Summer Services - Recreation Integration Victoria


Summer Services - Recreation Integration Victoria
Summer Services for
Children with Disabilities
20th Edition
CYSN Register before
May 1st 2016!
Facilitating Active Lifestyles
for People with Disabilities
Recreation Integration Victoria
office: 250.477.6314
fax: 250.477.6046
This publication was funded by the Municipalities of Esquimalt, Oak Bay, Saanich,
the City of Victoria, the Peninsula Recreation Commission, the West Shore Parks and
Recreation Society, and the Province of British Columbia
Table of Contents
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………………….1
Introduction to Summer Services………………………………………………………..................2
A Note from a Parent................................................................................................................3
BC Parks - Camping for People with Disabilities …………………………………………….....5-6
Introduction to CYSN Sponsored Services……………………………………………….………..7
Leisure Time Summer Program…………………………………………………………………......8
Phoenix Human Services Association Summer Fun……………………………………………...9
R.I.V.’s Summer Residential Camp Assistance…………………………………………………..10
Sooke Options for Community Living Association Summer Journeys Day Camp………..…..11
Introduction to Agency Sponsored Services……………………………………………………...12
Disabled Sailing Association of BC, Victoria……………………………………………………...13
LDABC The Learning Curve ……………………………………………….................................14
Power To Be - Adaptive Recreation Program…………………………………………………….15
RIV's Outdoor Equipment Loan Service……………………………………………….................16
RIV's Summer Inclusion Service...........……………………………………………….................17
Community Living Victoria Teen Community Connections………………………………..…….22
Community Living Autism Service Program – Summer Day Camps.......................................23
Island Health/ Queen Alexandra Summer Camps………….....…………………....…..…….....24
Victoria Group Perspectives Therapy Services.......................................................................25
Victoria Conservatory of Music……………………………………………………………………..26
Little Steps Therapy Summer Program…………………………………………………………27-28
Pivot Point Family Growth Centre Inc……………………………………………………………..30
Introduction to Residential Camps ………………………………………………………………...31
Camp Imadene……………………………………………………………………………………….32
Camp Pringle………………………………………………………………………………….……..33
Camp Shawnigan…………………………………………………………………………………….34
The Yes Camp……………………………………………………………………………………….35
Intro to Municipal Parks and Recreation ………………………………………………. .............36
Parks and Recreation Phone List………………………………………………………………….37
You are Invited - RIV Open House……………………………………………………………....38
Summer Services
Recreation Integration Victoria is pleased to provide the 20th edition of our Summer
Services for Children with Disabilities booklet. We hope that our booklet will
assist you and your children with disabilities in planning for your summer. We would
like to thank all of the organizations listed for their collaboration.
Recreation Integration Victoria’s, Summer Services for Children and Youth
booklet, has become a valued tool of parents planning their child or youth’s
summer. In 1996, we saw that there was a great disparity in the number of
weeks of summer service a child or youth with disabilities received, based on
their parent or caregiver’s knowledge of the available summer options. The
little Yellow Booklet, as it is has come to be referred to, was developed to
ensure all parents had equal access to program information in order for them
to make informed choices. Over the years, the booklet has grown to include
listings from an increasing number of agencies, as well as summer residential
camps. I hope you find our 20th Edition meets your planning needs and your
child or youth has a wonderful summer experience as a result!
Doug Nutting
Executive Director
Recreation Integration Victoria
In an attempt to ensure that families have the information well in advance for
planning purposes we have included all of the proposed services. Be advised that
all of the Children and Youth with Special Needs (CYSN) funded services and many
of the Agency Sponsored services are conditional on funding approval.
The booklet is divided into four sections:
1) CYSN Sponsored Services Your child must be eligible for CYSN funding
2) Agency Sponsored Services Apply directly to the agency
3) Summer Residential Camps Apply directly to the camp
4) Municipal Parks and Recreation Phone and Website List
A registration form for CYSN Sponsored Services is included in the center of
this booklet. Please detach the form, fill it out and return it by May 1st, 2016 to
the CYSN c/o Recreation Integation Victoria as directed at the bottom of the
Please use this information and make your plans early. We hope both your child’s
and your summer will be more enjoyable as a result of this information!
A note from a Parent
This little yellow book really is user friendly! Consider the
colour for starters . . . yellow to symbolize a happy camp experience
for children and their families!
Some programs contained in this book are funded by the Ministry of
Children and Family Development’s (MCFD) or Children and Youth
with Special Needs (CYSN). For these programs only - you will see
"Funded by Children and Youth with Special Needs"
indicated on the bottom of the form - simply fill in your information on
the registration form enclosed in the center of the book, then drop off
or mail to:
c/o Recreation Integration Victoria,
4135 Lambrick Way, Victoria, BC, V8N 5R3
You may also fax to 250-477-6046.
Keep in mind that paperwork needs to be done well in advance and
sent in by the deadline date of:
May 1st 2016 to avoid disappointment.
Remember that there are opportunities for your child to attend camp with
a one-on-one support worker through a variety of organizations. Service
groups and foundations do assist with funding for some individualized
Make your selections, complete the necessary information on the
application form for CYSN funded programs or contact the Agency
funded programs directly and, voila, you’re on your way to ensuring a
fun filled summer experience for your child! Good luck!
