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here - Pickups Limited – Orange County Chapter
Orange County Chapter
The Official Publication of Orange County Pickups Limited
I had been hearing about this
thing they called the SuperTour
for almost two years, but hearing
about it is quite different from doing it. The only thing that I knew
to expect was 5,000+ miles of
driving in a 50 year old truck.
Does this sound like a smart
thing to do?
As the aproaching months turned
into weeks and then into only
days I was begining to wonder.
July - August 2006
by Chris Travers
The long “to do” lost became
shorter and the items on that list
became more and more insignificant until there was nothing
left. It was time to roll, or as I
later learned to Boogity-boogityboogity!
I rushed to pickup Ed who was to
be my “navigator” and partner for
the outbound portion of this trip.
He was waiting and almost as
anxious to get going as I was.
continued page 6
The Pres Says...
by Jeff Hornsby - President
The article I had planed to write had to change
since I did not go on Super Tour IV and the F100 Super Nationals. I was going to write about
the adventures of the open road and the people
I had shared them with but since the truck did
not cooperate, I was at home waiting for updates from the guys on the and web
sites as well as the “live” phone calls from Ed
and Chris. At least I enjoyed the trip vicariously
through them.
Since I did stay at home, I had lots of other
things to keep me busy. It seems like a never
ending job but one I enjoy, that is working on my
truck. For many years I did not have to do much
to keep it running but things get old and they
need to be fixed the right way. I did this work
myself and after a few busted knuckles and cuts
I am trying to whittle down the to-do list. With all
that said everybody is back home. It seems that
many of the Super Tour people had some mechanical problems like me but everything was
taken care of.
I was at Feathery Park yesterday for the Canyon
Cruise. The shade trees worked well and were
welcome relief from the 98° temperature. Rich
won for best truck and best paint and I have
to say they were right on. There were over 300
cars and trucks so it wasn’t a shoe in for Rich. We may have to give
him another “trophy whore” award at the club dinner this year. Rich and
I both won the 50/50 drawing the first John Force Cruise and at the
second one Ed won the NHRA jacket. Maybe he will bring his wife with him
more as it seems to bring him good luck.
To say we have a busy summer is an understatement. Next week is the Fender Run then Fathers day
L. A. Roadsters and Rich’s Mustang club run in downtown Brea and we are getting ready for the Western Nationals. Our first meeting in a month is this week and I am looking forward to seeing everybody
and hear first hand about the Super Tour as are the rest of us that could not go and we have to get
ready for the Western Nationals.
Membership is coming along nicely and I heard that some prospective members are coming to the next
meeting and also that there was interest from some trucks on the Super Tour, as I have said before, the
trucks are the common bond but the members are what make this club, so when you talk to non-club
members, tell them about the fun we have and how much we enjoy getting our trucks out on the road. I
truly look forward to the meetings and car shows with all of you and don’t know what I would do with my
spare time if I did not have my truck (Debbie has a few ideas). I guess I have rattled
on long enough so untill next time...
Keep on Trucking, Jeff
The Toad Trip...
by Ed Oe - Vice President
Well it’s back to work after a fantastic Super Nationals in
Knoxville TN. You’ll hear plenty about the show in all the
magazines but for this issue, my story is about the trip to
the Super Nationals. For those of you who didn’t know,
over the past 4 years Bill Lee has organized the Super
Tour to the Super Nationals. I was lucky enough to make
this special trip this year, the year of the 1956.
Although I rode shotgun with Chris Travers, the experience was unforgettable and that’s what I wanted to talk
about. On May 12th after breakfast Bill Lee gave us driving instructions for our 2,300 mile trip across six states. I
really didn’t know what to expect since this was my first
Super Tour.
From the time we pulled out of the Denny’s parking lot in Victorville California to the time we arrived at
the Super Nationals in Knoxville Tennessee, new friends and memories were made. I have to say the
best part of the trip was experiencing or helping during a situation (breakdown). That’s when you were
tested along with the experience of meeting new people you would have never met before. Some were
on the tour and some were locals who wanted to help and opened up their shop, no questions asked.
This was America at its finest! The America that everyone hopes is still out there. Well, I’m here to say
it’s out there waiting for you to experience it. It is amazing what an old truck will do to someone. It brings
the best out of a person. All along I-40 (Route 66) we saw and talked with people that loved these old
trucks. We got thumbs up from many who we passed. At each gas stop, it was a show! You should have
seen the faces when 30 or more colorful trucks entered the station to fill up. This road trip is ranked in
the top five things to do before you head to the junkyard in the sky.
Drive it like you stole it!
