2015-2016 Annual Report - Our Lady of Fatima School


2015-2016 Annual Report - Our Lady of Fatima School
This past year’s school theme was “CREATE”. It is an appropriate theme, for as I make
my weekly visits to the classrooms, I certainly see much “creativity”: I see alphabets
“created” into words, and words “created” into sentences, and sentences “created”
into adventurous stories penned from the imagination of young minds. I see numbers
“created” into sophisticated equations and developed into theories that “create” shapes
and sizes. I see art work adorning the halls, “created” from simple objects like crayons,
scissors, and glue.
Yes, learning for the students at Fatima is full of a “creative” spirit. But, above all, the
faculty and staff strive to “create” in the hearts of the students a future citizen of Heaven.
In our study of Religion, and our weekly school Masses, we help to “create” holiness of life,
and we echo Psalm 51, a plea for the Lord to use His loving hand to “create” in each of us
His Masterpiece for Heaven.
“ CREATE in me a clean heart,
O God, and renew a steadfast
spirit within me.” - Psalm 51
With gratitude for the successes of this annual report, I make my prayer the prayer of
the Psalmist—one, I pray, every teacher, parent, student, and staff would rightly make
their own: “CREATE in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. ”
(Psalm 51)
- Rev. Michael J. Russo
Every school year, I strive to develop the school year around an inspirational term, or
theme, that will motivate and assist the student body, the faculty, and the staff in setting
goals and purpose for the new school year. The term focused on by all during the 20142015 school year was “create”. We all made a special effort to be more present and aware
of the world we are creating at all times.With the realization that we are always creating,
always building a positive environment, positive relationships and a positive atmosphere
was one that we all wanted to consistently make a reality. The Fatima faculty, staff,
and student body had many “creative moments” during the school year; moments that
became a reality not through one, but through a team effort. The support and assistance
given by all Fatima benefactors and stakeholders played an important role in the overall
success of the school year. Some of our “creative moments” were:
he Fatima Quiz Bowl team placed 1st overall among 28 teams in Lafayette T
Parish, remaining undefeated in both the fall and spring competitions.
The Fatima Science Olympiad team was awarded 12 gold medals, 7 silver medals, and 3 bronze medals. The team placed in 22 of 23 events and placed 1st overall. They were awarded 3rd place in state.
The band and chorus students all earned either superior or superior-plus ratings at the Band and Chorus Festival.
The Mathcounts club placed 1st at the regional competition and qualified for state competition.
Several Beta Club members qualified for Nationals in various categories after having placed at the regional and state levels.
Art work by Fatima students was selected to be exhibited at the Governor’s mansion in Baton Rouge.
The eighth grade robotics team competed at the First Lego League Regional Qualifier in the fall. The “Quantum Processor’s” were awarded 2nd place in Core Values and the “Circuit Breakers” were awarded 2nd place Champions. The two teams received the Judges’ Award, an award that recognizes outstanding teams. They also qualified for state competition.
My point in mentioning these “creative moments” is to attest to the dedication, teamwork,
generosity, and goal setting of students and faculty of Our Lady of Fatima School. Given
opportunities to “create”, they take the ball and run with it!
My belief is that “creating” is when one is tapping into the gifts given to them by our Lord.
It is a time when one is allowed to be exactly who they are meant to be. Finding peace and
freedom from within is also where we find our loving heart. This is our most sacred place,
the place where we find Jesus. I would like to extend my gratitude to all for assisting our
students in being able to tap into their sacred place.
- Mrs. Duos
Parents’ Club
Our Lady of Fatima School is blessed with an outstanding and supportive volunteer base.
Throughout the school year, many parents come together to ensure that all students and
teachers have a wonderful and successful school year.
Community & Opportunity ”
Every year the Parents’ Club puts on Field Day, Fall Festival, the Christmas luncheon
and parties, Teacher Appreciation Week, the Golf Tournament, and much more. They are
responsible for funding the traffic officer to direct traffic in the mornings and afternoons
and for organizing and manning the upcoming Symposium.
