February 2016 EWI Newsletter - Executive Women International


February 2016 EWI Newsletter - Executive Women International
February 2016
President’s Message
Busy (bĭz´ ē) adj. –ier, -iest
1. Actively engaged in work:
OCCUPIED 2. Crowded with activity <a busy day>
Doesn’t that pretty well say it all? We survived the holidays, I blinked
and it is already February. All the committees are working hard this
year. We just had our first philanthropy event and made 70 blankets
for the children at Search’s House of Tiny Treasures. We had about
20 EWI members come out and some of them brought their family to
Linda Petticrew help. It was a rewarding few hours spent, and we’re looking forward
to delivering these blankets in the coming days and seeing all the
happy children.
Our Fundraising Committee is focused on Executives’ Night. You
can rest assured that your board is busy running the day-to-day
operations of the chapter as well as gearing up for Executives’ Night.
We have had good attendance at the committee meetings. I want to
thank all the members who participated in their committee meetings
and took the time to get involved in their committees as it really helps
the chapter and helps everyone grow individually.
Our February meeting will be fun and fast-paced when we bring back
the speed dating concept. Last time I really enjoyed it. It was a
great opportunity to become further acquainted with other members.
You know me. I love to network and meet new people, and I want to
get to know all of you better
I understand that everyone is very busy but we are struggling a little
bit with RSVP’s to the monthly meetings. Would you please do me
a little favor and let Theresa Smith know if you will be attending each
All the best,
Officers & Directors
Linda Petticrew
Shell Energy Resources
Vice President/
President Elect
Donna Gurney
JLT Specialty USA
Jessica Witek
Redstone Group
Stephanie Cleary
Martha Turner Sotheby’s
International Realty
Carole Pitts
John Daugherty, Realtors
Director-at-Large, B/C/DP
Marji Zamora
Minuteman Press Post Oak
Lindsey Duhon
Hilcorp Energy Company
Shari Schiffman
John Daugherty, Realtors
Erin Brown
Osha Liang LLC
Theresa Smith
Quanex Building Products
President’s Message: p. 1 • Upcoming Events: EWI of Houston Chapter Meeting Notice March: p. 2 • Mission/Vision
Statement/Values/Strategic Goals; Did You Know; Calendar of Events: p. 3 •
Scholarship Winner Update: p. 4 •
Professional Development-Start Each Day Off In A Productive Way: p. 5 • Have You Met Our Newest Reps: p. 6-7 • In
1 | Page
Memoriam: p. 8-10 • EWI of Houston Board Recaps: p. 11-13 • EWI of Houston Chapter Meeting Recap January: p. 1518 • Birthdays and Anniversaries: p. 19 • Officers, Directors & Advisors: p. 20 • Committee Chairs: p. 21
February 2016
EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Submitted by Erin Brown, 2015-2016 Program Director, representing Osha Liang LLP
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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February 2016
EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Our Mission
EWI brings together key individuals from diverse
businesses for the purpose of promoting member
firms, enhancing personal and professional
Our Vision
To be a global women’s organization of 5,000
engaged members empowering others for positive
Houston Chapter Vision Statement
Integrity I Excellence I Respect I Collaboration
EWI® of Houston aspires to be the
premier business organization of choice
for member firms and their key individuals.
Recognized by the Houston community as
an avenue to achieve personal and
professional excellence, every activity of
the Houston Chapter will fulfill at least one
of the objectives of the EWI, Mission
Our Strategic Goals
To strengthen, expand, and broaden
To provide member firms with meaningful
To actively promote education for all
To achieve a high level of community visibility
through service.
Corporate Office
3860 South 2300 East, Ste. 211
Salt Lake City, UT 84109
Phone: 801.355.2800
Fax: 801.355.2852
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ewiconnect.com
Calendar of Events
Thursday, February 11, 2016 - Chapter Meeting, back by
popular demand: “Speed Dating” at The Houston Club!
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 - Board Meeting at Shell
Resources Energy Company
Thursday, March 10, 2016 - Chapter Meeting at the
Westin, Memorial City
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 - Board Meeting at Shell
Resources Energy Company
How to host a table at
our monthly Chapter
It is easy. If the Meeting
available, invite 9 other EWI reps (assuming
there are tables of 10, also listed on the
Meeting Notice) and invite them to join you at
your table.
