12 13 - Dixie Belle Ice Cream
12 13 - Dixie Belle Ice Cream
2016 30 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS #1 SELLING BRANDS .................... 4-5 POS VISIBILITY STRATEGY ............... 6-7 FROZEN NOVELTIES ........................ 8-9 PACKAGED ICE CREAM ................... 10-11 MAGNUM ....................................... 12-13 KLONDIKE ...................................... 14-15 POPSICLE ....................................... 16-17 GOOD HUMOR ................................ 18-19 BREYERS ......................................... 20-21 BEN & JERRY’S ............................... 22-23 PRODUCT ASSORTMENT .................. 24-25 BEN & JERRY’S ASSORTMENT ........ 26-27 FREEZER SPECIFICATIONS ................ 28-29 INTRODUCING TALENTI ................... 30 3 Unilever is the #� Ice Cream Manufacturer! * #1 Super Premium Stick Brand and a $1 Billion+ Global Brand* The Original since 1905 and #1 Water Ice Brand* #1 Super Premium Ice Cream Brand* Inventor of the 1st Ice Cream on a Stick back in 1920 & now Unilever Ice Cream’s Umbrella Brand #1 Premium Packaged Ice Cream Brand* with 150 years of history #1 Household Penetration in Frozen Novelties* #1 Gelato Brand in the US* † 4 * Source: All US Outlets Unit Sales Volume YTD 10/2015 † Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, SpongeBob SquarePants and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. SpongeBob SquarePants created by Stephen Hillenburg. Mrs. Fields is a registered trademark of The Mrs. Fields' Brand, Inc. Used under license. 5 SEE IT. WANT IT. FIND IT. POS: E PERFECT STOR Core+1 More sell Must have core POS (Engage & Sell) attract $2.99 $2.99 $1.99 $1.99 $2.99 $1.99 $1.99 $1.49 $2.99 $1.99 $2.49 $1.49 ABC Company • 1-800-123-4567 • www.abcdefg.com engage ATTRACT - LONG DISTANCE (OUTDOOR ) Objective: Build category awareness, Build brand equity ENGAGE - MEDIUM DISTANCE (IN/OUTDO OR) Objective: Solicit appetite appeal, Prompt occasion SELL - SHORT DISTANCE (INDOOR) +1 MORE (ATTRACT) ? w o n K u o Did Y sumers ng con Re m i n d i e t i te - a p p e a l i n g with app ughout the o POS thr ey to driving k s to re i s i n te n t e p u rc h a s ke mers Ma u s n o C f es, 84% o P u rc h a s i s d e n n a l Unp hich y P O S w re b n e v i r d i d by des t r i g g e re Objective: Solicit appetite appeal, Share breadth of variety, Advertise price *Source: 2013 Unilever UK Impact Study 6 7 FROZEN NOVELTY ASSORTMENT : E V A H T S MU Magnum® Double Caramel Bar Mrs.Fields® Cookie Sandwich Good Humor® Strawberry Shortcake Bar Good Humor® Oreo® Bar Good Humor® Giant King Cone® Klondike® Choco Taco® PLANOGRAM $2.99 $2.99 $2.99 8 $2.99 $2.99 $2.99 ® $2.99 $1.99 $2.29 $2.49 $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 $1.49 $1.49 Mrs. Fields is a registered trademark of The Mrs. Fields' Brand, Inc. Used under license. OREO and the OREO design are registered trademarks of Mondelez International Group, used under license. $1.99 $1.99 $1.49 $1.99 $1.99 $1.49 9 : E V A H T S MU PACKAGED ICE CREAM ASSORTMENT BEN&JERRY’S® HALF BAKED® BEN&JERRY’S® CHOCOLATE FUDGE BROWNIE 5 BEN&JERRY’S® CHERRY GARCIA® 2 1 CORE 6 4 3 BEN&JERRY’S® CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH BEN&JERRY’S® TONIGHT DOUGHTM 10 BEN&JERRY’S® AMERICONE DREAM® PLANOGRAM 11 DOUBLE DIPPED FOR DOUBLE C H O C O L AT E P L E A S U R E MAGNUM CONTINUES THE M O M E N T U M I N 2 016 #1 S U P E R P R E M I U M BA R I N T H E U S * #1 I C E C R E A M B R A N D I N T H E W O R L D* #1 A D V E RT I S E R I N F R OZ E N N O V E LT I E S HIGH QUALITY SAUCES U P D AT E D PAC K A G I N G & LOGO SOFT, LUSCIOUS LAYER BETWEEN THE CRACKLING CHOCOLATE LAYERS HIGH QUALITY COCOA BEANS HAND HARVESTED & GENTLY ROASTED RFA CERTIFIED SILKY VANILLA BEAN ICE CREAM MADE FROM MADAGASCAN VANILLA BEANS- RFA CERTIFIED D E L I C I O U S N E W F L AVOR MORE CONSUMERS PURCHASE MAGNUM A 2ND TIME T H A N A N Y O T H E R F R O Z E N N O V E LT I E S B R A N D 12 SILKY VANILLA BEAN ICE CREAM IS COVERED IN LAYERS OF CHOCOLATE SAUCE AND CRACKING BELGIAN CHOCOLATE. A NEW SPIN ON A CLASSIC FLAVOR COMBINATION THAT ONLY MAGNUM CAN DELIVER *Source: All US Outlets Unit Sales Volume YTD 10/2015 13 ®® MORE AMERICAN HOUSEHOLDS BUY KLONDIKE MORE AMERICAN HOUSEHOLDS BUY KLONDIKE THAN THAN ANY ANY OTHER OTHER NOVELTIES NOVELTIES BRAND!