Advance Program -


Advance Program -
October 23-27, 2011
Hilton located in the Walt Disney World® Resort | Orlando, FL, USA
Advance Program
R e c o g n i z i n g
of Advancing Laser Technology
Congress General Chair:
Kunihiko Washio, Paradigm Laser Research Limited, Tokyo, Japan
Presented by:
Laser Materials Processing Conference Chair:
Stefan Kaierle, Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany
Laser Microprocessing Conference Chair:
Henrikki Pantsar, Cencorp Corporation, Canton, MI, USA
Nanomanufacturing Conference Co-Chairs:
Yongfeng Lu, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Xianfan Xu, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Laser Solutions Short Courses Chair:
Silke Pflueger, Laserline, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA
Printing Sponsored by:
Business Forum & Panel Discussion Co-Chairs:
Neil Ball, Directed Light Inc., San Jose, CA, USA
Sri Venkat, Coherent Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA
Register Online by September 1st and receive $25 off
Early Bird Full Conference Registration
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Orlando, Florida, USA
Congress General Chair Welcome
Kunihiko Washio, Paradigm Laser Research Limited, Tokyo, Japan
Hello and welcome! The 30th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO®
2011) returns again to Orlando, Florida, the home base of the Laser Institute of America. Continuing the tradition
that began 29 years ago, the ICALEO Program Committee has put together yet another strong program with a high
number of contributions from researchers from both academic and industries all over the world in areas of traditional
and emerging laser applications. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to present and hear the latest advances in the
field of laser applications, meet old and new colleagues and friends, and exchange results and ideas. One of the
key benefits ICALEO offers has always been the great social atmosphere and networking opportunities for the attendees. This will prove
particularly helpful in these turbulent times brought on by factors that have nothing to do with lasers!
ICALEO 2011 will offer three conferences covering an expanding array of laser applications. The Laser Materials Processing Conference
(LMP), organized by Stefan Kaierle, continues its theme on high speed and flexible macroscopic laser processing applications, equipment
and systems. The progress in high brightness processes brought on by advances and improvements in high power fiber, disk and direct
diode lasers will be prominently featured. The Laser Microprocessing Conference (LMF) will be chaired by Henrikki Pantsar and will cover
processes and systems for microscopic applications, especially those that take advantage of the small feature sizes and high precision offered
by picosecond and femtosecond ultrafast lasers and wavelength optimization. LMF will feature a variety of application-oriented sessions such
as photovoltaics, thin film processing, medical devices and biomedical applications, etc., highlighting the versatility of laser microprocessing.
Continuing a feature introduced two years ago here in Orlando, ICALEO 2011 will have a joint session again between LMP and LMF with
contributions that will appeal to researchers in both areas. This year’s joint session will focus on strategies, limits and challenges for advanced
laser processing. Yongfeng Lu and Xianfan Xu will co-chair the Nanomanufacturing Conference. The Conference will explore topics in the
still emerging, but rapidly advancing, field of nanotechnology and the role various
lasers can play.
ICALEO Advance Program Table of Contents:
Plenary Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 05
Receptions & Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 05
LIA Annual Meeting & Awards Luncheon . . . . Page 07
Laser Materials Processing Conference . . . . . Page 08
Business Forum & Panel Discussion. . . . . . . . Page 12
Laser Microprocessing Conference. . . . . . . . . Page 13
Nanomanufacturing Conference. . . . . . . . . . . Page 16
Poster Presentation Gallery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 17
Student Paper Award Contest . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 18
Laser Solutions Short Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . Page 19
About LIA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 20
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 21
Conference Agenda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 22
Congress General Chair: Kunihiko Washio
LIA President: Stephen Capp
LIA Executive Director: Peter Baker
LIA Director of Conferences: Gail Loiacono
This year’s plenary session will feature topics on material nanoscience, photonics
and technologies for evolutional innovation with a keynote given by Dr. Hongjie
Dai, a professor at the Department of Chemistry and Laboratory for Materials,
Stanford University. The title of the keynote is “The Story and Prospects of Carbon
Nanoscience and Technologies for Future Exciting Applications.” The following
presentations will cover fascinating topics on conversion of cement material to
transparent metals and superconductors, quantum cascade lasers and their
applications, as well as the magic of the dressed photons, and their applications
such as nanofabrication. This year’s Business Forum and Panel Discussion, a
popular feature at ICALEO, organized by Neil Ball and Sri Venkat, will focus on
Photonics Markets, Opportunities and Trends in the rapidly growing economies
of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) nations. The panel discussion portion
will address what industries within these nations are embracing Industrial laser
technology. The Laser Solutions Short Courses organized by Silke Pflueger are
ideal for those who want to receive a complete overview on the state-of-theart in specific areas of interest to participants. The Vendor Reception is another
popular venue for attendees to learn about the latest products, meet the industry
representatives who are working in the laser applications market and will be a
valuable networking opportunity.
Orlando, the “City Beautiful,” is home to numerous attractions, including major
theme parks such as Walt Disney World®, Universal Studios™ and SeaWorld®,
excellent museums, over 170 golf courses, extensive shopping and dining options,
and spectacular nighttime entertainment. Combine this with an enticing tropical
climate and Orlando is clearly an ideal location to experience ICALEO and more
with colleagues, friends and family. With all these great features and opportunities
to offer, I would like to extend a warm invitation to all to come and take part in
ICALEO 2011. See you in Orlando!
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
TRUMPF-TruDisk-Laser(LIA).indd 1
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6/30/11 2:14:19 PM
P lenary S essions & R eceptions
Plenary Session: Material Nanoscience, Photonics
and Technologies for Revolutionary Innovation
Kunihiko Washio, Paradigm Laser Research Limited, Tokyo, Japan
Monday, October 24 • 9:00am
Although incremental innovation within a known systematic framework is very
important for steady technology progress, disruptive innovation is often desired
to push the limits of the imaginable and to leap forward to attain revolutionary
innovation. Materials science, particularly material nanoscience, is believed to
be the treasure house of the seeds of desired disruptive innovations. The 2011
ICALEO Plenary Session is pleased to present a keynote speech by Dr. Hongjie
Dai, a professor at the department of Chemistry and Laboratory of Materials,
Stanford University. Dr. Dai’s talk is entitled “The Story and Prospects of Carbon
Nanoscience and Technologies for Future Exciting Applications,” and will give
an overview of graphene- and carbon-nanotube-based nanoscience and
their evolutional future applications. Following Dr. Hongjie Dai’s keynote, Dr.
Hideo Hosono, a professor of Frontier Research & Materials and Structures
Laboratory of Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), will give a presentation on
“Conversion of Cement Material to Transparent Metals and Superconductors:
Power of Nanostructure” which will be of particular interest for researchers
and application engineers such as for advanced flexible electronic devices
and superconducting wires for industrial applications. Dr. Federico Capasso,
the Robert L. Wallace Professor of Applied Physics Vinton Hayes Senior
Research Fellow in Electrical Engineering, Harvard School of Engineering
and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, will talk about progress in quantum
cascade lasers and their industrial applications. Finally, Dr. Motoichi Ohtsu,
a professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information
Systems, School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and the Director,
Nanophotonics Research Center, School of Engineering, the University
of Tokyo (Japan) will introduce magical properties of dressed photons
(i.e., photons carrying the material excitation in a nanometer space) and
their applications to novel nanofabrication and energy conversion technologies.
This is one session you should not miss!
Welcome Celebration
Sunday, October 23 • 4:00pm
Sponsored by:
Plan to arrive early and enjoy live entertainment
provided by Beer's Law in a casual atmosphere.
In addition, door prizes will be raffled! This event
is a great opportunity for new attendees to meet
'old timers' and for everyone to socialize and
Invited Plenary Speakers:
Keynote Presentation: The Story and Prospects of Carbon
Nanoscience and Technologies for Future Exciting Applications (OP1)
Hongjie Dai, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Conversion of Cement Material to Transparent Metals
and Superconductors - Power of Nanostructure (OP2)
Hideo Hosono, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan
Quantum Cascade Lasers and Their Industrial Applications (OP3)
Federico Capasso, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied
Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Magic of the Dressed Photon (OP4)
Motoichi Ohtsu, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
President’s Reception
Hilton in the Walt Disney World® Resort
Monday, October 24 • 5:00pm
The opening day of ICALEO® features an
evening reception hosted by LIA President
Stephen Capp. Meet the LIA Executive
Committee, Board of Directors, ICALEO General
Chair Kunihiko Washio and Conference Chairs
Stefan Kaierle, Henrikki Pantsar, Yongfeng Lu,
Xianfan Xu, Silke Pflueger, Neil Ball and Sri
Venkat. Join the LIA staff and mingle with
old friends. This will be an exciting evening!
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
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P lenary S essions & R eceptions
LIA Annual Meeting & Awards Luncheon featuring
the Arthur L. Schawlow Award Presentation
Wednesday, October 26
Award Sponsored by:
The 2011 Arthur L. Schawlow Award
is presented to: Professor Berthold Leibinger
Laser Institute of America first presented the Arthur L. Schawlow Award in 1982 to recognize individuals
who have made distinguished contributions to applications of lasers in science, industry or education. The
Award presentation consists of a silver medal, a $2,000 cash award and a citation. Awardees become Lifetime
Members of LIA.
About Arthur L. Schawlow
Professor Schawlow received a Nobel Prize for Physics in 1981 for “his contribution to the development of laser spectroscopy.”
He co-authored, along with Professor Charles H. Townes, the book Microwave Spectroscopy, and the first paper describing optical
masers. For this latter work, the pair were awarded the Stuart Ballantine Medal by the Franklin Institute (1962) and the Thomas
Young Medal and Prize by the Physical Society and Institute of Physics (1963). Professor Schawlow was also awarded the Morris
N. Liebmann Memorial Prize by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (1964). As the first honoree in 1982 of this award,
it is fitting that LIA’s highest achievement award is given in Professor Schawlow’s name.
Closing Plenary Session
Joint Session (LMP & LMF): Strategies, Limits and Challenges for Advanced Laser Processing
Thursday, October 27 • 1:30pm
Session Chair: Jyoti Mazumder, CLAIM, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Sophisticated and strategic approaches in laser manufacturing and their industrial applications are becoming increasingly important,
partly due to the rapid increase in the R&D frontiers and strong demands in low-energy-consumption “greener” processes and
advanced resources. This LMP and LMF joint session features strategies, limits and challenges for advanced laser processing with
two invited and three contributed presentations. Dr. Stefan Kaierle, Laser Materials Processing Conference Chair, will give the first
invited presentation on “Strategies of R&D and International Networking Towards the Evolution of Future Laser Materials Processing.”
Following this, a distinguished and veteran researcher, Prof. Minlin Zhong of Tsinghua University (China) will give the second invited
presentation on “Vision on Frontiers of Laser Manufacturing Research.” The following three contributed presentations will discuss
various approaches towards realizing higher-throughput and more efficient laser materials processing.
Strategies of R&D and International Networking Towards
the Evolution of Future Laser Materials Processing
(Invited Presentation – 40 minutes) (C101)
Stefan Kaierle, Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany
Vision on Frontiers of Laser Manufacturing Research
(Invited Presentation – 40 minutes) (C102)
Minlin Zhong, Laser Processing Research Center, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
People’s Republic of China
Novel Diffractive Beam Splitters with Efficiency Above 95% Enable
Multiple Beam Parallel Processing with Highest Throughput (C103)
Oliver Homburg, LIMO Lissotschenko Mikrooptik GmbH,
Dortmund, Germany
Micro and Nano Structuring with High Power Ultra Short Pulsed
Laser – Current Applications and Perspectives (C105)
Jens Holtkamp, Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany
400W and 800µJ Picosecond Laser and Application Examples (C104)
Keming Du, EdgeWave GmbH Innovative Laser Solutions,
Wuerselen, Germany
Special Thanks to the ICALEO International Advisory Board:
David Belforte, Industrial Laser Solutions, Sturbridge, MA, USA
Eckhard Beyer, Fraunhofer IWS, Dresden, Germany
Thomas Fehn, JENOPTIK Laser GmbH, Jena, Germany
Paul Hilton, TWI Ltd., Great Abington, Cambridge, Great Britain
Tony Hoult, IPG Photonics Corporation, West Coast Operations,
Santa Clara, CA, USA
Xinbing Liu, Panasonic Boston Laboratory, Newton, MA, USA
Klaus Löffler, T
RUMPF Laser and Systems GmbH, Ditzingen, Germany
Yongfeng Lu, Univ. of Nebraska – Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA
Jyoti Mazumder, CLAIM, The Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Andreas Ostendorf, Ruhr-Univ. Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Rajesh Patel, Spectra Physics, Division of Newport Corporation,
Mountain View, CA, USA
Koji Sugioka, R
IKEN, Saitama, Japan
Rongshi Xiao, Beijing Univ. of Technology, Beijing,
People’s Republic of China
Minlin Zhong, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, People’s Republic of China
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
L aser M aterials P rocessin g C onference
Laser Materials Processing Conference
Conference Chair: Stefan Kaierle, Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany
The economic crisis really seems to be over! New enthusiasm is spreading around and
the companies in the laser field tell new success stories of growth and expansion. This appears
to be a fantastic starting point for ICALEO’s 30th year.