It is not necessary to pay for your guests’
dinners unless you include a non-member
guest, such as your Executive, co-worker,
family member or friend. It is extra special, but
not necessary, to include a token gift for your
tablemates – maybe a company mug, pen,
etc. After you have compiled your table guest
list, be sure to let the Sergeant-at-Arms know
who will be sitting at your table. Also, as your
invitees respond to you, remind them to also
RSVP to the Sergeant-At-Arms as well.
And that is all there is to it!
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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February 2016
EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Scholarship Winner Update
Submitted by Lindsey Duhon, 2015-2016 Fundraising Director, Hilcorp Energy Company
Kori Peters, representing Hilcorp Energy Company, one of our 2015-2016
Advisors, dropped a note to Monica Oakley, a 2013-2014 ASIST winner,
wishing her a happy New Year and to see how school is going for her.
Monica responded that she graduated December 11 with an Associates
Degree in process technology. She has passed the first round of
employment testing with a major oil and gas processing company, has taken
the second round and is hoping to get good results back.
Monica thanked all of us for her scholarship and said that she is excited to
be starting a new career search. She also said that she could not have done
it without EWI of Houston’s help!
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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February 2016
EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Submitted by Donna Jones, 2015-2016 Professional Development Chair, representing Martha Turner Sotheby’s
International Realty
Start Each Day Off In A Productive Way
Start by getting one to-do out of the way. Finishing a task at the start of your
workday can set the tone for getting things done the rest of the day.
Motivate yourself. Set up a reward mid-morning to give you something to aim
for as you’re working.
Put yourself in a productive state of mind. Instead of focusing on how much
you have to do or how busy you are, jump into it with the attitude that you excel at
getting things done.
Fuel your body. Breakfast isn’t optional. Focus on lean proteins and some
fruit for the jolt you need.
Schedule your calls. Talking on the phone can eat up more time than you
want it to, so make your phone calls tasks and block out specific times to make
Ignore the phone. After your scheduled calls, put your smartphone aside.
Limit Internet time. It’s important to be well-read and informed, but after you’ve
checked the headlines, there’s no reason to go back to them when you’ve got work
to be done.
Stay positive. Focus on your work and those who can help, and let the
others go.
Adapted from “8 Smart Things Super-Productive People Do Each Morning”, John Brandon, Inc.
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
February 2016
Have You Met Our Newest Reps?
Submitted by Shari Schiffman, 2015-2016 Membership Director, representing John Daugherty, Realtors
Ashley Burney, representing Pape-Dawson Engineers,
is Administrative Assistant assisting all project managers
with projects from the basics of creating proposals to
helping with pay estimates and invoicing. Currently, she
is moving towards a more HR-related position within the
branch and is also applying to a Master’s program for HR.
Pape-Dawson Engineers is a civil engineering firm that
helps to create plans for residential and commercial
clients, helps with developing communities, and even with
designing fast food restaurants. The firm is also very
active in the community.
Ashley is originally from Corpus Christi. She attended
Texas A&M University in College Station and moved to Houston in 2014. She loves that Houston
has so much to offer in ways of events and culture and loves going to all the concerts that are
held around town and visiting museums.
She says that she is very excited to network and create new friendships and contacts in EWI of
Houston. From the chapter meeting that she attended, she could see the comradery through the
interaction and stories told when the new officers were being installed that this is an amazing
René Cardy, representing ConocoPhillips, is Executive
Assistant to Al Hirshberg, EVP, Technology and Projects. René
joins her other ConocoPhillips co-workers in EWI of Houston,
Josette George and Shayne Abramowitz. ConocoPhillips is an
American multinational energy corporation with its headquarters in
Houston. They are the world’s largest independent pure-play E&P
company and are a Fortune 500 company focused on the energy
business in the regulated and non-regulated sectors.
René was born in Augusta, GA and has lived all over the south.
She currently resides in Richmond and serves as an active POA
member in charge of the community Easter egg hunt and
Christmas lights contest, among other things. She has two children,
a son who graduated college and went on to continue his education
as a medical officer in training with the Army. He is now attending
Ranger school. Her daughter attends college at UC (University of Cincinnati – CCM – College
Conservatory of Music). René also says that she has to mention her sweet fur babies, 3 dogs
(Maggers, Belle-Belle and Polar Bear) and an outside cat, Harley.
