser Directive 2003/71/EC Dz. U. Record Date EBIT EBITDA Issuer, MNI, Company EURIBOR euro, EUR Fund Warsaw Stock Exchange, WSE Group, Issuer’s Group, MNI Group Polish Central Statistics Office (GUS) Retail Investor Institutional Investor Polish NDS Penal Code Civil Code Commercial Code Code of Administrative Procedure Labour Code Commercial Companies Code Financial Supervision Authority KRS KW Shares in MNI S.A. MNI S.A. shares to be acquired by investors on the terms set forth in this Prospectus Series L ordinary bearer shares in MNI S.A. with a par value of PLN 1 Person holding the Issuer shares Supplement to the Issue Prospectus, as referred to in Art. 51 of the Public Offering Act MGI Akcept Audyt Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw Issue Price of the Offered Shares Over-the-counter market (CeTo) Date of approval of the Prospectus by the Financial Supervision Authority BRE Corporate Finance Spółka Akcyjna of Warsaw Tomczak i Partnerzy Spółka Adwokacka of Warsaw Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliament and Council of November 4th 2003 on the issue prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading, and amending Directive 2001/34/EC Journal of Laws (Dziennik Ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) Day as at the end of which shareholders receive pre-emptive rights. One Share confers one pre-emptive right. Earnings before interest and tax Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation MNI S.A. of Warsaw European Inter Bank Offering Rate – interest rate offered on the interbank market in the euro zone for euro-denominated interbank loans Single currency of the member states of the European Economic and Monetary Union JUPITER Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny S.A. of Warsaw Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A. The MNI Group within the meaning of the Accountancy Act The Polish Central Statistics Office (GUS) Natural persons, both Residents and Non-residents Legal persons and unincorporated organisations, both Residents and NonResidents, including entities involved in discretionary management of securities portfolios (in the case of a single subscription on behalf of persons whose securities accounts they manage and for the benefit of whom they intend to acquire the Offered Shares) Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych Spółka Akcyjna of Warsaw (National Depository for Securities) Act of June 6th 1997 – Polish Penal Code (Dz.U. of 1997, No. 88, item 553) Act of April 23rd 1964 – Polish Civil Code (Dz.U. No. 16, item 93, as amended) Regulation of the President of the Republic of Poland of June 27th 1934 – Polish Commercial Code (Dz. U. of 1946, No. 57, item 502, as amended) Act of June 14th 1960 – Polish Code of Administrative Procedure (Dz.U. of 2000, No. 98, item 1071, as amended) Act of June 26th 1974 – Polish Labour Code (Dz.U. of 1998, No. 21, item 94, as amended) Act of September 15th 2000 – Polish Commercial Companies Code (Dz.U. No. 94, item 1037, as amended) Polish Financial Supervision Authority (Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego) National Court Register Land and Mortgage Register 291 Legion Polska LIBOR M.P. M IFRS MNI Telecom National Bank of Poland Non-Resident Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting OECD Public Offering Offeror, Dom Inwestycyjny BRE Banku S.A. Tax Legislation Act Polish Press Agency (PAP) Rights to Shares GDP PLN, złoty Subsidiary POK Banking Law Foreign Exchange Act Environmental Protection Act Telecommunications Law Bankruptcy Law Bankruptcy and Recovery Law Industrial Property Law President Prospectus, Issue Prospectus Supervisory Board Current Report Regulation S WSE Rules Legion Polska Sp. z o.o. of Warsaw London Inter Bank Offering Rate – interest rate offered on the British interbank market for interbank loans Official Journal Monitor Polski Million International Financial Reporting Standards MNI Telecom Sp. z o.o. of Radom (formerly operating as Pilicka Telefonia Sp. z o.o.) National Bank of Poland Persons, entities, and organisational units referred to in Art. 2.1.2 of the Foreign Exchange Act Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of the Issuer Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Public Offering, within the meaning of the Public Offering Act, carried out in relation with the offering of the Offered Shares to the public Dom Inwestycyjny BRE Banku Spółka Akcyjna of Warsaw, an investment firm within the meaning of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, the offeror of the Offered Shares Act of August 29th 1997 – Polish Tax Legislation Act (Dz.U. No. 137, item 926, as amended) Polish Press Agency (PAP) Rights to Series F Shares – transferable property rights having the nature of a security within the meaning of Art. 3.29 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments gross domestic product Złoty, legal tender of the Republic of Poland introduced into circulation on January 1st 1995, in accordance with the Act of July 7th 1994 on redenomination of the złoty (Dz. U. No. 84, item 386), equivalent to PLZ 10,000 before redenomination Entity in relation to which the Issuer is the parent entity within the meaning of Art. 4.14 of the Public Offering Act Customer Service Point Act of August 29th 1997 – Polish Banking Law (Dz.U. of 2002, No. 72, item 665, as amended) Act of July 27th 2002 – Polish Foreign Exchange Act (Dz.U. No. 141, item 1178, as amended) Act of April 27th 2001 – Polish Environmental Protection Act (Dz.U. of 2001, No. 62, item 627) Act of July 16th 2004 – Polish Telecommunications Law (Dz.U. of 2004, No. 171, item 1800) Regulation of the President of the Republic of Poland of October 24th 1934 – Polish Bankruptcy Law (Dz.U. of 1991, No. 118, item 512, as amended) Act of February 28th 2003 – Polish Bankruptcy and Recovery Law (Dz.U. No. 60, item 535, as amended) Act of June 30th 2000 – Polish Industrial Property Law (Dz.U. of 2003, No. 119, item 1117, as amended) President of the Company’s Management Board This Prospectus, the only legally binding document containing information on the Public Offering and the Company, prepared in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No. 809/2004, Supervisory Board of MNI S.A. Current information submitted by the Issuer, in the form and scope specified in the Regulation of the Polish Minister of Finance of October 19th 2005 on current and periodic information to be published by issuers of securities (Dz.U. No. 209, item 1744) Secondary legislation issued under the American Securities Act, defining the rules governing sales and offers of securities made outside the United States without registration under the American Securities Act Rules of the Warsaw Stock Exchange adopted by virtue of Resolution No. 1/1110/2006 of the WSE Supervisory Board of January 4th 2006 292 No. 1/1110/2006 of the WSE Supervisory Board of January 4th 2006 (as amended) Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board Commercial Register Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register Register of Pledges Rep. Resident Commission Regulation (EC) 809/2004 Regulation on current periodic information and Regulation on the official stockexchange listing market Council Regulation Concentrations on Spółka akcyjna, S.A. Registry Court State Treasury Sp. z o.o. Issue Sponsor Articles of Association Detailed Rules of Operation of the Polish NDS Detailed Rules of Exchange Trading TP S.A. Forward transaction Stock- Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) Anti-Trust and Consumer Protection Office Telecommunications and Post Regulatory Authority USD National Court Register Act Act on Capital Supervision Bond Act Market Act on Trading in Financial Instruments Anti-Trust and Consumer Protection Act Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board of MNI S.A. The commercial register referred to in the Commercial Code The register of entrepreneurs referred to in the National Court Register Act The register of pledges or central information on registered pledges referred to in the Act on Registered Pledges and Register of Pledges of December 6th 1996 (Dz. U. No. 149, item 703, as amended) Repertory Persons, entities and organisational units referred to in Art. 2.1.1 of the Foreign Exchange Act European Commission Regulation (EC) No. 809/2004 of April 29th implementing Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliament and Council regarding information contained in prospectuses and the format, incorporation by reference and publication of such prospectuses and dissemination of advertisements Minister of Finance’s Regulation