Again, numerous researchers from all over the world have submitted their latest research results to
be presented at ICALEO. The LMP conference program is full of excellent contributions covering
18 sessions in many different application fields. In particular, a large amount of abstracts have
been submitted to welding and rapid prototyping processes like selective laser melting and laser metal deposition.
The understanding of processes in terms of modeling as well as quality monitoring and control are well covered.
The trend goes on that the application is driving the research – developments of applications, processes and
laser beam sources go hand in hand today in order to reach new frontiers with laser based processes. The
laser is a fundamental tool in today’s industrial production. Here at ICALEO you can experience and discuss
the applications and trends of tomorrow. You are warmly welcomed to share this experience and opportunity
with all other presenters and delegates.
LMP Session 1: Laser Cutting
Monday, October 24 • 1:30pm
Session Chair: Bo Gu, IPG Photonics Corporation, Oxford, MA, USA
Laser Cutting - From CO2 Laser To Disc And Fiber Laser - Possiblities
and Challenges - Invited Presentation (101)
Flemming Olsen, IPU
The Energetic Efficiency of Remote Cutting in Comparison
to Conventional Fusion Cutting (102)
Matthias Luetke, Jan Hauptmann, Andreas Wetzig, Eckhard Beyer,
Fraunhofer IWS
Influence of Fiber Laser Cutting Parameters on the Subsequent
Laser Welding of Ti6Al4V Sheets (103)
Gianfranco Palumbo, Leonardo Daniele Scintilla, Donato Sorgente,
Luigi Tricarico, Politecnico Di Bari, Dipartimento Di Ingegneria
Meccanica E Gestionale - DIMEG; Marco Brandizzi, Annunziata Anna
Satriano, Consorzio Calef
Influence of Cut Front Temperature Profile on Cutting Process (104)
Volkher Onuseit, Michael Jarwitz, Rudolf Weber, Thomas Graf, Institut
Fuer Strahlwerkzeuge, Univ. of Stuttgart
Program Committee:
Magdi Azer, GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, USA
Milan Brandt, RMIT Univ., Bundoora Victoria, Australia
Gabor Buza, Bay Zoltán Institute for Materials Science and
Technology, Budapest, Hungary
Paul Denney, Lincoln Electric, Cleveland, OH, USA
Bo Gu, IPG Photonics Corporation, Oxford, MA, USA
Seiji Katayama, Osaka Univ., Osaka, Japan
Ingomar Kelbassa, RWTH Aachen Univ., Aachen, Germany
Wolfgang Knapp, Coopération Laser Franco-Allemande (CLFA),
Paris, France
Markus Kogel-Hollacher, Precitec Optronik GmbH/Precitec KG,
Rodgau, Germany
Lin Li, The Univ. of Manchester, Manchester, Great Britain
William O’Neill, Univ. of Cambridge, Cambridge, Great Britain
Juan Pou, Univ. de Vigo, Vigo, Spain
Michael Rethmeier, BAM, Berlin, Germany
Antti Salminen, Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology,
Lappeenranta, Finland
Rudolf Weber, IFSW Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Experimental Investigation on the Cut Front Geometry in the
Inert Gas Laser Fusion Cutting with Disk and Co2 Lasers (105)
Leonardo Scintilla, Luigi Tricarico, Politecnico Di Bari, Dipartimento
Di Ingegneria Meccanica E Gestionale - DIMEG; Achim Mahrle,
Technische Universitaet Dresden, Institut fuer Oberflaechen- Und
Fertigungstechnik Iof, Lehrstuhl fuer Laser- Und Oberflaechentechnik
Lot; Eckhard Beyer, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Institut fuer
Oberflaechen- Und Fertigungstechnik Iof, Lehrstuhl Fuer LaserUnd Oberflaechentechnik Lot., Fraunhofer IWS; Andreas Wetzig,
Fraunhofer IWS
Study on Striation Generation Process During Laser Cutting
of Steel (106)
Koji Hirano, Nippon Steel Corporation; Rémy Fabbro,
Pimm Laboratory (Arts Et Metiers Paristech/Cnrs)
Numerical Studies of Laser Cutting on an Active Electrode Material
for Lithium-Ion Batteries (107)
Dongkyoung Lee, Jyotirmoy Mazumder, CLAIM, The Univ. of Michigan
Effect of Linear Cutting Energy on Coloration of Paper
in Laser Cutting of Paper Material (108)
Heidi Piili, Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology, LUT Laser, Finland; Antti
Salminen, Alexander Stepanov, Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology/Laser
Processing Research Group; Esa Saukkonen, Lappeenranta
Univ. of Technology/Paper Technology
LMP Session 2: Process Monitoring & Control I
Monday, October 24 • 1:30pm
Session Chair: Mariana Forrest, LASAP, Inc., Troy, MI, USA
Modularity and Flexibility - Customized Laser Processing Heads Enter
Industrial and Scientific Applications – Invited Presentation (201)
Markus Kogel-Hollacher, Precitec Optronik GmbH/Precitec KG
Camera-Based Laser Beam Welding Sensor in the NIR Spectral
Range (202)
Holger Braun, Friedhelm Dorsch, Steffen Kessler, Dieter Pfitzner,
TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co. KG; Volker Rominger,
TRUMPF Laser- Und Systemtechnik GmbH
Closed Loop Control of Laser Welding Using an Optical
Spectroscopic Sensor for Nd:Yag and CO2 Lasers (203)
Ali Riza Konuk, R.G.K.M. Aarts, A.J. Huis in ‘T Veld, Univ. of Twente;
A. Ancona, D. Rizzi, T. Sibillano, Cnr-Infm Regional Laboratory
Novel Monitoring System for Spatially Resolved Topographical
Measurement of Laser-Based Processes (204)
Jan-Philipp Weberpals, Peter Berger, Thomas Graf, IFSW; Johannes
Trein, Holger Singpiel, Silicon Software GmbH
Real-Time Process Control by Machine Vision (205)
Christoph Franz, Fraunhofer ILT
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
L aser M aterials P rocessin g C onference
Online Measurement and Closed Loop Control of Penetration
Depth in Laser Welding Processes (206)
Felix Abt, Rudolf Weber, Thomas Graf, IFSW; Harald Woelfelschneider,
Claudia Baulig, Heinrich Hoefler, Fraunhofer IPM
A Rapid Image Processing Algorithm for Structured Light Stripe
Welding Seam Tracking in Laser Welding (207)
Xian-feng Shen, Institute of Machinery Manufacturing Technology;
Wenhua Teng, Institute of Machinery Manufacturing Technology,
China Academy of Engineering Physics
A Beam Monitoring System for Large and Scanned Laser Spots Lasmon (208)
Jan Hannweber, Fraunhofer IWS
LMP Session 3: Welding I
Tuesday, October 25 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Seiji Katayama, Osaka Univ., Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan
Aluminum Welding with High Brightness Diode Lasers (301)
Silke Pflueger, Laserline, Inc.
New Type of Laser Welded Wall Panel of Train Coach (302)
Ilpo Maaranen, Ville-Matti Nurmela, Jukka Siltanen, Rautaruukki Oyj
Resistance Spot Welding Gun Meets Fiber Laser an Alternative to Remote Welding? (303)
Klaus Krastel, IPG Laser GmbH
Thin Section Welding with Controllable Dimensions
Using High Brightness Fiber Lasers (304)
Andy Appleyard, Paul Harrison, SPI Lasers UK, Ltd.
Laser Narrow Gap Welding of Thick Carbon Steels
Using High Brightness Laser with Beam Oscillation (305)
Takeshi Tsukamoto, Hirotsugu Kawanaka, Yoshihisa Maeda, Hitachi, Ltd.
Single Mode Fiber Laser Welding with Superposed
Beam Oscillation (306)
Markus Schweier, Jens Hatwig, Michael F. Zaeh, Technische
Universitaet Muenchen, Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial
Comparison of Spatter Characteristics in Fiber and CO2 Laser Beam
Welding of Aluminum Alloy (307)
Hua Cai, Rongshi Xiao, Beijing Univ. of Technology
Understanding the Influence of the Focal Position on Spatter
Reduction (308)
Jan-Philipp Weberpals, Philipp Krueger, Peter Berger, Thomas Graf, IFSW
Laser Beam Welding with High-Frequency Beam Oscillation: Welding
of Dissimilar Materials with Brilliant Fiber Lasers (309)
Eckhardt Beyer, Berndt Brenner, Mathias Kraetzsch, Jens Standfuss,
Fraunhofer IWS
LMP Session 4: Process Monitoring & Control II
Tuesday, October 25 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Markus Kogel-Hollacher, Precitec Optronik GmbH/
Precitec KG, Rodgau, Germany
X-Ray Videography for Investigation of Capillary and Melt Pool
Dynamics in Different Materials (402)
Felix Abt, Meiko Boley, Rudolf Weber, Thomas Graf, IFSW
Effect of Process Parameters to Monitoring of Laser Assisted
Additive Manufacturing of Alumina Ceramics (403)
Heidi Piili, Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology, LUT Laser; Antti Lehti,
Antti Salminen, Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology/Laser Processing
Research Group; Olli Nyrhilä, EOS Finland; Bin Qian, James Shen,
Stockholm Univ./Dept. of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Correlation Between Pyrometer Monitoring and Active Illumination
Imaging of Laser Assisted Additive Manufacturing of Stainless Steel
Antti Lehti, Antti Salminen, Lauri Taimisto, Lappeenranta Univ.
of Technology/Laser Processing Research Group; Olli Nyrhilä, EOS
Finland; Heidi Piili, Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology, LUT Laser
Improvements in Laser Cladding Process Through
an FPGA-Based Control System (405)
Pablo Colodrón, Jose Luis Mato, M. Angeles Montealegre, Felix Vidal,
Aimen- Technology Centre; Jose Fariña; Juan Jose Rodriguez-Andina,
Univ. de Vigo
Automatic In-Process Control of Laser Metal-Wire Deposition Based
on Sensor Feedback (406)
Almir Heralic, Anna-Karin Christiansson, Univ. West
High Speed Video Analysis of Melt Flow Inside Fiber Laser Welding
Keyholes (407)
Ingemar Eriksson, Alexander Kaplan, Luleä Univ. of Technology;
John Powell, Laser Expertise Ltd.
Defect Detection and Sizing in Laser-Welded Aluminum Welds,
Using Laser-Generated Ultrasounds (408)
Gael Diot, Laurent Dubourg, Institut Maupertuis; Afia Kouadri-David,
Sylvain Guegan, Eric Ragneau, Insa Rennes; Jihed Flifla, Ecam Rennes;
Focal Spot Monitoring of a High Power Fiber Laser (409)
Michael Scaggs, Neoteric Concepts, LLC; Gilbert Haas,
Haas Laser Technologis, Inc.
LMP Session 5: Laser Metal Deposition (LMD):
Applications & Systems
Tuesday, October 25 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Ingomar Kelbassa, RWTH Aachen Univ.,
Aachen, Germany
Laser Cladding for Railway Repair and Preventative Maintenance (501)
Adam Clare, Peter Farayibi, Janet Folkes, Olusola Oyelola,
Univ. of Nottingham
Additive Manufacturing of a Blade-Integrated Disk by Laser Metal
Deposition (LMD) (502)
Johannes Witzel, Johannes Schrage, RWTH Aachen Univ.;
Andres Gasser, Fraunhofer ILT; Ingomar Kelbassa, Fraunhofer ILT /
RWTH Aachen Univ.
Potential Application and Certification of Laser Cladding Technology
for Repair of Aging Aircraft Components (503)
Qianchu Liu, Khan Sharp, Defence Science and Technology
Organisation; Milan Brandt, School of Aerospace, Mechanical
and Manufacturing Engineering, RMIT Univ. and Defence Materials
Technology Centre; Madabhushi Janardhana, Aircraft Structural
Integrity Section, Directorate General Technical Airworthiness (DGTA),
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF); Ryan Cottam, Faculty of Engineering
and Industrial Sciences, Swinburne Univ. of Technology; Neil Matthews,
Rosebank Engineering
Effects of Melt Pool Size on Transient and Residual Stress in Direct
Metal Deposition Process (504)
Hyung Min Chae, CLAIM, The Univ. of Michigan
Development of a Model for Prediction of Material Properties of Laser
Cladded Inconel 718 as Related to Void Size in the Bulk Material (505)
Johannes Witzel, Thomas Schopphoven, RWTH Aachen Univ.; Andres
Gasser, Fraunhofer ILT; Ingomar Kelbassa, RWTH Aachen Univ.
