planning and building for health
planning and building for health
08/2010 Healthcare planning and building for health FROM HOsPITAL TO HEALTHCARE CENTRE Project: Children's centre KIZ of State Hospital Innsbruck - University Hospitals, concept: Nickl & Partner Architects, Munich, photo: Stefan Mueller-Naumann, Munich The construction and renovation of hospitals, health centres, doctors' surgeries or nursing homes is a challenge for architects. One of the objectives is to increase the level of comfort for patients and staff through modern and attractive rooms. On the other hand, functional requirements such as robustness and hygiene must also be satisfied. And of course completion in record time is required while keeping the building operational. Knauf provides 'constructive' support and product solutions that are both intelligent and performance-oriented for these large projects. CoNtENts taBlE oF CoNtENts more hygiene and reduced maintenance costs – from flush solutions to clean room quality. 4 lead-free X-ray shielding – flexible, efficient and sustainable. 8 sturdy and durable walls – to withstand rigorous day-to-day work in the hospital. 10 Quick access to the building's technology in the walls, floors and ceilings – thought-out solutions for any requirements. 12 wet rooms – creative designs and safe planning. 18 Fastening technology – quality that delivers what it promises. 20 strong floor systems as a basis for functional solutions. 22 Improved room acoustics for promoting the rehabilitation process. 24 space-saving concepts in lean and high-performance designs. 26 architecturally inspiring spaces – with the implementation of aesthetically demanding engineering. 28 High degree of planning and product safety through proven quality Efficient cost and improved performance Years of experience in the health sector Freedom of design for architects through innovative and economic systems Consulting and on-site support Compliance with all specific requirements such as X-ray shielding, durability and hygiene sustainable construction methods – solutions for sociological, economical and ecological criteria Energy-efficient renovation with innovative insulation solutions. 32 Impressive reference case studies – designed by well-known architects. 34 discover successful strategies for modern healthcare rooms Knauf provides room solutions for a wide range of requirements – complete service packages from a single source. 2_3 PERFECT HYGIENE H YG I E N E Hygienically clean surfaces are first and foremost the result of design details that do not allow the formation of dust or the accumulation of dirt. This is why Knauf primarily focuses on flush-mounted surface solutions when dealing with the subject of hygiene. This guarantees that the surfaces, while aesthetically appealing, remain hygienically clean over the long term and are easy to maintain. ComplEtEd wall CoNstruCtIoNs Elimination of dust, dirt, and germs – through optimum product characteristics and intelligent finish details. Knauf drywall systems, e. g. with Knauf diamant Jointless coating by using extremely smooth surfaces as a basis Flush-mounted application High degree of stability and impact resistance through extreme hardness Dependable fire protection in GKFI-quality according to DIN EN 520/DIN 18180 Knauf Insulation partition wall insulation, e. g. with Knauf Insulation partition wall-insulation board tp 115 Sound protection optimisation INtEGratEd plINtH ElEmENts No dust or dirty edges thanks to flush-mounted transitions between the plinth and the floor. Knauf aluminium hygiene plinth Decorative hygienic connection to the floor F90 fire protection in spite of the rear-fitted, flush-mounted cladding FlusH-mouNtEd INstallatIoN Very easy flush-mounted integration, e. g. of mirrors, through Knauf drywall constructions with different types of cladding. Knauf soundboard Hidden loud speakers installed in the surface without joints amF soundmosaic Surface mounted loud speakers that blend into the ceiling format MORE HYGIENE BUT WITH LOWER-COsT MAINTENANCE 4_5 OPERATION 'CLEAN ROOM' Project: Orthopaedic children's Hospital Aschau, concept: Nickl & Partner Architects, Munich, photo: Stefan Müller-Naumann, Munich H YG I E N E It is imperative that the air in