Orange County Pickups Limited - a chapter of Pickups Limited of So. California
PRESIDENT- Jeff Hornsby - [email protected]
VICE PRESIDENT- Ed Oe - [email protected]
TREASURER- Jim Gozzo - [email protected]
SECRETARY- Marianne Lopez -
SGT. AT ARMS - Gloria Beverley -
SAFETY COORDINATOR - Larry Lopez - [email protected]
NATIONAL COUNCIL REP- Dusty Peethom - [email protected]
NEWS LETTER EDITOR- Chris Travers - [email protected]
Orange County Chapter
Copyright ©2006 Orange
County Pickups Limited. All Rights
Reserved. Nothing whole or in part
may be used, republished or copied without the written consent of
Orange County Pickups Limited.
BOBCO Super Tour Kick Off Party
by Chris Travers
Any excuse to make a run to visit
Bob and Mike out at BOBCO is a
good excuse, but a party? That’s
a good reason to burn up the
pavement, but a party to kick off
the Super Tour 4 complete with
a visit from none other than Sam
Foose himself, that’s a once in
a lifetime event. That’s what we
had in store for us this year.
Bob and Bill Lee combined efforts
this year to hold what was undoubtly the best time of the year
to date. Sam and his wife Terry
were on hand to help promote the
Progeria Research project which Sam and Terry are
part of (see pate 5 for more details).
This was the best deal of the year. For a grand total
of five bucks, we were treated to a barbeque lunch
that was provided by BOBCO and Bill and music that
was provided by our own Dan Cangro of Vintage
Vinyl ( There was also a 5050 raffle along with an auction with all the money
forwarding to the Progeria project.
The F-100 family was out in force with over 50
trucks coming and going throughout the day. Add
to this the various street rods that showed up and
the countless “walk-ins” and you have quite a turn out. I’m not sure if the Super Tour kick off party will
continue, but I sure hope that this event holds on and becomes something to look forward to each and
every year for a long time to come.
BOBCO Super Tour Kick Off Party
The Auction
for Progeria
Orange County Chapter
This year the Super Tour hooked up
with Sam and Terry Foose and the
Progeria Research Team in an effort to
help them raise research money for this
rare yet fatal genetic condition which is
characterized by an appearance of accelerated aging in children. These kids
have a life span of about 8 – 21 years.
Over $20,000 was raised in an auction
and raffle with the help of BOBCO and
the support of the F-100 community.
For more information about this
devistating desease, go to
Tour 4
from page 1
1) Bill’s Truck Stop Interview
2) Towing the load all the way from Oregon!
3) Parking lot repair & upgrade
4) Catching up
5) Holbrook sunrise
6) Is everybody happy?
7) Ed with Walt’s cherries
8) Now this is really getting the bird.
The tour was to begin in Victorville early on the morning of June 12th so we wanted to be well rested for
the first and longest driving day of the event. The 6:30 departure time came earlier than it should have.
Too much excitement. It felt like my first trip to Disneyland when I was a kid. In fact, this would be better we thought. We met with Bill Lee and the rest of the gang along with the crew from ESPN-2’s show
Truck Stop. They would be taping a story about our trip to be aired around January 6, 2007 on ESPN2. The trip was carefully planned by Bill to allow for plenty of stops to gas up, stretch the legs, and to
pick up more trucks along the way. We would also be stopping at several great Ford dealerships for a
rest, lunch and show’n shine. The first of these major planned stops was at the Ford Proving Grounds
in Arizona. Photos are not allowed inside so Tim Murray and I stayed back to accommodate the Truck
Stop production crew and to add to our 15 minutes of fame. The proving grounds were an impressive
site for all to enjoy. text continued page 8
9) The No Limit truck wa along for the ride too!
10) Rich Ford show & shine
11) The Pickups Limited Orange County gang
12) Clean up time?
13) Distributor re-build in Groom Texas
14) Largest cross in North America
15) Route 66 sign in Elk City Oklahoma
Super Tour 4
16) Gloria with Walt’s Cherries
17) Reynolds Ford lunch
18) A.J. & Mike with the “Huffer pass by
19) Steve & Autumn’s cool ‘56
20) Anthony’s party left overs
21) Another autograph for Harry’s camper
22) Bob and Mike at Allison Ford
23) Richard Thrasher repairs his air lines at Allison Ford
Why I (almost) Made ‘em All
by Brian Anderson-President Westside Pickups Perth West Australia.
In 2003 the opportunity to attend the F-100 Supernationals came about because of a series of events. Growing up in Perth Western Australia (the most isolated capital city in the world) I gained a keen interest in cars late in life. In 1975, I happened on an American Van Magazine
at a news stand whilst shopping with my mum at what is now called a mall. The cover showed a bright orange ’56 Ford panel truck and it
was love at first sight. Until that moment I had no idea what to do with my life, but my love of automotive things blossomed quickly and led
me to an army apprenticeship as a mechanic.