René enjoys traveling and is always on the lookout for antiques as well as enjoying painting,
baking, cooking for friends and family, and loves a good game of Bunco!
About EWI of Houston, René is looking forward to developing new friendships and learning as
much as she can from other professional, inspiring ladies.
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
February 2016
Have You Met Our Newest Reps?
Submitted by Shari Schiffman, 2015-2016 Membership Director, representing John Daugherty, Realtors
Cerlyn Tobias, representing GlobalGround Transport, is
Operations Specialist & Training Mentor, assisting clients with
bookings and setting up new accounts, following up with clients
regarding their experience, and offering hand-held account
GlobalGround Transport offers secure ground transportation services
to corporate aviation companies.
They offer services from
professional chauffeured car service to security services such as
executive protection and armoured vehicles. Their goal is to provide
their clients with peace of mind when confirming chauffeur services.
Cerlyn was born in the Philippines, then moved to Houston with her
mother, sister and brother in 2000. She loves the diversity in
Houston and all of the different types of places to eat. She also has
recently discovered a love for arts and crafts.
Cerlyn is very excited about getting involved in EWI of Houston, an organization where she can
not only give back to the community but also meet individuals in the same professional fields as
her clients.
Erica Zack, representing Houstonian Hotel, Club & Spa, is
Executive Assistant in the office of the hotel’s General Manager
and is liason for the Executive Committee on the campus. Erica
joins her co-worker, Jessica Witek, in EWI of Houston. The
Houstonian Hotel is a 289 room four-star luxury hotel nestled in 18
acres of beautifully wooded landscape. The campus includes an
exclusive private health club and Trellis, the spa. Trellis is one of
Texas’ select four-star spas offering 100 treatments of pure bliss.
Its mission is to passionately serve others in a luxurious and
relaxing environment.
Erica is originally from Houston and has lived in St. Louis, San
Diego and Florida. While living in San Diego, she was Assistant
Director of a destination spa called the Golden Door, responsible
for all mind/body activities of the spa including facilitating private
and group couseling programs and sessions. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in
Business from the University of Houston, and a Master’s in Counseling from the University of
Missouri-St. Louis.
Erica enjoys movies, books, politics, Mah Jongg, animals, exercise, and time with good friends
and family. She looks forward to the opportunity to network with like minded professionals and
to the educational learning opportunities in EWI of Houston.
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
February 2016
In Memoriam
Submitted by Carole Pitts, 2015-2016 Communications Director, representing John Daugherty, Realtors
We remember EWI of Houston Executive, Jerry Finger, Managing Partner of Finger
Interests, who passed away Wednesday, February 3, 2016. We also remember his family
and our fellow EWI of Houston rep, Susan Yates, in our thoughts and prayers.
Jerome "Jerry" Elliott Finger
Jerry Elliott Finger passed away on the 3rd of February 2016,
after a life well lived. He died surrounded by, and comforted by
friends and family. His death was caused by complications
from emphysema. Jerry lived a full life that included many
achievements and experiences, but none were greater than the
relationships he enjoyed with friends, family, associates and business partners, students and the many lives
he touched and made better by his enthusiasm and generous heart.
He was born on the 11th of October 1932, in Houston, Texas to Hyman and Bessie Finger. He was later
joined by his two brothers, Marvy and Ronny, to whom he was close to his entire life. Growing up, he
attended Sutton Elementary School and later attended military school at Allen Academy in Bryan, Texas for
part of his middle school years. He only ran away once from Allen Academy, and it was because he had the
flu and came home to get proper care from his mother. He attended high school at San Jacinto High School
and graduated in 1949. Only seventeen upon graduation from high school, he attended Williston Academy
in East Hampton, MA in 1950 for an additional year of study, and during that time, spent a summer with his
Uncle Tobias Gordon in Wharton, Texas, where he developed a life-long passion for reading.
He attended Tulane University for two years before transferring to the Wharton School at the University of
Pennsylvania, and graduating with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics in 1954. While at Wharton, he
was enrolled in naval officer training school and upon graduation, he enlisted in the Navy. He served from
1954 to 1956 on the U.S.S. Bottineau, an amphibious transport ship, as a line officer with the rank of
Lieutenant Junior Grade. Just after graduating from Wharton, he married Nanette Breitenbach of Houston,
Texas, and they were immediately stationed at a naval base in Norfolk, VA. where their first son Richard was
born in 1956.
