The Doberman Pinscher magazine 2014 sTuD Dog book TOP 20 WINNER, BIS, MBISS, GCH FRANCESCA’S HOUSE OF BLUES Sire of AKC Champions D DAKOTA facebook.com/DakotaAdobe Index to Advertised Dogs Allure Dream Machine Alisaton......................................................................................... 3 Bellisa Thunderball............................................................................................................ 4 Catawba’s Power Play........................................................................................................ 5 Char-Lors Bad Reputation.................................................................................................. 6 Delkamars Rising Star of Manorie...................................................................................... 7 Dillons Zipper Ripper........................................................................................................ 8 Elements Rock Star............................................................................................................ 9 Elements Star Flight..........................................................................................................10 Francesca’s House Of Blues......................................................................................... 1, 11 Heartwoods Electric Blues Man........................................................................................12 Ivy Gates Extreme Machine..............................................................................................13 Kaandas Surround Sound.................................................................................................14 Lyndobe’s Turn On Da Charm..........................................................................................15 Lyndobe’s Wheel of Fortune.............................................................................................16 MiraVia UR Time is Gonna Come....................................................................................17 Moa’s Leave It To Me.......................................................................................................18 Moa’s Twenty Five and Out..............................................................................................19 Newford Cranberry Fizz...................................................................................................20 O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse.............................................................................................21 Perfex Canis Major.......................................................................................................... 22 Protocols Ordo Ab Chao................................................................................................. 23 Raindance Led Zeppelin of Marquis.................................................................................24 Rahdy Forget You “Cee Lo Green”...................................................................................25 Ravenswood Azure Sky....................................................................................................52 Renejade Fast Fletcher......................................................................................................26 Rhapsody’s The Hunt For Red October............................................................................27 Savida’s Bet-Cha Didn’t Ceethis Com’N Biatches..............................................................28 Shamrock’s Fast Eddie D..................................................................................................29 Sherluck’s North By Northwest V Olympic Cove............................................................ 30 Sherluck’s Casablanca V Olympic Cove...........................................................................31 Silhouette’s Imagine That..................................................................................................32 Soquel’s Rising Son..........................................................................................................33 Soquel’s Sum of all Fears................................................................................................. 34 Stonewood’s Black Blaze..................................................................................................35 Tiburon’s Collateral Damage.............................................................................................36 Tres Time Traveler............................................................................................................37 Treu’s The Whole Truth V Touchstone..............................................................................38 Wendorf’s Valor................................................................................................................39 Wingate’s Your The One................................................................................................. 40 Wyndem N Rahdy’s Lucky Strike.....................................................................................41 2013 Top 5 AKC Doberman Sires.....................................................................................42 Legend to Titles and Abbreviations.................................................................................. 48 2 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book Ch. Allure Dream Machine Alisaton Ch Gallant’s Midnight Hour v Ciden LC-10D Ch Gallant’s Midnight Gambler v Ciden WAC LC-10L Ch Carlon’s Rockin’ Robin LC-10D ChWildfireSkyyeHawkvAllure Ch Beaulane Hot Topic ChWildfireHo’LottaHotSharjetLC-11D ChSharjetsFavoriteTrickLC-12DBFL-1 Lucius vWDcarrier,Black#3nodilution,HipsOFAexcellent,Holter/Echo Normal,Thyroidnormal,MeursDCMnegative,DOB:Jan.2008 ChBrunswig’sCryptonite Ch Telstar’s Icon Am/Can Ch Telstar’s Poison WAC ChCinnakerry’sRelentless Ch Noble House Tai Pan ChCinnakerry’sLiteUptheNiteCDXAXAXJROM ChPatriot’sRedCoatvCinnakerryCDXROM Contact: Lindsay Crowe 828-228-1770 [email protected] Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 3 Ch. Bellisa Thunderball Am Ch Arg GRCh Inaqui De Black Shadow ChFoxfireAllStar ChFoxfire’sAllThatJazzLC-11L ChFoxfire’sSmokeOnTheWaterWAC BISSChCambria’sHighlyRegardedBFL-1 ChFoxfire’sJusYourImagination ChFoxfire’sImagineThat Thunder vWDClear,DOB9-28-2012,othertestingispending pleasecalloremailforcurrentresults. ChBriarwoodStorms’aBrewinLC-11D ChKaywood’sClearNiteMission Kaywood’sClearNiteBroadcast GCHMoa’sBizzyEdition Top20BISBISSAOMChMerrimac’sPoseidonOnBoardLC-10D ChJayd’nKissmeHoneybyMOA AMINTChParadigmPreludeToaKissTT Lisa M Henke • Janesville, WI 608-751-4471 www.bellisadobermans.com or follow us on Facebook at Bellisa Dobermans 4 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book Intl Ch/UKC, AKC GCh Catawba’s Power Play CD RA IPO1 ROM CGC URO1 ATT VCX Am/Int/Mex Ch Arg/Brz GRCh Nello’s Lex Luthor WAC Ch Inaqui De Black Shadow Arg/Urg GRCh Cindy De Black Shadow ChFoxfire’sAllStar BISS Ch Cambria’s Highly Regarded BFL-1 ChFoxfire’sAllThatJazz ChFoxfire’sTakeThat Ricky Bobby Black#3,vWDClear,OFAHipsExcellent,OFAElbowsNormal,CERF Clear,Echo/HolterNormal,DNADCMPosHetero,OFAThyroidNormal,SuperChemNormal,FullandCorrectDentition,CHIC#91916 Cerberus v Norden Stamm SchH II, CD, WH Von Wilhamhoffs II CD Magenta’s