eco ir jadid 13.qxd


eco ir jadid 13.qxd
Islamic Republic of
From the 6th century BC until 1935,
the country that today is Iran was
known as Persia. The name, Iran,
derives from an ancient term "a-eer-yanem va-ee-jo" in Avesta, the holy book
of the Zoroastrians, meaning 'the land
of the Aeers'.
This term refers to the plateau upon
which the Indo-Iranians, a branch of
the Aryans, settled. By the passing of
time, the term
changed to
"Er" and
later to "Ir",
and so the
official name
of the country
during the
Sassanid period
(400-600 AD) was
Iranshatr or
Iranshahr. "Shatr" or
"Shahr" means country,
and so, Iranshahr meant
"the country of the Nobles."
Iran comprises of a land area of over
1.6 million Sqm (the 17th country in
the world by land
area). Located in the
south west of Asia,
Iran is one the middle-east countries.
Lying below the
northern temperate
zone, between latitudes 25 degree
north and 39 degree
47' north and
between longitude
44 degree 02' east
and 63 degree 20'
east, the country
Caspian, Azerbaijan and Armenia on
the North, Afghanistan and Pakistan on
the East, Oman Sea and the Persian
Gulf on the south, and Iraq and Turkey
on the West. It also shares 740 km
Caspian Sea coast line with Azerbaijan,
Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Russia.
Iran was a constitutional monarchy,
but turned to an Islamic Republic as
desired by the people of Iran in 1979.
Totally, Iran has 8,731 km of border,
of which 2,700 km consist of water
borders and 6,031
km for land borders. The highest point in
Iran is Mount
which is
5,610m high. The
longest river is
the Karun
River with a
length of 890
km (the only
navigable river). The
largest lake is the Orumiyeh
Lake with an area of 4,868 km and the
largest Island is Qeshm with an area of
1,491 square km.
Iran has a very
colorful and diversified landscape, ranging from high
plateaus to mountain
ranges and to plains
bordering the
Persian Gulf and
Caspian Sea. The
dominant landscape
color is a delicate
brown, like the coat
of a dear, but the
countryside can vary
enormously according to the altitude
and vegetation.
Islamic Republic of
Country Profile
Country Profile
Country's Official Name
Islamic Republic of Iran
Flag Description
Three equal horizontal bands of green, white,
and red fill the flag from top to bottom. The
national emblem, a stylized representation of the
word Allah in the shape of
a tulip (a symbol of martyrdom), is centered in red within
the white band; Allah-O Akbar (God is Great) in white
Arabic script is repeated 11 times along the bottom edge of
the green band and 11 times along the top edge of the red
Useful Links
Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts & Tourism Organization (English)
The form of Iran's government is that of an Islamic Republic, endorsed by the
people of Iran on the basis of their longstanding belief in sovereignty of truth and in
Quranic justice. The people solidified their support through the referendum of the
29th and 30th March, 1979 and through an affirmative majority vote of 98.2% of
the eligible voters, which was held after the victorious Islamic Revolution led by the
late Imam Khomeini.
Executive Branch
Chief of State: Supreme Leader (Supreme Leader is appointed for life by the
Assembly of Experts; Assembly of Experts are elected by popular vote for an eightyear term).
Head of Government
Council of Ministers selected by the
president with legislative approval
Three Oversight Bodies
1) Assembly of Experts, a popularly
elected body of 86 religious scholars, is
constitutionally charged with determining the succession of the Supreme
Leader (based on his qualifications in the
field of jurisprudence and commitment
to the principles of the Islamic revolution), reviewing his performance, etc.
2) Expediency Council or the
Council for the Discernment of
Expediency is a policy advisory and
implementation board consisting of
over 40 permanent members representing all major government factions and
includes the heads of the three branches
of government, and the clerical members of the Council of Guardians (see
next); Permanent members are appointed by the Supreme Leader for five-year
terms; temporary members, including
Cabinet members and Majlis committee
chairmen, are selected when issues
under their jurisdiction come before the
Expediency Council; the Expediency
Council exerts supervisory authority over
the executive, judicial, and legislative
branches and resolves legislative issues
on which the Majlis and the Council of
Guardians disagree and since 1989 has
been used to advise national religious
leaders on matters of national policy; in
2005 the Council's powers were
expanded, to act as a supervisory body
for the government.
3) Council of Guardians of the
Constitution or "Council of Guardians"
or "Guardians Council" is a 12-member
Islamic Republic of
Country Profile
board made up of six clerics chosen by the Supreme Leader and six jurists recommended by the judiciary and approved by the Majlis for six-year terms; this Council
determines whether proposed legislation is both constitutional and faithful to
Islamic law, vets candidates for suitability, and supervises national elections.
Legislative Branch
Islamic Consultative Assembly or Majlis (290 seats; members elected by popular
vote to serve four-year terms).
Judicial Branch
The Supreme Court and the four-member High Council of the Judiciary have a single head and some overlapping responsibilities. Together, they supervise the enforcement of all laws and establish judicial and legal policies. Lower courts include a special clerical court, a revolutionary court, and a special administrative court.
Official Language & Local Dialects
Persian and Persian dialects 58%, Azari and Turkic dialects 26%, Kurdish 9%, Luri
2%, Balochi 1%, Arabic 1%, others 2%.
Capital City
Tehran is the capital city of Iran and the heart of the Tehran province. It is situated on the northern fringe of the great central plateau and at the foot of the southern slope of the impressive Alborz mountain
chain.The Tehran province has several
archaeological sites, which clearly indicate
settlements dating back to several thousand
years. Until 300 years ago, Ray was one of
the most prominent cities of the province.
However, the city of Tehran surpassed Ray
and gained its special status as the capital of
Iran during the reign of the Qajar dynasty
(1795-1925), because of the development
that occurred there at the time. Since then,
it has been the political, cultural, economic,
and commercial nucleus of Iran.
During the past 200 years, Tehran has
been home to many reputed scholars, writers, poets and artists. The Tehran province
enjoys considerable capabilities in terms of
the different dimensions of population,
employment, production, agriculture, natural resources and infrastructures.
Major Cities:
Tehran, Esfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad, Tabriz
Name of the Provinces
1.Ardabil, 2.West Azarbaijan, 3. East Azarbaijan, 4.Bushehr, 5.Chahar Mahal
Ethnic Groups
Persian 51%, Azari 24%, Gilaki and
Mazandarani 8%, Kurd 7%, Arab 3%, Lur
2%, Baloch 2%, Turkmen 2%, others 1%.
Country's total area
1,648,195 million sq km (the seventeenth largest country in the world)
72,874,500 (2009)
Iran's plateau climate is relatively dry,
and despite the country's location in the
world's dry climate belt, the Alborz and
Zagros mountain ranges prevent the
entrance of humid streams from the
Caspian and Mediterranean seas into
Iran. The country's span across 25 and
40 degree latitude, and the varying
height levels allow for a diversity of climates. In the northwest, winters are
cold with heavy snowfall and subfreezing temperatures. Spring and fall are
relatively mild while summers are dry
and hot.
In the south, winters are mild and
summers are very hot, having average
daily temperatures that exceed 38° C
(100° F) in July. On the Khuzestan
plain, summer heat is accompanied by
high humidity.
Holidays & National Days
March 20: The Nationalization of the
Oil Industry
March 21: Eid-e
Nowrooz (New
Year's Day)
April 1: Islamic
Republic Day
April 2: Nature
Day (13th day after
the New Year, culmination of the
Nowrooz festivities)
June 4: Death of
Imam Khomeini
June 5: Revolt of June 5, 1963
February 11: Victory of the Islamic
Holidays according to the Lunar
Calendar (varying dates):
Tasu'a and Ashura of Imam Hussein
Arba'een of Imam Hussein
Death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
and Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Mojtaba
Martyrdom of Imam Reza
Birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
and Imam Jafar Sadegh
Martyrdom of Fatima, Daughter of
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)& Wife of
Imam Ali
Birth of Imam Ali
Mission Receiving of Prophet
Birth of Imam Mahdi
Martyrdom of Imam Ali
Eid-ul Fitr (End of Ramadan)
Martyrdom of Imam Jafar Sadegh
Eid ul-Adha (Sacrifice)
Eid-al Ghadeer
All governmental departments and
most business centers throughout the
country are closed on Fridays. In the
Tehran province, all governmental departments are closed on Thursday as well.
Time Zone: GMT +3:30
va Bakhtiari, 6.Esfahan, 7.Fars,
8.Gilan, 9.Golestan, 10.Hamadan,
11.Hormozgan, 12.Ilam, 13.Kerman,
14.Kermanshah, 15.Southern
Khorasan, 16.Khorasan Razavi,
17.Northern Khorasan, 18.Khuzestan,
19.Kohgiluyeh va Buyer Ahmad,
20.Kordestan, 21.Lorestan,
22.Markazi, 23.Mazandaran,
24.Qazvin, 25.Qom, 26.Semnan,
27.Sistan va Baluchestan, 28.Tehran,
29.Yazd, 30.Zanjan
Islamic Republic of
Silk Road
Silk Road
The Silk Road was created many centuries
ago for the trading of silk and other goods
between the eastern and western countries.
It also became an important route for the
transfer of ideas, languages, literature, science, and technology.
Iran, heir to the ancient traditions of
Persia, was located at the crossroads, the
center of the route. As a result, the road to
Persia became a symbol of humanity's desire
to travel, to explore, and to learn. The
unique position - geographically and culturally - along the ancient Silk Road
providedPersia with a major role in the
world The Silk Road connected the centers
of previous Iranian civilizations that were
located along the route, and thus, the histories of the Silk Road and Iran were intertwined.
At the beginning of the sixth century BC, the trade route started in Babylon, from
where it passed through Opis/Ctesiphone (Baghdad), Ecbatana (Hamadan), and
modern Saveh - the site of Marco Polo's stopover to see the tomb of the three Magi
who had visited Jesus of Nazareth (Jesus Christ).
Silkwould reach the markets of Persia and Rome through this long route, and
thus, the road came to be known as the Silk Road. It stretched from the western
gates of a Chinese city, which is now called Hsian, in the Shanxi province, and
passed through the southern part of the Gobi Desert to reach western Turkistan
(Kazakhstan).Then, it passed through Sin Kiang (Xinjiang) and Kashgar to reach
Ceyhan in Transoxania (Mawara-an-nahr).
After passing through major cities of the
time such as Samarkand, Bukhara, and
Merv, then the Silk Road passed through
Fergana Valley (Uzbekistan), Ishkashim,
Kunduz (Afghanistan), and reached the
Iranian border.
In Iran, the Silk Road connected the cities
of Tous, Neyshabur, Damghan, Gorgan and
Rey before it entered Qazvin. One of its
branches went toward Azarbaijan and
Trabzon, and the other branch ran through
Hamadan, Baghdad, Mosul, Antakya
(Antioch or Kappadokia), and Sardis (near
Izmir) to reach Istanbul and then Rome via
the Mediterranean Sea. The Road also connected India to Tous via Peshawar, Khyber,
Kabul, Kandahar and Herat. A vast part of
connected the Silk Road to the sea and
to the great rivers in Transoxania and
Mesopotamia through land routes. In
western Iran, the Road connected
Kermanshah to Tabriz and Tbilisi
(Georgia). Parallel to this route, one of
the Road's branches connected
Hamadan to Ardabil via Tabriz.
In central Iran, towards the north,
Ray (which was connected to northern
regions through side roads in the Alborz
Mountains) reached Siraf, an important
Iranian port in the Persian Gulf at that
time via Kashan, Esfahan and Shiraz.
Located in the southeastern area of
the Caspian Sea, Damghan was the
linking point of
the route to
Urganch in
The route joined
the road to
Another road
located in the
eastern part of
Iran connected
Neyshabur to
Herat, Zaranj,
Kerman and Shiraz.
Diverting the route to another direction, a path from Merv through Termez
and Samarkand served as another starting point for the Silk Road in the Far
Along these routes there were
Caravanserais known as Rabats and
Iwans, where travelers could rest,
obtain their necessities for the journey
ahead, unload their commodities, and
conduct trade and business. In order to
give bearings and directions to travelers,
domes had been built which served as
efficient reference points in snowy and
stormy weathers.
this route was under the control of the
Sogdian and the Uighur caravans.
Some signs dating to 2000 BC point
to the knowledge of silk production,
however, evidence of silk during the
Achaemenan era is limited to the
Chinese silk that reached Iran on the
way westward. To ensure the safety of
the silk trade and the caravans, King
Darius the Great established military
checkpoints on the trade routes. A
route between the city of Shush and
Sardis was built as a continuation of
the Silk Road to boost the trade of silk
between the eastern and western
countries. The Silk Road continued as
an important route for
the exchange of commodities between various countries during the
Parthian era.
In this period, Iran,
under the Parthian
Empire, signed the first
trade agreement with
China, which was then
ruled by the Han
dynasty. The Parthians
made significant profits
from the customs duties
levied on the goods transported on the
segment of the road that stretched
from the Euphrates River to Turkistan
The Parthian dynasty, which was in
favor of expanding thetrade relations
along the Road, closely supervised and
secured the routes, and one of its
Middle Iranian languages,Sogdian, was
the trade language spokenthrough
much of the Silk Road's history. During
its Golden Age, in the first millennium,
this fabled network was an early link
between the world's major cultures Greek, Roman, Persian, Indian and
In the post-Islamic period, new roads
Islamic Republic of
Useful Information
Useful Information
Best Time to Visit the
Being a vast country, Iran has regions
with differing temperatures during a
given period of time, offering different
climates and conditions Depending on
the season and the areas one plans to
visit, the weather can be humid, dry,
hot or cold.
In the northern coastal areas of the
Caspian Sea, the climate is mild and
humid. The southern parts and the
Persian Gulf region have a hotter climate than Central Iran. Northwestesrn
Iran is about 10 - 15 degrees Celsius
cooler than the rest of the country. The
north region of the country, especially,
the Alborz foots, are a popular destination in the spring.
Iran's southern regions provide a
pleasant spring-weather getaway during
the winter.. At the same time, in Fars &
Esfahan, the cold, the snow, and the
torrent change the faces of the cities.
The weather of most of Iran is hot during the summer.So, one can enjoy winter and summer sports during the same
period within a few hours. More accurately, from mid-April to early June and
from late September to early November
are the best times to enjoy the matchless beauty of the country.
Visa Regulations
A visa is necessary for entry into Iran
for a stipulated period of time for economic, commercial, cultural and industrial purposes. It is issued by the
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
for foreign nationals, after receiving the
approval from the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs. The authorized duration of stay
is usually up to 30 days.