A big accomplishment for the Parents’ Club in 2014-2015 was its first ever “Dancing
with the Warriors”, which coincided with the school auction. Ten very dedicated and
hard-working dancers entertained a crowd of over 500 at La Marquis and helped the
school raise over $80,000 for the technology program. It was a night to remember! Also
in the 2014-2015 school year, they brought to campus the new shade sails on the Pre-K,
Kindergarten, First and Second grade playgrounds. Also, they funded the acoustical
survey for Chance Hall, which will enhance the sound in this area. They also provided the
funding for the new receptionist’s office located in the rotunda area.
The great team of officers, chairmen, and volunteers work so well together, all to benefit
the school. A big “thank you” to all parents, volunteers, and donors.
Nouveau Photeau
a pure heart ”
Platinum Society
Robert and Ann Butcher
Thomas and Betty Butcher
Blake and Amber David
Craig and Jamie Henry
Chad and Carrie Hollier
Casey and Marrie Hoyt
Todd and Louise Lambert
Schilling Distributing Company Inc.
Glen Stewart
Stuller Family Foundation
The Eddy Knight Foundation
Blue & Gold
Anderson, Dozier, Blanda, Saltzman
Joel and Tommi Angelle
Jude and Anne Barnes
Robert and Kathy Boulet
Rickey and Paula Broussard
Robert and Ann Butcher
Thomas and Betty Butcher
Don and Tish Capretz
Caroline & Co.
Wayne and Shelley Cestia
Patrick and Amy Chalala
Bryan and Danielle Couvillion
John and Sherryl Couvillion
Kevin and Jennifer Couvillion
Blake and Amber David
Chad and Cassie Deshotels
Dominique Auto Sales
Dominique Financial
Matthew and Brandy Durio
Cade and Brittany Eskridge
Gautheir’s Oilfield Rental
Mitch and Kay Gautreaux
Ronnie and Paula Gibbens
Gerald and Beth Gossen
Gerald M. Gossen
James and Dianne Gosslee
Charles and Margaret Gower
Greenscape Grounds Management
Ryan and Jeanne Hagle
Barry and Kathleen Heinen
Craig and Jamie Henry
Shawn and Holly Hernandez
Grant and Ashley Hillman
Chad and Carrie Hollier
Casey and Marrie Hoyt
James and Ashley Hutchinson
Patrick and Susan Kane
Stephen and Charlotte Kramer
LA Orthopedic Specialists
Todd and Louise Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Chip Metz
Dal and Leslie Miller
Matthew and Mary Mitchell
Buck Moncla
Stephen and Linda Moore
Kevin and Fran O’Neal
William and Lori Parker
Joshua and Kiley Pellerin
Barbara Poche
J. Michael and Teri Poole
Philip and Tammy Pratt
Rodney a nd Cindi Savoy
James and Libby Sonnier
Luke and Evelyn St. Pierre
Stuller Family Foundation
Kevin and Lauren Swan
The Eddy Knight Family Foundation
Wade Trahan
Jay and Ann Waguespack
Jason and Ginger Welborn
Fred and Babette Werner
Bill and Maureen Whitehead
Ross and Jaime Woodring
Warrior Club
Thomas and Jodie Benton
Penny Bradford
Terry and Cathy Broussard
Daniel Cavell
Wayne and Donna Cespiva
Charity Partners Foundation
Matthew Glenn Courville
Michael and Shannon Dartez
Brian and Michelle Domec
Christine Dunn
George and Alicia Fortenberry
Nebert and Donna Gobert
Pesky and Carol Hill
Ashby and Brenda Landry
James and Betty LeBlanc
Ronald and Vida Lege
Alfred and Gail Lippman
Marlene Lucas
Gillray and Sharon Patin
Andre and Carolyn Perron
Irving Pratt
Carl and Jacquelyn Richard
Scott and Parish Romero
Anna Stefanaski
Donna Steward
Averi Taylor
Friends of Fatima
Thomas and Jodie Benton
Penny Bradford
Terry and Cathy Broussard
Daniel Cavell
Wayne and Donna Cespiva
Charity Partners Foundation
Matthew Glenn Courville
Michael and Shannon Dartez
Brian and Michelle Domec
Christine Dunn
George and Alicia Fortenberry
Nebert and Donna Gobert
Pesky and Carol Hill
Ashby and Brenda Landry
James and Betty LeBlanc
Ronald and Vida Lege
Alfred and Gail Lippman
Marlene Lucas
Gillray and Sharon Patin
Andre and Carolyn Perron
Irving Pratt
Carl and Jacquelyn Richard
Scott and Parrish Romero
Anna Stefanski
Donna Steward
Averi Taylor
Endowment & Memorial
Wilburn and Dorothy Angelle
Jude and Anne Bares
Kenneth and Cheryl Bedenbaugh
Bobbie Bennett
Brad and Linda Bennett
Thomas and Jodie Benton
Mr. P.G. Bernheim, Jr.