Billie Arabella Ch Catawba’s All the Rage CD ROM,PA BISS Ch Legends Extravaganza v Deco CD, LC-12D ChAmulet’sCrownRoyalVali-T Vali-T’sDoubleJeopardy Bred by Susan Miller Owned by Whitney Newman and Susan Miller 865-405-3916 • www.cinematicdobermans.com • [email protected] Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 5 GCh. Char-Lors Bad Reputation Am/Int/Mex/Arg/Brz CH Nello’s Lex Luthor WAC Am Ch Arg GRCh Inaqui De Black Shadow Arg/Urg GRCh Cindy De Black Shadow Ch Trotyl De Black Shadow WAC Arg Ch Marienburg’s Argus Wind Magic Arg Ch Jessy de Vulcano Arg Ch Cora Mia de Vulcano Mickey OFA Good hips, OFA Good elbows, Thyroid normal, VWD Affected Type 1, DCM Negative, DOB 4-29-2011 Full mouth, no extra, no missing, good bite CH Cambria’s Secret Desire BFL-1 MBISS CH Ravenswoods Azure Sky RA, CGC Ch Judons American Pie v Rvnswd CD, RN, ROM, LC-12L Ch Char Lor’s Eva Longoria Char Lor’s Sandstorm Ch Char Lor’s Ooh La La Ch Char Lor’s Desert Dream Owners: Laura Smith & Nancy Tracy [email protected] • [email protected] 330-630-2398 • 330-633-3304 6 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book GCh. Delkamar’s Rising Star Of Manorie Ch Cambria’s Irish Rebellion WAC CH Alpha’s Ultimate Warrior CH Alpha’s My Funny Valentine WAC CGC TDI LC-12L Am GCH Alpha’s The Conquistador RA, ROM,TDI Ch Cambria’s Cactus Cash BISS AM CAN CH Alpha’s Satin Doll CD ROM TDI LC-12L Am/P.R./Intl. Ch Cupcake of Siemax Rose LC-11L Risen OFA Hips Good, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Thyroid Normal, vWD Clear, Full And Correct Dentition. Pointed Get BIS/BISS Ch Soquel’s Distant Thunder Ch Juris Reign Storm at Soquel Ch Wingate’s Flashback CD ROM Ch Caryola’s Shooting Star of Manorie Ch Lilly’s Ode To Apollo LC-12D ChEastwin’sWildfireVonganden Ch Eastwin’s Red Hot Rhythm WAC Liz Kammuller 925-933-4301 [email protected] Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 7 GCh. Dillon’s Zipper Ripper Am/Int/Mex/Arg/Brz CH Nello’s Lex Luthor WAC Am, Intl, Arg, Urug, Chile Ch. A’Monde’s Hurricane Ch Carolon’s Show N Tell WAC CH Blackjack’s Red Sword of Camelot Ch Karmabeck Above the Law Ch Karmabeck Reason To Believe CGC Ch Phillmar Karmabeck’s XTC Zeus vWD Carrier, Hips OFA Good,Thyroid Normal, Meurs Hetero Positive, CERF Normal, Dentition Full and Proper, Black # 3 Ch Briarwood Storms’ a Brewin LC-11D Ch Kaywood’s Clear Nite Mission Kaywood’s Clear Nite Broadcast Dillon’s Midnight Liberty Ch Jalyn Affettuso LC-10L Niklby’s Special Evening CD RA WAC LC-10L Ch Niklby’s Make Mine Special Nancy L Young [email protected] • 205-594-7358 www.dillon-dobermans.com 8 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book BISS GCh. Element Rock Star Ch Briarwood Storms’ A Brewin LC-11D Ch Kaywood’s Clear Nite Mission Kaywood’s Clear Nite Broadcast Ch A-List N Moa’s Knight Strike ChCambria’sHighlyRegardedBfl-1 U-Ch Moa’s Diamond Tiarra Ch Moa’s Have You Ever Lc-10D Ozzy Black #3, vWD Vetgen Clear, OFA Echo Normal, OFA Thyroid Normal OFA Hips Excellent, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Eyes Normal Ch Cha-Rish The Rain Storm Ch Cha-Rish Star Quest Blu-J’s Ch Blu-J’s Wind Star Cha-Rish Element Reach For The Stars ChDurke’sBubbaJustMovedInLC-11DBfl-1 ChBrudaMoonlightOverParisBfl-1 U-Ch Bruda Here N There LC-10L Breeders/Owners: Denise Kusey and Leah Kusey www. elementdobermans.com 262-391-4819 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 9 Ch. Element Star Flight Ch Briarwood Storms’ A Brewin LC-11D Ch Kaywood’s Clear Nite Mission Kaywood’s Clear Nite Broadcast Ch A-List N Moa’s Knight Strike ChCambria’sHighlyRegardedBfl-1 U-Ch Moa’s Diamond Tiarra Ch Moa’s Have You Ever Lc-10D Nemo Black #3, vWD Clear, OFA Cardio Normal, OFA Hips Good OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Eyes Normal, Thyroid Normal Ch Cha-Rish The Rain Storm Ch Cha-Rish Star Quest Blu-J’s Ch Blu-J’s Wind Star Cha-Rish Element Reach For The Stars ChDurke’sBubbaJustMovedInLC-11DBfl-1 ChBrudaMoonlightOverParisBfl-1 U-Ch Bruda Here N There LC-10L Owner: Sam Nissenbaum Breeders/Co owners: Denise Kusey and Leah Kusey www.elementdobermans.com • 262-391-4819 10 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book GCh. Francesca’s House of Blues Ch Cambria’s Cavalleria LC-10D Ch Cambria’s Secret Desire BFL-1 Kaywood’sHighlyClassified(ptd)LC-10D BISS Ch Ravenswoods Azure Sky, RA, CGC Ch Wendorfs Phenomenon, LC-10D Ch Judons American Pie v Rvnswd CD, RN, ROM, LC-10L Ch. U-AG1 Ravenswoods Sweet Ms Behavin ROM CGC TDI ATT Dakota vWDClear.Hips&ElbowsExcellent,ThyroidNormal, HeartEchoNormal,10/2/12,CERFNormal,#7bbDD SireofAKCChampions Windspirit’sCoolIceMan ChWindspirit’sthePeacemaker Windspirit’sDreamCatcher BIS Ch. Dawn-Ri’s Going Down Swinging Dawn-Ri’s Sheer Fire Power Windspirit’sIceCrystal Dynamic’s Midnigt Cinderella Owner - Robert Hennessey [email protected] • 219-663-2960 facebook.com/DakotaAdobe Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 11 Ch. Heartwood’s Electric Blues Man CH Cambria’s Cavalleria LC-10D CH Cambria’s Secret Desire BFL-1 Kaywood’sHighlyClassified(ptd)LC-10D MBISS CH Ravenswoods Azure Sky RA, CGC Ch Wendorf’s Phenomenon LC-10D Ch Judons American Pie v Rvnswd CD, RN, ROM, LC-12L CH. UAGI Ravenswoods Sweet Ms Behavin ROM CGC TDI ATT Jimi vWDCarrier,DCMnegative,OFApending, Echo Normal 10/2013, Full Mouth Am Ch Arg GRCh Inaqui De Black Shadow ChFoxfireAllStar ChFoxfire’sAllThatJazzLC-11L Ch Heartwood’s Hot Bolero BISS Ch Cambria’s Highly Regarded BFL-1 Ch Heartwood’s Just Sooo Hot Heartwood’s Calamity Jane Bred and owned by Juanita & Jeff Fagan [email protected] • Talent, OR www.HeartwoodDobermans.com 12 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book Ch Ivy Gates Xtreme Machine Ch Cha-Rish the Rain Storm Ch Cha-Rish Star Quest Blu-J’s Ch Blu-J’s Wind Star Cha-rish CH Cambria’s Commander in Chief CH Cambria’s Cactus Cash Ch Orion’s Rasberry Beret Ch Orion’s Ultimate Dimension Clint OFA pending, Thyroid normal, No Dilution, Full and proper dentition, black almond eye, under jaw, best temperament ever! Ch Brunswig’s Cryptonite Ch Telstar’s Icon Am/Can Ch Telstar’s Poison WAC Ch Ivy Gates Stepin Out of a Dream LC-10L Ch Carosel Make My Day WAC LC-11D IvyGatesButterflyKisses Aleph Godol’s Waitin’ For You LC-11L Ivy Gate Dobermans • Carol Weiner [email protected] 908-735-0145 or 908-406-1388 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 13 Ch Kaandas Surround Sound BIS/BISS GCH Foxfire’s Love Monster CD ROM Ch Foxfire’s Take N it All Ch Foxfire’s All That Jazz LC-11L GCH Winmar’s Wanna Get Lucky WAC Ch Darwin’s Dance of the Hour WAC LC-10D Ch Royal Tudor’s Black Lace Winmar WAC Ch Royal Tudor’s Wish Me Luck Winmar Frankie #3 Black, vWD Carrier, Full & Proper Dentition, 28” Square, Thyroid Normal, Call for other test results Ch Gemini’s Raising Chaos GCH Florindale’s Alter Ego v Gemini WAE Chez D Dark Fire LC-10L Kaandas Iron Maiden Ch Gemini’s Raising Chaos Kaandas Valhalla Rising Kaandas Gabilan De Pacheco LC-10L Kaanda Dobermans Kathy Bishop [email protected] 14 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book BISS Am GCH/Can/U Ch. Lyndobe’s Turn On Da Charm CGC, CD, ROM BFL-1 Ch. Brunswig’s Cryptonite Ch. Cambria’s Cavalleria, LC-10D Ch. Cambria’s Mauna Kea, Ghc, Lc-14D Am/Can CH Cambria’s Caped Crusader CD CGC TT WAC ROM LC-10L Ch. Cambria’s Cactus Cash