Induction Assisted Laser Cladding for Higher Deposition Rates (506)
Aravind Jonnalagadda, Tobias Weitzer, Craig Bratt, Fraunhofer USA,
CCLA; Siegfried Scharek, Fraunhofer IWS
Advantages of Laser Metal Deposition by Using Zoom Optics
and MWO (Modular Welding Optics) (507)
Chen Hong, Bernd Burbaum, Ingomar Kelbassa, Chair for Laser
Technology RWTH Aachen; Andres Gasser, Fraunhofer ILT
Effect of Power Adjustment in Laser Cladding with Scanning Optics (508)
Veli Kujanpää, Iikka Pekkarinen, Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology
Effect of Laser Beam Intensity in Laser Cladding
with Scanning Optics (509)
Veli Kujanpää, Iikka Pekkarinen, Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology
LMP Session 6:
Processing of Dissimilar Materials
Tuesday, October 25 • 1:30pm
Session Chair: Minlin Zhong, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing,
People’s Republic of China
Laser Penetration Brazing of Dissimilar Alloys (601)
Rongshi Xiao, Peng Dong, Beijing Univ. of Technology
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
L aser M aterials P rocessin g C onference
Laser Autogenous Brazing - A New Method for Joining Dissimilar
Metals (602)
Gen Satoh, Y. Lawrence Yao, Columbia Univ.
Study on Laser Brazing Characteristics of Dissimilar Metals (603)
SookHwan Kim, Mokyoung Lee, RIST; Liqun Li, Harbin Institute of
Technology; Y. Norman Zhou, Univ. of Waterloo
Recent Developments in Laser Joining of Dissimilar Materials (604)
Claus Thomy, Frank Vollertsen, BIAS GmbH
Application of Keyhole and Heat-Conduction Modes to Laser
Dissimilar Metals Welding of Magnesium Alloy and Steel (605)
Mohamed Wahba, Osaka Univ.; Yousuke Kawahito, Seiji Katayama,
Joining and Welding Research Institute
Dissimilar Metal Joining of Magnesium Alloy to Zinc-Coated Steel
by Laser Welding-Brazing Process (606)
Caiwang Tan, Liqun Li, Yanbin Chen, Harbin Institute of Technology
Laser Welding of Dissimilar Metals for the Radiation-Resistant L V D T
Fabrication (607)
Soo-Sung Kim, Chul-Yong Lee, Kee-Nam Choo, Korea Atomic Energy
Research Institute
LMP Session 7: Modelling & Simulation
Tuesday, October 25 • 1:30pm
Session Chair: Rudolf Weber, IFSW, Univ. of Stuttgart, Stuttgart,
Modeling of Real Temporally Variant Beam Shapes
in Laser Materials Processing (701)
Jonathan Griffiths, Stuart Edwardson, Geoff Dearden,
Ken Watkins, The Univ. of Liverpool
Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
During Laser Metal Wire Deposition (702)
Marcus Edstorp, Univ. West, Trollhättan, Sweden
Estimation of Residual Stress in Laser Rapid Manufactured
Geometries Using Finite Element Modeling (703)
Suyog Jhavar, Neelesh Jain, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology; Christ P Paul, L M Kukreja, Laser Material
Processing Division, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology
A Thermo-Metallurgical Model for Laser Surface Cladding
Final Properties (704)
Michael Vogel, Juansethi Ibarra-Medina, Andrew J. Pinkerton,
Manufacturing and Management Group, School of Mechanical,
Aerospace and Civil Engineering; Narcisse N`Dri, ESI GmbH
Investigation of Pressure Effect on Welding Defects (705)
Seung Lee, CLAIM, The Univ. of Michigan
Three-Dimensional Dynamic Modeling of Keyhole and Plume
During Pulse Laser Welding (706)
Wenda Tan, Neil Bailey, Yung Shin, Purdue Univ.
Contribution on Modelling the Remote Ablation Cutting (707)
Jan Musiol, IWB
LMP Session 8: Welding II
Wednesday, October 26 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Wolfgang Knapp, CLFA Fraunhofer ILT, Paris Cedex, France
Welding at Bosch – Applications and New Studies with Green Lasers
– Invited Presentation (801)
Reiner Ramsayer, Robert Bosch GmbH
Stabilized Copper Welding by Using Power Modulated Green and IR
Laser Beams (802)
Andreas Heider, Thomas Graf, Axel Hess, Rudolf Weber, Institut
fuer Strahlwerkzeuge
Development of New Processes for Welding of Thermal
Al-Cu Solar Absorbers using Diode Lasers (803)
Andre Springer, Peter Kallage, Michael Hustedt, Stephan Barcikowski,
Volker Wesling, Heinz Haferkamp, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.
Modelled Dependency of the Direct Absorption on the Keyhole Wall
Waviness During 1 Micron- and 10 Micron-Laser Welding (804)
Alexander Kaplan, Luleä Univ. of Technology
Dependence of Energy Distribution in the Keyhole on Optical
Parameters of the Focusing System in Laser Welding (805)
Martin Sarbort, Simon Rerucha, Petr Jedlicka, Institute
of Scientific instruments, AS CR; Libor Mrna, Dendera A.S.
Distortion Control During Laser Beam Welding of Shaft-Hub Joints
Within a Process Chain (806)
Frank Buschenhenke, BIAS - Bremer Institut fuer angewandte
LMP Session 9: Laser Surface Modification I
Wednesday, October 26 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Juan Pou, Univ. de Vigo, Vigo, Spain
Hard Facing Engineering Surfaces Using Supersonic Laser
Deposition of Stellite-6 (901)
W. O’Neill, R. Lupoi, A. Cockburn, M. Sparkes, F. Luo, Centre for
Industrial Photonics, Institute for Manufacturing, Dept. of Engineering,
Univ. of Cambridge
A Comparative Study of 3D Laser Surface Modification and the
Humping Phenomenon (902)
Caroline Earl, Univ. of Cambridge; Paul Hilton, TWI LTD; Jon Blackburn,
TWI LTD; Bill O’Neill, Univ. of Cambridge
Importance of Processing Temperature Control in Laser Beam
Hardening of Production Dies (903)
Hongping Gu, Magna International
Thermal Modification of Zinc-Aluminum Coated Steel Using Lasers (904)
Remya Mathew, Yvonne Durandet, Swinburne Univ. of Technology,
Cast Crc; Paul Stoddart, Swinburne Univ. of Technology; David Nolan,
Bluescope Steel Research, Cast Crc
Laser Heat Treatment with Latest System Components (905)
Steffen Bonss, Fraunhofer IWS
Microstructural Evolution in Laser-Deposited Al 4047 (906)
Guru Dinda, Jamal Edwards, Ashish Dasgupta, Focus: Hope; Sudip
Bhattacharya, Jyoti Mazumder, CLAIM, The Univ. of Michigan
LMP Session 10: Laser Drilling
Wednesday, October 26 • 10:50am
Session Chair: Patricia Weber, Karlsruhe Institute
of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
Drilling with Fiber Lasers (1001)
Christoph Blaesius, Stefan Brief, Jens Dietrich, Ingomar Kelbassa,
Lehrstuhl fuer Lasertechnik
Recoil Pressure and Surface Temperature in Laser Drilling (1002)
Matthieu Schneider, Arts et Métiers Paristech
Parametric Study of a Laser-Based Hybrid Drill for Concrete (1003)
Shigeki Muto, Heizaburo Kato, Sankyo Seisakusho Co.; Kazuya
Masuda, Kazuyoku Tei, Tokai Univ.; Tomoo Fujioka, Institute for
Applied Optics
LMP Session 11: Laser Surface Modification II
Wednesday, October 26 • 10:50am
Session Chair: Filip Motmans, VITO, Mol, Belgium
Laser Diffusion in Metals for Material Modification (1101)
Sen-Yong Chen, Aravinda Kar, CREOL, Univ. of Central Florida;
Othmane Benafan, Rajan Vaidyanathan, Ampac, Mechanical, Materials,
and Aerospace Engineering, Univ. of Central Florida
Contribution of Laser-Beam Brightness when Surface Processing
of a Silicon Nitride Engineering Ceramic (1102)
Pratik Shukla, Loughborough Univ.
Formation of Metal Matrix Composites and Intermetallic Phases
on Aluminum AA1200 During Laser Alloying (1103)
Luyolo Mabhali, Sisa Pityana, Csir National Laser Centre; Natasha
Sacks, Univ. of the Witwatersrand, Republic of South Africa
Surface Glazing of Concrete Using Lasers for Protection
and Decommissioning (1104)
Jonathan Lawrence, Univ. of Lincoln
Formation of Metallic Glass Coatings Via Laser Deposition (1105)
Hongqing Sun, Katharine Flores, Dept. of Materials Science and
Engineering, The Ohio State Univ.
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
L aser M aterials P rocessin g C onference
LMP Session 12: Laser Processing of CFRP
Wednesday, October 26 • 10:50am
Session Chair: Rongshi Xiao, Beijing Univ. of Technology, Beijing,
People’s Republic of China
Investigations in Remote Cutting of Carbon Fiber Composite
Materials (1201)
Annett Klotzbach, Udo Klotzbach, Jan Hauptmann, Fraunhofer IWS;
Pierpaolo Vessio, Polytechnico Di Bari
An Investigation into Laser Cutting Strategies for Carbon Fibre
Reinforced Plastics (1202)
Paul French, Gareth Bradley, Lee Boyle, Stephen Ebbrell, Liverpool
John Moores Univ.; Mohammed Naeem, Jk Lasers; Alexander Wolynski,
Photonik-Zentrum Kaiserslautern e.V.; Darren Hughes, Wmg, Iarc
Laser Surface Pre-Treatment of CFRP in Consideration
of the Absorption Behaviour (1203)
Fabian Fischer, Peter Jaeschke, Uwe Stute, Dietmar Kracht,
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.
The Wavelength as a Laser Transmission Welding Influence
Factor for Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic Materials (1204)
Verena Wippo, Peter Jaeschke, Fabian Fischer, Uwe Stute,
Dietmar Kracht, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.
Analysis of Thermal Damage in Laser Processing of CFRP (1205)
Rudolf Weber, Margit Hafner, Andreas Michalowksi, Thomas Graf,
IFSW, Univ. of Stuttgart
LMP Session 13: Welding III
Wednesday, October 26 • 3:00pm
Session Chair: Tony Hoult, IPG Photonics Corporation,
Santa Clara, CA, USA
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Laser-Welding
of Long Fiber Thermoplastic Composites (1301)
Sebastien Clement, Wolfgang Knapp, CLFA Fraunhofer ILT; Dominique
Jeulin, Mamane Oumaroua, Jacques Renard, Mines Paristech
Welding with High Energy Pulsed Fiber Lasers (1302)
Tony Hoult, Jeffrey Kabahit, Oleg Shkurikhin, IPG Photonics
Effect of Combination of a Low Energy Diode Laser with a Pulsed
Solid State Laser for Welding of Aluminum Alloys (1303)
Jean Pierre Bergmann, Franziska Petzold, Univ. of Technology Ilmenau;
Andreas Patschger, Univ. of Applied Science Jena
Pulsed Laser Net-Shaped Welding of Thin Hastelloy C-276 (1304)
Dongming Guo, Yuquan Guo, Guangyi Ma, Dongjiang Wu,
Dalian Univ. of Technology
Influence of Shielding Gas on Mechanical Properties of HighBrightness Laser Welds (1305)
Brad Nagy, Brian Victor, EWI
The Effect of Adhesive Properties on Laser Spot Weld Bonding (1306)
Wang Tao, Yinan Ma, Mingmao Wang, Liqun Li, Yanbin Chen, Harbin
Institute of Technology
LMP Session 14:
Laser Metal Deposition (LMD): Process I
Wednesday, October 26 • 3:00pm
Session Chair: Milan Brandt, RMIT Univ., Bundoora Victoria,
Characterization of Micro/Macrostructure of Laser Cladded Inconel
718 with Increased Deposition Rates as Related to the Mechanical
Properties (1401)
Johannes Witzel, Andres Gasser, Ingomar Kelbassa, Fraunhofer ILT;
Salay Stannard, Joining Technologies, Inc.
Laser Net Shape Manufacturing of Ti6Al4V - Distortion Analysis
and Improvement (1402)
Yanmin Li, Yong Liu, Peng Hu, Guoshuang Cai, Xiaobin Chen,
Henry Peng, GE (China) Research & Development Co. Ltd.
Wear Behaviour of Laser Cladded Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Containing
Tungsten Carbide Particles (1403)
Filip Motmans, Marleen Rombouts, Rosita Persoons, Eric Geerinckx, Vito
Influence of Process Parameters and Energy Density on the
Microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V Wire/Wc Powder Cladding (1404)
Peter Farayibi, Janet Folkes, Adam Clare, Graham McCartney,
The Univ. of Nottingham
Surface Improvement of Laser Net Shape Manufacturing of Ti6Al4V
Yong Liu, Yanmin Li, Xiaobin Chen, Henry Peng, GE (China) Research
& Development Co. Ltd.