Lucia Bivins
Russ and Brenda Bourgeois
Penny Bradford
Harry and Shirley Brady
Brent and Yvette Broussard
Danny and Dena Broussard
Marc and Jacqueline Broussard
Elden and Dotsie Butcher
Thomas and Betty Butcher
Campbell & Riggs
Don and Tish Capretz
Daniel Cavell
Lina Cavell
Wayne and Donna Cespiva
Wayne and Shelley Cestia
James A. Chance
Charity Partners Foundation
Lydia and Charles Cloninger
William and Barbara Conly
Matthew Glenn Courville
Bryan and Danielle Couvillion
John and Sherryl Couvillion
Kevin and Jennifer Couvillion
Mark and Clelie Couvillon
Cox, Cox, Filo, Camel & Wilson, LLC
Kenny and Virginia Crockett
Michael and Shannon Dartez
Brian and Michelle Domec
Andrew and Emily Foreman
Susan M. Foret
George and Alicia Fortenberry
Bonnie Francois
Stephen and Christina Gauthier
Mitch and Kay Gautreaux
William and Marianne Gjertson
Gerald and Beth Gossen
Gerald M. Gossen
Jim and Diane Gossen
Juno and Alice Guedry
Candi Harmon
Pesky and Carol Hill
Chad and Carrie Hollier
James and Ashley Hutchison Todd
and Louise Lambert
Ashby and Brenda Landry
Tim and Sherry Lasley
James and Betty LeBlanc
Marjorie LeBlanc
Tommy and Myra LeBlanc
Ronald and Vida Lege
Alfred and Gail Lippman
Marlene Lucas
Elaine Martin
Mary Karen Martin
Thomas and Lois Martin
Daphne McGee
Ms. Janet Meuleman
Dal and Leslie Miller
Matthew and Mary Mitchell
Thomas and Deidre Montgomery
B.I. Moody
Stephen and Linda Moore
Ms. Philomena Ohlenforst
Ms. Olivier
Kevin and Fran O’Neal
Gillray and Sharon Patin
Jeanne Pellerin
Joshua and Kiley Pellerin
Andre’ and Carolyn Perron
Mr. and Mrs. Pogue
Irving Pratt
Mike and Nancy Reeves
Loretta B. Richard
Riverside Inn
Scott and Parrish Romero
Edward and Angela Schoeffler
Dina F. Segura
James and Libby Sonnier
Anna Stefanski
Donna Steward
Kevin and Lauren Swan
Averi Taylor
The Eddy Knight Family Foundation
Celeste Thorson
Ms. Shirley Tiao
Wade Trahan
Van Eaton & Romero, LLC
Sidney Van Etten
Mrs. Lenore Voorhies
Richard Walters
Dan and Meta White
Bill and Maureen Whitehead
Margaret Zaunbrecher
Brad and Linda Bennett
Thomas and Jodie Benton
Jude and Anne Bares
Robert and Kathy Boulet
Terry and Cathy Broussard
Robert and Ann Butcher
Thomas and Betty Butcher
Wayne and Shelley Cestia
Michael and Shannon Dartez
Blake and Amber David
Chad and Cassie Deshotels
Christine Dunn
Educational Proffessional Services
Cade and Brittany Eskridge
Justin and Alyssa Fontenot
Nebert and Donna Gobert
Gerald and Beth Gossen
Charles and Margaret Gower
Ryan and Jeanne Hagle
Barry and Kathleen Heinen
Craig and Jamie Henry
Shawn and Holly Hernandez
Pesky and Carol Hill
Max and Dianne Hoyt
Patrick and Susan Kane
Stephen and Charlotte Kramer
Charles and Rebecca Kreamer
Todd and Louise Lambert
Bryan and Cally Lege
Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Chip Metz