Types of Visa
Tourists can apply for the Iranian EVisa through the I.R.I. Foreign Ministry's
er. After filling out the application form
and entering the required details, users
will be given a reference code to pursue
their visa issuance. Once approved,
applicants can choose to receive their
visa either at Tehran's Imam Khomeini
International Airport or at an official
agency in their home country.
Free Industrial & Commercial
This visa is issued for two-week stays
at the ports of entry to the Free Trade
and Industrial Zone of Iran (Kish Island),
and it may be extended for up to six
months at the request of the authorities
of these areas.
Note: Foreign nationals, who intend
to travel to other parts of the country,
should submit their applications to the
office of the representative of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the
area.The application will be reviewed,
and the visa will be issued if approved
within 48 hours.
Work Permit Visa
The visa will be issued for foreign
nationals who intend to work in Iran.
Iranian employers must obtain work
permits in advance from the relevant
Entry/ Transit Visa for Drivers
Carrying Cargo
This visa is issued to foreign drivers
Pilgrimage Visa
A pilgrimage visa is issued to foreign
tourists who wish to visit sacred sites
and shrines in Iran.
Tourist Visa
The tourist visa is issued to foreign
nationals who are interested in travelling to Iran individually or collectively
to visit the country or their relatives.
The applicants must fill-out an application form in black ink and bring their
passport with one photo (for women
with scarf) to the consulate. The
process starts when the completed
documents are submitted and takes
about three weeks.
Transit Visa
A transit visa is issued for a limited
period of time to foreigners for the purpose of passing through Iran to a third
Student Visa
A student visa will be issued to foreign nationals who intend to study in
the Islamic Republic of Iran. To obtain
the visa, applicants must take the
authorization number from the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of Iran.
Press Visa
The press visa applies to foreign
nationals who wish to travel to Iran as
correspondents representing print or
electronic media for news coverage of
Diplomatic & Service Visa
Such a visa applies to dignitaries, governmental officials and foreign nationals
who wish to travel to Iran either in connection with their official visit (invitation
by Iran) or for the purpose of taking
over their permanent/temporary diplomatic/administrative assignment in a
diplomatic/consular mission or an international organization.
Visa Facilities for ECO Member
Citizens of the Republic of
Turkmenistan can travel to Iran for one
month without a visa, having only their
According to the bill issued by the
Board of Ministers, citizens of the some
countries, including the Central Asian
ECO Member States: Azerbaijan,
Turkmenistan, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan,
can receive a seven-day visa in less than
two hours at the Imam Khomeini and
Mehrabad airports in Tehran as well as
at the airports of Mashhad, Shiraz,
Esfahan, and Tabriz.
For more information please visit:
Passport Loss
In case your passport is lost, immediately report to the nearest police station.
Then, go to NAJA's General
Department for Foreign Citizens for
receiving your exit permit.
Tel: +98 21 88800000
Customs Regulations
The government holds the authority
over the customs affairs in Iran.
Travelers and tourists' importing and
exporting goods are duty-free unless
carrying cargo to Iran or other countries.
For these cases, it is necessary to
coordinate in advance with the
Diplomatic Missions of the Islamic
Republic of Iran.
Islamic Republic of
Useful Information
they are considered as commercial
A. Arriving Travelers
When arriving in Iran, one should
receive a customs declaration sheet,
which is distributed in the customs hall,
and fill it out, and submit it to the customs' evaluators and inspectors.The following goods are considered as a
tourists' personal belongings, and their
import intoIran is duty-free: Personal
jewelry, personal cameras, non-professional video cameras and other portable
video units, binoculars, portable musical instruments, portable radios and cassette players, portable PC's, first aid
boxes, camping tents with its basic
tools, sporting goods, small boats of less
than 5.5 meters, ordinary water and skiing tools, tennis rackets, mountaineering
tools, diving tools, bicycles, golf tools,
and other similar goods, baby carriages
and wheel chairs for the disabled.
Note: Sending up to 80 dollars in
foreign goods by post to Iran is duty-free
for each person.
B. Departing Travelers
When leaving Iran, one should fill the
customs declaration sheet and submit it
to the customs' evaluators and inspectors. Besides the goods one brings to
Iran, the following non-commercial
goods are permitted duty-free: a carpet
or two rugs of utmost 12 sq. meters,
handicrafts, musical instruments, industrial products made in Iran, foreignmade industrial products of up to 160
US dollars value, dried fruits and gifts,
ready-made gold without a gem of up
to 150 grams, ready-made silver without
a gem of up to 3 kg, and 3 kg of caviar
along with the purchase note given by
the airport's shop.
Import and export of the following
goods is forbidden:
1. Alcoholic beverages
2. Gambling tools
3. Firearms or any other kind of
weapon, and explosives
4. Narcotic drugs
5. Pornographic publications, pictures, movies, photos, and any other
material which is against Iran's national
and religious rules
6. Tourists and citizens of
Commonwealth countries, who are traveling to Iran, can export allowed goods
equivalent to the amount they have
declared to the Iranian bank . For those
who possess the qualifications, exporting
goods of up to $1,000 requires no declaration to the bank and neither does it
need the currency declaration.
7. Sending goods abroad by post is
free if the goods are not considered
commercial commodities. These goods
should not be among the forbidden
items, e.g. antique goods, genuine
works of art, manuscript books, gold
coins and precious stones. Sending foreign products abroad by post should not
exceed $160 for each person.
Moreover, it is forbidden to send
hand-woven carpets by post.
For more information on the latest
bills and executive bylaws in customs
affairs, please visit:
(Iran's Customs Administration Office)
How to get there and
By Plane
Most overseas travelers from Europe
arrive in Iran by way of the Mehrabad
airport in Tehran. Currently, most flights
Iran Air Offices around the ECO
By Train
Iran's railroads area revitalization of
the Silk Road, which connects the
north, south, west, and east of the country. Tourists can enjoy traveling and can
banefit from the cargo transportation
and the transit services provided by the
following routes: European countries
and Caucasia by the Tehran-Tabriz railroad, Central Asian countries by the
Tehran-Mashhad-Sarakhs railroad, and
the countries in the Persian Gulf and the
Indian Ocean regions by the TehranBandar Abbas railroad.
"RAJA" passenger trains provide regular services from Tehran to Turkey, Syria
and Turkmenistan. Other routes include:
Route No. 1: Tehran-Tabriz-Julfa:
884 kilometers, continued to
Nakhjavan, Azerbaijan.
Route No. 2: Tehran-Tabriz-Razi:
958 kilometers, continued to Turkey.
Route No. 3: Tehran-Bandar AbbasTurkman:
461 kilometers, continued to
Route No. 4: Tehran-MashhadSarakhs:
1,047 kilometers, continued to
Route No. 5: Tehran-Bandar Imam
Khomeini (Imam Khomeini Port):
927 kilometers, continued to Persian
Gulf region.
Route No. 6: Tehran-Bandar Abbas:
1,386 kilometers, continued to
Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.
Iran's Railroad Transit Lines
1. Bandar Abbas-Sarakhs-MervMoscow
2. Bandar Abbas-Sarakhs-MervAlmaty-Beijing
3. Bandar Abbas -Julfa-Baku-Russia
from the Middle East, Central and South
Asia land at the new Imam Khomeini
International Airport based 37km southwest ofTehran, where all international
flights will land within a fewyears.There
are 70 smaller regional airports, for
example, those in Shiraz, Mashhad, and
Isfahan, and they have daily flights to
many international destinations.
Dubai has scheduled flights to many
Iranian cities, including Tehran, Shiraz,
Isfahan, Kerman, Lar, Mashhad, Tabriz,
Kish Island, Bandar Abbas, Bushher,
ZahedanFlights are operated by
Emirates (for Tehran), Iran Air, Iran
Aseman Airlines, Mahan Air and other
Iranian companies. Fares are relatively
cheap on Iranian carriers, depending on
the destination and the time of booking. Iran Air connects Tehran with some
of the major European cities as well as
some of the destinations in Asia and the
Middle East. European companies
based in Tehran include British Airways,
Lufthansa, KLM, Alitalia, Turkish
Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Aeroflot and
Air France. The Middle-Eastern airlines
include: Saudi Arabian Airlines,
Emirates, Syrian Airlines and Egypt Air.
There are no direct flights from the
U.S.A at present, but one could travel
via either Europe or Dubai. Visitors
from Australia or New Zealand can consider travelling via Dubai.
Islamic Republic of
Useful Information
4. Bandar Abbas -Razi-BucharestBelgrade
5. Bandar Abbas-Razi-AnkaraIstanbul-Sophia-Belgrade-BudapestVienna
Trans-Asia train: The Trans-Asia
train connects Tehran, Mashhad,
Sarakhs, Mary, Farab, Bukhara,
Tashkent, and Almaty. This route continues to Istanbul, Turkey.
Traveling by this train to Iran,
Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan,
Tajikistan and Uzbekistan requires a visa
for each country. However, passing
through these countries does not necessitate a transit visa.
Tehran-Istanbul-Tehran train:
The International passenger trains for
Iran run weekly to/from Istanbul
(Turkey), Damascus (Syria), and Quetta
The Istanbul service runs via Ankara,
includes a ferry over Lake Van, crosses
the Iranian border, and then stops at
Tabriz before arriving in Tehran.
The journey takes about 70 hours (3
nights travelling). The train includes
couchettes and a dining car.
The Syria service does not cross Iraq;
it stopsat Aleppo before crossing the
Turkish border, heads to Lake Van, and
runs along a route similar to the Istanbul
service. This journey takes 54 hours (2
nights travelling). Couchettes are available between Lake Van and Tehran, but
the Syrian leg between Damascus and
Lake Van contains only reclining seats. A
dining car is at service occasionally.
The Quetta-Zahedan line connects
Pakistan and Iran by rail.
There is no connection between the
Zahedan railway and the rest of the
Iranian Railway system, which means
that one must take the bus or other
transportation from Zahedan to Bam,
the nearest railway. A train leaves twice
each month from Quetta to Zahedan,
and the journey takes 11 hours.
By Sea
Passengers can travel by sea to Iran
via the Persian Gulf, the Sea of Oman,
and the Caspian Sea. The significant
ports of the Caspian Sea include Anzali,
Astara, Nowshahr, Bandar Gaz, and
Bandar Torkaman, which connect Iran
to Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Russia and
By Roads
With more than 51,300km (31,800
miles) of paved roads and 490km (304
miles) of motorways, the road network
is extensive. Tourists can travel from
Turkey, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, Pakistan and Afghanistan to
Iran. The two main roads, the A1 and
A2, link the Iraqi and Pakistani borders
and the Afghan and Turkish borders,
Connective ways between the major
cities and the country's main ways are
asphalt paved and have good quality.
You should drive from the right side and
observe international regulations. Traffic
flows on the right side of the road.
By Bus
One can find Seir-o-Safar agencies in
Istanbul, Antalya and Ankara to buy
cheap bus tickets for Tehran. Also, one
can enter from Pakistan via the border
crossing between Taftan (on the
Pakistani side) and Zahedan (on the
Iranian side) as long as one has a valid
visa for Iran. One can NOT get a visa at
the border.The overnight buses leave
from Quetta, arriving in Taftan in the
early morning. From there, one can hire
a taxi to the border. Once across the
Traveling Around
By Air
Iran Air runs services to Ahvaz,
Esfahan, Kish, Mashhad, Shiraz, Tabriz,
Tehran and Zahedan and other major
cities. Aseman Air and Mahan Air also
run services to the major cities. The vast
size of Iran makes internal flights the
most practical method of transport.
By Train
RAJA Trains run a fairly comprehensive internal rail network. Major intercity
trains operate on five main regional
routes: the Azarbaijan route (Tehran Jolfa), the Golestan route (Tehran Gorgan), the Hormozgan route (Tehran Bandar-e-Abbas), the Khorasan route
(Tehran - Mashhad), and the Khuzetan
route (Tehran - Khorramshahr). There
are many locations in the mountains
and the deserts, which can only be
reached by rail. There are some air-conditioned cars, sleeping cars, and dining
cars on many trains. For further details,
please visit RAJA website:
By Bus
Tehran has an extensive bus system.
They are widespread, cheap and comfortable. The tickets are bought in
advance at kiosks, and the intercity
transportation in Iran is made by Benz
and Volvo buses under an organization
named "Cooperative." Central offices of
these cooperatives in Tehran are located
in the South, East, and West Terminals.
South Terminal
Tel: 550047-8
East Terminal
Tel: 77864010
West Terminal
Tel: 44659676
Subway & Tramway
Subway and tramway transportation
is possible mainly in Tehran for the time
being. The three main tram (electrically
driven buses) routes are: Imam Hussein
Sq.-Depoy Sharq, Imam HusseinKhorasan, and Khorasan-Depoy Besat
(from 06:00 to 22:00). The subway connects Tehran's easternmost and westernmost points and the southern and northern tips of the city.
Taxis are available in all cities. The
urban taxis (orange or green) carry several passengers at a time and are much
cheaper than the private taxis. Unofficial
taxis should be avoided; use only legitimate taxis or those ordered through
legitimate agencies. In most cities,
taximeters determine the fare, which is
paid in Iran's currency, the Rial. owever,
the taxis that are not equipped with
taximeters do have fixed specified fares.
Note: It is advised to inquire about
the fare and reach an agreement with
the driver before getting into a private
or hired taxi.
Car Rental
It is available in most cities and from
airports. An International Driving Permit
is recommended but it is not a legal
requirement. Personal insurance is
border, one needs to organize transportation to Zahedan where buses
depart for the destinations to Eastern
Iranian cities, such as Bam, Kerman and
Islamic Republic of
Useful Information
The Iranian Rial (IR) is the official currency of Iran; however, to save time,
prices are mostly quoted in Tomans.
Generally, written prices are given in
Rials and prices quoted in conversation
are in Tomans. To confuse shoppers,
shopkeepers will often omit the denomination of high prices, so a person may
be told a jar of coffee costs 2 Tomans
(meaning 2,000 Tomans or IR. 20,000)
and that a fine rug will cost 300 Tomans
(meaning 3,000,000 Tomans or IR
30,000,000). In conversation, 1 Toman
denotes IR 10,000.
Most travelers spend the first few
days of their trip coming to grips with
this mind-boggling system, and money
changers on the border may exploit this
confusion. So, it is advised to use caution and toalways ask a shopkeeper or
moneychanger if they are quoting a
price in Rials or Tomans.
