HL December 13.indd - Harbour Light Magazine


HL December 13.indd - Harbour Light Magazine
December 2013
The Original Magazine for the people of Huntington Harbour
Volume XLIII
Our 43rd Year in the Harbour
Huntington Harbour Philharmonic Committee Presents
Boat Parade December 7th & 8th
Cruise of Lights December 14th, 15 & 19th through 23rd
No. 6
to yours
[ COLIN 13 ] [ SARAH 15 ]
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Raising More Realtors for Your Future Needs
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Serving the Harbour Since 1976
Dianne Rector 714-293-0781
[email protected]
For and about the PEOPLE of
Huntington Harbour, since 1970
Published by Boris & Dorothy Ralphs
Volume XLIII Number 6
December 2013
In this issue:
Cathy Thomas Cooks ...........................................................5
Huntington Harbour Garden Club .................................6
Seagate Yacht Club ..............................................................7
Assistance League Huntington Beach ..........................8
FINS ............................................................................................9
Sea Isle Garden Club ......................................................... 10
Stop California State Land’s Commission Tax ..........11
Little Mermaid Guild of CHOC Children’s ..................12
Huntington Harbour Car Club .......................................14
Habour Hearts ......................................................................15
HHPOA ....................................................................................15
Huntington Harbour Art Association ......................... 18
Anglers of Huntington Harbour ................................... 21
Huntington Harbour Philharmonic Committee .... 22
HHPC Sandpipers............................................................... 23
HHPC Marina/Windjammers ......................................... 24
HHPC Admiralty Group.................................................... 25
HHPC Trinidad Group ....................................................... 25
HHPC Islanders.................................................................... 26
La Familia .............................................................................. 26
A Land Lover’s Garden Club........................................... 27
IOBG ........................................................................................ 27
Huntington Harbour Yacht Club .................................. 28
Trinidad Ladies Club ......................................................... 28
On the Cover
Previous Christmas Boat Parade winners.
Year after year the residents of Huntington
Harbour amaze their friends and neighbors
with spectacular entries. If you want to
participate call 714-840-7542 for more
information or visit www.hhboatparade.org.
HARBOUR LIGHT Magazine is published
on the even months. Advertising deadline
(usually): 1st of odd month. Advertising
rates on request. Subscriptions: $15.00 per
year. Address: Harbour Light Magazine,
16033 Bolsa Chica Street, Suite 104, #606,
Huntington Beach, CA 92649.
Phone us at (714) 840-0995 or e-mail us at
[email protected].
Cathy Thomas Cooks
by Cathy Thomas
The racket made me sit up in bed.
Every autumn, my childhood sleep
would be interrupted as ripening walnuts
hit our wood-shingled roof. It sounded
like earthbound bowling balls, as heavy
nuts hit shingles, the startling sound
diminishing as they rolled to the grass
from the slanted surface.
When walnuts fell from the tree, most
often a fleshy green hull still surrounded
the shell. Bigger than a golf ball, the
apple-green hull is sturdy and heavy. It’s a
shell protecting a shell, forming two layers
around a meaty treasure inside. Often the
hull would split from the interior shell
on impact with the roof or ground. After
a fitful night, I’d seek revenge in the
morning, stomping the orbs to expose the
milky white nuts inside. Under-ripe, they
were juicy and had an acidic “green’’ taste.
At first I ate them just to get even. But as
I grew older, I ate them because I loved
the bold taste. In culinary school I would
learn that toasting tames them, giving
them gentler flavor.
My parents built our home in the
middle of a 1-acre walnut orchard in rural
Van Nuys, the heart of the San Fernando
Valley. In 1947, a fast-talking real-estate
salesman promised them large annual
revenue from the walnuts. Enough profit,
he promised, to easily pay the taxes.
But hungry squirrels and pests of
every description stood in the way of
bumper crops. As it turned out, the
rewards weren’t cash, but loads of walnutenriched treats from my mother’s kitchen.
My brothers and I gobbled up mountains
of warm oatmeal-walnut cookies;
playmates, relatives and neighbors ate
the leftovers. Walnuts appeared in
salads, fresh vegetables and baked apples,
occasionally on French toast, in pies and
hot cereal. And mom would use frozen
nuts to make holiday sweets for holiday
gift-giving. These meringue cookies are a
Advertise in the
For advertising rates, visit
If you wish to advertise in the magazine,
phone us at (714) 840-0995 or e-mail
[email protected].
Nightie Night Cookies
2 large egg whites
Pinch of salt
2/3 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup chocolate chips
mini size preferred
1 cup chopped walnuts
1 teaspoon vanilla
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line 2
baking sheets with parchment paper.
2. In a stand mixer, beat egg whites
until foamy on medium speed. Add salt
and increase speed to high. When soft
peaks form, add 1 tablespoon sugar and
beat 30 seconds. Repeat adding sugar
one tablespoon at a time and beating
30 seconds afterwards, until all sugar is
added. After all sugar is added, beat 1
minute on high speed. Fold in chocolate
chips, walnuts and vanilla. Drop
tablespoonful portions onto prepared
3. Place in preheated oven. Turn off heat
and allow cookies to “bake” overnight.
OR, bake in a 325-degree oven for about
25 minutes.
Cathy Thomas, Orange County
Register Food Columnist, Author,
Speaker, On-Air Host.
[email protected]
[email protected]
DEADLINE for the
February 2014 issue is Jan. 6
Please send articles and pictures to:
[email protected]
Alternative drop off at H.H. Mail
Service at Bolsa Chica and Edinger.
Huntington Harbour Garden Club
by Kitty Rozenstraten
From left: Marty Klarin, Doreen Hill, Betty McCarthy and Barbara Devlin,
winner of the grand prize.
From Huntington Harbour Garden
Club President Doreen Hill: Our 2013
fundraiser Frolic in the Fall was fun,
festive and - all would agree - frolicsome.
More than sixty HHGC members, family
and friends gathered at the Huntington
Harbour Yacht Club on October 15.
Long before the doors opened at
11:00 AM, Event Chair Betty McCarthy
and her entire committee had worked like
beavers to transform the room at the Yacht
Club into an autumn wonderland. Tables
were decorated in festive orange and russet
One of the plant tables at the October Fundraiser.
fall colors. On display were an assortment
of plants and garden arrangements and a
variety of culinary offerings ; other tables
held the many member-made treasures,
large and small, contributed by HHGC
artists in residence.
Before lunch, attendees enjoyed
perusing the items for sale, chatting
with friends, examining the HHGC
Cookbook, putting in bids for the
silent auction and buying opportunity
tickets for the Grand Prize: a large living
succulent wall arrangement.
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After a delicious lunch, the Choral
Belles entertained the guests with
Broadway songs. The finale was an
original and amusing rendition of the
Happy Birthday song to honor the three
October birthdays: Charlene Bauer, Marti
Klarin and Connie Mandic.
All through the morning, HHGC
President Doreen Hill kept the festive
atmosphere on course. Then it was time
to draw the winning ticket for the grand
prize and to settle the accounts with
Mary Johnston, the club’s treasurer.
