Pitched roofing and cladding: Innovative fastening
Pitched roofing and cladding: Innovative fastening
Pitched roofing and cladding: Innovative fastening systems and application expertise V3 Content 1 Application index 2 Product index How to find the right solution? We propose you three different ways to find the correct fastener or system for your specific needs. Search by Table of contents The fastest way to identify the right fastener specification, using this compact guide to products and applications. Table of contents 1 Application index Roofing and cladding 3 2 Product index Single and twin skin construction Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Single and twin skin construction Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Standing seam Carbon steel self drilling fasteners TDA-S / TDB-S / TDC-S / TDA-T / TDB-T TDBL-T / GA-AS / GA-BS / HSS Self drilling and tapping fasteners SCF / SCFW / SCFW-S / TDA-S / TDB-S HG-S / LL-S / HG-T / HSS Rivet technology RV6604 / RV6603 / PolyGrip® / ATO / ASO SSO / ATC / ASC / SSC / HSS Flashing Tools and accessories 6 11 12 r s fo New ccess. su your 13 14 Attachment 03/2014 Application index Pitched roofing and cladding 1 Composite panels Application index 1 Pitched roofing and cladding Single skin sheet to steel purlins Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Pos-Nr. Type 7 9 10 CF400 / CF55 / CF40 / CF40-AC18V / DI650 DB620 / AccuBird® / PowerBird® / HN 2-BT SN-2 / Accessories Services and Business solutions Standing seam 8 Corner bracket B / SDS / FAZ II / FBN II / FUR / SXR / SXS MDH / MDD / SW-T / SW3-T-H15 / SD / SD-H15 / SLA SX / SDA / ASO / AP / ASO / SSO / SLA-D12 / TW-S / TW-A4 EPDM / SX / GA-AS / GA-BS / SCFW-S / TU-S / Profiles Fasteners and rivets Tools and accessories 5 7 Self tapping fasteners Steel and timber construction Rainscreen cladding 6 SDT / SD / SDTW / SL2-T / SD-D10 SW-D10 LS / EB / LD Sealants Carbon steel self drilling fasteners 5 SXC / SX / SXCW / SXW / SL2-S SLG-S / SD2-S / SX-D10 LS / EB / LD Sealants Corrugated fibre cement sheet 4 SDK-S / SL3-S / SX / TDA-S / TDB-S RV6604 Rivets Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Single and twin skin construction 3 SD / SDT / SDRT2 / SD-H15 / SW-T SW3-T / SW3-T-H15 / SL2-T / SL / SL-H15 SC / SCN / SD2-S11 Pipe flashing / Sealants MF / MULTI-FLASH / LS / EB / LD Carbon steel self drilling fasteners Composite panels 4 SX / SXW / SW2-S / SW-A SLG-S / SL2-S / SL2-A Pipe flashing / Sealants MF / MULTI-FLASH / LS / EB / LD Material Stainless steel Carbon steel 1 SX - 2 SLG-S - 3 SL2 - 4 SXC - 5 SD 6 SL2-T - Aluminium Chapter - 3 - 3 3 - 6 - 4 - 4 Single skin sheet to timber purlins Composite panels Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter 1 SXW - - 3 2 SL2-S - - Pos-Nr. Type Carbon steel self drilling fasteners Material Stainless steel 3 3 SLG-S - - 4 SW2-S - - 5 SXCW - - 6 6 SW-T - - 4 7 SL2-T - - 4 8 SW-A - - Stainless steel Search by Application index A useful application guide is devided into the different fastener uses, giving the corresponding chapter. 3 3 3 Standing seam system to steel purlins and structural deck 8 Steel and timber construction Material Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter 1 SDK2-S - - 5 2 SDK3-S - - 3 TDA-S - - 4 TDB-S - - 5 5 SX - - 3/5 6 SD - 4 Pos-Nr. Type - 5 5 03 /2014 9 Corrugated fibre cement sheet 2 Pitched roofing and cladding Material Stainless steel Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter SX SXW SW2-S SW-A SL2-S SL2-A SL3-S SLG-S SD Rivet technology SDRT2 SD-H15 SW-T SW3-T SW-H15 SL2-T SL SC SCN SD2-S11 SDK2-S SDK3-S SL3-S 11 SXCW SXW Rainscreen cladding SD2-S-D7 SDT SDTW SD3-D10 SW2-D10 03/2014 13 14 - - 3/6 - 3/4/6 - - 3/5/6/11 - 3/6 4/7/11 - - - - 4 - - 4/11 - - 4/11 - - 4/7 - - 4 - - 4 - - 5 - - 5 - - 6 - - - - 6 SXC SD14-D10 12 Product index Pitched roofing and cladding Product index Type 10 1. 1 2 Search by Product index A comprehensive specification aid with product drawings and corresponding chapters. 6 - - 7 - - 7 - - 7 - - 7 - - 7 2. 1 Tools and accessories Service and Business solutions r s fo ss. w e N ucce rs you Contact information SFS intec AG, Division Construction Rosenbergsaustrasse 10, CH-9435 Heerbrugg T +41 71 727 57 22, F +41 71 727 56 99 [email protected], www.sfsintec.biz Attachment 03/2014 Table of contents Application index 1 Product index 2 Roofing and cladding Stainless steel self drilling fasteners SX / SXW / SW2-S / SW-A SLG-S / SL2-S / SL2-A Pipe flashing / Sealants MF / MULTI-FLASH / LS / EB / LD Single and twin skin construction Standing seam SD / SDT / SDRT2 / SD-H15 / SW-T SW3-T / SW3-T-H15 / SL2-T / SL / SL-H15 SC / SCN / SD2-S11 Pipe flashing / Sealants MF / MULTI-FLASH / LS / EB / LD Carbon steel self drilling fasteners Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Composite panels Carbon steel self drilling fasteners SDT / SD / SDTW / SL2-T / SD-D10 SW-D10 Self tapping fasteners TDA-S / TDB-S / TDC-S / TDA-T / TDB-T TDBL-T / GA-AS / GA-BS / HSS Self drilling and tapping fasteners SCF / SCFW / SCFW-S / TDA-S / TDB-S HG-S / LL-S / HG-T / HSS Rivet technology RV6604 / RV6603 / PolyGrip® / ATO / ASO SSO / ATC / ASC / SSC / HSS Steel and timber construction Flashing Rainscreen cladding SXC / SX / SXCW / SXW / SL2-S SLG-S / SD2-S / SX-D10 LS / EB / LD Sealants Corrugated fibre cement sheet 5 LS / EB / LD Sealants Fasteners and rivets Corner bracket B / SDS / FAZ II / FBN II / FUR / SXR / SXS MDH / MDD / SW-T / SW3-T-H15 / SD / SD-H15 / SLA SX / SDA / ASO / AP / ASO / SSO / SLA-D12 / TW-S / TW-A4 EPDM / SX / GA-AS / GA-BS / SCFW-S / TU-S / Profiles Tools and accessories Tools and accessories 4 SDK-S / SL3-S / SX / TDA-S / TDB-S RV6604 Rivets 3 CF400 / CF55 / CF40 / CF40-AC18V / DI650 DB620 / AccuBird® / PowerBird® / HN 2-BT SN-2 / Accessories r s fo ss. w e N ucce rs you Services and Business solutions 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Attachment 03/2014 Business Solutions Roofing and Cladding Make life easier for yourself with the complete spectrum of support from SFS intec. Finely-honed fastening solutions are only one part of the comprehensive support package offered by SFS intec. Whether it‘s a new build or restoration project, we support you all the way from the planning phase through to the construction phase, with a complete money-saving service package. In Chapter 13, learn more about how working with SFS intec can make your job so much easier. Innovative Business Solutions By improving efficiencies all along the collaboration chain one can: reduce costs optimise processes transparent information flows © SFS intec, iRC, 02/14, 903 425, E/Int. Technical changes reserved Printed in Switzerland We are keen to work with you closely on your specific needs; developing optimum solutions for your particular requirements. Business Solutions from SFS intec simply make life easier. For more information see Chapter 13. Important: Note for specifiers The details stated are results of tests and/or calculations and therefore are non-binding and do not represent guaranties or warranted characteristics for not specified applications. All calculations therefore have to be checked and approved by the responsible planner ahead of execution. The user is responsible to assure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. 03/2014 Application index Pitched roofing and cladding 1 Application index 1 Pitched roofing and cladding Single skin sheet to steel purlins Pos-Nr. Type Stainless steel Material Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter 1 SX - - 3 2 SLG-S - - 3 3 SL2 - 4 SXC - 5 SD - 6 SL2-T - 3 - 6 - 4 - 4 Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter Single skin sheet to timber purlins Pos-Nr. Type Stainless steel Material 1 SXW - - 3 2 SL2-S - - 3 3 SLG-S - - 3 4 SW2-S - - 3 5 SXCW - - 6 6 SW-T - - 4 7 SL2-T - - 4 8 SW-A - - 3 Standing seam system to steel purlins and structural deck Pos-Nr. Type 03 /2014 Stainless steel Material Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter 1 SDK2-S - - 5 2 SDK3-S - - 5 3 TDA-S - - 5 4 TDB-S - - 5 5 SX - - 3/5 6 SD - 4 - 1. 1 Application index Pitched roofing and cladding 1 Composite panel to timber and steel purlins Pos-Nr. Type Stainless steel Material Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter 1 SXC - - 6 2 SXCW - - 6 3 SLG-S - - 6 4 SL2-S - - 6 5 SDT - - 7 6 SDTW - - 7 7 SL2-T - - 7 Aluminium Chapter - 9 - 9 - 9 Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter - - 3/5/6 - 4/7 - 6 - 4/7 Fibre cement sheet to timber and steel purlins Pos-Nr. Type 1 SCFW 2 SCFW-S 3 SCF Stainless steel - Material Carbon steel Built-up construction using zed bars on structural metal deck 1. 2 Pos-Nr. Type Stainless steel Material 1 SX 2 SD 3 SXC 4 SDT 5 SLG-S - - 3 6 SL2-S - - 3 7 SL2-T - - 4 8 RV6604 - - - 03/2014 5 / 10 Application index Pitched roofing and cladding 1 Twin skin construction Pos-Nr. Type Stainless steel Material Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter 1 SX - - 3 2 SXC - - 6 3 SLG-S - - 3 4 SL2-S - - 3 5 SD - - 4 6 SDT - - 7 7 SL2-T - - 4 8 SD2-S11 - - 4 Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter - 3 Timber to steel purlins and sheet to timber purlins Pos-Nr. Type Stainless steel Material 1 SXW - 2 SW2 - 3 SW-T - - 4 4 SCN - - 4 5 SC - - 4 Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter - - 5 3 Clipfix system to timber and steel purlins Pos-Nr. Type 03 /2014 Stainless steel Material 1 SX-D12 2 SD - - 4 3 SC - - 4 1. 3 Application index Pitched roofing and cladding 1 Liner tray to steel rails Pos-Nr. Type Stainless steel Material Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter 1 SD - - 4 2 SL - - 4 Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter - - 3 Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter Single skin sheet to liner tray Pos-Nr. Type 1 Stainless steel SX Pos-Nr. Type Stainless steel Material Single skin sheet to steel rails 1. 4 Material 1 SX - - 3 2 SLG-S - - 3 3 SL2-S - - 3 4 SD - - 4 5 SL2-T - - 4 03/2014 Application index Pitched roofing and cladding 1 Composite wall panel to steel and timber rails Pos-Nr. Type Stainless steel Material Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter 1 SXC - - 6 2 SXCW - - 6 3 SDT - - 7 4 SDTW - - 7 Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter - - 6 - 7 Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter - - 3 - 4 Concealed fixing of composite wall panels to steel rails Pos-Nr. Type 1 SX 2 SD Stainless steel - Material Built-up construction using ferrules and zed bars Pos-Nr. Type 1 SX 2 SD Stainless steel - Material 03 /2014 1. 5 Application index Pitched roofing and cladding 1 Side lap clamping and flashing Pos-Nr. Type Stainless steel Material Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter 1 SL2-S - - 3 1 SLG -S - - 3 2 Rivets 3 SL2-T - 4 RV6604 - - - 10 4 5 / 10 Architectural profiled sheet to steel rails Pos-Nr. Type 1 SX 2 SD Stainless steel - Material Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter - - 11 - 4 Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter - - 11 - 4 Twin skin construction to steel Pos-Nr. Type 1. 6 1 SX 2 SD Stainless steel - Material 03/2014 Application index Pitched roofing and cladding 1 Side lap clamping GRP and PVC Pos-Nr. Type 1 LL-S Stainless steel Material Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter - - 9 Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter Profile metal sheet and side lap clamping Pos-Nr. Type Stainless steel Material 1 SX - - 3 2 SLG-S - - 3 3 SL2-S - - 3 Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter - - 9 - 9 Side lap clamping fibre cement sheet Pos-Nr. Type 03 /2014 1 HG-S 2 HG-T Stainless steel - Material 1. 7 Application index Rainscreen Cladding 1 Timber batten to brickwork Pos-Nr. Type Stainless steel Material Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter 1 SXR - 11 2 FUR - 11 Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter Wood, aluminium or steel framework to concrete Pos-Nr. Type Stainless steel Material 1 FAZ II - - 11 2 FBN II - - 11 3 FUR - 11 4 SXR - 11 5 SXS - 11 Aluminium Chapter Aluminium or steel framework to brickwork Pos-Nr. Type 1. 8 Stainless steel Material Carbon steel 1 SXR - 11 2 FUR - 11 03/2014 Application index Rainscreen Cladding 1 Aluminium or steel framework Pos-Nr. Type Stainless steel Material Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter 1 SDA - - 11 2 SLA - - 11 3 Rivets 4 SX - - 11 5 SDA3 - - 11 Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter - - 11 Aluminium Chapter 10 Blind attachment of HPL panels Pos-Nr. Type 1 TU-S Stainless steel Material Aluminium sections to aluminium framework Pos-Nr. Type 03 /2014 Material Stainless steel Carbon steel - - 10 1 RV6604 2 SDA 3 Rivets 4 SLA - - 11 5 SX3 - - 11 - 11 10 1. 9 Application index Rainscreen Cladding 1 High performance cladding panel to timber batten Pos-Nr. Type Stainless steel Material Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter 1 TW-A4 - - 11 2 TW-S - - 11 3 SCFW-S - - 11 4 GAZ - 11 High performance cladding panel to aluminium or steel framework Pos-Nr. Type Material Stainless steel Carbon steel - - Aluminium Chapter 11 1 Rivets 2 SDF2-S - - 11 3 SDA - - 11 4 SLA - - 11 5 GAZ - 6 SX - 11 - 11 Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter - - 11 Architectural profile sheet to aluminium or steel structure Pos-Nr. Type 1. 10 Stainless steel Material 1 SX 2 RV6604 - - 3 Rivets - - 03/2014 10 11 Product index Pitched roofing and cladding 2 Product index Pitched roofing and cladding Material Stainless steel Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter Type SX SXW SW2-S SW-A SL2-S SL2-A SL3-S SLG-S SD SDRT2 SD-H15 SW-T SW3-T SW-H15 SL2-T SL SC SCN SD2-S11 SDK2-S SDK3-S SL3-S - - 3/6 - 3/4/6 - SD2-S-D7 SDT SDTW SD3-D10 SD14-D10 SW2-D10 03/2014 3/5/6/11 - 3/6 - - 4/7/11 - - 4 - - 4/11 - - 4/11 - - 4/7 - - 4 - - 4 - - 5 - - 5 - - 6 - - 6 - - 6 SXC SXCW SXW - - - 7 - - 7 - - 7 - - 7 - - 7 2. 1 2 Product index 2 Type Pitched roofing and cladding Material Stainless steel Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter TDA-S TDA-T - 8 TDB-S TDB-T - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 9 - 9 TDC-S TDBL-T GA-AS GA-BS - SCF SCFW SCFW-S TDA-S-BAZ - - 9 - - 9 - 9 - 9 TDB-S-BAZ HG-S HG-T LL-S FAZ II FBN II FUR FUR SXR SXS - - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 MDH - - - 11 - - - 11 MDH 2. 2 03/2014 Product index Pitched roofing and cladding Material Stainless steel Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter Type SW-T - - 11 SW3-T - - 11 SD - - 11 SD-H15 - - 11 SLA - - 11 SDA - - 11 ATO ASO SSO AP ASO SSO SLA-D12 TW-S TW-A4 EPDM SCFW-S TU-S RV6604 RV6603 RV6605 ATC ASC SSC LS 10 11 - - - 11 - - 11 - - 11 - - 11 - - 11 - - 11 - GA-AS GA-BS - - 5/10 - 10 - - - 3/4/6/7 - - - 3/4/6/7 - - - 3/4/6/7 EB LD 03/2014 2. 3 2 Product index 2 Type Special nosepiece Pitched roofing and cladding Material Stainless steel Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter - - 11 HN 2-BT - - - 11/12 - - - 11/12 SN-2 Handle for centered drill bit - - 11 - - 11 - - 11 - - 11 HSS - - 8/9/10 SDS - - 11 Drilling gauge Nosepiece DG-14x20 HSS PFS-K - - 11 - - 11 - - 11 - - 11 - - 11 PFS-Q PFR PFZ PV 2. 4 03/2014 Product index Pitched roofing and cladding Material Stainless steel Carbon steel Aluminium Chapter Type 2 CF400 - - - 12 - - - 12 - - - 12 - - - 12 - - - 12 - - - 12 - - - 12 CF55 CF40 CF40-AC18V DI650 DB620 AccuBird® PowerBird® 03/2014 2. 5 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Single and twin skin construction 3 Application Product code Page Steel substructure SX 3.3 Timber substructure SXW / SW2-S SW-A 3.7 Side lap clamping SLG-S / SL2-S SL2-A 3.11 Pipe flashing MF MULTI-FLASH 3.14 Sealing joint LS / EB / LD 3.16 03/2014 3 3. 1 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Steel substructure Single and twin skin construction A new generation of stainless steel self-drilling fasteners 3 Quality demands in industrial light construction are continuously increasing. From an economic point of view, easeof-use and absolute security from start to finish are, of course, paramount. Fasteners have to maintain their function throughout the lifetime of the building. Meanwhile, aesthetic considerations are increasingly central to the achievement of creative design concepts. Our answer to the emerging challenges in industrial light construction is a new range of stainless steel self drilling fixings. These components offer enormous benefits to anyone involved in building projects. The impressive features of the new fastener generation Fast, comfortable and safe installation Fully functioning fasteners even in high tensile steels like S355 Easy-to-choose fastener range for every application Complete system solutions with fully matched installation tools A wide range of drives and component designs Maximum corrosion resistance Available in any colour Peak performance thanks to the special drill tip We continously improve our existing fastener systems and develop new ones. Our focus is on achieving userfriendly solutions on site for improved productivity. Our new self-drilling range works faster and more efficiently, saving up to 50% of installation time; even in high tensile steels. Optimised design performance enables these fasteners to be installed extremely quick, with absolute reliability. Aesthetic fixing and efficient fastener guidance with the irius ®-system The unique under-head drive is an application-based solution to enable reliable installation. The fastener is held firmly in the setting tool during installation because of the irius ®-system. The most demanding aesthetic requirements are also satisfied, with almost unlimited colour options to match cladding designs. Any roof or cladding colour can be accurately matched. 3. 2 03/2014 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Steel substructure Single and twin skin construction SX SX 3 Technical information Application Stainless steel fastening of steel or aluminium sheet to steel or aluminium structure in one operation: drilling, thread forming and sealing. Material Fastener ■ Washer SX Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) or grade AISI 316 (European Standard 1.4401) on request ■ Drill point and lead thread section S = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) with vulcanised EPDM ■ Case hardened, special carbon steel Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating HD headform / drive ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F ■ irius® Ø 12 mm Special carbon steel case hardenend d ■ d Special carbon steel d case hardenend Ø 12 L Low profile Ø 12 mm Special carbon steel case hardenend Ø 12 L L Washer recommendation Ø 12-16 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights DI650 E420 / E480 Tools and accessories CF400 ■ Automatic setting tool to install belted fasteners (10 pcs) with a maximum 16 mm washer and up to a maximum length of 40 mm. ■ Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. ■ ■ The E420 setting tool for installing self drilling fasteners with the irius® system The E480 setting tool is recommended for installing self drilling fasteners with the hexagon head. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 3. 3 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Steel substructure Single and twin skin construction SX Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL 3 irius® Ø 12 mm Low profile Ø 12 mm Coloured fastener L W: Washer material * Select washer S Stainless Steel A Aluminium Ø 12-16 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product Stainless steel Order code SX 3/ 9- L12- S16- 6,0x 29 Approval Type VD KL HD W* d L KL SX Application range 3/ 9- L12- S16- 6,0x 29 9 ETA-10/0198 VD max. steel: 3,0 mm DTU t min. steel: 2 x 0,63 - 0,9 mm 10 40.35 40.36 Stainless steel 10 SX 3/ 9- t max. steel: 2,5 mm S16- 6,0x 29 9** ETA-10/0198 KL t min. alu: 1,0 mm DTU 40.35 40.36 Stainless steel SX 3/ 15- L12- S16- 6,0x 40 15 VD max. steel: 3,0 mm t min. steel: 2 x 0,63 - 0,9 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 Stainless steel 10 ETA-10/0198 DTU SX SX SX 3/ 93/ 153/ 20- t max. steel: 2,5 mm S16- 6,0x 29 9** S16- 6,0x 40 15 S16- 6,0x 50 20 KL 40.35 40.36 ** AISI 316, A4 European Standard 1.4401 products available ex stock. Other lenghts on demand. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 3. 4 03/2014 t min. alu: 1,0 mm Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Steel substructure Single and twin skin construction SX Application Order code SX 5/ 8- L12- S16- 5,5x 31 Approval Type VD KL HD W* d L KL Product Stainless steel 10 ETA-10/0198 SX SX SX SX SX 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 812183855- L12- S16- 5,5x L12- S16- 5,5x L12- S16- 5,5x L12- S16- 5,5x L12- S16- 5,5x 31 35 41 61 78 Application range 8** 12** 18 38 15 - 55 VD max. steel: 5,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm t KL DTU t min. alu: 2,0 mm 40.35 40.36 t Stainless steel t max. steel: 4,0 mm SX SX SX DTU SX 40.35 40.36 10 ETA-10/0198 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 8121838- S16- 5,5x S16- 5,5x S16- 5,5x S16- 5,5x 31 35 41 61 8** 12** 18 38 Stainless steel SX 5/ 12- D12- 5,5x 35 12 Stainless steel SX SX SX SX 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 20385570- S16- 5,5x S16- 5,5x S16- 5,5x S16- 5,5x 53 61 78 93 VD VD max. steel: 5,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm t max. steel: 4,0 mm t 20 - 30 38 15 - 55 30 - 70 VD t KL t min. alu: 2,0 mm VD max. steel: 5,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm t VD t max. steel: 4,0 mm t min. alu: 2,0 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 DTU 40.35 40.36 ** AISI 316, A4 European Standard 1.4401 products available ex stock. Other lenghts on demand. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 3. 5 3 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Steel substructure Single and twin skin construction SX Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL 3 irius® Ø 12 mm Low profile Ø 12 mm Coloured fastener L W: Washer material * Select washer S Stainless Steel A Aluminium Ø 12-16 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product Order code SX 14/ 12- L12- S16- 5,5x 40 Approval Type VD KL HD W* d L KL Stainless steel SX Application range 14/ 12- L12- S16- 5,5x 40 12 10 t ETA-10/0198 VD max. steel: 14,0 mm t min. steel: 4,0 mm DTU 40.35 40.36 Stainless steel VD SX 14/ 12- S16- 5,5x 40 12** SX SX SX SX 14/ 14/ 14/ 14/ t min. alu: 5,0 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 DTU 40.35 40.36 Stainless steel 10 ETA-10/0198 DTU 20385875- S16- 5,5x 48 S16- 5,5x 66 S16- 5,5x 86 S16- 5,5x 103 20 38 58 75 t 14,0 mm t min. steel: 4,0 mm 40.35 40.36 t min. alu: 5,0 mm ** AISI 316, A4 European Standard 1.4401 products available ex stock. Other lenghts on demand. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 3. 6 VD VD max. steel: 03/2014 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Timber substructure Single and twin skin construction SXW / SW2-S / SW-A SXW / SW2-S / SW-A 3 Technical information Application Stainless steel fastening of steel or aluminium sheets to timber structure. Material Fastener ■ ■ Washer SXW / SW2-S Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) SW-A Aluminium ■ ■ Drill point and lead thread section S = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) with vulcanised EPDM A = Aluminium with vulcanised EPDM ■ irius® Ø 12 mm ■ Case hardened, special carbon steel Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating HD headform / drive ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F d ■ Special carbon steel case hardenend d Special carbon steel d case hardenend Ø 12 L Low profile Ø 12 mm Special carbon steel case hardenend Ø 12 L L Washer recommendation Ø 12-16 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights DI650 E420 / E480 Tools and accessories CF400 ■ Automatic setting tool to install belted fasteners (10 pcs) with a maximum 16 mm washer and up to a maximum length of 40 mm. ■ Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. ■ ■ The E420 setting tool for installing self drilling fasteners with the irius® system. The E480 setting tool is recommended for installing self drilling fasteners with the hexagon head. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 3. 7 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Timber substructure Single and twin skin construction SXW / SW2-S / SW-A Order information irius® Ø 12 mm d KL 3 Hexagon 8 mm A/F Coloured fastener L W: Washer material * Select washer S Stainless Steel A Aluminium Ø 12-16 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product SXWApproval Type Stainless steel Order code L12- S16- 6,5x 52 HD W* d L KL SXW- L12- S16- 6,5x 52 SXW- S16- 6,5x 52 SXWSXW- S19- 6,5x 75 S19- 6,5x 99 Application range VD max. steel: 2 x 1,0 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 Stainless steel 10 ETA-10/0198 Stainless steel VD max. steel: 2 x 1,0 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 DTU 40.35 40.36 Stainless steel SXW- L12- S16- 5,5x 42 SXW- S16- 5,5x 42 VD max. steel: 2 x 1,0 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 Stainless steel 10 ETA-10/0198 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 3. 8 03/2014 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Timber substructure Single and twin skin construction SXW / SW2-S / SW-A Application Order code SW2-S- A14- 4,8x 35 Approval Type HD W* d L KL Product Stainless steel SW2-S- Application range A14- 4,8x 35 VD max. steel: 2 x 0,9 mm 3 Aluminium SW-A- A19- 6,0x 35 VD max. alu: 3 x 0,7 mm 2 x 0,9 mm Only for aluminium sheet Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 3. 9 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Side lap clamping Single and twin skin construction The secure and speedy way to fix overlapping profiles 3 The SL self drilling fastener range, specially developed for fixing one metal profile to another, offers decisive advantages in usage and durability. The impressive features of the SL fastener Incorrect insertion virtually eliminated 100 % functionality from start to finish EPDM washers ensure effective sealing Ergonomic working with the CF400 installation tool Increased productivity thanks to magazine-fed fasteners = time is money! Self drilling fasteners for fast and efficient overlapping These special fasteners designed specifically for thin overlapping profiles offer a range of benefits. The optimum clamping strength results from careful matching of the tip to the thread diameter. Moreover, the special under-head design inhibits over-torquing as well as self-loosening under dynamic load. Any unevenness in the set is smoothed out by the special soft EPDM sealing washer. So the bond is always safe and secure. Neues Foto erstellen 3. 10 Safe and easy installation with the CF400 installation tool Even working on the roof, a simple extension attached to the CF400 insertion tool is all that is required to maintain a standing position. And using magazinefed fasteners really speeds up the whole process. 03/2014 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Side lap clamping Single and twin skin construction SLG-S / SL2-S / SL2-A SLG-S / SL2-S / SL2-A 3 Technical information Application Stainless steel fastening of side laps and flashings. The thread-free zone under the fastener head prevents stripping of the threads in the sheets. The sheets are pulled together tightly, clamped in the thread-free zone and sealed. The fasteners can be used without depth locator or torque control. Material Fastener ■ ■ Washer SLG-S / SL2-S Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) or grade AISI 316 (European Standard 1.4401) on request SL2-A Aluminium ■ ■ Drill point and lead thread section S = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) with vulcanised EPDM A = Aluminium with vulcanised EPDM ■ irius® Ø 12 mm ■ Case hardened, special carbon steel Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating HD headform / drive ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F d ■ Special carbon steel case hardenend d Special carbon steel d case hardenend Ø 12 L Low profile Ø 12 mm Special carbon steel case hardenend Ø 12 L L Tools and accessories CF400 ■ DI650 Automatic setting tool to install belted fasteners (10 pcs) with a maximum 16 mm washer and up to a maximum length of 40 mm. ■ E420 / E480 Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. ■ ■ The E420 setting tool for installing self drilling fasteners with the irius® system. The E480 setting tool is recommended for installing self drilling fasteners with the hexagon head. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 3. 11 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Side lap clamping Single and twin skin construction SLG-S / SL2-S / SL2-A Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL 3 irius® Ø 12 mm Coloured fastener L W: Washer material S Stainless Steel A Aluminium VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product SLG-SApproval Type Order code S14- 4,8x 20 HD W* d L KL Application range SLG-S- S14- 4,8x 20 VD Stainless steel VD max. steel: 2 x 0,9 mm t min. steel: 2 x 0,4 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 DTU 40.35 40.36 Stainless steel SL2-S- S14- 5,5x 25 ** VD VD max. steel: 2 x 1,0 mm t min. steel: 2 x 0,4 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 DTU 40.35 40.36 Stainless steel SL2-S- L12- S14- 6,3x 28 VD ETA-10/0198 VD max. steel: 2 x 1,0 mm DTU t min. steel: 2 x 0,4 mm 10 40.35 40.36 Stainless steel SL2-S- S16- 6,3x 28 10 ETA-10/0198 ** AISI 316, A4 European Standard 1.4401 products available ex stock. Other lenghts on demand. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 3. 12 03/2014 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Side lap clamping Single and twin skin construction SLG-S / SL2-S / SL2-A Application Product SL2-A Approval Type Order code A14- 5,5x 20 HD W* d L KL Application range SL2-A- A14- 5,5x 20 VD Aluminium VD max. alu: 2,0 mm t min. alu: 2 x 0,4 mm DTU t max. alu: 2 x 0,9 mm 40.35 40.36 Only for steel sheet and flashing 03/2014 3. 13 3 Roof and wall profiles Pipe flashing Single and twin skin construction MF / MULTI-FLASH MF / MULTI-FLASH 3 Technical information Application Adaptable pipe flashing for all sheet metal roof profiles, to provide a permanently leakproof, vibration-proof, heatproof and weatherproof pipe penetration. MF closed pipe flashing is used for new constructions. MULTI-FLASH open pipe flashing can be used to seal existing pipe penetrations. The specifications of DIN 18807 «Openings in roofs» must be complied with when using the pipe sleeves. Material Pipe flashing ■ MF / MULTI-FLASH Weatherproof EPDM, black, Edge: aluminium coated Installation Stainless steel hose clamps (optional) Diameter (mm) 40 – 60 60 – 80 70 – 90 90 – 110 1. Make penetration for pipe. 2. Adapt sleeve to pipe (20% smaller than pipe diameter) 3. Adapt sleeve to profile and mark. 4. Apply sealing compund inside the marking. 5. Fit sleeve and press it into position 6. Secure sleeve. 3. 14 110 – 130 130 – 150 03/2014 Roof and wall profiles Pipe flashing Single and twin skin construction MF / MULTI-FLASH Order information 3 Pipe flashing closed Pipe flashing code Ø (mm) MF-S-1-3-19-EPDM-BLACK MF-1-6-70-EPDM-BLACK MF-2-22-102-EPDM-BLACK MF-3-6-146-EPDM-BLACK MF-4-70-178-EPDM-BLACK MF-5-102-210-EPDM-BLACK MF-6-121-254-EPDM-BLACK MF-7-140-292-EPDM-BLACK MF-8-171-343-EPDM-BLACK MF-9-241-520-EPDM-BLACK MF-M-305-724-EPDM-BLACK 3,2 - 19 6,3 - 70 22 - 102 6,3 - 146 70 - 178 102 - 210 121 - 254 140 - 292 171 - 343 241 - 520 305 - 724 Pipe flashing width (mm) 57 114 152 203 254 279 305 356 432 635 864 Fixing kit recommended Pipe flashing width (mm) 203 279 432 864 Fixing kit recommended Set Nr. 1 Set Nr. 1 Set Nr. 2 Set Nr. 2 Set Nr. 2 Set Nr. 2 Set Nr. 2 Set Nr. 1+2 Set Nr. 1+2 Set Nr. 2+2 Set Nr. 2+2+2 Application range Can be used for sheet metal profiles up to 40 mm high. Stainless steel hose clamps are available in diameter (mm): 40 - 60 60 - 80 70 - 90 90 - 110 110 - 130 130 - 150 Pipe flashing and fixing kits have to be ordered separately! Pipe flashing open Pipe flashing code Ø (mm) MULTI-FLASH 3 EPDM BLACK MULTI-FLASH 5 EPDM BLACK MULTI-FLASH 8 EPDM BLACK MULTI-FLASH MAXI EPDM-BLACK 51 - 114 89 - 171 165 - 305 331 - 685 Set Nr. 2 Set Nr. 2 Set Nr. 1+2 Set Nr. 2+2+2 Application range Can be used for sheet metal profiles up to 40 mm high. Stainless steel hose clamps are available in Diameter (mm): 40 - 60 60 - 80 70 - 90 90 - 110 110 - 130 130 - 150 Pipe flashing and fixing kits have to be ordered separately! In retrofit application the flashing is sealed with a separate stainless steel clip. Fixing Kit includes Pipe flashing Kit MF-SET-1-SX3 MF-SET-2-SX3 MF-SET-3-SX3 MF-SET-4-SX3 MF-SET-5-SX3 MF-SET-1-RV6604 MF-SET-2-RV6604 MF-SET-3-RV6604 MF-SET-4-RV6604 MF-SET-5-RV6604 Kit includes 1 SILICON + 12 X SX3 1 SILICON + 24 X SX3 1 SILICON + 36 X SX3 1 SILICON + 48 X SX3 1 SILICON + 72 X SX3 1 SILICON + 12 X RV6604 1 SILICON + 24 X RV6604 1 SILICON + 36 X RV6004 1 SILICON + 48 X RV6004 1 SILICON + 72 X RV6004 03/2014 Application range For steel sheet (SX3/9-A12-6,0x29) For steel sheet (SX3/9-A12-6,0x29) For steel sheet (SX3/9-A12-6,0x29) For steel sheet (SX3/9-A12-6,0x29) For steel sheet (SX3/9-A12-6,0x29) For aluminium sheet (RV6604-6-4W) For aluminium sheet (RV6604-6-4W) For aluminium sheet (RV6604-6-4W) For aluminium sheet (RV6604-6-4W) For aluminium sheet (RV6604-6-4W) 3. 15 Against driving rain, dust, etc. Sealing joint Single and twin skin construction LS LS Product advantages ■ ■ 3 ■ ■ self-adhesive on one side to facilitate application raintight seal permits vapour diffusion easy to compress Technical information Application Material The pre-compressed tape is used for sealing joints against driving rain, dust, etc. It is suitable for longitudinal and transverse joints between trapezoidal profiles and sandwich elements. ■ Colour Open-cell polyurethane foam impregnated with an acrylic polymer. ■ Grey Technical details Item DIN Characteristics Class of building material 4102 B2 (normally flammable) Vapour diffusion resistance EN ISO 12572 μ 100 Heat resistance –30°C to +90°C Compatibility with building 52453 granted Joint permeability 18055 a 0,1 m3 / [h x m x (daPa)n] Processing temperature +5°C to +50°C Shelf life 1 year Storage temperature +1°C to +20°C Driving rain leak-tightness 18055 300 Pa Weathertightness 18542 Specification complied with Order information LSType LSLSLSLSLSLSLS- 3. 16 Order code 10/ 1,5-2 tape width joint height 10/ 15/ 30/ 15/ 10/ 15/ 30/ 1,5-2 1,5-2 1,5-2 3-4 3-5,5 3-5,5 3-5,5 box capacity m/roll 275 175 75 126 143 91 39 25 25 25 18 13 13 13 03/2014 Thermal separation of structural components Sealing joint Single and twin skin construction EB EB Product advantages ■ ■ ■ self-adhesive on one side to facilitate application non-compressible dimensionally stable, even at high temperatures 3 Technical information Application Material The dimensionally stable sealing tape is used for thermal separation of structural components, e.g. the top flange of liner trays, to minimise heat build-up. ■ Colour Non cross-linked, closed-cell polypropylene copolymer foam; flameretardant. ■ Anthrazit Technical details Item DIN Characteristics Class of building material 4102 B2 (normally flammable) Heat resistance –30°C to +130°C Compatibility with building 52453 granted Processing temperature +5°C to +50°C Shelf life 2 years Storage temperature +1°C to +20°C Thermal conductivity 0.042 W/m x K Order information EBType EBEBEB- 03/2014 Order code 30/ 3 tape width tape thickness 30/ 60/ 80/ 3 3 3 box capacity m/roll 720 360 270 30 30 30 3. 17 Airtightness Sealing joint Single and twin skin construction LD LD Product advantages ■ ■ 3 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ self-adhesive on one side to facilitate application good adjustment even with wide joint tolerances especially easy to compress no deformation of the steel profiles leak-tight to driving rain up to 600 Pa stress class BG1 airtight seal permits vapour diffusion Technical information Application Material The pre-compressed tape is used for airtight sealing of joints, e.g. for longitudinal and transverse liner joints and joints between sandwich elements. ■ Colour Soft polyurethane foam impregnated on the sides. ■ Anthrazit Technical details Item DIN Characteristics Class of building material 4102 B1 (flame-retardant) Vapour diffusion resistance EN ISO 12572 μ 100 Heat resistance –30°C to +90°C Compatibility with building 52453 granted Joint permeability 18055 a 0,1 m3 / [h x m x (daPa)n] Processing temperature +1°C to +50°C Shelf life 1 year Storage temperature +1°C to +20°C Driving rain leak-tightness 18055 leak-tight to driving rain up to 600 Pa Weathertightness 18542 Specification complied with Order information LDType LDLDLDLDLDLDLDLD- 3. 18 Order code 10/ 1-3 tape width joint height 10/ 14/ 10/ 14/ 10/ 14/ 14/ 18/ 1-3 1-3 1-4 1-4 2-6 2-6 3-9 6-18 box capacity m/roll 240 330 176 242 270 198 132 48 30 30 22 22 18 18 12 6 03/2014 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Single and twin skin construction 4 Application Product code Page Steel substructure SD / SDT SDRT2 4.2 Internal steel substructure SD-H15 / SD 4.6 Timber substructure SW-T / SW3-T SW3-T-H15 4.8 Side lap clamping SL2-T / SL SL-H15 4.11 Timber to steeldeck SC / SCN SD2-S11 4.14 Pipe flashing MF MULTI-FLASH 4.16 Sealing joint LS / EB / LD 4.18 03/2014 4 4. 1 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Steel substructure Single and twin skin construction SD / SDT / SDRT2 SD / SDT / SDRT2 Technical information 4 Application Fastening profile steel sheeting to steel in one operation: drilling, thread forming and sealing. Material Fastener ■ Washer SD / SDT / SDRT2 Plated carbon steel, case hardened ■ ■ Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating T = Steel zinc plated with vulcanised EPDM A = Aluminium with vulcanised EPDM HD headform / drive ■ irius® Ø 12 mm ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F Washer recommendation Ø 12-16 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights DI650 E420 / E480 Tools and accessories CF400 ■ Automatic setting tool for installing belted fasteners (10 pcs) with a maximum 16 mm diameter washer upto a maximum length of 40 mm. ■ Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. ■ ■ The E420 setting tool for installing self drilling fasteners with the irius® system. The E480 setting tool is recommended for installing self drilling fasteners with the hexagon head. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 4. 2 03/2014 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Steel substructure Single and twin skin construction SD / SDT / SDRT2 Order information irius® Ø 12 mm d KL Hexagon 8 mm A/F Coloured fastener L W: Washer material * Select washer T Carbon Steel A Aluminium Ø 12-16 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Order code SD 3- T15- 4,8x 19 Approval Type VD KL HD W* d L Product Carbon steel SD SD 3- 3- T15- 4,8x T15- 4,8x 19 25 KL 7 13 4 Application range KL t VD max. steel: 3,0 mm t min. steel: 2 x 0,63 mm 1,5 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 t Carbon steel SD 3/ 15- L12- T15- 4,8x 38 15 VD KL t VD max. steel: 3,0 mm t min. steel: 2 x 0,63 mm 1,5 mm Carbon steel SD 3/ 15- T15- 4,8x 38 15 10 ETA-10/0198 KL t Carbon steel Carbon steel 10 ETA-10/0198 SD SD SD SD 3333- SD 3- 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 25 35 60 80 12 22 19 - 47 39 - 67 L12- T15 5,5x 38 25 T15T15T15T15- KL VD max. steel: 3,0 mm t t min. steel: 2 x 0,63 - 1,2 mm t VD Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 4. 3 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Steel substructure Single and twin skin construction SD / SDT Order information irius® Ø 12 mm d KL Hexagon 8 mm A/F Coloured fastener L W: Washer material * Select washer T Carbon Steel A Aluminium Ø 12-16 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm 4 Application Product Order code SD 6- L12- T15- 5,5x 28 Approval Type VD KL HD W* d L Carbon steel SD 6- L12- T15- 5,5x 28 KL Application range 13 t KL VD max. steel: 6,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm VD Carbon steel 10 ETA-10/0198 Carbon steel SD SD SD SD 6- T15- 5,5x 6T15- 5,5x 6T15- 5,5x 6T15- 5,5x SD 14- L12- T15- 5,5x 28 32 38 65 13 17 23 50 32 11 t VD VD max. steel: 14,0 mm t t min. steel: 4,0 mm Carbon steel 10 ETA-10/0198 SD SD SD SD SD 1414141414- T15T15T15T15T15- 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 32 46 56 66 86 11 25 5 - 35 15 - 45 35 - 65 t KL t Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 4. 4 03/2014 VD Carbon steel self drilling fastener Steel substructure Single and twin skin construction SD / SDT Product Carbon steel 10 ETA-10/0198 DYNA SS ED D M ING TE CS PA T EC S IC BEN SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT 5555555- A19A19A19A19A19A19A19- 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 67 77 97 112 137 162 182 KL 31 39 49 54 69 94 114 Application range - 45 55 75 90 115 137 160 t KL VD max. steel: 5,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm 4 Carbon steel 10 ETA-10/0198 Acier au carbone Acier au carbone ED ING TE SS SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT 14- A19- 5,5x 74 38 A19- 5,5x 93 48 14A19- 5,5x 113 68 14A19- 5,5x 142 87 14A19- 5,5x 160 94 14A19- 5,5x 189 122 14- 48 67 87 116 134 160 KL t VD max. steel: 14,0 mm t min. steel: 4,0 mm D DYNA M CS PA T EC S Application Order code A19- 5,5x 67 SDT 5- Approval Type VD KL HD W* d L IC BEN SDRT2SDRT2- L12- T16- 5,5x 64 40 L12- T16- 5,5x 84 60 SDRT2SDRT2- T16- 5,5x 64 40 T16- 5,5x 84 60 SDRT3SDRT3- A16- 5,5x 64 40 A16- 5,5x 84 60 Spacer 40 mm Spacer 60 mm Compliant products technical advice in force Spacer 40 mm Spacer 60 mm Compliant products technical advice in force Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 4. 5 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Internal steel substructure Single and twin skin construction SD-H15 / SD SD-H15 / SD Technical information 4 Application Fastening structural metal deck to steel structure. Material Fastener ■ ■ Washer SD-H15 Plated carbon steel, case hardened 15 mm diameter flange head SD Plated carbon steel, case hardened ■ T = Steel zinc plated with vulcanised EPDM HD headform / drive ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F Washer recommendation Ø 12-16 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights DI650 E480 Tools and accessories CF400 ■ Automatic setting tool for installing belted fasteners (10 pcs) with a maximum 16 mm diameter washer upto a maximum length of 40 mm. ■ Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. ■ The E480 setting tool is recommended for installing self drilling fasteners with the hexagon head. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 4. 6 03/2014 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Internal steel substructure Single and twin skin construction SD-H15 / SD Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL L W: Washer material * Select washer T Carbon Steel A Aluminium Ø 12-16 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Order code SD 6- H15- 5,5x 22 Approval Type VD HD W* d L Product Carbon steel 10 SD SD 6- H15- 5,5x 6- H155,5x 22 25 KL 10 13 VD t ETA-10/0198 VD max. steel: 6,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm DTU 40.3 Carbon steel 4 Application range SD 14- H15- 5,5x 32 14 t VD VD max. steel: 14,0 mm t min. steel: 4,0 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 DTU 40.3 Carbon steel SD 6- T15- 5,5x 28 13 VD VD max. steel: 6,0 mm t t min. steel: 1,5 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 t KL Carbon steel SD 14- T15- 5,5x 32 11 VD VD max. steel: 14,0 mm t t min. steel: 4,0 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 t VD Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 4. 7 Self drilling fasteners Timber substructure Single and twin skin construction SW-T / SW3-T / SW3-T-H15 SW-T / SW3-T / SW3-T-H15 Technical information 4 Application Fastening profile steel sheeting to timber structure in one operation. Material Fastener ■ ■ Washer SW-T / SW3-T Plated carbon steel, case hardened SW-H15 Plated carbon steel, case hardened 15 mm diameter flange head ■ ■ Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating A = Aluminium with vulcanised EPDM T = Carbon steel HD headform / drive ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F Washer recommendation Ø 12-16 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights DI650 E480 Tools and accessories CF400 ■ Automatic setting tool for installing belted fasteners (10 pcs) with a maximum 16 mm diameter washer upto a maximum length of 40 mm. ■ Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. ■ The E480 setting tool is recommended for installing self drilling fasteners with the hexagon head. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 4. 8 03/2014 Self drilling fasteners Timber substructure Single and twin skin construction SW-T / SW3-T / SW3-T-H15 Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL Coloured fastener L W: Washer material * Select washer T Carbon Steel A Aluminium Ø 12-16 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product SW-TApproval Type Order code A14- 4,8x 35 HD W* d L KL SW-TSW-TSW-T- A14- 4,8x 35 A14- 4,8x 51 A14- 4,8x 75 Carbon steel 10 ETA-10/0198 Carbon steel SW3-T- 4 Application range T16- 6,5x 50 VD max. steel: 1 x 1,0 mm 3 x 0,75 mm VD max. steel: 2 x 1,25 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 Carbon steel SW3-T- H15- 6,5x 50 10 ETA-10/0198 VD max. steel: 2 x 1,25 mm DTU 40.3 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 4. 9 Carbon self drilling stitchers Side lap clamping Single and twin skin construction The secure and speedy way to fix overlapping profiles The SL self drilling fastener range, specially developed for fixing one metal profile to another, offers decisive advantages in usage and durability. The impressive features of the SL fastener 4 Incorrect insertion virtually eliminated 100 % functionality from start to finish EPDM washers ensure effective sealing Ergonomic working with the CF400 installation tool Increased productivity thanks to magazine-fed fasteners = time is money! Self drilling fasteners for fast and efficient overlapping These special fasteners designed specifically for thin overlapping profiles offer a range of benefits. The optimum clamping strength results from careful matching of the tip to the thread diameter. Moreover, the special under-head design inhibits over-torquing as well as self-loosening under dynamic load. Any unevenness in the set is smoothed out by the special soft EPDM sealing washer. So the bond is always safe and secure. Neues Foto erstellen 4. 10 Safe and easy installation with the CF400 installation tool Even working on the roof, a simple extension attached to the CF400 insertion tool is all that is required to maintain a standing position. And using magazinefed fasteners really speeds up the whole process. 03/2014 Carbon self drilling stitchers Side lap clamping Single and twin skin construction SL2-T / SL / SL-H15 SL2-T / SL / SL-H15 Technical information 4 Application Carbon steel fastening of side laps and flashings. The thread-free zone under the fastener head prevents stripping of the threads in the sheets. The sheets are pulled together tightly, clamped in the thread-free zone and sealed. The fasteners can be used without depth stop or torque control. Material Fastener ■ ■ Washer SL2-T / SL Plated carbon steel, case hardened SL-H15 Plated carbon steel, case hardened 15 mm diameter flange head Coloured fastener ■ A = Aluminium with vulcanised EPDM ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating HD headform / drive ■ irius® Ø 12 mm Tools and accessories CF400 ■ DI650 Automatic setting tool for installing belted fasteners (10 pcs) with a maximum 16 mm diameter washer upto a maximum length of 40 mm. ■ E420 / E480 Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. ■ ■ The E420 setting tool for installing self drilling fasteners with the irius ® system. The E480 setting tool is recommended for installing self drilling fasteners with the hexagon head. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 4. 11 Carbon self drilling stitchers Side lap clamping Single and twin skin construction SL2-T / SL / SL-H15 Order information irius® Ø 12 mm d KL Hexagon 8 mm A/F Coloured fastener L W: Washer material T Carbon Steel A Aluminium VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm 4 Application Product Order code SL2-T- L12- A14- 4,8x 20 Approval Type VD HD W* d L KL Application range SL2-T- L12- A14- 4,8x 20 VD Carbon steel VD max. steel: 2,0 - 2 x 1,0 mm t min. steel: 2 x 0,4 mm Carbon steel SL2-T- Carbon steel SL A14- 4,8x 20 2- 4,8x 20 VD max. steel: 2,0 - 2 x 1,0 mm t min. steel: 2 x 0,6 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 Only for steel sheet and flashing Carbon steel SL 2- H15- 6,3x 20 VD max. steel: 2,0 - 2 x 1,0 mm t min. steel: 2 x 0,6 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 For high shear load Carbon steel SL 3- H15- 6,3x 32 VD max. steel: 3,0 - 2 x 1,5 mm t min. steel: 2 x 1,1 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 For high shear load Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 4. 12 03/2014 Single and twin skin construction 4 03/2014 4. 13 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Timber to steeldeck Single and twin skin construction SC / SCN / SD2-S11 SC / SCN / SD2-S11 Technical information 4 Application Fastening timber battens to steel work in one operation. The head embeds into the timber resulting a flat finish. Material Fastener ■ Drill point and lead thread section SC / SCN / SD2-S11 Plated carbon steel, case hardened ■ Case hardened, special carbon steel HD headform / drive ■ T25 recess ■ PH2 recess ■ SR2 recess ■ T30 recess Tools and accessories DI650 ■ Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 4. 14 03/2014 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Timber to steeldeck Single and twin skin construction SC / SCN / SD2-S11 Order information T25 recess d KL PH2 recess SR2 recess T30 recess L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Order code SC 3/ 25- PH2Approval Type VD KL HD Product Carbon steel SC SC SC 3/ 253/ 353/ 55- PH2PH2PH2- 4,8x 35 d L KL 4 Application range 4,8x 35 25 4,8x 45 35 4,8x 65 55 VD max. steel: 3,0 mm t min. steel: 1,0 mm KL Bit: PH2 Carbon steel SC SC SC SC SC 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 31364666101- DS12DS12DS12DS12DS12- 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 45 50 60 80 115 31 36 46 66 45 - 101 VD max. steel: 5,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm KL Bit: T30W Carbon steel SCN 2/ 25SCN 2/ 57- SR2SR2- 4,2x 38 10 - 25 4,2x 70 40 - 57 VD KL VD max. steel: 2,0 mm t min. steel: 2 x 0,7 mm t max. steel: 2 x 1,0 mm Bit: SR2 Carbon steel DIBt Zu assung iegt vor SD SD SD SD 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ 406080100- S11/T25S11/T25S11/T25S11/T25- 6,0x 6,0x 6,0x 6,0x 64 84 104 124 35 55 75 105 - 45 65 85 135 t VD max. steel: 2 x 1,25 mm 1,5 mm t min. steel: 0,75 mm Bit: T25W Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 4. 15 Roof and wall profiles Pipe flashing Single and twin skin construction MF / MULTI-FLASH MF / MULTI-FLASH 4 Technical information Application Adaptable pipe flashing for all sheet metal roof profiles, to provide a permanently leakproof, vibration-proof, heatproof and weatherproof pipe penetration. MF closed pipe flashing is used for new constructions. MULTI-FLASH open pipe flashing can be used to seal existing pipe penetrations. The specifications of DIN 18807 «Openings in roofs» must be complied with when using the pipe sleeves. Material Fastener ■ MF / MULTI-FLASH Weatherproof EPDM, black, Edge: aluminium coated Installation Stainless steel hose clamps (optional) Diameter (mm) 40 – 60 60 – 80 70 – 90 90 – 110 1. Make penetration for pipe. 2. Adapt sleeve to pipe (20% smaller than pipe diameter) 3. Adapt sleeve to profile and mark. 4. Apply sealing compund inside the marking. 5. Fit sleeve and press it into position 6. Secure sleeve. 4. 16 110 – 130 130 – 150 03/2014 Roof and wall profiles Pipe flashing Single and twin skin construction MF / MULTI-FLASH Order information Pipe flashing closed Pipe flashing code Ø (mm) MF-S-1-3-19-EPDM-BLACK MF-1-6-70-EPDM-BLACK MF-2-22-102-EPDM-BLACK MF-3-6-146-EPDM-BLACK MF-4-70-178-EPDM-BLACK MF-5-102-210-EPDM-BLACK MF-6-121-254-EPDM-BLACK MF-7-140-292-EPDM-BLACK MF-8-171-343-EPDM-BLACK MF-9-241-520-EPDM-BLACK MF-M-305-724-EPDM-BLACK 3,2 - 19 6,3 - 70 22 - 102 6,3 - 146 70 - 178 102 - 210 121 - 254 140 - 292 171 - 343 241 - 520 305 - 724 Pipe flashing width (mm) 57 114 152 203 254 279 305 356 432 635 864 Fixing kit recommended Pipe flashing width (mm) 203 279 432 864 Fixing kit recommended Set Nr. 1 Set Nr. 1 Set Nr. 2 Set Nr. 2 Set Nr. 2 Set Nr. 2 Set Nr. 2 Set Nr. 1+2 Set Nr. 1+2 Set Nr. 2+2 Set Nr. 2+2+2 Application range Can be used for sheet metal profiles up to 40 mm high. Stainless steel hose clamps are available in diameter (mm): 40 - 60 60 - 80 70 - 90 90 - 110 110 - 130 130 - 150 Pipe flashing and fixing kits have to be ordered separately! Pipe flashing open Pipe flashing code Ø (mm) MULTI-FLASH 3 EPDM BLACK MULTI-FLASH 5 EPDM BLACK MULTI-FLASH 8 EPDM BLACK MULTI-FLASH MAXI EPDM-BLACK 51 - 114 89 - 171 165 - 305 331 - 685 Set Nr. 2 Set Nr. 2 Set Nr. 1+2 Set Nr. 2+2+2 Application range Can be used for sheet metal profiles up to 40 mm high. Stainless steel hose clamps are available in Diameter (mm): 40 - 60 60 - 80 70 - 90 90 - 110 110 - 130 130 - 150 Pipe flashing and fixing kits have to be ordered separately! In retrofit application the flashing is sealed with a separate stainless steel clip. Fixing Kit includes Pipe flashing Kit MF-SET-1-SX3 MF-SET-2-SX3 MF-SET-3-SX3 MF-SET-4-SX3 MF-SET-5-SX3 MF-SET-1-RV6604 MF-SET-2-RV6604 MF-SET-3-RV6604 MF-SET-4-RV6604 MF-SET-5-RV6604 Kit includes 1 SILICON + 12 X SX3 1 SILICON + 24 X SX3 1 SILICON + 36 X SX3 1 SILICON + 48 X SX3 1 SILICON + 72 X SX3 1 SILICON + 12 X RV6604 1 SILICON + 24 X RV6604 1 SILICON + 36 X RV6004 1 SILICON + 48 X RV6004 1 SILICON + 72 X RV6004 03/2014 Application range For steel sheet (SX3/9-A12-6,0x29) For steel sheet (SX3/9-A12-6,0x29) For steel sheet (SX3/9-A12-6,0x29) For steel sheet (SX3/9-A12-6,0x29) For steel sheet (SX3/9-A12-6,0x29) For aluminium sheet (RV6604-6-4W) For aluminium sheet (RV6604-6-4W) For aluminium sheet (RV6604-6-4W) For aluminium sheet (RV6604-6-4W) For aluminium sheet (RV6604-6-4W) 4. 17 4 Against driving rain, dust, etc. Sealing joint Single and twin skin construction LS LS Product advantages ■ ■ ■ ■ self-adhesive on one side to facilitate application raintight seal permits vapour diffusion easy to compress 4 Technical information Application Material The pre-compressed tape is used for sealing joints against driving rain, dust, etc. It is suitable for longitudinal and transverse joints between trapezoidal profiles and sandwich elements. ■ Colour Open-cell polyurethane foam impregnated with an acrylic polymer. ■ Grey Technical details Item DIN Characteristics Class of building material 4102 B2 (normally flammable) Vapour diffusion resistance EN ISO 12572 μ 100 Heat resistance –30°C to +90°C Compatibility with building 52453 granted Joint permeability 18055 a 0,1 m3 / [h x m x (daPa)n] Processing temperature +5°C to +50°C Shelf life 1 year Storage temperature +1°C to +20°C Driving rain leak-tightness 18055 300 Pa Weathertightness 18542 Specification complied with Order information LSType LSLSLSLSLSLSLS- 4. 18 Order code 10/ 1,5-2 tape width joint height 10/ 15/ 30/ 15/ 10/ 15/ 30/ 1,5-2 1,5-2 1,5-2 3-4 3-5,5 3-5,5 3-5,5 box capacity m/roll 275 175 75 126 143 91 39 25 25 25 18 13 13 13 03/2014 Thermal separation of structural components Sealing joint Single and twin skin construction EB EB Product advantages ■ ■ ■ self-adhesive on one side to facilitate application non-compressible dimensionally stable, even at high temperatures 4 Technical information Application Material The dimensionally stable sealing tape is used for thermal separation of structural components, e.g. the top flange of liner trays, to minimise heat build-up. ■ Colour Non cross-linked, closed-cell polypropylene copolymer foam; flameretardant. ■ Anthrazit Technical details Item DIN Characteristics Class of building material 4102 B2 (normally flammable) Heat resistance –30°C to +130°C Compatibility with building 52453 granted Processing temperature +5°C to +50°C Shelf life 2 years Storage temperature +1°C to +20°C Thermal conductivity 0.042 W/m x K Order information EBType EBEBEB- 03/2014 Order code 30/ 3 tape width tape thickness 30/ 60/ 80/ 3 3 3 box capacity m/roll 720 360 270 30 30 30 4. 19 Airtightness Sealing joint Single and twin skin construction LD LD Product advantages ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 4 ■ self-adhesive on one side to facilitate application good adjustment even with wide joint tolerances especially easy to compress no deformation of the steel profiles leak-tight to driving rain up to 600 Pa stress class BG1 airtight seal permits vapour diffusion Technical information Application Material The pre-compressed tape is used for airtight sealing of joints, e.g. for longitudinal and transverse liner joints and joints between sandwich elements. ■ Colour Soft polyurethane foam impregnated on the sides. ■ Anthrazit Technical details Item DIN Characteristics Class of building material 4102 B1 (flame-retardant) Vapour diffusion resistance EN ISO 12572 μ 100 Heat resistance –30°C to +90°C Compatibility with building 52453 granted Joint permeability 18055 a 0,1 m3 / [h x m x (daPa)n] Processing temperature +1°C to +50°C Shelf life 1 year Storage temperature +1°C to +20°C Driving rain leak-tightness 18055 leak-tight to driving rain up to 600 Pa Weathertightness 18542 Specification complied with Order information LDType LDLDLDLDLDLDLDLD- 4. 20 Order code 10/ 1-3 tape width joint height 10/ 14/ 10/ 14/ 10/ 14/ 14/ 18/ 1-3 1-3 1-4 1-4 2-6 2-6 3-9 6-18 box capacity m/roll 240 330 176 242 270 198 132 48 30 30 22 22 18 18 12 6 03/2014 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Standing seam 5 Application Product code Page Clip to steel or timber substructure SDK-S / SL3-S SX / TDA-S TDB-S 5.3 Aluminium sections to aluminium and steel framework RV6604 5.7 5 03/2014 5. 1 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Clip to steel or timber substructure Standing seam Easy clip fixings for standing seam roofing Challenging architectural designs and complex construction concepts may call for standing seam roofing. Accomplishing such complicated roof constructions places enormous demands on the fasteners. Ease-of-use and efficient functioning throughout the life of the building are decisive criteria when it comes to choosing the right assembly method. SDK fasteners, specially developed for clip fixing, leave nothing to be desired in terms of ease-of-use and security. The impressive features of SDK fasteners No faulty insertion 100 % function from start to finish Complete system with matched DS-K setting tool No need to change tools, because one unit does everything Maximum corrosion resistance Fasteners themselves can be swapped 5 Secure, efficient fixing of clips in thin profiles With their propensity to over-torquing and self-loosening, conventional fasteners are inappropriate for fixing in thin plate. Using SDK fasteners, over-torquing is simply not possible. Direct assembly greatly simplifies clip fixing and the bonds are also extremely reliable. A completely thought-through system The SDK fastener with its square drive is held captive in a special carrier unit. As a pre-determined insertion torque is reached, the drive pin breaks off. Then the installer knows that the fastener is driven fully correctly. Extensive laboratory tests have proven that the required pre-tensioning torque between the clip and the profile is constantly maintained. 5. 2 03/2014 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Clip to steel or timber substructure Standing seam SDK-S / SL3-S / SX / TDA-S / TDB-S SDK-S / SL3-S / SX / TDA-S / TDB-S Technical information Application Fastening clips to steel and timber structure. Material Fastener ■ ■ Washer SDK-S / SL3-S Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) SX / TDA-S / TDB-S Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) or grade AISI 316 (European Standard 1.4401) on request ■ ■ Drill point and lead thread section A = Aluminium with vulcanised EPDM S = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) with vulcanised EPDM ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F ■ 5 Case hardened, special carbon steel Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating HD headform / drive ■ Special SDK head ■ Low profile Ø 12 mm Tools and accessories DI650 ■ DS-K185-A / DS-K265-A Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. ■ The DS-K185-A / DS-K265-A setting tool is required for installing SDK fasteners with a longitud of 185 mm or 285 mm. CF400 ■ Automatic setting tool for installing belted fasteners (10 pcs) with a maximum 16 mm diameter washer upto a maximum length of 40 mm. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 5. 3 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Clip to steel or timber substructure Standing seam SDK-S / SL3-S / SX / TDA-S / TDB-S Order information Special SDK head d KL Hexagon 8 mm A/F Low profile Ø 12 mm Coloured fastener L W: Washer material S Stainless Steel A Aluminium VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product Order code SDK2-S- 377- 6,0x 35 Approval Type VD KL HD W* d L KL Stainless steel SDK2-SSDK2-SSDK2-S- 5 377377377- 6,0x 35 6 6,0x 45 6 6,0x 60 6 Application range - 18 - 28 - 43 VD max. steel: 1,25 mm d VD max. alu: 2,5 mm t min. steel: 0,63 mm DIBt Zu assung iegt vor KL t t min. alu: 0,9 mm Hole: ø 6,1±0,1 Effective insertion depth [thread] min. 23 mm d = min. 30 mm drill-tip Stainless steel SDK3-SSDK3-S- 377377- 6,0x 30 6 6,0x 45 6 - 13 - 28 KL t VD max. steel: 2,5 mm VD max. alu: 3,0 mm DIBt Zu assung iegt t min. steel: 1,5 mm vor t min. alu: 2,0 mm Hole: ø 6,1±0,1 Stainless steel SL3/2- 5-S- SV16- 6,0x 27 2 - 4 VD VD max. steel: 3,0 mm VD max. alu: 4,8 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 t min. steel: 0,6 mm Stainless steel SX SX 2/ 182/ 28- A16- 5,8x 38 18 A16- 5,8x 48 28 t DIBt Zu assung iegt VD max. steel: 2,0 mm t min. steel: 1,2 mm vor Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 5. 4 KL 03/2014 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Clip to steel or timber substructure Standing seam SDK-S / SL3-S / SX / TDA-S / TDB-S Application SX Approval Type Product Stainless steel SX Order code 5/ 12- D12- 5,5x 35 VD KL HD W* d L KL 5/ 12- D12- 5,5x 35 12 Application range VD t VD max. steel: 5,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm t max. steel: 4,0 mm t min. alu: 2,0 mm VD t max. alu: 4,0 mm t Bit: T25W Stainless steel TDA-STDA-STDA-S- S16- 6,5x 25 13 S16- 6,5x 32 20 S16- 6,5x 38 26 5 t d 10 ETA-10/0198 Determining overall fastener length L: thickness of all materials fastened KL+12 mm. Thickness of the steel purlins or liner trays min. = 1,0 mm max. = 3,0 mm Recommended pilot hole diameter: t in mm: pilot hole in mm: 1,0 – 1,25 4,50 1,5 – 3,00 5,00 wood 4,80 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 5. 5 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Clip to steel or timber substructure Standing seam SDK-S / SL3-S / SX / TDA-S / TDB-S Order information Special SDK head d KL Hexagon 8 mm A/F Low profile Ø 12 mm Coloured fastener L W: Washer material S Stainless Steel A Aluminium VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product TDB-SApproval Type Stainless steel TDB-STDB-STDB-S- 5 Order code S16- 6,3x 25 W* d L KL Application range S16- 6,3x 25 15** S16- 6,3x 32 22** S16- 6,3x 38 28** t VD Determining overall fastener length L: thickness of all materials fastened KL+10 mm. Thickness of the steel purlins or liner trays min. = 1,0 mm max. = 3,0 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 Recommended pilot hole diameter: t in mm: pilot hole in mm: 1,5 – 4,0 5,30 4,1 – 6,0 5,50 6,0 – 10,0 5,70 > 10,0 5,80+ Thick steel subconstructions in S355 or higher grades can damage the thread and cause setting problems. In such cases, additional site tests with pilot holes ø 5,85-5,95 mm are recommended. + ** AISI 316, A4 European Standard 1.4401 products available ex stock. Other lenghts on demand. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 5. 6 03/2014 Standing seam BULB-TITE® rivets Aluminium sections to aluminium and steel framework RV6604 RV6604 Technical information Application Secure fixing of standing seam clips. The three load bearing legs ensure all materials are clamped together. Speciality The fastening is weather resistant due to the integral sealing washer. Additional colour caps are available in various colours to match the profiled sheet. Material Washer Fastener ■ RV6604 Body: Aluminium AIMg5 Mandrel: Al Cu Mg 1 ■ EPDM Tools and accessories AccuBird® ■ PowerBird® For standard blind rivets 2,0 - 5,0 mm and for BULB-TITE® rivets 4,0 - 6,3 mm. ■ Standard blind rivets: Alu 4,8 - 8,0 mm, Steel: 4,8 - 6,4 mm. BULB-TITE® rivets 4,0 - 7,7 mm. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 5. 7 5 BULB-TITE® rivets Aluminium sections to aluminium and steel framework Standing seam RV6604 Order information d1 D d L h d Rivet diameter | KL Max. Grip range in | W EPDM washer | d x L diameter / length | t thickness of structure | All measures in mm Order code Application Product Approval Aluminium DIBt Zu assung iegt vor 5 DTU 40.35 40.36 RV6604- 6Type 3 W W* KL min. max. d x L RV6604RV6604RV6604RV6604RV6604RV6604- 3 4 6 8 10 12 W W W W W W 666666- 0,5 - 4,7 1,5 - 6,3 4,7 - 9,5 8,0 - 12,7 11,1 - 15,9 14,3- 19,0 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 Application range x 17,5 x19,1 Head diameter D: 11,5 mm x22,2 x25,4 x28,6 Pilot hole: Ø 5,3-5,5 mm x31,8 R V 6604 – 6 – 3 W Type / Head Ø 11,5 mm Shank Ø in 1/32“ = 5,2 mm KL max. in 1/16“ = 4,7 mm Sealing element Material code Body: AIMg 5 Mandrel: AICuMg 1 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 5. 8 03/2014 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Composite panels 6 Application Product code Page Composite panel to steel substructure SXC / SX 6.3 Composite panel to timber substructure SXCW / SXW 6.6 Side lap clamping SL2-S / SD2-S SLG-S 6.9 Pre engineered insulated panel to substructure SX-D10 6.11 Sealing joint LS / EB / LD 6.13 6 03/2014 6. 