Matthew and Mary Mitchell
Barbara Poche
J. Michael and Teri Poole
Philip and Tammy Pratt
Carl and Jacquelyn Richard
Rodney and Cindi Savoy
Stuller Family Foundation
Fred and Babette Werner
Bill and Maureen Whitehead
Trey and Dawn Alexander
Jade and Pamela Andrus
Adam Angelle
Philip and Traci Aucoin
Chad and Cherie Bailey
Jude and Anne Bares
Blaine and Tiffani Barrilleaux
Jeffery and Caridad Blum
Byron and Amy Braun
Brad and Kerri Breaux
Mark and Stacy Brown
Gregory and Christine Campo
Marty and Aundria Cannon
Thomas and Dodie Carmichael
Patrick and Amy Chalala
Ronald and Monique Clark
Mark and Donna Comeaux
Michael and Denise Cope
Kevin and Jennifer Couvillion
Stephen and Gwendolyn Delatte
Michael and Kendra Domingue
Jon and Vanessa Duffy
Dwayne and Angela Dugas
Trey and Carla Duhon
Howard and Anne Dupuis
Kory and Bridget Echelard
Cade and Brittany Eskridge
Justin and Alyssa Fontenot
Mackey and Jessica Francis
Bobby and Allison Gauthier
Noris and Elizabeth Guidry
Randall and Crystal Guidry
John and Jennifer Hall
Paul and Suzanne Hebert
Tracy and Kristen Hebert
Jason and Paula Hornback
James and Ashley Hutchison
Randall and Jenny Istre
Heidi Kingston
David and Katherine Laborde
Todd and Louise Lambert
Wynn and Laurel Landry
David and Angie Lippman
Roger and Melissa Logan
Shelly and Brenda Maturin
Craig and Heather McDaniel
Benjamin and Leslie Miller
Buck Moncla
Marc and Ashley Moncla
Matt and Lacey Moncla
James and Michelle Moore
Stephen and Eve Mouton
Jamie and Deanna Parker
William and Lori Parker
Al and Nikie Patin
John and Mary Ann Penny
Thomas and Anne Pesacreta
Philip and Tammy Pratt
Patrick and Janelle Rentrop
James and Jeanne Roberts
Shane and Karen Roy
Sean and Stephanie Skinner
Charles and Catrelle Sonnier
Brian and Nannette St. Cyr
Brett and Lisa Stefanski
Richard and Mary Ellen Stegall
William and Stephanie Stevenson
Geoff and Anjanette Stewart
Charles and Kelly Stringer
Braxton and Melissa Swilley
Aundrea Tauzin
Herman and Ashley Thibeaux
Laura Trahan
Jay and Ann Waguespack
Troy and Cydra Wingerter
Ross and Jaime Woodring
Sam and Ellen Wright
Little Lagniappe
Marta Adair
Pegge Alciatore
Linda Allen
Frank and Dolores Ancona
J. Wayne and Phyllis Andrepont
Dwight and Lisa Andrus
Joseph and Melodie Andrus
Ronald and Joan Arceneaux
Julio and Judith Archila
Greg and Erin Ardoin
Gary and Sheila Arnold
Ralph and Yvonne Artall
Katherine Aycock
Kathy Barnett
Mary Bement
Aubrey and Louella Bergeron
Celina Blanchard
Charles and Deanna Bodin
Michael and Paula Bonneval
Carol Bordelon
John and Dana Bosch
Earl and Andree Bothe
Tony and Leah Bourgeois
Penny Bradford
Harold and Marlene Broussard
Leslie and Dorothy Broussard
Marc and Jacqueline Broussard
Rickey and Paula Broussard
Jerome and Lennie Buller
Ronald and Shirley Burkhead
Steve and Jean Butaud
Leopold and Jeanette Camel