Ch. Orion’s Raspberry Beret Ch. Orion’s Ultimate Dimension vWD Clear, Thyroid Normal, OFA Hips & Elbows Normal Cardio Echo Normal, Meurs DCM Negative, Eye Cerf Normal, #3 Black, Full and Proper Dentition Ch Lexus Financial Burden CD ROM CGC TDI Ch Kaliber’s Southern Gentleman AX, AXJ, CGC, TDI LC-10D Ch Horizon’s No Mo’ Foolin’ WAC, CGC, TDI LC-14D C/U-GRCH Lyndobe’s Five Alarm Charm CD CGC CROM TDI ROM LC-10L Ch Gunzhof’s Texas Treasure LC-12 U-CH Lyndobe’s Texas Tootsie CD CGC WAC TT TDI Can Ch Lyndobe’s All That Glitters CD CGC TT ROM TDI Turner Ann Wulbrecht 586-731-1134 • [email protected] Michigan Based Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 15 AKC GRCH, UKC CH, RO1 Lyndobe’s Wheel of Fortune Am/Can Ch Maxidobes Dream Maker ROM CD CGN Multi BISS Am/Can Ch Tallyesyn Dream Chaser Ch Tyobi’s Astarisborn v Patriot Multi BIS Can Ch Wrath’s Soldier of Fortune BISS Ch Legends Extravaganza v Deco CD, LC-12D Can Ch Liberator’s Legally Blonde Can Ch Liberator’s Metallica LC-12D Wheeler #1 Black, vWD Carrier, DCM Neg, Echo/Holter Normal, OFA Hips Fair, Elbows Normal, Liver/Kidney Normal, Thyroid Equivocal CH Lexus Financial Burden CD ROM CGC TDI Ch Kaliber’s Southern Gentleman AX, AXJ, CGC, TDI LC-10D Ch Horizon’s No Mo’ Foolin’ WAC, CGC, TDI LC-14D Can.CH./U-GRCH Lyndobe’s Five Alarm Charm Am./Can.CD CGC WAC TDI ROMC LC-10L Ch Gunzhof’s Texas Treasure LC-12 U-CH Lyndobe’s Texas Tootsie CD CGC WAC TT TDI Can Ch U-GRCh Lyndobe’s All That Glitters Am./Can.CD CGC TT WAC TDI ROMC Owners: Shelly Wing & Lynne Coleman Coloma, MI 269-849-0917 • www.sheliandobe.com 16 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book pictured at 16 months Ch MiraVia UR Time is Gonna Come NA NAJ Ch Cambria’s Secret Desire BFL-1 Ch Ravenswood Azure Sky RA CGC Ch Judons American Pie v Ravenswood CD RN ROM GCh Wendorf’s Valor Am/Ca Ch Madre’s Active Assets Wendorf’s Simply Irresistible RN CD LC-10D Wendorf’s Passionate Kisses Ziggy vWD Clear, Red #7 no dilution, Thyroid Normal, Kidney-Liver Function Normal, DCM Positive Heterozygous, OFA Hips Good, OFA Elbows Normal , Normal Echo, 3/15/2013, DOB: 3/7/2011 Ch Coppertree Dr. No Ch Chez D No Holds Barred Dobmenz Georgia BIS BISS Ch Paradigm Paradise Regain’d NA NAJ CGC ROM LC-10 Ch Lilly’s Ode To Apollo LC-12D Ch Paradigm Pryzm Ch Paradigm’s Two To Tango Owned by: Lisa D. Smith Sedgwick, KS [email protected] • 316-772-1824 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 17 Ch. MOA’s Leave It To Me Am/Can/Int’l Ch Aeolus’ Arabian Knight WAC CGC TDI RN LC-11D Ch Wyndem’s Knights Quest Ch Gemini’s Christmas Chaos Ch Moa’s Twenty Five And Out CGC Ch Bruda Honor Bound LC-11L Ch Moa’s Have You Ever LC-10D Moa’s v Equinoxx Born TBA Star Oz No Dilution, OFA Hips: good, Elbows Normal, vWD Carrier, Thyroid Normal, Cerf Normal, DNA profile, Holter Pending Ch Bruda Honor Bound LC-11L Ch Moa’s Turn Me Loose WAC Moa’s v Equinoxx Born TBA Star Moa’s I Am The Won Ch Bruda Honor Bound LC-11L Moa’s Summer Breeze Ch Moa’s Once in a Blue Moon LC-11D Owner & Breeder MOA Dobes 262 893 6284 Beaver Dam, WI 18 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book Ch. Moa’s Twenty Five and Out Ch Cambria’s Cactus Cash Am/Can/Int’l Ch Aeolus’ Arabian Knight WAC CGC TDI RN LC-11D Ch Aeolus’ Little Bit O’ Gypsy Ch Wyndem’s Knights Quest Ch Legends Extravaganza v Deco CD, LC-12D Ch Gemini’s Christmas Chaos Ch Five-Starz Gemini v Teraden Sean DOB: 3/16/2007, No Dilution, OFA Hips: Excellent, Elbows Normal, vWD Clear, Thyroid Normal, Cerf Normal, Holter Normal 1/2014 Alba, DNA profile complete Ch Cambria’s Cactus Cash Ch Bruda Honor Bound LC-11L Ch Bruda Matter of Pride CD LC-10L Ch Moa’s Have You Ever LC-10D Ch Datelis Talk Back Alisaton Moa’s v Equinoxx Born TBA Star Moa’s Nothin But the Devil LC-11D Owner: Pam DeHetre • 770-466-8944 • Loganville, GA Co-Owner & Breeder MOA Dobes 262 893 6284 • Beaver Dam, WI Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 19 Multi/Int CH Newford Cranberry Fizz Count Sharus Keep In Step Golden Honey Pippa Champagne King Loyal Envoy Jasmine Tea Devine Princess Storm Black #3, vWD Clear, PHPV Clear, Hips 2:3 (UK) USA Excellent, Cardio Troponin level Normal 0.03 2013, Thyriod & TgAA: Normal 2013 CH Khaneve Gold N Child at Amazon Ch Amazon Black Sabbath at Purroma JW AmazonlnflatuatatPurroma Emrichme Bermuda At Newford FCI INT POL VDH CH Tahi-Reme Lucifer Winnie Miratio (IMP POL) POL CH Tahi-Reme Mirinda Owned by Caroline & John Goddard • Bred & Handled by Georgie Wilkinson www.newforddobermanns.com • 0044 (0) 7921 918668 Based in the UK. Frozen semen possible. Dog can move anywhere in the world where there are no quarantine restrictions. 20 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book BISS GCh O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse, CGC, WAC Ch Brunswig’s Cryptonite CH Cambria’s Cavalleria LC-10D CH Cambria’s Mauna Kea LC-14D Ch Simmons Connoisseur CGC TT WAC LC-10L BISS Ch Legends Extravaganza v Deco CD, LC-12D Ch DemBarSca’s Panache v Glencoe Ch Serenade’s Midas Touch EKG, ECHO Normal 2010-2013, NT-proBNP Normal, Troponin I-Ultra Normal, OFA Hips-Good, OFA Elbows Normal, vWD Carrier, Full Dentition, Excellent Temperament, Thyroid & Liver Panels-Normal, #4 Black, AKC DNA #V652224 Ch Brunswig’s Cryptonite CH Cambria’s Cavalleria LC-10D CH Cambria’s Mauna Kea LC-14D Ch O’s Black Diamond Glitter Ch O’s Hot Fudge Sundae Am/Can Ch Dobenhaus Rimbaud of Fabert CD Ch Aquarius Without Remorse CGC Guinness Owned by Mary Ann Byrns & Pat Onley 817-975-6617 • North Richland Hills, TX [email protected] Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 21 GCh. Perfex Canis Major Am/Int/Mex Ch Arg/Brz GRCh Nello’s Lex Luthor WAC Ch Inaqui De Black Shadow Arg/Urg GRCh Cindy De Black Shadow ChFoxfire’sAllStar BISS Ch Cambria’s Highly Regarded BFL-1 ChFoxfire’sAllThatJazz ChFoxfire’sTakeThat Sirius VWDClear,MeursCardiacGeneNegative,HolterNormalMarch 2014ColorType3,Fullandproperdentition,Thyroidnormal, AvailableatstudtoapprovedChampionbitches. CH Cambria’s Cactus Cash ChPerfexCatONineTailsCD,ROMLC-11D Ch Cambria’s O B in Gold ChPerfexTiritiriMatangiCDBNOAAXJOAPOJPNF Ch Gallant’s Midnight Hour v Ciden LC-10D ChPerfexTornadOAlley ChPerfexTobascOCatLC-11L Owners: Peter and Joann Boggi and Michelle Perfex Contact Information: [email protected] 22 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book GCh. Protocol’s Ordo Ab Chao Am/Int/Mex Ch Arg/Brz GRCh Nello’s Lex Luthor WAC Ch Inaqui De Black Shadow Arg/Urg GRCh Cindy De Black Shadow ChFoxfire’sAllStar BISS Ch Cambria’s Highly Regarded BFL-1 ChFoxfire’sAllThatJazz ChFoxfire’sTakeThat Chaos Black#1-vWDaffected,OFAGood,ThyroidNormalMSU2013 Fullbloodpanelnormal,Heartecho&holternormal,02-2014,FullMouth Ch Cambria’s Cactus Cash ChCambria’sDoubleTroubleIIWACLC-10L ChPolo’sHotTamalevCambria BISSChProtocol’sAmericanDreamCDXOAAXJNFROMTTSCHI Ch Cambria’s Cactus Cash BISSChOldHouseDebutForProtocolCDAXOAJROMLC-11L ChChaos’CrosswindvTattoo Loved By: Mary Jo, Bill, Caitlin & Mason Davis Co Loved & Bred By: Protocol Dobermans • Jocelyn & Kevin Mullins Please direct all inquires to Jocelyn at [email protected] or 614-989-0346 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 23 GCh. Raindance Led Zeppelin Of Marquis Ch Cha-Rish the Rain Storm Ch Cha-Rish Star Quest Blu-J’s Ch Blu-J’s Wind Star Cha-rish