Currency Exchange
The main foreign currency in Iran is
theUS Dollar and the Euro. However,
the English Pound, Japanese Yen,
Persian Gulf countries' Rial, Drachma
and Dinar, as well as other foreign currencies are changeable to Iran's currency in the banks and exchange shops. It
is recommended that money be
changed to the US Dollar or Euro
before arriving in Iran.
After arrival, one can go to Melli
Bank at the airport terminal and change
the money to the Iranian Rial. This bank
works 24 hours a day. Other currency
branches of the Iranian banks, as well as
the banks located in the hotels can do
the changing.
Authorized exchange shops do the
changing as well. The "exchange rate" of
the foreign currency to Iran's Rial in the
banks is unanimous, so there is no discrepancy between the rates in the banks.
The foreign currencies' official rates in
Rial are announced in the banks daily.
Note 1: It is highly recommended to
not change money anywhere other than
the banks and the authorized exchange
Note 2: It is highly recommended to
keep the receipt of a monetary
exchange until leaving the country. This
receipt not only indicates the legality of
a purchase, but also enables the
exchange of extra Rials in the bank and
the exchange of the desired currency.
Obtaining Cash
There is no limit to the amount of
cash one can bring into the country.
One can also go to one of the branches
of the foreign currency banks in Iran
during one's stay, and open a foreign
currency bank account or change
money to Iran's currency and receive
traveler's checks.
Credit Cards
Presently, International credit cards
are not accepted in Iran. For more
information please call Melli Bank's
Card Service Office: 33922690-1,
33900298, and 33912813.
ATM card
ATM cards will be issued for all international tourists and travelers at their
request by the Iranian Bank branches
located in Iran's international airports.
The cards are accepted by all hotels,
restaurants and shops equipped with
POS sets. For more information please
Currency Restrictions
There is no restriction for entering
any amount of foreign currencies into
Iran. Afterdeclaring the amount of the
foreign currencies to the clerk at the
entrance spots, the clerk writes it in the
passport. This is done to avoid facing
any problem in the customs when taking currency or goods that were bought
outside of the country.
Safety & Security
Iran is one of the most secure countries in the world. The Interior Ministry
is responsible for maintaining domestic
security, and the police are the executive arm of this Ministry.
Uniform color and class
The color of the police uniform is
green (dark green). The traffic policemen wear a white hat. The color of the
police cars is dark green, and the traffic
policemen cars are white with a dark
strip on the car body. In case of an
emergency, one can go to the nearest
police station or contact 110.
Embassy telephone numbers
Country Code:
Embassy of Afghanistan,Tehran
Tel: +98-51-97551, 99899
Fax: +98-51-44404
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Tehran
Chancery: No.50, Aghdasiyeh
Ave., Pasdaran Ave.
Tel: +98-21-22280063
Fax: +98-21-22284929
Embassy of Kazakhstan, Tehran
Chancery: No.4, Masjed St.,
Hedayat St., Darrus,
Tel: +98-21-22565933,
22565371, 22565934
Fax: +98-21-22546400
Consulate of Kazakhstan,
No.11, Darmangah Sajad St.
Doctora Cross Rd.,
Tel: +98-51-817585, 817576,
Fax: +98-51-83465
Embassy of Kyrgyz Republic,
Chancery: No.12, 5th
Narenjestan, Northern Pasdaran
Ave., Nou Bonyad Sq.,
Tel: +98-21-2281720, 2281730,
2287486, 2297729
Fax : 98-21-2297729, 2287486
Embassy of Pakistan, Tehran
Chancery: Corner of 4th, Pakistan
St., Beheshti Ave
Tel: +98-21-88735600,
88735040, 88737151
Fax: +98-21-88735600
P.O.Box: 15875-3368
P.O.Box: 11365-4551 Chancery:
Block No.1, Ahmad Etemad Zadeh
Ave., Northern Jamalzadeh, Dr.
Hossein Fatemi Ave.
Tel: +98-21-66944888, 934334
Fax: +98-21-935154
Consulate General of
Afghanistan, Mashhad
Consulate General of Pakistan,
No.52/2, Do Shahid Alley, 3rd
Esfand Sq., Imam Khomeini Ave.,
Opp. of Bagh-e-Melli, Imam
Khomeini Ave.,
Islamic Republic of
Useful Information
Tel: +98-51-29845
Fax: +98-51-29845
P.O.Box: 91375 - 1733
Consulate General of Pakistan,
Bazmju, Moghaddam Ave.,
Tel: +98-541-23389, 27787
Fax: +98-541-23389
Embassy of Turkey, Tehran
Chancery: No.314, Ferdowsi Ave.,
Tel: +98-21-33115299,33118997
Fax: +98-21-33117928
P.O.Box: 11365-8758
Counsulate General of Turkey,
No.30, Daneshkadeh Ave.,
Tel: +98-441-228970
Fax: +98-441-231800
Counsulate General of Turkey,
No.516, South Shariati Ave.,
Tel: +98-41-407590, 406791
Embassy of Turkmenistan,
Chancery: No.39, 5th Golestan
St., Pasdaran Ave.,
Tel: +98-21-22542178
Fax: +98-21-22580432
Counsulate General of
Turkmenistan, Mashhad
No.34, Consulgari St., 10-Day Sq.,
Tel: +98-51-47066
Fax: +98-51-99940
Embassy of Uzbekistan, Tehran
Chancery: No.6, Nastaran Alley,
Boostan St., Pasdaran Ave.,
Tel: +98-21-22299158,22299780
Fax: +98-21-22299158
A limited malaria risk exists from
March to November in the rural areas of
the provinces of Sistan-Baluchestan,
Hormozgan, and Kerman (tropical part);
in some areas north of the Zagros
Mountains; and in the western and
southwestern regions during the summer months. Resistance to chloroquine
and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine has
been reported in the malignant falciparum strain. The recommended prophylaxis is chloroquine in the vivax risk
areas; chloroquine plus proguanil in the
falciparum risk areas.
Food and Drink
Piped water is normally chlorinated.
Bottled mineral water is available and is
advised for the first few weeks of the
stay. Pasteurized milk is available;
unpasteurized milk should be boiled.
Powdered or canned milk is available
and is advised, but make sure that it is
reconstituted with pure water. Avoid
dairy products which are likely to have
been made from unboiled milk.Wellcooked meat and fish are advised,
preferably served hot. Salads served in
intercity restaurants may carry increased
risk. Vegetables should be cooked, and
fruit should be peeled.
Medical Centers, Dentists'
Offices, and Pharmacies
Iran provides low-cost health services
while it offers some of the world's most
experienced medical experts. Iran is a
pioneer in providing people with lowcost oral and dental health services and
different cheap medical surgeries and
There are professional physicians
available in all major cities of Iran.
Vaccination of children and health
Health Service hours
The offices of specialists and general
practitioners of dentistry and medicine
are open from 8:00 to 21:00. Some
physicians' offices are closed in the
mornings since they work in medical
centers and hospitals. However, their
offices are open all days of the week
from 15:00 to 21:00 except on
Thursdays and Fridays, when they are
They are open from 08:00 to 20:00.
There are some pharmacies in the
urban areas which are open 24 hours a
day. For getting information on these
pharmacies' addresses, please call 191.
Telephone Codes of
Major Cities
Major Travel Agencies
Passargad Tour
Tel: 22048350-52,
Fax: 22059000
Caravan-e Sahra
Tel: 88843390, 88811970,
Fax: 88303623, 88826036
E-mail:[email protected]
Tel: 22710191, 22717179
Fax: 22735222
E-mail:[email protected]
Sharq Puya
Tel: 88579901
Fax: 88366165
E-mail:[email protected]
Tel: 66431270-2
Fax: 66427470
Iran Zigwart
examinations of students is free of
charge and obligatory in the whole
country. Hospitals and medical centers
are specialized; however, they all offer
admission to emergency patients 24
hours a day.
Tel: 77526252
Fax: 77500617
E-mail:[email protected]
Vala Parsian Gasht
Tel: 88516060-6
Fax: 88748582
E-mail:[email protected]
Iran Dustan
Tel: 88714214, 88722975-77
Fax: 88712927
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 88758504 (6 lines)
Fax: 88758508
E-mail:[email protected]
Persia Tour
Tel: 88692520
Fax: 88694001
E-mail:[email protected]
Islamic Republic of
Arts & Crafts
Arts & Crafts
Decorative Arts
Local jewelry is one of
Iran's traditional handicrafts,
which is made in various shapes in the
country's northern
and southern
provinces. The primary substances of
these products consist of
such metals as brass, copper, silver, etc. and
such stones as turquoise, agate, jasper, etc.
To make them, first, the metal is melted in a
furnace, and then it is molded into a specific shape, e.g. circle, square, triangle, bush,
fish, etc.
Finally, the precious stones are placed on these handicrafts to form such beautiful
jewelries as a bracelet, ring, hairclip, necklace, earring, etc. Local jewelries are
often made by the Torkamans in the Golestan Province, as well as in some parts of
the Khorasan Province, Sistan va Baluchestan, Kurdistan, and Kermanshah.
The word is derived from the Greek term, "Kermose." Clay made objects were
called "Kermose" in ancient Greece. Compound soils (primary soils) are molded,
baked in a furnace, enameled, and baked again. The product is called "ceramic."
Today, Iran's popular ceramics are in such different shapes as vases and
plateswith different cuts and painted enamels. The main centers for producing
ceramic products are Meybod in Yazd, Estahban in Fars, Zanuz in Azerbaijan,
Ceramic Exterior Painting
Ceramic exterior painting, also called
enamel painting, is one of Iran's beautiful
and traditional handicrafts. In this art, the
earthenware vessels are baked, enameled,
and then painted. This work is much simpler than ceramic interior painting,
because it is easy to correct or change the
Enameled Ceramic
Enameled ceramic is a traditional
In this art, different objects, for
example a bowl,
pitcher, or other
tools and utensils are
made from baked
mud. The products
are called pottery if
no enamel is used.
Pottery is usually
made from secondary soils, the evermoving soils; therefore, they are less
purified and more adhesive. The main
soil used in this art is clay. This type of
soil has different colors, from buff to
The main centers for producing pottery in Iran are: Laljin in Hamadan,
Shahreza in Esfahan, Juybar in
Mazandaran, Siyahkal in Gilan, Mond
Gonabad in Khorasan, Estahban in
Fars, Kalpurgan-e Saravan in Sistan va
Baluchestan, Shahvar in Minab, Tehran
and Qom.
Carpet Weaving
The art of carpet weaving in Iran
has its roots in the culture and
the customs of its people
and their instinctive feelings. Weavers mix elegant patterns with a
myriad of colors. The
Iranian carpet is similar
to the Persian garden:
full of florae, birds, and
beasts. The colors are usually made from wild flowers,
and are rich in colors such as burgundy, navy blue, and accents of ivory.
The proto-fabric is often washed in
tea to soften the texture, giving it a
unique quality.
Depending on where
the rug is made, patterns and designs
vary. And some rugs,
such as Gabbeh, and
Gelim have variations
in their textures and
the number of knots.
Silken textile caught
the attention of
famous travelers and
explorers such as
Xuanzang, JeanBaptiste Tavernier,
and Jean Chardin.
Iranians were among
the first carpet
weavers of the ancient world.
History of the Pazyryk Rug
In a unique archaeological excavation
in 1949, the exceptional Pazyryk carpet,
the oldest known surviving carpet in the
world, was discovered among the ice of
the Pazyryk Valley in the Altai Mountains
in Siberia. It was discovered in the grave
of a Scythian prince by a group of
Russian archaeologists under the supervision of Professor Rudenko. Radiocarbon
Iranian handicraft. In this art, the
earthenware vessels are made
using different techniques,
such as painting on the
enamel, seven-colored,
and gold-plated techniques. The production process is similar
to that of the goldplated ceramic. The
only difference is that in
ceramic vessels, seven
colors, e.g. azure,
turquoise, red, brown, black,
yellow, and white, are used for ornamenting the product. Rey, Kashan,
Gorgan, and Soltan-Abad are the main
centers for producing this handicraft.
Islamic Republic of
Arts & Crafts
testing revealed that the Pazyryk carpet was woven during the 5th century BC.
Just how the rug remained intact is very interesting. The rug had been preserved
in the permafrost since the 5th century BC. Soon after the rug had been placed in
the burial mound of a Scythian chieftain, grave robbers raided the tomb. Fortunately,
the robbers ignored the rug, and in their pursuit, they actually helped to protect the
rug from decay. Through the opening, which the robbers left behind, water poured
into the mound and froze, and thus protected the rug from decay.
This rug is 180 X 198 (5'11" X 6'6") meters, and it has a velvety woolen pile, finely
knotted (an average of between 200 to 270 symmetrical knots to the square inch).
The rugs' central field is a deep madder red color, and it has five borders. The primary, widest border contains horsemen. Each horse has an embroidered saddlecloth
with a design that resembles the actual Pazyryk rug. The secondary inner border
contains rows of deer. The central field depicts repeating quatrefoils, which can be
found in the stonework entrances of some of the Assyrian Palaces.The design suggests an Achaemenian Persian origin (Achaemenians were a Persiandynasty, who
reigned from 559 BC to 330 BC). The advanced weaving technique used in the
Pazyryk carpet indicates a long history of evolution of and experience in this art.
Most experts believe that the Pazyryk carpet is the final achievement of at least one
thousand years of experience and history. According to this theory, the art of carpetweaving in Iran is at least 3500 years old. The carpet is now kept in the Hermitage
Museum of Leningrad. Although there have been fragments of older and finer examples of hand-knotted rugs discovered, these pieces were too tattered to be successfully identified. The Pazyryk Rug has been reproduced in a 100% Worsted Wool
Machine made Wilton rug. The Royal Kashan Pazyryk Rug is available in two colorways and various sizes.
Traditional Cloth Weaving
This type of cloth is woven, designed, and patterned by the Zoroastrians of the
Yazd province. In traditional cloth weaving, the plain cloth is skillfully designed by
making small ties on the surface of the cloth to make small or large circles similar to
the sun, and then the cloth is dyed. The sizes of these ties vary: some are smaller
than the tip of a needle, and some of them are like big circles. A chain of stars or
circles forms around the design.Today, the traditional cloth weaving is rarely
done.This art is used for making Islamic clothing and coverings, scarves, and belts.
The products are usually rectangular in brick-red background color with some citrons
in the middle or in the corners. Yellow and light dots are used in the dark background to make the pattern seem embossed. The main center for producing these
products is the Pashki Village in Gilan.