Community Living Victoria (CLV) Campership:
Sometimes a youth may need someone with whom
they are familiar, confident and comfortable to attend
camp with them to provide support. An honorarium may
be available to provide this support.
The funding is made available through the generous
support of the McAdam Foundation. Camperships are
limited and available only when funding is obtained from
our donors.
For more information contact:
Lori Frank
(250) 477-7231 ext. 236
[email protected]
BC Parks
Camping Fees for Persons with Disabilities
Camping for free - what are the criteria?
The purpose of this program is to provide support for persons with disabilities who are also
receiving income assistance from the authorities identified.
Persons with Disabilities on BC Income Assistance may be eligible to camp for free in road
accessible BC provincial parks. There is no charge for a second non-recreational vehicle.
To be eligible, you must meet ONE of the following criteria:
1. You are designated a “Person with Disabilities” (PWD) and receiving PWD
benefits under the British Columbia provincial government Employment and
Assistance Program (administered by the BC Ministry of Social Development and
Social Innovation). Note: Recipients of CPP disability are eligible for free camping
if they are also designated under the PWD program and receive additional
disability benefits from the Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation.
- Procedures:
a. Obtain, from your caseworker, a current calendar year Release of
Information form issued by the BC Ministry of Social Development and
Social Innovation.
b. Upon arrival at the campground, show the campground operator
the ORIGINAL approved form AND a second piece of identification.
c. This Release of Information form can be obtained by contacting your local
Employment and Assistance Centre.
2. You have a child registered through the “At Home Program” (administered by the
British Columbia provincial government Ministry of Children and Family
- Procedures:
a. Obtain a Letter of Eligibility from your caseworker, stating your child is
eligible for the "At Home Program" issued by the BC Ministry of Children
and Family Development.
b. Upon arrival at the campground, show the campground operator
the ORIGINAL approved Letter of Eligibility AND a second piece of
identification (either the child's ID, if possible, or the parent/legal
guardian's ID).
c. A letter of elegibility can be obtained by contacting the Ministry of Children
and Family Development.
3. You are a person living on-reserve and receiving Income Assistance for PWD under the
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) Income Assitance
a. Contact your Band Social Development Worker for a fully completed, original,
current calendar year Release of Personal Information for PWD form issued by
a First Nation Administering Authority on behalf of AANDC.
b. Upon arrival at the campground, showt he campground operator the original
Release of Personal Information form and a second piece of identification.
If you meet any of the above criteria, your camping party can camp for free. The previous BC
Parks Disabled Access Pass is no longer valid.
Please note: This discount does not apply to group camping, group picnicking, backcountry,
yurts, electrical hookups, cabins,marine fees or reservation charges.
Parking Fees for Persons with Disabilities on BC Income Assistance
There are no parking fees charged in provincial parks. Nor are there any entry fees for day
use, as there are in some national parks. Those wishing to visit for the day do not have to
pay for parking (the only exception are special event fees which may happen on occasion).
CYSN Sponsored Services
Services Sponsored Through Child and Youth with Special Needs “CYSN”
Ministry of Children and Family Development
If your child is CYSN eligible and you would like them to attend a CYSN
sponsored program (see pages 2-5), please submit a completed
registration form (found in the center of this booklet) to: CYSN c/o
Recreation Integration Victoria by May 1 , 2016
Please note that CYSN sponsored programs do not accept direct referrals.
To enquire about CYSN eligibility, please contact the CYSN duty social
worker at 250-953-3711.
Leisure Time Summer Program
Phoenix Human Services Association’s Summer Fun
RIV’s Summer Residential Camp Assistance
Sooke Summer Journeys Day Camp
pg. 2
pg. 3
pg. 4
pg. 5
CYSN Sponsored Program
Leisure Time retiring from the Community
Leisure Time Retiring from the Community
We would like to take the time to recognize Joy Moncrieff
and Val Harrison for their contributions to our community
over the past 35 years. After several years of hard work,
Joy will be taking her well-earned retirement,
Congratulations Joy!Val is switching fields and she has
taken a job with BC Transit. We wish Val all the best with
her new endeavours.
Leisure Time has offered dynamic camps for children and youth for over 35
years. They have provided service to well over 1,000 children and their families
during that time span.
Campers who have attended Leisure Time have had the opportunity to connect
with present and new friends, explore fun-filled learning experiences that have
promoted social and recreational skills. Trips to Imax, The Ocean Discovery
Centre, mini-golfing and many more outings have been a part of campers
experience. Pinball machines, arcade machines, X Box, a wealth of board
games, baking goodies and so many more activities will be remembered by
Leisure Times participants.
We are sad to see such a fantastic program removed from our pages, but Joy,
Val, and Leisure Time's contributions to the community will be remembered by all
the lives they has touched.
CYSN Sponsored Program
Phoenix Human Services Association
1095 Mckenzie, Victoria, B.C. V8P 2L5
For CYSN funding eligibility contact:
CYSN Duty Social Worker, Phone 250-953-3711
Phone 250-383-4821
Program Fax 250-386-7142
For Program Information :
Description of Services
e-mail:[email protected]
Summer Fun operates for 7 weeks during the months of July and August, Monday to Friday,
from 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. with the exception of civic and statutory holidays.