GCh Rauschund’s Aquila Marquis Ch Darwin’s Dance of the Hour WAC LC-10D Am Can Ch Holmrun’s Heliodor Marquis BIS Am/ Can Ch Holmrun’s Burlesque Troy Holter Normal, Echo Normal, CERF Normal, OFA Good, Normal Elbow Thyroid Normal, vWD Carrier, #3 Black Ch Beaulane Hot Topic BIS/BISS Ch Eastwick’s Meadow Monster LC-10D Ch Sunset First Love v Eastwick LC-11D Ch Marquis I Am Arya BFL-1 CH Cambria’s Cactus Cash Ch Marquis Yes I Am RN WAC LC-10L Ch Marquis Absolute Perfection Owners: Harry Papazian, Susan & Chelsea James, Kelly Marquis Breeders: Susan & Chelsea James, Linda & Kelly Marquis [email protected] • www.raindancedobes.com 24 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book Ch. Rahdy’s Forget You “Cee Lo Green” Am/Can/Int’l Ch Aeolus’ Arabian Knight WAC CGC TDI RN LC-11D Am/Arg Grand/Urug/Bras/Per/Mex/Int/Lat Ch Alex de Akido San Arg GRCh Luna De Akido San Ch D’s Remember When Ch Cambria’s Secret Desire BFL-1 Ch Cambria’s Victoria Secret Cambria’s Cardiac Arrest CeeLo Call or email for current test results CH Cambria’s Cactus Cash Am/Can/Int’l Ch Aeolus’ Arabian Knight WAC CGC TDI RN LC-11D Ch Aeolus’ Little Bit O’ Gypsy Ch Manarjj N Gra-Lemor Doozi WAC Can Ch Adlerheim’s Hostage By Design TT Ch Manarjj’s Hiheel Tootsie Ch Manarjj’s HiHeel Sneeker v Kyjur Owners: David & Jennifer Goldfein Co-Owner: Barbara Goldfien 847-274-1569 • [email protected] Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 25 AKC/UKC Ch Renejade Fast Fletcher WAC DV/IDC/WELT Sgr Gino Gomez del Citone FH, SchH3, ZVA-1A DV Sieger Dut, Ger, Lux, Intl VDH Ch Graaf Hajo Gino v Neerlands Stam IPO 3, SchH 3, ZTP 1A-V, Trackingdog, Bundessieger 2002 Gadis Nemesis Graaf Sandor v Neerlands Stam BH Bel/Ger/Int/VDH Ch Jivago vh Wantij ADpr, BH, IPO3, ZVA-1A, LC-10D Gravin Isis v Neerlands Stam IPO 1 Lux Ch, VDH Siegerin Gravin Vanity Fay v Neerlands Stam BDCB Clubwinster 1997 BH, ZTP 1B-V OFA excellent hips, OFA normal elbows, CERF 09/2013, vWD clear, clear echo 09/2013, clear Holter 10/2013, thyroid normal MSU 11/2013, PDK4 mutation neg., Ding DNA neg., Black #3, full dentition. CHIC#81733 DT/DV Ch Don Diego V’T Sweko IPO III VDC/FR/INTL Ch Uligan Van’t Hof Ter Helle IPO III, ZTP, V1A DV/INTL Ch Patrice Van Hof Ter Bist IPO III UDC/UKC/Int’l Ch Come As You Are Inelya Renejade WAC CD CGC ATT RA Iwo v Treu SCH III, AD, IPO III, AngeKort IIA(ZVA) DT/VDH Ch Eischa vom Lechfeld Sch III, BH, AD Bina v Gaxhardter Wald AD Fletcher Renejade Dobermans/since 1974 Nancy E Christensen • 303-340-3673 [email protected] • www.renejade.com 26 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book GCh. Rhapsody’s The Hunt For Red October, BN, CGC Ch Brunswig’s Cryptonite Ch Cambria’s Cavalleria LC-10D Ch Cambria’s Mauna Kea LC-14D Ch Simmons Connoisseur CGC TT WAC LC-10L BISS Ch Legends Extravaganza v Deco CD, LC-12D Ch DemBarSca’s Panache v Glencoe Ch Serenade’s Midas Touch Oscar vWD Carrier, #7 Red, OFA Hips Excellent, Elbow Normal, Thyroid Normal, Echo Normal 7/8/12, Full Dentition . Ch Lilly’s Ode To Apollo LC-12D Ch Caryola’s Kendall Jackson WAC Ch Wingate’s Sensual Sin v Intrigue Intl/UKC CH Rhapsody’s Mediterranean Am/Can/UDC Ch Destiny’s Man on a Mission CDX SchH III IPO3 ROM T-1 VCX D-ZTP V1A Am/UDC/UKC/Intl Ch Talent’s Classic CDX RA ROM OB2 VCX BH ADPr CGC ThD Am/Can Ch BJF Sonata v Aquarius ROM CD NA NAJ BH T1 FMX CGC VCX LC-13D Owned by Nancy and Don Francis Houston TX [email protected] • 281-686-3909 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 27 GCh. Savida’s Bet-Cha Didn’t Ceethis Com’N Biatches WAC CH Cambria’s Cactus Cash Am/Can/Int’l Ch Aeolus’ Arabian Knight WAC CGC TDI RN LC-11D Ch Aeolus’ Little Bit O’ Gypsy Ch Wyndem n Rahdy’s Lucky Strike WAC BISS Ch Legends Extravaganza v Deco CD, LC-12D Ch Gemini’s Christmas Chaos Ch Five-Starz Gemini v Teraden Ceethis D.O.B. 10/6/10, Red #7, vWD Carrier, DCM Negative, Cardio Normal 2013, Hip & Elbows Pending (02/2014) Pre-Lim Good , Liver-Kidney Function Normal, Full CBC scan Normal, Full and Proper Dentition Am/Int/Mex/Arg/Brz CH Nello’s Lex Luthor WAC Am Ch Arg GRCh Inaqui De Black Shadow Arg/Urg GRCh Cindy De Black Shadow Nat’l/Int’l Ch One Nite N Gold de Black Shadow (Multi Pointed) Am/Int/Urg Ch Arg/Brz GRCh Don King De Black Shadow Glenda Red de Black Shadow Arg Ch Jessy de Vulcano Owner: Wendy Krauth [email protected] Breeder: Angela Davis & Jennifer Goldfein 28 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book GCh Shamrock’s Fast Eddie D Am/Can/Int’l Ch Aeolus’ Arabian Knight WAC CGC TDI RN LC-11D Am/Arg Grand/Urug/Bras/Per/Mex/Int/Lat Ch Alex de Akido San Arg GRCh Luna De Akido San Ch D’s Remember When Ch Cambria’s Secret Desire BFL-1 Ch Cambria’s Victoria Secret Cambria’s Cardiac Arrest Eddie Updated Health Stats Available on request Am/Can/Int’l Ch Aeolus’ Arabian Knight WAC CGC TDI RN LC-11D Ch Wyndem n Rahdy’s Lucky Strike WAC Ch Gemini’s Christmas Chaos Ch Monarch’s Bellagio BIS/BISS/Am/Can Ch Wingate’s Compulsion RN TT CGC Ch Monarch’s Winning Colors Am/Can Ch Monarch’s Heir To the Throne LC-11L Breeder/Owner: Shamrock Dobermans • Victoria Sweeny • Lawrenceville, GA For info contact: Jeff and Melissa Brucker • 352-572-0321 • [email protected] Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 29 GCh. Sherluck’s North By Northwest v Olympic Cove Am/Int/Mex Ch Arg/Brz GRCh Nello’s Lex Luthor WAC Ch Inaqui De Black Shadow Arg/Urg GRCh Cindy De Black Shadow ChFoxfire’sAllStar BISS Ch Cambria’s Highly Regarded BFL-1 ChFoxfire’sAllThatJazz ChFoxfire’sTakeThat Alfred Meursgenenegative,vWdclear,normalecho/ultrasoundJuly 2013,hipsgood,andfullandproperdentition Ch Kilimanjaro Dob Mann ChThomasJeffersonDobMann Ch Embar’s Zena Dob Mann ChToscaOnMelrose Am/CanChSimca’sJesseJaymes Ch Rosehill’s Personal Ensign ChSerena’sSongofRose Kathryn Rasmussen & Faye Strauss 360-601-7729 • [email protected] 30 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book GCh. Sherluck’s Casablanca V Olympic Cove, CGC Am/Int/Mex Ch Arg/Brz GRCh Nello’s Lex Luthor WAC Ch Inaqui De Black Shadow Arg/Urg GRCh Cindy De Black Shadow ChFoxfire’sAllStar BISS Ch Cambria’s Highly Regarded BFL-1 ChFoxfire’sAllThatJazz ChFoxfire’sTakeThat Bogart DOB6/27/10,vWDCarrier,Black#1BBDD, OFAHipsExcellent,DNADCMNegative Ch Kilimanjaro Dob Mann ChThomasJeffersonDobMann Ch Embar’s Zena Dob Mann ChToscaOnMelrose Am/CanChSimca’sJesseJaymes Ch Rosehill’s Personal Ensign ChSerena’sSongofRose Owned by Charlotte Heinecke • [email protected] • 206-708-5964, Seattle, WA Bred by: Faye & Gary Strauss, Allison Campbell, Charlotte Heinecke Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 31 Ch. Silhouette’s Imagine That Am Ch Arg GRCh Inaqui De Black Shadow Ch Trotyl De Black Shadow WAC Arg Ch Jessy de Vulcano Ch Sunburg’s Street Legal WAC Ch Promise’s Amish Red v Olympia Ch Olympia Canberra v Promise Ch Sunburg’s Time Spun Treasure Cullen vWD Clear, #1 BBDD, DNA Ding Negative,Thyroid Normal, CERF normal, all other testing pending Ch Cha-Rish the Rain Storm Ch Cha-Rish Star Quest Blu-J’s Ch Blu-J’s Wind Star Cha-rish Ch Silhouette’s It’s Only Money Ch Gemstone Cold Cash Datelis WAC Ch Silhouette’s Marry For Money CGC WAC Ch BJ’s Buzzin’ the Net CD RN ROM CGC TDI LC-11D Joyce Cates 513-324-7624 [email protected] 32 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book Ch Soquel’s Rising Son NA ROM LC-11L Ch