Martin and Janie Cannon
Alice Carlin
Robert and Eleanora Carriker
Mark and Nancy Cazes
Mr. and Mrs. Cefalu
Wayne and Donna Cespiva
Wayne and Goldie Cestia
Carl and Margaret Chaisson
Karl Champagne
Ray and Jackie Chapman
Mike and Suzanne Chauvin
Timothy and Jennifer Chauvin
Danny and Sally Comb
Herb and Teri Comeaux
James and Anita Cooper
Joy Cope
Kevin and Jennifer Couvillion
Rose Cox
Lawrence and Mary Cramer
Kevin and Chandra Crane
Michael Cronin
Todd and Angela Cullen
Anna Cunningham
Blake and Amber David
Don and Jeanette Deaton
Edward and Veldene Delatte
Stewart and Renee Delcambre
Son and Tam Do
Marie Doiron
Brian and Michelle Domec
Patrick and Donna Domec
Mr. and Mrs. Domingue
Christopher and Ashley Domingue
Ravely and Renee’ Domingue
David and Brenda Dooley
Wayde and Krissy Dowden
Richard and Susan Dronet
Whybra and Carolyn Duay
Dorothy Ducote
Marlon and Paula Duhon
Whitney and Nancye Duhon
Barry and Carol Duplechin
Robert and Kristi Eames
Jerry and Dana Erwin
Robert and Angela Fangue
Joseph and Mae Faul
Molli Finnegan
David Fisher
John and Linda Fontenot
Justin and Alyssa Fontenot
Andrew and Emily Foreman
Bonnie Francois
Darrell and Mary Catherine Francois
Fred and Teresa Fraser
Robert and Suzy Freeman
Joel and Cheryl Fruge
George Fuhrer
Terry and Lima Fuselier
Dennis and Mitzi Gardner
Wayne and Ellen Gary
Bobby and Allison Gauthier
Robert and Patti Gauthier
Harvey and Sara Girouard
Rustum and Alice Girouard
Nebert and Donna Gobert
Earl and Ellen Gondron
Daniel and Jeanette Gonsoulin
James and Dianne Gosslee
Anne Groce
Ralph and Juanita Guerin
Albert and Mary Guidry
Aubrey and Pearl Guidry
Toni Guidry
Ken and Brenda Guilbeau
Carrol and Charlotte Guinn
Marion and Dorothy Guirovich
Ken and Miriam Guthrie
Gerald and Jamie Guzzino
Rosalind Guzzino
Aaron and Marie Hanks
Josette Hargett
Mr. and Mrs. Harris
Robert and Romaona Harveson
Bobby and Fe Haydel
Jack and Kathleen Hebert
Son and Tam Do
Marie Doiron
Brian and Michelle Domec
Patrick and Donna Domec
Mr. and Mrs. Domingue
Christopher and Ashley Domingue
Ravely and Renee’ Domingue
David and Brenda Dooley
Wayde and Krissy Dowden
Richard and Susan Dronet
Whybra and Carolyn Duay
Dorothy Ducote
Marlon and Paula Duhon
Whitney and Nancye Duhon
Barry and Carol Duplechin
Robert and Kristi Eames
Jerry and Dana Erwin
Robert and Angela Fangue
Joseph and Mae Faul
Molli Finnegan
David Fisher
John and Linda Fontenot
Justin and Alyssa Fontenot
Andrew and Emily Foreman
Bonnie Francois
Darrell and Mary Catherine Francois
Fred and Teresa Fraser
Robert and Suzy Freeman
Joel and Cheryl Fruge
George Fuhrer
Terry and Lima Fuselier
Dennis and Mitzi Gardner
Wayne and Ellen Gary
Bobby and Allison Gauthier
Robert and Patti Gauthier
Harvey and Sara Girouard
Rustum and Alice Girouard
Nebert and Donna Gobert
Earl and Ellen Gondron