Traditional Printed Cloth
This art is used for patterning and designing cloths. The
designs and patterns are transferred onto the cloth by using
a stamp which is usually made of hard wood. A design may
have five different colors. The colors used in this art are usually black, red, green, blue and yellow. The cloth is used for
table covers, tablecloth, dresses, etc. Esfahan and Damghan
are the main centers for producing this type of cloth.
Calligraphy has long been at the center of attention of Persian art among
Iranian cultures in different periods, and
it continues to be one of the most reputable and famous arts in Iran. The
importance of the art of calligraphy
among Iranian arts is such that without
decorative calligraphy, some arts seem
to be imperfect.
Iranians, more than
any other people,
have used various
types of calligraphy to
enrich and beautify
earthenware, metallic
vessels, and historic
It is believed that
this ancient Persian
script was invented
between 600-500 BC
to provide monumental inscriptions of
the Achaemenian
kings. These scripts
consisted of horizontal, vertical, and diagonal nail-shape letters, and hence, it is
called "Script of Nails" or "Khat-e-Mikhi"
in Farsi.
After the introduction of Islam in the
7th century, the Persians adapted the
Arabic alphabet to the Farsi language.
Broadly speaking, there were two distinct scripts in the early centuries of
Islam: cursive script and Kufic script. For
the day-to-day work, a cursive script
was employed while Kufic script was
used for religious and official functions
only. Kufic went out of general use in
the 11th century though it continued to
be used in the decoration of monumental religious buildings.
About 1000 AD, a new script - Naskh
- was established. This has remained the
most popular script in the Arab world.
The other main styles were Tholth,
Reyhan, Mohaqqaq, Towqi and Reqa.
The Arabic script was adopted in Iran
soon after the Muslim conquest and was
vastly improved by the Persians.
In the 13th century, the Iranian
scribes invented Taliq, and in the next
century, Mir Ali Tabrizi, the most famous
calligrapher of the Timurid period, created Nastaliq, a combination of Naskh
and Taliq. Nastaliq is
closely connected to
Persian poetry and
has played an important role in communicating poetic concepts to poetry
Under the Timurid
and the Safavid
rulers, calligraphy
experienced its highest stage of development. By the 16th
century, Shiraz was
among the forerunners of calligraphic
study and usage in the Islamic world. In
the 17th century, it was followed by
Esfahan and then by Qazvin. The most
famous calligraphers of the Safavid court
were Mir Emad and Alireza Abbasi.
Developmental Trend of
Persian Script
The philologists have divided the historical development of the Iranian languages into three stages by studying the
characteristics and lingual peculiarities
of the oldest remaining evidences of
and documents on Iranian languages, as
1-The Ancient period (1000-331 BC)
2-The Median period (331 BC867AD)
3-The New period (867 AD- present
Islamic Republic of
Arts & Crafts
Therefore, it could be said that the Farsi language, one of the oldest Iranian languages, has left behind three stages of development; from ancient to median and
new periods, since the development of its oldest version until the development of
Dari Farsi language.The ancient Farsi language was written in scripts, called Mikhi
(Nail shape), because of it similarity to nails.This script was created for the ancient
Farsi language by the decree of Darius the Great. The Farsi alphabets were derived
from the Sumerian alphabets.
For the Median period, the Iranian languages are divided into two main categories
of an Eastern and Western group. The language of the Sassanid is considered as part
of the Mid-Western languages of Iran, and
itis the immediate successor to the Ancient
Farsi language. The script used for writing
during this period is known as the Pahlavi
script, the origin of which is Aramaic.
Reading Pahlavi scripts involves great complexities. For example, some of its alphabets correspond to multiple sounds, and
sometimes one piece of writing may have
two or more meanings. During this period,
other scripts, such asAvesta of Zoroaster
and Manichaeism were also used.
The New period Farsi language (Dari) is
the extension of the Median period Iranian
language. This language is considered as an
administrative and literary language of the period. The New period Farsi is often
referred to asFarsi Dari when used for governmental or administrative purposes,
and sometimes it is simply called Farsi.
After the advent of Islam, the Iranians created new Farsi alphabets according to
their needs in order to read the Holy Qur'an. The origin of these alphabets is
Syriac, and therefore it is similar to Arabic, but the Farsi scripts have special characters, which makes it distinctively.
The four letters of pe, che, zhe and ge are specific to Farsi alphabets, because
there are no corresponding letters in the Arabic alphabets for such letters.
Furthermore, the shape of some of the Farsi writing is different from the Arabic
equivalent.For example, the Farsi ke (˜), when used at the end of a word or by
itself, is written with a symbol at the top, whereas the same alphabet in Arabic has
no such symbol in either case.The word ye (?) in Arabic, unlike the Farsi character,
holds two dots at the bottom of the letter.
Since the 3rd century AH (10th century AD), during the reign of the semi-sovereign and sovereign rules in eastern and northeastern Iran, great attention was paid
toward the Farsi language. The Samanid rulers promoted the Farsi language as part
of their administrative policy. The Samanid played a great role in promoting the
Farsi language by: encouraging and supporting the poets and writers, having translated important Arabic books to Farsi, and making Farsi the official language in
tries. Owing to its elegance and beauty,
it was named the "Bride of Islamic
After Mir Ali Tabrizi, many other
famous calligraphers strived towards
elevating the art of calligraphy, which
culminated withthe emergence of the
renowned Iranian calligrapher, Mir
Emad, who came into view during the
reign of the Safavid Shah Abbas. After
the passage of 400 years, his impact on
the Nastaaligh style of calligraphy still
inspires the calligraphers.
Later, Iranian calligrapher Morteza
Gholi Khan, created another innovative
style of calligraphy called Broken
Nastaaligh. The reason for the creation
of such a style could be the need to
write easier and faster, similar to the
creation of the Broken Taaligh after the
emergence of Taaligh. The Broken
Nastaaligh was developed by Mirza
Shafi Harati, and its rules and standards
were established by Darvish AbdulMajid Taleghani.
Musical Instruments
Since Iranian traditional music can
only be played by special Iranian instruments, these instruments have been
and are still being made by Iranians.
The paintings on the Chehel Sotun
walls show women playing musical
serving as an
historical indication of the
high regard
which Iranians
reserved for
Some of the
musical instruments made
by artists are:
the lute, the
governmental correspondences.
From this period onward, because of
the popularity of governmental correspondences, the Manichaeism and
Pahlavi scripts were gradually replaced
by the Farsi alphabets. At the beginning
of its development, the Farsi alphabets
were organized on the basis of Abjad.
To facilitate the learning of the alphabets, Iranians tried to group the Farsi
alphabets on the basis of the similarity
of their shapes and the proximity of
their sounds, which led to the naming
of the system, the Piramooz alphabets.
In the 10th century AD, Ibn Moghla
Beizavi- Shirazi, established the rules
and structure, called "The Twelve Major
Principles of Calligraphy" in order to
develop six distinct styles, collectively
called the Aghlame Setteh, which
included the Mohaghigh, Reyhan,
Thulth, Naskh, Regha and Towghi.
They were were distinguished from
each other based on the shape of the
letters and the ratio of the surface areas
and their perimeters.
Concurrent with the development of
the above mentioned style of calligraphy, Hasan Farsi Katib created yet
another style of calligraphy called
Taaligh, which was also called Torsal by
combining Naskh and Regh.
In the 14th century AD, Mir Ali
Tabrizi, created a new style called
Nastaaligh by
combining the
two styles of
Naskh and
Taaligh. This
style became
widely popular, revolutionized the art of
and was well
received in
other coun-
Islamic Republic of
Arts & Crafts
tar, the dotar, the setar, the rebec, the dabdab, the Kamanche, the tonbak, the santur, etc. For ornamenting the musical instruments, such artistic works as inlaying,
calligraphy and painting are used.
Glass Blowing Work
The discovery of many glassware shows
that the history dates back to the time of
Parthians and the Sassanids. Glass is a
transparent, fragile substance composed of
alkaline silicones produced by the process
of glass blowing. It consists of the processes
of shaping the melting mineral by heating
it in a furnace at 1,400 centigrade, blowing
into it using a special tube and other simple manual tools, and then, ornamenting it
by painting, cutting, purifying, opaquemaking, etc. Tehran is one of the main
centers for producing glassware. Meybod
in the Fars Province is another region where glass blowing has been in vogue
since the past centuries.
Painting on Back of a Glass
In this art, the back of the glass is painted. Artist history goes back to the first
half of the 12th century (lunar calendar). The artist makes use of small pieces of
glass and draws inverted designs and colors. For painting on back of the glass,
first, the artist draws the design on a piece of kelk paper, and then transfers it
onto the glass using a paintbrush and black ink.
It is very important to follow the principles. After drawing the specific design,
the artist starts coloring the glass with oil paint, and finally, he uses stabilizers to
fix the color and to give a beautiful glossy appearance to the glass work. Shiraz
and Qazvin, and Tehran are the main centers for making this product.
Wood Carving
In this art, the wood is cut and carved
using a horizontal cutting machine. Some
well known historical objects display the
antiquity of the art, for example, some
engraved designs on the throne, on the
legs, and on the joss stick holder belonging
to Persepolis. The primary substance used
in this art is aspen wood, which is shown in
hookahs, the legs of sofas and table lamps.
Wood Engraving
In this art, embossed designs are
engraved on the wood to make such useful
Delicate Woodwork
Delicate woodwork is a traditional
handicraft in northern Iran. In this art,
the woodenware is veneered with a
specific design, and so, the delicate
woodenwares, such as spoons, forks,
chess boards, various dishes, etc. are
made with great care, beauty and delicacy. Delicate woodwork is popular in
Urmia, Sanandaj and Rasht.
Traditional Printing
This kind of art is used on a large,
patterned, silk handkerchief, which is
used in local women's dresses as a
headband or aribbon worn round the
waist, and sometimes, it isused for
keeping a baby on a woman's back.
Usually, batik, or traditional printing is
used for patterning these handkerchiefs.
Stone Carving
In this art, the
stone is engraved
into the desired size
and dimensions for
specific purposes,
e.g. designing stones
for decorating the
walls of the
mosques, memorial
monuments, and
pedestals. The art is
mostly used for making such tools as
stone pots, ornamental frames, fireplaces, and chess board pieces. Great
masterpieces like the walls in
Achaemenian palaces in Persepolis,
delicate works like the engraved ring
gems, and engraved verses of the Holy
Quran on the agate rings are outstanding examples of this ancient art in Iran.
Traditional Tile Working
Using enameled bricks has been
one of the great changes in the history
of architecture, which led to
the production of beautiful
tile. Over the years, changes
in tile production have led to
its evolution and its present form. It's been used
in traditional, religious
buildings, e.g. mosques,
and memorial monuments of
the past. Currently, it is used
much in modern buildings.
In this art, small pieces of tiles are
put together, which is the method
applied in façade construction because
it prevents the expansion and contraction of tiles in cold and hot environments. This way, the enamels rarely fall
or break into pieces.
The designs vary from vertical, horizontal, and oblique straight lines of 45
degrees as well as checkered patterns.
Tile working is also
used in Kufi Bannai
(architectural Kufi)
writings as a part of
the decoration in
Islamic monumental
architecture in Iran.
Based on the type
of production, traditional tile working
falls into the following categories, each
described above
under a separate
entry: gold-plated tile, inlaid tile,
enameled tile, and seven-colored tile.
Perhaps the history of enameled
tools as a box, a chess piece, a dervish
bowl, gates of sacred places, etc.
Historians consider wood engraving as
one of the grand old industrial arts of
Iran, especially from the time of the
Arab conquest of Iran. Mazandaran
province is one of the main centers for
making this product.
Islamic Republic of
Arts & Crafts
brick (tile) dates back to the time of Babel in the 2nd century BC. What has been
found from this type of tile belongs to the Achaemenian period, which has been
found in most of the buildings on the Iranian Plateau, especially those of the 5th
century BC in Susa and Persepolis. Nowadays, this product is made in most of
the Iranian cities, including Esfahan, Mashhad, Tehran and Qom.
A delicate and meticulous marquetry produced since the Safavid period, khatam,
was so popular in the courts that princes learned this technique at the same learning level of music or painting. "Khatam" means "incrustation", and so, "Khatamkari"
is "incrustation work". This craft consists of the production of incrustation patterns
(generally star shaped) with thin sticks of wood (ebony, teak, ziziphus, orange and
rose woods), brass (for golden parts), and camel bones (for white parts). Ivory, gold,
or silver can also be used.
Many objects can be decorated in this fashion, such as: jewelry/ decorative
boxes, chessboards, cadres, pipes, desks, frames or musical instruments. Combined
with Persian miniature, Khatam leads to a fascinating work of art. This craft has
existed for more than 700 years and is still perennial in Shiraz and Esfahan.
"Minakari," or enameling, is the art of painting, coloring and ornamenting the
surface of metals by fusing brilliant colors of an inticate designover the surface. The
Iranians invented the art of enamel or
minakari, and the Mongols spread it to India
and other countries.
Historically, gold has been used for
minakari as it holds the enamel better, it
lasts longer, and its lustre brings out the colors of the enamels. Silver, a later introduction, has been used for artifacts like boxes,
bowls, spoons, and art pieces. Meanwhile,
copperhas been used for handicraft products, and it was introduced after the globally
enforced Gold Control Act, which compelled the minakari-makers to look for a
material other than gold.
Traditional Bookbinding
Iranians are excellent in the art of bookbinding, because they reserve high values
for books. In this art, which is now ued for binding old manuscripts, the binder
fungicides the book, presses it using a press machine, lines it, and then sews the
After lining, single sheets are pasted to the beginning and ends of the book, and
then, the band is pasted to the back of the book. When the process is done, the
book is sent to a cover maker. Today, traditional bookbinding is used for restoring
the old books in the precious manuscripts archive of the Islamic Consultative
In the art of inlaid leather, covers of
booksare made from patching pieces of
leather. For making inlaid leather,
appropriate types of leathers such as
goat leather and ewe leather are used.
Then, embossed designs of flowers,
bushes, birds ; other delicate and elaborate geometrical figures such as citrons, semi-citrons, ovals, and circles;
and animals' pictures are cut, arranged
and pasted on leather. Sometimes, the
margins are covered by embossed,
gold-plated designs or different colors.
There is another kind of inlaid leather
in which strips of narrow, delicate
leather are carefully pasted on the specific cover. Mostly, the artists of Tabriz
and Herat use this method to create
fantastic inlaid leather book covers.
A Persian miniature is a small painting whether a book
illustration or a separate work of art
intended to be kept
in an album of such
works to comprise a
part of the visual element of a classical
literature. The techniques are broadly
comparable to the
Western and
Byzantine traditions
of miniatures in illuminated manuscripts, which probably
had an influence on the origins of the
Persian tradition.