operating theatres and laboratories remains dust and germ free. Therefore, all elements including the ceiling system must comply with the highest standards regarding particle emissions. AMF hygiene ceilings are approved for clean rooms and are equipped with special antimicrobe features. Hygienic and robust walls are constructed with the water and mould-resistant cement board AQUAPANEL®. It is immune to disinfectants and high-pressure cleaners. aNtI-mICroBE CoatING Improved hygienic conditions in hospitals through bactericide and fungistatic components in the ceiling boards. amF HYGENa-components Prevent numerous fungi and bacteria from spreading Available for all THERMATEX ceilings ClEaN room CEIlINGs Customised solutions for operating theatres – in compliance with regulatory guidelines. amF clean room ceilings Approved for the following classes of clean rooms: Iso classes according to Iso 14644-1 Iso-class 4 T HERMATEX Thermaclean S* THERMATEX simple* Iso-class 5 T HERMATEX Thermaclean S Iso-class 6 T HERMATEX Thermofon THERMATEX combination metal* Iso-class 7 T HERMATEX simple *Joint sealer with acrylic wall sYstEms Long-term durable solutions that provide the highest level of protection and comply with hygiene requirements aQuapaNEl® cement board indoor Will not deteriorate in water Resistant to mould Recommended biological building material Bending and impact resistant Non-flammable, building class A1 Fire protection up to F120 possible High noise protection up to 61 db Rw,R PROVEN QUALITY FOR THE CLEANEsT OF CLEAN ROOM CONDITIONs 6_7 LEAD-FREE ATMOsPHERE Lead-clad walls are often used for protection against X-rays. Knauf Safeboard is a lead-free alternative to conventional X-ray shielding walls. They are more flexible in design, easier to handle, result in less construction costs overall and are proven to be safe! X-raY sHIEldING walls Distinct design advantage: a safe lead-free X-ray shielding board that can be installed just like a 'normal' drywall construction board. Knauf safeboard 100 % X-ray shielding with 0 % lead Flexible design with folding and bending technology Environmentally friendly for disposal later Cost-efficient application in comparison to conventional lead constructions Knauf Insulation partition wall insulation, e. g. with Knauf Insulation partition wallinsulation board tp 115 Sound protection optimisation EXamplE CalCulatIoNs orthopaedic practice Tube voltage X-ray device: 90 (kV) Lead equivalence: 1.5 Lead equivalence: 1.5* Solution: Cladding with 2 x Knauf Safeboard + 2 x Knauf Diamant medical practice Tube voltage X-ray device: 80 (kV) Lead equivalence: 3.0* Lead equivalence: 3.0 Solution: Cladding with 4 x Knauf Safeboard + 2 x Knauf Diamant A double layer cladding with 12.5 mm Diamant increases the lead equivalence of the wall by 0.1 Pb. * In order to attain the required lead equivalence, the number of board layers must be calculated according to the tube voltage of the X-ray device. X - r aY s H I E l d I N G ECONOMICAL X-RAY sHIELDING WITH LAsTING EFFECT. 8_9 sTRENGTHENING DEFENCE sYsTEMs Project: Doctor's Office Frankfurt am Main, concept: Ian Shaw Architects, Frankfurt am Main, photo: Thomas Ott, Muehltal wa ll s Emergency situations, hospital bed scrapes, transport damage – walls have to endure a lot during rigorous day-to-day work in the hospital. Knauf provides robust wall constructions that withstand virtually all types of traffic. In practice, this means long-life maintenance-free walls which delay the need for renovation and offer favourable operating costs. wall sYstEms Robust walls that withstand the everyday hectic atmosphere of a hospital – for a lifetime. Knauf diamant drywall construction boards High degree of stability and impact resistance through extreme hardness Mechanical strength and crack-resistant Dependable fire protection in GKFI quality according to DIN EN 520/DIN 18180 Increased quietness levels through high-performance noise protection up to 63 dB RW,R Knauf Integral GIFatec 1500 Impact and abrasion resistance through special ceramic coating Resistant to chemicals and cleaning agents Knauf Insulation partition wall insulation, e. g. with Knauf Insulation partition wall insulation strips tI 140 t Sound protection optimisation plastEr sYstEms aNd Colours Unbeatable surface hardness even with plaster – for a long-term aesthetic surface. Knauf mp 75 diamant gypsum plaster Also for use in heavy-duty areas Compressive strength over 6 N/mm² Health richness of colour without constraints: Knauf interior colours are available in more than 800 colour tones. Free of preservatives and fogging active substances, neutral in odour and solvent-free – for a healthy atmosphere. LONG-LAsTING AND ROBUsT WALLs FOR RIGOROUs DAY-TO-DAY WORK IN THE HOsPITAL. 