Our camp focuses on providing opportunities for children and youth to strengthen their social
and communication skills while having fun in the community. Children and youth participate in a
wide variety of community-based activities such as park and beach days, mini-golf, kite flying,
museum visits, theme days and much more. Campers are supported by four staff and the
number of participants is limited to a maximum of eight per week, dependent upon abilities.
Camp coordinators make every effort to schedule campers in a modified schedule in order to
promote the most successful camp experience possible. For example, based on the abilities of
the camper, children and youth may be scheduled every second day or mornings only. Children
and youth who require individualized support are welcome to attend with their support person
but are required to provide their own transportation. Families who request service are initially
offered 1 week of camp in order for the program to accommodate the greatest number of
families. Requests for additional weeks will be accommodated as program space and
scheduling permits. Program runs July 4th to August 19th.
Suitable for
Children and youth between and including the ages of 6-18.
Participants must be independent with mobility. Please note that camp
staff are unable to complete lifts and transfers.
Ages Served
If your family is facing substantial financial barriers
please contact the Program Coordiantor to review
potential reduction of registration fees.
6-18 years
Registration Deadline
May 1st, 2016 (use application form in center of booklet). Families will
receive an information package upon confirmation of registration.
CYSN Sponsored Program
Recreation Integration Victoria
4135 Lambrick Way, Victoria, B.C. V8N 5R3
For CYSN funding eligibility contact:
CYSN Duty Social Worker, Phone 250-953-3711
Phone 250-477-6314
Program Fax 250-477-6046
For Program Information :
Description of Services
After May 16th call 250-477-6314 ext 204
e-mail: [email protected]
Residential Camp Assistance (over night camp)
Recognizing many children cannot attend a summer residential camp
without 1:1 assistance, CYSN, Recreation Integration Victoria,
Community Options for Children and Families, and Community Living
Victoria have partnered to provide Assistants to children and youth who
have this need.
Limited space, service provided on a first come, first served basis.
Suitable for
Children and youth with developmental and/or physical disabilities
attending a residential camp that requires them to have an Assistant as
a condition of their attendance at the Camp.
Various camps on Lower Vancouver Island
Ages Served
Parents pay camp
registration fees.
Assistant is provided
free of charge.
Vary depending on the camp
Registration Deadline
May 1st, 2016 (use application form in center of booklet)
CYSN Sponsored Program
Sooke Options for Community Living Assoc.
6580 Sooke Road, Sooke, B.C. V9Z 0A7
For CYSN funding eligibility contact:
CYSN Duty Social Worker, Phone 250-391-2217
Phone 250-514-2484
Program Fax
For Program Information : e-mail: [email protected]
Description of Services
Sooke Summer Journeys Day Camp. SOCLA has operated this fun filled
summer day camp for many years now, and every year it just gets better! Plans
for this year include exploring local beaches and parks, playing mini golf, sailing in
the Basin, working at arts and crafts, and much more. Our activities will take place
in and around Sooke, with occasional special outings to places in Victoria such as
the Imax, the Bug Zoo, and bowling. Everyone will need sun hats, sunscreen,
bathing suits, towels, as well as snacks and lunches every day.
All activities are planned to provide enjoyment, skill development and appropriate
social involvement. Activities are carried out in an age appropriate manner, and
are flexible to allow for the different abilities of the participants in a way that
ensures success.
All our camps are wheelchair accessible. Program runs July 4th to August
Suitable for
Children and youth with developmental disabilities. Children who require 1:1 support
may attend if prior arrangement is made for one of SOCLA’s staff to provide 1:1
supervision via other funding source (ie private, autism or respite funding etc.)
6850 Sooke Road, Sooke B.C.
$55 per week
Ages Served
Due to the wide spread in the ages of the participants there are two groups; ages 6-17, assigned to
either group depending on need and fit.
Registration Deadline
May 1st, 2016 (use application in center of booklet)
Families will be sent a package on confirmation of registration.
Agency Sponsored Services
If you are interested in having your child attend one of the Agency Sponsored
Services listed below please contact the Agency directly.
Prior to calling the Agency you should know the weeks you would like to have
service and the program you would like your child to attend.
Disabled Sailing Association of B.C., Victoria
LDAB The Learning Curve
Power to Be - Adaptive Recreation Program
Recreation Integration Victoria (Outdoor Equipment Loan Service &
Summer Inclusion Service)
Community Living Victoria (Teen Community Connections & Autism
Service Program)
Island Health/Queen Alexandra Summer Camps
Victoria Group Perspectives 1:1 Therapy Services
Victoria Conservatory of Music - Music Therapy
Little Steps Summer Programs
Pivot Point Family Growth Centre
Agency Sponsored Service
Disabled Sailing Assoc. of BC, Victoria
1001 Maple Bank Road, Victoria, B.C. V9A 4M2
Contact Administration Office & Head Instructor
Administration Office (250-477.6314)
Head Instructor (after May 16th): 250-477-6314 x 203
Program Fax 250-477-6046
Description of Services
[email protected]
Sailing Instruction and Recreational Sailing
A sailing program dedicated to providing sailing opportunities for
individuals with disabilities in the Greater Victoria region. Our program
is a non-profit organization with programming operating in the summer
months. Sail Canada certified instructors provide Learn to Sail and
Learn to Race lessons, as well as recreational sailing opportunities.