Although there is an equally wellestablished Persian tradition of wallpainting, the survival rate and state of
preservation of miniatures is better, and
the miniatures are the best-known form
of Persian painting among western
Miniature painting became a significant Persian form in the 13th century,
and the highest point in the tradition
was reached in the 15th and 16th centuries. The tradition continued under
some influence from western countries
and has many modern exponents. The
Persian miniature was the dominant
influence on other Islamic miniature
traditions, principally the Ottoman
miniatures of Turkey and the Mughal
miniatures of the Indian sub-continent.
The themes of Persian miniatures are
mostly related to Persian mythology
and poetry. Western artists discovered
the Persian miniatures around the
beginning of the 20th century.
Persian miniatures use pure geometry and a vivid palette. The allure of
Persian miniature
painting lies in its
absorbing complexities and in the surprising way it relates
to the nature of art
and the perception
of its masterpieces.
Prominent Persian
miniaturists include:
Kamal ud-Din
Bihzad Herawi:
Leading miniaturist
of the Timurid era,
and founder of the
Safavid School.
Reza Abbasi: One
of the most
renowned Persian painters of the
Safavid era.
Hossein Behzad: Famous contemporary miniaturist.
Mahmoud Farshchian: Famous contemporary miniaturist.
Inlaid Leather
Islamic Republic of
Arts & Crafts
Different types of metals are used in the
various types of handicrafts produced in Iran.
The most popular of these items are made
out of copper, which are commonly used in
Iranian kitchens. The chief centers of the art
of metal workings are Esfahan, Shiraz, Kashan,
Yazd and Kerman.
Copper kitchen articles include: pots,
pans, pails, large spoons, and trays. The second category of copper items consists of picture frames, jewelry boxes, water-pipe pots
and statues of various animals, which have
special artistic value.
Architecture & Archaeological Objects
Iran's history remains visible in the country's many intriguing and important
archaeological sites, its ancient and historical monuments, and its cities, which possess some of the world's most magnificent examples of Islamic art and architecture.
Archaeological findings in Iran
have traced the record of
human settlement in prehistoric
time to the Neolithic age when
human beings started to gather
and to store food and later to
the age of agriculture.
Earthenware that has been
found dating back 10,000 years
indicates that people living in
the area at the time had already
invented the craft of pottery.
Objects found in Chogha Mish
in Khuzestan Province indicate
that about 8,000 years ago, people in Iran could already navigated and produced
textiles. In Sialk, near Kashan, remnants of buildings have been discovered dating
back to 5,000 years, which display remarkable architecture. At that time, Iranians
were already producing copper and using copper objects. During the 3rd millennium BC, Aryans migrated to Iran and soon developed writing and signs. Architecture
made great progress, and Iranians became familiar with brass.
In the 2nd millennium BC, iron was produced in this region, and circa 1250 BC,
glass was used in the building of Chogha Zanbil, not far from Susa in Khuzestan
region of southwestern Iran.
In the 1st millennium BC, Iranians made great progress in architecture and town
planning, as well as building dams, roads and irrigation systems including Qanats
(underground construction for channeling and reserving waters).
The Achaemenian era was the zenith of of ancient Iranian civilization as illustrated
by the splendor of Susa and Persepolis (Takht-e-Jamshid). Stone work and stone
The Safavid era was a period for the
revival of arts and crafts. Ornamental
arts, architecture, carpet weaving and
etc. made stunning progress. Many of
Esfahan's surviving architectural masterpieces were also built in this era; such
globally renowned monuments as the
Imam and Lotfollah
Mosques, Khaju and
Bridges, the Alighapu
Palace etc, are the
reminders of this
golden age of arts
and crafts. It was during the Safavid era
that the first political
contacts with western
countrieswere made,
and the western
influence gradually
appeared in the face
of Iranian art and
architecture. The
process of industrialization had resulted
in a growing middle class, which sought
a modern rather than traditional life.
The middle class
urban areas
required a whole
new stock of buildings, from
dwellings to social
brought about the
manufacture and
importation of all
types of building
materials and techniques, and it provided the economic mechanism to
finance large amounts of construction.
These were the practical conditions that
prevailed and supplied the ingredients
for a productive aesthetic condition.
carving became very popular and continued through theoutstanding period of
Iranian history and architecture, which
began with the era of the Sassanids in
the 3rd century AD.
During the 400 hundred years of
Sassanid rule over Iran, colossal bridges
were built, a few of
which remain and
are used today. Dam
building was very
common in this era,
as well as the construction of splendid
palaces and cities.
Most of the archaeological sites and
objects that can still
be seen in Iran
remained from this
period. Tagh-eBostan in
Bishapur Palace, and
Firouz Abad Palace
are a few examples
of innovative monumental architecture
from Sassanid Iran. After the emergence
of Islam, the development of art and
architecture continued among the
Iranian people.They expressed their
dependence and love to their faith and
culture through building magnificent
mosques and sacred shrines, madrassas
(traditional Islamic academies) and mausoleums of prominent personalities.
The Mongol and Timurid invasions
were catastrophes that disruptedthe cultural and academic progress. However,
the successors of these conquerors tried
to amend the damages, and Iranian culture witnessed its revival again.
The Soltaniyeh Dome from the
Ilkhanid and the Shrine of Imam Reza
and Gawhar Shad Mosque in Mashhad
are distinguished examples of Iranian
Islamic architecture in those eras.
Map of I.R.Iran
Islamic Republic of
Islamic Republic of
Iran is a vast country with
great natural beauty and a
rich history.
Due to its beautiful natural
setting, it can offer a lively
and interesting environment
to the nature loving tourists.
It has various natural
attractions, such as temperate
forests in the north with high
humidity and rainfall (1,700
mm), deserts and salt lakes in
the central part of Iran, and
high mountains (such as 5,604
meter high Mount Damavand), glaciers and coastal areas.
Considered as one of the five countries in the world with the highest biodiversity, Iran is home to 519 different birds, 172 varying mammals, 199 various
reptiles, 20 diverse amphibians, 173 assorted fish and 9,000 distinctive plant
species. There are also 9 biosphere storages, 50 interior lakes, 548,000 km of
coastal lines in the north and south, including the islands, 23 national parks, 35
wildlife refuge and 111 protected regions.
Popular ecotourism activities in Iran include mountain and desert treks, bird
watching in coastal areas and wetlands, and diving. There are a number of natural parks and protected regions, such as, Golestan, Kavir, Lar, Khosh Yellagh,
Bakhtegan and Bamoo, whichoffer ecotourism attractions.
The Bakhtegan Lake is a place that must be visited by tourists especially in
winter when the migrating flamingoes and birds from Russia accommodate
themselvesthere. Also, Iran boasts of Qeshm Geopark, which is the largest
geopark in the Middle East.
Golestan Forest
(National Park), Gorgan
As one of Iran's most attractive forestparks, Golestan Forest Park is situated
between the cities of Gonbad Kavoos in
the Golestan province and Bojnoord in
the northern region of the Khorasan
The park possesses many different kinds
of plants and animal species and a very
pleasant natural environment.
It was the first area to be designated as
a national reserve in Iran. The park, which
has a unique situation in the mountain
terrain, spans in the bunchgrass steppe.
The long stretch of
mountain ranges
with peak altitudes of
over 4,000m, and
the other mountains
of Alam Kuh
(4,850m), and the
volcanic peaks of
Sabalan (4,811m)
and Damavand
(5,671m) provide the
main attractions for
foreign mountain
Kavir National
Kavir National
Park is a protected
ecological zone in
northern Iran. It has
an area of 4,000 square kilometers
(about 1,500 square miles).
The park is located 120 kilometers
south of Tehran, and it sits on the
western end of one of Iran's two
major deserts, the Dasht-e Kavir
(Great Salt Desert).
Siahkuh (Black Mountain), a large,
semi-circular rock outcropping, sits
roughly in the park's center.
The park encompasses desert and
steppe landscapes and it is also
known as "Little Africa" for its safarilike wildlife, including native goats,
sheep, hyenas, wolves, gazelles, leopards, the rare Asiatic Cheetah, and the
Persian Leopard.
Dizin ski resort
Dizin is a ski resort
situated to the north
of Tehran in the
Alborz mountain
It is considered as
the most important
ski resort in Iran and
the Middle East.
Rock Climbing
Among the many
available locations
for this activity, the
Alam Kuh wall
(over 650m) is very
popular among foreign tourists and is
situated at the altitude of 4,200m,
Long rivers that
stretch from the
mountains to the
fields offer the the
chance to kayak,
canoe, and raft during mid-spring to
Scuba Diving
The limpid coastal
water of the Persian
Gulf, which is the
result of the coral
coasts and islands,
offers excellent
and Mountain
Being in the eastern
edge of the contiguous Caspian Forest,
it provides the abundant wild life that
one would expect to
find in mountains,
foothills & valleys
with steppe and
deciduous forest
Islamic Republic of
opportunities for professional and amateur scuba divers.
The vast difference in the temperatures
of the mountain ranges, deserts, vast
fields, and low plains near the equator,
make it possible to do trekking during all
the seasons in Iran.
Desert Safari
Pure silence, absolute peace, contrasting
brown and white salty land, and innumerable stars in the vivid desert sky are some
of the remarkable characteristics of the
Iranian deserts.
The deserts types consist of swampy,
salty, clay, gravel, and running sands.
Taking a stroll within these vast spaces,
watching the wonders of the moving sands, the burning and dry salt marshes,
historical monuments, brick colored buildings of simple and harsh styles, shadows of scattered villages, as well as the old ancient inns and caravansaries are
charming and worth visiting for every tourist.
For this purpose, Yazd Province is the best choice.
The Yazd - Bafq route runs along the
ancient Fahraj Mosque on the fringes of
the desert, spread to the limits of Bafq. En
route are the tamarisk forests, and the
beautiful Ahan Shahr Park, extending over
20 hectares which appears at the end of
this route.
The other route is Yazd - Khanaraq Bayazeh which continues to Khoor and
Along this route one can see domeshaped sandy hills, covered by desert
All through the route there are ancient
and beautiful inns with arched windows
and unique architecture, the most noteworthy of which is the military castle of
Bayazeh which is placed beside the beautiful gardens of Khoor Biabanak village.
Another site to visit is the ancient olive tree which is over a thousand years
Yazd province boasts of many fantastic deserts, the most important ones
being Ardakan Desert, Abar Kooh Desert, Daranjir Desert area.
Caspian Sea, the largest landlocked
lake in the world, is located in northern Iran. The Iranian Caspian coast
including the three littoral provinces
of Gilan, Golestan
and Mazandaran,
with their thick
forests and largescale rice paddies
present a striking
contrast to the dry
inner plateau of
A four-hour drive
from Tehran, the
Caspian is Iran's
Riviera, with a narrow plain of paddy
fields and orchards
separating the sea
from forested mountains where bears
and leopards roam around ruined
Mongol castles.
There are several roads connecting
Tehran to the three provinces, all
through breathtakingly beautiful
scenery, across the
mountains or alongside rivers such as
the world renowned
"Chalous Road"
winding north across
the rugged Alborz
mountains to reach
the Caspian Coast.
With their tropical
climate in summer
and mild winters,
beautiful sandy
beaches, scenic
beauty and proximity to the capital the
three provinces are
very popular among
Iranians as a holiday
and weekend resort. Numerous holiday and residential complexes, private
villas, leisure facilities and holiday
homes dot the landscape.
Other Iranian
National Parks
and Natural
Sisangan National
Park, the Hara
Forests near Qeshm
Island in southern
Iran, Kharturan
National Park,
Wildlife Refuge and
Biosphere Reserve,
Naybandan Wildlife
Refuge, Bafq
Protected Area,
Dar-e Anjir Wildlife
Refuge, Oshtoran
Mountain Protected
Area, Hamoon Wetlands, Tandooreh
National Park, Hara Protected Area,
Gano Protected Area, Lar Protected
Area, Central Alborz Protected Area,
Khojir and Sorkhe Hesar National
Park, Bakhtegan
National Park,
Anzali Lagoon, Port
Anzali of the
Caspian Sea,
Arasbaran Protected
Area, Arjan
Protected Area,
Lake Urmia
National Park,
Protected Area,
Touran Protected
Area, Nazhvan
Suburban Natural
Park near Esfahan,
and Bambo
National Park near
The Caspian Coast
Islamic Republic of
To p 1 0 P l a c e s t o Vi s i t
Top 10 Places to Visit
Naqsh-e Jahan Square Complex,
Esfahan Province
Naghshe Jahan Square (Imam Square) is
an important historical site and one of
UNESCO's World Heritage Sites. It has 4
fundamental structures, Abbasi Jame
Mosque, Ali-Qapu Palace, Sheikh Lotfollah
Mosque, and the façade of Gheisarieh
Astane Qods-e Razavi Complex,
Khorasan Razavi Province
Astane Qods-e Razavi is a complex of
architectural and memorial monuments,
which consists of the sacred shrine of
Razavi and the surrounding buildings and monuments.
This complex of monuments has been built through centuries and is a highly
respected place due to the spirituality and importance associated with the sacred
shrine of Imam Reza (A.S). It is considered as a selected example of Iranians' and
Shiites' skills in arts and architecture.
Urmia Lake, West Azarbaijan Province
Urmia Lake is located in the east of the West Azerbaijan province and near
the city of Urmia. This lake, which is the largest lake in the country, has an altitude of 1,267 meters above the sea. It is variably about 120 to 140 kilometers
long and 15 to 50 kilometers wide. The water is extremely salty; the amount of
dissolved salt in the lake is said to be twice
the amount in the oceans, whichis why it
never freezes.
Local doctors prescribe the lake to their
patients, especially to those who suffer
from skin diseases. They refer to this lake,
for they believe that the mineral and salt
existing in the water has a healing effect.
The medicinal mud of this lake is used for
curing the diseases in the joints, nerves,
muscles (as related to infections or
rheumatism), some women's diseases, as
well as healing the pain caused by blows
to the joints, bones, and soft organs in the
body. The swimming period usually begins from early June to mid-August.
This lake has many islands and peninsulas which appeal to the tourists. It has
102 small and large islands; the most popular ones are Kabudan, Estak, Espir,
and Arezu.
The Chogha Zanbil Ziggurat is located 45 kilometers southeast of Susa. It
is the only remnant art of the ancient
city (about 1300 BC) of "Untashgal,"
which was two kilometers away from
the Dez River. It is the most important
remnant of the Elamite civilization.