10_11 PERFECT sUPPLY sYsTEM I N t E G r a t I o N o F t E C H N o l o GY Rapid technological advances are being made especially in the healthcare sector. Today's building services and medical technology may already be out of date by tomorrow. Therefore it is all the more important to create infrastructures for future adjustments. Knauf installation shaft walls and hollow floors are ideal for future-proofing a project. sHaFt wall sYstEms Hiding as much technology as possible but always maintaining access. Knauf installation shaft wall-systems provide the optimum solution for any standard required. Extremely lean and free-spanning constructions with Knauf W628 Type A Unlimited shaft width with Knauf W629 Lean fire protection with Knauf K251 installation shaft wall with single-layer Fireboard-cladding High-level noise protection with Knauf W635 Very high wall installations with Knauf W630 sHEEt-paNEllEd aCCEss Floors The 'hollow floor' system allows for optimum utilisation of the room and direct access to the technical installations – right where they are needed. Even in the middle of the room. Knauf Integral GIFafloor FHB Maintenance openings possible in any position Access for maintenance and retrofitting with no problem Adjustable for different floor levels Able to absorb high loads Free choice of floor covering CONTINUOUs ACCEss TO THE TECHNOLOGY – sIMPLE AND FAsT 12_13 aCCEss paNEls The hygiene requirements in hospitals and doctors' surgeries are high. Therefore, Knauf has developed panels for accessing lines and installations which are dust-proof, airtight and protect against splashing water when closed. They are flush-mounted and aligned exactly with each surface – and therefore have no negative effect on the appearance of the room. Knauf alutop – the right access panel for any building structure: Fire protection qualities from F30 to F90 Airtight and dust-proof constructions up to class 4 Disinfectant-proof in compliance with TRGS 522 X-ray shielding with Knauf Safeboard board inlay Exact alignment of the tiles in sanitary areas Knauf alutop access panels are universally applicable for all ceilings, wall, and shaft wall systems in conventional cladding thicknesses. The panels have an anodised exterior frame with a side-swivelling and completely removable cover. Retrofit installation is possible at any time. I N t E G r a t I o N o F t E C H N o l o GY tECHNICal CENtrEs One of the greater challenges in medical buildings is the integration of technical rooms. The housing of technical equipment must be carried out efficiently with a high level of interior and exterior fire protection especially when retrofitting is involved. The room-in-room system Knauf Cubo utilises special cladding, e. g. Knauf Fireboard, to satisfy even the highest standards of fire protection. The light system construction enables individual designs, can be installed without problem and is therefore ready for use in a short time. As a result, attractively designed technical rooms can be efficiently constructed. A base version with a noise protection value of at least 40 dB is attained by cladding Knauf Cubo with Knauf Diamant boards. This prevents disturbing noises from the technical room from reaching the outside. With a ceiling height that can be adjusted between 2 m and 3.70 m the Knauf Cubo can function as a free-standing enclosure or it can be attached to an existing wall. There is no limit to the length. 