Suitable for
Children and adults with physical, developmental, or neuro-sensory
1001 Maple Bank Rd. (Off Admirals Road)
$10 annual membership
+ $15/sail.
Ages Served
10 years and older depending on physical size
Registration Deadline
Call after May 16th to inquire about registration dates and times. Apply
directly to DSABC, Victoria.
Agency Sponsored Program
LDABC The Learning Curve
1562 Fort St, Victoria, B.C V8S 5J2
Contact Office Phone 250-370-9513 Fax 250-370-9421
Email [email protected]
LDABC, The Learning Curve
(Formerly known as the "Learning Disabilities Association")
Programs participants work with trained tutors to identify and work on
their specific areas of challenge and learn how to use their areas of
strenght. Learning these skills can help to increase success across
many areas and reduce the stress level of the overall school
Programs include:
- Reading & Writing Program
- Academic Skills Development Program
- Emotional Social Development Program
Please see the website for more details regarding these summer
Suitable for
Students do not have to have a formal assessment. Parents will be
contacted regarding program suitability.
1562 Fort Street or at Juan de Fuca Library
(1759 Island Hwy)
Financial assistance may
be available.
Ages Served
6-18 years
Registration Deadline
Ongoing — Please call the LDABC or visit the website for details.
Agency Sponsored Service
Power to Be
Power to Be Adventure Therapy Association
Contact Carolyn Macdonald
Phone 250-385-2363
Program Fax 250-385-2360
For Program Information : e-mail
[email protected]
Description of Services
Power To Be’s Adaptive Recreation Program is a positive response to a
community need for inclusive, nature-based recreation activities for people living
with a barrier or disability. We provide a variety of activities on Vancouver Island
and Lower Mainland of British Columbia Programs range from half-day, full day
activities and overnight opportunities.
Opportunities: Kayaking, Indoor Rock Climbing, Geocache, Camping, Survival
Skills, Canoeing, Hiking, Beach Explorations, Team Building and Leadership and
other seasonal opportunities (ie.Yoga, Paddle Board, Holiday related).
Open Adventure Program: Short-term or daily programs provided to individuals,
local agencies and community groups .
Ferns Program: A nature based program for youth on the Autism Spectrum or
similar support needs and learning styles. Year round once a season for 4-6
weeks, and a week long camp in the Summer.
Suitable for
People living with physical, cognitive, health, or neurological barriers
$10 for Open
Adventure$100/half day
for Community Groups
$30 a session for Ferns
Ages Served
All ages
Registration Deadline
Ongoing year round
Agency Sponsored Service
RIV’s Outdoor Equipment Loans
4135 Lambrick Way, Victoria, BC, V8N 5R3
Contact Amie Renaud
Phone 250-477-6314 ext 202 Program Fax 250-477-6046
For Program Information : email [email protected]
Description of Services
Outdoor Equipment Loans
Do you love physical activity and recreation?Are you interested in
living an active lifestyle or trying something new? Or do you simply
need adaptive equipment to continue doing the things you love? RIV
has a variety of adapted outdoor recreation equipment for loan ranging
from all-terrain wheelchairs, handcycles, bike trailers, TrailRiders and
Our equipment is available for anyone in the community with a need
for an adapted piece of equipment; from individuals, parents and
caregivers to educational assistants and recreational and physical
therapists. People using this service pay a nominal fee (which goes
towards maintenance of the equipment), a damage deposit,
Suitable for
Varies depending on the piece.
Nominal $5 user fee/
week + $100
refundable damage
4135 Lambrick Way
Ages Served
Ages will vary depending on activity.
Registration Deadline
Ongoing. Call RIV directly to schedule a loan.
Agency Sponsored Service
RIV’s Summer Inclusion Service
4135 Lambrick Way, Victoria, B.C. V8N 5R3
Contact Summer Coordinator (after May 16th)
Phone 250-477-6314 ext 204 Program Fax 250-477-6046
For Program Information : e-mail [email protected]
Description of Services
Summer Inclusion Service (day camp support)
Child/youth receives 1:1 assistance while attending a generic
community-based day camp. Available to children/youth with disabilities
registered in inclusive, community-based summer parks and recreation
Suitable for
School age children and teens with developmental/physical/neurosensory disabilities.
Parks and recreation facilities in Greater
Victoria, the Peninsula, and the West Shore.
Ages Served
Family is responsible for
registering child in
community-based program
(including fee). Assistant
provided free of charge.
6-18 years
Registration Deadline
We’re accepting applications now our deadline is June 3rd, 2016-Call
RIV directly. 250-477-6314
CYSN Program Form
(for the services on pages 2 to 5 only)
Please complete and return no later
than May 1st, 2016 to:
Children and Youth with Special Needs
c/o Recreation Integration Victoria
4135 Lambrick Way
Victoria, B.C.
V8N 5R3
or fax to: 250-477-6046
or e-mail to: [email protected]
Child and Youth with Special Needs Sponsored
Services Request Form
This form is for the services on Pages 2 to 5 ONLY
Purpose: To ensure one of the following camps you may choose is suitable
for your child. Also, to ensure equitable access for families to Children and
Youth with Special Needs (CYSN) funded summer services.