on current and periodic information to be published by issuers of securities, dated October 11th 2005 (Dz. U. No. 209, item 1744) Minister of Finance’s Regulation on detailed conditions to be fulfilled by an official market of stock-exchange listing and issuers of securities admitted to trading on such a market, dated October 14th 2005 (Dz.U. No. 206, item 1712) Council Regulation No. 139/2004 of January 20th 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings (Official Journal of the European Union, L 24/1 of January 29th 2004) A joint-stock company District Court for the capital city of Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register Polish State Treasury A limited-liability company Entity maintaining the register of holders of the Issuer shares which are not deposited on securities accounts Consolidated text of the Issuer’s Articles of Association, attached hereto (Section 25.1) Detailed Rules of Operation of the Polish NDS, an Appendix to Resolution No. 79/98 of the Executive Board of the Polish NDS, dated January 29th 1998 (as amended) Detailed Rules of Stock-Exchange Trading, adopted by virtue of Resolution No. 4/2006 of the WSE Management Board of January 10th 2004 (as amended) Telekomunikacja Polska Spółka Akcyjna (joint-stock company) Agreement to buy or sell a specific commodity or a financial instrument at a future date and at a predetermined price. If the price is determined at an earlier date, it helps to reduce the price volatility risk. Polish Office of Electronic Communications Polish Anti-Trust and Consumer Protection Office Polish Telecommunications and Post Regulatory Authority American dollar, the monetary unit in the United States of America Polish National Court Register Act of August 20th 1997 (Dz. U. of 2001, No. 17, item 209, as amended) Polish Act on Capital Market Supervision of July 29th 2005 (Dz. U. of 2005, No. 183, item 1537) Polish Bond Act of June 29th 1995 (Dz. U. of 2001, No. 120, item 1300, as amended) Polish Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of July 29th 2005 (Dz. U. of 2005, No. 183, item 1538) Polish Anti-Trust and Consumer Protection Act of December 15th 2000 (Dz. U. of 2003, No. 86, item 804, as amended) 293 Waste Management Act Public Offering Act Stamp Duty Act Personal Income Tax Act Corporate Income Tax Act Act on Duty on Actions under Civil Law Copyright Act Accountancy Act Act on Freedom of Business Activity Remuneration Act Inventions Act Act on Employee Benefits Fund Act on Waste Equipment VAT WIBOR Electronic GM, General Shareholders Meeting Additional Subscription Order Basic Subscription Order Management Board, the Issuer’s Management Board, the Company’s Management Board ZUS Polish Waste Management Act of April 27th 2001 (Dz. U. of 2001, No. 62, item 628) Polish Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies (Dz. U. of 2005, No. 184, item 1539) Polish Stamp Duty Act of September 9th 2000 (Dz. U. of 2004, No. 253, item 2532, as amended) Polish Personal Income Tax Act of July 26th 1991 (Dz. U. of 2000, No. 14, item 176, as amended) Polish Corporate Income Tax Act of February 15th 1992 (Dz. U. of 2000, No. 54, item 654, as amended) Polish Act on Duty on Actions under Civil Law (Dz. U. No. 86, item 959, as amended) Polish Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act of February 4th 1994 (Dz. U. of 2000, No. 80, item 904, as amended) Polish Accountancy Act of September 29th 1994 (Dz. U. of 2002, No. 76, item 694, as amended) Polish Act on Freedom of Business Activity of July 2nd 2004 (Dz.U. No. 173, item 1807, as amended) Polish Act on Remuneration of Persons Managing Certain Legal Entities of March 3rd 2000 (Dz.U. of 2000, No. 26, item 306, as amended) Polish Inventions Act of October 19th 1972 (Dz. U. of 1993, No. 26, item 117, as amended) Polish Act on Employee Benefits Fund of March 4th 1994 (Dz.U. of 1996, No. 70, item 335, as amended) Polish Act on Waste Electronic Equipment of July 29th 2005 (Dz. U. of 2005, No. 180, item 1495) Value added tax Warsaw Inter Bank Offered Rate – the interest rate offered for inter-bank loans on the Polish inter-bank market General Shareholders Meeting of the Company Subscription order placed for the Offered Shares not acquired in exercise of the pre-emptive rights by investors who were the Issuer’s Shareholders at the end of day on the Record Date Subscription order placed in exercise of the pre-emptive rights The Management Board of MNI S.A. Polish Social Security Authority (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych) 294 Glossary of Industry Terms CDMA DLISP IPTV IVR Convergence M2M Massive sending MMS MMS Premium MT SMS MVNO NDS Premium SMS, SMS Premium SMS UKE WAP WAP Premium W-CDMA Wi-Fi, WiFi WiMax Video call Code Division Multiple Access; a mobile telephone technology enabling simultaneous multiple access of mobile phones to the transmitter Data Transmission, Line Rental and Internet Service Provision Internet Protocol Television; a service providing Internet users with access to television channels or video-on-demand over the Internet protocol (IP). IPTV can be watched both on a PC connected to the Internet or on a standard TV set equipped with a set-top-box. Interactive Voice Response; a system for interactive services for callers. The system is used by call centres, customer service offices, banks and telemarketing companies. Provision of multiple (e.g. two) services by a single operator. In telecommunications, convergence typically means provision of fixed-line and mobile services by a single operator. Machine-to-machine (M2M); a wireless technology based on digital mobile network infrastructure, which enables remote exchange of data between machines (equipment) Sending marketing and promotional messages to specific, large groups of mobile users A multimedia variation of the SMS service; available to those customers of digital mobile network operators who have appropriate handsets; the multimedia messaging service supports creation, sending and receiving messages containing text, images, animation, photographs, or audio and video files. A multimedia service equivalent to SMS Premium A settlement system connected with the use of value-added services by mobile users; the system is used to initiate a specific service (e.g. by an SMS) after which the customer can use it until an SMS disabling the service is sent. While the service is on, the content provider sends ordered products and data (wallpapers, ringtones etc.) to the user in line with the schedule defined for the service. The customer is charged for each piece of data received until he/she discontinues the use of the service. Mobile virtual network operator; an operator providing mobile services who has no (or limited) telecommunications infrastructure and provides the services over other operators’ infrastructure. network access number (prefix); a sequence of digits (10XX or 10XXX) which identify a specific telecommunications operator. By dialling a given prefix, customer selects the network of the operator which will handle the connection. A type of SMS which is charged at a premium rate; it is used in telephone voting and radio and TV competitions. Premium SMSs are based on fouror five-digit numbers (7XXX or 7XXXX). The first digit is always 7, while the second indicates the cost of the message sent. Short Message Service; the service of sending short (up to 160 characters) messages via digital mobile networks. Office of Electronic Communications; the regulator of the telecommunications market in Poland, appointed by virtue of the statute Wireless Application Protocol; a set of standards defining the protocol of wireless applications; developed for users of wireless equipment (including mobile phones, palmtops etc.) to access the Internet. A service equivalent to SMS Premium with respect to services provided to mobile users based on WAP technology Wideband Code Division Multiple Access; advanced data transmission system, a wideband variation of CDMA Wireless Fidelity; a group of standards developed to create wireless IT networks; the areas where Wi-Fi can be accessed are called hot spots. World Interoperability for Microwave Access; a group of standards for wireless wideband data transmission over large areas. The technology supports the provision of wireless wideband Internet access service. Video call service offered by 3G mobile networks 295 Voice mailing VoIP Service involving automatic instantaneous transmission of voice messages of all types to fixed-line and mobile telephones, including transmission to large groups of addressees. Voice over Internet Protocol; a technology enabling voice transmission over the Internet or dedicated networks, using the Internet Protocol. It is often referred to as Internet telephony. 