1 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Composite panel to steel substructure Composite panels Fast and comfortable fixing of composite panels An increasing awareness of environmental and energy issues and evertighter fire safety constraints all mean that the operating environment in industrial light building is changing. Using state-of-the art composite panels helps you rise to the challenges of economic construction and modern design needs. Great demands are also placed on the associated fasteners. SFS intec offers the answer with the SXC family. These parts fulfil a host of requirements in terms of both installation and long-term behaviour. The impressive features of SXC fasteners Fast, efficient assembly using self-drilling fastening technology The right fastener for each individua substrate A complete system, featuring the CF55 setting tool No need to swap setting tools, as one tool does everything A depth stop, coupled with sealing washer and special under-head design, avoid dimpling of the sheet Maximum corrosion resistance 6 Fixing composite panels in one operation SFS intec SXC self drilling fasteners have been specially developed for the exacting demands of “composite” systems. Dynamic stress caused by temperature changes, foot traffic or wind load simply won’t affect fastener performance. The supporting thread, thread-free zone and the vital sealing washer ensure a lifetime seal. Perfect fixing with the CF55 installation tool The front attachment enables simple insertion and high-quality fastening. This is particularly useful where extremely long fasteners are required. The depth locator also inhibits dimpling of the sheet, as well as faulty seals. 6. 2 A multiplicity of colours To meet the requirements of architectural aesthetics, SFS intec offers these fasteners in any colour. The tried and trusted powder coating accurately matches the exact tone of the composite panels being used. 03/2014 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Composite panel to steel substructure Composite panels SXC / SX SXC / SX Technical information Application Fastening composite panels to steel substructure. The unique thread free zone underneath the head ensure the fastening will remain sealed during the lifetime of the construction. Material Fastener ■ ■ Washer SXC Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) SX Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) or grade AISI 316 (European Standard 1.4401) on request ■ Drill point and lead thread section S = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) with vulcanised EPDM ■ Case hardened, special carbon steel Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating HD headform / drive ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F Washer recommendation Ø 16-19 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights Tools and accessories DI650 CF55 ■ A purpose designed setting tool for installing long composite panel fasteners. The extension drive bar and nosepiece ensure the fasteners are installed correctly. ■ Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 6. 3 6 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Composite panel to steel substructure Composite panels SXC / SX Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL Coloured fastener L W: Washer material * Select washer S Stainless Steel A Aluminium Ø 16-19 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights VD max. penetration | D panel application thickness | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter L Length | t thickness of structure | All measures in mm 5555555555- S19S19S19S19S19S19S19S19S19S19- 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 75 95 115 135 160 185 210 235 270 300 29 39 59 79 94 119 144 169 199 229 - SXC SXC SXC 13 ETA-13/0183 SXC SXC SXC SXC SXC DTU SXC 40.35 40.36 SXC SXC 1414141414141414141414- S19S19S19S19S19S19S19S19S19S19S19- 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 71 80 100 120 140 165 190 215 240 275 305 27 - 37 29 - 47 39 - 67 59 - 87 79 - 107 94 - 132 119 - 157 144 - 182 169 - 207 199 - 237 229 - 267 D ED DYNA SS ED ING TE CS PA D T SFS EC M SS IC BEN T DYNA M Stainless steel CS PA ING TE EC 6 Application range SXC SXC 13 SXC ETA-13/0183 SXC SXC SXC SXC DTU SXC 40.35 SXC 40.36 SXC S Stainless steel T Product S Application Order code SXC 5- S19- 5,5x 75 Approval Type VD W* d L D IC BEN 47 67 87 107 132 157 182 207 237 267 D t min. steel: 1,5 mm D D VD max. steel: 14,0 mm t min. steel: 4,0 mm D Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 6. 4 VD max. steel: 5,0 mm 03/2014 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Composite panel to steel substructure Composite panels SXC / SX Application SX Approval Type Product SFS S Stainless steel 13 ETA-13/0183 SX SX SX SX SX Order code 5/ 30- S16- 5,5x 52 VD KL W* d L KL 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 30557085115- S16S16S16S16S16- 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 52 78 93 108 138 20 15 30 45 75 Application range - 30 55 70 85 115 KL VD max. steel: 5,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm t max. steel: 4,0 mm DTU 40.35 40.36 t min. alu: 2,0 mm t max. alu: 4,0 mm Stainless steel 13 SFS S ETA-13/0183 DTU SX SX SX SX 14/ 14/ 14/ 14/ 20385875- S16S16S16S16- 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 48 66 86 103 20 38 58 75 D 40.35 40.36 VD max. steel: 14,0 mm t min. steel: 4,0 mm t min. alu: 5,0 mm Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 6. 5 6 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Composite panel to timber substructure Composite panels SXCW / SXW SXCW / SXW Technical information Application Fastening composite panels to timber substructure. The unique thread free zone underneath the head ensure the fastening will remain sealed during the lifetime of the construction. Material Fastener ■ 6 Washer SXCW / SXW Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) ■ S = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) with vulcanised EPDM Drill point and lead thread section ■ Case hardened, special carbon steel Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating HD headform / drive ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F Washer recommendation Ø 16-19 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights Tools and accessories CF55 ■ DI650 A purpose designed setting tool for installing long composite panel fasteners. The extension drive bar and nosepiece ensure the fasteners are installed correctly. ■ Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 6. 6 03/2014 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Composite panel to timber substructure Composite panels SXCW / SXW Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL Coloured fastener L W: Washer material * Select washer S Stainless Steel A Aluminium Ø 16-19 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights VD max. penetration | D panel application thickness | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure | All measures in mm Application Order code SXCW- S19- 6,5x 90 Approval Type W* d L Product SFS S Stainless steel 13 ETA-13/0183 ING TE ED D DYNA SS T CS PA S EC M IC BEN SXCWSXCWSXCWSXCWSXCWSXCWSXCWSXCWSXCWSXCW- S19S19S19S19S19S19S19S19S19S19- 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 90 105 115 135 155 185 205 235 275 305 D 28 38 48 68 78 100 120 150 185 215 - Application range 40 55 65 85 105 135 155 185 225 255 D VD max. steel: 2,0 mm 50 mm D 6 DTU 40.35 40.36 D 50 mm Stainless steel 13 SFS S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x 75 99 29 53 D VD max. steel: 2 x 1,0 mm S ETA-13/0183 SXWSXW- DTU 40.35 40.36 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 6. 7 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Side lap clamping Composite panels The secure and speedy way to fix overlapping profiles The SL self drilling fastener range, specially developed for fixing one metal profile to another, offers decisive advantages in usage and durability. The impressive features of the SL fastener Incorrect insertion virtually eliminated 100 % functionality from start to finish EPDM washers ensure effective sealing Ergonomic working with the CF400 installation tool Increased productivity thanks to magazine-fed fasteners = time is money! 6 Self drilling fasteners for fast and efficient overlapping These special fasteners designed specifically for thin overlapping profiles offer a range of benefits. The optimum clamping strength results from careful matching of the tip to the thread diameter. Moreover, the special under-head design inhibits over-torquing as well as self-loosening under dynamic load. Any unevenness in the set is smoothed out by the special soft EPDM sealing washer. So the bond is always safe and secure. Neues Foto erstellen 6. 8 Safe and easy installation with the CF400 installation tool Even working on the roof, a simple extension attached to the CF400 insertion tool is all that is required to maintain a standing position. And using magazinefed fasteners really speeds up the whole process. 03/2014 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Side lap clamping Composite panels SLG-S / SL2-S / SD2-S SLG-S / SL2-S / SD2-S Technical information Application Stainless steel fastening of side laps and flashings. The thread-free zone under the fastener head prevents stripping of the threads in the sheets. The sheets are pulled together tightly, clamped in the thread-free zone and sealed. The fasteners can be used without depth locator or torque control. Material Fastener ■ Washer SLG-S / SL2-S / SD2-S Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) or grade AISI 316 (European Standard 1.4401) on request ■ Drill point and lead thread section S = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) with vulcanised EPDM ■ Case hardened, special carbon steel 6 Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating HD headform / drive ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F ■ irius® Ø 12 mm Tools and accessories DI650 CF400 ■ Automatic setting tool for installing belted fasteners (10 pcs) with a maximum 16 mm diameter washer upto a maximum length of 40 mm. ■ E420 / E480 Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. ■ ■ The E420 setting tool for installing self drilling fasteners with the irius® system. The E480 setting tool is recommended for installing self drilling fasteners with the hexagon head. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 6. 9 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Side lap clamping Composite panels SL2-S / SD2-S Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL irius® Ø 12 mm Coloured fastener L W: Washer material S Stainless Steel A Aluminium VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product Order code SLG-S- S14- 4,8x 20 Approval Type HD W* d L KL Stainless steel SLG-S- S14- 4,8x 20 Application range VD 10 ETA-10/0198 VD max. steel: 2 x 0,9 mm t min. steel: 2 x 0,4 mm DTU 40.35 40.36 6 Stainless steel 10 ETA-10/0198 DTU SL2-SSL2-SSL2-S- S14- 4,8x 22 S14- 4,8x 22 S14- 5,5x 25 VD t min. steel: 2 x 0,4 mm 40.35 40.36 Stainless steel SD2-S- D7- Stainless steel 4,8x 23 SL2-S- L12- S14- 6,3x 28 VD ETA-10/0198 VD max. steel: 2 x 1,0 mm DTU t min. steel: 2 x 0,4 mm 10 40.35 40.36 Stainless steel SL2-S- S16- 6,3x 28 10 ETA-10/0198 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 6. 10 VD max. steel: 2 x 1,0 mm 03/2014 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Pre engineered insulated panel to substructure Composite panels SX-D10 SX-D10 Technical information Application Pre engineered insulated panel to substructure. Material Fastener ■ Washer SX-D10 Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) or grade AISI 316 (European Standard 1.4401) on request ■ S = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) with vulcanised EPDM 6 HD headform / drive ■ Low profile Ø 10 mm Tools and accessories T25W-175 + T25W-240 DI650 ■ Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. The setting tool is required for installing self drilling fasteners. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 6. 11 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Pre engineered insulated panel to substructure Composite panels SX-D10 Order information Low profile Ø 10 mm d KL L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure | All measures in mm Applications Product Order code SX 5- D10- S19/C9- 5,5x 41 Type VD HD W* d L KL Stainless steel SX Application range 5- D10- S19/C9- 5,5x 41 VD max. steel: 5,0 mm VD t min. steel: 1,2 mm t max. steel: 3,0 mm Bit: T25W 6 Stainless steel SX 14- D10- S19/C9- 5,5x 52 VD max. steel: 14,0 mm VD t min. steel: 4,0 mm Bit: T25W Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 6. 12 03/2014 Against driving rain, dust, etc. Sealing joint Composite panels LS LS Product advantages ■ ■ ■ ■ self-adhesive on one side to facilitate application raintight seal permits vapour diffusion easy to compress Technical information Application Material The pre-compressed tape is used for sealing joints against driving rain, dust, etc. It is suitable for longitudinal and transverse joints between trapezoidal profiles and sandwich elements. ■ 6 Colour Open-cell polyurethane foam impregnated with an acrylic polymer. ■ Grey Technical details Item DIN Characteristics Class of building material 4102 B2 (normally flammable) Vapour diffusion resistance EN ISO 12572 μ 100 Heat resistance –30°C to +90°C Compatibility with building 52453 granted Joint permeability 18055 a 0,1 m3 / [h x m x (daPa)n] Processing temperature +5°C to +50°C Shelf life 1 year Storage temperature +1°C to +20°C Driving rain leak-tightness 18055 300 Pa Weathertightness 18542 Specification complied with Order information LSType LSLSLSLSLSLSLS- 03/2014 Order code 10/ 1,5-2 tape width joint height 10/ 15/ 30/ 15/ 10/ 15/ 30/ 1,5-2 1,5-2 1,5-2 3-4 3-5,5 3-5,5 3-5,5 box capacity m/roll 275 175 75 126 143 91 39 25 25 25 18 13 13 13 6. 13 Thermal separation of structural components Sealing joint Composite panels EB EB Product advantages ■ ■ ■ self-adhesive on one side to facilitate application non-compressible dimensionally stable, even at high temperatures Technical information 6 Application Material The dimensionally stable sealing tape is used for thermal separation of structural components, e.g. the top flange of liner trays, to minimise heat build-up. ■ Colour Non cross-linked, closed-cell polypropylene copolymer foam; flameretardant. ■ Anthrazit Technical details Item DIN Characteristics Class of building material 4102 B2 (normally flammable) Heat resistance –30°C to +130°C Compatibility with building 52453 granted Processing temperature +5°C to +50°C Shelf life 2 years Storage temperature +1°C to +20°C Thermal conductivity 0.042 W/m x K Order information EBType EBEBEB- 6. 14 Order code 30/ 3 tape width tape thickness 30/ 60/ 80/ 3 3 3 box capacity m/roll 720 360 270 30 30 30 03/2014 Airtightness Sealing joint Composite panels LD LD Product advantages ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ self-adhesive on one side to facilitate application good adjustment even with wide joint tolerances especially easy to compress no deformation of the steel profiles leak-tight to driving rain up to 600 Pa stress class BG1 airtight seal permits vapour diffusion Technical information Application Material The pre-compressed tape is used for airtight sealing of joints, e.g. for longitudinal and transverse liner joints and joints between sandwich elements. ■ 6 Colour Soft polyurethane foam impregnated on the sides. ■ Anthrazit Technical details Item DIN Characteristics Class of building material 4102 B1 (flame-retardant) Vapour diffusion resistance EN ISO 12572 μ 100 Heat resistance –30°C to +90°C Compatibility with building 52453 granted Joint permeability 18055 a 0,1 m3 / [h x m x (daPa)n] Processing temperature +1°C to +50°C Shelf life 1 year Storage temperature +1°C to +20°C Driving rain leak-tightness 18055 leak-tight to driving rain up to 600 Pa Weathertightness 18542 Specification complied with Order information LDType LDLDLDLDLDLDLDLD- 03/2014 Order code 10/ 1-3 tape width joint height 10/ 14/ 10/ 14/ 10/ 14/ 14/ 18/ 1-3 1-3 1-4 1-4 2-6 2-6 3-9 6-18 box capacity m/roll 240 330 176 242 270 198 132 48 30 30 22 22 18 18 12 6 6. 15 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Composite panels 7 Application Product code Page Composite panel to steel substructure SDT / SD 7.2 Composite panel to timber substructure SDTW 7.5 Side lap clamping SL2-T 7.9 Pre engineered insulated panel to substructure SD-D10 SW-D10 7.11 Sealing joint LS / EB / LD 7.13 7 03/2014 7. 1 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Composite panel to steel substructure Composite panels SDT / SD SDT / SD Technical information Application Fastening composite panels to steel substructure. The unique thread free zone underneath the head ensure the fastening will remain sealed during the lifetime of the construction. Material Fastener ■ Washer SDT / SD Plated carbon steel, case hardened ■ ■ A = Aluminium with vulcanised EPDM S = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) with vulcanised EPDM Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating HD headform / drive 7 ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F Washer recommendation Ø 16-19 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights Tools and accessories CF55 ■ DI650 A purpose designed setting tool for installing long composite panel fasteners. The extension drive bar and nosepiece ensure the fasteners are installed correctly. ■ Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 7. 2 03/2014 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Composite panel to steel substructure Composite panels SDT / SD Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL Coloured fastener L W: Washer material * Select washer T Carbon Steel A Aluminium Ø 16-19 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights VD max. penetration | D panel application thickness | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure | All measures in mm Application Order code SDT 5- A19- 5,5x 55 Approval Type VD W* d L D Product Carbon steel ED D SS ING TE DYNA M T CS PA S EC IC BEN 13 T SFS ETA-13/0183 Carbon steel ED D SS ING TE DYNA M T CS PA S EC IC BEN 13 ETA-13/0183 Carbon steel 13 SFS Carbon steel ING TE S D SE D S PA T DYNA M CS S EC SFS SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT 5555555555- A19A19A19A19A19A19A19A19A19A19- 5,5x 67 5,5x 77 5,5x 97 5,5x 112 5,5x 137 5,5x 162 5,5x 182 5,5x 226 5,5x 266 5,5x 286 36 39 49 54 69 110 114 158 198 218 - 45 55 75 90 115 137 160 204 244 264 SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT 14141414141414141414- A19A19A19A19A19A19A19A19A19A19- 5,5x 74 5,5x 93 5,5x 113 5,5x 142 5,5x 160 5,5x 189 5,5x 215 5,5x 236 5,5x 276 5,5x 296 38 48 68 87 94 120 147 167 207 227 - 48 67 87 116 134 160 185 207 244 264 SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT 5555555- A19 A19 A19A19A19A19A19- 5,5x 67 5,5x 77 5,5x 97 5,5x 112 5,5x 137 5,5x 162 5,5x 182 36 39 49 54 69 94 114 - 45 55 75 90 115 137 160 KL SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT 141414141414- A19A19A19A19A19A16- 5,5x 74 5,5x 93 5,5x 113 5,5x 142 5,5x 160 5,5x 189 38 48 68 87 94 120 - 48 67 87 116 134 160 D D VD max. steel: 5,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm D D VD max. steel: 14,0 mm t min. steel: 4,0 mm D VD max. steel: 5,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm S ETA-13/0183 Application range IC BEN 13 ETA-13/0183 VD max. steel: 14,0 mm t min. steel: 4,0 mm Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 7. 3 7 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Composite panel to steel substructure Composite panels SDT / SD Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL Coloured fastener L W: Washer material * Select washer T Carbon Steel A Aluminium Ø 16-19 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights VD max. penetration | D panel application thickness | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter L Length | t thickness of structure | All measures in mm Application Product Order code SD 3- S16- 5,5x 45 Approval Type VD W* d L KL SFS 7 Carbon steel S 10 SFS SD SD SD SD SD 33333- S16S16S16S16S16- 5,5x 45 5,5x 60 5,5x 70 5,5x 80 5,5x 100 29 47 54 64 84 SD SD SD SD 14141414- S16S16S16S16- 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5 15 25 35 KL VD max. steel: 3,0 mm t min. steel: 2 x 0,63 - 1,2 mm S Carbon steel Application range ETA-10/0198 56 66 76 86 - 35 45 55 65 D VD max. steel: 14,0 mm t min. steel: 4,0 mm Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 7. 4 03/2014 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Composite panel to timber substructure Composite panels SDTW SDTW Technical information Application Fastening composite panels to timber substructure. The unique thread free zone underneath the head ensure the fastening will remain sealed during the lifetime of the construction. Material Fastener ■ Washer SDTW Plated carbon steel, case hardened ■ Coloured fastener A = Aluminium with vulcanised EPDM Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating HD headform / drive ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F 7 Washer recommendation Ø 16-19 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights Tools and accessories CF55 ■ DI650 A purpose designed setting tool for installing long composite panel fasteners. The extension drive bar and nosepiece ensure the fasteners are installed correctly. ■ Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 7. 5 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Composite panel to timber substructure Composite panels SDTW Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL Coloured fastener L W: Washer material * Select washer T Carbon Steel A Aluminium Ø 16-19 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights VD max. penetration | D panel application thickness | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure | All measures in mm Application Product Carbon steel Order code SDTW- A19- 6,5x 75 Type W* d L SDTWSDTWSDTWSDTWSDTWSDTWSDTWSDTWSDTWSDTW- A19A19A19A19A19A19A19A19A19A19- 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 115 125 135 150 175 200 230 250 280 310 D 43 53 63 78 103 128 158 178 208 238 - Application range 73 D 83 93 50 mm 105 130 155 185 Please follow the national regulations regarding minimum 205 setting depths into wood subconstruction. 235 265 7 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 7. 6 03/2014 Composite panels 7 03/2014 7. 