Child’s Name:
Today’s Date:
Date Of Birth:
Postal Code:
CYSN Eligibility:_____ yes ____ no CYSN Social Worker:
Child’s Disability:
Does your child take medication that needs to be administered during
program hours: Yes
Please check all of the following that apply:
My child needs assistance:
at mealtime
with toileting
with communication
with social interaction
coping with frustration (acting out) identifying things visually
with mobility
other (please specify)
Please list type of mobility aid: (i.e. wheelchair, crutches, etc)
Additional Comments on how we can support your child’s needs:
Please rank your preferences (1 being highest, 3 being lowest) for
CYSN Sponsored Services ONLY from the following:
Anticipated Dates:
Desired Service:
Phoenix Summer Fun (pg.3)
R.I.V.’s Summer Residential
Camp Assistance (pg.4)
Sooke Summer Journeys (pg.5)
Will or have you applied to any other summer services (ie camps, daycare,
Yes/No If so which ones and what dates?
Are there weeks when service is not required (eg. planned family
Yes/No If yes when?
An electronic version of this form is available at: Fill out
and return it to us via the e-mail address below.
Return no later than May 1st, 2016 to:
Children and Youth with Special Needs
c/o Recreation Integration Victoria
Mail: 4135 Lambrick Way, Victoria, B.C., V8N 5R3
or fax: 250-477-6046 or e-mail: [email protected]
CYSN Program Form
(for the services on pages 2 to 5 only)
Please complete and return and return
no later than May 1st, 2016 to:
Children and Youth with Special Needs
c/o Recreation Integration Victoria
4135 Lambrick Way
Victoria, B.C.
V8N 5R3
or fax to: 250-477-6046
or e-mail to: [email protected]
Agency Sponsored Program
Community Living Victoria - Youth Services
Teen Community Connections
Contact Jeannie Owens-Wallace Phone 250-477-7231 ext 237
Fax 250-477-6944 Email [email protected]
Description of Services
Teen Community Connections Summer Camps 2016
Is run in partnership between Community Living Victoria and Recreation
Integration Victoria. The program focuses on social skills, community access,
recreation, leisure and fun. TCC Summer Camps 2016 are full day (9:00AM –
5:00PM) summer programming for up to 18 youth per week from June 27th to
August 19th 2016. Camp groups are based out of Gordon Head and Esquimalt
Recreation Centres and are run in an out-trip format. Different out-trips occur
each day (with some repetition throughout the summer) and locations might
include: local beaches and parks, recreation centres, local attractions, events and
festivals and more. Activities include: nature walks, hiking, swimming, mini
golfing, bowling, kayaking, rock climbing, other sports, arts and crafts, libraries,
cooking, tours, theatre, movies, gardening, programs run by Power to Be and time
for leisure. Our goal is to provide a positive, fun and welcoming environment that
encourages personal growth and social interaction. Applicants can choose up to
five weeks during the summer.
Suitable for
Teenagers between the ages of 13-18 who are looking to try new things, get out in the
community and make friends. Applicants must list with the Supported Child Development
Program through the QACCH and be eligible to receive services and funding through MCFD.
There are two central locations for drop-ff and pickup: Gordon Head
and Esquimalt Recreation Centres. TCC heads out from these locations
to join together during the day for community based activities.
Ages Served 13-18 yrs
Cost $100/week
Registration Deadline
June 1st, 2016. Weekly weekday camps start June 27 and end on
August 19th 2016.
Agency Sponsored Program
Community Living Victoria - Youth Services
Program: Autism Service Program Summer Day Camps 2016
Contact Jeannie Owens-Wallace
Phone 250-477-7231 ext 237 Fax 250-477-6944
Email [email protected]
Description of Services
CLV Autism Services offers dynamic community-based programs for children and
youth (6 – 18 yrs) with Autism. We provide 1:1 Behaviour Intervention, Social Skills
Groups and Summer,Spring Break and Winter Day Camps. Our skilled and caring team
draws from various behaviour support models to customize programming for each youth.
Fun programming within safe, supportive environments motivate youth to expand their
interests, gain confidence, strengthen social and communication skills, and build
friendships. CLV can also assist families to manage, administer, and budget their Autism
funding, and can act as a liaison between families and the Autism Funding Unit (AFU)
when requested.
CLV's Autism Services Summer Day Camps are offered from 12-5 Monday-Friday
from June 27th to September 2nd, 2016. There is a maximum ratio of three campers to
one Interventionist at all times. Every attempt is made to accommodate the wide range
of ages and abilities to ensure everyone benefits from the fun physical, social and
educational experience.
Suitable for
Children and teens, ages 6 to 18 who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (Autism, PDD-NOS included). Applicants requiring extra support (1:1)
are welcome to apply with accompanying support workers.
Locations vary between camps. Our
registration forms will detail exact
Ages Served
Costs varies with each
camps. See registration for
more information. All fees are
payable through MCFD
Autism Funding
6-18 years
Registration Deadline
We highly recommend early registration prior to June 15th, 2016. Registration will
be considered after this date, but space cannot be guaranteed.
Agency Sponsored Service
Island Health / Queen Alexandra Summer Camps 2400
Arbutus Road, Victoria B.C. V8N 1V7
Contact Jennifer Funk Phone 250-519-6961 Fax 250-519-6963
Email [email protected]
Description of Services
Join us as we celebrate our 30th anniversary of the QA Summer Camps! Using
a positive behaviour, pro-social approach, we encourage and support all
campers to participate in our fun, inclusive activities.