From his experience in the Navy, Jerry developed a life-long love of the sea, boats, sailing and anything
nautical, including grog. After leaving the Navy in 1956, Jerry & Nanette returned home to Houston and
began to raise their family. He began his career in the accounting department at Finger Furniture, working
with his father, Hyman, in building the business. Because his thesis at Wharton had been about retail
financing, Jerry had a strong understanding about banking. Although still young, he took many trips to New
York and Chicago to help arrange financing for Finger Furniture with major New York banks. In 1960, his
father left the furniture business he had founded in 1926, and Jerry followed. While Jerry found success as
an entrepreneur in a variety of ventures, the twins Walter and Jonathan were born in 1959, and with a
growing family, he needed what he referred to as a steady paycheck on the "1st and 15th". He liked the
simplicity of the banking business where you earned a spread over your cost of funds and closed the books
every day.
In those days, it was difficult to get a bank charter. One had to prove there was a need, and not too much
competition in a certain market area. His first two bank charter applications were denied. That did not deter
Jerry. On his third try, he was awarded a charter to establish a bank at 5200 North Shepard Drive, and he
founded Republic National Bank in 1963. In those days, that part of North Shepard drive was a strip of used
car dealers and junk yards, and Jerry had to work tirelessly to grow his bank. Nonetheless, Jerry persevered
and proved to be a good judge of character, both in the people he hired and in the people to whom he chose
to loan money. As Houston grew during the 1960's and 1970's, so did Republic NationaBank. He opened two
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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February 2016
EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
In Memoriam (cont’d.)
new banks in the early 1970's near FM 1960, and changed the name to Charter National Bank to avoid
confusion with a larger bank in Dallas of the same name. During these times, he also worked with his
brothers, Marvy and Ronny, helping them raise money for a number of their earlier apartment projects. Jerry's
knowledge of banking and real estate prepared him well for the challenges he faced in the mid-1980's when
Houston experienced a prolonged economic downturn. A drop in oil prices coupled with overbuilding led to a
drop in real estate prices and a banking crisis. Jerry fought tirelessly to save his company, and would often
recount that when he got knocked down, he kept getting up and continued to fight. He was realistic about
loans that turned sour, and he worked with borrowers when he could and took losses when he had to. He did
not rely on the hope of a better tomorrow, but rather he took affirmative action to improve his position. The
result was that his bank was the largest locally owned bank in Houston not to fail or be taken over by an out
of state bank during the 1980's downturn. This was an achievement that Jerry was extremely proud of and
also earned him great respect in the Houston business community. After the banking crisis, Jerry grew
Charter Bank through a number of acquisitions before selling his company to NationsBank in 1996.
After banking, Jerry set up a family office, but also devoted a goodly part of his energies to philanthropy and
to teaching. He often said that "he had had a good roll and held the dice for a long time". He understood how
fortunate he was to have done well, been healthy and enjoyed a full life. He felt very strongly that he had a
duty to give back to the community. He taught Entrepreneurship, and later Real Estate Development, as an
Adjunct Professor at the Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University for 19 years before retiring in
2015. He loved imparting to his students the many lessons he had learned and wisdom he had acquired from
both his successes and failures in business over the years. He always taught his students the importance of
weighing the potential risk vs. potential reward in business and in life. He tried to help his students in any
way, often connecting them with prospective employers and giving them steady, old fashioned
encouragement to believe in their own abilities. It was a reflection of how he lived his life; he always believed
in the strength of the individual to change their situation and the many possibilities in life. To Jerry, few things
were impossible.