Rahdy’s Sail the Seven Seas CH Cambria’s Cactus Cash CH Cambria’s Nocona V Texas UD LC-11D Ch Beaulane Hot Topic Am/Can Ch Star Tyme’s Field of Dreams WAC Ch Beaulane the Cutting Edge Ch BJ’s Beretta of Beaulane Sonny D.O.B. 3/27/03, #3 Black, vWD Carrier, Holter Normal 01/2014, Cardio Ultrasound Normal 12/2013, Full Blood Panel Normal 12/2013 Ch Soquel’s Thunder Storm WAC LC-10D BIS/BISS Ch Soquel’s Distant Thunder Ch Heleva’s Marian of Dubois Am/Car/Pan Ch Brz GRCh Harmaquis Ma Callas Fine Flair U-AG1 Ch BJ’s Voodoo Fighter CD ROM CGC TDI VCX Am/Pan Ch Brz GRCh Coppertree Ruby Tuesday Ch BJF Much Ado About Nothing CDX NA ROM TDI VCX Linda Siegel 831-768-9092 • [email protected] www.soqueldobermans.com Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 33 GCh. Soquel’s Sum of All Fears Ch Beaulane Hot Topic Ch Soquel’s Rising Son NA ROM LC-11L Am/Car/Pan Ch Brz GRCh Harmaquis Ma Callas Fine Flair CH Soquel’s Catch the Son BFL-1 Ch Coppertree Bat Outa Hell CD NA ROM Sunset Poison Ivy v Soquel LC-10D Ch Sunset Trouble in Paradise NA ROM Buddy DOB: 6/2/2009, vWD Carrier, OFA Hips & Elbows Normal, Thyroid Normal, Holter & Echo Normal 02/2014, Full Blood Panel Normal 02/2014 BISS Ch Cambria’s Highly Regarded BFL-1 BISS Am/Can/Int’l Ch Heartwood’s Jewel of WM Wranch WAC CGC Heartwood’s Jewel of the Nile BFL-1 Ch Soquel’s Spirit of the Rose BN CD Ch Beaulane Hot Topic Ch Soquel’s Tangled Web Am/Car/Pan Ch Brz GRCh Harmaquis Ma Callas Fine Flair Owners: Karl Von Ubin & Linda Siegel 831-768-9092 • [email protected] www.soqueldobermans.com 34 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book Ch. Stonewoods Black Blaze Ch Cambria’s Cactus Cash Am/Can/Int’l Ch Aeolus’ Arabian Knight WAC CGC TDI RN Ch Aeolus’ Little Bit O’ Gypsy Am/Arg Grand/Urug/Bras/Per/Mex/Int/Lat Ch Alex de Akido San Am/Int/Mex/Arg/Brz CH Nello’s Lex Luthor WAC Arg GRCh Luna De Akido San Fortress Black De Akido San Blade vWD Clear, Meurs DCM Negative, Thyroid Normal, OFA Hips Good Am/Can Ch Mikadobe’s You Cheated v Amoore Am/Can Ch Goldgrove Born To Perform Ch Goldgrove Elegance Is An Attitude Mikadobe’s Dance To the Music Ch Cambria’s Cactus Cash Ch Mikadobe’s When You Dance v Amoore Ch Mikadobe’s I’ll Be Seeing You Breeders/Owners: Ronald & Karen Rutledge [email protected] • 678-508-2678 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 35 GCh. Tiburon’s Collateral Damage CH Cambria’s Secret Desire BFL-1 MBISS CH Ravenswoods Azure Sky RA, CGC Ch Judons American Pie v Rvnswd CD, RN, ROM, LC-12L MBIS MBISS GCH Tiburon Arsenal Ch Trotyl De Black Shadow WAC BIS MBISS Ch Aquarius Garbo v Tiburon Ch Aquarius Black Rain Chance vWD Carrier, DCM Gene Negative, full Thyroid and Liver panel Normal, Holter Normal 12/13, Hips prelim good as of 2/14, more testing to come Am Ch Arg GRCh Inaqui De Black Shadow Ch Trotyl De Black Shadow WAC Arg Ch Jessy de Vulcano BPIS Ch Baystar’s Charlie’s Angels Ch Marienburg’s Born To Run LC-14D Am Can Ch Baystar’s American Woman Am/Can Ch Marienburg’s Dixie Chick Owners: Leah and Linda Ramsey (973)508-4730 or [email protected] 36 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book Ch. Tres Time Traveler Ch Cambria’s Cavalleria Ch Cambria’s Secret Desire Kaywood’s Highly Classified BISS Ch Ravenswoods Azure Sky RA WAC Ch Wendorfs Phenomenon Ch Judons American Pie v Rvnswd WAC Ch. U-AG1 Ravenswoods Sweet Ms Behavin ROM CGC TDI AT Travis vWD Carrier, Echo Normal 10/12, PDK4 negative, NT-proBNP Normal, Full & Correct Mouth, more testing pending. Ch Rahdy’s Sail the Seven Seas Ch Cambria’s Cactus Cash Ch Cambria’s Nocona v Texas UD Adele von Morr Ch Knotty Pine’s Kellogg CD,CGC,TDI Ch Miriel von Morr RN, CGC LC-11L Ariel von Morr Marcy McGuire 608-774-7435 [email protected] Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 37 Ch. Treu’s The Whole Truth V Touchstone Am/Int/Mex Ch Arg/Brz GRCh Nello’s Lex Luthor WAC Ch Inaqui De Black Shadow Arg/Urg GRCh Cindy De Black Shadow ChFoxfire’sAllStar BISS Ch Cambria’s Highly Regarded BFL-1 ChFoxfire’sAllThatJazz ChFoxfire’sTakeThat Blitz Full&ProperDentition,EchoNormal-1/23/14,vWdCarrier OFAHipsGood,OFAElbowsNormal,ThyroidNormal-MSU ChTouchstone’sSayItAgainSamLC-11L ChMatrixRainmakerTouchstoneWACBFL-1 ChTouchstone’sMissAmericanPieLC-13D GChHeartfelt’sAlibiVTouchstone,CD,ROM ChArrayPointBlank Ch Heartfelt’s Satin Doll LC-11L ChHeartfelt’sPi’dPiperTouchstne Dr. Carl & Nyla Battaglia • [email protected] Co-Owner/Handler: Alisa Brotherhood • Breeders: Sara & Joe Lynch & A Brotherhood Inquiries to: Alisa Brotherhood • [email protected] • TouchstoneDobermans.com 38 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book GCh. Wendorf’s Valor CGC Ch Cambria’s Cavalleria Ch Cambria’s Secret Desire Kaywood’s Highly Classified BISS Ch Ravenswoods Azure Sky RA WAC Ch Wendorfs Phenomenon Ch Judons American Pie v Rvnswd WAC Ch. U-AG1 Ravenswoods Sweet Ms Behavin ROM CGC TDI AT Gunner vWD clear by parentage, WSU DCM Neg, Thyroid Normal, Echo Normal, Cerf Normal, OFA Hips Excellent Ch Wendorf’s Love Me Tender Am/Can Ch Mandre’s Active Assets Ch Lilly’s Mandy Wendorf’s Simply Irresistible RN CD Ch Lilly’s Ode To Apollo LC-12D Wendorf’s Passionate Kisses Am/Can Ch Wendorf’s My Best Friend LC-11DLC-10L Jacqueline & Pete Schilling AKC Breeder of Merit 815-385-0528 • [email protected] Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 39 GCh. Wingate’s Your The One Ch Cambria’s Cactus Cash Am/Can/Int’l Ch Aeolus’ Arabian Knight WAC CGC TDI RN LC-11D Ch Aeolus’ Little Bit O’ Gypsy Ch Wyndem’s Knights Quest LC-10L BISS Ch Legends Extravaganza v Deco CD, LC-12D Ch Gemini’s Christmas Chaos Ch Five-Starz Gemini v Teraden Chance vWD Carrier, Red #7, DNA DCM Heterozygous, OFA Good, Elbows Normal, Echo Normal 10/2013, Thyroid Normal Am/Can Ch Skylocke’s Outrageous Fortune CGC,TDI Am/Can Ch Wingate’s Any Given Sunday Ch Wingate’s Ruby Tuesday CGC Ch Wingate’s Flare Up Ch Laser’s on the Cutting Edge BISS Am/Can Ch Wingate’s JC Rising Star WAC Am/Can Ch Wingate’s Electric Star CDX CGC Owned by: Deneen Hayward 503.781.0527 • Portland, OR • [email protected] Bred by Wingate 40 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book Ch Wyndem n Rahdy’s Lucky Strike WAC Ch Rahdy’s Sail the Seven Seas CH Cambria’s Cactus Cash CH Cambria’s Nocona V Texas UD LC-11D Am/Can/Int’l Ch Aeolus’ Arabian Knight WAC CGC TDI RN LC-11D Ch Cashel’s Phoenix Rising v D’Oro Ch Aeolus’ Little Bit O’ Gypsy Ch Glen Coe’s Laura Ashley CD ROM Gaza vWD carrier, Hips OFA excellent, Elbows Normal, Thyroid normal, DOB: June 2005, call for other current test results Ch Rahdy’s Sail the Seven Seas BISS Ch Legends Extravaganza v Deco CD, LC-12D Ch Legends the Siren Song v Deco Ch Teraden’s Telesis Ch Gemini’s Christmas Chaos Ch Five-Starz Gemini v Teraden Ch Del-Mar’s Enchanted Dream Owners: David & Jennifer Goldfein Co-Owner: Barbara Goldfien 847-274-1569 • [email protected] Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 41 2013 TOP 5 PRODUCING DOBERMAN SIRES * CH Ravenswoods Azure Sky RA Agility Excellent CH Dezperado’s Divine Intervention AX OAJ NF Agility Excellent Abadie’s Swinging On A Star AX AXJ Agility Excellent GCH CH Vondura’s Black Magic Woman CD RAE AX OAJ NAP NF NFP Agility FAST Novice CH Dezperado’s Divine Intervention NA OAJ NF Agility FAST Open CH Dezperado’s Divine Intervention AX AXJ OF Beginner