Ocean Discovery:In our very own seaside paradise, join us to have fun with
and on the water.
Camp 1 (10-13 yrs): July 4th-8th
Camp 2 (14-19 yrs): July 11th-15th
Camp 3 (6-9 yrs): July 18th-22nd
Movement and Games: Comes and find all the amazing ways we can move,
be active and have fun.
Camp 4 (10-13 yrs): August 2nd-5th
Outdoor Explorers: Come and explore the world around us through fun
actiities, games and visits to new and interesting places in our backyard.
Camp 5 (14-19 yrs): July 25th-29th
Camp 6 (6-9 yrs): August 8th-12th
Camp 7 (10-13 yrs): August 15th-19th
Suitable for
QA camps are designed for children with developmental challenges to familiarize themselves
with the QA Camp environment, routines and leaders. Medical condition of the camper should
be stable. Some children may be asked to provide their own support worker for camp.
Area Served: Greater Victoria and the
Ages Served: 6-19 yrs
Registration Deadline
Call Island Health/ QA Summer Camps directly.
$175/5 day camp
$150/4 day camp
Agency Sponsored Service
Victoria Group Perspectives 1:1 Therapy
103-920 Hillside Ave. Victoria B.C. V8T 1Z8
Contact Ruth Stamp
Phone 250-590-7624 (1-3pm) Email [email protected]
Description of Services
Please see website for available programming this summer or contact
me for personal arrangements.
Each program is tailored to the individual and facilitated through
direct teaching, imaginative play, community practice, games, role
play & crafts.
Suitable for
Children with Autism spectrum, non-verbal learning disability, ADD/HD, social
anxiety and others with undiagnosed social challenges.
Private Pay or Autism
Funding accepted.
Please call or see
website for details.
Ages Served
5-18 years
Registration Deadline
May 24th & June 7th 2016 : 10h30 a.m.- 2h30 p.m.
Agency Sponsored Program
Victoria Conservatory of Music
Music Therapy Department
Phone 250-386-5311 ext 1030
Fax 250-386-6602
Contact Dr. Johanne Brodeur e-mail [email protected]
Description of Services
Music Therapy for children as young as 18 months old to the elders;
those of all ages with exceptionalities.
Sessions take place at the Victoria Conservatory of Music studios, the
studio at the Nanaimo Conservatory of Music, or in the community in
both Victoria and Naniamo. The studios are equipped with hundreds of
large and small musical instruments, therapeutic equipment, recording
studios, Soundbeam (which transfer movements into sounds) and a
Multi-sensory studio at the Victoria site.
Sessions can be offered in groups or privately. Come sing, dance, play
instruments, compose, improvise, and/or meditate in our state of the art
studios with our incredibly dedicated faculty members.
FREE Music Therapy & Speech Therapy 2016 Summer Camp at
our Victoria locaion: July 4th-8th & July 25th-29th (for 1-8yrs of age).
Children Must be accompanied by a caregiver/parent. Register through
VCM website.
Suitable for
Those with exceptionalities, conditions, or illnesses.
900 Johnson St, Victoria &
375 Shelby Rd, Nanaimo
Ages Served
All ages
In-house session:$79.80/hour
In the Community:$64/hour +
Registration Deadline
On-going registration
Agency Sponsored Program
Little Steps Therapy Service
2986 Dysart Road, Victoria B.C. V9A 2K2
Contact Office Phone 250-386-1171 Fax 250-386-1768
Email [email protected]
Description of Services
The Little Steps Summer Camp
Is an opportunity for children with special needs to participate in
summer activities such as nature walks, arts and crafts, cooking,
community playground exploration, sports and games. The program
focuses on recreation, community outings, social skills and fun. Staff
have extensive experience supporting children with Autism Spectrum
Disorders, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and developmental
Parents can choose their own hours and days (full day not required).
Suitable for
Suitable for children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and developmental delays.
Drop off and pick- up at Little Steps Therapy
$15 per hour small group
or $25 per hour individual
care. Autism Funding can
be used
Ages Served
3-19 years.
Registration Deadline
On-going registration. Contact [email protected] to register.
Agency Sponsored Program
Little Steps Therapy Service
2986 Dysart Road, Victoria B.C. V9A 2K2
Contact Office Phone 250-386-1171 Fax 250-386-1768
Email [email protected]
Description of Services
The Little Steps Summer Connection Group
Connections will expose children to a well-rounded, multi-disciplinary
program. All groups will receive supervision from a Speech-language
Pathologist or Occupational Therapist to create group and child specific
goals. Summer Connection groups will be on week long and run for 3
hrs/day. The group will have at heme such as super heroes, comic
books, Lego, movement, outdoor education, art, music, robotics,
photography, community outings, sports, woodworking, science, home
economics, etc.
Connections Jr. runs from 9:00 -12:00 and Connections Sr. runs from
1:00 - 4:00.
July 4-8 July 11-15
July 18-22
July 25-29
Aug 8-12 Aug 15-19
Aug 22-26
Aug 29-Sept 2
Suitable for
Suitable for children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and developmental delays.
Dysart (Saanich) location. If there is enough
interest, a group may be run at the WestShore location.