Laser-Based Repairing of Turbine Airfoils and its Economical
and Environmental Impact Analysis (1406)
J. Michael Wilson, Cycil Piya, Yung Shin, Karthik Ramani, Vance Murray,
Fu Zhao, Purdue Univ.
LMP Session 15:
Hybrid & Combination Processes
Wednesday, October 26 • 3:00pm
Session Chair: Paul Denney, Lincoln Electric, Cleveland, OH, USA
Hybrid Welding with Controlled Short Arcs - a Variation
of the Reduction of the Energy-Per-Unit Length - (1501)
Michael Mavany, Simon Olschok, Uwe Reisgen, RWTH Aachen Univ., ISF
Laser-GMA Hybrid Welding of 960 Mpa Steels (1502)
Ulf Jasnau, Andre Sumpf, Slv Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Gmbh;
Risto Laitinen, Jukka Siltanen, Sakari Tihinen, Rautaruukki Oyj
Weldability and Mechanical Characterization of CO2 Laser - Mig
Hybrid Welded Joints of Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloy (1503)
Gianfranco Palumbo, Leonardo Daniele Scintilla, Donato Sorgente,
Luigi Tricarico, Marco Brandizzi, Politecnico Di Bari; Annunziata Anna
Satriano, Consorzio Calef
Effect of Arc Parameters in High Brightness Hybrid Laser Arc Welding
of Low Alloyed Steel (1504)
Esa Lappalainen, Tuomas Purtonen, Antti Salminen, Lappeenranta
Univ. of Technology
Bifocal Hybrid Laser Welding - Laser Beam Welding of Aluminum (1505)
M. Kronthaler, M. F. Zaeh, Institute of Machine Tools and Industrial
Orbital Cutting and Orbital Tube to Tube Welding of Stainless Steel
Tubes with a Single Fibre Laser (1506)
Tuomas Purtonen, Antti Salminen, Mikko Vänskä, Lappeenranta Univ.
of Technology
LMP Session 16: Welding IV
Thursday, October 27 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Antti Salminen, Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology,
Lappeenranta, Finland
Remote Laser Welding In Automotive Seat Production Invited Presentation (1601)
Geert Verhaeghe, TWI Ltd.
Deep Penetration Welds and Welding Phenomena
with Combined Disk Lasers (1611)
Seiji Katayama, Masahiro Hirayama, Masami Mizutani,
Yousuke Kawahito, JWRI, Osaka Univ.
Laser Welding of Aluminium Alloys (1603)
Mohammed Naeem, GSI Group, Inc. - Laser Division
Influence of Ambient Pressure on Spattering and Weld Seam Quality
in Laser Beam Welding with the Solid-State Laser (1604)
Christian Boerner, Kai Noack, Klaus Dilger, Tu Braunschweig; Volker
Rominger, Thomas Harrer, TRUMPF Laser- Und Systemtechnik GmbH;
Thomas Kruessel, Thorsten Loewer, Pro-Beam Ag & Co. Kgaa
Characteristics of Microstructures and Mechanical Properties
of Laser Welded Api X-100 Steel for Line Pipe (1605)
Mok-Young Lee, RIST; Hyun-Byung Chai, Posco
Experimental Investigation of the Laser-Plume Interaction
During High Power Fiber Laser Welding (1606)
Pavel Shcheglov, Andrey Gumenyuk, Igor Gornushkin, Michael
Rethmeier, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
Fiber Laser DC TIG Aluminium Hybrid Welding (1612)
Giuseppe Casalino, DIMeG - Politecnico di Bari
Weld Strength for Laser Welding of Hot Press Forming Steel (1608)
Minjung Kang, Cheolhee Kim, KITECH
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
L aser M aterials P rocessin g C onference
Experimental Investigation on Az31 Magnesium Alloy Thin Sheets
Butt Welded by Nd:YAG Laser (1609)
Gianfranco Palumbo, Leonardo Daniele Scintilla, Donato Sorgente,
Luigi Tricarico, Politecnico Di Bari; Marco Brandizzi, Annunziata Anna
Satriano, Consorzio Calef
Preliminary Investigation on Hybrid Welding of Selective Laser Molten
Parts (1610)
Sabina Luisa Campanelli, Andrea Angelastro, Giuseppe Casalino,
Nicola Contuzzi, Antonio Domenico Ludovico, Politecnico of Bari
LMP Session 17:
Laser Metal Deposition (LMD): Process II
Thursday, October 27 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Lin Li, The Univ. of Manchester, Manchester,
Great Britain
Laser Cladding of Metal-Ceramic-Nanocomposite Layers
for Cutting Applications (1701)
Sabine Claussen, Albert Grueninger, Michael Hustedt, Stephan
Barcikowski, Albert Grueninger, Volker Wesling, Heinz Haferkamp,
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.
Effect of C:Ti Atomic Ratio on TiC Morphology Deposted
by Laser Cladding Process (1702)
Ali Emamian, Amir Khajepour, Univ. of Waterloo; Stepehen F. Corbin,
Study on Effect of TiC Morphology on Wear Behaviour of In-Situ
Fe-TiC Deposited by Laser Cladding (1703)
Ali Emamian, Amir Khajepour, Univ. of Waterloo; Stepehen F. Corbin,
Effect of Element Yttrium Addition on High-Entropy Alloy
AlxFeCoNiCuCr Coating by Laser Cladding (1704)
Mingxing Ma, Xiaoyang Ye, Qiwen Wu, Minlin Zhong, Wenjin Liu,
Tsinghua Univ.
Origin of Deleterious Surface Finishes of Metallic Parts Obtained
with the Direct Metal Deposition Technique (1705)
Myriam Gharbi, Patrice Peyre, Cyril Gorny, Rémy Fabbro, Ensam,
Pimm Laboratory; Simon Morville, Muriel Carin, Limatb, Université
De Bretagne-Sud
Material-Efficient Laser Cladding for Corrosion Resistance (1706)
Khalid Mahmood, Laser Processing Research Centre, School of
Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Eng.; Nicholas Stevens, Andrew J.
Pinkerton, The Univ. of Manchester; Waheed Ul Haq Syed, National
Univ. of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
Laser Direct Deposition of Nickel-Based Metal Matrix Composite
Kevin Schoeffel, Purdue Univ.; Yung Shin, Purdue Univ.
Laser Cladding of Zr60Ti6Cu19Fe5Al10 Amorphous Alloy on Az31B
Magnesium Alloy (1708)
Xue Liu, Sen Yang, Nanjing Univ. of Science and Technology
Influence of Powder Characteristics in Additive Laser Manufacturing
of Ss316L Metallic Parts. (1709)
Didier Boisselier, Simon Sankaré, IREPA Laser
LMP Session 18:
High Brightness Laser Challenges
Thursday, October 27 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Thomas Fehn, JENOPTIK Laser GmbH, Jena,
Dual Core Delivery Fibers for 1µm High Power Lasers Increase
the Flexibility in Applications (1801)
Klaus Loeffler, TRUMPF Laser & Systems GmbH
Reference Process for Determination of Thermal Focus Shift (1802)
Axel Hess, Marcel Schaefer, Christiane Thiel, Rudolf Weber,
Thomas Graf, IFSW
Thermal Management to Reduce Focus Shift Using Zns Ms Optics
Stephen Rummel, Gary Herrit, Alan Hedges, Fred Kropf, II-VI Inc.
Focus Control for Fiber Laser Material Processing Applications (1804)
Mohammed Naeem, GSI Group, Inc. - Laser Division
Thermal Lensing Measurement of a Thermal Lens Compensation
High Power Laser Objective (1805)
Gilbert Haas, Haas Laser Technologies, Inc.; Michael Scaggs,
Neoteric Concepts
High-Power Reflective Focusing Optics for High-Brightness
Solid State Lasers (1806)
Brian Victor, Stan Ream, EWI
High Power Disk Lasers - Advances & Applications (1807)
David Havrilla, Tracey Ryba, TRUMPF Inc.; Marco Holzer,
TRUMPF Laser- Und Systemtechnik GmbH
Wavelength Dependency in High Power Laser Cutting & Welding (1808)
David Havrilla, Stephan Ziermann, TRUMPF Inc.
An Efficient Method for Enhancing the Filling Factor of the Aperture
for Coherent-Beaming-Combining (CBC) Using Thin-Film Coated
Glass (1809)
Si-si Zhao, Zheng-Yu Ye, Deng-Cai Yang, Zhi-Yong Wang,
Beijing Univ. of Technology
Business Forum & Panel Discussion
Business Forum & Panel Discusison Co-Chairs:
Neil Ball, Directed Light Inc., San Jose, CA, USA & Sri Venkat, Coherent Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA
Tuesday, October 25 • 1:30pm
This year’s Business Forum & Panel Discussion will focus on Photonics
Markets, Opportunities and Trends in the rapidly growing economies of BRIC
(Brazil, Russia, India, and China) nations. Our distinguished panel will address what industries within these nations are
embracing industrial laser technology. Our panel will discuss what applications have gained acceptance and what the
future holds for the expansion of laser technology in their regions. In addition, they will provide insight with regard to
regulatory issues such as government funding and policy towards the photonics industry. An overview of educational
institutions and research centers will also be addressed.
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
L aser M icro P rocessin g C onference
Laser Microprocessing Conference
Conference Chair: Henrikki Pantsar, Cencorp Corporation, Canton, MI
The 30th ICALEO is taking place at an era when companies all over the globe are experiencing rapid growth.
In times like these the focus is shifting towards emerging technologies. As the overall economical setting is
improving, more efforts are being directed towards research and development to discover future possibilities
and maintain growth through innovation. As always, ICALEO is the laser conference to attend and to experience
the state of the art in applied research. For many years trends that are visible in the conference have turned out
to be great business opportunities during the successive years. I expect this year to follow the pattern.
The Laser Microprocessing Conference comprises more than 80 technical papers and seven invited papers, featuring a wide
spectrum of applications and innovative equipment from biomedical applications to photovoltaics. Trends emanating this year
include laser surface modification, structuring, processing of transparent materials and different micro deposition processes. General
aspects of micromachining and ablation are well represented as well as thin film processing, photovoltaics, drilling, new optical
concepts and laser sources, and many others. The presentations introduce the latest and greatest advancements in their respective
fields, presented by world’s leading companies and research organizations.
2011 will evidently be an excellent year for the laser community and this will set the stage for an exciting ICALEO congress, full of
enthusiasm, leading edge technology and networking.
LMF Session 1: Drilling & Micromachining I
Monday, October 24 • 1:30pm
LMF Session 2: Microjoining
Monday, October 24 • 1:30pm
Effects of Peak Power and Multipulsing on Drilling and Marking
with Ns Pulses – Invited Presentation (M101)
Sami Hendow, Multiwave Photonics
Micro Processing of Metals using a High Repetition Rate
Femtosecond Laser: from Laser Process Parameter Study
to Machining Examples (M102)
Horst Exner, Joerg Schille, Bernhard Steiger, Lutz Schneider, Udo
Loeschner, Robby Ebert, Hochschule Mittweida; Nicholas Goddard,
Patricia Scully, The Univ. of Manchester, CEAS
Processing of Industrially Relevant Non Metals with Laser Pulses
in the Range Between 10ps and 50ps (M103)
Beat Neuenschwander, Beat Jaeggi, Marc Schmid, Bern Univ. of
Applied Sciences; Beat LüScher, Carmine Nocera, Univ. of Applied
Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
High Power Fiber Laser On-The-Fly Drilling of Thin Materials (M104)
Arttu Jussila, Henrikki Pantsar, Hannu Väisänen, Mikko Laaksonen,
Cencorp Corporation
Engraving of Aluminium Alloys with Pulsed Fiber Lasers (M105)
Jack Gabzdyl, Paul Harrison, SPI Lasers UK Ltd.
Laser Milling: Tool Making Capabilities – Invited Presentation (M106)
Stefan Dimov, Cardiff Univ.
Laser Polymer Welding: From Research to High Volume Industrial
Applications - Invited Presentation (M201)
Alexander Olowinsky, Fraunhofer ILT
Flexible and Efficient Laser Remote Welding of Ultra-Thin Metal Foils (M202)
Andreas Patschger, Matthias Hild, Jenoptik Automatisierungstechnik
GmbH; Jean Pierre Bergmann, Univ. of Technology Ilmenau; Jens
Bliedtner, Univ. of Applied Science Jena
Prospects of Welding Foils with Solid State Laser for Lithium Ion
Batteries (M203)
Eckhard Beyer, Bernd Brenner, Renald Schedewy, Jens Standfu,
Fraunhofer IWS
Laser Spot Welding of Thin 304 Stainless Foils with Low Power Fiber
Lasers (M204)
Mohammed Naeem, GSI Group, Inc. - Laser Division
Welding Characteristics of Aluminum Alloy by Pulsed Nd:Yag Laser with
Pre- and Post-Irradiation of Superposed Continuous Diode Laser (M205)
Shin-ichi Nakashiba, Tomokazu Sakagawa, Kataoka Corporation;
Yasuhiro Okamoto, Kazuya Miura, Akira Okada, Yoshiyuki Uno,
Okayama Univ.