* BRAND! KLONDIKE VARIETY OF FLAVORS AND FORMATS SATISFY EVERYONE’S TASTE BUDS. ® THEY LOVE US FOR OUR: • SIGNATURE CHOCOLATEY CRUNCH • THICK CHOCOLATEY SHELL • BEING A ‘BIG EAT’ And we remind them of their love every summer by showing our fun sense of humor with our national campaign! 14 *Source: All US Outlets Unit Sales Volume YTD 10/2015 Mrs. Fields is a registered trademark of The Mrs. Fields’ Brand, Inc. Used under license. 15 POPSICLE® BRAND ICE POPS ARE THE ORIGINAL! A PORTFOLIO FULL OF KIDS FAVORITES! ALL OF THE CLASSIC’S WE ARE KNOWN FOR, AND NEW FORMATS TO KEEP IT FUN! Not all ice pops are created equal. Only we bring kids & grown-ups alike to a place of unrestrained, silly FUN! As THE ORIGINAL creator of the ice pop and category leader, we will celebrate that we were invented by a kid & create products that delight kids and families. POP SHOTS Try our tart bead-sized balls of ice in an easy to share container. 16 TROPICAL CYCLONE PARADISE MANGO We’re improving a Popsicle favorite by Our newest product mimics the texture of real, juicy juicy mango. mango aa real, bringing bright stripes and a strawberry lemon flavor! 17 JOY is at the Of Everything we do Our Story is a story of first... Today Good Humor brings joy to consumers with a mix of Classics, and favorite candies and cookies in ice cream form! Harry Burt, the founder created the FIRST Ice Cream on a stick... INTRODUCING our newest spin on a Classic American Treat- THE OREO CONE! #2 18 AND the first Ice Cream truck to sell those sticks. Of course, the first ice cream man came with the truck! uct in d o r p D RATE er testi ng c o n s u m G E X I ST I N G N I N C LU D I T F O L I O POR OREO and the OREO design are registered trademarks of Mondelez International Group, used under license. 19 , m w i t h a e F r d e e s r a h C M Sugar & Milk W E M O D E R N I Z E D T H E B R E Y E R S® P L E D G E T O R E F L E C T T O D AY ’ S S TA N D A R D S F O R T H E H I G H E S T QUALITY INGREDIENTS - AT B R E Y E R S ® , W E S TA R T W I T H O N LY H I G H Q U A L I T Y I N G R E D I E N T S - OUR DAIRY IS ALL AMERICAN. OUR MILK AND CREAM COME F R O M C O W S N O T T R E AT E D W I T H ARTIFICIAL GROWTH HORMONES* - O U R C O L O R S A N D F L AV O R S † C O M E F R O M N AT U R A L S O U R C E S 20 * Suppliers of other ingredients such as cookies, candies & sauces may not be able to make this claim. The FDA states that no significant difference has been shown between dairy derived from rBST-treated and non-rBST-treated cows. †Most of our Breyers® products currently source natural colors and flavors and we are working on the remaining products. For more information on these products, visit www.breyers.com/product ** In Breyers Blasts!