This city has three interconnected,
mud-brick walls. The main gate of the
city is in the area surrounded by the
large eastern wall. There are some
remnants of the
water filtrations,
which are considered as the oldest
water installations.
They are located
between the second
and the third walls.
The Ziggurat's main
temple is in the center of the area and
surrounded by the
third wall.
The main temple's
dimensions are 105
m by 105 m.
Millions of bricks
were used in building the temple's five
floors, and unfortunately, only two
floors have survived. Except for the
first and fifth floor, all other floors
were made with mud-brick fillings.
The fifth floorwas where the idols of
gods and where the goddesses were
kept. The most important goddess of
the time was called "Inshishunak," who
was the special goddess of Susa City.
The cuneiform engraved bricks on
the walls of the temple, which have
the same piece of writing, manifest
the name of the king and the purpose
of the temple's construction. The city
and the works belonged to the Elamite
civilization in Haft Tape in 640 BC.
They were devastated by the raid of
the Assyrians' (who are named after
their commander, Ashurbanipal),
which overturned the Elamite sovereignty that had lasted for thousands of
years. This building is also registered
by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
Soltanieh Dome, Zanjan
This monument is 35 kilometers
away from Zanjan. It is located in the
town of Soltanieh,
which is a manifestation of beauty and
taste. It was built by
Soltan Mohamed
(Oljaitu) during
1302-12 AD in the
city of Soltanieh, the
capital of the
Ilkhanid dynasty.
The building of this
monument, which is
unique in its type,
spanned thirteen
years. The plan of
the monument is
octagonal and the
monument contains
eight verandas and eight minarets. The
height of the dome is 48.5 meters,
and the diameter of the mouth is 36
It is the third largest dome in size
after the Santa Maria in Italy's Florence
and the Hagia Sophia in Turkey's
Istanbul. However, it is the world's
largest brick-made dome, which has
two stages of decoration: brick and tile
ornamentation andand plaster and
stone painting. This dome is also registered by UNESCO as a World Heritage
Chogha Zanbil, Khuzestan
Islamic Republic of
To p 1 0 P l a c e s t o Vi s i t
Persepolis, Fars Province
Founded by Darius I in 518 BC,
Persepolis was the capital of the
Achaemenian Empire. It consists of an
immense half-artificial, half-natural terrace
built on a stony hill on top of Rahmat
Mountain in the Marvdasht Plain, , where
the king of kings created an impressive
palace complex inspired by Mesopotamian
models. The construction of the Persepolis
palaces continued up to 150 years after the
death of Darius the Great. The grandeur of
these monuments continues to fascinatevisitors, and the importance and quality of the
monumental ruins makes it a unique archaeological site. This complex has also
been registered by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
Bisotun, Kermanshah Province
Bisotun is a rich collection of Iran's historic and literary works, which is located
20 kilometers east of Kermanshah on the slope of Bisotun Mountain. This complex
consists of the Bisotun Inscription, the portrait of Parthian king, Gudarz II, the portrait of Darius the Great, Farhad engravings,
Hercules' statue, the portrait of Parthian
king, Mithridates, and stones with Pahlavi
inscriptions. The Bisotun Inscription, which
is the most important design in this collection, was engraved instone in 522 BC on
Darius' command. It describes 25 years of
Darius' wars while holding the throne. There
are writings on the margin of the Bisotun
Inscription in three languages: ancient Parsi,
Elamite, and Akkadian as well as the popular accent of the time, neo-Babel. The
inscription, written in ancient Parsi in 44
lines, is engraved beautifully in cuneiform.
Darius, in every refrain of the inscription, says, "King Darius states that." The repetition of this phrase gives a special dignity and grandness to the style of the inscription. This collection has also been registered by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
Qara Kelisa, West Azarbaijan Province
Located south of Maku in the northern Iranian province of West Azarbaijan, the
massive St. Thaddeus Church, literally known as Qara Kelisa, meaning black church, is
one of the oldest and most notable surviving Christian monuments in Iran. It was constructed in 68 AD by one of the apostles of Jesus, Saint Thaddeus, who traveled to
Armenia, which was then part of the Persian Empire, to preach the teachings of Christ.
Armenians hold Qara Kelisa as the world's first church. Qara Kelisa has been registered
as the ninth Iranian historical-cultural heritage site on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Takht-e Soleyman is an outstanding
ensemble of royal architecture, joining
the principal architectural elements created by the Sassanians
in a harmonious composition inspired by
their natural context.
The archaeological
site of Takht-e
Soleyman, in northwestern Iran, is situated in a valley set in a
volcanic mountain
region. The site
includes the principal
Zoroastrian sanctuary,
partly rebuilt during
the Ilkhanid period (13th century), and
the temple dedicated to Anahita of the
Sassanian period (6th and 7th centuries).
The site has an important symbolic
significance. The designs of the fire temple, the palace, and the general layout
strongly influenced the development of
Islamic architecture. The ensemble of
Takht-e Soleyman is an exceptional testimony to the continuation of the fire and
water-related cult over a period of two
and half millennia.
Arg-é Bam, Kerman Province
Located in the Kerman province of
southeastern Iran, Arg-e Bam is the
most representative example of a fortified medieval town built in vernacular
technique. It is listed by UNESCO as
part of the World Heritage Site, "Bam
and its Cultural Landscape." This enormous Silk Road citadel was built during
the Sassanian period and remained in
use until 1850 AD. It is situated atop an
artificial hill in the northwest quadrant
of the old city of Bam. The citadel complex occupies an area 315 meters wide
along the east-west axis and 270 meters
long along the north-south axis.
On December 26, 2003, the Citadel
was almost completely destroyed by an
earthquake, along with much of Bam
and its environs. Prior to the earthquake, the fortress
had possessed the
distinction of being
the largest adobe
building in the
world, recognized
for its unbaked mud
brick (khesht) and
mud wall (chineh)
Pasargad, Fars
Pasargad was the
first dynastic capital of the
Achaemenian Empire, founded by
Cyrus the Great in the Fars Province,
homeland of the Persians in the 6th
century BC. Its palaces, gardens, and
the mausoleum of Cyrus are outstanding examples of the first phase of royal
Achaemenian art and architecture and
exceptional testimonies of Persian civilization.
Particularly noteworthy vestiges in the
160-ha site include: the Mausoleum of
Cyrus, Tall-e Takht, a fortified terrace,
and a royal ensemble of gatehouse,
audience hall, residential palace and
gardens. Pasargad was the capital of the
first great multicultural empire in
Western Asia. Spanning the Eastern
Mediterranean and Egypt to the Hindus
River, it is considered to be the first
empire that respected the cultural diversity of its different peoples. This was
reflected in Achaemenian architecture,
a synthetic representation of different
cultures. The "Four Gardens" type of
royal ensemble, which was created in
Pasargad, became a prototype for architecture and design in Western Asia.
Takht-e Soleyman, West
Azarbaijan Province
Islamic Republic of
5 Major Cities
5 Major Cities
Tehran is the capital, the largest city of
Iran, and the administrative center of the
Tehran Province. Tehran is a sprawling city at
the foot of the Tochal mountain range with
an immense network of highways unparalleled in Western Asia. The city is famous for
its numerous resorts on the Alborz slopes,
large museums, art centers and palace complexes.Tehran is the largest city in the Middle
East, the 16th most populated city in the
world with a population of 8,429,807, and
one of Iran's largest urban areas. Most Iranian
industries have headquarters in Tehran,
including the manufacturing of automobiles, electrical equipment, textiles, sugar,
cement, and chemical products; it is aleading center for the sale of carpets and furniture; the capital city also contains anoil refinery located in the south.
In the 20th century, Tehran faced a large migration of people from all around Iran.
Currenlty, the city contains various religious minorities and has many historic mosques,
churches, synagogues and Zoroastrian fire temples. Contemporary Tehran is a city featuring many tall structures, of which the Azadi Tower and the Milad Tower have
become the symbols. Globally, it stands 14th by city population, 56th by the GDP
size, and 29th by the metropolitan area population. Due to the long history of Iran,
there have been many instances of capital city relocations over the ages, and currently,
Tehran is the 31st national capital of Iran.
Places to see
Azadi Tower
Built in 1971, Azadi tower is the symbol of
Tehran with a height of 45 meters. The
design of the building is a derivation of
ancient Islamic architecture. In this structure,
about 25,000 stone pieces of 15,000 forms
and sophisticated bow-shaped surfaces have
been used. The east and the west sides contain the big arches inspired by the Kasra Arch
and the Sassanid arches of ancient Iran. The
north and the south sides are the broken
bow-shaped, alter-like structures which are indicative of Islamic architecture. The 45
meter high tower holds a museum and an audio-visual center, where the objects and
the works made in the pre-Christianity era up to the Qajar period are exhibited.
Milad Tower
Milad Tower is the tallest tower in Iran. Built between the Shahrak-e Gharb and
Gisha districts of Tehran, it stands 435 m (1,427 ft) high from the base to the tip of
Sar-Dar-e Bagh-e Melli (National
Garden Facade)
During Reza Khan's regime in 1919, at
the entrance of the old Mashgh Square,
where it was the military place of FathAli Shah Kingdom and the Qajar's
troops, a magnificent facade was built.
After a while, most of Mashgh Square
was devoted to Bagh-e Melli (National
Garden). Thus, this gate was known as
Sar-Dar-e Bagh-e Melli.
Shams ol-Emareh Palace
Shams ol-Emareh is one of the famous
buildings of the old Tehran, which was
built by Naser Al-Din
Shah between the
years 1861 to 1863 in
the east side of the
Golestan Complex of
Palaces. Mirror-works,
paintings, and plasterworks of this building
are outstanding
examples of different
indoor decorations.
Toghrol Tower
Toghrol Tower is
one of the most
important grave towers of Iran. With interior sun-dried brick
walls and exterior
brick, the tower has a sunny shaped plan
and is made on a round platform. The
tower has a height of 20 meters, inner
and outer diameters of 11 and 16
meters, and wall widths of 1.75 and 2.75
meters. This Seljuk era building has brick
decoration at the top of the tower and is
one of the most beautiful grave towers.
Imam Khomeini Mosque
During the reign of the Pahlavi, it was
known as the Shah (the King) Mosque. It
is one of the biggest mosques of Tehran,
was constructed by the Qajars, and was
completed in 1819.
Shahid Motahari Mosque and
Supreme School
This school, also known as Naseri or
Sepah Salar, is considered as one of the
largest and most beautiful schools of the
the antenna. The head consists of a large
pod with 12 floors and aroof, which is
315 m (1,033 ft) high. Milad Tower is
the fifth tallest tower in the world and
the 14th tallest freestanding structure in
the world. It is part of the Tehran
International Trade
and Convention
Center. The project
includes the Milad
tower offering restaurants with panoramic
views on the top
floor, a five-star hotel,
a convention center,
a world trade center,
and an IT park. The
complex seeks to
respond to the needs
of business in the
globalized world of
the 21st century by
offering facilities combining trade, information, communication, convention and
accommodation all in one
place.Furthermore, the complex features
a parking area of 27,000 square meters,
a large computer and telecommunications unit, a cultural and scientific unit, a
commercial transaction center, a temporary showroom for exhibiting products, a
specialized library, an exhibition hall,
and an administrative unit. Milad Tower
has an octagonal base, symbolizing traditional Persian architecture.
Islamic Republic of
5 Major Cities
last century. The complex of this wonderful structure includes the big dome,
Shabestan, eight minarets, the suspended arch, and the colorful painted tile-works.
Iran National Museum
This museum exhibits objects related to
pre-historic and historic art and civilization,
dating back to 6000 years BC and the Islamic
era.Considering the value, importance, abundance and antiquity of the objects on display,
it is one of the most important museums of
the world.
Reza Abbasi Museum
The collections on display and in storage in
this museum belong to the period between
the 2nd millennium BC to the early 20th century, which corresponds to the end of
the Qajar period. The displays are arranged chronologically, so visitors can have a
chance to observe the development of art, culture, and technology during this time
interval. This setup has made the Abbasi unique among museums in the country, in
respect to the Iranian art's history. The objects exhibited in this museum include artifacts made of baked clay, metal, and stone from the pre-historic times to pottery and
metal objects, textile, and lacquer painting belonging to the Islamic period. Other artworks on display in the Abbasi are paintings on canvas and paper, manuscripts and
jewelry from pre-Islamic period, and art, technology, and calligraphy works of the
Islamic period.
Abgineh Museum
As one of the famous Iranian museums, Abgineh museum is comprised of several
halls and workshops and a library. Art works and handicrafts exhibited in this museum
include three collections of porcelain, glassworks and crystals. The decorations of the
building include brickworks of the exterior facade and interior plaster cutouts, mirror
works, and inlaying. The magnificent collection of porcelains exhibits a thorough history of ceramics and porcelains made in Iran from the dawn of history until today. It
also provides a bulk of information about the
evolution of porcelain and its production
technique. Major centers of porcelain making
in Iran, including Kashan, Rey, Qazvin,
Gorgan and Neyshabur, are also introduced.
Visiting this museum, one learns about simple and colorful glazed porcelains and the art
of decorating them, which pertains tocalligraphic designs, paintings of plants and animals, and geometrical designs over and
under the layer of the glaze. Some of these
porcelains enjoy paintings on the basis of
proverbs and old mythical and folk tales.
With its beautiful architecture and
facade resembling a carpet-weaving
loom, the Carpet Museum of Iran, is
located in the northwest of Laleh Park in
Tehran. It is composed of two exhibition
galleries covering an area of 3400 sq m.
The ground floor gallery is assigned to
permanent exhibitions, and the upper
floor gallery is considered for the temporary exhibitions of carpets, kilims, and
carpet designs.
Tehran Museum of Contemporary
Being one of the world's top 10 art
museums and holding more than 4000
masterpieces of contemporary artworks
in painting and visual arts, the Tehran
Museum of Contemporary Arts was
inaugurated in 1977 and built adjacent
to Tehran's Laleh Park. The museum
design carries elements of traditional
Persian architecture, such as Badgirs, and
yet it also has a spiraling design reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wright's
Guggenheim.The treasures of the
Museum are among the richest modern
art collections of the world. The
Muesum holds an impressive variety of
works notably by: Claude Monet,
Camille Pissarro, Van Gogh, James Ensor,
Edouard Vuillard, André Dunoyer de
Segonzac, Jules Pascin, André Derain,
Louis Valtat, Georges Rouault, Fernand
Léger, Pablo Picasso, Alberto Giacometti,
Francis Bacon, Max Ernst, René Magritte,
George Grosz, Diego Rivera, Jasper
Johns, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein,
Jim Dine, Peter Phillips, James
Rosenquist, Fritz Winter, Joan Mir?,
William Turnbull, Victor Vasarely, Adolph
Gottlieb, Richard Hamilton, Georges
Braque, Jean Paul Riopelle, Edvard
Munch, Pierre Soulages, Edgar Degas,
Mary Cassatt, Maurice Prendergast,
Franti?ek Kupka, Max Beckmann, James
Whistler, Edward Hopper, Giorgio
Morandi, Noreen Motamed, Giacomo
Balla and Marcel Duchamp. The art
treasures were publicly exhibited for the
second time from 26 June to 6 August,
2009. 120 works of European and
American modernism history were on
display. It was one of the greatest exhibitions of artwork since the Islamic revolution in Iran.
