Global debate on irrigation water use
Global debate on irrigation water use
INCREASING or REDUCING IRRIGATION WATER Global debate on irrigation water use Increasing by 15-20% for food security or R d i b Reducing by 10% ffor eco-environment i t What to do ? Global issues on the water saving in rice paddy WWF-2 focused on irrigation efficiency for food production: Through improving irrigation efficiency ! Saving irrigation water and diverting to drinking, ecosystem water ! Conserving water than developing as pressure on environment ! WWF-3 focused on multi-function of paddy irrigation : Possible to increase food production without increasing irrigation water ? Multi-function of paddy farming should be preserved for culture and ecology. H to How t reduce d the th water t use while hil preserving i the th currentt eco-system t ? WWF-4 focused on integrated water resources management : Still irrigation water is most responsible for the over-consuming water. Integrated water resources management was recommended. O & M cost should be covered by private sector than by public sector 1 Foundation of INWEPF and PAWEES Irrigated rice farming in the paddy has been developed in the Asian monsoon region not only to provide stable food security, but also to maintain the multifunctionality such as culture, ecology, and environment in the rural society. But, the social effects of irrigated paddy and the economic values of multifunctionality are not clearly defined, defined because of a lack of reliable data and suitable evaluation techniques. After having the multifunctionality session in WWF-3 in Kyoto 2003, the INWEPF and PAWEES were officially founded. The purpose of PAWEES is to study multi functionality multi-functionality of irrigated paddy fields in acadedmic way and propagate its importance to the Western countries where cultivating dry crops and not being familiar with rice farming. PAWEES has annual conference and publishes quarterly academic jounal PWE. The purpose of INWEPF is to study the food security and poverty alleviation, alleviation sustainable water use and share the partnership. Its activities affect the decision makers of national policy to allot a proper amount of budget for agriculture and reflect the facts to the world trade negotiation of agricultural products. 6th PAWEES Conference and Agenda meeting Agenda 1 : Engineering Accreditation system for Agricultural Engg. Education in paddy farming regions. Agenda 2 : Establishment of new agricultural engineering category in the APEC engineering system. Agenda 3 : Upgrading the PWE (Paddy and Water Environment) journal. Agenda 4 : Textbook for Agricultural Engineer Ethics and Ecological Engineering in Paddy farming. 2 Connect Connect, http://pawees/net/ Contact, Tai Cheol, Kim (2011-2012) 6th INWEPF Steering meeting and symposium • Date:16-18 November 2009 • Venue: JICA Research Institute, Tokyo • Participant:16 member countries, 2 int’l organization with 100 person Steering meeting WG1: multiple role of paddy fields (by Malaysia) WG2: Vision, policy and informatio n dissemination (by Korea) WG3: Contribution to technical coo peration (by Japan) 3 Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam Report in the WG-CROP, ICID Saving irrigation water and/or C Conserving i eco-system in i rice i paddy dd 2011 Oct. 18 Tai Cheol, Kim Professor, Chungnam National University, Korea 4 WATER BALANCE IN THE PADDY Watershed area : 376 sq. km Benefit area : 8,788 ha Storage capacity : 47MCM to investigate how much water is applied, wasted, and can be saved. In the district of Yedang reservoir for 30yrs (Kim, 2004) Run off Amount of irrigation water (8,788ha) Rain fall Inflow Unit ㎜ 103 ㎥ % 103 ㎥ ㎜ % 1966 1,289 254,000 52.8 83,508 950 1967 952 182,452 51.3 71,105 810 1968 917 186,030 54.3 69,152 1969 1,740 506,851 78.0 1970 1,285 318,436 66.4 Year ratio Percola -tion Net duty of water (㎜) Water applied (㎜) 492 540 1,475 492 744 1,198 576 492 680 1,175 536 591 492 547 2,311 854 691 525 492 326 1,636 Rain in irri. season (㎜) Eff. rain fall (㎜) ET (㎜) 181 763 525 573 154 548 388 640 787 150 492 388 155,998 1,775 339 950 83,037 945 180 (㎜) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1991 1,224 . . 