14_15 ALL GOOD THINGs COME FROM ABOVE. Project: Break room and cafeteria, Munich, photograph: Rolf Nachbar, Reichenberg I N t E G r a t I o N o F t E C H N o l o GY The ideal situation for ceiling constructions in the hospital: practical access to all installations but at the same time aesthetic in design. Ceiling systems from Knauf and AMF incorporate both functionality and elements of design. Even lighting and maintenance components can be harmoniously integrated. sElF-supportING CEIlING sYstEms The perfectly smooth ceiling system allows services and cables to simply disappear. spacious design with Knauf d131 Self-supporting system with metal stud framework CW/UW Span width up to 4.5 m Larger span width through centre suspension F30 Fire protection Improved fire protection with Knauf K219 Self-supporting Fireboard-ceiling A1 with stud framework Span width up to 4.0 m F90 fire protection modulE CEIlING sYstEm System solutions for simple assembly and continuous wall access Easier access to installations with amF Visible system C Visible rail constructions, with boards that can be individually removed Ideal for wide corridors: amF Free-spanning system F Up to 2.5 m span width Flexible room design with amF parallel-system I Parallel running ceiling constructions in panel format with main profiles that are visible Simple partition wall splices subtle and even optic through amF Concealed system a With concealed construction profiles Fire protection from the top and bottom with amF system F30 uno Including fire protection High installation and cable density is a significant challenge for fire protection capabilities. All the ceiling systems from Knauf and AMF satisfy the demanding fire protection regulations. Separate corridor and room ceilings Profit from extraordinary architectural freedom through numerous surface designs with different characteristics (e. g. HYGENA features). MORE ATTRACTIVE, MORE PRACTICAL 'sTORAGE ROOM' FOR INsTALLATIONs. 16_17 DIAGNOsIs: sUITABLE FOR WET ROOMs Project: Agatharied Miesbach Hospital, concept: Nickl & Partner Architects, Munich, photo: Stefan Müller-Naumann, Munich wEt room No matter whether it is water in patient rooms, visitor WCs, rehabilitation rooms or canteen kitchens: Knauf drywall construction boards can be used efficiently. They have flexible applications in damp and wet rooms through the selection of board type and open up more freedom of design. Boards For moIsturE-proNE rooms For satisfying the high demands placed on boards that are moisture resistant and as an ideal basis for all ceramic coverings. Knauf diamant Reliable resistance to moisture through impregnation For all rooms that are occasionally exposed to splashing water, e. g. sanitary facilities in hospital rooms, and break rooms in the visitor and staff areas Knauf aQuapaNEl® cement board indoor Cement-bonded drywall construction boards For rooms with continuous exposure to splashing water, e. g. showers, canteen kitchens and bathing areas As single layer constructions already suitable for ceramic coverings wall surFaCE INstallatIoN/saNIstaNd Safe and fast mounting of suspended sanitary objects with intelligent drywall constructions. Knauf sanitary mounting parts Durable sanistand combinations Stable walls for the safe mounting of washbasins or toilets Barrier-free constructions that are easy to install wall surface installation with Knauf support elements Installation ducts in the hollow area Quick assembly without expensive mortising work sAFE AND CREATIVE DEsIGN OF WET ROOMs. 18_19 DURABLE TOP PERFORMERs Televisions, washbasins and medical devices are heavy loads for any wall. With the right fastening elements up to 150 kg/lm can be permanently and safely anchored in a drywall construction. Knauf has numerous solutions for this purpose – including simple dowels, cross-heads and support stands. mouNtING tECHNoloGY There are universal dowels and special dowels – the right mounting for almost every support or cantilever load. For example: Knauf Hartmut cavity dowel High long-term load capacity Load capacity up to 65 kg per dowel on the walls For metal stud partitions or suspended ceilings Support stands and cross-heads with double cladding do a good job for constellations with over 0.7 kN/m to 1.5 kN/m length walls. mouNtING sYstEms Unattractive washbasins and undesirable cables in wet rooms are concealed easily and efficiently. Knauf furrings With any cladding, e. g. for fire or sound protection. Knauf support stands and cross-heads The unseen powerhouses, e. g. for washbasins up to 200 kg, or cross-heads for wall-suspended