It would be many years before I managed to get hold of my first “ugly” truck, a ‘55 slant cab pickup. In itself it wasn’t a stunning piece but its
sale provided me with the funds to do what every car fanatic wants to do, go to the home of Hot Cars, the USA! Enter the internet. Through
e-mails to Pat and Jan Ford, I learned of the Supertour that was led by Bill and Bonnie Lee and the opportunity to drive across the USA and
see more of the real American outback. Contact with Bill and Bonnie was nothing short of encouraging and overwhelming. Although I knew no one in the USA, I
booked tickets for my brother and myself and off we went. Like all big adventures it was a learning trip. That year we saw more trucks in Pigeon Forge than we
had all our lives. Even my brother the Chevy enthusiast crossed from the dark side to Ford for awhile
When we arrived home it was months before we stopped talking and showing photos of the trip. The following year we were encouraged to attend again by our
new friends in the US and although my brother couldn’t come, I jumped at the chance. The truth is I didn’t come back just for the trucks. I came back to see the
new friends who had become family too me. Just like Pat and Jan said, it’s a family reunion something I thought was a bit corny but proved to be true. 2005 was
a tough year for me having to cancel my trip due to medical problems, but I kept in tough with Pat, Bill and many other friends and was with everybody in spirit.
Chilhowie Park offeres a beautiful way to experience this great truckers reunion almost making it a new event in its own right. The people of Knoxville made us
feel at home. They helped build an event worth coming to see, so here we come!
Warren and his wife Lynn and there 2 yr old son Toby joined myself on the Super tour to the F100 Supernationals this year. Michael and new wife Coral Lee will
be calling the trip a honeymoon of sorts. Great girl! Also attending wasmy 12 year old son Samuel. Samuel will be having several weeks away from school for
the trip and is talking daily of his excitement. I am looking forward to some father son time. I guess as President of the club it falls to me to make sure our club is
represented at this tremendous event in spirit if not in number.
Although we had hoped to bring many more this year, the six of us had a great time to cherish and remember.
Tour 4
text from page 6
After the Proving Grounds stop,
it was off through the desert in
the heat of the day. This is where
those little weak spots in your
truck setup show themselves.
There was everything from mysterious computer cut-outs to
vapor locks to all types of over
heating. Myself, I ended up adding an extra transmission cooler
to tame my AOD for the rest
of the trip. All in all everything
worked out well and the motto of
“no truck left behind” was still in
As we continued our journey,
we enjoyed several land marks
like the Route 66 monument in
Tucumcari New Mexico, the giant cross in Groom Texas the
national Route 66 museum in Elk
City Oklahoma, and of course
the Toad Suck recretional area
in Arkansas. The landscape was
beautiful and ever changing.
Each day was a welcome challenge which is to be expected
when you run a 50+ year old vehicle at 70+mph all day, but there
was nothing that could take care
of in the true spirit of Hot Rodding. We did need a bit of help
from time to time. Things like a
burnt fuse or a bad wiper blade
were simple, but re-building a
distributor with the help of our
new friend Gary in Groom Texas
showed the true resourcefulness. Its amazing just how much
fun it was to lay on your back in
a parking lot to solve a fuel system or cooling line problem. All
of these experiences made up a
true trip of a lifetime with memories and new friendships that will
last a long time.
23) Allison Ford Show and Shine
24) Minor repairs at Allison Ford
25) Anthony’s power plant
26) The Napa guys kept everybody going
27) Check those gas prices ON THE
INTER STATE mind you!
28) Pigeon Forge here we are!
A Message from the Tour Master
I would like to thank everyone
for joining us this trip to the
Supernationals. I have had
a great time over the last 4
years setting this up. Sometime in the future were going
to do it again but maybe go
somewhere else. If you are
interested in doing it again
please let us know. As the
Super Tour was only planned
for the 50th Anniversary
years. 2003-2006. But who
knows what is in the works.
Again thanks for cruising with
Bill n’ Bonnie Lee
Annual Ford F-100 Super Nationals.....
By: Steve Stillwell - - Trucks Magazine
Drawn like pilgrims to mecca, the loyal Ford F-100 enthusiasts clamored to the 2006 Ford F-100 SuperNationals in celebration of the 50th
Anniversary of the 1956 Ford F-100, the benchmark of all Classic
trucks. They came not only from the distant stretches of America, but
from Mexico City, Canada, New Foundland, Australia, Japan, China,
Brazil and Europe. Imagine an
event that can be traced back
to modest beginnings in Chimney Rock, NC which has now
grown to international stature!
Might be hard to drive an old
fat fendered Ford truck from
Australia, but think of the trek
that six gentlemen faced as
they drove their fifties era Ford
trucks all the way from Mexico
City, Mexico to Knoxville, Tennessee just to attend this event!