277,523 60.7 95,217 1,083 207 862 488 595 492 599 1,571 1992 1,111 217,511 52.4 67,042 764 146 677 375 625 492 742 1,139 1993 1,094 243,908 69.7 69,315 789 150 729 455 579 492 616 1,244 1994 1,191 225,474 50.7 105,438 1,528 229 712 346 707 492 853 1,874 1995 1,383 388,096 75.2 107,966 1,565 234 1,173 226 633 492 899 1,794 Mean 1,180 258,586 57.6 80,203 935 174 761 448 597 492 641 1,383 5 Average annual water balance in the paddy field Evapo-transpiration 659㎜ Precipitation 946㎜ (Eff.581) Irrigation 1,565㎜ Surface runoff 365㎜ Percolation 1,487mm Return flow 995㎜ Deep Percolation 492㎜ ? Target to save or conserve Intake ET Rain 1,565mm 946 659 R i Total amount of water = 2,146 (100%) v Eff. rainfall (581) = Rainfall(946) – Flood flow(365) e Total amount of water 2,146 = 1,565 + 581 r Cropping & facilities 995 Return flow 995 (46%) Percolation 492 Flood flow 365 Ground water Target to save : Managing water of 995mm for cropping and facilities circulated as returned flow is blamed as wasted water, but it is functioning to improve the ecosystem services. 6 Inlet of irrigation canal Outlet of drainage canal Waste of water or sound circulation for eco-system? Managing water of 995mm is circulating the paddy fields continuously and functioning to purify water quality, conserve ecosystem, and recharge groundwater in watershed scale. 7 Waste of water or Sound circulation for eco-system (100mil㎥) Safe freq. Area Evapo- 10,000 transpirat Perco- water Eff. Net water Facility Supplied by lation in plot rainfall required managing facility Total irrigation water water ha ion 10 yr 42.1 23.8 20.7 44.5 16.1 28.4 37.6 66.0 82.1 32.9 49.2 7 yr 6.2 4.2 3.1 7.3 2.4 4.9 2.7 7.6 10.0 4.0 6.0 5 yr 5.0 3.1 2.5 5.6 2.9 2.7 3.1 5.8 8.7 3.4 5.2 3 yr 12.2 6.8 6.0 12.8 6.1 6.7 5.4 12.1 18.2 7.3 10.9 2 yr 22.5 12.9 11.1 24.0 11.8 12.2 6.6 18.8 30.6 12.2 18.4 Total 88 50.8 43.4 94.2 39.3 54.9 55.4 110.3 149.6 59.8 89.7 Non-irrigated g 26.9 17.7 13.2 30.9 15.6 15.3 - ((15.3))* 30.9 12.4 18.5 Sub-total 114.9 68.5 56.6 125.1 55 70.2 35.4 110 180 72 108 Irrigated upland 9.2 5 5 Non-irrigated 83.8 Sub-total 93 35 5 40 Total 207.9 90 115 220 72 148 Irrigated 5 35 water use Broad Return required ALTERNTIVES for WATER SAVING or MULTIFUNCTION In the case 1, it is currently to supply water with ET of 659mm, percolation of 492mm, and management of 995mm which has a function of return flow and conserve the present sound eco-system. (more water, more rice & eco-system and to avoid the damage of repeated cultivation)) In the case 2, it is enough to supply water with ET and percolation of 492mm essential to rice paddy farming. But, there is no return flow and so no water is available to conserve the present sound eco-system. (less water, poor rice taste & poor eco-system) In the case 3 of most extreme, it is enough to supply water only with ET of y consumed by y the rice pplant. In this case,, sprinkler p 659mm which is actually irrigation is available for upland rice and/or dry crops. (less water, less rice and poor taste & eco-system) In case of 4, to find out the amount of target to save ranging from max. 995mm to a certain optimal amount. (less water, more rice & eco-system and to avoid the damage of repeated cultivation) 8 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 We are afraid paddy is converted into upland & the eco-system is totally changed. Wisdom based on “Land & Water” (JIID, 2003) After WTO, cultivated paddy has been reduced by half in Taiwan, drastic change of the eco-system such as loss of scenery & landscape and groundwater level & land subsidence. 1,600 species of insect inhabit a paddy field near the Omiya suburbs in Japan. Wisdom based on “Land & Water” (JIID, 2002) 1,600 species of insect inhabited in paddy field 100 or more species of insect inhabited in dry field near the Omiya suburbs in Japan. near the Omiya suburbs in Japan 9 Response on the water balance from agricultural sector It is true that continuous flooding irrigation in paddy fields consumes lot of water much more than it needs. But, it is also true that only irrigation techniques that farmers have adapted to the local conditions through a long process of trial and error in the history have been succeeded to the descendants. Supplied