loads up to 1.5 kN/m wall length. LAsTING sTABILITY, QUICK AND EAsY TO INsTALL. mouNtING 20_21 A HEALTHY BAsIs. Project: Centre for Dentistry, Hamburg, concept: J. Mayer H. Architects, Hamburg, photo: Ludger Paffrath, Hamburg Floor Doctors, visitors, wheelchairs, patient beds and emergency situations – the floors in hospitals and doctors’ surgeries must withstand heavy loads on a daily basis. In addition, they must assume other functions such as heating and cooling. Knauf offers comprehensiveknow-how – and custom-made solutions for satisfying all demands placed on the floor. sHEEt-paNEllEd aCCEss Floors Quick to install, flexible to use, easy to access – a sheet-panelled access floor is the ideal solution for high density installation in the hospital. Knauf Integral GIFafloor FHB Heavy-duty floor elements made of gypsum fibre Suitable for all installation duct options prEFaBrICatEd sCrEEd Ideal for renovation projects where impact and noise protection at a low installation height (18 to 23 mm) are required. Knauf prefabricated screed Brio Ready for covering and load-capable after just one day lightweight surFaCE HEatING / CoolING Can be used to save energy and costs – with high degree of thermal conductivity and comfortable temperature control. Knauf self-levelling floor screed With few joints and with no depressions on the perimeter for a hygienic surface For optimum heat emission and distribution Knauf Floor levelling screed 425 The renovation solution for thin-layered floor temperature control Low installation height 20 mm Also suitable for installation over existing screed as an upgrade Knauf Integral GIFafloor FHB plus Klima Short drying times Low installation height sTURDY FLOOR sYsTEMs, QUICK TO INsTALL. 22_23 INTACT ROOM ACOUsTICs Project: Administrative Area, Hamburg, photo: Photo design Andreas Braun, Hameln C E IlING & aCoustIC s For both staff and patients: pleasant room acoustics always increase the level of comfort. Intelligent ceiling systems from Knauf absorb irritating noises, prevent long reverberation times and promote a calm and relaxed atmosphere. Many functions such as acoustics, room temperature and lighting can be bundled in a well-thought-out ceiling concept. aCoustIC CEIlINGs The best sound absorption values with maximum freedom of design. Knauf Cleaneo® acoustic design ceiling Seamless and solid ceiling surface with variable perforation pattern Equipped with standard air-cleaning effect amF tHErmatEX acoustic range Replaceable acoustic ceilings with fleece-coated smooth surface for excellent hygiene properties Large range of acoustic properties (reflecting, absorbent and even highly absorbent) Can be installed in combinations – depending on the level of acoustic performance required spECIal aCoustICal produCts Ideal for an upgrade installation – and for adding design features. amF Canopy sonic sky Flexible canopy system that can be used to selectively attenuate and divert sound. amF Baffles For additional absorption surface in the room at a higher aesthetic level and more function. REGULATED ROOM ACOUsTICs, sET IN AN AEsTHETIC BACKGROUND 24_25 PLAsTIC CORRECTION Project: Doctor's Surgery Kolbermoor, concept: Quest Architects, Rosenheim s p a C E - s aV I N G C o N C E p t s Space is valuable. Knauf solutions ensure that space available can be used effectively. These solutions employ lean high-performance constructions that take little space but still satisfy all structural requirements. In addition, through innovative room-in-room systems unused surface space can be utilised to carry out new functions. lEaN wall sYstEms Unique: extra-lean wall system with a noise-protection rating that is incomparable. Knauf silentboard Ensures a quiet and discrete atmosphere up to 74 dB RW Universally applicable in new and existing buildings room-IN-room sYstEm A real gain in space: more options for use are created through simple and flexible integration in the existing architecture. Knauf Cubo Room height from 2 m to 370 m Unlimited room length Fire protection up to F90 slIdING door sYstEms For for a substantial saving of space without swinging doors and to facilitate access for disabled people and those using wheelchairs. Knauf Krona Kit Variable passage widths and heights Recommended for