Parameter Study on Laser Welding of Nitinol Wire by Taguchi Method (M206)
C.W. Chan, H.C. Man, T.M. Yue, The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.
Effect of Variable Power Control in Quasi-Simultaneous Fiber Laser
Welding of Polymers (M207)
Petri Laakso, Saara Ruotsalainen, VTT; Veli Kujanpaa, VTT,
Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology; Tuomas Purtonen, Mikko Rikkonen,
Antti Salminen, Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology
Session Chair: Yasu Osako, ESI, Portland, OR, USA
Program Committee:
Neil Ball, Directed Light Inc., San Jose, CA, USA
Masayuki Fujita, Institute for Laser Technology, Osaka, Japan
Jack Gabzdyl, SPI Lasers, Southampton, Great Britain
Sami Hendow, Multiwave Photonics, San Jose, CA, USA
Aravinda Kar, CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics,
Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA
Nam Seong Kim, EO Technics, Anyang, South Korea
Klaus Kleine, Laserline, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA
Rainer Kling, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany
Petri Laakso, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Lappeenranta, Finland
Michael Mielke, Raydiance, Inc., Petaluma, CA, USA
Etsuji Ohmura, Osaka Univ., Suita, Osaka, Japan
Alexander Olowinsky, Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany
Yasu Osako, ESI, Portland, OR, USA
Michael Schmidt, Bayerisches Laserzentrum GmbH, Erlangen, Germany
Juergen Stollhof, TRUMPF Inc., Plymouth Township, MI, USA
Xiaoyan Zeng, Huazhong Univ. of Science & Technology, Wuhan,
People’s Republic of China
Session Chair: Petri Laakso, VTT, Lappeenranta, Finland
LMF Session 3: Photovoltaics
Tuesday, October 25 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Corey Dunsky, Aeos Consulting, Inc.,
Los Gatos, CA, USA
Industrial Laser Micro Machining of Semiconductors and Dielectrics Invited Presentation (M301)
Sascha Weiler, Paul Graham, TRUMPF, Inc.
Back End Monolithic Series Interconnection of a Thin Film PV Module
by Laser Scribing and Screen Printing (M302)
Johan Bosman, Martijn De Keijzer, Corne De Kok, Jochen Löffler,
Laurie Wipliez, ECN
Femtosecond Laser Delineation of Conductive Films for Solar Cell
Applications (M303)
Norman Chen, Ecole Mary Queen of Peace Es; Liqiu Men, Qiying Chen,
Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland
Laser Induced Backside Etching of Solar Glass by 1064nm Fiber
Laser Irradiation (M304)
Chao He, Jimin Chen, Beijing Univ. of Technology
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
L aser M icro P rocessin g C onference
Effect of Temporal Pulse Shape on CdTe P1, P2 and P3 Scribes (M305)
Richard Murison, Tullio Panarello, Esi-Pyrophotonics; Mathew Rekow,
PyroPhotonics; Walajabad Sampath, Nsf I/Ucrc for Next Generation
Photovoltaics, Colorado State Univ.
Patterning and Marking of Textured and Untextured Silicon Solar
Cells Using a 532 nm Picosecond Fiber Laser (M306)
Tim Gerke, Fianium Inc.; Brian Baird, Summit Photonics
Femtosecond Laser Ablation of Al and Mo Thin Film on Flexible
Substrate for Fabrication of Thin Film Solar Cells (M307)
Qiumei Bian, Xiaoming Yu, Baozhen Zhao, Shuting Lei,
Kansas State Univ.; Zenghu Chang, Univ. of Central Florida
Analysis of the Absorber Ablation for Thin-Film Silicon Solar Modules
Stefan Haas, Uwe Rau, Uwe Zastrow, Forschungszentrum Juelich
LMF Session 4: Laser Sources for Microprocessing
Tuesday, October 25 • 1:30pm
Session Chair: Michael Mielke, Raydiance, Inc., Petaluma, CA, USA
Ultrafast Laser with High Energy and High Average Power
for Industrial Micromachining: Comparison ps-fs (M401)
John Lopez, Anne Lidolff, Alphanov; Martin Delaigue, Clemens
Hoenninger, Eric Mottay, Amplitude Systemes
High Energy Femtosecond Fiber Laser with Efficient Frequency
Conversion (M402)
Yoann Zaouter, Clemens Hoenninger, Rysvan Maleck, Franck Morin,
Eric Mottay, Amplitude Systemes
Flexible and Precise Material Processing with Femtosecond Disc
Lasers (M403)
Friedrich Dausinger, Dausinger + Giesen Gmbh; Steffen Sommer,
Technologiegesellschaft fuer Strahlwerkzeuge GmbH
Trends and Advances in UV-Laser Microprocessing (M404)
Ralph Delmdahl, Coherent GmbH
Micro Surface Structuring and Texturing of Metals Using High
Brightness Yb based Fiber Lasers (M405)
G. Higgins, W. O’Neill, Centre for Industrial Photonics, Institute for
Manufacturing, Dept. of Engineering, Univ. of Cambridge; J. Gabzdyl,
SPI Lasers
High-Gain Ytterbium-Doped Large Mode Area Photonic Crystal Fiber
Mode-Locked Laser (M406)
Liu Zhi, Beijing Univ. Of Technology
High Repetition Rate Fiber Lasers as Controlled Heat Sources
for Micro-Processing (M407)
Tony Hoult, IPG Photonics Corporation
LMF Session 5: Drilling and Micromachining II
Tuesday, October 25 • 1:30pm
Session Chair: Jack Gabzdyl, SPI Lasers, Southampton, Great Britain
Ultrafast Lasers in Medical Applications - Invited Presentation (M501)
Eric Mottay, Amplitude Systemes
Micromachining on Thermal Barrier Coated Supperalloy Using
a Nanosecond 532nm Fiber Laser (M502)
Huan Qi, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.
Stability Limits of Laser Drilled Holes on Large Areas (M503)
Nelli Hambach, Claudia Hartmann, Jens Holtkamp, Arnold Gillner,
Fraunhofer ILT
Study on Producing Non-Tapered Holes with Adaptively Collimating
High Peak Power Pulsed Nd:Yag Laser (M504)
Hong Lei, Yong-Ling Hui, Meng-Hua Jiang, Qiang Li, Jin-Guo Wang,
Institute of Laser Engineering, Beijing Univ. of Technology
Laser Ablation: Optimising Material Removal Rate with Limited
Oxidation for Ti6Al4V (M505)
Samantha Davies, Karen Perkins, Swansea Univ.; Dragos Axinte,
M. Carol Kong, The Univ. of Nottingham; James Kell, Rolls-Royce Plc
A Study of Laser Ablation Near the Critical Point (M506)
Hyungson Ki, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
LMF Session 6: Laser Optics and Applications
Wednesday, October 26 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Aravinda Kar, CREOL, Univ. of Central Florida,
Orlando, FL, USA
Ultra-Short Pulse Laser Micro-Machining of Metals with Radial
and Azimuthal Polarization (M601)
Olivier Allegre, The Univ. of Liverpool
Efficient Use of Short Pulse Width Laser for Maximum Material
Removal Rate (M602)
Ashwini Tamhankar, Rajesh Patel, Spectra-Physics, Newport Corporation
Large-Area Production of Dynamically Scaled Microstructures Using
Diffractive Optical Elements (M603)
Bodo Wojakowski, Ulrich Klug, Rainer Kling, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.
Applying of Refractive Spatial Beam Shapers with Scanning Optics
Alexander Laskin, Molecular Technology (MolTech) GmbH; Vadim
Laskin, Adloptica Optical Systems GmbH
On-Target Fluence Variation in a Multi-Magnification Laser Ablation
System (M605)
Chen-Hsiung Cheng, Sergey Broude, Resonetics
A Novel Laser Trepanning System for Research and Production (M606)
David Ashkenasi, Tristan Kaszemeikat, Norbert Mueller, Richard
Dietrich, Gerd Illing, LMTB; Daniel Jahns, Hawk - Hochschule
Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen; Hans Joachim Eichler,
Technische Universität Berlin
LMF Session 7: Monitoring Detection and Adjustment
Wednesday, October 26 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Kevin Hartke, Mound Laser & Photonics Center,
Inc., Miamisburg, OH, USA
Laser Micro-Adjustment Using Ultra-Short Pulses (M701)
Jonathan Griffiths, Stuart Edwardson, Geoff Dearden, Ken Watkins,
The Univ. of Liverpool
High Speed Spindle Balancing with Pulsed Fiber Lasers (M702)
Marek Mamczur, Dynamic Laser Solutions LTD; Jack Gabzdyl, SPI Lasers
Acoustical Focal Positioning for Micromachining Using a Picosecond
Pulsed UV-Laser (M703)
Patricia Weber, Volker Schulze, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),
Wbk Institute of Production Science
Characterisation of Nanosecond Laser Ablation Events Using High
Speed Pulsed Digital Holography (M704)
Bill O’Neill, Krste Pangovski, Institute for Manufacturing
Direct In-Situ Measurement of the Ablation Rate in Short Pulse Laser
Percussion Drilling of Metal Targets (M705)
Gaetano Scamarcio, Pietro Mario Lugarä, Maurizio Dabbicco,
Francesco De Lucia, Francesca Di Niso, Dipartimento Interateneo Di
Fisica, Universitä Degli Studi and Politecnico Di Bari ; Teresa Sibillano,
Antonio Ancona, Cnr-Ifn Uos Bari; Francesco Mezzapesa, Cnr-Ifn Uos
Bari and Dipartimento Interateneo Di Fisica, Universitä Degli Studi and
Politecnico Di Bari
Plasma Spectroscopy in Laser Machining (M706)
David Ashkenasi, LMTB; David Diego-Vallejo, Instituto Politécnico
Nacional; Hans Joachim Eichler, Technische Universität Berlin
LMF Session 8: Laser Microdeposition Processes
Wednesday, October 26 • 10:50am
Session Chair: Xiaoyan Zeng, Huazhong Univ. of Science
& Technology, Wuhan, People's Republic of China
Growing Electronic Circuits - the Production of 3D Polymer Structures
with Embedded Direct Written Circuits Using Holographic Beam
Manipulation (M801)
Shuai Hou, John Tyrer, Loughborough Univ.
Development of Non-Planar Interconnects for Double-Sided Flexible
Copper Substrates Using Laser Assisted Maskless Microdeposition
Processes (M802)
Steven Tong, Elahe Jabari, Hamidreza Alemohammad, Ehsan
Toyserkani, Univ. of Waterloo
Novel Method of Pulsed Laser Deposition Using Liquid Flow Target
Masahito Katto, Masanori Kaku, Shoichi Kubodera, Atushi Yokotani,
Univ. of Miyazaki
Laser-Based Manufacturing of Metallic Conducting Paths (M804)
Christian Vedder, Norbert Pirch, Konrad Wissenbach, Fraunhofer ILT;
Jochen Stollenwerk, Technology of Optical Systems Tos, RWTH
Aachen Univ.
Sensitivity Analysis of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors Coated by Metallic
Films Produced by the Laser-Assisted Maskless Microdeposition
Process (M805)
Xixi Zhang, Hamidreza Alemohammad, Ehsan Toyserkani, Univ. of Waterloo
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
L aser M icro P rocessin g C onference
LMF Session 9: Thin Film Processing
Wednesday, October 26 • 10:50am
LMF Session 12: Surface Modification
Thursday, October 27 • 8:30am
Patterning of Organic, Electronic Devices Using a High Average
Power Picosecond Laser (M901)
Dimitris Karnakis, Oxford Lasers; Colin Moorhouse, Coherent Scotland,
Glasgow, Great Britain
The Modification of ZnO Thin Films Induced by Excimer Laser
Irradiation Under Different Atmospheres (M902)
Yong Zeng, Beijing Univ. of Technology
Selective Removal of Transparent Conductive Oxide Layers with
Ultrashort Laser Pulses: Front- Vs. Back-Side Ablation (M903)
Victor Matylitsky, Heinz Huber, Daniel Kopf, High Q Laser Innovation GmbH
Effect of Hydrogen on Surface Texturing and Crystallization of a-Si:H
Thin Film Irradiated by Excimer Laser (M904)
Hongliang Wang, Columbia Univ.; Fernando Lusquiños, Univ. of Vigo;
Y. Lawrence Yao, Columbia Univ.
Ultrafast Laser Micromachining of Metal Films on Thin Polymer
Membranes (M905)
Tim Gerke, Fianium Inc.; Dylan Fast, Vladimir Kozlov, Microtech Instruments
Applications of Surface Structuring with Lasers - Invited Presentation
Y. Lawrence Yao, Columbia Univ.
Femtosecond Laser Irradiation-Induced Wettability Modification
of Electrospun Poly(ε-Caprolactone) Fibers (M1202)
Lingna He, Jian Chen, Dave Farson, John Lannutti, Stan Rokhlin,
The Ohio State Univ.