296 27. APPENDICES 27.1 Articles of Association* Consolidated Text of the Articles of Association of MNI Spółka Akcyjna of Warsaw The consolidated text of these Articles of Association has been prepared on the basis of: 1) The consolidated text of the Articles of Association of Przedsiębiorstwo Telekomunikacyjne Szeptel Spółka Akcyjna of Warsaw, as registered by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XIX Commercial Division of the National Court Register on December 30th 2004, 2) Resolution No. 7/2005 adopted by the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI Spółka Akcyjna on June 20th 2005 on amendment to Par. 9.2 of the Company’s Articles of Association, 3) Resolution No. 8/2005 adopted by the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI Spółka Akcyjna on June 20th 2005 on amendment to Par. 16.2 of the Company’s Articles of Association, 4) Resolution No. 1 adopted by the Management Board of MNI Spółka Akcyjna on June 20th 2005 on amendment to Par. 2.1 of the Company’s Articles of Association, 5) Resolution No. 9/2006 adopted by the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI Spółka Akcyjna on June 30th 2006 on amendment to Par. 11 and Par. 15.4 of the Company’s Articles of Association, 6) Resolution No. 4/2006 adopted by the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI Spółka Akcyjna on November 15th 2006 on amendment to Par. 11.1 of the Company’s Articles of Association and Resolution No. 5/2006 adopted by the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI Spółka Akcyjna on November 15th 2006 on amendment to Par. 2.1 of the Company’s Articles of Association. Par.1 General Provisions 1. The Company shall operate under the name MNI Spółka Akcyjna. The Company may also use the abbreviated name MNI S.A. and a distinctive graphic logo. 2. The Company’s registered office shall be located in Warsaw. The Company’s business shall comprise the telecommunications activities (Polish Classification of Business Activities No. 64.20). 3. The Company’s governing bodies shall be the Management Board, the Supervisory Board, and the General Shareholders Meeting. Par. 2 Issue 1. The Company’s share capital shall amount up to PLN 90,286,232.00 (ninety million two hundred and eighty-six thousand two hundred and thirty-two złoty) and shall comprise up to 90,286,232 (ninety million two hundred and eighty-six thousand two hundred and thirty-two) shares with a par value of PLN 1 (one złoty) per share, i.e.: 297 a) 931,900 (nine hundred and thirty-one thousand nine hundred) Series A shares issued to the founders as registered preference shares following the transformation of Szeptel Spółka z o.o. of Szepietowo into a joint-stock company; b) 163,110 (one hundred and sixty-three thousand one hundred and ten) Series B shares, 136,590 (one hundred and thirty-six thousand five hundred and ninety) Series C shares, 763,410 (seven hundred and sixty-three thousand four hundred and ten) Series D shares, 4,420,000 (four million four hundred and twenty thousand) Series E shares acquired in exchange for cash contributions in a private placement; c) 3,566,004 (three million five hundred and sixty-six thousand and four) Series F shares, 118,986 (one hundred and eighteen thousand nine hundred and eighty-six) Series G shares; d) 363,000 (three hundred and sixty-three thousand) Series I shares; e) 2,608,558 (two million six hundred and eight thousand five hundred and fifty-eight) Series H shares; f) 4,000,000 (four million) Series J shares; g) 5,500,000 (five million five hundred thousand) Series K shares; h) up to 67,714,674 (sixty-seven million seven hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred and seventy-four) Series L Shares. 1¹.1. The Company’s Management Board may increase the share capital by no more than PLN 7,950,000.00 (seven million nine hundred and fifty thousand złoty) in the period until June 1st 2002 /authorised capital/. 1¹.2. The Company’s Management Board shall be authorised, subject to approval by the Supervisory Board, to exclude or limit pre-emptive rights with respect to each share capital increase up to the maximum allowed by the authorised capital. 12.1. The Company’s Management Board shall be authorised to increase the share capital by no more than PLN 9,500,000.00 (nine million five hundred thousand złoty) in the period until June 1st 2006 /authorised capital/. 2 1 .2. By the date and within the limits specified in Par.2.12.1. above, the Management Board may carry out one or several share capital increases and issue shares in exchange for cash or inkind contributions. The Management Board shall be authorised, subject to approval by the Supervisory Board, to exclude or limit pre-emptive rights with respect to each of the share capital increases up to the maximum allowed by the authorised capital and to determine, subject to approval by the Supervisory Board, the issue price of the shares, issued up to the maximum allowed by the authorised capital, in accordance with Par.2.12.1 above. 2. Series A registered shares shall carry voting preference. One preference share shall confer the right to three votes at the General Shareholders Meeting, subject to the provisions of the next Section. The other Company shares shall be ordinary bearer shares. 3. Series A preference Shares disposed of in transactions between the founders of the Company or to the spouse or a child shall retain their preferred status, while preference shares disposed otherwise shall lose their preferred status, although they may, by way of exception, retain the preferred status at the Management Board’s motion approved by the Supervisory Board. 4. Conversion of bearer shares into registered shares shall require a resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting, adopted with the majority of votes required to amend the Articles of Association. 5. The Company may issue bonds, including bonds convertible into shares. 6. Shares may be retired upon a shareholder’s consent, following their acquisition by the Company (voluntary retirement). Par. 3 1. The Management Board shall manage the Company’s affairs and represent the Company in all actions in or out of court. 2. Any matters not reserved for the General Shareholders Meeting or the Supervisory Board by the law or these Articles of Association shall fall within the powers of the Management Board. 298 Par. 4 1. If the Management Board is comprised of more than one person, any representations on behalf of the Company shall be made jointly by two members of the Management Board or by one member of the Management Board acting jointly with a proxy. 2. If the Management Board is comprised of one person, the Company shall be represented by one Management Board member. 3. A proxy shall be appointed by a unanimous resolution of all Management Board members. A power of proxy may be revoked by any Management Board member. 4. The operating procedure of a Management Board comprising more than one member shall be defined in detail in the Rules of Procedure of the Management Board, adopted by the Management Board and approved by the Supervisory Board. 5. The Management Board shall adopt resolutions by an absolute majority of votes, and in the event of a voting tie the President shall have the casting vote. Par. 5 1. Management Board’s resolutions shall be required in any matters which fall beyond the ordinary scope the Company’s activities. 2. In particular, resolutions of the Management Board shall be required for: a) approval of the Rules of Procedure of the Management Board, b) approval of the Company Organisational Rules, c) establishment and closing of branches, d) appointment of a proxy, e) contracting loans and borrowings, f) approval of annual budgets and strategic long-term plans, g) assumption of contingent liabilities, including issuance of guarantees, sureties or promissory notes, h) disposal and acquisition of non-current assets with the value of PLN 2,000,000 or more, i) any matters which the Management Board submits for resolution to the Supervisory Board. Par. 6 1. The Management Board shall be composed of one to three persons. 2. Members of the Management Board shall be appointed for a joint three-year term of office. Par. 7 1. Members of the Management Board shall be appointed and removed from office by the Supervisory Board. 2. Each member of the Management Board may by removed from office or suspended also by the General Shareholders Meeting. 