Places to Stay
Esteghlal Grand Hotel
Next to Vali-e-Asr Crossroad,
Chamran Exp. Way, Tehran.
Tel: (+98-21) 22040021-5
Azadi Hotel
Evin Intersection, Chamran Exp.
way, Tehran.
Tel: (+98-21) 22073021-9
Laleh Hotel
Next to Water Organization, Dr.
Fatemi Ave, Tehran.
Tel: (+98-21) 8966021-9
Homa Hotel
Khoddami Street, Vanak Square,
Vali-e-Asr Ave, Tehran.
Tel: (+98-21) 88773021-9
Places to Eat
Alborz Restaurant
North Sohrevardy Ave., After
Shahid Beheshti Ave.
Tel : (+98-21) 8761907
Nayeb Restaurant
Vali-e-Asr Ave., Saee Park
Tel: (+98-21) 88713474
Shandiz Jordan Restaurant
Jordan, after the gas station,
Saba Ave.
Tel: (+98-21) 2043755
Carpet Museum
Islamic Republic of
5 Major Cities
Esfahan, the capital city of the Esfahan
province is one of the prominent cities of
Iran in regards to industrial activities, beauty, cultural and historic monuments and arts
and crafts. It was chosen as the capital of
Iran twice; first, during the reign of the
Sejuk and Deylaman, and second, during
the Safavid era in the 17th century.
Places to See
Naghshe Jahan Complex (Imam
This place was built when Esfahan was selected as the capital of the Safavid
Empire. It is 507 meters long and 158 meters wide and located in the east of the
Chahar Bagh Boulevard in Esfahan.
The place is a distinction of Esfahan and
Safavid architecture. There are three grand
and beautiful monuments around this
square which belong to the time of the
Safavid, such as the Imam Mosque, the
Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque and the Ali-Qapu
On the other side of the square, the
design on the façade of the Gheisarieh
Bazaar and the way it connects to the arches makes the square eye-catching and awesome.
The square is surrounded by chambers
on two floors, which have been used for
trade and business over the years. There are
also three masterpieces in the three corners of the square, which belong to the
time of the Safavid andshow the greatness of the Islamic and Iranian art.
Ali-Qapu, with its paintings of Reza
Abassi on the walls and the plaster works of
the Sound Room; Imam Mosque, with its
52-meter dome and the fully tiled 48-meter
minaret; as well as Sheikh Lotfollah
Mosque, covered thoroughly with inlaid
tiles, have made the square and the surrounding monuments a manifestation of the
Iranians' original and beautiful skill in
Islamic art and architecture.
That is the reason why UNESCO has registered Naqsh-e Jahan Square and the surrounding monuments as a World Heritage
The palace was built in the 17th
century AD, and it lies in the center of
a garden, covering 67,000 sq m. It has
several halls and room, which have
been decorated with marble, impressive gilding, exquisite paintings, and
animal statues. The palace also has a
The palace was
built during the
Safavid era in the
17th century and
consists of a 6-floor
palace with a height
of 48m.
This palace is
located on the west
of Imam Square. It
was a reception site
for guests and foreign
ambassadors who
came to visit Shah
Abbas I, the powerful
Safavid king.
Its plaster works
and paintings by Reza Abbasi are considered as masterpieces of the Safavid
Imam Mosque
This impressive
mosque is also located in Imam Square
and is one of the
Islamic-Iranian architectural masterpieces.
Its dome is 52 m
high, and its
minarets are 4 m tall.
It is a unique
mosque for its beautiful tile-work and
decorative stones.
Sheikh Lotfallah Mosque
This mosque, which was constructed
on the orders of Shah Abbas I of the
Safavid dynasty, is one of the most
magnificent historic monuments of
Iran. Its dome is decorated with exquisite tile work, externally and internally.
Pole Khaju (khaju Bridge)
The present bridge
was built during the
reign of Shah Abbas
II of the Safavid
dynasty on Zayandeh
Rood River. It is
renowned for its
magnificent architecture, delightful frescos, and tile work.
Allah Verdi Khan
This bridge, with a
length of 300 m and
a width of 14 m, is
one of the most
prominent historic
monumentsdueto its
architectural style. It is unique in beauty, stability, and grandeur, and it is the
largest bridge over the Zayandeh Rood
River in Esfahan.
Menar Jonban
(The Shaking
This monument
consists of a tomb
with two minarets,
which were constructed during the
Mongol era. When
one of these
minarets is shaken,
the other and some
parts of the building
also shake.
Chehel Sotoun Palace
Islamic Republic of
5 Major Cities
Vank Church and Meuseum
This church, located in the Jolfa region
of the city, is one of the most striking
churches of the world for its gilded ceiling
and paintings. The church also contains a
The most popular bazaar in Esfahan is
Gheisarieh Bazaar, which joins Naghsh-e
Jahan Square to Atigh Square. Many bazaars
branch off this large Bazaar such as: Nim
Avard, Araban, Haronieh, Golshan,
Mokhles, Samavar Sazha, Maghsood Beik,
etc. Also, other popular bazaars, such as
Mesgarha (coppersmiths) bazaar, Tarkesh
Doozha bazaar, Kolah Doozha (hat makers)
bazaar, Avafha (rope makers) bazaar, and
Ahangarha (blacksmiths) bazaar, are located
around Naghsh-e Jahan Square.
Places to Stay
Abbasi Hotel
Madani St., Esfahan.
Tel: (+98-311) 226010-9
Ali Qapou Hotel
Chahar-Bagh Abbasi St., Esfahan.
Tel: (+98-311) 231282-4
Kowsar Hotel
Boustan Mellat Boulevard, Esfahan.
Tel: (+98-311) 240230-9
Places to Eat
Maharaja Restaurant
Bansico Bldg, Enghelab Square,
Chahar Bagh Street, Esfahan.
Tel: (+98-311) 24985
Shahrzad Restaurant
Abbasabad, Chahar Bagh Street,
Tel: (+98-311) 234474, 239109
It is the capital city
of the Khorasan-e
Razavi province,
which lies 970 m
above sea level and
924 km from Tehran,
and is one of the
most important cities
of Iran. The Holy
Shrine of Imam Reza
Complex is located in
Mashhad, making it a
pilgrimage destiny for
Muslims around the
Places to See
Sacred Shrine of Imam Reza
(Astane Ghods-e Razavi)
A grand collection of buildings were
gradually constructed around the Holy
Shrine of Imam Reza (the eighth Shiite
Imam), whos is the only Shiite Imam
whose tomb is situated in Iran. The
Imam is also very dear and respected
among Iranians. This
complex consists of
the Shrine of Imam
Reza, numerous
courtyards and portals, Gawhar Shad
Mosque, a library, the
University of Islamic
Sciences, and other
buildings, all of
which were constructed.
Beside the Imam
Reza Shrine,
Gawhar Shad
Mosque, which was built by Gawhar
Shad, the wife of Timur's son,
Shahrokh, is a brilliant example of
Islamic architecture. This mosque was
built according to the Iranian plan of
four-veranda mosques, which forms a
large courtyard in the center.
The beautiful calligraphy on the
mosque's walls was
done by Baysunqur
Mirza, Shahrokh's
son. The most attractive part of this
mosque is the southern veranda, which is
decorated with
moqranas works and
valuable inscriptions.
There are two solid
minarets on both
sides of this veranda, which are 6 meters
wide and have the same height as the
veranda. This mosque has been ornamented and renovated twice: once during the Safavid period in 1631 and once
during the Qajar era.Other than these,
Astane Qods-e Razavi has a rich library
and museum. Astane Qods-e Razavi
Museum consists of three parts: the
Central Museum, the Malakabad
Museum, and the Holy Quran
Collection. This museum has valuable
works like the Imams'
Holy Qurans, old
books and manuscripts, inscriptions,
and calligraphies by
Alireza Abbasi, Mir
Emad, Ahmad Tabrizi
and Kalhor, as well as
priceless carpets that
date back to the
Safavid period.
Pir-e Palan Dooz
Tomb (Mashhad):
This tomb is located in the north section of Imam Reza's holy shrine and contains a square building with an arch on
top and a brick-made veranda in front.
Inside the tomb, there is a dais with
beautiful painting, which gives the tomb
Islamic Republic of
5 Major Cities
a special appearance. The walls of the building had decorative painting dating from
the Safavid era, which has been destroyed due to humidity and dampness. The
whole building and its remaining parts are from the Safavid era and werebuilt in
1606. The site contains the tomb of Mohammad Aref Abbasi, who was nicknamed
Palan Dooz and one of the learned persons from the Zahabieh dynasties.
Ferdosi Tomb (Toos):
The tomb and resting place of the great
Iranian epic poet, Hakim Abol-Ghasem
Ferdowsi is located 24 kilometers north of
Mashhad. The interior of the tomb was
changed completely in the process of
rebuilding; the entrance is built with two
stairways against each other in the west, and
its space expands to 900 square meters.
Inside the tomb, 20 marbled pillars are
installed in the lower part, and 8 pillars stand
in the upper part. The design was inspired by
the tomb of Cyrus the Great in Persepolis.
Sheikh Farid al-Din Attar Neyshaburi's Tomb
Amir Alishir Navaee, the minister of the
last Timurid governor, built another building
on Attar's grave. In 1341 AH (the solar calendar), 1962, the National Monuments
Association completed the reconstruction of
the ruined building and took measures for
the tile works. Attar's tomb has been a
tourists' attraction and a meeting place for his
fans around the world.
Hammam-e Shah (The King's Bath)
This bath was built in the big bazaar and
next to the Imam Mosque in 1606 by Mehdi
Gholi Beig Mir Akhor. "Hammam-e Shah" is a
complex of various spaces. The biggest and the most beautiful part of the bath is the
"Beineh," which was built in a square shape at the front of the entrance. Eight stony
pillars, two by two, each of them 1/5 meter away from another, support the covered
arch. Another important part of the bath is the "Garmkhaneh" (a site that keeps the air
and bath water warm), in which four pillars supportthe roof. In addition, there are
other places in the bath area, such as Khazaneh and Abdarkhaneh.
Malek House
Malek House is located on Imam Khomeini Street and near the office of the
Organization of Financial and Economic Affairs. This building was much larger in the
past, but currently, the Malek House embodies the outside part of the house, whichcontains two floors, the big guest room with wooden and inlaid ceiling, and the
Ghadamgah Building
This beautiful eleventh century building near Neyshabur has an eight-corner
structure, high verandas, and two-storey
false arches, seven-colored sun-dried
bricks tiles, and beautiful plaster-works.
Apparently this building had been erected on the orders of Shah Abbas I. After
the earthquake in 1663, it was repaired
on the orders of Shah Soleyman in
1670. It is so-called Ghadamgah (the
place of the steps), because where the
big steps attributed to Imam Reza exist,
there sits a black stone.
It is one of the summer resorts around
Mashhad, which is located in the
Torghabeh district. It lies 30 kilometers
west of Mashhad and approximately 13
kilometers from Torghabeh on the way
from Mashhad to Abardeh and Zeshk.
The springs and many gardens, the
green and fresh atmosphere, the river
and natural sightseeing, the pleasant climate, the native handicrafts of fur and
leather clothing, woodcrafts, baskets and
the products of the other industriesmake
this summer resort a popular place for
the tourists, pilgrims, and residents of
Knownfor its famous restaurants on
the way to Jagharagh, the city is located
18 kilometers southwest of Mashhad and
is restricted from the west by the
Binalood mountain chains and from the
north by the Takht-e Rostam Mountain.
Torghabeh has many gardens with various fruits and beautiful springs, and a
roaring river passes by it. In the summer,
it has a cool and pleasant climate. As in
previous years, this area was the center
of attention for the residents and pilgrims
of Mashhad.
Tondoreh National Park (Dargaz):
Near Chehelmir, Tondoreh National
Park is located 30 kilometers west of
Dargaz city. This rocky-mountainous
park is a suitable place for environmental
researches and contains various unique
and wonderful plants and wild animals.
Also, five kilometers from Mohit Bani
Chehelmir station, there is a castle that
dates back to the Parthian era. In the
park, one can find many wild animals
such as rams, wolves, leopards, and various types of hunting birds.
Places to Stay
Homa Hotel (1)
Ahmad Abad Square, Mashhad.
Tel: 0511- 832001-9
Homa Hotel(2)
Khayyam Boulevard, Mashhad.
Tel: 0511- 7688859
Kowsar Hotel
Beytol Moghadas Square,Mashhad.
Tel: 0511- 52944, 3651140
Ghasr Hotel
Imam Reza Street, Mashhad.
Tel: 0511-8511126-9
Places to Eat
Pesaran-e Karim Restuarant
Next to Ghoba mosque, The 23
Khayam, Khayam Boulevard,
Tel: 0511-7685053
Rezaee Restaurant
At the corner o Kolah Dooz, Ab
Kooh street,
Tel: 0511- 8433857
Moeen Darbari Restaurant:
Across fro the Bakhtar Hotel,
Pasdaran street,
Tel: 0511- 8785248
beautiful plaster-worked fire place of the
upper floor.
Islamic Republic of
5 Major Cities
Situated 1.54 m above sea level and
lying 895 km from Tehran, Shiraz is the
capital city of the Fars province. Cyrus the
Great, the first Achaemenian king of
Persia, established his capital near this
ancient city in 553 BC.
Places to See
Persepolis (Takht-e Jamshid)
The Persepolis complex of palaces is
considered as the historic marvel of Iran
and the world.
It consists of the Small Gate (the
Public's Gate), Apadana Palace, Tachar
Palace, 100-pedestal Hall, Semi-Opened
Palace, Persepolis Treasury, Three-Gate
Palace, Stony Hill, Memorial Monuments
of Ardeshir the II and Ardeshir the III,
and King Xerxes (Khashayar Shah)
The complex of palaces was burnt
down by Alexander the Great in 330 BC.