A similar, but larger group of Canadian F-100 enthusiasts also made their annual trek. And for the fourth
time, the F-100 SuperTour rolled across the whole US, and like a stone gathering moss, its numbers
swelled as what began as 18 trucks in California grew close to 60 as it approached Knoxville, TN. That’s
dedication. The Enthusiast Network documented this pilgrimage as did ESPN-2, which has a planned
showing in January. Everyone knew this special anniversary was a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend the Ford F-100 SuperNationals to celebrate together, the Golden Anniversary of the fifty-six Ford
F-100, 1956-2006!
The Ford F-100 SuperNationals coveted Truck Of The Year
award is becoming tougher each year to win as the finest F100s in the U.S. are on hand to contest this prize. Barb Baxter
debuted her black, Y-block powered 1956 Ford F-100, a 15 year
project that was trailered all the way from San Diego, CA only
to be a few votes short as Steve Haessly of Marietta, Ohio with
a flawless red 1956 Ford F-100 captured the most votes by the
registered truckers and win the 2006 Truck Of The Year trophy.
Haessly is a repeat winner having won with another truck back
in the early 90’s. Quite a feat in itself!
Well over a decade ago, event Promoter Pat Ford, along with his immediate family and close knit group
of friends who make up the event’s staff, began to plan for the biggest birthday celebration ever for
the ’56 Ford F-100. 2006 is a year in Ford F-100 trucking
that will go down in history. Nothing could have been greater than not only building a top show truck to display at the
event, other than having the 2006 show climax with a drawing of a winner’s name for this grand prize. Chris Seaton of
Newnan, Georgia was the happiest man to attend this year’s
SuperNats, as his name was drawn from all of those who
registered for the show to become the lucky winner of the
28th Annual Ford F-100 Super Nationals...
2006 F-100 SuperNationals “Giveaway Truck” fabricated by Rob MacGregor of No Limit Engineering,
of San Bernardino, California. If you are not up on
this truck, Rob still has to put the finishing touches
on it, as a very complicated wiring system and a
few cosmetic items just didn’t make the deadline.
As promised, the truck did, was on display and was
given away!
No one who has been long associated with this show
will ever forget the charm and atmosphere associated with the days of the event when it was held in
Chimney Rock, NC, then Gatlinburg, which featured
a Saturday morning Cruise which shut down this hilltop community. Then it was on to Pigeon Forge,
home of Dollywood and more go-karts tracks than I can list. However, when the crowds grew to the
point that area hotels could no longer cater to the event’s needs and the convention center’s grounds
could no longer provide enough space for vendors and truckers to park, it was time to move. Thank
goodness for 2006, that Pat Ford made this decision as some 1,600 trucks and over 2,000 registered
guests had plenty of room to display their trucks and visit vendors who are
specific to F-100 truck owner’s needs and covered much of Chilhowee
Park’s huge expanse.
Dennis Carpenter, a giant in the Ford F-100 reproduction parts business
(without whom many trucks simply would not be complete) was personally
on hand with a large supply of popular restoration products. Dennis also
presented the “Put a Ford in your Ford” award to Gary Coe of Portland,
OR, the owner of the Venomous red 1957 Ford F-100. Gary’s truck features a late model, 5.4 liter supercharged V-8 Ford modular motor. Mark
Robinson, Director of Ford Motorsports supplied the award and did an
on-air interview with Pat Ford and yours truly for radio station 107.7 during
Saturday’s festivities.
For the second year KOTO (King of the Oldies) Doug Geiser provided the disc jockey services and
announcements for the show and 107.7 The Frog radio, a local popular radio station. The Knoxville
NBC TV affiliate also produced several segments for local
news and their “Live at Five” news show with on-air interviews with Pat Ford and a cameo look at the awesome
event and “Giveaway Truck” which was on display at No
Limit’s booth.
Pat Ford’s personal love for die-cast vehicles has been
transformed into live action in the form of a Guest Class.
This year’s Guest Class was the Ford Bronco, which is
celebrating its 40th Anniversary! Close to 200 Broncos
were on hand in a separate portion of the Park, which
provided the F-100 crowd with one heck of a parade of
Classic to new vehicles. Many had participated in off-road
contests earlier in the week, and still showed the South’s
red clay spatters. Sam McGee followed the Broncos with
a special display of two dozen fully restored Ford tractors
28th Annual Ford F-100 Super Nationals...
who also looped the Park to the cheers of the crowd!
Realizing the Park’s massive grounds, a people mover tram was
brought in and it stayed full as it made its rounds from the F100 Mall (indoor vendors) to the outdoor Vendor Midway, Swap
Meet area, Show ‘n Shine truck display areas and even a Trucks
for Sale Corral. With the size of this year’s Show ‘n Shine truck
displays, and the decision to separate the vintage, classics and
late model trucks into
separate display areas,
the tram proved to be a popular method to get around to see the
whole show!