3. In agreements between the Company and members of the Management Board, the Company shall be represented by the Supervisory Board, and specifically by its Chairman or another member delegated by virtue of a Supervisory Board’s resolution, acting on behalf of the Supervisory Board. This shall apply in particular to employment contracts and performance of other actions connected with the employment of members of the Management Board. Par. 8 The Supervisory Board shall exercise ongoing supervision over the Company’s business. 299 Par. 9 1. Powers of the Supervisory Board shall comprise: a) assessment of the Directors’ Report and the financial statements for the previous financial year in terms of their consistency with the accounting books, documentation and the actual state of affairs; b) assessment of the Management Board’s motions concerning the distribution of profit or coverage of loss; c) submission to the General Shareholders Meeting of a written report on the results of the assessments referred to in the preceding two items; d) selection of an auditor to audit the financial statements; e) issuance of opinions on long-term strategic plans; f) issuance of opinions on annual budgets; g) approval of the consolidated text of the Company’s Articles of Association prepared by the Management Board; h) approval of the Rules of Procedure of the Management Board; i) approval of the Company Organisational Rules; j) appointment and removal of members of the Management Board; k) establishment of rules of remuneration for the Management Board members and determination of the remuneration amounts; l) suspension of members of the Management Board for important reasons; m) delegation of Supervisory Board members to temporarily replace the Management Board members who are unable to perform their duties; n) approval of establishment of the Company’s foreign branches. 2. Powers of the Supervisory Board shall also include granting the Management Board the authorisation to: a) acquire or dispose of real estate or an interest in real estate; b) acquire or dispose of non-current assets other than real estate if their value exceeds PLN 2,000,000.00; c) assume contingent liabilities, including through the issuance of guarantees or sureties in excess of PLN 2,000,000.00 or promissory notes as security for liabilities in excess of PLN 2,000,000.00; d) acquire or dispose of more than 50% of shares in another company under commercial law. 3. A refusal to grant authorisation to the Management Board with respect to any of the matters enumerated in Par. 9.2 or Par. 9.1.n shall require a justification. Par. 10 1. For important reasons, the Supervisory Board may delegate its members to individually exercise certain supervisory duties for a specified period of time. 2. A Supervisory Board member so delegated shall provide the Supervisory Board with a written report on his or her activities. Par. 11 1. The Supervisory Board shall be composed of five to eight members appointed by the General Shareholders Meeting. 1 1. A member of the Supervisory Board should have an appropriate educational background, professional and life experience and be a person of undisputed integrity, as well as be able to devote a sufficient amount of time to allow him/her to properly exercise his or her duties as member of the Supervisory Board. Candidates for Supervisory Board members should be 300 nominated and their candidacies justified in detail in such a manner so as to enable those voting on the candidates to make an informed choice. 2. Members of the Supervisory Board shall be appointed for a joint three-year term of office. 2.1 At least half of the Supervisory Board members should be independent members. Independent members of the Supervisory Board should not have any connections with the Company, its shareholders or its employees which could materially affect an independent member’s ability to make impartial decisions. 3. A member of the Supervisory Board may be removed from office by the General Shareholders Meeting at any time. 4. Members of the Supervisory Board shall submit written resignations to the Management Board, with a copy to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. 5. Details relating to the organisation and manner of procedure of the Supervisory Board shall be specified in the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board, which are adopted by virtue of a resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting. Par. 12 1. The Supervisory Board shall meet at least once every two months. 2. Unless the General Shareholders Meeting’s resolution provides otherwise, the first meeting of the Supervisory Board of a new term of office shall be convened by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the previous term of office within one month from the date of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting. In the event of failure to convene the meeting in line with the above procedure, it shall be convened by the Management Board. 3. Supervisory Board meetings shall be convened by the Chairman or Deputy-Chairman of the Supervisory Board, who shall propose the agenda. 4. A meeting of the Supervisory Board should be convened at the request of any member of the Supervisory Board or at the request of the Management Board. If such a request is made and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board fails to convene the meeting, it may be convened by the requesting party. 5. Minutes shall be taken of every Supervisory Board meeting. Par. 13 1. For a Supervisory Board meeting to be convened, all members of the Supervisory Board must be invited to the meeting in writing at least seven days prior to the planned date of the meeting. For important reasons, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board may shorten this time to two days, specifying the date by which the invitation must be delivered. 2. In an invitation to a Supervisory Board meeting the Chairman shall specify the time, venue and proposed agenda of the meeting. Par. 14 1. The Supervisory Board shall adopt resolutions if at least a half of its members are present at the meeting and all Supervisory Board members have been invited. 2. The Supervisory Board may also adopt resolutions without a formal convocation of a meeting if all its members are present and none of them objects to inclusion of any particular matter on the agenda. 3. The Supervisory Board shall adopt resolutions in an open vote. 4. A secret ballot may be ordered at the request of a Supervisory Board member or if the voting concerns a personnel matter. In the case of a secret ballot, provisions of Par. 14.5 shall not apply. 5. The Supervisory Board may adopt resolutions by voting in writing or by means of remote communication, subject to Art. 388.4 of the Commercial Companies Code. Reasons must be 301 given if any resolution is to be adopted by voting in writing or by means of remote communication and a draft resolution must earlier be presented to all members of the Supervisory Board. Members of the Supervisory Board may participate in a Supervisory Board meeting by casting their vote in writing through the intermediation of another Supervisory Board member. 6. All resolutions adopted in line with the procedures set forth in Par. 14.5 above shall be presented at the next Supervisory Board meeting, along with the result of the voting. 7. Members of the Supervisory Board shall be entitled to receive monthly remuneration in the amount specified in a resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting. Par. 15 1. General Shareholders Meetings may be ordinary or extraordinary. 2. General Shareholders Meetings shall be held at the Company’s registered office or another venue in Poland, as specified in the announcement convening a General Shareholders Meeting. 3. The agenda shall be proposed by the Company’s Management Board or another entity convening the General Shareholders Meeting. 4. Chairman of the General Shareholders Meeting may not remove any issues from the agenda or change the order of the issues on the agenda without the consent of a three-quarters majority of the total vote at the General Shareholders Meeting. Par. 16 1. The debates of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting shall relate in particular to: a) consideration and approval of the financial statements for the previous financial year and the Director’s Report; b) approval of performance of duties by members of the Company’s governing bodies; c) adoption of the resolution on distribution of profit or coverage of loss; d) setting the dividend record and payment dates. 