One of the most well-known palaces in
Persepolis is the Apadana, which is the
main entrance monument to Persepolis.
This palace consists of a 36-pedestal
central hall and three 12-pedestal verandas in the northern, southern, and eastern parts.
The northern and eastern verandas are
connected to the front yards by some
The height of the terrace in the
Apadana Palace is 16 meters and the
height of the pedestals is 18 meters.
The majority of the Persepolis palaces
were constructed from black and white
stones, and the stone reliefs depict the
different ceremonies of the Achaemenian
The bodies of several Achaemenian
kings were buried in this cave-like
tomb. There are seven reliefs dating
back to the Sassanid era, each of
which depicts a battle of or glorifies a
Sassanid king. A Zoroastrian religious
center, perhaps the most important in
the world, is situated here.
Vakil Mosque
With exquisite tile works, a marbled
pulpit, forty-eight stone pillars and a
firm roof, this grand mosque is considered to be one of the most interesting
monuments of the Zand era.
Vakil Bazar
This bazaar,
which is constructed
in the form of a
cross, has a fascinating architecture. Its
roof, more than 10
meters high, is one
of the most remarkable achievements
in beauty and durability.
The bazaar dates
back to the Zand
period in 18th century AD.
It is the most important shrine in
Shiraz. It belongs to Mir Sayid Ahmad,
the son of the 7th Shiite Imam.
The shrine has been renovated several times during the course of its history.
It is the tomb of the great Iranian
poet, Khajeh Shamseddin Mohammad
Hafez, popularly known as Hafez,
who passed away in 1389 AD.
Karim Khan Zand reconstructed
the tomb in 1773 AD, and it was later
renovated several
times. The present
building was constructed in 1937.
Muslihuddin Saadi,
the famous Iranian
poet and writer,
was born in Shiraz
in the 12th century
After several
years of travelling through various
parts of Asia, he
returned to Shiraz
and remained there
until he passed away
around 1292. His
tomb has been renovated several times.
The present building
was constructed in
This building is
outstanding as a
masterpiece of plasterwork, in-laid work, mirror-work and
Quran (Quran
This gate was
built by the
Buyids about
1,000 years ago
as an entrance to
northern Shiraz.
It is a tradition of
Iranian culture to
pass the passengers underneath the Holy Quran
Naghsh-e- Rostam
Islamic Republic of
5 Major Cities
before setting out for a journey.
Thus, following the tradition, Karim
Khan Zand put a volume of the Holy
Quran on the top of this gate, which
vouches good wishes for a safe journey.
Bagh-e-Eram (Eram Garden)
With impressive, historiccypress trees
and a building with beautiful mirror
encrusted stalactites, Eram Garden is
worthwhile visiting.
It is famous for its unique plants and
typical late-Qajar palace. Recently, it was
dedicated to Shiraz University.
Places to Stay
Homa Hotel
Meshginfam Ave, Shiraz.
Tel: (+98-711) 2288000-14
Chamran Hotel
Chamran Blvd.
Tel: (+98-711) 6289494
Pars Hotel
Zand St.
Tel: (+98-711) 2332255
Places to Eat
Sufi Restuarant
Sattarkhan St.
Tel: (+98-711) 6263877
Dalahoo Restuarant
Sepidan Road
Tel: (+98-711) 6753414-16
Patris Restuarant
Sanaee Blvr.
Tel: (+98-917)1135810
Tabriz, the capital
city of the East
Azarbaijan province,
lies 1,366 meters
above the sea level
and 642 km from
Tehran. Some historians claim that the
city predates the
pre-Christian era,
and some believe
that the city flourished only after the
conquest of Islam.
However, the archaeological excavations date 5,000 years ago.
Places to See
Kaboud Mosque (Blue Mosque)
These are the remains of a grand
mosque, a large part of which was
destroyed in an earthquake in 1778.
The impressive tile-work portal and
the exquisite inscriptions add to its magnificence.
The structure of
the mosque predates
the birth of Islam,
dating back to the
5th century AD.
El Goli
Covering an area
of 54,675 sq m, this
pond lies next to a
green hill and 7 km
southeast of Tabriz.
It provides a great
opportunity for
recreation. The garden and the park
were built around an artificial pond. A
hill in the eastern side of the park
leads down through a stepped way to
the pool. The pool is
said to have been
built at the time of
the Aq Qoyunlu
kings in the 15th
century and extended during the
Safavid era.
Tabriz Bazaar
It is one of Iran’s
most prominent
bazaars in regards to
its architectural style,
the numbers of Saras
(trade-houses), Rastehs (sections of
bazaar), and the volume of transactions. Its carpet and jewelry markets
have become famous throughout the
Amir Nezam House
Amir Nezam House, or the Qajar
Museum of Tabriz, is a historical building in the Shesh-Gelan district, one of
the oldest quarters
of Tabriz. This monument was built in
the 18th century
during the reign of
crown prince Abbas
Mirza. It was renovated by Hasan-Ali
Khan Amir Nezam
Garrousi, and it
became his residence.
o'shoara (Poets'
This is the place
where famous personalities such as
scholars (both in art and literature) are
laid to rest, namely, Homam Tabrizi,
Khaghani Shervani, Zahiroddin
Islamic Republic of
5 Major Cities
Faryabi, Sheykh Mohammad Khiyabani, Assadi Toosi, the famous contemporary
Iranian poet Ostad Mohammad Hossein Shahriyar, and many major prominent
Jame Mosque
It is one of the oldest historical monuments in Tabriz and was the center of
attention during Ilkhanid period, during
which the high altar of the mosque was
Saint Stephano's Church
This grand church is one of the most
significant monuments in northwest Iran in
regards to its historical and architectural
aspects. It combines Greek, Roman and
Iranian architectural styles.
Constitution House
During the late 19th century, the house
used to be a meeting place for the leaders
of the "Constitutional Movement" in Tabriz. It displays impressive decorations.
Tomb of Two Kamals
Tomb of Two Kamals is located on
Baylankuh Street. The tombs of the two
men with the same name, Kamal Xocandi
"Khojandi," a poet, and Kamaleddin
Bihzad, the famous Master of Persian
painting, are located underground. Also,
there are two statues of the two masters
near the tomb.
This impressive monument, which
dates back to the early 14th century, is
also called Majid-e-Alishah or Arg-eAlishah. It consists of the remaining parts of an imposing grand building. It was
built on the site of a mosque that was built 500 years ago.
Places to Stay
Tabriz Hotel
Imam Khomeini Ave, Next to
Daneshgah Square, Tabriz.
Tel: (+98-411) 3341081-9
El Goli Road
Tel: (+98-411) 3324146,
Pars Hotel
El Goli Sq., El Goli Park
Tel: (+98-411) 3807820
Where & What to Eat
There is an extensive list of Iranian
restaurants throughout Iran. Persian
cuisines are famous for their excellent
taste. There are varieties of international and national dishes in Iranian restaurants. Therefore, there is a wide range
of delicious choices at hand. These are
some of the popular foods. Please note
that hotels in major cities have internationally standard restaurants, where
one can have local traditional foods as
Kabab and Chelo Kabab
These are Iran’s famous traditional
dishes. Most of the well-known Kabab
restaurants in Iran are located in
Tehran, such as the Nayeb restaurants.
This confectionary made from
Manna is considered as the monopolistic confectionary and a souvenir of
Esfahan.It is available in different types,
such as: morsal and farinaceous; in different shapes; with pistachio and
almond; and the combination of both.
It is offered in various stores around
the country.
Poolaki and Sugar Candy
Esfahanis prefer to eat Poolaki while
drinking tea as an alternative to sugar
cubes, and it is more pleasant and
healthy. It can be bought from most of
the super markets and confectionary
Shahriar Hotel
It is a traditional caramel cream of
Esfahan that attracts many tourists. It is
appealing and is often eaten with date
juice, grape juice, a combination of
both, or sugar.
Beryani (Roasted)
It is roasted with the neck of mutton
or the kidney of sheep. Spearmint, saffron, cinnamon, salt, barberry, almond
picks, onion, and spices are combined.
Cuisine of Northern Iran
(Caspian Sea)
Apart from the magnificent natural
scenery, this region offers a wide range
of traditional local dishes, among
which Gheliyeh Mahi (Fish Dish) and
various Khoreshts (meat and chicken
stews) served with rice are most
Places to Eat
Jazireh Restaurant
Azarshahr Road
Tel: (+98- 412) 3653700
TRC Restaurant
Roshdieh, Vali Amr Alley, Firouzeh
Tel: (+98- 411) 6689401
Where and What to
There are various modern shopping
malls in Tehran, where tourists can buy
everything from modern commodities
to traditional Iranian handicrafts. For
tourists who wish to buy traditional
items, Tehran Grand (Old) Bazaar is the
ideal place to go.In all other major
cities (Tabriz, Mashhad, Esfahan and
Shiraz), local shops and grand bazaars
offer similar items to interested tourists.
Islamic Republic of
Etiquette- Do's and Don'ts
Etiquette- Do's
and Don'ts
Iranian people are well known for
their great hospitality and tolerance. This
tradition has deep roots in the ancient
history of Iran. Nevertheless, people are
very conscious of their moral principles.
Generally, public displays of sentiments
between the opposite genders are not
considered decent. Accordingly, it is
advised that one
restrain from kissing or
handshaking with the
opposite sex in public.
- Dress in a conservative manner, particularly when not in a
major city and not in
a tour group.
- Remove shoes
when entering a
mosque or a carpeted
area in a private
house. It is advised that feet (especially
women's) be kept covered.
- Refrain from discussing politics, family relations, the role of women, orother
controversial topics unless in a company
of close friends.
- Refrain from showing affection in
public for a member of the opposite sex.
- Refrain from stretching-out a hand to
be shaken by a member of the opposite
sex and refrain from touching any member of the opposite sex except close family relatives. Intimate physical contact in
public is likely to cause offence. Couples
can hold hands, but kissing and embracing are prohibited in public. Women and
men usually kiss on the cheek three
times when meeting and parting (women
kiss women and men kiss men).
- Refrain from showing indignation if
physically searched by customs officials in
the airports.
- Refrain from stretching out legs or
revealing the soles of shoes when in
- Refrain from sticking out a thumb; it
is considered vulgar.
- It is strongly advised to carry the
name of one's hotel and/or destination
written down in Persian script (many taxi
drivers do not speak or read English).
- Don't accept alcoholic drinks that
may be available in black markets.
Photo by Ahmad Pishkar
Dress Code
The dress code
might seem to be a
matter of concern for
those who are to visit
Iran for the first time,
but some tourists have
found it an interesting
experience. It is
expected that clothes
be modest and not
offend the Islamic
rules. Generally, these
rules are not strictly enforced for tourists
and non-Muslims- just the minimum
- Shorts are not appropriate in the
public, except near the beaches
- Wearing ties and bows are not a
- T-shirts are acceptable
The Islamic dress code for women
include loose trousers or long skirts, suits,
dresses with long sleeves, long coats, and
head scarves, depending on the occasion
and the place. Inside religious places,
such as mosques, holy shrines, and mausoleums, women are required to wear
veils - a long, wide piece of cloth that
covers from the head down to the
ankles. There is no requirement to cover
the face or hands.
Do you have a vacant room?
Aayaaa otaaq darid?
Double room
Otaaq-e do nafareh
Single room
Otaaq-e yek nafareh
Additional bed
Takht-e ezafi
I want a room with bathroom,
shower, TV
Otaaq ba dastshouiie, hamam, television mikhaham.
I have a reservation
Man otaaq reserve karde boodam
How much is it for ....? (one
night, a week, two people)
Gheymate ootaaq beraye (yek shab,
yek hafteh, do nafareh) cheghadr ast?
Khosh amadid.
How are you?
Haletaoon chetor ast?
I am fine
Halam khoob ast.
Pleased to meet you!
Az didanetan khoshvaghtam!
Khahesh mikonam
Excuse me!
Khoda hafez
Good morning
Sobh bekheyr
Good night
Shab bekheyr
Baad az zohr
Na, Nakheyr
What's your name?
Esme shoma chist?
My name is ...
Esme man .... ast.
Where are you from?
Az koja hastid?
I am from ....
Man az .... hastam.
I like ....
Man .... mikhaham
Where is the ....?
How far is it to...?
Az inja ta ..... cheghdr rah ast?
I want to go to ...
Mikhaham beravam be....
In front of …
Jeloye …
Behind …
Aghabe …
Opposite …
Rooberooye …
Far from …
Door az …
Near ...
Islamic Republic of
Language Essentials
Nazdike ...
Can you show me on the map?
Aaya mitavanid rooye naghsheh be
man neshan dahid?
Where is the .... (dentist, doctor,
hospital, pharmacy)?
(Dandan pezeshk, doctor,
bimarestan, darookhaneh) kojast?
I am sick.
Man mariz hastam.
I have ... (Anemia, asthema, diabetes).
Man … (kam khooni, tangi nafas,
maraze ghand) daram.
I am allergic to .... (antibiotics,
aspirins, bees, peanuts, penicillin)
Man be .... (antibiotic, aspirin,
badam zmini, penicillin) hasasiyat
Zede ofooni
Sun Block
Zede Aftab
Language Difficulties
Do you speak English?
Aaya shoma englisi sohbat mikonid?
Does anyone speak English?
Aaya kasi inja englisi sohbat mikonad?
I understand
I do not understand
How do you say .... in your language?/
What does it mean?
Shoma be ... che migooiied?/Yani
Please write it down.
Khahesh mikonam benevisid.
Question Words
How much?
How many?
Chand ta?
Yek (1),
do (2),
Se (3),
chahar (4),
panj (5),
Shesh (6),
Haft (7),
Hasht (8),
Noh (9),
dah (10)
Bist (20),
si (30),
chehel (40),
panjah (50),
shast (60),
haftad (70),
hashtad (80),
navad (90),
sad (100)
Naam, esm
Date/place of birth
Tarikh/mahale tavalod
How much is this?
Gheymatash chand ast?
Do you have ....?
Aaya shoma ..... darid?
I'm just looking
Faghat negah mikonam
What time do you open/close?
Che saati baz mikonid/mibandid?
Useful Words
Eating Out
Have you got a table?
Aaya mize khali darid?
I want to reserve a table
Mikhaham yek miz reserve konam.
The bill please
Soorat-hesab lotfan.
Giyah Khar
Haml Va Naghl
Bus stop
Istgah Otobus
Railway Station
Istgah Rah Aahan
Time table
Barnameh Harekat.