Early Bird: $550/week
After April 30: $575
Ages Served
3-19 years.
Registration Deadline
Registration is due by April 30th 2016. Late registrations may be accepted
if there is room in a group.
Agency Sponsored Program
PISE (Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence)
4371 Interurban Rd. Victoria, B.C. V9E 2C5
Contact Sarah LeBlanc
Phone 250-220-2519 Fax 250-220-2501
Email [email protected]
Description of Services
PISE Summer Camps focus on developing fundamental movement skills that
children of all ages need in order to be active for life. Whether that is learning
how to throw properly or learning the correct technique of a squat, these
movements are essential to being healthy and injury free throughout your
experiences in physical activity. Learning a broad range of movement skills is
also a great way to have the confidence and competence to take on any
challenges that children and youth encounter both within the sporting arena
and in general day to day life. PISE camps are games and play based with a
focus on FUN. Social literacy skills like teamwork, cooperation, respect, and
emotion management are also taught throughout camps. For camp
descriptions, pricing, and registration info please go to http://summercamps.
Suitable for
Children of all abilities are welcome. PISE works with Recreation Integration
Victoria’s Summer Inclusion Service. For those campers that need extra support,
families can sign up to have a RIV 1:1 support worker with their child during camp.
Onsite camps at 4371 Interurban Road.
Offsite camps are held at various Recreation
Ages Served
Cost is dependent on
length of camps.
Please see website for
more information.
3-15 years
Registration Deadline
Registration for summer programs opens on April 5th, 2016. Programs
remain open until filled.
Agency Sponsored Program
Pivot Point Family Growth Centre Inc.
5-230 Menzies Street, Victoria, B.C. V8V 2G7
Contact Office
Phone 778-410-2319
Program Fax
For Program Information : e-mail: [email protected]
Description of Services
Pivot Point provides services for children, teens and adults on
southern Vancouver Island. We offer several therapeutic supports
through 1-to-1 teaching, as well as group based programs that focus on
enhancing Social Skills, Life Skills, Academic success, Transition
Planning and Career Development.
Summer Camps (3-5 years): We will be hosting a number of different
camps this summer, including "Kindergarten Readiness", "Crafty Kids",
and other social skill enhancing programs. Please see our online
calendar for dates and registration at
Suitable for
Children with Autism spectrum, non-verbal learning disability, ADHD
and others with undiagnosed social challenges.
Private Pay or Autism
Funding accepted.
Please call or see
website for details.
Ages Served
All Ages
Registration Deadline
Ongoing registration, check our calendar for dates, details, and
Summer Residential Camps
We believe all children should have the opportunity to go to Summer Residential
Camps if they choose. We have listed a number of Summer Residential Camps
close to Victoria. With the exception of Camp Shawnigan, these are all generic
camps that support the concept of inclusion of a child with a disability. Parents of
children with disabilities who are considering sending their child to a residential
camp should read about the Summer Residential Camp Assistance Service
(page 4) described in the CYSN Sponsored Program section of this booklet.
Parents are advised to contact the camp of their choice well in advance to discuss
the suitability of the camp for their child and registration.
Camp Imadene
Camp Pringle
BC Lions’ Society Camp Shawnigan
The Yes Camp
pg. 26
pg. 27
pg. 28
pg. 29
Summer Residential Camp
Camp Imadene
9175 South Shore Rd, Mesachie Lake, B.C. V0R 2N0
Contact Andy Renton, Executive Director
Phone 1-800-445-7575 Fax 250-749-6607 Email [email protected]
Description of Services
Camp Imadene
Christian residential camp and retreat facility. Enjoy over 30 activities such
as Archery, Hiking, Canoeing, Fishing, Paddle boarding, BMX Biking, Tubing
and Wakeboarding.
Junior Camps Gr. 2-5
Intermediate Camps Gr. 5-8
Teen Camps Gr. 7-9
Senior Teen Camps Gr. 10-12
Outdoor Adventure Camps - Wild Side Gr. 6-12
Summer Family Camp
Check out our website for more details.
Suitable for
Camp Imadene is focused on providing appropriate and quality care for each
of our campers. Unfortunately we are not ideally suited to care for all specific
needs, so please call the Camp to discuss suitability for your child.
On Mesachie Lake, Hwy. #18 approximately
1.5 hours from Victoria.
Ages Served
Junior Camps $
Intermediate & Teen Camps
Sr. Teen Camp $425
Family Camp Prices Vary
Wildside Camp $305-$475
8 -18 years as well as families and adult camps are available.
Registration Deadline
As early as possible. Can register by phone or online.
Summer Residential Camp
Camp Pringle
2520 West Shawnigan Lake Rd, Shawnigan Lake, B.C. V0R 2W3
Contact Kezia Cowtan
Phone 250-743-2189 Fax 250-929-2710 Email [email protected]
Description of Services
Camp Pringle
Located in a beautiful natural setting on Shawnigan Lake, just 45
minutes north of Victoria. On our 18 acres of forestland we offer open
fields, nature trails, high and low Ropes Challenge courses, archery, a
climbing wall, orienteering, and beach and water activities for campers’
We provide Summer Camps for Children, Youth, Families, Parents &
Children, and Leadership Development. Operated by United Church of
Canada. Fully accredited by the British Columbia Camping Association
and the United Church of Canada.