®, our product, before the inclusion of any candies, cookies, sauces or fruit from other suppliers, will fully abide by this claim. - O U R VA N I L L A A N D F R U I T ** A R E R E A L A N D S U S TA I N A B LY FA R M E D VANILLA 21 BROWNIES THAT DO GOOD Greyston Bakery provides jobs & training to the disadvantaged - and provides amazing brownies for our ice cream. CARING DAIRY Caring Dairy means happy cows, happy farmers and a happy planet. And buying from small family farms means a happy local economy, too. WE’RE A CERTIFIED B CORP We run our business in a socially responsible way, meeting rigorous standards of accountability and environmental performance. FAIRTRADE INGREDIENTS We're committed to Fairtrade,* which assures farmers a fair price and benefits their families, communities, & the environment. We source ingredients that are not genetically modified. DENSE, NOT AIRY We don't add a lot of air to our pints. Which means rich & creamy ice cream, heavy pints, and more bent spoons. *All ingredients in our products that can be traded in compliance with Fairtrade standards are. In Chocolate Fudge Brownie, all cocoa, sugar and vanilla are traded in compliance with Fairtrade standards, total 91% excluding liquid ingredients. Visit www.info.fairtrade.net. See our packaging for more details. To learn more about our business model, values & ingredients, go to benjerry.com ©Ben & Jerry's Homemade, Inc. 2015 Cows: ©Woody Jackson 1997 21545b ©Ben & Jerry's Homemade, Inc. 2015 Cows: ©Woody Jackson 1997 21545b AS SO RT ME NT PINTS PREMIUM STICKS DOUBLE PEANUT BUTTER 77567 46925 DOUBLE CARAMEL 77567 13282 ALMOND 77567 13281 DOUBLE CHOCOLATE VANILLA 77567 61370 CONES STICKLESS 3 GALLON TUBS OREO 77567 27505* REESE’S 77567 27506* MRS. FIELDS 77567 14650 HEATH 77567 09102 VANILLA 77567 27473* BUTTER PECAN 77567 27484 CHOCOLATE 77567 27470* STRAWBERRY 77567 27478* 77567 20109 BUTTER PECAN 77567 20100 CHOCOLATE 77567 20111 CHOCOLATE CHIP 77567 20182 CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH 77567 20101 COFFEE 77567 20122 COOKIES & CREAM 77567 20130 FRENCH VANILLA 77567 20103 MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP 77567 20174 REESE'S® PEANUT BUTTER CUP 77567 20136 ROCKY ROAD 77567 20107 STRAWBERRY 77567 20102 VANILLA 77567 40140 VANILLA LIGHT / NO SUGAR ADDED STICKS 3 GALLON TUBS REESE’S CUPS 41000 21489 VANILLA CHOCOLATE GIANT KING® CONE 77567 00822 TOASTED ALMOND BAR 41000 05413 OREO® CONE 41000 58729 KING CONE® 41000 05473 ORIGINAL ICE CREAM ON A STICK 77567 02865 77567 20002 VANILLA 77567 20000 CHOCOLATE 77567 20005 STRAWBERRY 77567 20026 COOKIES ‘N CREAM 77567 20550 RAINBOW SHERBET 77567 20011 MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP BIRTHDAY CAKE BAR 41000 27364 SANDWICHES 4oz. CUPS 77567 27923 VANILLA 77567 27927 CHOCOLATE 77567 27924 STRAWBERRY 77567 27929 ORANGE SHERBET 77567 27760 NSA VANILLA GIRL SCOUTS THIN MINTS 41000 45489 GIANT VANILLA SANDWICH 77567 00393 GIANT NEAPOLITAN SANDWICH 77567 00453 CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE SANDWICH 77567 01808 STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE BAR 41000 05414 OREO® ICE CREAM BAR 77567 02874 WATER ICE STICKS SANDWICHES ® MRS. FIELDS® PREMIUM COOKIE SANDWICH 77567 00489 OREO® SANDWICH 75856 05539 24 CHOCO TACO® 70547 01498 KANDY BARS® 75856 34736 RAINBOW POP 77567 08519 BIG STICK® CHERRY PINEAPPLE POP 77567 40441 BIG STICK® RED WHITE BLUE 77567 59667 LICK-A-COLOR® SOUR POP 77567 02080 CREAMSICLE® BAR 77567 30340 SHOTS 77567 47281 SNOW CONE® 70547 00530 RAINBOW SHERBET POP-UPS 77567 00314 CYCLONE® POP 77567 57866 FIRECRACKER JR.™ POP 77567 02810 SCRIBBLERS® POPS 77567 02804 TROPICAL PARADISE MANGO 77567 57007 FACE PIECES FUN FORMATS STICKLESS ORIGINAL VANILLA BAR 75856 01147 CHOCOLATE ECLAIR BAR 41000 05415 ORANGE SHERBET POP-UPS 77567 00312 HELLO KITTY® FACE PIECE 77567 28152 SPONGE BOB™ SQUAREPANTS FACE PIECE 77567 00285 SPIDER-MAN® FACE PIECE 77567 00284 SOUR PATCH™ FACE PIECE 77567 21390 25 26 27 FREEZER SPECIFICATIONS VISIMAX Series by IARP SLIDETOP RIO S Models by AHT R290 115V / 60 Hz R290 120V / 60 Hz Technical Data UoM Length: Depth: Height: Net Content: Gross Content: Net Weight: Gross Weight: Max Ambient Temperature: Nominal Current: Energy Consumption: Technical Data UoM RIOS100 RIOS125 RIOS175 Length: Depth: Height: Number of Baskets: Gross Content: Net Content: Net Weight: Gross Weight: Ambient Temperature: Nominal Current: Energy Consumption: Inches 39.37 49.21 68.9 Inches 25.59 25.59 25.59 Inches 30.16 30.16 30.16 4 5 7 Cu. Ft. 8.4 11.37 17.23 Cu. Ft. 6.71 9.11 13.98 Lbs. 130 146 179 Lbs. 139 157 192 61....95 61....95 61....95 A 3.5 5.1 5.4 kWh/24 h 3.1 4.2 6.4 Fº Technical Data UoM Length: Depth: Height: Number of Baskets (per shelf): Net Content: Gross Content: Net Weight: Gross Weight: Max Ambient Temperature: Nominal Current: Energy Consumption: 28 31.3 Inches 52.5 Cu. Ft. 8.05 Cu. Ft. 17.34 Lbs. 306 Lbs. 365 Fº 109 9.7 A kWh/24 h 11.65 8CT Inches 46.25 Inches 31.375 Inches 38.375 Cu. Ft. 8 306 Lbs. A 8.7 kWh/24 h 6.0 EIS 55.3 Inches 26.4 Inches 31.2 Inches 77 Cu. Ft. 13.07 Cu. Ft. 17.05 3 Lbs. 49.2 Inches R404a 115V / 60 Hz Length: Depth: Height: Capacity: Gross Weight: Nominal Current: Energy Consumption: R290 115V / 60 Hz Inches PUSHCART by Minus Forty Duroline Coldplate Vending Cart Technical Data UoM UPRIGHTS by IARP Visimax III 319 Lbs. 330 Fº 104 A 9.7 kWh/24 h 6.5 COUNTERTOP by Excellence Industries R404a 115V / 60 Hz Technical Data UoM Length: Depth: Height: Number of Shelves: Gross Content: Net Weight: Gross Weight: Ambient Temperature: Nominal Current: Energy Consumption: CTF-3 Inches 24.1 Inches 21.5 Inches 27.2 Cu. Ft. 2.8 3 Lbs. 91 Lbs. 135 Fº 86 A 3.6 kWh/24 h 3.37 29 30 TABLE OF CONTENTS #1 SELLING BRANDS .................... 4-5 POS VISIBILITY STRATEGY ............... 6-7 FROZEN NOVELTIES ........................ 8-9 PACKAGED ICE CREAM ................... 10-11 MAGNUM ....................................... 12-13 KLONDIKE ...................................... 14-15 POPSICLE ....................................... 16-17 GOOD HUMOR ................................ 18-19 BREYERS ......................................... 20-21 BEN & JERRY’S ............................... 22-23 PRODUCT ASSORTMENT .................. 24-25 BEN & JERRY’S ASSORTMENT ........ 26-27 FREEZER SPECIFICATIONS ................ 28-29 INTRODUCING TALENTI ................... 30 3 Confidential and proprietary. This document contains information intended solely for the use of Unilever Ice Cream and its distributors. Airheads, Airheads Xtremes and associated logos are owned and licensed by Perfetti Van Melle Benelux B.V., Ben and Jerry’s Homemade, Inc. 2015. Cow: © Woody Jackson 1997. Phish Food is a registered trademark of Phish, Inc and is used under license, Cherry Garcia is a registered trademark of The Estate of Jerry Garcia and is used under license. The HEATH trademark and trade dress are used under license. The Hershey trademark and trade dress are used under license. Mrs. Fields is a registered trademark of The Mrs. Fields’ Brand, Inc. Used under license. OREO and the OREO design are registered trademarks of Mondelez International Group, used under license. REESE’S trademark and trade dress, the Peanut Butter Cup Design and Orange Background color are trademarks used under license. MARVEL, Amazing Spider-Man, and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof is/are trademark(s) of Marvel Entertainment LLC and its subsidiaries, and is/are used with permission. Copyright © 2010 Marvel Entertainment, LLC and its subsidiaries. Licensed by Marvel Characters B.V. www.marvel.com. All rights reserved. ©2010 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, SpongeBob SquarePants and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. SpongeBob SquarePants created by Stephen Hillenburg. The GIRL SCOUTS® name, mark and all associated trademarks and logotypes, including GIRL SCOUT COOKIES®, THIN MINTS® and the Trefoil Design are owned by © Girl Scouts of the USA. © 2016 Unilever.
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