barrier-free construction sAVE sPACE AND UTILIsE IT EFFICIENTLY 26_27 AEsTHETIC INTERVENTIONs Project: Doctor’s Surgery Munich, concept: Teamwerk-Architekten, Munich room aEstHEtICs Wellness zones instead of a hospital atmosphere: drywall systems from Knauf are almost predestined for modern utilisation concepts and architecturally inspiring spaces. No matter if concave, convex, as wall-wave or room cocoon – the level of creativity has no limits and no compromises need to be made with regard to complex technical requirements. CurVEd wall CoNstruCtIoNs Any creative idea can be implemented quickly and without fuss. Free choice of form design with Knauf sinus profile system Easy to assemble with few fastening points Bendable in both directions Flexible radii possible CrEatIVE surFaCE solutIoNs Surprising effects for the perfect conclusion of a successful room design Free choice of surface designs with GIFatec composite structures Individual design options with all conceivable surface finishes Homogeneous and flush elements made of gypsum fibre material (building material class A) provide the basis for unlimited creativity. wall rEJuVENatIoN Constant performance values during 'docking' onto narrow façade frames (e. g. with glass frames) are achieved despite the rejuvenation. Knauf wall rejuvenation The required noise and fire protection standards are satisfied with Knauf Fireboard despite the 48 mm narrow construction. FREELY PLAN AND DEsIGN ROOMs – WITH EAsE. 28_29 BEAUTY Is A MATTER OF FORM Project: Centre for Dentistry, Hamburg, concept: J. Mayer H. Architects, Hamburg, photo: Ludger Paffrath, Hamburg room aEstHEtICs Hospitals often have practical and sombre designs. More and more architects are proving that it can be different. Elements that have greater visual impact make the room more attractive and promote the healing process of patients – no matter whether round, curved or formed with special edges. With Knauf the endless design options for drywall construction become visible, aesthetically feasible and efficient to implement. dEsIGN uNIt ElEmENts Creative playfulness is allowed – with moulded parts from Knauf no limits are placed on innovative interior architecture. Knauf mitering and moulding technology Any angle or construction is possible with V-milling Curve elements of all types with radii starting at 70 mm High-quality surfaces without additional filling Suitable for many types of Knauf boards – depending on structural requirements Knauf domes Flat domes as prefabricated construction kits Individual domes (monastery, shield, cross, mirror arch etc.) CEIlING ElEmENts Acoustically and optically perfect – ideal for retrofit installation. amF tHErmatEX sonic sky Optimum room acoustics through flexible canopy system Convex and concave elements as well as flat canopies in special formats (e. g. triangles, trapezoid) Easy integration of light and technology Creative surface design possible (printed, coloured) ATTRACTIVE CEILINGs AND ROOM DEsIGN – INNOVATIVE AND FLEXIBLE. 30_31 HEALTH AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY The heating and temperature control of the rooms results in high costs, especially in large buildings such as hospitals – which is a classic symptom of the absence of an efficient energy plan. The flat roofs and ceilings of unheated areas such as basements or utility rooms are also thoroughly checked as with the façade during the course of energy-efficient renovation measures. Knauf provides tested insulation systems for the exterior and interior. This enables the building to be optimised for energy efficiency according to specific standards. Flat rooFs Flat roofs are subject to numerous types of stress from the environment such as moisture penetration. Here, special emphasis must be placed on the pitch of the roof to ensure that rainwater is properly drained without causing any damage. Solutions from Knauf Insulation provide safe and effective insulation for the roof – e. g. by installing a high-quality downward-sloping roof system based on pressure-resistant insulation material. BasEmENt CEIlINGs INsulatIoN As much as 15 % of the heating costs can be saved by effectively insulating the basement ceiling. The installation of the insulation is simple and