7 Carbon self drilling stitchers Side lap clamping Composite panels The secure and speedy way to fix overlapping profiles The SL self drilling fastener range, specially developed for fixing one metal profile to another, offers decisive advantages in usage and durability. The impressive features of the SL fastener Incorrect insertion virtually eliminated 100 % functionality from start to finish EPDM washers ensure effective sealing Ergonomic working with the CF400 installation tool Increased productivity thanks to magazine-fed fasteners = time is money! 7 Self drilling fasteners for fast and efficient overlapping These special fasteners designed specifically for thin overlapping profiles offer a range of benefits. The optimum clamping strength results from careful matching of the tip to the thread diameter. Moreover, the special under-head design inhibits over-torquing as well as self-loosening under dynamic load. Any unevenness in the set is smoothed out by the special soft EPDM sealing washer. So the bond is always safe and secure. Neues Foto erstellen 7. 8 Safe and easy installation with the CF400 installation tool Even working on the roof, a simple extension attached to the CF400 insertion tool is all that is required to maintain a standing position. And using magazinefed fasteners really speeds up the whole process. 03/2014 Carbon self drilling stitchers Side lap clamping Composite panels SL2-T SL2-T Technical information Application Carbon steel fastening of side laps and flashings. The thread-free zone under the fastener head prevents stripping of the threads in the sheets. The sheets are pulled together tightly, clamped in the thread-free zone and sealed. The fasteners can be used without depth stop or torque control. Material Fastener ■ Washer SL2-T Plated carbon steel, case hardened ■ Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating A = Aluminium with vulcanised EPDM HD headform / drive ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F 7 Tools and accessories CF400 ■ DI650 Automatic setting tool for installing belted fasteners (10 pcs) with a maximum 16 mm diameter washer upto a maximum length of 40 mm. ■ E480 Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. ■ The E480 setting tool is recommended for installing self drilling fasteners with the hexagon head. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 7. 9 Carbon self drilling stitchers Side lap clamping Composite panels SL2-T Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL Coloured fastener L W: Washer material T Carbon Steel A Aluminium VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product Order code SL 2- A14- 4,8x 20 Type VD W* d L KL Carbon steel SL 2- A14- 4,8x 20 Application range VD VD max. steel: 2,0 - 2 x 1,0 mm t min. steel: 2 x 0,4 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 7 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 7. 10 03/2014 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Pre engineered insulated panel to substructure Composite panels SD-D10 / SW-D10 SD-D10 / SW-D10 Technical information Application Pre engineered insulated panel to substructure. Material Fastener ■ Washer SD-D10 / SW-D10 Plated carbon steel, case hardened ■ T = Steel zinc plated HD headform / drive ■ Low profile Ø 10 mm 7 Tools and accessories DI650 ■ T25W-175 + T25W-240 Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. ■ The setting tool is required for installling self drilling fasteners. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 7. 11 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Pre engineered insulated panel to substructure Composite panels SD-D10 / SW-D10 Order information Low profile Ø 10 mm d KL L VD max. penetration | D panel application thickness | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure | All measures in mm Application Product Order code SD 3- D10- T19/C9- 5,5x 30 Type VD HD W* d L D Carbon steel SD Application range 3- D10- T19/C9- 5,5x 30 VD max. steel: 3,0 mm VD t min. steel: 2 x 0,63 mm 1,5 mm Bit: T25W - 175mm Carbon steel SD 14- D10- T19/C9- 5,5x 46 VD max. steel: 14,0 mm VD t min. steel: 4,0 mm 7 Bit: T25W - 175mm Carbon steel SW 2- D10- T19/C9- 5,5x 55 VD max. steel: 2 x 1,0 mm VD Bit: T25W - 175mm Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 7. 12 03/2014 Against driving rain, dust, etc. Sealing joint Composite panels LS LS Product advantages ■ ■ ■ ■ self-adhesive on one side to facilitate application raintight seal permits vapour diffusion easy to compress Technical information Application Material The pre-compressed tape is used for sealing joints against driving rain, dust, etc. It is suitable for longitudinal and transverse joints between trapezoidal profiles and sandwich elements. ■ Colour Open-cell polyurethane foam impregnated with an acrylic polymer. ■ Grey 7 Technical details Item DIN Characteristics Class of building material 4102 B2 (normally flammable) Vapour diffusion resistance EN ISO 12572 μ 100 Heat resistance –30°C to +90°C Compatibility with building 52453 granted Joint permeability 18055 a 0,1 m3 / [h x m x (daPa)n] Processing temperature +5°C to +50°C Shelf life 1 year Storage temperature +1°C to +20°C Driving rain leak-tightness 18055 300 Pa Weathertightness 18542 Specification complied with Order information LSType LSLSLSLSLSLSLS- 03/2014 Order code 10/ 1,5-2 tape width joint height 10/ 15/ 30/ 15/ 10/ 15/ 30/ 1,5-2 1,5-2 1,5-2 3-4 3-5,5 3-5,5 3-5,5 box capacity m/roll 275 175 75 126 143 91 39 25 25 25 18 13 13 13 7. 13 Thermal separation of structural components Sealing joint Composite panels EB EB Product advantages ■ ■ ■ self-adhesive on one side to facilitate application non-compressible dimensionally stable, even at high temperatures Technical information 7 Application Material The dimensionally stable sealing tape is used for thermal separation of structural components, e.g. the top flange of liner trays, to minimise heat build-up. ■ Colour Non cross-linked, closed-cell polypropylene copolymer foam; flameretardant. ■ Anthrazit Technical details Item DIN Characteristics Class of building material 4102 B2 (normally flammable) Heat resistance –30°C to +130°C Compatibility with building 52453 granted Processing temperature +5°C to +50°C Shelf life 2 years Storage temperature +1°C to +20°C Thermal conductivity 0.042 W/m x K Order information EBType EBEBEB- 7. 14 Order code 30/ 3 tape width tape thickness 30/ 60/ 80/ 3 3 3 box capacity m/roll 720 360 270 30 30 30 03/2014 Airtightness Sealing joint Composite panels LD LD Product advantages ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ self-adhesive on one side to facilitate application good adjustment even with wide joint tolerances especially easy to compress no deformation of the steel profiles leak-tight to driving rain up to 600 Pa stress class BG1 airtight seal permits vapour diffusion Technical information Application Material The pre-compressed tape is used for airtight sealing of joints, e.g. for longitudinal and transverse liner joints and joints between sandwich elements. ■ Colour Soft polyurethane foam impregnated on the sides. ■ Anthrazit 7 Technical details Item DIN Characteristics Class of building material 4102 B1 (flame-retardant) Vapour diffusion resistance EN ISO 12572 μ 100 Heat resistance –30°C to +90°C Compatibility with building 52453 granted Joint permeability 18055 a 0,1 m3 / [h x m x (daPa)n] Processing temperature +1°C to +50°C Shelf life 1 year Storage temperature +1°C to +20°C Driving rain leak-tightness 18055 leak-tight to driving rain up to 600 Pa Weathertightness 18542 Specification complied with Order information LDType LDLDLDLDLDLDLD- 03/2014 Order code 10/ 1-3 tape width joint height 10/ 14/ 10/ 10/ 14/ 14/ 18/ 1-3 1-3 1-4 2-6 2-6 3-9 6-18 box capacity m/roll 240 330 176 270 198 132 48 30 30 22 18 18 12 6 7. 15 Self tapping fasteners Steel and timber construction 8 Application Product code Page Steel, aluminium and timber substructure TDA-S / TDB-S TDC-S 8.3 Steel, aluminium and timber substructure TDA-T / TDB-T 8.6 Steel substructure TDBL-T 8.8 Anchoring GA-AS GA-BS 8.12 Drill bits HSS 8.14 8 03/2014 8. 1 Stainless steel self tapping fasteners Steel, aluminium and timber substructure Steel and timber construction TDA-S / TDB-S / TDC-S Simple, reliable fixing in high tensile steel Increasing demand in terms of security and product durability call for the use of high quality steel fasteners in industrial light construction. Often a range of different steel grades are used on site. Conventional threadforming screws may arrive at their working limits; or become extremely difficult to use. But it’s no problem for SFS intec thread- forming fasteners, which maintain their complete functionality in every steel grade from S 235 to S 355. The impressive features of the TDB-S fasteners Fully functional in every grade of steel; even S 355 One fastener for a wide range of applications – a safe choice Available in a wide range of colours Maximum corrosion resistance 8 On the safe side with TDB-S fasteners Many application faults can be eliminated by the use of TDB-S fasteners. For instance, the same pre-drilling diameter can be applied independently of the steel grade. Thread damage caused by improper pre-drilling or choosing the wrong fastener is a thing of the past. One fastener for a wide range of substrates By optimizing the production process of the TDB-S, it has been possible to further extend the application range of this widely used thread-forming fastener. This makes the TDB-S the ideal choice for any steel support structure from S 235 (ST37) to S 355 (ST 52). 8. 2 03/2014 Steel and timber construction Stainless steel self tapping fasteners Steel, aluminium and timber substructure TDA-S / TDB-S / TDC-S TDA-S / TDB-S / TDC-S Technical information Application TDA-S: fastening into timber and thin steel < 3,0 mm TDB-S: fastening into steel with a thickness > 3,0 mm Material Fastener ■ Washer TDA-S / TDB-S / TDC-S Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) or grade AISI 316 (European Standard 1.4401) on request ■ Coloured fastener S = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) with vulcanised EPDM Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating HD headform / drive ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F 8 Washer recommendation Ø 12-16 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights Tools and accessories DI650 ■ E480 Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. ■ The E480 setting tool is recommended for installing self drilling fasteners with the hexagon head. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 8. 3 Stainless steel self tapping fasteners Steel, aluminium and timber substructure Steel and timber construction TDA-S / TDB-S / TDC-S Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL Coloured fastener L W: Washer material * Select washer S Stainless Steel A Aluminium Ø 12-16 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product Order code TDA-S- S16- 6,5x 19 Approval Type W* d L KL Stainless steel 13 ETA-13/0183 8 TDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-S- S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x S16- 6,5x 19 25 32 38 45 51 64 76 90 100 115 127 152 178 215 250 300 7 13** 20 26 33 39 52** 64 78 88 103 115 140 166 203 238 288 Application range t t KL Determining overall fastener length L: thickness of all materials fastened KL+12 mm. Thickness of the steel purlins or liner trays min. = 1,0 mm max. = 3,0 mm Recommended pilot hole diameter: t in mm: pilot hole in mm: 1,0 – 1,25 4,50 1,5 – 3,00 5,00 wood 4,80 ** AISI 316, A4 European Standard 1.4401 products available ex stock. Other lenghts on demand. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 8. 4 03/2014 Stainless steel self tapping fasteners Steel, aluminium and timber substructure Steel and timber construction TDA-S / TDB-S / TDC-S Application Order code TDB-S- S16- 6,3x 19 Approval Type W* d L KL Product Stainless steel 13 ETA-13/0183 Stainless steel TDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-S- S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x S16- 6,3x 19 25 32 38 45 51 64 76 90 100 115 127 145 152 178 200 220 265 285 9** 15** 22** 28** 35 41 54** 66 80 90 105 117 135 142 168 190 210 255 275 TDC-S- S19- 7,1x 19 7 TDC-S- S19- 7,1x 25 13 Application range t VD t KL Determining overall fastener length L: thickness of all materials fastened KL+10 mm. Recommended pilot hole diameter: t in mm: pilot hole in mm: 1,5 – 4,0 5,30 4,1 – 6,0 5,50 6,0 – 10,0 5,70 > 10,0 5,80+ + Thick steel subconstructions in S355 or higher grades can damage the thread and cause setting problems. In such case, additional site tests with pilot holes ø 5,85-5,95 mm are recommended. Repair fastener in purlin: The Ø 7,1x19 repair fastener can be used to repair overdriven fasteners in purlins. However, in that case the existing hole has to be enlarged to Ø 6,55 mm. Only suitable for steel purlin up to 3 mm. Repair fastener in side lap applications 1. Take out over torqued fastener 2. Insert TDC-S fastener in the same hole 3. Tighten and seal (carefully tighten using engineers hand brace) ** AISI 316, A4 European Standard 1.4401 products available ex stock. Other lenghts on demand. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 8. 5 8 Carbon steel self tapping fasteners Steel, aluminium and timber substructure Steel and timber construction TDA-T / TDB-T TDA-T / TDB-T Technical information Application TDA-T: fastening into timber and steel < 3,0 mm TDB-T: fastening into steel with a thickness > 3,0 mm Material Fastener ■ Washer TDA-T / TDB-T Plated carbon steel, case hardened ■ T = Carbon steel with vulcanised EPDM Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating HD headform / drive ■ 8 Hexagon 8 mm A/F Tools and accessories DI650 ■ E480 Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. ■ The E480 setting tool is recommended for installing self drilling fasteners with the hexagon head. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 8. 6 03/2014 Carbon steel self tapping fasteners Steel, aluminium and timber substructure Steel and timber construction TDA-T / TDB-T Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL Coloured fastener L W: Washer material * Select washer S Stainless Steel A Aluminium Ø 12-16 mm for cladding Ø 19 mm for roofing Ø 29 mm for rooflights VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Order code TDA-T- T16- 6,5x 19 Type W* d L KL Product Carbon steel 13 ETA-13/0183 Carbon steel 13 ETA-13/0183 TDA-TTDA-TTDA-TTDA-TTDA-TTDA-TTDA-TTDA-TTDA-TTDA-TTDA-TTDA-TTDA-TTDA-T- T16T16T16T16T16T16T16T16T16T16T16T16T16T16- 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 19 25 32 38 45 51 64 76 90 100 127 152 178 215 7 13 20 26 33 39 52 64 78 88 115 140 166 203 TDB-TTDB-TTDB-TTDB-TTDB-TTDB-TTDB-TTDB-TTDB-TTDB-TTDB-TTDB-TTDB-TTDB-T- T16T16T16T16T16T16T16T16T16T16T16T16T16T16- 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 19 25 32 38 45 51 64 76 90 100 127 152 178 215 9 15 22 28 35 41 54 66 80 90 117 142 168 205 Application range t Determining overall fastener length L: thickness of all materials fastened KL+12 mm. Thickness of the steel purlins or liner trays min. = 1,0 mm max. = 3,0 mm Recommended pilot hole diameter: t in mm: pilot hole in mm: 1,0 – 1,25 4,50 1,5 – 3,00 5,00 wood 4,80 t 8 VD Determining overall fastener length L: thickness of all materials fastened KL+10 mm. Recommended pilot hole diameter: t in mm: pilot hole in mm: 1,5 – 4,0 5,30 4,1 – 6,0 5,50 6,0 – 10,0 5,70 > 10,0 5,80 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 8. 7 Carbon steel self tapping fasteners Steel substructure Steel and timber construction TDBL-T TDBL-T Technical information Application Fastening steel purlins to steel structure. A responsible designer must verify the use of TDBL fastener in structural applications. Material Fastener ■ TDBL-T Plated carbon steel, case hardened HD headform / drive ■ Hexagon 13 mm A/F T ■ Hexagon 16 mm A/F T Tools and accessories 8 E313 / E316 ■ Magnetic socket E313 / E316 E313: Drive 1/4“ Hex 13 mm E316: Drive 1/2“ Square, Hex 16 mm Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 8. 8 03/2014 Carbon steel self tapping fasteners Steel substructure Steel and timber construction TDBL-T Order information Hexagon 13 mm A/F d KL T L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product Order code TDBL-T- 8,6x Type d 16 L KL Carbon steel TDBL-T- 16 8,6x Application range 11 ETA-11/0191 Safety against overwinding: total thickness tI + tII 2 mm Selection of correct pre-drill Ø pre-drill Ø 7,5 mm tI [mm] pre-drill Ø 8 mm 4 3 8 2 1 0.88 0.88 1 2 3 4 5 6 tII [mm] 7 tI tII tI Field of application, according to ETA tII Standard: tI + tII : pre-drill Ø according to diagram More than 2 elements : pre-drill Ø for tI: TDBL-T-8,6xL = min. 8,8 mm pre-drill Ø for tII: according to diagram Example of pre-drill Ø: tI = 2,0 mm tII = 5,5 mm = pre-drill Ø 8,0 mm Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 8. 9 Carbon steel self tapping fasteners Steel substructure Steel and timber construction TDBL-T Order information Hexagon 13 mm A/F d KL T L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product Order code TDBL-T- 10,6x 30 Type d L KL Carbon steel TDBL-T- 10,6x 30 Application range 11 ETA-11/0191 Safety against overwinding: total thickness tI + tII 3 mm Selection of correct pre-drill Ø pre-drill Ø 9 mm tI [mm] pre-drill Ø 10 mm 4 8 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 tI tII 6 tII [mm] 7 tI Field of application, according to ETA tII Standard: tI + tII : pre-drill Ø according to diagram More than 2 elements : pre-drill Ø for tI: TDBL-T-10,6xL = min. 10,8 mm pre-drill Ø for tII: according to diagram Example of pre-drill Ø: tI = 2,0 mm tII = 5,5 mm = pre-drill Ø 10,0 mm Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 8. 10 03/2014 Steel and timber construction 8 03/2014 8. 11 Stainless steel self tapping fasteners Anchoring Steel and timber construction GA-AS / GA-BS GA-AS / GA-BS Technical information Application GA-AS: fastening into timber and thin steel < 3,0 mm GA-BS: fastening into steel with a thickness > 3,0 mm Material Fastener ■ Washer GA-AS / GA-BS Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) ■ S = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) with vulcanised EPDM ■ Special socket required: E395 HD headform / drive ■ Hexagon: 3/8"~ 9,5 mm A/F 8 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 8. 12 03/2014 Stainless steel self tapping fasteners Anchoring Steel and timber construction GA-AS / GA-BS Order information Hexagon: 3/8"~ 9,5 mm A/F d KL L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Order code GA-AS- S16- 6,5x 32 Type W* d L KL Product Stainless steel GA-ASGA-AS- Application range S16- 6,5x 32 S16- 6,5x 45 Hexagon: 3/8"~ 9,5 mm A/F Threaded part: M8 x 11 mm Recommended pilot hole diameter: t in mm: pilot hole in mm: 1,0 – 1,25 4,50 1,5 – 3,00 5,00 wood 4,80 Stainless steel GA-BSGA-BS- 8 S16- 6,3x 25 S16- 6,3x 32 Hexagon: 3/8"~ 9,5 mm A/F Threaded part: M8 x 11 mm Recommended pilot hole diameter: t in mm: pilot hole in mm: 1,5 – 4,0 5,30 4,1 – 6,0 5,50 6,0 – 10,0 5,70 > 10,0 5,80** **Thick steel subconstructions in S355 or higher grades can damage the thread and cause setting problems. In such case, additional site tests with pilot holes ø 5,85-5,95 mm are recommended. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 8. 13 Drill bits Drill bits Steel and timber construction HSS Order information d f L d diameter | L Length | f flute length | All measures in mm 8 Example order code HSS4,8x L Type d L f HSS- 4,8x L - HSS- 4,5x L - HSSHSSHSSHSSHSSHSS- 5,0x 5,0x 5,0x 5,0x 5,0x 5,0x 60 95 125 175 220 250 31 31 31 31 31 31 HSSHSSHSSHSSHSSHSSHSS- 5,3x 5,3x 5,3x 5,3x 5,3x 5,3x 5,3x 60 95 125 175 220 250 290 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 HSSHSSHSSHSSHSSHSSHSS- 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 60 95 125 175 220 250 290 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 HSSHSSHSSHSSHSSHSSHSS- 5,7x 5,7x 5,7x 5,7x 5,7x 5,7x 5,7x 60 95 125 175 220 250 290 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Application range Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 8. 14 03/2014 Self drilling and self tapping fasteners Corrugated fibre cement sheet 9 Application Product code Page Fibre cement sheet to steel or timber structure SCF / SCFW SCFW-S 9.2 Steel, aluminium and timber substructure TDA-S / TDB-S HG-S / LL-S HG-T 9.4 Drill bits HSS 9.8 9 03/2014 9. 1 Self drilling fasteners Fibre cement sheet to steel or timber structure Corrugated fibre cement sheet SCF / SCFW / SCFW-S SCF / SCFW / SCFW-S Technical information Application Direct fastening of fibre cement sheet to timber or steel. The approved fastener and setting tool for securing corrugated fibre cement sheets. Material Fastener ■ ■ ■ Washer SCF Case hardened carbon steel, Durocoat® coated SCFW Case hardened, carbon steel, hot dipped galvanised SCFW-S Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) ■ BAZ = EPDM sealing material with austenitic stainless steel metal washer HD headform / drive ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F 9 Tools and accessories CF40 ■ ASCS 6.3 18V FEIN A purpose designed setting tool for installing fibre cement fasteners. The extension drive bar and nose piece eliminates over driving and subsequent cracking of the fibre cement sheet. ■ For direct fastening of fibre cement sheet to timber or steel. The CF40-AC18V installation tool with depth locator eliminates over driving and subsequent cracking of the fibre cement sheet. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 9. 2 03/2014 Corrugated fibre cement sheet Self drilling fasteners Fibre cement sheet to steel or timber structure SCF / SCFW / SCFW-S Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product SCF Type Order code 8- BAZ- 6,3x 115 VD W* d L KL Carbon steel SCF 8- BAZ- 6,3x 115 Application range t KL VD max. steel: 8,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm t KL t max. steel: 8,0 mm KL t Carbon steel SCFWSCFWSCFW- BAZ- 6,5x 95 BAZ- 6,5x 130 BAZ- 6,5x 180 Max. roof pitch: Fastener length up to – 120 mm = 30° max. pitch – 120–140 mm = 20° max. pitch – 140–200 mm = 15° max. pitch Stainless steel SCFW-S- BAZ- 6,5x 130 9 Max. roof pitch: Fastener length up to – 120 mm = 30° max. pitch – 120–140 mm = 20° max. pitch – 140–200 mm = 15° max. pitch Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 9. 