All too soon, Saturday evening was upon us all, and this special
Ford Family Reunion (where everyone becomes a member of
the Ford Family for a week) was coming to a close. I’ve let the
cat out of the bag early by announcing the show’s top award
winners, however, I saved one for last. Dan Ford was Pat Ford’s
younger brother and a founding member of this event. In his
honor, someone who has worked hard and contributed to the
growth of the SuperNationals is awarded the coveted Dan Ford
Spirit Award. Rob MacGregor of No Limit Engineering fame has supplied the event’s grand prize (a
rolling chassis) for over a decade, and fabricated this year’s Giveaway Truck. No doubt, he was not
only deserving, but long overdue for this recognition. Having personally been there, I know why Rob
was totally speechless! So it was that the 2006 Ford F-100 SuperNationals came to an end, and Chris
Seaton and Steve Haessly are the two happiest men on Earth. Everyone who attended had a great time
and will have memories of this show for the rest of their lives.
It was once heck of a party, and the Jacobs Building (convention hall) was left standing, so Chilhowee
Park will once again host the Ford F-100 SuperNationals, the first weekend after Mother’s Day, May
17-19, 2007. For more information, go to Little doubt, Pat and Jan Ford,
with their son and daughter, Squire and Chelsea will step up to the plate to promote the World’s Largest
Ford F-100 show for the 29th year. Amazing!
Spray Can Alley...
by Larry Lopez - Safety Chairman
Well summer is here for those of us on the west coast. The days are longer which means there is more time to
get something done on the truck. The Super Tour was a few weeks ago. It proved to be a test for some of the
trucks that made the journey. Just when you think you know your trucks in and outs, it does something to surprise
Chris didn’t think he would have any transmission fluid related problems but to his surprise, in the desert it proved
different. He had to make a pit stop at a local auto parts store and install an extra transmission cooler. Transmission fluid coolers are not something that we would think of if we plan on driving our trucks around town most of
the time. If you take any good drives, say to a San Diego car show, things could change. As the temperature of
the fluid starts to reach 270°F, it literally starts to cook. Once the fluid starts to cook, it looses its ability to keep
clutches working properly, they start to slip and then burn, and then eventually the transmission fails. Guess
what? You’re stuck on the side of the road, no fun.
Here is some information that I found:
Fluid Temp vs. Transmission Life Expectancy
175° = 100,000+ miles
190° = 90,000 miles
210° = 55,000 miles (Pressure Drops)
230° = 25,000 miles (Valves Stick)
250° = 17,000 miles (Varnish Forms)
270° = 4,000 miles (Seals & Clutches Burn)
There are many different styles of coolers or heat exchangers. These are usually run inline with the radiator
cooler, or in my case right off the transmission. I have it located just behind the battery box just like Chris had
but he found that this was just not enough cooler for the job. Prices range anywhere from 35 to 80 dollars which
is cheap compared to what it cost to rebuild your transmission. If you have to install your cooler were it doesn’t
have the best air flow or just simply need more cooling, install a cooler that has a fan attached to the unit. This
version usually has a thermo switch that automatically kicks the fan on. These units can range anywhere from
$150 to $200.
Most coolers are rated by “GVW” gross vehicle weight. They range from 15,000 to 30,000 GVW. On a side note,
if you plan on towing a trailer, make sure to factor in the weight of the trailer.
What’s the bottom line to all this? It may worth the trouble to
install a reasonable priced transmission cooler or to add an
extra one inline to extend the life of your transmission and to
set your mind at ease as your cruising down the highway on
those long trips. Well I hope that we can all learn a little from
each others problems or should I say challenges?
On a different note, if you still have not had your truck inspected, there’s only a couple of people that officially have not had
there truck checked out. If possible, I would like to inspect your
truck before the Western Nationals. If needed, we
can start the inspection before the event begins.
Editors Ramblings
As the headline on page one says, this is the Special Super
Tour edition and for good reason. When you have the time of
your life, you want the whole world to know about it. I know
that it is not possible for everybody to take two weeks from our
hectic lives to bomb across the country. We all have family and
job obligations. Life is tough, but just remember that you have
the ultimate control over what goes on in your life.
At the half way point of the trip, we had to put Ed on an airplane so he could get to his work obligations in Chicago. Dale
needed to return home for a special teacher of the year award
so we sent him to the airport in Oaklahoma City only to have
him show up again just outside of Memphis and me, well I’m
still paying the price of being gone during the most hectic time
of the year in my business...AND IT WAS ALL WORTH IT! Just ask us.