Congratulations to Barbara Devlin,
winner of the Grand Prize. Many
members decided to purchase the
beautiful HHGC Cook Book. Pam
Smart single-handedly created this
masterpiece. It was the culmination of
weeks of collecting, editing and printing
recipes contributed by members. It is
truly impressive! Contact Pam Smart at
714-846-4828, if you would still like to
purchase one. Proceeds of the cookbook
sale is another way in which the club
raises money for its many philanthropic
projects. We all agree: the fundraiser was
an uncontested success.
On the program during the month
of November: an excursion to the Plant
Stand in Costa Mesa on Wednesday,
November 13, 2013. Our November
meeting features Steve Eldredge from
the Fullerton Arboretum presenting a
program on California Native Trees and
Any one wishing to join us on future
excursions or to attend the monthly
meeting on the third Tuesday of the
month, may contact Connie Mandic at
Seagate Yacht Club
Sour Grapes of Wrath cast: (L-R) Dale Giali, Patrick O’Rourke, Deborah Fairon, Robin & Jean Clark, and Cindy Shaw.
Annual SGYC Newport Cruise
This year’s annual SeaGate Raft-Up
was at a new venue, the Balboa Yacht
Club (BYC) on September 26-29. We
had a total of 14 boats. The White Rose
(Nagele) arrived on Thursday and Coral
Way (Allen) arrived on Friday at the BYC
docks to check in. The Fin-tastic (Clark),
Tag & Released (Kriel), La Fortuna II
(Aime), RO III (D’Angelo), Kathleen (Lee)
and Hatt R Us (Samabria) arrived at the
raft up off Lido Island on Thursday. Senza
Bambini (Giali/Westover), Gimme “Five”
(Courtway), Scuttlebutt (Goodrich), SeaRenity (Haas), Cheryl Ann (Arndt) and
Knot On Call (Ferns) arrived on Friday,
the White Rose (Nagele) on Saturday to
add to the raft up. Robin Clark, with the
help of Greg Lee, Floyd D’Angelo and
Dennis Kriel, constructed the raft-up,
even with the winds, anchors and harbor
patrol making things difficult.
Thanks to all of the other SeaGate
Yacht Club members that either stayed
on a boat or drove down to the raft-up,
it was worth the trip. We had a cocktail
party followed by a great dinner at BYC
on Friday night, the view, food and
camaraderie was special. Then we had the
Saturday afternoon cocktail party at the
raft-up (thank you Allen’s for arranging
the drinks). Floyd D’Angelo had a 70 lb
muddy anchor fall on his leg, but Dr. Jay
Fern, had him fixed up so fast, Floyd was
dancing longer and harder than most.
Dr. Jay also took care of a burned hand,
not to mention he was there for the first
christening of Ray and Jan Nagele. Raftups can be dangerous, but boy are they a
lot of fun. The trip home on Sunday was
smooth. A great time.
Duff y Brunch Cruise to Huntington
Harbor Yacht Club
On Sunday October 6, Commodore
Jeff Specht & Bonnie hosted the final
semi-annual Duff y Cruise and Brunch to
HHYC. We were all concerned because of
the Santa Ana winds from the day before.
However, it turned out to be a warm and
sunny October morning. Over 50 of our
members and guests gathered together for
our final Duff y HHYC Brunch cruise.
We all enjoyed a wonderful brunch with
omelet and waffle stations and many other
delicious dishes. What a great way to end
our cruising season!
SGYC’S Murder Mystery Dinner the
“Sour Grapes of Wrath”
Eighty some members and guests
approached our Clubhouse the evening of
Saturday, October 19, and were greeted by
a huge “Winery” sign with lighted grapes
at the entrance. Inside were even more
amazing displays to portray our event,
“Murder Mystery Dinner, Sour Grapes of
Wrath,” including an authentic looking
wine vault created by Debra Wainer. This
was an evening of intrigue for SeaGate
Yacht Club. Who killed the widow that
owned the winery? A warm welcome
from Commodore Jeff Specht started the
evening, with acknowledgements of Staff
Commodores in attendance. Then our
Commodore announced new members,
Teresa and Marty Staszak, and presented
them with our club Burgee and name
Clues were shared during appetizers
and wine and continued through dinner
and dessert, which was delicious. Each
attendee voted on their choice of who
had committed the dastardly deed, and
at last the murderer was revealed. Most
people blamed the rogue, Enrique! It
seems, though, that Norman was the
killer. However, it was really just a case
of mistaken identity. He thought he was
murdering his wife, Vicki, but instead
killed her sister, the love of his life.
Poor Norman! Only one person guessed
(or excuse me, correctly figured out)
who dun it and that was Keith Liddle.
Prizes were given to Keith and the cast.
Overheard were many gracious comments
complimenting the host team: Joanne and
Bob McCormick, Pat and Vaughn Jenkes,
Cindy and Rob Allen and the artistic
Debra Wainer. In turn, the hosts were
very pleased that members and friends
had such a good time.
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Assistance League Huntington Beach
by Susan Bjork
Caitlyn age 10, Keegan age 9, and cousin Jake age 4. The mission of Assistance League
Huntington Beach (ALHB) is to improve the
quality of life for children and adults in our
community. In October, I wrote: ‘It has been
said that it takes a village to raise a child - what
that means is that parents alone can’t do it all.’
With guidance from parents, children also
help other children.
Selling lemonade (one cup for $1)
the weekend of the US Open Surfing
Championships, the children raised enough
money to purchase an iPad and sent 51
well used one-dollar bills to ALHB to help
needy kids have new school clothes through
Operation School Bell.
ALHB is one of more than 120 chapters
of Assistance League, a national 501(c)(3)
nonprofit organization, that turns caring and
commitment into action. During the fiscal
year of June 2012-May 2013, 351 dedicated
member-volunteers, including Assisteens®
and DreamCatchers Auxiliary, volunteered
over 56,000 hours and touched the lives of
more than 10,000 people in Huntington
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Beach, Fountain Valley and Westminster
communities through our philanthropic
programs. $452,674 was returned to the
community in goods and services.
DreamCatchers Auxiliary of ALHB
is the perfect fit for professional or retired
women who want to help enrich the lives of
adults and children but have a limited number
of hours to give. The auxiliary fills the gap
between the Chapter Members (who volunteer
primarily during the day) and those who must
limit there volunteer hours to evenings and
weekends because of other commitments.
In November DreamCatchers worked
extensively on two of their programs. Teacher
Assist Program (TAP) has been supported for
the last five years. Each year, DreamCatchers
provide each of approximately 50 first year
teachers with a $75 Staples gift certificate and
classroom supplies. Due to cuts to education,
new teachers often spend their own money to
provide needed supplies for their classrooms.
This program helps these teachers provide
classroom they otherwise might not have.