Daniel and Jeanette Gonsoulin
James and Dianne Gosslee
Anne Groce
Ralph and Juanita Guerin
Albert and Mary Guidry
Aubrey and Pearl Guidry
Toni Guidry
Ken and Brenda Guilbeau
Carrol and Charlotte Guinn
Marion and Dorothy Guirovich
Ken and Miriam Guthrie
Gerald and Jamie Guzzino
Rosalind Guzzino
Aaron and Marie Hanks
Josette Hargett
Mr. and Mrs. Harris
Robert and Romaona Harveson
Bobby and Fe Haydel
Jack and Kathleen Hebert
Nancy Hebert
Craig and Jamie Henry
Rodley Henry
George and Judy Herman
Tony and Kay Herpin
Michael and Darlene Hillman
Gayle Howell
Billy and Heidi Hughes
Kenneth Hunter
Daniel and Laura Hurley
John and Cathy Indest
Greg and Rachel Inzerella
James and Elsie Judice
Kim and Kay Judice
Patrick and Susan Kane
Dirk and Evelyn Kavanagh
Kelly Kavanagh
Doug and Gloria Keller
Cindy Kern
Phil and Jane Kramer
Charles and Rebecca Kreamer
Ricky and Cecile LaFleur
Therian and Marlaine LaFleur
Stephen and Carla Lambousy
Craig and Lorie Landry
Gene and Yvonne Landry
John and Sandra Landry
Richard and Sally Lane
Larry Lantier
Expadie and Linda Laperouse
Tim and Sherry Lasley
James and Kathy Laurent
Wayne and Trudy LaVergne
Allen LeBlanc
James and Betty LeBlanc
Larry and Rose LeBlanc
Robert and Katherine LeBlanc
Terry and Lou LeBlanc
Mr. and Mrs. William LeBlanc
Alfred and Gail Lippman
David and Angie Lippman
Salvador and Pam Longo
Marlene Lucas
Madge Madona
Bart and Monica Mancuso
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Manuel
George and Paula Marcotte
Troy and Lynette Martin
Cesar and Vivien Mascarinas
Kerry and Dale Matherne
Michael and Audrey McBride
Mr. and Mrs. McFarland
Timothy and Pamela McFarland
Patrick and Marsha McLaughlin
Rod and Lynn Meagher
Benjie and Debra Meaux
Kim and Lynn Menard
Robert and Paula Merrill
Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Chip Metz
Samuel and Dorothy Miano
Donald and Bonnie Mickal
Mark and Yvonne Mitchell
Andre’ and Ellen Montagnet
Starr Moore
Jane Moreau
Kevin and Linda Murnane
Betty Nugent
Bruce and Gay Odell
Keith and Cindy Patin
Hank and Debbie Perret
Raymond and Ann Pete
Kraig and Glynis Peterson
Jeannine Piazza
J. Michael and Teri Poole
Irving Pratt
Fernand Privat
John and Barbara Privat
Allan and Janet Quiring
Norris and Collette Rader
David and Debra Reed
Garland and Marlene Reed
James and Lyndel Renoudet
George and Nancy Richard
James and Jeanne Roberts
Danley and Adele Romero
Neil and Kelly Romero
Scott and Parrish Romero
Joseph and Mary Ryan
Timothy and Anne Ryan
Bill and Anne Savard
Rodney and Cindi Savoy
Don and Judy Sayes
Marion and Barbara Sebastian
Marilyn Seiler
Eugene and Phallie Sellers
Jimmy and Virginia Shea
Bernie and Mary Beth Sloane
Charles and Louise Smith
Rosemary Smith
James and Libby Sonnier
Terry and Jeanette St. Cyr
Phern Stagg
Jack and Jennifer Stelly