2. A General Shareholders Meeting’s resolution shall be required: a) to appoint and remove members of the Supervisory Board and determine their remuneration; b) to dispose of or lease the Company’s business or its organised part or to encumber such business or its organised part with limited property rights; c) for the Company to enter into a credit facility, loan, surety or any other similar agreement with, or for the benefit of, a member of the Management or Supervisory Boards, a proxy or a liquidator; d) to increase or reduce the Company’s share capital; e) to issue bonds of any kind; f) to create and liquidate capital reserves and determine their application; g) to use reserve funds; h) to take decisions regarding claims for redress of any damage inflicted during the establishment of the Company or exercise of management or supervision; i) for any merger, transformation or demerger of the Company; j) for any change to the Company’s business; k) for any other changes to the Articles of Association; l) to dissolve and wind up the Company; m) in any other issues which fall within the scope of the General Shareholders Meeting’s powers pursuant to these Articles of Association or applicable laws. 3. A General Shareholders Meeting’s resolution shall not be required for purchase or sale of real estate or an interest in real estate. 302 Par. 17 1. The Supervisory Board shall issue its opinion on the agenda of a General Shareholders Meeting as well as on any motions relating to issues placed on the agenda. Any such motions should be presented along with a justification. 2. A Supervisory Board’s opinion shall not be required with respect to motions which pertain to members of the Supervisory Board, including in particular to their removal or appointment, or approval of performance of duties by them, or which pertain to the Management Board’s request for authorisation of an action which the Supervisory Board refused to authorise. 3. Once a year, the Supervisory Board shall present to the General Shareholders Meeting a concise assessment of the Company’s standing. Such an assessment should be included in the Company’s annual report, made available to all the shareholders at such time that they are able to familiarise themselves with its contents before the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting. Par. 18 A material change to the Company’s business profile shall not entail the obligation to repurchase the shares, subject to the fulfilment of the conditions stipulated in Art. 417.4 of the Commercial Companies Code. Par. 19 1. The Company’s financial year shall be a calendar year. 2. The Company shall create reserve funds and may create other capital reserves for extraordinary losses or expenses. Par. 20 1. The Company may be dissolved for reasons provided for in the applicable laws. 2. Unless the General Shareholders Meeting’s resolution provides otherwise, members of the Company’s Management Board shall serve as its liquidators. 3. Liquidation shall be carried out under the Company name, to which the phrase “in liquidation” shall be added. Warsaw, November 20th 2006 Chairman of the Supervisory Board of MNI S.A. ________________________ (Andrzej Piechocki) * The consolidated text of the Issuer’s Articles of Association set out above includes the amendments enacted by virtue of Resolution No. 4/2006 adopted by the Issuer’s Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting held on November 15th 2006, i.e. the amendments to Par. 11.1 and Par. 2.1 of the Articles of Association. The consolidated text of the Issuer’s Articles of Association set out above was approved by the Issuer’s Supervisory Board on November 20th 2006 (in accordance with Par. 9.1.g of the Articles of Association). Currently, the registration of the amendments enacted by virtue of aforementioned Resolution No. 4/2006 is pending at the National Court Register. 303 27.2 Excerpt from the National Court Register CODo WA/09.10/274/2006 Registering officer: JĘDRZEJEWSKA MARIA Page 1 of 9 CENTRAL INFORMATION DEPARTMENT NATIONAL COURT REGISTER ul. Barska 28/30 Warsaw NATIONAL COURT REGISTER (KRS) As at October 9th 2006, 12:14:13 p.m. No. KRS: 0000003901 VALID EXCERPT FROM THE REGISTER OF ENTREPRENEURS Date of registration in KRS March 23rd 2001 Last entry Entry No. 29 File No. WA.XII NS-REJ.KRS/28259/06/16 Court: DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CAPITAL CITY OF WARSAW, 12TH COMMERCIAL DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL COURT REGISTER Date of entry September 29th 2006 Section 1 Subsection 1 – Company data 1. Legal form JOINT-STOCK COMPANY 2. Industry Identification Number (REGON) 450085143 3. Company name MNI SPÓŁKA AKCYJNA 4. Previous registration RHB 248 DISTRICT COURT OF ŁOMŻA 5. Does the entrepreneur conduct business NO activity together with other entities under an agreement establishing a partnership under civil law? 6. Does the company have the status of a public benefit organisation? --- Subsection 2 – Principal place of business and registered address 1. Principal place of business country: POLAND, province: PROVINCE OF WARSAW, county: CAPITAL CITY OF WARSAW, municipality: CAPITAL CITY OF WARSAW, city/ town: WARSAW 2. Registered address ul. ŻURAWIA, building no. 8, office no. --; postal code: 00-503 WARSAW Subsection 3 – Branches No entry Subsection 4 – Articles of Association 1. Information on execution of or amendments to the Articles of Association 1 NOTARIAL DEED OF FEBRUARY 20TH 1996, DRAFTED BY NOTARY PUBLIC MARZANNA GRZEJSZCZYK-GLIŃSKA; NUMBER IN THE REGISTER OF NOTARIAL DEEDS: REP. A. NO. 368/96 304 2 3 NOTARIAL DEED OF JUNE 1ST 2001, DRAFTED BY NOTARY PUBLIC MARZANNA GRZEJSZCZYK-GLIŃSKA OF ZAMBRÓW; NUMBER IN THE REGISTER OF NOTARIAL DEEDS: REP. A. NO. 798/2001. INSERTED: PAR. 2.11 AMENDED: PAR. 3.1 AND PAR. 4.1 REMOVED: PAR. 5.4-9 NOTARIAL DEED OF JANUARY 8TH 2002, DRAFTED BY NOTARY PUBLIC MARZANNA GRZEJSZCZYK-GLIŃSKA OF ZAMBRÓW; NUMBER IN THE REGISTER OF NOTARIAL DEEDS: REP. A. NO. 27/2002 (AMENDMENT TO PAR. 3.1 AND PAR. 4.1 OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION AND INSERTION OF PAR. 3.4 AND PAR. 4.6-7) 4 NOTARIAL DEED OF JUNE 27TH 2003, DRAFTED BY NOTARY PUBLIC SYLWIA MARKOWSKA OF WYSOKIE MAZOWIECKIE; NUMBER IN THE REGISTER OF NOTARIAL DEEDS: REP. A. NO. 2173/2003; AMENDMENT TO PAR. 3, PAR. 4 (MARKED AS PAR. 8), PAR. 5 (MARKED AS PAR. 15), PAR. 6 (MARKED AS PAR. 19), PAR. 1.3 AND PAR. 2.6 OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION; INSERTION OF PAR. 2.12 AND PAR. 4, PAR. 5, PAR. 6, PAR. 7, PAR. 9, PAR. 10, PAR. 11, PAR. 12, PAR. 13, PAR. 14, PAR. 16, PAR. 17, PAR. 18, PAR. 20 TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 5 NOTARIAL DEED OF JUNE 30TH 2004, DRAFTED BY NOTARY PUBLIC SYLWIA MARKOWSKA OF WYSOKIE MAZOWIECKIE; NUMBER IN THE REGISTER OF NOTARIAL DEEDS: REP. A. NO. 2676/2004; AMENDMENT TO PAR. 1.2 6 NOTARIAL DEED OF JUNE 30TH 2004, DRAFTED BY NOTARY PUBLIC SYLWIA MARKOWSKA OF WYSOKIE MAZOWIECKIE, UL. RYNEK PIŁSUDSKIEGO 15; NUMBER IN THE REGISTER OF NOTARIAL DEEDS: REP. A. NO. 2676/2004; AMENDMENT TO PAR. 2.12.1, PAR. 2.12 AND INSERTION OF PAR. 17.3 TO THE COMPANY’S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION; 7 8 NOTARIAL DEED OF APRIL 28TH 2004, DRAFTED BY NOTARY PUBLIC IWONA BOGUSŁAWSKA OF WARSAW, UL. STAWKI 2; NUMBER IN THE REGISTER OF NOTARIAL DEEDS: REP. A. NO. 4211/2004 – RESOLUTION NO. 5 OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF SZEPTEL S.A., DATED APRIL 28TH 2004, AND NOTARIAL DEED OF JUNE 23RD 2004, DRAFTED BY NOTARY PUBLIC IWONA BOGUSŁAWSKA OF WARSAW, UL. STAWKI 2; NUMBER IN THE REGISTER OF NOTARIAL DEEDS: REP. A. NO. 7513/2004 – AMENDMENT TO PAR. 2.1 OF THE COMPANY’S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION. NOTARIAL DEED OF DECEMBER 20TH 2004, DRAFTED BY NOTARY PUBLIC MARIUSZ WRÓBLEWSKI OF ŁÓDŹ, UL. PIOTRKOWSKA 270, OFFICE NO. 304, 90-391 ŁÓDŹ; NUMBER IN THE REGISTER OF NOTARIAL DEEDS: REP. A. NO. 7863/2004 – MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING OF PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO TELEKOMUNIKACYJNE SZEPTEL S.A. – AMENDMENT TO PAR. 1.1 OF THE COMPANY’S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION; NOTARIAL DEED OF OCTOBER 22ND 2004, DRAFTED BY ASSISTANT NOTARY PUBLIC EWA SERAFIN, DEPUTY OF NOTARY PUBLIC ANNA SIENIAWSKA OF WARSAW, UL. PODWALE 23; NUMBER IN THE REGISTER OF NOTARIAL DEEDS: REP. A. NO. 4747/2004 – MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO TELEKOMUNIKACYJNE SZEPTEL S.A., INCLUDING RESOLUTION ON SHARE CAPITAL INCREASE BY WAY OF ISSUE OF SERIES K SHARES, AND NOTARIAL DEED OF DECEMBER 21ST 2004, DRAFTED BY NOTARY PUBLIC MARIUSZ WRÓBLEWSKI OF ŁÓDŹ, UL. PIOTRKOWSKA 270, OFFICE NO. 304, 90-391 ŁÓDŹ; NUMBER IN THE REGISTER OF NOTARIAL DEEDS: REP. A. NO. 7893/2004 – MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO TELEKOMUNIKACYJNE SZEPTEL S.A. – AMENDMENT TO PAR. 2.1 OF THE COMPANY’S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION. NOTARIAL DEED OF JUNE 20TH 2005, DRAFTED BY NOTARY PUBLIC IWONA BOGUSŁAWSKA OF WARSAW, UL. STAWKI 2; NUMBER IN THE REGISTER OF NOTARIAL DEEDS: REP. A. NO. 5578/2005 – PAR. 9.2 AND PAR. 16.2, AND NOTARIAL DEED OF JUNE 20TH 2005, DRAFTED BY NOTARY PUBLIC IWONA BOGUSŁAWSKA OF WARSAW, UL. STAWKI 2; NUMBER IN THE REGISTER OF NOTARIAL DEEDS: REP. A. NO. 5581/2005 – PAR. 2.1 9 NOTARIAL DEED OF JUNE 30TH 2006, DRAFTED BY NOTARY PUBLIC MARIA KOKOSZCZYŃSKA OF WARSAW, AL. SOLIDARNOŚCI 117/601; NUMBER IN THE REGISTER OF NOTARIAL DEEDS: REP. A. NO. 2855/2006 – INSERTION OF PAR. 11.1(1) AND 11.2(1) TO THE COMPANY’S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION AND AMMENDMENT TO PAR. 15.4 OF THE COMPANY’S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION. 305 Subsection 5 1. Period of time for which the company has UNSPECIFIED been established 2. Journal designated for placing company -communiqués, other than Monitor Sądowy i Gospodarczy 4. Do the Articles of Association grant NO personal rights to specific shareholders or interest in the company’s income or assets other than resulting from the shares held? 5. Do bondholders have the right to share in NO profits? Subsection 6 – Establishing the company No entry Subsection 7 – Information on the sole shareholder No entry Subsection 8 – Company’s share capital 1. Amount of share capital PLN 22,571,558.00 2. Amount of authorised share capital PLN 9,500,000.00 3. Total number of outstanding shares 22,571,558 4. Par value per share PLN 1.00 5. Amount of capital paid PLN 22,571,558.00 6. Par value of conditional share capital --increase Part 1 Information on contribution in kind 1. Value of shares contribution in kind acquired for 1 PLN 931,900.00 Subsection 9 – Issue of shares 1 1. Series of shares A 2. Number of shares in the series 931,900 3. Type of preference and the number of 2 preference shares, or information that the 229,789 – REGISTERED SHARES, CARRYING A VOTING PREFERENCE – ONE shares are non-preference shares SHARE CONFERS THE RIGHT TO THREE VOTES 1. Series of shares B 2. Number of shares in the series 163,110 3. Type of preference and the number of preference shares, or information that the ----- shares are non-preference shares 3 1. Series of shares C 2. Number of shares in the series 136,590 306 3. Type of preference and the number of preference shares, or information that the ----- shares are non-preference shares 4 1. Series of shares D 2. Number of shares in the series 763,410 3. Type of preference and the number of preference shares, or information that the ----- shares are non-preference shares 5 1. Series of shares E 2. Number of shares in the series 4,420,000 3. Type of preference and the number of preference shares, or information that the ------ shares are non-preference shares 6 1. Series of shares F 2. Number of shares in the series 3,566,004 3. Type of preference and the number of preference shares, or information that the ----- shares are non-preference shares 7 1. Series of shares G 2. Number of shares in the series 118,986 3. Type of preference and the number of preference shares, or information that the ----- shares are non-preference shares 8 1. Series of shares I 2. Number of shares in the series 363,000 3. Type of preference and the number of preference shares, or information that the ----- shares are non-preference shares 9 1. Series of shares “H” 2. Number of shares in the series 2,608,558 3. Type of preference and the number of preference shares, or information that the ----- shares are non-preference shares 10 1. Series of shares 2. Number of shares in the series 3. Type of preference and the number of preference shares, or information that the J 4,000,000 NON-PREFERENCE SHARES shares are non-preference shares 11 1. Series of shares 2. Number of shares in the series K 5,500,000 307 3. Type of preference and the number of preference shares, or information that the NON-PREFERENCE SHARES shares are non-preference shares Subsection 10 – Information on adoption of a resolution on an issue of convertible bonds No entry Subsection 11 1. Is the Management or Administration --Board authorised to issue subscription warrants? Section 2 Subsection 1 - Governing body authorised to represent the company 1. Name of the governing body authorised to MANAGEMENT BOARD represent the company 2. Form of representation IF THE MANGEMENT BOARD CONSISTS OF MORE THAN ONE PERSON, TWO MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD ACTING JOINTLY OR ONE MEMBER OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD ACTING JOINTLY WITH A PROXY ARE AUTHORISED TO MAKE DECLARATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE COMPANY. IF THE MANGEMENT BOARD CONSISTS OF ONE PERSON, THE COMPANY IS REPRESENTED BY THAT PERSON. Part 1 Information on members of the governing body 1 1. Surname / Name of company PILEWSKI 2. First and middle name MARIUSZ PIOTR 3. Personal Identification Number 62022702832 (PESEL)/Industry Identification Number (REGON) 4. KRS No. **** 5. Function in the governing body MEMBER OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD 6. Has the person been suspended from NO duties? 2 7. Suspension end date --- 1. Surname / Name of company KUŁAK 2. First name and middle name LESZEK WOJCIECH 3. Personal Identification Number 59021103252 (PESEL)/Industry Identification Number (REGON) 4. KRS No. **** 5. Function in the governing body MEMBER OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD 6. Has the person been suspended from NO duties? 3 7. Suspension end date --- 1. Surname / Name of company KÖNIG 2. First name and middle name PIOTR 3. Personal Identification Number 63052901033 (PESEL)/Industry Identification Number (REGON) 4. KRS No. **** 5. Function in the governing body PRESIDENT OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD 6. Has the person been suspended from NO duties? 7. Suspension end date --- 308 Subsection 2 – Supervisory body 1 1. Name of the governing body SUPERVISORY BOARD Part 1 Information on members of the governing body 1 1. Surname PIECHOCKI 2. First name and middle name ANDRZEJ JERZY 3. Personal Identification Number (PESEL) 63092700513 2 1. Surname WIDERA 2. First name and middle name STANISŁAW MARIAN 3. Personal Identification Number (PESEL) 48012005037 3 1. Surname TOMCZAK 2. First name and middle name MICHAŁ JAKUB 3. Personal Identification Number (PESEL) 55092803617 4 1. Surname GWIAZDOWSKI 2. First name and middle name ROBERT ANDRZEJ 3. Personal Identification Number (PESEL) 60032304178 5 1. Surname KARASIŃSKI 2. First name and middle name TOMASZ ANDRZEJ 3. Personal Identification Number (PESEL) 67080400733 Subsection 3 – Proxies No entry Section 3 Subsection 1 – Business profile 1. Entrepreneur’s business profile 1 64.20 – TELECOMMUNICATIONS Subsection 2 – Information on documents submitted Type of document No. in field Submission date 1. Information on submission of 1 the annual financial statements 2 For the period from–to Jul 23 2002 2001 Jul 2 2003 Jan 1 2002–Dec 31 2002 3 Jul 6 2004 2003 4 Jun 29 2005 Jan 1 2004–Dec 31 2004 5 Jul 3 2006 Jan 1 2005–Dec 31 2005 2. Information on submission of 1 the auditor’s opinion 2 ***** 2001 ***** Jan 1 2002–Dec 31 2002 3 ***** 4 ***** Jan 1 2004–Dec 31 2004 5 ***** Jan 1 2005–Dec 31 2005 3. Information on submission of 1 the resolution or decision to 2 approve the financial statements 3 ***** 2001 ***** Jan 1 2002–Dec 31 2002 ***** 2003 4 ***** Jan 1 2004–Dec 31 2004 2003 309 5 ***** Jan 1 2005–Dec 31 2005 4. Information on submission of 1 the Director’s Report on the 2 company’s operations 3 ***** 2001 ***** Jan 1 2002–Dec 31 2002 ***** 2003 4 ***** Jan 1 2004–Dec 31 2004 5 ***** Jan 1 2005–Dec 31 2005 Subsection 3 – Information on shares held in the company No entry Subsection 4 – Business profile defined in the Articles of Association of a public benefit organisation No entry Section 4 Subsection 1 – Payments in arrears No entry Subsection 2 – Claims No entry Subsection 3 – Information on securing the debtor’s assets in bankruptcy proceedings by abatement of enforcement proceedings against the entrepreneur, on dismissing bankruptcy petition on the grounds that the assets of the insolvent debtor do not suffice to satisfy the costs of the proceedings No entry Subsection 4 – Discontinuation of enforcement proceedings against the entrepreneur on the grounds that the proceeds from the enforcement proceedings will not suffice to satisfy the costs thereof No entry Section 5 Subsection 1 – Custodian No entry Section 6 Subsection 1 – Liquidation No entry Subsection 2 – Information on dissolution or winding-up of the company No entry Subsection 3 – Executive trustee No entry Subsection 4 – Information on mergers, demergers or transformations No entry 310 Subsection 5 – Bankruptcy proceedings No entry Subsection 6 – Arrangement proceedings 1 1. Information on opening of DISTRICT COURT OF ŁÓDŹ, COMMERCIAL DIVISION, APRIL 30TH 2003, V UKŁ. 2/03 arrangement proceedings 2. Information on opening of ---, --arrangement proceedings 3. Information on cancellation of arrangement ---, ---, --- 311 27.3 Resolutions Series L Shares were created on the basis of Resolution No. 8/2006 of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of the Issuer, dated June 30th 2006 (notarial deed executed before Notary Public Maria Kokoszczyńska, No. Rep. A 2855/2006): Resolution No. 8/2006 of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI S.A. Acting on the basis of Art. 430, Art. 431, and Art. 431.7 in conjunction with Art. 310.2 of the Commercial Companies Code, as well as on the basis of Par. 16.2d) and k) of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI S.A. resolves as follows: Par. 1 1. The Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI Spółka Akcyjna of Warsaw resolves to increase the Company’s share capital from PLN 22,571,558 (twenty two million five hundred and seventy-one thousand five hundred and fifty-eight złoty) to PLN 90,286,232 (ninety million two hundred and eighty-six thousand two hundred and thirty-two złoty), through the issue of up to 67,714,674 (sixty seven million seven hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred and seventy-four) Series L ordinary bearer Shares with the par value of PLN 1 (one złoty) per share, i.e. by an amount not higher than PLN 67,714,674 (sixty-seven million seven hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred and seventy-four złoty), with the existing shareholders’ pre-emptive rights retained. 2. The share capital increase shall be effected irrespective of the number of the Series L Shares acquired within the limit specified in Par.1.1 of this Resolution, by an amount corresponding to the number of shares acquired. The Management Board is hereby authorised and obligated to make a statement, in the form of a notarial deed, on the amount of the share capital acquired as part of the share capital increase, and on the specification of the final amount of the share capital increase in the Articles of Association, prior to applying to the registry court for its registration. 3. Series L Shares shall carry no special preferences or obligations apart from those which result from the provisions of the law, and in particular the Polish Commercial Companies Code. 4. The issue price of one share shall be PLN 1 (one złoty). 5. The shares shall be issued exclusively in exchange for cash contributions, paid up in full prior to the registration of the share capital increase. 6. The shares shall carry the right to dividend from the distribution of profit for 2006 (two thousand six). 7. The pre-emptive right record date i.e. the date as at which the shareholders holding pre-emptive rights to acquire Series L Shares shall be determined, shall be September 15 (fifteenth) 2006 (two thousand six). 8. Existing shareholders shall receive 3 (three) Series L Shares per each 1 (one) share already held. 9. The Supervisory Board is hereby authorised to determine the detailed terms and conditions of the issue of Series L Shares, including: • the date of opening and closing of the subscription period for Series L Shares; • the time when the pre-emptive right to acquire Series L Shares may be exercised; • the detailed terms of allotment of Series L Shares, in compliance with the provisions of Art. 436 of the Polish Commercial Companies Code. 10. The Company’s Management Board shall be responsible for the implementation of this Resolution, and in particular the performance of any other organisational or legal actions connected with the implementation of this Resolution. In particular, the Management Board is authorised to: i. allot the shares as provided for in Art. 436.4 of the Polish Commercial Companies Code; ii. conclude the agreement referred to in Art. 5 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments with the Polish NDS. Par. 2 The Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI Spółka Akcyjna of Warsaw hereby resolves to introduce the Series L Shares, the pre-emptive rights to acquire Series L Shares and the rights to Series L Shares to trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, decides that the Series L Shares and the rights to Series L Shares shall be dematerialised, and accordingly authorises the Management Board to take all steps required by law for the admission and introduction of these securities to trading on the regulated market and their dematerialisation. Par. 3 This Resolution shall come into force on the date of its adoption, except that the amendment to the Articles of Association made pursuant to this Resolution shall become effective upon its registration by the court. 312 The Chairman concluded that the resolution was adopted in a secret ballot with 11,435,749 (eleven million four hundred and thirty-five thousand seven hundred and forty-nine) votes cast in favour, and no votes against or abstaining. Resolution No. 5/2006 dated November 15th 2006 of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI S.A. on amendment to the Company’s Articles of Association following share capital increase and issue of Series L Shares: Acting on the basis of Art. 431 and Par. 16.2.d) and k) of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI S.A. resolves as follows: Par. 1 The Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI S.A. of Warsaw resolves to amend Par. 2.1 of the Company’s Articles of Association reading as follows: “The Company’s share capital shall amount to PLN 22,571,558.00 (twenty-two million five hundred and seventy-one thousand five hundred and fifty-eight złoty) and shall comprise 22,571,558 (twenty-two million five hundred and seventy-one thousand five hundred and fifty-eight) shares with a par value of PLN 1 (one złoty) per share, i.e.: a) 931,900 (nine hundred and thirty-one thousand nine hundred) Series A shares issued to the founders as registered preference shares following the transformation of Szeptel Spółka z o.o. of Szepietowo into a joint-stock company; b) 163,110 (one hundred and sixty-three thousand one hundred and ten) Series B shares, 136,590 (one hundred and thirty-six thousand five hundred and ninety) Series C shares, 763,410 (seven hundred and sixty-three thousand four hundred and ten) Series D shares, 4,420,000 (four million four hundred and twenty thousand) Series E shares acquired in exchange for cash contributions in a private placement; c) 3,566,004 (three million five hundred and sixty-six thousand and four) Series F shares, 118,986 (one hundred and eighteen thousand nine hundred and eighty-six) Series G shares; d) 363,000 (three hundred and sixty-three thousand) Series I shares; e) 2,608,558 (two million six hundred and eight thousand five hundred and fifty-eight) Series H shares; f) 4,000,000 (four million) Series J shares; g) 5,500,000 (five million five hundred thousand) Series K shares.” to read as follows: “The Company’s share capital shall amount up to PLN 90,286,232.00 (ninety million two hundred and eighty-six thousand two hundred and thirty-two złoty) and shall comprise up to 90,286,232 (ninety million two hundred and eighty-six thousand two hundred and thirty-two) shares with a par value of PLN 1 (one złoty) per share, i.e.: a) 931,900 (nine hundred and thirty-one thousand nine hundred) Series A shares issued to the founders as registered preference shares following the transformation of Szeptel Spółka z o.o. of Szepietowo into a joint-stock company; b) 163,110 (one hundred and sixty-three thousand one hundred and ten) Series B shares, 136,590 (one hundred and thirty-six thousand five hundred and ninety) Series C shares, 763,410 (seven hundred and sixty-three thousand four hundred and ten) Series D shares, 4,420,000 (four million four hundred and twenty thousand) Series E shares acquired in exchange for cash contributions in a private placement; c) 3,566,004 (three million five hundred and sixty-six thousand and four) Series F shares, 118,986 (one hundred and eighteen thousand nine hundred and eighty-six) Series G shares; d) 363,000 (three hundred and sixty-three thousand) Series I shares; e) 2,608,558 (two million six hundred and eight thousand five hundred and fifty-eight) Series H shares; f) 4,000,000 (four million) Series J shares; g) 5,500,000 (five million five hundred thousand) Series K shares; h) up to 67,714,674 (sixty-seven million seven hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred and seventy-four) Series L Shares.” Par. 2 This resolution shall become effective on the date of its adoption, except with respect to the amendment to the Articles of Association, which shall become effective upon its registration by the court. The Chairman concluded that Resolution No. 5/2006 was adopted in an open vote with 7,345,240 (seven million three hundred and forty-five thousand two hundred and forty) votes in favour, and no votes against or abstaining. The Resolution was recorded in the form of a notarial deed of November 15th 2006 executed by Assistant Notary Public Marcin Skurowski, No. Rep. A 5669/2006. 