Working with the Social Worker at
Roger’s Senior Center (who determines the
seniors who are most in need), DreamCatchers
provided 50 gift bags to the Support Our
Seniors (SOS) program. The bags were filled
with food items, stamps, note cards and other
treats that the seniors might not be able to
afford for themselves. In many cases, these
gift bags may be the only Holiday gifts these
seniors receive. In addition to the gift bags
distributed twice yearly, DreamCatchers also
supply grocery gift certificates and bus passes.
DreamCatchers has 42 members who
meet the second Wednesday of each month at
7:00PM. If you are interested, please contact
Cheryl Guest, Membership Chairman at
[email protected].
Do you have time on your hands; want
to meet some nice people while giving back to
the community? The ALHB offers volunteer
opportunities to community residents who fit
this profile. Community Volunteers currently
meet the second and fourth Thursdays of
each month from 5:30–7:30 pm. Should
there be interest in daytime hours, we could
add a 3:30–5:30 pm shift on a Tuesday or
Wednesday. Community Volunteers help
process the donations to our Thrift Shop.
We would love to tell you more about
our Community Volunteer program. Joining
requires only a willingness to help support our
community by donating your time. If you are
interested, call our office at (714) 596-9935 or
email us [email protected]
Come visit us! Most of the funding for
our programs is made at our Thrift Shop and
Boutique located at 8071 Slater Avenue. We
are open 11 am-3 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday,
Friday and Saturday. Our Thursday hours are
1-5 pm. We are closed Sunday and Monday.
by Barbara Devlin
L to R: June Ascolesi, Mary Johnston, Marian Galanis, Shell Grossman at the home of Marian Galanis.
Daytime Gourmet Hostesses Marian
Galanis and Barbara Devlin presented an
October Harvest Menu to members in
October at the home of Marian Galanis.
The cooks gathered in the kitchen to
prepare the Menu that started with
many of Marian’s family recipes. June
Ascolesi prepared the delicious cream
cheese balls served with crackers and
Loretta Maiorana made crunchy Spinach
Balls, both favorite recipes from Marian’s
sister, Sonja. A wonderful Harvest salad
consisting of lettuces with pecan pieces,
Bosc pears, Granny Smith apples and
dried cranberries was made by Pearl
Holmes and Gloria Beckstrom. The main
entrée was a recipe from Marian Galanis’s
stepson, Nicholas, Veal Scallopini with
Angel Hair Pasta prepared by Mary
Johnston. Dessert was one of Jerry
Galanis’s favorites—Granola Topped
Baked Apples. All the guests of the day
received Trick or Treat Bags as gift after
the luncheon.
The September Meeting of the
FINS Supper Club was held on Saturday,
September 7 and was called “Supper on
the Patio.” It was held at the lovely home
of Marian and Jerry Galanis.
The Cocktail Appetizers were
Artichoke Nibbles and Parmesan Stuffed
Dates in Bacon. The Dinner Menu
consisted of Marian’s Yummy Meatloaf,
Cubed Scallop Potatoes, Green Salad and
Zucchini Squash. The hit of the evening
was a delicious Blueberry Pudding Cake
topped with Cool Whip.
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Sea Isle Garden Club
by Cindy Allen and Caron Mount
Members and guests at the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve: Bonnie Specht, Cathy Kelly, Cindy Allen, Rob Allen, Jan Nagele, Lucille Mascoli, Mary Ann Brinket,
Staff Biologist Molly Burdick-Whipp, Carolyn Platt, Docent Sanford Adelson, Caron Mount and Marta O’Rourke.
Sea Isle Garden Club members met
at the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve
on Wednesday, October 9th, for a very
informative guided walking tour between
the front and back bays of the Bolsa Chica
Wetlands with docent Sanford Adelson,
who shared highlights on native and
non-native plants, animals and wetland
ecology right here in our neighborhood.
After the tour, but before the rain started
pouring down, SIGC members hunkered
down in the SeaGate Clubhouse for their
meeting, followed by delicious salads and
dessert provided by Carolyn Platt, Lucille
Mascoli and Jan Nagele.
After our November 13th meeting,
SIGC members participated in a hands-on
workshop and made three of our own
charming Holiday Cards with the help
of Carolyn Lloyd, Creative Memories
Please be sure to mark your calendars
for our upcoming Holiday Luncheon
at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club on
December 11th. The ambiance at the
BCYC is wonderful at the holidays and
we will be celebrating with a traditional
lunch of Turkey, the trimmings, and
finishing up with an English trifle. Our
customary SIGC Holiday Program will
include our festive gift exchange.
Please contact our Vice President of
Membership, Cindy Allen, at 310-2458702 for information on becoming a
member of the Sea Isle Garden Club.
More Homes Selling, Higher Prices, More per Square Foot
By Scot Campbell, Realtor
The Huntington Harbour real estate market continues
to show improvement. I compared the five month
period January 15 to
July 14 2013 to the five
month period July 15 to
November 14, 2013. This
should give us a good
snap shot of the market
the beginning of the year
Vs. the end of the year.
The inventory of available homes in Huntington
Harbour has dropped down below 80 homes again
after being substantially higher through April to
The sales volume was
steady, just 3 extra homes
sold in the second period compared to the first. The
average sale price of all closed Huntington Harbour
houses, townhomes, and condos was $1,030,462
in the first period and $1,159,337 in the second
period. The Average Price per square foot increased
from $478 to $500.
For more real estate market information, go to www.
HowsTheHBmarket.com. For answers to questions
about buying or selling real estate call 714-336-0394
or email [email protected]
Stop New Dock Tax
by Frank Singer
Orthopaedic and Spine Care
Cindy Shaw, PT, OCS
Not much has happened since
October other than an order to appear
in court on November 18 for a Case
Management conference. The purpose
for this meeting is to set a court date
agreeable to both parties.
I have received a number of calls of
what to do with leases and invoices received
from the CSLC. The recommendation
by our attorney is to sign leases with the
notation: “Signed under protest without
waiver of rights”. If you receive an invoice
you should pay it and in the memo section
(or under your signature) write: “Paid
under protest without waiver of rights”.
So far I have heard from property
owners that new annual leases are running
between $1,500 and $3,000. The good
news is that if we win in court you should
get your money back. We are getting close
but still have a ways to go which is a good
time to solicit donations. Our costs now
top $100,000 with donations around
$80,000. Estimated legal costs will be
about $250,000. Everyone in Huntington
Harbour is affected by these new illegal
fees (taxes) so please help. The odds are in
our favor.
Current info is posted on our website
www.hbpropertyowners.com. Please talk
to your neighbors, we need everyone’s
Please contribute to our legal fund
in one of two ways. Use our website at
www.hbpropertyowners.com or by check.
Make check payable to: “Zumbrun Law
Firm Client Trust Account” and mail
to: Ron Zumbrun, 47 Robert Court
East, Arcata, CA 95521. In the memo
section add “Huntington Beach Property
Feel free to contact me with
questions or suggestions and check our
website for the latest information or
contact me: Frank Singer, 3552 Venture
Drive (Trinidad Island), 714 840-6476,
[email protected].