In philanthropy, in addition to his financial support for so many causes, he gave both of his time and his
energy. On many of the charitable boards he served on, he offered his (sometimes unsolicited) advice and
business experience on what not-for-profit organizations needed to be successful. He served on many
corporate and philanthropic boards, often in leadership positions, including The Foundation for the National
Archives in Washington, D.C., The Aspen Institute, The Anderson Ranch Arts Center, The Alley Theatre, The
Wharton Graduate School Board, University of Pennsylvania, Texas A&M University at Galveston, The
Williston Northampton School, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Methodist Center for the Performing Arts
Medicine, Rice University – Jones School Council of Overseers, Theatre Masters – Aspen, InPrint Houston,
Young President Organization, Chief Executives Organization, World Presidents Organization, Houston
Community College, Houston Lighthouse for the Blind, Houston Youth Symphony and Ballet, Contemporary
Arts Museum-Houston, Houston Clearing House Association, Wortham Theatre Center, The Heritage
Society, Coastal Industrial Water Authority, Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Houston Area Girl
Scouts Council, Memorial Hermann Hospital Foundation, National Board of the Aspen Art Museum, Texas
Bankers Association, Gulf Resources & Chemical Co., Gulf Republic Financial Corp., Texas Commerce
Bank/Reagan, Beaumont Savings & Loan Association, Home Savings & Loan Association, VectraBankColorado, Southwest Mortgage & Realty, National Standard Bank, United Foods, and SMC Industries.
As well as his success in business and his service to the community, he was a loving husband, father and
grandfather. Jerry and Nanette enjoyed a long and fruitful marriage of over 62 years, and together they raised
three sons, Richard, Walter and Jonathan, of whom he was very proud. A demanding and loving parent, he
saw his mission as a father was to prepare them for the challenges they might face in in life with love and
support. He and Nanette exposed them to as many things as possible and gave them every educational
opportunity. Aspen and Galveston were very special to Jerry. Jerry and Nanette enjoyed spending time at
their homes in Galveston and Aspen, and loved to entertain guests and friends at their homes there. He and
Nanette were known as gracious hosts to many, and their home was always open to friends in need. They
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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February 2016
EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
In Memoriam (cont’d.)
also travelled extensively, often with the Young Presidents Organization, and made friends from all over the
In addition to Nanette and his sons, he is survived by ten grandchildren, Evans, Kerbey and Bennett Finger
(Walter & Toni), Robert, Nathaniel and Carson Finger (Jonathan & Karen), and Arianna, Ava and Anabelle
Finger and Quentin Baxter (Richard Finger and Martha Baxter Finger). His is also survived by his brother,
Marvy Finger and his wife Elaine and nephews and nieces Jill Jewett (Dunham), Edward Finger, Scott
Finger, Jan Geniesse (Tom), Karen Sachar (Jon), Nanette McWhertor (Marty), and Jerry Maltz (Ann).
The family would like to thank Jerry's many friends who visited and supported him during his long illness.
They would also like to thank his caregiver and friend, Laura Diaz, his caregiver Ken Hall and his loyal doctors, Dr. Holly Holmes and Dr. Marcia Katz.
The memorial service is to be conducted at twelve o'clock noon Friday, the 5th of February 2016, in the
sanctuary of Congregation Beth Israel, 5600 North Braeswood Boulevard in Houston, where Senior Rabbi
David A. Lyon and Cantor Daniel Mutlu are to officiate. Immediately following, all are invited to greet the
family during a reception in the adjacent Wolff –Toomin Hall.
Prior to the service, the family will have gathered for a private interment at Beth Israel Memorial Gardens in
In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to the Jerry & Nanette Finger Family Veterans Scholarship Fund
at the Jones Graduate School of Business - Rice University. Contact Kat Engleman at 713-348-3982 for
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
February 2016
Communications Report
Submitted by Carole Pitts, 2015-2016 Communications Director, representing John Daugherty, Realtors
The January 2016 EWIConnect was distributed on Tuesday, January 12, 2016. Special thanks
to the following contributors:
Linda Petticrew, Shell Energy Resources Company
Donna Gurney, JLT Specialty USA
Shayne Abramowitz, ConocoPhillips
Patti Strawther, James J. Postl Interests
Kay Bart, Skerl & Associates
Kori Peters, Hilcorp Energy Company
Erin Brown, Osha Liang LLC
Lindsey Duhon, Hilcorp Energy Company
Shari Schiffman, John Daugherty, Realtors
The deadline for submitting articles for the March issue of EWIConnect is Friday, February 19,
2016. Please forward news articles to Carole Pitts at [email protected].
Membership Report
Submitted by Shari Schiffman, 2015-2016 Membership Director, representing John Daugherty, Realtors
Membership Status as of January 19, 2016
Member Firms
1 Life Member
Representatives (5 pending)
5 Honorary Members
Sustaining Members
0 Transitional Members
Total Number of Representatives – 128
Firms with 3 Representatives: 5
Firms with 2 Representatives: 17
Firms with 1 Representative:
Member Firms with a single rep, and rep is pending: 1
New Representatives:
Ashley Burney – Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc.