straightforward. Additional plaster is not necessary with the Heratekta ceiling insulation board type optic. Further information on insulation solutions can be found at E N E rGY- E F F I C I E Nt rE N oVatI o N INtErIor HEat INsulatIoN Heritage façades, property-line buildings or building configurations that must be maintained all require intelligent interior insulation solutions. The Knauf InTherm composite board with its thin format creates more space and also saves a significant amount of energy. Insulation wedges and reveal plates completely eliminate the formation of thermal bridges. The insulation board TecTem® from Knauf Perlite automatically and naturally regulates dampness by absorbing condensation and then releases it after a time delay whenever dampnessapexes in the room air should be buffered. Natural mineral wool insulation materials with ECosE ® technology Glass wool insulation materials from Knauf Insulation are produced from natural sources and/or recycled materials and bonded with ECOSE® Technology, a binder that is free of formaldehyde, phenol or acrylic and without artificial colours, bleach or dye. Based on fast renewable resources the new binder is characterised by a reduction in the energy balance, when compared to conventional binders, of up to 70 %. This proves that the environmentally friendly mineral wool insulation material from Knauf Insulation is a further step towards improving sustainability. tHErmal INsulatIoN ComposItE sYstEms Approximately 30 % of heating costs are lost due to uninsulated outer walls. Thermal insulation composite systems from Knauf Marmorit primarily increase the level of heat insulation in a building. The system WARM-WAND Plus also increases the noise and fire protection level of the building. Fine mineral finishing plasters and colours from Knauf Marmorit are used to create the perfect façade. LOWER ENERGY COsTs – INNOVATIVE, EFFICIENT AND sIMPLE. 32_33 lIKE a FIsH IN watEr The children's dental practice triggered a wave of enthusiasm on the Kollwitzplatz in Berlin. The former workshop and shop space was redesigned by the architects whose fantastical designs incorporated water to create a caring atmosphere to reduce the children's fear of the dentist. An excellent example of the creative installation of drywall technology. masterpiece of engineering: High-quality drywall products were used for an impressive design of the wave. Prefabricated moulded parts with different bending radii were used and other form boards were curved on location for this purpose. CasE studIEs Case study: Children's Dental Practice, Berlin owner: Dr. Dent Mokabberi, Berlin design: GRAFT Architects, Berlin project management: Dipl.-Ing. Gunhild Niggemeyer, Berlin drywall construction: Frömmig & Scheffler, Lichtenstein technical consultants: Jens Schmeer, Knauf Gips KG Knauf services: Specially designed wall constructions made of 100 x 100 mm square tubes and Knauf CW 50 profiles. Some of the radii were clad with Knauf moulded parts and 4 layers of 6.5 mm thick form boards were mounted on the other surfaces at the site. Ceiling constructions according to the Knauf standard of ceiling under ceiling with F 90 base celing and a visible suspended ceiling with integrated lighting. 34_35 duraBlE room Colours Patients and visitors find a surprisingly comfortable hospital atmosphere in the newly constructed 'Health Centre' on the vineyard in Kassel. Curving organic forms with soft shades of colour tones create the character of the hospital and have a relaxing effect. From the beginning the architects planned to install high-quality Diamant drywall boards in order to guarantee a high degree of robustness and durability despite the creative design. Furthermore, the quality of the surface allowed for the selection of any colour concept or type of finish. Individual interior fittings – independent of the architecture The interior fittings were installed for the most part using Knauf Diamant drywall systems. This made it possible to implement creative refinements efficiently and individually independent of the exterior building forms. The particularly sturdy Diamant surface also satisfies the special requirements with respect to fire and noise protection. Impact protection is attached to prevent mechanical