Novice CH Hidden Acres Magic Knight V Wyndem BN Beginner Novice Kettle Cove N Ashtrick Spiced Apple BN Beginner Novice Dobehart’s Touch The Sky BN RN Beginner Novice Vondura’s Planet Claire BN RN CGC GCH CH Abadie’s Return Of The King CD RA CGC CGC CH Heartwood’s Electric Blues Man CGC CGC Hidden Acres Mile High Magic V Wyndem CGC CGC CH Kettle Cove N Ashtrick Give Thanks For Sheyne CGC CGC CH Hidden Acres Magic Knight V Wyndem CGC CGC GCH CH Old Drum’s Talladega Red CGC CGC GCH CH Belle Amie N Vondura’s Inspiration CDX CGC Champion CH Sun Style’s Simply Irresistible Champion CH Dezperado’s Original Sin Champion CH Gemini Mistress To The Mob V Alisaton Champion CH Dezperado’s Divine Intervention Champion CH Dezperado’s Hallelujah Champion CH Horizon’s Siriusly Cyd Charisse Champion CH Perfex Breakfast At Tiffany’s V Relic Champion CH Hidden Acres Magic Knight V Wyndem Champion CH Kamterra’s Bel Canto Champion CH Gemini Now And Forever V Alisaton Champion CH Tiburon Djibouti V Rhapsody Champion CH Tiburon Starfox’s Blitzen Champion CH Touchstone’s Lady Liberty Sts CA Champion CH Black Bart’s Calamity Jane Champion CH Tiburon Deacon Blues Champion CH Cambria’s Tourmaline Champion CH Horizon’s Siriusly Sinatra Champion CH Dezperado’s Amazing Grace Champion CH Heartwood’s Electric Blues Man Champion CH Kamterra’s Adagio Champion CH Kettle Cove N Ashtrick Autumn Splendor Champion CH Manafi Zippity Doo Dah Champion CH Gemini Bring It On V Alisaton Champion CH Old Drum’s Super Charged Zr1 42 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book Champion CH Paradigm’s Perfect Cut Of Breezewood Companion Dog CH Cambria’s Grande Dame CD BN CDXt Blue Max’s Undeniable Magic V Encore CDX Coursing Ability Touchstone’s Lady Liberty Sts CA Coursing Ability Perfex Double Dynamite V Relic CA Coursing Ability AdvCH Touchstone’s Lady Liberty Sts CAA AXJ CH Dezperado’s Divine Intervention AX AXJ NF AXJ CH Gemini Alice In Wonderland V Alisaton BN RN OA AXJ AXJ GCH CH Vondura’s Black Magic Woman CD RAE AX AXJ NAP NF NFP Grand Champion GCH CH Blue Max’s Time After Time Grand Champion GCH CH Dezperado’s Hallelujah Grand Champion GCH CH Wendorf’s Valor Grand Champion GCH CH Kamterra’s Bel Canto Grand Champion GCH CH Paradigm’s Perfect Cut Of Breezewood Grand Champion GCH CH Shadeko’s Bringin’ On The Heat Grand Champion GCH CH Tiburon Aamira Azaria Grand Champion GCH CH Sun Style’s In Hoc Signo Vinces Grand Champion GCH CH Old Drum’s Talladega Red MXJ Abadie’s Swinging On A Star AX MXJ MXJ CH Ravenswoods Macanac Fireworks CDX RE MX MXJ Novice Agility GCH CH Abadie’s Return Of The King CD RA NA CGC Novice Agility CH Dezperado’s Divine Intervention NA OAJ Novice Agility CH Gemini Alice In Wonderland V Alisaton BN RN NA NAJ NAJ CH Dezperado’s Divine Intervention NAJ NAJ CH Gemini Alice In Wonderland V Alisaton BN RN NA NAJ NJP CH Francesca’s Bewitched CD BN RAE2 NJP CGC NJP CH Francesca’s Bewitched CD BN RAE2 NAP NJP CGC Obedience Master 1Cambria’s Gold Standard UD OM1 RN Obedience Master 2Cambria’s Gold Standard UDX OM2 RN Obedience Master 3Cambria’s Gold Standard UDX2 OM3 RN Obedience Master 4Cambria’s Gold Standard UDX2 OM4 RN Open Agility CH Dezperado’s Divine Intervention OA OAJ NF Open Agility CH Gemini Alice In Wonderland V Alisaton BN RN OA OAJ OAJ CH Dezperado’s Divine Intervention OAJ OAJ CH Gemini Alice In Wonderland V Alisaton BN RN OA OAJ Rally Advanced GCH CH Abadie’s Return Of The King CD RA Rally Novice CH Gemini Alice In Wonderland V Alisaton BN RN Rally Novice Kamterra’s Camerata RN CGC Rally Novice CH Cambria’s Tourmaline RN Rally Novice CH D Nicmar Beyond Paradise RN Rally Novice Vondura’s Planet Claire RN Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 43 2013 TOP 5 PRODUCING DOBERMAN SIRES * Utility Dog Utility Dog UDX UDX 2 Blue Max’s Undeniable Magic V Encore UD GCH CH Belle Amie N Vondura’s Inspiration UD CGC Cambria’s Gold Standard UDX OM1 RN Cambria’s Gold Standard UDX2 OM3 RN #2 CH Foxfire All Star Agility Excellent CH Starlaine Best Kept Secret AX AXJ Agility FAST Novice Foxfire’s Panzer Monster NAJ NF Agility FAST Novice Foxfire’s Star Across Aruba NA NAJ NF MXF CH Protocol’s Citius Altius Fortius MX MXS MXJ MJB MXF Beginner Novice CH Aquarius’ Wally World V. Sandia BN RN Beginner Novice CH Dezperado’s Casino Royale CD BN CGC Beginner Novice GCH CH Foxfire’s Easily Steller V Electron BN RE MX MXJ MJB OF CA CGC Foxfire’s Panzer Monster NAJ NF CGC CGC GCH CH Foxfires Best To Come Along CGC CGC GCH CH Foxfires The Best Damthing Of Icon RN CGC Champion CH Addox’s Rock Star CGC Champion CH Foxfire’s I’M A Super Star Champion CH Foxfire’s Lucky Twice Champion CH Foxfire’s Surf ‘N The Stars Champion CH Holly Woods Knockin On Heavens Door Champion CH Perfex Canis Major Champion CH Sherluck Cabaret Of Melrose Champion CH Starlaine Best Kept Secret NA NAJ Champion CH Sunny N Foxfire’s Starstruck CA Champion CH Tallyesyn Raising Thecuponice Vadria Champion CH Tallyesynnadria’Spacificice V Kendon Champion CH Touchstone’s Innuendo Champion CH Touchstone’s Rumor Has It Champion CH Touchstone’s Scandal Champion CH Touchstone’s Something To Talk About Companion Dog CH Dezperado’s Casino Royale CD BN CGC Companion Dog Winmar’s One Up On You CD RN CGC CDX GCH CH Protocol’s Sic Itur Ad Astra CDX RN CDX Trump’s Skyhawk Rolling In Hot CDX Coursing Ability CH Aquarius’ Wally World V. Sandia BN RN CA Coursing Ability CH Treu’s Star Witness V Touchstone CA Coursing Ability Sunny N Foxfire’s Starstruck CA Coursing Ability Tallyesyn Bostons Best On Ice Vadria CA Coursing Ability Treu’s Swift Justice V Touchstone CA CGC CAA Sunny N Foxfire’s Starstruck CAA CAX CH Sunny N Foxfire’s Starstruck CAX 44 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book AXJ CH Starlaine Best Kept Secret OA AXJ Grand Champion GCH CH Dezperado’s Pit Boss Grand Champion GCH CH Foxfire’s Easily Steller V Electron RE MX MXJ MJB OF CA Grand Champion GCH CH Foxfire’s Surf ‘N The Stars Grand Champion GCH CH Marienburg’s Spec Ops Commando Grand Champion GCH CH Perfex Canis Major Grand Champion GCH CH Protocol’s Ordo Ab Chao Grand Champion GCH CH Sherluck North By Northwest V Olympic Cove Grand Champion GCH CH Tallyesynnadria’Spacificice V Kendon Grand Champion GCH CH Touchstone’s Innuendo MACH2 MACH2 Foxfire’s Mai Tai Madness MXS MJS MXB GCH CH Foxfire’s Easily Steller V Electron BN RE MX MXB MXJ MJB OF CA MJB CH Foxfire’s Easily Steller V Electron RE MX MXJ MJB OF CA Master Silver Agility CH Protocol’s Citius Altius Fortius MX MXS MXJ MJB XF Master Silver Agility MACH2 Foxfire’s Mai Tai Madness MXS MJS Master Silver JumperCH Protocol’s Citius Altius Fortius MX MXS MXJ MJS MXF Novice Agility Foxfire’s East Coast Vinnie NA NAJ Novice Agility Foxfire’s Panzer Monster NA NAJ NF CGC Novice Agility Foxfire’s Star Across Aruba NA NAJ Novice Agility Sherluck’s Some Like It Hot NA Novice Agility Starlaine Best Kept Secret NA NAJ NAJ Foxfire’s East Coast Vinnie NAJ NAJ Foxfire’s Star Across Aruba NA NAJ NAJ Starlaine Best Kept Secret NA NAJ NJP Shaden’s Argentina NAP NJP NJP Shaden’s Argentina NAP NJP Open Agility CH Starlaine Best Kept Secret OA OAJ Open Agility Foxfire’s Panzer Monster OA NAJ NF CGC OAJ CH Starlaine Best Kept Secret OA OAJ OAJ Foxfire’s Panzer Monster OA OAJ NF CGC OJP Shaden’s Argentina NAP OJP Rally Advanced CH Heartwood’s Hot Night Boogie