3 Self tapping fasteners Steel, aluminium and timber substructure Corrugated fibre cement sheet TDA-S / TDB-S / HG-S / LL-S / HG-T TDA-S / TDB-S / HG-S / LL-S / HG-T Technical information Application Fastening fibre cement sheet to steel or timber structure TDA-S: Fastening into timber and steel < 3.0 mm TDB-S: Fastening into steel 3.0 mm above When corrosion resistance is required, we recommend the use of austenitic stainless steel fasteners. Material Fastener ■ ■ Washer TDA-S / TDB-S / HG-S / LL-S Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) or grade AISI 316 (European Standard 1.4401) on request HG-T Plated carbon steel, case hardened ■ ■ BAZ = EPDM sealing material with austenitic stainless steel metal washer S = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) with vulcanised EPDM HD headform / drive ■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F 9 Tools and accessories E480 DI650 ■ Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. ■ The E480 setting tool is recommended for installing self drilling fasteners with the hexagon head. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 9. 4 03/2014 Self tapping fasteners Steel, aluminium and timber substructure Corrugated fibre cement sheet TDA-S / TDB-S / HG-S / LL-S / HG-T Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Order code TDA-S- BAZ- 6,5x 90 Approval Type W* d L Product Stainless steel TDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-STDA-S- DIBt Zu assung iegt vor BAZBAZBAZBAZBAZBAZBAZ- 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 6,5x 90 100 115 127 152 178 215 KL 67 77 92 104 129 155 192 Application range KL t Max. roof pitch: Fastener length up to – 120 mm = 30° max. pitch – 120–140 mm = 20° max. pitch – 140–200 mm = 15° max. pitch Determining overall fastener length L: Thickness of all materials fastened KL+12 mm. Thickness of the steel purlins or liner trays. min. = 1,0 mm max. = 3,0 mm Please note: 11 mm clerance hole is recommended in fibre cement sheet Recommended pilot hole diameter: t in mm: pilot hole in mm: 1,0 – 1,25 4,50 1,5 – 3,00 5,00 wood 4,80 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 9. 5 9 Self tapping fasteners Steel, aluminium and timber substructure Corrugated fibre cement sheet TDA-S / TDB-S / HG-S / LL-S / HG-T Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure| All measures in mm Application Product Order code TDB-S- BAZ- 6,3x 90 Approval Type W* d L Stainless steel TDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-STDB-S- DIBt Zu assung iegt vor BAZBAZBAZBAZBAZBAZ- 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 6,3x 90 100 115 127 152 178 KL 60 70 85 97 122 148 Application range t KL Max. roof pitch: Fastener length up to – 120 mm = 30° max. pitch – 120–140 mm = 20° max. pitch – 140–200 mm = 15° max. pitch Determining overall fastener length L: thickness of all materials fastened KL+10 mm. Please note: 11 mm clerance hole is recommended in fibre cement sheet Recommended pilot hole diameter: t in mm: pilot hole in mm: 1,5 – 4,0 5,30 4,1 – 6,0 5,50 6,0 – 10,0 5,70 > 10,0 5,80** 9 **Thick steel subconstructions in S355 or higher grades can damage the thread and cause setting problems. In such case, additional site tests with pilot holes ø 5,85 - 5,95 mm are recommended. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 9. 6 03/2014 Self tapping fasteners Steel, aluminium and timber substructure Corrugated fibre cement sheet TDA-S / TDB-S / HG-S / LL-S / HG-T Application HG-SApproval Type Product Stainless steel HG-S- Order code S29- 6,0x 80 W* d L S29- 6,0x 80 KL Application range Side lap stitching fibre cement Pilot hole: Ø 11 mm Stainless steel HG-S- BAZ- 6,0x 80 Side lap stitching fibre cement Pilot hole: Ø 11 mm Stainless steel LL-S- S16- 9,5x 25 2 - 15 The lap-lox is a purpose developed GRP/PVC grommet fastener. The EPDM grommet is designed to pull the materials together without overdriving and cracking of the sheet. The Sela lap-lox in poppy red is recommended for meeting manufacturers recommendations in respect of the CDM and building regulations. 9 Pilot hole: Ø 9,5 mm Carbon steel HG-T- S29- 6,0x 80 Side lap stitching fibre cement Pilot hole: Ø 11 mm Carbon steel HG-T- BAZ- 6,0x 80 Side lap stitching fibre cement Pilot hole: Ø 11 mm Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 9. 7 Drill bits Drill bits Corrugated fibre cement sheet HSS Order information d f L d diameter | L Length | f flute length | All measures in mm 9 Example order code HSS4,8x L Type d L f HSS- 4,8x L - HSS- 4,5x L - HSSHSSHSSHSSHSSHSS- 5,0x 5,0x 5,0x 5,0x 5,0x 5,0x 60 95 125 175 220 250 31 31 31 31 31 31 HSSHSSHSSHSSHSSHSSHSS- 5,3x 5,3x 5,3x 5,3x 5,3x 5,3x 5,3x 60 95 125 175 220 250 290 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 HSSHSSHSSHSSHSSHSSHSS- 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 5,5x 60 95 125 175 220 250 290 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 HSSHSSHSSHSSHSSHSSHSS- 5,7x 5,7x 5,7x 5,7x 5,7x 5,7x 5,7x 60 95 125 175 220 250 290 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Application range Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 9. 8 03/2014 Rivets Flashing 10 9 Application Product code Page Aluminium sections to aluminium and steel framework RV6604 RV6603 10.2 PolyGrip rivets PolyGrip® ATO/ASO SSO 10.4 Blind rivets, open ATO / ASO SSO 10.6 Blind rivets, closed end ATC / ASC SSC 10.8 Drill bits HSS 10.10 ® 10 03/2014 10. 1 BULB-TITE® rivets Aluminium sections to aluminium and steel framework Flashing RV6604 / RV6603 RV6604 / RV6603 Technical information Application Secure fixing of standing seam clips and metal sheets. The three load bearing legs ensure all materials are clamped together. Speciality The fastening is weather resistant due to the integral sealing washer. Additional colour caps are available in various colours to match the profiled sheet. Special BULB-TITE® rivets, nosepieces and jaws are available on request. Material Fastener ■ Washer RV6604 / RV6603 Body: Aluminium AIMg5 Mandrel: Al Cu Mg 1 ■ EPDM Tools and accessories AccuBird® ■ 10 PowerBird® For standard blind rivets 2,0 - 5,0 mm. and for BULB-TITE® rivets 4,0 - 6,3 mm. Nosepiece 17/32 BT 17/42 BT ■ Standard blind rivets: Alu 4,8 - 8,0 mm, Steel: 4,8 - 6,4 mm. BULB-TITE® rivets 4,0 - 7,7 mm. Jaws BULB-TITE® 17/48 BT ■ Special nosepiece for BULB-TITE® rivets. Fits to AccuBird® and PowerBird®. ■ Set of 3 pieces Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 10. 2 03/2014 BULB-TITE® rivets Aluminium sections to aluminium and steel framework Flashing RV6604 / RV6603 Order information d1 D d L h d Rivet diameter | KL Max. grip range in | W EPDM washer | d x L diameter / length | t thickness of structure | All measures in mm Order code Application RV6604- 6- 3 W Type W* KL min. max. d x L Approval Product Aluminium 13 ETA-13/0255 Aluminium Application range RV6604RV6604RV6604RV6604RV6604RV6604RV6604RV6604RV6604- 666666666- 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 W W W W W W W W W 0,5 - 4,7 1,5 - 6,3 4,7 - 9,5 8,0 - 12,7 11,1 - 15,9 14,3- 19,0 17,4 - 22,2 20,6- 25,4 23,8- 28,6 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 x 17,5 x19,1 Head diameter D: 11,5 mm x22,2 x25,4 x28,6 Pilot hole: Ø 5,3 - 5,5 mm x31,8 x35,0 x38,1 x41,3 RV6604RV6604RV6604RV6604- 8888- 4 6 8 10 W W W W 1,6 3,2 6,4 9,5 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 x20,7 x23,9 Head diameter D: 14,5 mm x 27,1 x30,3 - 6,4 - 9,5 - 12,7 - 15,9 Pilot hole: Ø 6,4 - 6,6 mm 13 ETA-13/0255 Aluminium RV6603- 9- 6 W 1,2 - 9,5 7,7 x33,7 RV6603- 9- 10 W 6,3 - 12,7 7,7 x40,0 Head diameter D: 16,0 mm 10 Pilot hole: Ø 7,8 - 8,2 mm 13 ETA-13/0255 Monel / stainless steel RV6696- 8- 4 1,0 - 6,4 6,3 x20,2 Head diameter D: 14,0 mm 13 Pilot hole: Ø 6,4 - 6,6 mm ETA-13/0255 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 10. 3 Rivets Blind rivets, open Flashing PolyGrip®-ATO / ASO / SSO PolyGrip®-ATO / ASO / SSO Technical information Application Joining metal to metal in side laps and flashing applications. A wide grip range: A single PolyGrip® blind rivet can be substituted to up five different dimensions of DIN standard blind rivets. Outstanding hole filling capability: The rivet body expands radially during the setting process and compensates hole tolerances, centering deviations and differences in diameter, thus always building up a playfree and thight joint. Safe rest mandrel locking: PolyGrip® blind rivets neither generate rattling noises due to free moving rest mandrels nor do they allow it to fall off due to its encaging closing head and internal mandrel lock. Splashwaterproof are the PolyGrip® rivets too. Hole filling and rest mandrel locking make of them a real alternative to close end rivets when it is essential to prevent water flowing through the whole joint and not only through the rivet body. A large closing head: for a high tensile and unbuttoning resistance Material Fastener ■ 10 PolyGrip®-ATO / ASO / SSO Mandrel: A = Aluminium S = Stainless steel T = Carbon steel Rivet: A = Aluminium S = Stainless steel T = Carbon steel Tools and accessories AccuBird® ■ HN 2-BT For standard blind rivets 2,0 - 5,0 mm and for BULB-TITE® rivets 4,0 - 6,3 mm. ■ Including 4 rivet nozzles. For rivet diameter: 3,0 - 6,4 mm all materials besides 6,4 mm stainless steel. SN-2 ■ Including 4 rivet nozzles. For rivet diameter: 3,0 - 6,4 mm all materials besides 6,4 mm stainless steel. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 10. 4 03/2014 Rivets Blind rivets, open Flashing PolyGrip®-ATO / ASO / SSO Order information d1 D d L h HD headform / drive | KL grip range | d x L diameter / length | t thickness of structure | All measures in mm Order code Application PolyGrip-ATO- D- 48100 Approval Typ HD Code KL min. max. d x L Product Aluminium 13 ETA-13/0255 Aluminium 13 ETA-13/0255 Stainless steel 13 ETA-13/0255 Application range PolyGrip-ATOPolyGrip-ATOPolyGrip-ATOPolyGrip-ATOPolyGrip-ATO- DDDDD- 48100 48150 48170 48250 48300 0,5 - 6,5 4,5 - 11,0 6,5 - 13,0 11,0 - 19,5 16,0- 24,0 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 x 10,0 x15,0 Pilot hole: Ø 4,9 mm x 17,0 x25,0 x30,0 PolyGrip-ASOPolyGrip-ASOPolyGrip-ASOPolyGrip-ASOPolyGrip-ASO- DDDDD- 48100 48150 48170 48250 48300 0,5 - 6,5 4,5 - 11,0 6,5 - 13,0 11,0 - 19,5 16,0- 24,0 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 x 10,0 x15,0 Pilot hole: Ø 4,9 mm x 17,0 x25,0 x30,0 PolyGrip-SSO- D- 48100 1,0 - 6,5 4,8 x 10,0 PolyGrip-SSO- D- 48150 5,0 - 10,0 4,8 x15,0 Pilot hole: Ø 4,9 mm PolyGrip-SSO- D- 48170 8,0 - 12,0 4,8 x 17,0 PolyGrip A TO – D – 4 8 0 8 0 Material body Material mandrel Open type Dome head 10 Ø of body 4,8 mm Length 8,0 mm Material code Type Head form A = Aluminium S = Stainless steel T = Carbon steel O = open C = closed (CAP rivet) D = Dome head Ø 9,5 mm D11 = Dome Ø 11 mm D16 = Dome Ø 16 mm Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 10. 5 Rivets Blind rivets, open Flashing ATO / ASO / SSO ATO / ASO / SSO Technical information Application Joining metal to metal in side laps and flashing applications. Material Fastener ■ ATO / ASO / SSO Mandrel: A = Aluminium S = Stainless steel T = Carbon steel Rivet: A = Aluminium S = Stainless steel T = Carbon steel Tools and accessories AccuBird® 10 ■ HN 2-BT For standard blind rivets 2,0 - 5,0 mm and for BULB-TITE® rivets 4,0 - 6,3 mm. ■ Including 4 rivet nozzles. For rivet diameter: 3,0 - 6,4 mm all materials besides 6,4 mm stainless steel. SN-2 ■ Including 4 rivet nozzles. For rivet diameter: 3,0 - 6,4 mm all materials besides 6,4 mm stainless steel. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 10. 6 03/2014 Rivets Blind rivets, open Flashing ATO / ASO / SSO Order information d1 D d L h HD headform / drive | KL grip range | d x L diameter / length | t thickness of structure | All measures in mm Order code Application Product ATO- DApproval Type HD 48060 Code KL min. max. dxL ATOATOATOATO- DDDD- 48060 48080 48100 48120 2,0 2,5 4,5 6,0 - 2,5 4,5 6,0 8,0 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 x 6,0 x 8,0 x 10,0 x12,0 ASOASOASOASO- DDDD- 48080 48100 48120 48140 2,5 4,5 6,0 8,0 - 4,5 - 6,0 - 8,0 - 10,0 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 x 8,0 x 10,0 x12,0 x14,0 SSOSSOSSOSSOSSOSSO- DDDDDD- 48080 48100 48120 48140 48160 48200 2,0 - 4,0 4,0 - 6,0 6,0 - 8,0 8,0 - 9,5 9,5 - 11,0 11,0 - 15,0 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 x 8,0 x 10,0 x12,0 x14,0 x16,0 x20,0 SSOSSOSSOSSO- DDDD- 48060-A4 48080-A4 48100-A4 48120-A4 1,5 3,0 4,5 6,0 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 x 6,0 x 8,0 x 10,0 x12,0 Aluminium 13 ETA-13/0255 Aluminium 13 ETA-13/0255 Stainless steel 13 ETA-13/0255 Stainless steel A4 13 ETA-13/0255 - 3,0 4,5 6,0 7,5 Application range Pilot hole: Ø 4,9 mm Pilot hole: Ø 4,9 mm Pilot hole: Ø 4,9 mm Pilot hole: Ø 4,9 mm 10 AT O – D – 4 8 0 8 0 Material body Material mandrel Open type Dome head Ø of body 4,8 mm Length 8,0 mm Material code Type Head form A = Aluminium S = Stainless steel T = Carbon steel O = open C = closed (CAP rivet) D = Dome head 9,5 mm D11 = Dome Ø 11 mm D16 = Dome Ø 16 mm Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 10. 7 Rivets Blind rivets, closed end Flashing ATC / ASC / SSC ATC / ASC / SSC Technical information Application Joining metal to metal in side laps and flashing applications. Material Fastener ■ ATC / ASC / SSC Mandrel: A = Aluminium S = Stainless steel T = Carbon steel Rivet: A = Aluminium S = Stainless steel T = Carbon steel Tools and accessories AccuBird® 10 ■ HN 2-BT For standard blind rivets 2,0 - 5,0 mm and for BULB-TITE® rivets 4,0 - 6,3 mm. ■ Including 4 rivet nozzles. For rivet diameter: 3,0 - 6,4 mm all materials besides 6,4 mm stainless steel. SN-2 ■ Including 4 rivet nozzles. For rivet diameter: 3,0 - 6,4 mm all materials besides 6,4 mm stainless steel. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 10. 8 03/2014 Rivets Blind rivets, closed end Flashing ATC / ASC / SSC Order information d1 D d L h HD headform / drive | KL grip range | d x L diameter / length | t thickness of structure | All measures in mm Order code Application Product Approval Aluminium 13 ETA-13/0255 Aluminium 13 ETA-13/0255 Stainless steel 13 ETA-13/0255 ATC- D- 48080 Type HD Code KL min. max. dxL ATCATCATCATCATC- DDDDD- 48080 48095 48110 48125 48140 1,0 3,5 5,0 6,5 8,0 - 3,5 5,0 6,5 8,0 9,5 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 x 8,0 x 9,5 x 11,0 x12,5 x14,0 Application range ASCASCASCASCASCASC- DDDDDD- 48080 48095 48110 48125 48140 48160 1,0 3,0 4,5 6,0 8,0 9,5 - 3,5 - 5,0 - 6,5 - 8,0 - 9,5 - 11,0 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 x 8,0 x 9,5 x 11,0 x12,5 x14,0 x16,0 SSCSSCSSCSSC- DDDD- 48080 48100 48120 48160 0,8 3,0 5,0 7,0 - 3,0 - 5,0 - 7,0 - 11,0 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 x 8,0 x 10,0 x12,0 x16,0 Pilot hole: Ø 4,9 mm Pilot hole: Ø 4,9 mm Pilot hole: Ø 4,9 mm AT C – D – 4 8 0 8 0 Material body Material mandrel Closed type 10 Dome head Ø of body 4,8 mm Length 8,0 mm Material code Type Head form A = Aluminium S = Stainless steel T = Carbon steel O = open C = closed (CAP rivet) D = Dome head Ø 9,5 mm D11 = Dome Ø 11 mm D16 = Dome Ø 16 mm Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 10. 9 Drill bits Drill bits Flashing HSS Order information d f L d diameter | L Length | f flute length | All measures in mm Example order code HSS- 4,90x 60 Type d L HSSHSSHSSHSSHSS- 4,90x 5,10x 5,30x 6,70x 7,90x f Application range 60 62 60 101 117 10 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 10. 10 03/2014 Fasteners and rivets Rainscreen cladding 11 9 Application Product code Page Lining panel Corner bracket B ``11.2 Drill bits SDS ``11.3 Lining panel FAZ II / FBN II ``11.4 Universal plug FUR-SS FUR-FUS FUR-US ``11.6 Hollow brick, masonry SXR-T / SXR-FUS SXS-FUS ``11.8 Insulation Anchors MDH / MDD ``11.12 11 03/2014 11. 1 Corner bracket Corner bracket for lining Rainscreen cladding Corner bracket B Corner bracket B Technical information Application Corner bracket for fixing beams or metal structures to the support structure. Fixing Fastener ■■ Corner bracket B Galvanised steel measuring 25/100 mm (in compliance with DX51D + Z according to EN 10142) Two-face lining in Z275 Order Code Application Product Carbon steel 11 B 50-T Type L KL B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 50-T 60-T 70-T 80-T 90-T 100-T 110-T 120-T 130-T 140-T 150-T 160-T 170-T 180-T 190-T 200-T 210-T 220-T 230-T 240-T 250-T 260-T 270-T 280-T 290-T 300-T Application range Fixed width A of 50 mm Length L. variable from 5 0 to 300 mm Fixed height H of 60 mm L= 50 00 8.5x30 mm and 8.5xL mm slot holes Holes dia Ø 6.5 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 2 -3 03/2014 mm Rainscreen cladding Hammer drill bits SDS Drill bits SDS Order information d F L SDSCarbide-geometry Dynamic, chisel-shaped drill bit head Multi-fluted, spacious KVS-spiral Unique KVS-flute design d diameter | L Length | F working length | All measures in mm Order code SDS- 8,0x 110/ 50- 4PLUS Type d L F Code F Application range SDSSDSSDSSDS- 8,0x 8,0x 8,0x 8,0x 110/ 50160/ 100210/ 150260/ 200- 4PLUS 4PLUS 4PLUS 4PLUS 50 FAZ II, FBN II, FUR, SXR, MDH 100 150 200 SDSSDSSDSSDSSDS- 10,0x 110/ 5010,0x 160/ 10010,0x 210/ 15010,0x 260/ 20010,0x 310/ 250- 4PLUS 4PLUS 4PLUS 4PLUS 4PLUS 50 FAZ II, FUR, SXR, SXS, MDD 100 150 200 250 SDSSDSSDSSDS- 12,0x 160/ 10012,0x 210/ 15012,0x 260/ 20012,0x 310/ 250- 4PLUS 4PLUS 4PLUS 4PLUS 100 FAZ II 150 200 250 SDS- 14,0x 600/ 550- 4PLUS 550 FUR SDSSDSSDSSDS- 16,0x 210/ 15016,0x 310/ 25016,0x 360/ 30016,0x 450/ 400- 4PLUS 4PLUS 4PLUS 4PLUS 150 FAZ II 250 300 400 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 3 Fasteners for corner brackets Fasteners for corner brackets onto concrete Rainscreen cladding Fasteners FAZ II FAZ II Technical information Application Fixing the corner brackets of the beams or metal structures onto concrete. Concrete C20/25 to C50/60 cracked and non-cracked Concrete C12/15 Natural stone with dense structure Material Fastener ■■ Fastener FAZ II Zinc-plated steel Stainless steel Order code Application 11 Product FAZ II- 8,0x 75 Type d L tfix h2 Carbon steel FAZ II- 8,0x 75 10 65 zz Stainless Steel A4 FAZ IIFAZ IIFAZ IIFAZ II- 8,0x 10,0x 12,0x 16,0x 75 95 110 148 10 10 10 25 65 85 100 135 Application range Assembly recommendations: The metal fastener must be positioned in the upper slotted hole Fire resistance Drill bit for concrete: Ø 8mm: SDS4–Plus–8xL Ø 10mm: SDS4–Plus–10xL Ø 12mm: SDS4–Plus–12xL Ø 16mm: SDS4–Plus–16xL Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 4 03/2014 Fasteners for corner brackets Fasteners for corner brackets onto concrete Rainscreen cladding Fasteners FBN II FBN II Technical information Application Fixing the corner brackets of the beams or metal structures onto concrete. Recommended materials: Concrete C20/25 to C50/60, non-cracked Natural stone with dense structure Material Fastener ■■ Fastener FBN II Zinc-plated steel Stainless steel grade AISI 316 Order code Application Product FBN II- 8,0x 56-K Type d L tfix h2 Carbon steel FBN II- 8,0x 56-K 5 51 zz Stainless steel A4 FBN II- 8,0x 56-K 5 51 Application range 11 Assembly recommendations: The metal fastener must be positioned in the upper slotted hole Fire resistance Drill bit for concrete: Ø 8mm: SDS4–Plus–8xL Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 5 Facade anchors Universal plug Rainscreen cladding FUR FUR Technical information Application The user-friendly problem solver for a large range of building materials. Anchoring facade structure of metal or timber: - Concrete > = C12/15 - Three layer compsite exterior wall panels - Lightweight aggregate concrete - Vertically perforated brick - Hollow block made from lightweight cocrete - Perforated sand-lime brick - Solid sand-ime brick - Solid block made from lightweight cocrete - Solid brick Also suitable for: - Natural stone with dense stucture - Solid panel made from gypsum Material Fastener ■■ FUR Anchor sleeve: High value Polyamide Screw: Stainless steel, grade AISI 316 Zinc-plated steel HD headform / drive ■■ Hexagon 10 mm / 13 mm A/F ■■ Hexagon 13 mm / 17 mm A/F 11 Tools and accessories DB620 DI650 ■■ Hammer ■■ Lightweight drilling machine for predrilling concrete and masonry. power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 6 03/2014 Facade anchors Universal plug Pannello Rainscreen di rivestimento cladding Tasselli d'ancoraggioFUR m3 Order information Hexagon 10 mm / 13 mm A/F d KL Hexagon 13 mm / 17 mm A/F L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure tfix max. usable length | h2 min. drill hole depth for through fixing | All measures in mm Application FURApproval Type Product Carbon steel zz Stainless Steel A4 Order code 8,0x 80-SS d L tfix h2 Application range Anchoring depth hnom min. 70 mm embedment FURFURFURFURFURFURFURFURFURFURFUR- 8,0x 8,0x 8,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 80-SS 100-SS 120-SS 80-SS 100-SS 115-SS 135-SS 160-SS 185-SS 200-SS 230-SS 10 30 50 10 30 45 65 90 115 130 160 90 110 130 90 110 125 145 170 195 210 240 FURFURFURFURFURFURFURFURFURFURFUR- 8,0x 80-SS-A4 8,0x 100-SS-A4 8,0x 120-SS-A4 10,0x 80-SS-A4 10,0x 100-SS-A4 10,0x 115-SS-A4 10,0x 135-SS-A4 10,0x 160-SS-A4 10,0x 185-SS-A4 10,0x 200-SS-A4 10,0x 230-SS-A4 10 30 50 10 30 45 65 90 115 130 160 90 Anchoring depth hnom min. 70 mm embedment 110 130 90 110 125 145 170 195 210 Drill bit for concrete: 240 Ø 8mm: SDS4–Plus–8xL Drill bit for concrete: Ø 8mm: SDS4–Plus–8xL Ø 10mm: SDS4–Plus–10xL Ø 10mm: SDS4–Plus–10xL Carbon steel FURFURFURFURFURFURFURFURFURFURFURFURFUR- 80-FUS 10 90 Anchoring depth hnom min. 70 mm embedment 10,0x 10,0x 100-FUS 30 80 80-FUS 10 95 14,0x 14,0x 100-FUS 30 115 14,0x 140-FUS 70 155 14,0x 165-FUS 95 180 14,0x 180-FUS 110 195 14,0x 210-FUS 140 225 14,0x 240-FUS 170 255 14,0x 270-FUS 200 285 Drill bit for concrete: 14,0x 300-US 225 315 Ø 10mm: SDS4–Plus–10xL 330-US 255 345 Ø 14mm: SDS4–Plus–14xL 14,0x 360-US 285 375 14,0x Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 7 11 Facade anchors Universal plug Rainscreen cladding SXR / SXS SXR / SXS Technical information Application The economical all-rounder with European Technical Approval (ETA) for solid and hollow building materials. Anchoring facade structure of metal or timber: - Concrete >= C12/15 - Vertically perforated brick - Hollow block made from lightweight cocrete - Perforated sand-lime brick - Solid sand-ime brick - Aerated concrete - Solid block made from lightweight cocrete and normal weight concrete - Solid brick - Thermal insulation blocks Also suitable for: - Natural stone with dense stucture - Solid panel made from gypsum Material Drive: TX = T30 / T40 Fastener ■■ SXR Anchor sleeve: High value Polyamide Screw: Stainless steel, grade AISI 316 Zinc-plated steel HD headform / drive ■■ T30 / T40 recess ■■ Hexagon 13 mm A/F 11 Tools and accessories DB620 DI650 ■■ Hammer ■■ Lightweight drilling machine for predrilling concrete and masonry. power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 8 03/2014 Facade anchors Hollow brick, masonry Pannello Rainscreen di rivestimento cladding Tasselli d'ancoraggio SXR / SXS m3 Order information T30 / T40 Hexagon 13 mm A/F d KL L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure tfix max. usable length | h2 min. drill hole depth for through fixing | All measures in mm Application Order code SXR- 10,0x 80-T Approval Type d L tfix Product Carbon steel SXRSXRSXRSXRSXRSXRSXRSXRSXR- 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 80-T 100-T 120-T 140-T 160-T 180-T 200-T 230-T 260-T 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 180 210 h2 Application range 90 Anchoring depth hnom min. 50 mm embedment 110 130 150 170 190 210 240 270 Drill bit for concrete: Ø 10mm: SDS4–Plus–10xL zz Stainless Steel A4 SXRSXRSXRSXRSXRSXRSXRSXRSXR- 10,0x 80-T-A4 10,0x 100-T-A4 10,0x 120-T-A4 10,0x 140-T-A4 10,0x 160-T-A4 10,0x 180-T-A4 10,0x 200-T-A4 10,0x 230-T-A4 10,0x 260-T-A4 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 180 210 90 Anchoring depth hnom min. 50 mm embedment 110 130 150 170 190 210 240 270 Drill bit for concrete: Ø 10mm: SDS4–Plus–10xL 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 9 Facade anchors Universal plug Rainscreen cladding SXR / SXS Order information T30 / T40 Hexagon 13 mm A/F d KL L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure tfix max. usable length | h2 min. drill hole depth for through fixing | All measures in mm Application Product Carbon steel Order code SXR- 10,0x 60-FUS Approval Type d L tfix SXRSXRSXRSXRSXRSXRSXRSXRSXRSXR- 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 60-FUS 80-FUS 100-FUS 120-FUS 140-FUS 160-FUS 180-FUS 200-FUS 230-FUS 260-FUS 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 180 210 h2 Application range 70 Anchoring depth hnom min. 50 mm embedment 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 240 270 Drill bit for concrete: Ø 10mm: SDS4–Plus–10xL zz Stainless Steel A4 SXR- 10,0x 60-FUS-A4 10 SXR- 10,0x 140-FUS-A4 90 70 Anchoring depth hnom min. 50 mm embedment 150 Drill bit for concrete: Ø 10mm: SDS4–Plus–10xL 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 10 03/2014 Facade anchors Universal plug Rainscreen cladding SXR / SXS Order information T30 / T40 Hexagon 13 mm A/F d KL L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure tfix max. usable length | h2 min. drill hole depth for through fixing | All measures in mm Application Order code SXS- 10,0x 60-FUS Approval Type d L tfix Product Carbon steel SXSSXSSXSSXSSXSSXSSXS- 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 60-FUS 80-FUS 100-FUS 120-FUS 140-FUS 160-FUS 180-FUS 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 td Application range 70 Anchoring depth hnom min. 50 mm embedment 90 110 130 150 170 190 Drill bit for concrete: Ø 10mm: SDS4–Plus–10xL zz Stainless Steel A4 SXSSXSSXSSXSSXSSXSSXS- 10,0x 60-FUS-A4 10,0x 80-FUS-A4 10,0x 100-FUS-A4 10,0x 120-FUS-A4 10,0x 140-FUS-A4 10,0x 160-FUS-A4 10,0x 180-FUS-A4 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 70 Anchoring depth hnom min. 50 mm embedment 90 110 130 150 170 190 Drill bit for concrete: Ø 10mm: SDS4–Plus–10xL 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 11 Fixing insulation boards with plastic anchors Insulation Anchors Rainscreen cladding MDH MDH Technical information Application Pressure-resistant insulating materials, mineral wool, glass wool - For general purpose use in soft insulation - Suitable for all substrates - Suitable for insulation thickness up to 210 mm - Through fixing - Do not use for overhead fixing Material Insulation anchor ■■ MDH Ø 90 mm Plug: Plastic Order information d L d diameter | L overall length | SD Setting depth | All measures in mm Applications Product zz Plastic 11 Order code MDH- 8,0x 60 Type d L MDHMDHMDHMDHMDHMDHMDHMDHMDHMDH- 8,0x 8,0x 8,0x 8,0x 8,0x 8,0x 8,0x 8,0x 8,0x 8,0x 60 80 100 120 140 160 180* 200* 220* 240* SD 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 * two pieces Application range 1 2 3 4 1. Drill a pilot hole 2. Set plug until head lies flush on insulation 3. Use a hammer for installation 4. MDH has to be hammered precisely onto insulation Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 12 03/2014 Fixing insulation boards with plastic anchors Insulation Anchors Rainscreen cladding MDD MDD Technical information Applications Pressure-resistant insulating materials, polyurethane rigid foam panels, polystyrenes, mineral wools - For general purpose use in hard and soft insulation pads - Suitable for all substrates - Anchor of insulation thickness up to 170 mm - Do not use for overhead fixing - with glass fibre reinforced plastic pin - Resistant to cold and heat - Through fixing Material Fastener Disc ■■ MDD ■■ MDD-VS: Disc for MDD Ø 90 mm Polyamide Plug: Polyamide Thorn: Polyamide Order information d L d diameter | L overall length | SD Setting depth | All measures in mm Applications Product zz Plastic Order code MDD- 10,0x 70 Type d L SD 70 90 110 130 150 180 210 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 MDDMDDMDDMDDMDDMDDMDD- 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x 10,0x Application range 1 2 11 3 4 1. Drill a pilot hole 2. Set plug until head lies flush on insulation 3. Drive-in the nail with a hammer 4. Nail has to be hammered precisely into the head Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 13 Rainscreen cladding 11 11. 14 03/2014 Self drilling fasteners Rainscreen cladding Application Product code Page Steel substructure SW-T SW3-T-H15 / SD SD-H15 ``11.16 Aluminium framework SLA / SX / SDA ASO ``11.20 11 03/2014 11. 15 Self drilling fasteners Timber substructure Rainscreen cladding SW-T / SW3-T-H15 SW-T / SW3-T-H15 Technical information Application Fastening profile steel sheeting to timber structure in one operation. Material Fastener ■■ SW-T Plated carbon steel, case hardened ■■ SW-H15 Plated carbon steel, case hardened 15 mm diameter flange head HD headform / drive ■■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F Tools and accessories DI650 E480 ■■ Lightweight ■■ The power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. E480 setting tool is recommended for installing self drilling fasteners with the hexagon head. 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 16 03/2014 Self drilling fasteners Timber substructure Rainscreen cladding SW-T / SW3-T-H15 Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application SW-TApproval Type Product Carbon steel SW-T- Order code 4,8x 35 HD d L KL Application range 4,8x 35 VD max. steel: 1 x 1,0 mm 3 x 0,75 mm Assembly recommendations: 3 x SW-T-4,8x35 for long hole Ø 6,5 mm Carbon steel SW3-T- H15- 6,5x 50 VD max. steel: 2 x 1,25 mm Assembly recommendations: 1 x SW3-T-H15-6,5x50 for long hole 1 x SW-T-4,8x35 for normal hole 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 17 Self drilling fasteners Steel substructure Rainscreen cladding SD / SD-H15 SD / SD-H15 Technical information Application Fastening profile steel sheeting to steel in one operation: drilling, thread forming and sealing. Material Fastener ■■ SD Plated carbon steel, case hardened ■■ SD--H15 Plated carbon steel, case hardened 15 mm diameter flange head HD headform / drive ■■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F Tools and accessories 11 DI650 E480 ■■ Lightweight ■■ The power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. E480 setting tool is recommended for installing self drilling fasteners with the hexagon head. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 18 03/2014 Carbon steel self drilling fastener Steel substructure Rainscreen cladding SD / SD-H15 Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Order code SD 5- H15- 5,5x 22 Approval Type VD HD d L Product Carbon steel SD 5- H15- 5,5x 22 KL Application range 10 t VD VD max. steel: 5,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 Assembly recommendations: 1 x SD5-H15-5,5x22 for long hole 1 x SD5-5,5x25 for normal hole Carbon steel SD 5- 5,5x 25 12 t VD VD max. steel: 5,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm Assembly recommendations: 2 x SD5-5,5x25 for normal hole 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 19 Self drilling fasteners Aluminium framework Rainscreen cladding SLA / SX / SDA / ASO SLA / SX / SDA / ASO Technical information Application Fastening aluminium framework and steel framework together within over cladding and curtain wall applications. Material Fastener Washer Drill point and lead thread section ■■ SLA ■■ S = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) ■■ A = Aluminium with vulcanised EPDM ■■ Case / SDA Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 316 (European Standard 1.4578) ■■ SX Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) or grade AISI 316 (European Standard 1.4401) on request ■■ ASO Body: Aluminium AIMg3 Mandrel: Stainless steel 1.4541 hardened, special carbon steel for SX products ■■ milled drill point Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating HD headform / drive ■■ Hexagon 8 mm A/F ■■ Low profile Ø 12 mm Tools and accessories DI650 E480 ■■ Lightweight ■■ The 11 power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. E480 setting tool is recommended for installing self drilling fasteners with the hexagon head. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 20 03/2014 Self drilling fasteners Aluminium framework Rainscreen cladding SLA / SX / SDA / ASO Order information Hexagon 8 mm A/F d KL Low profile Ø 12 mm Coloured fastener L W: Washer material S Stainless Steel A Aluminium VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application SLA Approval Type Product zz Stainless steel A4 5/ VD Order code 6- S46,0x 19 KL HD W* d L KL SLA 5/4- 6SLA 5/6- 8- S4S4- Application range 6,0x 19 4- 6 6,0x 21 6- 8 VD max. alu: 5,0 mm Karlsruher Institut für Technologie t min. alu: 1,8 mm Only for aluminium framework zz Stainless steel SX 3/ 9- S16- 6,0x 29 9 VD max. steel: 3,0 mm 10 t min. steel: 2 x 0,63 - 0,9 mm ETA-10/0198 DTU t max. steel: 2,5 mm 40.35 40.36 zz Stainless steel t min. alu: 2,0 mm SX SX 5/ 5/ 812- S16- 5,5x 31 8 S16- 5,5x 35 12 VD max. steel: 5,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 t max. steel: 4,0 mm DTU t min. alu: 2,0 mm 40.35 40.36 t max. alu: 4,0 mm zz Stainless steel SX 5/ 12- D12- 5,5x 35 12 VD t VD max. steel: 5,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm t max. steel: 4,0 mm t min. alu: 2,0 mm t max. alu: 4,0 mm Bit: T25W Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 21 11 Self drilling fasteners Aluminium framework Rainscreen cladding SLA / SX / SDA / ASO Application Product SX Approval Type zz Stainless steel SX Order code 5/ 12- D12- A12- 5,5x 35 VD KL HD W* d L KL 5/ Application range 12- D12- A12- 5,5x 35 12 VD t VD max. steel: 5,0 mm VD max. alu: 5,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm t max. steel: 4,0 mm 10 ETA-10/0198 t min. alu: 2,0 mm t max. alu: 4,0 mm Bit: T25W zz Stainless steel A4 SDA 3/ 25-40- S4- S10/SR2- 4,8x 48 25- 40 VD max. alu: 3,0 mm Timber batten to aluminium Order code ASO- D11Application Product Approval ÈÈ Aluminium 50080 Type HD Code ASOASO- D11D14- 50080 50120 Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KL min. max. d x L Application range 2,0- 4,0 5,0x 8,0 Head diameter D: 11,0 mm 5,0- 9,5 5,0 x12,0 Head diameter D: 14,0 mm Pilot hole: Ø 5,1 mm 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 22 03/2014 Self drilling fasteners Rainscreen cladding Application Product code Page High performance cladding to aluminium and steel framework AP / ASO / SSO ``11.24 Aluminium framework SLA-D12 ``11.27 Non metallic high performance cladding panel to timber batten TW-S / TW-A4 ``11.29 Sealing joint EPDM ``11.31 Steel substructure SX ``11.32 Special aesthetical fastening GA-AS GA-BS ``11.34 Non metallic high performance cladding panel to timber batten SCFW-S ``11.36 Blind fastening of HPL-cladding panels TU-S ``11.38 11 03/2014 11. 23 Coloured rivets High performance cladding to aluminium and steel framework Rainscreen cladding AP / ASO / SSO AP / ASO / SSO Technical information Application Face fixing of high performance cladding panel to aluminium and steel framework. Material Rivet Rivet ■■ AP ■■ SSO Body: Aluminium AIMg5 Mandrel: Stainless steel 1.4541 ■■ ASO Body: Aluminium AIMg3 Mandrel: Stainless steel 1.4541 Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating Body: Stainless steel 1.4578 Mandrel: Stainless steel 1.4571 Tools and accessories AccuBird® HN 2-BT SN-2 ■■ For ■■ Including ■■ Including ■■ Special ■■ Handle ■■ Drilling standard blind rivets 2 - 5 mm and for BULB-TITE® rivets 4 - 6,3 mm. 11 nosepiece for AP, ASO and SSO rivets. Fits to AccuBird® and PowerBird®. 4 rivet nozzles. For rivet diameter: 3,0 - 5,0 mm. for centered drill bit Ø 5,1 mm. 4 rivet nozzles. For rivet diameter: 4,0 - 6,0 mm. gauge for centered drill holes including drill bit Ø 5,1 mm. Replaceable top pieces with different diameters available. Order code: DG-146x20-7,0 DG-146x20-8,0 DG-146x20-9,0 DG-146x20-10,0 ■■ Special aluminium fixpoint sleeve Order code: FP-A-7,9x6 FP-A-8,4x6 FP-A-9,4x6 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 24 03/2014 Coloured rivets High performance cladding to aluminium and steel framework Rainscreen cladding AP / ASO / SSO Order information d1 D d Coloured fastener L h HD headform / drive | KL Grip range | d x L diameter / length | t thickness of structure | All measures in mm Order code Application AP11Type Product ÈÈ Aluminium HD AP11AP11- 50120-S Code KL min. max. d x L Application range 50120-S 4,0- 8,0 5,0 x12,0 50180-S 9,5 -13,5 5,0 x18,0 Head diameter D: 11,0 mm Pilot hole: Ø 5,1 mm ÈÈ Aluminium AP14AP14AP14AP14AP14- 50120-S 50160-S 50180-S 50210-S 50230-S ÈÈ Aluminium AP16AP16AP16- 50160-S 8,0 -12,0 5,0 x16,0 50180-S 9,5 -13,5 5,0 x18,0 Head diameter D: 16,0 mm 50210-S 12,5- 16,5 5,0 x21,0 4,0 - 8,0 8,0 -12,0 9,5 -13,5 12,0- 16,0 14,0- 18,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 x12,0 x16,0 Head diameter D: 14,0 mm x18,0 x21,0 x23,0 Pilot hole: Ø 5,1 mm Pilot hole: Ø 5,1 mm ÈÈ Aluminium ASOASOASOASOASOASOASO- D11D11D11D11D11D11D11- 50080 50100 50120 50140 50160 50180 50200 2,0- 4,0 4,0- 6,0 6,0- 8,0 8,0 -10,0 10,0-12,0 12,0- 14,0 14,0- 16,0 5,0x 8,0 5,0 x10,0 Head diameter D: 11,0 mm 5,0 x12,0 5,0 x14,0 5,0 x16,0 Pilot hole: Ø 5,1 mm 5,0 x18,0 5,0 x20,0 ÈÈ Aluminium ASOASOASOASOASOASOASO- D14D14D14D14D14D14D14- 50080 50100 50120 50140 50160 50180 50200 2,0- 4,0 4,0- 6,0 5,0- 9,5 8,0 -10,0 10,0-12,0 12,0- 14,0 14,0- 16,0 5,0x 8,0 5,0 x10,0 Head diameter D: 14,0 mm 5,0 x12,0 5,0 x14,0 5,0 x16,0 Pilot hole: Ø 5,1 mm 5,0 x18,0 5,0 x20,0 zz Stainless steel A4 SSOSSOSSO- D15- 50140-A4 6,0- 9,5 5,0 x14,0 D15- 50180-A4 9,0 -13,5 5,0 x18,0 Head diameter D: 15,0 mm D15- 50220-A4 13,0- 18,0 5,0 x22,0 11 Pilot hole: Ø 5,1 mm Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 25 Hammer drill bits SDS Drill bits Rainscreen cladding DG Order information d diameter | L Length | f flute length | t thickness of structure | All measures in mm Example order code DG- 146x20 7,0 Type L Nose 146x20146x20146x20146x20- 7,0 8,0 9,0 10,0 Ú DGDGDGDG- Application range 4 Can be used with all cordless screw drivers available on the market. Tools and accessories Nose Ø 7 mm Hole 7 - 7,9 mm Nose Ø 8 mm Hole 8 - 8,9 mm Nose Ø 9 mm Hole 9 - 9,9 mm Nose Ø 10 mm Hole 10 - 10,9 mm Drill bit Ø 5,1 mm length 110 mm Fixed point Floating point 11 Fixed-point sleeves: Order code : FP-A-9,4 x 6 nUniform pilot drilling diameter for all pilot holes in a cladding panel nVery flexible definition of the fixed points: can be done on-site nLongevity of the fixed-point sleeves as a result of using aluminium Material:Aluminium Dimensions: L = 6,0 mm D D = 9,4 mm d d = 5,1 mm L Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 26 03/2014 Self drilling fasteners Aluminium framework Rainscreen cladding SLA-D12 SLA-D12 Technical information Application Selfdrilling fastener for aluminium composite panels to aluminium framework. Material Coloured fastener Fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating ■■ SLA-D12 Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) HD headform / drive ■■ Low profile Ø 12 mm Tools and accessories DI650 ZA 1/4‘‘ T20W Bit ■■ Lightweight ■■ Universal ■■ Special T20 power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. socket to adapt different bits. wedge bit for perfect fit on SFS intec painted fastener. 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 27 Self drilling fasteners Aluminium framework Rainscreen cladding SLA-D12 Order information Low profile Ø 12 mm d KL Coloured fastener L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product SLA 3/ Type VD Order code 6- S-D12- 4,8x 19 KL HD d L KL zz Stainless steel SLA 6- 3/ Application range S-D12- 4,8x 19 6 VD max. alu: 3,0 mm Only for aluminium framework 4 mm alu composite on 2 mm alu profile Bit: T20W 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 28 03/2014 Austenitic stainless steel fasteners for timber battens Non metallic high performance cladding panel to timber batten Rainscreen cladding TW-S / TW-A4 TW-S / TW-A4 Technical information Application Non metallic high performance cladding panel to timber batten. Material Fastener Washer ■■ TW-S ■■ S Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4567) with powder coated colour finish. ■■ TW-A4 Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 316 (European Standard 1.4578) Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) with vulcanised EPDM HD headform / drive ■■ Low profile Ø 12 mm ■■ Low profile Ø 14 mm ■■ Low profile Ø 16 mm Tools and accessories DI650 ZA 1/4‘‘ T20W Bit ■■ Lightweight ■■ Universal ■■ Special T20 power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. socket to adapt different bits. wedge bit for perfect fit on SFS intec painted fastener. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 29 11 Austenitic stainless steel fasteners for timber battens Non metallic high performance cladding panel to timber batten Rainscreen cladding TW-S / TW-A4 Order information Low profile Ø 12 mm d KL Low profile Ø 14 mm Low profile Ø 16 mm Coloured fastener L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product zz Stainless steel zz Stainless steel zz Stainless steel Order code TW-S- D124,8x 25 Type HD W* d L KL 25 30 38 44 60 TW-STW-STW-STW-STW-S- D12D12D12D12D12- 4,8x 4,8x 4,8x 4,8x 4,8x TW-STW-S- D14D14- 4,8x 38 4,8x 55 TW-S- D16- 4,8x 38 Application range Bit: T20W Bit: T20W Bit: T20W zz Stainless steel A4 TW-A4- D12- 4,8x 38 Bit: T20W zz Stainless steel TW-S- D12- S12- 4,8x 38 Bit: T20W 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 30 03/2014 Thermal separation of structural components Sealing joint Rainscreen cladding EPDM EPDM Product advantages ■■ extremely resistant to weathering and heat elastic ■■ dimensionally stable, even at high temperatures ■■ optional self-adhesive on one side to facilitate application ■■ highly Technical information Application Material The dimensionally stable sealing tape is used for curtain walling to facades ■■ Elastomer Colour sheet made of EPDM ■■ Black rubber Technical details Item DIN Characteristics Class of building material 4102 B2 (normally flammable) Vapour resistivity 32‘000 µ Temperatur resistance –40°C to +130°C Processing temperature +5°C to +35°C Shelf life 2 years Storage temperature +5°C to +25°C Order information EPDMType Order code 60/ 0,7 tape width tape thickness EPDM60/ 100/ EPDMEPDM- Adhesive-60/ EPDM- Adhesive-100/ 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 box capacity m/roll 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 31 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Steel substructure Rainscreen cladding SX SX Technical information Application Stainless steel fastening of steel or facade panels to steel or aluminium structure in one operation: drilling, thread forming and secure fastening. Material Fastener Washer Drill point and lead thread section ■■ SX ■■ S = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) with very thin vulcanised EPDM ■■ Special thin washer to protect panel against scratches ■■ Case Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4567) with powder coated colour finish. hardened, special carbon steel Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating HD headform / drive ■■ Low profile Ø 12 mm ■■ irius ® Ø 12 mm Special carbon steel d case hardenend Special carbon steel case hardenend d Ø 12 Ø 12 L L Tools and accessories 11 DI650 E420 ZA1/4‘‘ ■■ Lightweight ■■ The ■■ Universal power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. E420 setting tool for installing self drilling fasteners with the irius ® system. socket to adapt different bits. T25W Bit ■■ Special T25 wedge bit for perfect fit on SFS intec painted fastener. Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 32 03/2014 Stainless steel self drilling fasteners Steel substructure Rainscreen cladding SX Order information irius® Ø 12 mm d KL Low profile Ø 12 mm Low profile Ø 10 mm Coloured fastener W: Washer material * Select Washer S Stainless Steel 16 mm for cladding L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application SX Approval Type Product zz Stainless steel SX Order code 3/ 15- L12- S16/1- 5,5x 32 VD KL HD W* d L KL 3/ 15 15- L12- S16/1- 5,5x 32 Application range VD max. steel: 3,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm t max. steel: 2,5 mm t min. alu: 2,5 mm zz Stainless steel SX 3/ 15- D12- 5,5x 30 15 VD max. steel: 3,0 mm t min. steel: 1,5 mm t max. steel: 2,5 mm t min. alu: 2,5 mm Bit: T20W zz Stainless steel SX 3/ 11- D10- 4,8x 25 11 VD max. steel: 3,0 mm t max. steel: 2,5 mm Bit: T20W 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 33 Stainless steel self tapping fasteners Special aesthetical fastening Rainscreen cladding GA-AS / GA-BS GA-AS / GA-BS Technical information Application To fix any kind of cladding panels to timber, steel or aluminium sub-frames. A choice of colours and shapes for fascinating effects Choose from the range of shapes and colours to create special emphasis on internal or external surfaces. Achieve tonal features through the use of anodised aluminium and polished stainless materials. The thread onto which the head element is screwed is coated with spedcaps micro-encapsulated liquid adhesive. The adhesive cures within a few hours of installation and the design element is secured against unwinding through dynamic loads. It cannot be removed manually after curing. Material Fastener Washer ■■ GA-AS ■■ S / GA-BS Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) C = Spedcaps coating GAZ: design elements A = Aluminium anodised S = Stainless steel grade 316, 1.4404 = Stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) with vulcanised EPDM HD headform / drive ■■ Hexagon: 3/8"~ 9,5 mm A/F ■■ Special socket required E395 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 34 03/2014 Stainless steel self tapping fasteners Special aesthetical fastening Rainscreen cladding GA-AS / GA-BS Order information Hexagon: 3/8"~ 9,5 mm A/F d KL L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product Order code GA-AS- S16- 6,5x 45 Type W* d L KL zz Stainless steel GA-AS- Application range S16- 6,5x 45-C Hexagon: 3/8"~ 9,5 mm A/F Threaded part: M8 x 11 mm Recommended pilot hole diameter: t in mm: pilot hole in mm: 1,0 – 1,25 4,50 1,5 – 3,00 5,00 wood4,80 zz Stainless steel GA-BS- S16- 6,3x 32-C Hexagon: 3/8"~ 9,5 mm A/F Threaded part: M8 x 11 mm Recommended pilot hole diameter: t in mm: pilot hole in mm: 1,5 – 4,0 5,30 4,1 – 6,0 5,50 6,0 – 10,0 5,70 > 10,0 5,80 GAZ-801- GAZ-803-* GAZ-804- GAZ-806- GAZ-807- GAZ-811- Ø 22 x 32 mm Ø 42 x 28 mm Ø 32 x 38 mm Ø 32 x 32 mm Ø 22 x 32 mm Available in the following colors: * on special request Ø 22 x 32 mm Aluminium: Stainless steel: 11 red, blue, green, black, gold, silver mill finish Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 35 Self drilling fasteners Non metallic high performance cladding panel to timber batten Rainscreen cladding SCFW-S SCFW-S Technical information Application Self drilling fastener for non metallic high performance cladding panel to timber batten. Material Fastener Washer ■■ SCFW-S ■■ A Austenitic stainless steel, grade AISI 304 (European Standard 1.4301) = Aluminium with vulcanised EPDM Coloured fastener Coloured fasteners available Colour heads are achieved through powder coating HD headform / drive ■■ Low profile Ø 12 mm Tools and accessories DI650 ZA1/4‘‘ T20W Bit ■■ Lightweight ■■ Universal ■■ Special T20 power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. socket to adapt different bits. wedge bit for perfect fit on SFS intec painted fastener. 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 36 03/2014 Rainscreen cladding Self drilling fasteners Non metallic high performance cladding panel to timber batten SCFW-S Order information Low profile Ø 12 mm d KL Coloured fastener L VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure All measures in mm Application Product Order code SCFW-S- D12K- A12- 5,0x 42 Type HD W* d L KL zz Stainless steel SCFW-S- D12K- A12- 5,0x 8 42 Application range Bit: T20W Wings diameter: 6,2 mm 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 37 Blind fasteners Blind fastening of HPL-cladding panels Rainscreen cladding TU-S TU-S Technical information Application The TU-S blind fastener is superior to previous approaches to the attachment of HPL cladding panels with regards installation and long-term security. Material Fastener ■■ TU-S Body: Stainless steel, grade AISI 316 (European Standard 1.4401) Mandrel: Carbon steel (removed completely) Tools and accessories PowerBird® Drill bit with depth locator ■■ Standard ■■ Drill blind rivets: Alu 4,8 - 8 mm, Steel: 4,8 - 6,4 mm. BULB-TITE® rivets 4 - 7,7 mm. ■■ TU-S-6,0 x L bit: 6,0x80 for TU-S-6,0xL 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 38 03/2014 Blind fasteners Blind fastening of HPL-cladding panels Rainscreen cladding TU-S Order information d1 Hexagon 8 mm A/F D d L h VD max. penetration | KL clamping length | HD headform / drive | W washer material and diameter | d thread diameter | L Length | t thickness of structure | All measures in mm Application Product Order code TU-S- 6,0x 9-A4 Type d L Panel zz Stainless steel A4 TU-S- 6,0x 9-A4 Clip mm 8 10 13 2.5- 3.5 0.5- 3.5 0.5- 3.5 TU-S- 6,0x 11-A4 8 10 13 4.5- 5.5 2.5- 5.5 0.5- 5.5 TU-S- 6,0x 13-A4 10 13 4.5- 7.5 2.5- 7.5 Application range 1,5 6,5 8-13 HSS pilot hole, 6 mm dia. with depth stop Anchorage depth min. 6,5 mm For HPL panels between 8,0 - 13,0 mm thickness Set the TU-S with a PowerBird® and nose piece 17/36 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 39 11 11. 40 03/2014 Profiles Rainscreen cladding Application Product code PFS-K / PFS-Q PFR / PF-Z / PV Profiles Page ``11.42 11 03/2014 11. 41 Profiles Aluminium framework Rainscreen cladding PFS-K-Aluminium PFS-K-Aluminium Technical information Application Assures a perfect finish of the corners. Material Coloured fastener Profile Coloured Profile available ■■ PFS-K-Aluminium Aluminium: crude, hot varnished on the basis of the colour of the panels Order Code Application Product ÈÈ Aluminium 11 PFS-K-A- 10/10 Type axb KL PFS-K-APFS-K-APFS-K-APFS-K-A- 10/10 18/18 29/29 40/40 Application range ≤ 10 ≤ 18 Length of the profile: ≤ 29 Thickness: ≤ 40 L = 2,8 m e = 0,8 mm Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 42 03/2014 Profiles Aluminium framework Rainscreen cladding PFS-Q-Aluminium PFS-Q-Aluminium Technical information Application Assures a perfect finish of the corners. Materiale Coloured fastener Profile Coloured Profile available ■■ PFS-K-Aluminium Aluminium: crude, hot varnished on the basis of the colour of the panels Order Code Application PFS-Q-A- 10/10 Type axb KL Product ÈÈ Aluminium Application range PFS-Q-A- 10/10 ≤ 10 PFS-Q-A- 18/18 ≤ 18 Length of the profile: Thickness: L = 2,8 m e = 0,8 mm 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 43 Profiles Aluminium framework Rainscreen cladding PFR-Aluminium PFR-Aluminium Technical information Application Assures a perfect finish of the corners. Material Coloured fastener Profile Coloured Profile available ■■ PFR-Aluminium Aluminium: crude, hot varnished on the basis of the colour of the panels Order Code Application Product ÈÈ Aluminium PFR-AType 10/10 axb KL PFR-APFR-APFR-A- 10/10 ≤ 10 15/15 ≤ 15 Length of the profile: 18/18 ≤ 18 Thickness: Application range 11 L = 2,8 m e = 0,8 mm Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 44 03/2014 Profiles Aluminium framework Rainscreen cladding PF-Z-Aluminium PF-Z-Aluminium Technical information Application Assures a perfect finish of the corners. Materiale Coloured fastener Profile Coloured Profile available ■■ PFS-K-Aluminium Aluminium: crude, hot varnished on the basis of the colour of the panels Order Code Application PF-Z-A- 40/8/10 Type axb KL Product ÈÈ Aluminium Application range PF-Z-A- 40/8/10 ≤ 8 PF-Z-A- 40/10/10 ≤ 10 Length of the profile:: L = 2,8 m Thickness: e = 0,8 mm 11 Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 03/2014 11. 45 Profiles Aluminium framework Rainscreen cladding PV-Aluminium PV-Aluminium Technical information Application Assures air ventilation of the facade and guard against rodent. Material Coloured fastener Profile Coloured Profile available ■■ PV-Aluminium Aluminium: crude Order Code Application Product ÈÈ Aluminium 11 PV-A- 30x30 Type hxl KL PV-APV-APV-APV-APV-APV-A 30x30 30x40 30x50 30x60 30x70 30x90 Application range e Length of the profile: Thickness: L = 2,5 m e = 0,8 mm L h PV-APV-APV-APV-APV-APV-APV-APV-APV-APV-APV-A- 40x100 40x120 40x140 40x160 40x180 40x200 40x220 40x240 40x260 40x280 40x300 l Tools and accessories can be found in chapter 12 11. 46 03/2014 Tools and accessories Tools and accessories 12 9 Application Product code Page Belted fasteners CF400 12.2 Composite panel fasteners CF55 12.3 Fibre cement fasteners CF40 12.4 Fibre cement fasteners CF40-AC18V 12.5 Self drilling and self tapping fasteners DI650 12.6 Concrete drilling DB620 12.7 For rivets AccuBird® 12.8 For rivets PowerBird® 12.8 For rivets HN 2-BT 12.9 For rivets SN-2 12.9 12 03/2014 12. 1 Setting tool and accessories Belted fasteners Tools and accessories CF400 CF400 Application Technical details Automatic setting tool for installing belted fasteners (10 pcs) with a maximum 16 mm diameter washer upto a maximum length of 40 mm. Power Tool: Wattage: Max. revs: Power Supply: Overall length: Weight: CF400 600 W 1700 rpm 110V / 230V 370 mm 2,0 kg Tools and accessories 12 12. 2 03/2014 Setting tool and accessories Composite panel fasteners Tools and accessories CF55 CF55 Application Technical details A purpose designed setting tool for installing long composite panel fasteners. The extension drive bar and nosepiece ensure the fasteners are installed correctly. Power Tool: Wattage: Max. revs: Power Supply: Overall length: Weight: DI650 600 W 2000 rpm 110V / 230V 400 mm 2,4 kg Tools and accessories 12 03/2014 12. 3 Setting tool and accessories Fibre cement fasteners Tools and accessories CF40 CF40 Application Technical details A purpose designed setting tool for installing fibre cement fasteners. The extension drive bar and nose piece eliminates over driving and subsequent cracking of the fibre cement sheet. Power Tool: Wattage: Max. revs: Power Supply: Overall length: Weight: DI650 650 W 2000 rpm 110V / 230V 465 mm 2,2 kg Tools and accessories 12 12. 4 03/2014 Setting tool and accessories Composite panel fasteners Tools and accessories CF40-FEIN-ASC6.3 / CF40-AC18V CF40-FEIN-ASC6.3-BASIC / CF40-AC18V Application Technical details For direct fastening of fibre cement sheet to timber or steel. The CF40-AC18V installation tool with depth locator eliminates over driving and subsequent cracking of the fibre cement sheet. Power Tool: Battery: Load speed: Weight: CF40-AC18V 18 V, 3,0 Ah 0-1 500 1/min. 2,4 kg 12 03/2014 12. 5 Setting tool and accessories Self drilling and self tapping fasteners Tools and accessories DI 650 DI650 Application Technical details Lightweight power screwgun for installing self drilling and self tapping fasteners. Power Tool: Wattage: Max. revs: Power Supply: Max. torque: Overall length: Weight: DI650 650 W 2000 rpm 110V / 230V 20 Nm 290 mm 1,6 kg Tools and accessories 12 PZ2 SQ3 PH2/PH3 12. 6 03/2014 Hammer drilling machine Concrete drilling Tools and accessories DB620 DB620 Application Technical details Hammer drill for pre-drilling into concrete and masonry. Wattage: Max. revs: Power Supply: Weight: Drive connection: 620 W 900 rpm 110V / 230V 2,4 kg SDS-Plus 12 03/2014 12. 7 For standard blind rivets 2-5 mm and for BULB-TITE® rivets For rivets Tools and accessories AccuBird® / PowerBird® AccuBird® Application Technical details For standard blind rivets 2,0 - 5,0 mm and for BULB-TITE® rivets 4,0 - 6,3 mm. Weight: Pulling distance: Battery: Charging: Pulling strenght: For Rivet diameter: 2,0 Kg 20 mm 14,4 Volt, Li-Ion 1,3 Ah 60 min. 10‘000 N 2,0 - 5,0 mm PowerBird® 12 Application Technical details Standard blind rivets: Alu 4,8 - 8,0 mm, Steel: 4,8 - 6,4 mm. BULB-TITE® rivets 4,0 - 7,7 mm. Weight: Pulling distance: Battery: Charging: Pulling strenght: For Rivet diameter: 12. 8 2,2 Kg 20 mm 14,4 Volt, Li-Ion 2,6 Ah 60 min. 14‘000 N 4,8 - 6,4 mm 03/2014 Rivet tool For rivets Tools and accessories HN 2-BT / SN-2 HN 2-BT Application For blind rivets diameter 3,0 - 6,4 mm all materials except PolyGrip® blind rivet with Ø 6,4 mm made of stainless steel and G-Bulb®. Stroke: 10 mm Nose piece: 16/26BT, 16/32BT, 16/42BT, 16/48BT SN-2 Application For rivet diameter 3,0 - 6,4 mm all materials. Stroke: 10,5 mm Nose piece: 17/24, 17/29, 17/36, 17/45 03/2014 12 12. 9 Setting tool and accessories Tools and accessories Setting tool and accessories DI650 Setting tool CF55 Setting tool CF40 Setting tool DI650 DI 650 DI 650 DI 650 DI650 DI650 Z661 Dept locator CF 55 Nosepiece including ZA ¼“ V50 Z661-Kal Depth locator V40B Nosepiece including ZA ¼“ V40B and E 320 Adapter Drive Bar DS-K185 ¼“ Kal DS-K265 Socket E 480 Socket E 420 Socket E 380 Square Hex. head head 3 mm 8 mm Hex. head 8 mm irius® L12 Drive Bar ¼“ Kal Drive Bar ZA ¼“ V50 Universal Bit Holder ZA ¼“ Drive Bar ZA ¼“ V40B Socket E 380 Socket E 395 Socket E 380 Socket E 320 Hex. head 8 mm Hex. head 9,5 mm Hex. head 8 mm Hex. head 8 mm or 40 12 12. 10 03/2014 Business Solutions Roofing and Cladding Dependably well served: Meeting your business needs - tailored solutions from SFS intec. Partners who really understand you: Experts for architectural exteriors. The secure route to the right fastener solution: Simple, efficient planning aids at every step of the project. Always one step ahead: An international network with local knowledge in every field. Economy and security built in: Complete systems for every application. Quality you can depend on: A network of quality-certified plants. Reliable performance: Tested in-house, confirmed on site. The right fastening system every time: Technical advice and support any time, anywhere. More efficiency: Optimised supply chain management. 03/2014 13.1 Business Solutions Roofing and Cladding Partners who really understand you: Experts for architectural exteriors. 4 6 5 3 9 1 7 2 8 Comprehensive application knowledge from one Partner For every aspect of architectural exteriors - from fixings to special hinges for doors and windows – SFS intec understands your business. We help make our global customer base more competitive. Experienced sector specialists tuned to the regional requirements of each individual market guarantee genuine local advice and support. 1 Fastening cassette systems 5 Fastening flat roofs 13 Why not take advantage of our expertise: More than 50 years experience Technical application professionals available for on-site support Know-how database from research, development, manufacturing and application engineering 13.2 2 Fastening composite panels 6 Perimeter zones 3 4 Ventilated curtain walling 7 Structural timber and glulam beams 8 Post-and-rail joints 9 Hinge systems for doors and windows 03/2014 Fastening systems for doors and windows Business Solutions Roofing and Cladding The secure route to the right fastener solution: Simple, efficient planning aids at every step of the project. Choose the planning aids you need: User-friendly catalogues On-site or office advice Application technicians available by phone Product selector and project management aids at www.sfsintec.biz Twenty-four hour online e-shop ordering Talking to the specialists in fastener and fixing technology Whatever phase your project is at, SFS intec offers you the right planning aids to determine the appropriate fastener and the matching accessories. Your specific application does not have to be mentioned in our catalogues. Whatever the job, our specialists can help you find the right system quickly and simply. Our solutions are carefully matched to the requirements of each individual project to meet corrosion resistance, air-tightness and thermal insulation requirements. 13 03/2014 13.3 Business Solutions Roofing and Cladding Always one step ahead: An international network with local knowledge in every field. Tried and trusted technologies matched to your specific requirements Somewhere in the world we will have already addressed the same tasks confronting you right now. Our global team of experts is continuously working on new challenges which means our customers benefit from a massive pool of accumulated knowledge. So they are always one step ahead. The services that can improve your competitive edge: Local on-site support for overseas projects Years of experience on numerous international projects In-depth knowledge gained from our work with the world’s leading OEM’s People on site who speak your language, offering an international approach With your specific requirements in our hands, we exchange know-how among a vast international network of industry specialists, seeking out the right fastener solutions for you. Solutions to make your work easier and to help your business be more competitive. 13 13.4 03/2014 Business Solutions Roofing and Cladding Economy and security built in: Complete systems covering every application. SFS intec complete systems: Multi-functional fasteners Guaranteed long-life Simple and easy to use Intelligent installation tools enabling fast, efficient work System accessories including rivets, pipe flashings, sealing tapes and anchorages More than just fastener systems We work hand-in-hand with planners and specifiers everyday on sites around the world. This is the driver behind our constantly evolving products and services. The diverse messages coming in from the market place are converted by our design and development specialists into profitable solutions for our customers. SFS intec offers more than just fasteners to its customers. We provide intelligent drive systems and coatings that optimise the insertion torque. Design details that ensure every solution is perfectly fit for purpose. We also offer those essential complementary products like rivets, pipe flashings, sealing tapes and anchorages – all fulfilling the most demanding requirements. 03/2014 13.5 13 Business Solutions Roofing and Cladding Quality you can depend on: A network of quality-certified plants. Assured quality – fast delivery We never compromise when it comes to our application-optimised fasteners. Our trained specialists throughout the value-added chain are there to ensure quality in every aspect of our products and services. Each and every manufacturing site is certified to the same uniform, comprehensive quality assurance system. What’s more, this network of production sites ensures fast, efficient product availability. SFS intec business partners profit from: Certified quality from our own production centres Fast, efficient product availability from an international manufacturing and logistics network Flexible responses to individual needs that only the original manufacturer can truly provide 13 13.6 03/2014 Business Solutions Roofing and Cladding Reliable performance: Tested in-house, confirmed on site. SFS intec fastening systems are checked for: Lifetime behaviour under static and dynamic loads Corrosion resistance Effective sealing Ease-of-use on site Resistance to UV and storm damage Colour fastness Fastening systems for tomorrow’s needs Are the fasteners up to the static and dynamic loads? Is a long-term seal guaranteed? Or could heat treatment processes or surface treatments improve long-term behaviour? These are the questions confronting SFS intec specialists daily. New solutions go through rigorous testing at our in-house laboratories including critical checks for the fulfilment of the latest energy conservation requirements. Through a combination of in-house research and close collaboration with system suppliers, SFS intec is at the forefront of new concepts. 13 03/2014 13.7 Business Solutions Roofing and Cladding The right fastening system every time: Technical advice and support anytime, anywhere. Absolute fastener security Increased safety requirements; economic, ergonomic and aesthetic considerations; meeting the relevant directives and building control guidelines: these and other factors are becoming increasingly important in industrial construction. Services ensuring a secure build: Choosing the appropriate fastening system at the planning stage Comprehensive analysis of your needs including on-site tests Optimum supply chain management from plant to site On-site personnel training That’s why choosing the right fastening system for each specific application is vital. We ensure specifiers, architects and installers have the advice and information needed to choose an appropriate system from the wide range of alternatives available. 13 Your support team is only a phone call away. Our comprehensive website www.sfsintec.biz provides a wealth of information on optimum fastener technology. Draw on our years of experience in every aspect of fastening and fixing to put you in the driving seat when it comes to industrial building. 13.8 03/2014 Business Solutions Roofing and Cladding More efficiency: Optimised supply chain management. Efficiency improvements all along the value-added chain: Simple, streamlined order processes and reduced storage costs Detailed analysis of the materials management process A range of process optimisation solutions Transparent information flow Cutting the cost of materials management, optimising processes and enjoying completely transparent information flow. In today’s complex economic environment with its ever-changing demands, the speed of response, accuracy and reliability of your business activities is crucial. SFS intec can help you to meet these challenges and has developed a wide range of logistic support mechanisms to meet your business needs. These systems enable you to optimise your purchasing and materials management processes and to work simply and efficiently with us as your dedicated supply partner. We offer a made-to-measure logistical solution tailored to your specific needs from simple solutions to specific problems. We will analyse your complete procurement, warehousing and despatch processes to suggest ways you can improve efficiency, enhance your sustainability objectives or cut costs. 03/2014 13.9 13 Business Solutions Roofing and Cladding Focused market activities for a wide range of industries: Generating customer benefits as a joint corporate objective. Automotive Development and production partner for precision cold formed components and special fasteners for suppliers to the automotive industry operating worldwide. Industrial Development and production partner for precision cold formed components and special fasteners for manufacturing companies in different field of activities. Construction Mechanical fastening and jointing systems as well as systems accessories for lightweight industrial construction, ventilated curtain walling, flat roofs and structural timberwork. Construction Mechanical fastening systems for door and window manufacturers and the transport industry, glass cladding systems and hinge systems for doors and windows. 13 13.10 03/2014 Attachment 14 14 03/2014 14.1 www.sfsintec.biz Turn ideas into reality.