The point is that we only have one shot at life and making new
friends is a big part of it. Street rodding has been around for a
long time and the common thread throught he years is friendship. Just remember when everything is closing in around you
to jump in that truck of yours, running or not, and take a deep
breath and enjoy what you have.
Keep in touch,
Chris Travers - Editor
[email protected]
What’s Going On...
All official club events are indicated in bold print
Orange County Chapter
5 - NHRA Twilight Cruise @ Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum in Pomona - p.m.
8 – Annual Braille Rallye- Braille Institute of Southern California – Los Angeles Application and information on pages 6 & 7 or contact Pat West at 714-841-1249
or [email protected]
8 - Claremont, CA - The Village Grille cruise night - 5:30 to 8:30 - Information (909) 621-6712
9 - Veterans Stadium High Performance Swap Meet – (800) 762-9785
13 - CLUB MEETING @ 7:30pm
15 - Show’n Shine for Good Shepherd Church - Downey - T-SHIRT IS INCLUDED - Information Fred Thies @ (562) 929-8532
16 - Pomona Swap Meet – (714) 538-7091
WEEK OF JULY 24th – Club cruising to be announced
30 - Veterans Stadium High Performance Swap Meet – (800) 762-9785
2 - NHRA Twilight Cruise @ Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum in Pomona - p.m.
10 - CLUB MEETING @ 7:30pm.
12 - Claremont, CA - The Village Grille cruise night - 5:30 to 8:30 - Information (909) 621-6712
13 - Veterans Stadium High Performance Swap Meet – (800) 762-9785
18-20 – North South F-100 Run - Santa Maria, CA
WEEK OF AUGUST 21st – Club cruising to be announced
27 - Pomona Swap Meet – (714) 538-7091
2 – 24th Annual Great Labor Day Cruise
6 - NHRA Twilight Cruise @ Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum in Pomona - p.m.
9 - Claremont, CA - The Village Grille cruise night - 5:30 to 8:30 - Information (909) 621-6712
10 - Veterans Stadium High Performance Swap Meet – (800) 762-9785
10 – 17th Annual Belmont Shore Car Show - 9:00-3:30 - Belmont Shore/Long Beach - (562) 946-9800
14 - CLUB MEETING @ – 7:30pm
23 – 7th Annual Crusin’ for a Cure – Orange County Fair Grounds,
Costa Mesa, CA - (949) 752-5115 ext. 10
4 - NHRA Twilight Cruise @ Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum in Pomona - p.m.
8 - Veterans Stadium High Performance Swap Meet – (800) 762-9785
12 - CLUB MEETING @ – 7:30pm.
14 - Claremont, CA - The Village Grille cruise night - 5:30 to 8:30 - Information (909) 621-6712
15 - Pomona Swap Meet – (714) 538-7091
18-22 – 29th Annual Run to the Sun – Lake Havasu City, AZ
WEEK OF OCTOBER 23rd – Club cruising to be announced
1 - NHRA Twilight Cruise @ Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum in Pomona - p.m.
9 - CLUB MEETING @ – 7:30pm
12 - Veterans Stadium High Performance Swap Meet – (800) 762-9785
WEEK OF NOVEMBER 23rd – Club cruising to be announced
26 - Veterans Stadium High Performance Swap Meet – (800) 762-9785
3 - Pomona Swap Meet – (714) 538-7091
3 - John Force Holiday Car Show - - (714) 921-1651
6 - NHRA Twilight Cruise @ Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum in Pomona - p.m.
10 - Veterans Stadium High Performance Swap Meet – (800) 762-9785
Every Sunday - Irvine - Million $ Breakfast Cruise - Taleo Mexican Grill, 3309 Michelson Drive
7:30 - 10:30am. - 949-300-8329
1st Wednesday of each month beginning in April – Twilight Cruise Night - NHRA Museum 1101 W. McKinley Ave.
4:00pm - 8:00pm
Every Wednesday - Downey - Frisco’s Drive-In - Chariot’s Car Club - 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Every Thursday - Fullerton - Giovanni’s Pizza - Imperial Hwy. & Harbor - 4:30-7:30pm. - 714-773-4044
Every Friday - Garden Grove - 12891 Historic Main Street - 4 - 8:30pm. - 714-636-2010
Every Friday - Ricky & Ronnie’s - 5:00pm - 11:00pm - 1301 W. Sepulveda Bl. Torrance (310) 326-1213
Every Saturday - Huntington Beach - Donut Derelicts, Magnolia & Adams 6:00am - 8:30am
Every Saturday - Crystal Cove - Starbuck’s, Crystal Cove Shopping Ctr. PCH between Laguna & Newport - 7:00 - 9:30am
Every LAST Saturday - John Force Race Station - 4-8pm -
2nd Saturday of each month - Open House at Boyd Coddington’s - 811 East Lambert Rd. - 9am – Noon
3rd Sunday of each month - Morning cruise at Hero’s - Fullerton
For a comprehensive listing of Southern California events log on to
Take your best buddy crusing tonight...