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Little Mermaid Guild of CHOC
by Fran Gitsham
23rd Annual CHOC Walk
CHOC Children’s, as a non-profit
hospital, relies on community support
to help care for every young patient who
is acutely ill or critically injured and in
need of highly specialized care. With
the needs of these children in mind, the
Little Mermaid Guild of Huntington
Beach, on October 13th, participated
in the 23rd annual CHOC Walk in the
Park presented by Disneyland Resort. 14
Mermaids and their supportive Mermen,
ranging in age from 9 to 75, navigated a
5K route and, by the generous support of
their individual sponsors and partnered
guild for this event, raised over $10,000,
thereby successfully meeting their goal.
Once the last person of almost 16,000
walkers crossed the finish line, the tally
stood at $1.8 million to support the care,
family services, education and research
that CHOC provides for the region’s
After a year of fundraising activities,
and with 2013 now coming to an end,
LMG is looking forward to celebrating
yet another successful year with a holiday
dinner at the A Restaurant in Newport
Beach. After this wonderful evening has
been enjoyed, LMG will be quickly back
to the task at hand, that of creating and
instituting fun fundraising opportunities
to support the hospital and outpatient
clinics and services.
The ages of the woman of the Little
Mermaid Guild span 6 decades and,
while bridging any age gaps, they have
fun together throughout the year while
supporting the CHOC mission. For
anyone who has ever considered that
volunteering makes for a heart happy, the
LMG fits the bill. We welcomes all with
open arms to attend a meeting to see if
joining the guild will warm their heart as
much as it does the women of the guild.
For further information, please contact
Judi Van Houten at 714/401-4254.
Destinations with Diane
C Learn about Historic Southern California Landmarks & Early Pioneers D
Come learn about some of the historic landmarks
in Southern California and the early pioneers who
helped to shaped this area. Some of the landmarks
to be discussed include the Rubel Castle, The
Judson Studios, and the Greystone Mansion.
Where: Seagate Club House
Six Classes: February 19, 26
March 5, 19, 26
April 2
Cost: Free! (donations accepted)
Time: 1:00 to 3:00
About Diane Ryan…
Diane holds a Masters of Arts degree from CSU
Long Beach. She has taught adults for nearly 40
years for several school districts including the
Emeritus programs for Coastline and Saddleback
Community Colleges and the Huntington Beach
Adult School. Some of the workshops and classes
she has presented include History of Orange County,
Historic Landmarks, and a variety of classes on art
She has served on the Huntington Beach Centennial
Committee, was the Chair of the Huntington Beach
Historic Resources Board and is a member of the
Orange County Historical Society. She is currently an
instructor at the Huntington Beach Adult School and
teaches classes through the city of Newport Beach.
For more information contact Diane at
Diane also conducts educational day trips to various
Southern California landmarks.
[email protected]
phone (714) 894-7736
Huntington Harbour Car Club
by ???????????
Early Sunday morning, world-class
collector cars came from all corners of
Huntington Harbour to gather at Bob
Maniaci’s super Gilbert Island home.
There were 57 guests and 31 prize
winning automobiles valued at over $5.6
million dollars cruised in with engines
roaring and lined up for a photo shoot display
as their owners enjoyed coffee, croissants,
and automotive fellowship hosted by Bob
and Emily.
This meet up featured a full spectrum of
unique cars, starting with an award-winning
1937 Ford Woody station wagon all the way
up to the $1.6 million dollar Vector WX3
Roadster hyper-car, and climaxed with the
arrival of the world famous race-winning
McLaren M6GT valued well over $2 million
Bob Maniaci’s goal for this event was
to bring together local auto aficionados to
share their interest and in Maniaci’s words
“stimulate the life-long automotive passion
shared by many locals.” He constantly “sees
cars parked in the garage under a cover,
with a stack of old newspapers on the hood
and last year’s Christmas ornaments neatly
boxed lying on the roof.” Maniaci expressed
the goal of this meet up was to “to get those
car guys (and gals) to take those covers off,
start those engines, polish the chrome, and
recapture their joy!”
Super Car Spotlights: McLaren M6GT:
The pole position in our event was earned
by Allen Korneff ’s McLaren M6GT. This
car, estimated value over $2 million dollars,
has a feature film-worthy history of events
with multiple celebrity participants. When
Maniaci asked owner Allen Korneff of the
estimated value of this special super car,
Korneff responded “Priceless!”
Vector Avtech WX3-R: Gerald Weigert,
designer/developer of the Vector WX3-R
roadster brought his one-of-a-kind Super/
Hypercar valued at $1.6 million dollars, as
a featured star at Maniaci’s home for the
HHCC meet up.
This amazing car was debuted at
the Geneva (Switzerland) International
Auto Show in 1992 and 1993, and was the
undisputed show icon.
Shelby 427 Cobra: Bob Maniaci’s
friend of 38 years, Joe DiLoreto, succumbed
to Bob’s arm twisting and Bob’s offer to
personally polish the car if Joe would bring
this gem to Bob’s home for the HHCC meet
up. Creator Mr. Carroll Shelby is worldrenowned for being the first American to win
the “24 hours of Le Mans” in the 427 Cobra.
The last 427 Cobra that sold at auction went
for $1,200,000.
McLaren SLR Mercedes Benz: One of the
first applicants to join the HHCC, Mr. Gary
Whitener arrived in style in his gorgeous
McLaren SLR Mercedes Benz.
Owner Gary Whitener has been an
enthusiastic supporter of our HHCC and
promised to bring one of his world-class
award-winning Packards to our next event!
Ferrari Testarossa: This was Seacliff
resident Jim Crawford’s first participation
with the HHCC and he made us very proud
with the rumble sound of the 12 cylinder
powered Testarossa as he rounded the corner
into the lineup.
Nash Metropolitan: Perhaps the happiest
car of the morning meet up was Ken Conner’s
award winning 1961 Nash Metropolitan.
Top speed: 70+ mph with a whopping 0 to
60 in 19.4 seconds.
When Bob Maniaci asked Ken Conner
to comment on this mighty miniature,
Conner replied “my greatest pleasure from
owning the Metropolitan is that it truly
makes people smile!”
Note: Ken was elected by his HHCC
peers to be the friendliest, most pleasant
automotive enthusiast of the meet up!
1937 Ford Woody Wagon: This breathtaking specimen of the Ford Motor Company
was brought to us by longtime Huntington
Beach resident Dennis Gallagher.
Gallagher spent three years building
this beach city classic from scratch.
To see all of the amazing automobiles at
our meet up, please watch the YouTube video
http://youtu.be/l4ift5HNfy4 or view our
Shutterfly album at http://bit.ly/1bQvMDz
For more information on joining the
HHCC, please email [email protected]
or call Bob Maniaci at 562-592-2171.
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Harbour Hearts
by Eva Kilgore
L to R Hawes Elementary school principal Jullie Jennings, Ryan Hansen, Piper
Hansen, Evan Oakes.