damage. CasE studIEs Photo: Editor for drywall and acoustics, Fabian Linden Case study: Elisabeth Hospital, Kassel Newly constructed health centre, extension building 2. BA owner: Elisabeth-Hospital GmbH, Kassel design and concept: Bieling Architects, Kassel Kurt J. Bieling Interior finishing: OKEL GmbH & Co. KG, Diemelstadt Knauf services: Knauf Diamant Knauf system W112, W115 and W116 as installation wall Knauf furrings W626 Knauf Cleaneo® Acoustic Ceiling D127 HOWA ceramic wall covering (carrier panel GIFAtec from Knauf Integral), adapted to the colour concept 36_37 FrEE spaCE to BrEatHE An extension and an upgrade have taken place at the Children's Centre KIZ State and University Hospital located in the centre of Innsbruck. The renovation took place while the building was operational. Nickl & Partner were able to combine old with new without creating a noticeable break in style. This significant architectural challenge was delivered using high-quality drywall construction and an extraordinary building was created that perfectly combines modern functionality with aesthetic design. Here, young patients have access to the best medical care as well as a comfortable and friendly atmosphere that promotes healing. CasE studIEs Extending and upgrading the building during the ongoing operation of the hospital – a challenge for architects and craftsmen. Case study: Children's Centre KIZ of the State Hospital in Innsbruck − University Hospitals owner: TILAK Tiroler State Hospital GmbH, Innsbruck architects: Nickl & Partner Architects, Munich drywall construction: TBM Innenausbau GmbH, Bergheim wellness with in an atmosphere of colour and light The newly constructed Children's Centre is a friendly and modern building full of light. A calming architectural concept with a light and open style of construction facilitates the integration of functional areas in an atmosphere that is pleasant for the patient. technical consultants: Norbert Springer, Knauf Austria Knauf services: Construction of the system partition walls in the entire building with Knauf board technology; impregnated boards, fire protection boards, Diamant boards, Knauf profile technology and filling compound systems. 38_39 All technical changes reserved. Only the current printed instructions are valid. Our warranty is expressly limited to our products in flawless condition. The constructional and structural properties, and characteristic building physics of Knauf systems can solely be ensured with the exclusive use of Knauf system components, or other products expressly recommended by Knauf. All application quantities and delivery amounts are based on empirical data that are not easily transferable at other deviating areas. All rights reserved. All amendments, reprints and photocopies, including those of excerpts, require the express permission of Knauf Gips KG, Am Bahnhof 7, 97346 Iphofen. Knauf Direkt Technical Information Service Tel.: +49 9001 31-1000* Drywall and Floor-Systems * A rate of 0.39 € per minute will be charged for calls from within the German landline network. Callers whose phone numbers are not registered in the address database at Knauf Gips KG, i.e. private builders or non patrons, will be charged a rate of 1.69 € per minute. Calls from mobile phones will be charged 1.48 € per minute. ** Fax: 0.14 €/Min. All the prices are valid within the German landline network. Tel.: +49 9001 31-2000* Plaster and Façade-Systems Fax: +49 1805 31-4000** Healthcare Tro77/engl/D/08.10/RO/D Knauf Gips KG Am Bahnhof 7 97346 Iphofen, Germany Tel.: +49 9323 31-0 Fax: +49 9323 31-277 Knauf AMF Ceiling Systems Knauf Bauprodukte Professional DIY Solutions Knauf Dämmstoffe Polystyrene and Hard Foam Insulation Knauf Gips Plaster and Façade-Systems Drywall-Systems Floor Systems Knauf Insulation Rock Wool, Glass Wool and Wood Wool Insulation Knauf Integral Gypsum Fibre Technology Knauf Perlite AQUAPANEL® Cement Boards, Perlite Knauf PFT Machine Technology and Plant Engineering Marbos Mortar Systems for Paved Areas in Civil Engineering Sakret Bausysteme Dry Mortars for New Projects and Renovations
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The installation of the boards has a large influence
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