René Cardy – ConocoPhillips
Cerlyn Tobias – GlobalGround Transport
Rep Resignations
Kathy Hibbard – United Way of Greater Houston
New Firms
GlobalGround Transport
Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc.
Firm Resignations
Deloitte Services, LP
Eschelon Advisors
NRG Energy, Inc.
St. Regis Houston
United Way of Greater Houston
Sustaining Member Resignations
Jackie Loafman
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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February 2016
EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Fundraising Report
Submitted by Lindsey Duhon, 2015-2016 Fundraising Director, representing Hilcorp Energy
The Fundraising Committee had a successful door prize drawing on January 14 at the Magnolia
Hotel. Many thanks to our ticket sellers: Alyssa Aboloff representing Sullivan Group, Sarah Smith
representing JW Marriott Houston Downtown, Elizabeth Norwood representing PwC, and Michele
Votano representing Atlantic Relocation Systems. They worked very hard selling the tickets and did
a wonderful job in raising $465 in ticket sales. Thanks to Alyssa Aboloff and Sarah Smith for
announcing our winners!
The 2015-2016 Fundraising Committee would like to thank the following representatives for
supporting our chapter by graciously donating the following wonderful door prizes:
Four tickets to see the Houston Rockets play the Washington Wizards on Saturday, January 30,
2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Toyota Center.
* Courtesy of Josette George representing ConocoPhillips
Gift Certificate for a One-Night Stay at Magnolia Hotel
* Courtesy of Magnolia Hotel
Gift Card to the new iPic Movie Theater
* Courtesy of Alyssa Aboloff representing Sullivan Group
Gift Card to Backstreet Café / Hugo’s / Prego / Caracol
* Courtesy of Backstreet Café
Gift Card to Hugo’s
* Courtesy of Natalie Young representing VisitHouston
Visa Gift Card
* Courtesy of Carole Pitts and Shari Schiffman representing John Daugherty, Realtors
Floral Arrangement from Lexis Florist & a Gift Card to Pappa’s Restaurants
* Courtesy of Sue Habib (Executive) representing Lexis Florist and
* Courtesy of La Tonya Barnum representing TransCanada
Godiva Chocolates
* Courtesy of Susan Silverman representing MetroMarketing
Next Committee Meeting:
Tuesday, January 26, at Hilcorp Energy Company (and by phone)
Click this link to shop Amazon via AmazonSmile and 0.5% of eligible purchases will go to EWI of
Stephanie Cleary has set-up our AmazonSmile account for direct deposit to the chapter. Direct deposits will be made once amount reaches $5.
Shopping link: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/74-2456833
Account Information:
User Email: [email protected]
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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February 2016
EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Fundraising Report (cont’d.)
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
13 | Page
February 2016
EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Submitted by Carole Pitts, 2015-2016 Communications Director, representing John Daugherty, Realtors
The Magnolia Hotel was a beautiful setting for January’s EWI of Houston chapter meeting. A festive
happy hour kicked off the evening after which we took our seats in the Magnolia’s lovely Sterling
Room. Linda Petticrew, Chapter President, representing Shell Energy Resources Company,
extended a warm welcome to us, and especially to the executives and guests who were in
attendance. She then proceeded to give us some history. In January 1957, the Houston chapter of
EWI was chartered, making our chapter 59 years old! Also in 1957, a new house cost $12,225 and
the average income was $4,594 per year. Wow! Linda shared several more interesting historical
facts about 1957 and about events that happened on January 14 th in the past.
In her regular “Did You Know” segment, Linda told us about the confidential e-mails she sends,
titled Firm Posting Confidential. She sends an e-mail like this when we have a firm that is interested
in joining EWI. It is a requirement to notify all our member firms that a new firm would like to join our
organization. If your firm has any objection, then the executive of record for your firm should send a
letter to the EWI of Houston Chapter President. Your firm’s objection will be sent to the board and
voted on at a board meeting. The executive of record who sent the letter will then be notified of the
board’s decision. She also encouraged us to contact our mentors, one of our board members, or
her if we have any questions.