313 27.4 Subscription Order Form Stamp of the brokerage house SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM FOR SERIES L SHARES OF MNI S.A. This document is a subscription order for Series L ordinary bearer shares of MNI S.A. (“the Company”) with a par value of PLN 1 per share, offered to the existing Company shareholders for acquisition in exercise of their pre-emptive rights. The Series L Shares are issued pursuant to Resolution No. 8/2006 adopted by the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of MNI S.A. on June 30th 2006. The Series L Shares are offered for acquisition on the terms described in the Prospectus for Series L Shares (“the Issue Prospectus”) and in this Subscription Order form for Series L Shares. 1. First name and surname / company name (in the case of a legal entity): __________________________________________ (in the case of investment funds, name of the fund on behalf of which the subscription order is placed) 2. Personal Identification Number (PESEL)/Industrial Identification Number _________________________________ Number of an identity document: _________________________________ (REGON) or other identification number: 3. Address of place of residence/registered office: ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Address for correspondence / telephone no.: ___________________________________________________________________ 5. Currency status: Resident 6. Type of subscription order: Non-resident Basic Subscription Order Additional Subscription Order 7. Number of pre-emptive rights held at the time of placement of the subscription order: ______________________________________ 8. Number of Series L Shares subscribed for: in words: at the issue price of: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ PLN _______ (___________________ złoty) per Series L Share 9. Amount of payment for Series L Shares _________________________________________________________ in words: _________________________________________________________ 10. Form of payment for Series L Shares: _______________________________________________________________ 11. Form of return of payment in the case of overpayment or unsuccessful issue of Series L Shares: in cash, to be collected at the brokerage house bank transfer to the following account: - account holder: _________________________________________ - account no.: _________________________________________ - held with: _________________________________________ Note: if the account number is incomplete or incorrect, the Issuer or persons acting on its behalf will bear no responsibility for delayed return of the payment. Investor’s Declaration: I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I have read the Issue Prospectus for the Company’s Series L Shares, I accept the rules governing the public subscription and I have read and accepted the Company’s Articles of Association. Additionally, I declare that the aggregate number of Series L Shares covered by all the subscription orders placed by me does not exceed the maximum number of Series L Shares specified in the Issue Prospectus. I agree to the allotment of Series L Shares in accordance with the allotment terms stipulated in the Prospectus. Name and address of entity accepting the subscription order: ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Date and signature of the subscribing investor __________________________________________ Date of order acceptance and signature of the person accepting the order The Company Shares covered by this subscription order will be deposited in the account in which the exercised pre-emptive rights have been exercised. 314 27.5 List of References to the Information Included in this Prospectus by Reference The Issuer’s non-consolidated financial statements for the years 2003, 2004, 2005, Q1-Q2 2006 and Q1-Q3 2006, presented in this Prospectus, were prepared in accordance with the Accountancy Act. The financial statements for the financial years 2003, 2004 and 2005 as well as for Q1-Q2 2006 and Q1-Q3 2006 were included in this Prospectus by reference to the published non-consolidated financial statements of MNI S.A. for the years 2003, 2004, 2005, Q1-Q2 2006 and Q1-Q3 2006. The 2003 non-consolidated financial statements of MNI S.A. (prepared in accordance with the Accountancy Act), SA-R Report along with the auditor’s opinion and report were published in a periodic report on April 29th 2004. The 2004 non-consolidated financial statements of MNI S.A. (prepared in accordance with the Accountancy Act), SA-R Report along with the auditor’s opinion and report were published in a periodic report on May 24th 2005. The 2005 non-consolidated financial statements of MNI S.A. (prepared in accordance with the Accountancy Act), SA-R Report along with the auditor’s opinion and report were published in a periodic report on May 31st 2006 The non-consolidated financial statements of MNI S.A. for Q1-Q2 2006 (prepared in accordance with the Accountancy Act), the SA-Q2 2006 Report, were published in a periodic report on August 14th 2006. The non-consolidated financial statements of MNI S.A. for Q1-Q3 2006 (prepared in accordance with the Accountancy Act), SA-Q3 2006 Report, were published in a periodic report on November 10th 2006. 315 28 INTERESTS OF NATURAL AND LEGAL INVOLVED IN THE ISSUE OR THE OFFERING PERSONS 28.1 The Issuer It is in the Issuer’s interest that a maximum number of Series L Shares are subscribed for. Therefore, also the Issuer’s employees involved in the work on the issue, being under the obligation to act with due care for their employer’s interests, are also interested in a maximum subscription for Series L Shares. The Issuer’s employees involved in the work on the issue, especially on the preparation of this Prospectus, have no direct financial interest in a successful outcome of the issue of Series L Shares, as no bonus payments or salary rises are contingent upon such successful outcome. The Issuer has no knowledge of its employees’ involvement in the issue of Series L Shares or of the employees’ holdings of the Issuer shares as at the Prospectus Date. 28.2 The Legal Adviser The Legal Adviser is a party related to the Issuer to the extent following from the agreement on provision of advisory services to the Issuer in connection with the public offering of Series L Shares. Additionally, the Legal Adviser provides the Issuer with legal advisory services on an ongoing basis. The Legal Adviser has no financial interest which would depend on a successful outcome of the Public Offering. 28.3 The Financial Adviser The Financial Adviser is a party related to the Issuer to the extent following from the agreement on provision of advisory services to the Issuer in connection with the public offering of Series L Shares. The Financial Adviser’s consideration is partly payable in the form of commission, therefore the Financial Adviser is interested in the sale of a maximum number of Series L Shares. 28.4 The Offeror The Offeror is a party related to the Issuer to the extent following from the agreement on provision of advisory services to the Issuer in connection with the public offering of Series L Shares. The Offeror’s consideration is partly payable in the form of commission, therefore the Offeror is interested in the sale of a maximum number of Series L Shares. 28.5 The Auditor The Auditor is a party related to the Issuer to the extent following from the agreement mandating the auditor to audit the financial statements of the Issuer and its Group. The tasks performed by the Auditor included audit of the financial statements of the Issuer and its Group for 2005 and issuance of an opinion on the forecasts contained in this Prospectus. The Auditor has no financial interest which would depend on a successful outcome of the Public Offering. 316