Functionalization of Sapphire and Glass Surfaces Using fs-Laser
Radiation and Selective Etching (M1203)
Dagmar Esser, Maren Hoerstmann-Jungemann, Ingomar Kelbassa,
Chair for Laser Technology, Aachen, Germany
Generic Parameters Governing the Wettability Characteristics
of Laser-Modified Nylon 6,6 (M1204)
Jonathan Lawrence, David Waugh, Univ. of Lincoln
Integration of a Picosecond Laser System into a Machining Centre
Volker Schulze, Mateusz Chlipala, Ruediger Pabst, Karlsruhe Institute
of Technology (KIT), wbk Institute of Production Science
Applying Yagboss to Micro-Sculpting of Diffractive Scales on Metal
Surfaces for Optical Position Encoders (M1206)
Stephanie Giet, Marcus Ardron, Frank Albri, Robert R. J. Maier, Duncan
P. Hand, Heriot Watt Univ., Jonathan Shephard,; Matthew D. Kidd, Nick
J. Weston, Renishaw Plc; Heriot Watt Univ.
Modifying Optical Properties and Tribological Properties of Metals
with Nd:YAG Laser Pulses (M1207)
Wenjun Wang, Xuesong Mei, Bing Liu, Xi’An Jiaotong Univ.
Characterization of Sinusoidal Surface Texturing with a Nanosecond
Mopa Pulsed Fiber Laser (M1208)
Whitney Davis, Radovan Kovacevic, Southern Methodist Univ.;
Sami T. Hendow, Multiwave Photonics
Structural Evolution of TiO2 Nanoparticle Under Laser Selective
Irradiation (M1209)
Ting Huang, Minlin Zhong, Tsinghua Univ.
Session Chair: Sascha Weiler, TRUMPF Inc., Farmington, CT, USA
LMF Session 10:
Micromachining of Transparent Materials
Wednesday, October 26 • 3:00pm
Session Chair: William O’Neill, Univ. of Cambridge, Cambridge,
Great Britain
CO2 Laser Cutting of Flexible Glass Substrates (M1001)
Xinghua Li, Sean Garner, Corning Inc.
Three-Dimensional Analysis of Crack Propagation Phenomenon
in Laser Scribing of Glass (M1002)
Masanao Murakami, Seiji Shimizu, Mitsuboshi Diamond Industrial Co.,
Ltd.; Etsuji Ohmura, Keisuke Yahata, Osaka Univ.
Pico-Second Laser Machining of Fibre Based Sensing Devices (M1003)
Frank Albri, Mr. Junli, Robert R J Maier, William N Macpherson, Duncan
P. Hand, Heriot-Watt Univ.
Waveguides and Markings Inside Transparent Materials by fs-Laser
Radiation (M1004)
Dagmar Schaefer, Dennis Beckmann, Maren Hoerstmann-Jungemann,
Ingomar Kelbassa, Chair for Laser Technology, Aachen, Germany
Laser Glass Machining for Consumer Electronic Devices (M1005)
Haibin Zhang, Glenn Simenson, Electro Scientific Industries,
Investigations on Microstructuring of Ferroelectric Materials
by Picosecond UV Laser Pulses (M1006)
Mareike Stolze, Thomas Herrmann, Johannes L’Huillier, PhotonikZentrum Kaiserslautern e.V.
LMF Session 11: Wavelength Optimization
Wednesday, October 26 • 3:00pm
Session Chair: Etsuji Ohmura, Osaka Univ., Suita, Osaka, Japan
Laser Micromachining of Transparent Dielectric Materials - Glass
and Quartz (M1101)
Shiva Gadag, RCAM Southern Methodist Univ.
Picosecond Laser Ablation of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics
at Different Wavelengths (M1102)
Alexander Wolynski, Thomas Herrmann, Johannes L`Huillier, PZKL
Photonik-Zentrum Kaiserslautern e.V.; Michael Schmidt, LPT Lehrstuhl
fuer Photonische Technologien
Laser Dressing of Metal Bonded Diamond Blades for Cutting of Hard
Brittle Materials (M1103)
Philipp Von Witzendorff, Anas Moalem, Rainer Kling, Laser Zentrum
Hannover e.V.
Increasing Process Efficiency by Lasers with Tailored Wavelength
and Beam Profile (M1104)
Keming Du, EdgeWave GmbH Innovative Laser Solutions; Peng Shi,
Edgewave GmbH
Laser Micromachining of Single Crystal Silicon Using IR 1064 nm and
Green 532 nm Wavelengths of Nanosecond Pulsed Laser (M1105)
Shiva Gadag, RCAM Southern Methodist Univ.; Radovan Kovacevic,
Southern Methodist Univ.
355nm DPSS UV Laser Micromachining of Single-Crystal Silicon (M1106)
Huan Yang, Jun Duan, Xiaoyan Zeng, Wuhan National Laboratory
for Optoelectronics
Session Chair: Nam Seong Kim, EO Technics, Anyang, South Korea
LMF Session 13:
Medical Devices and Biomedical Applications
Thursday, October 27 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Michael Schmidt, Bayerisches Laserzentrum
GmbH, Erlangen, Germany
From CW to FS: Fiber Lasers in Medical Device Manufacturing Invited Presentation (M1301)
Roland Mayerhofer, F&E Lasermaterialbearbeit
Modulation of Osteoblast Cell Response Through Laser Surface
Processing of Nylon 6,6 (M1302)
Jonathan Lawrence, David Waugh, Univ. of Lincoln
The Effects of Laser Machining on Structure and Mechanical
Properties of 316 LVM Stainless Steel Wires (M1309)
Hossein Lavvafi, Case Western Reserve Univ.
Processing and Properties Evaluation of Laser Solid Forming Porous
Titanium (M1304)
Haiou Yang, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.
Novel Cutting Strategies for Medical Devices Using Ultrashort-Pulsed
Lasers (M1305)
Christoph Ruettimann, LASAG AG
Effect of Excimer Laser Irradiation of Biodegradable Polymer on its
Chemical Binding (M1306)
Shan-Ting Hsu, Y. Lawrence Yao, Columbia Univ.
The Research of the Connection of Excimer Laser Zoom-Processing
Condition to the PMMA Micro-Channel’s Edge-Smoothness and
Roughness (M1307)
Zhengyang Xie, Tao Chen, Ning Liu, Xuefei Shen, Beijing Univ.
of Technology
Research of Zoom System Applied in Excimer Laser Micromachining
Tao Chen, Zhen Wang, Zhengyang Xie, Beijing Univ. of Technology
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
N anomanufacturin g C onference
Nanomanufacturing Conference
Conference Co-Chairs: Yongfeng Lu, University of Nebraska – Lincoln,
Lincoln, Nebraska, USA &
Xianfan Xu, Purdue University,
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
The Nanomanufacturing Conference of ICALEO® consists of presentations on
nanomanufacturing, which have relevance to laser technologies. Much progress
has been achieved in laser direct writing for nano-machinning, nanofabrication
using femtosecond lasers, and laser-assisted growth of nanostructures. This conference will highlight research in emerging
nanomanufacturing technologies in 3-D micro/nanomachining, 2-photon lithography, digital fabrication, nanoparticle formation,
surface nanostructuring, and laser-assisted growth and expitaxy. These studies encompass a variety of applications, including
photonic crystals, nanofluidic devices, opto-fluidic and nanoscale plasmonic structures.
Nanomanufacturing Session 1:
Femtosecond Laser Nano-Processing
Monday, October 24 • 1:30pm
Session Co-Chairs: Yongfeng Lu, Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE,
USA; Xianfan Xu, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN, USA
Femtosecond Laser Micro/Nanomachining of Glass Materials for Optofluidic
Applications and Beyond - Invited Presentation (N101)
Ya Cheng, Shanghai Inst. of Opt. & Fine Mech.; Fei He, Yang Liao, Zhizhan Xu,
Siom; Koji Sugioka, Katsumi Midorikawa, Riken
Non-Thermal Ablation of Graphite by Ultrashort Pulsed fs-Laser Radiation (N102)
Martin Reininghaus, Chair for Laser Technology, RWTH Aachen Univ.
Fabrication of Addressable Biological Devices Using Femtosecond Laser
Machining (N103)
Deepak Rajput, Lino Costa, Alexander Terekhov, Kathleen Lansford, William
Hofmeister, Univ. of Tennessee Space Institute
Plasmonic Devices Fabricated by Femtosecond Laser Nanowelding Invited Presentation (N104)
Anming Hu, Univ. of Waterloo
Femtoprint: Toward a Femtosecond Laser Printer for Micro- and Nano-Scale
Systems (N105)
Eric Mottay, Amplitude Systemes; Yves Bellouard, M. Matteuci, A. Champion,
Eindhoven Univ. of Technology; M. Gevincevicius, Martynas Beresna, Costantino
Corbari, Peter Kazansky, Univ. of Southampton
Program Committee:
Craig Arnold, Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ, USA
Stephan Barcikowski, Univ. of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Kevin Chen, Beijing Golden Way Scientific Co. Ltd.,
People’s Republic of China
Shaochen Chen, Univ. of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
Suman Das, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
Haris Doumanidis, Univ. of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Nick Fang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
Costas Grigoropoulos, Univ. of California - Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
Changzhi Gu, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
Peter Herman, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Yoshiro Ito, Nagaoka Univ. of Technology, Nagaoka, Niigata, Japan
Sungho Jeong, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju,
South Korea
Lan Jiang, B
eijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Yuankun Lin, Univ. of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, TX, USA
Etsuji Ohmura, Osaka Univ., Toyonaka, Osaka, Japan
Genot Pomrenke, AFOSR, London, Great Britain
Alberto Salleo, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA, USA
Xinwei Wang, Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA, USA
Weidong Zhou, Univ. of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA
Yunshen Zhou, Univ. of Nebraska – Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA
Micromachining of Micropillar Array Chip on Pi and PMMA Substrate
with Excimer Laser Ablation (N106)
Xuefei Shen, Beijing Univ. of Technology
Nanomanufacturing Session 2:
Two-Photon Laser Nanolithography
Tuesday, October 25 • 8:30am
Session Co-Chairs: Alberto Pique, Naval Research Laboratory,
Washington, DC, USA; Ya Cheng, Shanghai Inst. of Opt. & Fine Mech.,
Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
Recent Developments in Two-Photon Lithography - Invited Presentation
Tommaso Baldacchini, Newport Corporation
Novel Two-Photon Laser Nanolithography for Manufacturing
Semiconductor Nanodevices – Invited Presentation (N202)
Xuan-Ming Duan, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS
Analysis of Nonlinear Absorption of Au@Cdse Nano Coreshell (N203)
Yehia Badr, Abeer Salah, Niles , Cairo Univ.; Salah Hassab Elnaby, Cairo Univ.
Perspective Industrial Applications Promised by Laser Nanofabrication –
Invited Presentation (N204)
Hongbo Sun, Jilin Univ.
Laser-Power-Resolved Excitations of Ethylene Molecules in Laser-Assisted
Synthesis of Diamond Films (N205)
Z.Q. Xie, X.N. He, W. Hu, Y. Gao, T. Guillemet, J.B. Park, Y.S. Zhou, Yongfeng
Lu, Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln
Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Diamond Films by Vibrational Excitation of
Precursor Molecules using CO2 Laser in a Combustion Flame Process
L.S. Fan, Z.Q. Xie, J.B. Park, X.N. He, Y.S. Zhou, Yongfeng Lu,
Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln
Nanomanufacturing Session 3:
Laser-Material Interaction at Nanoscale
Wednesday, October 26 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Tommaso Baldacchini, Newport Corporation,
Irvine, CA, USA
Laser Transfer Processes for Digital Microfabrication –
Invited Presentation (N301)
Alberto Pique, Ray Auyeung, Heungsoo Kim, Kristin Metkus, Nicholas
Charipar, Andrew Birnbaum, Scott Mathews, Naval Research Laboratory
Laser-Induced Growth of Diameter-Modulated Single-Walled Carbon
Nanotubes (N302)
M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y.S. Zhou, W. Xiong, M. Mitchell, Yongfeng Lu,
Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln
Fabrication and Characterization of Nano Mn Towel Gourd Fiber Structure
by Laser Deposition Hybrid Selective Electrochemical Dealloying (N303)
Yu Gu, Ting Huang, Minlin Zhong, Tsinghua Univ.