DUSTY’s Corner...
I’ve been looking my truck over, looking it over a lot. I haven’t been doing any thing with it, just looking
a lot. I really do need to get something going with this project, anything in fact would be progress but I
just need to get something started. The truck runs great but the paint is not so great, in fact it’s terrible.
It was painted 19 years ago and it really needs help. Nothing lasts for ever as I’m constantly reminded.
All of this thinking has prompted the following thoughts:
• I would like to get a 60’s truck. Make it nice and clean and go for a 302 with a five speed tranny then
slap on a Mustang II front end (these are coming down in price, actually they’re staying level in pricing
and every thing else is going up). A good solid truck could be made and maintained for a daily driver
and eliminate the need for trading up. With injection and a five speed overdrive mileage could be manageable.
• I’m sure most of you have noticed gasoline prices have started to increase. I read that California
pays forty one cents a gallon and New York pays fifty cents above the national average, so good for us!
Guys fresh from the Super Tour have reported buying fuel at prices up to 65 cents below our Southern
California prices! I’m thinking these gas prices will affect the automotive hobby and I suppose a lot more
attention will be played to mileage resulting in more and better options as far as injection and spark
controls making mileage better than ever.
• I believe more smog controls are on their way. I believe in order to have an un-regulated system a
F-100 will have a stock six or a Y block both with a PCV; otherwise a modified truck or car will have a
smog-able and testable engine and exhaust system. The engine would probably have to produce very
close to the minimum and maximum allowable for the year the truck is licensed in the modified form.
Enforcement will be a definite problem and I hope maybe that will stall the implementation of any thing
that they try to do to us. I have almost unshakeable faith that the powers that be can initiate a system
whether it has a chance of working or not. This is kind of scary but I think we’ve dodged the ball quite a
few times ands we better get ready to get hit or at least really ready to dodge a lot!
• Does any one else believe that there should be a Best Beater class? The perfect trucks are great
to look at but would you ever want to take one home to mom? I always feel like a jerk at a show, like
I don’t belong and I’m completely out of place. I just like to see what other people have done. Something simple, done well, is much better to me than a bunch of that billet bling-bling. Trucks should be
something that you enjoy and are your own personal thing. It should be your thing no matter if it falls
into the Perfect, Great, Good, Beater, or Beater with a Viper type of class; beater with a Viper type of
class? You Bet!!
Well that’s about all of the thinking that I can get done for now.
I guess it’s time to get started on my own project. But where do I start?
[email protected]
Anthony Grieco drove one of the
finest sleepers ever from New
York to Lake Havasu, AZ to join
the Super Tour. As you can see,
Anthony has taken care of the
power department but seems to
be quite happy with the cosmetic
details of his ride.
Main Street Garden Grove...April 28th
Yes we did something besides the Super Tour/Super Nationals over the last two months. Thanks to Ron and Steve, we
were the host club at the famous Main Street Garden Grove
Friday cruise night. This cruise event has been going on for
as long as I can remember (which maybe is not that long)
and draws cars and trucks from all over
Southern California.
The evening included an assortment
of food (we went for Mexican) as well
as almost any flavor of car or truck you
could ever want. Pickups Limited presented a best truck award while Larry
and Dan both won at large awards for
their trucks. Heck, I even won a cool
chair in the raffle!
There were a total of twelve F-100’s
there from Pickups Limited with another two that we sent the membership committee after.
It was just another night in the
paradise of Truck’n!
You and your
Name: _____________________________ Address: ________________________________
City: ______________________ State: _____________ Zip: _________________________
Area Code: ______ Phone: ___________________
e-mail: __________________________
F-100’s Currently Owned
Year: _____ Model: ____________________
Year: ______ Model: ____________________
Year: _____ Model: ____________________
Year: ______ Model: ____________________
Year: _____ Model: ____________________
Year: ______ Model: ____________________
We are collecting photos of members and their cars for our web site ( If you
would like your truck displayed for all the world to enjoy, please include photos and any history/specs
with your application. Please write your name on the back of any photos...better yet, you can e-mail
this information to [email protected]
Pickups Limited Membership Dues
Dues are $10 per month or $110 per year if paid annually by February 1. New members joining after
January may prorate their membership fees at a rate of $10.00 per month. Please send check or
money order payable to Pickups Limited to:
Pickups Limited
P.O. Box 4631
Anaheim, CA 92803
[email protected]
Your Brake, Steering and Suspension Specialist!
available options:
● Mustang II IFS Air Spring System - add $200
● Rear Disc Brake System w/ E-Brake - add $300
Now available from Classic Performance
Products! Frames and chassis for
the early model pick-ups. Frame
rails are extended 2” for
increased rigidity and clearance between crossmember
while maintaining the original
profile. Quality made to ensure you
are getting a solid, safe and quality foundation for your classic truck project.