RA Rally Advanced Winmar’s One Up On You CD RA CGC Rally Novice Birchrun’s Comic Book Hero Iof Tarma RN Rally Novice CH Tallyesyn Raising Thecuponice Vadria RN Rally Novice Winmar’s One Up On You RN CGC Time 2 Beat CH Protocol’s Citius Altius Fortius MX MXS MXJ MJS MXF T2B Time 2 Beat CH Protocol’s Citius Altius Fortius MX MXS MXJ MJS MXF T2B Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 45 2013 TOP 5 PRODUCING DOBERMAN SIRES * #3 GCH CH Steinway’s Paris Is Burning CD AX AXJ OF Beginner Novice CH Foxhall’s Brut II BN RE CGC Beginner Novice CH Foxhall’s Jouet CD BN RE CGC Rally Novice CH Perfex Versailles Afire RN OA OAJ Champion CH Gallants Double Vision V Ciden Grand Champion GCH CH Flagship’s Sailor’s Delight Beginner Novice GCH CH Gallants Double Jeopardy V Ciden BN Companion Dog CH Foxhall’s Brut II CD BN RE CGC Agility FAST Novice GCH CH Gallants Double Jeopardy V Ciden BN NA NAJ NF Rally Advanced CH Perfex Versailles Afire RA OA OAJ NF Open Agility CH Foxhall’s Piper Heidsieck OA OAJ Open Agility JumperCH Foxhall’s Piper Heidsieck NA OAJ Novice Agility GCH CH Gallants Double Jeopardy V Ciden BN NA Novice Agility Jumper GCH CH Gallants Double Jeopardy V Ciden BN NA NAJ Agility FAST Novice CH Perfex Versailles Afire RN OA OAJ NF Rally Novice CH Foxhall’s Piper Heidsieck RN OA OAJ Novice Agility CH Gallants Double Dare V Ciden NA Open Agility GCH CH Gallants Double Jeopardy V Ciden BN OA NAJ NF Rally Novice CH Foxhall’s Piper Heidsieck RN OA OAJ Novice Agility CH Gallants Double Dare V Ciden NA Open Agility GCH CH Gallants Double Jeopardy V Ciden BN OA NAJ NF Companion Dog CH Foxhall’s Piper Heidsieck CD RN OA OAJ Agility FAST Open GCH CH Gallants Double Jeopardy V Ciden BN AX OAJ OF Graduate Novice CH Foxhall’s Jouet CDX BN GN RE CGC Rally Advanced CH Foxhall’s Piper Heidsieck CD RA OA OAJ AXJ CH Foxhall’s Piper Heidsieck CD RA OA AXJ CDX CH Foxhall’s Jouet CDX BN RE CGC Rally Excellent CH Perfex Versailles Afire RE OA OAJ NF Agility Excellent GCH CH Gallants Double Jeopardy V Ciden BN AX OAJ NF Open Agility JumperGCH CH Gallants Double Jeopardy V Ciden BN AX OAJ NF Agility FAST Novice CH Gallants Double Dare V Ciden NA NF Coursing Ability Flaghip’s Red Sky At Night CA Coursing Ability GCH CH Flagship’s Sailor’s Delight CA #4 CH Kettle Cove N Rebayla Zeus Champion CH Kelviews Jewel Of The Nile V. Mueller Champion CH Mueller Jewel Of Kei V. Kelview Grand Champion GCH CH Mystikos N Kettle Cove Celtic Love Open Agility Bolero Red Shatter V Deerfield OA OAJ Open Agility JumperBolero Red Shatter V Deerfield OA OAJ Grand Champion GCH CH Kelviews Crown Jewel V Mueller Champion CH Bolero Red Shatter V Deerfield AX AXJ 46 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book Novice Agility CH Bolero Little Black Dress Up V Deerfield NA Novice Agility Mystikos N Kettle Cove Lucky In Love RE NA NAJ CH Bolero Little Black Dress Up V Deerfield NA NAJ MXJ CH Bolero Red Shatter V Deerfield AX MXJ NF MX CH Bolero Red Shatter V Deerfield MX MXJ NF Novice Agility CH Niklby’s Color Me Purple NA NAJ NF Champion CH Mystikos N Kettle Cove Love Spell Grand Champion GCH CH Kelviews Jewel Of The Nile V. Mueller Open Agility JumperCH Niklby’s Color Me Purple NA OAJ NF Coursing Ability Bolero Lincoln Park After Dark V Deerfield CA Champion CH Mystikos N Kettle Cove Love Spell Grand Champion GCH CH Kelviews Jewel Of The Nile V. Mueller Open Agility JumperCH Niklby’s Color Me Purple NA OAJ NF Coursing Ability Bolero Lincoln Park After Dark V Deerfield CA Agility FAST Novice CH Bolero Red Shatter V Deerfield AX AXJ NF AXJ Bolero Red Shatter V Deerfield OA AXJ Agility Excellent Bolero Red Shatter V Deerfield AX AXJ #5 CH Promise’s Amish Red V Olympia MXB2 Utility Dog MXS2 MJC2 MXS MVG2 MJG MJB3 MACH7 Rally Novice MJS MACH MACH6 Agility FAST Open Time 2 Beat MXB MGJ2 NF MACH5 Grand Champion Companion Dog MACH4 Olympia Tamora V Promise CDX MXB2 MJS2 NF MACH4 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXB2 MJS2 NF MACH5 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXS2 MJG2 NF MACH5 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXS2 MJC2 NF CH MACH Old Drum’s Double Red CD MXS MJS OF MACH6 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXG2 MJC2 NF T2B CH MACH Old Drum’s Double Red CD MXS MJG OF MACH6 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXG2 MJB3 NF T2B MACH7 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXG2 MJB3 NF T2B CH Blumont’s Redemption Road V Notori RN CH Old Drum’s Double Red CD MX MXB MXJ MJS NF CH MACH Old Drum’s Double Red CD MXB MJS NF MACH6 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXS2 MJC2 NF CH MACH Old Drum’s Double Red CD MXB MJS OF MACH6 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXS2 MJC2 NF T2B CH Old Drum’s Double Red MX MXB MXJ MJB MACH5 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXB2 MJG2 NF CH Old Drum’s Double Red MX MXB MXJ MJB NF MACH5 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXB2 MJS2 NF GCH CH Olympia Party Time V Promise CH Old Drum’s Double Red CD MX MXB MXJ MJB NF *AKC Statistics Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 47 Legend to titles and abreviations The Longevity Certificate (LC) A Longevity Certification (LC) may be awarded to any individual Doberman who reaches the age of 10 or greater. The last letter will indicate L for living and the D for deceased. The Bred for Longevity Certificate (BFL) A Bred for Longevity (BFL) certification is awarded to any individual Doberman of any age whose ancestors are LC. If both the sire and dam are longevity certified (LC), the dog or bitch is eligible for BFL-1. If both parents and all four grandparents are LC, the dog or bitch is eligible for BFL-2, etc. Bundesieg CACIB Can Ch Ch Int Ch Sieger Siegerin U-Ch UDC Ch ADCH CACIL CACIOB CACIT Can OTCH Europameister Leistungssieger MACH OTCH U-ACH U-ACHX U-AGI U-AgII U-CD U-CDX U-OCH U-UD VCCH AAD AADC AAT AD AD AD ADC ADPr AFC AJP ATChC AX AXJ AXP B BH BH BIH BpDH I German National Show Champion International Champion in Beauty Canadian Conformation Champion American Conformation Champion International Conformation Champion Male winner at one of five Sieger shows per year Female winner at one of five Sieger shows per year United Kennel Club Conformation Champion United Doberman Club Conformation Champion Agility Dog Champion International Champion in Racing International Champion in Obedience International Champion in Working Obedience Trial Champion World Champion SchH III dog Working National Show Champion Master Agility Champion Obedience Trial Champion Agility Champion Agility Champion Excellent Agility I Agility II UKC Companion Dog UKC Companion Dog Excellent UKC Obedience Champion UKC Utility Dog Versatile Companion Ch (OTCH/MACH/CT) Advanced Agility Dog Advanced Agility Dog of Canada Delta Society Animal Assisted Therapy Agility Dog Ausdauerprüfung: Endurance / Obedience Schutzhund Endurance Test Agility Dog of Canada Ausdauerprufung: Endurance / Temperament test Amature Field Champion Excellent Agility Jumpers with Weaves Preferred Agility Champion Agility Excellent Excellent Agility Jumper Agility Excellent Preferred Schutzhund Traffic Safe Companion Begleithunde German Companion traffic sure Schutzhund Traffic Safe Companion Blindenhund: Guide Dog for the Blind Bahnpolizeidiensthund: Railroad