Close to 900 students participated
in the Harbour View Elementary School
parade this year. They were dressed as
ghosts, princesses, Superman, cowboys,
cats, dogs, and many more characters.
Many of these children couldn’t afford
Halloween costumes if it weren’t for the
help of a local group of loving neighbors
and friends, calling themselves “Harbour
Hearts.” The group gathered enough
costumes so that each child had one to
Pam Smart, from Harbour Hearts, donated an authentic miniature fireman’s
costume for one happy parade participant.
wear in the parade. Then, they got to
take their costumes home afterward. “It
is amazing to see the looks on their faces
when they realize they’ll be dressing up
in the parade, and can use the costume
later, too,” said Harbour View principal
Cindy Osterhout. “It’s just such a joy,”
added Harbour View employee Michele
This year, Harbour Hearts had help
from the children and parents at Hawes
Elementary School. PTA president Sara
Hansen helped organize a costume
collection drive, and they were given to
the children at Harbour View Elementary.
Harbour Hearts also supplied
Thanksgiving dinners to 15 families, and
is now taking donations for holiday gift
bags that will be given to needy students
at Harbour View Elementary. For more
information: 714-397-0002.
There is a new bike path along
Edinger avenue recently completed by the
City of Huntington Beach. It extends all
the way from Saybrook to the bridge at
the end and if you are looking for a new
walk in our area give it a try. It is a great
walk for dogs, along a fence hidden away
from the main road.
Please remember if you live on
the mainland of the Harbour, or on
Admiralty, Davenport, or Humboldt
island and you want to do any Exterior
remodeling or changes to your property,
then you must have the approval of the
Architectural Committee of the HHPOA.
We can be reached at 714-840-7877 or
leave your plans for approval at the office,
16899 Algonquin Street, Suite C in the
mall. We are not in the office all the time
but you can submit requests through the
mail slot. No need to send in a whole set
of plans, just the exterior is fine. We thank
you for your cooperation in advance.
We look forward to all residents
decorating for Christmas so that the
many visitors to the Harbour can enjoy
the exceptional charm of our community,
it is truly a wonderful place to Iive.
by Dorothy Ralphs
This month we would like to
congratulate Trinidad Island for their
colorful landscaping at the entrance to The
Island. The willingness of their Board of
Directors and the knowledge of Carolyn
Platt, a resident of the Island, to invest
their money and time is most appreciated.
It is a real pleasure to drive along Trinidad
and see so much color on either side of the
road. Thank you Trinidad Island for your
efforts to make the Harbour one of the
most beautiful places to live in Southern
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Huntington Harbour Art Association
by Jackie Dvorman
Officers: Front: Rhea Black, Kay Sullivan, Barbara Larson, JoAnn Rossi, Joan Ruh, Kathleen Moore. Back: Marsha Hendler, Dorothy Johnson, Betty Viers, Pam
Smart, Carrol Wolf , Nancy Phillips, Carol Persons, Karen Peoples.
Par McKenna’s lovely, unusual home
was the setting for the annual October
Cocktail Party. The margarita serving
station on the deck and the on-the-spot
taco station in the front found the member
of the Art Association, their husbands
and friends mingling in and out of the
home and sharing tables on the softly lit
surrounding deck. Thanks to Pat for an
enchanting evening.
The Fiber Arts Show held in Mary
Lundin’s home was overflowing with
colorful entries from the Needles and
Friends group. Thanks to Pat McKenna
and Barbara Larson who organized the
annual event. The winners were: Barbara
Larson who won Best of Show with her
needlepoint “Village Green”. She also
won two other first prizes. Karen Peoples
won Viewers Choice with the Counted
Thread, Hardanger entry. Joy Brown
five prizes for her knitting and crocheted
work. Donna Vogel won the Quilting Arts
award. Linda Sackin won the Machine
Quilting award. Barbara Thorne won the
quilting award. Marsha Hendler won the
Raw Edge Appliqué. Pat McKenna won
the Sewing-Wearable award. Ginny Eide
won the Sewing-Non-Wearable award for
her Slipcover for a Trundle Bed. A high
point of the event was the raffle of the
quilt designed and made by Pat McKenna,
Kathleen Moore and Marsha Hendler.
The quilt, Polka Pescado, was won by
Marcene Galli. The proceeds from the
raffle were given to Goldenwest College
to provide art scholarships for students.
Marcene was surprised and delighted by
her beautiful quilt.
Painting Pals continues to meet
each Tuesday at the Seagate Clubhouse.
You will find all levels of artists in all
mediums. Just bring your supplies and
lunch or snack if you wish. Beading
Buddies meets at the same time and place.
If you are a beader, or just want to learn,
come along. If there is enough interest we
can schedule a workshop in the new year.
Call Marsha Hendler at 714-840-8843
for more information.
Fiber Arts Winners: Front: Karen Peoples, Marsha Hendler, Pat McKenna, Ginny Eide, Barbara Thorne
Back: Joy Brown, Linda Sackin, Barbara Larson
Needles and Friends meets each
Monday from 1:00-3:00 at members’
homes. This is a fun group and a fine
place to get inspiration for new projects.
Call Karen Peoples at 714-846-8176 for
more information.
Members are looking forward to
the annual January Winter Luncheon
planned by Barbara Simone and Rhea
Black. Dorothy Johnson is also planning
some exciting excursions for the new year.
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Anglers of Huntington Harbour
by Kathy Bayless
Kathy Bayless and event chair Connie Mandic at the Anglers of Huntington
Harbour annual Progressive Dinner by Duff y.
Progressive Dinner by Duff y
The evening of Saturday September
21st the Anglers of Huntington Harbour
participated in the group’s annual
Progressive Dinner by Duff y which is
always one of their social highlights of
year. The chair and coordinator of this
year’s event was Connie Mandic assisted
by Kathy Bayless. The theme was Pirates
of the Caribbean and a swashbuckling
adventure it was. Over 80 Anglers began
the evening with spirits and appetizers at
the beautiful waterfront home of Paul and
Linda Sackin where they were outfitted
with Pirate hats, swords and trinkets.
Then Ahoy Mateys they boarded a fleet of
Duff y’s and cruised over to the spectacular
Coral Cay main channel home of Nick
and Cindy DiBenedetto for dinner and
desert. The home was creatively decorated
like a pirate camp with a pirate ship,
treasure chests, etc. Anglers feasted on a
delicious assortment of South Seas grub
and sweets catered by Renato’s. It was a
fantastic Paarghty!
October TGIF/Halloween Party
Friday evening October 25th over
40 Anglers of Huntington Harbour and
guests gathered at the beautiful Humboldt
Island waterfront home of Gary and Paty
Whitener for the organization’s October
TGIF and annual Halloween Party. The
Whitener’s many creative Halloween
decorations throughout the home and
waterfront patio were spooktacular, most
everyone was wearing a clever costume
for the occasion and each of the Anglers
brought one of their festive appetizer or
dessert specialties to be enjoyed by all
Anglers of Huntington Harbour October TGIF and Halloween Party hosts
Gary and Paty Whitener wearing costumes for the occasion.
during the fun filled evening. As a special
Halloween treat the attendees were given
the opportunity to tour Gary’s fabulous
95 foot Yachtfisher, the “Tigress”.