Laser Processing of Nanocomposite Rare Earth Magnetic Materials (N304)
David Hopkinson, Andrew Cockburn, William O’Neill, Univ. of Cambridge
TiO2 Nanoparticles Produced by Laser Ablation (N305)
Mohamed Boutinguiza, Benito Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Jesus Del Val,
Rafael Comesaña, Fernando Lusquiños, Juan Pou, Univ. de Vigo
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
Poster Presentation Gallery
Tuesday, October 25 & Wednesday, October 26
The Poster Presentation Gallery will be featured on Tuesday
and Wednesday of the conference. Join presenters
Wednesday morning for breakfast and sharing of ideas.
Poster Presenters will be by their posters on Wednesday
morning from 7:30am – 8:30am to answer questions.
Poster presenters who submit a manuscript will be
included in the ICALEO Proceedings.
Topography of Grain Boundaries Varied by Short Pulse Laser
Irradiation for Controlling Microstructures of Metals (P101)
Daisuke Tone, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univ.; Masahiro
Tsukamoto, Toshiya Shibayanagi, Nobuyuki Abe, Joining and Welding
Research Institute, Osaka Univ.; Shinji Motokoshi, Institute for Laser
Femtosecond Laser Microfabrication in Fused Silica
for Opto-Microfluidic Applications (P102)
Daiying Zhang, Qiying Chen, Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland
Formation of Durable Micro-Scale Structures by Ns Fiber Laser
Texturing to Improve the Tribological Properties of Engine Liners
Peixun Fan, Minlin Zhong, Tsinghua Univ.
Ultrashort Pulse Lasers - A Versatile Industrial Tool for New
Micromachining Applications (P105)
Erwin Steiger, Erwin Steiger LaserService
Oxide Growth and Color Formation of Stainless Steel and Titanium
Using a MOPA Fiber Laser (P106)
Sami Hendow, Rosa Romero, Multiwave Photonics
Laser Phase Transformation Processing of Nickel Aluminium Bronze
to Reduce Selective Phase Corrosion (P107)
Ryan Cottam, Swinburne Univ. of Technology; Milan Brandt, RMIT
New Advances for Laser Adhesion Test (Lasat) (P108)
Laurent Berthe, CNRS/Laboratoire Procédés et Inginièrie en matériaux
et Mécanique; Michel Arrigoni, Laboratoire Brestois De MéCanique
Et Des SystèMes Lbms (Ea 4325, Ensieta / Université De Brest / Enib)
Ensieta – Msn; Michel Boustie, Jean-Paul Cuq-Lelandais, PprimeEnsma – Université De Poitiers - Upr Cnrs 3346; Cédric Broussillou,
Grégory Fabre, Vincent Guipont, Michel Jeandin, Mines Paristech,
Centre Des Matériaux
Micro-Laser-GMA Hybrid Welding - The Advancement from Macro
to Micro Range (P109)
Stefan Jakobs, Welding and Joining Institute, RWTH, Aachen Univ.
Preparation of Ni50Ti50 Shape Memory Alloys by Selective Laser
Melting (P110)
Zemin Wang, Kai Guan, Yu Cao, Xiaoyan Zeng, Huazhong Univ.
of Science and Technology
Laser Thermal Input Effects on Deep Penetration CO2 Laser Welding
of Carbon Steel (P111)
Walid Hamoudi, Univ. of Technology
Optical-Phased-Array-Based Laser Source Applied to Flexible
Manufacturing (P112)
Zheng-Yu Ye, Si-Si Zhao, Zhi-Yong Wang, Institute of Laser
Engineering, Beijing Univ. of Technology
Mechanisms of the Porosity Formation During the Fiber Laser Lap
Welding of Al 5754 Sheets (P113)
Jun Wang, Guozheng Wang, Xiyuan Hu, Chunming Wang, Shengfu Yu,
Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology; David Yang, Jing Zhang,
GM China Science Lab
Selective Laser Sintering of Tungsten-Nickel Composite Powders
Wen Tan, Rui Guo, Yanmin Li, General Electric
Self-Nanocrystallation Investigation on the Titanium Surface
Using Laser Shock Processing (P115)
Zhigang Che, National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology
on Power Beam Processing Techn
Effect of Laser Shocking on Intergranular Corrosion Resistance
of 304 Type Austenite Stainless Steel (P116)
Sen Yang, Nanjing Univ. of Scinece and Technology
Experimental Analysis of Automated Laser Forming for Shipbuilding
Industry (P119)
Rosa M. Arias, Nerea Otero, Victor Pintos, Pablo Romero, Aimen
Technology Center
Laser Net-Shape Welding of Stainless Steel Sheets Using a 1 Kw
Single Mode Fibre Laser (P120)
Ramadan Eghlio, Manchester Univ.
Laser-Assisted Manufacturing of Bioactive Glass Implants for Cranial
Defect Restoration (P121)
Rafael Comesaña, Jesus Del Val, Fernando Lusquiños, Felix Quintero,
Antonio Riveiro, Mohamed Boutinguiza, Juan Pou, Univ. de Vigo
Cr-Crb2 Lisi Coatings As a Rail Protection Solution (P122)
Lino Costa, Kathleen Lansford, Douglas Warnberg, William Hofmeister,
Univ. of Tennessee Space Institute; Daniel Szablewski, Transportation
Technology Center, Inc.; Richard Thoms, Cfd Research Corporation
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Forming Repaired
17-4Ph Stainless Steel (P123)
Xin Lin, Wu Xiaoyu, Yang Haiou, Chen Jing, Huang Weidong, State Key
Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.
A Comparison Study of the Laser Bending by Raster Scanning
of Aluminum and Stainless Steel Thin Sheets (P124)
Jorge Ramos, Pontificia Univ. Catolica de Chile; Carlos Vasquez-Ojeda,
Hatch; Daniel Garcia-Huidobro, CMPC
2-D Finite Element Modeling of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow During
Multi Layered DMD Laser Process (P125)
Carron Denis, Carin Muriel, Le Masson Philippe, Morville Simon, Limatb
Laboratory; Gharbi Myriam, Peyre Patrice, Fabbro Rémy, Pimm - Umr
8006 Cnrs - Arts Et Metiers Paristech
Process Migration of Resistance to Laser Spot Welding (P126)
Danny MacCallum, Gerald Knorovsky, Louis Malizia, Sandia National
Progress in Laser Post-Treatments of Thermally Sprayed Coating (P127)
Massimiliano Barletta, Annamaria Gisario, La Sapienza, Universitä Di Roma
Laser Welding of Automotive Transmission Components (P129)
Cheolhee Kim, Young-Nam Ahn, KITECH
On-Line Acoustic Monitoring of Laser Stripping Paint from Titanium
Alloys (P130)
Wei Guo, The Univ. of Manchester
Fatigue Life Improvement of Steel Components by Surface Diode
Laser Treatments: Experimental and Numerical Modeling (P131)
Stefano Guarino, Massimiliano Barletta, Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata
A CFD Model of Laser Cladding: from Deposition Head to Melt Pool
Dynamics (P132)
Juansethi Ibarra-Medina, Michael Vogel, Narcisse Ndri, Esi GmbH;
Andrew Pinkerton, The Univ. of Manchester
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
Production of Aluminum Foams by Laser Cladding (P133)
Jesus Del Val, Rafael Comesaña, Fernando Lusquiños, Felix Quintero,
Juan Pou, Univ. de Vigo; Antonio Riveiro, Centro Universitario De
La Defensa
Femtosecond Laser Machining of Microfluidic Devices
for Cell Chemotaxis Imaging (P134)
Lino Costa, Alexander Terekhov, William Hofmeister, Univ. of Tennessee
Space Institute; Gus Wright, Dawit Jowhar, Chris Janetopoulos, Dept.
of Biological Sciences, Vanderbilt Univ.
Photonics in Medicine - from Diagnostics to Training (P135)
Michael Schmidt, Maik Zimmermann, Bayerisches Laserzentrum
GmbH; Jan Paulus, Martin Hohmann, Chair of Photonic Technologies
Laser Overlap Welding of the Al-Mg Alloy Using CW Waveform
Modulation (P136)
Cheolhee Kim, Kibae Lee, KITECH; Do-Chang Ahn, LG Chem, Ltd.
Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing of Silicon Nanowire Sensors (P137)
James Mitchell, Woongsik Nam, Minghao Qi, Pornsak
Srisungsitthisunti, Chookiat Tansarawiput, Xianfan Xu, Purdue Univ.
Direct Laser Metal Deposition of Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt-Chrome
(Wc/Co/Cr) Powder (P141)
Andrea Angelastro, Sabina L. Campanelli, Simone Ferrara, Antonio D.
Ludovico, Polytechnic of Bari
Sponsored by:
Laser Annealing of Ito Nanoparticles for Tco Films Using
1.5 µm Laser Radiation (P142)
Costas Grigoropoulos, Daeho Lee, Heng Pan, UC-Berkeley;
Tony Hoult, IPG Photonics; Hee Park, Appliflex
Solid-State Laser Gas Nitriding of Ti6Al4V for Improving Surface
Hardness and Wear Resistance (P143)
Hau-Chung Man, Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.; M. Bai, Ft Cheng,
Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Ultra-High Speed Laser Cutting of CFRP, and Laser Direct Joining
of Pitch Type CFRP to Stainless Steel (P144)
Kwang-Woon Jung, Osaka Univ.; Seiji Katayama, Yousuke Kawahito,
Osaka Univ., Joining and Welding Research Institute
Deep Penetration Welding with High Power Disk Lasers in Low
Vacuum (P146)
Seiji Katayama, Yohei Abe, Ryoji Ido, Masami Mizutani, Yousuke
Kawahito, Osaka Univ., JWRI
Spectral Resolution Improvement in Laser-Induced Breakdown
Spectroscopy Through Generation of High-Temperature and
Low-Density Plasmas (P147)
X.N. He, W. Hu, Y.S. Zhou, C.M. Li, L.B. Guo, Yongfeng Lu,
Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln
Novel Inner Diameter Laser Cladding Head (P148)
E. Beyer, Ch. Leyens, F. Kubisch, S. Scharek, A. Techel, S. Nowothy,
Fraunhofer IWS
Student Paper Award Contest
Announcing the 13th Annual ICALEO Student Paper Award! LIA appreciates the importance of student contributions
to ICALEO by offering the opportunity to have their work recognized with this award. Students with accepted
papers will be judged by an international panel on the following criteria: Originality of Topic/Material presented,
Scientific and Technical Merit and Presentation Quality. Professors do not judge their own student’s papers. Prize
winners will be notified after the conclusion of ICALEO and will be announced through an article in the LIA TODAY
newsletter featuring conference highlights.
Cash awards will be presented to 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners. 1st place paper will be published in the Journal of Laser
Applications® (paper will go through the peer review process).
NEW: intellicube® 14
Wondering how to create a high-end laser processing system despite intense cost pressure?
Use SCANLAB’s intellicube® – the smallest smart scan head with high-performance dynamics.
The intellicube® combines the advantages of SCANLAB’s successful SCANcube® and intelliSCAN® scan head platforms:
• Ultrafast fully digital driver boards
• PC-queriable actual position and speed data
• Comprehensive diagnostic and feedback functionality
• Compact, sealed housing
Want to know if intellicube® is the right scan system for your application? Contact us at [email protected].
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
Laser Solutions Short Courses
Short Course Chair: Silke Pflueger, Laserline, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA
The success of the 2010 Laser Solutions Short Courses on Sunday has encouraged us to again have the
day before the main conference dedicated to short courses, enabling all attendees to participate without time
restrictions during the technical sessions. The short courses have been selected to complement the papers
offered at ICALEO by offering fundamentals and in-depth information on measurement techniques, systems
and processes. They are taught by industrial photonics experts, and offer ICALEO attendees valuable insight
into details not usually covered by the latest results presented in the technical papers – for no additional fee.
We look forward for you to join us for a day of learning and discussions in Orlando!
Course 1: Beam Diagnostics - Technology,
Algorithms and Applications
Sunday, October 23 • 9:00am
Volker Brandl, GSI PRIMES GmbH, Pfungstadt, Germany
Participants will learn about the fundamental beam parameters
characterizing the optical performance of a laser. We will discuss
detection methods and calculation algorithms for the most relevant
beam parameters. The influence of these beam parameters, e.g. spot
diameter, laser power, M2 and polarization, on some laser processes
will be discussed. Examples will be presented that allow to find a
link between alterations seen in the measurement data and the kind
of error that occurred in the laser, beam path, or focussing optics.
Applications and future developments of laser beam analysis are
The objectives for this course are:
1) Quality assurance at laser systems.
2) Beam parameters – theory and practical measurements.
3) Comparing results – beam diameter definitions and algorithms.
4) The impact of optical element aging/strain on measurement data.
5) Industrial applications and integration of beam analysis.
Course level: Beginner to Intermediate
Course 2: Founding and Operating a High Tech Company
Sunday, October 23 • 10:45am
Ronald D. Schaeffer, PhotoMachining, Inc.,
Pelham, New Hampshire, USA
This Course will discuss technical, administrative, personnel and legal
issues involved in starting and operating a small high-tech business.