Online registration now available or find us on Facebook.
Camps run from July 3rd to August 26th.
Suitable for
For camper suitability call the director at 250-743-2189
Shawnigan Lake
Ages Served
6-15 years
Registration Deadline
No deadline while space is available. Waiting lists when full. Apply
directly to Camp Pringle.
Summer Residential Camp
Easter Seals Camp Shawnigan, B.C. Lion’s Society
2180 Shawnigan Lake Rd, Shawnigan Lake, BC, V0R 2W5
Contact Jennifer Blair
Phone 1-800-818-4483 Fax 1-604-873-0166
Email [email protected]
Description of Services
Camp Shawnigan
At Camp Shawnigan it is our goal to provide safe, fun activities in an
environment where the focus is on abilities, not disabilities. All of our
camp activities are designed to build confidence, independence, and
peer interaction, in a recreational environment. Campers are
encouraged and supported to participate in activities they may have
never tried before including: climbing on our climbing wall, multi-day
hikes, tie dying, canoeing, wheelchair basketball, sailing, water balloon
wars, kangaroo kourt. We offer week long residential camps running
from June 17th - August 10th. Please check website for Camp Session
Suitable for
Children and teens (6-18 years) with mental and/or physical disabilities.
Two weeks of Young Adult Camp (19-29 years) will be offered. Check
website for Camp Dates.
3981 Oak St, Vancouver BC, V6H 4H5
Regular Camp: $550
Young Adult Camps:
Ages Served
6-18 years old and 19-29 years old
Registration Deadline
Spots at camp are filled on a first come first served basis.
Summer Residential Camp
The Yes Camp
Lake Cowichan
Contact Andrew Kim Phone 1-604-960-1377 Fax 1-604-960-1878
Email [email protected]
Description of Services
The Youth Excellence Society (Yes) is a charitable, non-partisan
organization that provides exceptional leadership training to British
Columbia's youth through the support of the province's co-operative
and credit union movement. For over 45 years, the YES has provided a
unique learning experience for over 10,000 young people.
The YES leadership camp provides week long leadership retreats for
youth from all over BC. Skills training is offered for teens in the areas of
self-awareness, cooperation, communication, global awareness,
environmental sustainability and leadership. Participants take part in
the creation of a strong community of support, respect,and growth. Not
only is there as chance to learn and grow, it’s also tons of fun! From
canoeing and hiking, to arts and crafts, we have many options for fun
activities each day. The YES is a summer experience that will last a
Suitable for
Camp is open and inclusive to all youth
415 - 207 West Hastings Street,
Ages Served
14-18 years
Registration Deadline
Please refer to the website
Municipal Parks
We encourage you to investigate the many Municipal program offerings available to
your child this summer. The following page has a listing of Municipal Parks and
Recreation Department facilities, phone numbers and website addresses.
If your child requires 1:1 assistance in order to attend an inclusive program please
refer to Recreation Integration Victoria’s “Summer Inclusion Service” on page
Parks and Recreation
Phone List
Esquimalt Parks and Recreation
Esquimalt Recreation Centre
Archie Browning Sports Centre
West Shore Parks and Recreation
Oak Bay Parks and Recreation
Henderson Centre
Monterey Centre
Oak Bay Recreation Centre
Panorama Recreation
Saanich Recreation Services
Cedar Hill Golf Course
Cedar Hill Recreation Centre
Gordon Head Recreation Centre
G.R. Pearkes Recreation Centre
Saanich Commonwealth Place
Victoria Parks Recreation and Culture
Crystal Pool and Fitness Centre
Royal Athletic Park
Community Centres:
Quadra Village Community Centre—
Burnside Gorge Community Place —
Fairfield Community Place —
Fernwood Community Centre-
James Bay Community School Centre —
Oaklands Community Centre —
Recreation Integration Victoria is excited to invite you to our offices in
Lambrick Park for a spring open house! This is being organized as a
very relaxed and casual afternoon - simply an opportunity to drop by
and chat with staff. Maybe you need your Leisure Assistant Pass
renewed. Or, you may want to chat with someone about some of our
services that you've heard about but would like more information, or
just want to come and give a good chin scratch to our office mascot
Saturday April 16, 2016
Drop in anytime between
1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
No RSVP necessary
Integration Victoria
4135 Lambrick Way
*Please note that
activities will be held
inside, on the lawn
and on the gravel
parkade. For
individuals with
mobility restrictions,
we have a ramp, a
paved walkway and
flat terrain to try out
our adapted
Some of our services that you can learn more about
- our Leisure Assistance (Volunteer) Program
- Summer Services for Children & Youth
- Summer Sailing program available through our
partner the Disabled Sailing Association of BC,
Victoria Branch
And you can check out and ry some of our outdoor
adapted equipment available for loan!
This is also a wonderful opportunity to share your own
news and comments about your own leisure pursuits.
Victoria is known for its garage sales. We'll have our
own modest table set up with garage sale goodies any money raised will go to RIV'v summer services for
We'll also have light refreshments available such as
punch and ice cream, and door prizes. So please do
come by, have a little treat, chat with the staff and
enjoy the spring sunshine.
If you have questions regarding this event please contact our main office at
250.477.6314 or [email protected]
Recreation Integration Victoria
250.477.6314 (office)
[email protected]