Upcoming Events
The Anglers of Huntington Harbour
will be celebrating their 50th year in the
Harbour in 2014 and have many exciting
social, fishing and philanthropic activities
planned including the annual Awards
of Installation Banquet Friday evening
January 17, 2014 at Sea Cliff Country
Club. If you live in the Harbour and
would like to be considered for one of
the Anglers open membership positions
and attend one of our events please call
membership chair Kathy Bayless at (714)
501-9378 for more information.
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Huntington Harbour Philharmonic Committee
by Eva Kilgore
L to R: 2013 Grand Marshal Bill Wheeler, Lolly McHardy, Jenny Huntsinger,
and Kim Weddon at the past grand marshal’s party.
Holiday Boutique
We were elated at the turnout for our
Holiday Boutique! Friends, neighbors, and
HHPC members turned out in droves to
sample foods, buy jewelry, clothing, gift
items, handbags and so much more. We
worked setting up, cashiering, manning
the HHPC information table, and having
a blast in the process.
Thanks to Pam Myers and Ellen
Martin, and all those who participated for
making the boutique, the raffle, food in
the office, and every part perfection. Hats
off to Madeline Fields, too, for being there
for what seemed like day and night to take
care of a myriad of details.
Boat Parade
It’s right around the corner. On
December 7 and 8 we’ll be presenting
the 51st annual boat parade. Bill Wheeler
will be at the helm, as our grand marshal.
The theme this year is “Music Around
the World”. Judges will award trophies in
many categories, and it’s a weekend filled
with parties, fun, and celebrating.
Thousands will watch from their
balconies, decks, docks, little beaches,
bridges, and wherever they can catch
the parade. Why do we present the boat
Mim Strickler
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Kim Weddon, Lolly McHardy, and Eva Kilgore were proud to accept a
proclamation from the Huntington Beach City Council.
parade? It’s a thank you to our residents
for decorating their homes for the Cruise
of Lights, which comes next! Have a last
minute boat entry? Call our office for
information at 714-840-7542.
Cruise of Lights
The Cruise of Lights runs December
14 and 15, and from December 19 through
December 23. The times are 5:30 pm,
6:30 pm, 7:30 pm, and 8:30 pm. Prices
are Adults are $17. Children two to 12 are
$10. Under two-free. On December 19
we present Special Value Night, and adult
tickets are discounted to $15.
Cruise of Lights tickets make great
gifts for family, friends, coworkers, and
anyone deserving of a special holiday
treat. The Cruise is a 45 minute narrated
boat tour, where you’ll see thousands of
lights on homes, decks, light poles, docks,
in windows, on roofs...everywhere...
and they’re reflected in our sparkling
waterways. A real treat, and a holiday
tradition for thousands.
Our volunteers are answering
phones, selling tickets, will help load and
unload boats and buses, man the parking
lots, and you’ll see them all wearing
blue sweatshirts, and big smiles. Info:
cruiseoflights.org or 714-840-7542.
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Bragging Rights
We were awarded a proclamation at
a recent Huntington Beach City Council
meeting for continuing more than a half
a century of bringing music programs to
the children of Orange County. We love
what we do, and would be excited for you
to join us. Info; 714-840-7542.
2013 Holiday Boutique Contributors
Thank you to our generous donors
for making this year another success:
D. D. Dunlap Companies
Huntington Harbour Mall
Albertson’s Bolsa Chica & Heil
Bowl of Heaven
Carrie Heckel’s Subway
Churee Kakimoto – The Power Team
Cristi Ulrich – Smith Group
Dean Zitko – Star Real Estate
Evolve Gym
G & M Oil Company
Harbour Aesthetic Spa
Harmony HB Arts & Wellness Center
House of Brews Restaurant
Huntington Harbour Athletic Club
Lisa Weller – Registered Piano Tuner
Melissa’s World Variety Produce
Millicent’s Preserves
Nycole, Stephanie, Jenelle &
Michon at Daniel & Co.
OEX Sunset Beach Kayak
Organic Acupuncture & Wellness
Philharmonic Society of Orange County
Projected Through My Eyes Photography
Red Table Restaurants
Scott J. Miller – RE MAX
Stater Bros. Warner & Goldenwest
Trader Joe’s Huntington Harbour
Von’s Edinger & Springdale
HHPC’s Admiralty, Islander,
Marina-Windjammer, Sandpiper
& Trinidad Members.
HHPC: Sandpipers
by Cindy Allen
October Meeting and Event
Sandpiper members and guests
enjoyed the Bratwurst and Apple Strudel
at our “Oktoberfest” themed Social after
our Meeting on October 17th. The 2013
Grand Marshal Bill Wheeler also stopped
by to check out the German fare and fun.
President Helene Rowlette thanked the
Hospitality Committee members Mary
Ann Brinket, Diane Moore, Pat Jenkes,
Lucille Mascoli, Carolyn Platt and Linda
Cassidy for organizing the Oktoberfest
and Oscar Brinket for cooking the
Sandpipers also helped out and
shopped at the HHPC Holiday Boutique.
Thanks go out to the Special Projects
Committee members Nicole Stewart,
Holly Anderson, Carol Dimon, Cheryl
Rogers and President Helene Rowlette
and for all that worked on the Boutique.
November Meeting
Carol Dimon graciously offered her
home for the November 21st meeting.
This was the last meeting before the Boat
Parade and the Cruise of Lights.
Future December Events
Be sure to mark your calendar for
these important events! The upcoming
Grand Marshal Bill Wheeler, with HHPC Co-Chairs, Kim Weddon and Lolly McHardy with Sandpipers
and Guests at the Oktoberfest Social.
Boat Parade: Music around the World
is on Saturday and Sunday, December
7th and 8th. Our after work party is
on Friday, Dec. 13th at Mary Lundin’s
beautiful waterfront home. Chili Night is
Thursday, December 19th. The Sandpiper
work night for the Cruise of Lights is
Friday, December 20th.
Future January Meeting
On Thursday, January 16th, the
Monthly meeting of the Sandpipers will
be held at Nicole Stewart’s home.
More Information
The Sandpipers are one of the five
committees comprising the Huntington
Harbour Philharmonic Committee.
Our monthly meetings are held on the
3rd Thursday of the month at members’
homes. Following our meetings we have
happy hour with delicious appetizers
provided by Sandpipers.
Please call Membership Chair Loretta
Patterson at (714) 840-9125 or email
[email protected] for more information
about the Sandpipers.
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HHPC: Marina/Windjammers
by Sloan Gallipeo
At the recent HHPC Holiday Boutique, member Marsha Waldman, one of the many volunteers.
Now that school is in full swing, so
is the ushering program for the concerts!