Linda then welcomed Tia Norman, representing Professional Sports Partners, to the podium who
delivered a beautiful, heart-felt invocation after which we enjoyed a variety of food set up in stations
throughout the room and the cocktail area. Judging by the remarks that I heard, the Frito Pie was a
big hit!
While we were finishing our dinners, Linda called Erin Brown, representing Osha Liang LLC, our
2015-2016 Program Director to the podium where she introduced our very special guest speaker,
Sallie Sargent, Executive Director of the Houston Host Committee for Super Bowl LI (51) which will
be held in Houston in 2017. Erin thanked Sandy Gracia, representing Houston First Corporation, for
introducing EWI of Houston to Sallie.
Sallie started her presentation by explaining that she has
been very fortunate to be involved with a lot of major sporting
events but this is the first time that she will have been
involved from the very beginning of an event with the six
month bidding cycle (she was appointed in 2013 as the
Executive Director for Houston’s efforts to secure Super Bowl
in 2017) through to the end (she has been retained in the
same position to develop the strategic plan for the Houston
Host Committee to stage Super Bowl LI).
Sallie said she is from Phoenix but Houston has quickly become her second home. She considers
Houston to be “Phoenix on steroids.” She explained a little bit about the bidding process for the
Super Bowl. It began in May of 2013 and, calling it the worst school project ever, the bid was 153
pages long! Sallie, who offices at EWI of Houston member firm Houston First Corporation, has had
great community support from city and county leaders as well as those in the private sector. She
gave a tremendous amount of credit to Houston Texans owner, Bob McNair.
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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February 2016
EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Among the many requirements a city must meet in order to bid for a Super Bowl is to have 19,000
hotel rooms under contract, a contract with every venue that holds 1,000 people or more, 750
buses, 500 limousines and both city and county resolutions.
Sallie explained that the Host Committee is the liason between the NFL, the city and county. Their
goal is to showcase the best parts of the city to the NFL, the nation and the world. She has already
met with some of the press, telling us that NBC was in town the week before and was very excited
to see the layout of Houston and how much open space there is in which to set up.
As well as the game itself, the Host Committee will feature “Super Bowl Central,” a 10 day fan
festival which will be free to the public. Anchored at Discovery Green, Super Bowl Central will
highlight Houston’s downtown area and one of its many green areas. The 2017 Host Committee’s
theme is the future. Sallie hinted at a partnership with NASA for a WOW FACTOR. How interesting
will that be? I am certainly looking forward to knowing what that will be. When Indianapolis hosted
the Super Bowl, the wow factor for their fan fest was a zip line through their downtown area. One
million people are expected to visit Super Bowl Central during the 10 days. Wow! Of course, on top
of that, there is the approximate 150,000 people expected for the game. Sallie explained that, while
it certainly costs a lot to host a Super Bowl, the positive economic impact to the area is undeniable.
Phoenix estimated their economy was bolstered by over $700 million.
Not only does the economy feel an immediate impact, but with the over 3 billion media impressions,
Houston is certain to benefit from the experience for years to come. Plus, the NFL requires that
$1,000,000 goes back to the community for charitable organizations and that is matched by the
NFL. Looking at these numbers, Bob McNair raised the bar to $2,000,000, which will still be
matched, so $4,000,000 will benefit area charities!
Erin Brown then sat down with Sallie in a talk-show format and asked her questions which had been
previously submitted by our Chapter. One question asked to Sallie was, what advice would her
current self give to her former self. At first, she jokingly said, “Listen to your mother.” Then she
said, “don’t ever pass up an opportunity.” Then, seriously, she said, “Listen to your mother!”
What a great opportunity for Houston and what a great speaker Sallie is.
presentation she gave!
And what a great
Linda Petticrew brought Shari Schiffman, representing John Daugherty, Realtors, our 2015-2016
Membership Director, to the podium to introduce 4 new members (meet them again on pages 6 and
7), then Lindsey Duhon, representing Hilcorp Energy Company, our 2015-2016 Fundraising
Director, came to the podium to conduct the drawing for the evening’s door prizes.