Russell and Dolores Stelly
Donna Steward
Sonny and Marie Stout
Roger and Theresa Strojny
Lance and Rachel Stutes
Kevin and Lauren Swan
Braxton and Melissa Swilley
Donald and Barbara Taylor
Elvin and Belinda Taylor
Larry and Annette Theriot
David and Alexis Trahan
Ken and Lisa Trahan
Michael and Sara Trammell
Jim and Carmellitte Venturella
Calvin and Jeanie Viator
Lester and Eileen Vicknair
Fred and Linda Vollman
Jason and Effie Waguespack
John and Pat Walker
Danny and Beverly Wheeler
Hal and Carita Wilson
Jeff and Jennifer Wood
Michael and Ann Wood
Alumini Association
Acadian Orthodontics
Brandon E. Breaux Real Estate
Courtesy Motors
Christine Dunn
Kory and Bridget Echelard
Elizabeth Gossen, CPA
Fisher Early Childhood Development
Center, Inc
Fournier Chiropractic & Rehab Center
Louisiana Concrete Pumpers, LLC
Louisiana Orthopaedic Specialists
John and Ashley Martin
McGill Precision Waterjet
Navigation Electronics
Neighbors Pharmacy
Olde Tyme Grocery
Physical Therapy South, Inc.
Quality Plus Insurance
Red’s Health Club
S&R Resources, Inc.
The Dance Warehouse Inc.
Jay and Ann Waguespack
Jade and Pamela Andrus
Chad and Gretchen Bodin
Marc and Colleen Comeaux
Craig and Jamie Henry
Kristy Kennedy
Mike Malone, DDS & Associates
Benjamin and Leslie Miller
Navigation Electronics
Alison Penton
Price Family Dentistry
Robert M’s
Shoe La La
The Strand
William S. Nacol Jewelry
D.E.C. Resource, Library, Enrichments
and Miscellaneous
Lynn and Gayle Guidry
Donors !!
Our Lady of Fatima School
Foundation-Financial Statement
School Year 2014-2015
Tuition & Fees
Afterschool Care/MDO
Out of Parish
Perpetual Maintenance
Diocesan Subsidies
Required State Services
Interest & Dividends
Partners in Education
Grants & Donations
Parents’ Club
Booster club
Athletic- Other
Prepaid Expenses
Building & Equipment
Less: Depreciation
Total Assets
Extra Curricular
Total Liabilities & Deferred Revenue $6,311,911
(Concessions, Student Participation
Fees, Intramurals)
(Clubs, Yearbook, Alumni, School Play,
Student Directory)
Accrued Salaries, Benefits, Taxes
Accounts Payable
Unearned Tuition and Fees
Total Revenue
Employee Salaries
Employee Benefits
Depreciation Expense
Plant Maintenance
Parents’ Club
Athletics (student activities)
Tuition Grants (scholarships)
Alumni, Clubs, Yearbook,
Student Directory, Awards, Website
Computer Technology
Building & Special Projects
Diocesan Tax
Miscellaneous Expense
Total Expenses
Revenues Over Expenses
Unrestricted Funds-Prior Year
Restricted Funds - Prior Year
Current Year Activity
Total Fund Balance
Total Liabilities,Deferred Revenue
& Fund Balance
Our Lady of Fatima School Foundation
Balance Sheet As of June 30, 2014 at Fair Market Value
Cash Reserves
Marketable Securities
Total Assets
Fund Balance

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