Carlone Herman, who is in charge of
youth programs for our group, joined
Margie Finlay, Kathy Bunch, and Sloan
Gallipeo to help usher at the Donald
Wash Auditorium in October for the 6th
grade concert which featured music from
around the world.
Our October meeting featured
musical enrichment by Lisa Jackert, a
music therapist. Thank you member
Lisa Weller for arranging to have Lisa
Jackert come speak with us and share
her musical talents. We all had a chance
to play a variety of musical instruments
and improvise music as a group. Everyone
had a great time! Thanks to Ruth Roe for
hosting and lunch at her house.
Many of our members signed up to
help with the 7th annual Huntington
Harbour Philharmonic Holiday Boutique.
Members helping out over the weekend
included Kathy Bunch, Susie Sampson,
Barbara Sentell, Lani Martin, Marsha
Waldman, Karen Ridout, Carlone
Herman, Cece Lorthioir, Ellie Matthews,
Lisa Weller, and Maggie Van Eck. Kudos
to our member Lisa Weller for all her hard
work on the boutique committee this year
and organizing the opportunity prizes!
Bill Wheeler, this year’s Grand
Marshall for the boat parade, came
to our meeting to talk about the 51st
annual boat parade. The theme this year
is “Music Around the World” and he is
very enthusiastic about having a great
turnout for the boat parade. For the boat
parade this year our group will be in
charge of banners and numbers for home
Our members are excited to help out
with the Cruise of Lights again and have
signed up to help in the HHPC office and
work the night of December 22nd.
We are all looking forward to our
holiday party on December 10th at
Seacliff Country Club. Our members will
enjoy a wonderful dinner and celebrate
the holidays.
Interested in learning more about our
group? Contact membership chairman,
Barbara Sentell at 562-430-8387 or
email: [email protected].
Our meetings are held in the
morning on the third Thursday of each
month, followed by lunch at the host
member’s home.
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HHPC: Admiralty Group
by Mim Strickler
L to R: Roxanne Talley, Grace Holdaway, Marxcia Kay Radelet (hostess) Jan
Goss, and Lora Anderson.
Admiralty group has been traveling
at break-neck speed with all its projects.
Started fall season with super lovely
meeting/luncheon in exotic pation of
hostess Marcia Kay Radelet. Next, in
October at specially spooky castle-home of
Jan Little-Carone. Her helpers goaded on
Ushering L to R: Roxannes Talley, Lisa Mulvania, Mim ‘Strickler, Aurea
Hoad, and Madeline Campbell.
by Elaine Montgomery produced a super
spread of luscious luncheon following our
meeting guided by Pres. Marie Edwards.
Members then did ushering for
kid’s concert and worked for our Mall
Boutique. Recent meeting/dinner was at
Mim Strickler’s party house with spouses
or companion! Mini boat cruise was held
on the Tin Man Boat of our generous
friend Warren Lampkin. All looking
forward to helping Chair Anita Osgood
by working on our Cruise night coming
up in December.
HHPC: Trinidad Group
by Mark A. Arizmendi
The Huntington Harbour Boat
Parade December 7 and 8th, promises to
be the highlight of the season. Some will
say it is even better than “Dancing with
the Stars”. We all love this festive time of
the year.
The Huntington Harbour Holiday
Boutique was an overwhelming success.
If it were a dance, I would give it a “10”.
The Cruise of Lights starts December
14 through the 23rd. Now we all know,
that really is a dance sometimes. Let’s give
it a “10”.
And a big Thank You to the
Huntington Harbour Philharmonic
Committee for the Boat Parade and
Cruise of Lights. No question here, we
will give it a “10”.
“What Does the Fox Say?” He says
“30” is a perfect score and it’s all because
of the you! (I really hope you all watch
Dancing with the Stars.)
The HHPC Trinidad Group wants
to recognize a very special person we lost
recently, Valarie Kompaniez, she is always
in our thoughts.
The Fox also says join our fun.
Call Linda Axel, our Vice President of
Membership at 714-325-6111 to join the
HHPC Trinidad Group!
Trinidad Members at the Holiday Boutique.
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HHPC: Islanders
by Eva Kilgore
Marlene Nielsen, left, and Lyn Myers, right, both Islanders, flank Trinidad Islander member Susie
Lipman. They all had fun cashiering at the boutique.
President Janet French is busy
leading our happy group of volunteers as
we embark on a variety of events. First up,
the Holiday Boutique. Islanders helped
out selling raffle tickets, cashiering, and,
of course, shopping! A message from
Janet: “What a great kickoff this year
with the Islanders supporting, working
and shopping at the Holiday Boutique.
We are excited about this year’s boat
parade and Cruise of Lights, and already
have a strong showing of support from
our group.” Janet added “Welcome to
our newest members Elizabeth Henry,
Sharie Sneddon, and Elissa Blair.” Janet
looks forward to our long time members,
and newest Islanders participating in our
upcoming events. “It’s all about working
and celebrating together as we raise funds
for what we all believe in-music education
for kids,” said our president.
The boat parade and Cruise of Lights
are next. Islanders will be out in full force.
You’ll see us everywhere making sure
everyone has a smooth, and exciting time
this season.
What makes us unique? We have
a can-do collective attitude, and work
together as a team. We love what we do!
La Familia
by Mary Busche’
L to R: Mary Ellen Houseal, Marian Galanis, Mike Nielsen, Bert Nielsen, Terri Feteric, Mike Feterik,
Jim Walton.
What a beautiful evening it was to
enjoy a great dinner prepared by Jerry and
Sandy Alonzo of Casa Blanca on my deck
enjoying the sunset.
As I walked around and looked at
everyone at the tables I could hardly hold
back the tears. Each person on my deck
whether I’d known them for 40 years,
30 years, 20 years or even two years was
special to me. Jane Ryan taught me a song
40 years ago when she was my daughter
Christa’s girl scout leader. It went like
this: “Make new friends and keep the
old. One is for Silver and the other is for
In 1970 when my wonderful
husband, Kenny, and I joined the Lido
14 fleet we met and sailed against Bert
Nielsen, Mary Ellen Houseal and Anita
Osgood. My kid sailed against Mel and
Ruth Otis’s son. In the 70’s we were on
yacht club cruises with Angela Hartfelder
and Nancy Kasabali as well as being on
stage in our yacht club shows. Flo Gordon
was also in the first show. Could we ever
forget Ben’s line in the San Francisco
miner’s scene “Boy was she built”. Our
boys were in boy scouts with David and
Diane Casey son.
Family Service, our group’s name
before we changed to La Familia, was just
as caring, compassionate and loving as
our group is today. We used to remember
birthdays, anniversaries, deaths, send
good wishes and prayers by selling and
releasing balloons to make money for our
cause of helping children. Here I met
Joyce Brown, Mim Strickler and Betty
Twaddell. Madeline and Larry Campbell.