water is not wasted, but circulate and reuse repeatedl It contrib repeatedly. contributes tes a lot to conser conservee eco eco-system s stem services in the watershed. Consequently, farmers are maintaining the continuous flooding irrigation adapted to environments in the history. Values of the eco-system services in paddy The 21st century is called “Water century” or “Century of ecology”. Paddy irrigation have multiple roles not only food production, production but also flood control, control ground recharge, recharge soil erosion mitigation, landscape, air & water purification, and regional water supply such as fire fighting or waterway. Furthermore, paddy irrigation has played a significant role for sound hydrological cycle and wide range of amenities related to community, culture and environment. Water for eco-system services increase its importance in water management related to tackling climate change, conserving biodiversity and other issues. 10 Improving the eco-system services Natural environment and rural culture in Asian monsoon region are closely related to paddy irrigation agriculture. Seasonal irrigation g practices not only p y determine the hydrologic regime, but also form the aquatic environment affluent in biodiversity, the beautiful landscape in seasons, and the history and culture of the society in the watershed. Especially under the recent changes of the situations, i.e. urbanization b i ti b rapid by id economic i growth, th and d increase i off extreme drought and flood risks by the climate change, it is important for all the stake holders including farmers to make necessary actions for enhancing the environment, the eco-system services, and the traditional cultures. Table Valuation on Multi-functionality of Paddy Farming in Korea : physical and conservation functions only (unit: 100 million KRW) Items of multifunctionality Eom (1993) RDA (1994) Oh (1995) Yoon (1996) KREI (2001) Park (2003) Flood control 15,824 16,000 8,655 - 13,305 14,057 g Water storage - - 9,839 , 10,073 , 11,427 , 23,857 , Improving water quality 59,615 59,611 12,325 - 11,946 3,887 Soil erosion control 667~ 2,061 2,173 - 19,047 4,532 1,648 Waste disposal - - 391 - 882 - p p purification Atmosphere 27,979~ 56 869 56,869 56,773 , 46,246 , 3,076 , 22,118 , 113,705 , Reducing temperature - 2,208 - - - 2,062 Keeping nature scenery - 3,000 - - - - Total (billion US$) 10.4~13.4 14.0 7.8 3.2 6.4 15.9 11 How much and how to save irrigation water? The issue to debate is how much water could be reduced out of managing water without reducing yield and how much agricultural water can be saved while conserving the sound eco-system eco system services and rural amenity? Paddy field irrigation has the “Multifunctional roles" of recharging groundwater, mitigating floods, providing a domestic water supply and water for fish farming, passing on traditional culture, protecting biodiversity, forming aquatic landscapes, environmental services and other socio-economic effects. Since paddies consume only some of the water withdrawn, it is important to improve recycling so that seepage from paddies can be reused downstream. Deliberate research and discussion should be carried out. SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION 1) Irrigation in paddy field has the “Multifunctional roles" of recharging groundwater, mitigating floods, providing domestic water supply, water for fish farming passing on traditional culture, farming, culture protecting biodiversity biodiversity, forming aquatic landscapes, environmental services, and other socio-economic effects. 2) Vitalizing the Rural Improvement Act to keep the agricultural water right and to develop the rural water for more amenity. 3) What is the optimal amount of irrigation water for saving and rural water for conservation of eco-system? 4) Practical strategy and incentives system for farmers voluntarily to save water. 5) Conserving the eco-system by the irrigation networks to boost up green tourism. 6) How much irrigation water in rice paddy can be saved while conserving/improving the eco-system services should be investigated. 12 CONSERVING ECO-SYSTEM Agriculture + Water ? + Eco-system = Amenity Prof. Kim’s equation 13