Most definitely, January’s chapter meeting was a wonderful evening which highlighted our fabulous
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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February 2016
EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Linda Petticrew, Shell Energy Resources Company;
EWI of Houston Past President 2007, Melissa Ford
Cindy Joutraw, CenterPoint Energy, Inc.
Kay Bart, Skerl & Associates;
Executive: Mitch Daniels, Media Distributors, Inc.
Theresa Smith, Quanex Building Products Corporation;
Debra Dias, PwC;
Tasha Pirzad, Sewell Automotive Companies
Erin Brown, Osha Liang LLP;
Sarah Smith, JW Marriott Houston Downtown
Deborah Jones, CenterPoint Energy, Inc.
Guest: Linda Drummand;
Susan Silverman, MetroMarketing Services, Inc.
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
February 2016
Donna Jones, Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty
Mildred Loyd, Mustang Machinery Company, Ltd.
René Cardy, ConocoPhillips
Shari Schiffman, John Daugherty, Realtors
Guests: Megan Lesser and John Kelly,
Houston Host Committee - Super Bowl LI
Cerlyn Tobias, GlobalGround Transport
Guest: Kembely Garcia
Guest: Rachel Petticrew
Linda Petticrew, Shell Energy Resources Company
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
17 | Page
EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
February 2016
Liz Palacios and LaTonya Barnum, TransCanada
Kathy Neal, Shell Oil Products US
Executive: Mitch Daniels, Media Distributors, Inc.
Stephanie Cleary, Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty
Executive: Mary Margaret Carroll, MMCarroll & Associates
Lindsey Duhon, Hilcorp Energy Company
Sarah Smith, JW Marriott Houston Downtown
Danny Silva, Metro Star
Rosemary Powers, Wells Fargo Bank
Sara Waguespack, John Daugherty, Realtors
Barbara Stokes, Amegy Bank N.A.
Delynn Walker, Texas Southern University
Carole Pitts, John Daugherty, Realtors
Charlotte Daigle, American Cancer Society
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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February 2016
EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Delynn Walker
Tia Norman
Lily Portales
Donette Reil
Michele Votano
Erica Zack
Carole Pitts
Cindy Joutraw
Staci Posten
Nellie Kerbow
Sandy Gracia
Shannon Martinez
February 2
February 4
February 6
February 10
February 15
February 16
February 21
February 25
February 25
February 26
February 28
February 28
Member Firm Anniversaries
Houston First
13 years!
13 years!
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
12 years!
Texas Southern University
11 years!
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
February 2016
Officers and Directors
Shell Energy Resources Company
[email protected]
Martha Turner Sotheby’s
International Realty
[email protected]
Linda Petticrew
Stephanie Cleary
Carole Pitts
John Daugherty, Realtors
[email protected]
Theresa Smith
Lindsey Duhon
Quanex Building Products
[email protected]
Hilcorp Energy Company
[email protected]
Osha Liang LLP
[email protected]
John Daugherty, Realtors
[email protected]
Minuteman Press Post Oak
[email protected]
Donna Gurney
JLT Speciality USA
[email protected]
Erin Brown
Shari Schiffman
Marji Zamora
Jessica Witek
Redstone Group
[email protected]
Kay Bart
Skerl & Associates
[email protected]
Past President 2003
Kori Peters
Hilcorp Energy Company
[email protected]
Past President 2014
Katherine Brown
Martha Turner Sotheby’s
International Realty
[email protected]
Past President 2000
Carolyn Noack
[email protected]
Past President 2015
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
February 2016
Committee Chairs
Hilcorp Energy Company
[email protected]
Lily Portales
Erlinda Quintanilla
Austin Industrial, Inc.
[email protected]
[email protected]
CenterPoint Energy, Inc.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Schlumberger Limited
[email protected]
Amegy Bank N.A.
[email protected]
Skerl & Associates
[email protected]
Houston First Corporation
[email protected]
Jackson and Company
[email protected]
Cindy Joutraw
Barbara Stokes
Elisa Garcia
Carolyn Noack
Rebekah Robles
[email protected]
Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty
[email protected]
Donna Jones
Sewell Automotive Companies
[email protected]
Professional Sports Partners
[email protected]
Tasha Pirzad
Cheri Ferguson
Kay Bart
Shayne Abramowitz
Kori Peters
Tia Norman
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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