So many more wonderful friends
joined and have made our group even
stronger Among them were Jane Griley,
Daryl Isaacs, Don and Barbara Howland,
Patti Kenmore, Sam La Corte, Bett and
Jim Walton, Terry and Michael Feterick,
Lois and Jon Fultz, Jane and Phil Haynes,
Elsie Pierson, Norma Cowles, Pat and Al
Boloti and Ellie and Barney Barnard.
Maybe I did get off the subject a
little, but I couldn’t help but feel the love
and compassion of each person who was
here because of our caring to help others.
The friendships filled many bags of Silver
and Gold in our hearts.
Also this month we had another fun
fund raiser. Thanks to Warren Lampkin’s
generosity providing his elegant yacht,
Tin Man, for a three hour tour of our
harbour complete with hors d’oeuvres and
With members generosity we were
able to raise money for the children of
Orangewood. Thanks Warren and our
members who enjoyed the tour.
A Land Lover’s Garden Club
by Eustelle Bosler
Wendy Gingerich (speaker) and Toni Aquino at September meeting.
At the November meeting of the
ALL Garden Club, we participated in a
lively discussion, led by award-winning
designer Shelly Berniard-Mendes of
Pottery Barn, of decorating tips and
suggestions for the upcoming holiday
season. ALL members were encouraged
to bring specific decorating questions,
as well as photographs of problem areas,
both inside and outside of our homes.
Shelly brought some materials from
Pottery Barn to demonstrate simple, yet
captivating and eye-catching adornments.
With some switch-outs, many of the ideas
could be used throughout the year.
Plans are in the works to fit our
Third Annual Diva Luncheon into a busy
holiday schedule. We will don our tiaras
and festive Holiday spirits to “do lunch”
Lisa Mulvania, Terri Feterik, Kay Bogert, Robin Shreve, and Lyn Senske at
Roger’s Gardens.
at Mc Kenna’s-on-the-Bay in Long Beach.
The January 15 meeting will feature
Catherine Rouseau of Green Thumb
Gardens. She will provide materials for
members to purchase so that we can
create our own fabulous terraria under her
At the ALL Garden Club, we have a
short, informational meeting, followed by
a presentation by a local expert in some
form of gardening. Every other month,
we plan an excursion to a near-by garden,
shop, park, or museum that features some
aspect of gardening. In October, we visited
Rodger’s Gardens in Newport Beach; next
Spring, we will be visiting Rancho Los
Lomas in Silverado. The grounds feature
a myriad of native wildlife from around
the world.
Of course, in the world of gardening,
there’s no end to the many, many
topics and special interests available. In
upcoming months, we’ll spend some time
discovering new ways to display our love
for all things growing with lectures on
container gardening, summer gardening,
and another visit to a local garden.
Our membership chair and VP, Terri
Feterik continues a lovely, new practice.
Terri will present a rose (our club flower)
to each new member as well as to the
member who introduces someone to ALL.
As usual, we extend a warm invitation
to any who would like to join us in these
kinds of activities, or might just like to
visit once to check us out. Terri Feterik is
membership chair; she can be reached at
626-712-6513. Come on over!
International Order of the Blue Gavel
by LaVon Plumlee, District Director, District 10
Members at the BBQ held at Barney’s Beach House.
District 10 IOBG members met this
month at the Long Beach Yacht Club for a
champagne brunch plus our guest speaker,
Sibyl Keirns was outstanding. Her topic
was Disaster Preparedness, something
that should always be of interest here in
Southern California and for the yachting
community. Earthquakes, tsunamis,
flooding, forest fires - all of these topics
were addressed, and we so thank her
for sharing all her expertise with our
Our members also were privileged
to attend a recent BBQ at Barney’s Beach
House aboard the Naval Weapons Station
Seal Beach hosted by Navy Yacht Club
Long Beach. Food was great, but the view
and Barney’s is always spectacular. Above
photo includes NYCLB Commodore and
member of IOBG, Jeanne Stafford, plus
Susan and Gary Haliburton, NYCLB
Rear Commodore. Next on the calendar
for District 10 IOBG/IOBGA is our
upcoming fundraising Fashion Show at
the Seal Beach Yacht Club on November
2nd. All Proceeds will go to the IOBG
Humanitarian Foundation. In addition to
supporting for a cure for cancer and other
life threatening diseases, the Foundation
also supports youth sailing, safe boating
and educational programs.
Huntington Harbour Yacht Club
by Dean Oliver, Vice Commodore
2014 Flag Officers.
It’s been a fantastic year here at
HHYC, we expanded our food service to
7 nights a week. We expanded our number
of cruises, we increased our number of
special events, but more importantly we
are increasing the number of incredibly
friendly members.
We hosted 2 regattas this year, a
predicted log regatta and our junior sabot
summer series. Both were an amazing way
for young and old alike to get out on the
water and compete. It didn’t stop there,
the HHYC hosted the National Gondola
Championship awards dinner. That
Trinidad Ladies Club
was a fun evening filled with black and
white stripped Gondoliers from across the
country, pasta lovingly prepared by Jenny
Kellog and her band of merry chefs, a
little singing and still more pasta.
We had special events that spanned
the globe from our fabulous Havana
Nights event to the fun filled Luau
afternoon. The events were almost weekly
if you count all the pool tournaments,
movie nights, Taco Tuesdays, Pasta
Thursdays, BBQ Happy Hours etc. the
count goes to a staggering 3 or 4 activities
a week. All this levity could easily fall
by Jan McKnew
October found 17 ladies from the
TLC boarding a party limo bus for an
outing to the Temecula Wine Country.
There was a lot of ROARing going on
and the music and entertainment played
to everyone’s enjoyment and participation!
First stop was in Old Town for some
shopping. Then on to the Doffo Winery,
which features Italian and Argentina
wines. At the South Coast Winery, we
had a delicious lunch served on the patio.
The 80 degree weather was perfect. The
last winery was Wilson Creek, and after
our tasting, we toured the beautiful
grounds and raided the gift shop. Our
Program Chairman, Martha Baumel, did
a wonderful job of organizing this fun
outing, with help from Lori Camasta,
Vikki Morrison and Sandy Gallaugher.
If you live on Trinidad Island and
are interested in more information about
our club, please contact Lori Camasta,
into pandemonium if not for the skillful
leadership of our Manager Shirley Wallace
and our Rear Commodore Phil Ventura
over their wonderful staff of cooks servers
and bar tenders.
It’s fair to say that Commodore
Bill McCormick and his lovely wife
Ann did an incredible job at the helm
before handing the reins to our 2014
Commodore Phil Ventura at our
Commodores Ball. With Phil, his Vice
Commodore Kimberley Harrison, Rear
Commodore Marie Thompson, and Fleet
Captain Larry Madosky, next year look
just a rosy.
If you haven’t been by to visit us
lately, we hold Sunday brunch every
Sunday from 10AM to 1:30PM. We
would love to meet you, and show off
our newly decorated club house. You can
always call the club at 562-592-2186 or
contact Vice Commodore Dean Oliver,
for membership information, at 714-8581444. You may also visit our website at
I’m going to miss writing to you
next year, have a very happy prosperous
New Year.
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