Starting at
Chassis above shown with standard Mustang II IFS System, front sway bar, rear leaf kit, 9” drum
brake rear axle, brake booster and master cylinder. Prices as shown - $7,595/kit
Fits ‘48-’64 Ford Trucks
Comes complete, nothing to fabricate or buy.
Features crossmember, coil spring-shock
towers, 1” tubular A-arms, spindles (stock
height of 2” drop), new manual rack & pinion
gear, 11” disc kit, black powder coated
springs and painted shocks. Options: sway
bar, power steering, air spring kit, chrome/
polished A-arms additional. Free Power Rack
upgrade and Shipping!
Starting at
Designed to fit
‘48-‘56 Ford
1” bar with
bushings and 3/4” stainless adjusters, bolt-on brackets, rear crossmember,
coil-over shocks and panard bar. Available
chrome, $999 and polished $1,299.
Special, Plain - Starting at $789/kit
note: Kits and prices may vary between
certain applications.
lifetime Guarantee
on all Parts!
Special - Starting at $299/kit
Update your classic truck
to a late model 3” diameter rear end. Available
‘53-‘56 Fords. Fits Chevy,
10 bolt, 12 bolt and Ford
9”. Kit comes ready for
Bracket Kit - Special $85/kit
This is the perfect way to add power steering
to your Chevy or ‘53-‘60 Ford truck while
retaining the original style front axle. GM kit
shown with optional steering U-joint. Parts
sold separately or as a complete kit.
ClassiC PerformanCe ProduCts, inC.
Tech Line:
(714) 522-2000
175 E. Freedom Street • Anaheim, CA 92801 • Dept. PLN • Fax: (714) 522-2500
Front or Rear Sway Bar - starting at $119/kit
Available for ‘48-‘60 Ford trucks.
Now you can lower your
truck up to 3” and
maintain your
suspension travel.
Designed for easy
bolt-in installation.
Special - Starting at $389/kit
Includes mounting
bracket, pedal, booster,
master cylinder, prop
valve and hardware.
Fits early Chevy and Ford trucks.
Plain - Starting at $299/kit
Polished/Chrome - Starting at $499/kit
Shown with optional $50 prop valve.
Special - $199/kit
Complete Kit - Starting at $579/kit
This kit keeps your truck steady while
going into hard turns.This is a must for the
lowered truck. Kit includes front or rear
sway bars, brackets, all necessary hardware
and installation instructions.
Designed to fit stock
drum brake spindles, on your classic truck.
Works with easy to find late model 5-lug
rotors and GM calipers.
(800) 823-0954
rotor upgrade.
Special - starting at $89/kit
Complete bolt-in kit available for ‘48-‘56 Ford
trucks. Our kit lowers classic trucks 4” and
features leaf springs, shock kit, mounting
brackets, weld-in axle brackets, all necessary
hardware and installation instructions.
Special - Starting at $499/kit
Order Line:
Designed to change drum to disc brakes.
Available for all the popular early Chevy and
Ford truck. Kit works with stock spindles
and includes 11” rotors, calipers, bearings,
mounting brackets, seals, dust caps, brake
hoses, hardware and instructions. Shown with
Crossmember Kit - Special starting at $379/kit
Available for all popular engine and transmission combinations.
Includes crossmembers, rubber mounts and
mounting hardware.
Special - Starting at $100/kit
Tanks - Starting at 389/ea
Sending Unit - Starting at 29/ea
Fuel Fill Door - Starting at 19/ea
Tank Hose Kit - Starting at 15/kit
Pick-up Limited ad.indd 1
6/6/06 4:04:27 PM
Hauln’ Freight is published 6 times a year by Orange County Pickups Limited.
Rates based on the calendar year (pro-rated as needed) are:
Business card size = $60
1/4 page = $100
1/2 page = $150
Full page = $250
Your ad must be paid up front for the year before publication. All ads need to be submitted in
electronic format using one of the following or comparable formats:
Adobe PDF
In Design
No scanning, hand sketches or stuff like that. As the news letter is also available on our web
site, this means that your ad is also posted on web site. For more
information contact Chris Travers at [email protected]
We have our business meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each
month at 7:30pm....
Limited web site at
We also meet on the 4th week of each month for cruising.
Call for details!
Questions? Call
Ed Oe at (714) 493-0703
• Western Nationals Coverage
• Fender Rollin 4 the Kids
• Father’s Day at Pomona
• Braille Rally
Anaheim, CA 92803
P.O. Box 4631
Orange County Chapter