Police Dog 48 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book GER INT CAN AKC INT GER GER UKC UDC USDAA INT INT INT CKC GER GER AKC AKC UKC UKC UKC UKC UKC UKC UKC UKC AKC USDAA AAC OTHER USDAA GER UDC AAC GER AKC AKC AAC AKC AKC AKC UDC GER UDC GER GER BpDH II Bahnpolizeidiensthund: Railroad Police Dog CAN AGI Agility Intermediate CAN AGMX Agility Master Excellent CAN AGN Agility Novice CAN AGX Agility Excellent CAN GMOTCh Grand Master Obedience Trial Champion CAN MOTCh Master Obedience Trial Champion CAN OTChX Obedience Trial Champion Excellent CD Companion Dog CDX Companion Dog Excellent CT Champion Tracker (TD, TDX and VST) DH Dienshund: Service Dog DPH Dienstpolizeihund: Service Police Dog EAC Elite Agility Certificate EAC-JH Elite Agility Certificate Junior Handler EAC-V Elite Agility Certificate Veteran EGC Elite Gamblers Certificate EGC-JH Elite Gamblers Certificate Junior Handler EGC-V Elite Gamblers Certificate Veteran EJC Elite Jumpers Certificate EJC-JH Elite Jumpers Certificate Junior Handler EJC-V Elite Jumpers Certificate Veteran FD Flyball Dog FDCh Flyball Dog Champion FDX Flyball Dog Excellent FGDCh Flyball Grand Champion FH I Fahrtenhund: Advanced tracking title FH II Fahrtenhund: Superior tracking title FH1 Schutzhund Advanced Tracking FH2 Schutzhund Advanced Tracking FM Flyball Master FMCh Flyball Master Champion FMX Flyball Master Excellent GM Gambler Master GrH Grenzenhund: Border Patrol Dog IPO I Internationale Prufungs-Ordnung- SchH I IPO II Internationale Prufungs-Ordnung - SchH II IPO III Internationale Prufungs-Ordnung - SchH III JM Jumpers Master LwH Lawinhehung: Avalanche dog MAD Master Agility Dog MADC Master Agility Dog of Canada MJDCJumpers MJP Master Excellent Jumpers with Weaves Preferred MJX Master Excellent Jumpers with Weaves MSDCGamblers MSDCSnooker MTRDC Team Relay MX Master Agility Excellent MXP Master Agility Excellent Preferred NA Novice Agility NAC Novice Agility Certificate NAC-JH Novice Agility Certificate Junior Handler NAC-V Novice Agility Certificate Veteran NAJ Novice Agility Jumper NAP Novice Agility Preferred NATCh NADAC Agility Trial Champion NGC Novice Gamblers Certificate GER CKC CKC CKC CKC CKC CKC CKC AKC AKC AKC GER GER NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC NAFA NAFA NAFA NAFA GER GER UDC UDC NAFA NAFA NAFA USDAA GER IN INT INT USDAA GER USDAA AAC AAC AKC AKC AAC AAC AAC AKC AKC AKC NADAC NADAC NADAC AKC AKC NADAC NADAC Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 49 Legend to titles and abreviations continued NGC-JH NGC-V NJC NJC-JH NJC-V NJP OA OAC OAC-JH OAC-V OAJ OAP O-EAC O-EGC O-EJC OGC OGC-JH OGC-V OJC OJC-JH OJC-V OJP O-NAC O-NGC O-NJC ONYX O-OAC O-OGC O-OJC PDH PFP I PFP II PH PM PSP I PSP II PSP III RTD SAR SchH I SchH II SchH III SchHA S-EAC S-EGC S-EJC SH S-NAC S-NGC S-NJC S-OAC S-OGC S-OJC TD Novice Gamblers Certificate Junior Handler Novice Gamblers Certificate Veteran Novice Jumpers Certificate Novice Jumpers Certificate Junior Handler Novice Jumpers Certificate Veteran Novice Jumpers with Weaves Preferred Open Agility Open Agility Certificate Open Agility Certificate Junior Handler Open Agility Certificate Veteran Open Agility Jumper Open Agility Preferred Outstanding Elite Agility Certificate Outstanding Elite Gamblers Certificate Outstanding Elite Jumpers Certificate Open Gamblers Certificate Open Gamblers Certificate Junior Handler Open Gamblers Certificate Veteran Open Jumpers Certificate Open Jumpers Certificate Junior Handler Open Jumpers Certificate Veteran Open Jumper with Weaves Preferred Outstanding Novice Agility Certificate Outstanding Novice Gamblers Certificate Outstanding Novice Jumpers Certificate Flyball Award (named after first recipient) Outstanding Open Agility Certificate Outstanding Open Gamblers Certificate Outstanding Open Jumpers Certificate Polizei Dienst Hund: Working Police dog Polizeifartenhund: Police Tracking Dog Polizeifartenhund: Police Tracking Dog Polizeihund: Police dog Pairs Master Polizeischutzhundprüfung: Police protection dog Polizeischutzhundprüfung: Police protection dog Polizeischutzhundprüfung: Police protection dog Registered Therapy Dog Search and Rescue Schutzhund Novice:Obedience/tracking/protection Schutzhund Inter: Obedience/tracking/protection Schutzhund Master:Obedience/tracking/protection Schutzhund: novice obedience & protection Superior Elite Agility Certificate Superior Elite Gamblers Certificate Superior Elite Jumpers Certificate Suchhund: Tracking dog Superior Novice Agility Certificate Superior Novice Gamblers Certificate Superior Novice Jumpers Certificate Superior Open Agility Certificate Superior Open Gamblers Certificate Superior Open Jumpers Certificate Tracking Dog 50 Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC AKC AKC NADAC NADAC NADAC AKC AKC NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC AKC NADAC NADAC NADAC NAFA NADAC NADAC NADAC GER GER GER GER USDAA GER GER GER OTHER OTHER GER GER GER GER NADAC NADAC NADAC GER NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC NADAC AKC TDI TDX TGE TGN TGO ThD TNE TNN TNO UD UDC T1 UDC T2 UDC T3 UDCH UDT UDTX UDVST UDX VAAD VAADC VAD VADC VATChC VC VCD1 VCD2 VCD3 VCD4 VG VJ VMAD VMADC VMJDC VMSDC VMSDC VMTRDC VPD VS VST VSX WVE WVN WVO ZH I ZH II Therapy Dog International Tracking Dog Excellent Touch N Go Certificate Elite Touch N Go Certificate Novice Touch N Go Certificate Open UDC Therapy Dog Tunnelers Certificate Elite Tunnelers Certificate Novice Tunnelers Certificate Open Utility Dog SchH I Track Equivalent (1 point) SchH III Track Equivalent (1 point) SchH III Track Equivalent (1 point) Obedience Trial Champion Utility Dog title with a Tracking Dog title Utility Dog title with Tracking Dog Excellent title Utility Dog title w/ Variable Surface Tracking title Utility Dog Excellent Veteran Advanced Agility Dog Veteran Advanced Agility Dog of Canada Veteran Agility Dog Veteran Agility Dog of Canada Veteran Agility Champion Versatility Companion Versatile Companion 1 (CD, NA, NAJ, TD) Versatile Companion 2 (CDX, OA, OAJ, TD) Versatile Companion 3 (UD, AX, AXJ, TDX) Versatile Companion 4 (UDX, MX, MXJ, VST) Veteran Gambler Veteran Jumper Veteran Master Agility Dog Veteran Master Agility Dog of Canada Veteran Jumpers Veteran Gamblers Veteran Snooker Veteran Team Relay Veteran Performance Dog Veteran Snooker Variable Surface Tracking Versatility Companion Excellent Weavers Certificate Elite Weavers Certificate Novice Weavers Certificate Open Zollhund: Customs dog Zollhund: Customs dog OTHER AKC NADAC NADAC NADAC UDC NADAC NADAC NADAC AKC UDC UDC UDC UDC AKC AKC AKC AKC USDAA AAC USDAA AAC AAC UDC AKC AKC AKC AKC USDAA USDAA USDAA AAC AAC AAC AAC AAC USDAA USDAA AKC & UDC UDC NADAC NADAC NADAC GER GER SOURCE: DPCA DOBEQUEST The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Stud Dog Book is published by McGuire Magazines, 2811 Milton Ave. #368, Janesville, WI. 608-7747435. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. ©2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2014 Stud Dog Book 51 Congratulations Ch Ravenswoods Azure Sky, RA Top producing Doberman sire for 2013 Ch Cambria’s Secret Desire, BFL-1 x Ch Judons American Pie V RVNSWDS, CD, RN, ROM LC-12 ‘Blue’ Bred and owned by Mary Dependahl Campaigned By Chase Truesdail Always handled by Karin Fox