Discussion involves how to write a business plan, find investment
money, hire the right people, market your product/service and deal
with everyday business life. Examples will be given and discussed
as well as common pitfalls to be avoided.
What you will learn:
1) Reasons why to start your own business.
2) How to start your own business.
3) Hiring the right people - when, who, how many, etc…
4) Running the organization, managing people and Programs.
5) Growth considerations.
6) Exit strategy.
Who should attend:
1) Would be entrepreneurs.
2) Those about to start a small business.
3) Anyone studying small business modes.
4) Small business owners.
5) Anyone managing a team of people (you don’t need
to be an owner to benefit from this course!).
Course level: Beginner
Course 3: Laser Heat Treating Fundamentals and Practice
Sunday, October 23 • 11:30am
Joel DeKock, Preco Inc., Somerset, WI, USA
This short is an introduction to the commercial use of laser technology
for the heat treatment of common metallic materials. It is intended
to provide a beginner/intermediate level of instruction for those
considering the implementation of this technology on the shop floor.
The objectives for this course are:
1) To provide a review of available laser sources and their benefits.
2) To present various options for delivery of laser light to the work.
3) To discuss options available for process control.
4) To review material commonly treated, and other potential options.
5) To present case studies that illustrate the application of this
Course level: Beginner to Intermediate
Course 4: Laser Additive Manufacturing
Sunday, October 23 • 1:30pm
Aravind Jonnalagadda, Fraunhofer USA, CCLA, Plymouth, MI, USA;
Siegfried Scharek, Fraunhofer IWS, Dresden, Germany
This short course introduces listeners to the basics of laser additive
manufacturing, their benefits and applications in the industry.
The objectives for this course are:
1) Fundamentals of laser cladding.
2) Laser cladding vs. other coating techniques.
3) Equipment setup.
4) Applications.
5) Coating types.
6) Metallurgical review.
Course level: Beginner
Course 5: Introduction to Laser Machining
Sunday, October 23 • 2:15pm
Richard Press, LPL Systems, Inc., Scotts Valley, CA, USA
This is an introductory talk on laser machining. It is intended to
expose the audience to the basics of lasers, machine tools, laser
based machine tools, and laser applications.
This course will cover the following topics:
1) The advantages of laser machining as compared to conventional
2) Basic laser theory.
3) Description of the standard types of machine tools.
4) Description of laser based machine tools.
5) Overview of laser applications.
6) An example of a high-precision laser machining operation using
stent cutting as an example.
The objectives for this course are:
1) A basic understanding of laser theory.
2) A description of the advantages of laser machining over
conventional machining.
3) An understanding of the design and functions of machine tools.
4) A basic understanding of the most common laser applications
Course level: Beginner to Intermediate
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
Laser Industry Vendor Reception & Tabletop Display
Tuesday, October 25 • 4:00pm
Sharing Ideas. Discovering Solutions.
As the world’s premier conference on laser materials interaction, ICALEO attracts over 200 companies and
organizations from more than 30 countries. The Laser Industry Vendor Program gives vendors and conference
attendees the opportunity to discuss equipment and applications in a relaxed setting. After completion of the
technical sessions, enjoy drinks and hors d'oeuvres while sharing product ideas with your colleagues and suppliers!
This is the only scheduled event for the evening, allowing participants access to the full attention of attendees.
For information about participating as an ICALEO Sponsor or Vendor, please e-mail [email protected].
Sponsors and Vendors registered as of June 8:
AdlOptics GmbH
Aerotech, Inc.
Altos Photonics, Inc.
Amplitude Systemes
Andrews Glass Co., Inc.
Cambridge Technology, Inc.
CLAIM, The University of Michigan
Clark-MXR, Inc.
Coherent, Inc.
CVI Melles Griot
Directed Light, Inc.
EdgeWave GmbH Innovative Laser Solutions
Electro-Optics Technology, Inc.
Fianium, Inc.
Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT
Fraunhofer USA, Center for Coatings & Laser
Haas Laser Technologies, Inc.
High Q Laser (US), Inc.
HIGHYAG Lasertechnologie GmbH
II-VI Infrared
Innovative Laser Technologies, Inc.
IPG Photonics
Thank you to the ICALEO Media
Partners & Cooperating Societies
Kugler of America, Ltd.
Laser Mechanisms, Inc.
Laserline Inc.
Lee Laser, Inc.
Mound Laser & Photonics Center, Inc.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Newport Corporation
NoIR Laser Company
Northrop Grumman Cutting Edge Optronics
OZ Optics LTD.
onefive GmbH
Panasonic Boston Laboratory
Photonics Industries International, Inc.
Precitec, Inc.
RPMC Lasers, Inc.
SCANLAB America, Inc.
SPI Lasers
Time-Bandwidth Products Inc.
Univ of Central FL; CREOL, The College of Optics
and Photonics
Vytran Corporation
*Sponsors highlighted in bold*
About LIA
Laser Institute of America (LIA), founded in 1968, is the
international society dedicated to fostering lasers, laser
applications and laser safety worldwide. LIA has grown
to represent hundreds of corporate and thousands
of individual members in the laser industry.
Visit for more information!
Join the LIA!
To take advantage of member registration rates,
please go to the LIA website at
for membership information and an application,
or call 800.34LASER or +1.407.380.1553.
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
General I nformation
Conference Registration
Registration can be completed online or by downloading a PDF registration
form from
Full conference registration includes admission to all technical sessions, the
Plenary Sessions, Laser Solutions Short Courses, Receptions (Welcome Celebration,
President’s Reception and Vendor Reception), Awards Luncheon and a technical
Student registration includes admission to all technical sessions, the Plenary
Sessions, Laser Solutions Short Courses, Receptions (Welcome Celebration,
President’s Reception and Vendor Reception), Awards Luncheon and a technical
digest. Valid student ID is required to process registration. Student registration
will not be accepted on-site; students must be pre-registered by September 28th.
One-day registration includes admission to technical sessions and receptions
on that day only, and a technical digest.
Guests may attend the Awards Luncheon and all receptions by purchasing tickets.
Please pre-register your guest so we may prepare a nametag. Early Bird registrants
must be paid in full by September 1st. Visa, MasterCard and American Express will
be accepted. You may send a check (US funds only, drawn on a US bank) payable
to Laser Institute of America. Purchase orders must be paid in full by September 1st
to qualify for discount.
On-site Registration Times
Sunday, October 23
Monday, October 24
Tuesday, October 25
Wednesday, October 26
Thursday, October 27
8:00am – 4:00pm
7:00am – 5:00pm
7:30am – 4:00pm
7:30am – 5:00pm
7:30am – 12:00pm
Register Online
and Save $25!
Hilton located in the WALT DISNEY WORLD® Resort
1751 Hotel Plaza Boulevard
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
Phone: +1.407.827.4000 • Fax: +1.407.827.3890
The Hilton, located in the WALT DISNEY WORLD Resort, is an official hotel of Walt Disney
World in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. Hotel guests will enjoy exceptional facilities at this Four
Star, Four Diamond resort. Take a refreshing dip in either of the two swimming pools, enjoy
a workout in the health club, play golf at one of the five Walt Disney World championship
courses and savor a variety of cuisines at the seven restaurants and lounges. Book your
hotel reservations online through the ICALEO website
Please note:
Hotel Early Bird Pricing Deadline: Sunday, August 28, 2011 – $149
Hotel Reservations Deadline: Thursday, September 29, 2011
*Please note: State and Local Sales Tax NOT included
Special Needs
If you have any special needs that we can address
to make your participation more enjoyable,
please contact LIA by phone: +1.407.380.1553,
Fax: +1.407.380.5588 or email: [email protected].
$725..........Cooperating Society
$425..........Retired LIA Member
(September 2 – September 28)
$775..........Cooperating Society
$475..........Retired LIA Member
(September 29 – On-site)
Onsite registration not available for Cooperating Society,
Student or Retired LIA Member
One Day Conference Registration
Early Bird (payment received by September 1)
(September 2 – September 28)
(September 29 – On-site)
Laser Solutions Short Course Registration
Early Bird (payment received by September 1)
Hotel Accommodations
CD-Rom Proceedings will be available on-site (they
will not be shipped to you). It includes all submitted
papers from ICALEO – Laser Materials Processing,
Laser Microprocessing, Nanomanufacturing and
Poster Manuscripts.
Full Conference Registration
Early Bird (payment received by September 1)
(September 2 – September 28)
(September 29 – On-site)
*Purchase orders will not be accepted for on-site
Mears Transportation provides shuttle service
to and from the Hilton located in the WALT
DISNEY WORLD Resort. Make your reservations
in advance and avoid the line by going to Transportation
from the Orlando Airport to the Hilton resort is
$34 round trip. You may go to
to print a coupon to save $4 off your round
trip transportation.
Taxi Cab Service
Taxi Cab Service is available at Level 2
(baggage claim) of the Orlando International
Airport. Transportation to and from the resort
is approximately $50 to $60 per direction.
Rental Cars
Call Avis Rental Car at 800.331.1600 and mention
AVIS worldwide discount number J093783 or to
reserve online visit
Average October Temperatures:
84° F / 29°C High
65°F / 18°C Low
Join the LIA!
To take advantage of member registration rates,
please go to the LIA website at
for membership information and an application,
or call +1.407.380.1553
Substitutions and Cancellations
We understand that circumstances may occur to prevent you from attending the conference. If you find that you are unable to attend ICALEO, you have several options:
1. Send a substitute. Substitutions can be made at any time – even on-site at the conference. (Please have the substitute bring your letter of confirmation to the registration desk)
2. Refund of monies. Requests for refunds must be made in writing and received on or before September 1.
There is a $75 processing fee applied to all refunds. All refunds will be processed after the conference. No refund requests will be accepted after September 1st. Guest Tickets,
Proceedings & LIA Membership Dues are all non-refundable.
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
I C A L E O ® 2 0 1 1 C onference agenda *
Sunday, October 23
ICALEO Registration Desk & LIA Bookstore Open
Laser Solutions Short Courses
LIA Board of Directors Meeting
Welcome Celebration
Monday, October 24
ICALEO Registration Desk & LIA Bookstore Open
Attendee Continental Breakfast
9:00amPlenary Session: Material Nanoscience, Photonics,
and Technologies for Revolutionary Innovation
10:10am Morning Break
Lunch on own
LMP 1: Laser Cutting
LMP 2: Process Monitoring and Control I
LMF 1: Drilling and Micromachining I
LMF 2: Microjoining
Nano 1: Femtosecond Laser Nano-Processing
Afternoon Break
President’s Reception
Tuesday, October 25
ICALEO Registration Desk & LIA Bookstore Open
Poster Presentation Gallery
Attendee Continental Breakfast
LMP 3: Welding I
LMP 4: Process Monitoring and Control II
LMP 5: Laser Metal Deposition (LMD): Applications
and Systems
LMF 3: Photovoltaics
Nano 2: Two-Photon Laser Nanolithography
10:10am Morning Break
Lunch on own
LMP 6: Processing of Dissimilar Materials
LMP 7: Modelling and Simulation
LMF 4: Laser Sources for Microprocessing
LMF 5: Drilling and Micromachining II
Business Forum & Panel Discussion
4:00pmLaser Industry Vendor Reception
& Tabletop Display
Wednesday, October 26
ICALEO Registration Desk & LIA Bookstore Open
7:30amAttendee Breakfast/Poster Presentation Gallery
LMP 8: Welding II
LMP 9: Laser Surface Modification I
LMF 6: Laser Optics and Applications
LMF 7: Monitoring Detection and Adjustment
Nano 3: Laser-Materials Interaction at Nanoscale
10:30am Morning Break
10:50am LMP 10: Laser Drilling
LMP 11: Laser Surface Modification II
LMP 12: Laser Processing of CFRP
LMF 8: Laser Microdeposition Processes
LMF 9: Thin Film Processing
LIA Annual Meeting & Awards Luncheon
LMP 13: Welding III
LMP 14: Laser Metal Deposition (LMD): Process I
LMP 15: Hybrid and Combination Processes
LMF 10: Micromachining of Transparent Materials
LMF 11: Wavelength Optimization
Afternoon Break
Thursday, October 27
ICALEO Registration Desk & LIA Bookstore Open
Attendee Continental Breakfast
LMP 16: Welding IV
LMP 17: Laser Metal Deposition (LMD): Process II
LMP 18: High Brightness Laser Challenges
LMF 12: Surface Modification
LMF 13: Medical Devices and Biomedical
10:10am Morning Break
Lunch on own
1:30pmClosing Plenary Session: Joint Session
(LMP & LMF) Strategies, Limits and Challenges
for Advanced Laser Processing
Farewell Break
* Program subject to minor changes
+1.407.380.1553 • • [email protected]
When Architect Ludwig Mies van
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LDF 4000-30
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Laserline — Simplicity by Design
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